Hare Krishna Temple


Hare Krishna Temple
Hare Krishna Temple
Farmington Hills (ISKCON Michigan)
One who builds a beautiful temple for Lord Krishna will be freed
from all sinful reactions and he will enter the Vaikuntha planets.
---- Narasimha purana
His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Founder Acharya of International Society for Krishna Consciousness
The vision
What is today’s society all about? Broken families? Mentally depressed people? Unsteady youth
addicted to vices and bad habits? Today there is a steep degradation of ethical values in families
and communities. Today, people have uncontrolled and agitated minds leading to deficiency in
making mature decisions. Unfortunately, this disturbing trend is leading to serious emotional and
mental problems that are causing grave health problems.
No one has any idea how to address this problem at the root level. Spirituality is a cure for most of
these problems. It is proven that students that have a strong spiritual background exhibit good
sense control and perform very well in their careers. Families that pray together stay together
with contentment. Families that sing for the Supreme Lord cling together. Families that dance for
the pleasure of the Supreme Lord advance together.
The temple is actually a hospital where we can find the cure for the contaminated mind. Mantra
meditation is a medication that cleanses the impurities of our heart and Kirtan yoga takes our
consciousness to higher levels and fills us with immense bliss. Our participation in temple
worship and services directs us towards the path of self realization.
“If you have some money, try to construct
a very nice temple for Krishna. That is the
proper use of your money.”
Srila Prabhupada, 1972
The Hare Krishna Temple of Farmington Hills (ISKCON MICHIGAN) temple offers you and your
family fresh air of spirituality to breathe in and strives to protect your children from negative
external influences. Please come and join us in this mission. Your every effort is greatly
Please join us in this unique effort where we can preserve our culture and save the present
generation from degradation. Please contribute and create an eternal bank balance for your family
and forefathers.
Your servants,
Temple Campaign Team
Gopal Garden Sunday School
Today’s children are tomorrow’s leaders. Children
today are hyperactive. iPods, iPads, video games,
and television are making them very impersonal
and insensitive.
We started Sunday school to address the above
problems. We teach moral stories from scriptures
like Srimad Bhagavatam and Mahabharata to
children to improve their consciousness. We also
teach Bhagavad-Gita sloka recitation.
Please do enroll your child in our Sunday school
and preserve and protect their bright future. It
would be our great fortune if we can give them a
chance to advance in Krishna Consciousness.
for Body, Mind, and Soul
Yoga helps the body heal naturally from ailments.
Yoga rejuvenates and energizes the body and
improves the immune system. Yoga is also very
useful in reducing stress and hypertension. We
will be continuing teaching Yoga in our new
temple premises.
Everyone agrees that it is very difficult to control
the mind. In fact, the Bhagavad Gita explains that
the uncontrolled mind is our worst enemy and
controlled mind is our best friend(B.G. 6.6).
We teach breathing techniques to remove the
stress and calm the mind. We teach
transcendental Mantra Meditation to absorb and
access the sacred depths of the soul. Mantra
meditation is the process meant for self
realization for this age. Please join us for the
mantra meditation classes and experience a bliss
in life.
Bhakti Yoga & Deity Worship
Bhakti Yoga (pure devotional service) is performed in 9 ways. Prahlad maharaj says, “One who
has dedicated his life to the service of Krishna through these nine methods should be
understood to be the most learned person, for he has acquired complete knowledge”.
Deity worship is one of the branches of nava vidha bhakti(devotional service) which is used to
attract the mercy of the Supreme Lordships Sri Radha Krishna. Usually in our temples, we do
Abhishek (Bathing) to the Sri Radha Krishna deities every day after 5 am arati and dress them
gorgeously every morning and evening. We normally offer bhoga(food) 6 times and do arati 6
times a day.
Srimad Bhagavatam explains that unmotivated, uninterrupted devotional service to Krishna is
the eternal occupation of the living entity and when pure devotional service is rendered in this
mood, it completely satisfies the self.
Kirtan Yoga
Attracting the supreme Lord’s mercy through
mantra, song, and music is an ancient technique
practiced by sages for ages. When kirtan kriya is
performed for the exclusive pleasure of Their
lordships, we naturally experience the intense
spiritual emotion and spiritual bliss.
We have regular kirtan yoga sessions in the
evenings. We also have wonderful serenade for our
deities Sri Sri Radha Krishna before they are put to
rest. Maha mantra that we sing significantly
reduces the stress and uplifts the consciousness of
the individual. It also brings the practitioner onto
the platform of mode of goodness. Please do join
us to take part in kirtan yoga.
Srimad Bhagavatam & Bhakti Sastri Courses
Srimad Bhagavatam creates faith in transcendence. Hence, regular study or aural reception of
Srimad Bhagavatam removes the mode of passion and ignorance and positions the practitioner on
the platform of the mode of goodness and devotion to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna. We conduct
Bhagavatam class every day. It is very important to read the scriptures under the guidance of
senior devotees to understand the proper conclusion of the scriptures. Acquisition of knowledge
stabilizes one’s faith and it leads one to take up devotional service with determination. We have
Bhakti Sastri and other courses designed to improve your knowledge on scriptures. Please join our
courses today.
Festivals and Weekends
We offer positive engagement and enlivening
spiritual experience where all can relax and energize
ourselves for the up coming week. We have free
Saturday feast program where we offer sumptuous
sanctified food (free Prasad) for the pleasure of our
guests and devotees. We also organize kirtans,
perform aratis and have lectures on scriptures for the
benefit of the guests. We also have Sunday school for
children and yoga classes for adults and families.
We celebrate our festivals with pomp and enthusiasm
and for the pleasure of Their Lordships Sri Sri Radha
and Krishna. We celebrate Sri Krishna Janmastami,
Sri Ram Navami, Gaur Purnima and many other
Hindu festivals. Our festivals include Dramas, kirtan
yoga, lectures, vedic mantra recitation, dancing and
sanctified food(prasad) at the end. Please do join us
for a wonderful spiritual experience .
Temple plan
The temple has an elaborate plan to include
all the amenities to accommodate devotees,
tourists, and visitors with proper care and
love. Half of the space of the upper floor is
allocated for the pleasure of Their
Lordships Sri Sri Radha and Krishna. The
other half contains rooms and centers listed
in the temple layout. More and more people
will be attracted to come and to share the
bliss of devotional service to Their
Lordships Sri Sri Radha and Krishna.
Level 1
Prasadam Hall
Level 2
Temple Hall
This is an ambitious project requiring help from
everyone. Become our ambassadors and
help us spread the Message of love and peace.
Temple property acquisition cost : $350,000
Heating and Air conditioning cost: $150,000
Renovation & customization cost : $200,000
This is your temple. Only you can make it happen!
On building a temple of Sri Madhava one can attain
the eternal Vaikuntha.
----Vamana purana
By building a temple for the Lord Krishna one is freed
from all sins. Such a devotee takes his or her family, a
hundred generations past and a hundred to come, to
the region of Acyuta.
-----Agni Purana
Donor services
Temple Hall
•Member name plaque posted in temple hall
•Yajna for peace and prosperity 3 times a year
•MahaKalash Abhishek to Lord on Janmashtami
•Temple premises thrice a year for family use
•Priest will perform rituals thrice per year
•Mathura and Vrindavan Yatra included.*
•Donors can avail these facilities for 4 years
Temple Room
•Member name plaque posted in temple hall
•Yajna for peace and prosperity 2 times a year
•MahaKalash Abhishek to Lord on Janmashtami
•Temple premises once a year for family use
•Mathura and Vrindavan Yatra included.*
•Donors can avail these facilities for 2 years
Prasadam Hall
•Member name plaque posted in temple hall
•Yajna for peace and prosperity 2 times a year
•MahaKalash Abhishek to Lord on Janmashtami
•Temple premises once a year for family use
•Priest will perform rituals twice per year
•Mathura and Vrindavan Yatra included.*
•Donors can avail these facilities for 3 years
Temple Kitchen
•Member name plaque posted in temple hall
•Yajna for peace and prosperity 2 times a year
•MahaKalash Abhishek to Lord on Janmashtami
•Mathura and Vrindavan Yatra included.*
•Donors can avail these facilities for 1 years
Your name will be carved and placed in the temple, the abode
of Their Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna. You get tax exemption
for your donations.
* Conditions may apply
Payment/Pledge form
I PLAN TO CONTRIBUTE total $_________via:
$________per Month X ______ (#) payments,
 $________per Quarter X ______(#) payments
Start Month/Year_______________,
End Month/Year________________.
 Credit Card (one-time deduction)
Please complete credit card information
below, and mail this form to below address.
 Credit Card (one-time deduction)
Please complete credit card information below,
and then mail this form to the below address.
 Check #__________Date____________
Please make your check payable to
ISKCON. Mail the post dated check with this
form to the below address.
 Check #__________Date____________
Please make your check payable to ISKCON.
Mail the post dated check with this form to the
below address.
Name: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Address: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------City/State/Zip: -----------------------------------------------------------------------Home phone:--------------------------- Mobile:------------------------------------Email: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sponsored in the name of : -------------------------------------------------------I authorize ISKCON temple to charge my credit card given below.
Credit card type: __Visa __MasterCard __American Express __Discover
Credit Card: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Expiration Date: ------/----- CSC No----------------------------------------------Signature:
Return this form to the temple at the following address:
46290 West 10 mile Road, Novi, MI 48374.
313 587 2250, 601 519 9083