amdavad municipal corporation - Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation
amdavad municipal corporation - Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation
AMDAVAD MUNICIPAL CORPORATION MAHANAGAR SEWA SADAN TENDER NOTICE AMC invites sealed competitive bids from interested bidders for the following works. Sr. No Name of Work Tender Fee (Rs.) E.M.D. 1. Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of HNC Pumping Machinaries with related Mechanical & Electrical work at Bagefirdaus Sewage Pumping Station in South Zone of Amdavad Municipal Corporation. 1,500/- 48,060/- 2. Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of HNC Pumping Machinaries & Conversion of Existing LT Service to HT Service with related Mechanical & Electrical work at Navana Vatva Sewage Pumping Station in South Zone of Amdavad Municipal Corporation. 1,500/- 30,100/- Interested Tenderer may download Tender documents from our website "" & tender should be submitted on or before: 18/10/2011 till 2.00 P.M. “PUBLISHED BY STP DEPARTMENT” “KEEP AMDAVAD CITY CLEAN AND GREEN” Page 0 Amdavad Municipal Corporation Tender Documents for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of HNC Pumping machineries & Conversion of Existing LT Service to HT Service with related Mechanical & Electrical work at Navana Vatwa Sewage Pumping Station in South Zone of Amdavad Municipal Corporation TENDER NO : AMC/_______________________/2011 NOTICE NO. : _________________________________ Volume I: - Technical Bid Part – I : General Specifications Part – II : Technical Specifications Part – III : Drawings (1) Last date of Tender Submission : 18/10/2011 Upto 14:00 Hours. By RPAD / Speed post / Hand delivery / Courier (2) Date of Tender Opening : 18/10/2011 at 16:00 Hours. Municipal Commissioner Amdavad Municipal Corporation Sardar Patel Bhavan Amdavad - 380 001. Gujarat India IN ASSOCIATION WITH 4th Floor, Krishna Complex- A, Opp Devashish School, Off. S. G. Highway, Bodakdev, Amdavad - 15 PH: 0091-079-40222999, FAX: 0091-079-40222998 EMAIL: Page 1 SEPTEMBER - 2011 VOLUME - I : TECHNICAL BID PROJECT SITC OF HNC PUMPING MACHINERIES & CONVERSION OF EXISTING LT SERVICE TO HT SERVICE WITH RELATED MECHANICAL & : ELECTRICAL WORK AT NAVANA VATWA SEWAGE PUMPING STATION IN SOUTH ZONE OF AMDAVAD MUNICIPAL CORPORATION DOCUMENT : INDEX SECTION TITLE PART - I : GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS PAGE NO. 3 [A] GENERAL [B] GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 46 - 101 [C] SPECIFICATIONS - NON TECHNICAL 102 - 127 PART - II : TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 4 - 45 128 [D] TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR MECHANICAL WORK 129 - 177 [E] TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR ELECTRICAL WORK 178 - 251 [F] CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT FOR OPERATION & MAINTENANCE 253 PART - III : DRAWINGS 254 DRAWINGS INDEX 255 [G] Page 2 PART – I GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Page 3 SECTION: A A-1: NOTICE INVITING TENDER A-2: MEMORANDUM OF WORKS IN BRIEF A-3: SCOPE OF WORKS A-4: INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS A-5: QUALIFICATION CRITERIA FOR TENDERER Page 4 SECTION – A : GENERAL CONTENTS Section No. Description Page No. A-1 Notice Inviting Tender 7 A-2 Memorandum of work in brief 13 A-3 Scope of Work 28 A-4 Instructions to Tenderers A.4.1. Note 33 A.4.2. Invitation to Tender 33 A.4.3. Tender Validity Period 33 A.4.4. Language of Tender 33 A.4.5. Documents 33 A.4.6. Earnest Money 34 A.4.7. Income-tax Return 35 A.4.8. Submission of Tender 35 A.4.9. General Performance Data 36 A.4.10. Signing of Tender Document 36 A.4.11. Interpretation of Documents 37 A.4.12. Errors and Discrepancies in Tender 37 A.4.13. Modification of Documents 38 A.4.14. Evaluation of Tenders 38 A.4.15. Policy for tenders under consideration 38 A.4.16. Alternatives (Deleted) 38 A.4.17. Cost of tendering 39 A.4.18. Award of Contract 39 A.4.19. Signing of Contract 39 A.4.20. Stamp Duty and Legal Charges 39 A.4.21. Solvency Certificate 39 A.4.22. Documents / Information to be submitted along with Volume- I 39 A.4.23. Forms Bank Guarantee 41 Performance Bond 43 Page 5 SECTION – A : GENERAL CONTENTS Section No. A-5 Description Page No. Qualification criteria for Tenderers A.5.1 Eligibility Criteria 46 A.5.2 General Experience 46 A.5.3 Financial Position 46 A.5.4 Litigation History 46 A.5.5 Solvency Certificate 47 A.5.6 Bidding Capacity 47 A.5.7 Personnel 47 A.5.8 Equipment 47 A.5.9 Joint Ventures 47 Page 6 SECTION: A-1 NOTICE INVITING TENDER Page 7 SECTION – A: GENERAL A – 1: NOTICE INVITING TENDER To, Sub: Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of HNC Pumping machineries & Conversion of Existing LT Service to HT Service with related Mechanical & Electrical work at Navana Vatwa Sewage Pumping Station in South Zone of Amdavad Municipal Corporation. Dear Sirs, A.1.1 The Municipal Commissioner, Amdavad Municipal Corporation (AMC) invites the item rate tenders (two-bid system) from the Pump Manufacturers / Authorized Dealers of Pump Manufacturers / Panel Manufacturer of approved make as specified in the tender (refer technical specification, Make of Material) who qualify the eligibility criteria, as mentioned in Section–A.5 of the tender document for the Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of HNC Pumping Machinery with related Mechanical & Electrical work for Augmentation of the Existing Sewage Pumping Station at Navana - Vatwa for AMC. A.1.2 One set of tender documents consisting of – Section – A - Tender Notice Part – I : VOLUME – I : TECHNICAL BID Section – B - General Conditions of Contract Section – C - Specifications – Non Technical etc. Section – D - Technical Specifications – Mechanical Part – II : Section – E - Technical Specifications – Electrical Section – F - VOLUME – II : PRICE BID Operation & Maintenance Part – III : Section – G - Drawings Part – IV : Section – H - Schedule of Quantities & Rates A.1.3 Tender along with conditions of contract will be available from the website Tenderer shall have to present D.D. in favour of Municipal Commissioner payable at Amdavad of Rs. 1500/- as tender fee along with the tender submission. The tenderer is required to check the AMC website for Addendum if any before 72 hours of tender submission date and time. The tenderer who quotes the tender without attaching the addendum will be rejected. A.1.4 Earnest Money Deposit shall be in the form of Demand Draft / Bank Guarantee of any Nationalized Bank, located at Amdavad and payable to Municipal Commissioner, AMC for Rs. 30,100/-. All the tenderers have to submit the earnest money as specified in the tender document. A.1.5 The successful tenderer shall have to pay security deposit in Indian Rupees in approved Form ‘A’ enclosed with the tender document in Section A4, clause. A.4.23. Page 8 A.1.6 The Earnest Money Deposit of all the bidders except first lowest, second lowest and third lowest will be returned within 20 days. A.1.7 The tender shall be accompanied with the copy of Similar type of work carried, Works on hands, Details of technical personnel, Financial capacity, Bidding capacity and required details in Schedules (Format) given in Section – A2 & “Memorandum of work in brief” of Technical bid, Volume-I. & blank data sheets of Technical Specifications of Volume- I”. A.1.8 Two sets (One Original + One Xerox copy) of tender documents (Volume – I, Part-I, II & III and Volume – II including addendum if any), duly completed in all respects shall be submitted as described further, so as to reach at the following address on or before the date and time mentioned in tender notice. Assistant Manager (Project) Amdavad Municipal Corporation 2nd floor, Sardar Patel Bhavan, Khamasa Gate, Amdavad – 380 001 Gujarat (INDIA) A.1.9 The tenderer shall clearly state in the forwarding letter (in duplicate) to be enclosed with the tender documents, the deviations from General Terms and Conditions, if any with cross references. If no such letter is received, it will be presumed that the tenderer agrees entirely with the General Terms and Conditions. A.1.10 Earnest Money Deposit in the form of Demand Draft (in favour of Municipal Commissioner payable at Amdavad) / Bank Guarantee should be sealed in separate envelope and the same shall be enclosed along with Volume – I and drawings in Envelope – ‘A’ only (Technical Bid) (One Original + One Xerox copy). A.1.11 Volume – II (One Original + One Xerox copy) should be sealed in another separate envelope, marked envelope ‘B’ (Financial Bid). A.1.12 Both envelopes ‘A’ and ‘B’ should then be sealed in one large envelope. On all these envelopes, the name of tenderer, name of work as well as date of opening of the bid shall be written invariably A.1.13 The first envelope ‘A’ containing technical bids from the bidders received, will be opened in the presence of the bidder’s representatives; who choose to attend at the office of the City Engineer 2nd floor, Sardar Patel Bhavan, Khamasa Gate, Amdavad Municipal Corporation at the time and date mentioned in tender notice and the technical bids will be scrutinized by AMC for satisfying various eligibility criteria prescribed for the bidders for this work. A.1.14 After this, the financial bids – Volume – II (envelope ‘B’) of the technically responsive tenderers only will be opened. The actual date of opening of financial bids will be communicated to technically responsive tenderers at a later date. A.1.15 Tenders received without Earnest Money will be considered as Non-Responsive and will be rejected outright. Page 9 A.1.16 The conditional tender will not be accepted and will be rejected outright, unless, the nature of condition(s) put up by the bidder is acceptable to AMC. Any suggestions / alterations from the tender, if suggested in specifications, must be mentioned in the main forwarding letter. A.1.17 The tender shall be item rate tender. Tenderer shall be offered the rate for each item in figures. Sub total of each item and grand total shall be indicated both in figures and words in Volume-II of the tender document (Financial Bid). The tenderer shall also work out the total tender amount and shall write this tender amount in words and figures as per the item rate. A.1.18 Tenderer shall have to attach the following documents in duplicate with tender: Schedules of Section A-2 “Memorandum of work in brief” of Volume I. Other documents as per A.4.8.5, A.4.9 and A.4.22 of Section A-4 of Volume I. Arbitration / Litigation history if applicable. It is mandatory for all the tenderers to fill the format as mentioned in A2 section (from A 2.1 to A 2.8) of Technical bid, Volume-I. All the financial and technical guaranteed parameters along with required supportive documents (mentioned in format) to be submitted with prescribed format only. It is mandatory to submit all the documents in spiral binding. There shall not be any loose paper. Proper index shall be made for all submitted documents i.e. format and supportive documents. This is mandatory. In case of not filling and submitting of documents as mentioned in tender at the time of technical bid (all technical & commercial documents) and price bid ( cost of each item and any discount- if applicable) opening then no further correspondence shall be done and the same time tender will be rejected. Technical details shall be filled in the blank data sheet mentioned in Technical bid, Volume- “Technical Specifications”. A.1.19 Incomplete tender which does not fulfill any of the above conditions will be liable for rejection. Tender will also be liable to be rejected if – i) The tenderer proposes any alteration in the work specified or in the time allowed in carrying out the works or make corrections in Schedule of Quantities. ii) Any of the page or pages in the tender is / are removed or replaced. iii) The rate of each item is not entered in ink, in figures in Financial Bid. Also the rate of sub total of each item and grand total is not written in word and figure and signed. iv) All corrections, additions or pasted slips are not initialed by the tenderer. v) Any erasure is made in the tender. vi) The tenderer or in the case of a firm, each partner or the person holding the power of attorney thereof does not sign or the signature(s) is (are) not attested by the witness, wherever it is required. vii) Earnest money for required amount is not paid with the tender. viii) The tenderer returns the tender document without signing relevant pages of the bid and amendments, if any. ix) Information vide Section A.2 must be furnished. x) Data sheet by the bidder in Section ‘D’ & ‘E’ must be furnished. Page 10 A.1.20 Acceptance of the tenders will rest with the competent authority, who does not bind himself to accept the lowest tender and reserves the right to reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason thereof. A.1.21 It must be clearly and distinctly understood that the conditions of contract and specifications shall be rigidly enforced and no relaxation on the grounds of customs prevailing shall be allowed. A.1.22 The quoted rates in the Financial Bid (Volume – II) shall be inclusive of all taxes, duties, octroi, etc. and no claim in this context shall be entertained. Contractor shall not be paid any extra due to increase in any type of Government Taxes including excise duty during implementation of contract. Any variations in taxes etc. shall be borne by the contractor. A.1.23 It is considered that the tenderer has visited the site of work, fully acquainted himself with the local situations regarding materials, labour and other factors pertaining to work and studied the plans and estimates before submitting the tender. A.1.24 It will be the responsibility of the bidder to arrange for necessary import license and clearance of Govt. of India in time, if required, so that the imported plant or equipment could be utilized for the proposed work. The bidder has to assure AMC that he is in a position to import the plant or equipment at the time of commencement of proposed work. A.1.25 In the event of a discrepancy between description in words and figures in total offered amount by the tenderer, the description in words shall prevail. A.1.26 In the event of any calculation error found in the bid of submission, the rate will be considered as final and accordingly the amount will be corrected. A.1.27 The tender for the work shall remain open for a period of 120 days from the date of opening of price bid of the tender and the tenderer shall not be allowed to withdraw or modify the offer on his own during this period any modifications or additions in terms and conditions of his tender not acceptable to the Municipal Commissioner, AMC, Amdavad. The Municipal Commissioner shall without prejudice to any right or remedy, be at liberty to forfeit in full the said earnest money absolutely. A.1.28 The AMC reserves the right to reject all the tenders of the lowest or any other tender which is the judgment of the AMC and also does not appear to be in its best interest and the tenderers shall have no cause of action or claim against the AMC of its officers, employees, successors for assignees for rejection of its tender. The Municipal Commissioner does not bind himself to accept the lowest or any tender. If the tenderer wishes to offer discount in the event of this entire work being awarded to him, he shall state so in the tender. Tender documents are not transferable. A.1.29 (a) The Contractor shall furnish to the Additional Chief Engineer – (S.O. E & M), AMC every week during the progress of the works, classified weekly returns of the number of the people employed on the work during the week. The report of skilled and unskilled labour shall be given in the prescribed forms. (b) Details of machineries deployed on site shall be furnished by the Contractor, every week. Page 11 A.1.30 The tenderer, if directed by the Engineer in charge; shall increase or decrease the strength of the labour both skilled and unskilled. The Contractor shall also furnish the following returns: (a) A weekly medical report showing the health of the Contractor’s labours and the number and the nature of their illness, and (b) A report of any accident which may have occurred within 24 hours of its occurrence. A.1.31 The tenderer shall strictly observe all the requirements laid down in the Contract Labour (Regulation and abolition) Act, 1970 and the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) (Gujarat) Rules, 1972 and other acts as amended from time to time so far as applicable. The tenderer should obtain necessary permission, license and registration from the labour commissioner, as per labour law. A.1.32 The work is to be completed in all respects within 4 (Four months) inclusive of monsoon, reckoned from the date of written order to be commence the work. Out of 4 months, the contractor shall take approval of all documents & drawings and as per tender specification and refer to the approval given by AMC within ½ (Half) month. In 2 & ½ months the contractor shall supply, & within 1 month for execution, testing and commissioning the mechanical & electrical work. This duration shall also include inspection at manufacturer’s works for major equipment viz. Pump, Motor & Valves, Expansion Bellows, Pipes & Specials, Panel, Transformer, as per technical specification. A.1.33 The tenderer shall carefully read the eligibility criteria, furnish the details and satisfy the same; otherwise the tender will be rejected without assigning any reason. A.1.34 The tenderer is required to check the AMC website for Addendum if any before 72 hours of tender submission/ due or cut off date and time. The tenderer who quotes the tender without attaching the addendum will be rejected. A.1.35 This notice will form part of the Contract. A.1.36 Tender documents can be downloaded from AMC website and tender fees Rs.1500/- by DD (in favour of Municipal Commissioner Payable at Amdavad) submitted along with the tender submission. Last date of tender submission will be on 18/10/2011 up to 14.00 hours. Tender (only technical bid) will be opened on same date: 18/10/2011 at 16.00 hours at the office of the City Engineer 2nd floor, Sardar Patel Bh1avan, Khamasa Gate, Amdavad Municipal Corporation Signature of Tenderer: Additional Chief Engineer (S.O.E. & M.) Name : Amdavad Municipal Corporation Company’s seal : Date : Date Page 12 SECTION: A-2 MEMORANDUM OF WORKS IN BRIEF Page 13 A – 2: MEMORANDUM OF WORK IN BRIEF A.2.1 Name of Work: SITC of HNC Pumping machineries & Conversion of Existing LT Service to HT Service with related Mechanical & Electrical work at Navana Vatwa Sewage Pumping Station in South Zone of Amdavad Municipal Corporation. A.2.2. Earnest Money : Rs.30, 100/- (Rs. Thirty Thousand & One Hundred only) EMD shall be in the form of Demand Draft (in favour of Municipal Commissioner Payable at Amdavad) / Bank Guarantee. A.2.3 Validity Period : 120 Days from the date of price bid opening : 5% of the contract value in the form of Bank Guarantee from any Nationalized Bank. Performance Guarantee Bond : 5 % of the contract value in form of Bank Guarantee for period of 60 months beyond time limit (4 Months). A.2.4 Security Deposit A.2.5 A.2.6 Solvency Certificate : Solvency Certificate for all bidder of current financial year from the collector of the district within which he resides or a Banker’s Certificate Minimum value of solvency certificate shall be of amount upto 20% of the tendered cost plus the amount of works on hand still to be executed. Solvency certificate for successful bidder: It is mandatory for successful tenderer to submit the fresh solvency certificate (of an amount upto 20% of the tendered cost plus the amount of Works on hand still to be executed) of his financial stability from the collector of the district within which he resides or a Banker’s Certificate for the current financial year. A.2.7 4 Months (Including monsoon season) Within ½ month for documents, drawings approval, Within 2 & ½ months for Inspection, supply & delivery of goods at site, Within 1 month for Execution, Testing & Commissioning at site. Time – Limit A.2.8 O & M period : : Not Applicable A.2.9 i) Last date of submission of the tender ii) Mode of Sending : 18/10/2011 up to 14.00 hours : a) In sealed cover in (One Original + One Xerox copy) copies by Registered Post A.D. or Speed Post or Hand delivery or Courier. b) Tender sent by ordinary post will be rejected out right. Page 14 iii) Description essential to be made on sealed cover : a) Name of Work and Tender No., Name of Contractor b) Last date of receiving tender by the AMC. iv) Mode of quoting rates in Schedule of rates : A.2.10 Not Applicable A2.11 EMD : A.2.12 Excess Item : A.2.13 Important Instruction Rate of each item shall be mentioned in figure and rate of sub total of each item and total of each work and grand total shall be mentioned in figures as well as in words. BG / D.D. No. _______________ Dt. ________, Drawn on ______________ Bank ________ Payable to Municipal Commissioner, at Amdavad is enclosed herewith representing the earnest money, the full value of which is to be absolutely forfeited by AMC, should I / We not deposit the full amount of security deposit specified above. It is mandatory for the successful tenderer to give excess item (up to 40 % of tender qty) at the quoted rate up to project completion limit (up to trial run of two months). : i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) It is mandatory for all the tenderer to fill the Format as mentioned in Schedule A-2 (A2.1 to A2.8) of Technical bid, Volume-I. All the financial and technical guaranteed parameters along with required supportive documents (mentioned in format) to be submitted with prescribed format only. It is mandatory to submit all the documents spiral binding having proper checklist index indicating the page no. as per format and supportive documents. Loose paper or left out paper later submitted will not be accepted. In case of not filling and submitting of documents as mentioned in tender at the time of tendering then no further correspondence shall be done with bidders for further submission of either technical or commercial documents or any discount, and at the same time tender will be rejected. Technical details shall be filled in the blank data sheet mentioned in Technical bid, Volume-I “Technical Specifications”. Signature of Tenderer : Additional Chief Engineer (S.O.E & M) Name : Amdavad Municipal Corporation Company’s seal : Date : Page 15 INDEX FOR SCHEDULES Sch. No. A.2.1 Description Page No. INFORMATION REGARDING FINANCIAL CAPACITY FOR THE TENDERER 1. Earnest Money Deposit 2. Solvency certificates 3. Certificate of Pump Manufacturer / Authorised dealer of Pump of approved make specified in the tender / Panel Manufacturer 4. Annual Average Turn Over 5. An overall schedule of the work plan of the project 6. Experience of execution of water supply or sewage application for electrical and mechanical work 7. Blank data sheet to be furnished as mentioned in technical bid Part II 8. A certified copy of power of attorney 9. Agreement in case of joint Venture 10. Income Tax return copy of last three financial year A.2.2 BID CAPACITY A.2.3 INFORMATION REGARDING TECHNICAL PARAMETERS BY THE TENDERER A.2.4 DETAILS OF THE WORKS OF SIMILAR TYPE & MAGNITUDE CARRIED OUT BY THE TENDERER DURING LAST 5 YEARS PERIOD A.2.5 DETAILS OF THE WORKS IN HAND AND WORKS TENDERED FOR AS ON DATE OF SUBMISSION OF THE TENDER A.2.6 DETAILS OF TECHNICAL PERSONNEL WITH WHO ARE PROPOSED FOR THIS CONTRACT A.2.7 DETAILS OF THE EQUIPMENT IN POSSENSSION OF THE CONTRACOTR AND THE EQUIPMENT HE PROPOSES TO BRING TO THE SITE FOR THIS WORK A.2.8 STRUCTURE AND ORGANISATION OF FIRM TENDERER Page 16 A – 2: SCHEDULES SCHEDULE – A.2.1 INFORMATION REGARDING FINANCIAL CAPACITY OF THE TENDERER. Sr. No. 1. Details Earnest Money Deposit Amount in Lacs Details to be furnished Submitted Yes / No Remarks Min EMD value shall be Rs. 30,100/Certificate for all bidder of current financial year from the collector of the district within which he resides or a Banker’s Certificate. Minimum value of solvency certificate of an amount upto 20% of the tendered cost plus the amount of Works on hand still to be executed. 2. 3. Solvency Certificates Certificate of pump manufacturer / authorized dealer of pump of approved make / Panel Manufacturer of Approved make Solvency certificate for successful bidder: It is mandatory for successful tenderer to submit the solvency certificate (of an amount upto 20% of the tendered cost plus the amount of Works on hand still to be executed) of his financial stability from the collector of the district within which he resides or a Banker’s Certificate for the current financial year. (0.20 * tender cost + Work on hand) Certificate of Pump Manufacturer / Authorized Dealer of Pump of Approved Make / Panel Manufacturer of approved Make shall be attached. In case of authorization, the Bidder should be Authorised dealer for current year and should hold the same authorization since last one year, the certificate for the same shall be furnished Page 17 4. Annual average turnover for last three years: Year : 2008 – 2009 2009 – 2010 2010 – 2011 Average: Minimum average Annual Turnover for last three financial years shall be Rs. 25,00,000/Certificates duly signed and stamped from C.A. shall be attached with this schedule along with the audited balance sheets for the last three years showing long term profitability 5. An overall schedule of the ‘Work Plan’ of the project Separate chart to be enclosed with this schedule considering project completion period 6. Experience of execution of water supply or sewage supply application for electrical and mechanical work Separate sheet to be enclosed with this schedule as supportive documents. 7. Blank Data sheet to be furnished as mentioned in technical bid Part II Blank Data sheet to be filled in format attached in technical specification and shall be attached with this schedule 8. A certified copy of power of attorney 9. Agreement in case of Joint Venture Not Applicable 10. Income Tax return copy of last three financial year Copy shall be attached with this schedule Note: No Deviation with respect to technical guaranteed parameters and commercial terms shall be acceptable. Signature of the Tenderer with stamp: Company’s seal: Name : Date : Page 18 SCHEDULE – A.2.2 BID CAPACITY The Contractor shall furnish the schedule for capacity in the following format for this work. I. Annual average turnover for last three financial years (A): Year: 2008 – 2009 2009 – 2010 2010 – 2011 Minimum Annual Turnover for last three financial years shall be Rs. 25,00,000/- II. Value of work the existing commitments and on-going works to be completed during the next one year (B) : Amount of existing commitment as well as Date of issue of work order Actual Tentative Date of ongoing work to be done in next 12 months along with its tendered cost Name of work in progress Completion of work (Rs. Lacs) II. Qualification Criteria The bidder should be original manufacturer of pump or authorised dealer of the pump (for approved make refer to the technical specifications, Make of Material). In case of Authorization, the Bidder should be Authorised dealer for current year and should hold the same authorization since last one year. The certification for the same shall be submitted. III. Completion period / 12 = 4/12 = 0.33 (N) : Bid Capacity Bid Capacity = (2AN – B) = __________________________(Shall be minimum Rs. 20,00,000/- (Rs. Twenty lacs only)) Where, A = Annual average turnover of last three years B = Value of work the existing commitments and on-going works to be completed during the next one year and N = Completion period / 12 = 4/12 = 0.33 Signatures of the Tenderer with stamp Name: Company’s Seal: Date: Page 19 SCHEDULE – A.2.3 INFORMATION REGARDING TECHNICAL PARAMETERS BY THE TENDERER. Sr. No. Description Tender Guaranteed Efficiency / Losses without negative tolerance 1 HNC Pumps 80% 2. Induction Motor Min. 94.5% Transformer: 3. vii) viii) ix) No load losses Load losses Delivery period transformer Guaranteed Efficiency without negative tolerance Guaranteed Losses without IS tolerance Make Maximum losses limit (without +ve tolerance) 0.750 KW 4.2 KW of As mentioned below Note: 1) Informations mentioned to be filled in above format. The above data to be confirmed on manufacturer letter head to be enclosed with this schedule. 2) Once the transformer will be ready & tested at manufacturer work, to verify the guaranteed no load and full load losses as confirmed, transformer shall be offered to “Electrical Research and Development Association” (ERDA). Cost of testing of transformer, its mobilization from factory to ERDA shall be born by contractor. In case the offered losses would not be achieved during testing at ERDA then transformer would be rejected. In this case, cost of offering the new case and also in later case shall be born by contractor. 3) Delivery period of transformer shall be 3 months or less from the date of drawing and documents approval of transformer (Drawings and documents of transformer shall be submitted by contractor & its approval shall be completed within 20-25 days from the date of award of contract). Signatures of the Tenderer with stamp Company’s seal: Name: Date: Page 20 SCHEDULE – A.2.4 DETAILS OF THE WORKS OF SIMILAR TYPE AND MAGNITUDE CARRIED OUT BY THE TENDERER DURING LAST 5 YEARS PERIOD Sr. No. Name of Work Place and Country Tendered Cost Date of start Date of Completion Prescribed date Actual date of of completion completion Principal Features 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Note : 1) Experience of execution of similar (water supply or sewage application) electrical & mechanical work completed during last five years each having costing not less than Rs. 30,00,000 (Rs. Thirty Lacs Only) OR 2 works each having costing not less than Rs. 15,00,000 (Rs. Fifteen Lacs Only) & satisfactory working at least one year. 2) Certificate of satisfactory completion of the work from the owner shall be submitted for each work which is mandatory. If required separate sheet can be used for more details. Signatures of the Tenderer with stamp Company’s seal: Name: Date: Page 21 SCHEDULE – A.2.5 DETAILS OF THE WORKS IN HAND AND WORKS TENDERED FOR AS ON THE DATE OF SUBMISSION OF THE TENDER. Sr. No Name of Work Place and Country WORKS IN HAND Cost of work Anticipated Tendered remaining to Date of Cost be executed as Completion on date WORKS TENDERED FOR Tender Cost Date when decision is expected Stipulated date & period of Completion Main features of the work 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Note: 1. Correct details of work on hand to be furnished. In case of hiding / not showing of the details of work on hand, contractor shall not be considered technically qualified and their price bid will not be opened. 2. If required separate sheet can be used for more details. Signature of the Tenderer with stamp Name: Company’s seal: Date: Page 22 SCHEDULE – A.2.6 DETAILS OF TECHNICAL PERSONNEL WITH TENDERER WHO ARE PROPOSED FOR THIS CONTRACT. Sr. No Description of Category Name Qualification Professional experience and details of works carried out Since how long in service with tenderer Remark 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Note: The complete biodata of each personnel with qualification and experience shall be furnished separately alongwith this schedule. Signature of the Tenderer with stamp Name: Company’s seal: Date: Page 23 SCHEDULE – A.2.7 DETAILS OF THE QUIPMENT IN POSSESSION OF THE CONTRACTOR AND THE EQUIPMENT HE PROPOSES TO BRING TO THE SITE FOR THIS WORK SR. NO. TYPE AND DESCRIPTION OF THE EQUIPMENT & CAPACITY AGE AND APPROXIMATE VALUE NUMBERS THE TENDERER HAS IN POSSESSION NUMBERS HE PROPOSES TO BRING ON TO SITE. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Tenderer hereby confirms that quantity and type of tools he will employ for execution will not be less than those listed in para A.5.8 and agree to bring more equipment, if so warranted in the opinion of the Engineer. Signatures of the Tenderer with stamp Company’s seal: Name: Date: Page 24 SCHEDULE – A.2.8 STRUCTURE AND ORGANISATION OF FIRM 1. Name of Applicant 2. Nationality of Applicant 3. Office Address Telegraphic Address Telephone No. Telex No. Fax No. E-mail Address 4. Year and location of establishment 5. The Applicant is a) An individual b) A proprietary firm c) A firm in partnership d) A limited company or Corp. (if a firm in partnership) 6. Attach the organization chart showing the structure of the organization including the names of the Directors and position of officers. 7. Number of years of experience a) As a Prime contractor (Contractor shouldering responsibility) b) As sub-contractor (Specify main contractor) major 8. For how many years has your organization been in business of similar work under it’s present name? what were your fields when your organization was established? 9. Were you ever disqualified / considered ineligible for similar works? 10 Whether any new fields were added to your organization? If, so, give details. 11. Were you ever required to suspend execution for period of more than Six months continuously after you started? If so, give the name of project and reasons thereof. 12. Whether you ever left the work awarded to you incomplete? (if so, give name of project and reasons for not completing work? Page 25 13. In how many of your projects penalties were imposed for delays? (Please give details) 14. In which field of electrical / mechanical engineering do you claim specialization and interest? 15. Give details of your experience in pumping machinery for manufacture and quality control. 16. Give details of equipments, if any. 17. Give details of your plans for subcontracting if any, in terms of percentage of works. Signature of Tenderer Name Company’s Seal Date Page 26 SECTION: A-3 SCOPE OF WORKS Page 27 A-3: SCOPE OF WORK A.3.1 Scope for Mechanical work shall include design, manufacture, testing of major equipments like Pump, Motor, Valves, Bellows, CI Pipes & Fittings, Ultrasonic Level Indicator at manufacturer’s works by third party inspecting (TPI) agency jointly with AMC’s representatives’ inclusive of all the expenses incurred towards the inspection like commercial fees, to & fro charges, lodging & boarding, etc., delivery of equipment at site, unloading & storage at site, installation, testing at site, delivery of equipments/material to site, unloading & storage at site, installation, testing at site, commissioning of mechanical work at Navana Vatwa (Existing) Sewage Pumping station as follows: I. The scope of Mechanical work may include but not limited to the following for Navana - Vatwa Sewage Pumping Station for A.M.C.: A.3.1.1 Horizontal mounted Non - Clog End Suction type Centrifugal Pump to be connected with the Foot mounted Squirrel Cage Induction Motor with all related accessories to be installed in place of future pump location with Valves, CI Pipes & Specials. A.3.1.2 Knife Gate Valve Electrically operated & Non Return Valves as per specifications on delivery side of the HNC Pump to be installed. A.3.1.3 Suction, delivery & header C.I. pipes & fittings and scope as mentioned in BOQ. A.3.1.4 Suction Eccentric Reducer & Delivery Concentric Expander as mentioned in the BOQ or as per the actual Pump – Model offered by the bidder. A.3.1.5 Dismantling of the existing blind flange & installation of a drilled flange on end face of Knife Gate Valve installed on suction side of future pump & on connection of the delivery pipe to the header pipe. A.3.1.6 M.S. fabricated items like Distance Piece, Tee etc. as mentioned in BOQ. A.3.1.7 Suction & Delivery expansion bellows. A.3.1.8 Pressure Gauge at delivery side of pump. A.3.1.9 Carbon Steel with hot dipped galvanized Nuts, bolts, washers, gaskets, etc. A.3.1.10 a) b) c) Painting of machinery shall be as followed: Pump & Motor: Epoxy light gray All valves and expansion bellows: Epoxy black All C.I. pipes & fittings: Epoxy Sea Blue A.3.2 Scope for Electrical work shall include design, manufacture, testing major equipments like Panel Board, Transformer, Cable at manufacturer’s works by third party inspecting (TPI) agency jointly with AMC representatives’ inclusive of all the expenses incurred towards the inspection like commercial fees, to & fro charges, lodging & boarding, etc., delivery of equipment at site, unloading & storage at site, installation, testing at site, commissioning of electrical work at sewage pumping station: II. The scope of Electrical work may include but not limited to the following for Navana Vatwa Sewage pumping station of AMC: Page 28 A.3.2.1 Dismantling & shifting of existing MLTP & handing over to site- in charge as per his instructions. A.3.2.2 Dismantling & shifting of existing all LT cables from MLTP to motors, LDB (Internal & External DB) & handing over to site- in charge as per his instructions. A.3.2.3 Supply, Installation, Testing and commissioning of the H.T 1 breaker panel and H. T. Cable connection. A.3.2.4 Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of the Distribution Transformer. A.3.2.5 Motor control center with star delta starter and capacitors. A.3.2.6 Local push button stations. A.3.2.7 Power and control cables. A.3.2.8 Earthing system A.3.2.9 Cabling system Signature of Tenderer Additional Chief Engineer (S.O.E & M.) Name: Amdavad Municipal Corporation Company’s seal: Date: Date: Page 29 SECTION: A-4 INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS Page 30 A – 4: INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS A.4.1 Note A.4.1.1 These instructions are provided to assist tenderers while preparing their tenders. They do not form part of the Contract and they shall not be taken into consideration in interpreting or construing the Contract. A.4.2 Invitation to Tender A.4.2.1 The Municipal Commissioner, AMC for and on behalf of the Amdavad Municipal Corporation, Amdavad, hereinafter referred to as the AMC, will receive tenders for the Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of pumping machinery with related electrical & mechanical works according to the specifications and Schedule of Quantities and Rates in the tender documents herewith attached. A.4.2.2 Tenders will not be accepted after the hour and date fixed for receiving of tenders. Telegraphic tenders will not be accepted under any circumstance. Tenders received after the hour and date so fixed will not be considered. Tenders will be received by RPAD / Speed Post / Hand delivery / Courier on or before due date and time as mentioned in tender notice. Tenderer’s authorized representatives may attend the tender opening. The tenders shall be opened at the date and time as mentioned in tender notice. A.4.2.3 However, the AMC reserves the right to reject all the tenders or the lowest or any other tender which in the judgment of the AMC does not appear to be in its best interest, and the tenderer shall have no cause of action or claim against the AMC or its officers, employees, successors or assignee for rejection of its tender. A.4.2.4 The Municipal Commissioner does not bind himself to accept the lowest or any tender. If the tenderer wishes to offer discount in the event of the entire work he shall state so in the tender. A.4.2.5 Tender documents are not transferable. A.4.2.6 Technical bid shall not contain any commercial detail or letter pertaining to commercial part (like discount letter, optional offer letter, etc.). A.4.3 Tender Validity Period A.4.3.1 The tender shall be kept valid for acceptance for a period of one hundred & twenty days (120) calendar days from the date of opening of price bid. A.4.4 Language of Tender A.4.4.1 Tenders shall be submitted in English, and all information in the tender shall be in English. Information in any other language shall be accompanied by its translation in English. Failure to comply with this may disqualify a tender. Only English text shall be governing. A.4.5 Documents A.4.5.1 Two sets (One Original + One Xerox copy) of tender documents (Part – I and II of Volume-I & Volume-II, drawings & addendum if any), comprehensively referred to as Tender Document, are issued to every tenderer. The details of the Tender Document referred above are as follows: Page 31 (A) (1) Technical Bid Volume – I: Part – I (General) Section : A - Notice Inviting Tender, Scope of Work, Instructions to Tenderers etc. Section : B - General Conditions of Contract, Schedules etc. Section : C - Specifications : Non-Technical, Safety Provisions etc. (2) Volume – I: Part – II (Technical Specifications and Drawings) Section: D - Technical Specifications (Mechanical) Section: E - Technical Specifications (Electrical) Section: F - Conditions for O&M contract Section: G - Drawings (B) (3) Financial Bid Volume – II Section: H - Schedule of Quantities & Rates (Schedule B) A.4.6 Earnest Money A.4.6.1 Each tender must be accompanied by Earnest Money in the form of Demand Draft / Bank Guarantee of any Nationalized Bank, located at Amdavad (in favour of Municipal Commissioner Payable at Amdavad). A.4.6.2 Tenders not accompanied by Earnest Money as required shall be rejected as nonresponsive. A.4.6.3 If during the tender validity period, the tenderer withdraws his tender or the successful tenderer fails to accept the contract within 15 calendar days after receiving notice of the award of contract and fails to submit security deposit, the earnest money shall be forfeited and the tenderer may be disqualified from tendering for further works with the Amdavad Municipal Corporation. A.4.6.4 After the awarding of contract has been finalized, the Earnest Money will be returned to the respective tenderers, with the exception of the successful tenderer. A.4.6.5 The successful tenderer’s earnest money will be retained as security after signing the contract and for making of the contract deposit. A.4.6.6 No interest will be paid on any tender deposit. A.4.7 Income Tax Return A.4.7.1 In case of domestic tenderers, the tender must be accompanied by an Income-Tax return copy of last three financial years. If a tender is submitted without complying with these requirements, it is liable to be rejected outright. Page 32 A.4.8 Submission of Tenders A.4.8.1 Tenders shall be submitted together with the other documents that form the tender. In the event of a Contract, the tender and the documents attached there to shall be considered as forming part of the Contract Documents. A.4.8.2 Two sets (One Original + One Xerox copy) of tender documents (Vol. I, Part – I and II & Vol. II, drawings and addendum, if any) duly completed in all respects shall be submitted as described in notice inviting tender in a sealed envelope so as to reach by at the following address on or before the date and time as mentioned in tender notice without which the tender shall be considered non responsive. Assistant Manager (Project) Amdavad Municipal Corporation 2nd floor, Sardar Patel Bhavan, Khamasa Gate, Amdavad – 380 001 Gujarat (INDIA) A.4.8.3 The sealed envelopes ‘A’ & ‘B’ shall show on the outside, the name of the tenderer and his address. In addition, the lower left hand corner of the envelope or other container should indicate the Contract number if any given by AMC and the tender opening date. Tenders which are opened before the due date with no indication having been given on the outside of the envelope or container to indicate that it is a tender liable to be disqualified. A.4.8.4 The tender shall be considered non-responsive if Technical and Financial Bids (envelopes ‘A’ & ‘B’) are not sealed in separate envelope. Tenderers shall not be allowed to fill in or seal their tenders at the AMC Office. Tenderers are requested to present the tenders well in time before stipulated date and time of receipt; so as to avoid rush at the closing hours. A.4.8.5 Envelope ‘A’ of the tender document shall be accompanied by the following documents in duplicate: (a) Vol. I of the tender with duly signed. (b) Tenderer’s programme for the execution of the works. (c) A chart showing the estimated monthly labour force proposed for the execution of this contract. (d) List of plant and machinery in good working order available with the tenderer which he proposes to deploy on the works. (e) Details of schedule of section A-2, of Vol. I. In case of work completed by tenderer during last 5 years, he should submit completion certificate from the owner. (f) A covering letter (in duplicate) stating any other matter in relation to this tender which the tenderer considers should be drawn to the particular notice of the AMC or Consulting Engineers if any. In addition, the original tender shall be accompanied by: Page 33 (g) DD for tender fee & DD or Bank Guarantee for EMD as detailed in item A.4.6, above. (h) In case of domestic contractor, an income-tax return copy of last three financial years as detailed in item A.4.7, above A.4.8.6 Envelope ‘B’ of the Tender Documents shall be accompanied with Volume-II in duplicate. A.4.8.7 Erasures and other changes shall be noted over by the initials of the person signing the tender. A.4.9 General Performance Data A.4.9.1 Tenderers shall present the following information along with their tenders in duplicate: (a) Evidence of financial capacity to execute a contract of this magnitude in terms of solvency certificate, annual turnover and price of biggest job carried out. (b) The bidders are requested to furnish requisite information as described in Section: A-5 so as to enable the competent authority to decide the technical and financial capability of the bidder, based on which, the bidder shall be evaluated. (c) Experience of similar works with names of authorities for which the works were executed along with completion / performance certificate from the owner with specific mention that work is completed in time and it is completed satisfactorily. (d) List of current jobs of comparable nature along with starting date and likely completion dates with their contract values. (e) The extent of responsibilities carried by Contractors associated with the tenderer. (f) General detail of tenderers’ organization, management, staff and personnel, Facilities for design and execution A.4.9.2 Tenders will not be considered if the above information is not provided or is considered to be unsatisfactory. A.4.10 Signing of Tender Document A.4.10.1 Tenderers are requested to quote the item rates and their total offered amount of the work and also sign the Schedule of Quantities in Volume–II etc. after making appropriate inquiries wherever necessary. A.4.10.2 If the tender is made by an individual, it shall be signed with his full name above his current address. A.4.10.3 If the tender is submitted by a proprietary firm, it shall be signed by the proprietor above his name and the name of his firm with its current address. A.4.10.4 If the tender is made by a firm in partnership, it shall be signed by all the partners of the firm above their full names and current addresses, or by a partner holding the power of attorney for the firm signing the tender in which case a certified copy of the power of attorney shall accompany the tender. A certified copy of the partnership deed, current address of the firm and the full name and the current address of all the partners of the firm shall also accompany the tender. Page 34 A.4.10.5 If the tender is made by a limited company or a limited Corporation, it shall be signed by a duly authorized person holding the power of attorney for signing the tender, in which case, a certified copy of the power of attorney shall accompany the tender. Such limited Company or Corporation may be required to furnish satisfactory evidence of its existence before the contract is awarded. A.4.10.6 If the tender is made by a Joint Venture, the sponsoring Firm shall submit complete information pertaining to each firm in the group and state along with the bid as to which of the firms shall have the responsibility for tendering and for completion of the contract documents and furnish evidences admissible in law in respect of the authority to such firm on behalf of the joint venture for tendering and for completion of the contract documents. The full information and satisfactory evidence pertaining to the participation of each member of the joint venture for the tender shall be furnished along with the tender. A.4.10.7 All witnesses and sureties shall be persons of status and probity and their full names, occupations and addresses shall be stated below their signatures. A.4.10.8 The tenders from Contractors shall be accompanied by an attested copy of income-tax return copy of last three financial years. A.4.10.9 All signatures in the tender documents shall be dated. A.4.11 Interpretation of Documents A.4.11.1 Tenderers shall carefully examine the Tender Documents and fully inform themselves as to all the conditions and matters which may in any way affect the work or the cost thereof. Should a tenderer find discrepancies in or omission from the specification or other documents, or should be in doubt as to their meaning, he should at once address a query to the Additional Chief Engineer (S.O.E &M), AMC. Any resulting interpretation of the Tender Documents will be issued to all tenderers as an Addendum. Verbal clarification and/or information given by the Municipal Commissioner, AMC shall not be binding on the AMC. A.4.12 Errors and Discrepancies in Tenders A.4.12.1 Should the Schedule of quantities and Rates (Vol. II) submitted with the tender be found to contain errors, or discrepancies, the owner / engineer will not permit any bidder to change the substance or price of his bid after the bid opening. In case of discrepancy in the quoted rate and the corresponding amount the rate quoted in words in all cases shall govern. Also the bidder will not be permitted to correct or withdraw material deviations or reservations once bids have been opened. A.4.13 Modification of Documents A.4.13.1 Modifications of specifications and extension of the closing date of the tender, if required, will be made by an Addendum. Copies of each Addendum will be put up on website. These shall be signed and returned by the tenderers and shall form a part of the tender document. The tenderer is required to check the AMC website for Addendum if any before 72 hours of tender submission date and time. The tenderer who quotes the tender without attaching the addendum will be rejected. A.4.13.2 The tenderer shall not add to or amend the text of any of the documents except in so far as may be necessary to comply with the Addenda. A.4.14 Evaluation (Technical Bid & Price Bid) of Tenders Page 35 A.4.14.1 For evaluation and comparison of bids, the following factors shall be considered in addition to the points mentioned in Clause A.4.22.1 of Section : A-4 of Volume-I. i) The costs of procurement of principal element of the work of similar magnitude executed earlier. ii) The time of completion of SITC job. iii) The reliability of the proposed execution of electrical and mechanical work. iv) Deviations, if any. v) Technical competence. vi) Relative quality of previous jobs. vii) Organization set up. viii) Financial Capability. ix) In case of joint venture, financial capacity of each partner. A.4.15 Policy for tenders under consideration A.4.15.1 Tenders shall be deemed to be under consideration from the opening of tenders, until such time as an official announcement of award is made. A.4.15.2 While tenders are under consideration, tenderers and their representatives, or other interested parties, are advised to refrain from contacting by any means any AMC personnel or representatives on matters relative to the tenders under study. The Engineer’s Representative, if necessary, will obtain clarification of tenders by requesting such information from any or all the tenderers either in writing or through personal contact, as may be necessary. The tenderer will not be permitted to change the substance of his tender after tenders have been opened. This includes any post tender price revision or major modification as defined in Clause No. A.4.13. Non-compliance with this provision is a cause for disqualification. A.4.16 Alternatives Deleted A.4.17 Cost of Tendering The AMC will not defray the expenses incurred by tenderers in tendering and will not be bound to accept the lowest or any tender. A.4.18 Award of Contract A.4.18.1 Notification of award will be made in writing to the successful tenderer. A.4.18.2 The contract will be awarded to the technically and financially qualified and responsive tenderer offering the lowest overall evaluated tender or tenders in conformance with specifications subject to the provisions in Clause No. A.4.14 and A.4.15 i.e. Evaluation of tenders and policy for tenders under considerations, mentioned earlier. Page 36 A.4.18.3 A responsive tender is one which accepts all the terms and conditions of the Tender Documents without any major modifications. A major modification is one which affects in any way the price, quality, quantity or completion of works or which limits in any way, any responsibilities or liabilities of the tenderer or any rights of the AMC, as specified in the Tender Documents. The AMC may waive any minor informality in a tender which does not constitute a major modification. However, the failure of successful bidder to pay ‘Security Deposit’ and signing the contract shall constitute sufficient grounds for annulment of the award of contract and forfeiture of the earnest money deposit, in which case the Owner/Engineer may award the contract to the next lowest evaluated responsive bidder. In the event of not finding any such bidders, the employer is empowered to call for new bids. A.4.18.4 In case, the tender is found technically responsive, tenderer will be intimated accordingly. Financial bid of only technically qualified tenderer will be opened. Financial bid of the technically unqualified tenderer will be retained un-opened. A.4.19 Signing of Contract A.4.19.1 The successful tenderer shall be required to execute the Contract within 15 days of receipt of intimation to execute the Contract. If the contractor will not pay security deposit and will not sign agreement within 15 days after issuing the first letter from the authority of AMC, his EMD shall be forfeited and such tenderer shall be disqualified for getting further any work in AMC. Also their registration will be kept in abeyance for three years. A.4.19.2 The person to sign the contract documents shall be the persons as detailed in Clause No. A.4.10 i.e. signing of tender documents. A.4.20 Stamp Duty and Legal Charges It shall be incumbent on the successful tenderer to pay stamp duty on the contract and legal charges for preparation of the contract agreement. A.4.21 Solvency Certificate: Refer section A2 “Memorandum of work” for solvency Certificate. A.4.22 Documents / Information to be submitted along with Volume – I (Technical Bid) A.4.22.1 The following documents/information must be submitted by the tenderer in duplicate along with Volume-I of the tender. i. Details of the work of similar type and magnitude carried out by the tenderer including names of the authorities for which works were executed, as per Schedule-A-2.1 to A2.8 of Section A – (Volume-I) along with certificate of timely completion of work by owner. ii. Demand draft/ Bank Guarantee as earnest money as detailed in Clause No. A.4.6 of Instructions to Tenderers – (Volume-I). iii. An Income-tax return copy of last three financial years as detailed in Clause No. A.4.7, of Instructions to tenderers - (Volume-I). iv. If the tender is not submitted by an individual, the necessary certified copy of the power of attorney, a certified copy of the partnership deed and other relevant information in this connection as detailed in Clauses A.4.10.3 to A.4.10.7 of Instruction to Tenders – (Volume-I). Page 37 v. A solvency certificate as detailed in Clause A.4.21 above. vi. General details of tenderer’s organization, management, staff and personnel, facilities for design and execution. vii. An overall schedule of the ‘Work Plan’ of the project based on ‘Network Technique Method’ appreciating his method of planning, scheduling and control of project execution. viii. A chart showing the monthly labour force required to execute the project. ix. A.4.22.2 Data asked wide blank data sheet shall be furnished in the given formats vide Section‘D’ & ‘E’. Bidders not submitting the above mentioned information along with their tenders as per clause No. A.4.22.1 above, the tender will not be considered for evaluation and the bid will be outright rejected. Page 38 A.4.23 Forms BANK GUARANTEE for EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT / SECURITY DEPOSIT / PERFORMANCE BANK GUARANTEE In consideration of the Municipal Corporation of the city of Amdavad (hereinafter to as the corporation) having agreed to exempt ______________________________________ (hereinafter referred to as "the said Contract") from the demand of earnest money / security deposit in cash for the due fulfillment of the terms and conditions of the agreement made between the corporation and the said BIDDER on ____________________________________________ for ________________________________________________________________________ (hereinafter referred to us "the said agreement") on production of Bank Guarantee for Rs._________________ Rupees ____________________________________________ only. We ___________________________________________________________________ Bank (hereinafter referred to as "Bank") do hereby undertake to pay to the Corporation as a amount not exceeding Rs. _____________________________ Rupees _______________________________________________________________________ only on the demand from Corporation. Any such demand on the bank shall be conclusive as regards as amount due and payable by the bank under this guarantee. However, liability of the bank under this agreement shall restricted to as amount not exceeding Rs. ___________________________ Rupees ______________________________________________________________________ only. We the bank further agree that the guarantee herein contain shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be mentioned in the bid and that it shall continue to be enforceable till all the dues of the Corporation under or virtue of the said agreement have been paid and its claim satisfied or discharged and till a certificate to the effect has been received by the bank from the Corporation. However, unless the demand of claim under the guarantee is made to the bank in writing on or before the _____________________ (specify the date) the bank shall be discharged from all liabilities under this guarantee. Page 39 With the bank further with Corporation shall have fullest liberty, without the concert of the bank without effecting in any manner it obligations herein under to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said agreement or extend time for validity by the said bid from time to time or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by the Corporation against the said Contractor and to forebear to enforced any of the terms and conditions relating to the said agreement and the bank shall not be relieved from liability by reason of any such variation, or extension granted to the contractor for any forbearance, at Contractor or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties would, but this provision, have the effect of so relieving the Bank. We ________________________________________________________________ the bank undertake not to revoke the Guarantee during currency except with the previous concert of the Corporation in writing. Dated the ________________________ day of ________________________ of 20____. For ____________________________________ Bank Principal (Contractor) Surety (Bank) Contract No. and date of Contract Page 40 PERFORMANCE BOND (The date of this bond must not be prior to the date of the instrument in connection with which it to given) Principal (Contractor) Surety (Bank) Sub of bond (Express in words and figures) Contract No. and date of Contract KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, THAT WE, THE PRINCIPALS AND SURETY Above mentioned are held and firmly bound unto the Municipal Commissioner , AMC, owner of the work of Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Pumping machineries with related Mechanical & Electrical work for Augmentation of Sewage Pumping Station at Navana - Vatwa for STP Department of Amdavad Municipal Corporation, hereinafter called the "employer" in the amount stated for payment of which sum, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators and successors jointly and severally, firmly by these presents subject to the provisions of which the aforesaid contract on demand and without demand on a claim being made by the "employer". THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH that whereas the principals herein after called contractor viz. have entered into a contract with the Employer numbered and dates as shown above and hereto attached for the execution of work. NOW THEREFORE, if the principal shall well and truly perform and fulfill all the under takings, covenants, terms, conditions and agreements, of said contract during the original terms of the said contract and any extensions thereof, they may be granted by the employer with or without notice to the surety and during the lift of any guarantee required under the contract and shall also well and truly perform, and fulfill all the undertakings, contract, terms, conditions and agreements of any and all duly authorized modifications of said contract that may hereafter be made, notice of which modifications to the surety being hereby waived or shall pay over, make good and reimburse to the employer all losses and damages which the employer may sustain by reason of failure or default on the part of said principal so to do. Page 41 We _____________________________________________ further agree that guarantee herein contained shall remain in full force and affect during the period that would be taken for the validity _______________________ of the said contract and that it shall continue to be enforceable till all the dues of the employer under or by virtue of the contract have been fully paid and its claims satisfied of discharged or till the Employer certifies that the terms and conditions of the contract have been fully and properly carried out by the said contractor and accordingly discharges the guarantee. Unless a demand or claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or before the ___________________________________________ _____________________________________________ we shall be discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the above bounded parties have executed this instrument under their several on the date indicated above the name and corporate seal of each corporate party being hereto affixed and these presents duly signed by its undersigned representative, pursuant to authority of its governing body. In the presence of witness Individual Principal 1. as to (Seal) 2. as to (Seal) 3. as to (Seal) 4. as to (Seal) Affix By Corporate Seal Attested Corporate Surety Business Address Affix By Corporate Seal Title For and on behalf of the employer Page 42 SECTION: A-5: QUALIFICATION CRITERIA FOR TENDERER Page 43 A – 5 : QUALIFICATION CRITERIA FOR TENDERERS A.5.1 Eligibility Criteria A.5.1.1 Qualification will be based on meeting all the following minimum pass/fail criteria regarding the bidder’s general and particular experience, personnel and equipment capabilities, and financial position, as demonstrated by the bidder’s responses in the forms attached (specific requirements for joint ventures are given under Para A.5.9 below). The bidder should be original manufacturer of pump / Authorized dealer of Pump of approved make / Panel Manufacturer of approved make as mentioned in the technical specifications, Make of Material). In case of Authorization the Bidder should be Authorised dealer for current year and should hold the same authorization since last one year. The AMC reserves the right to waive minor deviations, if they do not materially affect the capability of a bidder to perform the contract. Sub-contractor’s experience and resources shall not be taken into account in determining the bidder’s compliance with the qualifying criteria. A.5.2 General Experience A.5.2.1 The bidder shall meet the following minimum criteria: (1) The bidders shall have financial capability and having annual average turnover not less than value of Rs. 25, 00,000/- during last 3 years. (2) Execution of similar (Water pumping station or Sewage pumping station) mechanical & electrical contracts each having contract value not less than value of Rs. 30,00,000/- OR 2 works each having costing not less than Rs. 15,00,000 and in satisfactory operation of the offered make for at least one year and successfully completed during last five years. (3) The minimum bid capacity shall not be less than value of Rs. 15,00,000/- of the tender. The bid capacity will be evaluated as : Bid capacity = 2AN –B Where A = Average annual turn over of last 3 years N = Completion period / 12 = 4/12 = 0.33 B =Value of work the existing commitments and on-going works to be completed during the next one year A.5.3 Financial Position A.5.3.1 The audited balance sheets for the last three financial years should be submitted and must demonstrate the soundness of the bidder’s financial position, showing long-term profitability. Where necessary, the Employer will make enquiries with the bidder’s bankers. A.5.4 Litigation History A.5.4.1 The bidder should provide accurate information on any litigation history or arbitration resulting from contracts completed or under execution by him over the last ten years. This should also include such cases, which are in process/progress. A consistent history of awards against the bidder or any partner of a joint venture may result in failure of the bid. Page 44 In case the bidder has not provided such information and has come to the notice of the Authority, the tender will be rejected at whatsoever stage and in such case all the losses that will arise out of this issue will be recovered from the tenderer/contractor and he will not have any defence for the same. A.5.5 A.5.5.1 Solvency Certificate Solvency Certificate for all bidder of current financial year from the collector of the district within which he resides or a Banker’s Certificate. Minimum amount of solvency certificate shall be of an amount up to 20% of the tendered cost plus the amount of Works on hand still to be executed. This certificate shall be enclosed with Envelope “A”. If he fails to produce such certificate his tender will not be considered. A.5.5.2 Solvency certificate for successful bidder: It is mandatory for successful tenderer to submit the fresh solvency certificate (of an amount up to 20% of the tendered cost plus the amount of Works on hand still to be executed) of his financial stability from the collector of the district within which he resides or a Banker’s Certificate for the current financial year. A.5.6 Bidding Capacity Even though the bidders meet the above criteria, they are subject to be rejected, if they have: • Made misleading or false representation in the form, statements and attachments submitted, false or hiding the value of work on hand, and / or • Record of poor performance such as abandoning the work, not properly completing the contract, inordinate delays in completion, litigation history, or financial failures etc. A.5.7 Personnel A.5.7.1 The Bidder must have suitably qualified personnel, to fill the following positions. The Bidder will supply information on a prime candidate and an alternate for each position, both of whom should meet the experience requirements specified below: Position Project Engineer Graduate E/M. Assistant Mechanical Engineer Graduate / Diploma Assistant Electrical Engineer Graduate / Diploma Required Numbers Total Experience (Years) In similar works (Years) 1 >5 3 1 >3 2 1 >3 2 A.5.8 Equipment A.5.8.1 The Bidder should have own, or have assured access to (through hire, lease, purchase agreement, availability of manufacturing capacity or other means), for the following key items of equipment in full working order, and must demonstrate that, based on known commitments, they will be available for use in the proposed contract. The Bidder may also list alternative equipment which he would propose for the Contract, together with an explanation of the proposal. A.5.9 Joint Ventures – Not Applicable Page 45 SECTION: B B-1: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS B-2: GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT B-3: SCHEDULE - 'B' B-4: GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS B-5: ANNEXURES B-6 : SCHEDULES Page 46 CONTENTS Sr. No. B.1 B.2 Description Page No. Special instructions to tenderers 54 B.1.1 Special instructions to persons tendering 55 B.1.2 Additional Instructions to Persons Tendering 57 B.1.3 Payment 57 B.1.4 Declaration Form 58 B.1.5 General Rules and Directions for the Guidance of Tenderers 58 B.1.6 Tender for works 61 General Conditions of Contract B.2.1 Clause – 1 63 B.2.2 Clause – 2 63 B.2.3 Clause – 3 64 B.2.4 Clause – 4 64 B.2.5 Clause – 5 65 B.2.6 Clause – 6 65 B.2.7 Clause – 7 65 B.2.8 Clause – 8 66 B.2.9 Clause – 9 66 B.2.10 Clause – 10 66 B.2.11 Clause – 11 67 B.2.12 Clause – 12 67 B.2.13 Clause – 13 68 B.2.14 Clause – 14 69 B.2.15 Clause – 15 69 B.2.16 Clause – 16 70 B.2.17 Clause – 17 70 Page 47 Sr. No. Description Page No. B.2.18 Clause – 18 71 B.2.19 Clause – 19 72 B.2.20 Clause – 20 72 B.2.21 Clause – 21 72 B.2.22 Clause – 22 73 B.2.23 Clause – 23 73 B.2.24 Clause – 24 73 B.2.25 Clause – 25 73 B.2.26 Clause – 26 73 B.2.27 Clause – 27 74 B.2.28 Clause – 28 74 B.2.29 Clause – 29 74 B.2.30 Clause – 30 74 B.2.31 Clause – 31 75 B.2.32 Clause – 32 75 B.2.33 Clause – 33 76 B.2.34 Clause – 34 76 B.2.35 Clause – 35 76 B.2.36 Clause – 36 76 B.2.37 Clause – 37 76 B.2.38 Clause – 38 77 B.2.39 Clause – 39 77 B.2.40 Clause – 40 77 B.2.41 Clause – 41 77 B.2.42 Clause – 42 77 B.2.43 Clause – 43 77 Page 48 Sr. No. Description Page No. B.2.44 Clause – 44 78 B.2.45 Clause – 45 78 B.2.46 Clause – 46 79 B.2.47 Clause – 47 79 B.2.48 Clause – 48 79 B.2.49 Clause – 49 79 B.2.50 Clause – 50 79 B.2.51 Clause – 51 79 B.2.52 Clause – 52 79 B.2.53 Clause – 53 79 B.2.54 Clause – 54 80 B.2.55 Clause – 55 80 B.2.56 Clause – 56 80 B.2.57 Clause – 57 80 B.2.58 Clause – 58 83 B.2.59 Clause – 59 83 B.2.60 Clause – 60 83 B.2.61 Clause – 61 83 B.2.62 Clause – 62 83 B.2.63 Clause – 63 84 B.2.64 Clause – 64 84 B.2.65 Clause – 65 84 B.2.66 Clause – 66 85 B.2.67 Clause – 67 85 B.2.68 Clause – 68 85 B.2.69 Clause – 69 85 Page 49 Sr. No. B.3 Description Page No. B.2.70 Clause – 70 85 B.2.71 Clause – 71 85 B.2.72 Clause – 72 86 B.2.73 Clause – 73 87 B.2.74 Clause – 74 87 B.2.75 Clause – 75 87 B.2.76 Clause – 76 87 B.2.77 Clause – 77 87 B.2.78 Clause – 78 87 Annexure – 1 88 Schedules Schedules – A 90 Schedules – B 91 B.4 General instructions 93 B.5 Annexures B.6 B.5.A Rules for grant of advance against machinery etc. (Deleted) 96 B.5.B Rules for grant of mobilization advance (Deleted) 97 B.5.C Cause for Arbitration (Deleted) 98 B.5.D Price escalation (Deleted) 99 B.5.E Liquidated damages 100 B.5.F Star Rate (Deleted) 101 Schedules Schedules 103 Page 50 SECTION: B-1 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS Page 51 SECTION – B: GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT B – 1: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS (FORM B – 2) AMDAVAD MUNICIPAL CORPORATION Item Rate Tender and Contract for Mechanical & Electrical Work Name of work : SITC of HNC Pumping machineries & Conversion of Existing LT Service to HT Service with related Mechanical & Electrical work at Navana Vatwa Sewage Pumping Station in South Zone of Amdavad Municipal Corporation. Last date of acceptance of tender: 18/10/2011 up to 14.00 Hours. Additional Chief Eng Page 52 B.1.1 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO PERSONS TENDERING Item Rate Tenders are invited for and on behalf of Municipal Commissioner for SITC of HNC Pumping machineries & Conversion of Existing LT Service to HT Service with related Mechanical & Electrical work at Navana Vatwa Sewage Pumping Station in South Zone of Amdavad Municipal Corporation. B.1.1.1 The works are required to be completed within specified time as mentioned in section A2 of Volume-I as per the terms of the contract conditions. The contractor shall have to fill up the rate carefully & genuinely. He should properly evaluate the item & fill up the rate of each item. He should not be allowed to load rate of any item irrelevantly. As being an item rate tender, the Client shall have right to execute the full or part of the tender. B.1.1.2 Only Pump manufacturers / Authorised dealer of pump of approved make / Panel Manufacturer of approved make as specified in the tender (refer technical specification, Make of Material) are eligible to purchase the tender. Not more than one tender shall be submitted by a Contractor. B.1.1.3 A tenderer shall produce income-tax return copy along with tender documents. B.1.1.4 Tenderers are advised to visit the site sufficiently in advance of the date fixed for submission of the tender. A tenderer shall be deemed to have full knowledge of all the relevant documents, samples, site etc., whether he inspects them or not. B.1.1.5 Submission of a tender by a tenderer implies that he has read this notice and all other contract documents and has made himself aware of the scope and specification of the work to be done and of conditions and rates at which stores, tools and plant etc., will be issued to him by Government and local conditions and other factors bearing on the execution of the works. B.1.1.6 A tenderer should quote in figures of each item, in figures as well as in words the rate of sub total of each item, total and grand total. The amount for each item should be worked out and the requisite total given. Special care shall be taken to write figures as well as in words and the amounts in figures only, in case of any calculation error found in the bid of submission the rate will be found final and accordingly amount will be corrected. The total amount shall be written both in figures and in words. In case of figures the words Rs. should be written before the figure of rupees and the words ‘paise’ after the decimal figure e.g. Rs. 2.15 p. and in case of words the words ‘Rupees’ should proceed and the words ‘paise’ should be written at the end. Unless the rate is in whole rupees and followed by the word ‘only’, it should invariably be up to two places of decimal. B.1.1.7 All rates shall be quoted on the tender form. B.1.1.8 The tender for the works shall not be witnessed by a Contractor or Contractors who himself/themselves has/have tendered or who may and has/have tendered for the same works. Failure to observe this condition shall render the tender of the contractor tendering, as well as of those witnessing the tender, liable to rejection. B.1.1.9 Tender shall be received by Registered Post A.D. or Speed post or Hand Delivery to the Asst. Manager (Projects), Engineering Department, Amdavad Municipal Corporation and technical bid shall be opened as prescribed date and time as mentioned in section-A2 “memorandum of work” in the presence of tenderers who may be present as per the rule of 4 “General Rules and Directions for the Guidance of Contractors” printed in this form. The Page 53 bidder shall submit their bid before the last date & time mentioned elsewhere. As the construction work is going on at the AMC office, the bidder shall take caution to submit their bid well in advance. B.1.1.10 The tender shall be accompanied by Earnest Money by Demand Draft / Bank Guarantee issued in favour of Municipal Commissioner, Amdavad by a nationalized bank or from banks as per the list attached of approved banks of Amdavad Municipal Corporation the amount being credited to Amdavad Municipal Corporation. B.1.1.11 A tenderer shall submit the tender which satisfies each and every condition laid down in this notice and tender documents, failing which, the tender will be liable to be rejected. B.1.1.12 The Amdavad Municipal Corporation does not bind himself to accept the lowest or any tender or to give any reasons for his decision. B.1.1.13 This notice of tender shall form part of the contract documents. For and on behalf of Amdavad Municipal Corporation Date……….. Signature………….. Designation……………. Page 54 B.1.2 ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS TO PERSONS TENDERING B.1.2.1. Competency of Tenderer – No contract will be awarded except to responsible bidders capable of performing the class of work contemplated. Before the award of the contract, any bidder may be required to show that he has the necessary facilities, experience, ability and financial resources to perform the work in satisfactory manner within the time stipulated. Contractor may be required to furnish the corporation with the statement as to their experience and their financial status. B.1.2.2. Tenderer will be deemed to have inspected the site and to have satisfied himself as to the nature of all works, all existing roads, water-way and other means of communication and access to and from the site and work and the building that may be required for temporary purpose in connection with the construction, completion and maintenance of the works and must make his own enquiries as to work, yard sites and depot, and dumps and as to acquisition of such additional sites and areas as may be necessary for temporary purpose for constructing, completing and maintaining the works. B.1.2.3 The tenders will be received under “Registered Post” namely receiving of tenders by Speed post / in persons, should be adopted under the circumstances. B.1.3 (i) Late tenders (i.e. tender received after the specified time of opening), delayed tenders (i.e. tenders received before the time of opening but after due date and time of receipt of tenders) and post tender offers shall not be opened and considered at all. (ii) The tenders received (by registered post) after the time and the date specified in the tender notice shall not be received by the concerned office from the postmen, for which, date and time may be recorded on the cover of the tender as to when tender was refused by the Municipal Commissioner or the Administrative Head or any other person in charge. (iii) Necessary records should be maintained for refusal of such tenders in the registers for receiving tenders and should be initialed by the Municipal Commissioner or the Administrative Head or any other person in charge. Payment The tenderer must understand clearly that the rates quoted are for completed works and include all costs due to labour, scaffolding plant, supervision, service work, power, royalties and octroi etc. and to include all extras to cover the cost of night work if and when required and no claim for additional payment beyond the price or rates quoted will be entertained and the tenderers will not be entitled subsequently to make any claim on the ground of misrepresentation or on the ground that he was supplied with information given by any person (whether the member is the employee of Amdavad Municipal Corporation or not). Any failure on his part to obtain all necessary information for the purpose of making his tender and filling the several prices and rates therein shall not relieve him from any risks or liabilities arising out of or consequent upon the submission of the tender. B.1.3.1 Tender Forms – Every ‘blank’ in the form of tender and in the schedule must be filled up by the tenderer and must return the document sent herewith. Page 55 Erasures Persons tendering are informed that no erasures or alterations by them in the text of the document sent herewith will be allowed and any such erasures or alterations will be disregard. If there is any error in writing, no overwriting should be done, the wrong word or a figure should be struck out and the correct one written above or near it in unambiguous way. Each correction should be initialed. Contractors to Please Read This Carefully: (i) The item rate in Schedule ‘B’ or Schedule of Quantities & Rates must be given in words and figures. (ii) If the tender is taken in favour of the company, a power of attorney in favour of the person who may have signed the tender for the company must accompany the tender. (iii) Solvency certificate of a Bank or a Revenue Officer of an amount upto 20% of the tendered cost plus the amount of works on hand still to be executed will have to be produced by the Contractor. (iv) Receipt for earnest money value mentioned in section-A must accompany the tender. The EMD will be accepted in the form of Demand Draft / Bank Guarantee from Approved Bank by AMC for validity period as specified in Memorandum of Works. If the contractor do not turn up to pay the Security Deposit and execute contract agreement within specified (or extended) time after intimation to him, the earnest money paid for this work will be forfeited and his registration will be held in abeyance for three years. B.1.4 DECLARATION FORM B.1.4.1 I/ We hereby declare that I / We have visited the site and fully acquainted myself / ourselves with the local situations regarding materials, labour and other factors pertaining to the work before submitting this tender. B.1.4.2 I / We hereby declare that I / We carefully studied the conditions of contract, specifications and other documents of this work and agree to execute the same accordingly. Declaration Certificate B.1.4.3 I / We hereby declare that my / our near relatives are not working in Amdavad Municipal Corporation as an Concerned Municipal Commissioner, Additional City Engineer, City Engineer, Assistant City Engineer, Assistant Engineer, Additional Assistant Engineer, Supervisor, Overseer, Divisional Accountant, Store Keeper, Manager as on today. B.1.5 GENERAL RULES AND DIRECTIONS FOR THE GUIDANCE OF CONTRACTORS B.1.5.1 Where the works are proposed to be executed according to the specifications recommended by a contractor and approved by a competent authority on behalf of the Amdavad Municipal Corporation, such specifications with designs and drawings shall form part of the accepted tender. B.1.5.2 In the event of the tender being submitted by a firm, it must be signed separately by each partner thereof or in event of the absence of any partner it shall be signed on his behalf by Page 56 person holding a power of attorney authorizing him to do so. Details of partners shall be furnished along with the copy of partnership deed. B.1.5.3 Receipts for payment made on account of any work, when executed by a firm, shall also be signed by all the partners except where the contractors are described in their tender as a firm in which case the receipts shall be signed in the name of the firm by one of the partners or by some other person having authority to give effectual receipts for the firm. B.1.5.4 Any person who submits a tender shall fill up the usual printed form at what cost he is willing to undertake the work. Tender which proposes any alternation in works specified in the said form of invitation to tender or in the time allowed for carrying out the work or which contain any other condition of any sort, will be liable to rejection. No single tender shall include more than one work but contractors who wish to tender for two or more works shall submit a separate tender for each. Tender shall have the name and the number of the work (to which they refer) written outside the envelope. OR The following rule shall apply to the works having estimated cost of Rs. 100 Lacs (Rupees one hundred Lacs) and above. (a) It is not desirable to make any alteration in the work specified in the said tender form of invitation to tender or in the time allowed for carrying out the work or any other conditions of any sort. However if it is felt necessary by the tenderer to have any conditions, he shall have to submit tender documents duly super scribed on the sealed cover. No such tender shall include more than one work but contractors who wish to tender for two or more works shall submit a separate tender for each. (b) If any price bid contains any conditions the same shall have to be rejected outright. Document of payment of earnest money or exemption certificate should accompany the Tender Document. (c) The sealed tender document cover duly completed as above should be submitted simultaneously by the “Registered post Acknowledgement Due”. The bids shall contain adequate cross-reference wherever necessary to ensure clear and proper correction of them with single bid without any ambiguity whatsoever. (d) The bidders shall clearly indicate deviations (s) from specifications or the tender conditions very explicitly in the appropriate section and submit a copy of the same. It should be very clearly understood by all tenderers that it is a two bid system should be considered technical and financial matters. (e) The technical bid will be opened as mentioned in memorandum of work of A2 section of technical bid in the presence of those bidders who remain present. (f) The conditions specified in bid should invariably be accompanied by proper financial evaluation with mode of calculation specifying assumptions, quantities, percentage and ceiling amounts for each condition and shall also accompany the information in the form stating (a) Sr. No. (b) Description of the condition (c) financial evaluation (vide R & B D.G.R. No. / TNC / 7777 / 281-C dated 30-09-92 (d) ceiling amount to be added in price bid, on case condition is not accepted. Page 57 (g) Ceiling amounts shall be binding on the contractors and are liable to be added to the tender amount. (h) It is necessary that the contractor or his authorized representative remains present at the time of opening of bid as specified in (e) above, so that wanting details and clarifications in respect of conditions can be furnished by him or conditions withdrawn on the spot by him. If the bid is incomplete in respect of any of the details referred to in sub-clauses 2 (f) above, and the contractor does not furnish the wanting details as required above on the spot in the presence of other bidders after opening the bid, the tender would be liable to rejection. B.1.5.5 The Municipal Commissioner or his duly authorized assistant shall open tenders in the presence of any intending contractors who have submitted tenders or their representatives who may be present at the time and he will enter the amounts of the several tenders in a comparative statement in a suitable form. In the event of a tender being accepted, the contractor shall, thereupon, for the purpose of identification, sign copies of the specifications and other documents mentioned in this tender. In the event of tender being rejected, the Divisional Officer shall authorize the Treasury Officer concerned to refund the amount of the earnest money deposited, to the contractor making the tender on his giving a receipt for the return of the money. B.1.5.6 The Officer competent to dispose of the tenders shall have the right of rejecting all or any of the tenders. B.1.5.7 No receipt for any payment alleged to have been made by a contractor in regard to any matter relating to this tender of the contract shall be valid and binding on Corporation unless it is signed by the Concerned Additional Chief Engineer(STP Department) B.1.5.8 All works shall be measured net by standard measure and according to the rules and customs of the Amdavad Municipal Corporation without reference to any local custom. B.1.5.9 Every contractor shall, unless exempted in writing by the Concerned Engineer, produce along with his tender a solvency certificate of his financial ability from the collector of the District within which he resides or a Banker’s certificate. If he fails to produce such a certificate his tender will not be considered. B.1.5.10 All Corrections and additions or pasted slips should be initialed. B.1.5.11 The measurements of work will be taken according to the usual method in use in the Amdavad Municipal Corporation and no proposals to adopt alternative methods will be accepted. The Concerned Additional Chief Engineer’s decision as to what is ‘the usual method in use in the Amdavad Municipal Corporation’ will be final. B.1.5.12 The Insurance Company’s bond will not be accepted against the security deposit. B.1.5.13 The contractor shall have to attach to his tender Income Tax Return copy of last three financial years. The Contractor will have to construct a shed for storing controlled and valuable materials issued to him under Schedule ‘A’ of the agreement at work-site having double locking arrangement. The materials will then be taken for use in the presence of the AMC person. No materials will be allowed to be removed from the site of work. B.1.5.14 Page 58 B.1.5.15 No foreign exchange will be released by the Corporation for the purpose of plant and machinery required for the execution of the work contracted for. B.1.5.16 Controlled materials (Essentiality Certificate) (i) As regards controlled materials, the Amdavad Municipal Corporation will help to arrange for the permit as far as possible and help the Contractor in securing the same. All incidental charges met with in procuring these materials shall be borne by the Contractor himself. Though the Amdavad Municipal Corporation will help to arrange for the permit as far as possible and help the Contractor in obtaining the materials, it shall not accept any responsibility for any delay or loss on account of delay caused to the Contractor while obtaining the same. (ii) The contractor shall submit to the Concerned Additional Chief Engineer (STP Department) on close of every calendar month, the monthly returns in the prescribed forms as to the receipts and actual use of the controlled materials during the month. (iii) The contractor shall permit the Concerned Municipal Commissioner or his representatives to inspect the stock of the controlled materials stored by him at any time whenever the Municipal Commissioner of his representative(s) so desires (s). B.1.5.17 The tender for the work shall remain open for a period of 120 days from the date of opening of bid for this work and that the tenderer shall not be allowed to withdraw or modify the offer on his own after handing over the tender to the postal authorities for dispatch during this period. If any tenderer withdraws or makes any modifications, or additions in the terms and conditions of this tender not acceptable to the Amdavad Municipal Corporation then the Corporation shall, without prejudice to any right remedy, be at liberty to forfeit in full the said earnest money absolutely. In this connection G. R. R. and BD No. TNC-IIB-22-(10)-C dated 14-8-90 should be referred to. B.1.5.18 The contractor shall employ only such labourer who shall produce a valid certificate of having been vaccinated against small pox within a period of last thee years. B.1.5.19 Immediately after issue of the work order for the works of roads, bridges and buildings the contract shall display the bored showing brief details of the specifications on the site of work (R & B D Gr. No. TNC-1090 – 24- 3 dated 18-11-1991. B.1.5.20 The buildings under the contract will not be occupied by the contractor for use of the labourers, staff or for any other purpose. In case of breach of this condition market rent will be recovered for the area unauthorized occupied. B.1.6 TENDER FOR WORKS I/We hereby tender for the execution for the Amdavad Municipal Corporation (hereinbefore and hereinafter referred to as Corporation) of the work specified in the under written memorandum within the time specified in such memorandum at tendered percentages entered in Schedule ‘B’ (memorandum showing item of works to be carried out) and in accordance in all respects with the specifications, designs, drawings and instructions in writing referred to in this tender. Page 59 SECTION: B-2 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT Page 60 B – 2 : GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT TERMS & CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT B.2.1 Clause - 1 : Security Deposit The person / persons whose tender may be accepted (here-in-after called the ‘Contractor’ which expression shall unless excluded by or repugnant to the context include his heirs, executors, administrators and assignees) shall (within one day for a contract of Rs. 1,000 or less or 2 days for a contract of more than Rs. 1,000 but less than Rs. 2,000 and so on up to a limit of ten days which can be extended up to 15 days by the Concerned Dy. Municipal Commissioner, if he thinks it fit to do so for a contract of Rs. 10,000 or more of the receipt by him of the notification of the acceptance of his tender), deposit with the Municipal Commissioner in cash or Corporation securities endorsed to the Municipal Commissioner. Provided always that in the event of the Contractor depositing a lump sum by way of security deposit as contemplated above, then and in such case, if the sum so deposited shall not amount to 5 percent of the total contract cost of the work, it shall be lawful for Municipal Corporation at the time of making any payment to the Contractor for work done under the contract to make up the full amount of 5 percent by deducting a sufficient sum from every such payment as last aforesaid until the full amount of the security deposit is made up. All compensation or other sums of money payable by the Contractor to Municipal Corporation under the terms of this contract may be deducted from, or paid by the sale of a sufficient part of his security deposit or from the interest arising there from, or any sums which may be due or may become due by Municipal Corporation to the Contractor on any account whatsoever, and in the event of his security deposit being reduced by reason of any such deduction or sale as aforesaid, the Contractor shall, within ten days thereafter, make good in cash or Government securities endorsed as aforesaid any sum or sums which may have been deducted from or realized by sale of his security deposit or any part thereof. The security deposit referred to, when paid in cash may, at the cost of the depositor, be converted into Interest Bearing Securities provided the depositor has expressly desired this in writing. If the amount of the security deposit to be paid in a lump within a period specified above is not paid, the tender / contract already accepted shall be considered as canceled and legal steps shall be taken against the contractor for recovery of the amounts. Security Deposit shall be converted into the Performance Guarantee Bond Valid for the entire defect liability period (60 months) to be executed by the contractor after completion of the work and certificate of completion issued by Engineer that effect after deducting there from the amount of expenses if any due to Municipal Corporation under this agreement. B.2.2 Clause - 2 : Liquidated damages for delay (i) If the Contractor fails to complete the work under contract by the stipulated date, he shall pay liquidated damages of 0.2 percentage of the balance work value per day from the date of delaying the said work up to the date of completion and handing over to the Amdavad Municipal Corporation. (ii) However also if the Contractor fails to complete any part of the work as designated in schedule (c) by the time indicated against such parts, he shall pay Liquidated damages per day from the date of delaying the said part of the work up to the date of completion of the said designated part at the rates shown in the said schedule of the contract value of such part for such failure till the said designated part is completed. Page 61 B.2.3 (iii) The aggregate maximum of liquidated damages payable under clause No. 2 shall not exceed Rs. 0.2 percentage of balance work value per day and shall be subject to the maximum amount of ten percentage of the estimated amount put to tender. (iv) Delays for requiring payment of ten percentage liquidated damages of the amount put to tender for performance shall be sufficient causes for termination of contract and forfeiture of security deposit including amount of performance bond in respect of works estimated to cost more than Rs. 15 lacs of performance and contractor will be blacklisted and registration of the contractor shall also be kept in abeyance for two years from the date as fixed on all cases. Clause - 3: Default by Contractor: (GR dt. 15-10-91) If the Contractor shall neglect or fails to proceed with the work with due diligence or if he violates any of the provision of the Contract, the Engineer-in-Charge shall give the Contractor a notice, identifying deficiencies in performance and demanding corrective action. Such notice shall clearly state that it is given under the provision of this clause. After service of such notice, the Contractor shall not remove any plant, equipment and material from the site. The Amdavad Municipal Corporation shall have a lien on all such plant, equipment and material from the date of such notice till the said deficiencies have been corrected as mentioned in the said notice. If the Contractor fails to take satisfactory corrective action within ten days after receipt of such notice, the Engineer-in-charge on behalf of Amdavad Municipal Corporation shall terminate the contract in whole. In case, the entire contract is terminated, the amount of security deposit and performance bond if any together with the value of the work done but not paid for, shall stand forfeited to the Amdavad Municipal Corporation and the remaining work shall be got executed by other contractor at the full risk and at cost of the original contractor. The plants equipment and material held under this clause shall then be at the disposal of the Amdavad Municipal Corporation to recover the amount equivalent to the liquidated damages and registration of the Contractor shall be kept in abeyance for three years from the date as fixed in all such cases. The Engineer-in-Charge if necessary shall direct that a part or the whole of such plant, equipment and material be removed from the site within a stipulated period. If the Contractor fails to do so, the Engineer-in-Charge shall cause them or any part of them to be sold holding the net proceeds of such sale to the credit of the Contractor. After settlement of accounts, the lien by the Amdavad Municipal Corporation on the Contractors remaining plant equipment and balances of materials shall be released. Termination of the contract in whole shall be adequate authority for the Engineer-inCharge to demand discharge of the obligations from the guarantors of the security for the performance. B.2.4 Clause – 4: If the progress of any particular portion of the work under Contract is unsatisfactory, the Engineer-in-Charge shall, notwithstanding that the general progress of the work is satisfactory, in accordance with clause 2, be entitled to take necessary action under Clause 3, after giving the Contractor ten day’s notice in writing and the Contractor shall have no claim whatsoever for any compensation for any loss caused to him due to such action. (Clause 1, 2, 3 and 4 are substituted vide GR No. TNC – 1091/IB-10/(11)-C, dated 1510-91 & modified by GR dated 29-10-91) Page 62 B.2.5 Clause – 5 : In any case in which any of powers conferred upon the Engineer-in-Charge by clause 3 hereof shall have become exercisable and the same shall not have been exercised, the non exercise thereof shall not constitute a waiver of any of the conditions hereof and such powers shall notwithstanding be exercisable at any future date. B.2.5A Clause – 5A : In the event of the Engineer-in-Charge taking action under Clause 3, he may, if the so desires, take possession of all or any tools, plants, machineries, materials and stores in or upon the work or the site thereof or belonging to the Contractor or procured by him and intended to be used for the execution of the work or any part thereof, by paying or allowing for the same in account at the contract rate or in case of contract rates not being applicable at such reasonable rates, as may be comparable to current market rates where ascertainable of similar articles and comparable condition, to be certified by the Engineerin-Charge. In the alternative the Engineer-in-Charge may by notice in writing to the Contractor or his clerk of the works, foreman or other authorized agent, require him to remove such tools, plants, machineries, materials or stores from the premises within a time to be specified in such notice and in the event of the Contractor failing to comply with any such requisition, the Engineer-in-Charge may remove them at the Contractor’s expense or shall remove them by auction or private sale at the risk and cost of the Contractor in all respect, and the certificate of the Engineer-in-Charge as to the expenses of any such removal and the amount of the proceeds and expenses of any such removal shall be final and conclusive against the Contractor. B.2.6 Clause - 6 : Extension of time : If the Contractor shall desire an extension of the time for completion of the work on the ground of his having been unavoidably hindered in its execution or any other ground, he shall apply in writing to the Municipal Commissioner, AMC before the expiration of the period stipulated in the tender or before the expiration of 30 days from the date of which he was hindered whichever is earlier and the Municipal Commissioner, AMC may, in his opinion, believe that there are reasonable grounds for granting an extension, grant such extension, as he thinks necessary or proper. The decision of the Municipal Commissioner, AMC in this matter shall be final. B.2.7 Clause – 7 : As soon as the work is completed, the Contractor shall give a notice of such completion to the Engineer-in-Charge and on receipt of such notice, the Engineer-inCharge shall inspect the work, and if he is satisfied that the work is completed in all respects then: – (i) For all works costing up to Rs. 50 lakhs (amount put to tender), the final measurements shall be recorded within 45 days from the date of physical completion of the work and the final bill shall be prepared within 45 days from the date of recording final measurements. The completion certificate shall be issued within one month from the date of final measurements subject to the Contractor fulfilling his obligation as provided in the contract and subject to the work being complete in all respect. (ii) In respect of works costing more than Rs. 50 lakhs (amount put to tender), the final measurements shall be recorded within 75 days from the date of physical completion of the work and the final bill shall be prepared within 75 days from the date of final measurements subject to the Contractor fulfilling his obligation as provided in the contract and subject to the work being complete in all respects. When separate periods of completion have been specified for items or groups of items, the Engineer-in-Charge shall issue separate completion certificate for such items or groups of items. Page 63 No certificate of completion shall be issued nor shall the work be considered to be complete till the contractor shall have removed from the premises, on which the work has been executed, all scaffoldings, sheds and surplus materials, except such, as are required for rectification of defects, rubbish and all huts and sanitary arrangements required for his workmen on the site in connection with the execution of the work, as shall have been erected by the Contractor for the workmen and cleared all dirt from all parts of the building(s) in, upon or around which the work has been executed or of which he may have possession for the purpose of the execution thereof and cleared floors, gutters and drains, cased doors and sashes, oiled locks and fastenings, labeled keys clearly and handed them over to the Engineer-in-Charge or his representative and made the whole premises fit for immediate occupation or use to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge. If the Contractor shall fail to comply with any of the requirements of these conditions as aforesaid, on or before the date of completion of the work, the Engineer-in-Charge may, at the expense of the Contractor, fulfill such requirements and dispose of the scaffolding, or surplus materials and rubbish materials except for any sum actually realized by the sale thereof less the cost of fulfilling the requirement and any other amount that may be due from the Contractor. If the expenses of fulfilling such requirement pay such excess. The Engineer-in-Charge shall also have the rights to adjust the amount of excess against any amounts that may be payable to the Contractor. B.2.8 Clause – 8: No payment shall be made for any work, estimated to cost less than rupees one thousand till after the whole of the said work shall have been completed and a certificate of completion given. But in the case of works estimated to cost more than rupees one thousand, the Contractor shall, on submitting a monthly bill therefore, be entitled to receive payment proportionate to the part of the work then approved and passed by the Engineerin-Charge, whose certificate of such approval and passing of the sum so payable shall be final and conclusive against the Contractor. All such intermediate payments shall be regarded as payments by way of advance against the final payments only and not as payments for work actually done and completed and shall not preclude the Engineer-inCharge from requiring bad, unsound, imperfect or unskilled work to be removed and taken away and reconstructed, or re-erected, nor shall any such payment be considered as an admission of the due performance of the contract or any part thereof if any other way very or effect the contract. The final bill shall be submitted by the Contractor within one month of the completion of the work, otherwise the Engineer-in-Charge’s certificate of the measurements and of the total amount payable for the work shall be final and binding on all parties. B.2.9 Clause – 9: The rates for items of works shall be valid only when the item concerned is accepted as having been completed fully in accordance with the sanctioned specifications. In cases where the items of work are accepted as not so completed, the Engineer-in-Charge may make payment on account of such items at such reduced rates as he may considered reasonable in preparation of final or on account bill. B.2.10 Clause – 10: Bills to be submitted for payment: A bill shall be submitted by the contractor each month on or before the date fixed by the engineer in charge for all work executed in the previous month and the engineer in charge shall take or cause to be taken the requisite measurement for the purpose of having the same verified and the claim, so far as it is admissible shall be adjusted, if possible within ten days from the presentation of the bill. If the contractor does not submit the bill within the time fixed as aforesaid, the engineer in charge may depute a subordinate to measure up the said work in the presence of the contractor or his duly authorized agent whose counter signature to the measurement list shall be sufficient warrant and the engineer in charge may prepare a bill from such list which shall; be binding on the contractor in all respects. Page 64 B.2.11 Clause – 11: The Contractor shall submit all the bills on the printed forms to be had on application at the office of the Engineer-in-Charge. The charges to be made in the bills shall always be entered at the rates specified in the agreement or at the part/reduced rates subject to the approval by the Engineer-in-Charge in the case of items not completed/executed as per agreements or in the case of any extra work ordered in pursuance of these conditions and not mentioned or provided for in the tender, at the rate hereinafter provided for such work. B.2.12 Clause – 12 : If the specification of the work provides for the use of any special description of materials to be supplied from the Departmental Store of Amdavad Municipal Corporation or if it is required that the Contractor shall use certain stores to be provided by the Engineer-in-Charge (such materials and stores and the prices to be charged therefore as hereinafter mentioned being so far as practicable for the convenience of the Contractor but not so as in any way to control the meaning or effect of this contract specified in the schedule or memorandum herein annexed) the Contractor shall be supplied with materials and stores as may be required from time to time to be used by him for the purpose of the contract only, and the value of the full quantity of materials and stores so supplied shall be set off or deducted from any sum then deposit, or thereafter to become due to the Contractor under the contract, or otherwise, or from the security deposit, or the proceeds of sale thereof; if the deposit is held in Amdavad Municipal Corporation securities/Bank Guarantee/ Bank Draft the same or a sufficient portion thereof, shall, in that case be sold for the purpose. All materials supplied to the Contractor shall remain the absolute properly of Amdavad Municipal Corporation and shall, on no account, be removed from the site of the work, and shall at all time, be open to inspection by the Engineer-in-Charge. Any such materials, unused and in perfectly good condition at the time of completion or termination of the contract, shall be returned to the Departmental store if the Engineer-in-Charge so requires by a notice in writing given under his hand, but the Contractor shall not be entitled to return any such materials except with the consent in writing of the Engineer-in-Charge and he shall have no claim for compensation on account of any such material supplied to him as aforesaid but remaining unused by him or for any wastage in or damage thereto. For materials provided in Schedule-A and consumed in excess quantities, the rates provided in Schedule – A shall be increased / decreased corresponding to the increase/decrease in the new rate payable for excess quantity as compared to the tender rates. The rate for materials provided in extra items will be the issue rates plus storage charges ruling on the date of issue of such quantity of materials. B.2.12A Clause – 12A: The Contractor shall be entitled to use the materials supplied by the AMC only to the extent of quantities of such materials required for execution of the work as per theoretical calculations. The Engineer-in-Charge may, however, on being satisfied that a large quantity of such materials is required for the execution of the work, permit the Contractor to use such larger quantity of the materials. Such permission shall be given in writing. The Contractor is bound to return in good condition such materials issued in excess of the requirements so worked out or in excess of the quantities so permitted to be used by the Engineer-in-Charge. If the Contractor fails to return such extra materials within a period of 15 days from the date of demand in writing of such materials being made by the Engineerin-Charge, he shall be changed for the excess materials at double the issue rate for such materials specified in “Schedule A” of the contract Agreement. B.2.12B Clause – 12B : - (NOT APPLICABLE) All stores and materials such as cement, if the total consumption of which exceeds 25 tons, and steel etc, supplied to the Contractor by Amdavad Municipal Corporation shall be kept by the Contractor in separate godown provided with a Page 65 Double lock. The key of one of the lock shall remain with the Engineer-in-Charge or his agent. The godown shall be accessible to the Engineer-in-Charge or his agent at all times. No materials shall be allowed to be removed from the site of the work, and any material required for the execution of the work shall be taken out from the godown only in the presence of a duly authorized agent of the Engineer-in-Charge. B.2.13 (1) Clause – 13: The Contractor shall execute the whole and every part of the work in the most substantial and workman-like manner and both as regards materials and in other respect in strict accordance with specifications. The Contractor shall also conform exactly, fully and faithfully to the designs, drawings and instructions in writing to the work signed by the Engineer-in-Charge. The design and the drawings shall be lodged in the office of the Engineer-in-Charge to which the Contractor shall be entitled to have access for the purpose of inspection at such office during office hours. Where the instructions referred to above are not contained in separate letters addressed to the Contractor the same shall be recorded in the work order book, which shall be maintained and kept on the site of the work. The Contractor shall be required to sign such entries in the workorder book in token of having noted the instructions. However, if the Contractor fails to sign the work-order book for any reason whatsoever, the entry of the instructions in the work-order book shall be deemed to be due notice to him of the said instructions. The work-order book shall be open for inspection to the Contractor on the site of the work during office hours. (2) The Contractor will be entitled to receive one certified copy of the accepted tender along with the work order free of cost and will also be entitled to receive, on request, two sets of contract and working drawings according to the progress of work, as and when needed, free of cost. (3) The several documents forming the contract are essential parts of the contract and a requirement occurring in one is a binding as through occurring in all. They are intended to be mutually explanatory and complementary and to describe and provide for a complete work. Further copies of the contract drawings and working drawings if required by them shall be supplied at a rate of Rs. 2500/- per set of contract drawing for the work and Rs. 500/- per working drawings except where other wise specified. In the event of any discrepancy in the several documents forming the contract or in any one document, the following order of precedence should apply. (a) Dimension and quantities : (i) Drawings (ii) Schedule B of the Tender form (iii) Specifications. On drawings, figured dimensions, unless obviously incorrect, will be followed in preference to scaled dimensions. (b) Description: (i) Schedule – B of the ‘Tender Form’ (ii) Drawings. Page 66 (iii) Specifications. In the case of defective description or ambiguity, the Engineer-inCharge is entitled to issue further instructions directing in what manner the work is to be carried out. The Contractor cannot take any advantage of any apparent error or omission in drawings or specifications and the Engineer-in-Charge shall be entitled to make corrections and interpretations as necessary to fulfill the plans and specifications. B.2.14.1 Clause – 14.1 : The Engineer in charge shall have power to make any alterations in or addition to the original specifications, drawings, designs and instructions that may appear to him to be necessary or advisable during the progress of the work and the Contractor shall be bound to carry out the work in accordance with any instructions in this connection which may be given to him in writing signed by the Engineer-in-Charge and such alteration shall not invalidate the contract and additional work which the Contractor may be directed to do in the manner above specified as part of the work shall be carried out by the Contractor on the same conditions in all respect on which he agreed to do the main work and at the as are specified in the tender for the main work B.2.14.2 Clause – 14.2: Deleted B.2.14.3 Clause – 14.3: Deleted B.2.14.4 Clause – 14.4: If the additional or alternation work includes any class of work for which no rate is specified in this contract when such class of work shall be carried out at the rate entered in the Schedule of Rates of the Department or, at the rates mutually agreed upon between the Engineer-in-Charge and Contractor, whichever are lower. If the additional or altered work, for which no rate is entered in the Schedule of Rates of Department is ordered to be carried out before the rates are agreed upon, then the contractor shall within seven days of the date of receipt by him of the order to carry out the work, inform the Engineer-in-Charge of the rate, he shall by notice in writing, be at liberty to cancel his order to carryout such class of work and arrange to carry it out in such manner as he may consider advisable, provided always that if the contractor shall commence work or incur any expenditure in regard thereto before the rates shall have been determined as lastly herein before mentioned, then in such case, he shall only be entitled to be paid in respect of the work carried out or expenditure incurred by him prior to the date of the determination of the rate as aforesaid according to such rate or rate as shall be fixed by the Engineer-inCharge. In the event of a dispute, the decision of the Municipal Commissioner of the Amdavad Municipal Corporation shall be final. Where, however, the work is to be executed according to the designs, drawings and specifications recommended by the Contractor and accepted by the competent authority, the alterations above referred to shall be within the scope of such designs and specifications appended to the tenders. The time limit for the completion of the work shall be extended in the proportion that the increase in the cost occasioned by alteration bears to the cost of the original contract work, and the certificate of the Engineer-in-charges as to such proportion shall be final and conclusive. B.2.14.5 Clause – 14.5: Deleted B.2.15 Clause -15 : No claim to any payment or compensation or for restriction of work : If any time after the execution of the contract documents the Engineer-in-charge shall for any reason whatsoever, require the whole or part of the work, as specified in the tender, be stopped for any period or shall not require the whole or part of the work to be carried out at all or to be carried out by the Contractor, he shall give notice in writing, stating the fact to Page 67 the Contractor who shall thereupon suspend or stop the work totally or partially, as the case may be. In any such case, except as provided hereunder, the Contractor shall have no claim to any payment or compensation whatsoever except as provided hereunder on account of any profit or advantage which he might have derived form the execution of the work in full but which he did not so derive in consequence of the full amount of the work not having been carried out, or on account of any loss that he may be put to on account of materials purchased or agreed to be purchased or for unemployment of labour required by him. He shall not have also any claim for compensation by reason of any alterations having been made in the original specifications, drawings, designs and instructions which may involve any curtainment of the work as originally contemplated. B.2.15A Clause – 15A : The Contractor shall not be entitled to claim any compensation from Amdavad Municipal Corporation on account of delay by Amdavad Municipal Corporation in the supply of materials entered in Schedule “A” where such delay is caused by the (i) Non-supply due to short allotment of quota in case materials available under quota regulations (ii) Difficulties relating to the supply of railway wagons (iii) Force majeure (iv) Act of God (v) Act of the country’s enemies or any other reasonable cause beyond the control of Corporation. In the case of such delay in the supply of materials, Amdavad Municipal Corporation shall grant such extension of time for the completion of the works as shall appear to the Engineer-in-Charge to be reasonable to accordance with the circumstances of the case. The decision of the Engineer-in-Charge as the extension of time shall be accepted as final by the Contractors. (As modified Vide R & B D.G.R. No. TNC – 1096 – IB – 143 – (16) – C dated 11 – 1 99) B.2.16 Clause – 16: Time-Limit for unforeseen claims: The Contractor shall not be entitled to any compensation from Amdavad Municipal Corporation on any account unless where allowed by the conditions of this contract. In such case, the Contractor shall have to submit a claim in writing to the Engineer-in-charge within one month of the cause of such claim occurring. B.2.17 Clause – 17 : Action and compensation in case of bad work : If, at any time before the expiry of defects Liability, period, as detailed in Clause 17-A, it shall appear to the Engineer-in-charge or his sub-ordinate in charge of the work, that any work has been executed with unsound, imperfect or unskilled workmanship or with materials or inferior quality or that any materials or articles provided by him for the execution of the work are unsound, or of a quality inferior to that contracted for or are otherwise not in accordance with the contract, it shall be lawful for the Engineer-in-Charge to intimate this fact in writing to the Contractor and then notwithstanding the fact that the work, materials or articles complained of, may have been passed, certified and paid for, the Contractor shall be bound forthwith to rectify, or remove and reconstruct the work so specified in whole or in part as the case may require, or if so required shall remove the materials or articles so specified in whole or in part and provide other proper and suitable materials or articles at his own charge and cost, and in the event of his failing to do so within a period to be specified by the Engineer-in-charge in the written intimation aforesaid, the Contractor shall be liable to pay compensation at the rate of one percent on the amount of the estimate of the rectification for every day not exceeding ten days during which the failure so continues, and in the event of any such failure as aforesaid continuing beyond ten days, the Engineerin-charge may rectify or remove, and re-execute the work or remove and replace the materials complained of, as the case may be at the risk and expense in all respects of the Contractor should the Engineer-in-charge consider that any such inferior work of materials as described above may be accepted or made use of, it shall be within his discretion to accept the same at such reduced rates as he may fix therefore, Page 68 However, the contractor shall be responsible for normal maintenance of the work till the final bill for the work is prepared by the corporational officer. B.2.17A Clause – 17A: Defect Liability Period (60 months): The Contractor shall be responsible to make good and remedy at his own expense any defect which may develop or may be noticed before the period mentioned hereunder from the certified date of completion. The Engineer-in-charge shall give the Contractor a notice in writing about the defects and the Contractor shall make good the same within 15 days of receipt of the notice. In the case of failure on the part of the Contractor, the Engineer-in-charge may rectify or remove or reexecute the work at the risk & cost of the Contractor. The Engineer-in-charge shall be entitled to appropriate the whole or any part of the amount of the security deposit towards the expenses, if any, incurred by him in rectification, removal or re-execution. The Defects Liability period shall be as under: (a) The period shall be 60 months from the date of commissioning. B.2.17B Clause – 17 B: Maintenance and repairs of pumping machinery with related mechanical & electrical work during guaranteed period: The contractor shall maintain and keep on proper condition and repair, at his cost the pumping machinery with related electrical & mechanical equipment for 60 months from the date from which the final finishing coat is laid to the satisfaction of the Municipal Commissioner, AMC. Completion certificate is provided. The decision of the Municipal Commissioner, AMC as to the necessity of O&M of pumping machinery with related electrical & mechanical work shall be final and binding on the contractor. If the contractor fails to operate and maintain and keep in proper condition and repair pumping machinery with related electrical & mechanical work during the stipulated period of 60 months, the Municipal Commissioner, AMC shall be entitled to carry out the necessary action departmentally at the cost of the contractor. The decision of the Municipal Commissioner, AMC as to amount of the expenses incurred in carrying out the works shall be final and binding on the contractor. The Municipal Commissioner, AMC shall be entitled to appropriate the whole or any part of the amount of the security deposit / performance guarantee towards the expenses, if any, incurred by him in O&M of pumping machinery with related electrical & mechanical work. (O & M Period will start after successful Two Month Trial Run or Completion Certificate issued whichever is earlier). B.2.18 Clause – 18 : Work to be open to inspection Contractor or responsible agent to be present : All works under or in course of execution or executed in pursuance of the contract shall at all times, be open to the inspection and supervision of the Engineer-incharge and his subordinate and the Contractor shall, at all times during the usual working hours, and at all other times at which reasonable notice of the intimation of the Engineerin-charge or his subordinate to visit the works shall have been given to the Contractor, either himself be present to receive orders and instructions or have a responsible agent duly accredited in writing present for that purpose. Orders given to the Contractor’s duly authorized agent shall be considered to have the same force and effect as if they had been given to the Contractor himself. B.2.18.1 Clause – 18 (i): Employment of a qualified Site Engineer by the Contractor: (Vide G.R.B & CD No. RGN-6090-UO 24 (42)-C, Dated 26-11-90). The Contractor shall employ full-time (on contract or on pay roll) technically qualified staff during the execution of work as stipulated in para A.5.7. 1. One project engineer – Graduate Mechanical / Electrical. Page 69 2. One Assistance electrical engineer – Graduate / Diploma 3. One Assistance mechanical engineer – Graduate / Diploma The Engineer so employed for the Amdavad Municipal Corporation work must have sufficient experience to handle the work independently. Such an Engineer shall have to stay at the site of work and he shall not be entrusted with any other duty except of this work. In case the contractor or a partner of the contractor Firm is a Electrical / Mechanical graduate engineer, employment of a separate Engineer will not be necessary provided that the Engineer partner himself attends the execution of the work on site. B.2.19 Clause – 19 : Notice to be given before work is covered up : The Contractor shall give not less than five day’s notice in writing to the Engineer-in-charge or his subordinate in charge of the work before covering up or otherwise placing beyond the reach of measurement any work, in order that the same may be measured and correct dimensions thereof taken before the same is so covered up or placed beyond the reach of measurement and shall not cover up or place beyond the reach of measurement any work without the consent in writing of the Engineer-in-charge or his subordinate in charge of the work and if any work shall be covered up or placed beyond the reach of measurement without such notice having been given or consent obtained, the same shall be uncovered at the Contractor’s expense and in default thereof, no payment or allowance shall be made for such work or for the materials with which the same was executed. B.2.20 Clause – 20 : If the Contractor or his workmen, or servants shall break, deface injure or destroy any part of the building or work in question or work in question in/on which they may be working or any building, road, fence, enclosure or grass-land or cultivated ground contiguous to the premises on which the work or any part-thereof is being executed or if any damage shall be done to the work from any cause whatever before completion of the work or before the completion of the maintenance period whichever is later or any damage occurred / caused due to normal flood or rain or if any imperfections become apparent in it within three months from the grant of a certificate of completion, final or otherwise by the Engineer-in-charge the Contractor shall make good the same at own expenses or in default, the Engineer-in-charge may cause the same to be made good by other contractor and deduct the expenses (of which the certificate of the Engineer-in-charge shall be final) from any sums that may thereafter become due to the contractor or from his security deposit or the proceeds of sale thereof or a sufficient portion thereof. B.2.20A Clause – 20A : Force Majeure : Neither party shall be to liable to the other for any loss or damage occasioned by or arising out of acts of god, and in particular, unprecedented Floods, volcanic eruption, earth quake or other convulsion of nature, and other acts such as but not restricted to general strike, invasion, the act of foreign countries, hostilities or war like operations before or after declaration of war, rebellion, military or usurped power which prevent performance of the contract and which could not have been for seen or avoided by a prudent person. NOTE: “Unprecedented flood” means the flood crossing the high flood level of the past 50 years which is on the available record. (Modified Vide R & B D.G.R. No. TNC – 1096 – IB –143 – (16) – C dated 11-1-99. B.2.21 Clause – 21 : Contractor to supply plant, ladders, scaffolding etc., and is liable for damage arising from non-provision of lights, fencing etc., : The Contractor shall supply at his own cost all materials (except such special materials if any, as may, in accordance with the contract of be supplied from the Public Works Corporation Stores), plant, tools, Page 70 appliances, implements, ladders, cordage, tackle, scaffolding and any temporary works which may be required for the proper exe7cution of the work whether in the original, altered or substituted from and whether included in the specifications, or other documents forming part of the contract or referred to in these conditions or not and which may be necessary for the purpose of satisfying or complying with requirements of the Engineer-incharge as to any matter or to which under these conditions he is entitled to be satisfied or which he is entitled to require together with carriage therefore to and from the work. The Contractor shall also supply without charge the requisite number of persons with the means and material necessary for the purpose of setting out works and counting, weighing and assisting in the measurement or examination at any time and from time to time, of the work or the materials. Failing this, the same may be provided by the Engineer-in-Charge at the expense of the Contractor and the expenses may be deducted from any money due to the Contractor under the contract or from his security deposit, or proceeds of sale thereof, or of a sufficient portion thereof. The contractor shall provide all necessary fencing and lights required to protect the public form accident and shall also be bound to bear expenses of defense of every suit, action or other legal proceeding at law that may be brought by any person for injury sustained owing to neglect of the above precautions and to pay any damages and costs which may be awarded in any such suit, action or proceedings to any such person, or which may, with the consent of the Contractor, be paid in compromising any claim by any such persons. B.2.21A Clause – 21A: (NOT APPLICABLE) such fire spreading to or other-wise damaging surrounding property. B.2.22 Clause – 22: Deleted. B.2.23 Clause – 23 : Liability of Contractors for any damages done in or outside work area : Compensation for all damage done intentionally or unintentionally by contractors labourers whether in or beyond limits of Amdavad Municipal Corporation property including any damage caused by the spreading of fire mentioned in the clause 22, shall be estimated by the Engineer-in-charge, or such other officer as he may appoint, and the estimates of the Engineer in charge, subject to the decision of the Municipal Commissioner, AMC, on appeal, shall be final and the Contractor shall be bound to pay the amount of the assessed compensation on demand, failing which the same will be recovered from the Contractor as damages in the manner prescribed in clause 1 or deducted by the Engineer-in-Charge from any sums that may be due or become due from Amdavad Municipal Corporation to the Contractor under this contract or otherwise. The contractor shall bear the expenses of defending any action or other legal proceeding that may be brought by any person for injury sustained by him owing to neglect of precautions to prevent the spread of the fire and he shall also pay the damages and cost that may be awarded by the court in consequences. B.2.24 Clause – 24: Deleted. B.2.25 Clause – 25: Deleted. B.2.26 Clause – 26: Work not to be sublet. Contract may be rescinded and security deposit forfeited for subletting it without approval or for bribing a public officer or if contractor becomes insolvent: The contract shall not be assigned or sublet without the written approval of the Engineer-in-charge. And if the contractor shall assign or sublet his contract or attempt to do so or become insolvent or commence any proceeding to get himself be adjudicated an insolvent or make any compromisation with his creditors, or Page 71 attempt of do so, the Engineer-in-charge may, by notice in writing rescind the contract. Also if any bribe, gratuity, gift, loan, perquisite, reward or advantage, pecuniary or otherwise, shall either directly or indirectly be given, promised or offered by the contractor, or any of his servants or agents to any public officer or person in the employ of Amdavad Municipal Corporation in any way relating to his office or employment, or if any such officer or person shall become in any way directly or din directly interested in the contract, the Engineer-in-Charge may thereupon by notice in writing rescind the contract. In the event of contract being rescinded, the security deposit of the Contractor shall thereupon stand forfeited and be absolutely at the disposal of Amdavad Municipal Corporation and the same consequences shall ensue as if the contract had been rescinded under clause 3 hereof and in addition the Contractor shall not be entitled to recover or be paid for any work thereof actually performed under the contract. B.2.27 Clause – 27: Sum payable by way of compensation to be considered as reasonable compensation without reference to actual loss: All sums payable by a Contractor by way of compensation under any of these conditions shall be considered as a reasonable compensation to be applied to the use of Amdavad Municipal Corporation without reference to the actual loss or damage sustained and whether any damage has or had not been sustained. B.2.28 Clause – 28: Changes in the constitution of firm to be notified: in the case of a tender by partners, any changes in the constitution of a firm shall be forthwith notified by the contractor to Engineer-in-Charge for his information. B.2.29 Clause – 29: Works to be under directions of Municipal Commissioner, AMC: All works to be executed under the Contract shall be executed under the direction and subject to the approval in all respects of the Municipal Commissioner, AMC of the Circle for the time being, who shall be entitled to direct at what point or points and in what manner they are to be commenced and from time to time carried on. B.2.30 Clause – 30 (1) : The disputes relating to this contract, so far as they relate to any of the following matters, whether such disputes arise during the progress of the work or after the completion or abandonment thereof, shall be referred to the court of law and its jurisdiction will be of Amdavad. (i) The rates of payment under clause 5 for any tools, materials and stores in or upon the works of the site thereof or belonging to the contractor or procured by him and intended to be use for execution of the work or any part thereof of which possession may have been taken by the Engineer-in-Charge under the said clause-5. (ii) The reduction in rates made by the Engineer-in-Charge, under clause 9 for the items of work not accepted as completed fully in accordance with the sanctioned specifications. (iii) The rates of payment for any class of work which is included in the additional or altered work carried out by the Contractor in accordance with the instructions of the Engineer-in-Charge under clause 14 and the rate for which is to be determined under the said clause 14. (iv) The rates of payment for materials already purchased or agreed to be purchased by the Contractor before receipt of notice given by the Engineer-in-Charge under clause 15, and / or the amount of compensation payable to the Contractor under the said clause for loss in respect of such materials. Page 72 (v) The amount of compensation which the contractor shall be liable to pay under clause 17 in the event of his failure to rectify, remove or reconstruct the work within the period specified in the written intimation or the amount of expenses incurred by the Engineer-in-Charge under the said clause 17 in rectifying, removing, or re-executing the work or in removing and replacing the materials or articles complained of. (vi) The reduction of rates as may be fixed by the Engineer-in-Charge under clause 17 for the inferior work or materials as accepted or made use of. (vii) The amount of compensation payable by the Contractor for damages as estimated and assessed under clause 23. (viii) The amount payable to the Contractor for the work carried out under clause 33 in accordance with the instruction and the requirement of the Engineer-inCharge in a case where there is no specification. (2) Deleted (3) Deleted (4) Deleted (4a) The disputes will be referred to court of law and its jurisdiction will be Amdavad. (5) In case of dispute leading to the contractor or Amdavad Municipal Corporation approaching to Court of Law, it shall be within the jurisdiction where the site of work is situated. (6) The reference to court proceeding under this clause shall not: i) affect the right of the Engineer in charge under clause 5 to take possession of all or any tools, plants, materials and stores in or upon the works of site thereof belonging to the contractor or procured by him and intended to be used for the execution of the work or any part thereof. ii) Preclude the Engineer in charge from utilizing the materials purchased by the contractor in any work or from removing such materials to other places, during the period the work is stopped or suspended in pursuance of notice given to the contractor under clause 15. iii) Entitle the contractor to stop the progress of the work or carrying out the additional or altered work in accordance with the provisions of clause 14 or as the case may be, of clause 33. B.2.31 Clause – 31: Deleted. B.2.32 Clause – 32 : Lump sums in estimates : When the estimate on which a tender is made includes lump sum in respect of part of the work, the contractor shall be entitled to payment in respect of the items of work involved or the part of the work in question at the same rates as are payable under this contract for such items or if the part of the work in question is not in the opinion of the Engineer-in-charge capable of measurement, the Engineer-in-Charge may, as his discretion, pay the lump sum amount entered in the estimate and the certificate in writing of the Engineer-in-charge shall be final and Page 73 conclusive against the Contractor with regard to any sum or sums payable to him, under the provisions of this clause. B.2.32A Clause – 32 A: Access to the Site: The Contractor shall arrange to construct, maintain and afterwards remove and reinstate any temporary access required for and in connection with the execution of the works. Reinstatement shall include restoring the area of the access route to at least the degree of safety, stability, drainage and appearance that existed before the Contractor entered the site. B.2.33 Clause – 33: Action where no specifications: In case of any class of work for which there is no such specification, such work shall be carried out in accordance with the IS specifications, and in the event of there being no IS Specifications, then, in such case the work shall be carried out in all respects in accordance with the instructions and requirements of the Engineer-in-Charge. B.2.34 Clause – 34: Definition of work: The expression “work” or “works” where used in these conditions shall, unless, there be something in the subject or context repugnant to such construction, be construed to mean the work, or the works, contracted to be executed under or in virtue of the contract, whether temporary or permanent and whether original, altered, substituted or additional. B.2.35 Clause – 35 : Contractor’s percentage whether applied to net or gross amount of the bill: Percentage referred to in the tender shall be deducted from / added to the gross amount of the bill before deducting the value of any stock issued. (This clause shall be Applicable only for B-1 tender). B.2.36 Clause – 36 - (B-1) Clause 35 (B-2): Non-refund of quarry fees and Royalties: The contractor shall pay the royalty to the competent authority/local body as per rules. The contractor shall furnish quarterly the statement showing quantity of quarried materials from whom purchased (with full address of the seller) and copies of bill for purchase to the district officer of the Geology and Mining Department or authority competent to levy royalty in the area of work. Copy of such statement shall be furnished to the Engineer in charge also. Contractor shall also furnish such additional information as regards royalty payment of the Engineer in charge and the Royalty authority. The royalty charges paid shall be borne by the Contractor and shall not be reimbursed by the Amdavad Municipal Corporation (Authority: - R & BD. Circular No. TNC-2286-UO-39 (19)-C dated 23-101989.) B.2.37 Clause – 37(B-1) / Clause 36 (B-2) : Compensation under the Workmen’s Compensation Act : The Contractor shall be responsible for and shall pay any compensation to his workman payable under the Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923 ( VIII of 1923) (hereinafter called the said ACT) for injuries caused to the workmen. If such compensation is paid by Amdavad Municipal Corporation as principal under sub-section 12 (1) of the said Act, on behalf of the Contractor, it shall be recoverable by the Amdavad Municipal Corporation from the Contractor under sub-section 12 (2) of the said section. Such compensation shall be recovered in the manner laid down in clause 1 above. B.2.37A Clause – 37 - A (B-1) / Clause 36-A (B-2) : The Contractor shall be responsible for and shall pay the expenses of providing medical aid to any workmen who may suffer a bodily injury as a result of an accident. If such expenses are incurred by Amdavad Municipal Corporation, the same shall be recoverable from the Contractor forthwith and be deducted, without prejudice to any other remedy of Amdavad Municipal Corporation, from any amount due or that may become due to the Contractor. Page 74 B.2.37B Clause – 37-B (B-1) / Clause 36-B (B-2) : The Contractor shall provide all necessary personal safety equipment and first-aid apparatus available for the use of the persons employed on the site and shall maintain the same in suitable condition for immediate use at any time and shall comply with the following regulations in connection therewith : (a) The workers shall be required to use the equipment so provided by the Contractor and the Contractor shall take adequate steps to ensure proper use of the equipment by those concerned. (b) When work is carried out in proximity to any place where there is a risk of drowning all necessary equipments shall be provided and kept for use and all necessary steps shall be taken for the prompt rescue of any person in danger. (c) Adequate provision shall be made for prompt first-aid treatment of all injuries likely to be sustained during the course of the work. B.2.38 Clause – 38 (B-1) / Clause 37 (B-2) : The Quantities shown in the tender are approximate and no claim shall be entertained for quantities of work executed being less than any extent or more up to 40 % of tender qty at the quoted rate up to project completion limit. B.2.39 Clause – 39 (B-1) / Clause - 38 (B-2): Employment of famine or other labour : The Contractor shall employ any famine, convict or other labour of particular kind or class, if ordered in writing to do so by the Engineer-in-charge. B.2.40 Clause – 40 (B-1) / Clause - 39 (B-2) : No compensation shall be allowed for any delay caused in the staring of the work on account of delay in making available the full site of land at a time. B.2.41 Clause – 41 (B-1) / Clause - 40(B-2): Claim for compensation for delay in the execution of work: No compensation shall be allowed for any delay in execution of the work on account of water standing in borrow-pits or compartments. The rates are inclusive of hard or cracked soil, excavation in mud, sub-soil water or water standing in borrow-pits and no claim for an extra rate shall be entertained unless otherwise expressly specified. B.2.42 Clause – 42 (B-1) / Clause – 41 (B-2): Entering upon or commencing any portion or work: The contractor shall not enter upon or commence any portion of work except with the written authority and instructions of the Engineer-in-charge or of his subordinate in charge of the work. Failing such authority, the contractor shall have no claim to ask for measurements of or payment for work. B.2.43 Clause – 43 (B-1) / Clause – 42 (B-2): Minimum age of person employed: (i) No contractor shall employ any person who is under the age of 15 years. B.2.43A Clause – 43 (I) (A) (B-1) / Clause – 42 (I) (A) (B-2): The employment of donkeys and/or other animals and the payment of fair wages: (i) For asphalt work(s), as far as possible only the adult persons should be employed by Contractor OR the contracted work as the case may be. If the adult persons are not available, then the children below the age of 15 (Fifteen years) should not be employed under any circumstances. Page 75 (ii) No contractor shall employ donkeys or other animals with breaching of string or thin rope. The breaching must be atleast three inches wide and should be of tape (Nawar). (iii) No animal suffering from sores, lameness or emaciation or which is immature shall be employed on the work. (iv) The Engineer-in-Charge or his agent is authorized to remove from the work any person or animal found working which does not satisfy these conditions and no responsibility shall be accepted by Amdavad Municipal Corporation for any delay caused in the completion work by such removal. (v) The Contractor shall pay fair and reasonable wages to the workmen employed by him in the contract undertaken by him. In the event of any dispute arising between he contractor and his workmen on the grounds that the wages paid are not fair and reasonable, the dispute shall be referred without delay to the Engineer – in – charge who shall decide the same. The decision of the Engineer – in – charge shall be conclusive and binding on the Contractor, but such decision shall not in any way affect the conditions in the contract regarding the payment to be made by Amdavad Municipal Corporation at the sanctioned tender rates. (vi) The Contractor shall provide drinking water facilities to the workers / labourers employed on Amdavad Municipal Corporation works. Amenities relating to sanitation shall also be provided to the workers / labourers employed on works (in urban areas). If the contractor fails to comply with these provisions, the Engineer - in - charge shall give notice in writing and if the contractor does not provide this facility to the workers / labourers within a period of ten days from the date of the notice in writing, the Engineer in charge shall there upon make the arrangement for drinking water at the cost of the Contractor. (vii) The Contractor shall provide the amenity of proper shade and shelter to the workers / labourers and their children on Amdavad Municipal Corporation works as soon as the work starts. If the Contractor fails to provide shed and shelter, the Engineer-in – charge shall provide the same at the cost of Contractor. B.2.44 Clause – 44 (B-1) / Clause 43 (B-2): Method of payment: Payment to Contractor shall be made by cheque drawn on any treasury, accounts department of AMC, provided the amount exceeds Rs. 10/-. Amount not exceeding Rs. 10/- will be paid in cash. B.2.44A Clause – 44-A (B-1) / Clause 43-A (B-2) : Any sum of money due and payable to the Contractor (including the security deposit returnable to the Contractor) executing any Amdavad Municipal Corporation work under this contract shall be appropriated by Amdavad Municipal Corporation and shall be set off against any claim of the Amdavad Municipal Corporation for the payment of a sum of money arising out or under any other contract made by the Contractor with the Amdavad Municipal Corporation. When no such amount for purpose of the recovery from the Contractor against any claim of the Amdavad Municipal Corporation is available, such a recovery shall be made from the Contractor as arrears of land revenue. B.2.45 Clause – 45 (B-1) / Clause-44 (B-2): Deleted Page 76 B.2.46 Clause – 46 (B-1) / Clause-45 (B-2) : Employment of scarcity labour : If Government declares a state of scarcity or famine to exist in any village situated within 16 kilometers of the work, the Contractor shall employ upon such parts of the work, as are suitable for unskilled labour, any person certified to him by the Engineer in charge or by any persons to whom, the Engineer in charge may have delegated this duty in writing to be in need of relief and shall be bound to pay to such persons, wages not below the minimum which Government may have fixed in this behalf. Any disputes which may arise in connection with the implementation of this clause shall be decided by the Engineer in charge whose decision shall be final and binding on the Contractor. B.2.47A Clause – 47 A: Deleted B.2.47B Clause – 47 (B-1) / Clause-46 (B-2): B.2.48 Clause – 48 (B-1) / Clause-47 (B-2): The rates to be quoted by the Contractor must be inclusive of sales tax. No extra payment on this account will be made to the Contractor. B.2.49 Clause – 49 (B-1) / Clause-48 (B-2): The Contractor should as far as possible, obtain his requirement of labourers, skilled and unskilled, from the nearest Employment Exchange so as to utilize the local employment potential. If there are no local Employment Exchanges or such Exchanges are not able to provide the required labourers locally. Suitable labourers should be utilized to the maximum extent possible. B.2.50 Clause – 50 (B-1) / Clause-49 (B-2) : Fair Wages : If the Contractor fails to pay within 7 (Seven) days to the labourer(s) / worker (s) the minimum wages prescribed by the Government under the minimum wages Act, 1948 as in force from time to time, the Engineer in charge shall be at liberty to deduct the amount payable to the labourer(s) worker(s) from his (Contractor’s) bills or deposit(s) payable by the Contractor after making due inquiries and establishing the claim(S) of the labourers(s) worker(s). Deleted The Contractor shall not be entitled to any payment or compensation on account of any loss that the Contractor may have to incur on account of the action as aforesaid. Before the action as aforesaid, is enforced, a notice in writing to the Contractor shall be issued by the Engineer-in-charge to pay the wages as per Minimum Wages Act in force at the relevant time. If contractor does not act as aforesaid within seven days, then the action contemplated as above shall be taken against him. B.2.51 Clause – 51 (B-1) / Clause-50 (B-2): Deleted B.2.52 Clause – 52 (B-1) / Clause-51 (B-2): List of Machinery: The Contractor shall also give a list of machineries in his possession and which he proposes to use on the work B.2.53 Clause – 53 (B-1) / Clause-53 (B-2): (i) In case, the roller deployed by Amdavad Municipal Corporation for the use on contract work is kept idle by the Contractor for want of adequate labour and materials, the Contractor will have to pay rental charges as per prevailing rules even though the items of rolling and watering are to be carried out by the AMC. (ii) If the Contractor does not plan his programme so as to suit the requirement of the Amdavad Municipal Corporation, the proportionate rental charges on roller shall have to be recovered from the Contractor. Page 77 B.2.54 Clause – 54 (B-1) / Clause-53 (B-2): Local labour on normal rates: The Contractor shall have to engage local labour and person seeking employment where available on normal rate. B.2.55 Clause – 55 (B-1) / Clause - 54 (B-2): Deleted B.2.56 Clause – 56 (B-1) / Clause-55 (B-2): The Contractor shall employ only such labour who shall produce a valid certificate of having been vaccinated against small pox within a period of last three years. B.2.57 Clause – 57 (B-1) / Clause 56 (B-2): (1) (2) Huts: The Contractor shall build a sufficient number of huts on a suitable plot of land for the use of the labourers according to the following specifications: (i) Huts of bamboos and grass may be constructed. (ii) A good site shall be selected; high ground removed from jungle but well provided with trees shall be chosen wherever it is available. The neighborhood of rank jungle, grass or weeds should particularly be avoided; camps should not be established close to large cuttings of earth work. (iii) The lines of huts shall have open spaces of atleast 10 m. between rows, when a good natural site can not be procured, particular attention should be given to the drainage. (iv) There should be no over crowding, Floor spaces at the rate of 2.8 sq.m. per head shall be provided. Care should be taken to see that the huts are kept clean and in good order. (v) The Contractor must find out his own land and if he wants Amdavad Municipal Corporation land, he should apply for it and pay assessment for it. Drinking Water : The Contractor shall, as far as possible, provide an adequate supply of chlorinated pure potable drinking water for the use of labourers. This provision shall be at the rate of not less than 45 liters per head, no provision need be made where there is a suitable nalla, river or well within 0.4 km. of the camp. However arrangement should, as far as possible, be made to chlorinate water by chlorine tablets before it is allowed for drinking purpose. (3) The Contractor shall construct semi permanent latrines for the use of labourers on the following scale, namely : a) Where females are employed, there shall be least one latrine for every 25 females. b) Where males are employed, there shall be at lease one latrine for every 25 males. Provided that where the number of males or females exceed 100, it shall be sufficient if there is one latrine for every 25 males or females, at the case may be, up to the first 100 and one for every 50 thereafter. Page 78 (4) Privacy in latrines : Every latrine shall be under cover and so partitioned off as secure privacy, and shall have a proper door and fastenings. (5) Notice to be displayed outside latrines and urinals: (1) Where workers of both sexes are employed, there shall be displayed outside each block of latrine and urinal a notice in the language understood by the majority of the workers “For Men only” or “For Women only”: as the case may be. (2) The notice shall also bear the figures of a man or of a woman, as the case may be. (6) Urinals: There shall be atleast one urinal for male workers up to 50 and the for female workers up to 50 employed at a time. Provided that there where the number of male or female workmen, as the case may be exceeds 500, it shall be sufficient if there is one urinal for every 50 males or females up to the first 500 and one for every 100 males or females or part thereof. (7) Latrines and Urinals to be accessible: (1) The latrines and urinals shall be conveniently situated and accessible to workers at all times at the establishment. (2) (i) The latrines and urinals shall be adequately lighted and shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition at all time (ii) Latrines and urinals other than those connected with a flush sewage system shall comply with the requirements of the Public Health Authorities. (8) Water for latrines and urinals: Water shall be provided by means of tap of otherwise, so also be conveniently accessible in or near the latrines and urinals. (9) Bathing and washing places: 1. The Contractor shall construct a sufficient number of bathing places, every unit of 20 persons being provided with a separate bathing place. 2. Washing places should also be provided for the purpose of washing clothes. Every unit of 30 persons shall have atleast one washing place. 3. Such bathing and washing places should be suitably screened and separate places provided for male and female workers. 4. Such facilities shall be conveniently accessible and shall be kept in clean and hygienic. (10) Drainage: The Contractor shall make sufficient arrangements for draining away the sewerage water as well as water form the bathing and washing places and shall Page 79 dispose of this waste in such a way as not to cause nuisance. The Contractor should obtain a permission form the Gujarat Water Pollution Control Board, Gandhinagar, if water is to be drained in river or near the well. The Contractor would put material oil once in a week in stagnant water round about the residence. (11) Medical facilities: The Contractor shall engage a medical officer with a traveling dispensary for a camp having 500 or more persons if there is no Government or other private dispensary situated with 6 Km. form the camp. (12) Conservancy and cleanliness: The Contractor shall provide the necessary staff for effecting the satisfactory conservancy and cleanliness of the camp to the satisfaction of the Engineer in charge. Atleast one sweeper per 200 persons should be engaged. Conservancy staff should dump refuge in compost pit, away from the labour camp. (13) Health Provisions: The Health Officer of the Municipal Corporation of Health Services shall be consulted before opening a labour camp and his instructions on matters, such as, the water supply, sanitary convenience, the camp-site, accommodation and food supply shall be followed by the Contractor. (14) Precautions against epidemic: (a) The authorities in charge of the colonies should get the labourers inoculated against cholera and plague and vaccinated against smallpox at the time of recruitment, if they are not inoculated or vaccinated within 6 months or 3 years respectively, prior to the date of recruitment. (b) When, in any labour camp, there is a outbreak of an epidemic disease or is threatened with such an outbreak, the authorities in charge of the labour camps, should ensure that all the inmates of the labour colonies are inoculated or vaccinated, at the case may be, depending on the diseases, with 72 hours after the outbreak. (c) The authorities in charge of the labour colony should arrange to communicate by wire regarding the outbreak of the epidemic diseases on the very day of the outbreak, to the Health Officer of Municipal Corporation in charge of that area. Thereafter they should continue to send daily reports to the above officers in the prescribed form regarding the progress of the epidemic disease. (d) When the authorities in charge of the labour colony suspect or have reason to believer that any in mate of the labour colony it suffering form the infections or contagious disease, they shall forthwith arrange for the segregation of such persons to isolated huts to be specifically provided for the purpose and also for their treatment. (e) As regional malaria epidemic outbreaks are likely to occur in such project areas, the authorities in charge of the labour colonies should report promptly the occurrence of unusual incidence of cases of malaria and also inform the Health officers of the Municipal Corporation and also arrange to institute all necessary Page 80 anti-malarial measures as may be advised by the officials of the Public Health Corporation. (f) The authorities in charge of the colonies should also arrange to carry out any other measures that may be recommended by the officials of the Public Health Corporation necessary to prevent or control the spread of disease. B.2.58 Clause – 58 (B-1) / Clause-57 (B-2): Contractor shall have to arrange for the supply of gumboots, hand gloves, mask etc., invariably to the labourers/workers engaged by the Contractor on asphalt work. B.2.59 Clause – 59 (B-1) / Clause-58 (B-2): The Contractor shall not show any distinction between Harijan and other class of labourers/ workers employed to carry out the Amdavad Municipal Corporation work. B.2.60 Clause – 60 (B-1) / Clause-59 (B-2): Price Variation clause: Deleted B.2.60A Clause – 60A (B-1) / Clause-59A (B-2): Price Variation for Cement, Steel and Asphalt brought by Contractor: Deleted B.2.61 Clause – 61 (B-1) / Clause-60 (B-2): Fencing and Lighting: B.2.62 (a) The Contractor shall, unless otherwise specified, be responsible for the proper fencing, lighting, grading and taking of the necessary safety measures for all works comprised in the contract and for the proper provision of temporary road, way, footways, guards, fences, caution notices etc., as the same may be rendered necessary by reasons of the work for the accommodation of workmen, foot passengers or other traffic and of owners and occupiers of adjacent property and the public and shall remain responsible for any accidents that may occur on account of his failure to take proper & timely precautions. (b) All the arrangements made for fencing and lighting shall be maintained by the Contractor throughout the currency of the contract till the physical taking over of the work by Amdavad Municipal Corporation. Clause – 62 (B-1) / Clause-61 (B-2): Liability of accidents to persons: Responsibilities and liabilities of the contractor under Workmen’s Compensation Act. (a) On the occurrence of an accident, which results in death of workmen employed by the contractor or which is so serious as is likely to result in death of any such workmen, the Contractor, shall within 24 hours of happening of such accident(s) intimate, in writing, to the Engineer in charge the fact of such accident(s). The contractor shall indemnify Amdavad Municipal Corporation against all loss or damage sustained by the Amdavad Municipal Corporation resulting directly form his failure to give intimation in the manner aforesaid including the penalties or fines, if any, payable by the Amdavad Municipal Corporation as consequence of Amdavad Municipal Corporation’s failure to give notice under the Workmen’s Compensation Act or otherwise to conform to the provisions of the said Act in regard to such accidents(s). (b) In the case of an accident, in respect of which compensation may become payable under Workmen’s Compensation Act, whether by the Contractor or by the Amdavad Municipal Corporation as principal Employer, it shall be lawful for the Engineer-inPage 81 charge to retain out of money due and payable to the Contractor , such sum or sum of money as may, in the opinion of the Engineer in charge, be sufficient to meet such a liability. The opinion of the Engineer in charge shall be final in regard to all matters arising under this clause. B.2.63 Clause – 63 (B-1) / Clause-62 (B-2) : Access to site and work on site : The Engineer may, if he considers fit from time to time, enter upon any land(s), which may be in possession of the Contractor this contract for the purpose of executing any work not included in this contract and may execute such work not included in this contract by agent or by other Contractors, at his opinion and the Contractor shall, in accordance with the requirements of the Engineer-in-charge, afford all reasonable facilities for execution of the work including occupation of lands by structure or otherwise for any other contractor employed by the Amdavad Municipal Corporation and his workmen or for the workmen of the Amdavad Municipal Corporation who may be employed in the execution on or near the site of the work not included in the contract or of any contract in connection with or ancillary to the work and in default, the Contractor shall be liable to the Amdavad Municipal Corporation for any delay or expense incurred by reason of such default. Provided always that if the exercise of these powers shall cause any damage to the contract, he may, within fifteen days of such damage arising, make a statement of the same to the Engineer in charge who shall, from time to time, assess the value in his judgment of such damage and the Amdavad Municipal Corporation shall form time to time pay to the Contractor the amounts (if any) accepted as justified by the Engineer in charge. B.2.64 Clause – 64 (B-1) / Clause 63 (B-2): Reports regarding labour: The contractor shall submit the following reports to the Engineer in charge. (a) (i) A daily report in the from as may be prescribed of the strength of labour both skilled and unskilled employed by him on the work(s). The contractor shall increase or decrease the strength, both skilled and unskilled, if directed by the Engineer in charge. The submission of such report shall not, however, relieve the contractor of his responsibilities and duties regarding progress or any other obligations under the contract. (ii) A classified weekly return in the prescribed form of the number of persons employed on the works during the preceding week. (iii) A weekly medical report in the prescribed form showing the health of the Contractor’s camp, the number of persons ill or incapacitated and the nature of their illness. (iv) A report of any accident, which may have occurred, to be sent within 24 hours of the occurrence. (v) Such other reports as may be prescribed. B.2.65 Clause – 65 (B-1) / Clause-64 (B-2) : Treasure trove : In the event of discovery by the Contractor or his employees, during the progress of work of any gold, silver, oil or other minerals of any description and precious stones, treasures, coils, antiquities, relic fossils or other articles or value of interest whether geological, archaeological or any other such treasure & other things shall be deemed to be absolute property of the Amdavad Municipal Corporation and the Contractor shall duly preserve the same to the satisfaction the Engineer in charge, from time to time, and deliver the same to such persons as the Engineer in charge may appoint. Page 82 The Contractor shall take all reasonable precautions to prevent his workmen or any other person form removing or damaging any such articles or thins, immediately after the discovery thereof and before removal acquaint Engineer in charge with such discovery and carry out his orders for the disposal of the same. B.2.66 Clause – 66 (B-1) / Clause-65 (B-2): Indemnity: The Contractor shall indemnify the Amdavad Municipal Corporation against all actions, suits claims & demands through or made against the Amdavad Municipal Corporation in respect of work of this contract and against any loss or damage to AMC in consequence of any action or suit being brought against the contractor for anything done or omitted to be done in execution of the work of this contract. B.2.67 Clause – 67 (B-1) / Clause-66 (B-2): Insurance of labourers: The Contractor shall be responsible to arrange for insurance of all labourers. Skilled and unskilled, workers, supervisors etc., employed by him as per labour regulations of the state. B.2.68 Clause – 68(B-1) / Clause-67 (B-2) : Setting out : The Contractor shall be responsible for the true and proper setting out of the works and the correctness of positions, levels, dimensions and alignments of all parts of the work and for the provisions of all necessary instruments, appliance and labour in connection therewith. If, at any time, during the progress of the work, any errors, appear or arise in the positions, levels, dimensions or alignments of any part of the work, the Contractor, on being required to rectify such errors by the Engineer in charge shall at his own expense do so to the satisfaction of the Engineer in charge, if however, such error is based on incorrect data supplied in writing by the Engineer in charge, the expense of rectifying the same shall be borne by the Corporation. The checking of and setting out of any line or level by the Engineer in charge or his representative shall not in any way, relieve the contractor of his responsibilities for the correctness of the error. The Contractor shall carefully protect and observe all bench marks, site nails, pags and other thins used in setting out of the work(s). B.2.69 Clause – 69 (B-1) / Clause-68 (B-2): Deleted B.2.70 Clause – 70 (B-1) / Clause-69 (B-2): Deleted B.2.71 Clause – 71 (B-1) / Clause-70 (B-2): Progress schedule: The Contractor shall furnish, within one month (unless extended by the Engineer in charge) of the order to start the work, the progress schedule in quadruplicate indicating the date of starting, the monthly progress expected to be achieved and the anticipated completion date of each major item of work to be done by him, also indicating dates of procurement and setting up the materials plants and machinery. The Schedule should include a statement of proposed general and detailed arrangements for carrying out works and of time, order and manner in which it is proposed that these shall be executed. The schedule should be farmed keeping requirements of the clause 2 of Tender form in view and be such as in practice to the achievement towards completion of the work in the time limit and of the particular items on the dates specified in the contract and shall have the approval of the Engineer in charge. Further, the dates for the progress, as in this schedule shall be adhered to. (a) In case it is found necessary, at any stage, to alter the schedule, the Contractor shall submit in good time. A revised schedule incorporating necessary modifications proposed and get the same approved from the Engineer - in – charge is further empowered to ask for more detailed schedule or schedules, say, week by week, for any item or items and the Contractor shall supply the same as and when asked for. Page 83 B.2.72 (b) The Engineer in charge shall have, at all times, the right, without in any way vitlating this contract forming grounds for any claim, to alter the order of the work or any part thereof and the Contractor shall also revise the progress schedules accordingly and submit four copies of the revised schedule to the Engineer - in – charge within seven days of the said Engineer’s direction to alter the order of works. (c) The Contractor shall furnish sufficient plant, equipment and labour and shall work such hours and shifts as may be necessary to maintain the progress of the work as per approved progress schedule. The working and shift hours shall comply with all Amdavad Municipal Corporation regulations in force and shall be such, as may be approved by the Engineer - in – charge and the same shall not be varied without the prior approval of Engineer - in – charge. (d) The Contractor shall from time to time, as may be required by the Engineer - in – charge, furnish the Engineer - in – charge with a statement in writing of the arrangements he proposes to adopt for the execution of this contract and the Engineer - in – charge may, if he considers necessary at any time advise alteration in the same, which the Contractor shall adopt on notice thereof. (e) The progress schedule(s) shall be in the form of progress chart, forms, statements and/or reports as may be approved by the Engineer - in – charge (f) The approval of the progress schedules by the Engineer - in – charge shall not relieve the Contractor of any of his duties and responsibilities under the contract. The adoption of any modification in the schedule required by the Engineer - in – charge shall not entitle the Contractor to any extra payment. Clause – 72 (B-1) / Clause-71 (B-2) : Secured advance to contract : (NOT APPLICABLE) (1) The secured advance will be paid on tested materials like cement and steel only after contractor furnish the bank guarantee for the amount of secured advance applied, test certificate and bill of payment. The contractor shall apply for secured advance in Form No. 31 prescribed by the Government of Gujarat and shall make mortgage deed while applying for secured advance. (2) Advance on security of materials brought to site will not exceed 75 percent of the value (as assessed by the Executive Engineer) of such materials provided that they are of imperishable nature. (3) Recovery of advances will be done as soon as it is used and it shall not be postponed until the whole of the work entrusted is completed. Secured advance shall be recovered within 3 months from the month in which secured advance is given even if material is not utilized in the work (4) Secured advance is permissible on materials which are actually brought on site and are required by the contractor for use on items if works for which rates for finished work have been agreed upon. (5) Secured advance will be given only on such materials for which the full cost is paid by the contractor to the seller. (6) When the secured on advance on material is to be granted for the amount more than 50,000 the Executive Engineer will verify the quality and quantity of the material before payment of advance. Page 84 (7) When the deficit material for which secured advance is given in noticed the contractor shall immediately notify the same to the Engineer-in-charge. B.2.73 Clause – 73 (B-1) / Clause-72 (B-2): Advance payment: Deleted B.2.74 Clause – 74 (B-1) / Clause-73 (B-2): Advance against machineries: Deleted B.2.75 Clause – 75 (B-1) / Clause-74 (B-2): Mobilization advance: Deleted B.2.76 Clause – 76 (B-1) / Clause-75 (B-2): Before starting the work, the contractor will have to obtain the license from the District Assistant Labor Commissioner under the contract labor (Regulation and abolition) Act, 1970 and contract labor (Regulation and abolition) Gujarat Rules, 1972 after paying necessary fees and deposit on the basis of the number of laborers to be employed on the work and will have to supply two true copies of the said license to the client before the work is stared. B.2.77 Clause – 77 (B-1) / Clause-76 (B-2): All the testing works shall be carried out as specified in specifications at the cost of contractor. B.2.78 Clause – 78 (B-1) / Clause-77 (B-2): Deleted Annexure: The information in the following annexure specimens should be furnished on separate letter pad if necessary. Page 85 ANNEXURE – 1 (Referred to in Condition No. 2 General Rules and Direction for the guidance of contractors) To, The Municipal Commissioner, AMC Place: Date: Details regarding my / our partners / our company (in the case of limited company) Names, Address (es), telephone numbers(s) etc. are as under: Sr. No. Name(s) of person/partner Director of the Company Full address of the place of business (with pin code) Telephone No.(s) (Office) Residential address (es) (Resi.) Telephone No.(s) 1 2 3 4 5 6 I/We hereby agree to intimate to you about change if any, in the above mentioned address(es) and telephone No.(s) within Fifteen days of its occurrence till my / our deposit, for the said work paid by me/us is not returned to me/us. Dated Signature of Tenderer Page 86 SECTION: B-3 SCHEDULE S – A & B Page 87 B – 3: SCHEDULES SCHEDULE ‘A’ – NOT APPLICABLE Schedule Showing (approximately) the materials to be supplied from the Amdavad Municipal Corporation Store for Work Contracted to be executed and the rates at which they are to be charged for Particulars Approximate Quantity Rate at which the materials will be charged to the Contractor Unit Rs. Place delivery Note – 1 : The person of firm submitting the tender should see that the rates in the above schedule are filled up by the Engineer - in – charge on the issue of the from prior to the submission of the tender. Note – 2 : Stores to be supplied to Contractors for a work free of cost should be mentioned in Schedule ‘A’ in addition to Schedule ‘B’ and the specification attached to the contract agreement form. Note – 3 : All empty drums involved in the supply by Corporation to the Contractor under this contract shall be returned in undamaged condition within the time prescribed by the Municipal Commissioner, AMC by the Contractor to the original place of delivery. No allowance on account of these empty drums will be made to the Contractor and in the event of non-return, Rs. 65 will be changed to the Contractor for each unreturned drum or badly damaged one. Note – 4 : Empty bags of cement supplied by the Government will be the property of the Contractor and no recovery for the non-return of the same will be made. Page 88 SCHEDULE ‘B’ Memorandum Showing Items of Works to be carried out Items No. Quantities estimated but may be more or less Item of work 1 2 3 Estimated Rate In figures In words 4 5 Unit 6 Total amount according to estimated quantities 7 I/We am/are willing to carry out the work at _______________ (should be written in figures and words) the tendered amount mentioned above. Amount of my / our tender works out as under: Estimated amount put to tender: Rs. __________Estimated amount : Rs. _________ Total Tender Amount Net : Rs. __________ Total Tender Amount : Rs. _________ In words ______________________________________________________________ Note – 1 : All work shall be carried out as per specification of AMC and in absence of specification, ISS specification shall be applicable. Note – 2 : Rate of each item should be written in figures and total amount of tender should be written in figure and word. Note – 3 : Rates quoted include clearance of site (prior commencement of work and at its close) in all respects and hold good for work under all conditions of site and all weather conditions. No extra payment shall be paid for dewatering and extra excavation. Page 89 SECTION: B-4 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Page 90 B – 4 : GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS B.4.1 The work shall be completed within specified time as mentioned in Section A2 of VolumeI after the order to start the work. B.4.2 The details of supply, installation, testing & commissioning of electrical & mechanical work shall be as per design and instructions of Municipal Commissioner, AMC and his order will be considered final. B.4.3 The Contractor shall have to properly store the material brought by him on site. This shall be kept open for inspection by AMC staff. B.4.4 The Contractor shall remain responsible for workmen’s compensation, if any, when such case occurs. The contractor shall arrange for red lamps at night and fencing and pagi and shall be responsible for any damage of life and limb or property, if any happens, during the execution of work. In case of dispute for unseen or overlooked items, the decision of Municipal Commissioner, AMC shall be final. The Contractor shall have to give site clean of all rubbish on completion of work and hand over the site with final finishing of the work as directed. All the rejected materials shall be removed from site within 24 hours by Contractor at his risk and cost. B.4.5 The contractor shall have to build a store at his own, however the space for the same will be provided by AMC. B.4.6 The Contractor shall have to make his own arrangement for water and power required for the work during execution stage. B.4.7 If any extra item crops up during the progress of works, the same shall be carried out by the contractor, after approval of Municipal Commissioner, AMC and he shall be paid at the rate fixed by the Municipal Commissioner, AMC as per the rate analysis based on current market rates or current SOR whichever is less. B.4.8 If in the interest of the AMC it is necessary to change either any site or the design of the proposed work the Contractor shall carry out the same at his quoted rates without charging any extra and he will be paid at the rates quoted by him and no claim for extra amount for subsequent changes made will be entertained. B.4.9 The work shall not be done on Sunday and holiday except in emergency or when technical requirements are such that continuity of work should be maintained and that too will be with prior permission of the competent authority B.4.10 All the materials required for the execution of works shall have to be brought by the contractor from open market. B.4.11 Octroi exemption passes shall not be given for any material required for this work. B.4.12 Contractor will be fully responsible for compliance of the various provisions under Contract Labor Act, 1970 and the Rules frames there under. The Contractor should obtain necessary permissions, license & registrations from labour commissioner, as per labour law. Page 91 B.4.13 The bidder shall note that if the information required to be furnished by him either at the stage of pre-qualification or at the stage of bidding are not provided in time and its deliberated concealed and such information has come to the notice of AMC at any stage prior to award of Work and whether or not negatively affecting bidders competency the AMC reserve the right to out rightly reject the bid, though he is pre-qualified in the absence of such information. B.4.14 Contractor has to carryout initial survey before starting of the work and has to take necessary actions to protect and restore existing service lines. Any damage to such lines are to be repaired or reinstate by contractor at his own cost. In case of failure to carryout such repair or reinstatement of such damaged line by contractor AMC will carryout the same at the risk and cost of the contractor. No claim of contractor for such recovery work will be admissible. Any such service line is required to be shifted in the interest of the this work, same will be carried out by the contractor and the cost of same will be reimburse by AMC as per actual expenditure or prevailing market rate whichever is less. B.4.15 AMC has all right to alter or omit any item or part thereof B.4.16 All the precautionary measures for safety are to be taken by the contractor during execution of work at site. B.4.17 All necessary actions for any diversion of traffic shall be arranged by the contractor with all indicating signboards and fluorescent lighting system during night period. Signature of Tenderer : Additional Chief Engineer (S.O.E&M) Name : Amdavad Municipal Corporation Company’s seal : Date : Date : Page 92 SECTION: B-5 ANNEXURES Page 93 B – 5: ANNEXURES ANNEXURE - B.5 (A) RULES FOR GRANT OF ADVANCE AGAINST MACHINERY ETC. (DELETED) Page 94 ANNEXURE - B.5 (B) RULES FOR GRANT OF MOBILISATION ADVANCE (DELETED) Page 95 ANNEXURE - B.5 (C) CAUSE FOR ARBITRATION (DELETED) Page 96 ANNEXURE - B.5 (D) PRICE ESCALATION (DELETED) Page 97 ANNEXURE –- B.5 (E) LIQUIDATED DAMAGES 1. If the contractor fails to complete work or a designated part their of by stipulated completion date, he shall pay liquidated damages, at the rate 0.2% of balance work value per day from the date of delaying the same work up to the date of completion and handing over to AMC. 2. The amount of liquidated damages shall, however be subjected to a maximum limit of 10 (ten) percent of quoted amount put to tender. 3. Delay to the extent of payment of liquidated damages at 10% of the quoted amount shall be sufficient cause for termination of the contract and forfeiture of all security deposit and performance bond as well as contractor may be black listed Signature of Tenderer : Additional Chief Engineer (S.O.E&M) Name : Amdavad Municipal Corporation Company’s seal : Date : Date : Page 98 ANNEXURE - B.5 (F) STAR RATE (DELETED) Page 99 SECTION: B-6 SCHEDULES Page 100 B – 6: SCHEDULES DELETED PLEASE REFER THE SECTION A-2 FOR B-6 SCHEDULES INDICATING FROM FORMAT A 2.1 TO A 2.8 WHICH ARE MANDATORY TO FILL BY ALL BIDDERS. Page 101 SECTION: C C-1: GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS-NON TECHNICAL C-2: ADDITIONAL GENERAL CONDITIONS C-3: SAFETY PROVISIONS Page 102 SECTION - C : SPECIFICATIONS : NON - TECHNICAL CONTENTS Sr. No. C.1 Description Page No. General Specifications C.1.1 Location and Description of Works 108 C.1.2 Drawings 108 C.1.3 Issue and Return of Contract Document 108 C.1.4 Programme of Work 108 C.1.5 Progress 109 C.1.6 Time for Completion 109 C.1.7 Certificates of Completion 109 C.1.8 Patents, Rights and Royalties 109 C.1.9 The Site 110 C.1.10 Access to The Site 110 C.1.11 Geological Information 110 C.1.12 Setting Out The Works 110 C.1.13 Temporary Works 110 C.1.14 Amenities to Be Preserved 110 C.1.15 Works to Be Kept Clear of Water (Not Applicable) 111 C.1.16 Discharge of Water into Existing Water Courses (Not Applicable) 111 C.1.17 Preventive Measures of Pollution 111 C.1.18 Effects of Weather 111 C.1.19 Site to Be Kept Tidy 112 C.1.20 Safety Measures and Services 112 C.1.21 Claims for Damage to Persons or Property 113 C.1.22 Assistance for The Engineer’s Staff 113 C.1.23 Publicity Notice Board 114 C.1.24 Clearing Site on Completion 114 C.1.25 Forms of Monthly Statements 114 C.1.26 Production of Vouchers, ETC 114 C.1.27 Day-Work 114 C.1.28 Claims 114 C.1.29 Engineer’s Representative 115 Page 103 Sr. No. Description C.1.30 Defects in Work 115 C.1.31 Qualification and Experience of Tender 115 C.1.32 Payment of Items on Lump sum Basis 116 C.1.33 Interpretation of Documents 116 C.1.34 Errors and Discrepancies in Tenders 116 C.1.35 Information Furnished 116 C.1.36 Payment Terms 116 C.1.37 Brand Names 117 C.1.38 Equipment for Execution 117 C.1.39 Inspections and Tests 117 C.1.40 Packing 118 C.1.41 Delivery and Documents 118 C.1.42 Insurance 118 C.1.43 Transportation 118 C.1.44 Spare Parts 118 C.1.45 Warranty 119 C.1.46 Record of Labour Employed 119 C.1.47 Extra Item of Work 119 C.1.48 Disputes 119 C.1.49 C2 C-3 Page No. C.1.49 (A) Annexure 120 C.1.49 (B) Annexure 121 Additional General Conditions C.2.1 Taxes and Duties on Indigenous Material 123 C.2.2 Rates for Extra Item 123 C.2.3 Financial Bid 123 C.2.4 Child Labour 123 Safety Provisions 125 Page 104 SECTION: C-1 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Page 105 SECTION – C: SPECIFICATIONS: NON – TECHNICAL C – 1: GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS C.1.1 LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF WORKS C.1.1.1 SITC of HNC Pumping machineries & Conversion of Existing LT Service to HT Service with related Mechanical & Electrical work at Navana Vatwa Sewage Pumping Station in South Zone of Amdavad Municipal Corporation. C.1.2 DRAWINGS C.1.2.1 The work shall agree in all particulars with the contract drawings and amendments to drawings which shall be read in conjunction with the specification. A Schedule of Drawings accompanying the Specifications is given in Section G. Further drawings may be issued by the Engineer, if necessary, as the work proceeds. C.1.2.2 The enclosed drawings are for the reference of Tenderer and information only, as they are preliminary in nature. Owner/Engineer reserves the right to change the plans, locations, delete or add some parts of the work, etc. if warranted at the time of preparation of detailed drawings or as work proceeds. Contractor will have no claims on Owner/Engineer on this account. Contractor shall carefully scrutinize the drawings and he shall be responsible to point out discrepancy or anomalies if any to the Engineer before execution of the work affected thereby. C.1.2.3 Contractor, his employees and agents shall not disclose to anyone any information contained on drawings, or otherwise furnished to him by Owner / Engineer including all drawings, reports etc. prepared by Consultant / Contractor either individually or jointly for the execution of the works without prior approval of Engineer. No photographs of the works or plant within the site premises shall be taken without prior written approval of Owner / Engineer. C.1.3 ISSUE AND RETURN OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS C.1.3.1 The original copy of signed contract document (including drawings will be retained by the AMC). The Contractor will be furnished with two sets of contract drawings and the certified copy of the accepted tender along with the Work Order free of cost. He will also be issued two sets of working drawings, free of cost, which will be issued progressively during the execution of the contract. Further copies of the contract drawings and working drawings if required by him shall supplied at the rate of Rs. 1500 per set of contract drawings and Rs. 500 per working drawing. The above contract drawings, working drawings and tender documents issued to Contractor shall remain as the property of the AMC and hence the Contractor shall have to return the same to the Engineer’s Representative not later than the end of the Defects Liability Period. C.1.4 PROGRAMME OF WORK C.1.4.1 The major works to be carried out under this contract form an important part of the AMC Sewage Scheme. Importance is placed on the proper programming of the electrical & mechanical work with adequate provision for all delays normally encountered. Page 106 C.1.4.2 Notwithstanding the provisions of Clause B.2.6 of the Conditions of Contract, no extension of time will be granted by the Engineer in respect of inclement weather or its effects (such as floods or droughts), fire or industrial disputes unless such events could not reasonably have been foreseen by an experienced Contractor. All allowances to guard against such delays shall be clearly indicated in his programme. C.1.4.3 As soon as practicable after acceptance of his tender and in any case before starting work on site, the Contractor shall submit for the Engineer’s approval a detailed programme of work in the form of a PERT / CPM Network and a bar chart together with a description of his proposed methods of working. The programme shall take into account, the importance of completing the various parts of the works in accordance with Clause for time for completion of the Contract. C.1.5 PROGRESS C.1.5.1 The Contractor shall regularly review his programme in the light of the progress actually achieved and shall submit for approval updated PERT/CPM Network and bar charts at intervals to be agreed with the Engineer’s Representative. If progress falls behind that needed to ensure timely completion of the various parts of the works, the Contractor shall submit proposals for improving his methods and pace of working to the satisfaction of Engineer’s Representative and shall carry out such measures as are needed to ensure that the works are completed on time. C.1.6 TIME FOR COMPLETION C.1.6.1 The time limit for this Contract is as per Section-A2 “Memorandum of Work” is inclusive of monsoon period. The Contractor shall commence the works on site when ordered by the Engineer and shall proceed with the same with due expedition and without delay except as may be expressly sanctioned or ordered by the Engineer or be wholly beyond the Contractor’s control. C.1.7 CERTIFICATES OF COMPLETION C.1.7.1 If the Engineer issues a Certificate of Completion of a part of the works pursuant to Clause B.2.7 of the Conditions of Contract. The Contractor shall as far as practicable finish all outstanding work in that part of the works during the relevant Defects Liability Period. No Certificates of Completion shall relieve the Contractor or any of his obligations in connection with other Contractors whose work is carried out after the issue if such a certificate. C.1.8 PATENTS, RIGHTS AND ROYALTIES C.1.8.1 The Contractor shall save harmless and indemnify the Municipal Commissioner and the AMC from and against all claims and proceedings for or on account of infringement of any patents, rights, design, trade mark or name of other protected rights on respect of any Constructional plant, machine, work or material used for or in connection with the works or temporary works or any of them and from and against all claims, demands, proceedings, damages, costs, charges, and expenses whatsoever in respect thereof or in relation thereto. Except where otherwise specified, the Contractor shall pay all tonnage and other royalties, rent and other payments or compensation if any for getting stone, sand, gravel, clay or other materials required for the works or temporary works or any of them. Page 107 C.1.9 THE SITE C.1.9.1 Tenderer must visit the work site and see for himself the site and ground conditions in all respects including availability of labour (skilled and unskilled), approaches, availability of water, electricity, materials, and all other matters affecting the work before submitting the tender. C.1.9.2 The submission of the tender by Tenderer implies that he had visited the work site, read the entire tender document and has made himself aware of the scope of specification of work to be performed and of the conditions and rates at which materials will be issued to him and local conditions and other factors which have a bearing on the execution of work. C.1.9.3 Owner will not, therefore, after acceptance of the tender, pay any extra charges for any reason whatsoever in case Contractor find later on to have misjudged the site and other conditions. C.1.10 ACCESS TO THE SITE C.1.10.1 The Contractor shall arrange to construct, maintain and afterwards remove and reinstate any temporary access required for and in connection with the execution of the works. Reinstatement shall include restoring the area of the access route to at least the degree of safety, stability, drainage and appearance that existed before the Contractor entered the site. C.1.11 GEOLOGICAL INFORMATION C.1.11.1 Bore hole data available with AMC can be inspected by the Contractor. The AMC accepts no responsibility, whatsoever for inferences drawn from this data and the Contractor is deemed to have satisfied himself on his own responsibility as to the extent to which this information represents the conditions to be encountered. C.1.12 SETTING OUT THE WORKS C.1.12.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for the true and proper setting out of the works in relation to original points, lines and levels of reference given by the Engineer in writing or shown on the Drawings and for correctness, subject as above mentioned in the position, levels, dimensions and alignment of all parts of the works and for the provision of all necessary instruments, appliances and labour in connection therewith. The checking of any setting out of any line or level by the Engineer’s Representative shall not in any way relieve the Contractor of his responsibility for the correctness thereof. C.1.12.2 C.1.13 TEMPORARY WORKS C.1.13.1 A reasonable time (in any case not less than 28 days) before he intends to commence construction of any temporary works, the Contractor shall submit full particulars including drawings of the same for the approval of the Engineer’s Representative. Submission to an approval by the Engineer’s Representative of any such particulars shall not relieve the Contractor of any of his responsibilities under the Contract. C.1.14 AMENITIES TO BE PRESERVED C.1.14.1 The Contractor shall cause the least possible interference with the existing amenities, whether natural of man made. No tree shall be felled without permission of the Engineer’s Page 108 Representative and clearance of the site shall generally be kept to the minimum necessary for the works and temporary works. Temporary works shall be sited so as minimize the number of trees to be felled. C.1.15 WORKS TO BE KEPT CLEAR OF WATER – (NOT APPLICABLE) C.1.15.1 The Contractor shall keep the works well drained until the Engineer certifies that the whole of the works is substantially complete and shall ensure that so far as is practicable, all work is carried out in the dry. Excavated areas shall be kept well drained and free from standing water. C.1.15.2 The Contractor shall construct, operate and maintain all temporary dams, watercourses and other works of all kinds including pumping and well-point dewatering that may be necessary to exclude water from the works while they are in progress and till they are handed over to the AMC. This refers mainly to surface water that may enter into the excavated construction work. No separate payment will be made for such dewatering works / measures. Unit rates quoted by Contractor will be deemed to have covered expenses for such dewatering works. Such temporary works shall not be removed without the approval of the Engineer’s Representative. C.1.15.3 Notwithstanding any approval by the Engineer’s Representative of the Contractor’s arrangements for the exclusive of water, the Contractor shall be responsible for the sufficiency thereof and for keeping the Works safe at all times, particularly during any floods and for making good at his own expense any damage to the works including any that may be attributable to floods. Any loss of production or additional costs of any kind that may result from floods shall be at the Contractor’s own risk. C.1.16 DISCHARGE OF WATER INTO EXISTING WATER COURSES – (NOT APPLICABLE) C.1.16.1 The Contractor shall make provision for the discharge or disposal from the works and temporary works of all water and waste products howsoever arising and the methods of disposal shall be to the satisfaction of the Engineer’s Representative and of any Authority of person having an interest in any land or watercourse or in which waste may be so discharged. The requirements of this clause shall not limit any of the Contractor’s obligations or liabilities. C.1.17 PREVENTIVE MEASURES OF POLLUTION C.1.17.1 The Contractor shall ensure that all times during the construction of the works all reasonable precautions are taken to the satisfaction of the Engineer’s Representative to prevent pollution of the site and of the environment. In particular, the Contractor shall prevent pollution arising from the disposal or spillage of sewage, diesel fuel, oil, liquid mud, or from the disturbance of natural dust, aggregate dust or cement dust. C.1.18 EFFECTS OF WEATHER C.1.18.1 The Contractor shall ensure that no damage occurs to the works during construction by arranging adequate protection for excavation or building work against the effects of drought, sunshine, wind or rainfall (including erosion and flooding). No work shall be performed when in the opinion of the Engineer’s Representative such work is liable to be injuriously affected by the weather. The Contractor shall have no claim against the AMC on account of loss alleged to have been sustained directly or indirectly by reason of the Page 109 Engineer’s Representative declining to permit such work to start or continue, or ordering any work damaged by the weather to be made good or removed and re-executed. C.1.19 SITE TO BE KEPT TIDY C.1.19.1 The Contractor shall keep the site and all working areas in a tidy and workman like condition and free from rubbish waste materials. Any temporary works, constructional plant, materials or other things which for the time being are not required for use by the Contractor may with the consent of the Engineer’s Representative be removed from the site but otherwise shall be dispersed about the site in an orderly fashion and shall be properly and securely stored thereon. C.1.20 SAFETY MEASURES AND SERVICES C.1.20.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for the safety of all workmen and other persons entering or in the works and shall take all measures necessary to ensure their safety to the approval of the Engineer’s Representative. Reference in these respects shall also be made to the Conditions of Contract and safety provisions but in particular, such measures shall include the following: (a) Provision of proper safety and emergency regulations’ fire, gas and electric shock precautions, stretchers, first-aid box and fire extinguisher together with rescue facilities generally for each place of working : (b) Provision of efficient safety helmets for all personnel including the Engineer’s Representative and each of his staff and any authorized visitors to site; (c) Safe control of water including provision of ample standby generating and pumping plant; (d) Provision and maintenance of suitable lighting to provide adequate illumination of works with appropriate spares and standby equipment; (e) Provision and maintenance of safe, sound mechanical equipment, each item of plant having an up-to-date testing certificates ; (f) Provision and maintenance of safe, sound, ropes, slings, pulleys and other lifting tackle, each appliance having an up-to-date testing certificate where appropriate; (g) Provision of notices 1.25 m x 1.5 m size written in bold letters in English, Gujarati and Hindi to be erected on existing footpaths and at points of access likely to be used by the pubic, which shall warn the public of the Works. These notices shall be in addition to any statutory requirements demanded of the Contractor. C.1.20.2 The Contractor shall submit for the approval of the Engineer’s Representative detailed proposals under (a) above. When the regulations have been approved and before the work started, the Contractor shall distribute copies in English or in other languages as appropriate to all his employees and to the Engineer’s Representative. C.1.20.3 The Contractor shall ensure that all his employee are fully conversant with the regulation, emergency and rescue procedures, etc. and the Contractor shall enforce the rule that any employee committing a serious breach of such a regulations shall be instantly dismissed and shall no be re-employed. C.1.20.4 Contractor shall provide and maintain at his own expenses all lights, guards, fencing and necessary watchmen when and where necessary or ad required by Owner / Engineer for Page 110 the protection of the works or for the safety and convenience of those employed on the works and the public. Contractor shall also provide at his cost traffic barricades, men for diverting and controlling traffic, necessary sign boards for diversion of traffic. In the event of failure on the part of Contractor, Owner man with or without notice to Contractor put up a fence or improve a fence already put up or provide and/or improve the lighting or adopt such other measures as he may deem necessary, and all the cost of such work and procedures as may be adopted by Owner / Engineer shall be borne by Contractor. Maintenance of adequate warning and general lighting at nights a t place of work is essential. C.1.20.5 Contractor shall take the necessary permission and clearance of all the authorities like department of Roads, traffic, Water Supply and Drainage; Electricity Board, Telephone Company, etc. Wherever necessary and observe the regulations regarding the execution of work in congested areas, heavy traffic areas, etc. C.1.21 CLAIMS FOR DAMAGE TO PERSONS OR PROPERTY C.1.21.1 Any claim received by the AMC or the Engineer’s Representative in respect of matters in which the Contractor is required under the Contract to indemnify the AMC will be passed to the Contractor who shall likewise inform the AMC and the Engineer’s Representative of any such claim which is submitted directly to him by a claimant. The Contractor shall do everything necessary, including notifying the insures of claims received, to ensure that all claims are settled properly and expeditiously and shall keep the AMC and the Engineer’s Representative informed as to the progress made towards settlement, failing which the AMC shall be entitled to make direct payment to claimants of all outstanding amounts due to them in the AMCs. Opinion and without prejudice to any other method of recovery to deduct by way of offset the amounts so paid from any sums due or which become due from the AMC to the Contract. C.1.21.2 If the Contractor receives a claim which he considers to be in respect of matters in which he is indemnified by the AMC under the Contract, he shall immediately pass such claims to the AMC. C.1.21.3 Contractor will be solely responsible for any loss to life or limbs of workmen or the public arising out of inadequate protective and/or safety measures taken by Contractor and irrespective of whether or not Engineer has ordered Contractor to take protective and safety measures. C.1.22 ASSISTANCE FOR THE ENGINEER’S STAFF C.1.22.1 The Contractor shall provide all necessary assistance to the Engineer’s Representative and his staff in carrying out their duties of checking the setting out, inspecting and measuring the work. The Contractor shall provide necessary assistance including labourers as may be needed from time to time by the Engineer’s Representative. C.1.22.2 The Contractor shall provide for the Engineer’s Representative and his staff such protective clothing, safety helmets and rubber boots of suitable sizes as may reasonably be required by them. These articles shall remain the property of the Contractor. No separate payment shall be made on this account. Page 111 C.1.23 PUBLICITY NOTICE BOARD C.1.23.1 In addition to Clause C.1.20.1 (g) above, the Contractor shall provide, maintain and remove at the end of the Defects Liability Period a publicity notice board constructed according to the requirements of the AMC. C.1.24 CLEARING SITE ON COMPLETION C.1.24.1 On completion of the Works, the Contractor shall clear away and remove from the site all Constructional Plant, surplus materials, rubbish, Temporary Works of every kind and leave the whole of the site and the works clean and in a workmanlike condition to the satisfaction of the Engineer. C.1.24.2 The Contractor shall comply with the above requirements before the start of the Defects Liability Period and by the end of that period shall clear, regrade terrace, level topsoil and grass all his working areas as instructed by the Engineer’s Representative. No separate payment shall be made on his account. C.1.25 FORMS OF MONTHLY STATEMENTS C.1.25.1 The Contractor shall raise the monthly bill as per Clause No. 10 of Section ‘B-2’. C.1.26 PRODUCTION OF VOUCHERS, ETC. C.1.26.1 The Contractor shall when required by the Engineer produce all quotations, invoices, vouchers, and accounts or receipts in connection with expenditure in respect of provisional sums. C.1.26.2 The contractor shall furnish to the Engineer’s Representative such receipts or other vouchers as may be necessary to provide the amounts paid and before ordering materials shall submit to the Engineer quotations for the same for his approval. C.1.27 DAY-WORK C.1.27.1 In respect of all work executed on a day work basis, the Contractor shall during the continuance of such work deliver each day to the Engineer’s Representative an exact list in duplicate of the names, occupations and time of all workmen employed on such work and a statement also in duplicate showing the description and quantity of all materials and plant used thereon or therefore (other the Schedule here in above referred to). One copy of each list and statement will if correct or when agreed to, be signed by the Engineer’s Representative and returned to the Contractor. At the end of each month, the Contractor shall deliver to the Engineer’s Representative a priced statement of the labour, materials and plant (except as aforesaid) used and the Contractor shall not be entitled to any payment unless such lists and statements have been fully and punctually rendered. Providing always that is the Engineer shall consider that for any reason the sending of such list of statement by the Contractor in accordance with the foregoing provision was impracticable, he shall nevertheless be entitled to authorize payment for such work either as day work (on being satisfied as to the time employed and plant and materials used on such work), or at such value therefore as shall in his opinion be fair and reasonable. C.1.28 CLAIMS C.1.28.1 The Contractor shall send to the Engineer’s Representative once in every month an account giving particulars (as full and detailed as possible) of all claims for any additional Page 112 expense to which the Contractor may consider himself entitled and of all extra or additional work ordered by the Engineer which he has executed during the preceding month and no claim for payment for any such work will be considered which has not been included in such particulars. Provided always that the Engineer shall be entitled to authorize payment to made for any such work notwithstanding the Contractor’s failure to comply with this condition if the Contractor has at the earliest practicable opportunity notified the Engineer that he intends to make claim for such work. C.1.29 ENGINEER’S REPRESENTATIVE C.1.29.1 Where reference in the specification is made to the Engineer, the powers as described shall be deemed to be delegated to the Engineer’s Representative. C.1.30 DEFECTS IN WORK C.1.30.1 If any subsidence or breakdown or any defects take place in any part of the mechanical & electrical work whatsoever during defects liability period from the completion of the contracted work, Contractor shall make good the same at his own cost, or Owner / Engineer may without notice to Contractor make good the same in any and with any material that he may think proper and at the expense of Contractor. Owner / Engineer may also of he anticipates the occurrence of any subsidence, employ watchmen to look after the same unless it has been set right. The expenses of such watchmen shall be charged to Contractor. C.1.31 QUALIFICATION AND EXPERIENCE OF TENDERER C.1.31.1 Engineer will review the qualification and experience of the Tenderers in respect of (a) Past experience (b) Major works on hand (c) Technical personnel (d) Financial capacity (e) Method of execution proposed to be used (f) Any other relevant information. C.1.31.2 For this purpose, tenderers are requested to furnish information, in the Schedules 1 to 8 enclosed. The above information shall be specific, self-explanatory and must bring out the qualifications and experience of the tenderer intending to carry out this Contract. Engineer reserves the right to reject any offer which, in the opinion of the Engineer, has been made by a Tenderer who does not qualify to meet the standards by way of experience, resources, and technical skills, expected of him. C.1.31.3 If the tender is submitted by a group of firms, it is necessary that the sponsoring firm submits separate and complete information about each firm in the group and identify those who have the responsibility for the execution of the work. It shall be clearly established in the tender as to who will be the lead firm and the expected participation or share of each of the members of the group. Page 113 C.1.32 PAYMENT OF ITEMS ON LUMPSUM BASIS C.1.32.1 Items to be paid on “Lump sum” basis shall be paid only after these items are accepted by Engineer as 100% complete. C.1.33 INTERPRETATION OF DOCUMENTS C.1.33.1 Tenderers shall carefully examine the Tender documents and fully inform themselves as to all the conditions and matters which may in any way affect the work or the cost thereof. Should a tenderer find discrepancies in or omission from the specification or other document, or should he be in doubt as to their meaning, he should at once address a query to the Municipal Commissioner, AMC. Any resulting interpretation of the Tender Documents will be issued to all tenderers as an addendum. Verbal clarification and/or information given by the Municipal Commissioner, AMC shall not be binding on the AMC. C.1.34 ERRORS AND DISCREPANCIES IN TENDERS C.1.34.1 Should the Schedule of Quantities and Rates submitted with the tender be found to contain errors such as adding mistakes, incorrect transference and discrepancies between rates and amounts, the Engineer will advise the tenderer of any errors and discrepancies as a aforesaid which may have been found in the Schedule of Quantities and Rates and after discussions with the Tenderer, will make such amendments (and no others) as are proper to resolve the errors and discrepancies as aforesaid and will retotal the amount in Schedule of Quantities and Rates. C.1.34.2 In general the quoted unit price in the original tender will apply when discrepancies arise with the extended price. C.1.34.3 The foregoing procedure may be applied at any time prior to the acceptance of a tender, but the Engineer undertakes no responsibility towards any tenderer for any error or discrepancy which is not discovered during Engineer’s Examination of tenders. C.1.35 INFORMATION FURNISHED C.1.35.1 The information given to Tenderers in this tender document comprising of all parts is given in good faith and meant to serve only as a guide. Owner / Engineer will not hold himself responsible if any such information given for the guidance of Contractor is found to be incorrect, partly or in whole and or any deductions, conclusions or interpretation drawn by Contractor. It is, therefore, imperative that Tenderer must obtain and examine for himself all data, information and particulars required for the satisfactory execution of the work. C.1.36 PAYMENT TERMS Payment for goods & Services shall be made in Indian Rupees as follows: C.1.36.1 On supply & delivery at site: 70% of the quoted sanctioned price shall be paid on receipt of Goods and upon submission of the documents except O&M & spares & tools price. C.1.36.2 On erection at site: 20% of the quoted sanctioned price shall be paid on completion of erection work of major electrical equipments or major mechanical equipments except O&M & spares & tools price. Page 114 C.1.36.3 The remaining 10% shall be paid after successful testing & commissioning with two months trial run & on submission of performance certificate of TPI & Design consultants. C.1.36.4 If due to any reason, payment not paid within 30 days then tenderer not eligible to claim / demand any compensation for loss of interest thereof. C.1.37 BRAND NAMES C.1.37.1 The make of equipments shall be as per attached list. If make of a particular item is not given in the tender, it shall as approved by AMC. C.1.38 EQUIPMENT FOR EXECUTION C.1.38.1 To expedite the execution work, the contractor has to submit a complete list of equipment he proposes to deploy on this work along with the tender. Tenderer not complying with this requirement may be considered non-responsive and his tender is liable to be rejected. C.1.39 INSPECTIONS AND TESTS: C.1.39.1 The Purchaser or its representative shall have the right to inspect and / or to test the Goods to confirm their conformity to the Contract. The special conditions of contract and / or the Technical Specification shall specify what inspections and tests the Purchaser requires and where they are to be conducted. The Purchaser shall notify the Supplier in writing of the identifying of any representatives retained for these purposes. All the expenses related to inspection viz. lodging & boarding, transportation, all facilities including third party inspection (TPI) fees and other related commercial expanses as and where required shall be borne by the successful tenderer. Offered items for testing at manufacturer’s premises shall be done by third party inspection and owner’s (client’s) representative deputed by purchasers. TPI firms are CEIL/TCE/RITES/LLOYDS or any other firm decided by Purchaser (Amdavad Mun. Corporation) and contractor have to correlate with TPI and purchaser to carry out inspection and testing within stipulated time period so that project schedule time can be adhered to. Also all pumps are tested at manufacturer’s works in presence of third party inspection agency and AMC representative. After completing installation & commissioning work, performance test of the pump-motor set at actual site condition to be carried out by TPI agency and consultant C.1.39.2 The inspections and tests may be conducted on the premises of the Supplier or its subcontractor(s), at point of delivery and / or at the Good’s final destination. C.1.39.3 Should any inspected or tested Goods fail to conform to the Specifications, the Purchaser may reject them and the Supplier shall either replace the rejected Goods or make all alterations necessary to meet specification requirements free of cost to the Purchaser. C.1.39.4 The Purchaser’s right to inspect, test and, where necessary, reject the Goods after the Good’s arrival in India shall in no way be limited or waived by reason of the Goods having previously been inspected, tested and passed by the Purchaser or its representative prior to the Goods’ shipment from the country of origin. Page 115 C.1.39.5 Nothing in Clause 7 shall in any way release the Supplier from any warranty or other obligations under this Contract. C.1.40 PACKING: C.1.40.1 The Supplier shall provide such packing of the Goods as is required to prevent their damage or deterioration during transit to their final destination as indicated in the Contract. The packing shall be sufficient to withstand, without limitation, rough handling during transit and exposure to extreme temperatures, salt and precipitation during transit and open storage. Packing case size and weights shall take into consideration, where appropriate, the remoteness of the Good’s final destination and the absence of heavy handling facilities at all points in transit. C.1.40.2 The packing, marking and documentation within and outside the package shall comply strictly with such special requirements as shall be expressly provided for in the Contract and, subject to Clause 16, in any subsequent instructions ordered by the Purchaser C.1.41 DELIVERY AND DOCUMENTS: C.1.42 Delivery of the Goods shall be made by the Supplier in accordance with the terms specified by the Purchaser in its Scope of Work and the Special Conditions of Contract. INSURANCE: The Goods supplied under the Contract shall be fully insured against loss or damage incidental to manufacture or acquisition, transportation, storage and delivery in the manner specified in the Special Conditions of Contract. C.1.43 TRANSPORTATION: C.1.43.1 Where the Supplier is required under the Contract to deliver the Goods, FOB, transport of the Goods, up to ad including the point of putting the Goods, up to and including the point of putting the Goods on board the vessel at the specified port of loading, shall be arranged and paid for by the Supplier, and the cost thereof shall be included in the Contract Price. C.1.43.2 Where the Supplier is required to effect delivery under any other terms, for example, by post or to another address in the source country, the Supplier shall be required to meet all transport and storage expenses until delivery. C.1.44 SPARE PARTS: C.1.44.1 As specified in the Special conditions of Contract, the Supplier may be required to provide any or all of the following materials and notifications pertaining to spare parts manufactured or distributed by the Supplier if called for in Price schedule; (a) Such spare parts as the Purchaser may elect to purchaser from the Supplier, provided that this election shall not relieve the Supplier of any warranty obligations under the Contract; and (b) In the event of termination of production of the spare parts: (i) advance notification to he Purchaser of the pending termination, in sufficient time to permit the Purchaser to procure needed requirements; and Page 116 (ii) Following such termination, furnishing at no cost to the Purchaser, the blue-prints, drawings and specifications of the spare parts, if an when requested. C.1.45 WARRANTY: C.1.45.1 The Supplier warrants that the Goods supplied under the Contract are new, unused, of the most recent or current models & incorporate all recent improvements in design & materials unless provided otherwise in the Contractor. The Supplier further warrants that the Goods supplied under this Contract shall have no defect arising from design, materials or workmanship (except insofar as the design or material is required by the Purchaser’s Specifications) or from any act or omission of the Supplier, that may develop under normal use of the supplied Goods in the conditions obtaining in India. C.1.45.2 This warranty shall remain valid for 60 months after the Goods, or any portion thereof as the case may be, have been delivered, erected and commissioned to the final destination indicated in the Contract, unless specified otherwise in the Special Conditions of Contractor. C.1.45.3 The Purchaser shall promptly notify the Supplier in writing of any claims arising under this warranty. C.1.45.4 Upon receipt of such notice, the Supplier shall, with all reasonable speed, repair or replace the defective Goods or parts thereof, without additional costs to the Purchaser other than, where applicable, the cost of inland delivery of the repaired or replaced Goods or parts from the port of entry to the final destination. C.1.45.5 If the Supplier, having been notified, fails to remedy the defect(s) within a reasonable period, the Purchaser may proceed to take such remedial action as may be necessary, at the Supplier’s risk and expense and without prejudice to any other rights which the Purchaser may have against the Supplier under the Contract. C.1.46 RECORD OF LABOUR EMPLOYED C.1.46.1 Contractor shall keep record in the form of daily registers for the labourers and other working staff employed on the work site. The same should be kept open for the inspection of AMC. C.1.47 EXTRA ITEM OF WORK C.1.47.1 The extra work beyond tender item, if required to be executed during course of execution of regular work that shall have to be carried out by the contractor as per the instructions and satisfaction of the Engineer–in-charge. This will be paid separately as per detail rate analysis made by the department based on market rate or prevalent SOR whichever is less. C.1.48 DISPUTES C.1.48.1 Any legal dispute with the Contractor(s) will be settled with court of law within the area subject the Amdavad jurisdiction. Page 117 C.1.49 ANNEXURES ANNEXURE – C.1.49 (A) ELECTRICITY (j) ELECTRICITY Contractor shall make all arrangements for obtaining power connection, the installation, operation, maintenance and subsequent removal of temporary supply of electricity. AMC shall issue only authorization letter to Contractor for obtaining power connection, and yet if power is not available in time, the work shall not be postponed and the Contractor shall have to arrange for diesel generating set (s) at his own cost. Signature of Tenderer : Additional Chief Engineer (S.O.E&M) Name : Amdavad Municipal Corporation Company’s seal : Date : Date: Page 118 ANNEXURE – C.1.49 (B) DEFECTS LIABILITY PERIOD AND REFUND OF SECURITY DEPOSIT The Defects Liability Period shall be as under and the amount of Security Deposit in the form of Bank Guarantee for the works under different items of contract after completion of the works shall be refunded as under: Amount of Security deposit to be refunded on completion of work and Sr. Security Deposit certification issued by Engineer –In – Charge that effect Contractor shall provide a Bank 5% of Contract Guarantee of 5% of Contract value, 1 value as Security valid for 12 months, before start of Deposit. work as security deposit. Remarks 60 months after successful Liability commissioning of the entire system including operation & maintenance period. 2 Defects Period 3 Performance Bond shall be submitted by the contractor after completion and 5% of contract value handing over of work. Security deposit as Performance may also be converted into performance Bond bond and shall be released after the defect liability period of 60 months. The contractor shall be responsible to make good and remedy at his own expense any defect; which may develop or may be noticed before the defect liability period of five years from the date of issue of completion certificate. The engineer-in-charge shall give the contractor a written notice about the defects and the contractor shall make good the same within 15 days of receipt of such notice. In case of failure on the part of the contractor, the engineer-in-charge may rectify or remove or re-execute the work at the risk and cost of the contractor. The engineer-in-charge shall be entitled to appropriate the whole of any part of the amount of security deposit towards the expense, if any, incurred by him in rectification, removal or re-execution. Page 119 SECTION: C-2 ADDITIONAL GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 120 C – 2: ADDITIONAL GENERAL CONDITIONS C.2.1 TAXES AND DUTIES ON INDIGENOUS MATERIAL C.2.1.1 All charges on account of Octroi, Terminal Entry Tax, Sales Tax, Excise Duty, etc and other duties on indigenous material obtained for the works from any source shall be borne by the contractor (subject to provisions made in the tender). As per the amendment of Sales Tax Act which came into force from Aug. 1985, Sales Tax on Works Contracts shall be paid by the Contractor and no reimbursement will be made by the AMC for the same. C.2.2 RATES FOR EXTRA ITEM Please refer Clause No. 14.4 of Section – B2. C.2.3 FINANCIAL BID C.2.3.1 Financial bid should not contain any condition or enclosures except the quoted item-wise rates and the total amount for the work. C.2.4 CHILD LABOUR The contractor shall not employ any child below 15 years of age. It is prohibited by Child Labour Prohibition and Regulation Act. 1986. Honorable Supreme Court has given guidelines and as per those guidelines, if child labour is employed on the work site, the contractor shall have to deposit Rs. 20000 (Rupees Twenty Thousand Only) in the child labour welfare fund. If the contractor refuses to deposit this sum, then the action will be taken for contempt of Supreme Court Judgment and also will be prosecuted by the concerned authority. In case of provision of Child Labour Prohibition and Regulation Act, 1986 by the contractor and to that AMC shall recover the amount from the contractor. I/We hereby do certify that I/We have taken the above “Additional General & Technical Conditions” into account while bidding and have quoted our firm percentage accordingly. Signature of Tenderer : Additional Chief Engineer (S.O.E&M) Name : Amdavad Municipal Corporation Company’s seal : Date: Date: Page 121 SECTION: C-3 SAFETY PROVISIONS Page 122 C – 3: SAFETY PROVISIONS C.3.1 Suitable scaffolds shall be provided for workmen for all that cannot safely be done from the ground, or from solid construction except such short period work as can be done safely from ladders. When a ladder is used, an extra mazdoor shall be engaged for holding the ladder and if the ladder is used for carrying materials as well, suitable footholds and handholds shall be provided on the ladder and the ladder shall be given an inclination not steeper than ¼ to 1 (¼ horizontal and 1 vertical). C.3.2 Scaffolding or staging more than 3.25 meters above the ground or floor, swung or suspended from an overhead support, or erected with stationery support, shall have a guard rail properly attached, bolted, braced, and otherwise secured at least 1 meter high above the floor or platform of such scaffolding or stating and extending along the entire length of the outside and ends thereof with only such openings as may be necessary for the delivery of materials. Such scaffolding or stating shall be so fastened as to prevent it from swaying form the building or structure. C.3.3 Working platforms, gangways, and stairways shall be so constructed that they do not sag unduly or unequally, and if height of a platform or gangway or stairway is more than 3.25 meters above ground level or floor level, it shall be closely boarded, have adequate width and be suitably fenced as described in 2 above. C.3.4 Every opening in floor of a building or in a working platform shall be provided with suitable means to prevent fall of persons or materials by providing suitable fencing or railing with a minimum height of 1 meter. C.3.5 Safe means of access shall be provided to all working platforms and other working places. Every ladder shall be securely fixed. No portable single ladder shall be over 3 metres in length. Width between side rails in a rung ladder shall in no case be less than 30 cm for ladder up to and including 3 meters in length. For longer ladders, this width shall be increased by at least 6 mm for each additional 30 cm of length. Uniform step spacing shall not exceed 30 cm. C.3.6 Adequate precautions shall be taken to prevent danger from electrical equipment. No material on any of the sites shall be so stacked or placed as to cause danger or inconvenience to any person or the public. The Contractor shall provide all necessary fencing and lights to protect public from accidents and shall be bound to bear expenses of defense of every suit, action or other proceedings at law that may brought by any person for injury sustained owing to neglect of the above precautions and to pay all damages and costs which may be awarded in any suit, action or proceedings to any such person or which may with the consent of the AMC be paid to compromise any claim by any such person. C.3.7 Excavation and Trenching: All trenches, 1.5 meters or more in depth, shall at all time be supplied with at least one ladder for each 30 meters in length or fraction thereof. Ladder shall be extended from bottom of trench to at least 1 meter above surface of the ground. Sides of a trench which is 1.5 meters or more in depth shall be stepped back to give suitable slope, or securely held by timber bracing, so as to avoid the danger of sides collapsing. Excavated material shall not be placed within 1.5 meters of edge of trench or half of depth of trench, whichever is more. Cutting shall be done from top to bottom. Under no circumstance shall undermining or undercutting be done. C.3.8 Demolition: Before any demolition work is commenced and also during the process of the work: Page 123 C.3.9 (a) All roads and open area adjacent to the work site shall either be closed or suitably protected. (b) No electric cable or apparatus which is liable to be a source of danger over a cable or apparatus used by operator shall remain electrically charged. (c) All practical steps shall be taken to prevent danger to persons employed, from risk or fire or explosion, or flooding. No floor, roof, or other part of a building shall be so over-loaded with debris or materials as to render it unsafe. All necessary personal safety equipment as considered adequate by the Engineer shall be available for use of persons employed on the site and maintained in a condition suitable for immediate use, and the Contractor shall take adequate steps to ensure proper use of equipment by those concerned. (a) Workers employed on mixing asphaltic materials, cement and lime mortars/concrete shall be provided with protective footwear, hand gloves and goggles. (b) Those engaged in handling any material which is injurious to eyes shall be provided with protective goggles. (c) Those engaged in welding works shall be provided with welder’s protective eye-shields. (d) Stonebreakers shall be provided with protective goggles and protective clothing and seated at sufficiently safe intervals. (e) When workers are employed in sewers and manholes, which are in use, the Contractor shall ensure that manhole covers are opened and manholes are ventilated at least for an hour before workers are allowed to get into them. Manholes so opened shall be cordoned off with suitable railing and provided with warning signals or boards to prevent accident to public. (f) The Contractor shall not employ men below the age of 18 and women on the work of painting with products containing lead in any form. Whenever men above the ages of 18 are employed on the work of lead painting, the following precautions shall be taken : i. No paint containing lead or lead products shall be used except in the form of paste or ready made paint. ii. Suitable face masks shall be supplied for use by workers when paint is applied in the form of spray or a surface having lead paint dry rubbed and scraped. iii. Overalls shall be supplied by the Contractor to workmen and adequate facilities shall be provided to enable working painters to wash during and on cessation of work. Page 124 C.3.10 When work is done near any place where there is a risk of drowning, all necessary equipment shall be provided and kept ready for use and all necessary steps taken for prompt rescue of any person in danger and adequate provision made for prompt first aid treatment of all injuries likely to be sustained during the course of the work. C.3.11 Use of hoisting machines and tackle including their attachments, anchorage, and supports shall conform to the following: C.3.11.1 (i) These shall be of good mechanical construction, sound material and adequate strength and free from patent defects and shall be kept in good repair and in good working order. (k) Every rope used in hoisting or lowering materials or as a means of suspension shall be durable quality and adequate strength, and free from patent defects. C.3.11.2 Every crane driver or hoisting appliance operator shall be properly qualified and no person under the age of 21 years shall be in charge of any hoisting machine including any scaffold winch or give signals to operator. C.3.11.3 In case of every hoisting machine and of every chain ring hook, shackle, swivel and pulley block used in hoisting or lowering or as means of suspension, safe working load shall be ascertained by adequate means. Every hoisting machine and all gear referred to above shall be plainly marked with safe working load. In case of a hoisting machine having a variable safe working load, each safe working load and the conditions under which it is applicable shall be clearly indicated.. No part of any machine or of any gear referred to above in this paragraph shall be loaded beyond safe working load except for the purpose of testing. C.3.11.4 In case of departmental machine, safe working load shall be notified by the Engineer. As regards Contractor’s machine, the Contractor shall notify safe working load of each machine to the Engineer whenever he brings it to site of work and get it verified by the Engineer. C.3.12 Motors, gearing, transmission, electric wiring and other dangerous parts of hoisting appliances shall be provided with efficient safeguards, hoisting appliances shall be provided with such means as will reduce to the minimum risk of accidental descent of load adequate precautions shall be taken to reduce to the minimum risk of any part of a suspended load becoming accidentally displaced. When workers are employed on electrical installations which are already energized, insulating mats, wearing apparel such as gloves, sleeves and boots, as may be necessary, shall be provided. Workers shall not wear any rings, watches and carry keys or other materials which are good conductors of electricity. C.3.13 All scaffolds, ladders and other safety devices mentioned or described herein shall be maintained in a safe condition and no scaffold, ladder or equipment shall be altered or removed while it is in use. Adequate washing facilities shall be provided at or near places of work. C.3.14 These safety provisions shall be brought to the notice of all concerned by display on a notice board at a prominent place at the work spot. Persons responsible for ensuring compliance with the Safety Provisions shall be named therein by the Contractor. C.3.15 To ensure effective enforcement of the rules and regulations relating to safety precautions, arrangements made by the Contractor shall be open to inspection by the Engineer or his representative and the Inspecting Officers. Page 125 C.3.16 Notwithstanding the above provisions 1 to 15, the Contractor is not exempted from the operation of any other Act or Rule in force. Signature of Tenderer : Additional Chief Engineer (S.O.E&M.) Name : Amdavad Municipal Corporation Company’s seal : Date: Date: Page 126 PART – II TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Page 127 SECTION: D TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR MECHANICAL WORK Page 128 SECTION – D: TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR MECHANICAL WORKS PROJECT : AUGMENTATION OF PUMPING MACHINERIES OF NAVANA - VATWA SEWAGE PUMPING STATION IN NORTH ZONE FOR A.M.C. DOCUMENT : INDEX FOR TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS OF MECHANICAL ITEMS SR. NO. TITLE PAGE NO. 1.0 MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP 129 2.0 LIST OF STANDARDS 138 3.0 END SUCTION TYPE NON – CLOG CENTRIFUGAL PUMP 141 4.0 INDUCTION MOTORS 149 5.0 KNIFE GATE VALVE 155 6.0 NON RETURN VALVE 160 7.0 C.I. PIPES AND FITTINGS 163 8.0 INSTRUMENTATION 164 9.0 TESTING, ERECTION AND COMMISSIONING 166 LIST OF APPROVED VENDORS 176 10.0 Page 129 1.0 1.0 MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP INTRODUCTION : This part of the Specification sets out the general standards of materials to be supplied and the workmanship required to be ensured by the Contractor and mention of any specific material or Plant does not necessarily imply that such is included in the Works. All component parts of the Works shall, unless otherwise specified, comply with the provisions of this part or be subject to the approval of the Engineer. The names of the manufacturers of materials and equipment proposed for incorporation in the Works together with performance, capacities, certified test reports and other significant information shall be furnished by the Contractor. 1.1 COMPLIANCE WITH STANDARDS : Where reference is made in the Specification to a British Standard Specification (hereinafter abbreviated to ‘B.S.’) issued by the British Standards Institution of 2, Park Street, London W.I., or to an Indian Standard Specification (I.S.) issued by the Bureau of India Standards, (earlier known as Indian Standard Institution), Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi 110 002, American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) issued by ASTM 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, P.A., 19103, U.S.A. or American national Standards Institute (ANSI) issued by ANSI 1430, Broadway, New York, N.Y., 10018, U.S.A. or to any other equivalent standard it shall be to the latest revision of that standard at the tender opening date. The Contractor may propose at no extra cost to the Employer, the use of any relevant authoritative Internationally recognized Reference Standard, including Indian Standard. All details, materials and equipment supplied and workmanship performed shall comply with these standards. If Contractors offer equipment to other standards, the equipment / material should be equal or superior to those specified and full details of the difference shall be supplied. In the event of conflict between this specification and the codes for equipment, provisions of this specification shall govern. 1.2 MATERIALS – GENERAL All materials incorporated in the Works shall be the most suitable for the duty concerned and shall be new and of reputed make / approved quality, free from imperfections and selected for long life and minimum maintenance. Nondestructive tests, if called for in the specification, shall be carried out. All submerged moving parts of the Plant, or shafts, spindles, etc. of the submerged moving parts or faces etc. in contact with them shall be of corrosion resistant materials. All parts in direct contact with various chemicals, shall be completely resistant to corrosion, or abrasion by these chemicals, and shall maintain their properties without aging due to the passages of time, exposure to light or any other cause. 1.3 WORKMANSHIP – GENERAL 1.3.1 Workmanship and general finish shall be of first class quality and in accordance with best workshop practice. Page 130 1.3.2 All similar items of the Plant and their component parts shall be completely interchangeable. Spare parts shall be manufactured from the same materials as the originals and shall fit all similar items. Machining fits on renewable parts shall be accurate and to specified tolerances so that replacements made to may be readily installed. 1.3.3 All equipment shall operate without excessive vibration and with minimum noise. All revolving parts shall be truly balanced both statically and dynamically so that when running at normal speeds at any load up to the maximum there shall be no vibration due to lack of balance. 1.3.4 All parts which can be worn or damaged by dust shall be totally enclosed in dust proof housings. 1.3.5 All materials incorporated in the work shall be most suitable for duty concerned, free from imperfections, selected for long life and minimum maintenance. 1.3.6 All necessary accessories required for satisfactory and safe operation of the Plant shall be supplied by the Contractor unless it is specifically excluded from his scope. 1.3.7 All valves shall be closing on clockwise rotation of the hand wheel. The effort required to close / open under all operating conditions shall be limited to 7 kg. The direction of opening / closing shall be cast on the hand wheel. 1.3.8 All flanges shall be drilled in accordance with requirements of IS : 1538. 1.3.9 All flanges shall be full or spot faces on the back side. The flange thickness shall be uniform throughout. 1.3.10 Flange outside periphery shall be concentric with the bore. Flanges shall be finished smooth on periphery also. 1.3.11 Castings and fabricated materials shall be finished smooth all over. 1.4 WELDING 1.4.1 Design Approval Welding shall comply with the latest revision of the BS 5135 code. In all welded fabrications, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer’s Representative before fabrication commences, detailed drawings of fabrication with sizes of weld and weld preparation together with the details of the application codes. No welding shall be carried out before approval of the details by the Engineer’s Representative. No alternations shall be made to any previously approved details of weld preparation or size without prior approval of the Engineer’s Representative. 1.4.2 Qualification of Welders and Procedures Welders shall be qualified in accordance with the requirement of the appropriate section of BS 4871 part1. The Engineer shall have the right to call for further Qualification from time to time from any welder who in the opinion of the Engineer, does not produce weld in accordance with the qualification. Each welder shall be assigned a number and letter. Each weld shall clearly be identified as to its welder marking the welder’s code adjacent to the welds. A record chart shall be maintained for each welder showing the procedure for which he has qualified, the date of such qualification, the type of defects produced and their frequency. The Engineer’s Representative shall disqualify the welder whose work requires a disproportionate amount of repairs. All procedures where required shall be qualified as per BS 4870 Part 1. Page 131 1.4.3 General Welding Requirements A) Inspection and quality of surveillance shall not be limited to the examination of finished welds. All aspects of materials, fabrication procedures and examination procedures shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer’s Representative. The equipment used shall be suitable for the quality of work specified. The techniques employed shall be based on methods which are known to produce good results and which have been verified at Site by actual demonstration. B) Haphazard striking of the electrodes for establishing arc shall not be permitted. The arc shall be struck either on the joint or on a starting tag. The starting tag shall be of the same material or a material compatible with the base metal being welded. In case of any inadvertent strike on place other than the welding, the area affected shall be ground flushed and examined by liquid penetration method. C) Generally, a stringer bead technique shall be used with a slight oscillation if necessary to avoid slag and to minimize the number of beads needed to fill the joint. However, the width of the deposited pass shall not exceed 3 times the wire diameter. Vertical welds shall be made in upward direction. For whenever possible, by 2 welders working simultaneously along both sides of the pipe. D) All joint fit ups shall comply with the tolerances specified on the manufacturing drawings. The root pass shall have less than 1.5 mm internal reinforcement. Defects like icicles, burn through and excessive “suck bak”, etc. shall be cause for rejection of welds. E) Final welds shall be suitable for appropriate fabrication of the non-destructive examination of the weld. If grinding is necessary, the weld shall be blended into the parent metal without gouging or thinning of the parent metal in any way. Uneven and excessive grinding may be a cause for rejection. Fillet weld shall preferably be convex and free from Fillet weld shall preferably be convex and free from undercutting and overlap at the toe of weld. Convexity and concavity shall not exceed 1.5 mm. The leg length shall not exceed the specified size by more than 1.5 mm. F) All attachments such as lugs, brackets and other non pressure parts shall also be done by qualified welders in accordance with the design details and materials specifications. Temporary attachments shall be removed in a manner that will not damage the parent metal. Areas of temporary attachments shall be dressed smooth and examined by ultrasonic or liquid penetration methods. G) All tack welds shall be made using qualified procedure and welders, the number of size of tack welds shall be kept as small as to consist of adequate strength and joint alignments. All tack welds shall be examined visually for defects and if found defective shall be completely removed. As welding proceeds, tack welds shall be either removed completely or shall be properly prepared by grinding or filling their starting ends so that they may be satisfactorily incorporated in the welds. Unacceptable defects shall be removed by grinding machine or chipping or gouging. Flame gouging may be permitted provided gouged surfaces are ground at least by 1.0 mm below the deepest indentation. H) All weld repairs shall be carried out using the approved welding procedures and welders. Preparation of weld repair shall have the prior approval of the Engineer’s Representative. Rewelded areas shall be re-examined by the methods specified for the original welds and repair procedures shall be duly qualified by the Engineer’s Representative. 1.4.4 Pre-heating and Post-heating Treatment Page 132 Pre-heating and post heating treatment shall conform to the relevant application codes. Preheating not exceeding 121 deg. C for all carbon steel construction above 25 mm thickness would be mandatory. Such pre-heating would be maintained during flame cutting, flame or arc gouging, welding and repairs and may be done by gas heating by gas torches / gas rings with neutral flame. The temperature shall be checked by temperature will not be necessary for welds less than 6 mm size. In large diameter pipe fabricated out of plate materials, production control test plates in accordance with the BS 4870 Part 1 Table 6 to represent 30% of the long seams ad each welder’s performance would be mandatory. 1.4.5 Electrodes The makes and types of electrodes to be used shall be submitted for approval of the Engineer. All electrodes shall be stored in their original sealed containers under dry conditions. Electrodes shall remain identified until consumed. All electrodes shall be dried before use. Drying ovens shall be provided in work areas for drying purposes. Electrodes withdrawn from oven shall be promptly used and excess unused electrodes shall be promptly returned to oven. 1.4.6 Examination / NDT / Radiography The various stages of examination and types shall be as stipulated in the respective fabrication codes. Radiographic examination shall be carried out as per provisions of BS 2600 or BS 2910: ultrasonic tests where called for shall be carried out as per provisions of BS 3923: magnetic particle tests shall be carried out as per BS 6072. Liquid penetration tests shall be carried out as per BS 6443. 1.4.7 Stainless Steel Welding All welding consumables such as electrodes, filler wires, argon gas for shieling and purging shall be of high quality and the proposed brand shall be furnished for approval of the Engineer. Weld deposits shall have similar or higher physical properties and similar chemical composition o the members joined. All electrodes shall be purchased in sealed containers only and stored in their packing intact. The packets opened shall be consumed as early as possible. The electrodes removed from the containers shall be kept in holding ovens at temperatures recommended by electrode manufacturer. Special care shall be taken in avoiding mixing of electrodes in the oven. The electrodes and filling wires shall be free from rust, oil, grease, earth and other foreign matter. Argon gas with purity 99.5% shall be used for shielding and purging. The purity of gas shall be certified by the gas manufacturers. Non destructive examination of the welds shall be carried out to ensure quality of weld. The electric current for welding shall be direct current, straight polarity (electrode negative). The welding current shall be kept minimum possible to ensure minimum heat affected zone in the parent material. Other side of the weld joint shall be periodically flushed with argon gas. 1.5 CASTINGS 1.5.1 Cast iron shall be of standard grey close-grained quality. The structure of the castings shall be homogeneous and free from non-metallic inclusions and other injurious defects. All surfaces of castings which are not machined shall be smooth and shall be carefully fettled to remove all foundry irregularities. Page 133 1.5.2 Minor defects in depth not exceeding 12.5 percent of total metal thickness and which will not ultimately affect the strength and serviceability of the casting may be repaired by approved welding techniques. The Engineer’s Representative shall be notified of large defects and no repair welding of such defects shall be carried out without prior approval of the Engineer / his representative. If the removal of metal for repair should reduce the stress 25 percent, or to such an extent that the computed stress in the remaining metal exceeds the allowable stress by more than 25 percent, then that casting shall be rejected. Test coupons cast simultaneously with the main castings shall be identified by the Engineer / or his Representative to check physical, chemical analysis of casting. 1.5.3 Major defects on casting are not acceptable. Castings repaired by welding for minor defects shall be stress-relieved after such welding. Castings subject to hydraulic pressure shall be pressure tested to 1 ½ times the rated pressure or, twice the working test reports shall be forwarded to the Engineer’s Representative as soon as each test has been completed. Nondestructive tests as directed by the Engineer’s Representative will be required for any casting containing defects whose extent cannot otherwise be judged, or to determine where repair welds have been properly made. 1.5.4 Unless otherwise specified casting shall produced to the following standards or equal : (a) (b) (c) (d) 1.6 Grey Iron Carbon Steel Stainless Steel Copper & Copper Alloy : : : : BS 1452 Grade 220 BS 3100 Steel Alloy BS 3100 Steel 316 C16 BS 1400 Group A Grade LG2 Group B Grade CT1, AB2 Group C Grade G1 FORGINGS All major stress-bearing forgings shall be made to a standard specification. Forgings shall be subjected to magnetic particle testing or dye penetration test at the areas of fillets and change in section. The testing shall be conducted after rough machining (10 microns). Any defect which will not machine out during the final machining, will be gouged out fully, inspected by dye penetration or magnetic particle inspection to ensure that the defect I fully removed and repaired using an approved repair procedure. An indication, which proves to penetrate deeper than 2.5 % of the finished thickness of the component, shall be reported to the Engineer giving the details like location, length, width and depth. For the magnetic particle inspection the choice of wet or dry particles shall be at the Contractor’s discretion. All forgings shall be demagnetized after test and shall be heat treated for the relief of residual stresses. The name of the maker and particulars of the heat treatment proposed for each such forging shall be submitted to the Engineer’s Representative. The Engineer’s Representative or the Inspector may inspect such forgings and identify test coupons to check physical and chemical analysis and witness such tests at the place of manufacture with a representative of the Contractor. 1.7 DESIGN LIFE 1.7.1 The works as a whole shall be new, of sound workmanship, robustly designed for a long reliable operating life and shall be capable of 24 hours per day continuous operation for prolonged period in the climatic and working conditions prevailing the site, and with the minimum of maintenance. Particular attention shall be given to temperature changes, the stability of paint finish for high temperatures, the rating of engines, electrical machinery, thermal overload services, cooling systems and the choice of lubricants for possible high and Page 134 prolonged operating temperatures. The Contractor shall be called upon to demonstrate this for an component part either by service records, or evidence of similar equipment already installed elsewhere or relevant type tests. Routine maintenance and repair shall as far as possible not require the services of highly skilled personnel. 1.7.2 The Plant shall be designed to provide easy access to and replacement of component parts, which are subject to wear, without the need to replace whole units. No parts in the contact with sewage shall have a life from new to replacement or repair of less than five years. Where major dismantling is unavoidable to replace a part, the life of such part shall not be less than ten years. 1.7.3 Design features shall include the protection of Plant against damage caused by vermin, dirt, dust and dampness and to reduce risk of fire. Plant shall operate without undue vibration, and parts shall be designed to withstand the maximum stresses under the most severe condition of normal service. Materials shall have a high resistance to change in their properties due to the passage of time, exposure to light, temperature and any other cause which may have a detrimental effect upon the performance or life of the Works. 1.7.4 Plant located outside lockable areas/buildings shall have additional features to prevent unauthorized operation. 1.8 LUBRICATION 1.8.1 A complete schedule of recommended oils and other lubricants shall be furnished by the Contractor. The number of different types of lubricants shall be kept to a minimum. The schedule and the name of the supplier of the lubricants shall be submitted to the Engineer’s Representative for approval before incorporation in the Instruction Manuals. In he case of grease lubricated roller type bearings a lithium base grease is preferred. 1.8.2 Contractors shall indicate indigenously available equivalent lubricants, with complete duty specification, to enable the Corporation to arrange for regular supply. 1.8.3 Where lubrication is effected by means of grease, preference shall be given to a pressure system which does not require frequent adjustment or recharging. Frequent, for this purpose, means more than once in a month and grease systems having shorter periods between greasing should be avoided. Where necessary for accessibility grease nipples shall be placed at the end of the extension piping, and when a number of such points can be grouped conveniently, the nipples shall be brought to a battery plate mounted in a convenient position. All grease nipples shall be of the same size and type for every part of the Plant. Arrangements shall be provided to prevent bearings being overfilled with either grease or oil. 1.8.4 Where more than one special grease is required, a grease gun for each special type shall be supplied and permanently labeled. 1.8.5 Oil containers shall be supplied complete with oil level indicators of the sight glass type, or where this is not practicable, with dipsticks. The indicators shall show the level at all temperatures likely to be experienced in service. The levels shall be clearly visible in the sight glass type from the normal access floor to the particular item of Plant and they shall be easily dismantled for cleaning. All sight glasses shall be firmly held and enclosed in metal protection in such firmly held and enclosed in metal protection in such manner that they cannot be accidentally dislodged. 1.8.6 All lubrication systems shall be designed so as not to cause a fire or pollution hazard and particular care shall be taken to prevent leakage of lubricants and to avoid leaking lubricants Page 135 coming into contact with any electrical equipment, heated surfaces or any other potential source of fire. 1.8.7 The Contractor shall supply flushing oil for each lubrication system when an item of Plant is ready for preliminary running and a sufficient quantity of the approved lubricants for the commercial operation of the Plant for two years after the Taking-over Certificate has been issued. 1.9 NAME PLATES 1.9.1 Each item of the Plant shall have permanently attached to it in a conspicuous position, a nameplate and rating plate, each of stainless steel. Upon these shall be engraved or stamped, the manufacturer’s name, type and serial number of Plant, details of the loading and duty at which the item of Plant has been designed to operate, and such diagrams as may be required by the Engineer’s Representative. All indicating and operating devices shall have securely attached to them or marked upon them designations as to their function and proper manner of use. 1.9.2 Details of proposed inscriptions shall be submitted to the Engineer’s Representative for approval before any labels are manufactured. Such nameplates, rating plates and designations shall be of stainless steel with engraved or stamped lettering Items such as valves shall have direction of rotation for closing and opening indicated. 1.9.3 Nameplates, rating plates and labels shall be of a non-flame propagating materials, either nonhygroscopic or transparent plastic with engraved lettering of a contrasting colour. Fixing shall be by means of non-corrosive screws; drive rivets or adhesives shall not be used. 1.9.4 Warning labels shall be provided where necessary to warn of dangerous circumstances or substances. Inscriptions or graphic symbols shall be black on a yellow background and to internationally recognized standards. 1.9.5 Instruction labels shall be provided where safety procedures such as wearing of protective clothing are essential to protect personnel from hazardous or potentially hazardous conditions. These labels shall have inscriptions or graphic symbols in white on a blue background. 1.10 NUTS, BOLTS, STUDS AND WASHERS 1.10.1 Nuts, Bolts, Studs and Washers for incorporation in the Plant shall conform to the requirements of the appropriate standard. Nuts and bolts shall be of the best quality of specified grade, machined on the shank and under the head and nut. Bolts shall be of one piece construction and shall be of sufficient length so that only one thread shall show through the nut in the fully tightened condition. 1.10.2 Fitted bolts shall be a light driving fit in the reamed holes they occupy, shall have the screwed portion of such a diameter that it will not be damaged in driving and shall be marked in a conspicuous position to ensure correct assembly at site. 1.10.3 Washers, locking devices and anti-vibration arrangements shall be provided where necessary and shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer’s Representative. Jointing hardware for the entire Plant shall be provided with sufficient spares to cater for site losses. 1.10.4 Where bolts pass through structural members taper washers shall be fitted, where necessary, to ensure that no bending stress is caused in the bolt. Where there is a risk of corrosion, bolts, nuts and studs shall be designed so that the maximum stress does not exceed half the yield stress of the material under any conditions. All bolts, nuts and washers which are subject to Page 136 frequent adjustment or removal in the course of maintenance and repair shall be made of nickel-bearing stainless steel. 1.10.5 The Contractor shall supply all holding down, alignment and leveling bolts complete with anchorages, nuts, washers and packings required to attach the Plant to its foundations, and all bed plates, frames and other structural parts necessary to spread the loads transmitted by the Plant to concrete foundations without exceeding the design stresses. 1.11 ALLOWANCE FOR WASTAGE The Contractor shall supply to the satisfaction of the Engineer’s Representative reasonable excess quantities to cover wastage of those consumables which will be normally subject to waste during erection, commissioning and setting to work. 1.12 PAINTING – GENERAL 1.12.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for the cleaning, preparation for painting, and priming or otherwise protecting, as specified, all parts of the Plant at the place of manufacture prior to packing. 1.12.2 Parts may be cleaned but surface defects may not be filled in before testing at the manufacturer’s works. Parts subject to hydraulic test shall be tested before any surface treatment. After test, all surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned and dried out if necessary by washing with an approved dewatering fluid prior to surface treatment. Except where the specification provides to the contrary all painting materials shall be applied in strict accordance with the paint manufacturer’s instructions. 1.12.3 All protective coatings shall be suitable for use in warm humid climates. 1.13 PAINTING AT PLACE OF MANUFACTURE 1.13.1 All stages in painting including cleaning and surface treatment in the manufacturer’s works shall be available for inspection. 1.13.2 Steel and cast iron parts shall be sand blasted to near white cleaning before painting. Edges, sharp covers etc. shall be ground to a curve before sand blasting. 1.13.3 A primer coat of a zinc rich epoxy resin based coating with at least a 75 microns dry film thickness is to be provided. In addition the parts are to be provided with adequate number coast of coal tar epoxy polyamine coating to a dry film thickness of 175 microns including primer coating. 1.14 PAINTING AT SITE 1.14.1 Immediately on arrival at the Site, all items of Plant shall be examined for damage to the paint coat applied at the manufacturer’s works, and any damaged portions shall be cleaned down to the bare metal, all rust removed, and the paint coat made good with similar paint. 1.14.2 Steel and cast iron parts received at site shall be provided with adequate number of further coats of coal tar epoxy polyamine coating to a total dry film thickness of 275 microns including the primer coats. All sharp edges, nuts, bolts and other items difficult to be painted shall receive a brush coat of specified paint before application of each coat of epoxy based coal tar paint giving a total dry film thickness of at least 275 microns. In the case of fabricated steel work this work shall be done after assembly. Page 137 1.14.3 Before painting is commenced the Contractor shall submit for the approval of the Engineer’s Representative, full details of the paints he proposes to use together with colour charts for the gloss finishes. 1.14.4 All paint and coating thickness shall be measured by approved Elcometer or coating thickness gauge. Page 138 2.0 LIST OF STANDARDS The titles of various standards referred to in the Specification are indicated hereunder for ready reference. This list does not necessarily covers all the Standards referred to: STANDARD NO. IS 5 TITLE Colours for ready mixed paints and enamels IS 210 Grey Iron Castings IS 318 Leaded Tin Bronze Ingots and Castings. IS 325 Three Phase Induction Motors. IS 780 Cast Iron Sluice Valve upto 300mm IS 807 Code of Practice for design, manufacture, erection and testing (structural portion) of cranes and hoists. IS 1239 Mild steel tubes, tubular and other wrought steel fittings. IS 1536 Centrifugally cast (spun) iron pressure pipe for water, gas and sewage. IS 1537 Vertically cast iron pressure pipes for water, gas and sewage. IS 1538 Specification for cast iron fittings for pressure pipes for water, gas and sewage. IS 1554 PVC insulated (heavy duty) electric cables. IS 2062 Steel for general structural purposes. IS 2147 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures for low voltage switch gear and control gear. IS 2906 Cast Iron Sluice Valve above 300 mm IS 3109 Short link chain, Grade M(4) IS 3177 Code of practice for electric overhead traveling cranes and gantry cranes other than steel work cranes. IS 3618 Phosphate treatment for iron and steel for protection against corrosion. IS 3624 Vacuum and Pressure gauges. IS 3815 Point hooks with shank for general engineering purposes. IS 3938 Electric wire rope hoists. IS 4029 Guide for testing three phase induction motors. IS 4460 Method for rating of machine cut spur and helical gears. IS 4691 Degrees of protection provided by enclosure for rotating electrical machinery. IS 5312 Swing type Non Return Valve. IS 6005 Code of practice for phosphate of iron and steel IS 8329 Centrifugally cast (spun) ductile iron pressure pipes for water, gas and sewage. IS 11592 Code of practice for selection and design of belt conveyors. Page 139 STANDARD NO. IS 13349 TITLE Cast Iron Single faced thimble mounted sluice gates. BS 436 Spur and helical gears BS 466 Specification for power driven overhead traveling crane, semi goliath and goliath cranes for general use. BS 545 Specification for bevel gears(machine cut) BS 721 Specification for worm gearing BS 970 Wrought steels for mechanical and allied engineering purposes. BS 1397 Specification for industrial safety belts, Harnesses and safety BS 1400 Specification for copper castings. BS 1452 Specification for flake graphite cast iron BS 1663 Specification for higher tensile steel chain Grade 40 (Short link and pitched or calibrated) for lifting purpose. BS 2573 Specification for classification, stress calculations and design of mechanisms. BS 2600 Radiographic examination of fusion welded butt joints in steel BS 2903 Specification for higher tensile steel hooks for chains, slings, blocks and general engineering purposes. BS 2910 Methods for radiographic examination circumferential butt joints in steel pipes. BS 3017 Specification for mild steel forged ram short hooks. BS 3100 Specification for steel castings for general engineering purposes. BS 3923 Methods for ultrasonic examination of welds. BS 4360 Specification for weld able structure steels. BS 4772 Specification for ductile iron pipes and fittings. BS 4870 Specification for approval testing of welders working to approved welding procedures. Part – I : Fusion Welding of Steel BS 4871 Specification for approval testing of welding procedures Part – I : Fusion Welding of Steel BS 4942 Short Chain link for lifting purpose. BS 5135 Specification for arc welding of carbon and manganese steels. BS 5155 Specification for butterfly valve. BS 5316 Specification for acceptance tests Part – 2 for centrifugal, mixed flow and axial pumps – Test for performance and efficiency. BS 6072 Method for magnetic particle flaw detection BS 6405 Specification for non-calibrated short link steel chain of fusion welded Page 140 STANDARD NO. TITLE (grade 30) for general engineering purposes: Class 1 & 2 BS 6443 Method for penetrate flaw detection. ASTM A-36 Specification for Structural steel ASTM A-216 Specification for steel castings, carbon suitable for fusion welding for high temperature service. ASTM A -276 Specification for stainless steel and heat resting steel bars and shapes. ASTM A -351 Specification for castings, Austenitic – Ferrite (Duplex), for pressure Containing Parts. ASTM A -743 Specification for castings, Iron-Chromium, Iron – Chromium-Nickel, and Nickel Base corrosion Resistant for General Application. ASTM A -744 Specification for casting, Iron Chromium-Nickel, Corrosion Resistant ASTM A -14 B Specification for Aluminum-Bronze Castings. IEC – 189 AWWA C 501 API 594 / API 598 MSS SP – 81 Low frequency cables and wires with Part 1 & 2 PVC insulation and PVC sheath. Cast Iron Sluice Gates. Specification for Non Slam Dual Plate Check Valve. Specification for Knife Gate Valve Page 141 3.0 3.1 END SUCTION TYPE HORIZONTAL NON – CLOG CENTRIFUGAL PUMP SCOPE : This specification covers the design, performance, manufacture, construction features, testing, delivery, installation, and commissioning of horizontal non clog centrifugal end suction type sewage pumps with suction and delivery flange connections, bell mouth, coupling guard, coupling half, base plate, foundation bolts and all other required accessories. 3.2 CODES & STANDARDS : The design, manufacture and performance of centrifugal pumps shall comply with all currently applicable statutes, regulations and safety codes in the locality where the equipment will be installed. The equipment shall conform to the latest applicable Indian Standards. 3.3 DESIGN FEATURES : 3.3.1 The total head capacity curve shall be continuously rising towards the shut off with the highest at shut off. 3.3.2 Pumps shall be suitable for single as well as parallel efficient operation at any point in between the maximum and minimum system resistances. 3.3.3 The pump shall be designed to handle solid sizes up to 100 mm dia. 3.3.4 Pumps shall run smooth without undue noise and vibration. 3.3.5 The power rating of the pump motor shall be the larger of the following: (Specific gravity of sewage = 1.02) A 105 % of the power required at any operating point, in between the maximum and minimum system resistance curves, for any combinations of pumping. B 115 % of the power required by the pump (pump input) at the design point. 3.3.6 The pump set shall be suitable for starting with discharge rotation in reverse direction. 3.3.7 The pump set shall be capable of withstanding the accidental rotation in reverse direction. 3.3.8 The required NPSH shall be at least 0.5 m less than the available NPSH at all operating conditions. 3.4 FEATURES OF CONSTRUCTION : Pumps shall be of Centrifugal type with non clog end suction type having single stage, single suction, radial flow design (Mixed Flow pumps shall not be allowed). Pump shall be mounted horizontally. 3.4.1 CASING : Pump casing should be radially split type. The casing shall be of robust construction. Liquid passages in the casing shall be finished smooth. Casing drain and vent connections with valves shall be provided. The casing shall have integrally cast suction and delivery nozzle. Page 142 3.4.2 IMPELLER : The Impeller shall be properly dynamically balanced by means of back vanes so as not to cause any vibration during operation. Impellers shall be made in one piece and securely keyed to the shaft. Means shall be provided to prevent loosing during operation including rotation in reverse direction. Impeller fastening nuts (if provided) shall be of cap type and shall tighten in the direction of normal rotation. Impeller shall be of SS CF 8M with smooth surface and without blow holes. 3.4.3 WEARING RINGS : Wearing rings shall be of renewable type. These shall be held in place by screwing against rotation, press fit and locked with pins, flanged and screwed. Opposite wear surfaces of hardenable material shall have a hardness difference of at least 50 BHN. 3.4.4 SHAFT : The shaft shall be of high tensile steel AISI – 410 and finished to close tolerance at the impeller, coupling, and bearing diameters. The impeller, pulley, and shaft sleeves shall be firmly secured to the shaft by key and / of nuts. The size of the shaft shall be calculated on the basis of maximum combined shear stress. This shear stress shall not exceed 30 % of the elastic limit in tension or 18% of ultimate tensile strength whichever is lower. The design of the shaft shall be also take into consideration the critical speed of the shaft, which shall be at least 30% above / below the operating speed. The shaft shall be properly balanced so as not to cause any vibration during operation. 3.4.5 SHAFT SLEEVES : Replaceable shaft sleeves of Stainless Steel as specified in the data sheet shall be provided to protect the shaft where it passes through stuffing boxes. The end of the shaft sleeves shall extend through the packing gland, shaft sleeves shall be securely locked or keyed to the shaft and shaft sleeves shall be machined and assembled for concentric rotation. 3.4.6 BEARINGS : The bearings shall be ball or roller type and provision shall be made to the axial and radial loads. When there is a possibility of liquid entering the bearings, the pumps shall be provided with suitable preventive arrangements such as water deflectors. Lubrication shall be provided by a good quality mineral oil containing additives. Bearings shall be easily accessible without disturbing the alignment of the pumps. Each bearing housing shall have a drain plug. The bearing life shall be minimum 40,000 hrs. 3.4.7 STUFFING BOXES: Page 143 Stuffing boxes shall be of such design that they can be repacked without removing any part other than the gland and lantern ring. In case where lantern ring is used, it shall be sandwiched between rows of packing and shall be easily removable. 3.4.8 COUPLINGS: Pumps shall be furnished complete with approved type of flexible coupling. Both halves of the couplings shall be furnished by the pump supplier. Coupling halves shall be bored and keyed to fit shafts of the pump and the motor by contractor. Both halves of the couplings shall be matched. Flexible rubber bushing with carbon steel coupling pins shall be provided with coupling. Coupling guards, made of expanded metal bolted to the base plate, shall be furnished for all coupled pumps. 3.4.9 BASE PLATES: The base plate for pump and drive shall be in one piece and it shall be made of CI construction. Suitable holes shall be provided for grouting and they shall be so located that the base can be grouted in place without disturbing the pump and motor. All pumps and drives shall be properly aligned, bolted and dowelled to the base plates by contractor. Adequate space shall be provided between pump drain connections and base plate for installation of minimum 15mm drain piping. Base plate shall be original manufactured by pump set manufacturer so that holes and spacers shall be as required for pump motor alignment perfectly. 3.4.10 CONNECTIONS / NOZZLES: Suction and discharge connections shall be flanged and drilled as specified in Data Sheet. Cast iron flanges shall be flat faced. Flanges shall be full or spot faced on the back side also. Drilling shall be conformed to IS 1538 Table IV & VI. 3.4.11 ACCESSORIES: All accessories required for proper and safe operation shall be furnished with the pumps. Each stage of the pump, Air venting, shall be provided with a suitable vent connection, complete with valves. Drain connections shall be provided at low points, valve connections shall be provided for drains. Tapping suitably plugged for pressure gauges shall be provided on delivery side. 3.5 INSPECTION AND TESTING AT MANUFACTURER’S WORKS : Testing & inspection of pump at manufacture works shall be conducted in presence of third party inspection agency appointed by client/ or engineer-in-charge or representatives of Client. All the charges for third party inspection shall be included under the scope of contractor. Inspection and testing at manufacturer’s works shall be carried out as specified below: Page 144 All instrument and equipment required for such tests shall be provided by the Contractor and the instruments shall be calibrated and certified by an approved independent testing authority not more than three months prior to the test. All the tests shall be carried out as per the relevant standard & codes. Brief description of tests to be carried out is as follows: 3.5.1 HYDROSTATIC TEST : A standard hydrostatic test shall be conducted on the pump casing with water at 1½ times the maximum discharge pressure on the head characteristic curve or twice the rated pressure whichever is higher. Unless otherwise stated in Data Sheet, the hydrostatic test on casing shall be conducted for minimum duration of 30 minutes. 3.5.2 MECHANICAL BALANCING : Major rotating components of the pumps and motors like impellers, rotors, shaft etc., shall be individually statically as well as dynamically balanced at rated speed of rotation. Necessary test certificates shall be furnished by vendor for purchaser’s approval. 3.5.3 PERFORMANCE TESTING : Each pump shall be tested for its full operating range in accordance with the applicable standard. Test shall be carried out with minimum NPSH as available at site for rated discharge and maximum discharge. Each pump shall be tested at its rated speed with its shop motor for its entire working range. Atleast one pump shall be dismantled for internal material confirmation at the time of inspection in the presence of client’s representative. During pump testing, readings to the extent possible, shall be taken to correspond to the net effective lift specified in the Data Sheet, and cover its full working range from its closed valve condition to run out condition i.e. when delivery valve is fully opened up higher. Head flow and overall efficiency flow curves shall be drawn. The curves produced shall be used to determine the capacity of pump sets to meet guaranteed performance at site. (a) MATERIAL TEST CERTIFICATE : Material test certificates for the various pumps components shall be furnished for purchaser’s approval as stated in the Data Sheet. (b) VISUAL INSPECTION : Pumps shall be offered for visual inspection by the client, before dispatch. The components of the pumps shall not be painted before inspection. (c) FIELD TESTING : After installation pumps offered will be subjected to testing in field for its satisfactory & trouble free working for 200 working hours. If the field performance is found not to meet the requirement, then the equipment shall be rectified and / or replaced by the vendor. Page 145 3.6 TENDER DRAWINGS : Then following drawings shall be submitted by the Bidder along with their tenders. 3.6.1 Preliminary outline dimensional drawing showing the details of pump and motor. Suction, discharge connections and foundation details shall be indicated. 3.6.2 Performance curves capacity v/s total head, efficiency, NPSH and KW requirements ranging from run out to pump shut off. 3.6.3 Typical cross sectional drawing. Catalogues showing type of construction. 3.7 EVALUATION OF BIDS : Evaluation of Tender shall be carried out on following basis : The over all efficiency of the pump set ( pump + motor ) shall be calculated for all tender. The corresponding KW input to motor shall also be calculated. The tender having the KW input to motor based on minimum efficiency as mentioned below shall be considered as base. In case contractor offers the efficiency more than the below mentioned (base) efficiency then no benefit will be given. However, contractor offers efficiency lower than the below mentioned value then the tender will be loaded at the rate of Rs.1,00,000/- KW per working pump set. For the purpose of calculating over all efficiency, the following are the minimum efficiencies for pump & motor. SR. NO. 3.8 ITEM MINIMUM EFFICIENCY (BASE) 1 Horizontal Non – Clog Pump 80% 2 Squirrel Cage Induction Motor 94.5% NAME PLATE : Each pump shall be provided with a stainless steel name plate indicating the following details. (a) Rated capacity in LPS / M³/HR (b) Total head in MWC (c) Speed in RPM. (d) Test pressure (e) Model number (f) Manufacturer’s special number (g) Weight of equipment (h) Material of impeller (i) Year of installation (j) Efficiency of pump (k) (k) Pump input Pin KW Page 146 PROJECT DOCUMENT SR. NO. AUGMENTATION OF NAVANA - VATWA SEWAGE PUMPING STATION IN NORTH ZONE OF AMDAVAD MUNICIPAL CORPORATION : TECHNICAL DATA SHEET FOR CENTRIFUGAL NON CLOG PUMP : PARTICULAR DESCRIPTION 1.0 Make / Pump type As per Tender / End Suction type Horizontal Non Clog Centrifugal Pump 2.0 Number of pumps 01 no. 3.0 Design capacity in m³/hr. 700 m³/hr. 4.0 Total head at design capacity 22 Mtrs. 5.0 Suction Pressure at rated capacity Positive Suction (NPSHa) 6.0 Total duration of operation Continuous 7.0 Synchronous Speed 1500 RPM 8.0 Location Indoor 9.0 N.P.S.H. required Pl. furnish in mtr 10.0 Pump guaranteed efficiency at rated Min. 80 % capacity without negative tolerance 11.0 Pump input requirement at rated Pl furnish, KW capacity 12.0 Recommended drive motor rating Pl. furnish 13.0 Shut off head Min. 115 % of head 14.0 FEATURE OF CONSTRUCTION 14.1 Type End Suction type, Non Clog centrifugal pump 14.2 Casing Radially split type 14.3 Impeller Semi open Non clog 14.4 Shaft Coupled 14.5 Drive Transmission Directly Coupled 14.6 Seal Gland 14.7 Mounting Base plate 14.8 No. of stage Single 14.9 Nozzle orientation A. Suction B. Discharge Side suction Top Central Discharge 14.10 Starter Star Delta starter 14.11 Flange drilling As per IS 1538, Flat face with off center bolt holes 14.12 Prime mover Electric motor to operate on 415 V, 50 Hz. 3 Phase AC supply 14.13 Direction of rotation Clock wise when seen from motor end or may be approved BLANK DATA TO BE FILLED BY BIDDER Page 147 PROJECT DOCUMENT SR. NO. AUGMENTATION OF NAVANA - VATWA SEWAGE PUMPING STATION IN NORTH ZONE OF AMDAVAD MUNICIPAL CORPORATION : TECHNICAL DATA SHEET FOR CENTRIFUGAL NON CLOG PUMP : PARTICULAR DESCRIPTION BLANK DATA TO BE FILLED BY BIDDER by shop drawing. 15.0 LIQUID DATA 15.1 Liquid handled Domestic Sewage 15.2 Specific gravity 1.02 15.3 Temperature Ambient temp. 15.4 Maximum size of solid particle 100 mm 16.0 MATERIAL OF CONSTRUCTION 16.1 Base plate C.I. 16.2 Pump Casing 1.5 TO 2 % Ni C.I. ( M ) 16.3 Impeller S.S CF 8 M ( M ) 16.4 Shaft S.S AISI 410 (M) 16.5 Wearing Ring S.S CF 8 M ( M ) 16.6 Stuffing Box CI: IS 210 Gr FG 260 16.7 Gland Graphite asbestos 16.8 Painting Epoxy Grey shade 651 as per IS 5 16.9 Hardware in contact with water SS 304 16.10 Pump flanges / Drilling Required / CI / As per IS 1538 flat face, Table IV & VI 16.11 Companion flanges CI/ drilling shall be as per IS 1538, Table IV & VI 16.12 Gland Packing Graphite Asbestos 17.0 ACCESSORIES & SERVICES REQUIRED 17.1 Base Plate YES 17.2 Foundation bolts YES 17.3 Companion flanges YES 17.4 Spare parts required YES 17.5 Maintenance tools required YES 17.6 Spare parts YES 18.0 TESTING 18.1 Weight of pump only Please furnish 18.2 Weight of motor only Please furnish 18.3 Recommended crane capacity Please furnish 19.0 TESTING 19.1 Hydrostatic test YES to be witnessed 19.2 Performance test YES to be witnessed Page 148 PROJECT DOCUMENT SR. NO. AUGMENTATION OF NAVANA - VATWA SEWAGE PUMPING STATION IN NORTH ZONE OF AMDAVAD MUNICIPAL CORPORATION : TECHNICAL DATA SHEET FOR CENTRIFUGAL NON CLOG PUMP : PARTICULAR DESCRIPTION 19.3 NPSH test Required 19.4 Static and dynamic balancing test Certificate required 19.5 Visual inspection check Required 20.0 DRAWINGS 20.1 Are all the specified tender drawings and characteristic curve furnished Pl furnish with the proposal ? 20.2 If no, furnish details 21.0 DIMENSIONS 21.1 Please furnish information 21.2 Minimum clearance required from the lowest part of the pump to the Pl furnish sump bottom 21.3 Clearance required at side Pl furnish 21.4 Vibration Limit -------------- mm / sec. 21.5 Noise Level ----------------- DBA BLANK DATA TO BE FILLED BY BIDDER Pl furnish the following Pl furnish Note: For components (marked-M) material certificates shall be furnished. FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS / DRAWINGS TO BE SUBMITTED AFTER THE AWRD OF CONTRACT 1. Final overall dimensional drawings for the pump set. These shall show all the major parameters of the pump set. 2. Civil drawings, with the details of fixing, grouting, sealing, net weights, clearance and any other relevant data required for the design of civil structure. 3. Cross sectional drawings for pump with the complete bill of material and relevant standards. Spare parts & Tools shall be provided 4. Test certificates for materials and castings if specified. Quality assurance plan to be submitted. 5. Operation and maintenance manual in duplicate for each pump etc. Page 149 4.0 4.1 INDUCTION MOTOR SCOPE: This specification covers the design, manufacture, inspection, testing at works, delivery to site, installation, commissioning of vertical flange mounted, three phase, squirrel cage, induction motors with all accessories for driving each non clog end suction type centrifugal sewage pumps which are to be mounted vertically on the pump. 4.2 CODES AND STANDARDS: The design, material, construction, manufacture, inspection, testing and performance of induction motors shall comply with all currently applicable status, regulations and safety codes in the locality where the equipment will be installed. The equipment shall also conform to the IS 325 or latest applicable standards. 4.3 PERFORMANCE AND CHARACTERISTICS: Motors shall be capable of giving rated output without reduction in the expected life span when operated continuously under either of the following supply conditions as specified in Data Sheet. a) Variation of supply voltage from rated motor voltage ± 10 % b) Variation in supply frequency from rated frequency ±5% c) Combined voltage and frequency variation ± 10 % Starter of motors shall be as per SLD. The starting current of motor shall not exceed 200% of rated full load current for soft starting in any circumstances. Motors shall be capable of starting and accelerating the load with the applicable method of starting, without exceeding acceptable winding temperatures, when the supply voltage is in the range 85% of the rated motor voltage to maximum permissible voltage. Motors shall be designed to withstand 120 % of rated speed for two minutes without any mechanical damage, in either direction of rotation. The motor shall be so designed that it shall have maximum efficiency on load varying from its 70% to 100% full load. Dropping efficiency from 100% full load to 60% of full load will not be acceptable. The motor vibrations shall be within the limits specified in applicable standard unless otherwise specified for the driven equipment. Except as mentioned herein, the guaranteed performances of the motor shall be met with tolerances specified in applicable standard. 4.4 INSULATION: Any joints in the motor insulation such as at coil connections or between slot and end winding sections, shall have strength equivalent to that of the slot sections of the coil. Page 150 The insulation shall be given tropical and fungicidal treatment for successful operation of the motor in hot, humid and tropical climate. The tropicalising treatment shall be as per the applicable standard. Overhang of winding shall be coated with Epoxy gelly. 4.5 TEMPERATURE RISE: The temperature rises shall not exceed the values given in Table -1. TABLE - 1 Temperature Measurement by Insulation Class Maximum temperature Rise for all types of enclosures E 65°C B 70°C. E 75°C B 80°C F 100°C H 125°C Thermometer Method Winding Resistance method These temperature rises are acceptable for an ambient temperature of 45° c. For motors specified for outdoor installation account shall be taken of heating due to direct exposure to solar radiation. 4.6 CONSTRUCTIONAL FEATURES: The motors construction shall be suitable for easy disassembly and reassembly. The enclosure shall be sturdy and shall permit easy removal of any part of the motor for inspection and repairs. Motors weighing more than 25 kg. shall be provided with eyebolts, lugs or other means to facilitate safe lifting. The rotor bars shall not be insulated in the slot portion between the iron core laminations and the bars. Unless otherwise approved, motors shall be designed to permit convenient access for drilling vertically through motor feet or mounting flange for installation of Purchaser’s dowel pins after motors are mounted with the driven equipment. 4.7 BEARINGS : Greased ball / roller / thrust bearings shall be of reputed make subject to the Purchaser’s approval. The life expectancy of the bearings shall be stated. he bearings shall be so constructed that the loss of lubricating fluid is kept to a minimum and greasing shall be possible without any dismantling operation The bearings shall prevent dirt and water or any fluid from getting into the motor. Bearing lubricant shall not find access to motor windings. The bearings shall permit running of the motor in either direction of rotation. If the bearings are oil lubricated, a drain plug shall be provided for draining residual oil and oil level sight gauge shall be provided to show precise oil level required for stand-still and running conditions. Page 151 Unless otherwise approved, bearing lubricating system shall be such that no external forced oil or water is necessary to maintain the required oil supply or keep bearing temperature within design limits. Lubricants shall be selected for prolonged storage and normal use of the motors in tropical climate and shall contain corrosion and oxidation inhibitors. Grease shall have suitable bleeding characteristics to minimize setting. 4.8 TERMINAL BOX : Terminal box shall be of weather proof construction designed for indoor service, to eliminate entry of dust and fluid, gaskets of approved make shall be provided at cover joints and between box and motor frame. Terminal box shall be suitable for single compression cable jointing kit. The terminal box shall be suitable for top and bottom entry of cables. Unless otherwise approved, the terminal box shall be capable of being turned through 360 degree in steps of 90 degree. The terminals shall be of the stud type with necessary plain washers, spring washers and check-nuts. They shall be substantially designed for the current carrying capacity and shall ensure ample phase to phase and phase to ground clearances. Suitable cable jointing kit shall be supplied by the motor vendor to match Purchaser’s cable. 4.9 PAINT AND FINISH : Motor external parts shall be finished and painted to produce a neat and durable surface which would prevent rusting and corrosion. The equipment shall be thoroughly degreased, all rust, sharp edges and scale removed and treated with one coat of zinc epoxy primer and two coats of Epoxy paints. The motor fan shall also be painted to withstand corrosion. 4.10 HEATING DURING IDLE PERIODS : Motors shall be provided with normal space heaters as per standard practice. 4.11 ACCESSORIES : Two independent earthing points shall be provided on opposite sides of the motor, for bolted connection of the Purchaser’s earthing conductors. These earthing points shall be in addition to earthing stud provided in the terminal box. 4.12 TESTS : Motor shall be subjected to all the routine tests as per applicable standard in the presence of the Purchaser’s representative. Copies of test certificates of type and routine tests, as specified in the distribution schedule, shall be furnished for the Purchaser’s approval. Page 152 PROJECT DOCUMENT SR. NO. AUGMENTATION OF NAVANA - VATWA SEWAGE PUMPING STATION IN NORTH ZONE OF AMDAVAD MUNICIPAL CORPORATION : TECHNICAL DATA SHEET FOR SQUIRREL CAGE INDUCTION MOTOR : PARTICULARS DATA TO BE FILLED BY THE BIDDER DETAILS 1.0 Application To drive Horizontal Non clog Centrifugal pump 2.0 Make As per tender 3.0 Type of Motor Foot mounted induction motor 4.0 Quantity / Standard rating 1 no. for future Pump to be installed 4.1 Type & frame size Pl. furnish 4.2 Applicable Standards IS 325, 8225, 4889, 4772, 4029, 4691 and other relevant Indian Standard or equivalent BSS. 5.0 Output, KW Pl furnish 6.0 Speed, RPM 1500 RPM 7.0 Type of duty S1 suitable operations 8.0 Supply Conditions ± 10% voltage variation squirrel for cage Continuous ± 5% frequency variation ± 10% combined frequency variation 8.1 Rated Voltage V 8.2 No. of Phases Three phase 8.3 Frequency Hz. 50 Hz. 9.0 Allowable Variations VOLTAGE % 10.0 Permissible Unbalance in Pl. furnish Supply Voltage % 11.0 Current Pl. furnish 11.1 Full load Amps. Pl. furnish 11.2 Starting 600 % voltage & 415 V in ± 10% voltage variation % FL 12.0 Starting time at specified Pl. furnish minimum starting voltage Sec. 13.0 Permissible running time at Pl. furnish Page 153 PROJECT DOCUMENT SR. NO. AUGMENTATION OF NAVANA - VATWA SEWAGE PUMPING STATION IN NORTH ZONE OF AMDAVAD MUNICIPAL CORPORATION : TECHNICAL DATA SHEET FOR SQUIRREL CAGE INDUCTION MOTOR : PARTICULARS DETAILS DATA TO BE FILLED BY THE BIDDER full load at minimum allowable voltage Min. 14.0 Locked rotor current Pl. furnish withstand time (safe stall time) at 110% rated voltage 14.1 At rated temp. (Hot) Pl. furnish 14.2 When cold Pl. furnish 15.0 Efficiency 15.1 Full load Efficiency % 15.2 Guaranteed Efficiency at Min. 94.5% at duty point pump duty point without any tolerance. Pl. furnish % 15.3 75% load efficiency % Pl. furnish 15.4 50% load efficiency % Pl. furnish 15.5 25% load efficiency % Pl. furnish 16.0 Rotation seen from non- Bidirectional drive end clock wise / anti clock wise. 17.0 Method of Starting 18.0 Torque 18.1 Starting %FLT Pl. furnish 18.2 Maximum %FLT Pl. furnish 19.0 Class of insulation Class “F” but Temperature rise restricted to that of class “B” i.e. 65° c. / 75° c. 20.0 Ambient temperature Cent. 75° c. Type of Cooling IC O141 Type of Enclosure TEFC 21.0 Star Delta starter Page 154 PROJECT DOCUMENT SR. NO. 22.0 AUGMENTATION OF NAVANA - VATWA SEWAGE PUMPING STATION IN NORTH ZONE OF AMDAVAD MUNICIPAL CORPORATION : TECHNICAL DATA SHEET FOR SQUIRREL CAGE INDUCTION MOTOR : PARTICULARS DETAILS Degree of protection IP 55 Type of Bearing Ball/Roller/ Thrust 23.0 Location Indoor 24.0 Hazardous area division N.A. 25.0 Atmosphere Dusty at times 26.0 Colour shade of paint if Grey shade 631 as per IS 5 special 27.0 Normal Winding connection Normal winding Delta Star / Delta 28.0 No. of Terminals brought Six Terminals out. 29.0 Shaft Orientation 30.0 Power factor 30.1 Full load Pl. furnish 30.2 ¾ load Pl. furnish 30.3 ½ load Pl. furnish 31.0 Space Heaters Required with 230 V AC supply if motor rating is 100 HP and more 31.1 Rated voltage and no. 240 V, 2 NOS. 31.2 Rating (Total), KW Pl. furnish 32.0 Type of lubrication motor bearings 33.0 Total guaranteed losses 33.1 Iron losses KW Pl. furnish 33.2 Copper losses KW Pl. furnish 33.3 Friction, winding and stray Pl. furnish losses KW 34.0 Weight of motor Kg. Pl. furnish 35.0 Motor GD² Pl. furnish DATA TO BE FILLED BY THE BIDDER Vertical for Greased lubrication Kg-m² Page 155 5.0 5.1 KNIFE GATE VALVE SCOPE: This specification covers the design requirements, features of construction, inspection, testing, painting, delivery, installation and commissioning of Electrically operated Knife Gate Valves with gaskets, hardware, etc. at site. 5.2 CODES AND STANDARDS: 5.2.1 The design and manufacture of the valves shall comply with all currently applicable statutes, regulations and safety codes in the locality where the equipment will be installed. Nothing in this specification shall relieve the vendor of this responsibility. The valve shall conform to MSS SP – 81, 1995 or its latest edition. 5.3 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS: 5.3.1 The valve shall be provided with gate with beveled knife edge at the front to enable it to cut through and easily enter in the solids settled in the bottom and shall ensure positive shut off / closure. 5.3.2 The valve shall be provided with replaceable sealing and seal retainer ring. 5.3.3 The valve housing shall be provided with integrally cast tapered lugs. 5.3.4 The spindle shall be non rising type having double start thread. 5.3.5 Stuffing box shall be in built type and shall have internal taper. 5.3.6 Provision shall be made to enable to tighten the stuffing seals by means of a pusher arrangement to minimize the leakage through the back of the valve. 5.3.7 Valves shall be flanged and drilling shall conform to the standard as specified in data sheet. 5.3.8 Valve shall be provided with an Electrical Actuator for operation with all accessories. 5.4 CLEANING : Prior to factory inspection, all manufacturing waste such as metal chips, debris and all other foreign material shall be removed from the interior of the valve. All mill scale, rust, oil, grease, chalk and all other material shall be removed from the interior and exterior surfaces. 5.5 PAINTING : Valves shall first be given two coats of zinc base primer after completely cleaning the surface and then it shall be coated with three coats of coal tar epoxy paint. The resulting coating shall be uniform and smooth and adhere perfectly to the surface. 5.6 DIRECTION OF FLOW : Direction of flow shall coincide with the flow direction indicated by “arrow” cast on the valve body. 5.7 TESTS AND INSPECTION : 5.7.1 Valves shall be offered for visual inspection and dimensional check. Page 156 5.7.2 Valves shall be tested as per MSS SP-81, 1995 with latest amendments. 5.7.3 The hydrostatic testing shall be witnessed by the purchaser. 5.7.4 Valve shall be dispatched only after visual inspection and clearing instruction for dispatch. 5.8 TENDER DRAWINGS : The following drawings shall be submitted by Bidder along with the quotation. 5.8.1 Preliminary outline dimensional drawings. 5.8.2 Typical cross section drawings. 5.9 ACTUATOR : 5.9.1 The Gate valve shall be operated by an electro mechanical actuator, comprising of motorized gear train and screw assembly which drives the valve stem. The actuator shall be supplied with the following accessories. 5.9.2 A.C. electric motor. 5.9.3 Reduction gear unit. 5.9.4 Torque switch mechanism complete with set of torque switches. 5.9.5 Limit switch mechanism complete with set of limit switches. 5.9.6 Handwheel for manual operation. 5.9.7 Hand-auto changeover lever with suitable locking arrangement. 5.9.8 Local control switch / push buttons 5.9.9 415 V / 240 V AC control transformer 5.9.10 Valve Position Indicator 5.9.11 Integral forward /reverse starter 5.9.12 The actuator shall be suitable for operation in the climate conditions and power supply conditions given in the specification. The actuator shall be capable of producing not less than 1½ time the maximum required torque and shall be suitable for at least 15 minutes continuous operation. 5.9.13 A.C. ELECTRIC MOTOR : Each motor shall be fully tropicalised and suitable for operation in the prevailing climate conditions. They shall also be suitable for operating satisfactorily under variations of electric supply specified. 5.9.14 MOTORS : The electric motors shall be of 3 phase, squirrel cage type as per IS 325 with insulation to IS 1271 class “B”. The winding shall be impregnated to render them non-hydroscopic and oil resistant. All internal metal parts shall be painted. The motor shall be rated for 30 min. Page 157 5.9.15 MOTOR PROTECTION: The motor shall be protected by bimetallic over load relay. The relay shall be manually re-set type. 5.9.16 MOTOR CONTROLS : The reversing contactor starter and local controls shall be integral with the valve actuator. The starters shall comprise mechanically and electrical interlocked reversing contactor of appropriate rating fed from a 220 V control transformer. The common connection of the contactor coils at the transformer shall be grounded. HRC type primary and secondary fuses shall be provided. Local control shall comprise push buttons for open close and stop operations, and a local / remote selector switch lockable in the three positions as below : • Local control only, • Remote control plus local stop only, • Stop locked off - No electrical operation Vendor should also make a provision for transmitting the mode selected to control panel and control panel will have corresponding indication lamps. 5.9.17 WIRING AND TERMINALS: Internal wiring shall be of grade PVC insulated stranded cable of 650 V and of minimum 1.5 mm² copper for control circuits and of minimum 4 mm² for the power circuit. Each wire shall be number identified at each end. The terminals shall be of stud type and they shall also be identified by numbers. Cable entries shall be suitable for PVC SWAPVC cables. 5.9.18 ENCLOSURE: The actuator enclosure shall be IP 68. 5.9.19 REDUCTION GEAR UNIT: Reduction gear unit shall be of the totally enclosed oil bath lubricated type. The gear box shall be provided with the first charge of oil lubricants and appropriate filling and drain connections. Gearing shall be adequate to open and close the valves under full indicated maximum operating pressure differential at a speed sufficient to cover the full extent of travel. The valve operating equipment shall have a hammer-blow device to loosen stuck valve or retrieve jammed valve position. The gearbox shall have suitable stops to prevent movement of shaft beyond fully open / close position. The gearbox shall also be designed for 15% more torque than maximum valve torque. 5.9.20 TORQUE SWITCH MECHANISM : The torque switch mechanism shall function as follows to stop the motor on closing or opening of the valve, upon actuation by the torque when the valve disc is restricted in its attempt to open or close. Page 158 The torque switch in the closing direction shall interrupt the control circuit if mechanical overload occurs during the closing cycle or when the valve is fully closed. The torque switch in the opening direction shall interrupt the control circuit if mechanical overload occurs during opening cycle or when the value is fully open. The mechanism shall facilitate adjustment of the torque at which the switches are required to operate. 5.9.21 LIMIT SWITCH MECHANISM: • Non-adjustable limit switches shall stop the motor and give indication when the wedge has attained the fully open or closed position. • The adjustable limit switches shall function to actuate relays / switches, provided for system interlock, at the desired valve position in both the opening and closing directions. 5.9.22 HANDWHEEL: A hand wheel shall be provided for emergency operation. The hand wheel drive shall be mechanically independent of the motor drive and any gearing should be such as to permit emergency manual operation in a reasonable time. Page 159 PROJECT DOCUMENT SR. NO. AUGMENTATION OF NAVANA - VATWA SEWAGE PUMPING STATION IN NORTH ZONE OF AMDAVAD MUNICIPAL CORPORATION TECHNICAL DATA SHEET FOR ELECTRICALLY OPERATED KNIFE : GATE VALVE : PARTICULAR DESCRIPTION 1.0 Standard MSS SP-81, 1995 2.0 Size range 400 mm - 1 no. (Delivery side of Pump) 3.0 Fluid Sewage 4.0 Sp Gravity 1.02 5.0 Working pressure PN : 1.0 6.0 Ends Flanged, flanges as per IS-1538 Table IV & VI 7.0 Gate Beveled knife edge 8.0 Operation Electrically operated 9.0 Other requirements Valves shall be provided with the hand wheel for emergency. 10.0 Body C.I. IS 210 GR 260 (M) 11.0 Gate SS AISI 304 (M) 12.0 Stem S.S. AISI – 410 (M) 13.0 Seal EPDM 14.0 Retainer Ring SS CF8 15.0 Bolts, studs & nuts SS 16.0 Test Pressures As per MSS SP-81, 1995 17.0 Power supply for 3 Phase, 415 V, AC, 50 Hz. Electrical Actuator 18.0 Actuator open time 3.0 minutes (max.) 19.0 Actuator close time 3.0 minutes (max.) 20.0 Forward & reverse integral starter to Actuator Starter & operate locally as well as panel & cable upto actuator motor with all cable accessories 21.0 Body Test Pressure NOTE:- DATA TO BE FILLED BY BIDDER 1.5 times of normal working pressure 1) M – Denotes material test certificate required. 2) Other specifications not mentioned in datasheet, shall be considered as per tender specification. Page 160 6.0 6.1 NON RETURN VALVE SCOPE : This specification covers the design requirements, features of construction, inspection, testing, painting, delivery, installation and commissioning of Non return valve, single/ Multi door design type alongwith bypass valve and with gasket, hardware, etc. at site. 6.2 CODES AND STANDARDS : The design and manufacture of the valves shall comply with all currently applicable statutes, regulations and safety codes in the locality where the equipment will be installed. Nothing in this specification shall relieve the vendor of this responsibility. The valve shall be conforming to IS 5312-1969. 6.3 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS FOR NON RETURN VALVES : 6.3.1 The non return valves shall be swing type single door design upto 500 mm and multi door design above 500 mm. 6.3.2 The valve shall be mounted horizontally. 6.3.3 The valves shall be designed for minimum head loss 6.3.4 Hydraulic passage shall be designed to avoid cavitation. 6.3.5 Valve shall have flat faced flanged ends. The back side of the flanges shall be fully or spot faced. 6.3.6 Bypass arrangement shall be provided for above 300 mm size valve. 6.3.7 The valves shall have non slam characteristic. This is to be achieved by internal design by providing suitable combination of door and hydraulic passage without any external damping arrangement or counter weight. Dead weight arrangement is not acceptable. 6.4 CLEANING : Prior to factory inspection, all manufacturing waste such as metal chips debris and all other foreign material shall be removed from interior of valve. All mill scale, rust, oil, grease, chalk and all other deleterious material shall be removed from the interior and exterior surfaces. 6.5 PAINTING : 6.5.1 Valves shall first be given two coats of zinc base primer after completely cleaning the surface and then it shall be coated with three coats of coal tar epoxy paint. The resulting coating shall be uniform and smooth and shall adhere perfectly to the surface. 6.5.2 Valves used in pipes carrying fluid, the inside coating shall not contain any constituent soluble in fluid or any ingredient which could import any taste or odour to the fluid. 6.6 TESTS AND INSPECTION : 6.6.1 Valves shall be tested as per the relevant Standards as per IS 5312 with latest revisions. 6.6.2 Valves shall be offered for visual inspection and dimensional checks. Page 161 6.6.3 The hydrostatic and water tightness testing shall be witnessed by the purchaser. 6.6.4 Valve shall be offered for inspection and following tests. (before painting ) at Vendor’s shop. Visual inspection with dimensional checks. Hydrostatic test 6.7 TENDER DRAWINGS : The following drawings shall be submitted by tenderer alongwith their offer. Preliminary outline dimensional drawings. Typical cross section drawings. Flow v/s head loss curve for Non-return valves. Page 162 AUGMENTATION OF NAVANA - VATWA SEWAGE PUMPING STATION IN NORTH ZONE OF AMDAVAD MUNICIPAL CORPORATION DOCUMENT : TECHNICAL DATA SHEET FOR NON RETURN VALVE BLANK DATA TO SR. PARTICULAR DESCRIPTION BE FILLED BY BIDDER NO. PROJECT : 1.0 Mfg. Standard IS 5312 PART II 2.0 Size & Quantity 400 mm (Delivery side of Future Pump) – 01 No. 3.0 Pressure Rating PN : 1.0 4.0 Sp Gravity 1.02 5.0 Type Non slam, single door, swing type 6.0 Ends Flanged. Flanges shall be flat faced and confirming to IS 1538 part IV & VI having off center bolt holes 7.0 Seat Body Renewable Plate Renewable 8.0 Fluid Domestic Sewage 9.0 Material of construction 9.1 Body / Cover C.I. IS 210 GR 260 9.2 Door C.I. IS 210 GR 260 (M) 9.3 Seat rings S.S AISI 316 (M) 9.4 Hinge Pin S.S BS 970 Gr 304 S16 (M) 9.5 Bolts, Studs & Nuts SS 304 10.0 Shell Test 15 Kg / Cm² 11.0 Seat Test Note: 10 Kg / Cm² 1) M – denotes material test certificate required. Page 163 7.0 PIPES AND FITTINGS 7.1 The scope includes manufacture, delivery at site, storage at site, installation, testing and commissioning of double flanged cast iron / MS pipe with fittings, flanges, nuts, bolts and gaskets at suction and delivery side of pump & connection to header. 7.2 This specification gives the general requirement of pipes. However, it is the responsibility of the vendor to take the actual measurement and obtain Client & Consultant’s approval before the placement of orders to the main supplier / manufacturer. 7.3 Quantity shall be verified as per actual site condition. In case of any item to be bring, before that actual measurement has to be taken from actual site. maximum + 2 % to 3 % variation in measurement is allowed. Bidder shall be paid only for installed quantity as per actual measurement of site. In case of pipe is not used or installed, bidder will not be paid for the same and he has to take back. 7.4 In case of tender quantity is less than the actual, bidder has to arrange for the excess quantities and rate for the same shall be as per original tender rate. 7.5 The cast iron pipes shall generally conform to class B IS: 1537 / IS: 1536 /IS: 7181 and pipe fittings shall conform to IS: 1538. Ductile iron pipes shall conform to IS 8329 / BS 4772. All pipes and fittings shall be flanged. 7.6 The material for cast iron pipes and fittings shall be of gray cast iron conforming to IS: 210, Gr FG 200. 7.7 The pipes shall be of uniform bore and straight in axis. Length of the straight double flanged pipes shall be within a tolerance of ± 3 mm. 7.8 The flanges of the straight pipes shall be square to the axis of the pipe. The faces of the flange shall be parallel. The bolt hole circle shall be concentric with the bore and bolt holes equally spaced. In straight pipes the bolt holes in one flange shall be located in line with those in other. 7.9 The faces of the flanges of the fittings shall be square to the directional axes. The holes shall be located symmetrically off the center line. The intersecting axes of the tees shall be perpendicular to each other. 7.10 The bolt holes on flanged pipes and fitting shall be drilled with the help of drilling blank flanges are to be machined and drilled. 7.11 The Expansion Bellows shall be as per EJMA standard with PN 1.0 rating. jig. The Page 164 8.0 INSTRUMENTATION 8.1 SCOPE The scope includes supply, installation, testing and commissioning of instruments as indicated below with hardwares, accessories viz. companion flanges, canopy, isolation valve, etc. with power cable, signal and control cables up to main panel for each pumping station. 8.2 PRESSURE GAUGES 8.2.1 Pressure gauges shall be provided on discharge of each pump and on header. 8.2.2 The pressure gauges shall conform to IS: 3622. 8.2.3 The pressure gauge shall consist of sensing diaphragm unit, sealing liquid, a pressure indicator and an armored capillary connecting the diaphragm to the pressure indicator. 8.2.4 The diaphragm unit shall have flanged connection of size 1 ½” NB. 8.2.5 Ball valves shall be provided for isolation. 8.2.6 The pressure indicator shall be supported on a rigid support and the capillary shall be well supported to prevent physical damage. 8.2.7 All wetted parts shall be made of SS 316. Page 165 PROJECT : AUGMENTATION OF NAVANA - VATWA SEWAGE PUMPING STATION IN NORTH ZONE OF AMDAVAD MUNICIPAL CORPORATION DOCUMENT : TECHNICAL DATA SHEET FOR INSTRUMENTATION SR. NO. PARTICULARS DETAILS 1.0 Pressure Gauge 1.1 Make As per Tender 1.2 Qty. 4 nos. 1.3 Location On delivery side of each Pump and one no on header pipe 1.4 Liquid Domestic Sewage 1.5 Type Glycerin type with air vent cock system 1.6 Dial size 150 mm 1.7 Range 0 – 5 Kg/ Accessories Isolation valve & impulse tubing 1.8 Note: 1) 2) DATA TO BE FILLED BY THE BIDDER M – Denotes material test certificate required. Other specifications not mentioned in datasheet, shall be considered as per tender specification. Page 166 9.0 TESTING, ERECTION, AND COMMISSIONING 9.1 TESTING – GENERAL Tests of the plant at the manufacturer’s premises will be required in accordance with the conditions of contract. All inspection, examination and testing shall be carried out in accordance with appropriate standards. In case of tender quantity is less than the actual, bidder has to arrange for the excess quantities and rate for the same shall be as per quoted amount. All instruments used for such tests shall be calibrated and certified by an approved independent testing authority not more than 3 months prior the test in which they are used. The engineer’s representative reserves the right to impound any instrument immediately after test for independent testing. A certificate shall be produced by the contractor prior to carrying out every test showing the readings obtained, calculations and full details of the calibration certificates referred to. Cut in any type of cable (instrumentation) is not acceptable. Quantity shall be verified as per actual site condition. In case of any item to be bring, before that actual measurement has to be taken from actual site. Maximum + 2 % to 3 % variation in measurement is allowed. Bidder shall be paid only for installed quantity as per actual measurement of site. In case of cable is not used or installed, bidder will not be paid for the same 9.2 TESTING, ERECTION, AND COMMISSIONING In addition to the progressive supervision and inspection by the Engineer-in-Charge the Contractor shall offer for inspection to Engineer in Charge, the complete, erected Transmission System of Water Supply Project or its Parts on which tests are to be carried out. After such inspection by Engineer in Charge, each equipment/subsystem shall be tested by the Contractor in accordance with the applicable standards in the presence of Engineer in Charge. It is not the intent to specify herein all details about the commissioning activities. However the commissioning checks in brief are given as guidance. The pre-commissioning test results shall be documented for record purposes and compared with the shop test certificates. 9.3 INSPECTION AT MANUFACTURER’S PREMISES 9.3.1 The inspection of all equipment required to be supplied to complete the works shall be done as detailed in this specification. Only defect free and sound material meeting the technical requirements of this specification and in accordance with a high standard of engineering would be acceptable to the engineer's representative. 9.3.2 For meeting these requirements of inspection, testing (including testing for chemical analysis and physical properties) shall be carried out by the contractor and certificates submitted to the engineer's representative who will have the right to witness or inspect the above mentioned testing/inspection at any stage desired by him. Calibration certificates or test instruments shall be produced for the engineer’s consent in advance of testing and if necessary instruments shall be recalibrated or substituted before the commencement of the test. Items of plant or control systems not covered by standards shall be tested in accordance with the details and program agreed between the engineer and contractor. 9.3.3 If during or after testing, any item of the plant fails to achieve its intended duty or otherwise prove defective it shall be modified or altered as necessary, retested and re-inspected as required by the engineer. Page 167 9.3.4 At least 21 days notice shall be given to the engineer before the specified tests are carried out. 9.3.5 No material is to be delivered to site without the above described inspection having been carried out or officially waived in writing by the engineer’s representative. 9.3.6 All inspection charges viz. lodging, boarding & local transportation etc. shall be born by the Contractor. 9.4 TESTS AT MANUFACTURER’S PREMISES 9.4.1 PUMPSETS Pump testing and inspection shall confirm to the latest standard (a) Hydrostatic testing A standard hydrostatic test shall be conducted on all the pressure parts of the pumps at 1.5 times the shut-off head of the pump or twice the rated head whichever is higher. The hydrostatic test shall be conducted for a minimum duration of 30 minutes. (b) Balancing Test Impeller and pump rotating assembly shall be dynamically balanced. (c) Performance Test Pump (One for similar rating) shall be tested for full operating range individually to BS: 5316: Part 2. Test shall be carried out for performance at rated speed with minimum NPSH as available at site. 9.4.2 MOTORS Motors shall be offered for routine and type tests in accordance with IS: 996-1979 and IS: 3251978 at the manufacturer’s works. Test certificates shall be endorsed to the effect that the motors are properly balanced and free from vibration. In addition, a test shall be required to establish the maximum transient starting current. For type test, test certificate shall be furnished. 9.4.3 PIPEWORK Testing of pipes/fitting shall be carried out in accordance with relevant standard. 9.4.4 VALVES (a) All valves shall be hydrostatically tested close ended. Body, seat/door and back seat - test pressures shall be 15 Kg / cm2, 10 Kg / cm2 and 6 Kg / cm2 respectively. (c) Valves shall be tested with associated actuators for general performance. 9.5 TEST INSTRUMENTATION All required test instrumentation, for the performance and efficiency tests, shall be supplied by the Contractor and shall be retained by him upon satisfactory conclusion of all such tests at the Page 168 site. All costs associated with the supply, calibration, installation and return of the test instrumentation shall be included in the contract price. The test instrumentation for the performance tests shall be in accordance with the code. All test instrumentation shall be as per Indian Standards as approved by the Engineer in Charge. All calibration procedures and standards shall be subject to the Engineer in Charge's approval. Batch calibration will not be accepted. 9.6 PIPE LINE The tested pipeline will be joined by gap pieces to complete the total physical completion of works. The laid pipeline will be joined with respective manifold through valves. Just before the commissioning the complete transmission main will be checked for: a) 9.7 b) All the motorised valves in the system will be inspected for proper lubrication, manual and electrical operation. All air valves shall be inspected for proper fitting and operation of isolating valves. c) d) e) f) All flange joints will be checked for tightness of all bolts, clamps, etc. The entire transmission shall be checked for proper soil cover. The structures will be checked for any constructional defects. The valve chambers and their surroundings will be checked for its cleanliness. g) The rectifiers, batteries, battery chargers at pumping station will be checked for their functioning along with pipe to soil potentials at every test lead points for proper soil potential. ERECTION – GENERAL The scope covers installation, testing & commissioning of electro-mechanical work with necessary supply of hardware and testing tool as required during installation, testing and commissioning of item. 9.7.1 The contractor’s staff shall include at least one competent erection engineer with proven suitable, previous experience on similar contract to supervise the erection of the works and sufficient skilled, semiskilled and unskilled labour to ensure completion of the works in time. The contractor shall not remove any representative, erector or skilled labour from the site without the prior approval of the engineer’s representative. 9.7.2 otherwise directed by the engineer, the contractor shall adhere strictly to the aforesaid approved drawings. If any damage is caused by the contractor during the course of erection to new or existing plant or buildings or any part thereof, the contractor shall, at no additional cost to the employer, make good, repair or replace the damage, promptly and effectively as directed by the engineer and to the engineer’s satisfaction. 9.7.3 During erection of the plant the engineer will inspect the installation from time to time in the presence of the contractor’s site representative to establish conformity with the requirements of the specification. Any deviations and deficiencies found or evidence of unsatisfactory workmanship shall be corrected as instructed by the engineer. 9.8 RECORD, PROCEDURES AND REPORTS 9.8.1 The contractor shall maintain records pertaining to the quality of installation/erection work and inspection, testing, compliance with all technical requirements in respect of all his works as described in the previous paragraphs. The reporting formats shall be in the approved formats. Page 169 The contractor shall submit such records to the engineer after the completion of any particular work before submitting the bill of supply/progress of work. Such report shall comprise of shop inspection reports, shop testing reports, material test reports, based on which dispatch clearances are provided, all the quality control reports of welding, erection and alignment records. 9.8.2 All the above mentioned records shall be submitted in the final form duly countersigned by the engineer’s representative attesting conformity to specifications and is approval of installation and duly incorporating all the additions, alternations and information as required by the engineer, on the basis of preliminary reports giving the progress of the work. Such records notwithstanding any records submitted earlier with bill of supply/progress etc. shall be duly bound and submitted to the engineer in six copies by the contractor on his notification of the mechanical completion of erection. 9.9 COMPLETION OF ERECTION 9.9.1 The completion of plant under erection by the contractor shall be deemed to occur, if all the units of the plant are structurally and mechanically complete and will include among other such responsibilities the following: (a) Plant in the scope of the contractor has been erected, installed and grouted as per specifications. (b) (c) Installation checks are completed and approved by the engineer. The erected plant are totally ready for commissioning checks. 9.9.2 At the stage of completion of erection, the contractor shall ensure that all the physical, aesthetic and workmanship aspects are totally complete and the plant is fit and bound to undergo commissioning checks/tests on completion. 9.9.3 Upon achieving the completion as described above, the contractor shall notify the engineer by a written notice intimating such mechanical completion of units and notify the engineer for inspection and acceptance of mechanical completion. The engineer/engineer’s representative shall proceed with the inspection of such units within 14 days of such a notice. Thereafter: (a) The engineer shall certify completion when there are no defaults in the works and the plant is acceptable or (b) The engineer shall inform the contractor list of deficiencies for rectification hereinafter referred as Punch List and the contractor shall complete the rectification work within a jointly agreed period before tests on or approval of the same before proceeding with the Tests on Completion or (c) The engineer may inform the contractor that the works are accepted with the ‘punch’ list (Items which do not hamper operability, safety or maintainability) and allow the contractors to proceed with the pre - commissioning checks followed by Test on Completion when the contractor undertakes to complete such outstanding works within an agreed during Defects Liability Period. 9.9.4 Taking over shall be based on rectification of all deficiencies as advised by punch lists. Page 170 9.9.5 The erection period indicated by the contractor would be deemed to cover all the activities upto completion as stipulated in previous paragraphs, notice of completion by the contractor, inspection by the engineer for completion, and contractor rectification of all deficiencies as noticed by the deficiency/punch list, and acceptance by the engineer of such rectification, prior to Test on Completion. 9.9.6 Minor defects, which in the opinion of engineer which do not hamper operability and maintainability will not be taken in to account for deciding mechanical completion. Such defects shall be rectified concurrent to commissioning checks before Test on Completion. However, the engineer’s decision in this regard is final. 9.9.7 The commissioning period as notified by the contractor shall be deemed to occur beyond the date of completion and shall include all period of pre-commissioning, trials and Test on Completion. 9.9.8 It is in the contractor’s interest to offer the sections/units/systems, progressively under identified milestones within overall erection period, duly completed for inspection by the engineer’s representative, obtain his ‘punch’ list, for rectification of any deficiencies pointed out by the engineer and to achieve mechanical completion before undertaking the Test on Completion within the specified erection period. The engineer also reserves a right to withhold the cost as estimated to be equivalent to the rectification of deficiencies pointed out to the contractor until such a time such deficiencies are rectified to the satisfaction of the engineer. 9.10 SETTING TO WORK 9.10.1 On completion of erection the contractor shall request the engineer’s representative to carry out the installation inspection. 9.10.2 After the plant has been set to work the contractor shall continue to operate the plant for a period of one week. 9.11 INSTALLATION INSPECTION 9.11.1 In addition to the progressive supervision and inspection by the purchaser the contractor shall offer for inspection to engineer, the completely erected plant / part of plant on which tests are to be carried out. After such inspection by engineer, each equipment / sub-system shall be tested by the contractor in accordance with the applicable standards in the presence of engineer. Such tests shall include but not be limited to the tests specified in following clauses. 9.11.2 Mechanical The erection, piping and wiring of each item shall be checked as per approved drawings, vendors drawings, wiring schematics and cable terminations. If any minor modifications are noted, they shall be incorporated in the appropriate “as built” drawings. (a) The erected pipe work shall be subjected to a hydraulic test at 1.5 times the maximum pressure or twice the working pressure whichever is higher to test the soundness of the joints. Provision of the necessary pumps, gauges, blank flanges, tappings etc. for carrying out these tests shall be include in the contract. (b) Leakage tests shall be carried out on all erected pipe work, pumps and valves immediately after erection and where possible before being built in. Page 171 9.11.3 (c) Operating tests shall be conducted on valves. (d) The pump set shall be tested for satisfactory operation. The vibration and noise level shall be checked to be within the specified limits. Centrifugal Pumps Pre-commissioning Checks a) Check name plate details b) c) d) e) Check tightness of all bolts, clamps, etc. Check alignment of the pump and motor Inspect the bearings visually and check that adequate lubrication has been applied. Confirm that the shaft is free and it is possible to easily rotate the shaft by hand. f) g) Check that the pump glands have been filled and tightened adequately. Ensure that the driver run tests have been successfully completed and the direction of rotation of the driver is proper. Pump Commissioning Checks a) Couple the pump with the driver. b) Keep the vent valve/cock open, until all air has been completely expelled and the pump is flooded with water. If required the discharge valve of the pump may be slightly opened and then closed subsequently. c) After ensuring that the pump has been primed satisfactorily, the discharge valve is closed & start the pump momentarily and stop it. d) Check if the pump is making any abnormal sound and that acceleration and deceleration of the shaft is smooth. e) If found normal, the pump can be put on an eight hour trial run. For the trial run make necessary arrangements for the discharge of the pump. During this trial run, note down regular observations regarding the discharge pressure, bearing temperature and bearing vibrations. f) g) 9.11.4 Check the alignment of the pump and motor. Condition of winding insulation be tested and insulation values shall be restored to required level by suitable heating arrangements locally. Valves of all kind Pre-commissioning Checks a) Check dimensional details and alignment b) Check tightness of all bolts, joints, etc. c) Check manual operation; in case of motor driven valves check electrical operation d) Check for duration of full closure and opening cycles Commissioning Checks a) Check operation in the starting and stop routine of the related pumps b) Check for operation from control panel c) Check for leakage of shaft glands, joints Page 172 9.11.5 Test On Motors Pre-Commissioning Tests a) Check that motor name plate details are as per the approved vendor drawings and factory test reports b) Check tightness of all bolts, clamps etc. c) Check that earthing connections have been properly connected. d) Check that bearings are in a good condition and are properly lubricated. e) Open the terminal box and check that the connecting terminals are secure and the clearance between the terminals is adequate. Commissioning Tests Insulation resistance test of motor windings and cables. Continuity check for power and control cables. Winding resistance measurement in case of motors rated 55 kW and above. Control, interlock and protection schemes. Operation and setting of timer. Phase sequence and rotation. No load trial run for observation of vibrations, temperature of bearings etc. On load operation, starting and running load current (also observe vibrations & temperature). Operation of timer. 9.12 Commissioning 9.13.1 General After successful checks and after erection and pre-commissioning tests, the entire system shall be commissioned by the Contractor. During commissioning, the Contractor shall supply all material and labour to supervise, operate, keep in operation, adjust, test, service, repair and do all things necessary to keep the System running to the satisfaction of the Engineer in Charge. This shall include labour on a 24 hour-a-day basis during the test period and for such other period of continuous operation, as the Engineer in Charge may consider necessary to establish the efficient operation of the System. Vibration, noise levels and alignments shall be checked and noted for record purposes. If any test results/operations show noticeable variation from the Specification requirements for the System or any particular item of the System, the Contractor shall immediately take steps to rectify the deficiency without any extra cost to Department. 9.13.2 System Commissioning (Electrical, Mechanical & Instrumentation) The Contractor shall be responsible for trial runs, testing and commissioning of the entire system under design and operating conditions or under conditions which the Engineer in Charge may define and which in no case shall exceed the design and operational conditions. The System commissioning shall commence after the work has been physically completed to the satisfaction of the Engineer in Charge. The design and operation conditions are as follows: a) b) Supply from the HT feeder Use of any or combination of the transformers c) d) Design capacity of the pumps Starting of pumps against closed/ open valves Page 173 e) f) Stopping of pumps after closure/ opening of delivery header valves Power cut and sudden stop of all pumps under design flow conditions g) Closing of the line valves against full static pressure h) Operation of all valves (manual and motorised / manual) i) Operation through switchgear j) Operation of all measuring instruments The timing of the commissioning tests will depend on the availability of raw water and power. The Contractor shall prepare the entire system for the execution of the tests complete with all required taps, branches with blank flanges, etc. All these provisions have to be of a durable nature so that the tests can be repeated even after several years. He has to provide all the equipment for the execution of the tests and for the measuring and recording of: a) b) c) pressure at various points within the pump station and the pipeline, precision 1 m (0.1 bar) head losses across different valves and fittings overall energy efficiency of the pumping system at the prescribed flow rates d) e) f) performance of the non-return valves voltages, currents obtained in various circuits/ prime movers other tests required for the verification of the performance data of the pump station system in conjunction with the pipeline system The Contractor may engage an institution for the execution of the required tests and their monitoring at his own cost. The institution has to be approved by the Engineer in Charge. The system shall be treated as commissioned only when the entire system has been successfully operated over a period of time as follows: • 36 hours uninterrupted, continuous running for three days, at design flow/ flow noticed by Engineer-in-Charge. or • Short duration operation of 8 hours with a 8 hour stop and a further 4 hours pumping totaling 12 hours working per day for a three day period, at design flow/ flow noticed by Engineer-in-Charge. or Any repairs or replacement required during this period shall be done by the Contractor at his own cost. 9.13 Trial Runs The Contractor shall run and maintain the System for two months at a stretch, or any other stipulated periods and conditions prescribed by the Engineer-in-Charge, from the date of commissioning. During the trial run all components of the system must function in a synchronized manner so as to give all desired outputs at efficiencies guaranteed or as stipulated in the specifications, failing which the Engineer-in-Charge may extend the period of trial run, till a date the entire system functions to the complete satisfaction of Engineer-in-Charge. Standard test reports shall be compiled at all stages of installation, pre-commissioning and commissioning. Any modifications or changes shall be incorporated and marked on the respective reference drawings and the Engineer in Charge shall be advised. The necessary protocol must be maintained for record purposes, jointly with Engineer in Charge and/or the authorized Representative of the Department. At the time of commissioning, the engineer will appoint his representative as commissioning engineer. The contractor shall carry out commissioning tests in the presence of the commissioning engineer. Though the mechanical completion may have been checked and Page 174 clarified by the site engineers, the commissioning engineer may verify any mechanical completion checks to satisfy himself that the plant is fit and sound, if such checks had not been witnessed by him. It will be the responsibility of the contractor to make all arrangements for carrying out these tests. The evaluation of test results and decision passed by the commissioning engineer regarding the test results will be final and binding on the contractor. Any additional tests or repetition of tests to establish satisfactory operation of any equipment shall be carried out by the contractor at no extra cost. All flow, level process measurement controllers, transmitters, recorders, indicators, vacuum and pressure gauges shall be subject to routine in accordance with BS8, BS1780 and BS3680. Test certificate shall be provided against each item of equipment. 9.14 MISCELLANEOUS Completion checks and commissioning tests on items not covered under above, shall be carried out by the contractor as per the instructions of the engineer’s representative. 9.15 TAKING OVER 12.16.1 No item of plant will be certified for taking over by the purchaser unless it has successfully passed all the tests called for under the contract. If nevertheless the employer uses any part of the works, that part which is used shall be deemed to have been taken over at the date of such use. Taking over Certificate for plant shall not be issued unless the following documentation are duly compiled and submitted in final formats in duly bound volumes. (a) A compilation of all shop inspection results/reports of the plant/machinery with due attestation that the plants have been manufactured to specified standards (5 copies). (b) All erection/construction quality control checks in appropriate approved formats for all installation works with attestation that installation has been carried out as per acceptable / stipulated standards (6 copies). 9.16 TENDER / CONTRACT DRAWINGS SR. NO. DESCRIPTION PRELIMINARY DRAWINGS TO BE SUBMITTED DRAWINGS TO BE SUBMITTED AFTER AWARD OF WORK * * 1.0 Outline dimensional drawing (a) Pump – motor Set (b) Knife Gate valve * (c) Non-return valve * (d) Expansion bellows * 2.0 Cross Sectional Drawing Materials of Construction (a) Pump – motor * (b) Knife Gate valve * with Page 175 (c) Non-return valve * (d) Expansion Bellows * 3.0 Pump performance Curves (a) Pump (Q vs H, P, η & NPSH) 4.0 Motor Curves (a) Starting Current Vs time * (b) Characteristic under cold and hot conditions * 5.0 Non return valves (a) Velocity vs pressure drop * 6.0 GA drawing of the pumping plants with all dimensions * * 7.0 ‘As built’ GA drawing Note: * Indicates the document required to be submitted. * * Page 176 10.0 LIST OF APPROVED VENDORS SR. NO. ITEM APPROVED MAKE 1. CENTRIFUGAL SEWAGE PUMP GRUNDFOSS / KIRLOSKAR / MATHER & PLATT / BEACON WEIR / KSB / FLOWMORE / JYOTI / EBARA 2. INDUCTION MOTOR SIEMENS / ABB / CROMPTON / ALSTHOM (MARATHON) / KEC / BHARAT BIJLEE / JYOTI / SHINKO 3. SLUICE VALVE IVC / KIRLOSKAR / UPADHAYAY / FOURESS / ADVANCE / DURGA/ R & D MULTIPLES / KEJRIWAL / KEYSTONE 4 NON RETURN VALVE IVC / KIRLOSKAR / UPADHAYAY / DALUI / FOURESS / R & D MULTIPLES / KEJRIWAL / DURGA 5 ELECTRICAL ACTUATOR 6 C.I. PIPE & FITTINGS ORIENTAL CASTINGS / UPADHYA VALVES / ELECTROSTEEL CASTINGS / KEJARIWAL / BIC 7 M.S.SHEET & FITTINGS JINDAL/TATA/SAIL/ESSAR/ZENITH/ASIAN 8 EXPANSION BELLOWS DHRUV / BELOFLEX (B.D. ENGINEERS) / D.WREN / PRECISION 9 PRESSURE GAUGE H GURU / BELLS / MANOMETER / GENERAL INSTRUMENTS VALVE ROTORK / AUMA Page 177 SECTION: E TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR ELECTRICAL WORK Page 178 SECTION – E: TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR ELECTRICAL WORKS PROJECT : AUGMENTATION OF PUMPING MACHINERIES OF NAVANA - VATWA SEWAGE PUMPING STATION IN NORTH ZONE FOR A.M.C. DOCUMENT : INDEX FOR TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS OF ELECTRICAL ITEMS SR. NO. TITLE PAGE NO. 1.0 H.T. SWITCHGEAR 179 2.0 H.T. XLPE CABLES 193 3.0 DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMER 197 4.0 MEDIUM VOLTAGE PANEL BOARD 202 5.0 LT BUS DUCT 216 6.0 MOTOR SOFT STARTER 217 7.0 L.T. CAPACITOR BANK 218 8.0 LOCAL PUSH BUTTON STATION 220 9.0 MEDIUM VOLTAGE CABLES 222 10.0 EARTHING 230 11.0 INTERNAL WIRING 232 12.0 LIGHT FIXURES 233 13.0 ERECTION, TESTING & COMMISSIONING OF ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS. 234 14.0 LIST OF APPROVED VENDORS 250 Page 179 1.0 H. T. SWITCHGEAR 1.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1.1.1 All equipment and materials shall be designed, manufactured and tested in accordance with the latest applicable Indian Standards (IS) except where modified and/or supplemented by this specification. 1.1.2 The equipment shall meet the requirements of Indian Electricity Rules as amended upto date and relevant IS Codes of Practice. In addition, other rules and regulations as applicable to the work shall be followed. In case of any discrepancy, the more restrictive rule shall be binding. 1.2 COMPLETENESS OF SUPPLY 1.2.1 It is not the intent to specify completely herein all details of the equipment. Nevertheless, the equipment shall be complete and operative in all aspects and shall conform to highest standard of engineering, design and workmanship. 1.2.2 Any material or accessory which may not have been specifically mentioned but which is necessary or usual for satisfactory and trouble free operation and maintenance of the equipment shall be furnished without any extra charge. 1.3 DESIGN CRITERIA 1.3.1 The Switchgear shall be capable of continuous operation at specified rating under the following condition: Voltage variation: + / - 10 % Frequency variation: + 5% to 5% Combined voltage & frequency variation: + / - 10 % 1.3.2 The derating of the equipments shall be done taking 50 deg C as an ambient temperature if it is designed at lower temperature. The maximum temp. in any part of the equipment at specified rating shall not exceed 85 deg C considering reference ambient temperature as 50 deg C. 1.3.3 The system fault level for 11KV system is 350MVA. The breakers of the respective system shall have the breaking capacity corresponding to above fault levels specified. 1.3.4 The breaker shall be Vacuum type. 1.3.5 The breaker ratings shall be as per drawing and bill of quantity. 1.4 SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS 1.4.1 The switchgear enclosure shall conform to the degree of protection IP-4X. The minimum thickness of sheet steel used shall be 2mm CRCA steel for main body enclosure & door, while for other parts thickness for CRCA steel sheet shall be up to 2 mm 1.4.2 The switch gear assembly shall comprise a continuous, dead-front, line-up of free standing, vertical cubicles. Each cubicle shall have a front hinged door with latches and a removable back cover. All covers and doors shall be provided with recessed neoprene gaskets. All doors shall have pad locking arrangement. Switchgear shall be fire retardant type. Page 180 1.4.3 Circuit breakers, instrument transformers, bus-bars, cable compartment etc., shall be housed in totally isolated air tight separate compartments within the cubicle. The design shall be such that failure of one equipment shall not affect the adjacent units. Suitable venting arrangement shall be provided to release the gas pressure developed due to the operation of the breaker or due to live arc of fault. 1.4.4 Each cubicle shall be separated from adjacent one by grounded sheet steel barrier and bus sealing arrangement. 1.4.5 The switchgear panel shall be of arc proof version. Test report as per DIN VDE 0670 part 601, IEC-694/IEC-298 shall be furnished. 1.4.6 All relays, meters, switches and lamps shall be flush mounted on the respective cubicle door or on control cabinet built on the front of the cubicle. 1.4.7 Each switchgear cubicle shall be provided with a thermostat controlled space heater and single phase plug point operated at 230 V AC. 50 Hz. 1.4.8 Bus connection from bus compartment to breaker compartment & breaker compartment to cable compartment and bus compartment to adjacent panels shall be through sealed resin cast bushing assembly. 1.4.9 Each breaker cubicle shall be provided with ‘service’ and ‘test’ position limit switches, each having at least 4 NO & 4 NC contacts. All fixing bolts, screws, etc. appearing on the panel shall be so arranged as to present a neat appearance. The swing of the door shall be more than 90 deg C. 1.5 BUS AND BUS TAPS 1.5.1 The main buses and connections shall be of high conductivity copper, sized for specified continuous and fault current ratings with maximum temperature limited to 85 deg C (i.e.35 deg C rise over 50 deg C ambient). 1.5.2 Adequate contact pressure shall be ensured by means of two bolts connection with plain and spring washers and locknuts. 1.5.3 Bimetallic connectors shall be furnished for connections between dissimilar metals. 1.5.4 All Bus bars, Jumpers and connection shall be fully insulated for working voltage with adequate phase/ground clearances. Epoxy cast-resin shrouds for joints shall be provided. All jointing hardware shall have nylon caps. All bus bars, links, jumpers etc. shall be sleeved with sleeves of Raychem/DSG make and non-inflammable heat shrinkable type. Bus bars, links, live parts etc. shall have non-flammable shrouds. 1.5.5 Safety shutter, phase barrier, bus bar seal-off bushing plate, support insulators etc. shall be non-inflammable high tracking fiber glass/epoxy insulation system. 1.5.6 All buses and connections shall be supported and braced to withstand dynamic electromagnetic stresses due to maximum short circuit current and also to take care of any thermal expansion. Page 181 1.5.7 Bus bars shall be colour coded for easy identification and so located that the sequence R-Y-B shall be from left to right, top to bottom or front to rear, when viewed from front of the switchgear assembly. 1.5.8 The successful tenderer shall submit the calculation in support of selection of busbar conductor size, spacing and short time withstand capability. 1.6 CIRCUIT BREAKER 1.6.1 Circuit breaker shall be triple pole, single throw, and Vacuum type. 1.6.2 Circuit breaker shall be draw out type, having SERVICE, TEST and DISCONNECTED positions with positive indication for each position. 1.6.3 Circuit breakers of identical rating shall be physically and electrically interchangeable. 1.6.4 Circuit breaker shall have motor wound spring charging facility with Mechanical & Electrical anti-pumping features and shunt trip. In addition facility for manual charging of spring shall be provided. The motor shall be suitable for operation with voltage variation from 85% to 110% of rated voltage. Spring charging motor shall be in a standard enclosure. 1.6.5 For motor wound mechanism, spring charging shall take place automatically after each breaker closing operation. One open-close-open operation of the circuit breaker shall be possible after failure of power supply to the motor. 1.6.6 Mechanical safety interlock shall be provided to prevent: The circuit breaker from being racked in or out of the service position when the breaker is closed. Racking in the circuit breaker unless the control plug is fully engaged. Closing & opening of the breaker in an intermediate position between ‘service’ & ‘test’ and between ‘Test’ and ‘Disconnected’ position. 1.6.7 Automatic safety shutters shall be provided to fully cover the female primary contacts when the breaker is withdrawn from service position. 1.6.8 Each breaker shall be provided with an emergency manual trip, mechanical ON-OFF indication, an operation counter and mechanism charge/discharge indicator. The manual trip device shall be located on the front door. Indicators with shrouds will be visible from front door even when breaker is closed. 1.6.9 Each breaker shall be provided with following : Auxiliary switch, with 6 NO + 6 NC contacts, mounted on the drawout portion of the switchgear. Position/cell switch with minimum 3 NO + 1 NC contacts, one each for TEST and SERVICE position. Auxiliary switch, with 4 NO + 4 NC contacts, mounted on the stationary portion of the switchgear and operated mechanically by a sliding lever from the breaker in SERVICE position. Page 182 1.6.10 Limit/auxiliary switches shall be convertible type that is facility for changing N.O. contact ton N.C. and vice-versa. Switch contact shall be rated 10A A.C. and 2A D.C. at operating voltage. 1.6.11 Circuit breaker shall be draw out type, complete with transfer trucks, self-aligning primary and secondary disconnects, positive guides to ensure proper alignment. 1.6.12 Each breaker shall be provided with suitable encased rollers. 1.6.13 The trip coils shall be operated satisfactorily at voltage between 70 % and 110 % of rated control supply voltage. 1.6.14 Each circuit breaker cubicle shall be provided with an earthing facility to earth the incoming or outgoing feeders by the arrangement specified below. Earthing facilities shall be fully interlocked to prevent faulty operation e.g. earthing of live parts. 1.6.15 Separate earthing truck, which can be inserted in place of circuit breakers, one truck suitable for incoming and the other for outgoing circuits, shall be provided. 1.6.16 Positive earthing of circuit breaker frame shall be maintained when it is in the connected position and in all other positions in which the safety shutters are in open position. 1.6.17 Insulation used for auxiliary switches shall be anti tracking type. 1.7 INDICATION & MONITORING 1.7.1 Each breaker cubicle shall be equipped with following: One (1) number heavy duty spring return type TRIP-NORMAL-CLOSE control switch with pistol grip handle. Three (3) indicating lights front of compartments: GREEN RED Amber Blue : Breaker Open : Breaker Closed : Trip : Spring charged/Low vacuum 1.7.2 Lamp shall be LED type with series resistor, Lamp and lens shall be replaceable from the front. 1.8 CURRENT TRANSFORMER 1.8.1 Current transformers shall be bar primary, cast resin, dual core, dual ratio type. All secondary connections shall be brought out to terminal blocks where Y or D connection will be made. Class PS for differential & restricted earth fault relaying. Class 5P10 for other relaying. Class 1.0 and ISF < 5 for metering. The current transformer shall be capable of safely withstanding the short circuit, stresses corresponding to the fault level as indicated & shall be able to meet the short-time requirement specified. Page 183 All CT secondary shall be earthed through separate switch link on terminal block. The secondary terminals of the CTS shall have the provision of shorting and disconnecting facilities by links. CT terminals & their polarities shall be clearly marked. 1.8.2 1.8.3 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER i.) Voltage Transformer shall be cast-resin, draw out type and shall have an accuracy class of 1.0, 3P. Voltage Transformer mounted on breaker carriage is not acceptable. ii.) High voltage windings of voltage transformer shall be protected by current limiting fuses. The voltage transformer and fuses shall be completely disconnected and visibly grounded in fully draw-out position. iii.) Low voltage fuses, sized to prevent overload, shall be installed in all ungrounded secondary leads. Fuses shall be suitably located to permit easy replacement while the switchgear is energies. iv.) The connections from main circuit to PT shall be capable of withstanding short circuit stresses. RELAYS i.) ii.) 1.8.4 Relays shall be of draw out design with built-in site testing facilities. Small auxiliary relays may be in non-draw out execution ad mounted within the cubicle. Relays shall be rated for operation on 110 V secondary voltage and 5 A secondary current as shown on drawings. Number and rating of relay contacts shall suit the job requirements. METERS All meters are digital type of 96 x 96 mm accuracy class of ± 0.5%. 1.8.5 SECONDARY WIRING i.) The switchgear shall be fully wired at the factory to ensure proper functioning of control, protection, transfer and interlocking schemes. ii.) Fuse and links shall be provided to permit individual circuit isolation from bus wires without disturbing other circuits. All spare contacts of relays, switches and other devices shall be wired up to terminal blocks. iii.) Wiring shall be done with flexible, 650V grade, FRLS PVC insulated switchboard wires with stranded copper conductors of 2.5 mm2 for control and current circuits and 2.5 mm2 for voltage circuits. All power wiring like space heater supply etc. shall be carried out with min. 4 mm2 Cu, conductor, Wiring of trip circuit shall be with fluroplastic wires. iv.) Each wire shall be identified, at both ends, with dependent & cross addressing permanent markers bearing wire numbers as per Contractor’s Wiring Diagrams. Trip circuit shall have red colour ferrule. Page 184 v.) Wire termination shall be made with crimping type ring connectors with insulating sleeves. Wires shall not be spliced between terminals. vi.) The wires shall run preferably through metallic through adequately supported along its run to prevent sagging due to flexibility or vibration. The control & power wires shall be routed through separate troughs. vii.) Inter-panel wiring trough shall be furnished for wiring between switchgear cubicles. All wiring required for interlocking between the cubicles of any switchgear shall be furnished and installed. Wherever wires are passing through cutouts or openings they shall be protected by providing suitable grommet or gasket around the openings. Inter panel wiring at shipping sections shall be through terminal blocks placed suitably at intersection points. viii.) The colour of wire shall be taken as follows : a) b) c) d) 1.8.6 1.8.7 AC System Black DC System Grey Earthing System Green CT & PT Wiring System Red, Yellow, Blue colour code. TERMINAL BLOCKS i.) Terminal blocks shall be 660 V grade box-clamp type with marking strips ELMEX 10 mm2 or equal. Terminal for C.T. Secondary leads shall be disconnecting link type and shall have provision for shorting. Terminal for P.T. Secondary lead shall also be disconnecting link type. ii.) Not more than two wires shall be connected to any terminal. Spare terminals equal in number to 20% active terminals shall be furnished. Multi connection terminal strip to be used if required. iii.) Terminal blocks shall be located to allow easy access. Wiring shall be so arranged that individual wires of an external cable can be connected to consecutive terminals. iv.) Terminal blocks for inter panel / external / Space Heater wiring shall be separate from inter panel wiring. v.) All control wire shall be terminated with ring type insulated lug only. vi.) The terminal block shall be grouped according to circuit functions and individual terminals in each block shall be serially numbered in accordance with the drawings. Such numbering shall be legible, permanent and indelible. vii.) The terminal blocks of different voltage classes shall be segregated. viii.) Similar type of terminal block shall be used for inter panel wiring at shipping sections. CABLE TERMINATION i.) Switchgear shall be designed for cable entry from the top. Sufficient space shall be provided for ease of termination and connection. Page 185 1.8.8 1.8.9 ii.) Power cables shall be XLPE insulated, armoured, overall PVC sheathed with stranded Aluminium/copper conductor. iii.) Control cables shall be PVC/XLPE insulated, armoured, overall PVC sheathed with 2.5mm2 stranded copper conductor. iv.) All provisions and accessories shall be furnished for termination and connection of cables, including removable aluminium gland plates, cables supports etc. v.) The gland plates shall be minimum 4mm thick aluminium sheet. The gland plate and supporting arrangement for I/C power cables shall be such as to minimize flow of eddy current. vi.) Sufficient space shall be provided between the power cable termination (end-boxes) and gland plate. Core balance C.T.s, wherever specified, shall be accommodated within this space. GROUND BUS i.) A ground bus, rated to carry maximum fault current, shall extend full length of the switchgear. ii.) The ground bus shall be provided with two-bolt drilling with G.I. bolts and nuts at each end to receive 50 x 6 mm G.I. flat. iii.) Each stationary unit shall be connected directly to the ground bus. The frame of each circuit breaker and draw out P.T. unit shall be grounded through heavy multiple contacts at all times except when the primary disconnecting devices are separated by a safe distance. iv.) Wherever the schematic diagrams indicate a definite ground at the switchgear, a single wire for each circuit thus grounded shall be run independently to the ground bus and connected thereto. v.) C.T. and V.T. secondary neutrals shall be earthed through removable links so that earth of one circuit may be removed without disturbing other. vi.) Suitable ground terminal, directly connected with the ground bus shall be provided in the cable chamber for grounding connection of cable screen / armour. vii.) All hinged doors shall be grounded using silver plated and braided copper flexible of adequate size. NAMEPLATES i.) Nameplates of approved design shall be furnished at front & back side of each cubicle and at each instruments & device mounted on or inside the cubicle. ii.) The material shall be 3ply lamicold or approved equal, 3 mm thick with white letter on black background. The letters of the nameplates shall be engraved. iii.) The nameplate shall be held by self-tapping screws. Nameplate size shall be minimum 20 x 75mm for instrument/device and 40 x 150mm for panels. iv.) Caution notice on suitable metal plate shall be affixed at the back of each vertical panel. Page 186 v.) Following plate size & letter size shall be considered for nameplate. SR. NO. 1.0 2.0 3.0 1.8.10 1.8.11 1.8.12 NAMEPLATE NO. PLATE SIZE (mm × mm) Main name plate Equipment & device (Front) Equipment & device (Internal) LETTER SIZE (mm × mm) 40 × 150 20 × 75 6 × 20 25 × 25 5×5 3×3 SPACE HEATERS AND PLUG SOCKETS i.) Each cubicle shall be provided with thermostat controlled space heaters and 10A, 3 pin plug socket. ii.) Cubicle heater, Plug/socket circuits shall have Individual MCBs. A.C. Power Supply i.) The following power supplies will be made available to the switchgear: A.C. supply: Double Feeder with manual change over switch. ii.) Isolating MCB will be provided at the switchgear for the incoming supplies. iii.) Bus-wires of adequate (minimum 4 copper) capacity shall be provided to distribute the incoming supplies to different cubicles. Isolating MCB shall be provided at each cubicle for A.C. supplies. iv.) A.C. load shall be so distributed as to present a balance loading on three-phase supply system. Annunciation details Minimum annunciation windows for incoming 11KV VCB as follows: FOR INCOMING 11 KV VCB FEEDERS: i.) ii.) iii.) iv.) v.) vi.) vii.) 1.8.13 1.8.14 Main incoming circuit breaker trip Transformer #1 circuit breaker trip Transformer #1 Buchholz relay alarm Transformer #1 Buchholz relay trip Transformer #1 High oil temperature alarm Transformer #1 High oil temperature trip Spare windows – 5 nos. Tropical Protection i.) All equipment, accessories and wiring shall have fungus protection involving special treatment of insulation and metal against fungus, insects & corrosion. ii.) Screens of stainless steel shall be furnished on all ventilating louvers to prevent the entrance of insects. Painting Page 187 1.8.15 i.) All surfaces shall be sanding blasted, pickled and grounded as required to produce a smooth, clean surface free of scale, grease rust and foreign adhering matter. ii.) After cleaning, the surfaces shall be given a phosphate coating followed by 2 coats of high quality primer and staved after each coat. iii.) The switchgear shall be finished in Siemens grey with three coats of epoxy paint. iv.) Sufficient quantity of touch-up paint (approx. 5 ltrs.) shall be furnished for application at site. Accessories: The following accessories shall be furnished along with the Switchgear: i.) Earthing equipment suitable for earthing the bus or outgoing cable. ii.) Breaker carrier trolley if C.B. is of that design. iii.) Cubicle door opening key (1 for each panel). iv.) Withdrawal handle for breaker. v.) Commissioning spares ( Provide list of spares along with offer ) 1.9 TESTS 1.9.1 The switchgear shall be completely assembled, wired, adjusted and tested in presence of TPI & representative of client at the factory as per the relevant standards. 1.9.2 Routine Test 1.9.3 The tests shall include but not necessarily limited to the following for switchgear : 1.9.4 i.) Operation under simulated service condition to ensure accuracy of wiring, correctness of control scheme & proper functioning of the equipment. ii.) All wiring and current carrying part shall be given appropriate High Voltage test. iii.) Primary current and voltage shall be applied to all instrument transformers. iv.) Routine test shall be carried out on all equipment such as circuit breakers, instrument transformers, meters etc. v.) One minute power frequency withstands insulation test as per relevant-IS. Test Certificate i.) Certified reports of all the tests carried out at the works shall be furnished in six (6) copies for approval of the Owner. ii.) The equipment shall be dispatched from works only after receipt of Owner's written approval of the test reports. Page 188 iii.) 1.10 The test report shall furnish complete identification of the equipment such as serial no., rating, equipment designation as per schematic etc. & date of test. SPARES The Bidder shall submit a list of recommended spare parts for Five (5) years satisfactory and trouble free operation, indicating the itemized price of each item of the spares in the appropriate annexure. Self life of consumable spares would be indicated specifically. 1.11 DRAWINGS, DATA & MANUALS Drawings, Data & Manuals shall submitted in triplicate with the bid and in quantities and procedures as specified in General Conditions of contract and/or elsewhere in the specification for approval & subsequent distribution after the issue of Letter of intent. Drawing / Document to be submitted: i.) Outline dimensional drawing of the switchgear showing general arrangement, space requirements and cable entry points, location of breaker, CT, PT bus bar chamber, grounding arrangement etc. ii.) Bill of Materials. iii.) Typical foundation plan. iv.) Typical breaker control schematic. v.) Test reports on circuit breaker/CT/PT. vi.) Technical leaflets on & complete specifications & OEM address for bought out items. vii.) Bus bar & circuit breaker sizing calculation along with relevant Test Reports. Instruction manuals of switchgear & individual equipment. The manual shall clearly indicate that the installation method, check-up and tests to be carried out before commissioning of the equipment as well as monitoring tests, their interval & maintenance/overhauling procedure & schedule. Page 189 PROJECT : AUGMENTATION OF NAVANA - VATWA SEWAGE PUMPING STATION IN NORTH ZONE OF AMDAVAD MUNICIPAL CORPORATION DOCUMENT : TECHNICAL DATA SHEET FOR H. T. VCB SR. NO. PARTICULAR DATA TO BE FILLED BY THE BIDDER DETAILS 1.0 GENERAL : 1.1 Make As per Tender 1.2 Model & Type no. Pl. furnish 1.3 Ambient temperature 45 deg. C 1.4 Atmosphere Corrosive, Humid, Dusty 1.5 Location Indoor 2.0 ELECTRICAL DATA : 2.1 Type of breaker Vacuum Circuit Breaker 2.2 Service Continuous 2.3 Voltage 11 KV + 10% 2.4 System earthing Solidly earthed 2.5 Frequency 50 Hz. + 5% to - 5 % 2.6 No. of phase 3 2.7 System fault level 350 MVA 2.8 Fault current 18.37 KA 2.9 Max. system voltage 12 KV 2.10 Power Pack unit 110V D.C derived from power pack connected on incoming P.T. supply. The rating suitable for min. three breaker operations 2.11 Rated short time current 18.37 KA (1 sec.) rms 2.12 Making capacity 46 KA (peak) 2.13 Busbar current rating 400 A min. 2.14 Cable entry Bottom 2.15 Cable size 3c x 240 XLPE armored cable (incoming) (E) 3c x 240 XLPE armored cable (outgoing) (E) 2.16 Breaker particulars : (a) Operating duty 0 – 3 min- CO – 3 min – CO (b) Operating mechanism Motor charged spring manual trip & close / Page 190 PROJECT : AUGMENTATION OF NAVANA - VATWA SEWAGE PUMPING STATION IN NORTH ZONE OF AMDAVAD MUNICIPAL CORPORATION DOCUMENT : TECHNICAL DATA SHEET FOR H. T. VCB SR. NO. 2.17 PARTICULAR DATA TO BE FILLED BY THE BIDDER DETAILS (c) Spring charging motor 230 V AC, 200 W[or as per manufacturer design] (d) Trip / Closing coil 110 V DC, 180 W[or as per manufacturer design] (e) Anti pumping feature To be provided (f) Latching requirement Trip free (g) Emergency trip push button Required (h) Space heater and cubicle lamp Required (i) Earthing truck Required Constructional requirements (a) Thickness of sheet steel for frame, enclosure, doors, covers and partitions CRCA sheet & thickness as per tender specification, hinge type door with neoprene rubber gasket (b) Degree of protection IP 4X (c) Colour Epoxy powder Siemens grey (d) Earth bus size 50 × 6 mm GI (e) Foundation frame ISMC-75, Suitable for three breakers with necessary bed plate and foundations bolt. (f) Over all dimension Pl furnish coating – (g) Minimum area required on Pl furnish front side as well as rear side 2.18 Annunciation Provision 2.19 RELAYS 2.20 To be Provided as per drawing (a) Relay no. & type O/C (51) E/F (51N) (b) Type of relay Numerical Numerical (c) Plug Setting Range 5-200% 20-80% CURRENT TRANFORMER (a) Type of CT Cast Resin, dual core, dual ratio as per SLD (b) Accuracy class As per SLD (c) VA burden As per SLD Page 191 PROJECT : AUGMENTATION OF NAVANA - VATWA SEWAGE PUMPING STATION IN NORTH ZONE OF AMDAVAD MUNICIPAL CORPORATION DOCUMENT : TECHNICAL DATA SHEET FOR H. T. VCB SR. NO. PARTICULAR (d) CT ratio 2.21 2.22 DATA TO BE FILLED BY THE BIDDER DETAILS As per SLD POTENTIAL TRANFORMER (a) Type of PT Cast Resin (b) Accuracy class As per SLD (c) VA burden As per SLD (d) PT ratio As per SLD PANEL ACCESSORIES Toggle switch for heater and socket space 230 V A.C , 10 A (b) Socket 5 pin 5/15 A with switch (c) MCB for spring charging motor circuit 6 A , DP MCB (d) MCB for ON / OFF Double pole, 16 A, 110 V D.C for D.C ckt. Double pole, 16 A, 230 V A.C for A.C ckt. Local / Remote selector switch 4 ways, 2 positions, lockable in any position, angular movement, stayput, lever type handle. Auto- Off – Manual switch 18 way, 3 position, lockable in all position, stayput, wing type handle. Breaker control switch ( Trip – Neutral – Trip ) 6 way, 3 position, spring return to neutral, angular movement, pistol grip type handle. LED indicating lamp (230V A.C) Breaker On - Red colour Breaker Off colour - Auto trip colour - Amber Green Trip ckt healthy - Amber colour Spring charged - Blue colour 100 ohm, 3 / 4 W resistor Page 192 PROJECT : AUGMENTATION OF NAVANA - VATWA SEWAGE PUMPING STATION IN NORTH ZONE OF AMDAVAD MUNICIPAL CORPORATION DOCUMENT : TECHNICAL DATA SHEET FOR H. T. VCB SR. NO. PARTICULAR DETAILS DATA TO BE FILLED BY THE BIDDER LED indicating lamp (230V 2 / 3 W bulb for R , Y , B , A.C Healthy indication Space Heater 230 VA.C , 100 W Panel Illumination 11 W CFL with switch for each panel Limit switch for test and Required service position. Note : Other specifications not mentioned in datasheet shall be considered as per tender specifications Page 193 2.0 2.1 H.T. XLPE CABLES SCOPE The scope shall cover supplying, laying, testing and commissioning of 3 core cables of circular stranded aluminum conductors, XLPE extruded dielectric, copper tape screened and PVC over sheathed. The cables shall be armoured with galvanized steel wire armour. Cables shall be capable of operating at a sustained conductor temperature of 90°C. and suitable for a maximum conductor short-circuit temperature of 250°C. This specification gives the general requirement of cables. However, it is the responsibility of the vendor to take the joint measurement and obtain client’s approval before the placement of orders to the main supplier / manufacturer. Cut lengths will not be accepted. 2.2 REFERENCE CODES & STANDARDS STANDARD NO. 2.3 PARTICULAR IS : 8130-1984 Conductors of Insulated Cables. IEC : 228 Conductors of Insulated Cables. IEC : 230 Impulse tests on cables and their accessories IEC : 502 Extruded solid dielectric-insulated power cables for rated voltage from 1 KV up to 30 KV. IEC : 540 Test methods for insulations and sheaths of electric cables and chords IEC : 229 Test on cable over sheaths which have special protective functions and are applied by extrusion. IEC : 287 Calculations of continuous current rating of cables (100% load factor). IS : 7098 (Part II) Cross-linked polyethylene insulated PVC sheathed cable for voltage from 3.3 KV up to 33 KV. IS : 5831-1984 PVC insulation & sheath of electrical cables. IS : 3975 Mild steel wires, formed wires and tapes for armouring of cables IEC : 885(2) – 1987 (Part-II) Electrical test methods for electric cables partial discharge test. IS : 10810 Methods of test for cables. IEC : 811 Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables. IEC : 230 Impulse test on cables & other accessories. IEC : 859 Cable termination for gas insulated switchgear. OPERATING CONDITIONS Electric system System Voltage Frequency : : 11 KV 50 Hz. Page 194 Environment Ground temperature Ambient air temperature Solar gain Earth resistivity Atmospheric conditions 2.4 : : : : : 35°C. 45°C. 1100 w/m² 200°C. Cm/w Humid, salty and dusty MEASUREMENTS: The cables will be measured in meters. The unit rate shall include cutting the cable into required lengths, packing, loading, unloading, insurance, transportation, delivery to stores/site as per work order, stocking in stores, testing of cables at stores etc. of medium voltage cable. Total quantity in meters shall be measured lug to lug basis. 2.5 CONSTRUCTION 2.5.1 CONDUCTORS The conductor shall be of circular stranded Aluminum to IS: 8130 & IEC: 228. It shall be clean, reasonably uniform in size & shape smooth & free from harmful defects. Any other form of conductor may also be accepted if in line with modern trends. 2.5.2 CONDUCTOR SCREEN The conductor screen shall consist of an extruded layer of thermosetting semi-conducting compound which shall be extruded simultaneously with the core insulation. 2.5.3 INSULATION The insulation shall be super clean XLPE compound applied by extrusion and vulcanized to form a compact homogenous body. 2.5.4 INSULATION SCREEN Each insulation have an insulation screen in two parts consisting of: Non-metallic semi-conducting compound tape part and a metallic screen part. The non-metallic part shall be directly applied upon the insulation of each core and may consist of an extruded semi-conducting material extruded simultaneously with the conductor screen and insulation (triple extrusion). The semi-conductor shall be readily strippable and must not be bonded in such a manner that it has to be shaved or scraped to remove. The metallic part shall consist of a copper tape helical applied with a 10% overlap. A binder tape of copper shall be applied over the copper wire metallic screen. 2.5.5 LAYING UP The cores shall be identified on the non-metallic part of the insulation screen by legible printing on the length of each conductor or, by the inclusion of a marker tape. The cores shall be laid up with a right hand direction of lay. Page 195 Binder tape / Moisture barrier: During lay up, a suitable open spiral binder may be applied, at the manufacturer’s discretion, before the application of an extruded inner covering. 2.5.6 FILLERS Fillers shall be PVC. 2.5.7 INNER COVERING / SHEATH The inner covering shall be extruded over the laid up cores to form compact and circular bedding for the metallic layer. 2.5.8 METALLIC LAYER The metallic layer shall be galvanized steel wire. 2.5.9 OUTER SHEATH The tough outer sheath, black coloured best resisting PVC polyethylene compound type ST-2 as per IS : 5831 for the operating temperature of the cable shall be provided over the armour as specified in relevant standards by extrusion process. 2.5.10 CABLE MARKING Embossing on outer sheath: The PVC outer sheath shall be legibly embossed with the legend: “ELECTRIC CABLE 11000 VOLT “etc.. The letter and figures shall be raised and shall consist of upright block characters. The maximum size of the characters shall be 13 mm. And the minimum size 15% of the cable circumference or 3 mm. whichever be the greater. The gap between the end of one set of embossed characters as above and the beginning of the next shall not exceed 150 mm. Identification of Manufacturer and year of manufacture: An identification of the manufacturer, the year of manufacturing, cable size shall be embossed at regular intervals on the PVC outer sheath. This shall not affect the spacing between repetitions of the legend as given above. 2.6 SEALING AND DRUMMING After tests at the manufacturer’s works, both ends of the cable shall be sealed to prevent the ingress of moisture during transportation and storage. Cable shall be supplied in lengths of 500 mtrs. or as required in non-returnable drums of sufficiently sturdy construction. The spindle hole shall be 110 mm. minimum diameters. Each drum shall bear on the outside flange, legibly and indelibly in the English language, a distinguishing number, the manufacturer’s name and particulars of the cable viz. voltage, Page 196 length, conductor size, cable type, insulation type and gross weight shall also be clearly visible. The direction for rolling shall be indicated by an arrow. 2.7 TESTING Type tests and Routine tests shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant IEC standards / IS. The copies of routine test results shall be submitted along with each drum length or part thereof. Page 197 3.0 3.1 DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMER SCOPE The scope of work shall cover the supply of transformer suitable for outdoor installation & minimum core losses with meeting the requirements specified in the equipment data sheet. Associated minor civil works i.e. foundation required for the erection of the transformer are also included in the scope of this contract. 3.2 STANDARDS & COMPLIANCE The transformers shall comply with IS: 2026 and should be suitable for service under conditions of voltage and frequency fluctuations permissible under Indian Electricity Act rules there under. Transformers shall meet the requirements specified in specifications of Transformers and capable of being loaded in accordance with IS: 6600. Tenderers should submit guaranteed performance data as per Data sheet to IS: 2026 for proper evaluation of their equipment. Tenders not furnishing the performance data as above are liable to be disqualified. 3.3 CONSTRUCTION Transformer core shall be built up of low loss non-ageing grain oriented silicon steel insulated laminations. Adequate cooling ducts shall be provided. Transformer tanks shall be of robust construction fabricated out of M.S. plate. All welded joints and valves shall be tested after fabrication of the tank to withstand up pressure of 1.0 kg/ in excess of the static head of oil. Bolted joints shall carry non-deteriorating -gaskets. Transformer cooling shall be as specified under equipment schedule with fixed or removable radiator tubes of seamless construction and adequately braced to the tank. All normal fittings required under section 14 of IS: 2026 - Part I shall be provided. Additional fittings shall also be provided as stipulated in the specification of equipment schedule. Tappings shall be OFF load (where ever applicable as mention in data sheets) and brought out from HV winding and terminated in an external motor operated tap switch with position indicator. Transformer output shall remain unaffected for any tap position. The transformer shall be supplied with oil conforming to IS: 335. The transformer shall be delivered after drying out and ready to put into commissioning without further drying out at site. Should however the pre-commissioning tests require drying, necessary drying with a stream line filter shall be carried out free of cost. Any other filter process is not acceptable. 3.4 TAPS AND TAP CHANGE GEAR 3.4.1 OFF LOAD TAP CHANGE GEAR The tap changers shall be of off circuit type mechanically rugged and arranged to provide for convenient inspection and maintenance without necessity for untanking. The position indicators shall be positive and there shall not be any ambiguity resulting into incomplete tap Page 198 change with respect to the mechanical tap position indication. The operating handle of tap exchanger shall be brought out of the tank at the side at an accessible height from ground level. Tap changer operating switch mounted on the top of the transformer tanks will not be acceptable. Provision of padlocking the tap changers without interfering with visual tap position indicator shall be provided. The tap changing handle shall have locking arrangement with suitable size. 3.5 METHOD OF MEASUREMENT Supply of the transformer including transport to site, loading and unloading etc. as specified will be treated as one unit for measurement and payment. 3.6 PENALTY Maximum losses limit for Transformer shall be as follows: Transformer rating 400 KVA No load losses in KW Without +ve tolerance 0.750 Load losses in Impedence KW (%) Without +ve Without +ve tolerance tolerance 4.2 4 Once the transformer will be ready & tested at manufacturer work, to verify the guaranteed no load & load losses as confirmed during technical evaluation, transformer shall be offered to “Electrical Research and Development Association” (ERDA). The testing of transformer at ERDA shall be also carried out in the presence of client’s representative. In case the offered losses are not achieved during testing at ERDA so transformer will be rejected. All the expenses like cost of offering new transformer, fees for testing by ERDA, client & TPI inspection fees and mobilization from factory to ERDA, in former case and also in later case shall be born by contractor only. Page 199 PROJECT DOCUMENT SR. NO. AUGMENTATION OF NAVANA - VATWA SEWAGE PUMPING : STATION IN NORTH ZONE OF AMDAVAD MUNICIPAL CORPORATION : TECHNICAL DATA SHEET FOR TRANSFORMER PARTICULA`R DETAILS 1.0 GENERAL FEATURES 1.1 Make As per tender 1.2 Installation Outdoor 1.3 Service Continuous 1.4 Climate Non Corrosive 1.5 Type of cooling ONAN 1.6 Ambient temperature Max. 45 deg.c. DATA TO BE FILLED BY THE BIDDER Avg. 35 deg.c. 1.7 Allowable temperature rise Oil - 50 deg.c. Winding - 55 deg.c. 1.8 Painting Epoxy, shade no. 631 as per IS : 5 1.9 Oil type Mineral oil 1.10 Position 2.0 ELECTRICAL DATA : 2.1 Earthing : Plinth mounted L.V. side Solid 2.2 No. of windings Two 2.3 Phase 3 2.4 Frequency 50 Hz. 2.5 Voltage ratio 11 / 0.433 V 2.6 Phase connection Delta – Star 2.7 Vector group Dyn – 11 2.8 % impedence 4 % with +ve tolerance 2.9 Rating in KVA 400 KVA – 1 no. 2.10 Winding insulation class "A" 2.11 Terminations : a) H.V. side 11 KV(E) 3CX240 Sqmm Al. XLPE Cable b) L.V. side As per SLD 3.0 TAP CHANGER : 3.1 Tappings H.V. 3.2 Tap changer Off load Page 200 PROJECT DOCUMENT SR. NO. AUGMENTATION OF NAVANA - VATWA SEWAGE PUMPING : STATION IN NORTH ZONE OF AMDAVAD MUNICIPAL CORPORATION : TECHNICAL DATA SHEET FOR TRANSFORMER PARTICULA`R DETAILS 3.3 Tapping range -5 % to + 5% 3.4 No. of steps 5 in steps of 2.5% 4.0 Limit for transformer operation under over load condition as per IS Pl. furnish 5.0 ACCESSORIES : Required Buchholz relay with alarm & trip contacts Marshalling box Sampling valve Plain oil level gauge Conservator & conservator drain valve Bidirectional rollers Oil temp. indicator with alarm & trip contacts Bottom drain / Filter valve Double diaphragm Explosion vent Silica-gel breather Air release plug Separate neutral bushing Top oil filter valve Jacking pads Lifting lug Earthing terminal 1 set of detachable radiator with shutoff valve Winding temp. indicator with alarm & trip contacts Pressure relief valve Rating and diagram plate HV & LV gland Required 6.0 PERFORMANCE DATA : Pl. furnish 6.1 Rated guaranteed loses without IS tolerance Pl. furnish as per specification a) No load at 100% voltage b) No load at 110% voltage c) Full load Cu. Loss ------------- DATA TO BE FILLED BY THE BIDDER Page 201 PROJECT DOCUMENT SR. NO. AUGMENTATION OF NAVANA - VATWA SEWAGE PUMPING : STATION IN NORTH ZONE OF AMDAVAD MUNICIPAL CORPORATION : TECHNICAL DATA SHEET FOR TRANSFORMER PARTICULA`R DETAILS 6.2 Rated current a) No load at 100% voltage b) No load at 110% voltage 6.3 Rated efficiency at 0.8 P.F. a) At full load b) At 75% load c) At 50% load 6.4 Rated regulation a) At 0.9 P.F. lag b) At 0.8 P.F. lag c) At unity P.F. 6.5 Impedance voltage a) Primary – Secondary 6.6 Load at which max. efficiency occurs Pl. furnish 6.7 Maximum efficiency Pl. furnish 6.8 Maximum flux density Pl. furnish 6.9 Current density Pl. furnish 7.0 MECHANICAL DATA : Pl. furnish 7.1 Weight : Pl. furnish a) Core & windings 7.2 Dimensions (mm.) : DATA TO BE FILLED BY THE BIDDER Pl. furnish Pl. furnish Pl. furnish Pl. furnish Pl. furnish (Dimensions should be considered including all accessories) Note: Other specifications not mentioned in datasheet shall be considered as per tender specifications Page 202 4.0 4.0 MEDIUM VOLTAGE PANEL BOARD SCOPE This scope shall cover design, manufacture, check test, and supply, installation, testing and commissioning of various medium voltage Panel Board as described in Bill of quantities and drawings. Medium voltage Panel Board will be installed indoor and is connected through the cables. 4.1 SERVICE CONDITIONS AT SITE Ambient Temperature Design temperature Relative humidity Voltage Frequency Neutral Fault level 4.2 : : : : : : : Max. / Min. = 45° C. / 6° C. 50 Degree C. 95% max. 415+/- 10%, TPN 50 Hz. + 5% to -5% Solidly / earthed neutral. 25KA, Symmetrical at 415V solidly earthed. DOCUMENTATION Vendor shall furnish drawings, data and manuals in six sets alongwith equipment supplied. i.) ii.) iii.) iv.) v.) vi.) vii.) General arrangement drawing indicating accessories and dimensions. Foundation plan and loading. Termination arrangement with dimensions. Three phase wiring diagrams SLDs and control schemes Terminal plans Bill of quantity for each panel. Documents to be submitted after placement of order. As per 3.1 above for comments and approval for manufacture. Schematic and sectional drawing. Final documents: As built drawings with AutoCAD soft copy. Instruction and maintenance manual – Six copies. Test certificates – Six copies. 4.3 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS 4.3.1 All the Panels shall be metal clad, totally enclosed, rigid, floor / wall mounting, air insulated, cubicle type suitable for operation on three phase / single phase, 415 V / 230 V / 240 V, 50 Hz., neutral effectively grounded at transformer and short circuit level as mentioned in the drawings. 4.3.2 The painting of all the metal part shall be with seven tank process followed by powder coating as per the standard. Page 203 4.3.3 The Panels shall be designed to withstand the heaviest condition at site, with maximum expected ambient temperature of 50° c., 95% humidity. 4.4 STANDARDS AND CODES The Panels shall comply with the latest edition of relevant Indian Standards and Indian Electricity Rules and Regulations. The following Indian standards shall be complied with : STANDARD NO. PARTICULAR IS : 4237 General requirements for switchgear and control gear for voltages not exceeding 1000 V A.C. or 1200 V D.C. IS : 5578 Guide for marking of insulated conductors. IS : 11353 Guide for uniform system of marking and identification of conductors and apparatus Terminals. IS : 13947 Low voltage switchgear and control gear. IS : 8197 Terminal marking for electrical measuring instrument and their accessories. IS : 2551 Danger notice plates IS : 10118 Code of Practice for selection, installation and maintenance of switchgear and control gear. IS : 8623 Specification for factory built assemblies of switchgear and control gear for voltage up to and including 1000 V A.C. and 1200 V D.C. IS : 8828 Miniature circuit breakers. IS : 9224 HRC fuse links IS : 2705 Current transformer IS : 3156 Voltage transformer IS : 3231 Electrical relay for protection IS : 1248 Indicating instrument IS : 722 Integrating instrument IS : 6875 Control switches and push buttons IS : 1822 A.C. motor starters of voltage not exceeding 1000 V Indian Electricity Act and Rules (as amended up to date) and approval of FIA of India. The Panels also require approval of the consultant at various stage of their manufacture such as design, selection, construction, testing, shipping etc.. Page 204 4.5 CONSTRUCTION CUBICAL TYPE PANELS i.) STRUCTURE The Panels shall be of compartmentalized design so that circuit arc / flash products do not create secondary faults and be fabricated out of high quality CRCA sheet, suitable for indoor installation having dead front operated and floor / wall mounting type. All CRCA sheet steel used in the construction of Panels shall be 2.0mm. thick for body and partitions, 2 mm for doors and shall be folded and braced as necessary to provide a rigid support for all components. Joints of any kind in sheet steel shall be seam welded, all welding slag grounded off and welding pits wiped smooth with plumber metal. The Panels shall be totally enclosed, completely dust and vermin proof . Gaskets between all adjacent units and beneath all covers shall be provided to render the joints dust proof. All doors and covers shall be fully gasketed with foam rubber and /or rubber strips and shall be lockable. Starter panel openings shall be covered with louvers and wire mesh (non ferrous ) of proper size to prevent entry of foreign material or insects. All panels and covers shall be properly fitted and screwed with the frame and holds in the panel correctly positioned. Fixing screws shall enter into holes, taped into an adequate thickness of metal or provided with bolts and nuts. Self threading screws shall not be used in the construction of Panels. A base channel of 75 mm. x 40 mm. x 6 mm. thick shall be provided at the bottom. A clearance of 300 mm. between the floor of the Panels and the bottom of the lower most unit shall be provided. Panels shall be preferably arranged in multi-tier formation. The Panels shall be of adequate size with a provision of 20% spare space to accommodate possible future additional switchgear. The size of the Panels shall be designed in such a way that the internal space is sufficient for hot air movement and the electrical component does not attain temperature more than 50°c.. If necessary, openings shall be provided for natural ventilation, but the said openings shall be screened with fine weld mesh. All the electrical component shall be dera-ted for 50°c. Knock out holes of appropriate size and number shall be provided in the Panels in conformity with the number, and the size of incoming and outgoing conduits / cables. Alternately, the Panels shall be provided with removable sheet steel plates at top and bottom to drill holes for cable / conduit entry at site. The Panels shall be designed to facilitate easy inspection, maintenance and repair. The Panels shall be sufficiently rigid to support the equipment without distortion under normal and under short circuit condition. They shall be suitably braced for short circuit duty. ii.) PAINTING : The painting shall be seven tank process followed by powder coating. Page 205 iii.) CIRCUIT COMPARTMENTS : Each circuit breaker and switch fuse unit shall be housed in separate compartments and shall be enclosed on all sides. Sheet steel hinged lockable door shall be duly interlocked with the breaker in `ON’ and `OFF’ position. The door shall not form an integral part of draw out position of the circuit breaker. All instruments and indicating lamp shall be mounted on the compartment door. Sheet steel barriers shall be provided between the tiers in a vertical section. iv.) INSTRUMENT COMPARTMENTS : Separate adequate compartment shall be provided for accommodating instruments, indicating lamps, control contactors / relays and control fuses etc. These components shall be accessible for testing and maintenance without any danger of accidental contact with live parts of the switchgear / control gear, bus bar and connections. v.) BUSBARS : The bus bar shall be air insulated and made of high quality, high conductivity, high strength Aluminum. The bus bar shall be of 3 phases and neutral system with separate neutral and earth bar. The size of neutral bus bar in all main panels or lighting panels and feeders for LDB shall be 50% of phase bus bar. The bus bar and interconnection between busbars and various components shall be of high conductivity Copper. The busbar shall be of rectangular cross-section designed to withstand full load current for phase busbars and half rated current for neutral busbars in case of MCC panels only and shall be extensible on either side. The busbar size shall be as per drawing. The busbar shall have uniform crosssection throughout the length. The busbars and interconnections shall be insulated with epoxy coated bus sleeves. The busbar shall be supported on bus insulators of SMC/DMC type at sufficiently close intervals – not more than 500 mm for panels above 1000 A, to prevent busbars sag and shall effectively withstand electromagnetic stresses in the event of short circuit capacity as specified in respective SLD. The busbar shall be housed in a separate compartment. The busbar shall be isolated with 3 mm. thick bakelite sheet to avoid any accidental contact. The busbar shall be arranged such that minimum clearance between the busbar is maintained as per electrical requirements. All busbar connections shall be done by drilling holes in busbars and connecting by chromium plated or tinned plated brass bolts and nuts. Additional cross-section of busbar shall be provided in all Panels to cover up the holes drilled in the busbar. Spring and flat washers shall be used for tightening the bolts. All connections between busbars and circuit breakers / switches and cable terminals shall be through aluminum strips of proper size to carry full rated current. These strips shall be insulated with insulating tapes. Page 206 Panel to panel entry of bus bar shall be effectively sealed by electrical and thermal insulation barriers so that products of flashover do not travel from one panel to another panel creating multiple faults. Busbar shall be calculated on 50 deg. C. ambient temp. and 85 deg. C. for continuous and short time rating. Busbar surrounding air temp. shall be considered 70 deg. C. for busbar calculation All joint shall have non-flammable insulation shrouds for secondary insulation purpose vi.) ELECTRICAL POWER AND CONTROL WIRING CONNECTION : Terminal for both incoming and outgoing cable connections shall be suitable for 1100 V grade, aluminium / copper conductor PVC insulated and PVC sheathed, armoured cable and shall be suitable for connections of solderless sockets for the cable size as indicated on the appended drawings for the Panels. Power connections for incoming feeders of the main Panels shall be suitable for 1100 V grade aluminium conductor (PVC) cables. Both control and power wiring shall be brought out in cable alley for ease of external connections, operation and maintenance. Both control and power terminals shall be properly shrouded. Clip on type terminals shall be provided up to 10 conductor and above 10 bolt type terminals shall be used. 10% spare terminals shall be provided on each terminal block. Sufficient terminals shall be provided on each terminal block, so that not more than one outgoing wire is connected per terminal. Terminal strips for power and control shall preferably be separated from each other by suitable barriers of enclosures. Wiring inside the modules for power, control, protection and instruments etc. shall be done with use of 660 / 1100 V grade, PVC insulated copper conductor wires conforming to IS: 694 & 8130 Power wiring inside the starter module shall be rated for full current raring of respective contactor, but not less than 4.0 Cross-section area. For current transformer circuits, 2.5 Copper conductor wire shall be used. Other control wiring shall be done with 1.5 Copper conductor wires. Wires for connections to the door shall be flexible. All conductors shall be crimped with solderless sockets at the ends before connections are made to the terminals. Control power supply to modules through the control transformer only. Control power wiring shall have MCB for circuit protection. All indicating lamps shall be protected by MCB. Particular care shall be taken to ensure that the layout of wiring is neat and orderly. Identification ferrules shall be fitted to all the wire termination for ease of identification and to facilitate checking and testing. Spring type washers shall be used for all copper and aluminium connections. Page 207 Final wiring diagram of the Panels power and control circuit with ferrules numbers shall be submitted alongwith the Panels as one of the documents against the contract. vii.) TERMINALS : The outgoing terminals and neutral link shall be brought out to a cable alley suitably located and accessible from the panel front. The current transformers for instruments metering shall be mounted on the disconnecting type terminal blocks. No direct connection of incoming or outgoing cables to internal components of the distribution board is permitted and only one conductor may be connected in one terminal. viii.) WIREWAYS : A horizontal / vertical metal / Al. wire way with screwed covers shall be provided at the top to take interconnecting control wiring between different vertical sections. ix.) CABLE COMPARTMENTS : Cable compartments of minimum 300 mm size shall be provided in the Panels for easy termination of all incoming and outgoing cables entering from bottom or top. Adequate supports shall be provided in the cable compartments to support cables. All outgoing and incoming feeder terminals shall be brought out to terminal blocks in the cable compartment. x.) EARTHING : GI earth bars of min. 25 mm × 6 mm or as specified in SLD (higher of two) shall be provided in the Panels for the entire length of the panel. The frame work of the Panels shall be connected to this earth bar. Provisions shall be made for connection from this earth bar to the main earthing bar coming from the earth pit on both side of the Panels. The earth continuity conductor of each incoming and outgoing feeder shall be connected to this earth bar. The armour shall be properly connected with earthing clamp, and the clamp shall be made for connection from this earth pit on both side of the Panels. The earth continuity conductor of each incoming and outgoing feeder shall be connected to this earth bar. The armour shall be properly connected with earthing clamp, and the clamp shall be ultimately bonded with the earth bar. xi.) LABELS : Engraved PVC labels shall be provided on all incoming and outgoing feeders. Single line circuit diagram showing the arrangements of circuit inside the distribution board shall be pasted on inside of the panel door and covered with transparent laminated plastic sheet. xii.) NAME PLATE : A name plate with the Panel’s designation in bold letters shall be fixed at top of the central panel. A separate name plate giving feeder details shall be provided for each feeder module door. Inside the feeder compartments, the electrical components, equipments, accessories like switchgear, control gear, lamps, relays etc. shall suitably be identified by providing stickers. Page 208 Name plate shall be engraved in Gujarati language be of 3 ply,(Red-White-Red or BlackWhite-Black) lamicold sheet. However, black engraved perpex sheet name plates shall also be acceptable. Engraving shall be done with square groove cutters. Name plate shall be fastened by counter sunk screws and not by adhesives. xiii.) DANGER NOTICE PLATES : The danger notice plate shall be affixed in a permanent manner on operating side of the Panels. The danger notice plate shall indicate danger notice both in Hindi and English and with a sign of skull and bones. The danger notice plate, in general, meet the requirements of local inspecting authorities. Overall dimensions of the danger notice plate shall be 200 mm. wide x 150 mm. high. The danger notice plate shall be made from minimum 1.6 mm. thick mild steel sheet and after due pre-treatment to the plate, the same shall be painted white with vitreous enamel paint on both front and rear surface of the plate. The letters, the figures, the conventional skull and bones etc. shall be positioned on plate as per recommendation of IS : 2551-1982. The said letters, the figures and the sign of skull and bones shall be painted in signal red colour as per IS : 5-1978. The danger plate shall have rounded corners. Location of fixing holes for the plate shall be decided to suit design of the Panels. The danger notice plate, if possible, be of ISI certification mark. xiv.) INTERNAL COMPONENTS : The Panels shall be equipped complete with all types of required number of MCCB’s, contactors, relays, fuses, meters, instruments, indicating lamps, push buttons, fittings, busbars, cable connectors etc. and all the necessary internal connections / wiring as required and as indicated on relevant drawings. Components necessary for the proper and complete functioning of the Panels but not indicated on the drawings shall be supplied and installed on the Panels. All parts of the Panels carrying current including the components, connections, joints and instruments shall be capable of carrying their specified rated current continuously, without temperature rise exceeding the acceptable values of the relevant specifications at the part of the Panels. All units of the same rating and specifications shall be fully interchangeable. 4.6 COMPONENTS 4.6.1 GENERAL Page 209 The type, size and rating of the components shall be as indicated on the relevant drawings. While selection of the capacity of the components resulting from the prevailing conditions like ambient temperature shall be allowed for the thermal and magnetic trip rating shall be compensated for the ambient temperature. The rating indicated on the drawing is ratings anticipated at prevailing site conditions. 4.6.2 AIR CIRCUIT BREAKER i.) CONSTRUCTION The ACBs shall have following features : - 230 V A.C closing and shunt trip coil continuous rated. Drawout type with “service”, “test”, “isolated” position. Safety shutter of Fiber glass / polycarbonate sheet of 2mm thickness shall be provided Mechanically trip free plus antipumping feature is to be provided. Electrical trip free plus anti pumping shall be provided with relay ONLY and not by contactors. Electrical/Mechanical operation counter shall be provided. Door interlock with defeat features to be provided. ACB shall be lockable in isolation position. ACB should comply with IEC 60947 and IS 13947 part -2. Mechanical life should be minimum 20000 operations (maintenance). Electrical life should be minimum 10000 operations (maintenance). ii.) RELEASE - Micro processor based release shall be direct acting type, tripping ACB mechanically. Short circuit, overload and earth fault protection shall be provided. (Inbuilt) Vendor to suggest release type for feeders of supply range characteristic and accuracy. Release should have separate fault indications like O/L, S/L, E/F alongwith ACB ‘ON’ indication. - The release should be equipped with RS-485 port compatible for MODBUS type open communication protocol iii.) ACB PERFORMANCE - ACB performance inside panel at ambient 50 Degree. Symmetrical breaking, 50KA Making capacity peak 105 KA ACB shall have equal symmetrical breaking current, ultimate short circuit breaking current & short time withstanding capacity as per IS : 13947 - All incoming ACB shall be draw out type with earth fault protection with current setting type. 4.6.3 MOULDED CASE CIRCUIT BREAKER The moulded case circuit breaker (MCCB) shall be air break type and having quick make – quick break with trip free operating mechanism. Page 210 Housing of the MCCB shall be of heat resistant and flame retardant insulating material. Operating handle of the MCCB shall be in front and clearly indicate ON/OFF/TRIP positions. The electrical contacts of the circuit breaker shall be of high conducting non deteriorating silver alloy contacts. All MCCBs above 250A rating should have Microprocessor based releases. Below 250A rating should have Adjustable Thermal & Fixed Magnetic release. ICS = 100% ICU The MCCB shall provide two sets of extra auxiliary contacts with connections for additional controls at future date. The electrical parameters of the MCCB shall be as per the description given in the appended drawings. 4.6.4 FUSE Fuses shall be of high rupturing capacity (HRC) fuse links and shall be in accordance with IS: 2000-1962 and having high rupturing capacity of not less than 15 KA at 415 V. The back-up fuse rating for each motor / equipment shall be so chosen that the fuse does not operate on starting of motors / equipment. HRC fuses shall be of the make as specified in Make of Material. 4.6.5 MINIATURE CIRCUIT BREAKERS Miniature Circuit breakers shall be current limiting type conformed with British standard BS: 3871 (Part I) 1965 and IS: 8828. The housing of MCBs shall be heat resistant and having high impact strength. The fault current of MCBs shall not be less than 10KA at 230 V. The MCBs shall be flush mounted and shall be provided with trip free manual operating mechanism with mechanical `ON’ and `OFF’ indications. The circuit breaker dollies shall be of the trip free pattern to prevent closing the breaker on a faulty circuit. The MCB contacts shall be silver nickel and silver graphite alloy and tip coated with silver. Proper arc chutes shall be provided to quench the arc immediately. MCBs shall be provided with magnetic fluid plunger release for over current and short circuit protection. The overload or short circuit device shall have a common trip bar in the case of DP and TPN miniature circuit breakers. All the MCBs shall be tested and certified as per Indian Standards, prior to installation. 4.6.6 CONTACTORS The contactors shall meet with the requirements of IS: 13947 and BS: 775. The contactors shall have minimum making and breaking capacity in accordance with utilization category AC3 and shall be suitable for minimum Class II intermittent duty. Page 211 If the contactor forms part of a distribution board then a separate enclosure is not required, but the installation of the contactor shall be such that it is not possible to make an accidental contact with live parts. 4.6.7 VOLTMETER Voltmeter shall be digital. The dial of the meter shall be square in shape of 96 x 96 mm. The voltmeter selector switch shall be arranged to provide line to line voltage reading and line neutral voltage. 4.6.8 AMMETER Ammeter shall be digital. The dial of the ammeter shall be square in 96 x 96 mm. Separate current transformer shall be provided for all ammeters. 4.6.9 CURRENT TRANSFORMER Where ammeters are called for C.T.s shall be provided for current measuring. Each phase shall be provided with separate current transformer of accuracy Class I and suitable VA burden for operation of associated metering and controls. Current transformer shall be in accordance with IS : 2705 – 1992 as amended upto date. 4.6.10 PUSH BUTTONS The push button unit shall comprise of the contact element, a fixing holder, and a push button actuator. The push button shall be momentary contact type. The contacts shall be of silver alloy and rated at 10 Amps. Continuous current rating. The actuator shall of standard type and colour as per its usage for ON, OFF and TRIP. Wiring for Remote ON, OFF push button is to be required. 4.6.11 INDICATING LAMPS Indicating lamps assembly shall be screw type with built in resistor having non fading colour lens. LED type lamps are required. Wiring for Remote ON, OFF, TRIP indicating lamp is required. Colour shade for the indicating lamps shall be as below: 4.6.12 ON indicating lamp : Red OFF indicating lamp : Green TRIP indicating lamp : Amber PHASE indicating lamp : Red, Yellow, Blue TRIP circuit healthy lamp : Milky MULTIFUNCTION METER • • • • • Ultra bright LED display,96x96 mm Accuracy: 0.3% in V&I,0.5%in Power True RMS measurement Measurement L-L&L-N Voltage, Current phase and neutral Frequency, power factor Page 212 • • • • • 4.6.13 HOURMETER WITH REAL TIME CLOCK (As per main LT panel SLD) • 4.7 Power( Active,apperent,reactive) Demand measurement Energy RS 485 Communication compatible for MODBUS type open protocol Hourmeter with real time clock to run pump automatically on time base SHOP DRAWINGS Prior to fabrication of the Panels the supplier / contractor shall submit for consultant’s approval the shop / vendor drawing consisting of G.A. drawing, sectional elevation, single line diagram, bill of material etc. and design calculations indicating type, size, short circuiting rating of all the electrical components used, busbar size, internal wiring size, Panels dimension, colour, mounting details etc. in 6 sets.. The contractor shall also submit manufacturer’s catalogues of the electrical components installed in the Panels along with the drawing. 4.8 INSPECTION At all reasonable times during production and prior to transport of the Panels to site, the supplier / contractor shall arrange and provide all the facilities at their plant for inspection. 4.9 TEST CERTIFICATES Testing of Panels shall be carried out at factory with TPI agency & with client representative as specified in Indian standards in the presence of consultant. The test results shall be recorded on a prescribed form. The test certificate for the test carried out at factory and at site shall be submitted in duplicate to the consultant for approval. Page 213 AUGMENTATION OF NAVANA - VATWA SEWAGE PUMPING STATION IN NORTH ZONE OF AMDAVAD MUNICIPAL CORPORATION : TECHNICAL DATA SHEET FOR MEDIUM VOLTAGE PANEL BOARD PROJECT : DOCUMENT SR. NO. PARTICULAR DATA TO BE FILLED BY THE BIDDER DETAILS 1.0 SITE CONDITION 1.1 Type / Make Indoor / As per tender 1.2 Mounting Floor 1.3 Ambient Temperature 45°C 1.4 Atmosphere Corrosive, Dusty 2.0 CONSTRUCTION 2.1 Housing 2.0 mm thick CRCA sheet for body and all partitions 2.2 Protection Class IP-4X 2.3 Doors 2 mm thick CRCA sheet with Hinges 2.4 Base channel 75 x 40 mm C Channel 3.0 OPERATIVE CONDITION 3.1 Voltage 415 V ± 10% 3.2 No. of phase 3 3.3 System 3 phase, 4 wire 3.4 Frequency 50 Hz, +5% / -5% 3.5 Fault Current 25 KA at MCC 3.6 Neutral Grounding Solid 4.0 CONTROL SYSTEM 4.1 Voltage Humid and For Indication 230 V A.C. For Metering 230 V A.C. For Protection 230 V A.C. 4.2 Control Supply Through Control Transformer 230 V A.C. for MCC & APFC only 4.3 Control Wiring 1.5/2.5 mm² FRLS Cu. Wire 5.0 BUSBAR 5.1 Phase Busbar A. Material ALUMINIUM B. Support SMC / DMC C. Insulation Epoxy Moulded (Resin) Page 214 AUGMENTATION OF NAVANA - VATWA SEWAGE PUMPING STATION IN NORTH ZONE OF AMDAVAD MUNICIPAL CORPORATION : TECHNICAL DATA SHEET FOR MEDIUM VOLTAGE PANEL BOARD PROJECT : DOCUMENT SR. NO. PARTICULAR DETAILS D. Isolating Barriers Fiber Glass / Poly Carbonate of minimum 1.5 mm thickness E. Current Density 1.0 Amp. / mm² (Temperature rise calculation for selection of busbar shall be submitted) 5.2 Neutral Busbar Material Same as Phase Bus 5.3 Earth Busbar Material As per SLD 6.0 PLC Based System Not Required 7.0 Electronic Motor Protection Relay (with RS-485 port) 7.1 Type As per tender 7.2 Make As per tender 7.3 Protection Pl. furnish DATA TO BE FILLED BY THE BIDDER 1) over current 2) single phasing 3) phase reverse 4) Current unbalance 5) under current (dry run) 6) stall (bearing broken) locked rotor 7) Restart Inhibition 8) Ground fault (CBCT) 8.0 PAINTING 8.1 Sheet should be 7 tank processed, Oven Baked at 310 °C. With powder coating. Required 8.2 Colour Siemens Gray 8.4 Shade : Exterior Siemens Gray Interior Siemens Gray 9.0 PANEL TEMPERATURE RISE 9.1 Max. temperature rise inside the panel ( °C) 35 °C above ambient Page 215 PROJECT DOCUMENT SR. NO. AUGMENTATION OF NAVANA - VATWA SEWAGE PUMPING STATION IN NORTH ZONE OF AMDAVAD MUNICIPAL CORPORATION : TECHNICAL DATA SHEET FOR MEDIUM VOLTAGE PANEL BOARD : PARTICULAR DATA TO BE FILLED BY THE BIDDER DETAILS 9.2 Pump Starter Cubicle 10.0 Control Wiring 10.1 Wire Size 1 C X 2.5 Mm² / 1 C X 1.5 Mm² 11.0 Hardware (Zinc Plated) YES 12.0 Space Heater 230 V thermostat 13.0 Pocket For Drawings at door YES 14.0 Degree of protection Minimum IP 42 15.0 Annunciator Window (Free standing to be mounted at convenient location with required cabling, required contacts should have separate terminal block in cable alley) Indication for each Pump : 16.0 Instrumentation compartment Adequate ventilation & cooling arrangements to be provided in all soft starter compartment with supporting calculations A.C. with a. Pump Trip (Red)Through starter b. High level in sump c. Low and very low level in sump d. High and low discharge pressure e. Valve Motor Trip Separate compartment for all flowmeter, energy meter, level controller, pressure transmitter etc. with necessary internal wiring Note: Other specifications not mentioned in datasheet shall be considered as per tender specifications. Page 216 5.0 LT BUS DUCT DELETED Page 217 6.0 MOTOR SOFT STARTER DELETED Page 218 7.0 7.1 L.T. CAPACITOR & CAPACITOR BANK SCOPE This specification covers design, manufacture, supply, commissioning of capacitor banks suitable for continuous duty. 7.2 installation, testing and CODES AND STANDARDS The design, manufacture and performance of the capacitor banks shall comply with all currently applicable statutes, regulations and safety codes in the locality where the equipment will be installed. The equipment will also conform to the latest applicable Indian / British / IEC standards. In particular the equipment shall conform to the latest revisions of the following: IS : 2834 Shunt capacitors for power system. IS : 9224 Low voltage fuses When the above standards are in conflict with the stipulation of this specification, this specification supersedes them. 7.3 CONSTRUCTION 7.3.1 CAPACITOR BANK Capacitor banks shall comprise of identical delta connected three phase units. The individual capacitor unit shall be manufactured out of gas filled or mixed die electric heavy duty APP design comprising of double hazy and thick polypropylene film between two electrodes of thick aluminium foil .Each individual element of the capacitor unit shall be provided with silver fuse wire. The capacitor unit shall consist of many such elements in series / parallel combinations for getting the desired KVAR output. The capacitor shall be vacuum impregnated with liquid dielectric having high thermal stability. The dielectric losses of the capacitor shall be restricted to 0.3 watts per KVAR. The phase terminal connections of the capacitor unit shall be brought out at the top through metal insulators which should be soldered to the fabricated top cover. The capacitor shall be provided with suitably rated discharge resistors. The capacitor shall be designed to withstand the Electro dynamic and thermal stresses caused by transient over current during switching. Space heaters and cubicle lighting shall be as per requirement. 7.3.2 BUSBARS CHAMBER Capacitor bank shall be provided with a busbar chamber. The chamber shall be dust and vermin proof in construction, fabricated from 2 mm thick sheet steel. Continuous neoprene rubber gaskets shall be provided on all mating surfaces. TP Bus-bars shall be of Cu supported on epoxy insulators of adequate rating and strips. The bus bar sizes and clearances shall be suitable for connection of cables through crimping type cable lugs. Busbar chamber shall be extended suitably on one side to enable termination of cable. There shall be a provision of cable end box at the end of busbar chamber undrilled removable gland plate and access covers to be provided for cable entry as required. Capacitor shall be switched through APFC Relay. Page 219 7.4 EARTHING The enclosure of capacitor unit shall be provided with 2 nos. 10 mm earth terminals each complete with two plain and one spring washer, nuts etc. These terminals shall be effectively bonded to the common sheet steel frame work. Each bank will have two external earth terminals in the busbar chambers complete with hardware. 7.5 PAINTING The painting shall be of 7 tank process with powder coating same as Motor control centre specification only. 7.6 DRAWINGS The following drawings shall be submitted along with the bid: i.) General arrangement drawing showing overall dimensions, weight, internal arrangement and mounting details. ii.) Terminal chamber, showing bus-bar arrangement with all dimensions. 7.7 TEST & TEST CERTIFICATES 7.7.1 Vendor shall carry out all routine tests in the presence of purchaser’s representative/TPI [if desired by client] as specified in IS: 2834 and shall furnish the test certificates. 7.7.2 The vendor shall also carry out the thermal stability test on the units in the presence of purchaser’s representatives. 7.7.3 The capacitor units shall be tested from electric supply authorities like state / local electricity board and the test certificates in duplicate shall be furnished to client and also the copy shall be submitted to the electric supply authority while getting the power supply released from them. Page 220 8.0 LOCAL PUSH BUTTON STATION 8.1 CONSTRUCTION FEATURES : The constructional features of the local push bottom stations shall be as follows: 8.1.1 Metal enclosed, weather proof, suitable for mounting on wall or steel structures. The enclosure shall be die cast aluminium or sheet metal of 2 mm thickness. 8.1.2 Outdoor type push buttons shall be completely weather, dust and vermin proof and shall be provided with canopy. Degree of protection shall be IP:55. 8.1.3 Metal parts shall be given tropicalising treatment as per standards and painted with one coat of epoxy primer and two coats of light grey epoxy paint. 8.1.4 Provided with inscription plates of rear engraved perplex with white letters on black background. The letter size shall be 6 mm. 8.1.5 Provided with two earthing terminals suitable for 14 SWG G.I. wire. 8.1.6 Provided with removable undrilled gland plate and cable glands for appropriate sizes of cable. The cable entry shall be from the bottom. 8.1.7 Push button contacts shall be designed for extra robust both mechanical and electrical operation. High quality material shall be used in their construction to ensure mechanical life exceeding 10 million switching operations. The contact shall be of silver alloy of 10 A continuous current rating. 8.2 PUSH BUTTONS 8.2.1 All push buttons shall be: i.) ii.) iii.) Fitted with two (2) normally open and two (2) normally closed contacts rated to carry and break 6 Amps at 415 Volts (10 A at 240 V AC) Provide integral escutcheon plates marked with its function. Main pump motor push button shall have ON-OFF with Ammeter 8.2.2 The open/close/start push buttons shall be of the momentary contact push to actuate type and shall be green in colour. 8.2.3 The stop push buttons shall be stay put type with mushroom knob and shall be red in colour. 8.3 TYPE OF PUSH BUTTON STATIONS The following types of push button stations shall be supplied : 8.3.1 Push button station type-A – Each P.B. station suitable for indoor installation and shall comprise two push buttons viz. ‘START’ and ‘STOP’ with on/off indicating lamps for control of non reversible motors. Page 221 8.3.2 Push button station type-B – Each P.B. station for indoor installation and shall be comprise of three push buttons viz. ‘OPEN’, ‘CLOSE’ and ‘STOP’ with on/off indicating lamps for control of reversible motor. 8.4 APPLICABLE STANDARDS All applicable standards and code of practices referred to shall be the latest editions including all official amendments and revisions. Push buttons and related control switches: IS-6875. 8.5 INSPECTION & TESTING The local push button stations shall be offered for inspection after assembly. Routine and acceptance tests and shall be carried out during inspection. 8.6 TEST EQUIPMENT Vendor shall ensure to use calibrated test equipment having valid calibration test certificates from standard laboratories traceable to National Standards. 8.7 DRAWINGS On award of the contract, the contractor shall submit the fully dimensioned general arrangement drawings complete with plan, elevation and sectional views. Page 222 9.0 MEDIUM VOLTAGE CABLES 9.1 SCOPE This section shall cover supply of medium voltage cables. 9.2 STANDARDS The following standards and rules shall be applicable : IS: 1554 PVC insulated electric cables (heavy duty). IS: 3961 Recommended current ratings for cables. IS: 8130 Aluminium conductors for insulated cables Indian Electricity Act and Rules. 9.3 MEASUREMENTS The cables will be measured in meters. The unit rate shall include cutting the cable into required lengths, packing , loading , unloading, insurance, transportation, delivery to stores/site as per work order, stocking in stores, testing of cables at stores etc. of medium voltage cable. 9.4 GENERAL The medium voltage cables shall be supplied, laid, connected, tested and commissioned in accordance with the drawings, specifications, relevant Indian Standards specifications, manufacturer’s instructions. The cables shall be delivered at site in original drums with manufacturer’s name, size, and type, clearly written on the drums. 9.5 MATERIAL Medium voltage cable shall be PVC insulated. PVC sheathed, aluminium or copper conductor, armoured and unarmoured heavy duty, conforming to IS : 694 Part I & II, IS : 1554 Part I. 9.5.1 TYPE The cables shall be circular, multi core, annealed copper, PVC insulated and PVC sheathed, armoured. 9.5.2 CONDUCTOR Uncoated, annealed copper / Aluminum of high conductivity, upto 4 mm.² size the conductor shall be solid and above 4 mm.² conductors shall be concentrically stranded as per IEC: 228. 9.5.3 INSULATION Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) rated 70° c. extruded insulation as per IEC: 502. Page 223 9.5.4 CORE IDENTIFICATION Two core : Red and Black Three core : Red, Yellow and Blue Four core : Red, Yellow, Blue and Black Single core : Green, Yellow for earthing Black shall always be used for neutral. 9.5.5 ASSEMBLY Two, three or four insulated conductors shall be laid up, filled with non-hygroscopic material and covered with an additional layer of thermoplastic material. 9.5.6 ARMOUR Galvanised steel flat strip / round wires applied helically in single layers complete with covering the assembly of cores. For cable size upto 25 Sq. mm: Armour of 1.4 mm dia G.I. round wire For cable size above 25 Sq. mm: Armour of 4 mm wide 0.8 mm thick G.I. strip 9.5.7 SHEATH i.) Polyvinyl chloride (PVC), 70 deg.c. rated extruded as per IEC: 502. ii.) Inner sheath shall be extruded type and shall be compatible with the insulation provided for the cables. iii.) Outer sheath shall be of an extruded type layer of suitable synthetic material compatible with the specified ambient and operating temperature of cables. The sheath shall be resistant to water, ultraviolet radiation, fungus, termite and rodent attacks. The colour of outer sheath shall be black. 9.5.8 RATING Upto and including 1100 Volts. 9.6 GENERAL All cables shall be adequately protected against any risk of mechanical damage to which they may be liable in normal conditions of handling during transportation, loading, unloading etc. The cable shall be supplied in single length i.e. Without any intermediate joint or cut unless specifically approved by the client. The cable ends shall be suitably sealed against entry of moisture, dust, water etc. with cable compound as per standard practice. Page 224 9.7 TESTING 9.7.1 FINISHED CABLE TESTS AT MANUFACTURER’S WORKS The finished cables shall be tested at manufacturer’s works by TPI along with client representative, if required by client. Following routine tests for each and every length of cable and copy of test results shall be furnished for each length of cable along with supply. A) VOLTAGE TEST Each core of cable shall be tested at room temperature at 3 KV A.C. R.M.S. for duration of 5 minutes. B) CONDUCTOR RESISTANCE TEST The D.C. Resistance of each conductor shall be measured at room temperature and the results shall be corrected to 20° c. to check the compliance with the values specified in IS 8130 – 1976. Prior to dispatching cables, and at the time of delivering the cables at stores, following tests shall be carried our :i.) Insulation Resistance test between phases and phase to Neutral and phase to earth. ii.) Continuity test of all the phases, neutral and earth continuity conductor. iii.) Sheathing continuity test. iv.) Earth resistance test of all the phases and neutral. All tests shall be carried out in accordance with relevant Indian Standard Code of practice and Indian Electricity Rules. The Vendor shall provide necessary instruments, equipments and labour for conducting the above tests and shall bear all expenses in connection with such tests. All tests shall be carried our in the presence of the client and results shall be recorded in the prescribed forms. 9.8 CABLE MARKING 9.8.1 EMBOSSING ON OUTER SHEATH The outer sheath shall be legibly embossed with following legend: ELECTRIC CABLE: 1100 V, SIZE: 3.5 C x ----- mm ². Manufacturer’s Name & year of manufacturing. 9.9 SEALING, DRUMMING & PACKING: 9.9.1 After tests at the manufacturer’s works, both ends of the cable shall be sealed to prevent the ingress of moisture during transportation and storage. 9.9.2 Cable shall be supplied in length of 500 ± 10% meters on packed non-returnable drums of sufficiently sturdy construction. Page 225 9.9.3 Cables of length more than 250 meters shall also be supplied on non-returnable drums. 9.9.4 The spindle hole shall be 110 mm minimum diameter. 9.9.5 Each drum shall bear on the outside flange, legibly and indelibly in the English literature, a distinguishing number, the manufacturer’s name and particulars of the cable i.e. voltage grade, length, conductor size, cable type, insulation type and gross weight shall also be clearly visible. The direction for rolling shall be indicated by an arrow. The drum flange shall also be marked with manufacturer’s name and year of manufacturing etc. 9.10 TRANSPORTATION & DELIVERY: 9.10.1 The cable shall be supplied in the actual length as per detailed purchase order. 9.10.2 The cable shall be dispatched at client’s stores or at site as per detailed instructions given by client at later stage. 9.10.3 The cable shall be loaded from the main vendor’s store and properly stacked as per instruction of client’s local representative. All such labour and transportation charges shall be clearly mentioned in the offer. 9.11 L. V. XLPE CABLE 9.11.1 DESIGN CONDITIONS: All equipment and materials will be selected and rated for use at the following site conditions. Ambient air temperature 45° C. Ground temperature 30° C. Solar gain 1100 w / m2 Earth resistivity 200 deg. C. cm / w Relative Humidity 95% Max. Atmospheric condition 9.11.2 Corrosive, Humid and Dusty SCOPE: This section shall cover supply, laying, testing and commissioning of medium voltage XLPE cables. This specification gives the general requirement of cables. However, it is the responsibility of the vendor to take the joint measurement and obtain client’s approval before the placement of orders to the main supplier / manufacturer. 9.11.3 STANDARDS The following standards and rules shall be applicable: Page 226 IS: 7098 Part I XLPE Insulated electric cables (heavy duty). IS: 3961 Recommended current ratings for cables. IS: 8130 Aluminum conductors for insulated cables Indian Electricity Act and Rules. 9.11.4 MEASUREMENTS The cables will be measured in meters. The unit rate shall include cutting the cable into required lengths, packing, loading, unloading, insurance, transportation, delivery to stores/site as per work order, stocking in stores, testing of cables at stores etc. of medium voltage cable. Total quantity in meters shall be measured lug to lug basis. 9.11.5 GENERAL The low voltage cables shall be supplied, laid, connected, tested and commissioned in accordance with the drawings, specifications, relevant Indian Standards specifications, manufacturer’s instructions. The cables shall be delivered at site in original drums with manufacturer’s name, size, and type, clearly written on the drums. 9.11.6 MATERIAL The low voltage cable shall be XLPE insulated. PVC sheathed, aluminium or copper conductor, armoured conforming to IS: 7098 Part I. TYPE The cables shall be circular, multi core, annealed copper or aluminium conductor, XLPE insulated and PVC sheathed, armoured. CONDUCTOR Uncoated, annealed copper / aluminum, of high conductivity up to 4 mm.² size, the conductor shall be solid and above 4 mm.², conductors shall be concentrically stranded as per IEC: 228A. INSULATION XLPE rated 70° c. extruded insulation CORE IDENTIFICATION Two core : Red and Black Three core : Red, Yellow and Blue Four core : Red, Yellow, Blue and Black Single core : Green, Yellow for earthing Black shall always be used for neutral. Page 227 ASSEMBLY Two, three or four insulated conductors shall be laid up, filled with non-hygroscopic material and covered with an additional layer of thermoplastic material. ARMOUR Galvanized steel flat strip / round wires applied helically in single layers complete with covering the assembly of cores. For cable size up to 25 Sq. mm: Armour of 1.4 mm dia G.I. round wire For cable size above 25 Sq. mm: Armour of 4 mm wide 0.8 mm thick G.I. strip SHEATH a) XLPE 70 deg.c. rated extruded. b) Inner sheath shall be extruded type and shall be compatible with the insulation provided for the cables. c) Outer sheath shall be of an extruded type layer of suitable PVC material compatible with the specified ambient temp. 50 deg. C and operating temperature of cables. The sheath shall be resistant to water, ultraviolet radiation, fungus, termite and rodent attacks. The colour of outer sheath shall be black. d) Sequential length marking required at every 1.0 mtr. Interval on outer sheath. e) Vendor has to furnish resistance / reactance / capacitances of the cable. RATING Up to and including 1100 Volts. 9.11.7 GENERAL All cables shall be adequately protected against any risk of mechanical damage to which they may be liable in normal conditions of handling during transportation, loading, unloading etc. The cable shall be supplied in single length i.e. without any intermediate joint or cut unless specifically approved by the client. The cable ends shall be suitably sealed against entry of moisture, dust, water etc. with cable compound as per standard practice. 9.11.8 TESTING FINISHED CABLE TESTS AT MANUFACTURER’S WORKS The finished cables shall be tested at manufacturer’s works. Following routine tests for each and every length of cable and copy of test results shall be furnished for each length of cable along with supply. If specified, the cables shall be tested in presence of client’s representative. Page 228 a) VOLTAGE TEST: Each core of cable shall be tested at room temperature at 3 KV A.C. R.M.S. for duration of 5 minutes. b) CONDUCTOR RESISTANCE TEST: The D.C. Resistance of each conductor shall be measured at room temperature and the results shall be corrected to 20° c. to check the compliance with the values specified in IS 8130 – 1976. CABLE TEST BEFORE AND AFTER LAYING OF CABLES AT SITE:a) Insulation Resistance test between phases and phase to Neutral and phase to earth. b) Continuity test of all the phases, neutral and earth continuity conductor. c) Sheathing continuity test. d) Earth resistance test of all the phases and neutral. All tests shall be carried out in accordance with relevant Indian Standard Code of practice and Indian Electricity Rules. The Vendor shall provide necessary instruments, equipments and labour for conducting the above test and shall bear all expenses in connection with such tests. All tests shall be carried our in the presence of the client and results shall be recorded in the prescribed forms. 9.11.9 CABLE MARKING EMBOSSING ON OUTER SHEATH: The outer sheath shall be legibly embossed with following legend: ELECTRIC CABLE: 1100 V, SIZE: 3.5 C x ----- mm ². Manufacturer’s Name & year of manufacturing. 9.11.10 CABLE LAYING The cables shall be laid in trenches, trays, racks or conduits/pipes. No cable shall be directly buried in the ground; The cables of different voltage grade shall be laid in different trays. Power & control cables shall be laid in different trays. 9.11.11 SEALING, DRUMMING & PACKING After tests at the manufacturer’s works, both ends of the cable shall be sealed to prevent the ingress of moisture during transportation and storage. Cable shall be supplied in length of 500 ± 10% meters, packed non-returnable drums of sufficiently sturdy construction. Cables of length more than 250 meters shall also be supplied on non-returnable drums. Page 229 The spindle hole shall be 110 mm minimum diameter. Each drum shall bear on the outside flange, legibly and indelibly in the English literature, a distinguishing number, the manufacturer’s name and particulars of the cable i.e. voltage grade, length, conductor size, cable type, insulation type and gross weight shall also be clearly visible. The direction for rolling shall be indicated by an arrow. The drum flange shall also be marked with manufacturer’s name and year of manufacturing etc. 9.11.12 TRANSPORTATION & DELIVERY The cable shall be supplied in the actual length as per detailed purchase order. The cable shall be dispatched at client’s stores or at site as per detailed instructions given by client at later stage. The cable shall be loaded from the main vendor’s store and properly stacked as per instruction of client’s local representative. All such labour and transportation charges shall be clearly mentioned in the offer 9.11.13 LAYING OF THE CABLES The cable shall be laid in trenches, trays, racks, or conduit pipes .No cables shall be directly buried in the ground. The cables of different voltage grade shall be laid in different voltage grade shall be laid in different trays. Power and control cables shall be laid in different trays. 9.11.14 DRAWINGS AND DATA a) As a part of the Tender, Tenderer shall furnish the following i) General information ii) Principal technical data Description of insulation, sheathing and screening. This should include data on resistance to attack by chemicals, fungus, termites, rodents, water and ultra violet radiation. iii) Installation and termination instrumentations. iv) Type/Routine test certificates for all types of cables included in the Tender. b) After award of contract it shall be the responsibility of Contractor to work out a detailed layout for the complete plant cable system. The layout drawing shall be furnished for the approval of Purchaser’s representative before commencement of installation including cable trays, cable racks, accessories, tray supports, conduits etc. Page 230 10.0 10.1 EARTHING GENERAL All the non-current carrying metal parts of the electrical installation and mechanical equipments shall be earthed properly. The cables armour and sheath, electric panel boards, lighting fixtures, ceiling and exhaust fan and all other parts made of metal shall be bonded together and connected by means of specified earthing system. An earth continuity conductor shall be installed with all the feeders and circuits and shall be connected from the earth bar of the panel boards to the conduit system, earth stud of the switch box, lighting fixture, earth pin of the socket outlets and to any metallic wall plates used. All the enclosures of motors shall be also connected to the earthing system. 10.2 SCOPE OF WORK 10.2.1 The scope of work shall cover supply, laying, installation, connecting, testing and commissioning of : 10.2.2 Earthing station with G.I / Copper plate of size as given in BOQ. 10.2.3 Earthing G.I / Copper strips from earthing station to equipotential bar. 10.2.4 Earthing G.I / Copper strips / wires from equipotential bar to power panels, DBs, motors etc. 10.2.5 Bonding of Non-current carrying parts, and metallic parts of the electrical installation. 10.3 STANDARDS 10.3.1 The following standards and rules shall be applicable: i.) IS: 3043 – 1966 Code of practice for Earthing. ii.) Indian Electricity Act and Rules 10.3.2 All codes and standards mean the latest. Where not specified otherwise the installation shall generally follow the Indian Standard Code of Practice or the British Standard Codes of Practice in absence of Indian standard. 10.4 TYPE OF EARTHING STATION 10.4.1 PLATE EARTHING STATIONS i.) The Equipment neutral earthing shall be with copper plate earthing station and equipment body earthing shall be with hot dip galvanized iron earthing station. i.) The plate electrode shall be 600 x 600 x 3.25 mm copper plate for neutral earthing and shall be of hot dip galvanized iron plate having dimensions 600 x 600 x 6.3 mm thick for body earthing. ii.) The earthing station shall be as shown on the drawing. iii.) The earth resistance shall be maintained with suitable soil treatment as shown in the drawing. iv.) The resistance of each earth station should not exceed 1 ohm. v.) The earth lead shall be connected to the earth plate through Hot Dip G.I. bolts. Page 231 vi.) The earthing conductors shall be of copper strip in case of copper earthing and hot dip galvanized iron strip in case of G.I. earthing. vii.) G.I. pipe with funnel of approved quality shall be used for watering the earthing electrodes / stations. viii.) The block masonry chamber with chequered plate shall be provided for housing the funnel and the pipe for watering the earthing electrodes / stations. ix.) The hardware and other consumables for earthing installation shall be of copper/brass in case of copper earthing and shall be hot dip galvanized iron material in case of G.I. earthing. x.) Test link / test pit cover through chequered plate. 10.4.2 PIPE ELECTRODE EARTH STATION i.)The earth station shall be as shown on the drawing and shall be used for equipment earth grid and / or street light pole earthing. ii.)The earth electrode shall be 3 M long 50 mm dia class “B”, Galvanized steel pipe. iii.)The earth resistance shall be maintained with a suitable soil treatment as shown on the drawing. iv.)The resistance of each earth station should not exceed 1 ohm. v.)The earth lead shall be fixed to the pipe with a nut and safety set screws. The clamp shall be permanently accessible. vi.)The earthing grid and the earthing conductor shall be hot dip Galvanized iron strips of the size as shown in the drawing. vii.)G.I. pipe with funnel of approved quality shall be used for watering the earth electrode \ station. viii.)The block masonry chamber with chequered plate shall be provided for housing the above referred funnel and pipe. ix.)The hardware and other consumables for earthing installation shall be hot dip Galvanized iron material as shown on the drawing. 10.5 METHOD OF MEASUREMENT 10.5.1 Provision of earthing station complete with excavation, electrode, watering pipe, soil treatment, masonry chamber with cast iron cover etc. shall be treated as one unit of measurement. 10.5.2 The following items of work shall be measured and paid per unit length covering the cost of the earth wires / strips, clamps, labour etc. 10.5.3 Main equipment earthing grid and connection to the earthing station. 10.5.4 Connection to the switch board, power panels, DB, motors etc. Page 232 11.0 INTERNAL WIRING DELETED Page 233 12.0 LIGHT FIXTURES DELETED Page 234 13.0 ERECTION, TESTING & COMMISSIONING OF ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS 13.1 SCOPE The intent of this specification is to define the requirements for the installation, testing and commissioning of the electrical system like transformer, M.V panels, Cables, earthing network, Internal and External lighting, Light fixtures etc. Requirement of this project shall be as specified in bill of quantities / approved drawings / general specifications or as per the battery limits fixed by the owner / consultant. Inspection at manufacturers premises: All tests of all major items like HT panel, LT panel, Transformers, Power cable (in case of more than a drum) shall be conducted at manufacturer’s work in presence of third party inspection agency and client’ representative appointed by purchaser’s representative. However, all the expenses like transportation, loading & boarding shall be borne by contractor. 13.2 13.2.1 STANDARDS The work shall be carried out in the best workman like manner in conformity with this specification, the relevant specification / codes of practice of the Indian Standards Institution, approved drawings and the instructions issued by the authorized representative, from time to time. Some of the relevant Indian Standards are listed elsewhere in this tender document. In addition to the standards mentioned in 2.1, all works shall also conform to the requirement of the following : i.) Indian Electricity Act and Rules framed there under. ii.) Fire Insurance Regulations. iii.) Regulations laid down by the Chief Electrical Inspector of the State / State Electricity Board / Union Territory. iv.) Regulations laid down by the Factory Inspector of the State / Union Territory. v.) Any other regulations laid down by the local authorities. vi.) Installation & operation manuals of original manufacturers of equipment. 13.3 EQUIPMENT AND ACCESSORIES SPECIFICATIONS This defines specifications and requirements mainly for the equipment and accessories, which are generally supplied by the erection agency. All materials, accessories, consumable to be supplied by the contractor shall be selected from the list of specified make and shall conform tot he specification given here under. The equipment shall be manufactured in accordance with current Indian Standard specifications wherever they exist or with the BS or NEC specifications, if no such IS standards are available. In the absence of any specification, the materials shall be as approved by the owner / consultant or his authorized representative. All similar materials and removable parts shall be uniform and interchangeable with one another. Makes of bought out items selected by the contractor must be furnished by him as per the proforma given in elsewhere in this tender document. 13.3.1 CONTROL CABLES: Page 235 i.) Control cables for use on 415 V system shall be of 1100 volts grade, copper conductor, PVC insulated, PVC sheathed, armoured and overall PVC sheathed, strictly as per IS: 1554 (Part-I) 1976. Unarmoured cables to be used only if specifically mentioned in schedule of quantities. ii.) The size of these cables shall be as specified in bill of quantities or as per approved drawing. The minimum conductor size shall be 2.5 (Cu.). 13.3.2 CABLE TRAYS: These shall be channel type, fabricated from structural steel, hot dip galvanized, complete with all accessories such as bends, tees and reducers. Only aluminum flat clamps with G.I. / Chrome plated bolts, nuts/screws to be used for clamping cables. Sizes of these trays shall be as specified in bill of quantities or approved by client. 13.3.3 CABLE GLANDS: Cable glands shall be heavy duty compression type of brass, chrome plated. These shall have a screwed nipple with conduit electrical thread and check nut. These shall be suitable for armoured/Unarmoured cables, which are being used. 13.3.4 CABLE CONNECTORS: Cable connectors, lugs/sockets, shall be of copper/aluminum alloy, suitably tinned, solder less, crimping type. These shall be suitable for the cable being connected and type of function (such as power, control or connection to instruments etc.). 13.3.5 CABLE INDICATORS These shall be self sticking type of 2 mm. thick lead strap for overall cable. PVC identification number, ferrules shall be used for each wire. 13.3.6 G.I. PIPE FOR CABLES: For laying of cables under floor, G.I. class “A” pipes shall be used. M.S. conduits are not acceptable for this purpose. All accessories of pipes shall be threaded type. Size of pipe shall depend upon the overall outer diameter of cable to be drawn through pipe. NO G.I. pipe less then 40 MM. I.D. shall be used for this purpose. To determine the size of pipe, assume that 40% area of pipe shall be free after drawing of cable. 13.3.7 PUSH BUTTON STATIONS: These shall be floor / wall mounted type as specified in bill of quantities. These shall be fabricated from 1.6 mm. thick stainless steel sheets (SS 304). In case of floor mounted station, these shall be supported on 51 mm. “A” class G.I. pipe. Front cover shall be removable type with suitable rubber gaskets to make them dust vermin and moisture proof. Each feeder shall be provided with “ON” (green) push button, “OFF” (red) push button, name plate (white bakelite), indication lamp etc. Green & red push buttons shall have contact elements having 1NO + 1NC. “OFF” push button shall be provided with lockable (key operated) arrangements to prevent accidental starting. No. of feeders shall be specified in bill of quantities. The indication lamp can be combined with “ON” push button. Page 236 13.4 ERECTION The contractor shall make his own arrangement for safe transportation of all the items to the erection site and also carry out complete loading / unloading during transportation. Equipment shall not be removed from packing cases unless the floor has been made ready for installing them. The cases shall be opened in presence of the client / consultant or his authorized representative. The empty packing cases shall be returned to the stores and any document if found with the equipment shall be handed over to the client’s representative. Any damage or shortage noticed shall be reported to the client / consultant in writing immediately after opening of packing cases. 13.4.1 ONAN TYPE TRANSFORMER i.) ERECTION Before erection of transformer, the level of rails on foundation shall be checked and minor corrections if necessary shall be carried out. After the completion of erection, necessary stoppers shall be provided at the wheels. All loosely supplied fittings / accessories shall be cleaned and mounted on the transformer and connections made. After completely assembling & installation, the transformer shall be cleaned and touched up with a paint supplied by the manufacturer applied wherever necessary. All cover bolts shall be checked for proper tightness. All the civil foundation work required shall be in the scope of contractor. ii.) TESTING : Winding insulation resistance shall be measured from primary and secondary to ground and between primary and secondary. Check the polarity of terminals and the phase sequence. iii.) Proforma for transformer tests : a) Transformer name plate. b) Insulation resistance test with 1000 V megare. Between primary to earth Between secondary to earth Between primary and secondary c) Operation of the tap changer. Operation of the tap at tap No. 1 Operation of the tap at tap No. 2 Operation of the tap at tap No. 3 Operation of the tap at tap No. 4 Operation of the tap at tap No. 5 d) Polarity marking and phase sequence. e) Earth resistance : Body as well as Neutral link. Page 237 [This proforma shall be jointly signed by the CLIENT / CONSULTANT and the contractor in duplicate]. 13.4.2 MOTOR CONTROL CENTER, DISTRIBUTION BOARDS: A ERECTION: a) Electrical panels his own arrangement for safe transportation of all the items to the erection site and also carry out complete loading / unloading during transportation. The contractor shall be responsible for final assembly and interconnection of busbars / wiring. Foundation channel shall be delivered in convenient shipping section by the manufacturer. The contractor shall make shall be grouted in the flooring by the contractor. Switchgear shall be aligned and essian on their base channels and bolted to them as per the instructions of the client / consultant. The earth bus shall be made continuous throughout the length. Loosely supplied relays and instruments shall be mounted and connected on the switchgear. The contacts of the draw out circuit breaker shall be checked for proper alignment and inter changeability. b) After erection, the switchboard shall be inspected for dust and vermin proof. Any hole which might allow dust or vermin etc. to enter the panel shall be plugged suitably at no extra cost. If the instrument transformers are supplied separately, they shall be erected as per the direction of the client / consultant. The contractor shall fix the cable glands after drilling the bottom / top plates of all switchboards with suitable holes at no extra cost. c) Range of overload relays / timers etc. shall be checked with requirement of motor actually to be connected at site and if the same is undersized / oversized, it shall be brought to the notice of the client / consultant, who shall arrange procurement of corrected components. However, the contractor shall not charge anything extra for labour for such replacements. B TESTING: Before electrical panel is energized, the insulation resistance of each bus shall be measured from phase to ground. Measurement shall be repeated with circuit breakers in operating positions and contacts open. Before switchgear is energized, the insulation resistance of all control circuits shall be measured from line to ground. The following tests shall be performed on all circuit breakers during erection. Contact alignment and wipe shall be checked and adjustment where necessary in accordance with the breaker manufacturer’s instructions. Each circuit breaker shall be drawn out of its cubicles, closed manually and its insulation resistance measured from phase to phase and phase to ground. All adjustable direct acting trip devices shall be set using values given by the consultant/ manufacturer. Page 238 The dielectric strength of insulating oil wherever applicable shall be checked. Before switchgear is energized, the following tests shall be performed on each circuit breaker in its test position. Close and trip the circuit breaker from its local control switch push button or operating handle. Switchgear control bus may be energized to permit test operation of circuit breaker with A.C. closing with prior permission of the client / consultant. Test tripping of the electrically operated circuit breaker by operating mechanical trip device. Test proper operation of circuit breakers latch, check carriage limit switch if provided. Test proper operation of lockout device in the closing circuit. Wherever provided by simulating conditions which would cause a lockout to occur. Trip breaker either manually or by applying current or voltage to each of its associated protective release. Before switchgear is energized, the tests covered above shall be repeated with each breaker in its normal operating position. Capacitor banks shall be tested as per manufacturer’s instructions. In addition, test for output and/or capacitance, insulation resistance test and test for efficiency of discharge device shall be carried out. All electrical equipment alarms shall be tested for proper operation by causing alarms to sound under simulated abnormal conditions. C PROFORMA FOR PCC, MCC, DB, CONTROL PANEL TEST: a) Circuit breaker or contactor module designation / bus no. b) Insulation resistance test (contacts open, breaker racked in position) between each phase of bus between each phase and earth DC and AC control and auxiliary circuits between each phase of CT / PT and between CT & PT circuit if any c) CT checks : CT ratio CT secondary resistance CT polarity check d) Check for contact alignment and wipe. e) Check / test all releases / relays. f) Check mechanical interlocks. g) Check electrical interlocks. : : : Mega ohm Mega ohm Mega ohm : Mega ohm Page 239 h) Check switchgear / control panel wiring. i) Check breaker / contactor circuit for : Closing – local & remote (wherever applicable) ripping – local & remote (wherever applicable) j) Opening time of breaker / contactor. k) Closing time of breaker / contactor. [This proforma shall be jointly signed by the CLIENT / CONSULTANT and the contractor in duplicate]. 13.4.3 INSTALLATION OF CABLE NETWORK: Cable network shall include power, control and lighting cables which shall be laid in underground trenches, cable trays, G.I. pipes, or on building structures as detailed in the relevant drawings, cable schedules or as per the client / consultant’s instructions. Supply & installation of cable trays, G.I. pipes / conduits, cable glands and sockets of end isolators, junction boxes, remote push button stations, etc. shall be under the scope of the contractor. i) GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR HANDLING CABLES: a) Before laying cables, this shall be tested for physical damage, continuity, absence of cross phasing, insulation resistance to earth and between conductors. Insulation resistance tests shall be carried out with 500 / 1000 V megger. b) The cables shall be supplied at site, wound on wooden drums as far as possible. For smaller length and sizes, cables in properly coiled form can be accepted. The cables shall be laid by mounting the drum of the cable on drum carriage. Where the carriage is not available, the drum shall be mounted on a properly supported axle, and the cable laid out from the top of the drum. In no case the cable will be rolled on as it produces kinks which may damage the conductor. c) Sharp bending of cable shall be avoided. The bending radius for PVC insulated and sheathed, armoured cable shall not be less than 10 D, where “D” is overall diameter of the cable. d) While drawing cables through G.I. pipes, conduits, RCC pipes, ensure that size of pipe is such that, after drawing cables, 40% area is free. After drawing cables, the end of pipe shall be sealed with cotton / bituminous compound. e) High voltage (11 kV and above), medium voltage (240 V and above) and other control cables shall be separated from each other by adequate spacing or running through independent pipes / trays. f) Armoured cables shall never be concealed in walls / floors / roads without G.I. pipes, conduits or RCC pipes. g) Joints in the cable throughout its length of laying shall be avoided as far as possible and if unavoidable, prior approval of site engineer shall be taken. If allowed, proper straight through epoxy resin tight joint shall be made, without any additional cost. Page 240 h) A minimum loop of 3 mtr. Shall be provided on both ends of the cable, and on both ends of straight through cable joint. This additional length shall be used for fresh termination in future. Cable for this loop shall be paid for supply and laying. i) Cable shall be neatly arranged in the trenches / trays in such manner so that crosscrossing is avoided and final take off to the motor / switchgear is facilitated. Arrangement of cable within the trenches / trays shall be the responsibility of the contractor. j) All cable routes shall be carefully measured and cable cut to the required lengths and undue wastage of cables to be avoided. The routes indicated in the drawings are indicative only and the same may be rechecked with the client / consultant before cutting of cables. While selecting cable routes interference with structures, foundations, pipelines, future expansion of buildings etc. should be avoided. k) All temporary ends of cables must be protected against dirt and moisture to prevent damage to the insulation. For this purpose, ends of all PVC insulated cables shall be taped with an approved PVC or rubber insulating tapes. Use of friction type or other fabric type tape is not permitted. Lead sheathed cables shall be plumbed with lead alloy. l) Wherever cable rises from underground / concrete / masonry trenches to motors / switchgears / push buttons, these shall be taken in G.I. pipes of suitable size, for mechanical protection upto 300 mm. distance of concerned cable gland or as instructed by the client / consultant. m) The cable pass through foundation / walls of other underground structures, the necessary ducts for opening will be provided in advance for the same. However, should it become necessary to cut holes in existing foundation of structures the electrical contractor shall determine the location and obtain approval of the client / consultant before cutting is done. ii) LAYING OF CABLES (UNDERGROUND SYSTEM) a) Cables shall be so laid in trench that this will not interfere with other underground structure. All water pipes, sewage lines or other structures which become exposed by excavation shall be properly supported and protected from injury until the filling has been rammed solidly in places under and around them. Any telephone or other cables coming in the way are to be properly shielded / diverted as directed by the owner / consultant. b) Cable shall be laid at minimum depth of 750 mm. in case of L.T. and 1200 mm. in case of H.T. from ground level. Excavation will be generally in ordinary soil. The width of trench shall be sufficient for laying of required no. of cables. c) Sand bedding 75 mm. thick shall be made below and above the cables. Layer of bricks (full size) shall be laid above sand bedding on the sides and above the cables to cover cables completely. More than one cable can be laid in the same trench. However, the relative location of cables in trench shall be maintained till termination. The surface of the ground after back filling the earth shall be made Page 241 good so as to conform in all respects to the surrounded ground and to the entire satisfaction of the client / consultant. d) For all underground cables, route markers should be used : ¾ Separate route markers should be used for LT, HT and telephone cables. ¾ Route markers should be grounded in ground with 1:2:4 cement concrete pedestal size 230 x 230 x 300 mm.. ¾ Cable markers should be installed at an interval not exceeding 30 mtr. Along the straight routes of cables at a distance of 0.5 mtr. Away from centre of cable with the arrow marked on the cable marker plate indicating the location of cable. Cable markers should also be used to identify change in direction of cable route and for location of every joint in underground cable. RCC Hume pipe for crossing road in cable laying shall be provided by employer. No deduction shall be made for cable laying in Hume pipe for not providing bricks, sand and excavation. RCC hump pipe at the ends shall be sealed by bituminous compound after laying and testing of cables by electrical contractor without any extra charge. iii) LAYING OF CABLE IN MASONRY TRENCHES Masonry / concrete trenches for laying of cables shall be provided by employer. However, steel members such as M.S. angles / flats etc. shall be provided and grouted by electrical contractor to support the cables without any extra charge. Cables shall be clamped to these supports with minimum saddles / clamps. More than one tier of cables can be provided in the same trench if the no. of cables are more. Entry of cables in trenches shall be sealed with bituminous MASTIC compound to stop entry of water in trenches. iv) LAYING OF CABLES IN CABLE TRAYS a) Cable trays and steel members such as M.S. angle / channel / flats etc. shall be provided and fixed by the contractor. b) Cable shall be fixed in cable trays in single tier formation and cables shall be clamped with flat clamps and galvanized bolts / nuts. c) Earthing flat / wire can also be laid in cable tray alongwith cables. d) After laying of cables, minimum 20% area shall be spare. v) TERMINATION AND JOINTING OF CABLES : a) For HT cables suitable size of heat shrinkable type termination kit shall be used. b) Use of glands : ¾ All PVC cables upto 1.1 KV grade, armoured or Unarmoured shall be terminated at the equipment / junction box / isolators / push buttons / control accessories, etc. by means of suitable size single compression type cable glands. Page 242 Armour of cable shall be connected to earth point. The contractor shall drill holes for fixing glands wherever necessary. Wherever threaded cable gland is to be screwed into threaded opening of different size, suitable galvanized threaded reducing bushing shall be used of approved type. ¾ In case of termination of cables at the bottom of the panel over a cable trench having no access from the bottom, a close fit holes should be drilled in the bottom plate for all the cables in one line, then bottom plate should be split in two parts along the centre line of holes. After installation of bottom plate and cables with glands, it shall be sealed with cold sealing compound. vi) USE OF LUGS / SOCKETS : a) All cable leads shall be terminated at the equipment terminals, by means of crimped type solder less connectors unless the terminals at the equipment ends are suitable for direct jointing without lugs / sockets. b) The following is the recommended procedure for crimped joints and the same shall be followed : ¾ Strip off the insulation of the cable and with every precaution, not in severe or damage any strand. All insulation’s to be removed from the stripped portion of the conductor and ends of the insulation should be clean and square. ¾ The cable should be kept clean as far as possible before assembling it with the terminal / socket. For preventing the ingress of moisture and possibility of reoxidation after crimping of the aluminium conductors, the socket should be filled with corrosion inhibiting compound. This compound should also be applied over the stripped potion of the conductor and the palm surface of socket. ¾ Correct size and type of socket / ferrule / lug should be selected depending on size of conductor, and type of connection to be made. ¾ Make the crimped joint by suitable crimping tool. ¾ If after crimping the conductor in socket / lug, some portion of the conductor remains without insulation the same should be covered sufficiently with PVC tape. ¾ For HT cable the manufacturer’s recommendation should be followed. vii) DRESSING OF CABLE INSIDE THE EQUIPMENT : a) After fixing of cable glands, the individual cores of cable shall be dressed and taken along the cable ways (if provided) or shall be fixed to the panels with polyethylene straps. Cable shall be dressed in such a manner that small loop of each core is available inside the panel. b) For motors of 20 HP and above, terminal box if found not suitable for proper dressing of aluminum cables, the erector shall modify the same without any additional cost. c) Cables inside the equipment shall be measured and paid for on lug to lug basis. Page 243 viii) IDENTIFICATION OF CABLES / WIRES / CORES : a) Power cables shall be identified with red, yellow and blue PVC tapes. For trip circuits identification, additional red ferrules shall be used only in the particular cores of control cable at the termination points in the switchgear / control panels and control switches. b) In case of control cables all cores shall be identified at both ends by their wire numbers by mean of PVC ferrules or self sticking cable markers, wire numbers shall be as per schematic / connection drawing. For power circuit also, wire numbers shall be provided if required as per the drawings of switchgear manufacturer / supplier. ix) TESTING OF CABLES : a) Before energizing, the insulation resistance of every circuit shall be measured from phase to ground. This requires 3 measurements if one side is grounded and 6 measurements for 3 phase circuits. b) Where splices or terminations are required in circuits rated above 650 volts, measure insulation resistance of each length of cable before splicing and/or terminating. Repeat measurements after splices and/or terminations are complete. c) DC high voltage test shall be made after installation on the following : ¾ All 1100 volts grade cables in which straight through joints have been made. ¾ All cables above 1100 V grade. ¾ For record purpose test data shall include the measured values of leakage current versus time. ¾ The DC high voltage test shall be performed as detailed below : ¾ Cables shall be installed in final position with all the straight through joints complete. Terminations shall be kept unfinished so that motors, switchgear, transformer etc. are not subjected to test voltage. ¾ The test voltage and duration shall be as per relevant codes and practices of Indian Standards Institution. x) PROFORMA FOR TESTING CABLES : DATE OF TEST Drum No. from which cable taken. Cable from to Length of run of this cable meter Insulation resistance test ¾ between core-1 to earth mega-ohm ¾ between core-2 to earth mega-ohm Page 244 ¾ between core-3 to earth mega-ohm ¾ between core-1 to core-2 mega-ohm ¾ between core-2 to core-3 mega-ohm ¾ between core-3 to core-1 mega-ohm ¾ duration used : 1 KV High voltage test Voltage Duration ¾ Between core an earth. ¾ between individual cores [This proforma shall be jointly signed by the CLIENT / CONSULTANT and the contractor in duplicate]. 13.4.4 EARTHING NETWORK: i.) INSTALLATION AND CONNECTION : a) The plate/pipe electrode, as far as practicable, shall be buried below permanent moisture level but in no case not less than 2.5 M below finished ground level. b) The plate/pipe electrode shall be kept clear of the building foundation and in no case, it shall be nearer by less than 2 M from outer face of the respective building wall / column. c) The plate electrode shall be installed vertically and shall be surrounded with 150 mm. thick layers of Charcoal dust and Salt mixture. d) 19 mm. dia. G.I. pipe for watering, shall run from top edge of the plate / pipe electrode to the mid level of block masonry chamber. e) Top of the pipe shall be provided with G.I. funnel and screen for watering the earth / ground through the pipe. f) The funnel with screen over the G.I. pipe for watering to the earth shall be housed in a block masonry chamber as shown in the drawing. g) The masonry chamber shall be provided with a Cast Iron hinged cover resting over the Cast Iron frame which shall be embedded in the block masonry. h) Construction of the earthing station shall in general be as shown in the drawing and shall conform to the requirement on earth electrodes mentioned in the latest edition of Indian Standard IS: 3043, Code of Practice for Earthing Installation. i) The earth conductors (Strips / Wires copper / Hot dip G.I.) Inside the building shall properly be clamped / supported on the wall with Galvanized Iron clamps and Mild Steel Zinc Passivated screws / bolts. The conductors outside the building shall be laid atleast 600 mm. below the finished ground level. j) The earth conductors shall either terminate on earthing socket provided on the equipment or shall be fastened to the foundation bolt and / or on frames of the equipPage 245 ment. The earthing connection to equipment body shall be done after removing paint and other oily substances from the body and then properly be finished. k) Over lapping of earth conductors during straight through in joints, where required, shall be of minimum 75mm. long. l) The earth conductors shall be in one length between the earthing grid and the equipment to be earthed. ii.) EARTH LEADS AND CONNECTIONS : a) Earth lead shall be bare copper or Galvanized steel as specified with sizes shown on drawings. Copper lead shall have a phosphor content of not over 0.15 %. G.I strips buried in the ground shall be protected with bitumen and essian wrap or polythene faced essian and bitumen coating. At road crossing necessary Hume pipes shall be laid. Earth lead run on surface of wall or ceiling shall be fixed on saddles so that strip is at least 8 mm away from the wall surface. b) The complete earthing system shall be mechanically and electrically bonded to provide an independent return path to the earth source. iii.) TEST : a) The entire earthing installation shall be tested Standard Specification IS : 3043. as per requirements of Indian b) The following earth resistance values shall be measured with an approved earth megger and recorded. c) Each earthing station d) earthing system as a whole e) Earth continuity conductors f) Earth conductor resistance for each earthed equipment shall be measured which shall not exceed 5 ohm in each case. g) Measurements of earth resistance shall be carried out before earth connections are made between the earth and the object to be earthed. h) All tests shall be carried out in presence of the client’s representative & test certificate shall be submitted. 13.5 SURFACE CONDUIT WORKS: 13.5.1 CEILING / WALL OUTLET BOXES FOR LIGHTS / FANS: i.) Outlet boxes shall be of steel with cover and so installed as to maintain continuity throughout. These shall be protected at the time of laying by filling with jute / earth / cotton etc. so that no cement mortar finds its way inside during concerning or plastering etc. In beams conduit socket shall be provided in place of outlet boxes. The same shall be used for installation of luminaries. Page 246 ii.) For fixing light fixtures / brackets, outlet boxes complete with knock out for holding conduits shall be used. For lighting fixture suitable for 40/20 watts fluorescent tubes / incandescent lamps / mercury vapour lamps, only one outlet box is required. iii.) For fixing ceiling fans, circular outlet boxes, 100 mm. diameter, complete with 12 mm. dia. Mild Steel rod 300 mm. long, for holding 12 mm. dia. Mild Steel cover 125 mm. dia. At bottom shall be used. 13.5.2 13.5.3 DRAW OUT JUNCTION BOXES: i.) Steel draw out boxes at angle dimensions shall be provided at a convenient points on walls / ceilings to facilitate pulling of long runs of cables / wires. The location of these boxes is to be decided prior to fixing, as per site requirement and following should be treated as general guidance for deciding the location of these : ii.) These should be provided at a place where these are not in direct view. Recommended place is 400 / 450 mm. below ceiling, if conduits are running vertically. iii.) Junction box in the offset of bottom of RCC beam and vertical wall should not be provided. iv.) If junction boxes are coming side by side for two or more conduits, one common M.S. box of proper size can be used to act as junction box. v.) If junction box is to be provided in ceiling, its position should be so located that it is in line with other light / fan points. vi.) Junction boxes should never be used for splitting one conduit into two or more. Junction box for such functions is avoidable and for this, number of conduits to be connected to one switch board should be calculated correctly as per drawing before laying conduits in ceiling. vii.) Locating junction boxes on outer surface of exterior walls of building should be avoided as these are in direct view and are also exposed to weather. SWITCH BOXES: i.) Steel boxes of required sizes, shall be provided to house speed regulators of fans, switches for lights, fans, plug sockets etc. as per requirement of drawings. These should be so designed that accessories on sheet could be mounted with tapped holes and brass machine screws, leaving ample space at the back and on the sides for accommodating wires and check nuts at conduit entries. These shall be attached to conduits by means of check nuts on all walls of the boxes through which the conduits are entering. These shall be completely connected leaving edges flush with finished wall surfaces. Cover should be fixed to these switch boxes by means of brass chrome plated machine screws and cup washers. Utmost care shall be taken by contractor to ensure that all switch boxes are in line and level. ii.) Inside each switch box, one bolt shall be welded to receive earthing wire. 13.5.4 SWITCH AND SOCKET: Page 247 i.) Switches shall be installed at 1200 mm above finished floor level unless otherwise indicated on the drawings. ii.) The switch controlling the light point or fan shall be connect on to the phase wire of the circuit and neutral shall be continuous, having no fuse or switch installed in the line except at the D.B. All fan regulators shall be fixed inside the switch boxes iii.) The cover plates to the switch box shall be fixed by means of sunk head brass cadmium screws. iv.) Where two or more switches and fan regulators are installed together, they shall be provided with one gang cover plate with knockouts to accommodate required number of switches, sockets and regulators. v.) The switch controlling the socket outlet shall be on the phase wire of the circuit. The third pin of the socket shall be connected to the earth continuity conductor of the circuit vi.) The switch boxes, installed back-to-back in the same wall shall be offset from each other, 150 mm horizontally, to preclude noise transmission. 13.5.5 CLEANING AND PROTECTION OF CONDUIT SYSTEM: The entire conduit system including outlet boxes, junction boxes and switch boxes shall be thoroughly cleaned after completion of erection and tested for not blockage by air / sound or steel wire prior to finishing of building by air / sound or steel wire prior to finishing of building and before drawing in of cables / wires to safeguard conduit system against filling up with the plaster / cement slurry / water etc. all the outlet and switch boxes will have to be provided with temporary jute / cotton filling, covers and plugs etc.. Within tendered cost which shall be replaced later on by hylem / sheet cover after wiring as required. 13.5.6 TESTING OF INSTALLATION: Before a completed installation is put into service, the following tests shall be complied with: i.) INSULATION RESISTANCE : a) The insulation resistance shall be measured by applying 500 volt megger with all fuses in places, circuit breaker and all switches closed. b) The insulation resistance in gegaohms of an installation, measured shall not be less than 50 mega ohms divided by the number of points on the circuit. c) The insulation resistance shall be measured between EARTH TO PHASE EARTH TO NEUTRAL PHASE TO NEURAL PHASE TO PHASE ii.) EARTH CONTINUITY PATH : The earth continuity conductors shall be tested for electrical continuity and the electrical resistance of the same along with the earthing lead but excluding any added resistance or Page 248 earth leakage circuit-breaker measured from the connection, with the earth electrode to any point in the earth continuity conductor in the completed installation and shall not exceed one ohm. iii.) POLARITY OF SINGLE POLE SWITCHES : A test shall be made to verify that every no-linked, single pole switch is connected to one of the phase of the supply system. iv.) COMPLETION CERTIFICATES : a) All the above tests shall be carried out in presence of client and the results shall be recorded in prescribed forms. Any default during the testing shall be immediately rectified and that section of the installation shall be re tested. The completed test result from shall be submitted to the client for approval. b) On completion of an electric installation a certificate shall be furnished by the contractor, countersigned by the certified supervisor under whose direct supervision the installation was carried out. This certificate shall be in a prescribed form as required by the local electric supply authority. 13.6 INSTALLATION OF LIGHTING FIXTURES / FANS: 13.6.1 INSTALLATION OF LIGHTING FIXTURES: Scope of work under this item shall start from light point, with 3 nos. 1.5 mm.² PVC insulated wires from connector to the connector inside the lighting fixture, connections, fixing of lighting fixture complete with all accessories, lamps on wall / roof / steel truss etc. testing the lighting fixture and commissioning. If wire length of light point is enough to reach connector of light fitting, connector in light point can be deleted. 13.6.2 INSTALLATION OF EXHAUST FANS : Scope of work under this system shall start from exhaust fan point, with a ceiling rose, 2 core 2.5 mm.² PVC insulated wire from ceiling rose to connector of exhaust fan, connections, making fan opening in walls including repair / finishing fixing of exhaust fan complete with accessories and louvers on walls with hold-fasts, testing the exhaust fans and commissioning. 13.7 COMPLETION TESTS: After supply and installation of complete project or a particular building / area, following tests shall be carried out by the contractor before switching on the power to installation and the results shall be recorded and submitted to the Site-Engineer. If results are not satisfactory / as per standards set herewith, the contractor shall identify the defects / short coming and shall rectify the same. Nothing extra shall be paid for carrying out these tests and contractor has to arrange all necessary instruments. 13.7.1 INSULATION RESISTANCE TO EARTH : This is to be measured with all fuse links in place, all switches ON, all lamps and appliances in position by applying a voltage not less than twice the working voltage (subject to a limit of 500 V). Insulation resistance of the whole or any part of the installation to earth must not be Page 249 less than 50 mega-ohms divided by the number of outlets (points and switch positions) except that it need not be less than one mega-ohm for the whole installation. 13.7.2 INSULATION RESISTANCE BETWEEN CONDUCTORS : Tests to be made between all the conductors connected to one pole or phase conductor of the supply and all the conductors connected to the middle wire or neutral or the other pole or phase conductors of the supply. For this test, all lamps shall be removed and all switches put ON. The result of the test must be 50 mega-ohms divided by the number of outlets (points and switch positions) but need not less than 1 mega-ohm for the whole installation. 13.7.3 POLARITY OF SINGLE POLE SWITCHES : Tests shall be made to verify that all non-linked single pole switches are on phase conductor (live) and not on neutral or earth conductor. This can be done by connecting test lamps between two terminals of switch and earth. If the lamp lights up when switch is ON and either terminal is touched, the switch is correctly installed. 12.7.3 RESISTANCE OF METAL CONDUITS / SHEETS (EARTH CONTINUITY TEST) : i.) In case of cables encased in metal whether conduit of metallic sheathing, the total resistance of the conduit or sheathing from the earthing point any other position in the completed installation shall not be more than 2 ohms. This can be carried out by following circuit : ii.) One end of the load is connected to the ECC and its connection with the electrode and the other to the farthest point of the ECC. First, current through the circuit is measured with the resistance of 2 ohms short circuited by the link. Next, current is measured through the two ohms resistance by disconnecting the two leads from the ECC and joining them together. If current is more in the first case, the resistance of ECC is less than 2 ohms. 13.8 HANDING OVER / TAKING OVER: After completion of works and tests specified above, the various installations of the project can be taken over by the employer as and when these are ready in all respects. The defect liability period of 60 months shall start from the date, when all the installations of the project have been executed, tested as described above, successfully commissioned and handed over. Page 250 14.0 LIST OF APPROVED VENDORS LIST OF APPROVED VENDORS_ELECTRICAL SR. NO. ITEM APPROVED MAKE 1 H.T VCB PANEL CGL / ABB / SIEMENS / GE/ALSTHOM/ BIECCO LAWREY / JYOTI / SCHNEIDER 2 H.T PROTECTION RELAY GE / CSPC / ABB / EASUN REYROLLE 3 H.T. XLPE CABLE PRIMECAB / GLOSTER / UNIVERSAL / HAVELL'S / TORRENT / NICCO / RPG CABLES 4 H.T. JOINTING KIT (INDOOR TYPE RAYCHEM / XICON/M SEAL HEAT SHRINKABLE) 5 TRANSFORMER VOLTEMP / T & R / CROMPTON / KIRLOSKAR / GEC ALSTHOM 6 MOTOR CONTROL CENTRE L & T / SIEMENS / INDUSTRIAL CONTROLS / POWER & INSTRUMENTATION (O) LTD. / PATEL BROTHERS / POSITRONICS / SWATI SWITCHGEAR / CROMPTON GREAVES / ELEMBICA / SUN / ANNANYA / POSITRONICS 7 ACB / MCCB/MCB MERLIN GERIN / ABB / SIEMENS / L&T / SCHNEIDER / C&S / SCHNEIDER / GE 8 CONTACTORS MERLIN GERIN / ABB / SIEMENS / L&T / CROMPTON/ SCHNEIDER / C&S / GE / SCHNEIDER 9 BIMETAL OVERLOAD RELAYS MERLIN GERIN / ABB / SIEMENS / L&T / C&S 10 INDICTING LAMPS L&T / SIEMENS / IEC / TECHNIK / EE 11 CURRENT AND VOLTAGE KAPPA / SILKANNS / GILBERT / PRECISE / ABB / TRANSFORMER (CAST RESIN TYPE) JYOTI / ASHMORE 12 PUSH BUTTON & PUSH BUTTON SET L&T / BCH / SIEMENS / TECHNIK 13 INDICATING TYPE) AEP / IMP / MECO 14 TERMINAL BLOCKS PHOENIX CONTACT / WAGO 15 LUGS DOWELL OR EQUIVALENT 16 L.T CABLES CCI / GLOSTER / UNIVERSAL FINOLEX/TORRENT/ POLYCAB / RPG CABLES 17 POWER CAPACITOR MADHAV / KHATAU JUNKER / UNIVERSAL / ASIAN ELECTRONICS / ABB / CROMPTON GREAVES / SIEMENS METERS (DIGITAL / Page 251 18 APFC RELAY ENERCON / SIEMENS / L & T/ DATAR / ASIAN 19 LIGHTING FIXTURES PHILIPS / BAJAJ / CROMPTON 20 PROTECTIVE RELAYS ABB / EASUN REYROLLE / ALSTHOM /CSPC 21 CABLE GLANDS SIEMENS / COMET 22 CABLE TRAY INDIANA / SHARDA / M.M ENGINEERING 23 MODULAR SWITCHES, SOCKETS & CLIPSAL / MK / TOYAMA / ANCHOR ROMA ACCESSORIES 24 PVC CONDUITS AND ACCESSORIES PRECISION / CLIPSAL 25 FLEXIBLE WIRE (FRLS) FINOLEX / ANCHOR / HAVELL's / RR KABEL 26 MOTOR SOFT STARTER PROCESSOR BASED 27 ELECTRONIC MOTOR PROTECTION ABB / L&T / SEIMENS / C&S RELAY MICRO ALLEN BRADLEY / SCHNEIDER / ABB /SIEMENS/ L&T Page 252 SECTION: F CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT FOR OPERATION & MAINTENANCE – NOT APPLICABLE Page 253 SECTION – G PART - III DRAWINGS Page 254 PROJECT DOCUMENT SR. NO. AUGMENTATION OF PUMPING MACHINERIES OF NAVANA VATWA SEWAGE PUMPING STATION FOR A.M.C. : DRAWING INDEX : DRAWING TITLE DRAWING NO. MECHANICAL DRAWINGS 1.0 1 – M – 01 – G.A. OF SEWAGE PUMPING MACHINARIES LAYOUT FOR SPS – NAVANA NAVANA - VATWA SPS - VATWA ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS 1.0 SLD OF 11 KV BREAKER CONTROL PANEL 1 – E – SLD – 01 2.0 SLD OF MAIN L.T. PANEL 1 – E – SLD – 02 3.0 SLD OF APFC PANEL 1 – E – SLD – 03 4.0 PLATE TYPE AND PIPE TYPE EARTHING 1 – E – STD – 01 5.0 STANDARD DRAWING FOR LADDER TYPE CABLE TRAY 1 – E – STD – 02 Page 255