31870 Impact Report - Family Service of the Piedmont
31870 Impact Report - Family Service of the Piedmont
y y a a d d y y r r e e v e ev s s e e o o r r e h he Impact Report June 2014 -July 2015 Family Service of the Piedmont, Inc. Family Service of Greensboro Foundation, Inc. Family Service of High Point Foundation, Inc. 2014-2015 clients served Message from the President & Board Chair awareness events, and the growing number of local businesses and individuals who support them. This year, our fundraising efforts raised $1.2 million in financial contributions from the community. Additional in-kind support from event vendors kept expenses below 12%, resulting in net fundraising proceeds of more than $1 million. Tom Campbell President & CEO George Ragsdale Board Chair At Family Service of the Piedmont, we see heroes every day. They are our staff and volunteers, who work tirelessly to improve the lives of others. They are our donors and community supporters, whose generosity enables our programs to survive and flourish. Most of all, they are our clients, who come through our doors at low points in their lives and learn to find the strength they need to overcome seemingly impossible situations. Demand for our services has grown this past year and our agency has grown to meet this need. We directly served more than 17,000 clients – an increase of 12% over the year before. We expanded to 119 employees and our annual budget increased by 5% to over $6.8 million. We continue to operate effectively and efficiently: all our programs are meeting or exceeding their target outcomes, and our agency’s indirect cost rate is a low 10%, which means 90 cents of each dollar Family Service receives goes not to overhead but directly to agency services. We have increased year-end assets for the fifth consecutive year, and created an Operating Reserve to aid cash flow. We are maintaining a 94% client satisfaction rating, and our voluntary staff turnover rate of 12% is about one third of the regional average. Community support of Family Service is at an all-time high, thanks to the many volunteers who plan and execute our various fundraising and Program successes this year include: expansion of our Incredible Years parenting program into Asheboro; reaccreditation of the Hope House Children’s Advocacy Center; reaccreditation of our Domestic Violence Intervention Program; Consumer Credit Counseling Service surpassing the 2,500 mark in local homes saved from foreclosure over the past five years; successful innovations of Integrated Care into our Behavioral Health Services, including primary care, psychiatric care, dual diagnosis treatment and medication management; and successfully partnering with the County and others to launch the Guilford County Family Justice Center to eliminate barriers for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse and elder abuse. Going forward, our Strategic Plan will continue to guide us as we focus on building upon these successes and strengths. We will strive to maintain appropriate scale and scope of services; strengthen engagement with community partners, boards and volunteers; attract and retain high-caliber staff; strengthen organizational capacity and infrastructure; and broaden and expand fundraising efforts, including creating a new Master Funding Plan for long-range development. Achieving these will ensure long term sustainability for our agency. Thanks to the many heroes who support us, Family Service of the Piedmont is in a strong position to continue enabling others to find the hero within themselves – every day. Tom Campbell, President & CEO Family Service of the Piedmont, Inc. George Ragsdale, Board Chair Family Service of the Piedmont, Inc. Our Funders Family Service of the Piedmont is grateful to receive funding from the following private foundations and charitable institutions which supported our agency in the 2014-2015 year: United Way of Greater Greensboro United Way of Greater High Point Bank of America Foundation Cemala Foundation Community One Foundation Cone Health Foundation Ecolab Foundation High Point Community Foundation Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust Kathleen & Joseph Bryan Community Enrichment and Venture Grant Lincoln Financial Foundation Molly Millis Hedgecock Foundation Truliant Federal Credit Union Weaver Foundation Wells Fargo Foundation 2014-2015 Financials* R EVENUE Contributions United Ways Government Grants Family Service Foundations Private Foundations Program Fees Other Revenue Total $250,419 $1,368,595 $1,984,760 $1,207,988 $474,232 $1,552,104 $14,009 $6,852,107 E XPENSES Salaries, Benefits & Personnel $5,305,182 Professional Fees, Contract Labor $98,683 Equipment & Supplies $369,528 Occupancy & Insurance $807,800 Travel, Conferences & Dues $155,147 Special Assistance $13,882 Miscellaneous $27,429 Depreciation $69,508 Total $6,847,159 Surplus N ET A SSETS Family Service of the Piedmont ......................................................$708,424 Family Service of Greensboro Foundation ..................................................$3,358,443 Family Service of High Point Foundation ...................................................$3,244,164 * preliminary pre-audited figures 1 Family Service of the Piedmont $4,948 Esc ap e f r o m V i o l e n c e an end to the relationship with her abusive boyfriend. Family Service’s victim advocates guided and supported Tammy throughout the court process. She began attending the agency’s Crossroads peer support group for survivors of domestic violence. “I thought that was something I needed to do for myself,” she says. “I have not stopped coming since then. Just to remind myself not to go back there – it’s very easy to fall back into old ways.” Tammy was a young mother involved in an abusive relationship, when she became pregnant a second time. “At that time my chances of being successful in life, I was told, were going to drop drastically,” she remembers. “I was told this by family members. My dad told me I had to leave his house because I was pregnant again. So I was out on my own for the first time, with one child, pregnant, with a guy who was abusive.” A few weeks after the baby was born, Tammy and her partner were involved in an altercation and neighbors called the police. “That time I’d just had enough,” she says. “I’d already put one child through it. I said, there is no way I will let another child see what my oldest has seen.” So Tammy called Family Service of the Piedmont’s 24-Hour Crisis Line for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. “I got a lot of good information from them,” she says. “Then I went down and filed the charges, took out a restraining order.“ And she put says is thanks to the positive encouragement she found at Family Service. “I never thought I could go back to school with two kids. But there is life after all of this. There’s life after domestic violence.” Tammy proudly shows her new tattoo, a rose illustrating domestic violence. “If people ask me about it, I’ll tell them,” she says. “And I always refer them here. I definitely could not have done it without help from Family Service.” Tammy also received individual counseling at Family Service. “That’s where I can talk one-on-one about my own problems,” she says. “If I need something, or if I don’t want the whole group to know something, then I can share it in counseling.” When her daughter was about five, she began counseling with a Family Service child therapist as well. “She just loved it,” Tammy says. “She doesn’t like to talk a whole lot about stuff, so it was a way for her to be able to express herself, through drawings, or to talk about emotions and feelings. I think even as adults, it’s hard for us to pinpoint emotions and what we’re feeling. So that’s helped us both a lot.” In addition, Tammy has taken advantage of the agency’s Consumer Credit Counseling Service to receive financial advice. Above all, Tammy says, her experience has enabled her to regain her sense of self. “After being controlled for so long, you kind of lose your own identity,” she says. “The biggest thing is just finding myself, who I am, what I like to do.” Tammy is now enrolled full time in school and a year away from graduation, which she Family Service of the Piedmont, Inc. 2015-2016 Board of Directors Family Service of Greensboro Foundation, Inc. 2015-2016 Board of Trustees Family Service of High Point Foundation, Inc. 2015-2016 Board of Trustees George Ragsdale, Board Chair Rudy Clark, Vice Chair Margaret Penn, Treasurer Kathy Dick, Secretary Anne Osborne, Immediate Past Chair Tom Campbell, President/CEO Kim Holleman, Chair Lindsey Auman, Vice Chair Matthew Rankin, Treasurer Beth Harrington, Secretary Lynn Black, Immediate Past Chair Diane Conterno-Neese, Guild President Tom Campbell, President/CEO Elizabeth Finch, Chair Kay Miller, Vice Chair Bill McGuinn, Treasurer Julie Shamburg, Secretary Alyce Hill, Immediate Past Chair Heather Fielden, Guild President Tom Campbell, President/CEO Lindsey Auman David Bergen Kip Blakely Brack Brigman Kimberly Crews Manuel Dudley Eddie Edwards Elizabeth Finch Robert Hager Jay Haldeman Kim Holleman Reid Marsh Kay Miller Joan McGeachy Shelley Olds Michael Schlosser David S. Thompson Mark Williamson Gwen Willis Lisa Bullock Vanessa Carroll Daniel Craft Donald Dibble Tina Forsberg Anita Graham Daniela Helms Ron Johnson Mojgan Jordan Sterling Kelly Kim Ketchum Robert Ketner Thais Lewis Leslye Tuck Donald Vaughan Carolyn Walters James Weeks Ellie Yearns Susan Davis, Junior League Liaison Beachy Allen Nancy Amos John Bencini Mark Clark Matthew Cochrane Debbie Cottam Moo Moo Councill Tyler Covington Frosty Culp Louise Foster Jeff Horney Janice Kubinski Jane McAllister Matt Nowell Rosalyn Pauling Cathy Procton Michael Smith Chief Administrative Personnel Tom Campbell, President & CEO Steve Hess, Chief Program Officer Becky Hunt, Compliance Officer / Director of Human Resources Jody Susong, Marketing & Development Officer Chip Turner, Chief Financial Officer 2015 Impact Report 2 t he p o w e r to c h a n g e change about myself; what I could do to think positively about myself. By the third or fourth meeting I was seeing positive change.” Daniel was working in the food service industry when he became involved with drugs. “Because of the people I was surrounded by, the environment, it was acceptable,” he says. “It was the ‘cool’ thing to do once you got off work. Then I started using at work. I lost my job because of having problems with substances.” “Albert helped me identify the fact that I was a hard worker; that I need a lot on my plate to be able to function on a high level,” he says. “He also taught me meditation techniques: how to deal with the stress of the moment, whatever that moment may be. Those techniques really helped me. I had a lot of social anxiety coming off the substance abuse. It really helped me to just calm down.” Being fired from an 11-year career brought Daniel to the realization that something had to change. “That time period was very psychologically taxing,” he remembers. “I got into a depression and I was just stuck. I would sit at home all day. So I said one day, I can’t do this. I can’t just sit here and wallow.” Daniel researched local options for counseling and found Family Service of the Piedmont. Because he was unemployed with no health insurance, he needed a community-based resource offering counseling despite his low income. “Family Service was able to provide that through the sliding fee scale,” he says. Even so, “it was a scary first step,” Daniel acknowledges. “To be able to admit that I couldn’t do it myself anymore, and I really needed exterior help. When I came to Family Service, even at the initial assessment stage, they made me feel welcome. I knew I could talk about whatever I needed to talk about, to get past those hard times.” After just a few counseling sessions, Daniel began to see results. “The second meeting, Albert [Daniel’s Family Service therapist] started laying out the techniques he wanted to use,” he says. “We started talking about it right off the bat – what I wanted to With Albert’s encouragement, Daniel resolved to go back to school. He learned to apply his strong work ethic to college life at GTCC. “You go in at nine in the morning and you don’t leave until five,” he explains. “All the downtime you have in between classes, you use it on homework or something to further yourself. So I started getting involved in clubs, and – as Albert suggested – I started doing some volunteering to find a new group of friends. That led to getting into the student government association as a representative for the High Point campus.” Now, in his second year at GTCC, Daniel is Student Body President. “I’m a member of the Board, I’m on several committees at this point, and also carrying a schedule of classes,” he says. “I have a pretty full schedule!” He is studying Human Services with a concentration in substance abuse, with a view to becoming a counselor himself to help others. “I fully intend on going on to a Master’s degree,” he says. “I want to affect positive change.” It’s been five years since Daniel lost his job from substance abuse. Since then, he has learned techniques to overcome depression, to focus, and to recognize his own inner nature and what he needs to thrive. He continues to refer others to Family Service for counseling as well. “I tell them about the warm, welcoming environment here,” he says. “How they’re not going to look at you as just a number on a clipboard – they really get involved. That was important to me, to know that I wasn’t doing this all by myself. Somebody else actually seemed vested in it and cared about it, too.” adv e nt ur e s i n pa r e n ti n g When Pravin and Chandra’s first child was born, neither of the new parents was employed, and neither had much knowledge about how best to care for their baby. Chandra was also recovering from her C-section, which made moving around difficult. “I had a lot of problems at that time,” she recalls. “The hospital asked me if there was anybody at home, to help with the baby,” Chandra remembers. “I said no.” A worker from Community Care for Children was assigned, but was only able to visit once a month. So the family was referred to Family Service of the Piedmont’s Healthy Start program for more regular contact. A Healthy Start case worker began visiting the family in their home each week to share parenting information and resources. 3 Family Service of the Piedmont Pravin says the couple were impressed by their case worker’s care and expertise. “We did not know how to care for a baby,” he says, “They have been teaching us, every time and every visit – about nutrition, how the child behaves and how you react, all sorts of things.” The family is also grateful for the baby supplies and necessary items Healthy Start was able to provide while they were out of work, thanks to donations to the program. “We didn’t need big things, but there were many little things they gave to help us,” Chandra remembers. As their daughter grew, Pravin and Chandra learned how to react to her different developmental stages. Their Healthy Start caseworker, now visiting every two weeks, taught them appropriate methods of discipline, redirecting behavior and teaching boundaries. When Chandra became pregnant with her second child, the weekly visits resumed. “We are lucky,” says Chandra. “Before, I had a baby and I knew nothing. Now I’m learning a lot of things. I’m really thankful for the way Family Service has helped me!” The 2015 Julia B. Nile For Love of Family Awards Charisse daly Kl e i n m a n Pe te T. C a lla h a n Honor Societies Recognizing individuals who have made a lasting impression on Family Service of the Piedmont and the Greensboro and High Point communities. Families First Honor Society Family Service of Greensboro Foundation Charisse Kleinman’s commitment to Family Service began at the young age of 22. She volunteered at Clara House for five years, working with women and children who were victims of domestic violence. “The core of life begins at the family level and not every family understands family love, kindness and respect,” says Charisse. “I witnessed the worst circumstances of abuse at Clara House and it is a basic human desire of mine to help when needed.” Pete Callahan was first introduced to Family Service as a board member of the United Way of Greater High Point in 2008. He joined the Family Service of the Piedmont Board and served for six years, including two years as Treasurer, as Vice Chair, and eventually as Board Chair in 2012-2013. As Chair, Pete introduced Going Green, an effort to reduce printing and paper costs for the agency. He was actively engaged with agency staff and volunteers, and a regular at agency fundraising events. He represented Family Service In 2009 Charisse joined the Guild of Family Service of at meetings with Guilford County Commissioners and the Greensboro, after being introduced to the Guild by friend City of Greensboro. He successfully challenged Family Leigh Sudbrink. Since then, Charisse has recruited at least 20 Service’s Board members to reach 100% participation in the Annual Campaign, and together with then Greensboro friends to join the Guild, as well as displaying exceptional Foundation Chair Anne Osborne, bought a fabulous lunch generosity in her own support of the Guild and Family for the High Point Foundation Board who were first to reach Service’s fundraising efforts. the target. As a Guild member, Charisse soon showed her talents and enthusiasm by creating a new fundraiser, the Sip ‘n’ Shop – an upscale boutique sale complete with hors d’oeuvres, cocktails and live music. The event has been a huge success, raising $50,000 in its first two years and increasing awareness of Family Service in the Greensboro community. Charisse also helped create Clay Smith’s Hope Chest Walk in memory of friend and past Guild President Clay Smith. The event supports the Endowment Fund at Family Service, leaving a legacy of hope for the future. For these and other contributions, Charisse received the Guild’s President's Award in 2014. Charisse’s energy, enthusiasm and dedication is not limited to her work with Family Service. She and her husband of 26 years Phil give to over 50 local charities each year, and are motivated to continue to help those in need. Giving back is a hallmark of Charisse’s character, whether volunteering at the shelter, creating events, or advocating in the community. “We cannot be self-centered in life because we are all one big family in Guilford County,” she says. “Everyone should feel obligated and honored to serve others in life, because being human, we all need a little help from time to time.” As Regional Head of Commercial Banking for Wells Fargo, issues of home ownership addressed by Family Service’s Consumer Credit Counseling Service have special significance for Pete. “It’s important to me and to our company to keep struggling families in their homes whenever we can,” he says. “After the economic downturn, the Mortgage Prevention Program has been able to keep hundreds of local families in their homes who lost a job through no fault of their own.” Over the years, Pete’s advocacy for Family Service at Wells Fargo has encouraged the company to support the agency significantly through grants and event sponsorships. Pete chaired the United Way of Greater Greensboro’s Annual Campaign in 2013 which raised $11 million, the campaign’s first increase since 2007. Pete has also previously chaired the Annual Campaign for the High Point United Way – one of few people to lead both local United Way campaigns. He is Immediate Past Chair of the Guilford Merchants Association and has served on the Parents Councils of High Point University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Pete is a leader with core values of dedication and service to the community. He cares deeply for the work of Family Service, for the individuals who accomplish it, and for the recipients of the agency’s services. f o r e ve r f a m i ly a P l a n n ed G i v i n g P r o g r a m Some things change, but families are forever. The Forever Family program recognizes those who remember Family Service in their will, or as a beneficiary of retirement or insurance plans. If you are interested in joining the Forever Family or to find out more, please contact Jody Susong at (336) 387-6161 x1105 or email jsusong@fspcares.org John and Lynn Black Julia B. Nile Mike and Bunnie Smith The Estate of Ray Burrow The Ray and Tanya Burrow Family Fund Charlie B. Smith Memorial For Love of Family Fund The Estate of Sarah W. Cooke Doug and Jody Susong Ronald P. Johnson The Estate of Leah Tannenbaum Missy Akin Adair Armfield Karen and Tom Armstrong Frank and Lindsey Auman Lori Aycock Quint and Robin Barefoot Cyenthia Barker Lynn Black Ken and Pat Brooks Willie and Lisa Bullock Dan and Barbara Caffrey Kay Cashion Clyde and Dot Collins Collins Alan and Sally Cone Pete and Pat Cross Dixie Culver Aldona Wos and Louis DeJoy Leah and David Edgerton John Ellison Marion and Peggy Follin Dan and Tina Forsberg Judy Frederick Bud Frediani Rick Gabriel Laura Gasiorek Lynne Gladstone Robert and Angie Hager Jay and Jen Haldeman Bill and Martha Halstead Steve and Pam Hassenfelt Daniela Helms Mike and Fay Hoggard Kim Holleman Muriel Inabnet Rodney and Mary Ingram Marc and Jill Isaacson Ron Johnson David and Liz Johnson Mojgan Jordan Paul Kennedy Kim Ketchum Robert and Leslie Ketner Phil and Charisse Kleinman Becky Koonts Lex Kulman Phyllis Lancaster Pearce and Anne Landry J. D. and Sunny Lawson Jim and Liza Lee Georgia Lineback Glorine Luper Rebekah Mango Jack Markham Carol McCoy Bynum and Bonnie McElveen-Hunter Mary McGinley Bill and Patty McIvor Jim and Sylvia Merritt Betty Nichols Billy and Dottie B. Nutt Pete and Anne Osborne Hoyt Phillips Marshall and Sandy Pittman Lee Presson Kevin and Dianne Pusch Elizabeth Rankin Stephen and Carla Robinson Kitty Robison Mark and Judy Roy Mike and Rebecca Schlosser Meredith Scott Carl and Leigh Seager Joy Shavitz Sue Simmons Shirley Spears Allene Spruill Mike and Laura Steen Kay Stern Karl and Lynn Stonecipher Craig and Leigh Sudbrink Kevin and Chris Supple Sig and Ellen Tannenbaum Marshall and Leslye Tuck Robin and Marti Tyler Jim and Sally Weeks David and Lauren Worth Families First Honor Society Family Service of High Point Foundation Terry Aiken Dan and Beachy Allen Lin and Nancy Amos Tony and Sallie Bardelas Brian and Shea Barnett Michael and Stephanie Beaver Stan and Deane Belk Courtney Best Arthur and Dawn Bingham Beth Breece Brack and Emilee Brigman Claire Brinson Charles and Ann Cain Earl and Kitty Congdon Debbie Cottam Paul and Barbara Coughlin Ned and Katherine Covington Amanda Covington Kimberly Crews Frosty and Catharine Culp Iv and Leslie Culp Donna Cumby Doris Deal Chip and Mary Eliza Duckett Bill and Candy Fenn Sandy and Elizabeth Finch Louise Foster Rick and Lisa Gilliam Jim Gooding Chris Greene Pam Greene David Hayworth Bill and Whitney Heard Eric and Alyce Hill Jeff and Claire Horney Bill Horney John and Jo Hughes Tim and Linda Ilderton Harold and Suzy Johnson Wes and Mary Keever Steve and Miriam Kimsey Nancy Laney Gina Laney Margaret Lewis Ken and Jane McAllister Phil and Kay Miller Jeff and Carroll Ann Miller Jef Morgan Mark and Rena Norcross Lenny Peters Sallie Phillips Cathy Procton Maria Puschinsky Nido and Mariana Qubein Kerry and Cindy Rice Emilie Rogers Steve and Kathy Rohrbeck Lesley Rosser Kerie Beth Scott Jeannie Sedberry Marsha Slane Mike and Bunnie Smith Condon Smith David Thompson Jeanné Dulion-Thorn Kelly Vaughan Leigh Wagner Miriam Wagner Lyndon and Kay Wall Jim and Gray Wehrley Mark and Betty Williamson Doug Witcher Chris Wynne 2015 Impact Report 4 Our Donors Family Ser vice is grateful to the many individuals, businesses and groups who sustain us in our vision of building safe and healthy families. While it is not possible to list all our donors, Family Ser vice would like to give special thanks to the following supporters who gave to our agency during the 2014-2015 year. Ever y effort has been made to ensure donor information is complete and correct. If you find any errors or omissions, please accept our apology and bring it to our attention by calling (336) 387-6105 Ext. 1115. Major Contributors ($20,000 and Above) Anonymous The J. Richard and Sybel F. Hayworth Foundation Joseph M. Bryan Old Dominion Freight Line Pete and Pat Cross Pepper Moon Catering The Charles E. Hayworth, Jr., Foundation VF Corporation Diamond Donors Carolina Container Company Roy and Vanessa Carroll/The Carroll Companies The Congdon Family ($10,000 - $19,999) John Ellison PNC United Guaranty Corporation Emerald Donors ($5,000 - $9,999) Albion Associates Eric and Alyce Hill Baker Furniture Irvin Orthodontics Bank of America David and Liz Johnson Buchanan Printing & Graphics Kappa Delta Sorority Eric and Mary Calhoun Kriegsman Luxury Outerwear Canter Power Systems The Clark Foundation, Inc. Columbia Forest Products Matthews Mobile Media Bill Cross Mutual Distributing Dormition of the Theotokos Richard Nault Greek Orthodox Church Pete and Anne Osborne Fink's Jewelers Schiffman's Jewelers Eric Gillespie Solstas Lab Partners High Point Bank and Trust Co. Southern Event Rental High Point Jewelers and Fine Gifts Mike and Laura Steen Sapphire Donors 5 Carolina Bank Linda Knight Carr/Knight Carr & Co Jimmy and Vickie Clark Coley Cosmetic & Hand Surgery Center Colonial, LLC David and Helen Congdon Bob and Debbie Cottam Ned and Katherine Covington Crescent Ford Crown BMW Frosty and Catharine Culp Culp, Inc. Andrew and Donna Cumby Bob and Susan Daly Niles and Carol Daly Davis Furniture Marie G. Dennett Foundation Donald and Susan Dibble Dixon Hughes Goodman LLP Craig DuBois Chip and Mary Eliza Duckett David and Leah Edgerton Edward Jones Investments Emerywood Baptist Church Empire Education Group Enterprise Holdings Foundation Bill and Candy Fenn First Bank Dan and Tina Forsberg Louise Foster Family Service of the Piedmont ($2,500 - $4,999) Sandy and Elizabeth Finch Aesthetic Images Photography Rebekah Mango Flow Land Rover & Jaguar of Greensboro Frank and Lindsey Auman Carol McCoy Furnitureland South, Inc. Bank of North Carolina The Michel Family Foundation Genuity Concepts, Inc. Quint and Robin Barefoot Jeanne Miles Green Valley Financial Cyenthia Barker/First Citizens Bank Mt. Zion Baptist Church Guilford Technical Community College Bassett Furniture Lenny Peters Foundation Jay and Jen Haldeman BB&T Cathy Procton Harriss and Covington Hosiery Mills Inc. BBQ Joe's Country Cooking Kevin and Dianne Pusch Hawthorne Residential Partners Belk Friendly Home Store R.H. Barringer Distributing Co., Inc. High Point Regional Health Jim and Marianne Bennett Ralph Lauren Corporation Holy Trinity Episcopal Church Blue Group Restaurants Mike and Rebecca Schlosser Horizon Tool, Inc Bluezoom Carl and Leigh Seager I.H. Caffey Distributing Co. Jason and Carol Bohrer Marsha Slane International Market Centers Butler Lighting of High Point Belvin and Carolyn Smith International Textile Group Cellular Sales of North Carolina St. Francis Episcopal Church Ron Johnson Classic Construction of NC, Inc. Stameys Barbecue Robert and Leslie Ketner Tim Neese and Diane Conterno-Neese TLC Laser Eye Centers The Kritzer Frederick Family Courtyard Commons - Apartments on W. Main The Whitener Foundation Lomax Construction The Deal Foundation Mark and Anne Yarbrough Main & Taylor Shoes Dress Code Ruby Donors Anonymous 1618 Concepts, Inc. Dan and Beachy Allen Amicus Photography Lin and Nancy Amos Anderson Family Foundation Adair Armfield Tony and Sallie Bardelas/ Allergy and Asthma Center Kim and Tricia Bauman BE Creative The Berkley Hall Companies Bernard Robinson & Co. Ray and Janis Beshears Bio-Tech Prosthetics & Orthotics John and Lynn Black Mandy Black Kip and Lee Blakely Blossoms by Stroud Florist Don and Mary Gay Brady William Branson Braxton Culler, Inc. Breece Enterprises, Inc. Brack and Emilee Brigman Ken and Pat Brooks James R. Bullock, Jr. Dan and Barbara Caffrey Charles and Ann Cain California Closets Tom Campbell Wells Fargo Woodruff Family Law New Breed Logistics/ The Honorable Aldona Wos and Louis DeJoy ($1,000 - $2,499) Fritz and Amy Kreimer The Fresh Market Brent and Lex Kulman Gary Jobe Builder, Inc LeBauer Allergy & Asthma Skipper and Marita Gates The Matthew David Lee Memorial Fund Glen Raven, Inc. Lincoln Financial Group Global Brands Group Mike and Georgia Lineback Greenhouse Fabrics Lorillard Tobacco Company Greensboro Regional Realtors Foundation, Inc. Jim Jeffries and Sonya Lowe Haynes and Ginger Griffin Ken and Jane McAllister Robert and Angie Hager McDonald's of High Point David R. Hayworth Rod and Joan McGeachy Bill and Whitney Heard Wayne and Teresa McGee Rob and Daniela Helms/Helms Mortgage Bill and Patty McIvor Steve Hess Mercedes Benz of Greensboro Mike and Fay Hoggard Jeff and Carroll Ann Miller Kim Holleman Jack and Morgan Horner Phil and Kay Miller John and Jo Hughes David and Leslie Moore Les Hurrelbrink and Mary Sansing Mark and Rena Norcross Ice Age Management David and Maegen Novak Ilderton Dodge Chrysler Jeep Matt and Marilyn Nowell Rodney and Mary Ingram Sean and Colleen O'Neal iSurity, Inc. Pace Communications Jamestown Civitan Club Margaret Penn Jamestown News/YES! Weekly Ryder and Donna Perkins Jamestown United Methodist Church Pest Management Systems, Inc. Mark Janas Sallie Phillips Eric Jones The Earl Phillips Family Foundation Wade Jurney The Phillips Collection Bob and Magz King Stanley and Karen Pigman Ralph and Andrea Knupp Praesage, LLC Systems Contractors, Inc. Premier Federal Credit Union Sig and Ellen Tannenbaum Principal Financial Group Terminix Company Don and Donna Pulitzer David Thompson and Kimberly Crews Nido and Mariana Qubein Tom and Marsha Tice Matthew and Elizabeth Rankin Michael and Dorry Tooke Rebecca & Co./Palm Avenue Triad Eye Associates David and Claudia Reich Triad Martial Arts Debby Reynolds Marshall and Leslye Tuck Stephen and Carla Robinson Tuggle Duggins P.A. Steve and Kathy Rohrbeck Tyler Redhead & McAlister Real Estate Warren Romaine, Jr. UnitedHealthcare Royal Limousine of Greensboro University of North Carolina The Sales Factory at Greensboro Same Day Xpress Valdese Weavers Sedgefield Country Club Tom and Sabine Verellen/ Senn Dunn Insurance Verellen, Inc. Joy Shavitz Kay and Lyndon Wall Simon Jewelers Debra Wallace Smart Choice/Doug Witcher Jim and Sally Weeks Dick and Ann Smith Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC Smith Leonard PLLC Well-Spring Dan and Nancy Solomon Wesley Memorial United Southern Engraving Methodist Church Southern Roots Restaurant & Catering West View Acquisitions, LLC Shirley Spears Len and Judy White Allene D. Spruill Randy and Katie White St. Pius the Tenth Catholic Church Steve and Mary-Ann Wiggs Kay Stern Mark and Betty Williamson Tom and Diana Stuckey Witherspoon Rose Craig and Leigh Sudbrink Pearl Donors Anonymous (3) Above and Beyond Catering Absolute Comfort Heating & Cooling Affordable Chiropractic Center Alem Wealth Management Karen and Tom Armstrong Lynn Arnold Avery Body & Trim Shop Baity's Discount Tire Sales Scott and Kelly Bankhead Barber Center for Plastic Surgery The Bargain Box David and Ruthie Baynard Jonathan Baynes Jeff and Mary Beach Richard and Susan Beard Michael and Stephanie Beaver John and Leslie Bencini Benson, Brown & Faucher, PLLC Preston and Sheri Bergen Fred and Courtney Best Karen Bickham Bill Black Chevrolet Cadillac Blue Ridge Companies BlueCross BlueShield of NC Brady Trane Service Jim and Louise Brady Cooper Brantley and Kathy Cross Joe Brantley Frank and Nancy Brenner Jim Brooks Ralph and Jane Brooks Bob and Michelle Bruggeworth Willie and Lisa Bullock Jacob and Elizabeth Bumm Jim and Lynn Burgio Mike and Cres Calabrese Montrel Caldwell, Sr. Carolina Fresh Water Carruthers & Roth, PA Central Carolina Air Conditioning Central Floral Gardens Christ United Methodist Church Janna Civils Rudy and Michelle Clark Tom Clawson A Cleaner World Fred and Christine Clodfelter ClubVette Landon and Annette Cobb Compass Financial Partners Alan and Sally Cone Tom and Rene Cone Congregational United Church of Christ Pat Copeland Moore and MooMoo Councill Braden and Meredith Covington David and Jennifer Covington Ed Cox Craft Insurance Group Scott and Tiffany Crenshaw Frank Crowell Hamp and Lula Culler Iv and Leslie Culp Jon Daly Jon Jr. and Rachel Daly Steven and Andrea Davis Michael and Julie Delgaudio Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Allen and Kathy Dick Arthur and Desiree Dick Di'lishi Diversified Trust James Eagle Eddie and Sonja Edwards Lawrence and Linda Egerton Keith and Dorsay Eichhorn Elastic Fabrics of America Bobby and Alison Ellington Emerge Skin Therapy John and Linda Faircloth Cody and Heather Fielden First United Methodist Church Fish Window Cleaning Mary S. Fisher Jack and Nan Flynn Marion and Peggy Follin Forbis & Dick Funeral Services Fresh Coat Painters of Greensboro Philip and Joanne Gilbert Joe and Carolyn Gorga Got You Floored Tom and Elizabeth Gratzek Greenpoint Insurance Group Tucker Gresh David and Donna Griffin Guilford County Chapter NCSSA Guilford Park Presbyterian Church Guy M. Turner, Inc. Hang-Ups Art & Framing Beth Harrington Charles and Martha Harris Brad and Kim Hayes Hickory Creek Outdoors, Inc. ($500 - $999) Hill, Chesson and Woody, Employee Benefit Services Bill and Caroline McGuinn Richard and Stacy Miller Hilton Myrtle Beach Resort Steve and Kathryn Mohorn Hopp and Karen Hopper Monkee's of Irving Park David and Bonnie Horney Louis and Teresa Moore Jeff and Claire Horney Jef and Christi Morgan George Hoyle and Kathleen Kelly Tom and Cotten Moring The Human Resource of the Triad Mosquito Squad Becky Hunt Rich and Nikki Mossman Matt and Alicia Hurley Robert Murphy Marc Isaacson and Jill Wilson Jerry Nazziola Carswell Jackson Betty Hughes Nichols Jamestown Meineke Terry and Julia Nile Burney and Dina Jennings The Nita Pointe Foundation Maurice and Linda Jennings Billy and Dottie B. Nutt Mitchell and Suzanne Johnson The Ofsanko Family Bob and Kim Jones Zizzy and Jeannie Osborne Chuck and Mary Jones Randy and Lou Ann Parker Kathryn, Henry and Ava Hemingway Rogers Perky’s Bistro Beth Kattman Nancy deWitt Pickard Kim and Lisa Ketchum Piedmont Direct Mail Mose and Doris Egerton Kiser Piedmont Triad Insurance/Erie Insurance Janice Kubinski Jan and Wanda Pritchett David and Sally Kuratnick Quaintance-Weaver Restaurants & Hotels Bradley Lambert Billy Ragsdale Legacy Classic Furniture George and Jenny Ragsdale Al and Ginni Lineberry Randy McManus Designs, Inc. Steve and Lisa Liringis Replacements, Ltd. Scott and Morgan Love Kerry and Cindy Rice Frank and Frances Lucius Rice Toyota Orrin and Amanda Magill River Twist Jim and Sandra Marsh Kevin and Indira Roberts Mary Perry Ragsdale YMCA Salem One, Inc. Dusty and Kay Maynard Brad and Deena Samuel Brooks and Millie Mayson/Express Oil Change John and Virginia Saslow Community Supporters 360 Realty LLC Adams Farm Animal Hospital, PA Aetna Foundation, Inc. Lee and Patty Aiken Chidi and Anna Akwari Elizabeth Aldridge Ray and Sally Alexander Ralph and Patti Allen Howard and Sally Altizer Frank and Karen Aluisio Asheboro Junior Woman's Club Cobb and Raegan Atkinson Sam and Janice Baker Tom and Beth Baker Brett and Christi Barbour David and Becky Barger John and Margaret Barnett Edwin and Martha Bass Scott Bayer Richard and Shari Beavers Beeson Hardware and Lumber Co. Jack and Marilyn Bell Michael and Leigh Bell Steve and Jackie Bell Bill and Cathy Bencini Bessemer Womans Club Gary and Vivian Biesecker Andy and Anne Bills Keith and Aprille Black R. David and Barbara Blackman Bill and Liz Blackwell Douglas and Margret Bloom Bon-Bon Wings and Grill Anne Bowers Susan Brady David and Beth Breece Susan Bright Bob and Ann Brinson Herb and Rosemarie Broadmeadow Tom and Bonnie Broadwater J.R. and Kim Brown Matthew Brown and Betty Ann Roscetti Jim and Nancy Bryan Frank and Frances Bullock Cherie Burke Bill and Cathy Burling Chuck and Susan Burns David Caccamo and Rita Bennett Sue Cain Don and Jayne Cameron Randy and Carrie Carda Jeff and Brenda Carr William and Kathleen Cavanaugh Bruce and Gwynne Chadwick Joni Chastain Barry and Lisa Cheek Chen Chen Hayes and Clem Clement Stan and Dana Clinard Matthew and Denise Cochrane Sanders and Tonya Cockman Jamie and Alison Collins Henry and Shirley Frye Jack and Audrey Harris Lyle and Kelly Frye Len and Leslie Conway Rick Gabriel Doug and Jean Copeland Ed and Diane Gaines Greg and Lisa Costello Kim and Alice Gallimore Mike and Donna Cottonaro Sam and Lisa Ganem Paul and Barbara Coughlin Misty Garner Covenant United Methodist Church Rob and Kim Gay Tyler and Amanda Covington Clark and Laura Gibson Jeff and Kristine Cox Tom and Peggy Glaser Stephen and Kara Cox Jack and Brenda Glenn Kent and Lynn Crawford Steven and Pamela Goodbred Patricia Creel Gary and Jean Goodman John and Jennifer Cross Jody and Lynda Gordon Michelle Crow John Lee and Penny Graves Rob and Susan Culp Art and Carolyn Green Ken and Dixie Culver Chris and Kathy Green James and Phyllis Cumby Jennifer Cross and Michael Green Hank and Sallie Cunningham Kevin and Elizabeth Green Elmon and Pam Dale Greensboro Police Foundation Sanders and Lane Dallas Nan Griffith Pat and Mary Carol Danahy Chris and Barbara Guest Peter and Kim Dansie David and Mary Hagan MaryAnn D'Antono Kay and Chip Hagan Bert Davis Courtney Hammock Danny and Karen Davis Chris and Kathryn Harrell Kearns and Ashley Davis Dan Hayes Betty Denny Michael Hayworth Joe and Lynn DePasquale Hal and Tammy Heavner Don and Marti Digby Jim and Pat Heery Michael and Zoe Draelos Jim and Terry Helms Michael and Mary Drummond Steve and Terri Hendrickson Blaine and Martha Anne Dubose Grace and A. B. Henley Will and Paige DuBose Harvey and Emily Herman Jed and Gwyn Dunn Juan and Sebrina Hernandez Peter and Mary Dunn John and Ande Hewitt Chris and Alison Durham Jack and Sharon Hicks East White Oak Missionary Baptist Church Highland United Methodist Church Lowell and Cathy Easter Jerry and Donna Highsmith Bill and Trisha Edwards Hiking Honeys Blades and Karen Elliott Van and Julie Hill Episcopal Church Women of St. Mary's John and Shirley Erath Conrad James Himes Scott and Katy Erikson Lawrence Himes Dabney Erwin Tiesha Hinton Andy and Melanie Eskew Robert and Donna Hodgman Scott and Tricia Faircloth Shirl and Claude Hoffman Marcus and Lore Fariss Richard and Julie Holderness James and Emily Faucher Samuel Hood Fellowship Presbyterian Church Barry and Amelia Hopkins Alan Ferguson and John Paulin David and Martha Howard E.O. and Paula Ferrell Bob and Chris Hudson Jack and Dee Dee Fetner Ralph Huey and Mary Ann Contogiannis Bert and Debbie Fields Maurice and Laura Hull Brad and Courtenay Fields Mike and Peggy Hussey Jim and Lynn Finnegan Robb and Chris Hutchison Joe and Emily Fisher Clarence and Nancy Ilderton Van and Molly Fletcher Bobby Inchaustegui Kris Flynt Don Ingold Zan and Shawn Fortune International Girls Night Out Chris and Leslie Foster Iron Thunder Saloon & Grill, Inc. John and Sarah Foster Bobby and Debbie Irvin Philip Fowler Dan and Suzi Jackson Ashley and Barbara James Jamestown Rotary Club Fran and Dick Janas Tom and Cindy Jarrell Hal and Teresa Johnson Theresa Johnson Fred and Liz Jones Jim and Honor Jones Kimberly Ryan Jones Ben and Ellen Jordan Phil and Debbie Joyce Ben and Karen Kahn Chuck and Merrill Keeley Wes and Mary Keever Jan and Larry Keiner Kathleen Kelly Shane Kelly Sterling and Susan Kelly Brian and Lee Kemp Kevin and Amy Kemp Florence Kendall David and Karen Kiefer Ricky and Dot Kimelman Charles and Milly King Lee and Julie King Sam and Gennie Kirby Steve and Leigh Ann Klee Bob and Becky Koonts Marty and Asheley Kotis Kurt and Joy Kronenfeld Eric and Diane Lackey Rick and Phyllis Lancaster Pearce and Anne Landry Richard and Betsy Lane Bruce and Nancy Laney Doug and Anne Lang Tommy and Jeanette Langley Lankford Protective Services, Inc Bart and Barbra Lassiter J. D. and Sunny Lawson Chuck and Lynne Ledford James and Kelly Leggett Ken and Leigh Ann Lennon Bob and Ginger Lett Larry and Becky Lewis Rick and Margaret Lewis Lewis Systems & Service Co., Inc. Ashley Linder and Conrad Cook Lindley Park Baptist Church Doug and Smedes Lindner Oliver and Laurie Lloyd John Loecke and Jason Oliver Nixon The Lookout Foundation Michael and Rita Lucas Mike and Stephanie Ludwig Neil and Susan Lutins Diane Mannella Matt and Allison Manning Ernie Manuel and Ashley Wall Reid Marks Ken and Cackie Marsh Joe and Kim Martin Mark and Sue Schall Jim and Sharon Schlosser John and Stephanie Scott Bill and Julie Shamburg Phyllis Shavitz Scott and Brenna Shepherd Mike and Bunnie Smith Kevin and Elizabeth Speight Chris and Dallas Stanley Kevin and Chris Supple Doug and Jody Susong Robert and Rebecca Taylor Tim Templeton Tempur Sealy International Trinity Pension Group, LLC Royster and Donna Tucker Robin and Marti Tyler UO! IP, LLC US Trust, Bank of America VALIC Vann York Auto Group Mark and Kelly Walker Mark and Nancy Warburton Jess and Susannah Washburn Teddy and Pam Welborn Westover Church Robert Whitnell and Anne Glenn Bob and Judy Wicker Mike and Royale Wiggin Visions Catering Gary and Chris Wynne Dirk Ziff Ben and Ann Zuraw ($200 - $499) J.J. and Jordan Marus Joe and Sherry Marus Jane Matteson Maxfit Henry and Joan May Tim and Carole May Rick and Betsy Mayes Lee and Julie McAllister Melanie McBride Tom and Trude McCarty John and Geri McComb John and Beverly McCracken Dennis and Kaye McGarry Hayden and Nancy McKenzie John and Kathy McKenzie Michael and Melanie McNamara Frank and Martha Mellon David and Vicki Miller Keith and Ellen Miller Butch and Madeline Mills MOD Studio LLC Dudley and Mary-Lynn Moore Bill and Patti Morgan Jim and Ann Morgan Dan Mosca David and Missy Mowery Mike and Jill Murray Lisa Newsome Fred and Martha Newton Randy and Catherine Niebauer Philip and Mary Nifong Nick and Sheila Nikouyeh Steve and Jane Norris Caroline North J.B. and Ashley Nosek Stuart and Lee Nunn Mitchell and Betsy Oakley Janet Odum and Harold Rush Mike and Amy O'Keeffe Richard and Ivey Orr Our Lady of Grace Church Patti Owen Zack and Gretchen Owens Bill and Jo Ann Owings Curt and Debbie Palat Caroline Parker and Tripp Deichmann David and April Parker Ed and Jackie Pearce Matt and Kelly Penley Claudia Perera Chip and Sabra Permar Daniel and Vivian Pesaresi Jim and Susan Phillips Kevin and Elizabeth Phillips Dan and Laura Pierce Lou and Holly Pierce Andy and Leigh Ann Pool Jerry and Elizabeth Poole Presbyterian Women, First Presbyterian Church Dickie and Julie Price Gene Purdum and Sally Millikin Emily Ragsdale Will and Mary Ragsdale John and Kathleen Railey Kerr and Palmer Ramsay Rick and Libby Ramsey David Raper Mike and Kathi Raybon John and Katie Redhead Jordan and Ann Reece Robert and Rosemary Reed Elwood and Marcia Regan Neil and Judy Reynolds Al and Marya Rhoton Tim and Carolynn Rice Scott and Dianne Roe Kurt and Carmella Roehrig George and Kelly Rose Rotary Club of High Point Jim and Melinda Rucker Bob and Bee Rule Sams Law Firm George and Julie Sanders Walker and Dabney Sanders David and Jenny Sar David and Patti Saunders Schwab Charitable Fund Anthony and Jeannie Sedberry Tom and Dana Shade Don and Carolyn Shaw Bob and Ann Shepherd John and Kirstin Shepperson Raymond and Jo Sherrer Mark and Caroline Shogry Mark and Annie Silver Kamryn Simons Erik and Heather Singer Jim and Tamara Slaughter Bill Smith Dixon and Madeline Smith Gregory and Janet Smith Lanty and Margaret Smith Sterling and Natalie Smith Steve and Barbara Snavely John and Carole Snider Pete Sojka and Elisabeth Stambaugh Rodney Speight Paula Spinks Ed and Merel Spivey Charles Stamey John and Lacy Starr Jim and Deb Staton Kevin and Jennifer Steinl Hannah and Asa Stevens Doug and Joan Stone Brad and Katie Stoneking Herbert Stride Taylor and Sara Stroud Tom and Claire Sullivan J.J. and Virginia Summerell Will and Kitty Sydnor Rob and Julia Sypher Jeanne L. Tannenbaum Jim and Kitsy Tennant Tim and Grace Terrell Christopher and Laura Tew Bill and Mary Thacker Matt and Emily Thiel David and Jennifer Thompson John and Jeanné Thorn Allen and Judy Tomlinson Chris and Jane Trevey Triad Women's Forum Sam and Traci Turner David and Beth Tuttle Mike and Jeanne Twilley Zan and Pam Tyson Tom Ullman and Carol Young Craig Van Deventer and Sheila Sanders Richard and Sylvia Vanore Richard L. Vanore Don and Nancy Vaughan Randy and Sherry Vaughan Nancy Vaughn Michael Vernon Sandra Vernon Bobby and Kim Wainer John and Ollie Wall Tom and Anna Wall Mark and Mirielle Walsh Tom and Elizabeth Walsh Jack and Sarah Warmath John and Catherine Weaver Mike and Katherine Weaver Alf and Lee Webster Buddy and Dot Weill Ed and Becky Weller Haywood and Kathy West Ray and Lisa Wheatley Carol Wheeless Brantley and Jacalyn White Laurie White Lee and Margaret White Virgil and Kay Willard Burt and Meredith Williams Craven and Judith Williams Hugh and Mary Lou Williams Jim and Victoria Williams Stephen and Susan Williams Don and Gwen Willis Eric and Susan Wiseman Dennis Wojtanowski Chuck and Bert Wood Patrick and Adrienne Woods David and Lauren Worth Robert and Ellen Worth Ron and Carol Wright Ann Wyche Mark and Kappie Yates Will and Ellie Yearns Vann and Ann York David and Rhonda Youngdahl Steve and Stacy Yow Zavala Construction 2015 Impact Report 6 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 545 Greensboro, NC 315 East Washington Street Greensboro, NC 27401-2911 • 1401 Long Street High Point, NC 27262-2541 • 902 Bonner Drive Jamestown, NC 27282-8948 Vision Mission www.safeandhealthyfamilies.com Facebook/familyserviceofthepiedmont Building Safe and Healthy Families Family Service of the Piedmont empowers individuals and families to restore hope, achieve stability and thrive through quality support services, advocacy and education. help in troubled times When The Bell House closed last year due to funding cuts, it did not just affect residents, but employees of the center as well. Patricia had been working there for 17 years and had just bought a house the year before. Losing her job meant she would not be able to continue making her mortgage payments. When it was announced the center was closing, Family Service’s Consumer Credit Counseling Service reached out to Bell House employees like Patricia to assist them in applying for the Mortgage Payment Program, which offers interest-free mortgage assistance to out-of-work homeowners while they search or train for a new job. Patricia came to Family Service to begin the process. “I met with [CCCS Counselor] Stephanie Harris. She gave me a checklist of all the things I needed to bring here and what to do,” Patricia says. “It’s a whole lot of paperwork and it takes a couple of months. I couldn’t do all that paperwork by myself, or know what I’m doing. You need a professional person. Stephanie knew what she was doing.” Together, they worked through the lengthy and exhaustive application over the next few weeks. “She explained everything to a tee,” Patricia says. “She said I could always call her, if I had questions. Her door was always open.” Meanwhile, Patricia was taking a computer training class to expand her job skills. “I was thinking, I’m a supervisor and a med tech, it won’t take me long to find a job,” she says, “But it did. It takes you a while to find a job, even though you’re qualified.” When Stephanie succeeded in getting her mortgage assistance application approved, the pressure to find a new position immediately was greatly reduced. “It took a lot of stress off me,” Patricia says. As part of the process, Stephanie helped Patricia create a budget to manage her expenses and income. “You’ve got to make a list of everything you pay and everything you spend money on,” Patricia explains. “Even money you spend for birthday presents!” She still uses the budget to manage her finances today. “If somebody came up to me and said, my job is ending and I don’t know what I’m going to do, I would say honey, you need to go to Consumer Credit Counseling Service!” Patricia smiles. “If you’ve got no job and it’s because of no fault of yours, they will help you if you qualify. It’s a great program.”
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