29700 Annual Report - Family Service of the Piedmont
29700 Annual Report - Family Service of the Piedmont
2012-2013 ANNUAL REPORT strong families = strong communities Family Service of the Piedmont, Inc. Family Service of Greensboro Foundation, Inc. Family Service of High Point Foundation, Inc. Message from the President and Board Chair Our caseworkers meet clients where they live, bringing therapy and education into homes and community centers. Our programs keep families together by putting an end to physical and emotional abuse, while enabling escape and independence when violence is inevitable. Family Service of the Piedmont builds Strong Families by addressing issues of mental health, financial stability, domestic violence, and child abuse. The clients featured in this report are representative of the more than 16,000 children and adults our agency served this year, whose families were strengthened and empowered after coming to Family Service at low points in their lives. The 2012-2013 year saw a 5% increase in the total number of clients we served. This includes a 17% increase in Family Counseling clients and a 10% increase at Consumer Credit Counseling Service (CCCS). Although client numbers are increasing, the quality of our services remains high. Our Client Satisfaction survey saw a 2% increase to 95% positive this year. Our programs continue to predominantly meet or exceed target metrics. Strong Families mean Strong Communities. Every family breakdown, outbreak of violence or home foreclosure damages our community as a whole. Family Service strengthens communities by encouraging better parenting, healthier relationships, and sound money management. We continue to seek innovative ways to improve our programs and better serve our clients. This year we introduced our Medication Management Service. This service provides access to and management of psychotropic medications, for indigent clients suffering from mental health or substance abuse issues. We are also excited that after a long delay, this January we will reopen Harmony House, our program to ensure safe supervised visitation and exchange of children from families torn apart by domestic violence. Strong Community Support enables Family Service to fulfill our mission. This year our agency’s revenue exceeded expenses for the third year in a row. This would not have been possible without the tremendous level of financial and volunteer support we receive from generous local individuals and organizations. Led by amazing groups of community volunteers, including our dedicated Guilds in Greensboro and High Point, our fundraising campaigns and special events were especially successful this year. Revenue from fundraising increased by 32% over the year before. Our Board of Directors and Foundation Trustees, another set of committed volunteers, provided exemplary leadership. All goals set for fiscal stability, programs, and staff development exceeded expectations this year. Staff satisfaction increased by 4% and turnover decreased by 39%. The staff of Family Service is our agency’s single most important asset. Each of the stories in this report is a testament to the difference they make in the lives of children and families every day. Family Service of the Piedmont’s continued vision for 2013-2014 is to maintain a thriving agency known for its expertise in providing high-caliber core programs. To achieve this, we seek to maintain fiscal stability, focus on our mission and core programs, and to attract and retain high-caliber staff. Under the leadership of our boards and management team, and with the support of all our friends in the greater community, we enter the 2013-2014 year prepared for continued success as we build strong families and strong communities across the Piedmont Triad. Tom Campbell, President & CEO, Family Service of the Piedmont, Inc. David S. Thompson, 2013-2014 Chair, Family Service of the Piedmont Board 2012-2013 Financials & Clients Served * CLIENTS SERVED REVENUE Victim Services Counseling Services Family Support Services Consumer Credit Counseling Service Community Education (estimate) Total Served 4,850 2,910 1,913 6,551 7,000 23,224 Contributions United Ways Government Grants Family Service Foundations Private Foundations Program Fees Other Revenue Total NET ASSETS Family Service of the Piedmont Family Service of Greensboro Foundation Family Service of High Point Foundation $437,690 $3,081,371 $3,244,655 EXPENSES $166,942 $1,345,821 $1,642,107 $952,988 $407,137 $1,632,847 $6,254 $6,154,096 Salaries, Benefits & Personnel Professional Fees, Contract Labor Equipment & Supplies Occupancy & Insurance Travel, Conferences & Dues Special Assistance Miscellaneous Depreciation $4,547,765 $191,884 $315,700 $803,906 $125,768 $12,591 $50,551 $58,009 Total $6,106,174 Surplus $47,922 * preliminary pre-audited figures Strong Families = Emotional Health go, but I knew in my heart we needed help. A professional woman with a successful IT career, Charity never imagined she would soon find herself out of work, divorced, homeless, and desperate for help. Counseling allowing Charity to adopt a new mindset and embark on a new and Her husband, however, was uninterested in happier life. “It was transformational,” she counseling. Their marriage ultimately broke says. “It improved my well-being as a up. But Charity continued sessions with a whole.” “When you reach a certain success level in mental health therapist at Family Service Last year, Family Service of the Piedmont’s life you don’t think issues like I experienced of the Piedmont, seeking to improve her professional therapists provided mental own functioning and cope with deep can happen to you,” she says. “You just health counseling for 3,000 children rooted issues from her childhood. never know who is going through what.” and adults, struggling with issues such as depression, anxiety, grief, trauma, or Charity’s marriage suffered when she “In a matter of months I had lost my job, substance addiction. unexpectedly became laid off from work. suffered a divorce, lost my home and my “My unemployment benefits were the only car was repossessed,” she remembers. “It 72% of families reported their problems income supporting our family,” she says. was the counseling at Family Service that were reduced after an initial six “With the pressures of finances and family helped me get through. My counselor counseling sessions. life, I knew my helped me cope with my situation and husband and I taught me to set boundaries in my 74% of Substance Abuse clients had would need relationships. I learned it is OK to speak reduced drug and alcohol use after counseling. I up about how I feel, and to recognize my completing treatment. was hesitant to shortcomings.” Strong Families = Financial Stability While receiving mental health counseling at Family Service of the Piedmont, Charity found out about the agency’s Consumer Credit Counseling Service. She began working with a certified credit counselor, learning to stay accountable and live within her means during her search for employment. Consumer Credit Counseling Service (CCCS) is Family Service’s nationally accredited financial counseling program, which served more than 6,500 individuals last year. After receiving services, 94% of client families said they were paying their “I always considered myself good with finances,” Charity says. “However, when you get overwhelmed with life and unexpected expenditures occur, it can create problems and cause added stress.” Charity’s first priority was to establish a budget and stick to it. “My understanding of my budget allowed me to adjust to the bills on time; 76% said their debt load was decreasing; and 65% reported the ability to save money. Out of work homeowners may qualify for the Mortgage Payment Program to help changes in my life and make sound decisions regarding my expenses,” she says. Now that Charity has a new IT position and is back on a sound financial and emotional footing, she continues to use the same budget she developed at CCCS, allowing her to keep a close eye on her spending and saving, and to give a little back to others in need. keep up with house payments while they search or train for a new job. Since starting the program in December 2010, CCCS has helped more than 720 local homeowners receive approximately $13 million in mortgage payment assistance. Family Service of the Piedmont, Inc. 2013-2014 Board of Directors Family Service of Greensboro Foundation, Inc. 2013-2014 Board of Trustees Family Service of High Point Foundation, Inc. 2013-2014 Board of Trustees David S. Thompson, Board Chair Anne Osborne, Vice Chair Rudy Clark, Jr., Treasurer Gwen Willis, Secretary Pete Callahan, Immediate Past Chair Tom Campbell, President/CEO Daniela Helms, Chair Carolyn Walters, Treasurer Ron Johnson, Secretary Cyenthia Barker, Guild President Tom Campbell, President/CEO Cathy Procton, Chair Alyce Hill, Vice Chair Bill McGuinn, Treasurer Mary Eliza Duckett, Secretary Stan Belk, Immediate Past Chair Tom Campbell, President/CEO Vicki Alston Robert Hager Kim Bauman Daniela Helms Kip Blakely Alyce Hill Brack Brigman Cathy Procton Landon Cobb George Ragsdale Kimberly Crews Jim Wehrley Pete Cross Mark L. Williamson Kathy Dick Doug Witcher Kenneth Free, Jr. Stephanie Billings Lisa Bullock Daniel Craft Tina Forsberg Beth Harrington Kim Holleman Sterling Kelly Kim Ketchum Robert Ketner Phyllis Lancaster Thais Lewis Georgia Lineback Jan Pritchett Clay Smith Mary Thacker Leslye Tuck James Weeks Ellie Yearns Jennifer Pitts, Junior League Liaison Beachy Allen Nancy Amos Julie Andrews Robert Boles Lavern Brown Matthew Cochrane Moo Moo Councill Tyler Covington Frosty Culp Lynn DePasquale Elizabeth Finch Lisa Gilliam Jeff Horney Allen Johnson Janice Kubinski Kay Miller David Moore Rosalyn Pauling Julie Shamburg Chief Administrative Personnel Tom Campbell, President & CEO Steve Hess Chief Program Officer Chip Turner Chief Financial Officer Jody Susong Marketing & Development Officer Becky Hunt Compliance Officer/ Director of Human Resources Strong Families = Freedom from Fear Donna is now thriving. She has partial custody of her son, a great job, a car and a home. “The shelter helped me grow as a person,” she says. “Family Service gave me the help I needed to find my inner strength again.” I feel his rage spinning out of control As the back of my head smashes a pole With each shove of his hand and strike of his fist I pray God protect me as my life is at risk As I lay in the floor where he left me to bleed Praying to live and trying to breathe Last year, Family Service of the Piedmont served 4,850 victims of domestic violence, rape, and other violent crimes. Our 24-Hour Crisis Line received, on average, one crisis call every three hours. As morning breaks and a new day dawns One look in the mirror tells the fight that went on What will I say – how will I explain Why I fall victim to all this pain Leaving is easier said than done I have nowhere to go – nowhere to run When night falls the devil has his way He brings his demons out to play. These lines from a poem by Donna provide a chilling insight into the abuse she suffered in a relationship fraught with domestic violence. Donna vividly recalls the eighteen months with her abusive boyfriend that started as a fairytale and turned into a nightmare. “He said all the right things,” she remembers. “The relationship was going great, until one day I woke up and he was the devil.” With no family support and nowhere to go, Donna suffered through countless beatings alone. “When I refused to help him get money for drugs, he would tie me to a chair and leave me there for hours,” she says. “He would beat me in front of his friends just to humiliate me. He would make sure I was bleeding before he left.” “People think all you have to do is walk out. It’s not that easy,” Donna says. “It’s hard to understand what it’s like to have someone control every aspect of your life. There were times I would sleep under bridges to try and get away, but he would always find me and there would be hell to pay.” Donna finally worked up the courage to ask a neighbor for help. The neighbor brought her to Clara House, Family Service of the Piedmont’s Domestic Violence Shelter. “It was like walking into heaven,” Donna says. “It was exactly what I needed to get my life back. The shelter literally saved my life.” During her six month stay, Donna participated in individual and group therapy. “Counseling helped me love myself again,” she says. “Everything he took from me, the shelter helped me bring it back.” “When you’re a victim of abuse, you have the mindset that you deserve it and brought it on yourself. When you go through group therapy, you realize you’re not alone and you deserve better. It’s like a sisterhood. You get strength from others who have suffered the same experiences as you.” Legacy Society Recognizing those who remember Family Service in their will, or as a beneficiary of retirement or insurance plans. For more information, please contact Jody Susong at (336) 387-6161 x1105 or email jsusong@fspcares.org John and Lynn Black The Estate of Ray Burrow The Ray and Tanya Burrow Family Fund The Estate of Sarah W. Cooke Julia B. Nile Mike and Bunnie Smith Charlie B. Smith Memorial For Love of Family Fund The Estate of Leah Tannenbaum 92% of women who stayed at our Domestic Violence Shelters for ten days went home to a safe, non-violent living environment. 92% of male batterers who completed our Domestic Violence Intervention Program (DVIP) were not re-arrested for Assault on a Female after one year. OUR FUNDERS Family Service of the Piedmont is grateful to receive funding from the following private foundations and charitable institutions which supported the agency in the 2012-2013 year: United Way of Greater Greensboro United Way of Greater High Point Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro, Women to Women Cone Foundation Sisters of Mercy Foundation Bank of America Foundation GlaxoSmithKline Foundation The Charles E. Hayworth, Jr., Foundation Molly Millis Hedgecock Foundation Wells Fargo Foundation Lincoln Financial Foundation Kathleen and Joseph M. Bryan Community Enrichment and Venture Grant Program Hillsdale Fund NC Association of Realtors Mary Lynn Richardson Foundation Food Lion Foundation Forest Hills Endowment United Way of Alamance County For Love of Family = Frosty and Catharine Culp, Paul Kennedy Annual Campaigns, Capital Campaigns, Endowment and Oyster Roast. Dr. Culp is a charter member of the Family Service of High Point Endowment Board. Mrs. Culp served on the Family Service of High Point Board as well as the Strategic Planning subcommittee of the Steering Committee. The couple hosted the Oyster Roast at their home in 2011. They are founding members of the Families First Honor Society in High Point. Friend and fellow board member Robert Family Service of the Piedmont presented the Hager presented the award to Paul L. Julia B. Nile for Love of Family Award to Dr. Kennedy from Family Service of Greensboro Harry R. “Frosty” and Catharine Culp and Foundation. Paul L. Kennedy at its Annual Meeting, Past Recipients September 20th 2012 at Sedgefield Country Club. Greensboro High Point Lin Amos, the previous year’s recipient and a long-time friend, presented Frosty and Catharine Culp with the award to recognize their many years of dedication to Family Service and the High Point community. Since being introduced to Family Service by past President and CEO Julia Nile twenty years ago, the Culps have become strong advocates for the agency. They have been key supporters of Family Service through its 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Shirley Spears Leah Tannenbaum Sally Weeks Kay Cashion Pete and Pat Cross Robert Hager Kim Ketchum Rebecca Schlosser Robin Tyler Judy Frederick Lynn Black Sunny Lawson 2000 Jack and Marsha Slane 2001 Doris Deal 2002 Keith Clark (posthumous award) 2003 David R. Hayworth 2004 Jim and Jesse Millis 2005 Carroll Ann Miller 2006 Michael Smith 2007 Jeff Horney 2008 Bill Horney 2009 Tim and Linda Ilderton 2010 Elizabeth Finch 2011 Lin Amos Kennedy came into contact with Family Service while serving on the United Way allocation panel. He was impressed and wanted to become more closely involved with the agency and the work it provided throughout the community. He has faithfully supported the agency since 1997, serving on a number of committees and holding numerous board positions including Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Strategic Planning Chair, Consumer Credit Counseling Service Advisory Chair, and liaison to the Council of Accreditation (COA). Kennedy was instrumental in the Capital Campaign to establish the Washington Street service facility. He is a founding member of the Families First Honor Society in Greensboro. Families First Honor Societies Recognizing individuals in Greensboro and High Point who have been instrumental in making Family Service of the Piedmont the successful agency that it is today. Family Service of Greensboro Foundation Missy Akin Adair Armfield Karen and Tom Armstrong Lindsey and Frank Auman Lori Aycock John and Lynn Black Pat and Ken Brooks Kay Cashion Clyde and Dot Collins Sally and Alan Cone Pete and Pat Cross Dixie Culver Louis DeJoy and Aldona Wos Leah and David Edgerton Jane Ellison Marion and Peggy Follin Dan and Tina Forsberg Judy Frederick Rick and Libby Gabriel Laura Gasiorek Lynne Gladstone Robert Hager Jay and Jen Haldeman Bill and Martha Halstead Steve and Pam Hassenfelt Daniela Helms Michael and Fay Hoggard Kim Holleman Bynum and Bonnie Hunter Muriel Inabnet Mary and Robert Ingram Liz and David Johnson Ron Johnson Mojgan Jordan Paul Kennedy Kim Ketchum Robert and Leslie Ketner Phil and Charisse Kleinman Becky Koonts Phyllis Lancaster Pearce and Anne Landry J.D. and Sunny Lawson Jim and Liza Lee Glorine Luper Carol McCoy Jim and Sylvia Merritt Carlyn Myers Betty Hughes Nichols Pete and Anne Osborne Hoyt Phillips Lee Presson Kevin and Dianne Pusch Elizabeth Rankin Stephen and Carla Robinson Kitty Robison Mark and Judy Roy Mike and Rebecca Schlosser Meredith Scott Clay Smith Shirley Spears Kay Stern Craig and Leigh Sudbrink Robin and Marti Tyler Jim and Sally Weeks Family Service of High Point Foundation Terry Aiken Beachy and Dan Allen Lin and Nancy Amos Julie Andrews Tony and Sallie Bardelas Michael and Stephanie Beaver Stan and Deane Belk Courtney Best Beth Breece Brack and Emilee Brigman Claire Brinson Earl and Kitty Congdon Amanda Covington Ned and Katherine Covington Kimberly Crews Frosty and Catharine Culp Iv and Leslie Culp Doris Deal Chip and Mary Eliza Duckett Bill and Candace Fenn Sandy and Elizabeth Finch John and Louise Foster Rick and Lisa Gilliam Jim Gooding Chris Greene Pam Greene David R. Hayworth Bill and Whitney Heard Eric and Alyce Hill Bill Horney Jeff and Claire Horney Tim and Linda Ilderton Harold and Suzy Johnson Wes and Mary Keever Steve and Miriam Kimsey Gina Laney Nancy Laney Margaret Lewis Jeff and Carroll Ann Miller Phil and Kay Miller Jef Morgan Mark and Rena Norcross Dr. Lenny Peters Sallie Phillips Cathy Procton Maria Puschinsky Nido and Mariana Qubein Kerry and Cindy Rice Emilie Rogers Steve and Kathy Rohrbeck Lesley Rosser Kerie Beth Scott Jeannie Sedberry Jack and Marsha Slane Condon Smith Mike and Bunnie Smith David S. Thompson Jeanné Dulion-Thorn Kelly Vaughan Leigh Wagner Kay and Lyndon Wall Jim and Gray Wehrley Mark and Betty Williamson Doug Witcher Chris Wynne Our Donors Family Service is grateful to the many individuals and groups who sustain us in our vision of building safe and healthy families. While it is not possible to list all our donors, Family Service would like to give special thanks to the following supporters who gave to our agency during the 2012-2013 year: Oyster Roast Presenting Sponsors Doug Witcher The Congdon Family Grand Rental Station New Breed Logistics/ The Hon. Aldona Wos and Louis DeJoy PNC Financial Services Group Diamond Donors ($10,000 and Up) LF-USA Mike and Rebecca Schlosser/ David E.W. Schlosser Foundation Pepper Moon Catering Wells Fargo Emerald Donors Sapphire Donors ($5,000 – $9,999) ($2,500 – $4,999) Brack and Emilee Brigman/ Eric and Alyce Hill Bill and Whitney Heard Robert and Leslie Ketner Buchanan Printing & Graphics Matthews Mobile Media The Ray and Tanya Burrow Carol McCoy Family Fund Pace Communications Pete and Pat Cross Kevin and Dianne Pusch In Memory of Philip and Frances Daly Solstas Lab Partners Dixon Hughes Goodman LLP St. Francis Episcopal Church Dormition of the Theotokos Andrew and Barbara Taylor Greek Orthodox Church TCDI Foreign Cars Italia Anonymous (4) 1618 Concepts, Inc. Dan and Beachy Allen Lin and Nancy Amos Adair Armfield Frank and Lindsey Auman Tony and Sallie Bardelas Stan and Deane Belk Ray and Janis Beshears Bio-Tech Prosthetics & Orthotics John and Lynn Black Beth Boulton/Boulton Creative Braxton Culler, Inc. Frank and Nancy Brenner Pat and Ken Brooks Buckhead Betties Willie and Lisa Bullock Eric and Mary Calhoun Tom Campbell Carolina Bank Carolina Container Co., Inc. Linda Carr Carruthers & Roth, PA Classic Construction of North Carolina, Inc. Cetera Advisor Network Colonial, LLC CommunityOne Bank Cone Health Cornerstone Health Care Covenant United Methodist Church Albion Associates Aesthetic Images Photography Bank of North Carolina BBQ Joe's Country Cooking & Catering Cyenthia Barker/ First Citizens Bank BB&T The Carroll Companies Jimmy and Vickie Clark Clear Defense, LLC Columbia Forest Products Doris Deal Chip and Mary Eliza Duckett Elm Street Center The Lenny Peters Foundation Great Stops Piedmont Charity Sport Promotions/ Guilford Technical Community College High Point Cycling Classic High Point Bank Nido and Mariana Qubein High Point Regional Health Schiffman's Jewelers Holy Trinity Episcopal Church Jack and Marsha Slane I.H. Caffey Distributing Co. Kay Stern Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church Wednesday Lecture Club Kappa Delta, High Point University Lincoln Financial Group Mercedes Benz of Greensboro Betty Hughes Nichols Mark and Rena Norcross Ruby Donors Ned and Katherine Covington Crescent Ford ($1,000 – $2,499) Cetera Advisor Network Brad and Kim Hayes Natty Greene's Brewing Co. Kimberly Crews Hendrix Barney & Company CPA's, PLLC Betty Nichols' Bible Study Group Frosty and Catharine Culp High Point Jewelers and Fine Gifts Noble Academy Culp, Inc. Fay and Mike Hoggard North State Communications D. Thomas and Associates John and Jo Hughes Stuart and Lee Nunn Davenport Marvin Joyce & Co. Les Hurrelbrink and Mary Sansing Pete and Anne Osborne Davis Furniture Ilderton Dodge Chrysler Jeep/ Palmetto Equity Group, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Steven L. Davis Tim and Linda Ilderton Sallie Phillips David and Leah Edgerton Rodney and Mary Ingram Stanley and Karen Pigman Jane Ellison International Textile Group Austin and Melissa Pittman Empire Education Group Irvin Orthodontics Premier Federal Credit Union The Farmer's Wife Dickie and Julie Price Jamestown Civitan Club Sandy and Elizabeth Finch Cathy Procton Jamestown United Methodist Church Fink's Jewelers Providence Baptist Church Mark Janas Flow Land Rover & Jaguar of Greensboro Don and Donna Pulitzer Harold and Suzy Johnson Dan and Tina Forsberg R.H. Barringer Distributing Co. Ron Johnson Jamestown News/YES! Weekly Rebecca & Co./Palm Avenue Wade Jurney John and Louise Foster Debby Reynolds Steve and Miriam Kimsey Judy Frederick Garson and Cathy Rice/Rice Toyota Philip Kosak The Fresh Market Katie and Paul Riggan/Blue Water Group Fritz and Amy Kreimer Furnitureland South, Inc. Samet Corporation Bob and Magz King Skipper and Marita Gates Stephen and Carla Robinson J. D. and Sunny Lawson Rick and Lisa Gilliam Steve and Kathy Rohrbeck Oliver and Laurie Lloyd Greenhouse Fabrics Rotary Club of Furnitureland Lorillard Tobacco Company Greensboro Regional Realtors Carl and Leigh Seager McDonalds of High Point Foundation, Inc. Senn Dunn Insurance Mickey Truck Bodies, Inc. Cam and Margaret Ann Hall Simon Jewelers Jeff and Carroll Ann Miller The Halstead Foundation Clay Smith Phil and Kay Miller Harriss and Covington Hosiery Mills Inc. Dick and Ann Smith Southern Roots Restaurant & Catering Shirley Spears St. Pius the Tenth Catholic Church Systems Contractors, Inc./ Ron and Jennifer Pitts Dr. and Mrs. Sig Tannenbaum Terminix Company Billy and Laurie Tesh Thayer Coggin, Inc. David S. Thompson Triad Eye Associates Tuggle Duggins P.A. Tyler Redhead & McAlister Real Estate Univar USA United Healthcare US Trust, Bank of America Verizon Wireless Viking Polymers Kay and Lyndon Wall Debra Wallace Jim and Gray Wehrley Well-Spring Retirement Community Randy and Katie White Wicked Purple Mark and Betty Williamson Women's Law Society, Elon University School of Law Vann and Ann York/ Vann York Auto Group The Village at North Elm Neil and Debbi Aberman Above and Beyond Catering Alpha Chi Omega, Kappa Omicron Chapter Ameriprise Financial Services/ Doug Smith Anderson Family Foundation Tom and Karen Armstrong Karen and Tom Armstrong Ken and Kirt Austin B.E. Vaughan and Son, Inc. Baity's Tire Barber Center for Plastic Surgery Quint and Robin Barefoot Brian and Shea Barnett Barry Carpenter/Old North State Trust Kim and Tricia Bauman Richard and Shari Beavers Benson, Brown & Faucher, PLLC Fred and Courtney Best Bill Black Chevrolet Cadillac Kip and Lee Blakely Blossoms by Stroud Florist Boy Scout Troup #216 Strib and Darlene Boynton Becky and Barry Brasloff Bob and Ann Brinson Tom and Bonnie Broadwater Jim Brooks Ralph and Jane Brooks Eric Abeles Absolute Comfort Heating & Cooling Acme Sample Ben and Caryl Adams Aetna Foundation, Inc. Chidi and Anna Akwari Elizabeth Aldridge Ray Alexander Scott and Judy Alexander Ralph and Patti Allen Bobby and Renee Allison Robert and Blyss Allonier Grant and Allison Almond Alpha Delta Kappa, Beta Phi Chapter Alpha Kappa Alpha, Sigma Kappa Omega Chapter Bill and Karen Altenpohl Charlotte Amos Katie Anderson Anthropologie Candice G. Apple William and Cindy Armfield Jim and Wendy Austin Stephen and Candace Austin Michael and Lorraine Bacon Sam and Janice Baker Tom and Beth Baker Cory and Heather Barber David and Becky Barger Michael and Alison Barnes Dennis and Betty Barry Edwin and Martha Bass Ken and Terri Baynes Jeff and Mary Beach Michael and Stephanie Beaver Nancy Beaver Pete and Kristi Beeler Jack and Marilyn Bell Si and Kathleen Bell Michael and Sylvia Berkelhammer Daniel and Beth Berry Doug and Angela Berry Mike and CeCe Biesecker Patrick and Stephanie Billings Andy and Anne Bills Jimmy and Bonnie Black Richard and Mandy Black Kathy Blackney Bill and Liz Blackwell Burns and Laura Blackwell Tom and Jeanne Blaisdell Brian and Katie Bode Jason and Carol Bohrer Ed and Nan Bowles Jim and Louise Brady Linda Brady and Steve Heyer Cooper Brantley Joe and Betty Brantley David and Beth Breece Gary and Ginny Brewer Mark Bright Jack and Nancy Britts Bruce and Dora Brodie J.R. and Kim Brown Roger and Jackie Brown Jim and Nancy Bryan Mike and Johnnie Bryant Mike and Ashlie Bucy Robert Bundy, Jr. Jim and Lynn Burgio Mary Ellen Burke Robin Burkhart I.H. Caffey, Jr. Charles and Ann Cain Mike and Cres Calabrese Montrel Caldwell, Sr. Bill and Becky Campbell Rob and Janne Cannon Craig and Kristin Carlock Don and Judy Carr Jeff and Brenda Carr Dennis and Connie Carroll Kay S. Cashion Hugh and Judy Cates William and Kathleen Cavanaugh Barry and Lisa Cheek Tom Chitty and Barry Hardeman Christ United Methodist Church Bobby and Jill Christiansen Jeff and Debbie Christiansen Bob and Michelle Bruggeworth Frank and Frances Bullock Dan and Barbara Caffrey Pete and Vicki Callahan Don and Jayne Cameron Carolina Wealth Management Watts and Betsy Carr The Charity League of Greensboro Cherokee Forest Products Glenn and Amy Chrystal Drs. David and Janna Civils Rudy and Michelle Clark Fred and Christine Clodfelter Joseph and Meredith Coladonato Coley Cosmetic & Hand Surgery Center Compass Financial Partners Tom and Rene Cone Congregational United Church of God Daniel and Kathy Craft Iv and Leslie Culp Davy Davidson Arthur and Desiree Dick Diversified Trust Company Downtown Fitness Lawrence and Linda Egerton Keith and Dorsay Eichhorn Episcopal Church Women/ St. Mary's Episcopal Church First Presbyterian Church High Point First United Methodist Church Art and Jewel Clayton Hayes and Clem Clement Aaron and Lyl Clinard Landon and Annette Cobb Ray and Chris Coble Matthew and Denise Cochrane Bill and Connie Cockerham Garrison and Kelli Coley Bill and Maura Collins Nathan Conover Brooks and Julie Copeland Doug and Jean Copeland Mike and Jean Cornwell Sallie Corrigan Greg and Lisa Costello Bob and Debbie Cottam Paul and Barbara Coughlin Moore and MooMoo Councill Braden and Meredith Covington David and Jennifer Covington Tyler and Amanda Covington Joe and Kari Craig Dow and Beth Craver Kent and Lynn Crawford Scott and Tiffany Crenshaw John and Jennifer Cross Michelle Crow Mike and Leslie Crumpton Nestor and Teresa Cruz Cub Scout Pack #244 Braxton and Ashley Culler Hamp and Lula Culler Skip and Nicole Culler Ken and Dixie Culver Andrew and Donna Cumby Jim and Phyllis Cumby Hank and Sallie Cunningham Brey and Jill Curtis Larry Czarda and Carolyn Chappell Elmon and Pam Dale Pat and Mary Carol Danahy Mike and Tara Daniel Peter and Kim Dansie MaryAnn D'Antono Mary Darby Jim and Beth Dasher Carter and Beth Davenport Bill and Elizabeth Davis Herbert Davis Tom and Judy Dayvault The Decorator's Edge, Inc. Michael and Julie Delgaudio Allen and Kathy Dick Mitchell and Miriam DiMond Randy and Kathy Dixon Dolley Madison Woman's Club Michael Donovan Bobby and Susan Douglas Don and Trish Douglass Michael and Zoe Draelos Michael and Mary Drummond Blaine and Martha Anne Dubose Bill and Shirley Duncan Lucille Duncan Tom and Carolyn Duncan Larry and Carol Dunn Dennis and Kate Duquette Charlie and Michelle Dye Doug and Lori Ecklund David and Katie Egerton Bobby and Alison Ellington Jeff and Amber Elliott Elmwood Park Garden Club Bucky and Linda Embler John and Shirley Conrad Scott and Katy Erikson Andy and Melanie Eskew David and Kelly Evans Neil and Ann Fair John and Linda Faircloth Linda Falls Marcus and Lore Fariss Jeff and Lora Farlow Ras and Susie Fenger Bill and Candy Fenn Gary and Ellen Fennie E.O. and Paula Ferrell Jack and Dee Dee Fetner Cody and Heather Fielden Bert and Debbie Fields Christopher and Luisa Flanagan Peggy and Marion Follin Chuck and Kimberly Foster John and Sarah Foster Ed and Georgette Galloway Brian Gavigan and Ronda White Genuity Concepts, Inc. Clark and Laura Gibson/ Jones & Peacock Insurance Tom and Peggy Glaser Jane Gorrell Got You Floored Tom and Elizabeth Gratzek Greenpoint Insurance Group Greensboro Republican Women's Club David and Donna Griffin Guilford Park Presbyterian Church Robert Hager Jay and Jen Haldeman Billy and Emily Hall Harley Davidson of Greensboro Charles and Martha Harris Hawthorne Residential Partners Rob and Daniela Helms Worth and Kim Holleman Jack and Morgan Horner Jeff and Claire Horney Ice Age Management The Independent Order of Foresters Innovative Kitchens & Baths Brad and Courtenay Fields Jack and Donna Finch Jim and Lynn Finnegan Jim and Evelyn Fisher Van and Molly Fletcher Kris Flynt Tom and René Folk Bob and Dee Ann Frawley Brandon and Heather Frick Greg and Deidre Frisby Barbara Frye Lyle and Kelly Frye Ed and Diane Gaines Ron and Evans Garber Nancy Garner Rusty and Sandy Garrett Harley and Kristy Garrison Rob and Kim Gay Kevin and Kathryn Gesse Paul and Jane Gibson Eric Gillespie Adrienne Gillis Lynne O. Gladstone Jack and Brenda Glenn Richard Glover and Leigh Rush Steven and Pamela Goodbred Gary and Jean Goodman Joe and Carolyn Gorga Art and Carolyn Green Chris and Kathy Green Dean and Marilyn Green Steven and Maria Green Charlie and Chris Greene Melissa Greer Rick and Susan Greeson George and Tereasa Griffin Haynes and Ginger Griffin Suzanne Griffith Neal and Kathy Grigg David and Joann Grimes Katrina Guilford Mike and Jamie Gulledge Kay and Chip Hagan Kathy E. Haines Mark and Linda Hale Rob and Marty Haley Ed and Angela Hall James and Lauren Hamrick Mike and Ann Hardeman Dave and Susan Harrah Chris and Kathryn Harrell Beth Harrington Odie and Elizabeth Harris Steve and Pam Hassenfelt David R. Hayworth Joe and Debbie Hayworth Nate and Krista Headley Hal and Tammy Heavner Lisa Hemby Steve and Terri Hendrickson Grace and A. B. Henley Harvey and Emily Herman Juan and Sebrina Hernandez Mike and Ashley Herndon Steve Hess John and Ande Hewitt Chip and Cathy Hicks Jack and Sharon Hicks Allan and Kathryn Hild Paula Hilemn Randy and Karen Hoffman Mike and Nancy Hogewood Steve and Bridget Holcombe Richard and Beth Holland Del and Patti Holtzman Bill and Daphne Horney David and Bonnie Horney Ryan and Jenny Hoskins David and Maribeth Hudgins Ralph Huey and Mary Ann Contogiannis Don and Agnes Hughes Tim and Melissa Hughes The Human Resource of the Triad Sam and Anne Hummel Jim and Betsy Hundley Becky Hunt Hoke and Sallie Huss Rani Hussami and Anna Arnopolsky Muriel Inabnet Dorothy Ingram Pearl Donors ($500 – $999) The James and Tracy Flori Foundation Burney and Dina Jennings Gary and Karen Jobe Johns Plumbing Heating & Air Conditioning Inc. Phil and Charisse Kleinman Richard and Patricia Knight Alfred Kuhnemann Pearce and Anne Landry Mary James Lawrence Andy and Donna Lee Thais Lewis Al and Ginni Lineberry Liringis Chiropractic Main & Taylor Scott and Morgan Love Rebekah and Mike Mango Scott McIlhenny Bill and Patti McIvor Jim and Sylvia Merritt David and Leslie Moore Joe Cullom and Vicky Neave Melissa Newman Bert and Lisa Newsome Community Supporters ($150 – $499) Bobby and Debbie Irvin Steven and Ellen Irving Adesuwa Iyoha Mike and Kara Jacobs Jamestown Rotary Club Fran & Dick Janas Peter and Jane Jarosak Tom and Cindy Jarrell Paul and Addy Jeffrey Allen Johnson Hal and Teresa Johnson Phil and Peggy Johnson Ted and Kathy Johnson Chuck and Mary Jones David and Catherine Jones Duncan and Caroline Jones Jina and Arnold Jones Todd and Jen Jorgenson Junior Woman's Club of Greensboro, Inc. J-Walk Productions Lyles and Dot Kearns Wes and Mary Keever Steve and Darden Kelly Brian and Lee Kemp Kevin and Amy Kemp Florence Kendall Jay and Rosemary Kenerly Paul and Susan Kennedy Kim and Lisa Ketchum David Kiefer Dupont and Jan Kirven Steve and Leigh Ann Klee Rodger and Tresa Kleisch Ralph and Andrea Knupp Beth Koonce Bob and Becky Koonts Brent and Lex Kulman John and Heather Kuzmier Chad and Anna Lackey Warren and Joni Lackey Rick and Phyllis Lancaster Richard and Betsy Lane Bruce and Nancy Laney William and Gina Laney Tommy and Jeanette Langley Larry Brown, Jr. Insurance Agency, Inc. Bart and Barbra Lassiter Dave and Cathy Leary Eugene and Gail LeBauer Ken and Leigh Ann Lennon Leon's Beauty School, Inc. Phil and Vicky Leonard Lewis & Clark Realtors Lewis Systems & Service Company Rick and Margaret Lewis Douglas and Smedes Lindner Georgia Lineback Frank and Sandra LoNano Pura Lopez Neil and Susan Lutins Britt and Sarah Lytle Brenda Macfadden Jeff and Julie Maddox Orrin and Amanda Magill Samantha Magill Matt and Allison Manning Ernie Manuel and Ashley Wall Seth and Maggie Marshall Chuck and Sonia Martin Joe and Kim Martin Joe and Sherry Marus Terry and Margaret Massagee Jon and Caroline Maxwell James and Betty Mayer Rick and Betsy Mayes Tommy and Susan Mayes Paul Mazzei and Alyson Kuroski-Mazzei Ken and Jane McAllister Melanie McBride Joe and Beverly McCabe John and Joan McCarron Tom and Trude McCarty John and Geri McComb North Carolina Association of CPAs Sean and Colleen O'Neal Mitchell and Betsy Oakley Jason and Stacey Ofsanko Don and Frani Olson Oxner Thomas & Permar, PLLC Quentin Pell Piedmont Triad Insurance Praesage, LLC George and Jenny Ragsdale Matthew and Elizabeth Rankin Replacements, Ltd. Al and Marya Rhoton Kerry and Cindy Rice Mark and Judy Roy John and Diane Ryan Same Day Xpress Brad and Deena Samuel Jim and Sharon Schlosser Schneider Stone John and Stephanie Scott Steve and Joy Shavitz Smith Leonard PLLC Barbara Snavely John and Carole Snider Allene D. Spruill Chris and Dallas Stanley Mike and Laura Steen Elizabeth & Paul Stephens John and Kimberly Strong Wayne and Betty McCray Dan and Donna McDaniel John and Kathy McKenzie Bob and Beverly McMaster Henry and Katherine McMullan Michael and Melanie McNamara James McNeil Jay and Mary McQuillan Charlee McVearry Kellie Melinda Jim and Susan Melvin Paul and May Gayle Mengert Colin and Avery Merritt David and Tish Miceli Gary and Katherine Michalove Ken Mickey and Michele Jedlica Charles and Nancye Milam Jeanne Miles David and Vicki Miller India Stanton Miller Keith and Ellen Miller Kerry and Joanne Miller Butch and Madeline Mills Tom and Judy Mincher Arley and Jessica Mitchell Lynn Montgomery and Doug Jones John and Jenny Moody Britt W. Moore Dudley and Mary-Lynn Moore Lisa Moore Shanna Moore Skip and Peg Moore Jef and Christi Morgan Jim and Ann Morgan Marshall and Kathleen Morgan Tom and Cotten Moring Bill and Allison Morrisette Rebecca Mott Al and Linda Munns Todd and Leigh Munsey Bob and Kim Murray Mike and Jill Murray Carlyn Lewis Myers Charles and Jane Myers NewBridge Bank Andy and Julie Newcomb Bob and Donna Newton Nick and Sheila Nikouyeh Terry and Julia Nile Joseph and Donna Nottoli Debbie Novak Matt and Marilyn Nowell Jim and Sharon Nussbaum Billy and Dottie B. Nutt Chad and Mindy Oakley Daintry O'Brien Mike and Amy O'Keeffe Richard and Ivey Orr Bart and Carin Ortiz Zizzy and Jeannie Osborne Kenneth Overbey Patti Owen Zack and Gretchen Owens Bill and Jo Ann Owings Jill Painter Debbie Palat David and April Parker Phil and Elizabeth Payonk Buck and Carole Pearce Jim and Jane Pendry David and Beth Penley Daniel and Vivian Pesaresi Hoyt and Beth Phillips Robert and Ginny Pickett Lou and Holly Pierce Pita Delite The Pleasanteers of Mt. Pleasant United Methodist Church Leon and Peggy Plummer Bob and Mary Plybon Jerry and Elizabeth Poole Lee and Michelle Porter Matt and Meg Porter Shawn and Michelle Prairie Glenn and Carli Prillaman Jan and Wanda Pritchett David and Eugenia Pruette Pete and Frances Pulliam Gene Purdum and Sally Millikin Maria Puschinsky Billy Ragsdale Will and Mary Ragsdale Sandy Rankin Jean Rapp Courtney Raughley Flip and Jeanie Ray Mike and Kathi Raybon Jamey and Denise Reagan Redeeming Love Christian Center Yvonne Reid Jack and Amy Reilly Mark and Lisa Reynolds Gene and Shelley Rhodes Peter Bruns and Kathleen Rice Ted and Barbara Rice Eric Richardson Jack and Debbie Richardson Tyler and Lori Richardson Kevin and Indira Roberts Chris Rockwell Bob and Anne Rodman Diane Rogers Raymond and Liz Rogers Warren Romaine, Jr. Keith and Georgia Roney Brad and Pauletta Root Casey and Holly Root Stephanie Ross Rotary Club of High Point Camilla S. Ruffin Bob and Bee Rule Susan Rush Jan and Sylvia Samet Doug and Maria Sampson Julie Samuels Per and Elisabeth Sandberg George and Julie Sanders David and Jenny Sar Pete Sargent Ben and Jane Saunders David and Patti Saunders Jeff and Rebecca Scheffer Joe and Carolyn Schrader Gary Scott J and Meredith Scott Jake and Kerie Beth Scott Sedgefield Woman's Club David and Crystal Severance Byron Severson Bob and Pat Sevier John and Tricia Seymour Bill and Julie Shamburg Don and Carolyn Shaw Linda Shaw Charlie and Elizabeth Sheffield Greg Shepard Bob and Ann Shepherd John and Kirstin Shepperson Raymond and Jo Sherrer Rick and Sandy Sherwood Mark and Caroline Shogry Mark and Annie Silver Erik and Heather Singer Glenn E. Sipe, Jr. Mike and Janie Skertich Greg and Carol Smith Henry and Cheryl Smith Lanty and Margaret Smith Scott and Condon Smith Gordon and Pat Soenksen Bill Soles Melanie Soles Mark Sonntag Kevin and Elizabeth Speight St. Barnabas Episcopal Church John and Nancy Stafford Fred and Sue Starr John and Lacy Starr Jim and Deb Staton Joe and Pat Stavola Lonnie and Kathy Sterling Dwight and Diane Stone Brad and Katie Stoneking Sparky Stroud Taylor and Sara Stroud Harry Suggs Greg and Heather Suire J.J. and Virginia Summerell Will Sydnor Al and Bev Sykes Tom and Diana Stuckey Craig and Leigh Sudbrink Kevin and Chris Supple Doug and Jody Susong Don and Elizabeth Swaim Tanger Outlets Robert and Rebecca Taylor Bill and Mary Thacker Patricia Thomas TIMA Wellness/ Drs. Robin Sanders and Kimberly Shelton Michael and Dorry Tooke Triad Cremation Society, Inc. Trinity Pension Group, LLC Trone Brand Energy Leslye and Marshall Tuck Robin and Marti Tyler VALIC Tom and Sabine Verellen Chuck and Frances Vinoski Jim and Sally Weeks Wesley Memorial United Methodist Women Westover Church Michael and Patricia Whitfield Robert Whitnell and Anne Glenn Bruce and Jackie Wieland Burt and Meredith Williams David and Lauren Worth Wyatt Early Harris Wheeler LLP David and Adeline Talbot Jeanne L. Tannenbaum Thomas and Gaither Terrell Tim and Grace Terrell Christopher and Laura Tew Will and Tara Thacker Matt and Emily Thiel Burke and Trinh Thompson David and Jennifer Thompson Lee Thompson Margaret Thompson Pete and Jo Thompson John and Jeanné Thorn Adam and Lauren Tilley Scott Tilley Tom and Suzanne Tilley Richard Tisovec Mel and Jaree Todd Allen and Judy Tomlinson Tony Townsend Chris and Jane Trevey Triad Women's Forum Mark and Anna Troutman Royster and Donna Tucker Marela Turkic Chip Turner Sam and Traci Turner Mike and Jeanne Twilley Larry and Susan Tysinger Zan and Pam Tyson Tom Ullman and Carol Young David and Lorinda Umphlett UNCG Residence Life UNIFI United Way of Forsyth County United Way of Metropolitan Chicago Richard and Sylvia Vanore Don and Nancy Vaughan Ned and Vicki Vaughan John and Tiffany Vestal Johnnie Vineyard Mary Ann Vinson Keith and Joyce Volz Jay and Leigh Wagner Patsy Horton Wagner Bobby and Kim Wainer John and Lynn Walker John and Ollie Wall Tom and Anna Wall Carolyn Walters Mike and Pam Wannamaker Mark and Nancy Warburton Joe and Mitzie Weatherly Weaver Foundation Mike and Katherine Weaver Wednesday Study Club Richard and Tracey Weeks Teddy and Pam Welborn Ed and Becky Weller Westchester Cheerleaders Brantley and Jacalyn White Don and Margaret White Lee and Margaret White Len and Judy White Sue White Bob and Judy Wicker Philippe and Penny Wiener Virgil and Kay Willard Craven and Judith Williams Elliott and Davette Williams Hugh and Mary Lou Williams James and Susanne Williford Don and Gwen Willis Julie Wilson Eric and Susan Wiseman Martha Wolfe Chuck and Bert Wood Ed and Linda Woods Patrick and Adrienne Woods David and Erica Worth Robert and Ellen Worth Greg and Gretchen Wright Ron and Carol Wright Ann Wyche Gary and Chris Wynne Carolyn Amos Yokley Steve and Stacy Yow The John Yowell Family Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 545 Greensboro, NC 315 East Washington Street Greensboro, NC 27401-2911 • 1401 Long Street High Point, NC 27262-2541 • 902 Bonner Drive Jamestown, NC 27282-8948 Vision Mission www.safeandhealthyfamilies.com Building Safe and Healthy Families Family Service of the Piedmont empowers individuals and families to restore hope, achieve stability and thrive through quality support services, advocacy and education. Strong Families = Healing Together Jennifer witnessed a traumatic event no mother should have to experience, the day she found her fourteen year old son David* molesting her five year old daughter Anna*. “It was like walking into a nightmare,” she says. “I was in complete shock.” Jennifer struggled to accept the decision she had to make. “It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done,” she says. Then she realized she had to do what was best for both her children. She took Anna to the pediatrician and reported what had happened. Guilford County Department of Social Services (DSS) referred the family to Family Service of the Piedmont’s Children’s Advocacy Center. There in a safe, child-friendly environment, Anna underwent a private forensic interview with a child abuse specialist. Meanwhile, after some reluctance, her half-brother David admitted what he had done. The boy ultimately went to live with his father while Anna remained in the home with her Mom, Dad and big sister. Family Service’s Family Preservation team was brought in to help stabilize this family in crisis. Family Preservation therapist Yvette Fortier began visiting the family regularly in their home to address the trauma the episode had brought upon all of them. Initially, therapy was focused on Anna’s aggression and behavioral issues following the abuse. Soon older daughter Layla* forged a connection with the therapist as well, and began learning to cope with her own bullying and self-esteem issues. “Family Service was with us every step of the way,” Jennifer says. “My girls responded to Yvette like I had never expected. I began to see a change in their overall happiness – Anna began to heal from her abuse and Layla was more positive about herself.” “Yvette is an angel on this earth,” says Jennifer. “Her number one concern has always been getting my family better. She makes time for every one of us and has helped us grow and heal together. There are no words for the amount of gratitude I have for Family Service of the Piedmont.” *Children’s names have been changed Family Service’s two Children’s Advocacy Centers (CACs) served 288 children last year, an average of more than 5 children each week. Requiring child victims of sexual abuse to describe their ordeal one time only greatly reduces additional trauma. At the CACs last year, a single forensic interview provided adequate information to protect the child and prosecute the offender in 99% of cases. Family Service’s Healthy Start and Family Preservation caseworkers visited 257 families, with more than 520 children, in their homes last year. In home services include parenting education, individual and family therapy. Among high risk families, these programs were 97% effective in preventing child abuse and out-of-home placement of children by social services.
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Summer 2013 - Family Service of the Piedmont
Mary Eliza Duckett, Secretary
Stan Belk, Immediate Past Chair
Tom Campbell, President/CEO