Hueneme Magazine
Hueneme Magazine
MAGAZINE 2015-16 COMMUNITY NEWS & RECREATION GUIDE Movie Night in the Parks Free! • Fridays in July • All movies begin at 8pm Award Winning Family Movie Series Bring the whole family out for a night of Fun! Bring your lawn chairs, lounge chairs, and blankets July 10 July 17 Community Center 550 Park Ave. Moranda Park 200 Moranda Parkway July 24 July 31 Bolker Park Bolker Park Drive Hueneme Beach Park 550 E. Surfside Dr. ˜ Call 805.986.6542 for more information ˜ PORT HUENEME ”Hueneme Morning” by Laura Martens – 2005 CITY OF PORT HUENEME CIVIC CENTER 250 N. Ventura Road – Port Hueneme – The Friendly City by the Sea CITY COUNCIL Sylvia Munoz Schnopp, Mayor Douglas A Breeze, Mayor Pro-Tem Tom Figg, Council Member Jim Hensley, Council Member Jonathan Sharkey, Council Member CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS Port Hueneme City Council regular meetings are scheduled for the first and third Mondays of the month in the Council Chambers at City Hall at 6:30 pm. The Council encourages residents to attend the meetings and get involved in their community. Please visit the City’s website at to check the current meeting schedule (subject to change) and view upcoming meeting agendas and minutes. HUENEME MAGAZINE 2015 Hueneme Magazine is a publication of the City of Port Hueneme. It serves to provide residents with community news and recreation program information. Hueneme Magazine is published annually. We hope that you will find the contents of the City’s magazine informative and useful. ON THE COVER 2015 Hueneme Beach Festival artwork created by Brett Bednorz. Publication Design: CITY STAFF Cynthia Haas City Manager Robert P. Gager Police Chief Carmen Nichols Deputy City Manager Chris Theisen Public Works Director Robert Bravo Finance Director Greg Brown Community Development & Housing Director Michelle Ascencion, CMC City Clerk/Public Information ACCESSIBILITY The City of Port Hueneme does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. The City coordinates compliance with nondiscrimination requirements contained in Section 36.107 of the Department of Regulations. Information concerning the provisions of the Americans Disabilities Act, and the rights provided thereunder, are available from the ADA coordinator. Notification 48 hours prior to the start of a program, activity, or meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements for participation. ACCESIBILIDAD La Ciudad de Port Hueneme no discrimina por causa de discapacidad para la admisión o acceso a las actividades, programas, o empleo. La Ciudad coordina el cumplimiento de las leyes que prohíben la discriminación, así lo señala el Código 36.107 de las Normas del Departamento. La información sobre los requisitos de las Leyes para Americanos con Discapacidad, y los derechos establecidos en esa ley, está disponible a través del coordinador del ADA (por sus siglas en inglés). Se agradece que se le informe a la Ciudad, con 48 horas de anticipación, de cualquier actividad o junta. De está forma, la Ciudad puede hacer los preparativos pertinentes para su participación. –1– PORT HUENEME AT YOUR SERVICE PHONE DIRECTORY Animal Shelter 388-4341 Boys & Girls Club 271-9773 County of Ventura 654-5000 Fire Department 389-9710 Hueneme High School 385-2667 Hueneme School District 488-3588 Museum/Chamber Office 488-2023 Oxnard Harbor District 488-3677 Port Hueneme Little League 487-0166 Post Office 800-275-8777 Prueter Library 486-5460 VFW Post #3935 488-4138 Recreation & Community Services Department Staff Matthew Bender Facilities Technician Natasha Lopez Facility Attendant Lizcel Lumbrano Facility Attendant Donald Moreno Custodian Debbie Young Recreation & Community Services Specialist CITY HALL DIRECT DIAL PHONE NUMBERS City Hall 986-6500 Accounts Payable 986-6528 Administration986-6501 Building & Safety Inspections 986-6500 Building Inspector 986-6515 Business Licenses 986-6526 City Clerk 986-6503 City Council/Manager 986-6501 Code Compliance /Crime Free Multi Housing 986-6513 Community Center 986-6542 Finance Department 986-6524 Home Loans/Rebates 986-6552 Housing Department 986-6527 Parking Enforcement 986-6573 Police Business Line 986-6530 Private Property Graffiti 986-6513 Public Property Graffiti 986-6592 Recreation Department 986-6542 Senior Services 986-6542 Sewer/Stormwater 986-6561 Streets Division 986-6507 Trash/Recycling 986-6650 Utility Billing 986-6521 Water986-6563 Parks Ma ke Life Better! TABLE OF CONTENTS Facility Information 3-5 Community News 6-31 Community Survey 27 Moranda Park Tennis 35 Junior Lifeguards 36 Youth Programs 37-38 Senior Programs 39-40 Facility Map & Community Service Organizations – 2 – 41 City of Port Hueneme CITY FACILITIES & RESOURCES ORVENE S. CARPENTER COMMUNITY CENTER RECREATION & FINE ARTS COMMISSION The Commission meets the second Monday of each quarter at 5pm at Orvene S. Carpenter Community Center, 550 Park Avenue, Port Hueneme. Sondra Garner Briggs, Chair Paul Boog, Sr. Commissioner Roberta Downing Marietta King Rich Rollins Kathy Stolkin MUSEUM & HISTORICAL COMMISSION The Commission meets the first Wednesday each month at 1 pm at the Museum, 220 N. Market Street, Port Hueneme. Helen Brant, Chair Rose Boog Larry Downing Jeannette Moranda Joe Morris Cindy O’Brien PORT HUENEME HISTORICAL MUSEUM The Port Hueneme Historical Museum is located at 220 Market Street in Port Hueneme. Built in 1925, the Museum houses historical artifacts, photographs and information on the history of the Hueneme area. Architect Myron Hunt designed the building, and he was also responsible for designing the Bard Mansion, Huntington Library and Ambassador Hotel. Displays are maintained by the Department of Recreation and Community Services and the Historical Commission. Museum hours are Tuesday through Thursday, 12 noon to 3 pm (closed holidays). Call (805) 986-6542 for more information. The Orvene S. Carpenter Community Center at 550 Park Avenue in Port Hueneme is available on most Saturdays for special events. This state-of-the-art facility has a banquet room with a 300-person capacity for your Wedding Reception, Quinceanera, Anniversary, Baptism, or other event. Events must meet a 4-hour minimum to reserve a date and maximum of 8-hours of party time is allowed. All rental packages include an experienced event staff person onsite at all times, the use of the auditorium, stage, tables and chairs, set-up and decorating hours, security guards, general liability insurance, all necessary permits and general clean up. In addition, banquet events include the use of commercial kitchen. The fee schedule for this venue is: Building Security Deposit $500 – Fully refundable after event Application Fee $31 Events Serving Alcohol $433 per hour Events No Alcohol $348 per hour Seminar Events $141 per hour – General Liability Insurance may be required at an additional cost. No food or beverage. Reservations are accepted on a first come, first served basis up to one calendar year in advance. The application fee and building deposit are due at time of reservation. Dates fill up fast. Call the Center today at (805) 986-6542 to reserve your special event! MORANDA PARK Location: 200 Moranda Parkway, Port Hueneme A small meeting room is available for rental at this facility. The rental must be a month in advance, and paid in advance to reserve the room. Also, tennis courts and two outdoor basketball courts are available. There are no barbecue pits at this park. PARK PERMITS All City parks, picnic and recreation areas are available on a first-come, first-served basis. There are no reservations made for any parks. For more information, please call the Recreation and Community Services Department at 986-6542. –3– CITY FACILITIES & RESOURCES CITY HALL IS OPEN Monday – Thursday • 7:30 am – 5:30 pm Alternate Fridays • 8 am – 5 pm (Closed alternate Fridays) Phone Number • 986-6500 One of the City Hall’s goals is to provide excellent customer service. We are proud to assist the public in obtaining permits, scheduling inspections, submitting plans, obtaining business licenses, paying of city utility bills, applying for housing and responding to public safety concerns. Parkkse MLaife ! r e t t Be Check out the city’s Website! The City’s website is available 24/7: THE RAY D. PRUETER LIBRARY OPERATING HOURS Location: 510 Park Avenue Port Hueneme Telephone:486-5460 Hours: Mon.: 10 am-7 pm Tues. & Wed: 10 am-6 pm Thurs., Fri., & Sat.: Noon-5 pm Sun.: Closed Please call 486-5460 for information about special programs. THE BOYS & GIRLS CLUBS OF GREATER OXNARD AND PORT HUENEME Come join the fun, at the Port Hueneme Branch of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Oxnard and Port Hueneme. The Club is currently closed and undergoing renovation. Please visit the webiste for the Grand Reopening! This Club features a Learning Center, Computer Lab, Gym, Arts’n Crafts Room, Kitchen, and a Social Recreation Room. For more information contact 271-9773 or visit us online at Port Hueneme Branch: 590 East Pleasant Valley Road • Pay your utility bill online with Click-2-Gov • Use Report a Concern for potholes, graffiti, fallen tree limbs, etc. • Sign up for email or text notifications with Notify Me • Be the first to get important News & Announcements! Find these useful features and MORE – Visit today! – 4 – City of Port Hueneme CITY FACILITIES & RESOURCES PORT HUENEME CHAMBER OF COMMERCE The Port Hueneme Historical Museum and Chamber of Commerce occupy the historical former Bank of Hueneme building at the corner of Hueneme Road and Market Street, 220 North Market Street. Call the Port Hueneme Chamber of Commerce. They will be happy to answer your questions and provide you with information about the area. Relocation packets, referral for goods or services, maps, directories, membership applications, historical and tourist information are provided by the Chamber year-round. Contact the Chamber at (805) 488-2023. Visit the chamber website at Members may display brochures and business cards at the Chamber. Business members receive a listing on the Chamber’s website and in the Chamber’s Community Guide and Business Directory. Pick up a membership application. Business owners, individuals, including seniors are welcome as members. Join today! HUENEME BEAUTIFUL Hueneme Beautiful was founded in 1966. Its purpose is to enhance and support natural beauty, order and cleanliness in all areas within the city limits of Port Hueneme. Recent contributions include a donation of $4,750 which included $1,500 for flags at the beach, $3,000 for trash cans at the beach and $250 for Christmas candy. Upcoming events include: Annual Fashion Show June 24 – Downton Abbey Delight Appreciation Tea. Membership dues are $30 payable annually in June. Hueneme Beautiful always welcomes new members. Please call President, Marilyn Miravete-Smith at 986-9271 if you would like to join and get involved in your community especially if you are a newcomer. Residents of surrounding communities are welcome. Come and help us improve the quality of life in Port Hueneme. New project ideas are appreciated. Your interest and talents as potential committee members are valued as well! FRIENDS OF THE BARD MANSION Friends of the Thomas R. Bard Mansion, Inc., is a non-profit organization supported solely by gifts, grants, donations and memberships. Its goal is to subsidize the preservation and restoration of the T.R. Bard Mansion and the surrounding Botanical Gardens. The mansion is a national historical landmark built in 1912 by Thomas R. Bard, Port Hueneme’s founding father and Ventura County’s only elected United States Senator. Members of Friends of the Bard Mansion may, subject to availability, and by special arrangement, use the Mansion for dining, meetings, luncheons, weddings, celebrations, exhibitions, and group tours. Please call Georgia Pulos, (805) 966-9665; Orvene Carpenter, (805) 985-2076 for membership information. The Bard Mansion is available to the general public for weddings and other special occasions. For further information call Naval Base Ventura County MWR at (805) 982-5293. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY The Friends of the Port Hueneme Library is a non-profit organization whose primary purpose is to financially assist the Ray D. Prueter Library (510 Park Avenue, Port Hueneme). Funds raised via membership dues, book sales, events, and individual or business donations, are used to provide more books, programs and equipment or furnishings to the library. The main fund-raising events for the year include the Annual Book Sale (April 18, 2015), the Victorian High Tea (October 18, 2015), and the Holiday Boutique (December 5, 2015). Distinguished speakers appear not only at the Annual Meeting (May 3, 2015) but throughout the year as available. The Friends also maintain a lobby bookstore during library hours where customers can purchase a wide variety of recycled books and other media at extremely affordable prices. Donations of gently used books, magazines, or dvds are always welcome – just deposit in the wooden donation bin in the library lobby. Payment is on the honor system – customers deposit cash or checks in a locked box located on top of the donation. For information on membership, programs, or volunteering to process used books, please call Cathy Penprase at (805) 986-2348. The Friends website is located at In addition, please “like” Friends of Port Hueneme Library at –5– COMMUNITY NEWS ANNUAL BEACH PARKING PASSES GARAGE SALE PERMIT RESTRICTIONS The City offers annual beach parking passes at a discount of 50% to City residents. Additionally, the City will now offer a discounted rate of 50% for secondary or more vehicles registered at the same household for City residents and non-residents alike. Vehicle registration for each vehicle to be permitted must be shown in order to obtain a permit and permanently affixed to the interior lower left hand corner of driver’s side window. The cost will continue to be prorated from the date of purchase. Port Hueneme Municipal Code Sections 5121, 5123 & 5124 Resident’s Cost Time of Cost for Cost for Purchase First Car Additional Cars Same Household July – September October – December January – March April – June $50.00 $37.50 $25.00 $12.50 $25.00 $18.75 $12.50 $6.25 Non-Resident’s Cost 2. No more than two (2) garage/yard sales may be held during any calendar year. 3. No garage and/or yard sale shall be held for more than two (2) consecutive or nonconsecutive days. 4. No signs or other forms of advertisement shall be placed on any property within the City except the location of the sale. 5. Signs advertising the sale shall not be posted more than two (2) days prior to the date of sale and shall be removed no later than 6:00 p.m. the day the sale ends. 6. No more than two (2) signs may be posted at the sale location and shall not exceed three (3) square feet in size. 7. No patio, garage and/or yard sale may begin before 8 am and shall end no later than 6:00 p.m. in the same day. 8. Please call 986-6500 or 986-6513 if you have any questions. Call for Volunteers Time of Cost for Cost for Purchase First Car Additional Cars Same Household July – September$100.00 October – December$75.00 January – March$50.00 April – June$25.00 1. A Permit needs to be obtained at City Hall before the garage sale is held. Call for current fee. $50.00 $37.50 $25.00 $12.50 For further information, please call (805) 986-6500. Do you LOVE Port Hueneme? Want to help make it even BETTER? We’re looking for caring Port Huenemeans to help make a difference in our community by volunteering your time or special skills. Do you like volunteering at special events or recreation programs? Are you a photographer/artist/grant writer? Have an interest in helping in the office or at the police station? Find out about volunteer opportunities at the City on our website: (look under the “About Us” tab) or call 986-6501. – 6 – City of Port Hueneme COMMUNITY NEWS SUGGESTION BOX AT CITY HALL “Customer Service Survey Card” When visiting City Hall, please take a moment to complete a Customer Service Survey Card, as we are always looking for ways to improve our customer service skills. The suggestion box is located near the southeast customer service counter at City Hall. And, yes, we also like to hear if you’re pleased with the service you received by one of our staff. DROP BOX – Reminder The drop box for depositing after-hours utility payments is located at the Pearl Street parking lot exit. PARENTS AND CHILDREN: FOR YOUR INFORMATION One of the toughest helmet laws in the country took effect January 1, 2003. Beginning January 1, 2003, skateboarders, in-line skaters, and scooter riders under age 18 are required to wear helmets EVERY time they roll. Those who are caught not wearing a helmet may receive a $25 ticket. The law applies to public streets and bikeways. The helmets must meet minimum standards established by the Consumer Product Safety Commission, BICYCLE RULES OF THE ROAD Please protect yourself in traffic: • Always ride on the right, and go with the flow of traffic, never against it. • Maintain a straight line while riding, change direction without swerving, and use hand signals. • Obey all of the traffic laws that cars do. • Pay attention to everything. Use your eyes and ears as warning devices, alerting you to hazards in time to take action. • Safely assert yourself in traffic. Don’t let vehicles push you into parked cars or the curb. You have a legal right to a lane, so take as much as you need for safety. • Ride defensively. Always look for cars pulling out in front of you, or from the side street or turning left in front of you. • Be visible. Wear bright colors and put reflectors and reflective tape on your bicycle. • Shout if you are in danger to alert inattentive drivers or pedestrians. STREET LIGHT PROBLEMS Please report all street light problems to Southern California Edison at (800) 611-1911. Have available the pole number and/or nearest address to the streetlight when you call. IS A PERMIT REQUIRED? Do you ever wonder if the improvements you plan for your home require building permits? The Building Code states if you plan to “erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, improve, remove, convert or demolish” any portion of your property you may need a permit. So, if you answer “yes” to any of the above, check first with the City before you proceed. Here are just a few of the common improvements routinely done to a home that do require permits. A Permit is required for: • Patio Covers and/or Enclosures – Re-roof. • Sheds (if more than 120 sq. ft. or over 8 ft. high). Must meet setbacks. • Pools and Spas. • Water Heater (replacement or relocation). • Window Replacement, Garage Doors. • Retaining Walls, Block Walls and all Fences. • Room Additions or Alterations; Re-plumb or Re-piping. • Replacement Sewer or Gas Lines; Upgrade Electrical Service. • Replacement of Wall Heaters or Forced Air Units. Contact the Building and Safety Department at City Hall (805) 986-6500 for any questions regarding your home improvement and repair projects. –7– COMMUNITY NEWS – NOTICIAS DE LA COMUNIDAD ACCESSO al Servicio de Paratránsito de Gold Coast Transit Paratránsito de ADA y Personas Mayores Gold Coast ACCESS Paratransit Service ADA & Senior Paratransit Call 485-2319 ext. 2 for Information & Reservations. Policy – Regla Llama al 485-2319, ext. 2 para información y reservaciones GCT ACCESS Paratransit – ACCESSO al Paratránsito de GCT Service Boundaries Serves the cities of: Límite de Servicios • Ojai, Oxnard, Port Hueneme, Ventura • Also serves the unincorporated areas of the County (including El Rio, Saticoy and the Highway 33 corridor.) • También ofrece sus servicios a las áreas no incorporadas del Condado, las cuales incluye: El Rio, Saticoy y la autopista 33. Service Days & Hours 7 days per week* – 7 días a la semana* Días y horarios de servicio • Monday thru Friday de lunes a viernes 5 am – 10 pm • Saturday sábado 5:30 am – 9 pm • Sunday domingo 6 am – 8:30 pm * No service on New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day or December 25. * No habrá servicio en Año Nuevo, día de Conmemoración a los Caídos, 4 de julio – Día de la Independencia, o el 25 de diciembre. Level of Driver Assistance Nivel de asistencia del conductor Curb-to-Curb. Driver is unable to leave vehicle unattended. Passengers must be able to handle their packages from the curb. (A personal cart is suggested for packages, groceries, etc.) De acera a acera. El conductor no podrá dejar el vehículo desatendido. Los pasajeros deberán hacerse cargo de sus maletas. (Le sugerimos traer consigo un carrito para transportar paquetes, comestibles, etc.) Advance Reservations Reservaciones con anticipación One day in advance 8 am – 5 pm Un día de anticipación 8 am – 5 pm Eligibility Requirements • ADA certified – Certificación en ADA (por sus siglas en inglés.) Requisitos • Seniors 65 and older; no advance paperwork required – Personas mayores de 65 años en adelante; no se necesita papeleo por adelantado. • Senior Nutrition program participants – Personas mayores que sean participantes del programa de nutrición. Fare (One-way, Anywhere in Service Area) Tarifa (un viaje directo, a donde sea en El Area de Servicio) – 8 – *$3 each way for ADA Certified and Seniors 65 and older Senior Nutrition participants for the senior nutrition trip – Donations (Transportation provided to the nearest meal site.) *$3 por cada viaje a las personas mayores de 65 años en adelante que sean certificadas en ADA y las personas mayores que sean partícipes del viaje de nutrición a mayores – Donaciones (Transporte proveído al sitio de comida más cercano.) City of Port Hueneme COMMUNITY NEWS – NOTICIAS DE LA COMUNIDAD DIAL A RIDE AREAS OF SERVICE DIAL A RIDE ÁREAS DEL SERVICIO Are You Eligible For ADA TRANSPORTATION? The ADA (American with Disabilities Act) requires that fixed-route transportation systems (buses, rails, etc.) be accessible to persons with disabilities. All Gold Coast Transit buses are wheelchair liftequipped and offer kneeling features so that a person may more easily board the bus. The ADA also requires that paratransit service be provided to these individuals whose disabilities prevent them from using fixed-route service. HARBOR BEACHES DIAL-A-RIDE PUBLIC TRANSIT SERVICE SERVICIO PARA SOLICITAR TRANSPORTE DE TRANSITO PUBLICO EN LAS PLAYAS DEL PUERTO Scheduled appointments are available with up to seven days advance notice. Las citas programadas están disponibles con siete días de anticipación. M-F 7 am-12 Noon and/y 1-6 pm Lunes-viernes Sat. Sábado 9 am-5 pm Fares: $2Adults/Adultos Tarifas: $1.50 Seniors (65+up) $1.50 Disabled (with ADA card) $1.50 Personas mayores (65+en adelante) $1.50 Discapacitados (con tarjeta de ADA) Children 45˝ tall and under Free with fare paying passenger. Please refer to map for service boundaries. If transportation is needed outside of boundary, call Gold Coast Transit Access at (805) 485-2319. Phone number: (805) 207-0699 To use ADA paratransit service run by GCT, you must be certified as disabled in a manner that the disability you have prevents you from using fixed-route. The Ventura County Transportation Commission does ADA certification for GCT ACCESS transportation. For more information, please contact the VCTC ADA Eligibility coordinator at (805) 642-1591, x118. ¿Reúne los requisitos para usar el TRANSPORTE de ADA? El ADA (Ley para Americanos con Discapacidades), requiere que todos los sistemas de transporte (autobuses, trenes, etc.) estén accesibles a todas las personas con discapacidades. Las personas que están discapacitadas deben de tener el mismo acceso al transporte que cualquier persona sin discapacidad. Todos los autobuses Gold Coast Transit tienen equipo para levantar sillas de ruedas y se pueden ajustar para que las personas puedan subir al autobús con más facilidad. Tambien, El ADA requiere que el servicio de paratránsito se les provea a estás personas quienes sufren de discapacidad, la cual les prohíbe usar el transporte publico. Niños que midan menos de 45˝ no pagan tarifa, su transporte es gratis cuando un pasajero que los acompañe haya pagado. Para utilizar el servicio de paratránsito, manejado por GCT, usted debe de estar certificado como discapacitado, cerciorando que dicha discapacidad le prohíba usar una ruta normal. Por favor consulte un mapa de Gold Coast Transit para ver los límites del servicio de transporte. Si necesita transportación fuera de los límites de servicio, llame a GCT Access al (805) 485-2319. Número de teléfono: (805) 207-0699 La Comisión de Transporte del Condado de Ventura provee certificaciones de ADA para el transporte de GCT ACCESS. Para más información, por favor comuníquese con un coordinador del VTCV ADA (por sus siglas en inglés), al (805) 642-1591, x118. –9– COMMUNITY NEWS NO DOGS ARE ALLOWED ON THE BEACH For the health and safety of both humans and dogs, please keep your dogs off the beach! The City of Port Hueneme does not permit dogs on the beach. Transmission of infection occurs when a person, often a child who likes to play in the sand, comes directly into contact with animal feces, which carries a host of infectious organisms. Just walking barefoot on the sand that has been contaminated can lead to infection and transmission of hookworms to humans. And your dogs are not immune to health problems as a result of romping on the beach. They may ingest contaminated sand – and can become infected with parasites by coming into contact with dead sea animals or birds. Also, parvo is a common (and deadly) disease that your animal can contract as a result of contact with dead sea animals on the beach. MOTOR HOMES Motor homes/vehicles over 6,000 pounds restricted from parking on public streets: Section 3241(h) of the Port Hueneme Municipal Code restricts any vehicle over 6,000 pounds from being on a street other than an approved truck route (Hueneme Road, Ventura Road and Channel Islands Blvd.). Should you be using your motorhome or trailer, you may have a 72-hour parking grace period both before and after the usage. We do ask that you call the Parking Office at 986-6573 in advance to let the officers know of the dates the vehicle will be on the street. Other than loading and unloading, a vehicle/trailer over 6,000 pounds must be parked elsewhere. Questions regarding this may be directed to the Code Compliance Manager at 986-6513. Farmers’ Market The City’s first certified Farmers’ Market will open every Saturday, rain or shine, from 10 am to 2 pm beginning late spring or early summer at the City’s Fishing Pier parking lot located at 550 E. Surfside Drive. Raw Inspiration, headquartered in Calabasas, has agreed to manage the market, adding to its many operations in the Los Angeles, Ventura, and Orange County areas. Vendor booths will include a mix of fresh farm fruits and vegetables; prepackaged nuts, fresh fish, grass fed beef, honey, hummus, cheeses, etc.; handmade artisans or “green” crafts, cut flowers and plants; and delicious prepared foods and beverages. The atmosphere will be clean, safe, and fun with free parking, live music, cooking demonstrations, pet sitting/ grooming, and other activities. Mark your Saturday calendar and plan to visit us year round to meet local farmers, local foragers, local artisans, and your neighbors. Experience farm fresh and organic fruit and vegetables at the beach! Parks Ma ke Lifer! Bette – 10 – City of Port Hueneme STARTS MAY 23 RD! COMMUNITY NEWS Port Hueneme Police Department VOLUNTEERS IN POLICING Why become a Police Volunteer? Citizens volunteer for many reasons, including learning new skills, utilizing particular skills, meeting new people, or making a difference in the community. The Volunteers in Policing Program (V.I.P.) is not designed to replace sworn or civilian employees. Rather, volunteers are used to supplement and enhance existing or envisioned functions to allow law enforcement personnel to do their job in the most efficient and cost effective manner. Volunteers can provide innumerable benefits to a department, including improving community relations. Volunteers can help provide services that the public wants but that sworn or civilian staff may not have the time or resources to furnish. Qualifications: Selection will be based on abilities, prior experience, and the potential of the candidate to fulfill tasks involved in the above areas. Requirements: • Eighteen years of age or older. • Minimum of 16 hours monthly participation • Successfully complete a background Investigation and interview. • Must wear VIP Uniform • Mandatory training • Adhere to confidentiality – 12 – Positions Available: Specific areas within the Department have been evaluated as suitable work opportunities for recruitment of volunteers. Volunteers will be working with both nonsworn and sworn personnel in their assignments. The specific areas have been identified as: • Vacation Checks • Visit Schools • Assist Beat Officers • Graffiti Reporting • Communications and Records Division • Property and Evidence Room • Investigative Division* • Community Special Events & Neighborhood Watch • Well-Being Checks • Assist PHPD Clergy Council • Ride-Alongs • Crime Prevention* *Positions available within the investigative Division and Crime Analysis may require specific skills or prior experience. Who Should You Contact? Download City of Port Hueneme Employment Application form from For more information please contact Sgt. Eric Starna at (805) 986-6629 or City of Port Hueneme COMMUNITY NEWS – NOTICIAS DE LA COMUNIDAD PORT HUENEME POLICE DEPARTMENT SENIOR OFFICER PROGRAM VC ALERT EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION SYSTEM If we can’t REACH you… We can’t ALERT you. VC Alert is an emergency system that may be used to deliver alerts when there is a threat to the health or safety of residents. In addition to emergency information, you may: • Select to receive messages regarding crime alerts, road closures, public meetings or other community events • Choose the locations you want to be contacted about – your home, your parents’ home, your workplace, and your child’s school. • Receive alerts on your home phone, cellular phone, work phone, email, text messaging, facsimile, or instant messaging. The VC Alert database includes some landline and cellular phone numbers. Please register online to ensure that we have your current contact information. INTERNET – Go to Registering online enables you to opt-in for community notifications, in addition to alerts and warnings. If you do not have access to a computer please register by: PHONE – Call 805-648-9283 MAIL – Complete this form below and mail to: Ventura County Sheriff’s OES, 800 South Victoria Avenue #3450, Ventura, California 93009 ✁ Name _____________________________________________________ Phone Number _____________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ City ________________________________ Zip Code ______________ Email ______________________________________________________ For more information, please contact us at 805-648-9283 or via email at You will be charged the standard fee from your phone provider for receiving the emergency alerts. The County of Ventura is not responsible for any charges that may be incurred as a result of receiving these alerts. The City of Port Hueneme is broken down into four geographic areas, or Beats. A Senior Officer is assigned to each Beat to coordinate neighborhood watch meetings and keep the residents within their beats apprised of current activities. A current map of the Beats is on the next page and also available on the City’s website as, as well as Beat related information from the Senior Officers. Beat 1: Sr. Officer Rocque Lopez, Jr. Beat 2: Sr. Officer Jesus Chavez Beat 3: Sr. Officer Baltazar Tapia Beat 4: Sr. Officer Ryan Bates PROGRAMA DE AGENTE SUPERIOR DE POLICIA DEPARTMENTO DE POLICIA DE PORT HUENEME La Ciudad de Port Hueneme se divide en 4 áreas geográficas o zonas de patrulla. Un oficial de policía de alto rango se asigna a cada área para coordinar las juntas de los grupos denominados como “Vigilantes de la Vecindad”, además, el Agente está encargado de mantener a los residentes en las áreas correspondientes para el desarrollo de las actividades que ellos ejercen. Un mapa actual de las zonas de patrulla de la policía se encuentra en la siguiente página y también está disponible en el sitio web de la Ciudad en www., así como información relacionada de las zonas de patrulla por estos oficiales superiores. Zona de Patrulla 1: Sr. Officer Rocque Lopez, Jr. Zona de Patrulla 2: Sr. Officer Jesus Chavez Zona de Patrulla 3: Sr. Officer Baltazar Tapia Zona de Patrulla 4: Sr. Officer Ryan Bates GRAFFITI REMOVAL PROGRAM The City of Port Hueneme responds as soon as possible to a report of graffiti. To report graffiti on public property and along the public right-of-way contact the Facilities Maintenance Division at 986-6592 to have the graffiti removed by the City. To report graffiti on private property, contact Code Compliance at 986-6513. PROGRAMA DE ELIMINACION DE GRAFITI La Ciudad de Port Hueneme responde lo antes posible cuando se reporta un caso de grafiti. Para reportar y remover el grafiti en propiedades y lugares públicos, comuníquese con la División de Mantenimiento a Instalaciones al 986-6592. Para reportar casos de grafiti en propiedades privadas, comuníquese con Cumplimiento al Código (Code Compliance) al 986-6513. – 13 – COMMUNITY NEWS Triton St. S. Victoria Ave. West Hemlock St. Channel Islands Blvd. Know Your Beat Officer Teakwood St. Beat 1 Polaris Way Beat 2 Senior Officer Jesus Chavez 805.986.6610 S. J St. Ventura Rd. Officer Rocque Lopez Jr. 805.986.6628 Beat 3 Senior Officer Baltazar Tapia 805.986.6619 San Pedro St. ne n La ok Pomona St. bro llow Wi Dr. 250 North Ventura Road 805.986.6530 gree Port Hueneme Police Department Pleasant Valley Rd. Ever Senior Officer Ryan Bates 805.986.6647 Market St. Beat 4 . Ave Park Sur fsid e Dr. Oce an V – 14 – iew Dr. City of Port Hueneme COMMUNITY NEWS – NOTICIAS DE LA COMUNIDAD City Of Port Hueneme Police Service Fee Schedule Services Provided Fee for Service Crime Report/ Accident Report Journal Entry (Police Daily Journal) Storage Retrieval Files Vehicle Repossession Fee* Film Development Digital Photo Development Citation Sign-Off Administrative Review Fingerprinting Additional fees may apply Bicycle License* Sound Permit VIN Verification *Not subject to CPI increase $21 Per report (photocopy) $12 Per page (photocopy) $15 Per Letter (Local Criminal History Check) $15 Per each request per vehicle $106 Base fee per 24-film exposure $40 Per each request per CD-ROM $34 Per citation for Non-Residents Free for Port Hueneme Residents $86 Per each request per vehicle (Impounded Vehicle) $30 Rolling base fee only By appointment only Free For Port Hueneme Residents $54 Per each request $60 Per each request per vehicle Must be performed at Police Dept. Hours for Services Available 24 hours Available 24 hours Available 24 hours Available 24 hours Monday – Friday 7:30 am – 5 pm Monday – Friday 7:30 am – 5 pm Available 24 hours Mon- Friday 8 am – 4 pm Wednesday 9 am – 12 noon Daily 8 am – 6 pm Daily – 8 am 5 pm Available 24 hours Horario y explicacion de las cuotas de los servicios que ofrece el departamento de policia de port hueneme Servicios Proveídos Tarifa por el Servicio Horario de servicios / explicación de servicios Reporte de un crimen/ $21 por reporte Reporte de un accidente Copias de apuntes del diario $12 por página de la Policía Chequeo local de los $15 por pagina antecedentes no penales. Cuota por la Reposesión $15 por reporte vehicular de un carro Revelación de un rollo de filme $106 Cuota Inicial por (24) exposiciones Revelación digital de fotografía $40 por cada CD-ROM Liberación de una multa $34 (gratis para los ciudadanos de Port Hueneme) Revisión Administrativa $85 por cada revisión vehicular (vehículo incautado) Huellas digitales $30 cifra base únicamente Cargos adicionales pueden aplicarse Sólo con cita previa Licencia para bicicleta* Gratis a los ciudadanos de Port Hueneme Permiso de sonido $54 por petición Verificación del VIN vehicular $60 por verificación vehicular (Debe llevarse a cabo en el dpto. de policía) Disponible las 24 horas Fotocopias de los reportes. Disponible las 24 horas Disponible las 24 horas Disponible las 24 horas Lunes – viernes de 7:30 am – 5 pm Lunes –viernes de 7:30 am – 5 pm Disponible las 24 horas Lunes – viernes de 8 am – 4 pm Miércoles de 9 am – 12 noon Diariamente de 8 am – 6 pm Lunes – viernes de 8 am – 5 pm Las 24 horas *No está sujeto al incremento CPI – 15 – COMMUNITY NEWS – NOTICIAS DE LA COMUNIDAD NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH The Port Hueneme Police Department encourages the residents of Port Hueneme to become involved in the Neighborhood Watch Program. Active Neighborhood Watch Programs have been quite effective in community policing and assisting officers by reporting suspicious activity and crime problems. Neighborhood Watch is a crucial part of crime prevention in the City of Port Hueneme. There are numerous Neighborhood Watch groups in Port Hueneme. Some groups meet on a monthly, bi-monthly or annual basis. Police Department personnel can aid the implementation of a new Neighborhood Watch group by facilitating the initial meeting and conducting presentations on the following topics: • Crime Trends and Crime Problems in the Area • Crime Prevention • Drug Trends • Personal Safety and Security • Crime Reporting • • • • • Overall Crime Statistics in the City Gangs Graffiti Identity Theft Emergency Preparedness If you are interested in forming a Watch in your neighborhood or joining an existing group, please contact Police Dispatch at 805-986-6530. VIGILANTES DEL VECINDARIO El Departamento de Policía de Port Hueneme alienta a los residents de Port Hueneme a participar en el Programa de Vigilantes del Vecindario. Programas activas de Vigilantes del Vecindario han sido bastante eficaces para la policía comunitaria y ayudar a los oficiales por la presentación de informes de actividades sospechosas y los problemas de la delincuencia. Vigilantes del Vecindario es una parte crucial de la prevención de la delincuencia en la ciudad de Port Hueneme. Hay numerosos grupos de Vigilantes del Vecindario en Port Hueneme. Algunos grupos se reúnen en forma mensual, bimestral o anual. Personal del Departamento de Policía puede ayudar a la implementación de un nuevo grupo de vigilancia, facilitando el encuentro inicial y la realización de presentaciones sobre los siguientes temas: • Prevención del delito • Pandillas • Tendencias sobre drogs • Graffiti • Seguridad personal • Robo de Identidad • Informes del delito • Preparación para emergencias • Tendencias de delincuencia y problemas de delincuencia en la zona • Estadísticas de delincuencia en general en la ciudad Si usted está interesado en la formación de un nuevo grupo o unirse a un grupo ya existente, póngase en contacto con el Despacho de la Policía en 805-986-6530. CURRENT NEIGHBORHOOD WATCHES IN PORT HUENEME PROGRAMAS VIGENTES de VIGILANTES de VECINDARIO EN PORT HUENEME Anacapa View Homes Beachport Cottages Beach House Bolker Villa Seville Bolker Park Bubbling Springs Hueneme Bay Harborlights La Entrada Las Palomas Marina Victoria Marlborough Seaside Oceanwalk Pacific Collection – 16 – Barbara Burnett 986-1662 AMS Realty 642-0995 Trans Pacific Mgmt. 496-5514 Karen Furnish 987-8945 Beth Undia 985-7233 Carolyn Cann 486-5958 Dolores Dyer 758-0053 Will Berg 488-3677 AAMS 984-0355 AAMS Chris Alapont 984-0355 AAMS Chris Alapont 984-0355 Mike Hurd 889-6828 Marilyn Smith 986-9271 Tony Volante 984-8066 Sandpiper Sandpiper II Seaview Apts. Sunkist-Redwood Surfside I Surfside III Surfside Village Yankee Landing Spectrum Mgmt. Spectrum Mgmt. Amanda Barry Richard Carrillo Dianne Ramirez Val Lameka Ron & Joan Dawson Spectrum Mgmt. 642-6160 642-6160 986-2906 654-4208 488-3304 986-2855 488-1310 642-6160 Several of these “Watch” groups have implemented “Citizen Patrols” in their areas. These Patrols receive special training from the Port Hueneme Police Department. Muchos de estos grupos de Vigilantes, han implementado programas de “Patrulla Ciudadana en sus zonas. Estás Patrullas han recibido entrenamiento especial del Departamento de Policía. City of Port Hueneme COMMUNITY NEWS Home Maintenance Incentive Rebate Program The mission of the Home Maintenance Incentive Rebate Program (“HMIRP”) is to provide financial incentives in the form of cash grants to stimulate preservation of the housing stock in the City’s mature neighborhoods, to eradicate substandard housing conditions, and to eliminate and prevent slums and blighting influences. Who is eligible to participate? Owners of eligible properties who undertake certain improvements in accordance with the City’s Neighborhood Preservation Program Guidelines are eligible to participate. Eligible properties are those located within the City’s Neighborhood Strategy Area. The 92 single-family homes in the Bolker Park area are also eligible. Properties must be at least ten years old and cannot be a part of a planned unit development or governed by a homeowner’s association. How much cash can I receive under HMIRP? The amount of each rebate is a percentage of verified eligible expenditures as follows: High-Income Owner-Occupant 10% (minimum rebate) Moderate-Income Owner-Occupant 20% (income documentation required) Low-Income Owner-Occupant 30% (income documentation required) Investor-Owner20% Submission of income information is optional. Applicants who do not wish to disclose their income information may take the minimum rebate of 10%. In an effort to assist special needs groups in improving their living conditions, rebates to owneroccupants may be increased by 5% if the head of household is elderly, disabled, or a single parent. How many rebates can I receive? An applicant may receive more than one rebate until the applicant has spent $20,000 on eligible home improvements. There is a lso a minimum expenditure requirement of $500 per rebate. What are the steps involved in obtaining an HMIRP grant? There are four key steps involved in the process. 1. Submit an HMIRP application before commencing work. What is an eligible property improvement? Eligible work under HMIRP is limited to exterior improvements visible from the public right-of-way, which will enhance the exterior appearance of the property. Stucco, roofing, exterior painting, windows, garage doors, driveways, landscaping, and fences are all examples of eligible improvements. Patios, spas, fireplaces, and room additions are not eligible, as they do not constitute rehabilitation of the original dwelling. HMIRP operates as an incentive; therefore, property improvements that correct code violations and deferred property maintenance (if applicable) must be completed in order to qualify for rebate funding. 2. Schedule a preliminary exterior inspection of the property with HMIRP staff. At the inspection, you will be advised in writing of the particular conditions under which the City will disburse a rebate for improvements on the property. In some cases, the City may require correction of other deficiencies if they will not be addressed in the course of the work you have already planned. What is an eligible expenditure under HMIRP? Eligible expenses include all materials, permits, and rental equipment necessary to complete the eligible improvements. Labor expenses are also eligible provided the contractor or business holds a valid City of Port Hueneme business license. Labor performed by the owner, a relative of the owner, or a member of the owner’s household is not an eligible expenditure. Property owners manage their HMIRP projects. The City is not involved in approving contractors, monitoring the quality of workmanship, or paying laborers or contractors. How can I get an HMIRP application? For an application and additional information, please contact: 3. Spend a minimum of $500 on HMIRP-eligible work and complete all required work within 120 days of the preliminary inspection. 4. Present written receipts for eligible expenses upon completion of work. Jennifer Arriola Community Development Programs Manager (805) 986-6552 email: Applications may also be obtained in person at Port Hueneme City Hall, Department of Community Development, 250 North Ventura Road, Port Hueneme. – 17 – COMMUNITY NEWS Affordable Rental Housing The City of Port Hueneme owns several duplexes, apartments, townhomes, and single-family dwellings consisting of either one or two bedrooms. The units are available for rent on a monthto-month basis, at below-market rents, to qualified individuals and families whose household income is classified as very low, low, or moderate income. Priority is given to applicants who live or work full time in Port Hueneme. Please contact the Port Hueneme Housing Authority at (805) 986-6527 if you would like additional information or to inquire about availability. Residential Rehabilitation Loan Program Two types of loans are available to address deferred maintenance issues and to undertake general property improvements. These loans do not require a monthly payment. • Equity Share loans are available to owner-occupants and investor-owners for interior and exterior improvements. The maximum amount of an Equity Share loan is governed by the size of the home and the owner’s available equity. Interest is based on a percentage of the increase in property value after rehabilitation. Low and moderate-income owners may qualify for gradual interest forgiveness over the 30-year term of the loan. • Curb Appeal loans are designed to assist low and moderate-income owner-occupants with more modest rehabilitation needs. Up to $25,000 can be borrowed for exterior home improvements. Cost-effective energy and water conservation measures such as tankless water heaters, insulation, and dual-flush toilets are also eligible. This loan carries a 3% simple interest rate and a 30-year term. Please call Jennifer Arriola (Department of Community Development) at 986-6552 to request an application or to obtain additional information about the programs. – 18 – PROPER DISPOSAL OF NEEDLES & EXPIRED MEDICINE Improper disposal of used “sharps” (needles, syringes and lancets) can injure children, home healthcare providers, sanitation workers and pets though accidental “sticks”. Expired medicine should not be thrown away or flushed down the drain for safety and environmental reasons. There is a safe solution! Bring your used sharps and your expired medications to the lobby at the Port Hueneme Police Department located at City Hall, 250 N. Ventura Road. Two large bins have been provided for convenient and proper disposal. Other drop-off locations for medical “sharps” in the Oxnard area: • Oxnard Public Health Center 2500 S C St, Suite D, Oxnard (805) 981-5221 • Las Islas Family Medical Group 2400 S C St, Oxnard (805) 240-7000 • Magnolia Family Health Center 120 Magnolia Ave, Oxnard (805) 981-5151 • St. John’s Regional Medical Center 1600 N Rose Ave, Oxnard 93030 (805) 981-5221 For more information, visit the following web links: (Type “sharp” and your Zip Code on the “Find a Recycling or Re-Use Location” search bar on the top of the page) Sharps Web Page City of Port Hueneme COMMUNITY NEWS Living Green Stop Stormwater Pollution There are many small improvements to make your home more friendly to the environment that won’t cost a lot of money. Small changes at home can translate to big savings in energy and dollars. Some examples: Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs This Curb Sign is a Reminder Storm drains convey runoff from your neighborhood to the nearest body of water. Contrary to popular belief, storm drains do not carry storm water to wastewater treatment plants – storm drains lead directly to our streams, beaches and the ocean. Pollutants can be carried by runoff from every street, parking lot, sidewalk, driveway, yard and garden. Examples of types of these pollutants are: • Sediment • Pet Wastes • Pesticides • Fertilizer • Automobile Fluids (oil, grease, antifreeze) • Grass Clippings, Leaves, and other Yard Waste • Construction Materials (paints, concrete, thinners, drywall compound) • Trash (cups, wrappers, bags, cigarette butts, plastic bottles) Everyone can make a difference by doing small things such as: picking up after your pets, using alternative pesticides and fertilizers, regular automobile maintenance, and proper disposal of construction materials and trash. Let’s all help make our environment and our community a cleaner place to live. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about how to help prevent storm water pollution, please contact the Wastewater Division at 986-6661 or visit the Ventura County Watershed Protection District on-line at or visit Changing ten 60-watt bulbs in your home will save on average more than $373 over the life of the new bulbs and prevent more than 1,700 pounds of carbon emissions. Changing ten bulbs of 100 watts will save more than $622 and prevent almost 3,000 pounds of carbon emissions. Appliances Energy-efficient appliances can save $80 a year for the average homeowner who spends $1,900 on power bills. If one in ten homes switched to Energy Star-rated appliances, it would be the same as planting 1.7 million acres of trees. For example, a new Energy Star-rated refrigerator uses 40% less energy than a traditional one from 2001. Heat & Air Conditioning A programmable thermostat set 8 degrees lower in winter and 4 degrees higher in summer for eight hours during the day and 10 hours at night will save the average family $150 a year. Water Heating Turning down your water heater by 20 degrees can save as much as 10% in energy costs. Many water heater thermostats are preset to 140 degrees even though most households need hot water only at 115 degrees to 120 degrees. Each 10-degree reduction in water temperature will save homeowners 3% to 5% in energy costs. – 19 – COMMUNITY NEWS YOU CAN’T FLUSH THIS! Indiscriminate flushing can cause high plumber’s bills, clogged pipes and harm to aquatic life. The toilet is a magical trashcan. Simply toss, flush, and your garbage is marvelously whooshed away to some watery subterranean netherworld, never to be seen again. Or so we like to think. In fact, such practices clog toilets, damage water treatment facilities, necessitate expensive cleanups, increase water and sewer bills, create raw sewage overflows, harm marine animals and create toxic environmental issues. When you use your toilet, shower, sinks, washing machine and dishwasher, wastewater leaves your home through pipes that connect to the city sewer system. Many materials frequently flushed down the drain can harm the pipes that connect to the sewer system as well as the homeowner’s system. Putting the wrong things down the drain can damage the sewer system and cause sewer backups in your home. The “Dont” List: 1. “Flushable” Wipes 2. Prescription Medication don’t get clogged! Fats, oils and grease (FOG) separate from other liquids as it goes down your drain. The FOG cools and sticks to household pipes and sewer pipes. Over time, pipes become clogged and wastewater flow becomes restricted. The clogged pipes back up and flood your home with wastewater. Or, it causes wastewater to overflow onto the street. The untreated wastewater can then flow to local waterways. Sewer overflows can harm the environment. Not only is FOG costly to the environment, it is also costly to ratepayers. What Are the Proper Methods for Disposing of Fats, Oils, and Grease in the Kitchen? Proper Disposal is Easy! 1. Fats, oils and grease should never be poured down the sink. Sink drains and garbage disposals are not designed to properly handle these materials. 2. Before washing, scrape and dry wipe pots, pans and dishes with paper towels and dispose of materials in the trash. Use sink strainers to catch food items, then empty into the trash. 3. Pour fats, oils and grease after it has cooled into a container, such as an empty glass jar or coffee can. Once the container is full, secure the lid and place it in the trash. 4. Clean oil (strained with food particles removed) may be brought to Clean Harbors Environments Services free of charge to Port Hueneme residents. 3. Cotton Balls, Swabs, or any Personal Care Item 4. Cigarette Butts 5. Cat Litter None of these items degrade and all them cause clogging and backups in the nation’s sewer systems. This is costing millions of dollars to dispatch crews to unclog pipes, pumps, and replace machinery. They also cause expensive plumbing problems for the homeowner and even sewer backups into the residence. Some of them contain toxic chemicals that don’t belong in our water system. There is only ONE thing that should be flushed down a toilet – TOILET PAPER! Doing otherwise causes everyone to pay higher water and sewer bills and harms the environment. – 20 – Clean Harbors Environmental Service (805) 987-0717 880 W. Verdulera St. Camarillo, CA 93010 (Near Camarillo Airport) City of Port Hueneme COMMUNITY NEWS – NOTICIAS DE LA COMUNIDAD THESE ITEMS DO NOT BELONG IN YOUR GRAY TRASH CART OR BLUE RECYCLING BIN Estos Árticulos No Pertenecen En Su Bote Gris De Basura Ni En Su Bote De Reciclaje Azul The following Hazardous Waste items need to go to: Los siguientes Desechos Peligrosos pueden ser depositados en: Clean Harbors Environmental Services 880 W. Verdulera St. Camarillo, CA 93010 (805) 987-0717 FREE OF CHARGE to Port Hueneme Residents SIN COSTO ALGUNO Para los residentes de Port Hueneme Please call to schedule an appointment Por favor llame para hacer una cita UNIVERSAL & HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE (HHW) COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL Colecta de Desechos Peligrosos Universales del Hogar (HHW, por sus siglas en inglés) These items can be recycled at: Estos artículos pueden ser reciclados en: Del Norte Transfer Station 111 So. Del Norte Blvd. Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 278-8200 FREE OF CHARGE to Port Hueneme Residents SIN COSTO ALGUNO a los residentes de Port Hueneme • Common Batteries – Baterías comunes • Automobile Batteries – Baterías de automóvil • Fluorescent Tubes & Bulbs – Bulbos y tubos fluorescentes • Antifreeze – Anticongelante • Used Motor Oil – Aceite usado de automóvil • Water-based Latex paint – Pintura de agua de late • Electronic devices such as televisions, printers, computers, cell phones, telephones, radios and microwaves Aparatos electrónicos, como: Televisiones, impresoras, computadoras, teléfonos celulares, radios y microondas • Older thermostats with mercury inside Termostatos viejos con mercurio adentro • Electrical switches and relays found in some chest freezers Interruptores eléctricos encontrados en congeladores • Pilot light sensors containing mercury Sensores de pilotos de luz que contengan mercurio • Barometers, manometers, blood pressure and vacuum gauges Barómetros, manómetros, indicador de presión sanguínea y aspiradora. • Mercury thermometers – Termómetros de mercurio • Athletic shoes with flashing lights in the soles (manufactured before 1997) Tenis deportivos con luces en las suelas (que hayan sido fabricados antes de 1997) • Oil based paint – Pintura de aceite • Solvents – Solventes • Thinners – Quitapintura • Household cleaners Liquidos de limpieza • Electric space heaters with mercury switches Calefacciones electricos con switches de mercurio • Old clothes irons with mercury switches Viejas planchas ropas con interruptores de mercurio • Pesticides – Pesticidas – 21 – COMMUNITY NEWS WHAT TO DO WITH MATERIALS NOT ACCEPTED AT HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE COLLECTION EVENTS Smoke Detectors These contain low levels of radioactive waste. Please send them to the manufacturer for proper disposal. Tires Many tire stores accept used tires for a fee (between 75 cents and $5) or will dispose of your old tires free-of-charge when you purchase new ones. Del Norte Regional Recycling Center at (805) 278-8200 also accepts tires for a fee from Ventura County residents. Building Supplies • Habitat ReStore 121 S. Rice Ave., Oxnard (805) 981-2268 Construction & Demolition Debris Brush, Wood & Lumber Recycling • Cal-Wood Recycling (805) 986-2299 Concrete, Asphalt, Rock, Brick & Dirt • Vulcan materials company in Oxnard (805) 672-2505 Thanks for helping protect the environment! CELL PHONE RECYCLING Recycle your cell phones at any AT&T Wireless store, Verizon store or the Buyback Center at: Del Norte Transfer Station 111 S. Del Norte Blvd, Oxnard (Use Del Norte Blvd. entrance) (805) 278-8200 • 7 am – 4 pm Monday – Saturday (No charge) NO ILLEGAL DUMPING OF HAZARDOUS WASTE – Under Code Section 6007 – MOTOR OIL RECYCLING LOCATIONS Auto Zone Centerpoint Mall 154 Laurel Street, Oxnard (805) 487-4883 • 10 am – 12 Noon Monday – Friday (No charge) Pep Boys 939 S. Oxnard Boulevard, Oxnard (805) 486-6387 • 8 am – 9 pm Monday – Friday (No charge) Del Norte Transfer Station 111 S. Del Norte Blvd, Oxnard (Use Del Norte Blvd. entrance) (805) 278-8200 • 7 am – 4 pm Monday – Saturday (No charge) For additional locations and information, call 1-800-CLEANUP or visit MANDATORY COMMERCIAL RECYCLING REGULATIONS The State of California has made business recycling a requirement in newly enacted legislation (AB 341). As of July 1, 2012, all businesses that generate 4 cubic yards or more of trash per week and all multifamily complexes with five or more units (regardless of how much trash they generate) will be required to recycle. The threshold for compliance is determined by solid waste service capacity, and does not take into account whether or not the dumpster is actually filled on a weekly basis. Businesses sharing trash service that meet this threshold must recycle even if they individually do not generate 4 cubic yards of waste. Businesses include firms, partnerships, corporations, non-profit entities, strip malls (property complexes containing two or more commercial entities), industrial facilities, schools, colleges, universities and government facilities. If your business does not already subscribe to commercial recycling service, the City of Port Hueneme’s Solid Waste Division can help guide you through the transition. Free business waste evaluations are available to help determine the appropriate service level and get you started. In many cases adding recycling service can reduce your overall trash bill. For questions about your company’s current service levels, or to schedule a free solid waste evaluation, call (805) 986-6663. For information about Household Hazardous Waste Collection call (805) 987-0717. – 22 – City of Port Hueneme COMMUNITY NEWS PLACEMENT OF RESIDENTIAL TRASH & RECYCLING CONTAINERS FOR PICKUP To improve collection service and help keep rates low, the Public Works Department, Solid Waste Division requests that all containers be placed in the street near the curb & away from obstructions by 7 am on your normally scheduled pick-up day. This practice will allow the container to become more accessible. Please provide 2-foot clearance on either side of the containers so that the collection vehicle’s hydraulic arm can grab the container. Your used compact fluorescent bulbs can be recycled free of charge at the following locations: DO IT BEST HARDWARE/HOME/GARDEN 637 W. Channel Islands Blvd., Port Hueneme, CA 93041 CITY OF PORT HUENEME PUBLIC WORKS 700 E. Surfside Dr. #B, Port Hueneme, CA 93041 For those residents who live in condominium complexes, please place your container at least four feet away from your building. This placement will allow for clearance of the building when the container is lifted so that the container does not strike any overhang of the building. Please be aware of the following: • Place containers two (2) feet apart and two (2) feet from any obstacle. • Place container in the street by the curb. • Place container away from trees and poles. • We are unable to pick up trash if hazardous waste (i.e. oil, paint, etc.) is present in container. • Do not put tires in containers. • Do not place bags on top or around container. HOME DEPOT 401 W. Esplanade Dr., Oxnard, CA 93030 DEL NORTE TRANSFER STATION 111 S. Del Norte Blvd., Oxnard, CA 93030 CLEAN HARBORS 880 W. Verdulera St., Camarillo, CA 93010 (805) 987-0217 (by appointment only) Your used batteries, including flashlight, camera, watch, cell phone, small electronics batteries can be recycled free of charge at the following locations: • Do not overfill container. The lid must close. DO IT BEST HARDWARE/HOME/GARDEN 637 W. Channel Islands Blvd., Port Hueneme, CA 93041 • Any vehicle parked too close to a container will prevent pickup of the container. Solid Waste employees cannot re-position containers. CITY OF PORT HUENEME PUBLIC WORKS 700 E. Surfside Dr. #B, Port Hueneme, CA 93041 • We are unable to empty containers with objects sticking out two (2) or more feet. • Trim trees 16 feet above the street and along curb line. • Do not put greenwaste in the blue recycle carts. Please keep in mind that the purpose of automated vehicles is to allow for faster and more efficient service to our city. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. R. PRUETER LIBRARY 510 Park Ave., Port Hueneme, CA 93041 CITY OF PORT HUENEME CITY HALL 250 N. Ventura Rd., Port Hueneme, CA 93041 DEL NORTE TRANSFER STATION 111 S. Del Norte Blvd.. Oxnard, CA 93030 Questions? Please call 986-6650 – 23 – COMMUNITY NEWS TO KEEP OUR CITY LOOKING SPECIAL THE BLUE RECYCLE CART Here is a list of items that can be placed in your blue recycling cart. Here’s What’s Prohibited in the City of Port Hueneme Keeping our City looking special requires cooperation and effort on the part of our citizens – and Code Enforcement strictly enforces the following violations: • Parking on your grass or side yard (dirt or rock) – except on the day of street sweeping, and only on that day if your driveway has no room to park your car. • Vehicle repairs on public streets and on Nicole Misewitch driveways that are visible from public right-of-ways – if the vehicle must be repaired, it must be done inside your garage. • Inoperable vehicles – This includes vehicles with flat tires or an accumulation of dirt & debris under and around the vehicle. If a vehicle is being stored on a driveway, please keep the tires inflated and the car covered. • Overgrown Vegetation – Please mow your lawn regularly and keep bushes and shrubs trimmed. • Overgrown Trees – Trees in front yard areas must be kept a minimum of 16 feet above street areas and 7 feet above sidewalks. Shrubs growing over walls must be kept cut back to ensure pedestrians have unrestricted access on sidewalks. • No parking across sidewalk areas forcing pedestrians to walk around them (overhanging bumpers/fenders from short driveways). Also, no parking in front of driveways, even if it’s your own. If you have questions, please phone 986-6513. • No driving over a curb or a sidewalk. • • • • • Newspapers, magazines, cardboard Cereal boxes, junk mail, phone books Clean empty metal cans Clean plastic & glass bottles & lids Colored papers, aluminum foil & trays • Milk or juice cartons that do NOT have waxy residue. • Brown paper grocery bags • Catalogs, mixed paper • Frozen food boxes, envelopes • Plastic pots, dairy tubs (butter, yogurt) • Empty aerosol cans Do NOT place the following in your recycling cart: • Fluorescent lights, batteries of any kind • Electronics, computers, cell phones • Window glass or ceramics • Clothing or textiles • Plastic grocery bags • Hoses • Oil, oil based paints, antifreeze • Household cleaners, solvents • Items containing mercury • Pesticides • Pet waste • Styrofoam of any kind (cups, food containers or packing materials) • Greenwaste STREET SWEEPING FACTS: There are only four holidays per year that the street sweeper does not sweep. Those days are as follows: • July 4th • Thanksgiving (Thursday only) • Christmas Day • New Year’s Day The street sweeper does not sweep in the rain. If there is drizzle, chances are the sweeper will be coming around. However, anything heavier usually prevents the sweeper from performing its duties. Remember, it’s always best to phone City Hall at 986-6500 if you’re not sure street sweeping is being enforced. You may also call if you anticipate a problem with parking on your assigned street sweeping day. Just phone in prior to – 24 – your posted time and provide the vehicle make, color and license number as well as the reason the vehicle cannot be removed from the street, and we will get the information to the Parking Enforcement Officer. If you have a sweeper related complaint: • Street did not get swept • Sweeper causing too much dirt • Sweeper is driving too fast Email and provide: • Date and time of occurence • Location • Your contact information (optional) For more information please visit our website at City of Port Hueneme COMMUNITY NEWS GREENWASTE WHY COMPOST? To meet state requirements, the City initiated a program to divert yard clippings and other greenwaste from the landfill. The greenwaste is converted into mulch that is used to enhance soil and improve plant growth. • It’s easy! • It reduces the amount of waste you bring to the curb! Residents are requested and encouraged to utilize mulching blades on lawn mowers if possible. Mulching mowers reduce grass cuttings, leave less to dispose, and keep the nutrients on your lawn. As of July 1, 2014, homeowners can reserve a green waste container for $17.14. (Thursday drop off; Monday pick up) by contacting the Solid Waste Division at 986-6650. A limited number of containers are available weekly, so please schedule early. Misused containers contaminated with dirt, trash, bags, palm fronds or nails in wood will be subject to an additional charge of $104.94. If you have any questions, or desire this service, please call 986-6650. Landscape Contractors are required, by City Ordinance, to divert and deposit their greenwaste at a certified recycling facility. Prices subject to change without notice. • Composting returns rich organic material from your kitchen and garden into usable compost! • Composting improves the quality of your soil! For more information, please call the Solid Waste Division at 986-6550. DISCOUNTED COMPOST BINS ONLY $30 The City of Port Hueneme is proud to offer the “Garden Gourmet” Backyard Compost Bin for Port Hueneme residents ONLY. • Constructed completely from 100% recycled plastic. • Nothing to rot or rust. • Easy to assemble – no additional hardware needed. • UV safe – the black color absorbs and contains the heat. • The large peaked lid overlaps the unit making it resistant to pests. • Sliding door at bottom makes compost removal fast and efficient. • Guaranteed for 10 years. • Measures approximately 30” high x 2’ wide and weighs approximately 10 pounds. • Delivered directly to your door by the Solid Waste Division. • Please allow 7-10 days for delivery. • Checks or money orders only. Prices subject to change without notice. To Order Your “Garden Gourmet” Backyard Compost Bin Please complete this coupon and mail to: City of Port Hueneme Public Works Department – Solid Waste Division 250 N. Ventura Road, Port Hueneme, CA 93041 Name: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: (Home) __________________________________________ ( Work) __________________________________________ — Please make checks payable to: City of Port Hueneme — – 25 – COMMUNITY NEWS DUMPSTER/ROLL OFF RENTALS The Port Hueneme Municipal Code requires that the Port Hueneme Solid Waste Division provide all bin rentals within City limits unless a private contractor, using their own container for material disposal, obtains a selfhaul permit and reports all disposal tonnage to the Solid Waste Division. To order a bin, a completed application and bin deposit may be required. The application and deposit must be submitted to the City of Port Hueneme Finance Department in City Hall at 250 N. Ventura Road a minimum of 24 hours prior to bin delivery. Three (3) cubic yard bins and six (6) cubic yard bins are for use for up to one month and are delivered Monday-Friday. Thirteen (13), twenty (20) and forty (40) cubic yard bins are delivered Monday-Friday. Some City-observed holidays are excluded from the delivery schedule Due to traffic, road and weather conditions and/or waittime at disposal sites, it is not possible to schedule an EXACT time for deliveries or exchanges. All services are done between the hours of 7:30 am and 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday excluding holidays. 3-Cubic Yard Bin Delivery Fee $ 51.77 Delivery Fee $104.94 Collection/Disposal $156.70 Deposit 6-Cubic Yard Bin (Temporary) PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDARS 2015-2016 Residential Trash / Recycle Holiday Pickup Schedule July 4, 2015 – Independence Day Trash and recycling schedule will not be affected by the July 4th Holiday. Please have your carts curbside by 7am on your regularly scheduled pick up day. November 26, 2015– Thanksgiving No pick up on Thursday, November 26. Thursday’s trash will be picked up on Friday, November 27. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday will have pick up on the normal day. Christmas Tree Disposal 2016 Christmas trees will be recycled the week of January 4-8, 2016 – on your normal pick up day. Please remove stands, all tinsel and ornaments before placing the tree next to your trash cart. $ 51.77 Delivery Fee $202.88 Collection/Disposal $254.65 Deposit 13-Cubic, 20-Cubic or 40-Cubic Yard Bin $ 51.77 Delivery Fee $163.00 Collection/Disposal $608.33 Deposit * Disposal Additional * Applicable disposal fee per ton will be charged to the customer. If no service within 30 days a rental fee will be applied. Please call the Solid Waste Division at (805) 986-6650 with any questions. Prices subject to change. – 26 – City of Port Hueneme RECREATION & COMMUNITY SERVICES SURVEY Please take a couple of minutes to give us your feedback. We Want to Hear from YOU! Want MORE recreation classes, programs, Send your completed form to: and events? Tell us what YOU would like Port Recreation: 250 N. Ventura Road, Hueneme’s Recreation Department to offer! Port Hueneme CA 93041 or Your opinion counts. THANK YOU for helping us make a better Port Hueneme! 1. What Community Center programs or services do you or your family currently use? o Chess Lessons o Senior Exercise o Dancin’ with Pam o Senior Wii Bowling o Hip Hop Dance o Senior Nutrition What ideas do you have for programs or classes at the Community Center?______________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. What Parks do you visit in Port Hueneme? How many times have you visited in the last year (including taking classes) and how do you rate each Park (Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor)? o Bolker Park o Bubbling Springs Park o Hueneme Beach Park o Moranda Park o Beach Park o 1-3 times o 1-3 times o 1-3 times o 1-3 times o 1-3 times o 4-9 times o 4-9 times o 4-9 times o 4-9 times o 4-9 times o 10 or more o 10 or more o 10 or more o 10 or more o 10 or more Rating:________________ Rating:________________ Rating:________________ Rating:________________ Rating:________________ What activities would you participate in at the Parks?__________________________________________________ What improvements do you think our Parks need? ___________________________________________________ 3. What Beach activities have you or your family participated in? o Junior Lifeguard Program o Hueneme Beach Festival o Walking the Lighthouse Promenade Other:_________________________________________________________________________________________ What activities would you participate in at the Beach? _________________________________________________ What improvements do you think our Beach needs? __________________________________________________ 4. How do you hear about City Activities and recreational opportunities? o City Website Notifications: o City Facebook Page: o Hueneme Magazine o Water Bill Inserts o Word of Mouth from Family/Friends Other: ________________________________________________________________________________________ What other ways would you like to be notified about upcoming events and programs?________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Ages of the members of your household: ____________________________________________________________ Name & Contact Info (optional):____________________________________________________________________ – 27 – COMMUNITY NEWS – 28 – City of Port Hueneme COMMUNITY NEWS – 29 – COMMUNITY NEWS Water Conservation Message Water conservation is not only a shared responsibility of the City of Port Hueneme and its residents, but a key part of an integrated resource strategy to ensure Port Hueneme’s customers continue to have enough water to meet their needs. As water becomes increasingly scarce, public agencies, businesses and water managers are looking for new and sustainable ways to resolve water supply concerns. With the cost of water and sewer services on the rise, water conservation is just another way that you can help protect the environment and save money. Whether you use water wisely or waste it, we still pay for every drop. By conserving water, you can save on other services. When less hot water is used, less energy is required to heat the water, thereby decreasing electric and gas bills. When you use less water, less water goes down the sewer drain which helps hold down sewer processing costs. Water conservation is quite simple and something we should all get into the habit of doing. Often, we do not appreciate what is abundant and easy to obtain. We turn on the faucet at any time of the day and water is there, ready for our use. But have you ever wondered where this water is coming from? It doesn’t just automatically appear. Treated water has to be carefully manufactured. It is only available in your home after it has gone through a lengthy treatment process and traveled through miles of underground pipelines. Each of us will be better prepared for the next drought if we take action now by retrofitting high-water-using fixtures, appliances, equipment, and landscapes. When droughts occur, it seems to bring out the water conservationist in all of us. By practicing efficient water usage, it will reduce the amount of stress that we place on our resources. When we conserve water, it minimizes the wear and tear on major infrastructure such as water and wastewater treatment plants, as well as distribution systems which deliver water. The City of Port Hueneme has taken the steps to reduce water consumption by participating with the Metropolitan Water District and the Family of Southern California Water Agencies to provide outreach programs to help educate the public on the importance of water conservation. By participating in this program, you can help reduce water consumption while experiencing minimal lifestyle changes. For updated conservation information and rebate programs please visit Furthermore, water conservation will not only help your children become responsible environmental citizens, but it also helps to ensure an adequate water supply. However, it is only when each of us embraces and applies effective water conservation measures, that the City can be successful in meeting its long-term water supply goals. – 30 – UNDERSTANDING THE WATER CONSERVATION ORDINANCE The City of Port Hueneme has recently completed the installation of water meters citywide, which will allow for the measurement of water use at specific locations. In addition, the City has begun to initiate an official water conservation program similar to the efforts of other cities in our region. This ordinance addresses water conservation and the wasteful activities (not the use of water) to help limit the impacts of our water supplies. The following items have become a permanent requirement of the water conservation ordinance: • Prohibit landscape watering between 9 am and 5 pm on any day except if watering is done with a hand-held hose. • Limit the watering duration while using a landscape irrigation system to 15 minutes per station. • Prohibit excessive water runoff. • Prohibit washing down of paved areas except for safety and sanitary reasons. • Require plumbing or irrigation line leaks and breaks to be repaired. • Require water fountains to use re-circulated water. • Limits washing of vehicles to be done using a hand-held bucket or hand-held hose equipped with a positive selfclosing water shutoff nozzle. • Requires patrons to request water at eating establishments. • Requires lodging establishments to provide the option to their customers for daily linen services. • Requires food preparation establishments from using non-water conserving dish wash spray valves. Included in the ordinance are provisions to incorporate additional restrictions (Levels) if needed as water supplies continue to decrease: Levels 1, 2 and 3 (exhibit A) include additional consumer demand water reduction measures. To address any hardships resulting from the water supply shortages, procedures have been included to provide a process for review. A public outreach effort will be initiated to inform residents and commercial establishments of the new requirements related to the water conservation ordinance. The City will send out notices of the ordinance and provide enforcement as needed to the abuser of our water supplies. The passing of this ordinance will ensure that all available rebates, conservation resources and grant funds offered by the State and the Metropolitan Water District are made available to the City’s customers. A copy of the ordinance is available at In addition, the Water Division is available to answer any questions you may have regarding the ordinance. Call 986-6563. City of Port Hueneme COMMUNITY NEWS DIRECT PAY PROGRAM FOR CITIZENS’ UTILITY BILLS What are some advantages of direct pay? Your bill gets paid automatically, on time, whether you are at home or out of town. You never have to worry about penalties. You never have to write a check. How does direct pay work? Once direct pay is implemented for your account, you will continue to receive your itemized bi-monthly utility bill. It will read: “DO NOT PAY” on the right-hand side of the Remittance Stub. Fifteen (15) days after the billing date, your checking account will automatically be debited for all current charges shown on your bill. Of course, you can still call the City if you ever have questions about your bill. Who is eligible to be part of Direct Pay? Direct Pay is open to all residential and business customers. Your City of Port Hueneme utility account must have no past due amounts on the account and include a history of no more than one returned check in the last twelve month period. What does it cost? There is no charge from the City of Port Hueneme to participate. However, some financial institutions may charge a transaction fee for electronic fund transfers. Please check with your bank regarding any possible fees. After I’m enrolled, how do I change information on my enrollment? It is critical that you immediately notify the City of Port Hueneme regarding any changes (bank account information, address, etc.) Inaccurate information may result in payments being refused by your financial institution. The City cannot be responsible for losses, including late penalties applied to your account, which result from inaccurate information or failure to provide timely notification of changes. What happens in the event of a rejected payment? Payments may be rejected by your financial institution because of insufficient funds, closed/unauthorized accounts, or other reasons. Check with your financial institution for any fees it may impose. If your payment is rejected, the City will charge a $25 processing fee; $35 for a subsequent rejection. This is the same fee charged for returned checks. The City reserves the right to terminate your participation in the Direct Pay program if your payment is rejected more than twice within a twelve month period. How do I stop being a part of Direct Pay? You may cancel your participation at any time by calling customer service at (805) 986-6524 Monday through Friday 8 am to 5 pm. Termination will be effective no later than ten (10) business days after we receive your notification. Go to to learn how to pay your bills online. Direct Pay Program Application & Agreement City Account Number_____________________________ — Please attach a voided check, check copy or enclose with your next check payment — Name __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Service Address ________________________________________ Port Hueneme, CA 93041 Phone No._________________ Name of Your Financial Institution _______________________________________ Account No.__________________________ I hereby authorize the City of Port Hueneme and my financial institution designated above to automatically deduct from the above mentioned account all future payments for my utility bill. I understand that both the City of Port Hueneme and my financial institution reserve the right to terminate the authorization and my participation therein. If I choose to terminate this authorization, I will immediately notify the City of Port Hueneme. Signature ________________________________________________________ Date ___________________________________ – 31 – ® Port Hueneme Beach Soccer Tournament — Saturday & Sunday — April 25-26 Hueneme Beach Park 550 Park Avenue, Port Hueneme $375 Three Games Guaranteed Youth • Adults • Men • Women • Coed Food • Brazilian Style Barbeque Games • Entertainment In Partnership with the Proud Sponsor of the Copa Cabana Beach Soccer Tournaments Register at • Copa Cabana Hotline City 949.294.2989 – 32 – of Port Hueneme – 33 – August 22 & 23 Presented by 11 am – 6 pm • Both Days Free Parking • Free Admission Hueneme Beach Park next to the Pier A Fun Filled Family Weekend! • Live Music • Children’s Area • Food Booths • Community Booths • Exhibits • Arts & Crafts Booths More info at 805.986.6542 • SPECIAL EVENTS/TENNIS SANTA CLAUS IS COMING TO PORT HUENEME Jolly Old St. Nick will be making his annual visit through the streets of Port Hueneme. Santa and his helpers will be passing out candy and listening to your Christmas wishes. So – boys and girls, you “Better Watch Out and You Better Be Good” and get ready to meet Santa and his volunteer helpers who will again be visiting your neighborhood for one week in December (Monday through Thursday). SENIOR HOLIDAY PARTY & LUNCHEON All seniors are invited to attend the Luncheon and Holiday Party with entertainment and lots of Christmas spirit. Reservations are a must. Space is limited. Tickets go on sale starting November 2. Day: Tuesday, December 8 Time: 11 am - 1 pm Fee: $5 per person Pre-Registration Required Prior to December 1 Where: Orvene S. Carpenter Community Center 550 Park Avenue MORANDA PARK COMPLEX Moranda Park, located off of Hueneme Road, has 8 tennis courts, 1 softball field, 2 outdoor basketball courts, a playground for children and a large grassy area that’s great for picnics. Reserved Tennis Court Use Fees: Open seven days a week 7:30am-4pm (Fall – Winter Hours) Courts may be open later during Spring and Summer. – First come, first serve basis. Free for drop in – Use of reserved tennis court $5 per hour Use of reserved tennis court (non-profit use) $3 per hour Reserved Softball Field Use Fees: The softball field is available to the public on a first come, first serve basis. The softball field can be reserved in advance for a fee. Use of softball facilities (2 hour minimum) No lights $15 per hour ($30 minimum) Use of Lights $30 per hour ($60 minimum) Note: 3-hour minimum charge for softball tournaments. WE WANT YOU! The City of Port Hueneme is looking to expand its Recreation classes, programs and events. Senior Holiday Boutique The annual Senior Holiday Boutique will be held before the holiday luncheon on Tuesday, December 8 at 9:30 am in Room D. The Boutique will re-open after the luncheon at 1 pm. The ladies who meet regularly at the Center will display and sell their goods. Stop by and pick up some handcrafted ornaments for your tree! This Boutique is open to the general public free of charge. We would like to hear from you, our residents, what might be of interest to you. • What types of classes would you participate in? • Have you attended the Hueneme Beach Festival? What other special events would you like to see in the future? Your opinion counts and is very important to your City leaders. We look forward to hearing your suggestions. Please email us at: to let your voice be heard. Thanks for helping us improve our City. – 35 – SPECIAL EVENTS JUNIOR LIFEGUARD PROGRAM Ocean rescue, first aid, and surfing are just some of the activities taught at the Junior Lifeguard Program. Each four week session is designed for boys and girls 9 to 16 years of age to become familiar with the ocean environment. Lifesaving skills, physical training, and ocean ecology are emphasized. Bring your sack lunch and join in the fun! A swimming test is required. These tests will be held June 6 & 13, 2015 from 1-3 pm on Hueneme Beach at the base of the pier. Only new junior lifeguards need to test. REGISTRATION Space is limited. Full 4-week registrations will be accepted on a first-come first-served basis. You may pre-register by mail or register in person at the Port Hueneme Community Center, 550 Park Avenue. For more information, call 986-6542. Days: Monday through Friday Time: 9:30 am – 2 pm Session I: June 22 – July 17 Session II: July 20 – August 14 Fees: $200 – Port Hueneme resident $300 – Non-resident Additional Sibling Discount: Deduct $20 Additional sibling discount does not apply to Resident Discount. Location: Hueneme Beach * Program specifics may change – 36 – Uniform Requirements: A solid black bathing suit is required. Board shorts for boys and one-piece suit for girls. Jr. Lifeguard Program T-shirts and sweatshirts will be available for purchase all season. Financial Aid Information: There will be a limited number of partial or full scholarships available this season. To be eligible you must be a Port Hueneme resident currently certified by SCE or The Gas Company for the “CARE” program. Scholarship applications will be available at the Port Hueneme Community Center office, 550 Park Avenue, and must be completed and turned in by June 12, 2015. Applicants will be verified and notified as to the amount of scholarship award. Proof of Residency: In order to receive the lower resident rate, Port Hueneme residents must show proof of residency at time of registration. City of Port Hueneme YOUTH PROGRAMS PRE-BALLET & TUMBLING HIP HOP DANCE CLASS The City of Port Hueneme is offering a jazz, hip-hop video style dance class for ages 9-15. This program will offer beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels of dance instruction. With advanced skills, the dance program will establish a performance team to compete in Vasquez Fam ily local events. Each class will be 50 minutes long. Instructor: La Tunya Clark Instructor: Pam Cohen Day:Mondays Times: Children ages 5-8 5:30-6:20 pm (NEW! Intro to Dance – Starts June 1) Beginning: 6:30-7:20 pm Intermediate: 7:30-8:20 pm Port Hueneme Community Center Fees: Residents: Non-residents: Day:Wednesdays Time: 9:30-10:15 am Location: Port Hueneme Community Center Fee: Collected by instructor first day of class Spring 2015 Session:Ongoing Location: Young ones enjoy the fun and playful atmosphere of this class. The students are taught elementary ballet steps, techniques and beginning tumbling moves. The class is also designed to enhance coordination, concentration, rhythm, develop physical fitness and promote social skills. This class is scheduled for children 3 and 4 years of age. Please call the instructor at 485-7329 for information or go to $1 per class plus $5 registration fee $4 per class plus $5 registration fee Financial Aid Information: To ensure affordability for residents with children, the Port Hueneme City Council has appropriated a contribution to resident fees. The lower fees are for Port Hueneme residents only. Proof of Residency: In order to receive the lower resident rate, Port Hueneme residents must show proof of residency at time of registration. Parks Ma ke Life Better! 6 weeks – $40 fee Session 1: April 22 to May 27 – Leather or cloth ballet shoes required – JAZZ/BALLET In this class, the students are taught elementary ballet movements, techniques, and a combination of popular hip-hop moves and dynamic jazz steps. The class is also designed to teach skills to develop balance, coordination, rhythm, physical fitness and social skills. This class is designed for children 5 years of age and older. Please call the instructor at 485-7329 for information or go to Instructor: Pam Cohen Day:Fridays Time: 4-5 pm Location: Port Hueneme Community Center Fee: Collected by instructor first day of class Spring 2015 6 weeks – $40 fee Session 1: April 24 to May 29 – 37 – ADULT & YOUTH PROGRAMS free chess lessons in port hueneme The City of Port Hueneme is offering a class to introduce the game of Chess to children and adults. Chess is one of the most powerful educational tools available to strengthen a child’s mind. It’s fairly easy to learn how to play. Most six or seven year olds can follow the basic rules. Some kids as young as four or five can play. Just like learning a language or music, an early start can help a child become more proficient. Whatever a child’s age, chess can enhance concentration, patience, and perseverance, as well as develop creativity, intuition, memory, and most importantly, the ability to analyze and deduce from a set of general principles, learning to make tough decisions and solve problems flexibly. Chess is a test of patience, nerves, willpower and concentration. It enhances your ability to interact with other people. It tests your sportsmanship in a competitive environment. Chess improves schoolwork and grades. Numerous studies have shown that children obtain a higher reading level, math level and a greater learning ability overall as a result of playing chess, thus increasing their overall self-esteem. Chess opens up the world for your child. It is a universal language. Most tournaments welcome players of all abilities. Chess enables you to meet many interesting people and encourages you make new friends. All necessary materials are provided by the City of Port Hueneme. Class Instructor: Jack Cashman Day:Tuesdays Time: 4-5:30 pm Location: Port Hueneme Community Center 550 Park Avenue, Port Hueneme Fee: Free For more information call (805) 986-6542. – 38 – First Aid & CPR/AED Class This class teaches adult, child, and infant CPR/AED using lecture, video and hands-on practice (with manikins). This class will also cover basic first aid skills including choking, controlling bleeding, recognizing shock, caring for burns, and dealing with sudden illness. Students who pass the written test and can demonstrate the proper techniques on the manikin will receive a 2-year card certifying them in CPR/AED and First Aid. This class is for childcare providers, teachers, coaches, and the general public. This class is not for professional rescuers and is not credited for health care providers. To register for this class please visit *Walk-ups welcome if space is available. Classes are subject to cancellation. There are 15 spots available per class. Day:Fridays Time: 9 am-5 pm Location: Orvene S. Carpenter Community Center 550 Park Avenue, Port Hueneme Fee: $60 (pre-registered online) • $75 (walk-up) Class Schedule 2015: April 10 April 24 May 8 May 22 June 5 June 19 July 17 July 31 August 28 September 11 September 25 October 9 October 23 November 6 December 4 For more information about this class please call (805) 415-8165 or email City of Port Hueneme SENIOR PROGRAMS PORT HUENEME SENIOR SERVICES & PROGRAMS The Senior Center is open daily, Monday through Friday, from 9 am – 5 pm. Seniors are welcome to drop by and attend any of the programs of special interest. We believe you will enjoy the classes and especially the friendly people you will meet. Most programs are free to seniors; however, a fee is charged when supplies are used for personal use. For more information call 986-6542. SENIOR EXERCISE Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings are the place to be to catch the Sizzlin Senior low impact aerobics class that has been going strong for 15 years. Being in the field of fitness for over 25 years Sharon Kloeris, a former Jazzercise instructor, choreographs and teaches the morning class three days a week. Each class consists of a full hour of low impact aerobics, which include a warm up, isolation, low impact cardio, upper torso training with or without weights, stretching and floor routines. It’s a great way to kick start your day, have fun, socialize and get fit. It’s a proven fact that the better physical and mental shape you are in, your body handles sickness, recovery from operations, life’s everyday stress much quicker than non-active. It’s never too late to start an exercise program. Join us and experience the benefits of exercise. Wear comfortable clothing and seniors are advised to consult with their physician prior to participation. Instructor: Sharon Kloeris Days: Mondays & Fridays Time: 9-10 am Days:Wednesdays Time: 8:15-9:15 am First Class:Ongoing Fee: No charge Location: Port Hueneme Community Center BRIDGE Senior bridge players meet every Friday from 11 am-2 pm to enjoy a few hours of good companionship and social fun. Bring a light lunch or snack for break time. Day: Friday Time: 11 am – 2 pm First Class: Ongoing Fee: No charge Location: Port Hueneme Community Center NEEDLE ART This class is designed for seniors who wish to learn the techniques of knitting, crocheting and cross stitching on plastic. Seniors will be learning from each other and sharing their ideas in needlecraft. If you are a beginner, you will enjoy this class that lets you work at your own pace. Advanced students are also welcome. Days: Thursday Time: 9:30 – 11:30 am First Class:Ongoing Fee: No charge (Cost of supplies only) Location: Port Hueneme Community Center VOLUNTEER DRIVERS Do you have an hour a week between 10 and 11 am? The Senior Nutrition Program needs you. We need caring people willing to deliver nutritious meals to homebound senior citizens. All volunteers are reimbursed for their mileage. For more information please call (805) 986-6676. WII BOWLING FOR SENIORS The City of Port Hueneme is offering virtual bowling for seniors age 50 and over. The Nintendo Wii game system uses a motion sensor controller that allows players to mimic the movement involved in bowling from a standing or sitting position. ”It’s fabulous fun,” said a senior center member who played the Wii for the first time. ”I’m actually moving and standing. I bowled such a long time ago, and this is a great way to keep going.” Wii Bowling is becoming one of the most popular activities at senior centers across the country. The City sends a team to the annual Ventura County Wii Bowling Tournament in Camarillo. The light exercise, without having to roll a heavy ball, is attractive for all older adults who want to continue to be active in a fun, social atmosphere. The City of Port Hueneme provides this program as part of an ongoing effort to promote senior health and independence. Days: Monday Time: 10-11 am First Class:Ongoing Fee: No charge Location: Port Hueneme Community Center – 39 – SENIOR PROGRAMS TOE NAIL CUTTING A licensed and insured pedicurist will be doing clinical style pedicures twice a month for seniors. The treatment includes a vibrating foot bath, nails cut and filed, and lotion applied to feet and calves. All equipment sterilized between each client. Pedicurist: Susan Spangler Days: 2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month Time: 9 am – 3:30 pm By appointment only Call 987-3931 Fee: $15 Location: Community Center Senior Activity Room PORT HUENEME SENIOR NUTRITION PROGRAM All seniors age 60 and over who are unable to prepare their own meals because of physical disabilities and are homebound are eligible for home delivered meals. This service is provided by the City of Port Hueneme’s Senior Nutrition Program. Nutritious meals are delivered to the home. Suggested donated cost per meal is $2.75. For more information call (805) 986-6676. LEGAL AID Attorneys from Grey Law will provide free legal assistance to seniors on the second Thursday of each month at the Port Hueneme Senior Center. Appointments must be made in advance. Please call 1(800) 794-9464 for an appointment. Alzheimer’s ASSOCIATION: Help is ONLY a phone call away The Alzheimer’s Association offers free patient and family consultations, support groups, education workshops and referral information throughout Ventura County. Family members and caregivers have the opportunity to share information, develop caregiver skills and provide mutual support in small group settings. Our trained facilitators offer groups catered specifically to adult children caregivers, spouse caregivers, and persons with dementia, as well as general support groups. We have dedicated funds to provide limited respite for qualified caregivers. For more information and to apply for respite, contact Janine Jackson, education and care specialist, in our Ventura county office at (805) 494.5200, Ext. 104 or email her at Janine is available the 3rd Thursday of the month at Port Hueneme Community Center by appointment. If you are a caregiver, have been diagnosed yourself, or think you might have early dementia, please call us toll-free at (800) 272-3900 (24-hours/7 days/week), to talk to someone or to get information specific to your needs. Visit us at for free online workshops or more information. SENIOR TRANSPORTATION Transportation is now available to all seniors over 65 through Gold Coast Transit Access. Use this shared-ride service to travel with others anywhere you may need to go in the service area. Fare is $3 each way. For more information on this service, see page 10. MAR VISTA SENIOR APARTMENTS FREE VISUAL AID COUNSELING The Braille Institute is a private, nonprofit organization that provides educational training, programs, and services free of charge to people of all ages who are blind or visually impaired. A consultant from the Braille Institute will hold visual aid screenings, by appointment, at the Orvene Carpenter Community Center. This is a free service. To make an appointment, call (805) 983-3324 or go to – 40 – The Housing Authority of the City of Port Hueneme is accepting applications for their senior development in Port Hueneme. Applicants must be elderly (62+) or disabled. Income Limits: One person – $31,050 Two people – $35,500 Units consist of one bedroom and studio apartments that include stove and refrigerator. All utilities are included with the exception of cable and telephone. Applications can be picked up at the Port Hueneme Housing Authority at 250 N. Ventura Road, or go to the City’s website at City of Port Hueneme CITY FACILITY INFORMATION 2 Ray D. Prueter Library 510 Park Ave. 486-5460 3 Orvene S. Carpenter Community Center & Senior Activity Center 550 Park Ave. 986-6542 Monday – Friday 8:30 am – 5 pm 4 Bubbling Springs Park Park Ave. between Ventura Rd. & Bard Ave. 5 9 Port Hueneme Historical Museum 220 Market St. 488-2023 Tuesday – Thursday 12 – 3 pm Port Hueneme City Hall 250 N. Ventura Rd. Hueneme Beach Park 6 Surfside Drive at Ventura Road & Municipal Pier (No Lifeguards on Duty in Fall/Winter) 101 FRW Y. 1 CHANNEL ISLANDS BLVD. SUNKIST ST. PEARSON RD. Y. 1 BARD AVE. PA R K A 4 2 3 PLEASANT VALLEY RD. Parks Ma ke Life Better! HW . 8 Moranda Park 200 Moranda Parkway Daily Fall/Winter Hours Monday – Sunday 7:30 am – 4 pm Spring/Summer Hours 7:30 am – 7:30 pm FROM VENTURA VE 7 Hueneme Pier Terminus of Ventura Rd. VENTURA RD. 1 Bolker Park Bolker Drive West of Hueneme Bay 9 MARKET ST. 5 HUENEME RD. 8 6 NORTH NOT TO SCALE 7 YOUTH SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS Boys & Girls Club of Port Hueneme AYSO Phone (805) 271-9773 North – South – Boy Scouts of America Girls Seaside Softball Phone (805) 482-8938 Hueneme School District Port Hueneme Little League Phone (805) 488-3588 Special Olympics Phone (805) 650-7717 YMCA Phone Ventura: (805) 642-2131 Phone Camarillo: (805) 484-0423 Web & Competitive Sports - Youth & Adult La Esperanza Soccer Club CBC Jr. Baseball Panthers Football Swimming Lessons/Water Polo & Swimming Teams: Marjean’s Channel Islands Rio Mesa Buenaventura City of Ventura – 41 – City of Port Hueneme 250 N. Ventura Road Port Hueneme, CA 93041 Residential Customer PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 634 Oxnard, CA ECRWSS Get the scoop on how YOU can participate! • Call 805.986.6542