Conejo Trail Riders April 2009 Newsletter
Conejo Trail Riders April 2009 Newsletter
Family Fun through Motorcycle Trail Riding CTR Newsletter June 2009 Ari, George and I arrived Tues- was nice. We got up early Sunday much work for such a little day to setup the ribbon for the and everyone helped pull the rib- turnout each year. weekend’s ride. It was very warm bon. Thanks to all. Lenny Alexman during the afternoon, which I would like to thank Ari Keith, made the ribboning that much harder and longer to ribbon. On Thursday Ari, suffering from a cold or the flu, just could not finish and we went back to camp. Luckily Chuck Pane arrived Thursday and helped George and I finish the ribbon. On Friday Chuck Pane and Ed Slater went out to check the ribbon since we knew it needed some adjustments. Again it was hot and they made it about half way before the heat got to Ed and he had to come back to camp. George, Kelly Green and I then went back and finished checking the rest of the ribbon. Gary Silman also went out and finMoonrise over Teagle Wash—Gary Silman ished the “C” loop. We had a 17-mile “C” loop and a fifty Gary Silman, Kelly Green, JULY RIDE AT mile “AB” loop. Kristine Green, Mike Cronin, Ed SILVERWOOD IS CANCELED! Friday night we made tri tip Slater, Chuck Pane and Buddy Perand potatoes for all the helpers. cin for helping out. A special Inside this Issue Saturday arrived and we only thanks to George Paniagua for takWhat’s Do You Want?, p. 2 had 5 rigs and Curt Horst, be- ing the lead in setting up the June Flyer, p. 3 sides ourselves, show up. Some course. Someone has to take the Classifieds, p. 4 rode the “C” and some tried the lead and George did an excelMay Ride Pics, p. 5 “AB.” We had an informal pot lent job. Birthdays, Anniversaries, p. 6 luck and Gary made margaritas This will be our last time putEven More Ride Pics, p. 7 for all. It was a small group, which ting on this event. It is just too CTR Newsletter Page 2 The Problem Trailmasters don’t know the amount of riders and weekend participants for which to plan, nor what you want? They no longer know if you’ll attend? Do you want a GPS ride? A ribbon ride? Will you bring beginners, C riders? Do your non-riders want entertainment or games? Will you be camping for the weekend or just day-riding? Will you attend the business meeting and participate in conversation there? Should they plan refreshment and potlucks? Explanation This club started as a “family motorcycle club.” It has evolved over time, into a “family vehicle club” so that we all can continue with friends and relatives. Trailto play and enjoy the friends masters often spend days, hours, we’ve made over several years, money, and resources; they pull and make new friends who enjoy favors, and experience a loss in the same activity. wages while they plan for a Our children large group of family have grown up in a riders and non-riders. “This club sport that occuThey plan ahead for variwill turn to pies them and ous vehicle types and cowtrailing...” keeps them off the various rider levels. They street because bring firewood, extra ice, they’ve learned to water, medical kit, audio compete, to lose, to equipment, prizes, etc. And an win, to be depended upon, to RSVP has never been a requirehelp others, “To Be Somebody” ment. Most new members have in a safe and supportive environ- not stepped up to work alongment. Adults can depend on the side a trailmaster as they had honesty, integrity and help from agreed to do, they haven’t even other adults in this club and re- offered to haul firewood. Several turn the same while they play months the attendance has been too small in number to The Possible Solution Requires Your Feedback warrant all that preparaGive an RSVP to the trailmaster a week before the event, or sooner. tion. More trailmasters —But what if something comes up last minute and you can’t attend? are needed and they need to know what to plan.—Forwarded by Tell the club what you prefer regarding GPS or ribbon. —GPS was suggested because the BLM won’t allow ribbon trails in sever- Dean Keith al areas, and have also restricted us to their trails in some places. —Older folks can’t grasp or read a GPS without glasses. Some folks don’t have money to buy one or more. Tell the club if you want an A ride, B, C, D, or a non-rider experience. Tell the club if the economy in general has you too poor to attend. Do you always want to ride in the same place each month? Which place is that? Do you read the newsletter and keep abreast of dates and happenings? Would you like some dates omitted from monthly events? Would you like an election for new officers? Would you like to see the bylaws so you know what we’re about? Will you tell the club simply what you prefer and why you have not attended? SUBMIT YOUR REPLY OR THIS CLUB WILL TURN TOWARD COWTRAILING WHENEVER “SOMEONE” PLANS “THAT.” Submit to the Prez, preferably by email, or postal mail if you must: Dean Keith 3276 Cole Ave Simi Valley, CA 92063 The replies will be reviewed by the board who will then decide what to do with them. Page 3 June 2009 CTR Newsletter Page 4 2001 Kawasaki KDX 220 R. This was my son Mike’s bike but he’s in the Navy now so I’d like to sell it. The bike has seen little use over the last several years and is in great shape. It has Excell wheels and new tires. The chain and sprockets are almost new. Renthal bars, UFO headlight and other goodies. Pics show the stock exhaust and silencer but I have an FMF pipe and silencer that goes with it. Would make a great bike for a son or daughter/wife. It’s ready to ride. I can send you more pictures by email if you want. Special price for CTR members $1,850 obo Steve Strobelt 951-660-9178 2002 Honda XR-50 stock bike used for about two years until Christopher outgrew it. In is in great shape. $750 OBO. Lenny Alexman 951-640-5469 or 2003 KTM 525 EXC $5k. Elect/kick; numerous aftermarkets; + extras. 2002 Keystone ‘Mountaineer’ travel trailer 32.5ft (model FKS 32.5). (34+ft overall) $18k. NICE. 2 slides liv/bed; large center bath; 2 exit doors; satellite; 1 living room TV/dvd/vhs/CD/radio; neutral gold/beige interior; ac/heat micro and the normal things. Generator on wheels sold separately, Yamaha 3000 (quiet) $900. Call Susan Hobbs 714-971-9677 home. 714 595-3586 cell. ’02 Bombardier Quad. DS90. $1,000. Only ridden about 8 times. Contact: 88 KOMFORT 27' with a Chevy 454 engine and 81K miles. Includes a double motorcycle rack and tow package. Like new inside (really) and fully self contained. Also includes a Onan 4.0, 2 ACs, queen rear sleeper sofa, 2 awnings, semi basement large storage, large refer (new), stove and oven (new). $6,300. That’s cheap!! Call GOAT for details (714) 289-8989. Page 5 June 2009 Photos by Gary Silman Top Picture (from left): Mike Cronin, Lenny Alexman, Susan Hobbs, Bonnie Paniagua, George Paniagua, Ashley Percin, Buddy Percin, Nicole Percin, Barbara Percin, Cathy Silman, Valerie Slater, Ed Slater, Mike’s brother, and Jesse (Mike’s girlfriend). Buddy Percin and daughters, Ashley and Nicole CTR Newsletter Page 6 Anniversaries Jamie and Kevin Ambler June 2, 1990 Rhonda and JimE Evensen June 25, 1988 Maria and John Pico June 24, 1967 Sharon and Ed Vandenheuvel June 19, 1965 Jacquie and Dave Baker June 16, 1956 Birthdays Ronnie Burton, June 21 Britney MacEwen, June 10 Katie Owens, June 6 Ronald P. Zaim, June 13 Tim Danforth, June 28 Robin Keith, June 27 Ronald Zaim, June 3 Carlos Gutierrez, June 20 Maria Viers, June 10 Rod Ellis, June 17 John Pico, June 13 Donna Kuhlman, June 24 CTR Ride Schedule June 19–21 July 17–19 July 31, August 1, 2 September 18–20 October 16–18 November 13–15 Gorman/Landers, Alexman Canceled Lake Casitas social/Landers Darwick Hills/Zaims, & others Cuddeback/Janzens TBA/Buddy Percin The Kids Craft Coordinator job is open. Heather Danforth has the job title but has been unable to attend the rides due to her busy school schedule. She knows the importance of the job and wants to give up her post so that the children will have the opportunity to have a fun activity. CTR 2009 Officers President: Dean Keith Vice President: George Paniagua (aka Assistant Southern Director — Legislation, CORVA) Director of Rides: Rod Ellis Secretary: Rose Alexman Treasurer: Lisa Burton CTR 2009 Committies Director of Non-Riding Activities: Shirley Altmann Children’s Non-Riding Activities: OPEN Membership: K. C. Landers Sunshine: K. C. Landers Newsletter Editor: Kristine Green Medical ED: Josh Ward Sargeant at Arms: Robert Taylor AAARRGG!!—Submitted by K.C. Landers More Member News Long-time CTR member, Jerry De La Fuente, broke his ankle on a ride in May. Get well soon, Jerry. The CTR Newsletter is a monthly publication of the Conejo Trail Riders. Kindly send newsletter submissions to Kristine Green at or (818) 249-2909 by the 28th. Also, please let me know if your newsletter prints or displays weirdly on your computer. Thank you. Page 7 June 2009 Photos by Lenny Alexman Above: Gary Silman and ? Right: Ari Keith Below: George Paniagua The closest I ever got to a 4.0 in college was my blood alcohol content. I live in my own little world but it’s OK, everyone knows me here. I saw a rather large woman wearing a sweatshirt with “Guess” on it. I said, “Thyroid problem?” I don’t do drugs ’cause I find I get the same effect just by standing up really fast. Money can’t buy happiness but it sure makes misery easier to live with. I got a sweater for Christmas. I really wanted a screamer or a moaner. If flying is so safe, why do they call the airport the “terminal?” I don’t approve of political jokes. I’ve seen too many of them get elected. The most precious thing we have is life, yet it has absolutely no trade-in value. If life deals you lemons, make lemonade; if it deals you tomatoes, make Bloody Marys. I love being married. It’s so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life. Conejo Trail Riders PO Box 402337 Hesperia CA 92340-2337 Shopping tip: You can get shoes for a buck at bowling alleys. I am a nobody, nobody is perfect, so therefore I am perfect. Everyday I beat my own previous record for number of consecutive days I’ve stayed alive. That Claudia Schiffer must be a genius because I told a friend my plan to attain world peace, and he told me I have “Schiffer brains.” No one ever says “It’s only a game!” when their team is winning. How long a minute is, depends on what side of the bathroom door you’re on. Isn’t having a smoking section in a restaurant like having a peeing section in a swimming pool? Marriage changes passion...suddenly you’re in bed with a relative. Why is it that most nudists are people you don’t want to see naked? Snowmen fall from Heaven unassembled. Every time I walk into a singles bar I can hear Mom’s wise words: Don’t pick that up, you don’t know where it’s been. Submitted by Chuck Pane
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