Presentation 2011 - Helensburgh Netball Club, NSW Australia


Presentation 2011 - Helensburgh Netball Club, NSW Australia
 Presentation 2011
TABLE OF CONTENTS HELENSBURGH NETBALL CLUB: Clubs Contact Details ………………………………………………………………………………….…….……….. Page 3 Committee in 2011 …………………………………………………………………………………….……….…….. Page 3 Netball Teams in 2011 ……………………………………………………………………………….……….……… Page 4 Finalists & Premiers in 2011 ……………………………………………………………………………………….. Page 5 Illawarra Representatives ……………………………………………………………………………………….….. Page 5 Netball News in Brief …………………………………………………………………………………….……….….. Page 6 COMMITTEE REPORTS: President’s Report ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Page 7 Treasurer’s Report ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Page 8 Umpiring Coordinator‘s Report …………………………………………………………….…….……………… Page 8 Sponsorship Officer’s Report ……………………………………………………………………………………… Page 9 Website Manager’s Report ……………………………………………………………………………………… Page 10 TEAM REPORTS: U/9 Fireflies …………………………………………..………………………………………………………………… Page 12 U/9 Flames …………………………………………..………………………………………………………….……… Page 13 10A Sparkles ………………………………….………………………………………………………………………… Page 14 10A Heartbreakers ………………….…….………………………………………………………………………… Page 15 11B Cheerios …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Page 15 11D M&M’s ………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………… Page 17 12A Beach Babes ………………………………………………………………………..…………………………… Page 18 12C Go-­‐Getters ……………………………………………………………………..………………………………… Page 19 12D Bumble Bees ………………………………………………………………………………….………………… Page 20 Inters A1 Bam! ……………………………………………………………..………………………….……………… Page 23 Inters A2 Bullets ……………………………………………………………………..………………….…………… Page 23 Inters A4 Quicksilver ………………………………………………………………..……………….……….…… Page 24 Inters B4 Ripcurls ……………………………………………………………………………………………….…… Page 25 Cadets A Black Panthers ………………………………………………………………….……………………… Page 25 Presentation 2011
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HELENSBURGH NETBALL CLUB Club’s Contact Details Website address: www.helensburgh-­‐ Email address: Facebook page: (Helensburgh Netball Club) Committee in 2011 President: Heather Gray Secretary: Judy Skiller Minute Secretary: Leanne Larkin Treasurer: Cheryl Gagen Registrar: Judy Skiller Coaching Coordinator: Kathy Scullion Umpiring Coordinator: Kylie Skiller Fundraising Officer: Kylie Skiller Sponsorship Officer: Kylie Skiller Publicity/Website Officer: Sylvie Costa Uniform Manager: Vanessa Marsden Canteen Coordinator: Cheryl Moate Presentation 2011
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Netball Teams in 2011 U/9 White Fireflies U/9 Grey Flames U/10A Sparkles Heartbreakers U/10B U/11B U/11D U/12A U/12C U/12D Inters A1 Inters A2 Inters A4 Inters B4 Cadets A Seniors A3 Seniors A4 Seniors B3 Seniors C1 Cheerios M & M’s Beach babes Go Getters Bumble Bees Bam! Bullets Quicksilvers Ripcurls Black Panthers Sneaky Salmons Centennials Hot Shots Panthers Coach: Trish Roberts Team manager: Nadia Hollows Coaches: Inez Playford & Ashleigh Larkin Team managers: Leanne Larkin & Karen Gallagher Coach: Heather Gray Coach: Kerry Wilson Team manager: Maree Kissell Coaches: Elona Rey-­‐Costa & Brianna Vanzyl Team manager: Sylvie Costa Coaches: Annie Gagen & Lily Ridley Coach: Madeline Scullion & Jaimie Woodard Team manager: Vanessa Marsden Coach: Sue Toogood Coach: Vanessa Mercer Team Manager: Mandy Duff Coach: Vanessa Kelly Team manager: Kathy Scullion Coaches: Erin & Amanda Team Manager: Sue Highett Coaches: Kylie Skiller & Dawn Marshall Coach: Judy Skiller Coach: Cheryl Moate Team manager: Louise Ryan Coach: Vanessa Kelly Coach: Kristy Poole Coach: Glenn Bowden Coach: Kim Boot Presentation 2011
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Finalists & Premiers in 2011 SEMI-­‐FINALISTS: Inters A1 -­‐ Bam! Finished 4th of their group -­‐ lost to Corrimal 31 to 35 Inters A4 – Quicksilvers: Finished 4th of their group -­‐ lost to Shellharbour 19 to 30 Seniors C2 – Panthers: Finished 4th of their group -­‐ lost to Fairy Meadow 25 to 26 Seniors A4 – Centennials: Finished 4th of their group -­‐ lost to Dapto 38 to 39 GRAND-­‐FINALISTS: U/10A – Sparkles: U/11B – Cheerios: Finished 4th of their group -­‐ lost to Dapto 11 to 12 Finished 1st of their group -­‐ lost to Albion Park 9 to 23 Cadets A -­‐ Black Panthers: Finished 2nd of their group -­‐ lost to S. Suburbs 24 to 35 PREMIERS: U/12D -­‐ Bumble Bees: Finished 1st of their group -­‐ won Fairy Meadow 13 to 11 Inters B4 – Ripcurls: Finished 1st of their group -­‐ won Corrimal 25 to 15 Seniors B3 -­‐ Hot Shots: Finished 1st of their group -­‐ won Northern Suburbs 31 to 26 Seniors A3 -­‐ Sneaky Salmon: Finished 2nd of their group -­‐ won WPWC 41 to 38 Illawarra Representatives TALENT SQUAD IN 2011 Chloe Blackwell (U/11) TRAIN-­‐ON SQUAD IN 2011 Olivia Marsden (U/12) STATE AGE REPRESENTATIVES IN 2011 Madeline Scullion (U/14) Jaimie Woodard (U/15) Ellen Ryan (U/15) TRAIN-­‐ON SQUADS FOR 2012 Chloe Martiensen (U/12) Kallie Rayner (U/15) Madeline Scullion (U/15) ILLAWARRA ACADEMY OF SPORT FOR 2012 Jaimie Woodard (U/17) Presentation 2011
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Netball News in Brief ILLAWARRA ACADEMY OF SPORT Special congratulations go to Jaimie Woodard who was selected to join the U/17 team at the Illawarra Academy of Sport in 2012. Definitely a great achievement for Jaimie who has not yet turned 15! In 2011 Jaimie played Intermediate A1 for Helensburgh and State Age for Illawarra. She has concurrently umpired and coached for our Club. Together with her Helensburgh team, Jaimie made it to the Semi-­‐Finals of the Illawarra championship, as well as won two regional carnivals in the Blue Montains and Illawarra. The Illawarra Academy of Sport provides opportunities and services for sport, talented athletes and coaches within the Southern Group of Councils area to achieve excellence. The Academy offers a "talented athletes program", which aims to help young athletes to develop and achieve at the highest level. It includes specialist coaching, speaking and presentation skills, health and nutrition, as well as travel to tournaments throughout NSW. This is a wonderful program that we strongly recommend other netballers to try out for next season. To find out more about the IAS, visit their website at IN THE LOCAL NEWS Our Netball Club proudly featured 3 times in the local news this season (Pictorial News, Helensburgh & District Herald, Northern Illawarra Online), thanks to the Bam, our Inter A1 team, who won two regional netball carnivals over consecutive weekends in July. The girls convincingly won the Blue Mountains open carnival in Lapstone and then our own Illawarra carnival, both times undefeated. Well done, girls! Presentation 2011
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COMMITTEE REPORTS President’s Report Welcome to Presentation Day for 15th October 2011. Netball seasons seem to take forever to start, then in no time at all the season has ended! There were new formats set in place this year: o No 1 being, of course, the fantastic website put together late in 2010, but set up for the 2011 season, even with those little "bugs" that have to be ironed out I do believe having this fast communication service has been great asset for our Netball Club. o No. 2 all registration details of players, teams and grades had to be complete and emailed to NSW Netball before the end of March this season. This was a new requirement set by NSW Netball, hence A LOT of work gone into this by the Registrar, and I do hope that this also has some fine-­‐tuning before next season. o No. 3 was the new SMS wet game service that Illawarra set up and which, unfortunately, we all had to use a few times this season. o No. 4 was the new scoresheets for our Saturday games. I thought it a great idea with printed names, certainly saved me time writing up and remembering correct spelling of names. A drawback to this was the set up of this scoresheet with far too much information, yet I am told that the Illawarra Committee have some fine-­‐
tuning to do with the scoresheet for next season. Thank you to the Committee of our Netball Club for work done this year again. I know it can be difficult, but attendance to meetings plus your support to all other committee members is what makes any ideas, plans or hopes become a reality. I would take this opportunity to thank all players starting from our Netta girls right up to the Senior teams. We all know that any sporting club exists due to the players/members, combined with the great effort of our older players that do hand up for umpiring, volunteers that help coach teams, manage teams, support the players, support the club and of course the parents that take part in the Saturday morning sports run. A well deserved pat on the back for a job well done! I would also take this opportunity to apologise to those teams that, due to a comedy of bad circumstances, were at the pointy end of the stick. These players were great in staying together and playing their games each week because they love to play netball -­‐ they showed great sportsmanship to each other, never gave up and this flowed onto those proud parents that supported them each week. Helensburgh Netball Club thanks you all! During this season I have been reading, listening or talking to those about town and for an area that apparently covers approximately 6000, the Helensburgh, Otford, Stanwell Tops, and Stanwell Park sporting clubs have all had a fantastic year with many grades making Finals, playing and or winning in Grand-­‐Finals. Presentation 2011
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WELL DONE TO ALL PLAYERS and THEIR CLUBS! What fantastic children, teenagers, young adults, and adults, we are all lucky enough to share in for this sporting community of Winter & Summer sports. Signing off now, so do enjoy this day and I hope to see you all back for Season 2012! Heather Gray, President Treasurer’s Report Due to the fact that we haven’t had any major outgoings this year for the club the bank account is reasonably healthy. Although we haven’t received any major funding from the government this year, the fund raising efforts of the club and its members, as always help to keep our Club’s financial head above water. Hopefully we can lobby for some extra funding for next season from both the government and local businesses and we can move closer to generating enough funds to build one or two, much needed new courts. This would go a long way to improve training conditions for our girls making it more comfortable by spreading teams out to enjoy the “whole court” to train on. Unfortunately the cost of building these courts is quite overwhelming so if you know of any business out there that may like to invest in the local girls, in our wonderful community, please direct them to Helensburgh Netball Club! Thank you again to all of the girls and their parents who have put such a great effort into fund raising for our club this season. Cheryl Gagen, Treasurer Umpiring Coordinator’s Report Every year our Club gets outstanding umpires, and this year was no exception. I would like to congratulate each and every one of the umpires, as you all did an amazing job. I am very grateful to you all that you were available to umpire on short notice week in week out. I did not receive the umpiring draw till early in the week and this made it difficult, as I would have preferred to give you the draw weeks in advance. I would like to say special congratulations to Jaimie Woodard, for not only gaining her junior B badge this season, but also for umpiring 11A games when needed. These games are supposed to be umpired by Senior umpires, but Illawarra allowed Jaimie to umpire these games for us, as we do not have many Senior umpires in our Club. Thank you to the following umpires for their outstanding umpiring this year: o Jaimie Woodard, o Meaghan Tilden, o Anneleise Gagen, o Georgia Cafe, Presentation 2011
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o Inez Playford, o Lily Ridley, o Kallie Rayner, o Corinne Brown, o Brianna Van Zyl, o Erika Radandt. I would also like to make a special mention to Heather Gray and Vanessa Mercer for their wonderful support in umpiring Netta games for our Club. Your help was immensely appreciated. These two ladies umpired the majority of the Netta games that were assigned to Helensburgh. We continually need help in supplying Netta umpires, so please, if you can, put your hand up and help us with these games! Thank you, thank you, thank you, must also go to Ellen Vodiciar. Without her help, I would not have been able to do half the things I did. Ellen helped support the girls when I was umpiring myself, umpired games for me when called upon, both Junior and Netta games while going for her National C badge as well. I am eternally grateful for your help, Ellen, and I wish you success in gaining your national badge. See you all next year! Kylie Skiller, Umpiring Coordinator Sponsorship Officer’s Report A big thank you to all our sponsors for their support this season. As the economy has been tough this year, so was the job of finding sponsors. The businesses in town have been a little quiet this year, and so people that would usually sponsor a team for us, were unable to. At Helensburgh Netball Club, we ask every one of our members to rally behind our local businesses, as these are the people that help us in our time of need. These sponsors are listed and acknowledged here and throughout our website. The cost is $150 to sponsor a team and I am constantly looking for new sponsors. If you would like to sponsor your own daughter’s team next year, then please let us know at registration day! This year I was only able to find sponsors for the U/8 to U/12’s teams. So please, help your local netball club by becoming a sponsor. This money helps your club buy new balls for the season for example, as well as end-­‐of-­‐season trophies and to buy new products in our first aid kits. Thank you to our major sponsor this season, Pizza’s With Muscle. For the last couple of years now, they have supplied our club with “Muscle Man of the Match” awards. And each year they always give us enough for every single player in the club. We are very grateful to them for supplying us with this, as it gives our girls an extra reward. Presentation 2011
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Please do help support them as they support us! Thank you to all our sponsors for 2011: o
All Over Pest Management, Wollongong, Al's Family Meats, Helensburgh, DNA Contracting, Helensburgh, Hamlyn Browne & Co Pty Ltd, Helensburgh Car Services, Heritage Cellars, Helensburgh, Laing & Simmons Real Estate, Helensburgh, LJ Hooker Real Estate, Helensburgh, Pizza’s with Muscle, Helensburgh, Ray White Real Estate, Helensburgh, RG Automotive, Helensburgh. Thank you again! Kylie Skiller, Sponsorship Officer Website Manager’s Report Our Club’s website (www.helensburgh-­‐ is about to celebrate its first birthday and appears to have become very popular already with netball players, families and supporters. As shown below, the number of web pages visited monthly has increased steadily from 14 in the launch month for the website to between 900 and 1,300 during the competition months! MONTH OCT 2010 NOV 2010 DEC 2010 JAN 2011 FEB 2011 MAR 2011 APR 2011 MAY 2011 JUN 2011 JUL 2011 AUG 2011 SEP 2011 Nº PAGES VISITED DAILY AVERAGE 2 43 22 22 41 40 43 30 24 31 42 28 Average = 31 visited pages/day Nº PAGES VISITED MONTHLY TOTAL 14 1,305 710 687 1,173 1,265 1,312 931 737 963 1,315 833 Total = 11,245 pages visited in past year The website was originally developed in the second half of 2010 by a team of talented Web Design students (3 ladies) from Padstow College of TAFE. The site is now being maintained and regularly updated by the Club. Among the many activities that visitors can perform on our website, the favourite ones are by far the reading of club’s news and the download of game results. Presentation 2011
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Beside these main activities, visitors can also use the website to: 
Get a listing of upcoming netball events, both locally (Club) and regionally (Association); 
Be informed about weather conditions on Saturdays; 
Verify the details of the Club’s committee members; 
Access information about Umpiring and Coaching; 
Read the various Codes of Conduct; 
Download registration forms and maps; 
View team photos in our Photo-­‐Gallery pages; 
Find information and contact details about the Club’s much appreciated sponsors. This season, we have extensively used the website in combination with the Club’s emailing system and our new Facebook page (­‐
Netball-­‐Club-­‐NSW-­‐Australia/130865340306150) to communicate more effectively and timely all sorts of information to our members. Typically, we can send batch emails to our members, and then refer them back to our website to read or download some complement of information. This is the reason why it is so important that our members do provide us with a correct email address when registering, if you wish to receive up-­‐to-­‐date netball news from us! Please, be reminded that the website is FOR US ALL to use and enjoy, so any suggestion about how we could improve it will be most welcome and appreciated. Thank you! Do enjoy your summer sport season and see you all next year! Sylvie Costa, Publicity Officer/Website Manager Presentation 2011
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TEAM REPORTS U/9 -­‐ Fireflies Coach: Trish Roberts Manager: Nadia Hollows The U/9 Fireflies had another successful season. They had some very challenging games and every single player brought something different to the team whether it was speed, shooting ability, strength, energy, defending skills, or laughter and big smiles. It has been very rewarding seeing the girls come together each week and working so well as a team. The girls are a lovely group who have made special friendships and I would like to thank them for their cooperation throughout the season. You could really see their skills improving and enjoying the game of Netball. To our parents: I thank you for being very supportive to the girls and also myself, much appreciated. Our team consisted of Olivia, Jade, Ruby, Darcy, Maddison, Sophie, Jessica and Chelsea. Every one of them should be proud of the effort they put in both during training and the weekend games. It has been a pleasure coaching such an amazing bunch of girls! A big thank you to my assistant coach and manager, Nadia. Thank you also to the parents for turning up each week supporting your girls. Trish Presentation 2011
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U/9 -­‐ Flames Coach: Ashleigh Larkin & Inez Playford Managers: Leanne Larkin & Karen Gallagher Coaching the girls this year was a lot of fun! All beginners, the girls came into the season with little or no experience. As the season progressed, we were able to see how they were growing and becoming more comfortable within the game. Training with the girls was entertaining, and we had a great time. Every week they showed up excited and ready to train. They were good when we instructed them and were always listening. That made it much easier for us as first time coaches. While it took time for us to settle into the games, the two wins that we had over the season really helped with the girls gaining confidence in themselves and the team. The fact that the girls were smiling after every game made us feel good because we knew they were enjoying themselves. Our managers, Lea and Karen, were a huge help this season. Whenever we had questions, they had the perfect answer, and their help during training and the games throughout the season was incredible. Thankyou! Lastly, we would like to say thanks to the Flames. You are a great bunch of girls and we loved being your coaches. We hope that you had fun in your first season and that you come back next year! Love, Ash and Inez xxx Presentation 2011
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10A -­‐ Sparkles Grand-­‐Finalists Coach: Heather Grey Eight very nice girls in this team and a pleasure to coach! Through this season we had some ups and downs, but at the end we came through in 4th position to qualify for the Minor Semi-­‐Finals, WON this, then onto the Finals, WON this, then onto the Grand Final, sadly the team was beaten by the clock and lost by just ONE GOAL! Through this season we had some ups and downs, but at the end we came through in 4th position to qualify for the Minor Semi-­‐Finals, WON this, then onto the Finals, WON this, then onto the Grand Final, sadly the team was beaten by the clock and lost by just ONE GOAL! Both teams played the Grand-­‐Finale as good as each other with the 10A Sparkles showing their sportsmanship qualities at the end of play. It has also been a pleasure of getting to know the parents because as we know parents are important to each team being the main cheer squad and coming each week to give support. Good luck for 2012: Bethany, Kate, Lucia, Chloe, Kaitlyn, Shannon, Scarlet and Michaela. Heather Presentation 2011
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10B -­‐ Heartbreakers 11B -­‐ Cheerios Grand-­‐Finalists Coach: Kerry Wilson Manager: Maree Kissell Coaches: Brianna Vanzyl &Elona Rey-­‐Costa Manager: Sylvie Costa The Cheerios are 9 really cheerful and energetic girls, 7 who played together in previous years (Sofia, Kelsey, Hayley, Salomé, Chloe, Rhiannon, Leah) and 2 new recruits (Arabella, Catherine) who have very easily become part of the team. The girls have worked really well together, winning very convincingly every team in their competition, except for one loss against the Albion Park Atomics. Throughout the season, the Cheerios and the Atomics challenged each other eagerly to win their place at the top of their grade. Both teams won all the other teams, both teams won and lost each other at least once, but in the end the Cheerios finished 1st of the comp. Of course, the two teams met again in the Grand-­‐Final and battled each other out a last time for the Premiership title. Eventually, Albion Park won, but the Cheerios were all very proud of their great achievement and 11B runners-­‐up title! Every single one of the Cheerios has improved a great deal throughout the season. Presentation 2011
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Sofia and Kelsey have worked extremely well together in Defence to keep attackers out of the circle. They have both easily adopted all the cool moves of the perfect defenders. Having 3 very good and extremely consistent shooters with Leah, Rhiannon and Catherine was a great advantage for the team, but also a bit of a challenge for us coaches trying to keep the playing time fair for all. All 3 of them shot great goals! Then our awesome mid-­‐court players, Hayley, Arabella, Chloe and Salomé, did make a big difference each Saturday, all 4 of them being very versatile netballers who are able to play equally well any position given to them. Well done every single one of you, Cheerios! Overall, 2011 was an excellent season of netball for the girls, and we can’t wait to see how far they’ll go next year! Brianna & Elona It was a real pleasure this year again to manage this team of beautiful and vivacious 11 year olds, and working with Brianna and Elona made it all look so simple and easy, and so professional too! Thank you to all the mums and dads for your great support, positive attitude on the court, and much appreciated help whenever required. I have much appreciated my hot coffee delivered to the court every Saturday morning… You all made our Netball season run very smoothly. A model-­‐team, with model-­‐coaches and model-­‐parents!! See you all, hopefully, in 2012  Sylvie Presentation 2011
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11D -­‐ M&M’s Coaches: Lily Ridley & Annie Gagen What a fabulous year of netball for the M&M'S! A team of young, dedicated netball players. Some of the girls who had never played the game before picked up on it really quickly and others who had played, developed new skills. Our passing and court play improved throughout the year, and many girls learnt to read the play. Our main focus this year were the rules, sportsmanship and to still do enjoy the game. We would like to thank all of the parents for their ongoing support. You have made the position of coaching your children extremely enjoyable. We both thank you for your support with fund raising, training, the Gala day and Saturday games. We hope that you are as proud of the girls as we are! Amy Vrubel: Was one of our tallest players who managed to get her fingertips to many balls. Amy never gave up and was always enthusiastic. Your confidence grew throughout the season and you were a great sport. Tiarne Guyatt: A fabulous netball player with skills beyond her years, Tiarne was extremely dedicated throughout the season and was relentless as GD. Definitely an asset to the M&M'S! Charlotte Vanzyl: This was Charlotte's first year of netball but you wouldn't have known at all. She shot some spectacular goals and worked extremely well with the other shooters. Charlotte is a talented player who thoroughly enjoys her netball. Ella Brooks: Ella played mostly C this year and for full games. She showed an incredible amount of stamina, made some crucial intercepts and learnt to read the play. A great season of netball! Presentation 2011
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Maeve Turner: Maeve was able to fill in any position without complaint. She was an asset as she is both talented and energetic, and she can play attack and defense brilliantly. A great team player and a great girl! Pippa Harvey-­‐Randev: Pippa improved immensely this year with her court work and breaking. She shot well and got many goals under pressure. She was a pleasure to coach and she smiled throughout the year. A great netball season! Jodie Wilson: Jodie had a great first season playing both attack and defense. Your confidence grew throughout the year and this was evident in the way that you performed on and off the field. A pleasure to coach! Grace Sida: Grace is extremely quick, competent and had a knack of grabbing many intercepts. She fed the circle well and managed to outwit many defenders for the centre pass. Grace is a wonderful player and her sportsmanship was commendable. Kayla Houston: Kayla is a determined skilful player. Kayla, you learnt to read the play and were successful in many intercepts. A talented defender, who has the ability to do anything when she puts her mind to it. A great season! We would also like to publicly thank the dedicated members of the Helensburgh Netball Club who have worked tirelessly this year running the club. Great season, girls! Lily & Annie 12A -­‐ Beach Babes Coaches: Madeline Scullion & Jaimie Woodard Manager: Vanessa Marsden The Beach Babes 2011 featured: o Jane, Gracie and Maddison: our elegant and graceful goalies! o Olivia and Belle: the goal defensive dynamic duo! o Chloe: the queen of the centre! o Caity: a multi skilled attack guru! o Kasey: a wing defense warrior! 2011 was a tough season for the MIGHTY Beach Babes! While we didn’t win many games during the season, the Beach Babes gave 100% effort each and every Saturday, always displaying good sportsmanship and exemplary behaviour, both on and off the court. If beaten by a huge score, the Beach Babes took it in their stride and would see some positive in it. A TEAM OF TRUE CHAMPIONS! Congratulations to Olivia Marsden who made the U/12 Illawarra Rep Train on Squad in 2011, and Chloe Martiensen who was selected for the 2012 squad. Way to go, girlies! A special mention must be made to our two fantastic coaches, Madeline Scullion and Jaimie Woodard, who gave up their time to train and nurture our girls, which is a big ask of these two HIGHLY talented netballers. Thanks girls! xx AND a big thank you to Madeline’s and Jaimie’s parents for their support and help each week. Xx Presentation 2011
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A special mention to Kathy Scullion who assisted not only our coaches each week but ensured that weekly training sessions were run smoothly and that the Beach Babes didn’t run crazy. A special mention to Kathy Scullion who assisted not only our coaches each week but ensured that weekly training sessions were run smoothly and that the Beach Babes didn’t run crazy. Finally, I cannot forget the parents of the 2011 Beach Babes. You were not only the best group of supporters, but also loads of fun and extremely helpful, making my job so much easier. Many thanks to John Walker for time keeping of SUCH a high standard!!!! A great team effort… Thank you all xx Vanessa 12C -­‐ Go Getters Coach: Sue Toogood The Go Getters had a great year this year, agreat bunch of girls! Although Gillian was out for 6 weeks due to a broken wrist at the beginning of the season, the team played on. I would like to thank all my girls for putting in that little extra effort each week and re-­‐
enforcing their training at the games. It really showed through their match play each week. We had a new team again this year and the girls blended well. We almost made it this year to the semi-­‐finals missing out by an inch! Well done!! Presentation 2011
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I hope to see all your faces next year in my team! A big thank you to all the parents who helped out each week , a great team spirit. Sue 12D Bumble Bees Premiers Coach: Vanessa Mercer Manager: Mandy Duff I was blamed by my daughter for naming the team ‘Bumblebees’ at the start of the season. After getting to know the team, I can think of other more suitable names, like the ‘Girls Just Wanna Have Fun ‘, or even better, the ‘Hav-­‐a-­‐Chat’! On paper I was pretty chuffed when I saw who was to be in the team, having got to know each of them in past seasons when they played in Leah’s (my daughter’s) team. The first thing I noticed was: all good kids, all good team players, and aside from a couple of tall-­‐
ish girls (actually one!), they were a short/little team. A suitable match: short team/short coach!! They started the season off strong and quickly realised we had fitness and agility on our side and used it to our advantage. We dropped 2 games in the season and finished the comp as Minor Premiers, to the girls’ credit. Our tallest player, Millie Cafe, was told she would be needed in GK for the season, that was until I saw her shoot – instant stardom changes of plan. Millie’s dedication to shooting was a major bonus to our efforts this year. Many people from the other teams we played came up and complimented our shooters and it definitely put us ahead of the Presentation 2011
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opposition. Thanks Millie for not only being a great shooter, but for being attentive and keen at training and for all that practice you did. Our tallest player, Millie Cafe, was told she would be needed in GK for the season, that was until I saw her shoot – instant stardom changes of plan. Millie’s dedication to shooting was a major bonus to our efforts this year. Many people from the other teams we played came up and complimented our shooters and it definitely put us ahead of the opposition. Thanks Millie for not only being a great shooter, but for being attentive and keen at training and for all that practice you did. Which brings me to the lovely Erin Roach. In only her second season of netball Erin’s talent screams out at you, unlike her very quiet personality. Playing mainly C last year, until I stumbled across the fact that she could also shoot – Yippee that makes 2!!! Erin moves around the court well and has magic hands and her role in this year’s team was mainly GA, so she was on a learning curve this year and managed just fine, thank you! Well done Erin, any coach would love to have you on their team. Speaking of a dream to coach, I did know of a good shooter, Ebony Case from past years, Ebony proved that her shooting ability was up there with the best of them and now I had 3 shooters to work with. Excellent. And although low in confidence you can put Ebony anywhere and she will put her all in. Not once did she complain about some of the positions I put her in. Ebony is always willing to please and do her best. In her own words, she is just in it for FUN!!! She was our star GK in the Finals: Thanks Ebony, you are such a pleasure to be around! To help Ebony in Defence, I saw streaks of defensive brilliance from, and plenty of stamina in, Britt Scutt’s game. Britt is really a centre and plays well as a C, but our team needed her skills in Defence, so she was put in the very challenging role of GD for most of the season. I was wrapped to see how she owned the position by the time we got to Presentation 2011
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the Finals and was at her best especially the Grand-­‐Final. Thank you Britt! It was a big role for a small person you should be very proud of yourself! Onto more things small, I think some of these girls were born when they invented the saying ‘great things come in small packages’. Kate Pritt is one of these, a specialist WD – who LOVES to defend because she is so good at it . She is sneaky, can quickly work out her opposition and is very deceiving on court. Kate is a very consistent player, one you can rely on when the going gets tough. She is an asset to any team. Well done, Kate who got the ‘Player of the Finals series for this season’. Her partner in crime, and our toughest player on court, was Monique Collins another brilliant defender. When she was on fire our team was hot!! Monique has a great reliable style -­‐ throw her a pass, you know she is going to catch it, receive a pass from her, you know you are going to get it. She is a joy to watch from the sideline and a very good thinker on court. Thanks for being part of our team this year, Monique! Onto another small character in our team, the much loved Lauren Duff. I said to her through the season that she has the ability to bring a team together. Lauren has been a driving force in the team. She is positive, she is bubbly and loads of fun in a small package. Through the season she backed up as shooter and other positions as well, but she was most comfortable as our WA and was a good feeder to the shooters. Thanks Laure, you had us smiling throughout the whole season. I was elated to see the joy on her face when the buzzer went on Grand-­‐Final day and when we realised we had won, I’d never seen her jump so high!!! Lastly but not least: Leah Mercer. Leah blossomed this year and I’m sure it wasn’t that her mum was coach. She found a new enjoyment of netball, which I didn’t see coming. After asking me not to be her coach she handled the situation extremely well and she was a pleasure at training. She seemed to fly through the air with the greatest of ease this year and when she finally landed, fitted comfortably in the role of C. Thanks for putting up with your old lady for the season, I’d like to do it again, if you’d let me? The season ended with a Grand-­‐Final win in a tight match, which quite frankly there ain’t a better way to end a season! Thanks to Mandy Duff for managing us and to all the great parents for your support. Over and out for 2011! Vanessa Presentation 2011
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Inters A1 Bam! Coach: Vanessa Kelly Manager: Kathy Scullion Semi-­‐Finalists Coaches: Erin Ryan & Amanda Mercer Inters A2 Bullets Manager: Sue Highett Presentation 2011
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Inters A4 Quicksilver Semi-­‐Finalists Coaches: Kylie Skiller & Dawn Marshall We both would like to say thank you to all our girls for giving us a great year. We both had a lot of fun coaching you and we hope you all come back next year and continue with your great netballing skills. The year started out with a bang for us. We won 3 straight games, and then unfortunately lost 3 games as well. But then won the last game in the first round which put us in 4th place for most of the year. Each week the girls fought hard. No matter what the weather was, they went out there on the court and played like it was the Grand-­‐Final. In the end, we made it into the Minor Semis, which we played with only 7 players. But alas, it was not our year to win, though the girls worked hard all game. Thank you girls for a fun year and we are sure that we will all come back next year and show them what you can do! Thanks, Kylie and Dawn Presentation 2011
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Inters B4 Ripcurls Premiers Coach: Judy Skiller The girls worked together as a team from the start of the season, supporting each other, and went through the competition undefeated. They won their Grand-­‐Final against the Corrimal Blue Babes, 25 to15. I would like to thank all the parents for their fantastic support and also the 12A Beach Babes who filled in for our team throughout the year, sometimes at short notice. The girls entered the Illawarra Carnival and spent the day just playing any position and having fun. Thank you to Chelsea Vanzyl who helped us out on this day. Judy Cadets A Black Panthers Grand-­‐Finalists Coach: Cheryl Moate Manager: Louise Ryan The girls played very well this year, they had a great start wining every game in the first half of the year in Grade B, whilst in the second half they had to moved up in to Grade A, which was a lot tougher. With a shaky start to the second half of the year, the team worked hard and made it through to the Grand-­‐Final. They played well, but just could not win the big one! Presentation 2011
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Not to worry we played and the girls all enjoyed the season and we had lots of fun!! We thank you so much for a great year and would also like to thank our team’s parents for all their help and support this year. We hope to see you all next year! Cheryl and Louise All team photos by Dorian Cobb… with great appreciation! Presentation 2011
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