Notice of 2016 First West Credit Union Annual General Meeting and


Notice of 2016 First West Credit Union Annual General Meeting and
Your Vote
Can Help
Fight Hunger!
See Page 12
Notice of 2016
First West Credit Union
Annual General Meeting
and Special Resolutions Vote
May 9, 2016
Registration 6 p.m.
Meeting 7 p.m.
Coast Capri Hotel
1171 Harvey Avenue
Kelowna, B.C.
Light refreshments will be served
RSVP by emailing
Members who bank with
Enderby & District Financial,
a division of First West Credit
Union, vote as part of the Valley
First Region and attend the
Valley First Region AGM Session.
As provided by the First West rules and the Credit Union
Incorporation Act, notice is hereby given that First West Credit
Union will hold its 2016 annual general meeting in three
separate sessions that together constitute a single annual
general meeting.
Members who bank with Enderby & District Financial,
a division of First West Credit Union, vote as part of the
Valley First Region and attend the Valley First Region AGM
session. That session will be held on Monday, May 9, 2016
at the Coast Capri Hotel, 1171 Harvey Avenue, Kelowna,
B.C. Registration begins at 6 p.m. and the meeting begins
at 7 p.m.
Annual Report
Copies of First West’s 2015 audited financial statements will
be available free of charge at the annual general meeting or
in the branch of Enderby & District Financial, a division of First
West Credit Union.
The 2015 First West Credit Union annual report can be viewed
online at
Management’s Responsibility
Management is responsible for preparing the accompanying
summarized consolidated financial statements and is
responsible for their integrity and objectivity.
The financial statements are prepared on a summarized basis
to comply with various statutory and contractual obligations.
The basis of presentation adopted is not in conformity
with International Financial Reporting Standards in that
the financial statements do not contain all the disclosures
required by International Financial Reporting Standards.
The basis of presentation is considered by management to
be most appropriate for the broad communication of
financial information to the members but readers are
cautioned that these statements may not be appropriate for
their specific purposes.
Complete consolidated financial statements have been
prepared and can be viewed online at http://annualreport. or by request in any of our branches.
Preliminary Agenda
Call to order
Ascertainment of quorum
Appointment of recording secretary, parliamentarian
Adoption of agenda and rules of conduct
Approval of minutes of 2015 AGM
Business arising from minutes
Report of directors
Report of management
Presentation of financial statements
Report of the auditors
Approval of auditors’ report
Appointment of auditors
Reports of other committees
Unfinished business
New business
Results of director election
Good and welfare
Launi Skinner
Chief Executive Officer
Thomas Webster
Chief Financial Officer
To the Members of First West Credit Union
First West Credit Union
Summarized Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
The accompanying summarized consolidated financial
statements, which comprise the summarized consolidated
statement of financial position as at December 31, 2015,
and the summarized consolidated statement of profit or
loss for the year then ended, are derived from the audited
consolidated financial statements of First West Credit Union
(“First West”) for the year ended December 31, 2015. We
expressed an unmodified audit opinion on those financial
statements in our report dated March 14, 2016.
Year ended December 31 (in thousands of dollars)
Other assets
$ 8,717,429
$ 6,517,120
Cash resources
Loans to members
The summarized consolidated financial statements do not
contain all the disclosures required by International Financial
Reporting Standards. Reading the summarized consolidated
financial statements, therefore, is not a substitute for reading
the audited consolidated financial statements of First West.
Liabilities and Members’ Equity
Deposits from members
Management’s Responsibility for the Summarized
Consolidated Financial Statements
Other liabilities
Management is responsible for the preparation of the
summarized consolidated financial statements on the basis
described in Note 1.
Members’ equity
$ 8,717,429
$ 6,517,120
Auditors’ Responsibility
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the summarized
consolidated financial statements based on our procedures,
which were conducted in accordance with Canadian Auditing
Standard (“CAS”) 810, “Engagements to Report on Summary
Financial Statements.”
First West Credit Union
Summarized Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss
Interest income
$ 278,456
$ 230,991
Interest expense
In our opinion, the summarized consolidated financial
statements derived from the audited consolidated financial
statements of First West for the year ended December 31, 2015
are a fair summary of those consolidated financial statements,
on the basis described in Note 1.
Net interest income
Fee and commission income
Other income
Year ended December 31 (in thousands of dollars)
Provision for credit losses
Personnel expenses
Chartered Professional Accountants
March 14, 2016
Vancouver, Canada
Other expenses
Income tax expense
Profit for the year
*Note 1. Basis of Preparation
These summary consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Section 128(4) of the Financial Institutions Act and are derived from
the complete audited consolidated financial statements, prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards, as at and for the year ended
December 31, 2015. Those audited consolidated financial statements were approved by the Credit Union’s Board of Directors on March 14, 2016 and are located
on First West’s website at and can also be obtained at any of our branches.
How First West’s board is elected
Directors who serve on First West’s board act for the
organization as a whole, but are nominated in and elected in
one of three regions:
• The Island Savings Region for members on Vancouver
Island and the Gulf Islands
• The Envision Region for members in the Lower Mainland,
Fraser Valley and Kitimat
• The Valley First Region for members in the Okanagan,
Similkameen and Thompson valleys, including Enderby
The election process for 2016
In 2016, the terms of two directors expire at the AGM, one
from the Envision Region, one from the Valley First Region.
A call for nominations was issued on Jan.5, 2016, advising
members that the board was particularly seeking candidates
who had skill and experience in the following core areas:
• Financial accounting and audit
• Leadership (previous/current CEO or senior executive)
• Technology
• Risk management
Beyond the core areas, the board was also seeking candidates
who have experience in the following value-adding areas:
• Marketing and branding
• Investment management
• General insurance knowledge
First West’s board encouraged expressions of interest from
candidates who reflected a diversity of backgrounds, problem
solving approaches, gender and cultural heritage. For more
information, please refer to the Board Diversity Policy, which is
available on the First West website at
At the close of nominations on Feb. 12, 2016, four candidates
had stepped forward, as noted below.
Valley First Region
Following candidate interviews incumbent director Robin
Middleton was endorsed by the Nominations and Elections
Committee in the Valley First Region. Two other candidates
who were not endorsed subsequently withdrew their
candidacy and Middleton was thus re-elected by acclamation.
Envision Region
Incumbent director Ken Voth was nominated in the Envision
Region. As he was the only candidate nominated, Voth was
re-elected by acclamation.
Island Savings Region
The terms of the three directors who represent the Island
Savings Region run until 2017, so there will be no election in
that region and members will not vote for First West board
members until then.
Important information about
First West’s endorsement process
Endorsement is a way to identify which candidates
have the skills, experience and personal qualities
needed to oversee the credit union on behalf of
the membership.
Each year the board evaluates its current
composition and skill set and identifies any critical
skills, experience or expertise that would be
beneficial to attract to the board given changes in
our market and our evolving strategic direction. The
board also considers diversity in (but not limited to)
gender, ethnicity/culture, geography and age. The
Nominations and Elections Committee then seeks
candidates with those attributes.
With insight gained through information submitted
by candidates and the results of candidate
interviews, the Nominations and Elections
Committee decides which candidates would bring
the most overall value to the board if elected.
The committee then endorses at least as many
candidates as there are positions available in
the election.
This means that if there are four seats open in an
election, the Nominations and Elections Committee
will endorse at least four candidates, but may
endorse more if they feel there are more qualified
candidates than there are positions available.
Endorsement isn’t a popularity contest—the
committee works hard to remain impartial and
objective. Incumbent candidates, for example, are
not automatically endorsed—they only receive
endorsement if their skills and experience remain
relevant to the challenges the credit union faces.
In the end, no matter who is endorsed, the
membership ultimately decides who to vote for and
who is elected.
For 2016, after careful deliberation, the committee
endorsed incumbent candidate Robin Middleton in
the Valley First Region. Two other candidates who
were not endorsed withdrew their candidacy.
As no election is necessary in the Island Savings
Region and as incumbent director Ken Voth was the
only nominee in the Envision Region, no candidates
were endorsed in those regions.
Valley First Region
Incumbent Re-elected by Acclamation
Robin, a proud mother of five daughters, two rescue cats and a large Okanagan
Samoyed, joined First West Credit Union’s Board of Directors on May 1, 2012. Since
then Robin has served on the Audit and Risk Management, Conduct Review and
Governance and Human Resources committees.
CPA, CA Crowe McKay LLP
Key core strengths:
• Financial accounting and audit
• Strategic planning
• Technology
• Risk management
Value-adding strengths:
• Credit union/
cooperative sector experience
• Financial services
• Human resources management
A Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA, CA) for more than 25 years, Robin has
extensive experience in financial accounting and both internal and external audit,
strategic planning, technology and risk management. In addition, Robin has 10 years
of progressively more senior operational experience with a large financial institution.
Robin has worked with boards and committees of large organizations in the roles
of Chief Financial Officer and Chief Internal Auditor and is currently the Professional
Standards Officer of a public accounting firm.
An active volunteer, Robin has been serving our communities since 1979, and has
served on the boards of many not-for-profit organizations.
Robin is committed to adding value for our members, our employees and the
communities we serve. Her current responsibilities include serving as chair of
the Human Resources Committee and vice-chair of the Audit and Risk
Management Committee.
Envision Region
Incumbent Re-elected by Acclamation
Key core strengths:
• Leadership
• Law and regulatory
• Public Policy
Value-adding strengths:
• Real-estate lending and/
or development
• Credit Union/cooperative
sector experience
• Marketing and branding
Ken Voth is a lifetime resident of the Fraser Valley and is involved in the development
and construction industries throughout the Lower Mainland. Opening his first
account at East Chilliwack Credit Union when he was five years old, Ken began
taking an active part in credit unions at a very young age. In 1980, his commitment
to the credit union industry helped Ken get elected to the first board of Clearbrook
Credit Union (which eventually became Envision Credit Union). Ken was also director
of stabilization at Central Credit Union from 1997-2006 and is the former board chair.
In addition to his service to First West, Ken currently serves as director on the Canuck
Place Children’s Hospice.
Ken’s current responsibilities include serving as a member of the Investment
and Loan Committee and as current chair of the Partnership and Government
Relations Committee. Ken is also a member of the Envision Regional Council and
First West Foundation.
My spouse and I use the same log in information for online
banking. But when I logged in to vote a message said I had
already voted. Why?
Each credit union member should have and use their
own login and password. Please contact your branch—
they can assist you with ensuring you have your own login
and password.
Why can’t I vote in any region I choose? Aren’t they all part
of First West?
First West’s rules currently stipulate that each member is
entitled to vote once in the region in which his or her home
branch is located. Depending on the outcome of this year’s
special resolution votes, that may change in coming years
(see page 8 for more details).
I have two accounts—why can’t I vote twice?
Each First West member is only allowed one vote, regardless of
the number of accounts he or she holds.
Can I allow someone else to vote on my behalf?
First West’s rules do not allow members to vote by proxy.
How do you decide which region I get to vote in?
As part of our preparations for the vote, we analyze which
account you use most frequently. The one that is used most
frequently determines which region you are assigned to vote
in and which region you receive a Notice of AGM for.
I have a business membership. How can I vote?
A business or organization may vote by assigning a nonmember to vote on its behalf. Your branch can explain
the process.
My notice went to my old address—who do I call?
Please contact your branch to provide them with your
updated mailing address.
I don’t want people to know how I voted—
how are you protecting my privacy?
Both online and in-branch ballots are identified only by
a unique, randomly generated code and are counted by
a neutral, third-party agency under the supervision of a
returning officer who is not an employee of First West.
Can I vote online with my smart phone?
Smart phone voting via our online banking app is not yet
available, but we may be able to offer it in the future.
A special resolution is a significant action or change by the
credit union that must be approved by the board of directors,
then voted on and passed by the general membership
before adoption.
First West Credit Union members are asked to consider the
following special resolutions and, if deemed fit, to approve
the resolution by voting “For” on the ballot. To pass, a special
resolution must be approved by no less than two-thirds of the
votes cast by members eligible to vote.
Amendments to the credit union’s rules—Increasing
members’ power to nominate and vote for directors
First West’s rules currently specify that while the board of
directors is elected to represent all members of First West as
a whole, members may only nominate and vote for directors
in their region. This means, for instance, that a member in
the Island Savings Region may not nominate and/or vote
for a director in the Valley First Region or in the Envision
Region. The proposed amendments would allow all First West
members to nominate and/or vote for directors in all regions,
not just their home region.
Additionally, the rules currently make no allowance for
electing directors who do not represent a region. The ability
to do so is becoming important as the board requires more
specialized skills to meet regulatory expectations and ensure
it can effectively oversee the credit union on behalf of
members. Selecting directors based only on which region they
reside in may make it more difficult to find candidates with the
right mix of business skills, work experience and education.
To address this issue, amendments are proposed that would
allow the board to designate a number of seats as at-large;
that is, from any of First West’s service areas or other parts of
the province. Ideally, the future board will consist of a mixture
of at-large directors and directors representing each region
to ensure it meets its goals for both competence
and representation.
The board recognizes that nominating and voting for
candidates from distant locations means members will
need more information to make informed choices. As such,
amendments are proposed to remove the word limit for
candidate statements and offer the Nominations and Elections
Committee flexibility in determining how much information
candidates may submit.
Finally, the board is proposing an amendment that would
allow it, in special circumstances, to determine the length of
terms served by directors. Normally, the terms of four directors
expire at each annual general meeting. That cycle can be
interrupted, however, if the size of the board is changed. An
example is the provision in First West’s rules that allows the
board to be temporarily expanded by up to three directors
to accommodate a merger, with the requirement that the
board return to its normal complement of 12 directors within
a specified period. When the required downsizing occurs, the
terms of the remaining directors do not always correspond to
the regular cycle. This is usually corrected by electing directors
to different term lengths—one, two or three years, depending
on what is necessary—in subsequent elections.
The proposed amendment offers the board the flexibility to
set different term lengths when necessary and without the
need to amend the rules each time. Note that this amendment
would not allow the board to extend the terms of current
directors; it would only allow the board to determine term
lengths for directors to be elected in coming elections.
Amendments to the credit union’s rules—Updating
the selection of board table officers
Currently, First West’s rules specify that the chair of the board
and the vice-chair of the board must be from different regions.
While this rule helps diversify table officer representation,
it does not guarantee the best candidates will fill the table
officer roles. Moreover, with the planned introduction of atlarge directors, specifying that the chair and vice-chair must
be from different regions would rule out the possibility of an
at-large director taking on either role, as by definition an atlarge director would not represent a region.
Amending the rules to remove the requirement for the chair
and vice-chair to be from different regions will help ensure the
best-qualified directors are chosen by their fellow directors to
fill the table officer roles.
Amendments to the credit union’s rules—Increasing
flexibility in how annual general meetings are held
Annual general meetings are a regulatory requirement and an
opportunity for the credit union’s members to meet with the
board and management, ask questions and offer feedback.
Currently, First West’s rules specify that the credit union will
hold an annual general meeting session in each of its regions
each year. As First West grows, the challenge of holding
multiple AGM sessions is becoming greater, and the expense
of doing so continues to rise.
The proposed amendment allows for maximum flexibility in
determining where and when the AGM session(s) will be held.
It would allow for rotating AGM sessions (holding the AGM
in a different region each year), holding a main session and
webcasting to members in other areas or holding multiple
sessions as is done now (and as is permitted by legislation).
Special Resolution #1
Amendments to increase members’ power to nominate and vote for directors
BE IT RESOLVED, AS A SPECIAL RESOLUTION, THAT the rules of the credit union be altered as follows:
1.By deleting Rule 5.2 in its entirety and replacing it with:
“5.2 Designation of regions and at-large directors
a. Directors shall be elected or appointed to represent
a designated geographical area (each, a “region”) in
which the credit union maintains a branch network,
or to serve as at-large directors.
b. The current regions of the credit union are the
Envision Region, the Island Savings Region and the
Valley First Region, each of which consists of those
branches designated to it by the directors.
c. The Directors may, from time to time, but no more
often than annually and prior to the notification
of an election of directors to be given pursuant
to Rule 5.13, designate additional regions, reduce
the number of regions, alter the description of any
region, identify the region to which a branch belongs
and determine the number of directors to represent
each region or to serve as at-large directors.”
2.By deleting Rule 5.3 in its entirety and replacing it with:
“5.3 Elections
a. Subject to these Rules, in an election members in
each region are entitled to nominate and elect all
directors, whether to represent a region or to serve
as an at-large director.
b. The returning officer will keep a list of members
eligible to vote and members may vote in any region
of the credit union.”
3.In Rule 5.5, by adding a new final paragraph that reads:
“If, as a result of a change to size of the board as
determined by Rule 5.1, the terms of the remaining
directors will not allow for the expiry of one-third (1/3)
of the directors’ terms at each successive annual general
meeting, the directors may, by resolution, determine
the lengths of terms to be served by directors elected
in subsequent elections in such a manner that the
board may return as soon as is practicably possible to
the normal cycle of one-third (1/3) of directors’ terms
expiring at each successive annual general meeting.
This provision may not be used to extend the terms of
directors currently in office.”
4.By deleting subsection (f ) of Rule 5.9 and replacing it with:
“(f ) is representing a region as a director and is not
ordinarily resident, or does not have his or her ordinary
place of business, in the region he or she was elected
to represent,”
5.In Rule 5.13, by deleting subsection (a) and replacing it with:
“(a) notify all members of the credit union that an
election of directors is to take place, specifying the
number of positions to be filled, whether those
positions are designated to represent a region or to be
at-large, and the qualifications the proposed candidates
must meet;”
6.In Rule 5.14, by deleting the phrase “who are of the age of
majority, in good standing and from the region for which the
candidate is being nominated” and replacing it with “who are
of the age of majority and in good standing.”
7.In subsection (b) of Rule 5.19, by deleting the phrase
“who are in good standing, of the age of majority, and
from the region for which the candidate is being nominated”
and replacing it with “who are in good standing and of the age
of majority.”
8.In Rule 5.33, by deleting the phrase “not exceeding, in
the aggregate, two hundred and fifty (250) words,” and
replacing it with “not exceeding, in the aggregate, the word
limit established from time to time by the nominations and
elections committee.”
9.In Rule 5.33, by deleting the phrase “or if it exceeds two
hundred and fifty (250) words ” at the end of the paragraph
and replacing it with “or if it exceeds the word limit established
by the nominations and elections committee.”
Special Resolution #2
Amendments to update the selection
of board table officers
Special Resolution #3
Amendments to increase flexibility in how
annual general meetings are held
THAT the rules of the credit union be altered as follows:
THAT the rules of the credit union be altered as follows:
1.In Rule 5.38, by deleting the sentence “The chair and the
vice chair shall be elected from different regions.”
1.By deleting subsection (a) of Rule 6.1, and replacing it with:
“(a) held in one or more locations, as determined
from time to time by the directors;”
Why does the board need members
to approve rule changes?
The law requires each credit union to have a set of rules for
its conduct. These rules are approved by the credit union’s
membership, and any changes to those rules must also be
approved by the membership through a special resolution
supported by at least two-thirds of members who cast ballots.
What amendments is the board proposing?
The board is proposing rule amendments in three categories:
amendments to increase members’ power to nominate and
vote for directors, amendments to update the way the board’s
table officers are selected and amendments to increase
flexibility in how the credit union’s annual general meeting is
held. Details are included on page 8 of this notice.
How will the proposed amendments
increase members’ power to nominate
and vote for directors?
Currently, members may only nominate and vote for directors
in their region. This means, for instance, that a member in
the Island Savings Region may not nominate and/or vote
for a director in the Valley First Region or in the Envision
Region. The proposed amendments would allow all First West
members to nominate and vote for directors in all regions,
not just their own. The amendments would also allow for the
introduction of at-large directors, who do not represent any
particular region.
How would introducing at-large directors
help First West?
Electing at-large directors is becoming important as the board
seeks specialized skills to meet regulatory expectations and
effectively oversee the credit union on behalf of members.
Selecting directors based only on which region they reside in
makes it more difficult to find candidates with the right mix
of business skills, experience and education. The proposed
amendments would allow the board to designate a number
of at-large seats; that is, from any of First West’s service areas
or other parts of B.C. Ideally, the future board will consist of a
mixture of at-large directors and directors representing each
region to ensure it meets its goals for both competence
and representation.
Why remove the word limit for
candidate statements?
If the amendment to allow members to nominate and vote
for directors in all regions is passed, members may need
more information to make informed choices. The proposed
amendment would remove the word limit for candidate
statements and offer the Nominations and Elections
Committee flexibility in determining how much information
candidates may submit.
How would the board determining
term lengths work?
Normally, the terms of four directors expire at each AGM.
That cycle can be interrupted, however, if the size of the board
is changed—through a downsizing process, for example.
When the terms of remaining directors do not correspond
to the regular cycle, directors are usually elected to different
term lengths—one, two or three years as necessary—in
subsequent elections.
The proposed amendment would allow the board to set
different term lengths when necessary and without the need
to amend the rules. This amendment would not, however,
allow the board to extend the terms of current directors; it
would only allow the board to determine term lengths for
directors to be elected in coming elections.
Why change the way board table
officers are selected?
Currently, First West’s rules say the board’s chair and vice-chair
must be from different regions. While this rule helps diversify
table officer representation, it does not guarantee the best
candidates will fill the table officer roles. Moreover, when atlarge directors are introduced, specifying that the chair and
vice-chair must be from different regions would rule out the
possibility of an at-large director taking on either role, as by
definition an at-large director would not represent a region.
Removing the requirement for the chair and vice-chair to
be from different regions will help ensure the best-qualified
directors are chosen to fill the table officer roles.
Why change the rule about
annual general meetings?
Currently, First West’s rules specify that the credit union will
hold an AGM session in each of its regions each year. As First
West grows, the challenge of holding multiple sessions is
becoming greater, and the expense of doing so continues to
rise. The proposed amendment allows for maximum flexibility
in determining where and when the session(s) will be held—
for instance, holding a rotating AGM (one session in a different
region each year), holding a main session and webcasting to
members in other areas or holding multiple sessions as
is done now.
All votes must be cast by 5 p.m. on April 29, 2016
Individual members vote in the region where their home branch
is located, as determined by the credit union.
Incorporated businesses, partnerships,
incorporated associations may vote by
assigning a representative who
must be:
To be eligible to vote, you must be a member in good standing
as of November 30, 2015. This means you must be:
19 or older
Hold a minimum of five Class A membership equity shares
Not more than 90 days delinquent in any obligation to the
credit union
A non-member
At least 19 years old
Authorized to vote by an officer of
the business or organization
No proxy voting is permitted.
1. Log onto online
banking at
1. Visit the Enderby &
District Financial branch
1. Visit the Enderby & District
Financial branch
2. Tell any branch
representative that you
would like to vote
2. Tell any branch representative
that you would like to vote for a
business or other organization
3. Complete the member
declaration form you are
given – you will then be
given a ballot
3. Complete the business/
organization declaration
appointing a non-member to
vote on behalf of your
2. Select “Voting” from the
lefthand menu
3. Follow the instructions
4. Complete the ballot
and deposit it in the
ballot box
4. Provide the declaration to the
person you have designated
to vote and ask him or her to
complete it
5. Submit the completed declaration;
the person you have designated
will then be given a ballot
6. Have the designated person
complete the ballot and deposit it
in the ballot box
Hunger is a serious, growing problem in our
Every month 100,086 people in B.C. seek
assistance from a food bank
31.5% of all food bank users in B.C. are children
5,200 seniors each month access a food bank
Each month, BC food banks provide an additional
237,000 meals through shelters, soup kitchens
and school lunches
The good news? You can help!
Help us tackle hunger in
our communities — please
vote online or in your branch
This year, for every valid
ballot we receive towards
the special resolutions
vote we will donate $1
to Feed the Valley—our
signature cause—to a
maximum of $2,500.
250 490 2720
Regional Office
3rd Floor 184 Main St
Penticton, BC