indiana memorial union - Indiana University Bloomington


indiana memorial union - Indiana University Bloomington
board of directors
indiana memorial union
room 26
indiana indiana 47405
(812) 335-4682
The twenty-sec-i~d meeting of the 1983 - 1984 Union Board of Directors
was called to order at 5:33 by President Scott Gudeman. Doug Wulf, Mark
Hesting, Mike Gordon, and Phil Chamberlain were absent and excused. David
Jennings arrived at 5:43, and Christi Tobin left at 7:21.
APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: The Agenda was approved as presented.
"something" under the Concerts report.
John Malkin changed "nothing" to
FINANCIAL REPORT: Susan passed out a list of outstanding Petty Cash receipt}
Scott re-iterated the importance of taking care of these because names
on the list will be check-listed at the end of the semester.
OLD BUSINESS: Susan explained the criteria for granting two $1000.00
scholarships for next semester, after lengthy discussions with Ann and
Susan Pugh at the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aids. She moved
that the Board allocate two $1000 scholarships on the basis of 1) outstanding extra-curricular activities, 2) May 1984 graduation, 3) demonstrated
financial need, and 4) a minimum GPA of a 3.0. After an observation that
an ad for the scholarship had already appeared in the IDS, Susan said that
Budget and Policy felt that it was necessary to get a head start as the
application deadline would be in two weeks. John stated that he felt two
weeks would not be enough time to get a good number of applicants, and
Cindy said that even though Susan Pugh recommended a two-week application
period, the time could be extended. The motion passed unanimously.
Scott then discussed the Elections/Selections Director. Susan nominate(
committee member Susie Cantor, and Ann spoke in behalf of Steve Marks from
the Lectures Committee.
After both candidates were briefly discussed,
David moved
that the Union Board select Steve Marks, with Susie Cantor
as the replacement in case he can't do it. The motion passed, 8 for, 6
against, and 1 abstention.
NEW BUSINESS: Scott explained Secret Santas, and Susan passed out names.
See added addendum for specific changes.
Subsection 3b: There was no discussion.
2. Article IV, Section 5b: There was no discussion.
3. Term of a non-student director:
-Zuher discussed this addition to the by-laws with the Board. Byron
inquired as to when the new Board will vote on non-student directors.
Zuher made clear that there are two options: 1) t'he new Board would
vote on whether or not to keep the non-student directors in February
as soon as they are in place. Cindy then explained the second opti
2) The old Board would vote them in for the new Board in January
before the old Board leaves. Winston said "I support Cindy". Most
of the Board supported the second option.
4. Article VI, Section f: The Board referred this back to the Futures
mittee for more research.
Seventy-fifth Anniversary: Lori read the list of directors' responsibility
for the weekend, and Tom informed directors on procedures for the UB Fori
on Saturday morning. Deb Winger and Tom Hirons gave the Union Board his
slide presentation- everyone was very impressed.
Internal: No Report.
Budget and Policy:
Susan moled
that the Union Board allocate $3000A
from the Lectures budget for the February 22 P.J. O'Rourke Lecture, the
spring break trip to Daytona Beach to be co-sponsored with IUSA (no mone3
needed to be allocated), and approval of one-sheet posters for films. Th
motion passed, 15 for, 0 against, and one abstention. Susan added that
budget reviews are due before Thanksgiving Break.
President: No report submitted.
Vice-President: Susan requested a complete list of names and addressesifc
the invitation list by November 29 for the Committee Recognition Banquet
She passed out a list of awards catagories, nominations are due December
Secretary: Troy reported that Mary Zapia is working diligently on microfiching the old Union Board minutes- they should be sent in by January.
There have been some problems updating the Union Board scrapbooks, but U
will be.completed soon.
Visual Arts: Laura Cash gave a report on the Comput-a-Fair.
While overbudget, it was a great success and she recommended it be done again. Zuh(
then reported that the Kjell Sandved Photo Sale will be November 28 to D
ember 1 in the Georgian Room.
Minority and Cultural Programs: Winston expressed considerable concern t
the Union Board is "setting ourselves up" by David setting a date for a
Coretta Scott King lecture without any definite financial backing from ar
one. David reported that he has a possible $1000.00 in co-sponsorships,
but no written agreements. The matter will be brought before Budget and
Policy to decide. There will be no Open 'Forum in November, and no Minori
Newsletter until December.
Films: Gil reported this week's total attendance at 2166, UB revenue $11i
approximate profit $479.00 Pick of the Week is "Fitzcarraldo".
Advertising: Cindy reported a visibility
problem between herself and the
Board- she's had a few problems getting into the office last week and Wi]
try to do better. She also reported that, unfortunately, Bob Brasich wi]
not be with the Board after December. She will be looking for a new IDS
Festivals and Fairs: Paul reported that the Holidayfest is coming togeth(
The Program will include a Holiday Style Show, Choralfest, Tree
Decorating, Pier 'res
with Santa, Storytelling- and an Arts and Crafts Fa
Events will he_
cember 2, 3, and 4.
Learning at Leisure: Tom reported that the Finals Survival Workshop will
be December 7 in the State Room East.
Also, "Make a Holiday Gift',' part of
the Holidayfest program, will be December 4 in the CCAC.
IMU: No Report.
Alumni:' No Report.
Concerts: No Report.
Kiva Unlimited: Bill reported that the. Funk Fest sold out- standing r
$1000 made on the program. The Fashion show will be December 2,
and the committee is working on a T.V. commercial.
Travel and Excursions: Sue reported that the Kodak Seminar was well received
as there were approximately 150 in attendance. The spring break trip will
be co-sponsored with IUSA. Dean Solt of the Graduate School has agreed to
serve as the UB Santa for Holidayfest.
Public Relations: Tom reported that he gave two slide shows last week- on
Thursday he will be at Forest Quad. The magazines are going like hotcakes.
Performing Arts: Lori reported that the High Noon Brass Quartet was well
received today in the South Lounge. Night at the Ballet - Nutcracker- will
be Dec. 9, and Night at the Opera- Midsummer Night's Dream- will be Dec. 3.
Tournaments and Competitions:
Troy gave Mark's report in his absence. He
filmed Lance Fox, the winner of Campus Comedy Competitions, at Bear's Place
Monday night. We have established a working relationship with them that
will serve UB in future programming.
STAFF REPORTS: Ann suggested directors mail out committee recognition cardsit means so much to committee people. Bart commented that our advertising
is being noticed- keep up the good work and special promotions.
FREE PERIOD FOR DISCUSSION: No substantial discussion.
Tournaments and Competitions:
Bart Hall;
Performing Arts: Barb Brown, Winston Shindell, and Deb Winger;
Public Relations: Ann Claussen, Dave Compton, and Bart Hall; Travel and
Excursions: Jeani Broroning, Dina Bulliant; Kiva: Paul Leeper Ann Claussen,
God, Bart Hall, Marie Moll, Jill Lewiboitz, Reed Foster, Don Luse, Bob
Brasset; Learning at Leisure: Pete Mariani, Andy Detherage, and Kathy
Rehovitch; Festivals and Fairs: Regina Miller, Advertising: Bob Brasich.
Zuher adjourned
Respectfully Si
Troy Gilbert,
Union Board Secretary
tte meeting at 7:34.
All Union Board Directors
Futures Committee
IMUB Constitutional Changes
November 15, 1983
Article IV, subsection 3b: The particular section this
refers to is unclear. It reads "Section 1 in this arSection 1 in Article II."
It should read;
Article IV, section 5b: The particular section this
refers to i s unclear. It reads "Article V, section 6
subsection (a) and (b)." It should read "Article IV
section 6."
Term of non-student director
The following will be added to the by-laws:
There will be no definite terms for the non-student
director. The outgoing Board will make a review of
the current non-student directors. This review and
any recommendeded changes will be presented to the
oncoming Board. The oncoming Board will make changes
in the non-student director positions as they see fit.
Article VI,
Section f
To clarify voting procedures and ensure that an abstention
vote is not accounted for as a "no" vote, the following
change in the by-laws should be made:
"A majority vote in the affirmative of those
voting shall be necessary for the adoption of
Union Board will not count
the amendment."
abstentions as votes in the negative and will
use Robert's Rules as a reference if other
ambiguities arise. This applies also to Union
Board meetings.