Jan-Feb 2009 American Dancer
Jan-Feb 2009 American Dancer
Dancer A m e r i c a n AD Exclusive Derek Hough Annual Associations 2009 Goals, Quick Contact List, & more! Nationals are Almost Here Updates for Social Dancers & Competitors Official Publication of USA Dance Cover Story: Dancing With the Stars Kids www.usadance.org January - February 2009 Issue I6 DVDs ViDeos Music Manuals Flooring certiFication Mastery caMps DViDa syllabus 9081 W. sahara aVe., suite 100 las Vegas, nV usa 89117-4803 Call for a free Catalog 1-800-851-2813 eMail inFo@DanceVision.coM Website DoWnloaD the latest Catalog at WWW.DanCevision.Com On the Cover Photo By Kami Sorensen. 16 Baltimore: Don’t Miss Out Read why Nationals 2009 will be the best ever! 22 Cover Story: Craig & Samantha See how this brother/sister duo became the Champions of the Dancing With the Stars Junior competition. 36 Associations Learn what’s new for 2009. Leland Andrew: A Tribute to 16 Years 40 Leland Andrew sits down for an interview with ADM. Inside the Cover Line of Dance 4 6 7 Associations 36 37 38 40 President’s Report Announcements Editorial Information & Contributors Dance Floor 9 10 12 14 16 12 Quick Contact List Officers Photo Log Leland Andrew Tribute In Step Chapter News: We have a new look! Chapter Highlight: Ocala, Florida Individual Spotlight: Jane Burr Wounded Warriors Ball 2009 Baltimore: Don’t Miss Out! Is there a Cruise on your Horizon? 2009 USA Dance Goals Collegiate Competition Calendar D.C. Dance Inferno 36 2008 National Collegiate Challenge AD Market Place DanceMart On Beat 20 22 23 24 Public Eye: We have a new look! Dancing With the Stars: Craig & Samantha Interview: Derek Hough, USA Dance Alumni Carrie Ann Inaba coming to Nationals 2009 DanceSport 27 28 30 32 33 34 Competition Calendar Nationals 2009 Updates World Report National Sponsors California State DanceSport Championships Northwest DanceSport Championships www.USADANCE.ORG 34 Jonathan Baily & Gioia Sophia F. Reni. Photo by Barney Chui. 20 42 43 44 46 47 January - February 3 Presidents’ Report A year ago I set three main goals for myself and the organization. Our ability to communicate with our members through this magazine had never been outstanding, and by the end of 2007 it was pretty bad. I am pleased to report that the situation has improved greatly, and this year’s January/February issue will be going to the printer at the end of the first week in December. The magazine is now a significant factor in our campaign to enhance the image of USA Dance. Well done team! For the future we need to expand the scope of the magazine, we need to be more responsive to our readers, and we need to have the magazine dropping into people’s mailboxes on the first day (or close) of the beginning of the period. I was pleased to get a complaint from one member who wrote last week that his magazine was four weeks late. He was shocked when I replied that it was the Nov/Dec issue, and that he had received his the day before I got mine. The handling of our magazine through the postal service also needs a hard look, and I am pleased that Bobbi Jo Gamache, a retried USPS manager, has started the review of this aspect. I am sure that she will have information for us about the steps we can take immediately to improve the situation. A second goal was to improve the relationship between “competition” Chapters and “social dance” Chapters. This process is under way, and I have been pleased to make visits to several small Chapter dance competitions. The third goal was to get a Development Committee working to raise donations for some of our youth programs. This has still not been fulfilled, but it will remain on the agenda until it makes the target. Our ability to raise funds for our charitable purposes remains a barrier to our expansion. We also need to construct a planned giving program. Our only major donation in the past twenty five years was from the estate of a lady who had an interest in dance. This kind of planning is not for novices to handle. We need to identify resources that can help in these areas. But there are other opportunities. Any kind of disabled sport activity will give us access to funding that is so badly needed. We need to know about all of our outreach programs – to the young, the elderly, the handicapped, the under-privileged, the veterans and so on. These are not fringe activities. They go to the root of our charitable status, and can open doors which have been closed to us for so long. Let us not hide our light under a bushel. If we don’t know about it, we can’t publicize it! For 2009, I have three new goals. The first very important goal is to increase our membership. We have a Chapter Officer Conference in January here in Florida, and I will be addressing this issue at those meetings. USA Dance needs new blood, and I hope to see results before I make my final retirement bow at the end of 2009. I’m sure that many of you share with me the experience of being quizzed by friends and acquaintances about Dancing With the Stars – even perfect strangers when they discover your interest in ballroom dancing. Tell them to join. And tell your Chapter officers that this conference is a must trip for them. I’ll be there, and looking forward to meeting all the people who really make USA Dance work. In 2008, we had a very rewarding experience in working with Special Olympians. Fort Wayne DanceSport Chapter in IN #2046, led by Vivian Hans, reached an agreement with Special Olympics and Easter Seals to run a competition in which chapter members danced competitively with Special Olympians. The event was a stunning success, and will spread to other states. Vivian – you and your colleagues have made a difference. Well done. Finally, we need to expand our efforts to get ballroom dancing into K-12 schools, whether as curricular activity or as dance clubs. We will be meeting with educators to develop a package of programs for use in 4 Line of Dance discussions with local education authorities. Since Bill Bennet tramped around the country twenty five years ago forming College Dance Clubs they have expanded enormously. And what fun they have. The same thing can happen at the younger age levels, and has already been a resounding success in the New York public school system. During the year I made fourteen trips totaling fifty-five days on the road, and ten different states. In January I had the pleasant task of hosting our outing to the NDCA Anniversary celebrations, which coincided with my first NDCA meeting as President since 1993. It was good to have our presence there noted, and I enjoyed the company of those governing council members who were able to join us. April, of course, found us all in Baltimore. What a week! I am still reeling from the effects of that first day, when Angela Prince chased me from one TV interview to another with photo ops and press interviews to keep me on my toes. Shortly after Nationals I received an invitation to attend a member development workshop at the USOC Training Center in Colorado Springs. This was engineered by Harry Kalofonos, and proved to be challenging, fascinating and totally exhausting. In addition to the programs, I had the opportunity to meet with senior USOC executives and to visit some of Harry’s tango haunts. I also had the pleasure of meeting briefly with Barbara Wally our regional VP for that area. By the beginning of June I had recovered sufficiently to attend the Louisiana Gumbo event. Again, this was a chapter event that was extremely well organized. The last day of the weekend was a separately run pro-am event, which helped the viability of the whole weekend. The visit helped me respond adequately to NDCA complaints about the pro-am aspect of the event. Labor Day weekend took us to California for the Embassy Ball, the IDSF Grand Slam events and the IDSF Adjudicators’ Congress. I had managed to persuade four top lecturers to volunteer to address the Congress, which was attended by a bevy of famous professional coaches, including many World and Blackpool champions. Anya Klimova Preston very kindly volunteered to make notes and produce a report, which has appeared in various media. Later in September, Angela Prince volunteered me to take part in a radio interview with Dr. Caroline Picart, a true Renaissance woman and mistress of many trades. Competitors Rick and Cindy Pellin also took part. I was astonished to hear recently that the program has now been heard by almost two million listeners here and abroad, and that it will be repeated during the holiday break. A short break was followed by the annual USOC General Assembly in Orlando. It had been twenty years since my first USOC meeting, and how times have changed. My own personal crowning moment came when retiring President Peter Ueberroth said in speaking about the projected USOC cable channel, “And we have to take a wider look. Dance – the sporting part of it – has to be there!” There was an excellent presentation by the organizing group bidding for the 2016 Olympics for Chicago. If the bid continues to prosper (and why wouldn’t it with Chicagoans in the White House!) we may be able to fit local events, including Nationals, into the years preceding 2016. I recently asked Mary to check on our older members. It appears we have 18 members still dancing over the age of 90! One or two are still competing. What an incredible advertisement Peter Pover for ballroom dancing. We will be recognizing some of these fine people in Baltimore this year. www.USADANCE.ORG Happy New Year everyone! January - February 5 Announcements America’s Got Talent Casting Call NBC contacted USA Dance and asked that we spread the word . . . . For season four, AMERICA’S GOT TALENT is currently planning a MASSIVE nationwide audition tour starting in January ‘09. The auditions will be traveling across America to over eight major cities including New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Washington D.C. to name a few. With a talent search open to any act of any age, AMERICA’S GOT TALENT has brought the variety format back to the forefront of American culture by showcasing the hottest performers from across the country. Each week, the show features a colorful array of hopeful stars, including singers, dancers including ballroom dancers, comedians, pets, musicians, contortionists, impressionists, jugglers, magicians and ventriloquists, all vying for their chance to perform on stage in front of a panel of celebrity judges and the viewing audience in the hopes they’ll be chosen the winner. There is no age limit on this show. They are open to teams, individuals or partners. PASS THE WORD! Make USA DANCE members aware of the chance to compete for the opportunity of a lifetime at winning the grand prize of $1 MILLION DOLLARS and a headline show on the Las Vegas strip. To pre-register for an audition and for more information on AGT, please log on to www.nbc.com/agt 6 Line of Dance For more information, interested contentents should contact NBC American’s Got Talent directly as listed on their website. Register Today for Nationals 2009 Online registration is available for those competing at Nationals in Baltimore. When registering after March 7, 2009 late fees do apply to your registration fee. Visit the Nationals website at www.usadancenationals.org for updates and information about the upcoming event in April. Dancer A m e r i c a n National Officers PRESIDENT Peter Pover, 772.489.9190 email: president@usadance.org SENIOR VP Lydia Scardina, 415.469.9815 email: senior-vp@usadance.org SECRETARY Stan Andrews, 217.454.8879 email: secretary@usadance.org TREASURER Esther Freeman, 541.899.1933 email: treasurer@usadance.org DANCESPORT VP Ken Richards, 302.290.2583 email: dancesport-vp@usadance.org SOCIAL VP Jean Krupa 386.761.1625 email: social-vp@usadance.org YCN VP Andrew Pueschel, 412.656.3667 email: ycn-vp@usadance.org • Editorial Staff Executive Director Shawn Fisher MANAGING EDITOR Erica Colvin COPY EDITOR Andrea Knight WRITERS Erica Colvin • Andrea Knight • Hannah Hennis ART DIRECTOR Bonnie Olsen PRODUCTION DIRECTOR Lindsey Hymas DESIGNERS Becky Brunson • Lindsey Hymas • Aimee Fisher • Contributors WRITERS • Wayne Crowder • Ander Hyder Jean Krupa • Jack Lebo • Daphna Locker EDITORIAL ADVISOR Angela Prince, USA Dance Director of Public Relations • Contributing Writers Rates & Prices American Dancer is published bimonthly as a service for members and is included in membership annual dues. • Subscription Individual Non-Member $25 Canadian Air Delivery $32 Overseas Air Delivery $36 Library Subscription $9 • Jean Krupa Jean Krupa currently serves as the Social Vice President for USA Dance. In 1999 she served as the Regional Vice President for the Daytona Advertising AD REPRESENTATIVE Doug Montanus 505.836.7946 email: fundraising-dir@usadance.org • Ballroom Dancers Club, which she helped organize in 1990. Submissions American Dancer welcomes submissions of letters, articles and photos. All submissions are considered the property of American Dancer. Submission does not guarantee publication. Articles and letters may also be edited for length and content without notice to the author. Photos and other materials are not returned. • Daphna Locker Daphna is currently a member of the Greater NY Chapter of USA Dance #3004. For the Letters to the editor last year and a half, Daphna has been the Please include your name, city and state. Names will appear in full unless specified otherwise. • Chair of the National Organizing Committee and the registrar for the National Collegiate Chapter News Please include chapter name and number, contact information and any photos with caption information that you might have. • Photos Must be high resolution, print quality digital photos. 300 dpi. Send to editorial office: email: office@usadance.org or mail to: American Dancer Magazine PO Box 462 Rexburg, ID 83440-0462 • DanceSport Challenge. Dancer Cover Photo A m e r i c a n AD Exclusive Derek Hough Season 7 Dancing With the Stars Kids Champions, Craig and Samantha Campos. Membership If you need information concerning membership or missed issues, contact: Mary at USA Dance central office 800.447.9047 • Fax: 239.573.0946 Email: central-office@usadance.org Check our Web site - www.USAdance.org www.USADANCE.ORG © ABC, courtesy of Irene Campos Annual Associations 2009 Goals, Quick Contact List, & more! Nationals are Almost Here Updates for Social Dancers & Competitors Official Publication of USA Dance Cover Story: Dancing With the Stars Kids www.usadance.org January - February 2009 Issue I6 January - February 7 DanceSport DanceSport DanceSport DanceSport Da DanceSport DanceSport DanceSport DanceSport DanceS Qualifying DanceSport Events for DanceSport Dan DanceSport DanceSport DanceDanceSport 2009 National DanceSportUSA DanceSport DanceSport DanceS DanceSport DanceSport DanceSport Championships DanceSport DanceSport Danc 09 Southeastern Regional DanceSport Championships 2009 Southeastern Regional DanceSport Championships 09 Southeastern Regional DanceSport Championships 2009 Southeastern Regional DanceSport Championship 2009 Southeastern Regional DanceSport Championships 2009 Southeastern Regional DanceSport Championships 2009 Southeastern Regional DanceSport Championships 2009 Southeastern Regional DanceSport Championships 009 Southeastern Regional DanceSport Championships 2009 Southeastern Regional DanceSport Championships 09 Southeastern Regional DanceSport Championships 2009 Southeastern Regional DanceSport Championship DanceSport DanceSport DanceSport DanceSport Danc 2009 Southeastern Regional DanceSport Championships DanceSport DanceSport DanceSport DanceSport Dance DanceSport DanceSport DanceSport DanceSport Dan DanceSport DanceSport DanceSport DanceSport DanceS DanceSport DanceSport DanceSport DanceSport Dan Craig Shaw & Malin Johansson / Photo by: Marianne Oelund Manhattan Amateur Classic New York, NY January 16-18, 2009 Southwest DanceSport Championships San Jose, CA February 7, 2009 Smoky Mountain DanceSport Championships Knoxville, TN January 30-31, 2009 Southeastern DanceSport Championships Bethesda, MD February 28 - March 1, 2009 For More Information visit www.usadance.org 8 Dance Floor USA Dance Chapter News By: Hannah Hennis We want to hear from you, and so do our readers! Boston, MA latest news from is teaming up with the U.S. Eastern your chapter to DanceSport Championships, local studios be featured in and DanceVision to put on a DanceSport Massachusetts Chapter 3002 was also part of a special dance event, Keep Our Children Warm, held by Karen’s Ballroom Dancing. Entry was free, but people were encouraged to bring a piece of winter gear for children in need. Together, attendees collected many coats, sweaters, blankets, and instruction series. This special series is boots — way to go! Send us the upcoming issues of American Dancer. Massachusetts Chapter #3002 Holding Dance Series The Massachusetts Chapter 3002 intended to bring as many new students as possible into the ranks of dance. Billy When submitting, Morganti is the main instructor and, assisted please keep in mind by many others, is teaching the students the following: the basics of seven different dances. At the conclusion of the series this February, the 1. High quality, digital photos relating to the event, 600 dpi or higher U.S. Eastern DanceSport Championships is having a special chapter category to be held on Thursday, Feb. 19. MASSabda is offering discounted tickets if purchased in advance. Contact Donna Crown at donnac120@ 2. Photo caption, or comcast.net for additional information. names of persons 3. Photo credit 4. Articles should be a maximum of 175 words Send Submissions and any Questions to Editor@ americandancer.org www.USAdance.ORG Piedmont, NC Piedmont N.C. Chapter #6019 Celebrates 2009 Early this year! The Piedmont Chapter celebrated an early New Year’s this year at Studio E on Dec. 28. There was a waltz lesson, followed by two wonderful hours of dance. If you missed out, there is more fun where that came from. This chapter sponsors a “Tea Dance” and lesson the fourth Sunday This chapter was also part of Dance for a Cure on Dec. 7 at the Ritz. SuperShag and the AdMeTech Foundation held this fundraising gala to support finding a cure for prostate cancer. Thank you to SuperShag for donating time and effort to this cause. According to www.admetech.org, “The AdMeTech Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to innovative solutions for improved patient care and transfer of medical research and technologies from laboratories to clinics.” of every month from 5:30 to 8 p.m. at Skateland, Clemmons. They also have dances the first Saturday night of each month at South Fork Community Center. These run from 8 to 10:30 p.m. and cost only $5. Call 336-374-2712 or 276-7553072 for details and to confirm dates. Strap on your dance shoes and come join us! January - February 9 Chapter Highlight Ocala, Florida Chapter #6027 by: Hannah Hennis T he Ocala, Florida area is a popular spot for retirement communities, and so Chapter #6027 may have a few more mature dancers, but that doesn’t stop them from rocking the dance floor. They have made leaps and strides in encouraging and carrying on the tradition of social dance in the community, as well as pulling a few wonderful surprises for everybody. The chapter recently hosted a memorable and unique event that is possibly a first for USA Dance. Unknown to the chapter members who attended their Mar. 5 dance at the Ocala Moose Lodge, they were to be the guests at a surprise wedding. When they took a break for announcements and prize drawings, Vice President Dennis Rose made a surprise invitation to everyone there to attend the wedding of their Second Vice President Mary Feirer to her fiancé and local radio personality, Don Bruce. The wedding, a well-kept secret, was to take place immediately. One attendant said that the ceremony was brief, but very beautiful. Their D.J. team, Dick and Gloria Santella, coordinated the music and designed the centerpieces. A special friend of both Mary and Don’s conducted the ceremony. Mary’s niece was her attendant, and Don’s WRZN radio producer and friend of 37 years, Bob Simon, was best man. The couple then danced a celebratory waltz and everyone joined in. This was followed by wedding cake and alcohol free “champagne” while the best man led a heart-felt toast to the bride and groom. All in all, it was a memorable experience for the 100+ ballroom dancers in attendance. Unknown to the chapter members . . . they were to be the guests at a surprise wedding! Photo Courtesy of Dennis Rose Ocala Chapter members in attendance at the March 5th dance and Serprise Wedding 10 Dance Floor Photo Courtesy of Dennis Rose Mary Feirer and Don Bruce “We had a lot of guests,” said Rose, “Because it’s such a fun and exciting event and everyone’s dressed up, it got a lot of exposure.” The community embraced the dance fundraiser and it had prominent promotion spots in both the local paper, and as on the radio. They planned the event perfectly, starting at least four months in advance to make sure that the venue, date and music were perfect as well as rounding up volunteers. Rose put it well when he said that, “The whole thing is a lot of attention to detail, and a lot of communication.” What a team effort. Despite the raffles, food and performances, the dancing—as always—was what took up most of the www.USAdance.ORG Photo Courtesy of Dennis Rose The Ocala Chapter also put on a semi-formal charity ball for Hospice in April. They raised money from ticket sales as well as raffles, and just had a blast dancing. One sponsor, Mary Thomas, also made it possible for them to have a professional performance as well. Pavel Cherdantsau and his wife and partner Svetlana Rudkovskaya are international dance champions and have won many titles all over the world. They performed three different exhibitions for the members as well as those from the Marion county hospice that attended: Pasa Doble, Aruba and Tango. Liana Simon (conducted the ceremony), Mary Chambless (Matron of Honor), Mary Feirer, Don Bruce Whitney, Bob Simon (Best Man) night, and the event boasted at least an hour and a half of free dance time. “It was very memorable. I had several people come up and tell me that this was the most fun dance they had ever been to. It was just really a lot of fun,” said Rose. The whole event was a tremendous success, and at the end of the night they had raised a good amount of money for the Hospice program. “It was uplifting. The music was great, [and] the exhibitions were inspiring,” summed up Rose. All in all a wonderful event. January - February 11 Individual Spotlight Jane Burr by: Hannah Hennis E Jane Burr has been dancing for many years now both in Florida and Virginia chapters, and has served as President of the Ocala Chapter for the past 15 years. The Region 1 Vice President Dennis Rose said that, “She’s brought a lot of excitement, a tremendous amount of dedication, and just wonderful leadership. She sets the standard and the chapter kind of grows around that type of a person.” The chapter was really desperate and struggling when she came, but when she decided to give the position a try, she was able to instill vitality into their activities. She has been a wonderful example of community outreach with her kind and friendly nature and passion for dance. One of the things that make her such an extraordinary chapter president is that she is always willing to do what needs to be done. Dennis Rose Photo Courtesy of Dennis Rose very dance community has its major powerhouses – the people who stand out and step up to make a difference, those people that we look to for advice and leadership. In Ocala, Florida, one of those people would have to be Jane Burr – the beloved President of Chapter #6027. Jane Burr and Bob recalled a time when their appointed venue called two hours before a major formal dance and said they hadn’t moved any tables off of the dance floor. Despite the short notice, Burr gathered up a handful of people, and went off to work with a change of clothes in hand. Together they managed to move or put up about 50 tables and several hundred chairs. “It was a potential catastrophe,” Rose said. “[She is] always able to deflect the problems, handle stuff, move on with a smile… a real trademark of a leader. She’s just a really incredible lady.” Photo Courtesy of Dennis Rose Unfortunately, Burr will be stepping down this next year, so in appreciation of more than a decade of committed service, the Ocala, Florida Chapter presented her with an award of gratitude on Dec. 16, 2008. Her life’s philosophy has truly matched the award inscription: the brightest stars are the ones who shine for the benefit of others. Jane Burr and Second Vice-president Mary Feirer 12 Dance Floor www.USAdance.ORG January - February 13 by: The Azalea Coast USA Dance Chapter #6031 announces our upcoming event O ur event will take place over Memorial Day weekend, May 22-23, 2009, a most fitting time to honor our wounded and fallen military personnel. The event will be held on the Camp LeJuene Marine Corp Base at beautiful Marston Pavilion, located amid lush scenery and overlooking the New River and Wallace Creek. Marston Pavilion boasts twin 6000 square foot wooden dance floors and full catering facilities. Jacksonville, N.C. is located on “the Crystal Coast” of North Carolina with nearby pristine, beautiful beaches and lakes -- a wonderful way to start the summer season. Camp LeJuene is the Marine Corps largest East Coast base, with some 43,000 marines and sailors stationed on the base and it spreads out over 156,000 acres of Southeastern North Carolina. Camp LeJuene is also home to the Marine Corp Wounded Warriors – East Coast Battalion which serves the critical care & severely injured needs of wounded service personnel and their families. Our event is dedicated to providing an opportunity for the ballroom dancing community to show appreciation for the wounded and fallen service members and their families by enabling us to contribute back to their care and well-being through the medium of this event. Through the promotion of ballroom dancing, we wish to express honor and 14 Dance Floor Colleen Parker gratitude toward our nation’s military for their service and sacrifice in the cause of liberty that gives each and every one of us the ability to pursue this activity we so mutually love. Come join us Friday night and all day Saturday for social dance workshops conducted by our team of professional instructors and show performers. Choose from 20 workshops on Friday night, Saturday morning and Saturday afternoon. Workshops will be given from 7:30-10:30 p.m. on Friday evening by Tomas Mielnicki, Jennifer Thomas, Robertas Maleckis & Inga Sirkaite, our featured show performers. On Saturday morning our “show” team will again be available for workshops beginning at 9 a.m. until 11 a.m. Our show team leaves us at this point to perform their professional show at a special lunch reception honoring the military and wounded warriors. Taking their place on the instruction floor at 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. will be Eduardo Torres and Christine Acevedo from Greer, S.C. A champagne reception starts our stellar evening at 5:30 for our ball attendees. A formal black tie dinner and ball commences at 6:30 p.m. Dance hosts will be in attendance at the Single’s Tables all evening. There will be dancing throughout the night to the music of the Andrew Theilen Big Band, a 16-piece dance band from North Myrtle Beach, S.C. Our professional show occurs midway through the “Marston Pavilion boasts twin 6000 square foot wooden dance floors and full catering facilities. Jacksonville, N.C. is located on the ‘Crystal Coast’ of North Carolina with nearby pristine, beautiful beaches and lakes--a wonderful Front View of the Marston Pavilion. All Photos by Howell Oakley, Azaelea Coast VP & 2009 ball chairman. way to start the summer season.” Colleen Parker President, Azaelea Coast Chapter evening and will be by the 2007 US, National & World American Smooth Dance Champions, Tomas Mielnicki & Jennifer Thomas along with European & US Latin Champions, Robertas Maleckis & Inga Sirkaite. Following the professional show, we will be drawing for our grand prize raffle winner. The winner will receive a seven day cruise for two with your choice of Alaska, Mexico, the Caribbean or Canada from Holland America Cruise Lines. The winner does not have to be present at the event. Cost is only $20 per ticket and someone is going to win this vacation. Reservations are required in advance for the Dinner/ Dance/Show on Saturday evening. No walk-ins will be permitted. We strongly encourage all dancers interested in this event to book reservations early. Not only do you get a discount until Mar. 31, 2009, but this event is expected to be sold out before the deadline, primarily because of its location and the cause for which we are having the fundraiser. Lake View from the Marston Pavilion Net proceeds from the event and the raffle will be donated to the Hope for the Warriors Foundation, the requested recipient of the Wounded Warriors East Barracks. For more information, reservations or to make donations to this event, contact us: Colleen Parker (910) 799-8566 AzaleaCoastUSADance@ec.rr.com www.WoundedWarriorsBall.com Marston Pavilion Dance Floor www.USAdance.ORG January - February 15 Inner Harbor of Baltimore. Photo Courtesy of iStockPhoto. Baltimore Don’t Miss Out ! J ean Krupa, USA Dance Social VP, has been working long hours to bring fun and exciting events to Baltimore Nationals. Dancers of all ages and abilities can now make Nationals 2009 an event to remember. The USA Dance 2009 DanceSport Championships are returning to Baltimore, Maryland Apr. 3-5, 2009. But don’t be fooled. Although the competition is known for its excellent dancesport, the Nationals event in Baltimore provides many activities with social dancers in mind. Dances have been scheduled on Friday and Saturday nights especially for the social dancers. Friday night also brings the VIP Welcome Reception. And don’t miss the Harbor Sightseeing Tour with lunch and dancing Saturday afternoon. This is the perfect introduction to Baltimore. Whether you have visited Baltimore extensively or if it is your first time, the sightseeing tour is a great experience. Come check out the sites and sounds of the historic harbor amidst your favorite fellow dancers. And if you attended Nationals last year, I am sure you will agree that the venue is fantastic. Restaurants are located conveniently close to the Renaissance Harborplace Hotel – one of the best elements of holding 16 Dance Floor Nationals in Baltimore. An extensive shopping mall is located inside the hotel as well. This is extremely helpful for the hurried packer who doubtlessly forgot to bring an essential or two. Saturday and Sunday, workshops have been planned and scheduled with a variety of instructors. The workshops are a great chance to work with some of the leading instructors that will be available at your fingertips at this event. Don’t miss this opportunity to take your dancing to the next level. We recommend the VIP Package for the social dancers. This package includes a spectator pass for admission to the competitions, dances, workshops and the sightseeing tour. The VIP Package rate is $200. Arrange for your VIP Package soon. The registration deadline is Mar. 27, 2009. Make sure to keep it on your calendar. Take special care when packing for this exciting trip. A few tips from Jean Krupa: remember your dance shoes and bring a jacket – April can still be a little chilly. Check out all the information on Nationals in Baltimore on the Nationals website: www. usadancenationals.org/. Look for the Social sidebar coming soon. www.USAdance.ORG January - February 17 The easiest and most affordable way to the BLACKPOOL DANCE FESTIVAL “Loved it. Loved it. Loved it! Can't wait to go again!” From E.S., Sacramento, CA (one of our 2008 Blackpool travelers) If you love to dance or enjoy watching competitive dancing, this trip to Blackpool, England is made for you! Departure is May 24, 2009 Join us to watch 1,863 of the best couples in the world compete their hearts out! Tickets are limited! Call today for a free brochure. 1-800-392-6869 1969 W. Stadium Blvd., Suite 206 Ann Arbor, Michigan 48103 ph: 734-761-1300 or 800-392-6869 www.BallroomDancingTour.com Come to Nationals 2009 WIN A FREE CRUISE JUST COMPLETE OUR CONTACT FORM SPECIALIZING IN DANCE CRUISES Lots Of Social Dancing & Workshops Plus Hosts Seven Night Bermuda Dance Cruise October 18, 2009 (Prices start at $699) Seven Night Mexican-Riviera Dance Cruise January 24, 2010 (Prices start at $629) Contact: Cathy & Brent Paxton 303-250-7344 in Colorado ♦ Toll Free: 1-866-409-SAIL Email: info@SundancerCruises.net For More info visit: www.SundancerCruises.net WATCH FOR DETAILS FOR UPCOMING ALASKA & HAWAII DANCE CRUISES 18 Dance Floor Enjoy the beauty of Ballroom in Baltimore Is there a Cruise on your Horizon? BY: Jean Krupa, Social Dance VP I would like to thank everyone who sent me tales of their cruise experiences and would like to take this opportunity to remind members and chapters that the USA Dances insurance policy does not cover events held on international waters. The results compiled are twofold. First, if you are going on a cruise as a couple you may find cruise lines such as Carnival and Royal Caribbean adequate, especially if you are going mainly for their ports of call. These ships, especially the larger ones will have several opportunities for dancing, the floors will be smaller; some disco floors are plastic with seams. At the Captains’ Party you may find you are able to dance “on stage” to the delight of the other passengers. Second, if you are going with a large group, the Costa and Holland America lines have the largest dance floors available and their music is more agreeable to ballroom dancing. Most organized trips are held on these cruise lines and they will work with the organizers providing private time on the dance floors for lessons while at sea and evening dances. Of course, the ultimate in cruising is the Queen Mary II, which usually provides dance hosts for the unaccompanied ladies. This cruise line also offers dance lessons during the day. I would suggest if you are serious about dancing on a cruise you check out the ship on the internet, most sites let you see the ship and what the different lounges have to offer. Although, to be doubly sure that the beautiful floor you saw isn’t used for bingo, karaoke or art auctions you may want to check with the cruise director beforehand for an itinerary. www.USAdance.ORG January - February 19 the Public Eye by: Elijah & Hannah Highlighted in The Daily Herald Elijah Clayton, 11, and Hannah Shinsato, 12, were featured in The Daily Herald, a newspaper out of Everett, Wash. The article provided a quick snapshot of the talented pair, who won first place at Seattle’s “Quest for the Best” competition in Silver Latin and Standard. “With the partnership in place, Hannah and Elijah … glide across the floor, their feet a flurry of synchronized movements as their torsos stay still as marble, until their concentration gets broken. Then they start to laugh,” Herald writer Andy Wrathburn wrote. According to the article, the couple aspires to progress past Silver and even Gold — all the way to the Open level, in which dancers create their own routines. From the sound of things, they’re on their way. For Wrathburn’s entire article and videos of Elijah and Hannah, go to heraldnet.com and search for the article, 20 On Beat Andrea Knight “Gotta dance: Talented youngsters stepping their way, maybe, to the stars.” USA Dance moment with our DWTS kids USA Dance DanceSport Vice President Ken Richards shared a little of his experience meeting the talented USA Dance kids of ABC’s “Dancing With the Stars”. “We were able to visit them in their dressing rooms with their parents before the show, and gave them a pat on the back. It was more of a calming role,” Richards shared. “Once we were there, ABC kind of scooped them up and owned them.” Nevertheless, Richards and wife Roseanna played an important role in supporting the DWTS kids in L.A.: “We cheered like crazy,” Richards said. Fort Myers, Florida Chapter on Fox 4 TV Members of SouthWest Florida Chapter #6049 stand with local Fox 4 TV personality “Wild” Bill Wood after filming a TV spot for National Ballroom Dance Week. Ballroom dancing continues to take center stage — and occasionally center screen — in southern Florida, thanks to this chapter’s energetic efforts. “I love to promote my chapter,” Chapter President and promoter Carol Davis related. “There isn’t a place I go where I don’t take a carful of flyers.” USA Dance encourages its members to promote their chapters and ballroom dancing at every opportunity. We want to hear from your Chapter! Has your chapter been in the news lately? Have you been featured in the paper, on TV, or online? Send us the latest happenings of your chapter to be featured in an upcoming issue of The Public Eye. When submitting, please keep in mind the following: High quality, digital photos relating to the event at 600 dpi or higher Photo caption, or names of persons USA Dance on Facebook Hey, all of you Facebook fiends! USA Dance now has a page on your favorite social networking site. So, Facebookies, search for “USA Dance Competitions” to find — surprise — upcoming USA dance competitions. Daphna Locker, Chair of Nationals Steering Committee and organizer of the page, said, “It’s a good forum for keeping updated and asking questions. I go on daily to make sure it’s updated.” And while you’re online, don’t forget to check out our USA Dance YouTube playlists and videos —both new and vintage! www.USADANCE.ORG Photo credit Articles should be a maximum of 175 words Send submissions and questions to editor@americandancer.org January - February 21 by: DancingWith Andrea Knight A lthough many feet graced the stages of ABC’s Dancing With the Stars last fall, some of the most impressive were also some of the youngest. Congratulations to all six Junior competitive couples — five of whom belong to USA Dance — and a special congratulations to Craig and Samantha Campos, 13 and 11 years old, who achieved the titles of DWTS Season 7 Junior Champions, wowing audiences everywhere with skill and poise beyond their years. However, DTWS fans might be surprised at where this brother-sister pair started out only a few short years ago. After watching their mother, Irene Abaya-Campos, dance for years, the kids began dancing themselves — with mixed results, according to Irene. “They spent six months in a group dance class but couldn’t do anything by the end,” Irene commented. The Campos kids then began private training with their current instructor, Spencer Nyemchek. However, “Craig was a prodigy of two left feet,” Irene said. “I just kept thinking, ‘Is this going to get any better?’” Fortunately for the pair’s future career, Nyemchek saw growing promise in their early efforts. He suggested they compete, and by 2005, they were already receiving second and third placings at competitions. Since then, their skill has only strengthened, although their brother-sister relationship sometimes wears thin. When asked how she and her brother behave together at home, Samantha candidly replied, “I think we 22 On Beat t he Stars get along better in dancing.” Craig concurred. “I have to be honest — it’s hard,” Craig said. “But in the end, it turns out pretty well.” Instead of letting their sibling conflicts divide them, Craig and Samantha actually use their familial tie to their advantage. “They can practice any time they want to, which gives them an edge,” Irene said. “They’re pretty self-motivated.” Samantha, for example, has instituted solitary — and nontraditional — rehearsals. “She’s got so much character because … she gets up every morning and makes faces in the mirror,” Irene said. “She mimics her favorite professional dancers.” After five years of serious cooperation, Craig and Samantha have landed top placings at competitions all over the eastern seaboard — and let’s not forget their first-place win on Dancing With the Stars, which was a combination of the judges’ scores and television audience voting. “When they told us [we won], I just grinned. I was so happy,” Samantha said. Craig reacted similarly. “In the show, I said ‘Awesome,’ but I didn’t mean it how people thought,” Craig related. “I wish I could make up a new word for it. … It was a super-awesome-fantastic time.” Photo © (ABC/Kelsey McNeal) American Dancer Exclusive Derek Hough by: Erica Colvin D erek Hough, USA Dance Alumni, was named the newest champion of Dancing With the Stars with celebrity partner, Brooke Burke. According to abc. com, Derek has been dancing since he was 11 years old. When Derek was 12, he and his sister Julianne Hough moved to London to live and train with dance coaches, Shirley and Corky Ballas. It was here that Derek became best friends with his coaches’ son, Mark Ballas. Mark and Derek are also members of the band, AlmostAmy, which recently signed on with Hollywood Records. Check out www.almost-amy.com for more info. AD: How did it feel winning Dancing With the Stars? Derek Hough: It was awesome. It was a big relief. It was so different this season; the workload was nonstop and a lot heavier than other seasons. I wasn’t overly confident about the season, too. When we won I was very surprised and excited. After all of our hard work, it finally paid off. My sister and best friend have both won, now all three of us have taken a trophy. AD: What was it like working with Brooke? Derek Hough: It was great. She is very nice and she never complained. She trusted me 100% from day one. It worked out very well. She was completely fearless. She really pushed herself to her full potential. AD: What projects are you working on now? Derek Hough: Right now I am rehearsing for the DWTS tour, our band [AlmostAmy] tour is going out on tour at the same time. During the season my band recorded an album, it was all very tough. www.USADANCE.ORG Photo © (ABC/Craig Sjodin) Congratulations to Derek and Brooke for an outstanding season. To see video clips, bios and photos from this season’s Dancing With the Stars and for more information on Derek Hough, check out www.abc.com. January - February 23 Carrie Ann at nationals 2009 Carrie Ann Inaba, current judge on Dancing With the Stars will be judging at the USA Dance 2009 National DanceSport Championships. by: Erica Colvin T hrough the years USA Dance has worked closely with ABC (America’s Broadcasting Company), providing over 100 auditions for the kids’ competition on Dancing With the Stars. In fact, many of the pros from Dancing With the Stars started out as USA Dance members. Carrie Ann Inaba has been there for it all, encouraging young dancers who dream of becoming stars. Now, USA Dance has announced that celebrity judge, Carrie Ann Inaba, will be judging at the Nationals competition in Baltimore, M.D. USA Dance DanceSport VP, Ken Richards, met Inaba on the set of Dancing With the Stars, and issued the invitation. “I was thrilled to be so warmly received by her. Once she heard the credentials of USA Dance she wanted to be a part of it. She has such a strong affinity for working with children and an excitement for ballroom dancing to become an Olympic sport. She was very giving of her time and interest,” Richards said. “We have a great deal of respect for her as a keen eye and a trained dancer. Having someone of her celebrity stature, credentials and developed eye will be a great asset to our judging panel.” Photo By Guiliano Bekor 24 On Beat Inaba joins the line-up of many prominent judges such as Jennifer Booth, Richard Booth, Wayne Crowder, Melissa Dexter, Esther Don, Olga Foraponova, Tonja Garamella, Judi Hatton, Paul Holmes, Stephan Krauel, Gary McDonald, Polina Pilipenchuk, Victoria Regan, Marco Sietas, Forrest Vance, Glenn Weiss and Lori Woods-Gay. Dan Calloway will be acting as Chair of Adjudicators. Photo © (ABC/Craig Sjodin) Dancing with the Stars pannal of Juges(Left) Carrie Ann Inaba, Len Goodman, and Bruno Tonioli Although most of America knows Carrie Ann Inaba from her participation on ABC’s hit show Dancing With the Stars, Inaba’s impressive career began much earlier. Ricky Martin, David Copperfield, Chayanne, and has made appearances on many shows and films most notably, in Austin Powers III: Goldmember. According to the International movie database, Inaba was born in Honolulu, Hawaii. Inaba was very musically talented at an early age and grew up dancing the hula among other dance styles. She also played the piano, violin, sang in the choir and wrote music. Carrie Ann has been working in television staging and choreographing the majority of the most popular reality shows. She is a go to resource in the community of television for dance related productions. She has staged and choreographed such shows as: American Idol, TV Land Awards, Miss America, World Super Models Live, America’s Got Talent, So You Think You Can Dance. She even staged a small section on Dancing With the Stars when it first began. At age 16, Inaba and a close friend won the Hawaii statewide competition, “Search for Talent.” After this incredible performance, Inaba was discovered by a scout and offered the chance to go to Japan and become a “Teen Idol.” Inaba is of Japanese, Chinese and Irish descent. Inaba released three singles with Pony Canyon Records while attending Sophia University. Inaba stayed in Tokyo, Japan for two years learning about the entertainment industry and performing. However, she returned to the United States and moved to California. Her talent soon caught the eye of a producer who offered her a spot in a music video. Her career only gained momentum from there. Her dancing opportunities include dancing for the Emmy Award-winning television show, “In Living Color.” Inaba has also performed with top artists like Madonna, Circular Photo courtesy of Ken Richards, www.USADANCE.ORG Carrie Ann also directed the first ever Dancing With The Stars National Tour and co-conceived the format which continues to be the base of the tour that thrills packed arenas to this day. Most recently, Carrie Ann co-hosted the premiere ABC special: The American Music Awards Red Carpet: LIVE, where she brought her fun attitude and knowledge of the music business to the red carpet. She has also co hosted on Extra, and The View in the past. If you haven’t made plans to attend Nationals in Baltimore Apr. 3-5, 2009, now is your chance. Check out www.carrieanninaba.tv for more info about our newest Nationals judge. In photo: Roseanna and Ken Richards with Carrie Ann January - February 25 FRIDAY & SATURDAY, MAY 22-23, 2009 MARSTON PAVILION • CAMP LEJEUNE MARINE CORPS BASE • JACKSONVILLE, NC Join the Azalea Coast USA Dance chapter for the Wounded Warriors Appreciation Ball™ in honor of all the men and women who have been wounded serving our country. Throughout the weekend, you will have the opportunity to take dance workshops from some of today’s top dancers as well as enjoy music from the Andrew Theilen Big Band, a sixteen-piece dance band from North Myrtle Beach, SC. Support our Wounded Warriors and win! Purchase a raffle ticket for a chance to win a Holland America seven-day cruise for two. Raffle tickets are $20 each. All proceeds from the ball and raffle will go to the Hope For The Warriors Foundation, an organization dedicated to helping the Wounded Warriors, their families and the families of the fallen. 26 On Beat WEEKEND EVENTS INCLUDE: • Dance workshops • Exclusive show and reception for the military and Wounded Warriors • Champagne reception, formal ball and professional show Workshops and professional shows will be performed by Tomas Mielnicki and JT Thomas, the 2007 U.S., National and World American Smooth Ballroom Champions, as well as Robertas Maleckis and Inga Sirkaite, former European and U.S. Latin Champions. To learn more, purchase tickets or make a tax-deductible donation, visit our website at www.woundedwarriorsball.com or send an email to AzaleaCoastUSADance@ec.rr.com. Ball tickets are by advance sale only. COMPETITION CALENDAR january 16-18, 2009 Manhattan Amateur Classic- NQE Greater New York Chapter #3004. Manhattan Center, Grand Ballroom january 24, 2009 Royal Palm Winter Frolic DanceSport Extravaganza Royal Palm Chapter #6016. Coconut Creek, FL january 30-31, 2009 Smoky Mountain DanceSport Championships- NQE Greater Knoxville Chapter #2060. Knoxville, TN february 7, 2009 Southwest DanceSport Championships- NQE NorCal Chapter #4004. San Jose, CA february 20-21, 2009 2009 Triangle Open DanceSport Championships Wayne & Marie Crowder, NCSU Dancing with Wolves & Carolina Heartland Chapter #6092. Raleigh, NC. february 21, 2009 Chicago DanceSport Challenge Championships Chicagoland Chapter #2001. Chicago, IL april 3-5, 2009 USA Dance 2009 National DanceSport Championships Renaissance Harborplace Hotel. Baltimore, MD june 26-27, 2009 Gumbo DanceSport Championships- NQE Louisiana Chapter #5031. Baton Rouge, LA august 14-15, 2009 Derby City DanceSport Championships- NQE Greater Louisville Chapter #2021. Louisville, KY february 20-22, 2010 Chicago DanceSport Challenge Championship- NQE Chicagoland Chapter #2001. Chicago, IL february 21, 2009 Phoenix DanceSport Challenge Phoenix Chapter #4033. Phoenix, AZ Register For Nationals Today! www.usadancenationals.org Online Registration Open Thru March 7, 2009 Late fee applies when registering after March 7th www.USAdance.ORG January - February 27 2009 USA Dance nationals National Championship Updates Daniel Shapiro & Katya Kovalyova, 2008 Junior II Championship Standard Champions. Photo by Carson Zullinger. 28 DanceSport by: Daphna Locker, Chair 2009 National Organizing Committee I want to wish everyone a very happy new year, and I hope that your holiday season was a good one. I also want to make sure that the 2009 USA Dance National DanceSport Championship is on the forefront of everyone’s minds. A few reminders for those who are registering to dance: First, the registration deadline is Mar. 7, 2009. When registered after March 7, a late fee applies. All entry fees are charged per couple and not per person. Also, this year we have instituted a $30-per-couple multi-dance package for those couples competing in more than one event. With this package, each event costs only $60 per couple, instead of the usual $90 charged per couple for each single event. So the more you dance, the more you save. Finally, the competitive entry fee gets you into the ballroom for the session you are dancing, so there is no admission fee. If you are dancing in an event that is scheduled to run during both the morning and evening sessions, you pay nothing to see an entire day of dancing. Regional Team Match: By the time you read this, the list of various Regional Team members should be up on the website (follow the links to “Breaking News”). We are very excited about this event and hope that everyone will be there to cheer on their regions. 2) Both the competitor and spectator fees have been substantially reduced from last year’s fees. Please check them out. 3) There are three new and exciting seminars being offered this year, in addition to our regular dancing and exercise workshops. We will be meeting with coaches, organizers and championship athletes. If you fall into one of the above categories, please plan on attending these seminars: a. Coaches’ Council Meeting: This is open to all coaches who will be attending the event. The meeting will take place on Saturday, Apr. 4, in the Executive Board room on the sixth floor; refreshments will be served. This will be a chance for all of you to express your concerns, hear about plans for the future and help us improve our offerings to your students and our athletes. b. Organizers’ Meeting: This is open to all organizers of USA Dance competitions. The meeting will take place on Sunday, Apr. 5, also in the Executive Board room on the sixth floor; refreshments will be served. Meet other organizers and discuss what has worked, what hasn’t worked, and how we can help. c. Championship Athletes’ Meeting: This is a mandatory meeting for all Junior, Youth and Adult Championship Finalists. Learn what is expected, what we will provide, and how to be a true champion. The meeting will be held twice during the weekend so www.USAdance.ORG that everyone will be able to attend at least one of the sessions. It will be held once on Saturday and a second time on Sunday in the Executive Board room on the sixth floor. In addition to the above meetings, there will be at least two workshops offered on a daily basis that will be open to all. Please check our website for more details: www. usadancenationals.com See you in Baltimore. 2009 Photo By Marvin Moore Webert BEnoit & Connie del Guidice. Placed 2nd in Senior 1 Championship Latin at Nationals 2008. Here are a couple of additional points of interest: 1) Carrie Ann Inaba will be judging at this year’s USA Dance National DanceSport Championships. She will be an integral part of the judging panel and currently has plans to arrive Thursday for the judges’ meeting and stay through Sunday afternoon, when she has to fly back to L.A. to continue judging Dancing With the Stars. For more information on Carrie Ann, please read the article in this edition of AD on p. 24, or go to our website, www.usadancenationals.com. January - February 29 Senior 2 Worlds A Blackpool-Like Experience by: waiting times between dances in the early rounds, rapidly shrinking pool of dancers from round to round, the finalists dancing at midnight, and yet nobody seems to get tired. The excitement of the event, the competitive adrenaline, the breadth of world class dancing makes it all worthwhile. Hans and Ans Stork After competing for 14 years now, getting prepared for a competition has become a well practiced routine for us. But flying to Europe, Belgium in this case, and coping with jetlag as well as a very crowded space, added to the mental demands. It had been a busy year for us. Moving back to the bay area in California after living six years in Dallas, Texas for a different company adds the necessary stress at work. It also led to the start of a house remodel in May with all the daily contractor calls, visits to the house, unexpected decisions to make etc. As with dancing, there are a thousand and one things to remember and do in the right sequence, at the right time – except no time for mistakes in practice here. Hans and Ans Stork. Photo By Carson Zullinger T This year 167 couples showed up for the third Senior II World Championship event. The experience as a dancer is very much like that in Blackpool: getting up early for the first rounds in the morning, long 30 DanceSport Belgium is the southern neighbor of the Netherlands, where we were both born and raised, and in the northern part they speak Flemish (similar to Dutch). The competition was being held in Liege, where the people speak mostly French, while just minutes away from the Netherlands and Germany. The emcee seemed to be equally at ease with French, Dutch, English and German. We shared our table with two other USA couples and the only Canadian couple with a strong North American showing: we were pleased to make it again to the round of 48, and watch our top USA couple reach the finals. The other two couples reached the round of 96. The next day, I flew on to Taiwan for business and Ans drove to the Netherlands to visit her family. We connected again a few days later at home, ready to move our belongings back into the “new” house. With things settling down for the holidays, we look forward to continuing to work on our dancing skills to be the best that we can be, in any situation. World 10-Dance Championship Anna Demidova & Igor Mikushov by: Erica Colvin & Anna Demidova I gor and Anna, from NJ, represented the United States at the IDSF World 10-Dance Championship in Berlin on Nov. 29, 2008. The couple placed 18th out of 33 couples — a great accomplishment. Anna shared the experience in her own words: “We flew to Germany and the organizers arranged a driver for each couple. The hotel was only 15 minutes away from the Berlin — Tegel airport. I thought transportation was organized very well. We arrived at the competition at 10 a.m. and we started dancing at 2:30 p.m. “We had a practice floor at the same building where the competition was held, but we could only use it from 11 a.m. until noon on the day when we competed. But we had done all our practicing back home in our studio (Rogers DanceSport Center). We were pretty confident and couldn’t wait to get out there and dance our best. “It felt great representing USA at the Worlds competition. For me, it was my third World Championship for the USA; earlier I did two competitions in the Youth category. But for Igor it was his first one. We felt very lucky representing United States. “On Friday we arrived pretty early, around 11 a.m., so we had some time to explore (Berlin) Germany. It’s a nice European city; it actually reminded me a little of my www.USAdance.ORG “The whole experience was great. We met a lot of new people and had a chance to compete at the great event. Even though we had a great time in Berlin, it was so nice to come back home.” Congratulations to Anna and Igor for your outstanding success. Thank you for sharing your experiences with USA Dance members and readers. Good luck on your future competitions. Anna Demidova And Igor Mikushov. Photo By Carson Zullinger “The competition was great. We danced at the big sports arena, and every seat was taken. Dancing is very popular in Berlin, and I think everyone came to cheer for their couple. The floor itself wasn’t that big, but the atmosphere was so nice that it felt great dancing there. hometown, Moscow. The city had very nice architecture. The buildings were not very tall, but they had a lot of beautiful details. January - February 31 USA Dance National Sponsors I found my partner at… Thank you for your support! 2008 USA Dance California State DanceSport Championships by: James Kleinrath DDS, President, USA Dance NorCal On Nov. 8, 2008 the USA Dance NorCal Chapter hosted the 5th Annual USA Dance California State DanceSport Championships at the Just Dance Ballroom in Oakland, California. What an event! We had over 140 couples competing and over 400 in attendance. The Just Dance Ballroom is a wonderful place for a competition. It has a large, competition size main floor and a large practice floor. The ballroom owners and staff were available and helpful in every way. We had a large contingent from UC Berkeley and many dancers from Stanford. There were many events with first rounds and quarterfinals. It was truly an event to attend. The results are available at our website, usabda-norcal.org. The very full day started at 10 a.m. with competitions running without a break until 5 p.m. The evening session started at 7 and ended at 10:40. Our Registrar, Laura La Gassa, and our Chairman of Judges, Ava Kaye, prepared our excellent schedule. Our hard working volunteers were well organized by Dawn Neuhart. James Kleinrath and Melody Singleton, Photo by George Chen. Our hard working NorCal Board members devoted many hours to planning and running this event. Alex Chan was our Music Director. Tina Moretti-Rose ran the box office. Ken Greer selected and organized our beautiful awards. Karen Andersen did a great job as our emcee. Laura La Gassa, our Webmaster and Registrar, handled ticket orders and pre-registration. Jessica Kao organized the judges’ lunch and dinner. We had a very distinguished panel of adjudicators: Ava Kaye (Chairman and Scrutineer), Sue Swain, Rex Lewis, Stephen Cullip, Michell Stone, Gosia Zygadlo, Erin Pick and Gene Jennings. We really appreciate the participation of these wonderful professionals. Participants at the 2007 event, Photo by George Chen. Don’t miss our next competition, the 2009 Southwest Regional National Qualifying Event at the San Jose Civic Auditorium on Feb. 7, 2009. The 2009 NorCal Spring Fling will be held at Just Dance on April 18, 2009. Information will be available on our website, usabda-norcal.org. www.USAdance.ORG January - February 33 northwest dancesport Championships by: Elizabeth Knoll, US National Professional Champion O n Oct. 25-26, 2008, the Seattle chapter of USA Dance hosted the Northwest DanceSport Championships, a USA Dance National Qualifying Event. This chapter more than lived up to expectations! Former organizers were on hand to provide assistance, and new organizers Daryl Schmidt and Michele Boyer sailed through the weekend with flying colors. The heart of the organization was the volunteers, who kept the registrars’ desk humming, the ticket line moving, the competitors organized and the judges on schedule. Twenty-nine studios from all over the U.S. and Canada represented the best dancing in both countries — an increase of 30 percent over last year. In addition to a full range of competitive events, there were lots of general dancing and four seminars conducted by event judges, all former champions. Over $3,000 was given in scholarships, and one massive perpetual trophy was awarded to the winners of the Adult Novice American Smooth. This trophy has visited Oregon and Arizona, and it currently resides in California. Where will it go next year? Highlights of the weekend included the Adult Amateur Standard and Latin events, and although there were not many entries, the American Smooth featured the current U.S. Champions Nels Peterson and Theresa Kimler. Always audience favorites, they did not fail to thrill. Simeon Stoynova & Kora Stoynova,, placed first in Adult Championship Latin. Photo by Barney Chui. 34 DanceSport During Sunday’s daytime break, four of the judges taught seminars. These teachers routinely judge, so it’s nice to find out what they are looking for. Tom Hicks started with “The Characterization of Samba,” one of the most difficult and compelling dances in competition. Denis Tremblay then taught “Dynamic Balance through Reflex Power Curves,” an extremely well-organized seminar with excellent demonstrations of his theories. Next was Melissa Dexter with “Get Your Latin On! Posture, Body Action, Legs and Feet.” She wowed the participants with her exquisite foot and leg action. Finally local multi-time U.S. Champion Olga Foraponova taught “Secrets of Rotation in Standard and Smooth.” All the seminars provided invaluable information. Igor Mikushov and Anna Demidova,, placed first in Adult Championship Standard. Photo By Barney Chui Congratulations to all who were involved in this very exciting event: Organizers Daryl Schmidt and Michele Boyer, Event Treasurer and all-round facilities coordinator Sharon Wolf, Registrar Pat Rowland, Volunteer Coordinator Nancy Kahn, Membership Chair Pat O’Toole, Program Designer Laurel Preston, Web designer Jeff Meaders, Judges’ Liaison Alannah Sinclaire, and Deck Captains Molly Manor and Deanna Hence. To the many more who deserve recognition in this nearly seamless competition, please know that your contribution was invaluable and appreciated by all. Judges were Richard Booth (chair), Jennifer Booth, Melissa Dexter, Barbara Child, Elizabeth Knoll, Olga Foraponova, Dan Calloway, Tom Hicks, Denis Tremblay, Glenn Weiss and Neil Gilligan. Mark Tabor (former organizer of this event) provided his electronic judging/ scrutineering system. Mr. Enthusiasm, Mike Begley, and Mr. Dulcet Tones, Mike Wachal, shared emcee duties, and Jim Kent (in my opinion, one of the best DJs in the country) played great music all weekend. One final note: The Costume Police were extremely vigilant. Despite the rules posted on multiple web sites, signs and banners in the dressing rooms, the deck captains had to request alternate costuming several times over the weekend, and USA Dance observer and Costume Police Officer Shawn Fisher worked overtime, taking photos of costumes that violated the rules. These costumes will not be allowed at the National Championships. Please don’t jeopardize your competitive careers by ignoring the rules. It would be a shame to be disqualified just because you didn’t take the extra time to find out the restrictions, both in costuming and syllabi. www.USAdance.ORG Adult Championship Latin 1. Simeon Stoynova and Kora Stoynova : WA 2. Michael Duong and Peony Yao Vancouver : BC 3. Dmitry Ischenko and Aleksandra Kostenko : WA 4. Terry Ianakiev and Mariya Staritchenok : WA 5. Zsolt Katona and Timea Potys : CA 6. Jonathan Cohen and Audrey Cruz Chan : Vancouver, BC Adult Championship Standard 1. Igor Mikushov and Anna Demidova : NJ 2. Simeon Stoynov and Kora Stoynova : WA 3. Ira Pollock and Abby Pollock : UT 4. Alex Spencer and Katarzyna Herink : NY 5. Michael Duong and Peony Yao : Vancouver, BC 6. Terry Ianakiev and Mariya Starichenok : WA 7. Kevin Fahy and Phoebe Gau : Vancouver, BC January - February 35 USA Dance 2009 Goals The following goals have been proposed by President Peter Pover. Chapter officials are encouraged to review the national goals, and either adopt these goals as is or write their own goals that reflect local needs. Each chapter should have a plan for success. GOALS 1. Launch a drive to increase membership. 2. Maintain and increase the improvement in all aspects of AD magazine. 3. Work with chapters, local authorities and educators to expand ballroom dance programs in K-12 schools. 4. Maintain our very successful public relations of 2008, and enhance our public profile. 5. Conduct outreach programs at chapter and national levels for the disabled. 36 Associations Quick Contact List National Officers NAME Peter Pover POSITION RESIDENCE EMAIL National President Port St. Lucie, Fla.. ........................president@USADance.org Lydia Scardina Senior Vice President San Fransisco, Calif. Stan Andrews National Secretary Decatur, Ill. Esther Freeman National Treasurer Jacksonville, Ore. ...........................treasurer@USADance.org Jean Krupa Social Dance VP Port Orange, Fla. ............................social-vp@USADance.org Ken Richards DanceSport VP Wilmington, Del. ...............dancesport-vp@USADance.org Andrew Pueschel Youth College VP Pittsburg, P.A. ........................................ycn-vp@USADance.org . ..................senior-vp@USADance.org ..................................... ..secretary@USADance.org Regional Officers NAME POSITION RESIDENCE EMAIL Darlene Forbes Region 1 Regional VP University Place, WA. ....................rvp-reg1@USADance.org Bobbi Jo Gamache Region 2 Regional VP Kalamazoo, Mich. ...........................rvp-reg2@USADance.org Efrosyni Iosiphidis Region 3 Regional VP Cranston, RI....................................... rvp-reg3@USADance.org Bill Rose Region 4 Regional VP Laguna Niguel, Calif.......................rvp-reg4@USADance.org Barbara Wally Region 5 Regional VP Colorado Springs, CO ..............rvp-reg5@USADance.org Richard Obney Region 6 Regional VP St. Petersburg, Fla...........................rvp-reg6@USADance.org Appointed Positions NAME POSITION RESIDENCE EMAIL Gerald Bonmer Dir. Membership Services............Pennsylvania..........membership-dir@USADance.org Angela Prince Dir. Public Relations ..........North Carolina....... PublicRelations-dir@USADance.org Doug Montanus Dir. Developement & Fundraising....Alabama.........fundraising-dir@USADance.org Shawn Fisher Dir. American Dancer Magazine........Idaho...............director@AmericanDancer.org Daphna Locker Chair, Nat’l Organizing Committee...New York.... nationals-chair@USADance.org January - February 37 National Officers Peter Pover President Lydia Scardina Senior Vice President Stan Andrews National Secretary Jean Krupa Social Dance VP Ken Richards DanceSport VP Andrew Pueschel Youth College VP Esther Freeman National Treasurer Regional Officers Darlene Forbes Region 1 Regional VP 38 Associations Bobbi Jo Gamache Region 2 Regional VP Efrosyni Iosiphidis Region 3 Regional VP Bill Rose Region 4 Regional VP Regional Officers continued Barbara Wally Region 5 Regional VP Richard Obney Region 6 Regional VP Director Positions Gerald Bonmer Dir. Membership Services Angela Prince Dir. Public Relations Shawn Fisher Dir. American Dancer Magazine Daphna Locker Chair, National Organizing Committee Doug Montanus Dir. Developement & Fundraising January - February 39 A Tribute to by: Erica Colvin Leland Andrew Photo by Kami Sorensen 16 Years of Dedication 40 Associations L eland Andrew, USA Dance Treasurer, recently announced his retirement after 16 years of hard work and dedication. Andrew has been an important asset to USA Dance. “I grew up in Rhode Island, born in Cranston — been there 85 years, except for the two and a half years of service in WWII,” Andrew said. Andrew’s life has been about service ever since — service and dancing. That was only the beginning. In 1990, Andrew was instrumental in starting the Rhode Island Chapter. Andrew and his wife were among 24 other dancers that met together and decided to form the chapter. Andrew served as the chapter’s treasurer until 2001. In 1992 Andrew became the USA Dance Treasurer and served for eight terms. “That was a monumental job. It is a wonderful organization all about ballroom dancing.” Andrew was involved in making many changes and improvements for USA Dance and has maintained good care of the budget and finances. In September 2008, the Rhode Island Chapter wrote a special thanks to Leland Andrew. They shared that “Not only has he volunteered his time and talent to the dance community, [but] his contributions to the local community [are] truly significant. Lee has been Treasurer of the Cranston Historical Society for 14 years, Treasurer of Cranston Veteran’s Memorial Scholarship fund for 22 years. He also served as Treasurer of Warwick Lodge No. 16 and of Oaklawn Public Library. He was auditor for St David’s On the Hill Episcopal Church. For 22 years he worked as an ACE volunteer for SCORE (Service Corps of Retired Executives.) He served as President of the Cranston Hall of Fame Foundation and Chairman of the Veteran’s Spring Dance, raising college funds for deserving Cranston high school students. He is the recipient of the National Association of Accountants Distinguished Service Award and was inducted into the Cranston Hall of Fame in 1995.” Andrew is always involved in a good cause and uses his skills to help those around him. “I try to help out as much as I can. That is why I am involved with all these non-profit organizations. I am glad to do it,” Andrew said. “Leland was already on the Governing Council when I arrived in 1997 and it will seem so strange to not have him there. I will miss his quiet voice of reason and his dedication to our corporate finances.” Esther Freeman National Treasurer, USA Dance Photo courtesy of Bill Rose Andrew first started dancing as a Pro/Am competitor. Over time he wanted to compete in Amateur with his wife, which is when Andrew found USA Dance. “I wanted to compete Amateur with my wife without the high cost. We enjoyed it so much we kept going,” Andrew shared. General Council Celebrating With Leland. President of USA Dance Peter Pover said, “In a dynamic organization like USA Dance, there is seldom a shortage of volunteers full of great ideas and willing to give of their energies and time to make their dreams become reality. … What is rare in many organizations is the presence of a level-headed professional who seeks no glory, but who commits to keeping the organization on track and financially stable. “Lee Andrew is such a person. As a professional accountant he has given of his time and skills over many years to make sure that we dreamers and enthusiasts did not run out of money or break the rules. “Thank you, Leland. We will miss you.” Thank you, Leland Andrew, for your unselfish dedication to the world of dancing. Your contribution has been appreciated and valued. January - February 41 COLLEGIATE COMPETITION CALENDAR february 10, 2009 february 21, 2009 8th Annual Boston University Terrier DanceSport Competition Hosted by Boston University Registration Deadline - TBD http://people.bu.edu/ballroom/index.htm february 21, 2009 UC Berkley Classic Hosted by Berkeley Ballroom Dance Registration Deadline - TBD http://ucbd.org/classic/ march 7, 2009 UC San Diego Dance by the Shores Hosted by UC San Diego Ballroom Dance Registration Deadline - TBD http://ballroom.ucsd.edu march 10, 2009 Caltech - Dance of the Roses Hosted by Caltech Registration Deadline - TBD http://ballroom.caltech.edu/comp/ march 14, 2009 10th Annual Holy Cross Ballroom Dance Competition Hosted by Holy Cross Registration Deadline - TBD http://hcballroom.com/competition/ march 28, 2009 Devil DanceSport Invitational Hosted by Arizona State University Registration Deadline - TBD www.devildancesport.com 42 InStep april, 2009 North Western Ballroom Classic Hosted by North Western Ballroom Registration Deadline - TBD http://groups.northwestern.edu/ballroom/ comp/classic.php april 4, 2009 Irish DanceSport Gala Hosted by Notre Dame Registration Deadline - TBD http://www.nd.edu/~ballroom/ndcomp08.htm april 11, 2009 UC Riverside Orange Blossom Ball Hosted by DanceSport of UC Riverside Registration Deadline - TBD www.orangeblossomball.com april 17, 2009 UN Las Vegas Desert Challenge Hosted by UN Las Vegas Ballroom Dance Registration Deadline - TBD http://usadance.unlv.edu/desertchallenge.html april 25, 2009 Stanford Cardinal Classic Hosted by Stanford Ballroom Dance Registration Deadline - TBD www.sbdt.org april 25-26, 2009 MIT Open Ballroom Dance Competition Hosted by MIT Ballroom Registration Deadline - TBD http://ballroom.mit.edu/comp/ Look for future event updates on Clover Star Classic Hosted by University Pennsylvania Registration Deadline - TBD http://dolphin.upenn.edu/~ballroom/ cloverstarclassic/ april, 2009 RPI Ballroom Dance Competition Hosted by RPI Ballroom Registration Deadline - TBD http://ballroom.union.rpi.edu/ http://www.usadance.org/youth-and-college-dance/ycn-events/ february 10, 2009 University of Michigan Ballroom Dance Competition Hosted by University of Michigan Ballroom Registration Deadline - TBD http://www.umich.edu/~umbdc/home.htm 008 DC DanceSport Inferno O Recap by: Judges), Wendi Davies, Garry Gekhman, Rita Gekhman, Jennifer McCalla, Stanley McCalla and Ieva Pauksena. The DCDI committee would like to thank all the hard-working volunteers and officials that made this event a success. Sara Kenney n Nov. 1-2, 2008 Ballroom at Maryland hosted its annual DC DanceSport Inferno competition, DCDI, at the University of Maryland, College Park. This year, DCDI drew in over 850 competitors, ranging from youths to college students to working adults. There were over 50 participating studios and universities in attendance including Ballroom Off Fifth, Columbia University, Kenyon State, Princeton, Rutgers, the University of Houston and the University of Michigan. On Saturday evening over a thousand spectators enjoyed the Open events and a special performance by Two Steps Away Dancers (TSA), a hip-hop group from New York City. The organizers chose this group for its charisma and energy. “We wanted to bring in something that was different, entertaining and educational, TSA fit that description… They must have been entertaining because they received a standing ovation” said Ily Zislin, one of the organizers of the event. DCDI welcomes all competitors; there are no qualifications or restrictions to compete. The competition offers events in both American and International styles from Newcomer to Championship. Do not miss next year’s DCDI, tentatively scheduled for the first week in November 2009 at the University of Maryland, College Park. Visit www.BallroomAtMaryland.com/dcdi for more information or email DCDICoordinator@ BallroomAtMaryland.com Photo Courtesy of BAllroom at Maryland The performance helped to get the audience pumped up for the amazing finals in Championship Latin and Standard. In Open Standard, first place went to Andrey and Yuliya Klinchik. Janis Kukainis and Samantha Mang placed second and Vasyl Makarov and Grace Fu placed third. In Championship Latin the win went to Ilya Korsunsky and Lily Kolman. Also, congratulations to all competitors for a wonderful weekend, the dancing was spectacular and the atmosphere was thriving. DCDI is not only about serious competition; it is about socializing and fun. From the Friday night Halloween-themed social dance to the fun dance events including west coast swing and same-sex rumba to the Team Match Competition, there were plenty of laughs and fun to be had. This portion of DCDI helps keep the friendly feel that DCDI is known for. DCDI offered over $1500 in cash scholarships sponsored by Championship Dance Camps, Chevy Chase Ballroom, Promenade Ballroom, Showtime Dance Shoes, Swingtime Ballroom and Yuletide Ball Championships. DCDI continues to have a very distinguished judging panel including Dan Calloway (Chair of www.USAdance.ORG Derek Walker and Jen Vestal January - February 43 National 2008 Collegiate Challenge by: Erica Colvin T he USA Dance National Collegiate Challenge (NCC), held in Columbus, Ohio, boasted more entries, dancers, and schools in attendance than ever before. Over 880 dancers competed in this event with 2,713 entries. Never before has the NCC seen so many participants or entries. Competitors gathered from the coast of California to the Midwestern states of Kansas, Indiana, and Iowa to the eastern seaboard of New York, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. Many students rode through the night on crowded buses. The NCC took place in the Hyatt Regency Hotel ballrooms Saturday and Sunday, November 22-23. The ballrooms were full of busy students: practicing, studying, and having fun. Tables and chairs lined the dance floor where the 56 schools in attendance could mix and mingle in between heats. The excitement of many first time competitors buzzed in the air as team members helped each other with make-up, hair, and the much practiced routines. With classes, work, and all of the pressures that college students deal with, what inspires them to dance? Why do students take time to participate in out-of-state competitions? Hadi Halim from Rutgers University explained, “I am from Indonesia, Indonesia is a very conservative country; dancing is my way to break culture shock.” He explained that in Indonesia 44 InStep women are treated very carefully. When Halim came to the U.S. he noticed a very abrupt change in attitude. For Halim, dancing became his way of understanding that cultural change. Nyla Holland from the University of Michigan shared how she recently started ballroom dancing, “At first I didn’t see myself doing ballroom, but the more I started learning to dance the more I said, ‘You know, I don’t ever want to forget these dances.’ I would learn them and then forget them. And I thought ‘This can’t keep happening. I love dancing so much. I figured maybe I should open myself to other dances and just learn what I can.’” Kyle Sciolaro from the University of Kansas shared how he got started and his thoughts about competing, “I was bored and had extra time. Well, I originally did social dancing and then decided to get more serious with it. It is exciting. [Competing] isn’t so much comparing yourself to other people; it validates your own performance, regardless of other people.” All Photos By Kami Sorensen Because of students like Halim, Holland and Sciolaro, no other competition has the same energy as a collegiate event. Students line the dance floor cheering for their teammates and shouting numbers. The beats of the music can be difficult to make out from all the noise. The 2008 NCC was a spectacular event, organizers and participants look forward to even more involvement next year. www.USAdance.ORG January - February 45 AD Marketplace SHOES AND ACCESSORIES ACCESSORIES & MISC. DANCE ITEMS The Dance Dresser Inc. The Dance Store Sylvia Cummings 195 S. Westmonte Drive, Suite 1106 Altamonte Springs, FL. 32714 Phote: 407-774-1106 Phote: 880-774-1106 Fax: 407-778-1374 Email: dancedresser@dancedresser.com www.dancedresser.com Ballroom Gifts Louise Giuliano 48 Huron St., Albany NY 12203 Phone: 518-482-6603 Coco’s Ballroom Boutique 5510 Lake Howell Rd. Winter Park FL 32792 Email: cocosbb@embargmcul.com Dance Shoes of Atlanta Joyce & Jim Taylor 718 Ketchem Dr. Marietta GA 30066 Phone: 770-428-9439 Email: danceshoresofatlanta.com The Dance Store Joseph H. Baker Jr. 1613 Westbury Knoll. Lane Midlothian VA 23114 Email: bakerjh@yahoo.com Satin Stitches Ltd. Deborah Nelson 11894 Round Lake Blvd. NW Minneapolis MN 55433 Phone: 763-323-9507 Email: customerservice@satinstitches. com Toe to Toe Dance Wear Inc. Carol Fournier 1159 W. Hill Rd. #C Flint MI 48507 Phone: 877-348-4362 Email: toetotoe1@comcast.net COSTUMES AND GOWNS The Dance Dresser Inc. Sylvia Cummings 195 S. Westmonte Drive, Suite 1106 Altamonte Springs, FL. 32714 Phote: 407-774-1106 Phote: 880-774-1106 Fax: 407-778-1374 Email: dancedresser@dancedresser.com www.dancedresser.com Zhanna Kens, Moda Productions Inc. Ballroom dresses, dance costumes & dress designer - Moda Productions Inc. - Leading designer of ballroom dresses, dance costumes and dresses - Zhanna Kens Phone:727-596-5422 Email: zhanna@zhannakens.com zhannakens.com 46 InStep www.thedancestoreonline.com Phone: 804-276-1021 Email: dancevideos@hotmail.com High quality dance instruction DVDs for every dance you can imagine, including waltz, tango, cha cha, rumba, swing, salsa, merengue, bachata and Carolina shag. We also carry the very best Latin music and practice music. Our “Introduction to Ballroom Dancing” video is a must for every beginner. Our “Ultimate Ballroom Music Practice CD” has perfect tempo practice music for about every partner dance known to man. Our web site offers many free, downloadable videos Show Off Straps www.showoffstraps.com. Customized bra straps worth showing off. Contact Susan Ratcliff. Phone: 1-888-578-7277. Email: customerservice@showoffstraps. com. MB Music Services Customize the music for your next show! Speed up, slow down or shorten a piece of music...Keep that fabulous musical ending... Combine several tracks into one. Client list includes Max Kozhevnikov & Yulia Zagoruychenko, 2007 National Professional Latin Champions. www.MBMusicServices.com Phone: (908) 218-1926 E-mail: info@MBMusicServices.com 10% off digital music editing for USA Dance members. Reasonable rates, quick turnaround. New Videos by C. Martin Video Ron Bennett’s Advanced Standard $45, Michael Houseman’s Intermediate Tango & Waltz $45 and Intermediate Foxtrot Technique $45, Ron Montez’s Jive and Paso Doble $45, Silke Nowak’s Beginning Latin $40, Richard Diaz’s Latin Styling and Technique $45, Diane Barron’s Latin Arm Styling $35, Dan Calloway’s American Rhythm Priorities $40 and Dance Characteristics $40, Debra Loran’s Beginning American Rhythm $35, Jennifer Ford McCalla’s Advanced American Rhythm $40 and Arm Styling and Gestures $35 S&H $3.80+$1 for each additional tape. C. Martin Video, 406 Hinsdale Ln., Silver Spring, MD 20901. Send or call (301) 5877818 for free catalog or visit our Web site at www.cmartinvideo.com. Email martin@ cmartinvideo.com (166) EZ Play DJ Dance Studio Software for the Ultimate Touchscreen-Based Dance Studio Music System. Used by dance studios, mobile DJs, and competitive dancers. For about a dollar a day you can use the EZ Play DJ, get all upgrades, and receive support. Visit www. ezplaydj.com for more details. PHOTOGRAPHY Tim McGhee Photography PO Box 6206 Knoxville, Tenn. 37914-0206 Phone: 865.386.7843 Email: orders@timports.us www.timports.us Marvin Moore Photography 33530 1st Way S, Suite 102 Federal Way, WA 98003 Phone: 253.737.8835 Email: info@marvinmoorephoto.com http://www.marvinmoorephoto.com Carson Zullinger Photography 62 Rockford Rd. Wilmington, DE 19806 Phone: 1-877-228-0872 www.carsonzullinger.com MUSIC, VIDEOS, & BOOKS Dance Lovers USA Foster Lampert & Judi & Guy Davis P O Box 7071, Asheville NC 28802 Phone: 800-FOXTROT Email: info@dancelovers.com Website: http://dancelovers.com DJ - Ballroom & DanceSport Tony Rimkus 4610 State Rte 201 Tipp City OH 45371 Phone: 937-667-1420 Email: rimkust@juno.com Talented DJ with experience playing music for National Collegiate Championships in Columbus OH for past six years as well as other dancesport and social ballroom events. STUDIOS & INSTRUCTORS Arthur Murray Dance Studio Tallahassee James Hurst 1140 Capital Cir. SE #8 Tallahassee FL 32301 Phone: 850-531-9636 Email: dancerhurst@mac.com Website: www.tallahasseearthurmurray.com Specializing in both social and dancesport and have pro, pro-am and amateur couples that compete in American, International and Cabaret. Also have youth dancesport team & program. Ballroom Magic Katy & Russ Fischer P O Box 16, Glasser NJ 07837 Phone: 201-663-4646 Email: kifischer@optonline.net Dance Mart SMOOTH GOWNS MEN AND WOMEN SHOES Size 10-12- Beautiful light purple Lorie Chambliss smooth gown with high neck and long sleeves and loaded with Swarovski stones. Upper stretch bodice has large unique purple and fushia stones on both front and back. Excellent condition. Reduced to $1000. Pictures available. Call 423-899-6703 or email qfoxtrot@aol.com. [1] Lady’s LaDuca dance shoes barely worn. Size 7 American or 36 European, closed toe, made in Italy. May view at laducashoes.com see “Teresa” style in tan under custom shoes, expensive! These shoes are like new, very comfortable with a spandex band for flexibility and comfort at each side and at buckle. Sacrifice for $80. For actual photo/more info: Darleneoutdancing@gmail.com [1] Stunning black smooth dress with thousands of teal crystals on angled bodice, one side of skirt, and one long sleeve; other arm is bare with spaghetti strap and wrist bracelet; choker necklace all in crystals. Beautiful draping. Built in bodysuit. Size 8-10. Price $1500.00 E-mail Bronwen_chandler@hotmail.com for photos/details. Ph: 904-662-7354 [2] Lovely Blueberry colored smooth gown with yellow draped accents. Asymmetrical top with one sleeve and one side fully stoned with stunning floral appliqués. Very eye-catching, newest style. Designed to hid any figure flaws it will fit a variety of shapes & sizes 8-12+. Photos available to email. $1000. Anne LaTourelle 612280-7818 or annelatourelle@comcast.net [2] STANDARD GOWNS Stunning colored standard gown. Long-sleeves with easy step-in style. Sleeve and neckline accents are a fluttery paisley print heavily stoned in gold . Soft, floaty and feminine. Photos available to email. Will fit a variety of shapes & sizes 6-12. $700 Anne LaTourelle 612-280-7818 or annelatourelle@comcast.net [1] Breathtaking light pink standard gown. Longsleeves, large beautiful pink floral wing that matches the skirt. Soft, feminine with beautifully stone floral appliqués. Photos available to email. Will fit a variety of shapes & sizes 8-12+. Only worn twice. $1000. Anne LaTourelle 612280-7818 or annelatourelle@comcast.net [2] LATIN/RHYTHM DRESSES Size 10-12 Reduced Latin/Rhythm professional made, light turquoise high neck with long sleeves. $400. Heavily stoned at neck, wrist and asymmetrical hemline with scattered stones throughout the bodice. Built in body suit. Pictures available. Call 423-8996703 or email qfoxtrot@aol.com. [1] BRAND NEW - “Designs to Shine” Latin/ Rhythm by Maria McGill. One long sleeve and the other short. Size M. Reduced to $2200. Original cost $3500. This eye catching dress is turquoise, and heavily stoned. Pictures available. Call 423-899-6703 or email qfoxtrot@aol.com. [1] www.USAdance.ORG Mens Capezio Dancesport black lace-up shoes, worn once. Size 12N. $75. Call Elizabeth at 501-269-3739. [1] Ladies International Latin “Crystal” sandal, multi-strap with mesh toe area, nude color 2/12” heels. Good condition (tried to wear but hurt feet!), $45. Call Elizabeth at 501-269-3739. [1] Several pairs Supadance 1529W. Size 5W (English). Sandals. Great for wide feet. Contact Carol at cbs999@hotmail.com or (423) 7828134. [1] Will sell $50 for the brand-new pair and $30 for the one worn 1 practice session or $70 for both. Paid $120 each. Please contact Grace at 646209-3857 or gfu@eisnerlubin.com [2] PARTNERS WANTED Female dancer searching for male dancer for American Style Ballroom dancing; Interest in WCS, Hustle, NC2 a plus. Seeking a partner 5’11’ or taller; age group 50’s-60’s. Interest is in practice, lessons and dances-committment and fun necessary! Lee/Collier County Florida. Call Candace: 239-495-1786. [2] DanceMart DanceMart continues to serve members of USA Dance as a free space to advertise and sell personal costumes, shoes, etc., or search for a partner. To be included in DanceMart, please limit your classified ads to 50 words or less. You must include your membership number and name to ensure compliance with the free space for members only. Classified ads will run in American dancer for two issues. If you wish to run it longer, you must resend the ad. To place or renew an ad, Please send it to: ad-editor@usadance.org Married male senior gold level Standard Dancer residing in Palm Beach, FL looking for a female dance partner at Silver or higher level to practice and compete. Contact: Syrus 561333-9023; partians@att.net [2] WANTED Searching for lightly used or never worn ladies ballroom dance shoes.One pair either closed or open toe for size 6.5M & no higher than 1.5 heel. This shoe needs to be very comfortable, not hard. Extra cushion a plus.The other shoe in an open toe in size 7M up to 2.5” heel. Color in black or neutrals to wear at dance practices.May email photos & info to Darleneoutdancing@gmail.com [1] January - February 47 USA Dance Permit #542 Lebanon Junction, KY PAID US Postage Presort Standard 2009 DanceSport Championships e r o m i t l a B rn u t Re to 4, 5 , 3 il Apr Athletes: Come and compete against the very best! New events, lower fees, competitor packages. Same great location: Renaissance Harborplace Hotel Support our Athletes! Come to Baltimore for World Class Dancing, Great Social Events, Workshops & More! Register Now: Online registration open thru March 7, 2009. Late fee applies when registering after March 7th. Member Organization of the United States Olympic Committee & International DanceSport Federation www.usadancenationals.org