September 2010 - Carolina Heartland


September 2010 - Carolina Heartland
Carolina Heartbeat
Publication of Carolina Heartland, USA Dance, Inc., Chapter #6092
Send news and views to Ed. Photographer, Steve Raeford
Volume 6, Issue 9
From the President. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Hello everyone! It was great to see all the
smiling faces at our August dance. We had
a great time and a
great group of
dancers. I would
like to thank Bob &
Lib Johnson for the
w o n d e r f u l
music. They had a
family emergency
and couldn’t attend, so Bill and
Carole Bryant graciously played the
music for them. That’s what makes our
chapter so wonderful, there’s always somebody willing and able to step up in times of
need. That’s something that I really appreciate! Also, I would like to thank Joe and
Eileen Leggio for being our host and hostess
for August. As usual the food that everyone
brought was wonderful. Allen Berryhill
gave us a wonderful Bolero lesson before
the dance. It was just a wonderful evening
of dance for us all. And thanks to Tony
Econ who did a great job with the Cha Cha
workshop on Aug. 21.
Though you a busy person, please remember what’s going on with our chapter. I
remind you again of our Showcase of Stars
on September 26. I know that everyone is
practicing and getting ready and it will be a
great time for all. Please plan on attending!
I also understand that tickets are going fast,
so get your reservations in soon. In October
we have the Carolina Fall Classic Dancesport Championships and that promises to be
outstanding again. The list of competitors
grows longer every day! That is fantastic!
But there is work for us to do. Please see
information from Linda Jackson, column 3
on this page and the sign-up sheet accompanying this newsletter. Sign up and we can
again make this an event to remember.
It is the time again to think about the
ELECTION of new officers. A slate of officers will be presented at the Oct. dance and
the election will be at the November dance.
If you would like to suggest someone to run
for office or if you would like to run for an
office yourself, please contact ChairmanLynette Smitherman: 336-454-3378; Always tapping
into the leadership ability and talents of our
members insures that all our folk have a
chance to feel ownership in the chapter and
at the same time keeps us from becoming
stagnant. If you are asked to fill a position, I
hope that you will accept. You won’t regret
it. Again, Thanks to all those who keep this
chapter running. Until next time,
“Happy Dancing,” Wayne
September 2010
Carolina Heartland Calendar
Saturday, September 11, Mayberry Ballroom Dance. Lesson at 7:00 , Dancing 7:4510-30.
Sunday, September 12, Carolina Heartland Board Meeting, 3:00, Guilford Grange.
Sunday, September 12, Carolina Heartland Dance, Mambo lesson by Tim Saunders at
5:00, dancing 5:45-7:30, Skateland USA West, Stage Coach Trail., Greensboro
Outreach: Greensboro Manor on Old Oak Ridge Rd., Thurs. Sept. 2, 2:00. Contact
Fran Randolph if you wish to participate. 336-402-4545,
Sunday: NBDW Showcase: Sept. 26, Shrine Club on High Point Rd., 4-7:00 pm
$12.00 per person, to Charlie Hafer, by Sept. 17. See address below, col. 1.
Carolina Fall Classic Championships
Spotlight on Mel & Vicky Pater- October 22-24 will be a week-end of
celebration for everyone who enjoys
line. . . . .
months ago
( a. k.a.
Vicky) and
Mel Paterline began
their first
d a n c e
lessons. They had attended “Putting on
the Ritz” and were encouraged by the
many friendly people they met who loved
to dance. So they decided to learn all
they could about ballroom dancing.
Victoria and Mel grew up in different
small towns on the outskirts of Pittsburgh, PA. They met on a blind date as
both began college and were married
within a year. Mel earned a B.A. from
Washington and Jefferson College while
Vicky took time out to have their son.
Mel’s first job entailed a move to Clarksburg, W.VA., where their daughter was
born. Several moves followed: Pittsburgh, Ft. Lauderdale and Minneapolis.
While there, Victoria graduated from the
University of Minnesota with a B.S. in
Finance. A career change for Mel meant
a move to Winchester, VA. Victoria
began her career in business and earned
her M.B.A. in Finance from Shenandoah
An opportunity for Mel entailed a
move to Greensboro in 1985. Vicky
continued her career and eventually was
named Vice President of Finance for an
apparel firm. She then joined a Swedish
software firm as an account executive
and began traveling in the US and overseas. Mel also traveled globally as VP of
Global Business Development. Seeing
other places on business motivated them
to take international
vacations. They
have visited many countries in Europe
and Asia.
In 2008 Victoria and Mel relocated to
Hong Kong for Mel to manage a business
unit in Asia. The experience of living in
a world class city and traveling across
Asia was exhilarating and made a lasting
Continued page 2, col. 1. . . . . . . . .
ballroom dancing! Our Chapter will
again co-sponsor the Carolina Fall
Classic Dancesport Championships to
be held at the Downtown Greensboro
Marriott. We need a lot of volunteers to
help in various positions during the
CFC. If you wish to help, please
complete the attached form, selecting
your preferred time frames and the areas
in which you would like to work.
Please send the completed form to Linda
Coordinator: 3613 Fieldview Rd.,
27313:, or fax 336433-7520. Let’s show our enthusiasm
for ballroom dancing by volunteering to
assist at this fabulous event.
Also, if you are interested in being a
SPONSOR for the CFC or wish
to advertise in the program, please
one the following: Marie
Jerry & Jo Ann Snyder,; or Linda Jackson,, (or call 336674-6108, evenings only).
National Ballroom Dance Week
Showcase! It is shaping up beautifully!
Exciting it is that among the performers,
we have several who are performing for
us for the first time. Joe Zannini has
agreed to serve as the MC and Betty
McClintock has created beautiful new
“fall” decorations. If you would like to
help “lay out” these decorations, please
contact me:,
336-299-7412). Great job being done by
Cynatha Carroll who needs you to bring
finger foods for refreshment table.
Contact Cynatha Carroll at or 336-996-7172.
With tickets going
fast, Charlie Hafer
advises that you mail
your checks soon.
$12.00 per person to
Charlie at 6220 Nile Pl.
# G, Greensboro, NC,
27409-2174. (See calendar above. )
Dance Opportunities in the Triad
Friday, September 3, First Friday at Guilford Grange, 4909
Guilford School Rd., dancing 8-10 p.m., music by Bob & Lib
Johnson 336-299-7412 . Bring your favorite finger food.
Saturday, September 18 and every 3rd Sat., Mountain Empire, 7:30 p.m., at old Rec Center on 4th Street in Wytheville,
Every Friday, Biltmore Ballroom Center, 3530 Old North Rd.,
High Point, Dancing 7:30-10 p.m. 336-453-0386
Saturday, September 25, Horizon Dance Club, 8-10 p.m.,
Guilford Grange
Sunday, September 5, First Sunday, Tim Saunders Tea Dance,
Guilford Grange, Tim -336-324-1924, Music by Lib J., 3:305:30
Friday, September 10 , Second Friday Dance (Carl’s), 6:30
p.m. High Point Elks Lodge, dinner and dancing to Carolyn and
Rodney’s music. (Please reserve by noon preceding Tuesday.)
Sunday, September 26, Piedmont, USA Dance - Jerry Long
Family YMCA, 4 p.m. lesson, dancing 4:30-6:30, Clemmons
Southfork, Winston: Allen Berryhill, teacher. Wed. night
7:30- Beginner Ballroom;8:30-Non-Beginner. Thursday: 7:30Non-beginner: 8:30-Beginner. 336-659-4305
Saturday, September 11 and every 2nd Saturday, Greensboro
Social Club, 8:00 p.m. Lewis Recreation Center.
Volunteer to be a Teller: Contact Charlie Hafer, 336-8520515 or
Paterline continued. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
impact on both of them.
Returning to the US, they decided the
perfect place to retire was their former
hometown, Greensboro. Now ballroom
dancing has assumed a prominent place
in their life along with the new friends
from their “terpsichorean world.”
Hosts/Hostesses: Please contact
Wanda Wilson at 276-694-7938,; Sherri
Raeford,, 336-601-1768.
Photos by Steve Raeford
Treasurer’s report: Current balance $5948.83; July Income $459, July Expenses $382
Thanks to Eileen and Joe Leggio for
hosting the August dance;
To all who brought delicious snacks;
To Joe Leggio for sound assistance;
To Allen Berryhill for a challenging
bolero lesson;
To Ellie Dolata for obtaining great
instructors for our lessons;
To Bob & Lib Johnson for the dance
music and to Carole and Bill Bryant
for playing it.
Carolina Theatre: This venerable structure is to be recipient of funds from Fred
Astaire production: The Battleground Fred
Astaire Studio is putting on “The Rhythms of
Love” on Oct. 9th at the Carolina Theatre at
7pm. Tickets can be purchased at the studio
at 1604-A Battleground Avenue in Greensboro, NC, 336-379-9808 or at the Carolina
Theatre box office, 336-333-2605. Tickets
are $15. Added to that cost will be a $1.50
theatre restoration fee.
With the combination of a world-class choreographer Taliat Tarsinov, talented students
and teachers, great music and costumes,
"Rhythms of Love" is sure to be a night to
remember and an inspiration to all, so please
come out and see ballroom dancing as you
have never seen it before!
Thanks to a secret contributor for the
monthly spotlight. If you would like to suggest someone to be spotlighted, please contact
Outstanding Ballroom CD: Best Choice,
Best Sound, Best Modern- the Taka Dance
Fashion Collection. This CD contains 2
quicksteps, 5 tangos, 5 waltzes, and 4 foxtrots. Only two are familiar titles and many
have very unique style and presentation.
Heavy beats make this CD great for dancers
with hearing difficulties.