Week of September 21, 2014
Week of September 21, 2014
CALVARY LUTHERAN CHURCH In This Issue……. Week of September 21 SUNDAY Sept 21 8:30 am Worship—Outdoor Chapel 9:30 am Fellowship Time 10:00 am Sunday School 11:00 pm Worship 2:30 pm Adventure Camp Week 1 Reunion 4:00 pm To the Castle Rehearsal 5:00 pm Calvary Chimes 5:30 pm Speaker– JC Boone-Youth & Cong. 6:00 pm Genesis Ringers MONDAY Sept 22 9:30 am Lydia’s Quilters 2:00 pm Staff Meeting 5:30 pm Centering Prayer 7:00 pm Cub/Boy Scouts TUESDAY Sept 23 Sept 24 12:00 pm Lunch and Talk 6:30 pm Calvary Carillon 7:30 pm Chancel Choir THURSDAY Sept 25 9:00 am Men’s Prayer Group 6:00 pm Eat and Meet 6:30 pm Sr. Youth Small Group 7:00 pm Dove Ensemble FRIDAY Weekly Calendar / Upcoming Events Weekly Announcements Special Prayers / Family & Friends Prayer Requests / Gospel in Review 4. Sunday Ministers / Attendance / Finances 5. Happy Birthday / Prayer Families / Social Ministry Survey / Morning of Silence 6. Come to the Castle / Social Ministry-September / CROP Walk / CVAN Needs 7. Neighbor Ministry / Sanctuary Ceiling Problem 8. Contemplative Outreach / College Student Addresses / Chili & Cornbread on Corban 9. Agape / Kure Beach Upcoming Events 10. All Kinds of Gifts UPCOMING EVENTS 10:00 am Centering Prayer 7:00 pm Calvary Neighbor’s Ministry WEDNESDAY 1. 2. 3. Calvary Neighbor’s Lunch: Sept 23—Noon Discovering Your Gifts Lunch / Workshop: Sept 28—12:30 pm Tutor Training: Sept 28—4:00 pm All Kinds of Gifts Brunch: Oct 5—9:30 am To the Castle: Oct 11—6:00 pm Youthquake: Oct 11 Salvation Army Night Shelter: Oct 19-25 NOTEWORTHY Outdoor Worship: The 8:30 Worship Service will be Sept 26 SATURDAY Sept 27 Youth High Ropes Course / Lock-In held in the Steere Outdoor Chapel on Sunday, Sept . 21 J. C. Boone: Join us on Sunday, Sept. 21 at 5:30 to hear well known author J. C. Boone. See write-up on Page 2 CALVARY LUTHERAN 3RD ANNUAL BUTTERFLY RELEASE: Cabarrus Memorial Gardens is inviting the public to their 3rd Annual Butterfly Release on Saturday, September 27 at 11:00 a.m. You can reflect and honor your loved one by releasing a butterfly in their name. Admission is free. To participate with a butterfly, butterflies are $10 each. RSVP by Tuesday, September 23. 704-782-0008. Rejoice 2 CALVARY'S FOOD PANTRY IN NEW LOCATION Thank you Ken Glace and George Clemons for installing shelving to prepare the new spot for Calvary's food pantry. Thanks to Karen Wright who will now coordinate our food pantry. She is providing the initial set-up of the pantry, will organize new food donated by congregation members in the pantry, and will pre-pack bags for us to hand out to those who come by Calvary in need of food. Our new spot for the food pantry is in the last closet on the left outside the fellowship hall. Thank you to youth ministry for sharing this space with us. Calvary disciples, you are always welcome to remember the hungry by bringing a can of food to church. Our collection site is in the coat closet in the narthex. Look for the red box with the Calvary Food Pantry sign under it. CHANGES: If you have a change of address, phone number, or email, please contact the church office 704-782-6923 or celca@clconcord.org with your updated information. This helps us to keep our contact information current and to insure that you receive communications from the church. Thank J. C. BOONE: Calvary Youth Ministry presents J. C. Boone on Sunday, September 21 at 5:30 you! pm. The Congregation is invited. His interest in SOCIAL MINISTRY SURVEY: Please take a few the Third Reich peaked while serving in the army moments to read through and fill out the social and stationed in Berchtesgaden, Germany. ministry survey that you find at the link provided Ultimately he was named Director of Publicity here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/ for the Armed Forces Recreation Center, KXRHH7V Our social ministry committee will be headquartered in Berchtesgaden, and he began using this information to consider God’s call to an extensive study of the Nazi activities in the us at this time, how best to live into this call, and area-especially at the Obersalzberg. His research areas that may need attention or further study led him to interview Paula Hitler (Hitler's sister), related to Calvary’s social ministries. This is the Johann Langwieder (Hitler's immediate superior last week for you to complete the survey, don’t in World War I), and Hans Baur (Hitler's personal wait! pilot from 1932-945). While in the army, his COLLEGE STUDENTS: Requests for addresses of articles were broadly published in American our college students are often received in the newspapers throughout Germany and church office. People wanting to send a card to specialized magazines in the states. say hello, that they are praying for them, just to let them know that we care. If you have a student in college, please send their address to the church office so we can publish a list of addresses in Rejoice. Thank you! CALVARY LUTHERAN FRIENDS AND FAMILY PRAYER REQUESTS Susan Allman, friend of Joe and Shelby Varnadore ● Chip Horton, brother-in-law of Linda Austin ● Renae Aycock, sister of Stephanie Blackburn ● Alex Crisp, friend of Sue Ireland ● Dianne Palmer, sister of Jan Young ● Charles Moretz, brother of Phyllis Remkus ● James Wood, friend of Sherry Crawford ● Katherine Harwood, sister of Mary Milikin ● Linda White, mother of Stephanie Blackburn ● April Roberts, granddaughter of Angie Graeber ● Angie Blashaus, sister-in-law of Donya Yost ● Don Holt, father of Mike Holt ● Janice Bellamy, Alison Bledmon, Lucy Davidson, Carla Cozzen, Saeed Family, friends of Andrea Correll, Rhoda and Grace Rillorta ● Jeanne Castor and family, friends of Jean Scarbrough ● Julia McCombs, sister of Jan Price ● Ellen Cline, sister of Larry Stancil ● Pat Allen, mother of Sue Blackshear ● Marjorie Bell, mother of George Clemons ● Mary Ada Amick, mother of Vivian Howard ● Robert and Sheila Rudisell, friends of Ken and Jan Young ● Leslie Engels, friend of Mary Milikin ● Rebecca Reynolds, cousin of Abbey Markley ● Rick Blisard, friend of Andy Howard ● Howard Scarborough, friend of Linda Stancil ● Jackie Linker, co-worker of Ann Morris ● James Herron, friend of Judie Jones ● Ron Bankett, friend of George and Barbara Clemons ● Brenda Anderson, friend of Michael Kelly ● Marie and Brad Grochoske ● Holly Young Mann, daughter of Ken and Jan Young ● Barbara Motley, cousin of Martha Hatley ● Robin Finley, sister of George Clemons ● Al Kolmos, father of Alicia Greve ● Stephanie King, friend of the SPECIAL PRAYER NEEDS Larry Stancil | Marilene Stirewalt Joe Varnadore | Alex Cruse Bob and Kathy Moderow Lynnette Novobilski | Bobby Cloninger David Hinson | Norlan Retalic Hilda Petty | Erin Harbaugh Barbara Ferguson | Kathi Hissong Sharon Crawford Barbara Flynn | Rhoda Rillorta Robbin Findley, sister of George Clemons Rande Caldwell, Carol Cline, friends of Judie Jones Lori Jones, Tamara Twiggs, friend and sister of Deb Fritz The Family of Faye Beutler, mother of Deb Allen Rejoice 3 Hunkele Family ● Alex Crisp, friend of Sue Ireland ● Holly and CJ Moody, Tim and Becky Williams, friends of the Michael Kelly family ● Rodney Nilson, friends of Dave Hunkele ● Michael Hatley, son of Danny and Doris Hatley ● Pam Furr, sister of Patty Tadlock ● Tom Sikes, friend of Brad and Kathy Schiele ● Rose Hurtado, cousin of Marion Bish ● Chris Spain, nephew of Jim and Jean Scarbrough ● Norma Smith, mother of Deanna Teuschler ● A.L. Vickers, brother-in-law of Nancy Haney ● Bob Boswell, father of Donae Yoos ● Casey Sanders and Perkins Family, friends of Rick Grochoske ● Carol Cline, friend of Judie Jones ● J.D., Beth, Cole, and Spencer Ramseur ● Pat Allen, cousin of Jo Plummer ● Carol Cline, friend of Judie Jones ● Dalton Wise, friend of Terry and Linda Austin ● Wade Moretz, father of Phyllis Remkus ● Fran Fowler, mother of David Fowler ● Patti and Keith Poole, friends of Deb Fritz ● Barbara Jones, friend of Shelby Varnadore ● Frances White, cousin of Patty Tadlock ● Jane Mills, cousin of Peggy Cormier ● Faye Beutler, mother of Deb Allen ● Muriel Heffner, friend of Jane Bost ● Sarah Penninger, aunt of Mike Holt ● F. Keith Stirewalt, son of Moses Stirewalt ● Chuck Orlando, uncle of Greg Bove ● George and Susan Cannon, parents of Erin Kelly ● Phyllis Dillinger, friend of Michael, Zaiden, and Dawysn Boozer ● Shirley Jackson & Family, friends of Ann Ridenhour ● Claire Hunsucker, friend of Linda Spencer ● Michael Hatley, son of Danny and Doris Hatley ● Irene Lowder, sister of Robert Lowder ● Shanna, Dale, and Randy Benson, friends of Harold and Jean Smith THIS WEEK’S GOSPEL IN REVIEW Each week we will feature the Thursday Men’s Prayer Group’s reflections on this week’s Gospel lesson. Matthew 20:1-16 Parable of Workers in the Vineyard The landowner paid the workers the same money whether they worked all day or just the last hour. “God’s grace and mercy transcended all human ideas of fairness.” “So the last will be first and the first will be last.” Amen! CALVARY LUTHERAN SUNDAY MINISTERS Rejoice 4 21-September 28-September Marissa Bové Needed Marion Bish Walter Friday Marissa Bové Needed Marion Bish Walter Friday Walter Friday / Carolyn Mauney Walter Friday / Carolyn Mauney Ushers Nursery Fellowship Time Kevin and Cindy Webber T.J. DePaulis Jason and Alisha Fain Ramona Miller / Emily Horn Sarah Grippe Dick and Barb Flynn 11:00 WORSHIP Acolyte Crucifer Greeters Welcome Center Lector Worship Assistant Carson Kelly / Tyler Diep Raina Meyer Bob and JoAnn Carlson Phyllis Jessup Hunkele David Smith Carson Kelly / Tyler Diep Raina Meyer George and Barbara Clemons Todd and Sheila Smith Hunkele David Smith Communion Assistants David Smith / Starr Black David Smith / Starr Black Needed Needed Emily Huff / Leslie McSheehan Shelby Varnadore / Leta Schieber Needed / Needed Needed / Needed Carolyn Mauney / Starr Black Carolyn Mauney / Starr Black Teresa Bové / Cassie Dixon Teresa Bové / Cassie Dixon JoAnn Carlson / Nancy Haney Nancy Haney / Jo Ellen Johnson Marge Berg Laurie Czoka Bette Parnell 8:30 WORSHIP Acolyte Welcome Center Lector Worship Assistant Communion Assistants Ushers Nursery Soundboard/Lights 8:30 / 11:00 GENERAL Council Person/Teller Altar Guild Monday Tellers Care and Concern Care and Concern Visit ATTENDANCE SEP 14 YEAR AGO 8:30 Worship 62 69 Our Offerings for the Work of God to Date $298,800 Sunday School 83 88 Offerings Needed for the Work of God to Date $314,800 11:00 Worship 106 143 Average Offerings for the Work of God $8,100 Average Offerings Needed for the Work of God $8,500 FINANCIAL RECAP CALVARY LUTHERAN HAPPY BIRTHDAY 21-Sep Bobby Cloninger 22-Sep Hayden Link Shelby Varnadore 24-Sep Andy Yoos 25-Sep Lynda Boyd 26-Sep Andy Howard Luke Niekamp Rejoice 5 PRAYER FAMILIES Generous God, you claim us as your own in Baptism, and your people declare your greatness through lives devoted to you. Make all who serve you unified in the one fellowship that we share. Strengthen Calvary in compassionate relationships through Christ, faith, and service, so that we may fulfill the calling you have entrusted to us. Give our prayer families for this week your grace and peace that they may walk in your presence now and forever: Andy, Donae, Drew, and Lauren Yoos, Hope Yost, Mark, Donya, and Jake Yost, Ken and Jan Young, Terry and Connie Young. Hear us, O God. Your mercy is great. K SURVEY ST LA E WE Please take a few moments to read through and fill out the social ministry survey that you find at the link provided here: https:// www.surveymonkey.com/s/KXRHH7V Our social ministry committee will be using this information to consider God’s call to us at this time, how best to live into this call, and areas that may need attention or further study related to Calvary’s social ministries. If you would like to hear what our congregation said about social ministry in our 2013 visioning, you may check out our ministry priorities at this link: http:// www.clconcord.org/ministries-and-groups/ ministry-priorities You are invited to The Fall Morning of Silence. Morning of Silence Saturday, September 20, 2014 10:00am to 12:00pm The Sanctuary South Mecklenburg Presbyterian Church 8601 Bryant Farms Road Charlotte, NC 28277 Map Two 30 minute periods of Centering Prayer Taize Songs Silent Contemplative Walk Registration is not required. Please come. CALVARY LUTHERAN Rejoice 6 COME, COME, “TO THE CASTLE” Please join us in the final weeks of preparation for “To the Castle”. This congregational musical is part of Calvary’s fall stewardship emphasis for 2014, and it tells how everyone in the castle responds when the long-absent monarch is about to return and expects a report from each person of how they have fulfilled their responsibilities. The musical was written by Jay Beech, a Lutheran composer, and the new director of The Center for Worship & Music Studies which is being formed by a partnership of synods of the ELCA to create a first-ofits-kind worship and music institute. If you would like to participate in the musical, rehearsals are: Sunday, September 21, and 28 at 4pm Sunday October 5 ITEMS FOR CVAN: PAPER PRODUCTS, GALLON SIZE ZIPLOC BAGS, 30-GAL BLACK & KITCHEN SIZE BAGS CLEANING SUPPLIES MR CLEAN, SPIC N SPAN, TOILET BOWL CLEANER, SCRUBBING BUBBLES PAPER TOWELS PERSONAL CARE ITEMS BASIC MEDICINES HOUSEHOLD ITEMS, LINENS, TWIN & FULL SIZE BLANKETS PANTRY FOOD ITEMS POTS & PANS SETS DRINKING GLASSES, PLATE SETS GIFT CARDS FOR DISCOUNT & GROCERY STORES BATH TOWELS & WASHCLOTHS 60 WATT EQUIVALENT COMPACT FLUORESCENT LIGHT BULBS To learn more about CVAN, click here: http:// www.cvan.org/ SOCIAL MINISTRY EMPHASIS FOR SEPTEMBER CROP: Serve the hungry in our community and the world by sponsoring a CROP walk participant. CVAN: Serve domestic violence victims by learning more about CVAN this month and how to support its efforts Cabarrus County CROP Hunger Walk Sunday, October 19th We all care about hungry people, but what can one person do? You can join in the Cabarrus County CROP Hunger Walk to raise your voice against hunger and raise funds to help hungry people around the world and here in our own area (25% of what you raise stays right here in Cabarrus County)! See Ken Glace to sign up to walk or for information about sponsorship. CALVARY LUTHERAN Rejoice 7 DO YOU KNOW ABOUT CALVARY’S NEIGHBOR MINISTRY? Our evangelism committee is kicking off this new ministry on September 23, Noon-2pm, in the picnic shelter. We are inviting those who work in local businesses near our church to lunch on that day at the shelter. This is to introduce them to us and to our location, so that they can then come back and enjoy their lunch break at the shelter whenever they like. This is a way for our neighbors to get some quiet time away from the office during lunch and to enjoy God’s creation. It is also a great way for us to be neighbors and to share the gifts that have been entrusted to us. This week, Pastor Debbie and a member of the evangelism committee delivered invitations to 25 businesses around the church. We will be taking another group of invitations out next week. We were very well received by all the businesses. People thanked us for thinking of them. They shared that they really don’t have anywhere to go close by for lunch in an outdoor setting. As well, one woman shared: “Some days, I eat my lunch in my car. Thank you for this, she said.” Want to help out on the 23 or help deliver invitations next week? All are welcome to participate. Simply speak to Pastor Debbie or Joe Varnadore, Calvary’s Evangelism Chair. SANCTUARY CEILING Many may have noticed the ceiling problem in the Sanctuary. You may also be wondering if it safe and what is being done about it. First let us put some rumors to rest, the ceiling is not in danger of falling. We have had a company look at the problem and they have said it is a “paint peel”. They feel the peel is cosmetic and a result of a much larger problem, that being a roof that is near the end of its lifespan. Moisture from leaks that have occurred over the past couple of years have migrated through the sheetrock joint to the paint layer. Once there, the moisture has caused the paint to peel away from the sheetrock. Presently the leaks have been eliminated. Property committee members examine the roof at each work day and replace missing shingles. Moses and Brad also check the attic after each rain event for any sign of a leak. The crew will take to the roof once again on the October 18 workday. To fix the cosmetic problem inside one needs to address the root of the problem outside. That being replacement of the shingles on the entire roof. The roof is approximately 15 ½ years old which is about 78% of its expected life. Property has a ball park figure on re-roofing the church-a hail storm sure would be nice about now. If we were to just fix the cosmetic portion of the problem it would cost the church approximately $27,000 and no guarantee that it would not happen again. Calvary does not have that amount of money to possibly waste on something that may not work. The old church on Lake Concord Road suffered from roof leaks. Had the church not been sold to the hospital a new roof was just around the corner. Property just wants the congregation to know that they are addressing the problem. A quick fix may not be the correct solution. Rest assured the sky is not falling. Property Committee CALVARY LUTHERAN Rejoice 8 To learn contemplative practice is to learn what we need so as to live truthfully and honestly and lovingly. Rt Rvd Rowan Williams Retired Archbishop of Canterbury Introduction to Centering Prayer Workshop Saturday, October 4, 2014 : 10 AM to 4 PM St. Philip Neri Catholic Church 292 Munn Road E, Fort Mill, SC Cost: $30 Centering Prayer is a form of Christian silent meditation where one lets go of thoughts during periods of prayer typically lasting 20 minutes. It is rooted in the self-emptying love that forms the heart of Jesus' teaching and life. The effect on those who practice it is an everincreasing awareness of God's action and presence in the course of ordinary life. At the Workshop, you will receive instruction on the prayer, as well as two opportunities to practice it. Lunch will be provided. Please share this invitation with your friends who might feel the call to silence and stillness. Registrations must be received by September 26. Click here for more information and to register COLLEGE STUDENTS Chili & Cornbread on Corban Requests for addresses of our college students are often received in the church office. People wanting to send a card to say hello, that they are praying for them, just to let them know that we care. If you have a student in college, please send their address to the church office so we can publish a list of addresses in Rejoice. Thank you! celca@clconcord.org Opportunity House invites you to come have lunch and tour the new facility! * Market Place with items to purchase and raffle items in courtyard. When: Sunday, October 12, 2014 Time: 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM Where: 72 Corban Avenue SW, Concord, NC 28025 Cost: Love Offerings Accepted at the Door A Christian Ministry working with the homeless, jobless and those living on the fringe in Cabarrus County! CALVARY LUTHERAN Rejoice 9 CALVARY LUTHERAN Rejoice 10 All Kinds of Gifts The gifts that he gave were that some would be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the Body of Christ, until all of us come to the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God, to maturity, to the full stature of Christ. Ephesians 4: 11-13 This list of gifts is far from a complete list of the gifts God has given to his church to enrich our lives and to expand his mission into all parts of the world. Join Calvary’s stewardship ministry in learning more about your God-given gifts through our fall stewardship emphasis and offer yourself to God anew on Consecration Sunday, October 19. MARK YOUR CALENDAR NOW FOR THESE STEWARDSHIP EVENTS September 28 Join us for a “Discovering your Gifts” workshop after 11:00 am worship. A light lunch will be provided. RSVP on your communication card by September 21. October 5 Join us following 8:30 am worship for an “All Kinds of Gifts” Coffee and Congregation Celebration. Let’s celebrate how all kinds of gifts are being brought together at Calvary to enrich our life together and to further God’s mission in and through us. We will invite you to consider: “How do I fit in to God’s amazing work?” October 11 Join us at 6:00 pm for dinner and “To the Castle”. Enjoy a meal with friends in Christ and let God speak to you through the music and words of “To the Castle”. RSVP on your communication card by October 5. October 19 Come to worship at 8:30 am or 11:00 am on Consecration Sunday, renew the promises of your baptism, and offer your time, talent, and financial gifts to God’s service for the coming year.