March 23, 2015 - Walkerton Area Shopper
March 23, 2015 Church Service Directory Beaver Creek Wesleyan Church 66027 Redwood Rd North Liberty, IN 574-586-7263 Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship - 10:30 a.m. Men’s Bible Meeting Tue 7pm Women’s Bible Meeting every 3rd Tuesday at 7pm. Pastor: Steven W. Cunnington Grace Reformed Church PRSRT STD Covering 9 Towns throughout Southwest St. Joe, Marshall, Starke, and LaPorte Counties! U.S. Postage Paid South Bend, IN 46601 Permit No. 46 Walkerton Area Shopper (574) 586-7467 POSTAL CUSTOMER 700 VanBuren St Email: Walkerton, IN 46574 Donaldson • Fish Lake • Grovertown • Hamlet • Koontz Lake • LaPaz • North Liberty • Tyner • Walkerton • Plymouth 574-586-7022 Sunday School - 9:00 a.m. Sunday Morning Service -10:10am Sunday Afternoon Service -1:00pm Pastor: Matt Barker Lakeside Baptist Church 515 Michigan Trail Lakeville, IN 46536 574-784-2216 Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship - 10:30 a.m. Sunday evening - 6:00 p.m. Wednesday service - 7:00 p.m. Pastor: Vito Rulli North Liberty Church of Christ 65225 State Road 23 North Liberty, IN 46554 574-656-4632 Sunday School 9:30am Sunday Worship 10:30am Wednesday Bible Study 7pm Pastor: Tim Stewart North Liberty United Methodist Church 103 S. Main St North Liberty, IN 46554 574-656-3132 Sunday Fellowship 8:30am Sunday Worship 9am Fellowship & Coffee following worship 10:15am Pastor: Ernie Troxell Sasown Ministries International Jesus is Lord 600 VanBuren St Walkerton, IN 46574 574-586-3578 Sunday Service - 10:00am Tues & Thurs Night Service - 7:00pm Anointing & Communion every service Pastor: Richard Noone Walkerton Bible Baptist Church 602 Roosevelt Road Walkerton, IN 46574 574-910-0180 Sunday School 9:30 AM Worship 10:30 AM Sunday Evening 6PM Wednesday Kids/Teens 7PM Pastor: Jack Cox Walkerton United Methodist Church 1000 Geogia St Walkerton, IN 46574 574-586-3534 Sunday Morning Service-9am Sunday School 10:15am Holy Grounds Contemperary Service 11:15am Pastor: Perry Richards Walkerton United Pentecostal Church 1174 Lake St Walkerton, IN 46574 574-286-0730 Sunday School 10am Sundy Evening Worship 7pm Youth Night Tue 6:30pm Mid Week Worship Wed. 7pm Sr. Pastor: Arnold Smith Page 2 - Walkerton Area Shopper March 23, 2015 Kindergarten Round Up - Oregon-Davis Elementary School - Wednesday April 15, 2015 *If your child turns 5 on or before Aug. 1, 2015 please plan to attend. Bring Birth Certificate & Immunization Records. Bring your child with you as there will be a basic skill assessment given. Schedule an appointment by calling (574) 867-2711 American Legion Post #365 - North Liberty - Progressive Drawings Tuesdays 5-7pm Jackpot currently $1,200! FISH FRY FRIDAY’S (Throughout Lent 5pm-8pm) North Liberty Church of Christ Pre-School Christian Community Pantry in Walkerton will be on... Tuesday Mar. 24, 2015 Check in at the Walkerton Library. Pantry hours are 11:30am - 1:30pm and 5:30pm - 6:45pm . Jim Bowen 586-9210. Karen Johnson 586-7849. Call to see if you qualify! Serving the community for 39 years! AGES: 3 Young 4’s - 3 on or before Aug. 1 Pre-K 4 Young 5’s - 4 on or before Aug. 1 Classes fill quickly don’t delay! Contact: or (574)203-0283 John Glenn School Corporation Kindergarten R OUND UP Thursday, April 9th at 7pm Located at: Walkerton & North Liberty Elementary Schools Questions Call: WES (586-3186) or NLES (656-8123) Spring/Summer Children’s Resale - 17th Bi-Annual - Saturday March 28th 8am - 1pm Two levels over 5,000 sq. feet under one roof! Children’s clothing, shoes, nursery decor, toys, bedding, books, video games, and more... Questions? Like Us On Facebook Wakarusa Missionary Church 202 W. Waterford St or Visit our website: Wakarusa, IN Falcon Dipper General Store Celebrates Grand Opening Walkerton – After months of preparation and renovation, Falcon Dipper General Store has opened its doors. The store serves ice cream and novelties, bakery items from the Sugar Shack Bakery & Over the Top Bakery, meat from Verhaeghe Farms, refrigerator and pantry staples, bulk goods, and Falcon attire. The store holds a special meaning in the small community of Walkerton, Indiana. “Falcon” is the mascot for John Glenn High School, ranked 17th among the many high schools in Indiana, while “dipper” comes from the store’s line of Velvet ice cream, an all-natural pure ice cream for the past 100 years. On the back of our uniforms is our slogan that reads: Let us dip your favorite flavor. On Saturday, March 7, the store opened to friends and family at 8:00 A.M. On that day, even local sports teams visited the store that features images of local high school team mascots on its walls. Dawn Gorby-Verhaeghe, the owner of Falcon Dipper, says, “Falcon Dipper is blessed to have such wonderful friends and family who visited us on our soft opening on Saturday. We planned on closing at 2:00 P.M. The doors locked and unlocked several times because people kept wanting to come in and see the Dipper. We ended up closing at 5:30 on our first day.” On Monday, March 9, the store opened full time. The hours are tentatively Monday through Friday, 9:00 to 6:00, and Saturday, 9:00 to 4:00. The general store and ice cream, fountain, and coffee areas are now open to the public. Customers may call ahead or check Facebook in case the hours change. Dawn Gorby-Verhaeghe is excited to bring this store to St. Joe/ Marshall counties and knows “it will be a destination spot.” She recommends stopping in often to shop for new items and ending visits with a Velvet ice cream dessert. She knows the store “will provide great memories for individuals and families” who are looking for a special treat. Falcon Dipper General Store, located at 1120 Roosevelt Road, Walkerton, IN, 46574, may be reached by phone at 574-586-3477 or on Facebook. Treasure Chest 105 W. Center St -North Liberty- Winter Clothing Sale 25c ! Shoes & Coats not included 2 week sale Open: Tues, Thurs, Fri, Sat Weekdays 10am-4pm / Sat 10am-1pm Closed Sun-Mon-Wed Walkerton Area Historical Society “Hail to the Champs! They did it again! For two consecutive years the Walkerton High School basketball team has been crowned county champions in the spacious John Adams Gym in South Bend, where the Walkerton boys fought their way through the strong Lakeville squad to coast to top honors via wins over Greene Township in the semi-finals and over New Carlisle in the finals. The big celebration of the championship event will occur Saturday night when a committee from the Lions Club, Chamber of Commerce and American Legion will stage a community-wide Honor Banquet for the squad and coaches. Ray Chapman is the general chairman. The dinner will be served at 6:30 by Welco Restaurant at the gymnasium. Tickets are $1.75 for adults and $1.50 for students. The high school band, directed by Robert Barton, will play for the occasion. Following the dinner a free dance will be held at the Youth Building for all who care to dance. The old and the young are invited.” - Walkerton Independent, January 31, 1957 In the photo are left-right: Superintendent Emmet Eiler, Mr. & Mrs. William Milner, guest speaker, Principal L. E. Moschelle, Reserve Basketball Coach Jim Howard, Ray and Marian Chapman. Heritage House Museum, located at 413 Michigan St., is open Thursday, Friday, and Saturday 10:00 until 1:00. Books published by WAHS and Cemetery Walk DVDs are available at the museum. First Presbyterian Church 512 Georgia St - Walkerton - Trees trimmed or removed - Dangerous limb removal - Emergency Snow, Ice and Storm Services. - Certified Arborist – Fully Insured - Free Quotes Office Phone: (574) 404-1372 Email: Easter is coming! Church Service at: 10:30am Are you looking for a church family? Come join our church family as we worship God! We are ordinary people like you living in the Walkerton area caring about our communities. - Come Join Us at the First Presbyterian - ATTENTION ATTENTION Pursuant to IC 4-32.2-4-5, the American Legion Pulaski Post 357 is publishing notice that an application for an annual for an annual bingo license has been filed by: American Legion Pulaski Post 357 5414 W. Sample St. South Bend, IN 46619 Location of Bingo Event: American Legion Pulaski Post 357 5414 W. Sample St. South Bend, IN 46619 Operators: Thomas Klempay, Wayne Zwerzinski, Gary Johnson, Dave Wesolowski, Eugene Povolock, Paul Duda, Lenny Genchoff, Dan Ruszkowski, George Cesavice, Don Ruszkowski, Bill Lowe, Jeff Wells, Joey Przybylski, Donna Bressler, Sandy Carmon, Kathy Johnson, and Patti Genchoff. Officers of Organization: Thomas Klempay, Commander, Wayne Zwerzinski, 1st Vice Cmdr., Gary Johnson, 2nd Vice Cmdr., Tommy Marshall, Chaplain, Dave Wesolowski, Sgt.-at-Arms, Eugene Povolock, 1st Yr. Board, Jim Boardman 4nd Yr. Board, Mike Wells 5th Yr. Board, Paul Duda, Adjutant, John Wantuch, Service Officer, Stan Jurek Judge Advocate. Any person may protest the proposed issuance of the annual bingo license. Protest letters must be received within fifteen (15) days from the date the last posting appears. The Commission shall hold a public hearing if ten (10) written and signed protest letters are received. Address Where Protest Letters should be sent: INDIANA GAMING COMMISSION Attention: Diane Freeman Charity Gaming Division East Tower Suite 1600 101 W. Washington St. Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 Pursuant to IC 4-32.2-4-5, the American Legion Pulaski Post 357 is publishing notice that an application for an annual for an annual charity game night license has been filed by: American Legion Pulaski Post 357 5414 W. Sample St. South Bend, IN 46619 Location of Charity Game Night Event: American Legion Pulaski Post 357 5414 W. Sample St. South Bend, IN 46619 Operators: Thomas Klempay, Wayne Zwerzinski, Gary Johnson, Dave Wesolowski, Eugene Povolock, Paul Duda, Lenny Genchoff, Dan Ruszkowski, George Cesavice, Don Ruszkowski, Bill Lowe, Jeff Wells, Joey Przybylski, Donna Bressler, Sandy Carmon, Kathy Johnson, and Patti Genchoff. Officers of Organization: Thomas Klempay, Commander, Wayne Zwerzinski, 1st Vice Cmdr., Gary Johnson, 2nd Vice Cmdr., Tommy Marshall, Chaplain, Dave Wesolowski, Sgt.-at-Arms, Eugene Povolock, 1st Yr. Board, Jim Boardman 4nd Yr. Board, Mike Wells 5th Yr. Board, Paul Duda, Adjutant, John Wantuch, Service Officer, Stan Jurek Judge Advocate. Any person may protest the proposed issuance of the annual charity game night license. Protest letters must be received within fifteen (15) days from the date the last posting appears. The Commission shall hold a public hearing if ten (10) written and signed protest letters are received. Address Where Protest Letters should be sent: INDIANA GAMING COMMISSION Attention: Diane Freeman Charity Gaming Division East Tower Suite 1600 101 W. Washington St. Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 Miracle Ride 2015 Sign Be Prepared for Up May 30th & May Those RMDs 31st...... You might not think Michael Gensinger’s Famthat 70 ½ represents any ily & Friends Miracle Ride particular milestone. Group will be organizing anBut when you do reach other ride this year for the 2015 this age, you will have to Miracle Ride for Riley’s Hosmake some decisions that pital for Children. The North affect an important aspect of your life — your retireLiberty VFW Post 1954 Men’s ment income. Auxiliary is again sponsoring this event and holding the sign Here’s the background: Once you turn 70 ½, you will need to start taking withdraw- up for the Indianapolis ride. als from your 401(k) or similar employer-sponsored retirement plan and from your To participate with this group, traditional IRA (but not your Roth IRA). Actually, you will need to begin these you will need to sign up by withdrawals — known as “required minimum distributions” (RMDs) — by April 1 March 30th at the North Liberty of the following year and continue taking them by December 31 each year after VFW Post 1954, on the corner of that. These RMDs are calculated by dividing your account balance at the end of the previous year by your life expectancy, as determined by IRS mortality tables. If your Quinn and Tamerack Roads s/o North Liberty. The minimum spouse is your sole beneficiary and is more than 10 years younger than you, you’d use a separate table. Don’t worry too much about the number crunching, though — donation per participate is set at $30.00, assuring you a Group T your financial advisor generally can do the calculations for you. shirt and inclusion to all activities in Indianapolis on Saturday What you should concern yourself with, however, are the first two words of RMD: and Sunday. The minimum do“required” and “minimum.” These words mean what they say. If you don’t take withdrawals, or if you withdraw less than you should, you could face a 50 percent nation anywhere else for this penalty tax on the difference between what you withdrew and what you should event in the state is $50.00. Afhave withdrawn — and then you’ll still have to take out the required amount and ter March 30th, the cost may be pay taxes on the taxable portions of those withdrawals. So it’s a very good idea to $50.00 and a Group T shirt will take your withdrawals on time — and without “shortchanging” yourself. not be available, but you may still participate with the group. Of course, you can certainly take more than the required minimum amount — but The ride will leave the North should you? The answer depends on whether you need the money. But even if you Liberty VFW Post 1954 on Sathave to take larger-than-minimum withdrawals, you’ll want to be careful not to take urday morning, May 30, 2015, out more than you need — because if you “over-withdraw” year after year, you run at approximately 10:00 and arthe risk of outliving your resources. That’s why it’s so important, during the early rive at Main Street Speedway years of your retirement, to establish a sustainable withdrawal rate for your retirein the mid-afternoon for regisment accounts. Your withdrawal rate will depend on a variety of factors, such as your other sources of income — Social Security, earnings from employment, savings, tration. There will be activities and shopping all day onMain etc.— your lifestyle choices, your estimated longevity, and so on. In any case, once Street, Saturday and Sunday. you have arrived at an appropriate withdrawal rate, you’ll need to stick to that rate We will be staying and hosting unless your circumstances change. at the Ramada Inn Airport, 5601 If you have multiple IRAs, you’ll also face another decision, because, once you’ve Fortune Circle, Indianapolis, In. calculated your total RMDs for the year, from all your IRAs, you can take that 46241. When making reservaamount from one or more of them. Depending on the investment mix of these tions please make sure you tell individual IRAs, you may find it beneficial to take the money from one account and them you are with the Gensleave the others intact, to potentially grow further. (If you have multiple 401(k)s, though, you will likely need to calculate and withdraw the separate RMDs for each plan.) March 23, 2015 Walkerton Area Shopper - Page 3 Miracle Ride 2015 Sign Up Sign up at the North Liberty VFW Post 1954 Now until March 30, 2015 $30.00 Sign-up fee for T-shirt, ride and all activities Main Street Speedway will Host all Activities Saturday & Sunday, May 30 –May 31 Main Street Shops Open Both Days Our Group will leave Sat. 10:00am from VFW Post 1954 Ramada Inn Airport is our group’s Hotel 5601 Fortune Circle Indianapolis, Indiana 46214 Phone 317-244-1221 When registering mention you are with the Gensinger Group Group Rate $65.00/Night Questions: Contact Dave Gensinger Phone 574-656-3446 inger Miracle Ride Group. You will be responsible for making your own hotel reservation at the Ramada Inn or other hotel. The Clarion Hotel is this year’s sponsoring Hotel and will be offering reduced rates as well for the Miracle Ride but you must specify the Miracle Ride rates. Sunday will be the parade ride for all attending on motorcycles which will include a lap around the Indianapolis Motor Speedway (helmet required for track) and a drive by of the Riley’s Hospital for Children ending back at Main Street. Those traveling by auto may participate in everything except the parade ride. We will be taking donation to sponsor our ride until May 30th. 100% of all money donated to participate or collected to sponsor this ride goes directly to Riley’s Hospital for Children. We would appreciate riders collecting pledges or donations to help raise money for this cause but it’s not required. Additional information can contact: David Gensinger, 574-656-3446. Get Signed Up Don’t Delay. Deadline March 30th. Other issues are also involved with RMDs, so, when the time approaches, consult with your tax and financial advisors. By studying all your options before you begin taking these withdrawals, you should be able to maximize their benefits. This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor Bob Borlik. In Honor of Jeff Babcock At the beginning of the school year the John Glenn School Corporation was dealt a shocking and devastating blow with the unexpected death of Urey Middle School custodian Jeff Babcock. Mr. Babcock was one of the kindest individuals we have ever met. He took the time to really get to know each and every student, calling them by name when he saw them in the hallways. He always had a smile on his face and a kind word for everyone. His quiet and unassuming nature was admired by both students and staff alike. The League of Extraordinary Falcons held a Red Out Night at the last home basketball game, with 100% of the proceeds being donated to the American Heart Association. League members Aubrey Houser and Adam Dodson present a check in the amount of $1,200 to A.H.A. representative Ann Acosta. Adam’s Junkers (574) 514-4456 TOP DOLLAR Paid for all junk Cars, Trucks, SUV’s, Vans & Farm Equipment! *No Title? No Problem! Serving the Walkerton Area for 10 years! 1 hour response time 7 DAYS A WEEK! Need a tow? Tow Service available 24/7! Most tows start at just $40! Want Quick Cash? CALL NOW! Kevin’s Garage (574) 360-1602 Auto Repair at a Fair Price Don’t spend all that TAX MONEY on an expensive auto shop. Call me, Kevin. I will fix your car for a fair price. I am located in Tyner. Call Today! Page 4 - Walkerton Area Shopper March 23, 2015 Store Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-6pm “Where Everything Grows” Attention: FARMERS, GARDENERS, & ENTREPRENEURS An informational meeting will be held at the Beans Café. March 28th at 10:00am - Ideas and suggestions welcome for our continued success. 1st Marke t Day May 2nd Unable to attend? Contact Mary for Participation Form 574-656-3945 26666 Roosevelt Rd. South Bend, IN 46614 (Half Mile East of Hwy. 23 on Roosevelt) JUST 4 MILES NORTH OF NORTH LIBERTY This Weeks SPECIALS! Saturday 9am-1pm Closed Sunday (574) 282-1085 Bird Seed & Bird Feeder SALE! We carry Eagle Pack & WellPet Dog & Cat Food We Sell Kent Feeds - Custom Mixes Available Koontz Lake Market CATERING - Family Owned & Operated - 7893 N. SR 23 at Koontz Lake TIME TO FIRE UP THE GRILL !! STOP IN AND CHECK OUT OUR FULL SERVICE MEAT COUNTER !!! OUR EXPERIENCED MEATCUTTERS WILL CUT YOUR NEXT USDA CHOICE STEAK!! GET THE PERSONAL SERVICE AND QUALITY YOUR FAMILY DESERVES. We sell ONLY USDA Choice Cuts of Meat! Your family deserves the best MEAT PORK BABY BACK RIBS............................................................$3.99 LB CHICKEN LEG 1/4...........................................................$6.90-10# BAG BEEF CUBE STEAKS...................................................................$3.99LB LEAN PORK CUTLETS...............................................................$2.79 LB HOT FOOD DELI SPECIALS!! DAILY LUNCH SPECIALS OUR OWN SANDWICH SPREAD...............................................$3.99 LB CHESTER FRIED 8 PC. BONE IN CHICKEN - 8.PC OUR OWN CHEESEBURGERS.......................................$2.50 EVERYDAY ECKRICH DELI BOLOGNA..........................................................$3.19 LB FOR ALL OCCASIONS BEER - WINE LOTTERY *WE ACCEPT CREDIT CARDS , DEBIT , SNAP OPEN 7 DAY A WEEK! Mon - Thurs 8am-7pm CST Fri & Sat 8am-7pm CST Sunday 8am-6pm This year Epsilon Chi honored Mr. Branson Hiatt as their Guest Artist. Branson’s woodworking skills began in the early 1970’s and continues today. Beginning with a doll house for his granddaughter, Branson went on to design and make wooden bowls, jewelry boxes, small boxes, beautiful wren on a teacup, an eagle, and stallion to name a few. Branson has also made numerous puzzles and Christmas ornaments each year for family and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Hiatt live in Walkerton. Epsilon Chi extends their thank you to Branson for sharing his love for woodworking and his beautiful creations with the community at this year’s 49th Annual Tri Kappa Fine Arts Festival. 586-7222 COCA-COLA PRODUCTS - 4 / $5.00 2 LITERS IDAHO POTATOES - $2.69 5# BAG - NOW TAKING ORDERS NEW BAKERY ITEMS Easter EMGE Bone-In Hams DONUTS, CUPCAKES, DANISH $3.39lb Branson Hiatt , Guest Artist at the 49th Annual Tri Kappa Fine Arts Festival 2015 Ford F150 Supercab 4x2 Starrng at $28,171* 2015 Ford Fiesta Starrng at $13,130* As low as 0% APR for 60 months on select new Ford models! *39 month lease, 15,000 per year, $1,999 due at signing Every Friday $6.99 Complete Meal! FISH COOKED FRESH WHILE YOU WAIT IN AS LITTLE AS 4 MINUTES! HUGE Final Sale Ends this w eek! March 23, 2015 Walkerton Area Shopper - Page 5 Page 6 - Walkerton Area Shopper March 23, 2015 Business Card Ads Call and get yours in today! (574) 586-7467 CUSTOM LAWN CARE Mowing - Spring Cleaning Miscellaneous Lawn Work Licenced & Insured 574-936-6871 574-952-6871 (cell) Call Bruce (574) 229-1970 ESTATE PLANNING Revocable Trusts & Wills Probate Estates DEBORAH SULLIVAN BROWN Attorney & Counselor at Law Post Office Box 236 North Liberty, IN 46554 Ethan’s Lawncare Lawn Mowing Garden Tilling 574-910-2534 Ethan Wasio Tax & Bookkeeping Located in North Liberty Business and Personal Taxes Call or text for appointment (574) 261-7382 Stephon Wasio,Owner FOR RENT 2 & 3 BEDROOM APARTMENTS W/ GARAGE. WATER, SEWER, TRASH PICK-UP INCLUDED $625 574-586-7409 Telephone (574) 656-8093 Tent Rental 20x40 White Tent Need a tent for your summer gathering? Set-Up and tear down included. $200 With sides $225 574-220-9000 Backhoe - Hauling - Excavating - Ditch Cleaning, Pond Digging, & Snow plowing, Gravel, Limestone, Fill Dirt, Black Dirt, Mulch, Sand, Landscaping Rock, & River Rock, Garden Tilling Home 574-936-8514 Cell 574-276-7584 Find Us On FaceBook CleanRite Cleaning Service Somethin’ Fishy Pets 1700 S. Heaton St - Knox, IN (574)806-2726 Homes Apartments Offices Initial Cleaning Windows Bonded Insured Free Estimates BIRDS - FISH - REPTILES - SMALL ANIMALS FEED - BEDDING - CAGES Member BBB, ISSA, Chamber of Commerce Established 2000 Owner Dawn Gorby-Verhaeghe * LARGE SELECTION OF REPTILE FOOD * Mon, Wed, Thurs & Fri 11am-5pm Sat 10am-4pm CLOSED SUN & TUES Voted #1 Cleaning Service in Marshall County since 2011! 574-586-9614 574-274-2424 Mini Ads! Post Building Steel Residential, Agricultural, and Commercial Post Frame Buildings, Metal Roofs, Materials, and Supplies. Give us a call today for your Spring repair. Call us for a FREE quote... (574) 936-5564 FISH FOR STOCKING Most Varieties Ponds, Lakes Laggis’ Fish Farm (269) 628-2056 Days (269) 624-6215 Evenings Now Accepting Bids 1998 Dodge Ram 1500 4x4 Vehicle DOES NOT CURRENTLY RUN - Needs a New Computer Sold AS-IS with 103,000 Miles to the highest bidder Pictures are available by calling: (574) 586-3638 Bidding closes at 4pm on April 3rd Send Sealed Bids to: Walkerton Clerk Treasurer’s Office 301 Michigan St Walkerton, IN 46574 Stone Excavating • Excavating • Septic Pumping • Septic Systems • Sewer & Drain Cleaning Jay Stone 14501 Lincoln Hwy. Plymouth, IN (574)935-5456 For Rent / Sale Lakeview Apartments Large 2 bedroom units On site management Pet Friendly (574)784-3567 The Meadows Apartments l 2 Bedroom Townhomes * Under New Ownership Come see the difference! Call Today! (574) 656-8151 l HURRY IN TODAY! (Very Short Waiting List) or 800-649-3681 RENT BASED ON INCOME (*Security Deposits as low as $50) Professionally managed by: Millennia Housing Management, Ltd. 635 Meadow Drive - North Liberty, IN 46554 (574) 279-1357 Koontz Lake Rentals 1 Bedroom Non-Smoking Apt ($525 Mo + Security) Office Building / 6 Offices Kitchen & Bath ($585 Mo + Security) Sew Bill Included with both Application Required (574) 344-0998 FOR RENT - NORTH LIBERTY 1 & 2 Bed Apts. Available. Upstairs/No Pets Central Air/Stove/Frig & Trash Service Included Call for details: (574) 298-5231 March 23, 2015 Walkerton Area Shopper - Page 7 Dee’s Accounting and Tax Service Wanatah, IN 219-733-1442 HELP WANTED Now Hiring Residential Maintenance Technician MHM is seeking an experienced Residential Maintenance Technician for a beautiful apartment home community in North Liberty. Hands-on exp. in general building trades, apartment turnover work and work orders. Must be able to lift 50#, participate in on-call rotation, and provide excellent customer service. Up to $16/hour, full time, benefit package. Pre-employment credit, criminal & drug screen REQ. Send resumes ref: “Meadows” to EOE. NOW HIRING Weaver Heating & Cooling Weaver Heating & Cooling has an immediate opening for an Installation Technician. * Offering competitive wages and benefits Experience of 2 years or more a plus but not required. Apply in person: 59851 Elm Rd in Mishawaka, IN or Email: You can also apply on our Website: Help Wanted - Immediate Openings! Start pay $9 - $12 per hour Pay based on knowledge, Willingness to work, and attendance. Apply in person Wednesday OR Friday Only! NO CALLS! Metal Building Maintenance Company 117 Lake Street, Walkerton, IN 46574 ACCEPTING BIDS Wednesday, March 25th from 9am to 4pm Randstad is NOW HIRING Located at 111 Muskin Dr Walkerton, IN 46574 (Job Fair in the break room at Masonite) Look for the “Breakroom” Apply to: sign on the exterior Randstad... of the building. Please apply at: The Oregon Township Trustee and Board is accepting bids on the maintenance for cemeteries located on State Road 23 and 700 North. Must be Bonded and insured to bid. Please submit to: Or Mail to: Mark Allen, 7455 N 900 E Walkerton, Indiana 46574 Must submit prior to March 30th Production Openings... Masonite International Corporation, an industry-leading manufacturer of top-quality doors has immediate openings at our interior door facility located in Walkerton, IN. We’ve opened the door to opportunity for those seeking fulfilling careers within a unique culture defined by empowerment, approachable management, open communication, & real advancement potential. We are hiring for the following 1st & 2nd shift positions: Trim Saw Operators, Machine Operators, Forklift Operators, Paint Technicians, Quality Technicians, Maintenance Technicians & Production Supervisor. Masonite offers competitive pay, health insurance options for medical, dental & vision, life & accident insurance, disability, savings & investment options including 401K & flexible spending accounts, tuition reimbursement & more. If you are qualified for any of these positions & are interested in taking the next step in your career you may complete an application at our plant or mail or e-mail your resume to: Masonite, Inc. 105 Industrial Park Drive Walkerton, IN 46574 Attn: Human Resources E-mail: EOE Minorities/Females/Protected Veterans/Disabled Page 8 - Walkerton Area Shopper Swihart Motors March 23, 2015 MARCH S P E C IA L S 603 US 31 in Lapaz (574) 784-5600 *Proudly serving the area for 17 years *Clean dependable vehicle under $6,000 *All vehicles inspected before sold *Limited Buy-Here Pay-Here to qualified buyers 2004 Buick Rendezvous CL V-6, Auto, Extra Clean - 139K Miles $5300 2006 GMC Canyon SLE 2.8 4 Cyl., Auto, Gas Saver - 113K Miles $5900 2001 Ford F150 XLT Crew Cab, V8, Auto - 97K Miles $6200 1999 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited 4x4, 4.7 V8, Auto, Leather, Moonroof - 146K Miles $5500 2002 Ford F150 XL V6, Auto - 92K Miles - 2001 Mercury Sable 3.0 V6, Auto, Runs Great! - 160K Miles $2900 $4900 2001 Pontiac Grand Prix GT 3.8L V6, Auto, Leather - 135K Miles $3750 1 Year Anniversary 1/2 OFF SALE! JOIN US FOR 1/2 OFF THE ENTIRE STORE 110 W. LaPorte St, Plymouth 1/2 block west of Rees Theatre 574-935-3616 Tues - Fri 10-6, Sat 10-4 FREE ESTIMATES CALL TODAY (574) 253-2745 1(888) 408-0555 7 Days a Week! Driveways Parking Lots Patch Work Sealcoating Chip & Seal Grading Base Work Crushed Asphalt Starke County Co-op Serving area farmers since 1928. • Lawn Seed / Pasture and CRP Seed • Large Selection of Sprayer Parts • Bagged and Bulk Lime • Petroleum Products • LP Gas for Home Heat • LP Gas for Grain Drying • Grain • Fertilizer Hamlet, IN Hamlet (574) 867-2411 Hamlet LP - Petroleum (574) 867-2315 Brems Branch - Knox (574) 772-4590 800-442-0358 1/ 2 O FF 1 Day Only! Saturday March 28th fish lake Sale Dates: March 23-29, 2015 MEAT Meat bundles always available. DAIRY Debit/Credit cards accepted USDA Choice Round Steak.............. $4.29 lb. USDA Inspected Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breast............................. $2.49 lb. Wishbone Salad Dressing – 16 oz. GROCERY Our Family Butter Quarters – 1 lb................................................ $4.29 Kraft American Cheese Singles – 12 oz................................................. $2.99 Fresh Meats, Beer, Wine, Lottery, ATM Eckrich Minced Ham...................$4.99 lb. Land O Lakes American Cheese.....................................$4.99 lb. DELI PRODUCE Dole Celery......................$1.19 each Florida Strawberries – 1 lb. Pkg. $1.99 (219) 369-1306 Asst. Var............................ $1.99 Kellogg’s Pop Tarts – 8 Count Asst. Var............................ $2.19 Our Family Aluminum Foil – 75 Feet.............................. $2.99 Our Family Stuffing Mix – 6 oz. Asst. Var............................... 99¢ Tide Pods – 35 Count... $9.99 Wesson Vegetable Oil – 48 oz.................................. $3.49 Pam Vegetable Spray – 6 oz.................................... $2.99 Kool-Aid Jammers Drinks – 10 Count............................ $1.99 Monday - Saturday 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Sunday 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. CST 7996 E. State Road 4 Fish Lake
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Deborah Sullivan
Brown - Attorney &
Counsler at Law.
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