Winter News - Camp Pathfinder


Winter News - Camp Pathfinder
ALUMNI NEWSLETTER Issue No. 18 Early Winter, 2013 Jim “Gyro” Coakley, Director of Alumni Relations, Editor. I hope that you all had a pleasant holiday season. Here in New England we have had enough
natural snow to enjoy winter outdoor activities.
Winter News: 100th Year Events
100th-year-events: A card with a listing of a number of centennial events was mailed early
in January. You should have received yours by now. The special link to pre-register for
events is Early reports indicate that there has
been a lot of activity on the website. As of 1/24 over 175 folks have signed up (see below).
Centennial Highlights:
Centennial Family Camp: Tuesday Aug. 20 - Thursday Aug. 22, 2013. Pathfinder Island.
Open to Alumni, Staff & Camper Families.
The perfect time for Alumni to bring their families and kids to CPI. The Reunion weekend
will be adults-only, but Family Camp session will be 3 days of counselor-led, family-friendly
swimming, paddling, ropes, archery, arts & crafts and council fires.
Alumni Centennial Reunion: Friday, August 23 through Sunday, August 25. Each adult
alumnus can bring one adult guest. Preregistration is at A list of those who have preregistered is at the end of the newsletter. If you are
not on the list, you should follow the link, and preregister now.
Centennial Film: If you have not seen the trailer for the centennial film, it is now available
on YouTube at Gill Stanley, Mike Sladden,
and Austin Ferguson will be putting together this film about 100 years at Pathfinder. Gill has
taken the lead, doing a wonderful teaser for YouTube and conducting interviews with a
number of Alumni. You will find the old film clips fascinating, and you may see yourself and
some of your friends. There are thousands of feet of old celluloid thanks to Chief Norton, and
many hours of video as far back as the ‘80s.
Please help us make this film a classic. Send Sladds your home movie footage, still photos,
and memorabilia. Most importantly, volunteer to be interviewed for the film! We will come to
you. The interview process is painless and fun! And, if you share your artifacts, we’ll scan
and return them promptly.
100 Days of Tripping: Former DOTs Zach Arem and Will Hopkins are organizing a great
project for the Pathfinder centennial. During the summer we are hoping to have a Pathfinder
trip in the Park for 100 consecutive days, to mark 100 years of red canoes cruising Algonquin.
Campers and staff cover the normal tripping schedule, from early July through August 17. It's
up to Alumni crews to be on the trail for Pathfinder during mid-May to late June, and in the
August week between Aug. 17 and Reunion Friday, Aug. 23.
If you are interested, click here:
A Professional Network for our Alumni: Recently, senior staff member Grif Edwards has
launched a centennial project for us that is sure to have a lasting influence: The Pathfinder
Alumni Network. We want to create a way for Pathfinder guys to stay in touch and develop
professional connections.
A simple directory of Alumni who agree to participate in the Network will be available on a
login-protected page of the Pathfinder web site. True utility. True privacy. To join the
Network, please write Grif Edwards at
Other News:
Lost Alumni: We are tracking down lost alumni. Did you receive the card in the mail
announcing the 100th year events? If not, we need an update to your address. Did you receive
an e-mail that linked to this newsletter? If, not, we need an update. To update your contact
information, send an e-mail to Gyro at Include your name,
address, telephone number(s), and your preferred e-mail address. We can take two telephone
numbers if you want to give your home number along with your work or cell number.
Camp Enrollment: The Early Bird enrollment period for the 100 season has closed. Mike
Sladden reports that well over 100 campers signed up Early Bird. This is a modern era record.
Since the deadline another three dozen braves have signed up for the 100th summer. As well,
there is a bumper crop of AA campers signing up for the full season, enough for 3 canoe trips
to far away lands! As an alumnus, you may be encouraging boys of camper age to take
advantage of our program. Last year, both halves were sold out, so contact Sladds early with
your prospective campers.
See the 2013 Pathfinder Early Birds …
Feature Article: Lance’s Chapel Talk
Daniel Kennedy started at Pathfinder in 1960 as an Ottawa. A few
years later he obtained the nickname Lance. He spent nearly 40
summers at Camp, starting as Nature Lore counselor and Lower
Office man, and eventually serving as Program Director and Camp
Director. He is most remembered for his annual
TreasureHunts,which stumped the minds of many campers and
staff throughout the years.
We hear Lance is coming back in 2013 to bring us a special centennial Treasure Hunt!
In the off-season, Lance managed to graduate from The College of the Holy Cross with a
degree in Mathematics, and earn his PhD from the University of North Carolina. He is just
finishing his 40th year of teaching at the Baylor School, Chattanooga, TN
( The Baylor School writes:
“Dr. Dan Kennedy, who is the Carter Lupton Distinguished Professor of Mathematics, is the
only high school teacher to have chaired the AP Calculus test development committee, and he
is a co-author of five popular mathematics textbooks. Baylor students use the series that Dan
co-authored in Algebra I and II, Pre-calculus, and Calculus classes.”
This January, Lance was invited to give the first chapel speech of the semester at Baylor. He
talks about his experiences at Pathfinder and how they helped shape his educational
“Good morning Baylor School, and thanks to Dan Scott for inviting me to be your
first chapel speaker of 2013. This is no ordinary year. Indeed, it's the first year of your
life that can be expressed in base ten by four consecutive integers. The last time this
happened was in 1432, a year that went on to appear as a girl group on the X Factor.
“Pretty cool, huh? But don't get too excited; in just 18 years it will happen again.
“This also happens to be the centennial year of Camp Pathfinder, a canoe tripping
camp in Ontario, Canada, where I spent nearly forty summers as a camper or counselor.
My brother Jim and two of his sons spent time at that camp, and Jake will be returning
this summer for another year of leading canoe trips. All three of us will be there in
August for the two-day centennial celebration. There are many things to love about that
camp, but I will always love it for what it taught me about education, and ultimately for
inspiring me to spend my life teaching others. I hope to share with you one of those
important lessons today. While it might not inspire you to become a teacher, I hope it
will give you some new insights into what your own education is really all about…”
Read on at the Pathfinder web page:
Pre-registrations for the Alumni Reunion August 23-25, 2013.
Current as of Noon Thursday, January 24, 2013.
Ashton Abbott & Evan Uhllick
Brooks & Inger Anderson
Josh & Kennon Anderson
AJ Arem
Chris Arem
Jon Arem
Zach & Stephanie Arem
Glenn Arthurs
Lindsay Arthurs & Jeff Zaffino
Ryan Arthurs & Guest
Wyatt & Tina Arthurs
Tom Aten
Johannes Aubrecht
Ben Aylsworth & Lisa Fender
Dale & Debbie Baronich
Max Baronich
Mitchell Baronich
Alyssa Baronich
Joe & Amanda Beecher
Jon Benjamin
Brian Bissionette & Rebecca Olson
Bernie Blum
Chris Brackley & Angi Goodkey
Ben Bristow & Hope Saginario
Ryan Keating
Adrian Kelly & Amanda Bamford
Dan Kennedy
Kelly (Roberts) & Jim Lane
Pete & Katherine Lang
Steve Lapey
GT Laub
Tom Laub
Tim Lamont & Colleen McCartney
JLay & Linda Leighbody
JB Leighbody
Tiger Lion
Bob Ludwig
Chuck Ludwig
Vin Ludwig
Mike & Patty Mahoney
Tim & Jill Mahoney
Mara (Leighbody) & Mike McCabe
Tom Mercer
Ian & Ale Mitchell
Adam Mollenberg
Simon Mortimer
Max & Christine Basil Brown
Jamey Bumbalo
Jeff & Kristine Burdzy
James Cart & Abbey Sokol
Rob Childs & Sabrina Dunlap
Bucky Clayton
Dusty Clayton
Bob Coakley
Jim & Sue Coakley
Lynn Coakley
Chris Cotter & Orit Yaakobi
Dan Davis
Karl Doench
Bill Drake & Roxanne Belisle
Bill & Paula Dwyer
Dan Fabrizio & Sarah Izzo
Corey Floyd
Michael & Ara Jay Floyd
Kristen Foster (Roggow)
Rob & Tanya Gallagher
Gerry Gill
Matt & Michelle Georger
Mike Georger & Callie Burke
Luke Goetz
Valerie & Terry Grier
John & Pearl Herman
Tom Hickok
Will Hopkins & Diane Davis
Steven Horton
George Sr & Bess Hubbard
Alex & Leah Saunders Hurley
Emmett & Tracy Hurley
Derrick Irwin
Bill Jabs & Wendy Mercado
Jay & Mary Grace Jennings
Bitsy Doro Kaye & Jonathan Kaye
Sue & Bob Northrop
Alex Norton
Buzz Norton
Richard Norton
Jill Pala
Kent Parmington
Kiel Pfaff
Cam Quinn & Alex Plant
Robert Rahn
Mac & Ann Rand
Katie Rand
Matt & Amy Rand
Corot Reason
Bob & Diane Roggow
Mike Roggow
Henry Shepley
Leslie Sladden
Mike Sladden
Mark Smith & Mike Zamojski
Miels Smith
Steve & Judy Gerber Sugarman
Rich & Sue Swift
Wendy Swift
Jeff & Marilyn Thrall
Jonathan Thrall
Michael Thrall
Alex & Michelle Thomson
Hannah Wadsworth
Barrett Wadsworth & Cindi Navarro
Kathy Richmond
Thomas Hadala