NewsWave - Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce
NewsWave - Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce
September/October 2013 Volume 15, Issue 6 Beyond the Campus borders NewsWave ̻ 1 INDIVIDUAL HEALTH INSURANCE. WHAT’S THAT? One Master of Business Administration Degree. Two Paths. AT NETWORK HEALTH, WE SPEAK YOUR LANGUAGE. If you’re buying health insurance for yourself or your family, shouldn’t you understand what you’re getting? Meet Network Health, a different kind of health plan. We understand it requires more than just words and language, but also a commitment to customer service to break through industry clutter and confusion. Let us help you today. Professional and Executive. Choose the path that fits your level of experience, career goals and time commitment. Visit, call (920) 424-3199 or call us toll-free at (800) 633-1430 for more information. 855-275-1400 HMO plans underwritten by Network Health Plan. POS plans underwritten by Network Health Insurance Corporation, or Network Health Insurance Corporation and Network Health Plan. Self-funded HMO and POS plans administered by Network Health Plan. Stephen Nunn, MBA Student, Graduating ‘14 Operations Manager, Kimberly-Clark Corporation, Neenah, Wis. NewsWave News Wave September/October 2013 Volume 15, Issue 6 President/CEO John Casper Chairman's Message Feature Stories Editor Kari Cassidy Layout Megan Kok 6 Cover Photography Hillary Quella Hillary Quella Photography Knowledge Powers Oshkosh 13 Ribbon Cuttings 21 Ask the Expert: How to Pick the Right Application for You Upcoming Events Advertising Kari Cassidy Find NewsWave online at 6 13 day. Oshkosh marketing agency Candeo Creative partnered pleasure to serve as the chairman and help contribute to the with the Chamber in 2012 to launch their social media market- growth of the community. ing strategy. Our goal of strengthening Economic Development continues During my term, the Chamber led an initiative to bring to be one of the most important areas of focus for the Cham- together community organizations in an effort to market the ber. The Chamber Board of Directors spearheaded the strategic community. These organizations (city of Oshkosh, Winnebago County, Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce, Fox Valley Work- comprehensive surveys and focus groups to gather input and force Development Board, Chamco, Oshkosh Convention and 22 Around the Town insight. The result of this process reaffirmed the Chamber’s role Visitors Bureau, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, FVTC, and in economic development and remains to be the top priority for the towns of Algoma, Blackwolf and Oshkosh) have formed a the organization. marketing group to fund and implement a campaign on behalf Department 23 North working to serve business and the community. the Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce has made. It has been my Calendar of events Postmaster accredited chamber and proud member of the New now has more than 2,000 “likes” and continues to grow each 14 5 The Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce is a 5-star Reflecting back on the past year, I am amazed by the progress planning process this year. We reached out to members through NewsWave (USPS 020-309) is published bimonthly at a subscription of $25 by the Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce, 120 Jackson Street Oshkosh, WI 54901 Periodical postage paid at Oshkosh, WI. Send address changes to the Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce 120 Jackson Street Oshkosh, WI 54901 Phone (920) 303-2266 Fax (920) 303-2263 E-mail address: Reflecting on the year's solid progression Chairman's message of the community. The centerpiece of this marketing group was The Chamber excelled at three areas in 2013: membership, the Business & Industry Cluster Analysis. The analysis was a Propel Oshkosh and social media. The Chamber saw member- comprehensive, in-depth look at the economy of our surrounding area. The final results of this survey will help us ascertain 12 Oshkosh Chamber Clips ship grow up to 1075 members, 7% higher than this time last year. With the insight of our business partners, we were able to the type of business that we are best able to support and recruit 16 Business Briefs add 82 new members during our March New Member Cam- to the area. The group's other initiative was Opportunity Osh- paign. A.M. Oshkosh, Social Hub, Sales Club and Business After kosh. Strata Communications was hired to plan an aggressive Hours networking events continue to grow and attract more campaign specifically designed to bring in new business and people each month. create jobs and tax base. The Chamber made it a strategic priority to engage young It’s an exciting time to be part of the Oshkosh community. This professionals. Our young professional group, Propel targets year the Oshkosh Chamber truly showed that it is one of the individuals ages 21-40. We were able to improve the program by nation's leading chambers of commerce based on its 5-star hosting more networking events and attracting more members, Chamber accreditation, which was possible by staying relevant nearly tripling our membership. and making solid progress on many fronts, including executing Member Spotlight: J. Stadler Machine, Inc. Follow us: the Chamber's strategic platforms, while establishing exciting Social media continues to change and grow, and this year the new ones. Chamber made it a priority to expand its social media presence. In return, the Chamber was ranked in the Top 100, and With this, I would like to invite everyone to the Chamber's An- #1 in Wisconsin, of the Most Social Media Friendly Chambers nual Meeting on Monday, October 28 at EAA. More of Commerce in the U.S. by Much of information can be found on page 12. the focus was on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. Vicki Updike 2012-13 Oshkosh Chamber Chairman of the Board and President of Miles Kimball Company The Chamber uses Facebook to promote Chamber & business Please pass along or recycle this magazine September/October 2013 4 NewsWave ̻ March 2013 events, as well as to introduce new members. The Facebook page NewsWave ̻ 5 central mission,” said UW Oshkosh Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Lane Earns. phased transformations of Kolf Sports Center and the Oshkosh Sports Complex. Meanwhile, it’s hard to ignore the campus and community’s physical metamorphosis, a collaborative process long in the works and bearing fruit like never before in 2013. “We are tremendously proud of the way our students have been engaged,” said Petra Roter, UW Oshkosh Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs. “They had a say and a seat at the table when this array of campus projects were in development. They also see the role a vibrant University – in and outside the classroom-- has on the community. They are stepping up as investors, too, putting their vision and dollars behind this ongoing transformation and success for the present and the future.” “Our UW Oshkosh Foundation, staff and faculty have collaborated to purchase and revive Oshkosh’s downtown’s convention-center-connected hotel,” UW Oshkosh Foundation President Arthur Rathjen said. “We continue to share the engineering vision and knowledge of our academic and Germany-based renewable energy and biogas partner to help large and small dairy farmers in the region thrive. We are also strengthening our on-campus offices and agencies tasked with matching regional enterprises’ needs with campus-based knowledge.” Knowledge Powers Oshkosh By: Alex Hummel, UW Oshkosh The physical and program transformations at UW Oshkosh are only a part of the story of how the state’s third-largest institution is powering Wisconsin. The University is also helping transform the community beyond the campus borders and, in the process, moving the needle on economic development. Wisconsin communities with UWs in their backyards (or front yards, for that matter) know it well. Oshkosh, in particular, sees it and gets it. The city and the New North region continue to flourish, in part, because of it. UW-Extension branches are knowledge-power sources. Sure, they are spurring new construction on and off campus. But, to their core purpose, they are also home to economic development experts, think tanks and problem solvers developing collaborative, high-quality and workforce responsive programs. They are harbors, and refueling ports for small-and-large businesses down the street -- companies setting sail for growth or weathering market maelstroms whose challenges pose learning and research opportunities for students. UWs are also entrepreneurial springs, places where start-ups launch and game-changing ideas can become reality. You could say the quality-of-life and economicdevelopment philosophy applies to bricks and mortar and brains and master’s. In 2013 alone, UW Oshkosh is deeply involved in developing programs that close what Wells and others call the “technical and higher order cognitive skills gaps" – often referred to as “soft skills” gaps. In collaboration with institutions and colleges throughout northeastern Wisconsin, long-overdue and highdemand academic programs are resulting, such as a new trio of mechanical, electrical and environmental engineering technology degrees, a College of Business Executive MBA path and UW Oshkosh’s transformed general education program, the alumni-andcommunity-connected “University Studies Program” launching this fall. The Badger State’s public universities, colleges and “Academic program enhancement is our most “Our proving ground is the public square – literally,” said UW Oshkosh Chancellor Richard Wells. “Over the last decade, we have challenged ourselves to demonstrate the Wisconsin Idea like never before – that the bounds of our campus must not be the boundaries or stopping points for the growth we spur, the good we do and the world-class education we provide.” 2013 6 NewsWave ̻ September/October March 2013 “Urban or rural; for-profit or nonprofit: whatever the environment, whatever the challenges entities and enterprises in our region face, our faculty, staff and students grow and learn by helping them persevere and prosper,” Wells said. Campus transformation undeniable in recent years To the community and region, UW Oshkosh’s vitals may come as no surprise: With record enrollments holding strong at more than 13,500 students and with 1,700 employees, the University infuses Oshkosh and the New North with an annual $501 million impact, directly and indirectly creating 9,000 jobs, according to a 2009 economic impact study. UW Oshkosh completed and launched approximately $320 million in construction projects from 2000 through 2015, blending $160 million in state investment with $111 million in program revenue (from residence hall fee to business service fee revenues) and more than $45 million in donor, University-private sector partnership investment. That amalgam of investment resulted in the renovation Halsey Science Center, improvements to Reeve Memorial Union, the creation of LEED Gold-status Sage Hall and the build-out and start-up of the first commercial-scale dry fermentation anaerobic biodigester, which generates energy and revenue on campus from the controlled decomposition of crop, yard and food waste. The projects have also included the renovations of the ultra-green Student Success Center, Taylor Hall, construction of the new LEED Gold Horizon Village residence hall, the purchase and renovation of the 30,000-square-foot Newman Center for Academic Support and Diversity and Women’s Center, construction of the nationally acclaimed Student Recreation and Wellness Center and the multi- Next up: the renovation and modernization of Clow Social Science Center and the transformation of the former Oshkosh Area School District Lincoln Elementary School into Lincoln Hall, which will be home to the Division of Lifelong Learning and Community Engagement and Children’s Learning and Care Center. Meanwhile, construction of the 40,000-square foot UW Oshkosh Alumni Welcome and Conference Center at the Wisconsin Street bridge and Pearl Avenue continues – another prominent riverfront development designed to strengthen campus-community-and-alumni conferencing offerings in Oshkosh, Wisconsin’s Event City. In all, it’s no small list of accomplishments and work. It is estimated that volume of on-campus construction alone since 2000 is responsible for the creation of, approximately 10,000 construction jobs – a number based on widely-accepted job-creation standards for the industry. Transformation continuing off campus Above and beyond the incredible and transformative numbers and projects on campus, the recent wave of catalytic, community projects are bringing the University’s economic power into an entirely new and distinct kind of focus. Riverfronts, skylines, rural landscapes, property tax values and local economies are coming back to life and changing for the better with UW Oshkosh’s support. The off-campus transformations include the more-than $15 million renovation and revitalization of downtown Oshkosh’s Best Western Premier Waterfront Hotel and Convention Center – UW Oshkosh, a partnership with hoteliers Rich Batley, of RB Hospitality, John Pfefferle of Pfefferle Companies, Inc., and a constellation of investors. Meanwhile, the UW Oshkosh Foundation and College of Letters and Science have helped trigger the development of second and third biodigesters at Wisconsin’s largest dairy farm and one of its thousands of smaller, family dairy farms outside of Rosendale and in Larsen. NewsWave ̻ 7 Rosendale Dairy, the state’s largest dairy farm with more than 8,000 cows, will involve UW Oshkosh’s largest biodigester collaboration. Two cylindrical anaerobic digestion reactors built by Viessmann Group and its subsidiary BIOFerm Energy Systems of Madison will each have a 1-million-gallon capacity. Methane generated by the digestion process of livestock manure will be combusted in engines on the site. The digester units will produce up to 1.4 megawatts of electricity -- enough electricity to power the equivalent of approximately 1,200 homes, according to BIOFerm. Source co-founder and partner Jim Ostrom said in July. UW Oshkosh Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services Tom Sonnleitner said while the downtown hotel and biodigester initiatives are surefire economic development catalysts for local redevelopment investment and job growth, their power to develop and enhance distinct and quality educational opportunities for current and future UW Oshkosh students is just as important. “These projects are also envisioned as living, learning laboratories,” Sonnleitner said. “As our local economy benefits from these initiatives, our students get a nationally distinct opportunity to learn.” The dairy’s parent company, Milk Source, has been an integral partner in the project and its commitment UW Oshkosh Business Support Agencies to preserving and advancing Offices Online: Wisconsin’s dairy farming Small Business Development Center: legacy. Additional phases of the project will include Business Success Center: construction of an approximately $3 million public education center Wisconsin Family Business Forum: operated by UW Oshkosh students and faculty. In concert with the biodigester’s energy and revenues production, the education center will enhance the University’s Environmental Research and Innovation Center, or ERIC. That lab, located west of the Wisconsin Street bridge on the Fox River, is already partnering with national companies and local government to test water and next-generation plastics -- home to the institution’s collaborative, student-and-faculty aquatic and sustainability research initiatives. The Rosendale Dairy biodigester will also generate revenues for UW Oshkosh student scholarships and rural community development initiatives with consultation of UW Oshkosh’s faculty, staff and student leadership. “The care, professionalism and commitment to sustainability and excellence that has been shown by the Foundation and its partners is an outstanding example of how diverse groups of people can work together to enhance the ability to use resources in new and exciting ways for the betterment of all,” Milk 2013 8 NewsWave ̻ September/October March 2013 “Our biodigester facilities are instruments future renewable energy scientists use to learn,” Earns said. “And the long-term vision for the downtown hotel remains that it will serve as home to a collaborative academic program where future hospitality managers, executives and entrepreneurs get a one-of-akind educational experience in the day-to-day rhythm and flow a downtown hoteland-conference epicenter.” The BSC’s staff and student employees assisted 94 companies and organizations in the region in 201112, helping connect external business and enterprise with University faculty and staff knowledge, talent and resources. Companies, nonprofits and economic development agencies have benefitted from BSCcollaborative surveys gauging regional manufacturers’ hiring expectations to strategic planning development to crash-courses on social media (Facebook and Twitter, for example) and those tools’ value in keeping meaningful contact with customers and partners. The BSC is also the agency that launched the spin-off AeroInnovate, which is casting a bright spotlight on aviation emerging technologies, companies, entrepreneurs and investment trends. AeroInnovate took part in its 5th Experimental Aircraft Association AirVenture this summer and continues to fuel the Wisconsin Aerospace Consortium – a first-ever collective of aviation and aerospace entrepreneurs and companies in the state. The WFBF’s mission of “fostering healthy family businesses through learning, sharing, and creating effective solutions regarding the critical issues and problems confronting family businesses.” The organization’s membership is up to 35 businesses and plans to offer eight programs, including a Business Expo for its family-business members, sponsors and the public. The organization has had approximately 50 to 150 people attend its programs, including the “Family Business Education Series.” Its “Peer Group Meetings” are designed to give WFBF members the opportunity to learn from one another “and to discuss strategies and concerns… in a problem solving and leadership development mode.” In 2012, the SBDC, within the College of Business, served 200 clients, providing one-on-one business counseling and helping start eight new businesses while assisting clients with securing more than $3.3 million in capital formation for business development. “Our efforts are having a strong impact on our community as we have created over 90 jobs, launched more than 10 new businesses, engaged multiple UW students and brought more than $3 million in capital infusion to our area,” SBDC Director Colleen Merrill said. “The support of the University, College of Business, CEO club and faculty are the reason we can serve our area so well.” Trio of UW Oshkosh agencies matching campus expertise with business needs UW Oshkosh’s economic development power doesn’t stop there. The University boasts a trio of business-support agencies each offer distinct services and campus-based knowledge and expertise resources to help businesses in Oshkosh, the region and the state. The UW Oshkosh Business Success Center (BSC), Wisconsin Family Business Forum (WFBF) and Small Business Development Center (SBDC) each have an impressive and strengthening track record. NewsWave ̻ 9 Discover Northern Ireland with the Oshkosh Chamber Oshkosh Chamber Ranks #1 in Social Media 10-day trip provides experiences of Northern Ireland The Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce ranked in the Top 100, and 1 in Wisconsin, of the Most Social Media Friendly Chambers of Commerce in the U.S. by To determine this ranking, the staff at searched the most popular social media sites and recorded the number of followers, likes, etc. for approximately 550 chambers of commerce, out of the 7,000 U.S. chambers, that met the minimum requirements for consideration. Points were then awarded to each chamber based on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube, with additional points for Flickr, Google Plus, and Pinterest. Fox World Travel and the Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce invite possible. you to embark on a breathtaking cultural immersion into Northern Ireland September 26 to October 5, 2014. This incredible trip is priced at $3,189 based on double occupancy, and includes motor coach transfers from pick up points in the Fox This trip is open to the public and will take you from the towering Cities to and from O’Hare International Airport, round-trip flights walls of Derry to the scenic views of the Causeway Coast and the from Chicago to Dublin, eight nights of total accommodation Victorian architecture of Belfast. Upon booking the trip, Fox World in Belfast, Derry, Donegal and Dublin, a customized itinerary, Travel will donate $100 to the Oshkosh Chamber per person. sightseeing with entrance fees and plenty of free time for personal Monetary donations often go toward day-to-day operations, pursuits, educational enhancements, an experienced Tour Manager donations to local charities, establishing scholarships and more. from Fox World Travel, and more! All accommodations are welllocated, first-class hotels. Base coverage Travel Guard insurance is The itinerary takes you from the Dublin airport to scenic Belfast included in the price of your package. where visitors will learn the history of the city through the story of the Titanic. From there, the group will travel to Bushmills Distillery For more information about the trip, contact Jody Piotter at Fox for a tour of the world’s oldest whiskey distillery. After enjoying the World Travel at (920) 231-6000, ext. 1357 or history and a brief taste-test, travelers will go to Giant’s Causeway, one of Ireland’s natural wonders. Cooling lava formed beautiful and unique hexagonal columns for a view of nature that is truly oncein-a-lifetime. A Derry walking tour shows you some of Europe’s best-preserved 17th century city walls and architecture. Your guide will also delve deeper into the politics and education in Northern Ireland. Glenveagh Castle and Glenveagh National Park give visitors an opportunity to see the blending of architecture and nature. From the exotic trees and plants of the park to the looming, protective walls of the castle, the Scottish-style mansion is a site to see. Donegal, a scenic town, offers Donegal Castle tours, as well. The group will have the chance to take in the Emerald Isle’s landscape at Slieve League Cliffs, the scenic mountains that drop off sharply into the Atlantic for a perfect photo op. Also learn about the business and process of textiles at Triona Design with demonstrations on spinning, knitting and weaving. A trip to the Belleek China Factory shows the talent and patience that goes behind making beautiful and decorative pieces. Finally, hip-and-happening yet historic Dublin provides everything from museums, shopping, entertainment, eating and a convenient hop on-hop off bus tour to take in as much of the remarkable city as 2013 10 NewsWave ̻ September/October March 2013 You Are Cordially Invited To Celebrate The Opening of Creekview Rehabilitation Center at 1130 N. Westfield Street “The Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce’s national ranking of #76, and the only Chamber to be recognized in Wisconsin for social media, demonstrates our mission of being about our members,” Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce President John Casper said. “We are thrilled to be acknowledged by for the innovative work we are providing in the social media space and the value it is bringing to our customers.” As the premier continuing care retirement community in the Oshkosh area, Evergreen recently remodeled and relocated the Post-Surgical and Rehab Center at Manor View to the first floor in the Creekview Building. The new name is Creekview Rehabilitation Center at Evergreen. Due to limited parking, a free shuttle will run from Red Arrow Park on Westfield Street to the Creekview Rehabilitation Center on N. Eagle Street from 4:00 p.m. – 6:15 p.m. • 920-233-2340 Matt Bakalars Fox Valley Savings Bank Oshkosh marketing agency Candeo Creative partnered with the Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce in 2012 to launch their social media marketing strategy. Matt has been a Chamber Ambassador for almost 2 years “At Candeo Creative, we worked with the Oshkosh Chamber to develop a formula that combined social community management and content marketing,” Candeo Creative President Zack Pawlosky said. “This partnership gave us the opportunity to create a content plan to build and manage the Chamber’s social media platforms, and provide creative execution.” Why did you choose to become an Ambassador? Fox Valley Tech is a key contributor in growing and developing our region’s workforce. Kim Wetzel Foundation Director Bemis Company Foundation Open House Thursday, September 19, 2013 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Ribbon Cutting at 4:15 p.m. Entrance on N. Eagle Street • Oshkosh, WI Meet Your Ambassador Meet Your Ambassador Post your job openings on Wisconsin TechConnect, your online resource for Wisconsin technical college graduates. It’s fast, easy to use, and free! Wisconsin TechConnect Wisconsin TechConnect Connecting Skills With Jobs Student Employment Services I have watched the Oshkosh business community grow and I wanted to be part of encouraging businesses to fulfill their dreams. What do you enjoy about being an Ambassador? Business owners and entrepreneurs have so much passion for what they do, I enjoy learning more about their business and what drives them. What are the benefits? As both a personal and business community member, I believe we all have a stake in the success of our community. I hope that by lending my expertise to this community I will be able to help it grow and prosper. To me that would be a great benefit. Wisconsin TechConnect (920) 735-JOBS (5627) A Service of Wisconsin’s 16 Technical Colleges NewsWave ̻ 11 Chamber Clips Ribbon Cuttings Save the Date: 2013 Annual Meeting Volunteers for Operation Thank You The 106th Oshkosh Chamber Annual Meeting will take place Monday, October 28th, 2013, at the EAA Aviation Center. It will begin at 5:00 p.m. with a cocktail and hors d'oeuvres reception. The Annual Meeting program will begin at 6:30. Governor Scott Walker has been invited to speak. It is $25 per person or $200 for a corporate table of 10 to attend. You can register by going to and click on the Annual Meeting on the events page. Operation Thank You is an annual event when Chamber volunteers visit each of the Chamber’s members in the Oshkosh area to thank them for their continued support throughout the year. At the meeting the Chamber will recognize several individuals and businesses for their contributions to the community this year. Nomination/applications for the Small Business of the Year and Woman of Achievement awards are due to the Chamber by by Friday, September 20th. Also, let us know if your business is celebrating a milestone anniversary. We are looking for general sponsors and food sponsors for the event. It's a great way to get your name out there and be part of the community. For more information on the annual meeting, to make a nomination, or to become a sponsor of this event, please contact Kari Cassidy at or 920-303-2265, ext. 20. Share Your Good News with the Chamber Have a press release you'd like to share? Then you’re in luck because the Oshkosh Chamber is posting press releases to its LinkedIn page, on the Discussion Board, free of charge for members. Approved press releases will be posted to the site within 24 hours of submission. Press releases pertaining to promotions, awards and new hires will also be posted to the LinkedIn page, as well as published in either NewsWave or Member Matters. Please send press releases/event notes to Kari Cassidy at Don’t forget to follow the Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce on LinkedIn to get the latest news! Volunteers are needed to help support the 2013 Operation Thank You on Thursday, October 10th. Volunteers for this one-day event will start their day off with a complimentary continental breakfast at 7:30 a.m. at the Oshkosh Chamber (120 Jackson Street), network & create valuable contacts during the day while making Membership Directory deliveries, and finish the day attending the Business After Hours at Legends Sports Bar & Grill, as a guest of the Oshkosh Chamber. To volunteer or for more information, contact Megan Kok at or 920-303-2265 ext. 16. Outlet Shoppes 3001 S Washburn St Horicon Bank 1821 Witzel Ave Photo by Megan Kok Photo by Megan Kok Right at Home 2100 Omro Road, Ste. H Fleur Couture 428 N. Main Street Photo by Megan Kok Photo by Megan Kok Help Your Business Grow with the Chamber The Chamber is in the process of putting together its Profiles magazine. Advertising spaces are available for this publication that is distributed annually to more than 10,000 peoople and features member profiles in the areas of destinations, economic development, education, and health care. Profiles is circulated throughout the community at businesses, hotel rooms and other points of interseet. It is also handed out to new residents in their welcome packets, and to EAA guests For more information on advertising with the Chamber , as well as other Chamber publications, please contact Kari Cassidy at or 920-303-2265 ext. 20. Be Part of the 2013 Holiday Parade Are you already thinking about the holidays? The 2013 Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce/Network Health Holiday Parade is set for Thursday, November 14th. The parade will start at 6:30 p.m. in downtown Oshkosh. Entries and sponsorships are needed for the event. For a parade entry form or information about sponsorships, contact Megan Kok at or (920) 303-2265, ext. 16 2013 12 NewsWave ̻ September/October March 2013 World Relief 115 Washington Ave Photo by Megan Kok NewsWave ̻ 13 A.M. Oshkosh Calendar of Events : Network Health Seminar Series 2013 Tuesday, September 17 7:45-9:00 a.m. Credit Card, ATM and POS Processing Services SMART BUSINESS SOLUTIONS September October Sales Club 7:30 a.m. September 10 Oshkosh Chamber building Sales Club 7:30 a.m. October 8 Oshkosh Chamber building Business After Hours 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. September 10 Fratello's Waterfront Brewery & Restaurant/Supple Restaurant 1501 Arboretum Drive Social Hub 7:30 a.m. October 10 Oshkosh Chamber building Social Hub: Facebook 7:30 a.m. September 12 Oshkosh Chamber building A.M. Oshkosh 7:45 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. September 17 ReBath of Central Wisconsin 230 N. Koeller Street Business After Hours 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. October 10 Legends Sports Bar & Grill 600 N. Main Street A.M. Oshkosh 7:45 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. October 25 Bank First National 101 City Center Kari Cassidy Manager of Marketing & Communications The Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce Kari Cassidy as the new Manager of Marketing and Communications. Cassidy, a southwest Wisconsin native, joined the Chamber on Tuesday, July 30th. She is a University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh graduate, where she earned her bachelor’s degree in Radio-TV-Film and Journalism. “I’m very happy to be working in Oshkosh. I look forward to engaging with the business community and helping them grow, as well as the city. Oshkosh has always held a special place in my heart,” said Cassidy. As the Manager of Marketing and Communications, Cassidy will plan the Chamber’s Annual Meeting, the Annual Economic Outlook Breakfast, along with seminars and workshops. She will also put together the Chamber publications and manage all social media channels. Cassidy was previously a producer at FOX 11 in Green Bay. Her and her fiancé, Eric, live in Appleton, and are planning a May 2014 wedding. 2013 14 NewsWave ̻ September/October March 2013 Remember when honesty, integrity and service were everything? We never forgot. "Health Care Reform" 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. September 19 FVTC Riverside Campus; Room 133 Presented by: Schenck SC You’ll learn about new fees imposed on self-insured health plans, FSAs and HRAs; additional Medicare tax on wages and selfemployment income; medicare tax on investment income; insurance exchanges; premium assistance credit; and an overview of benefits/insurance changes. We strive to provide the highest quality, lowest cost solution while maintaining that personal touch unrivaled by larger companies. Coming Up Next Month Retail and Hospitality POS Visit our Showroom at: 1600 S. Main St. • Oshkosh, WI 54902 1-855-POS-ATMS • SAM4s and Casio Cash Registers Are you responsible for payroll or human resources? If you are responsible for payroll or human resources in your organization, you won’t want to miss the 2013 Payroll Forum! Join us on: November 8 • 8:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. La Sure’s Hall • 3125 S. Washburn Street, Oshkosh Attendees will learn: • Third party sick pay and fringe benefits • The impact of health care reform • Exempt vs. non-exempt employees • Federal and state requirements for tracking employee hours worked • Year-end update and Form 940 520 N. Koeller Street • Oshkosh 920-235-0590 • Sponsored by: Terminal with Printer We build bonds, not numbers. "Profitability and Risk Management Go Hand in Hand" 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. October 15 Oshkosh Chamber Building Presented by: Schenck SC Do you know what profitability really is? And is there more to it? This seminar will teach you about knowing and managing profitability and risk. You’ll also learn about integrating risk management to improve profitability. "Improving Your Customer Base" 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. October 17 Oshkosh Chamber Building Presented by: UW-Oshkosh Business Success Center What is a good-fit versus poor-fit customer? Where do customers come from, how can we get more good-fit customers, and how can we deal with poor-fit customers? I’m willing to change my business. What should I use as guideposts? Check Scanner ReBath of Central Wisconsin 230 N. Koeller Street Friday, October 25 7:45-9:00 a.m. Bank First National 101 City Center Register for A.M. Oshkosh Phone (920) 303-2266 Online event-calendar/ The cost is $2 per event for Oshkosh Chamber members. Visit for more information and to register, or call Carla Krisbaher at 920-236-2026. ©2013 Schenck sc 7.13 NewsWave ̻ 15 Business Briefs McClone was announced as one of the three winners for the 2013 Family Business First Awards of Northeast Wisconsin at an awards celebration held at Butte des Morts country club located in Appleton, WI. The Family Business First Awards recognize businesses located in Northeast Wisconsin that excel in terms of sales, innovation, economic impact, profits, employment, and giving back to their community. Other recipients of the 2013 Family Business First Awards of Northeast Wisconsin include Boldt and Wisconsin Spice, Inc. Habitat for Humanity of Oshkosh has promoted Jay Barrientes to Resource Development Coordinator and hired Doug Rossow as Construction Manager. They also welcomed AmeriCorps VISTA members Christine Becker as Volunteer Coordinator and Jennifer Robertson as Marketing/Outreach Coordinator. Suttner Accounting, Inc. bought Packer Accounting & Consulting and Tom A. Roth, S.C. CPAs last year. Norm Packer and his team, as well as Tom Roth and his team remain at their Oshkosh locations to provide accounting services. Suttner Accounting is a certified public accounting firm serving the tax and accounting needs of business and inviduals. It is headquarted in Chiton since 1961 with additional offices in Fond du Lac, Sheboygan, and now Oshkosh. Brad Palubiak, President, and Robert Sawitski, Sales Accounts Manager, at Cornerstone Processing Solutions Inc. have been granted the designation of Certified Payments Professional (CPP). Business After Hours September 10 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. Pepsi Beverages Company and Wisconsin Distributors Admission Fees: $6 pre-registered, $7 at the door (Register by 1 p.m. the day of the event to receive the $6 rate) Stay in touch with new connections on Twitter: #OshBAH Fratello's Waterfront Brewery & Restaurant/ Supple Restaurant Next Business After Hours Thursday, October 10 Register for Business After Hours Phone (920) 303-2266 Online www.oshkoshchamber. com/event-calendar/ 5:00 p.m.- 7:00 p.m. Legends Sports Bar & Grill 2070 W. 9th Avenue Consolidated Construction Company announces staff additions to its project supervision team: Chad Davis is the Assistant Superintendent – Western States, and Barry Thorson is now a Superintendent. Wisconsin Business Development Finance Corp. is announcing that Joe Wolfe is the new Chief Executive Officer; Dan Schneider as the new President/Chief Operating Officer; Pam Rich was promoted to Executive Vice President/ Chief Financial Officer; Tom Wolfe was appointed Vice President/Chief Credit Officer; Denise Cameron was appointed Vice President; Al Kraus is welcomed as the VP Finance/Controller; Jeff Sheffler was hired to the position of Vice President/Loan Officer in the Green Bay office; and Amy Gallagher has assumed the role of Accounting Manager. Suttner Accounting 4041 State Rd. 91 Photo by Megan Kok First Weber Group would like to congratulate the following agents for being Associates of the Month for July: Sheri Knepel, Gene Young and Megan Lang. Kevin Wopat was hired as the Activities Director for Lourdes Academy. Mary Johnson was promoted to Principal of Lourdes Academy Elementary - Seton; Erin Nugent was promoted to Principal of Lourdes Academy Elementary - Cabrini; and Karen Boehm was promoted to Development Director. September/October 2013 16 NewsWave ̻ March 2013 Suttner Accounting 505 S. Washburn St. Photo by Megan Kok NewsWave ̻ 17 Bank First/ Oshkosh Chamber GOLFOuting More than 150 golfers showed off their skills at the Bank First/Oshkosh Chamber Golf Outing on August 12 at Lake Breeze Golf Club. This was the first year the outing was held at Lake Breeze and it was a huge success. The Chamber saw the biggest field of golfers they've seen in years. Thanks to everyone at Lake Breeze Golf Club for all their hard work before and during the event. The outing was successful thanks to the many sponsors, especially our title sponsor, Bank First. A big thanks to Schenck SC for the beverage carts; Pepsi Beverages Co. and Wisconsin Distributors Appleton for beverages on the course; Oshkosh Corporation for the golf carts; Bergstrom Chevrolet-Cadillac-Buick-GMC Truck of Oshkosh, Sweetwater Performance Center and OptiVision for the holein-one prizes; Oshkosh Tent and Awning and Youngwirth Associates for the tents; and Griese Construction, Inc. for running the putting contest. Tee and hole sponsors were Aquire Contracting & Restoration, Belville Chiropractic Clinic, BMO Harris Bank, CameraCase Wireless, Canteen, Corernstone Processing, CR Meyer, First National Bank – Fox Valley, Fox Valley Technical College; Insight Eyecare, Kobussen Busses, Lakeland Care District, Lapham – Hickey Steel, Marian University, McClone Agency, New Title/ Coldwell Banker, Pacur, LLC, QPS Employment and Stuarts Landscaping. 15 golfers wait in line for their turn at winning $30,000! The 19th hole reception wouldn’t have been possible without all the food. There were plenty of hor d'oeuvres and appetizers for everyone to enjoy as the evening began. Thanks to our food caterers Biggar’s Supper Club, Fin N Feather, LaSure’s, and Robbin’s Restaurant. A big shout out to Nicole Peterson for not only helping Emcee the announcements for the reception, but also interacting with the golfers on the course with our first ever, Beat the DJ Conest. Several other businesses signed on as sponsors, sponsoring either a tee or hole and a foursome. Those businesses included Cellcom, Choice Bank, CitizensFirst Credit Union, Davis and Kuelthau, Legacy Private Trust, Muza Metal, Oracular, Oshkosh Corp, Oshkosh Marine Supply, ThedaCare and UWO Foundation. Fifteen names were drawn for the $30,000 Shootout on hole #18. While no one made the shot this year, many golfers hit the green. The closest to the pin was Ryan Micke of Muza Metal Products. He walked away with 4 Packers tickets courtesy of Griese Consturction. Monroe Insurance Agency – A Division of Jackson Kahl Insurance sponsored the shootout. Julie Weston of Bergstrom also won a 50-inch television, donated by Kossel’s TV & Appliance and the Oshkosh Chamber, and Paul Getchel of FirstWeber Group will be taking a trip with a guest in the continental United States, thanks to airline tickets donated by Fox World Travel and the Oshkosh Chamber. The outing was a success because of our supporters, participants, volunteers as well as the Golf Committee; Paul Getchel, Meghann Kasper; Randy Knudtson, John Schorse, Dave Schultz, Tom Moniz and Wayne Youngwirth. Any information in regards to the outing please contact Megan Kok at (920) 303-2265, ext 16 or New Members AlliedBarton Security Services Security Control Equipment/Systems 1018 W. South Park Avenue, Oshkosh Phone: (920) 233-0042 Contact: Mr. Derek Gessler Right at Home Home Health Services 2100 Omro Road, Ste. H, Oshkosh Phone: (920) 651-9400 Contact: Pamela Lang &. Carrie Sullivan CrossFit Oshkosh Health Clubs 2909 Green Hill Court, Unit G, Oshkosh Phone: (920) 385-0315 Contact: Mr. Austin Phillips Rogers Pump Company LLC Pumps - Dealers P.O. Box 943, Oshkosh Phone: (920) 231-6080 Contact: Mr. Andy Rogers Elite Auto Automobile Dealers 2944 Jackson Street, Oshkosh Phone: (920) 651-7600 Contact: Mr. Mike Bennett Sparque, Inc. Education/Training 1330 Partridge Court, Oshkosh 2436 W. Bloomingdale Avenue, Chicago Phone: (773) 227-3438 Contact: Ms. Carolyn Schmidt Enchanting Decor & Gifts, LLC Furniture - Retail P.O. Box 2843, Oshkosh 031 Oregon Street, Oshkosh Phone: (920) 651-3490 Contact: Ms. Erin Gaertner Hibu Marketing Consultants 5733 Grand Market Drive, Ste. A, Appleton Phone: (920) 915-0962 Contact: Mr. Scott Sabel 18 NewsWave September/October 2013 L-R: Katie Hoxtell, Zack Kemp, Louis Derencious, & Andrea Heenan Red’s Piggly Wiggly Grocers 142 Alder Avenue, Omro Phone: (920) 685-5521 Contact: Steve Salfai EAA Airventure 2013 Thousands of people traveled from around the world to experience EAA Airventure 2013. There’s plenty for people to enjoy when they arrive in Oshkosh for the event. Thank you to this year's volunteers at the information booth: Karen Gogolewski, Steve Hoopman, Jodi Jensema, Wayne Youngwirth, Pam Schubert, Stan & Kathy Kline, Paul & Bill Jansen, Pamela Baumgartner, Dawn Benish, Barb Savagian, Heidi & Randy Halberg, Suzanne Laurent, Linda Nadolske, Janelle Brady, Darlene Darrow, Dean Rogers, Glenn & Deb Nelson, Megan & Ryan Rosenthal, Kevin Jacobs, Pat Ryan, and Linda Kennedy. L-R: Steve Leib, Andy Mugerauer, Mike Floyd, & Will Deppiesse Tower Tool & Coatings Paint/Wallcovering - Retail/Wholesale/Mfrs 922 Oregon Street, Oshkosh Phone: (920) 230-7107 Contact: Mr. Loren Rangeloff Planning has already started for EAA AirVenture 2014, which opens July 28 and runs through Aug. 3. Photo by Kari Cassidy A group of volunteers assist AirVenture visitors on the second day of the event. Leadership Oshkosh About to Begin Ask the Expert Submitted by Tammy VanDenBusch, Cellcom The Leadership Oshkosh Class of 2014 is set to begin in September. 38 people were chosen from businesses and organizations around Oshkosh. The nine-month program provides current and emerging leaders with information about the community's opportunities and challenges. Q: There are so many applications on the market now. How do I choose the best one? A: In today’s smartphone-driven world, there’s more than “an app for that”; there are 10 apps for that. Don’t worry though; deciding which app is the best for your needs does not have to be complicated. Leadership Oshkosh is celebrating a big miletone as well. The Class of 2014 will be the 25th class to graduate from the program. The upcoming Youth Leadership Class of 2014 will begin on September 11 with 24 students representing Oshkosh's four high schools. Each student was chosen by their school principal for the eight-month program. Buying? Selling? Curious what’s happening in today’s changing Real Estate Market? My Team of Experienced Realtors are For more information about either program, contact Kathy Bermingham at or (920) 303-2265, ext. 32. here to help with all your real estate needs. Call us today! -Andy Beiser, Broker/Owner Class of 2014: Joseph Abhold - University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Diane Abraham - Oshkosh Area Community Foundation Lisa Angell - FVTC Karen Befus - Oshkosh Northwestern Media Theresa Bertram - Lutheran Homes of Oshkosh Susan Boettcher - Miles Kimball Company Theresa Brockman - Evergreen Retirement Community Todd Christopherson - Winnebago County Sheriff 's Office Greg Daggett - Bergstrom Volkswagen Amy Davis - Jay Manufacturing Oshkosh, Inc. Emily Dieringer - Winnebago County Maggie Faust - Hoffmaster Group, Inc. Mark Gross - CitizensFirst Credit Union Beth Hinds - Blue Door Consulting, LLC Laurie Hughes - LaSure's Inc. Brian Kermath - University of Wisconsin Oshkosh David Krumplitsch - Best Western Premier Waterfront Hotel & Convention Center Mary Kummerow Johnson - Clarity Care Kathleen Leonard - Oshkosh Community YMCA Rebecca Lund - Schenck SC Michael Mauthe - Lourdes Academy Angie McCarthy - Day by Day Warming Shelter Gerardo Medina Jr. - Dempsey Law Firm, LLP Chad Miller - First National Bank - Fox Valley Julie Mosher - Oshkosh Area School District Ryan Odorizzi - Oshkosh Opera House Foundation, Inc. Nate Olson - Olson Legal Group LLC Michael Rust - Winnebago Conflict Resolution Center, Inc. Heather Schimmers - Affinity - Mercy Medical Center Brenda Schrader - Curwood, Inc. - A Bemis Company Nick Spude - Choice Bank Andy Storm - Oshkosh Corporation Jason Trembly - Oshkosh Coil Spring, Inc. David Vickman - City of Oshkosh Dayna Watson - Wisconsin Public Service Corporation Cristy Wildenberg - Aurora Medical Center & Aurora Medical Group Trina Woldt - Paine Art Center and Gardens John Zarate - City of Oshkosh 20 NewsWave September/October 2013 How to Pick the Right Application for You You Expect the Best. We Demand it. 920-582-4011 Oshkosh North High School Nicholas Bauer Cassie Buerger Taylor Captain Mitchel Koehn Benjamin Lieb Caitlin MacWilliams Kobe Schmitz Shyann Sheppard Popular applications tend to rise to the top of these search results. It can also be helpful to browse app categories like productivity, business or shopping to find applications that fit your lifestyle, interests and needs. You can find popular apps by looking at the Top Charts section, which will give you the top paid and the top free applications on a platform or in a specific category. Bonus Tip: App markets also have featured app lists that range from apps that editor’s recommend, like Play Picks in the Google Play store, to apps that appropriate for the time of year, like the education collection from the App Store. These lists will range from rising stars to proven favorites, and can be thought of as recommendations from app experts. Youth Leadership Oshkosh Lourdes Academy Evan Degler Joseph Dolan Shay Mains Cecily Vandenhouten Search – Finding an app starts with the search. If you’re not looking for an app by name, use generic search terms that define the function or topic you are looking for (i.e. photo editor or flights). Oshkosh West High School Joshua Boyce Melissa Daniels Jesse Kettner Jacob Landgraf Michaela Muza Jacob Rost Sydney Schultz Kaitlyn Steinhilber Valley Christian High School Olivia Knitt Ryan Van Maanen Evan Williams Karly Zelinski Evaluate – When you find an app that looks interesting, evaluate it by taking a look at the description, ratings, downloads and reviews. The description will tell you more about what the application is designed to do and usually offer a developer website to learn more. Use the additional feedback given by fellow consumers to see if an application is living up to the developer’s intentions. An app with a lot of downloads, high ratings and positive reviews will usually indicate an app is doing its job. An app with fewer downloads, low ratings and complaints in the reviews may not be performing as it should. Bonus Tip: Looking at when the app was last updated will give you a clue how committed the developer is to an app. Frequent updates likely mean the app is improving and is a relevant tool. If an app hasn’t been updated for a while it could signal that it’s becoming outdated and any bugs or issues you have may not be addressed. Review – Once you’ve found the app for you, do one final review of the permissions before downloading. Be aware of what parts of the phone you are giving the application access to and make sure you are comfortable with granting the access. Cellcom is an innovative wireless company that provides nationwide service for its customer base throughout Wisconsin and Michigan, with nearly 80 retail and agent locations. Cellcom is respected for its long-standing reputation of delivering extraordinary customer care, being a strong community partner, and for its renowned network, which is customized to its rural markets. As a subsidiary of Nsight, Cellcom is part of a family of companies offering complete telecommunications services. If something doesn’t seem right, don’t download it. Your smartphone contains a lot of sensitive information; it’s important to be proactive and protect that information. Bonus Tip: Reviewing permissions may seem a bit complicated. Don’t worry, there’s an app for that, too. We suggest checking out Clueful. This security app identifies how applications are using your personal information and rates the potential risk as high, moderate or low. It also lets you know what specific permissions mean. Clueful is easy-to-use and is free for Android or iOS devices. If you’re interested in receiving weekly app recommendations from Cellcom, sign up for free text message alerts by texting “cellcomapps” to 90210. Around the Town September Tough Mudder September 7 EAA AirVenture Grounds Oshkosh Saturday Farmers Market September 7: Cooking Demo featuring Chef Bob “Wolfie” Wolf of The Roxy and John “Junior” Arps of Primo 8:30 a.m. Downtown Oshkosh Symphony Orchestra Remembering 9/11 September 7 6:00 p.m. Leach Amphitheater Gallery Walk September 7 6:00 p.m. 400 Block N Main St Oshkosh Saturday Farmers Market\ September 14 8:30 a.m. Downtown Five By Design – “Live from the Ultra Lounge” September 19 7:30 p.m. Grand Opera House 13th Annual Fish Fry on the Fox September 20 4:00 p.m. BlackHawk Commons, UW Oshkosh 8th Annual Oshkosh Dragonboat Race & Festival September 21 9"00 a.m. Leach Amphitheater Oshkosh Saturday Farmers Market\ September 21 8:30 a.m. Downtown Wounded Warrio Bocce Ball Tournament September 21 10:00 a.m. The Paine Art Center and Gardens Oshkosh Saturday Farmers Market\ September 28 8:30 a.m. Downtown October Alpin Hong October 4 7:30 p.m. Grand Opera House Oshkosh Saturday Farmers Market\ October 5 8:30 a.m. Downtown Gallery Walk October 5 6:00 p.m. 400 Block N Main St Oshkosh Saturday Farmers Market\ October 12 8:30 a.m. Downtown Spirits of the Grand Tours October 18 & 19, 24-26 7:30 p.m. Grand Opera House Winnebago Safety & Security Fair October 19 10:00 a.m. Sunnyview Expo Center Member Spotlight Live at Lunch 2013 Another year of Live at Lunch has come and gone. Hundreds of people filled the Opera House Square every Wednesday at noon June through August. We would like to thank all those who came out to see the artists. A big thanks to the Business Improvement District for once again helping make another year of Live at Lunch possible. Thanks to our major sponsors: Bergstrom Import Supercenter, Rasmussen College, Bank First National, Shops at City Center, and Community Blood Center Thanks to our community sponsors: Aurora, 4imprint, Oshkosh Area Community Foundation, Associated Bank, Miles Kimball, and Sadoff Iron and Metal Co. Thanks to our event sponsors: Digital Printing Innovations, Storm Equipment/DC Construction, Oracular, Schenck SC, Choice Bank, Schwab Properties, BMO Harris Bank, Globe University, and Schaefer Behnke Group. Thanks to Lara's Tortilla Flats, Beckets, Cranky Pat's, New Moon, The Roxy, Planet Perk, and Manila Resto for serving food to guests. Thanks to our media sponsors for promoting Live at Lunch: New North B2B, Oshkosh Northwestern, Cumulus, and Woodward. Thanks for a great year. See you in 2014! Oshkosh Saturday Farmers Market October 19 8:30 a.m. Downtown J. Stadler Machine, Inc. 2661 W. 20th Avenue Oshkosh, WI 54904 J. Stadler Machine, Inc. has been in Oshkosh for 27 years, providing CNC machined parts to a wide range of customers all over the world. Their genuine, personable connection to the community sets them apart from others of their kind. The business was started in 1986 by Jim and Corinne Stadler. When it was created, the company was located on 7th Street, but in 1991 they moved to their current location at 2661 W. 20th Ave. Jim was a CNC programmer at another local machine shop prior to starting his own business. "He basically ventured out onto his own;” Lindsey Wissing, Vice President of J. Stadler and daughter of Jim and Corinne, said. Wissing and her two brothers, Dave and Richard Stadler purchased the company from their parents just over a year ago. "New machinery can lead to increased efficiency, which causes us to price more competitively and also increases our machining capabilities;” Wissing said. J. Stadler employs roughly 30 people, all very knowledgeable in their field. "We take pride in our highly-skilled labor force,” Wissing said. "All of our operators do their own set ups.” The company is hoping to become even bigger over the next few years, expanding their customer base and the building itself. "I would anticipate further new machine purchases and a potential addition to the building within the next 5 to 10 years;” Wissing said. Wissing said that being a part of the Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce has helped their business greatly. "We hang the Chamber plaque on the wall, and it's really good for others to see that we are playing a small, but important, part in the community;” Wissing said. "It worked out really well because our dad semi-retired in 2007;” Wissing said, "Which gave the three of us the opportunity to work together without him. Each one of us has our own specific area and we take a team approach to managing. Thankfully we get along quite well together:' A large group of people enjoy a relaxing lunch hour taking in the sounds of Live at Lunch. September/October 2013 22 NewsWave ̻ March 2013 Bright future ahead for 27 year old family business The family team of Dave Stadler, Lindsey Wissing and Richard Stadler. Along with that big change, they have purchased some brand new equipment so that they can keep all their machinery state-of the-art. Matt Hoff of J. Stadler Machine checks out a new horizontal milling machine. NewsWave ̻ 23 Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce 120 Jackson Street Oshkosh, WI 54901
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