New Superintendent Stan Mack - Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce
New Superintendent Stan Mack - Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce
September/October 2012 Vol. 12 Issue 5 New Superintendent Stan Mack Ready to take on new challenges A team you can rely on now and in the future. Front, L to R: Joan Woldt, Meghann Kasper, Erin Vacheresse, Mei Bloechl, Carol Franz. Back: Brandon Suemnicht, Tasia Florence, Trevor Rabbach, Mike Dempsey. At Bank First, we’re focused on providing the flexibility you need now to meet the demands of the marketplace. Our experience, resources and ideas can help you adapt in this ever-changing environment. Consider contacting our team today. We’d love to meet with you! 101 City Center, Oshkosh 920-237-5126 BELLEVUE | ASHWAUBENON | MANITOWOC TWO RIVERS | MISHICOT | FRANCIS CREEK ST. NAZIANZ | KIEL | PLYMOUTH | SHEBOYGAN Member FDIC MAKE A STATEMENT THIS SEASON ENHANCING CORPORATE Plant Rental & Maintenance Trade Shows Seasonal Decor Pottery Interior Design Team Recognition Programs 1920 Algoma Blvd. • EN VIR ON MENTS Oshkosh, WI 54901 • 920.235.3737 • NewsWave NewsWave On the Cover Stan Mack is the new superintendent for the Oshkosh Area School District, but he isn't new to the challenges facing public schools. NewsWave September/October 2012 Volume 12, Issue 5 Feature Stories 6 Workforce Paradox 10 New Face, Similar Challenges 12 School Accomplishments 16 Workplace Bullying President/CEO John Casper Editor Brittany Farrell Layout Bart Putzer Upcoming Events 6 21 A.M. Oshkosh 29 Business After Hours Cover Photography Phil Weston, Weston Imaging 30 Chamber Calendar of Events Advertising Carolyn Schmidt, (920) 203-3221 30 Around the Town Find NewsWave online at publications Department NewsWave (USPS 020-309) is published bimonthly at a subscription of $25 by the Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce, 120 Jackson St. Oshkosh, WI 54901 Periodical postage paid at Oshkosh, WI. Postmaster Send address changes to the Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce 120 Jackson St. Oshkosh, WI 54901 Phone (920) 303-2266 Fax (920) 303-2263 E-mail address: 4 18 Seminars & Workshops NewsWave September/October 2012 5 12 Chairman's Message 18 Meet your Ambassador 22 Member Spotlight 24 Chamber Clips 12 25 New Members 28 Business Briefs 16 The Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce is a 5-star accredited chamber and proud member of the New North working to serve business and the community. Community continues to grow Chamber advances goals Reflecting back on the past year, I am amazed by the progress the Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce has made. It has been my pleasure to serve as the chairman and help contribute to the growth of the community. While every community faces challenges, the Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce has advanced many of its goals and objectives to help improve the development of our community and businesses. During my term, the Chamber led an initiative to bring together community organizations in an effort to market the community. These organizations (city of Oshkosh, Winnebago County, Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce, OAEDC, Chamco, Oshkosh Convention and Visitors Bureau, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, FVTC, and the towns of Algoma, Blackwolf and Oshkosh) have formed a marketing group to fund and implement a campaign on behalf of the community. The centerpiece of this initiative is a Business & Industry Cluster Analysis. The analysis is a comprehensive, indepth look at the economy of our surrounding area. This will help us ascertain the type of business that we are best able to support and recruit to the area. The study is being funded in part through a $40,000 grant we secured from the Economic Development Administration of the U.S. Department of Commerce. Additionally, we have hired Strata Communications to plan an aggressive marketing campaign specifically designed to bring in new business and create jobs and tax base. The rollout for this campaign is planned for early fall. The Chamber Board of Directors spearheaded the strategic planning process this year, which was led by Vicki Updike, president of Miles Kimball and incoming chairwoman of the Board of Directors. We reached out to members through comprehensive surveys and focus groups to gather input and insight. The result of this process reaffirmed the Chamber’s role in economic development and remains to be the top priority for the organization. In fact, 70 percent of members indicate that this is a priority for the Oshkosh Chamber. This past year, the community continued to experience growth. I am encouraged by the new ownership and the renovations that started at the downtown hotel, the completion of building construction on the UW Oshkosh campus, and the progress on the reconstruction of U.S. Highway 41. Recently, the result of the community’s collective actions was recognized by Area Magazine when it ranked the Oshkosh MSA first in Wisconsin and 59th in the nation for economic and workforce growth indicators. Oshkosh is on the right course for moving forward. This past summer demonstrates why Oshkosh is Wisconsin’s Event City as we hosted many national and worldwide recognized events such as EAA AirVenture, Country USA, Rock USA, Lifest and Waterfest. I feel confident that in the past year we have helped the Chamber grow and move forward toward a common goal shared with other members. I can assure we are on the right path of moving forward. The Chamber members' resources have been used wisely and put toward the constant growing economy of Oshkosh. With this, I look forward to meeting with everyone at my last meeting as chairman on Oct. 29. Dr. John Anderson is the 2011-12 Oshkosh Chamber Chairman of the Board and is an optometrist who owns Anderson Vision Ltd. NewsWave 5 Workforce Paradox Schools, businesses need to work together to encourage students toward high-tech jobs By Barbara A. Schmitz Even if you’re not good at math, it’s easy to see that the numbers don’t add up: • More than 35 percent of Fond du Lac County workers will retire within the next 10 years, leaving a potential gap of 19,500 employees by 2026, primarily in manufacturing and production. • Heath care employers in the Fox Valley could see nearly one-third of their current workers retire within 10 years, and close to half retire within 15 years. One truth is becoming evident: unless business and education leaders can put students on a fast-track toward skilled occupations and high-tech jobs at local companies, there won’t be enough young people entering the workforce in the next decade to replace the veteran talent that will be retiring. Petek said about 25 percent of jobs in Wisconsin require a four-year or longer degree. That means 75 percent of jobs don’t. Yet, about 57 percent of Oshkosh public high school graduates and 95 percent of Oshkosh private high school graduates go on to attend a four-year college. Some area employers likely aren’t surprised by the results of the 2011 studies, both conducted by Moraine Park Technical Institute. That’s because they already have trouble finding “It’s been drilled into qualified workers, even everyone that to be though the unemployment Photo courtesy Oshkosh Area School District successful, you need a rate hovers at about 7 An Oshkosh Area School District middle school student uses a Miller four-year degree,” Petek percent in the Oshkosh/ spot welder to assemble a toolbox in a tech ed class. said. But that isn’t always Neenah area. The problem, true. known as Workforce Paradox, means that job seekers have skills, but not the When you send a large percentage of your students on skills employers need. to universities, you prepare them for jobs that don’t currently exist, Petek said. Just as frustrating is the number John Petek, president of Marvel Manufacturing, is one of of students who start college, but never finish. They do those employers. He said he looked at his own company succeed at one thing, however: accumulating debt. after hearing about the Fond du Lac study. “I realized I am in the same boat and that I will have an extraordinary Petek said the blame for today’s problems rests on number of people retiring in 10 years,” said Petek, who is businesses and manufacturers, which have done a poor job also business chairman of the Oshkosh Chamber’s Partners communicating the opportunities and potential salaries for in Education (PIE) Council. “How am I going to fill those? I workers, as well as creating partnerships with the local K-12 can’t even find machinists now unless I train them myself.” school systems. 6 NewsWave September/October 2012 Fond du Lac companies are starting more school-to-work programming that is being driven by industry, he said, and Oshkosh needs to develop a similar model. The Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce and its PIE Council could be big part of the answer. “We need to pull businesses together,” Petek said. “We have to find personalities who want to get involved and who will involve their acquaintances and business associates.” Nicole Peterson agrees. As marketing education teacher and Career and Technical Education (CTE) coordinator for the Oshkosh public schools, she said schools and businesses have traditionally been disconnected. “The Chamber could be that bridge to get the two sides together,” she said. However, the PIE Council is taking an important first step. Beginning this fall, it will start critiquing the current courses offered at the Oshkosh public schools and determine which ones are relevant, which need to be tweaked, and which courses should be added, Petek said. Dave Gundlach, deputy superintendent for Oshkosh public schools, said it is fairly easy to add classes, or drop those that are no longer relevant. But the difficulty is finding consensus on what those changes should be. “Sometimes, even from the business community, there is no agreement on what they want,” he said. Once there is consensus, the challenge then becomes getting the students to take classes businesses deem as relevant. Currently, public high school students choose classes by using a course booklet. It gives guidelines on what classes to take, depending on the career the students are interested in. The hard part also becomes not tracking kids too early before they blossom, Gundlach said. “There is such a big change from eighth grade to 12th grade,” he said. “They are such a different person by the end academically, cognitively and socially.” Although nearly all their students go on to a four-year college, the city’s private schools have also expanded their guidance counseling and advising services. The United Catholic Schools system, which recently renamed its schools Lourdes Academy, is making changes to its advising, and will be focusing on three areas — academic, career and social, said President Bob Biebel. Career counseling will begin in sixth grade in an effort to get students focused on their strengths and interests and what occupations might best fit them, he said. Oshkosh Christian and Valley Christian staff members advise students. “We are not so much focused on what careers a student might want to do, but what are they gifted at or passionate about?” said John Davis, head administrator. “We ask them, ‘What did God make you to do?’ ” Petek said the PIE Council plans to start a manufacturing pathway, trying to get youth interested in manufacturing careers at the middle school level. But it also needs to encourage businesses to make more connections with the schools, both public and private. Yet many parents don’t understand how their children are picking classes, Peterson said. Parents need to be involved and ask their children why they are taking particular classes, and if they’re not relevant, persuade them to take classes that are, she said. To help students pick classes that fit their interests, the district has created 16 career pathways that students can follow, or 113 careers. “We’re trying, at the very least, to get kids to decide on what career clusters interest them,” Peterson said. In recent years, guidance counselors have started holding conferences with students and their parents in fourth, eighth and 10th grades to determine possible careers. But parents often dismiss manufacturing jobs as an option for their child. “It can be a perceptual issue,” Gundlach said. “Parents think why would I have my kids work in a manufacturing area when those jobs can be sent overseas in a heartbeat? We’ve spent years hearing about outsourcing, but I don’t think people understand that we are still a heavily manufacturing state.” 7 NewsWave September/October 2012 Photo courtesy Oshkosh Area School District A middle school student from the Oshkosh public schools works on a CO2 car. Students must double-check the multiple constraints on the cars, such as length and weight. NewsWave 7 Marvel Manufacturing is a good example of such a connection. Each holiday, the company brings in Smith Elementary fifth graders to visit. The students and workers eat lunch together, sing some Christmas songs, and tour the plant. “I get letters saying ‘I hope to work for you someday,’ ” Petek said. “That is the kind of thing more businesses need to do. We need to show students that there are some pretty nice jobs in manufacturing.” Parents also need to realize that if their children start in a manufacturing job, they don’t have to stay there. In fact, it is highly unlikely they will. “It’s very clear that today’s students will have upward of 13 different careers throughout the span of their working life,” Gundlach said. “Parents shouldn’t think that their child’s first job is their terminal career.” That realization helps to explain why upgrading technology in the schools is so important. The Oshkosh public district has already stabilized its infrastructure so it could support the needed technology upgrades, Gundlach said. It has also committed resources to do pilot programs, and received a series of grants to put technology into four of the elementary schools, as well as some sites in the middle and high schools. “We were able to start to get technology into the hands of some of our trailblazer teachers, and then get it into the students’ hands,” he said. In fact, in just a few weeks, the district will be opening its first one-to-one school — Jefferson Elementary — where each student will have an iPad. “If you think of where we came from, that’s quite a leap," Gundlach said. Oshkosh’s private schools have also made technology a priority. Oshkosh Christian is working on its infrastructure, with a goal to have one-on-one computing within five years, Davis said. But how much and how soon all depends on funding. “We charge some of the highest tuition rates in the area because we don’t have institutional support,” Davis said. “We are also somewhat dependent on fundraising and donations.” While they are on much more solid financial footing than they’ve been in the past, if fundraising and gift giving dwindles, the yearly budget will be impacted. “We may have to run a capital campaign in the next couple of years, but giving technology a bigger percentage of the budget is a step in the right direction,” Davis said. Lourdes is also trying to upgrade its infrastructure to prepare for new technology, Biebel said. But tight budgets make it difficult to create 21st century classrooms and offer the technology that is needed. “In making sure we are able to offer Catholic education to everyone who wants it, even though they might not be able to afford it, money becomes an issue,” Biebel said. Local Catholic parishes help the district keep the costs down, as well as the support of benefactors and fundraisers. But in a tough economy, some of the revenue sources can dry up, he said. Things aren’t any better financially in the public sector. “Competing school districts spend $7 million to $8 million more each year than we do,” Gundlach said. “That is why their facilities tend to be upgraded and they already have technology in the hands of their kids. There are a lot of things they can do to get ahead of us.” In addition, the Oshkosh district faces a $3 million deficit this year, plus it is faced with $70-plus million in deferred maintenance costs. While it looks like the community will support the maintenance updates, cutting $3 million from the budget will have an impact. “Eventually, the voters are going to have to step in and say, ‘enough is enough,’ ” Gundlach said. “But think about everything that goes into communicating the problems a school district is having to the voters, and then to get them to support it, especially when only 20 percent of our population has children in school right now.” Photo courtesy Lourdes Academy Lourdes Academy student carry in supplies for their annual Stuff the Bus drive. Community service plays a big part in the Catholic school system. 8 NewsWave September/October 2012 However, the district can't continually make up the deficit on the back of its staff. “You have to offer a market rate for whatever service you’re buying,” Gundlach said. “Our starting pay for a teacher is $32,800, but it’s over $40,000 in Neenah. You can’t offer a lower starting pay for too long or we’ll become a training ground. We put money into training teachers and then they take that training and value to the next district.” Oshkosh isn’t the only public school system dealing with this issue, he points out. “But the difference is that other districts levied to their authority in the last 10 years, and we didn’t always do that,” he said. “It means that our competitors now have greater revenue that they are dealing with.” Gundlach said Oshkosh has been restricting and decreasing its budgets to the point of cutting programs almost every year. By raising the minimum number of students needed to run a class — 27 in the high schools — the district basically “cut” its course offerings. When looking at what classes to take, high school students might be interested in engineering or tech ed, Peterson said. “But if they don’t have a career plan, they’ll take AP or CAPP classes, get some college credits, and say they’ll figure out later what they want to do.” In fact, the various elective classes — such as art, music and others — end up “competing” for students so their classes will be held. Even the career and technical ed programs compete for students among themselves. The larger class sizes have hurt the tech and engineering departments at the middle and high schools, said Jerry Johnson, Oshkosh North teacher and department chair. “Years ago, if we had 34 kids sign up for a class, they would divide it into two classes of 17,” he said. Now, they regularly cancel classes because they don’t have the required 27 students, he said. Fewer classes have also translated into fewer teachers. Five years ago, they had 17 teachers in his department, Johnson said. In 2012-13, they will have 12. However, the department tries to combine two similar courses when possible to get the needed number to run a class. But at times, classes can’t be combined, Johnson said, because the subject matter is too different. That’s the case with Project Lead the Way, a program that offers college credit for project-based engineering courses. “The introductory course runs every year, but the high schools have struggled to offer the other classes on a regular basis,” Johnson said. Thus, it has become common to cancel a couple engineering and tech ed classes every year at each of the two public high schools. There is also a problem with "singletons," or classes that are only offered once a day. Sometimes students who would like to take a CTE class can't because it conflicts with another course students need or want to take. "So we also lose some students because of the limited availability of our classes," Johnson said. He, too, thinks the solution will come through better marketing and improved relationships with businesses. That’s why his department recently formed an advisory committee consisting of educators, businesses, school board members and others. “We’re looking for input from business 9 NewsWave September/October 2012 Photo courtesy Oshkosh Area School District Getting technology like iPads into the hands of Oshkosh Area School District students is an important step in meeting the needs of tomorrow’s workforce. and industry to make sure what we’re doing in the schools is good for students and helping out the employers as well,” Johnson said. The district also hopes to start more youth apprenticeship opportunities, Peterson said. “We’re going to more of an internship /career exploration piece,” she said. “So now, if a student thinks he or she wants to be a photographer, we can contact photo studios and get that student working five or 10 hours a week at one of the studios. It would give students some experience, and they’d earn credit to get some of those employability skills.” The program is still in draft form, and will take some training on the part of counselors, teachers and administrators, Peterson said. “But we’re at least a couple steps closer … to making this a reality.” While discussions between business and education are starting, Peterson said creative ideas are always welcome. “My message to business is that if you want to be involved with anything K-12, make a call. If you have an idea, fine. But if you don’t have an idea, call anyway and we’ll help you come up with one. One of us just needs to start the ball rolling.” New superintendent faces similar challenges By Barbara A. Schmitz Stan Mack may be new to the job as superintendent for the Oshkosh Area School District, but he is certainly not new to the problems and challenges that public schools face. Mack, 62, started the Oshkosh job on July 1 in what will be his 40th year in the education field. He previously served as the executive director of the Minnesota Board of School Administrators, and has worked as a superintendent or assistant superintendent of various Minnesota school districts since 1982. “The Oshkosh Area School District is among the lowestfunded districts in the state based on decisions made in the past of underfunding,” Mack said. “Part of the issue is that we are not staying competitive. By having our neighboring districts have more resources per pupil available to them, we are losing students to those districts.” Mack said students can choose from many nearby schools. “That means a district can’t say that whatever is, is,” he said. “We need to be a district of choice and a district that individuals look forward to come to because we offer quality and breadth and depth of instruction.” “About 80 percent of my experiences are transferable from my experience in Minnesota,” said Mack. “What I’m spending most of my time on in Oshkosh is getting to know the nuances and history of the Oshkosh schools and its community, as well as the nuances of Wisconsin Photo courtesy Oshkosh Area School District and its public instruction system.” Expanding technology use in classrooms will help retain students and make Oshkosh a destination district. But Mack acknowledges that he faces many challenges in his new position. His first priority is coming up with a strategic plan. “It’s been long overdue,” Mack said. “We need to have a strategic planning process that will identify top priorities of the district, as well as financial resources and what steps we should take to enhance additional revenue…” The Oshkosh Community Foundation has stepped forward to help the school district identify community priorities for education. That information will then be used to create the district’s strategic plan, which Mack is hopeful can be completed by February. “That will give us a road map so we can clearly articulate to the community that these are our priorities and these are the issues we want to address. By acknowledging publicly that there are issues that can be tackled, we can decide how to work together to do that.” The district also faces some major financial challenges with a $3 million deficit and $70-plus million worth of deferred maintenance projects, some which are critical. All of this is happening as federal stimulus dollars dry up. 10 NewsWave September/October 2012 To gain back its competitiveness, Mack said the Oshkosh district must reflect on its quality and programs, and deal with facilities upgrades and replacements. The community vote to build a new and reconstructed Oaklawn School, however, is a huge first step, he said. The board is also considering a health and safety energy investment that is allowed by Wisconsin law, Mack said. The law allows districts to exceed their revenue caps to pay for projects that improve energy efficiency. “It will allow us to replace boilers and roofs, and a long list of delayed or neglected issues…” Mack said. Another challenge will be to create stability within the district’s central office. The district has experienced major turnover there, and part of the problem with such large turnover is the limited institutional memory that exists. “Our director of special education is the only person with long-term historical memory in the district,” Mack said. “Everyone else is two years or less, and that’s not good for an organization.” Mack’s first priority there will to determine why people are leaving. “When you hire rising stars, very often people will go off to positions that professionally advance them,” he said. “We shouldn’t do anything to stop people from doing that. But if people are leaving because they are disgruntled, then I need to know that and determine what is the causation.” In order for a school district to be successful and stable, you need stability in its leadership — both from the superintendent and the district’s other top administrators, Mack said. He said he plans to stay in Oshkosh a minimum of six years to start the stability process. “I wouldn’t want to do all the work it takes to be successful,” he said, “if I would be in it just for the short-term.” He and his wife, Margaret Leibfried, have purchased a house in Oshkosh. But for at least the next school year, Leibfried will commute between Oshkosh and suburban Minneapolis where she is a middle school principal.. However, she has begun searching for local jobs. A self-image problem also needs to be corrected, he said. “People are down on themselves and the school district. We need to find ways of turning that around by looking at all of our positive features, and then take where we are now, and make next month, next year and future years better.” Mack wants to be the school district’s champion, be actively involved in the Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce, and speak to community groups and organizations about what is happening in the schools. It’s a role he also played in Minnesota, and a role that won him accolades for his leadership and communication skills. Despite some overwhelming challenges, Oshkosh still has many reasons to celebrate, he said. “I’m taken aback by the dedication and the entrepreneurialism of principals and teachers, particularly when faced by financial limitations,” Mack said. “They seek out grants and other sources of income to support activities in the school. They go the extra mile to enhance opportunities for students.” Mack said he believes deep down that Oshkosh has a strong sense of serving children and its community well. “When I’m around teachers, administrators and the central office administration, the talk is how can we provide this service better, or how can we respond to this particular need. That is very encouraging.” 11 NewsWave September/October 2012 Photo by Phil Weston Stan Mack began his job as superintendent of the Oshkosh Area School District in July. Mack’s Career at a Glance Stan Mack began his educational career as a special education teacher at South Saint Paul, a Minnesota public school. Four years later, he was appointed director of special services, with responsibilities for special education programming, federal programs, vocational education, and selected curricular programs. Since 1982, Mack has served as the superintendent of schools at Eveleth Public Schools, Eveleth Vocational Technical College, Northfield Public Schools, and Robbinsdale Area Public Schools; and assistant superintendent for Burnsville-Eagan-Savage Public Schools and Osseo Area Schools, all in Minnesota. For the past 27 months, he has been the executive director of the Minnesota Board of School Administrators, the state agency governing licensing standards, continuing education, and administrative code of ethics enforcement for all Minnesota school superintendents, principals, directors of special education, and directors of community education. Mack has a bachelor’s degree in political science and teaching from Minnesota State University, Mankato; a master’s degree in educational psychology from the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis; and education specialist equivalency in educational administration from the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. In addition, he is currently completing the requirements for a doctorate degree in philosophy, also from the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. Photo courtesy Lourdes Academy Lourdes Academy students gather for Mass at St Raphael's the Archangel Church during Catholic Schools Week. Private, public schools highlight accomplishments By Barbara A. Schmitz While the glass may be half empty to some, area school district officials are being optimistic and saying the glass is half filled. In fact, Oshkosh school administrators, both public and private, say they have reason to celebrate. “Our assessment scores are some of the best in the region,” said Dave Gundlach, deputy superintendent of the Oshkosh Area School District. “We’ve made some pretty major improvements in the past 24 months to upgrade the technology infrastructure and to start providing opportunities for 21st century education. The board has approved the creation of a virtual school so we can offer a great array of choices for students. These are all things leading down the road to creating a relevant education. A big piece of what we’re trying to do is make the experiences we’re providing to students in the Oshkosh Area School District mirror those that they find when they get out in the world of work.” In addition, the Oshkosh Area Community Foundation is working with the district on a visioning process to determine what people want to see out of their schools. That will be used to create the district’s strategic plan. President Bob Biebel, too, is excited for the future of the new Lourdes Academy. “We will be one system and one campus from pre-K through 12th grade,” he said. “We really continued on p.14 12 NewsWave September/October 2012 Photo courtesy Oshkosh Christian/Valley Christian Students John Geffers, left, and Jeff Heinen, work on a landscaping project for the community. Servant leadership is an important part of the Oshkosh Christian and Valley Christian school system. 13 NewsWave September/October 2012 continued from p.12 want Lourdes Academy not to be an individual school, but a system. We want to develop that identity and feeling of teamwork.” In addition, the district hopes to build a new elementary school on its campus, and move students from its two existing elementary schools there. While they are just at the exploratory stage for the new building, Biebel is hopeful that it could be built and opened within two or three years. “It would be easier for a lot of things,” he said. “It will offer flexibility and more opportunity to differentiate learning, which will be a key component of our success.” Lourdes Academy schools will continue to provide a unique niche in the community. “We are faith-based education that really focuses on the student, their relationship with God and service within the community,” he said. And that helps them to better equip students for the future. Photo courtesy Lourdes Academy Preschoolers work with their teacher in the classroom. “The biggest thing you can hope to give students is a thirst for knowledge,” Biebel said. But they also try to instill in their students a strong work ethic and a willingness to serve the community. “As a smaller community, we feel we can develop a strong unified force, that students can work within a group, relate to other people and give back to their communities,” he said. “They understand there is a higher purpose of why they are working — to make life better for everyone, and not just themselves.” John Davis, head administrator at Oshkosh Christian School and Valley Christian High School, agreed. He sees the strength of their school system in their mission: being a non-denominational Christian school that offers a strong academic product. “We really emphasize the spiritual side of things, and as a Christ-centered school… really teach our students excellence and servant leadership. Every student takes Bible classes where we stress living what the Bible says: to work your hardest, serve people, and to give your best.” Their school is accredited, and has worked to improve its library, sports offerings and programs, and guidance counseling abilities. This coming year, Davis said they are trying to make their pre-school program the most academically focused one in the area. The system has also seen lower administrative turnover compared to other districts, and Davis noted that he is in his fourth year and is the most tenured administrator in the area. “The smaller you are, the more nimble you can be at improving things and getting things going in the right direction,” he said. “Our goal is to make this place a place that will be stable and secure for just not the next year. We want to eliminate debt and build an endowment so we are here for 50, 100 or 150 years.” Photo courtesy Lourdes Academy Football players from Lourdes Academy pray before the start of a game. 14 NewsWave September/October 2012 Choose online or on campus. Choose UW Oshkosh. Flexible degree programs will accommodate your busy schedule and are available online or at a location in your area. Advance professionally and personally. Call an advisor today. (800) INFO-UWO 15 NewsWave September/October 2012 Workplace bullying by the numbers Source: Workplace Bullying Institute 72% of workplace bullies are managers and executives More bullies are men (60%) than women (40%) 71% of women target women; 54% of men target men More than 37% of U.S. workers have directly experienced bullying in the workplace Bullying is 4 times more prevalent than harassment 73% of bullied targets are bullied for more than 6 months, 44% for more than one year 57% of targets are women In 62% of cases, the employer does nothing In 77% of cases, targets lose or voluntarily terminate their jobs to make the bullying stop 45% of targets experience health problems Only 3% of bullied targets file lawsuits; 40% never complain e c a l p k G r N o i WBully By Kelli Karpinski We hear a lot these days about bullying in our schools and the harmful— and sometimes extreme—effects it has on our children. That heightened awareness has also moved into our workplaces, where adults are abusing each other with words and actions that not only harms the targeted employee but also interferes with workplace productivity. In an effort to inform local human resource leaders about what constitutes bullying and how to stop it in our workplaces, the Oshkosh Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) held a workshop this past spring with speaker Nancy Buchanan, an account executive with Aurora Health Care’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP). Buchanan describes bullying as the “repeated harm or mistreatment of one or more people.” Bullies may be coworkers, vendors, guests or managers. A bully, she says, hones in on a target, who may be belittled, threatened, be the subject of rumors, or have his or her work sabotaged, all in an effort to “punish” or wield power over the target. A manager who is bullying the employee could overload the employee with work, micromanage, set unreasonable performance 16 NewsWave September/October 2012 standards, and deny basic rights like providing time off. Bullying differs from harassment. While harassment also is unwelcomed, it is specifically defined by law in the Civil Rights Act and deals with conduct against a person based on race, religion, gender, ethnicity, age and disability. At this time, bullying is not illegal. “Bullying in the workplace has existed for a long period of time,” said Melanie Bruins, HR compliance manager at Oshkosh Corporation and president of Oshkosh SHRM. “However, recent years have shed more light and awareness to different aspects of workers’ rights. This includes the employer’s responsibility to provide a work environment that is free of harassment and bullying.” The ramifications of bullying in the workplace are numerous. Bruins said bullying can lead to a drop in employee morale and productivity and an increase in turnover, which leads to an increase in recruiting costs. It also can lead to time spent by HR staff to investigate and address complaints that could have been avoided with proper training, she said. Targets of bullying can lose sleep, feel anxious about going to work, feel ill, miss work and be less productive on the job, Buchanan said. “Targets of bullies can feel threatened, feel ashamed and believe they don’t have the right to feel that way,” she said. “Sometimes people come to work and don’t talk about the bullying for fear of retaliation or shame, but typically, it comes out some way on the job through lack of productivity or absenteeism.” Sometimes managers don’t take proactive steps to stop bullying because they aren’t aware it is happening, they don’t like conflict or they feel they have more important priorities to handle, Buchanan said. In one case she dealt with, the bully was mistreating co-workers but management did little because the bully was a productive worker. However, much can be done before bullying ever begins. Bruins said workplaces can provide training on bullying and its effects; have policies that address bullying specifically, review and update them annually, and distribute them to employees; and encourage those who feel they are being bullied to talk about the situation with HR, an EAP professional, or through an ethics hotline. Buchanan says the EAP can help both the target of the bullying and the one who is doing the bullying. When working with a bully, EAP counselors help the person understand what bullying behavior is, why the bullying is taking place and how to show more respect for co-workers. The most important step, though, is for management to recognize bullying and do something about it. “I tell managers to keep their ears and eyes open and be aware of what people are saying about other coworkers,” Buchanan said. “Many times a true bullying situation doesn’t go away. It’s going to come back and hit you in the face. It’s important to confront it when you hear about it.” How do I tackle bullying at work? Step 1: Regain control • • Recognize what is happening to you as bullying - it is the bully who has the problem, which he or she is projecting on to you. Criticisms and allegations, which are ostensibly about you or your performance and which sometimes contain a grain (but only a grain) of truth, are not about you or your performance. Do not be fooled by that grain of truth into believing the criticisms and allegations have any validity - they do not. The purpose of criticism is control; it has nothing to do with performance enhancement. taking action. For starters, go to Step 2: Plan for action • 17 Find out everything you can about bullying. It’s essential you do your homework before NewsWave September/October 2012 Step 3: Take action • • • Keep a log (journal, diary) of everything - it’s not each incident that counts, it’s the number, regularity and especially the patterns that reveal bullying. Keep your diary in a safe place, not at work where others can and will steal it. Keep photocopies of important documents in a separate location, also not at work. Carry a notepad and pen with you and record everything that the bully says and does. Also make a note of every interaction with personnel, management, and anyone else connected with the bullying. Expect to be • accused of “misconduct” and “unprofessional behavior” and a few other things when you do this. Obtain a copy of your employer’s bullying and harassment policy. You might wish to do this through a third party if you’re not yet ready to challenge the bully. For more information, go to Meet Your Ambassador Cindy Bohnert Consumer Loan Officer, Anchor Bank How long have you been an Ambassador? I have had the pleasure of being an Ambassador since the fall of 2010. Why did you choose to become an Ambassador? I have lived in Oshkosh all my life and saw it as an opportunity to become more involved in our community and as a way to give back to what our city has to offer. It also is a way to learn about new businesses in Oshkosh, as well as our present businesses. What do you enjoy about being an Ambassador? The Ambassadors are a great group of people whom I enjoy working with. Most of all, I enjoy working at events so that other Chamber members can just come and enjoy themselves. What are the benefits? The bigest benefit is having the opportunity to interact with and gain knowledge of area businesses and the community. It gives me an opportunity to stay up to date with our ever-changing community. 18 Upcoming Propel Events The following seminars are open to all Chamber members. Cost is dependent on location. Reservations are required by calling (920) 303-2266 or emailing Megan Kok at Propel Lunch ‘N Learn: “Securities and Investing” 11:45 a.m. – 1 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 11 The Roxy, 571 N. Main St. Presenter: Nick Behnke, Shaefer Behnke Group Cost: No charge Nick Behnke will provide expert advice to professionals who want to take control of their money and plan for the future. This presentation is set to be interactive with Q & A followed by a short networking session at the end. Dress for Success with Brooks Brother’s 11:45 a.m. – 1 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 20 Chamber building, 120 Jackson St. Presenter: Juliann Davis, Brooks Brother’s Cost: $5 (includes lunch) Juliann Davis will touch on all aspects of the professional wardrobe for gentlemen and ladies. From fit, to accessorizing, to care, we visit everything you need to know about building a business wardrobe or expanding on what you already have. She will also cover the correlation between professional dress and success. Also included in the presentation is a preview of the current season's fashions, a fit session, and a brief history of Brooks Brother's. Lunch N’ Learn: “Business Start-ups” 11:45 a.m. - 1 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 16 Chamber building, 120 Jackson St. Presenter: Nathan Olson, Olson Legal Group Cost: $5 (includes lunch) Join us to learn about business start-ups and no-compete clauses. Nate Olson, an attorney at Olsen Legal Group LLC since 2010, will share his superior legal advice on how to start a business the right way. Please bring questions to the presentation as there will be time following for Q/A and networking. ••• Propel is committed to making Oshkosh a great place for young adults to live, work and play. For more information on Propel go to NewsWave September/October 2012 Chamber announces Class of 2013 Leadership Oshkosh Graduates David Anderson Bergstrom Toyota Scion Shane Carter Aurora Medical Center Oshkosh Trisha Castle Green 3 Monica Dembny Kindt Phillips, S.C. Ali Fett Lourdes Academy Angie Flanigan Oshkosh Community YMCA John Fuller Affinity Health System Mercy Medical Center Jeff Geiger Cutting Edge Services Tracy Goggans Affinity Health System Mercy Medical Center Rachel Green Miles Kimball Company Kurt Johnson Clarity Care Susan Kaufman Fox Valley Technical College Shawn Kelly University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Lisa Koeppen Community Blood Center Megan Kok Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce 19 Karlene Leatherman Bemis Joe LeMire University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Stan Mack II Oshkosh Area School District Valerie Mattair Oshkosh Public Library Jen McCollian City of Oshkosh Parks Department Christine Melms-Simon Paine Art Center and Gardens Colleen Merrill University Of Wisconsin Oshkosh Thomas W. Moniz Davis & Kuelthau, S.C. Heath Mynsberge Dempsey Law, LLP Kelly Nieforth City of Oshkosh Andrea Ohman Lutheran Homes of Oshkosh NewsWave September/October 2012 Kevin Ralofsky CitizensFirst Credit Union Pamela M. Ruder Oshkosh Area United Way Scott Rupnow M&I/A part of BMO Financial Group Dan Schetter Oshkosh Investors LLC Jessica Steele Wisconsin Packaging Corporation Jenny Terreau Hoffmaster Group, Inc. Shawna Terry Oshkosh Opera House Foundation Tom Tuchscherer Evergreen Erin Wasinger Oshkosh Northwestern Christopher Yaggie Ameriprise Financial Mark Ziemer City of Oshkosh Senior Center Leadership Oshkosh was established more than 20 years ago and continues to thrive as a program of the Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce. The knowledge and understanding gained from the nine-month Leadership Oshkosh program will prepare individuals for leading roles in both their organization and the community. This is accomplished through a combination of mentoring, volunteer experience and education. The program channels each participant’s passion for involvement into action. Ask the Expert Outsourcing payroll can increase efficiency, ensure confidentiality As businesses seek ways to increase efficiencies and be evermore responsive to internal and external customers, they increasingly look at outsourcing selected services. Payroll is one outsourcing service that employers often identify as a plus for the bottom line, their operations, and their employees. Besides managing payroll deposits and tax withholding accounts, outsourcing payroll also offers the following benefits: • Assurance that the company’s payroll data will be kept confidential and will not be accessed by unauthorized individuals • Confidence that payroll will be completed on schedule, rather than being dependent on an individual • Updates to changing tax laws and tax and accounting software • Solutions to multi-state payroll issues that require adherence to different state laws and filing requirements. When considering whether to outsource payroll, it’s important for employers to keep several things in mind. Perhaps the most obvious requirement is working with a payroll service provider who makes your business a priority. You will need a provider who is highly responsive and communicates thoroughly and in a timely manner, according to your needs. You should expect continuity on your account, appropriate charges for services, and minimal disruption to your daily routines. Require your payroll service provider to ensure 48-hour turnaround time on processing and reporting services, and same-day turnaround time on check rewrites and report updates. At a minimum, a payroll service provider should offer: 20 • Direct deposit — coordination with financial institutions to ensure proper procedures and controls • Payroll processing — preparation, proofing and employee payments • Third-party payments to government agencies, courts and employee benefits plan providers NewsWave September/October 2011 • Quarterly payroll tax returns — calculation, verification and preparation • Year-end procedures — adjustments and/or additions and preparation of W-2s • Payroll summary and management reports — pay period summaries, deduction summaries, YTD summaries • New hire reporting — preparation and filing • Employee W-2 Forms preparation • Knowledge of reporting issues for benefits such as auto, health care and insurance • Ability to provide and integrate payroll entries into your accounting software The most up-to-date payroll service providers now offer enhanced services through special accounting software that leverages cloud computing and confidential, secure employer and employee access to data. These services include mobile access and payroll management with mobile devices and applications, online reports, payroll due-date reminders, payroll and W-2 preview, and the ability to move seamlessly to higher lever platforms with advanced payroll and HR-related features. If you are considering outsourcing services, make sure that you take all of your current and future needs into account. In many cases, you may be able to outsource services like payroll cheaper, faster, and better than within your company. Cynthia Voelkel specializes in payroll processing for small to medium-sized businesses. She joined the Oshkosh office of CliftonLarsonAllen LLP in 2000 and has more than 31 years of payroll and benefit plan experience. She can be reached at A.M. Oshkosh Sept. 25 7:45 to 9 a.m. The Reel Shot (2755 Algoma Blvd.) Sponsored by: Meeting Next Month will be: Oct. 16 Clarity Care’s Heritage Court (600 Packer Ave.) 7:45 to 9 a.m. We work with organizations around the country and we don’t see partnerships like this anywhere else. Mike Weller President Miller Electric Mfg. Co. Register for A.M. Oshkosh Phone (920) 303-2266, option 6 Online Admission Fees: No Cost Services for Business & Industry Customized. Innovative. Solutions. Contact our industry experts today! • Appleton (920) 996-2949 • Oshkosh (888) 458-0449 21 NewsWave September/October 2011 Member Spotlight U.S. Bank Loan and Lease Operations Center David S. Miller, SVP 920-426-7955 Year Established: 1992 Number of Employees: 370 An employee works in the image scan area at the U.S. Bank Oshkosh Loan and Lease Operation Center. At first glance, U.S. Bank’s Consumer Loan and Lease Operations Center in Oshkosh looks to be your typical office building. What passers-by likely don’t know is how vital the center is to U.S. Bank, the fifth largest commercial bank in the United States, as well as to the local Oshkosh economy. U.S. Bank’s Oshkosh-based Operations Center services a variety of consumer loans such as automobile loans and leases, all-purpose loans, home equity loans and lines, as well as certain small business loans. It supports all of U.S. Bank’s 3,080 branches in 25 states across the country. Employees at the Operations Center also support indirect lending through auto dealerships in every state within the country. “U.S. Bank has over 353 billion in assets and has approximately 17 million customers. Roughly 2.5 million of them are consumer loan customers,” said David Miller, senior vice president for the Consumer Loan and Lease Operations Center in Oshkosh. “Our group here has a direct hand in a very large chunk of U.S. Bank’s overall business.” Loan services involves project management, quality control, auditing, collateral perfection/release, accounting, special handling of private banking loans/lines, customer service/ branch support, research, fraud, correspondence and maintenance and servicing of the loans/lines. U.S. Bank started operating out of the Oshkosh location in October of 1992, growing to 370 employees there today. Beyond the role they play at the bank, the employees at the Oshkosh Operations Center are highly active in the community. 22 NewsWave September/October 2012 “We are committed to our communities all over, and work hard to treat our charities, employees and customers with the best possible service,” Miller said. To encourage employee volunteerism, U.S. Bank provides eligible employees up to eight hours of paid time off per year to volunteer at a non-profit agency of their choice. Miller also emphasized the importance U.S. Bank and the Operations Center place on connecting with people and students throughout the community to create jobs. For example, Miller said he works hard to accommodate college students from the surrounding area who work at the Operations Center, offering flexible work around their school schedules. “Students working with us through an internship program are scheduled around their class obligations," Miller said. "After graduating, if we find they are a good fit for an open position, it’s common for us to hire them to work for us full time." Steve Davis selected for Wisconsin’s Small Business Review Board Steve Davis, co-owner of Ardy and Ed’s in Oshkosh, was appointed by Gov. Scott Walker to Wisconsin’s Small Business Regulatory Review Board in January. The Board was formed to allow businessmen and women to actively participate in state regulations that might affect local businesses and to let them know about costly or burdensome rules that they believe should be changed or eliminated. Volunteers answer questions in the Chamber's information booth during EAA AirVenture 2012. Chamber thanks EAA volunteers The Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce and its volunteers spent a successful year managing the Oshkosh Information Booth and entry gates during EAA AirVenture 2012. The information booth is open the week of the convention, during which volunteers assist conventioneers with information about the community. Thank you to those Chamber members who supplied brochures and flyers for the booth. A special thanks goes to Dick Campbell, who not only volunteers his time, but also recruited volunteers for the entry gates. Thank you to the following Chamber members who assisted at the booth: • • • • • • Darlene Darrow, FirstWeber Group Randy and Heidi Halberg, Domino’s Paul, Bill, Shaun and Isaac Jansen, Paul L. Jansen & Son LLC Joel Luepke, Baldor Generators Dean Rogers, Huberty & Associates Wayne Youngwirth, Youngwirth Associates Thank you also to community volunteers Janelle Brady, Suzanne Barton, Larry Carli, Linda K. Clarey, Steve Hoopman, Linda Nadolske, Darlene Presser, Pat Ryan and Susan, Mike and Amy Reinhardt. 23 NewsWave September/October 2012 Members are in charge of reviewing rules that might have an impact on small businesses, and then determining if the rules have a substantial economic impact on the majority of small businesses. If the rule fits these conditions, the Board can make recommendations to the agency to improve or adjust the rules for small businesses. The Board consists of seven small business owners or representatives that serve three-year terms. Along with the board members, area State Rep. Michelle Litjens serves as the co-chair of the Review Board. Wisconsin businesses are encouraged to submit rules for the Board to review. The Governor’s office has developed a suggestion form that is available online at http:// Purtell awarded for outstanding work Pat Purtell was named "Retailer of the Year" for the state of Wisconsin by the liquor company Brown Florence. In addition, Purtell was named "Bar Operator of the Year," thanks to votes of his peers throughout the Tavern League of Wisconsin. Purtell, owner and operator of Terry's Lounge for 34 years, prides himself on never having his establishment fined or ticketed. He has also served as president of the Oshkosh Tavern League for 14 years. It is a position he still holds. He welcomes all age ranges of customers, and Purtell dedicates time and funds to keep people safe from drinking and driving through Safe Rides. Through his dedication to his business and customers, Purtell continues to provide a safe and fun environment for the people of Oshkosh. Chamber Clips Help us thank our members for their yearlong support In October, Oshkosh Chamber members will visit each of its members in the Oshkosh area and thank them for their continued support throughout the year. Operation Thank You will be held Oct. 11 Volunteers are needed to deliver the 2012-13 Membership Directory. Operation Thank You is a great way for volunteers to network with businesses in the community and make valuable contacts. The day will kick off with a continental breakfast at 7:30 a.m. at the Oshkosh Chamber, 120 Jackson St., followed by deliveries. Operation Thank You volunteers are invited to attend Business After Hours that evening at Glass Nickel Pizza Co., 2407 Jackson St., as guests of the Chamber. To volunteer or for more information, contact Megan Kok at (920) 303-2265, ext. 16, or Chamber to recognize individuals, businesses for contributions Mark your calendar for the Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce’s 105th Annual Meeting and Recognition Program, to be held Monday, Oct. 29 at the Oshkosh Convention Center. The event will recognize individuals and businesses that have contributed significantly to the community. If you have nominations for Small Business of the Year or Woman of Achievement, please contact the Chamber for a nomination form. For more information on the annual meeting, to nominate an individual or business, or to become a sponsor, contact Megan Kok at (920) 303-2265, ext. 16, or megan@ 24 NewsWave September/October 2012 Oshkosh Holiday Parade set for Nov. 15 “Through the Eyes of a Child” is the theme for this year’s Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce Holiday Parade, to be held at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 15. The parade will feature marching bands and floats that will compete for several awards to be given based on creativity and best use of the theme. The downtown Tree Lighting Ceremony will take place immediately before the parade in Opera House Square. For more information, contact Megan Kok at (920) 3032265, ext. 16, or Jump into action at Business Expo '13 The Oshkosh Chamber Business Expo, scheduled for Jan. 31, 2013, is an excellent networking event and opportunity to grow your market share. Members can purchase a booth for $475. The cost includes draperies, a table, chairs and promotion of the event. This year’s theme is Wisconsin Sports. Exhibitors are encouraged to decorate their booth in support of a Wisconsin sports team or outdoor sport. For more information or to register, contact Megan Kok at (920) 303-2265, ext. 16, or New Members Butcher Block Meats & Cheese Legacy Analytics, Ltd. Business Consultants 4902 Tollview Drive, Ste. 110, Rolling Meadows Phone: (847) 666-4900 Contact: Mr. Randy Vanden Branden Food Products 234 N. Koeller St., Oshkosh Phone: (920) 279-4110 Contact: Ms. Kim Theusch Fletcher Chiropractic Office Chiropractors 440 N. Koeller St., Oshkosh Phone: (920) 233-2828 Contact: Ms. Tami Fletcher Mid-States Property Management LLC Real Estate Management 630 Starboard Court, Ste. A, Oshkosh Phone: (920) 203-3781 Contact: Mr. Scott Blau Frame Me By Mamee Photographers 319B Pearl Ave., Oshkosh Phone: (920) 252-0924 Contact: Ms. Mamee Verburgt Park ’N Print Olive Garden Restaurants 1190 S. Koeller St., Oshkosh Phone: (920) 231-4553 Contact: Mr. Joe Clifton Printers 150 Jackson St., Oshkosh Phone: (920) 426-0888 Contact: Mr. Edward Tiedje Schaefer Behnke Group Financial Services 100 N. Main St., Ste. 104, Oshkosh Phone: (920) 233-7400 Contact: Mr. Bret Schaefer Silver Lake College of the Holy Family Schools 2406 S. Alverno Road, Manitowoc Phone: (920) 686-6141 Contact: Ms. Carrie Kost 2012 Bank First / Oshkosh Chamber Golf Outing Bayland Builders foursome takes first place at the 2012 golf outing L-R Steve Sauer, Bill Tellock, Julie Weston & Ron Tellock L-R Tony Pfefferman, Lynn Jones, John Shemitis & John Lindberg L-R Mike Dempsey, Erin Sanders, Tim Rusch & Ken Arneson L-R Melissa Kohn, Deb Terry, Deb Wirtz & Bob Hernke NewsWave 25 Golf tournament provides for networking during, after event Golfers couldn’t have asked for a better day to participate in the Bank First/Oshkosh Chamber Golf Outing Aug. 6 at the Oshkosh Country Club. This year’s tournament featured a Jazz Club Celebration held in the evening. The event featured jazz-themed music by the Christine Granatella Sextet, accompanied by food and drinks during the event. The Take 5 program was presented with $2,500, earmarked from a portion of the golfers’ registration fees. The outing was successful thanks to the many sponsors including Network Health Plan for dinner; Schenk SC for the beverage cart; Pepsi Beverages Co. and Wisconsin Distributors Appleton for beverages on the course; Oshkosh Corporation for the evening’s entertainment; Monroe Insurance for the Putt for Dough contest; and Par 3 sponsors Bergstrom GM, OptiVision Eye Care and Sweetwater Performance Center. Several businesses signed on as 1040 sponsors, sponsoring either a tee or hole and a foursome. Those businesses included Business Lending Group, CameraCase Wireless, Cellcom, Choice Bank, CitizensFirst Credit Union, Davis & Kuelthau, Lapham-Hickey Steel, Muza Metal Products, Oshkosh Corporation, Oshkosh Marine Supply, ThedaCare, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Foundation and Wells Fargo Bank NA. Tee and hole sponsors were Aquire Contracting & Restoration, Belville & Associates Chiropractic Clinic, Canteen Vending, Cornerstone Processing, CR Meyer, Festival Foods, First National Bank-Fox Valley, Fox Valley Technical College, Golfers Outlet, Kobussen Buses, Marian University, Marvel Manufacturing, Northern Telephone & Data, RHYME, Sport Clips, Standard Dry Cleaners and Launderers, Stuart’s Landscape and Garden Center and Valley Insurance Associates. Fifteen names were drawn for the $50,000 Shootout on hole #18. While no one made the shot this year, it was fun for spectators to watch while enjoying the Jazz Club Celebration. Rasmussen College sponsored the putting contest for this year’s outing. Tony Mathe received a $50 Oshkosh Chamber gift certificate for coming in first place, while Bill Tellock won a $25 26 NewsWave September/October 2012 From left, golfers Jason Hirschberg, Andy Dumke, Mike Goudreau and Randy Schmiedel enjoy the beautiful August day at the Bank First/Oshkosh Chamber golf outing. Oshkosh Chamber gift certificate for second and Mike Berknielen received a $10 Oshkosh Chamber gift certificate for third. One golfer earned the opportunity to win $7,500 in cash in the Monroe Insurance Agency Putt for Dough contest. Unfortunately, Doug Welter with Wells Fargo did not sink the 50-foot putt, but he did win an overnight stay at the Osthoff Resort in Elkhart Lake as a consolation prize. Bill Tellock of Chalice, Inc. won a box of golf balls for the closest to the pin contest, with Jeff Wojahn of W.W Electric Motors, Inc. coming in second and Katie Hoxtell of Oshkosh Corporation placing third. Placing first in the outing was the team of John Lindberg, Lynn Jones, Tony Pfefferman and John Shemitis with a score of 58. The players won a round of golf for four, courtesy of the Oshkosh Country Club. Jason Hirschberg of Hirschberg Law, LLC won a 42-inch television, donated by Kossel’s TV & Appliance and the Oshkosh Chamber, and Mike Verkuilen of Schenck SC will be taking a trip with a guest in the continental United States, thanks to airline tickets donated by Fox World Travel and the Oshkosh Chamber. For more information, contact Megan Kok at (920) 303-2265. NationJob - Your recruitment solution Quick Picks The Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce, along with the chambers in the Northeast Wisconsin Chamber Coalition, partner with NationJob to offer members online employee recruitment services for a reduced fee or no fee, depending upon the size of the company. Business Book Review By Janice Dibble, Oshkosh Public Library Who can post jobs here? The Green Bay, Fond du Lac, Fox Cities, and Oshkosh chambers have partnered with NationJob to create a comprehensive Internet recruitment solution that combines local, regional, and national reach. The Northeast Community Job Network is a proven way to expand recruitment reach and cut recruitment costs. Visit to learn more and start posting your jobs. The Power of Habit: Why we do What we do in Life and in Business. Charles Duhigg. Random House, 2012. New York Times Bestseller How does it work? First, you sign up for the program at a discounted rate for chamber members. (Pricing is based on the number of employees your company has). In his new book, Charles Duhigg explores how we develop habits, how we can nurture good habits and how we can change our bad habits. He also discusses the work habits of companies and how companies benefit by using consumer habit research to develop and market products. Why did the Chamber choose NationJob? Experience. NationJob is the No. 1 provider of community-based Internet recruitment solutions. The Community Sponsorship Program serves millions of people throughout the United States. The Power of Habit is available as an ebook and e-audiobook from the Oshkosh Public Library. The Library offers many ebooks available to download on Kindles, Nooks, iPads, iPods, the iPod Touch, tablets, smartphones and other devices, as well as on your computer. Contact Janice Dibble, Oshkosh Public Library, at 236-5214 to learn more about ebooks. It’s FREE for small companies with less than 34 employees. Price. Thanks to the Chamber’s relationship with NationJob, your company can take advantage of this service at discounted rates--up to 90 percent off NationJob’s standard annual job listings package. What do I get? As a participating member of the Community Sponsorship Program, your organization will receive an unbeatable package of benefits: • Unlimited job listings (250 current at any one time) for openings you have in the local area (unlimited in length). • A company profile (unlimited in length) • A custom website that lists only your jobs and can function as the employment section of your website, including our Customized P.J. Scout, specifically designed for your company. • Posting of your jobs on a website devoted exclusively to your community • Posting of your jobs on more than 35 industry-specific websites (SpecialtySites) that are promoted throughout the Internet • E-mailing of your job listings to all matching job seekers out of a subscriber database of more than 950,000 (NationJob’s innovative P.J. Scout service) • Reposting of your jobs on,, and at no additional charge. What information do I need to get started? • Company Profile • Physical location of the job • Supply Email or Fax and Physical Address • (Online applications, PDF, or links to websites are upgraded services and require you to be a featured employer) continued on p.28 27 NewsWave September/October 2012 Business Briefs Sunrise Credit Union has merged and became a part of Fox Communities Credit Union. This consolidation provides Sunrise members with more locations and better loan and deposit rates. Joyce Abel is the new business manager for Oshkosh Christian School / Valley Christian High School, and Debbie Wallace is the new assistant development director, which is a newly created position. The Internal Revenue Service recognized three Phillips Tax & Accounting employees — Trina Rahmlow, Rene Rogers and Lynette Gee — with the new licensure of Registered Tax Return Preparers. This licensure requires those who prepare at least 10 individual tax returns annually to pass a competency exam, earn continuing education credits in tax codes changes, ethics and tax law and to adhere to a strict professional code of conduct. Vicki Updike, president of Miles Kimball Company in Oshkosh, has recently joined the board of directors for Goodwill Industries of North Central Wisconsin (NCW). Keller, Inc. a design/build general continued from p.27 contractor with offices in the Fox Cities, Madison, Milwaukee and Wausau, will start a design and build in September 2012 on a 96,000square-foot coil processing facility for McNeilus Steel, on East Larson Drive, Fond du Lac. Choice Banks was ranked 11th in the ABA’s Top Performing Community Banks article posted in the June 2012 issue of the ABA Banking Journal. Bill Wells, senior vice president for Woodward Radio Group, was named general manager on Aug. 1 of the newly acquired Waterloo/Cedar Falls radio stations. Sonex Aircraft, LLC, flew its very light weight jet, the SubSonex, during the showcase presentation at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2012. The Heidel House Resort & Spa received the 2012 Best of MidAmerica award, an honor voted by readers of Meetings Focus magazine. Dempsey Law Firm, LLP, hired Attorney Gerardo (Jerry) Medina Jr., a 2012 UW-Madison graduate, as an associated attorney. His emphasis is in civil litigation, business and commercial law, organization personal injury and labor and employment law. The Academy of General Dentistry (AGD), announced that Michael Hanneman, DDS, FAGD, of Oshkosh, received the association’s 2012 Fellowship Award during the AGD 2012 annual meeting in Philadelphia. The Oshkosh Coldwell Banker The Real Estate Group office announced their June Chairman’s Circle: Colleen Longworth, Paul Redemann, Chris Schultz, The Pawlosky Team (Charles and Cheryl Pawlosky) and Chris Neu. Davis & Kuelthau, S.C. announced that Aaron Hall and Claire Hartley have joined the firm’s Litigation Department as associated attorneys and will practice out of the firm’s Milwaukee office. NationJob - Your recruitment solution How do I update jobs? • Free self-entry system that allows you to maintain your jobs from your desktop. • Featured Employers that have a logo also receive an automated “scrape and send” option in which NationJob will scrape jobs from your site on a daily basis and either direct the job seeker to your site to apply, or have them email you a resume. What upgrades are offered? • Companies with annual contracts enjoy NationJob’s “Scrape and Send” feature. Sit back and relax while NationJob staff checks your website for job changes, then posts the job information on its network of sites (Indeed, Beyond, Glassdoor and, then NationJob can direct the job seeker back to your site to apply, or email you the resumes. • Does your company need to reach out to more women and minorities? Ask about having your jobs cross posted to an optional fee based diversity site. 28 NewsWave September/October 2012 Business After Hours Sept. 5 5 to 7 p.m. Fratello's Waterfront Restaurant 1501 Arboretum Drive Sponsored by: Ribbon Cuttings Bella Academy of Cosmetology 388 Pearl St. Photo by Megan Kok Impromed 304 Ohio St. Photo by Megan Kok Qdoba 1990 Menard Drive Photo by Megan Kok Coming Up Next Month Oct. 11 5 to 7 p.m. Glass Nickel Pizza Company 2407 Jackson St. Register for Business After Hours Phone (920) 303-2266, option 6 Online U.S. Cellular 1280 S Koeller St. Photo by Megan Kok Admission Fees: $6 preregistered, $7 at the door (Register by 1 p.m. the day of the event to receive the $6 rate.) NewsWave 29 Around the Town Exhibits Fall Fest Ansel Adams: Masterworks Sept. 21- 22 UW Oshkosh Campus Through Oct. 21 Paine Art Center and Gardens Answers to Energy Questions 9 a.m. Oct. 20 Oshkosh Convention Center September Oshkosh Dragonboat Race Festival Zooloween Boo 2012 Oshkosh Farmers Market 9 a.m. Sept. 22 Leach Amphitheater 11 a.m. Oct. 21 Menominee Park Zoo 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Sept. 1 400 & 500 blocks North Main Street October UWO Move-in Day Sept. 2-3 University of Wisconsin Oshkosh campus Oshkosh Gallery Walk Oshkosh Gallery Walk Oktoberfest 6 p.m. Sept. 5 Downtown Oshkosh Starts at 11:30 a.m. Oct. 6-7 Leach Amphitheater 6 p.m. Oct. 5 Downtown Oshkosh Chamber Calendar of Events September Early Bird Social Media Breakfast Business After Hours 7:15 to 9:30 a.m. Sept. 26 Fox Valley Technical College Riverside Campus, Room 133 5 to 7 p.m. Sept. 5 Fratellos Waterfront Brewery & Restaurant October West Side Association 11:30 1 p.m. Sept. 6 Robbins Restaurant Sales Club 7:30 a.m. Oct. 9 Oshkosh Chamber Building Sales Club 7:30 a.m. Sept. 11 Oshkosh Chamber Building Operation Thank You Propel Tweet N Eat Business After Hours 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sept. 11 The Roxy with Nick Behnke 5 to 7 p.m. Oct. 11 Glass Nickel Pizza Co. A.M. Oshkosh A.M. Oshkosh 7:45 to 9 a.m. Sept. 25 The Reel Shot 2755 Algoma Blvd. 7:45 to 9 a.m. Oct. 16 Clarity Care Heritage Court 600 Packer Ave. 30 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Oct. 8 NewsWave September/October 2012 Annual Meeting 5 to 8 p.m. Oct. 29 Oshkosh Convention Center T U O E M O C S R A T S A A E E T S E B E H T WHEN TH U O Y E V I G E AT NIGHT, W HOUSE. E vents e H t T s e g N ig I b e h T SEA cation, to t u d e ern. o t , m s li urna e Northwest e th og jo From watchd o one covers Oshkosh lik ,n in Event City All things Oshkosh. Every device. 24/7. Visit or call 877.424.5048 to subscribe. Oshkosh Chamber of Commerce 120 Jackson Street Oshkosh, WI 54901
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