World Lit I Syllabus - Meridian School District


World Lit I Syllabus - Meridian School District
Course Syllabus
Fall 2011
MHS: FCS Room 9
Miss Tami Scott; Ph #318-2009\tscott
World Literature I
Latin/South America, the Caribbean Islands, & Africa
The World Literature course will be divided between Latin/South American Literature,
Literature of the Caribbean, and African Literature. The primary course text is World
Literature: An anthology of Great Short Stories, Drama and Poetry edited by Donna
Rosenberg. Course reading will also include two novels and additional supplemental short
story and folktale readings (see Tentative Course Schedule attached).
Frequent quizzes and other routine daily assignments will reflect the students’
completion of assigned readings both in and outside of class (true/false, multiple choice,
short answer questions about basic content—plot, characters, etc.) Essays, tests and class
presentations will demonstrate students’ deeper understanding of the themes and
significance of each of the works (social, historical impact, etc.)
Along with these readings students will participate in large and small group discussions
of the literature; prepare group presentations on selected topics; and read one additional
novel of choice and prepare a poster and report for the class. When reading short stories
we will review the elements of a short story and other literary devices; when reading
poems we will review poetry terms and concepts. Students are expected to have a basic
understanding of these elements from 9th and 10th grade English.
A. Daily Assignments:
Assignments Routine daily assignments (story questions, group work, homework reading quizzes, etc.) are
typically between 10 and 20 points. They don’t seem like much at the time, but they add up quickly. Most of these
assignments will be completed and saved by each student to be submitted for grading as a portfolio (collection of
work) at the end of each unit
B. Attendance/Daily Quizzes:
Quizzes You must be present and participating for this course to be a success. If you are absent –
excused or unexcused – you are not available to participate in class discussion, peer editing, presentations, and other
kinds of group work. Periodically, short quizzes (typically 5-10 points) will be given at the very beginning of class
over assigned readings or course materials that were covered the previous day or assigned as homework. Re-takes
and make-ups will not be given for these quizzes except for school-related absences contracted in advance. Students
must take advantage of extra credit opportunities offered as part of the course work to make up for lost quiz points.
C. Extra Credit is offered as an opportunity to challenge yourself and/or improve your grade, but is never intended to
REPLACE regular classroom assignments. Classroom assignments are created and selected with deliberate intention,
and are designed to teach a broad spectrum of skills and meet state mandated GLE's and EALRs (Grade Level
Expectations and Essential Academic Learning Requirements). Therefore, Extra Credit assignments will be accepted
ONLY from those students who have completed all required assignments (on time - enough to receive credit; see
Late Assignments below).
D. Essays:
Essays During the semester each student will complete two major essays/writing assignments—comparing and
contrasting literary selections, analyzing their cultural and historical significance, discussing themes,
explaining/defining application of literary devices, etc. Each essay, including rough draft, peer editing, self
evaluation, etc. will be worth approximately 150 points.
E. Classroom Presentations: Working in small groups, students will prepare an educational and engaging presentation
for the class introducing a specific geographic/cultural region to their peers. Details on a later page.
F. Book Report:
Report Students are required to read one book (or the equivalent—a collection of poems or short stories, etc.)
by an author from one of the regions covered in this course, in addition to the assigned course readings. Students
will prepare a small poster and a short report (written or oral, at teacher’s discretion) on the author and the literary
work. Book reports/posters are typically worth 50 points. Details on a later page.
G. Late Assignments:
Assignments Late work will be accepted for half credit for one week following the due date; work submitted
more than one week late will not be graded. If you are absent (excused absence/illness only) you will have the
number of days you were absent +1 to make up any missed assignments for full credit; after that the assignments
will be considered late and graded (or not) as indicated above. Tests must be made up within the allotted time, but
must be made up in the classroom before or after school hours at a time agreed upon between the student and
teacher. Use your planner, call a classmate, email me… If you are going to be absent for an extended period of time
(a week or more) arrange a contract in advance through the attendance office. The weekly schedule is posted on the
whiteboard and handouts and worksheets are available on the class website. These will help you to know what you
need to make up. It is the responsibility of the student to find out what readings and assignments he/she missed and
to make sure they are submitted within the allotted time.
H. Legibility: I expect your handwriting to be legible. If I can’t read it, I can’t—and won’t—be able to correct or grade
it or give you credit for the assignment. You may be asked to rewrite work without penalty—initially. After two
such events, however, your work will not be accepted if it is not legible and you will receive a ‘0’ on the assignment.
World Literature I Movies:
Medicine Man 1992
(Sean Connery, Lorraine Braco) PG-13
Drama: The Amazon rain forest is a living laboratory for Dr. Robert Campbell (Sean
Connery), a reclusive research scientist living with a Brazilian native tribe.
Campbell has accidentally discovered a flower extract that cures cancer, but has
been unable to duplicate the formula. With the assistance of Dr. Crane (Lorraine
Bracco), he explores every possible chemical derivative, but continues to fail. When
a child in the village is near death from a tumor pressing against his trachea,
Campbell and Crane stand against each other on the moral issue to use the last of
the successful serum to save him or to keep it for further analysis. At the last
moment, Crane reconsiders, and agrees to save the child. At the same time,
commercial loggers begin to creep ever closer to the village, and government
officials demand the tribe's relocation. With only yards remaining between the
bulldozers and the tribe, Campbell discovers a vital clue to the elusive elixir he
Cool Runnings 1993
(Leon Robinson II, Doug E. Doug, John Candy) PG
Action-Adventure/Comedy: The improbable but true story of Jamaica's first
bobsled team--comprising a helicopter pilot, a reggae singer and a sprinter--which
took part in the 1988 Winter Olympics in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Cry, the Beloved country 1995
(James Earl Jones, Richard Harris) PG-13
Drama: This adaptation of Alan Paton’s 1948 novel travels from a Zulu village to
the urban sprawl of Johannesburg with a black pastor who’s searching for his sister
and his estranged son. A wealthy man whose son has been murdered by the pastor’s
now-condemned son meets with the pastor and they sow the seeds of reconciliation
while commiserating over their losses. This was the first film to emanate from
democratic South Africa.