Spring 2014 - Hospice of Orleans


Spring 2014 - Hospice of Orleans
News & Notes for our
Families & Friends
Spring 2014
& Palliative Care
Sister’s experience leads to Hospice career
When thinking of Hospice, most
people think of an end. However,
for me, it was a beginning.
Who are these Hospice people that
make all this possible? Possible to
be with someone you love so much
at such a precious time, in an environment without machines and
alarms and tests?
My relationship with Hospice began in 2003 when my younger sister had no other options available
in her fight against Non-Hodgkin’s
Lymphoma. She was informed in a
hospital in Massachusetts after
four long years of difficult treatments. Hospice was suggested to
our family in the hallway as if it
were a dirty word.
When she arrived at the hospital in
Orleans County, things seemed to
just magically happen. There were
refreshments for the family outside her door, comfort medications
being administered, and friendly
staff orchestrating the next “thing.”
Before we knew it, she was at our
mother’s home, with family.
The understated truth about Hospice is that they are there, but not
front and center. They provide
preparation, not false hope. They
are behind the scenes, quietly doing what they do.
The few weeks that followed were,
as expected, the most difficult.
my sister’s
My sister has been gone for 11
years. Not a day goes by that I am
not reminded of her courage and of
the selfless work of Hospice—because I now know
those answers: As a Hospice employee for almost five
years, for me, this was not just a career choice but a
career calling.
Terri Jordan is Hospice of Orleans’ accounts coordinator.
In This Issue
Hospice of Orleans’ Board of Directors
Sister’s memory inspires work... 1
Sheila Myer, President
John Girvin, Vice President
Kim Hinkley, Esq., Treasurer
Maura Pierce, Secretary
Ada Grabowski, Vice Secretary
Executive Perspective…………… 2
Bouquet Sale March 3-8 ......... 3
New E-Newsletter………………….. 5
Memorials & Gifts
- Light-A-Life…………….. 4
- Memorials……………… 6
- Annual Appeal ……….. 9
Bouquet Sale Locations………… 12
Nancy Albanese
Don Algeo
Sanford Church, Esq.
Jon Costello
Mary Anne Fischer, Executive Director
Roland Howell, Director Emeritus
Mary Janet Sahukar, Dir. Emeritus
Patricia Eick
Craig Lape
Henry Lehning
Kathryn Wood, Ph.D.
Hospice of Orleans, Inc.
14080 Route 31 West
P.O. Box 489
Albion, NY 14411
Phone 585-589-0809
Hospice of Orleans News | Fall/Winter 2013 | Page 2
Executive Perspective: Hospice – the comfort & care you deserve
One of the biggest stresses families face today is the cost of medical
care. Care for a person with chronic illness and the medications that are
required can be extremely costly.
The Medicare Hospice Benefit was established in 1983 to provide Medicare beneficiaries with access to high-quality care when faced with a serious,
life-limiting illness. Eighty percent of people who use Hospice care are over the
age of 65, and are thus entitled to the services offered by the Medicare Hospice
Mary Anne Fischer, BSN
Executive Director
Medicare provides complete coverage for the expert medical care that
Hospice of Orleans can provide, including visits from our doctor and nurses,
social workers and pastoral care providers, as well as our home health aides
and volunteers. Cost of medications and medical equipment are also covered
by Medicare.
Medicare is likely to cover hospice services for individuals with heart, lung, liver and
kidney diseases; ALS; emphysema, COPD, stroke and Alzheimer’s disease as well as cancers of all
types. If you or someone you are caring for are experiencing some of the following symptoms:
Lack of energy
Shortness of breath
Loss of appetite
Agitation or restlessness
Loss of weight
Frequent MD/ER visits
for complications
Constipation or diarrhea
Poor sleep
Deteriorating functional
and physical status
…it is likely a good time to inquire about hospice and what services are available to you.
Remember that Hospice services are available to you or a loved one at home, in a
nursing home, in an assisted living facility or in the hospital, as well as at our
Martin-Linsin Hospice Residence.
Even if you elect to use your hospice benefit, Medicare will still pay for covered benefits for any
health problems that aren’t related to your terminal illness, like care for an injury.
If you need more information, please call us at 585-589-0809 and we will be happy to sit down
with you to help you determine if Hospice care or one of our other programs can bring you the
care and comfort that you deserve.
Hospice of Orleans, Inc. will hold its
Annual Meeting & Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon
Thursday, April 24, 2014 , 12 noon
at the United Methodist Church of Medina
(former Apple Grove), 222 West Center Street.
Members & Volunteers will receive individual invitations.
Others interested, call 585-589-0809 by April 14th.
Hospice of Orleans News | Spring 2014 | Page 3
March 3-8, 2014
Support a great cause
and brighten someone’s day…
` Advance orders suggested by
February 21st.
` We will gladly deliver orders of
5 or more bouquets.
To pre-order: Call 589-0809,
fax 589-5304, or email
(Or mail form to:
Hospice of Orleans,
PO Box 489, Albion, NY 14411)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Yes, I want flowers!
Please reserve ________
(# of bouquets)
I will pick up at Hospice office (14080 Route 31 W, Albion)
I would like delivered (orders of 5+ bouquets) on:
Mon 3/3
Tues 3/4
Wed 3/5
Thurs 3/6
Fri 3/7
Deliver to: ________________________________ Contact name & phone #_____________________
(Retail sales only on Sat 3/8 – see list on page 12 for locations.)
Hospice of Orleans News | Spring 2014 | Page 4
Ornaments ’13
In Memory of Bessie Mae Brady
From Elizabeth Brady
In Memory of Merle Hazel
From Donald and Linda Wilkins
In Memory of Mac McBride
From Julia McBride
In Memory of Carl H. Bull, Sr.
From Betty Bull
In Memory of Thomas Hickey
From Helen Hickey
In Memory of John McElwain
From Eileen McElwain
To Hospice from Jean Shervin
In Memory of Wanda Combs
From Mazelle Binnette
In Memory of Donna Hilner
From Donald Hilner
In Memory of Mary Lou McGaffick
From Robert McGaffick
To Hospice from
Richard and Susan Bennett
In Memory of Patricia Corrigan
From Karen Nenni-Quaranto
In Memory of Willard Hinkle
From Valerie Niederhofer
In Honor of the Gavenda Family
From Clara Gavenda
In Memory of Harvey Cummings
From Janice Cummings
In Memory of Paul Davis
From the Pask Family
In Memory of Jean Howell
From Roland Howell
To Hospice from Claire Graham
In Honor of Rho B. Mitchell
From his family
In Memory of Grandpa Dutch
From Kyle Niederhofer
In Memory of William Hudson
From Joan Hudson
In Memory of Joseph Jurinich
From Donald and Marsha Snyder
In Memory of Lenzie P. Dutton
From Pamela Dutton
In Memory of Karen Kane
From James and Sybil Herring
In Memory of Ernie Elschker
From Patricia Elschker
In Memory of Marcia Kenyon
From Paul Kenyon
In Memory of Camille Ferri
From Michael and Jean Ferri
In Memory of Patricia King
From Mildred Gavenda
In Memory of Arlene McGuire
From Newell and Becky Allport
From Chris and Shannon
In Memory of Sam and Rose Ferri
From Michael and Jean Ferri
In Memory of Marie Koneski
From Margaret Koneski
In Memory of Ronald Miesner
From Mary Miesner
In Honor of Michael Thomas Smith
From Jean Smith
In Memory of Ted Fiorito III
From Theodore and Francis Fiorito
In Memory of Marjorie Lake
From Ernest Lake
In Memory of Katherine Mixter
From Katherine Marsh
In Honor of Dorothy Thompson
From Darlene Saeva
In Memory of David Foster
From Martha Foster
In Memory of Gary Lindke
From Jeanette Lindke
In Memory of Joyce Monell
From Eleanor Davis
In Honor of Patrick
From Grandma Elizabeth Kenyon
In Memory of Robert Fischer
From Gail Fischer
In Memory of Poppie, Dad, My
Love – From Donna Riches
In Memory of Harry Morse
From Donna Morse
In Honor of
Joseph Nenni, Rudolph Nenni,
Robert Nenni and Geraldine Nenni
From Richard and Sharon Nenni
In Memory of Marcia Fisher
From Douglas and Mary Syck
In Memory of Elizabeth Murphy
From Phil and Colleen McKenna
In Memory of John Frazier
From Jeannine Frazier
In Memory of Mattea Navarra
From Vincent and Diane Navarra
In Memory of Departed Friends
From Kay VanNostrand
In Memory of
Donald H. Newbould Sr.
From Barbara Newbould
In Memory of Curtis Adams
From Hertha Adams
In Memory of Dominic Albanese
From Nancy Albanese
In Memory of Shirley Amos
From Ronald and Roberta Furness
In Memory of Judith Anderson
From Tim and Karen Banker
In Memory of Barbara Apfel
From Paula Barrus
In Memory of
Wilson and Hazel Bailey
From Michael and Jean Ferri
In Memory of Jack Beiter
From Carolyn and Bill Beiter
In Memory of Daniel Glassner
From Jared and Heather
In Memory of
James "Dutch" Niederhofer
From Valerie Niederhofer,
William and Rosemary Niederhofer
In Memory of Dorothy Grapes
From Robert Grapes
In Memory of Miss Goldberg
From Jack and Loretta Tomasino
In Memory of Wilson Maines
From Abigail Maines
In Memory of Arlene O'Brien
From Jada Burgess
In Memory of Marilyn Hall
From Sarah and Joanne Johnson
In Memory of Helen Mathes
From Kirk and Alice Mathes
In Memory of Barbara Panek
From Grace Allen
In Memory of Eleanor Hazel
From Jerrilyn Johnson
From Donald and Linda Wilkins
In Memory of Norva Marek
From Jada Burgess
In Memory of Angel Papadinoff
From Rose Marie Papadinoff
In Memory of
Bruce and Peggy Martin
From sister, Pauline Firestone
In Memory of Frances & Edward
Parker and Bill & Myrtle Denson
From Skee & Cheryl Denson & Jeff
Hospice of Orleans News | Spring 2014 | Page 5
Light-A-Life Ornaments, continued
In Memory of Larry Passarell
From Elizabeth Passarell
From Barbara Filipiak
In Memory of
Montraville "Monty" Porter
From Sylvia Goodstine
In Memory of Robert Reis
From Theresa Reis
In Memory of Roseanne Schlatter
From Carl E. Schlatter
In Memory of Denise Schreck
From David and Peggy Schreck
In Memory of William H. Seager
From Jennie Seager
In Memory of Geraldine Rogers
From Roland Rogers
In Memory of
Benjamin Shoemaker
From Michelle Davis
In Memory of Bernard Safford
From David and Peggy Schreck
In Memory of Kenneth Six
From May Six
In Memory of Mary Safford
From David and Peggy Schreck
In Memory of John Sokol
From Jeanette Sokol
In Memory of Bruce Sartwell
From Ed and Elinor LeClaire
In Memory of Henry Surdi
From Florence Surdi
In Memory of Holly Sartwell
From Dan and Elaine Specht
In Memory of Janice Thaine
From Bradley and Anita Nudd
In Memory of Ada Schaal
From the Schaal family
In Memory of Louie Thaine
From Sandy Thaine
In Memory of Angela Ferri Schaal
From Michael and Jean Ferri
In Memory of Robert Tillman
From Mary Ann Tillman
In Memory of
Papa and Mama Wagner
From Sue Bringenberg
In Memory of
Robert and Dorothy Wagner
From Marylou Wagner
In Memory of Gary Watson
From Judith Watson
In Memory of Arthur A. Wood
From Kathryn Wood
In Memory of Roger L. Woodworth
From Betty Woodworth
In Memory of Gail Walsh
From Gail and Donna Barrett
New e-newsletter: “ mbrace very ay”
Grant-funded resource features tips for caregivers, plus Hospice news
Hospice of Orleans is pleased to announce a partnership with the Hospice Education Institute and Elder
Pages Online, LLC, to provide a monthly e-newsletter
addressing Serious Illness issues.
Free subscription is available to all. Log onto:
Contact the Hospice office at 585-589-0809 or
MRivers@HospiceofOrleans.org for assistance.
The e-newsletter will feature three new articles each
month, providing expert advice for families facing
advanced illness, especially caregivers. Hospice of
Orleans has worked with Elder Pages Online
proprietor Natasha Beauchamp for several years. She
holds a Master’s of Science in Health Promotion from
the University of Alberta and a graduate certificate in
Geriatric Care Management from the University of
Florida. She is a senior consultant for the eHealth
and makes frequent presentations on effective use of the
Internet to reach seniors. On a personal level, she brings a
special sensitivity as a hospice volunteer since 1997. This
project is funded by a grant from Hospice Education Institute.
Hospice of Orleans News | Spring 2014 | Page 6
Memorial Gifts
Oct 1 – Dec 31 ’13
Additional Memorials pp. 9-10
In Memory of
Uncle Chuck and Aunt Ada
Mickey and Molly Pilon
In Memory of Uncle Will
Mickey and Molly Pilon
In Memory of Shirley Amos
Susan Kingsley
Betty Woodworth
In Memory of Annie
Robert and Kathleen Luescher
In Memory of
Evalyn Schrader Anstey
Joan Johnson
In Memory of
Rosalie and Chris Appleton
Richard and Nancy Canham
In Memory of Robert Balcerzak
Bruno Pacini
Carl and Carol Petronio
Robert and Betty Garrett
In Memory of Marjorie Bates
Douglas and Brenda Heath
In Memory of Misako Berry
Donna Palone
In Memory of Gene Bieber
William and Ruth Covis
In Memory of Harold Boyce
Larry and Sue Boyce
In Memory of Jean Boyce
Larry and Sue Boyce
In Memory of George Brower
Kathi Lang
Mary's Ladybugs
Mary Scarlett
VFW Post 1483 Men's Auxiliary
Fred Preisch
In Memory of Charles Buck
Alan and Gail Foss
Mary Ann Tillman
Thomas and Patricia Noon
George and Penny Miller
John and Linda Chrzan
Raymond and Frances Lissow
Janice Cummings
Howard and Loretta Bartlett
Jean Brooks
Joan Higley
Active Hose Co #2 Inc
Julie Winnett
Kevin and Lori DeRidder
James and Linda Babcock
Jack and Debby Batchellor
William and Marilyn Pilon
Richard and Sibyl Pilon
Wilford and Joan Wraight
Karl and Debra Heuer
In Memory of Theresa Cady
Ken and Mary Ann Spychalski
In Memory of Barbara Caldwell
Jim and Karen Enderby
Gary Caldwell
Ronald and Roberta Furness
James and Harriet Nashwenter
Mary Hall
Wayne and Becky Montalvo
Sandra Anschutz and Betty Leo
BMP America, Inc.
Susan Enderby
James and Janet Pritchard
In Memory of
Maynard Earl Canham
Betty Woodworth
In Memory of Robert Canham
Ken and Mary Ann Spychalski
Richard and Nancy Canham
In Memory of Judy Christopher
Denise Cornick
Dennis and Sara Stirk
Daniel Strong
Sarah Basinait
Constance Duggan
Patricia Moorhouse
Lou and Mary Collichio
Wil and Joyce Harris
Darrick Christopher
Marc and Wendy O'Hearn
In Memory of Angie Ciszek
Mary Ann Tillman
In Memory of Angie Ciszek
Dana and Cheryl Gavenda
Charles and Carmella Sedita
Howard and Marilyn Briggs
James and Linda Babcock
Richard and Patricia Duffy
Arthur and Diann Kaminski
John and Linda Dale
Richard and Beatrice Welker
In Memory of Wesley Cotter
Louise Mana
In Memory of John Cox
Richard and Ann G. Tower
Elmer and W. Jean Chatt
Robert and Betty Garrett
Robert and Joanne Bracey
Douglas and Inda MacFarland
Barbara Stack
Michele Stoll
Carol Stuart
James Heminway
Debra Horek
In Memory of
Donaldine DePeters
Joan Johnson
(Marcia Fisher, cont’d)
Charles and Muriel Daniels
Robert Rice
Arnold and Marge Tower
Jean Shervin
Richard and Susan Bennett
Julie Kirby
Margaret Buell
Glenn Stewart
Robert and Deborah Brown
Theron and Jennie Ross
Richard and Ann G. Tower
Raymond and Susan Emerson
Barry and Carolyn Flansburg
Bonnie Bowman
Ruth Hudson
Richard Snell
In Memory of Clayton Fletcher
David and Jean Wetherbee
Joseph and JoAnn Ficarella
Bessie Pritchard
Rick and Lynne Harmer
Jeanette Phillips
Cheryl Gibson
Dan Dunn
Mary Hall
Carol Gidley
In Memory of Michael Foster
Mark and Robin Spychalski
In Memory of Lois Dill
Ken and Mary Ann Spychalski
In Memory of John Franz
Leonard and Bonnie DeFazio
In Memory of Ellen Draper
Ben Canham
In Memory of Linda Froman
Bradley and Ruth Ann Bane
In Memory of Gary Ennis
Clinton Crossings Orthopedics
Procedure Room Staff
John and Joan Algie
Mt. Morris Sportsmans Club
Thomas Kalcevic
Edith Ennis
Wendy Berner
Richard and Mary Graham
Craig and Pamela Gould
Lloyd and Linda Dickerson
Dorothy Ennis
In Memory of Dick Gemerek
Lowell and Eleanor Davis
Scott and Aleka Schmidt
In Memory of Marcia Fisher
Robert Stirk
Betty Kirby
Claire Brown
Joseph and Joyce Gehl
In Memory of Patricia Gilsinan
Robert Gilsinan
In Memory of Daniel Glassner
Mary E. Leto
Tory and Paula Brooks
Terry and Brenda Cook
Cynthia Pileggi
Douglas and Sue Miller
Gerald and Beverly Monagan
Mary Sue Adams
Lloyd and Sharon Wetherington
Adeline Millis
Kathy Gavenda
A. J. and Diane Monacelli
Hospice of Orleans News | Spring 2014 | Page 7
(Daniel Glassner, cont’d)
Rex and Terry Hults
Albion Agencies, Inc.
The Piedimonte Family
Joan Hudson
Jim and Pat Coates
Joseph Tauschek
James and Susan Fraser
Lee Markle
Mary Ellen Gillard
William Murphy
James and Susan Fraser
Linda Works
James and Linda Babcock
Jean Brooks
Carl and Carol Petronio
Mark and Mary Heard
Michael and Christine
Arnold and Alexandria DeCarlo
Karl and Debra Heuer
James and Patricia Scibetta
Dean and Karen Dibley
Mark and Ann Kraatz
Richard and Ann G. Tower
Leah Gibbs
Arnold and Marge Tower
Bruce and Carolyn Sidari
Joseph and Linda Jo Canale
Thomas and Barbara McCabe
Wil and Joyce Harris
Joan Millis
Theodore DiGirolamo
Marshall Burlingame
Helen Babbitt
Christine Sartwell
Jason and Lindsay Hudson
Patricia Keeler
Butch and Mary Walter
Molly Gardner
Edgar and Helen Wilkins
Kenneth and Natalie Pettine
In Memory of Gretchen Grimm
Terri Jordan
In Memory of Gary Gross
Robert and Toni Blanc
Lynn and Betty Carson
Patricia Wistner
Bob and Joyce Wilson
Tom and Jan Mack
Calvin and Karen Furness
William and Cecelia Feldman
Thomas and Linda Flower
Robert and Jill Seelbinder
Craig Houseman
Dawn Lee
Salvatore Montesanti
Philip and Claudia Benz
Kay VanNostrand
Rick and Linda Root
Chuck and Mary Partridge
Barbara Filipiak
Edwin and Diane Weider
Martha Zummo
Patricia Fullwell
Josh Blackburn & Marion Hale
Ron and Diane Sercu
Lee and Maureen Blackburn
Mike, Elaine and Matt Slesinski
In Memory of Marilyn Hall
Neil and Joanne Johnson
William and Peggy Bennett
Joan Millis
Cynthia Volkosh
In Memory of Janet and Larry
Jim and Sue Ries
In Memory of Eleanor Hazel
Donald and Fonda Carr
Charles and Muriel Daniels
Eleanor Yungfleisch
Delores Lowman
Arnold and Marge Tower
Richard and Ann G. Tower
Rho and Beverly Mitchell
Norman and Tammi Birch
Scott and Aleka Schmidt
Crusaders Motorcycle Club
Thomas and Barbara McCabe
Roger and Sandra Campbell
Terry Gillette
Bonnie Vagg
Edgar and Helen Wilkins
Robert and Betty Coopenberg
William and Karen Zembek
Michael and Brenda Sidari
Charles and Judy Prentice
(Eleanor Hazel, cont’d)
Virginia Davis
Richard and Kathy Vagg
Waters Auto Body, LLC
Barre Sportsmen's Club, Inc.
Kenneth and Natalie Pettine
Frank and Mickey Babcock
Oak Orchard Community
Health Center
Wilford and Joan Wraight
Wanda Kelley
Skee and Cheryl Denson
Paula Corser
Vincent and Gladys Hartrick
Nancy Ciavarri
Barb and Elbia Lewis
Ray Markle
Richard and Susan Bennett
Jason and Diana Jeffords
In Memory of Elton Hellert
Catherine Caldwell
John Harris, Jr.
Leonard and Helen Burke
Robert and Betty Garrett
Barbara B Thaine
Kenneth and Natalie Pettine
Michael and Donna Smith
Alan and Gail Foss
Trinity Service Guild
Gary and Doris Antinore
In Memory of Thomas Hickey
Joan Johnson
In Memory of Elsie Hill
Robert and Beverly James
In Memory of
Dorothy Davis Holmes
Terri Jordan
In Memory of Eleanor Irwin
Elio F. D'Andrea
Catherine DiLaura
Kathleen Spitz
Carol Rowcliffe
Mary Ann Tillman
Ace and Sandy Caldwell
Karen Irwin Teske
Mary Marek
Harry and Patricia Ritz
Ronald and Karen Sodoma
Harry and Elizabeth Tower
Joseph and Joyce Gehl
Jean Bailey
Jean Shervin
Ted and Geraldine Swiercznski
William and Marcia Elwell
Albion Senior Citizens
Alex and Louise Felso
Francis Nayman
Florence Surdi
Madeline Mills
Howard and Loretta Bartlett
Gary and Doris Antinore
In Memory of Joseph Jurinich
Barbara Gallo
Mick and Janet Ivicic
Lyndonville Central School
The College at Brockport
Joe and Janice Grabowski
Margaret Buell
Bradley and Ruth Ann Bane
Kenneth and Rosalie Hoy
BMP America, Inc.
Agnes Jurinich
Michael and Debbie Cleveley
Lloyd and Naomi Strickland
Donald and Marsha Snyder
In Memory of Jean Howell
Joan Johnson
In Memory of
David J. and Anna M. Katsanis
Gary Katsanis
In Memory of William Hudson
Michael and Patricia Bielicki
Christine Sartwell
Henry and Lorienda Smith
In Memory of Patricia King
Jim and Sue Ries
In Memory of Ann Hulbert
Ethel Robinson
In Memory of Marjorie Hurt
Randy and Cynthia Hurt
In Memory of James Kingsley
Tim and Karen Pollard
In Memory of Roxann Kirby
Arnold and Marge Tower
Harry and Elizabeth Tower
Hospice of Orleans News | Spring 2014 | Page 8
In Memory of John Klopp
Local 527 Western Barge Canal
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brace
Tom and Lori Stockton
In Memory of Millie Krause
Karl and Debra Heuer
In Memory of Loved Ones
Kountry Kids
In Memory of George Mack
Elaine Pluskwa
Linda and Kenneth Haley
Adeline Millis
In Memory of Jean Kujaneck
Richard and Susan Bennett
Eleanor Yungfleisch
Virginia Davis
Scott and Aleka Schmidt
Charles and Shirley Walter
In Memory of Teresa
Christine Sartwell
In Memory of Kathy LaLonde
Francis Nayman
Michael and Patricia Bielicki
Joseph and Joyce Gehl
In Memory of John McElwain
Eileen McElwain
In Memory of Jennie Martino
Mark and Virginia Hughes
In Memory of Barbara Panek
Virginia Davis
Charles and Shirley Walter
In Memory of Carolyn Rhoads
William and Brenda Sills
Randy and Cynthia Hurt
In Memory of Larry Passarell
Calvin and Karen Furness
Steve Satkowski
Wade Seiler
Thomas Maier
Barbara Filipiak
In Memory of Lucille Rice
Paula Sanford
Barbara Cotriss
Robert and Sue Cunningham
Henry and Irene Kozody
Bates Road Upholstery
Robert Rice
In Memory of Leslie Passino
Francis Nayman
In Memory of Richard Pease
Gladys Pease
In Memory of Harmon Ries
Jim and Sue Ries
In Memory of Geraldine Rogers
Charles and Shirley Walter
In Memory of Regina Poprawski
Fran Stoneham
In Memory of
Local 527 Western Barge Canal
Coleen Rutherford
In Memory of Fred Large
In Memory of Dick Metz
Bradley and Ruth Ann Bane
Eileen McElwain
Carol Gidley
Barry and Shirley Frombgen
In Memory of
Nancy May
Jean Benson
In Memory of Gary Lindke
Montraville "Monty" Porter
Eithel Clark
Nicki Fredericks
Kenneth Schaal
Lisa Berta
Donald and Joann Melfi
James and Janet Pritchard
Richard and Joan Ziehl
Red and Brenda Wiedrich
Wilma Bentley
Raymond and Susan Emerson
David and Nelda Callard
Wesley and Laurie Bradley
Thomas Brauer
David and Patricia Bellucci
Donald and Joann Melfi
Charles Burton
Kathleen Same
Alan and Daniele Priest
Grace Darroch
Betty Totten
William and Margaret Kruger
Richard Snell
Carol Travers
Carol Albone Shafer
Donald and Donna Dagobert
Roger and Maureen Berry
David and Peggy Schreck
Joyce Staines
Lloyd and Naomi Strickland
Amy Pregmon
Allan and Cheryl Totten
William and Edna Farley
Edwin and Margaret Washak
Donald and Dorothy Bentley
Sonia Rosario
James and Joyce Raduns
Gordon and Margaret Reigle
Gordy and Lucretia Stacey
Joanne C. Doll
Wesley and Laurie Bradley
James and Harriet Nashwenter Charles and Linda Miller
Dudley and Ruth Chaffee
Lee Plummer
NYS Sheriff's Association, Inc.
Bates Road Upholstery
Totten Memorial Fund
Beatrice Young
Kim and Ruth Houserman
Bonnie Seelbinder
Robert and Susan Buffin
In Memory of Ken Miller
Ron and Kathy Iorio
James and Norma Clor
Keith Rutherford
Toni M. Plummer
Mary Hyde
Jill Klotzbach
William and Brenda Sills
John and Dolores Armbrust
James Lawson
In Memory of David Millis
Stephen and Ellen Morgan
Barbara Filipiak
Douglas and Inda MacFarland
LuAnn Tierney
Harold and Carol Goodwin
Dee Morotchie
Rick and Lynne Harmer
In Memory of Margaret Mirand In Memory of Janice Prawel
Stanley Tinder
Paula Corser
Donald and Florence Fortunato Michael and Jean Ferri
Douglas Petrie
Genevieve Davis
William and Cecelia Feldman
Joan Johnson
Beatrice Petrie
Michael and Eileen Reynell
Lee and Maureen Blackburn
Betty Woodworth
In Memory of Patricia Mix
Diane McKee
Roy and Debbie Hoffman
Robert Mix
Paul and Mary Woodruff
Betty Woodworth
Betty Woodworth
In Memory of Elizabeth Murphy
Lloyd and Naomi Strickland
Michael and Patricia Bielicki
Marc and Wendy O'Hearn
Ace Hardware – Albion
County House Christmas Trees
In Memory of Margaret Lonnen
Eccles Piano Studio
Lowell and Eleanor Davis
In Memory of Alonzo Nash
Butternut Twig,
Heuer Family Dental Office
Jackie Gardner
in honor of Cora Goyette
Walmart – Albion
Terry and Brenda Cook
*Apart from capital campaign
In Memory of Herbert Merkley
Margarete Dobrowsky
Martin-Linsin Residence Gifts* July-Dec’13
Hospice of Orleans News | Spring 2014 | Page 9
Annual Appeal
Memorial Gifts
Dec 1 - 31 ’13
In Memory of Richard W. Cook
Richard and Deborah Cook
In Memory of Kurt Adams
Karl and Laurie Fredrick
In Memory of
Isidoro and Enrichetta
DiLodovico and the
DiLodovico brothers:
Emilio, Gilbert and Elmer
Angiolina Daniels
In Memory of John Sawyer
Bank of Castile
Rachel Davies
Baker Mechanical Systems
Goforth Electric, Inc.
Carol Lewis
Manning, Squires, Hennig Co.
Timothy and Sarah Moag
Lou and Mary Collichio
Stephen M. Hawley & Assoc.
Ken and Alexa' LaDuke
Leslie Blake
Carl Petronio Energy LLC
Senator and Mrs. George D.
James and Kerry Panek
Carl and Carol Petronio
Roger and Ingrid Lamont
Kimberly Caldwell
Roger and Valerie Riemer
Joseph Blodgett
Dwight and Mary Folts
Bates Road Upholstery
Eugene Christopher
Jon Erwin
Del Mar Farms
Vic and Cathy Myers
In Memory of Donna Trolley
Joe and Janice Grabowski
Ronald and Karen Sodoma
In Memory of Donald Shawver
Virginia Shawver
In Memory of Marjorie Wilcox
Gail Fischer
In Memory of Vanessa Brown
Walter Horton
In Memory of
David and Dan Spierdowis
Richard and Nancy Canham
In Memory of Marian Wolfe
Bonnie Heck
In Memory of
Walter and Bernadine Brown
Francis and Walta Troy
In Memory of Michelle Stanton
LuAnn Tierney
In Memory of Wilma Steele
Jim and Sue Ries
In Memory of Jack Stilwell
Bruno Pacini
Robert and Betty Garrett
In Memory of
Alex Theodorakos
Betty Kirby
Francis Nayman
Elio F. D'Andrea
In Memory of Teresa Thomas
Albion Senior Citizens
In Memory of Patsy Tylec
Dell Stork
Fresenius Kabi USA
Harold and Carol Goodwin
Gerald and Diane McAvoy
In Memory of Joseph Valentine
Elio F. D'Andrea
Neil and Diane Valentine
Orleans County Child and
Family Services
In Memory of
Richard and Rosa Allis
Cathy Saeva
In Memory of Shirley Amos
Grace Allen
In Memory of Rosalie Appleton
In Memory of Joyce Van Deusen Richard Appleton
Robert P VanDeusen
In Memory of Richard Beach
Richard and Sue Douglas
In Memory of Gail Walsh
Gail and Donna Barrett
In Memory of Gary Watson
Barbara Filipiak
John Spinks
In Memory of Grace Wheatley
Helen Pettit
In Memory of Don Zonno
Michael and Sharon Boccaccio
In Memory of Elinor Zybeck
Trinity Service Guild
Annual Appeal
Honorary Gifts
Dec 1 - 31 ’13
In Memory of Nancy Biernacki
Cynthia H. Piedimonte
In Memory of Mary Breuilly
Irene Rouse
In Memory of Richard Brown
Wendy Brown
In Memory of Harry Busch
Marian Busch
Linda Busch
In Memory of Martha Cain
Alvin Cain
In Memory of the Ones Who
Have Passed On In Your Care
Albion Senior Citizens
In Honor of Loyal Orleans
County Customers
Barre Stone Products, Inc.
In Honor of Caregivers
Jean Benson
In Honor of Evana Daniels
Scott and Aleka Schmidt
In Memory of
Ellen Chamberlain
Rudy and Barb Kludt
In Honor of Evelene Callard
Robert Holtz
In Memory of Judy Christopher
John and Patricia Foote
Gary and Linda Derwick
In Memory of Ellis DiLaura
Catherine DiLaura
In Memory of Arthur B. Eddy
Cris Haltom
In Memory of Everett Embt
Bernice Embt
In Memory of the Gehl, Judd,
Burke and Kerwin families
Joseph and Joyce Gehl
In Memory of the Avino and
Zipeto Families
Robert Zipeto & Patricia Avino
In Memory of Deceased
Members of the Garrett Family
Robert and Betty Garrett
In Memory of Family
Margaret Delahanty
In Memory of Robert Fischer
Gail Fischer
William Goebel and
Anne Fischer
Joanne Lang
In Memory of Marcia Fisher
Betty Phillips
Mary Herring
Don and Judy Manley
Karen Banker
Harry and Elizabeth Tower
Eloise Persia
Lucy Stoddard
John and Patricia Foote
In Memory of Donna Flynn
Ernest Flynn
In Memory of John Frazier
Jeannine Frazier
Hospice of Orleans News | Spring 2014 | Page 10
In Memory of Daniel Glassner
Jane Dermody
Cynthia H Piedimonte
James and Kathy Wells
In Memory of John Gould
and loved ones
Shirley Gould
In Memory of Carlton Graff
Mildred Graff
In Memory of Karen Griggs
David Griggs
In Memory of Helen Groth
Norman Groth
In Memory of Marilyn Hall
Kevin and Debbie McGrath
Cynthia H. Piedimonte
In Memory of
Janet and Larry Hamilton
Sandy Peglow
In Memory of Donald Hare
Sandra Hare
In Memory of Harold
Louise McGrath
In Memory of Jerry Heideman
and Forrest Harp
Ronald and Ann Coon
In Memory of Luella Harris
Wil and Joyce Harris
In Memory of
Pete and Satch Heminway
Jim, Aaron and Danielle
In Memory of Thomas Hickey
Helen Hickey
In Memory of Nera Hicks
Ronald and Pauline Radzinski
In Memory of
Willa Marek Hilchey
Loraine Yungfleisch
In Memory of Donna Hilner
Donald Hilner
In Memory of Donald Hobbs
Richard and Susan Bennett
In Memory of Frank Housel, Jr
Ellie Whipple
In Memory of Jean Howell
Roland Howell
Wendy Brown
In Memory of
Ronald K. Johnston
Laura Johnston
In Memory of
Dudley and Margaret Mathes
James and Kathy Wells
In Memory of
Walter Piskorowski
Agnes Piskorowski
In Memory of Arlene McGuire
Newell and Becky Allport
In Memory of John Poler, Sr
Teresa Poler
In Memory of Brenda McMillan
Cynthia H. Piedimonte
In Memory of Norma Pratt
Larry Pratt, Jr
In Memory of Linda McGuire
In Memory of Matthew Jozwiak Margaret S. Lemcke
Jean Jozwiak
In Memory of Duane McKee
In Memory of Ken Kaniecki
William and Ruth Covis
Bonnie Kaniecki
In Memory of Family Members
In Memory of Marcia Kenyon
Janet Rinas
Paul Kenyon
In Memory of Dick Metz
In Memory of Jane Kimmel
Leland and Donna Johnson
Sandy Peglow
Larry and Linda Slattery
In Memory of Leslie Kish
John Kish
In Memory of Ron Miesner
Mary Miesner
In Memory of William J. Kleve
Theresa Brooks
In Memory of Ken Miller
Keeler Construction Co., Inc.
In Memory of Ann Klino
Wallace Klino
In Memory of David Millis
Paul Chatfield
Joan Millis
In Memory of Millie Krause
Margy Brown
In Memory of Diane Pratt Laird
Dorothy Pratt
In Memory of George Mackie
Gwen Mackie
In Memory of Erling Maine
Susan Eddy
In Memory of Katherine Mixter
Robert and Diane Furness
In Memory of Joseph Monacelli
Angiolina Daniels
In Memory of Beverly Morien
David Morien
In Memory of Marcia Pruski
Casimer Pruski
In Memory of Agnes Radzinski
Ronald and Pauline Radzinski
In Memory of John Ralph
Wanda Woodruff
In Memory of
Angelo and Martha Restivo
David and Becky Petta
In Memory of Sid Riches
Roger and Kathie George
In Memory of Pierson Root
Lorraine Root
In Memory of Dick Roth
Velma Roth
In Memory of Mary Roth
Charles A. Roth
Linda Hayes
In Memory of Jean Scally
Joseph Tauschek
In Memory of Eleanor Sidari
Angiolina Daniels
In Memory of Robert Mucha
Linda Mucha
In Memory of Dan and Stella
Scoppa and Shirley Gardner
Howard and Marilyn Briggs
In Memory of Geraldine Nenni
Richard and Sharon Nenni
In Memory of Eugene Smith
Carol Smith
In Memory of Julius Marek
and Willa Marek
Mary Marek
In Memory of Larry Passarell
Phil Monacelli
Suzanne Metzo
In Memory of
Fred and Beverly Smith
Brad and Lisa Smith
In Memory of
Bruce and Margaret Martin
Charles and Helen Martin
In Memory of Richard Pease
Roger and Theda Millis
In Memory of Joan Smith and
Louis D. Smith, Jr
Anne H. Smith
In Memory of
Geraldine "Geri" Marble
Angiolina Daniels
In Memory of Dudley Mathes
and Margaret Mathes
George and Eugenia Mathes
In Memory of Donna Pieniaszek
Stanley Pieniaszek
In Memory of Michael Smith
Peter and Diane Pellegrino
Hospice of Orleans News | Spring 2014 | Page 11
Compassion: The Hospice Legacy
In Memory of James Southcott
The Southcott Agency
In Memory of Pete & Mary Troy
Francis and Walta Troy
In Memory of Walter Stack
Barbara Stack
In Memory of Patsy Tylec
Barbara Filipiak
When people approach the end of their days on earth,
their thoughts and those of their loved ones naturally turn
to matters of legacy:
In Memory of Thelma Steele
Sandy Peglow
In Memory of Elmer Valentine
Betty Valentine
 What memories will I leave
for those I love?
In Memory of
Martha McFarland Stocking
Joe McFarland
In Memory of Cecil Ward
Betty Ward
 Will my values be carried
on after I am gone?
In Memory of Henry Surdi
Florence Surdi
In Memory of
Wendy Washak-Kimber
Ronald and Vicki Washak
In Memory of John Sylvester
Sherry Conley
In Memory of Gary Watson
Judith Watson
In Memory of
Joseph Szczechowiak
Mary Jane Szczechowiak
In Memory of
William Wilson Sr.
Dorothy Wilson
In Memory of
Dorothy Thompson
Bonnie Waters
In Memory of George Witkop
David and Ruth Luft
In Memory of Arthur A. Wood
In Memory of Eldoune Thornton Kathryn Wood
Dwight Thornton
In Memory of Marlene Yoffredo
In Memory of Ann Thurber
Bernard Yoffredo
Stanley Thurber
In Memory of
In Memory of my brother Joey
Edward Yungfleisch
Mary Kay Vagg
Eleanor Yungfleisch
In Memory of Doris Townsend
Gordon Townsend
In Memory of Elinor Zybeck
Bruce and Diane Krenning
 How can I continue to
make a difference for good in
this world, even as I prepare
for the next?
Hospice of Orleans offers highly skilled, coordinated
care to provide comfort and dignity to people living with a
terminal prognosis. Our interdisciplinary team, including
medical, social work, spiritual support, therapy services
and bereavement counseling, allows patients and their
families to consider questions of legacy with the peace of
mind that their patients’ needs are being addressed.
If Hospice has helped you or someone close to you, you
know what a difference our holistic approach makes. Can
you imagine our community without Hospice?
You can help secure our services for Orleans County
families well into the future by becoming a member of the
Hospice of Orleans Bequest Society. For more
information, contact Marsha Rivers at:
(585) 589-0809 | MRivers@hospiceoforleans.org
Annual Appeal Contributors | Dec 1 - 31 ’13
Eugene & Elaine Banas  Nancy Bartlett  Lynn E. Beatty  Albert & Pat Blank  Robert & Joanne Bracey
Theodore & Rhoda Broekhuizen  Claire Brown  Robert & Susan Buffin  Carl & Patricia Caleb
David & Nelda Callard  Terry & Marilyn Champeney  Chapman Family Trust  Christopher Mitchell Funeral Homes, Inc. Eithel
Clark  David & Carol Cook  Jon Costello  Barbara Cotriss  William & Catherine Cotriss  Marie Curtis
Joann D'&rea  Chelcie Edwards  William & Cecelia Feldman  Alan & Gail Foss  Nicki Fredericks  Roger Gibson
John & Barbara Girvin  Harold & Carol Goodwin  Cora Goyette  Claire Graham  Philip & Harriette Greaser
Susan Green  Donald F Goodwin  Harold Gross  Gale Gurgir  Gene Haines  Aileen Halchak  Ronald & Sue Harling
Mary Ann Hazen  Julie Hess  Mary Hicks & Scott Marsh  Karen Hobart  Paul Horsington  Jeania Huckstep
Roy & Barbara Hults  Don & Max Joslyn  Junior Wilson Sportsman's Club, Inc.  David & Kathy Kast  Susan Kingsbury
Lois A. Klatt  Irene Klino  Yorke & Joette Knapp  Faith Koch & Philip Miller  Jean Larnder  Christine Lanning
Walter & Marcia LeFevre  Henry & Barbara Lehning  Joseph & Ingrid Lestorti  Little Lake Farm  John & Loretta Long
Louis & Teresa Lynch  Harry & Janet Maines  Steve Maley  Lance & Patricia Mark  Donald Mault  Thomas McAllister
Louise McGrath  Homer McPherson  Men's Auxiliary VFW  Thomas Merritt  Gerard & Patricia Morrisey  Ann Nelson
David Newman & Annette Crane  Neil & Judy Newton  John R. Nipher  Thomas & Patricia Noon  Mr. & Mrs. William O'Brien
Marjorie R. Page  Rose Marie Papadinoff  Charles & Phyllis Pecorella  David Piedmonte  Richard Pucher  Sharon Race
Donna Rhodey  Robert & Marie Rice  Jack & Wilma Richardson  Brenda Ross  Lester & Irene Roth  Scot Sabo
Larry S&erson  Carl & Pat Sargent  David & Yvonne Shaffer  Jean Shervin  Peter Sidari  David Siplo  Marlene Skinner
Henry & Lorienda Smith  Muriel Joyce Snyder  DeAnn Southworth  Rosalind A Starkweather  Anna Stelianou
Gary Thaine & Family  Norma Thom  Mark Tillman  Richard & Shirley Tracey  Vietnam Veterans of America
Exzilda Warriner  Edwin & Margaret Washak  John & Joanne Welch  Keith Wilson  Genevieve Wolffe  Peter & Kathy Zeliff
“Comfort, Compassion, Expertise”
ALBION, NY 14411
14080 Route 31 West | P.O. Box 489
Albion, New York 14411 | 585-589-0809
New address? Duplicate copies? Prefer email?
We want to communicate with you in the best
possible way. Please contact us if we can
improve newsletter delivery — phone number
above or BReigle@HospiceofOrleans.org.
Pre-order info on p. 3,
or pick up at any host site
March 3-8, 2014
Ace Hardware
Albion Fitness Center
Cobblestone Country FCU
Country Lane Vet
Crooked Door Tavern
Fischer’s Newsroom
First Niagara Bank
Five Star Bank
Heads Up Salon
Lake Plains Medical
Oak Orchard Health
Village House
First Niagara Bank
JP’s Farm Market
Sam’s Diner
Stockham Lumber
EZ Shop
M & T Bank
Oak Orchard Health
Signature Styles
The Bank of Castile
The Book Shoppe
The Bread Basket
Case-Nic Cookies
C & H PC Computer/
Lakes Wine & Spirits
Evans Ace Hardware
Lake Plains Medical
Medina Memorial
The Medicine Shoppe
Tractor Supply

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