Winter 2015 - Hospice of Orleans


Winter 2015 - Hospice of Orleans
“Comfort, Compassion, Expertise”
ALBION, NY 14411
14080 Route 31 West | P.O. Box 489
Albion, New York 14411 | 585-589-0809
News & Notes for our
Families & Friends
Fall 2014
& Palliative Care
Celebration of National
Hospice Month
Dr. Christopher Kerr, key author of “Clinical Impact of a
Home-Based Palliative Care Program: A Hospice – Private
Payer Partnership” published this year in the Journal of
Pain and Symptom Management addressed a large group
of community members gathered at the Hoag library
Saturday afternoon, November 15th to celebrate National
Hospice Month.
Save these Dates!
Spring Flower Bouquet Sale
March 2nd – 6th
Beat the Winter Blues Wine &
Hors d'oeuvres Mingle Event at
LynnOaken Farms – March 7th
6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Annual Golf Tournament at Hickory
Ridge – July 29th
Hospice of Orleans’ Board of Directors
Sheila Myer, President
John Girvin, Vice President
Kim Hinkley, Esq., Treasurer
Maura Pierce, Secretary
Ada Grabowski, Vice Secretary
Nancy Albanese
Sanford Church, Esq.
Mary Anne Fischer, Executive Director
Jon Costello, Director Emeritus
Roland Howell, Director Emeritus
Mary Janet Sahukar, Dir. Emeritus
Craig Lape
Kathryn Wood, Ph.D.
Don Algeo
Patricia Eick
Doug Miller
Dr. Kerr, Chief Medical Officer for The Center for Hospice
and Palliative Care in Buffalo, challenged his audience with
these words: “We live in a death defying culture! We
spend per capita more than any other country in the
world yet people are not getting better service and die in
hospitals when they’d rather be at home with their
families!” He then made a strong case for hospice and
palliative care as a way to ensure better services and
reduce hospitalization. “Palliative care,” he explained,
“focuses on relieving symptoms but not curing the
disease. Palliative care focuses on improving comfort
and quality of life while a person is seeking treatment for
their advanced illness. Research shows that when
symptoms are treated, people live longer. In-home
nursing care makes the difference. Palliative care is an
important part of the continuum of services provided by
hospice and provides higher quality of service at a lower
cost than hospitalization.”
He also dispelled some popular myths about hospice care
and pointed out that “most people don’t know that
hospice care is an entitlement and an additive service to
other regimes of care. Hospice is also the richest benefit
in health care. People get palliative care, medication and
medication management, medical equipment and
supplies, social work services, psychosocial and spiritual
support, health education, respite, personal care by
nursing staff and home health aides, 24- hour on call
service and assistance with advance care planning. It is a
service that helps the patient as well as the family.”
Dr. Kerr (see photo above) shared some of his own
personal experiences as a physician. He made a strong
case for the benefits of hospice in reducing medical costs
and noted that “Most patients tell me ‘I wish I’d come to
Hospice sooner.’”
The event also featured a demonstration of massage
therapy by Katie Crooks, Hospice of Orleans Massage
Therapist and a
presentation by Hospice
Music Therapist,
Brittany Dix (see photo)
who shared a video of
one of her sessions with
a patient.
The event concluded
with refreshments and
an opportunity to speak with Dr. Kerr and Hospice of
Orleans staff.
Hospice of Orleans News | Winter 2014/2015 | Page 2
Executive Perspective: Happy New Year! Looking Backward and
Looking Forward!
The beginning of a new year is a time to reflect on the past and plan for the future. It
seems like just a short time ago that a group of thirteen community professional and lay
persons came together and in Sept 1988, People Promoting Hospice, Inc. was incorporated
and officially born. In 1994 NYS Dept of Health Medicare certification was obtained and
later the name was changed to Hospice of Orleans, Inc. As we enter 2015, Hospice of
Orleans has a great deal to celebrate. In the past twenty years the organization has grown
from one staff person to a team of forty full and part time staff. Home-based care has been
the core of the program, but with the opening of our Martin-Linsin Residence in the fall of
2012, a higher level of care is now an option and occasionally services are also provided in
nursing homes and hospitals. Those not ready or who do not meet the criteria for hospice
care receive palliative care and supportive services through a volunteer driven Transitions
Program. We have a bereavement group led by a licensed mental health therapist (LCSW),
Mary Anne Fischer
therapy, massage therapy, pet therapy, and spiritual support. This rich array of
Executive Director
services and programming is unique to Orleans County and is indicative of the strong
community support shown to Hospice of Orleans since its inception. As Margaret Mead so famously said: “Never
doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever
has.” This year we will celebrate the accomplishments of Hospice of Orleans over the past twenty years and all that has
been done to meet the needs of those with serious illness in our community.
Many of our readers have already heard the news that we have a new Director of Development and Community
Relations – Nyla Gaylord. Nyla is a lifelong resident of Orleans County and comes to us with extensive experience in
grant writing, fundraising, program development and not-for-profit leadership. She will be working with the
administrative team and Board of Directors to orchestrate celebration of the agency’s twenty years of service to Orleans
County residents. As part of her work she will be conducting a community survey to solicit ideas as to how Hospice can
improve its services and reach more individuals who need our care. The information gleaned from this survey will help
inform our work in the years ahead.
We look forward to learning from the past and planning for the future to ensure the availability of high quality,
community based services that are a hallmark of how we accomplish our mission of “embracing those facing advanced
illness with optimal levels of comfort, compassion, and expertise.”
Hospice of Orleans
Annual Spring Bouquet Sale
March 2nd through March 6th.
A colorful bouquet of fresh mixed flowers can
brighten anyone’s day and support Hospice services to the
terminally ill residents of Orleans County.
$8 per bouquet
Check our website www.HospiceofOrleans or our FaceBook Page for
the sale location near you or pre-order
bouquets by February 23rd
Contact Bonnie Reigle at Hospice of Orleans -589-0809 or
Hospice of Orleans News | Page 15 - Gifts as of August 15, 2014 – December 31, 2014
In Memory of Bud & Betty Engle & Craig
Sean and Brenda McQuillan
In Memory of Arlene McGuire
Newell and Becky Allport
In Memory of Roseanne Schlatter
Carl E. Schlatter
In Memory of Robert Fischer
Gail Fischer & Family
In Memory of Arlene McGuire
Birmingham & Family
In Memory of Fred & Geneva Schroth
Nyla Gaylord
In Memory of David L. Foster
Martha Foster
In Memory of Patrick Mayer
Joanne Mayer
In Memory of Dan & Stella Scoppa
Howard and Marilyn Briggs, Isabelle & Ed
Kaniecki, Shirley & Dena
In Memory of John M. Frazier
The Frazier Family
In Memory of Diane Mordue
Bill Fine & Leslie Blake
In Memory of Donald & Marie Shawver
Cristen Szalay
In Memory of Thomas Graham
Claire Graham
In Memory of George Mufford
Pat Fox
In Memory of Florence Simpson
Lynne M. Stewart, Lissa & kids
In Memory of Bill Grapes
Robert Grapes
In Memory of Joseph, Geraldine, Robert &
Rudolph Nenni
Richard and Sharon Nenni
In Memory of Michael Smith
Jean Smith
In Memory of Gretchen Grimm
Sue Grimm
In Memory of Donald Hare
Sandra Hare
In Memory of Jean Howell
Roland Howell
In Memory of Donna Hilner
Donald Hilner
In Memory of Joseph Jurinich
Shirley Jurinich
In Memory of Donald H. Newbould Sr.
Barbara Newbould & Family
In Memory of Robert Niederhofer
Bill, Sue & Ruth Niederhofer
In Memory of James "Dutch" Niederhofer
William & Rosemary Niederhofer
In Memory of Willard Hinkle, Grandpa Dutch
and Jim Niederhofer
Valerie Niederhofer
In Memory of Chester Stack
Lois Stack
In Memory of Florine Stewart
Lynne M. Stewart, Lissa & kids
In Memory of Glenn Stewart
Lynne M. Stewart, Lissa & kids
In Memory of Henry & Mark Surdi
Florence Surdi
In Memory of Louie Thaine
Sandy Thaine
In Memory of Karen Kane
James and Sybil Herring
In Memory of Ruth Ann Parker, Bill & Myrtle
Denson, Edward & Frances Parker
Skee, Cheryl & Jeff Denson
In Memory of Patricia Ries King
Mildred Gavenda
In Memory of Albert Persia
Helen Persia and Michael & Mary Campbell
In Memory of Bob Tillman
Mary Ann Tillman
In Memory of Marjorie Lake
Ernest Lake
In Memory of Poppie
Donna Riches & Family
In Memory of Darcel Tobia
Evie Osborne
In Memory of Warren G. Laskey
Naomi Laskey
In Memory of Lawrence Pratt
Friends at Key Bank - Medina Office
In Honor of Michael J. Tomasino-U.S. Air Force
Jack and Loretta Tomasino
In Memory of Julius Marek & Willa Marek
Anthony and Priscilla Piazza
In Memory of Norma Pratt
Larry Pratt, Jr
In Memory of Elmer Valentine
Betty Valentine
In Memory of Roger Pritchard & Marcia Smith
Albion H.S. Sunshine Committee
In Memory of Aida Valle
Ida Morillo
In Memory of Bruce Sartwell
Ed & Elinor LeClaire, Elaine & Dan Specht
In Memory of Fred, Peggy and Cherylynn
Kay VanNostrand
In Memory of Holly Sartwell
Dan and Elaine Specht, Ed & Elinor
In Memory of Mama & Papa Wagner
Sue Bringenberg
In Memory of Denise Schreck,
Bernard & Mary Jane Safford
David and Peggy Schreck
In Memory of Professor Lynn Whiting
Muriel Joyce Snyder
In Memory of Erwin Matoon & Bertha
Bernard and Jennifer Morgan
In Memory of Kathleen Mawn-Miller & Jerry
Arlene Mawn
In Memory of John McElwain
Eileen McElwain
In Memory of Patsy Tylec & Larry Passarell
Barbara Filipiak
Hospice of Orleans News | Page 14 - Gifts as of August 15, 2014 – December 31, 2014
Brenda Ross
Hospice Gardens Donors
Gary and Gloria Rustay
Kathleen Same
Joanne Lang
Jean Shervin
In Memory of Masako Berry
Alice & Alyssa Root & Family
David Siplo
Lynda Sikorski
Henry and Lorienda Smith
Joann Smith
George and Marilyn Strabel
In Memory of Harry “Joe” Morse
Donna Morse
In Memory of Barbara Apfel
Paula Barrus
Gordy and Lucretia Stacey
Ronald and Betty Thomas
In Memory of Ruth Ann Parker
Skee, Jeff and Cheryl Denson
Nelda B. Toussaint
William and Helen Tillman
Richard and Shirley Tracey
In Memory of Thomas Stirk
Martin, Jason Stirk & Family
Richard Roomian and Diane Hermine Vair
Beulah Ward
David and Janice Wells
Ellie Whipple
Bob and Joyce Wilson
Glenn and Irene Woolston
Jean Woodcook
2013 Annual Appeal Donors
Richard Heard
Kathleen Boice
In Memory of William Bader
David Schofield
Donations to the
Martin-Linsin Residence
Terry and Brenda Cook
Ingrid and Roger LaMont
In Kind Donations
Robin Bianchi
Greg and Pamela Canham
Karen Rivers
Janet Smith
Sue Sutliff
In Memory of Wanda
Mazelle Binnette
General Contributions
Frank Allen
Carl Beecher
Kevin and Katherine Bogan
Sue Bringenberg
Carol L. Brower- Stuart
Jada Burgess
Chapman Family Trust
Joyce Chappius
Charlie Crumb
Jacquelyn Donahue
Mark and Maureen Elmore
Amy Freeman
Doreen Goffe
Stephen Hicks
Robert and Margaret Kanaley
Gary Katsanis
Patricia Leight
Ed and Bev Matthews
Rho and Beverly Mitchell
John and Sheila Myer
John and Janet Nowak
Ursula O'Connor
Kimberly Prell
Carl and Pat Sargent
Jay and Lisa Stratton
Kathy Swabb
Hospice of Orleans News | Winter 2014/2015 | Page 3
Notes from Nyla - Director of Development and Community Relations
“Thank you to all who have made me welcome during these first few months as
Development Director. I am impressed and surprised with the tremendous
community support we receive on an almost daily basis.”
2014 Light-a-Life
Tim and Karen Banker
Clara Gavenda
Friends of Steve Hawley
Charlie Kroeger
Jean Shervin
Elizabeth Vanderlaan
In Memory of Curtis Adams
Hertha Adams
In Memory of Dominic Albanese
Nancy Albanese
In Memory of Rocco Albano, Angie, Teddie,
Ted Fiorito III
Theodore & Francis Fiorito, Joel & Jacob
LoTurco, Joseph & Angela Fiorito, Mary Jo
In Memory of Judy Anderson
Tim and Karen Banker
In Memory of Susan K. Bennett
James and Amy Neal
In Memory of George Brower
Carol L. Brower- Stuart & Family
In Memory of Barbara Caldwell
Timothy Caldwell & Sue Enderby
In Memory of Thelma Costello
Edwin and Joan Purvee
In Memory of Harvey Cummings
Janice Cummings & Family
In Memory of Linda Dart
Marlee Colon
In Memory of Paul Davis
Edward and Diana Pask
Surprise Gifts!
On Giving Tuesday, December 2, 2014, $597.60 was donated on-line. In
keeping with the spirit of Giving Tuesday, David Fink, Plant Manager of
Saint-Gobain ADFORS in Albion and the Director of Human Resources, Donna Atkinson, surprised Hospice of Orleans with a $1,100 donation. SaintGobain is the world's largest building materials company. Its manufacturing
facility in Albion employs 200 plus people. Donations made by employees
are matched dollar for dollar by the company.
We asked the KenLou Foundation for a grant of $4,720 toward the cost of
purchasing equipment for use in the Martin-Linsin Residence. To our surprise
and delight we were given $5,500! Thank you to Mary Swierkos and the Williams family for honoring the memory of their parents by supporting Hospice
of Orleans services!
Just before Christmas Nicole Belliner dropped in to deliver a check for $200 from
the Oak Orchard Neighborhood Association. Board member Don Algeo was on
hand to accept the check on behalf of Hospice of Orleans. Thank you!
Donna Vanderlann, on behalf of NYSCOPBA of Albion Correctional stopped by
just before Christmas and presented us with a surprise donation.
Thank you Donna and NYSCOPA for remembering Hospice!
Becky Karls from Merrill-Grinell Funeral Homes and Kevin Bogan
from Bates-Tuttle Funeral Home discovered that they both had the
same great idea of bringing a basket of goodies to the Hospice staff so
they came together and brightened our holiday season with their
gifts. Thank you Becky and Kevin!
Anonymous supporters have been very active!
In Memory of Dusty Deskins
Gina Deskins, Sue, Melissa & Jean
In Memory of Ellen & Florence Draper & John
Tammie Davey & Jeanette Sokol
In Memory of Patricia Elsom
Sandra E. Smith & Family
In Memory of Everett Embt
Bernice Embt
In Memory of Charles "Chuck" Engert
Sharon Engert
An anonymous donor provided 6 Pork Chop dinners from Gaines-Carlton
Community Church to patients at the Martin-Linsin Residence.
Thank you for the wonderful treat!!
An anonymous supporter donated a lovely heart shaped wreath to decorate
the fireplace at the Martin – Linsin Residence.
One of our volunteers has regularly surprised our staff with a weekly array of
home baked goodies. Thank you from the whole team!!! (We know who you
Hospice of Orleans News | Winter 2014/2015 | Page 4
Thank You for Special Gifts!
THANK YOU to Gerry and Carol Culhane! Gerry donated our Light a Life tree that graced
our front lawn and Carol used her artistic talents to decorate our memorial gift bulbs.
THANK YOU to Bob Stirk for taking care of our Light a Life tree!
THANK YOU to everyone who helped with our Annual Appeal! To Darrel Oakes, on behalf of the Oakes Family and LynOaken Farm, for his eloquent letter in which he shared why he supports
Hospice. To the many volunteers who helped with the mailing of over 2,900 letters: Mary Marek, Gail Fischer, Jean Woodcook, Carolyn Budynski, Elizabeth (Betty) Tower, Karl Kast, Joan Ireland, Jean Smith, Dee
Smith, Jean Bailey, Florence Surdi, Hope Stirk and Jean Shervin.
THANK YOU to Bill Piskorowski for donation of a painting (photo on left) to the MartinLinsin Residence in memory of Wendell and Charlotte Gaskill.
THANK YOU to Constance Maines for donating a painting she
created while her father was at the Martin-Linsin Residence
(photo on right). She also designed the snow covered tree that
is featured in our thank you card that appeared in the holiday issue of the Pennysaver and the back page of this newsletter.
THANK YOU to Randy Eblacker from Boy Scout Troop 164, who with his friends,
installed a walkway to the Memorial Garden this fall making it accessible to those using
wheelchairs. Randy exemplified the Eagle Scout Spirit by organizing, leading and managing this extensive
service project.
Surprise gifts from groups and businesses!
Randy Eblacker from
Boy Scout Troop 164
(center) and friends.
Albion High School Class of 1964
Henry E. and Susan W. Beamer Endowment
Catholic Daughters of America #953
Chapman Family Trust
Don Davis Auto of Albion
Doug Syck Custom Carpentry & Remodeling
Eagle Harbor Home Bureau
Friends & Flowers Garden Club
Junior Wilson Sportsman's Club, Inc.
KenLou Foundation
Lyndonville Presbyterian Church
Next Steps Ministries
NYSCOPBA at Orleans
Correctional Facility
Oak Orchard Neighborhood Association
Orleans County Town Highway
Superintendent Association
Passarell Farms
Rochester Genesee Valley Funeral
Directors Association
Saint- Gobain Adfors
West Barre United Methodist Women
Hospice of Orleans News | Page 13 - Gifts as of August 15, 2014 – December 31, 2014
In Memory of John Telovsky
Hope Stirk
William and Karen Telovsky
Peggy Bropst
Paul Horsington
Robert Bruning
Norm and Joan Ireland
Robert and Susan Buffin
Frank and Linda Igoe
Joan Burns
David and Betty Jakaub
David and Nelda Callard
Jean Karls
Barbara Carver
David and Kathy Kast
Harry Chambers and Barbara Hults
Susan Kingsbury
Jim and Pat Coates
Yorke and Joette Knapp
In Memory of Stanley Vanderlaan
Elizabeth Vanderlaan
Ron and Shirley Collura
Mark and Judith Kronenberg
Richard and Ann Cooke
Steve Ludwig
In Memory of Wendy Washak Kimber &
Duane Andrews
Ronald and Vicki Washak
Jon and Kathleen Costello
Steve Maley
William and Catherine Cotriss
Lance J. Mark
Barbara Cotriss
Isabella Mark
In Memory of Lou Wojtkowski
Douglas and Darlynne Sandstead
Francis and Evana Daniels
Ed and Kay Marshall
Hugh and Eleni Dudley
Joseph Martillotta
In Memory of Janet and Herb Walck
Sandra Walck Zwink
Milford and Joan Dunn
Donna Masters
Michael and Susan Dydo
Thomas McAllister
Susan Eddy
Kevin and Debbie McGrath
LaVerne and Beatrice Eick
Eileen McElwain
Bernice Embt
Priscilla Mele
Robert and Rita Galbreath
Thomas Merritt
Raymond G. Gardner
Suzanne Metzo
Clara Gavenda
Frederick and Carol Miller
Joseph and Joyce Gehl
Faith Koch and Philip Miller
In Memory of Edward Yungfleisch
Eleanor Yungfleisch
Roger Gibson
Louise Misiti
John and Barbara Girvin
Gerald and Beverly Monagan
In Memory of Bernard Zgirbar
Betty Zgirbar
Donald F. Goodwin
Robert and Lee Muesebeck
Cora Goyette
Bruno Pacini
Judith Ann Grabowski
Duane and Patricia Payne
Mildred Graff
Charles and Phyllis Pecorella
Claire Graham
Peter and Diane Pellegrino
Philip and Harriette Greaser
Wendy Peters
Susan Green
Ellen Jean Pickett
Harold and Pat Gross
David Piedmonte
Gale Gurgir
Mickey and Molly Pilon
Sharon L. Harding
Carlton Plummer
Ronald and Sue Harling
Lee Plummer
Laura Harvey
Linda Pratt
Mary Ann Hazen
Richard Pucher
Richard Heard
Patricia Quarantello
Lisa Heidemann
Sharon Race
Richard and Cynthia Hellert
Henry and Elizabeth Ralph
Paula Hill
Margaret Reynolds
Peter and Marya Hinchey
Jack and Wilma Richardson
Robert Holtz
Janet Rinas
In Memory of David, Douglas and Gregg
Anita Traxler
In Memory of James Urquhart
Walter and Patricia Poprawski
In Memory of Gary Watson
Judith Watson
In Memory of Veva Wienke
Marjorie Humphreys
In Memory of William Wilson Sr.
Dorothy Wilson
2014 Annual Appeal Donors
James and Linda Babcock
Jean Bailey
Irving Banker
Jack and Debby Batchellor
Francis and Susan Beering
Dean and Carol Bellack
Jack and Gloria Bellack
Give the gift of time. Make a real difference in our
community - become a Hospice Volunteer! Our volunteers are
all ages and from all walks of life. Volunteers are needed to help with special events, pet
care, respite, serving meals and working as a receptionist/greeter at the Residence.
To set up a personal interview call Christine Fancher at 585-589-0809 x 122.
Michael and Patricia Bielicki
Sharon Boccaccio
Joseph and Lucretia Bochsler
David and Kathleen Boice
Gina Boothby
Bruce and Darlene Bozard
Robert and Joanne Bracey
Hospice of Orleans News | Winter 2014/2015 | Page 5
Hospice of Orleans News | Page 12 - Gifts as of August 15, 2014 – December 31, 2014
In Memory of Diane Pratt Laird
Timothy Laird
Dorothy Pratt
In Memory of Hazel Landis
John and Patricia Foote
In Memory of Veda Lemcke
Luther and Adeline Klafehn
In Honor of the Limina and Nowak Families
John and Lorraine Limina
In Memory of William Lyman
Eugene Christopher
In Memory of David Lynch
Randy and Joni Robishaw
In Memory of Art & Rita Mann
The Mann Family
In Memory of Peggy and Bruce Martin
Paula Firestone
In Memory of Bruce and Margaret Martin
Charles and Helen Martin
In Memory of Jennie Martino
Russell and Pat Martino
In Memory of Geraldine "Geri" Marble
Norene Higgins
In Memory of Teresa Martillotta
Lynore Heard
In Memory of Mary Lou McGaffick
Robert McGaffick
In Memory of Harold & Ron McGrath
Louise McGrath
In Memory of Oliver Meddaugh
Celia Watkins
In Memory of Ron Miesner
Mary Miesner
In Memory of David Millis
Joan Millis
James and Susan Fraser
In Memory of John Murray
Anna Murray
In Memory of Carolyn Rhoads
Daniel Rhoads
In Memory of Francis Nayman
Charles and Muriel Daniels
Mickey and Molly Pilon
In Memory of Roland Rogers
Anne H. Smith
In Memory of Joseph V., Geraldine,
Robert & Rudolph Nenni
Richard and Sharon Nenni
In Memory of Eloise Oakes
Janet Maines
Patricia Stacey
David Schubel
Dana Oakes
In Memory of My Husband, Dick
Velma Roth
In Memory of Jean Scally
Joseph Tauschek
In Memory of William Oakes
Jim and Karen Enderby
In Memory of Leona Scipioni
George and MaryJo Kingston
Karen Collette
In Memory of Dorothy Pahura
John Pahura
In Memory of Janice Thaine
Mr. Gary Thaine & Family
In Memory of Andy Papadinoff
Rose Marie Papadinoff
In Memory of
Martha McFarland Stocking
Joe McFarland
In Memory of Frances Parker
Henry Parker
In Memory of Richard Pease
Gladys Pease
In Memory of John Penna
Mae A. Penna
In Memory of Katie Lee Perkins
Linda Metcalf
In Memory of Homer H. Phillips
Patricia Phillips
In Memory of Donna Pieniaszek
Stanley Pieniaszek
In Memory of John Poler, Sr.
Teresa Poler
In Memory of Marcia Pruski
Casimer Pruski
In Memory of John Ralph
Wanda Woodruff
In Memory of Beverly Morien
David Morien
In Memory of Joan Raymondjack
Cathleen Fox
In Memory of Robert Mucha
Linda Mucha
In Memory of Edward Reed
Joyce Reed
Jeff and Sue Miller
In Memory of Norman L. Mundion
Janet Mundion
In Memory of Lester Roth
Irene Roth
Richard and Patricia Kosiba
We Remember …
Memorial Service Nov. 2nd at 3 p.m., Christ Episcopal Church, Albion
Light-A-Life Ornament Sale & Tree Lighting Ceremony – Dec. 6th at 4:30 p.m on the Hospice Lawn
In spite of the chilly day local families touched by loss gathered to remember and honor
their loved ones while supporting the services of Hospice. The annual Tree Lighting Ceremony was held on the front lawn of Hospice offices. The white
pine tree was decorated with special memorial ribbons and
ornaments in memory of family, friends and loved ones. Craig
Lape (photo on left) sang “I Believe There are Angels Among
Us” a song that speaks to the important role of comfort and
support the volunteers and staff provide to those served and
their families. Following a short ceremony with reflections by Pastor Linda Haight, (photo
on right), the Memorial Tree was illuminated. After a moment of silence and remembrance, the community joined with staff for a reception in the conference center.
In Memory of Wanda Snyder
Frank and Nancy Mack
In Memory of James Southcott
Michael and Barbara Southcott
In Memory of Glenn & Florine Stewart
Lynne M. Stewart
In Memory of Don Stirk and Pat Elsom
David and Jean Wetherbee
In Memory of Lloyd & Ednadean Strickland
Lloyd and Naomi Strickland
In Memory of Glenn & Florine Stewart
Cheryl DePalma
In Memory of Gordon & Floyd Stymus
Karen Krowl Denham
In Memory of John Sylvester
Sherry Conley
In Memory of David Taylor
Jack and Marita Dumrese
In Memory of Norman Thom
Norma Thom
In Honor of Dorothy Thompson
Bonnie Waters
Spring is in the air…Remembering our loved ones at Weddings
The idea of charitable wedding favors has really started to take off in the past year or so. Brides and
grooms are embracing charitable favors as another way to make their wedding more personal. There's
nothing especially meaningful about a bottle of bubbles, but a donation to Hospice really means something.
A good example of this is seen in the message Sue
and Doug Miller shared with their family and friends
in lieu of wedding favors. It reflects their core values
and love for their community.
If you know someone who would like more
information on charitable wedding favors for
Hospice give Nyla Gaylord a call or email her at: We can help
design the message and provide copies.
Hospice of Orleans News | Page 6 - Gifts as of August 15, 2014 – December 31, 2014
Wine and Hours
Meet & Mingle Gathering
to benefit Hospiceof Orleans
March 7th
 pm
6:00 pm – 9:00
Medina, NY 14103
10609 Ridge Road (Route 104),
Improvisational Jazz
 & Blues
 (winds) and
provided by Doug Egling
Mike Putnam (guitars)
& 
hors d’oeuvres by 
Limited number of pre-sale
tickets available.
of Leonard Oakes
 First glass of Blanc D’Orleans wine courtesy
Estate Winery.
 For every bottle of Blanc d’Orleans
 sold $1.00 will be
donated to Hospice of Orleans!
Contact: Bonnie Reigle at 585-589-0809 or
Pre-sale tickets only
 - $22.00
You are invited to
Beat the Winter
In Honor of Patrick
Elizabeth Kenyon
In Honor of Marlys Jones and
her ongoing battle
Gail Foss
In Honor of Barb Lehning
Sally Naomi Shiffer
In Honor of
Bill Camann's 70th Birthday
Cora Goyette
Sandra Hare
In Honor of Bob Barrus
Paula Barrus
In Honor of Dorothy Batchellor's 93rd Birthday
Your Hamilton Girls & Family
In Honor of
Dr. Christine Stewart, Laurie and Ava
Sally Naomi Shiffer
In Honor of Anita Shafer's Birthday
Karen Rutherford
Michael and Tricia Croce
Bonnie Weisberg
In Honor of John and Jan Nowak
Herb and Joy Bohnet
Peter & Anna Stelianou
In Honor of John Keding
Staff of Keding Automotive Service
In Honor of Sr. Dolores O'Dowd
Roland Howell
In Honor of The 50th Wedding Anniversary of
Ed and Diane Murray
Mary Ann Tillman
Hospice of Orleans News | Page 11 - Gifts as of August 15, 2014 – December 31, 2014
2014 Annual Appeal
Memorial Gifts
In Memory of All Deceased
In Memory of 1951 Medina High School
Dell Stork
In Honor of My Many Years Working in the
Kendall School District
Patricia Williams
In Memory of Richard & Rosa Allis
Richard and Cathy Saeva
In Honor of the Avino and Zipeto Families
Robert Zipeto and Patricia Avino
In Memory of Ruth Beach
Richard and Sue Douglas
In Memory of the Dawson and Kreighbaum
William and Diane Dawson
In Memory of Lila Goodwin
Harold and Carol Goodwin
Luana Goodwin
In Honor of Donald Durow
Julie Hess
In Memory of Marcia Grimm
Charles and Hollie Pettit
In Memory of Gary & Susan Ebbs
Jerome and Kate Ebbs
In Memory of Helen Groth
Norman Groth
In Memory of Gerald Ecker
Shirley Ecker
In Memory of Joette Haines
James and Kerry Panek
Richard and Margaret Wiley
Dolores Smith
In Memory of Gerald, Madeline, Norman &
Charles Root
Alice Root
In Memory of Robert Fischer
Joanne Lang
In Memory of David Foster
Martha Foster
In Memory of John Frank
Delores Hackenberg
In Memory of Donald Bentley
Dorothy Bentley
In Memory of Joyce Freck
Janet Rook
In Memory of Ruth Benz
Carl Benz
In Memory of Ann Gemerek
John R. Nipher
In Memory of Patricia Blank
Albert Blank
In Memory of Suzanne Bradshaw
Eric and Karen Bradshaw
In Memory of Constance Bruning
Norman Bruning
In Memory of
Lora Burgess and Evelyn Lorenz
Don and Judy Manley
In Memory of Evelene Callard
Lee and Maureen Blackburn
In Memory of the Dandrea Family
Elio F. Dandrea
In Memory of Jean Howell
Roland Howell
In Memory of William Hudson
Joan Hudson
In Memory of Virginia Gemberling
Kenneth and Marjie Walter
Irene Rouse
In Memory of Eileen Incho
Jonathan Incho
In Memory of Daniel Glassner & David Millis
James and Susan Fraser
In Honor of the Daigler and Ryan Families
William and Delores Ryan
In Memory of Frank Housel, Jr.
John and Laura Belson
In Memory of Carol Gidley
Roger and Theda Millis
In Memory of Martin B. Goodstine
Sylvia Goodstine
In Honor of JoAnne Camann’s 70 Birthday
William and Joanne Camann
In Memory of Donna Hilner
Patricia Golamis
In Memory of
Jean Howell and Linda Froman
Alma Eckerd
In Memory of Patricia Gilsinan
Robert Gilsinan
In Memory of Richard W. & Mildred H. Cook
Richard and Deborah Cook
In Memory of
Jerry Heideman and Forrest Harp
Ronald and Ann Coon
In Memory of Russell Gray and Michael Licinio
Carmella Gray
In Memory of Robert Slim Gillette
Terry Gillette
In Memory of Harry Busch
Linda & Marian Busch
In Memory of Louise Harty
John and Joanne Welch
In Memory of Bill Grapes
Robert Grapes
In Honor of Timothy Grabowski
Ada Grabowski
In Memory of Slim Johnston
Hamilton and Arlene Anderson
In Memory of Howard B. Joseph, Jr.
Linda P. Joseph
In Memory of Matthew Jozwiak
Jean Jozwiak
In Memory of Donald Kennedy
Patricia M. Kennedy
In Memory of Marcia Kenyon
Paul Kenyon
In Memory of Lenore Knapp
Clyde Knapp
In Memory of Vernon W. Krisher, Sr.
James M. Palmer
Hospice of Orleans News | Page 10 - Gifts as of August 15, 2014 – December 31, 2014
Charles and Shirley Walter
Hazel Sprague
Gary and Doris Antinore
Jean Webster
Robert and Alice Roth
Debbie Osporn
Gary and Cathy Narburgh
Jean Brooks & Family
In Memory of Stanley Romanowski
James and Patricia Scibetta
In Memory of Lester Roth
Carl and Carol Petronio
Ruth Hudson
Ed and Elinor LeClaire
Dan and Elaine Specht
Elizabeth Westlund
Karl and Debra Heuer
Mary & Laura Marek
The DiGirolamo Family
Claire Brown
Roger & Bill Rush
Robert and Hope Stirk
Arnold and Alexandria DeCarlo
Le Roy Neeper and Shirley Bright-Neeper
Ben and Sharon Midea
Bruce and Diane Krenning
John Scott and Marianne Sargent
Haylett Farm Enterprises
Edgar and Helen Wilkins
Ted and Geraldine Swiercznski
Charles Stymus
Douglas and Brenda Heath
In Memory of Rob Roy
James and Marlene Graham
Ronald and Karen Sodoma
In Memory of Don Stirk
Robert and Hope Stirk
In Memory of Aida Valle
Ida Morillo
 Memorial Gifts 
In Memory of Susan Bennett
William and Roxie Basinait
In Memory of Marcia Smith
Mickey and Molly Pilon
Ben and Sharon Midea
Brian and Sue Bartlett
Harold and Beverly Kludt
Richard W. McGrath, CPA
Ronald and Pauline Radzinski
Bonnie Kaniecki
Richard and Ann Cooke
Robert and Hope Stirk
Richard Anderson
Skee and Cheryl Denson
Ashley Ward
Leah Gibbs
Florence Surdi
Janice Cummings
Betty Kirby
Barbara Stack
Donald F. Goodwin
Ted and Geraldine Swiercznski
In Memory of
Stanley Vanderlaan
John and Erlene McCarthy
Arlene Mawn
Raymond and Geraldine Callard
Genevieve Davis
Arnold and Marge Tower
Patricia Neal
Jean Shervin
Yoon M. Truong
Ellen Williams
Alex and Louise Felso
Greg and Ann Hecht
Beatrice Young
Neil and Joanne Johnson
A. Truong
George and Iva McKenna
Terre and Patricia Paige
In Memory of Gary Ahl
John and Ann Dellaquila & Family
Elio F. Dandrea
John Beadle
In Memory of Donald Bensley
Carl and Carol Petronio
In Memory of Marion Ward
Ken and Denise Devlin
In Memory of Homer Babcock
Albion Senior Citizens
In Memory of Scott Watkins
Richard and Ann Cooke
In Memory of Timothy Barhite
David and Veronica Barhite
In Memory of John Welch
Mark and Robin Spychalski
In Memory of Edward Barrett
Julia Kludt
In Memory of Veva Wienke
Lauren Henry
Alan and Gail Foss
Herb and Joy Bohnet
Mary Ann Crossen
Framingham Heart Study
Donna DaPolito
Dennis and Janet Ellnor
Harold and Eloise Scribner
Shirley Barnum
Marjorie Humphreys & Family
Charles and Marjorie Perry
Don and Judy Manley
Gary C. Housel
Creig and Mary Wienke
In Memory of Richard Bastedo
Douglas and Sue Miller
Joan Hudson
Tom and Brenda Fendrick
Jack and Gael Garrity
Michele Rechberger
Charles and Judy Prentice
Ronald and Nancy Good
Susan Marinaccio
Rose Egloff
Anne Downey
In Memory of Thomas Smith
Joel and Leslie Allen
Paul and Jan Wojcik
In Memory of Lorraine Stier
Robert and Hope Stirk
In Memory of Don Stirk
Elio F. Dandrea
Michael and Nancy Donahue
Susan Kingsley
In Memory of Thomas Stirk
Active Hose Co #2 Inc
In Memory of Pat Rubino
Cora Goyette
In Memory of John Suhr
Donald F. Goodwin
In Memory of William Rudes
Elizabeth Westlund
Ted and Geraldine Swiercznski
In Memory of Alexander Sydney
Lynne and Lissa Stewart
In Memory of Mary Schillinger
Mary's Ladybugs
In Memory of Leona Scipioni
George and Iva McKenna
David and Louise Monaghan
Jim and Marlene Veazey
Claudia Kujawa
Richard Bennett
In Memory of Ronald Seitz
Henry and Elizabeth Ralph
In Memory of Joyce Silvernail
Susan Kingsley
Hospice of Orleans News | Page 7 - Gifts as of August 15, 2014 – December 31, 2014
In Memory of Stanley Telga
Steven and Jean Swiercznski
In Memory of Gilda Trivisond
Ted and Geraldine Swiercznski
In Memory of Marcia Tuohey
Eugene Christopher
Kenneth Schaal
Helen Hickey
Thomas Keeler
Ted and Geraldine Swiercznski
In Memory of James Urquhart
Linda Bruns
In Memory of Lou Wojtkowski
Douglas and Darlynne Sandstead
The Family of Lou Wojtkowski
In Memory of Earl Young
Dorothy Flood, Donald Evans, Gary, Linda & Lisa
Beatrice Young
Dorothy Y. Copeland
Helen M. Blend
In Memory of Mary Albanese
Carl and Pat Sargent
In Memory of People Afflicted with ALS
Scott and Aleka Schmidt
In Memory of Earl Anderson
Orleans County Employees Unit 7950
In Memory of Chad Armbrewster
Catherine Caldwell
In Memory of Arlene Arnold
David Arnold
In Memory of Carol Beach
Ruth Hudson
Frances Minervino
Larry and Sue Boyce
Lyn Blackburn
Mary Jane Nenni
Rho and Beverly Mitchell
Edgar and Helen Wilkins
Elizabeth Donovan
Scott and Aleka Schmidt
In Memory of Richard Beardsley
Robert Zipeto and Patricia Avino
Paul and Suzanne Snook
Annette Hageman
Valerie Niederhofer
Steve and Donna James & Family
In Memory of Donald Bentley
George and Iva McKenna
In Memory of Robert Bird
Elio F. Dandrea
In Memory of The Father of Belinda Brady
Wise Middle School Faculty Fund
In Memory of Avery Brooks
Ann Warycka
In Memory of Nelda Bruning
Paul and Sherl Bruning
Royalton Town Hall
LaVerne and Beatrice Eick
Sandra L. Allen
In Memory of Lyell Caleb
Bruce and Diane Krenning
In Memory of Matilda Calkins
Elizabeth Kenyon
In Memory of Tillie Calkins
Betty Kirby
In Memory of Vincent Cardone
His Children
In Memory of Judy Christopher
Kay Zatine
Darrick Christopher
In Memory of Marcia Cleary
Louise Hogan
Phyllis DiMiero
In Memory of Kevin Cloy
Scott ”Michael” Schmidt Family
Joseph and Arlene Adamson
In Memory of Patricia & Harriet Corrigan
In Memory of David Culver
Paul and Joyce Randall
Robert and Joanne Bracey
Sandra Hilger and Robert Dibble
Steven Smith
Gordon and Peggy Dibble
Loretta Culver
Ronald and Carol Mickey
Clayton Fry
Alice, Lee and Mitch Root
Bruce and Diane Krenning
Ronald and Roberta Furness
Genesee County Cornell Cooperative Extension
John and June Dresser
Duane and Carol Fischer
Scott and Meaghan Green
In Memory of Herbert Damery
Enterprise Holdings
Frank and Sandi Pitts
Joyce Martin, Vi, Bill, Teresa & John
Florence Sanmarco
Gerald and Arlene Nellist
In Memory of Fred Daniels
Robert and Hope Stirk
Carl and Pat Sargent
Florence Surdi
Ben and Sharon Midea
Eugene and Elaine Banas
In Memory of Patti Daniels
Louise Welch
ARC of Orleans County
Paul and Laurel Wagner
In Memory of Donald L. Denny, Sr.
Wise Middle School Faculty Fund
In Memory of John and Dorothy Donahue
Michael and Nancy Donahue
In Memory of Gladys Drought
Arnold and Marge Tower
In Memory of Patricia Elsom
Luella Caleb
In Memory of Delvin Ergott, Jr.
Kay Zatine
In Memory of Steve Ergott
Rudy and Barb Kludt
In Memory of The Persia and Ricci Families
Harry and Elizabeth Tower
In Memory of Judy Fancher
Anne Downey
Stephen and Sandra Peglow
In Memory of Camille Ferri, Wilson and Hazel
Bailey, Sam and Rose Ferri and Angela Ferri
Michael and Jean Ferri
In Memory of Elvira Frank
Carol Palmer
Walton and Margaret Giles
Helen Drennan
Dorothy Toporowski
Hospice of Orleans News | Page 8 - Gifts as of August 15, 2014 – December 31, 2014
James and Denise VanWagner
Delores Hackenberg
John and Grace Denniston
Mindy Austin
Cynthia Wolck
Ray Burke
In Memory of John Frazier
Jeannine Frazier
In Memory of Charlotte Gaskill
Helen P. Heath
Claire Brown
Ronald and Pauline Radzinski
Julia McBride
John and Jacquelyn Spedding
In Memory of Wendell Gaskill
Claire Brown
Julia McBride
In Memory of Ann Gemerek
Lowell and Eleanor Davis
In Memory of Gert Goldsmith
Mildred Leonard
Henry and Elizabeth Ralph
Richard and Kathy Vagg
In Memory of Segrid Goldsmith
Catherine, Michael & Cheryl Schrader, Bob &
Sally Dobreski, Ron and Sue Dibble
Kenneth Schaal
In Memory of Henry M. Hansen
Jean Brooks
In Memory of Louise Harty
Mary Herring
John and Joanne Welch
Betty M. Jurs
Rudy and Barb Kludt
Paul and Virginia Hendel
Harold and Beverly Kludt
In Memory of Pete and Satch Heminway
Jim, Danielle & Aaron Heminway
In Memory of Grace Lonnen
Medina Garden Gals
Western NY Energy
Peter & Anna Stelianou
Brockport Family Medicine
The Schweigert Families
Lynn Marciszewski
Richard and Kathy Vagg & Family
Larry and Norma Joy
Floyd Buckland
John and Joan Doran
Mildred Buckland
Johnson Creek Senior Citizens
Laurita M. Brooks
In Memory of Marcia J. Herman
Joseph and Lucretia Bochsler
David and Karen Barnard
In Memory of William Lyman
David and Norene Higgins
John and Diane Paganelli
In Memory of Marjorie Hurt
Randy and Cynthia Hurt
In Memory of William Lyster
Mickey and Molly Pilon
Peter and Kathy Zeliff
Robert and Virginia Moore
Alice Webber
Larry and Sarah Shanley
Duane and Patricia Payne
Michelle, Tim and Anne Lyster
In Memory of Laura Hastee
Jeff and Virginia Klotzbach
In Memory of Melanie Hathaway
Frank and Jane Sidari
Santa Calles
In Memory of Charles Hutchison
Robert Barrus
In Memory of Sally Jendrysiak
Ridge Animal Hospital
In Memory of Alice Griffin
Gary and Nancy Beiersdorf
In Memory of Barbara Wooten Kaiser
Anne Downey
In Memory of Marcia Grimm
Doreen Goffe
Patrick and Sue Finn
Bernice Sheldon
In Memory of Celia Keeler
Eugene Christopher
In Memory of Joette Haines
Deanne Borrie
Jeanne Lauta
Pine Hill Raiders R/C Flying Club
Patricia Keeler
Arnold and Alexandria DeCarlo
Carson and Alice Bailey
Michael and Dee Chervenic
Cora Goyette
In Memory of Larry & Janet Hamilton, Stan &
Helen Caswell & Wilma Steele
Jack and Debby Batchellor
Mike and Darcy Monacelli
Steve and Sandy Peglow
Jim and Sue Ries
Justin and Juli Pettit
Rudy and Barb Kludt
Skee and Cheryl Denson
Paul and Janice Beech
William and Roxie Basinait
In Memory of Helen King
Rochester DX Association
In Memory of Eleanor Klatt
Ronald and Karen Sodoma
In Memory of Vernon W. Krisher, Sr.
Shirley Hrycko
In Memory of Jean Kujaneck
Charles and Shirley Walter
In Memory of Hazel Landis
Skee and Cheryl Denson
In Memory of Walter LeFevre
Laura Jean Johnston
Linda and Deziree Brusso
In Memory of Veda Lemcke
Marc Labelle
Richard and Deborah Plump
In Memory of Harry Maines
Peter & Anna Stelianou
Gerald and Arlene Nellist
Wesley Bradley
Marie Curtis
Aaron and Tracey Albone
Karl and Debra Heuer
Ellie Whipple
Michael and Jean Ferri
Kenneth and Marian Dack
Genevieve Breed
Julia McBride
Janet Maines
Bernard and Jane Barry
Shirley Albone
In Memory of Paul Manno
Theodore and Francis Fiorito
Hospice of Orleans News | Page 9 - Gifts as of August 15, 2014 – December 31, 2014
In Memory of Mary Lou McGaffick
Edgar and Helen Wilkins
In Memory of Loved Ones
Kountry Kids
In Memory of Julia Bradshaw Meister
Donna DaPolito
In Memory of Barbara Panek
Charles and Shirley Walter
In Memory of Dan Miller
Judy Soto
In Memory of Theresa Parada
Robert and Joanne Bracey
Leonard and Helen Burke
Susan Kingsley
Jeff and Virginia Klotzbach
In Memory of Jesse Miller
Gary and Cathy Narburgh
Doris Antinore
In Memory of Laverne Miller
Delores Wolfe
Margaret Reynolds
Beatrice Young
In Memory of Ruth Ann Parker
Martin and Dolores Vanwycke
In Memory of William C. Parker
Mary Ann Wilson
In Memory of Albert and Helen Monacelli
Michael and Nancy Donahue
In Memory of Joseph Perry
Kay Hare
In Memory of Richard Nagel
Richard and Ann Cooke
Richard and Carolyn Wagner
Michael and Jean Ferri
Patricia M. Kennedy
Marion Levanduski
Laura Close & Norm Slayer
Charles and Shirley Owen
Charles & Sue Slack
Deborah Currie
Gary M. Jordan
Bruce and Darlene Bozard
Kenneth Schaal
Susan Kingsley
Lynn and Betty Carson
In Memory of Ralph Poelma
Ted and Geraldine Swiercznski
In Memory of Francis Nayman
Eugene and Elaine Banas
Robert and Hope Stirk
Ronald and Karen Sodoma
Michael and Susan Ryan
Terry and Brenda Cook
Eugene Christopher
Richard Bennett
Bradley and Patricia Shelp
Donald and Carol Carey
Joseph and Joyce Gehl
Mary Ann Tillman
Gary and Cathy Narburgh
Gar and Ginny Trusselle
In Memory of David Marciniak
David and Carol Cook
In Memory of Linda Nicholas
Rosario and Judy Schepis
Michael and Linda Hurst
In Memory of Erwin Mattoon
Orleans Enterprises
In Memory of Grace Nicolia
The Family of Grace Nicolia
In Memory of Mac McBride
Julia McBride
In Memory of Arlene O'Brien
Tom and Jada Burgess
In Memory of Terry Powley
Gary and Cathy Narburgh
In Memory of Roger Pritchard
Jack and Loretta Tomasino
Claude and Jacqualine Grimes
James H. Tully
Charles Basinait
Russel and Carol Pritchard
Skee and Cheryl Denson
Jane Nesbitt
Roberta Nero
Tom and Kathy Nesbitt
Joseph and Cindy Basinait
Claire Brown
Arnold and Alexandria DeCarlo
Gary and Laura Simboli
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ciszek
Mary Anderson
Douglas and Sue Miller
Glenn Foley
Dana and Barbara Brooks
Wilford and Joan Wraight
Gary and Cathy Narburgh
Stephen and Sandra Peglow
In Memory of Doris Ralph
Brenda Anderson
Barker C.S. Sunshine Fund
Anne Busch and Family
In Memory of Jean Ralph
Mark and Linda Case
Susan Case
RJ McMillan
Dan and Jennifer Raduns
Paul and Barbara Ignatz
In Memory of Edward Reed
Ben and Sharon Midea
Richard and Sibyl Pilon
Terry and Kay Thurston
Jim and Marcia Zambito
Elizabeth Williams
Angelo J. and Carol A. Gifaldi
Julie Williams
Eagle River Homes
Mark and Kelly Paganelli
Dorothy Batchellor
Jack and Debby Batchellor
David Polisoto
Richard and Margaret Burke
Donna Bentley Brenner
Mark and Virginia Hughes
Sandy Boehly
William Reed
William Trees
Thomas and Barbara McCabe
Carol Happ
Joe and Robin Short
RC and Shirley Reed & Family
Ann Palamara
Cindy Schreiber
Janice Boyos
Kathleen Ransier
Diane Comins
Audrey Greene
William and Beverly Leege
Ronald and Pauline Radzinski
Joyce Reed
Orleans County Management Sunshine
Gary Beattie
Marjorie R. Page & Lawrence DiPalma
In Memory of James Restivo
Edward and Lorene Restivo
In Memory of Carolyn Rhoads
Randy and Cynthia Hurt
In Memory of Harmon Ries and Pat King
Stephen and Sandra Peglow
Tim and Sue Ries
In Memory of Charles Rodgers
Steven and Jean Swiercznski
In Memory of Mary Rodola & Susan Miller
Anne-Marie Rodola
In Memory of Roland Rogers
Elizabeth OConnor
Dorothy Neal
Virginia Davis
David and Louise Monaghan
Mary D. Sanderson
Edgar and Helen Wilkins
Shirley Tower

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