Active in Faith -


Active in Faith -
Active in Faith
September 2016
Monthly publication for members and friends of
Faith Lutheran Church
4005 Palm Drive, Punta Gorda, FL 33950
Pastor: Rev. Dana Alan Narring, MDiv
Mission and Vision Statement:
Empowering All People to Know Jesus Christ!
“Our churches teach that the remembrance of the saints is to be commended in order that we imitate their
faith and good works according to our
September 5
Holy Cross DaySeptember 14
St. Matthew, Apostle
and Evangelist
September 21
St. Michael
and All Angels
September 29
September 13
September 23
Worship Services
5:30 Praise and Worship Service
9:30 Worship Service
Wednesday 10:00-11:15 - Pastor Narring’s Bible Study
Monday 10:30-11:30 –Bible study on women in the Bible, “Encouraged in Heart” by Dr. Mary
Hilgendorf. Classes will resume in November.
Thursday – 10:30 -11:30 – Pastor Clyde’s Thursday Bible class will resume in the fall.
Wandering Editor’s Note
During August we have wandered to southern Illinois, Wisconsin and Minnesota.
At each place we reconnected with family and friends. God abundantly showered
us with His goodness as we shared our stories. At Faith many of our friends enjoyed activities like a baseball outing, an ice cream social and Bible studies led by
Pastor. Soon some of us will be thinking of returning to Faith. How will you serve
the Lord? Will you try something new? Look for opportunities and be challenged.
Naomi Weslock
Board of Evanglism
The Evangelism Committee is looking for 2 to 4 individuals to help
with outreach planning. We will be evaluating the Outreach Surveys
and planning activities for the congregation. If you have a desire to
help spread the good news of Jesus Christ, please let us know by
calling the office and giving us your contact information.
Susan Narring
The Board of Stewardship is looking for one or two people that can help us out
counting the Saturday and Sunday offerings. This is done on Monday mornings, and you would need to be available every other Monday. Please pray
about this, and if you feel that you can help, call Carol Meyer @941-916-0050.
Thank you!
Many volunteers, MEN and women, will be needed on Friday, November
18 and Saturday, November 19 to help set up, serve and clean up for the
LWML Zone Rally at Faith, Punta Gorda. We will be setting up tables and
chairs in the narthex for the rally and MEN servers are needed for the
...they will walk in the lunch on Saturday. Women are needed to be greeters, serve coffee and
donuts, and set tables for lunch. Please save these dates to serve the
in the light in the
Lord with gladness. Sign up sheets will coming soon.
light of your presence,
Lord. Psalm 89:15.
Naomi Weslock
As of August 20/21
Mortgage Balance:
New Monthly payment:
Received in August for IM (Just
1%): $4,068.00
Total extra paid to principal:
Pledges Received to Date: $350,993.00
As you can see from the figures to the left,
our capital campaign is very successful and
is having a big impact on our mortgage
payment. The generous members and
friends of Faith have already given over
$140,000 towards their pledges – reducing
the monthly payment by over $1,800 and
giving us funding to reach “Just 1% More
People in PG.
Carol and Steve Meyer
Campaign Directors
Mission Trip Support
In November Jo Waterman is traveling to South Africa on a mission
trip. This mission requires the mission group to bring 3,000 pairs of
used glasses to be used for the South Africans. A box will be
placed in the Narthex and Zalman Hall entrances for donations of
any used glasses. Thank you for your support.
It is not too early to think of another year of school beginning this
fall. Students and teachers need supplies. There are some supplies that the teachers purchase out of pocket. We can help by
purchasing these items. The supplies will be donated to Sallie
Jones Elementary School where our member Shelly Cope is
Please place these items in a box labelled “School Supplies” in
the narthex.
Most needed items:
Gift cards
USA made #2 pencil
Pencil cap erasers
Elmer’s glue & glue sticks (Elmer’s works
Dry erase pens (pen size & marker size
All colors)
Gel pens (all colors)
Transparent tape
Copy paper (reams)
On Wednesday, August 17th, 59 members/friends of Faith went to
the Charlotte Sports Park for a fun night of Stone Crabs baseball.
Thanks to Fellowship, who furnished hot dogs and soft drinks.
Pastor Narring supplied chicken wings, chips and salsa, parking
passes, trivia & prizes – and gave us a 50% discount on three air
conditioned suites (where it was so comfortable) – all this, for only
$10. Of course, in summer we have strong thunderstorms/heavy
rains – ours lasted for about an hour. The game was called in the
middle of the 6th inning. Since the Stone Crabs were ahead, 1-0,
we won the game! Special thanks to Pastor and Susan, as well as
Nancy Vernon. Everyone had a great time.
On August 18th at 1:30 P.M. in Zalman Hall, Fellowship sponsored
an Ice Cream Social which was attended by about 30 people.
Items served were banana splits made by Cheryl Kampa, root
beer floats made by Nancy Vernon and sundaes and cones by
Gloria Koehler and Marilyn Bredvik. There were many seconds
served. Some brought cards or games to play. The social ended
about 3:30. All had a great time and want a repeat performance!
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League
Serve the Lord with gladness. Psalm 100:2
LWML FL-GA District Convention
September 30-October 2, 2016
PGA National Resort and Spa, Palm Beach Gardens, FL
Our two delegates, Marilyn Bredvik and Joanna Waterman, and alternate, Susan Narring, will be
attending the convention.
Please keep Sam Fink, our adopted seminarian, in your prayers as
he studies for the ministry at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.
Please take a look at the LWML bulletin board for information about the Sarasota Zone Fall
Rally on November 19 to be held right here at Faith. Plan to attend this great event!
Faith Quilters
We invite you to join us in the fall when we resume. Packets for Quilt
Tops are available on the LWML Table in the Narthex. Please pick
some up to sew over the summer for the Faith Quilt Group.
Thank you,
Arlene Wells
Dates to remember:
Sept. 30-Oct. 2: LWML FL-GA District
Convention at Palm Beach Gardens, FL
Information sheet is on the LWML
Nov. 9: Meeting
Nov. 18: Set-up for the rally
Nov. 19: Fall Zone Rally at Faith, Punta Gorda
Dec. 3: Cookie Walk (Set-up Dec. 2)
Jan. 25: Meeting
Feb. 22: Meeting
Mar. 3 and 4: Flea Market (Set-up Feb. 27-Mar.
Mar. 22 Meeting
Apr. 26: Meeting
June 22-25, 2017 LWML Convention at
Albuquerque, NM
Naomi Weslock
Linda Daut
April 11, 1940 August 17, 2016
Our prayer list is on the glass
table in the Narthex. If you, or
someone you know, would
like prayers, (names remain
on for 4 wks.), call Doris
Hinze at 627-3790 or the
Connie Sasse Smith 9/4
Joann Schultz
Ronald Baird
Barbara Boehm
Dani Luce
Ro Miller
Elaine Hope
Edwin Saeger
Lisa Neff
Merci Sias
Bill Boehm
Trey Cope III
Roger Thalacker
James Andrews
Naomi Weslock
Arlene Wells
Steven Meyer
Elaine Martin
Larry Berkel
Carole Miller
Joanne Fladd
Doreen Andrews
Ken Johnson
Roger Remer
Janet Smallen
Tom and Carole Miller
9/5 (57 yrs.)
Bill and Deanna Suckow
9/17 (55 yrs.)
Dennis and Barbara Garling
9/16 (44yrs.)
Dave and Sharon Kolenda
9/22 (26 yrs.)
In February of 2017, it will be time to do a new church directory. Our last one
was in 2014 and is very much out-of-date since we have had over 70 new
members. This one will be a little different, in that it will be a bit smaller and will
have members and associate members pictures plus their contact info. We will
not have staff, events or committee pictures. Each person that has their picture
taken will get a free directory but the church will not receive any extra as they
have in the past. There is no charge for Lifetouch to take your picture and you will
also receive your free 8 x 10 photo. Extra poses and pictures will be available for
you to purchase. Then every year for the following 4 years, the company will
come in and take pictures of new members and also anyone already in previous
directories that would like to update their picture. Lifetouch then will reprint a new book for each
member in the directory. This is a much better way to keep the book up-to-date. We would like to
see 100% participation. If you will be gone at the time they are taking the pictures, just let us
know and you can have it taken wherever you might be. Or, you can give us a photo and they will
put it in the directory. We are looking for people to help with the sign-ups and also to help the
days the pictures are going to be taken. If you can give us a few hours in January or February,
please call the church office and give your name to Leonora. Thank you!
September Ushers, Readers and Head Elder Schedule
Sept. 03 Sat.
Dick Lehman
Sept. 04 Sun. Larry and Marcia Berkel
Bob and Kathy Page
Larry Berkel
Sept. 10 Sat.
Sept. 11 Sun.
Head Elder
Larry Berkel
Phil and Ro Miller
Sam Jackson, Cheryl Kampa
Fred Vogelpohl
Sept.17 Sat.
Richard Fasnacht
Sept.18 Sun.
Dave and Shelly Cope
Leonora Suglio, Sam Jackson
Dave Cope
Sept. 24 Sat.
Sept. 25 Sun.
Dave Cope
Dick Lehman
Ken and Virginia Johnson
Larry and Marcia Berkel
Larry Berkel
Richard Fasnacht
View weekly announcements and calendar at:
The church’s office email address is:
Church office hours are 9am-3:00 Monday-Friday
Deadline for October newsletter is September 20. Note change of date!
Please e-mail all announcements, articles and photos to
Editor will reserve the right to proofread and edit all articles for the monthly newsletter.