
Volume 66 Issue 3
August 2013
The 581 delegates attending the 35th Biennial Convention in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,
on June 27-30, 2013, voted 100% to adopt the proposed mission goal of $1,830,000.
This is a $5,000 increase from the two previous biennia and, when reached, will fund
the 18 mission grants listed below. They are listed in rank
order by number of votes received by each with the first
one receiving the highest number of votes.
Training K-9 Comfort Dogs for LCMS Chaplains $30,000
Lutheran Children's Books for Southeast Asia $72,000
Training Indigenous Pastors/Deaconesses–
Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Indiana $100,000
Rebuilding Nord Est Haiti Lutheran School $100,000
Jesus Our Savior Lutheran Schools–Winnebago Tribe, Nebraska $58,553
I CAN–Serving At-Risk Children with Learning Needs $99,000
Bible Story Books in Sign Language and Written Text $100,000
Native American Outreach Training Center–Fairbanks, Alaska $95,000
Strengthening and Expanding Campus Ministry $100,000
Worship for Shut-Ins $80,000
Preparing Leaders for a Diverse World–Concordia College, Thelma, Alabama $50,000
Inside this issue:
Voice of Care Ministry to the Developmentally Challenged $50,600
Christ-Centered Tutoring Through Rebecca's Garden of Hope $100,000
Zone News
Student Scholarships for MOST Ministries Mission Trips $20,000
Treasurer’s Corner
Building Homes and Hope in Haiti $100,000
Memorial Updates
Support for Lutheran Public Radio $40,000
Mission Grants
Christian Educational Support for Children–India $85,000
Pastoral Counselor
Mission Outreach at St. Paul Community Lutheran Church–Pontiac, Michigan $65,559
Notes from District 13
TOTAL $1,345,712
How was the total grant amount of $1,345,712 derived?
Joy Event Invite
Adopted Mission Goal of $1,830,000 x 70% $1,281,000
Carryover balance because Mission Goal was exceeded $24,712
Partial funding relinquished by 2011-2013 grant recipient $40,000
Total $1,345,712
Thoughts from your YWR…
God’s Timing in Our Lives
When I was 16, I couldn’t wait to get my driver’s license. I thought by having this little piece of plastic, I would
somehow become one of the cool kids at school. Well, reality hit me hard in the face. I quickly learned that I had
to wait. Like nearly all 16 year olds, I was still very inexperienced behind the wheel. I wasn’t all that great at maneuverability, and I couldn’t parallel park to save my life. My parents had told me I wasn’t ready to take my driver’s
test. Even though I had 40 hours of driving time with my permit, I still didn’t have enough experience. I remember I was so disappointed and refused to believe them. I whined and complained like only a 16 year old girl could
do. They were right, though; my maneuverability needed some work. I also wasn’t comfortable on the highway yet.
I waited. After a year of practice, I was ready to take the test. I ended up passing on the second try. I failed the
first time I took the test because I tapped an orange cone during parallel parking, which was an automatic fail.
Looking back, I know my parents made the right decision by making me wait. I believe I am a better driver because of it.
When I started my senior year of college, I couldn’t wait to graduate. After four years of attending classes, working
at the dining hall, and writing for the college newspaper, I was ready to move on. I would envision myself as a top
news anchor on a local television station recapping the top news stories of the day. My thoughts drifted to living
out on my own; having the freedom to do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. I was so close to this, and getting more excited each day. Well, I eventually learned that I had to pay attention and focus on the important
things, like my classes and more crucial, my senior capstone project. I still had 8 months to go. Of course, those
were some of the longest months ever. I graduated in May that year. Even though I thought I was ready to graduate, I was a little somber. I didn’t want to leave my friends I had met in college. We formed strong friendships
over those four years.
Often times, we are so wrapped up in ourselves. Much of our society is like this today. We tend to act selfishly,
and are in the “it’s all about me” mindset. We forget about what God wants for us, and insist on taking our own
route. During both of these times in my life, God was probably looking at me and slowly shaking his head, frowning at my foolish ways. We think our way is the best, but in the long run it is probably not, especially if we haven’t
prayed for guidance. While we may not think doing what we want is sinful, it is. We are not choosing God’s path
for our lives. Instead, we are focusing on our own wants. This is one way that Satan tries to take hold of us, and
separate us from God. I believe we have to put the focus on Christ rather than ourselves. As Matthew 6:33 says,
“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”
We have a God that created us. How could we for one second think that he doesn’t know what’s best for us? He
truly knows the best timing for every season of our life to begin and cease. When I reflect on these seasons of my
life, I think of the book of Ecclesiastes, which says in verse 3:1, “There is a time for
everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.” Our God is divine and
all-knowing, so there’s no doubt he understands what we need in our lives to truly be
the Christian men and women we are called to be. I encourage anyone who is battling
a tough decision right now, to seek God’s counsel and wisdom first. He will never fail
us or lead us astray. He is our Almighty shepherd.
Sarah Raddatz, Carolina’s District YWR
Page 2
Heart to Heart Sisters
He blessed me and 32 others to travel to Pittsburgh, PA
for our 37th National Convention safely and to return
safely as well. While there we were blessed by the most
inspiring, uplifting and glorious worship services ever. To view all of
our District Presidents pouring living water into God’s fountain of
life was a blessing to behold. The artistry of it all was beyond belief.
May I say thanks again to all those who made this bus trip possible,
the travelers and the contributors
as well. All of you made this possible and successful. Again thanks, very much.
Upon our return, we found that all our vehicles that were left at both churches
were safe and they all started, no dead batteries. Again, thank God.
I am always truly blessed to worship and fellowship with other Lutherans, to
share the variety of ways we serve our Lord. You just can’t beat the harmonious
voices of all those men and women singing praises to our God to get the real and
true meaning of our faith in God.
I met with our Heart to Heart leaders on Thursday and learned that our committee chair had arrived in Pittsburgh and had become ill and was hospitalized. She’s
doing well now. The committee members carried on with the H2H training of
the 14 newly identified district leaders. We had wonderful reunion sharing each
evening. Our group is really growing and our district committee needs your help
in reaching our ethnic minority ladies in our congregations. We should all be focused on inviting and involving other ladies in our LWML activities.
The feedback I get from various persons is that ethnic minority women may
not want to be singled out for special attention or special focus. I’m hoping to
meet with the committee at the retreat to review these feelings.
We had 3 requests for scholarships for the retreat this year, none were from a
culturally minority lady, therefore we had to deny the requests. Our committee
will also review our scholarship requirement at our meeting in August.
A special reminder and invitation was sent to all known ethnically minority
congregations and all ladies within to please come to the retreat and they were
reminded about scholarship funds.
Elloree Erwin, Carolina’s District H2H Chair
Volume 66 Issue 3
Page 3
Foothills Zone
Thanks be to God! Deborah Moore and I attended our first LWML National Convention in Pittsburgh, PA. It is
amazing to be in amongst so many LWML members from so many different locations.
The opening worship service was filled with the Holy Spirit as we were drenched with His Word and Sacrament.
Music filled the air with so many voices proclaiming the love of God.
One of the most astounding parts of the weekend was the procession of flags from all the countries the LWML
has touched. It is truly amazing what our mites are able to do throughout this world.
Thanks to all societies who provided kits for the Ingathering.
I would like to express my sincere thanks to all the Foothills Zone societies who have worked so diligently to host
the Carolinas District Convention in September and the Carolinas District Retreat at Camp Linn Haven. You all
are the BEST!
To God be the glory forever and
Cindy Fulbright, Foothills Zone
Eastern Zone
The Eastern Zone held our Spring Rally at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Norlina on April 20 th. We had a wonderful day as always when hosted by the ladies there. Our theme was ‘Quenched by the Water’ and our Bible study
was led by their pastor - Dean Herberts. We had about 50 in attendance and gathered a table full of items as well
as much needed funds for the Loaves & Fishes Food pantry in Warrenton.
Elections were held and Ann Wagner was elected as Vice-President. We had no candidates for Secretary/
Treasurer at Rally time, but Carolyn Smith later agreed to serve. Thank you to both these ladies!!! We also thank
Connie Reid and Sandy Barnhart for their completed service.
Our Fall Rally will be at Our Savior, Raleigh, on October 19th. President Debbie and crew will be taking us through
the PING presentation.
I was blessed to be able to attend the LWML Convention in Pittsburgh as the Zone Delegate. Learning about and then voting for the
mission grants is always a high point - and my first choice was also the
first choice of the convention! Even though the ride was fairly short –
it was very nice to be on the bus together with all the other ladies from
our District and get to know some of them better.
Barbara Kuekes, Eastern Zone President
Page 4
Metrolina Zone
July 16, 2013
2013 Pittsburgh Convention- Theme: Quenched! by the Water John 4:14
Welcome to Pittsburgh! The host committee, with their colorful shirts and signs, smiled with the joy of our
Lord. They were all ready and willing to assist us; what a welcoming sight.
I always look forward to seeing the ladies, smiling and laughing while praising our Lord. While in Pittsburg,
we were encouraged to use our Witness Cards throughout this blessed weekend. Our prayer was that Pittsburg
may know that our Lord has worked through each of us. We prayed that they could feel His love through us.
Thursday morning, I awoke with a sudden allergy attack. I wasn’t sure if I would make the orientation session for delegates. But with prayer and medicine, I made it. I was a little dopey, but I made it on time anyway. The
opening worship service was all that I expected it to be. With incredible joy, Rev. Dr. Dien Taylor reflected on the
Samaritan woman at the well. He reminded us that we are to share this living water with the thirsty souls around
us. I marveled at the look of joy and anticipation on each face in the arena.
There were so many things to see and do in Pittsburgh. With its 89 distinct neighborhoods .There was also
the Children’s Museum and the Pittsburg Zoo, plus plenty of other interesting sites to visit. My husband and some
of the ladies had the chance to ride the Duquesne Incline for a breathtaking view of the city. And for the sports
fans there was a Pirates game with fireworks after the game.
Friday‘s opening with the Banner Parade, 69 YWR’s, Heart to Heart Sisters and the music was very uplifting. This is always an emotional time for me. I can feel the Lord at work in so
many lives.
Donna Pyle focused on the theme verse, John 4:14 during her two-part study of the
women at the well. You might have read Donna’s feature story in the LWML Quarterly. If you
didn’t I hope you find a copy. Donna is an amazing writer, she has written bible studies and
books for the LWML. Donna challenged us to reach beyond our comfort zones to share this
gift, this joy-always fresh, never running dry- by being the biggest water hose on the planet.
I participated in the Mission in Motion-Pledge Walk. due to inclement weather it was decided the walk
would move to indoors. There were over 1,000 walkers registered so that was another WOW moment!
During Sunday’s closing worship service, Rev. Dr. Victor Belton spoke of his personal struggle with the
great loss in the death of his parents. He asked, “How do we overcome the ‘drought’ of loss so that we can go forward as ‘quenchers’? He shared, as those “quenched” by God’s grace, we should go forth and “quench” others
with this living water.
Sunday- Our bus driver was waiting for us at the close of the convention.
We had an amazing driver. He was very helpful and easy going. The two
men on the bus were also willing to assist the ladies with luggage and
other needs. We boarded our Evans Tours bus–well equipped with
leather seats and plenty of leg room, and headed for Charlotte, NC with
a stop in Statesville, NC. We arrived safely home that night.
Nancy Nolley, Metrolina Zone President
5 66 Issue 3
Page 5
Central Zone
The ladies of the Central Zone were privileged at their Spring Rally to have Rev. Larry Rockemann of the Lutheran Heritage Foundation tell us about the amazing work the Foundation is doing in translating, publishing, and
distributing Lutheran materials around the world. Rev. Rockemann explained the Foundation’s mission of bringing
the basic books of Lutheranism to new Christians in their own languages. The Foundation provides books such as
Luther’s Small Catechism, the Book of Concord, and A Child’s Garden of Bible Stories to people in more than 80
In the 20 years since it was founded, the Lutheran Heritage Foundation has distributed over 600 titles and 3 million Lutheran books to pastors, seminary students, missionaries, and churches in more than 90 languages – at no
cost to them. The mission of The Lutheran Heritage Foundation is a complement to our own Carolinas’ LWML
Goal to be bold in the spirit by God’s grace and with love and action tell the world what Christ has done.
To learn more about this exciting ministry, or schedule a speaker for your zone or church, visit their website:
Sandy Groover, Central Zone President
Southern Zone
The Southern Zone Rally was held at Grace Lutheran Church on April 13. Our guest speaker was Lucille Schauer
who gave an amazing presentation on her VBS mission trip to Ghana. The story that they taught and acted out
was the Good Samaritan, which also served as our theme. Pastor Willsea of Grace led our service. Gifts From the
Heart collected were items for Kits for Convention. At a later meeting the Women of Grace assembled the kits
along with other materials collected from Grace, over 40 were assembled.
The ride to Convention was a lot of fun, as my second bus trip ever it was a blast! In Pittsburgh I had the opportunity to participate in choir and the Mission Pledge Walk. Just to be gathered there in these events was enriching. I
even got to reconnect with some friends from Iowa! I learned a lot at the booths and got a lot too, among other
things, I got a yummy Free Trade chocolate bar, got my finger nails painted purple with polka-dots, saw the malaria mosquito and got my “Cup with Kay” picture taken with Barbara. Dottie Halsey (and her husband Bull of
course) were recognized as the Carolinas District Unsung Hero(s). As if voting wasn’t difficult enough I had 3
Cheryls sitting behind me; 2 from another district and our own! I truly had a wonderful and blessed time. My pastor said that he was thinking about giving Rev. Dr.
Victor Belton, who led Sunday’s closing worship service, a call and tell him that we
wanted to do the wave during church… only at convention!
Sherri Marquardt, Southern Zone President
Page 6
Catawba Zone
May 5, 2013
The Catawba Valley Zone Rally was held May 5, 2013 at Concordia Lutheran church with 36 members present.
The rally theme was Hebrews 12:1.
Margie Bowman, Concordia LWML President welcomed the group. Opening prayer and devotion was held by
Pastor Brian Weaver, Assistant Pastor of Concordia.
The response was by Mary Ann Upton inviting the group to Holy Cross for the Zone rally on May 4, 2013 at 2
Geri Halma led a bible study on the book of Daniel, titled “Food for Thought”. The offering of $221.65 will be
sent to ECCCM.
Debbie Roseman, Carolinas District President brought us greetings from the district. She stated all national grants
will be paid in full and encouraged societies to send mites in monthly to meet our district grants. We were informed about LWML’s new web site and Foothills Zone will host the LWML Retreat, August 16-18, 2013 at
Camp Linn Haven.
Martha Ajazi, from Concordia performed an exercise demonstration, and then led an activity with the group.
The minutes and treasurer’s report was given by Barbara Sigmon, Secretary/Treasurer.
Ann Marie Blackmon stated that Nancy Pingel was unable to be present to give a report, but she sends her thanks
for all the support of TMH week at camp. She encourages anyone to come up and visit that week.
Pastor Paul Fitzpatrick closed with prayer and refreshments and fellowship were enjoyed by all.
Brenda Isaac, President
Barbara Sigmon, Secretary/Treasurer
Volume 66 Issue 3
Page 7
Treasurer’s Corner
TIME — As maturing stewards we receive time as a gift from God and strive to make the best use of it in our
family relationships, work, and other life activities. We do this as a free and joyous activity.
TALENT — Just as God provided skilled workers to help with the building of the Old Testament tabernacle and
temple, so He continues to bless His people today with special gifts and skills to be of service in ways that honor
God and bless others.
TREASURE —There are only a few things we can do with money—earn it, give it, save it, spend it, and bequeath
it. Good stewardship means striving to keep a healthy balance with these uses. What joy will follow us into heaven
when our glorious Lord commends us for our wise use of money!
TRASH — God created all things in heaven and on earth; trash refers to our care of God’s creation. We are God’s
caretakers of this marvelous earth with all its beauty and bounty; how we manage this creation is of critical importance.
TOUCH —- This refers to our relationship we have with God, our families, neighbors, and others in society. We
are blessed to have many opportunities to “touch” others in positive and God-pleasing ways.
TESTIMONY —- Doing the work that the angels of God long to do—that is, to teach others to follow Christ’s
-Excerpt from the
Offering #1 —- Mission Goal $52,837.98
Treasured News
Offering #2 —- Pittsburgh Lutheran Center for the Blind and
Camp Bethesda in Cypress, Texas (shared 50/50) $28,049.70
Offering #3 —- LCMS Disaster Response - Hurricane Sandy Relief $30,654.22
Offering #4 —- LWML Heart to Heart Sisters Program $25,660.53
Mission Pledge Walk $69,554.60
Tee Up 4 Mites To be announced...
Mite Jar in Exhibit Hall $363.72
Musical Mites (Mite Box placed on stage by song leader Dr. Vendetti) $265.00
Memorials Updates
The Carolinas District Board of Directors has sent memorials to LWML in memory of Martha Hunt Bolick and
Samantha Barnette. Each memorial of $100 was directed to the 2011-2013 Mission Grants.
We have received the following thank you from the family of Martha Bolick –
Dear Debbie, LWML Board of Directors and Friends of the Carolinas District LWML:
We want to thank you for the memorial gift that you sent to LWML mites in memory of our mother, Martha Hunt
Bolick. We were so pleased that you remembered her in this way. The LWML was a very special part of her
life. We truly feel that she served her Lord with a “servant heart.” She had so many wonderful LWML friends
here in the Carolinas District and all over the nation and she appreciated each one of them! Thank you again for
this special gift.
In His Service:
Martha Burke for the entire Hunt/Bolick Family
Page 8
Mission Advocacy and Grants
It’s a great blessing to be able to announce that we have paid the first 3 grants of the 2012-2014 biennium. However,
we did vote at the last BOD Meeting to go ahead and pay the first year of the first 2 grants – the New Mission Starts
and the Scholarships as we had the money and not wait to send it all at once. We need to continue to press forward to
keep this biennium going as well. We have an ambitious goal and I want us to meet it. Please remember to send your
mites in frequently so we have a better feel for how our efforts are going. We are just about half way through this biennium and have many projects yet to fund.
If you have a unique idea for increasing the mite giving at your church, please share it! I know that we all can use new
ideas to spark giving. Don’t forget the calendars, stories, devotions and other resources found each month on the
LWML website. The direct link is:
And as we reach this point in the biennium, it’s time to call for grant proposals for the next biennium. I will start accepting proposals as of November 1st. The application packet can be found on page 11 of this issue of the CCC.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions. I am encouraging electronic submissions this year.
May your efforts be blessed as we go forward this biennium.
Barbara Kuekes, VP – Mission Advocacy & Grants
Volume 66 Issue 3
Page 9
Mission Advocacy and Grants Proposal
We are excited that you are mission- minded and would like to be able to consider your project for a Mission
Grant. Your request is most likely to be considered if you keep the following in mind:
(1) It should bring The Good News of Jesus Christ to people not already Christians. WE ARE ENCOURAGING
(2) Please put it in the form of a resolution. You can use this statement as an example for your format:
Whereas there are many people in our community that are unchurched, and
Whereas our members are beginning many small group Bible studies among their neighbors;
Therefore be it resolved that a grant for $3,000 be awarded for the purpose of purchasing materials for Bible study or any project
in our new small groups ministry.
(3) The amount should be for no more than $5,000.00.
(4) The choosing of mission grants and their priority will be made at the Sept. 2014 Lutheran Women’s Missionary
League Carolinas District Convention. The money will be available between September 2014 and September 2016
depending on mite contributions.
(5) The money must be requested when you are ready for it and we need complete contact information for the
person that is responsible for your project.
(6) Photographic material of your project will be needed to promote your Mission Grant Proposal.
Photographic material MUST be submitted in electronic format.
The deadline for applying for a Mission Grant is Feb. 1, 2014.
No Grant Proposals will be accepted before November 1, 2013.
We hope that you are PRAYERFUL as well as led by The Holy Spirit to submit your Mission Grant Proposals.
God Blessings,
Barbara Kuekes
VP of Mission Advocacy and Grants
Carolinas District LWML
100 Buena Vista Dr.
Cary, NC 27513
Page 10
TITLE OF PROECT _________________________________________________________
SOCIETY NAME ___________________________________________________________
CHURCH NAME ___________________________________________________________
ADDRESS ________________________________________________________________
CONTACT PERSON ________________________________________________________
CONTACT ADDRESS _______________________________________________________
CONTACT PHONE _________________________________________________________
CONTACT EMAIL __________________________________________________________
Is the project currently implemented?
If no, state projected start date: ________________________________________________
Explain any other sources of funding: ___________________________________________
Brief Description of Project: ___________________________________________________
Deadline for submission will be February 1, 2014. No grant proposals will be accepted before
November 1, 2013. Submissions must include a completed application and resolution.
We prefer that submissions be in electronic format, either by email attachment or a mailed CD.
Volume 66 Issue 3
Page 11
Words from our Jr. Pastoral Counselor
Dear friends in Christ,
What a joy it was to attend the 35th Biennial Convention of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League in
Pittsburgh, PA June 27-30. Anyone who wants to know how to “Serve the Lord with Gladness,” should attend a
LWML convention. I have attended a number of zone rallies and two district conventions (one in Tampa, FL in
the 90’s and one here in 2012), but this was my first national convention. I have been asked to comment on my
experience at the convention. What was it like? To quote Emily Dickenson, “Let me count the ways!” What can
I say but, “Pittsburgh, Wow!”
Attendance: There were over 3000 ways to count God’s love in attendance. Worship: There were two
worship services with wonderful Christian music, dynamic preachers, heartfelt prayers, generous offerings, Holy
Communion offered at 30 stations with 60 pastors and 30 LWML assistants, truly a mountain top experience. Bible Study: We had a relevant Bible study and dynamic study leader. Presenters: There were six dynamic presenters
including the synod president. Business: LWML gets right down to the business of mission, their very purpose for
existing. Approval of priority of mission grants was a major focus. President Kay’s address and report kept the
focus in the right direction. Organization: The outstanding planning efforts of the host districts and the
executive committee was evident throughout the four day convention. Election: Capable and willing members
were elected to serve as God’s servants to continue the mission efforts. Offering: The offering at the opening
worship service was over $52,000. In addition, there were four “Convention Offerings” with four separate purposes. What a generous bunch of God’s people. Dynamic features: There were two banner processionals, a Heart
to Heart presentation, and installation of officers. Young Women’s Reps processed the banners. Location: Pittsburgh was a great location for such a large convention and transportation was provided for those in hotels too far
away to walk.
At the local level, President Debbie and all of the Carolinas District board did a wonderful job of organization of our district’s participation. Elloree did a great job of getting the bus trip together, and all on board had a
great time.
I have been thoroughly “Quenched by the Water!” A national convention such as this is very uplifting and
motivational. You can be sure that you have my support in any way I can give it to the Carolinas District.
I am happy for all who could attend the convention this year, and I would recommend and encourage everyone to mark your calendars now and begin planning to attend the next convention in Des Moines, Iowa in 2015.
Pastor Jones, Carolinas District Jr. Pastoral Counselor
Page 12
Notes from our
Dear Sisters in Christ,
I want to thank all of you who have prayed, sent cards and offered words of encouragement during the recent illness and death of my mother, Aulene Clark. It has been of great comfort to have so many thinking and praying for
me and my family during this difficult time.
Sometimes God places us where we need to be. My mother was hospitalized on the Saturday before my husband and I left for Pittsburgh on Monday. It sounded like a case of dehydration and so we set off knowing that
she was in good hands. My husband dropped me off for the pre-convention board meetings and he headed to
Gettysburg to participate as a re-enactor.
The convention was wonderful. I was surrounded by over 3100 sisters in Christ who had come to praise God for
the “mitey” acts we can accomplish through putting coins in a small box. I love to hear the stories of the missionaries who come to tell us what our gifts have meant in their fields and how people all over the world are affected
by our acts of mercy and compassion.
What a joy to walk in the banner processional with Sarah Raddatz, our YWR, by my side! During convention business, Sarah sat to my right and Pastor Jones, our Junior Counselor sat to my left so that I could answer any questions they might have. That proved to be particularly helpful later on. What fun to walk with Sherri and Shirley
Marquardt during the Mission Pledge walk. It had to be moved indoors because of the threat of rain, but as we
walked the circuit, others lined the sides of the hallways to cheer us on! Over a thousand walkers had signed up
and were making the rounds.
As I kept in touch with my father over the week, the news was not good, but I don’t think I ever thought that my
mother was near the end of her life. She had been battling cancer for 15 years and had been so strong through it
all. The call came Saturday night after Mia Koehne’s concert that the doctors had given my mom two days to live.
I went back to my room, confided in my roommate and called my husband. I decided we should both finish what
we had come for and head to Hampton, VA on Monday. That’s what Mom would have wanted. I trusted that if it
was important for me to see my mom, God would see to it that I arrived in time.
On Sunday, as I shared the news, I was surrounded by love. Pastor Jones made sure my mother and family were
included in the morning prayers. My delegates and Sarah were around me. If you went to convention, do you remember what Rev. Belton spoke about in his sermon? He spoke about the devastating loss of his parents. Pastor
Jones and I looked at each other and recognized that I was where I needed to be.
We did get there in time. God is indeed good. I had been surrounded by prayer not only on Sunday morning, but
also on Sunday afternoon as our bus returned to Charlotte. I’ve been told that my mother was very proud of me
and reminded that I am truly my mother’s daughter. She led by example by always being active in her Methodist
church and in the United Methodist Women. She also held offices of leadership
through the years. How thankful we should all be for mothers who set an example
for us to follow – an example of faith In Christ as our Lord and Savior.
God’s blessings,
Debbie Roseman, Carolinas District President
Volume 66 Issue 3
Page 13
TMH Week 2013
Excitement was the word for the day as campers arrived on Sunday, June 16 to
begin TMH week. The counselors, dean, and doctor had arrived the day before to
get all things ready for a God inspired week. The theme for the week was “Go Tell
It on the Mountain Where Jesus Christ is Lord”. This theme was introduced on
Sunday evening along with the theme song for the week and a joyful noise was
heard throughout the camp.
Each morning after breakfast and cabin check, the campers gathered in the
“sunshine room” to hear a story from the Bible that was centered on a mountain.
These included Moses on Mount Sinai, Elijah on Mount Carmel, Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration, Jesus’
death on Golgotha, and a mountain for Jesus’ ascension. The campers were part of the story each day and the
group traveled to various areas of the camp as the stories were told. The campers learned more songs dealing with
the theme throughout the week and ended each session by coloring a picture of the story of the day.
On Monday afternoon the campers painted their t-shirts for Tweetsie; Tuesday they rotated between
crafts, bingo, and a boat; Wednesday was carnival game day with a lot of help from Bethel Lutheran’s youth and
adults; and Friday was swimming. The evenings were also varied with a talent show on Monday; Playmakers for
Christ cast coming to do an abbreviated version of their play, “David Father of the Promise”; a storyteller, and the
dance. Thursday was a highlight with the annual trip to Tweetsie.
Saturday, we closed out the week with a program highlighting what we had done during the week so the
parents and caregivers could see. This was followed by us all wishing each other a fond good-bye until next yearlots of hugs all around.
I would like to thank the Carolinas District LWML for their continued support of this ministry. Your contribution each year covers about half of what it takes to make the week happen. Without it, we could not offer the
quality experience that we have been striving to do. Thanks for your support!
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Pingel, Director TMH Week
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Mission of the Quarter
In the past we allowed societies to send in MOQ money 30 days after the end of the quarter but this makes it hard to
get the funds sent out for these projects in a timely manner. We are changing that requirement to 15 DAYS after
the end of the quarter! Please make sure your society treasurer knows this and the SCHEDULE of DUE
DATES will be updated with this new deadline. Mission of the Quarter projects are an important outreach for our
Carolinas District LWML and we want to continue to fund these projects in a timely fashion!!
If you have a mission opportunity that you would like to apply for a Mission of the Quarter please contact Margaret
White, Mission of the Quarter Chairman at or call (252) 456-3732 for more information.
You can find the MOQ form on our Carolinas District website.
We continue to pray for our MOQ projects. Thank you for supporting these mission activities and may we continue to
be the hands and feet of Jesus to those in need!
July/Aug/Sept 2013—SED "WIRED" Service Projects at Resurrection in Cary
The Wired Planning Team is planning a SED Weekend Youth Event called "WIRED" November 8-10, 2013 at Resurrection Lutheran Church in Cary. Over the weekend they will have several service projects taking place including: making blankets for the sick, care bags for the homeless, cards for the shut-ins, message bracelets for the Uganda mission
work, pillow cases for orphans and much more. Mission of the Quarter money will be used to purchase the service
project supplies. They will have about 150 teenagers participating in this event.
Oct/Nov/Dec 2013—Home-Centered Ministry of Concordia Lutheran Church, Conover
This MOQ application was received from the Assistant Pastor at Concordia Lutheran Church in Conover, NC for their
Home-centered Ministry. Pastor Brian Weaver explained that this ministry is centered on rooting, building up and
equipping homes in the love of Christ Jesus. One of the missions of this ministry is to reach out to the greater community of Conover and beyond, with the Gospel of Jesus Christ by equipping families to serve together throughout the
community by hosting Family Service Events. They will also be hosting Family Day events every other month. Funding from the LWML would be used to bolster these two events by enabling them to provide more for the families
(from the congregation and community) that attend these events. Every event would include some form of Bible study
of appropriate length so that all will hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Margaret White
Joy Event 2014
Planning has just started for the Joy Event for next spring. The Eastern Zone is happy to invite you to attend.
We have a date: March 15th, 2013
We have a location – Grace Lutheran Church, Durham.
We have YOU – well - you are coming right?
Stay Tuned for more information. It will all be in the next issue of the CCC!
Barbara Kuekes, Eastern Zone President.
Volume 66 Issue 3
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