Serendipity Poncho - Creative Knitting
Serendipity Poncho - Creative Knitting
Join us on the Creative Knitting Fans Page for our Knitalong to make this charming poncho. Turn to page 6 for details. Serendipity Poncho DESIGN BY SANDI PROSSER BIG NEEDLE WEEKEND SERENDIPITY PONCHO Worked in one piece, this stylish poncho knits up quickly. The simple one-row pattern repeat of the lace adds to the ease of knitting. Seaming the ribbed side edges creates an arm opening which resembles a loose, oversize pullover. Gauge 14 sts and 24 rows = 4 inches/10cm in Lace pat (blocked) with larger needle. To save time, take time to check gauge. Designer’s TIP Block knitted swatch before proceeding to ensure proper finished measurements. Pattern Stitches Garter Rib (multiple of 4 sts) Row 1 (WS): K3, *p2, k2; rep from * to last st, k1. Row 2 (RS): Knit. Rep Rows 1 and 2 for pat. EASY Size One size fits most women Finished Measurements Width: 47 inches (cuff to cuff) Length: 23 inches Materials • Plymouth Yarn Cape Town Collection Johanne (DK weight; 40% wool/30% mohair/30% acrylic; 327 yds/100g per hank): 5 hanks bungalow #0010 • Size 9 (5.5mm) 16-inch circular needle • Size 10 (6mm) 32-inch circular needle or size needed to obtain gauge • Stitch markers • Stitch holders Lace (multiple of 4 sts) Row 1: K4, *yo, k2tog, k2; rep from * to end of row. Rep Row 1 for pat. Pattern Notes Poncho is worked back and forth in rows in 1 piece, starting with left-side cuff and ending at right-side cuff. Circular needle is used to accommodate the large number of stitches. Do not join. Poncho Left Side With larger needle, cast on 160 sts. Do not join, work back and forth in rows. Beg with Row 1, work Garter Rib for 3 inches, ending with a WS row. Work in Lace pat until piece measures 19 inches, ending with a WS row. F I N D U S @ w w w.fa ce b o o k .co m/ Cre at i ve K ni t t i ngM agaz i ne Designer’s The width of the poncho can easily be lengthened or shortened by working more/fewer rows before and after neck shapings. TIP Shape Back Neck Note: Work in Lace pat as established throughout neck shaping. Row 1 (RS): Work 80 sts in Lace pat, turn. Leave rem 80 sts on holder for front. Row 2: Work to end of row. Dec row: Work to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1—79 sts. Rep Dec row [every RS row] 3 times— 76 sts. Work 47 rows even, ending with a WS row. Inc row (RS): Work to last 2 sts, kfb, k1—77 sts. Rep Inc row [every RS row] 3 times, ending with a RS row—80 sts. Cut yarn and leave sts on holder. Right Side Work in Lace pat across all sts until piece measures 16 inches from joining row, ending with a WS row. Beg with Row 2, work Garter Rib for 3 inches, ending with a RS row. Bind off all sts in rib. Sew front and back tog at markers along a column of ribbing from outside edge toward main body. Weave in ends. n Finishing Assembly Fold sides in half, matching bottom edges of front and back, and place markers on each side, 12 inches from lower edge to mark armholes. 16" 9" 16" 3" 23" Collar With smaller needle and RS facing, pick up and knit 112 sts evenly around neck opening; pm and join. Rnd 1: Purl. Rnd 2: *K2, p2; rep from * to end of rnd. Rep Rnds 1 and 2 until collar measures 8 inches, ending with Rnd 1. Bind off all sts loosely in pat. 3" BACK 1" 3" FRONT 47" Note: Arrow indicates direction of knitting. From Creative Knitting magazine, Spring 2014 Vol. 36 No. 1, Copyright © 2014 Creative Knitting magazine 23" Block piece to finished measurements. 46" Shape Front Neck Return front sts to needle ready for a RS row. Row 1 (RS): Work to end of row—80 sts. Row 2: Work to end of row. Dec row: K1, ssk, work to end of row— 79 sts. Rep Dec row [every RS row] 3 times, ending with a WS row—76 sts. Dec-2 row (RS): K1, [ssk] twice, work to end of row—74 sts. Rep Dec-2 row [every RS row] twice, ending with a RS row—70 sts. Work 35 rows even, ending with a WS row. Inc-2 row (RS): K1, [kfb] twice, work to end of row—72 sts. Rep Inc-2 row [every RS row] twice, ending with a WS row—76 sts. Inc row (RS): K1, kfb, work to end of row—77 sts. Rep Inc row [every RS row] 3 times, ending with a RS row—80 sts. Joining row (WS): Continuing in Lace pat as established, work across front 80 sts, then work across back 80 sts—160 sts.