Rights List Frankfurt Bookfair 2013
Rights List Frankfurt Bookfair 2013
Rights List Frankfurt Bookfair 2013 www.libellagroup.com TABLE OF CONTENTS Fiction La Fabrique du monde Sophie van der Linden 5 Art nègre Bruno Tessarech 6 Dans la gueule du loup Olivier Bellamy 7 Sauf les fleurs Nicolas Clément 8 La Paupière du jour Myriam Chirousse 9 Partition silencieuse Ea Sola 10 La Mer de la tranquillité Sylvain Trudel 11 Franz Schubert Express Tecia Werbowski 12 Les Petits contretemps Gaëlle Heaulme 13 Non-fiction Current Affairs Captain Teacher Raphaël Krafft 15 TABLE OF CONTENTS Music Series Les Grands Chefs d’orchestre du xxe siècle Christian Merlin 16 L’âme & la Corde Ivry Gitlis 17 Voix du désir, Éros & Opéra Michel Schneider 18 Un monde habité par le chant Teresa Berganza avec Olivier Bellamy 19 Illustrated Books Manifeste incertain (volume II) Frédéric Pajak 21 Les Ombres Hippolyte & Vincent Zabus 22 Dessins d’occasion Jean-Claude Carrière 23 Les Hommes de sable de Choïna Dominique Rivaz & Dimitrij Leltschuk 24 FRENCH FICTION LA FABRIQUE DU MONDE (World Factory) Sophie van der Linden I can see my place in all that. A 17-year-old Chinese country girl who works in a factory because her brother went to university. Totally insignificant:a worker bee trapped in the hive. Locked up for life. C hina today. Mei, a 17-year-old assembly-line worker, lives, sleeps and works in a garment factory. Mei comes from the countryside, from a farming family that sent their son to university. Her dormitory and her exhausting daily routine are shared with 11 other young seamstresses, all subjected to the same rhythm and stuck with the same bleak prospects. At night, she reads out loud to her roommates from the only book she owns, a gift from her grandmother. But above all, at night, Mei can dream… One day, the factory foreman leaves and a “new tyrant” takes his place. Denied Christmas leave for “disobedience,” for a few days, Mei gets a taste of freedom in the deserted factory. Confronting a touch of romanticism with Mei’s bitter reality, La Fabrique du monde is an intimate immersion in a mind awakening to love and life that allows itself to perceive its own individuality – whatever the price may be. Mei, an exploited 17-year-old garment-industry worker rebels, opening herself to life and attempting to assemble her own world. The author: Born in 1973, Sophie Van der Linden lives near Paris. Until now, she had written only reference books about children’s literature, her specialty (Je cherche un livre pour un enfant, (I’m Looking for a Children’s Book, Gallimard, 2011; Images des livres pour la jeunesse (Images for Children, Editions Thierry Magnier, 2006). La Fabrique du monde is her first novel. Worldwide translation rights: Buchet Chastel Publication date: August 2013 Number of pages: 160 Available material: finished copy Retail price: 13 e 5 ART NÈGRE (Ghost Art) Bruno Tessarech L ouis, a hesitant, weak-willed, somewhat useless novelist, can’t even keep his own house clean. All he does is wandering aimlessly from one room to the next, staying cooped up inside or chatting with his neighbours for hours on end. Even his loving girlfriend, Olivia, has fled the ruins of his existence. The problem is that Louis has writer’s block. One day, François, a publisher who is also an old friend, offers him a job: can Louis ghostwrite a famous ex-con’s memoir? Louis accepts. It is the beginning of a long stretch of ghostwriting, hopping from one person’s life to the next. Although he couldn’t get inside his own characters’ heads to write his own novel, he is now describing other people’s lives as though they were his own! The people themselves may get on his nerves, but he comes to love the experience as a whole: from the boredom of the interviews to the re-found joy of writing as he puts their words into shape on paper. The work helps him pull his own life back together, too. Olivia moves back in, and his own experiences wind up feeding the novel that was always in him. Like La Femme de l’analyste (The Shrink’s Wife), Bruno Tessarech’s latest (funny and autobiographical) novel, Art nègre, is also about a character with writer’s block. A light-hearted novel about writing and its truths and lies. The author: Bruno Tessarech was born near Paris in 1947 and now lives in Bordeaux. In 1973 he created a Summerhillian secondary school. He dropped everything in 1995 to finally indulge his endlessly deferred desire to write novels. Which he has been doing ever since, while earning a living through writing-workshops and ghostwriting. After La Machine à écrire (The Typewriter) published by Editions du Dilettante in 1996, his novels published by Buchet Chastel include La Femme de l’analyste, Villa blanche and Pour Malaparte. Worldwide translation rights: Buchet Chastel Publication date: August 2013 Number of pages: 256 Available material: finished copy Retail price: 15 e 6 DANS LA GUEULE DU LOUP (The Lion’s Den) Olivier Bellamy 1936 was the beginning of the one of the bloodiest Stalinist purges in Bolshevik history. That very year, Sergei Prokofiev chose to go back to live in the USSR with his family. It was also then that he wrote and composed Peter and the Wolf, his celebrated children’s story set to music. Convinced that his fame would protect him from the Party cadres, the “Russian Mozart” walked right into the lion’s den. He wouldn’t escape it alive. In this cruelly droll novel, the author imagines the tragic circumstances and consequences of this fateful decision, allowing us to relive the history of the 20th century through the destiny of one artist. From the inspiring, cosmopolitan Paris of Poulenc and Nabokov, to the war and the implacable Soviet system, the book also paints a fascinating portrait of a brilliant composer who was willing to walk through the fires of hell in order to approach divine inspiration. And of the free-spirited woman who paid a heavy price for her unwavering love and devotion. They cost her both her career and life, because Lina, who was arrested during the Great Purges of 1948, was sentenced to 20 years in a Siberian gulag. An inspired saga about the troubled life of the composer Prokofiev. The author: Born in Marseille in 1961, Olivier Bellamy presents the daily Passion classique program on Radio Classique. His biography of the pianist Martha Argerich (Buchet/Chastel) has been translated in seven countries. He has also written a book based on his interviews with Teresa Berganza (Buchet Chastel, 2013) and has made several documentary films for television. Worldwide translation rights: Buchet Chastel Publication date: August 2013 Number of pages: 192 Available material: finished copy Retail price: 15 e 7 ON I T LA BLE S AN ILA R A T H E AV S LI PL G EN SAM SAUF LES FLEURS (Except the Flowers) Nicolas Clément M arthe, 12, lives on a farm with her parents and her little brother, Léonce. Her father, who is borderline autistic, is unspeakably brutal towards their mother. The children have just one obsession: picking wildflowers for their abused mother to bring some kind of sweetness into the poor woman’s life. The two of them stick together as best they can and help each other to overcome the inevitable tragedy. At 16, Marthe meets Florent. Through him, she will discover the purity of first love. Their childish games give way to learning each other’s bodies and realizing that people can be gentle, too. Someday, Marthe will teach others the value of the words that their father wants to deprive them of, the happiness of reading and of inventing other realities. This novella rises brilliantly to the challenge of combining highly poetical language with very simple expression; this is a terribly moving and physical story that draws us elegantly into the heart of a family in which love and the will to live stand up to the power of destruction. A powerful story exposing the madness and cruelty of domestic violence. The author: Nicolas Clément was born in 1970 and lives in Paris. He teaches advanced-level philosophy in high school. Sauf les fleurs, his first novel, was long-listed for the Prix du Roman FNAC in 2013. Worldwide translation rights: Buchet Chastel (“Qui Vive”) Publication date: August 2013 Number of pages: 80 Available material: finished copy Retail price: 9 € 8 LA PAUPIÈRE DU JOUR (The Eyelid of the Day) Myriam Chirousse C endrine Gerfaut has just arrived in Barjouls, an isolated village in the mountains in the south of France. She is ostensibly a botanist, come to conduct a survey of local plant species. But she is actually looking for Benjamin Lucas, a local man who murdered her fiancé years ago. Benjamin was released from jail not long ago, and Cendrine has sworn to kill the man she blames for ruining her life. Barjouls is like one big, old-fashioned family. Behind a cheerful façade, everyone is keeping an eye on everyone else – whom they might love or hate. Cendrine Gerfaut will have to keep her guard up. And her quest will unearth some unexpected revelations. The Eyelid of the Day describes the emergence of a woman who is breaking the chains that bind her to the past. Myriam Chirousse’s second novel features magnificently portrayed nature – splendid and omnipresent; characters who have not had it easy; tragedies, passions and deep dark secrets. A young woman arrives in an isolated village where just a few families live, bound by their secrets. She is passing herself off as a botanist, but is actually searching for the man who ruined her life, who she believes is hiding there, in order to kill him. The author: Myriam Chirousse lives in southeastern France. She translates from Spanish – including Rosa Montero’s novels. La Paupière du jour is her second novel, after Miel et Vin, published by Buchet Chastel in 2009. Translation rights of Miel & Vin sold to Spain (Alfaguara) Worldwide translation rights: Buchet Chastel Publication date: May 2013 Number of pages: 504 Available material: finished copy Retail price: 22 e 9 PARTITION SILENCIEUSE (Silent Score) Ea Sola D inh and Tho are the two sons of a respectable Saigon family. But when the Vietnam War breaks out after the French withdraw in 1954, they go in opposite directions: Dinh becomes a Vietcong Communist guerilla fighter, while his brother takes the other side. The family is torn apart by political divisions, the struggle for survival and by nature’s overwhelming presence. After his studies in Paris, Dinh returns to his homeland with Iris, a young Frenchwoman. Their union produces Xa, the indomitable but discreet heroine of the second half of the book, whom we follow as she is first torn from, then reunited with, her roots. A mysterious poetry fills this moving narrative, which is an ode to family and to a country profoundly wounded by a fratricidal war that scarred an entire population. A saga filled with nostalgia for a lost childhood and a connection to untamed nature as well as an ode to family and a poetical song of exile. The author: Ea Sola is a dancer and a choreographer. She experienced exile after growing up in Vietnam. Her visual and choreographic work always explores a sense of dispossession of one’s body, and the notion of dignity and happiness denied. Partition silencieuse is her first novel. Worldwide translation rights: Buchet Chastel Publication date: August 2013 Number of pages: 240 Available material: finished copy Retail price: 18 e 10 LA MER DE LA TRANQUILLITÉ (The Sea of Tranquility) Sylvain Trudel S even years after the publication of La Mer de la Tranquillité, here is a new version that has been revised and expanded by the author. These 10 extremely diverse stories have changed shape. Touched by grace or felled by the violence of fate, humans run after happiness or hope for a peaceful death. There is a touch of genius in the unspoken violence that is drawn so skillfully from silence. In Sylvain Trudel’s stories, erotic magazines get theological qualities, immolated cats become one with meteorites, teen lovers ignore harelips, prophets announce the Age of the Pig while leering at prostitutes, war is drowned out in Scotch and Holy Water from Lourdes, old men dwell on dark thoughts under their skunk-fur hats, and a man kills his wife but spares his son, who is hiding under a girl’s skirt. These 10 worrisome tales are as deep as a well; they masterfully intertwine tragedy and absurdity, chimera and disaster, memory and anxiety. The author: Born in 1963, Sylvain Trudel lives in Québec. La Mer de la Tranquillité, his fifth book, earned him the 2007 Gouverneur général du Canada Prize. In 2010, La Presse listed him as one of the 10 best authors of the decade. Worldwide translation rights: Noir sur Blanc (Notabilia) Publication date: August 2013 Number of pages: 184 Available material: finished copy Retail price: 15 e Translation rights of the first edition sold to the USA (Soft Skull Press), Italy (Alet Edizioni), Serbia (Geopoetika) and Canada (Anansi Press). 11 FRANZ SCHUBERT EXPRESS Tecia Werbowski O n the Franz Schubert Express taking her from Prague to Vienna – and a year later, on the Gustav Mahler Express for the return journey – the eccentric Maya Ney, retired psychologist and aspiring detective, makes some unexpected encounters. They include the elegant Clara Blau: Maya is touched by the tears Clara sheds as she reads Apollinaire’s letters filled with love and lies, written simultaneously to both his fiancée and his mistress. Sitting next to each other on the train, Clara tells Maya her life story, describing herself as a “widowed divorcee” and expressing her intense hatred for the woman who was married to her husband during the last three years of his life. Maya Ney gradually becomes enthralled by Clara’s story, confided over glasses of cognac. Is the Blau family’s tale the expression of the strange sentiment that later takes hold of her in the streets of Vienna, a sort of inextricable blend of refinement and cruelty? When, one year later, Maya Ney takes her seat for the return journey, she witnesses singular and intimate exchanges between two strange individuals. We will find out that the pair has escaped from a psychiatric ward and that they believe they are Gustav and Alma Mahler! The tragic events that take place on board the Gustav Mahler Express will force Maya Ney into action. Franz Schubert Express and Gustav Mahler Express are comedies of manners that pay subtle homage to Stefan Zweig, Thomas Bernhard and Gustav Mahler in their description of a Vienna where the hypocrisy is interwoven with the delicacy of the masters of music. The author: Tecia Werbowski has written nearly a dozen novels and short-story collections, as well as a non-fiction book. Born in Lvov, Poland, but a native of Prague in her heart, she has lived in Canada since 1968 and now divides her time between Montreal and Prague. Worldwide translation rights: Noir sur Blanc (Notabilia) Publication date: September 2013 Number of pages: 96 Available material: finished copy Retail price: 11 e 12 LES PETITS CONTRETEMPS (Slight Mishaps) Gaëlle Heaulme W hat if one day, we acted on impulse and let our darkest desires come to fruition? We would no longer hesitate to get rid of crying babies or to definitively shut up the person who has been conscientiously keeping us from drinking our morning coffee in peace over the past 20 years. Les Petits Contretemps are the tipping points, the precise moments when everything changes colour and rhythm. In a few cinematic sentences, these stories grab our attention and lead us into their dark world. Situations that should be ordinary – couples, children, sickness, loss and more – turn into occasions for staring with cruel glee at those instants when everything spins out of control and anything can happen: a man leaves his wife, but she calmly presents him with a list of things to do before he moves on to his new life (fix the washing machine, change the tires on the moped, tighten some leaking faucets, etc.); a divorced father tries in vain to spend an ordinary day with his daughter; one Christmas eve, a woman realizes that the beggar sitting on a bench is the very man who once made her suffer... Just as a radiant blue sky can be a harbinger of a terrible storm, a seemingly ordinary day can suddenly reveal the unexpected… A series of darkly funny, surprising vignettes portraying everyday situations that spin off into the absurd, the horrid or the grotesque... How fiction can sometimes achieve what we wouldn’t dare to accomplish in real life! The author: Gaëlle Heaulme was born in 1961 and lives in Aix en Provence. A former proofreader, she is now a primary-school teacher, after having been a jack-of-all-trades: maker of short films, taker of surveys, reader of screenplays, and more. Worldwide translation rights: Buchet Chastel (“Qui Vive”) Publication date: October 2013 Number of pages: 176 Available material: finished copy Retail price: 15 € 13 NON FICTION CAPTAIN TEACHER Raphaël Krafft I n late 2009, Raphaël Krafft went to Afghanistan at the invitation of Colonel Benoît Durieux, a reserve officer in the COS and the Foreign Legion. His mission was to create a community radio station in the Pashto language. Krafft got to know the country through the prism of the officers and legionnaires around him, as well as the Afghans he trained as journalists, and with whom he produced a documentary that aired on France Culture. Captain Krafft signed up to build “Radio Surobi” from scratch. The goal was to create a radio-audience community that would enter into dialogues amongst themselves and allow the Afghani journalists at the heart of the project to exercise their profession freely. Krafft insisted on imposing a code of ethics inspired by European community radio stations. In so doing, he became “Captain Teacher.” The tale of a human, journalistic and military adventure. This book takes us to the heart of an Afghanistan that is at once familiar – because of the war, which we were used to hearing about in the news – and totally unfamiliar, because of the author’s exceptional encounters with local people and his extraordinary closeness to the men he trained to become journalists. The Author: Raphaël Krafft is a free-lance journalist. He has done reporting and made documentaries for RFI, France Culture, etc. He acquired his radio-reporting skills at Englishlanguage stations during a two-year-long bike trip from Tierra del Fuego to the USA. Other journeys followed, from both France and overseas: the Balkans, the Middle East and, as here, Afghanistan. Worldwide translation rights: Buchet Chastel Publication date: September 2013 Number of pages: 304 Available material: finished copy Retail price: 20 € 15 LES GRANDS CHEFS D’ORCHESTRE DU XXe SIÈCLE (The Great Conductors of the 20th century) Christian Merlin A fter violinists, pianists and singers, this fourth volume in the “Great Musicians” series is devoted to orchestra conductors. Orchestra specialist Christian Merlin provides portraits of fifty legendary 20th century conductors, presented chronologically from Arturo Toscanini to Simon Rattle. The book, which is both entertaining and well-documented, allows readers to understand the unique personality and genius of each conductor. The author describes each conductor’s life and career, while at the same time revealing the keys to their artistry and selecting their most important recordings. In addition to comprising a portrait gallery of the century’s greatest conductors, this book is also an excellent introduction to the art of conducting. A CD with eight hours of music comes free with the book, allowing readers to hear excerpts of these great conductors’ work. The author: Christian Merlin is the music critic at Figaro as well as for the music journal Diapason. He also teaches German at the University of Lille, and has written a book devoted to orchestral musicians that was inspired and dictated by the many years he has spent with both instrumentalists and conductors (Au cœur de l’orchestre, Fayard, 2012). Worldwide translation rights: Buchet Chastel Publication date: September 2013 Number of pages: 424 Available material: finished copy Retail price: 23 € 16 L’ÂME & LA CORDE (The Soul and the Rope) Ivry Gitlis When I was 5, people chipped in to buy me a violin. The violin has been a part of me ever since. B orn in Haifa, Ivry Gitlis moved to Paris at 10 in order to start the freest and least conformist international-soloist career in modern music. As a first-prize winner at the Paris Conservatory at 13, he went on to study with the greatest violinists of the time, first in Belgium, then in London and the USA. His participation in the Marguerite LongJacques Thibaud International Competition turned into a memorable battle between the jury and the audience, which was on his side. This exceptional musician, who would become the first Israeli to perform in the USSR, knows no borders, and is as comfortable with jazz and gypsy music as he is with the classical repertory. In 1972, he founded the Festival of Vence, in the south of France, which is known for its innovative character and programming. He still performs in concert, and is particularly popular in Japan, where he has been performing frequently for over 30 years before adoring audiences. L’Ame et la Corde is the autobiography of this exceptional artist. First published in 1980, this new edition has been expanded to include the last 30 years. In his inimitable style, Ivry Gitlis describes his relationship with his instrument, with music, and with his audience. “You have to play as though it were a matter of life and death for you.” The autobiography of the famous violinist Ivry Gitlis, in a new, expanded edition to honor the Maestro’s 90th birthday. Worldwide translation rights: Buchet Chastel Publication date: October 2013 Number of pages: 304 Available material: finished copy Retail price: 20 € 17 VOIX DU DÉSIR, ÉROS & OPÉRA (Voices of desire : Eros & Opera) Michel Schneider O pera is sexual from start to finish. A century ago, George Bernard Shaw even quipped, “Standard opera plot: The tenor and the soprano want to make love, but are prevented by the Baritone.” The least that can be said is that the two rarely manage to love each other without one or both of them dying, as well as some collateral damage. And the type of voice does instantly designate the role in the plot of love and desire. The four tessiture (bass, alto, tenor, soprano) engrave the elements of the Oedipus Complex into the scene as clearly as in Father Knows Best: father, mother, son and daughter. These are the voices of desire and tragedy that Michel Schneider exposes by analyzing over a dozen operas, both very well-known (Orpheus, Carmen, La Traviata, Il Trovatore) and less so (Die Tode Stadt, The Stigmatized and others). Fifteen operas analyzed by psychoanalyst Michel Schneider, who explores the unconscious plays of desire between the characters. The author: Writer and psychoanalyst Michel Schneider was the director of Music and Dance at the Ministry of Culture from 1988 to 1991. He has written a great number of books, including several about music: Glenn Gould piano solo (Gallimard, 1988), La Tombée du jour, Schumann (Éd. du Seuil, 1989), Musique de nuit and Prima Donna. Opéra et inconscient (Odile Jacob, 2001). His other works include, most notably, Marilyn dernières séances (Grasset, 2006, Prix Interallié) and Comme une ombre (Grasset, 2011). Worldwide translation rights: Buchet Chastel Publication date: October 2013 Number of pages: 240 Available material: finished copy Retail price: 20 e 18 UN MONDE HABITÉ PAR LE CHANT (A World of Songs) Olivier Bellamy I n honor of her 80th birthday, in March, 2013, Teresa Berganza decided to tell everything, with sincerity, verve and humor to Olivier Bellamy, author of the widely-acclaimed biography of the pianist Martha Argerich published by Buchet Chastel in 2010. The woman who Karajan used to call ‘the Carmen of the century’ and Claudio Abbado ‘the greatest mezzo-soprano in the world’ brings back to life great moments from the golden age of opera. She describes her childhood, her training, and her encounters with people like Otto Klemperer and Carlo Maria Giulini; her relationship with Maria Callas and her favourite stage partners, like Alfredo Kraus, Luigi Alva and Placido Domingo; as well as her marriages, her views on love, her heartbreaks and her musical truths. The book also includes a section with rare and intimate photos, a complete discography and a detailed timeline. From little-known anecdotes to surprising revelations, we get to know a personality which combines Don Quixote’s idealism and Sancho Panza’s candid soul. In honor of her 80th birthday, the mezzo-soprano Teresa Berganza tells her untold life story to Olivier Bellamy. The author: Born in 1961, Olivier Bellamy is a reporter at Classica (formerly Le Monde de la musique) and editor at Le Parisien. He presents an hour-and-a-half long daily program in the early evening on Radio Classique. He has written several TV documentaries on musical themes for several French TV channels. Translation rights of Martha Argerich, l’enfant & les sortilèges sold to Germany (Random House Deutschland), Argentina (El Ateneo), Italy (Zecchini Editore), Poland (Wydawnictwo Literackie), Japan (Ongaku No Tomo Sha), China (Guangxi University Press) and Taiwan (Tu & Du International). Worldwide translation rights: Buchet Chastel Publication date: March 2013 Number of pages: 206 Available material: finished copy Retail price: 20 e 19 ILLUSTRATED BOOKS MANIFESTE INCERTAIN (TOME II) (Uncertain Manifesto) Frédéric Pajak O ctober 1933 – Walter Benjamin leaves Ibiza for Paris, poor alone and weakened by a bout of malaria. He had first seen Paris before World War I, then had stayed there in 1926 and 1927, when Surrealism was in full swing. It was there that André Breton met Nadja, who would become his heroine, enabling him to see the French capital differently and opening his eyes to its random charms. But their relationship would end badly. As for Benjamin, although he fell in love with the city, his love was unrequited: anonymous and misunderstood, Benjamin was miserably poor and lonely there… which didn’t prevent him from undertaking one of his major works: Paris, Capital of the 19th Century. But what about Paris itself, what did it do and what did it become? This second volume of the Manifeste incertain switches back and forth between the Roaring ‘20s and the present day, coming across the city’s poets, painters and rebels: Léon-Paul Fargue, Guillaume Apollinaire, Chaïm Soutine, Louis Chevalier and more. But wandering amongst shades is not without risk: they may well hide other, more improbable characters. Is this a dream world or reality? And what if reality were suddenly to expire in a dream? Intertwining poetry, politics and history, this second volume of the Manifeste incertain calls upon the City of Lights’ historical figures, places and characters in a literary saga lavishly illustrated with over 200 drawings. The author: Frédéric Pajak was born outside of Paris in 1955. He has written over a dozen books, most of which are both written and drawn: Le chagrin d’amour; Humour — une biographie de James Joyce; Nietzsche et son père, Nervosité générale, Mélancolie, published by PUF; and La guerre sexuelle, J’entends des voix and Autoportrait, by Gallimard. He is the editor of the “Les Cahiers dessinés” (“Sketchbooks”) series at Buchet Chastel. Worldwide translation rights: Noir sur Blanc Publication date: October 2013 Number of pages: 208 Available material: finished copy Retail price: 23 e 21 LES OMBRES (Shadows) Hippolyte & Vincent Zabus A harshly lit interrogation room. A chair, a desk. In this spare, bleak setting, Refugee n° 214’s fate is being sealed. After a long and difficult journey, head hanging, back bent, he is applying for asylum. Forced to confess, he must, in order to obtain the precious paper, expose his past and the reasons that forced him into exile. He and his sister had no choice but to flee, as bloodthirsty horsemen pillaged and burned their homeland. Terrified and lost, they crossed forests, deserts, cities and seas: a veritable odyssey filled with mysterious and terrifying people, from the capitalist ogre to the snake-passer, from the dangerously alluring sirens to those shivering, omnipresent shadows, like voices from the beyond. A child describes the days of wandering that shaped his exile, the tragic events that dictated his flight, and the mirages that helped him hang on. With Les Ombres, Vincent Zabus and Hippolyte offer us a subtle, dreamlike and insightful contemporary fable about exile and refugees. The authors: Vincent Zabus was born in 1971 and currently lives in Belgium. Actor and artistic director of the Compagnie des Bonimenteurs, he is a serious fan of comic books. He wrote two shorts strips for Spirou, then two series for children published by Dupuis: Le monde selon François (The World According to François) with Renaud Collin and Agathe Saugrenu (Unexpected Agath) with Valérie Vernay. His latest books are Les petites gens (Little People, Lombard, 2012) and Les Chroniques d’un maladroit sentimental (Chronicles of a Sentimental Klutz, Vents d’Ouest). Hippolyte was born in 1976. Having started out working for the press, and then for publishers, he is best-known for having taken on the huge task of producing a comic-book version of The Master of Ballantrae, Robert Louis Stevenson’s masterpiece (Denoël Graphic). In 2004, he won the Best Album of the Year Award at the Brussels Book Fair for his comic-book adaptation of Dracula, by Bram Stoker (Glénat). A peerless, and tirelessly inventive graphic designer, he switches happily from scratchboards to water color. He lives on Reunion Island. Worldwide translation rights: Phébus Publication date: October 2013 Number of pages: 184 Available material: finished copy Retail price: 24 e 22 DESSINS D’OCCASION (Occasional Drawings) Jean-Claude Carrière J ean-Claude Carrière’s cinematic, theatrical, literary and philosophical work needs no introduction. Yet very few people know that he has always drawn, too, usually in his notebooks. Travel sketches, Paris street scenes, images from his own imagination and from film shoots, portraits of directors, actors and more, Jean-Claude Carrière draws practically every day. Drawing both helps him focus and stimulates his memory. Whether he’s using colourful felttip pens or India ink spontaneity and expressiveness are what counts. We recognize his recurrent preoccupations and obsessions, as well as his omnipresent sense of humor. For this book, he has written short texts that help situate the place, people and context that inspired him to draw. For the first time ever, Jean-Claude Carrière is sharing his sketchbooks, which he had previously shown only to close friends, with a broader public. From Buñuel to Godard via Marlene Dietrich, we get to see turning points in Carrière’s life through his own eyes. The book presents a selection chosen from among thousands of drawings. The author: Jean-Claude Carrière was born in 1931 near the Mediterranean coast. A novelist, screenplay writer and story-teller, as well as an actor and filmmaker, he is equally at home with film, theatre and literature. His work, which often involves adaptations for theatre, film or television, has been acclaimed by critics and the public alike. He has collaborated with such icons of our time as Luis Buñuel, Peter Brook, Jean-Luc Godard and Volker Schlöndorff. He is currently working on a film with the Dalai Lama. Worldwide translation rights: Buchet Chastel (“Les Cahiers dessinés”) Publication date: October 2013 Number of pages: 256 Available material: finished copy Retail price: 23 e 23 LES HOMMES DE SABLE DE CHOÏNA (The Sandmen of Shoina) Dominique de Rivaz & Dimitrij Leltschuk D ominique de Rivaz decided to go to Shoina, a fishing village of 300 inhabitants in the Russian Far North, because she saw Dmitrij Leltschuk’s photos. Once a thriving Soviet fishing port on the White Sea, the village is now half-buried under sand dunes. Over-fishing destroyed the sea bottom, which had created a natural barrier. Every day, in an attempt to save their village, the locals sweep out the sand that has been deposited by the wind and the sea. Fascinated by this remote, forsaken spot, the two photographers spent long stretches of time there. Their images echo each other across the pages of the book. The unique northern light bathes their respective photographs of children and the elderly, of abandoned ships rusting on the beaches, of the weekly plane that is their last link to the rest of Russia, of the lighthouse that was only recently closed by official decree, and more. Texts about Shoina’s past and the daily life of its inhabitants complete the dialogue between the two photographers. For Dominique de Rivaz, Shoina is revealed as a metaphoric place within her own inner space, one that lends itself to expressing grief and memory; a place where she can explore life’s outer reaches. A stunning book of photos from Russia’s Far North bringing together two photographers’ views of a village left to its own devices after it was swamped by sand and abandoned to the nature’s overwhelming power. Lyrical and contemplative, enhanced with several journalistic texts, this book invites us to consider both the effects of intensive exploitation of natural resources and the vastness of the world. The authors: A writer, award-winning filmmaker and photographer born in 1953, Dominique de Rivaz divides her time between Bern and Berlin. Assistant director for Alain Tanner, among others, she has been collaborating on the Fribourg International Film Festival for the past 10 years. Her film Mein Name ist Bach was awarded the 2004 Swiss Cinema prize for best film; Luftbusiness, the 2009 Swiss Cinema prize for best actor. She has written three novels: Douchinka (L’Aire, 2009); La Poussette (Buchet/Chastel, 2010) and Rose Envy (Zoé, 2012), which was nominated for the Wepler Prize. She has also done a book of photos about the Berlin Wall: Sans début ni fin – Le chemin du mur de Berlin (Noir sur Blanc, 2010). Dmitrij Leltschuk, a Bielo-Russian photographer, is currently living in Germany. His work is frequently shown in photo exhibitions. Worldwide translation rights: Noir sur Blanc Publication date: September 2013 Number of pages: 240 Available material: finished copy Retail price: 29 e 24 CONTACT Christine Legrand Libella Group 7 rue des Canettes 75 006 Paris Tel : + + 1 44 32 05 64 Fax : + + 1 44 32 12 45 christine.legrand@libella.fr www.libellagroup.com