
of Cracow
 The Pedagogical University of Cracow has acquired the status as the best
pedagogical higher education institution in Poland and it is also the earliest
Pedagogical University in Poland. It is a modern and elite university. It functions
according to the model of integrated education i.e. theoretical knowledge has been
combined with practical skills.
 We cultivate the values and traditions developed by several generations
of academic staff and students. We promote the idea of modern education with the
versatile cooperation from higher education establishments from all over Europe.
 The mission of the Pedagogical University is exercised by professional and
experienced teaching staff who apply modern and up to date teaching contents.
It is also expressed through scientific research, outlining new fields of scientific
development, transmitting knowledge, and developing and enriching the
personality of the graduates by educating them according to the highest European
 To our students we offer the latest achievements in the Humanities and also
in the Social, Educational, Natural, Technical and Art studies. Our educational
provision enables students to apply to several dozen fields of studies in first-cycle
(Bachelor’s) and second-cycle (Master’s) degree programmes, as well as in the
third-cycle degree studies (Ph.D.), post-graduate study courses and the ministerial
ordered study programmes.
 The courses can be completed in the following six faculties: Faculty of
Humanities, Faculty of Philology, Faculty of Pedagogy, Faculty of Geography and
Biology, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Technical Science and Faculty of
Art. We guarantee a high level of foreign language teaching to each of our students
provided by highly qualified foreign language teachers from the Department of
Foreign Languages. There is also a possibility to practise sports and recreation
through physical activities as part of the physical education courses and using the
modern sport facilities available in the Sport and Recreation Centre (swimming
pool, sauna, fitness club etc.). As part of the Erasmus programme, the students
of the Pedagogical University study at the foreign partner universities, so that they
gain knowledge, experience and practical skills also there, as well as to get to know
other cultures, education system and improve their language skills.
 The graduates of the Pedagogical University of Cracow are in an excellent
professional capacity not only to hold responsible posts in educational and cultural
establishments but also in public administrative bodies. They can also develop their
scientific interests in third-cycle degree studies (Ph.D.) in the fields of Humanities,
Social Sciences, Biology, Earth Sciences, Physics and Mathematics.
 To meet the needs of our students and teaching staff, the University provides
multimedia lecture rooms, modern multi-workstation laboratories that enable staff to
teach with the support of e-learning platforms, as well as perfectly equipped lecture
rooms and laboratories. Further, the rich collections of the Main Library of the
Pedagogical University of Cracow as well as institute libraries are available to students.
 We strongly encourage the development of an academic community through the
student scientific movement, student organizations and associations, and Students’
 Students who are in a difficult financial situation may obtain social grants offered
by the Pedagogical University of Cracow.
 For over 65 years of our activity we have managed to create a University whose
main concern is the highest level of education and the best possible preparation of
our students for their future professional career.
Rector of the Pedagogical University of Cracow
Professor Michał Śliwa, Ph.D.
prestige – proffesionalism – progress
 In the prestigious ranking of higher education institutions, which was prepared by the
editors of the newspapers "Perspektywy" and "Rzeczpospolita", the Pedagogical University
of Cracow takes the leading position among the pedagogical universities. A high level of
education, qualified staff and great traditions are the qualities that make up the reputation
of the University. The educational offer responds to the latest needs of labour market, as
well as to the interests and expectations of young people. We educate the best teachers
in Poland. The graduates of the University become highly regarded experts, not only in
the field of education.
 The qualified academic staff of the Pedagogical University educates professionals,
both scientists and employees of companies and enterprises. The University prepares to
work not only in the teaching profession. The educational offer also covers the standard
fields and specializations. A high level of education and a large number of practical
activities increase the chances of graduates in the labour market. A lot of famous people
and professionals in various fields have graduated from the Pedagogical University
of Cracow.
 The Pedagogical University of Cracow is involved in the international cooperation with
research centres from, among others, Ukraine, Portugal, Sweden, Bulgaria, and France.
The University organizes conferences and symposia. Our students have the opportunity
to increase knowledge, develop their passions and interests, studying not only in the
country but also abroad. Thanks to the scholarships and international exchange they
can gain new experiences and improve their language skills. The ceaselessly expanded
and improved educational offer includes a wide variety of fields of knowledge. Students
can choose from more than 80 specializations in 31 fields of study. The University offers
multimedia classrooms, modern classrooms and laboratories, and a sports complex.
Professor Michał Śliwa, Ph.D.
Rector of the Pedagogical University
of Cracow
Associate Professor
Kazimierz Karolczak, Ph.D.
Vice-Rector for Research
and International Relations
Associate Professor
Jerzy Waligóra, Ph.D.
Vice-Rector for Education
Associate Professor
Jan Suchanicz, Ph.D.
Vice-Rector for Student Affairs
of Humanities
of Philology
of Pedagogy
of Geography and Biology
of Mathematics, Physics
and Technical Science
of Art
Dean of the Faculty:
Professor Zdzisław Noga, Ph.D.
Vice Deans:
Associate Professor Leszek Pyra, Ph.D.
Associate Professor Katarzyna Sobolewska-Myślik, Ph.D.
The Faculty of Humanities is structured into the following institutes:
ƒƒ Institute of Philosophy and Sociology
ƒƒ Institute of History
ƒƒ Institute of Political Science
The Faculty of Humanities is eligible to confer the following degrees:
ƒƒ Doctorus Habilitatus in Humanities in the field of History
ƒƒ Doctorate Degree in Humanities in the field of History
ƒƒ Doctorate Degree in Humanities in the field of Political Science
ƒƒ Doctorate Degree in Humanities in the field of Philosophy
 At the Faculty of Humanities, the scientific research in conducted in various scientific
fields (Economics, Ethics, Philosophy, History, Political Science, Sociology, Administrative
Science and Safety Science), and in cooperation with the researchers from all over
the Europe on operational, source, interpretive and editorial works. The academicians
authored numerous school textbooks and textbooks for students.
Dean of the Faculty:
Associate Professor Bogusław Skowronek, Ph.D.
Vice Deans:
Associate Professor Dorota Dziewanowska, Ph.D.
Associate Professor Grażyna Wrona, Ph.D.
The Faculty of Philology is structured into the following institutes:
ƒƒ Institute of Polish Philology
ƒƒ Institute of Scientific Information and Library Science
ƒƒ Institute of Neophilology
The Faculty of Philology is eligible to confer the following degrees:
ƒƒ Doctorus Habilitatus in Humanities in the field of Literary Studies
ƒƒ Doctorus Habilitatus in Humanities in the field of Linguistics
ƒƒ Doctorate Degree in Humanities in the field of Literary Studies
ƒƒ Doctorate Degree in Humanities in the field of Linguistics
 At the Faculty of Philology, the operational, source, interpretive and editorial research
is conducted. The academics authored school textbooks, textbooks for students and
scientific publications. The Faculty offers the highest level of education, modern forms of
teaching, high-standard teaching and research facilities, cooperation with foreign centres
and the possibility to realize the professional passions.
Dean of the Faculty:
Associate Professor Zofia Szarota, Ph.D.
Vice Deans:
Associate Professor Katarzyna Dormus, Ph.D.
Associate Professor Zbigniew Kwiasowski, Ph.D.
The Faculty of Pedagogy is structured into the following institutes:
ƒƒ Institute of Educational Sciences
ƒƒ Institute of Pre-School and Early School Education
ƒƒ Institute of Special Needs Education
ƒƒ Chair of Children and Childhood Studies
ƒƒ Chair of Security Education and Civic Education
ƒƒ Chair of History of Education
ƒƒ Chair of Psychology
ƒƒ Chair of Technology and Educational Media
The Faculty of Pedagogy is eligible to confer the Doctorate Degree
in Humanities in the field of Pedagogy
 The academic research conducted at the Faculty of Pedagogy focuses mainly on
broadly understood educational issues and, among others, includes the fields of General
and Comparative Pedagogy, Theory of Education, Social Pedagogy, Pre-school and Early
School Education and Special Needs Education. The research is also conducted in the
new, for the Faculty, subject areas such as Social Work, Health Education, National
Security and Civic Education.
Dean of the Faculty:
Professor Zbigniew Długosz, Ph.D.
Vice Deans:
Associate Professor Grzegorz Formicki, Ph.D.
Associate Professor Robert Stawarz, Ph.D.
The Faculty of Geography and Biology is structured into the following institutes:
ƒƒ Institute of Biology
ƒƒ Institute of Geography
The Faculty of Geography and Biology is eligible to confer the following degrees:
ƒƒ Doctorus Habilitatus in Biological Sciences in the field of Biology
ƒƒ Doctorate Degree in Biological Sciences in the field of Biology
ƒƒ Doctorate Degree in Earth Sciences in the field of Geography
 The scientific research in the Institute of Geography are mainly focused on the issues in
Methodology of Geographical Sciences, Geomorphology, Geology, Hydrology, Economic
Geography, Social Geography, Entrepreneurship, Spatial Management, Geographic
Environment Protection and Development, Tourism as well as Geography, Nature
Studies and Entrepreneurship Teaching Methods. In the Institute of Biology, the research
programme includes, among others, Botany, Plant Physiology, Animal Physiology and
Toxicology, Ecology, Wildlife Research, Parasythology, Genetics, Cytology, Zoology as well
as Biology Teaching Methods, Media Communication, Chemistry and Chemistry Teaching
Methods, and Biochemistry.
Dean of the Faculty:
Associate Professor Władysław Błasiak, Ph.D.
Vice Deans:
Antoni Chronowski, Ph.D.
Anna Stolińska, Ph.D.
The Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Technical Science is structured
into the following institutes:
ƒƒ Institute of Physics
ƒƒ Institute of Mathematics
ƒƒ Institute of Technology
ƒƒ Chair of Computer Science and Computational Methods
The Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Technical Science is eligible to confer
the following degrees:
ƒƒ Doctorate Degree in Mathematical Science in the field of Mathematics
ƒƒ Doctorate Degree in Physical Science in the field of Physics
 The scientific research by the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Technical Science
is conducted at the Institute of Mathematics (Functional Equations and Inequalities,
Mathematics Teaching Methodology), the Institute of Physics (Astronomy, Dielectric
Physics, Surface Physics, Theoretical Physics, Applied Physics, Physics Teaching
Methodology), the Institute of Technical Science (Materials Science, Mechatronics,
Environmental Protection, Technical Science Teaching Methodology), as well as at the
Chair of Computer Science and Computational Science (Computational Methods in
Physics, Image Recognition Methods, Information Technology in Teaching).
Dean of the Faculty:
Associate Professor Alicja Panasiewicz, Ph.D.
Vice Dean:
Maria Wasilewska, Ph.D.
The Faculty of Art is structured into the following institutes:
ƒƒ Institute of Painting and Artistic Education
ƒƒ Institute of Graphic Art and Visual Design
ƒƒ Chair of Multimedia
The Faculty of Art is eligible to confer the following degrees:
ƒƒ Doctorus Habilitatus in Arts in the field of Fine Arts
ƒƒ Doctorate Degree in Arts in the field of Fine Arts
 The academics employed at the Faculty of Art carry out vivid artistic activities in the
following artistic domains: Painting, Graphic Art, Sculpture and Artistic Photography. They
also conduct academic research in the field of History of Art, Theory of Art and Culture,
as well as in the Methods of Teaching in the Fine Arts. Moreover, they participate in the
international exchange among the artists-teachers from the Netherlands, Belgium, Czech
Republic, Germany, Ukraine and the United States.
ƒƒ first-cycle degree studies (Bachelor’s degree)
ƒƒ second-cycle degree studies (Master’s degree)
ƒƒ one-cycle Master’s degree studies (Master’s degree)
ƒƒ third-cycle degree studies (Ph.D.)
ƒƒ post-graduate studies
ƒƒ Artistic Education in Fine Arts
ƒƒ Biology
ƒƒ Chemistry
ƒƒ Computer Science
ƒƒ Cultural and Media Studies
ƒƒ Design
ƒƒ Environmental Protection
ƒƒ Ethics
ƒƒ Geography
ƒƒ Graphic Art
ƒƒ Historical Anthropology
ƒƒ History
ƒƒ Information Technology Education
ƒƒ Internal Security
ƒƒ International Relations
ƒƒ Mathematics
ƒƒ National Security
ƒƒ Painting
ƒƒ Pedagogy
ƒƒ Philology:
ƒƒ English Philology
ƒƒ Germanic Philology
ƒƒ Romance Philology
ƒƒ Russian Philology
ƒƒ Spanish
ƒƒ Italian
ƒƒ Philosophy
ƒƒ Physics
ƒƒ Polish Philology
ƒƒ Political Science
ƒƒ Public Administration
ƒƒ Scientific Information and Library Science
ƒƒ Social Work
ƒƒ Sociology
ƒƒ Spacial Management
ƒƒ Special Needs Education
ƒƒ Tourism and Recreation
ƒƒ History
ƒƒ Philosophy
ƒƒ Political Science
ƒƒ Linguistics
ƒƒ Literary Studies
ƒƒ Biology
ƒƒ Geography
ƒƒ Mathematics
ƒƒ Physics
ƒƒ Qualifying
ƒƒ Upgrading
ƒƒ over 80 000 alumni
ƒƒ over 17 000 full-time and part-time courses students
ƒƒ over 2500 post-graduate courses students
ƒƒ over 230 third-cycle degree courses students
ƒƒ nearly 830 academic teachers
 The Archives of the Pedagogical University of Cracow keep records concerning the
functioning of the University since 1945. It has the complete files of the pre-war Pedagogical
School from which the present University has developed. The Archives collect records
generated in the course of the activities of all organizational units of the University i.e.
scientific circles, associations and organizations at the University. The collections of the
Archives consist of over half a million of archival units.
 The Main Library of the Pedagogical University of Cracow and a network of faculty
and institute libraries form one of the largest scientific books collections in Cracow
(over 680 000 volumes in the collections of the Main Library). The Main Library’s mission
is to meet the needs of professional users and to actively support the processes of research
and education at the Pedagogical University, in accordance with the expectations of
scientific staff and students.
 The Disability Support Service provides advice on disability issues including information
about obtaining financial assistance from “PFRON” (National Fund for the Rehabilitation
of Disabled People), “MOPS” (Social Assistance Municipal Centre) or “PCPR” (District
Family Support Centre). It organizes a variety of events, meetings, courses and workshops
for the students and staff of the University. The Service takes action towards the full social
integration and vocational activation of people with disabilities.
 The Promotion and Career Development Office organizes workshops, courses and
trainings. It offers professional assistance from psychologists and career consultants and
helps the University students and graduates find interesting job offers on labour market.
The Office also deals with occupational fate of the Pedagogical University graduates.
 The Centre for Documentation of Deportations, Expulsions and Resettlements is
a research and educational institution developed at the Pedagogical University of Cracow.
The Centre’s objective is to rescue the fate of the residents of the Republic of Poland
(within the current and former Polish borders), who had undergone forced migration,
from oblivion. Further, the Centre’s mission is to popularize the knowledge on that subject
among school pupils, university students and local communities.
 The Centre of Russian Language and Culture offers language courses at all levels of
advancement, including Russian for specific purposes courses (e.g. “Business Russian”).
It offers exams of Russian as a foreign language to obtain the European Certificate issued
by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Russian summer
courses in Russia, as well as seminars, trainings and conferences.
 The Sport and Recreation Centre is an interdepartmental unit providing teaching
activities in the field of physical culture to other University units. The students and
employees can benefit from the following modern sports facilities: indoor swimming pool,
sauna, gym and fitness room.
 The Mixed Choir of the Pedagogical University of Cracow “Educatus” was founded
in 2000. Professor Adam Korzeniowski is the “Educatus” founder, conductor and
artistic director. In its ranks, the choir unites the students, alumni and employees of the
Pedagogical University of Cracow, and from other Cracow universities. The main aim of
the Choir is to perform choral music of different periods. The Choir prides on representing
the Pedagogical University during various concerts, festivals and contests, both in Poland
and abroad. It is the winner of numerous prestige awards.
 The Department of Recruitment and Student Affairs consists of the Coordination
of Recruitment Section and Student Affairs Section. The unit coordinates the activities
related to the recruitment of candidates for the first-cycle and second-cycle degree
studies, conducted by the University and deals with social issues and Ph.D. students, the
problems associated with the activities of the Students’ Self-Government, Ph.D. Students’
Self-Government and student organizations.,
 The European Centre for Lifelong Learning and Multimedia Education is an
interdepartmental unit coordinating the activities of the University in the area of lifelong
learning. It organizes courses, training sessions and workshops for teachers and academics
from pedagogical higher education institutions on the modern, multimedia educational
environment issues.
 Students’ Club “Bakałarz” has been ceaselessly running since 1971. Its main function
is to present the achievements of students’ art movement and also patronage of the
students’ creative groups and scientific circles. In the Club, the promotions of books,
readings, concerts, film shows, and regularly organized competitions (spelling, recitation),
as well as events for children in pre-school and early-school age take place.
 The International Scientific-Research Centre “Mediterraneum” conducts scientific
research in the following areas: the history and the contemporary Mediterranean civilization,
Italian political thought in the modern and contemporary era, regionalism and federalism
in the history of political thought in Italy and Spain, and fascism and the Holocaust (in
cooperation with the Centre for Holocaust Studies at Jagiellonian University).
 The School of Journalism of the Pedagogical University of Cracow offers two-term
studies designed for people interested in working in the media. The future journalists
study in multimedia classrooms and learn about the work in the Cracow’s media.
 The Teacher Training Centre organizes postgraduate courses designed for the graduates
who wish to become qualified teachers, and teacher training module for the students who
had not chosen a teaching specialization.
 The School of Polish Language provides short and long-term Polish language courses
for foreigners at all levels of language proficiency. It conducts research activities, including
the issue of teaching Polish as a foreign language.
 The Department of Foreign Languages is an interdepartmental unit which provides
foreign language courses in English, German, Russian, French, Spanish and Italian for
the students of all faculties of the Pedagogical University of Cracow. It also offers Latin
courses at Polish Philology and English Philology.
 The University of Children and Parents is a University-wide unit implementing activities
in various fields of science, art and culture for children, and workshops for parents on
childcare and educational issues.
 The Pedagogical University Press has been established in 1949. Its mission is to
publish the research achievements of the teaching and research staff of the University
and to provide students with educational aids. The PUP develops and prepares to print
a wide range of scripts, textbooks and other teaching aids for students, guides and
methodological materials for teachers and educators, and research monographs from all
fields of science.
 Students’ Self-Government (
 Ph.D. Students’ Self-Government (
 Academic Sports Association (
 Independent Students’ Union (
 Polish Students’ Association (
 Association of Students with Disabilities (
 Among the many different forms of activities of the Pedagogical University students,
the Student Scientific Movement takes an important place. The scientific circles operate in
each institute and chair, and in almost every field of study. Their members are usually the
best students who, through participation in this form of activity broaden their knowledge,
gain experience in research and organizational work, and establish many valuable contacts
in the country and abroad. During the scientific camps, our students climb the highest
peaks on the Earth, carry out an inventories at Polish cemeteries in Africa and war graves
in the Małopolska region, and also take part in prestigious exhibitions and participate in
national and international conferences, promoting not only the Pedagogical University
but also Cracow and Poland.
 ul. Podchorążych 2 (Main Building)
and Cooperation with School System, Department of Science and International
Cooperation, Department of Recruitment and Student Affairs, Promotion and Career
Development Office, EU Funds Office, Archives of the Pedagogical University of Cracow,
Main Library of the Pedagogical University of Cracow, Pedagogical University Press,
University Centre for Personalization Technologies, Information Technology Service
Centre, Students’ Self-Government, Ph.D. Students’ Self-Government, Institute of Polish
Philology, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Institute of History, Institute of Scientific
Information and Library Science, Institute of Neophilology (specialisations: Romance
Philology, Spanish, Italian), Institute of Political Science, Institute of Geography, Institute of
Physics, Institute of Mathematics, Institute of Technology, Chair of Computer Science and
Computational Methods, Chair of Psychology, Department of Foreign Languages, School
of Polish Language, School of Journalism and International Scientific-Research Centre
 ul. Podchorążych 2 (new building)
Institute of Biology, Institute of Physics, Institute of Technology, Chair of Computer Science
and Computational Methods
 ul. Ingardena 4
Institute of Educational Sciences, Institute of Pre-School and Early-School Education,
Institute of Special Needs Education, Chair of Children and Childhood Studies, Chair of
Security Education and Civic Education, Chair of History of Education, Chair of Technology
and Educational Media, Sport and Recreation Centre, indoor swimming pool, Students’
Club "Bakałarz", University of Children and Parents
 ul. Mazowiecka 43
Faculty of Art, lecture rooms of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology
 ul. Studencka 5
Institute of Neophilology (specialisation: Russian Philology), Centre of Russian Language
and Culture
 ul. Karmelicka 41
Institute of Neophilology (specialisations: English Philology, Germanic Philology) and part
of the Faculty of Art
 ul. Podbrzezie 3
Institute of Biology
 os. Stalowe 17
Faculty of Pedagogy lecture rooms
 ul. Armii Krajowej 9A
European Centre for Lifelong Learning and Multimedia Education
 ul. Armii Krajowej 9
Disability Support Service, Teacher Training Centre
 Mount Suhora Observatory of the Institute of Physics is located on mount Suhora
(1,009 m) in the Gorce mountain range
student dormitories
 Student dormitory “Krakowiak”, ul. Armii Krajowej 9 (
 Student dormitory “Za Kolumnami”, ul. Armii Krajowej 9A (
 Student dormitory “Atol”, ul. Grochowa 17 (
 Student dormitory “Zaułek”, ul. Piekarska 5–7 (
Address: ul. Podchorążych 2, 30-084 Kraków, Poland
Phone: (+48 12) 662-60-14
Fax: (+48 12) 637-22-43