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brochure for pdf - Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes
Gobierno federal Public-Private Partnerships for Highways in Mexico INFRAESTRUCTURE UNDERSECRETARY General Directorate for Road Development September 2011 Diagnosis Current Situation of Roads in Mexico n Today, Mexico’s road system consists of more than 366 thousand kilometers of highways which have all kinds of needs, including modernization and expansion of the highway network, n To satisfy those needs, Mexico requires about 6 billion US dollars per year for road construction and maintenance, n The important increase of the budgets of highways, every year the federal government invests less of the required thing to take care of the necessities of the network, n To close this gap, the Secretariat of Communications and Transport (SCT) has designed and implemented three public-private partnership models that seek to attract private capitals to highway investments, n The three models are: Ü Concessions, Ü Highways Assets Utilization, and Ü Service Provision Contracts (PPS, its spanish acronym) n These models are operative and are allowing to increase the investment in highways, and n Through these models, SCT seeks: Ü To allow an earlier development of Mexico’s road system, Ü To increase the amount of highway investments with private participation, Ü To add value to services offered to users, Ü To increase the efficiency and productivity of public service provision, Ü To create new opportunities for the private sector, and Ü To better distribute and manage highway project risks Model and Advance Concession Model Characteristics n Concessions are granted n The government provides an through public bids, initial contribution with public funds paid through National n SCT provides final designs and Infrastructure Fund, rights of way, n The government in order to n SCT sets maximum average facilitate the availability of tolls and the rule for updating resources for projects through them, grant funding Fonadin and Banobras, and n The time of concession is thirty years, the maximum n The concession is awarded to allowed by law, the bidder who requests the lowest amount of public funds The current status of the Program is the following: PROJECT LENGTH (km) AMOUNT (musd) In operation l Matehuala Bypass l Mexicali Bypass l Morelia-Salamanca l Tepic-Villa Unión l Tecpan Bypass l Amozoc-Perote and Perote Bypass l Northern Bypass of Mexico City l Saltillo-Monterrey and Saltillo Bypass l Arriaga-Ocozocoautla l Reynosa-McAllen “Anzaldúas” International Bridge l San Luís Río Colorado II International Bridge l Río Bravo-Donna International Bridge l Irapuato Bypass 1,001.3 14.2 41.0 83.0 237.8 4.3 122.5 233.0 95.1 139.5 10.0 1.4 0.2 29.2 1,861.7 34.3 63.4 140.2 243.4 15.7 188.6 561.2 271.3 161.9 71.2 9.0 24.6 77.1 Under construction Perote-Banderilla and Xalapa Bypass l l La Piedad Bypass and access to Méx-Gdl highway l Chihuahua Bypass l Barranca Larga-Ventanilla l Salamanca-León 305.4 59.0 21.3 42.0 104.2 78.9 1,269.8 330.7 105.0 98.4 371.7 364.0 Model and Advance Highway Assets Utilization Model Characteristics n Is the key for financing 35 projects of the National Highway Program 2007-2012, n Considers the utilization of 23 highways of the Farac now Fonadin network to support construction of 2,193.5 km of new roads, according to the following: Ü SCT organizes public bids to transfer these packages to the private sector and obtains resources to pay outsdanding debts, and Ü The winning bidder operates and maintains existing roads and builds, operates, and maintains the new roads in the package Ü SCT designs packages composed by existing toll roads and roads to be built by the winning bidder, The current status of the Program is the following: PACKAGE LENGTH (km) OFFER (musd) Awarded 1,200.9 4,133.7 l SOUTH 309.6 344.0 PACIFIC PACKAGE Guadalajara-Tepic Gudalajara Bypass Tepic Bypass l NORTH PACIFIC PACKAGE Mazatlán-Culiacán Culiacán Bypass Mazatlán Bypass l CENTRE-WEST PACKAGE Zapotlanejo-Lagos de Moreno Maravatío-Zapotlanejo León-Lagos de Moreno-Aguascalientes Guadalajara-Zapotlanejo Encarnación de Díaz-San Juan de los Lagos El Desperdicio Junction-Lagos de Moreno Zacapu-Maravatío-Zapotlanejo Junction Guadalajara-Zapotlanejo 168.6 111.0 30.0 241.5 265.6 181.5 22.0 38.0 649.8 118.5 309.7 103.8 26.0 22.0 27.8 16.0 26.0 3,524.1 Advance LENGTH (km) PROJECT Bid in progress Package AMOUNT (musd) 417.5 443.2 PACKAGE 417.5 443.2 Pátzcuaro-Uruapan-Lázaro Cárdenas Morelia Bypass Pátcuaro-Uruapan Uruapan Bypass 272.2 64.1 56.0 25.2 l MICHOACÁN Package under preparation l QUERÉTARO l NAYARIT PACKAGE PACKAGE 115.0 320.0 80.0 256.0 35.0 64.0 Model and Advance Private Service Contracts Model Characteristics n A concession is awarded n The private firm provides through a public bidding services in exchange for process which also grants to periodic payments, the concessionaire the exclusive right to sign the n Periodic payments are based on service contract, availability of the road and its traffic levels, and n The duration of the service contract is fixed, from 15 to 30 n In its first stage, the program years, considers the modernization and improvement of the n The contract establishes an following toll-free federal association between the SCT highways and a private firm to design, finance, build, maintain and operate a highway, The current status of the Program is the following: PROJECT In operation LENGTH (km) AMOUNT (musd) 238.1 693.1 74.3 93.0 39.1 31.7 192.6 264.0 123.8 112.6 Under modernization 367.1 2,012.2 Nuevo Necaxa-Tihuatlán l Rioverde-Ciudad Valles l Mitla-Tehuantepec II Junction 84.7 113.2 169.2 560.4 Irapuato-La Piedad l Querétaro-Irapuato l Tapachula-Talismán with Branch to Ciudad Hidalgo Nueva Italia-Apatzingán l l l 539.2 912.6 Results Results of Public-Private Partnership Models n The concession models are a viable mechanism for toll road development in Mexico, and SCT reviews and improves it permanently, n The private investment has returned to highway sector, n Investors and commercial bank are participating in the sector, with near investments to 5 thousand billions of dollars in 36 projects, n The assets utilization has generated interest and manifold international actors are interested in participate, n At the moment, the Public- Private Partnership presents the following advance: Ü 23 works in operation, Ü 16 projects in construction, Ü Bid in progress 4 projects, Ü 11 projects under study n The results of the bids reflect that the participants have reduced their perception of risks and that they are interested to participate in highway projects, n The SCT is convinced of the strategic importance of these schemes General Directorate of Road Development Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes Secretariat of Communications and Transport Dirección General de Desarrollo Carretero General Directorate of Road Development versión español english version Visit our web site General Directorate of Road Development http://dc. Av. Insurgentes Sur 1089, piso 10, Col. Nochebuena, C. P. 03720, Delegación Benito Juárez teléfono: 5482-4343