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MARCH 24, 2016
the LEAD Sheet
By Kate Wiley
et a job! It’s a command we lob at
teenagers with some regularity, particularly when the sofa cushions are starting
to fray from overuse. Your teen may be
equally eager to start earning money and gain
the freedom that comes with it. But with no
experience writing a resume or networking,
she may need a little help.
Before the job searching gets underway,
you’ll want to sit down together to set some
parameters. Youth may legally work in British
Columbia from the age of 15 without the consent of a guardian. But while your teen is still
in school, there are certain factors that a
parent will want to consider:
APRIL 7, 2016
1. How many hours can your child devote to a job and still keep up with school
assignments? Most employment counsellors
recommend no more than 4 hours a day on
school days and no more than 20 hours in a
week when school is in session.
2. What kind of work suits your child?
While serving up Blizzards at Dairy Queen
may seem like a breeze to your teen, you’ll
want to have an honest conversation about
the realities of work in a fast-food joint, including the less savoury tasks like cleaning
the washrooms. Food service and retail are
sectors which tend to have the most parttime work fit for a teen, but don’t overlook
rec centres and tourist attractions. Consider
offices too, where basic admin tasks can be
filled by entry-level, part-time workers.
3. How will your child get to and from
work? If your child is not yet driving, will
he be able to walk or bike to work? Public
transportation is great, but be sure to evalu(Continued on page 4)
Chairis Camilleri wants to start a micro lending business in Central America and import the goods produced into Canada.
By Kate Wiley
aby Boomers may be bountiful, but they no longer represent the largest segment of the workforce. Millennials now outnumber the Boomers. With this shift, employers
are exploring new ways of attracting Gen Y and keeping them
around. Time and again, studies indicate that young workers
put two things at the top of their must-have lists: meaningful
work and flexibility.
Victoria’s Chairis Camilleri falls into that category. Upon
returning from Costa Rica, the 25 year old says “it didn’t feel
right to be working for somebody else,” so she resolved to set
out on her own. Meaningful work for her meant helping the
less fortunate communities she encountered on her travels.
Now she is in the throes of launching her own micro lending
company for women in third world countries. (Microloans are
small loans that are issued by individuals rather than banks or
credit unions.)
Since late December, Chairis has been enrolled in a program called Business Works Youth, provided by ETHOS Career
Management Group and designed to help young entrepreneurs
get into business for themselves. During the 12-week program, participants learn the ins and outs of starting and running a business. The end goal is a professional business plan
fit to be presented to an investor or bank for financing.
“We are looking to reach young people, ages 15 to 29, who
may not feel they have access to the tools they need to start
their own business,” says ETHOS Business Coach Larry Earnhart, adding that the program also hopes to serve those with
disabilities and Income Assisted communities.
March 24, 2016
“The hardest thing is
acknowledging that you are
wanting to make something
real, rather than just talking
about it in the abstract.”
– Chairis Camilleri,
Business Works Youth participant
Chairis says the plethora of questionnaires she was served
at the outset of the Business Works Youth course helped her
to figure out if she had the necessary drive to give her idea
wings. “I learned that I will probably need to volunteer with
a micro lending place for a while to know the ropes,” she
adds. “I’m facing the reality that it might be a five-year plan
— maybe not as quick as you want, but you got to keep at it.”
In recent years, Chairis has traveled to 21 countries, so her
familiarity with her target audience (women living in places
where it is difficult to get a loan) is solid. But the globe trotter has been putting in 25-30 hours a week of research locally
to learn what is required to attract investors to her venture.
ETHOS has helped to connect her with organizations like
Community Micro Lending in Victoria. “When talking to people in the industry, the hardest thing is acknowledging that
you are wanting to make something real, rather than just
talking about it in the abstract,” she says.
(Continued on page 6) • •
employment (generally considered to be less than a 5% unemployment rate) then governments have the responsibility
to run deficits in order to stimulate the economy and hiring
(see Great Depression).
By Tony Abbis
nother Federal budget came down this week. Generally, it is easy to ignore what goes on when a budget
is released. There is a flurry of press coverage, but amazingly, federal and provincial government budgets tend to
be a 24-hour news story. After the highlights are consumed
by the average Canadian we tend to collectively shrug our
shoulders and get on with our lives because after all, how
much time and attention do we have for budget minutiae?
But the first budget of a new federal government? That
is worth paying attention to. Not necessarily for the many
projections and program
details, but to get a sense of
what direction the government is heading and, for the
purposes of this column, to
see what new programs and
policies will impact workers.
There are people who claim that when times are tight,
governments have to limit spending. These people will
sometimes compare government and household budgets of
the typical family to try and make their point. They will
say that you can’t borrow money in tough times, because
you will just dig a bigger financial hole. But of course you
cannot compare the finances of a large nation and a small
household. They are fundamentally different and the comparison too simplistic. Having an unemployment rate that is
too high is not the same as having a leaky roof. None the
less, there will be hand-wringing in some quarters about
increased borrowing and the risk this plays to future generations of Canadians.
This week, Michael Babad, writing in the Globe and Mail,
took an interesting angle in breaking down the issue of the
federal government running a larger deficit in this economic climate. He gathered
relevant quotes from Canadian economists and bankers. Generally, you can’t
find more economically
cautious and prudent people than economists and
bankers. Throwing caution
to the the wind is not something they are inclined to
do — you’d have better luck
getting a retailer to accept
your jar of pennies as payment for a candy bar. You
would expect these economists to be preaching restraint
and fiscal belt-tightening, but the opposite is true. One of
the people quoted used quite delightful language when he
stated that deficit paranoia is “mind-bogglingly stupid”.
You cannot compare the
finances of a large nation and
a small household. Having an
unemployment rate that is
too high is not the same as
having a leaky roof.
As expected, this week’s
budget restored the age that
one can collect Old Age Security back to 65 from 67.
There were also announcements on infrastructure
spending and changes to the
student loan program. The budget also featured many improvements to the EI program, including a reduction of the
waiting period from two weeks to one. The EI program
changes were so significant that I will dedicate the next
issue of this column to examining them more closely.
These details are interesting in themselves and all deserve attention. But what’s more telling is how the government “feels” about running a deficit. That says a lot about
their future intentions and this budget has a much larger
deficit (almost $30 billion in total) than anticipated.
There is disagreement about this in some quarters, but
it is a fundamental principle in economics that when the
private sector is unable to create something close to full
March 24, 2016
Now you can’t just toss around tax dollars like they have
no value, because tax payers do not possess a bottomless
wallet. Increased program and stimulus spending has to be
well thought out, timely and targeted, but if super-cautious bankers are not worried about an increased deficit
than I have decided not to let the issue interfere with my
For links to resources and an archive of this column check
out • •
(Continued from page 1)
ate the impact of the commute on your teen’s schedule. Early morning or late evening travel may compromise things like
breakfast or homework.
to be reliable and hard-working, the employer will often decide to hire. Ken says Thrifty Foods has hired several students
in this way over the course of the school year.
Now that you’ve got some guidelines, it’s time to gather
round the laptop and start applying. Right? Yes and no. It’s a
good idea to see what sectors and businesses are hiring by
exploring websites like,,, and But even mid-career job seekers
have trouble standing out from the hundreds of applicants
who respond to these postings. If your teen’s resume is limited to babysitting gigs, it may be an exercise in futility.
You don’t have to dig very deep to find volunteer work on
Vancouver Island. Contributing to the cause of a local nonprofit will demonstrate your teen’s commitment to improving
the community. Check in with the folks at Volunteer Victoria,
where staff there will meet with youth one on one and match
them with their interests. Sooke also now has a volunteer
organization that serves as a database for local opportunities.
Or get inspired by browsing the postings at,
where organizations like WWOOF and Habitat for Humanity
Encourage your child to inquire about employment opportunities with friends who are in the workforce already, as
well as with your own adult contacts. In a relatively small
town like Victoria, most job openings are never posted. They
are filled via word of mouth. This hidden job market can be
tapped best by making face-to-face connections. Send your
kid out to retail establishments in the mall or downtown core
with resume in hand. Or drop by a WorkBC Employment Services Centre, where your teen can get one-on-one assistance
with resumes and job search, including making connections
within the hidden job market.
“These ‘soft skills’ will carry
them far into whatever work
they pursue in the future.”
– Jen Harrison,
Community Coordinator, WorkLink Employment Society
do their recruiting. Though most internships are reserved for
post-secondary students, there are a few available to high
school students, particularly over the summer. For example,
BC Cancer Agency offers students in Grade 11 a chance to
explore cancer research from the front lines.
School guidance counsellors, teachers and coaches are also
worth consulting. Many schools have staff devoted to helping
students find that first job. These advisors can draw from an
extensive database of employer contacts within the commuPAD YOUR RESUME
Whether the job requires a lab coat or a sturdy pair of
nity. “Depending on a student’s interest, we’ll partner with
something like a grocery store and set them up to do 30 hours work gloves, these kinds of experiences look great on a newly-minted resume. Other things to include are any awards
of volunteer work,” says Ken Henderson, Careers Teacher at
(Continued on page 5)
Esquimalt High School. Once the student has proven himself
March 24, 2016 • •
START Bladerunners Get Youth
Beacon Retail Training programs
youth program at Volunteer Victoria
Page 2
Business Works Youth
(Continued from page 4)
your child has received, education, training or certifications
(FOODSAFE, First Aid, etc.), and extra-curricular activities
like sports. “All of these show your willingness to learn and
cooperate with others,” says Jen Harrison, Community Coordinator at WorkLink Employment Society. “Also, don’t forget
to include small jobs you may have done, like lawn care, pet
sitting or child care. These exhibit your level of maturity and
One of the most important skills your child will likely learn
in her first job is perseverance. Most entry-level jobs come
with a healthy dose of tedium, and you’ll thank yourself later
if you insist that Sally stick with it. A good work ethic is
among the most sought after qualities in job applicants, regardless of the field. Excellent communication abilities and a
willingness to learn are also in high demand, according to
Jen. “These are more important, for the most part, than previous work experience,” she adds. “Once in the new job,
teens will have a chance to test those communication skills in
fast-paced environments, think on their feet, and creatively
problem solve. These ‘soft skills’ will carry them far into
whatever work they pursue in the future.”
March 24, 2016
Needless to say, no test of your teen’s grit should take
priority over his schooling at this age. Discuss with your
child the importance of keeping up with schoolwork and
ask the school to contact you with any concerns that employment is negatively impacting your child’s grades or
attendance. Most parents will also want to establish a
means of communication with the employer, in the event
of an emergency or unexplained absence.
No matter the nature of your child’s first job, you can
help make his introduction to the workforce a positive
one by guiding the way. Perhaps this first job will be a
springboard to something more engaging once a degree is
in hand. Or maybe your teen will find her stride. “A number of students who might not be great academically, get
a job at a fast food restaurant and realise, in environments where they are stimulated, they can be really successful,” says Esquimalt’s Ken Henderson. “And since
they’re successful, they are motivated to continue to succeed.”
Kate Wiley is editor of The LEAD Sheet. Contact her at • •
The Capital Regional District (Panorama Recreation
Centre) seeks a temporary Out of School Care Leader
who has completed Grade 12, possesses Current Standard
First Aid Certificate (or higher), and has experience leading children or youth programs. Apply at Closes Mar. 31.
Island Health is hiring a Mental Health Nurse for its
Seven Oaks Tertiary Mental Health facility. Qualifications
include RN or RPN diploma plus a minimum of one year’s
recent psychiatric nursing experience with adults with a
variety of mental disorders, or an equivalent combination
of education, training and experience. Go to Open until filled.
Island Health is looking for a Spiritual Health Practitioner at Victoria General Hospital. Qualifications include a
bachelor’s degree in Theology or related area of
religious/pastoral study, plus a minimum of one advanced
unit of Clinical Pastoral Education through the Canadian
Association for Spiritual Care. Learn more at Open until filled.
Haven Spa located within the Sidney Pier Hotel is looking for a full- or part-time Registered Massage Therapist.
Must be a member in good standing with the College of
Massage Therapists of BC and possess a license to practice
in British Columbia. Search the complete listing at
Gavin Rahim Consulting is looking for a Web Designer,
preferably with some sample work to show. Students are
highly encouraged to apply. Find the complete job listing
Reliable Controls is hiring a Systems Support Technical
Assistant to fill a 3-6 month contract. Qualifications include a post-secondary degree or diploma in computer
technology and at least 2 years of experience in a technical support capacity. Learn more at Expires
Apr. 29.
(Continued from page 2)
Chairis admits she’s surprised by how much her business has
morphed with the knowledge and information she has gained
over the course of creating a business plan: “You have to be
open to evolving, because I don’t have all the answers, and
there are people out there who have tons more experience
than me in the entrepreneurial or micro lending realms — so
March 24, 2016
BC Transit seeks an IT Security Manager. Qualifications
include extensive experience in enterprise security architecture design and a college diploma or university degree
in the field of computer science and/or 5 years equivalent
work experience. Details on the Job Board at
Closes Mar. 31.
LlamaZOO Interactive in Victoria requires a Backend
Developer and Quality Assurance Tester. Bachelor’s degree required. For a detailed list of job qualifications,
search the complete listing on Expires May 31.
many things you have to learn along the way.” With some determination and luck, Chairis hopes one day to be in a position
to employ her peers in executing her dream, thereby creating
financial opportunities both abroad and locally.
Got a story to share? Your success could inspire others. Email • •
Olde Country Masonry has three openings for Experienced Labourer – Masonry. Preference given to those
who have worked with concrete and have restoration,
drilling, form work and demolition experience. More information at Expires Apr. 30.
The Butchart Gardens is looking for a full-time Drafting
Coordinator. Qualifications include a post-secondary diploma from a recognized two year program, plus a minimum of two years’ experience in the field. Go to Open until filled.
Royal Bay Bakery requires a Bakery - Journey Person
and a Bakery Assistant. One to 5 years’ experience —
with or without baker certification — is required for the
Journey Person role. Find out more on the Job Board at
Greater Victoria School District #61 is currently accepting resumes for Trade Qualified Painters to fill 2 temporary, part-time positions. Details at >
Employment. Deadline to apply is Mar. 31.
Sysco is filling 6 seasonal vacancies for Driver Helper.
Requirements include Class 1 driver’s license with a clean
driver’s abstract. Find the complete listing at
Adanac Recovery is hiring a Truck Driver for The Bottle
Depot on Glanford Ave. Qualifications include a superior
attendance record, in addition to a valid driver’s license
and clean driving record. Learn more at
Shoreline Design is hiring a Labourer with carpentry
skills. Use of power tools and climbing experience would
be an asset. Learn more on the Job Board at Closes Mar. 31.
Charter Bus Lines seeks a Licensed Mechanic who is
familiar with School Bus / Commercial Transport mechanical work. The preferred candidate will possess knowledge
of diesel engines. Go to Expires Apr. 30.
Phillips Brewing Company requires a Warehouse & Logistics Manager. Qualifications include a minimum of 5
years of related experience in logistics and warehousing,
plus 2 years’ experience in a supervisory or management
capacity. Go to > Contact Us > Jobs.
Walmart Uptown is looking for an In Store Loss Prevention associate with a high school degree and a very high
level of integrity and professionalism. Experience in loss
prevention/health and safety/quality assurance an asset.
Learn more at
The Fairmont Empress requires a full-time Steward's
Helper. Qualifications include previous experience as a
dishwasher or in a very physically demanding position.
Visit Closes Mar. 31.
Reliable Controls seeks a Shipper - Warehouse Operations with a high school diploma and at least 1 year of
warehousing experience in shipping. Apply online at
The City of Victoria is hiring an auxiliary Building Service Worker – Crystal Pool. The successful candidate will
work a variety of day and evening shifts on an as-needed
basis. Qualifications include completion of Grade 10 and 6
months of related janitorial experience in commercial
buildings. Find out more at > City Hall > Career
Opportunities. Closes Mar. 31.
The District of Saanich is hiring auxiliary relief staff for
the position of Equipment Operator III. Requirements
include completion of Grade 11 or equivalent; a valid B.C.
Class 3 Driver’s License with air brake endorsement; and
sufficient physical strength, stamina and coordination to
perform heavy manual labour in all types of weather.
More information at Closes Apr. 8.
March 24, 2016 • •
Oak Bay Marine Group has a contract position open for a environment, preferably handling cash. Learn more at
Junior Accountant. Qualifications include completion or > Careers.
enrollment in 1st year accounting courses. Find the complete job description at Closes Apr. 15.
The Esquimalt Military Family Resource Centre is looking for an Administrative Assistant to work out of their
Camosun College seeks an Administrative Coordinator. Signal Hill location. Qualifications include 5 years’ adminQualifications include an undergraduate degree plus six
istration experience or a diploma in a related discipline
years of senior, administrative-level experience, two of
plus 3 years’ experience. Details at
which are in a postsecondary, unionized environment, or
an equivalent combination of education and experience.
Learn more at Closes Apr. 15.
Victoria Ford Alliance Dealerships is recruiting a
Switchboard Receptionist. Exceptional phone manner,
Islands Trust requires a Planning Assistant on Salt Spring keyboarding and data entry skills required. Find out more
Island. Qualifications include completion of a recognized
at > Dealer Info > Career Centre.
business, college or a post-secondary school certificate,
plus a minimum of three years of administrative office
Connect Hearing is looking for an Operations Support
support experience. Visit Closes Apr. 1.
Administrator. Provide efficient telephone support on
National Money Mart has openings for a Loan Review
Specialist and a Help Desk Analyst in Victoria. Qualifications include a high school diploma and, for the Help Desk
Analyst, a two-year technical degree. No experienced
need for the Loan Review Specialist position. Details at
Userful is looking for a Technology Sales Representative in Victoria. Qualifications include a post-secondary
degree and interest and experience in technology. Find the
complete job description at
Coast Capital Savings seeks a part-time Member Service Representative - Coast Support Team to travel
throughout the region providing coverage to a variety of
branches. Qualifications include a vehicle and driver’s
license, plus experience helping customers in a retail
Connect Hearing business systems (including but not limited to: RBS, LMS, and office-specific procedures). Qualifications include a college diploma or bachelor’s degree, or
a combination of education and equivalent experience.
Find the complete listing at
Quantum Murray is hiring a Project Coordinator with
experience preparing construction estimates and managing employees. Must be a graduate from a university program, preferably related to earth sciences or engineering.
Go to > Careers.
University of Victoria has a one-year opening for Assistant Manager Treasury Services. Qualifications include
knowledge of financial accounting systems, principles and
practices; plus working knowledge of tax reporting as it
relates to sub-contractor, non-payroll payments and GST.
Details at Closes Apr. 1.
Small deeds done are better than great deeds planned.
— Peter Marshall
March 24, 2016 • •
Swimco in Mayfair Shopping Centre is filling vacancies
for Manager, Assistant Store Manager, Shift Leader and
Full Time Sales. Candidates must be outgoing, energetic
and demonstrate a strong work ethic (proven in sports,
academics, or previous jobs). Learn more at
Walmart Langford is accepting applications for the position of Produce Associate. Ability to interact and communicate effectively with customers is essential. The
company also requires a full-time Overnight Stocker.
Learn more at
Michaels has an opening for a Replenishment Manager
with retail experience, including leadership / supervisory
experience. Visit the Job Board at to learn
more. Closes Apr. 16.
Save-On-Foods is looking for a Restaurant Clerk in Sidney. No experience necessary as training is provided. Apply online at
COBS Bread in Eagle Creek (Victoria) is hiring a Baker.
Candidates with previous experience in baking and customer service are preferred, although it is not essential as
full training is provided. Visit
Quality Foods in View Royal seeks a Baker. Experience
in a bake-off bakery setting an asset, although the business is willing to train energetic individuals with relevant
experience. Learn more at > About QF >
Staples Victoria is looking for a Cashier with some related experience. Qualifications include high school graduation and an ability to stand for several hours at a time.
Details at
Lululemon athletica is hiring an Educator (Sales Associate) in Victoria. Passion, knowledge and involvement in
yoga, and/or other fitness, health or sports activities required. Enrollment and participation in weekly fitness activities in and out of the store with the store team is
expected. Visit
Sport Chek seeks a Sales Associate at Victoria Bay Centre with a high school education. Previous customer service experience is an asset. Find all Sport Chek openings
Foot Locker at Mayfair Shopping Centre seeks a Store
Manager. Previous management experience would be considered an asset. Apply online at
DAVIDsTEA is hiring a Key Holder for its Johnson Street
location in Victoria. Proficiency with computers and 1-3
years of retail sales and/or customer service experience
are required. Go to > Careers.
The Linkage Group, a leading retail information provider, is seeking a part-time Cosmetic Merchandiser in Victoria. Must have cosmetic, grocery or merchandising
experience. More information at
Feedback? Send your comments to
Career Fair
March 31, 2016
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Crystal Ballroom
Do you have Empress-ive talent? If so, we invite you to join our team.
Our renowned Recruitment Open House is on Thursday, March 31, 2016 - 9:00 am-12:00 pm.
We are recruiting for colleague positions in
Food and Beverage (Servers, Hosts and Attendants),
Banquets (Servers and Porters),
Culinary (Cook's Assistant, Journeyperson and Chef de Partie),
Stewarding (Stewards Helper),
Front Office (Guest Agents and Guest Services Coordinator),
Guest Services (Porter),
Housekeeping (Housepersons and Room Attendants),
Willow Stream Spa (Massage Therapist and Spa Experience Coordinator)
Audio Visual Technicians for PSAV.
We are also recruiting for
Restaurant General Manager,
Restaurant Manager,
Temporary Group Sales Manager (One Year Temporary position),
Director, Leisure Sales and Executive Restaurant Chef.
Please join us in our beautiful Crystal Ballroom and arrive at the porte-cochere entrance off
Belleville Street.
Please bring your resume, ID and dress to Empress.
Not able to attend in person? Feel free to submit your resume on The
open house ends promptly at 12pm. Due to demand, if we are unable to meet with you, we will
accept your resume and follow-up accordingly.
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Self-Employment Roundtable
Friday, April 8, 11:00AM – 12:00PM
GT Hiring Solutions – 415 Gorge Road East
Al Hasham – Chair, Victoria Chamber of Commerce & Owner, Maximum Courier
Corina Ludwig – President, FunctionFox
Natasha Reger – Owner, Reger Self-Employment Group
Dora Jessen – Business Advisor, Women’s Enterprise Centre
Larry Earnhart – Business Coach, Business Youth Works
· Join us for a free roundtable discussion with some of Victoria’s most successful
entrepreneurs and leading experts on self-employment
· Find out what it takes to be a business owner – from realities to rewards
· Learn about self-employment programs in the community
· Free lunch following the event!
Register online –
Submit a question to our panel and be entered to win a $50 gift card to Moon Under Water!
Limited seating – so register now!
FrameWork Job Search Program
Opportunity for Unemployed British Columbians
Eligibility for FrameWork:
● Unemployed, non-EI British
Columbians who are Landed
Immigrants or Canadian
Citizens and are not attending
● A non-EI individual is one who
has not established a regular
Employment Insurance claim in
the last three years; and/or has
not established a maternity or
parental claim in the past five
Program Offers:
● Up to 4 weeks of facilitated group work with follow up
● Preparation for employment including industry specific
short-term training to enhance labour market participation
● Opportunity to develop and/or improve your skills to find
work with the necessary structure, routine and up-to-date
job search information
● Chance to meet local employers, sharpen your
communication skills and reach your goals in an inspiring,
positive environment
2016 Start Dates:
2 May, & 27 June
Contact: 250.474.2598
Location: #101-847 Goldstream Avenue, Langford
Open to Westshore, Sooke and Greater Victoria Residents (exception ~ Saanich Peninsula)