Issue 5 - Spring 2015 PDF File


Issue 5 - Spring 2015 PDF File
Spring 2015
© Steven Creamer Photographer 2015
ivc etcetera magazine • news, views, features etc.
ivc etcetera
What’s on
Vertical Tutoring
House Names
Lecture Day
Alumni Messages
1940s Charity Ball
Sunday Cinema
Youth Club
sports etcetera
Meet Gosia
Training Periodisation
Goodbye Dom
Have you spotted the new cycle racks?
During the February half term the College installed 40 new bike racks
providing secure frames to lock an additional 80 bicycles. They
are located in a special fenced area on the playground side of the
tennis courts. This makes them visible to staff during the day which
will reduce the occurance of damage or theft. These new racks are
in addition to the existing cycle rails outside the George Edwards
building, and the one at the front of the College which are for sixth
form use only.
Warning: The knee rail fencing near Park Drive is not secure or
monitored! Please do not lock your bike here or to any other
signposted around the site as they will not be secure.
Your suggestions
Did you know?
This year we celebrate the 75th Anniversary
of Impington Village College, with a
continued drive to secure the very best
for our College community in line with our
Strategic Priorities for 2013 - 2017.
Impington Sixth Form first opened
in 1965. In 1966 there was
a full intake and the College
soon developed a national and
international reputation for the
quality of educational experience.
Impington was one of the first
establishments in the country to
offer the International Baccalaureate a challenging two year course for students aged 16-19 who thrive
in all subject areas. Today there are 49 different languages spoken
at IVC by students and staff, demonstrating the international
connections. The International Sixth Form continues to offers
students the option to study A Level courses, the International
Baccalaureate (IB), the Performance School and IDEAL.
In the Autumn we invited your feedback through a survey
about perceptions of the College. Overall the findings of
the survey were very positive with 96% of respondents
saying they found IVC approachable, reliable, trustworthy,
responsive and ambitious.
The survey has highlighted some important
opportunities to improve
how we communicate
with you. Communication
is of course a two way
activity, and your ideas,
critique and support are
important in shaping our College. If you have
thoughts you would like to share please
or post a note in the suggestions box which
sits in the main College reception.
have your say
The Sixt h For m at
Impingt on f irst
opened in 1965 wit h
just f ive st udents!
Find out more interesting facts about IVC at
Impington Village College, New Road, Impington, Cambridge CB24 9LX
Term dates 2014
Main school:
01223 200400
Spring Term Closes
Thursday 26 March
Summer Term Opens
Monday 13 April
May Day Holiday
Monday 4 May
Half Term
25 – 29 May
Training Day
Monday 6 July
Summer Term Closes Wednesday 22 July
Venue hire:
01223 200400 ext. 3317
Community and opportunities:
International Sixth Form:
01223 200402
Sports Centre:
01223 200415
Adult Learning:
01223 200411
etc magazine:
Impington75th Anniversary:
etc. makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the
information it publishes, but cannot be held responsible
for any consequences arising from errors or omissions.
ivc etcetera : Spring Term 2015
What’s on
at a glance
Friday 27 March:
Saturday 16 May:
Impington Music Society Recital
Impington Farmers Market
Professional concert pianist, and former IVC students, Matthew
McCombie gives a solo piano recital. Brackebury Room at
7.30pm. Tickets are £5 on the door. For more information
contact the Impington Music Society on 01954 201535.
The monthly market returns from 9am –
12noon with plenty of fresh food, baked
goods, crafts, plants and flowers. Tea, coffee
and hot waffles also available. Free entry.
Saturday 18 April:
Thursday 21 May:
Impington Farmers Market and
IV See IV Hear
To coincide with the Farmers Market this month, the Library
at IVC will open once again for the Scrapstore. This is an
opportunity to be inspired by the fantastic craft books in
the library whilst also stocking up on supplies. Visitors will
be able to buy materials for crafts and art projects at very
reasonable prices. Simply visit the Library at IVC between
10am – 12noon.
Saturday 25 April:
Lecture Day – The
Legacy of Walter
Bringing top speakers from
across the Country to discuss
the legacy of famous architect
Walter Gropius who designed the
original building at IVC. Leading
UK Architectural Historian
Alan Powers will be joined by
experts from different fields for this
engaging day. See page 6 for more details.
A day of discu
ssions on
the influence
of one of
the 20th Cent
leading architectu
icons in and arou
nd his
only UK publ
ic building.
10am – 4pm
Saturday 25
April 2015
Impington Vill
age College
Saturday 9 May:
1940s Charity Ball
The Gropius Hall will be transformed for a spectacular 1940s
Ball featuring performances from the Haywood Sisters
and the Mike Fletcher Big Band. You will be transported
back in time for what promises to be a fantastic night of
forties music, dancing and fun. There will be delicious black
market beverages, including themed cocktails, from the
fully licensed bar. This event is being organised by Menelink
Education as part of the 75th anniversary celebrations. See
page 12 for more details.
Monday 11 May:
Parents, Staff and Friends
Association meeting
The PSFA is a registered charity who run events, uniform
sales and social activities for the benefit and enjoyment of
students, families and local people. If you want to find out
more or get involved please come along to this meeting in
the Carnegie Room at 7pm.
ivc etcetera : Spring Term 2015
IVC music students perform for family and friends in the
music block from 7 – 9pm. No need to book – just turn up
and enjoy the music.
25 – 29 May:
Monstrous Fun
holiday workshops for age 5–12
Impington Sports Centre will be running great half term
holiday workshops for ages 5 – 12. Activities include
swimming, multi-sport, cookery, crafts, themed days and
much more. Contact the Sports Centre to find out more on
01223 200404.
Primaries get cooking with rations
This term IVC are inviting primary schools from across the area
to take part in a special wartime food project as part of the
Impington 75 Festival. Enabled by the Heritage Lottery Fund, the
project involves a series of free workshops for primaries that link
to the time when the College first opened in 1939.
Histon and Impington
Junior School has
already snapped up the
chance to take part in
a workshop. In March,
20 Year 5 students
spent an afternoon
learning about
wartime food rations
and what they would
have eaten had they been
alive during WWII. The students then took part in a
hands-on cooking workshop where they made carrot cookies
using a traditional wartime recipe.
Workshops are still available for other
primary schools to take part in the
project between April and June. For
more details please contact Faye
Morrissey on
The House System and Vertical Tutoring
In September 2014, IVC re-introduced a
‘House’ system to the way it organises
students pastorally.
For the unfamiliar, this system is one where children from different
ages are allocated to one of four Houses. Its main principle is
a very sound one – that in getting young people of different
ages together, schools can enhance relationships between
those students who would not normally relate to one another. In
some cases, schools have Houses for competitive events and
assemblies whilst other schools go further and organise their
tutorial system along House principles, with students from different
age groups over overseen by a tutor.
IVC used to have a House system, which was implemented in the
first year of the College opening in 1939, and according to those
who worked or attended the College then, it was successful.
Evidence in the archive revealed the House names to be ‘Brooke’,
‘Cromwell’, ‘Hereward’ and ‘Pepys’, and they had the same
House colours that are in place today. Last March, the College
Executive Team (CET) and Governors debated its return. We
elected at that stage to progress to a ‘halfway’ House system,
where students remained in their current tutor groups whilst
being overseen by a Head of House and attending assemblies.
During the Autumn Term we sought the views of students, staff
and parents about a move to a full House system, where tutor
groups will comprise children of mixed ages. Feedback was mixed
and it seemed to be the case that a majority of students would
have voted against the change if given the opportunity. Deciding
what to do for the best, in every sense, was difficult. Ultimately it
was decided to progress to a ‘full’ House system because of its
potential impact on the quality of learning relationships both in the
immediate and in the more distant future.
“Vertical Tutoring is not just a change
to the school’s pastoral system.
When understood, it starts a domino
effect that improves behaviour,
communication, assessment
for learning, reports, aspiration,
outcomes, and management. It is a
learning culture built on mixed-age
groups and the central role of the
tutor. It has three main goals:
How Vertical Tutoring works
Since making the decision, the CET has been
busy developing plans for September 2015
when Vertical Tutoring is introduced. All students
from Year 7 – 11 will be placed in a House tutor
group with students of different ages. This allows
for peer mentoring and guidance to take place
during tutor time. Within each House there
are student House Captains who support the
House’s ethos and encourage participation in
House events. The Houses are led by the Heads
of House and Student House Managers who
provide support and guidance.
In our journey to move to vertical tutoring, we
have been supported by Peter Barnard, the
former Head teacher at Sharnbrook Upper in
Bedfordshire, one of the state school pioneers of
a House system. Peter now spends his time
working with schools on their progression to
Vertical Tutoring, something he talks passionately
about in his book The Systems Thinking School:
Redesigning schools from the inside-out. Peter
challenged our initial plans and we have
re-drawn them
to radically reduce the
size of tutor groups
from their current 30
to below 20 for
September. Such a
reduction will mean
students receive
unparalleled levels
of academic
support and
guidance, and
the engagement
between tutors
and families will
rise. All of this
will lead to an even stronger
College. We are very excited about the plans and
their intended impact.
out m
n find
ring at
al Tu
1 to improve learning and learning outcomes
2 to personalise learning relationships between students, staff and parents
3 to impact on learning behaviour and attitude and so raise aspiration.”
Peter Barnard
ivc etcetera : Spring Term 2015
House names
The four IVC Houses have been named after people who have transformed
the lives of others through their actions and bravery.
Rosa Parks
On 1 December 1955, during a time of racial segregation in USA,
Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white person.
This sparked the 381 day Montgomery Bus Boycott and various
other acts of social activism that helped to end segregation. She was
awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, The Congressional Gold
Medal and named one of TIME magazine’s 20 most influential people
in the 20th Century.
Raoul Wallenberg
During the last stages of WWII, Wallenberg helped Jewish
people escape Nazi Hungary by issuing protective passports
and hid them in buildings designated as Swedish territory. For
his efforts to aid Jews during the holocaust he has been named
an honorary citizen of USA, Canada, Hungary, Australia and
Israel. He was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal by the
United States.
Alan Turing
Alan Turing studied mathematics at Cambridge University and later
worked at Princeton University. In 1938 he began working for the
British cryptanalytic department, the Government Code and Cypher
School at Bletchley Park. He later produced a blueprint for a machine
that could process information logically, at faster speeds than other
designs of the time. Alan Turing is credited with inventing the world’s
first digital computer.
Helen Keller
After becoming ill at the age of 2, Helen Keller became blind, deaf and
mute, but despite her disabilities she learned to communicate and
graduated from University in 1904. She later wrote a book The Story of
My Life and she helped found The American Civil Liberties Union. For
her activism and accomplishments Helen Keller was awarded Theodore
Roosevelt Distinguished Service Medal in 1936, the Presidential Medal
of Freedom in 1964, and elected to the Women’s Hall of Fame in 1965.
House points
Students within the Houses are rewarded for outstanding achievement, effort and
commitment through House points. Alongside this there is a full range of House
competitions that promote working together to achieve. At the end of the year, the
House with the most points are crowned the College House Champions.
ivc etcetera : Spring Term 2015
Impington 75 Festival
‘The Legacy of Walter Gropius’
IVC will be hosting a special lecture day on Saturday 25 April, 10am-4pm to celebrate the legacy of Gropius. Walter Gropius (1883
–1969), Architect and founder of The Bauhaus School, is widely regarded as one of the pioneering masters of modern architecture.
The Bauhaus principle was a highly experimental and theoretical concept, which became one of the most
influential currents in modern design, art and architectural education.
In autumn 1934, Gropius was introduced to Henry Morris, Cambridgeshire Secretary
for Education and creator of the Village Colleges. Together they shared an optimistic
faith that good building and aesthetic surroundings could assist humane living and
social reconstruction. Gropius worked alongside Maxwell Fry, to prepare designs
for Impington Village College in summer 1936. The main Grade 1 Listed building
at Impington, which stands largely unchanged, has the distinction of being the only
public building in the UK designed by Walter Gropius.
The lecture day will bring together experts from different fields to discuss the influence
of Gropius’ work at Impington. There will be presentations on the built environment
in the 1930s, conservation principles and the impact of modernist architecture on
practice today. The day will explore the effects of Gropius’ work at Impington, and
how his work which penetrated the wider world is still significant today.
The event which is supported by English Heritage, Twentieth Century Society and
RIBA is expected to draw audiences from across the Country. Tickets are priced at
£25 for adults or £15 for students. For more details please contact Faye Morrissey
on or download the programme from www.
Into the
During the 75th Anniversary year, Impington Village
College continues to host a range of projects and
events for all ages to enjoy. As we plan activities, we
have also been delving into the College archives to
see what events happened
in the past. Here are the
programme and dinner notes
from the 25th anniversary
commemoration of IVC at
which Maxwell Fry, partner
architect to Walter Gropius,
was the guest of honour at
the dinner.
25th Anniversary PellroFrygrCBamE me
h Maxw
Anniversary Dinner – wit
e Chairman of the Gover
Garden Party – Hosts: Th
the Hon. Mrs. M. Pease
Mr. Michael Pease and
tion – Rev. S. Barringto
Service of Commemora
Dean of Chapel, Magda
Song Recital –
mance by the School
g Glass – A dramatic perfor
Alice Through the Lookin
ng Centre
m the School and Eveni
Exhibition of Work – fro
the foundation
e the 25th anniversary of
Dinner to commemorat
Chairman of
n Michael Pease, M.A.
of the College, Chairma
the College Governors
Find out what else is hap
pening as
part of the Impington 75
Festival at
Date for your diary: Saturday 27 June.
Impington 75 Festival celebration event with
screening, exhibition, afternoon tea and
socialising. Watch this space for more detai
Chicken Marengo
New Potatoes
Pea s à la Russe
St Julien 1959
Lutomer Riesling 1959
ivc etcetera : Spring Term 2015
Be part of the Impington Alumni.
During the 75th anniversary year, IVC is trying
to reconnect with former students to invite
them to be part of the Impington Alumni.
The network currently has 400 members but
the plan is to grow and develop this during
2015. The network offers an opportunity for
our current students to be inspired by the life
and careers of those who were here before
them. It also gives former students a chance
to reconnect with old classmates and share
stories. There will be an alumni feature in all
future issues of Etc. magazine and this issue
we hear from Andy and Carrie, two former
students working in different fields.
Andy Knowles
Senior Designer; Sony Computer Entertainment WWS (PlayStation)
Andy Knowles left Impington Village College in 1998 and now works in the
computer games industry as a Senior Designer. He did not attend university
after his studies at IVC, which shows that there are many ways in which to
achieve your dream job, and that perseverance and desire does pay off.
Andy’s job involves designing levels and creating new game play elements
- from paper design all the way through to completion, Implementation of logic
for AI/Dialogue/Animations scripting systems. He enjoys the creative freedom
for aspects of the game, problem solving, and the “marvellous feeling” on
seeing the game on the shelves of a store. However, there are some parts he
does not relish, such as the late nights, complex problems, and crunch time
(the point at which the team is thought to be failing to achieve milestones
needed to launch a game on schedule)!
If someone was thinking about working in the Gaming Industry, Andy advised
that they should start by learning about how games work. He recommends
trying Unity, which is a free and relatively simple program that can help
aspiring game developers learn the techniques required. It is also a good idea
to download some tutorials and start experimenting.
A piece of advice
If you come up with a level design that you think will be great,
and it turns out NOT to be, don’t worry! It happens to the best
of us, think about WHY it doesn’t work and then try a different
approach. Never be too precious about your work!
Carrie Drew
Project Archaeologist; Archaeological Services Durham University
After studying A levels in Biology, Chemistry, History and General Studies, Carrie
Drew chose to study an Archaeology BSc at University in 1999 as she absolutely
loved history, but was also good at science – so it seemed a good way of
combining both her strengths and interests. She then decided to continue her
studies within academia and went on to do a MA and PhD in Archaeology. Carrie
discovered a real interest in Environmental Archaeology, and wanted to explore
this further as well as widening her career prospects.
Carrie’s current job is working at Archaeological Services Durham University (a
commercial archaeology unit linked to the Department of Archaeology) in the
Environmental Laboratories. This involves studying ancient plant and tree remains
to determine what the environment was like in the past at various archaeological
sites, and how people were using the landscape (what crops they were growing
etc.) as well as studying animal bones to investigate similar questions. The best
bits of her job are that she is always learning something different and new, with
lots of variety looking at different ages of sites with different stories to tell. There
are aspects to archaeology though where you can get pretty muddy at times,
such as when out on fieldwork (which she doesn’t have to do very often) where
you can’t stop work just because of a bit of rain (or snow)!
A piece of advice
Do not panic if you are not 100% sure what you want to do in the
future! Think about what subjects you enjoy doing and what sort
of options these may open to you.
ivc etcetera : Spring Term 2015
ivc news... ivc news... ivc ne
Winning artwork from IVC
The first Cambridge Area Young Art Competition took place in
November, hosted by Swavesey Village College. IVC students
scooped three top prizes in the competition which is part of the
Cambridgeshire Open Art Exhibition. Impington students won both
the KS3 and KS4 categories, and the title of overall winner went to
Joe Kenyon, Year 10.
Impington is one of just 12 schools in the country who have
been selected to take part in the project which involves archery,
badminton, cricket, golf, rowing, sailing, sitting volleyball, table
tennis and tennis. Impington has been chosen to lead on delivery
of the archery project. The work will see IVC engage with students
across the College, working with
a National Governing Body to
provide meaningful competition
for young people with special
educational needs and disabilities
(SEND). The project is about
helping young people with SEND
to participate alongside their nonSEND counterparts, so that more
young people are being inspired
to take part in regular sporting
competitions within their school.
A further aim of the project is to
build confidence and support
teachers in delivering meaningful
competitive school sport for all
pupils, regardless of ability.
The project launched this term, and the students will compete
in an inter-house archery competition which will be promoted
through the House captains later in the year.
Prior to the competition, IVC students benefited from workshops
led by artist, Steve Ferris, looking at new art techniques such
as scraperboard. The students were then able to use the new
techniques to create artwork for the competition.
Awards such as this pay credit to the fact that IVC Art Department
has always taken pride in its vibrant, diverse and energetic
approach to work. Head of Art, Mr McGregor, is keen to
encourage students to take part in the competition next year,
and also to seek other opportunities to share their work as well
as learn outside the classroom. A recent example is Sixth Form
student, Julia Vidoni, who entered an Art Articulation Competition
which involved her presenting a very engaging talk on the classic
artwork, The Assumption of the Virgin.
Innovative Sport Project
Impington Village College is set to lead an innovation project to
boost competitive disability sport across the region as part of the
Sainsbury’s School Games. Thanks to funding
from the
Youth Sports
Trust, the
project will see
young people,
including those
with special
needs and
engaging in the
sport of archery.
Fundraising for Emmaus
Year 9 students from the RE club have been undertaking activities
to raise money for the homeless charity Emmaus. Following
discussions, the students chose this charity to support because
of the important work they do in the local area. In December, the
Manager of the Cambridge branch of Emmaus visited the College
along with two members of the community that live and work
there at the site on the A10. They gave the students a valuable
insight into the success of the organisation, along with its need to
fundraise to support future work.
In order to raise funds
for the charity, the
RE Club organised a
candy cane sale in the
lead up to Christmas.
This proved to be
very popular amongst
IVC students and all
the canes sold out in
about half an hour!
In the spring term,
students organised a
NERF gun challenge which involved shooting foam balls at a target
over the course of three days with the highest score winning the
prize. Again this proved to be immensely popular with students
and staff helping to raise lots of money for the cause. A cheque
will be presented to Emmaus later this term to include all the
money raised this year.
ivc etcetera : Spring Term 2015
ews... ivc news... ivc news...
Double Paralympian helps young
leaders learn
IVC is the new lead school in the Project Ability initiative by
the Cambridgeshire School Sports Partnership. Last term, 35
students from across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough spent
a day at IVC learning new ways to adapt both mainstream and
disability sports. IVC student, Hannah Jones, who is the Project
Ability Young Ambassador, opened the day with an inspirational
introduction and welcome. Fran Williamson, double Paralympian
and medallist, was on hand to talk to students about her rise
to success and how volunteers had
helped her to
become a World
Fran started her
swimming career
when she learnt
to swim whilst a
student at IVC.
Throughout the
day, students
were put through
their paces in athletics, boccia, new age kurling, sitting volleyball
and table cricket, looking at how these sports could be adapted
for young disabled people with different needs, such as visual
impairments, reduced physical mobility, hearing impairments
and wheelchair users. The day was full of activity and the ideas
flowed as the students became more confident with each other.
Many attending were inspired and keen to start some of the new
activities back at their school as lunchtime clubs.
The IVC students who took part in the day included Lauren
Godfrey, Nicole Butters, Ed Sewell and Brandon Butler. The
students will now be taking on a major leadership role at a Primary
Adapted Multi Sport competition in March.
Kick It Out
This term, students from Year 9 have been studying the cause
and effects of prejudice during Ethics, Philosophy and Society
(EPS) lessons. As part of the course, students recently benefited
from an engaging
presentation by
Hayley and Mark
from Kick It Out,
an international
organisation who
tackle racism and
in football. The
session showed
students how
Kick It Out are addressing issues of prejudice in popular culture
by drawing attention to what happens in football. As Hayley and
Mark highlighted, the need to raise awareness of such problems is
fundamental, and the students who took part in the session were
fully engaged with discussions. More information about the Kick It
Out campaign can be found at
Singing for the Sensory Room
The Pavilion at IVC supports the physical and medical needs
of students with SEN and/or Disability so that they are able to
participate as fully as possible in the life of the College. In 2014
the Pavilion launched an appeal to raise money to create a
new sensory room at the College. The new facility will provide a
therapeutic nurturing environment for children and adults who
experience difficulty processing the world around them.
The ambition to convert an outside storage space into the new
sensory room will
cost in the region
of £30,000.
This term, the
efforts got a
boost in the
form of a £1,900
donation from
some local
singers. Girton
villagers have
been singing carols around the village each
December for over 50 years, raising money to support charity. This
year IVC student Elspeth Wilson suggested the Sensory Room
Appeal as a worthy cause to raise funds for. The singers took to
the streets of Girton over three nights in December. In total £950
was collected, and this sum has been generously matched by the
Girton Town Charity. A cheque for £1900 was presented to the
College by Elspeth and Helen Wilson. IVC would like to thank all
those who have given generously to support this exciting project.
ivc etcetera : Spring Term 2015
A word from the student
editorial team
We wanted to pay tribute to the 17
victims of the terrorist attacks on the
Charlie Hebdo magazine in Paris. Our
thoughts are with the families and
friends of the victims in Paris. It is
freedom of speech that the terrorists
tried to destroy. We are thankful for
the right to free speech as, amongst
other things, it allows us to share our
thoughts and views in this magazine.
Year 10 Young
Enterprise Project
Fourteen aspiring entrepreneurs from
Year 10 have come together to take
part in this year’s young enterprise
project. Unlike the previous group,
they have split into three teams: The
Sweet Squad; Oh Sugar; and Edible
Incredible. The three groups will
compete for customers and profits,
from the students and teachers at
IVC. Instead of the former Seasonal
Sweets business, this cohort of Year
10s will now come up with their own
advertising, branding, and selection
of products. They will sell a variety of
sweets throughout the year from pop
up stalls around the College.
StaffOur Librarian
This year, English teacher Mr Jones launched the Poetry by Heart competition for students in
Year 10 or above. Those who entered were required to memorise two poems by heart, one
from before 1914 and one from after. Esmé Kovacs, Year 10, was chosen as the winner from
the in-house school competition with her recitals of The Rights of Women and A Martian
Sends a Postcard Home. The judges commented that Esmé had picked her poems wisely.
Her success took her to the county finals where she successfully performed another poem,
The Dancers.
A Martian Sends a Postcard Home (1979)
Craig Raine
Caxtons are mechanical birds with many wings
and some are treasured for their markings –
In homes, a haunted apparatus sleeps,
that snores when you pick it up.
they cause the eyes to melt
or the body to shriek without pain.
If the ghost cries, they carry it
to their lips and soothe it to sleep
I have never seen one fly, but
sometimes they perch on the hand.
with sounds. And yet, they wake it up
deliberately, by tickling with a finger.
Mist is when the sky is tired of flight
and rests its soft machine on ground:
Only the young are allowed to suffer
openly. Adults go to a punishment room
then the world is dim and bookish
like engravings under tissue paper.
with water but nothing to eat.
They lock the door and suffer the noises
Rain is when the earth is television.
It has the property of making colours darker.
alone. No one is exempt
and everyone’s pain has a different smell.
Model T is a room with the lock inside –
a key is turned to free the world
At night, when all the colours die,
they hide in pairs
for movement, so quick there is a film
to watch for anything missed.
and read about themselves –
in colour, with their eyelids shut.
But time is tied to the wrist
or kept in a box, ticking with impatience.
year old painter who has only recently been
discovered after a lifetime of painting.
Ms Brown
Our College Librarian Ms Brown began her
professional career in libraries 12 years ago at
Cambridge University. Ms Brown has an MA
as well as a Post Graduate Diploma in Library
and Information Studies. She has many role
models in life that inspire her work. At school
Ms Browns role model was her Sociology
A level teacher, Ms Peters, who introduced
her to politics and inequality. At the moment
Ms Brown’s is inspired by Rose Wylie, an 80
Poetry by Heart
Ms Brown said, “When I saw the job
advertised at IVC I really wanted to work here
as it had been a great school for my son. My
son has achondroplasia (a common cause of
dwarfism) but IVC saw potential in him rather
than problem. This support enabled him to go
on to study at Cambridge University. He is now
doing significant work at the Bank of England.”
Ms Brown is passionate about reading, and
she plans lots of events and activities at
IVC Library to encourage a vibrant reading
community. The Library is a fantastic place
ivc etcetera : Spring Term 2015
for students and
staff alike, with
around 15,000
resources, and is
celebrating World
Book Day this
year by making
a whole school
collaborative story
using Lego.
You can follow the Library blog at or
on Twitter @LibraryIVC
In the
Pipe Line
On 5 February, students from
Years 9, 10 and 11 took part in the
UK Intermediate
Challenge. The
challenge gave them
one hour to solve a
series of questions.
For the first 15 questions, every
correctly answered question gained
5 marks. For questions 16-20,
correctly answered questions gained
6 marks, but an incorrect answer lost
1 mark. For the final 5 questions,
this increased to a loss of 2 marks for
every incorrect answer. The challenge
is created so there is not enough time
to work out every question which
makes it very tense. The participants
are yet to hear of their results.
Editorial Team
...according to the Student
AR 11s.
Tip #1: DO NOT, AND I
a lot!)
side of Teachers (this helps
Tip #2: Be on the good
want a
r homework late (you don’t
Tip #3: Don’t hand in you
teacher’s wrath!)
n friends (being rude is just
Tip #4: Make sure you ear
so you
homework in class as you can
Tip #5: Try to do as much
don’t have to do it all at home
ople to make new friends
Tip #6: Sit next to new pe
Tip #7: If you hear a rum
a rumour, IGNORE IT
Tip #9: If you are part of
bably break it.
mputer by yourself, you’ll pro
pencils and
e likes a sniffle), sharpened
n’t scrounge off other peop
anything you need so you do
Christmas Market
In December over 50 Year 8 students accompanied by staff took a trip to the wonderful
Aachen Christmas market which was a truly magical experience. As we entered the market
we were greeted by two gingerbread men, a speciality of Aachen. The scenery around the
market was beautiful, and the sky had that look as if it was just about to snow. The rich smell
of schnitzels and frankfurters stained the air. There were food, ornaments, and all kinds of
interesting things to do and buy. Our teachers encouraged us to try and speak German when
buying and ordering things, which was a challenge but was great for practicing our German.
Aachen itself is very interesting. Did you know that there are over 67 fountains in Aachen
alone? Aachen is famous for its water and many important have visited Aachen over the
years to bathe in the water which is said to cure many diseases and illnesses. Even Napoleon
came to test the water!
ivc etcetera : Spring Term 2015
Charity Ball
On Saturday 9 May the Gropius Hall will be transformed for a spectacular 1940s Ball featuring
performances from the Haywood Sisters and the Mike Fletcher Big Band. You will be transported
back in time for what promises to be a fantastic night of forties music, dancing and fun. There will
be delicious black market beverages, including themed cocktails, from the
fully licensed bar. There’ll also be a photo booth throughout the evening to
capture your fabulous 1940s costumes. Those arriving at 7pm will be able
to join a swing dance class in preparation for an evening of dancing, and
complete their 1940s look at our hair salon!
This event is being organised by Menelink Education, who is working in
collaboration with IVC as part of the 75th anniversary celebrations. All
proceeds go to Menelik Education, a charity working in the DR Congo and
the UK to help individuals and communities to break the cycle of poverty.
Haywood Sisters
Tickets available online at
For further information contact
The Barkleys of Broadway
With the support of the Parents’, Staff and Friends Association,
Sunday 22 February saw a bit of Hollywood glamour at
Impington Village College with the screening of the 1940s
classic The Barkleys of Broadway. This musical featuring
Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire had the audience reminiscing
about times gone by and for some, their time here at IVC. The
film was accompaniment by tea and cake, served to all guests
by the Cambridge company Turtle Dove, who did a fantastic
job ensuring tea cups were always filled and everyone had had
a piece of delicious cake. Using vintage china hired locally,
and cakes sourced from The Geographer in Histon, this made
for a very enjoyable afternoon.
For details please visit
Future Dates
This month there was a special after school cinema screening. The plan is to carry on programming
a variety of films at different times for audiences of all ages. If you would like to nominate a film for the
cinema or find out what is planned visit or contact the Gropius Cinema
coordinator Steve Wallis on
community etcetera : Spring Term 2015
Adult Learning
The programme of Adult Learning courses at Impington continues to thrive. We have introduced some new courses,
and due to popular demand we also brought back some that had not been on our programme for a while.
This term we have introduced the Patchwork and Quilting for Beginners course where we have seen quilts of all
colours being made. There will be another course running in the summer term which will be suitable for all levels
and will introduced some more patch working techniques.
French has also been reintroduced to the programme. The Revive Your French course has proven to be popular
and will continue into the summer term.
Our Digital Photography courses are running well and we have been able to offer classes for the older generation
which we are well attended in the day time. As requested by learners we will be introducing an Adobe Photoshop
course in the summer and again in the autumn term.
In the autumn term we ran a Pizza Making workshop which enable children to come along free with a full paying
adult. The feedback was very positive and everyone had a great time so we plan to repeat this throughout the
year. There will also be evening cooking workshops – watch this space for more information.
Plans are well under way for our autumn 2015 programme which will be available at the end of June. If we do not offer a
course or workshop that you would like to see in our programme please get in touch
For further information about courses and booking forms please visit or contact the Adult Learning
Office on 01223 200411 or
Histon and Impington Youth Club
Teenage voices need to be heard – Join our Youth Forum
You can find out more about local
opportunities, clubs and events on
these Village websites:
Want to share your community
news here? Contact the editors on
If you use Twitter share your
events and find out more by
The second Histon and Impington youth forum was held on 22 January. We heard from Neil Davies
about plans for a Community Park which would provide more open space for family enjoyment, creative
play and specific provision for young people. Discussion followed about the location of the site and
some new suggestions were made. All young people are encouraged to take part in the consultation
when it is launched later this year. Youth worker Andrea led a discussion about requirements for a
new youth club for young people aged 15 and over. The feasibility of starting this after Easter will be
investigated. If you would like to be involved in this please get in touch.
The final topic for the evening was Histon Library – a newly formed group who want to see the library
thrive and develop. The group asked young people to visit the library and feedback ideas of what
needs to change to make it a place that they would use.
For more information on the youth opportunities and activities in Histon and Impington please contact
Andrea Cramp, Youth Worker on 07899 904959 or
And the winner is…
The Histon and Impington Youth Film Competition ran last term, and entries were invited on the theme
of ‘past, present, future’. The winners received a gift voucher for the Arts Picturehouse Cinema in
Cambridge, and also had their films screened at the Impington Cinema on Wednesday 18 March.
The two films showcased different sets of skills and a lot of creativity. The first film, “A Question of Time”
by Martha Vigliotti, Ella Craddock and Annabel Alderson is a time travelling school animation.
The second film “Stop Calling Me!” created by Stefania Papadokonstantaki, Kelda Smith, Madeline
Norris and Ciara Calver is an epic adventure where the main character keeps getting telephone calls at
the worst possible moments.
A Question
St op Cal li
of Time
community etcetera : Spring Term 2015
sport etcetera from the gym.
events, training, classes etc.
make it
Sports etc interviews Fitness Consultant, Gosia
Hi Gosia, how are you?
I’ve never been better, thanks.
How long have you worked at Impington Sports Centre?
It’s my fifth or sixth week at Impington Sports Centre, but it feels like I have been here ages... I mean
that in a good way.
Tell us about yourself in a few words
That almost sounds impossible! Telling me to talk about myself in just a few words is like telling
me to be quiet… but I’ll give it a go. I see myself as a bubbly, open-minded and
positive individual with a particular interest in strength and conditioning for various
What do you enjoy most about your job?
I enjoy being myself around the clients and being able to apply my existing
knowledge to suit their individual needs.
What makes a good fitness consultant?
In my opinion it’s all about the communication skills, goal setting, needs analysis
and applying the knowledge accordingly to a client’s needs and expectations.
What is your favourite food?
Italian! Living in Rome for a year was enough to persuade me that Italian food is the
only choice.
If you were an animal, what would you be?
Let me think, a giraffe?
What is your favourite sport?
My mum is an ex-professional volleyball player, therefore the
choice is easy.
a giraf fe?
What are you currently training for?
At the moment I’m studying for a MSc in Strength and Conditioning for London
Institute of Sport at Middlesex University. We are based at Saracens Allianz Park
and I am loving it! The plan is to become a lecturer eventually and open my own
clinic. For the next 3 months I will be preparing for my practical exams: Olympic
lifting, plyometric training and sprinting mechanics. Wish me luck!
What is your greatest achievement to date?
Being able to work and study at the same time, plus working with high performance
athletes: long distance swimmers and track cyclists. The list is long and there is not
enough space to fit all in.
Summer or Winter?
Summer please.
Half full or Half empty?
Half full is always better!
Living in Rome for a year was n
enough t o persuade me t hat Ital ia
food is t he on ly choice.
sport etcetera : Spring Term 2015
what is it and who is it for?
In order to achieve a specific goal, an athlete must follow
a structured program, and if it comes to weight loss, the
principles are pretty much the same. The purpose of a
training plan is to identify the work to be carried out to
achieve agreed objectives. It involves consideration of many
physiological, psychological and sociological components.
‘Periodisation’ is the foundation of an athlete’s or client’s
training plan. The term periodisation originates from the
word period, which is a way of describing a portion or
division of time. It is a method by which training is divided
into smaller, easy to manage segments that are typically
referred to as phases or cycles of training. Its main aim is
to ‘peak’ for the competition. Periodisation can also be
a powerful tool in losing weight as well as maintaining a
desired body weight composition.
The main aim for any instructor prescribing a program
should be an injury free client. After assessing flexibility,
range of motion or muscle imbalances, an instructor should
then have a good foundation to start planning a wellstructured, periodised program according to the client’s
needs. The focus of any training program is to improve
performance or body composition. This is only possible
by changing the status quo and exposing clients to higher
training demands (higher volume, training or frequency of
the training). When the client achieves the new levels, the
performance or body composition will improve accordingly.
Correct overhead squat
If you have any questions regarding training planning,
preparing for a competition or making a weight, then please
book a session with a qualified instructor at the Sports
Centre reception.
I like coffee,
I like tea,
now I can get a
cup for FREE
Pick up your loyalty card and start collecting rewards
for your FREE cup of tea or coffee.
Goodbye from Dominic Rowley
I have spent two amazing years at Impington Sports Centre,
and now it is time to say goodbye as I leave to travel the world.
Over the past two years I have met some amazing members
of staff, many who I hope to keep in contact with. As for the
clients, well what can I say; with some I have a love hate
relationship! All jokes aside, you, the members have been
fantastic. Never have I met a bunch of people so willing to
work hard and achieve your goals. The determination and fun
you have brought to the Sports Centre has made my job an
enjoyment to fulfil. The Centre itself has given me a huge insight
into a variety of areas within the fitness industry, as well as some
amazing qualifications. It has been a great pleasure working
with, and for, ISC. Thank you all for allowing me this experience.
sport etcetera : Spring Term 2015
lo ard
ur card
Have yo h time
hase a te
you purc nd your
or coffe
p is
gular cu
eighth re E.
sport etcetera from the gym.
events, training, classes etc.
are you ready for
the most
Days full of fantastic activities!
Swimming, multi-sports, cookery, crafts, themed days
and much, much more.
Perfect Half-Term and Holiday activities
for all your little monsters
cardio workout?
Ages 5 – 12
8.30 – 5.30, book full days £24.00 or half days £15.00
Qualified DBS Leaders coaches and tutors.
Discounts for 2 or more children from the same family.
T. 01223 200404
or ask at Impington Sports Centre
reception for more details.
I’d like
to hire ...
Ask at reception
for details
For activity
packed days
insanity® now taught here.
WEDNESDAY 19:00-19:45
THURSDAY 06:45-07:30
© 2013 Beachbody, LLC. All rights reserved.
• birthday parties
• clubs
• training
• rehearsals
• meetings
• presentations
• hobby groups
• art classes