november 2010
november 2010
NOVEMBER 2010 CONTACT ENTRANCE ADDRESS: Dove Street South [top left off King Square] Kingsdown Bristol BS2 8JD Tel: (0117) 907 4190 POSTAL ADDRESS: 4 Princess Row Bristol BS2 8NQ Email: Music enquiries: Web: Design and Illustration by Candice Cumming. Contact: candice@ www.inksquatch. NEWS & INFORMATION ORCHESTRA CUBE ART IN THE BAR IN NOVEMBER Art exhibition by Rose Robbins, Ruta Lasyte, and Poppy Panter Whitlock. We are an improvisational group based at the Cube. Musicians of all standards and backgrounds are warmly welcomed. FFI: And in the ladies’ toilets… Toilet Philosophies - an installation by samfrancisco WE ARE A MEMBERSHIP CINEMA WITH A LICENSED BAR THE HAITI KIDS KINO PROJECT The Haiti Kids Kino Project is a micro-humanitarian goodwill project to provide an opening for escape, community, emotion and social occasion to a people and a place devastated by natural disaster. Haitian children are experiencing damage and despair, and further anxiety can grow through inaction, loneliness, isolation and boredom. Sharing the experience of making and watching films, while offering a temporary respite, the Haiti Kids Kino Project will contribute to quality of life through creating, sharing, reflecting, forging friendships and connections. Please support the project generously – there are regular fundraisers and lots of other ways to help. Visit: NANOPLEX You need to become a member for £1 the first time you visit. Bring your card every time you come. TICKET TOUT SUNDAY Please note that Ticket Tout Tuesday has moved to Sunday. Films marked tts are only £2! PRIVATE HIRE A cinema with a license for film, music, talks, bar events and more. Always open to ideas. Email for prices and terms. Music hire queries to ASYLUM The Cube offers UK asylum seekers and refugees free entry to all film screenings. Nanoplex is the version of the Cube that accommodates active learning, makes way for young people’s minds and encourages creativity. Adults get in free if accompanying a child. ACCESS BABYCINEMA ADVANCE TICKET SALES The watching-with-baby screenings are for parents/ carers with young babies (up to 1 year) to enjoy a movie in the company of other parents and their offspring. We follow the weekly film programme so you don’t lose out on the latest blockbusters, foreign language films and classic favourites. The Cube provides an area for prams, baby changing facilities, lowered movie volume and extra lighting in the auditorium. There will always be a friendly Front of House on hand to help. These screenings are only £2 (free for babies!) The Cube welcomes everyone but the nature of the building makes access for some people difficult. If in doubt, call us and we will do our best to accommodate your needs. Advance tickets for gigs and special events can be purchased from the following outlets: THE BRISTOL TICKET SHOP: 0117 929 9008 THE HERE SHOP: 0117 942 2222 PRIME CUTS: 0117 9830007 Tickets for films are only available from the box office fifteen minutes prior to the start of the programme. BRISTOL INDYMEDIA: WIKILEAKS & RETHINK AFGHANISTAN Mon 1st/ 8pm/ £3/£4 but nobody refused entry for a lack of funds The Afghan war grinds on and on with no end in sight. A brutal guerrilla conflict set against the backdrop of regional power-plays and endemic corruption, the war has become a bitter pill in contrast to the original optimism that the fall of the Taliban was trumpeted with. Then in July this year the whistle-blower site WikiLeaks publishes thousands of pages of classified material that showed that the brutality, civilian death toll and confusion of the conflict was far, far worse than NATO had been willing to admit. Bristol Indymedia is please to have Dr Lee Salter (UWE) introducing the powerful documentary ‘Rethink Afghanistan’. Dr Salter’s talk will look at WikiLeaks and what this means for journalism, propaganda and the future of the war. THE RUNAWAYS Tues 2nd and Wed 3rd 8pm/ Wed 3rd 11am (babycinema) / £4/£3/£2 (babycinema/tts) tts) Floria Sigismondi/ USA/ 2010/ 109 mins/ Cert: 15 Stylishly-directed new biopic of influential seventies teenage rockers The Runaways, who formed in LA in 1975 and after enlisting legendary music business svengali Kim Fowley, became one of the first all-girl bands to find genuine success. The film focuses on the relationship between Joan Jett and Cherie Currie (played respectively by Kristen Stewart and Dakota Fanning), with Michael Shannon in fine form as the irredeemable rock rogue Fowley, and features a wildfire soundtrack of seventies rock. Fusing their love for the bubblegum stomp of glam rock with the aggression of the emerging punk scene, The Runaways ride the turbulent rush of fame. It’s not long though before they discover that typically, the taste of success is often bittersweet. Were they kicking in the doors of the largely all-male world of sexist seventies rock and blazing a trail for female rockers of the future, or merely the exploited teenage puppets of a manipulative manager? CASIOTONE FOR THE PAINFULLY ALONE Thur 4th/ 8pm/ £8 advance/ £10 on the door The Cube welcomes back Owen Ashworth on his last ever tour as Casiotone for the Painfully Alone. Likening himself to Hank Williams with a decent Casio collection, Ashworth brings us a fuzzy, bleeping hybrid of folk & electronica, heart-warming and heartbreaking at the same time. Suitably uncluttered beats, melancholy drones and bittersweet melodies support baritone-laden vocals, narrating us through “wonderful fragments of fiction about half-missed opportunities and forgotten moments of happiness, the friends you had and lost, the sweet sorrow of getting older and getting on with life”. With support from Americana-inspired archaeo-futuristic one-man-band Robert Stillman, and Bristol’s very own lo-fi popsters, I Know I Have No Collar. BRISTOL JAM PACKED BONANZA FT. REGGIE WATTS, JACKAL FILMS, MALCOLM HARDEE’S TUNNEL & MORE Fri 5th/ 7.30pm doors/ £10 A full evening of live fun and films from acts of global stature as part of Bristol Old Vic’s Improvisation festival. The Cube is proud to play host to international sensation, the amazing Reggie Watts. Reggie’s improvised sets are created on-the-spot using only his voice and a looping machine. No two songs or performances are ever the same. “Reggie Watts is a most unusual talent: a huge vocal range, a natural musicality, and a sidesplitting wit. Is he a comedian? A singer? A performance artist? I’ve seen him a few times since then and I still can’t decide. Whatever, he ain’t like nobody else.” – Brian Eno Plus, two improvised short films presented by Jacqueline Wright & T.V.’s Alice Lowe (Garth Marenghi’s Darkplace / Mighty Boosh). Kicked off with Director Jody Vandenburg presenting ‘The Tunnel’, a half hour film about Malcolm Hardee’s seminal Tunnel Club, featuring Harry Enfield, Rich Hall, John Hegley, Lennie Henry, Jools Holland, Phil Kay, Mark Lamarr, Norman Lovett, Paul Merton, Simon Munnery, Mike Myers and Vic Reeves. Prepare for further surprise improvised live shenanigans too… ALAMAR Sun 7th and Tues 9th 8pm/ Mon 8th 9pm/ Wed 10th 11am (babycinema)/ £4/£3/£2 (babycinema/tts) Pedro González-Rubio/ Mexico/ 73 mins/ Cert: U/ subtitled Jorge takes his young son Natan to the coral reefs in Mexico, where his Mayan roots lie, to visit his grandfather. The relationship between grandfather, father and son, and the Mexican fishermen and their environment is quietly captured almost as a documentary with absorbing and intimate observation. HOBO POP PRESENTS THE KIRSTEN MCGEE DUO Weds 10th/ 8pm/ £5 advance/£7 on the door Hobopop Recordings & The Cube Cinema present an evening of fine, literate and off-beat activities for the children of the New Depression Era. Twice nominated for BBC Folk Awards, Kirsty McGee has been recording and touring to critical acclaim since her debut in 2002. Her style continues to defy categorisation and charm audiences across Europe, earning her the tag of ‘cult’ singer-songwriter in the UK. She is on tour promoting her new single ‘Wife’, released for free download in November 2010. Her last album ‘No.5’ was described as ‘exquisite’ by Q magazine in the spring of this year. Molly Samson is a gifted guitarist and vocalist based in Bristol. She has been making a name for herself with her deep rich vocals, wild finger picking and unique blend of world folk music. She is currently writing songs for her first EP, to be released in spring 2011. This will be an evening of live music, original visuals and aftershow surprises. THE HOT AIR BABOONS IMPROV COMEDY SPECTACLE Thur 11th/ 8pm/ £5/£4 The Hot Air Baboons are an exciting collective of stage, film, radio and TV comedy performers who have turned their attention to creating a night of improvised entertainment in their home town. The group’s sessions at the Cube provide a rare chance to see comic ideas emerge, blossom, be discarded or (with audience endorsement), be put in a box marked ‘keepers’. Expect the unexpected. SADDAR BAZAR Fri 12th/ 8pm til late/ £5/£4 The Cube in association with The Heavy Heads Disco proudly presents an evening of unadulterated psychedelic instrumental freak out, featuring a rare live performance from Saddar Bazaar. With a delta undertow and a heavy lavish layering of sitar, they make blissed out east/west psychedelic blues/rock fusion. Tripped out effervescent raga scales mixwith fuzzing acid rockin’ chords. Big Naturals are an experimental psych rock duo who follow in the footsteps of many 1970s intense heavy rhythm sections creating dynamic pounding krautrock soundscapes. With psychedelic light show and The Heavy Heads DJs in the bar playing a fine selection of Heavy Blues and Psych Rock. BORSTAL DOUBLE BILL: DOG POUND AND THE LONELINESS OF THE LONG DISTANCE RUNNER Sat 13th/ 8pm/ £5 Dog Pound: Kim Chapiron/2010/ USA/ 90 mins/ Cert: 18 The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner: Tony Richardson/ 1962/ UK/ 91 mins/ Cert: 12 Double trouble as the Cube plays host to borstal mania, getting locked up and locked in with Kim Chapiron’s Dog Pound and Tony Richardson’s 1962 classic The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner. A loose remake of Alan Clarke’s Scum, transposed to a contemporary US setting, Dog Pound offers a raw and visceral portrayal of prison power play comparable to Audiard’s A Prophet. Shackled to the anti-authoritarian new wave poetic realism of The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner, Richardson’s depiction of a working class rebel who stops short of the finish line, this promises to be anything but a cosy night in. THE SECRET OF KELLS Sat 13th and Sun 14th/ 11am and 2pm/ £3/£4 Tomm Moore & Nora Twomey/ 2009/ Ireland/ 75 mins/ Cert: PG This stunning animation is a spirited retelling of Ireland’s most cherished artefact, the Book of Kells. With the Viking hordes approaching, the monks of Kells are forced to turn their attention from transcribing manuscripts to building barricades. The future of the precious book is in jeopardy and it falls to Brendan, young nephew of the abbot Cellach, to save the day. To help complete the magical book, Brendan has to overcome his deepest fears on a dangerous quest that takes him into the enchanted forest where mythical creatures hide. He meets the fairy Aisling, a mysterious young wolfgirl, who helps him along the way. A bewitching animated fairytale for children and adults alike. CUBE FILM QUIZ Sun 14th/ 8pm/ £2 Winter is now drawing near, and the film quiz is back, new and improved for the season. Several more rounds of film clips, questions and suggestions. Head scratchers and easy peasies alike. Come and test your mettle on the films that make this place tick. You know it makes sense. There will be merriment. Come and join. ALASDAIR ROBERTS AND CATH AND PHIL TYLER Wed 17th November/ 7.30pm/ £7 To listen to Ali Roberts sing his first song of a set is akin to reading the opening page of an engrossing epic - you know there will be monsters, romance, and death ahead, all brought alive by a master weaver of myth, melodies and moralities. Roberts’ repertoire is made up of his own compositions and jewels from the treasure trove of timeless Scottish folk songs he regularly plunders, delivering songs with his own deftly intricate guitar playing and a voice both bold and subject to fragility. He has shared stages with Joanna Newsom, Magnolia Electric Co, Smog and countless others. He keeps good company for sure. A Qu Junktions Presentation. BABYCINEMA FILM SURPRISE Wed 17th/ 11 am/ £2/ babies free The watching-with-baby screenings are for parents/carers with young babies (up to 1 year) to enjoy a movie in the company of other parents and their offspring. Babycinema Film Surprise is a lucky dip of film titles, where our visitors can choose from classic titles from the Cube archives. ENCOUNTERS 2010 Encounters International Film Festival returns this November (16 – 21) with the re-launch of Animated Encounters and Brief Encounters, and a celebration of the best short and animated film talent from around the world. This year also sees the return of a flourishing relationship with the Cube Cinema, who bring you a selection of eclectic events and activities during the festival. For the full programme and to join the newsletter visit ENCOUNTERS AT THE CUBE: PRESENTING CAPTAIN ZIP Thur 18th/ 8pm/ £5 Captain Zip filmed the punk street scene in London from 1978 to 1981, completing nine short films, most of them shot on a clockwork Standard 8mm camera, with one lip-sync. Punk chat film on Super 8. These vibrant time capsules of one of the most colourful explosions of expression the streets of England have witnessed were largely edited in-camera and have become an important social history resource enabling an inspiring form of time travel to a less politically censored age. This will be a rare projection of all nine films in their original formats complete with swastikas, water pistol battle (on film), police intervention (on film), and original cement splices that could break at any time. The screening will be attended by Captain Zip. The seven silent punk films will be accompanied by punk tracks from a DJ. ENCOUNTERS AT THE CUBE: MAN EATER MOUNTAIN Fri 19th/ 8pm/ £5 Striving to deliver the freshest approaches to Japanese film over the past decade, Zipangu Fest ( heralds the introduction of works, both new and old, previously unseen by a mainstream British film audience, showcasing the many identities of ENCOUNTERS AT Japan as depicted by some of the country’s most exciting and revered talents. Tonight, as part of this year’s Encounters short film festival, we present a special Ero Guro THE CUBE: Anime Night (total 112 mins), introduced by Jasper Sharp of Midnight Eye. A selection BEAKONS IKONS of nightmarishly morbid animations from the Japanese underground including AND DYKONS Metempsychosis (1993), Man-Eater Mountain (2008), The Death Lullaby (1985) & Sat 20th/ 8pm/ £5/£4 Midori: The Girl in the Freak Show (1992). In addition we’re pleased to welcome Takuro concession for outrageous Kochi, the sound designer for Man-Eater Mountain, to introduce the film. appropriate dress For further details on the full programme please check the website. Beacons, Icons and Dykons, party celebration in collaboration with Encounters A homage to a larger than life Gay Icon, Dolly Parton with specially commissioned performances inspired by Dolly’s life, her songs and films. Performances will be hosted by Bristol LATE NIGHT JAPANESE PINKU DOUBLE BILL based performer Tom Marshman. Fri 19th/ 11pm doors/ £2 Followed by film, shorts Intro by Jasper Sharp and late night Dolly DJs country style in the bar. Sexy Time Trip Ninjas (1984) and Groper Train: Search for the Black Pearl Bring your gold cowboy (1984): Two deliriously tasteless comic romps from the Japanese pinku eiga boots... softcore skin flicks genre directed by Yojiro Takita, winner of the 2008 Best Foreign Film Academy Award for the drama DEPARTURES. Screening courtesy of Pink Eiga. ENCOUNTERS AT THE CUBE: HAITI KIDS KINO PROJECT AND NANOPLEX PRESENTS ALL AGES SILHOUETTE ANIMATION WORKSHOP AND LOTTE REINIGER’S THE FAIRY TALE FILMS Sun 21st/ 2pm-5pm/ £2 Join Haiti Kids Kino Project and our team of Nanoplex animators at the Cube and learn how to create hand- cut silhouettes and animate them under the camera! The workshop will be followed by a selection of The Fairy Tale Films by animation pioneer Lotte Reiniger. With wonderful music tracks and charming narrations, these enchanting films will appeal to children and adults alike. HKKP is a big project for a small microplex and we’d love your support. If you’d like to contribute please get in touch BLUESCREEN Wed 24th/ 8pm/ £3/£2 filmmakers in for free, but only one per film It’s the last Bluescreen of the year, so make sure you come down tonight for your last fix of short film screenings for 2010! Not been to Bluescreen before? All you need to do is BRING your films down on the night on DVDs, Mini DVs etc, films should be 20 mins or under. We welcome all film genres, be they Dramas, Docs, Animations, Music Promos, Experimental, Skate vids... you get the idea. And the best part is you get to see YOUR films on the Cube’s Big Blue Screen. Films on the cinema screen, as it should be! Not got a film? Come along anyway and get inspired! Plus the Cube Orchestra and their rescores and Bluescreen Hi-Fi DJs in the bar all night. THE SECRET IN THEIR EYES Sun 21st and Tues 23rd 8pm/ Mon 22nd 9pm/ Wed 24th 11am (babycinema)/ £4/£3/£2 (tts/babycinema) Juan Jose Campanella/ 2010/ Argentina & Spain/ 129mins/ Cert: 18/ subtitled A quarter of a century of Argentina’s dirty war is the time frame for this Oscar-winning psychological thriller. When an ex-cop decides to write a novel about one of his unresolved homicide cases, he reopens painful memories and also rekindles his love for his former superior. Along the way, a close relationship forms between the investigator and the grieving widower of the victim. But both men must pay a price for their obsession with justice and retribution. GREATNESS OF THE MAGNIFICENCE Fri 26th/ 8pm/ £5 advance, £7 on the door The Greatness of the Magnificence is back again this month presenting the music of Ennio Morricone. Some of Bristol’s finest musicians will be presenting their versions of some of Morricone’s best and least known themes and songs. As usual the general public and their friends are invited to participate in this event. All enquiries to NANOPLEX FILMMAKING CLUB Sun 28th/ 11am- 1pm/ all ages workshop/ absolutely free Come and join Nanoplex and Haiti Kids Kino Project make films that we can show to children with our mobile cinema in Haiti. Parents can come and enjoy Sunday papers, homemade cakes and coffee and relax in the cinema whilst the offspring make films about hungry caterpillars and Gruffalos. AUSFORM PLATFORM AND THE COST OF LIVING BY DV8 PHYSICAL THEATRE Sat 27th/ 8pm doors/ £5/£4 Following our 1st birthday, Ausform returns with more quirkiness on stage and a bonus screening of the feature length film ‘The Cost of Living’ by internationally renowned DV8 Physical Theatre. David and Eddie are street performers I’M STILL HERE struggling to get by in a seaside town. Sun 28th and Tues 30th 8pm/ Mon 29th 9pm/ They work, argue, fail at romance and £4/£3/£2 (tts) fall out with old friends. Part dance Casey Affleck/ 2010/ USA/ 108 mins/ Cert: 15 In 2008 Joaquin Phoenix announced that he’d decided to retire from acting and concentrate on a new career as a rap singer. A subsequent appearance on the Letterman show in which he mumbled through an unruly beard lead to film, part drama. The stories are told speculation that he’d had a meltdown. Casey through a combination of stylised Affleck’s documentary follows Phoenix for a movement and dialogue. year and we see him abuse drugs, his paid as sistants and his audiences. It looks like a fly on DV8 have made work for the stage the wall portrait but Affleck has hinted that the since 1986. The Cost of Living is whole thing may be a hoax. But is he doublechoreographed and directed by bluffing? You decide. Lloyd Newson. NOVEMBER mon 01 20:00 tue 02 20:00 wed 03 11:00 20:00 thu 04 20:00 fri 05 19:30 SAT 06 SUN 07 20:00 mon 08 21:00 tue 09 20:00 wed 10 11:00 20:00 thu 11 20:00 fri 12 20:00 SAT 13 11:00 14:00 20:00 SUN 14 11:00 14:00 20:00 mon 15 tue 16 20:00 wed 17 11:00 19:35 thu 18 20:00 fri 19 20:00 23:00 SAT 20 20:00 SUN 21 14:00 20:00 mon 22 21:00 tue 23 20:00 wed 24 11:00 20:00 thu 25 fri 26 20:00 SAT 27 20:30 SUN 28 11:00 20:00 mon 29 21:00 BRISTOL INDYMEDIA : WIKILEAKS & RETHINK AFGHANISTAN THE RUNAWAYS BABYCINEMA PRESENTS THE RUNAWAYS THE RUNAWAYS CASIOTONE FOR THE PAINFULLY ALONE BRISTOL JAM PACKED BONANZA FT. REGGIE WATTS, JACKAL FILMS, MALCOLM HARDEE’S TUNNEL & MORE CLOSED ALAMAR ALAMAR ALAMAR BABYCINEMA PRESENTS ALAMAR HOBO POP PRESENTS THE KIRSTEN MCGEE DUO THE HOT AIR BABOONS IMPROV COMEDY SPECTACLE SADDAR BAZAR THE SECRET OF KELLS THE SECRET OF KELLS BORSTAL DOUBLE BILL: DOG POUND AND THE LONELINESS OF THE LONG DISTANCE RUNNER THE SECRET OF KELLS THE SECRET OF KELLS CUBE FILM QUIZ CLOSED MOUNTAIN FILMS - UNCONFIRMED BABYCINEMA FILM SURPRISE ALASDAIR ROBERTS AND CATH AND PHIL TYLER ENCOUNTERS AT THE CUBE: PRESENTING CAPTAIN ZIP ENCOUNTERS AT THE CUBE: MAN EATER MOUNTAIN LATE NIGHT JAPANESE PINKU DOUBLE BILL ENCOUNTERS AT THE CUBE: BEAKONS IKONS AND DYKONS ENCOUNTERS AT THE CUBE: HAITI KIDS KINO PROJECT AND NANOPLEX PRESENTS ALL AGES SILHOUETTE ANIMATION WORKSHOP AND LOTTE REINIGERS’ THE FAIRY TALE FILMS THE SECRET IN THEIR EYES THE SECRET IN THEIR EYES THE SECRET IN THEIR EYES BABYCINEMA PRESENTS THE SECRET IN THEIR EYES BLUESCREEN CLOSED GREATNESS OF THE MAGNIFICENCE AUSFORM PLATFORM AND THE COST OF LIVING BY DV8 PHYSICAL THEATRE NANOPLEX FILMMAKING CLUB I’M STILL HERE I’M STILL HERE tue 30 I’M STILL HERE 20:00
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