programme of events november 2011
programme of events november 2011
PROGRAMME OF EVENTS NOVEMBER 2011 CUBECINEMA.COM CONTACT DETAILS: Dove Street South [top left off King Square] Kingsdown Bristol BS2 8JD Tel: (0117) 907 4190 POSTAL ADDRESS: 4 Princess Row Bristol BS2 8NQ Email: Music enquiries: Web: ADVANCE TICKET SALES Advance tickets for gigs and special events can be purchased from the following outlets: THE BRISTOL TICKET SHOP: 0117 9299008 THE HERE SHOP: 0117 9422222 PRIME CUTS: 0117 9830007 RISE: 0117 9297511 AUSFORM: (ticks online) Tickets for films are only available from the box office thirty minutes prior to the start of the programme. WE ARE A MEMBERSHIP CINEMA WITH A LICENSED BAR You need to become a member for £1 the first time you visit. Bring your card every time you come. On film nights we will open the doors half an hour before the published start time, so there is plenty of time for a cup of tea, or a bottle of beer beforehand. PRIVATE HIRE A cinema with a license for film, music, talks, bar events and more. Always open to ideas. Email for prices and terms. Music hire queries to CUBECINEMA.COM Programme Design by Lina B. Frank NEWS AND INFORMATION TICKET TOUT TUESDAY Films marked ttt are only £3! ART ON THE WALLS IN NOVEMBER Paul Albrecht has been taking photographs for over 20 years. He has worked professionally as a studio portrait photographer and also on cruise ships, photographing passengers in the Caribbean, Mediterranean and Baltic. He prefers to work with landscapes and cityscapes. He lives in Bristol. THE HAITI KIDS KINO PROJECT HKKP is a micro-humanitarian goodwill project, born from the Cube’s Nanoplex. Delighting in the dream-power of cinema, HKKP provides an opening for escape, community and social occasion for Children in Haiti, a place devastated by natural disaster. In March 2010, HKKP travelled to Port Au Prince with a video projector, generator and amp, to project children’s films on the sides of buildings, in tents and give cameras over to children to explore their own lives. A second team left for Haiti in October 2011. To fund the project HKKP puts on workshops, cake and t-shirt sales here and around the country. FFI ORCHESTRA CUBE We are an improvisational group based at the Cube. Musicians of all standards and backgrounds are warmly welcomed. FFI: FERAL TRADE COFFEE We are serving the entire 2010 harvest of husband and wife farmer duo Adilio Ceron Escobar and Blanca de Ceron. Grown in high-altitude San Pedro Nonulaco El Salvador and roasted to order in the seaside resort of Littlehampton UK, this coffee is as single estate as the Microplex itself. NANOPLEX Nanoplex is the version of the Cube that accommodates active learning, makes way for young people’s minds and encourages creativity. Adults get in free if accompanying a child (except where marked in the programme). BABYCINEMA The watching-with-baby screenings are for parents/ carers with young babies (up to 1 year) to enjoy a movie in the company of other parents and their offspring. We follow the weekly film programme so you don’t lose out on the latest blockbusters, foreign language films and classic favourites. The Cube provides an area for prams, baby changing facilities, lowered movie volume and extra lighting in the auditorium. There will always be a friendly Front of House on hand to help. These screenings are only £3 (free for babies!) ASYLUM The Cube offers UK asylum seekers and refugees free entry to all film screenings. ACCESS The Cube welcomes everyone but the nature of the building makes access for some people difficult. If in doubt, call us and we will do our best to accommodate your needs. BLACK POWER MIX TAPE 1967 to 1975 Tue 1st to Wed 2nd 8pm/ Wed 2nd 11am (babycinema)/ £5/£4/£3 (babycinema/ttt) Göran Olsson/ 2011/ Sweden / 100 mins Lost in an archive in Sweden for 30 years, The Black Power Mixtape is a compilation documentary that chronicles African-American political Black Power movement between the years 1967-1975 through the eyes of a Swedish TV station reporting to its nation. The TV archives contain 16mm material shot by Swedish film makers, and includes interview footage of Angela Davis, Bobby Seale, Stokely Carmichael, and Kathleen Cleaver, which is given “context” (in our time!) through commentary by Erykah Badu, Harry Belafonte, Talib Kweli, and Melvin Van Peebles. Music by Questlove and Om’Mas Keith... 20TH CENTURY CUBE PRESENTS ‘SULLIVANS TRAVELS’ Thu 3rd/ 7.30pm/ £5/£4 In what will be our fourth presentation, 20th Century Cube have selected Preston Sturges’ opus ‘Sullivan’s Travels’ to be our next screening. Made in 1941, the film follows the travails of our protagonist as he admirably endeavours to make a film: One with meaning... One that will resonate with the common man! He’s already got a great title for it (‘O Brother, Where Art Thou’), but having established himself as a master of lowbrow comedies, will his foray into worthy drama bring him the respect he craves? Come join us at The Cube and find out, or just come along to gawp at Veronica Lake on the big screen... That’s also fine. DAS ANDERE SELBST Fri 4th/ 8pm/ £5 Das Andere Selbst is a netlabel based in Berlin, members are magic creatures. We played and play music all around Europe and America, keeping it high. Close your eyes, bang your head: UIUTNA sounds like loud geometry made out of wood. Western gamelan or hypna-hop or whatever the night has just told him. SCAPPARE DI CASA from the dusty streets, under great clouds and amazing views. No shoes music, bus stations, camp fire circles. New kundalini bass booster in town, H is depicted as having ten arms, riding a lion or a tiger, carrying weapons and a lotus flower, maintaining a meditative smile, and practising mesmeric audio gestures. BRISTOL INDYMEDIA PRESENTS: THE AUGUST ‘RIOTS’ Mon 7th/ 8pm/ £4/£3 but nobody refused for lack of funds The August ‘riots’ were portrayed by the media and politicians as the actions of ‘greedy feral youth’ within a ‘criminal underclass’. Most of these politically loaded explanations were presented before what had happened was even known. Using hard research and the voices of participants, this event will provide an analysis of the ‘riots’ of August, considering what (actually) happened, who was involved and how they did it. It will also critique the representation of the events in the media and mainstream politics. Includes a showing of the film Rebellion in Tottenham 2011. A joint event hosted by Bristol Indymedia and Bristol Radical History Group. CHARLIE PARR 2 NIGHT RESIDENCY Sat 5th and Sun 6th/ 8pm/ £9 advance each night The Cube Microplex proudly welcomes back our Minnesotan friend, National-Resophonic guitar maestro and balladeer of the old-times, Charlie Parr, for a special weekend-long programme of events. On Saturday 5th November, Mr Parr takes the dim-lit stage alone; a more fitting venue for his intimate, raw and authentic country blues has yet to be found. Attendees will also be offered performances by Charlie’s longtime friends, My Two Toms, and a Special Guest, whose identity is to be unveiled no more than two weeks prior to the event! Come Sunday, with penitence in their hearts and fire in their bones, Mr Parr, the Toms and assorted friends present: ‘The Booze Brawlers Holiness Revival & True Gospel Revue’ – a one-off spectacular which will see all players kick up the dust onstage at once for a memorable evening’s hollering. Recorded audio documentation of the night’s events will be offered free to attendees as a special memento! THE THIRD POLICEMAN Wed 9th and Thu 10th/ 8pm/ £6 advance A two night run. Qu Junktions is jazzed to present a big theatrical project from wild card composer Ergo Phizmiz. The Third Policeman is an electronic neu-opera based on Flann O’Brien’s perplexing masterpiece. Part thriller, part comedy, part science-fiction, this radical adaptation combines stagecraft, animation, and distinctive, unforgettable music into an astounding composite for the ears and eyes. Created in collaboration with a host of artists who can only be described in today’s incessant jargon as “outsiders”, and performed by a cast of nontrained singers and comedians, with visual influences from Eastern European animation and musical references ranging from British dance bands to intricate electronic music, it will be an unforgettable and unique sensory experience. IT’S MOONFLOWER TIME 11 11 11 Fri 11th/ 8pm/ £6/£5 The Greatness of the Magnificence presents songs of the legendary Moonflowers, performed by original members of that psychedelic music collective whose chaotic presence was felt in the late 80s and 90s locally and nationally. Music celebrating Eggsistance. SISKIYOU + SILVER PYRE + I KNOW I HAVE NO COLLAR Sat 12th/ 8pm/ £4 advance/ £6 on the door Canadian four piece SISKIYOU (Constellation) is the result of a partnership between Huebert (formerly of Great Lake Swimmers) and Erik Arnesen (still a Great Lake Swimmer). With the help of two multi-instrumentalists from Vancouver they meticulously build strange arrangements around charmed moments. SILVER PYRE forge a sound of archaic electronics, with catchy, futurist song craft through layers of the British landscape. Primarily the work of Gary Fawle, joined by David Edwards (Minotaur Shock) and Dave Collingwood’s (Gravenhurst, Yann Tiersen) expansive drum propulsion. I KNOW I HAVE NO COLLAR sing songs about Kansas and mosquitoes over xylophone pings. It’s the sound of anti-heroes made good, the déjà vu of awkward adolescence, optimism and the legacy of K Records. TINKER TAILOR SOLDIER SPY Sun 13th to Tue 15th 8pm/ Wed 16th 11am (babycinema) £5/£4/£3 (ttt, babycinema) Tomas Alfredson/ 2011/ France/UK/Germany/ 127 mins/ Cert: 15 Gary Oldman steps into Alec Guinness’ formidable shoes as George Smiley, the British Intelligence officer drawn out of retirement to find a Soviet mole in le Carre’s engrossing spy thriller. Director Tomas Alfredson (‘Let The Right One In’) -creates tension and intrigue without resorting to James Bond/Jason Bourne style action and glamour. No car-chases or explosions; instead we see a world of bureaucratic wrangling, deal-making and backstabbing where no one can be trusted and the thrill is in the details. Oldman gives a pleasingly subtle performance joined by John Hurt, Colin Firth and Kathy Burke. Open your ears for a night on which traditional worldly folk forms get imaginatively retouched for the now, by players with the wisdom and the chops to keep their expressive magic intact: Andy Moor & Yannis Kyriakides explore and honour the deep-cut melancholy of Greek rembetika music. The Family Elan play ravishing world-trad-psych with a Northern English heart. Music of the old world reframed the right way, all love and precious little sentiment. ANDY MOOR & YANNIS KYRIAKIDES: REMBETIKA + Family Elan A Qu Junktion Wed 16th/ 8pm/ £6 adv PLATFORM OF PERFORMANCE Sat 19th/ 6pm (doors) ‘til 1am/ shows 7pm, 8pm, 9pm, Ausform is a company that encourages new ideas in theatre and performance. Come join us for our now twice yearly platform of highly inventive new work and theatrical experiments. Ausform Platform is an evening of double-bills by Bristol based and national performance makers. This micro-festival we will present 4 pieces of new work from artists we think are exciting. This november eve we have invited circus/live artist Jonathan Priest (Fan-Atticks, Marie-Louise Masreliez, Cirkus Cirkor), Isabelle Cressy (Pinch Physical Theatre) and Clockwork Moth, who collaborate with a diversity of wild and exotic species of artist, generating eclectic and inspiring adventures! 7pm Jonathan Priest with ‘Knot Circus’£3 8pm Isabelle Cressy with ‘Flog’ AND The Clockwork Moth with ‘We Can Stay All Day’ £5 (double bill) 9pm Ira Brand with Keine Angst £5 You can buy a ticket for all performances for £10 from our website. For more info about the artists, their pieces and buy a ticket go to Our evening will culminate in a free party where we open the space for you to share your thoughts, have a drink and dance the night away. We encourage you to join us with a warm mind and an open heart. ‘OF THE BRILLIANT AND THE DARK’ ELLEN SOUTHERN AND ENSEMBLE Sun 20th/ 2.30pm til 4pm/ £4/£3.50 Enter a haunting world of atmospheric vocal harmonies in this debut song-cycle by artistturned-vocalist, Ellen Southern. Weaving together entrancing music by 7 female voices, a small mixed ensemble and visual projections, this piece transports the audience, encompassing musical influences from early polyphony to trip-hop. The performance grew from Southern’s remix score of an obscure opera ‘The Brilliant And The Dark’ first performed in 1969 by 1000 female volunteers. Artists Eileen Simpson and Ben White discovered this opera whilst working with the London Women’s Library archives. Bristol’s festival of all things short and animated returns this November, celebrating the best emerging short film and animation talent from around the world. The five day festival will feature special programmes from Bristol to Brazil; a series of focused symposiums on future ideas and future trends with industry specialists; a live script reading, a pop up cinema, a fabulous Vintage Mobile Movie Bus and an interview with Director Bruce Robinson (Withnail & I, The Rum Diary), and more. This year sees the return of a flourishing relationship with the Cube Cinema, who bring you a selection of eclectic, eccentric and amusing activities during the festival. CUBE ENCOUNTERS: PEOPLE LIKE US MAGICAL MISERY TOUR. Thu 17th/ doors 7.30pm/ £6 adv (at watershed only)/ £8 door Look Behind You!... She Is Back! Vicki Bennett aka People Like Us raids the tombs of HORROR films, plundering the undead, cutting up scared suburban teenagers amongst many victims into a delicious perverse A/V set. The source material is 95% from horror movies, with content portraying less of a scary nightmare but a journey through the underworld of everyday human experiences. People Like Us, as ever, see the positive and sometimes humorous side of the most ghastly scenarios, accompanying the edited found feature film footage with new sample collage pop songs. British artist Vicki Bennett has been an influential figure in the field of audio visual collage, through her innovative sampling, appropriating and cutting up of found footage and archives. Also tonight, see Aki Onda - an artist whose musical instrument of choice is the cassette Walkman. CUBE ENCOUNTERS: SCULPTURE. UNSTABLE MODULAR COLLAGE Fri 18th/ doors 9pm/ DJs before/after Sculpture on 10pm/ £6 adv (usual Cube outlets)/ £8 door Party. All the Animators in town will want to let their hair down over these guys. Sculpture is an audiovisual performance duo from London – electronic music producer, Dan Hayhurst, and animator, Reuben Sutherland. Sutherland ‘DJs’ with home-made zoetropic discs, intricate concentric rings of illustrated frames, projecting fragments of looping images at 33, 45 and 78 rpm – pre-Edisonian imaging technology with a digital video camera, deftly manipulated; the heart and spirit of animation laid bare like you’ve never seen. Hayhurst deploys prepared audio material across 1⁄4” tape loops, hardware sampler, cassette walkman and CDJ deck. A strange amalgam of found sounds, Plunderphonics, ancient electronic music recalling the BBC Radiophonic Workshop, imagine Felix Kubin playing Dubstep, mixed hands-on on the spot. CUBE ENCOUNTERS: CAPTAIN ZIP FETISH FILM NIGHT Sun 20th/ 8pm/ £6/£5 Captain Zip’s documentaries about the fetish scene include public displays of fetishism, a Sex-Workers’ Pride demo, Mistress Alexia teaching correct use of a whip, and private play in fetish dungeons. See fetishists under police escort marching to campaign for better understanding of this taboo subject - featuring human ponies, rubberists, whips, high heels and plenty of discipline. It was in 1998 that Kodak last issued striped Super 8 film for lip-sync sound. Zip used it for ‘Metal Carew’, a documentary about erotic metalwear maker Lisa Carew and her daring publicity stunts on Tower Bridge and Brighton Seafront. Join us for this one-off night of fetish fun. PAUL GOODMAN CHANGED MY LIFE WITH JONATHAN LEE Mon 21st/ 8pm/ £5 / 2011/ USA/ 89 mins Philosopher, poet, novelist, sociologist, pacifist, psychologist, anarchist, open bisexual and spokesperson for a generation, Paul Goodman had been dazzling and infuriating America for more than a decade before his death in 1972. This documentary, the first, introduces Goodman to a new generation. The continuing relevance and bite of his critique has startled readers in the US, where his books are being re-issued in new editions. Writer Horatio Morpurgo treated the student protests from a ‘Goodmanite’ perspective in a recent book of his own and will give a short introduction. The director Jonathan Lee will be present at this one-off screening, which will be followed by a discussion. ONEOHTRIX POINT NEVER with live visuals by Nate Boyce + Hyetal (Live) + Kelly Twins DJs Tue 22nd/ 8pm/ £9 advance OPN is a beautifully off-beam artist who is creating a genuine canon of music and images. His show’s feature powerful and evocative synthesiser tracks which are disjointed but lyrical, weirdly ecological and feature re-purposed “ghost vocals” which serve as narration for Lopatin’s signature amorphous, ambient passages. Somehow, via parallel process and a collusion of space/time/ mathematics and retro-mania, Oneohtrix Point Never makes the in sound from way out. With a fly new album and show to boot but with the same mastery of timbre, touch and atmosphere intact, OPN gets returnal in Bristol since supporting King Midas Sound. Star grazing cinematic sound scrapes with mutant beats and future soul care of Bristol based Hyetal. Slo-mo space disco jams in the bar. A Qu Junktion BABYCINEMA FILM SURPRISE Wed 23rd/ 11 am/ £2, babies free This screening is the Lucky Dip of the Cube film archive. Join other parents/carers with young babies (up to 1 year) to enjoy a movie from the Cube archives for one screening only. BEACONS ICONS AND DYKONS: KENNETH ANGER Thu 24th/ 8pm/ £5 Beacons, Icons and Dykons pays tribute to the highly influential American underground experimental filmmaker Kenneth Anger. The films will be accompanied by a heady mix of performances that promise to be Anger inspired, being, surreal, homoerotic with a little touch of the occult. Beacons Icons and Dykons is a regular night which has queer leanings, showing films and creating performances inspired by them all hosted by Tom Marshman. HELLFIRE VIDEO CLUB PRESENT A NIGHT OF PSYCH FI, WITH ZARDOZ Fri 25th/ 8pm/ £5 The Hellfire Video Club is back once again with another double-bill of psychotropic cinema, with DJs in the bar playing the weirdest records they could find down the back of the sofa. Tonight’s main feature is lesser-spotted Sean-Connery-in-a-bikini epic “ZARDOZ”, directed by the legendary John Boorman (Point Blank, Deliverance, Excalibur). It’s a little difficult to summarise a plot that involves the worship of a giant floating stone head, spewing out ammunition when fed with grain, all the while preaching that ‘the gun is good, the penis is evil’, so maybe it’s best not to try. Suffice to say the film is rather eccentric and lush. To follow this is a hugely camp 70’s Euro ‘Star Wars’ rip-off that is jam-packed with bonkers no-budget effects. This promises to be a powerful night of psychedelic psi-fi. In the bar the Hellfire DJs will be playing futuristic freak-funk from a galaxy far, far away. BLEEDING HEART NARRATIVE / MAT RIVIERE / BASTARDGEIST Sat 26th/ 8pm/ £4 advance/ £6 on the door BLEEDING HEART NARRATIVE are a London sextet who weave together beautiful sounds with a haunting intensity. As interested in textures and orchestration as they are with rhythm and melody. Their style is a distinctive and captivating, never settling on genre or approach. In creating their music, Bleeding Heart Narrative incorporate more abstract influences into traditional song structures, applying pop sensibilities as they go. Joining are Brainlove label-mates Mat Riviere and Bastardgeist (all the way from Chicago!). The Pigeon Post describes MAT RIVIERE: “...the crashing casio rhythms mixed with Riviere’s unique voice creates something so unique that words can’t really illustrate. It’s a bit industrial, slightly harrowing, but Mat’s work is ultimately beautiful - unlike anything else.” Through layers of kalimba, processed vocals, a handful of circuitous samples and found percussion, BASTARDGEIST explores the politics and isolation of sexuality through abstract lyrical fragments intermittently obscured by ethereal washes and frank, heart-wrenching melodies. MELANCHOLIA Sun 27th + Mon 28th 8pm/ Wed 30th 11am (babycinema) /5/£4/£3 +babycinema) Lars Von Trier/ 2011/ 136 mins/ Denmark/ English/ Cert: 15 Melanchoia, depression. The vulnerability of the lone mind contemplating human fragility. Two sisters, Claire and Justine (Charlotte Gainsburg and Kirsten Dunst) are at Justine’s wedding. The world is about to end - a giant planet is heading towards Earth to crush it. Everyone will die... In beautiful slow motion and real time with a hand held camera, the end is inevitable for us all. How do we each cope with our own morality? BLUESCREEN Wed 30th/ 8pm/ Film makers in for free! Others £3/£2 Last Bluescreen of 2011! Bluescreen is Bristol’s longest running Independent OPEN Screen Film event, come along and find out our secret! New to Bluescreen? All you need to do is; Bring films (under 20mins) on DVD or MiniDV. Simple as that! Any film genre welcomed, the more eclectic mix the better! JILLY GOES NORTH Tues 29th / 8pm/ Donations on the door Jilly Goes North - A Peripatetic Investigation Steve White/ UK/ 2011/ 60mins This colourful documentary, made by film-maker Steve White with Bristol artist Jilly Morris, records the experience of being an artist in residence in a remote rural setting in Northumberland. The charity ‘Visual Arts in Rural Communities’ has invited the artist to spend one year in a moorland landscape to live and work within a hill-farming community. Filmed throughout the year and including the artist’s own video diaries, this film conveys the experience of a city girl artist living and working in isolation, getting to grips with nature and discovering the art of walking in all weathers. Throughout all this, Jilly must create a body of artwork for her first ever solo show. Filmed and Edited by Steve White. Original Music by Dan Lewis. See YOUR Films on the Cube’s Big Blue Screen, Films on the Cinema screen, the best way to see them! Not got a film? Come and be inspired! And some classic shorts from the Archive, Cube Orchestra rescores & Bluescreen Hi-Fi DJs. Coming up in December... thu 01 Men Diamler fri 02 a future without presents lund quartet album launch sat 03 neil young and crazy horse tripute band: heart of rust sun 04 baird/fursaxa/sharron kraus NOVEMBER 2011 tue 01 20:00 BLACK POWER MIX TAPE wed 02 11:00 BABYCINEMA PRESENTS: BLACK POWER MIX TAPE 20:00 BLACK POWER MIX TAPE thu 03 20:00 20TH CENTURY CUBE PRESENTS ‘SULLIVANS TRAVELS’ fri 04 20:00 DAS ANDERE SELBST SAT 05 20:00 CHARLIE PARR 2-NIGHT RESIDENCY SUN 06 20:00 CHARLIE PARR 2-NIGHT RESIDENCY mon 07 20:00 BRISTOL INDYMEDIA PRESENTS: THE AUGUST ‘RIOTS’ tue 08 20:00 Closed for private event wed 09 20:00 THE THIRD POLICEMAN thu 10 20:00 THE THIRD POLICEMAN fri 11 20:00 IT’S MOONFLOWER TIME - 11 11 11 SAT 12 20:00 SISKIYOU + SILVER PYRE + I KNOW I HAVE NO COLLAR SUN 13 14:00 NANOPLEX SCREENING ARIETTY 20:00 TINKER TAILOR SOLDIER SPY mon 14 20:00 TINKER TAILOR SOLDIER SPY tue 15 20:00 TINKER TAILOR SOLDIER SPY wed 16 20:00 ANDY MOOR & YANNIS KYRIAKIDES: REMBETIKA thu 17 20:00 PEOPLE LIKE US - MAGICAL MISERY TOUR fri 18 20:00 SCULPTURE . PERFORMING UNSTABLE MODULAR COLLAGE SAT 19 18:00 AUSFORM PERFORMANCE PLATFORM SUN 20 14:30 ‘OF THE BRILLIANT AND THE DARK’ ELLEN SOUTHERN 20:00 CAPTAIN ZIP FETISH FILM NIGHT mon 21 20:00 PAUL GOODMAN CHANGED MY LIFE WITH JONATHAN LEE tue 22 19:30 ONEOHTRIX POINT NEVER wed 23 11:00 BABYCINEMA FILM SURPRISE 20:00 CLOSED thu 24 20:00 BEACONS ICONS AND DYKONS: KENNETH ANGER fri 25 20:00 HELLFIRE VIDEO CLUB PRESENT A NIGHT OF PSYCH-FI, SAT 26 20:00 BLEEDING HEART NARRATIVE / MAT RIVIERE / BASTARDGEIST SUN 27 20:00 MELANCHOLIA mon 28 20:00 MELANCHOLIA tue 29 20:00 JILLY GOES NORTH wed 30 11:00 BABYCINEMA PRESENTS MELANCHOLIA 20:00 BLUESCREEN CUBECINEMA.COM
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november 2010
Please note that Ticket Tout Tuesday has moved to Sunday.
Films marked tts are only £2!