Resource Directory - Maui County Office on Aging
Resource Directory - Maui County Office on Aging
Maui County Office on Aging Resource Directory Maui County Resources for Older Adults, Caregivers and Persons with Disabilities Toll Free: (808) 643-2372 Email: IMPORTANT PHONE NUMBERS Maui County Office on Aging (808) 270-7774 EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS Fire, Police or Ambulance Emergency 24-Hour Access Line (for suicide, crisis or mental health) To Report Abuse: Child Abuse Elder Abuse Sexual Abuse Maui Sexual Abuse Molokai Sexual Abuse Lana’i Civil Defense (after hours, weekends, holidays) Maui Molokai Lanai Coast Guard (Report Chemical / Oil Spills) Coast Guard (Search and Rescue) Kula Hospital and Clinic Emergency Department Maui Memorial Medical Center Emergency Department Poison Control Center Veterans Crisis Line DIAL 911 (800) 753-6879 (808) 243-5162 (808) 243-5151 (808) 873-8624 (808) 646-9037 (808) 443-5702 (808) 270-7245 (808) 270-7285 (808) 553-5355 (808) 565-6428 (800) 424-8802 (800) 552-6458 (808) 876-4415 (808) 242-2343 (808) 222-1222 (800) 273-8255 POLICE DEPARTMENT (Non Emergencies) Maui Molokai Lanai Maui Crime Stoppers Road Closures Sign up for Email or Text notifications (808) 244-6400 (808) 553-5355 (808) 565-6428 (808) 242-6966 (808) 986-1200 IMPORTANT PHONE NUMBERS CONTINUED ON INSIDE BACK COVER 1 Maui County Office on Aging Aloha Pumehana, At the heart of the Maui County Office on Aging is the provision of services to frail elders needed to maintain them in the comfort of their homes and ease burdens to their family caregivers. The function of the Aging and Disability Resource Center is to provide one-stop to resources that are vital to the populations we serve: frail elders, persons with disabilities of any age, and their caregivers. The Maui County Office on Aging’s program specialists manages contracts with agencies that provide an array of services, including adult day care, transportation to medical appointments, attendant care, chore and homemaker, home-delivered meals, personal care, and more. MCOA also administers Healthy Aging Programs, including Better Choices, Better Health®, EnhanceFitness,® and Powerful Tools for Caregivers,® three evidencebased programs that improve the quality of our seniors’ lives and their caregivers. The Office on Aging’s outreach team visits elders in their homes to assess their level of need and link them to in-home and community-based services that keep them safe, comfortable, and from feeling isolated and alone. For our family caregivers, including grandparents raising grandchildren, services within these pages will make life easier as you perform your vital function to loved ones. We hope you will find all the resources you need at your fingertips in this Resource Directory. However, if you know of any missing agencies or services, please contact the Office on Aging, and we will be happy to consider them for inclusion in the next printing of this Resource Directory for frail elders, family caregivers and persons with disabilities. With Aloha from the Staff of the Maui County Office on Aging 2 Table of Contents ACTIVE AGING CONGREGATE DINING HEALTH and WELLNESS PROGRAMS PARKS AND POOLS RECREATION & LEISURE SENIOR CENTERS SENIOR CLUBS & ORGANIZATIONS VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES 8 9 10-11 12 12-13 13 14 15-16 ADVOCACY AND LEGAL SERVICES CONSUMER COMPLAINTS LEGAL RIGHTS LEGAL SERVICES MEDIATION SERVICES OMBUDSMAN 17 18 18 19-21 21-22 22 CLOTHING AND THRIFT STORES 23-24 EDUCATION GED PREPARATION GED PREPARATION – NATIVE HAWAIIAN SPECIAL EDUCATION 25-27 28 28 29 EMPLOYMENT JOB PLACEMENT JOB PLACEMENT - NATIVE HAWAIIAN TEMPORARY DISABILITY INSURANCE UNEMPLOYMENT ASSISTANCE WORKERS’ COMPENSATION 30 31 31 32 32 33 END OF LIFE ADVANCE HEALTH CARE DIRECTIVES FUNERAL AND BURIAL SERVICES HOSPICE 34 36 36 37 3 Table of Contents FINANCES CONSUMER CREDIT COUNSELING CONSUMER PROTECTION DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES AND LICENSING ENERGY EDUCATION & ASSISTANCE INCOME TAX INCOME TAX PREPARATION ASSISTANCE LEGAL ASSISTANCE PROPERTY TAX RELIEF PUBLIC BENEFITS SENIOR DISCOUNT CARD SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION TAX EXEMPTIONS UTILITY BILL ASSISTANCE UTILITY COMPANY PHONE NUMBERS FOOD CONGREGATE DINING FOR THE ELDERLY FOOD DONATIONS TO FEED THE HUNGRY FOOD DISTRIBUTORS HOME DELIVERED MEALS FOR FRAIL ELDERLY PREPARED MEALS FOR THE HUNGRY SNAP - SUPPLEMENTAL NUTRITION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 38 39 39 39 40 40 41 41 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 46 47 48 48-49 50-51 51-52 52 GRANDPARENTS AND PARENTS 53-57 HEALTH AND MEDICAL DENTAL DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH DIALYSIS CENTERS HEALTH ALERT SYSTEMS HEALTH INSURANCE COUNSELING HEALTH INSURANCE PROVIDERS MEDICARE HEALTH ORGANIZATIONS 59 60 61 61 62 63-64 65 65-66 4 Table of Contents HEALTH AND MEDICAL (continued) HOME HEALTH CARE AGENCIES HOSPITALS MEDICAL CLINICS MEDICAL CLINICS – NATIVE HAWAIIAN MEDICAL EQUIPMENT PRESCRIPTION ASSISTANCE SUBSTANCE ABUSE 67 67 67-69 70 70 71-72 72-73 HOUSING ADULT FOSTER CARE ADULT RESIDENTIAL CARE HOMES AFFORDABLE AND LOW INCOME HOUSING ASSISTED LIVING FACILITIES FAIR HOUSING HAWAII HOMELESS RESOURCES HOUSING COUNSELING HUD HOUSING - SECTION 8 INDEPENDENT LIVING FOR ELDERS AND PERSONS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS LONG TERM CARE ADVOCACY and COMPLAINTS LONG TERM CARE FACILITIES RENTAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS USDA – RURAL DEVELOPMENT – MAUI COUNTY 74 75 75 76-78 78 79-80 81 82 82 83-84 IMMIGRANTS ASSISTANCE FOR IMMIGRANTS INTERPRETATION SERVICES TRANSPORTATION TO RETURN TO HOMELANDS 88 89-91 91 91 IN HOME SUPPORTS FOR FRAIL ELDERS AND CAREGIVERS KUPUNA CARE SERVICES ADULT DAY CARE ADULT DAY HEALTH ALZHEIMER’S SUPPORT CAREGIVER EDUCATION 92 93-94 95 95-96 96 96 5 84 85 86-87 87 Table of Contents IN HOME SUPPORTS FOR FRAIL ELDERS AND CAREGIVERS (continued) HOME HEALTH CARE AGENCIES INFORMATION AND REFERRAL RESPITE CARE - IN HOME SETTING RESPITE CARE - FACILITY SETTING RESPITE CARE – PRIVATE SENIOR COMPANION SUPPORT GROUPS TRANSPORTATION FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES PARATRANSIT TRANSPORTATION PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION SENIOR SHOPPING SHUTTLE TRANSPORTATION BY VOLUNTEERS 97-98 99-100 101 102 102 102 103-105 106 106-107 107 108 108 MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES CRISIS AND SUICIDE LINE CLUBHOUSES COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH CENTERS FAMILY COUNSELING SERVICES FAMILY GUIDANCE CENTERS MENTAL HEALTH ORGANIZATION PARENTING 109 110 110 110 111 114 115 115-116 PERSONAL SAFETY ABUSE OF DEPENDENT ADULTS DOMESTIC VIOLENCE CHILD ABUSE SEXUAL ASSAULT 117 118 118-119 120-121 121 SERVICES FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES ADVOCACY AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETERS SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETERS – PRIVATE ASSISTANCE ANIMALS ASSISTIVE DEVICES ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY - VIDEO DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES 122 123-124 124 125 125 125 126 126 6 Table of Contents SERVICES FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES (continued) DISABLED PARKING PERMITS AND LICENSE PLATES EMPLOYMENT & TRAINING FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES SERVICES FOR THE BLIND SERVICES FOR THE DEAF TAX EXEMPTIONS THERAPEUTIC REHABILITATION 127 128-129 131 132 132 133 TRANSPORTATION AIR AMBULANCE AIRPORT SERVICES ACCESSIBLE RENTALS – YOU DRIVE COMMUNITY-BASED TRANSPORTATION SERVICES FOR FRAIL ELDERS DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES AND LICENSING INTER ISLAND FERRY TRANSPORTATION FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES PARATRANSIT TRANSPORTATION PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION SENIOR SHOPPING SHUTTLE TRANSPORTATION BY VOLUNTEERS TRAVELERS WITH DISABILITIES TRAVELERS WITH MEDICAL CONDITIONS 134 135 135-137 137-138 138 VETERANS VETERANS AFFAIRS VETERANS BENEFITS VETERANS CEMETERIES VETERANS MEMORIALS VETERANS ORGANIZATIONS 145-146 147 148 149-150 149 151 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS 152-162 INDEX BY AGENCY 163-174 7 139 140 140-141 140 142 142 142-143 143 144 ACTIVE AGING ACTIVE AGING 8 CONGREGATE DINING ALU LIKE, Inc. Ke Ola Pono No Nā Kupuna – Maui 1977 Kaohu St., Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 242-9774 Ke Ola Pono No Nā Kupuna – Molokai (808) 553-5393 Kulana Oiwi Complex, Ste. D2, 600 Maunaloa Hwy., Kaunakakai, HI 96748 ALU LIKE’s Ke Ola Pono No Nā Kūpuna Program provides nutrition and supportive services (recreation, education, outreach, promotion of well-being) to independent Native Hawaiians 60 years of age or older on the islands of Maui and Molokai . Kaunoa Senior Services (808) 270-7308 Kaunoa administers the county’s congregate dining program for well elders at numerous nutrition sites around Maui County. Kaunoa Senior Center 401 Alakapa Pl., Paia, HI 96779 (808) 270-7308 West Maui Senior Center 788 Pauoa St. #103, Lahaina, HI 96761 (808) 270-4310 Hale Hulu Mamo – Hana (808) 248-8833 Hana Senior Center, 5101 Uakea Rd., Bldg G., Hana, HI 96713 Home Pumehana – Molokai 290 Kolapa Pl., Kaunakakai, HI 96748 (808) 553-5402 Lanai Senior Center - Lanai 309 A Seventh St., Lanai City, HI 96763 (808) 565-6282 ACTIVE AGING 9 HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROGRAMS Maui County Office on Aging Aging and Disability Resource Center J. Walter Cameron Center 95 Mahalani St., Rm. 20, Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 270-7755 Better Choices, Better Health BCBH is an evidence-based educational program designed by Stanford University and Kaiser Permanente to help people manage their chronic conditions and improve their overall health through achievable action plans for nutrition, exercise, relaxation, communication skills, medication management, and more. BCBH workshops are offered on Maui, Molokai and Lanai. The workshop series is comprised of 2.5 hour weekly class sessions for six weeks. Participants receive a book, “Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions,” and a relaxation CD, “Time for Healing.” Cost is $10 for individuals age 60+ and for caregivers of any age. Under 60 years? The cost is $35. Scholarships are available. (808) 463-3166 EnhanceFitness EF is a program designed to help adults aged 50 and older - at all fitness levels - to become more active and energized, and empowered to sustain independent lives. EF improves cardiovascular fitness, strength, and flexibility while reducing health care costs for regular participants. Exercise protects against heart attacks, lowers high blood pressure and bad cholesterol, improves mental functioning, and reduces the incidence of falls. The one-hour classes are ongoing and held three times weekly. The exercises include aerobic/cardiovascular, balance and stretching, and strength training. Certified instructors lead classes that are safe and effective for individuals with a wide range of physical abilities. Progress is measured with fitness checks at the time of enrollment and again at 4 months. For more information on the Maui County Office on Aging’s Healthy Aging Programs, call MCOA at 270-7755. To register for EnhanceFitness, call Master Trainer Paula Keele at 8705530. ACTIVE AGING 10 Kaunoa Senior Services (808) 270-7308 Kaunoa Senior Center 401 Alakapa Pl., Paia, HI 96779 (808) 270-7308 West Maui Senior Center 788 Pauoa St. #103, Lahaina, HI 96761 (808) 270-4310 Hale Hulu Mamo - Hana Senior Center 5101 Uakea Rd., Bldg G., Hana, HI 96713 (808) 248-8833 Home Pumehana – Molokai 35 N. Mohala St, 4D, Kaunakakai, HI 96748 (808) 553-5402 Lanai Senior Center 309 A Seventh St., Lanai City, HI 96763 (808) 565-6818 Malama Pu'uwai Maui Memorial Medical Center 221 Mahalani Street, Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 243-3047 Maui Memorial Medical Center offers a comprehensive community cardiovascular wellness program called Malama Pu'uwai (Take Care of Your Heart) four times per year. It is free and open to the public, however, pre-registration is required and space is limited. The Malama Pu'uwai program focuses on education, healthy food choices, exercise, screening and referrals. The program promotes wellness through early detection and modification of cardiovascular disease risk factors. Participants commit to a 6-week program of 2.5 hour weekly meetings. After the 6week program, 3- and 9-month follow-up newsletters will be mailed, and 6- and 12month follow-up meetings will be held. This schedule will allow continuous contact with participants over a 15-month period. ACTIVE AGING 11 PARKS AND POOLS County of Maui, Parks and Recreation 700 Halia Nakoa St., Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 270-7230 For a current list of parks and pools in Maui County, visit the County of Maui website. RECREATION & LEISURE Haku Baldwin Center 444 Makawao Ave., Makawao, HI 96768 (808) 572-9129 Therapeutic Horse Riding services for children with special needs. Animal assisted therapy and activities for seniors and patients of all ages. Horsemanship for military veterans and humane animal education. Lahaina Divers 143 Dickenson St., Ste. 100, Lahaina, HI 96761 (808) 667-7496 Handicapped scuba diving and dive training. Specially adapted ship equipped with ADA bathrooms and staff members are certified as Handicapped Scuba Association (HAS) Dive Buddies. Also offer visually impaired and paraplegic diver training. Maui Arts and Cultural Center One Cameron Way, Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 242-7469 The MACC’s Castle Theater has four openings for wheelchairs in the back row. If you can transfer to an aisle seat, staff will store your chair in a closet and return at intermissions. Call box office in advance so the staff can make your visit more comfortable. Box office is open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily and open two hours before Castle and McCoy Theater events. Maui Golf and Sports Park 80 Ma'alaea Rd., Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 242-7818 ACTIVE AGING 12 Maui Historical Society Museum 2375 A Main St., Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 244-3326 Maui Mall Mega-Plex Cinemas 70 E. Kaahumanu Ave., Ste. A., Kahului, HI 96732 (808) 871-6684 Only front row has seating for wheelchairs. There are 3-4 openings for wheelchairs with companion seating beside them. Maui Ocean Center 192 Ma'alaea Rd., Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 270-7000 Maui Special Olympics P.O. Box 1842, Kahului, HI 96733 (808) 281-7318 Sugar Cane Train (808) 667-6851 Accessible lift on one of the train cars. SENIOR CENTERS MAUI (808) 270-7308 Kaunoa Senior Center 401 Alakapa Pl., Paia, HI 96779 WEST MAUI (808) 270-4310 West Maui Senior Center 788 Pauoa St., #108, Lahaina, HI 96761 HANA Hale Hulu Mamo Hana Senior Center 1501 Uakea St., Bldg. G., Hana, HI 96713 (808) 248-8833 Home Pumehana Molokai 290 Kolapa Pl., Kaunakakai, HI 96748 (808) 553-5788 Lanai Senior Center 309 A Seventh St., Lanai City, HI 96763 (808) 565-6818 ACTIVE AGING 13 SENIOR CLUBS & ORGANIZATIONS AARP A nonprofit, nonpartisan organization formed in 1958 to help people age 50 and over to have independence, choice and control. AARP Kula Chapter Kula Community Center E. Lower Kula Rd., Kula, HI 96790 AARP Kihei Chapter Kalama Heights 101 Kanani Rd., Kihei, HI 96753 AARP HAWAII 1132 Bishop St., Ste. 1920, Honolulu, HI 96813 Maui Economic Opportunity Senior Clubs Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Family Center 99 Mahalani St., Wailuku, HI 96793 808-545-6003 (808) 249-2970 MEO manages dozens of senior clubs throughout Maui County. Hana Neighborhood Center 1501 Uakea Rd., Hana, HI 96713 (808) 248-8282 Molokai 380 Kolapa Pl., Kaunakakai, HI 96748 (808) 553-3216 Lana'i Branch Office 1144 Ilima Ave., #102, Lanai City, HI 96763 (808) 565-6665 ACTIVE AGING 14 VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Maui County Office on Aging (808) 270-7774 TOLL FREE (808) 643-2373 Aging & Disability Resource Center J. Walter Cameron Center, 95 Mahalani St., Rm. 20, Wailuku, HI 96793 Alexander & Baldwin Sugar Museum Alzheimer’s Association American Cancer Society American Red Cross Big Brothers / Big Sisters of Maui Boy Scouts of America, Maui County Council Boys and Girls Clubs of Maui Community Work Day Program East Maui Animal Refuge Foster Grandparent Program Friends of Haleakala National Park Friends of the Children’s Justice Center of Maui, Inc. Girl Scouts of Hawai‘i Giving Back Good Beginnings Maui Habitat for Humanity Hale Mahaolu (808) 871-8058 (808) 242-8636 (808) 244-5553 (808) 244-0051 (808) 242-9754 (808) 244-3724 (808) 242-4363 (808) 877-2524 (808) 572-8308 (808) 832-5167 (808) 876-1673 (808) 986-8634 (808) 244-3744 (808) 573-3109 (808) 242-1608 (808) 893-0334 (808) 872-4100 Hale Makua Health Services (808) 873-6616 ACTIVE AGING 15 Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary Hospice Maui Hui Malama Learning Center Imua Family Services Kanaha Pond Wildlife Sanctuary Keiki Kokua, Inc. Kula Hospital Auxiliary Lana‘i Community Health Center Maui Adult Day CareCenters Maui AIDS Foundation Maui Arts and Cultural Center Maui Child and Family Service Maui County Health Volunteers (a Medical Reserve Corps Unit) Maui Economic Opportunity Maui Family Support Service Maui Food Bank Maui Historical Society Maui Humane Society Maui Memorial Medical Center Maui Nui Botanical Gardens Maui OnStage/Historic Iao Theater Meals on Wheels, Kaunoa Senior Services Mediation Services of Maui Mental Health Kokua Na Ala Hele Program Trail Preservation State DLNR National Kidney Foundation of Hawai‘i, Maui Branch Native Hawaiian Plant Society Neighborhood Place of Wailuku Neighbors Helping Neighbors – Na Hoaloha Paia Youth & Cultural Center Retired Senior Volunteer Program, Kaunoa Senior Services Senior Companion Program- Department of Human Services The Maui Farm, Inc. The Nature Conservancy, Maui Program UH-Maui College Volunteer Hawaii, hosted by Maui United Way Volunteers Center of Maui County Women Helping Women ACTIVE AGING 16 (808) 879-2818 (808) 244-5555 (808) 244-5911 (808) 244-7467 (510) 332-9448 (808) 573-4972 (808) 878-1221 (808) 565-9196 (808) 871-5804 (808) 242-4900 (808) 244-2787 (808) 877-6888 (808) 243-8649 (808) 249-2990 (808) 242-0900 (808) 214-9054 (808) 244-3326 (808) 877-3680 (808) 244-9056 (808) 249-2798 (808) 242-7134 (808) 270-7321 (808) 244-5744 (808) 244-7405 (808) 873-3509 (808) 986-1900 (808) 264-6977 (808) 986-0700 (808) 249-2545 (808) 579-8354 (808) 270-7323 (808) 832-0340 (808) 579-8271 (808) 856-7665 (808) 984-3500 (808) 543-2205 (808) 270-7150 (808) 579-9581 ADVOCACY AND LEGAL SERVICES ADVOCACY AND LEGAL SERVICES 17 CONSUMER COMPLAINTS Better Business Bureau & Senior Scam Hotline 1132 Bishop St., Ste. 1507, Honolulu, HI 96813 (877) 222-6551 Handles complaints involving marketplace activities – including misleading advertising, improper selling practices, non-delivery of goods and services, misrepresentation, unhonored guarantees or warranties, unsatisfactory services, credit/billing problems, contracts not fulfilled, etc. Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs Maui Consumer Resource Center 1063 Lower Main St., Ste. C-216, Wailuku, HI 96793 Regulated Industries Complaint Office Securities Fraud Insurance Complaints: Toll Free from Maui, Molokai and Lanai Maui Molokai and Lanai Insurance Fraud Hotline Consumer Information Regulated Industries Complaint Office Landlord Tenant (808) 243-5808 (808) 243-5808 (877) 477-6627 (808) 587-7416 (808) 984-2400 (800) 468-4644 (808) 587-7416 (808) 587-1234 (808) 243-5808 (808) 984-2400, ext. 62634 LEGAL RIGHTS Hawaii Civil Rights Commission Maui Lana`i and Moloka`i 830 Punchbowl St., Rm. 411, Honolulu, HI 96813 (808) 984-2400, Ext. 6-8636 (800) 468-4644, Ext. 6-8636 TDD (808) 586-8692 The HCRC receives, investigates, conciliates, and adjudicates complaints of discrimination. ADVOCACY AND LEGAL SERVICES 18 Hawaii Disability Rights Center 1132 Bishop St., Ste. 2102, Honolulu, HI 96813 (800) 822-1057 Defends and enforces the human, civil and legal rights of people with disabilities and protects them from discrimination. Human rights are those natural rights that are accorded to all human beings as stated in the U.S. Constitution. Civil rights are an expansion of basic human rights as stated in the U.S. Constitution. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission 300 Ala Moana Blvd., Rm. 7-127 P.O. Box 50082, Honolulu, HI 96850-0051 TTY (800) 669-4000 (800) 669-6820 The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) enforces federal laws that make it illegal to discriminate against a job applicant or an employee because of the person's race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), national origin, age (40 or older), disability or genetic information. It is also illegal to discriminate against a person because the person complained about discrimination, filed a charge of discrimination, or participated in an employment discrimination investigation or lawsuit. LEGAL SERVICES Department of the Prosecuting Attorney (808) 270-7695 Victim Witness Assistance Program 2103 Wells St., Wailuku, HI 96793 Provides orientation to the criminal justice system, care information, crisis counseling and advocacy for victims/witnesses and surviving family members of violent crimes. Hawaii State Bar Association (808) 270-0872 Free legal information. Hotline aimed at community members who may not have access to attorney and need general advice or referral. ADVOCACY AND LEGAL SERVICES 19 LEGAL AID SOCIETY OF HAWAII How To Apply For Legal Services (800) 499-4302 Call Monday-Friday during Intake Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Be prepared to provide information about your legal problem, income, assets, and number of people in your household. If you are not a US citizen, you must be able to provide proof of your legal residency when meeting with staff. Senior Hotline (Age 60+) Fair Housing Hotline (888) 536-0011 (866) 527-3247 Neighbor Island Locations Maui 24 N. Church Street, Suite 401 Wailuku, HI 96792 Molokai 19-23 Ala Malama Street Kaunakakai, HI 96748 Lana‘i 730 Lanai Avenue, Suite 0315 Lanai City, HI 96763 Legal Aid Society of Hawaii Services and Programs Naturalization application to become a U.S. citizen; Free legal services to indigent immigrant victims of human trafficking, domestic violence, sexual assault; Special immigrant juvenile VISAS for abused, neglected or abandoned children and youth. Family reunification; U.S. citizenship through naturalization. Divorce, Custody, Visitation, Child Support, Restraining Orders, Paternity, Guardianship, Power of Attorney, Wills, Advance Health Care Directives; Landlord Tenant disputes; Discrimination in housing based on protected categories; Debt Collection, Debtor's Rights, Garnishment, Repossession; Temporary Aid to Needy Families (TANF), General Assistance (GA), Aid to Aged, Blind, Disabled (AABD), Social Security, Supplemental Security Income, Quest, Medicaid, Medicare; IRS Tax Issues, and more. ADVOCACY AND LEGAL SERVICES 20 Hawaii Civil Rights Commission (HCRC) Maui Lana`i and Moloka`i (808) 984-2400, Ext. 6-8636 (800) 468-4644, Ext. 6-8636 830 Punchbowl St., Rm. 411, Honolulu, HI 96813 TDD (808) 586-8692 The HCRC receives, investigates, conciliates, and adjudicates complaints of discrimination. Office of the Public Defender N Market St, Wailuku, HI 96793 Molokai (808) 984-5018 (808) 553-1100 The Office of the Public Defender will provide legal services to any person who is financially unable to obtain a private attorney according to income guidelines, and who has been arrested for, charged with, or convicted of an offense or offenses punishable by imprisonment. Maui Economic Opportunity Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Family Center 99 Mahalani St., Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 249-2970 MEO Community Services offers three half hour legal sessions at 1:30, 2:00 and 2:30 p.m. each Friday. Free attorney consultations cover topics of regular will and estate planning, living trusts, property and deed law and powers of attorney, and Advanced Health Care Directives. Seniors must be 60 years of age and older and low income Maui residents who own no real property other than their home. Services are available only once per six month period. MEDIATION SERVICES Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) involves the resolution of a matter by a method other than traditional litigation. There are three main types of ADR: negotiation, mediation (including conciliation), and arbitration. Mediation Services of Maui 95 Mahalani St., Ste. 25, Wailuku, HI 96793 ADVOCACY AND LEGAL SERVICES 21 (808) 244-5744 Mediators are professionals from the community who have received specialized training in conflict resolution and communication skills. They work with parties to develop options, consider alternatives and come to a win-win solution. Mediators do not give advice, counsel, or decide who is right or wrong. Training sessions are conducted annually. Mediation is a voluntary and confidential process that is a cost effective way of settling disputes. Mediation Center of Molokai P.O. Box 1708, Kaunakakai, HI 96748 (808) 553-3844 Provides a simple step-by-step process for dealing with and settling disputes without violence or litigation. Free community service. OMBUDSMAN Hawai`i State Ombudsman (808) 984-2400 Office of the Ombudsman 465 South King St., 4th Floor, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 The Hawaii State Ombudsman independently and impartially investigates complaints against state and county agencies and employees Hilopa’a (808) 270-1536 Hilopa’a is the Ombudsman for the Hawai‘i State Medicaid Programs. It responds to complaints about the Medicaid system. Long Term Care Ombudsman 1151 Punchbowl St., Honolulu, HI 96813 Toll Free - (808) 586-7268 (808) 974-2400 (Then Enter 6-0100) The Ombudsman responds to complaints and problems of residents of long term care facilities such as nursing homes, adult residential care homes, and other long term care facilities. ADVOCACY AND LEGAL SERVICES 22 CLOTHING AND THRIFT STORES CLOTHING AND THRIFT STORES 23 Goodwill Store 250 Alamaha St., N-9, Kahului, HI 96732 (808) 442-8989 Kala Iki Thrift Store 204 Kula Hwy., Kula, HI 96790 (808) 876-4411 Molokai Occupational Center 280 Puali Pl., Kaunakakai, HI 96748 (808) 553-3266 www.mocMolokai .com mocMolokai Rainbow Attic 1881 S. Kihei Rd., Unit B, Kihei, HI 96753 (808) 874-0884 ReVive Boutique Old Kahului Shopping Center 65 W. Kaahumanu Ave., Kahului, HI 96732 (808) 495-0067 Benefits Women Helping Women Salvation Army Family Stores South Maui 35 Halekuai St., Kihei, HI 96753 (808) 875-8065 West Maui 135 Shaw St., Lahaina, HI 96761 (808) 661-8827 Savers 380 Dairy Rd, Kahului, HI 96732 (808) 871-7244 St. Anthony Thrift Store 1627 B Mill St., Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 244-4148 St. Joseph Thrift Store 1294 Makawao Ave., Makawao, HI 96768 (808) 572-9150 Up Country Thrift Store Haiku Market Place, 810 Haiku Rd. Unit 394B, Haiku, HI 96708 CLOTHING AND THRIFT STORES 24 (808) 575-9650 EDUCATION EDUCATION 25 Maui Community School for Adults (808) 873-3082 179 Kaahumanu Ave., Kahului, HI 96732 Serves the islands of Maui, Molokai and Lana'i, providing academic programs for adults that are designed to improve workplace skills or achieve a high school diploma. Also provides sign language courses through adult education at various campuses through Maui County. University of Hawai’i Center on Disability Studies 1776 University Ave. UA 4-6, Honolulu, HI 96822 (808) 956-3975 UH Maui College Dental and Nursing Program (808) 984-3250 310 Kaahumanu Ave., Kahului, HI 96732 Nurse Aide, Practical Nurse, Registered Nurse, Dental Assistant, Associate of Science Degree in Dental Hygiene, Health Related Certificate Programs, Adult Residential Care Home Operator, Medical Assistant, Pharmacy Technician, Health Navigator/Community Health Worker, Emergency Medical Tech (EMT), and Personal Care Attendant basics. UH Maui College, EdVenture 310 Kaahumanu Ave., Kahului, HI 96732 (808) 984-3420 EdVenture West Maui 60 Kenui St., Lahaina, HI 96761 (808) 662-3911 EDUCATION 26 Maui Economic Opportunity, Inc. (MEO) Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Family Center 99 Mahalani Street, Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 249-2990 Lana'i 1144 Ilima Avenue, #102, Lanai City, HI 96763 (808) 565.6665 Hana Neighborhood Center 5105 Uakea Road, Hana, HI 96713 (808) 248-8282 Molokai 380 Kolapa Pl., Kaunakakai, HI 96748 (808) 553-3216 MEO administers several employment and training programs: National Farm Workers Job Program (808) 249-2993 (877) 795-4354 NFJP is a state-wide job training and employment assistance program for farmworkers and their families. MEO case managers provide assistance to find employment, education, job training, and support services at no cost to qualified participants who have worked on a farm or ranch for 25 days and/or earned at least $800 within the last two years. Business Development Center (808) 249-2990 99 Mahalani St., Wailuku, HI 96793 MEO provides micro-enterprise loans, business planning classes, and consultation services ranging from $500 to $50,000 for startup operations or expansion of existing small business and emergency loans for special situations. Veterans Affairs Education Benefits (808) 827-1000 There are four primary VA education benefit programs that cover Active Duty, National Guard, and Reserve service members and Veterans for eligible service members and veterans pursuing an approved education or training program. EDUCATION 27 GED PREPARATION Maui Hui Malama Learning Center 375 Mahalani Street, Wailuku, Hawai’i 96793 Hui Malama Learning Center offers middle school, high school, and GED prep classes, as well as tutoring and educational enrichment programs to youth on Maui. Programs prepare students to pursue career opportunities. (808) 244-5911 GED PREPARATION NATIVE HAWAIIAN ALU LIKE, Inc. – Maui (808) 242-9774 1977 Kaohu St., Wailuku, HI 96793 ALU LIKE, Inc. – Molokai (808) 553-5393 Kulana ‘Oiwi Multi Service Center Maunaloa Hwy., Kalamaula Bldg. D., Kaunakakai, Hawai‘i 96748 ALU LIKE, Inc. provides year round services to eligible adults 18 years or older and youth ages 14-21 including, educational & tuition assistance, tutoring and internships. Services offered include career planning, career counseling, GED training, & tuition assistance. Na Pu'uwai - Molokai Native Health Care System P.O. Box 130, Kaunakakai, HI 96748 (808) 553-3653 Na Pu´uwai, Inc. is a offers services on Molokai and Lanai, including dental education for school children, cancer awareness education and prevention, promotion of the traditional Hawaiian diet/healing practices, healthy nutrition classes, HIV/AIDS education, asthma management, women's health education, breast/cervical screening clinics, tobacco and smoking awareness, diabetes education, cardiovascular risk disease education and screening clinics, CPR training, hearing screening for school children, podiatry evaluation, and rural health outreach. EDUCATION 28 SPECIAL EDUCATION Department of Education Special Education 54 High Street, 4th Floor, Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 873-3527 Foster Grandparent Program (808) 832-5167 Department of Human Services Call Collect (808) 832-5169 420 Waiakamilo Rd., Ste. 202, Honolulu, HI 96817 Foster Grandparent Program recruits eligible low-income senior volunteers to assist children with special and exceptional needs in child-care and school settings. In return for service, program volunteers receive a tax-free stipend of $2.65/hour which does not impact their social security, disability, or other state/federal benefits, including their subsidized housing. Molokai / Lana‘i Molokai State Building P.O. Box 470, Kaunakakai, HI 96748 (808) 553-1723 Special Parent Information Network (SPIN) 919 Ala Moana Blvd., Room 101, Honolulu, HI 96814 (808) 984-2400 x6-8126 State Council on Developmental Disabilities 919 Ala Moana Blvd., Rm. 113, Honolulu, HI 96813 (808) 984-2400 x6-8100 EDUCATION 29 EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT 30 JOB PLACEMENT Hawaii Department of Labor and Industrial Relations Workforce Development Maui & Lanai 2064 Wells St., Rm. 108, Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 984-2091 Molokai Kaunakakai Civic Center Phase II 55 Makaena St., Rm. 4, Kaunakakai, HI 96748 (808) 553-1755 Workforce Development provides a free referral and placement service that links qualified job seekers with employers. Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) (808) 249-2970 SCSEP fosters and promotes part-time employment opportunities for unemployed low individuals who are fifty-five (55) years of age or older. JOB PLACEMENT - NATIVE HAWAIIAN ALU LIKE, Inc. 1977 Kaohu St., Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 242-9774 Molokai Kūlana `Ōiwi Muli-Cultural Center Maunaloa Hwy., Kalama`ula Bldg. D P.O. Box 1859, Kaunakakai, HI 96748 (808) 553-5393 Provides year round services to eligible adults 18 years or older and youth ages 14-21, including career counseling & planning, tuition assistance, GED training, job readiness, job placement, occupational skills training, on-the-job training, tutoring and internships. EMPLOYMENT 31 TEMPORARY DISABILITY INSURANCE Hawaii Department of Labor and Industrial Relations (808) 243-5322 Disability Compensation Division Maui District Office State Office Building, #2, 2264 Aupuni St., Wailuku, HI 96793 To be eligible for TDI benefits, an employee must have at least 14 weeks of Hawaii employment during each of which the employee was paid for 20 hours or more and earned not less than $400 in the 52 weeks preceding the first day of disability. The 14 weeks need not be consecutive nor with only one employer. The employee must also be in current employment to be eligible. UNEMPLOYMENT ASSISTANCE Hawaii Department of Labor and Industrial Relations Unemployment Insurance Division Maui & Lanai 54 S. High St., Rm. 201, Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 984-8400 Molokai 55 Makaena St., Rm. 4, Kaunakakai, HI 96748 (808) 984-8400 The Unemployment Insurance provides temporary financial assistance to qualified workers who become unemployed through no fault of their own. Benefits are not based on need. The unemployment compensation program was established by Congress in 1935 as part of the Social Security Act. EMPLOYMENT 32 WORKERS’ COMPENSATION Workers' Compensation Maui District Office, State Office Bldg. 2 2264 Aupuni St., Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 243-5322 The Department of Labor and Industrial Relations facilitates claims to workers injured on the job for medical, vocational rehabilitation, and indemnity benefits under the workers compensation law. Maui office serves the islands of Molokai and Lanai. Workers' Compensation Compliance Center The Workers' Compensation Compliance Center provides workers' comp information, news, facts, and contact information for employees, employers, insurers, and medical providers. Find rules, statutes, forms, and professional help relating to workplace injuries and disabilities in the State of Hawaii. EMPLOYMENT 33 END OF LIFE END OF LIFE 34 FIVE WISHES Five Wishes is a resource booklet that helps people express how they want to be treated if they become seriously ill and are unable to speak for themselves. It deals with medical, personal, emotional and spiritual aspects of treatment. Maui County Office on Aging Central Maui J. Walter Cameron Center 95 Mahalani St., Rm. 20, Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 270-7774 West Maui Senior Center 788 Pauoa St., Ste. 103, Lahaina, HI 96761 (808) 270-4310 South Maui Hale Mahaolu Ehiku 16 Ehiku St., Ste. 1, Kihei, HI 96753 (808) 875-0033 Hale Hulu Mamo - Hana Senior Center 5101 Uakea Rd Bldg G, Hana, HI 96713 (808) 248-8833 Home Pumehana Molokai 290 Kolapa St., Ste. 1, Kaunakakai, HI 96748 (808) 553-5241 Lanai Senior Center 309 A Seventh St., Lanai City, HI 96763 (808) 565-6818 The Maui County Office on Aging makes copies of the Five Wishes booklet available to the public as a resource for individuals as they plan for the future. Five Wishes lets your family and doctors know: Who you want to make health care decisions for you when you can't make them. The kind of medical treatment you want or don't want. How comfortable you want to be. How you want people to treat you. What you want your loved ones to know. END OF LIFE 35 ADVANCE HEALTH CARE DIRECTIVES Legal Aid Society of Hawaii North Church Street, Suite 401, Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 242-0724 – legal services request line (808) 244-3731 Molokai 19-23 Ala Malama St., Kaunakakai, HI 96748 Legal Services Request Line (808) 553-3251 Lana’i 730 Lanai Ave., Ste. 129, Lana`i City, HI 96763 Legal Services Request Line (808) 565-6089 Maui Economic Opportunity 99 Mahalani St., Wailuku, HI 96793 (800) 499-4302 (800) 499-4302 (808) 249-2970 Free advance health care directives for seniors. FUNERAL AND BURIAL SERVICES Ballard Family Mortuaries 440 Ala Makani St., Kahului, HI 96732 (808) 871-7911 Borthwick Mortuary 105 Waiale Rd., Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 244-4065 Doorway Into Light 375 West Kuiaha Rd. #5, Haiku, HI 96708 (808) 283-5950 Nakamura Mortuary 1218 Lower Main St., Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 244-3726 END OF LIFE 36 HOSPICE Support for terminally ill and families. Hospice Hawaii – Lanai 832 Kiele St., Lana’i City, HI 96763 (808) 565-6777 (808) 649-9655 Hospice Maui 400 Mahalani St., Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 244-5555 Hospice Maui—a Medicare-Certified provider of hospice services—has earned the trust of families and physicians on Maui for 33 years. Hospice Maui is the expert in patient comfort and symptom control, pain management, and in compassionate, loving care. We care for both the patient and for the family, both during the illness and after the death. We provide nurses, physicians, social workers, spiritual counselors, volunteers, as well as free medicines, supplies and equipment. Islands Hospice — Administrative Office 149 Ma'a Street, Ste. 2A, Kahului, HI 96732 (808) 856-8989 Islands Hospice is a Medicare certified and nationally accredited hospice provider that focuses on the needs of terminally-ill patients and their loved ones. Services can be provided to patients in their homes, assisted living facility, nursing home or its dedicated 7-bed hospice home in central Kahului. Kokua Mau P.O. Box 62155, Honolulu HI 96839 Hawai'i's hospice and palliative care organization. END OF LIFE 37 (808) 585-9977 FINANCES FINANCES 38 CONSUMER CREDIT COUNSELING CCCS of Hawaii (808) 242-8399 J. Walter Cameron Center, 95 Mahalani St., Ste. 6, Wailuku, HI 96793 CCCS of Hawaii is a non-profit organization that provides financial counseling services at no charge, including a debt management plan, pre-bankruptcy services, foreclosure mitigation and credit report review. CONSUMER PROTECTION Better Business Bureau (808) 536-6956 1132 Bishop St. Ste. 615 Honolulu, HI 96813 Senior Scam Hotline (877) 222-6551 BBB Handles complaints involving marketplace activities – including misleading advertising, improper selling practices, non-delivery of goods and services, misrepresentation, unhonored guarantees or warranties, unsatisfactory services, credit/billing problems, contracts not fulfilled, etc. Commerce and Consumer Affairs Maui Consumer Resource Center 1063 L. Main St., Ste. C-216, Wailuku, HI 96793 Regulated Industries Complaint Office RICO Molokai and Lanai (808) 243-5808 (808) 243-5808 (800) 468-4644 DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES AND LICENSING Kahului, Kihei, Lahaina, Pukalani Hana Molokai Molokai Lanai (808) 270-7363 (808) 248-7280 (808) 553-9067 (808) 553-3430 (808) 565-7878 FINANCES 39 ENERGY ASSISTANCE Maui Economic Opportunity, Inc. Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Family Resource Center 99 Mahalani St., Wailuku, HI 96793 Hana Lanai Molokai Energy Education & Assistance Program (808) 249-2970 (808) 248-8282 (808) 565-6665 (808) 553-3216 (808) 249-2970 MEO provides low-income elderly, persons with disabilities, individuals and families with energy saving devices for their dwellings through a grant from the State of Hawaii Office of Community Services via the U.S. Department of Energy. Services include: Outreach and screening, Application assistance, Installation of energy saving devices, and energy conservation education. INCOME TAX Department of Taxation Maui 54 S. High St., Rm. 208, Wailuku, HI 96793 Molokai 35 Ala Malama, Kaunakakai, HI 96748 (808) 984-8500 (808) 553-5541 Toll Free: (808) 222-3229 Internal Revenue Service One Main Plaza, 2200 Main St., Ste. 501, Wailuku, HI 96793 Tax Fraud Hotline Tax Forms Only FINANCES 40 (808) 242-6450 (800) 829-0433 (800) 829-3676 INCOME TAX PREPARATION ASSISTANCE AARP – Maui Kaunoa Senior Services (808) 270-7308 ALU LIKE, Inc., Molokai Kulana Oiwi Complex, 611 Maunaloa Hwy – Kulana Oiwi (808) 560-5393 Goodwill Industries of Hawaii, Inc. 250 Alamaha St., Ste. N17, Kahului, HI 96732 (808) 442-8908 MYFREETAXES.COM/HACBED If you would like to prepare your own returns and you made LESS than $58,000 in 2013, the following site will allow you to prepare and e-file BOTH your federal and state returns without charge. LEGAL ASSISTANCE LEGAL AID SOCIETY OF HAWAII (LASH) (800) 499-4302 LASH can help with IRS matters. For a complete list of LASH programs and services, see the Advocacy and Legal Section of this directory. How To Apply For Legal Services Call Monday-Friday during Intake Hours: 9 to 11:30 a.m. and 1 to 3:30 p.m. Be prepared to provide information about your legal problem, income, assets, and number of people in your household. If you are not a US citizen, you must be able to provide proof of your legal residency when meeting with staff. Maui 24 N. Church St., Ste. 401, Wailuku, HI 96792 Molokai 19-23 Ala Malama St., Kaunakakai, HI 96748 Lanai 730 Lanai Ave., Ste. 0315, Lanai City, HI 96763 FINANCES 41 PROPERTY TAX RELIEF County of Maui, Real Property Tax Division 70 E. Kaahumanu Ave., Ste. A-18, Kahului, HI 96732 (808) 270-7697 Tax relief programs are available to qualifying property owners. Applications for exemptions are available online at Circuit Breaker Credits Homeowners who qualify for a homeowner exemption and their real property taxes exceed 2.0% of their adjusted gross income, may be eligible for a circuit breaker tax credit. Apply for this credit from August 1 to December 31 at the County’s Department of Finance, Real Property Tax Division office and provide signed copies of both federal and State of Hawaii tax returns. Homeowner Exemption and Classification Homeowners who occupy their homes as their principal residence on December 31 of the preceding the tax year are eligible for a homeowner exemption and tax rate classification. Homeowners must apply for a homeowner exemption by filing a claim form with County’s Department of Finance, Real Property Tax Division. Disability Exemptions There are a variety of disability exemptions offered to property owners. To qualify for any of these exemptions, a claim form must be filed County’s Department of Finance, Real Property Tax Division. Other Exemptions Charitable & Miscellaneous Child Care Facility Deployed Active Duty Military Disaster Relief Remission of Property Taxes Kuleana Land Public Utilities Taro Farming FINANCES 42 PUBLIC BENEFITS Department of Human Services Maui 54 High St. #125, Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 984-8300 Molokai 55 Makaena Pl. Rm. 1, Kaunakakai, HI 96748 (808) 553-1715 Lanai 730 Lanai Avenue, Lanai City, HI 96763 (808) 565-7102 The Department of Human Services offers services and programs for individuals and families with low income. Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) Temporary Assistance to Other Needy Families (TAONF) TANF and TAONF are the time-limited welfare programs for adults and children to protect those who cannot work and to require those who are able to work to do so. SENIOR DISCOUNT CARD Maui Economic Opportunity, Inc. Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Family Resource Center 99 Mahalani St., Wailuku, HI 96793 Hana Lanai Molokai FINANCES 43 (808) 249-2970 (808) 248-8282 (808) 565-6665 (808) 553-3216 SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION Social Security Office Toll Free One Main Plaza, 2200 Main St., Suite 125, Wailuku, HI 96793 TTY (800) 772-1213 (800) 325-0778 The Social Security Administration oversees retirement, disability, supplemental income and other programs that provide qualified individuals with income. Services available at include applications for retirement, disability and Medicare benefits and to replacement Medicare and Social Security cards. The Social Security and Supplemental Security Income disability programs provide assistance to people with disabilities. Only individuals who have a disability and meet medical criteria may qualify for benefits under either program. Social Security Disability Insurance pays benefits to those who have worked long enough and paid Social Security taxes, and to some family members. Supplemental Security Income pays benefits based on financial need. TAX EXEMPTIONS Department of Taxation Maui District Office (808) 984-8500 54 S High St. Rm. 208, Wailuku, HI 96793 Molokai District Office (808) 553-5541 35 Ala Malama, Kaunakakai, HI 96748 Hawaii Department of Taxation provides Form N-857 to certify a person as disabled for the purpose of tax exemption upon medical examination and recommendation. FINANCES 44 UTILITY BILL ASSISTANCE Maui Economic Opportunity, Inc. Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Family Resource Center 99 Mahalani St., Wailuku, HI 96793 Hana Lanai Molokai (808) 249-2970 (808) 248-8282 (808) 565-6665 (808) 553-3216 Electric or Gas Bill Payment Assistance is a one-time energy credit deposited into the electric or gas accounts of a low income eligible household. Energy Crisis Intervention is a one-time financial assistance of up to $200 deposited into the electric or gas accounts of a low income eligible household whose electric or gas, has been or will be shut off. Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is a federal program that provides energy assistance or crisis payments once a year. Maui County residents who are eligible can qualify for one of two different programs: UTILITY COMPANY PHONE NUMBERS Maui Electric (Trouble Calls) Maui Lanai & Molokai Hawai'i Gas Maui Lāna'i Molokai Telephone Repair Hawaiian Telcom Telephone Bill and Installation Discount Hawaiian Telcom Lifeline/Link-up Service Telephone Repair Oceanic Time Warner Cable Customer Care and Repair Center FCC: Cable TV and Digital TV Water Department (Billing) Water Department (Trouble Call) FINANCES 45 (808) 871-7777 (877) 871-8461 (808) 877-6557 (800) 828-9359 (800) 828-9359 DIAL 611 643-3456 643-3456 DIAL 611 (808) 643-2100 (808) 541-2389 (808) 270-7730 (808) 270-7633 FOOD FOOD 46 CONGREGATE DINING FOR THE ELDERLY ALU LIKE, Inc. Ke Ola Pono No Nā Kupuna – Maui 1977 Kaohu St., Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 242-9774 Ke Ola Pono No Nā Kupuna – Molokai (808) 553-5393 Kulana Oiwi Complex, Ste. D2, 600 Maunaloa Hwy., Kaunakakai, HI 96748 ALU LIKE’s Ke Ola Pono No Nā Kūpuna Program provides nutrition and supportive services (recreation, education, outreach, wellness) to independent Native Hawaiians 60 years of age or older on the islands of Maui and Molokai . Kaunoa Senior Services Kaunoa Senior Center 401 Alakapa Pl., Paia, HI 96779 (808) 270-7308 West Maui Senior Center 788 Pauoa St. #103, Lahaina, HI 96761 (808) 270-4310 Hale Hulu Mamo (808) 248-8833 Hana Senior Center, 5101 Uakea Rd., Bldg G., Hana, HI 96713 Home Pumehana – Molokai 290 Kolapa Pl., Kaunakakai, HI 96748 (808) 553-5788 Lanai Senior Center 309 Seventh St., Lanai City, HI 96763 (808) 565-6282 Kaunoa administers the county’s congregate dining program for well elders at numerous nutrition sites around Maui County. FOOD 47 FOOD DONATIONS TO FEED THE HUNGRY Maui Food Bank (808) 243-9500 76 Kolu St., Wailuku, HI 96793 The Maui Food Bank’s mission is to help the hungry in Maui County by collecting and distributing food through community partnerships. FOOD DISTRIBUTORS Christ the King Church 20 W. Wakea Ave., Kahului, HI 96732 Food Pantry is open 3 to 5 p.m., 2nd & 4th Fridays. Bring Photo ID. Eligible once each 30 day (808) 877-6098 Family Life Center 95 S Kane St., Wailuku, HI 96793 Food Boxes Wednesdays 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Meals 3rd Saturday (808) 877-0880 Feed My Sheep P.O. Box 847, Puunene, HI 96784 (808) 872-9100 Feed My Sheep Pick Up Schedule Call (808) 870-9421 to reserve food. Haiku: 9:30-11 a.m. Sat. at St. Rita's Church, 655 Haiku Rd., Haiku Kihei: 10:30 a.m.-12 p.m., Sat. at Hope Chapel 300 E. Welakahao St., Kihei Hana: 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m., Last Wed. each mo. across from Hasegawa Store Lahaina: 10:30-11:45 a.m., Thu. at Piilani Elderly Housing, 1028 Wainee St. Kahana: 2:30-4 p.m., Thu. at Lahaina Christian Fellowship Wailuku: 9:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m., corner of Vineyard and Church St. Grace Church 55 Makaena Pl., Pukalani, HI 96768 (808) 572-8384 To reserve food, call (808) 573-1019 FOOD 48 Grace Bible Church 635 S. Hina Ave., Kahului, HI 96732 Food Pantry 2 - 5 p.m. Wed.; 10 -2 p.m. Sat. (808) 877-5331 Keolahou Church 177 S. Kihei Rd., Kihei, HI 96753 Food Pantry 9-10 a.m. Fridays (808) 879-4693 Maria Lanakila Church 712 Wainee Street, Lahaina, HI 96761 (808) 661-0552 Maui Church of Christ, Wailuku 810 Waiehu Beach Rd., Wailuku, HI 96793 Food Pantry 10-11 a.m. & 5-6 p.m., Saturdays (808) 244-5886 Salvation Army Family Services Program 45 W. Kamehameha Ave., Kahului, HI 96732 (808) 877-6757 St. John's Episcopal Church Emergency Food Pantry 8992 Kula Highway, Kula, HI. (808) 878-1485 St. Anthony Catholic Church 1627 B Mill St., Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 244-4148 St. Joseph Catholic Church (808) 572-7652 1294 Makawao Ave., Makawao, HI 96768 Food Pantry once monthly, 9 a.m. to noon, on the fourth Thursday Wailuku Union Church (808) 244-9177 327 S High St., Wailuku, HI 96793 Food Pantry 8:30-11:30 on Saturdays. Eligible every 30 days with photo ID. FOOD 49 HOME DELIVERED MEALS FOR FRAIL ELDERLY Maui County Office on Aging J. Walter Cameron Center (808) 270-7774 95 Mahalani St., Rm. 20, Wailuku, HI (6793 West Maui Senior Center (808) 270-4310 788 Pauoa St., Ste. 103, Lahaina, HI 96761 Hale Mahaolu Ehiku 16 Ehiku St., Ste. 1, Kihei, HI 96753 (808) 875-0033 Hana Senior Center (808) 248-8833 5101 Uakea Rd., Bldg G, Hana, HI 96713 Home Pumehana– Molokai 290 Kolapa St., Ste. 1, Kaunakakai, HI 96748 (808) 553-5241 Lanai Senior Center 309 A Seventh St., Lanai City, HI 96763 (808) 565-6818 The County of Maui provides home delivered meals to frail elders who are unable to cook for themselves. The Maui County Office on Aging assesses need and authorizes the service for those who qualify. There is no cost to the participant, but voluntary contributions are welcome. Hale Kau Kau 25 W. Lipoa Street, Kihei, Maui, Hawaii 96753 (808) 875-8754 Year round St. Theresa Church delivers hot, nutritious evening meals to the elderly, ill and disabled homebound clients in South Maui. FOOD 50 Hale Mahaolu Congregate Housing Services Program 200 Hina Ave., Kahului, HI 96732 (808) 872-4100 TDD: (800) 545-1833 ext 432 Hale Mahaolu’s Congregate Housing Services Program is designed to help Hale Mahaolu residents remain at home as long as possible. The program provides two daily meals 365 days per year. Kaunoa Senior Services 401 Alakapa St., Paia, HI 96779 (808) 270-7321 The Maui County Office on Aging contracts with Kaunoa Senior Services to provide home delivered meals to frail elders who have been determined eligible for the program. To apply, call the Office on Aging at 270-7774. Current participants may call Kaunoa at 270-7321 to discuss issues such as menu concerns or the meal delivery schedule, including canceling or suspending the service. PREPARED MEALS FOR THE HUNGRY Hale Kau Kau 25 W. Lipoa St., Kihei, HI 96753 (808) 875-8754 (808) 268-3146 Year round St. Theresa Church serves hot, nutritious free evening meals to anyone who comes to its kitchen from 5 to 5:45 p.m. daily with courtyard seating. Harvest Chapel (808) 667-1959 590 Luakini St., Lahaina, HI 96761 (808) 276-1191 Breakfast served 8 to 9 a.m. each 2nd and 4th Wed. Dinner served each 4th Thu. Ka Hale A Ke Ola Central Maui 670 Waiale Drive, Wailuku, HI 96793 West Maui Center 15 Ipo'Aumakua Ln., Lahaina, HI 96761 FOOD 51 (808) 242-7600 (808) 662-0076 Salvation Army Kahului (808) 871-6270 45 W. Kamehameha Ave., Kahului, HI 96732 Lunch service 11-11:30 a.m. daily; limited shower and laundry services, mail service, medical care, referral service. Hot meals Thursdays 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. South Maui 35 Halekuai St., Kihei, HI 96753 (808) 875-8065 West Maui 135 Shaw St., Lahaina, HI 96761 (808) 661-5335 SUPPLEMENTAL NUTRITION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (SNAP) Department of Human Services Maui 54 High St., Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 984-8300 Molokai 55 Makaena Pl. Rm. 1, Kaunakakai, HI 96748 (808) 553-1715 Lanai (808) 565-7102 730 Lanai Ave., Lanai City, HI 96763 The SNAP program provides food and nutritional support to qualifying low-income households, and those making the transition from welfare to self-sufficiency. SNAP clients access their benefits with an EBT card, which they use like a debit card. FOOD 52 GRANDPARENTS AND PARENTS GRANDPARENTS AND PARENTS 53 ALU LIKE, Inc. (808) 242-9774 Provides employment training for teenage grandchildren, financial literacy programs for grandparents and grandchildren, and daytime social programs for grandparents. Boys & Girls Clubs of Maui (808) 242-4363 Provides safe, supportive drop-in facilities for youth ages 9-17. Catholic Charities Hawaii (808) 872-6210 Licenses and trains special licensed relatives (resource caregivers) and works with grandparents and other family members. Child and Family Service 392 N. Market St. Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 877-6888 Voluntary Case Management Program Targets families whose children are at risk for child abuse and neglect without significant intervention and oversight. Program staff work with the Department of Human Services to assure that families are getting the oversight and services that they need to maintain the safety of their child in their home. Department of Human Services (808) 243-5143 Assists interested relatives of children in state custody to become licensed caregivers & receive reimbursement for allowable expenses. Grandparents Raising Grandchildren UH Manoa CTAHR Extension, Kahului Office 310 Ka`ahumanu Ave, Bldg 214 Kahului, HI 96732 (808) 269-7396 The GRG program focuses on grandparents who have physical custody of their grandchildren and are full time guardians. Sometimes called “grand families” because it's not always grandparents providing the care - sometimes its greatgrandparents, aunties or uncles. Provides classes and resources for family caregivers, including grandparents raising grandchildren. GRANDPARENTS AND PARENTS 54 Foster Grandparent Program (808) 832-5167 Department of Human Services Call Collect (808) 832-5169 420 Waiakamilo Rd., Ste. 202, Honolulu, HI 96817 Foster Grandparent Program recruits eligible low-income senior volunteers to assist children with special and exceptional needs in child-care and school settings. In return for service, program volunteers receive a tax-free stipend of $2.65/hour which does not impact their social security, disability, or other state/federal benefits, including their subsidized housing. Foster Grandparents work one-on-one with students who need a little extra individual help with reading, math, and social studies. Hi`i Na Kupuna Coalition (808) 269-7396 University of Hawaii Manoa Cooperative Extension, Kahului College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resource Network of custodial grandparents and human service providers that meet regularly to develop resources and supports for grand families on Maui. Kaunoa Senior Services (808) 270-7308 Offers classes and activities for people age 55 and older, including classes for grandparents and grandchildren. Legal Aid Society of Hawai‘i (808) 242-0724 Provides legal counsel, advice, and representation for custody, guardianship, powers of attorney, adoption, housing, and related issues. GRANDPARENTS AND PARENTS 55 Maui Economic Opportunity, Inc. Head Start Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Family Center 99 Mahalani Street, Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 249-2988 Hana Uakea Road, Hana, HI 96713 (808) 248-8282 Lana'i 1144 Ilima Avenue, #102, Lanai City, HI 96763 (808) 565-6665 Molokai 380 Kolapa Pl., Kaunakakai, HI 96748 (808) 553-3216 MEO’s `Ohana Strengthening program supports incarcerated women on parenting skills, strategies to prevent child abuse and neglect, and substance abuse. Maui County Early Childhood Resource Center 251 Napua St., Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 270-5557 Provides financial assistance for childcare tuition, family education programs, and pre-kindergarten transition programs for grand-families. Maui Family Support Service, Maui 1844 Wili Pa Lp., Wailuku, HI 96793 Raising Our Keiki’s Keiki support groups for grandparents in Maui Molokai 107 B Ala Malama, Kaunakakai, HI 96748 Lanai 730 Lanai Avenue, Lanai City, HI 96763 (808) 242-0900 Maui Police Department (808) 244-6480 (808) 553-8114 (808) 565-7484 Juvenile Crime Prevention Division Interacts with youth and their families to prevent law violations. Maui Youth and Family Service (808) 579-8414 MYFS provides behavioral and mental health programs that serve children and families to encourage youth to become responsible members of the community. GRANDPARENTS AND PARENTS 56 Neighborhood Place of Wailuku 392 N. Market St., Wailuku HI 96793-1157 (808) 986-0700 Parenting classes and support groups primarily for Native Hawaiians. Queen Lili‘uokalani Children Center 1791 Wili Pā Lp., Wailuku, Hawai‘i 96793 (808) 242-8888 Provides social services, including a support group for family caregivers of children of Native Hawaiian ancestry. Hāna Molokai (808) 248-7218 (808) 553-5369 Toll Free Parent Line (800) 816-1222 The Parent Line Program is a free statewide confidential telephone line which offers support to parents and other caregivers. The phone staff helps callers with parenting challenges, child and adolescent behavior, and developmental issues. Parenting topics includes aggression, toilet training, bedtime, power struggles, peer relations, sibling rivalry, biting, eating, fears, lying, homework, puberty, teen transitions, temper tantrums, breastfeeding / weaning, communication, school readiness, discipline / limit setting, separation anxiety, family concerns, daily routines / chores, single parenting, step parenting, deployment, separation / divorce, custody / visitation, death / grief, television / internet, community resources, referrals, and information, parenting classes, play groups, support groups, social services, developmental evaluations, breastfeeding support. Tutu & Me Traveling Preschool (808) 249-2430 Meets developmental needs of young children and supports grandparents who raise them through the traveling preschool program. GRANDPARENTS AND PARENTS 57 HEALTH AND MEDICAL HEALTH AND MEDICAL 58 DENTAL Department of Human Services MedQUEST Division To Enroll (866) 486-8030 (TTY) (800) 497-5386 For Appointments (800) 316-8005 Provides a Medicaid fee for services dental program for Medicaid eligible persons. Dentist must be a Medicaid provider. Dental services for adults are limited to emergencies. Medicaid recipients may call dental coordinators: Hui No Ke Ola Pono Oral Health Program J. Walter Cameron Center 95 Mahalani St., Rm. 21, Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 244-4647 Hana P.O. Box 189, Hana, HI 96713 (808) 248-7502 The Oral Health Program provides screenings to second and sixth graders at designated schools. Students participating in screenings are eligible for treatment and/or referrals to the Oral Health Program. Services are limited to residents of Ke‘anae, Häna, and Kahakuloa and active clients of Hui No Ke Ola Pono. Malama I Ke Ola Dental Department 1881 Nani St, Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 872-4002 Maui Dental Health Center Malama I Ke Ola No Health Center 1881 Nani St., Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 871-7772 Special Care Dentistry, LLC P.O. Box 539, Kihei, HI 96753 (808) 633-6931 Dentistry in a hospital setting under general anesthesia for dental patients of all ages and disabilities. Sliding scale fee for service and all types of dental insurance accepted. HEALTH AND MEDICAL 59 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Department of Health 54 High St., Rm. 301, Wailuku, HI 96793 Community Mental Health Centers (CMHC) Maui CMHC Lanai CMHC Molokai CMHC (808) 984-2150 (808) 565-6189 (808) 553-3691 Developmental Disabilities Council (808) 984-8218 Developmental Disabilities / Case Management (808) 243-4625 Disease Investigation (808) 984-8213 Environmental Health (Sanitation, Food Permits) (808) 984-8230 Family Guidance Centers (FGC) Maui FGC Lahaina FGC Molokai FGC (808) 243-1252 (808) 662-4044 (808) 553-5067 Family Health Services (808) 984-2136 Health Promotion & Education (808) 984-8216 Lahaina Comprehensive Health Center (808) 662-4031 Marriage License / Vital Records (Birth, Death, Marriage) (808) 984-8210 Public Health Preparedness Program (808) 243-8640 Maui District Lab (808) 984-2131 Molokai Health Services Programs (808) 553-3208 Public Health Nursing (808) 984-8260 Vital Statistics (808) 984-8210 Wailuku Health Center HIV Testing (808) 984-2129 Tuberculosis Testing (808) 984-2128 HEALTH AND MEDICAL 60 DIALYSIS CENTERS Fresenius Medical Care Lanai Community Dialysis 628 7th St., Lanai City, HI 96763 (808) 565-9650 Hale Pomaikai Hana Community Dialysis (808) 248-7205 Kaiser – Rainbow Dialysis Center 80 Mahalani Street, Wailuku, HI 96793 (808)-298-0555 Liberty Dialysis of Maui 105 Maui Lani Pkwy # 100, Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 244-9600 Liberty Dialysis of Molokai 28 Kamoi St., #400, Kaunakakai, HI 96748 (808) 553-8088 Liberty Dialysis of West Maui 10 Hoohui St., Ste. 100, Lahaina, HI 96761 (808) 669-6628 HEALTH ALERT SYSTEMS Alert-1 (866) 698-1783 Bay Alarm Medical (855) 820-2423 Hawaii Medical Alert and Medical Alarm Systems (888) 473-2800 Kupuna Monitoring Systems, Inc. (808) 721-1201 Life Alert (800) 920-3410 HEALTH AND MEDICAL 61 HEALTH INSURANCE COUNSELING Hawaii Health Connector P.O. Box 1170, Honolulu, HI 96807 (877) 628-5076 TTY (855) 585-8604 The Hawaiʻi Health Connector helps people choose the health insurance program that matches both their financial and health needs. Hawaii State Executive Office on Aging Sage PLUS Program (888) 875-9229 (TTY) (866) 810-4379 The State of Hawaii Medicare Counseling and Assistance Program provides one-toone assistance to members with Medicare, their families, caregivers, and agencies throughout Hawaii. Trained certified volunteer counselors provide consultations and presentation at no charge to the public. Hilopa’a Family to Family Health Information Center (808) 270-1536 Helps parents and caregivers of those with special health care needs navigate the health care system. Hilo Pa’a is also the Ombudsman for the Hawai‘i State Medicaid Programs. HEALTH AND MEDICAL 62 HEALTH INSURANCE PROVIDERS HMSA 33 Lono Ave., Ste. 350, Kahului, HI 96732 Individual Plans Medicare Akamai Advantage Quest (800) 620-4672 (800) 620-4672 (800) 440-0640 KAISER Permanente Toll Free TTY (877) 852-5081 711 Call or visit the web to learn about Kaiser Permanente health plans and services. OHANA HEALTH CARE 'Ohana Medicare Prospective Members: (866) 765-4391 Current Members: 'Ohana Health Plan (Medicare - HMO Plans): (888) 505-1201 'Ohana Health Plan (Medicare - Special Needs) (877) 457-7621 TTY (All Plans) 24-Hour Nurse Advice Line: (877) 247-6272 (800) 919-8807 TTY 711 'Ohana Medicaid (888) 846-4262 TTY/TDD: (877) 247-6272 Need Interpreter? Medicare Medicaid TTY HEALTH AND MEDICAL 63 (866) 765-4391 (888) 846-4262 (877) 247-6272 Med-QUEST Division, Department of Human Services Maui 210 Imi Kala St., Ste. 101, Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 243-5780 Lanai 730 Lanai Ave., Lanai City, HI 96763 (808) 565-7102 Molokai 65 Makaena St. Rm. 10, Kaunakakai, HI 96748 (808) 553-1758 QUEST Integration Medicaid enrollees living at home who are determined to meet the "At Risk" criteria can receive home and community based services including HomeDelivered Meals, Personal Emergency Response System, Personal Care Services, Adult Day Care and Health, and Skilled or Private Duty Nursing Services. UnitedHealthcare QUEST Expanded Access Program (QExA) QExA Helpline Toll free TTY (866) 928-1959 (866) 928-1958 UnitedHealthcare Quest Expanded Access (QexA) administers a health plan for older adults, and for children and adults with disabilities and other health care needs. HEALTH AND MEDICAL 64 MEDICARE Medicare is the federal health insurance program for people who are 65 or older, certain younger people with disabilities, and people with end-stage renal disease (permanent kidney failure requiring dialysis or a transplant, sometimes called ESRD). Medicare Hotline (800) 633-4227 Medicare Part A (800) 633-4227 In-patient hospital, skilled nursing, hospice, home health care Medicare Part B Doctor visits, preventive services, screening tests Claims Noridian Administrative Services (800) 874-2657 (800) 633-4227 Medicare Part D (drug coverage) (800) 633-4227 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services 7500 Security Blvd., Baltimore, Maryland 21244-1850 (800) 633-4227 TTY (877) 486-2048 HEALTH ORGANIZATIONS Alzheimer’s Association Maui Office 270 Ho'okahi St., Ste. 311, Wailuku, HI (6793 Arthritis Foundation 760 Halekauwila St., Ste.201, Honolulu, HI 96813 24/7 Helpline (800) 462-0743 HEALTH AND MEDICAL 65 (808) 242-8636 (800) 272-3900 American Cancer Society J. Walter Cameron Center 95 Mahalani St., Rm.27, Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 244-5553 (800) 227-2345 American Diabetes Association (800) 342-2383 American Heart Association 677 Ala Moana Blvd., Ste. 600, Honolulu, HI 96813 (808) 961-2825 American Lung Association in Hawaii Clifford Center 810 Richards St., Ste. 750, Honolulu, HI 96813 (808) 537-5966 (800) 586-4872 American Red Cross Hawaii State Chapter 4155 Diamond Head Rd., Honolulu, HI, 96816 (808) 734-2101 Arthritis Foundation 760 Halekauwila St., Ste. 201, Honolulu, HI 96813 (800) 462-0743 Centers for Disease Control TTY: (888) 232-6348 (800) 232-4636 Maui AIDS Foundation 1935 Main St., Rm. 101, Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 242-4900 Programs include Case Management, Food Pantry, and specialized Housing. Na Pu'uwai - Molokai Native Health Care System 604 Mauna Loa Hwy., Kaunakakai, HI 96748 (808) 553-3653 National Parkinson Foundation – Hawaii Chapter (808) 528-0935 3375 Koapaka St. Ste. I-540, Honolulu, HI 96819 HEALTH AND MEDICAL 66 HOME HEALTH CARE AGENCIES See In Home Supports for Frail Elders and Persons with Disabilities on Page 97 HOSPITALS Kula Hospital 100 Keokea Pl., Kula, HI 96790 (808) 878-1221 Lanai Community Hospital 628 Seventh St., Lanai City, HI 96763 (808) 565-8450 Maui Memorial Medical Center 221 Mahalani St., Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 244-9056 Molokai General Hospital 280 Homeolu Pl., Kaunakakai, HI 96748 (808) 553-5331 MEDICAL CLINICS Haiku Medical Clinic 810 Haiku Road, Haiku, HI 96708 (808) 575-5731 Hana Health 4590 Hana Hwy., Hana, HI 96713 (808) 248-8294 Kaiser Permanente Clinic – Maui Lani 55 Maui Lani Parkway, Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 243-6065 Kaiser Permanente Clinic – Wailuku 80 Mahalani St., Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 243-6000 Kaiser Permanente Clinic – Lahaina 910 Wainee St., Lahaina, HI 96761 (808) 662-6945 HEALTH AND MEDICAL 67 Kaiser Permanente Clinic – Kihei 1279 S. Kihei Rd., Ste. 120, Kihei, HI 96753 (808) 891-6800 Kihei-Wailea Medical Center Pi'ilani Shopping Center 221 Pi’ikea Ave., Ste. A, Kihei, HI 96753 (808) 874-8100 Kula Clinic 100 Keokea Pl., Kula, HI 96790 (808) 876-4331 Clinic provides non-critical medical services and is open 24-hours a day, seven days a week to provide urgent care and limited rural emergency care. Lāhainā Comprehensive Health Center Public Health Department 1830 Honoapiilani Hwy, Akoakoa Pl., Lāhainā, HI 96761 (808) 667-7598 Lanai Community Health Center 478 Lauhala St., Lanai City, HI 96763 (808) 565-6919 Malama I Ke Ola Center – Wailuku Community Clinic of Maui 1881 Nani St., Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 871-7772 Malama I Ke Ola Health Center – Wailuku Ka Hale a Ke Ola Resource Center 670 Waiale Dr., Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 244-0220 Malama I Ke Ola Health Center, Lahaina Community Clinic of Maui 15 Ipu Amakua Ln., Lahaina, HI 96761 (808) 667-7598 Maui Clinic Medical Center 53 Puunene Ave., Kahului, HI 96732 (808) 877-6222 HEALTH AND MEDICAL 68 Maui Diabetes Center 53 Puunene Ave., Kahului, HI 96732 (808) 871-5144 Maui Medical Group Appointments (808) 249-8080 South Maui 2349 S. Kihei Rd., Unit 2, Kihei, HI 96753 (808) 270-1528 Upcountry 55 Pukalani St., Pukalani, HI 96768 (808) 573-6200 Wailuku 2180 Main St., Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 242-6464 West Maui 130 Prison St., Lahaina, HI 96761 (808) 661-0051 Molokai Clinic 280 Homeolu Pl., Kaunakakai, HI 96748 (808) 553-3121 Molokai Community Health Center 30 Oki Pl., Kaunakakai, HI 96748 (808) 553-5038 Molokai Family Health Center 107 Ala Malama St., Kaunakakai, HI 96748 (808) 553-3276 West Maui Health Care Center Whalers Village 2345 Kaanapali Pkwy., Ste. H-7, Lahaina, HI 96761 (808) 667-9721 Kihei Physicians 1325 S. Kihei Rd., Ste. 103, Kihei, HI 96753 (808) 879-7781 Straub Lanai Family Health Center 628 B Seventh St., Lanai City, HI 96763 (808) 565-6423 West Maui Doctors on Call Hyatt Regency Napili Tower Ste. 100 200 Nohea Kai Dr., Lahaina, HI 96761 (808) 667-7676 HEALTH AND MEDICAL 69 MEDICAL CLINICS – NATIVE HAWAIIAN Hui No Ke Ola Pono J. Walter Cameron Center 95 Mahalani St., Room 21, Wailuku, HI 96793 Appointments- Hana Community Center 5091 Ukea Rd., Hana, HI 96713 (808) 244-4647 (808) 442-6856 (808) 248-7836 Hui No Ke Ola Pono offers programs on nutrition and health management on Maui. Uninsured and underinsured women can receive free health screenings. Focus is Native Hawaiian women, but all women who meet the program criteria are welcome. Ke Ola Hou O Lanai 730 Lanai Ave., Lanai City, HI 96763 (808) 565-7204 Na Pu'uwai - Molokai Native Health Care System 604 Mauna Loa Hwy., Kaunakakai, HI 96748 (808) 553-3653 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT ActivStyle (800) 651- 6223 MEDICAID enrollees may receive bladder control products free for a medical need. Apria Health Care 431 Alamaha St, Kahului, HI 96732 (808) 871-4267 (800) 277-4288 Accessible Maui 615 W. Papa Ave., C2O3, Kahului, HI 96732 (808) 276-2446 HEALTH AND MEDICAL 70 PORTABLE WHEELCHAIR RAMPS Gammie Home Care 292 Alamaha St., Kahului, HI 96732 (808) 877-4032 Hospice Hawaii – Lanai Lanai Community Hospital, 628 Seventh St., Lanai City, HI 96763 (808) 565-8450 Hospice Maui 400 Mahalani St., Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 244-5555 Maui Home Care 60 E. Waka Ave., Ste. 111, Kahului, HI 96732 (808) 871-4663 Wild Wheel Wentals 277 Wili Ko Pl., Ste 16, Lahaina, HI 96761 (808) 661-4131 (808) 879-0220 PRESCRIPTION ASSISTANCE AlohaMeds (888) 477-2669 AlohaMeds is a program to help low-income, uninsured Hawaii residents get free or discounted brand-name medicines. Patient Medication Assistance Program Maui Memorial Medical Center 221 Mahalani St., Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 244-9056 Helps those on fixed incomes, senior citizens and uninsured with access to free prescription drugs. A hospital pharmacy technician helps patients apply to drug manufacturers and identify matches for patients and drug companies. The program also provides medical supplies, financial services, and cancer care coordination. HEALTH AND MEDICAL 71 Prescription Medication Discount Card Toll Free (877) 321-2652 Free program regardless of age, income or existing health coverage. Obtain discount cards from Costco, Kmart, Longs, Mina, Safeway, Walgreens and WalMart, or, print your own card by visiting SUBSTANCE ABUSE Al-Anon Family Groups P.O. Box 1322, Wailuku, HI 96793 Molokai (808) 242-0296 (808) 213-5353 For those affected by another's drinking. Aloha House, Inc. 200 Ike Dr., Makawao, HI 96768 (808) 579-9584 Provides a residential and outpatient co-educational treatment center for persons who abuse alcohol and drugs. Maui center accepts referrals from all islands. Call for information on programs. Alcoholics Anonymous 70 Central Ave., Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 244-9673 Helps alcoholics achieve sobriety. Phone answered 24 hours daily Child and Family Service Maui Office 392 N. Market St., Wailuku, HI 96793 Molokai Office 100 Kalae Hwy. Suite 108, Kualapu’u, HI 96757 (808) 877-6888 (808) 567-6100 CFS’s E Ala Hou program provides specialized substance abuse treatment for pregnant and parenting women to reduce the severity and disabling effects of alcohol and other drugs on high risk pregnant and parenting women and their children. Please call (808) 245-5914 for more information. HEALTH AND MEDICAL 72 Substance Abuse Counseling Services CFS’s Substance Abuse Counseling Services program helps clients identified through the Department of Human Services who need additional counseling and support specific to dealing with substance abuse issues and parenting. Malama Family Recovery Center 388 Ano St., Kahului, HI 96732 (808) 877-7117 Therapeutic living program for substance abusers; intensive outpatient program for women and mothers with infants. Maui Youth and Family Service 200 Ike Dr., Makawao, HI 96768 (808) 579-8414 MYFS administers several programs for youth, including outpatient substance abuse treatment, school-based services (Ke Ala Pono), tobacco, alcohol, drug and pregnancy prevention. HEALTH AND MEDICAL 73 HOUSING HOUSING 74 ADULT FOSTER CARE Department of Human Services (808) 243-5151 Adult Protective and Community Services After Hours- 911 1773 B Wili Pa Lp., Wailuku, HI 96793 Molokai Lana'i (808) 243-5151 (808) 243-5151 Adult Foster Care Program provides placement and case management services to eligible clients in licensed adult residential care homes. To receive adult foster care services, an individual must be eligible for Supplemental Security Income (SSI), financial or Medicaid assistance from the Department of Human Services. ADULT RESIDENTIAL CARE HOMES Department of Health (808) 692-7400 State Licensing Section, 601 Kamokila Blvd., Rm. 361, Kapolei, HI 96707 Key Search Term: ARCH The DOH State Licensing Section maintains a list of licensed adult residential care homes in the state of Hawaii. The following are licensed ARCH operators on Maui. Leonora Jerez Romualda Ibasan Ines Celerina Arreola Irenea Alipio Irene Della Zanaida Valdez 871-7880 871-5052 871-4940 872-9770 244-2238 986-0008 Victoria Paranada Elisa Villanueva Hilaria Guillermo Catalina Garcia Connie Miller Judita Dagdag Care Homes By Hale Makua 877-7494 244-1381 877-3669 879-4827 243-1701 244-8194 (808) 243-1709 HOUSING 75 AFFORDABLE AND LOW INCOME HOUSING EAH Housing Corporation American Savings Bank Tower, Ste. 2880 1001 Bishop Street, Honolulu, HI 96813 (808) 523-8826 TTY (866) 835-8169 ‘Imi Ikena Wailuku 511 Imi Place, Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 871-8444 Kahului Town Terrace 170 Ho’ohana St., Kahului, HI 96732 (808) 871-8444 Hale Mahaolu 200 Hina Ave., Kahului, HI 96732 (808) 872-4100 Komohana Hale 120 Leoleo St., Lahaina, HI 96761 (808) 661-3771 Luana Gardens II & III 615 West Papa Avenue, Kahului, HI 96732 (808) 871-9009 Lahaina Surf 1037 Wainee Street, Lahaina, HI 96761 (808) 661-3771 Hawaii Housing Finance & Development Corporation 677 Queen St., Honolulu, HI 96813 Honokowai Kauhale Family, Elder, Disabled 3500 Lower Honoapiilani Rd., Lahaina, 96761 HOUSING 76 (808) 587-0597 (808) 665-6103 Hawaii Public Housing Authority 2015 Holowai Pl., Wailuku Maui TTY (808) 243-5001 (808) 832-6083 David Malo Circle 725 Mill St., Lahaina Family, Elder, Disabled Kahekili Terrace (A & B) 2015 Holowai Pl., Wailuku Family Makani Kai Hale I 35 Koapaka Ln., Waiehu Family Makani Kai Hale II Papali Ln.., Waiehu Family Piilani Homes 1028 Wainee St., Lahaina Elder, Disabled Molokai Kahale Mua - Federal Maunaloa, Molokai Family, Elder, Disabled Kahale Mua- State Maunaloa, Molokai (808) 552-2270 Family, Elder, Disabled Lokahi Pacific 1935 Main St., Ste. 204, Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 242-5761 Affordable rental apartment complex in Kihei to assist "gap group" renters on Maui, including individuals or families whose income is 50% or less of the median income for Maui County. A long-term residence for the physically disabled Long-term housing for persons with special needs, including persons with HIV/AIDS and victims of domestic violence. A long-term residence for chronically mentally ill HOUSING 77 Maui Economic Concerns of the Community, Inc. (808) 242-7600 Hale Makana O Waiale 670 Waiale Drive, Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 249-0700 Na Hale O Wainee 15 Ipu’aumakua Ln., Lahaina, HI 96761 (808) 249-0700 ASSISTED LIVING FACILITIES Roselani Place 88 S Papa Ave., Kahului, HI 96732 A senior assisted living community on Maui. Steadfast Housing Development Corporation 1498 A Lower Main St. Unit B2, Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 871-7720 Toll Free (800) 554-9853 (808) 244-0885 Steadfast Housing Development Corporation administers a continuum of housing and employment options throughout the State of Hawaii to adults with serious and persistent mental illnesses. HOUSING 78 FAIR HOUSING HAWAII Fair Housing Hawaii educates individuals with disabilities, family members, service providers, and landlords about fair housing rights, particularly when it comes to renting a home. The following are resources for those who feel they’re rights have been violated. American Civil Liberties Union of Hawaii P.O. Box 3410, Honolulu, HI 96801-3410 (808) 522-5900 County of Maui ADA Coordinator 200 South High St., Kalana O Maui Bldg., Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 270-7971 All individuals have equal access to all County employment, programs, services and facilities. Any questions or concerns regarding access for people with disabilities should be directed to the ADA Coordinator. County of Maui Section 8 Rental Assistance Program 35 Lunalilo St., Ste. 400, Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 270-7751 The objective of the Housing Division is to create housing opportunities for low and moderate income residents through partnerships with community organization. Disability and Communication Access Board Toll Free (808) 984-2400 ext. 6-8121 919 Ala Moana Blvd., Rm 101, Honolulu, HI 96814 TTY (808) 586-8121 Attorneys and legal assistance resources Legal Aid Society of Hawaii 924 Bethel St., Honolulu, HI 96813 Hawaii Civil Rights Commission Fair Housing Hotline: (866) 527-3247 Toll Free (808) 984-2400 ext 6-8636 (808) 586-8636 Hawaii Disability Rights Center (808) 949-2922 900 Fort Street Mall, Ste. 140, Honolulu, HI 96813 (800) 882-1057 Hawaii disability rights center is the State of Hawaii's designated Client Assistance Program (CAP) and designated Protection and Advocacy (P&A) system for people with disabilities. HOUSING 79 Hawaii Public Housing Authority 1002 North School St., Honolulu, HI 96817 Molokai/Lanai (808) 984-2400, ext 24692 (800) 468-4644, ext 24692 The Hawaii Public Housing Authority provides Hawai`i residents with affordable housing and shelter without discrimination. HPHA develops affordable rental and supportive housing, public housing and efficient and fair delivery of housing services to the people of Hawaii. Legal Aid Society of Hawaii INTAKE HOTLINE: (808) 242-0724 Maui Office Please call the above number for legal services 2287 Main St., Wailuku, HI 96793-1655 The Legal Aid Society of Hawaii is a public interest, not-for-profit law firm dedicated to achieving fairness and justice for Hawaii’s people through quality legal representation, advocacy, advice, community partnerships, education and outreach. Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (FHEO) Toll Free (800) 669-9777 TTY (800) 927-9275 FHEO administers and enforces federal laws and establishes policies that ensure all Americans have equal access to the housing of their choice. HOUSING 80 HOMELESS RESOURCES Family Life Center (808) 877-0880 95 S Kane St., Wailuku, HI 96793 Homeless drop in shelter and a dormitory for women and children. Ka Hale A Ke Ola Wailuku (808) 242-7600 670 Waiale Rd., Wailuku, HI 96793 Offers emergency and transitional shelter, and affordable rental units. West Maui Center 15 Ipo'Aumakua Ln., Lahaina, HI 96761 Molokai Homeless Services Friendly Isle United Way, P.O. Box 1046, Kaunakakai, HI 96748 Direct referrals, general information, volunteer opportunities. (808) 662-0076 (877) 275-6569 Salvation Army Kahului (808) 877-3042 Safe Haven Program 45 W. Kamehameha Ave., Kahului, HI 96732 South Maui (808) 875-8065 35 Halekuai St. Kihei, HI 96753 West Maui (808) 661-5335 135 Shaw St., Lahaina, HI 96761 HOUSING 81 HOUSING COUNSELING Family Life Center (808) 877-0880 95 S Kane St., Wailuku, HI 96793 Homeless drop in shelter and a dormitory for women and children. Hale Mahaolu (808) 661-5957 Hale Mahaolu’s Homeownership Counseling Program is recognized by HUD to provide free individual counseling to homeowners who are faced with mortgage delinquency or default for various reasons. The Homebuyer Education Class helps homebuyers understand the home buying process. The Reverse Mortgage program allows elderly homeowners to access the equity in their homes to provide addition monthly income. Ka Hale A Ke Ola Wailuku 670 Waiale Rd., Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 242-7600 West Maui Center 15 Ipo'Aumakua Ln., Lahaina, HI 96761 Women Helping Women 1935 Main St., Ste. 202, Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 662-0766 (808) 242-6600 HUD HOUSING - SECTION 8 Housing Division, County of Maui 35 Lunalilo St., Ste 400, Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 270-7751 Key Search Term: “ARCH” The Housing Division of the Department of Housing and Human Concerns, County of Maui oversees the HUD Section 8 Rental Assistance Program. Qualified applicants must be very low income. Maui Office serves the islands of Maui, Molokai and Lana'i. HOUSING 82 INDEPENDENT LIVING FOR ELDERS AND PERSONS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS Hale Mahaolu 200 Hina Ave., Kahului, HI 96732 (808) 872-4100 TTY (800) 545-1833, ext. 432 Hale Mahaolu, a non-profit corporation, owns and/or manages family and elderly affordable housing sites in Maui County, Hawaii. Maui Properties Hale Mahaolu Akahi 300 W. Wakea Ave., Kahului, HI 96732 (808) 877-0544 Hale Mahaolu Elua 200 Hina Ave., Kahului, HI 96732 (808) 872-5180 Hale Mahaolu Ekolu 717 Makaala St., Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 242-4377 Hale Mahaolu Eha 1057 Makawao Ave., Makawao, HI 96768 (808) 573-1647 Hale Mahaolu Elima 11 Mahaolu St., Kahului, HI 96732 (808) 893-0002 Hale Mahaolu Eono 810 Kelawea St., Lahaina, HI 96761 (808) 661-5957 Lokenani Hale 1889 Loke St., Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 243-9272 Hale Mahaolu Ehiku 56 Ehiku St., Kihei, HI 96753 (808) 891-8588 HOUSING 83 Molokai Properties Home Pumehana 290 Kolapa Pl., Kaunakakai, HI 96748 (808) 553-5788 Lanai Properties Hale Kupuna O Lanai 1144 Ilima St., Lanai City, HI 96763 (808) 565-6615 Kalama Heights (808) 879-1500 101 Kanani Rd. Kihei, HI 96753 A senior independent and assisted living community on Maui. Lokahi Pacific 1935 Main St., Ste. 204, Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 242-5761 Lokahi Pacific offers an affordable rental apartment complex in Kihei assists "gap group" renters on Maui, including individuals or families whose income is 50% or less of the median income for Maui County; a long-term residence for the physically disabled; long-term housing for persons with special needs, including persons with HIV/AIDS and victims of domestic violence; and a long-term residence for chronically mentally ill. LONG TERM CARE ADVOCACY and COMPLAINTS Long Term Care Ombudsman 1151 Punchbowl St., Honolulu, HI 96813 Toll Free (808) 586-7268 (808) 974-2400, ext. 6-0100 The Ombudsman responds to complaints and problems of residents of long term care facilities such as nursing homes, adult residential care homes, and other long term care facilities. HOUSING 84 LONG TERM CARE FACILITIES Department of Human Services Adult Protective and Community Services After Hours Call 911 Maui 1773 B Wili Pa Lp., Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 243-5151 Molokai (808) 553-1763 Lana'i (808) 565-7104 The State’s Adult Foster Care Program provides placement and case management services to eligible clients in licensed adult residential care homes. To receive adult foster care services, an individual must be eligible for Supplemental Security Income (SSI), financial or Medicaid assistance from the Department. Hale Makua Long Term Care Kahului 472 Kaulana St., Kahului, HI 96732 (808) 877-2761 Wailuku 1540 Lower Main St., Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 243-1722 Experienced and highly-trained staff provide compassionate care for each resident according to his or her individual needs, in an atmosphere of dignity, respect, fun, encouragement, and aloha. Kula Hospital (808) 878-1221 100 Keokea Pl., Kula, HI 96790 Molokai General Hospital 280 Homeolu Pl., Kaunakakai, HI 96748 (808) 553-5331 HOUSING 85 RENTAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS The County funds a Rental Assistance Program (RAP) that provides financial assistance to homeless and individuals and families at risk for homelessness. The maximum amount of assistance is $5,000 which can be applied to rent, utilities, and/or deposit. Rental assistance is provided to qualifying persons on a diminishing monthly scale for up to one year. Mandatory participation in monthly case management services is an integral part of the program. RAP case managers help participants address various issues associated with their homeless or at-risk status and the program is intended to assist participants to eventually assume responsibility for the rent on their own. The RAP provides assistance to approximately 80-150 households per year. Maui Economic Opportunity (808) 249-2970 Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Family Resource Center 99 Mahalani St., Wailuku, HI 96793 Family Life Center 95 S Kane St., Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 877-0880 Ka Hale A Ke Ola (808) 242-7600 Wailuku 670 Waiale Rd., Wailuku, HI 96793 West Maui Center 15 Ipo'Aumakua Ln., Lahaina, HI 96761 (808) 662-0766 Women Helping Women 1935 Main St., Ste. 202, Wailuku, HI 96793 HOUSING 86 (808) 242-6600 Salvation Army Family Services Program 330 Papa Pl., Kahului, HI 96732 (808) 877-6757 Salvation Army has a rental assistance program. USDA – RURAL DEVELOPMENT – MAUI COUNTY US Department of Agriculture FSA (808) 871-5500 77 Hookele St., # 202, Kahului, HI 96732 USDA provides grants and loans to rural residents living outside Wailuku and Kahului. HOUSING 87 IMMIGRANTS IMMIGRANTS 88 ASSISTANCE FOR IMMIGRANTS Catholic Charities Maui Community Office 211 Kaulawahine St., Kahului, HI 96732 (808) 873-4673 Catholic Charities Hawai‘i assists families and individuals in need by providing information, help with applications for assistance, referrals to resources, and limited financial assistance to families facing temporary financial hardship typically related to urgent housing needs (rent, deposit, utilities). County of Maui Immigrant Services Division 2200 Main St., Suite 547, Wailuku, Hawaii 96793 (808) 270-7791 Lahaina (Thursday) West Maui Senior Center 778 Pauoa Pl., Lahaina, HI 96761 (808) 270-4386 Molokai Moore Center 2 Kamoi St., Kaunakakai, HI 96748 (808) 553-5072 Lanai (Monday & Wednesday) Lanai Senior Center 309 Seventh St., Lanai City, HI 96763 (808) 565-6679 Immigrant Services offers immigrants, migrants and citizens a range of immigration related assistance including citizenship, permanent residency and family-based petitions, acculturation, information and referral, and translation and interpretation services. ISD assists with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services and other agency forms, but is not affiliated with the USCIS and does not adjudicate or enforce immigration matters. IMMIGRANTS 89 FACE (Faith Action for Community Equity) 1352 Liliha St., Rm. 2, Honolulu, HI 96817 (808) 522-1304 FACE reunifies Filipino, Tongan, Latino, Korean, and Chinese residents to loved ones. Hawaii Immigrant Justice Center P.O. Box 3950, Honolulu, HI 96812 (808) 536-8826 The Hawaii Immigrant Justice Center at the Legal Aid Society of Hawaii provides legal assistance and representation to immigrants, including Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), Visas, Violence Against Women Act petitions, help with forms, USCIS filings, representation in Immigration Court, Board of Immigration Appeals and Federal court appeals, Civil Rights, Employment Non-legal services Department of Justice (DOJ)/Office for Victims of Crime (OVC)-funded services for trafficking victims, Legal Orientation Programs (LOP) / Know Your Rights Presentations (KYR), Referrals to other services, Social services Populations served Domestic Violence Victims, Human Trafficking Survivors, Torture survivors Languages spoken English, Spanish, Tagalog, Thai, Vietnamese Access to a commercial interpreting service or language bank Hawaii State Office of Community Services 830 Punchbowl St., Rm. 420, Honolulu, HI 96813 (808) 586-8675 OCS assists Hawaii’s low-income, immigrant and refugee populations to overcome workforce barriers to economic self-sufficiency through community-based programs and services. Maui Economic Opportunity (808) 249-2993 MEO Hispanic Link 99 Mahalani St., Wailuku, HI 96793 Bi-lingual staff provides translations, needs assessment, referrals, outreach to the Hispanic community. MEO also offers pre-employment services for immigrants and refugees including job training, support services, acculturation activities and English as a second language classes. IMMIGRANTS 90 U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services 2520 SW 22nd. St., Ste. 2-077, Miami FL 33145 USCIS is the government agency that oversees lawful immigration to the US. USCIS Honolulu Field Office Toll Free (800) 375-5283 500 Ala Moana Blvd., Bldg. 2, Rm. 400, Honolulu, HI 96813 TDY (800) 767-1833 USCIS National Customer Service Center TTY (800) 375-5283 (800) 767-1833 INTERPRETATION SERVICES Bilingual Access Line (808) 526-9724 Immigrants may request an interpreter via email or by phone (may call collect). Hawaii State Office of Language Access (808) 586-8730 830 Punchbowl St. #322, Honolulu, HI 96813 Neighbor Islands Call Toll Free: Maui (808) 984-2400 ext. 68730 Molokai & Lanai (800) 468-4644 ext. 68730 OLA ensures access to State or State-funded services regardless of limited ability to speak, read, write or understand the English language. TRANSPORTATION TO RETURN TO HOMELANDS Department of Human Services Adult and Community Care Branch 1773 Wili Pa Lp., Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 243-5151 Transportation Assistance for Resident Aliens and Naturalized Citizens Help for residents of the state who are 60 years of age or older and an alien or naturalized citizen to return to their homelands outside of the United States. To receive this service, an individual must be eligible for financial assistance from the Department or Supplemental Security Income (SSI), and must meet other program related requirements. IMMIGRANTS 91 IN HOME SUPPORTS FOR FRAIL ELDERS AND CAREGIVERS IN HOME SUPPORTS FOR FRAIL ELDERS AND CAREGIVERS 92 KUPUNA CARE SERVICES Adult Day Care Homemaker Personal Care Chore In Home Respite Home Delivered Meals Nutrition Counseling Transportation Kupuna Care is a state-sponsored program administered by the Maui County Office on Aging in Maui County. The program is designed to meet the needs of frail older adults who cannot live at home without adequate help from family and/or formal services. To qualify for KC services, an individual must meet all of the following requirements: U.S. citizen or legal alien 60 years of age or older Not covered by any comparable government or private home- and community-based care services Not residing in an institution, such as an intermediate care facility (ICF), skilled nursing facility (SNF), adult residential care (ARCH), hospital, foster family Impairment of two or more ADL or IADL, or significantly reduced mental capacity Unmet need in performing an ADL or IADL Activities of Daily Living (ADL) Basic activities include eating, bathing, dressing, transferring from bed to chair, controlling bowel & bladder, and moving about the house safely on their own. Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL) Basic activities include preparing meals, shopping for food & personal items, taking medications, managing money, using phones, doing housework, and using public transportation. IN HOME SUPPORTS FOR FRAIL ELDERS AND CAREGIVERS 93 Maui County Office on Aging Central Maui J. Walter Cameron Center 95 Mahalani St., Rm. 20, Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 270-7774 West Maui Senior Center 788 Pauoa St., Ste. 103, Lahaina, HI 96761 (808) 270-4310 South Maui Hale Mahaolu Ehiku 16 Ehiku St., Ste. 1, Kihei, HI 96753 (808) 875-0033 Hale Hulu Mamo - Hana Senior Center 5101 Uakea Rd Building G, Hana, HI 96713 (808) 248-8833 Home Pumehana Molokai 290 Kolapa St., Ste. 1, Kaunakakai, HI 96748 (808) 553-5241 Lanai Senior Center 309 A Seventh St., Lanai City, HI 96763 (808) 565-6818 Aging and Disability Services Specialists visit individuals in their homes to assess their needs and determine eligibility. They also refer caregivers, families and individuals to other services and resources in the community. IN HOME SUPPORTS FOR FRAIL ELDERS AND CAREGIVERS 94 ADULT DAY CARE Maui Adult Day Care Centers - Central Office 808) 871-5804 Hale Mahaolu Elima Senior Housing 11 Mahaolu St., Ste. B., Kahului, HI 96732 West Maui Adult Day Care Center Hale Mahaolu Eono Senior Housing 810 Kelawea St., Lahaina, HI 96761 (808) 667-9252 Ocean View Facility Nisei Veterans Memorial Site – near Kahului Harbor Kahului Beach Rd., Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 243-9312 Hale Hulu Mamo (Hana Senior Center) 5101 Uakea St., Bldg. G, Hana, HI 96713 (808) 248-8833 South Maui Adult Day Care Center Hale Mahaolu Ehiku Senior Housing 16 Ehiku St., Kihei, HI 96753 (808) 874-8338 Adult day care services include safe daytime care for dependent adults in a group setting, as well as ongoing caregiver education, counseling and support groups. ADULT DAY HEALTH Adult Day Health by Hale Makua 472 Kaulana St., Kahului, HI 96732 (808) 442-4551 A certified and state licensed program that provides coordinated care administered by an interdisciplinary team, including a social worker, dietician, nurse, and if needed, a physical therapist. Adult day healthcare must be prescribed by a physician and is intended for individuals who need assistance with activities of daily living. IN HOME SUPPORTS FOR FRAIL ELDERS AND CAREGIVERS 95 Easter Seals Hawaii, Maui Service Center 155 S. Wakea Ave., Kahului, HI 96732 (808) 249-2062 Easter Seals’ adult day health program provides daily respite for individual and family caregivers and provides participants with educational, social, health, recreational and volunteer opportunities. Participants have a full-range of activities to choose from including daily excursions, art programs, computer classes with assistive technology and more. ALZHEIMER’S SUPPORT Alzheimer's Association – Maui 270 Ho'okahi St., Ste. 311, Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 242-8636 Provides education, training, and support to individuals with Alzheimer's Disease and their caregivers. CAREGIVER EDUCATION Maui County Office on Aging J. Walter Cameron Center 95 Mahalani St., Rm 20 Wailuku, HI 96794 (808) 270-7755 Powerful Tools for Caregivers is a six-week, self-care education program developed by Stanford University for family caregivers. In six weekly classes, caregivers learn self-care tools to reduce personal stress; change negative self-talk; communicate their needs to family members and healthcare or service providers; communicate more effectively in challenging situations; recognize the messages in their emotions, deal with difficult feelings; and make tough caregiving decisions. Class participants also receive a copy of The Caregiver Helpbook, developed specifically for the class. IN HOME SUPPORTS FOR FRAIL ELDERS AND CAREGIVERS 96 HOME HEALTH CARE AGENCIES All Care Hawaii, LLC 975 Limahana Pl., Lahaina, HI 96761 (808) 757-9212 Bayada Home Health Care - Maui One Main Plaza, 2200 Main St., Ste. 650, Wailuku, HI 96793 Caregivers Maui 1885 Main Street, Suite 107 Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 244-4700 (808) 877-6688 CareResource Maui Branch 355 Hukilike St., Ste. 126, Kahului, HI 96732 (808) 871-2115 CareResource Molokai Branch 10 N. Mohala St., Ste. 201, Kaunakakai, HI 96748 (808) 553-9851 Caring Hands Maui LLC P.O. Box 1564, Kahului, HI 96733 (808) 495-6074 (808) 281-9351 Care Options – Maui (808) 270-2310 Gammie Home Care 292 Alamaha St., Kahului, HI 96732 Hale Mahaolu Personal Care 200 Hina Ave., Kahului, HI 96732 (808) 877-4032 Molokai Lanai TDD Hawaii Private Nurses P.O. Box 1738, Lahaina, HI 96761 (808) 873-0521 (808) 553-5788 (808) 5565-6615 (800) 545-1833 ext. 432 (808) 205-4435 Toll Free (888) 460-6284 IN HOME SUPPORTS FOR FRAIL ELDERS AND CAREGIVERS 97 Health Resources 360 Hoohana St., Ste. A103, Kahului, HI 96732 (808) 873-0175 (877) 593-8700 Home Health by Hale Makua 1520 Lower Main St., Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 244-3661 Kaiser Permanente Home Health Agency Maui Maui Lani Clinic, 55 Maui Lani Parkway, Wailuku, Hawaii 96793 Lifetime Ohana Care (808) 243-6681 (808) 214-6272 Mastercare 161 Ma`a St., Kahului, Hi 96732 (808) 244-0500 MetroCare Hawaii, LLC 270 Hookahi St., Ste. 303, Kahului, HI 96732 (808) 249-8888 Nurse Pro-Care 355 Hukilike St., Ste. 209, Kahului, HI 96732 (808) 877-0829 Partners in Care 101 Kanani St., Ste. 200, Kihei, HI 96753 (808) 874-1196 Roselani Place 88 S Papa Ave., Kahului, HI 96732 (808) 871-7720 Toll Free (800) 554-9853 IN HOME SUPPORTS FOR FRAIL ELDERS AND CAREGIVERS 98 INFORMATION AND REFERRAL Maui County Office on Aging - Aging and Disability Resource Center Central Maui J. Walter Cameron Center 95 Mahalani St., Rm. 20, Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 270-7774 West Maui Senior Center 788 Pauoa St., Ste. 103, Lahaina, HI 96761 (808) 270-4310 South Maui Hale Mahaolu Ehiku 16 Ehiku St., Ste. 1, Kihei, HI 96753 (808) 875-0033 Hale Hulu Mamo - Hana Senior Center 5101 Uakea Rd Bldg G, Hana, HI 96713 (808) 248-8833 Home Pumehana Molokai 290 Kolapa St., Ste. 1, Kaunakakai, HI 96748 (808) 553-5241 Lanai Senior Center 309 A Seventh St., Lanai City, HI 96763 (808) 565-6818 MCOA provides information, referral & outreach to older adults of Maui County as well as information and referral for persons with disabilities of all ages. Outreach team assesses needs and authorizes services for older adults, which may include adult day care, adult day respite, in-home respite, assisted transportation, case management, chore services, congregate meals, friendly visiting and telephone reassurance, home delivered meals, homemaker/housekeeper services, legal assistance, leisure, etc. IN HOME SUPPORTS FOR FRAIL ELDERS AND CAREGIVERS 99 ASK – 2000 Aloha United Way 200 North Vineyard Blvd., Ste. 700, Honolulu, HI 96817 Hawaii Keiki Information Service System 1600 Kapiolani Blvd, Ste. 1401, Honolulu, HI 96814 DIAL 211 (877) 275-6569 (800) 235-5477 For children from birth to three years of age. QUEST Integration Department of Human Services Med-QUEST Division Maui 210 Imi Kala St., Ste. 101, Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 243-5780 Lanai 730 Lanai Ave., Lanai City, HI 96763 (808) 565-7102 Molokai 65 Makaena St. Rm. 10, Kaunakakai, HI 96748 (808) 553-1758 Medicaid enrollees living at home who are determined to meet the "At Risk" criteria can receive home and community based services including: Home-Delivered Meals Personal Emergency Response System Personal Care Services Adult Day Care and Health, and Skilled or Private Duty Nursing Services IN HOME SUPPORTS FOR FRAIL ELDERS AND CAREGIVERS 100 RESPITE CARE - IN HOME SETTING Maui County Office on Aging Central Maui (808) 270-7774 Hana (808) 248-8833 South Maui (808) 875-0033 West Maui (808) 661-2387 Molokai (808) 553-5241 Lanai (808) 565-6818 Assesses need, determines eligibility, and authorizes services for frail elders and their caregivers. Adult Protective and Community Services After Hours 911 1773 B Wili Pa Lp., Wailuku, HI 96793 Maui (808) 243-5151 Molokai (808) 553-1763 Lana'i (808) 565-7104 ARC of Maui For developmentally and intellectually disabled (808) 553-9090 Department of Veterans Affairs For qualified veterans (808) 433-0310 Hospice Maui For terminally Ill (808) 244-5555 Keiki Kokua Free respite for foster parents of children (808) 573-4972 Na Hoaloha – Neighbors Helping Neighbors Volunteers help older adults (808) 249-2545 IN HOME SUPPORTS FOR FRAIL ELDERS AND CAREGIVERS 101 RESPITE CARE - FACILITY SETTING Developmental Disabilities Division (808) 984-8250 Maui Adult Day Care Centers, Inc. Adults of all ages and disabilities (808) 871-5804 Roselani Place (808) 871-7720 RESPITE CARE – PRIVATE See Home Health Care Agencies on Pages 67 and 97 SENIOR COMPANION Adult Protective and Community Services AFTER HOURS DIAL 911 1773 B Wili Pa Lp., Wailuku, HI 96793 Maui (808) 243-5151 Molokai (808) 553-1763 Lana'i (808) 565-7104 The state’s Senior Companion Program is a part-time volunteer program that enrolls eligible low-income seniors statewide to provide in-home companionship and limited personal care to frail elders and respite to caregivers. To apply to be a Senior Companion, an individual must be at least 55 years of age, physically able to volunteer 20 hours per week, and meet income and other program requirements. To receive Senior Companion Services, an individual or family must meet program related requirements. To become a companion, apply for services, or for more information about this program, call the Senior Companion Program office on Oahu at (808) 832-0340. Na Hoaloha – Neighbors Helping Neighbors Volunteers help older adults (808) 249-2545 IN HOME SUPPORTS FOR FRAIL ELDERS AND CAREGIVERS 102 SUPPORT GROUPS Alcoholics Anonymous 70 Central Ave., Ste. 1, Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 244-9673 Al-Anon Family Groups P.O. Box 1322, Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 242-0296 (808) 213-5353 Molokai For those affected by another's drinking. Alzheimer's Association - Maui 270 Ho'okahi St., Ste. 311, Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 242-8636 Provides education, training, and support to individuals with Alzheimer's Disease and their caregivers. Autism Family Support Group P. O. Box 387, Puunene, HI 96784 (808) 264-4016 Autism Support and Education Group support to family members of children with autism and other neuro-developmental disorders. Also offers presentations and information session, and works with teachers to educate them on the special needs of autistic children. Clutterers Anonymous: Keep It Simple & Streamlined group (646) 926-7399 The primary purpose is to stop cluttering one day at a time and to carry this message of recovery to clutterers who still suffer. Debtors Anonymous “Free and Clear” (425) 381-9009 Dual Diagnosis Anonymous (808) 298-4928 (808) 875-1564 For anyone, including family members, friends, caregivers, dealing with mental health and substance-abuse issues. IN HOME SUPPORTS FOR FRAIL ELDERS AND CAREGIVERS 103 Dual Recovery Anonymous (808) 242-9241 Support group for those recovering from chemical dependency and emotional or mental disorders. Grief Share Support Group (808) 248-8364 For those who have lost a loved one, two 13-week support groups held in January and September each year. Call Marlene Ortiz for time, dates, places at: (808) 280-7811 Hawaii Organ Transplant Support Group (HOT) (808) 986-1900 Head Injury and Stroke Support Group Maui Memorial Medical Center Nutrition Class Room. 221 Mahalani St., Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 249-2700 Supports survivors and caregivers and information on resources available in the community. Provides an avenue for survivors to express frustrations and successes in coping with their problems. Meets each 3rd Thu. from 1-2:30 p.m. HEAL - Help Ease a Loss 400 Mahalani St., Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 244-5555 A support group for anyone dealing with a loss. Weekly groups meet on alternating Tuesdays at 3 p.m. and Wednesdays at 6 p.m. Meetings are free and open to the public – they are not restricted to the families of patients who have been on hospice service. Trained counselors and social workers facilitate the meetings. Kupono Kane (Men Helping Men) (808) 877-0795 Learn how anger can help not hurt; how to be a Friend, Husband, Dad that's reliable; how to be accountable for your actions not blaming or minimizing; how to lead by example to have a healthy family and relations; how to restore our integrity/kupono for our future. Overeaters Anonymous (808) 264-7286 12-step recovery program for compulsive overeaters, anorexics, bulimics. IN HOME SUPPORTS FOR FRAIL ELDERS AND CAREGIVERS 104 Maui Adult Day Care Centers 11 Mahaolu St., Kahului, HI 96732 (808) 871-5804 Maui Down Syndrome Family Support Group 53 Nohokai St., Kihei, HI 96753 (808) 879-7040 Narcotics Anonymous Helpline (808) 214-1239 National Kidney Foundation of Hawaii 77 Waiale Drive, Ste. 102, Wailuku, HI 96793 Support group is for the recipients and families of all types of organ transplants. Pacific Cancer Foundation (808) 242-7661 Raising our Keiki’s Keiki Support groups for grandparents in Maui (808) 242-0900 Take Off Pounds Sensibly (808) 870-4597 Women Helping Women 1935 Main St., Ste. 202, Wailuku, HI 96793 West Maui Lanai (808) 242-6600 (808) 661-7111 (808) 565-6700 Provides domestic violence support for battered women and their children. IN HOME SUPPORTS FOR FRAIL ELDERS AND CAREGIVERS 105 TRANSPORTATION FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES PARATRANSIT TRANSPORTATION All Island Handivan Transport (808) 298-0114 Wheelchair, non-wheelchair and stretcher clients for Medicaid and private clients, nursing and group homes, hospital discharge, dialysis, chemotherapy and day treatment programs, and for shopping and dine-in clients. County of Maui Department of Transportation 2145 Kaohu St. Ste. 102, Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 270-7511 ADA paratransit service is an advance reservation, curb to curb service for persons with disabilities who are unable to use the regular fixed route public transit service. The County of Maui Department of Transportation provides ADA paratransit service through the Maui Bus. Paratransit service is available within corridors whose boundaries extend three-fourths of a mile on each side of each fixed Maui Bus route. ADA Paratransit Service application forms are available at the County of Maui Department of Transportation or online. CNA Paratransit 60 E Wakea Ave, Unit 106, Kahului, HI 96732 (808) 893-0000 Kapalua Executive Transportation (808) 669-2300 Provides island-wide service, including tours and charters in wheelchair accessible vans. Services include transportation to the airport, hotels, the local community and hospitals on an island-wide basis. Fees are assessed for service. Maui Handivan (800) 258-6880 IN HOME SUPPORTS FOR FRAIL ELDERS AND CAREGIVERS 106 MEO Transportation (808) 877-7651 Ala Hou “On the Move Again” 189 Kaahumanu Ave., Kahului, HI 96732 Maui Economic Opportunity operates this County of Maui funded transportation program for people with disabilities. Ala Hou serves disabled individuals who need accessible transportation and have a physician certified disability. Examples of disabilities include vision impairment or blindness, developmental or mental disability, or wheel chair use. A person with a disability must demonstrate need for access. Priority is given to rides for medical appointments, followed by employment, education and worship. Application is available online. Roberts Hawaii (800) 831-5541 Roberts operates a tour and activities transportation service on all major islands in Hawaii, including Maui. Roberts also operates an airport shuttle service. SpeediShuttle (808) 242-7777 Airport transportation, including vans with wheel chair lifts, will transport passengers and luggage to and from the airport. Reservations must be made in advance. PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION The Maui Bus County of Maui Department of Transportation. 2145 Kaohu St., Ste. 102, Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 270-7511 The Maui Bus operates fixed route public bus transportation as well as ADA Paratransit disability transportation service with advance reservation. Paratransit includes curb to curb service for eligible persons with disabilities who are unable to use the regular fixed route public transit service. IN HOME SUPPORTS FOR FRAIL ELDERS AND CAREGIVERS 107 SENIOR SHOPPING SHUTTLE MEO Rural Shopping Shuttle (808) 877-7651 189 Kaahumanu Ave., Kahului, HI 96732 Funded by the County of Maui, Maui Economic Opportunities, Inc. provides free shuttle service for persons who have a disability. They have routes between Wailuku and Kahului (Route 1, Route 2) as well as a Rural Route. An application forms available at MEO. Return completed form with your doctor’s signature. All shuttles are wheelchair accessible, but please call MEO when special accommodations are needed. TRANSPORTATION BY VOLUNTEERS American Cancer Society Maui (808) 244-5553 J. Walter Cameron Center, 95 Mahalani St., Rm. 27, Wailuku, HI 96793 Provides transportation assistance to patients temporarily on Oahu or Maui for treatment. Help with other transportation needs may also be arranged. Na Hoaloha - Neighbors Helping Neighbors 61 N. Church St., Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 249-2545 Matches volunteers to seniors for transportation and in-home respite for family caregivers. Project Dana (808) 871-4732 Kahului Hongwanji Mission, 291 S. Puunene Ave., Kahului, HI 96732 IN HOME SUPPORTS FOR FRAIL ELDERS AND CAREGIVERS 108 MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES 109 CRISIS AND SUICIDE LINE 24 hour Access Line Mental Health Crisis and Suicide Hotline (800) 753-6879 CLUBHOUSES A Clubhouse is a supportive rehabilitation program for adults challenged by mental illness. Hale O Lanakila Clubhouse – Maui 1977 Main St., Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 984-2156 Clubhouse – Molokai 83 Manako Ln., Kaunakakai, HI 96748 (808) 553-5874 COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH CENTERS Adult Mental Health Division Maui Family Guidance Center 121 Mahalani St., Wailuku, HI 96793 Molokai Family Guidance Center 5067 65 Makaena Pl., Ste. 107, Kaunakakai, HI 96748 Lanai Family Guidance Center 730 Seventh St., Ste. 6, Lanai City, HI 96763 (808) 984-2150 (808) 553- (808) 565-6189 The Department of Health Adult Mental Health Division provides psychiatric evaluations, counseling, medication evaluation and case management services for persons who are seriously mentally ill. MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES 110 FAMILY COUNSELING SERVICES Hawaii Families as Allies (HFAA) Warm Line (808) 487-8785 99-209 Moanalua Rd., Ste. 305, Aiea, HI 96701 Toll Free (866) 361-8825 HFAA supports families whose children and youth have emotional and/or behavioral challenges through education, technical assistance and advocacy. Lanai Counseling Services (808) 565-6189 730 Lanai Ave., Rm. 15, Lanai City, HI 96763 Adult Mental Health Division of the Department of Health provides psychiatric services, individual family and couples counseling and case management. Referrals and information for individuals, community services, and groups for persons with serious mental illness. Lanai Integrated Services 730 Lanai Avenue – Ste. 112, Lanai City, HI 96763 (808) 565-9191 Lokahi Pacific 1935 Main St. Ste. 204, Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 242-5761 Provides quality housing linked to community support services for chronically mentally ill persons capable of independent living. Rental fee based on income. This project is a shared living arrangement. Malama I Ke Ola Center – Wailuku Community Clinic of Maui 1881 Nani St., Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 871-7772 Malama I Ke Ola Health Center – Wailuku Ka Hale a Ke Ola Resource Center 670 Waiale Drive, Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 244-0220 Malama I Ke Ola Health Center, Lahaina Community Clinic of Maui 15 Ipu Amakua Ln., Lahaina, HI 96761 (808) 667-7598 MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES 111 Maui Family Guidance Center – Wailuku 270 Waiehu Beach Rd., Unit 213, Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 243-1252 Maui Family Guidance Center – Lahaina 1830 Honoapiilani Hwy., Lahaina, HI 96761 (808) 662-4045 Maui Family Guidance Center – Lanai C/O Lanai High & Elementary School 555 Fraser Ave., Lanai City, Hi 96763 (808) 565-7915 Maui Family Guidance Center – Molokai 65 Makaena St., Kaunakakai, Hi 96748 (808) 553-5067 Maui Family Support Service 1844 Wili Pa Loop, Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 242-0900 MFSS – Molokai Molokai Healthy Start 107 B Ala Malama, Kaunakakai, HI 96748 (808) 553-8114 MFSS – Lanai 730 Lanai Avenue, Lanai City, HI 96763 (808) 565-7484 MFSS encourages positive parenting, preventing child maltreatment and abuse and building on family strengths. MFSS works with families on Maui, Lanai and Molokai through an array of programs to assist overburdened families and provide a critical safety net of support. Maui Youth and Family Service 200 Ike Dr., Makawao, HI 96768 (808) 579-8414 Provides behavioral and mental health programs that serve children and families. MYFS focuses on developing stronger families and youth who become responsible and contributing members of the community. MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES 112 Molokai Community Health Center 30 Oki Place, Kaunakakai, HI 96748 (808) 553-5038 Acute mental illness (depression, anxiety), improved coping skills training, stress management, substance abuse, anger management, PTSD. Molokai Mental Health Services 65 Makaena Pl, Kaunakakai, HI 96748 (808) 553-3691 A Drop-In Center serving adults with chronic mental illness. The Center provides psychiatric evaluation, counseling, medication management, case management. Parents and Children Together - Family Peace Center 81 N. Market St., Ste. 200, Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 244-2330 Prevention and treatment for domestic violence, child abuse and neglect, and mental illness. Quality Behavioral Outcomes 333 Dairy Rd., Kahului, HI 96732 (808) 879-6444 (855) 824-5669 QBO provides treatment services for children and adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders. QBO utilizes positive, non-aversive and functional approaches to behavior analysis in order to concretely bring about change and support skill acquisition. Based on an appropriate assessment that is respectful of each participant’s needs, QBO develops state-of-the-art solutions to excessive behaviors and skill deficits. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs 203 Ho’ohana St., Ste. 301, Kahului, HI 96732 (808) 871-2454 Community Based Outpatient Clinics provide primary health care to eligible veterans using available resources. Primary health care means non-emergent care for veterans with stable chronic health problems or minor acute illnesses. MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES 113 FAMILY GUIDANCE CENTERS Provides mental services for children and youth from birth to 20 years. Child and Adolescent Mental Health Division (CAMHD) Family Guidance Center 270 Waiehu Beach Rd., Ste. 213, Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 243-1252 West Maui Family Guidance Center 1830 Honoapiilani Hwy., Lahaina, HI 96761 (808) 662-4045 Molokai Family Guidance Center 65 Makaena St., Kaunakakai, HI 96761 (808) 553-5067 Lanai Family Guidance Center C/O Lanai High & Elementary School 555 Fraser Ave., Lanai City, HI 96763 (808) 565-7915 Child and Family Service – Maui 392 N. Market St., Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 877-6888 Toll-Free Parent Line (800) 816-1222 Child and Family Service – Maui 305 E. Wakea Ave., Kahului, HI 96732 (808) 877-6888 Child and Family Service - Molokai (808) 553-6100 107 Ala Malama, Kaunakakai, HI 96748 Toll-Free Parent Line (800) 816-1222 Molokai Child and Family Service - Molokai (808) 567-6100 100 Kalae Hwy. Suite 108, Kualapu’u, HI 96757 MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES 114 MENTAL HEALTH ORGANIZATION Mental Health America of Hawaii (808) 242-6461 J. Walter Cameron Center, 95 Mahalani St., Rm. 5, Wailuku, HI 96793 Provides information and referral for Maui County, advocates for improved care and treatment of children, adults and the elderly with mental illnesses through public education and advocacy. Works to promote mental health, reduce stigma, and prevent the problems associated with mental illnesses. Provides public education and community advocacy to promote mental health, prevent mental illness and improve care, treatment and participation of persons with mental illness. Mental Health Kokua 133 N. Market St., Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 244-7405 PARENTING The Parent Line Toll Free (800) 816-1222 The Parent Line Program is a free statewide confidential telephone line which offers support and information to parents and other caregivers. The phone line staff help callers problem solve parenting challenges. Topics include aggression, toilet training, bedtime, power struggles, peer relations, sibling rivalry, biting, eating, fears, lying, homework, puberty, teen transitions, tantrums, breastfeeding / weaning, communication, school readiness, discipline / limit setting, separation anxiety, family concerns, daily routines / chores, single parenting, step parenting, deployment, separation / divorce, custody / visitation, death / grief, television / internet, referral to community resources, parenting classes, play groups, support groups, social services, developmental evaluations, breastfeeding support. Quality Behavioral Outcomes 333 Dairy Rd., Kahului, HI 96732 (808) 879-6444 (855) 824-5669 Treatment for children and adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders utilizing positive, non-aversive and functional approaches to behavior analysis for skill acquisition. MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES 115 RESIDENTIAL Mental Health Kokua 133 N. Market St., Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 244-7405 The program includes supervised living for adults in personal crisis who require immediate intervention. Assists adults with mental illness in need of respite or in transition to a treatment program or community residential placement. A crisis outreach team (24-hours, 7 days a week) conducts assessments in crisis situations including suicide and depression. Maui Memorial Medical Center Molokini Unit, 99 Mahalani St., Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 242-2575 Maui Youth and Family Service 200 Ike Dr., Makawao, HI 96768 (808) 579-8414 MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES 116 PERSONAL SAFETY PERSONAL SAFETY 117 ABUSE OF DEPENDENT ADULTS A dependent adult is a person eighteen years of age or older who, because of mental, developmental, or physical impairment, is unable to communicate or make responsible decisions to manage his or her own care or resources; or carry out or arrange for essential activities of daily living; or protect oneself from abuse. Adult Protective and Community Services After Hours 911 1773 B Wili Pa Lp., Wailuku, HI 96793 Maui Molokai Lanai (808) 243-5151 (808) 553-1763 (808) 565-7104 The Adult Protective and Community Services Branch of the Hawaii Department of Human Services provides protective services for dependent or vulnerable adults, as well as home and community-based services to prevent premature institutionalization of clients. Services include crisis intervention without regard to income, investigation and emergency services for vulnerable adults who are reported to be abused, neglected or financially exploited by others or seriously in danger due to self-neglect. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Alternatives to Violence, Molokai 24 hour hotline (808) 567-6888 Molokai Community Services Council Building (808) 553-3202 Ho’omalu Shelter, P. O. Box 839, Kaunakakai, HI 96748 Hale Ho’omalu Domestic Violence Shelter provides safety and support to women and their children, including shelter services, TRO assistance, case management, and support groups for victims, and anger management to court ordered TRO clients. They also have groups for juvenile court ordered clients. PERSONAL SAFETY 118 Child and Family Service Domestic Violence Crisis Hotline 305 E. Wakea Ave., Kahului, HI 96732 (808) 877-6888 (808) 877-9888 Domestic Violence Advocacy (DVA) Services program helps victims of domestic abuse become self-sufficient. Eligible TANF recipients can claim a Domestic Violence Exemption through DVA services that will exempt the household from the five-year time limit, 20% grand reduction and the work requirements of the First-toWork program for a period of six months. Domestic Violence Clearinghouse and Legal Hotline (808) 531-3771 Women Helping Women 1935 Main St., Ste. 202, Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 242-6600 24-Hour Domestic Violence Hotline Lahaina, Lanai Temporary Restraining Orders (808) 579-9581 (808) 661-7111 (808) 565-6700 (808) 242-0775 Women Helping Women provides a shelter and support programs for battered women and their children. Programs include a Domestic Violence Hotline, Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) preparation and court advocacy, communitybased domestic violence education/support groups for women and children, positive parenting groups, and a Transitions Project. PERSONAL SAFETY 119 CHILD ABUSE Child and Family Service 305 E. Wakea Ave., Kahului, Hawaii 96732 (808) 877-6888 Crisis Counseling is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Comprehensive Counseling & Support Services (CCSS) program is a child abuse prevention and treatment program to meet the needs of children and their families, including counseling, outreach, parenting classes, and supervised visitation. Department of Human Services Child Welfare Services 1885 Main St., # 306, Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 243-5162 Toll Free (800) 494-3991 CWS programs include family strengthening and support, child protection, foster care, adoption, independent living and licensing of resource family homes, group homes and child-placing organizations. Maui Children's Justice Center (808) 244-7926 Provides services to assist victims and their families as they proceed through the criminal justice system. M au i Y o u t h an d F a mi l y S e r vi ce P.O. Box 790006, Paia, HI 96779 (808) 579-8414 Emergency Shelter provides 24-hour care in a safe, family-based setting for 10-17 year olds who need a temporary alternative to home. Molokai Integrated Services 107 A&B Ala Malama, Kaunakakai, HI 96748 (808) 567-6100 This program offers family’s supervised visitation, transportation, parenting classes, individual and family therapy, crisis intervention, and individual home-based parenting education to safely reunify or maintain a child in their home. Services in this program are made available through referral from Child Welfare Services. PERSONAL SAFETY 120 P a ren t s an d Ch i l d ren T o g et h e r (808) 244-2330 M au i F ami l y P e a ce C en t e r ( F P C) 81 N. Market St., Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 244-2330 The FPC provides services to help stop intimate partner violence/ domestic violence. Programs include support and safety planning for victims/survivors of domestic violence including help with restraining orders; groups for offenders of intimate partner and household or non-partner abuse; groups for adolescents who exhibit anger control issues. SEXUAL ASSAULT Child and Family Service 305 E. Wakea Ave., Kahului, HI 96732 (808) 877-6888 Domestic Violence Crisis Hotline (808) 877-9888 Sexual Assault victims may require immediate crisis counseling, emergency medical care and legal advocacy services. Often a victim of sexual assault will need psychological care and support, which extends well beyond the crisis phase. Crisis Intervention 24 hour crisis hotline Maui Molokai Lāna‘i (808) 873-8624 (808) 213-5522 (866) 443-5702 Services include emotional support during specialized medical examinations within 72 hours of an assault; victim support with legal system; counseling for children and adult victims of sexual assault or abuse. Women Helping Women (808) 242-6600 24hr Hotline (808) 579-9581 West Maui (808) 661-7111 Lanai (808) 565-6700 PERSONAL SAFETY 121 SERVICES FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES SERVICES FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES 122 ADVOCACY Aloha Independent Living Hawaii P.O. Box 1285, Lahaina, HI 96761 (808) 381-8585 County of Maui Americans with Disabilities Act Coordinator One Main Plaza, 2200 Main St., Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 270-7971 Disability and Communication Access Board 919 Ala Moana Blvd, Room 101, Honolulu, HI 96814 (808) 984-2400 x6-8121 (V/T) DCAB advocates for legislation and policies relating to persons with disabilities and their civil rights or service needs. DCAB issues include voting rights, Special Parent Information Network for parents of children with special needs, emergency preparedness for persons with disabilities, and tips for travelers with disabilities. Hawaii Disability Rights Center P.O. Box 487, Kula, HI 96790 (808) 876-0529 Toll Free (800) 882-1057 Hilopa’a Family to Family Health Information Center (808) 270-1536 Hilopa'a helps parents and caregivers of those with special health care needs navigate the health care system. Hilo Pa’a is also the Ombudsman for Hawai‘i State Medicaid Programs. Learning Disability Association of Hawaii 200 N. Vineyard Blvd., Ste. 310, Honolulu, HI 96817 (808) 536-9684 Toll Free (800) 533-9684 SERVICES FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES 123 Legal Aid Society of Hawaii - Fair Housing Hotline (866) 527-3247 Maui County Developmental Disabilities Committee 54 High Street, 3rd Fl., Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 984-8218 Maui County Commission on Persons with Disabilities (808) 270-7855 Maui County Office on Aging Aging and Disability Resource Center J. Walter Cameron Center, 95 Mahalani St., Rm. 20, Wailuku, HI 96793 Advises the County administration on County policies and practices with respect to their impact on persons with disabilities. Recommends ways to improve access to programs for persons with disabilities. Molokai Association for the Disabled P.O. Box 1455, Kaunakakai, HI 96748 (808) 553-5148 Special Parent Information Network (SPIN) 919 Ala Moana Blvd., Rm. 101, Honolulu, HI 96814 State Council on Developmental Disabilities 919 Ala Moana Blvd, Rm. 113, Honolulu, HI 96813 (V/T) (808) 984-2400 x6-8126 (808) 984-2400 x6-8100 AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETERS Hawaii Interpreting Services P.O. Box 734, Kaneohe, HI 96744 (808) 394-7706 Center provides sign language interpreters, real-time captioners and computer assisted note takers for deaf, hard of hearing, deaf-blind, and hearing individuals. Services are available 24/7 on Maui, Molokai, and Lanai. SERVICES FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES 124 SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETERS – PRIVATE Kate Eifler Denise Green Abigail Llewellyn (808) 269-8919 (845) 558-2012 (315) 727-1409 ASSISTANCE ANIMALS Assistance Dogs of Hawaii P.O. Box 1803, Makawao, HI 96768 (808) 298-0167 675 Kealaloa Ave.,Makawao, HI 96768 ASSISTIVE DEVICES Accessible Maui 615 W. Papa Ave., C2O3, Kahului, HI 96732 (808) 276-2446 Portable wheelchair ramps. SERVICES FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES 125 ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY - VIDEO Aloha VRI (855) 808-8377 Provides remote video interpreting services Sorenson Communications (866) 756-6729 (801) 386-8500 Sorenson Video Relay Service (SVRS) provides videophones and video relay service that enables callers who are deaf and hard-of-hearing to conduct video relay calls through a qualified ASL interpreter. DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES Easter Seals Hawaii Maui Service Center 155 S. Wakea Ave., Kahului, HI 96732 (808) 249-2065 Imua Family Services 161 S. Wakea Ave., Kahului, HI 96732 (808) 244-7467 Supports Developmentally Disabled children from birth to six years old with speech, occupational and physical therapy, special instruction and care coordination services for children with, or who are at risk for - developmental delays and disabilities. Other services include Newborn Hearing Screening of babies born at the Maui Memorial Medical Center, and Camp Imua for school-aged children with disabilities. Sponsors a week-long summer camp for school-aged children with disabilities. SERVICES FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES 126 DISABLED PARKING PERMITS AND LICENSE PLATES County of Maui, Department of Finance Kahului Maui Mall Shopping Center 70 E. Kaahumanu Ave. Ste. A-17, Kahului, HI 96732 (808) 270-7363 Kihei Kihei Community Center 303 East Lipoa St., Kihei, HI 96753 (808) 270-7363 Lahaina Lahaina Gateway Center 335 Keawe Street, Ste. 209, Lahaina, HI 96761 (808) 270-7363 Pukalani Hannibal Tavares Community Center 91 Pukalani St., Pukalani, HI 96768 (808) 270-7363 Hana County Public Works Office Hana Hwy & Uakea Rd., Hana, HI 96713 (808) 248-7280 Lanai 309 Seventh St., #10 Lanai City, Lanai, HI 96763 (808) 565-7878 Molokai Mitchell Pauole Center 100 Ailoa St., Kaunakakai, Molokai, HI 96748 (808) 553-3430 SERVICES FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES 127 EMPLOYMENT & TRAINING FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES ARC of Maui County 95 Mahalani St., Ste. 17, Wailuku, Hawaii 96793 (808) 242-5781 ARC of Hana P.O. Box 616, Hana, Hawaii 96713 (808) 248-8452 ARC of Lanai 95 Mahalani St., Ste. 17, Wailuku, Hawaii 96793 (808) 242-5781 ARC of Molokai (808) 553-9090 Meyer Building, Room 5, P.O. Box 429, Kaunakakai, Hawaii 96748 Department of Labor 2264 Aupuni St., Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 243-5322 Provides training to people with disabilities. Facilitates claims for employees who are injured on the job for medical vocational rehabilitation, and indemnity benefits under workers compensation law. Ka Lima O Maui J. Walter Cameron Center 95 Mahalani St., Rm. 19, Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 244-5502 Ka Lima O Maui provides services for persons with disabilities, including job training, vocational rehabilitation, job readiness assessment and training, job search and placement, and long-term support. The Medicaid Waiver program matches severely disabled clients with a personal assistant who provides them with a range of skills from basic grooming, cooking classes, gardening skills, and fun social activities. SERVICES FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES 128 Maui Special Olympics P.O. Box 1842, Kahului, HI 96733 (808) 281-7318 Molokai Special Olympics (808) 567-9020 P.O. Box 458, Kaunakakai, HI 96748 Provides year-round training and athletic competition for children ages 8 and older and adults with mental retardation or developmental disabilities. Molokai Occupational Center 280 Puali Pl., Kaunakakai, HI 96748 (808) 553-3266 www.mocMolokai .com mocMolokai Conducts work evaluation, training, job placement, transportation, life skills and employment in laundry, yard maintenance, car wash, thrift shop, janitorial, plant production and crafts. Department of Human Services Vocational Rehabilitation Division (808) 984-8350 Maui 54 S. High St., Rm. 309, Wailuku, HI 96793 Molokai 55 Makaena St. Rm. 3, Kaunakakai, HI 96748 Text (808) 344-6352 Video (808) 270-2734 (808) 553-3621 Vocational Rehab serves individuals with disabilities who require assistance to prepare for, secure, retain or regain employment. Services help persons who were born with disabilities or who have become disabled as a result of an injury. SERVICES FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES 129 RESPITE CARE – IN HOME SETTING Maui County Office on Aging Main (808) 270-7774 Hana (808) 248-8833 Kihei (808) 875-0033 Lahaina (808) 661-2387 Molokai (808) 553-5241 Lanai (808) 565-6818 Assesses need, determines eligibility, and authorizes services for those who qualify. ARC of Maui (808) 553-9090 For developmentally and intellectually disabled Department of Veterans Affairs (808) 433-0310 For qualified veterans Developmental Disabilities Division (808) 243-4625 Hospice Maui (808) 244-5555 For terminally Ill Keiki Kokua (808) 573-4972 Free respite for foster parents of children Na Hoaloha – Neighbors Helping Neighbors Volunteers help older adults SERVICES FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES 130 (808) 249-2545 RESPITE CARE - FACILITY SETTING Department of Veterans Affairs (808) 433-0310 Maui Adult Day Care Centers, Inc. Adults of all ages and disabilities (808) 871-5804 Roselani Place (808) 871-7720 RESPITE CARE – PRIVATE See In Home Supports Section on Page 67 and 97 SERVICES FOR THE BLIND Eye Care America National Eye Care for the Elderly Hotline (800) 222-3937 Provides eye exams and up to one year of care to US citizens and legal residents within the Continental U.S, Hawaii and Puerto Rico through volunteer ophthalmologists (EyeMDs) often at no out-of-pocket cost to those who qualify. Department of Human Services Vocational Rehabilitation Division (808) 984-8350 Maui 54 S. High St., Rm. 309, Wailuku, HI 96793 Text (808) 344-6352 Video (808) 270-2734 Molokai 55 Makaena St. Rm. 3, Kaunakakai, HI 96748 (808) 553-3621 Vocational Rehab serves individuals with disabilities who require assistance to prepare for, secure, retain or regain employment. Services help persons who were born with disabilities or who have become disabled as a result of an injury. SERVICES FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES 131 SERVICES FOR THE DEAF Aloha State Association of the Deaf (ASAD) P.O. Box 88591, Honolulu, HI 96830 TTY (808) 951-1040 Aloha VRI (855) 808-8377 Provides video remote interpreting services. American Sign Language Interpreter Education Program Kapiolani Community College 4303 Diamond Head Rd., Honolulu, HI 96816 V & TTY (808) 734-9154 Deaf & Hearing Impaired Services State Office Building, 54 S. High St., Rm. 301, Wailuku, HI 96793 Hearing Loss Association of America 7910 Woodmont Ave., Ste. 1200, Bethesda, MD 20814 (808) 984-2130 (301) 657-2248 TAX EXEMPTIONS Department of Taxation 54 S High St. Rm. 208, Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 984-8500 Molokai 35 Ala Malama, Kaunakakai, HI 96748 (808) 553-5541 Hawaii Department of Taxation provides Form N-857 to certify a person as disabled for the purpose of tax exemption upon medical examination and recommendation. SERVICES FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES 132 THERAPEUTIC REHABILITATION Haku Baldwin Center 444 Makawao Ave., Makawao, HI 96768 (808) 572-9129 Haku Baldwin Center offers therapeutic horseback riding to children with special needs each Monday & Tuesday by appointment. Riders receive personal instruction on horseback, involving a range of therapeutic games and activities. Each rider is assisted by a team of 3 volunteers and the program director, Sarah Lyons. The center also offers pet therapy, animal education, and horsemanship for veterans and enlisted military personnel. Imua Family Services 161 S. Wakea Ave., Kahului, HI 96732 (808) 244-7467 Imua Family Services provides speech, occupational, and physical therapy, and special educational classes at no charge to children from birth to three years who have developmental delays or who are at risk for developmental delays. SERVICES FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES 133 TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION 134 AIR AMBULANCE Hawaii Life Flight 150 Lagoon Dr., Honolulu, HI 96819 (808) 836-2000 Fixed wing air ambulance serving the Hawaiian Islands, transporting patients from pediatrics to geriatrics. Scope of care includes medical, surgical, cardiac, trauma, pediatric, neurological, high risk obstetrical and burn patients 24 hours per day, seven days per week. Hawaii Life Flight has aircraft and crews permanently based in Honolulu, Lihue, Kahului, Hilo, Kona and Kamuela. AIRPORT SERVICES Kahului Airport The Hawaii Department of Transportation provides an Access Guide for passengers with disabilities on services (such as animal quarantine, ground transportation, motorized wheelchairs, porter services, accessible restrooms, TTYs) at the Kahului Airport. Animal Quarantine Guide (808) 483-7151 Rabies quarantine in Hawai'i is 120 days. Service dogs are exempt from animal quarantine rules under strictly enforced conditions. Travel Tips The State Disability & Communication Access Board provides visitor information and travel trips on its website. ttp:// Motorized Wheelchairs Each airline will provide information on specific procedures for storage of wheelchairs and wet-cell batteries. TRANSPORTATION 135 Elevators There is elevator access to the second level departure/arrival and concession areas. Accessible Airport Curbside Loading and Unloading Accessible curbside loading and unloading zones are available in front of the terminal for vehicles with a handicapped placard. Vehicles may not be left unattended. Accessible Parking Spaces Accessible parking spaces are available for placard holders. They are located near the terminal building and crosswalks in the public parking lot. Restrooms All of Kahului Airports restrooms include wide stalls and side grab bars for the mobility impaired. Currently, there are no family/unisex restrooms. However, we hope to have one constructed in the near future. Text Telephones (TTYs) Text telephones for persons who are deaf and hard of hearing are located at the: - 2nd floor mezzanine on both sides of the main restaurant - baggage claim area near carousels three (3) and four (4) Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) are available statewide. In Hawaii, you can make a local TRS call by dialing 711. Wheelchairs Reservations: (808) 877-4588 Wheelchairs are available through porter services and the various airlines; however, prior arrangements are necessary to ensure prompt service. Guide/Service Dogs Guide/Service dogs are not considered "pets". Guide/Service dogs may qualify for modified State of Hawaii rabies quarantine import requirements under strictly enforced conditions. For more information, please go to the Department of Agriculture Animal Quarantine Branch website at TRANSPORTATION 136 Complaint Procedure Information regarding the Airport's ADA Policy, Procedure and Complaint form can be found on the State of Hawaii, DOT website. Visitor Information Program (VIP) (808) 872-3890 VIP staff is available to provide travelers with assistance and visitor information. US Air Travel Consumer Disability Hotline (800) 778-4838 TTY (800) 455-9880 Travelers with disabilities and medical conditions who experience disabilityrelated air travel problems can obtain assistance and information to resolve problems from 7 to 11 a.m. Eastern Standard Time. ACCESSIBLE RENTALS – YOU DRIVE Accessible Vans of Hawaii, Inc. (808) 871-7785 Rental wheelchair accessible vans, minivans with ramps, vans with lifts. Rented by day, week or month. Also sells new or used vans. Audrey's Wheelchair Getaways (800) 638-1912 Accessible van rentals on Maui, Kauai, and in Kona. All vehicles are wheelchair accessible, with either raised roofs or lowered floors and automatic ramps or lifts. TRANSPORTATION 137 Maui Executive Transportation (808) 669-2300 Provides island-wide service, including tours and charters in wheelchair accessible vans. Services include transportation to the airport, hotels, the local community and hospitals on an island-wide basis. Fees are assessed for service. Wheelers - Accessible Van Rentals (877) 735-6365 COMMUNITY-BASED TRANSPORTATION SERVICES FOR FRAIL ELDERS Seniors aged 60 and older who have deficits in their ability to perform activities of daily living, call the Maui County Office on Aging to apply for transportation and in-home services. Maui County Office on Aging Main Lahaina Kihei Hana Molokai Lanai (808) 661-9432 (808) 875-0033 (808) 248-8833 (808) 553-5241 (808) 565-6818 (808) 270-7774 MCOA provides information, referral & outreach to older adults of Maui County as well as information and referral for persons with disabilities of all ages. Outreach team assesses needs and authorizes services for older adults. Kaunoa Senior Services Main West Maui Molokai Lanai (808) 270-7310 (808) 553-5241 (808) 565- 6282 (808) 270-7310 The Maui County Office on Aging contracts with Kaunoa Senior Services to provide transportation services to frail elders aged 60 and older. Once the services are authorized by the Office on Aging, call Kaunoa to schedule or cancel rides. TRANSPORTATION 138 DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES AND LICENSING County of Maui, Department of Finance Kahului Maui Mall Shopping Center 70 E. Kaahumanu Ave. Ste. A-17, Kahului, HI 96732 (808) 270-7363 Kihei Kihei Community Center 303 East Lipoa St., Kihei, HI 96753 (808) 270-7363 Lahaina Lahaina Gateway Center 335 Keawe Street, Ste. 209, Lahaina, HI 96761 (808) 270-7363 Pukalani Hannibal Tavares Community Center 91 Pukalani St., Pukalani, HI 96768 (808) 270-7363 Hana County Public Works Office Hana Hwy & Uakea Rd., Hana, HI 96713 (808) 248-7280 Lanai 309 Seventh St., #10 Lanai City, Lanai, HI 96763 (808) 565-7878 Molokai Mitchell Pauole Center 100 Ailoa St., Kaunakakai, Molokai, HI 96748 (808) 553-3430 TRANSPORTATION 139 INTER ISLAND FERRY LANAI TO LAHAINA Expeditions (808) 661-3756 Toll Free (800) 695-2624 MOLOKAI to LAHAINA Molokai Ferry (808) 667-9266 Toll Free (877) 500-6284 TRANSPORTATION FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES PARATRANSIT TRANSPORTATION All Island Handivan Transport (808) 298-0114 Wheelchair, non-wheelchair and stretcher clients for Medicaid and private clients, nursing and group homes, hospital discharge, dialysis, chemotherapy and day treatment programs, and for shopping and dine-in clients. County of Maui Department of Transportation 2145 Kaohu St. Ste. 102, Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 270-7511 ADA paratransit service is an advance reservation, curb to curb service for persons with disabilities who are unable to use the regular fixed route public transit service. The County of Maui Department of Transportation provides ADA paratransit service through the Maui Bus. Paratransit service is available within corridors whose boundaries extend three-fourths of a mile on each side of each fixed Maui Bus route. ADA Paratransit Service application forms are available at the County of Maui Department of Transportation or online. TRANSPORTATION 140 CNA Paratransit (808) 893-0000 Kapalua Executive Transportation (808) 669-2300 Provides island-wide service, including tours and charters in wheelchair accessible vans. Services include transportation to the airport, hotels, the local community and hospitals on an island-wide basis. Fees are assessed for service. Maui Handivan (800) 258-6880 Maui Economic Opportunity Transportation Ala Hou “On the Move Again” Program 189 Kaahumanu Ave., Kahului, HI 96732 (808) 877-7651 Ala Hou serves disabled individuals who need accessible transportation and have a physician certified disability, including those with vision impairments, blindness, developmental or mental disabilities, or who use a wheel chair. Priority is given to rides for medical appointments, followed by employment, education and worship. Roberts Hawaii (800) 831-5541 Roberts operates a tour and activities transportation and airport shuttle service on all major islands in Hawaii, including Maui. SpeediShuttle (877) 242-5777 Airport transportation, including vans with wheel chair lifts, will transport passengers and luggage to and from the airport. Reservations must be made in advance. TRANSPORTATION 141 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION The Maui Bus County of Maui Department of Transportation 2145 Kaohu St., Ste. 102, Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 270-7511 The Maui Bus operates a fixed route public bus transportation as well as ADA Paratransit disability transportation service with advance reservation. Paratransit includes curb to curb service for eligible persons with disabilities who are unable to use the regular fixed route public transit service. SENIOR SHOPPING SHUTTLE MEO Rural Shopping Shuttle (808) 877-7651 189 Kaahumanu Ave., Kahului, HI 96732 MEO provides free shuttle service for persons with disabilities. Three routes serve Wailuku, Kahului and rural areas. All shuttles are wheelchair accessible. TRANSPORTATION BY VOLUNTEERS American Cancer Society Maui (808) 244-5553 J. Walter Cameron Center, 95 Mahalani St., Rm. 27, Wailuku, HI 96793 Provides transportation assistance to patients temporarily on Oahu or Maui for treatment. Help with other transportation needs may also be arranged. Na Hoaloha - Neighbors Helping Neighbors 61 N. Church St., Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 249-2545 Matches volunteers to seniors for transportation and in-home respite for family caregivers. TRANSPORTATION 142 Project Dana Kahului Hongwanji Mission 291 S. Puunene Ave., Kahului, HI 96732 (808) 871-4732 Road to Recovery American Cancer Society J. Walter Cameron Center, 95 Mahalani St., Wailuku, HI 96793 (800) 227-2345 (808) 244-5553 Volunteers provide rides to and from cancer-related medical appointments. TRAVELERS WITH DISABILITIES Kahului Airport Visitor Information Program (808) 872-3890 The State of Hawaii Department of Transportation provides an Access Guide for passengers with disabilities for animal quarantine, ground transportation, motorized wheelchairs, porter services, accessible restrooms, TTYs at the Kahului Airport. US Air Travel Consumer Disability Hotline TTY (800) 455-9880 Phones are staffed daily from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. Eastern Standard Time. Those who experience disability related air travel problems can obtain "real time" assistance and information to resolve problems by calling the U.S. Department of Transportation. Travelers with disabilities and medical conditions. Transportation Security Administration 1-866-289-9673 TRANSPORTATION 143 TRAVELERS WITH MEDICAL CONDITIONS TSA Cares Help Line (855) 787-2227 TSA Cares is a help line to assist travelers with disabilities and medical conditions. TSA recommends that passengers call 72 hours ahead of travel for information about what to expect during screening. The TSA website has links on its website to specific information about what to expect for passengers who need advanced imaging technology and metal detector screening, pat-down screening TSA's notification card, TSA's passenger support specialists or have medical conditions, including Autism or Intellectual Disabilities; Blind or Visually Impaired; Breast Cancer Survivors; Cannot Remove Shoes; Children with Disabilities; CPAPs, BiPAPs, and APAPs; Deaf or Hearing Impaired; Difficulty Waiting in Line; External Medical Device; Have Difficulty Walking or Standing; Have Ostomies; Internal Medical Devices; Metal Joint Implants; Medically Necessary Liquids; Medically Necessary Radioactive Substances; Nebulizers; Portable Oxygen; Prosthetic; Service Dogs; Wheelchair or Scooters. TRANSPORTATION 144 VETERANS VETERANS 145 Hawaii State Office of Veterans Services Hawaii State Department of Defense Office of Veterans Services, 333 Dairy Rd. Ste. 201-B, Kahului, HI 96732 (808) 873-3145 The State Office of Veterans Services provides services to qualified veterans on the islands of Maui, Molokai and Lanai, including preparation of VA claims; burials of indigent veterans; VA Appeals; discharge documents; and VA hearings. Maui Vet Center 35 Lunalilo St., Rm. 101, Wailuku, HI 96793 (808) 242-8557 The Maui Vet Center provides individual assessment and therapy for veterans, couples and families. Services include outreach, crisis assistance, education and employment counseling, and a range of services to eligible veterans and their families to assist in the successful transition from military to civilian life. US Department of Veterans Affairs Community Based Outpatient Clinic 203 Ho'ohana St., Ste. 303, Kahului, HI 96732 (808) 871-2454 The Community Based Outpatient Clinic provides non-emergency primary health care for eligible veterans with stable chronic health problems or minor acute illnesses. The CBOC has mental health providers available and mental health rural health outreach clinics in Hana and Lahaina. The CBOC does not provide emergency services. VETERANS 146 VETERANS AFFAIRS (808) 827-1000 TOLL FREE NUMBERS Beneficiaries in receipt of Pension Benefits (877) 294-6380 CHAMPVA Meds by Mail (888) 385-0235 Children of Women Vietnam Veterans (CWVV) (877) 345-8179 Civilian Health and Medical Program (CHAMPVA) (800) 733-8387 Combat Call Center (877) 927-8387 Debt Management Center (Collection Non-Medical Debts) (800) 827-0648 Education (GI Bill) (888) 442-4551 Foreign Medical Program (FMP) (888) 820-1756 Gulf War/Agent Orange/Project Shad/ (800) 749-8387 Health Care Benefits (877) 222-8387 Mammography Helpline (888) 492-7844 Service members &/or Veterans Group Life Insurance (800) 419-1473 Status of Headstones and Markers (800) 697-6947 Telecommunications Device for the Deaf TTY 711 Veterans Crisis Line (800) 273-8255 Women Veterans Hotline (855) 829-6636 VETERANS 147 VETERANS BENEFITS eBenefits (800) 983-0937 A one-stop shop to apply for and learn about VA benefits. DISABILITY COMPENSATION A tax-free benefit to Veterans for disabilities related to military service. PENSION A tax-free benefit is paid to wartime Veterans with limited or no income who are aged 65 or older or permanently and totally disabled due to non-service-connected cause. EDUCATION AND TRAINING For eligible service members and Veterans pursuing an approved education or training program. There are four primary VA education benefit programs that cover Active Duty, National Guard, and Reserve service members and Veterans. VETSUCCESS The VA assists Veterans with service-connected disabilities to prepare for, obtain, and maintain suitable employment. HOME LOANS Veterans, Active Duty, National Guard, and Reserve Service members may be eligible for VA home loan program. VA loans have favorable terms, including no down payment or mortgage insurance premiums. SURVIVORS BENEFITS Monthly pension, health insurance and education grants for service members’ and Veterans’ dependents and survivors. VETERANS 148 VETERANS CEMETERIES Maui Veterans Cemetery 1295 Makawao Ave., Makawao, HI 96768 (808) 572-4110 Molokai Veterans Cemetery 2725 Lihi Pali Ave., Hoolehua, HI 96729 (808) 553-3221 VETERANS MEMORIALS 4th Marine Division Memorial Park Training area for 4th Marine Division during WWII Located on Kokomo Road at Laenani Street, Haiku, HI 96708 Underwater Demolition Team Monument S. Kihei Rd. and Kaiau Pl., Kihei, HI 96753 Wailea side of Kamaole One Beach Park Mai Poina ‘Oe I’au (Don’t Forget Me) Park North Kihei Rd. at ‘Ohukai Rd., Kihei VETERANS 149 442nd Regimental Combat Team Pony League Field, Maui High School, E. Papa and Lono Aves. Monuments to WWI, Korean War, Purple Heart Medal Awardees Makawao Ave., Makawao, HI 96768 War Memorial Complex Located below Baldwin High School on Queen Ka’ahumanu Ave., Kahului Names of Maui County servicemen killed in action from WWII forward Nisei Veterans Memorial Center 665 Kahului Beach Rd., Kahului, HI 96732 (808) 244-6862 Intergenerational Center includes a preschool, an adult day care facility, and the Go For Broke Education Center with Nisei Veterans Archives memorabilia of the 442nd RCT100th Batallion Maui’s Fallen Military Maui Memorial Medical Center, 221 Mahalani St., Wailuku, HI 96793 726th Searchlight Battery Kepaniwai Park, Iao Valley, Wailuku, HI 96793. Located between Pavillions 2 and 7. Comprised of African-American Officers and men who protected Maui from 1942-45. Westside World War II Veterans Lahaina Civic Center, Lahaina, HI 96761 Honors West Maui residents who died in Wars from WWII forward. VETERANS 150 VETERANS ORGANIZATIONS Maui Korean War Veterans Association 202 Nakoa Dr., Wailuku, HI 96793-2433 Maui County Veterans Council 1003 Front St., Lahaina, HI, 96761 (808) 442-2450 Disabled American Veterans (808) 870-1657 Veterans of Foreign Wars (808) 875-1761 VETERANS 151 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS 152 CIVIL DEFENSE AGENCY (808) 270-7245 Maui Molokai Lanai After Hours (808) 270-7285 (808) 553-5355 (808) 565-6428 Preparedness information and brochures are available at the County of Maui in the second floor lobby of the Kalana O Maui Building at 200 S. High St., Wailuku. During an emergency or threat of disaster, Civil Defense information will be broadcast over local radio and TV stations. When an evacuation is necessary, these broadcasts may include information about the location of public emergency hurricane shelters in affected areas. More information, including the location of shelters designated for people with special health needs and facilities for household pets may be broadcast, as well as when volunteers will be available to open shelters and direct evacuees to the appropriate areas. Since public emergency hurricane shelters do not stock supplies, bring provisions from your emergency supply kit at home. You will need at least seven day supply of food, water, and personal items for yourself, family members, and household pets. BE INFORMED Regular Civil Defense Notifications and Emergency Civil Defense Alerts are available via email and SMS subscription. Subscribe to Civil Defense Notifications by visiting the County of Maui’s official website and going to EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS 153 CIVIL DEFENSE SIRENS Civil Defense sirens are tested each month at 11:45 a.m. on the first working day of each month. If you hear the Civil Defense siren, turn on your radio to one of the following local radio stations for information: KMVI AM 550 FM 98.3 KNUI AM 900 FM 99.9 KAOI AM 1110 FM 95. FM 96.7 (Upcountry) KLHI FM 101.1 (West Maui) KPOA FM 93.5 (West Maui) KMMK FM 102.3 KDLX FM 94.3 KNUQ FM 103.3 or 103.7 KONI FM 104.7 KPMW FM 105.5 After turning on your radio, listen for emergency information and instructions. Take the necessary protective actions as directed and keep tuned for further information and instructions. WATCH OR WARNING? WATCH - GET READY and LISTEN WATCH status means you should GET READY and LISTEN to your radio or television for further instructions. WARNING - TAKE ACTION WARNING status means you should TAKE ACTION. DISASTER PREPAREDNESS Disaster Preparedness is an individual and family responsibility. The two most important precautions you need to take are developing a Personal Preparation Plan and assembling an Emergency Survival Kit. BEFORE a disaster strikes: Prepare a home survival kit ready for use in emergencies. Plan in advance where to locate household members in case they are separated. Store important papers and valuables in waterproof packaging where they can be easily reaches if you plan to take these items with you. Keep the car gas tank at least 3/4 full EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS 154 PERSONAL PREPARATION PLAN Emergencies and disasters can occur anytime. Some allow for preparation, while others occur without warning. Residents and visitors of Hawaii must be prepared for emergencies that could arise from natural or technological disasters. Developing your Personal Preparation Plan and making provisions for your family's needs can make a big difference in your ability to cope with emergencies. Take the following steps to help prepare you and your family for a disaster: Be prepared. Make sure all family members know what to do in case of emergency. Decide where the family will meet if separated, where you will seek shelter, and what you will take with you if you must evacuate. If an emergency occurs, remain calm. Follow your plan. Listen to the radio or television for instructions and information. Know warning signals and shelter locations. IF YOU ARE DISABLED The county will not be able to make evacuation transportation for you. Be sure to find neighbors who would agree to help you evacuate in case of a disaster. Be sure to have your survival kit ready to go on a moment’s notice. EMERGENCY SURVIVAL KIT Collect items in an Emergency Survival Kit for home use or take it to a shelter. Browse our list of guidelines for suggestions of what to include in your kit. Use the following list as a guideline when preparing your Emergency Survival Kit: Four-week supply of prescription medicines Five-day supply of non-perishable food Non-perishable special dietary foods Ice chest Water - a minimum of two quarts per person per day Pet food Candles Matches Fuel for stoves, hibachis, or lanterns Pillows, blankets, sleeping bags, or air mattresses Flashlights, batteries and extra bulbs EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS 155 Portable radio and extra batteries Extra clothing, eye glasses Masking tape for windows and glass doors Personal hygiene items such as toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, etc. Special items for infants, elderly or family members with special needs Quiet games, books, playing cards, and favorite toys for children Important papers including driver's license, special medical information, insurance policies, and written or videotaped property inventories First aid kit and water purification kit (tablets or chlorine available at drug stores) DISASTER DO’S AND DON’T’S DON'T use the telephone. Leave lines open for emergency calls only. Don't touch downed power lines or objects in contact with power lines. Don't use elevators, use stairways instead. Don't go sightseeing. DON'T spread rumors. Get the facts from official sources. DO secure your home. Lock doors and windows. Know where to locate electrical, water and gas sources if advised to turn off utilities. Secure or store objects that may cause damage or injury. DO stay tuned to a local radio or TV station for official weather and civil defense instructions. SHELTERS Review and make a list of the shelters closest to your home. Legend: H = Hurricane Shelter T = Tsunami shelter P = Pets Allowed Central Maui - Kahului/Wailuku/Waihe'e H.P. Baldwin High School - 1650 Kaahumanu Ave, Wailuku Iao Intermediate School - 1910 Kaohu St., Wailuku Kahului Community Center - 275 Uhu St., Kahului Kahului Elementary School - 410 South Hina Ave., Kahului Lihikai Elementary School - 335 S. Papa Ave., Kahului Maui Community College - 310 W. Ka'ahumanu Ave., Kahului Maui High School - 660 Lono Ave, Kahului Maui Waena Intermediate School - 795 Onehee St., Kahului Waihe'e Elementary School - 2125 Kahekili Hwy., Wailuku Wailuku Elementary School - 355 South High St., Wailuku War Memorial Gym - 1580 Ka'ahumanu Ave., Kahului EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS 156 H,T, P H,T T T H,T H H,T,P H,T, P H,T H,T T South Maui - Kihei/Makena Kamali'i Elementary School - 180 Alanui Ke Alii, Kihei Kihei Community Center - 303 E. Lipoa St., Kihei Kihei Elementary School - 250 E. Lipoa St., Kihei Lokelani Intermediate School - 1401 Liloa Drive, Kihei H,T T H,T H,T, P West Maui - Lahaina Lahaina Intermediate School - 871 Lahainaluna Rd., Lahaina Lahainaluna High School - 980 Lahainaluna Rd., Lahaina Princess Nahienaena Elementary School - 816 Niheu St., Lahaina H,T H,T H,T, P Upcountry Maui Eddie Tam Memorial Center - 931 Makawao Ave., Makawao Haiku Community Center - At Hana Hwy. & Pauwela Rd. Haiku Elementary School - 105 Pauwela Rd., Haiku Kalama Intermediate School - 120 Makani Rd., Makawao King Kekaulike High School - 121 Kula Hwy, Pukalani Kula Community Center - 4355 Lower Kula Rd.,Kula Kula Elementary School - 5000 Kula Hwy., Kula Makawao Elementary School - 3542 Baldwin Ave., Makawao Mayor Hannibal Tavares Center - 91 Pukalani St., Pukalani Paia School - 955 Baldwin Ave., Paia Pukalani Elementary School - 2945 Iolani St., Pukalani T T T H,T, P H,T, P T T H,T T T H,T East Maui - Hana Hana High & Elementary School - 4111 Wakiu, Hana Hwy., Hana H,T Molokai Kaulapu'u Elementary School - 260 Farrington Hwy., Kaulapu'u Maunaloa Elementary School - Maunaloa Rd., Maunaloa Molokai High & Interm. School - 2140 Farrington Ave., Kaunakakai H,T T H,T Lana'i Lana'i High & Elementary School - 555 Fraser Ave., Lana'i City Lana'i Community Center - 411 8th St. (Dole Park) EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS 157 H,T T WEBSITES American Red Cross of Hawaii Central Pacific Hurricane Center Federal Emergency Management Agency Hawaii State Civil Defense Maui Civil Defense Maui Ready – Emergency Preparedness National Weather Service Forecast Pacific Disaster Center Pacific Tsunami Warning Center NOAA WEATHER RADIO RECORDINGS Maui Molokai Lanai (808) 871-6706 (808) 552-2477 (808) 565-6033 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Should I evacuate or stay where I am? Information about which areas should be evacuated will be broadcast over the Emergency Alert System (EAS) on your radio or local TV. Evacuation instructions are issued with your safety in mind. Compliance is voluntary, but orders are given only in the most serious of circumstances. If your area is advised to evacuate and you are unable to do so, immediately inform the authorities of your situation. If you area is not advised to evacuate, you may still report to the designated shelter closest to your location. What should I do to protect my pets/animals? Make advanced preparations to ensure the safety of your pets: 1. FOOD: Keep at least two weeks of food in an airtight, waterproof container. Dry food has a shelf life, so rotate periodically. 2. WATER: Store at least two weeks of water specifically for your pets in addition to water you need for yourself and family. 3. MEDICINE: Keep an extra supply of medicines your pet takes on a regular basis in a waterproof container. 4. FIRST AID KIT: Talk to your veterinarian about what is most appropriate for your pet's emergency medical needs. EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS 158 5. COLLAR with ID TAG, HARNESS or LEASH: Your pet should wear a collar with its identification at all times. Permanent methods of identification like microchips or tattooing should be used. 6. CRATE/PET CARRIER: If you need to evacuate in an emergency situation, take your pets and animals with you - provided it is practical to do so. In many cases, your ability to do so will be aided by having a sturdy, safe, comfortable crate or carrier ready for transporting your pet. The carrier should be large enough for your pet to stand, turn around and lie down. Help your dog get accustomed to the crate by using it from time to time. Don't wait until emotions and stress are high due to an emergency situation to introduce your pet to the carrier or crate. 7. FAMILIAR ITEMS: Put favorite toys, treats, or bedding in your kit. Familiar items can help reduce stress for your pet. For further information, go to the Maui Humane Society website at I am a visitor at a hotel. What should I do when a disaster is imminent? The staff at your hotel will direct you to the area of the hotel that it has determined to be the safest for disasters. If you are at a hotel-condominium without facilities for disasters, please listen to the Emergency Alert System for details on evacuation. What should I do during a hurricane? Once you are in the safest place possible - wait and listen to your radio for further instructions. Do not go outside since flying objects can seriously injure you. Travel is extremely dangerous during a hurricane. Stay on the first floor, unless flooding will occur, and stay away from glass windows. Go to the strongest parts of the house or building and stay there. If necessary, use mattresses and blankets to form a protective barrier around you. If they eye of the storm passes over you, the wind may completely stop for a few minutes to half an hour or more. Do not mistake this lull for the end of the hurricane! Stay indoors unless emergency precautions or emergency movement to a safer location are absolutely necessary. The other side of the hurricane is coming and will create hurricane force winds from the opposite direction. Will tourists be evacuated after a disaster strikes? Yes. Individual hotels will make arrangements for their guests to relocate off the island. Visitors staying in short-term rental units (condominiums and time-share projects) must report to an emergency shelter or a disaster relief center for information on how to evacuate from Maui County. EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS 159 What is a tsunami? A tsunami (soo-NAH-mee) is a series of traveling ocean waves of extremely long length. These generally appear as a large, steep wave face and produce rapid flooding of low-lying coastal areas. These are generated by disturbances associated primarily with earthquakes occurring below or near the ocean floor. This can also be generated by landslides, both above and beneath the surface of the ocean. It may take hours for tsunami waves to reach the Coast of Maui County following an earthquake far out in the Pacific Ocean. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center located on Oahu alerts local officials who may order evacuation. Some isolated areas may not receive official announcements. If you notice a sudden drop or rise in sea level, it may be a warning of impending danger. Move to high ground or inland immediately. The waves can kill and injure people and cause great property damage where they come ashore. The first wave is often not the largest and may be spaced many miles and minutes apart. They may also continue to arrive for several hours. The most destructive tsunami can be classified as local or regional, meaning their destructive effects are confined to coasts within 60 - 600 miles of the source -usually an earthquake. It follows that the majority of tsunami related casualties and property damage also come from local tsunami. Between 1975 and 1998 there have been at least eighteen in the Pacific and its adjacent seas resulting in significant casualties and/or property damage Where and when do tsunamis occur? Tsunamis can inflict severe damage to property and pose a threat to life in coastal communities. Although most people imagine a tsunami as a large, steep wave breaking on the shore, tsunamis generally appear as an advancing tide without a developed wave face and produce rapid flooding of beaches open to the ocean, lowlying coastal areas, bay entrances or tidal flats, and the shores of coastal rivers. Tsunamis can occur at any time of the day or night, under any and all weather conditions, and in all seasons. EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS 160 How do I know when to evacuate? A strong off-shore earthquake may generate a tsunami. Therefore, if you feel the ground shake, evacuate inland or to high ground immediately and return only after officials say it is safe to do so. During distant source tsunami events, local Civil Defense officials will advise citizens to evacuate by sounding the Civil Defense sirens, making an announcement over the Emergency Alert System (EAS) or over NOAA Weather Radio or local radio broadcasts. Compliance is voluntary, but orders are given only in the most serious of circumstances. Where do I evacuate? Go to an area 50 feet above sea level, if possible. If you don't have time to travel to high ground, but are in a multi-story building, go to an upper level of the home or building. If you are on the beach and unable to get to high ground go inland as far as you can. The tsunami evacuation maps found in the Verizon Telephone Book illustrates the primary evacuation routes. Take your disaster supply kit with you, if possible. Shelters will be opened as needed. Listen to your radio for details. Pets are NOT allowed at all emergency shelters so please plan ahead for their safety. How do I get to inland or to high ground? Go on foot if necessary, particularly if an earthquake has caused damage to roads, power lines, and resulted in significant debris. Remember: Never go to the coast to watch a tsunami. Tsunamis move faster than a person can run. If you are camping on or near the beach, you may have to abandon your campsite to go inland or to higher ground to save your life. Do not return to shore after the first wave. Wait for Emergency Management officials to give the "All Clear" before you return. If you see an unexpected rise or fall in the coastal water, a tsunami may be approaching. Do not wait - instead move inland or uphill as quickly as possible. Stay tuned to your radio, marine radio or NOAA Weather Radio during a disaster. Bulletins will be issued regularly through local Emergency Management officials and National Weather Service. Call 9-1-1 only for life threatening emergencies. EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS 161 What should I do if an earthquake occurs while at the coast? Drop, cover and hold. Get under a sturdy object and hold on. Watch for falling objects. As soon as the shaking is over, move to high ground or inland. Do not wait for an official warning. Stay away from the coast. Waves may continue to arrive for hours. Listen to your local radio station for an official "All Clear" notice before returning to the coastal area. Be alert for aftershocks What can I do to protect myself from a tsunami? Develop a family disaster plan. Everyone needs to know what to do on their own to protect them from an earthquake. Be familiar with local Emergency Management earthquake and tsunami plans. Know where to go to survive a tsunami. Be prepared to survive on your own for a minimum of three days. Prepare a disaster supply kit for your home, automobile and work. A list of recommended supplies for your kit can be found on this web site. Take a first aid course and learn survival skills. Knowledge is your greatest defense against potential disaster. EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS 162 INDEX BY AGENCY 24 hour Access Line .............................................................................. 110 442nd Regimental Combat Team .......................................................... 150 4th Marine Division Memorial Park ........................................................ 149 726th Searchlight Battery ...................................................................... 150 AARP..................................................................................................... 14 Accessible Airport Curbside Loading and Unloading ............................. 136 Accessible Maui ..................................................................................... 70 Accessible Vans of Hawaii, Inc. ............................................................ 137 ActivStyle ............................................................................................... 70 Adult Day Health by Hale Makua ........................................................... 95 Adult Foster Care Program .................................................................... 75, 85 Adult Mental Health Division .................................................................. 110, 111 Adult Protective and Community Services ............................................. 75, 85, 101, 102, 118 Ala Hou “On the Move Again” Program ................................................. 107 Al-Anon Family Groups .......................................................................... 72, 103 Alcoholics Anonymous ........................................................................... 72 Alert-1 .................................................................................................... 61 Alexander & Baldwin Sugar Museum..................................................... 15 All Care Hawaii, LLC.............................................................................. 97 All Island Handivan Transport ................................................................ 106, 140 Aloha House, Inc ................................................................................... 72 Aloha Independent Living Hawaii ........................................................... 123 Aloha State Association of the Deaf (ASAD).......................................... 132 Aloha United Way .................................................................................. 100 Aloha VRI .............................................................................................. 126, 132 AlohaMeds............................................................................................. 71 Alternatives to Violence ......................................................................... 118 ALU LIKE, Inc. ....................................................................................... 9, 28, 31, 41, 47, 54 Alzheimer’s Association ......................................................................... 15, 65, 96, 103 American Cancer Society ...................................................................... 15, 66, 108, 142,143 American Civil Liberties Union of Hawaii ............................................... 79 American Diabetes Association ............................................................. 66 American Heart Association................................................................... 66 American Lung Association in Hawaii .................................................... 66 American Red Cross.............................................................................. 15, 66, 158 INDEX BY AGENCY 163 American Sign Language Interpreter Education .................................... 132 Americans with Disabilities Act Coordinator ........................................... 123 Apria Health Care .................................................................................. 70 ARC of Maui .......................................................................................... 101, 128, 130 Arthritis Foundation................................................................................ 65, 66 ASK – 2000 ........................................................................................... 100 Assistance Dogs of Hawaii .................................................................... 125 Audrey's Wheelchair Getaways ............................................................. 137 Autism Family Support Group ................................................................ 103 Ballard Family Mortuaries ...................................................................... 36 Bay Alarm Medical ................................................................................. 61 Bayada Home Health Care - Maui ......................................................... 97 Better Business Bureau ......................................................................... 18, 39 Big Brothers / Big Sisters of Maui .......................................................... 15 Bilingual Access Line ............................................................................. 91 Borthwick Mortuary ................................................................................ 36 Boy Scouts of America .......................................................................... 15 Boys & Girls Clubs of Maui .................................................................... 15 Business Development Center .............................................................. 27 Care Homes by Hale Makua .................................................................. 75 Care Options ......................................................................................... 97 Caregivers Maui .................................................................................... 97 CareResource ....................................................................................... 97 Caring Hands Maui ................................................................................ 97 Catholic Charities................................................................................... 54, 89 CCCS of Hawaii ..................................................................................... 39 Centers for Disease Control................................................................... 66 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services ............................................ 65 Child and Adolescent Mental Health Division (CAMHD) ........................ 114 Child and Family Service ....................................................................... 16, 54, 72, 114, 119, 120 Child Welfare Services .......................................................................... 120 Children of Women Vietnam Veterans (CWVV) ..................................... 147, 164 Christ the King Church........................................................................... 48 Civil Defense Agency............................................................................. 153 Civilian Health and Medical Program (CHAMPVA) ................................ 147 Clutterers Anonymous ........................................................................... 103 CNA Paratransit ..................................................................................... 106, 141 Combat Call Center ............................................................................... 147 Commerce and Consumer Affairs .......................................................... 18, 39 INDEX BY AGENCY 164 Community Based Outpatient Clinic ...................................................... 113, 146 Community Mental Health Centers (CMHC) .......................................... 6, 60, 110 Community Work Day Program ............................................................. 15 Consumer Disability Hotline ................................................................... 137, 143 Consumer Information ........................................................................... 18 County of Maui, Department of Finance ................................................ 127, 139 County of Maui, Department of Transportation ...................................... 106, 107, 135, 140, 142, 143 County of Maui, Immigrant Services Division ......................................... 89 County of Maui, Parks and Recreation .................................................. 12 County of Maui, Real Property Tax Division........................................... 42 Deaf & Hearing Impaired Services ......................................................... 132 Debt Management Center (Collection Non-Medical Debts) ................... 147 Debtors Anonymous “Free and Clear” ................................................... 103 Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs .................................. 18 Department of Education ....................................................................... 29 Department of Health............................................................................. 4, 60, 75, 110, 111 Department of Human Services ............................................................. 29, 43, 52, 54, 55, 59, 64, 73, 75, 85, 91, 100, 118, 120, 129, 131 Department of Labor and Industrial Relations ........................................ 31-33 Department of Taxation ......................................................................... 40, 44, 132 Department of the Prosecuting Attorney ................................................ 19 Development of Veterans Affairs ........................................................... 101, 113, 130, 131, .............................................................................................................. 146 Developmental Disabilities Council ........................................................ 60 Developmental Disabilities Division ....................................................... 102, 130 Disability and Communication Access Board ......................................... 79, 123 Disabled American Veterans ................................................................. 151 DLNR – Department of Land and Natural Resources ............................ 16 Domestic Violence Advocacy................................................................. 119 Domestic Violence Crisis Hotline ........................................................... 119, 121 Domestic Violence Hotline ..................................................................... 119 Dual Diagnosis Anonymous ................................................................... 103 Dual Recovery Anonymous ................................................................... 104 EAH Housing Corporation...................................................................... 76 East Maui Animal Refuge ...................................................................... 15 Easter Seals Hawaii............................................................................... 96, 126 Eddie Tam Memorial Center .................................................................. 157 INDEX BY AGENCY 165 EdVenture.............................................................................................. 26 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ......................................... 19 Expeditions Ferry ................................................................................... 140 Eye Care America.................................................................................. 131 FACE (Faith Action for Community Equity) ............................................ 90 Fair Housing Hotline Family Guidance Centers (FGC) .......................... 20, 79, 124 Family Health Services .......................................................................... 60 Family Life Center.................................................................................. 48, 81, 82, 86 Family Peace Center ............................................................................. 113, 121 Feed My Sheep ..................................................................................... 48 Foreign Medical Program (FMP) ............................................................ 147 Fresenius Medical Care ......................................................................... 61 Friendly Isle United Way ........................................................................ 81 Friends of Haleakala National Park........................................................ 15 Friends of the Children’s Justice Center of Maui .................................... 15 Gammie Home Care .............................................................................. 71, 97 Girl Scouts of Hawai‘i............................................................................. 15 Giving Back ........................................................................................... 15 Good Beginnings Maui .......................................................................... 15 Goodwill Industries of Hawaii, Inc .......................................................... 41 Goodwill Store ....................................................................................... 24 Grace Bible Church Keolahou Church ................................................... 49 Grace Church ........................................................................................ 48 Grandparents Raising Grandchildren..................................................... 2, 54 Grants Management Division................................................................. 86 Grief Share Support Group .................................................................... 104 Guide/Service Dogs ............................................................................... 136 Gulf War/Agent Orange/Project Shad .................................................... 147 Habitat for Humanity .............................................................................. 15 Haiku Medical Clinic .............................................................................. 67 Haku Baldwin Center ............................................................................. 12, 133 Hale Ho’omalu Domestic Violence ......................................................... 118 Hale Hulu Mamo .................................................................................... 9, 11, 13, 35, 47, 94, 95, 99 Hale Kau Kau ........................................................................................ 50, 51 Hale Kupuna O Lanai ............................................................................ 84 Hale Mahaolu ........................................................................................ 15, 35, 50, 51, 76, 82, 83, 94, 95, 97, 99 Hale Mahaolu Personal Care ................................................................. 97 Hale Makana O Waiale .......................................................................... 78 INDEX BY AGENCY 166 Hale Makua Health Services.................................................................. 16 Hale Makua Long Term ........................................................................ 85 Hale O Lanakila Clubhouse ................................................................... 110 Hale Pomaikai Hana Community Dialysis .............................................. 61 Hana Health Hana Senior Center .......................................................... 50 Harvest Chapel ...................................................................................... 51 Hawai`i State Ombudsman .................................................................... 22, 62 Hawaii Civil Rights Commission ............................................................ 18, 21, 79 Hawaii Department of Labor and Industrial Relations 31, 32, 44, 118, 132, 135, 143 Hawaii Disability Rights Center .............................................................. 19, 79, 123 Hawaii Families as Allies (HFAA)........................................................... 111 Hawai'i Gas ......................................................................... 45 Hawaii Health Connector ....................................................................... 62 Hawaii Housing Finance & Development Corporation ........................... 76 Hawaii Immigrant Justice Center ........................................................... 90 Hawaii Interpreting Services .................................................................. 124 Hawaii Keiki Information Service ........................................................... 100 Hawaii Life Flight ................................................................................... 135 Hawaii Medical Alert and Medical Alarm Systems ................................. 61 Hawaii Organ Transplant Support Group (HOT) .................................... 104 Hawaii Private Nurses ........................................................................... 97 Hawaii Public Housing Authority ............................................................ 77, 80 Hawaii State Bar Association ................................................................. 19 Hawaii State Executive Office on Aging ................................................. 62 Hawaii State Office of Community Services ........................................... 91 Hawaii State Office of Language Access ............................................... 91 Hawaii State Office of Veterans Services .............................................. 146 Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary ............ 16 Hawaiian Telcom ................................................................................... 45 Head Injury and Stroke Support Group .................................................. 104 HEAL - Help Ease a Loss ...................................................................... 104 Health Care Benefits.............................................................................. 147 Health Resources .................................................................................. 98 Hearing Loss Association of America .................................................... 132 Hi`i Na Kupuna Coalition........................................................................ 55 Hilopa’a ................................................................................................. 22, 62, 123 HMSA .................................................................................................... 63 Home Health by Hale Makua ................................................................. 98 INDEX BY AGENCY 167 Home Pumehana ................................................................................... 9, 11, 13, 35, 47, 50, 84, 94, 99, Honokowai Kauhale ............................................................................... 76 Hospice Hawaii ..................................................................................... 37, 71 Hospice Maui ..................................................................................... 37 Imi Ikena Wailuku .................................................................................. 76 Imua Family Services ............................................................................ 16, 126, 133 Internal Revenue Service....................................................................... 40 Islands Hospice ..................................................................................... 37 Ka Hale A Ke Ola................................................................................... 51, 68, 81, 82, 86, 111 Ka Lima O Maui ..................................................................................... 128 Kahale Mua – Federal ........................................................................... 77 Kahekili Terrace ..................................................................................... 77 Kahului Airport ....................................................................................... 135, 136, 143 Kahului Airport Visitor Information Program ........................................... 143 Kahului Town Terrace............................................................................ 76 Kaiser Permanente ................................................................................ 10, 63, 67, 68, 98 Kala Iki Thrift Store ................................................................................ 24 Kalama Heights ..................................................................................... 14, 84 Kanaha Pond Wildlife Sanctuary ........................................................... 16 Kapalua Executive Transportation ......................................................... 106, 141 Kaunoa Senior Services ........................................................................ 9, 11, 13, 16, 41, 47, 51, 55, 138 Ke Ola Hou O Lanai............................................................................... 70 Keiki Kokua............................................................................................ 16, 101, 130 Kihei Physicians .................................................................................... 69 Kihei-Wailea Medical Center.................................................................. 68 Kokua Mau ............................................................................................ 37, 115, 116 Komohana Hale ..................................................................................... 76 Kula Clinic.............................................................................................. 68 Kula Hospital ......................................................................................... 1, 16, 67, 85 Kula Hospital Auxiliary ........................................................................... 16 Kupono Kane (Men Helping Men) .......................................................... 104 Kupuna Monitoring Systems, Inc. .......................................................... 61 Lāhainā Comprehensive Health Center ................................................. 60, 68 Lahaina Divers ....................................................................................... 12 Lahaina Surf .......................................................................................... 76 Lanai Community Health Center ............................................................ 69 Lanai Community Dialysis...................................................................... 61 INDEX BY AGENCY 168 Lanai Community Hospital ..................................................................... 67, 71 Lanai Counseling Services .................................................................... 111 Lanai Family Guidance Center .............................................................. 114 Lanai Integrated Services ...................................................................... 111 Lanai Senior Center ............................................................................... 9, 11, 13, 35, 47, 50, 89, 94, 99 Landlord Tenant .................................................................................... 18, 20 Learning Disability Association of Hawaii ............................................... 123 Legal Aid Society of Hawaii ................................................................... 20, 36, 41, 79, 80, 90, 124 Life Alert ................................................................................................ 61 Lifetime Ohana Care.............................................................................. 98 Lokahi Pacific ........................................................................................ 77, 84, 111 Lokenani Hale ........................................................................................ 83 Long Term Care Ombudsman ............................................................... 22, 84 Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) .................... 45 Luana Gardens II & III ............................................................................ 76 Mai Poina ‘oe I’au (Don’t Forget Me) Park ............................................. 149 Makani Kai Hale I................................................................................... 77 Makani Kai Hale II.................................................................................. 77 Malama Family Recovery Center ........................................................... 73 Malama I Ke Ola Dental Department ..................................................... 59 Malama I Ke Ola Health Center ............................................................. 68, 111 Malama Pu'uwai .................................................................................... 11 Mammography Helpline ......................................................................... 147 Maria Lanakila Church ........................................................................... 49 Mastercare............................................................................................. 98 Maui Adult Day Care Centers ................................................................ 95, 102, 105, 131 Maui AIDS Foundation........................................................................................ 16, 66 Maui Arts and Cultural Center................................................................ 12, 16 Maui Child and Family Service .............................................................. 16 Maui Children's Justice Center .............................................................. 120 Maui Church of Christ ............................................................................ 49 Maui Clinic Medical Center .................................................................... 68 Maui Community School for Adults ........................................................ 26 Maui County Early Childhood Resource Center ..................................... 56 Maui Consumer Resource Center.......................................................... 21 Maui County Developmental Disabilities Committee .............................. 124 Maui County Commission on Persons with Disabilities .......................... 124 Maui County Health Volunteers ............................................................. 16 INDEX BY AGENCY 169 Maui County Office on Aging ................................................................. 1, 10, 15, 35, 50, 51, 93, 94, 96, 99, 101, 124, 130, 131 Maui County Veterans Council .............................................................. 151 Maui Dental Health Center..................................................................... 59 Maui Diabetes Center ............................................................................ 69 Maui District Lab .................................................................................... 60 Maui Down Syndrome Family Support Group ........................................ 105 Maui Economic Concerns of the Community, Inc. ................................. 78 Maui Electric .......................................................................................... 45 Maui Executive Transportation .............................................................. 138 Maui Family Guidance Center .............................................................. 110, 112 Maui Family Support Service ................................................................. 16, 56, 112 Maui Food Bank .................................................................................... 16, 48 Maui Golf and Sports Park ..................................................................... 12 Maui Handivan ....................................................................................... 106, 142 Maui Historical Society .......................................................................... 13, 16 Maui Home Care.................................................................................... 71 Maui Hui Malama Learning Center ........................................................ 28 Maui Humane Society............................................................................ 16, 160 Maui Korean War Veterans Association ................................................ 150 Maui Mall Mega-Plex Cinemas .............................................................. 13 Maui Medical Group............................................................................... 69 Maui Memorial Medical Center .............................................................. 1, 11, 16, 67, 71, 104, 116, 151 Maui Nui Botanical Gardens .................................................................. 16 Maui Ocean Center................................................................................ 13 Maui OnStage/Historic Iao Theater ........................................................ 16 Maui Police Department ........................................................................ 56 Maui Special Olympics .......................................................................... 13, 129 Maui United Way ................................................................................... 16 Maui Vet Center ..................................................................................... 147 Maui Veterans Cemetery ....................................................................... 150 Maui Youth and Family Service ............................................................. 56, 73, 112, 116, 120 Maui’s Fallen Military ............................................................................. 151 Meals on Wheels, Kaunoa Senior Services ........................................... 16 Mediation Center of Molokai ................................................................. 22 Mediation Services of Maui .................................................................... 16, 21 Medicare Akamai Advantage ................................................................. 63 INDEX BY AGENCY 170 Med-QUEST Division............................................................................. 64, 100 Mental Health America of Hawaii ........................................................... 115 Mental Health Crisis and Suicide Hotline ............................................... 110 Mental Health Kokua ............................................................................. 16, 115, 116 MEO - Maui Economic Opportunity........................................................ 14, 21, 27, 36, 56, 90, 107, 108, 141, 142 MetroCare Hawaii, LLC ......................................................................... 98 Molokai Integrated Services.................................................................. 120 Molokai Community Health Center ....................................................... 113 Molokai Association for the Disabled .................................................... 124 Molokai Clinic ....................................................................................... 69 Molokai Community Health Center ....................................................... 69 Molokai Family Guidance Center .......................................................... 110, 114 Molokai Family Health Center ............................................................... 69 Molokai Ferry ........................................................................................ 140 Molokai General Hospital ...................................................................... 67, 85 Molokai Homeless Services .................................................................. 81 Molokai Mental Health Services ............................................................ 113 Molokai Native Health Care System ..................................................... 28, 66, 70 Molokai Occupational Center ................................................................ 24, 129 Molokai Veterans Cemetery.................................................................. 149 Na Hale O Wainee ................................................................................. 78 Na Hoaloha - Neighbors Helping Neighbors .......................................... 16, 101, 102, 108, 130, 142 Na Pu'uwai - Molokai Native Health Care System ................................ 28, 66, 70 Nakamura Mortuary ............................................................................... 36 Narcotics Anonymous ............................................................................ 105 National Eye Care for the Elderly Hotline ............................................... 131 National Farm Workers Job Program..................................................... 27 National Kidney Foundation of Hawaii ................................................... 16, 105 National Parkinson Foundation .............................................................. 66 Native Hawaiian Plant Society ............................................................... 16 Neighborhood Place of Wailuku ............................................................. 16, 57 Nisei Veterans Memorial Center ............................................................ 95, 150 NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ................... 158 Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity ........................................ 80 Noridian Administrative Services ........................................................... 65 Nurse Pro-Care ..................................................................................... 98 Oceanic Time Warner Cable.................................................................. 45 INDEX BY AGENCY 171 Office of the Public Defender ................................................................. 21 Ohana Medicaid .................................................................................... 63 Ohana Medicare .................................................................................... 63 Overeaters Anonymous ......................................................................... 104 Pacific Cancer Foundation ..................................................................... 105 Paia Youth & Cultural Center ................................................................. 16 Parent Line, The .................................................................................... 57, 114, 115 Parents and Children Together .............................................................. 113, 121 Partners in Care .................................................................................... 98 Piilani Homes ......................................................................................... 77 Prescription Medication Discount Card .................................................. 72 Project Dana .......................................................................................... 108, 143 Public Health Nursing ............................................................................ 60 Public Health Preparedness Program .................................................... 60 Quality Behavioral Outcomes ................................................................ 113, 115 Queen Lili‘uokalani Children Center....................................................... 57 Rainbow Attic......................................................................................... 24 Raising our Keiki’s Keiki ........................................................................ 56, 105 Regulated Industries Complaint Office................................................... 18, 39 ReVive Boutique .................................................................................... 24 Road to Recovery .................................................................................. 143 Roberts Hawaii ...................................................................................... 107, 141 Roselani Place ....................................................................................... 78, 98, 102, 131 Rural Shopping Shuttle .......................................................................... 108, 142 Safe Haven Program ............................................................................. 81 Sage PLUS Program ............................................................................. 62 Salvation Army ...................................................................................... 49, 52, 81, 87 Salvation Army Family Stores ................................................................ 24 Savers ................................................................................................... 24 Section 8 Rental Assistance Program.................................................... 79 Securities Fraud .................................................................................... 18 Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) .................. 31 Senior Companion Program .................................................................. 16, 102 Senior Hotline (Age 60+) ....................................................................... 20 Social Security Administration ............................................................... 44 Sorenson Communications .................................................................... 126 Special Care Dentistry, LLC................................................................... 59 Special Education .................................................................................. 29 Special Olympics ................................................................................... 13, 129 Special Parent Information Network (SPIN) ........................................... 29, 123, 124 INDEX BY AGENCY 172 SpeediShuttle ........................................................................................ 107, 141 St. Anthony Catholic Church .................................................................. 49 St. Anthony Thrift ................................................................................... 24 St. John's Episcopal Church .................................................................. 49 St. Joseph Catholic Church ................................................................... 49 St. Joseph Thrift .................................................................................... 24 St. Theresa Church................................................................................ 50, 51 State Council on Developmental Disabilities .......................................... 29, 124 Status of Headstones and Markers ........................................................ 147 Steadfast Housing Development Corporation ........................................ 78 Straub Lanai Family Health.................................................................... 69 Substance Abuse Counseling Services ................................................. 73 Take Off Pounds Sensibly ..................................................................... 105 Telecommunications Device for the Deaf .............................................. 147 Telecommunications Relay Service ....................................................... 136 The Maui Bus ........................................................................................ 106, 107, 141, 142 The Maui Farm, Inc................................................................................ 16 The Nature Conservancy ....................................................................... 16 Transportation Security Administration .................................................. 143 Travel Tips ............................................................................................. 135 TSA Cares Help Line ............................................................................. 144 Tutu & Me Traveling Preschool .............................................................. 57 U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services ............................................ 89, 91 U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs ...................................................... 113 UH-Maui College ................................................................................... 16 Unemployment Insurance Division......................................................... 32 UnitedHealthcare ................................................................................... 64 University of Hawai‘i Center on Disability Studies .................................. 26 UH Maui College Dental and Nursing Program...................................... 26 Up Country Thrift ................................................................................... 24 US Air Travel Consumer Disability Hotline ............................................. 137, 143 US Department of Agriculture ................................................................ 87 US Department of Veterans Affairs ........................................................ 146 USCIS Honolulu Field Office.................................................................. 91 USCIS National Customer Service Center ............................................. 91 Veterans Affairs ..................................................................................... 27, 101, 113, 130, 131, 146, 147 Veterans Crisis Line............................................................................... 147 Veterans of Foreign Wars ...................................................................... 151 Vocational Rehabilitation Division .......................................................... 129, 131 INDEX BY AGENCY 173 Volunteers Center of Maui County ......................................................... 16 Wailuku Health Center ........................................................................... 60 Wailuku Union Church ........................................................................... 49 Water Department ................................................................................. 45, 183 West Maui Doctors on Call .................................................................... 69 West Maui Family Guidance Center ...................................................... 114 West Maui Health Care Center .............................................................. 69 West Maui Senior Center ....................................................................... 9, 11, 13, 35, 47, 50, 89, 94, 99 Wheelers - Accessible Van Rentals ....................................................... 138 Wild Wheel Wentals............................................................................... 71 Women Helping Women 16, 24, 82, 86, 105, 119, 121 Women Veterans Hotline ....................................................................... 147 Workers' Compensation......................................................................... 33, 127 Workforce Development ........................................................................ 31 INDEX BY AGENCY 174 IMPORTANT PHONE NUMBERS INFORMATION AND REFERRAL Maui County Office on Aging Lahaina Kihei Hana Senior Center Molokai Lanai Aloha United Way – 211 ASK-2000 Hawaii Keiki Information Service System (808) 270-7774 (808) 661-9432 (808) 875-0033 (808) 248-8833 (808) 553-5241 (808) 565-6818 DIAL 211 (877) 275-6569 (800) 235-5477 RESOURCE PHONE NUMBERS Motor Vehicle and Licensing Kahului, Kihei, Lahaina, Pukalani Hana Molokai Molokai Lanai Office of the Mayor Parks and Recreation (808) 270-7363 (808) 248-7280 (808) 553-9067 (808) 553-3430 (808) 565-7878 (808) 270-7855 (808) 270-7230 UTILITY COMPANY PHONE NUMBERS Maui Electric (Trouble Calls) Maui Lanai & Molokai Hawai'i Gas Maui Lāna'i Molokai Telephone Repair Hawaiian Telcom Telephone Bill and Installation Discount Hawaiian Telcom Lifeline/Link-up Service Water Department (Trouble Call) 175 (808) 871-7777 (877) 877-7777 (808) 877-6557 (800) 828-9359 (800) 828-9359 DIAL 611 643-3456 643-3456 (808) 270-7633 Maui County Office on Aging Advocating for and planning in-home and community-based services Assisting with the completion of application forms Helping navigate social and health services Informing people about resources for older adults Linking elders and caregivers to available services Presenting information to clubs, agencies and organizations Referring to programs, services and available resources Visiting elders and caregivers at home to assess and address needs For More Information, call Toll Free: (808) 643-ADRC (2372) Central Maui 270-7774 West Maui 270-4387 South Maui 875-0033 Hana 248-8833 Lana’i 565-6818 Moloka’i 553-5241 This Resource Directory was made possible through funds from the State of Hawaii, Department of Health, and Executive Office on Aging Printed 2015