The Haileyburian


The Haileyburian
The Haileyburian
Winter 2012
Top 50 Schools
turns 25
120th Anniversary Ball
Principal’s Report
Haileybury began in 1892 with a focus on academic performance from founding Headmaster, Charles Rendall. Today that focus continues. Haileybury received recognition of the strength of its performance when The Australian
newspaper released its ranking of the top schools in the country, based on national testing results at Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. Haileybury was ranked as the number one independent secondary school for boys and girls in Victoria.
120th Anniversary Ball
Australia’s Top 50 Schools
4Satisfaction Surveys
Premier’s Awards
5University Scholarships
13chapel turns 25!
Principal’s Report
Q&A with Derek Scott
8Building Update
iPads @ Haileybury
9NEw ELC uniform
12The Arts
14Sports Round Up
16 Captains’ Corner
17 Archives
18OHA News
25Where are they now?
Produced by Haileybury
855 Springvale Road Keysborough VIC 3173
Editorial enquiries: Marketing and Public Affairs Manager 9213 2277
For more information about Haileybury visit
ational testing through the agency
of the National Assessment
Program – Literacy and Numeracy
(NAPLAN) has had its critics, and this year a
group of academics and parents proposed
a boycott. The argument put forward was
quoted in The Age: “Pressure on teachers and
children to perform well on NAPLAN tests
is narrowing the curriculum and eroding
time in classrooms for quality teaching and
learning activities”.
NAPLAN tests literacy and numeracy skills
every second year. It is ridiculous to argue
that an increased focus for a period of time
on literacy and numeracy in the junior and
middle school classrooms is a bad
thing. Developing sound foundation
skills in literacy and numeracy is the
core of what schools should be doing.
Consider that there are 36 teaching
weeks in a year and between Prep and
Year 9 a student will have 360 weeks
in the classroom. This equates to 1,750 days
once you take out public holidays. “The focus on core skills in the junior and
middle schools is aimed of course at achieving
strong academic results in Year 12.”
Of these, eight will be spent doing the
NAPLAN tests and perhaps 20 in preparation
for them – if the school chooses to. This, of
course, leaves 1,722 days to deliver the rest
of the curriculum! The argument against the
test is ideological rather than educational,
and is part of the desire of many in education
to avoid accountability for outcomes.
Haileybury strongly supports the NAPLAN
program and the My School website initiated
by Prime Minister Gillard when she was
Minister for Education. It is a good forum
for parents to see a range of data about
schools and assists Haileybury as we strive for
continuous and ongoing improvement in the
delivery of our academic program.
Haileybury’s 2011 results were excellent,
with 5.5% of all students in the top 1%
in the country, 21% of students in the top
5% in the country and 35% in the top 10%. Importantly, 92% of all Haileybury students
were in the top 40% in Australia. The results
deliver strong outcomes for students in terms
of their post-school opportunities. 86% of
students received a university offer, 8% a TAFE
position and 5% gained apprenticeships, with
1% going straight into the workforce.
The class of 2011 gained a good foundation
to start the next phase of their lives.
The focus on the core skills in the junior
and middle schools is aimed of course at
achieving strong academic results at Year 12.
WINTER 2012 The Haileyburian PAGE 1
120th Anniversary Ball
Former and current parents, staff, Old Haileyburians, members of council and various
members of Haileybury’s wide community were all part of the 650-strong crowd.
uests were treated to a spine tingling performance from Haileybury’s elite bagpipers, as well as
the beautiful voices of current Haileybury students, Alyce Rae and Ryan Griffiths. Academy Award
winner Adam Elliot (OH ’89), made a special toast to the School while fellow Old Haileyburianturned-comedian, Scott Edgar (OH ’90) took to the stage to perform a specially written number for the
night, which had the crowd in stitches. Thank you to all those who attended the evening; it was certainly
a night to remember.
Parents Liz Currie and
Shyama Perera
FOrmer School Captains Kirsty Wynn
(OH 2011) and Katherine Atkins (OH 2009)
Matt and Marnie Armstrong,
Newlands Parents
adam elliot
(OH ’89)
toasting the
Photos courtesy of Happy Medium Photo Co. To order photos please call (03) 9421 5668
Lincoln Hilton
(OH 2010)
leading the pipers
Principal Derek
Scott and Shirin
Berwick Parents
Scott edgar (OH ’90)
playing his tribute to
the school
Brighton parents, Helen and
Michael Paleologos
Haileybury Pipers taking centre stage
former HMA members
Tim Holding (OH ’90)
and felicity Selkirk
Brighton Parents
MC Stewart Bell
with Adam Elliot
and Scott Edgar
the Haileyburian WINTER 2012
Kazuaki and Diane Furusho with
Takeshi Asari and Katsunori Nakai
from the Sapporo Nihon University
High School in Japan
Teachers Courtney
McRedmond and
Melissa Schoorman
WINTER 2012 The Haileyburian PAGE 3
Australia’s Top 50 Schools
Premier’s Awards
Every second year Haileybury
conducts a set of parent, student
and staff satisfaction surveys
through Independent Schools
Victoria (ISV).
he surveys provide the School with
important benchmarks and feedback.
The 2011 surveys demonstrated an
exceptionally high level of satisfaction across
all three surveys.
A national survey has confirmed Haileybury’s reputation as one
of the leading academic schools in Australia.
he survey published in The Australian
newspaper (7 April, 2012) listed school
rankings based on the performance
of students in national testing in 10,000
Australian schools at Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 in 2011.
Haileybury’s outstanding results included:
✣ Number one ranked independent secondary
school for boys and girls in Victoria
✣ Number two ranked independent secondary
school for boys and girls in Australia
Haileybury was also the fifth ranked
independent co-educational primary school
in Australia and ranked tenth of all Victorian
primary schools.
“Our strong focus in recent
years has been to attract
and retain the very best
teachers, put them into
small classes with the
very best facilities and to
ensure that all students are
nurtured and treated as
Derek Scott Principal
The Australian rankings were sourced from
the My School website and based upon the
National Testing (NAPLAN) data, which is
completed by all schools. Haileybury’s results are confirmation of the
success of the explicit-teaching program used
in the Junior School, parallel education (where
boys and girls share recreation time but attend
single-gender classes) and small class sizes. The results are also a reflection of a strong
teaching group and the use of best practice
policies including:
A strong teacher evaluation process
Classroom mentoring for teachers
Classroom observation for all teachers
✣ Encouragement
for teachers to research
and obtain higher level Degrees
Performance-based pay.
716 Haileybury parents completed the survey,
while the ISV benchmarks were obtained
from more than 16,000 surveys in 85 schools.
Haileybury was well above the independent
schools mean benchmark in all categories in
the Parent Satisfaction Surveys.
A remarkable 97.9% of parents rated the
Learning Outcomes for their sons or daughters
as high or outstanding giving an average
score of 8.55 out of 10. The independent
school average was 7.92. A very similar result
was achieved for Quality of Teaching. The
student surveys gave an equally strong result
with students from year Years 5 to 12 rating
Learning Outcomes at 8.2 out of 10, compared
to the independent school average of 7.5.
Staff satisfaction was also strong with 338 staff
completing the survey. Haileybury’s focus is
on academic performance, social justice and
a commitment to an international outlook.
Teaching staff recorded an average of 8.7
out of 10 for Goal Alignment, well above the
independent school average of 8.2. Quality
of Teaching scored 8.9, which was a positive
reflection on how the teaching staff viewed
working with their peers at Haileybury. The
overall teaching staff satisfaction was 8.9.
The results are an excellent reflection of the
strong triangle of trust and support that exists
between students, parents and the School.
2011 high achieving students,
including Premier’s Award
winners Brittany Van Der Lugt
and Joseph Moore
Haileybury students were recently awarded 12 Premier’s VCE Awards in a ceremony attended by the Premier,
Ted Baillieu. Premier’s Awards go to the top five students in EACH subject in the VCE and the top 10 in English.
he awards were for the 2011 VCE
results. It was pleasing that the awards
were across a range of subjects,
reflecting the diversity of Haileybury students’
skills and the breadth of the offerings.
Jack Armstorng, Adriano Carnevale, Sarah
Carrier, Tara Maine, Zara McDonald, Shane
McLaws and Natalie Ryan were all in Year
11 last year.
Jack Armstrong Sociology
Sarah Carrier Physical Education, Psychology
Niran Dasika Interactive Digital Media, Music Investigation
Tara Maine Legal Studies
Zara McDonald History (Revolutions)
Shane McLaws Music Industry (Technical Production)
Joseph Moore Australian History
Natalie Ryan Studio Arts
Brittany Van Der Lugt English
Adriano Carnevale University Scholarships
After 13 years of schooling, all the hard work has paid off
for our recent Haileybury graduates. Some of the graduated
class have been fortunate enough to receive university scholarships as a
reward for their efforts.
We also congratulate all staff involved in
teaching these students during their VCE
year. The teachers involved in the individual
subject teaching were: Vicki Baron (Legal
Studies), Gauthier Bouchardeau (History –
Revolutions), Erica D’Angelo (Music Industry),
Jeremy Daly (Australian History), Fiona Gontier
(Sociology), Patricia Kavanagh (English),
Kristy Kendall (Psychology), Rod Marshall
(Music Investigation), Bruce Norton (Studio
Arts and Interactive Digital Media), Katina
Pantazopoulos (Accounting) and Tamsin
Visick (Physical Education).
Sharon Thomas
at the Monash
Haileybury’s DUX, Joseph Moore, is part of the University of Melbourne’s
Chancellor’s Scholars Program, Jordan Browning is attending Swinburne
University with a Vice-Chancellors Scholarship for Engineering, and Sharon
Thomas received an Engineering Scholarship from Monash University.
We congratulate all the students from the Class of 2011 and wish them
all the best in their future endeavours.
The Haileyburian WINTER 2012
WINTER 2012 The Haileyburian PAGE 5
“It was
important to
put emphasis
on what was
going on in
the classroom
– on good
with Derek Scott
Haileybury Council has reappointed Principal Derek Scott for a second five-year term.
As Haileybury’s eighth Principal we sat down with him to discuss his achievements over his first five
years in the job and what his plans are for Haileybury in the future.
What has been achieved in your first
five years as Principal?
aileybury had undergone
extraordinary change with the
introduction of Haileybury Girls
College, Parallel Education and delivery of
extended programs across all three campuses.
The School had grown from 1,500 to 3,000
when I took over and that meant the number
of staff had also doubled.
2012 Salvation Army Winter Appeal donations
The first point of focus was on the academic.
It was important to put the emphasis on
what was going on in the classroom – on
good teaching – in order to ensure that
the outcomes for students exceeded the
expectations that parents had when their sons
and daughters entered the School.
This was done through introducing a
comprehensive Human Resources Policy
which incorporated a rigorous teacherselection process, a strong formal Professional
Recognition Program, a supportive Coaching
Program, and performance-based pay
incentives for teachers. This is coupled with
one of the most comprehensive Professional
Development programs for teaching staff of
any school in Australia.
The end result to this point has been some
very strong academic results as represented
in the national testing program at Years 3, 5, 7
and 9 and the results for Year 12 students. In
addition staff, parent and student satisfaction
surveys have been incredibly positive.
What is being planned for the next
five years?
echnology is changing education and
society in ways not envisaged even
five years ago. We need to embrace
technology in a way that delivers the best
educational outcomes for students. The iPad
program is a part of this.
At the same time the development of core
skills in literacy and numeracy is even more
important. We will continue with the explicit
teaching model in the Junior School. The
Middle School focus is on building analytical,
creative, big picture thinking and we are
introducing a framework – Understanding by
Design – for teachers to implement a stronger
analytical program.
Haileybury’s international programs continue
to develop. The China program has six partner
schools and delivers strong education and
financial returns for the School. This will grow.
We continue to look for other international
opportunities where we can leverage our
intellectual property. We never invest any
capital overseas. We will also look to further
expand the partner schools we have around
the world to increase the opportunities for
cultural exchanges for Haileybury students.
We currently have partnerships in Indonesia,
Sri Lanka, Japan, France and the United
Performing and creative arts will
be a focus of the next five years
It will be an exciting five years.
We are in the process of developing an
infrastructure master plan for each campus.
When this is completed we will launch an
exciting six-year building plan. We are not
building for more growth; the focus will be
on delivering high quality buildings with a
flexibility of purpose that will serve the School
community for a long time. Health and fitness,
and the performing and creative arts will be an
important part of this.
“...the focus will be on
delivering high quality
buildings with a flexibility
of purpose that will serve
the School community
for a long time.”
The second point of focus was on the business
side of the School. Haileybury’s growth was
funded by debt. Through sound financial
management supported by student numbers
at more than 3,500 the School will be in a zero
debt position in two years’ time.
“We need to embrace
technology in a way that
delivers the best educational
outcomes for students.
The iPad program is a part
of this.”
The third point of focus was on social justice.
A commitment to a broad understanding
of human rights and support for those in
society not as advantaged as the Haileybury
community is essential to building a stronger
society. I have been delighted with the way
the students have embraced this.
Derek Scott with 2012 School
Captains Jack Armstrong and
Zara McDonald
The Haileyburian WINTER 2012
WINTER 2012 The Haileyburian PAGE 7
Building Update
Areas of the Keysborough campus have recently undergone a makeover. Building works were started at both
the Newlands and Senior School campuses in 2011, ready for students in the 2012 school year.
Senior School Library
Newlands Junior School
The Senior School Library has undergone a dramatic makeover, with
the brown out-dated style being replaced with a modern and sleek
university style environment. With work commencing at the conclusion
of the 2011 VCE exams, the library was completely overhauled to
incorporate a more open layout, flexible classroom and student learning
spaces, greater access to technology, casual collaborative spaces and,
of course, a few new books!
More classrooms were required in the Newlands Junior School due
to the rapid increase in student enrolments. The concept from Darren
Carnell Architects was chosen as the best design to meet the School’s
needs, with six new classrooms and a new quadrangle area for the Prep
and Year 1 students included. The design also incorporated a polished
concrete facade in matching colours to the adjacent Berthon Hall,
providing a significant entrance and branding to the Junior School.
The new classrooms have provided the students and staff with a fun
and engaging learning environment.
“We have pushed back against the trend of re-badging libraries as
resource centres. A fundamental part of the Library’s function is still to
make books as accessible as possible. Reading is important; developing
a love of reading is a key part of the journey to student success.
Providing a space for students to browse and flick through the pages
is an important part of this,” says Principal, Derek Scott.
New ELC Uniform
At the beginning of the year a new Early Learning Centre (ELC) uniform
was introduced. This new uniform was designed to be practical for the ELC
students, interchangeable and appropriate to wear all year around.
“We have pushed back against
the trend of re-badging libraries
as resource centres.”
iPads @ Haileybury
by Craig Glass
In 2012, Haileybury is trialling iPads
in a number of year levels. At our
Berwick Campus all students in Years 5 to 11
have received an iPad. Also, Year 9 students
at our three campuses – and International
Baccalaureate students – are using iPads.
The trial has been assessed during Term 2
and parents, students and teachers have
overwhelmingly endorsed the iPad as an
effective teaching tool. As a consequence,
in 2013 Haileybury will require all students
in Years 5 to 12 to have iPads.
The Haileyburian WINTER 2012
The iPad has many advantages over both
desktop computers and laptops. For
students, its light weight and portability
are highly desirable: as more textbooks
become iPad applications the weight
of the schoolbag will be reduced. Other
advantages of the iPad include its fast
start-up time, intuitive operation system,
relatively low price and the large number
of applications that are available.
While technology skills are essential for our
students we also recognise the continuing
need for our students to be able to write
effectively. For the foreseeable future,
the students’ external examinations will
be written. When visiting iPad classes it
is common to see students working in
their workbooks and using their iPad as a
resource. They might be accessing teacher
supplied materials, searching the Internet
or using one of the many applications
available to them. A great advantage of the
iPad is that the school desk can comfortably
accommodate it and the more traditional
resources such as workbooks and writing
iPads will provide Haileybury teachers
and students the opportunity to enhance
the teaching and learning program with
technology. It is expected that this will in
turn improve student outcomes.
Early indications from the teachers and
students participating in the trial is that the
iPad has enhanced the program. The iPads
have given students access to information
technology whenever it is needed.
Haileybury welcomes Jana Pittman
and Matthew Lloyd
Olympic hurdler Jana Pittman
and former Essendon star
Matthew Lloyd have joined the
School as specialised coaches for our
sporting program.
Jana is on hand three sessions a week,
working to get the Hearts and Bloods in
tip top condition for the APS Athletics
competition in October, whilst Matthew
is providing specialised coaching to
a number of the Haileybury football
WINTER 2012 The Haileyburian PAGE 9
High Achievers
As we celebrate 120 years of history, we take a look back at some of Haileybury’s select group of students who have
achieved a perfect ATAR of 99.95. Haileybury has always been a high achieving academic school that has produced many
fine men and women. We recently caught up with seven students who attained a perfect score in the last decade to
find out where life has taken them.
“It is amazing to note
how fast eight years
can go by; it seems
like only yesterday
that I was still
catching Bus B, bowling for Aikman in House
Cricket and sweating/shivering during Year
12 exams in the gym. After graduating from
Haileybury in 2004, I was fortunate enough
to be offered a scholarship for Medicine at
the University of Melbourne. University was
both challenging and enjoyable, and Medicine
has been a fascinating subject to learn
about. The medical course provides a diverse
breadth of experiences, from light-hearted
mock examinations on friends to confronting
interviews with acutely unwell patients. It also
provides an amazing opportunity for travel,
with one of my personal highlights being
an unforgettable summer elective in the
Caribbean. After six entertaining years (which
were also filled with plenty of hard work) I
completed MBBS with honours in 2010, and
managed to graduate equal first in my cohort.
Since then I have been working as a junior
doctor at St Vincent’s Hospital in Melbourne.
At this stage in my career the emphasis is on
gaining experience in a wide range of fields
while finding special interests. Currently, I am
keen to pursue training in either cardiology
or neurosurgery. I am also looking forward to
taking the opportunity to work abroad.
I still have many fond memories of my senior
school years at Haileybury and will always
be grateful for the amazing environment
and teaching the School provided. I strongly
encourage all students to seize the many
opportunities that are available and to enjoy
their time there thoroughly. The experience
will be an invaluable asset for the future.”
The Haileyburian WINTER 2012
Derrick Ha
“Since leaving
Haileybury, life
has been hectic
but enjoyable.
I was fortunate
to be awarded a
scholarship to study Medicine at the University
of Melbourne and am in my fifth year of
clinical training at St Vincent’s Hospital. Last
year, I completed a research project working
with parents to explore the best ways to help
them understand the medical aspects of their
child’s heart condition. This has helped me to
appreciate the impact that disease can have
on the lives of patients and their families.
In 2008, I established Derrick Ha Student
Coaching Services to pursue my interests in
teaching. I conduct yearly VCE mathematics
revision lectures and hold weekly classes for
Year 11 and 12 students. I have also published
three VCE books to provide students with a
unique perspective that otherwise might not
be gained from textbooks or school. It has
been a rewarding and fulfilling experience to
be able to help so many students improve
their understanding of mathematics. In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with
close friends and family. I play golf and tennis
regularly and love tasting all the culinary
delights that Melbourne has to offer. I am
looking forward to the exciting times ahead.”
Sahil Shekhar
“I’m currently
working at McKinsey
& Company, a
consulting firm that
advises businesses,
governments and institutions globally. I
joined with the intention of learning quickly
and opening my mind to different horizons –
particularly in the corporate world. Work has
helped me do that, providing opportunities
to serve clients in energy, mining,
telecommunications and the public sector,
across Australia and South America. Most of my learning since school has come
from the intelligent and passionate people
I’ve had the good fortune to meet. That said,
I’m worried (read: my mother’s worried) that
someday someone’s going to decide my three
years at University weren’t enough, and I’m
going to miss out on my (read: my mother’s)
dream job. So the plan is to return to study
over the next few years, hopefully overseas.
Time outside work and travel is scarce, but I’ve
managed to grow a passion that was born
during VCE exams: watching The West Wing.
When I’m not ploughing my way through my
third re-run, I’m trying to prove to myself I’m
good at some sport (still looking – squash is
the current contender), or catching up with
friends and family in Melbourne.
On the surface, it feels like a lot has changed
in the five years since school. Friends say I’m
less of an idealist (maybe they say ‘hippy’) and
more pragmatic, that I’m more mature, and
that I now like wine more than beer. I say they
just aren’t spending enough time with me
these days.”
“I’m now in my third
year at Monash
University, studying
law, politics and
history. Outside
class, I volunteer in the Public Defenders’ Unit
at Victoria Legal Aid and work as a research
assistant at Monash Law School. I’ve also had
the opportunity to act as an advisor to the
Victorian Privacy Commissioner and the Youth
Affairs Council of Victoria. Although I’m still far
from certain about career plans, I’ve enjoyed
my exposure to the legal world – even if it’s
not always as uplifting as To Kill A Mockingbird
– and envisage a likely entry into practice
after graduation. Ever since studying Arthur
Miller and Tennessee Williams at Haileybury,
writing has become a passion of mine. This has
prompted me to dabble in student journalism
as the editor of the Monash Law student
magazine, Clayton’s Law, and as a film reviewer
for the Monash student newspaper, Lot’s Wife.
I also recently joined the editorial committee
of the Monash University Law Review, a peerreviewed academic journal edited by law
students. Unsurprisingly, most of my habits
acquired at Haileybury remain stubbornly
unchanged. I spend cold, dark nights at
training sessions of the Monash Association
of Debaters and recently competed in the
Monash Senior Moot at the Federal Court. I’ve
also been fortunate enough to travel to South
Korea and the US for the Australasian Debating
Championships and the Harvard Model United
Nations. In my spare time, I slowly improve my
cooking skills, watch far too many movies and
remain naively hopeful that North Melbourne
will win another premiership...soon.”
“It’s hard to believe
that it’s been twoand-a-half years
since my final days
at Haileybury. I’d
suggest an amendment to the enduring
adage: ‘Time flies when you’re incredibly
busy’. What felt like days after emerging from
the pandemonium that was my VCE exams, I
found myself timidly approaching the Clayton
Campus of Monash University, apparently
ready to embark upon the next chapter in my
seemingly endless education: Medicine.
Now, as I approach the geometric centre of
my five-year course, I wonder whether it’s too
early to confess that I am well and truly in love
with my future career. I am currently on fulltime placement at Box Hill Hospital, which is
quite literally a dusk to dawn workload. For the
past few months, I have been experiencing
the incredible diversity of specialties within the
medical realm; from orthopaedics to oncology;
from intensive care to infectious diseases. It is
truly humbling to be a part of such a dynamic
and exciting field. Every day presents a new
challenge, whether it be cannulating a patient,
sitting through eight hours of surgery, or
surviving a battery of quiz questions from a
senior consultant.
I maintain a very visceral connection to
Haileybury, particularly keeping up-to-date
with the successes of my beloved Bradshaw
House. In the future, I hope to specialise in
either neurology or neurosurgery; I’ve always
been fascinated by the human brain. Wherever
the future takes me, I’ll never forget the
values and knowledge that my high school
experience instilled within me.
Vivat Haileyburia!”
Lynn Wang
“Although it still
seems like my final
days at Haileybury
were just a few
weeks ago, time
sure has flown by
quickly since. I am now in the second year
of my tertiary studies at The University of
Melbourne, as a Commerce student majoring
in Actuarial Studies. In the past year-and-ahalf I have had the privilege of meeting many
extraordinary, insightful, diverse minds at
university, which has been, and will continue
to be, a highlight of my life on campus. In
particular, the University’s Copland Scholars
Program has offered a wide range of activities
such as industry visits, academic and careers
mentoring, leadership forums, development
workshops, and many more that all have
enriched my university experiences.
Studies aside, I have kept up with my musical
endeavours. Playing in ensembles continues
to take up a large proportion of my time,
which always provides me with a getaway
from stress, allows me to forget about other
workloads, and simply enjoy the company
of some amazing people.
As for the future, I want to become an actuary
one day. Although this will be a long and
tough journey, Haileybury has equipped me
with many skills and knowledge that will assist
me on the way. With these skills comes the
great memories of Haileybury that will also
accompany me through life. Vivat Haileyburia!”
Joseph Moore
“After a nice relaxing
break, peppered
with part-time
work at a university
bookstore, I was ready to jump into my
studies at the University of Melbourne. I am
in my first year of a Bachelor of Arts under
the Chancellor’s Scholar’s Programme, a
scholarship accompanied by opportunities
to engage in volunteer organisations and
overseas study in later years. I am currently
focussing on European history and Australian
politics and am looking forward to studying
classical history, my personal academic passion
at school, as at university, next semester.
University studies allow me to explore ideas
and engage in academic debates to a greater
depth than I ever have before. The university
also offers countless extra-curricular activities
and I have had a great time sampling
everything from political clubs to food interest
groups and cross-country. One of my favourite
activities is the university’s debating club,
which gives me a weekly opportunity to flex
my public speaking muscles as we verbally
spar over the political and economic issues
of the week – with just half an hour to prepare
a case, it is an exhilarating exercise in quickthinking and spontaneous rhetorical skill.
I am also applying for a position in the Student
Ambassador Leadership Program, which
aims at immersing students in community
volunteering work and developing their
organisational skills. Fundamentally, University
gives you a sense that your studies, your
efforts and your arguments are significant,
and that the academic and extra-curricular
work we’re doing is important for the future
of our community. With the initiative and
open-mindedness instilled by Haileybury,
I hope to make the most of this dynamic
new environment in the years to come.”
WINTER 2012 The Haileyburian PAGE 11
The Arts
Master Class
Haileybury students recently
participated in a special master
class with international Italian
guitarist, Massimo Scattolin.
The 39 Steps
ix a Hitchcock masterpiece with
a juicy spy novel; add a dash of
Monty Python and you have the
intriguing, thrilling, riotous and un-missable
comedy, The 39 Steps. This year’s Senior School
play was short of nothing but fantastic. A cast
of 25 played over 150 parts in this fast-paced
tale of an ordinary man on an extraordinarily
entertaining adventure. The 39 Steps contained
every single legendary scene from the awardwinning Hitchcock movie – including the
chase of the Flying Scotsman, the escape on
the Forth Bridge, the first theatrical bi-plane
Lucinda Price
and Angus Bell
crash ever staged and the sensational deathdefying finale in the London Palladium.
“The simplicity of the staging and the tonguein-cheek style has captured audiences’
imaginations and reminded us what going to
the theatre can be like – an interactive night
out where both actors and audience commit
to believing in whatever the scenario put
before them may be, and everyone goes
along for the ride, just for fun.”
Approximately 30 students from
across Haileybury’s campuses
assembled at Senior School for this
exciting opportunity. Massimo is an
internationally renowned classical
guitarist who is currently touring
Australia. He has collaborated with the
likes of Astor Piazzola and The Buena
Vista Social Club, and took lessons
with Andres Segovia.
Wood Working Wonder
Victorian Pipe Band
The Haileybury Pipes and Drums have
regained their State title with a narrow victory
over Scotch College in the Victorian Pipe
Band Championships hosted by Haileybury
on Sunday, 25 March. The young Haileybury
band has worked extremely hard to lift their
standard and was very excited by a welldeserved win over their fierce rivals.
Once again the grounds of Haileybury
provided a fantastic backdrop for the Victorian
Pipe Band Championships.
Class of 2011 student, Zoe Strapp, was announced the winner of the
Best Amateur Award at the 2012 Australian Wood Design Exhibition.
Zoe’s winning entry was a superbly designed timber surfboard that she crafted
for her Unit 4 Design and Technology: Production SAT. It was made from
Tasmanian Blackwood, Queensland Maple and
Bamboo. This is a fantastic achievement for Zoe;
her work was judged the winning entry from a very
competitive range of fine woodwork, including
entries from Tertiary level students and matureaged adult woodworkers. Zoe is also the first
secondary school female entrant to ever win this
Haileybury’s Head of Guitar, Mr Sergio
Ercole, was instrumental in setting
up this opportunity for the students:
“Massimo expressed interest in hearing
local young guitar talent so I asked him
to come and sit for an afternoon with
my guitar students and take them for an
informal class, sharing his insights and
Stewart Bell Director of Visual
and Performing Arts
Stories from Suburban Road
L-R Ashleigh Gray,
Lily Nash, Siobhan
Stephanie Ganotis
012 saw the Year 10 students stage
Stories from Suburban Road, adapted
by Alan Becher from Tom Hungerford’s
autobiography of the same name. Comic
and sometimes achingly poignant, the play
explores childhood adventure and the loss
of innocence through the recreation of Tom’s
memories. The large ensemble cast comprised
of students from across all campuses. With
minimal set and props, they transformed the
reverse stage of Aikman Hall into Perth in the
1930s. Amid the backdrop of The Depression,
The Haileyburian WINTER 2012
the cast explored the endless
experiences associated with
growing up in Australia
between the World Wars.
“The Year 10 play is a
collaborative effort.
With a focus on non-naturalistic story-telling,
students work with minimal costumes, sets
and props to create a myriad of different
scenes and characters. To do this, they must
develop their skills as actors, dancers and
singers to create and transform each scene.
Their efforts are supported by their fellow
peers who help with the lighting and sound
production. The atmosphere of collaboration
is palpable.”
Nicole Smith Director
VCE Season
of Excellence
Chapel Turns 25!
Seven Haileybury students
have been selected to perform,
or have their work displayed, as a part
of the VCE 2012 Top Class Music, Top
Class Dance, Top Arts and Top Designs
series. These students were selected by
panels of judges as being the leading
performers or exhibitors in their field.
Congratulations to:
Niran Dasika – Top Class Music,
Music Investigation – Trumpet
Matthew Henley – Top Class Music,
Music Performance – Guitar
Christopher Hill – Top Class Music,
Music Performance – Keyboard
Kieran Rafferty – Top Class Music,
Music Performance – Drums
Ben Tyler – Top Class Music,
Music Performance – Bass
Emma Yarosh – Top Class Dance
Andy Zeegers – Top Arts and Top
Designs, Interactive Digital Media.
This year marks 25 years since the David Bradshaw Chapel was opened,
on 18 October, 1987, by the Governor of Victoria, Dr Davis McCaughey.
Haileybury Tattoo –
celebrating 120 years
of history!
More than 2,300 students from across
all Haileybury campuses will take to the
stage to celebrate 120 years of history.
Castlefield – 16 & 17 August
Newlands – 20 & 21 August
Edrington – 23 & 24 August
Tickets on sale now. Check the Haileybury
website for further details.
n a very short space of time this remarkable building carved out its niche as the
spiritual centre of the Haileybury community.
Over the years the Chapel has provided a focus for religious observances and
for worship and reflection. Church and House services, weddings of hundreds of
former students and other friends of the School, baptisms and funerals have all
formed part of its raison d’etre. As a venue for classical musical recitals and other
performances, it has been a centre for celebration and inspiration. In recent times,
Thomas Heywood’s performances on the organ have been a highlight.
The Chapel marks a high point in the creative career of the architect Philip Cox who
based his 1985 design on a Norman castle or ‘keep’. At this time, the Keysborough
site remained flat and featureless, and the Chapel was intended to provide a focus
within the surrounding landscape. In this respect Cox succeeded admirably, and
the building quickly became an architectural talking point.
Inside the building, irregular penetrations in the masonry allow light to strike
dramatically at various points, and these are enhanced by Leonard French’s
magnificent stained-glass windows, which are based on the theme of creation and
renewal. Outside, the lychgate symbolically and physically links the Chapel to the
secular part of the School. This and the Frank Elmore Forecourt, with its reflective
space, fountain and Florentine statue, complement one of Haileybury’s priceless
WINTER 2012 The Haileyburian PAGE 13
Haileybury Sport
Table Tennis
Haileybury continues to dominate the APS Table Tennis competition, taking out another
APS Premiership. Under the leadership of Co-Captains, Nikita and Jason, this is the 17th
time in the last 18 years that Haileybury has taken the title. It was a perfect season for the
Haileybury team who did not lose a game, with the closet score being 12-3!
The 2011 dream-team included Nikita Bricknell, Calvin Huynh, Jason Liu (Year 12), Daniel
Zou, Callan Jones (Year 10), Somesh Das, Leon Suy, Patrick Wang, David Zhao (Year 9) and
Cameron Dallman-Bell (Year 8).
Nikita Bricknell – Table Tennis Star
Nikita has been playing Table Tennis
for eight years and has represented
Haileybury in the boys APS competition
for the past three years, this year taking
on the role of Co-Captain. In all her time
playing for Haileybury, Nikita has never
lost a game. Nikita was selected for the
second consecutive year in the APS Table
Tennis Team, becoming the only girl since
the girls APS/AGSV competition was
established to be selected in a boys APS
representative team. In addition, she was
named the Vice Captain of the team, which
is the first time a girl has held this position
within a boys’ team. She has competed at Nationals six times and has won gold at this
event twice. She currently has her sights set on the 2016 Rio Olympic Games.
Haileybury 1st boys tennis secures
almost 90 minutes of rain delays, the teams
were inseparable at 2.00pm. No doubt this
will be a motivating point when the two sides
meet in next season’s competition.
In the second last round there were four
teams with mathematical chances of winning
the APS Premiership for 2012. In what could
have been our closest encounter for the
season, Haileybury managed to outlast a
determined St Kevin’s College and secured
the 2012 APS Tennis Premiership. The rest, as
they say, is history.
It has been an exciting and nail-biting season
in APS Boys Tennis. Throughout the season
there were several washouts, which kept
many teams in the hunt for that elusive tennis
premiership. Incredibly, Haileybury Boys 1st
Tennis managed to come through the season
unbeaten, despite some close moments.
In a rain-affected match against Caulfield,
at Melbourne Park beginning at 8.30am,
no referee (broken leg) turned up and after
The Haileyburian WINTER 2012
Capping off a fantastic season for Haileybury
Boys Tennis was the selection of three boys
in the annual APS v AGS grudge match. In
the singles, Jai Corbett played No. 2 and Chris
Alexander played at No.7. Jai Corbett and
Dexter Bonet combined to play No. 1 doubles
pair and Chris Alexander also backed-up in
the doubles in No. 3 pair.
Jai Corbett also spent a week, at the end of
April, away representing and captaining the
Victorian state Pizzy Cup team in Toowoomba.
Peter Wynne Head of Tennis
APS Representatives
The APS summer sport season ends each year
with a representative match against the AGSV
Schools in selected summer sports. Haileybury
was honoured to have a number of students
selected to represent the APS in these
matches. Congratulations to the following
students who were selected:
Haileybury has some outstanding young
athletes, with Year 12 students, Luke Cann and
Keith Rodrigo, representing Australia at the
Youth World Championships in Barcelona in
Boys Teams
The Haileybury 1st Touch Team began the
2012 season with the introduction of a
number of new players. After a solid preseason, the boys were ready to reinforce their
commitment and to reinstate Haileybury’s
standing as the pre-eminent Touch team.
The start of the season saw the Bloods take
on Scotch College. Eager to make amends
for last year’s disappointment, the Bloods
were pumped and focussed. Round 2, against
Melbourne High, and Round 3 against
Melbourne Grammar School, continued in
the same vein with the Bloods blowing the
opposition out of the water.
Round 4 against Brighton Grammar School
provided a timely challenge on a 35-degree
day. The next game against Trinity Grammar
saw the Bloods return to their destructive ways
with a 12-4 win.
Round 6 saw Haileybury take on Xavier
College. The game was shaping up to be a
cracker with both teams coming into the
round undefeated. It was a close win, but
enough to ensure the Bloods remained
undefeated for the entire season.
The Grand Final saw the Bloods playing
Xavier again and with Xavier being last year’s
nemesis (having knocked us out of the semi),
the tension was evident. The final siren saw
Haileybury crowned Premiers with a 6 -2
score line.
Congratulations to the boys on a great season
and your sportsmanship.
Morgan Dummett Co-Captain Touch
Badminton: David Liang and Lawrence Liu
Cricket: Matthew Hutson (emergency)
Table Tennis: Nikita Bricknell (Vice Captain),
Jason Lou, Leon Suy and Daniel Zou
Tennis: Jai Corbett (Captain), Chris Alexander
Kromlidias and Dexter Bonet (emergency)
Volleyball: Askhay Bhatia, Michael Knott and
Harrison Shill.
Girls TeamS
Softball: Angela Qiu, Thao Le and
Hannah Le Blanc
Badminton: Lousia Ma (Captain) and
Barbara Zhao
Tennis: Laura
(Vice Captain)
Letitia Sindt
(Vice Captain),
Lucy Anderson,
Makayla Mitchell,
Hannah Paletua
and Holly
The APS Combined Swimming and Diving
Championships were held earlier this year
with both the Bloods and the Hearts finishing
third. The boys and girls teams comprised of
students from Years 5-12.
Highlights from the two evenings included:
✣ Samantha Wilkins breaking the 200 M
record in the opening swimming event of
the evening, breaking Commonwealth and
Olympic athlete Ellen Gandy’s 2010 record
by 3 seconds
Both students have worked extremely hard
in their chosen fields to gain selection for the
team. At the Youth Nationals in Sydney earlier
in the year, Luke won gold in the Under 20
Javelin and Keith finished fourth in the 400m
sprint and picked up a silver medal in the 4 x
400m relay, both securing their place on the
Australian team.
Haileybury wishes both boys the best of luck
on the world sporting stage!
✣ Diving Captain, Olivia Padley, winning
the girls Open Diving; and Kirsten Roode
swimming the final freestyle leg of the final
event of the program, entering the water
in second position and mowing down the
Caulfield athlete to end the night with a
dramatic victory
keith rodrigo,
left, and luke
✣ Individual first places to Samantha Wilkins
(five first places including two records!), Jessica
Clark, Olivia Padley, Melanie Simpson, Teagan
Townsend-Gommers, along with the team
effort of the Open 200m Freestyle team of
Bridget Jones, Brittany Yong, Melanie Simpson
and Kirsten Roode
✣ Tyrone Dobrunz breaking the Boys 100m
Open Breaststroke record
✣ William
Le Blanc
Chan, Luke Verma, Elliot Creed, and
Mark Irwin breaking the Boys Under 17 200m
Breaststroke Relay record.
APS Golf Championship
Asia-Pacific World Schools Golf Challenge
the APS Golf
winning for the
fourth year in a
row. The team of
Ryan Ruffles (72),
Sean Smith (82),
Conor Davis (83)
and Leigh Pritchard (84) combined for a
team score of 237, which was good enough
to beat St Kevin’s by six shots. Ryan Ruffles
won the individual trophy for the lowest
round on the day, shooting an even par
round of 72.
Haileybury sent 12 students (ten boys and
two girls) to compete in the Asia-Pacific
World Schools Golf Challenge, a four-round
golf tournament held in the first week of the
holidays at St Andrews Beach GC, Eagle Ridge
GC and Moonah Links GC (Open and Legends
courses). Schools from across Australia and
New Zealand were represented, including
a school from Namibia.
Highlights of the week included:
✣ Our number one team (Conor Davis,
Leigh Pritchard, David Shimmin and Bailey
Watson) coming second in the Gross and
Net competitions
✣ Our mixed team (Lillie Callow, Bryanna
Armao, Will Garner, Mason Shepherd) winning
the net competition, and coming second
in the gross
Bailey Watson (Year 9 Brighton) winning the
Division 2 (handicaps 7-10) gross competition
with rounds of 84, 78, 77, 78
✣ Harrison Gilbert (Year 8 Newlands) coming
second in the Division 3 (handicaps 11-16)
gross competition with rounds of 84, 83, 83, 87
✣ Will Garner (Year 9 Newlands) coming
second in the Division 4 (handicaps 17-21)
completion, and third in the net, with rounds
of 87, 91, 98, 85.
The golf team now aims to compete in the
2013 World Schools Golf Challenge, which will
be held in Thailand. Schools from across the
world will compete in this event, which will
be held in the April school holidays.
WINTER 2012 The Haileyburian PAGE 15
Captains Corner
Jack Armstrong
Captain of Haileybury College
n my time as Captain of Haileybury
College, it’s been hard to fully comprehend
how seemingly fast everything has passed.
For years, school seemed a long, uphill battle,
however, it’s only now in my final year that
everything seems to have sped by at such
a quick pace; it’s difficult to remember it all.
That isn’t to say that I don’t remember some
of the fun and exciting things I’ve been able
to do. Late last year I was lucky enough to
spend five weeks in Bordeaux, France, which
was simply, one of those experiences I will
carry throughout my life. For any student who
is learning a language, I think that actually
going to the country you hear and learn so
much about, adds a whole new dimension of
meaning and relevance to your study.
“...scores of immensely able students, whose
talents stem, not only from natural ability, but
also their own perseverance and application.”
In obtaining the captaincy, I’ve been forced
to adjust and balance all my commitments
in academics, sport and music, which has
inevitably been the greatest challenge of the
role. Initially this was something I struggled
with, however, it was also something I worked
hard towards and made a big effort to achieve.
Zara McDonald
Captain of Haileybury Girls College
nsurprisingly, Semester 1 has flown
by speedily, as students have
immersed themselves in all aspects
of Haileybury culture. The atmosphere of
Senior School continues to be as unique as
we have always known it, encapsulated by
the diligence and persistence of the entire
Girls School, who seamlessly embody all
that it means to be a true Haileybury heart.
While keeping up with what can only be
characterised as a demanding workload, the
girls have managed to finish off an incredible
season of Summer Sport. Although unable to
get their hands on an elusive premiership cup,
special mention must go to our 1st Rowing
girls who worked tirelessly over the summer
“...performances that have highlighted the depth
of talent and opportunity within the School”
to row well at the Heads of the River. Similarly,
our 1st Tennis girls came frightfully close to
their own premiership, losing only one match
all season in a fine display of sporting prowess.
The Haileyburian WINTER 2012
I’ve eventually been able to strike a balance,
making the most of what I can in the time that
I have which, personally, is something I think
is important. Admittedly this can be a little
stressful at times, but in my experience it’s
also rewarding.
Similarly, it has also been exciting and
rewarding to be at Haileybury at a time
of great success. On the summer sporting
fields, the Bloods have taken out numerous
premierships, the most significant being the
continuation of our 15-year dominance of the
table tennis tables. Additionally, as we now
complete the shift into the winter season, the
Haileybury football team is looking strong
on the back of three consecutive wins, while
the depth of the cross-country squad has
the Bloods well-placed to vie for premiership
honours. Above all, what has underscored
my experiences more than anything is the
profound talent that exists throughout the
School, in all sports and disciplines. Within
each year level there are scores of immensely
able students, whose talents stem, not
only from natural ability, but also their own
perseverance and application.
As we look towards a new semester, all
students should be congratulated on their
efforts and take the time out to relax over
the upcoming winter break.
120 years of memories
Afternoon tea party at
Brighton Beach c.1914
Haileybury has a long running Archives department who carefully look after and catalogue the School history.
In the School’s 120th year, the Archives team have been hard at work providing historical pieces for the various events
scheduled for the School year. Here is a brief selection of some the more unseen images from the last 120 years:
Headmaster Charles Rendall (left)
fishing with a friend at Portsea
Tattoo action in the
old Gym c.1979
School Cadets fire the mortar
at Camp Puckapunyal 1947
Off the field, the Drama department has
expended much of their energy into
performances that have highlighted the depth
of talent and opportunity within the School.
The Year 10 play, Stories of a Suburban Road,
allowed some of our outstanding younger
talent to shine, while our Senior School play,
The 39 Steps, showcased some our finest drama
students in one of our most memorable
comic plays to date.
Headmaster, Sholto
Black, congratulates
swimmer, John Marshall,
on his selection for the
London Olympics 1948
As always, Social Justice has been the core
focus of our time, with heavy emphasis placed
on The OakTree Foundation, our whole school
charity. Our annual OakTree Week was held
in the latter part of Term 1, whereby activities
such as Quad parties and Dancing with the
Staff succeeded in raising over $2000 for the
Foundation, while simultaneously injecting
further energy and diversity into Senior School.
Upon reflection, it is fitting to commend all
students on their efforts thus far on their
contribution to an immensely successful
Semester 1. And, as we look towards Semester
2, there is no doubt that our focus will remain
on Social Justice as students further engage
in Senior School’s many opportunities that
endorse the beauty of active involvement
in school life.
Middle School girls c.2002
Haileybury students
today 2012
WINTER 2012 The Haileyburian PAGE 17
OHA News
President’s Message
OHA Contacts
Executive Director:
Russell Davidson (OH ’86)
PH 9213 2218
Administration Assistant:
Gaby Dowling
PH 9213 2260
FAX 9213 2271
The OHA is selling ties in a new silk
material for $25. Additionally, members
can purchase this tie in a specially
designed box with the OHA logo for
$30 – a great Father’s Day or birthday
present. Contact the OHA Office on
9213 2260 to make your purchase.
The first six months of 2012 have seen the culmination of two years’
work to restructure the OHA. At an extraordinary General Meeting in early
February, motions to pass a new constitution and restructure the council
were adopted unanimously.
o better structure what, at times, was
an unwieldy council in excess of 25
members, a slim lined nine-member
Senior Executive will lead the organisation with
a similar sized group of Young Leaders who
will drive the organisation’s engagement with
recent leavers. This smaller Senior Management
Team will allow the OHA to be more nimble,
while the Young Leaders will play an extremely
important role, given engaging recent leavers
has been identified as the OHA’s number one
priority in the four-year strategic plan adopted
at the March Senior Executive meeting.
Clubs are a key part of the strategy and Jarrod
McLauchlan is leading the development
of a club support program which will see
clubs able to source funding to support
their initiatives. Central to the criteria will be
the development of the club, with a view to
attracting new members, providing better
services and offering opportunities for female
OHs to participate. The amount of volunteer
time required to manage clubs and the cost of
running them, communicating with members,
paying insurance etc, make this program a
high priority for the OHA.
The strategy will guide all that the OHA
does and is available for member review at
A large amount of work is underway to
establish a scholarship program to allow the
OHA to support sons and daughters of OHs
who may not be able to afford a Haileybury
education. There is no shortage of complexity
in building a program such as this, and
ensuring the correct criteria and evaluation
processes are in place. Our aim is to have the
first scholarship recipient attending the School
at the start of 2013.
The strategy simplifies our mission statement:
Win a $100 voucher
Simply register with OHA online
at between
now and 30 July and you will
automatically go in the draw to
win a $100 voucher for lunch or
dinner, courtesy of the New Bay
Hotel – cnr New and Bay St in
Brighton. Those who update their
email addresses or other details
will also be eligible.
Social Media
“The Old Haileyburians’
Association promotes
the unity, welfare and
advancement of Old
Haileyburians and
the entire Haileybury
community through a
range of vibrant and
engaging services that
promote the values
of social inclusion and
community service.”
The mission highlights two values: social
inclusion and community service, which were
identified as at the heart of what Haileyburians
believe sets their school and the OHA apart.
This is particularly the case for recent leavers,
albeit the Haileybury community has long
valued both, with social inclusion at the heart
of the diversity of backgrounds seen across
Haileybury’s past and present students.
In addition, work is underway on a community
service support fund, reinvigorating our social
media presence, new informal industry events
and a range of other initiatives. Phew!
In closing, I had the great pleasure, in March,
of spending a morning with Haileybury’s first
female graduates as part of the celebration of
their five-year reunion. These Haileyburians had
a short time at the School, but after listening
to their experiences and passion for Haileybury
I was reminded not only of how wonderful
an opportunity a Haileybury education is, but
also how lifelong opportunity comes from the
friendships and networks made at the School
and through the OHA.
These opportunities are there for us all, and I
encourage you to visit our website or Facebook
page to see the upcoming events and get
Luke Bould (OH ’91)
OHA President
OHA Council
The following members form
the OHA Senior Executive:
Luke Bould (OH ’91) – OHA President
Rob Aivatoglou (OH ’86)
Ian Clydesdale (OH ’77)
Nic Cummins (OH ’91)
Russell Davidson (OH ’86)
Mandy Fraser-Jones (Staff )
Jamie Harris (OH ’96)
Bernie Ladds (OH ’81)
Jarrod McLachlan (OH 2002)
Ben Sze (OH 2002) – currently on a
six-month sabbatical from Council.
Matt Vicars (OH 2002)
The role of the Senior Executive is to agree
on a strategic plan for the OHA over the
next three years. Each member of Council
has been allocated a specific portfolio area
(Events, Finance, Clubs, Marketing and
Communications, Community and Executive)
and is expected to develop a strategy
designed to maximise the engagement of
OHA members and the Haileybury community.
The overall plan of the OHA is to grow and
diversify our services, especially for recent
leavers, current students and parents and to
engage young and female members.
The following members form
the OHA Young Leaders Advisory
Katherine Atkins (OH 2009)
Gordon Barnett (OH 2009)
Mietta McDonald (OH 2010)
Dayna Schinz (OH 2007)
Jason Perri (OH 2007)
Kirsty Wynn (OH 2011)
Delani Cruse (OH 2009)
James Hunter-Smith (OH 2009)
Nick Hewawissa (OH 2011)
Jared Hopping (OH 2007)
The group is chaired by Russell Davidson.
The role of the Young Leaders Advisory Group
is to determine what our young members
(under the age of 25) want from our
organisation. The group will be advising the
OHA on issues such as communication
via social media, events, clubs, programs
and services.
A full profile of each member of both groups
can be found at the following link –
OHA Medal
The winner
of the OHA
for 2011 is
(OH ’71).
The Old Haileyburians Medal is a unique
way of recognising Old Haileyburians who
have attained significant and exceptional
achievement, in their field of endeavour,
beyond that which would be expected
of a person holding that position. Such
achievement may be recognised
either within the State, nationwide or
Geoffrey Cleghorn is Deputy Head of
the School of Medicine and Professor
of Paediatrics and Child Health at the
University of Queensland. Professor
Cleghorn has published in excess of
250 scientific articles and book chapters
and is an invited lecturer and public
speaker on a number of infant related
issues including perinatal and paediatric
nutrition. His research interests include
the use of energy expenditure and body
composition analysis in a number of
disease states including chronic liver
disease, cystic fibrosis, and general
nutritional rehabilitation.
Valerie Avery Valerie was the wife of former
Vice Chairman and Life Governor, Tony Avery
and the mother of Old Haileyburians Andy
(OH ’75) and David (OH ’77).
Tim Costelloe (OH ’70) Tim lost his fight with
cancer whilst living in the Philippines. Tim
played First XI Hockey and subsequently with
the OHAHC.
Colin Crawford (OH ’28) Colin passed away
earlier this year.
David Harry (OH ’64) David passed away in
Sydney earlier this year.
WES PERRY Wes was the Bursar of Haileybury
from 1959 to 1985, and played a very
significant role in planning and managing
the successful expansion of Haileybury’s
operations from Brighton to include
Keysborough. Wes is remembered by the
Haileybury community as one of nature’s
gentlemen. His commitment to the School,
and his care for those within it, were of the
highest order.
Andrew Short (OH 2004) Andrew was
well known for his athletic talents while at
Haileybury, competing in the Open 100m and
200m at the APS athletics in his final year. Our
deepest sympathy is extended to his family,
in particular his parents, Max and Dolores.
Adam Wild (OH ’92) Adam was an
outstanding teacher at Haileybury and a much
loved former student. He leaves behind a wife
and three children. Our deepest sympathies
are extended to his family and in particular his
father, Dr Lyndon Wild, also a former member
of staff at Haileybury.
New additions
Andrew Jenke (OH ’98) and his wife
welcomed their daughter, Charlotte, in late
We congratulate Professor Cleghorn
on this outstanding achievement.
Ben Koetsier (OH ’99) and his wife Taryn
welcomed Ainsley Anne on May 1.
Previous winners of the OHA Medal
have been:
2008 : Hon Justice Lex Lasry (OH ’66)
2009 : Tony Taggart (OH ’69)
2010 : Dr Ian Watterson (OH ’75)
Paul Langford Jones (OH ’95) and his wife
Carissa welcomed their first daughter, Taylor.
Nominations for the OHA Medal can
be taken at any time by detailing the
nominee’s achievements and sending
to Russell Davidson. The closing date for
nominations for 2012 is October 31.
The Haileyburian WINTER 2012
WINTER 2012 The Haileyburian PAGE 19
OHA Clubs
The winter
season has
for our men’s
Cross Country
team. We are
well placed
to defend
our 2011
Becky Neave (OH 2008)
premiership and
secure a ninth
title in the past 10 seasons. There has been
little separating Old Xavier and Old Haileybury
in recent seasons. The opening race of the
season was another classic battle with Old
Xaverians coming out on top by the barest of
margins – 61 points to 62. This was the second
consecutive one-point result, and a reverse
of the result that saw us clinch the 2011
premiership in the closest finish in the history
of the competition.
Our women’s team has recorded two solid
fourth-placings thus far, behind a powerful
Old Xaverians team. With the possible inclusion
of former school stars, Tessa Craig and Mel
Townsend at the next event, we are hopeful of
ending their record streak of 17 wins and three
seasons without defeat. Leading performers
have been Robyn Millard and Georgina Beech.
The competition suits all ages and ability levels.
Please contact Andrew Scott (OH ‘90) if you
are interested in getting involved –
In 2013 we would like to field our first
women’s team. For this to be successful a
group of passionate old girls is needed to
help drive the initiative.
For more information about the club or
how to become involved, please contact
Club President Chris Jame (OH 2004)
Old Haileybury Bowling Club
recently participated in the Public
Schools Old Boys’ Bowls Association
Tournament at Kew Heights Bowling Club.
While the team was missing a few old boy
regulars due to a conflicting tournament in
Echuca, it opened the door for an influx of
new Old Haileybury bowlers to join the team.
New members in 2012 included Andrew
Tinkler, Frank Vorchord, Max Tinkler, Alan
Wyatt, Norm McIntyre and Luke Donaldson.
With the Haileybury flag flying amongst
regular participants including Caulfield
Grammarians, Old Wesley Collegians, Old
Melburnians, Old Xaverians, St.Kevin’s Old
Collegians and Old Scotch, the boys were
keen to go a step further from last year’s
third position.
The Old Haileybury Soccer Club is
into its foUrth year in 2012. After a
challenging 2011 season in the FFV Men’s
Metropolitan League, the bloods are
enjoying a return to Sunday games in the
FFV Men’s 3rds Division 2.
(email: or mobile:
0418 358 020) or Head Coach Nic
Apostolidis (email: nic.apostolidis@gmail.
com or mobile: 0405 535 997).
The Old Haileybury Soccer Club is
looking for a major sponsor in 2012/13.
Please contact us if you are interested
in supporting the development of our
growing club.
Join us on Facebook: ‘Old Haileybury
Soccer Club’
The best performing rink for Old Haileybury
was that skipped by Brian Howarth, with
Norm McIntryre in 3rd, Russell Bingham in
2nd and Alan Wyatt as Lead. The boys won
all three rinks including knocking off the top
rink in the winning team from Old Xavier.
The remaining rinks for Old Haileybury also
did well throughout the day and competitive
spirits were high. The team was to pick up an
additional three rinks and finish a credible
A terrific day was had by all and Old Haileybury
will prepare again for next year’s tilt at the title.
A special thanks to Russell Davidson for his
support of the team and help throughout the
A reminder that Old Haileybury Bowling Club
is now established at the Bentleigh Bowls
Club, Higgins Rd Bentleigh and OHA members
will receive favourable rates on membership
or when booking the club for birthday
celebrations, events, corporate days etc.
If anyone has any enquiries please contact
Mark Thompson (OH ‘82) on 0407 040715
or e-mail
The Haileyburian WINTER 2012
OHA Thoroughbred Club
OHA Hockey
40 syndicate holders will be holding
their breath with excitement as the first
horse racing for the OHA Thoroughbred Club
takes to the track in August. Racing in the
Haileybury colours of magenta and black (with
a gold pompom on the cap) our first horse
is appropriately named Magenta and Black.
She is a two-year-old filly, trained by past
Haileybury parent, Michael Kent with breeding
through Holy Roman Emperor and She’s
Alluring. With some luck you may see some
excited owners adorning the city racecourses
this Spring!
On home turf recently, we won convincingly,
to draw level on the premiership ladder with
Old Xavier. The team score of 32 points was an
equal club record and the trifecta of Haileybury
athletes on the podium was a club first.
Leading performers early in the season have
included Lennon Wicks, John Cochrane, Steve
Isbel, Simon Hurt and David Bayley.
OHA Soccer
The 2012 season has been one of
rebuilding, with a number of new faces
taking the field. Being based at Haileybury
Keysborough gives our members access
to some of the best playing and training
facilities in the State. The club strongly
encourages more recent old boys and
girls to come and be a part of something
special as our great club grows.
OHA Lawn Bowls
For further information or to lodge an
expression of interest for the next syndicate,
please contact Russell Davidson.
Filly magenta and black
OHA Football
It has been a good start to the
season with all sides having wins in the
early part of the season. Club coaches, Darren
Seccull (OH ’84), Stewart Loewe and Dale
Andersen (OH ’89) have been very impressed
with the attendances at training and the
desire to be successful in 2012. All of our major
sponsors have come on board again in 2012 –
Bank of Queensland Frankston, Astoria Honda
and Buxton Real Estate Hampton East.
We enjoyed a big game/day when we played
at Keysborough on the Rendall Oval against
Old Brighton
on the 23rd of
June. All sides,
including the
School 1st XVIII
Please contact
Andrew Hicks
(OH ’79) at
hpbureau@iinet. with any
OHA Cricket
The OHA Cricket Club had a
breakthrough season in 2011/12,
participating in the MCC Club X1 competition.
Playing for the first time since 2009/10, the
Club fielded a full team in each one of its
games and while a victory was not celebrated
this season, the OHCC are looking forward to
an exciting year ahead. The Club is looking
to field two teams in 2012/13 and interested
players are invited to contact Club President,
Leigh Boughton (OH 2001) at
The Club is proudly sponsored by Oceans
Mooloolaba –
Established in 1967, the Old Haileyburian
Hockey Club has been an integral part of
the OHA Community, with a mix of players
graduating anywhere from one year ago to
20-plus years ago.
The Club has seen significant expansion
with this season seeing three teams playing.
The first men’s team has had significant
success in the state league competition, with
a premiership in the previous season,
resulting in the promotion to State League 4
competition. Further, the second men’s team
is fighting strongly in the metro three division
with promising results in the beginning of
the season.
Old Skool Aerobics
The girls in the Haileybury Old Skool
Aerobics Team have begun the season with
the annual Aerobics Display Night, showcasing
their routine to family and friends of the
Haileybury dance and aerobics community. The first heats competition in Geelong, in May
(with State heats following late June) will see
the girls battle it off to try and qualify for the
Nationals which will be held in Sydney this
year. Rosie Hart (OH 2010)
Most of the games are held at Haileybury, with
training on the Monash University hockey field,
every Wednesday from 9.00 – 10.30am. During
the summer, we also organise a mixed hockey
team. For all players who are interested in
having a game over the summer break.
There are a number of ways to get involved
with the Club, either as a player or a social
member of the Club. These include a number
of social activities that the OHA Hockey Club
runs throughout the year including trivia
nights, random club events and a presentation
dinner at the end of the season.
With this ongoing success of the Club, as
well as the push to get more involved with
hockey at school, we are constantly looking
to expand the Club for both the men and
women’s teams. If you are interested in playing
for OHAHC, please feel free to contact the
Club through the Club website. Otherwise
please feel free to send any question through
regarding our club:
Ashesh Jalota (OH 2008)
the old skool aerobics team
OHA Dance
Haileybury Old School Hip Hop
began in 2009 for ex-students to continue
their passion for dance after graduating
from Haileybury. The team trains under the
guidance of Melissa Ault who has coached the
very competitive hip hop teams at Haileybury
for five years.
Training once a week in the dance studio
at Haileybury Senior School, Keysborough,
we work towards a number of competitions
and performances throughout the year. Our
first performance on May 8 was extremely
successful, which gives us high hopes for our
future competitions in 2012.
For further information please contact
Bridget Kelly (OH 2008) at
WINTER 2012 The Haileyburian PAGE 21
OHA Events
Class of 1972 Reunion
Upcoming Events
South East Asian Reunion
40 years on, the Class of 1972 gathered to
celebrate and reminisce about their time at
Haileybury. 20 members were present at the
School’s Founders Assembly, which marked
120 years this year.
Ken Phillips Day
Industry Nights
Nine sports were played at the end of
Term 1, with three being drawn (Boys Soccer,
Netball and Boys Hockey). The OHA won
three matches (Cross-country, Girls and Boys
Basketball) with Haileybury teams victorious
in Football, Girls Hockey and Girls Soccer. Over
300 current students and Old Haileyburians
participated in a very successful day.
The Class of ’72 following the
Founders Day Assembly
Russell Davidson, Andrew Wigg
and Mike Pajmon (all OH ’86)
Class of
‘72 Michael
Stenford and
Steve Dedrick
Sincock Cup
Engineering and IT
Over 100 attendees were able to network
with Engineering and IT experts at our first
industry event for the year. Attendees included
current students and Haileybury graduates. The
benefits of OHA membership were showcased,
with industry experts providing valuable
insights into day-to-day tasks, diversity in the
fields, and expectations of salaries and career
The victorious Haileybury team with the Sincock Cup
Every year the Sincock Cup is held
in which a team of Old Boys take on a team
of current Haileybury students. After a crushing
defeat last year the current students fought
back to take the cup this year.
Haileyburians have spread far and
wide across the globe so it is only fitting that
those living away from home gather to catch
up. Earlier in the year a reunion was held in
Paul Jemmeson (OH ’84) with Year 11 students
Colton Carner and Alex Graham
Class of ’72 David
Legge, Richard
Richard Lingard,
Russell Cummins
and Russell
Old Haileybury Football Club Under 19’s
Doran to Doran – Ned (Year 9) to Scott (OH ’84)
OHA Business Breakfast
Class of 2007 Girls Reunion
Class of 1982 Reunion
The Class of 1982 recently gathered
to celebrate their 30-year reunion. The
evening was full of plenty of laughs for
all the attendees.
2012 was an exciting year as it marked the
five-year reunion for the first ever graduate
class from Haileybury Girls College. Many
members of the Class of 2007 gathered for
a special Haileybury Girls College Assembly
at the Keysborough campus.
Law and Humanities
OHA Netballers
Current students Vinay Lakshman, Patrick Ho
and Siobhan Twist with John Cracknell (OH ’71)
John Cracknell (OH ’71 School
Captain), CEO of Walt Disney
Australia, was the guest speaker
at the OHA Business Breakfast at the
International of Brighton. John led an
engaging discussion on the future of
the entertainment industry and an
insight into the business of Disney.
A great night was had by over 100 attendees
at the Law and Humanities Industry event.
What a great kick start to a career for those
attendees to network with the likes of the
Hon. Justice Lex Lasry, Advertising expert
Chris Jeffares, actor Myles Collins, legal guru
John de Wijn QC and many more.
Derek Josephs and Paul Antos
Paul Ross (OH ’85),
Myles Collins (OH ’87)
and Bruce Eva (OH ’85)
Class of 2007 Girls
Public Schools Golf Association
Golf Day
Date: Friday, 23 November
Venue: Royal Melbourne Golf Club
Time: 8.00am or 1.00pm
Open to all Haileyburians with a golf handicap.
The OHA will be organising this event
for the next two years and we encourage
participation from members. Contact Roger
Holding at
OHA Men’s and Women’s Health
Wednesday, 19 September. Haileybury,
Business Breakfast
Friday, 21 September. The International
of Brighton. Guest Speaker: Professor
Julian Savalescu.
Brian ‘Weary’ Clark Club Luncheon
Friday, 12 October. Milanos, Brighton.
Class of 2002 (10-year) Reunion
Friday, 12 October. Haileybury, Keysborough.
Class of 1992 (20-year) Reunion
Friday, 26 October. Haileybury Keysborough.
Advertising expert, Chris Jeffares (OH ’89) enjoying
passing on his knowledge to Haileybury students
Lucas Petrovich
(OH 2004) and
Alastair Wyatt
(OH 2006)
OHA Golf Day
Date: Friday, 19 October
Venue: Kingswood Golf Club
Time: 12.15pm
Bookings : Open shortly. Contact Russell
Davidson for further information or to
book a sponsorship package.
Class of 1962 (50-year) Reunion
Saturday, 13 October. Haileybury, Brighton.
Ally Woodlock
and Alana
Schinz (both OH
Hodgson, An
Duoung and
Syafiqah Khan
OHA Football Luncheon
Date: Thursday, 13 September
Venue: Melbourne Cricket Ground
Time: 12.30pm
Bookings: Open shortly. Contact Russell
Davidson for further information.
YOHA EVENT (2007-2011)
Date: Friday, 31 August
Venue: TBC
Time: 8.00pm
Avik Chakrabarti and Andrew Baker
(both OH 2001) with Ben and Phillippa Solly
Back Row : Ralph Youie (OH ’79) and Matthew
Walker (OH ’87) Front Row: Kevin Talbot (OH
’72), Danielle Youie, Chris Schreurs (OH ’97) and
Peter Ladd (OH ’98)
Class of 2007 Reunion
Date: Friday, 27 July
Venue: Bridie O’Reilly’s, South Yarra.
Time: 7.00pm
Western Australian Reunion
Date: Saturday, 10 November
Venue: BlueWater Grill and Function Centre,
Applecross, WA
Time: 12.00pm
Class of 1987 (25-year) Reunion
Friday, 23 November. Riva, St Kilda.
South Australian Reunion
Date: Thursday, 29 November
Venue: Universal Wine Bar, 285 Rundle St, Adelaide
Time: 6.30pm
Class of 1977 (35-Year) Reunion
Friday, 30 November. Venue TBC.
Michael Vulcan and Peter Hamilton
The Haileyburian WINTER 2012
WINTER 2012 The Haileyburian PAGE 23
Where are they now?
OHA Mentoring Program
It is our pleasure to announce to the Old Haileyburians Association members,
the addition of our new Mentoring Board now available on the OHA website. This
is available for both Mentors and Mentees (Haileybury graduates).
With the launch of the Haileybury
Foundation, we are calling on
the Haileybury community – past
and present – to support future
generations of students by giving
generously to our range of
fundraising programs.
he Haileybury Foundation is
seen by the School Council as
an investment in our students –
both present and future – and a lasting
recognition of those who have gone
before them.
Old Haileyburians living in the USA or
Canada who make gifts to the Foundation
may claim them as a deduction on their
US income or Canadian tax return, through
The Australian Independent Schools (AIS)
USA Foundation. Members of the Haileybury community
have been very generous to the Foundation,
and we have received donations
aggregating around $130,000 in the
Foundation’s first 18 months, together
with a very generous commitment from
one Old Haileyburian to fund two fullscholarships on an ongoing basis. This
commitment is worth close to a further
$50,000 per year. To this point, most
donations have been to the Haileybury
Scholarship Fund, as we have been
seeking, however, we have also been
fortunate to receive initial contributions
to the Haileybury Building Fund and the
Haileybury Library Fund.
Your gift and generosity will help ensure
that Haileybury consolidates its position
as one of Australia’s great schools and
achieves its vision of being recognised
as a great world school.
For further information on the Haileybury
Foundation, please contact Russell
Davidson on 9213 2218.
The Haileyburian WINTER 2012
Don Lord (OH ’61) was honoured with Life
Membership of the Richmond Football Club
in December after 10 years as a Director.
n order to have a successful mentoring
program, we need to help foster a culture
where the sharing of experiences, wisdom
and networks, knowledge and know-how is
the ‘norm’. Becoming a mentor is a great way
to keep in touch with your OHA community
while having an impact on the next
generation. As a mentor, you will be able to
engage in discussions about your line of work
and also use the opportunity to assess your
own strengths and career development.
We encourage all Old Haileyburians to share
their experience and insights with other
members, especially those who are about to
embark on professional careers. All information
is confidential and will not be shared without
your permission. When you are contacted (via
a private email request), you are encouraged
to negotiate your own arrangements with your
(OH 2009)
and Richard
(OH ’77) are
both part
of the OHA
The closing date for registrations for mentors
and mentees will be Friday, 28 September
The official OHA Mentoring Launch will be
held on Tuesday, 16 October 2012.
Further Information
For more information about the OHA
Mentoring Program, please contact Russell
Davidson on 9213 2218 or email to russell.
Benefits for Mentees
Access to a professional who can provide
guidance and support
OHA Jobs Board
Networking opportunities with peers and
senior practitioners
Advice during the developmental stages
of your career
New skills to advance to the next level
of your career path
Click on to the OHA website for details of our
jobs board. Located under OHA Jobs,
the directory provides an outstanding
service for those wishing to provide
access to employment for Old
Benefits for Mentors
Senior practitioners have a wealth of
knowledge and experience to offer emerging
professionals about the realities of the
workforce. Your participation will provide you
Networking opportunities across different
Access to up-and-coming talent
The challenge and excitement of working
with a passionate emerging professional
And that feeling of satisfaction that comes
from helping someone be all that they can
What Does It Involve?
Frequency of contact: once a month
(or more if it suits you)
Commitment: two hours per month
(or more if it suits you)
This new service operating exclusively
for OHA members will benefit both
employers and employees.
Old Haileyburians wishing to advertise
a job can do so by emailing the
available position to Russell Davidson.
The position description will appear
on the OHA website under the industry
category within 24 hours of being
sent. Old Haileyburians will be able to
access this information and apply for
the position. Selected positions will be
advertised in the monthly OHA bulletin.
There is no charge to advertise a
position via this medium. Further
information can be obtained by
contacting Russell Davidson on
9213 2218.
Robert Pollock (OH ’66) received an
Australia Day Award with a Medal (OAM) of
the Order of Australia in the General Division
for service to tourism and to the community
of southern New South Wales.
Paul Hameister (OH ’87) announced that
his documentary Everest the Promise has just
won its first award – the Sir Edmund Hillary
Award for Best Documentary at the 2012
Mountain Film Awards in USA.
Chelsea Frawley (OH 2010) has recently
made the Under 21 State Rowing team
and becomes the first female rower from
Haileybury to make State level – an excellent
Steve Khamtanh (OH 2002) and Ben Sze
(OH 2002) recently tied the knot to Jess and
Heidi respectively.
Bruce Vine
(OH ’62) received
the Australian Fire
Service Medal
presented by the
Governor General
on Australia Day for
providing exemplary service and dedication
as a volunteer with the Country Fire Authority
(CFA) in Victoria for 39 years.
Grace Loh (OH 2009) finished fourth in
the 100m backstroke and Josh Beaver
(OH 2011) narrowly missed selection for
the Olympic team in his event of the 200m
backstroke at the recent National Swimming
Championships held in Adelaide.
Glenn Baker (OH ’95) as Head Coach
of Southport Olympic Swimming Club, has
placed swimmers on Australian Teams (senior
and youth), Olympic Games (Beijing 2008)
and coached multiple Australian Open and
Age record holders in recent years.
David Dangerfield (OH ’91) is a Urological
and Laparoscopic Surgeon based at Bayside
Urology in Mentone. See below for more
information on the services David provides.
Tory Dickson
(OH 2005) debuted
for AFL Club,
Western Bulldogs, in
Round 1 of the AFL
Zoe Strapp (OH 2011) was the winner of
the Wonders of Wood Australian Wood Design
Exhibition (amateur award) for her beautifully
designed and handcrafted surfboard. Zoe
even developed a marketing strategy, a brand
name and logo for the surfboard. Akua is the
brand name she chose to put on her board;
apart from sounding appropriately cool as a
surf brand name, Zoe chose Akua as it is the
Hawaiian name for Goddess of the Sea.
(OH 2003)
was recently
married to
Manas Khurana (OH 2000) was recently
awarded his PhD in Aerospace Engineering
from RMIT University. Most recently, he was
awarded the Boeing Australia PhD Award
which is presented to the best Aerospace
Engineering Research candidate who
has made significant contributions to the
Aerospace industry.
Andrew Lynch (OH ’76) was recently
announced by Cricket Australia as the
inaugural winner of the Gregory Medal, as the
outstanding Talent Manager of the Year for
Adjunct Professor Simon
Molesworth AM QC (OH ’71) was
appointed an Officer in the Order of Australia
for distinguished service to conservation and
the environment, to heritage preservation
at national and international levels, to the
professions and natural resource sectors, and
to community health organisations.
Chris Pfeiffer (OH ’67) was awarded an
Order of Australia Medal for service to the
Australian Wine Industry as the founder of
Pfeiffer Wines, and to the community of
Tom Crebbin (OH ’82) recently completed
the Melbourne Ironman Triathlon in an
amazing time of 10 hours and three minutes.
Ben Welsh (OH ‘99) also completed the
Melbourne Ironman in a time of 9:16 and, in
doing so, qualified for the Hawaiian Ironman
later this year and will line up against a red
hot field including Lance Armstrong.
Jon Holland (OH 2005) has been named
an Australian Institute of Sport scholar. The
2012 Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) men’s
scholarship program at the Cricket Australia
Centre of Excellence (COE) will contain a
combination of players identified for potential
Australia A and ICC U19 Cricket World Cup
James Pattinson (OH 2008) became
Haileybury’s second-only Test Cricketer (after
Gerry Hazlitt debuted in 1907) when he made
his debut at the Gabba against New Zealand
on December 1, 2011. In a stunning debut,
he took five wickets for 27 runs in the second
innings of this match and helped Australia to a
nine-wicket win, then took another five-wicket
haul in the first innings of the second test, and
was named Man of the Series, with 14 wickets
at an average of 14.00 across the two tests. He
won another Man of the Match award in his
next Test – the 2011 Boxing Day Test against
India – with match figures of 6/108 and a
useful 55 runs with the bat. James has now
played five Test Matches and taken 26 wickets.
An extraordinary start to his career!
Congratulations also to Victoria Na
(OH 2008) who will play Badminton for
Australia at the London Olympics.
Andrew Jackson (OH ’94) received
an Order of Australia Medal in the Military
Division (RAAF) for meritorious service as
Number 81 Wing Standardisation Officer and
‘B’ Flight Commander, Number 2 Operational
Conversion Unit.
James Magner
(OH 2005) debuted
for AFL Club, Melbourne,
in Round 1 of the
AFL season.
David Kenley (OH ’75) was awarded
on Order of Australia Medal for service to
communities affected by the 2009 Victorian
bushfires, particularly through coordination
and action of relief efforts provided by the
Australian Children’s Trust.
WINTER 2012 The Haileyburian PAGE 25
The Haileyburian WINTER 2012