PENTECOST—YEAR A JUNE 8, 2014 Vol. 60 No. 23 Suzette
PENTECOST—YEAR A JUNE 8, 2014 Vol. 60 No. 23 Suzette
PENTECOST—YEAR A SANCTUARY DONATIONS JUNE 8, 2014 MINISTER OF THE MONTH Roland & Daria Thomassie. Congratulations! ALTAR BREAD: In memory of Ecton Plaisance, Jr. by Family. ALTAR CANDLE: In memory of Gilbert Schoenberer by Elia & Family. ALTAR WINE: In memory of Daniel St. Pierre (B) by Wife. CHURCH SANCTUARY CANDLE: In memory of Greg LeBlanc (DA), Russell Guidry (B), Albert & Elda Curole, Jason Curole by Dickey & Nancy Curole. CHAPEL SANCTUARY CANDLE: In memory of Allen Lee (WA) by Wife Dianna Lee. FAMILY OF THE MONTH Suzette & Allee Crosby Congratulations! FROM OUR TRADITION READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 1 Kgs 17:1-6; Ps 121:1bc-8; Mt 5:1-12 Tuesday: 1 Kgs 17:7-16; Ps 4:2-5, 7b-8; Mt 5:13-16 Wednesday: Acts 11:21b-26; 13:1-3; Ps 98:1-6; Mt 5:1719 Thursday: 1 Kgs 18:41-46; Ps 65:10-13; Mt 5:20-26 Friday: 1 Kgs 19:9a, 11-16; Ps 27:7-9abc, 13-14; Mt 5:2732 Saturday: 1 Kgs 19:19-21; Ps 16:1b-2a, 5, 7-10; Mt 5:3337 Sunday: Ex 34:4b-6, 8-9; Dn 3:52-55; 2 Cor 13:11-13; Jn 3:16-18 PENTECOST Unless the eye catch fire, God will not be seen. Unless the ear catch fire, God will not be heard. Unless the tongue catch fire, God will not be named. Unless the heart catch fire, God will not be loved. Unless the mind catch fire, God will not be known. Before there was water, there was fire. Once in a while, a volcano hints at the sizzling magma upon which the whole human enterprise floats. Over eons, the surface cooled off a bit, and rain sizzled down for thousands of centuries, filling the oceans and sculpting the earth. We Christians can catch God’s glory in a shimmering pool of water, but we can also capture God’s burning desire to fan the tiny flames of our baptismal candles into something that will make a difference. In Sicily to this day, there is a custom of scattering rose petals down from the ceiling of church on the heads of the faithful, an effective reminder of the “tongues of flame” descending on the apostles, and a sign that the Holy Spirit still is poured out on the baptized. It is not merely a quaint custom, but a fairly potent sign of what baptism does. An interesting sidebar: if you have traced the Epiphany blessing on your doorway in chalk, Pentecost is the day to erase it. From now on, no need to rely on the “wise men”—you are alive in the Spirit! —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. —William Blake STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE—MAY 31-JUNE 1 DIED IN CHRIST Amount needed to meet our weekly budget: $8,900.00 J. C. Galjour Please keep him and his family in your prayers. Eternal rest, grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. If you would like to donate flowers for the altars to remember a loved one, please contact Hilda Guidry at 693-3919. Envelopes ……………………………. Loose ………………………............. Bank Draft …………………………. Total …….………………………….. Other ………………………………….. $4,305.00 $1,569.00 $3,433.00 $9,307.00 $ 941.45 Our Lady of the Rosary Church Parish is sustained by the generosity of its parishioners through time, talent and treasure. For all that you do, thank you. BANK DRAFT (GREEN) FORMS ARE AVAILABLE ON THE BACK TABLE IN CHURCH. EXTRAORDINARY MINISTER & ALTAR SERVER SCHEDULE JUNE 14—4PM Vol. 60 No. 23 JUNE 15—7AM JUNE 15—10AM JUNE 15—5:30PM Abby L. Alexa R Volunteer Laurel C. Jack C. Connor C. Ciera C. Kollin K. 1B—Ron N. 4B—Clara B. 2C—Hilda G. 3C—Peggy L. 5C—Bob L. 6C—Donna N. L—Donna T. C—Catherine O. 1B—Wilber L. 4B—Melanie O. 2C—Tommy R. 3C—Suzanne R. 5C—Clyston S. 6C—Ned C. L—Nancy C. C—Gail T. 1B—Tony S. 4B—Nickole C. 2C—Darby C. 3C—Katherine C. 5C—Kelley K. 6C—Linwood K. L—Pam L. C—Gary R. 1B—Ron N. 4B—Brian P. 2C—Mary R. 3C—Sarah P. 5C—Nicole W. 6C—Rachael A. L—Theresa L. C—Kent B. CHECK OUT OUR BULLETIN ONLINE Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us! BULLETIN DEADLINE The deadline for placing a notice or announcement in the weekly bulletin is 12 noon on Monday. You are welcome to submit your request by calling the parish office at 985-6933433 or emailing Thank you for your cooperation. SHEPHERD’S VOICE “Peace Be With You” On this Solemnity of Pentecost, Jesus has three gifts for his disciples and us: Peace, mission to pursue and the Holy Spirit for the forgiveness of sins. Twice Jesus says to his fearful and locked in disciples—“Peace be with you!” The Risen Lord with outstretched arms, heart wide open readily gives the gifts that transform his disciples’ lives and ours. This first gift of the risen Lord—Peace—which translates as all good things, physically, mentally, and spiritually – is all that is needed to be alive inside. This peace is a gift that the world cannot give. You cannot give what you do not have. In Jesus, there is no room for bitterness, unforgiveness, and revenge. Peace beyond all understanding is first his to have and his to give. He offers peace despite the disciples’ guilt, peace despite their fear. The second gift is a—mission—the disciples and us are sent as Jesus was sent: “As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” We wonder where? Where else but to the world – “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him may not perish but may have eternal life. Indeed, God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world but in order that the world might be saved through Him” (John 3:16-17). It’s the disciples and us – modern day disciples—whom the Risen Lord sends to bring life! The third gift is the Holy Spirit, given for the forgiveness of sins. Jesus breathed on the disciples and said: “Receive the Holy Spirit.” At creation, we read that a mighty wind swept over the waters. The creative breath of God, the spirit of God brings life. On resurrection night, Jesus is creating his Church. Something new is being born. It is the Holy Spirit that will be with the church until the end of time. The Holy Spirit is the gift of the Father and the Son, given to us at baptism, again at confirmation, and whose gifts are given to the Church and its members for the good of all, within and outside the church. Primary among these is the gift of forgiveness. Only after the gift of peace was received by Jesus’ disciples, the gift of mission and the Holy Spirit was given. Peace is the prerequisite in receiving the Holy Spirit and the mission. No one can give what he does not have and so, peace can only be given and shared by one who is at peace and has the gift of peace from the Lord. No one goes on a mission on his own; there must be someone who sent him. To understand the Holy Spirit is to receive peace first and then forgiveness of sins afterwards. As Jesus has forgiven them, so the disciples are to forgive too. Jesus knows firsthand that one cannot be at peace or give peace with unforgiveness in one’s heart. Peace comes from Jesus. Forgiveness comes from that peace Jesus gives. When we are at peace, revenge evaporates and hatred ceases, and then it is easy to forgive. To find Jesus is to look at the cross. To see God is to wonder at his creation. To feel the Holy Spirit is to experience true peace and receive forgiveness. Let this be our prayer: “Lord Jesus, we thank you for the gift of Pentecost and for new life in the Holy Spirit. Fill us with your Holy Spirit and set our hearts ablaze with the fire of your love that we may serve you in joy and freedom.” Amen. God Bless, Fr. Roni Villamor “Train up a child in the way he should and when he is old, he will not depart from it” ~Proverbs 22:6~ Any questions or comments call Ms. Jennifer at the Office of Religious Education @ (985) 693-3433. CCD REGISTRATION is going on now for the 2014-2015 school year. If you have not received your form (s) or need additional forms, please call the parish office. All new students will need a copy of their baptismal certificate. M ’ V Each week parishioners in our parish are invited to pray for special intentions by hosting the statue in their home. During this week, the host family is encouraged to offer any special intentions, invite family and friends for prayer/rosary, or even contact the parish office and have a mass said in their home. We will be happy to schedule a week for this wonderful prayer experience. W : Jul 12-19 . Aug 2-9 Aug 9-16 Aug. 16-23 Aug 30-Sept 6 Sept 13-20 Sept 27-Oct 4 If you would like to volunteer, please contact the parish office. HRCS asks that you join them as they continue to pray for the students, staff, & families of our school. May they have a safe and restful summer vacation. Picture of Mary Adams and Fr. Roni with Statue of Mary. COASTAL ENTREPRENEURS’ NET TO SUCCESS Our Lady of the Rosary CYM is hosting a Summer Faith Adventure Vacation Bible School July 7-11. We’ve chosen a thoroughly Catholic program this year to teach about the Sacraments, the Church, and the Bible. Children entering grades Kindergarten through 5th grade for the next school year are invited to participate. The fee is $25 per child and includes games, crafts, snacks, and a tshirt. Students entering 6th grade and older and adults are invited to volunteer for staff positions. Volunteers must be safe environment trained and attend VBS training and set up sessions. Training sessions will be announced next week. Forms are available for participants and volunteers in the back of church, the church office, and online at the church website and FaceBook pages. Dear Friend in Christ, I would like to take this opportunity to personally invite you to attend a Cursillo Weekend at Lumen Christi Retreat Center. Please pray about this, for you can only attend a Cursillo Weekend only once in your lifetime. The Cursillo is a personal encounter with Christ; a weekend just for you and our Lord. You will fall in love with the God of Love and will share that love in your community. The Cursillo Weekend consists of talks, meditation, Way of Cross, Sacrament of Reconciliation, Eucharist, Adoration and much more… A priest or deacon along with a team of lay individuals will be present for the weekend. The date for the weekend in 2014 are: S 4—7—M ' W The cost of this weekend is $100.00 which includes your stay, three delicious meals a day and snacks. No one is denied due to financial situations. Registration forms can be found at or at the OLR parish office. Sincerely yours in Christ, Father Dean Danos, Spiritual Advisor Cursillo Movement CHRIST IS COUNTING ON YOU! C.E.N.T.S. will be offering the Small Business Course beginning in June through Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux. This course is free and is designed to help people who are interested in starting a small business. It will be held one evening a week for nine weeks. A different business topic will be discussed each week. Anyone who is interested in participating may call Brooks Lirette at 8760490 to schedule an orientation appointment. WE ARE WHAT WE REMEMBER We are more than half way through our timeline for accepting stories and pictures for Volume 2 of the new book. This has been a very interesting project and those of us on the book committee are excited to be involved in the project. As we accept more and more stories, it is clear to us that we are only scratching the surface of the history of Larose. The subtitle of the first book was “A Story of Larose and Its People.” But it seems like the subtitle of this book should be “Stories of Larose and Some of Its People.” Family Trees—Besides the veterans and personal stories, we have a section called Family Trees. Samples of the way we are laying out the family trees can be found on the poster board in church. If you would like to have your family tree in the book, just give us the information. We can probably fit up to 5 generations on a page, depending on how many people are in each generation. In some cases, because of the number of people, we were only able to fit 3 generations. Just start by listing one married couple—perhaps yourself or your parents. Then, going “up” the tree, list their parents. Going “down” the tree, list the children of the central couple—and then their children. If you know dates of birth, death, and/or marriage, include those also. Give the information to any member of the committee, drop off the information at the church office, or simply email it to Tommy Robichaux at We can’t include everyone’s picture, but we probably have room to include pictures of the central couple and their parents if you want to include photos in your submission. W A W RECEIVE THE HOLY SPIRIT W R A book of stories and pictures of Larose and its’ people. This book is available for a donation of $20 and you can get it from Our Lady of the Rosary Church office or from me. And for a shipping charge of $7, I will send it to any address in the 48 continental states. Make your check payable to KC Council 8898 and send it to: Nathan Arceneaux; 11190 Highway 1; Larose, LA 70373 or call 693-3002. This book would make an excellent gift for a friend or relative. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL THRIFT STORE Phone: 985-693-3815 Wed: 8AM—NOON & Thurs: 10AM—2PM Volunteer help for any of those days will be welcome. At last! The power hinted at and the Spirit promised are unleashed on this holy day. We call it the birthday of the church. Try to listen to today’s scripture passages with some sense of how electrifying these events must have been to those who lived through them. Up until now, they have been waiting in the upper room. In today’s first reading, that room is filled with wind and fire and bold proclamations in foreign tongues. In the second reading, Paul describes the Pentecost event, too. His description includes all of us. The Spirit lives on in the church in each of us who are members of the Body of Christ, given different gifts from the same Spirit. Only after Pentecost could the apostles look back and understand what Jesus meant when he said, as reported in today’s Gospel reading, “Receive the Holy Spirit.” Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. THE GIFTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Knowledge, Fortitude, Piety, Fear of the Lord. S H N S !D I T O A B 7:45 K.C. H —$5.00 ON THE 1ST, 3RD, & 4TH SUNDAYS OF THE MONTH E -H B -S P -G -B C ,M , O J A S U HOLY NAME SOCIETY M ,& :J 2014 .P 24 @ 6:30PM . ALL MEMBERS PRINCIPAL POSITION AVAILABLE St. Gregory Elementary School 441 Sixth Street, Houma, LA 70364 Who May Apply: A Catholic who is in full communion in the church How to Apply: Submit a letter of intent along with an application form to Marian B. Fertitta, Catholic Schools Office, P.O. Box 505, Schriever, LA 70395. Application may be obtained from catholicschools or by calling (985)850-3114. Applications Due: June 13, 2014 Minimum Qualifications: * Master’s degree in Administration or master’s degree with Administration/Educational Leadership Certification * Three years of administrative experience, Catholic school administrative experience preferred * Excellent spiritual, educational, managerial and communication skills The Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate against applicants or employees by reason of race, age, sex, handicap or national origin. ! KC H . , MINISTER & FAMILY OF THE MONTH / Some members of our church family serve our parish with humble dedication. If you have noticed an outstanding parishioner or family, we want to hear about it. Nomination forms for Family of the Month and Minister of the Month are available in the back of church. Nominees must be parishioners of Our Lady of the Rosary Church. Nominations will remain on file for one year. The Community Life committee will process submissions. Awards will be given at the discretion of our priest. Please return nomination forms to the church office or in the collection basket by the last Sunday of the month for consideration. ENVELOPE FORM Please fill out this form and return it to the Parish Office if you would like to use the church envelopes. Name: _____________________________________ Address: ___________________________________ Phone: _____________________________________ MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, JUNE 7: Angelina Angelette Poche’, Alden Poche’, M/M Angelo Angelette; Dennis Bonvillian, Sr., Dustin Thomassie, Robin Terrebonne; M/M Antoine Guidry & Sones, Carroll (B), E.J. Quatrevingt; Michael Worley; Dustin Guillot, Elie Guillot, Sr., Timothy Guillot, Foret Naquin, Placide Naquin, Wanda Sue A. Guilliot, Napoleon Koppell, M/M Wilclif Guidry; M/M Nolan & N. J. Vinet, M/M Ellis & Carroll Cheramie; Jason Curole (B), Edwis & David Curole SUNDAY, JUNE 8: Clifton & Clarabelle Savoie; Alice Ledet (B), Emile Ledet, Ralph & Ethel Galiano; Richard Saucier; Kenneth Pierce, Karen Adams; Emelda Comeaux, Marianne C. Vega; Noah, Rena, & Jimmy Hebert and Jonathan Dore’; Willis & Lucy Curole; Donna Giarrusso; Carroll, Joann Gros, E.J. & Joyce Pierce, Horace & Marie Pierce; Edwis Curole; Pierce, Pinel & Thibodaux Families MONDAY, JUNE 9: Sidney Savoie (DA); Daniel St. Pierre (B); Roland, Greg (DA), & Joshua LeBlanc, Robin LeBlanc Williams TUESDAY, JUNE 10: Carol Rogers (DA); Ethel Schrieffer (DA); Shantelle Hancock, Vickie Pierce WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11: Frank & Tommy LeBoeuf, Mrs. Fortune Ledet (B); Stella Breaux, Duffy & Victoria Breaux; Russell Guidry (B), Greg LeBlanc (DA), Ethel Schrieffer (DA), Albert & Thelma Orgeron, Norman Orgeron THURSDAY, JUNE 12: Loris “Black” Cheramie; Tony Chouest; Lucille Gros (B) FRIDAY, JUNE 13: John Brady, Jr.; Debbie Plaisance Champagne (B); Mary Ann Worley, Marie Allemand; Carroll, Joann Gros, Sesla Swider, E.J. & Joyce; Charley (DA) & Marie Pierce TO AVERT STORMS AND HURRICANES HURRICANE PREPAREDNESS FOR CEMETERY O God, our Father in heaven, through the powerful inter- Should a hurricane or tropical storm come our way, we ask you to pick up any flowers & containers you have in the cemetery. If you choose not to do so, we cannot guarantee that they will be there after the storm. cession of Our Lady of Prompt Succor, hear the humble voices of your children. The Sea of Galilee obeyed your order and returned to its former calmness; you are still the Master of land and sea. During this hurricane season, we turn to You, O loving Father. Spare us from past tragedies and protect us from future storms. Amen. CANS FOR SEMINARY SUPPORT Loving and merciful God, you call us into being and commission us to serve your people. We pray that our lives might make a difference and that our service might give you praise. Strengthen us, we pray, to be instruments of peace and justice in our church and in our world. May your people feel the desire to minister as priests, sisters, brothers, deacons and lay ministers. We ask this in the spirit of Jesus Christ. Amen. PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS The vocations committee is asking parishioners for their support in collecting aluminum cans for seminarians from our parish. Receptacle bins are placed in various areas on parish grounds. Please pray for the following friends and members of our parish who need our prayers. Residents of the Broadway Nursing Home, all those in the hospital, all those that are Home bound; and Ronald Gros, Lourise Charpentier, Kayla George, Chris Brunet, Bea Trosclair, Michelle Naquin, Loretta Foret, Donna Gaspard, Grace Guidry, Patricia Pitre, Robert Adams, Neil Seoni, Leoncia Naquin, Annirie Richoux, Lloyd Thibodaux, Donna Ray Bouffanie, Tommy Plaisance, Darren Bayley, Michael Bourgeois, Katie Hebert, Audrey Billiot, Tyler Detillier, Gwen Angelette, Donald Terrebonne, Sr., Lois Martin, Penny Zeringue, Angie Kyzar, Mary Kyzar, Hennely Chabert, Raymond Plaisance, Jr., Cade Capeheart, Rowena Dominique; Beth Danos, Elmire Guidroz, Eva Doucet, Caroline Dubois, Myrna Cheramie, Aline LeBlanc, Rena Mae Falgout, Colby LaCoste, Ken Plaisance, Jack Russo, Steven Theriot, Mary Elizabeth White, Patsy Gretts, Angela Orgeron, Troy Guidry, Stacy Galliano, Jennifer Eymard, Jeff Hebert, Warren Sanamo, Beau Kyzar, Stephen Donovan, Tommy Chouest, Carl Savoy, Jr., Emily Sanchez; Edgar Bouzigard, Mabel Richoux, Reese Angeron, Madeline Falgout, Betty Guidry, Anse Guidry, Brenda Thomassie, Roland Thomassie, Donna Eymard, Jason Esponge, Weston Sevin, Laura Badeaux, Horace & Judica Savoie, Susan Ledet, Jaunita Theriot, Dusty Allemand, Judy Baker, Cindy Flores, Clara Mae Ledet, L. J. Plaisance, Jr., Dereck Guidry, Mary Thibodeaux, John Bath, Anne Cheramie, Dolly Lefort, Virginia Duet, Mary Westerman, Raymond Westerman, Perry Richard, Jr., Coley Richard, Austin Richard, Sue Theriot, Darlene Theriot, Jeannie Rodrigue, Mary Jane Cheramie Please call the parish office to add a family member of a parishioner to the prayer list. Please help us keep the list current. JUNE 2014 SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 1 7AM Mass 10AM Mass 5:30PM Mass 2 3 4 8:30AM Mass 8:30AM Mass 8:30AM Mass 6:30PM Prayer Mtg. 10AM SVdP Mtg. 5 8:30AM Mass 6PM KC Mtg. 6:30PM—Rosary 7PM—Healing Mass w/ Fr. Cruz 6 8:30AM Mass 7 8:30AM Mass 4PM Mass 8 7AM Mass 10AM Mass BAPTISM 5:30PM Mass 9 10 11 8:30AM Mass 8:30AM Mass 8:30AM Mass 6:30PM Prayer Mtg. 12 8:30AM Mass 13 8:30AM Mass 14 4PM Mass 15 7AM Mass 10AM Mass 5:30PM Mass 16 17 18 8:30AM Mass 8:30AM Mass 8:30AM Mass 6:30PM Prayer Mtg. 6:30PM RCIA 19 8:30AM Mass 6PM KC Mtg. 20 8:30AM Mass 21 4PM Mass 22 7AM Mass 10AM Mass 5:30PM Mass 23 24 8:30AM Mass 8:30AM M 6:30PM Prayer Mtg. 26 27 8:30AM Mass 8:30AM Mass 7PM Baptism Seminar 28 4PM Mass 29 7AM Mass 10AM Mass 5:30PM Mass 30 8:30AM Mass 6:30PM Prayer Mtg. 25 8:30AM Mass Our Sunday Bulletin is supported by the advertisers who are listed on our back page. What better way to say THANK YOU than to remember them the next time you go shopping. REMINDER TO MAUSOLEUM CRYPT OWNERS The cemetery office would like to remind all mausoleum crypt owners that, flowers, statues, glass objects and other items are not allowed on mausoleum floors except at funeral time due to safety concerns. Only vases on crypt doors will be allowed. If you would like to purchase a vase for the crypt door please call the parish office. Thank you for helping Our Lady of the Rosary Cemetery remain an attractive and beautiful resting place for the deceased. Holy Mary, Mother fair, Filled with love for God, Pray for us in all our needs. Pray for us today. For the sake of his sorrowful passion, SAVE THE DATE have mercy on us an on the whole world. BAPTISMAL PREPARATION Our Lady of the Rosary Baptismal Preparation consists of one mandatory Baptismal Seminar which consists of an information session which is on the last Thursday of the month at 7PM in the Saltillo Room. Both parents and godparents are required to attend the Baptismal Seminar prior to the birth of the baby. Godparents must meet Canon Law requirements: 1. Be a Catholic. 2. Be a practicing Catholic. This means, a Catholic person who is in an invalid marriage (not in a Catholic Church marriage) cannot be a godparent. A cohabiting Catholic person who is not married, (living with someone) cannot be a godparent. 3. Be sixteen (16) years of age or older. 4. Must be a confirmed Catholic. 5. A baptized non Catholic may stand as a witness, along with a confirmed Catholic. UPCOMING SEMINAR DATES June 26 July 31 August 28 September 25 October 30 November 20 J J 7—11—V 11—Y B B S INVITATION TO PARISH MEMBERS We invite you to prayerfully consider an invitation to become more involved in the leadership and life of the Parish. Can we encourage those with public speaking abilities to consider training as a Lector or Commentator? Would you be willing to commit to a team for Ushering or greeting at a particular weekend Mass? Do you have musical talents to contribute as a Church musician, cantor, or choir member? Are you interested in visiting the sick or disabled of the Parish? Would you be interested to become a member of the Arimathean Ministry serving at funeral Masses? As a member of the parish, these and many other opportunities are yours. Please pray about how the Spirit is inviting you to exercise your unique gifts in service to Our Lady of the Rosary Parish family. For more information call the parish office. We look forward to hearing from you.