Tracking S8 Paybacks in WinTAR
Tracking S8 Paybacks in WinTAR
QUICK DOC: Tracking S8 Paybacks in WinTAR Tracking S8 Paybacks in WinTAR Section 8 paybacks are able to be tracked in winTAR. This may be needed when a tenant did not report income they were receiving while receiving section 8. This option will be completed in winTAR. To go to this option from Encompass choose ‘winTAR’ from the ‘Tenant/Applicant Mgt’ tab, as shown here. Next, choose the ‘Tenants’ tab and then click on the ‘Tenants’ button. Page 1 of 15 QUICK DOC: Tracking S8 Paybacks in WinTAR The following screen will appear: Select the ‘New’ button to begin creating your tenant. This will bring up the ‘NEW – Pub.Hsg. Tenant’ screen. 1. Enter the tenant’s last name. The last is usually followed by an *. This is used to differentiate between the tenant’s original record and the record that you are creating for tracking paybacks. 2. Enter the tenant’s first name. 3. Enter the tenant’s social security number. 4. Enter any other information that you wish; such as a telephone number or email address. Page 2 of 15 QUICK DOC: Tracking S8 Paybacks in WinTAR Then, click on the ‘Project’ button under Project/Unit information. This will bring up the ‘Project Lookup’ screen. Choose the project for which you would like the tenant to be set up under. Many housing authorities use a name like ‘Section 8 Repays’. Highlight the project by clicking on it. Once you project has been selected press the ‘Ok’ button. Page 3 of 15 QUICK DOC: Tracking S8 Paybacks in WinTAR Next enter the Move In date. This date is usually the date that non-reported income was discovered. Then, click on the ‘Unit’ button. This will bring up the ‘Unit Availability Lookup’ page. Click on the ‘New’ button to enter in the tenant’s address information. Page 4 of 15 QUICK DOC: Tracking S8 Paybacks in WinTAR Enter in the tenant’s address information, as shown below. When finished, click on the ‘Basic’ tab. Page 5 of 15 QUICK DOC: Tracking S8 Paybacks in WinTAR The following screen will appear: 1. Enter in a Unit ID / Label. The ‘Unit ID’ is the unit identifier and must be unique. Use only letters and numbers, no spaces or punctuation may be used. If the ‘Unit ID’ is not unique the system will create one for you. 2. Fill in the bedroom size with a 0. 3. Click on the ‘Save’ button. The following screens will appear: Click ‘Yes’ to save changes. Page 6 of 15 QUICK DOC: Tracking S8 Paybacks in WinTAR Click ‘OK’ when told the changes have been saved. This will take you back to the ‘PUBLIC HOUSING (New Unit)’ screen. Click ‘Exit’ to complete adding the new unit. This will take you back to the ‘Unit Availability Lookup’ screen. Page 7 of 15 QUICK DOC: Tracking S8 Paybacks in WinTAR 1. To select your newly created unit, type in a piece of the information from that unit in the search box. 2. Highlight the unit by single clicking on it. 3. Press the ‘Ok’ button. This will take you back to the ‘NEW – Pub.Hsg. Tenant’ screen. Page 8 of 15 QUICK DOC: Tracking S8 Paybacks in WinTAR You may add notes in the notes field if you wish. When finished click the ‘Save’ button. The following prompts will appear: Click ‘Yes’. When asked to pro-rate adjustments, click ‘No’. Page 9 of 15 QUICK DOC: Tracking S8 Paybacks in WinTAR Click ‘’OK’ to complete the changes. The following screen will appear: Click the ‘Exit’ button when complete. You are now ready to enter the beginning balance. Page 10 of 15 QUICK DOC: Tracking S8 Paybacks in WinTAR Remain in ‘winTAR’. Click on the ‘Transactions’ tab and then ‘On-Line Display’ as shown below. This following screen ill appear: Click on the ‘Tenant’ button to search for the tenant. Page 11 of 15 QUICK DOC: Tracking S8 Paybacks in WinTAR This will bring up the ‘Search for Public Housing tenants’ screen. To find your tenant: 1. 2. 3. 4. Enter in your tenant’s information. Click on the ‘Search’ button. Highlight the tenant by single clicking on the name. Click on ‘Fetch tenant’ to bring them to the ‘Tenant Balance Display/Update’ screen. Page 12 of 15 QUICK DOC: Tracking S8 Paybacks in WinTAR Section 8 paybacks are usually tracked under Retro Rents. You may want to discuss with accounting what transaction code to use. For this example a code 99, load balance, will be used. To enter the beginning balance, click on the ‘Adjustment’ button. Page 13 of 15 QUICK DOC: Tracking S8 Paybacks in WinTAR The following screen will appear: 1. DO NOT change the ‘Month/Year’ or ‘Date’. 2. You may choose to enter a reference number. If you do not enter one, one will be generated for you. 3. Choose where you would like the balance to be applied to. This is done by selecting the drop down arrow in the ‘Apply To’ box. 4. Choose the code description for the transaction. This is done by selecting the drop down arrow in the ‘Code Description’ box. This will automatically place a code in the ‘Code’ box. 5. Enter the total balance in the ‘Amount’ box. You do not need to enter a $ sign, this will be generated automatically. 6. You may choose to enter a memo in the ‘Memo’ box if you choose. 7. Press the ‘Ok’ button when complete. The following prompts will appear: Press the ‘Yes’ button. Press the ‘Ok’ button. This will take you back to the ‘Tenant Balance Display/Update’ screen. Page 14 of 15 QUICK DOC: Tracking S8 Paybacks in WinTAR Press the ‘Ok’ button to exit the screen. You are now ready to enter payments against the money owed. Remember that this project will need to be posted monthly under Transactions/Post Monthly, just like any other processing group. Page 15 of 15