Contents - YWCA of Singapore


Contents - YWCA of Singapore
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus
Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth
into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus
Christ from the dead.
1 Peter 1:3
President’s Message
Upcoming Events YWCA News
Community Services
Childcare Spotlight: Ms. Jean Garcia
January - March
Christmas Luncheon
Volunteers’ and Donors’
Appreciation Night
Kids’ Club Year-End Programmes
Gala Concert 2015
A quarterly newsletter of the YWCA — Young Women’s Christian Association of Singapore
P resident’s M essage
New Year, New Perspective
We begin a new year in 2016 with this issue. We tend to start a new year
promising ourselves that we will make changes in our lives.
I recently finished reading Rick Warren’s book ‘God’s Power to Change Your
Life’ and learnt his thoughts on new perspectives. He said that if we are going
to change our lives, we have to change our thought patterns. When we become
Christians, we change our perspective on many things. The Bible teaches that
the way we think changes the way we feel. And the way we feel changes the
way we act. When we live with the right kind of thoughts and we base our
thoughts on God’s word, we will be set free.
We all have dreams and hopes to change, but we need to set realistic goals so that they can be achieved. Our founder, Ms Sophia
Cooke, had dreams – to improve the position of women in Singapore and to educate girls. She set up the YWCA of Singapore in 1875
and achieved her dreams in her lifetime.
Over the last year, we celebrated the 140th anniversary of the Association and this issue of YWLink highlights the many events that
commemorated the 140th anniversary. We hope that our dreams will be turned into reality.
This issue reports the many events that took place in the last quarter of 2015 and I hope that you find them interesting.
As we continue into 2016 with our plans, hopes, and dreams, let’s remember this “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the LORD. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.”
- Jeremiah 29: 11
I wish you a blessed year ahead!
Tan Kee Leng, PBM
YWCA of Singapore
Published by YWCA
Venue : YWCA Fort Canning Lodge Swimming Pool (Level 3)
Time : 7pm - 8pm
Venue : YWCA Fort Canning Lodge
Sophia Cooke Ballroom (Level 2)
Time : 6.30pm - 9.30pm
Venue : YWCA Fort Canning Lodge Swimming Pool (Level 3)
Time : 7pm - 8pm
8pm - 9pm
For more information, please visit our website
at or call us at 6223 1227.
Venue : YWCA Fort Canning Lodge
Sophia Cooke Ballroom (Level 2)
Time : 11am - 2pm
6 Fort Canning Road Singapore 179494
Ms Tan Kee Leng
Editorial Coordinators
Mrs Leung Yee Ping, Ms Gladys Foo,
Ms Stephanie Hung
254 Outram Road Singapore 169051
Tel: 6223 1227 Fax: 6227 3650
acknowledgement must be given to YWCA/
Young Women’s Christian Association of
Singapore, and a copy of the publication should
be sent to the
Articles express the opinions of the authors
and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or
policies of the YWCA/Young Women’s Christian
Association of Singapore.
254 Outram Road Singapore 169051
All information correct at the time of printing.
All rights reserved. © YWCA of Singapore 2016.
MCI (P) 006/04/2015
Jan-Mar 2016 •
“Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.” Ephesians 4:2
YWCA 140th Anniversary Touchscreen at
Fort Canning Lodge
By Gabriel Fu
In commemoration of the YWCA of Singapore’s 140
Anniversary, we have installed a state-of-the-art interactive
touchscreen at YWCA Fort Canning Lodge’s lobby. Officially
launched during the Volunteers’ and Donors’ Appreciation
Night on 27 November 2015, the interactive screen replaces
the history gallery previously located just beside Café
Lodge. The interactive screen features three websites – the
YWCA’s website, Fort Canning Lodge’s website, and ‘The
YWCA Story’, a special commemorative 140th anniversary
Visitors and guests of the lodge are free to use the screen to
browse these sites and learn about the YWCA’s rich history
and notable contributors, or book a comfortable room at the
Fort Canning Lodge. Using an interactive screen instead of
a standing gallery allows us to make updates to our history
as the years go by, so that visitors will always have the latest
So come on down to the Fort Canning Lodge and enrich
yourself by browsing on our interactive screen today!
Christmas Luncheon for Members
By Alice Chua
The Christmas Luncheon, held on Friday 18 December, was one of the new events specially
organised for our members in 2015. It took place at our very own YWCA Fort Canning Lodge Pool
Terrace Room, which was all decked up for the holidays, complete with tinsel and a Christmas tree!
A total of 40 friends came together to make this event a successful and joyous one.
Gracing the event was our YWCA President, Ms Tan Kee Leng, who opened the lunch with a
welcome speech. She spoke of the joy that the Christmas season brings and how much more
meaningful it is to celebrate it in the presence of all those near and dear to our hearts. It was clear
that everyone was in the festive mood as family and friends gathered in a happy chatter.
A mouthwatering Christmas buffet spread was laid out, featuring turkey, ham and log cake, all of
which everyone happily tucked into. A Christmas blessing draw took place throughout the lunch,
and it was heartwarming to see the crowd cheer for their friends as they came up to collect their
Thank you to everyone who made this Christmas Luncheon a successful one, and we hope that you
had a great festive season with your family and loved ones!
“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” Psalms 46:1
• Jan-Mar
Jul - Sep 2016
2014 3
Kids’ Club Christmas Party 2015
By Ling Goh
‘Love Earth’ was the 2015 theme for the annual Kids’ Club Christmas Party, the biggest
children’s event organised each year at the YWCA. It was drawn from the previous week of
year-end holiday programmes which also focused on teaching the children to love our planet
by conserving it. Along with the YWCA traditional Bursary Awards and Christmas Wish list, the
games, decoration and activities at the 2015 Party incorporated elements of recycling – and
the results exceeded expectations!
On the morning of Saturday 5 December, 85 child beneficiaries from YWCA’s Kids’ Club and
Meals-on-Wheels programme arrived with 34 parents and guardians in tow to attend the Party.
Registration opened at 9.15am with fringe activities such as Clay Art Painting, Bouncy Castle,
Christmas Photo Booth with a balloon Christmas tree, various games using recycled materials
and tasty Kacang Putih wrapped with recycled paper.
At 10am, the Party kicked off to a creative start with three craft activities for the children and
their families to do: a toilet paper tube kazoo that they could play along to Christmas carols
later in the programme; a Christmas wreath to herald the celebration; and a live mini Christmas
tree which they could decorate with the leftover recycled material scraps.
The families showed off their artistic flair, creating lovely works of art with the assortment of
recycled newspapers, plastic bags, ribbons, cloth, tapes, and baubles sourced from the YWCA
Youth Centre through the years. And to top it off, they worked together nigh seamlessly in their
family units to executive their Christmas visions. The final products of their combined ingenuity
were truly stunning and were proudly taken back to be displayed in their homes.
Thereafter it was time for buffet lunch with festive treats such as turkey and log cake. Having
eaten their fill, the YWCA Bursary and Kids’ Club Awards ceremony then took place with
13 Distinction and 11 Merit Bursaries scored. The ceremony was followed by an interactive
segment where our radiant emcee played audience games like passing the present and
juggling balloons.
Although there was much fun to be had, the highlight of the day still surely went to the unveiling
of Christmas Wish list presents for each child. And while they rushed to find their very own
present, we managed to sneak a group photo in with all the children to commemorate this
Christmas morning. With their bounty of presents and crafts in their arms, we hope the 2015
edition of the Kids’ Club Christmas Party will stay in their memories for a long, long time.
Jul - Sep 2016
2014 •
“Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until
the day of Christ Jesus.” Philippians 1:6
Volunteers’ and Donors’ Appreciation
By Sharon Regina
2015 was a year packed with activities and programs. The YWCA was able to continue
carrying out its mission to serve the community because of the immense and unwavering
support of our dedicated and wonderful volunteers. Since 2015 marked the 140th
Anniversary of the YWCA, the annual Volunteers and Donors’ Appreciation Night was a
combined celebration held on Friday 27 November 2015 at YWCA Fort Canning Lodge’s
Sophia Cooke Ballroom.
Over 200 volunteers and donors joined us for the event which started at 6.30pm. Outside
the ballroom, there was a flurry of fringe activities, including a caricature artist who expertly
drew portraits of the guests for them to take home as a keepsake. At a separate booth,
there was an option to either have the sketch drawn on paper or shrunk into a keychain.
A photo booth was also on hand for volunteers to snap a picture of themselves with the
friends that they had made over the years while volunteering.
We were honoured to have Dr Maria David, President of YWCA Penang in our midst to join
us on this joyous occasion. As the night commenced, Ms Tan Kee Leng, the President of the
YWCA gave the welcome speech followed by an introduction of the special commemorative
140th anniversary website, the YWCA Story ( A walk-through
video showcased the features of the website, which documents the organisation’s 140
years of service to the community, its present happenings, future plans and stories of
important figures in the YWCA’s history.
As guests tucked into a sumptuous buffet prepared by Fort Canning Lodge, performances
were put up by children from McNair CDC and teachers from Jurong East CDC. The
audience gleefully watched as the adorable children clutched Flag Day tins and told a
story through song and dance. It warmed the hearts of all present. This was followed by a
fan dance and a riveting salsa, performed by the teachers. A photo montage featuring all
of our volunteers and donors was also screened during dinner. The night was filled with
fun and games too! Our emcee, Vivienne, kept the guests entertained with stage games.
The audience was involved wholeheartedly, as random tables were invited onto the stage
to sing along to songs from various genres.
After the many hours of energy and effort spent supporting our programmes, events and
projects over the past year, the occasion was just a small way in which we could honour
and express our heartfelt gratitude to our volunteers and donors. They are the lifeblood
of the organisation, without whom all the good work that the YWCA carries out would not
be possible!
“He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.” Isaiah 40:29
• Jan-Mar
Jul - Sep 2016
2014 5
Empowering Mums Christmas Giveaway
By Ling Goh
In end 2015, a donation of over 1,400 articles of branded clothing and accessories, as well as earlier donations of pre-loved
apparel made it possible for the YWCA to throw a special Christmas treat for our beneficiaries.
The items were gathered to be passed on in an Exclusive Christmas Giveaway held under the Empowering Mums project on the
evening of Wednesday 23 December. The Empowering Mums (EM) project was a new initiative launched in 2015 as part of the
YWCA’s 140th Anniversary and focused on equipping back-to-work mothers from low-income families with the relevant skills they
needed to be employed.
This gift of apparel, which primarily included women’s workwear, was meant for working mothers or mothers seeking employment
amongst our beneficiaries to help them fill their work wardrobe and celebrate their loving service.
Over 70 mothers from YWCA’s various community programmes and services, as well as our EM Community Partner, THK Family
Service Centre @ Tanjong Pagar, were invited to the Giveaway and brought partners and teenaged children to assist them in
picking out their favourite items. They could each choose up to 12 items and the atmosphere was bustling right from the beginning
with the families browsing at their leisure. Two families even lingered all three hours to select to their hearts’ content. Some light
refreshments were provided.
A heartfelt thanks goes to our very capable and dedicated team of volunteers from Singapore Polytechnic who stepped forward at
this busy time by preparing the items for display and staying until past 10pm to man the Giveaway and help repack the remaining
clothing. They served with a smile, giving the mothers fashion advice and ushering them through the piles and piles of items
throughout the night. With their great help, we hope the event brought cheer, comfort and the sparkle of a brighter future to the
many that came through the doors of the YWCA Fort Canning Lodge Multi-Purpose Hall for the event.
Sustenance for Families Programme
By Elvin Ng
In 2015, corporate volunteers such as Dell continued to support this programme
with regular packing sessions. There was an overwhelming response from the
volunteers and Dell has committed to this programme on alternate months.
In addition, we are blessed with another group of volunteers from Genesis
Advisors who have been supporting us over the last two years. We are extremely
fortunate to be able to rely on these groups of faithful volunteer packers who are
always so ready to support this programme.
The frequency of the packing of rations for needy families on our Sustenance
for Families programme has been increased to twice a month for weekdays
and once a month for weekends due to the increased number of beneficiaries,
and also to create more volunteering opportunities. Going forward, the packing
sessions will be conducted on every first and last Friday for the weekday packing
and every third Saturday for the weekend packing.
We are always looking for more volunteers to come on board, whether it be
individuals or corporates! For corporate organisations, you can gather a
team of at least 10 people to pack and deliver rations to the families all over
Singapore. Please contact call 6223 1227 or visit
weekdayweekend-sustenance-families/ for more information.
6 Jan-Mar
Jul - Sep2016
2014 •
“For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you
ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the measure of faith
God has given you.” Romans 12:3
Kids’ Club Year-End School Holiday
By Ling Goh
In 2015, the Kids’ Club sought to incorporate moral and character
development into our children’s programmes by underscoring
each activity with a value or theme. The Club has also made
an effort to involve the children’s families more starting with our
first family cycling outing in June at East Coast Park. During
the November school holidays, the second formal family outing
was organised, along with a week’s worth of activities by two
student volunteering groups from the National Institute of
Education (NIE) and Anderson Junior College (AJC).
The Kids’ Club year-end school holiday programme ran from
21-26 November last year with the unifying theme: ‘Love Earth’.
The NIE group took charge of two outings which bracketed the
programme, and the AJC group ran three workshops.
The NIE volunteers consisted of 17 trainee teachers who
conceptualised two outings to Gardens by the Bay on 21
November and the Singapore Zoo on 26 November. They
created activities to teach the importance of animal and
environmental conservation, whilst imparting life lessons about
teamwork, caring for others, and connecting the children to the
world around them. Two beautiful booklets were also designed
by the group to capture the content of the knowledge they were
sharing and to engage the children. These initiatives made
the outings more meaningful and the volunteers were clearly
passionate about engaging the children.
The Gardens outing was dedicated for families and the
volunteers set up mini stations to play recycling and bonding
games with the family groups. It was lovely to watch the
interaction between the families as they sorted through puzzles
and recycling challenges at each station, scoring small triumphs
along the way which added up to the experience. Although
spirits are always high during outings, we could see how much
happier and calmer the children were with their parents around.
The Zoo outing was focused back on the children but we were
able to have two mothers tag along. The children trekked
around the spacious Zoological Gardens and excitedly pointed
out various animals and reflected on our human relationships
through observing the animals.
Between the hype of the two outings, a class of around 20 AJC
students also planned and executed three days of workshops
from 23-25 November. Each day, different groups of students
came to the Youth Centre to run a terrarium building workshop,
movie screening of ‘The Lorax’ with a quiz and scavenger hunt,
and a ‘Superhero’ recycled arts and craft workshop.
The students capably handled the children who attended the
workshops, and their charm and tenacity ensured that even the
least enthusiastic child eventually participated in the activities.
They also did a good job of collecting recycled materials
amongst themselves to use as resources for the workshops
and wisely planned outdoors time with the children so they
could be more hands-on with what they were sharing. The
children especially enjoyed the terrarium building workshop as
they got to dig into real soil and plant their mini terrariums. Most
of them made more than one to bring home as gifts. It was the
children’s interest that led to the idea for a live mini Christmas
tree craft at the Kids’ Club Christmas Party held on 5 December.
We warmly thank the NIE and AJC student groups for their
dedicated and creative work with the beneficiaries and know
that their messages of loving the earth and loving each other
were well-received by the Kids’ Club children.
“Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.”
Ephesians 4:31
• Jan-Mar
Jul - Sep 2016
2014 7
WoW with Chen Su Lan – Life Skills Camp
By Alice Chua
the youths to different job search platforms. They were then
tasked to prepare fried rice for their lunch. In the afternoon,
they learned about resume and cover letter writing skills, and
took time to write their own resume and cover letter.
We were extremely happy to collaborate with Chen Su Lan
Methodist Children’s Home, our first partner with whom we
piloted the Workz-on-Wheels programme back in 2012. We
have maintained a good relationship with the Home and their
residents. The Home requested for us to conduct a week-long
life skills programme for about 20 youths aged 16 to 21 years old
on 7 to 11 December 2015. The aim of these workshops were to
equip the youths with the necessary life skills needed to lead an
independent life after their discharge from the Home in the near
The camp started with a Financial Literacy workshop conducted
by Mr Ferris Wee from the Institute of Financial Literacy.
During the four-hour session, he shared the basics of money
management and setting S.M.A.R.T financial goals. The youths
also learned the effects that compounding interest has on savings
and spending, the consequences of overspending with a credit
card, and what happens if there is a rollover balance.
On the second day, our in-house volunteer, Ms Michaela
Whitting, who has a background in human resources, introduced
On the third day, our regular volunteer, Ms Mariam Khalid,
another human resources professional who works in an oil and
gas company, guided the youths on the interview process and
shared some relevant values and qualities that they should
strive to have. To reiterate these points, a few roleplaying
scenarios of job interviews were carried out. After that, they
were asked to complete a survey so as to understand their
skills and personalities better.
The camp ended with a personal grooming workshop
conducted by Ms Jill from Jill Lowe International. The youths
engaged in various interactive activities which taught them
how to be more presentable and the meaning of different
postures and body stances. It was encouraging to see the
youths expressing much interest in knowing more about the
topics for their own personal development. Each youth was
presented with a certificate to acknowledge their participation
at the end of the camp. We hope that the youths are now
equipped with the basic life skills that will set them on the
right path once they graduate from the Home. We would like
to take this opportunity to thank our volunteers and partners
who came and helped make this week-long programme a
successful one!
Gala Concert 2015
By Sandy Koh
The Child Development Centre Gala Concert
2015 on Wednesday 28 October was a
celebration of the 140th anniversary of the YWCA
of Singapore. The afternoon’s programme
brought the audience through the work of our
founder Ms Sophia Cooke, a British missionary
who founded the organisation in 1875. The
various performances put up by our children
included a variety of musical ensembles; from
traditional songs to newly-composed children’s
music, both local and foreign, reflecting the
development of the YWCA of Singapore and its
achievements throughout the years.
The theme of the concert was ‘One Small Voice’,
a tribute to Ms Sophia Cooke, an individual who
started out with a belief that women needed to be educated so as to improve their status in society. It was a belief that she felt so
strongly and passionate about that she was not afraid to pursue it by organising educational classes for women. It was because
of her commitment, her perseverance and her one small voice that others were inspired to join and together the YWCA dream
began. Through Ms Sophia Cooke, we learned that we can achieve anything if we believe in ourselves.
Our children’s voices may be small, but if we believe in them, and they believe in themselves, their one small voice can make a
difference too!
Jul - Sep 2016
2014 •
“The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new
every morning; great is thy faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:22-23
YWCA Family Fun Day 2015
By Tan Kok Wee – Alumni Parent, McNair CDC
After months of brainstorming, planning and preparation, the
day had finally arrived!
Saturday 21 November 2015 was the day when children and
parents of YWCA McNair and Bishan CDCs gathered at the
MDIS Stirling Road Campus Event Hall for a day of games,
excitement and fun! The organising committee, which included
staff from McNair and Bishan CDCs, parents from the McNair
Alumni Group and event volunteers welcomed the participants
as they arrived at the hall.
We were privileged to have guest of honour, Ms Tan Kee Leng,
President of the YWCA along with Board Member Ms Hazel Oh
and Executive Director Mrs Leung Yee Ping to grace our event.
The venue, originally a badminton court, was the main arena
where the sports activities took place. It had been transformed
for the occasion and was all decked out in cheerful colours of
balloons and flags. The enclosed air-conditioned hall provided
respite from the unpredictable weather and haze outside!
The YWCA Family Fun Day commenced after an opening
prayer by Mrs Rebecca Au, Principal of Bishan CDC followed
by an opening speech delivered by Ms Tan Kee Leng. A sense
of excitement filled the air as participants gathered in their red,
blue, yellow and green teams, all ready and eager for some
friendly competition.
The first team to compete were the children from the Playgroup
(N1T) classes, bringing the crowd to their feet as they raced in
the game of ‘Dunkin Donuts’! It was really a fast paced race by
the youngest kids of the centres. The participants from the blue
team showed their might when they took the winning position,
much to the delight of everyone.
Following quickly after, the children from Nursery 1 participated
in the Beach Ball race! Once again, the participants from the
blue team emerged the winners, to the loud cheers and support
from the spectators. With their quick feet and steady hands,
they had a ball of a time finishing the race in first place and
walking away with the top prizes.
The children from Nursery 2 took over the race arena for the
game of ‘Beanie on My Head’. All the participants tried balancing
the bean bags on their heads as best as they could with as
much poise as possible. At the end of the race, it was the green
team who emerged victorious thanks to their composure and
quick feet.
Next into the arena were the older children from the K1 classes,
all ready for the ‘Shoe Box Relay’. Sliding up and down the
lanes with their feet in shoe boxes, the team blue team slid
themselves to the winning spot position, to the resounding
cheers of supporters and spectators watching from the side
After the K1 competitors received their prizes, the race arena
was quickly transformed for the main event of the day – ‘The
Obstacle Course’! Competing in this event were the children
from the K2 classes from both centres and the Alumni kids of
McNair CDC. With the loudest cheers of the day, these older
kids negotiated the grueling course with much ease and speed,
going over, under and through the obstacles. At the end, it
was the green team that edged out the blue team by a narrow
margin to take the winning position.
A special ‘Teachers vs Parents’ event was included in the race,
featuring a ‘Hula Hoop Relay’. The children joined in to cheer
their parents and teachers. The teachers who won the relay
by a narrow margin bringing the games to a close. The events
concluded with every child receiving prizes for their amazing
effort and great sportsmanship.
With all the activity, everyone had worked up quite an appetite,
and a delicious lunch followed. After lunch, everyone took turns
to visit a traditional games booth of 5-stones, chapteh and
pick-up-sticks. The event was filled with excitement, fun and
laughter for all present from the beginning right to the end. It
was a truly memorable YWCA Family Fun Day!
“For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.” 2
Timothy 1:7
• Jan-Mar
Jul - Sep 2016
2014 9
Staff Training on 30 November 2015
By Sandy Koh
During the staff training on Monday 30 November, we wanted to recognise and tap on the extensive knowledge and valuable
experiences of our principals and curriculum specialists from our Child Development Centres. Thus, instead of the usual training
sessions whereby speakers from the Early Childhood industry would be invited down to share their insights with our staff, our
very own centre leaders – eight principals and two curriculum specialists came together to share knowledge, talk about the best
practices, and exchange helpful ideas with our staff.
The main objective of the training was to help our staff define their concerns and seek solutions through the mutual sharing of
information and experiences. We felt that peer sharing would be an effective way to achieve this as our centre leaders were the
best people to disseminate such information and knowledge while encouraging positive learning and sharing. Furthermore, being
from the same environment, these individuals are better able to empathise and understand the emotions, thoughts, feelings,
language of the participants, and, therefore, relate better to them.
Our staff spent a fruitful day listening, learning and engaging with one another. There were ten different workshops, ranging
from Early Childhood topics such as ‘Curriculum Leadership’ to ‘Pedagogy’, ‘Staff Management’ and ‘Spark Journey’ as well as
the YWCA Curriculum. Of course, there were fun-filled, creative sessions too, where the staff had a ball of a time playing ‘Let’s
Challenge’ and making Japanese rice balls, Muah Chee, creative bags, and floral and decoupage creations.
Farewell Note from Outram Kindergarten
By Elaine Oh
2015 was the last year of operations of the YWCA Outram Kindergarten. To commemorate the occasion and congratulate the final
batch of graduating students, the Centre organised a mini farewell concert on Friday 20 November 2015, the last day of school.
A slideshow documenting the various celebrations, activities and outings held by the Kindergarten was presented to the parents,
staff and children in attendance. It was an emotional yet meaningful occasion, which ended with a special art display showcasing
the different art works created by the children during the past term.
We would like to extend a heartfelt thanks to all parents of Outram Kindergarten for their unwavering trust and support towards the
Centre since it commenced operations in 1964.
10 Jan-Mar
Jul - Sep 2016
2014 •
“But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate,
submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.” James 3:17
SPARK Certification
Pasir Ris CDC and Outram CDC are now SPARK-certified. We now join over 400 preschools in Singapore as a SPARK-certified
centre. This is an indication and affirmation that our two Centres have met the quality standards set by the Singapore Pre-school
Accreditation Framework. Congratulations to all of the staff at Pasir Ris CDC and Outram CDC!
Pasir Ris CDCOutram CDC
“Dear Mdm Ho,
I would like to pen down my heartfelt appreciation to the
teachers and staff at your YWCA Pasir Ris Child Development
Centre Branch.
Emmanuel joined your centre at the beginning of Nursery 1,
when he was still my “baby” who could only babble one or
two-word sentences and would still wobble at times when he
walked. Now, at Kindergarten 1, he has definitely come a long
I would like to thank you for providing Emmanuel with a very
safe and conducive environment to learn at and socialise in.
He always looks forward to going to “school” and has been
very happy attending his classes, learning from the teachers,
interacting with the “aunties” and playing with his friends.
I would like to thank all the teachers and staff at your centre
as each and every teacher has, in their own way, made a
significant impact on Emmanuel’s life in the past 2.5 years. He
has been showered with love, provided with close guidance
and instilled with good values. He has surely been nurtured to
be an independent, sensible and knowledgeable boy.
Keep up with the good work and continue to have the positive
influences in the lives of our future citizens.
Yours Sincerely,
Mrs Nge”
“Dear Alice,
Thank you for the privilege to work with your team. It was a heartening experience to observe the commitment and care from the
volunteers serve the youth with enthusiasm. Keep it up!
Best Regards,
Jill Lowe”
Volunteer, Workz-on-Wheels Programme
Welcome on Board
The YWCA is pleased to welcome new staff to the team. We welcome Dangcil Frincess De Jesus as Teacher and Li Ning as
Educarer at Bedok CDC, and Tan Shi Ling as Teacher and Zhao MengTing as Educarer at Marine Parade CDC.
At Fort Canning Lodge, we welcome Geegie Bhasi as Guest Relations Officer, Hong ZengJie as Room Attendant, Ko Ko Hia as
F&B Supervisor, Mohamed Rafi s/o Abdul Careem as Guest Relations Assistant, Mohamed Shahid s/o Abdul Careem as Guest
Relations Assistant, Qistina Damiya @ Frescilla Kristie Anak as Sales Executive – Rooms, and Wong Chong Chai as Guest
Service Officer.
At the National Office, we welcome Oh Bee Lan Doris as Senior HR Executive and Yit Seek Peng as Accounts Officer.
“So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptised into
Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free,
nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” Galatians 3:26-28
• Jan-Mar
Jul - Sep 2016
2014 11
S P O T L I G H T: M S J E A N G A R C I A
Ms Jean Garcia has been working as a Senior Occupational Therapist at YWCA’s Educational Support Unit since March
2015, helping children with special needs. She shares some insights into Occupational Therapy and its role in early childhood
What made you interested in being an Occupational Therapist?
Interestingly enough, I was originally accepted into an Engineering course after I passed
my college entrance exam. After 2 years, doubts started to surface when I realised the
overwhelming number of male students in the class and the stressful schedule. That
was when I realised the calling for Allied Health professionals as it focused directly
working and helping people.
I am interested in helping people, for which Occupational Therapy seems to be a great
fit since it develops treatment to maintain the daily living and work skills of people with
physical, psychosocial and learning difficulties. Being an Occupational Therapist allows
me to have endless flexibility and creativity. I get the opportunity to work with different
age groups and a variety of cases. Most importantly this role makes an impact, whether
big or small, on the lives of each of the individuals and families that I worked with.
What role does Occupational Therapy play in a child’s development?
The first 3 years of life are a critical time for brain development. Children are filled with new stimulations, experiences that drives
his or her cognitive, social, and physical growth as well as laying the foundation, especially if a child is delayed or restricted in
development. Thus, a child needs support to develop optimally with the help from Occupational Therapy to improve motor functions
(gross and fine motor), cognitive, sensory processing, communication, and play skills. The therapy enhances development,
minimises the potential for developmental delay, and helps families meet the special needs of their infants and toddlers.
Could you describe a typical work day as an Occupational Therapist at the Educational Support Unit (ESU)?
My day usually starts with planning fun and creative activities for the different and unique cases to facilitate learning of concepts
(recognition and identifications), social skills (communication), play (interactions and participation), motor planning (coordination
and problem solving), and sensory integration work. I conduct both individual and small group sessions, at times co-facilitated by
one of the Learning Support Educators. There are days that allow me to observe the child’s participation in the class and with other
peers when he/she is having his/her intervention with the Learning Support Educator. I also conduct parents or caregiver training
for intensive follow up intervention that they can facilitate at home. One day of the week is usually reserved for updating reports,
meetings, case discussions, training or doing research with other Learning Support Educators.
Could you share a funny or inspiring story about one of your students?
I have a quite a number of funny experiences. To share one, I have this student who is a fan of Captain America and Green
Lantern. One day, this boy came with a modified cape using towel and was so proud of it. Beside the modified cape, he also
brought along a Captain America shield and always insisted to put it against the glass door for a sweet reason, which was to inform
people that ‘Captain America is in the therapy room’ to protect me. He said “Teacher Jean, I miss you very much!” upon seeing me
during the first therapy session of this year after my holiday trip. These little, sweet and funny moments from the children inspires
me and becomes my daily dose of happiness.
What is your motto in life?
As an Occupational Therapist, I am always guided by this proverb; “Give man a fish and you feed him for the day; teach man
how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” I strongly believe in helping children to gain the skills needed to be successful and
functionally independent in their main occupations which are school, and home life. It is more worthwhile to empower the parents
with the skills to facilitate their children in this lifelong journey.
Educational Support Unit
The YWCA’s Educational Support Unit (ESU) was established in 2005 to provide early intervention and integration for children with
mild learning difficulties. The Unit strives to provide equal opportunities to children to maximise their learning potential through a
systematic process of integration under the Integrated Child Care Programme (ICCP) which provides learning opportunities for
children who are diagnosed with mild learning challenges in a mainstream setup.
Three external programmes are also offered. The Individual Cognitive and Behavior Intervention (ICBI) is a one on one cognitive and
behavior intervention programme that works on a child’s academic, and processing skills as well as work behaviors. Occupational
Therapy assists children in solving problems that interfere with their abilities perform functional activities. Lastly, Signposts for
Building Better Behaviour helps families prevent or manage the difficult behaviour of children who have a developmental delay or
an intellectual disability.
For more information, visit ESU’s webpage at or call 6221 4335.
12 Jan-Mar
Jul - Sep 2016
2014 •
“I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be
revealed in us.” Romans 8:18