Contents - YWCA of Singapore


Contents - YWCA of Singapore
Each of you should use whatever gift you have
received to serve others, as faithful stewards of
God’s grace in its various forms.
1 Peter 4:10
President’s Message
Upcoming Events YWCA News
Community Services
Childcare Spotlight: Dr. Alex Lum
Empowering Mums
YWCA Bazaar 2015
Kids’ Club Family Cycling Outing
Singapore Book of Records
A quarterly newsletter of the YWCA — Young Women’s Christian Association of Singapore
P resident’s M essage
Celebrations and Service
On August 9 2015, Singapore celebrates its 50th anniversary as a nation. This is indeed memorable as
Singapore has come a long way since 1965 when it gained independence. 2015 is also memorable for
the YWCA of Singapore as we celebrate her 140 years of service to the community. The Association has
also come a long way since 1875 and has much to celebrate about as our volunteers and beneficiaries
are increasing and our services are expanding and reaching out to a growing number of those in need.
The YWCA needs more volunteers for all the increasing activities and services that we plan to hold
for our members and beneficiaries. In this issue of the YWLink, you will read of the many activities
conducted for our children and elderly beneficiaries together with the support of our partners. This is
only a small aspect of the community services provided by the YWCA and you can visit our website or
call our office to volunteer. The benefits of volunteering are two way – it benefits the volunteer as well
as the beneficiary. No matter how small your contribution is, it makes a difference in the lives of the
beneficiary. This issue features a story of a child who benefited from a donor’s gift of a computer. With
this gift, the child will be able to learn and complete his school work, and the donor will have the joy of
knowing that his gift will educate a child and his family.
The YWCA helps women of all ages and this in turn benefits not only the women, but their families too. The Empowering Mums project
was initiated as a 140th anniversary project and was organised to help women build up their confidence and seek employment to
better the lives of their families.
We take the time to enjoy ourselves whilst volunteering to help the community, and this was evident during our YWCA Bazaar held in
June, when volunteers and staff worked together at this fund raising event which raised money for our community services.
Looking forward to the second half of 2015, we have our annual Flag Day on 15 August and the YWCA Conference on PersonCentredness and Inclusive Early Childhood Education on 18 and 19 September. These are events worth participating in and will
benefit our community.
Throughout 2015, whilst we celebrate 140 years of service in community, we also salute the leaders of the YWCA, both past and
present, who had the vision to lead the YWCA in service to the community.
“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” - 1 Corinthians 10:31
Tan Kee Leng, PBM
YWCA of Singapore
Published by YWCA
Venue : YWCA Fort Canning Lodge Swimming Pool (Level 3)
Time : 7pm - 8pm
Ms Tan Kee Leng
Editorial Coordinators
Mrs Leung Yee Ping, Ms Gladys Foo,
Ms Stephanie Hung
254 Outram Road Singapore 169051
Tel: 6223 1227 Fax: 6227 3650
acknowledgement must be given to YWCA/
Young Women’s Christian Association of
Singapore, and a copy of the publication should
be sent to the
Articles express the opinions of the authors
and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or
policies of the YWCA/Young Women’s Christian
Association of Singapore.
Venue : YWCA Fort Canning Lodge Swimming Pool (Level 3)
Time : 7pm - 8pm
8pm - 9pm
Venue : YWCA Fort Canning Lodge
Multi-Purpose Hall
Time : 12pm - 5pm
Venue : YWCA Fort Canning Lodge
Sophia Cooke Ballroom
Time : 7pm-10pm
For more information, please visit our website
at or call us at 6223 1227.
254 Outram Road Singapore 169051
6 Fort Canning Road Singapore 179494
All information correct at the time of printing.
All rights reserved. © YWCA of Singapore 2015.
MCI (P) 031/04/2014
Jul - Sep 2015 •
“This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24
President’s Lunch
By Carol Tan
The President’s Lunch was held on Saturday
27 June at Fort Canning Lodge’s Pool Terrace.
The lunch was organised by our President,
Ms Tan Kee Leng and was attended by the
Board members, our Executive Director, Mrs
Leung Yee Ping, and representatives from
each of the YWCA’s departments. It was
a special occasion as it provided the rare
opportunity for everyone to be able to gather
in one place.
There were a few icebreakers to begin with,
after which everyone tucked into the delicious
food and good company. The lunch was
a chance for the Board members and staff
to get to know each other more and have
a time of fellowship and interaction. It was
also a celebration of the dedication of every
individual collectively, as well as the many
achievements of the Association thus far.
Educational Support Unit Updates
By Yen Ng
New Initiatives
The Individual Cognitive and Behaviour Intervention (ICBI) was
introduced in June 2014. We are currently serving 34 children
with special needs, ages 2 to 12 years old, seeing each child
twice a week for an hour per session. We have two full time and
two part time learning support educators and learning support
coordinators. The objective of this programme is to provide tailormade intervention with eclectic approaches to increase the child’s
processing skills, academic and social skills.
Occupational Therapy was introduced shortly after ICBI in April
2015. An accredited and experienced senior occupational therapist
was employed to serve the children aged 2 to 12 years old with
disabilities, disorders or learning difficulties. The objectives of
Occupational Therapy are to improve a child’s functional and
educational performances as well as to impart therapy strategies
to manage sensory seeking behaviours to parents.
Staff Training and Development
Two learning support educators completed the HANDLE® Course
Levels I and II: Holistic Approach to Neurodevelopment and Learning
Efficiency by Mary E. Robson in November 2014. HANDLE is an
approach to neurodevelopmental irregularities that is simple, noninvasive, empowering and non-drug. It is an approach designed
to enhance neurological systems that are causes of learning or
life difficulties. Another session of HANDLE internal training was
conducted on 26 June 2015 for all the learning support educators.
“Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers
of living water will flow from within them.” John 7:37-38
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Upcoming: YWCA Conference on PersonCentredness and Inclusive Early Childhood
By Sandy Koh
The YWCA is organising an inaugural one-and-a-half-day
conference for Early Childhood teachers, principals, parents
and anyone who works with children with special needs.
Person-centred planning forms a vital framework for the
delivery of services both now and in the future, establishing a
partnership between people with special educational needs,
their families and carers and the organisations which support
them. A person-centred and inclusive approach is important as
it allows us to focus on the individual child and the child’s needs.
The various workshops at this conference aim to create
awareness about the special educational needs of these
children. The different topics will also focus on different aspects
and strategies for inclusive education.
Further details about the workshops and discussions being
held at the conference as well as registration details can be
found on our website:
Golden Y Fellowship Melaka Retreat
By Patricia Neo
Bright and early on the morning of 27 May, 30 Golden Y Fellowship ladies and
friends assembled excitedly at the YWCA premises at Outram Road, ready to
board the coach for a 3D2N retreat to Melaka. Much like young students, the
incessant chatting continued until we cleared the immigration checkpoint across
the causeway. All were anticipating our first breakfast stop at one of the local
kopitiams. The coffee was good!
During the two hour ride, our Melaka tour guide provided us with an informative
commentary about the town. This was followed by a joyful and boisterous clapping
and sing-a-long session of oldies and our favourite hymns. It was indeed noisy,
but lots of fun! Lunch quickly followed and then it was time to check in at the lovely
Hatten Hotel. While some rested their tired bodies after the long journey, the more energetic ones ventured off for a little sightseeing on their own. Dinner comprised of tasty Peranakan dishes. With that, day one had come to an end and it was time to hit
the sack!
After a hearty breakfast on day two, the ladies had free and easy time, starting with shopping at Jonkers Street. After working up
an appetite, lunchtime gave us a chance to sample the lip-smacking local delights. Undaunted by the sweltering Melaka heat, the
shopping then continued at full speed throughout the afternoon. Dinner was fabulous; the ever popular ‘suckling pig’ was without
doubt the all-time favourite accompanied by equally ‘shiok’ dishes and local desserts. Fresh coconut or ice chendol, anyone?
We left Melaka and its old world charms behind on the beautiful sunny morning of 29 May for Johor Bahru to do yet some more
shopping followed by lunch. By about 5pm we arrived back in Singapore and it was ‘home sweet home’ until we meet again!
Everyone had a good time and, the big grins on our ladies’ faces, exhausted as they were that day, said it all! Kudos to all the
organisers and we are looking forward to a similar retreat in the not too distant future! MELAKA BOLEH!
Jul - Sep2015
2014 •
“You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—
fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.” John 15:16
YWCA Bazaar 2015
By Nicole Chua
The biennial YWCA Bazaar brought together the whole YWCA family on Saturday 20
June 2015. All 10 principals from our Childcare Centres and Kindergarten, along with
their enthusiastic and passionate teachers and support staff were involved in setting
up game stalls and several food stalls. In addition, they utilised their creative juices to
transform the Multipurpose Hall into a beautiful jungle. Complete with vines, rocks and
trees, everyone who stepped into the hall felt like they had entered into another world!
Staff from the Fort Canning Lodge also played their part by setting up food stalls. Of
course, all YWCA National Office staff were on duty to man the various stalls, which
included food, merchandise, and various fringe activities.
This year, there were a total of 36 stalls spread out on Levels 1 and 2 at YWCA’s
Fort Canning Lodge. Children from the Child Development Centres and Kindergarten
entertained the crowd with various song and dance items from 11am to 12.30pm.
Furthermore, we were very privileged to have the Kupono Lani Hula Studio to showcase
a 30 minute performance, during which everyone was in awe of the Hawaiian dancers
from different age groups ranging from adorable small children to adults.
Apart from the strong and unwavering support from YWCA staff, members and
volunteers, the event undoubtedly would not have been as successful without the
support from our generous sponsors and donors. Atos Wellness blessed us with 10 gift
vouchers as prizes, Bega Nuts contributed 5kg of Japanese prawn crackers, cocktail bar
mix, muruku and barbeque cassava chips, NTUC Fairprice Foundation sponsored $500
worth of vouchers and Food Panda gave 500 gift cards. Hans Art provided a generous
amount of clay art along with accompanying art materials, Khong Guan blessed us with
240 packets of biscuits for prizes at the game stalls, and we also received 1,000 pieces
of the most well-loved and best tasting handmade candy from LollyTalk! MagBas also
participated by blessing us with 200 sets of books promoting proverbs through stories,
whilst Mille. A. Ville and Tinted Cheeks contributed beautiful and delicious macarons and
cake pops respectively. Pappito Gelato came on board to support with 4 tubs of yummy
low fat Italian gelato. We are also extremely grateful for cash donations from Tote Board,
IQ Dynamics and many individuals with a heart of gold.
With the oneness and unity of the YWCA staff, volunteers, members, sponsors and
donors, the event was a great success, raising approximately $40,000, which will go into
funding the YWCA’s various community services. A massive ‘thank you’ to all who made
the day a success!
“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in
advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10
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Empowering Mums
By Ling Goh
For several years, the YWCA’s focus has been on children through the Kids’ Club and Workz-onWheels programmes. In celebration of the YWCA’s 140th anniversary in 2015, the idea came about
to do something special for mothers, such as treating them to a makeover to boost the self-esteem
of the deserving mothers as well as their children. This then evolved into the Empowering Mums
project which ran from June to August in partnership with Daughters of Tomorrow.
The pilot Empowering Mums project focused on equipping back-to-work mothers from low-income
families with the relevant skills they need to be employed. The project targeted motivated women
who were actively seeking employment but faced barriers due to their disadvantaged backgrounds.
There were 36 mothers referred by 10 community partners from various social service agencies
and the project was launched on 12 June with attendance by these community partners and the
mothers’ families.
The project involved first engaging the mothers in a six-week Confidence Curriculum to help them
with personal discovery, confidence building and self-presentation skills to make a positive first
step towards successful employment. The mothers and their children who needed childminding by
volunteers were transported to the workshops mostly held at the Fort Canning Lodge every Friday
and dinner was provided so that the mothers could undergo the workshops with peace of mind.
At the end of the workshop series, they were each treated to a sponsored hair and beauty makeover
to complete their transformative journey before joining a general career fair on 1 August. A total of
16 mothers eventually graduated from the pilot Empowering Mums project and were invited along
with other low-income general jobseekers from family service centres island-wide to participate
in the first ever Be Empowered! Career Fair. This featured 25 employment partners dedicated to
hiring with a heart and providing flexible and permanent employment opportunities. These partners
came from diverse sectors such as Food and Beverage, Beauty, Hospitality, Crafts and others,
and underwent a special poverty simulation exercise to better engage them with the realities of
journeying out of poverty.
All in all, the project saw 16 mothers graduate after six weeks of workshops amounting to about
29 hours of training. They took 39 bus rides to and from the workshops and brought around 36
children weekly who were cared for by a total of 81 volunteers and 81 student volunteers. A total of
165 volunteers were engaged for the project and the families and volunteers consumed about 896
packets of food through the project. Six sponsors supported the project along with 10 community
partners and 25 employment partners.
We hope that by providing the Empowering Mums graduates with the skills, support, confidence
and chance they need, they can secure better employment for themselves, becoming empowered
to provide for and inspire their own families. A network of support was created for them with
community partners, event partners, employment partners and various volunteers and resources.
Thus, there were many helping hands that came together to reach out to our mothers.
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“For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.”
2 Timothy 1:7
Sustenance for Families Packing with SMU
By Carol Tan
The afternoon of Friday 24 July was a significant one for 20
students from Singapore Management University (SMU) as
they took time out of their hectic schedules to come together
and pack rations for the month of August for our beneficiaries
at YWCA Outram. Apart from packing 250 standardised ration
bags, they were true champs in gamely helping to arrange the
food rations, diapers and milk powder neatly at our holding
point at the Adult Day Care. We hope that the session helped
encourage bonding and teamwork, and inculcated a heightened
awareness of the many low-income families in Singapore
among the students.
If you would like to volunteer for this programme, please call
6223 1227 or visit the following link:
WoW Camp - Sunbeam Place
By Alice Chua
Sunbeam Place, a home under the umbrella of Singapore Children’s Society, has been our partner since 2013. On June 9, during
the school holidays, we conducted a One Day Self-Exploration Camp for children aged 9 to 12 years old at YWCA Outram. This
camp aimed to teach the children how to handle their anger and stress issues. We were very honoured to have Clare Schapiro,
an artistic consultant and her partner, Idrus, a music director from Singapore Creations Etc to join us for the session. The activities
allowed the children to identify the underlining issues that trigger their anger and discover ways to cope with the situations. They
had fun expressing themselves using methods imparted to them by Clare.
In order to inculcate a sense of independent living, the children were tasked with making their own pizza for lunch. They were
given limited resources to encourage them to share their utensils and crockery with their peers. Everyone had fun, flaunting their
talents in the kitchen by making their own personalised pizza which they proudly and generously shared with the volunteers
After the lunch break, the children were taught about self-regulation techniques. Each child was given a scenario to create a skit,
with the aim of giving the children the opportunity to express themselves through drama. The purpose was twofold, as it led them
to identify their stressors as well as build on ways to handle stress.
There was a sharing and debriefing session to reiterate the important points which the children could take home from the camp.
The day then ended with a lovely dance performance by the children and volunteers.
“Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it.” Matthew 10:39
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MOWE Movie Lunch with Charity Haircutting
By Ling Goh
Our regular Meals-on-Wheels for Elderly
Movie Lunch was organised again
on the afternoon of 15 July but with a
special segment this round. Earlier in
the year, the YWCA was contacted by
the ARX Salon to provide free haircutting
services for our beneficiaries, backed by
its seasoned team of top hairstylists.
The Movie Lunch turned out to be a great platform for the service to be offered. Rations kindly donated by Dunman Secondary
School were also sorted out by our student volunteers and then distributed to the attending elderlies in goodie bags.
“Ladies First”, a 1962 Cathay Film classic was screened on recommendation by long-term collaborator, Asian Film Archive, and
by courtesy of Cathay Keris Films. It was a romantic comedy that entertained the elderly while some of them waited their turn for
their haircut. The mood was light enough that one elderly started dancing!
The Grace Room was set up for the volunteer hairstylists to work their magic on our 13 waiting elderly in just over 90 minutes. It
was truly like watching art happen while the hairstylists demonstrated their skill and precision snipping away at the elderly’s hair.
A couple of elderly were so comfortable being pampered that they even dozed off! They then awoke to an attractive hairstyle and
a resulting new bounce in their step. Some of the volunteers who sat around to wait and watch commented on how professionally
coiffed the elderly were, all thanks to ARX Salon. The YWCA warmly thanks our volunteers that day and the ARX Salon trio of
expert hairstylists who contorted themselves in all angles (sometimes kneeling, sometimes in horse stance, and sometimes in a
low semi-split) around our banquet chairs to get the best cut for our deserving elderly.
MOWE Outing to Gardens by the Bay
By Ling Goh
Many of our Meals-on-Wheels elderly are
homebound individuals. Some have mobility issues
or lack social support when they do not live near
Senior Activity Centres and therefore tend to keep
to themselves. Recognising our elderly’s need for
wellness in body, mind and spirit prompted the
YWCA to come up with an outing to Gardens by
the Bay. We wanted to bring back a connection
with nature that could help our elderly feel more at
peace and bring some fresh air and light into their
There were 25 elderly who joined the outing on
21 May afternoon, of whom six were wheelchairbound. They were joined by 10 student volunteers
from the Hong Kong Institute of Education who
came to the YWCA as part of a Singapore Service
Tour. Amongst our group of brightly smiling and
patient volunteers were 10 more volunteers from
Dell and several of our individual volunteers.
The activity started with the elderly playing a game where they were each given a picture of a flower and had to find their volunteer
buddy by matching the flowers. After a quick lunch outside the Cooled Conservatories, the new buddies embarked together on a
scenic and pleasant stroll through the Cloud Forest or the Flower Dome depending on their individual pace. One lady remarked
how much she had wanted to see the waterfall, as others eagerly asked our photographer to snap photos of them with the flowers.
It was as if being around nature infused new life into them. One wheelchair-bound elderly and his buddy were excitedly zooming
around like enthused children let loose in a tropical playground!
Too quickly, the outing drew to a close and the elderly and their buddies gathered for a group photo before heading home with
many thanks and well wishes on both sides till they meet again.
Jul - Sep2015
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“I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no
fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.” John
Kids’ Club June Holidays Family Cycling
By Ling Goh
Every June holiday, the Kids’ Club gets to organise a big outing for the children. This year, as a result of home visits arranged with
Kids’ Club families earlier, the staff realised that our children could benefit from more family-centered bonding activities instead
of always focusing on the children alone. Thus, the idea for the Family Cycling Outing came about and we were able to have five
mothers join us with their children and other kids, bringing the total number of participants up to 28.
The fun-filled outing was planned and run by the class of 6C33 from Dunman High School for their Values-in-Action project. The
Year 2 Junior College students came up with an Amazing Race concept where participants were grouped and had to cycle to
complete various stations with tasks such as folding origami paper planes and seeing how far they could fly; throwing a Frisbee
to each other continuously for as long as they could; and guessing objects while blindfolded. All the groups then gathered for a
final mass activity of building sandcastles on the beach.
The mothers managed their little groups and very kindly took the other children under their wings as well. There was much
laughter ringing out along with bicycle bells as the children zipped around and raced each other. While it was a challenge to
remind the groups to stay together, this was one activity where everyone felt very included and nobody was left behind.
Singapore Book of Records: Largest Display of
Decorated Bottle Caps and Most Number of People Playing
Five Stones Together By Sandy Koh
Principals and staff from our 11 Child Development Centres
participated in an event jointly organised by Asian International
College and Preschool Teacher Network Singapore on 25 July
The objectives of the event were to showcase the creativity of
Early Childhood Educators, raise the profile of the preschool sector
and promote a spirit of a community of practice. The Principals
engaged the children from the 10 preschools and kindergarten
to help collect bottle caps. Themes were selected and individual
bottle caps were decorated by the teachers. The decorated bottle
caps were later framed and transported to the Lifelong Learning
Institute for display.
Everybody’s hard work paid off handsomely! Not one but TWO
Singapore records were set and entered into the Singapore Book
of Records! The art pieces with a total of 2,909 bottle caps were placed together to form the largest display of decorated bottle
caps. Out of 47 frames submitted, 11 were decorated by the YWCA.
Additionally, at the event, over 208 participants came together to set the national record for the most number of people playing
five stones together! 20 representatives from the YWCA were there, and we contributed the most number of participants from an
“The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever.” Isaiah 40:8
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Staff Training 27 July 2015
On Monday 27 July, the teaching staff from the Child
Development Centres came together for various interesting
workshops. One workshop was conducted in Chinese and
three were conducted in English.
2. Creating Unique Art Through Exploration
The teachers gained insight about the stages of artistic
development in young children and the impact on the
development of creativity in young children. They explored
the different Elements of Art such as lines, colours, shapes,
patterns and textures using a variety of media and tools to
create 2D and 3D works.
By Sandy Koh
3. Abstract Painting for Children
The aim of this workshop was to explore and understand the
benefits of creating abstract paintings to enhance a child’s
physical motor skills and cognitive, social, emotional and
intellectual abilities. It introduced skills to create abstract
4. e-Portfolio
Portfolio assessment is a developmentally appropriate
assessment of young children which documents a child’s
learning. The portfolio includes work samples, records of
various forms of systematic observation, and screening tests.
As work samples of young children may consist of writings,
drawings, constructions and various forms of art and craft, a
young child’s portfolio is often bulky. One technology known as
e-Portfolio will enable teachers to keep their student’s portfolio
in electronic form. The teachers were taught how to use and
familiarise themselves with this software.
“I have spoken to [my client] and her situation seems to
have improved greatly in the last two months. I would
like to credit the empowering mums project for the
improvement because it seems to have motivated [her]
into making concrete long term plans for herself and
her family.”
Ms Neha Gautam,
Former Social Worker, SCCFSC
10 Jul-Sep
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Dear Mr Ravi,
Just to thank you for your assistance for my present stay at the
hotel - a vast improvement from the previous one. Your staff are
very courteous and helpful.
Yours Sincerely,
Mrs Sulin Broolie
“Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.” Romans 12:13
Donation of Computer to a Needy Family A Real Life Story
During a Kids’ Club activity last year, little
Ahmad (name has been changed) saw one
of our staff working on her laptop and asked
about it. As our staff explained, Ahmad
made an innocent remark that he wished he
could have one, as his home did not have a
computer. His random request was put on our
website donation list and almost a year later,
a kind sponsor noted it and decided to fulfil it.
She later relayed that as she made payment
for the laptop, the counter staff added in a free
mouse with it upon hearing it was for charity.
Thus, on 14 April, YWCA staff made a home
visit to Ahmad and his family in their two-room
rental flat. His mother, in tears, expressed her gratitude at the donation because Ahmad had needed to submit schoolwork on
a computer and when she brought him to the school library to do it, was told by the librarian to go and buy one for themselves
and just pay instalments. It had hurt her feelings that they could not even afford that with her husband’s pay as a cleaner and
her medical expenses to treat her diabetes. When the laptop was revealed, Ahmad and his younger brother excitedly busied
themselves opening it and trying to figure out how to put it together. In a video thanking our generous sponsor, Ahmad told the
sponsor, “I like you!” and ended by candidly asking for another one for his little brother!
They were of course reminded to share but we are so grateful for the fulfilment of Ahmad’s wish and the opportunities it will afford
him and his brother academically and in other ways!
It is only because of the generous and willing hearts of our sponsors and donors that we can continue to reach out and touch the
lives of families such as Ahmad’s. Our wish list is updated regularly and can be found on our website at the following link; http:// You can make a difference in the lives of kids like Ahmad too!
Ngee Ann Polytechnic’s Touching Lives Project
As Ngee Ann Polytechnic School of Health Sciences commemorates their 10th anniversary this July, they are celebrating by
embarking on a social project, ‘Touching Lives’. As part of this, staff and students came together as one for a donation drive to
collect food rations for our Sustenance for Families programme over a span of five weeks. By the end of just the first week, 52
packets of 5kg rice, 54 litres of cooking oil, 52 cans of sardines, 81 cans of baked beans, 145 packets of instant noodles, 33
packets of biscuits, 90 kg of washing powder, 90 toilet rolls, 14 packets of instant coffee and 44 packets of milo powder had been
By the fourth week, the school surpassed their target of raising $10,000 and raised their target of $18,116 from donations pledged
by alumni, staff and students. On 24 July, the YWCA were invited for their 10th Anniversary Celebration where we received a
cheque of $15,700 from the director, Dr Phang Chiew Hun. The YWCA is indeed very blessed and most appreciative of the efforts
of everyone involved in this project to raise funds and rations for the beneficiaries whom we serve.
“Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.” Proverbs 19:21
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S P O T L I G H T: D R . A L E X L U M
Dr Alex Lum was a young boy when he attended the YWCA Kindergarten at Outram Road in the late 1970s. Over 3 decades later,
he is currently the Director of Advocacy and Research at the National Council of Social Service (NCSS). In this issue’s Spotlight,
he reflects on his experience at the YWCA, one that shaped him for life.
In 1979-1980, Dr Lum, then a self-professed ‘long haired boy with a backpack larger
than himself’ attended YWCA’s Kindergarten at Outram Road. At that time, his grand
aunt, who lives at Tiong Bahru, would fetch him and his sister to the kindergarten
every morning, donned in their red checkered uniforms. After classes ended, he
would return to his grand aunt’s house for lunch.
Dr Lum is grateful for his experiences in the Outram Kindergarten. Till today, he still
safeguards his two report cards from K1 and K2, sentimentally keeping them despite
his many house moves. He often reminisces of his kindergarten days, during which
he had good fun with his fellow classmates and, enjoyed activities such as snack time
and naptime in particular!
Dr Lum recalled of an incident during his K1 days, when the uniforms were much
baggier than they are now. With his long and wavy hair, his elder sister decided to put
hairclips in his hair and dress him up! He said bemusingly; “my dad came back and
said ‘why do I have two daughters?’”
Dr Lum believes that kindergarten provides a vital and significant foundation in a
child’s life before their entry into primary school. He asserts that he did not have any
bad experiences during his kindergarten days, and believes this is more important
as bad memories have the potential to scar and stay with an individual for life. He
relished his time there, to the extent that his parents always told him that he enjoyed
going to school! “It was a good stepping stone. I did alright in primary school, and
my parents told me that I never had one of those crying moments where I did not
want to study.”
With two young daughters of his own, Dr Lum believes that kindergarten is an
important bridge to primary school. Thus, moving forward, he expressed his desire
for the YWCA to continue to build on their emphasis on children.
As the current Director of Advocacy and Research at the National Council of Social
Service (NCSS), Dr Lum enjoys his job which he says fulfills his belief that a job
must meet one’s heart. He feels that there is a lot that needs to be done and is
happy to be in a position to help the underprivileged society. Thus, it is somewhat
poignant that Dr Lum’s life has come full circle from his days in the YWCA Outram
Kindergarten to working at the NCSS, an organisation partnered with the YWCA!
It is clear that the YWCA had a great impact on Dr Lum and imparted values about
giving back to the community that he still holds close to his heart 35 years on.
Welcome on Board
The YWCA is pleased to welcome new staff to the team. We welcome Goh Mee Lee and Teng Lung Hiang as Attendants,
and Wang Kefang as Language Teacher at Bedok CDC, Lenyva as Attendant at Bishan CDC, Hairoon Beevi Binte Hanefa as
Attendant and Han Juan as Language Teacher at Jurong East CDC, Lin Jianying as Educarer and Yang Yuanya as Teacher
at Marine Parade CDC, Valle Jemaima Espielago as Teacher at Outram CDC, Dayot Angelyn Galvan as Teacher and Tungku
Nurzaimariah Binte Tungku Ismail Iskander as Para Educarer at West Coast CDC and Yuriati Tju as Learning Support Educator
as the Educational Support Unit.
At Fort Canning Lodge, we welcome Andre Joel Thariyan as Duty Manager and Ranjeetha as Guest Service Officer.
At the National Office, we welcome Catherine Lim as Accounts Assistant, Chye Mooi Lim as Driver, Eleazar El Ng as HR Executive,
Koh Ru Yun as Accounts Officer, Lee Siew Chin as General Manager, Pre-School and Neo Cheng Peck as Driver.
12 Jul-Sep
Jul - Sep2015
2014 •
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” Galatians 5:22-23