Calendar of events - ile


Calendar of events - ile
of events
for the Ramstein and
Kaiserslautern area
Now online:
January 2013
Dear visitors and residents of the Ramstein and
Kaiserslautern area,
The English calendar of events offers a monthly overview of city and
village festivals, fairs, markets, concerts, shows and other in the
local area including a short description of the respective event. This
calendar certainly does not claim to be complete. It depicts a choice
of offers that we consider especially interesting for English speaking
visitors. Please note that dates and venues are subject to changes
throughout the year. To reconfirm the dates and to find updated
information about what is going on as well as further information
about the region we would like to invite you to visit our website Or you contact us at the “Window to
Rheinland-Pfalz – Ramstein Gateway” information center located in
the Kaiserslautern Military Community Center (KMCC) on Ramstein
Air Base. Our team will be happy to assist you with any further
information required.
Pasion de Buena Vista - Cuban Show
Landstuhl, Stadthalle, Kaiserstrasse 39
8:00 PM
If there is anything that best reflects the Cuban
mentality, then it is the music. Music styles like
rumba, mambo, cha-cha-cha and salsa are
known all over the world. The show will get
the Cuban zest for life across to you!
JAN 12
New Year´s Concert
Turn- und Festhalle Bruchmühlbach, Alte Strasse 5
Concert with a varied musical program to welcome the new year.
Now enjoy yourself at the local events! Come and join us in
celebrating, make new friends and explore the Palatinate way of life!
JAN 13
New Year´s Concert
Ramstein, Haus des Bürgers, Am Neuen Markt 4
Best regards,
The Ramstein and Kaiserslautern area tourism representatives
and the “Window to Rheinland-Pfalz” – Team
JAN 19
New Year´s Gala
Kübelberg, Catholic Church St. Valentin
L a u t e re c k e n
A mo sho f
H e ilig e n m os ch e l
Sc h a llod e n b a ch
Ho lbo rne rhof
N e uho f
L a u t e re c k e n
H o rt e rh o f
Ols b rü cke n
W in n w e ile r
M E SSE R Fra n ke lHe inz e nt a l
Sch n e cke n SC HWA NDER HOF
bach Unt e rH ir s c h hausen
NeuKoll- Su lzb a ch t a l
M e h lb a c h
- Sulz ba ch
Se m b a c h
we i l e r
Obe r14
Unt e re
R e ic h e n b a c h Katz- LA UERHOF
Pö rrba ch
S em bac h
se lsmühle
A lbe rsba ch
we i l e r R EI C HEN B a a lbo rn M e hlinge rho f
Erzen- St e e g e n
Kühbö rnche s48
M Ü N C HSa mba ch B A C HER HOF
- A ls e n b o r n
Fo cke nbe rgSa mue lsho f
S c h we d e l b a c h
Limba ch
A lt e n g la n
St e in we n d e n
M ie sa u
B r u c h m ü h lb a c h 11
Sp e s b a c h
AK LandstuhlWe s t
Ha u p t s t u h l
A m R o t he nb o r n
LandstuhlA tz e l
O b e ra r n b a c h
B r u c h m ü h lb a c h M it t e l- M ie s a u
La n g V o ge lba ch Sche rna u
w ie d e n
La m b s b orn
G e r h a rd s M a r t in s brunn
Z w e ib r ü c k e n
1 6b
A s c h b a c h e rh o f
Q u e id e r s bach
P ir m a s e n s
B re it e na u
La n g e n s o hl
Sc h o p p
St e lze n b e rg
Trip p s t a d t
N e uho f
G ut e nb ru n n e n
P ir m a s e n s
St ü t e r h o f
A nt o niho f
J o ha nniskre uz
JAN 31
E n ke n b ac h Alsenborn
Fis ch b a ch
Hoch - Fra nke nst e in
s p e ye r
Ho he ne cke r
M ühle
Die me rst e in
1 6a
En ke n b a ch -
Landstuhl /
D a ub e n- 6
b o r n e rh o f
Ne ukirche n
A D K a is e r s -
A n n w e ile r
Waldle in in g e n
a. d. W.
Hü t s ch e n hausen
Frö hne rho f
M OR LA UTER N lautern
We s t
K a is e r s la u t e r n 14
R A M STEI N 9 H ü ts c h e n -
Elschba ch
K a is e r s la u t e r n - ERZHÜTTEN
- M I E SE N B A C H
Schro llbach We lt e rsba ch
Ka t z e nba ch
Obe rmo hr
Ot t e rb a ch
We ile rb a ch
M a cke n bach
R od e n b a ch
- Sch wa n d e n
Kot t we ile r-
R e us chb a ch
N ie d e rmohr
6:00 PM
More than 60 singers will be accompanied by the Chamber Orchestra of Nations.
The New Year´s Gala has been a musical highlight in the region for years. In 2013
it is taking place in the big church of Schönenberg-Kübelberg. Musical, operetta,
pop and classical songs will take turns. In addition to professional soloists also the
young singers of the choir will come to the fore. The acoustics of the church adds
to the festive concert.
K re u z h o f
N i e d e r ki rc h e n
M o rb a c h
8:00 PM
The award-winning Symphony Orchestra of the Landkreis Kaiserslautern will
present a great choice of popular melodies from opera and operetta including
vocal performances and the famous waltz by Johann Strauss.
Los Mariachis del Mariachi Mexico
Landstuhl, Stadthalle, Kaiserstrasse 39
8:00 PM
Mariachi music is a Mexican specialty. Dressed
in black charro suits and wearing big sombreros
they walk about the room and delight the audience with well known songs like “Cucurucucu
Paloma“, “La Cucaracha“and many more.
February 2013
FEB 16
Carnival Party for Children
Landstuhl, Stadthalle, Kaiserstrasse 39
2:11 PM
The Landstuhl carnival and entertainment club invites all kids to dress up and to
have fun at the carnival party for children.
8:00 PM
Dress up in your favorite costume and join the party! The well-known regional
party band “Die Dicken Kinder” guarantees great entertainment.
The 1 km (0.6 mile) long torchlight procession leads toward a forest hut where the
fire department has prepared a big pile of old Christmas trees. Supervised by the
fire department, children are allowed to illuminate the woodpile with their torches
in order to “burn down winter”.
FEB 23Schlachtfest
Country feast hosted by the Martinshöhe male choral society where meat from
freshly slaughtered pigs is served: Taste Palatinate specialties such as Bratwurst,
Saumagen and liver dumplings.
FEB 23
Speckball (Carnival Party)
Carnival Party
Bruchmühlbach-Miesau/ Vogelbach, Wagnerstrasse 21 8:11 PM
An evening of live music, entertainment and dancing. Costumes are welcome!
Mardi Gras Market
The traditional Mardi Gras market is held around the Gothic church ´Stiftskirche´ in
the pedestrian area.
FEB 11
Ramstein Carnival Parade
5:00 PM
March 2013
1:11 PM
At 1:11 p.m. the parade featuring colorfully
decorated floats and various crazily
costumed walking groups leads through
the community. Afterwards, the carnival
revelers will celebrate at the village square
in Kübelberg until dark.
Ramstein city center
Chamber Concert
The chamber concert of Roman Gießing (violoncello) and Frank Kersting (piano)
will include works by Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Ludwig van Beethhoven and
Johannes Brahms.
Shrove Monday Procession
FEB 12
FEB 24
Ramstein, Haus des Bürgers, Am Neuen Markt 4
Downtown Kaiserslautern
8:00 PM
The Johann-Strauß-Ensemble, conducted by
Markus Elsner, will play the most beautiful
melodies of the waltz king. Enjoy a swinging
evening with capturing waltzes and polkas
as well as the most beautiful arias and
duets from popular operettas combined in a
program full of joy and Vienna charme.
An evening of live music, entertainment and dancing. Costumes are welcome!
FEB 9 - FEB 12
Johann Strauss Gala
Landstuhl, Stadthalle, Kaiserstrasse 39
Bruchmühlbach-Miesau/ Elschbach,
Dorfgemeinschaftshaus, Am Weiher 2
7:00 PM
Martinshöhe, Dorfgemeinschaftshaus, Zweibrücker Strasse 26
Carnival Party
Ramstein, Haus des Bürgers, Am Neuen Markt 4
Torch Hike
Olsbrücken, village square
Baby Talk – Musical
Landstuhl, Stadthalle, Kaiserstrasse 39
8:00 PM
BABYTALK is a bittersweet love story about the essential question of family
planning. The songs are funny and bizarre, but also reflective. This musical will
get under your skin.
MAR 9 - MAR 10Volksmarching
2:11 PM
The big Westrich Mardi Gras Parade is the highlight
of the annual carnival season in the region.
Thousands of visitors line the streets when the
colorful floats, dance groups in their costumes, and
marching bands including the USAFE Band parade
through the center of Ramstein.
You have the choice between a trail distance of 5 and 10 km. Start and finish is the
multi-purpose hall in Jahnstrasse.
MAR 10
The International Magic Tenors
Ramstein, Haus des Bürgers, Am Neuen Markt 4
8:00 PM
The eight young tenors with their excellent voices will present a musical variety
reaching from new interpretations of famous rock and pop songs by ABBA, QUEEN
or PINK to classical arias like NESSUN DORMA or AVE MARIA.
MAR 15
tour around the village. After the hike you will have the opportunity to try a
regional specialty: fresh bread with “Kässchmeer”, a spread made out of quark
and cream served with onions and herbs.
Gries – Sand, Ohmbach Lake
Domino – The Devilish Rock Musical
Ramstein, Haus des Bürgers, Am Neuen Markt 4
About 120,000 daffodils bloom around the lake
at that time of the year and turn the shores at the
Ohmbach Lake into a sea of blossoms. The trail
around the lake is unhampered by barriers and
recommended for strollers and wheelchairs.
8:00 PM
Domino is a fascinating stage show dealing with the battle between good and evil
underlined by the compelling music of the legendary band GENESIS.
MAR 16
German-American Castle Run
April 2013
Landstuhl, start: Sickingensporthalle, Kaiserstrasse 128 3:00 PM
This annual German-American friendship run is hosted by the Landstuhl running
club LLG. From the city center the 4.4 miles (7 km) trail is leading uphill finishing at
Landstuhl’s landmark, Nanstein Castle. Online enrollment:
MAR 16
Daffodil Blossom at Ohmbach Lake
Don Ellis Tribute
Ramstein, Haus des Bürgers, Am Neuen Markt 4
Ray Wilson
Landstuhl, Stadthalle, Kaiserstrasse 39
8:00 PM
This show features over two hours of hits of both bands Ray Wilson performed
with, Genesis and Stilskin. It is a must see for all fans of Ray Wilson, and Genesis.
8:00 PM
The Don Ellis Tribute Orchestra featuring soloist Thomas Gansch (Mnozil Brass) will
excite the audience with legendary Don Ellis compositions like Indian Lady, Turkish
Bath, Great Divide or Pussy Wiggle Stomp.
APR 6 - APR 7Volksmarching
MAR 16 - MAR 17 Kaiserslautern bursts into blooms – Spring Festival
Downtown Kaiserslautern
You can choose between sign-posted trails of different length.
all day
This event sponsored by the members of the advertising association of
Kaiserslautern will welcome city visitors with thousands of flowers, activities,
music and special offers in the participating stores.
MAR 17
Sunday Shopping
1:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Enjoy a variety of promotion events on your shopping tour in downtown
Kaiserslautern and in the Gewerbegebiet West commercial zone.
MAR 17
5:00 PM
A regiment of young string player soloists will perform works by Johann Sebastian Bach.
MAR 29
Fish Dinner
Bruchmühlbach-Miesau, Turn- & Festhalle Miesau, Jahnstrasse 2
Outdoor Sports Opening
Trippstadt – Johanniskreuz, House of Sustainability
10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
The official opening of the outdoor season: you will have the possibility to
explore nature and outdoor sports in the Palatinate Forest such as rock climbing,
Nordic walking, bicycle racing, paragliding and much more.
APR 14
Bach Concert
Ramstein, Haus des Bürgers, Am Neuen Markt 4
APR 14
The Golden Girls – Musical
Landstuhl, Stadthalle, Kaiserstrasse 39
8:00 PM
Even after 25 years on TV the ladies are as brilliant as ever in this German
stage adaption of the famous apartment-sharing group. The girlfriends love,
fight, cry and laugh in their well-known and adorable way.
APR 19
Running Event around Ohmbach Lake
On Good Friday the Miesau fishing club traditionally offers fresh fish dishes.
MAR 29
The 26th international running event with distances of 1.5 km, 5 km and 10 km
is recommended for the whole family and leads through a beautiful landscape
around Ohmbach Lake.
Guided Hiking Tour
Bruchmühlbach-Miesau, Dorfgemeinschaftshaus Vogelbach,
Wagnerstrasse 21
Each year at Good Friday the Pfälzerwaldverein Vogelbach hosts a guided hiking
6:15 PM
APR 19
8:00 PM
Nunsene is an off-Broadway musical comedy by Dan Goggin. The musical was
translated into at least 26 languages. Non(n)sense on stage in Ramstein is the German version of the musical.
APR 21
Spring Concert
Martinshöhe, Dorfgemeinschaftshaus, Zweibrücker Strasse 26
Concert of the Martinshöhe male choral society
May Fair
Bruchmühlbach-Miesau, Dorfplatz Miesau, St. Wendeler-Strasse 18
starting 10:00 AM
Cozy get-together under the maypole with music and dance performances. Food
and drinks will be offered.
MAY 3 - MAY 6
Sickingen May Market with Fireworks
Downtown Landstuhl
Fair at Neuer Markt and on Lothar-Sander square. The May fair will close with
fireworks from Nanstein Castle on May 6.
Westrich Trade Fair
Ramstein city center
May Festival
Bruchmühlbach-Miesau, Dorfplatz Bruchmühlbach, Kaiserstrasse 56
Under the motto “one mountain - three wine regions” 14 vintners from the Nahe
region, the Palatinate and Rhine Hesse will present a delicate selection of their best
wines. The team of the restaurant “Alte Brennerei” will cater for the visitors.
APR 27 - APR 28
Festival with a varied program including culinary specialties and live music.
Donnersberg Wine Forum
67591 Mölsheim, Alte Brennerei, Kirchgasse
10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
APR 27
May 2013
Non(n)sens - Musical
Ramstein, Haus des Bürgers, Am Neuen Markt 4
all day
This event gives an impression of what the region
has to offer: Numerous trades, crafts and service
providers present their goods and services. Musical entertainment included.
Balloon Contest for Children
Landstuhl, Grundschule “In der Au”, Römerstrasse
A balloon contest hosted by the “Heimatfreunde Landstuhl” will take place at the
Landstuhl elementary school.
Donnersberg Hiking Marathon
APR 30Schlachtfest
67808 Steinbach, Bürgerhaus, Donnersbergstrasse
Bruchmühlbach-Miesau, Fire equipment house,
Bahnhofstrasse 58
The right event for ramblers and sports enthusiasts: The 3rd Donnersberg
hiking marathon will lead through the charming scenery of the Donnersberg
county, changing from fantastic views to enchanted forests, broad valleys, green
meadows and of course, the impressive Donnersberg mountain. Besides the marathon
tour where participants have to master a distance of approx. 43 km and an altitude
difference of 1.700 m, a tour of 30 km and a half marathon will be offered as well.
For further information and registration visit:
Country feast where meat from freshly slaughtered pigs is served: Taste Palatinate
specialties such as Bratwurst, Saumagen and liver dumplings.
APR 30
Izi Bizi - Music Show
Landstuhl, Stadthalle, Kaiserstrasse 39
8:00 PM
In “Izi Bizi“ all rock’n’roll hits of the 50s can be seen
and heard in a colorful show. Experience a trip to the
wild years of rock’n’roll for one evening including
the greatest hits from the musical “Grease”.
Cherry Blossom at Kohlbach Valley
Dittweiler -Frohnhofen
30,000 cherry trees bloom on the hillsides between
Dittweiler and Frohnhofen. It is the best time for
a hike on the Kirschenland (cherry county) hiking
trail, one of three trails of the “Begehbares
Geschichtsbuch” (accessible history book) .
MAY 4 - MAY 5
8:00 AM
Oliandi-Olive Oil Festival
67308 Zellertal-Zell, Zeller Hauptstrasse 2 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM
This festival is part of a series of events in the context of the “Kultursommer
Rheinland-Pfalz 2013” themed “Eurovisionen”. One of the most popular olive oil
tastings in Germany, the new wines of the winery “Wick”, a broad variety of teas
offered by the “Berlin Teekampagne”, other selected exhibitors and artists as well
as a cultural program await the visitors - vernissage on Friday, 3 May, at 8 p.m.
MAY 4 - MAY 5
Medieval Spectacle
Kaiserslautern, Gartenschau (horticultural show) grounds
Experience the medieval camp life and stroll around the market offering medieval
specialties, medicine, soothsaying and a lot more. Jugglers and Celtic bards will
entertain the visitors
MAY 5 - MAY 6
Roadrunner Spring Walk - Volksmarching
Miesenbach, Mehrzweckhalle, Am Kiefernkopf 12
7:00 AM - 5:00 PM
MAY 18
Kids Festival “Fun & action in the city”
Downtown Kaiserslautern
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
The Ramstein Roadrunners Volkssport Club hosts their annual spring walk with a
choice of 5 km, 10 km, 15 km and 20 km trails.
The pedestrian area will turn into a huge playground and will be fully at the
kids` disposal on that Saturday. Funny games, sports, music and activities for
children of all ages will be offered.
MAY 18
Sickingen Commemoration
Landstuhl, Nanstein Castle
in the evening
French Night
Trippstadt, Schlosspark
Fanfares, cannons and torch bearers in medieval garb commemorate Nanstein
Castle’s most famous lord, Franz von Sickingen - “the Last Knight”.
Tarte flambée, French red wine and other delights will be offered in the picturesque
garden of the baroque castle. Musical entertainment by the band French Touch.
MAY 18 - MAY 2060th Annual Horse Show
Drum Show “Power Percussion”
Ramstein, Haus des Bürgers, Am Neuen Markt 4
8:00 PM
The five drummers will pass on the pure joy
of playing to the spectators when they turn
their hands, bodies and instruments into
rhythmical energy. The band´s equipment
ranges from drums, oil drums, plastic bins
and giant gongs to classical marimbas.
Forest Festival
Bruchmühlbach-Miesau, Miesau riding club facilities
(next to the outdoor pool)
Dressage and jumping competitions; torch-illuminated
jumping on Sunday
MAY 18 - MAY 20
Medieval Market
Gries - Sand, at Ohmbach Lake
Fritz-Claus-Hütte next to road L 466
between Bruchmühlbach und Martinshöhe
Come by and experience the Middle Ages - the time of knights, jugglers and
fire-breathers. The medieval market celebrates its 10th anniversary.
The hiking club Pfälzerwaldverein Martinshöhe celebrates its 40th anniversary with
a festival in the forest at the wooden hut Fritz Claus Hütte.
MAY 19
Outdoor Concert at Volkspark
Kaiserslautern, Entersweilerstrasse
MAY 10
Feuer im Gemäuer (Buildings on Fire)
67722 Winnweiler, reduced-traffic area: Schlossstrasse/ Am Marktplatz
6:00 PM - 12:00 AM
Late night shopping event combined with a spectacular program offered by the
Winnweiler tradesmen: fire shows, fashion shows, musical entertainment and
children´s program. Further information:
MAY 19
MAY 12
TRI Pfalz Triathlon
SWR 4 Music Event
Landstuhl, Stadthalle, Kaiserstrasse 39
Skate Night
The road between Enkenbach and Alsenborn will belong
to inline and roller skaters. Music, food and
beverages will be provided together with plenty of
skating fun.
Swimming in the Gelterswoog lake, biking in the Palatinate Forest, running
through the city: The Pfalz Triathlon is available either as a middle distance or
olympic distance triathlon. You can take part as an individual or in a relay in
threes. Participants will find recognition by spectators standing along the route.
MAY 12
11:00 AM
Throughout the summer months
outdoor concerts will take place at
“Volkspark” on Sunday bi-weekly.
Admission is free! Further dates:
2-Jun/ 16-Jun/ 30-Jun/ 14-Jul/ 28-Jul
11-Aug/ 25-Aug/ 8-Sep
6:00 PM
On Mother´s Day the local radio station SWR 4 will present a varied musical
program. The star guest will be Deborah Sasson.
MAY 19
Moscheltal Adventure Tour
67808 Ransweiler, Bürgerhaus,
Turnhallenstrasse 1
10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Interesting facts about bee-keeping, sheep breeding, trees and shrubs and
vegetables will be presented. Artists and craftsmen will show their works
under the motto “craftsmanship then and now”. Join-in activities, sales booths
and a broad offer of food and drinks will be avaiable as well.
MAY 24 - JUN 3
June 2013
Maikerwe (May fair)
Kaiserslautern, Messeplatz
Plenty of attractions, rides, kiosks, beer
garden, tents, snack booths. Local specialties and other culinary treats. Opening
fireworks on Friday, closing fireworks on
Festival Parade - 1250th anniversary of Eisenberg
Eisenberg, city center
starting 2:00 PM
Colorful floats, music and dancing groups will be participating.
MAY 25 - MAY 26 Wine Fest
Kaiserslautern, start: Stiftsplatz
In the western part of the Palatinate a wine fest is unusual but in Brücken it is
meanwhile a tradition. Taste good wines from different regions. You also have the
possibiliy to visit the Diamond Cutter Museum of Brücken.
Running event: A 5 km course leads through the city centre of Kaiserslautern. Each
company can participate with a team of runners.
JUN 8 - JUN 9
MAY 26
Biking fun in Sickingen County
Landstuhl - Waldfischbach-Burgalben
Company Run
Lange Nacht der Kultur (Long Night of Culture)
Downtown Kaiserslautern
all day
Once a year many cultural venues in
downtown Kaiserslautern join forces for
a Long Night of Culture. The center of the
late-night program is the Fruchthalle.
One entrance ticket will get you into all
venues and let you put your own program
together for the evening.
Bike along the road from WaldfischbachBurgalben to Landstuhl. Food and drinks as
well as musical entertainment will be offered
along the trail.
MAY 26
Sunday Shopping
JUN 8 - JUN 9
1:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Enjoy a variety of promotion events on your shopping tour in downtown
Kaiserslautern and in the Gewerbegebiet West commercial zone.
MAY 26
67823 Obermoschel, Moschellandsburg
JUN 8 - JUN 10
all day
Various booths presenting local handcrafted products and household, garden
and everyday items. Food and beverages. Flea market. Sunday shopping
MAY 31 – JUN 2
Medieval Spectacle
11:00 AM
A medieval camp will be set up at the Moschellandsburg castle ruin; medieval
activities, booths, show fights and much more…
Farmers’ Market
6:00 PM
Beer Festival
67292 Kirchheimbolanden, Herrengarten, Hitzfeldstrasse
starting Fri 7:00 PM, Sat 5:00 PM, Sun 11:00 AM
More than 50 kinds of beer can be sampled on the fairground Herrengarten.
Bakers, butchers and caterers will be offering food and drinks. Furthermore,
a varied entertainment program will be provided on all three days.
Spring Fair
On Saturday you are invited to an enjoyable evening in Otterberg with popular
music. A colorful parade will take place on Sunday. After the parade everyone will
stroll to the fairground in the woods. Another tradition is the climbing tree (a log
with packages attached at the top): The youngster who is the first to reach the top
of the log will receive a present.
JUN 10 - JUN 12
Special Olympics Landesspiele
“Anybody is able to do sports, regardless of type and degree of disablity.” The
Special Olympics pursue this guiding principle. People interested in sports have
already been aware of the Special Olympics before the London 2012 Olympics.
JUN 14 - JUN 16
“Get out!” - Theater and music festival
Downtown Kaiserslautern
The city center will turn into a huge outdoor
theater and music stage with artists from all
around the globe.
JUN 14 - JUN 16
Seewoog Festival
JUN 23
Miesenbach, Waldstrasse
in the evening
Music, fun and entertainment for the young and old around the ´Seewoog`lake.
JUN 15 - JUN 16
Model Boat Show
Models of sailboats, speedboats, cargo
ships, yachts, passenger steamers and even
submarines will be presented by the construction club for model ships in a fantastic
scenery at Ohmbach Lake.
JUN 15 - JUN 17
The sports club of Ohmbach celebrates its 50th anniversary with a big sports
festival for the whole family.
JUN 23
Gries - Sand, at Ohmbach Lake
67722 Winnweiler, Sat 6:30 PM, Sun 2:00 PM
reduced-traffic area: Schlossstrasse/ Schlossplatz/ Am Marktplatz
Culinary Hiking Tour
Niederkirchen - Heimkirchen
Along the sign-posted trail leading through the fields and meadows near Heimkirchen you will have the opportunity to enjoy Palatinate specialties offered at
several resting areas.
JUN 30
Johannis Market
Sports Day
Outdoor Game Event
Bruchmühlbach-Miesau, Miesau outdoor pool,
Zum Hasensprung
The Bruchmühlbach-Miesau union
community and the local clubs
host a game event at the Miesau
outdoor pool. Families and
small groups compete in funny
games and activities.
The Johannis Market starts with the tapping of the beer keg on Saturday evening.
Musical entertainment guarantees party mood until late night. On Sunday different
bands will perform in the pedestrian area. A special program for children, fun rides
as well as food and drinks will be offered. Shops will be open from 2 to 6 p.m. on
Sunday. Further information:
JUN 16
Afterwards there will be an awards
ceremony for the winners.
For participation please register at
Classic Car Meeting with Tour
On display will be everything from pre-war models to young-timers of the early eighties
plus mopeds, scooters, heavy motorcycles and – not to forget - Harley Davidson bikes.
JUN 16
67808 Weitersweiler, Bolander Strasse
10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
For years the town Weitersweiler is twinned with Weiterswiller in the French
Alsace. Local farmers from the Donnersberg county and the Alsace will offer their
products. Besides the sales booths there will be arts and crafts presentations, an
entertainment program for children and information kiosks.
JUN 22 - JUN 23
July 2013
German-French Farmers` Market
JUL 5 - JUL 7
all day
The Altstadtfest in Kaiserslautern offers
modern tunes and culinary treats for
young and old. The Old Town will turn
into a huge open-air scene with more than
50 artists and bands plus alleys where
more than 80 national and international
sellers will offer a wide range of items.
Enchanting Zellertal - Arts and Wine Market
67308 Zellertal-Zell, Zeller Hauptstrasse
starting Sat 6:30 PM, Sun 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
The quaint festival with the focus on the
wine from the Zellertal region, arts and
crafts. Artists and craftsmen will present
their skills in the yards and in the picturesque center of Zell.
Altstadtfest (Old town festival)
JUL 5 - JUL 8
“Westrich”Summer Festival
Bruchmühlbach-Miesau, Werner-Odenwald-Platz
Festival hosted by the Bruchmühlbach entertainment club: large festival tent,
trendy rides, live music
JUL 6 - JUL 7
Village Festival
Music, entertainment and culinary delicacies will be offered. The village of
Frohnhofen invites you to the wonderful landscape of cherry trees.
JUL 12
French Garden Party - Savoir vivre
JUL 19 - JUL 27
Kaiserslautern, Gartenschau (horticultural show) grounds 6:00 PM
Charcoal Festival
The French garden party offers a very special atmosphere. In the large meadow
surrounded by the summery blossom, you can enjoy your picnic with a good wine
and French delicacies. French accordion sounds ranging from tango, Musettes to
jazz will be performed by the band “FRENCH TOUCH”.
JUL 13
At a clearing in the woods, the “Schinnertal”, a charcoal pile will be burned down
under expert supervision. After ten days a
good burn-off will have created about 5,000
pounds of charcoal. The spectacle will be
accompanied by a range of festivities. Various culinary treats from kitchen and cellar
will be offered on all 10 days.
Rooster Festival of the fire department
Queidersbach, Heissenbergstrasse
The rooster festival will offer crunchy roast chicken prepared on huge grills.
Musical entertainment for the visitors at the fairground.
JUL 13 - JUL 14
Summer Night
Kaiserslautern, Gartenschau (horticultural show) grounds,
Neumühlepark 6:00 PM
Ramstein City Rock
Ramstein, Am Neuen Markt
JUL 27
7:00 PM
This weekend it’s party time in downtown Ramstein: The CITY ROCK festival
organized by the “Haus des Bürgers” will
again present a wide range of live music
on stage. Delicious refreshments. Free
admission. Join the party!
Until late at night visitors will celebrate all round the park with musical entertainment on three stages, street theater and a final fireworks.
August 2013
JUL 13 - JUL 14Volksmarching
AUG 1 - AUG 4
Otterberg - Drehenthalerhof
67307 Göllheim, Hauptstrasse
Thu afternoon, Fri evening, Sat starting 6:00 PM, Sun 10:00 AM
You have the choice between a trail distance of 6, 10 and 20 km. Start and
finish is the Drehenthalerhof community center.
Torbogenfest (Archway Festival)
Log drifting, supporting program for young and old. Delicious local specialties,
roast venison, homemade cakes, coffee and soft drinks.
The traditional Göllheim archway festival is taking place for the 25th time. A varied
musical program for kids with join-in activities will be offered on Thursday. On
Friday there will be musical entertainment with the greatest hits of the 80s
(Pop-History). Saturday and Sunday the local clubs and associations invite visitors
to stop by in the nicely decorated yards and arcades. In addition to that there will
be exhibitions by the “Kulturverein Göllheim” and an entertainment program for
children. Further information:
JUL 19 - JUL 21
AUG 2 - AUG 5
JUL 14
Log Drifting Festival
Frankenstein/ Waldleiningen, Biedenbach Lake
all day
Lake Festival
Gries - Sand, at Ohmbach Lake
The romantic Ohmbach Lake Festival is
a special event. Three stages featuring
great musical entertainment will be
set up around the lake. International
dishes and beverages will be offered
by 50 booths. “Lake in Flames” is on
Saturday. On Sunday there is a big
children´s program and a fireworks
display at the end.
Sickingen August market with rock around the tower
Downtown Landstuhl
Fair with market at Neuer Markt and on Lothar-Sander square. On Aug 3 there
will be a concert at the fire station. The August fair will close with fireworks from
Nanstein Castle in the evening of Aug 5.
AUG 3 - AUG 4
Village Festival
Martinshöhe, leisure facility, Am Wasserturm
Sat starting 7:00 PM, Sun starting 10:00 AM
Casual summer party in the shady park, live music and large variety of food and
Car(e) free Lautertal
AUG 17 - AUG 18
Kaiserslautern - Lauterecken
10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Between Kaiserslautern and Lauterecken B270
will be blocked for all motorized traffic from
9.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. A number of clubs and
associations will offer a variety of food and
entertainment along the route.
Pond Festival
Experience the cozy atmosphere at the Römer Pond with regional food and musical
entertainment. An ecumenical worship service will be offered on Sunday.
AUG 18
Karlsberg Jazz Hike
Kaiserslautern, Gartenschau (horticultural show) grounds
AUG 10 - AUG 11
Medieval Festival at Falkenstein Castle
67808 Falkenstein, Falkenstein Castle, Hauptstrasse
all day
The Falkenstein castle ruin is an appropriate venue for the medieval festival.
Craftsmen will showcase their arts and crafts and vendors will offer their goods.
Medieval music, dances and show fights will be presented. Jugglers and jesters will
entertain visitors with jokes and acrobatics. Amusement will be provided for the
young and old by games of skill, archery or storytellers. Food and drinks will be
available. Further information:
AUG 10 - AUG 12
AUG 18
Family Bike Event at Appelbachtal
67808 Würzweiler, Bürgerhaus
10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
“Cycling-skating-hiking”: Along the 30 km long car-free road from Würzweiler to
Pfaffen-Schwabenheim there is plenty to explore. Besides the sportive activities
and the varied food offer there is live music. On your tour you will pass historic
chapels, churches and scenic spots.
AUG 24 - AUG 25Volksmarching
The town of Kirchheimbolanden also called
“Kleine Residenz” hosts a big wine festival.
Local restaurants and wine taverns will be
offering culinary delicacies throughout the old
part of town. You can sample wines from the
Zellertal and the Nahe region. Enjoy the varied
entertaining program including a cultural night
on Friday, a children´s run on Saturday and an
organ concert as well as a “glow worm parade”. Sunday starts with a morning
matinee in the Schlossgarten, afterwards vendors will be providing a large offer of
goods and the fairground will feature many booths and fun rides for adults and
children. A closing fireworks takes place on Monday.
Children´s Festival
Games, fun and magic at Neumühlepark area.
Kaiserslautern Classics
Downtown Kaiserslautern
Lambsborn, Starting point: Dorfgemeinschaftshaus,
Am Fehrborn 20
The Lambsborn skiing and hiking club hosts a volksmarch. You can choose
between sign-posted trails of different length.
AUG 24 - AUG 25 Historical Village Market
67814 Dannenfels, Bastenhauser Strasse 11
Sat 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM, Sun 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
This weekend the clocks will be turned back in order to demonstrate manual work
of times past. Old rural traditions such as spinning, weaving or washing will be
AUG 24 - AUG 26 Miesenbach Fair
Kaiserslautern, Gartenschau (horticultural show) grounds,
all day
AUG 17
Music enthusiasts and hikers should not miss out on the Karlsberg jazz hike that
includes musical entertainment as well as culinary specialties.
Residenzfest (Wine Festival)
67292 Kirchheimbolanden, old town
starting Sat 5:00 PM, Sun/ Mon 11:30 AM
AUG 11
11:00 AM
10:00 AM - 10:00 PM
Classic car presentation and lots
of action around the historic
gems. Live music from the fifties,
sixties and seventies. Stores
open until 10 PM.
Miesenbach, Am Marktplatz
On the last weekend in August Miesenbach traditionally celebrates its village fair
with music and entertainment. The fairground with its rides and booths selling
sweets in the center of Miesenbach will be a treat especially for young visitors.
AUG 2555th Miesau Horse Races
Racetrack near Schanzerhof along road L 356 between Miesau and Hütschenhausen
all day
From all over Germany owners, trainers and riders
with their horses will gather at the racetrack. The
thoroughbred race is one of the competitions for
the German championship. Interesting for the
spectators will be the opportunity to place bets,
either here or at any betting office in Germany.
AUG 31 - SEP 1
Viking Fair
Bruchmühlbach-Miesau/ Elschbach, Wikingerplatz
(Viking grounds) Sat starting 2:00 PM, Sun starting 11:00 AM
Historic clan and man-to-man fights in
traditional costumes; Nordic specialties.
Fall Fair
Kaiserslautern, Gartenschau (horticultural show) grounds,
Fall market in the Neumühle park, marching band, street theater
SEP 13 - SEP 15
Stadtfest (Town fair)
Downtown Landstuhl
Three days of all kinds of culture on three stages.
SEP 5 - SEP 7
September 2013
SEP 14 - SEP 15
Barbarossa Fest “Swinging Lautern”
Sign-posted loop trail of approx. 6 km with stop over points that offer food and
drinks. With the purchase of a wine pass you can do wine tasting while hiking.
Children will enjoy a special kids` program.
Downtown Kaiserslautern
Enjoy downtown Kaiserslautern – a lively place with a lot of atmosphere. A
singular event – for music as well as food lovers. Here you will be “Kaiser in
Lautern” – come join us.
SEP 6 - SEP 9
North Palatinate Fall Festival
SEP 14 - SEP 15Volksmarching
Bruchmühlbach-Miesau, Starting point:
Turn- und Festhalle Bruchmühlbach, Alte Strasse 5
The Miesau hiking club hosts a volksmarch. You can choose between signposted
trails of different length.
67806 Rockenhausen, Brühlgasse 3
The fall festival starts Friday at 7 p.m. with a wine tasting. Saturday at 10 a.m. you
can participate at the “Rockie-Man-Triathlon”, a duck race is held at 3 p.m. and
from 8 p.m. on good mood is guaranteed in the festival tent. A festival parade will
start at 2 p.m. on Sunday, the shops will be open on Sunday afternoon. Monday
noon lunch is offered in the festival tent, at 9 p.m. people meet for a cheerful
get-together and a last glass of wine.
SEP 7 - SEP 8
SEP 14 - SEP 15
On the 3rd weekend in September you can marvel at
colorful and sparkling minerals and fossils in the former
mines of Imsbach. The motto of the exhibition is INFORMATION - SWAPPING - PURCHASING. The Imsbach Mines
and the Mining Museum will be open. Guided tours will
be offered. Further information:
Medieval Market
Eisenberg-Stauf, Stauf Castle
all day
Mineral & Fossil Swap
67817 Imsbach, Gemeindehalle, Gienanthstrasse 36
Sat 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM, Sun 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Charcoal Fair with Forging Show
A tradition under the motto of “Charcoal making
and forgery”. For the festival a charcoal pile
will be built and coal produced. The Huber
blacksmith’s shop will demonstrate the old art of
forging. Food and beverages will also be offered.
SEP 7 - SEP 8
Culinary Hiking Tour
SEP 14 - SEP 16
Ramstein Fair
Ramstein, Am Neuen Markt
On this September weekend the market square in the center of Ramstein will turn
into a fairground with rides and all sorts of booths selling sweets and a wide
range of foods and beverages. The official start of the hustle and bustle at the
fairground will be the tapping of a barrel of beer. Sunday afternoon will see the
traditional raising of the fair pole accompanied by speeches and music in front of
the museum, Miesenbacher Strasse 1.
Medieval market around the oldest castle ruin in the Palatinate of the Salian dynasty.
SEP 15
SEP 7 - SEP 10Fair
Landstuhl fire station
A look behind the scenes of the Landstuhl Volunteer Fire Brigade. Open house and
Schlachtfest with plenty of local food and drinks.
Good mood is guaranteed at the village fair in Brücken featuring carousel, bumper
car ride and lots of beer. The traditional and colorful fair pole will be carried
through the streets and the priest will report on funny happenings in the village.
Open House
SEP 22
Pumpking Weighing
OCT 25Schlachtfest
Kaiserslautern, Gartenschau (horticultural show) grounds,
1:00 PM
It remains to be seen, which of the giant pumpkins will win this time! Also hobby
breeders can give a proof of their breeding quality, not only the heaviest but also
the most beautiful pumpkin will be awarded.
Bruchmühlbach-Miesau, Sportheim Miesau, Zum Hasensprung 1
Country feast hosted by the Miesau sports club where meat from freshly slaughtered pigs is served: Taste Palatinate specialties such as Bratwurst, Saumagen and
liver dumplings.
OCT 25 - OCT 29 Miesau Fair
Bruchmühlbach-Miesau, Dorfplatz Miesau, St. Wendeler-Strasse 18
October 2013
Fairground with fun rides; offer of food and drinks
OCT 25 - OCT 27Octoberfest
Car-free Eistal
Ramsen, Eiswoog
Ramstein, Am Neuen Markt
10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Green light for cyclists, skaters, runners and hikers: Under the motto “from wine
to water and forest” the road L 395 will be blocked for all motorized traffic on a
length of 20 km from the Eiswoog lake to Obrigheim. Special offers for the whole
family and culinary delicacies will be available along the route.
Ramstein Farmers’ Market
Ramstein city center
10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Fri/Sat 6:00 PM, Sun 11:00 AM
Live Bavarian brass music in the big festival
tent, German beer and Bavarian specialties will
be offered. Friday and Saturday night local party
bands will heat up the vibe starting at 8 p.m.
On Sunday there is free admission to the festival
tent from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Put on your Dirndl or
Lederhosen and join the party!
OCT 26 - OCT 27
Wendelinus Market
The Ramstein farmers’ market around the market
square is organized by the Rhineland-Palatinate
chamber of agriculture. Each year it draws thousands
of visitors to the town center eager to sample and buy
some of the abundant selection of regional agricultural products. In addition you will find street musicians,
rural crafts such as pottery and basket weaving, a tractor exhibition, pony riding,
plus booths providing information on agriculture and forestry. Of course there will
be a number of live animals as well. And the shops in downtown Ramstein will be
open on Sunday afternoon.
Martinshöhe, Dorfgemeinschaftshaus, Zweibrückerstrasse 26
OCT 18 - OCT 28
The Martinshöhe male choral society invites you to an Octoberfest evening. Beer
and Bavarian specialties will be offered.
Oktoberkerwe (October fair)
Kaiserslautern, Messeplatz
Ramstein, Am Neuen Markt
11:00 AM
The Wendelinusmarket in Ramstein looks back on a tradition of more than 300
years. It started out as a “Thanksgiving” fair in honor of St. Wendelinus. Nowadays
about 100 booths fill the entire town center on that occasion. The local stores will
also be open on Saturday and Sunday, and food and beverages will be offered.
OCT 26Octoberfest
OCT 26Octoberfest
Many attractions, rides, booths, beer gardens, tents, snack booths. Local specialties,
culinary delights. Opening fireworks on Friday. Closing fireworks on Monday
Altenkirchen, in the youth center
OCT 20
The village of Altenkirchen invites you to the Octoberfest taking place in the youth
center. Bavarian specialties and excellent beer will be provided.
Sunday Shopping
1:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Enjoy a variety of promotion events on your shopping tour in downtown
Kaiserslautern and in the Gewerbegebiet West commercial zone.
OCT 20
Half Marathon
Gries - Sand, at Ohmbach Lake
10:00 AM
The route is challenging but scenic. Stunning panorama views along the route and a
very good organization are guaranteed. Further information:
OCT 26
“Horror Hike”
67725 Breunigweiler, Gemeindehalle/Sportplatz,
Hauptstrasse 16
7:00 PM
Halloween fans should not miss out on this spooky event: All kinds of witches,
ghosts, monsters and creepy creatures will pop up during the nighttime hike that
leads through the Pfrimm Valley. The dark woodland, illuminating fires,
fog patches as well as light and sound effects will create an eerily beautiful
atmosphere. Goosebumps guaranteed! All fearless hikers who made it safe can
enjoy a varied stage program, music and ”infernal” treats. Further information:
OCT 26 - OCT 27
Arts and Crafts Market
NOV 27
67806 Rockenhausen, Obermühle 1
Sat 12:00 AM - 6:00 PM, Sun 11:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Krammarkt (Odds and Ends Market)
Miesenbach, Am Marktplatz
all day
Paper arts, jewelry, picture cards, crochet work, turnery, pottery, wood carvings,
hats, Danish embroideries, batik, felting, painted tiles and a lot more will be
presented. Children´s theater on Saturday, coffee and cakes
Vendors will be selling herbs and spices, textiles, leather purses, Christmas decoration and gifts, accessories and much more. Kids can enjoy the carrousel while their
parents enjoy the nice atmosphere with musical entertainment, food and drinks in
the heated tent.
OCT 31Samhain-Festival
NOV 28
67808 Steinbach, Keltendorf, Brühlstrasse 4:00 PM - 11:00 PM
Bruchmühlbach-Miesau, Town hall, Am Rathaus 2
2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Samhain, the Celtic origin of Halloween, was
the start of the new year. On this particular day
the Celts used to dine, drink and celebrate extensively. The Celtic Village in Steinbach will be
illuminated with torches and is the perfect setting for this event. With join-in activities, visitors
will learn about the handicraft of the Celts. The
event also features show-fights, a fire-breather, a
torch hike and Celtic music. Further information:
Amateur artists will display and sell their
works and Christmas decoration at the
town hall.
NOV 28
Thanksgiving Roadrunner Turkey Trot - Volksmarching
Miesenbach, Mehrzweckhalle, Am Kiefernkopf 12
8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
November 2013
NOV 15 - FEB 9
Arts and Crafts Christmas Market
Each year at Thanksgiving the Ramstein Roadrunners Volkssport Club hosts the
traditional turkey trot. Start and finish is the multi-purpose hall in Miesenbach. You
have the choice of a 5 and 10 km trail.
Kaiserslautern ON ICE - Skating Rink
Kaiserslautern, function hall at the Gartenschau
NOV 30
Great winter fun for young and old at the skating rink
NOV 16 - NOV 17
Enjoy a variety of promotion events on your shopping tour in downtown Kaiserslautern and in the Gewerbegebiet West commercial zone.
Pre-Christmas Arts and Crafts Market
Ramstein, Haus des Bürgers, Am Neuen Markt 4
1:00 PM - 6:00 PM
NOV 30 - DEC 1
About 50 crafters and vendors will present their handmade arts and crafts.
Coffee and cakes will be offered.
NOV 23
Late Night Shopping
till 10:00 PM
St. Andreas Market & Cultural Christmas Market
Downtown Landstuhl & Stadthalle, Kaiserstrasse 39
Get the Christmas mood by visiting the charming
St. Andreas Market. A cultural Christmas market will
be set up in the Stadthalle (civic center) presenting a
wide range of craftwork.
Glühweinfest (Mulled Wine Festival)
Olsbrücken, elementary school
2:00 PM
Arts and crafts, coffee and cakes, handicrafts workshop for children, musical
entertainment. Of course the traditional Glühwein must not be missed!
NOV 25 - DEC 23
December 2013
Christmas Market
Downtown Kaiserslautern
The city beckons with culinary highlights
and a diverse stage program. The Kulturmarkt in the Fruchthalle is the place for
unusual gifts.
Christmas Market Race
Downtown Landstuhl
12:30 PM
The St. Andreas market is the occasion for the traditional Christmas market race
starting from the Naturerlebnisbad/ CUBO and organized by the LLG Landstuhl
cross-country race club.
DEC 6 - DEC 89th Cinnamon and Waffle Market
DEC 13 - DEC 16
Ramstein, Am Neuen Markt
Landstuhl, Lothar-Sander-Platz
Fri 6:00 PM, Sat & Sun 1:00 PM
You are invited to the Christmas market in the center
of Ramstein-Miesenbach. During the holiday season
the fountain in the market square turns into the
largest advent’s wreath in the Pfalz. Grouped around
it will be booths offering Glühwein, tasty foods, and
Christmas items. Enjoy the holiday spirit and the
music presented on the stage in front of the “Haus des
Bürgers” (civic center).
DEC 6 - DEC 8
Christmas Market
The historic downtown of Kirchheimbolanden is surrounded by an ancient city wall
that can be walked on partly. It offers a wonderful venue for the Christmas market.
More than 50 booths will be presenting arts and crafts and offering culinary
dishes. From Friday through Sunday visitors will be entertained by Christmas
carols and different performances on Römerplatz stage. Santa Claus will
surprise the kids on Saturday and Sunday at 5.30 p.m. Don´t miss out on the
Bengal fireworks at 8 p.m. on Sunday.
The 3rd Advent weekend is the traditional date for a romantic Christmas market in
front of the Landstuhl civic center.
DEC 14 - DEC 15
Christmas Market
The special Christmas market takes place in the historic surroundings of the oldest
school of Kusel county and around the Catholic Church and parish garden.
DEC 14 - DEC 15
67292 Kirchheimbolanden, Römerplatz Fri 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM,
Sat 2:00 PM - 9:00 PM, Sun 1:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Christmas Market in front of the Stadthalle (civic center)
Romantic Christmas Market in the Forest
Trippstadt-Johanniskreuz, House of Sustainability
Sat 2:00 - 8:00 PM, Sun 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Experience a different Christmas market located in the middle of the Palatinate
Forest. Especially in the evenings when it gets dark a large number of torches will
set the venue under a mystic shine.
DEC 27 - DEC 30 New Year´s Eve Market
Downtown Kaiserslautern
After Christmas the market in Kaiserslautern continues for three further days as a
New Year´s Eve market.
Christmas Market
Bruchmühlbach-Miesau/ Miesau, Schulstrassestarting 3:00 PM
Christmas market hosted by the Miesau clubs with tree lighting ceremony.
DEC 28
DEC 7 - DEC 8
Guided hiking tour organized by the Martinshöhe male choral society.
Pre-Christmas Market in Göllheim
67307 Göllheim, Alter Marktplatz
Sat 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM, Sun 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
DEC 3141st New Year’s Eve Road Race
Surrounded by sparkling lights clubs and associations will offer a broad
assortment of Christmas articles and culinary delights. Local schools and
kindergartens will entertain visitors with a stage program. Santa will visit
the market and distribute little gifts among the children.
DEC 841st German-American Christmas Concert
Ramstein, Haus des Bürgers, Am Neuen Markt 4
Guided Hiking Tour
4:00 PM
The German-American Christmas concert featuring the
USAFE Band, the RamsteinMiesenbach men’s choir and
the Ramstein-Miesenbach children’s and youth choir looks
back on a long tradition in the
community. The performers
will put you in a Christmas
mood with their seasonal and
festive tunes presented in the
Ramstein “Haus des Bürgers”. Ticket reservation at the ticket office in the “Haus
des Bürgers”, phone number 06371/592-220.
Kottweiler-Schwanden, Sulzbachhalle
2:00 PM
Every year in the afternoon of
New Year’s Eve the KottweilerSchwanden sports club holds
its traditional New Year’s Eve
Run. Starting point for the
10-km race (6.2 miles) is the
Sulzbachhalle. As in previous
years several hundred runners
are expected in KottweilerSchwanden. For a small entry
fee runners of all ages can
participate in the New Year’s
Eve run.
Window to Germany
Ramstein Gateway
KMCC – Ramstein Air Base
06 371 406 208
ÂÂ ILE-Projektgruppe “Zielgruppe Amerikaner“
This project is sponsored by Ministerium für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft, Ernährung, Weinbau und Forsten – Rheinland-Pfalz.