Ramstein gets glimpse of C-5M


Ramstein gets glimpse of C-5M
October 9, 2009
Volume 33, number 40
21st TSC CSM
meets with
by Spc. Jason Nolte
21st TSC Public Affairs
Ramstein gets glimpse of C-5M
by Capt. Megan A. Schafer
86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs
Members of the Combined Noise
Abatement Committee got a glimpse
of one of the Air Force’s recently
modernized cargo aircraft during an
acoustic demonstration Sept. 30 on
As a special feature to the 86th
Airlift Wing’s semiannual CNAC
meeting between KMC leaders and
host-nation officials, Air Mobility
Command and Lockheed Martin offi-
Romanian student attends
NCO academy, Page 10
cials took the time to showcase the
enhanced capabilities of the C-5M.
Part of the Air Force’s continued
efforts to modernize and recapitalize its aircraft inventory, the C-5M
includes avionics modernization,
along with reliability enhancement and re-engining. The avionics modernization program adds a
new, modern cockpit that includes
a digital all-weather flight control
system and autopilot, a new communications suite, flat panel displays,
and enhanced navigation and safety
See UGANDA, Page 8
Photo by Tech. Sgt. Sean Mateo White
Members from the Combined Noise Abatement Committee and Spangdahlem Air Base watch a C-5M acoustic demonstration on Ramstein
Sept. 30. The CNAC consists of members of the KMC and local German officials who regularly meet to discuss noise abatement issues in the
community. The meeting was followed by a briefing and demonstration that focused on the Air Force’s new C-5M.
Zoo Day Sunday at Kaiserslautern Zoo, Page 17
equipment to ease crew workload
and enhance situational awareness.
“Also, the climb capability of the
aircraft is much better than the current model, and it’s the first military
aircraft to receive formal Federal
Aviation Administration concurrence (for noise standards),” said
Dan O’Rourke, Lockheed Martin
director of Product Development of
the C-5 program.
A major focus for the CNAC, of
See C-5M, Page 5
KITGUM, Uganda – When the
command sergeant major of the
21st Theater Sustainment Command
arrived in Uganda and met with the
sergeants major from the Ugandan
People’s Defense Force, their main
focus was making Natural Fire 10
a success.
The joint and combined training exercise in Uganda offers an
opportunity for east African partner
nations and the U.S. military to
work together to increase regional
capabilities in order to respond to
complex humanitarian emergencies.
Military personnel from Burundi,
Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda
and the U.S. will participate in this
year’s exercise.
The meeting between 21st TSC
Command Sgt. Maj. David Wood,
Ugandan Command Sgt. Maj. Ben
Oyana and other Ugandan sergeants
major better enabled them to work
through any real-world issues that
make an event like this a success
as both a cooperative exchange
of ideas and a military-to-military
training exercise involving complex humanitarian emergencies.
At this early stage in the exercise,
setting up the life support area for
the U.S. forces participating in the
exercise is a critical step to ensure
Natural Fire 10 is successful.
Command Sergeant Major
Wood walked the Ugandan sergeants major through the proposed
Tips for driving in fall fog,
Page 20
Ramstein Rogues score
big in Munich, Page 23
Page 2
Kaiserslautern American
October 9, 2009
Make a difference by donating to CFC-O
by Brig. Gen. Mark C. Dillon
86th Airlift Wing Commander
Many of you are familiar with the Winston
Churchill quote, “We make a living by what
we get, but we make a life by what we
For our servicemembers and their families that give of themselves in service to
our great nation, this couldn’t be more true.
Every day we serve we give freedom and
liberty to millions.
Many would say by serving this great
nation we’ve already given enough. But
traditionally, we give even more. And one
way we give more is through the Combined
Federal Campaign – Overseas.
This year’s CFC-O campaign theme is
“Make a difference.” And what a difference
you can make. This year’s CFC-O gives you
the ability to donate to any of the more than
2,000 participating local, national and international charities that support a variety of
significant causes. These are organizations
that can truly make a difference in the lives
of untold thousands.
Last year was another fantastic giving
year. Our KMC personnel contributed a total
of $800,000 to organizations and charities
here in the region and throughout the world.
One of the top five priorities of our great
Air Force is to take care of our Airmen and
their families. If you decide to contribute
and you do not have a favorite organization
or charity, I encourage you to remember the
military communities where we work and
live. The CFC-O also offers the tremendous
opportunity to contribute locally by selecting
contribution code FSYP, for Family Services
and Youth Programs. Last year, we received
more than $30,000 toward this worthy cause,
all of it going right back into our communities.
As our CFC-O campaign begins, please
remember that you already give by serving
your country. You make a difference every
day in the lives of millions.
Your generosity never ceases to amaze this
And traditionally, we give even more
through great programs like CFC-O.
Have another great week around the KMC
and I am truly thankful for your sacrifice and
service to our great nation!
Policy letters, operating instructions and you
by Avis Resch
86th Airlift Wing Equal Opportunity Office
When was the last time you picked up your
unit’s policy letters or operating instructions
and read them?
Furthermore, why do you think leadership
creates policy letters and OIs? Why is it your
responsibility to read them?
Commanders establish a framework of
what’s acceptable or unacceptable within
our Air Force communities or to simplify
and support existing governing Air Force
Instructions or guidance.
Policy letters and OIs can also contain
leadership messages from senior officials
on issues affecting the Air Force and its
So, let’s begin by familiarizing you with
one specific AFI – “Equal Opportunity and
Treatment” – and how our local policies build
on the guiding principles of the Department
of Defense and the Air Force.
By beginning with the DOD’s basic instruction, you’ll see how each subsequent policy,
down the chain of command, supports it’s
over all meaning and finally ends up in an
DOD instruction 1350.2 directs us to promote an environment free from personal,
The Kaiserslautern American is published by
AdvantiPro GmbH, Kaiserslautern, Germany, a private
firm in no way connected with the Department of the
Air Force or the Department of the Army, under exclusive
contract with the 86th Airlift Wing.
This commercial enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services
Contents of the KA are not necessarily the official view
of, or endorsed by, the U.S. government, Department of
Defense or Department of the Air Force.
The appearance of advertising in this publication,
social or institutional barriers that prevent
members from rising to the highest level of
responsibility possible. It further directs that
members shall be evaluated only by individual merit, fitness and capability.
AFI 36-1201, “Equal Employment
Opportunity Complaints,” and AFI 36-2706,
“Military Equal Opportunity Program,” outline how the Air Force will conduct its affairs
while remaining free from unlawful discrimination and sexual harassment and will provide equal opportunity and treatment for all
members, regardless of color, national origin,
race, ethnic group, religion or gender, except
as prescribed by statute or policy. In addition,
the AFIs state civilians are also protected
from discrimination based on age and physical and/or mental disability.
Let’s now take a look at one local guiding
principle that supports both of these AFIs.
Gen. Roger Brady, U.S. Air Forces in
Europe commander, states in his EO strategy,
“Our responsibility to each other is to provide
a workplace and living environment free from
discrimination and harassing behavior. The
standard is mutual respect, plain and simple.
Our diversity is one of our greatest strengths.
Commanders and leaders at every level must
seek ways to embrace diversity and foster an
environment of inclusion – not exclusion. Let
including insert or supplements, does not constitute
endorsement by the DOD, the Department of the Air Force
or the AdvantiPro GmbH of the products or the services
Everything advertised in this publication shall be
made available for purchase, use or patronage without
regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age,
marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or
any other non merit factor of the purchaser, user or
Editorial content is based on news releases, features,
editorials and reports prepared by Department of Defense,
Air Force and Army agencies, KMC military units and
geographically separated units.
AdvantiPro staff reserves the right to edit all
submitted material.
your organizations know that we, the leadership of USAFE, have zero tolerance for violations of equal opportunity, and will quickly
address and correct violations.”
Each commander, from General Brady all
the way to your respective unit commanders,
have similar EO policies or OIs. It spans all
numbered Air Forces, wings and subordinate
units in our Air Force community.
So by the time EO information is in your
hands there should be no doubt how the
DOD, Air Force, major command and unit
commanders feel about and the lengths they
will go to support the EO philosophy.
Now you have an understanding of the
principles that govern EO and why policy letters and OIs are important and helpful in disseminating useful information. It’s the leadership’s responsibility to inform you of various
issues via policy letters and OIs; however, it’s
your responsibility to read them.
Reading and understanding these directives
is imperative to keeping both active-duty
servicemembers and civilians on track.
To read any of the EO policy letters in
their entirety, contact your unit support staff,
call the EO office at 489-8534 or e-mail
86aw.eo@ramstein.af.mil. To learn more
about other policies or OIs that pertain to
your unit, contact your first sergeant.
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October 9, 2009
Kaiserslautern American
Page 3
Miesau Army Depot celebrates 60 years
Story and photo by Pfc. Amanda Rigdon
21st TSC Public Affairs
Mr. Becker felt it was important to recognize
ammunition depot under the U.S. Army. Miesau is
the last remaining U.S. forces ammunition depot all the hard work performed at Miesau on a daily
in Europe and the largest ammunition depot out- basis.
“I felt positive today because it was a great day
The Miesau Army Depot, also known as side the U.S.
Hans-Jürgen Becker, the deputy chief of ACE, for Miesau, the 21st TSC and the U.S. Army in
Ammunition Center Europe, paid homage to 60
Europe,” Mr. Becker said.
years of service and support to U.S. Army Europe has worked at the depot for more than 35 years.
with a celebration Sept. 25.
The event included a banquet and several guest
speakers, who addressed an audience of Soldiers,
local-national employees, civilians, families and
honored guests during the celebration.
Brig. Gen. Patricia E. McQuistion, the commanding general of the 21st Theater Sustainment
Command, was the senior leader in attendance.
After her speech, General McQuistion took time
to award numerous ACE employees with length
of service awards.
Gary Millsap, the director of ACE, spoke about
the overall attitude of the personnel working at
the facility.
“We are all one great big family. We support
each other with whatever the issue is, and we
work closely with the host nation and surrounding communities,” said Mr. Millsap. “It’s familyoriented here. Miesau as a whole is one great big
organization – one big family.”
Michael Dubenezic, chief of the inspection
division at ACE, spoke about the importance of
the event.
“I think that it’s a great accomplishment,” he
said. “We’ve been here for 60 years, providing the
war fighters with the ammunition needed for them
to do their jobs.”
Miesau Army Depot was founded as Rhine
Ammunition Depot May 23, 1949, and was desThe 60th Anniversary of Miesau Army Depot Sept. 25 included demonstrations, music, a banquet and several guest speakers,
ignated as a North Atlantic Treaty Organization who addressed an audience of Soldiers, local-national employees, civilians, families and honored guests during the celebration.
Army chief of staff discusses
issues during LRMC visit
During a visit with wounded warriors at
Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, Army
Chief of Staff Gen. George W. Casey, Jr., discussed the challenges his Soldiers and their
families have successfully faced since 9/11
and explained initiatives underway to help
the force – one of them scheduled to begin
Oct. 1.
Comprehensive Soldier Fitness program
General Casey said the first element of
the Comprehensive Soldier Fitness program, designed to teach Soldiers to become
more resilient in five aspects of total fitness
– physical, emotional, social, spiritual and
family strength – begins this week with an
online assessment every Soldier can take in
the privacy of their own room.
But CSF doesn’t end there. General
Casey said every phase of leadership development training, from basic training to the
Army War College, will include progressive
instructional courses of CSF to help leaders understand how to build resiliency in
themselves and their Soldiers.
The most critical element of CSF is set
to begin about this time next year, when
General Casey said a master resiliency
trainer will be placed in every battalion in
the Army.
MRTs are part of a collaboration with
the University of Pennsylvania. About 100
Soldiers have received MRT training at the
university, and General Casey said several
trainers he has spoken with about the program are excited about taking what they
have learned from classroom to battalion.
“These are Soldiers helping Soldiers,”
General Casey said. “Every one of them
has told me they see the value of the training both in their personal and professional
The Army Family Covenant
Another quality of life initiative the general covered is the Army Family Covenant
See LRMC, Page 7
Page 4
Kaiserslautern American
October 9, 2009
Compiled by the 569th USFPS
Sept. 29
7:56 a.m.: An Air Force NCO reported a navigation system and DVD player were stolen from
his vehicle in Landstuhl.
9:09 a.m.: An Air Force NCO reported a gym
bag containing ABU pants, boots, PT gear and toiletries was stolen from her vehicle in Landstuhl.
Sept. 30
11:16 a.m.: An Air Force officer reported he
was involved in a major traffic accident with a
local national adjacent to the Harmon Gate.
1:32 p.m.: An Army NCO reported he was
involved in a major traffic accident with a local
Murder case solved
The murder case of Elizabeth Gärtner, who
was found dead near Gelterswoog pond Aug.
20, has been solved. A 33-year-old neighbor
of the woman was taken into custody and
has admitted to the crime.
tub and threatened to kill her in Kaiserslautern.
The Soldier was apprehended for assault and
communicating a threat. The spouse was taken
to LRMC and treated for soft tissue injuries
and bruises to her back.
national in Kindsbach. The local national
was transported to the Landstuhl Krankenhaus
Oct. 4
by DRK for neck pain.
12:20 a.m.: An Air Force civilian report9:15 p.m.: An Army civilian reported someed his vehicle had been stolen from his resione broke into his home in Landstuhl and stole
dence in Rodenbach.
2:02 a.m.: The Polizei arrested a Soldier for
Oct. 1
drunken driving in Kaiserslautern.
2:25 a.m.: An Air Force civilian’s spouse
4:14 a.m.: The Polizei reported an Army
reported her husband pushed her and threatened NCO and Soldier were detained for fighting in
to hit her in Reifenberg. The civilian was appre- Kaiserslautern. The Army NCO was transported
hended for assault.
to LRMC for injuries sustained during the inci6:55 a.m.: Three Polish nationals were dent and the Soldier was apprehended for aggradetained for unauthorized entry onto Vogelweh. vated assault.
Investigation revealed one of the men was wanted
Oct. 5
by German authorities and was released to the
11:28 a.m.: An Army NCO’s spouse reported
Polizei. The other two men were escorted off the
she was involved in a minor traffic accident with
a local national in Kaiserslautern.
12:14 p.m.: An Air Force officer’s spouse
5:10 p.m.: A Soldier reported he was involved
reported her vehicle had been damaged at the post
in a major traffic accident with a local national in
office on Kapaun.
7:08 p.m.: An Air Force NCO reported his
5:30 p.m.: An Army officer reported his rental
spouse had been threatened by a local national.
vehicle was damaged in Kaiserslautern.
The local national verbally threatened the NCO’s
spouse while holding a knife. The local national Convictions
• A civilian’s employment with 86th Services
was apprehended by the Polizei.
was terminated and he was barred for his involveOct. 2
ment in several incidents of larceny.
2:36 p.m.: A Soldier reported he was involved
• A former AAFES employee was barred for an
in a minor traffic accident at the intersection of the
incident of shoplifting and simple assault.
B-37 and B-270, Kaiserslautern.
• A family member was barred for drug use and
5:49 p.m.: An Airman reported she was
involved in a minor traffic accident
with a local national in Wiesbach.
6:55 p.m.: An Air Force NCO
A Faith Community Building Bridges to life with God
reported his vehicle had been damaged
Meeting at Landstuhl Community Chapel on Sunday at 1100
in Mehlbach.
Modern Music, Media and Messages. Children’s programs during the service
Oct. 3
2:04 a.m.: A Soldier’s spouse reported her husband pushed her into the bath-
Take Note
Red Cross needs volunteers
The KMC American Red Cross Office
needs volunteers to assist donors at blood
drives Wednesday at Kleber Kaserne and
Thursday at Ramstein. Volunteers are also
needed to serve as course officials for
the Red Ribbon Run, which will be held
Oct. 24 at Rhine Ordnance Barracks. If you are
interested in either of these volunteer
opportunities, e-mail the Kaiserslautern
Office at redcross.kaiserslautern@eur.army.
mil or call 483-8702 or 0631-411-8702.
Halloween parade
The first-ever Halloween city parade in
Europe takes place Oct. 31 in Kaiserslautern.
It starts at 5 p.m. at Barbarossa Castle (next
to city hall) and leads through the city center.
Those interested can participate by walking
in the parade wearing Halloween costumes
or decorating their vehicle with Halloweenthemed decorations. Those entering vehicles
can win up to €3,000 for the most amazing
Faith Bridge is a Protestant Community Serving Military Personnel in the KMC
For information call USAG-K at DSN 493-4098 or 0631 3406 4098
Landstuhl Community Chapel is located on the grounds of LRMC. The chapel is
located next to the Dining Facility and Food Court
vehicle, but must register in advance and pay
a fee of €50. For details, visit www.werbegemeinschaft-kl.de or call 0631-365-3425.
Warrior Response Exercise
U.S. Army Garrison – Kaiserslautern will
hold the 2009 Warrior Response Exercise
from Tuesday to Oct. 16 throughout the
Kaiserslautern area. Expect delays, alternate
traffic patterns and limited parking at all
Army kasernes.
• The KMC Housing Office will be closed
today from 7:30 a.m. to noon for a Works
Council meeting. Customer service hours
will be from noon to 2 p.m. The office will
also be closed Monday for an American
holiday. Normal hours will resume at 7:30
a.m. Tuesday. Call 489-7642 for more
• The Ramstein Thrift Shop will be closed
from Oct. 21 to 30 due to renovations.
• All Service Credit Union branch offices
will be closed Monday in observance of
Columbus Day.
• The Ramstein Clinic will close at noon
Oct. 28 for readiness training. It will reopen
at 7 a.m. Oct. 29.
Domestic Violence Awareness
The U.S. Army Garrison – Kaiserslautern
Army Community Services Family Advocacy
Program is hosting several events in October
for National Domestic Violence Awareness
Month. For a complete list of events, visit
Mailing deadlines
The 2009 holiday mailing deadlines are as
• Space available mail: Nov. 27
• Parcel airlift: Dec. 4
• First class letters and cards: Dec. 11
• Priority mail: Dec. 11
• Express mail military service: Dec. 18
October 9, 2009
USAFE plans for
H1N1 vaccine
by 1st Lt J.D. Griffin
U.S. Air Forces in Europe – Headquarters
Public Affairs
U.S. Air Forces in Europe continues to plan
and prepare to guard the health of Airmen, civilians and family members against numerous health
issues, including the H1N1 virus.
The USAFE Command Surgeon General’s
office is coordinating with U.S. European
Command’s medical depot, U.S. Army Medical
Materiel Center – Europe on the appropriate
distribution plan for the H1N1 vaccine when it
arrives. The initial focus for vaccination efforts
will be on Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention high-risk priority groups.
“Unlike seasonal flu vaccine supplies, which
usually arrive early in the season via large
shipments sufficient for the whole population,
the H1N1 vaccine will initially have limited
availability,” said Lt. Col. Megan McCormick,
USAFE Command Public Health officer.
“It’s anticipated to begin arriving at USAFE
medical facilities sometime in November,”
Colonel McCormick said. “Receipt dates for
bases will vary and notifications of availability
will be communicated by command information
channels, though high-risk patients may also be
contacted individually.”
The CDC recommends inclusion of pregnant
women in the first series of vaccine distributions.
Other priority categories include care providers
for children younger than 6 months, health-care
providers and first responders. Deploying troops
will also be among the first priority groups, due to
their elevated risk under austere living conditions
and mission-essential status.
“The health and safety of our USAFE community is a priority,” Colonel McCormick said.
“Everyone needs to know vaccination plans are in
place and being coordinated at every level, and it
is expected that supplies will be sufficient so that
everyone who wants the vaccine will be able to
receive it after those in high-risk groups.”
Kaiserslautern American
Page 5
C-5M, from Page 1
course, is noise. After witnessing firsthand the
enhanced takeoff distance and decreased engine
noise of the C-5M, local officials reacted positively to the noticeable difference of the new
model to that of its predecessors.
Ramstein’s mayor, Klaus Layes, talked about a
“definite improvement you can hear.”
Susanne Wimmer-Leonhardt, Kaiserslautern
mayor, described the difference to be “significantly quieter, significantly higher.”
“The differences are tremendous and striking
in terms of noise level as well as concerning the
climbing speed,” said Mayor Layes. “The C-5M
is much quieter and will climb much faster.
Refurbishment of the C-5 fleet would constitute
a milestone on the road to alleviation of air traffic noise.”
The Air Force plans to upgrade 52 of its 111
C-5s to the new M model, with three test aircraft
currently in the inventory, said Col. John Gomez,
Air Mobility Command Requirements Division
chief. The three M models are currently based at
Dover Air Force Base, Del., and will be transiting
through Ramstein during the Operational Test and
Evaluation period that runs until mid-January.
“Today’s C-5M demonstration was important
and very impressive,” said Brig. Gen. Mark
Dillon, 86th AW commander, who also happens
to have nearly 1,000 flying hours in the C-5.
“The (demonstration) allowed dozens of our host
nation community leaders from Kaiserslautern
and Spangdahlem a glimpse at one of our Air
Force modernization efforts. Rather than just
reading about it, our host nation community
leaders saw for themselves how a quieter and
faster-climbing C-5M will help us meet our noise
abatement goals,” General Dillon added.
“A special thanks to our teammates from AMC
The differences are
tremendous and striking
in terms of noise level as well as
concerning the climbing speed.
The C-5M is much quieter and will
climb much faster.”
— Klaus Layes
Ramstein mayor
and Lockheed for the tremendous C-5M acoustic
demonstration. The demo illustrates your commitment to both our mission here at Ramstein as
well as our host-nation partners.”
Ramstein is a hub for mobility and airlift operations throughout Europe and the area of responsibility. Though the base owns a variety of theater
airlift, distinguished-visitor transport, and aeromedical evacuation aircraft – C-130s, C-40Bs,
C-20Hs, C-21s and C-37s – the base regularly
hosts a plethora of other military and commercial
aircraft and diligently works with local leaders to
ensure the mission success of the Air Force operations is not of greater impact to the community.
The C-5 Galaxy, one of the world’s largest
aircraft, has been the backbone of America’s strategic airlift fleet since the late 1960s. However,
years of wear and tear impacted the aircraft’s
reliability rates. Yet testing revealed the C-5
fleet had 80 percent of its structural service life
Rather than doing away with the aircraft,
Lockheed Martin officials proposed a plan in
September 1998 to update the C-5 Galaxy fleet
with new avionics and engines. These improvements are predicted to raise the aircraft’s
reliability levels.
Flu vaccine available now
The Ramstein Immunizations Clinic now has
flu vaccines available for active-duty members,
Department of Defense civilians, retirees and
dependents in the form of the Flu Mist vaccine. The flu shot will be available for those
patients who can’t get the Flu Mist vaccine
due to age or current health conditions.
Clinic hours of operation are from 7 a.m. to
4 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday; 8 a.m.
to 3:30 p.m. Tuesday; and 8 a.m. to noon
Mass flu drives are from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m.
Nov. 16, 17 and 23 at the Hercules Theater
on Ramstein.
For more information, call 479-2530 or
Photo by Sgt. Frank Sanchez III
Range week
Sgt. Maj. Tomas Gonzales, the sergeant major of plans and operations for the 21st Theater Sustainment Command, and
several other Soldiers assigned to the 21st TSC fire the M9 pistol at a qualification range at the Baumholder training area
Oct. 1. About 250 Soldiers from the 21st TSC spent the week of Sept. 28 to Oct. 1 at the ranges in Baumholder qualifying
with a wide variety of weapons, including the M2 .50-caliber machine gun, the M249 squad automatic weapon, the M16
rifle and the M9 pistol.
Page 6
Kaiserslautern American
October 9, 2009
Tip-Tow to the Tom-Tom
by Dr. Marshall Michel
86th Airlift Wing historian
an automatic flight control system was required.
Republic developed an automatic flight control
modification that was ready for testing in March
1953, but before engaging the system a number
of manual hookups were made to the system to
resolve continuing electrical problems.
On April 24, 1953, the left-hand F-84 hooked
up to the B-29 and activated the automatic system.
The F-84 immediately flopped over onto the wing
of the B-29 and both crashed with the loss of all
on board. This ended the Tip-Tow project.
wing tip while RF-84F was fitted with a jaw-like
connector on its left wing tip.
One of U.S. Air Force’s new categorical imperUnlike the Tip-Tow, Tom-Tom was more of a
atives after World War II was to find a way to
test of concept and to see if the formidable wingincrease the range of its generation-one fighter
tip vortices of the B-36 could be overcome in the
jets, especially in the area of bomber escort. One
joining maneuver. Both aircrafts’ wing tip connecof the people they turned to was German engineer
tion mechanisms were very light and not intended
and aircraft designer Dr. Richard Vogt, who had
to tow the RF-84F.
come to the U.S. after the war.
The B-36 wing tip coupling mechanism incorDr. Vogt was known for designing unique
porated adjustable rear pitch locks and
warplanes, including the asymmetria skewed hinge set at an angle. This
cal Blohm & Voss BV141. One of Dr.
allowed the RF-84 to roll around the
Vogt’s ideas was to have aircraft attach
wing tip and the changes in its angle
themselves to the wings of other airof attack generated counter forces to
craft. This would extend the effective
keep it flying level with the wing of
wingspan and, he hoped, extend the
the B-36. This, in theory, eliminated
range in the same manner as the long
the need for an electronic autopilot
narrow wings of a glider.
It would also allow the aircraft on
The question was if the wingspanthe wing to shut down its engine and
to-wing ratio and the reduction in
be towed to save fuel, which would
induced drag were aerodynamically
be useful for escort fighters. Dr. Vogt’s
efficient enough to compensate for the
concept was tested at Wright Field
weight of the fighters. Although severin 1948 using a Douglas C-47 and a
al successful hookups were performed,
small light plane, and the tests showed
the heavy turbulence from the vortices
streaming from the bomber’s wing tips
Republic Aviation was awarded a
made the maneuver extremely chalcontract to develop the concept, which
was called Project MX-1018 or TipProject Tom-Tom flight tests continTow. The Tip-Tow mother aircraft
ued in 1956 with increasingly stronwas a specially modified Boeing B-29
ger wing-tip coupling mechanisms. On
with shackles on the wing tips, and
September 23, 1956, a test pilot hooked
two Republic F-84 Thunderjet fighters
on to the wing tip of the B-36 with a
were to attach themselves there.
Courtesy photo
small amount of yaw, and immediately
There were concerns about the wingA Boeing B-29 tows two Republic F-84 Thunderjets during the longest connected flight of
tip vortices as well as wing flexibility Project Tip-Tow Oct. 20, 1950. The connected flight lasted two hours, 40 minutes. Project the hooked RF-84F started to flap up
of the B-29 and the mechanisms for Tip-Tow came about from the U.S. Air Force’s need to increase the range of first generation and down on the wing tip.
There were no squibs, which are
attachment, but the project continued. fighter jets, especially in the area of bomber escort.
During this time, a B-36 bomber was being miniature explosive devices that can be used for
The first hookup of both F-84s with the B-29 took
used for a similar range-extension project called shattering or propelling a variety of materials, to
place Sept. 15, 1950.
After this, the two Thunderjets made numerous Fighter Conveyer, or FICON. The bomber was break the connection between the airplanes and
successful cycles of attachment and detachment carrying the swept wing version of the F-84, the another disaster was looming when the wing-tip
and also shut down and restarted their engines F-84F. Once the FICON project was over, the coupling mechanism failed. The RF-84F was
several times under tow. The longest connected B-36 became part of a variation of the Tip-Tow thrown free with part of the B-36 scissors mechanism stuck in the jaws on its wing tip. This ended
flight was two hours, 40 minutes and happened project called Tom-Tom.
This involved hooking up an RF-84F, the recon- Project Tom-Tom flight tests, but these type of
Oct. 20, 1950.
All of these flights were accomplished with the naissance version of the F-84F, to the B-36. The range-extension efforts became obsolete because
F-84s under manual control, but for long flights B-36 had a retractable scissors unit on its right of the development of in-flight aerial refueling.
Fundraising on Air Force installations
Before any private organization or unofficial authority conducts a fundraising event, it
must submit a request through 86th Services
Squadron/SVPO for approval by the 86th SVS
Contact Silvia Ramseyer at 480-8728 for more
Air Force Instruction 36-3101, “Fundraising
within the Air Force,” provides specific rules
regarding fundraisers. Private organizations or
unofficial authorities may conduct fundraisers at
the workplace only if the fundraiser is directed
exclusively at Air Force members and exclusively
for the benefit of Air Force members. However,
fundraisers at the workplace may not be conducted during the CFC or AFAF campaigns.
Under AFI 34-223, private organizations or
unofficial authorities can only engage in occasional (no more than two per calendar quarter)
sales such as bake carnivals, dances
or sales for fundraising purposes.
AFI 34-223 governs private
organizations’ activities. For
details, contact 86th SVS/
SVFPO or the 86th Airlift
Wing Judge Advocate Legal
Office at 480-5911.
October 9, 2009
Kaiserslautern American
Page 7
Botswanan forces explore enlisted development
by Master Sgt. Jim Fisher
17th Air Force Public Affairs
A delegation of Botswanan forces engaged in
a familiarization event at 17th Air Force from
Sept. 21 to 24.
The Botswanans, like several groups who have
made trips to Ramstein Air Base from the African
continent recently, were looking to glean expertise
and build their military capacity.
The Botswana Defense Force contingent
focused on the area of enlisted development, said
Master Sgt. Deborah Madden, of the 17th Air
Force Personnel Directorate, who orchestrated
their itinerary here.
She and other members of the personnel directorate have been working with the BDF since
July 2008, when Air Forces Africa personnelists
first traveled to Botswana for a theater security
cooperation event.
“The purpose of their visit was continuing the
engagement on enlisted professional development,” Sergeant Madden said. “We can talk about
the activities that build the professionalism of our
enlisted corps, but we wanted them to be able to
see this first hand. During their visit, they saw
enlisted professional development at every level.”
Members of the delegation, from the BDF’s Air
Arm, visited the Ramstein Airman Leadership
School and Kisling NCO Academy at Vogelweh
and received orientations on the Air Force’s
Senior NCO Academy and Chief’s Leadership
Course. They also were treated to a host of
development-related briefings by the personnel
Senior Master Sgt. J. Lee Phillips, director of
education at the Kisling NCO Academy, said he
found the visit enlightening and inspirational.
“I hope that they were able to get everything
they needed to persuade their leaders on the
importance of getting their NCOs the type of
training that our predecessors fought so hard for
us to obtain today,” Sergeant Phillips said.
In addition to recognizing the historical significance of Botswana’s strides toward development
of it’s enlisted servicemmbers, Sergeant Phillips
said he was awed by the delegation and their
status as pioneers in the BDF.
LRMC, from Page 3
that focuses on the following five areas for
improving life for Army families:
• Standardizing and funding existing family
programs and services
• Increasing accessibility and quality of health
• Improving Soldier and family housing
• Ensuring excellence in schools, youth services and child care
• Expanding education and employment opportunities for family members
“We’re making progress along all five lines,
and we’re committed to take them to the next
level,” General Casey said.
An Army out of balance
General Casey also discussed the effects repeat-
One member of the delegation, 2nd Lt. Lesedi
Kelesitse, is not only a pioneer for her role in
enlisted development, but is among the first year
group of women permitted to join the BDF in
“Their experience opened my eyes to the importance of our role as we work with African defense
forces,” Sergeant Phillips said. “I realized that I
was engaging with leaders that would be recognized in history much like our leaders of the past.
Lieutenant Kelesitse is very similar to Esther
Blake – she was one of the first 30 female airmen
in the Botswana Defense Air Arm – incredible!
“We showed them the Airmen’s Creed video
and as I watched it again, I saw it through their
Photo by Master Sgt. Jim Fisher
Botswana Forces Military Command Sergeant Major Mogakolodi
Sebego (left) and 2nd. Lt. Lesedi Kelesitse view the enlisted heritage display at the Ramstein Airman Leadership School Sept.
22. The Botswana delegation was visiting 17th Air Force at
Ramstein on a familiarization engagement from Sept. 21 to 24,
which included a series of orientations, tours and panel discussions focused on development of the enlisted force. The visit
also included stops at the USAFE NCO Academy, and the 86th
Contingency Response Group, among others.
ed deployments and the high operations tempo of
the past several years have had on Soldiers, their
families and the Army as a whole.
“We are so weighed down by our current commitment that we can’t do the things we know we
need to do to prepare ourselves to do other things,
and to sustain the all-volunteer force for the long
haul,” General Casey said.
However, the general said a plan put into place
to put the Army back in balance by the end of
2011 is showing good progress.
The four benchmarks for that plan consist of:
• Sustaining Soldiers and their families
• Continuing to prepare the force for success
in conflict
• Resetting between deployments
• Transformation to a more modern Army
eyes. It was one of the most powerful experiences
of my life. That creed represents every Airman
from the past and future. It is the bond that holds
us all together.”
Members of the delegation said they were just
as impressed with the depth and synchronicity of
enlisted development in the Air Force.
Maj. Jenamiso Mountain, director of personnel
and training for the BDF’s Air Arm, said the cohesive orchestration of training among the different
tiers of PME is something he wants to develop in
the BDF.
“I have learned that there is a smooth transition
in development from the Airmen to the chiefs,”
Major Mountain said. “We don’t have this back
home. So when I get back home, I will make a
request through the U.S. Embassy, so that they
might consider sending instructors TDY, so we
can develop our own instructors. Then we can
begin to have training in line with what you have
Major Mountain said the uniformity in the curricula across Air Force institutions is key to the
success of PME.
“Where there are two classes running at Airmen
Leadership School, they will run on the same
topic in the same minute and hour, with the same
standards and expectations. By the end of the day,
it encourages Airmen to speak the same language,
and it will standardize performance as well,” the
major said.
Warrant Officer II Bernard Bimbo, also connected to training and development for the Air
Arm, said the techniques and strategies could be
implemented across the BDF.
“I would like to see the development of the
entire enlisted corps of the BDF, not just in the Air
Arm,” Mr. Bimbo said, also taking time to thank
the hosts and organizers of the visit. “I would like
to thank the Office of Defense Cooperation and
to thank 17th Air Force for everything they have
done to educate us, to work with us and be there
throughout the week.”
As Mr. Bimbo and his delegation begin planning to implement ideas garnered from their
visit to Ramstein and Vogelweh, members of Air
Forces Africa will also look ahead for more cooperative events with their Botswanan partners.
Wounded Warriors
During his visit at LRMC, General Casey spent
time at the bedside of Soldiers injured in battle
and recovering from illnesses that occurred downrange. It is an encounter the general clearly holds
“When I look at those remarkable Soldiers, it
reminds me of the cost of war and it’s something
none of us can ever forget,” General Casey said.
“I’m always uplifted by their zeal to return to
their unit – that bond and camaraderie that comes
through. And to the doctors, nurses and care providers, we can’t thank them enough for what they
(Courtesy of the Landstuhl Regional Medical
Center Public Affairs Office)
Page 8
Kaiserslautern American
October 9, 2009
Reserve, retired rated officers given active-duty opportunity
by Daniel Elkins
Air Force Personnel Center Public Affairs
(AFNS) – The secretary of the Air Force has initiated two voluntary recall-to-active-duty programs
and expanded the number of eligible Air Force
specialties to help minimize the service’s critical
shortage of rated officers.
“The rapid expansion of unmanned aircraft systems as well as other emerging missions and rated
requirements that directly support contingency
operations created a demand for experienced,
rated officers that exceeds current Air Force
levels,” said Col. William Foote, the Air Force
Personnel Center director of personnel services.
The Voluntary Retired Rated Officer Recall
Program allows the secretary of the Air Force to
order retired Air Force rated officers to activeduty.
The Voluntary Limited Period Recall Program
and Voluntary Permanent Rated Officer Recall
Program allow Reserve officers the opportunity
to apply for recall to extended active-duty. Rated
officers include pilots, combat systems officers
and air battle managers.
Adriana Bazan, the chief of voluntary offiUGANDA, from Page1
arrangement of U.S. living areas and the logistical issues that might require Ugandan assistance.
He also took time to ask if there was any assistance the Ugandan forces needed form their U.S.
Command Sergeant Major Wood praised the
Ugandan military for its discipline and outlined
cer recall operations, said these programs are
designed to put experienced and motivated officers back into the Air Force ranks.
“There has been a tremendous response to
these programs, with more than 500 rated officers selected for recall to active-duty,” Ms. Bazan
said. “Applications remain steady, averaging 70
per month.”
The success of these programs was lauded by
Maj. Gen. Marke Gibson during a recent visit to
AFPC. General Gibson, the Air Force director of
operations, praised the results of the programs and
underscored the operational impact of these critical positions in today’s fight.
“These officers possess the knowledge and
training to effectively contribute to our success in
the joint fight,” General Gibson said. “Their role is
crucial as the Air Force boosts its unmanned (aircraft) systems capabilities and leverages our latest
technologies across all warfighting domains.”
Lt. Col. Deborah Landry, AFPC operations staff
assignments branch chief, said officers returning
thus far have been assigned to the full spectrum
of the Air Force’s rated billets and come from
backgrounds as diverse as those retiring later this
year to F-111 Aardvark pilots who last flew in
Desert Storm.
“Each officer brings unique expertise and wisdom to the Air Force mission,” Colonel Landry
In the fall 2009 assignment cycle, 149 recalled
officers were matched to rated staffs, filling critical billets that would have otherwise remained
vacant due to the shortage of active-duty officers
available to move out of operational flying assignments. In addition, many of those recalled officers
who are current and qualified in an Air Force
aircraft or are eligible for local training are being
utilized in flying assignments.
“Unfortunately, there is not enough training
available to return every rated officer to an active
flying assignment,” she said. “But, every qualified
applicant is being offered an assignment and will
be a valuable asset to the rated force.”
More than 225 officers have already received
orders and are returning to active-duty.
Information about the rated recall programs,
including detailed eligibility criteria and application requirements, can be found on the AFPC’s
“ASK” Web site. Click on “Voluntary Officer
Return to Active-duty” under the Military Quick
Links section to learn more. Interested officers
may also call the Total Force Service Center at
(800) 525-0102.
some specific training he was hoping could be
arranged for the participating U.S. forces.
“When I was out at your range yesterday, I
noticed the way your soldiers build shelters,”
Command Sergeant Major Wood said. “I would
like you to show our Soldiers how to do that –
how to chop the bamboo and set up shelters.”
The meeting ended with the presentation of the
21st TSC coin to Sergeant Major Oyana, but perhaps the most important thing taken away from
the meeting was what was said shortly after the
initial introductions and handshakes.
“We have to come together to make this happen,” Command Sergeant Major Wood said.
“To work as a team,” the Ugandan sergeants
major replied in unison.
Photos by Spc. Jason Nolte
Left: Command Sgt. Maj. David Wood, the command sergeant major of the 21st Theater Sustainment Command, addresses a group of sergeants major from the Ugandan People’s Defense Force
about the upcoming multilateral exercise Natural Fire 10.
Right: Ugandan Command Sgt. Maj. Ben Oyana contemplates what Command Sgt. Maj. David Wood, the command sergeant major for the 21st Theater Sustainment Command, is explaining about
the U.S. forces’ life support area for Natural Fire 10. The joint and combined training exercise in Uganda offers an opportunity for east African partner nations and the U.S. military to work together
to increase regional capabilities in order to respond to complex humanitarian emergencies.
October 9, 2009
Kaiserslautern American
by 1st Lt. Derek White
Secretary of the Air Force
Public Affairs
Photo by Douglas DeMaio
Welcome home
Capt. Russell Matusiak, a member of the 16th Sustainment Brigade, gives his wife a hug
at the unit’s welcome home ceremony Oct. 3 in Bamberg. Matusiak and more than 150
Soldiers from the brigade’s headquarters company returned to Germany after serving 15
months in Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. About 150 more Soldiers from the
16th Sust. Bde. are expected to return to Germany in the next few days.
Conserve resources for
the future of planet
October is Energy Awareness
Month. You have the power to conserve energy.
You can make a difference by saving energy.
It took more than 200 million years
to form all of the oil beneath the surface of the earth. It has taken 200
years to consume half that endowment. If current rates of consumption continue, the world’s remaining
resources of conventional oil will be
used up in 40 years.
This would not be the end of fossil fuels. The world’s coal resources
are much larger and there are vast
amounts of unconventional fossil
fuels, such as shale oil, tar sands and
natural gas, trapped in ice beneath
the ocean. At present, these energy
resources would produce much harm
to the environment and would be
very expensive to use.
In the future, ways may be
found to use some or all of these
resources economically and without undue damage to the environment. Advanced technologies may
be developed to produce clean, economical energy from other sources.
In the meantime, it makes sense to
use fossil resources such as oil more
efficiently to reduce environmental
impacts and buy time to develop
new and better energy sources.
Two-thirds of the oil we consume
powers transportation vehicles and
half goes to passenger cars and light
Being a fuel-economy conscious
consumer doesn’t mean buying a car
you don’t want. Shop around to find a
vehicle that gives you all the features
you want with the best fuel economy
available. This will not only help
conserve fuel today, but will signal
carmakers to use advanced technology to make cars even more energy
efficient in the future.
Force officials have launched a new
Web site to showcase the Year of the
Air Force Family effort.
Airmen and their families can visit
www.af.mil/yoaff/index.asp to learn
about Air Force-wide initiatives and
monthly themes and programs, as
well as contact their installation’s
Airman Family & Readiness Centers
to find out about local events.
Earlier this year Air Force Chief
of Staff Gen. Norton Schwartz and
Secretary of the Air Force Michael
Donley designated July 2009 to July
2010 as the “Year of the Air Force
Family,” a year-long focus on Air
Force programs highlighting the
importance of and commitment to the
entire Air Force family: all Airmen,
married and single; spouses; children; Air Force civilians; extended
families; and retirees.
“We will devote this year to identifying what we are doing right and
what we need to do better to support
the entire Air Force family and to
rekindle the sense of community that
has been our tradition for so many
generations,” General Schwartz
Findings from the April “Caring
for People” forum provided direction for the year-long focus that
highlights improvements to existing
It also introduces new initiatives
built on four pillars that meet the
unique needs of Air Force fami-
Page 9
lies, including health and wellness;
Airman and family support; education, development and employment;
and Airman and family housing.
Together with Chief Master
Sergeant of the Air Force James
Roy, the service’s senior leaders
are addressing key areas of concern
to Airmen. Some of the programs
receiving special emphasis include
deployment support, fitness, family
safety awareness, exceptional family member programs and single
Airmen initiatives.
“You can rest assured that taking
care of families is a solemn promise
we make to each Airman and family and one that Chief Roy, General
Schwartz and I each take very seriously,” Secretary Donley said. “And
we make this commitment not only
because it’s the right thing to do for
our Airmen, but because it is the
smart thing to do for our Air Force.”
Airmen and their families can
expect programs and events tailored
to the needs of their individual communities.
They may include reintroducing
family support programs already
available to them today, as well as
announcing new initiatives that will
serve as model Airman and family support programs long into the
“The strength of the nation’s Air
Force is not the platforms we operate
or the technologies we employ, as
good as they are,” General Schwartz
said. “It is our Airmen and their families. The Air Force is a great place
to work, live and play. Our intent is
to make it even better.”
(Courtesy of the 86th Civil
Engineer Squadron)
During Energy Awareness
Month, an excursion to an
energy-related site is offered
from 5 to 8 p.m. Oct. 22:
• Block-Heating Power Plant,
An educational lunch-time
briefing is from 11:30 a.m.
to 12:30 p.m. Oct. 28 in Bldg.
• Use the sun – free energy
For details and to register, call
Anja Kempf-Urschel at 480-3723
or e-mail anja.kempf-urschel.de@
Photo by Airman 1st Class Corey Hook
To showcase the Year of the Air Force Family, a new Web site has been created for Airmen and
their families to learn about Air Force-wide initiatives, monthly themes and programs and other
information beneficial to the entire Air Force family. Airmen and their families can visit www.
af.mil/yoaff/index.asp to check out the monthly themes and programs, as well as contact their
installation’s Airman Family & Readiness Centers to find out about local events.
Page 10
Kaiserslautern American
October 9, 2009
Kisling NCO Academy hosts Romanian student
by Master Sgt. Gino Mattorano
U.S. Air Forces in Europe Public Affairs
“I want to learn from people who are good
leaders – I want to learn from my wingmen and
hopefully I will have opportunities to lead them
as well.”
The Kisling NCO Academy accepted its first
The Kisling NCO Academy staff is excited
Romanian air force student this week as part of
about the chance to work with students from
U.S. Air Forces in Europe’s effort to build the
partner nations.
capabilities of its partner nations.
“This is a tremendous learning opportunity
Romanian air force Plutonier (technicalfor
the Kisling NCO Academy Staff and the 143
sergeant equivalent) Diana-Cristina Mireuta will
students of Class 2010-1,” said Chief Master Sgt.
attend classes alongside her U.S Air Force NCO
David Lawrence, Kisling NCO Academy compeers throughout the six-week course.
mandant. “Along with the important cultural
The International Military Education and
exchange, we expect to learn much about our
Training program is a vital part of USAFE’s secuRomanian air force NCO’s enlisted culture – difrity assistance, said Maj. Robert Firman, who is
ferences and similarities on enlisted leadership.
the deputy chief of the Europe and Eurasia Branch,
A program like this naturally has the attenUSAFE Plans and Programs Directorate.
of USAFE leadership, and Chief Master
“This is the primary way the Department of
Sgt. Pamela Derrow, USAFE’s command
Defense reaches out to individual members of
chief, is happy to see the results of the groundforeign militaries,” said Major Firman. “The
work the command laid over the last year.
program covers a wide spectrum of training,
“I had the pleasure of meeting [Plutonier]
ranging from skills training to professional
Mireuta and can say that I was very impressed
military education.
with her professionalism and her enthusiastic
When working with developing nations or
attitude towards this extraordinary learning
new members of NATO, USAFE uses IMET
opportunity,” Chief Derrow said. “There is
to place particular emphasis on NCO developno doubt that this is a historic moment for
ment, said Major Firman.
the development of strong, empowered and
“We want to help these nations develop
culturally aware NCOs.
their NCO corps,” he said. “Programs like this
“This is a perfect example of International
one at the Kisling NCO Academy are force
Photo by Tech. Sgt. Chenzira Mallory Military Partnering. Not only does it support
multipliers. Developing professional NCOs
supports every other aspect of our engagement Romanian Air Force Plutonier (technical sergeant equivalent) Diana- COMUSAFE’s priority of partnering with our
Cristina Mireuta, left, attends classes with her U.S. Air Force peers Monday
joint and coalition team to win today’s fight,
with countries like Romania.”
at the Kisling NCO Academy. Plutonier Mireuta is the first international
Plutonier Mireuta, an air traffic control- student to attend the NCO Academy as part of USAFE’s International it also links to EUCOM’s motto of being
‘stronger together.’”
ler from Bucharest, Romania, is no strang- Military Education and Training initiative.
er to training abroad. She attended the NATO
Orientation Course in 2005 and the Air Space
Control Course in Holland in 2008. She’s looking forward to the opportunity to train with her
fellow NCOs.
“I’m excited to be here,” she said. “I will benefit
from being here, and hope to share this information with other NCOs (in Romania) when I return.
I’ve only been here a few days, but I already feel
like I’ve learned so much.”
Plutonier Mireuta, who enlisted in 2002, had a
few reservations about the physical training aspect
of the academy, but now that she’s here and had a
chance to talk with her classmates and instructors,
she believes she’s up to the challenge.
86th DS emphasizes early preventative care
by Tech. Sgt. Michael Voss
86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs
Cleaning, flossing and repairing teeth is nothing
unusual for the dentists and technicians at the 86th
Medical Group.
Each year they see thousands of active-duty
members, civilian employees and family members. But family members, especially young children, are really where the dentists get the bang for
their proverbial buck.
Many recent studies have shown frightening
news about significant increases in young children suffering from tooth decay, causing some
parents to take notice and ensure their children are
receiving proper dental care.
With only one full-time pediatric dentist, Lt.
Col. (Dr.) John Kersey, at the 86th Dental Clinic,
other general dentists such as Maj. (Dr.) Jonathan
Evans chip in regularly seeing the many dependent children in the KMC.
According to WebMD, most babies get their
first tooth around six months and their last primary molars before they turn three.
What is very important to keep in mind is your
child will keep these “baby” teeth until age 10
or 12, making cleaning and maintaining those 20
teeth very important not only to social imaging,
but to overall physical well-being.
But as Dr. Evans points out, some of the habits
formed at an early age, such as proper or improper
brushing, will stick with individuals even into
“During a child’s visit, we work with not only
the patient but the parents as well,” Dr. Evans
And Dr. Evans holds true to his word. During
my son Hayden’s recent first dental exam, he not
only cleaned his teeth, but he also took time to
show us how to help the 17 month old.
“With kids, you are doing the same exam and
cleaning,” Dr. Kersey said. “We simply modify
the exam a little to facilitate the child’s attention
span. We always leave a little time to educate the
parents on the importance of being involved in
their child’s dental health.”
During Hayden’s visit, after cleaning his 10
baby teeth, Dr. Evans explained tricks of the trade
to get him used to flossing with help at an early
age, and explaining that fluoride supplements may
be necessary, particularly if you live off-base.
“We always take time to ask the parents if they
live off-base, and explain that local water doesn’t
contain enough fluoride in it for healthy tooth
formation,” Dr. Evans said.
“Again, prevention and education is the key,”
Dr. Kersey said.
In terms of when parents should start administering dental care, many
Web sites suggest cleaning
the gums of infants, even
before the first tooth appears.
Dr. Evans suggests to start
Courtesy graphic
dental care as early as possible.
A simple technique of dampening a small piece
of textured gauze and wiping down gums after
feeding could help children avoid dental health
problems in the future enabling a healthy smile, a
stronger personal image and perhaps even saving
money down the road.
Other helpful tips for parents include:
• Using a wet toothbrush is sufficient for
cleaning toddler teeth.
• Children need fluoride in their water supply
to strengthen tooth enamel.
• Don’t let your child fall asleep with a bottle
or sippy cup. If your child wants to go to bed
with a drink, fill a sippy cup with water.
• Plan your child’s first dental trip at age 1.
• Start to floss once teeth are touching.
• Remember anything that can stain a white
cotton T-shirt can stain teeth.
October 9, 2009
Kaiserslautern American
Page 11
Photo by Sgt. Frank Sanchez III
Boston Celtics player visits LRMC
Boston Celtics point guard Rajon Rondo talks with Randy Thackson Sept. 21 at Landstuhl
Regional Medical Center. Mr. Thackson, a contractor who sustained multiple injuries to his right
leg from a rocket explosion while supporting Operation Enduring Freedom, was one of many
people in the KMC who were able to meet Mr. Rondo during his visit. Mr. Rondo’s visit included
meeting and spending time with Soldiers, civilians and family members, signing hundreds of
autographs, and kicking off the grand opening of the KMCC’s new base exchange.
Photo by Staff Sgt. Jocelyn Rich
Bronze Star awarded
Photo by Maj. Paula Kurtz
Libyan journalist visits AFAFRICA
Lt. Col. Mohamed Abdulghani, an editor with Al Musaahl, a Libyan defense magazine, shows
a copy of the publication to 17th Air Force Commander Maj. Gen. Ron Ladnier during a Libyan
military media delegation visit Sept. 23 at the 17th AF’s Ramstein headquarters.
Senior Master Sgt. Shawn Ricchuito, 886th Civil Engineer Squadron firefighter, recently received
a Bronze Star for his meritorious service as the 379th Expeditionary Civil Engineer Squadron fire
chief while supporting operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom. The citation for the
award explained that during his time with the 379th Expeditionary Wing, Sergeant Ricchuito
displayed superior leadership while integrating 240 personnel from 35 installations across four
air and space expeditionary force rotations to support firefighting support and emergency
services for more than 1,600 facilities, 8,700 joint and coalition combat partners and more than
100 aircraft.
Photo by Airman 1st Class Brittany Perry
Dorm ground breaking
From left, Senior Airman Louis Vargas, 86th Civil Engineer Squadron engineer assistant; Walter
Eberhardt, representative of OGB Bau; Eckhard Rauschenberger, director of LBB’s Kaiserslautern
office; Brig. Gen. Mark Dillon, 86th Airlift Wing commander; Airman 1st Class Jenae Brazell,
Installation Dorm Council president; and Lt. Col. Bobbie Moore, 86th Civil Engineer Squadron
commander; break ground on the new dorm construction Sept. 25 on Ramstein. The dorm is due
to be completed June 2011.
Photo by Staff Sgt. Jocelyn Rich
Staff Sgt. Francesco Ventura, a C-130 loadmaster assigned to the 37th Airlift Squadron, sits on a
C-130J ramp Sept. 23 as he watches the historic last mission involving a C-130J and C-130E flying
together from Ramstein.
Page 12
Kaiserslautern American
October 9, 2009
Commissioning briefings
Air Force commissioning briefings are held at
3 p.m. the fourth Tuesday of each month at the
Ramstein Education Center, Bldg. 2120, Room
214.Walk-ins are welcome.
Education comedian
Education comedian Jorge Cham of PhD
(Piled Higher and Deeper) Comics will perform
at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Hercules Theater.
Admission is free and sponsored by EmbryRiddle Aeronautical University. Mr. Cham’s
comedy routine will discuss procrastination and
what it’s like to be a student.
CLEP, DSST, Pearson Vue testing
To sign up for a CLEP, DSST or Pearson Vue
certification test with the National Test Center,
send an e-mail to ntc.ramstein@europe.ctcd.edu
or register on Central Texas College’s European
Web site at http://europe.ctcd.edu/. You can also
call 480-3085 to schedule a test. The NCT is
located in Bldg. 2104 on Ramstein and tests take
place from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Monday through
Friday. The Ramstein Education Center still
gives the DSST Speech exam.
Distance learning classes
Photo by Lori Glenn
Ramstein Middle School PTSA parent member Ann Callan and
seventh grade student member Devon Glenn take turns calling
bingo numbers. The RMS PTSA hosted a Bingo Membership
Night Sept. 23. Ten student and adult member prizes were
awarded during the games, including one lucky RMS student
who walked away with a new digital camera.
Photo by Teresa Conner
Mia Brown (front) and Michaela Conner of Brownie Troop 118
roller skate Sept. 25 at the Vogelweh Skate Express. Brownies
and Girl Scouts attended the Brownie Skate Night to hang out
with old girl scout friends and make new ones.
The Ramstein Education Center offers Air
Technology Network distance-learning classes
by satellite broadcast at its facility on Kapaun,
Bldg. 2784. The broadcasts are offered by the
Defense Education and Training Network. To
see upcoming classes, visit http://getn.govdl.
org/GETN_schedule.htm. For more information on how to request a broadcast, e-mail Janna
Farrier at janna.farrier.ctr@ramstein.af.mil.
Dental assisting program
The Ramstein Dental Clinic starts the next
American Red Cross Dental Assisting Volunteer
Program Nov. 2. The program is seven months,
full time. This program is open to dependent
ID card holders with a high school diploma or
equivalent. Information, applications and interview slots will be given out. For more information, contact Sherry Rivera at sherry.rivera@
Twenty-five individuals were recently
selected to receive $1,000 scholarships through
the Air Force Services Club Membership
Scholarship Program.
Club members and their families were given
the opportunity to submit a 500-word essay on
“The High Cost of Freedom.”
A total of 154 entries were submitted to the
Air Force Service Agency Headquarters for
Photo by Melissa Kealy
Photo by Susi Gibbins
Landstuhl Elementary/Middle School fifth graders look at a
copy of the U.S. Constitution at the LEMS Information Center.
The students learned about the constitution over the course of
a few weeks. They memorized the words to the preamble, discussed the origins of the constitution and considered how the
constitution is relevant to their lives today. Some classes even
created their own constitutions.
Kaiserslautern Elementary School Student Council members
empty boxes and bags of paper to recycle. Student Council
members are learning about recycling. Their first project was
to distribute paper recycling boxes to every classroom. On
Sept. 30, they collected the paper and took it to the recycling
containers. The next project will be the Giving Thanks Clothing
Drive to collect clothes for military members.
Air Force-level consideration.
One scholarship winner was Ashley Whitt,
daughter of Master Sgt. David Whitt, from
According to Fred McKenney, Air Force
Services Agency Food and Beverage Division
chief, this is the 13th consecutive year Air
Force clubs have hosted this scholarship essay
“Air Force clubs continue to help their
members and their families with the cost
of higher education,” Mr. McKenney said.
“The quality of this year’s essays was
The scholarships are funded by Air Force
Services, Chase Bank and the Coca-Cola
Company (no federal endorsement of sponsors
October 9, 2009
Kaiserslautern American
Page 13
RYP celebrates Worldwide Day of Play, Fit Factor
Ramstein Youth Programs celebrated the Worldwide Day of Play through
a variety of events Sept. 25 and 26.
In order to kick off the Worldwide
Day of Play, after-school clubs conducted various Triple Play Daily
Challenges and organized a mass Fit
Factor enrollment for all youth and
teens located in the youth and teen
Fit Factor, an online Air Force initiative, is designed to encourage youth
and teens to eat a healthy diet as well
as “get up, get out and get fit.”
Furthermore, Ramstein Youth
Programs partnered with Ramstein
Intermediate and Middle schools as a
means to implement a variety of sports
tournaments for all the students during
the lunch recreation program as well
as during the school’s physical education classes.
Not only were youth and teens able
to enjoy physical activity throughout
Story and photos by Kerrie Good
Ramstein Intermediate School
the day, they also had a chance to
view youth and teen athletes participating in the Youth Sports Program.
These young athletes modeled healthy
and active lifestyles for the entire
Ramstein community through participating in organized sports like soccer,
football and cheerleading.
The sports events were concluded with a carnival at the Vogelweh
Community Center. Youth, teens and
families were able to partake in an
array of carnival games, a bouncy
castle, Fit Factor enrollment, a magic
show and a variety of other activities.
The main goal of these events was to
recognize those youth and teens who
lead healthy lives as well as to encourage others to follow suit and make the
necessary positive and healthy changes in their lives.
(Story and photo courtesy of
Ramstein Youth Programs)
family member deployed, but also to get feedback
from the students that could be used in his future
book and DVD.
Mr. Romain asked the students what they have
Award-winning author, illustrator and performdone when their moms or dads have deployed and
er Trevor Romain has made several visits to
how to they stayed in touch with their parents.
Ramstein Intermediate School in the past, but this
There were several of suggestions from stuyear’s Sept. 24 visit was all about partnerships.
dents on how to stay in touch. While this discusAll the RIS students had the opportunity to see
sion was going on, Mr. Romain also talked to the
Mr. Romain as he conducted two assemblies early
students about being “heroes” and how to cope
in the morning. Mr. Romain shared stories and
with their loved ones being gone.
talked to the children about problems and situHis messages of caring about each other and
ations they may face in everyday life, like when
developing a support network were very clear. He
someone tries to bully them.
suggested strategies for the
students to use like writing
in a journal, which is what he
did as child when times were
The connection between
Mr. Romain and the students
was impossible to miss. At
the end of the day when
the bell rang, not a student
moved to leave.
“I really like the story
he told about the monkey,
because it showed us that
he cared about the monkey
just like he cares about us,”
RIMS fifth grader Sophie
Ogden said.
With 86th SVS/SVY sponsoring Mr. Romain, it was a
great opportunity for all the
Left: Trevor Romain speaks to Ramstein Intermediate School and Ramstein Middle School students during an assembly Sept. 24. The topic of the presentation parties of RIS, RMS and the
was dealing with deployments. Mr. Romain engaged students in a dialogue about deployments and offered advice for coping with the absence of a parent. Kids 4 Kids group to work
Right: Sophie Ogden, a fifth grader in Ms. Blanchard’s class and Ian Almanza, a fourth grader in Mrs. Self’s class, talk to Trevor Romain during his visit to together. On this day everyone was a winner.
Ramstein-are schools Sept. 24.
It was later in the afternoon, when Mr. Romain
met with the Kids 4 Kids groups from RIS and
Ramstein Middle School, that the real sharing
began. Over the last year Mr. Romain has been
working with the 86th Services Squadron Family
Member Support Flight in developing a deployment kit using a character he created known as
Cuzzie the Flying Bear. The kits will include items
like calendars, journals, dog tags and photos.
In addition to this kit, Mr. Romain is making a
new book and DVD on deployment. He met with
the Kids 4 Kids groups not only to talk to them
about how to deal with the situation of having a
Page 14
Kaiserslautern American
October 9, 2009
Mark your calendar
The U.S. Army Garrison – Kaiserslautern Army
Community Services Family Advocacy Program
will host several events in October for National Domestic
Violence Awareness Month. For a complete list of events,
visit www.kaiserslautern.army.mil/.
The Ramstein Officers’ Spouses Club will host an
International Bingo Social Oct. 14 at the Ramstein
Officers’ Club. Check-in begins at 9:30 a.m. and business at
10. On the menu is barbecue brisket and pulled pork. Cost
is $14 for members and $15 for non-members. In order to
win bingo prizes, you must be a member in good standing. To make child-care reservations, e-mail childcare@
ramstein.org. To make lunch reservations or for more information, visit www.ramsteinosc.org.
U.S. Army Garrison – Kaiserslautern’s annual
Holiday Bazaar will take place from Nov. 6 to 8 and features handcrafts, wine, cheese, leather works, wood working and collectibles from around the world. More than 100
vendors will be there to help you with your holiday shopping.
For more information, call 493-4184 or 0631-3406-4184
or visit www.mwrgermany.com.
IMCOM-E will host the 2009 festivals and workshops
today through Sunday at the Kaiserslautern Community
Activities Center, Bldg. 3109 on Daenner Kaserne. This
event offers free shows and workshops for monologues,
costuming, theater collaboration and much more. For a
complete list of events, shows and workshops, call 483-6252
or 0631-411-6252 or visit www.mwrgermany.com.
KMC Onstage will host auditions for the Rogers
and Hammerstein musical “The Sound of Music” on
Tuesday and Wednesday. This large musical requires 20 to
25 male and female actors, singers and dancers age 6 and
up. Please prepare a short musical selection with sheet music. Auditions will be held at the Kaiserslautern Community
Activities Center, Bldg. 3109 on Daenner Kaserne.
Children’s (6 to 17 years old) auditions are at 5:30 p.m.
and adults’ (over 18) auditions are at 7 p.m. For more in-
formation, contact KMC Onstage at 0631-411-6626 or
U.S. Army Garrison –
Substance Abuse Program, Adolescent Substance Abuse Counseling
Service counselors and
Family and Morale, Welfare
and Recreation will sponsor
the 2009 Red Ribbon 5K from 8:30 a.m. to noon Oct. 24
at the Java Cafe on Rhine Ordnance Barracks. Registration
for participating units, agencies and organizations is from
8:30 to 9:30 a.m. National Red Ribbon Week happens
every year during the last week in October to encourage
parents, children and communities to take a visible stand
against drugs, alcohol and tobacco use and abuse. It is a
youth-hosted event with Soldier and community support.
There will be booths promoting positive activities for adults
and children and supporting a drug-free community. For
more information, call the garrison’s prevention coordinator
at 486-6121 or 06371-86-6121.
The support group of Theodor-Zink-Museum
Kaiserslautern offers a trip to the Celtic village in
Steinbach/Donnersberg Sunday. Those interested in participating in the 90-minute guided tour who don’t want to
drive there on their own should meet at 2 p.m. at the bus
stop in front of the Pfalztheater in Kaiserslautern (east side
of city hall). Those wanting to meet the group in Steinbach
can take autobahn A-63 toward Mainz, exit in Winnweiler or
Göllheim. The guided tour, including a drink (mead or apple
juice), costs €3. Hungry participants can then make a stop
at the Pfälzerwald club hut next to the Celtic village. Register by Wednesday by calling Udo Radzei at 0631-64179 or
e-mailing udo-radzei@t-online.de.
An auction of signed sports memorabilia and movie
and TV items will be held Oct. 16 at Club E on Ramstein.
Doors open at 5 p.m. and live bidding starts at 6. Payments
of cash, check and annual deduction from a paycheck will
be accepted. All donations will go to a CFC charity. For more
information, call 480-3156.
The Rheinland-Pfalz International Choir has resumed rehearsals. The group meets from 7:30 to 9:30
p.m. Tuesdays in Kaiserslautern. For more information, visit
www.sing-rpic.de or call Sharon Franklin at 0171-7734278.
There will be a breast cancer awareness 5K
run/walk starting at 9 a.m. Oct. 17 at Landstuhl
Regional Medical Center. Registration will take place from
8 to 8:45 a.m. at the PT track near Gate 4. The first 200
registrants will receive a free T-shirt. The run/walk is open
to all Department of Defense ID card holders. Medals will
be awarded. The 86th MDS Booster Club will donate $1 per
registrant to the Susan G. Komen foundation.
Armstrong’s Club will host Salsa Night from 8 p.m.
to 1 a.m. Saturday and Oct. 24. This free event features
a live D.J. and free finger food. For more information, call
The Kaiserslautern Library at Landstuhl and the
Landstuhl Community Club will team up to bring you an
evening of independent and foreign films. Shows will start
at 6 p.m. Popcorn and refreshments will be available. Upcoming shows: Wednesday – “The Window” by Carlos Sorin
(Spanish with English subtitles); Oct. 28 – “Noise” by Matthew Saville (in English). For more information, visit www.
mwrgermany.com or call 486-7322 or 06371-86-7322.
The Kaiserslautern Landstuhl Spouses Association presents “An Evening of Murder and Mystery” at
6 p.m. Oct. 27 at the Ramstein Officers’ Club. Come dressed
in your favorite black or red attire. As the night progresses,
everyone tries to find out who the murderer is, while the
murderer avoids being detected. Enjoy a buffet dinner for
$15. Make your reservation at klsa_reservations@yahoo.
com. For more information, visit www.klsagrapevine.org.
U.S. Army Garrison – Kaiserslautern’s Army Community Service will host Family Fright Night from 6 to
9 p.m. Oct. 30 at Skate Express on Vogelweh. Bring the whole
family and enjoy a night of Halloween fun. There will be free
skating, arts and crafts, and a family photo area. Wear costumes to participate in the Costume Bragging Rights competition. To register, call 493-4062 or 0631-3406-4062 or
e-mail selinda.torbert@eur.army.mil.
Waiting Warriors, a support group for family
members of deployed servicemembers, meets from
6 to 7:30 p.m. every second and fourth Monday at the
Ramstein North Chapel. The next meeting is scheduled
for Columbus Day. Free child care is provided by volunteers during the meeting time. Register for child care by
e-mailing waitingwarriorsrab@yahoo.com or by calling the
chapel at 06371-47-6148.
Women’s Alcoholics Anonymous meetings take
place at 10 a.m. Saturdays at Landstuhl Army Post,
Bldg. 3820, in the first floor conference room. This is an
open meeting and all 12-step members are welcome.
For more information, contact Kathleen at katieliz19@
hotmail.com. Other local AA meetings can be found at
KMC Mom2Mom Breast Feeding Support Group
meets from 9:30 to 11 a.m. the third Wednesday of the
month at the Ramstein North Chapel conference room. For
more information, e-mail help@kmcmom2mom.org or visit
The U.S. Army Garrison – Kaiserslautern Better
Opportunities for Single Servicemembers will host
meetings at 1 p.m. every first and third Thursday of the
month in Bldg. 2929 on Pulaski Barracks. Founded in 1989,
BOSS is a three-pillared organization that helps single and
unaccompanied military members with recreation and
leisure, community service and well-being issues. For
details, call 493-4344.
October 9, 2009
Kaiserslautern American
Ramstein helps
Take Off Pounds
by Rita Marquez-Lohr
Ramstein TOPS leader
Are you frustrated, discouraged or depressed about your
weight or size?
Come join others at Ramstein in a group called Take off
Pounds Sensibly, or TOPS. TOPS members have struggled with
the same issues and are now supporting each other in dealing
with their weight.
The support group is just that – a place where others can come
where there are no items to buy, no food to purchase, just unconditional support through discussions, informational articles, education, sharing and guest speakers.
TOPS Club, Inc. is a nonprofit, noncommercial weight-loss
support organization based in Milwaukee, Wis., with chapters located worldwide. Its two-fold objective is to encourage
healthy lifestyles through weight-management support groups
and to sponsor obesity research.
The Ramstein chapter meets from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. every
Tuesday. There are many upcoming events scheduled to take
place over the next few months.
There will be a psychologist who will visit and give a presentation on lifestyle changes and weight loss. A tour of the
commissary is scheduled with a briefing on reading nutrition
labels. Another guest speaker will provide the group with tips
on using herbs and spices to liven up meals. Additionally, there
is a meditation lesson scheduled to teach how to relax. Meetings
also include various presentations by members.
TOPS offers fitness activities such as a walk and instructions
on the use of resistance bands and isometric exercises. Everyone
is encouraged to find a plan that works best for them on how to
lose weight.
There is no specific plan or packaged food items to buy. There
are lots of ideas and success stories exchanged and plenty of
moral support.
Men and woman alike are invited to join. Ideas and suggestions on activities the group can participate in are welcomed and
This is our support group and we do our very best to keep
everyone’s interests in mind as well the limitations some people
have. If you are not able to participate in a physical activity we
plan, you are not obligated to do it. You are welcome to do what
you can. We are there to share and support.
Features of TOPS
• A system of competition and recognition to provide
additional support
• TOPS’ healthy lifestyle guide “The Choice is Mine”
contains details about the exchange system for meal planning as
well as motivational tips and practical advice
• TOPS News – membership magazine included in TOPS’
annual membership fee
For more information, come to the next TOPS meeting in
Bldg. 2117A on the south side of Ramstein, scheduled for every
Tuesday except U.S. federal holidays. Call 06301-796025,
06303-807708 or 0175-488-0038 for more information.
Classes and training
The KMC American Red Cross will
hold Community Level CPR/First Aid/AED
trainings from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Oct.
24, Nov. 7 and Nov. 21. Additionally, a babysitter training class will be held from 8:30 a.m. to
4:30 p.m. Oct. 17. This course is recommended
for young adults ages 11 to 15. All classes are
held at the Ramstein Red Cross Office. Interested individuals can register and pre-pay at any of
the three local Red Cross offices. Cost includes
books and materials. Contact the Ramstein Red
Cross Office at redcross@ramstein.af.mil or
480-2171 or 06371-47-2171.
The USAG Kaiserslautern Army Community Service can help you be “Career Ready” at 1 p.m. Oct. 29. Have your
resume ready. Practice interviewing and
other job hunting skills and learn to stand
out from the crowd at the Nov. 5 job fair.
For more information, call 493-4187 or 06313406-4187 or e-mail Jacqueline.boone@
eur.army.mil. Visit www.mwrgermany.com for
more information.
The Kaiserslautern County Adult Education School will start a German for
beginners class from 6:30 to 8 p.m.
Oct. 27 at Münchhofschule in Hochspeyer.
The class lasts 15 weeks and costs €66.
For more information, call Herta Hahn at
SKIESUnlimited and the Kaiserslautern
Library at Landstuhl will offer “Introduction to Newspaper” class for youth in sixth to
eighth grade. This six week class will introduce
students to topics such as news and sports
writing, editing and newspaper composition
and layout. The class costs $15 and will be held
Mondays beginning Oct. 19. For more information, visit www.mwrgermany.com or call Central
Enrollment at 493-4516 or 0631-3406-4516.
The Kaiserslautern Transition Center will
host a briefing on Career Status Bonus Oct.
21 in Bldg. 3245 on Kleber Kaserne. This class
is for Soldiers who reach the 15-year mark and
are eligible for a $30,000 bonus. To register, call
483-7071 or 0631-411-7071.
The Kaiserslautern Transition Center
Page 15
will host a preretirement briefing from
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Nov. 12 in Bldg. 3245
on Kleber Kaserne. At least once prior to
retirement, Soldiers and their family members
should attend this briefing. To register, call
483-7071 or 0631-3406-7071.
SKIESUnlimited and the Kaiserslautern
Library at Landstuhl will offer “Mysteries at
the Library” class for youth in first to fifth grade.
Solve a new mystery each week and learn how to
use the resources available through the library.
This six week class costs $15 and will be held
Tuesdays until Oct. 20. For more information,
visit www.mwrgermany.com or call Central
Enrollment at 493-4516 or 0631-3406-4516.
Chapel news
World famous author Dr. Gary Chapman, author of “The Five Love Languages,” will lead “The Marriage You’ve
Always Wanted” conference from
9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Saturday at the Ramstein
Officers’ Club. Advanced registration is required.
Topics will include communication, understanding/expression of love and making sex a mutual
joy, among other topics. Tickets cost $35 per
couple, $45 per couple including lunch, $20
for singles and $25 for singles including lunch.
Tickets can be purchased at the Ramstein North
Chapel. For more information, call 480-6148 or
The Ramstein Chapel Protestant
Services is accepting bids for the
contract position of Protestant Women
of the Chapel children’s ministry coordinator. The coordinator organizes and directs
volunteers to minister to children ages infant
to 12 years old for PWOC weekly fellowship
meetings while mothers attend the Bible study
or fellowship within the same chapel facility. The coordinator will ensure volunteers provide
care based upon three age groups. The chapel will be accepting bids until 4 p.m. Oct. 16.
The statement of work for this position can be
picked up from the Ramstein North Chapel Monday through Friday. For more information, call
Petra Rausch at 480-5753 or 06371-475753.
New satellite audio services here
Four new 24/7 satellite audio services will be available starting at 9 a.m. Central
European Time Thursday for people who own or rent an AFN decoder.
The services are Gravity, a rhythmic/contemporary hits radio service; Drive X,
a mix of trance and techno; Jack FM, hits from hot adult contemporary and adult
rock; and Classic Rock, rock from the early ’60s to early ’80s.
For details on the services, including what decoder channel to tune in to, go to
There are 67,000 individually owned or rented decoders in Germany, Italy,
Belgium, Iraq and Afghanistan. The changes will not affect AFN Europe’s AFN
The Eagle radio, which is heard mostly on FM frequencies. Overnight AFN Power
Network listeners will hear a minor change when classic rock takes the place of
oldies. Power Network radio services are broadcast on AM and FM signals in
Europe. Decoder users may also listen to AFN The Eagle on channel 37 and the
Power Network on channel 35.
(Courtesy of AFN Europe)
Page 16
Kaiserslautern American
October 9, 2009
Your submission must include the name of the
photographer, the date of the photo, first and last
names of those in the photo and location. Write
“Destinations” in the e-mail subject line.
E-mail to editor@kaiserslauternamerican.com.
Courtesy photo
their children, Pa
o Aug. 27 with
ers take
rife, Spain.
d Colette Rodg
vacation to Tene
Maj. Quenton an
ve during their
re a
Christian, befo
Photo by Ed Duncan
From left, Marianne and Bryan Osborne, Ed and Shelley Duncan, Krista and Brian
Schramm, and Ana and James McMurry take part in the Ride the Alps motorcycle
rally Aug. 23 in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany. Bryan, Ed, Brian and James are all
Motorcycle Safety Foundation certified rider coaches from Ramstein.
Photo by Mandy Vogel
Jeffrey Vogel (left) and Al Yoo pose with a caveman July 5 while
on vacation in Barcelona, Spain.
Photo by Angela Nicholson
Airman 1st Class Joshua Nicholson poses with a Roh buck he
shot Aug. 22 during a hunting vacation in the Rheinland-Pfalz.
Airman Nicholson has a German hunting license as well as the
legal ability to possess firearms in Germany.
Photo by M. Molina
Melissa , Isabella and Gabriella Molina visit Idar-Oberstein, Germany, July 10.
October 9, 2009
KaiserslauternSiegelbach Zoo will
sponsor a special Zoo Day
as a part of the Germanywide zoo days from 10 a.m.
to 6 p.m. Sunday.
The zoo team will offer
free guided tours with the
animal caretakers. Visitors
will be able to look behind
the scenes, touch and
feed the animals, and ask
The falconry team,
which is an important
part of the local zoo, will
present this year’s final
flight demonstrations.
Children can have fun
on a giant slide and the
fingers’ workshop from
children the chance to be
Kaiserslautern American
The Kussani puppet
theater will perform two
children’s plays and the
medieval association Die
Legende will take visitors
back into the Middle Ages.
Visitors can also enjoy
wagon rides across the
Zoo personnel will offer
food and drink specials at
the fest meadow and in the
More than 360 animals
of 60 different species live
in the seven-hectare zoo.
There are exotic animals
and wild and domestic
animals from various
countries. By keeping the
animals in their natural
environment, the zoo
demonstrates its dedication
to nature conservation and
Page 17
species protection.
Opening hours
are April to
August, 8:30
a.m. to 6:30
p.m.; and
to March,
9 a.m. to
5 p.m.
fee is €5 for
€2.50 for children
4 to 17 years old.
The Kaiserslautern Zoo
will celebrate Halloween
with free spooky tours and
creepy food Oct. 31.
For more information,
visit www.zoo-kl.de.
(Courtesy of the Kaiserslautern Zoo)
Courtesy photo
Ramstein physical therapists to host
running shoe clinic, fitness challenge
The Ramstein Physical
Therapy Clinic will conduct a
free Running Shoe Clinic and
a Functional Fitness Challenge
to celebrate Physical Therapy
Month. The Running Shoe
Clinic will be held from 3 to
5 p.m. Oct. 15 at the Ramstein
PT Clinic, Bldg. 2117. The
Functional Fitness Challenge
will be held from 2 to 4
p.m. Oct. 30 at the Ramstein
Southside Fitness Center baseball field, behind the tennis
Maj. Brett Bishop, Physical
Therapy Element chief, 86th
Medical Operations Squadron,
and his staff will provide foot
and gait screenings to help
individuals select the right running shoe for their foot type.
“The correct footwear can
help prevent or eliminate
injuries as you train and perform fitness activities,” Major
Bishop said.
“In addition to running, we
want to promote the full spectrum of fitness to allow individuals to meet the physical
demands of deployments, daily
work duties, as well as recreational activities while injury-proofing our bodies,” said
Lt. Col. Chu Soh, doctor of
physical therapy, 86th Medical
The Functional Fitness
Challenge is designed to challenge physical readiness. Units
are encouraged to send teams
of four to compete to see who
has the most fit to fight battleready Airmen.
One of the other important
roles physical therapists play
in the area of physical activity
is to promote the capacity for
movement in all patients.
Physical therapists use their
knowledge, skills, and experience to help people take control of the movement that is
critical to their lives.
Physical therapists are
highly educated, licensed
health-care professionals who
can help patients reduce pain
and improve or restore mobility, in many cases without
expensive surgery or the side
effects of prescription medications.
Learn more about conditions
physical therapists can treat at
(Courtesy of the 86th Medical
Operations Squadron)
Courtesy photo
Page 18
Kaiserslautern American
Was ist Los?
KMC cultural
Compiled by Petra Lessoing
86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs
The following is a list of performances and events happening
in the KMC and nearby. Dates
are subject to change.
Performing arts:
Kammgarn Kaiserslautern:
• The band Tele presents Indie
pop funk rock, 8:30 p.m. today.
Tickets cost €15.
• The Rakes present Indie rock
from London, 8 p.m. Saturday.
Tickets cost €18.
• JazzToDay Part 3, 8 p.m.
Oct. 22 (see photo box).
• The band Emil Bulls presents
rock ‘n’ crossover, 8:30 p.m. Oct.
24. Tickets cost €14.
For more information, visit
www. kammgarn.de or call 0631365-2548.
Pfalztheater Kaiserslautern:
• “Mutter Courage und ihre
Kinder,” a play by Bertolt Brecht,
in German, with music, 7:30 p.m.
today, Wednesday and Oct. 25
• “Don Giovanni,” an opera by
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, 7:30
p.m. Saturday, Oct. 16 and 18
• “Mondnacht,” moon night,
a play with music, in German, 8
p.m. Thursday.
• “High Society,” a musical
by Cole Porter, in German, 7:30
p.m. Oct. 24, 27 and 31
For more information, call
0631-3675-209 or visit www.
Fruchthalle Kaiserslautern:
• Ensemble Modern performs
chamber music , 8 p.m. Oct. 22.
Tickets cost €10.
• The Orchestra of the Pfalztheater Kaiserslautern presents
“America, America” with works
by George Gershwin, John Cage
and Charles Ives, 8 p.m. Oct. 29.
Tickets cost €14 to €21.
For details, call the office of
arts at 0631-365-1410, stop at the
Kaiserslautern Tourist Office,
Fruchthallstrasse14 or visit www.
Youth Center, Steinstrasse 47,
• The John Mayer cover band
Gravity performs 8 p.m. Oct. 16.
Tickets cost €6.50.
Haus des Bürgers, RamsteinMiesenbach:
• “One Night with David
Moore,” has been postponed
from Saturday to April 14. Tickets will remain valid.
• Chamber concert with members of the SWR Vokalensemble
Stuttgart performing songs by
Tschaikovsky, Rachmaninoff,
Schuman and Brahms, 5 p.m.
Sunday. Tickets cost €12.
For details, visit ramsteinmiesenbach.de, e-mail hdb@
ramstein-miesenbach.de, or call
Stadthalle Landstuhl:
• “Music is in the Air,” a musical revue with German songs
from the 1950s and 1960s, 8 p.m.
Oct. 25. Tickets cost €19 to €23.
For reservations, call 06371-923444 or visit www.stadthalle-landstuhl.de.
Nationaltheater Mannheim, am
• “Don Giovanni,” an opera by
Wolfgang Amadeus Moazart, in
Italian, with German subtitles, 7
p.m. today
• Opera Gala with works by
Gioacchini Rossini, Amilcare
Ponchielli, Guiseppe Verdi and
Ruggero Leoncavallo, 7:30 p.m.
• “Macbeth,” an opera by
Guiseppe Verdi, in Italian with
German subtitles, 6 p.m. Sunday
For details, visit www.nationaltheater-mannheim.de.
Staatstheater, Saarbrücken,
Schillerplatz 1:
• “Die Hochzeit des Figaro,”
an opera by Wolfgang Amadeus
Mozart, in Italian, with German
subtitles, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday
and Oct. 18. For tickets and details, call 0681-3093-486 or visit
October 9, 2009
• Kaiserslautern, garden fair,
10 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily. Tickets
cost €6 for adults and €3 for children. For details and directions,
visit gartenschau-kl.de.
Special events: Through Oct.
31: Pumpkin festival with life-size
figures made of 20,000 pumpkins. Sunday: Worship service
in German, 11 a.m. in willow
church; crafting and painting with
children, 1 to 5 p.m. in tent in
Neumühlepark. Oct. 18: Bavarian
lunch and brass music, noon in
Buntes Haus on Kaiserberg hill.
• Kaiserslautern-Siegelbach,
Zoo, zoo day with guided tours,
children’s activities, falconer show,
• Steinwenden, village carnival,
Saturday through Tuesday
• Weilerbach, fire station, open
house, Sunday
• Kirchheimbolanden, October
carnival, Sunday
• Pirmasens, October fest,
today through Oct. 25
• Klingenmünster (north of
Bad Bergzabern), Karlsplatz, fest
of the new wine, Sunday
• Pleisweiler-Oberhofen (north
of Bad Bergzabern), fest of new
wine, today through Monday
• Edenkoben (south of
Neustadt), wine and chestnut
market in the forest, Saturday and
• Schönau (south of Dahn,
near French border), farmers and
craftsmen market, Sunday
• Ransbach-Baumbach (northeast of Koblenz), international
Courtesy photo
The Kammgarn Kaiserslautern hosts
JazzToDay Part 3 with singer Youn Sun
Nah (photo) from South Korea performing with guitar player Ulf Wakenius
from Sweden; and Michael Wollny performing at the piano, 8 p.m. Oct. 22.
Tickets cost €25. For details, visit www.
pottery market, Saturday and
• Piesport/Mosel (southwest of
Bernakstel-Kues), Roman winepress fest, today through Sunday
Flea markets:
• Ramstein, Flurstrasse 4, 8
a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday
• Kaiserslautern, Opel parking
lot, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and
• Bad Dürkheim, An der Saline
(near salt-works), 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
today and 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday
• Autokino, Ramstein, 7 a.m.
to 3 p.m. Saturday
• Saarbrücken, Franz-JosefRöder-Strasse, Saturday
• Heidelberg, neuer Messplatz,
Antique markets:
Courtesy photo
Vintners parade
Neustadt sponsors Germany’s biggest
vintners parade during its annual wine
harvest fest 2 p.m. Sunday. The fest
continues until Monday.
• Homburg-center, am Forum
(near Rathaus), Saturday
• Bad Bergzabern, Haus des
Gastes, Rötzweg 7, 10 a.m. to 4
p.m. Saturday and Sunday
• Bergen-Enkheim, HessenCenter, Sunday
• Wiesbaden, Adler Center, Äppelallee, Sunday
• Mettlach (north of Saarlouis),
Mehrzweckhalle, antique and pottery market, Sunday
• Bonn-Bad Godesdorf,
Stadthalle, art and antique fair,
Saturday and Sunday
• For more information, visit
October 9, 2009
Kaiserslautern American
Page 19
October Events
Outdoor Recreation
Old School R&B Night
Red Ribbon Fun Run
Oct. 17 & 21, 9pm-2am
Enjoy an evening of R&B Oldies, with a live D.J.,
free finger foods and no cover charge.
Oct. 10 & 24, 8 pm -1am
This free event features a live D.J., margarita bar,
and FREE finger food.
Oct. 24, 10am
Walkers, runners and families are welcome. The
race will be held at the Rhine Ordnance Barracks
Sports Fields. Awards will be given to 1st and 2nd
place. All participants will receive a free tee-shirt.
Sign up today by calling 493-2088 or 0631-34062088
IMCOM-E Powerlifting Officials’ Clinic
Salsa Night
Midnight Bingo
Oct. 11,9pm-midnight
FREE food & soft-drinks. Two guaranteed $1000
games. Doors open at 7 p.m.
Halloween Bash
Oct. 27-30, 10am-5pm
Become a certified powerlifting official. For more
information or to register for this clinic, contact
M r. L e e b y O c t . 2 0 b y e m a i l :
IMCOM-E Powerlifting Invitational
Oct. 31,9pm-4am
Live DJ, Dancing and Costume Contest.
Polish Pottery Bunco
Oct. 20,6:30- 9:30pm
It’s Bunco Time; everyone is guaranteed to win a
Oct. 31, 10am
For more information or to register for this event,
c o n t a c t M r. D e n n i s b y O c t . 2 3 a t
usagklnsports@eur.army.mil or 493-2088 or
USAG Kaiserslautern
Texas Hold ‘Em 101
Indoor Flea Market
Every 2nd and 4thTuesday, 6 p.m.
Learn to play like the pros.
Texas Hold ‘Em
Fridays, registration 6 p.m.
First deal 7 p.m., play the weekly tournament to
qualify for the Championship Round.
Texas Hold ‘Em
Saturdays, registration 6 p.m.
First deal 7 p.m.
ROB Bldg 237
Special Events Center
Rhine Ordnance Barracks
Buy or Sell
It’s up to you
October 17
8am - 2pm
Fun and adventure
Army Outdoor Recreation offers
a variety of trips every week!
Check out what’s scheduled for
the rest of October:
Disneyland Paris Express
Stuttgart Beerfest
Trout Fishing
Amsterdam Express
Indoor Flea Market, ROB
Caracalla Spa Day, Baden-Baden
Hintertux Ski Weekend
Paris Express
Kid’s Halloween Haunted House
at Frankenstein Castle
Trout Fishing
Frankenstein Castle
Fall Hiking Trip
Halloween at Europa Park
Prague Express
Rental equipment is available for mountain
biking, canoeing, camping, skiing, backyard
games, organizational days, and other events and
special occasions. You can also rent garden or
maintenance equipment, canopies, tables and
benches for groups or individuals. Services also
include equipment repair and personalized
adventure vacation planning. Army Outdoor
Recreation, Bldg. 2905, on Pulaski Barracks. Call
493-4117 or 0631-3406-4117.
For questions regarding FMWR events and programs listed on this page,
call Marketing at 493-4128 or 0631-3406-4128.
Page 20
Kaiserslautern American
October 9, 2009
Autumn means foggy driving conditions
Autumn is here and this means motorists are
required to be extremely careful in traffic now.
There is dense fog, wet leaves and the first black
Especially in fog, when there is bad visibility, a
lot of accidents and even mass collisions happen
due to driving too fast and not keeping enough
Officials of the German automobile club
ADAC recommend to adjust driving habits and
the vehicles’ lights to the circumstances to avoid
Many drivers judge visibility incorrectly and
cause accidents through excessive speed. If it’s
foggy, motorists should plan on more time if they
need to get somewhere, because time pressure is
the biggest enemy when visibility is bad.
In fall, drivers must expect sudden fog at any
time, especially near rivers, lakes, wooded areas
and moorland.
The following tips can help motorists drive
through fog safely:
• Turn on the headlights at the first indication
of fog. The vehicle will be more visible.
• Expect poor visibility when vehicles with
lights on approach from the opposite direction.
• Turn on the windshield wipers from time
to time. If the fog is dense, keep them on constantly. Fog settles on the windshield and limits
• Keep the windows (inside and outside),
headlights and tail lights clean. Drive as far to
the right as possible, but watch out for bicyclists.
Hazard lights should be on for a sudden stop.
• In thick fog, keep the radio’s volume low to
avoid distraction.
• Adjust speed to range of sight. If visibility is
only 50 meters ahead, don’t drive faster than 50
kilometers per hour. If it’s 100 meters, don’t drive
faster than 80 kph, and if visibility is 150 meters,
Courtesy photo
Drivers should be extra careful this fall. Foggy conditions lower visibility significantly and increase the likelihood of accidents.
Driving the appropriate speed for the road conditions and allowing sufficient following distance will ensure drivers remain
don’t drive faster than 100 kph.
• Always count on vehicles to appear suddenly
and the need to brake immediately.
• Don’t rely on the back light of the car in
front. Keep enough distance, especially when the
other car is moving slowly.
• Focus on the safety poles, not the center
stripes. The poles on the right side always have
rectangular reflectors, and those on the left have
two round reflectors. The density of fog can be
estimated by the distance of those safety poles.
On regular roads, the distance between two poles
is 25 meters and on the autobahn it’s 50 meters.
• Don’t trust normal ability to estimate dis-
tance, since fog causes blurriness and simulates
greater distances.
• Obey all warning signals. ADAC officials
say motorists tend to overlook warning boards
and blinking lights which warn of notorious “fog
• Driving in fog requires full concentration.
Motorists should take more breaks during long
• When stopping at a parking lot near the autobahn, leave lights on so approaching drivers can
see the vehicle.
(Courtesy of German automobile club ADAC)
Motorists should be on the lookout for wild game
Fall is harvest time, which means right now
a lot of agricultural vehicles are on the roads.
Driving out from fields, these vehicles bring clay
and mud onto roads.
According to officials of the German automobile club ADAC, there is an increased risk of
accidents, especially for motorcycle drivers. The
clay and mud in combination with rain can make
roads slippery, almost like black ice.
Also, harvest products falling off the vehicles
can cause some danger. Motorists should reduce
speed and drive extremely carefully along fields
and next to agricultural areas. A greater following
distance from the car ahead and soft braking also
increases safety.
Often, motorists don’t see what danger can be
caused by agricultural vehicles, such as harvester
combines, since they are wider and need more
than half the street.
When passing, drivers must be very cautious.
Motorists have to slow down until the agricultural
vehicle leaves the main road.
Fall is also the time with an increase in deer
crossing in the early morning and at night, say
ADAC officials.
Every year, about 220,000 deer, 12,000 wild
boars and more than 200,000 rabbits are run over
and killed. More than 3,300 motorists and passengers are hurt and about 30 people die in these
These wild animals, including foxes, don’t find
enough protection on the harvested fields anymore and flee into the forests to find cover. They
often have to cross streets and put themselves as
well as motorists in danger. In fall, game can be
found along avenues with trees, where they eat
chestnuts, acorn and fruit that have fallen from
trees in preparation for hibernation.
In the coming weeks, motorists must drive
extremely carefully along fields and forests, especially at dusk and dawn. The rule is wherever
there is a forest, there is a deer. And wherever
there is one animal, there are more to follow. It’s
important to reduce the speed and to be ready to
brake at all times. On streets with deer crossing
traffic signs, drivers should drive cautiously and
pay close attention to their surroundings.
If a collision with game happens, the warning
lights must be turned on and the vehicle must be
secured. Injured persons must be taken care of
and the police must be called. The animal should
not be touched.
Foxes can be infected with rabies and deer,
though they may appear unconscious, can kick
out. It’s considered poaching if someone takes a
deer and puts it in their trunk. This results in the
confiscation of the vehicle and a fine, and possibly jail time.
Car owners need a written confirmation by the
police or the game lessee so the comprehensive
insurance will pay for the damage. The game lessee is based on animal protection laws obliged to
find an animal that has been hit and hurt, and put
it out of its misery.
(Courtesy of German automobile club ADAC)
October 9, 2009
Kaiserslautern American
Page 21
2010 ambassadors baseball/softball program gears up
by Ami Prince
Thirteen-year-old Cody Prince doesn’t normally look forward to the cold weather creeping
into southern Germany. But Cody knows that the
fall season also designates the beginning of the
highly successful KMC Ambassadors baseball
and softball program.
For the first time, Cody will be training with
the juniors (13 to 14 years old).
“I have attended the program for the last five
years because my dad is a coach but this year
will be my first year on the big field, so I’m really
looking forward to that” Cody said.
Courtesy photos
Europe All-star Cody Prince delivers a pitch during a Little
League World Series game against international champion
Chinese-Taipei Aug. 21 in South Williamsport, Penn. The KMC
All-star team was one of 16 teams that qualified for the Little
League World Series.
Jacob Van Parys added, “Even though we just
returned from the Little League World Series, I
can’t wait to get started.”
“Ambassadors is a program that was designed
to develop fundamental skills, to teach teamwork
and to broaden the players understanding of the
game,” said Master Sgt. Ed Prince, U.S. Air
Forces in Europe Public Affairs.
Sergeant Prince is the president of the
Ambassadors and was also the manager for Team
Europe at the Little League World Series.
This will be the sixth year he has been involved
in the program.
“The kids that come to the practices have a
great attitude and desire to improve which makes
coaching fun. The extra time and instruction
makes a huge difference when All-stars comes
around,” Sergeant Prince said.
Ambassadors isn’t just for baseball – it also
provides instruction in girls softball.
“We provide young ladies the opportunity to
improve their softball skills during the off-season.
We focus on the techniques and mechanics that
will help players throw, hit and catch in a style
that will benefit them as they progress in the
sport,” said Capt. Randy Pletzer, head coach of
the softball program. “We also work on physical conditioning and stretching to ensure safety
to help protect the girls from injury. The techniques we use have been taught for the last four
years and it’s proven beneficial as we’ve sent five
KMC All-star softball teams to the world series
in three different divisions. Many of the girls that
compete on the All-star teams got their start in
“I can’t wait to get started. I played on the girls
Majors All-star team that lost regionals down in
Italy,” Bailey Prince said. “I wish I had been more
involved in the Ambassadors practices last year.
It may have helped us against Holland, Italy and
KMC Ambassadors is open to all Department
of Defense dependents in Germany between the
All-star Crystal Pletzer scoops up a ball during one of the games
at the 2009 Senior League World Series, held in Sussex County,
ages of 8 and 18. The program offers training and
instruction in both softball and baseball. Signups for baseball will be held at noon Sunday at
the Ramstein southside baseball field. Specific
practice times will be announced during sign-ups.
Softball registration has already started, but you
can still sign up.
Veteran Matt Zembraski knows it all pays off
the next year.
“We practice throughout the fall, winter and
spring and even play in a couple of tournaments
at different locations throughout Germany and
Europe,” he said. “I know the extra reps will help
us continue to improve and hopefully take us to
the Junior League World Series next year.”
For information regarding the KMC
Ambassadors program, call Sergeant Prince at
0173-465-0668 or e-mail tecab242628@yahoo.
For information about the KMC Ambassador
Softball program, contact Captain Pletzer at
06372-507-407 or e-mail randyplet@juno.com.
KMC Airmen earn gold at softball championships
– The Air Force women’s softball team, including two KMC Airmen, earned gold medals at the Armed Forces Slow-pitch Softball
Championships Sept. 25 at Naval Air Station
Pensacola, Fla.
Staff Sgt. Lindsay Ciullo, from the 86th
Communications Squadron at Ramstein, and
Senior Airman Jenn Taylor, from the 21st
Operational Weather Squadron at Sembach, were
part of the Air Force women’s team who went
6-3 during the tournament and won their third
armed forces title in three years.
Both women are also members of the Ramstein
Lady Rams varsity softball team, which recently
finished their 2009 season with a 44-0 record.
The Air Force team finished the tournament
with the same records as their Army and Navy
counterparts, but Air Force took first place after
officials calculated head-to-head wins and run
Sergeant Ciullo was among the team’s top hitters, with a .448 average and two RBIs.
Coach Cheryl Trapnell said the real key to
her team’s wins in the tournament was their outstanding play on defense.
“We struggled offensively throughout the
(tournament) except for the two games where we
hit double digits,” she said. “We had young players in key positions and they stepped up and did
a great job too.”
The Air Force Sports Program is designed to
allow active-duty, National Guard and reserve
Air Force personnel an opportunity to participate
at Air Force, armed forces, national and international sports events.
“We also are ambassadors in the community –
we are advocates for the military and the sports
program,” Coach Trapnell said. “This team is
out in the community representing the Air Force,
which is a great recruiting tool and morale builder.”
Coach Trapnell said the benefits of having Air
Force sports programs can be seen in the community as well as at military bases where they compete against other Department of Defense teams.
“Young men and women see this program in
action and hear about military jobs, opportunities – and you would not believe the interest that
is generated,” Coach Trapnell said. “The interaction with the other services also builds camaraderie between the branches. This is the total force
concept in action.”
For more information about the U.S. Air Force
sports program, visit www.usafsports.com.
(Courtesy of 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs)
Page 22
Kaiserslautern American
October 9, 2009
Courtesy photo
Photo by Barb Gonzales
The American Volleyball Coaches Association recently notified Ramstein High School Principal Greg Hatch that
the 2008-2009 girls varsity volleyball team had been selected for special academic recognition. The Ramstein
varsity team maintained a team average of 3.40 to earn this special recognition.
Elizabeth Doe, a Ramstein High School 11th grader, runs a race during a cross
country meet Sept. 19 at the Seewoog in Miesenbach. She finished first overall and
led from start to finish.
Courtesy photo
From left, Master Sgt. Constance Dangerfield, 86th Aeromedical Dental Squadron; Staff Sgt. Charity Barrett, 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs; Lt. Col. Jennifer Kilbourn, U.S. Air Forces in Europe/A7; Lt.
Col. Dan Reiser, 86th AMDS; 1st Lt. Dustin Bodine, 76th Airlift Squadron; Capt. Jason Brown, 1st Combat Communications Squadron; Lt. Col. Tim Press, 3rd Air Force/A3; Master Sgt. Linden Crozier,
86th Materiel Maintenance Squadron; 2nd Lt. Sidney Harris, 1st CBCS; Tech. Sgt. Grayson Gokee, 426th Network Warfare Squadron; and Tech. Sgt. Terry Kasper, 86th Services Squadron; make up
Ramstein’s Club 100.
October 9, 2009
Kaiserslautern American
Page 23
Rogue Ruggers finish in Quarter-Finals at Munich Rugby 7’s Tourney
Training takes place at 6:30 p.m. Tuesdays and
The team was well-received by the crowd
The Ramstein Rogues, the KMC’s premier
on Pulaski Field. For more informaat
rugby club, traveled to Munich recently to participate in the 2009 Munich Rugby 7’s Tournament. time playing rubgy, experiencing the interna- tion, visit www.ramsteinrogues.com or e-mail the
The team was 16 players strong with extra aug- tional level of play and creating a foundation for club at ramsteinrogues@hotmail.com.
mentation from Aviano Air Base and the Army valuable international relations.
(Courtesy of the Ramstein Rogues)
The team welcomes players of all skill levels.
community in Augsburg to form a military powerhouse at this international tournament.
The Rogues started off the morning
with victory against the 2nd Medical
Regiment 12-10 and followed that with
another great win against Ragazzi Savi
Rugby Club 17-12.
These two wins were then followed by
the toughest match of the day against the
Despite a good defensive start from
the Rogues, the Crocsliders took charge
and didn’t look back as they took the
game 45-0.
However, this two wins to one loss
record was good enough to get the
Rogues into the cup standings for the
The Rogues first cup playoff match was
against a veteran team from Nuremberg,
Germany. What they lacked in experience, the Rogues made up by great teamwork and effort, and Ramstein was victorious 31-10, which put them into the
quarter-finals against the British Army
Rifles team, primarily all from Fiji.
The enthusiasm with the crowd carried
over well for the team, but the Fijian-side
demonstrated quality skills as they handed Ramstein their second loss 50-0.
Senior Airman Marcus Satavu from
Aviano AB was given the team’s Man
of the Tourney award for his dominant
Photo by Al Cagle
presence on the field throughout the Ian Horseman of the Ramstein Rogues is lifted by a teammate during the Munich Rugby 7’s Tournament. The team finished in the quarter-final
of the cup division.
Youth dance classes
Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation’s
SKIESUnlimited now offers dance instruction
in ballroom, jazz, hip-hop and ballet for children
and youth. Classes offer students of all levels an
opportunity to be exposed to the world of dance
and fine arts. For more information, visit www.
mwrgermany.com or call Central Enrollment at
493-4516 or 0631-3406-4516.
Tai-Chi at ROB
Center your mind and bring awareness to your
body with Tai-Chi, held from 6 to 7 p.m. Tuesdays
and Thursdays at the Rhine Ordnance Barracks.
Classes are $8 each or $40 for eight. For more
information, call the fitness center at 493-2241 or
0631-3406-2241 or visit www.mwrgermany.com
for more information.
Red Ribbon Fun Run
The U.S. Army Garrison – Kaiserslautern and
FMWR will host the 2009 Red Ribbon Fun Run
starting at 10 a.m. Oct. 24 at the Rhine Ordnance
Barracks sports field. Everyone is welcome.
Awards will be given for first and second place.
All participants will receive a free T-shirt. Sign up
today by calling 493-2088 or 0631-3406-2088.
For more information, visit www.mwrgermany.
Powerlifting Official’s Clinic
The USAG-Kaiserslautern Sports and Fitness
Department hosts the 2009 Installation
Management Command Powerlifting Official’s
Clinic from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Oct. 27 to 30.
For more information or to register, e-mail
tony.leesr@eur.army.mil by Oct. 20.
Boxing invitational
Join the Miesau gym Oct. 17 for a boxing invitational. Register and begin training now! The event
begins at 6 p.m. Awards will be offered to the first
and second place for individuals, plus first, second and third place for teams. Must be 18 or older
to participate. For more information or to register, call 489-2088 or 0631-3406-2088 or e-mail
Horseback riding lessons
FMWR’s SKIESUnlimited offers children and
teens ages 4 to 18 lessons in classic riding, dressage and vaulting. Satisfaction is guaranteed with
a money-back policy on the first lesson. The stables are located just 15 minutes from Landstuhl.
For more information or to enroll, call Central
Enrollment at 493-4516 or 0631-3406-4516.
Page 24
Kaiserslautern American
October 9, 2009
Now Showing
Gateway Movieplex (Ramstein)
Surrogates (PG-13) 11:30 a.m., 3 p.m., 7 p.m., 10 p.m.
Funny People (R) noon, 3:30 p.m., 7:15 p.m., 10:15 p.m.
Aliens in the Attic (PG) 11 a.m., 2:30 p.m., 6:30 p.m.
The Hurt Locker (R) 9:30 p.m.
Advanced Tickets Sale - 06371-937 037
SATURDAY - Surrogates (PG-13) 11:30 a.m., 3 p.m., 7 p.m., 10 p.m.
Showing at the 6 theatre complex next to
Autobahn A6, Exit 13 (Landstuhl) 6 THEATRES,
THX, EX and all Digital Sound Systems
Funny People (R) noon, 3:30 p.m., 7:15 p.m., 10:15 p.m.
Aliens in the Attic (PG) 11 a.m., 2:30 p.m., 6:30 p.m.
The Hurt Locker (R) 9:30 p.m.
District 9 (R)- Fri & Mon 15:00
G.I. Joe (PG13)- Fri 15:00, Sat & Sun
15:45, Mon 15:00
Inglourious Basterds (R)Fri 17:00, 19:45, 22:30, Sat 16:45, 19:30,
22:30, Sun 16:45, 19:30, Mon 15:00,
17:30, 20:15, Tue & Wed 17:30, 20:15
Julie & Julia (PG13)- Fri 16:30, Sat
& Sun 13:30, Mon 16:30
My Sister´s Keeper (PG13)- Fri &
Mon 15:00
Public Enenmies (R)- Fri & Sat 22:30,
Wed. 20:30
The Hangover (R)- Fri 15:00, Sat
22:30, Mon 15:00
The Ugly Truth (R)- Fri & Mon 15:00
Surrogates (PG-13) 11:30 a.m., 3 p.m., 7 p.m.
Funny People (R) noon, 3:30 p.m.
Aliens in the Attic (PG) 11 a.m., 2:30 p.m., 6:30 p.m.
The Hurt Locker (R) 9:15 p.m.
Surrogates (PG-13) 11:30 a.m., 3 p.m., 7 p.m.
Funny People (R) noon, 3:30 p.m., 7:15 p.m.
Aliens in the Attic (PG) 11 a.m., 2:30 p.m., 6:30 p.m.
Surrogates (PG-13) 11:30 a.m., 3 p.m., 7 p.m.
The Hurt Locker (R) noon, 3:30 p.m., 7:15 p.m.
Aliens in the Attic (PG) 11 a.m., 2:30 p.m., 6:30 p.m.
WEDNESDAY -Surrogates (PG-13) 11:30 a.m., 3 p.m., 7 p.m.
Funny People (R) noon, 3:30 p.m., 7:15 p.m.
Aliens in the Attic (PG) 11 a.m., 2:30 p.m., 6:30 p.m.
For Showtimes of THUR OCT 15, call 06371937 037 or see www.broadwaykino.com/kmc
Michael Jackson - This is it!
Starts on Wed OCT 28
Ticket sale has startet!
THURSDAY - Surrogates (PG-13) 11:30 a.m., 3 p.m., 7 p.m.
The Hurt Locker (R) noon, 3:30 p.m., 7:15 p.m.
Aliens in the Attic (PG) 11 a.m., 2:30 p.m., 6:30 p.m.
Galaxy Theater (Vogelweh)
Jennifer’s Body (R) 7 p.m.
Funny People (R) 10:30 p.m.
SATURDAY - Aliens in the Attic (PG) 3 p.m.
Jennifer’s Body (R) 7 p.m.
Jennifer’s Body (R) 3 p.m.
The Hurt Locker (R) 7 p.m.
Galaxy Theater will be closed Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
THURSDAY - Aliens in the Attic (PG) 7 p.m.
Editor’s note: Schedules and synopses are provided by the Army and Air Force Exchange
Service. Movie times and dates are subject to change by the individual theaters. Please
check with the theater to ensure accuracy.
At The Movies
Visit www.kaiserslauternamerican.com/movies.php for details
Funny People (R) — George Simmons
is a famous stand-up comedian who learns
that he has a terminal illness and less than
a year to live. When he meets Ira, a struggling comedian at a comedy club where
both the comedians are performing, George
hires Ira to be his personal assistant and
opening act at his performances. The two
forge a close friendship as George helps Ira
with his career and Ira helps George find
closure in his legacy.
Starring Adam Sandler and Seth Rogen.
Surrogates (PG-13) — FBI agent Tom
Greer enlists the aid of his own surrogate
to investigate the murder of the genius college student who invented the surrogates.
As the case grows more complicated, the
detective discovers that in order to actually catch the killer he will have to venture
outside the safety of his own home for the
first time in many years and enlist the aid
of Agent Peters.
Starring Bruce Willis and Radha
Puzzle courtesy of http://thinks.com/
1. Ancient marketplace
6. “La Boheme” role
10. Casement
14. Burdened
15. “Exodus” author
16. On a single occasion
17. Dress fold
18. At one __ swoop
19. Bygone ruler
20. Concert soloist
22. Stein relative
24. Greek architectural style
26. Family members
27. Land of Anatole?
30. Strangely
32. Ludicrous
34. Sordid
38. Sounds of indecision
39. 1940s Big-Band leader
41. Brief life?
42. Lot
45. &
48. Hold sway
50. Neighbor of Senegal
51. Evaluate
54. “Plaza __”
56. Imaginary
58. Babble
62. Carryall
63. Slant
65. Nevada skiing locale
66. Daring Knievel
67. Ne plus ultra
68. Negatively charged particle
69. Communists
70. Wholly absorbed
71. Mouth-watering
8. Soft roe
9. Easter or Christmas?
10. Sort of salmon
11. Down Under soldier
12. A touch of panic
13. Range rovers
21. Furtive one
23. Pop musician Lofgren
25. Newspaper features
27. Bungle
28. Avatar of Vishnu
29. NZ neighbor
31. “Edward Scissorhands” star
33. Crow
35. Quatrain rhyme scheme
36. Skirt length
37. Luke’s teacher
40. Norse god of the sea
43. Battlement openings
44. Archaic bidding
46. Gunfire sound
47. “The Bartered Bride”
49. Line on a weather map
51. More suitable
52. Jostle
53. Surfeited
55. Underdog’s hope
57. Easily-split mineral
59. Not that
60. Spoils
61. Counting-out starter
64. Electric guitar hookup
1. Sacred river of
“Kubla Khan”
2. Festival
3. German-Polish border river
4. Harvesting
5. Capital of ancient
6. Civilian clothes
7. Wrath
Solutions to the Oct. 2 puzzle
October 9, 2009
Kaiserslautern American
Page 25
Professional services such as accommodations will be charged at our established rates.
E-mail submissions to class@kaiserslauternamerican.com, or call Anna at 0631·30 33 55 31 or Sabrina at 0631·3 57 83 06. You may also stop by our offices, located in Kaiserslautern at
Europallee 3 and Kaiserslautern-Einsiedlerhof at Weilerbacher Str. 110.
AdvantiPro GmbH takes no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any of the products and services advertised in the Kaiserslautern American. Readers are responsible for checking the prices,
qualifications, warranty and any other factor that might help you decide whether to do business with an individual or company advertising herein.
 = see photo @
!!!!!!!!!4 Bdrm, 2 bth, Built-in Kit, Liv&Din
Rm, laundry rm, balcony, attic, large garage
& small garden, but cute, with fields behind
it in Hütschenhausen (RAB School) 238000€
Call Doris Drewlow RE/MAX Real Estate
Center 0631/41408880, 0178-5698441 or
!!!!!!!!! Are you looking to buy a house in
Germany? Allow me to help you. http://
www.remax-suedwest.de/ AgentProfile.
&Lang=enUS Doris Drewlow, Realtor RE/MAX Real
Estate Center, Tel: 0631/41408880 o 01785698441or email me at doris.drewlow@
!!!!!!!!!Open Houses on Sat, 3 Oct 09:
Hütschenhausen, Weimarer Ring 7 (23PM, Ramstein, Ludwigstr. Call for more
information and the Sunday schedule.
Doris Drewlow, Realtor, RE/MAX Real Estate
Center, Tel: 0631/41408880, 0178-5698441
or doris.drewlow@remax.de
!!!!!!Considering of buying a home
here in germany!!!!Check with me
25 years experience.RE/MAX Real
0631/41408880 or 01603807277
!Frest. SGL Family Home KL! Asking €
238000 4bed 2.5bath 210sqm perfect for
Kleber etc Call KARE Realty 06374-802056
10 Min. to RAB brand new freestanding
house, 260sqm living-space, 600sqm.,
proberty, 5 bedrms., 3 baths., garage,
excl condition Price 365 000 €uro
Anne S. Neumann Immobilien4you Tel:
06372-803641 or 06371-499994
100, 200, 300 .... and more houses,
apartments, building lots for sale and rent!
Dial 06301/31140, send us an e-mail: stranzimmobilien@gmx.net, or visit our home
page: www.stranz-immobilien.de.
1A! Steinwenden: Moorstraße 16a, new
luxury city- villa, 273qm / 890qm, no fee //
Obermohr: 205sqm/600sqm Bungalow
built 2006 4br/3ba liv/din BIK 340.000€
over 30’S
16. Octobrherosen
People with Lede entry
& Dirndl get free
200sqm/1100sqm 4br/2ba liv/din BIK
Garage 240.000€ // Schrollbach: Built 2002
duplex 220sqm/800sqm 7br/2b liv/din BIK
firepl D. -Garage 239.000€ // and more: www.
weberimmoservice.de 06371-613947
1Fam House w/sep Apt for Sale 200sqm
living-space 900sqm property built 1990
with garage and basem, storage rms &
laundry, Price is Neg Call: 06374-805635 or
2 Beautiful Guest Houses (vacation
apartments) for Sale (due to Retirement) in
the Heart of Garmisch/Germany/Bavarian
Alps. ‘Sonnenblume’ – 3 huge apartments
(sleeps 4-7 people); 1 double garage/full
basement ‘Kornmueller’ – 4 apartments
(2-4 people); 1 huge apartment 4-6 people)
and 1 apartment downstairs POC: www.
rosengarten-garmisch. de Monika & Helmut
Hofmeister: Tel. (011) 49 (0) 8821-50525
2x Apts 110sqm & 146sqm in Kaiserslautern
for sale from private - currently rented, each
w/BIK bath w/shower guest WC 2BR / 3BR
lrg liv/dinrm lrg Apt w/balc parking spaces
0631-7500501 or 0631-3116978 after 11:00
(only germ sp)
3 Generation House Weilerbach, HeinrichKoch-Str. 59, 225sqm, 565sqm property,
built 1958 / 1975 / 2005. 3 levels, fully
isolated, energy efficient, 2Fam House,
heated sunroom 8x6m w/electric shutters,
cold sunroom 9x2,2m, cov balc, sauna w/
shwr, solar heating, garden w/storage area
& greenhouse, partly corc parquet flrs, 2 car
garage & carport, quiet area near forest &
stores nearby, basem w/4rms, grnd level:
kitchen, LR, bath BR, 1st level: kitchen, LR,
full bath, BR, 2nd level: full bath, BR, LR,
etc. price neg. Call: 06374-3859 for more
pictures www.immowelt.de/Immobilien/
66606 Niederkirchen, 24km to RAB,
Country House, quiet/silent, 5RMS, 2 Bath,
2 Kitchen, Liv/din rm, 85sqm w/fireplace,
total Liv-Sp. 250sqm, Prop. 1400sqm,
Dbl Garage, Comf small Library, Sellprice
285K.E. Steven 0171/57964605 after 5pm
Altenglan, great 1 FH (about 160
m<+>2<+> livingspace and a finished
basement with more rooms, a total of 10
rooms, 2 bathrooms and extra shower,
garage, carport 900 m<+>2<+> property,
very quiet location for only € 150.000,- RE/MAX Real Estate Center, Denisstr.
22, Kaiserslautern Tel. 0631/41408880
or01706850060 ask for Wolfgang wolfgabg.
Apt Mackenbach 5min RAB 2BR 1.5bath
BIK balc garage 86sqm €89,000 no fees
Beautiful Freest House Otterberg
built 2005 135sqm, approx. 580sqm
property, 3BR, 2baths, BIK, fire-pl, sauna,
lrg garage, garden w/ 2terr, grdn house,
attic developable (90sqm), wooden & tiled
flrs, highly equipped in great cond. (livrm,
bathrm, hallway and bedroom furniture
on all
Lladro + Hummel
- and more Call: 06374-915994
included in price if interrested!) €345.000
Call: 06301-792662 or 0172-6925341
Brand new freestanding house 10 Min. to
Landstuhl hospital, 265 sqm., living-space,
650 sqm., proberty, 5 bedrms., low energy
house,excl. condition garage Price 385 000
€uro Anne S. Neumann Immobilien4you
Tel: 06372-803641 or 06371-499994
Bruchmuehlbach: beautiful, brand new
house 250 sqm, 5 br, walk i. closets yard,
gar 360.000,-; Quirnbach: 2008 /great freest
house, 200 sqm, 4 br, floorh, yard E 298000,; JR REALTY 06371-71756
Bungalow, 117sqm, 900sqm property
built 1997 great unobstractable openview, next to forest, landscaped garden w/
old trees, sequoias etc., clay roof tiles, attic,
gas-center floor heat, iso-windows, electr
shutters, tiled-floors w/lotus-effect, white
doors, bath w/shower & dbl basin, guest
WC, Dornbracht faucets, Biffar front door, 2
garages, 1level, BIK, €199,000 from private no fees!! 67745 Grumbach, Am Eichenhain 2,
Call: 06382-8888
By owner Freestanding House 3 BR,
2.5 Bath, new kitchen, firepl, garage,
Ramstein School District, Euro 255,000. call
06383 927 869, 6 to 9 p. m.
Duplex in Mackenbach Golf Course
Gifts, Home Accessories
and many more
nrbhood. Built in 2005 it offers 187sqm
5BR 2.5bath, lg walk-in-closet, carpot,
floor heating, BIK, for sale by owner
€270,000 Call Jerry Tel: 06374-801292 / cell:
Duplex in Waldmohr, built 2005, close
to forest, 6rms, closet, 2.5baths, garage,
basement, approx 154sqm liv-space,
approx 340sqm property, heated floors,
fireplace, granite floors. €239.000,- Tel.
0179-2308216 or 06373-892959
Duplex Reichenbach-Steegen 175sqm,
4BR, BIK, 2baths, liv/dinrm, stor rm, attic,
lrg covered balcony, carport, yard, 450sqm
property, €215.000 neg. from private - Great
as rental property or as investment Call:
0172-6943036 or 06543-2364
Freest 1Fam House ca 180sqm
Schmalenberg 3baths, 5BR, new kitchen
w/dishw, lg liv/dinrm, balc, garden, basem,
laundry, 2garages, 155.000€ neg. +util Call:
KMC-VOGELWEH 0631-3503640
accross from the BX next to budget Car Rental
KMC-RAMSTEIN 06371-70371
located at ESSO Gas Station
DOWNTOWN 06783-980013
SPANGDAHLEM 06565-4912
*Jim Shore *Murrina *and more
SAVE EXTRA 10 - 30%
on all items with this ad!
(10 mins. of Ramstein West Gate)
Tel: 06374-915994
Kaiserslautern 0631-59209 - Kaiserstr. 71 (B40), 67661 KL - Einsiedlerhof
email: KCPC@Kabelmail.de • www.pregnancyoption.net • Cellphone 24 hrs: 0174-4038900
he Air Force Reserve
is offering part-time
opportunities with excellent
benefits, including choice
of home base, education
assistance, secure employment
and competitive pay.
Continue to build close
friendships, serve your country
and participate in experiences
unique to the military.
Accomplish extraordinary things
while you achieve your
personal goals.
Choose your home base and
you will not be transferred.
Receive low cost TRICARE health
insurance. Maintain retirement
benefits. In most cases you can
retain your rank and do not need
to repeat basic training. Specific
jobs come with signing bonuses.
Martin-Luther-Str. 8 | K-Town
Page 26
Kaiserslautern American
320++sqm in quiet area - great access
to autobahn. 10min to RAM & LRMC. BIK
w/pantry & refrigeration room, liv/din
room w/gallery - open room structure w/
horizontal and vertikal views, 3+BR, walkin-robe, bath w/sauna and wellness area,
tanning bed, laundry, guest toilet/bath,
integrated dbl garage w/entrance to house
& extra storage space, highly! equipped,
alarm system, video surveillance, electric
front gates, covered patio, 2+parking spots,
electric shutters & granite floors. Price on
request. Only serious inquiries please!
House perfect for Executive or Higher rank!
E-mail: moondogrecords@aol.com
Exlusive Home near K-Town for Sale
by owner!4bd, 3ba, Fully furn. kitchen,
K/S Immo Agency
wintergarden, fireplace, A/C, granite
floors, 2car garage and much more. Must
See! 345000 €+2000 sm property lease
for 300€/month. Info: franklin.mac.elke@
t-online. de
For Sale in the Ramstein School district,
large house with a huge garden, 320 s.qm,
basment, garage, wintergarten, 275.000,--€
no fee, 0171/4783904, www.immobilienhelga-stenschke.de
Freest 1Fam House in Erzenhausen sunny
location 130sqm liv-space, 3BR BIK livrm
dinrm 2baths dbl garage approx. 1500sqm
property, €158.000 neg. from private - no
fees Call 06374-1717 or 0157-72670561
Freestanding 1Family House in
Hauptstuhl, 292sqm liv-space, 2bath w/
corner bath tub, 5BR, liv/din rm & bik, big
garage, large terrace, higher standard.
Approx 590sqm property. The House is
still under construction & be finished in
September 2009. €370.000 No finders fee!
Call: 06373-505025 or 0177-5050-253
Freestanding house, close to Landstuhl
hospital and RAB, nice country site, sqft
2400, 4 BR, double garage, walk in closet,
Florida room, open fireplace, and much
more, wonderful house - must see! Please
contact: 06372-7330
House for Sale - built 2001 - Landstuhl/
Melkerei. No realtor fees! More Info @
House wanted! We are looking to buy a
house at least 200sqm near RAB with yard.
FSBO is best. Would like to get in asap! If you
are wanting to sell, please call!!! Help us get
out of TLA! 01511-2731955 or email info &
pictures to marilynwags@yahoo.com
I have your dreamhouse. 5 Bed-rooms, Builtin kitchen, 2 bath rooms, fireplace, garden,
specialarchitecture. 295,000 Euro OBO.
Erwin 0176-61204301 or 0631-70427
Idyllic & quiet but central Low-Energy
House, 189sqm,
built 2000, 67728
Münchweiler, €198.000 from private no fees for details & pictures visit: www.
healthmaster.de or Call 0160-99429405
Kaiserslautern, downtown, FSH, 310sqm
liv., 7BDR, 3baths, 1garage, nice yard,
€320.000 ZIAI Immobilien 06371 57888
Kaiserslautern, lux. house, 5min to
downtown, 200sqm, floorheat, 6BDR, walk
in clostet, 2,5 baths, big party area in the
basement, nice yard, 2 garages, €240,000
ZIAI Immobilien 06371 57888
KL freestanding Cityvilla, new built
(building right now; avail July09), interests
will still be able to co-determine, 200sqm
Burgstr. 22a • 67677 Enkenbach-Alsenborn
Tel: 06303-87188 or 0171-4396661
Fax: 06303-984774
email: Immo.Bauerfeld@t-online.de
Niedermohr, great big newer house
with 4-5 bedrms, 2 1/2 baths,
bik, 2 garages, yard
€ 1.400,KL-modern 4 bedrm town house, 3
baths, bik, garage, sauna
€ 1.100,Erzenhausen, 3 bedrm house, bik, 2
baths, 2 car garage, yard
€ 1.400,Trippstadt, nice modern 4 bedrm house,
bik, 2 1/2 baths, carport
€ 1.175,-
Weilerbach, Kollweiler, Eulenbis,
Mackenbach, call we built
your dream house
KL-Pre-Park, great, modern newer
house with 4-5 bedrms, basement,
nice bik, 3 1/2 baths, sauna, garage,
no down-payment
€ 230.000,Weselberg, gorg. huge house with 5
bedrms, great yard, 4 garages, bik,
3 baths, basement,
ready to move in
€ 320.000,Elschbach, close to Hütschenhausen
you will find this great 4 bedrm house,
3 baths, sep. apartment, sep. building
land, together for only
€ 190.000,-
Ask for our 109% Financing!
No down-payment! No closing-cost!
Real Estate Center
In Kaiserslautern
Property Agents
Call us first!!!
Call us first!!!
We will help to find you a house and
offer you our full service during the
complete rental or buying period.
We will help to find you a house and
offer you our full service during the
complete rental or buying period.
Dream job Real Estate Agent
Dream job Real Estate Agent
-we have room in our office.
-we have room in our office.
Friedrichstr. 7 • Kaiserslautern
( Tel: 0049 631 4141060 (
Denisstr. 22, 67663 KL
( Tel: 06 31 / 4 14 08 88-0 (
October 9, 2009
w/garage Different property sizes avail.
No realtor! Price upon request. Call: 01702764746. Wilhelm-Kittelbergerstraße 47.
Kl-Morlautern - new built area, very
special, dream duplex w/ many windows
( lot of light) built 09- avail end Feb09,
4bed rm + big studio, 2.5bath, big liv/din
rm, 240sqm garage, park-spot, 2terrace,
300sqm property €298.000 No realtor! Call:
Landstuhl very unique wooden house
in excellent location. Open floorplan,
livingroom with open fireplace, dining
area bik, 2 bedroom (3. bedroom possible)
¾ bathroom, garage € 319.000,- RE/
MAX Real Estate Center , Denisstr, 22, Tel.
0631/41408880 or 0170 685 0060 Ask for
Wolfgang wolfgang.wiedmann@remax.de
Large and representative 1 FH in
Weilerbach, rather new house in excellent
condition with rental apptm., 8 bedr, 3
bathr., built in kitchen, livingr w/open
fireplace, garage, balcony, patio, well
landscaped yard , 300sqm living, 620
sqm property € 445.000, RE/MAX Real
Estate Center , Denisstr. Kaiserslautern ,
0631/41408880or Tel. 0170-685-0060 ask for
Wolfgang wolfgang.wiedmann@remax.de
Near Baumholder: large 1/2 FH in
quiet economy location with good size
lot, about 240sqm livingsp., 5 bedr., 2 ½
bathr., balcony, 2-car garage, available
shortly, asking€ 319.000. RE/MAX Real
Estate Center Kaiserslautern, Denisstr. 22,
0631/41408880 or 0170/6850060 ask for
Obrigheim 1FH, w/office, 6Bedroom,
3Bath, yard, garage, swimming-pool. 285
KOR T r a n s p o r t
3 men €incl.
000,-€ Pfiffmann Immobilien 06322-947764
Ramstein: freest. 240 sqm house,
6 bedrooms, 2,5 bathrooms, garage,
doublecarport, basement, sauna, yard with 2
yardhouses, fireplace, big terrace,quiet area
about 1072 sqm property Price 345.000,- €
KD-Baubetreuung 06371-619033 for more
houses www.kd-baubetreuung.de
Reichenbach-Steegen, 1Fam House
w/garage, 199.000 € from private. Built
1999 approx. 440sqm property, spacious
terrace w/yard, 6Rms, 2baths, BIK, liv/din
area, heating rm, storage rm, laundry Call:
Sembach: freest. 190 sqm house, 5
bedrooms, 2,5 bathrooms, open fireplace,
doublegarage, big nice yard Price 320.000,€ KD-Baubetreuung 06371-619033 for more
houses www.kd-baubetreuung.de
Spesbach: Great 1FH, 4-5 Bedrooms, BiK,
Living Dining, Terrasse, 2 Bathrooms,Garage,
about 240 sqm livingspace € 248.000,RE/
MAX Real Estate Center Denisstr. 22,
Kaiserslautern, Tel. 0631/41408880 or 0170
6850060 ask for wolfgang.wiedmann@
Steinwenden: Large house in excellent
condition in a quiet area: The house
offersUp to 6 bedrooms, 2 ½ bathrooms,
livingroom, Built in kitchen, partyroom,
Garage,Carport, Gardenhouse, Balconies
with a nice view for only € 279.000,--RE/
MAX Real Estate Center, Kaiserslautern,
Denisstr. 22, Tel. m0631/41408880 or0170
685 0060 ask for Wolfgang. wolfgang.
This unique house in Landstuhl/Melkerei
will fascinate you! You won‘t find this
again. Freest 1Fam House in very quiet
and beautiful location next to forest with
sunny terrace. Large garage w/electric
door and terrace w/ beautiful view on
ZIAI Real Estate Agency, Kindsbacher Str. 6a
Ramstein Village - Phone 06371-57888
Bdr/Bath Sqm Town
School District
Rent Euro No.
Kaiserslautern/ Vogelweh School
2060 5 1,5 130 Rodenbach GA, G
1100,2062 3 1,5 140 Kindsbach GA, G
1000,Ramstein School
2040 5 2,5 210 Ramstein GA, G
(Phones are manned 8 a.m. - 8 p.m.)
Bdr/Bath Sqm Town
School District
Rent Euro
2055 apt. 3 1,5 150 Ramstein – Miesenbach 1050,2059 3 1,5 170 Altengaln GA, G
2044 2
130 Landstuhl-Melkerei GA, G, apt. 3 700,2050 5 3 210 Mittelbrunn GA, P
ABBREVIATIONS : G =Garage , C =Carport , GA =Garden , P =Pets OK
Heidelberg Bazaar
Patrick Henry Village, Pavillion
Friday, October 9 – Monday, October 12
Ramstein Officers Club Brunch
Sunday, October 18, 10:30 am – 2:00 pm
We’re coming to Germany!
Long and Foster Realtors
CELL: tGER: 0800 1816459
or by appointment
No Federal Endorsement Intended
Always more than 200 houses,
apartments and building lots
for sale!
Individually planned and built,
or turn key constructions from
various reliable manufacturers!
109% Financing on all our houses possible! We manage all the financing
(BANK/LQA), purchasing and building procedures for you!
Rely on our 20 years of experience!
Always attractive houses and apartments for rent. Ask for our finder’s fee free
offers! Use our full service incl. contract, check in reports, registration at public
utilities. And we are your contact for the complete rental period!
Immobilien Stranz • Bergstraße 28 • 67731 Otterbach
Tel: 06301/31140 • Fax 06301/300440
E-mail: stranz-immobilien@gmx.net • www.stranz-immobilien.de
October 9, 2009
nature. Approx. 170sqm on 2 levels w/2
spacious livrms, kitchen-/dinrm w/ lrg BIK
w/modern Siemens appliances 3BR and 2
baths. Electric shutters. Direct exit to terrace
from livrm. Attic. Interested. Call us to make
an appointment! No realtor /no fees! 015117260242 (german spoken - available all
day) or 0177-4936927 (english spoken 0800-1000 or after 1900)
Weilerbach, Am Hochrain 38, freest.
house, spacious high quality interior,
approx 180sqm, 3 bdrms 3 bathrms, floor
heating, nice yard. Price upon request.
€269.000 neg Call 06371-952526 or
Wonderful brand new freestanding house,
265 sqm living-space, 680sqm proberty,
5 bedrms., 3 baths., garage, Price 350 000
€uro Anne S. Neumann Immobilien4you
Tel: 06372-803641 or 06371-499994
Wonderful freestanding house, 200sqm.,
living-space, 650 sqm., proberty, 4 bedrms.,
3 baths., open-fire-place, 2 garages,
balcony, wood-floors, Price 270 000 €uro
Anne S. Neumann Immobilien4you
Tel: 06372-803641 or 06371-499994
Acc. for Rent - Apartments
µ = see photo @
Quarter back horses & exclusive high
standard apt 20min to RAB 136sqm 2bed
rm 1bath w/shower & tub bik w/din area
garage attic terrace €770 + €210utl Call:
0152-21832275 or 0631-73670
!!!A Sensational view in Modern Loft - Apt
Kaiserslautern American
/ bik / liv / din / 2baths / 4rooms / storages
/ 2 sep. balconies. 1.025,--€ +util. Good
distances K´town, RAB, Hospital. www.
private-rental.de Ph. 06307/1717
! ! 20min RAM via A6, Theisbergstegen,
Remigiusbergweg 6, 1st occupancy, 2BR
new BIK bath w/tub lg terr 2prk sp €550
+180€ utl 06381-425240 aft 6pm
! 148sqm Beautiful 3/4BR Apt 1.5bath,
bik, great view, 2balc, pet friendly, super
landlord, Close to bases 0170-2855122
!!! Miesau! Very nice furnished Apts.
quiet area near wood/lake. Close to RAB.
1-2BR, large living room with open BIK,
balcony, bath, guest WC, free wireless
Internet, washer/dryer, 60sqm €550 or
80sqm €750+elect., housing apprvd, Call:
!!! TLA 1Bedroom-Appartment !!!
Beautyfully furnished, Ramstein call
!115sqm apt in Br‘bach 5min to RAB big
liv/din rm BIK w/dishwash 3BR big bathrm
balcony carpt 0151-23685356
***Hauptstuhl 135sqm 3BR nice location
1050.-€ incl. heat & water Call for more
realtor Erika 0160-96697945
1 bdrm furnished, Matzenbach 15min
to RAB, studio apt, kitchen bath, storage,
balcony, util incl. €360 per month Call:
500€ Deposit only! Beautiful ground
floor Apt 196sqm Kottweiler 5km RAB,
3-4BR BIK liv / dinrm 3bath storage basem
2carport €1480 incl. util (except elec/water)
Call 06371-52388
A Top-full- furnished, 110sqm, DSL, AFN.
Ready to move in. Stay as long as you like.
Location: 66978 Merzalben, Höhstrasse
12. Call Roland Frick: 06395-6206 or Cell:
Apt 10 min RAB 80 sqm 2br 1livrm 1bath
+ guest WC stor BIK balc 2 cpks avail now
€585 incl util 0170-7369018
Apt 100sqm K-town, Ziegelstraße 37.
Quiet area but also central-5min walk to
city. Fully furn 2BR lg liv/din rm 1.5bath BIK
3balc laundry rm €1000 util incl avail 1Oct
Apt for rent in Hauptstuhl 4rms kitchen
bathroom balcony 83sqm €500 deposit
€1000 10min to RAB, 5min to LRMC Please
KMC Assembly
of God Church
Services are held at Schulstrasse 4,
Ramstein Village
WORSHIP HOURS: Sunday 3 p.m.
Pastor Ed & Faith Ferguson
Phone: 06371-468933
Tuesday 7 p.m.
His Grounds Landstuhl
Sunday Worship 10.30 a.m.
Habsburgerstr. 7 • 67752 Wolfstein
06304/416172 • www.freedomchurchgermany.com
A Christian fellowship that gathers to study God’s word verse by verse
so we can know, glorify and serve Christ.
Teaching the village, reaching the world!
We meet
Sundays at 10:30am
For more info call 06371-616793
or visit our website
Bruchwiesenstraße 16
66849 Landstuhl
Corporate Worship 9:30 AM – Sunday School 11:15 AM – Nursery Available
Men’s, Women’s and Small Group Bible Studies / Prayer Meetings
Kirchenstrasse 2a, 66849 Landstuhl
(across the street from European Country Living)
Tel. 06371-618138 – Pastor: Brent Sadler
Welcomes You!
Faith Baptist Church
Sundays 09:00
St. Albans Community - Kapaun Chapel
For more information please
call 480-6149 or 06372-3163
Kaiserstr. 66 • 06371-62988
Mon – Fri 10 – 6, Sat 9 – 4
livrm, BIK, dincorner, dishwasher, freezer,
refrigerator, full bathrm, domestic rm,
dryer, store.rm, carport, english spoken
€560+utl & new renov apt. 75sqm,
2bdrm, big liv/din rm, bik, dishwasher,
refrigerator/freezer, washer/dryer, guest
toilette, carport. €320+util. Tel. 063813792 or 0151-222-06487 wolfgang.
Attention! Big 2-BDRM full furn (sheets,
towels etc) tiled floor, 2baths, high speed
Internet, great view, 10min to RAB Pls call
06374-6823 (after 4pm)
Tel: 0151-5286567 or 06374-801410
Christian Bookstore
call 0152-05444460 or 0162-9387661
Apt in Hochenecken 88sqm quiet area
BIK din rm 2BR nice bath €395+utl Tel.
Apt in Landstuhl, 124sqm, 4BR, BIK, liv/din
rm, 2baths, stor in basem €1050 incl utl Call
Apt in Mackenbach. €650 incl. util. except
elec. Call: 06381-996314
Apt in R-Miesenbach 90sqm 1 BR 1.5
bathrm BIK big din/liv rm, laundry utility rm
balcony carp. no pets Call: 06307-6121
Apt Otterbach K.-Adenauer-S. 38 65sqm
2R, new Kit/Bath, Renov. + Furnished
€390+utl Call 06301-2621
Apt Otterbach K.-Adenauer-S. 38 80sqm
2R, new Kit/Bath/Furnished €350+utl Call
Apt!* in Bann, 120qm, 3bedr/1livrm
/1fullbath/attic/balcony 40qm/ 1kitchbuilt-in/parking-place/
650€+util, deposit 650€. Tel 06303-4438 or
Apt. 125sqm, located in 66909
Nanzdietschweiler, 15min. to Base, 3brm,
Sunday 10 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday 7 p.m.
Landstuhler Straße 22 • Ramstein Village
Exposing yourself to God’s truth is
risky - but it is a risk worth taking!
Page 27
Heritage Baptist Church
Gary Craft, Pastor
“Welcome Home!”
6km north of the A6 on the B40 in Mehlingen
Phone: 0 63 03-33 37 • www.heritagebaptistgermany.org
Worship Services & Bible Studies
9:30, 11:00
Faith Academy
Weekday Ministries
Faith Baptist School(K-5th)
Preschool (M/W/F)
Mother’s Day Out (Tues.)
“Eternally impacting our community and world, with the life-changing message of Jesus Christ!”
Located halfway on the main road between Ramstein and Vogelweh
Page 28
Kaiserslautern American
Attic Apt Rodenbach 61sqm 1BR BIK w/
liv/din area full bath stor sm garden 385€
+160€ util +dep 0171-3749590
Bann Apt 160sqm 3BR parquet flrs livrm
dinrm BIK 2bath storage basem terr balc
garage €905 +utl pets neg. avail now
06371-946060 or 0162-1929405
Beautiful loft Apt part/furn 2BR lrg liv/
din rm, BIK, bath, play rm, sml pantry off
str. prkg €600 +util +2mo dep American
owned & housing approved 06302-983243
after 8pm or 0631-3517018 work
Erfenbach furn Apt 45sqm shower €230
+util +300€ dep 0174-5451848
Am Köhlwäldchen 16
D-66877 Ramstein
Telefon: 06371 80010
Fax: 06371 64641
E-Mail: HotelRosenhof@aol.com
(this week)
• Fresh Bouchot mussels
in white wine or tomato sauce
• Special offers from venison
• Romantic dinner by candlelight
• and much more...
Come enjoy and
be surprised!
Book your Christmas party for
Lunch and Dinner on time
in our famous decorated house!
Buffet and Dinner choices are
available with best prices.
Exclusive apt 20min to RAB 136sqm 2bed
rm 1bath w/shower & tub liv rm bik w/din
area garage attic terrace €810 + €200 utl
Avail now. Call:0175-5665569
Farmhouse Apt. , fully furnished, shortterm stays! Housing Contracts. 760/m incl.
util. or €29/day. www.VONBLOHN.de
For Rent! Cozy furn Apartement with
bedroom loft 15 min to Ramstein. Tel
06371-60351 or 0176 234 04388
Huge 2 Level Apt in KL- Gersweilerhof,
260sqm, 5bedrm, bik, heate floors,
3balcony, big garage, €1870+util incl heat.
Call: 0631-3404381
Kasierslautern (Downtown walk distance
city) Modern 2 bedrm apt livrm kitchen
October 9, 2009
balcony woodp. floors €490 + util call
landlord 0171-4960581 or 0631-3629912
Katzweiler Apt, 7rms, bik, bath (600Litre
tub) on 2floors, open firpl, etc, no pets
please. Call: 0157-7373-5144
Kindsbach, 130sqm, 3BM, apartment,
balcony, €780, Immobilien T.017665881298
Kindsbach, 180sqm, big balcony,
BIK, Fireplace, AFN SAT Dish, Garage,
Utilityroom, avail now, Engl. speaking
landlord, €1150+util Tel:0631-3703743
KL-City, nice & bright fully furn. 3bedr apt,
livrm, famrm, kit, bathrm, lam. floors, balc,
120sqm, €800+utl, 0172-6149013
Landstuhl, close to hospital: 3BM
apt,107sqm(1152 Sq.Ft,), 2,5baths, 2 balc,
Am Fleischackerloch 1
66849 Landstuhl
(across from Kaufland)
Tel: 0 63 71 - 24 97
Opening hours:
Mon - Fri 11:00-15:00
Sat & Sun 11:00-24:00
Family Restaurant
„Special Military Price“
Fish Specialties
Free Pizza delivery in all KMC area
Special prices for party service
Room for more than 100 people
Outdoor garden
Playground for kids
Ample parking
Party service and catering
Delivery to all bases and hospital!
Come to our Farm Shop:
• Over 50 kinds of pumpkins
• Pumpkin specialties (jelly,
champagne, decoration....)
• Lots of fun for children
(corn maze, picnics)
VAT-form and Credit Cards are accepted
Open daily 10 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Sundays 1-7 p.m.
Hitscherhof 3
66506 Maßweiler
www.hitscherhof.com 0 63 36-83 99 89
Restaurant Dino
& Vesuvio now
under one roof
$ 1 = 0,80 €
— Family Ammirati
Non-Smoking Restaurant
Party Room
check out our website:
HOURS: 11:00am - 2:00pm, 5:30pm - 10:00 (Closed Monday)
bik, parking, Rent: 1150 US $+utl or 1400
US $all incl,see: www.rcam-kg.de,call:
Mackenbach nice Apt 5min to RAB kitchen
liv rm 3BR 2baths WC 130sqm garage
storage garden €910 Tel. 06849-1329 or
Mackenbach, very quiet & bright
5rooms Luxury Apt, new BIK, 2 new
Bathrooms w/WC, hallway, liv/din rm,
3bedroom, big balcony, SAT+Internet-DSL,
basementroom, Car-Park-Spot, Avail now.
€900.-+util Tel.: 0171 -1986354
Mackenbach: 4 bedr. apartment over 2
levels, balcony, € 865,-- incl. util. + electricity.
I.B. und Immobilienservice Thomas
Sourißeaux 06374 995 694 Thomas.SX@
Queidersbach 2rms Apt 80sqm new
renov fully furn garage cpk €600 incl. heat
& water! call after 17:00 06371-915879 or
Queidersbach, 2BM apartment, balcony,
€850 all included except electr, Immobilien
Ramstein City. 5 min to Air Base. Apt
120sqm, 3 Bedrms, Liv/Din rm, balcony, 1
1/2 Bathrm, basement, Private Parking. Av
1Oct: Rent € 825 + U. Perfect for single or
couple Tel: 0172/ 6642692.
Ramstein Stutzenflur 5: for rent
apartments 105SQM liv/din rm, 2 bedroom,
BIK, 2bathroom, balcony, garage, no
pets €760 + security deposit €1000;
Tel:017635955910 after 5pm
Trippstadt nice apt 130sqm flr heat 2BR
1,5baths din/liv area BIK walk-in closet
storage satell. dish patio garage+offstreet parking landlady speaks Engl. Tel:
06306-2478 till 10pm lv mess, we call back
Very nice, bright 4rooms Apt in Winnweiler
(20km to K-Town) Close to A63. 95sqm
li-space, big balcony, 2park-spaces. Avail
1November €605+util. Call: 06302-7059
Very nice, bright Apt in Lohnsfeld, 100sqm
( incl basement), 2BR, liv/din rm, bik, storage
rm, bath, terrace, carport. €600+util. Call:
Acc. for Rent - Houses
µ = see photo @
3BM house in Queidersbach or Weselberg,
bik, balc, garage, €750, Immobilien
T. 017665881298
Rodenbach, 5 Min. to RAB, 4 br, 165 sqm,
new renovated € 1100 + u. av. 01.0ct. KKA
Immobilien, Tel 0172/ 6855976 Melinda or
0176/ 78263389 Karl.
!!!!!KL-Espensteig 2km Vogelw nice 3BR
House, 1.5 new bath, 1 new lrg BIK, lrg Liv/
din area, patio, plenty of storage, no pets,
no fee 01577-461-2556
!Freest 1Fam House built ‘88 amazing views
212sqm open-floorplan 3BR 1lrg walk-incloset liv/dinrm fire-pl BIK 2bath 1w/tub lrg
terr, hotbird SAT, huge storage / laundry rm &
sep basem, yard €1280 +util +€1500 deposit
20 min Vogelweh 15min RAB Frankelbach
Call Klaus 0171-9533557
!!!LG Duplex 20min-KL 210sqm 4bed
3bath whirlpool 1500€+ !!!Freest. SFH,
112sqm, 3bed 1bath bik firepl 10min-KL
820€ Call KARE Realty 06374-802056
Auf der Pick 2b
66849 Landstuhl- Melkerei
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat: 5.30 p.m. – 11 p.m.
Sun: 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.
5 p.m. – 10 p.m.
Owner K & D GmbH
October 9, 2009
nice balcony, yard, garage,
€1,150. Kottweiler Schwanden House, 4 BR,
2 baths, bik, liv rm; dining rm; garage, yard.
Very nice House 30 min from Ramstein,
4 BR, 2 baths, bik, liv/din rm, fire place,
fenced in yard, pets allowed, garage,
€1,600 (negotiable). Call 0631-22328 or
0177-5522-328 or 0162 4131 878. Reduced
fees on all houses.
Big Townhouse in KL!Only 8 min from
Daener/Kleber/Panzer Kaserne and 18
min from RAB.This nice house has a living
space of 155 sqm over 3 stories, fire place,
4 bedrooms, 1 huge living and diningroom,
open kitchen with bik, 1 fullbath, one sep.
WC, 1 big balcony, 1 patio, yard, 1 storage,
big basement and 1 garage and a lot of
space for the car arround the house.The
monthly rent : 950,-€ + utilities, finders
fee:950,-€ + german tax (unless a VAT-Form
is provided).Do you have any questions?
Please call me: Hatice Özdemir (Remax)
0177/50 51 490.
brand new 200sqm free-standing house
in Krickenbach, 10 min tp Vogelweh, 4 BM,
garage, yard, floor-heat, €1380, Immobilien
T. 017665881298
Brand new freestanding house, in Rab
school, 260sqm., 5 bedrms., 3 baths., floorheating, open-fire-place, garage, 2.200 €uro
+ util Anne S. Neumann Immobilien4you
Tel: 06372-803641 or 06371-499994
Freestanding house, Rab school, 164sqm.,
4 bedrms., 3 baths.,b.i.k., balcony,big
yard, garage, Price 1.150 €uro + util
Anne S. Neumann Immobilien4you Tel:
06372-803641 or 06371-499994
Higher standard House in Erzenhausen
10min RAB, 164sqm. 0170-9483592
Hochspeyer, new 160sqm house in nice
location 4BM, 2 baths, nice bik, patio,
2 garages, deck, €1340, Immobilien
i.b.immobilienservice@ gmx.de
240sqm living space, 5
Bedrooms, living room, 3 bath 1800,- € Rent
2 built in kitchen in Morlautern Call Franca
by RE/MAX 0160/96650858
Kaiserslautern FSH 300sqm 7BDR,
4baths, 1garage, nice yard, rent € 1875
ZIAI Immobilien 06371 57888
1,5 bathrooms a. yard
845,- € KDBaubetreuung 06371-619033
Landstuhl hospital, brand new house,
248 sqm., 4 bedrms., b.i.k., 2 baths., 2
garages, floor-heating, Price 1.900 €uro +
util Anne S. Neumann Immobilien4you
Tel: 06372-803641 or 06371-499994
Landstuhl: 3 bedroom house, 1,5
bathrooms, garage a. yard 1000,- €KD-
Auf der Heide 3 • 66877 Ramstein • Tel: 06371/ 61 48 24
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ler Str.
100, 200, 300 .... and more houses,
apartments, building lots for sale and rent!
Dial 06301/31140, send us an e-mail: stranzimmobilien@gmx.net, or visit our home
page: www.stranz-immobilien.de.
160sqm 4BR House 2.5baths BIK €1075
+util Call: 0179-2332538
8 km to Ramstein: 8 Bedr, 4 bathr, Livingr,
diningarea, bik, familyroom and even
more space, large garage, free end of
October.Rent € 2.300,RE/MAX Real Estate
Center Kaiserslautern, Denisstr. 22, Tel.
0631/41408880 or0170 685 0060 Wolfgang,
AirBase : 15 min.: Bruchmuehlbach: new,
beautiful freest house, 5 br, gar, yard E 2250,; Bruecken: great 253 dplx. 5 br, yard, gar
1680,-E; Wallhalben: 5 br, h. yard gar, 1420,E; Homburg:very nice dplx, 3 br, basem.
yard, gar 1000,-E JR REALTY - reduced
fee- Ph; 06371-71756 or 01703159692
Attention! Dreamhouse in RamsteinMiesenbach only for families!The house
will be finished and ready for moving in
on 2009/11/01. This beautiful house has
a living space of 240 sqm over 3 stories, 5
bedrooms, 1 huge living and diningroom,
open kitchen with bik, 3 fullbathes, one
sep. WC, 2 balconies, 1 big patio, 2 storages,
basement and 2 parkingplaces.1 small
pet is allowed.The monthly rent : 1300,-€
+ utilities, finders fee:1300,-€ + german
tax (unless a VAT-Form is provided).Do you
have any questions? Please call me: Hatice
Özdemir (Remax) 0177/50 51 490.
Availalbe with GP Residences:
Bruchmühlbach House, 4 BR, 2 baths,
bik, liv/din rm, yard, garage, €1,100. Great
Bavarian Style House, Miesau Area,
BR, 3 baths, bik, din rm, liv room, fire place,
Kaiserslautern American
Page 29
Baubetreuung 06371-619033
Linden, 3BM house, garage, big yard,
€920, Immobilien T.017665881298
Linden: nice complete new renovated
3 BM house, 2 garages in Linden, €670,
Immobilien T.017665881298
Mackenbach: 4 bedr., 1,5 bath, nice view,
€ 1.090,-- + util. Kaiserslautern:
free standing house, perfect for roommates
(2 apartments), also useable as a 1 family
house, 5 bedr., 2 bath, 3 garages, € 1.500,- + util. I.B. und Immobilienservice Thomas
Sourißeaux 06374 995 694 Thomas.SX@
t- online.de
New-built 1Fam House 10min RAB / 15min
Baumholder, Gimbsbach, Neunkircherstr.
12, 160sqm 1000sqm lot w/creek & fruit
trees (maint by LL) 4BR 2BIK 2.5baths dbl
garage low-energy, oil heat SAT DSL avail
now €1100 +utl +1mo dep 06383-7224
nice new 5BM, 270 sqm free-standing
garage, fenced yard in Schmalenberg,
20 min to vogelweh, €2000, Immobilien
T. 017665881298
Otterbach, 3min, nice house, 260sqm,
9BDR, 3baths, 1garage, yard rent € 1945
ZIAI Immobilien 06371 57888
Queidersbach, 140sqm house, garage,
€1000, Immobilien T.017665881298
4BR/1,5BA, fireplace, terrace, garage €
1.533,- + util 06371/943311-16 www.
Ramstein Freest House 5BR 2bath BIK
garage lrg driveway back yard avail 1 Nov
09 Call 06371-406781 or 0152-04471442
Ramstein fst.-house, 180 sqm, 4 br, 2
½ bath, new Kitchen, garage, € 1450 +
u., av.01.Oct., KKA Immobilien, Tel 0176/
78263389 Karl or Melinda 0172/ 6855976
Ramstein-school (20 min to Air Base):
Freest. House, 140sqm, 4BR/1,5BA, yard,
balcony, terrace, garage, 2 carports, full
basement € 950,- + util 06371/943311-16
In Business For 10 Years
Kaiserstraße 74 • 67661 Kaiserslautern • Telefon 0631 - 357 88 -0
Auf der Heide
Europa Hotel
Auf der Pirsch
For info pls. call 06371-57888
1992 BMW 316 E36
4dr.Silver, pow windows, Sun Roof, CD
player, 5 speed, 150kmiles, innspection
no problem
$ 2700
Call 06371-18 05 57
or 0173-6 62 74 18
Passenger Car
4 pcs. 155/70 R13 only €128
4 pcs. 165/70 R13 only €136
4 pcs. 175/70 R13 only €142
4 pcs. 175/70 R14 only €156
4 pcs. 175/65 R14 only €156
4 pcs. 185/65 R 14 only €164
4 pcs. 185/60 R14 only €164
4 pcs. 185/65 R15 only €172
4 pcs. 195/65 R15 only €180
4 pcs. 195/50 R15 only €172
4 pcs. 205/65 R15 only €192
4 pcs. 205/50 R15 only €208
4 pcs. 225/60 R15 only €248
4 pcs. 205/55 R16 only €208
4 pcs. 215/55 R16 only €236
4 pcs. 215/40 R16 only €224
4 pcs. 225/55 R16
4 pcs. 225/50 R16
4 pcs. 205/40 R17
4 pcs. 215/45 R17
4 pcs. 215/40 R17
4 pcs. 225/45 R17
4 pcs. 235/45 R17
4 pcs. 225/40 R18
4 pcs. 235/40 R18
4 pcs. 245/40 R18
4 pcs. 235/35 R18
only €236
only €236
only €196
only €228
only €228
only €220
only €256
only €260
only €276
only €316
only €316
4x4 Tires/SUV
4 pcs. 205/70 R15 only €220
4 pcs. 215/75 R15 only €276
4 pcs. 215/70 R15 only €300
4 pcs. 225/75 R15 only €300
4 pcs. 225/70 R15 only €300
4 pcs. 225/75 R16 only €276
4 pcs. 225/70 R16 only €276
4 pcs. 235/75 R15 only €276
4 pcs. 235/70 R16 only €316
4 pcs. 245/70 R16 only €316
4 pcs. 255/60 R15 only €356
4 pcs. 265/70 R16 only €340
4 pcs. 275/55 R17 only €436
4 pcs. 275/45 R19 only €756
4 pcs. 275/40 R20 only €516
4 pcs. 295/30 R22 only €556
Hours: Monday – Friday 8 a.m. – 12 a.m. and 1 p.m. – 5 p.m., Saturday 9 a.m. – 12 a.m.
Page 30
Kaiserslautern American
Ramstein Scool Area ( Spesbach ): new 230
sqm house w. 5 bedrooms, 2,5 bathrooms,
garage a. yard 1680,- and new 180 sqm
house in Hütschenhausen w. 4 bedrooms,
1,5 bathrooms, garage a. yard 1325,KD-Baubetreuung 06371-619033
Ramstein, Landstuhler Strasse 24,
3BR, 1 1/2bath, bik, Live/din rm, 178sqm,
Call: 06371-51391
duplex, 150sqm, €1055, Immobilien
T. 017665881299
Ramstein: nice 4 BM, 2,5 baths duplex,
garage, yard, available 15. Nov., €1170,
Immobilien T.017665881298
168sqm, 4BR/1,5BA, fireplace, 2 terraces,
yard, double-carport, € 1227.- + util
160sqm, 3bedr., livr, diningr., bik, 2bath,
basement, Garage, yard, € 1030.- +
util Roth Immobilien 06374-994776 or
Wonderful freestanding house,in Rab
school, 200sqm., 3 bedrms.,2 baths., b.i.k.,
2 garages, fenced yard, Price 1.500 €uro
+ util Anne S. Neumann Immobilien4you
Tel: 06372-803641 or 06371-499994
Wonderful freestanding house,in Rab
school, 400sqm, 6bedrms., 4 baths., attic,
garage, floor-heating open-fire-place,
Price 2.550 €uro +util Anne S. Neumann
Immobilien4you Tel: 06372-803641 or
= see photo @
Your specialist!
more than 25 years in business
0631-53552 0
0631-53552 22
E-mail: asc-reifen@gmx.de
Industrial area (near TOYS-R-US)
DENISSTR. 34, K’town
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 2 3 Bedroom * Ramstein
Luxury Temp Apts for incoming / outgoing
families & TDY. Air Base 2 mins, walk to
restaurants & shops. Beautifully furnished,
Huge Selection In Alloy Wheels,
We Fit Your Wheels Up To 30 Inches
October 9, 2009
100% equipped including AFN TV, DVD,
free phone, Internet plus washer/dryer pets
Tel. 0171-2679282 or email
luxuryapts09@yahoo.com Also beautifully
furnished 3BR house in Bruchmühlbach
wonderful location by the forest Tel.
0171-2679282 or email luxuryapts@
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 www. TDYPREMIER.COM
Lux Apts in Landstuhl, prime location. Call
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 TDYHomes.com Lux apts in
Landstuhl, Ktown and Ramstein 35-130Eur/
nite 0170 939 4463 TDYHomes.com
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!2-3 Bdrs suites in Ramstein
village & 5 bedroom house nearby. Sky,AFN,
PC, wireless internet, phone, washer / dryer
in unit, gas grill on patio / balcony, king size
American beds, complete kitchens, yard,
parking, We offer private and comfortable
living. Kids love our place. Write to temp_
house@hotmail.com Call 0179-1456657
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 2 3 bdr. apt. ful furn. with
AFN,TV SAT DVD plyr. please look at
www.trudys-apartments.de or e-mail
trudy_mackenbach@web.de or
give me a call at 06374 3928 handy:
0176 525 130 90! ! ! !* * * *
!!!1-3Bed, Luxury!Bike to RAB. Free
Calls USA. Free Internet. SAT TV, DVD,
Big Kitchen, Wash/Dry, Fully Furn. Pets
OK. American Owner. NBM4RENT. COM,
!!!2-8 sleeper Sante Fe home 10min to RAB
fully furnished kitchen SAT/TV/DVD/DSL
pets welcome www.santafehaus.com Long
term rates Tel. 0152-04951493
1-2BR in RAM / Land / Kindsb fully equip
free int / phone / AFN TV / 24 hr Taxi serv
Call Janet 0177-1955959
2 BR Apts close to Ramstein
internet fully equiped 01702363229
Bruchmühlbach-M. 105sqm 3BR fully
furn BIK 1.5bath garage TV INT €55 / day
Hotel-Apartments-TLA Landstuhl near
hospital, 100sqm, fully furnished, TV DSL,
washer & dryer, cleaning service, breakfast
included Call 06371-64624 or 06372-5546
or www.sanders-cafe.de
Lux 2BR TLA 140sqm Fully EQU Wash/
Dry SAT TV/DSL 06301/794638 or www.
New House built 97, 4km from Kusel,
3Bedrooms, complete kitchen, dining
TO SPEND THE WEEK OR A MONTH? room, living room, W-LAN, fully equiped.
Terrace, great few. Available 12 October.
We can help!
TLAs in Ramstein New apt for 1 bed- Call 0173-6555736
room for 2 people & also for families. nice 100sqm apartment with great view
of landscape in katzweiler for 110€/night.
Apts have: full furn Sat TV microw.
phone comp w/DSL private parking pets 2 bedrooms, large living room and dining
room, bathroom and built-in kitchen,
OK wash/dryer also avail.
Internet connection, washer/dryer incl.,
Call 06371-5432 or 0171-3256002
In Business For 10 Years
VD Car Rental
Great Prices!
Kaiserstraße 74 • 67661 Kaiserslautern • Telefon 0631 - 357 88 -0
October 9, 2009
Completely furnished. Only ten min from
vogelweh and 15 min from ramstein.
contact 0172-6540610
= see photo @
Caution: Some KA Classified ads have
become a target for scams. Please be
cautious if potential buyers offer you
payment methods other than cash.
2009 Toyota Venza, 4K miles, US Specs,
automatic, black w/ivory leather interior,
smart key w/keyless entry, climate control,
cd/mp3 player, towing pkg, roof rack
$29,900 OBO email: jlamb26@hotmail
!!!!!!!!!!Attention please. We buy all used
cars in any condition w/ or w/o insp. We pay
top prices. Autosamiexport7@yahoo.de
0176-23628598 or 0174-2062884
!!!!!!!! $300 deposit + 5 payments on
good reliable cars with inspection! BMW,
Opel, Honda & more! Tel. 0631-98741 or
!!!$$$*We Buy All Cars Accident Or Broken
Down !!!! We Buy Junk Cars!!!! Towing For
Junk Cars***We Do All Customswork!!
Phone: 0174-2017910
!!! We buy all cars, accident, high mileage,
bad transmission; top prices paid Tel.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!$0 down and first term
finance available on selected used US Spec
cars at www. militaryusedcarsales. com all
cars delivered with USAREUR inspection
and power train warranty, visit website or
call 0631 3549908 for details
!Mercedes Owners! Call me before you
sell or junk it. 0171-8954421 or 06563-1564
American Auto Protector & Zurich Co.
Kaiserstr. 6, KL-Einsiedlerhof
Tel. & Fax: 0631 • 57750
located on B40 across ”Nick’s Fried Chicken“
1997 VW Passat Automatic,
4dr.Red ,4xpow windows, Sun Roof,
18” Tires, 4x Airbag, , 90 kmiles,A/C,
innspection no problem
$ 5600
Call 06371-18 05 57
or 0173-6 62 74 18
Kaiserslautern American
Ford, Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge and Harley
Davidson over 5000 units in stock,
Pulaski Gas Station Vogelweh******
0160-986-38560,0631-50331. JH83006@
06 Chrysler Town & Country - great
touring car - auto sliding doors & hatch,
sto & go seats, 6-disc DVD, new all-season
tires, inspection good for 2 yrs, 44K miles,
$12,800 obo. Call Rachel at 06561-6041077
or 0160-9640-1704.
07 PT Cruiser Touring Edition 7000miles,
silver, automatic, air, moonroof, Radio/CD,
remote locking, power windows and side
mirrors, Ziebart rust package. Remaining
28000 miles, 19 mths factory warranty
transferable $12,900. Like 09 model with
all discounts and shipping $21,000. Call:
06306-1339 evenings, Russ.
1990 Burstner travel trailer, sleeps
six, lots of extras, $950. Call Rachel at
06561-6041077 or 0160-9640-1704.
1991 Ford Escort GT for parts has new tires
& battery but noth worth fixing. $350 obo
Call: 0152-24690534
1993 BMW 525i (wagon), 5-speed,
maroonish color. It has 288k Kilometers
and runs great. It has a large sunroof that
can open over the front or shift forward to
be open over the rear seats. It has leather,
heated seats, a/c, cassette player, auto
windows, 4 brand new tires (16 Sep 09),
and has already passed inspection (this
means that it doesn‘t need to be inspected
if purchased before 18 Oct 09)! For more
information or pictures please email
steven. johnson@ramstein. af. mil or call
0160-114-7368. $2200.00 OBO
1993 BMW 730i, 3L, German Specs,
Automatic, Sun Roof, A/C, 217,100kms,
New all Season Tires/Brakes/Rotors. Power
Str, Remote Keyless, AM/FM/cassette,
Dual Front Air Bags, Pwr Wind Locks and
Mirrors. Time to have the luxury of a 7-series
and the power of a V-8, at a price you
can afford. $4,200 Call 06375-994379 or
1994 BMW 320i 4-Door, Blk on Blk, V6,
5 Speed, AC, Excellent Cond, Nearly New
Summer Tires, CD/Radio, Garmin 270 Navi
Included (USA & Euorpean Maps), New
Front Brakes & Roters, Internal Ski Holder,
Elec. Front Windows, Mirrors, Door Locks
AND Sun roof!!! Alloy Wheels, 265K Immed.
Available. Call Tom at 0151-5758-5853 or
Cheryl at. 0151-5762-4117. $3,800.
Theo’s Car & Muffler Service
• Muffler Repair • Tune-Ups
• Quick Oil Change
• New Mufflers • Brakes
• Car Welding • Clutches • A/C Service
• Shocks • Complete Engine Service
Page 31
1996 BMW 318i LTD, only 500 made club ed. , automatic, 2dr, met. blue, only
125k Kilometers, and runs like new. all
pwd, A/C, heated leather seats, large
sunroof, cd- player, passed inspec.,
cash $5850, call: 0160-93240850 /
1996 BMW 318iA, Automatic, A/C, low
miles, passed insp. , very clean, in gread
cond. , recentl. serviced, all Pwd, only
$4.999$, cash, call: 0170-9418899
1996 Ford Mustang GT (V8)black, 4500$:
manual transmission, Airbag, A/C, Alley,
PS, PB, PW; PL, CD. App. 80.000 miles.
Dent (damage) on the left side, back
(when another car hit ours while it was
parked on a parking lot), a few scratches,
mostly on replacable parts (bumpers).
Two things need to be fixed/replaced:
key lock, air bag light stays on. Car can
be sold immediately. Located between
Kaiserslautern and Ramstein. For more
information: blueeyes70us@yahoo. com
or 0176 25543682
1996 Saab, German Spec, 4 dr 9000CSE, 4
cy w/ turbo. Power everything, heated seats.
Has minor electrical problem with Hazard
lights, but no time!! KBB Value: $3,300
Asking: $1500 as is OBO 017686112251
favorsc1187@googlemail. com
1997 Ford Explorer Eddie Bauer fully
loaded well maint w/records, white & gold,
131Kmls, w/multi disc CD changer, $5000
obo Call: 06375-809525
Autohaus Darge
Service for all BMW Models
Kaiserstr. 2
66862 Kindsbach
06371 - 92460
e-mail info@autohaus-darge.de
VAT Forms
Mastercard Visa
AmEx Accepted
Autohaus Darge Kindsbach
Theo’s Car Center
Quality Pre-Owned American and European
spec Autos in Japanese, German
and American Models.
Monday through Saturday 8am - 5pm
Kaiserstrasse 34 • Einsiedlerhof
behind »Pizza Hut« on B40
PHONE: 0631 91527
• Certified Service
• Genuine parts and
• Warranty diagnostic
and repairs
• Bodywork and
• VAT forms accepted
• English spoken
• 30 minutes from
Kfz- Handels GmbH
Mr. Ed Armstrong
Aftersales Manager
Tel: 0681/96854233
E-Mail: armstrong@sb.LaLinea.de
Zur Ostspange 2
66121 Saarbrücken
"--$"3Tħt$0.1-&5&%&5"*(Inside Steam Clean, Engine, Trunk, Wash, Wax, Seal, etc.)
Call for appointment 06371-499 666
4yr/50,000 Mile Warranty in USA & Germany
Special Mil
itary Price
$ 32,940
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VIP M arpet Tre ...
es De ment at th
Torpedo Garage
Kindsbacherstr. 48
66877 Ramstein-Miesenbach
Mercedes-Benz - The right car!
Torpedo Garage - The right place!
Page 32
Kaiserslautern American
1997 Ford Mustang, red, 1Owner,
129.000miles, excellent condition. Asking
price $5500. Call: 0176-61236893
Camper, VR6, in excellent condition.
New inspection -passed on 14 Sep
09. Has removable 3rd seat to carry
6 passengers, pop top sleeps 4, new
auxiliary side tent, bicycle rack, M&S tires,
new snow chains. Stove, refrigerator,
furnace all work. Excellent autobahn
vehicle. $19,945 or €13,500. Call
0160-975-22116 & 0171-265-8228.
1998 Audi A4 1.8 Turbo All Wheel
Drive. 7“ DVD player, 12“Subwoofers
and 2 1000watt amps. $6700 obo
1998 BMW 523i Black. Manual
transmission. Cloth interior, power locks,
windows and sunroof. Summer and winter
tires on rims. Cold AC. 180,000 km $6500
1998 Land-Rover Freelander SUV, 1.8L
16V, 5-speed, 4-door, colour: dark green,
4-wheel-drive, A/C, power windows, power
locks, power steering, Radio/c., new tires
good condition, runs great, Euro 5.800, call:
1999 Honda Civic HX: $4000. Great
on gas. CD/MP3/USB. First car or use as
commuter. Serviced regularly w/records.
2001 Toyota Avalon XL 108,000 Miles.
$5,900 OBO. CD/Cassette Player, Power
Locks, Power windows, Electronic
Sun Roof, 8 Speaker Surround Sound,
Power Steering, Car Alarm System, Air
Conditioning, Power Seats, Child Safety
Windows, Child Safety Locks, New All
Weather Tires, Huge Trunk Space, Tan
Leather Upholstery, Power Windows, 16”
Aluminum Wheels. Call 06783-9008987.
Located in Baumholder.
2002 Audi TT, excellent vehicle, Dealership
Maintained, Low Mileage, serious buyer
only.$15000.00 Let‘s Make A Deal. Call
2002 Black Chrysler Voyager 3.3 LX,
Leather Interior Air Condition Automatic
KM 135,000Seats 7 Tinted Windows Euro
6,500.- Tel: 0176-63231767
2002 Dodge Stratus SE automatic 120000
miles Needs 2 new front tires to pass
inspection. Asking for $2000 please contact
SPC Nevarez Jorge cell 01756461182,
megamaiden84@yahoo. com or jorge.
nevarez2@yahoo. com
2003 Honda Accord EX 4dr Sedan Miles:
48,203. Color: Black w Tan cloth interior,
AM/FM Radio 6 Disc CD Player AC / Sliding
Glass Sunroof 4 Summer Tires w/Alloy
Rims 4 Winter Tires w/Alloy Rims Asking
$10,000.00 Call Jasper DSN: 493-4222
/06331-3406-4222 Handy: 0170-5554966
Home: 06355-955385 jasper.dockery@
2004 BMW 330i, Light Green, 42k, exc
cond, many options, $16k Garaged, extra
wheels w/winter tires. barbera. vincent@
gmail. com 07031.818.358 Stuttgart
2004 BMW M3, Silver Grey exterior, Black
leather interior, 6 spd manual transmission,
brushed aluminum trim, power sunroof,
18“ stock wheels. It has 63,000 miles, All of
the inspections and servicing have been
done by BMW dealers. ..the maintenance
records/book prove this. It has Goodyear
Eagle F1 tires for summer and a set of
Dunlop Wintersport M3‘s for winter. I
bought this car new and hate to sell it but
I have other plans. Please email for pics or
more information.
2005 Acura TL, 270 HP, auto, dual exhaust,
gray w/gray leather, pwr everything, rear
air, premium sound, integrated phone,
dual pwr seats, garaged at home and
work. Very fun car to drive. Call Shane
at 06371130841 or email sks0206@
googlemail.com $18,000
2005 dodge neon, 5speed, 56000miles,
October 9, 2009
Burnt Orange, new brakes, tires and rotors,
custom sound system with built in speaker
box, tinted windows, comes with a extra set
of rims, hidden IPOD conector, one owner.
A must see!! $6000, 067831854566
2006 Mini Cooper Convertible Red,
blk top, blk leather heated interior, all
convenience packages & options, run flat
tires; 16,000 miles, original owner with all
records. KBB 23,200 USD, asking 20K+ USD.
phone 016093887693
2006 Saturn Ion accident vehicle - can
be repaired, 23Tkm $5000 obo Call:
2006 Volvo XC-90, exc cond. , $19500.00,
67k miles, all service records complete, fully
loaded: new tires, moon roof, rear sensors,
6-CD Call: 0631-4118230
2007 Ford Mustang Premium with Pony
Package. V6 engine, 5 speed manual trans.
23.5 miles. Tungsten Gray W/Dark Charcoal
interior. Shaker 500 audio system W/6
pk CD changer. Asking $14.500. Call cell
01717710482 or email:clarenceoates@
yahoo. com
2007 Mini Cooper S; US Specs w/only
15.5K miles. Silver w/Black racing stripes;
loaded w/sport pkg and cold wx pkg; great
condition, great on gas. Asking $20,500.
Call 06357-97-5252 to see.
2008 HD Rocker FXCW Vivid Black Deluxe
530 Miles. Everything Stock besides foot
pegs. Priced for quick sale $15,000 Non
Neg. rudian19@yahoo.com
» 24-hour Service
AND: ¸ Harley Davidson
Motorcycles for rent
-> Different Models
¸ Need Motorcycles for driving test?
Ask for special offers!
ask for our
66877 Ramstein
66849 Landstuhl
67661 Kaiserslautern
55483 Airport - Hahn
Air Base, KMC Center
Kaiserstr. 108
Kaiserstr. 22
Building 600
(0 63 71) 802 034 0
(0 63 71) 611 211
(0 63 1) 414 868-0
(0 65 43) 508 720
For sure the best catch.
2008 Mini Cooper S Red with black racing
stripes 14082 miles, 4 year 50,000 mile
Warranty, Free shipping that stays with
the vehicle. leather inetrior, two sunroofs,
cold weather package, Enkei rims, cold
weather package, Enkei rims, US specs,
also has settings for kilometers, good on
gas 6 speed manual transmission, sport
mode option, Lots mor. If interested please
contact, +31 (0)631055392
2009 Mercedes C350, BLK/BLK, Premium
1 Package, DVD, NAV, Multimedia Package,
10500 miles, nice car and well kept.
$34,900.00 Contact Larry at 0170-1746583
Cell and 06333602779 Home
745i BMW 2004, 4.5L 333HP, Germ
Spec, Autom 6Spd Steptronic, 148Tkm
or 91300mls, Drk Grey Met, Sport-, Cold
weather-, Luxury Seating-, Prem Sound
Package, Anti-Theft Sys, 19“ BMW Alloy
Rims, Grey Lthr Int w/Ash Grain Wood
Trim, Grey Ventilated Lthr Seats, Heated &
Cooled Front Seats, Heated Rear Seats, AC,
Navi Sys, 6CD Changer on Passenger Side,
Built-In Hands Free Connection, Power
Seats, Pwr Wind Locks and Mirrors, Pwr
Rear & Side Blinds, Sunrf, Bi-Xeon Lights,
ABS Brakes, BMW Service Book, $26,000,
Call 06331-97234, 0174-6371267 or
0631-4137576 Tel.
91 Opel Kadett autom. low mileage
fuel efficient many extras pwr steer very
good cond guar to pass insp $1450 Call:
93 Toyota Supra Price Reduced 150k+
miles, Silver, Auto, Runs great, w/spoiler,
power seat, a/c only $7000 obo call
06374801637 or email Starfishie18@
hotmail. com
94 Opel Omega 6cyl luxury edition
256Tkm drk red met runs & looks good.
Will pass inspection €1600 obo Call:
99 BMW 316i, Black met, 4DR, Black
int, 5 SPD, PW, PL, AC, CD german specs,
ground effects, lowered, sport exhaust,
Alu rims, tinted windows, much more! only
115k miles $8800 obo call 0178-3384298
can email pics
´94 Honda Civic Coupe, PWR. Everthing,
CD, Sunroof, W/S. Tires, great runing Car in
Top shape, $3000, Tel. 01742409499
´98 Ford Escort, 4Drs, 150TKM, A/C, PWR
Windw. , 5SP, Runs good, good shape,
Guaranteed Pass Inspect. $2300.- Tel.
BMW 318iS, ‘95, automatic, air conditioner,
boardcomputer, owned for 10years,
2nd owner, garage-kept, non-smoker,
no issues, immaculate condition, $4100
Call: 0176-970754763
Infiniti FX45, 2007, 30k miles Silver, AWD,
V-8, Auto, Nav, Lthr, Pwr Everythng, Sunroof,
Xenon Lights, Bluetooth, Bose, New Tires,
Prf Cond. $34,000. Call: 0175-9076911
Special Military Prices • Weekend Rates • Monthly Rates
VAT Forms Accepted • PCS Specials • Holiday Specials
Same great Service, Across from Vogelweh BX on B40
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October 9, 2009
Kaiserslautern American
Hungry for something?
86th Services always has something good
cooking at one of our eating facilities.
Check the Restaurant Guide link at www.86thservices.com
for a complete list of eating facilities.
$5 OFF
Your Next Meal
Good for any food item at the following 86th Services Food Facilities
only: Ramstein, Sembach & Vogelweh Bowling Centers; Asian House Chinese Restaurant and Pizza Gallerie at Ramstein Community Center; J.R.
Rockers at the Enlisted Club; Flying Pig BBQ at Ramstein Officers’ Club;
and Woodlawn Golf Patio Grill and Snack Bar.
Valid for one transaction only. Not redeemable for cash. No reproductions of coupon accepted.
Only one coupon per person with a minimum $7.50 purchase.
Offer Expires October 31, 2009.
Cost Center: A5 GLAC 757
Page 33
Page 34
Jeep Cheerokie 95 Limmited, 2.Owner,
garaged, 107.000miles, new inspection
& tune-up, excellent condition. €2800
Call: 0174-2036554
Jeep Grand Cherokee 3.0, 2005, AC,
NAVI, sunroof, adj. seats, power windows.
4x airbag, CD-plyr, DVD, lthr gray, center
locks w/remote, alarm sys, board comp.,
fog lights, tinted windows, cruise control,
differential lock, real wood int, split back
seat, back seat neck rest, adj mulit-function
steering wheel, rain sensor, tire pressure
control, headlight cleaning system, adj seat
height, trailer hitch, trunk cover. €18,500
Call us: 06221 - 750050
Email us: info@pjsnet.com
Visit us: www.pjsnet.com
Your Full Communication
• Telephone/Internet DSL
lines with fast activation!
• Flatrate calls to USA
• Support and Software
in English
• Cell Phones w/o contract
Kaiserslautern American
Call: 0171-9520847
Mercedes Benz C 180 Elegance, built 1996,
dark red, German Inspection good till July
2011, 85 500km. Extras: Central locking
system, elec windows, good condition.
Very good taken care of. €4000 Call:
Mini Coop Convert 06 w/23k miles
only $18700!US Specs; English Rcng
Green, climate pack, HK premium stereo,
pwr top, windows, locks, A/C, cruise,
5sp, garage kept-excellent condition!
Nissan Sunny 89 4dr orig 104Tkm
1owner white great cond €1000 obo Call:
Opel Kadett built 90, very clean, nice car,
low mileage, 4 door, 4Zylinder, Stick, 1.4
engine,very good condition, new tune-up;
inspection guaranteed, new tires. $1250
Call: 0178-5268116
PCS’ing to KOREA – must sell! 2007 Grey
Ford Focus U.S. specs (automatic) SES
34,000 mi still under warranty, dealership
maintained, new tires with alloy rims
and a new battery tinted windows. MP3/
CD player. One owner – great condition!
MUST SEE!!! Asking 11,500.00 Call
0151-51032510 -Alexandria.
Toyota Tercel 1997, A/C, alarm, automatic.
$2,500 Cell. 015125216375
US, Japanese and European Spec.
Volvo V40 Stationwagon, 125.000km,
second owner, ABS, A/C, Central Locking
System, 5doors, %speed manual, great
condition, winter/summer tires. €4450
Call: 0160-2953-805
VW Golf Automatic, Modell. 1994, 118K
KM, 4Doors, All. PWR, Runs great, excelle.
Condition, , $2650.- call. 01728520412
VW Golf, ´91 Good running car, g. gas
mileage, Pwr. Steering, 5. Speed, good
Shape, $1700.- Tel. 01728563345
VW Passat automatic model 91,
for Personalized Euro-Plates
Made on the spot 7 days a week!
Kreative - Images (next door to Macaroni Grill)
October 9, 2009
good shape, runs good $2400. Call: mil and cell: +049-0162.260.4797
2005 Yamaha R1 Raven. $6900, Newer
tires, aftmrk exhaust, blk windscrn. recent
= see photo @
tune up, about 8300 miles, US Spec. Got
www.kaiserslauternamerican.com married, need to sell. 0175-449-4594 - for
Caution: Some KA Classified ads have pictures email agtblank@gmail. com
become a target for scams. Please be 2006 Softail Deluxe, Blue and White. Lots
cautious if potential buyers offer you of extras on it. It comes with passenger
payment methods other than cash.
2002 Harley Davidson Custom Bike frame: detachable Saddelman saddelbags with
40 degree rake, 5” Higherneck, 5” stretch detachable brackets, smoked turn signal
wheels 9x18 / 240, wheels 3.5 x 18 / 130 S+S lights, H-D bike cover, wider H-D pillon for
motor high gloss polished 113 cui Alren passenger, sissybar with pad and only 6,400
Ness Primary airbrushed. 5000Km mint- miles. Kuryakyn handelbar helmet locks
cond $41,000 Call: 0172-3511792
and all the stock parts removed. ASKING
2004 Ducati 999S with 12,120 miles; $14,500 Jose (C) 015117990086
asking $11,500 obo. The 999 top of its 2007 Yamaha R1, Awesome Bike, Like
class thanks to its engine performance New, blk/grey, lots aftermarket parts. Puig
& outstanding components. Powerful Dark raceshield, TwoBrothers Carbon race
Testastretta engine 143 hp & a Corse- exhaust, Pazzo adjustable short-shifters,
derived low sump crankcase for consistent Vortex Adjustable Rearsets, carbon mirrors,
oil feed, w/world class Ohlins front & rear frame sliders, rearseat cover, intergrated
suspension. The motorcycle has never rear-light, flatside turnlights. $9500.00
been dropped, laid down, or raced. All brett.reading@yahoo.com 0163-8115918
service records to show maintenance at Heidelberg
the prescribed intervals. Extras: Remus 2008 Yamaha WR250R Endure excellant
slip-on exhaust, smoked windscreen, condition! like new and alway garaged.
carbon fiber rear hugger, carbon fiber Price $5500 or OBO. Contact shane, Tele:
exhaust heat guard, carbon fiber heel 0176-66415028, or 06221575440.
guards, 38 tooth rear sprocket. I can
provide several additional pictures: POC:
= see photo @
email: Christopher.m.swickard@us.army. www.kaiserslauternamerican.com
Fascination rc-car racingOn Saturday,
03.10.2009, from 10:00 am to 05:00 pm
Landstuhl Thrift Shop there is a race in the multipurpose hall in
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LRP-HPI-Challenge is, in the meantime, the
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Discounted items, bag sales and much more.
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Hrs see www.KLSAGrapevine.org
road limitation system.In the morning the
Call for your
appointment now!
Mon-Fri 10 am – 6 pm
10 am – 3 pm
Hauptstrasse 35
66849 Landstuhl
Tel.: 0 63 71 - 40 45 05
Tired of companies that can’t
ship to APO or FPO addresses?
Sign up for a U.S. mailing address at
APOBox. We make it easy to buy online.
Kaiserslautern American
µ = see photo @
Caution: Some KA Classified ads have
become a target for scams. Please be
cautious if potential buyers offer you
payment methods other than cash.
4 Tires and Rims 205/55R16 rims with 5 x
108 bolt pattern. All season M+S H rated
tires (127mph) Purchased 6 months ago,
less than 1000 miles. I can send photos. 300
euro, daumer33@yahoo.com
2 American High quality TV sets (1 is
huge). $150 for both (price correction
due to tipo). Call: 06363-1473 email:
2 Chaise Lounge Garden Chairs with
cushions- $75 Green wrought iron , new.
0171-265-8228 or nw.brion-gingery@
t-online. de
2 Chest of Drawers – old German, Gray-blue
“distressed” wood look, $295, & dark brown
wood, white marble top, $245. Each 110cm
w x 60 cm d x 70 cm h, 2 large drawers & 2
small drawers, dove tail. 0171-265-8228 or
2 very old German tube Radios in excellent
condition, beautiful warm sound & great
conversation piece. $200 each. Call:
0631-940213 or 0163-3305534
3 Piece Set - 4000€ Genuine Leather Set
Paid: 5000€. Asking: 4000€ OBO. Like-new,
no wear/tear, super clean, comfortable,
easy to clean. 2008-light beige Florence
model, 4 yr warranty, free cleaning kit.
Lederland high quality Italian leather.
3-seater/chair recline. Must pickup. Email
me for pics. Please contact: h_timms@
yahoo. com or 0160-2746403 or 06301609642 after 6pm.
5 Floor Fans $8.002 Small Fans $ 5.00 Call
06371-467-732 After 1700.
6 piece shrank good condition all
white with one glass cabinet $150 Tel:
0631-940213 or 0163-3305534
AFN Decoder for sale $200.00. Remote
included. Please call 0162326909 or after
6pm 06385415611.
Beautiful BIK L-shape all Siemens
accessories perfect cond birch wood,
3yrs old, paid €10.000 asking €6.500 Call:
06301-792662 or 0172-6925341
Bose Lifestyle 18 Home Theater for sale.
1.5 yrs old; perfect condition; comes with
everything; 4xspeaker stands free if picked
up at Kleber Kaserne (k-town). My price is
$1250 ($250 less than PX). Please email for
pics: neptunex20x@yahoo. com Reason for
selling: just bought a Bose 3-2-1!
Canon Rebel 2000 EOS 35mm Camera for
sale! Great for professional photographs.
Macro lens and telescopic lens; Camera
and bag: $250; Tele lens 75-300mm:
$300; Professional flash: $75. Please
email for pictures at: neptunex20x@
yahoomail. com
Computer Desk – Steelcase Brand - $225
- mahogany veneer, 180 cm w x 65 cm
d 0171-265-8228 or nw. brion-gingery@
Delonghi 220V indoor electric BBQ grills.
3 sizes, each new in Box, 23in wide with
flipover pivot grill & 2 thermostats for 2
different grill areas, $65. 18in wide, $45.
13in wide, $35. The latter two each with
adjustable thermostats. Two Elta 220V
26in Tower fans, take both for $10. 110V
microwave exc condition. $10. Call Russ
06306-1339 evenings.
European fridge/freezer $75, Sharp 220v
microwave $50, Dave, ddellarov@hotmail.
com or call 0170 778-5978
Firewood for sale 75€ per cubicmeter. Call
Michael Schaefer 0172-8711185
For sale AFN Receiver Decoder and
remote $ 150.00Tel: 06313-507389 or cell:
for sale rotel RB 1080 power amplifier. very
good condition. 400 watts per channel @ 4
ohms. THX ( biwiring terminals) $550
For Sale-best offer, 2 antique sewing
machines, anker and singer, both in good
working condition with original instructins
and accessories. Call 06374-994303
For Sale: Cream colored Leather L-Shaped
Couch & cream color single seat leather
chair/Schrank-Entertainment Center holds
46in TV/cherry wood coffee table & 2
matching end tables; good condition; all for
$2500. Pictures available. Contact Shawn
at 0160-904-08590.
Furniture For Sale Apartment furniture for
Thai, Ayurveda massage
Please call for appointment:
0160-9191 3823
Philipp-Reis-Str. 9 (Landstuhl)
From Tuesday -Thursday we offers Bigen Color
or Enh
ancer for M
New York
After treatment
S Before treatment
TEL 0631-415 5324
s:: Wraps, Relaxers,
CELL 0171-6405750
et weaves
weaves, Finger waves etc
STYLIST’S CELL 0151-23571966
66 Instant appointments or just walk in to be served next or
call for appointments of your choice
Hair removal - gentle and permanent
fast results - no laser
Removal of tattoos, pigment spots
Removal of strawberry birth marks, spider veins
Skin rejuvenation
1$ = 1 €
with this
tober 31st
valid till Oc
Weekend appointments available
Landstuhl Private Clinic Center
Tel. 06332 - 209192 or
0171 - 4933369
Please call for appointment
01 76 • 62 19 77 28
01 76 • 66 43 38 94
sale. Chairs, sofa, storage, etc. Also, builtin kitchen with all appliances and dishes,
glasses, flatware, and other kitchen utensils.
Everything must go! Good condition,
perfect for apartment or small house. Must
see! Make offer! Call 0631 303 8859.
German kitchen. 3.6 meters long
elect stove, refig, DW. Plus stand alone
2 meter counter & cabinets. Euro 1500;
German oak bedroom set- lrg wardrobe,
dresser, 2 nightstands, bed (close to US
kingsize). Asking $500. Dave, 0170-7785978 or e-mail ddellarov@hotmail.com
German Solid Pine Livingroom Shrank
with lots of storage room $1200,
Dinningroom table solid Pine with 6 chairs
and leaf that is stored inside the table. $
600, Pine Hutch $ 280 all furniture are in
great condtion for more pictures email
me Sweethoney0712@yahoo or call me
Guitar: classic, Montaya, model w-15,
approx. 15-20 y. o. made in Korea
by Hyosung Corp. 150 USD. Email
natasha005@hotmail. com
Huge lot of maternity clothes size small
and medium. 7 pairs pants. 5 pairs capri
pants. 5 pairs shorts. 10 long sleeve tops.
8 short sleeve tops. 4 spaghetti strap tops.
8 tank tops. Some never worn. ..others
worn very seldomly as my tummy didn’t
get as big as I thought it would. paid over
$900 asking $300 for all. Also for sale is
a 2009 Medela Double Electric Breast
Pump Backpack Style. Used maybe 10
times. Works great, but I was only able to
breastfeed for 2 weeks. Bought new. asking
$250. Please call 015112715757 for more
info or email okinawakelly@yahoo. com.
Italian style furniture pieces. Light
beige tone, in good condition. U pick up.
Email4pics: natasha005@hotmail. com
JVC TV for sale, 22” X 16” screen, 50
bucks. Non-negotiable. Call Pham,
Kitchen For Sale Complete built-in kitchen
with glass top stove, oven,dishwasher,
vent and hood, refrigerator, and cabinets
withshelves. Dishes, glasses, flatware,
and assortedkitchen utensils included.
Everything must go! Good condition,
perfect for small or mid size apartment
K-Town: 0631.8929122
Mannheim: 0621.3972261
orhouse. Must see! Make offer! Call
0631 3038859.
Life Fitness Treadmill for Sale!!! Jut like
you see at the Ramstein and Vogelweh
Gym. Model T9i with Polar wireless Life
Pulse digital cotact heart rate monitoring
system. Flex Deck absortion. Quick start
Feature. Create 6 My Workouts. Asking price
$2500.00. Call 0631-272082
Maternity dresses- 1 Black formal floor
length evening gown from A Pea in the
Pod. Worn once, paid $250, asking $125. 1
charcoal grey cowl neck cocktail dress worn
once, asking $50. sinclair@tks-net. com
pictures upon request
Mini Cooper rubber floor mats like new,
black with loco. $40.00. Call 06357-975-685
Not Before 9 AM Please
Moved on-base/No room so gotta go;
Great for Dorm or Game/Living Room--Tan
Sofa $40/offer and 110V Microwave $25;
Brass dining room light fixture w/ 2 lg glass
globes $25; Call 06371-8022595
Multi-family sale in parking lot of Heritage
Baptist Church 48 Konigstrasse Mehlingen
on Saturday, October 3rd from 10-3Weather
permitting---canceled if raining!
Nice comfortable europeanchair: $10.
Please contact for pictures: neptunex20x@
Nice fake tree. 6 feet tall and it great
shape: $15. Please contact for pictures:
PC package - Fujitsu Siemens, 1.5ghz/40GB
HD/256mb memory/VGA 64mb/CRW CD/
DVD, LG Flatron 17” monitor, Epson Photo
890 printer, 2 Speakers, German keyboard,
original boxes/software $300.00. 07152764377, DSN: 434-5083 hardesty@gmx.de
PC package - Fujitsu Siemens, 1.5ghz/40GB
HD/256mb memory/VGA 64mb/CRW
CD/DVD, LG Flatron 17” monitor, Epson
Photo 890 printer, 2 Speakers, German
keyboard, original boxes/software $300.00.
KL area. 07152-764377, DSN: 434-5083
Phillips Ambilight 42” LCD HD TV,
110-220V US NTSC or AFN Only. Works
Great. Asking $500. Walnut Wooden
Bookshelf with 5 Shelves. Asking $30.
110V Microwave. Asking $50. Call
06131-932-7018 Mainz/Wiesbaden
Powerful, powerful industrial vacuum
cleaners, used by commercial airlines,
normally $1800. Brand new in boxes
$500 firm V110. Antique grandma phone
$500 firm. Heppa Airfilters $100 firm.
0631-940213 or 0163-3305534
Practically new, 15” Summer BMW
3-Series Tires w/rims, $300, negotiable, will
fit E36 Type, 01751272471
Pro Form 650V Treadmill w/ Heart Rate
Monitor. 220V, Like New, Strong motor w/
up to 300lbs. $450. Air Conditioning unit
model 60AC358, 220V, 9000 Btu/h, 1 yr old.
$300. Will Deliver. Call 06375-994379 or
PS2 games 4 sale, $15 ea. Sniper Elite,
Robotech: Battlecry, Trapt, Drakengard2,
Hitman2, Tony Hawk:Proskater4, Gran
Turismo4, Rachet&Clank: Up Your Arsenal,
Heroes of the Pacific, Digital Devil Saga,
Bloodrayne, Red Faction, Destroy all
Humans, Time Splitter2, God of War. Call
06372 6244826.
PSCING- Transformers 1000 $60, 300 $35,
200 portable A/C $150, 9X12 Almond color
carpets $65 each, Rice cooker $40, Belkins
wireless computer box $40, 110 Big screen
TV $200 Phone 06357-975-685
Queen sleeper sofa & wall saver lazy boy
recliner set. color: light brown/tan. Both
$95. Leonberg/Stuttgart area. 07152764377, DSN: 434-5083 fivestarcook@
Queen sleeper sofa & wall saver lazy boy
recliner set. color: light brown/tan. Both
$95. Leonberg/Stuttgart area. 07152764377, DSN: 434-5083. Photos available.
Send email request to hardesty@gmx.de
$1 off if you bring in this coupon!
participants wring from 10:00 am by her
vehicles quick up to 50 km/h inup to 5
different classesAs well as in 3 preliminary
heats around the qualification for the
participation in the final runs which take
place then in the afternoon. The entry is
free. For the bodily welfare is also provided.
Hi everyone! I’m a stay-at-home mom that
wants to CLEP some tests for college and
was wondering if anyone wanted to join
me. I know how hard it is to try and study
for something on your own, especially with
little ones, so I thought maybe we could
help each other out. I don’t know how often
we’d meet, or when; but if there’s enough
interest in this, maybe we could rent a room
somewhere? Or at my house? I’m flexible!
Email me at naughtykittycat13@hotmail.
com or cal 06372-806-4026 and we’ll figure
something out!
The Ramstein Chinese Language Club
meets each Wednesday at 12:00 at the Casa
Dolce Cafe in the Ramstein Officers Club.
Military members and dependents are
welcome to come and practice/improve
their Mandarin conversation. For questions,
please call Ian Fryman at 480-5967 or e-mail
For Sale
Page 35
English spoken - Vat forms - Great advice October 9, 2009
Looking for an excellent hair-dresser?
…are just some of our specialties
Come and enjoy!
Hauptstraße 4
66877 Miesenbach Tue – Fri: 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. Tel.: 0 63 71-5 89 90 Sat.: 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.
€ = $ Special
until 30 October 2009
New! SmartLipo Laser
19% off with VAT Form
0 63 71-40 62 30
Page 36
Kaiserslautern American
October 9, 2009
09-10-11-12 O CTOB E R ‘09
serving American customers over 45 years
Tax Free Sales
No Interest
Lay Away Plan
Our huge showroom is only
1 hour 40 minutes from Ktown.
A M E R I C A’ S
From Ktown: - Take the A62 to Trier.
- A62 goes on highway 1
- Get off at exit 126 (Kreuz Wittlich)
street: HÜNNINGEN - Take A60 to LÜTTICH (Belgium)
country: BELGIUM
- Take exit nr. 14 (St.Vith Nord)
8 - 18
9 - 18
10 - 1
OPEN ays
Sat ys
Sund Mondays holidays
close pt Amerca
Hünningen 48
Credit Cards
MÖBEL KRINGS MARAITE is 1/4mile on the
right site of the road.
B-4780 ST.VITH
Tel.: 0032 - 80 - 22.84.77
Fax: 0032 - 80 - 22.67.29
E-mail: info@mkkrings.com
October 9, 2009
Kaiserslautern American
Radio & Record Player. 3 sizes of
transformers. 30 oilpaintings framed,
different sizes & sceneries. Transformers
all sizes, Weber Kettle grill, dining
room table, chairs & bar, Super 8 movie
camera, rocking chair, expentisive laser
video movies like Frank Sinatra; Diana
Ross, Marilyn Monroe, Tina Turner &
Gone with the wind, Air force one
and many others. Sell for best offer.
Call: 0160-920-22726
Set of 17in aluminum 5-Star rims.
Fair condition. Were mounted on 97’
Nissan Altima GXE/bolt pattern 4X114.
Asking $175. Call for pics. Shawn @ DSN:
478-5141 or cell 0152-046-88735
Seven chairs for selfcollectors 280 Euro
or best offer. Please call: 01525-3152293
Siemens Washer & Dryer - Washer
Optima 503, 1,1.K-600 rpm/energy/
water saver,prewash program, delicate
program/5kg capacity $180. Optima 740
Dryer, Air fresh program/digital timer,
finish signal,inside light $325. Both
for $450. KL area. 07152-764377, DSN:
434-5083 fivestarcook@gmx.de
SkyPlus Digital Satellite receiver with
180gb Hard Drive like TIVO. New Phone
Numbers Phone: 06372 6244782 or
0176 62171323
SkyPlus Digital Satellite receiver with
massive 180gb hard drive like TIVO.
Receive over 120 free to air TV and
Radio channels. Current digibox sold
by sky aprox 14 month old. 150euro
or 220 Dollars call 06372 6244782 or
email richard@k-town. de Sky card
required to use the TIVO section
of box
Sony microsystem radio tapedeck
and CD player $10 Tel. 0631-940213 or
Taylor 814ce Acoustic Guitar, w/Hard
Shell Case. Brand New!$3,000 firm.
Two Gemini XL-300’s fully manual direct
drive turntables, PMX 500 4 channel
stereo mixer, Tweakalizer Dj effects
processor, two fisher studio-standard STV
860’s, sony Integrated Stereo Amplifier
TA-Ax380, and 98 records $800 Call:
Wii + 21 Games: Euro. Wii system. Great
for the family. Lots of extras. $300.00 OBO.
Call for list of games and accessories.
Will buy your AFN Decoder for $150.00
cash. 06333-775340 after 6pm.
Women’s Columbia Waterproof Boots
Sz 8.5-- worn once --Pd $148, asking
$100/OBO Call: 01621-784634
Wooden Computer desk on rollers $25
Call: 0631-940213 or 0163-3305534
Yard Sale this Sat & Sun, Kaisestr. 6,
(across the street from Nick’s Chicken)
stop on by, many, many items. Starting at
1000-1600. Call: 0163-3305534
Child Care
= see photo @
KA advertisers living on base/post
and offering child care services are on
the approved list of Family Child Care
(FCC) providers. Those living off base/
post offering these services in the KA
are not screened by FCC. Use good
judgement when choosing off base/
post child care services. Qualifications
should be checked and references
requested before placing any child
in the custody of child care providers
who have not been screened.
***Anyone providing more than 10
hours of care per week, on a regular
basis, MUST be licensed by the FCC
office. If you do not have a license and
provide care, you could possibly lose
your base housing privileges.***
! ! ! Full-time Day & Night Care for your child.
For more info please call 0631-6268293
! ! 7min RAB, German Babysitter (engl spk)
has openings for ages 2-10, very flex. Pls
call 0163-2943479 or 0176-23863266
babysitter has opening for newborn
and infants from mon. thru friday. call
Babysitter, reliable, flexible, ref.,
experienced, loving Day-mom for
newborn 0-2 years, 10min RAB,
Brigitte offers 24hrs loving child care
in Landstuhl kids from 0-14. Ref av
Certified day care mother
Landstuhl(near Kaufland)has openings
for ages 0-5 years old. Info - Call:
Child care avail ages 0-4yrs flex hrs at
my house in Steinwenden 3min RAB
06371-57594 lv msg
Child Care for all ages. TLC 24/7 great
referrences 10min Vogelw / 15min RAM
Daycare Teddybär has 3 more openings
and a bilingual concept. Teacher and
experienced mom offers flexible time,
Exclusive Antique Freddy’s
Only 4 miles from
Ramstein Air Base 62
Mon-Sat from 10:00 to 18:00 (closed Wed.)
Tel: 06372-803255
Hauptstrasse 94b
66882 Hütschenhausen
Free delivery to Kaiserslautern,
Spangdahlem, Wiesbaden,
Page 37
horseback riding and swimming once
a week, organic food and weekend
service. Huge garden to play in! For
further information call Silke: 06302 7673,
mobile 0160 499 1642
Lost & Found
µ = see photo @
A black Mazda car key and remote entry
was lost near the Woodlawn Golf Course
driving range on 23 Sep 09. If you have
found this key, please call 0170-205-2774
or turn it in to the Golf Course club house.
Thank you!
Lost: Ring white gold wedding band, w/
engagement ring, 1raised diamond and, a
few small diamonds, lost on Vogelweh May
17th Please call 0631-56002456
µ = see photo @
There have been reports of pets
being sold from breeding facilities
that are not managed at the highest
professional standards. Please choose
your pet carefully. Make sure you check
the credentials of the people selling
the pet, and get proper paperwork
showing shots and/or other proof of
healthy condition. For further advice,
consult your Veterinarian.
Beacock, girl, 10month, clean, 40cm
high, all shots, chipped, beautiful color,
“EMELY”,450.-€, 30km from ramstein, call:
01578-1662608 or 06304-1720
German Shepherd, female, 8weeks
old, black&brown, red papers, shots &
dewormed, raised in family €600 Call:
06371-130940 or 0152-09454200 after
Golden Retriever & German Shepherd
puppies no mix - each pure breed,
2 year old male Labrador Retriever.
Will care for/walk your pet(s)
Erfenbach, Siegel/Otterbach, Katzweiler
YorkiMixPuppies, spezial colors, real
small, dewormed, beautiful familiedog,
30km from ramstein, call: 01578 - 1662608
--- 400.-€
purebred, dew. w/shots, chip, 500 €.
RAMSTEIN 06371.617442
Click today... cash tomorrow®
We’ve been making
loans of up to
$10,000 to active
duty military for
over 59 years.
“We love to say yes”®
Page 38
Kaiserslautern American
= see photo @
Caution: Some KA Classified ads have
become a target for scams. Please be
cautious if potential buyers offer you
payment methods other than cash.
Looking for cheap old sub-compact car
with automatic transmission. Must pass
inspection. Call Mike at 0160-97683906.
AFN Decoder. Will pay $160.00 cash.
Boy Scout Troop 166 is looking for
boys (6th grade and above) and adult
volunteers (male/female)to experience
the fun and excitement of learning
leadership, citizenship and self-reliance.
Meetings are held on Wednesdays at 7pm
on Ramstein AB at Bldg 1004. Contact Ian
Nicholls (Scoutmaster) on 06371-52221,
57607 or 0175-2736951. Alternatively,
David Folkerts (Committee Chair) on
Child care workers needed on Monday
mornings. If interested please contact
Kristin Stanley at 06371-59-8323 or
English speaking nanny wanted to
work in the afternoons after our son gets
out of school and on Saturdays. Duties
will include pick up son from bus stop,
helping with 1st grade homework, light
house work, and meal preparation. We
live in the Glan-Munchweiler area. Please
contact me at 0172-667-4668.
German teacher wanted for private
lessons for one person. Please call
06371 946042.
House wanted! We are looking to buy a
house at least 200sqm near RAB with yard.
FSBO is best. Would like to get in asap! If
you are wanting to sell, please call!!! Help
us get out of TLA! 01511-2731955 or
email info & pictures to marilynwags@
Housekeeper wanted in Hirschhorn
for a Single family (no children or Pets)
. Weekly to Bi-Weekly. Major Duties
include cleaning, light cooking, laundry,
organizing. Minor duties include light
grocery shopping and some errands.
Must have your own transportation,
and speak english. Please contact
If you are deploying or going on a long
TDY/Vacation, consider this: Live In House
and Pet Sitters!!! Our services are free. We
do only take jobs that are at a minimum
of 15 days. If this sounds like something
you are interested in, have any questions
please contact me by e-mail at fycsitters@
yahoo. com or by phone at 015121058657. The voice mail is in German,
but we are American, and we only speak
Looking for AFN receiver. Call
01795310274 or angelika@stuard.de
Looking for an experienced mechanic or
car shop that can install a new engine into
a modified Mazda RX-7. Serious Replies
Only! 0175-7914858
Looking for large American refrigerator
220V. Please call 0176-63231767
Looking for purebreed Beagle or
Belgium Malinois puppies for sale.
Looking for ride sharing from
Lauterecken area to Ramstein AFB.
Monday-Friday 01729536292
Looking to rent a free standing one
family house in Homburg-JaegersburgWaldmohr area nlt November 30th. Please
call Pia after 2pm @ 06841-9800824.
Needed - child care for one newborn, two
weekdays per week, 9-5, in our home in
Morlautern. Days negotiable. Competitive
0631-355-5266 or 0151-579-11609.
Wanted ASAP: Large rental house for
family of 3. Desire 4+ BR, W/D hookups, 2
car garage, commute OK, 1800-2000 Euro
(nego). Email cashnmoose@gmail. com
bedroom/2bath Home with a garage,
between Baumholder and GlanMunchweiler, off A62, prefer nearly
new, will rent or rent w/option to buy;
need yard/patio, 240+sqm, CALL:
µ = see photo @
Attention all individuals that are
energetic, motivated, and love to work
with kids. Children’s Learning Academy is
now taking applications for an Aftercare
Provider and Substitutes. If you are
enthusiastic about working with children
and enjoy a positive team atmosphere
please call us at 06374-994-131 for
more information, or stop by and fill
out an application at Siedlungstr. 19b,
Mackenbach Germany 67686.
Available former CEO, Director of
Marketing, expert in business principles,
sales, training, import/export, w/
experience in 4 continents. Confident
leader, excellent motivator presence,
poise, good character, experience in nonprofit charitable sector, tri-lingual looking
for rewarding & challenging position. Call:
Specialist to provide project support,
action item tracking, QA, project
deliverables, and general office duties.
2 yrs admin exp. , strong organizational
and communications skills, multitasking, MS Office, and US citizenship
required. COLA and possible HOLA.
October 9, 2009
DRS seeks an Associate Program
Manager to support Technical Program
Managers managing project data,
documentation, finances, and schedules.
3 yrs program exp., AA+ deg. , strong
attention to detail, multi-tasking, MS
Office, and US citizenship required.
COLA and possible HOLA. NonTESA. www.drs.com, click on careers.
Full time IT contracting opportunity
on Landstuhl. Must have US passport
and active DoD ID card. Certifications
and help desk experience a plus. Pls call
I am looking for full-time position in
office etc.. I am fluent in english & german
written and spoken. Own transportation,
good computer skills, motivated, on-time,
reliable. I am available start of August. For
more information and my resume please
call 0176-20903890 pls call after 1600
Professional Services
µ = see photo @
!!!!!!! Anytime call 0173-3683830 Hard
Working, Good prices, PCS Cleaning
Service - Special Home Cleaning for G. I.
Families, yard work, after party cleaning,
dog walking, laundry service etc.
!!!!!!! Bright Home Cleaning Services.
PCS, regular, carpet cleaning, yard works,
trash haul, grass cut & more! goodnews_
kl@yahoo.com or 0160-93332210
!!!!!!3* Awesome cheapest House
cleaning PCS, reg carpet painting yard
work trash hauling, guranteed passing
insptection 0160-6471275
!!!!!!5* Chima cleaning service offers:
PCS, house and carpet cleaning, ard work,
trash haul etc. Tel: 06381-4256065 www.
!!!!!! Alpha Cleaners PCS reg Carpet,
Yardwork+painting trash hauling Call:
0152-26807502 last min ok
!!! PCS cleaning INSP guaranteed on &
off base 0160-91948-691 or cthompson@
!!AaronHouse cleaning & trash hauling
servs reg PCSing yardwork repairs & free
junk pick up e.g. elect & clothes avail
0173-8273480 insp guaranteed
!Handyman - gardening, renovation &
repair, painting, wallpaper, local move,
+++ American Standard and Care in Germany +++
Aesthetic Surgery
Eyes, Nose, Face, Breast,
Body, Liposuction,
Botox ©Filler, Peels
Reconstructive Surgery
Face, Breast, Body, Hand,
Pediatric Plastic Surgery,
Burns, Skin Cancer
+++ We offer America’s #1 medical cosmetic line OBAGI +++
We accept 19% VAT forms • TRICARE preferred provider
Dr. Bianca Knoll • Savignystr. 61 • 60325 Frankfurt • Fon: 069-7422-7979
Email: info@dr-bianca-knoll.com • www.dr-bianca-knoll.com
Dr. Matthias Christ MD, DDS
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Certified in Oral Implantology &
Aesthetic Facial Surgery
Oral Surgery
Dental Implants
Computer Implant Planning
Dental Hygienist Service
Comprehensive Dental Service
in General Anaesthesia
Regional Plastic & Reconstructive
Surgery for Facial Skin Cancer
Laser Treatment
Laser Hair Removal
In- and Outpatient Procedures
We speak English
Mon, Tue, Thu
Mon, Tue, Thu
Wed + Fri
wood work & laminate floors, & more Call
!!PCS Cleaning pass insp guaranteed
on/off base Niki 0176-67756856 Ampi
15 Years in the KMC! “Marias Cleaning
Service”. Housekeeping and Housesitting!
weekly, monthly, or PCS. Fair rates and
most efficient!! Call: 0176-24779775
Are you moving? PCS cleaning carpet
& upholstery. Removal of bulk waste,
garbage, yard waste. Repair service
06383-927372 or 0172-6693714
Certified translations. Reasonable
Call Tel.
Clock repair & antique clock sales.
Hermann Lieser, Ludwigstr. 32, Landstuhl
Tel. 06371-2637
Computer Service - support, consulting
& education at your house! All Windows
systems, ISDN, DSL, network, security,
and more! MH Computer Service Tel.
photographer- Portrait packages as low
as 45euro- Cell- 015254630752, emailwww.davesphoto.dm@googlemail.
FM Home Cleaners PCSing carpet regular
trash hauling yard work & all other duties
as required. Good rate, guarantee to pass
inspection 0178-6165888
German, all levels, Mr.Vollmer, Landstuhl,
06371-2470, www.germanvollmer.de
H & I Service: You need help around
your house, we do all work personally
and perfect. PCS-cleaning, housecleaning, yardwork, painting and repairs,
trash hauling, carpet cleaning Call
House Cleaning or Hair Braiding
- Call Khisa 06374-805015 or cell:
House-Cleaning most efficient, low
priced and fastest. Contact: 06371-70921
Just Lili’s Catering. Catering to meet
your every need. 06371-915227.
Porsche parts & repair, tune-up,
engine+transmission repair. Body work
& paint . Over 60 years experience.
15miles from Ramstein. Harry Ollmann.
Enkenbach, Auf dem Hahn, Tel.:
Unlimited Entertainment Int.A name you
can trust 016093851705 or super_djscar@
Professional lessons in piano and guitar.
Tel. 0175-4754238
Schiederer Information Technology
DSL-Phone-SAT-Cable TV Contracting &
Service VAT form accepted, DSL check
for ever house in every region, Phone
Freecalls to the U.S. Tel: 06373-89089
email: info@schiederer.com
Translation Services, state & court
certified, birth cert. divorce decrees,
medical, school certificates, etc. KL.,
near Vogelweh. Reasonable rates. Call:
Practice Dr. Christ
Hölzengraben 2 • 67657 Kaiserslautern
Tel: 0631-371170 • E-Mail: mchrist65@web.de
Sales Staff, Waiters,
Waitresses, Bartenders.
Are you energetic, a team player and have an outgoing personality?
Then we can offer you a part-time position in a nice
working environment.
Contact us via email: personal@sports-lounge-ramstein.com
Strikingly beautiful with DKS
Your Dental Cosmetic Studio
• Teeth Cleaning
• Bleaching
• Dental Jewelry starting at
€ 40
€ 190
€ 17
SPECIAL: Bleaching for Couples € 300
DKS GmbH (UG) handlungsbeschränkt
Burgherrenstr. 35• 67661 Kaiserslautern (Hohenecken)
Tel.: 0631-354 9899 • dks-dentalkosmetikstudio@web.de
Gift certificates
is expanding and has Sales
& Service positions available in our Kaiserslautern
office. On the job training,
no experience necessary.
Working hours:
Mon - Fri 8:30 to 17:00.
Salary in EUROs.
For further information,
please contact A. Maddox
at 0631 - 310 95 83
or 0800 - 100 86 87
October 9, 2009
Kaiserslautern American
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