5th QM riggers maintain jump readiness
5th QM riggers maintain jump readiness
HAVE YOU READ YOUR KA TODAY? November 22, 2013 Volume 37, number 46 First sergeants train to teach Comprehensive Airman Fitness Story and photo by Senior Airman Damon Kasberg 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs First sergeants and front-line leaders from Ramstein participated in a resilience training assistant course Nov. 12 to 15 on Ramstein where they were trained to teach a variety of resilience techniques to Airmen in their organizations. The course is offered every quarter for Airmen interested in becoming resiliency trainers in their organizations, however, this was the first time the master resilience trainers prepared the course specifically for first sergeants. “One thing we can expect constantly in life is change,” said Col. Lee Smith, 86th Airlift Wing vice commander. “That is why it is so important for Airmen to have the physical, emotional and mental health to withstand, See TRAINING, Page 6 Master Sgt. Bruce Haskin, U.S. Air Forces in Europe and Air Forces Africa NCO Academy director of resources and additional duty first sergeant, teaches his peers interpersonal problem solving during a resilience training assistant course Nov. 14 on Ramstein. 5th QM riggers maintain jump readiness Story and photo by Staff Sgt. Alexander A. Burnett 21st Theater Sustainment Command Public Affairs NEWS Winter has come. To check road conditions prior to driving to work, call 480-SNOW. To be on the safe side, call your supervisor. FEATURES Tip of the Week Dark, chilling night with Stephen King, Page 7 See RIGGER, Page 5 LIFESTYLES Two paratroopers assigned to the 21st Theater Sustainment Command’s 5th Quartermaster Detachment carry their parachutes to a bus bound for Ramstein Nov. 7. Their morning starts early with each of them reporting to the shed at 6 a.m. They begin with safety training, practice, drawing gear and inspections before getting on a bus. Rain or shine, high winds or calm, whether they jump or not, these paratroopers are always prepared. Soldiers from the 21st Theater Sustainment Command’s 5th Quartermaster Detachment, part of the 21st Special Troops Battalion, prepared for a proficiency static line and Army free-fall jump Nov. 7 in the KMC. All Soldiers involved in the jump reported to the 5th QM Det. rigger shed early for sustained airborne training. Jumpmasters reviewed procedures for operating inside the aircraft, exiting the aircraft, landing on the ground, landing in water and emergency procedures. Each Soldier also performed practice landings, said Chief Warrant Officer 2 Orlando Velez, the 5th QM Det. liaison officer to the 21st TSC. “Today’s jump is a jump for proficiency to ensure these Soldiers maintain their capabilities,” Velez said. “No matter what kind of jump we are doing, we go through sustained airborne training every time to keep everybody safe.” All jumping Soldiers then received their parachutes and boarded a bus for Ramstein. Behind the scenes, Staff Sgt. 1st CBCS keeps aircraft on track, Page 8 Christmas market opens Monday, Page 24 Page 2 Kaiserslautern American November 22, 2013 Enjoy the holidays stress free by Brig. Gen. Patrick X. Mordente 86th Airlift Wing commander T he holiday season in Germany is a wonderful time full of fun, holiday markets and time spent with family and friends. But sometimes, the holiday season often brings unwanted guests like stress and depression. While it’s easy to get caught up in the holiday demands during this time of year, some simple planning can minimize the stress accompanying them. By planning ahead you can reduce unwanted stress or depression, allowing you to take time out to enjoy the holiday season. Being realistic and creating a holiday budget lets you set expectations up front and avoid financial stressors. The holidays don’t have to be perfect or just like last year. Acknowledging things are different and planning for these changes can help you feel less stressed. Sometimes you need to escape and take a breather. You have an opportunity being stationed in Germany to experience what many dream of … holidays in Europe. Many cities, towns and villages throughout Germany hold various holiday markets. Regardless of the location, there are several in our neighboring communi- ties; take time to explore these local markets. From the delicious foods and attractive festival rides, to the traditional handmade crafts, there is something for everyone to enjoy. Remember to take care of yourself and stay active. Overindulgence can add to your stress. Continue to maintain a healthy lifestyle, and don’t let holiday parties become a free-for-all for unhealthy habits. You can reduce tension, feel rested and take your mind off of holiday stressors by maintaining a regular exercise routine and getting plenty of sleep. Despite your best efforts, sometimes stress and depression related to the holidays can be overwhelming. If you’re feeling lonely or isolated, don’t be afraid to reach out for assistance. Know your avenues of assistance and seek professional help if you need it. Whether it’s your chain of command or mental health professionals throughout the KMC, you are not alone. Ultimately, we’re counting on everyone in the KMC to step up and step in to take care of each other during this holiday season. The holidays should bring joy and harmony to all, not stress or depression. Take care of yourself to manage stress and enjoy the holiday season. Happy holidays, KMC! COMMENTARY Organizations are never static by Maj. Eric Allen 86th Airlift Wing chief of intelligence In high school, I stood out as a football player and decided to continue playing at a local junior college. My sophomore year, I came into training camp out of shape, and the first week was extremely difficult. I soon made the decision to quit football. Not long after, I was talking to an uncle who played college baseball and was drafted by a professional team. He never reported to camp after pressure from his wife at the time. When I told him I had quit football, he paused, looked at the ground, then back at me and said, “You never get this time back.” And so it goes with our time in the military. My office has received several new Airmen, both enlisted and officers. They’re all very young -- in life and the Air Force. They feel a lot of pressure as they begin their time on active duty, but I know, as do so many veterans, time flies by without us noticing. I’ve encouraged them to not worry, and soon they’ll be experts. We need to keep a perspective on time as we conduct daily business. Whether we’re a new Airman out of technical school, or a seasoned service member, how we deal with time will affect our workplace positively or negatively. A good leader once told me, “Organizations are never static. They are either getting better or getting worse. The energy you invest into the shop will largely determine which vector we’re on.” It doesn’t matter the length of our assignment, our time in any organization is short and never static. We need to make our time and effort count. On either end of an assignment, we have to inprocess and outprocess. We have to train and learn our job. There’s probably a deployment in there, too. So, how much time do we have to make a difference in our organization? Not much really. So, is your organization getting better or getting worse? If you don’t know the answer to the question, it’s probably getting worse. How are you spending your time? Take a moment to evaluate yourself and determine if you’re using your time wisely. The great thing about working to improve an organization is that you will improve and progress as an individual as well. Keeping a good perspective on time will allow us to invest the energy needed to vector our organization on a path to improvement. If we don’t, before we know it, it will be time to PCS and we’ll look back and wonder what it was exactly that we accomplished. Time flies; we must make it count. During the short time we have in an organization, we have to keep in mind that what we do matters and makes a difference. It makes a difference in the organization as a whole and individually. At any rank, we can set the tone in our workplace and make a difference to our organization and our wingmen. Our time in the military is short. Let’s make it count; we never get this time back. The COMMANDER’S ACTION LINE gives all Airmen, retirees, families and community members a direct link to Brig. Gen. Patrick X. Mordente, 86th Airlift Wing commander. The Action Line can be used to express constructive points of view on the policies and procedures of the base; discuss safety and security issues; and address problems, concerns or suggestions after traditional methods have been exhausted. To submit an Action Line, email 86aw.pa@us.a.f.mil with the subject “Action Line.” Action Line discussions that are deemed beneficial for the community at large will be considered for publication on the Web and the next available edition of the Kaiserslautern American newspaper. The Kaiserslautern American is published by AdvantiPro GmbH, Kaiserslautern, Germany, a private firm in no way connected with the Department of the Air Force or the Department of the Army, under exclusive contract with the 86th Airlift Wing. This commercial enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services overseas. Contents of the KA are not necessarily the official view of, or endorsed by, the U.S. government, Department of Defense or Department of the Air Force. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including insert or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the DOD, the Department of the Air Force or the AdvantiPro GmbH of the products or the services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. Editorial content is based on news releases, features, editorials and reports prepared by Department of Defense, Air Force and Army agencies, KMC military units and geographically separated units. AdvantiPro staff reserves the right to edit all submitted material. Deadlines: • News, feature, school articles and photos – noon Thursday for the following week’s edition • Sports articles and photos – noon Thursday for the following week’s edition • Free (space available) classifieds – noon Tuesday for that same week’s KA AdvantiPro staff encourages reader comments. Send questions, comments, article and photo submissions to: editor@kaiserslauternamerican.com or call AdvantiPro at 0631-3033-5547. To place classified ads please visit www.class-world.eu and for display ads please email ads@kaiserslauternamerican. com or call 0631-30 3355 36. AdvantiPro Editor Sales Team Nicole Pothier Armand Derderian Karin Flick Matthias Gechter Anita Köhler Display Ads Jaqueline Samad Ad Design & Layout Corinna Emser Alexander Pütz Marina Richter Classified Ads Quality Control Printer Isabell Smith Jenny Holdsworth Oggersheimer Druckzentrum November 22, 2013 Kaiserslautern American Page 3 Length of service employees honored Story and photo by Airman 1st Class Jordan Castelan 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs A dedicated workforce of local national and American civilian workers was honored on Ramstein for their impressive feats of longevity and sacrifices to the Air Force. Nearly 100 civilians were honored for their 20 plus years of service with five being recognized for 45 years of contributions. “Today we recognize 20 to 45 years of commitments made to our U.S. armed forces,” said Brig. Gen. Patrick X. Mordente, 86th Airlift Wing commander. “These stellar individuals have devoted vast amounts of their lives to continue to make our world a better place.” Nearly 400 men and women from the KMC and geographically separated units are honored each year for their continued dedicated work for the Air Force. “This is a ceremony the entire KMC can be proud of,” Mordente said. “Having a dedicated and trustworthy civilian workforce is an integral part of keeping Ramstein the Air Force’s premier installation.” Forging ahead with creating international bonds, the Air Force employs more than 12,500 local nationals throughout its force structure. Airmen working in conjunction with local nationals continue to foster cross cultural relations. “The length of service awards are a highly regarded accomplishment in the German culture,” said Mike Henry, 86th Force Support Squadron chief A length of service ceremony to honor members of the American and German civilian workforce who have dedicated 20 to 45 years of life working for the U.S. Air Force was held Nov. 15 on Ramstein. Longevity and dedication to a single employer is a highly regarded accomplishment in the German culture, and nearly 100 American and local national civilians were honored. of training and civilian personnel requirements. “Having an employer acknowledge and appreciate the continued hard work and dedication of our civilian workforce is quite rewarding and helps reinforce the international bonds we build with our employed local nationals.” Through the bonds they have created, civilian Photo illustration by Staff Sgt. Kris Levasseur Innovator of the Month INNOVATOR: Tech. Sgt. Adrian Espinosa, NCOIC of the fuels laboratory UNIT: 86th Logistics Readiness Squadron ACTION: As a team, the fuels flight introduced an initiative to save the flight more than 400 man-hours a year and reduce the cost to Ramstein by approximately $3,000 annually. Espinosa identified four fill stands currently only used for emergency situations but kept fully active. Espinosa devised a plan to “lockout” the excess fill stands and change the sample frequency to ensure system operability. The plan reduced the total annual sample requirement from 48 per year to eight per year, allowing fuels technicians to focus on active missions. employees here have not only adapted to the military lifestyle, but adopted the Air Force culture and values as their own. “The service and dedication of those honored today truly show the characteristics of integrity, excellence and most assuredly service before self,” Mordente said. Page 4 Kaiserslautern American COMPILED BY THE 569TH USFPS AND 86TH SFS NOV. 12 8:37 a.m.: A major traffic accident was reported in Schwedelbach. 10:03 a.m.: Theft from a motor vehicle was reported in Magdeburg. 5:32 p.m.: A major traffic accident with injuries was reported in Weilerbach. NOV. 13 8 a.m.: A burglary and larceny of private property were reported in Kaiserslautern. 6:19 p.m.: A major traffic accident with injuries was reported in Kaiserslautern. 6:45 p.m.: An unattended death was reported in Ramstein-Miesenbach. NOV. 14 6:03 p.m.: A major traffic acci- dent with injuries was reported in Erfenbach. NOV. 15 7:39 a.m.: A major traffic accident was reported in Kaiserslautern. 3:09 p.m.: Child neglect, operating a USAREUR-plated vehicle with an expired license and allowing an individual to operate a USAREUR-plated vehicle with an expired license were reported. 6:52 p.m.: A major traffic accident with injuries was reported in Kaiserslautern. 11:40 p.m.: An assault was reported in Kaiserslautern. NOV. 16 5:15 a.m.: Dishonorably failing to pay a debt was reported near Vogelweh Closures • The Furnishings Management offices on Einsiedlerhof, Vogelweh and Ramstein will close at 11 a.m. today for an official function. Offices will also be closed Thursday and Nov. 29 for Thanksgiving. • The KMC Housing offices will be closed Thursday and Nov. 29 in observance of holidays. Offices will also close at 11:30 a.m. today and Dec. 4 for training/office functions. • The Ramstein Satellite Housing Office will be closed Dec. 5 for a local works council meeting. The housing office on Vogelweh will be open for limited service Dec. 5. Early closure The 86th Vehicle Readiness Squadron’s POV Inspection Center on Kapaun Air Station will only be open from 7 to 11 a.m. Tuesday. NOV. 17 NOV. 18 NOV. 12 » Magdeburg: One cell phone, two debit cards, four credit cards, one Russian certificate of license, one Common Access Card and one meal card. NOV. 13 » Kaiserslautern: One red and black mountain bike. NOV. 18 » Sembach Kaserne: Copper wire and a signal generator. 8:03 a.m.: A major traffic accident with injuries was reported on Landstuhl Post. 1:37 p.m.: Failure to obey an order or regulation was reported on Ramstein. 1:56 p.m.: Larceny of government property was reported on Sembach Kaserne. the area will be maintained, but parking in the area will be impacted significantly. The reconstruction is needed to maintain roadway safety and ride quality and to reduce wear and tear on vehicles. CFC-O campaign ongoing The Combined Federal Campaign-Overseas campaign has been extended until Dec. 6, despite the campaign’s suspension in the continental U.S. The contributions of service members and their families assist people in need throughout the KMC, as well as across the nation. Contact your CFC community area project officer for more information or to make a donation. Typhoon Haiyan Roadway work near the Ramstein West Gate entry control point will continue until Nov. 30. Work consists of the removal of five tire shredders (one at a time in each lane) and replacement with asphalt. The work and road closure will take place from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Mondays through Fridays. The lanes will remain open and construction area will be covered with steel plates to maintain vehicle access while construction is not performed. The reconstruction is needed to maintain roadway safety and ride quality and to reduce wear and tear on vehicles. Repaving parking lot Holiday mail The parking lot near the Ramstein Teen Center, Bldg. 411, will be closed until Dec. 6 for construction. Repair work will be split into phases to limit the impact on users. Access to Reported Larcenies 2:47 a.m.: Disorderly conduct and drunkenness were reported in Kaiserslautern. 5:49 p.m.: An Eagle Eyes report was made in Landstuhl. The American Red Cross has activated its family tracing services. If people are looking for a missing family member in the Philippines, they should remember that many phones lines are down. If people are unable to reach loved ones, they should contact their local chapter to initiate a family tracing case: (24 hours) 1-877-2727337; (Ramstein) 06371-47-2171; (Landstuhl) 06371-86-7298; (Kleber Kaserne) 0631-4118702; (Baumholder) 06783- 61760. People who want to donate to the American Red Cross to support the response for this typhoon can go to redcross.org or call 1-800-REDCROSS. If using a credit card and you have a CMR or PSC address, you may enter Washington, D.C., as your state. Roadwork near west gate Take Note Family Housing. 11:10 a.m.: Drunken driving was reported in Kaiserslautern. November 22, 2013 The 2013 holiday season mailing dates for postal customers assigned to the European theater are: Space available mail — Tuesday BARMENTS • A family member was barred from all U.S. military installations in Europe for use and possession of a controlled substance. • A contractor was barred from all U.S. military installations in Europe for possession of a controlled substance. AADD STATS Nov. 17 — 17 volunteers, 23 lives potentially saved. There are no stats available for Nov. 18. Parcel airlift — Dec. 3 First class/priority mail — Dec. 10 Priority mail express — Dec. 17 Vet clinic holiday hours The Kaiserslautern Veterinary Treatment Facility will be closed on the following days: Wednesday – End of month inventory Thursday and Nov. 29 – Thanksgiving Dec. 20 – KVTF function Dec. 24 and 25 – Christmas Dec. 31 – End of month inventory Jan. 1 – New Year’s Day LRMC seeks volunteers Landstuhl Regional Medical Center is looking for volunteers to assist in its patient administration division for work dealing with medical documentation. Training will be provided. Volunteers who are CPC-A certified may count this volunteer time toward having the apprentice level removed from their coding credentials. Volunteers must be a government ID card holder willing and able to pass a background check and receive a common access card. All volunteers must process through the American Red Cross at LRMC who may be reached at 486-7298 or 06371-86-7298. Interested volunteers can also check out the requirements to become a LRMC volunteer at https://www.facebook.com/LandstuhlARC/ notes. TFSC number changes The Total Force Service Center’s phone number has been changed to DSN 665-0102 or commercial 210-565-0102. The current TFSC DSN (665-5000) and commercial (210-565-5000) is no longer active. November 22, 2013 Kaiserslautern American Page 5 Paying respect on Day of Mourning Photo by Rick Scavetta 3 1 0 2 , 9 Nov. 2 for t u o k Loo r’s this yea liday Ho l a i c e p S Edition! L h out o nh y ear ar L end u l eg yo ow w Follo d Fin Ian Dimmick, a platoon sergeant with the 5th QM Det., conducted wind calculations at various elevations to ensure the safety of both static line and free-fall paratroopers. “Safety is incredibly important in all aspects of the Army, but especially when conducting airborne operations,” Dimmick said. “Knowing the wind speeds at various altitudes determines when and where our jumpers will exit the aircraft. If the wind is blowing too hard, it can also cause us to cancel the jump.” The buses carrying the 5th QM Det. paratroopers arrive at the flightline with each Soldier prepared for the jump. They donned their parachutes and checked each other’s equipment 30 minutes before boarding the plane. Paratroopers conduct regular jumps to refine and reinforce skills, validate training and maintain their combat edge. Each mission blends doctrinal standards, tactics, techniques and procedures with new applications and new circumstances. Some missions end in “stand downs” due to inclement weather or unforeseen developments, while others culminate in highly successful jumps. All missions, however, yield valuable insights, valuable training, experience and lessons learned. All result in better prepared paratroopers and support Soldiers. Each Soldier from the 5th QM Det. conducted all drills and prepared for the jump correctly. However, inclement weather forced the jumpmaster to cancel the airborne operation. “We prepared and did all the training necessary, and all of these Soldiers did everything right,” Dimmick said. “Because of the weather conditions and safety considerations, we had to cancel this jump, but we are always ready to jump again.” o lb lid a e ol rg y se aso a sc te n ho br o l an d o r R it wo ter Spo rkp r lace t RIGGER, from Page 1 Lt. Col. George Brown (right), U.S. Army Garrison Rheinland-Pfalz’s director of emergency services, and Andreas Grawert, the garrison’s deputy fire chief, pay their respects to fallen German soldiers during a Nov. 17 ceremony in Otterbach for “Volkstrauertag,” the people’s day of mourning. Garrison Commander Col. Bryan DeCoster took part in a wreath laying at the cemetery in Kaiserslautern, while Command Sgt. Maj. Kenneth Kraus, the garrison’s senior enlisted leader, took part in a ceremony in Germersheim. The public holiday in Germany commemorates all those who died in armed conflicts. w e ar au to n ho sh hi de th ma w to t i c co or ke SO th ca Ma your ook with Unt wrea h He cho e, wn Adve n s g rk T ge wain on a tour throu amou hom tS ant of f ur Visit the home at yo a to e make a n appearanc Page 6 TRAINING, from Page 1 recover and grow in the face of life’s challenges. That is what Comprehensive Airman Fitness is all about, giving Airmen physical, emotional and psychological stamina to deal with adversity (and) helping them to be more resilient, and our master resilience trainers and training assistants play a critical role in that.” At the beginning of the course, the master resilience trainers discussed a variety of topics, including counting your blessings, balancing your thinking and accomplishing goals. These lessons are focused on providing new perspectives, allowing Airmen to broaden their understanding. Kaiserslautern American “We’re all resilient people in the Air Force, but we don’t start off that way,” said Capt. Eric Brown, master resilience trainer. “Many of us learn these skills as we go through life. The earlier and more often we learn them from other people, the more resilient we will be.” In order to effectively teach resiliency, the students became the teachers during the second half, teaching core lessons to their peers. This allowed them to receive feedback on their teaching style from the master resilience trainers and other students. “This four-day course is a shortened version of the twoweek course that we went through at McGuire,” said Tech. Sgt. James Vest, master resilience trainer. “Our goal is to spread Comprehensive Airman Fitness throughout Ramstein. The more people we teach, the stronger our Air Force will become.” Though the course is condensed, Master Sgt. Bruce Haskin, U.S. Air Forces in Europe and Air Forces Africa NCO Academy director of resources and additional duty first sergeant, noted that the material was extremely valuable and the teaching methods allowed him to exercise the knowledge he gained. “It was great having the chance to teach in front of my peers,” Haskin said. “I got to teach interpersonal problem solving, which helps us to deal and communicate with other people. This is a nec- November 22, 2013 essary skill in building and preserving relationships, both at home, work and with other nations. It has already helped me out in my day-to-day life.” Students were also taught physical resilience, spiritual resilience and good listening. This knowledge not only assists them in remaining resilient, but ensures they have the right training to impact Airmen. “One of the key components Air Force leadership has been focusing on for the last few years is the resiliency of our Airmen,” said Chief Master Sgt. James Morris, 86th AW command chief. “Our Airmen are very resilient, accomplishing the mission every day, but with the tools this resiliency course offers, our front- line leaders can better guide Airmen to make wise decisions when confronted with life’s challenges.” This course is a stepping stone in building a more resilient Air Force. The master resilience trainers are always looking for Airmen to set up and become trainers. Ramstein has five master resilience trainers for the entire base, who not only work with Comprehensive Airman Fitness training but their primary jobs as well. Having RTAs helps spread the resiliency knowledge and build stronger Airmen. For more information on becoming an MRT or RTA, call Jan Devitt, 86th Airlift Wing community support coordinator, at 478-8630. Say ‘thanks’ safely this Thanksgiving by Staff Sgt. Tiffany Burnett 786th Force Support Squadron Thanksgiving is a time to say “thank you,” not “sorry,” “oops” or “ouch,” so this Thanksgiving, keep safety in mind and be thankful for the time with friends and family. Here are some key tips to keep in mind when preparing your turkey for this holiday season. Make sure your turkey is completely defrosted before cooking. Do not attempt to cook a frozen turkey in a deep fryer or oven. Start defrosting the turkey 24 to 48 hours prior to cooking, thawing it in the refrigerator. If you plan to deep fry your turkey, make sure you have adequate space, leaving plenty of room between the fryer and anything else. Have a Class ABC or Class K fire extinguisher for emergencies. Ensure the oil temperature is between 350 and 400 degrees Fahrenheit to ensure the turkey is fully cooked and safe to eat. If you prepare your turkey the traditional way, make sure it is thoroughly cooked and is 165 F at its core. If you plan to travel this holiday season, keep safety in mind and follow these tips: • Always have at least two forms of identification. • If you venture out of Germany, take your passport. In some cases it may not be needed, but it is better to have and not need than need and not have. • Keep an eye on all of your personal belongings. • Do not attract any unneeded attention to yourself. • Always leave an emergency contact number with your supervisor in case you need to be reached, and share Courtesy photo Before enjoying your holiday bird, there are a few steps that should be taken: the turkey should be properly defrosted, proper safety steps should be taken while cooking and the bird should be thoroughly cooked before serving. your travel itinerary with friends and family. This holiday season, leave the acci- dents and mishaps out of it and just enjoy your time. Remember to always keep safety in mind with everything you do. Happy Thanksgiving. German Polizei Corner Avoid pollution, noise in neighborhood During the cold season, some vehicle owners who do not possess their own garage like to idle their engines as a way to clear the windshield of ice and snow without having to scrape and warm up the interior of the vehicle. Doing so creates unnecessary pollution. Idling engines creates noise pollution and releases toxic material into the environment. Additionally, idling is an unauthorized method of warming up vehicle engines, according to German road traffic rules. Disobeying this rule can result in a high fine. The only exceptions to this rule are cabs, which may have idled engines during cold weather. A cold engine emits twice or even three times more toxic material due to the higher number of revolutions. It is also extremely loud. Drivers who prefer a pre-heated vehicle should consider getting a low-emission auxiliary heater. November 22, 2013 Kaiserslautern American Page 7 Dark, chilling night in Germany with Stephen King Story and photo by Airman 1st Class Jordan Castelan 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs A crowd gathered outside during an empty, black, ominous late fall night then filled Ramstein’s Hercules Theater to hear the suspenseful words of author Stephen King. King, notable for writing novels including “Carrie,” “The Shining” and “Misery,” talked about life experiences that inspired him. He also read excerpts from his recently released best-selling novel “Doctor Sleep,” the sequel to his 1977 horror novel “The Shining,” and answered questions from the audience. Q: What made you visit Ramstein? A: I got in touch with the USO and told them I would enjoy spending some time with the military personnel overseas and asked if they would like me to visit. Q: What do you think of your visit so far? A: I love it. I’m amazed by the care they provide at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center and how much they’re able to do for the patients they’re able to bring in. I was able to meet some old friends and make new ones as well. Q: How does it feel to be in Germany with service members? A: It has been terrific. Everyone has been wonderful to me, responsive and very helpful. I got a chance to see all these brave people doing their jobs. It’s great to be able to look out on Ramstein’s runway and see some of the biggest planes I’ve ever seen. Q: Who is your favorite author to read, besides Richard Bachman? A: Well, Richard Bachman is me, so naturally he is my favorite, however I like John Sanford and read a lot of Bentley Little, who writes horror fiction. I also like reading my two sons’ books as well, Joe and Owen King and Owen’s wife, Kelly Braffet. Q: Did you tell any funny bedtime stories to your children when they were younger? A: I like to make fun and used to joke around that I would tell them the version of the “Three Little Bears” where Goldilocks gets eaten. What they really liked was when I made up stories about their favorite superheroes though. Author Stephen King reads from his recently released book “Doctor Sleep,” a sequel to his 1977 horror novel “The Shining,” Nov. 18 on Ramstein. King led a multistop USO tour around the KMC, which included visits to the U.S. Army Garrison substance abuse program, Landstuhl Regional Medical Center and USO Warrior Center and concluded with a public reading and open forum. sometimes I have an idea about who will live and who will die, but as I dive into a story, a lot of times characters I think are going to die find a way to live, but that’s like life. A lot of times people in difficult situations survive against all odds. The book is the boss, I let it evolve and take its own path. Q: If you could go back and rewrite one of your own books from a different perspective, would you change anything about them? A: I’ve gone back to the “Dark Tower” books and rewrote the first of them because they were written over a period of 35 years, and I’ve changed a lot during that period. They really make for one long story, so what people are actually reading is one long draft of a really long novel, and I think they deserve a better polished product than that. Q: Is there anything you would like to add? A: To everyone here at Ramstein and Q: Do you have any rituals when you write a book? A: I wouldn’t call it a ritual, but I usually start my day off the same way. I lay out my two vitamin pills, make a big pot of tea and turn on the music. Q: How do you decide who dies in a book? A: I don’t. They either live or die. When I go into a story LRMC: Keep doing what you’re doing. It’s terrific, and I think it’s a vital part of American defense. I’m amazed by the dedication of all the service members here. Rennes Opera, Rennes, France A mark of true design Baroncelli Elaborate automatic movement, stainless steel case with PVD coating, non-reflecting sapphire crystal, transparent case back, 12 diamonds (0.03 carat), water-resistant up to a pressure of 5 bar (50 m / 165 ft). www.mido.ch Quaalityy | Se ervicce | Connfidencce Die e Go old dscchmie ede BIO-CLEANING 2 PET ODOR REMOVAL €9.90/m + VAT starting from Kaiserstr. 54 a (across from City Hall) • 66849 Landstuhl • Tel.: 06371-61 22 11 Spittelstr. 3 (near Stiftsplatz) • 67655 Kaiserslautern • Tel.: 0631-37 35 60 10 Stephanie Berberich Watcches & hannd-m made Je ewelry Schneiderstraße 13, 67655 Kaiserslautern Ph.: 0631-414 06 54, Fax: 0631-414 06 53 Vat Forms accepted Page 8 Kaiserslautern American November 22, 2013 1st CBCS keeps aircraft on track Photos by Senior Airman Chris Willis, 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs Staff Sgt. Dylan Gaudette, 1st Combat Communications Squadron airfield systems technician, adjusts the monitor antenna. Senior Airman Steven Rogers and Staff Sgts. Jared Ulmer and Dylan Gaudette, 1st Combat Communications Squadron airfield systems technicians, deploy the mobile Tactical Air Navigation System. The 1st CBCS provides bare airfield communications, weather information and navigational support to assist aircraft in navigation and landing. Staff Sgt. Dylan Gaudette, 1st Combat Communications Squadron airfield systems technician, adjusts the deployable Air Traffic Control and Landing Systems mobile navigational aid Nov. 13 on Ramstein. The TACAN system is checked and verified so all the information sent to the aircraft is correct. Senior Airman Steven Rogers and Staff Sgts. Jared Ulmer and Dylan Gaudette, 1st Combat Communications Squadron airfield systems technicians, deploy the mobile Tactical Air Navigation System. The 1st CBCS airfield systems flight participates in annual exercises and missions throughout Europe, Asia and Africa in support of joint operations between multiservice nations. Staff Sgts. Dylan Gaudette and Jared Ulmer, 1st Combat Communications Squadron airfield systems technicians, unload a mobile Tactical Air Navigation System antenna tripod for an upcoming deployment Nov. 13 on Ramstein. November 22, 2013 Kaiserslautern American Page 9 When a fire burns it spreads by Airman 1st Class Jordan Castelan 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs Airmen of the 4th Air Support Operations Group possess many qualities, however one Airman possesses a unique desire to learn, the drive to engage, and a distinguished flame that ignites a passion to pick up and play a wide variety of instruments — and this flame refuses to be extinguished. Tech. Sgt. Clarissa Padilla, 4th ASOG knowledge operations manager, finely tunes her life, passions and work ethics to a note of B flat. “My history with music began in the seventh grade during middle school band,” Padilla said. “My aunts and uncles had gone through the same band class before me; they all had the same teacher, and it influenced me to do the same as well.” For Padilla, the process of continual self-improvement doesn’t end. With the focused energy derived from her musical endeavors, she channels her talent into her personal and professional life. “It enhances my mission capabilities,” Padilla said. “It balances my work and personal life in a positive way; it recharges me, and it takes care of my whole being.” Having charged and ready Airmen pres- ent in the workplace creates a culture focused on balance, which spreads like wildfire. Motivating and encouraging others enhances their effectiveness, helping to develop well-rounded and resilient Airmen. “She’s a spark in the office,” said Master Sgt. Douglas Middendorf, 4th ASOG cyber surety NCOIC. “Sometimes it feels like her attitude is contagious around the shop. She’s a valued member of the team and helps accomplish the mission at hand.” Padilla attributes her success as a musician and an Airman to being able to innovate and explore further options, which led her to where she is now. “Success is part of an environment,” Padilla said. “Access to different instruments and a teacher who would allow me to explore is no different than a mentor in the workplace. It never hurt to ask to see if I could play another instrument and continue to better myself.” Priming for success requires many elements to fall into place. Fires don’t begin to burn by themselves, and people don’t spontaneously learn a new instrument or help foster a better atmosphere. Repeating successes requires Airmen learning, engaging and taking a passion in what they stand for. Courtesy photo Tech. Sgt. Clarissa Padilla, 4th Air Support Operations Group knowledge operations manager, plays a percussion instrument in a local band. Padilla discovered her love for music during middle school and channeled the positive energy she has found from it into her personal and professional self-development. Page 10 Kaiserslautern American November 22, 2013 November 22, 2013 Kaiserslautern American Page 11 This Week in History Nov 17, 1777 — Congress submits the Articles of Confederation to the states for ratification. The Articles had been signed by Congress two days earlier, after 16 months of debate. Bickering over land claims between Virginia and Maryland delayed final ratification for almost four more years. Maryland became the last state to approve the Articles on March 1, 1781, affirming them as the outline of the official government of the United States. The nation was guided by the document until the implementation of the current U.S. Constitution in 1789. Nov 19, 1863 — At the dedication of a military cemetery at Gettysburg, Pa., during the American Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln delivers one of the most memorable speeches in American history. In just 272 words, Lincoln brilliantly and movingly reminded a war-weary public why the Union had to fight, and win, the Civil War. Nov 22, 1963 — President John F. Kennedy is shot and killed as his motorcade drives through Dealey Plaza in Dallas. Kennedy’s suspected assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, was believed to have used a mail-order rifle in order to shoot the president from the sixth story window of the Texas School Book Depository. AFI 36-2903 6.3.1,3 states jewelry will be plain and conservative (moderate, being within reasonable limits; not excessive or extreme) as determined by the local commander. NOT AUTHORIZED AUTHORIZED Watches must be conservative and only one can be worn around the wrist while in uniform, PTU or civilian attire in an official capacity. Conservative examples (not all inclusive) are solid color black, brown, silver or gold. Prohibited examples are diamond covered, neon, bright colors and bands that exceed 1-inch in width. Learn German! Train station Bahnhof es What time do e? the train leav Wann fährt der Zug? What station is this? nhof Welcher Bah ist das? xt What’s the ne station? ie Welches ist d ion? nächste Stat ain Does this tr stop at …? ug Hält dieser Z in …? change Do I need to trains? Muss ich umsteigen? Recipe of the Week: Perfect roast turkey INGREDIENTS: 1/4 pound (1 stick) unsalted butter 1 lemon, zested and juiced 1 teaspoon chopped fresh thyme leaves 1 fresh turkey (10 to 12 pounds) Kosher salt Freshly ground black pepper 1 large bunch fresh thyme 1 whole lemon, halved 1 Spanish onion, quartered 1 head garlic, halved crosswise DIRECTIONS: • Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. • Melt the butter in a small saucepan. Add the zest and juice of the lemon and 1 teaspoon of thyme leaves to the butter mixture. Set aside. • Take the giblets out of the turkey and wash the turkey inside and out. Remove any excess fat and leftover pinfeathers and pat the outside dry. Place the turkey in a large roasting pan. Liberally salt and pepper the inside of the turkey cavity. Stuff the cavity with the bunch of thyme, halved lemon, quartered onion, and the garlic. Brush the outside of the turkey with the butter mixture and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Tie the legs together with string and tuck the wing tips under the body of the turkey. • Roast the turkey about 2 1/2 hours, or until the juices run clear when you cut between the leg and the thigh. Remove the turkey to a cutting board and cover with aluminum foil; let rest for 20 minutes. Slice and serve. Courtesy recipe and photo Page 12 Kaiserslautern American November 22, 2013 Air Force, Airmen growing through diversity Story and photo by Senior Airman Damon Kasberg 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs F rom a distance, service members can be hard to distinguish. They wear identical uniforms, have similar haircuts and are all held to the same set of rules and standards, but the Department of Defense recognizes the diversity among service members and civilian employees during monthlong heritage observations. November is designated as National Native American Heritage Month to acknowledge their contributions and accomplishments. “The DOD is really committed to celebrating all sorts of diversity — race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation,” said Joe Sarcinella, the DOD’s senior adviser and liaison for Native American affairs, in a previous interview. “I really feel they’re leading the charge, and November just happens to be the time of the year when we can focus on Native Americans.” First Lt. Delilah Chinana’s culture from the Pueblo of Jemez in New Mexico differs from most Americans, but Chinana, a 521st Air Mobility Operations Wing contract airlift and terminal ops chief, said it’s something she holds dear and hopes others look to her as a model of what they can accomplish. “Being Native American means a lot to me,” Chinana said. “It means I have a culture my family has kept intact. The traditions they’re teaching me is something they learned from their grandparents and something I can teach my children in the future. “I think I set an example for the First Lt. Delilah Chinana, 521st Air Mobility Operations Wing contract airlift and terminal ops chief, responds to emails Nov. 14 regarding airline contracts as part of her job to ensure Airmen and their family members fly in clean and safe aircraft. Chinana is Walatowa from the Pueblo of Jemez in New Mexico. She is one of many Native Americans currently serving in the Air Force. younger generation back home,” she continued. “I hope they see the Air Force as an opportunity to experience new things. People tend to be afraid when they don’t know what’s out there. Maybe seeing someone like me will give them that boost.” Since joining the Air Force, Chinana has experienced different cultures and shared her culture with others around the world. “It is interesting to learn how my culture is similar or different to the places I have visited,” she said. “The culture in Japan is so beautiful, and it Native American Heritage Month Photo by Rick Scavetta Col. Bryan DeCoster (left), commander of U.S. Army Garrison Rheinland-Pfalz, dances with community members, including Capt. Phillip Castillo from New Mexico’s Pueblo tribe and Castillo’s daughters, Lia and Madeline. Sandra Namingha (right) and her husband, Lindbergh, taught the community traditional Native American dancing and songs during the National Native American Heritage Month event Nov. 15 at the Kazabra Club on Vogelweh. was amazing to find out they had celebrations for things similar to what my family has; even types of food were similar to our traditional dishes. It is an amazing experience to have with people from another world to find out how different yet similar we are. Likewise, they were also interested to meet someone of my heritage. Most people don’t know we still exist.” Native Americans have had a profound impact in the history of the U.S. military and continue that tradition to this day. “The Navajo code talkers is what stands out to me when I think about Native Americans that have made big differences in the military,” Chinana said. “Also, one of the Marines that raised the flag on Iwo Jima during World War II was Native American. Within my family, serving is a big deal. My dad retired after 24 years of service in the Army and he’s the reason I joined.” In her uniform Chinana may look like every other Airman, but deeper inside is an individual with a rich heritage, and she is a vital member of the Air Force. November 22, 2013 Kaiserslautern American Page 13 GACO welcomes 30,000th customer Nation Office employee. “We are happy being able to help and finding solutions to problems.” Germans contact GACO about problems they The German-American Community Office are having with American residents, such as recently welcomed customer No. 30,000. Spc. unpaid bills and barking dogs. Some Germans Evral Graham of the 230th Military Police are interested in getting involved in GermanCompany at Sembach Kaserne visited GACO American activities, fostering friendship or in Kaiserslautern to inquire about the German finding out how to obtain a contract with the “Kindergeld,” or child allowance. Little did he U.S. government. know, he would be greeted not only with the The GACO staff also refers customers to the information he was inquiring about, but recogcorrect places when they are doing genealogical nized as a milestone customer for GACO. research and want to find out about their German “When I went there, I was just expecting to forefathers. get the help I needed and then be on my way, but Weekly USO newcomers’ orientation tours, before I could leave, I was told ‘Congratulations, which are mandatory for Army members, stop you’re customer No. 30,000, and we have been at the office where newly arrived Americans Photo courtesy of the U.S. Air Force waiting for you all day,’” Graham said. As a have the chance to ask questions on the spot. token, he was presented with a gift bag contain- The German American Community Office on Lauterstrasse 2 in Kaisers- The Ramstein Airman & Family Readiness lautern provides support to Americans and Germans. ing various GACO items. Center offers biweekly newcomers’ trips to Graham first heard about the GACO during a Airlift Wing host nation advisers and a relation Kaiserslautern. newcomers’ tour seven months ago. Shortly after, consultant hired by the city. American customers “We give newcomers a lot of ideas for leisure and he needed GACO’s assistance. mainly need assistance with German documents recreation activities so they get to know the area and “I was provided great services, and this time and authorities and have questions regarding host won’t be afraid of going places,” Gannon said. again I figured they were the go-to guys.” nation policies and regulations. Customers often GACO is located on Lauterstrasse 2 (Rathaus GACO is co-sponsored by the KMC and the City need information about the disposal of trash off- Nord) in Kaiserslautern, across from the city hall. of Kaiserslautern and opened its doors Feb. 19, 2003. base, drivers’ licenses for U.S. civilians, retirement Opening hours are from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday, It was established to provide service to Americans, in Germany, and marriage between Americans and Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, and 2 to 6 p.m. both military and civilian, and Germans having foreign nationals, among other things. Thursday. The staff can be reached by calling 0631problems or questions with German-American mat“Americans should not hesitate to contact us if 363-3010, emailing info@gaco-kl.de or visiting ters. The bilingual staff at GACO consists of 86th they have problems,” said Mike Gannon, 86th Host www.gaco-kl.de. by Petra Lessoing 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs CMSAF launches worldwide CHIEFchat, answers questions from force by Airman 1st Class Alexander W. Riedel Air Force News Service FORT GEORGE G. MEADE, Md. — Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force James A. Cody shared his perspective on the past, present and future of the Air Force with Airmen, Air Force civilians and their families Nov. 12 during a worldwide CHIEFchat session at the headquarters of the Defense Media Activity here. Reduction in force and readiness in the light of continued budgetary constraints were at the center of attention as the 17th chief master sergeant of the Air Force addressed a live studio audience and others joining the discussion via social media and video messages. Airmen via social media asked the chief to share his vision of the Air Force in the next decades. Cody answered that while he could not have predicted the development of the Air Force in his 29 years of service, leaders will continue to plan for the Photo by Master Sgt. Lee Hoover Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force James A. Cody speaks to Airmen during a worldwide CHIEFchat Nov. 12 at the Defense Media Activity at Fort George G. Meade, Md. During the meeting, Airmen submitted questions to the chief through social media, prerecorded video submissions and live in the studio. demands of an uncertain future. “Whatever our nation requires us to do in the future,” he said. “I’m extremely confident that we will be an extremely capable Air Force, capable of doing what our nation needs us to do.” Cody then took a video message from Aviano Air Base, Italy, asking whether increased workload and additional duties could decrease Airmen’s focus on core tasks. Cody acknowledged that impacts of fiscal limitations will be felt throughout the ranks, but said he remains confident in the effectiveness and professionalism of Airmen. “I absolutely don’t think Airmen will lose focus of their primary duties,” Cody said. “Our Airmen know what their job is; they’re very focused on it and perform their duties exceptionally well.” Cody also highlighted the value of face-to-face communications in the electronic age. While social media allows for messages to be related quickly, Cody encouraged Airmen to maintain personal connections. “We run a great risk when we rely too heavily on social media,” he said. “It does concern me when we are losing the human connection as Airmen. I think we have to find a balance, and that balance is how do we remain connected with each other … and at the same time take advantage of all the tools that are out there to keep Airmen and their families informed.” Airman 1st Class Miles Wilson, a public affairs student with the Defense Information School here, said he appreciated the chief’s direct approach to communication. “Hearing from somebody in his position helps me see what’s going on in the Air Force at large,” Wilson said. “The chief has nearly three decades of experience. He has seen a lot happen and hearing his perspective was very useful.” Later in his talk, Cody opened the floor for questions from Airmen, who used the opportunity to question their service’s top enlisted leader about the potential impact of budget cuts to Air Force families. Citing unprecedented growth of benefits and entitlements in the last decade, Cody said cutbacks will have to be expected. “We are trying to work through that,” he said. “The end result is we’re going to have to reduce the size of the force — to a significant degree, potentially,” he said. “With that, we’re going to have to make sure our Airmen understand that our people are See QUESTIONS, Page 14 Page 14 Kaiserslautern American A Christian fellowship that gathers to study God’s word verse by verse so we can know, glorify and serve Christ. Teaching the village, reaching the world! We meet Sundays at 11 a.m. For more info call 06371-616793 or visit our website www.CCK-Town.org Industriestr. 50 66862 Kindsbach QUESTIONS, from Page 13 still our No. 1 asset. But we’re going to have to adjust.” Cody took a question from the web dealing with sexual assault, and made it clear that prevention is the responsibility of every Airman. “We should all be extremely outraged that this crime takes place in our Air Force,” he said. “The only way to fully get after this is that we all understand that it is a problem and we all take responsibility for preventing it in the future.” Cody mentioned the successful implementation of special victims counsels, which provide expedited and personalized victim advocacy and November 22, 2013 support to victims of sexual assault. Air Force leaders, he said, are committed to increase understanding of victim needs and are working with military and civilian experts to improve recovery and long-term care in the future. “One victim is too many and because of that we will continue working on this,” the chief said. “Ultimately, we will care for the victim to the best of our ability and will absolutely hold those that commit these crimes to the highest degree of accountability.” The final question focused on the chief’s tips to Airmen on making the Air Force a career. Besides the steady pursuit of excellence, Cody said that owning the mission is essential. “Even as our Air Force is getting smaller, we still have a lot of Airmen in our Air Force,” he continued. “What we really want is a lot of Air Force in all our Airmen. And if you think of the Air Force and yourself as one, your whole perspective changes.” CHIEFchat is a recurring initiative, designed to give Airmen around the world a direct connection to the chief master sergeant of the Air Force. Watch the full-length talk at www.youtube.com/ watch?v=B1S6qUN3ADU& feature=youtu.be. Airmen can join the conversation with the chief master sergeant of the Air Force by following him on Facebook at www. facebook.com/cmsafcody. AF provides tools to reach higher by Senior Airman Damon Kasberg 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs Air Force and Army Chapel Schedule Protestant Services POC for Miesau, Landstuhl and Daenner is the USAG-K Chaplains Office in Bldg. 2919 on Pulaski Barracks. DSN 493-4098, civ. 0631-3406-4098 Miesau Chapel (Bldg. 3175) Seventh-Day Adventist Worship Sabbath School: 9:30 a.m. Saturdays Spanish Sabbath School: 9:30 a.m. Saturdays Worship: 11 a.m. Saturdays Small Group: 6-7 p.m. Tuesdays Landstuhl Community Chapel (Bldg. 3773) Worship: 11 a.m. Sundays Children’s Youth Church: 11 a.m. Sundays Daenner Community Chapel (Bldg. 3150) Chapel Next Worship Worship: 10 a.m. Sundays Children’s Church: 10:30 a.m. Sundays Ramstein North Chapel (DSN 480-6148, civ. 06371-47-6148) Contemporary Service: 11 a.m. Sundays Ramstein South Chapel (DSN 480-5753, civ. 06371-47-5753) Liturgical Services: 9 a.m. Sundays Liturgical Sunday School: 11 a.m. Sundays Traditional Service: 11 a.m. Sundays Vogelweh Chapel (DSN 489-6859, civ. 0631-536-6859) Gospel Service: 11 a.m. Sundays. Protestant education classes are available for all ages at Vogelweh, Ramstein, Landstuhl and Daenner. For information, call DSN 480-2499/489-6743 or civ. 06371-47-2499/0631-536-6743. Catholic Services Daenner Community Chapel (Bldg. 3150) St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Congregation Daily Mass: 11:45 a.m. Monday and Wed-Frid Religious Education (grades K-8): 11 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Sundays Confession: 11:45 a.m. Sundays Sunday Mass: 12:30 p.m. Landstuhl Community Chapel (Bldg. 3773) Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Congregation Daily Mass: noon Monday-Friday Religious Education (following Mass) Confession: 8:15-8:45 a.m. Sundays À Sunday Mass 9 a.m. Ramstein North Chapel (DSN 480-6148, civ. 06371-47-6148) Daily Mass: 11:30 a.m. Monday-Friday Sunday Mass: 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Confession 4-4:45 p.m. Sundays Vogelweh Chapel (DSN 489-6859, civ. 0631-536-6859) Confession: 4-4:45 p.m. Saturday Mass: 5 p.m. Jewish Religious Services Ramstein South Chapel Synagogue (DSN 480-5753, civ. 06371-47-5753) Shabbat Evening Service: 7 p.m. Fridays Islamic Services Ramstein South Chapel Mosque (480-5753) Jumu’ah Prayer, 1:30 p.m. For religious education and daily prayers, check the prayer schedule Orthodox Christian Kapaun Chapel (DSN 489-6859, civ. 0631-536-6859) Divine Liturgy: 9 a.m. Sundays Confessions by appointment Youth Group Kaiserslautern Youth of the Chapel (Religious Youth Center, Pulaski Bks., Bldg. 2869) “Plugged In” Middle School Youth Group: 2-4 p.m. Sundays Café Dinner (for students and their families): 4:15-5:15 p.m. Sundays “The Rock” High School Youth Group: 5:30-7:30 p.m. Sundays More information: www.kmcyouth.com Episcopal (St. Albans) 10:30 a.m. Sundays, Kapaun Chapel Korean Service 1 p.m. Sundays, Ramstein South Chapel Unitarian Universalist Service, 1:30 p.m. second and fourth Sundays (Sept.-May), Kapaun Chapel Wiccan 7 p.m. first and third Saturdays, Kapaun Annex Confessional Lutheran (WELS) 4 p.m. second and fourth Sundays, Ramstein South Chapel From the first time people open their eyes they are always learning. Growing up, parents, teachers, coaches and many other people have stressed the importance of education, but in some circumstances, such as being an Airman, people need to be educated on how to get an education. That’s why the 86th Force Support Squadron Education Office offers many opportunities to continue an educational journey, while continuing to serve. “Military tuition assistance through the Air Force will fund your Community College of the Air Force degree, bachelor’s degree, master’s degree and a one-time certification,” said Pamela Fiorito, 86th Force Support Squadron education services specialist. “Depending on an Airman’s level of education when they enter the Air Force, they can take advantage of many different programs based on their desires.” The education office provides many tools for Airmen who want to take the first steps toward earning their degree, even if they’re unsure what it is they want to study. “We offer advice to Airmen on how they can take advantage of their military benefits, as well as their GI Bill,” Fiorito said. “We can help with college searches, program searches, we have on base schools and we can help with career guidance tools.” While the necessary people and tools are at the education office in order for Airmen to obtain their degree, many young Airmen don’t seek them out for similar reasons. “The majority of people don’t pursue their CCAF, because they don’t think they have the time or they’re scared of the unknown,” Fiorito said. “We tell supervisors who have earned their CCAF degree to encourage their Airmen to do the same. It’s a lot Courtesy photo easier when you have someone you know, who has their degree guiding you through the process. “As far as time, it’s all about priority,” she continued. “How important is a college education to you? If it’s your goal, you’ll find time.” Whether Airmen decide to make the Air Force a career or not, the importance of education always remains. “Education is what broadens our perspective and enhances our abilities to perform our mission,” said Mark Rix, 86th FSS education and training chief. “Whether it’s in the military or not, education represents possibility, having that education opens more doors. You don’t want to miss an opportunity, because you didn’t seek out education.” For more information on the education office, call 480-2032 or visit the Ramstein Education Office in Bldg. 2120, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday. November 22, 2013 Kaiserslautern American Page 15 Donate to needy families through Angel Tree Photo by Airman 1st Class Jordan Castelan Senior Master Sgt. Joseph Wheeler, 721st Aerial Port Squadron first sergeant, prepares to lift Kaity Hart to crown the Angel Tree Nov. 14 on Ramstein. The Angel Tree provides an opportunity for KMC members to donate to families who are undergoing rough times during the holiday season. Landstuhl Christian Church RAMSTEIN God made so many different kinds of people. Why would he allow only one way to serve him? Kaiserstr. 66 • 06371-62988 Sunday Worship 11 AM Martin Buber CHURCH OF CHRIST Sunday Bible Class 10 a.m. Sunday Worship 11 a.m. Wednesday Bible Class 7 p.m. /DQGVWXKOHU6WUDH5DPVWHLQ9LOODJH Tel: 06371-1806299 or 0151-57727850 www.ramst-churchofchrist.com Kaiserslautern Evangelical 8:30 am Worship & Holy Communion Children’s Church available Keeping it real, relational and relevant In God we trust! Episcopal Services HOLY EUCHARIST KAISERSLAUTERN Sundays 10:30 Kapaun Chapel For more information please call 480-6148 or 06372-3163 Sunday Worship Gatherings at 9 & 11 a.m. Lutheran Church Meeting in Ev.-Luth. St. Michaelis Church, Karpfenstr. 7, 67655 Kaiserslautern E-mail: kaiserslautern@selk.de or call 0631-64327 for directions. Scott Morrison, Pastor www.KELC.eu St. Alban's Military Community August-Süssdorf Strasse 8 Ramstein-Miesenbach 06371- 407 808 info@frontlinecommunity.org www.frontlinecommunity.org CHURCH OF CHRIST www.ktowncoc.org The closer you come to Jesus, the farther you leave the regrets! Sun: 10 am, 11 am and 6 pm Wed: 7 pm Mühlstrasse 34 67659 Kaiserslautern Tel. 06 31 - 36 18 59 92 Tel. 06 371 - 46 75 16 Page 16 Kaiserslautern American November 22, 2013 Baumholder BOSS Soldiers help German children with English Story and photo by Bernd “Bernie” Mai U.S. Army Garrison Baumholder Public Affairs “This is the music room,” said young Emilian Lindemann in his best English to the American guests. The second-grader and his classmates at Göttschied Elementary School were showing three U.S. Soldiers their school. The Soldiers, all members of Baumholder’s Better Opportunities for Single Service Members program, were visiting the school to help the German students practice their English. BOSS President Spc. Katarus Moore and Nicole Bier, principal of the Göttschied Elementary School, laid the groundwork for this visit during the weekly German-American Stammtisch in Baumholder. The Stammtisch is a weekly informal social gathering where people come together to talk, socialize and sometimes come up with ideas like this one. Bier and her colleagues, along with the parentteacher committee, took care of all the necessary arrangements at the school. The Soldiers now plan to visit once a month to help the students practice their English. One aspect of this unique program is that “the use of a foreign language, English in this case, in real situations promotes successful learning,” Bier said. The students were not the only ones excited about the visit. Moore, Spc. William Franklin, and Spc. William Whitt were also curious about what lay in store. “I am wondering how the students will react to our visit,” Moore said. A chorus of “good morning” echoed through the classroom when the principal introduced the Soldiers to the second graders. The students then introduced themselves personally to their American guests. The young Soldiers were impressed with the openness of the students. “There is absolutely no fear of contact,” said Whitt as the three Soldiers interacted with students SKIESUnlimited: music recital in the fourth grade sports class. Sarah Ferger, the lead sports teacher, assigned the Soldiers to different groups. Together with the children, they had to accomplish various gymnastic tasks. Swinging on parallel bars, a handstand against the wall - they participated in everything. The Soldiers and students had a lot of fun. Ferger said it was “great how the students explained their tasks to the Americans.” Unfortunately, the Soldiers couldn’t visit every class, but Moore promised this shall change when they visit again in December. “I will try to bring an American guest for each class,” Moore told the teachers during a break. The school consists of seven classes. The uniqueness of this visit came to light when three students showed up at the teacher’s lounge during the break. The three girls requested the Soldiers also visit their classrooms. “The first visit was super. Our students showed great participation,” said Bier as everyone bid the Soldiers farewell. Before leaving, Moore promised in his best German, “We will come again.” Education Notes Come view the SKIESUnlimited music recital at 4 p.m. Sunday at the Kaiserslautern Community Activity Center, Bldg. 3109 on Daenner Kaserne. Enjoy piano and violin performances. For more information, contact the Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation One Stop Shop, Bldg. 3810 on Landstuhl Post, or Parent Central Services, Bldg. 2898 on Pulaski Barracks, by calling 4934516/4122 or 0631-3406-4516/4122. Winter sports registration Registration for Child, Youth and School Services winter sports is open until Dec. 6. Basketball, for ages 5 to 15, costs $55. Cheerleading, for ages 5 to 15, costs $55. Wrestling, for ages 6 to 14, costs $60. Register online at webtrac.mwr.army.mil. For more information, contact Parent Central Services, Bldg. 2898 on Pulaski Barracks, or the One Stop Shop, Bldg. 3810 on Landstuhl Post. Daytime Bambino Basketball During sports class, fourth-graders from the elementary school in Göttschied, Germany, near Baumholder, explain the task that needs to be accomplished to their U.S. team member, Spc. William Whitt, a member of Baumholder’s Better Opportunities for Single Service Members program. Registration for Daytime Bambino Basketball takes place until Dec. 6. START SMART Basketball’s goal is to teach each child the motor skills necessary to eventually play basketball. The course will utilize positive reinforcement, fun activities and exciting equipment on a one-on-one basis with the parent led by a staff member. For ages 3 to 4. Cost is $20 for six 45-minute sessions. Register online at webtrac.mwr.army.mil. For more information, contact Parent Central Services, Bldg. 2898 on Pulaski Barracks, or the One Stop Shop, Bldg. 3810 on Landstuhl Post. Celebration of the Season at RHS A Celebration of the Season with the Concert Winds and Varsity Band will be held at 7 p.m. Dec. 11 in the Ramstein High School gymnatorium. Join us for seasonal favorites, classics and new wind music. Admission is free and the public is invited. For more information, contact Jeff Pellaton at jeff.pellaton@eu.dodea.edu or 480-6952. Story time at the library Join the Rheinland-Pfalz Main Library at Landstuhl at 10:30 a.m. every Wednesday for story time. Introduce children to books and reading. Librarians and volunteers read stories to match the ages and attention spans of the children attending. Parents learn how to foster early literacy skills to prepare their children to learn to read. Librarians answer questions about books and library services and teach parents how to interest their children in books. Story time is for children ages 2 to 5. No sign-up required. Enjoy stories, music and crafts. The Rheinland-Pfalz Main Library is located in Bldg. 3810. For details, call 486-7322 or 06371-86-7322. Big Band Jazz for Dessert Ramstein High School hosts Big Band Jazz for Dessert at 7 p.m. Dec. 5 in the RHS great hall. The evening will feature the RHS Jazz Limited and special guest artist Staff Sgt. Alex Nikiforoff, guitarist for the U.S. Air Forces in Europe and Air Forces Africa Band. Admission is free. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and dessert will be served. For details, contact Jeff Pellaton at jeff.pellaton@eu.dodea.edu or 480-6952. November 22, 2013 Kaiserslautern American Need space? Page 17 UNLIMITED, phowtiotsh FREE PRIVATE CLASSIFIED ADS Don’t forget to like us! • Available 24/7 • Online & printed in your military newspaper Your classified ad portal! www.class-world.com KA Holiday Edition SEE NEXT WEEK’S NEWSPAPER! Look L oo ok ko out utt ffor u orr o our ur ANNUAL ANNUAL H HO HOLIDAY OLID DAY S SC SCAVENGER CAVE EN NGER HUNT HUNT and tthe a he g great reeat att prizes prizes donated donat d onatted b by: y: It’s easy to win! Just count the numbers of elves in next week’s Special Edition! Then, email that number to specialedition@advantipro.de. SEE S EE NEXT NEXT W WEEK’S EEK’S K KA A FOR MORE DETAILS! F *ID cardholders only. AdvantiPro employees and associates are ineligible. Page 18 Kaiserslautern American November 22, 2013 Send us your VACATION photos Your submission must include the name of the photographer, the date of the photo, first and last names of those in the photo, and location. Make sure all photos are high resolution; only high resolution photos will be considered. Write “Destinations” in the email subject line. Email your submission to the editor at editor@kaiserslauternamerican.com. Courtesy photo Ladies from the Ramstein Runners get together for a pre-race picture Oct. 20 before conquering the Fisherman’s Friend Strongman Run in Luxembourg. The race consisted of 25 km and 29 obstacles. Pictured are: (top row) Amanda Groff, Krista Ludwigsen, Suzy McClendon, Kristine Santiago, Nadine Talkie, Tracey Hoffman, Alli Sullivan, Cynthia Bernat, (bottom row) Gwendolyn Musser, Sandra Macdonald and Angie Borum. Photo by Cornelius Stephens Justin Davis poses for a photo in Puerto Rico, Canary Islands. Photo by Holly T. Row, Reena and Zayne Rivera pose for a photo Sept. 24 in Olympia, Greece. Courtesy photo Photo by Elizabeth Goodner Samantha, Kittana and Cassandra Moore pose for a photo at the “Waschtreppe,’’a local, historic site in Matzenbach, Germany. William Goodner poses for a photo Oct. 12 while snorkeling in Rijeka, Croatia, during a submarine tour. November 22, 2013 Kaiserslautern American Page 19 Introducing NEW Local Businesses DE BELGIAN BISTRO www.debelgianbistro.com The Belgian flag has never flown more proudly than at the Belgian Bistro in Weilerbach. The proud owner is Guido Denis and his wife Michaela Bauer. With his friendly staff Blagomir Ilrev and Romy Landwehr, he has created a bar and bistro like no other. If great atmosphere, burgers to die for and 180 different Belgian beers doesn’t do it for you, nothing will. December brings a guest chef from Spain, party rooms for any occasion and their one year anniversary celebration with live music from “7661” on Dec. 6. In addition, Guido and his wife have sponsored the KMC Eagles Hockey Team and they offer the Hash House Harriers a place to hang their hat. You should definitely consider hanging your hat here too! Enjoy. Hours: Sun, Mon (4:00 pm - 11:00 pm), Closed Tue, Wed - Sat (4:00 pm - 11:00 pm) Danzigerstr. 10 • 67685 Weilerbach • 06374 - 9458512 Rechtsanwälte Lehné, Weis & Jahnke Success requires qualified advice! Herr Lehné and his law firm Lehné, Weis and Jahnke have been representing American clients for over 20 years. The firm has offices in Kaiserslautern, Ramstein and Landstuhl specializing in traffic law, real estate law and family law, and they are able to offer the highest level of professional advice. To ensure the quality of their work remains current, they are dedicated to continuous training in their fields of expertise. Herr Lehné specializes in accident and traffic law. Most Americans are not aware that if you have an accident in Germany, and you are not guilty, the lawyer is free! In this case, you may always call for an appointment to ensure your rights are protected. Herr Lehne welcomes you to his law firm and promises a competent and reliable service. Am Neuen Markt 7 • 66877 Ramstein • 06371 - 57000 PARTY SCHEIDT www.partyservice-scheidt.de Whether you are hungry for a buffet meal or you need a party room for 15-500 people, Rüdiger Scheidt in Ramstein is the place to go! For the last 25 years they have served over 10,000 guests every year. You can choose to just rent their party room or have a full-service catered event. The food is not only fresh but beautifully and creatively displayed for you and your guests. In addition to their party service, they have a cozy bistro and butcher shop.They offer daily and weekly specials and be sure not to miss their Thursday All You Can Eat lunch buffet. Their ever so popular Sunday Brunch is a real hit so make sure to make a reservation for that one. Also keep an eye out for their ‘themed buffets’ throughout the year including Christmas, Easter, Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day. August-Süßdorf-Straße 3 • 66887 Ramstein • 06371 - 2967 This advertisement service is proudly brought to you by publisher of your KA Page 20 Kaiserslautern American November 22, 2013 November 2013 Mark Your Calendar Events » Armstrong’s Club hosts Karaoke Night from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. today in Bldg. 1036 on Vogelweh Housing. For more information, call 0631-354-9986. » The Kaiserslautern Landstuhl Spouses Association hosts a Twenties Evening at 6:30 p.m. today at Am Rathaus, Burgherrenstrasse 99, Kaiserslautern. Twenties attire is encouraged. Bring money to bid on new, used, repurposed, reinvented and priceless items. There will also be a vote for the 2014 KLSA board during the event. For an invitation, email klsareservations@hotmail.com. » Armstrong’s Club hosts House Party from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. Nov. 29 in Bldg. 1036 on Vogelweh Housing. Dance to hit music delivered straight to you from a life DJ. No cover charge. Open to anyone ages 18 and up. For more information, call 0631-354-9986. » The German-American and International Women’s Club Kaiserslautern is looking for donations for its annual Pfennig Bazaar scheduled to take place in March. Clean clothes, household goods, toys, books, appliances and music media are needed. Mattresses, furniture, skis, ski boots, suitcases, curtains and large items won’t be accepted. Drop-off location is on Hackstrasse in Kaiserslautern. Drop-off times are from 9 a.m. to noon Dec. 20 and 21, Jan. 3, 4, 17 and 18, and Feb. 7, 8, 21 and 22. For more information, call Martina Anctil at 0157-73408463 or visit www.gaiwc.com. » Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation is hosting a Thanksgiving Dinner from noon to 5 p.m. Thursday at the Sembach Community Activity Center, Bldg. 220 on Sembach Kaserne. Enjoy a salad bar, turkey, ham, pumpkin soup, corn bread, cranberry sauce and much more, plus football on the big screen. Cost is $16 per adult and $10 for children 3 to 12 years old. BOSS service members are free. BOSS service members can receive their free ticket at the door, or by contacting their unit BOSS representative or the BOSS office at 493-4469 or 0631-3406-4469. No reservations are necessary. Community members may pay at the door. For details, call 493-5180 or 0631-3406-5180. » The 2013 Army Digital Photography Contest is open to active-duty Soldiers, families, retirees and civilians. Submission dates are until Nov. 30. Complete entry form and submit photos online by visiting http://apps.imcom.army.mil/ apptracmain. For additional information and categories, contact the Kaiserslautern Arts and Crafts Center, Bldg. 3109 on Daenner Kaserne, at 483-6509 or 0631-411-6509. » Finish off your holiday gift list at the Last Minute Bazaar from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Dec. 2 to 5 at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center’s Heaton Hall Auditorium, located inside LRMC in Room 112. With crystal, Polish pottery, children’s toys, Dutch cheese and Belgian chocolate, soaps, tapestries, jewelry and more, there is bound to be enough goodies to complete that gift list. Open to U.S. ID cardholders. For more information, call 493-4184 or 0631-3406-4184. » Help bring a smile to a child’s face this holiday season by donating new, unwrapped toys until Dec. 8 in the Better Opportunities for Single Service Members toy boxes that will be set up around the KMC. Eligible families are identified through the units or based on enrollment in the Free or Reduced Lunch and Bright Eyes programs. By donating, you can assist with providing free toys to eligible families within the U.S. Army Garrison Rheinland-Pfalz community. For details, contact BOSS at 493-4469 or 0631-34064469. » KMC Onstage theater will hold open auditions for “The Diary of Anne Frank,” by Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett, newly adapted by Wendy Kesselman, at 7 p.m. Dec. 17 and 18 at KMC Onstage, Bldg. 3232 on Kleber Kaserne. Need: Five males (ages mid-teen and up) and five female (ages early teen and up). Auditions are open to everyone and no previous experience is required. Material will be available to check out in advance. Performance dates are from Feb. 21 to March 9. For more information, call 483-6626 or 0631-411-6626. » KMC Onstage presents Rodgers and Hammerstein’s “Cinderella” from Dec. 23 to Jan. 19. Reservations can be made on Webtrac, by calling 483-6626 or 0631-411-6626, or by visiting KMC Onstage between 1 and 5 p.m. Tuesdays through Fridays. For more information, visit www.kaiserslautern.armymwr.com. » The Kazabra Club hosts a Rodeo Bull Riding Tournament from 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. every Friday in Bldg. 2057 on Vogelweh. Male and female winners will be awarded T-shirts. Weekly winners qualify for the monthly “Friday Finale” to compete for a $100 cash prize! First ride counts toward competition. Free entry. For ages 18 and up. For details, call 489-7261 or 0631-536-7261. » Thursdays at the Kazabra Club are Country Star Competition Thursdays. From 8 to 10 p.m., sing your heart out to a classic country favorite or a new country smash hit! There are male and female categories with a weekly $50 gift card for the category winners. Free and open to ID cardholders 18 and over. To register, contact the Kazabra Club, Bldg. 2057 on Vogelweh, at 489-7261 or 0631-536-7261. » Texas Hold ’em games are held from 8 p.m. to midnight every Friday at the Kazabra Club, Bldg. 2057 on Vogelweh. Buy in is $25. Register and buy in by 7 p.m. For ages 18 and over. For more information, call 489-7261 or 0631-536-7261. Meetings » The German-American and International Women’s Club Kaiserslautern will hold a playgroup meeting from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Dec. 9 and Jan. 13 and 27. Join parents from other cultures and enjoy a coffee together while children play and hear other languages. The fee for each playdate is €2 to cover facility costs. For more information, contact Beatriz Jimenez at playgroup@gaiwc.com or 01727043585, or visit the GAIWC website at www.gaiwc.com. » Mom2Mom KMC’s Breastfeeding Cafe meets from 10 a.m. to noon every Wednesday at the Ramstein Youth Services Center, Bldg. 428. Mom2Mom KMC is a breastfeeding network that helps mothers overcome the difficulties of living far from family support to reach their personal breast-feeding goals. We provide the opportunity to meet other breast-feeding families in a friendly environment at our weekly cafe as well as access to lactation counselors. Refreshments are free, and we operate on a drop-in come when you can, leave when you need to basis. For more information, take a look at our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/ Mom2MomKMC or visit www.mom2momkmc.org. Support Groups » The KMC Adoption Support Group meets at 7 p.m. the third Tuesday of every month at the Landstuhl Health and Wellness Center, Bldg. 3722. The next meeting will be held Dec. 17. The group meets the needs of adoptive parents, adopting parents and adoptive children through education and research to resolve adoption issues. Inquiries about adoption are welcome through the group’s website at www. usadopteurope.com. » The Community for Autism Understanding, Support & Education group, also known as CAUSE, meets from 6 to 7:30 p.m. every second Tuesday of the month in the Vogelweh Elementary School media center, Bldg. 1178 on Vogelweh Housing. To take part or get more information on this interactive group, call 0631-34064094. » Expectant Parent Orientation is held from 8 to 11 a.m. the third Tuesday of every month. Join the New Parent Support Program and many community counterparts at the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center Chapel, Bldg. 3773, to get great information about pregnancy and newborns. No registration required. Baumholder Events » Hilltop Theater presents an all-youth production of “Little Women,” adapted from the book by Louisa May Alcott and written by Marisha Chamberlain. Show dates: 7 p.m. today and Saturday, and 3 p.m. Sunday. Tickets may be purchased in advance or at the door. For more information, contact Hilltop Theater, Bldg. 8218 on Smith Barracks, at 485-7244 or 06783-6-7244. » Participate in Madden football tournaments every Friday night until Jan. 31 at the Baumholder Warrior Zone. Weekly team winners’ flags will be hung from the Warrior Zone flag pole each week. The weekly winners of the Madden Xbox football games will compete against each other to determine a monthly winner. The monthly winners will compete against each other to determine a grand prize winner. Sign up at the Warrior Zone, Bldg. 8106 on Smith Barracks. This is open to Soldiers and their guests, 18 and older. For more information, call 485-7339 or 06783-67339. JOBS » The Ramstein Chapel is accepting bids for the following contract positions: 0900 Liturgical parish facilitator, who will give parish administrative support to the Liturgical chaplain through coordination of overall program and calendar development, information management and publicity. North 0900 Catholic director of music, who will lead the choir and congregational singing for the Ramstein Chapel 0900 Catholic Sunday Mass, special holidays and feasts, and other special services as needed. Bidders are subject to criminal history background checks and must complete a Child Care National Agency Check and Inquiries and Installation Records Check. The chapel will be accepting bids until 4 p.m. today. The Statement of Work and bid documents can be picked up from the Ramstein North Chapel, Monday through Friday. Bidders are invited to attend the bid opening at the North Chapel. Dates and times will be announced in the bid packages. If required, bidders will have to participate in a qualifying interview/audition. For more information, call the North Chapel at 480-2499 or 06371-47-2499. November 22, 2013 Deployed family events DEC. 19 » Deployed Family Holiday Dinner with Santa, 5 to 7 p.m. Lindberghof Dining Facility Airman & Family Readiness Center MONDAY » Ramstein spouses orientation: 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., A&FRC TUESDAY » Reintegration brief: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., IDRC » Pre-deployment brief: 1 to 4 p.m., IDRC WEDNESDAY » Base INTRO: 7:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m., E-Club » First duty station officer financial brief: 11 a.m. to noon, A&FRC THURSDAY » Happy Thanksgiving! NOV. 29: » USAFE Family Day — center closed Child/Youth Just for Kids ages 9 to 12: Clubs R Us! Make the most of your afternoons at the Ramstein Youth Center. Check out the games room, gym, tech lab and art studio. NOVEMBER, DECEMBER CLUBS: EVERY DAY Fast Fun from 3 to 3:30 p.m., Super Scholar Power Hour/ Homework Help from 3 to 4:30 p.m., Member’s Choice Sports Spectacular from 4 to 5 p.m., Artist Studio from 3:30 to 5 p.m. MONDAY Oodles of Yarn Weaving, Volleyball Net Challenge, Clay Tech, Winter Survival, Go Girl Science. TUESDAY Sew Perfect Sewing, Volleyball Net Challenge, Clay Tech, CSI Super Sleuth Science. WEDNESDAY German Food & Family, Film Making, Torch Club. THURSDAY Cooking Around the World, Film Making, Time Traveler History Adventures. FRIDAY Epic Dudes, SMART Girls. Spaces are limited, register online today at www.86fss.com under the “Families” tab and “Youth Programs.” TORCH CLUB: Developing character and citizenship through service learning and leadership. Join this club to make a difference and learn to be a leader. RAMSTEIN COMMUNITY CENTER: » Every second and fourth Wednesday of the month: Play Group Social, 10 a.m. to noon Kaiserslautern American » Every second and fourth Saturday of the month: Flea Market, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. » Every third Wednesday of the month: Exceptional Family Member (EFMP) Play Group Social, 10 a.m. to noon For details, call the RCC at 480-6600/7187 or 06371-476600/7187 INSTRUCTIONAL CLASSES: » Do you have experience teaching gymnastics or dance? If you are interested in a youth instructor position, call the Ramstein Youth Center at 06371-47-6444 and ask for the Youth Instructional office. We will get you started on the right path to a fun and rewarding part-time to full-time job! » Do you or your child want to learn to play the violin? Sign up for violin lessons on Ramstein! Go to www.86fss.com, click “Family” then “Instructional Classes” then “Register.” » Do you homeschool? Are you looking for ways to supplement your curriculum? Ramstein Instructional Program offers the following classes at times that are convenient for homeschooling families: homeschool gymnastics, homeschool ballet, homeschool Karate Tech, homeschool Aikido, individual music lessons, and homeschool hip hop. More information about times and registration is available at www.86fss.com, click “Family” then “Instructional Classes.” » Are you an adult looking for a dance class? Ramstein Instructional offers an adult dance class from 8 to 9 p.m. Mondays at the Youth Instructional Bldg. 1023. Stop by for a free trial class and information on how to register for this class that will run until May. Health and Wellness Center MONDAY » Healthy eating class: 10 to 11 a.m. TUESDAY » Deep water running: 10 to 11 a.m. WEDNESDAY » No classes THURSDAY » Closed for Thanksgiving NOV. 29 » Closed for a Family Day For details, call 06371-47- 4292 or 480-4292 (HAWC). Family Advocacy EXPECTANT PARENT ORIENTATION (MONTHLY): Third Tuesday of month, 8 to 11 a.m., LRMC Chapel. ACTIVE PARENTING OF TEENS CLASS (FOUR SESSIONS): Dec 10, 11, 12 and 13, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Medical Group » Self-Initiated Care Kit, twice a month. Call 479-2273 (CARE) to sign up for a class. Page 21 » Attention: TRICARE online is available for your convenience. Schedule your own appointments, home care website, check labs, nurse advice line, medication refills and more. Register today at www.tricareonline. com. ASACS Adolescent Substance Abuse Counseling Service is a school-based prevention counseling service that has been in the Department of Defense Dependents Schools middle and high schools for 25 years. The counseling services are completely confidential for students and their families. Individual, family and group counseling are offered. Contact your school ASACS counselor for more information. Military Family Life Consultants Military family life consultants are licensed clinical providers who assist service members and their families with issues they may face throughout the cycle of deployment to reintegrating with their family and community. The MFLC Program provides short-term, non-medical counseling support for a range of issues, including: relationships, crisis intervention, stress management, grief, occupational and other individual and family issues. Psycho-educational presentations focused on issues common to the military family, including: reunion/ reintegration, stress/coping, grief/loss and deployment reintegration. For more information, call 015224211233, 0152-02663352, 0176-69333243 or 01515674-8179. Chapel » The Air Force KMC Chapel Communities will host Christmas tree lighting celebrations at 4:30 p.m. Dec. 2 at the Ramstein North Chapel, and 4:30 p.m. Dec. 3 at the Vogelweh Chapel. » Santa Claus punched a heretic, rescued people from prostitution and fought cannibals. If you don’t remember these stories from your childhood, then visit the Kapaun Chapel Annex (Bldg. 2782) at 7 p.m. Dec. 6, where the Orthodox Christian community of St. Nicholas will hold a public event honoring their patron saint and pass down the stories of the real Santa Claus you weren’t told. Visitors are also invited to attend the Vespers service immediately preceding the event at 6 p.m. in the Kapaun Chapel. There will be a presentation led by the Rev. Dr. Matthew J. Streett, Ph.D., a graduate of the Catholic University of America and a priest of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. For details, call the Vogelweh Chapel at 489-6859. Page 22 Kaiserslautern American November 22, 2013 Was ist Los? KMC Cultural Highlights by Petra Lessoing 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs The following is a list of performances and events happening in the KMC and nearby. Dates are subject to change. Performing arts Pfalztheater Kaiserslautern: • “Das Leben des Galilei,” a play in German by Bertolt Brecht, 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 13, and 3 p.m. Dec. 1. • “Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten,” a children’s play, in German, based on the fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm, 3 p.m. Sunday. • “Der nackte Wahnsin,” a comedy by Michael Frayn about a theater group on tour in England, in German, 7:30 p.m. Nov. 30, Dec. 6, 11, 17, 20, 28 and 6 p.m. Dec. 22. • “Da kommt noch wer!” Someone is going to come, a chamber opera in English, and “Ein Mond aus kochender Milch,” a chamber opera in German, 8 p.m. Nov. 30 and Dec. 10. • “Der Pagodenprinz,” a fairy tale dance with music by Benjamin Britten, 8 p.m. Dec. 1, 13, and 4 p.m. Dec. 22 and 26. • “Der Vetter aus Dingsda,” an operetta in German, 7:30 p.m. Dec. 4, and 7 p.m. Dec. 31. • “Aida,” a musical by Elton John and Tim Rice, 7:30 p.m. Dec. 7 and 25, and 6 p.m. Dec. 15. For details, call 0631-3675-209 or visit www.pfalztheater.de. Kammgarn Kaiserslautern: • Samy Deluxe presents hip hop and rap, 8 p.m. Saturday. Tickets cost €24. • Music Ensemble of Benares presents world music and music and dancing from India, 8 p.m. Wednesday. Tickets cost €15. • Hämatom presents thrash metal, 8 p.m. Nov. 29. Tickets cost €19. For more information, visit www.kammgarn.de. Fruchthalle, Kaiserslautern: • The Pfalztheater Orchestra performs works by Richard Wagner and Guiseppe Verdi, 5 p.m. Sunday. Tickets cost €12 to €25. • A violinist, percussionist and oud-player present a concert, “Oriental Night,” 8 p.m. Thursday. Tickets cost €14 to €24. • Children’s and family concert: “What does music have to do with Photo by Petra Lessoing Culture market in Fruchthalle The 32nd Culture Market before Christmas takes place in Kaiserslautern’s Fruchthalle (concert hall across from Pfalztheater) Monday through Dec. 22. Exhibitors and charitable organizations will present arts and crafts made of glass, ceramics, wood and stone as well as handmade jewelry and Christmas decorations. Musical entertainment will be offered on various days. Two cafes will offer snacks, cakes, coffee and beverages. Opening hours are from noon to 7 p.m. daily. Courtesy photo Advent concert The Rheinland-Pfalz Police Orchestra with conductor Norbert Hebertinger perform an Advent concert at 7 p.m. Dec. 2 in St. Martin’s Church on Spittelstrasse in Kaiserslautern (Altstadt, near fountain on bottom of Steinstrasse). Admission is free. cooking?” with the Pfalztheater Orchestra presenting works by Guiseppe Verdi, 3 p.m. Dec. 1. Tickets cost €8; family tickets are €21. For advance tickets, call the Kaiserslautern Tourist-Info at 0631-365-2317. JUZ (Youth Center), Steinstrasse 47, Kaiserslautern: • Tribute Night for Foreigner and Pink with the bands Cold As Ice and Funhouse Plays Pink, 8 p.m. today. • The bands Dream Theater Allstars and Ivory Maiden present heavy metal, 8 p.m. Nov. 29. Tickets cost €6.50. Visit www.juz-kl.de for more information. Haus des Bürgers, RamsteinMiesenbach: • “Mord an Bord, Mylord,” a comedy thriller with 4-course menu, 7:30 p.m. today. Tickets cost €69. • The Mainz Chamber Orchestra presents a concert with works from the Baroque period, 5 p.m. Sunday. Tickets cost €12. • The Golden Voices of Gospel with “Let’s Have Church Tonight,” 8 p.m. Dec. 3. Tickets cost €22 to €28. For details and reservations, visit www.hausdesbuergers.de or call 06371-592-220. Stadthalle Landstuhl: • “Magic Musicals” features highlights from musicals such as “Phantom of the Opera,” “Lion King,” “Tarzan,” and “Mary Poppins,” 8 p.m. Dec. 14. Tickets cost €19.50 to €28. For more information, visit www.stadthalle-landstuhl.de or call 06371-92340. Rodenbach, Bürgerhaus: • Acoustic Guitar Night with five guitar players, 8 p.m. Wednesday. Advance tickets are available at Klag’s restaurant and KeltenApotheke. English Theatre, Gallusanlage 7, Frankfurt: • “Saturday Night Fever,” a musical by Bill Oaks, Robert Stigwood and the Bee Gees, runs through Feb. 16. For more information, visit www.english-theatre.org. Miscellaneous • Kaiserslautern, Gartenschau area, event hall, ice-skating rink opens today to Feb. 16. For details, visit www.kl-on-ice.de. • Kaiserslautern, center, Christmas market opens Monday to Dec. 23 (read article on Page 24). • Olsbrücken, school yard, glühwein fest, Saturday. Christmas markets • Queidersbach, Nov. 29 and 30. • Otterberg, Hirschhorn, Katzweiler, Stelzenberg, Nov. 30. • Landstuhl, Rodenbach, Otterbach, Schneckenhausen, Nov. 30 to Dec. 1. • Lichtenberg Castle (near Kusel), medieval Christmas market, Nov. 30 to Dec. 1. • Weilerbach, Nov. 30 to Dec. 6. • Erzenhausen, Bruchmühlbach, Martinshöhe, Dec. 1. Flea markets • Kaiserslautern, fest grounds near BMW dealer on Merkurstrasse, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday and Nov. 30. • Bad Dürkheim, Saline (salt-works), 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday. • Heidelberg, Messplatz, Kirchheimer Weg, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Nov. 30. November 22, 2013 Kaiserslautern American Page 23 Page 24 Kaiserslautern American November 22, 2013 Kaiserslautern Christmas market opens Monday by Petra Lessoing 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs Kaiserslautern’s Lord Mayor Dr. Klaus Weichel and the “Christkind,” or Christ child, will officially open the Christmas market at 6 p.m. Monday from the stage on Schillerplatz. The market will be set up through Dec. 23 around Stiftskirche and on Schillerplatz. After the holidays, the market will turn into a New Year’s market from Dec. 27 to 30. It will feature a variety of shopping, food and glühwein booths, musical entertainment, a children’s program and various Christmas-related activities. “More than 50 vendors will offer manifold items in a festively illuminated atmosphere,” Weichel said. “Each year, the area around Stiftkirche is getting more attractive.” There will be a bonfire, Nativity scene, and artisans and stone sculptors presenting their works. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, the Kaiserslautern Zoo will set up a petting zoo with some of their animals and turn the Nativity scene into a live scene. Vendors will sell typical Christmas decorations such as tree ornaments, candles, angels, nutcrackers and Advent wreaths. Shoppers will find ideas for Christmas presents such as wooden toys, leather items, glass products, jewelry and pottery. Culinary specialties being served include Thüringer bratwurst, pizza, roasted chestnuts, cinnamon waffles and the typical winter drink “glühwein,” a heated red wine spiced with cloves and cinnamon sticks. Photo courtesy of the City of Kaiserslautern The Kaiserslautern Christmas market presents a variety of vendors selling their merchandise and a merry-go-round through Dec. 23. “We will offer a diversified entertaining program,” said Alexander Hess from the project office for city events. “Our musical program will range from well-known artists such as Waymond Harding, Rick Cheyenne and Stephan Flesch to gospel choirs and brass players.” The full program can be found in flyers placed in stores, restaurants, banks and the Tourist Information Office next to the Fruchthalle. The Kaiserslautern Christmas market will be open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Mondays through Wednesdays, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Thursdays through Saturdays, and 1 to 9 p.m. Sundays. For details, visit www.kaiserslautern.de. November 22, 2013 Kaiserslautern American Page 25 Page 26 Kaiserslautern American November 22, 2013 Christmas market setting for anniversary run by Petra Lessoing 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs The Landstuhl running association LLG will sponsor its 25th Christmas run Dec. 1. In celebration of this year’s anniversary, every pre-registered participant will receive a gift. The children’s run of 1,300 meters will begin at 12:30 p.m., and the main run of 7.6 kilometers is scheduled for 1 p.m. Sign-up will begin at 11 a.m. The route will be made up of three 2-km loops around the Christmas market in Landstuhl. Starting point will be the Sickingensporthalle (gym) on Kaiserstrasse 128. The finish line will be at the Christmas market. The children’s run is for anyone up to 15 years old. The main run is for participants older than 15. The fee is €6 for adults and €3 for children. All participants will receive certificates and prizes. The awards ceremony will be held at 4:30 p.m. in Sickingensporthalle (gym). For more information and to register online, visit www.llg-landstuhl.de. Courtesy photo The Landstuhl Christmas run proceeds through the Christmas market Dec. 1. Turkey Trot The Ramstein Roadrunners sponsor their annual Turkey Trot from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday at Mehrzweckhalle Miesenbach, Am Kiefernkopf 22, 66877 Ramstein-Miesenbach. There will be trail distances of 5km and 10km. This year’s Turkey Trot is the 75th IVV wandering (walk) the Roadrunners have sponsored since the club was founded in 1973. For more information on the walk or to sign up as a volunteer, contact the club at ramsteinroadrunners@ yahoo.com or 06374-801179. Indoor fall soccer clinics Sign up your child or youth for SKIESUnlimited indoor fall soccer clinics, taught by professional soccer coaches. Clinics are held until December at the Special Events Center, Bldg. 237 on Rhine Ordnance Barracks, for ages 3 to 18. To find out more or to enroll, contact Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation One Stop Shop, Bldg. 3810 on Landstuhl Post, or Parent Central Services, Bldg. 2898 on Pulaski Barracks, at 493-4516/4122 or 0631-3406-4516/4122. Recreational soccer Meet new people, get in shape and play soccer from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. every Sunday at the Miesau Fitness Center, Bldg. 1220. Open to U.S. ID cardholders ages 16 and over, Department of Defense civilians and retirees. To play or for details, contact Robert Michels at 486-8939 or 06371-86-8939. Personal trainers available Visit with a personal trainer today. Trainers are available at the Rhine Ordnance Barracks Fitness Center (Bldg. 172), Landstuhl Fitness Center (Bldg. 3720 on Landstuhl) and the Kleber Fitness Center (Bldg. 3235 on Kleber Kaserne). For more information, call 493-2086 or 0631-3406-2086, or visit www.kaiserslautern. armymwr.com. RealRyder Cycling Class Get your indoor spin cycle training at the Kleber and Landstuhl fitness centers from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. Cost is $4 per class. RealRyder cycling is not child friendly. For details, call 486-7172 or 06371-86-7172. Courtesy photo KHS star signs letter of intent Alana C. Dickerson, a senior and guard forward on the Kaiserslautern High School Lady Raider basketball team, signs a letter of intent Nov. 14 to attend the University of Alabama in Huntsville and play for coach Roy Heintz and the Lady Chargers. Dickerson, a three-year varsity player and returning captain, led the Lady Raiders to the 2013 Department of Defense Dependents Schools-Europe Division 1 Basketball Championship, the first title for Kaiserslautern since 2008. She was selected as a 2013 DODDS AllEurope performer and is a three-year all-academic athlete with a GPA of 3.7. Dickerson also received scholarship offers from Oglethorpe University in Atlanta and the University of Dallas. Dickerson and her teammates will attempt to win a second consecutive Division 1 championship as they open their season against Division 1 rival Wiesbaden Dec. 7 at Wiesbaden High School. November 22, 2013 Kaiserslautern American Page 27 NOW SHOWING Gateway Cineplex (Ramstein) The Best Man Holiday (R) 11:15 a.m., 2:15 p.m., 5:15 p.m., 8:15 p.m. Thor: The Dark World 3D (PG-13) 11 a.m., 1:45 p.m., 4:30 p.m., 7:15 p.m., 9:45 p.m. Free Birds 3D (PG) 11:15 a.m., 1:30 p.m., 3:45 p.m., 6 p.m. Captain Phillips (PG-13) 8:15 p.m. Escape Plan (R) 11 a.m., 9 p.m. Gravity 3D (PG-13) 6:45 p.m. SATURDAY - The Best Man Holiday (R) 11:15 a.m., 2:15 p.m., 5:15 p.m., 8:15 p.m. Thor: The Dark World 3D (PG-13) 11 a.m., 1:45 p.m., 4:30 p.m., 7:15 p.m., 9:45 p.m. Free Birds 3D (PG) 11:15 a.m., 1:30 p.m., 3:45 p.m., 6 p.m. Captain Phillips (PG-13) 8:15 p.m. Escape Plan (R) 11 a.m., 4 p.m., 9 p.m. Gravity 3D (PG-13) 1:45 p.m., 6:45 p.m. SUNDAY The Best Man Holiday (R) 11 a.m., 2 p.m., 5 p.m., 8 p.m. Thor: The Dark World 3D (PG-13) 11 a.m., 1:45 p.m., 4:30 p.m., 7:15 p.m. Free Birds 3D (PG) 11:15 a.m., 1:30 p.m., 3:45 p.m., 6 p.m. Escape Plan (R) 11 a.m., 4 p.m. Gravity 3D (PG-13) 1:45 p.m., 6:45 p.m. MONDAY - The Best Man Holiday (R) 11 a.m., 1:45 p.m., 7:15 p.m. Thor: The Dark World 3D (PG-13) 11 a.m., 1:45 p.m., 4:30 p.m., 7:15 p.m. Free Birds 3D (PG) 11:15 a.m., 1:30 p.m., 3:45 p.m., 6 p.m. Escape Plan (R) 11 a.m., 2 p.m., 7 p.m. Gravity 3D (PG-13) 4:45 p.m. Carrie (R) 4:45 p.m. TUESDAY - The Best Man Holiday (R) 11 a.m., 1:45 p.m., 7:15 p.m. Thor: The Dark World 3D (PG-13) 11 a.m., 1:45 p.m., 4:30 p.m., 7:15 p.m. Free Birds 3D (PG) 11:15 a.m., 1:30 p.m., 3:45 p.m., 6 p.m. Escape Plan (R) 11 a.m., 2 p.m., 7 p.m. Gravity 3D (PG-13) 4:45 p.m. Carrie (R) 4:45 p.m. WEDNESDAY - The Best Man Holiday (R) 11 a.m., 1:45 p.m., 7:15 p.m. Thor: The Dark World 3D (PG-13) 11 a.m., 1:45 p.m., 4:30 p.m., 7:15 p.m. Free Birds 3D (PG) 11:15 a.m., 1:30 p.m., 3:45 p.m., 6 p.m. Escape Plan (R) 11 a.m., 2 p.m., 7 p.m. Gravity 3D (PG-13) 4:45 p.m. Carrie (R) 4:45 p.m. THURSDAY - Frozen 3D (PG) 11 a.m., 1:30 p.m., 4 p.m., 6:30 p.m. The Best Man Holiday (R) 11 a.m., 4:15 p.m. Thor: The Dark World 3D (PG-13) 11:30 a.m., 2:30 p.m., 5:30 p.m. Escape Plan (R) 11 a.m. Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa (R) 2 p.m., 7 p.m. TODAY - Editor’s note: Schedules and synopses are provided by the Army and Air Force Exchange Service. Movie times and dates are subject to change by the individual theaters. Please check with the theater to ensure accuracy. Digital 3D Ramstein-Süd / Landstuhl For Reservations & Informations call 06371-937037 Next to Autobahn A6, Exit 13 (Landstuhl) Merkurstraße 9, 66877 Ramstein-Miesenbach 6 THEATRES, THX, EX and all Digital Sound Systems FRI NOV 22 - WED NOV 27 In Digital 3D: Gravity (PG13)- Fri 18:15 Bad Grandpa (R)- Thur 18:30, Tue 18:30 Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2 (PG)- Sun 13:30 Ender´s Game (PG13)- Sat 15:45, Sun 15:30, Mon & Wed 18:30 Thor: The Dark World (PG)- Fri 20:15, Sat 13:30, 20:15, Sun 20:15, Mon Wed 20:30 The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (PG13)- Fri 16:00, 17:30, 19:00, 20:30, 22:00, Sat 13:30, 14:30, 16:15, 17:30, 19:15, 20:30, 22:15, Sun 13:30, 14:30, 16:15, 17:30, 19:15, 20:15, Mon - Wed 16:00, 17:15, 19:00, 20:00 Scan here or visit: www.broadwaykino.com/kmc Grace Studio Dance Body & Mind German lessons www.grace-studio.org Weilerbacher Str. 110 67661 KL - Einsiedlerhof Visit www.kaiserslauternamerican.com/movies.php for details in time to change the course of history and get turkey off the holiday menu for good. Starring Owen Wilson and Woody Harrelson. The Best Man Holiday (R) — When college friends finally reunite over the Christmas holidays, they discover just how easy it is for long-forgotten rivalries and romances to be ignited. Starring Monica Calhoun and Taye Diggs. Free Birds (PG) — In this hilarious, adventurous comedy, two turkeys from opposite sides of the tracks must put aside their differences and team up to travel back Escape Plan (R) — Ray Breslin, the world’s top authority on prison structural security, finds himself having to put his skills to the test when he is framed for a crime and sent up to a prison he helped design. Starring Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Puzzle courtesy of http://thinks.com/ ACROSS 1 Set upon 9 Give new hands 15 Cargo quantity 16 Show clearly 17 Pregnant 18 Aquarium fishes 19 Cold War thaw 20 “___ Resartus” (Carlyle) 21 Elvis Presley film 23 “Carrie” star 27 Claret and burgundy 28 Japanese sauce 29 Moments 34 Indigo dye 35 Big bang producer 36 Prefix with space 37 Sheets and pillowcases 40 Mideast state 42 Aloha State bird 43 Staggered 44 Decisive conflict 48 Rip into 49 Chaotic 54 Ark berth 55 Asian part of Turkey 56 Illusory sight 57 Habitus 58 Hit hard 59 Bridge supports DOWN 1 Under cover? 2 Dial sound 3 Delicate use of words 4 To ___ (just so) 5 Sour note 6 Heyerdahl raft 7 Polished off 8 1950s White House monogram 9 Holds back 10 High point 11 The same 12 Become a member 13 Not ___ in the world 14 French article 20 Fragrance 22 Showed delight 23 Attempt 24 Window division 25 In the thick of 26 Summons 30 Swiss river 31 Oscar-winner Patricia 32 Beech or birch 33 Completely convinced 35 Article of faith 38 Furious 39 Brought to nought 40 Archaeological period 41 The S of SPQR 44 Airy rooms 45 Brings up 46 Bathtub murder victim 47 Eatery 50 Drop down? 51 Airline from Lod 52 Feudal address 53 Impudence 54 Band booster 55 Gallery display Solutions to the Nov. 15 puzzle Page 28 Kaiserslautern American November 22, 2013 Buy, Sell, Trade your personal stuff! FREE private ads • Online 24/7 • Online and in print www.class-world.com Questions? Please call AdvantiPro at 0631• 30 33 55 31 AdvantiPro GmbH takes no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any of the products and services advertised in the Kaiserslautern American. NEW Proudly presented to you by Readers are responsible for checking the prices, qualifications, warranty and any other factor that might help decide whether to do business with an individual or company advertising herein. APT FOR RENT All ads and pics on class-world.com !!! Miesau!!! Lovely 3BR apartment. Ready to move in. Price € 750 Please call Sonja Gray, RE/ MAX Dreamhomes 4U, Landstuhl, Telephone: 06371 / 612 92 62, 0160 3807277 *100sqm Apt Hütschenhausen liv 2BR BIK bath laundry balc 20sqm partly covered 017669564589 2BR Apt KL-Siegelbach, 85sqm, livrm, dinrm, BIK, 1.5bath, terr w/ sm yard, floor-heat., garage, €615 +util Call: 0179-5112877 A Top-luxurious Fully-furnished Apt, 110sqm, ready to move in. also an 120sqm Apt with some furniture open for rent. 66978 Merzablen, Höhstraße 12, Call Roland Frick 06395-6206 or Handy 01717735892 Airbase:6 mls luxury house, 285 sqm, 5 br, walk i.closet, firepl, yard, gar E 2280,-;Oberstaufenbach: very nice freest house, 5 br, yard, gar E 1680,-, KottweilerSchwanden: 170 sqm, 4 br, yard, 2 gar, E 1380,- Hermersberg: beautiful freest, 1 floor house: 3 br, 2 bath, floorh, gar E 1280,- ; JR Realty- reduced fee - ph: 0637171756, 01703159692 or jrreal tykmc@yahoo.com Apt Katzweiler, 6km to Vogelweh, 120sqm 3BR Bik 1.5bath livrm €750 + util 0173-9043987 K/S Immo Agency Looking for a home? APARTMENT FOR RENT Mackenbach, 85sqm, 2 BR, BIK, balcony, rent € 500,00 + utilities, deposit + finder’s fee $ $ $ € MORE HOUSES AND APARTMENTS AVAILABLE, CALL US FOR MORE INFO Mannheimer-Str. 25, 67655 Kaiserslautern Tel: 0631/3619963, Cell 0174/4166662 www.immo-agency.biz, ks@immo-agency.biz € $ Visit our website for success at www.petras-homecompany.de or call us at 06385-99 38 70 or 0171-2 03 82 70 $ € € E ND E RO N RO LU AL OF € $ SE RV ICE Apartment 153 sqm, 4 bdr, 1 big lvr., 1 1/2 bath, huge attic, kitchen, dining room, fenced hof, parking, € 890.-- + utilities, free to moove in. mail: bison@bisons.de, can send pictures + informations. Mückenmühle 4 67685 Eulenbis 8 KM to Air Base Call Hanns 06374 1576 Apt in Mehlbach, Pferchstr. 9, 2 floors, bright, 160sqm liv space, 1st floor: 2br, BIK, lrg bath, corner bathtub, closet, lg balcony; 2nd floor: lrg liv rm 70sqm, fireplace, modern renovated, guest WC, storage, attic, garage or park spot €900 + €150 heat + €30 p. p. water + €15 trash (garage €40) 0173Apartment to rent in Haupstuhl, 6313-419 4rms, kitchen, bathroom, balcony, Apt Kottweiler-Schw. 6,8km to 83qm, rent €500, deposit €1000, RAB, RAM school bus distr., 10 min to Air-Base Ramstein, 5 114sqm, 3BR, liv/din rm, new BIK min to hospital Landstuhl, please w/dishwasher, extra fridge, bath, call 0152-05444460 balc, wooden flrs, compl new re- Katzweiler, 135sqm - 4BR, 1 Bath, Electric Heating, Garage, 750 monthly rent, 2 months rent deposit, 1,5 months rent commission. Real Estate Agent 0176-355 Apt 10 min RAB 80 sqm 2br nov, attic, car park, no pets, DSL, 989 44 1livrm 1bath + guest WC stor BIK AFN sat, €735 +utl + lrg garage w/ KL-Hohenecken, 135sqm, 3 balc 1 cpks avail now €520 + util elect. door op. €40, 06371-52132 bedr., liv & dinrm, BIK, 2 bath, par0170-7369018 leave msg or 0179-5415239 king, yard, € 855 + util, 0176Apt in Landstuhl, close to all Beautiful Maisonette apartment 22204423 or 0176-22201641 American bases, 2BR, BIK, bal- in Kaiserslautern-Erlenbach with cony, quiet area, €380 + util. one two stories, 4 bedrooms, a KL-Mehlingen Apt 120sqm 3 month deposit. Call Mrs. Weber shower bath, a WC and a built-in Bedr. 1 livingr, 1.5bathrm, BIK w/ dishwasher, basement, garden. 0160-1676478 kitchen (optional). The complete €720 + utl. 06303-3389 Cozy furn Apartment w/ be- house has been renovated recentdroom loft 15 min to Ramstein. ly. So the apartment is brand K-Town: very cool apt in quiet Tel 06371-60351 or 0176 234 new. It is with a parking place on area of downtown, private par04388 the lot and with a small yard. king, €530+ut. Av. now. Call Melinda 0172/6855976 or kka.immobi Kaiserslautern - West, 3BR Apt, 0172 8157050 lien@icloud.com in 2 family house, 130sqm, 2 balc, KL-Hohenecken, 107sqm, 2 flr heating, €700 + util, Call 0631bedr., combined liv & dinrm, BIK, Landstuhl/Atzel: nice 4 bedrm. 96215 2 bath, parking, yard, €730 + util apartment, living-diningrm., built0176-22204423 or 0176-22201641 in-kit., 1 ½ bath, balcony, parking, basement, 670,-€ +util www.agra-immobilien.de 06371/ 57656 RE/ MAX Real Estate Center In Kaiserslautern S E R V I C E & R E A L E S TAT E Our service provides an easy and stress free transition. We will assist you to find the perfect home and also make sure your € bills are paid on time. COME SEE US TODAY! OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Closed on German holidays G.I. Bill Pay Service • Landstuhler Straße 16 • 66877 Ramstein-Miesenbach Call: 06371 - 465 407 • 0160 - 106 51 96 ramstein@gibillpay.com • www.gibillpay.com Visit our website for more listings www.gibillpay.com/realestate Exclusive big new building, 160sqm!20min from RAB, furn or not furn, ground flr, 4BR, w/ 1 ½ baths & BIK.2 outdr terraces w/ BBQ., excellent view of German countryside.Kreimbach-Kaulbach.Garden & side walk are maintained by landlord.Pets are welcome.0151-54607136 or 015143457009 Large Apt Schwedelbach. 3miles to airbase, 174sqm, 4BR, 2baths, livrm, dinrm, kitchen w/ electric appliances, balc, lrg yard, barbecue site, €980 rent +util Phone: 06304-919272 Call us first!!! We will help to find you a house and offer you our full service during the complete rental or buying period. Dream job Real Estate Agent -we have room in our office. AKM GmbH Denisstr. 22, 67663 KL Tel: 06 31 / 4 14 08 88-0 realestatecenter-kl@remax.de www.remax-suedwest.de/realestatecenter Luxury fully furnished apt in Kaiserslautern, available now for sinRobert-Bosch-Str. 10 gle or couple, designer furniture, 66877 Ramstein-Miesenbach fully equipped BIK, kingsize bed, all utilities incl. 850 euros, call 0172/6855976 06371-92 88 406 Your classified ad portal! www.class-world.com Check out more REAL ESTATE ads and photos online! November 22, 2013 APT FOR RENT All ads and pics on class-world.com Kaiserslautern American !Jettenbach!10min RAB 250sqm 5BR 3Bathr HousingID:3556651 €1775,wa@arcor.de 015234028467 Bann: duplex, 5 bedr., 2 ½ bath, living-diningm, built-in-kit., patio, yard, garage, 1.250,-- €+ util www.agra-immobilien.de 06371/ 57656 10 min to ROB, FSH, 240sqm, 6BDR, 4baths, pets OK, Brand new house near Kl-Vogel2garages, rent way, 320sqm b.i.k., 5 bedrms., office, dining-liv. area, balcony, €1659,01726823232 yard, garage 2250 €uro + util An10min on A62, nice FSH, ne S. Neumann Immobilien4you 300sqm, 5BDR, 3baths, party- Tel: 0173-7525882 or 0173Nice Apartment in Huetschenhau- room, pets ok, 3garages, rent 8317162 sen, 8 km to RAB, Ramstein €2150,01726823232 Duplex 120sqm Mehlingen Froschool district 122 m², 3 BR, 1.5 ehnerhof 3BR livrm dinrm BIK 10min ROB, new FSH, 210sqm, Baths, BIK, Liv/Din, 2 parking 1.5bath cpks yard 10min RAB idespaces, Balcony, Basement, Floor 6BDR, 2baths, floorh., petsOK, al for single €840 +util 06303rent €1554,01726823232 heating, Pets neg., Avail: Now, 9998405 or 0176-78483490 Rent: 740 Euro + util.Reduced Almost brand new freest. house Brand new FSH in Ramstein fee!For more information please with two-car-carport, av. Dec, school district, 22 km to RAB, 4-5 contact G.I. Bill Pay Service & Re1st. 290 sqm, 6 bedr. 31/2 bath, BR, Liv/Din, 1.75 Baths, BIK, Stoal Estate: 06371-465407 or 0160Fam.-Room, Open-fire-pl. Bik, ni- rage, Carport, Yard, Patio, Energy 1065196 or ramstein@gibill ce yard, Higspeed-Internet, Sat- efficient heat pump with floor heapay.com . For further listings pleaTV, Floorheat, nice and quiet 20 ting, High speed internet availase view our website www.gibill Min. to RAB or BaumholderPlease ble, Pets negotiable, Rent: appay.com/realestate call Jrgen at 0170-9801507 or hol prox. 1600 Euro + util., Avail: Nov. Otterberg, 67697, Im Althütterhof leck@yahoo.de 15, 2013. .Reduced fee!For more 11; apt 150sqm BIK liv/din rm information please contact G.I. bath extra WC 3BR balcony stora- Around Ramstein and Kaiseslau- Bill Pay Service & Real Estate: ge tiled+heated floors garage for tern, nice houses for rent, bet- 06371-465407 or 0160-1065196 single no pets €950+utl incl. gara- ween €800.- and €3000-. You are or ramstein@gibillpay.com For furinterested call us. Roth Immobilige Call: 06301-2911 ther listings, please view our weben 06374-994776 or 0171site: http://www.gibillpay.com/rea Ramstein - 3km: Nice, brightly 1950606 lestate Apt, 2-3BR/1BA, balcony, terrace, yard, garage € 710,- + util 0162- Beautiful energy efficient FSH built in 2012, 215 m², 22 km to 1800500 Sembach/Kaiserslautern, 3 BR, 2 Ramstein close to RAB 4rms BIK Baths, BIK, Liv/Din, Yard, Doublebath approx 96sqm garden balc Carport, Earth heat (Floor-Heapark slot €600+€180utl monthly in ting), Pets neg., Avail: Dec. 6, advance Call 0171-9388747 2013, Rent: €1536 Euro + 50 Euro Party room and catering Relocation to Wiesbaden? Think Double-Carport + util.Reduced for 15 -500 people luxury penthouse! No fee, private. fee!For more information please August-Süßdorf-Straße 3 01755226376 mpowers@t-onli contact G.I. Bill Pay Service & Re(Near the trainstation, next to Aldi) al Estate: 06371-465407 or 0160ne.de 66887 Ramstein 1065196 or ramstein@gibill Rodenbach: Apt like a Duplex on Tel: (0 63 71) 29 67 pay.com . For further listings plea2 levels, 3BR/2BA € 825,- + util www.partyservice-scheidt.de se view our website www.gibill 06371-943311 www.GermaWildinfo@partyservice-scheidt.de pay.com/realestate Immobilien.de Mackenbach: Modern, Apt, 110sqm, 4Rms, BIK, 1.5bath, walk-in-closet, laundry, garage, terr, €812 incl. util (exc. elec) avail now Call: 06374-992160 or 991660 Sembach:Nice apartm, 114sqm, 3bedrm, liv/din area, gorgeous BIK and patio, new ren, av.25 Nov. gardening+snow removal incl. Rent €700+util 0171 2790214 Very nice & modern apartment in Linden, 12 km to Landstuhl, 120m², 3 BR, 1.5 Baths, BIK, Liv/ Din, Carport, Fireplace, Pets neg., Avail: Now, Rent: 825 Euro + 20 Euro carport + util.Reduced fee!For more information please contact G.I. Bill Pay Service & Real Estate: 06371-465407 or 01601065196 or ramstein@gibill pay.com http://www.gibill pay.com/realestate Weilerbach: Comfortable Apt with 4BR/2BA, balcony, nice view € 750,- + util 06371-943311 www.GermaWild-Immobilien.de All ads and pics on class-world.com !!! Kindsbach!!! Duplex very nice 4BR2BA garage, garden. Price € 1200.Call Sonja Gray, RE/MAX Dreamhomes 4U, Landstuhl, Telephone: 06371 / 612 92 62, 0160 3807277 Read your newspaper online: www.kaiserslauternamerican.com DAILY SPECIALS EVENING SPECIAL Argentinian Hickory Smoked Steaks ∑ EVERY FRIDAY Fish Specials » Come taste our great food « Steinwendener Str. 33 | 66877 Ramstein Save 19% with a VAT form! Hours: Mon – Sat 11:30 am – 2:00 pm | 5:00 pm – 9:30 pm | Sundays closed Room reservations: Tel: 06371 – 96100 | info@hotel-anna-ramstein.de Restaurant reservations: Tel: 06371 – 961041 Brauhaus am Markt n iserslauter SStiftsplatz 2-3 · 67655 Ka SPECIALS il a t k c o C starting at 7 p.m. The best Pizza & Salads in the KMC area DELIVERY TO ALL BASES AND HOSPITAL FAMILY FRIENDLY RESTAURANT €1 = $1 for pick-up & delivery! 10 years serving the military community! SPECIAL LUNCH w. salad & bread Spaghetti with meat balls or Lasagne € 6.- 06371 2497 Am Fleischackerloch 66849 Landstuhl (across from Kaufland) WWW.PIZZERIASALVATORE.COM Opening hours: Mon-Fri 11:00 - 15:00 17:00 - 24:00 Sat & Sun 11:00 - 24:00 Parking available Mon: Mojito Tue: Caipirinha Wed: Strawberry Daiquiri Thu: Cocktail evening only 3€ only 3€ Merry M Me rry C Christmas and a Happy New Year! ear! Wonderful Apartment 160sqm., 3 bedrms., b.i.k. dining-living area with open-fire-place, laundry room, terrace, garage noo fee please call Frank Neumann Immobilien4you Tel: 01738317162, €1.200,00, mynextho me@yahoo.de HOUSES FOR RENT Page 29 Accepting Christmas party reservations! only 3€ We accept US Dollars! We offer the best rates! food specials yet? Do you know about our s! rauhauskl for more special m/b k.co Please visit faceboo br Tel. 0631 - 61944 • www. auhausammarkt-kl.de Page 30 Kaiserslautern American WE OFFER: ALL CAR SERVICES TRANSMISSION REPAIR ELECTRICAL REPAIR BODY WORK FREE TOWING SERVICE HOUSES FOR RENT All ads and pics on class-world.com USED CAR SALES WE BUY ALL CARS WE BUY JUNK CARS (by business) MASTER MECHANIC • SERVING MILITARY 15 YRS NICE PRICE NP AUTOCENTER HANDELS GMBH PARISER STR. 287 • 67663 KAISERSLAUTERN 0631 • 310 7640 WWW.NPAUTOCENTER.DE VAT FORM ACCEPTED VISA / MASTER CARD Duplex built 1998 in Niederstaufenbach, 12km to RAB quiet area, outskirts of town, 130sqm 6rms 2baths storage rm sep WC closeable garage oil central heating sep entrance €950+utl Avail now Call: 06381-7378 or 015781987787 Duplex in Enkenbach-A. 150sqm BIK 3BR 2baths guest-WC tiled floors terrace balc garage 25min to RAB quiet area, €1050+€40 garage+ utl Tel. 0151-41847958 Excl. Freest House for rent in Weilerbach, Big house, 5BR, high quality equipment, 290sqm, 2 balconies, 1 terrace, 1 garage + 3 parking spots, 600sqm beautiful property. €2130 + util, Avail now, I only speak German, 06374-1461 or 0176-68316718 Exclusive, Schmalenberg, 200sqm, €1440, 4BR, d-gar., yard, 15 min to Vogelweh; Reichenb-Stegen, exc house, 4BR, 2.5 bath d-carp, €1290… and much more for rent. Realtor Erica, 016096697945, florida0001@ gmx.de Fockenberg - Limbach, 1FHS 5BR large liv/dinrm w/fire-pl 2.5bath BIK 236sqm terr garden, quiet area, 2cpks €1620 +util avail now Call: 06543-2364 or 01755293836 For Rent!!! Kindsbach!!! Great one family home. 4BR/2BA.Ready to move in.Price € 1300 Please call me Sonja Gray, RE/MAX Dreamhomes 4U, Landstuhl, Telephone: 06371 / 612 92 62, 0160 3807277 FSH, Weilerbach, Deutschherren Str. 2, 3BR, 2bath, BIK, liv/dinrm, 2basement rms, central oil heating, lrg garden, garage, balc, SAT/Cable/Internet €800+util, 06374-1421 Glan-Münchweiler, Pirminiusstr. 11, 4BR, liv/dinrm, 1.5bath, kitchen, basement, laundryrm, oil heating w/warm water, balc, €800 + util + 2months rent. 0179 675 19 91 House for rent, Freestanding House, 220Sqm, 10 min from Ramstein Air Base 6 bedrooms 2 built in kitchen 1 large dining/livingroom 3 bathrooms, large garden/ yard large basement, garage, terrace, balcony oil heating pets are aloud house is in a quiet area Contact: 0176-9676046, €1150, masirei2004@yahoo.de House in Landstuhl, In der Atzel 7, 90sqm, no pets. €680 + util. 06371-62411 Mansion house in Birkenfeld, 8 ms from Baumholder, 25 minutes from Ramstein, 00491748279244 American mechanics serving Americans! November 22, 2013 House in Miesau (max. 15 to Ramstein) with double garage for rent. Great back yard, fenced in, lots of storage, great big rooms; balcony & terrace.as well as attic & basement. Pets and Kids are welcome. 7 bedrooms (floors laminate), kitchen (bk), dining room living room (both wood floor); bath (1; 1, /3/4;1/2) . Rent 1.300,00 Euro + Utilities + deposit, as well as finders fee. More infos - call real estate Fettig Immobilien 0172 6182 688 House in Steinwenden/Weltersbach, 265sqm, 6BR, BIK, liv/din rm, 2.5bath, attic, studio, balcony, patio, garden, garage, sauna, open fireplace, €2040 + utl. 017632147351 or 0160-95132448 No Realtor fee. House near Ramstein and Landstuhl, House, 150Sqm, 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathrooms, 1 Living/Dining Room, BIK, Sun Room, Garage, 710 + utilities, manuel.krick@ gmx.de House, 220sqm, 1200sqm property, terrace, family rm, dinrm, BIK, laundry, 2full baths, 4BR, private patio area in the back. Very quiet area, 6miles to RAB westgate, €1600 +util. Avail now. Call Owner 06364-175436 Hütschenhausen: freestanding, 5 bedr., 2 ½ bath, built-in-kit., living-dingrm., patio, garage yard, 1.990,-- € + util www.agra-immobi lien 06371-57656 Kaiserslautern Morlautern: 240sqm, 4 bed, 2.5 bath, designer BIK, sunroom, floor heating, patio and nice yard, garage, €1800+ut. Av. now. Call Melinda 0172/6855976 or kka.immobilien@ icloud.com Kaiserslautern Siegelbach: 220sqm, 5 bed, 3.5 bath, BIK, fireplace, garage, gas heating, nice yard, pretty views, available now. €1650+ut. Av. now. Call Melinda 0172/6855976 or kka.immobilien@ icloud.com Kaiserslautern: Freest. House with like 250sqm, 5BR/3BA, terrace, balcony, yard, garage € 1.840,- + util 06371-943311 www.GermaWild-Immobilien.de Kottweiler, open built Mediterranean Style Duplex (200m2) BIK, wooden floors 3 bedr.Studio 2,5 bathr, huge Backyard with shed. €1600. Pls call for appointment 0151-43265103 K-Town City, Freestanding House, 164Sqm, 4 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom, 1 Living/Dining Room, BIK, Features: Basement, Yard, Attic, Kaiserslautern, near city, 10 Min to Vogelweh and Autobahn, beautiful terrace and garden, €1180 + util., avail. Dec.1, call 0160-4449696, wolfgang.tr3@ web.de Lamsborn: Large House 15Min RAB or 25Min Vogelweh 5BR. Dinrm, Livrm, 2Baths, BIK, Garage, Basem. Fenced yd. 180sqm or 1566sqf 1240.-€ Tel. 063739112 or 0170-4511006 Landstuhl - Melkerei: 2 bedr., 1 ½ bath, living-diningrm., built-inkit., patio, yard, garage, 910,-- € + util www.agra-immobilien.de 06371-57656 Landstuhl, close to castle, city villa, approx 210sqm, parquet flrs, firepl, garden, garage, car spot, BIK, 5BR, avail 1 Dec €2100 + util Claudia@rae-weyrich.de or 01726651678 Large House Gries 15 Min RAB, 160sqm, 4BR, liv/dinrm, BIK, 2baths, 1 terr. 2garage, fenced garden, garage, basementrms, €1260 Call 06373-9112 or 01704511006 Luxury big FSH, near K-Town and RAB/ Sembach, 180sqm, 4BR, 2bath, flr heating, BIK, terrace, balc, garden, quiet area, €1500 + util, Call Henry 01726634425 Luxury FSH: Erzenhausen, 270sqm, 4 bed, 3 bath, walk-in closet, huge studio, storage, big garage, €2025+ut. Av. now. Call Melinda 0172/6855976 or kka.im mobilien@icloud.com Mackenbach: Duplex, 200 m² living, BiK, Living, dining, 3 Bedr., 2 bathr, studio, Utilityr, storage, carport € 1.500,--RE/MAX Dreamhomes 4 U, Landstuhl, Kaiserstr. 4, Tel. 01704116990 Info-land stuhl@remax.de Miesenbach: duplex, 3 bedr., 2 bath, living-dingrm., built-in-kit., garage, balcony, patio, yard, 1.100,-- € + util www.agra-immobi lien.de 06371-57656 Near Landst. House build 1988 renov. on play str. 4 big bedr. din/ liv. Very big 2 1/2 bath Ki built in, yard. Patio. Balc, washr. Separate and other util. Also available for civil and military families. 01635109879 or 0151-21078213 Near Ramst. House build 1988. renov. Rent 950 € 4 bedr. 2 1/2 bath ki built in. Patio and balc, yard 061819960916 or 015121078213 Near Weilerbach: 5-6 bedr., 3 bathr, livingr, open fire place, sunroom, sauna, large Garage 1.850,- No Fee , RE/MAX Dreamhomes 4 U, Landstuhl, Kaiserstr. 4, Tel. 01704116990 Info-landstuhl@re max.de Nice farm house, 20 min to RAB, in Patersbach. 8 BR, 2 baths, bik, garage, kid friendly, back yard, pets are welcome. €1170+utl. Call Sebastian 0157-30883821 or 06381-3510 or 0175-2011139 or 0151-18175332 Doris November 22, 2013 Kaiserslautern American Weilerbach: brand new duplex with garage, 261 sqm living place, 4 bedrooms; 3,5 bathrooms; All ads and pics on class-world.com 1.980€ + utilities RE/MAX Real Estate Center Call Katrin Lindner Nice FSH in Steinbach, 15 km to 0631/41408880 RAB, 152 m², 3 BR, 1.75 Baths, BIK, Pantry, Liv/Din, Basement, Weilerbach: exclusive luxury, Garage, Yard, Patio, Pets allo- brand new FSH with the best of wed, Avail: Nov. 1, 2013, Rent: everything, 300sqm, very low €1200 Euro + util.Reduced fee!We energy costs, available 1 Dec, also offer a bill pay and consulting €2370+ut. Call Melinda 0172/ service.For more information plea- 6855976 or kka.immobilien@ic se contact G.I. Bill Pay Service & loud.com HOUSES FOR RENT Real Estate: 06371-465407 or 0160-1065196 or ramstein@gibill pay.com . For further listings please view our website www.gibill pay.com/realestate Weilerbach: rather new very energy efficient large house, 290 sqm, 5 bedr, 3 bathr, Garage, garden, free now € 2.130,-- RE/MAX Dreamhomes 4 U, Landstuhl, KaiNice House in Weselberg, 10min serstr. 4, Tel. 01704116990 InfoRAB 5min LRMC 183sqm 4BR landstuhl@remax.de 2baths guest WC BIK lrg open liv/ HOUSES/APTS dinrm, lrg terr & lrg garden carport. Ideal for kids! €1030+util FOR SALE Call: 06307-1272 or 0151- All ads and pics on class-world.com 19469063 or 0173-3020558 Nice House w/3BR., Livrm., Big 15 Min. to Ktown / Landstuhl: Kitchen BIK, Bath, G-Toil., Waldfischbach: Great 1fh, built in 2Balcony, 2Garagen, Big Yard, 2006,5 bedr., 2 bathr, Bik, living/ DSL, AFN, No fee, available dining, full basement, large property, gorgeous view, floor heanow.063847067 ting, € 288.000,--RE/MAX DreamNice townhouse in Ramstein, homes 4 U, Landstuhl, Kai150 m², 3 BR, 1.5 Baths, BIK, Liv/ serstr.4, Tel 01706850060 or Din, Attic, Patio, underground par- 01704116990, email wolf king space, Pets neg., Avail: Nov. gang.wiedmann@remax.de 15, 2013. Rent: €975 Euro + util. Reduced fee!For more informati- Big Freestanding House in Bruchon please contact G.I. Bill Pay mhlbach - Miesau, 264 sqm living Service & Real Estate: 06371- space, 1341 sqm land area, 3 ba465407 or 0160-1065196 or ram throoms, 11 rooms, 3 floors, basestein@gibillpay.com . For further ment, SAT-TV, Fast-DSL, big garlistings please view our website den, winter garden, garage, big attic room, House complete renovawww.gibillpay.com/realestate ted 2013. €279.000 Christian Niedermohr: Freestanding 5 Zapp 0151-22952986 bedr., 3 bath, living-diningrm., Duplex 140sqm in Queidersbach, open-fire-place, doublegarage, 5BR, 2Baths, Liv/Din, Oil-heating, patio, yard, 2.070,--€ + util 20min to RAB, 10min to vogelwww.agra-Immobilien.de 06371/ weh.Real Estate Sornberger 017657656 35598944, Price 179.000 Obermohr, Reuschbacher Str. FSH in Würzweiler, between Ro11, 175sqm liv space, 2 livrm, ckenhausen & Kirchheimbolandinrm, BIK, 5BR, 1bath, baseden, quiet area, 5BR, liv/dinrm, 2 ment, garage, attic. €975 + util. bathrms, 2 guest WCs, 2 biks, gaMeter for heating, electricity, warage, approx 1400sqm garden, ter. Garbage and chimney bill. incl separate building suitable for 015228851004 or winfried.schley expansion w/ 3 garages. er@t-online.de €130.000,00 obo. Call 06302-7556 Ramstein - School: Big, freest. Gorgeous House 209m² Liv House, 6-8BR/3BA, balcony, Space, 1065m² lot, 5 bedrms, liv/ yard, 3 garages € 1.940.- + util; diningroom, built-in kitchen, pan0162-1800500 try, fam rm, 2 bath, sauna, entranRamstein 5 mins: unique germanstyle home, 180sqm, 3 bedrooms, big bathroom, BIK, nice yard, perfect for singles or couple, €1350+ut. Av. now. Call Melinda 0172/6855976 or kka.immobilien@ icloud.com Ramstein, new renovated FSH 320sqm, 5 mins to air base, 13 rooms, big garden, terrace 50sqm, brand new kitchen, 4 parking places. Mobil:017629803316 allen-bmw-horoz@hot mail.de Landstuhl: next to hospital great townend house, 3 bedr, Studio, 1 ½ bathr., kitchen, livingr, full basement w extra livingsp, patio and balcony Garage in excellent condition € 212.000,-- no extra commision or for rent € 1.250,-- RE/MAX Dreamhomes 4 U, Landstuhl, Kaiserstr.4, Tel 01706850060 or 01704116990, email wolf gang.wiedmann@remax.de Ramstein School District: charming home at quiet area, 4-5 bedr., 1 1/2 bathr., built in kitchen, livingroom basement balconies rent € 1220,--or to buy € 148.000,--RE/MAX Dreamhomes 4 U, Landstuhl, Kaiserstr.4, Tel 01706850060 or 01704116990, email wolfgang.wiedmann@re max.de SFH in Waldmohr approx. 1300 sqm Areal big Pool.5Rms BIK fireplace Partyrm Double garage fully built out basement. 460.000,-€ Tel. 0177/5050253 TLA/TDY All ads and pics on class-world.com 2003 Hyundai Santa Fe, Black, AC, 170,797 km, 4 winter tires & rims, towing hitch, tinted winAll ads and pics on class-world.com dows, electric windows & locking, recently overhauled, new pioneer Excl offices rooms, in Landstuhl radio, 5 speed stick, $4,500, ig city center, newly renov/furnis- gy.rubalcava@googlemail.com hed, BIK, 150sqm -290sqm, wolf gang@rae-weyrich.de or 0171- 2004 Ford Explorer Limited, Ford, Explorer Limited, 2004, Whi9388747 te with tan Leather interior. DVD KL-Einsiedlerhof: modern, bright built in and new all season tires. office space, about 160 m², (4 offi- PCSing so need to sell., $2500, jef ce rooms) Free now € 1.120,-- w/ fandbianca@yahoo.com o utilities.RE/MAX Dreamhomes 4 U, Landstuhl, Kaiserstr. 4, Tel. 2006 AUDI A-8 Quattro! Super 01704116990 Info-landstuhl@re Clean! ! Silver Color! Tan leather! Great service history! Long wheel max.de base! Loaded! Navigation! Super nice ride! For more information contact Lawrence and Maria at (39) 3466494965 OR EMAIL mtjfriu AUTOS All ads and pics on class-world.com lana@googlemail.com asking price 17,000 Euro OFFICE SPACE 2010 VW Golf Diesel, dk.gray, 4door, 5-speed manual shift, 100,000km, Navi, heated seats, air-cond, heated/memory electr. side mirrors, touch screen radio, park aid asst, rain sensor, full service history - $17,200 Call 0172*A set of Continental Winter tires 6509187 with rims 5 lugs, 205/55R16H TS830, 017622987498, €320 WALSH AGENCY www.kmc-insurance.com 2003 BMW 320i, 78.000miles, LICENSED ADAC OFFICE first owner, garage kept, automaFULL ENGLISH SERVICE tic air control, black, sun roof, American Auto Protector & AXA Co. park alarm, good condition, • LOW COST CAR & BIKE INSURANCE €3200, 0176-84498344 • BUSINESS, LEGAL & MEDICAL INSURANCE Caution: Some KA Classified ads have become a target for scams. Please be cautious if potential buyers offer you payment methods other than cash. ! ! ! ! ! 1-5 Bed luxury apts & houses for TLA/TDY personnel in Ramstein. 2 min to RAB & short walk to shops and restaurants. 100% equipped, TV, AFN, English satalite, cable high speed internet. Free phone to USA and Euro- Audi A3 1.9 TDI, 105PS, built yepe. Good library and movie selec- ar 2005, 146.000 km, black, tion. Pets welcome, Off street se- 8200€. 0170-1636176 cure parking. Call Jennie: 01712679282. Email:luxuryapts09@ya hoo.com ! ! ! ! 1 & 2 BDR Luxury Temp Apts TLA/TDY in Ramstein. 100% equipped including TV, DVD, free Internet, washer/dryer, free calls to USA. reservation / questions call: 0151-46501528 / mail:info@ ramstein-tla.com / www.ramsteintla.com / www.facebook.de/ramsteintla 1-3Bed Furnished Internet Phone TV in English Wash/Dryer American Own Pets OK NBM4RENT.COM Apt / TLA close to RAB & LRMC fully furn wshr/dryer, TV, internet oppt. Long term rental possib. ce video security system, laundry €25/day / €650 mnth 0178rm, cov balcony, cov patio, outsi- 3492565 de BBQ, playground, garden houBeautiful TLF House, 5min to se, workshop, own water well, toRAB, 4bedr, fullyfurnished, tally fenced, gas heating. Avail. imwww.beautiful-tlf.jimdo.com, mediately 309000 Euro. Doris 0176/39755130 Drewlow Immobilien, Tel: 063715940059 Landstuhl: 5***** Apartment, Apt Kaiserslautern - Siegelbach: Large House, more than 260 m² living space, large living/dining room, 5-6 Bedr., 3 bathr, Balcony, patio, 1000 m² property, 2 garages. € 330.000,-- RE/MAX Dreamhomes 4 U, Landstuhl, KaiSmall house in Reichenbachserstr.4, Tel 01706850060 or Steegen for rent, bik, parking, 2 01704116990, email wolf bdrms, liv/din.rm sat-tv, no dogs gang.wiedmann@remax.de pls, 350 + util., call 0152Luxury country - style (Black For54646166, alex.stork@web.de rest Type) with dbl garage, sauna, Steinwenden, 1FSH, big garden, infrared cabin, fireplace, partyhougarage, 160sqm, 5 min to RAB. se, heated and lighted swimming €1250+util. 015221615388 pool, sitting on a 3000sqm lot surTownhouse 2min Sembach rounded by trees and located in 5Rms BIK 1.5bath 170sqm Trippstadt. Avail. immediately 300sqm-yard terr balc garage ni- 450000€ Doris Drewlow Immobilice area 15min RAM 0173-3683830 en, Tel: 06371-5940059 Page 31 • PROPERTY & HOME OWNERS INSURANCE • LIABILITY: HUNTING, PERSONAL & DOG INS. Kaiserstr. 6, KL-Einsiedlerhof Tel. & Fax: 0631 • 57750 located on B40 across ”Nick’s Fried Chicken“ Micha’s Autoservice August-Süßdorf Str. 12 66877 Ramstein Phone 06371/614824 www.michasautoservice.de Top Modern Car Mechanical Store Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday 8:00 – 17:00 hrs Saturday according to agreement Car Insurance & POV Shipping s Competitive Rates s Low Monthly Payment Plan s Household Content Insurance Call for a free quote! No. 2, perfectly located and furnished Whirlpool, Steamshower, Dolby Surround, Boxspring beds www.ferienwohnungen-pech tel.de €90 info@ferienwohnungenpechtel.de Weilerbach - Apartment in quiet neighborhood with a large furnished unit, fully equipped incl. large back yard, cable, AFN & High Speed Internet, free phone world wide included.Great for families when PCSing In and Out 10 minutes to RAB & Vogelweh -.Pets welcome!! 0179 531 0274. Weilerbach TLA gorgeous full furnished flat 3 bed room, 1,5 bath, 0162-4747120 1 week 1 month € 130.00 € 330.00 (with VAT Form) MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED Kaiserslautern American 2013 Journey SXT FWD, 2.4l AUTO, seats 7, blue, blk Int, loaded, AUTOS push button start, tilt/cruse, fog All ads and pics on class-world.com lgt, touch screen radio, rear AC, warranty, touch entry, tinted wins, 2013 BMW X5 5.0 Loaded! As- 4whl disc brks, low miles email: call king $65k, Premium Package, Pre- hooteman@gmail.com, mium Sound Package, Tech pkg, 01746358481 Adaptive Drive, Active Steering, BMW 320 coupe, 1200VB, black Multi-contour seats, 20" alloy cosmos metallic, built year 1994, wheels, 19" winter wheels, Front 216000km, 150PS, TÜV until 12/ and top view cameras, Hitch Call/ 2013, lowered 60/40, Brock B1 SMS 01711404166 Rims. 0157-78820343 First Quality Sewing Machine Repairs and Service! Top Name Brand Sales Sulky embroidery threads and supplies Tel: 0631-92512 • Fax: 0631-92188 Email: baeumer.naehmaschinen@t-online.de Wormser Str. 4 • 67657 Kaiserslautern Mon-Fri 09:00-18:00, Sat 09:00-12:00 99 Opel Astra - Gas Saver/commuter car! Good, Reliable, 5 Spd, German Spec. Passed insp. 10/ 28/2013; Oil changed; Brakes >yr old. Located in Kaiserslautern. $2400 OBO. Pics online, call 01745390404. 4Dr/HB, A/C, Heat, S/W Tires; 163,313km Audi 100 model 1998, stick shift, w/ CD Stereo, AC, power doors, breaks, runs great, in good condition € 1.200 obo winter speical, New tires, new oil change, new inspec, 06306-1750 or 017624347031 Automatic Transmission, nice color (Blue Metallic), just 51000 km (0,5 k mile) from one Hand.-140 HP + S & M System for more HPvery clean(inside & Outside)- leather steering- Sport seats- front airbags- Original BMW Radio Cassette, essamhindi@hotmail.de • We sell Bernina sewing machines and repair all other models too! English Internet Services One World Communications Cable, DSL, LTE, Mobile – since 1995 … Are you paying far too much? Up to 100 MB as low as 23.95€ monthly. THE COMMSHOP - JUST OFF RAMSTEIN AIR BASE Consultations, signups, Ziegelhütte 2 – 66877 Ramstein – www.bunt.com moves … If we can’t get it Your partner for Telekom, Kabel Deutschland, Vodafone, Quix and others. no one can!!! Black met/barley leather 3.0L Supercharged V6 340 HP 8-sp AutoStart-Stop EPA Highway Est. 28 MPGNavi system-Music storage380W sound-12 Speakers-park camera-Keyless Entry/Start-Blind Spot Monitor-Xenons-sunroofPDCinfo@capitolmotors.com Don’t miss the new edition of The Find-it Guide! 2014 EDITION ? 2014 EDITION Watch out for the new edition of THE FIND-IT GUIDE! What will the new cover look like? The 2014 edition of The Find-it Guide will hit town 03 December! November 22, 2013 BMW 318i, automatic, automatic A/C, cruise control, heated seats, power window, silver, new winter & summer tire (summer tire never used) 8 alloy rims, 18 inch tires, very good condition, 53,000 miles, €2900, Call: 0176-22858442 BMW 318i, Automatic, power sunroof, power Mirrors, power window, Blue, new winter & summer tire 4 alloy rims, 18 inch tires, very good condition, just 51,500 Km. Origenal BMW Radio, Lether steering, one owner(Old Wommen). Inspaktion Guarantee.Phone:015117610336 BMW 320d Model 2005, 6spd manual, 5 doors, starblue metalic, 2 owners, non smoking car, power doors-mirrors-windowsbrakes-sunroof, CD/Radio, AC, ABS, HDH, new breakes, oil change & tires - on alloy rims. New inspection. Very well maintained, with books, Garage kept, very good condition, only € 5.250 obo. Call 0172-6762717 BMW X3 automatic, 3.0i blackmetallic sport-motor 231 PS gasoline full fittings:with telephone-station, navigation, seat-heater in the two front seats, air conditioner, panoramic glass roof...182000 km =~113090 miles, schro eder.vrmm@gmail.com Complete set of winter tires185/ 65 R 14 T on 4 lug rims (MJ214x5.5JJ) only 8,000 miles driven asking 200.00 $call 0160 90320776 For Sale, BMW, Z4, 2003, 2.5i, 5 speed manual, Fully automatic soft top, Sports Package, Heated/ Power Seats, Always garaged and always serviced by BMW dealership. Sapphire Black with Grey leather/cloth interior, $12500.00, jackkampa@gmail.com PC repair from Ink & toner, too! Spesbacher Str. 1a 66877 Ramstein-Miesenbach 06371-598987 COMING SOON! The 2014 edition of Th TH THE FINDIT GUIDE will h hit town 03 December! Get your own copy here: G •A Army Community Service • USO Offices •C Commissaries •A Airman & Family Readiness Center 0UBLISHING(OUSEs!DVERTISING!GENCY www.tts-ramstein.de Page 32 Open every Friday + Saturday 8 am – 4 pm Ramstein, R i Fl Flurstr. 4 Tel. 0163-1 90 57 17 One Price! One Plan! One Place! All included! • Unlimited internet access • Flat rate calling the USA • Mobile smart phone solutions • Service and support all in English Tel: 06221-750050 Web: www.pjsnet.com Email: admin@pjsnet.com For Sale, Jeep, Liberty Sport 4 X 4, 2006, Black, 3.7 Liter , Automatic, Fog Lights, Cruise Control, Power Windows, Power Door Locks, 6 Disc CD / Radio 88, xxx miles, 5 new tires , $8000, fjroosa@yahoo.com Ford Mondeo, 1995, manual transmission, air conditioning, central locking, electric windows, electric seats, summer and winter tires, good condition, €1900. 017686320018 FWD, 2.5l, Auto, Red, heated blk ltr seats, loaded, dealer maintained, Appearance pk, sunroof, fog lights, Sony stereo, tilt, cruse, 25k HWY miles, Excel Cond! hoo teman@gmail.com or 01746358481 I am selling 4 bmw alloy oem 15" rims taken off my `93 318i. The rims are in fair condition. Good for any BMW owner who need rims or spares. $100 ss2day@ gmail.com Infiniti FX 35 all wheel drive, us model, white, 5dr, automatic, A/C, has all the extras, the full package, electric moon roof, build year 2006, new brakes, new suspension, new wheels, passed inspect guaranty next inspect 2014, €13500 obo, Call: 0151-66048136 Manual Transmission. 22,000 Miles. Heated Seats. Fold in side mirrors. Rear Back Up Sensors. Blue Tooth Enabled. Connection cord for mp3/ipod. CD Player. Convenience keyless entry and start. Comes w/2 sets winter & summer runflat tires, kvrcosmos@ gmail.com Mercedes Benz E 320 for sale! Bj. 1996, 174000 km only, Senior car, non Smoking car, excellent condition, Automatic transmision and much much more.Pictures can be send per E-Mail. beatricelui se@yahoo.de or 06364 - 175102 please leave a message Mercedes E 200, Model 2000 Automatic, leather, power steering, breaks, windows, doors. Cruise control, Xenon lights, ABS, Stero, fully loaded. new oil change & batterie. none smoking car - Garage kept- good condition - only € 3.950 obo call 0172-676 2717 Mercedes E320,00, Automatic, 142000 km, with alloy wheels, leather interior, DVDs in headrests, extra-fully loaded, & perfect mechanically!!! Super nice car! $8400 (or 6200 Euros) Wiesbaden, 017669350-983. Saab 9.3 Turbo Diesel for sale, Saab, 9.3 Turbo Diesel, 2001, 2 door hatch back coupe Brand new winter tires New summer tires Leather interior Heated seats Great gas mileage 260,000 kilometers, $3,500.00, 1712772894 Toda high power N2 Camshafts, K20a 295in12.5 and K20a 285ex12.0, asking for both $700. Call: 017622987498 Toda K20A Valve Spring Set. Original price $400. Toda racing parts. Never used Asking $275 Ph.017622987498 / isabell_1_98@ yahoo.com Winter Tires, Good Year Ultra Grip Winter Tires with steel rims, 175/65 R14. Excellent condition used one winter. Rims fit Mazda 323, 4x100. $225., $250.00, 0175449-8922 November 22, 2013 AUTOS All ads and pics on class-world.com Kaiserslautern American I am a PhD student of African Diaspora history at New York University. For my dissertation research I am looking to interview black American military women (spouses as well as servicewomen, nurses and teachers) who spent time in Germany between 1945 and 1980. Please contact Felicitas at fr527@nyu.edu. XC60 Winter Tires on Volvo Alloy Rims 4 Pirelli Scorpion Ice & Snow Tires (235/65R/17/108H) on Volvo Alloy Rims with Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) installed. Asking $800.00 obo. Contact George at bruni777@hot International Catholic Community of Heidelberg, Invites you to cemail.com lebrate Mass in the English language.St. Michael's ChurchKirschMOTORCYCLES garten Str. 3569126 Heidelberg All ads and pics on class-world.com SudstadtMass Time: 1 pm Sun daysinfoheidelberg@international catholiccommunity.com Caution: Some KA Classified ads have become a target Vendors, Do you have something for scams. Please be cau- special to sell at our American/ tious if potential buyers offer German Christmas Market?We you payment methods other are looking at hosting this on the 14th of December.Each vendor than cash. will pay €25 space fee, first come 1981 BMW Motorcycle R65, US will get there choice of locatispecs 16,353miles $2500.hasen on.This will be a good time to promote any talent/small business.I buhlerh@yahoo.com 2009 BMW, GS 1200cc, brand need to know right away for adnew mint condition, 10000miles, vertisement, please reserve your with sattle bags, tank bag, and spot by Nov 15th.0171-1974261. windshield, $13000, Call 0162- E-Mail: melanie.bristol@melovin-vi no.com 2766420 ANNOUNCEMENTS All ads and pics on class-world.com Overeater's Anonymous, If food rules your life call Overeaters Anonymous. No weigh-ins, dues or fees. Meetings every Monday 1930, Pulaski Barracks building 2880. Contact OA_ktown@ya hoo.com for more info. ELECTRONICS All ads and pics on class-world.com $$$ Cash Paid For Stereos $$$ Turntables, Cassette Decks, Speakers, Amplifiers, Reel to Reel, Laserdisc/CD/DVD players ETC! Willing to discuss all. Please let me know what you have. Call Scott 0160 9753 8888 / powersweep@ yahoo.com 2 AFN satellite receivers with remotes (1 receiver purchased on 10 Sep 13). Includes dish with stand, two LMBs (1 LMB purchased 10 Oct 13), and approx 100 meters of cable. Estimated value is at least $500 or more. Email fritzj@kabelbw.de an Page 33 Computer Case NIB, New in Box $125.00 Cooler Master Mystique RC-632S-KKN1-GP Black Aluminum/ SECC ATX Mid Tower, anest53@gmail.com 220 volt iron and ironing board. Contact Eric and Mia at 063759949674., $30, eyates9761@aol.com Air Conditioner, Portable Chigo 9000 BTU air conditioner with remote control and window attachments. Digital pictures available upon request; Email fritzj@ka belbw.de and use subject "Item for Sale", $100.00 Canon cameras, Top condition Canon T70, T80 film camera bodies. Canon 277T flash and Canon Z135 Sureshot film camera with case. Call 063849988015 for details., $250, vcwalters@ msn.com Bread Machine, 220v Fif Bread machine. Digital pictures available upon request; Email fritzj@ka belbw.de and use subject "Item for Sale"., $30.00 s for the Christmas clothe ve! little ones you lo Fashions from France, Italy, England and Holland Right here in Weilerbach VAT form accepted • Free parking Hauptstr. 28 • 67685 Weilerbach • www.caspino.de 9, 3 , 45 69, 95 Found something fun to do lately? Share it with EVERYBODY!!! Go to militaryingermany.com & Click on “Share” on the Main Menu Your community, your website. 69, 95 Size: 40 - 46 TEX TEX Size: 40 - 46 nly now o 59, 95 Size: 36 - 40 15,39, 95 Size: 40 - 46 We reserve the right to offer substitutes or subsequent delivery in case of failure of delivery by manufacturers. Weilerbach, Danziger Str. 10 - 12 • Open: Mon - Sat 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Page 34 Kaiserslautern American November 22, 2013 Far from home. Never far from help. At USAA, we know what it means to serve. That’s why we offer award-winning customer service, including designated representatives ready to help you navigate the complex road map of insurance. Let us serve you. usaa.com | 00-800-830-72690 toll free For mobile phone users in Germany: 0800-2255-288, then 800-830-72690 when prompted. Not all products are available to all applicants in all locations. Product availability may vary in some foreign locations due to local laws and restrictions. Membership eligibility restrictions apply to purchase of property and casualty insurance. Eligibility may change based on factors such as marital status, rank or military status. Applicants must meet underwriting guidelines. Property and casualty insurance provided by United Services Automobile Association, USAA Casualty Insurance Company and USAA General Indemnity Company, which are domiciled in Texas and are licensed in all 50 United States and D.C., Guam, Puerto Rico and/or the Virgin Islands; or USAA Limited, which is domiciled and licensed in the United Kingdom, authorized and regulated by the Financial Services Authority, and authorized to write insurance under the Freedom of Services Directive in Azores, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and Greece. USAA DfD operates in Germany as a branch office of United Services Automobile Association. © 2013 USAA. 139524-0813 November 22, 2013 Kaiserslautern American Telephones and Modem, Two cordless, one standard telephone, and one DSL modem. Digital pictures available upon request; Email fritzj@kabelbw.de and use subject "Item for Sale", $20.00 E Hand Mixer, One 220v Mia hand mixer. Only used once. Digital pictures available upon request; Email fritzj@kabelbw.de and use subject "Item for Sale", $10.00 Heater Propane or Natural Gas, New In Box $12920,000 BTU ODS Oxygen Depletion Sensor auto shutoff, Thermostat, Wall or floor mount, Similar units sell on Ebay for about $200.00 and that is without the included hoses, regulator, & fittings, anest53@ gmail.com Hitachi 29 Color Multi System dual voltage Television Model C29F300B, with Hitachi Stereo and Multi CD player dual voltage Model HAD-C50W and two speakers. Digital pictures available upon request; Email fritzj@ka belbw.de and use subject "Item for Sale." Indoor BBQ Grill, 220v Petra indoor BBQ grill. Digital pictures available upon request; Email fritzj@kabelbw.de and use subject "Item for Sale", $40.00 Kitchen Appliances, One toaster, one coffee maker, and one hot water cooker. Digital pictures available upon request; Email fritzj@kabelbw.de and use subject "Item for Sale", $15.00 Laney speakers, for more information Call: 017622987498 Mac Pro w/ Monitor and Printer $799 Negotiable Mac Pro 1.1 2 Dual Core Intel Zenon Processors 10GB Ram28 in Hanns G MonitorHP 4000 LaserJet just refurbished!This computer has seen very little use.anest53@gmail.com Metal Slug Anthology, Wii game, played once, perfect condition - like new!, 15, coemser@gmail.com Multi Purpose Slicer, This 220v multipurpose slicer will cut bread and meats. It was never used. Digital pictures available upon request; Email fritzj@kabelbw.de and use subject "Item for Sale", $15.00 Rayman Raving Rabbits, Wii game, perfect condition, like new! 10, coemser@gmail.com, 10, coemser@gmail.com L SA PDA Battery Packs, Twelve twoin-one power packs and 16 inELECTRONICS stant power packs for HP JornaAll ads and pics on class-world.com da 520 and 540 pocket PDAs. Digital pictures available upon reComputer Printer, HP OfficeJet quest; Email fritzj@kabelbw.de 6110 all-in-one printer with scan- and use subject "Item for Sale", ner and fax machine. Includes ex- $10.00 tra printer cartridges and software. Digital pictures available upon Singer Stylist sewing machine, request; Email fritzj@kabelbw.de purchased at Ramstein PX, hardly and use subject "Item for Sale", used. Comes with Singer accessories. Other optional free sewing $40.00 stuff. Singer Stylist sewing machiEgg Cooker, 220v egg cooker. Di- ne, purchased at Ramstein PX, gital pictures available upon re- hardly used. Comes with Singer quest; Email fritzj@kabelbw.de accessories. dglore123@ya and use subject "Item for Sale", hoo.com $5.00 SmackDown vs. Raw 2010, Wii Extension Cords, Various 220v game, like new!, 12, coemser@ extension cords and surge protecgmail.com tors. Digital pictures available upon request; Email fritzj@ka Small Exquisit freezer, Height belbw.de and use subject "Item 50cm, Width - 43.5cm, Depth 46cm. Work very well. Enough for Sale", $25.00 storage for two people. Digital picGPS Navigation System, Navitures available upon request; gon Mobile Navigator 5, PNA Email fritzj@kabelbw.de and use Transonic 5000, with European subject "Item for Sale". maps and a lot of accessories. Digital pictures available upon re- Super Mario Galaxy, Wii game, quest; Email fritzj@kabelbw.de perfect condition, like new! 20, and use subject "Item for Sale". coemser@gmail.com, coemser@ gmail.com $50.00, fritzj@kabelbw.de FOR SALE All ads and pics on class-world.com Caution: Some KA Classified ads have become a target for scams. Please be cautious if potential buyers offer you payment methods other than cash. 2 pair earrings, Kitty earrings and one pair is black, 5, s.vogl75@ web.de 4 summer tires, Ford Mustang, Hancook, 245/45z/R17, 2 years old, also new, driven one summer season. 01723564442 A large variety of boys clothing. Pick out five either pants or shirt or both for only $20. Age 2 to 7, 017622987498 An adjustable full-size bassinet allows you to keep baby closer longer. Diaper changing table with wipe clean fabrics that resist mess during changes. Easily converts to a portable playard. Signature Graco® push-button fold makes closing your playard quick and hassle-free. Airy mesh on all sides for maximum ventilation. Convenient carrying bag for nofuss travel and storage. New price: 129.99, selling for $95, 06374944368 or 0176-55247077 or email Doris.Koenig@gmx.de The Bigs Baseball, Wii Game, Antique Tin Pot - very old - pasperfect condition, like new!, 10, sed down from my grandfather. $40. See pictures at www.classcoemser@gmail.com world.eu E-mail s.vogl75@web.de The Bigs2 Baseball, Wii game, perfect condition, like new!, 12, Art Nouveau furniture over 100 years old. A variety of items, coemser@gmail.com grandfather clock (Harmonium), Transformers, Multiple 220 volt crystal glasses, Murano glasses, transformers. 4 X 300 watt for $40 Meisner porcelain figurines, 200 each and 1 X 75 watt for $20. years old, coffee and Tea set. Contact Eric and Mia at Call: 0177-5211480 063759949674., $40, Ballgown, size 14/16 German eyates9761@aol.com 44). Wore it for 4hrs, practically Transformers, Ten 220v to 110v new. Wear w/ or w/o straps, coelectrical transformers of various mes with schal. Pics don't do it jusizes and wattages. Digital pictustice, not as shiny as in pics res available upon request; Email (flash). Asking $180 (was fritzj@kabelbw.de and use subject 300).Contact smoothsalsakat@ya "Item for Sale", $100.00 hoo.com for info. Vacuum Cleaner, Panasonic mo- Basketball hoop for children, del MC-E862 vacuum cleaner black and red, approx 3feet tall, with extra parts and six dust $10, Call: 017622987498 bags. Digital pictures available Beautiful hand-made felt shoulupon request; Email fritzj@ka der bag in purple with flower debelbw.de and use subject "Item sign, medium size, perfect x-mas for Sale"., $15.00, fritzj@kapresent. Check out www.classbelbw.de world.com for pics, €25, jenniferwil Waffle Iron, 220v Elta waffle iron, king@hotmail.com only used once. Digital pictures Beautiful hand-made purple/pink available upon request; Email felt flower brooch, perfect fritzj@kabelbw.de and use subject stocking stuffer, can be pinned on "Item for Sale", $10.00 jackets, scarves, bags and more. Waffle maker, 220 volt, $10, Absolutely wow! €12, jenniferwil 017622987498 king@hotmail.com Wii console, like new, comes Beautiful Polish tea service still w/ with 2 Remotes, 2 Motion Plus, 2 authentic labels. I bought when I Nunchuk, 2 Classic Controllers, 1 was in Poland. Call: 0177-6036101 Pist Grip, 3 Games:Wii Play, Books, 175 plus intelligence, esSports, Sports Resort, 115 OBO, pionage, terrorism related books coemser@gmail.com & reference materials. Will only Wii Game System 2 controllers, 2 sell as a complete collection. A Steering Wheels, 2 Karaoke Mics, detailed list can be provided upon $2,000; fritzj@ka 13 Games, Wii Fit board, Guitar request; Hero Guitar controller, 110/220V belbw.de; use subject "Item for cords and original manuals! Email Sale" for pics. Great Christmas Present! Boys winter boots, size 30, Everything Works!stvvee@sbcglo brand Bama bought at Marken bal.net Schuh, asking $15, 017622987498 Zelda Twilight Princess, Wii ga- Dress shoes for boys, size 13, me, perfect condition, like new!, Perfect for church or special oc18, coemser@gmail.com cassions. $10. 017622987498 Page 35 Bracelet, gold plated and silver with small stones between. Worn once for a Xmas party. 10, s.vogl75@web.de Brand new teal (green/blue) satin high heels with T-bar. Never worn - straight out of the box. US size 8.5 (euro 39). Ordered by mistake and unable to return - $15. michelle_purse@hotmail.com Custom-made children's kindergarten bag with name. Send me a message if you are interested in a unique bag for your child. Perfect present. All bags are made using wet-felting technique with sheep wool, soap and water only! € neg, depending on design, jenniferwil king@hotmail.com Collection of leather bound, signed by the author, 1st edition books, mint cond. Over 100 different books. Authors include: Norman Mailer, William F. Buckley, Joseph Heller, Elie Wiesel, Donald Mc Dunne, John Updicke, Tom Wolfe, etc. $ 15.000 - serious inquiries only! Call: 0631-940213 or 0151-270-19822 Designer Hand bag. George Gina and Lucy. Used twice. Paid 160 euros for the bag. €100 017622987498 Eco warrior shoulder bag, handmade felt, environmentally friendly bag made using only wool, water and soap, €25, jenniferwilking@hot mail.com OASE SPA RELAX Jade MASSAGE THAI, FOOT & OIL MASSAGES Relax, Ayurveda Massage Please call for appointment AKAZIENSTRASSE 1A 66849 LANDSTUHL-ATZEL PHILIPP-REIS-STR. 9 66849 LANDSTUHL Please call for appointment 01 76 • 62 19 77 28 0160-9191 3823 PERMANENT HAIR REMOVAL FOR HER & HIM · Removal of · Free consultation · English spoken tattoos 1€ = 1$* Weekend and evening appointments available Ramstein / Landstuhl Tel: 0 63 32 - 20 91 92 or Kaiserslautern / Pirmasens Cell: 01 71 - 4 93 33 69 www.phil-cosmetics.de Serving the U.S. military for over 13 years *with this ad, valid till November 30, 2013 Certified American Orthodontics Tricare Preferrred Provider • Porcelain Bonding • Family Dentisty • Certified Orthodontics • Nitrous Oxide for • American Hygientists all Procedures • Bleaching • Full ceramic crowns • Implant Surgery & onlays in 1 day Ramstein Dental Care • Poststrasse 1 • 66877 Ramstein-Miesenbach www.ramsteindental.com • 06371-406230 Wiesbaden Dental Care • Bahnstrasse 14 • 65205 Wiesbaden-Erbenheim www.wiesbadendental.com • 0611-98872650 RRECEIVE GREAT SAVINGS WITH COUPONS ON BEAUTY & HEALTH SERVICES Check out the huge variety of coupons inside The Find-It Guide. Proudly brought to by 0UBLISHING(OUSEs!DVERTISING!GENCY Page 36 Kaiserslautern American L SA Fire Extinguishers, Two medium sized home fire extinguishers, one FOR SALE for the kitchen and one for the All ads and pics on class-world.com rest of the home. Digital pictures available upon request; Email Felt bag, gorgeous grey hand- fritzj@kabelbw.de and use subject made felt bag with blue design, "Item for Sale", $15.00 medium size, €30, jenniferwilking@ Foxy lady, small felt shoulder bag hotmail.com with fox design. Discover your Fender type Telecaster electric wild side! All bags are completely guitar. Masterbuilt, professional in- environmentally friendly made strument. Excellent sound spec- with wool, soap and water ontrum and tonal qualities. Must see ly!€25, jenniferwilking@hot and try! Tom at 0172 35 64442 mail.com November 22, 2013 E GAP Sweatshirt: Perfect conditi- Lace dress, eggshell/offwhite, on, like new. Size small., 8, coem size 6, never worn. For wedding/ prom/summer night out. $50; ser@gmail.com 017622987498 or isabell_1_98@ya Green suede handbag. With hoo.com Pic on www.classthree compartments. Zipper top. world.eu does not do justice. Be$20 0176-22987498 please leave autiful dress. a message if I do not answer. Laney GH50L all valve top guitar In-Step double jogging stroller., amplifier and 4x12 Laney speaker Instep double jogging stroller. Per- cabinet. Brand new, never left the fect for the active parent with 2 living room. Amazing sound possismall children. $55.00 Call 06383- bilities. Serious offers and details 927462. at 01723564442 Kookai dress, size 40, $30, chiffron material, purple, pink, and beige, worn once, 017622987498, see class world for pictures. Light Fixtures, Two new small 220v light fixtures. Digital pictures available upon request; Email fritzj@kabelbw.de and use subject I am selling a Sunbed from Dr. "Item for Sale", $5.00 Kern Modell NGR 241. The light Long necklace with a heart & buttubes were exchanged and ran terfly pendant, different stones. for approx. 300 hours. Also have For pics please see www.classavail 300 hours light tubes. (The world.com, 5, s.vogl75@web.de new tubes run up tp 600 hours.) I Lots of fashion jewerly for sale, am selling the sunbed for someoearrings, bracelets, necklaces, ne. The light tubes can be bought from €1 to €5, see class world for at ebay or directly from Dr. Kern. pictures, 017622987498 One or two tubes are possibly defect and need to be replaced. Mens leather shoe, size 10 1/2, Bought for 3500 to 4000 DM. If Worn twice. Call: 0176-22987498 you are interested please contact Microwave Oven, 220v LG Intellus, the sunbed is located in Kaiwave microwave oven. Digital picserslautern, Tel: 0176-55 24 70 77 tures available upon request; 06374-944368 (Doris) Email fritzj@kabelbw.de and use Mens bike, Email dglore123@ya subject "Item for Sale"., $30.00, fritzj@kabelbw.de hoo.com for more information. www.frankfurt-airport-shuttle.com Necklace with a cross pendant, color is bronze/brown, for pics please see www.class-world.com, 5, s.vogl75@web.de Necklace, fashion jewelry, black, different pearls & stones, 5, s.vogl75@web.de Nice necklace with a leather strap, 10, for pictures please go to www.class-world.com, s.vogl75@web.de Nice necklace with heart-pendant in silver. New, nether worn. For picture please see classworld.com. 5, s.vogl75@web.de Org.Thomas Sabo Charm, price new was 49, never used, was a bday present, selling price 20, s.vogl75@web.de Pink and white snake skin purse, not real. pics on www.classworld.eu isabell_1_98@yahoo.com Porcelain dolls, over 100 to choose from, all dressed. Price Obo Call: 0176-90796039 Poulan Pro 24" Snow Blower $599.00 Powerful 208-cc OHV 6HP engine Electric and manual start 24-inch-wide 2-stage 13-in deep-tread tires Less than 2 hours of use, selling due to PCS to Sicily Cost New at BX $800.00 Price Negotiable Small grey felt shoulder bag with mushroom design, perfect gift, €20 jenniferwilking@hotmail.com B L A C K F R I DAY ADDITIONAL 5% IN ALL OUR STORES E NJOY OU R FAMOUS BELG I A N H OS P I TALIT Y WIT H BEER, CHEESE, SAU CAG ES, CHOCOL AT E, . . . serving American customers over 50 years T R AD I T I ON A L FU R N I TU R E Our huge showroom is only 1 hour 40 minutes from Ktown. From Ktown: - Take the A62 to Trier. - A62 goes on highway 1 - Get off at exit 126 (Kreuz Wittlich) - Take A60 to LÜTTICH (Belgium) - Take EXIT nr.14 (St.Vith Nord) MÖBEL KRINGS MARAITE E N I TU R R U F M CU STO I N C R ED I B LE FOR C ES ! ! ! ! ! PRI Römerstraße - Hünningen 7 | B-4780 ST.VITH e inc is 1/4 mile on the right side of the road. 61 19 s | Tel.: 0032 - 80 - 22.84.77 | www.mkkrings.com E-mail: info@mkkrings.com November 22, 2013 L SA E FOR SALE All ads and pics on class-world.com Prom dress or for weddings, green pastel color, size 36/38. Back of dress is open with two strapes held by a gem. Call: 017622987498 Propane Cooking Gas, Two propane cooking gas canisters. One bottle is full and the other is about three quarters full. Digital pictures available upon request; Email fritzj@kabelbw.de and use subject "Item for Sale", $5.00 Selling two Fender Stratocaster electric guitars. Never left the house, top condition. One is a collector's item. Serious offers and details at 01723564442 Set of three pink vases, different shapes but matching in color, perfect for shabby-chic feature or to upcycle. €10, jenniferwilking@hot mail.com Show Me What You Got Talent Showcase, Dizzy is coming in town! Tickets on sale NOW for her " Show Me What You Got" talent show on 16 November! Call DSN 480-2333 or 06371-47-2333 to get tickets Ski Equipment, Bike/ski rack $20; Thule care top carrier $200; Sauna heater 400V, 8 kw $50; ski poles and boots call 063849988015 for sizes and details. Striped hand-made felt shoulder bag, large, perfect fall trend colors, perfect gift, €30, jenniferwil king@hotmail.com Kaiserslautern American Snow Sled, Snow sled. Only used once. Digital pictures available upon request; Email fritzj@ka belbw.de and use subject "Item for Sale", $10.00 Swarovski Crystal - Attention collectors! All retired pieces reduced to half their value, All pieces over 20years old! Prices greatly reduced! Great gift for any special occasion! Private collection!The last two Retired pieces., whale, turtle. Call for info: 06332-41560 between 2pm to 9pm. Can deliver to RAB! Swarovski, silver, crystal, trilogy masquerade, 1999-2001, w/crystal signs & displays, 899€ obo Call: 0162-2762421 The Swarovski Pierrot measures 8". This is the first edition of "Masquerade" series. Retired in 1999. Pics on www.class-world.eu isabell_1_98@yahoo.com T-Shirt "America", perfect condition, like new, size small! 5, coem ser@gmail.com Documents for Sale! USA and CSA documents, coins of Germany and China, private collection, for sale piece by piece. Call between 4-7pm 0152-25194313 (David Frank) Wetsuit - Shorty, Women, black/ orange, size small, fast drying, 15, s.vogl75@web.de Wine Rack/Holder, holds six bottles, attractive metal finish, fits perfectly in a small, narrow space. $10; 0163-330-5535 or john@ad vantipro.de Winter boots for boys, size 30, $20, Call: 017622987498 FURNITURE All ads and pics on class-world.com 9'X12' Pink Carpet, 9'X12' pink carpet, $15.00. Call 06383927462. Antique Armiore, Antique French armiore with mirror doors. Louis IV style. See photo on KA classifieds web page. Contact Eric and Mia at 063759949674. , €800, eyates9761@aol.com Antique Bench, Antique bench with cushion seat, storage space and wheels. See photo on KA classifieds web page. Contact Eric and Mia at 063759949674., €700, eyates9761@aol.com Antique Buffet, Antique French buffet. year 1890 Henry II style. See photo on KA classifeds web page. Contact Eric and Mia at 063759949674., €1000, eyates9761@aol.com Antique China Cabinet w/ Table & Chairs, Antique 100 y.o. German china cabinet, matching dining table with 4 chairs. See photo on KA classifieds web page. Contact Eric and Mia at 063759949674., €950, eyates9761@aol.com Antique corner desk. See photo on KA classifieds web page. Contact Eric and Mia at 063759949674., €150, eyates9761@aol.com Antique secretary desk. See photos on KA classifieds web page. Contact Eric and Mia at 063759949674., €120, eyates9761@aol.com Page 37 Antique Sofa, Antique French sofa. See photo on KA classifieds web page. Contact Eric and Mia at 063759949674., €200, eyates9761@aol.com Bookshelf, Wooden bookshelf. See photo on KA classifieds web page. Contact Eric and Mia at 063759949674., $150, eyates9761@aol.com Beautiful handmade bed! Very sturdy handmade bed. Size is 1.6 m by 2m or standard queen size. Made from pine and only used for 2 years. Very solidly made bed with frame only. Will last a for years to come. Asking 100.00 euros and must pr Creative Memories supplies, Various Creative Memories supplies unopened. 12x12 refill pages and protective covers, $5.00, Baby careearly@yahoo.com Blue rug with Janosch design for little boys room. Paid €50 from Mobil Martin. Asking $20. 017622987498 Solid wood dining table, with 4 custioned chairs. Table can be extended. Very sturdy and comfortable. 0176-55247077 €90 obo Designer glass coffee table from Interia, $130, Very study Solid wood frame. Call: 06374-944828 DR. BIANCA KNOLL - PLASTIC SURGEON (YALE/USA) +++ American Standard and Care in Germany +++ Aesthetic & Reconstructive Surgery • Most advanced techniques in body contouring surgery • Breast augmentation/ reduction & lift • Rhinoplasty • Blepharoplasty • Face/neck lift • Botox ©, Filler, Peels • Skin Cancer • Scar revision…and many more We accept VAT-forms • TRICARE preferred provider Dr. Bianca Knoll • Savignystr. 61 • 60325 Frankfurt • Fon: 069-7422-7979 Email: info@dr-bianca-knoll.com • www.dr-bianca-knoll.com 63 REASO NS TO CHOOSE OMNI Click today...cash todayTM www.yesomni.com We’ve been making loans of up to $10,000 to active duty military for over 63 years. “W lov t a yes” Page 38 Kaiserslautern American FURNITURE All ads and pics on class-world.com German Sideboard and Highboard for Sale. Oak-rustic color, solid wood. Great condition! New €1200 each, now selling for €200 each! Call: 0176-907-96039 militaryingermany.com I give away my couch for free! 80cm x 1.74cm x 76cm. Cushion is slightly worn out but still very comfortable and looks nice with a cover. I also have a matching armchair. 0151-67603628. See www.class-world.com for pictures Real leather couch, red, very comfortable, L shape, original price was €3000. Asking $1000 obo. Seats 6 - 7 people. Appr. 3 years old. 270x270cm, 0631/5208312 or alexander.fett@fm-kl.de OPTIKKEMPF Glasses & Contact Lenses HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Ramsteiner Str. 10 • 66882 Spesbach Phone: (0 63 71) 5 94 11 35 • www.optikkempf.com opening times: mon-sat 09:00-13:00 • tue-fri: 14:00-18:00 VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT: Warrior Center Information Specialist Landstuhl Regional Medical Center Description/Job Summary This person provides a comforting “Home Away from Home” to wounded, ill, and injured service members residing at the Medical Transient Detachment at LRMC. Position is part-time, 25 hrs/ week. Qualified candidates must have a passion for serving our troops. Responsibilities/Duties • Support the Manager in carrying out the day-to-day operations of the Warrior Center • Assist, serve, and accommodate the troops • Recruit, train, develop, and supervise several volunteers at a time • Plan, coordinate, and execute troop morale programs • Generate documents and reports within established deadlines utilizing MS Word and Excel • Maintain a clean and orderly facility Required Qualifications • Previous related experience to include customer service, patient care, event planning, and personnel management • Experience in a military environment, knowledge of military protocol, and ability to work with military leadership • Strong written and verbal communication skills • Ability and willingness to work weekends, late evenings, and holidays Details • Position is located at the USO Warrior Center at LRMC • Preference will be given to local candidates within commuting distance • Relocation assistance is not provided Please apply online at: http://www.uso.org/careers/ and click on “View our current Job Openings” Rocking Chair, Oak rocking chair. See photo on KA classifieds web page. Contact Eric and Mia at 063759949674., $80, eyates9761@aol.com November 22, 2013 PERSONAL All ads and pics on class-world.com PROFESSIONAL SERVICES All ads and pics on class-world.com Chiko busco chika, Single Latin Professional Services are ofAmerican guy seeks a nice young fered by registered busineslady 30-45, Spanish, European, or ses as well as private peoAmerican, for friendship, fun, and ple. To ensure a satisfactory possibly more if all goes well.. service experience, please alEmail: 1pablito2@gmail.com, ways ask for credentials and Wooden Cabinet, Wooden cabi- 1pablito2@gmail.com deny payments up front. For net with glass doors. Digital pictucleaning services, arrange res available upon request; Email I dare you to go on 5 dates with for payments after a final me you think you can handle a fritzj@kabelbw.de and use subject walk-through and inspection SWF in her 40's, fun, attractive, "Item for Sale", $50.00 of the clean house. spontaneous, romantic...and much more ? Then respond if you Cheap cleaning service/garden are a SWM my age !, MyDare@ maintenance and painting. Trash YARD SALES web.de removal PCS 0152-14982033 0631-36785432 All ads and pics on class-world.com Lookin for a female who likes a Clock repair & antique clock saHouse Fleamarket with Christ- Harley ridin person, who is into les. Hermann Lieser, Ludwigstr. Rock music, good food, havin mas decoration, pictures, fake flo32, Landstuhl 06371-2637 wers, household goods, various fun, BBQ, beeing outside and enjoying a good time together. Just English House keeper, 25 years items and womans clothes, S/M. Mehlbach (over Katzweiler) Otter- email me and we will see, what exp. Weekly or biweekly opeberger Str. 2. (Road is free until ci- would happen. Pics would help nings.Please call 0157-32374211 ty center and venue) Saturday 23 and let me know a little bit about German all levels, Mr. Vollmer, you.2wheelmechanic@web.de Nov 9:30-16:00 Ramstein, call: 063719524381, Single women 50+ looking for an www.deutschvollmer.de Shelves, 3 handmade wooden shelves. See photo on KA classifieds web page. Contact Eric and Mia at 063759949674., $80, eyates9761@aol.com JOBS All ads and pics on class-world.com STS is looking for Telecommunication Systems Tech in Katterbach.Temp Position, Secret Clearance required.Find full description and apply at:www.sts-llc.biz YW AN HERE IN THE WOR LD STAY UPTODATE ONLINE! kaiserslauternamerican.com THE KAISERSLAUTERN AMERICAN IS PROUDLY BROUGHT TO YOU BY 0UBLISHING(OUSEs!DVERTISING!GENCY Joe Satellite The Original since 1992 O H G AFN, SKY, Free TV Installation & Service Stefan: 0176 2284 1995 Sky Joe: 0631 3431418 specialist www.joesat.com american male, for friendship or K&C, Your friendly cleaners for maybe relationship serious inquir- the K-Town Area. Fast - fair - deries only 0151-11176180 pendable! We guarantee a great service Conduct: 0176-90 79 6039 PETS All ads and pics on class-world.com There have been reports of pets being sold from breeding facilities that are not managed at the highest professional standards. Please choose your pet carefully. Make sure you check the credentials of the people selling the pet, and get proper paperwork showing shots and/ or other proof of healthy condition. For further advice, consult your Veterinarian. Beautiful Tri-Color Beagle, Turning 1 on November 29,2013. Jezzy has her papers, has been chipped & is all up to date on her shots. Includes a kennel & remainder food & treats. She doesn't bark or howl. Contact rdkbell1@ mac.com Professional medical /legal, &c translations.Call 0631-37328201 Franz.Thomann@kabelmail.de Translator/Interpreter Certified KL., near Vogelweh. Reasonable rates. Call: 0631-54440 Voice lessons (experienced professional singer, BM) 06372508747 or ellen@iocanto.com Weekly - BI-weekly & PCS Cleaning Cell: 0160-91948691 InspGuaranteed E-Mail cthompson@tonline.de www.cthompson-clea ning.com WANTED All ads and pics on class-world.com AFN Decoder, Looking to purchase an AFN Decoder, majorgtbrett@ yahoo.com Cash Paid for Vinyl Records, Reel to Reel tapes, Laserdiscs, , Want to get rid of your old record albums, reel to reel tapes, LaserGerman Shepherd puppies with disc movies etc....give me a call. papers, long hair, for sale. Vacc, Cash paid Fast!!!!!, $, powers chipped, wormed. Call 0152- weep@yahoo.com or call Scott 0160 9753 8888 27016331 or 06304-3489897 Healthy female Leopard Gecko, approx 8 years old, never been bread. Purchased at Dehner or Koelle-Zoo will cost you at least 75,00 Euro each. Leopard Geckos can live about 20 years, although some have lived 30-40 years if kept healthy. fritzj@kabelbw.de I am canvassing the KMC area for a talent event called "Show Me What You Got!" for a $500 prize. Email me directly @ oo7dizzy77@gmail.com New Challenge for Baseball / Softball Coaches!! The River Bandits Baseball and Softball Team, located in Saarbrücken (A6, Labrador-Puppies / Championsli- 30min from KL) is looking for coane! Black, shots, microchipped, ches for both teams and also dewormed 0152-26499187 players. Please contact: ste fan.frantz@sfr-consult.de or call Small heathy Maltese puppies 0171-8634083 with papers. Available after Xmas. Rock band is looking for a practiPlease call for details. 06302ce room in the KMC area. 0631981850 5208312 Wanted responsible mature person to walk my Labrador, dog, Mon-Fri, $ neg, in Steinwenden. Call: 0160-5502380 or email sanderskim7@googlemail.com Yoga Club and Yoga Academy, English-Spanish-German-speaking, buys books and DVDs on Yoga in English and/or Spanish 015150127040 and 016069439449 November 22, 2013 Kaiserslautern American Page 39 stay in touch wh yr frnds Holiday speci get connected with easyMobile and save! iPhone 5s 16GB Sony Xperia Z1 Samsung Galaxy Note 3 tp sm SALE 3KRQHVDUHRQVDOHZLWKWKHVLJQXSIRUHDV\0RELOHDQGD½RU½GHYLFHÀQDQFLQJSODQ2IIHUH[SLUHV'HFHPEHU QRWFRPELQDEOHZLWKRWKHUVSHFLDORIIHUVRWKHUUHVWULFWLRQVPD\DSSO\3KRQHDYDLODELOLW\DQGFRORUVFDQYDU\ZKLOHVXSSOLHVODVW www.tkscable.com * ŹŹŹCURRENT OFFERS FROM YOUR SATURN K AISERSL AUTERN! ŻŻŻ TECH-NICKs TOP TECHNIK Ź WASCHMASCHINE GPC AND VAT FORM. Ź SOFT DRUM: gentle washing Ź FRIDGE FREEZER COMBO WITH NOFROST Ź HE AT PUMP DRYER Ź DISHWASHER 186 cm Offers valid on 22-11-2013. Sold in standard household amounts only. Subject to errors and technical adjustments. WM 14 Q 441 Ź apacity: 2-15 lbs. Ź Spin cycle: up to 1400rpm/min Ź Effective spin grade: B Consumption based on 220 standard washing processes: 174 kWh and 8,140 liters water, dimensions (HxWxD): 84.8x59.8x55cm Item no.: 144 4868 599.KG 36 NVL 31 Ź Storage capacity: 84 gallons (fridge:62 gallons, freezer: 22 gallons) Ź noFrost technology: Never again defrost Ź Temperature control: electronic with LED display Ź Color/material: high quality stainless steel Ź Dimensions (HxWxD): 186x60x65cm Yearly usage: approx. 239 kWh Item no.: 168 4142 749.WT 46 W 260 Ź Drying capacity: 2-15 lbs Ź Special programs: hand towels, lingerie, shirts Ź Large display: with drying time options Ź Self-cleaning: self-cleaning condenser Ź Approx. yearly usage on basis of 160 drying Ź processes: 199 kWh Item no.: 171 8646 All prices shown in Euro. You can also pay us with US Dollars, GPC and VAT Form 499.- water protection Ź AQUASTOP: system with lifetime warranty 669.SN 65 V 096 EU Ź Capacity: up to 14 place setting Ź Noise level: only 44 dBA Ź Operational equipment: varioFlex basket system Ź Standard measurements Ź Drying efficiency class: A Ź Yearly usage on basis of 280 dishwashing cycles: Ź approx. 2, 660 liters of water and 266 kWh Item no.: 159 7191 ALSO AVAILABLE: Semi-integrated dishwasher, Item no.: 159 7245 NO TAKE AWAY GUARANTEE. SALE ONLY AS LONG AS STOCK IS AVAIL ABLE. Saturn Electro-Handelsgesellschaft mbH Kaiserslautern Merkurstraße 62-64 67663 Kaiserslautern Tel.: 0631/4142-0 BESUCHEN SIE UNS AUCH AUF: SATURN.de
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