Championship The I-st International Wushu Championship “Tao” Regulations 1. The tournament goals are promotion of sporting Wushu, improvement of Wushu skills, exchange of experience between the athletes of the various countries, promotion of healthy way of life. Attracting Wushu teams from all over the world to the competitions organized by Latvian Sports and Traditional Wushu Association. 2. Organizers: Latvian Sports and Traditional Wushu Association. 3. Local organizer: Latvian Sports and Traditional Wushu Association, Riga. 4. Dates and location: • • • • • 5. Days of arrival: June 2-3, 2011. Seminar for judges: June 3, 2011; 18.00 - 22.00. Registration meeting: June 4, 2011; 20.00 - 22.00. Competitions: June 4-5, 2011; 10.00 - 18.00. Days of departure: June 5-6, 2011. Location: Riga, Latvia „Olympic Sports Centre” Grostonas street 6b, Riga, Latvia. 6. The preliminary entry form should be sent in just after receiving these Regulations, but not later than March 21, 2011. 7. The final entry form must be sent in not later than May 9, 2011. 8. Age categories: • Children up to 6 years (included). • Children from 7 to 11 years (included). • Children from 12 to 15 years (included). • Juniors from 16 to 18 years (included). • Women and men from 18 to 34 years (included) • 9. Women and men up to 34 years. Competition programme: 9.1. Competition opening and team parade: Demonstration of all wushu styles in groups or individually, with or without weapons, cigun techniques, pre-established combats. 9.2. Sports programme: 9.2.1. Base programme (all age categories): Quan shu (barehands): Changquan, Nanquan, Taijiquan. Duan cise (short weapon): Jianshu, Daoshu, Nandao. Chan cise (long weapon): Qiangshu, Gunshu, Nangun. girls and boys up to 6 years included perform 2 roads tao of beginners level (32 form) or self combined 2 roads from base programme. Time of performance is not counted. children up to 7 years included, juniors, women and men from all age categories perform complex of beginners level completely (4 roads) or self combined 4 roads from base programme. Time of performance not less than 40 seconds. 9.2.2. Competition programme: Quan shu (barehands): Changquan, Nanquan, Taijiquan. Duan cise (short weapon): Jianshu, Daoshu, Nandao. Chan cise (long weapon): Qiangshu, Gunshu, Nangun. Taiji weapons Athletes perform guydin-taolu or self combined complexes conforming to the redaction of year 1999 and year 2006. Time of performance: not less than 1 minute 20 seconds; taijiquan from 5 to 6 min.; taiji weapon: from 3 to 4 min. 9.3. Traditional programme: 9.3.1. Base programme (all age categories): Traditional barehands: I group: traditional styles of taijiquan, xinyiquan, baguazhang, bajiquan. II group: tongbei, pigua, fanzi, chuo jiao. III group: ditangquan, xian xing quan (imitative styles). IV group: shaolinquan, chaquan, huaquan, hunquan, paoquan, traditional nanquan and all other styles those are not included in precedent groups. Traditional weapons: Time of performance for traditional taijiquan not less than 40 sek. I group: single short. II group: single long. III group: double. Time of performance not less than 40 sek. IV group: flexible. 9.3.2. Competition programme Traditional barehands: I group: traditional styles of taijiquan, xinyiquan, baguazhang, bajiquan. II group: tongbei, pigua, fanzi, chuo jiao. III group: ditangquan, xian xing quan (imitative styles). IV group: shaolinquan, chaquan, huaquan, hunquan, paoquan, traditional nanquan and all other styles those are not included in precedent groups. Time of performance not less than 1 min.; for traditional taijiquan from 5-6 min. Traditional weapons: I group: single short. II group: single long. III group: double. Time of performance not less than 1 min. IV group: flexible. V group: taiji weapon Time of performance from 3 -4 min. 9.4. Pre–established Combats: Time of performance: not less than 50 seconds. I group: barehand vs barehand II group: weapon vs weapon III group: other 9.5. Group performance: Time of performance from 3-4 min., 6 persons or more of any age and sex category. CD with music background for group performance must be given to organizers before this performance in the day of arriving or at registration meeting. 10. Judicature: Championship is judged by rules of year 1999. Two groups of referees for women and men at all programmes and age categories. Group of referees to judge elements of complicated levels will not be formed. Chief referee: Alexey Gailish (Latvia), president of Latvian Wushu Federation. Senior referee: Martti Kaup (Estonia). Chief secretary: Ilze Avotа (Latvia). 11. Chief referee and chief secretary appoint the jury. 12. The Panel of Appeal: Alexey Gailish (Latvia), Martti Kaup (Estonia), Priit Kõrve (Estonia). The appeal can be submitted not later than 30 min after the end of the appropriate event. The appeal fee 100 €, will be spent for the tournament needs. 13. The draw-lots are computer-based. Will be performed after submitting the final entry forms at May 9, 2011. Preliminary Regulations will be composed. Final Regulations will be composed after registration meeting. 14. Winners in individual competition: The winners are being determined in every age group by the highest score. If there will be more than 10 persons participating in the event, 6 persons will be awarded. 1 place: medal, diploma 2 place: medal, diploma 3 place: medal, diploma from 4 to 6 place: diploma. If there will be less than 3 persons registered for any event, this event will be joined to another event without the special agreement with the team’s officials. Precise information about results of the competition will be given to team’s leaders after getting application and making regulations. 15. Winners in common score of teams: From the final results of competition, organizers will award with cups and diplomas three best teams which will be defined by earned golden medals. In case if two or more teams have the same quantity of golden medals, than silver medals will be counted. In case if there is equal quantity too, bronze medals will be counted. 16. Registration: The number of athletes in the team is not limited. The following information is included into the entry form: athlete’s first and last name, exact date of birth, number and name of events, the stamp of medical permission, the sign of the coach, contact tel/fax number, email. 17. Participation conditions: Participants pay for themselves all charges for journey, rooms and meals and bring their own equipment. 18. The registration fee: Registration fee for one athlete 30 euro 19. Address of Organizing Committee at Riga, Latvia. Phone. +371 26390277 (Ilze Avota office manager, LWA), +371 29332484 (Roman Vlasenko – president, LWA), +371 28818999 (Alexey Gailish – president, LWF). Address: Lacplesa street 125, Riga, LV-1003, Latvia. THE GIVEN REGULATIONS IS CONSIDERED AS THE OFFICIAL INVITATION TO THE TOURNAMENT. I-st International Wushu Championship “Tao” June 4-5, 2011, Riga, Latvia. Organizer: Latvian Sports and Traditional Wushu Association. Address: Lacplesa street 125, Riga, LV-1003, Latvia. E-mail: Тел. +371 2 9332484 Preliminary / Final Application Form (underline valid) Team: Address: Phone/fax: Coach base 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. /name, surname/ /signature/ Other Weapon 5 group 4 group 3 group Barehand 3. Team leader: 2 group 1 group 2. Date of application:________ Pre-established Group performance combats Trad. weapons 4 group 3 group 2 group Nan gun 1 group Trad. barehand comp. comp. base Gun (staff) Qiang (spear) base comp. Taiji weapon comp. Nan dao Long Weapon comp. base (sword)Jian Dao (broadsword) comp. comp. Taijiquan Short weapon base (south fist)Nan q. base comp. comp. Exact birth date base Athlete’s first and last name (long fist)Chang q. Barehand comp. base Team leader: Email Participation