Grey Court School e-Bulletin
Grey Court School e-Bulletin
Week Beginning 11 October 2010 Grey Court School e-Bulletin Ham Street, Ham, Richmond TW10 7HN Head’s Line: “This school just gets better and better” Dear Parents/Students Another wonderful week, with some notable achievements and really good feedback from our open mornings. Academic tutoring week 15th –18th November inclusive. 1.15pm onwards Please be aware that staff are now working on the first progress checks of the year for all year groups. These grades will be shared with you in the academic tutoring week. You will receive a letter next week detailing your appointment time. We have made every effort to ensure siblings have been accounted for and appointment times match up. Given the fact that we have nearly a 1000 children and parents to see I’m afraid there is very little room for manoeuvre, so please keep to the times/ days arranged for you. SERCO Challenge 15 students took part in an enterprise challenge with SERCO trainers and employees. They worked together to update the image of this multinational company and then I watched them present their ideas to some of the senior management and councillors from Richmond. . It was one of those moments that reminded me why I do the work I do. 15 students excelled themselves today. The shy self effacing young people who started the week ended it impressively. I listened as they told experienced members of SERCO staff how they could improve their marketing to young people and compete more effectively with their competitors for recruits. My thanks go to Ian Poole and Sandra Holmes who continue to create opportunities and develop networks with industry and commerce. More sporting achievements Yet again I must congratulate the Sports Dept and students on their continued run of victories. The Year 7 girls tag rugby team were crowned borough champions at last weeks Tag Rugby Festival held by Harlequins. See full report attached to ebulletin. The senior girls netball team won their game against Hampton Academy 17-1. The Yr 9 netball team won their match against Hampton Academy 8-6. Well done girls. Finally, the Year 10 boys football team won the first round of the Surrey Cup with a final score of 7-1. Well done boys. This success is just amazing!! A Fishy Tale Congratulations to Jack Hanrahan of Year 10 who was runner-up in the Sky Sports Young Angler of the Month 2010 competition. Year 7 Our year 7s have settled down very quickly and should be congratulated on their progress to date. Parents need to be aware that there will be assessments coming up in all the core subjects i.e. English, Maths and Science. There is information in this bulletin about Maths. Please do contact me directly if your child is unsure and I will forward your email to the person who is best placed to assist you. Open door Finally, please remember that I hold Parent Clinics on most Thursday evenings during term time between 5-7pm for parents/carers to come along and speak directly to me regarding any concerns/ suggestions you may have. Please contact my PA Debby Pace: to arrange an appointment time or telephone the school on 020 8948 1173. Year 7, 8 and 9 2 Year 10 and 11 3 Misc 4 Sporting Fixtures Extra Curricular Sporting Results Team Sheets 5 5 6/7 8-11 Extended School activities 12-16 AEN News 17 Inside this issue: Latest News MESSAGE FROM SCHOOL NURSE All HPV forms to be returned to school by 12 October 2010 KEY DATES Autumn Term 6 September 2010 (Year 7 and Year 10) 7 September 2010 (All students) to 17th December 2010 Half Term 25th - 29th October 2010 Spring Term Tuesday 4 January 2011 to Friday 8 April 2011 Half Term 21st - 25th February 2011 Summer Term Tuesday 26 April - Thursday 22 July 2011 INSET : 24 June 2011 Kind regards Maggie Bailey Headteacher INSIDE THIS ISSUE Maggie Bailey | HEADTEACHER Half Term 30th May - 3rd June 2011 COMMUNITY CHOIR The choir is now up and running from Tuesday 12 October in the Music Dept from 6.30-8.00pm. Ms. Bharmal Grey Court School e-Bulletin Year 7 Head of Year 7 Mr. Andy Low Year 7 Sports Achievements First Impressions Winners Congratulations go to the boys football team for a brilCongratulations to the follow- liant start to the season and the girls rugby team who won ing three students who were the borough 7 aside tournagiven their prizes at last ment last week. Hope the week's Year Assembly: performances continue during the rest of the year. 1st- Delphi McNicol 7W £20 HMV voucher Trip letters 2nd Luke Slator 7C £10 HMV voucher 3rd Molly Ashman 7R £5 HMV Just to let you know letters have gone out this week revoucher garding Year 7 trips over the Work is on display around the coming year. The first trip goes out on Friday 22nd Octoschool on 2 notice boards due to so many brilliant piec- ber to London Zoo. The letter was given out to students this es of work. week so please check with Water Rocket Challenge 2010 Year 7 Year 8 Head of Year 8 Mr. Chris Rhodes “at Grey Court School our core values of achievement, innovation, inclusion and accountability provide the basis for academic excellence and future success for all..” It was great to see so many parents at last weeks information evening. Please do use the curriculum pack you were given and use it as a basis of discussion with your child. The year group has made a very impressive start to the year and are looking forward to their activity day scheduled for the 22nd of October. More details will follow but in essence the students will be participating in a number of team building events aimed at consolidation the excellent ethos of the cohort. Mr. Rhodes Year 9 Head of Year 9 Mr Chris Rhodes The year 9 students have either a Geography or History trip planned for their activity day on Friday 22nd of October. It is essential that they bring in their medical forms this week so we can avoid any last minute complications. The first round of house assemblies have been organised to begin next week. The year 9 students were great participators last year and I Page 2 am sure that they will engage once again with this essential component of the Grey Court ethos. Mr. Rhodes your son/daughter they have received it. An additional letter related to payments has been sent home in the post. Mr. Low Please refer to page 5 for information regarding Yr 7 half term Maths assessments. Mr. O’Donnell Grey Court School e-bulletin Year 10 Head of Year 10 Mr Andrew Burton Year 10 We hope you enjoyed the Richmond Education and Business Road Show day which is took place on Friday 8th October. In all, it seemed to be a very successful day. Thank you to the Mentors of Year 7’s. You have had a great start to your supporting roles and we have had good feedback from Year 7’s about you! Please remember to sign in with Mrs McCormack on the days you are with your Year 7 tutor groups. Year 10 Reminders: Please make sure that you are revising for any exams coming up over the next few months. We want you to make sure that you get the best results you can towards your GCSEs and do not have to retake any modules. Ms. Casey/Mr. Burton Year 11 Head of Year 11 Mr Andrew Burton Thank you to those who took part in delivering assemblies on Black History Month. You did a great job in your presentation. We just want to wish you GOOD LUCK on your Work Experience placements for the next two weeks. Hope that you enjoy your time with the various companies you will be working with. If you have any problems please do not hesitate to contact the school so that a member of staff can assist you. I am sure that you will be very tired working full time! Welcome to the real world!!! Year 11 Reminders: We will next see you in school on Friday 22nd October to see evaluate your Work Experience and assist you in completing your Richmond College applications. Everyone is expected to attend. Ms. Casey/Mr. Burton Misc News LETS GET COOKING CLUB For years 10 and 11 to help cater for the Senior Citizens Christmas Party Starts on Tuesday 19 October 2010 at 3pm to 4.15pm Sign up with Miss Marr by 12 October 2010 Page 3 Grey Court School e-bulletin MISC Year 7 half-term Maths Assessments Please be aware that Yr7 half term Maths assessments will be sat in class on Tuesday 12th October. The assessment will be in two parts, a calculator test and non-calculator test. Please ensure your child brings their calculator on this day as we will not be lending them out. The topics being assessed will be: Sequences: generating a sequence using a term to term rule, finding the nth term of a sequence, and using the nth term of a sequence. Function Machines: calculate outputs for a function machine, when given the inputs, determine the operations in a function machine when given the input and output. Algebra: use letters to represent unknown numbers. Decimal numbers: be able to understand place value of decimal numbers, multiply and divide decimal numbers by 10, 100 & 1000, compare and order decimal numbers. BODMAS: be able to use BODMAS to determine the order of operation for a given calculation, correctly deal with powers and brackets in a calculation. These topics have been covered in class. In order to study for the assessment, students should use their class notes. They should also use following websites using the schools Username and Password: Username- grey court Password- cosine2 Mr R. O'Donnell KS3 Co-ordinator Mathematics MATHS HOMEWORK CLUB for students in Year 7/8/9 Every Wednesday in Room PC1 3.10pm-3.40pm Please be aware that the Maths homework club is being run every Wednesday. A member of the faculty will be on hand to give advice and help to any student struggling with their Maths homework. Please also be aware that this is a drop-in session and that students are not required to stay for the whole 30 minutes. As the session is being held in a PC suite, it is also a good opportunity to complete any online homework which has been issued. VPA : Lunch time/After School Clubs: Music - Singing/Choir Art club Music - Rock school Drama Club for KS3 Music - Instrumental group Monday Lunch time Wednesday 3.15 – 4.30pm Tuesday 3 – 4pm Wednesday 3 - 4pm Thursday 3 – 4pm Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Bharmal Ridyard Robinson Husnu/Ms. Logan Millar Learning Resource Centre Opening Times: 7.30am - 8.30am 1.15pm - 1.55pm 3.15pm - 5.00pm Homework clubs are offered from Monday to Friday in the Learning Resource Centre before, during and after school for all students. Every Wednesday from 3.15pm there is a homework club for students with Special Educational Needs. Grey Court School e-bulletin Extra Curricular Please can you ensure clothing is labelled. Also shin pads and gum shields are an essential part of the PE kit. These are obviously needed when your child participates in football or rugby. FIXTURES 11 October 12 October 13 October 14 October Year Year Year Year Year Year Year 8 Rugby Union v Cardinal Wiseman (H) 7/8 Girls football v St. Phil's (A) 7 Boys ESFA Cup v Kelsey Park (H) 8 Boys League football v Richmond Park Academy (A) 9 Boys County Cup football v Trinity (H) 8 girls Netball v Orleans Park (A) 10/11 Boys Football v Richmond Park Academy (H) Ham Street, Ham. Richmond upon Thames, Surrey. TW10 7HN Phone Number: 020 8948 1173 Fax Number: 020 8332 2428 Email: Web Support: Page 5 Grey Court School e-bulletin Sporting Stag From Grey Court to Centre Court! Grey Court School has become the only school in Richmond to train BBG’s (Ball boys/girls) for The Championships, Wimbledon 2011. Sixteen of our ‘Gifted and Talented’ year 9 PE students are about to embark on an intense training regime that will prepare them to work with the greatest tennis players in the world at the heart of The Grand Slam year… Wimbledon! Six students will then be selected in the New Year to represent the school and begin training at the AELTC. In June our students could find themselves brushing shoulders with Rafael Nadal, Serena Williams and Andy Murray. This is an extremely exciting and challenging experience that will no-doubt make Grey Court stand out from the crowd once again! Mr M Robinson RESULTS Year 7 Tag Rugby Borough Champions Year 7 girls were crowned Tag Rugby Borough Champions at Friday's Tag Rugby festival (1 October) held by Harlequins Rugby League. Following on from some curriculum time coaching from the Harlequins and Ms. White, the girls quickly picked up the rules and the skills to develop their ability in the game. Despite the incessant rain, the girls maintained high spirits and played some outstanding Tag Rugby. Special mention must go to Anna Marshall who scored many excellent tries and Rita Pula for some crucial and consistent tagging! Please see detailed report attached to this ebulletin. Another win for the Senior girls Netball The senior girls maintained their winning streak by beating Hampton Academy by a staggering 17 goals to 1 on Thursday 30 September. The girls are continuing to play some excellent Netball whilst they get used to the new format of playing 4 quarters. Passing was excellent between the team and was rewarded by some excellent shooting by Jenni Whitaker and Caroline Cooper. Their next match is against Richmond Park Academy on Thursday 7 October. First win of the season for the Year 9 Netball team The Year 9 girls were pleased to secure their first win of the season against Hampton Academy scoring 8 goals to 6. The teams were well matched but the determination of the girls was clear as they fought to win every ball and maintain possession. The team has been working hard this year with the help of Mrs Burton and Ms. White and they should be very proud of this result. Their next match is also against Richmond Park Academy on Thursday 7 October. Year 10 Boys Football Grey Court 7 : Collingwood 1 The Year 10 team travelled to Collingwood College in Camberley for the first round of the Surrey Cup. After a brief warm up, Grey Court started well retaining possession and creating chances. Chris Hursey was unlucky to have a goal chalked off for offside, but not long after, Callum Bellchambers opened the scoring after a great team move. Shortly after this, Callum added a second goal with an outstanding volley from the edge of the box before Ollie Kersey scored a fine individual effort taking on the opposition team from halfway line. A brief comeback by Collingwood saw them score a penalty before Reza Al-Hammany scored from the half way line when he spotted the keeper off his line. In the second half, the boys continued to push forward in search of goals. Callum completed his hat trick with a good finish after a sweeping team move before Ollie Grabbed his second goal with a powerful drive. After this the boys took their foot off the gas a bit, but still had time to allow Kodejo Adesida to open his account with a cool finish after a great bit of skill by Ollie Kersey. Final score 7-1. Great performance by all the boys. T he first Rugby League Tournament of the Academic Year was kicked off on Friday 1st October with the girls of the Richmond Borough taking part in the Year 7 Competition Managers Tag Festival. Whilst teachers looked to shelter their styled hair‐do’s from heavy rain and a fierce wind the girls held no reservations in getting down to the business of playing running rugby and scoring some scintillating tries. After a much needed ‘warm‐up’ led by Harlequins RL Development Officer for Richmond Darren Pugsley, the early pace was set by Grey Court as they began a charge to the Grand Final. This early surge was matched by the girls of Twickenham Academy who notched up early wins with their attacking brand of rugby whilst Hampton Academy’s freshly recruited coach Jimmy Giblin employed some gung‐ho tactics to engineer a dramatic 3‐2 win. With Christ’s & Waldegrave providing opposition as stiff as the wind to whomever they played, every metre on the field & every point on the board had to be earned through great skill and sheer determination. Right on cue the clouds parted and the wind dropped as Grey Court & Twickenham Academy met for the second time in the afternoon in a highly anticipated Grand Final. After a gripping contest where defences dominated proceedings the large crowd had to wait until the final seconds when a breathtaking 30 metre break away try for Grey Court clinched a famous victory. 2010 Competitive Edge Champions – GREY COURT Harlequins RL Women & Girls Development Officer Aran Quinn was guest referee for the day and after catching his breath commented; “The standard of rugby from the girls today had been exceptional. Not just their skill level but also the spirit in which each game was played. I’d be delighted to welcome all of these girls to become part of the West London Jets” ( Huge thanks must go to all the Girls and their teachers from Grey Court, Twickenham Academy, Hampton Academy, Christ’s and Waldegrave School for making such a fantastic afternoon of Tag Rugby League. Netball Team Year 8 V Orleans Park Wednesday 13th October At Orleans Park GS – GA – WA – C– WD – GD – GK – Laura Shafi Abi Tricker Holly Dodsworth Evans Mabel Baxter Dalrymple Hannah Levin Libby Brown Bronte Kisoon Please make sure that you have full Grey Court PE kit. Any problems please see Miss White Grey Court School Department of Physical Education and Sport Year 9 ESFA Cup Game Vs Trinity (Home) TUESDAY 12th October Meet at Boys Changing Rooms at 2.55pm SQUAD Alex Cox Zac Duncan Daniel Bevan Ben Marquez Sanjar Najibi Mohamed Redaoui Christian Olivo Danny Knight Igor Barroso Alex Rovira Ciaran Gerraghty Ayman Nasr Omar Parsons Tom Skea Adekoyejo Adesida Reserves: George Allan-Lowe Soloman Rees-Jones Ben Mawson Oli Akibami BLUE SHORTS, BLUE SOCKS SHIN PADS, FOOTBALL BOOTS, Please see Mr Willmore by if you cannot play by Monday 27th Sept. Mr Willmore Grey Court School Department of Physical Education and Sport Year 10/11 Football Thursday 14th October V Richmond Park Academy (Home) Squad Noah Whitely Williams Joe Wilson Sam Greenwood Karl Wagner Ollie Kersey Ben Skea Ryan Blackman Callum Bellchambers Leon Gillard Mitchell Rogers Connor Brooks Charles Kebuye Jaedon Cooke Eben Apeni Blue shorts, blue socks and boots required. Shin pads are essential and a drink for half time. Please confirm you can play to Mr Low. Finish for 5.45pm Grey Court School Department of Physical Education and Sport Year 8 Football Tuesday 12th October V Richmond Park Academy (AWAY) Squad Joe Plunkett Ahmad Farwana Tom Knight Yanick Gibson Jack Dillon Cameron Allister Cooke Alex Rovira Ross Frisby Eraldo Isufi Alfie Heiberg Anil Bhogal Johann Zeuner Griffiths Luca Scuotto Chris Howden Igor Barroso Blue shorts, blue socks and boots required. Shin pads are essential and a drink for half time. Please confirm you can play to Mr Low. Finish for 5.45pm !"#$%&'$()$ *+,((-$.-&/$$ DEC,-EC,'BF$$ 01$2$03$%+'(/"4 5,"$6748$.,&4+,9$!"# 6&E-G$7$5""H""$ #E',$6(&8+"$ 5,"7'4"$I4(&H9$ B'(4J'"--E8C9$ BH((AJ$74'B$K$ +47)'B$78G$$ L&+,$L(4" !"#$%"%% &"'()$*%% &"+,%% )$-. M-7J$$ B"BBE(8B$$ )4(L$$ N&B'$O=: :0:;$<30$=<0>?###@A"#(&'()B+,((-@(4C@&A Local activities for 8-12 yr olds 2010-2011 Dear Parents and carers I wanted to bring to your attention the exciting news from Extended Services! Starting in November there will be two activities per week during term time for 8-12 yr olds. Activities throughout the year include, cheerleading, Thames Young Mariners, Basketball, Capoeira and street dance. All activities will be free and will take place at various locations throughout the week including Saturdays. Spaces for activities will be limited and must be booked with your extended schools coordinator. Book early to avoid disappointment Activity dates during term time Autumn term 6th November—17th Dec Spring Term 28th February—4th April Summer Term 6th June 11th July For more information email or call 07538 184 652 or 07548 914 579 Local activities for 8-12 yr olds Autumn 2010 Nov 6th – Dec 17th Activity: Basketball When: Thursdays Starts: 4th November Where: Grey Court School Time 4-6pm Cost: Free Age: 8-12 Coaches from Guildford Heats are here to teach you the basics and put the fun back into basketball, learn how to slam dunk, swoosh, shut down or even hack– a—shaq! Please wear suitable clothing and bring a drink to sessions! Come and learn the art and history of this Brazilian martial art. BEGINERS both BOYS and GIRLS are welcome. Activity:Capoeira When:Saturdays Starts: 6th November Time 1pm – 2.30pm Where: Ham Youth Club Cost: Free Age: 8-12 Please wear suitable clothing and bring a drink to sessions! Local activities for 8-12 yr olds Newman House NEWMAN HOUSE OPEN HOUSE CALLING PARENTS & CARERS! This year, a Newman House ‘Open House’ is being introduced on Thursdays from 2.00pm – 4.00pm. The aim of this is to provide all parents/carers with the opportunity to discuss any aspect of their child’s SEN provision with either Ms Laker (SENCO) or Ms Burton, our SEN teacher. Please contact Tammy McNicol, the SEN Administrator, if you would like to book a slot. Tel:0208 948 1173 extn. 615 Email: ALSO AVAILABLE • Breakfast Club : Monday – Friday 8.00am – 8.30am Tea, toast and cereals are available and free of charge. Students are expected to help with clearing away afterwards to encourage independence. • Homework Club: Monday – Thursday 3.00pm – 3.45pm Staff are available to help your child complete homework, in all subjects. • Success Circle: Tuesdays 3.00pm – 3.30pm A literacy support group, using fun activities and open to all. • Reading Time: Monday – Thursday 3.00pm – 3.30pm For any child who would like one-to-one help with reading. Grey Court School, Sandy Lane Ham, Richmond TW10 7HN Organised by Grey Court Parents’ Association Car Boot Sales Last Sunday of the month th Sunday 28 November Next sale Sunday 30th January 2011 Last Sunday of the month, details of 2010/11 Car Boot Sales at Sellers from 7.30am Buyers 8am - 1pm Refreshments including tea, coffee, hot chocolate, bacon butties & cakes Boot Sales inside if weather bad, 2 halls available! Sellers: £20 van (double pitch), £10 car (single pitch), £5 walk-in Buyers: £1 entrance 8am-9am, 50p after 9am. Children free Sandy Lane Entrance, 371 and 65 Bus Routes
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