Grey Court School e-Bulletin
Grey Court School e-Bulletin
Week Beginning 18 October 2010 Grey Court School e-Bulletin Ham Street, Ham, Richmond TW10 7HN Head’s Line: “This school just gets better and better” Dear Parents/Students possible. Congratulations On Monday 11 October, Alexander HowardWilliams, Year 8, performed in front of HM The Queen at the Naming Ceremony of the new Cunard super liner Queen Elizabeth. This was televised around the world and Alex sang solo and unaccompanied at the beginning of an arrangement of Jerusalem before the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra and massed bands of the Cold stream, Irish and Scottish Guards joined in. Well done Alex, I am extremely proud of you. PA Quiz Night The Quiz Night held on Friday night by the Parent Association was another huge success and raised over £600. Thank you to the PA for their hard work in organising this event. I must congratulate my admin team who came in 2nd place! Year 11 : 2010 Rugby Champion Schools Final Grey Court along with other Year 11 borough teams took to the field to contest the 2010 Champion Schools Title. Grey Court got to the final and defended with pride but alas in the final minutes were beaten. Full report by Harlequins attached to e-bulletin. Well done boys. Grey Court Education Fund We are presently researching the possibility of establishing a Grey Court education fund This would allow parents to contribute financially to the school in a more formal way. It would enable us to support a number of projects within the school and extend the opportunities that we can offer all our young people. More details to follow. On line payments Our new payment system has been piloted with Year 7 parents and it has been extremely successful. Year 9 letters went out tonight. As I mentioned in a previous e-bulletin, it will be in place for all parents by the end of this half term. We cannot accept payments for the canteen as yet but we are working on it and I will update you as soon as it is INSIDE THIS ISSUE issue: Year 7,Inside8 thisand 9 2 Year 10 and 11 3 Misc 4 Sporting Fixtures Extra Curricular Sporting Results Team Sheets 5 5 6/7 8-11 Ext School activities 12-16 Cyber Bullying 17 Activities Day 18 New Build I have been involved in the planning for the two new design studios, the speech and language centre and the extension to the Learning Resource Centre. The buildings look fantastic and although I’m sure there are still some hurdles to jump we are really hoping for a January start..fingers crossed! Increasing student numbers We are in the wonderful position of being completely full in Year 7 and 8 and we now have a waiting list for these year groups. We will be introducing a rigorous “Keep Left” system on the corridors and stairways from Monday 21st October as a result of consultation with the student councils and the collegium. We have also set up a subcommittee of students who will work with Ms Smith (Finance and Operations ) and the catering staff to advise on food and service in the dining hall. From next week the weekly menus will be available in advance in the e-bulletin and further notice boards within the school and on the playground to ensure students have time to choose what they would like for their lunch. Any suggestions If you have any positive suggestions at all about how we can improve our service to you please do not hesitate to email me or see below to make an appointment. Open door Finally, please remember that I hold Parent Clinics on most Thursday evenings during term time between 5-7pm for parents/carers to come along and speak directly to me regarding any concerns/ suggestions you may have. Please contact my PA Debby Pace: to arrange an appointment time or telephone the school on 020 8948 1173. Kind regards as always Maggie Bailey Maggie Bailey | HEADTEACHER KEY DATES Autumn Term 6 September 2010 (Year 7 and Year 10) 7 September 2010 (All students) to 17th December 2010 Half Term 25th - 29th October 2010 Spring Term Tuesday 4 January 2011 to Friday 8 April 2011 Half Term 21st - 25th February 2011 Summer Term Tuesday 26 April - Thursday 22 July 2011 INSET : 24 June 2011 Half Term 30th May - 3rd June 2011 Latest News ATTENTION ALL YEAR GROUPS ACTIVITY DAY 22 October 2010 CYBER BULLYING Please see attachment within the ebulletin for details on cyber bullying and Please see attachment within the ebulletin for details of trips and ac- where to go for advice and support. tivities being held on 22 October Ms. Price 2010. Ms. Price Grey Court School e-Bulletin Year 7 Head of Year 7 Mr. Andy Low Reading Books Please can I ask all parents/ carers of Year 7 to ensure that they all have a reading book for school. Students require them as part of tutor time every Tuesday morning as well as for their English lessons. This does not include a newspaper or magazine. Please encourage them to read at home especially when they say they have no homework in order to improve reading levels as well their enjoyment for reading and learning. Students Planners Water Rocket Challenge 2010 Year 7 Activities Week Friday 22nd October is activity day with Year 7 students going to London Zoo. If for any reason the letter has not reached Year 8 Head of Year 8 Mr. Chris Rhodes “at Grey Court School our core values of achievement, innovation, inclusion and accountability provide the basis for academic excellence and future success for all..” In order to help students be organised for lessons all students have been asked to set up their planners from now until Christmas with the subjects they have each day for homework. All students can use their homework timetables, which are available on the school website just in case they are not written in their planner. Subjects should be underlined with a ruler and the staff initials put next to the subject. The year 8 students have been preparing for several end of term assessments. These tests are a key indicator of progress and will allow staff to determine their national curriculum levels. Students should be allocating revision time to every assessment, and if necessary checking with their teacher that they have the correct material to revise. The cohort have made an excellent start to the year and should see these assessments as an opportunity to prove how much they have progressed. Mr. Rhodes Included in the overall payment for the Year 7 trips; please do not send in £10 for this trip separately. Mr. Low Grey Court School Humanities Week! Years 7/8/9 Week beginning 18 October, is Grey Court School Humanities Week! A number of exciting activities will take place including a Staff v Student quiz in year 7, 8 and 9 assemblies. In tutor time, pupils will take part in a Black History Month Quiz and the winner of the Humanities Week poster competition will be announced. In year 8 and 9 Humanities lessons, students will learn about the geography, religions and history of the four school houses. Year 9 students will also be going on a river study day to Box Hill and a Holocaust Workshop at the Imperial War Museum'. Mr. King Year 9 Head of Year 9 Mr Chris Rhodes The year 9 students have been very involved with the house system and the collegium. The students have elected representatives for each form and these students will be consulted on school issues and contribute to several aspects of school improvement. The year 9 students are currently preparing for several assessments and are showing real desire to realise their potential. This diligent preparation bodes well for future exPage 2 am success. Mr. Rhodes Year 9/10 Trip to Lille Christmas Markets 2nd/3rd December Don't miss out! We have 4 places remaining on the trip to Lille in December. Start Christmas early by bringing in your £50 deposit on Monday 18 October at the latest (full cost £150.00). Ms Clarke has spare letters if you need one. Grey Court School e-bulletin Year 10 Head of Year 10 Mr Andrew Burton One more week to go until half term! Please make sure that your attendance and behaviour continues as it has done. You have made a great start to Key Stage 4 – keep it up. Year 10 Reminders: MENTORS – Thank you for attending Year 7 form time. Please make sure you are in the Ingenium on Monday 18th October and Wednesday 20th October for Lunch Club. Please make sure that you are revising for any exams coming up over the next few months. We want you to make sure that you get the best results you can towards your GCSEs and do not have to retake any modules. Mr. Burton/Ms. Casey Year 10 Students will be taking their half term assessment in the week commencing 18th October. Teachers will inform students what day their class will be taking the test. The topics to be included in the test are as follows: Foundation: Number, basic algebra, sequences, fractions, decimals Higher: Number, algebraic manipulation, sequences, decimals, fractions and per- Year 11 centages Students in Set 1 will be taking a Module 5 assessment and Set 2 will be taking a Statistics assessment - class teachers will inform students of the topics to be covered. The results of these tests will be analysed by students in class in order to identify where their strengths and weaknesses lie. Ms. Enderby Year 9/10 Trip to Lille Christmas Markets : 2nd/3rd December Don't miss out! We have 4 places remaining on the trip to Lille in December. Start Christmas early by bringing in your £50 deposit on Monday 18 October at the latest (full cost £150.00). Ms Clarke has spare letters if you need one. Head of Year 11 Mr Andrew Burton We hope your Work Experience placements are going well! Year 11 Reminders: We will next see you in school on Friday 22nd October to evaluate your Work Experience and assist you in completing your Richmond College applications. Everyone is expected to attend. Mr. Burton/Ms. Casey Congratulations, You’re On Target There are a great many Year 11 students who have been working very hard to ensure they are meeting or exceeding their target grade in GCSE maths. We have decided to celebrate their achievement with a Congratulations, You’re On Target board displayed as you enter maths. Keep your eye out to see if you are on the board. We will be updating it regularly so if you are not on it now, let’s see if we can get you on there soon! Ms. Enderby Misc News THE SERCO CHALLENGE Last week a group of seventeen Year 11 students worked with the multi-national service company Serco. Serco provide IT for a number of Local Authorities including Richmond upon Thames. This project was a huge success. Students were asked to produce a presentation to executives of the company on how to improve their marketing strategy for 16-19 year olds. Several of the students hope to be offered apprenticeships at the company next year. Mr. Poole Page 3 Grey Court School e-bulletin MISC MATHS HOMEWORK CLUB for students in Year 7/8/9 Every Wednesday in Room PC1 3.10pm-3.40pm Please be aware that the Maths homework club is being run every Wednesday. A member of the faculty will be on hand to give advice and help to any student struggling with their Maths homework. Please also be aware that this is a drop-in session and that students are not required to stay for the whole 30 minutes. As the session is being held in a PC suite, it is also a good opportunity to complete any online homework which has been issued. VPA : Lunch time/After School Clubs: Music - Singing/Choir Art club Music - Rock school Drama Club for KS3 Music - Instrumental group Monday Lunch time Wednesday 3.15 – 4.30pm Tuesday 3 – 4pm Wednesday 3 - 4pm Thursday 3 – 4pm Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Bharmal Ridyard Robinson Husnu/Ms. Logan Millar COMMUNITY CHOIR The choir is now up and running every Tuesday in the Music Dept from 6.30-8.00pm. Ms. Bharmal Learning Resource Centre Opening Times: 7.30am - 8.30am 1.15pm - 1.55pm 3.15pm - 5.00pm Homework clubs are offered from Monday to Friday in the Learning Resource Centre before, during and after school for all students. Every Wednesday from 3.15pm there is a homework club for students with Special Educational Needs. Grey Court School e-bulletin Extra Curricular Please can you ensure clothing is labelled. Also shin pads and gum shields are an essential part of the PE kit. These are obviously needed when your child participates in football or rugby. FIXTURES 18 October - Year 9 Boys Inter House Football Year 9 Girls Inter House Netball 19 October - Year 7 Girls Tag Rugby at Grasshoppers (All Day) Year 9 Boys Rugby Union vs Orleans Pk (H) Year 7 Football vs Richmond Park Academy (H) Year 7 Girls Football vs Christ's (H) 20 October - Year 8 Rugby Union vs Cardinal Wiseman (A) Year 7 Boys Inter House Football Year 7 Girls Inter House Football 21 October - Year 9 Football Vs Richmond Park Academy (H) Year 8 Boys Inter House Football Year 8 Girls Inter House Football Ham Street, Ham. Richmond upon Thames, Surrey. TW10 7HN Phone Number: 020 8948 1173 Fax Number: 020 8332 2428 Email: Web Support: Page 5 possible. Grey Court School e-bulletin Sporting Stag (1 of 2) RESULTS Seionr girls netball : Victory over Richmond Park Academy The senior girls Netball team notched up another convincing win on the 7 October, this time against Richmond Park Academy. The team seemed unsettled in the 1st third of the match, with each goal going with centre pass, however, after a quick team talk in the break, the girls settled into their game and scored a great run of goals in the 2nd third to put them well into the lead. For the final third, Solange Warlow from Year 9 made a guest appearance into the team and the win was sealed. Congratulations to all the girls for another fantastic game and I wish them the best of luck in their tournament on Wednesday 3rd November. Year 8 boys football versus Richmond Park Academy Tuesday saw the boys travel to Richmond Park for their second game of the season. The boys were keen to make a point that their recent defeat to Christ's was just a blip. However, with less than a minute gone, the boys found themselves one nil down due to the defence being fast asleep. A second goal soon followed so changes were made and things started to improve but yet again poor marking saw the boys 3-0 down by half time. The boys still kept their heads up and pulled a goal back with Luca Scuotto scoring his second goal of the season. 'Keep it simple' was the instruction from the sidelines and true to form a quick exchange of passes saw Alex Rovira add a second. From then on it was all Grey Court, but the ball just would not go in. A late goal on the break away saw Richmond clinch the game 4-2 which was a real shame considering how hard the boys had worked to have a chance of a draw. Year 11 boys football versus Richmond Park Academy With the Year 11's on work experience the year 10 boys tried their luck against a very strong Richmond Park Year 11 team. With Ryan Broderick up against a 6ft 6 player, things were never going to be easy and by half time the boys found themselves 6 nil down. Changes at half time and a quick goal from Callum Bellchambers saw the boys starting to think that anything is possible if you believe in yourselves ad don't give up. Callum had seen the keeper off his line so decided to try his luck from the half way line and what a sweet strike it was. Chris Hursey added a second following a goal from the opposition but with a further goal from Richmond Park the final result was 8-2. Well done boys and fingers crossed for the next round of the Surrey Cup. Netball : Grey Court Junior Girls 1 – St. Phil’s Junior Girls 4 Venue: Bull Meadow, Grey Court School St Phil's scored in the first few minutes, when their striker blocked a goal kick and took a long-range shot. After this, Grey Court struggled to get the ball out of their own half. Solid defensive performances from Scarlett Cawley, Sabina Culver, and player-of-the-match Riann Quintyn, restricted the play of the opposition and kept the score line at 0-1. Kate Harding battled hard in midfield, winning the ball and playing it to Abi Tricker. Abi beat her marker and slotted through a perfectly-timed through-ball to Libby Brown. Libby ran through the defence and easily beat the away keeper, levelling the score for her team. Unfortunately, St Phils came back at Grey Court and despite some superb saves by keeper, Hannah Levin; St Phil's scored two goals in quick succession. In the second half, some excellent substitutions by assistant coaches, Charlotte Dalton and Tashayna Johnson allowed Grey Court some much-needed possession. Grey Court won a free-kick on the edge of the opposition’s box, but were unable to convert. The score finished 1-4, but Grey Court battled hard and can be pleased with their performance. Grey Court School e-bulletin Sporting Stag (2 of 2) RESULTS Year 7 Boys Football Grey Court 3 Kelsey Park 6 In the 3rd round of the national schools cup the boys came up a big and strong team from Bromley. The opposition took the lead and then extended their lead further before Josiah Vidal reduced the score. However, Kelsey Park went further ahead at a corner. Louis Nicholls then won and scored a penalty shortly before half time to close the score to 4-2 at half time. After half time, the boys pushed to get another goal back, but the opposition scored on the counter attack before Josiah added his second. Kelsey closed the game out by scoring another goal. The score flattered the opposition and on another day the Grey Court team would have scored 7 or 8 more. Unlucky boys, next week we play Richmond Park Academy. Year 11 Champion Schools Rugby - Match Report by Harlequins On Friday afternoon, 8 October, the Year 11 Boys of the Borough took to the field to contest the 2010 Richmond Champion Schools Title. In game one the defending champions Teddington took to the field first against Christ's. Teddington won the match scoring one of the best tries of the afternoon with some superb handling. In the second game Christ's won against Grey Court securing their place in the Grand Final with a 10 – 0 win. It was then down to Grey Court & Teddington to battle it out for the second spot in the Grand Final. In a tight game it was eventually the boys from Grey Court who clinched victory, benefiting from a period of sustained pressure deep in the opposition half they skilfully spread play form right to left to cross the whitewash. Grey Court then headed into the final with Christ’s with a renewed confidence from their victory and with both teams defending with fierce pride there seemed to be no way through. As the game entered the final minutes, up stepped Christ's half-back, who coolly slotted a 25 metre drop goal to break both the deadlock and hearts of the Grey Court faithful. The events had all been watched by Harlequins RL Player Performance Manger Colin Baker who commented; “It’s fantastic to see such a high standard of core skills amongst these players, with many individuals showing great game awareness.” Colin was also keen to point out that Harlequins RL, in conjunction with the RFL will be looking to invite the stand-out talent from every age group to regional camp to see their skills close up and help them progress along the Rugby League pathway. Event organiser Darren Pugsley of Harlequins RL would sincerely like to thank all the players & teachers who made the event a fantastic success. Grey Court School Department of Physical Education and Sport Year 7 Boys Football V Richmond Park Academy Tuesday 19th October Meet at Boys Changing Rooms at 2:45pm 1. AJ Bennett 2. Roman Barbieri 3. Hugo Orchard 4. Alex Fraley 5. Sean Litherland 6. Luca Poulton 7. Charlie Philips 8. Declan Rice © 9. Josiah Vidal 10. Ben Frollich 11. Harry Reynolds 12. David Charambalous 13. Louis Nichols 14. Adam Barton 15. Tom Taylor Blue shorts; Blue football socks, Shin pads & football boots. Please let Mr Colvin know if you cannot play by Friday pm registration. Grey Court School Department of Physical Education and Sport Year 8 Boys Rugby Union Vs Cardinal Wiseman (H) Wednesday 20th October 2010 Meet at Boys Changing Rooms at 1.35pm SQUAD 1. Dan Marquez 2. Kyle Napper 3. Rob Judge 4. Jack Phillips 5. Ed Scott 6. Luca Sciocatto 7. Stanley Evans 8. James Clark 9. Yannick Gibson 10. Jack Dillon 11. Kiwal Rai 12. Lloyd Nellis 13. Cameron Allistar-Crooke 14. David Fordjour 15. Eraldo Esufi 16. Evander Sealy 17. Reece Pope 18. Ross Frisby 19. Davin Samuel 20. Muyiwa Awosika Blue SHORTS; Blue football socks, blue rugby shirts, gumshields & football boots. Please let Mr Colvin know if you cannot play. Grey Court School Department of Physical Education and Sport Year Nine Rugby Union Squad Vs Orleans Park (Home) Tuesday 19th October Meet at Boys Changing Rooms at 2.55pm. The game will finish at approx 5pm. SQUAD 1. James Hainsby 2. Gareth Lewis 3. Kyree Nankishore 4. Mohammed Mallah 5. Tom Skea 6. Dario Trenton 7. Harry Guy 8. Ben Marquez 9. Edmund Patterson 10. Ben Tait 11. Olalekan Akinbami 12. Edward Maxted 13. Danny Knight 14. Ricardo Saa 15. Mohamed Redaoui 16. Abdu Ibrahim 17. Ciaran Gerraghty 18. Tom Steward 19. Alex Cox 20. Sam Hallala 21. Mohsen Salimy 22. Conor Lloyd 23. Thomas Lawley-Gibbs 24. Alex O’Campo 25. David Dusizza Blue SHORTS; Blue football socks, blue rugby shirts, gumshields & football boots. Please let Mr Willmore know if you cannot play. Grey Court School Department of Physical Education and Sport Year 9 League Cup Game Vs Richmond Park Academy (Home) THURSDAY 21st October Meet at Boys Changing Rooms at 2.55pm SQUAD Alex Cox Zac Duncan Daniel Bevan Ben Marquez Sanjar Najibi Mohamed Redaoui Christian Olivo Danny Knight Sam Bray Ben Mawson Ciaran Gerraghty Ayman Nasr Omar Parsons Tom Skea Adekoyejo Adesida Reserves: Ryan Kennerson Soloman Rees-Jones Oli Akibami Dan Thompson BLUE SHORTS, BLUE SOCKS SHIN PADS, FOOTBALL BOOTS, Please see Mr Willmore by if you cannot play by Wednesday 20th Oct. Mr Willmore Half Term Coaching Academy Send your children to be coached by our Ex professional players at Kew & Ham Sports Assn Riverside Drive Ham From 9am-4pm Monday – Friday £10 per day. For ages 6-14 Places are limited so please call Tel: 07593 889339 Or Email to book. !"#$%&'$()$ *+,((-$.-&/$$ DEC,-EC,'BF$$ 01$2$03$%+'(/"4 5,"$6748$.,&4+,9$!"# 6&E-G$7$5""H""$ #E',$6(&8+"$ 5,"7'4"$I4(&H9$ B'(4J'"--E8C9$ BH((AJ$74'B$K$ +47)'B$78G$$ L&+,$L(4" !"#$%"%% &"'()$*%% &"+,%% )$-. M-7J$$ B"BBE(8B$$ )4(L$$ N&B'$O=: :0:;$<30$=<0>?###@A"#(&'()B+,((-@(4C@&A Local activities for 8-12 yr olds 2010-2011 Dear Parents and carers I wanted to bring to your attention the exciting news from Extended Services! Starting in November there will be two activities per week during term time for 8-12 yr olds. Activities throughout the year include, cheerleading, Thames Young Mariners, Basketball, Capoeira and street dance. All activities will be free and will take place at various locations throughout the week including Saturdays. Spaces for activities will be limited and must be booked with your extended schools coordinator. Book early to avoid disappointment Activity dates during term time Autumn term 6th November—17th Dec Spring Term 28th February—4th April Summer Term 6th June 11th July For more information email or call 07538 184 652 or 07548 914 579 Local activities for 8-12 yr olds Autumn 2010 Nov 6th – Dec 17th Activity: Basketball When: Thursdays Starts: 4th November Where: Grey Court School Time 4-6pm Cost: Free Age: 8-12 Coaches from Guildford Heats are here to teach you the basics and put the fun back into basketball, learn how to slam dunk, swoosh, shut down or even hack– a—shaq! Please wear suitable clothing and bring a drink to sessions! Come and learn the art and history of this Brazilian martial art. BEGINERS both BOYS and GIRLS are welcome. Activity:Capoeira When:Saturdays Starts: 6th November Time 1pm – 2.30pm Where: Ham Youth Club Cost: Free Age: 8-12 Please wear suitable clothing and bring a drink to sessions! Local activities for 8-12 yr olds Grey Court School, Ham Street, Ham Richmond TW10 7HN Headteacher: Ms M. Bailey. BHum. MA. T: 020 8948 1173 F: 020 8332 2428 E: Dear Parent/Carer 11 October 2010 RE: Street Dancing and Fencing Clubs After the October half term Grey Court will continue to offer a series of after school clubs. The latest addition to our varied menu of activities is Street Dancing. Dance sessions will be led by a Pineapple Studio Street Dancer who has performed in many events some of which have been screened on MTV. With Fencing being so popular last year we have decided to offer this activity again. Each session will last an hour and 30 minutes. Students are encouraged to attend all sessions to ensure that they achieve AQA accreditation. Activities are provided by outside tutors and coaches who are fully CRB checked and accredited to their sports national governing body. With limited places available clubs will be offered on a first come first serve basis. There will be a reserve list available, students on the reserve list will be given first refusal at the start of the next course. Activity Street Dancing Fencing Date/time Monday 3.15 – 4.15 Wednesday 3.15 – 4.45 Cost £20 £15 Number of places available 20 15 In order to reserve a place, cash or cheques made payable to ‘Grey Court School’ need to be received no later than the 1st November 2010. If you are experiencing financial hardship please notify us and we will endeavour to ensure that your child is given the opportunity to participate in their chosen activity. Yours sincerely Steve Colvin SSCO ………………………………………………………………………………………… I (name)………………………………………………….would like to reserve a place on the STREET DANCE/FENCING/ (delete as applicable) after school club commencing week beginning after 8th November 2010. I enclose cash/cheque payable to ‘Grey Court School’ for the sum of £15/20/ (delete as applicable) Parent/Carer signature………………………………………..Date……………………. Cyberbullying y y g Have you or anyone you know ever experienced any difficulties with cyberbullying? The Grey Court Cybermentors are here to help! These are professionally trained students in this school- from years 8 -11. who can offer you advice and support if you are having problems with cyberbullying • • • • They wear little blue badges. They have an online contact which we will put on posters in the classroom and around the school and on the website. They will be in the Ingenium from 1.30 on a Monday and Wednesday if you want to go an talk to them and find out more. See the student support officers or Ms Price for further information. Report it, flag it, and talk to someone about it. That's That s what your Grey Court Cybermentors are here for for. Arrangements for Activities Day – October 22nd Yr 7- ZOO ( Mr McCarthy/Ms Jackson) Class Venue Lunch Register at 8.30 7ab Science 1 7ab Science 2 7ab Science 3 7ab Science 4 7cd Science 1 7cd Science 2 7cd Science 3 7cd Science 4 Lab 4 Lab 8 Lab 7 Lab 5 Lab 3 Lab 1 Lab 6 Lab 2 Bring a packed lunch. School uniform Sensible shoes- trainers will be allowed. If it looks like rain, bring a waterproof jacket. Bring a pen and pencil. Yr 8- on site challenges (Mr Ali) Register at 8.25 14.4514.55 H1/H2 Bring a packed lunch. 3.30 p.m H1/H2 Students who usually have a free school meal can request a packed lunch from Mr King Bring a packed lunch. 5.30p.m sports hall lunch, writing equipment, sensible clothes including wellies if they have them and waterproof. Imperial war Museum register at 9.45 Full school uniform, packed lunch and writing equipment. Yr 10- Music Mania enterprise day (Mr Poole) Register 8.45 Full uniform to be worn School equipment required Yr 11- work experience debrief Register 10 a.m Full uniform to be worn School equipment required Students who usually have a free school meal can request a packed lunch from Ms Stenner As usual- Canteen service will be available or packed lunch if preferred Arrive at school in PE Kit Yr 9- Humanities (Mr King /Mr Winch) Box Hill register at 8. 45 Students need packed Dismissed home 3.30 Students who usually have a free school meal can request a packed lunch from Mr Winch. Line up in tutor groups outside the hall as for an assembly New Canteen As usual- Canteen service will be available or packed lunch if preferred 3 p.m As usual- Canteen service will be available or packed lunch if preferred 2.45 ANY STUDENT WHO HAS 100% ATTENDANCE AND PUNCTUALITY BETWEEN NOVEMBER 1st TO NOVEMBER 12th WILL BE ENTERED INTO A PRIZE DRAW. PRIZES PER YEAR GROUP ARE:
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