Autophagy - Alzheimer Forschung Initiative eV


Autophagy - Alzheimer Forschung Initiative eV
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RAB3GAP1 and RAB3GAP2 modulate basal and
rapamycin-induced autophagy
Natalie Spang , Anne Feldmann , Heike Huesmann , Fazilet Bekbulat , Verena Schmitt ,
Christof Hiebel , Ingrid Koziollek-Drechsler , Albrecht M Clement , Bernd Moosmann ,
Jennifer Jung , Christian Behrends , Ivan Dikic , Andreas Kern & Christian Behl
Institute for Pathobiochemistry; University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg
University; Mainz, Germany
Institute of Biochemistry II; Goethe University School of Medicine, Frankfurt, Germany
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Buchmann Institute for Molecular Life Sciences; Goethe University School of Medicine;
Frankfurt, Germany
Accepted author version posted online: 12 Dec 2014.Published online: 28 Jan 2015.
To cite this article: Natalie Spang, Anne Feldmann, Heike Huesmann, Fazilet Bekbulat, Verena Schmitt, Christof Hiebel,
Ingrid Koziollek-Drechsler, Albrecht M Clement, Bernd Moosmann, Jennifer Jung, Christian Behrends, Ivan Dikic, Andreas
Kern & Christian Behl (2014) RAB3GAP1 and RAB3GAP2 modulate basal and rapamycin-induced autophagy, Autophagy, 10:12,
2297-2309, DOI: 10.4161/15548627.2014.994359
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Autophagy 10:12, 2297--2309; December 2014; Published with license by Taylor & Francis
RAB3GAP1 and RAB3GAP2 modulate basal and
rapamycin-induced autophagy
Natalie Spang,1,y Anne Feldmann,1,y Heike Huesmann,1 Fazilet Bekbulat,1 Verena Schmitt,1 Christof Hiebel,1
Ingrid Koziollek-Drechsler,1 Albrecht M Clement,1 Bernd Moosmann,1 Jennifer Jung,2 Christian Behrends,2 Ivan Dikic,3
Andreas Kern,1,* and Christian Behl1,*
Institute for Pathobiochemistry; University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg University; Mainz, Germany; 2Institute of Biochemistry II; Goethe University School of Medicine, Frankfurt, Germany; 3Buchmann Institute for Molecular Life Sciences; Goethe University School of Medicine; Frankfurt, Germany
These authors equally contributed to this work.
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Keywords: autophagy, ATG3, ATG16L1, FEZ1, FEZ2, lipid droplets, proteostasis, RAB3GAP1, RAB3GAP2
Abbreviations: ATG, autophagy-related; Bafi, bafilomycin A1; BSA, bovine serum albumin; C. elegans, Caenorhabditis elegans; CALCOCO2, calcium binding and coiled-coil domain 2; DAPI, 4’, 6-diamidino-2-phenylindole; DMSO, dimethyl sulfoxide; DPH, 1, 6diphenyl-1, 3, 5-hexatriene; eV, empty vector; FEZ, fasciculation and elongation protein zeta; GABARAP, GABA(A) receptor-associated protein; GEF, guanine nucleotide exchange factor; GFP, green fluorescent protein; MAP1LC3, microtubule-associated protein 1
light chain 3; NBR1, neighbor of BRCA1 gene 1; PE, phosphatidylethanolamine; PBS, phosphate-buffered saline; RABGAP, RAB
GTPase activating protein; siRNA, small interfering RNA; SQSTM1, sequestosome 1; TBC domain, TRE2-BUB2-CDC16 domain.
Macroautophagy is a degradative pathway that sequesters and transports cytosolic cargo in autophagosomes to
lysosomes, and its deterioration affects intracellular proteostasis. Membrane dynamics accompanying autophagy are
mostly elusive and depend on trafficking processes. RAB GTPase activating proteins (RABGAPs) are important factors for
the coordination of cellular vesicle transport systems, and several TBC (TRE2-BUB2-CDC16) domain-containing RABGAPs
are associated with autophagy. Employing C. elegans and human primary fibroblasts, we show that RAB3GAP1 and
RAB3GAP2, which are components of the TBC domain-free RAB3GAP complex, influence protein aggregation and affect
autophagy at basal and rapamycin-induced conditions. Correlating the activity of RAB3GAP1/2 with ATG3 and ATG16L1
and analyzing ATG5 punctate structures, we illustrate that the RAB3GAPs modulate autophagosomal biogenesis.
Significant levels of RAB3GAP1/2 colocalize with members of the Atg8 family at lipid droplets, and their autophagy
modulatory activity depends on the GTPase-activating activity of RAB3GAP1 but is independent of the RAB GTPase
RAB3. Moreover, we analyzed RAB3GAP1/2 in relation to the previously reported suppressive autophagy modulators
FEZ1 and FEZ2 and demonstrate that both reciprocally regulate autophagy. In conclusion, we identify RAB3GAP1/2 as
novel conserved factors of the autophagy and proteostasis network.
Macroautophagy (hereafter referred to as autophagy) is a
eukaryotic degradative pathway that clears proteins and organelles from the cytosol. As part of the protein homeostasis (proteostasis) network, autophagy supports proteome integrity and its
deregulation is associated with various disorders, including cancer
and neurodegeneration.1 The initiation of autophagy is achieved
by formation of a precursor structure (the phagophore), which
elongates to form the characteristic double-layered membrane
autophagosome that completely encloses proteins and organelles.
After controlled trafficking to the lysosome and subsequent
fusion the cargo is degraded.2
Two ubiquitin-like conjugation systems have been identified
that are important for the formation of autophagosomes. ATG5
is covalently conjugated to ATG12, a ubiquitin-like protein, and
forms a complex with ATG16L1. This complex is present on the
phagophore and supports the biogenesis of autophagosomes but
is not located on mature autophagosomes.3,4 The small ubiquitin-like Atg8 family members, including MAP1LC3 (henceforth
LC3) and GABARAP, are translated with C-terminal extensions
that are rapidly removed by ATG4B,5 resulting in LC3-I or
© Natalie Spang, Anne Feldmann, Heike Huesmann, Fazilet Bekbulat, Verena Schmitt, Christof Hiebel, Ingrid Koziollek-Drechsler, Albrecht M Clement, Bernd
Moosmann, Jennifer Jung, Christian Behrends, Ivan Dikic, Andreas Kern, and Christian Behl
*Correspondence to: Christian Behl; Email:, Andreas Kern;
Submitted: 02/04/2014; Revised: 05/28/2014; Accepted: 11/13/2014
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial License (
by-nc/3.0/), which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The
moral rights of the named author(s) have been asserted.
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GABARAP-I. After activation by ATG7, the proteins are transferred to ATG3 and subsequently the ATG12–ATG5-ATG16L1
complex conjugates phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) to the newly
exposed C termini, resulting in the translocation of the lipidated
proteins (LC3-II, GABARAP-II) to the growing autophagosomal
membrane.6,7 This Atg8 conjugation system is indispensable for
autophagosomal maturation, and lipidated Atg8 family members
remain associated with mature autophagosomes and get at least
partially degraded after lysosomal fusion.8,9 Furthermore, in the
selective autophagy pathway Atg8 family members serve as
attachment sites for specific cargo receptors, such as SQSTM1/
p62, NBR1, and CALCOCO2/NDP52.10-12
Besides the well-defined core machinery of autophagy, the
membrane dynamics accompanying this process remains mostly
elusive and depends on vesicle trafficking. Small RAB GTPases
are essential for the coordination of vesicle budding, transport,
and fusion and numerous RAB proteins have been implicated to
function in autophagy.13-17 The activity of RAB proteins is regulated by guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) and RAB
GTPase activating proteins (RABGAPs),18 and several TBC
(TRE2-BUB2-CDC16) domain-containing RABGAPs have
recently been associated with autophagy.17,19-22 The TBC
domain facilitates the inactivation of RAB proteins and seems to
be a characteristic feature of RABGAPs that regulate more than
just single RAB GTPases, but may coordinate different RAB proteins and multiple cellular pathways.23
Here, we show that RAB3GAP1 and RAB3GAP2 are novel
factors of the autophagy network. The catalytic subunit RAB3GAP1 and the noncatalytic subunit RAB3GAP2 form the heterodimeric TBC domain-free RAB3GAP complex,24,25 which has
been linked to the regulation of the RAB GTPase RAB3 and exocytosis of hormones and neurotransmitters at the neuronal synapse.26,27 Recently, RAB3GAP1 has been associated with
LMAN1 (lectin, mannose-binding, 1), which functions in protein trafficking and indicates that the RAB3GAPs might actually
be involved in additional trafficking processes.28 Interestingly,
mutations in RAB3GAP1 and RAB3GAP2 are known to cause
the Warburg Micro and Martsolf Syndrome in humans, which
are characterized by severe brain, eye, and endocrine abnormalities.29,30 The molecular mechanisms causing these deteriorations are completely unknown so far. Employing C. elegans
and human primary fibroblasts, we show that the RAB3GAPs
affect protein aggregation and modulate autophagy at basal
and rapamycin-induced conditions. Analyzing these effects in
correlation to ATG3 and ATG16L1 and, moreover, focusing
also ATG5 punctate structures, we demonstrate that RAB3GAP1/2 influence autophagosome formation. The effect of
the RAB3GAPs on autophagy is dependent on the GTPaseactivating activity of RAB3GAP1 but independent of the RAB
GTPase RAB3. Furthermore, the positive modulation of
autophagy by the RAB3GAPs opposes the previously reported
suppressive activity of FEZ131 as well as the so-far uncharacterized homolog FEZ2.
In conclusion, we show that RAB3GAP1/2 influence protein
aggregation and are conserved components of the autophagy network, modulating autophagosomal biogenesis.
RBG-1 is a modifier of protein aggregation and autophagy
in C. elegans
In an RNAi screen in C. elegans we have selected genes whose
knockdown increased the aggregation of a cytosolic reporter protein upon heat stress compared to empty vector (eV) treated control worms. We have used luciferase-GFP expressed in body wall
muscle cells as reporter, since we have previously shown that its
aggregation is affected by a modified proteostasis network32 and
assayed the aggregation rate by fluorescence microscopy. One of
the identified genes that enhanced luciferase-GFP aggregation
was rbg-1, which codes for a RABGAP and is orthologous to
mammalian RAB3GAP1 (Fig. S1).
To confirm the impact of RBG-1 on protein homeostasis, we
employed human amyloid b42-expressing worms that are characterized by an age-dependent paralysis due to the accumulation of
amyloid b42 oligomers and high molecular weight aggregates in
body wall muscle cells.33 Compared to control worms, reduced
RBG-1 levels aggravated the paralysis phenotype and enhanced
the number of thioflavine-positive amyloid b42 aggregates
(Fig. 1A and B), confirming that RBG-1 is indeed influencing
protein aggregation and proteostasis. Applying real-time PCR,
we showed that rbg-1 gene expression levels were reduced by the
feeding RNAi approach and that amyloid b42 expression was
not affected (Fig. S2).
Mammalian RAB3GAPs have recently been associated with
ortholog members of the yeast Atg8 family,19 and by RNAimediated reduction of atg-7 we confirmed that the deterioration
of autophagy is sufficient to increase amyloid b42 aggregation
and to affect proteostasis in C. elegans (Fig. 1B; Fig. S2). This
prompted us to analyze the impact of RBG-1 on autophagy,
employing a GFP-LGG-1 reporter worm strain. LGG-1 is a
nematode ortholog of the mammalian LC3 family, and the GFPtagged protein can be used to evaluate the quantity of pre- and
autophagosomal structures.34 The knockdown of rbg-1 suppressed the starvation-mediated increase in total numbers of
autophagosomal structures (Fig. 1C), which indicates that RBG1 is functionally involved in autophagy. Bec-1 (ortholog of
human BECN1), a canonical factor of autophagy induction,
served as control.
Thus, employing C. elegans, we associated RBG-1 with the
intracellular proteostasis network and assigned this protein a
function in the autophagy pathway.
Mammalian RAB3GAP1 and RAB3GAP2 affect Atg8
family protein lipidation and autophagic activity
To investigate the influence of RAB3GAP1 and also RAB3GAP2 on autophagy in more detail, we employed human primary fibroblasts and genetically manipulated both components
of the heterodimeric RAB3GAP complex. Notably, manipulating
the single RAB3GAPs also displayed effects (not shown), however, they were less reliable than the combined knockdown of
RAB3GAP1 and RAB3GAP2. Thus, for the subsequent results,
we exclusively manipulated both proteins of the RAB3GAP complex simultaneously.
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Figure 1. RBG-1 affects proteostasis and autophagy. (A) Paralysis of rbg-1 and eV RNAi-treated CL2006 worms. 316 (eV) and 308 (rbg-1) worms were analyzed. Statistics are depicted as mean § SD; *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01; n D 6; Oneway Anova. (B) Confocal images of thioflavine stained CL2006 worms and
head regions of eV, rbg-1, and atg-7 RNAi-treated worms. Aggregates were counted in 42 (eV), 45 (rbg-1) and 34 (atg-7) head areas. Scale bars D 100 and
20 mm; ***P < 0.001, n D 4, t test. For estimation of background staining, we have employed N2 WT worms and confocal images are depicted in Fig.
S2B. (C) Confocal images of seam cells of eV and rbg-1 RNAi-treated GFP-LGG-1 expressing worms and statistical analysis of the total number of autophagosomal structures in at least 20 different cells. Bec-1 RNAi served as control. Scale bars D 50 and 10 mm; statistics are depicted as mean § SD; ***P <
0.001, n D 3, t test.
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Figure 2. Knockdown of
the RAB3GAP complex
impairs autophagy. (A)
Immunoblot analysis of
cells that were manipulated with the indicated
siRNA for 48 h and treated
with DMSO (¡) or bafilomycin A1 (C) for 4 h. Tubulin served as control for
equal loading. Statistics are
depicted as mean § SD
normalized to nonsense
control; *P < 0.05, **P <
0.01, ***P < 0.001, n D 4, t
test. (B) Identical to (A) but
cells were additionally
treated with rapamycin for
4 h. Statistics are depicted
as mean § SD normalized
to rapamycin-treated nonsense control; *P < 0.05,
**P < 0.01, n D 4, t test. (C)
Confocal images of LC3
and SQSTM1 immunostaining.
manipulated with the indicated siRNA for 48 h and
treated with DMSO or bafilomycin A1 for 4 h. DAPI
was used to stain nuclei.
Scale bar D 50 mm. Autophagosomal
were counted in 20 to 40
cells of 3 independent
experiments; ***P < 0.001,
t test. (D) Identical to (C)
but cells were additionally
treated with rapamycin for
4 h. Scale bar D 50 mm.
structures were counted in 20
to 40 cells of 3 independent experiments; ***P <
0.001, t test.
Reduced levels of RAB3GAP1/2 deteriorated lipidation of
Atg8 family members and decreased autophagic activity at basal
and rapamycin-induced conditions (Fig. 2). The knockdown of
the RAB3GAPs caused an accumulation of unlipidated LC3-I
(Fig. 2A and B), which is associated with a disturbed autophagosome formation.8 Since GABARAP was also affected, and
GABARAP-I accumulated
when the RAB3GAPs
were knocked down
(Fig. S3), apparently
RAB3GAP1/2 are necessary for the efficient lipidation of Atg8 family
members and influence
autophagy initiation. This
was supported by immunostaining of endogenous autophagosomes that displayed
reduced amounts of LC3- and SQSTM1-positive vesicles after
knockdown of the RAB3GAPs (Fig. 2C and D).
Consistent with the accumulation of unlipidated Atg8 family
members and the reduced amount of autophagosomes, autophagic activity was also decreased upon deficiency of the
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RAB3GAPs. We analyzed LC3-II and SQSTM1, which showed
declined fluxes after knockdown of RAB3GAP1/2 (Fig. 2A and
B). Since total SQSTM1 protein levels were affected (see below),
we additionally analyzed the fluxes of GABARAP-II, NBR1, and
CALCOCO2, which confirmed the decreased autophagic activity
upon deficiency of the RAB3GAPs (Fig. S3). Furthermore, the
immunostaining directly showed the reduced accumulation of
autophagosomes after bafilomycin A1-mediated inhibition of
lysosomal degradation at basal and rapamycin-induced conditions (Fig. 2C and D). Thus, the disturbance of the lipidation of
Atg8 family members culminated in a decreased autophagic
Importantly, the influence of RAB3GAP1/2 on autophagy
was observed at basal conditions as well as after treatment with
the drug rapamycin. Like starvation, rapamycin is a potent
inducer of autophagy35 and strongly and reproducibly affects
autophagic activity in IMR-90 fibroblasts. Notably, when applying different paradigms of starvation as autophagy inducer in
these human primary cells no satisfying and reproducible effect
on autophagy was achievable.
Deficiency of the RAB3GAPs resulted in reduced SQSTM1
protein levels (Fig. 2A and B) and employing real-time PCR, we
found that this was mediated on gene expression level (Fig. S4).
The exact mechanisms causing the decreased SQSTM1 expression are elusive so far. Additionally, we analyzed mRNA levels of
NBR1, and CALCOCO2, which were unaffected by the RAB3GAP knockdown (Fig. S4), excluding that LC3 lipidation and
the evaluation of autophagic activity were influenced by an
altered expression of these genes. Importantly, the individual
knockdown of RAB3GAP1 and RAB3GAP2 by the use of 2 different siRNAs also caused the reduction in SQSTM1 protein levels (Fig. S5), which emphasizes that this regulation is not an
unspecific effect.
In addition to knockdown studies, we analyzed the impact of
RAB3GAP overexpression on autophagy and showed that
increased levels of RAB3GAP1/2 enhanced autophagic activity at
basal conditions (Fig. 3). The fluxes of LC3-II and SQSTM1
were increased compared to control cells as was shown by immunoblotting and immunostaining of endogenous autophagosomes
(Fig. 3A and B). This effect was not significantly detectable after
rapamycin induction, possibly due to the already substantial
increase in autophagic activity in control cells (Fig. S6). Increased
RAB3GAP levels neither influenced SQSTM1 protein and
mRNA levels, nor did they affect gene expression of MAP1LC3A,
MAP1LC3B, ATG3, ATG4B, ATG7, ATG16L1, NBR1, and
CALCOCO2 (Fig. S7A and B).
Having established the relevance of the RAB3GAPs for
autophagy, we investigated a potential colocalization of RAB3GAP1 and Atg8 family members employing immunostaining.
We observed that RAB3GAP1 colocalized with LC3 and
GABARAP and the most prominent colocalization appeared at
crescent-like structures which we identified as lipid droplets
(Fig. 3C). Employing the lipid droplet dye DPH and an antibody against the lipid droplet-associated protein PLIN2
(Fig. S8A), we assured the identity of these organelles, which
were furthermore inducible by the supplementation of oleic acid
(Fig. S8B). Since we analyzed the colocalization of LC3/
GABARAP and RAB3GAP1 while overexpressing the latter, we
additionally confirmed the localization of LC3 at lipid droplets
in untransfected cells to exclude that overexpressed RAB3GAP1
influences the cellular distribution of LC3 (Fig. S8C). Together,
these studies associate RAB3GAP1 with Atg8 family members
and, interestingly, link significant levels of both factors to lipid
Thus, as shown by knockdown, overexpression, and colocalization, RAB3GAP1/2 influence autophagy and are novel factors
of the autophagy network.
RAB3GAP1/2 function during autophagosome formation
Since we showed that RAB3GAP1/2 affect the lipidation of
Atg8 family members, we continued to analyze their effect on
autophagosomal biogenesis in more detail and examined their
influence in relation to ATG3 and ATG16L1, which are established factors of LC3 conjugation and autophagosome formation
(Fig. 4A and B). The knockdown of ATG3 and ATG16L1
resulted in an accumulation of LC3-I and a decreased autophagic
activity which resembled the influence of reduced RAB3GAP levels on autophagy. Knocking down ATG3 and RAB3GAP1/2 or
ATG16L1 and RAB3GAP1/2 together, respectively, did not significantly enhance these effects. Moreover, RAB3GAP1/2 or
ATG3 overexpression increased autophagic activity and this stimulation was counteracted by the concurrent deficiency of
ATG16L1 or the RAB3GAPs, respectively.
To further elucidate the influence of RAB3GAP1/2 on autophagosomal biogenesis, we conducted immunostaining of
ATG5. The ATG5–ATG12-ATG16L1 complex is recruited to
the phagophore, and stays attached until autophagosome maturation is complete.3 At basal conditions ATG5 punctate structures
are only detectable in a small number of cells, but they are
induced by the stimulation of autophagy or by the deterioration
of autophagosome maturation.8,9 Indeed, also in the IMR-90
fibroblasts employed here the induction of autophagy by rapamycin as well as the deficiency of ATG3 at basal conditions
increased the number of cells with ATG5 punctate structures
(Fig. 4C). Notably, the knockdown of RAB3GAP1/2 resulted in
an accumulation of ATG5 puncta at basal conditions, which
demonstrates that the deficiency of the RAB3GAPs deteriorates
the maturation of autophagosomes.
Thus, analyzing the function of RAB3GAP1/2 in relation to
well-established factors of autophagosome formation mechanistically associates the RAB3GAPs with this process.
The influence of the RAB3GAPs on autophagy is
independent of RAB3 but is mediated by the GAP domain
So far the RAB3GAPs have been exclusively linked to the regulation of the RAB GTPase RAB3 and synaptic homeostasis.26,27
To investigate, whether the influence of the RAB3GAPs on
autophagy is also mediated by this particular RAB protein, we
analyzed the impact of RAB3 on autophagy. We detected the
RAB3 isoforms A, B, C, and D in IMR-90 fibroblasts employing
real-time PCR. Since the isoforms tend to functionally
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Figure 3. Overexpression of the RAB3GAP complex enhances autophagy. (A) Immunoblot analysis of cells that were manipulated with the indicated
plasmids for 48 h and treated with DMSO (¡) or bafilomycin A1 (C) for 4 h. Tubulin served as control for equal loading. Statistics are depicted as mean
§ SD normalized to eV; *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, n D 4, t test. (B) Confocal images of LC3 and SQSTM1 immunostaining. Fibroblasts were manipulated with
the indicated plasmids for 48 h and treated with DMSO or bafilomycin A1 for 4 h. DAPI was used to stain nuclei. Scale bar D 50 mm. Autophagosomal
structures were counted in 20 to 40 cells of 3 independent experiments; ***P < 0.001, t test. (C) Confocal images of RAB3GAP1 and LC3 or GABARAP
immunostainings. RAB3GAP1 and RAB3GAP2 were overexpressed for 48 h. DPH was used to stain lipid droplets. Scale bar D 20 and 5 mm.
compensate each other,36 we knocked down all of them at once
to exclude these potential compensatory effects. The successful
reduction was confirmed by real-time PCR (Fig. S9A). Neither
this approach nor the knockdown of each single RAB3 isoforms
decreased LC3 conversion or autophagic activity (Fig. 5A; Fig.
S9B), demonstrating that RAB3, most likely, does not mediate
the role of RAB3GAP1/2 in autophagy.
Next, we analyzed whether the GTPase-activating activity of
RAB3GAP1 is important for the autophagy modulation and
exchanged an arginine (R) of the GAP domain with alanine (A),
which strongly reduces its GTPase activating-activity.37 The
expression of mutant RAB3GAP1 (R728A) together with wildtype RAB3GAP2 prevented the increased autophagic activity
that was observed upon overexpression of both wild-type RAB3GAPs (Fig. 5B). This emphasizes the necessity of the GTPaseactivating activity of RAB3GAP1 for its influence on autophagy,
and shows that this effect is putatively mediated by a so-far
unknown downstream RAB GTPase.
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Figure 4. RAB3GAP1/2 modulate autophagosomal formation. (A) Immunoblot
analysis of cells that were
manipulated with the indicated siRNAs and plasmids
for 48 h and treated with
DMSO (¡) or bafilomycin A1
(C) for 4 h. Control cells
were manipulated with nonsense siRNA and eV. Tubulin
served as control for equal
depicted as mean § SD normalized to the appropriate
control; n.s. D not significant, *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, n
D 3 or 4, t test. (B) Identical
to (A) but with different siRNAs and plasmids. Statistics
are depicted as mean § SD
normalized to the appropriate control; n.s. D not significant, *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01,
n D 3 or 4, t test. (C) Confocal images of ATG5 immunostainings.
were manipulated with the
indicated siRNAs for 48 h
and thereafter control cells
were additionally treated
with rapamycin for 4 h.
Scale bar D 50 mm. For statistics, cells showing ATG5
punctate structures were
counted in relation to cells
without puncta (30 to 40
cells per treatment) and statistics are depicted as
mean § SD; **P < 0.01, ***P
< 0.001; n D 4, t test.
The RAB3GAP complex
opposes the autophagy
suppressing activity of
FEZ1 and FEZ2
To further characterize
the relevance of the RAB3GAPs for autophagy, we
analyzed their function in
relation to FEZ1 and
FEZ2. FEZ1 was recently
identified as a negative regulator of autophagy,31 and in a yeast-2-hybrid study it was shown
to interact with the RAB3GAPs.38
To confirm this protein interaction in mammalian cells, we
performed co-immunoprecipitation and IP/MS studies, but
could not detect a stable interaction of the RAB3GAPs and
FEZ1. However, the proteomics analyses yielded interaction networks that included RFWD2 (ring finger and WD repeat
domain 2, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase), COP (clathrin-ordered
protein) proteins, and VPS51/C11orf2 (vacuolar protein sorting
51 homolog [S. cerevisiae]) for the RAB3GAPs and SCOC (short
coiled-coil protein) for FEZ1 (Fig. S10), which were previously
linked to autophagy.31,39-41 The protein DNAJC13 that functions in endosomal trafficking42 was identified as a common
interaction partner of RAB3GAP1 and FEZ1. We also identified
GABARAP and GABARAPL1 as candidate interaction partners
of the RAB3GAPs (Table S1). Even though this interaction was
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Employing immunoblotting and immunostaining
we observed that the knockdown of FEZ1 and FEZ2,
as well as the knockdown of
both proteins together,
increased autophagic activity, whereas the deficiency
of RAB3GAP1/2 caused the
expected decrease in autophagic activity (Fig. 6A to
C). Overexpression of these
factors showed the reciprocal effects (Fig. 6D). Interestingly, the simultaneous
decrease or increase of
FEZ1/2 and RAB3GAP1/2
resulted in an autophagic
activity that was comparable
to control conditions and
did not resemble the autophagic flux that was
observed by either knocking
down or overexpressing the
RAB3GAPs or FEZ proteins alone (Fig 6A to D).
Thus, autophagy regulation
by RAB3GAP1/2 and
FEZ1/2 is contrary and
their relative activities might
determine cellular autophagic activity. This further
emphasizes the relevance of
the RAB3GAPs for autophFigure 5. The RAB3GAP complex affects autophagy independent of RAB3 but dependent on its GTPase-activating
effect. (A) Immunoblot analysis of cells that were manipulated with the indicated siRNAs for 48 h and treated with
agy as was demonstrated in
DMSO (¡) or bafilomycin A1 (C) for 4 h. Tubulin served as control for equal loading. Statistics are depicted as
our study.
mean § SD normalized to nonsense control. No significant differences were detected; n D 3, t test. (B) Immunoblot
Comparable to the
analysis of cells that were manipulated with the indicated plasmids for 48 h and treated with DMSO (¡) or bafilomyknockdown
of the RAB3cin A1 (C) for 4 h. Tubulin served as control for equal loading. Statistics are depicted as mean § SD normalized to eV;
GAPs, the manipulation of
n.s. D not significant, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001; n D 4, t test.
FEZ1/2 affected SQSTM1
protein levels. The molecunot strong enough to pass the stringent threshold for high-confi- lar mechanisms triggering SQSTM1 levels remain currently
dent candidate interacting proteins,43 it supports the association unknown, even though we show that this downregulation also
of the RAB3GAPs with the Atg8 family interactome that has appears on the gene expression level (Fig. S12).
been previously provided employing Atg8 family members as
Although we did not detect a stable interaction of the RAB3Discussion
GAPs and FEZ1, we analyzed the subcellular distribution of
both proteins and observed that RAB3GAP1 and FEZ1 colocalThe heterodimeric RAB3GAP complex is well-acknowledged
ized and, furthermore, that both proteins are associated with the to regulate the RAB GTPase RAB3 and the release of neurotransGolgi apparatus (Fig. S11A and B). This prompted us to exam- mitters at the neuronal synapse.26,27 Here, we show that RAB3ine a potential functional relation of autophagy regulation by GAP1/2 also affects intracellular protein aggregation and
RAB3GAP1/2 and FEZ1 and also FEZ2. FEZ2 has not been modulate autophagy at basal and rapamycin-induced conditions.
linked to autophagy so far, but we demonstrate that it has the
Autophagy is dependent on a tightly regulated vesicle transsame inhibitory effect as its homolog FEZ1 under basal port system and membrane dynamics. RAB GTPases are essential
Volume 10 Issue 12
Downloaded by [] at 05:27 10 February 2015
regulators of intracellular
trafficking processes and
ensure the efficient delivery
of vesicles to different compartments and pathways.18
Numerous RAB proteins
have been associated with
autophagy,13-15,17 and are
controlled by GEFs and
RABGAPs that coordinate
the period and specificity
of RAB GTPase activity.
Several RABGAPs have
been shown to interact
with Atg8 family members
and affect autophagy.17,2022
These RABGAPs contain the conserved TBC
domain that functions via a
which facilitates GTP
hydrolysis and inactivation
of RAB GTPases.44 Thus,
TBC domain-containing
RABGAPs are potentially
more than sole regulators
of distinct RAB GTPases,
but seem to be important
factors to coordinate intracellular trafficking and
autophagy, possibly by
recruiting specific proteins
or membranes to the autophagic pathway. We now
integrate the TBC domainfree RAB3GAP1/2 into
this system, which emphasizes that the TBC domain
is actually not a prerequiFigure 6. The RAB3GAP complex antagonizes the FEZ1/2-mediated suppression of autophagy. (A) Immunoblot analsite for the involvement in
of cells that were manipulated with the indicated siRNA for 48 h and treated with DMSO (¡) or bafilomycin A1
autophagy regulation. The
(C) for 4 h. Tubulin served as control for equal loading. Statistics are depicted as mean § SD normalized to nonsense
influence of RAB3GAP1/2
control; n.s. D not significant, *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, n D 4, t test. (B) Identical to (A) but different siRNA treatments.
on autophagy is dependent
Statistics are depicted as mean § SD normalized to nonsense control; n.s. D not significant, *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01,
on the GTPase activating
n D 4, t test. (C) Confocal images of LC3 immunostainings. Fibroblasts were treated with the indicated siRNA for 48 h
and treated with DMSO or bafilomycin A1 for 4 h. DAPI was used to stain nuclei. Scale bar D 50 mm. Autophagosoactivity of RAB3GAP1 and
structures were counted in 20 to 40 cells of 3 independent experiments; n.s. D not significant, ***P < 0.001, t
very likely independent of
test. (D) Immunoblot analysis of cells that were manipulated with the indicated plasmids for 48 h and treated with
RAB3, highlighting that a
DMSO (¡) or bafilomycin A1 (C) for 4 h. Since FEZ1/2 overexpression affected tubulin levels, actin served as control
yet unknown RAB GTPase
for equal loading. Statistics are depicted as mean § SD normalized to eV control; n.s. D not significant, *P < 0.05,
might be a novel additional
n D 4, t test.
target of the RAB3GAP
Collectively, we show that the RAB3GAPs affect lipidation of RAB3GAPs in relation to these ATG proteins emphasizes that
mammalian orthologs of yeast Atg8 and influence autophagy RAB3GAP1/2
during autophagosome formation. ATG3, ATG5, and ATG16L1 forms a complex with ATG12-ATG5 that localizes to
ATG16L1 are conserved components of LC3 conjugation and the phagophore membrane and stays attached until autophagoautophagosome biogenesis, and analyzing the function of the some maturation is complete.3 PE conjugation of Atg8 family
Downloaded by [] at 05:27 10 February 2015
members is mediated by the activity of ATG7, an E1-like
enzyme, ATG3, an E2-like enzyme, and by the ATG12–ATG5ATG16L1 complex which acts as an E3-like enzyme.6 The
detailed function of lipidated mammalian orthologs of yeast
Atg8 is unclear but an atg3 knockout mouse resulted in the accumulation of ATG16L punctate structures and unclosed autophagosomal precursors.8 This suggests that Atg8 family protein PE
conjugation is a prerequisite for autophagosome maturation and
different mammalian orthologs of yeast Atg8 seem to influence
distinct steps of this process.9 The formation of autophagosomes
is highly dependent on the sufficient acquisition of membranes
and RAB3GAP1/2 might support the transfer of lipids for autophagosome biogenesis. Several RABGAPs that interact with LC3
have previously been shown to affect autophagy initiation,14,17,22
and recently, the RAB3GAPs have also been linked to the Atg8
family interactome.19 The association of the RAB3GAPs with
Atg8 family members is supported here by the detection of
GABARAP and GABARAPL1 as weak interaction partners in
our IP/MS approach, employing RAB3GAP1/2 as bait, and by
the colocalization of RAB3GAP1 and LC3 or GABARAP.
Significant levels of RAB3GAP1 and LC3 or GABARAP colocalized at lipid droplets. LC3 and other ATG proteins have been
shown to be present there and these cellular lipid stores have
been characterized as autophagy substrates whose metabolism is
sensitively regulated by autophagy.45,46 Similar to other Warburg
Micro Syndrome-associated proteins, mutant RAB3GAP1 has
recently been shown to influence the size of lipid droplets,47 and
a mouse model of the disorder is characterized by an altered lipid
droplet metabolism.48 The localization of RAB3GAP1 at these
organelles now points to a potential functional connection of the
RAB3GAPs, autophagy, and lipid droplet turn-over and offers a
possible molecular pathway that influences this cellular phenotype of the Warburg Micro Syndrome.
The relevance of RAB3GAP1/2 for autophagy is further supported by the comparative analysis of FEZ1/2. Previously, FEZ1
has been shown to suppress autophagy during starvation by interacting with Golgi-located SCOC.31 We show that FEZ1 regulates autophagy also at basal conditions and that the homolog
FEZ2 exhibits the same inhibitory activity. Notably, the reciprocal regulation of autophagy by RAB3GAP1/2 and FEZ1/2 is balanced when both factors are modulated at the same time. Thus,
the positive autophagy regulation by the RAB3GAPs opposes the
inhibitory effect of FEZ1/2 (or vice versa) and their relative activities may be influencing total cellular autophagic activity.
Notably, in yeast 2-hybrid studies analyzing FEZ138 and
FEZ249 the RAB3GAPs have been assigned as interaction partners for FEZ1 but not for FEZ2. However, both FEZ proteins
have overlapping functions49 and we show that they have identical effects on autophagy in the cell system employed here. Thus,
we propose that a direct interaction of FEZ1 and the RAB3GAPs, which we could not transfer into mammalian cells
employing co-immunoprecipitation and IP/MS approaches, is
actually not a strict prerequisite for the opposing activities of
RAB3GAP1/2 and FEZ1/2 on autophagy.
In addition to the association of the RAB3GAPs with autophagy, we also could connect them to the proteostasis network;
RBG-1 was initially isolated in an RNAi approach in C. elegans,
which was designed to identify novel factors that affect protein
aggregation, and the deficiency of RBG-1 enhanced amyloid b42
aggregation and accelerated the paralysis phenotype of amyloid
b42-expressing worms. Besides chaperones and the ubiquitin
proteasome system, autophagy is a central module of proteostasis
and its deterioration is sufficient for increased protein aggregation.50-52 In senescent fibroblasts autophagy is upregulated possibly to compensate an age-associated impairment of
proteostasis,53 and in several age-related disorders connected to
protein aggregation, such as Alzheimer and Huntington disease,
the modulation of autophagy has been shown to affect
In summary, in addition to the well-acknowledged modulation of synaptic homeostasis, based on our results, we now can
integrate RAB3GAP1/2 into the autophagy network and extend
their functional spectrum to autophagy and proteostasis.
Materials and Methods
C. elegans methods
C. elegans strains were obtained from the Caenorhabditis
Genetics Center and were maintained using standard procedures.
RNAi was induced by feeding dsRNA as described previously.32
The large-scale RNAi screen was conducted employing a feeding
RNAi library.56 Nematodes expressing the protein-folding
reporter Luciferase-GFP in body wall muscle cells were maintained on RNAi conditions for 72 h and heat stressed at 36 C
for approx. 1 h. Aggregation of Luciferase-GFP was assayed
employing a fluorescence stereomicroscope and was compared to
hsp-110 RNAi-treated worms (positive control) and eV treated
worms (negative control). Newly identified genes were retested
for their potential to influence Luciferase-GFP aggregation. For
analysis of paralysis rate, synchronous CL2006 (dvIs2 [pCL12
(Punc-54-hAb)/pRF4]) nematodes were cultivated at 15 C on
RNAi plates. Starting at first day of adulthood, worms were
transferred to fresh plates daily and were tested for paralysis by
tapping their nose with a platinum wire; worms that moved their
nose but failed to move their bodies were scored as paralyzed.
Dead worms or worms showing other phenotypes were not
included into the statistics. Staining of amyloid b42 aggregates
using thioflavine were carried out as previously described.57 For
analysis of autophagic activity, synchronous nematodes expressing GFP-LGG-1 (ex[Plgg-1-GFP-LGG-1]/pRF4; kind gift of
Beth Levine) were cultivated under RNAi conditions at 20 C. At
L4 stage, worms were transferred to bacteria-free plates overnight
to induce autophagy or kept on bacteria-seeded plates for control.
For quantification, fluorescence microscopy images of 2 to 3
seam cells per worm, with a total of at least 30 worms from 3
independent experiments, were obtained and total numbers of
pre- and autophagosomal structures were counted.
Cell culture
Primary human fibroblasts (IMR-90) were obtained from the
Coriell Institute for Medical Research and were cultured in
Volume 10 Issue 12
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DMEM (Invitrogen, 41965062) supplemented with 10% fetal
bovine serum (PAA, A15-101), 1 mM sodium pyruvate (Invitrogen, 1136-088), 1£ nonessential amino acids (Invitrogen,
11140-068), and 1£ antibiotic-antimycotic solution (Invitrogen,
15240-112) at 37 C in a 5% CO2-humidified atmosphere. Stock
solutions of rapamycin (Enzo, BML-A275-0025) and bafilomycin A1 (LC Laboratories, B-1080) were prepared in DMSO
(Roth, A994.2).
fluorophore-conjugated secondary antibodies (1:200 in PBS),
and DAPI (Calbiochem, 382061). For induction of lipid droplets, cells were incubated with 400 mM oleic acid (Sigma Aldrich,
O1008) for 24 h. Lipid droplets were stained with 4 mM 1,6diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene (DPH; Sigma Aldrich, D208000) for
10 min. Confocal microscopical analyses were performed with
the laser scanning microscope LSM 710 (Zeiss, Oberkochen).
Antibodies employed in these methods are listed in Table S3.
Plasmids, siRNAs, and transfections
Expression plasmids for human RAB3GAP1 (pCI neo-Myc
Rab3Gap p130) and RAB3GAP2 (pCI neo-Myc Rab3Gap
p150) were received as a kind gift from Prof Takuya Sasaki
(Department of Biochemistry, University of Tokushima). The
RAB3GAP1 R728A mutant was generated employing a site
directed mutagenesis kit (Agilent, 210518) following supplier’s
instructions. Expression plasmids for FEZ1 (pCMV6-FEZ1Myc) and FEZ2 (pCMV6-FEZ2-Myc) were obtained from OriGene. Generally, cells were transfected with 10 to 15 mg of plasmid and the corresponding amount of eV was transfected as
control. siRNAs were purchased from Eurofins MWG Operon
as duplexes with 30 -dTdT overhangs. Sequences of siRNAs are
listed in Table S2. Cells were transfected with 30 mg of siRNA
and the same amounts of nonsense siRNA were used as control.
All transfections were carried out employing electroporation as
described previously.53
Interactome analysis
For interactome analysis FEZ1, RAB3GAP1 or RAB3GAP2
were expressed as N-terminal Flag-hemagglutinin (HA) fusion
proteins in HEK293 cells, which were cultivated employing standard procedures.19 Proteins eluted from anti-HA immune complexes were subjected to trypsinolysis and analyzed by mass
spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) followed by identification of highconfidence candidate interaction proteins (HCIPs) by CompPASS as previously described.43
Immunoblotting, co-immunoprecipitation, and
Immunoblot analyses were performed as described previously.53 Generally, 15 mg of total protein were subjected to
SDS–PAGE using precast NuPAGE 4–12% Bis-Tris gels (Invitrogen, NPO322) or hand-cast 12% Bis-Tris gels. Proteins were
detected by chemiluminescence using the Fuji LAS-3000 dark
box (Fujifilm, D€
usseldorf). Co-immunoprecipitation analyses,
employing FEZ1 or RAB3GAP1/2 overexpressing HEK293
cells, were performed as previously described.53 For immunocytochemistry, IMR-90 cells were grown on glass cover slips in 24well plates. After the indicated treatment, cells were fixed with
4% (w/v) paraformaldehyde (Sigma Aldrich, P6148) for 20 min
and incubated with 90% methanol for 6 min. For lipid droplet
staining, cells were incubated with 0.1% (v/v) Triton X-100
(Sigma Aldrich, T9284) in PBS (Sigma Aldrich, D8537) for
10 min. Nonspecific binding sites were blocked with 3% (w/v)
BSA (Sigma Aldrich, A2153) in PBS, and subsequently cells
were incubated with the appropriate primary antibodies (1:200
in 1% [w/v] BSA). Thereafter cells were incubated with
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