2015/2016 autofagia
2015/2016 autofagia
AUTOFAGIA CORSO DI BIOLOGIA DELLO SVILUPPO PROF. FRANCESCO CECCONI Autofagia: Auto-Digestione L’autofagia è un meccanismo molto conservato • Dal Lievito all’uomo • Le prime evidenze su questo processo avvennero tramite microscopia in lievito MacroAutofagia: Diversi tipi di autofagia: Quando si attiva l’autofagia? • Autofagia basale: importante per l’omeostasi cellulare (controllo di qualità e omeostasi energetica) • Autofagia indotta da stress: Es. - Deprivazione di aa o fattori di crescita - Carenza di ossigeno (ipossia) - Infezioni batteriche - Danno mitocondriale Che cosa è degradato dall’autofagia? Porzioni di citoplasma Organelli danneggiati Proteine a lunga emivita Patogeni Aggregati proteici Da dove origina l’autofagosoma? Chi sono i protagonisti? ATG genes: AuTophagy-related Genes 2007: Cecconi’s lab discovers a new gene involved in autophagy: AMBRA1 Il meccanismo molecolare: Segnali a monte: Il principale marcatore dell’autofagia: LC3 Autofagia e morte cellulare Autofagia e sviluppo • INVERTEBRATI: During Drosophila development, autophagy is induced in response to different stimuli in different Tissues such as fat body, intestine, salivary glands and ovary and co-operates with canonical apoptosis to model developing tissues. Through autophagy, cells generate a sufficient pool of aminoacids for the neosynthesis of proteins essential for survival when the food supply is limited • VERTEBRATI: 1 2 3 1 FERTILIZED OOCYTE • After fertilization, maternal proteins in oocytes are degraded and new proteins encoded by the zygotic genome are synthesized: Autophagy, a process for the degradation of cytoplasmic constituents in the lysosome, plays a critical role during this period • Autophagy-defective oocytes derived from oocyte-specific Atg5 (autophagyrelated 5) knockout mice failed to develop beyond the four- and eight-cell stages if they were fertilized by Atg5-null sperm, but could develop if they were fertilized by wild-type sperm. 2 Early neonate • Autophagy is induced during 3-12 h after birth in several tissues • Several mutant mice in ATG proteins die during this fragile perinatal period. In this context, autophagy has been proposed to be a source of energy, based on the fact that these mutants show reduced amino-acid blood levels 3 Nervous System development • Autophagy contributes to nervous system development at different levels. Es. Ambra1 deficient embryos: