Topics - Temple Lutheran Church


Topics - Temple Lutheran Church
December 2015
God’s Work. Our Hands.
Temple Lutheran Church, 5600 N. Rte. 130, Pennsauken, NJ 08109
A Message from the Council President Bruce
“Bear” Betz
Here we are – it’s Thanksgiving and Advent is right around the corner.
We, especially me, need to express some of the things I am thankful for
My grandparents – who, along with other like-minded neighbors,
started my family on the road to being a Lutheran back in 1924;
The wife – you know her as Jan;
The son – you know him as Brian;
The pets – JJ (the greyhound), Jake (my bud) and Gato (old man);
The Grateful Old Guys – we meet at PJ Whelihan’s every Thursday
(except Thanksgiving);
Friends and family too numerous to mention;
And, of course, my church family.
Thanks for a great year as your Council President. We have seen many
things happen here including a rather large bequest from Dorothy and
Bud Derr. We have received our preliminary, draft Architect’s report
and this will be a topic of discussion to help us decide our priorities
going forward.
So far we have had a successful Stewardship campaign – Because of
God’s Great Mercy. We will need your commitment for the remainder
of this year and for next year to allow us to continue the mission God
has called us to here at TLC.
Thank you, the people of TLC, for being you and helping us all on this
faith journey. Keep up the good work.
Editorial by New Jersey Bishop Bartholomew
November 17, 2015
To the Editor: As a New Jerseyan and a Lutheran bishop, I was deeply
disappointed by Governor Christie’s decision to ask the federal
government not to send Syrian refugees to our state. As we mourn for
the lives lost in Paris, it is a time to be more mindful than ever of those
who have suffered the senseless brutality and terror of ISIS for far too
long. Ordinary Syrians have suffered persecution, first by their own
government and now by a merciless terrorist organization. Imagine
trying to raise your children in such an environment. Imagine trying to
move them to safety, only to be told that you yourself were now
considered suspect. New Jersey has long welcomed refugees from a
diversity of countries. Their presence has strengthened and enriched
the fabric of our state. Over the years, Lutherans across this nation have
welcomed more than a half million people fleeing violence and
persecution, and they have become valued members of our community.
The U.S. Refugee Admissions Program has been a highly respected part
of our humanitarian and diplomatic response to global crises for
decades. It is a secure, effective, public/private partnership that has
proven effective at saving the lives of vulnerable people, integrating
them in their new communities, and helping them thrive and give back
to the United States. Thanks to a robust security screening process
implemented by the State Department, the Department of Homeland
Security and related entities, we have done so with confidence and with
very positive results. It breaks my heart that we would abandon that
proud tradition now, when the need is so great. I have always been
proud of my state for the warm welcome it gives to those seeking to
rebuild their lives in safety and freedom. That is why Governor Christie’s
decision is so disappointing, and why I hope he will reverse his position
Sincerely, The Rev. Tracie L. Bartholomew
Bishop New Jersey Synod, ELCA
Christmas at Temple Lutheran
Caroling – December 11
6:30 PM – Meet in Parish Hall
Following caroling return to church for hot
chocolate, a dessert, and good fellowship!
First Communion Discussion
Sunday, Dec. 6th at 9:45 Christian Ed. For All will
discuss First Communion - Holy Communion Practices - All across the
country, churches are reporting that a change in Holy Communion has
taken place. This change, has not necessarily been instituted by the
church. In other words the people of the community, the visitors, the
first time church goer, the people bringing their children, the never
been to church goer(s), the never baptized - are taking communion and
asking for more. It is a new phenomenon and has even been a part of
our ministry here at Temple. It prompts the question: What is
Communion in a 21st century context? How ought we respond, with
rules and regs, or flex and grace? All children, youth (and adults) who
have never been through First Communion Class are urged to attend.
Grateful Men
Grateful Men, is our new Men’s ministry that meets
every Thursday night at 8:30 PM @ PJ Whelihans (396 Lenola Road.
Maple Shade - across from the Moorestown Mall). Come join us for
support, football and food. Our prayer list is getting longer each week.
Bring your list to join ours. Help us to pray fervently for all in need. Join
in the encouragement and be encouraged. Bring a friend.
Lida Knaus Food Pantry
The outpouring of support from the members and friends
of Temple Lutheran Church gave us the opportunity to
give a Thanksgiving Dinner to over 135 needy families.
Because of you, there will be a fancy dinner Thursday
night for over 450 people. Our members rocked this
holiday by bringing in box after box of food and those
that couldn’t shop, donated money so we could shop on
their behalf. Great job TLC!
For December, we are asking for either a frozen turkey or
$15 so we can purchase turkey breasts for our December
Well-Worth Checking Out
Monthly Message by Bishop Elizabeth A. Eaton
Bishop Eaton’s Monthly Message “The Unsettled
Season of Advent: In Incarnate Christ, God Finds Us
and Gives Restless Hearts Rest” is available at
Saints in Service - December 2015
8:30 Reader
Dec 6
8:30 Usher
Dec 13 Stallard
Dec 20 Toler
Dec 24 D. Wohr
Dec 27 C. Wohr
Dec 6
8:30 Comm. Assist.
8:30 Cantor
K. Toler
Dec 13 J. Burgin/Mullineaux
C. Wohr
Dec 20 M. Burgin/M. Toler
D. Wohr
Dec 24
Dec 27 Hanson/Adkins
Dec 6
J. Burgin
11:00 Reader/Usher
Dec 13 Knaus
Dec 20 Knodt
Dec 24 Martino (25th:Knodt)
Dec 27 Chess
Dec 6
Altar Guild
M.Hickey/Johnson/Burgin Kenney/Manera
Dec 13 Baker/Cotier
Dec 20 Wohr/M. Burgin
Dec 24
Dec 27 Schiermeier/Teague
The TLC Book Club met in November to discuss The
Christmas Train by David Baldacci. All agreed they liked
the book and it was a nice read for the approaching
Christmas. The book was full of interesting and eccentric
characters as the main character rode across the country on
a train in order to spend Christmas on a ski trip to Lake
Tahoe. Between the east and west coast life changes!
December Meeting
Where: Annual Dinner at Villa Barone in Collingswood
Date: Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Time: 6:00 PM
Reservations must be made with Marilyn Burgin
Text or Call
Carpooling Available at Church at 5:45 PM
What do we do? We eat, enjoy each other’s company,
and pick our 2016 books.
Health and Wellness by Lori Martino
Be prepared to Stay Safe and Healthy in Winter
December is an exciting time of year. We are in the season of advent
and are looking forward to celebrating Christmas with our family and
friends. But December also welcomes in winter, cold temperatures,
snow, and possible power outages. It is always best to be prepared in
the event that we need to deal with any of these situations. While
many enjoy the outdoor activities that a nice snowfall may provide,
many more choose to stay indoors. Either way, we need to be
prepared. Read the linked article below prepared by the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention. Make sure you are prepared for what
this winter may bring.
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and a Safe and Healthy Winter!
You can find the article at:
It will also be found on the bulletin Board in the Parish Hall.
Musicians’ Get-Together
Thanks to Matt Reichert who arranged a Get-Together for all
the TLC musicians and emceed the event. He even gave an
award to each and every musician!
Temple Lutheran Church Library
Here is my recommendation for what I consider one of the
top 5 items in the church library. At some point, please
check out The Christmas Miracle of Johnathan Toomey
by Susan Wojciechowski. There is also a matching DVD of
the excellent movie starring Tom Berenger and Joely
Richardson. It is a story of the power of love and the feeling
of hope. There is also a lot of humor. It is a story for the
whole family. I have seen the book listed for those ages 4 to
9 and 6 to 12, but I feel it is great for 4 to 101! The film is for
10 stars out of 5!!! (That’s right!)
December Birthdays
Jeff Baker
Jade DiSanti
Arlene Colander
Jane Johnson
Lori Martino
Barbara Mullineaux
Elizabeth Knaus
Neil Brown
Lou Manera
Aleksei (Rosie) Knaus
Jan Hanson
Kaitlyn Fitzgerald
Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, we love you! Happy
Birthday, and may all your dreams come true! When you
blow out the candles, one light stays aglow. It’s the love light
in your eyes where’er you go!
If you know of anyone whose name needs to be added or
removed from this list, please let Marilyn Burgin know or call
the office and leave a message. Thank you.
Say a Prayer for our Shut-Ins
Arlene Colander – Lutheran Crossings
Mildred Hussong – Evergreens
Dorothy Reichert – Lutheran Crossings
Doris Neilson – home
Dorothy Ingels – home
Clara Hickok – Lutheran Crossings
A Prayer for our First Responders and Military Members
Lord, hold our military and first responders in your loving
hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and
their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our
times of need. Amen.
Clean-Up Day
At least 25 people showed up for this event! Photos were
provided by June Burgin.
November Food Bank
Photos provided by June Burgin
Good News
Congratulations go to Alyssa Riess who received her first
college acceptance letter. The letter arrived from Millersville
University in Pennsylvania, but she is looking for even more
acceptance letters so she can choose her college wisely.
Hope you get to go to your first choice, Alyssa!
Congratulations go to Brian Betz who also received an
acceptance letter from Norwich University with an offering of
a hefty scholarship to boot. He has not accepted yet, so we
will all have to watch and see what happens! Brian, choose
Congratulations go to the Knaus family – Bryon, Kathy,
Elizabeth, and Leslie. The family is expecting their third
child in March 2016. Will it be their first boy or third girl?
We’ll just have to see. We look forward to welcoming the
forthcoming child into our church family!
Happy 100th birthday wishes go to Pastor George Garver
who celebrated his big day on November 29. A box filled
with our birthday wishes and prayer shawls (for Pastor and
his wife) was sent to him at his home in Bradenton, Florida.
Thanks to all who participated.
Wishes for a happy and safe trip are in order for Linda
Jensen who will be spending almost a month Hawaii visiting
family. Do we actually need to say “have a happy trip” when
going to Hawaii?
This space is for you whoever you are. Please let Marilyn know
your good news for the next edition Topics!
Bruce “Bear” Betz – President
Jay Martino – Vice-President
Treasurer – Matt McDevitt
Secretary – June Burgin
Financial Secretary – Barbara Mullineaux
Council Members
Emily Reichert
Linda Colander
Jay Martino
June Burgin
Rebecca Fitzgerald
Arlie Schiermeier
Mike Hickey
Gary Milewski
Patti Waring
Deb Cotier
Allie Fitzgerald
Staff: Rev. David L. Stoner
Gail Gassaway, Organist
Matt Reichert, Worship Leader
Ministry Team
Social Ministry
Parish Life
Mutual Ministry
Christian Education
Worship & the Arts
Youth Representative
Ministry Coordinators
Matt Reichert, Glory Band
Barbara Mullineaux, Bells Director
D.Reichert/B.Mullineaux, Altar Guild
Janet Morrissey, Women of the ELCA Pres. 662-1188
Lori Martino, Health and Wellness
Volunteer Staff
Marilyn Burgin – Topics Editor