Advisory Board Members eMail Use Policy
Advisory Board Members eMail Use Policy
December 3, 2013 To: Department Directors From: Pamela M. Nadalini, MBA, CMC City Auditor and Clerk Subject: Use of City E-Mail Accounts At the December 2, 2013, Regular Sarasota City Commission meeting, the City Commission directed the Charter Officials assure Department Directors make certain the liaisons: 1) contact respective Advisory Board members by telephone, provide a copy of Resolution No. 10R-2187 and Administration Regulation No. 045.A001.0512 concerning the use of City-provided e-mail accounts and request the Advisory Board members sign and return the acknowledgement by December 31, 2013, and 2) review the importance of using City-provided e-mail accounts at the beginning of each Advisory Board meeting. The use of the City-provided e-mail accounts is emphasized to protect the personal computers of Advisory Board members from potential forensic examination or possible seizure by the court if public records generated concerning City business from personal accounts cannot be produced. Please assure a copy of the signed acknowledgement is sent to the Office of the City Auditor and Clerk. Because of the escalating costs involving the production of public records, the Commission also directed that all Advisory Board members sign the acknowledgement prior to sitting at an Advisory Board meeting. Therefore, please ensure liaisons take copies of the Resolution with the acknowledgement to any Advisory Board meeting prior to December 31, 2013, and have members sign the acknowledgement at the commencement of the meeting. Provided are the following documents for your reference: • • • • Quick Reference in the use of City-provided e-mail Resolution No. 10R-2187 Administration Regulation No. 045.A001.05 12 List of Advisory Board Members and Liaisons The Office of the City Auditor and Clerk, the Information Technology Department, and the City Attorney's Office will be conducting a series of training sessions beginning in January 2014. In the interim, please feel free to contact me or Deputy City Auditor and Clerk Karen McGowan if you have any questions. c: City Commission Thomas Barwin, City Manager Robert Fournier, City Attorney Marlon Brown, Deputy City Manager Michael Connolly, Deputy City Attorney Karen McGowan, Deputy City Auditor and Clerk Philip Hurwitz, Director of Information Technology File , ::====Office of the City Auditor and Clerk· Post Office Box 1058· Sarasota, Florida 34230 _ _ _-' .... Office Number: 941·954·4160 • Fax Number: 941·954·4113 STEPS FOR WEB ACCESS CITY‐ISSUED EMAIL ACCOUNT CITY OF SARASOTA ADVISORY BOARD MEMBERS 1. Launch Internet Explorer (or other internet browser) Be sure to include the “s” in the web address! https:// 2. In the address bar, type the address 3. Next to domain\user name: type in srq\John.Doe 4. Next to Password: type in your password (case sensitive) 5. Click the Log On button 6. For assistance, please contact the IT Helpdesk at 954‐4170. RESOLUTION NO . 10.R-2187 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY ' OF SARASOTA, FLORIDA, STATING POLICY RELATING TO MANDATORY USE OF CITY-PROVIDED E-MAIL ACCOUNTS BY CITY ADVISORY BOARD MEMBERS; PROVIDING FOR READING BY TITLE ONLY AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter ' 119, Florida Statu't es, all email correspondence made or received pursuant to law or ordinance or i~ connection with the transaction of official city business is a public record and must be made available to the public upon request for viewing and/or copying for the duration of the statutory retention period; and . WHEREAS, e-mail correspondence made or received by City of Saraseta Advisory Board Members that is related to the business of that Member's Advisory Board, whether written or received' on an Advisery Board Member's personal computer, is a public record subject to the requirements of Chapter 119, Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, in order to ensure that all e-mail made or received by City Advisory Beard Members related to the business of their particular Advisory Board is readily available to the public upon request and in an effert to. protect the personal email acceunts · of City Advisory Board Members from public inspectien, the city has issued City domain e-mail accounts to. all c i ty Advisery Board Members to be used in sending or receiving e-mails related to the busine~s of their particular Adviso r y Beard. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SARASOTA, FLORIDA: Sectien 1. City Advisery Board Members are hereby required to use the City issued e-mail accounts for all e-mail cerrespondence, received or sent , that relates to the business of their respective advisory boards. sectien 2 . In' the event an Advisory Board Member receives an Advisery Board related e-mail on his/her personal e-mail account, he/she is to ' immediately transfer . issued e-mail acceunt issued e-mail account . and reply that to e-mail that to his/her City e-mail frem the City Section 3. Any Advisory Board Merr~er account other than the City issued e-mai l who uses an e-mail account for business related to his/her Advisory Board may be subject to removal from the City Advisory Board. Section 4. Each current Advisory Board Member sq..all sign an acknowledgement of this policy and acceptance of ' this policy will be required by all applicants to an Advisory Board upon making application to serve. Section 5. This Resolution shall take effect on April 1, 2011. ADOPTED by the City Commis~ion of the City of Sarasota, Florida, upon ,reading by title only after posting on the bulletin board at City Hall for at least three (3) ' days prior to adoption as authorized by Article IV, Section 2, Saraso~a, Florida this 21th day la M. Nadalini CITY AUDITOR AND CLERK Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Mayor Kelly Kirschner Vic~ Mayor Fredd "Glossie" Atkins Commissioner Suzanne At\-/ell Commissioner Richard Clapp Commissioner Terry Turner 2 Charter of the City of Administrative Regulation No. 045.AOOl.0512 Workplace, Email, Internet. and Intranet Acceptable Use Policy Administrative Regulation No. 045.AQ01.0512 Workplace. Email, Internet. and Intranet Acceptable Use Policy I. Purpose The workplace email, Internet, and Intranet acceptable use policy is to establish appropriate -end user guidelines for access to teclmology resources. II. Procedure Workplace technology resources (share drives, applications, multi-functional devices, etc), electronic mail, Internet and Intranet access and other electronic media and equipment are business tools that are provided by the City of Sarasota (City) to its users to facilitate the timely and efficient conduct of business. To help ensure that these tools are uSed appropriately, the City has developed the following acceptable use policy. This policy addresses access, use and disclosure of electronic messages and file transfers, Internet messages and material created, sent or received by users utilizing the City's workplace systems, Email, FTP, mtranet, and/or Internet. 1. General policy guidelines a. Users must not attempt to access any data or prograrils contained on City resources for which they do not have authorization or explicit consent. Users must not circumvent City security measures. b. Users must not purposely engage in activity that may: harass, threaten or abuse others; degrade the performance of Information Teclmology property; deprive an authorized City user access to City resource; or obtain extra resources beyond those allocated. c. Users must not download, install or run programs or utilities that reveal or exploit weaknesses in the security of Information Teclmology property, unless directly said in job purpose or approved by the Director of Information Teclmology. The exceptions are system admini~trators given explicit rights for vulnerability and penetration testing. 1- i · · ............. .. .... ............ -......... _........... I ·1 Administrative Regulation No. 045.AOO1.0512 Workplace, Email, Internet, and Intranet Acceptable Use Policy I , d. City technology resources should not be used for personal benefit. However, de minimis use may be tolerated so long as such use dpes not increase costs to the City, interfere with the normal performance of an employee's work duties, increase security risk to the City's technology resources, or subject the City to legal, regulatory, or compliance issues. e. No electronic records, files, documents, blogs, personal profile information, newsfeeds, tags, notes, etc may be sent or received that may cause legal action against or embarrassment to the.City. f. Users must not intentionally create, store or transmit material on any resource via City technology resource which the City may deem to be offensive, indecent or obscene (pictures, blogs, personal profile information, newsfeeds, tags, notes, etc). g. All messages, files and documents - including personal messages, files and documents - located within City technology resources are owned by the City, may be subject to open records requests;· and may be accessed in accordance with this and other City poli<?ies. h. The City reserves the right to remove any non-business related content (pictures, music, blogs, personal profile information, newsfeeds, tags, notes, etc) andlor software. i.. All users are responsible for managing their use. of technology resources and· are accountaple for their actions. Users are also equally responsible for reporting any suspected or confirmed violations of this policy to the appropriate management. j. There is no guarantee of personal privacy or access to technology resources. The use of technology resources may be monitored to fulfill complaint or invest~gation requirements. k. Technology resources must not be used to violate any law, regulation, or City policy. 1. User passwords are confidential. Users shall be held accountable for all use of the City's technology resources under their account. m. A violation of the City's workplace, email, Internet, and Intranet Acceptable Use Policies may result in disciplinary action. . n. All users are required to acknowledge their review and acceptance of this policy using. the form in the Attachment A to Administrative Regulation. 2. User Accounts and Passwords a. User Identification Each user· will be assigned a unique user identification account for use of City IT resources. City network accounts are formatted 'last name, first initial, hyphen, department number', for example, smithj-999. Advisory board access accounts follow the format 'board seat.advisory', for example, PREOl.Advisory. Application logins may follow different user name formats. City email addresses will follow the convention, 'user's legal first name, period, legal last name - no spaces'. For In the event that a naming convention would generate a duplicate user ID or email address, the following standard will be utilized until a unique email address is created: 2 T".--..-..-..' . ..--..-... ....._...._. . . . -_. . - ...._. .._. Administrative Regulation No. 045.AOOl.0512 Workplace, Email, Interriet, and Intranet Acceptable lse Policy 1. SuffIX added to the end of the last name 2. Middle initial added to the end of the first name b. General 1. The Director of Information Technology is responsible for information technology security. To maintain the integrity of the city's information resources, the Director, Infonnation Technology may suspend access privileges of any user if deemed necessary. 2. Individuals are required to use their assigned account when accessing information systems. Each individual who is given a user account to access a syst~m is responsible for the transactions that occur under his or her account. 3. Users will be required to authenticate their identity to access city electronic information resources. 4. Users are prohibited from impersonating . another user or signing on to an Information Technology resource using another user's access credentials. 5. The standards for password composition, lifetime of passwords, number of entry , attempts, and when inactive sessio~s will be suspended shall be determined by the Director of Information Technology and will be dependent upon the sensitivity of data contained within the system and capabilities of the application. 6. Users with privileged access, such as system administrators or super-users, will utilize separate accounts from their normal user activity and are required to have more complex passwords than the general city user. In those situations requiring use of shared administrative accounts, sufficient documentation will be maintained. '7 . Upon the·resignation~ retirement, or termination of a person, or upon notification to an employee of impending involuntary termination, that individual's Department Director or Charter Official shall notify and request that Information Technology revoke all access authorizations immediately upon the individual's employment separation date. Revocation of access to individual applications not managed by the Information Technology Division will be coordinated ' willi the responsible application manager. 8. User authentication is not intended to prevent appropriate review by city management. The city reserves the right to perioQically monitor the use of any computer system or network. c. Password Requirements and Guidelines Measures shall be taken to protect technology resources from accidental or unauthorized disclosUre, modification or destruction, as well as to assure the security, reliability, integrity and availability of information. User authentication to systems is a critical element in meeting these objectives. The purpose of this section is to set a standard for ' creating, protecting, and changing passwords so that they are strong, secure, and protected. PassWords are used to access any number of organization systems, including the network, e-mail, the Web, and voicemail. Poor or weak passwords are easily cracked and may put the entire system at . risk. 1. Requirements: 3 Admhristrative Regulation No. 045.AOO1.0512 Workplace, Email, Internet, and Intranet Acceptable Use Policy (a) Initial. passwords and passwords which are reset for users will be, set to a unique value and must be changed upon first use. ' (b) Passwords must be changed no less frequently than every 90 days. Some systems may reqUire more frequent changes due to the nature of the infonnation being accessed. (c) Passwords must contain at least eight (8) characters, unless the system or application requires a different length. (d) Users are required to keep passwords secure. All users are responsible for the security of :their passwords and accounts. Users are prohibited from disclosing their password to anyone or letting another individual sign-on to a city infonnation system using their user ID and password; (e) Passwords are not to be transmitted electronically over the unprotected Internet, such as via e-mail. However, passwords may be used to gain remote access to ' City resources via the City's Virtual Private Network (VPN) or SSL-protected Web sites. 2. Guidelines: (a) Passwor~ should be complex and contain mixed case letters, numbers, andlor special characters, unless the application or service does not allow such complexity in which case the highest comparable complexity'is required. (b) Previous passwords should not be re-used. (c) Passwords should not be based on well-known or easily accessible personal infonnation. (d) Users should not keep an unsecured record of his/ her password(s),. either on paper or in an electronic file. If it proves necessary to keep a record of a password, then it should be kept in a controlled access location, if in hardcopy fonn, or in an encrypted file if in electronic fonn. 3. If a user either knows or suspects that his/ her password has been comproinised, it must be reported to the Infonnation Technology Division and the password changed immediately. I' I 4. If anyone demands a user's password, they should be referred to this policy or contact the Infonnation Technology Division. No one from the Infonnation Technology Division will ever contact a user and request the user provide his or her password. 3. Platfonn-specific gUidelines a. Email 1. City emails are subject to Florida's Government-in-the-Sunshlne laws and in the City of Sarasota, are made accessible for viewing by the pUblic. Each u~er has the responsibility for the proper protection of public records which are exempt from disclosure by using the word EXEMPT in the subject line of the email. Failure to do so may result in inadvertent disclosure of protected infonnation. Infonnation containing Personally Identifiable Infonnation (PII), HIIP A, PCI, credit card related infonnation, or other similar sensitive data should not be transmitted through email. 4 Administrative Regulation No. 045.AOOl.0512 Workplace, Email, Internet, and Intranet Acceptable Use Policy (a) The word EXEMPT must appear in the subject line of each email message to be excluded from public access. EXEMPT can appear anywhere in the subject line. It can be either capital or lower case. It must be a separate seven (7) letter word without any speciai characters attached For example: "exempt", -exempt, exempt-, :exempt ,will not be filtered by the system because other characters are connected to the word exempt. (b) Use of the word EXEMPT requires the sender to identify the provision in the Florida Statutes that specifically exempts the content from disclosure under Florida's public records laws. (c) If a user has questions or concerns regarding the classification of an email as accessible by the public or protected from access and exempt, the employee should contact the Office of the City Auditor and Clerk for further guidance. 2. The email system is the property of the City and all email messages composed, sent, or received are the property of the City. Users must not consider any information contained in the email system to be private. Incoming and outgoing messages and attachments are subject to monitoring 8:t the sole discretion of the City, at any time, with or without notice, and notwithstanding any password The mere deletion of a message or ~le by a user may not eliminate it from the system. a. Users sending email th..1'()ugh the City's system are inherently representative of the City. Therefore, users should make clear when they are not representing the City and are expressing a personal opinion in their email or Internet communications. b. Users must not .send or forward "chain letter" emails. c. Users should not open email or attachments unless they are confident of the identity of the sender and the sender's intent to send the user the attachment. d. Users must not access other users' email without prior management authorization. e. Email signature lines are to contain the sender's name and contact information only. f. The system must not be used to communicate improper messages or material (such as those that are defamatory, derogatory, obscene or otherwise inappropriate, including sexually harassing or other offensive messages). g. Encrypted messages should not be sent via the City's email system. b. Internet 1. Internet access must not be used to send (upload) or receive (download) copyrighted materials, trade secrets, proprietary financial information, or similar materials without prior management authorization. 5 Administrative Regulation No. 045.AOO1.0512 Workplace, Email, Internet, and Intranet Acceptable Use Policy 2. Users with Internet access must take particular care to comply with and understand the copyright, trademark, libel, slander and public speech control laws of other government and non-government agencies .. a. Executable files may not be downloaded without prior authorization. b. The City maintains a web filtering application; however, no system is 100% secure. As such, inadvertent access to inappropriate~websites may occur. Therefore, users are explicitly forbidden from accessing sexually explicit or otherwise offensive or inappropriate websites. c. The City has the capability and reserves the right to track and monitor use of the Internet, including web sites visited and files downloaded by the user. ~~,~~~irector, Information Technology Date -(~~ Terry Lewis Interim City Manager . Date ~.·~.i~ Pamela M. Nadalini City Auditor and Clerk Date Cynthia Cumbie Records Program Manager Date 6 I Administrative Regulation No. 045.AOOl.0512 Workplace, EmaiL Internet, and Intranet Acceptable Use Policy ATTACHMENT A Information Technology (IT) Division Workplace, Email, Internet, and Intranet Acceptable Use Policy Electronic mail, Internet access and other electronic media and equipment are business tools that are provided by the City of Sarasota (City) to its users to facilitate timely and efficient conduct of business. To help ensure that these tools are used appropriately, the City has · developed Administrative Regulation No. 045.AOO1.0512 which addresses access, use of workplace equipment and systems and disclosure of electronic mail and Internet messages, including material created, sent or received by the City's u.sers. In accordance with ·Administrative Regulation No. 045.AOOl.0512, the following are requirements for utilizing the City's equipment and information technology infrastructure: • The system is primarily for business use, but limited personal use shall be permitted, S9 long as such use is not excessive and does not interfere with business needs or operations; • The e-mail system is the property of the City and all e-mail messages composed, sent, or received are the property of the City. The mere deletion of a message or file by a user may not eliminate it , from the system; • Incoming and outgoing messages and attachments are subject to monitoring at the sole discretion of the City, at any time, with or without notice, and notwithstanding any password; • The City has the capability and reserves the right to track and monitor use of the Internet, including web sites visited and files downloaded by the user; • Users must not consider any information on the system including e-mail messages and web sites visited to be private; • The system must not be used to communicate improper inessages or material (such as those that are defamatory, derogatory, obscene or otherwise inappropri~, including sexually harassing or other offensive messages); · • E-mail signature lines are to contain the sender's name and contact information only; • The system must not be used to visit sexually explicit or other offensive or inappropriate websites; • The system must not be used to viol~e any law, regulation, or City policy; . • The system must not be used to send (upload) or receive (download) copyrighted materials, trade secrets, proprietary financial infonnation, · or similar materials without prior management authorization; • User · passwords are confidential and users shall be held accountable for all usage under their password on the City's computer system; • Users are prohibited from impersonating another user or signing on to an Information Technology resource llsing another user's ar-cess crr.cle:ntials; • Confidential or privileged information should not be sent over the Internet unless sent with appropriate warnings, safeguards or encryption; • Encrypted messages shall be read only by authorized users under City-approved encryption methOds; 7 Administrative Regulation No. 045.AOOl.05l2 Workplace, Email, Internet, and Intranet Acceptable Use Policy. • • • • • • • Users with Internet access must take particular care to comply with and understand the copyright, trademark, libel, slander and public speech control laws of other government and non-government agencies with which our City maintains business relationships; Executable files may not be downloaded without prior authorization; Users should make clear when they are or are not representiilg the City in e-mail or Internet communications; Users must not send or forward "chain letter" e-mails; Users should not open e-mail or attachments unless they are confident ofthe identity of the sender; Users must not access other users' e-mail without prior management authorization. Labeling a message or record with the word EXEMPT ~equires the user· to identify the provision in the Florida Statutes that specifically exempts the content from disclosure under Florida's public records laws. A violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action in accordance with the City's Personnel Rules and RegUlations. I have reviewed and agree to comply with Administrative Regulation No. 045.AOOl.0512, Workplace, Email, Internet, and Intranet Acceptable Use Policy. Printed Name Date User Signature Date Please check a bDX belDw and identifY the Department Dr BDard to' which YDU are affIliated. D City Employee D Advisory Board Member AdvisDry BDard: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Department:_ _ _ _ _ __ __ NDte: Signed emplDyee fDrms ShDUld be sent to' Human ResDur:ces fDr inclusiDn in persDnnel files, with a CDPY Df the fDrm sent tq the InfDrmatiDn TechnDIDgy DivisiDn. Signed fDrms fDr members Df Adviso.ry BDards ShDUld be sent to. the Department DirectDr respDnsible fDr 'the BDard's activities, with a CDpy Df the fDrm sent to. the InfDrmatiDn TechnDlogy Division. 8 Revised List of Advisory Board Members as of 12/3/2013 Advisory Board Member Leslie Loftus Paul R. Israelson Mel Harner David Morriss Calvin Bryant Wm. Scott Crawford William Lloyd Blough Vacant Tom Wessel Ward L. Luther III Michael Epstein Vacant Vacant Margie Sue Smith Karl Hees Vacant Ellen Berman Charlotte Ryan Graham C. Edwards II Tyrone Hill Benita Standifer Vald Svekis Robert Fletcher Danny Bilyeu Edie Jones Robert Casella Jose Antonio Garnham Vacant Kathryn Keen Katherine Kelley Ohlrich Seat BA1 BA2 BA3 BA4 BA5 BB1 BB2 BB3 BB4 BB5 BB6 BB7 BB8 BB9 BB10 BB11 BB12 BB13 CTO1 CTO2 CTO3 CTO4 CTO5 CTO6 CTO7 CTO8 CTO9 CTO10 CWD1 CWD2 Board BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT BOARD OF RULES AND APPEALS BOARD OF RULES AND APPEALS BOARD OF RULES AND APPEALS BOARD OF RULES AND APPEALS BOARD OF RULES AND APPEALS BOARD OF RULES AND APPEALS BOARD OF RULES AND APPEALS BOARD OF RULES AND APPEALS BOARD OF RULES AND APPEALS BOARD OF RULES AND APPEALS BOARD OF RULES AND APPEALS BOARD OF RULES AND APPEALS BOARD OF RULES AND APPEALS CITIZEN TAX OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE CITIZEN TAX OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE CITIZEN TAX OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE CITIZEN TAX OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE CITIZEN TAX OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE CITIZEN TAX OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE CITIZEN TAX OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE CITIZEN TAX OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE CITIZEN TAX OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE CITIZEN TAX OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE CITIZENS WITH DISABILITIES ADVISORY BOARD CITIZENS WITH DISABILITIES ADVISORY BOARD Advisory Board Liaison Use Policy Gretchen Schneider Gretchen Schneider Gretchen Schneider Gretchen Schneider Gretchen Schneider Larry Murphy Larry Murphy Larry Murphy Larry Murphy Larry Murphy Larry Murphy Larry Murphy Larry Murphy Larry Murphy Larry Murphy Larry Murphy Larry Murphy Larry Murphy Kelly Strickland Kelly Strickland Kelly Strickland Kelly Strickland Kelly Strickland Kelly Strickland Kelly Strickland Kelly Strickland Kelly Strickland Kelly Strickland Maggie Sumney Maggie Sumney Page 1 of 5 Revised List of Advisory Board Members as of 12/3/2013 Advisory Board Member Barbara Cruz JoAnne DeVries Bertram B. Fivelson Vacant Valerie Dorr Liz Alpert Samantha Hernandez Frank Brenner Ken Shelin Tony Souza Drayton Saunders Javier Suarez Jr. Michael Beaumier Valerie Buchand Mark Huey Paul Thorpe Lynn Robbins Kenneth Bailey Andy Dorr Chris Gallagher Mark Huey Fredd Glossie Atkins Michael Beaumier Vacant William Russell Joel Freedman Casey Colburn Ernie DuBose Mark Kauffman Tom Mannausa Seat CWD3 CWD4 CWD5 CWD6 CSP1 CSP2 CSP3 CSP4 CSP5 CRA1 CRA2 CRA3 CRA4 CRA5 CRA6 CRA7 CRA8 CRA9 DCRA1 DCRA2 DCRA3 DCRA4 DCRA5 DCRA6 DCRA7 DCRA8 DCRA9 DCRA10 DID1 DID2 Board CITIZENS WITH DISABILITIES ADVISORY BOARD CITIZENS WITH DISABILITIES ADVISORY BOARD CITIZENS WITH DISABILITIES ADVISORY BOARD CITIZENS WITH DISABILITIES ADVISORY BOARD CIVIL SERVICE/GENERAL PERSONNEL BOARD CIVIL SERVICE/GENERAL PERSONNEL BOARD CIVIL SERVICE/GENERAL PERSONNEL BOARD CIVIL SERVICE/GENERAL PERSONNEL BOARD CIVIL SERVICE/GENERAL PERSONNEL BOARD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ADVISORY BOARD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ADVISORY BOARD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ADVISORY BOARD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ADVISORY BOARD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ADVISORY BOARD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ADVISORY BOARD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ADVISORY BOARD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ADVISORY BOARD COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ADVISORY BOARD DOWNTOWN CRA EXTENSION STUDY COMMITTEE DOWNTOWN CRA EXTENSION STUDY COMMITTEE DOWNTOWN CRA EXTENSION STUDY COMMITTEE DOWNTOWN CRA EXTENSION STUDY COMMITTEE DOWNTOWN CRA EXTENSION STUDY COMMITTEE DOWNTOWN CRA EXTENSION STUDY COMMITTEE DOWNTOWN CRA EXTENSION STUDY COMMITTEE DOWNTOWN CRA EXTENSION STUDY COMMITTEE DOWNTOWN CRA EXTENSION STUDY COMMITTEE DOWNTOWN CRA EXTENSION STUDY COMMITTEE DOWNTOWN IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT DOWNTOWN IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT Advisory Board Liaison Use Policy Maggie Sumney Maggie Sumney Maggie Sumney Maggie Sumney Lynette Garrett Lynette Garrett Lynette Garrett Lynette Garrett Lynette Garrett Steve Stancel Steve Stancel Steve Stancel Steve Stancel Steve Stancel Steve Stancel Steve Stancel Steve Stancel Steve Stancel Steve Stancel Steve Stancel Steve Stancel Steve Stancel Steve Stancel Steve Stancel Steve Stancel Steve Stancel Steve Stancel Steve Stancel Steve Stancel Steve Stancel Page 2 of 5 Revised List of Advisory Board Members as of 12/3/2013 Advisory Board Member Ron Soto Eileen Hampshire Ernest Ritz Pamela Nadalini John Lege Bonita Wagner VACANT Courtney Mendez Charles Joseph Shelia Roberson Pamela Nadalini Michael Hartley Scott Snow Gretchen Schneider Ryan Chapdelain Cheri Potts John Lege Bonita Wagner Pamela Nadalini Barry Keeler Christopher Wilson Richard Allen David Gurley Joyce Hart Sherry Robinson Svekis Robert Dynan Dan Ionescu Maryellin Kirkwood Kimberly Walker Karen Brittingham Seat DID3 DID4 DID5 ERA1 ERA2 ERA3 ERA4 ERA5 FP1 FP2 FP3 FP4 FP5 GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4 GP5 GP6 GP7 HP1 HP2 HP3 HP4 HP5 HP6 HP7 HRB1 HRB2 HRB3 Board DOWNTOWN IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT DOWNTOWN IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT DOWNTOWN IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT ACCOUNT COMMITTEE EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT ACCOUNT COMMITTEE EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT ACCOUNT COMMITTEE EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT ACCOUNT COMMITTEE EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT ACCOUNT COMMITTEE FIREFIGHTERS PENSION BOARD FIREFIGHTERS PENSION BOARD FIREFIGHTERS PENSION BOARD FIREFIGHTERS PENSION BOARD FIREFIGHTERS PENSION BOARD GENERAL PENSION BOARD GENERAL PENSION BOARD GENERAL PENSION BOARD GENERAL PENSION BOARD GENERAL PENSION BOARD GENERAL PENSION BOARD GENERAL PENSION BOARD HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD HUMAN RELATIONS BOARD HUMAN RELATIONS BOARD HUMAN RELATIONS BOARD Advisory Board Liaison Use Policy Steve Stancel Steve Stancel Steve Stancel Thomas Kelley Thomas Kelley Thomas Kelley Thomas Kelley Thomas Kelley Thomas Kelley Thomas Kelley Thomas Kelley Thomas Kelley Thomas Kelley Thomas Kelley Thomas Kelley Thomas Kelley Thomas Kelley Thomas Kelley Thomas Kelley Thomas Kelley Clifford Smith Clifford Smith Clifford Smith Clifford Smith Clifford Smith Clifford Smith Clifford Smith Maggie Sumney Maggie Sumney Maggie Sumney Page 3 of 5 Revised List of Advisory Board Members as of 12/3/2013 Advisory Board Member Leslie Harrell Joan Donnelly Yvette Williams Victor Johnson Ernest Dubose Mark Huey Shelli Freeland Eddie Margaret Esaw Harvey Ruiz Joanne Gonet Douglas Christy Joseph Bessard Linda Holland Majorie Sykes Gloria Armstrong Fernando Gobic Jennifer Tucker Millie Small Elsie Souza Tom Mannausa Heidi Dahlborg Mary Colleen McGue George Spector Gage Schrantz Shawn Glen Pierson Elmer Berkel Carl Shoffstall Vald Svekis Jennifer Ahearn Robert Lindsay Seat HRB4 HRB5 NCRA1 NCRA2 NCRA3 NCRA4 NCRA5 NCRA6 NCRA7 NAB1 NAB2 NAB3 NAB4 NAB5 NAB6 NAB7 PRE1 PRE2 PRE3 PRE4 PRE5 PRE6 PRE7 PRE8 PRE9 PRE10 PRE11 PBL1 PBL2 PBL3 Board HUMAN RELATIONS BOARD HUMAN RELATIONS BOARD NEWTOWN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ADVISORY BOARD NEWTOWN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ADVISORY BOARD NEWTOWN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ADVISORY BOARD NEWTOWN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ADVISORY BOARD NEWTOWN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ADVISORY BOARD NEWTOWN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ADVISORY BOARD NEWTOWN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ADVISORY BOARD NUISANCE ABATEMENT BOARD NUISANCE ABATEMENT BOARD NUISANCE ABATEMENT BOARD NUISANCE ABATEMENT BOARD NUISANCE ABATEMENT BOARD NUISANCE ABATEMENT BOARD NUISANCE ABATEMENT BOARD PARKS RECREATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION BOARD PARKS RECREATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION BOARD PARKS RECREATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION BOARD PARKS RECREATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION BOARD PARKS RECREATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION BOARD PARKS RECREATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION BOARD PARKS RECREATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION BOARD PARKS RECREATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION BOARD PARKS RECREATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION BOARD PARKS RECREATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION BOARD PARKS RECREATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION BOARD PLANNING BOARD / LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PLANNING BOARD / LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PLANNING BOARD / LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY Advisory Board Liaison Use Policy Maggie Sumney Maggie Sumney Lorna Alston Lorna Alston Lorna Alston Lorna Alston Lorna Alston Lorna Alston Lorna Alston James LaPlante James LaPlante James LaPlante James LaPlante James LaPlante James LaPlante James LaPlante Todd Kucharski Todd Kucharski Todd Kucharski Todd Kucharski Todd Kucharski Todd Kucharski Todd Kucharski Todd Kucharski Todd Kucharski Todd Kucharski Todd Kucharski David Smith David Smith David Smith Page 4 of 5 Revised List of Advisory Board Members as of 12/3/2013 Advisory Board Member Morton Siegel Chris Gallagher Elmer Berkel William Fuller III Dedra Anderson Kelvin Lumpkin Eileen Walsh Normile William Fuller Glenda Williams M. Jerry Meketon Francisco Soriano Joe McDuffie Kevin Stiff Joseph Hudgins Pamela Nadalini Darrell Nixon Ronnie Baty Elizabeth Van Riper Leonardo Lunardi Jeffrey Weisman Tim Jaeger Trulee Jameson Krystin Cramer Gavin Meshad Michael Valentino Martin Rappaport Seat PBL4 PBL5 PAP1 PAP2 PAP3 PAP4 PAP5 PCC1 PCC2 PCC3 PCC4 PCC5 PP1 PP2 PP3 PP4 PP5 PAC1 PAC2 PAC3 PAC4 PAC5 PAC6 STA1 STA2 STA3 Board PLANNING BOARD / LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PLANNING BOARD / LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY POLICE ADVISORY PANEL POLICE ADVISORY PANEL POLICE ADVISORY PANEL POLICE ADVISORY PANEL POLICE ADVISORY PANEL POLICE COMPLAINT COMMITTEE POLICE COMPLAINT COMMITTEE POLICE COMPLAINT COMMITTEE POLICE COMPLAINT COMMITTEE POLICE COMPLAINT COMMITTEE POLICE PENSION BOARD POLICE PENSION BOARD POLICE PENSION BOARD POLICE PENSION BOARD POLICE PENSION BOARD PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE ST. ARMANDS SPECIAL BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (BID) ST. ARMANDS SPECIAL BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (BID) ST. ARMANDS SPECIAL BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (BID) Advisory Board Liaison Use Policy David Smith David Smith Peter Graham Peter Graham Peter Graham Peter Graham Peter Graham Peter Graham Peter Graham Peter Graham Peter Graham Peter Graham Thomas Kelley Thomas Kelley Thomas Kelley Thomas Kelley Thomas Kelley David Smith David Smith David Smith David Smith David Smith David Smith Mary Tucker Mary Tucker Mary Tucker Page 5 of 5