Ladera Heights Civic Association


Ladera Heights Civic Association
In Ladera
Official Publication of the Ladera Heights Civic Association
Spring 2012 Dr. Allan Boodnick, Editor
5357 W. Centinela Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90045
(310) 641-2294
Slauson Traffic Bottleneck
choice, because it would create a major TRAFFIC bottleneck on Slauson and additional traffic impacts on residential side streets.
By Dorothy Harris, Board Member
Nonetheless, after taking a “straw vote” of the 33 voters attending the meeting at the Supervisor’s office on
In February, many of you received an email from me. I
February 22nd, the Supervisor declared D-1 the first
wrote to everyone on our LHCA email subscriber list
choice “winner.” Because this choice is so draconian
regarding Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas’ Slauson Corin its potential
ridor Revitalization
adverse effect on
study affecting the area
the communities
between LaBrea and
along the Slauson
Angeles Vista, east of
corridor, a full
Ladera. Thank you to
those who participated
Impact Review
in the Supervisor’s on(EIR) is legally reline survey. While the
quired. This will
on-line vote is now
be a time-consumclosed, you still have
ing and expensive
the opportunity to
process. While we
share your comments
are hopeful that the
with the Supervisor.
EIR, properly done,
Just follow the instruc- Slauson Avenue Weekday Traffic
will show the D-1
tions at:
impacts cannot be mitigated (that’s planning-speak for addressed) and the County will ultimately
have to go with a more realistic approach, we want to let
A quick look at the survey results shows that the opyou know now what is transpiring and its potential for a
tion receiving the most support was D-1 with 320 votes.
real bottleneck (at the worst) or more congestion at the
The D-1 option proposes the most drastic changes and
will reduce east/west motor vehicle traffic on Slauson
Your Board of Directors is pledged to stay very much
in that area to one lane in each direction. However, a
involved with this project, and we will keep everyone
careful look at the results shows that the support for the
informed. Meanwhile, please send in your dues if you
other options (528 votes or 62% of the votes were cast
haven’t already paid. We need everyone’s support to
for Options A, B, C and E) far and away exceed the supdemonstrate that our Ladera Heights community is alive
port in favor of D-1. The four most favored options
and united in support of a workable revitalization plan
would have retained at least two lanes in each direction,
for the Slauson streetscape area.
which means most voters did not want the drastic D-1
Coming together to speak with one voice!
Page 2...President’s Message, Block Club Update
Page 5...Membership Form, Pet Project
Page 3...Using Resources Wisely, Big Improvements, Former President Honored
Page 4...Lend A Hand, Volunteer Thanks, LHCA Leadership Page 6...La Tijera k-8 School
Inside Ladera
Page Two
Dear Neighbors:
A belated Happy New
Year and welcome to the
first of three Inside
Ladera newsletters. It is
packed with articles of
interest and issues upon
which you can act, as we strive always to improve the quality
of life in our community.
In my previous 17 years on the Board, this is the first as
President and I’m honored to have this opportunity to work
with you, with our outstanding officers and Board members,
with volunteers from the community-at-large, and with various County departments.
It’s our intent to continue the fine services of past Boards,
especially to engage as many of you as possible. For starters, here are four objectives: (1) reach out to all of you to ask
for your involvement, your suggestions and your membership; (2) maintain our beautiful and safe public spaces (landscaping, sidewalks and roads); (3) continue our effective relationships with our elected officials for those issues that positively or negatively impact our quality of life; and (4) build
community camaraderie by establishing more Block Clubs
and personal contacts.
Communicating with you, and you with the Board, is a
prime objective in which we will…
Spring 2012
• Improve the content of our newsletter, Inside Ladera.
• Redesign our website,, where,
in addition to finding all aspects of the Board’s activities,
you can provide feedback to us.
• Make the Message Center more responsive where you
can call to tell us about anything for which you need
help: 310-641-2294.
• Invite you to our scheduled Board meetings the rest
of the year.
History of Ladera Heights
In the 2010 U.S. Census, we had a population of 6,498,
basically a number consistent over the years. There were more
females than males in 2,751 households. The age range with
the largest percentage was from 45-64 (33.6 percent), followed by those 65 or older (23.5 percent). The median age
was 49. There are more demographics that show Ladera to
be unique in many ways. Want to know more?
Many of you have lived here for decades and are the ones
who have experienced our history first-hand. If you are interested in helping compile that information, be it in narrative,
photo or anecdotal form, please contact me at
A Final Word
As in the old WWII posters, where Uncle Sam is pointing
at the viewer, LADERA HEIGHTS NEEDS YOU! Please
join us to keep our community known as one of the best
places to live.
Have a good and healthy year.
Allan Boodnick
Block Club/Neighborhood Watch Updates
By Charlee Williams, Block Club Committee Chair
Last year was a success for many residents in Ladera Heights as we continued supporting each other, keeping our properties as attractive as possible (given the overall economy) while maintaining a watchful eye to ward off unwanted intruders,
thieves, scamers and rip-offs. Many of our longtime residents went “the extra mile” and welcomed new neighbors to Ladera
Heights by inviting them to Block Club activities by making them a part of the community. Thank you!
Block Clubs throughout the community worked to identify properties in dire need of home repair, clean up and debris
removal. With the assistance of Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas’ deputy, Erin Stennis, steps were taken to assure correction
of these unsightly offenses. If there are other properties that need attention, please contact me at
Property codes ensure the quality of life for all, keeping neighborhoods safe and secure, maintaining health standards, and
enforcing yard clean-ups, abandoned auto removal and, these efforts further deter crime by announcing, “We care about our
Let’s work together in a “neighborly way.” If you are interested in starting a Block Club on your street, or restarting an
inactive club, please let me know. I will be pleased to share with you the variety of approaches being used in Ladera Heights.
Page Three
Using Your Resources Wisely
In our ongoing effort to use your resources wisely, we are
making a few changes.
One change is the form and content of this edition of INSIDE
LADERA. We hope you noticed that we have eliminated the
need to enclose the newsletter in an envelope and are using a
self-mailer instead. One less piece of paper required for each
Another change is reflected in our decision to print the FREQUENTLY CALLED NUMBERS only once per year. So, be
sure and cut out that page and keep it with your important
contact information. If during the course of the year there are
changes to the list, it will be updated and available to you on
our website,
One way you can help us save even more money and time is
by providing us with your email address on the Membership
Form. We do not share your information and use it to communicate with you in a timely and cost effective manner. Of course,
if you do not use email, we will gladly continue to communicate with you the old fashioned way!
Plus we have decided to save even more paper and money by
asking you to renew your 2012 membership in April, if you
have not already done so. The reason for this is simple. You
told us you were not able to keep track of when you had paid
your dues because we asked you to do this by including a dues
payment envelope with each edition of INSIDE LADERA. We
listened! And, this will be the only request you receive in 2012
until we conduct our 2013 Membership Campaign in November 2012. We hope you like the simplicity of this approach.
Your membership, once paid, extends for the entire calendar
year, January 1 through December 31. Plus we realize the added
benefit of eliminating the cost of printing about 6,000 dues payment envelopes.
Finally, to simplify our manual processing of payments we
have created a new Membership Form that is printed in this
INSIDE LADERA edition. All you need to do is cut along the
perforated line, fill out the form and send it to us, along with
your dues, in the envelope provided!
Let us know what you think about these changes!
Big Improvements Nearing Completion
By Erin Stennis, Deputy to Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas
Guest Contributor
There are currently two projects underway at Slauson and
La Cienega.
The Slauson/La Cienega offramp and onramp project began
nearly a year ago. However, shortly after construction began,
the contractor filed for bankruptcy and the construction activity was temporarily stalled. The County worked quickly to hire
Inside Ladera
Spring 2012
the replacement contractor and this company is hard at work
on the La Cienega Boulevard north and south-bound ramps.
When completed, we will add another lane on each ramp to
better accommodate high volume traffic at the peak hour demand. The anticipated completion date for this project is late
April, 2012.
The second project is road improvement. It entails removal
and replacement of the existing chain link fence on the east and
west side of La Cienega Boulevard, construction of a barrier
wall under the Slauson bridge and other areas of the project,
removal of the existing metal beam railings from the center
median (about one mile), and construction of a concrete wall to
increase safety and reduce maintenance, and placing new pavement on La Cienega Boulevard. This project will require closure of one traffic lane in each direction and, at times, will
require closing the second lane on a temporary basis. Due to
heavy traffic on La Cienega the contractor has shifted his work
hours to night (8 p.m. to 4:30 a.m.). The contractor will reopen
two lanes in each direction to accommodate rush-hour traffic.
Starting on March 8th, the night work will last for approximately two weeks. The noise generated from this operation is
within the County Noise Ordinance and therefore will not impact residents. The anticipated completion date is late May,
Former President,
Ronni Cooper,
Longtime LHCA
Board president, Ronni
Cooper, was
honored at a recent
reception hosted by the
LHCA Board of Directors at the home of
Dorothy and Walt
Harris. Members of
the current Board, as
well as those who
served the LHCA in the
more distant past, attended the event. The former
LHCA leaders included Mel (Shandy) Small, Fred
Ollie, Mary McBride, Howard Fuhrman, Faz Elahi,
Don and Karen Hellwig, Phyllis Stewart, Larry Fogg
and Willa Hector.
Ronni Cooper served as President of the
LHCA for at least 25 years; no one could remember
exactly how many, including the honoree!
Inside Ladera
Page Four
Spring 2012
Want To Lend A Hand?
Making good things happen in Ladera Heights involves the work of many volunteers. Our list of opportunities frequently gets sidelined because we don’t have
enough people, or the right expertise, to get the job done.
If any of the following “needs” align with your interests or talents,
please contact the person listed to volunteer your help!
Recruiting new committee members who have experience with computer technology, website design and maintenance, digital telephone service, and other tools used by LHCA to communicate with members.
Recruiting volunteers for the Keeping Up Appearances team of individuals who walk pre-defined areas of the
community and identify anything in the public spaces requiring maintenance or repair. This is a great opportunity
for people who love to walk in our community.
Recruiting new committee members to help us improve the look and content of the website, develop and write
articles for our Inside Ladera newsletter, and compose and create target communications to keep our members
informed of important LHCA projects and challenges. We are looking for individuals with Public Relations,
Writing, and Graphic Arts expertise.
Recruiting new committee members who have experience developing budgets, and preparing financial reports
using Excel or other software. If you are a “numbers” person, we can use your help.
BLOCK CLUB – Charlee Williams,
Recruiting residents who want to organize a Block Club to improve camaraderie and safety on your block.
Recruiting residents who want to foster a cat or dog until they can be adopted.
Volunteers Make 2011 Annual
Meeting Huge Success
Your Civic Association’s
2012 Leadership Team
Eva J. Green, Alternate Director, served as co-chair of the 2011
Annual Meeting and Town Hall, working with Director and First
Vice President, Dr. Allan Boodnick, to plan and execute a standingroom-only event. Ms. Green, and her outstanding team of volunteers, made sure that the Knox Presbyterian Church Auditorium
was furnished with everything needed. Their months of planning
provided for decorations, music, slide presentations, and a wide
array of snacks and beverages.
Thanks are extended to Ms. Green, Dr. Boodnick and the following volunteers: Carmen Spiva, Sandy Goldsmith-Bennett, Denise
and David McLeod (Alternate Director), Josie Anderson, Cliff
Neuman (Director), and Ron Woods (Director and Treasurer).
In addition, we thank Charlee Williams (Director), who served as
the Inspector of Elections. Charlee was ably-assisted by volunteers
Annette Austin, Toni Eatmon and LaVon Gilmore.
Dr. Allan Boodnick, President
Nancy I. Day, 1st Vice President
Dorothy Harris, 2nd Vice President
Ron Woods, Treasurer
Tracie Lyons, Secretary
Cheryl Cook
Ronni Cooper
Ruth Lawrence
Cliff Neuman
Alka Patel
Alvetia Smith
Rene Talbott
Charlee Williams
Alternate Directors
Eva Green
Lynn Ingram
Margaret Richards-Bowers
Inside Ladera
Page Five
Ladera Pet Project Committee
by Cheryl Cook, Committee Chair
Increasing its past support, the LHCA established a Pet Project
standing committee this
year. Our volunteers
trap, neuter and return
(TNR) feral and stray
cats. We also provide information on spaying and
neutering pets, on lost
and found pet issues, on
ID tagging and microchipping, controlling
fleas, and others. These
projects enhance the quality of life for the community and
Spring 2011
for our pets. For example, when feral cats are trapped
and neutered—approximately 200 since 2010—the tranquility of the night is not disturbed by cat mating cries,
overpopulation is controlled, animal control reduces its
costs, and more. We always need foster homes for rescued pets, so please let us know if you can help. Another
way is to make a donation to our efforts by sending your
check to Ladera Pet Project, LHCA, 5357 W. Centinela
Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90045.
Please remember that being a responsible pet owner is
also being a good neighbor by controlling excessively-barking dogs, picking up after your dogs when out on walks,
spaying/neutering your pets (they’ll become more content,
too), and by using topical flea control—flea collars are toxic
and inadequate. Please have your pets micro-chipped and
wearing an ID tag which can be purchased and engraved
at any pet store; it protects them and minimizes our efforts
to reunite them with their owners.
Join or Renew Your Membership TODAY!
The LHCA is only as strong as its members. It cannot operate without your financial support. The 20 dollar
annual membership dues are essential to cover the costs of printing and mailing this newsletter, maintaining the website, support of the Ladera Sheriff’s Service Center, and funding for a variety of
quality of life projects you deem important.
Please take a minute to complete the Membership Form and join the team working to improve our quality of life.
Upon payment of the $20 annual dues, your membership will be paid through December 31, 2012.
NAME: __________________________________________________________________________
ADDRESS: _______________________________________________________________________
CITY/ZIP CODE: __________________________________________________________________
EMAIL ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________________
PHONE: _________________________________________________________________________
If you wish to contribute more than $20, we appreciate your generosity! Let us know if you want to
designate any portion of that additional donation for the support of the Sheriff’s Service Center and
indicate the amount here $_______.
Page Six
New La Tijera School in Session
by Steve Donahue, Principal, La Tijera K-8 School
Guest Contributor
La Tijera K-8 school is open in our
brand new state-of-the-art facility!
Our campus consists of 29 classrooms for 1st thru 8th grade instruction, plus two kindergarten
classrooms, each with its own attached play area. The school’s capacity is close to 800 students and
we already have students transferring into this school year, as well
as parents enrolling their children to begin the next
school year in September.
We have four full science labs. Our beautiful new
library has a computer lab with 34 stations, space for
studying, and three conference rooms. In addition, several
laptop carts will permit two additional classrooms to use
computers. Eighty-four inch “smart boards,” soon to be
installed in the computer lab, library, and as a mobile
Ladera Heights Civic Association
5357 W. Centinela Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Inside Ladera
Spring 2012
unit, will give our students a true state-of-the-art learning experience.
The community is welcome here! The three library
conference rooms are designed for
use by both the school and the
community. The IUSD also is
working with the County to make
the library a shared-use facility.
Free after-school enrichment
programs serve our K-8 students.
Offerings include homework time,
tutoring, and enrichment programs,
such as music lessons and video
game design, to name just a few that
are provided each week day.
Come See Us and Join Us! I want to encourage anyone interested in enrolling his/her child in La Tijera this
school year, or in September, to contact our main office
at (310) 680-5260. We’ll be happy to explain the registration process, as well as the permit process, if your
child attends school in a different school district or
private school.
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