DECD - Bridgewater Kindergarten


DECD - Bridgewater Kindergarten
Staff and children have
returned after the holidays full of ideas and
The past fortnight has
seen a focus on patterns
and patterning. The
cubby house has been
set up to encourage the
children to make and
discover patterns in nature and natural things.
Mackenzie, Mack and Lukas
enjoyed making colour and
number patterns.
important mathematics/numeracy skill. Our
number system is made
up of patterns. Making
and recognizing patterns in colour, shape
and number trains the
brain to look for patterns in mathematics
We have been amazed
this week by the designs
that the children have
Last week Jenni read a
painted with black paint
story about a quilt. We
looked at the patterns in on white paper. Be sure
the book and compared to have a look at them,
them to our kitted blan- they are hanging on the
orange fabric near the
pasting table.
On Thursday I brought
This was even more
three quilts that I had
made and we sat on and amazing when you realexplored the patterns in ize that it was totally
them. Being able to find unplanned by the staff.
and make patterns is an The children found the
pots of black paint,
brushes and paper and
organized themselves!
Learning Committee
plans at the moment are
Maeve- ‘How do trees
grow?’ ( I am sure that
you have seen the beautiful trees that Maeve
and friends made)
Maeve– Peacocks
Kate– Scooters. She is
planning to brng her
scooter to kindy and
teach us how to use it
Mack– Quad bikes.
Cruz– Tyrannosaurus
Our visit to Bridgewater Primary School has been changed to Wed 29th August. Please make this alteration in your diaries.
These visits enable the children to step out of their comfort zone (kindy) and
regular routine safely with the support of the kindy staff who they know and
the school staff who they are getting to know. The visits also give the children
a picture of what school life is like. So often we talk to them about when they
go to school , but we know what school is and they may not. Even though they
may not be intending to go to Bridgewater Primary School it still gives them
some ideas about the differences and similarities between schools and kindy.
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Bridgewater Kindergarten
Lost property
On the last day of term 2 one our adult visitors left a men’s jackeroo winter coat here. Was it you,
or perhaps a grandparent? It is a very good quality jacket.
If you are looking for something that your child has lost at kindy be sure to check the lost property
box– to the left as you enter the locker area on top of the lockers.
Butterfly garden
and frog bog!
Whenever new parents visit our kindergarten they are amazed by our outdoor area. We are so fortunate
to have a space where the children can run, climb, build and explore. Last term Cheryl Wood helped
some children to plant vegetable seedlings and we are watching them grow. We have developed a worm
farm. Betterland worked here at the end of term upgrading a number of outdoor spaces.
This week thanks to Robyn Bishop we are applying for funds to develop a butterfly garden and frog bog
in the unused area below the slippery dip. Fingers crossed we are successful.
Theatre Excursion
A reminder that this Thursday we are going to the Odeon
Theatre to see the Patch Theatre production “Me and my
Bridgewater Kindergarten
Fundraising Barbecue.
14th September
Bunnings Mt Barker
9-00am to 4-00pm
We are looking for parents to
cook and serve on this day. It
is actually good fun!
The children need to bring a
piece of fruit to share. We
will have our snack at the
We may arrive back a little
after 12-00. Please be patient. I notice that Bridgewater
Primary School is also attending this performance on another day and that the cost for them is significantly
cheaper. The difference is numbers. The actual cost of
the excursion remains the same, but with smaller numbers the cost to individuals is bigger.
Volume 1, Issue 1
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Our verandah is now a much warmer place, great for
this wintery term in the Adelaide Hills. In 2012 and
2012 we have been focussing on making the verandah
an inviting space and an exciting portal between the inside and outside environments.
The far end of the verandah is our ‘Peaceful Corner’. This is a great
space where we put out
interesting things to explore, like our tree dolls
house, patterning materials, farm and wild animal figurines, musical instruments etc. Many of the
children come here when they have been running and
climbing and need a rest but dot want to go inside.
In winter we always have an active are down the other
end. At the moment we have a number of large boxes,
for climbing in
and out of and
creating with.
Governing Council
Governing Council meets two or three times a term to support activities and events in the kindergarten.
Governing Council plans and organizes social and fundraising events, offers ideas and suggestions to support the kindergarten programme, endorses policies and financial decisions, plans working bees and some
property management. Governing Council meetings usually include a Spotlight on Practise where Glenda
and Jenni share an aspect of early childhood education with members.
If you would like to join the Governing Council please see Glenda or Jenni. If you would like to visit a meeting you are most welcome.
Our next meeting is this Wednesday at 7-00pm. Our main topic will be the possibility of holding a Children’s Fair at kindy next term.
At Bridgewater Kindergarten we do not
offer interviews to all families at a particular time.
If you would like to chat about your
child please arrange a time with us. We
are available after kindy sessions and
between 12 and 4 on Thursdays.
If we feel the need for a longer chat we
will arrange a time with you.
Sharing Books are also a great tool for
sharing information. Thanks to all the
families who take the time to tell us
about their child outside of kindy in the
Sharing Books.
Contact Glenda on
We’re on the web.