Guide for QGrants Quarterly Claims Long Day Care
Guide for QGrants Quarterly Claims Long Day Care
Queensland Kindergarten Funding Scheme Guide for QGrants Quarterly Claims Long Day Care Contents Accessing QGrants and getting started ................................................................................................................................... 2 1. Claim Period ............................................................................................................................................................... 2 2. Number of kindergarten programs ............................................................................................................................ 3 3. QKFS teacher/s details ............................................................................................................................................... 3 4. Enrolment Details ...................................................................................................................................................... 4 5. Questionnaire ............................................................................................................................................................ 4 6. Bank details ................................................................................................................................................................ 5 7. Declaration................................................................................................................................................................. 5 8. Summary .................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Additional program claims ...................................................................................................................................................... 6 Accessing QGrants and getting started Getting Started Prior to starting a QGrants claim for QKFS funding it is important that you are completely familiar with the provisions of the QKFS Funding Guidelines for Long Day Care Services located at If you require assistance you can contact the department by email at or you can call the Kindy Hotline on 1800 454 639. To commence the QGrants claim process log into QGrants using your login email and password at: Then identify and select the service agreement you wish to claim for by clicking on the Agreements icon in the toolbar, this will provide a complete list of all your service agreements. Once you have identified the service agreement you wish to claim for, click on Claim. You will now be presented with the initial screen of the claims process. The claims process includes 8 steps that are individually numbered in the following section. If this is not your first claim, another dialogue box will appear the same as “Additional Program Claims” shown on last page of this document. 1. Claim Period On the Claim Period screen select the desired quarterly period from the drop down menu that corresponds to the claim being submitted. Update the organisation’s GST status if it has changed since registration, application or the previous claim process. Click Next to continue. 2 TRIM 14/23855 2. Number of kindergarten programs On the LDC Details screen you must answer all the listed questions. Did you deliver a program this quarter? • • Yes – if a kindergarten program was delivered in the quarter being claimed for the value for the ‘Total programs delivered this quarter’ category must equal the number of programs delivered (e.g.1 / 2 / 3). Note: If the organisation has delivered more than one kindergarten program a separate claim process must be completed through QGrants for each of these programs. No – if a kindergarten program was not delivered in the quarter being period, then select No and click on Next. By selecting No you will be to submitting a zero delivery claim and the service will not receive payment for this period. QGrants will automatically progress this claim to Step 8 – Declaration. This claim is for Program Number? • Select a program number from the drop down menu. Ensure you consistently report the same Program Name and Number in every claim. Name of this program • Enter the name of the program being reported on. Click Next to continue. 3. QKFS teacher/s details On the Teacher Details screen the teacher name will automatically populate on this screen from the details submitted in the original application or from the details submitted in a previous claim process. If these details are no longer correct you must provide the updated details of the new teacher at this step. Services are responsible for assessing their teacher/s' qualifications and ensuring these qualifications meet the National Law. Please see the help text for more information on how to assess the teacher/s qualifications. Note: The Program Name provided in step 2 is now displayed in the top right corner of the screen. Click Next to continue. 3 TRIM 14/23855 4. Enrolment Details On the Enrolment Details screen enter the number of eligible children enrolled for each week of program delivery in the quarter. Each eligible child can only access funding for one approved kindergarten program at a time. If the service did not deliver the kindergarten program for a particular week/s you must report a zero value (0) for the enrolments for the relevant week/s. QKFS Plus Kindy Support Refer to the QKFS Funding Guidelines for Long Day Care Services when completing the enrolment data for QKFS Plus Kindy (page 5) Important points to note regarding QKFS Plus Kindy Support • • • QKFS Plus Kindy Support is provided to services to reduce out-of-pocket expenses for eligible families by providing access to low or no cost kindergarten programs. QKFS Plus Kindy Support can only be claimed once per child even where they meet multiple criteria (for example a family who holds a current health care card and also identifies as an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander would only be reported once (1)). QKFS plus subsidies are provided directly to services to reduce out-of-pocket expenses for eligible families. Click Next to continue. 5. Questionnaire On the Questionnaire screen you must select the checkboxes to reflect how the kindergarten service is being delivered. The service will be ineligible for QKFS funding during this claim period if it has not met all the key requirements indicated on this screen. If you are unable to tick all the checkboxes you must return to Step 2 and report a zero value (0) for the number of programs that have been delivered during this claim period. Click Next to continue. 4 TRIM 14/23855 6. Bank details Bank details will automatically populate on the Bank Details screen from the details submitted in the original application or from the details submitted in a previous claim process. If banking details have not previously been supplied these details must be entered on this screen using the Create new bank account feature. If the organisation has more than one bank account then multiple bank account details can be entered. However, only one bank account can be selected for each quarterly payment. Click Next to continue. 7. Declaration On the Declaration screen you must review the Department of Education, Training and Employment and the Queensland Government Short Form Terms and Conditions by clicking on the links provided. The Terms and Conditions will open in separate windows. By clicking on the checkboxes you are indicating: • You have read both terms and conditions and you agree you are complying with these terms and conditions. • The information supplied in this claim is true and correct. Click Next to continue. 5 TRIM 14/23855 8. Summary This is the Summary screen of the details submitted in claim process. Check the claim details are correct before proceeding. To review or clarify any details entered during this claim process, prior to submitting it, click on the Back or Next navigation buttons. Once the claim has been finalised it can be submitted by clicking on the Submit button. Click on save to save a copy of the summary report for your records. Click on print to print a hard copy of the claim. Click on exit to return to the Agreements page of QGrants. Additional program claims If you need to claim for an additional program, select the click on the Claim button in line with your service agreement. Then click on the New Claim icon in the toolbar and repeat the claim process outlined in this guide. 6 TRIM 14/23855