Queen Anne`s Village Center Presentation Package
Queen Anne`s Village Center Presentation Package
Queen Anne’s Village Center Main Street, Chester, MD 21619 Leased by: Craig S. Cheney ccheney@klnb.com 703.722.2705 Dallon L. Cheney dcheney@klnb.com 703.722.2703 Queen Anne’s Village Center Executive Summary PROJECT OVERVIEW: •PHASE 1 -Mixed-Use -206,105 SF of Retail anchored by Harris Teeter -440 Residential Units •190 Single Family •60 Townhomes •190 Apartments -Community center & community park •PHASE 2 -96,690 SF of Retail -140 Residential Units TRAFFIC COUNTS: •Route 50 - 63,512 ADT (2013) •Route 18/Main St. - 10,000 ADT (2013) DELIVERY: •PHASE 1 - 2nd Quarter 2017 •PHASE 2 - TBD DEVELOPERS: •Dillon Development Partners & Finisterre Design & Development Corp. Main Street, Chester, MD 21619 Property Highlights: • The Village Center will be a regional retail destination that also provides daily retail needs, with grocery, movie theater, restaurants, lifestyle retail, junior anchors and a variety of small shops. • High volume Safeway located across the street from Queen Anne’s Village Center in a captive market confirming an under served market. • Kent Island is the gateway to the DELMARVA Eastern Shore for all working commuters and tourism coming from the Western Shore. • The retail center is conveniently located just off of Route 50, the main thoroughfare from Baltimore and Washington DC. • New, under construction, and future residential development on Kent Island in Gibsons Grant, Ellendale, Four Seasons, Queen Anne’s Village Center, Mears Point Marina, and Promenade at Red Apple Plaza total nearly 2,400 units. Retail Marketplace Profile: Shows St rong Reta il Demand i n an Underserv ed Market Retail MarketPlace Profile Kent Island Area: 540.59 square miles Latitude: 39.02575758 Longitude: -76.0380295 Summary D emo graphics 2014 Population 2014 Households 2014 M edian Disposable Income 2014 Per Capita Income Industry Summary Total Retail Trade and Food & Drink Total Retail Trade Total Food & Drink Industry Gro up M otor Vehicle & Parts Dealers Automobile Dealers Auto Parts, Accessories & Tire Stores Electronics & Appliance Stores Bldg M aterial & Supplies Dealers Food & Beverage Stores Grocery Stores Specialty Food Stores Health & Personal Care Stores Gasoline Stations Shoe Stores Sporting Goods, Hobby, Book & M usic Stores Sporting Goods/Hobby/M usical Instr Stores Book, Periodical & M usic Stores General M erchandise Stores Department Stores Excluding Leased Depts. Other General M erchandise Stores Florists Office Supplies, Stationery & Gift Stores Used M erchandise Stores Nonstore Retailers Electronic Shopping & M ail-Order Houses Vending M achine Operators Direct Selling Establishments Food Services & Drinking Places Full-Service Restaurants Limited-Service Eating Places Drinking Places - Alcoholic Beverages N A IC S D emand (Retail Potential) Supply (Retail Sales) R etail Gap Leakage/ Surplus B usinesses 44-45,722 44-45 722 N A IC S $921,540,458 $828,371,227 $93,169,231 D emand (Retail Potential) $604,770,833 $552,023,788 $52,747,045 Supply (Retail Sales) $316,769,625 $276,347,439 $40,422,186 R etail Gap 20.8 502 20.0 446 27.7 56 Leakage/ Surplus B usinesses 441 4411 4413 443 4441 445 4451 4452 446,4461 447,4471 4482 451 4511 4512 452 4521 4529 4531 4532 4533 454 4541 4542 4543 722 7221 7222 7224 $177,375,256 $154,280,273 $11,497,925 $23,883,820 $25,286,926 $157,709,820 $137,230,956 $3,836,849 $63,220,133 $74,140,766 $7,631,745 $21,417,675 $16,698,815 $4,718,860 $122,380,588 $60,736,525 $61,644,063 $1,364,599 $6,912,815 $3,500,188 $56,400,045 $32,730,273 $3,671,455 $19,998,317 $93,169,231 $47,675,022 $38,961,463 $2,156,499 $63,298,042 $12,864,485 $7,577,889 $4,101,535 $20,987,295 $78,631,650 $59,627,319 $2,087,848 $47,121,843 $60,956,677 $5,944,608 $6,846,788 $5,199,287 $1,647,500 $28,674,644 $5,777,891 $22,896,753 $1,266,556 $817,543 $3,283,072 $35,330,077 $16,080,897 $2,202,577 $17,046,603 $52,747,045 $23,347,497 $20,859,425 $1,528,297 $114,077,214 $141,415,788 $3,920,036 $19,782,285 $4,299,631 $79,078,170 $77,603,637 $1,749,001 $16,098,290 $13,184,089 $1,687,137 $14,570,887 $11,499,528 $3,071,360 $93,705,944 $54,958,634 $38,747,310 $98,043 $6,095,272 $217,116 $21,069,968 $16,649,376 $1,468,878 2951714 $40,422,186 $24,327,525 $18,102,038 $628,202 47.4 84.6 20.5 70.7 9.3 33.5 39.4 29.5 14.6 9.8 12.4 51.6 52.5 48.2 62.0 82.6 45.8 3.7 78.8 3.2 23.0 34.1 25.0 8.0 27.7 34.3 30.3 17.0 November 17, 2014 ©2014 Esri Page 1of 2 The retail trade area is a captive market of 58,340 consumers averse to paying the $6.00 Bay Bridge Toll to go shopping. 58,340 21,829 $64,205 $38,582 N umber o f F acto r N umber o f F acto r 47 7 16 18 26 48 20 16 25 17 8 33 28 6 9 6 3 8 16 23 24 2 5 17 56 18 27 7 D ata N o te: Supply (retail sales) estimates sales to consumers by establishments. Sales to businesses are excluded. Demand (retail potential) estimates the expected amount spent by consumers at retail establishments. Supply and demand estimates are in current dollars. The Leakage/Surplus Factor presents a snapshot of retail opportunity. This is a measure of the relationship between supply and demand that ranges from +100 (total leakage) to -100 (total surplus). A positive value represents 'leakage' of retail opportunity outside the trade area. A negative value represents a surplus of retail sales, a market where customers are drawn in from outside the trade area. The Retail Gap represents the difference between Retail Potential and Retail Sales. Esri uses the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) to classify businesses by their primary type of economic activity. Retail establishments are classified into 27 industry groups in the Retail Trade sector, as well as four industry groups within the Food Services & Drinking Establishments subsector. For more information on the Retail M arketPlace data, please view the methodology statement at http://www.esri.com/library/ whitepapers/pdfs/esri-data-retail-marketplace.pdf. So urce: Esri and Dun & Bradstreet. Copyright 2014 Dun & Bradstreet, Inc. All rights reserved. A Captive Underserved Market Kent Island and Queen Anne’s County, MD is an emerging growth area and bedroom community to an educated workforce heading the major employment centers in Washington DC, Baltimore, Annapolis, Ft. Meade and Columbia. The total demand for retail in the trade area significantly outweighs the supply by an estimated $316 million annually in potential retail sales. Market Overview: 1,079 UNITS Four Seasons 290 UNITS Thompson Creek SC Gibsons Grant Kent Island SC Prime Outlets at Queenstown Kent Towne Market Kent Landing SC Chester Village 63,512 AD T (2013) Brightwater Home Loans Tidewater Mortgage Rainbow Plaza 10,000 A 7.5 Miles East 65 OUTLET STORES including Adidas Banana Republic, Calvin Klein, Coach, Gucci, J.Crew, Michael Kors, Nike, Polo Ralph Lauren. DT (20 13 ) Red Apple Plaza Kent Square SC Carini’s Pizza & Pasta Consignment Shop 356 Romancoke Road 286 UNITS Ellendale 100 UNITS 580 UNITS Queen Anne’s Village Center Kent Island Queen Anne’s County, Maryland - Google Earth Pro Fall 2012 Aerial Photograph While we have no reason to doubt the accuracy of any of the information supplied, we cannot, and do not, guarantee its accuracy. Promenade at Red Apple Plaza Car Access Aerial: C h ic kfi l- A 63,512 AD T (2013) S af ew 301 50 ay S af ew ay Ex p re ss 18 Phase 5,500 5,500 SF II M A IN 4,665 4,6 65SF STREE T 10,000 A FUT DEVE URE LOPM E Breezewa y 2.5K 2,500 SF Pa rk Trash BEER &5,0 W00 INSF E Breezewa y 71 4,000 4,000 SF 5,000 5,000 5,000 SF SF GR Gro Oce CE ryRY S53T,10 O0RSFE 53,100 145 SF 148 Kent Island JUNIO R AN 12,00 CH 0 SF OR 12,000 Queen Anne’s County, Maryland 248 Loading MOV1IE 2 THEACi Tne ma ER SF Future Retail 21,210 SF Future Retail 14,000 SF 35,0035,000 0 SF SF 10 7 Daycare 3 9 8 - Google Earth Pro Fall 2012 Aerial Photograph ROA 2.5K 2,500 SF Breezewa y Loading EY RCH CHU SF 18 OM JUNIO ANCH R O 10,0 ,00 10 0 SFR 00 FUT DEVE URE LOPM ENT ’ FR en SF 00 SF SF 500 Departm t CO-ASt e NorH 31,90C 31,9 0 OR 5,8 5,800 00SF 534 NT Breezewa y 1 5,800 5,8 00SF SF Trash Phase ) S. P IN 6,56,5 5050 SFSF 260 D DT (20 13 53 10,000 4 5 155 6 P.H . 2,3 30 S F While we have no reason to doubt the accuracy of any of the information supplied, we cannot, and do not, guarantee its accuracy. Comm unity Center 7,625 SF SF Ex pa Exp nsion ans ion Area Are a 11,900 SF TradeArea AreaMap Map Trade TRADE AREA DEMOGRAPHICS (2014): EST. POPULATION: 58,340 HOUSEHOLDS: 21,829 MEDIAN HH INCOME: $84,482 AREA: Kent Island Queen Anne’s County, Maryland - Google Earth Pro Fall 2012 Aerial Photograph While we have no reason to doubt the accuracy of any of the information supplied, we cannot, and do not, guarantee its accuracy. 540.59 SQ MI Movie Theater Competition Map Established 1970 5 screens Digital Projection TRADE AREA DEMOGRAPHICS (2014): 45 mins driving without traffic 33.4 miles driving EST. POPULATION: 84,213 HOUSEHOLDS: 32,299 MEDIAN HH INCOME: $70,061 Established 1976 4 screens 3D & DTS Digital Sound 28 minutes driving without traffic 26.4 miles driving Kent Island Queen Anne’s County, Maryland - Google Earth Pro Fall 2012 Aerial Photograph While we have no reason to doubt the accuracy of any of the information supplied, we cannot, and do not, guarantee its accuracy. = POLYGON TRADE AREA DESIGNATES MAXIMUM OF 40 MINUTE DRIVE TIME Grocery Store Grocery Store Competition Map Competition Map TRADE AREA DEMOGRAPHICS (2014): EST. POPULATION: 58,340 HOUSEHOLDS: 21,829 MEDIAN HH INCOME: $84,482 AREA: Kent Island Queen Anne’s County, Maryland - Google Earth Pro Fall 2012 Aerial Photograph While we have no reason to doubt the accuracy of any of the information supplied, we cannot, and do not, guarantee its accuracy. 540.59 SQ MI Overall Site Plan: 301 50 Chickfil-A S . P IN E Y ROAD S afeway S afeway Express 18 Phase II MAIN STREE T 18 5,500 4,665 6,550 SF 53 5,800 SF 5,800 SF 534 260 M RO 0’ F 50 CH FUTURE DEVELOPMENT UR CH FUTURE DEVELOPMENT 10,000 SF 10,000 SF 2.5K 2.5K JUNIOR ANCHOR Breezeway Store 31,900 SF Trash Department CO-ANCHOR Breezeway P ha se 1 5,000 SF 31,900 SF Park Breezeway Breezeway GROCERY Grocery 53,100 SF STORE 53,100 SF Expansion Expansion Area Area 11,900 SF Trash Loading 145 Loading 5,000 4,000 71 148 JUNIOR ANCHOR 12,000 SF 12,000 SF 248 Future Retail 21,210 SF 1 Future Retail 14,000 SF Daycare 2 MOVIE Cinema 35,000 SF THEATER 3 10 35,000 SF 9 4 8 5 155 6 2,330 P.H. SF 7 10,000 SF Community Center 7,625 SF QUEEN ANNE’S VILLAGE CENTER RESIDENTIAL UNITS L AN D U S E S U MMARY Area COMMERCIAL 274,360 SF Retail (Tenants) Retail (Out Parcels) 28,315 SF Total Commercial 302,675 SF CIVIC USES 10,000 SF Daycare 7,625 SF Community Center 3,500 SF EMS Station 21,125 SF Total Civic Uses 318,480 SF TOTAL NEW CONSTRUCTION PARKING REQUIRED Retail Parking Req. (302,675 SF x 4.00/1,000) 1,210 Spaces Additional Cinema Parking Req. 205 Spaces Phase II Total Surface Parking Req. 1,415 Spaces Phase II Total Surface Parking Provided 1,624 Spaces T6 Neighborhood Village Center (Mixed Use) 27.36 Acres T5 Medium Residential (Townhomes) Approx. 1,000’ Critic al Area Line 5.35 Acres T4 Low Residential (Single Family) * 46.53 Acres T1 Countryside / Greenbelt Environmental Preser ve Area 5.75 Acres Total Land Use 84.99 Acres *Includes: Village Green 3.16 Acres Community Center 0.90 Acres Daycare 2.00 Acres Community Park 2.37 Acres Total GOOD HAND CREEK 8.43 Acres ROAD 0’ 100’ 50’ 400’ 200’ NEIGHBORHOOD VILLAGE CENTER, N.V.C. | QUEEN ANNE’S COUNTY, MD - CONCEPTUAL GROUND PLAN : PHASE II ROY HIGGS INTERNATIONAL, LLC NORTH 18 NOVEMBER 2014 Site Plan: S. PINE Y ROAD S afeway S afeway Express 18 Pha se II MAIN STREE T 18 5,500 4,665SF 4,665 5,500 SF 6,550 6,550 SFSF 53 5,800SF SF 5,800 5,800 5,800SF SF 534 260 M RO 0’ F 50 UR CH FUTURE DEVELOPMENT CH FUTURE DEVELOPMENT 10,000 SF 31,900 SF 2.5K 2.5K 2,500 SF 2,500 SF BEER &5,000 WINE SF Trash CO-ANCHOR 31,900 SF JUNIOR SF 10,000 ANCHOR Breezeway Department Store Breezeway P h ase 1 5,000 SF Park Breezeway Breezeway 11,900 SF 53,100 SF 145 4,000 5,000 Loading 5,000 SF 4,000 SF 71 148 Future Retail 21,210 SF 35,000 35,000 SF SF 10 3 9 4 8 5 14,000 SF 7 155 6 SF 248 Future Retail 10,000 SF P.H. 12,000 SF = ANCHOR Daycare 1 2 MOVIE Cinema THEATER JUNIOR ANCHOR 12,000 SF 2,330 KEY = RESTAURANT GROCERY Grocery STORE 53,100 SF Trash Loading = RETAIL Expansion Expansion Area Area Community Center 7,625 SF Elevations: Lifestyle Retail with Restaurants & Theater NEIGHBORHOOD VILLAGE CENTER, N.V.C. | QUEEN ANNE’S COUNTY, MD - NORTHWEST ELEVATION ROY HIGGS INTERNATIONAL, LLC Junior Anchor & Other Storefronts SCALE: 1” =40’-0” 4 DECEMBER 2014 Harris Teeter Anchored
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