DPI Northwest Product Catalog - 2016
DPI Northwest Product Catalog - 2016
NORTHWEST A Division of InterMountain West 12360 S.W. Leveton Drive Tualatin, Oregon 97062 We offer a depth of experience in all key areas including sales, service, purchasing and operations. Phone 503/692-0662 Fax 503/692-4776 Our strengths include: DPI Northwest is considered the gold standard in perishable food distribution with a comprehensive product line of more than 7,000 deli and food service items. We attribute our success to our ever-increasing variety of high quality, competitively priced products, our experienced and knowledgeable staff and our friendly and efficient delivery service. From the beginning, we have focused on highly perishable specialty Foods that bring a measure of distinction and excellence to the marketplace. Today, we offer a whole new level of service, stocking an additional 5,000 items dedicated to the specialty dry and frozen food categories. Building business through one-on-one relationships between our informed, professional sales staff and our clients has been a hallmark of our success throughout the years. Our corporate key account executives are responsible for driving business with regional customers through ongoing ad proposals, theme promotions and a variety of other sales tools. • Marketing: While never abandoning our origins as purveyors of imported, highly perishable cheese, our reach into the deli case has grown substantially as has our presence in the specialty food service and specialty grocery departments. • Sales: Always committed to excellence, our sales force has an in-depth knowledge of our products and can provide telemarketing expertise as well as a sales force equipped with the latest technology to maximize smart, efficient in-store product management and support. • Warehousing: We offer a fully integrated, temperature controlled facility with RF capability. • Distribution: We specialize in store-door distribution using a modern fleet with temperature controlled trucks. We also provide warehouse and cross dock distribution. • Technology: Our technological capabilities include RF systems, EDI capabilities, customized reporting, sophisticated telemarketing and in-store electronic solutions utilizing laptops and PDAs. Copyright 2016, Distribution Plus, Inc. W W W. DP I S P E C I A LT Y Fo o d ’ s .CO M NORTHWEST EXECUTIVES & FACTS Vaughn Sharp G.M. of Operations Frank Bussemeier Vice President Sales and Marketing Gary Elings Chief Financial Officer Dan Dahm Vice President of Procurement Joe Kemetz Vice President of Warehouse and Transportation Area of Expertise Imported and domestic specialty Foods Categories Imported and domestic cheese, prepared meats, specialty dry goods, salads, ethnic Foods, crackers and confections, bakery goods, prepared Foods, entrees, soups and specialty service items Service Highlights We facilitate all customer requirements including ad proposals, rebates, off-invoice allowances, store openings, merchandising and special events. Year Established 1976 Items/Lines Carried Over 12,000 Facilities 250,000 total square feet COVERAGE The Pacific Northwest including Oregon, Washington, Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Utah, New Mexico Please contact a DPI Specialty Foods Customer Service Representative for specific delivery coverage information. Freezer 40,000 square feet Refrigerator 50,000 square feet Refrigerated Staging Area 40,000 square feet Dry Grocery 120,000 square feet Fleet Size 28 Tractors Employees 279 3.10.16 CORPORATE 601 Rockefeller Avenue Ontario, California 91761 Phone 909/975-1019 Fax 909/975-7238 Marketing Specialty Foods • We are nationwide As a group we represent over 50,000 different gourmet, organic and ethnic line items, with most divisions carrying between 10,000 – 20,000 items. These products come from five continents. Through research and development, we are continuously adding new specialty lines to our catalog. Our combined facilities offer in excess of 43 million cubic feet of warehouse space across the country – almost half of which is temperature controlled. We manage our nationwide deliveries using state-of-the-art computerized routing systems and delivery vehicles. Our national scope gives us special insights into the tastes of local, regional and national markets. • We are regional As our regional divisions continue to expand their coverage across the United States, DPI has the regional expertise to offer sales, marketing and support to fit your needs. Our sales force works and lives in your area and are educated and trained to provide each individual marketplace with the knowledge and products needed to help grow your business. Our marketing support aids in the education and information flow to keep you abreast of local, national and worldwide trends in the specialty food industry. T he mission of the DPI Corporate office is to give our companies guidance and direction as to the marketing and strategic focus of the group, while at the same time helping them achieve their financial targets. To this end we have a group of professionals available to work in functions such as information technology, health and safety, transportation and logistics, marketing and sales and more recently we have added a group of directors to oversee our national programs in Kosher, Natural, Hispanic, Asian and Specialty Cheese categories. These people are based in various DPI locations and are readily available to travel to meet with our retail customers and to help build sales, expand the selection of products, and to take full advantage of the many marketing thematic events there are throughout the year. The quality and availability of these resources and the investment that DPI continues to make in customized services sets DPI apart from many of its peer group, particularly at a time when many retailers and distributors are cutting back on these same resources. We believe they are needed now more than ever to counter the threat of the many competitive elements eroding the traditional retail customer base. The need to differentiate in the presentation, selection and execution of specialty food product programs is required to help rebuild the different categories through greater focus on these points. To this end we carry 50,000 unique items from which our customers can select. All the DPI companies operate on the same computer software enabling them to produce common reports and undertake national promotional programs for our vendors and customers. This also permits the group of companies to have the local instinct for regional requirements while at the same time operating as a single company from the perspective of our business partners. We are currently operating with a number of national programs and expect that this part of our business will continue to grow and welcome all inquiries in this regard from all parties. Copyright 2016, Distribution Plus, Inc. W W W. D P I SP ECI ALT Y Fo o d’ s. COM DIVISION LOCATIONS & CONTACTS NORTHWEST DIVISION WEST DIVISION Phone503/692-0662 Fax503/692-4776 Phone909/975-1019 Fax909/975-7238 ROCKY MOUNTAIN DIVISION Phone303/301-1226 Fax303/301-6931 MID ATLANTIC DIVISION Phone301/430-2200 Fax301/430-2201 EXECUTIVES Russ Blake Chief Executive Officer Conor Crowley Chief Financial Officer Jeff Keene Chief Information Officer 3.10.16 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG Items are listed alphabetically by brand. This is a current, as of Spring 2016, item list from the Northwest Division of DPI Specialty Foods. Please note that items may have been added or deleted from this item list since the production of this catalog. Please refer to your DPI sales representative for specific questions regarding items or current vendors. We will update our catalog files bi-annually. Aus = Australia, Can = Canada, Chn = China, Cro = Croatia, Den = Denmark, ESP = Spain, Fin = Finland, Fra = France, GBR = Great Britain, Ger = Germany, Gre = Greece, Ita = Italy, Ind = India, Jpn = Japan, Mex = Mexico, Ned = Netherlands, Sui = Switzerland, Tha = Thailand, Tur = Turkey BRAND VENDOR DESCRIPTION Po = Passover Only Pd = Passover Daily PK/SZ ITEM # UPC 18 Rabbits 18 Rabbits Inc Granola Gracious Pecan Almond Maple 6/11 oz 132913 18450000003 18 Rabbits 18 Rabbits Inc Cereal Granola Caramel Apple Gluten Free Organic 6/8 oz 235564 18450000026 18 Rabbits 18 Rabbits Inc Granola Vanilla Cherry Chia Gluten Free Organic 6/11 oz 235565 18450000030 18 Rabbits 18 Rabbits Inc Cereal Granola Chocolate Banana Gluten Free Organic 6/8 oz 235566 18450000027 20/10 20/10 Fluid Windshield Washer Concentrate 12/8 oz 211990 3070200008 20/10 General Auto Supply Co Fluid Windshield Washer De Icer Formula 6/1 ga 211910 3070206128 34 Degrees 34 Degrees Crispbread Natural 18/4.5 oz 77489 89477100034 34 Degrees 34 Degrees Crispbread Sesame 18/4.5 oz 77490 89477100035 34 Degrees 34 Degrees Crispbread Cracked Pepper 18/4.5 oz 77491 89477100036 34 Degrees 34 Degrees Crispbread Rosemary 18/4.5 oz 77492 89477100037 34 Degrees 34 Degrees Crispbread Whole Grain 18/4.5 oz 203545 89477100042 34 Degrees 34 Degrees Crisps Onion Toasted Natural 18/4.5 oz 227069 89477100088 34 Degrees 34 Degrees Crisps Poppy Seed Natural 18/4.5 oz 227070 89477100087 365 Everyday Perrigo Formula Infant Milk Pwd Organic Natural 6/658 gm 229073 9948244038 365 Everyday Perrigo Formula Infant Soy Bsd Pwd Organic Natural 6/658 gm 229074 9948244037 7J Ranch 7J Ranch Salsa Chipotle Medium 6/16 oz 5902 2253150212 7th Generation Seventh Generation Tissue Bath Single Roll 48/1 ea 64083 73291313703 7th Generation Seventh Generation Napkins Lunch White 12Pn250 12/250 ea 64089 73291313713 7th Generation Seventh Generation Tissue Facial Cube 36/1 ea 64094 73291313719 7th Generation Seventh Generation Soap Dishwasher Powder Auto Free Clear 12/45 oz 64097 73291322150 7th Generation Seventh Generation Soap Dishwasher Gel Auto Lemon Scent 6/45 oz 64099 73291322171 7th Generation Seventh Generation Bleach Chlorine Free 21 Load 6/64 oz 64100 73291322701 7th Generation Seventh Generation Cleaner Toilet Bowl Mint 8/32 oz 64101 73291322704 7th Generation Seventh Generation Cleaner Glass Free Clear 8/32 oz 64103 73291322713 7th Generation Seventh Generation Cleaner All Purpose 8/32 oz 64108 73291322719 7th Generation Seventh Generation Soap Dishwasher Liquid Free Clear 12/25 oz 64114 73291322733 7th Generation Seventh Generation Laundry Liquid Citrus 2X 6Cllwf 6/50 oz 64123 73291322768 7th Generation Seventh Generation Laundry Liquid Free Clear 2X 6Cll 6/50 oz 64124 73291322769 7th Generation Seventh Generation Laundry Liquid White Flower 2X 4Cl 4/100 oz 64126 73291322779 7th Generation Seventh Generation Detergent Laundry Free Clear 2X 4Cl 4/100 oz 64127 73291322780 7th Generation Seventh Generation Laundry Liquid Lavender 2X 4Cll 4/100 oz 64128 73291322781 7th Generation Seventh Generation Wipes Baby Free And Clear Widget 12/64 ea 64133 73291334208 7th Generation Seventh Generation Bags Tall Kitchen 12/30 ea 64145 73291355501 7th Generation Seventh Generation Trash Bags 33 Gallon 12/15 ea 64147 73291355503 7th Generation Seventh Generation Trash Bags Kitchen 13 Gallon 12/20 ea 64148 73291355504 7th Generation Seventh Generation Soap Dishwasher Gel Auto Free/Clear 6/42 oz 87699 73291322170 7th Generation Seventh Generation Soap Dishwasher Liquid Citrus Scent 12/25 oz 87700 73291322732 7th Generation Seventh Generation Soap Dishwasher Liquid Lavender Scent 12/25 oz 87701 73291322734 7th Generation Seventh Generation Tissue Bathroom 300Ct 2Ply 12/4 ea 207317 73291313732 7th Generation Seventh Generation Towels Paper White 140 Sheets 2Ply 12/2 ea 207318 73291313730 7th Generation Seventh Generation Towels Paper White 156 Sheets 2Ply 24/1 ea 207319 73291313722 7th Generation Seventh Generation Tissue Bathroom 300Ct 2Ply 4/12 ea 207320 73291313733 5 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 6 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC 7th Generation Seventh Generation Laundry Powder Concentrated Free Clear 4/112 oz 208227 73291322824 7th Generation Seventh Generation Softener Fabric Blue Eucalyptus/Lavender 6/32 oz 210002 73291322834 7th Generation Seventh Generation Tissue Facial 2Ply 36/175 ea 211364 73291313712 7th Generation Seventh Generation Diapers Baby Stage 5 4/23 ea 213548 73291344064 7th Generation Seventh Generation Diapers Baby Stage 4 4/27 ea 213549 73291344063 7th Generation Seventh Generation Diapers Baby Stage 3 4/31 ea 213550 73291344062 7th Generation Seventh Generation Diapers Baby Stage 2 4/36 ea 215331 73291344061 7th Generation Seventh Generation Hand Wash Liquid Mandarin Orange Grapefruit 8/12 oz 235376 73291322925 7th Generation Seventh Generation Hand Wash Liquid Lavender Flower Mint 8/12 oz 235377 73291322926 7th Generation Seventh Generation Hand Wash Liquid Hibiscus Cardamom 8/12 oz 235378 73291322945 7th Generation Seventh Generation Hand Wash Liquid Free And Clean 8/12 oz 235379 73291322930 7th Generation Seventh Generation Hand Wash Liquid Purely Clean Natural 8/12 oz 235380 73291322924 Aah Bisto Posh Nosh Imports Gravy Granules Beef 12/6 oz 201833 87251300447 Aah Bisto Posh Nosh Imports Gravy Granules For Chicken 12/6 oz 201834 87251300446 Aaron’s Agri Star Meat And Poultry Llc Salami All Beef 16/12 oz 69893 78391908991 Aaron’s Agri Star Meat And Poultry Llc Franks Dinner All Beef 12/1 lb 69895 78391918631 Aaron’s Agri Star Meat And Poultry Llc Pastrami Turkey Sliced 20/4 oz 69899 78391943011 Aaron’s Agri Star Meat And Poultry Llc Turkey Breast Smoked Slice 20/4 oz 69900 78391944011 Aaron’s Agri Star Meat And Poultry Llc Turkey Breast Smoked Fat Free 16/12 oz 129405 78391944211 Aaron’s Agri Star Meat And Poultry Llc Turkey Breast Smoked 16/12 oz 129406 78391944221 Aaron’s Agri Star Meat And Poultry Llc Beef Fry Sliced 12/6 oz 217418 78391945581 Aaron’s Agri Star Meat And Poultry Llc Salami Sliced Kosher 20/4 oz 227465 78391940011 Aaron’s Agri Star Meat And Poultry Llc Franks Turkey 12/13.5 oz 227466 78391912761 Aaron’s Agri Star Meat And Poultry Llc Franks Chicken 12/13.5 oz 227467 78391912531 Aaron’s Agri Star Meat And Poultry Llc Knockwurst 12/12 oz 227468 78391912861 Aaron’s Agri Star Meat And Poultry Llc Sausage Polish 12/12 oz 228628 78391912871 Aaron’s Agri Star Meat And Poultry Llc Franks Beef Hot And Spicy Natural 12/13.5 oz 229901 78391912911 Aaron’s Agri Star Meat And Poultry Llc Franks Beef Reduced Fat Natural 12/13.5 oz 229903 78391912901 Abeles and Heymann Abeles And Heymann Franks Beef 12/14 oz 57773 65369493520 Abeles and Heymann Abeles And Heymann Beef Knockwurst 12/14 oz 57774 65369493521 Abeles and Heymann Abeles And Heymann Beef Fry Sliced 12/6 oz 57775 65369493522 Abeles and Heymann Abeles And Heymann Pastrami Sliced 12/6 oz 57776 65369493523 Abeles and Heymann Abeles And Heymann Corned Beef Sliced 12/6 oz 57779 65369493528 Abeles and Heymann Abeles And Heymann Beef Salami 12/14 oz 57781 65369493530 Abeles and Heymann Abeles And Heymann Beef Salami 6/32 oz 57783 65369493533 Abergavenny Somerdale International Limited Gbr Harlech 2/4.4 lb 212472 7221042469 Abergavenny Somerdale International Limited Gbr Cheddar Red Dragon 2/4.4 lb 212728 7221042479 Abergavenny Somerdale International Limited Gbr Tintern Shallots 2/5 lb 213479 7221042481 Abita Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Root Beer 24/12 oz 79793 8002040001 Achva Achva Halva Marble 6/16 oz 75301 85753100006 Achva Galil Importing Corp Halva Snacks Gift Box 12/10.5 oz 203630 72198310002 Adams Central Life Sciences Spray Flea And Tick 6/16 oz 234063 3907905893 Adams Central Life Sciences Dog Cat Shampoo Cleansing Flea Tick 6/12 oz 234064 3907909004 Adams Central Life Sciences Dog Flea Tick Spot Lg 56_80 Lb 3Ct 24/1 ea 234065 3907909149 Adams Central Life Sciences Dog Flea Tick Spot 32_55Lb 3Ct 24/1 ea 234066 3907909148 Adams Central Life Sciences Dog Flea Tick Spot 13_31 Lb 3Ct 24/1 ea 234067 3907909147 Adams Central Life Sciences Dog Flea Tick Spot Lg 81 Lbs 3Ct 24/1 ea 234068 3907909150 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Adams Central Life Sciences Spray Flea And Tick Home 6/24 oz 234069 3907905887 Advance Brands Advance Brands Meatballs Beef 4/40 oz 117485 7590180866 Advanced Food Advanced Food Products Milk Whole 9/3 Pack Natural 9/24 oz 213531 7107900005 Agave Dream Agave Dream Llc Ice Cream Chocolate Gluten Free Natural 8/13 oz 230092 89934900202 Agave Dream Agave Dream Llc Ice Cream Vanilla Gluten Free Natural 8/13 oz 230093 89934900201 Agave Dream Agave Dream Llc Ice Cream Cappuccino Gluten Free Natural 8/13 oz 230094 89934900204 Agri Star Agri Star Meat And Poultry Llc Pastrami Brisket 7Pc 5/5 lb 217309 7221042549 Agri Star Agri Star Meat And Poultry Llc Turkey Shwarma Smoked 8/24 oz 217312 78391908961 Agri Star Agri Star Meat And Poultry Llc Beef Roast Cooked 2/5 lb 217320 7221042550 Agri Star Agri Star Meat And Poultry Llc Salami Chub Large 2/8Lb 2/7 lb 217331 78391900836 Agri Star Agri Star Meat And Poultry Llc Beef Brisket Cooked 5/5 lb 217334 7221042574 Agri Star Agri Star Meat And Poultry Llc Turkey Breast Oven Roast 5Pc 3/4.5 lb 217335 78391900821 Agri Star Agri Star Meat And Poultry Llc Turkey Breast Cured Smoked 3/4.5 lb 217336 7221042576 Agri Star Agri Star Meat And Poultry Llc Pastrami Shoulder 2/4 lb 217353 78391900834 Agri Star Agri Star Meat And Poultry Llc Salami Dry Hard 1 1/2Lb 3/1.5 lb 217523 7221042599 Agri Star Agri Star Meat And Poultry Llc Salami Chub Narrow 5Lb 3/5 lb 217524 78391900872 Agri Star Agri Star Meat And Poultry Llc Turkey Drumstick Smoked 10 Pc 8/24 oz 217526 78391908641 Agriform Atalanta Corporation Ita Grana Padano 12 Month 1/4 Wheel 1/20 lb 220714 7127035567 Agriform Atalanta Corporation Ita Asiago Natural 12/8 oz 233189 81404902041 Ahlaska Blue Marble Brands Cocoa Bakers Non Dairy Organic 12/8 oz 211243 76051910024 Aidells Aidells Sausage Co Sausage Chicken Apple Bulk 4 To 1 4/3 lb 68147 76401410346 Aidells Aidells Sausage Co Sausage Chicken Apple Mini 8/12 oz 68149 76401410872 Aidells Aidells Sausage Co Sausage Turkey Chicken Sundried Tom 4 To 1 4/3 lb 68150 76401411346 Aidells Aidells Sausage Co Sausage Sundried Tomato Organic 8/12 oz 68151 76401411752 Aidells Aidells Sausage Co Sausage Chicken Apple Smoked 8/12 oz 68155 76401420805 Aidells Aidells Sausage Co Sausage Sundried Tomato 8/12 oz 68156 76401422805 Aidells Aidells Sausage Co Sausage Mango Jalapeno Spicy 8/12 oz 68160 76401432352 Aidells Aidells Sausage Co Sausage Andouille Cajun 8/12 oz 68164 76401445805 Aidells Aidells Sausage Co Sausage Artichoke Garlic 8/12 oz 68166 76401461352 Aidells Aidells Sausage Co Sausage Habanero Green Chili 8/12 oz 68168 76401462352 Aidells Aidells Sausage Co Sausage Chicken Mango 8/12 oz 68171 76401466352 Aidells Aidells Sausage Co Sausage Portobello Mushroom 8/12 oz 68174 76401467352 Aidells Aidells Sausage Co Sausage Spinach And Feta 8/12 oz 68178 76401481352 Aidells Aidells Sausage Co Sausage Chicken Andouille Organic 8/12 oz 68179 76401483552 Aidells Aidells Sausage Co Sausage Chicken Spinach Feta Organic 8/12 oz 68180 76401484352 Aidells Aidells Sausage Co Meatballs Chicken Italian Style W/Mozzarella Gluten Free 8/12 oz 68182 76401487202 Aidells Aidells Sausage Co Meatballs Teriyaki 8/12 oz 68183 76401488202 Aidells Aidells Sausage Co Sausage Italian With Mozzarella 8/12 oz 80237 76401429352 Aidells Aidells Sausage Co Sausage Roast Garlic And Gruyere 8/12 oz 80238 76401434352 Aidells Aidells Sausage Co Meatballs Caramelized Onion Gluten Free 8/12 oz 215183 76401459902 Aidells Aidells Sausage Co Sausage Chicken Pineapple/Bacon Smoked 8/12 oz 215529 76401433352 Aidells Aidells Sausage Co Sausage Breakfast Maple Bacon 8/8 oz 229924 76401464312 Aidells Aidells Sausage Co Sausage Breakfast Chicken Apple 8/8 oz 230016 76401410312 AJ Stephan Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Lemon Lime 24/12 oz 79800 8990000067 AJ Stephan Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Sarsaparilla 24/12 oz 215693 8990000713 AJ Stephan Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Ginger Beer 24/12 oz 229992 8990000703 AJ Stephan Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Boston Cream 24/12 oz 229993 8990000613 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 7 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 8 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Aji Mirin Jfc International Wine Sweet Cooking 6/60 fo 1168 1115202137 Ajinomoto Jfc International Teriyaki Chicken Bowl 12/12 oz 29792 7175705540 Ajinomoto Jfc International Jpn Sauce Dipping Gyoza 12/10 fo 210284 7175707104 Ak Mak Ak-Mak Bakeries Cracker Sesame 12/4.15 oz 119284 7110500001 Aka Miso Wismettac Asian Foods Soy Bean Paste Aka Miso 10/2.2 lb 35576 7221084455 Al Dente Al Dente Pasta Linguine Roasted Garlic 6/12 oz 48054 8147519729 Al Dente Al Dente Pasta Fettuccine Egg 6/12 oz 48055 8147532456 Al Dente Al Dente Pasta Fettuccine Spinach 6/12 oz 48058 8147534789 Al Dente Al Dente Pasta Linguine Spinach 6/12 oz 48060 8147545321 Al Dente Al Dente Pasta Fettuccine Basil 6/12 oz 48061 8147557893 Al Dente Al Dente Sauce Marvelous Marinara 6/25 oz 48063 8147569310 Al Dente Al Dente Pasta Fettuccine Ww 6/12 oz 48064 8147571412 Al Dente Al Dente Pasta Fettuccine Red Chile Pepper 6/12 oz 48065 8147571687 Al Dente Al Dente Pasta Fettuccine Lemon Chive 6/12 oz 48067 8147572543 Al Dente Al Dente Pasta Fettucine Fiesta 6/12 oz 48068 8147582014 Al Dente Al Dente Pasta Linguine Spicy Sesame 6/12 oz 48070 8147590123 Al Dente Al Dente Pasta Fettuccine Wild Mushroom 6/12 oz 48073 8147594567 Al Dente Al Dente Pasta Fettuccine Garlic Parsley 6/12 oz 48075 8147599847 Al Dente Al Dente Sauce Olive/Caper Moniques Outragus 6/25 oz 211121 8147585014 Alaffia Alaffia Soap African Black Peppermint Natural 6/16 oz 235234 18713200270 Alaffia Alaffia Soap African Black Tangerine Citrus 6/32 oz 235235 18713200261 Alaffia Alaffia Shea Butter Unscented 8/2 oz 235236 18713200009 Alaffia Alaffia Soap African Black Peppermint Natural 6/32 oz 235237 18713200260 Alaffia Alaffia Soap African Black Tangerine Citrus 6/16 oz 235238 18713200271 Alaffia Alaffia Soap African Black Unscented Natural 6/16 oz 235239 18713200272 Alaffia Alaffia Oil Neem Unrefined Natural 8/.8 oz 235240 18713200151 Alba Botanica The Hain Celestial Group Inc Facial Deep Sea Mask 6/4 oz 63344 72474200323 Alba Botanica The Hain Celestial Group Inc Cleansing Gel Sea Mineral 6/6 oz 63347 72474200327 Alba Botanica The Hain Celestial Group Inc Moisturizer Aloe Green Tea Oil 6/3 oz 63402 72474200812 Alba Botanica The Hain Celestial Group Inc Body Polish Sugar Cane 6/10 oz 63407 72474200820 Alba Botanica The Hain Celestial Group Inc Cream Body Papaya Mango 6/6.5 oz 63409 72474200822 Alba Botanica The Hain Celestial Group Inc Sunscreen Spf 30+ Green Tea 6/4 oz 63413 72474200827 Alba Botanica The Hain Celestial Group Inc Moisturizing Shave Coconut Lime 12/8 oz 87619 72474200341 Alba Botanica The Hain Celestial Group Inc Moisturizing Shave Mango Vanilla 12/8 oz 87620 72474200345 Alba Botanica The Hain Celestial Group Inc Lotion Hand Body 24/2 oz 87645 72474201366 Alba Botanica The Hain Celestial Group Inc Toner Facial Sea Kelp 6/6 oz 213995 72474200316 Alba Botanica The Hain Celestial Group Inc Deodorant Stick Tea Tree 36/.5 oz 213996 72474200621 Alba Botanica The Hain Celestial Group Inc Cream Shave Coconut Lime 36/1.5 oz 213997 72474200351 Alba Botanica The Hain Celestial Group Inc Balm Lip Unpetroleum Vanilla 24/.15 oz 214008 7732000005 Alba Botanica The Hain Celestial Group Inc Lip Gloss Clear Pineapple Quench 12/.42 oz 214009 72474200875 Alba Botanica The Hain Celestial Group Inc Balm Lip Bloom 12/.42 oz 214023 72474277516 Alba Botanica The Hain Celestial Group Inc Sunscreen Sport Mineral Spf 45 Natural 12/4 oz 223479 72474200400 Alcove Alcove Chocolate Llc Chocolate Milk Red Velvet Bar Natural 12/3 oz 228140 9216304215 Alcove Alcove Chocolate Llc Chocolate Brownie Batter Dark Bar 12/3 oz 228141 9216305367 Alcove Alcove Chocolate Llc Chocolate Milk Mimosa Orang Bar Natural 12/3 oz 228142 9216304213 Alcove Alcove Chocolate Llc Chocolate Sea Salt Pretzel Milk Bar 12/3 oz 228143 9216304214 Alcove Alcove Chocolate Llc Chocolate Milk Coconut Mango Bar Natural 12/3 oz 228144 9216307047 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Alcove Alcove Chocolate Llc Chocolate Dark W/Pomegranate Bar Natural 12/3 oz 228145 9216303117 Alcove Alcove Chocolate Llc Chocolate Milk Banana Cream Crunch Bar Natural 12/3 oz 228146 9216305365 Alcove Alcove Chocolate Llc Chocolate Milk Peanut Kung/Pao Bar 12/3 oz 228147 9216305366 Alessi Vigo Importing Co Cookie Lady Fingers Pastry 12/7 oz 28248 7107200307 Alessi Vigo Importing Co Risotto Al Milanese Arborio 6/8 oz 28250 7107200310 Alessi Vigo Importing Co Risotto Al Funghi 6/8 oz 28251 7107200312 Alessi Vigo Importing Co Risotto Al Pomodoro 6/8 oz 28252 7107200314 Alessi Vigo Importing Co Peppercorn Black W/Grinder 6/1.34 oz 28274 7107200365 Alessi Vigo Importing Co Peppercorn White W/Grinder 6/1.51 oz 28275 7107200366 Alessi Vigo Importing Co Peppercorn Mixed W/Grinder 6/1.12 oz 28276 7107200367 Alessi Vigo Importing Co Soup Tuscan Bean 6/6 oz 28281 7107200374 Alessi Vigo Importing Co Vinegar Balsamic 6/8.5 oz 28310 7107201129 Alessi Vigo Importing Co Vinegar Balsamic White 6/8.5 oz 28311 7107201130 Alessi Vigo Importing Co Vinegar Balsamic Fig Infused 6/8.5 oz 28315 7107201135 Alessi Vigo Importing Co Vinegar Balsamic Raspberry 6/8.5 oz 28316 7107201136 Alessi Vigo Importing Co Vinegar Balsamic Pear 6/8.5 oz 28319 7107201141 Alessi Vigo Importing Co Salt Sea Coarse 6/24 oz 28335 7107201215 Alessi Vigo Importing Co Nuts Pignoli 12/1.75 oz 28351 7107201241 Alessi Vigo Importing Co Capers In Balsamic Vinegar 6/3.5 oz 28356 7107201248 Alessi Vigo Importing Co Breadsticks Thin 12/3 oz 28412 7107203050 Alessi Vigo Importing Co Breadsticks Sesame 12/4.4 oz 28413 7107203052 Alessi Vigo Importing Co Breadssticks Garlic 12/4.4 oz 28414 7107203054 Alessi Vigo Importing Co Soup Split Pea 6/6 oz 89667 7107200376 Alessi Vigo Importing Co Vinegar Balsamic 20 Year Old 6/8.5 oz 119281 7107201140 Alessi Vigo Importing Co Salt Sea Fine 6/24 oz 204947 7107201216 Alessi Vigo Importing Co Salt Sea 6/2.83 oz 210571 7107200368 Alexia Lamb Weston Sales Inc Potatoes Red Olive Oil/Parm/Garlic 12/15 oz 73144 83418300109 Alexia Lamb Weston Sales Inc Mozzarella Stix Italian Herb/Olive Oil 12/8 oz 73158 83418300600 Alexia Lamb Weston Sales Inc Bites Mushroom Roasted Garlic/Olive Oil 12/8 oz 73159 83418300601 Alexia Lamb Weston Sales Inc Fries Waffle Crispy W/Seasoned Salt 12/20 oz 73166 83418300703 Alexia Lamb Weston Sales Inc Potatoes Saute Harvest Natural 12/14 oz 202195 83418300803 Alexia Lamb Weston Sales Inc Fries Sweet Potato Crinkle Salt/Pepper 12/20 oz 215786 83418300715 Alexia Lamb Weston Sales Inc Potato Puffs Seasoned Crispy 12/28 oz 220669 83418300699 Alexis Alexis Foods Flatbread Greek Pita White 5 Ct 12/14 oz 232317 5312920102 Alexis Alexis Foods Flatbread Greek Pita Wheat 5 Ct 12/14 oz 232318 5312920104 All Terrain All Terrain Hand Sanz Aloe And Vitamin E 16/2 oz 213902 60850305088 All Terrain All Terrain Can Lotion Terrasport Spf 30 24/1 oz 213903 60850303130 All Terrain All Terrain Hand Sanz Fragrance Free 16/2 oz 213904 60850305085 All Terrain All Terrain Spray Herbal Armor 12/2 oz 213905 60850301013 Allegro World Finer Foods Marinade Original 6/12.7 oz 42116 7496400100 Allegro World Finer Foods Marinade Hot Spicy 6/12.7 oz 42119 7496400200 Allegro World Finer Foods Marinade Soy Lime Horseradish 6/12.7 oz 42121 7496400300 Allegro World Finer Foods Sauce Brisket Gold Bkle 6/16 oz 42122 7496400400 Allegro World Finer Foods Marinade Hickory Smoke 6/12.7 oz 42124 7496400500 Allegro World Finer Foods Marinade Teriyaki 6/12.7 oz 42129 7496400800 Allen Allen Hominy White 12/15.5 oz 11697 3470075410 Allen Allen Hominy Golden 12/15.5 oz 11698 3470076410 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 9 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 10 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Allen Allen Peas Black Eyed 12/15.5 oz 213246 3470057410 Allen Allen Greens Collard 12/14 oz 213527 3470024411 Allen Sager Creek Vegetable Company Greens Kale 24/14 oz 11678 3470023411 Allen Sager Creek Vegetable Company Greens Collard 24/14 oz 11679 3470024411 Almark Foods Almark Foods Eggs Hard Boiled Ready 2 Eat 2Pack 24/3 oz 129865 4498400242 Almark Foods Almark Foods Eggs Hard Boiled Ready To Eat 6Pack 24/9 oz 134585 4498400246 Almark Foods Almark Foods Kit Deviled Egg Relish Flavor 8/6 Ct 8/6 ea 209102 4498412860 Almark Foods Almark Foods Kit Deviled Egg Deli Prepared 6 Ct 8/6.75 oz 225543 4498432860 Almark Foods Almark Foods Kit Eggs Deviled Relish Deli 24Ct 4/25 ea 227208 4498414424 Almond Dream Hain Refrigerated Foods Inc Yogurt Plain Non Dairy 12/6 oz 223678 8425326961 Almond Dream Hain Refrigerated Foods Inc Yogurt Strawberry Non Dairy 12/6 oz 223679 8425326963 Almond Dream Hain Refrigerated Foods Inc Yogurt Vanilla Non Dairy 12/6 oz 223680 8425326962 Almond Dream The Hain Celestial Group Inc Ice Cream Bites Vanilla 8/6.6 oz 201387 8425328426 Almond Roca Almond Roca Candy Roca Dark 3 Piece 12/1.2 oz 231677 4177002500 Almondina Yz Enterprises Inc Cookie Original Natural 12/4 oz 62998 72232500000 Almondina Yz Enterprises Inc Cookie Almonduo Natural 12/4 oz 235592 72232500024 Almondina Yz Enterprises Inc Cookie Sesame Natural 12/4 oz 235593 72232500040 Aloe Gloe La Aloe Llc Water Aloe White Grape Pulp Organic Natural 12/15.2 oz 221617 85324700303 Aloe Gloe La Aloe Llc Water Aloe Crisp Organic Natural 12/15.2 oz 221618 85324700302 Aloe Gloe La Aloe Llc Water Aloe Coconut Tetra Pak Organic 12/33.8 fo 227736 85324700325 Aloe Gloe La Aloe Llc Water Aloe Crisp Tetra Pak Organic 12/33.8 fo 227737 85324700322 Aloe Gloe La Aloe Llc Water Aloe Coconut Organic 12/15.2 fo 227739 85324700305 Aloha Shoyu Aloha Shoyu Sauce Soy 6/24 oz 210381 87393400204 Aloha Shoyu Seasia Sauce BBQ Hawaiian 12/24 oz 75821 87393400218 Aloha Shoyu Wismettac Asian Foods Sauce Teriyaki Hawaiian 12/12 oz 214155 87393400224 Alouette Alouette Cheese USA Llc Brie Original 6/8 oz 29123 7144812725 Alouette Alouette Cheese USA Llc Brie Baby 6/13.2 oz 29124 7144821413 Alouette Alouette Cheese USA Llc Creme Fraiche 12/7 oz 29140 7144830059 Alouette Alouette Cheese USA Llc Goat Cheese Crumbles 12/3.5 oz 79289 7144830301 Alouette Alouette Cheese USA Llc Blue Cheese Crumbles 12/4 oz 79293 7144830310 Alouette Alouette Cheese USA Llc Feta Crumbles 12/4 oz 80577 7144830305 Alouette Alouette Cheese USA Llc Spread Brie Creme De Herb Natural 6/5 oz 222089 7144812711 Alouette Alouette Cheese USA Llc Spread Brie Creme De Original Natural 6/5 oz 222090 7144812710 Alouette Alouette Cheese USA Llc Spread Spinach Artichoke Deli Cup 6/6.5 oz 223658 7144830019 Alouette Alouette Cheese USA Llc Spread Sundried Tomato And Basil 6/6.5 oz 223659 7144830025 Alouette Alouette Cheese USA Llc Spread Garlic And Herb Reduced Fat 6/6.5 oz 223662 7144830030 Alouette Alouette Cheese USA Llc Spread Garlic And Herb Deli Cup 12/6.5 oz 223663 7144830014 Alouette Alouette Cheese USA Llc Spread Jalapeno Smokey 6/6.5 oz 223970 7144830057 Alouette Alouette Cheese USA Llc Spread Cheddar Ny Sour Cream Chive 6/6 oz 229975 7144850012 Alouette Alouette Cheese USA Llc Spread Zesty Ginger Spring Onion 6/6.5 oz 229977 7144830081 Alouette Alouette Cheese USA Llc Spread Toasted Everything Sea Salt 6/6.5 oz 229978 7144830085 Alouette Alouette Cheese USA Llc Spread Cheddar Brown Ale 6/6 oz 229979 7144850011 Alouette Alouette Cheese USA Llc Spread Brie Creme De Smoky Bourbon 6/5 oz 233571 7144812709 Alpen Alpen Can Cereal Alpen 6/14 oz 23340 5571202571 Alpine Alpine Food Distributing Pineapple Tidbits In Juice 6/107 oz 31142 7221071197 Alpine Alpine Food Distributing Sour Cream Real Grade A 2/5 lb 229735 7092410191 Alprose Bbm Chocolate Distributors Ltd Chocolate Milk W/Almonds Pd 17/3.5 oz 61921 71296300009 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Alprose Bbm Chocolate Distributors Ltd Chocolate Dark Parve Pd 20/3.5 oz 61923 71296300020 Alprose Bbm Chocolate Distributors Ltd Bar Chocolate Milk Pd 20/3.5 oz 61924 71296300021 Alprose Bbm Chocolate Distributors Ltd Bar Chocolate Milk Hazelnut Praline Pd 20/3.5 oz 61925 71296300022 Alprose Bbm Chocolate Distributors Ltd Bar Chocolate White Milk Pd 20/3.5 oz 61926 71296300023 Alprose Bbm Chocolate Distributors Ltd Bar Chocolate Dark Hazelnut Pd 20/3.5 oz 61928 71296300025 Alprose Bbm Chocolate Distributors Ltd Bar Chocolate White Hazelnut Pd 20/3.5 oz 61929 71296300026 Alprose Bbm Chocolate Distributors Ltd Chocolate Milk Bag Assorted Pd 24/200 gr 78737 71296300032 Alprose Bbm Chocolate Distributors Ltd Chocolate Dark Bag Assorted Pd 24/200 gr 78738 71296300033 Alstertor Euro American Brands Llc Herring In Tomato Cream Sauce 10/7.05 oz 49963 8846856210 Alstertor Euro American Brands Llc Ger Mustard Dusseldorf In Beer Mug 12/8.45 oz 220852 8846812800 Alta Dena Alta Dena Sour Cream Fraiche Creme 12/8 oz 25916 7039926650 Alta Dena Alta Dena Cheddar Goat Reduced Moisture 12/6 oz 25918 7039933980 Alta Langa Fresca Italia Inc Ita Bosina 12/250 gm 209109 7127035888 Alta Langa Fresca Italia Inc Ita La Tur 6/230 gm 209110 7221042376 Alter Eco Alter Eco Americas Ecu Chocolate Dark Blackout Organic 12/2.82 oz 213232 81767001006 Alter Eco Alter Eco Americas Ecu Chocolate Dark Quinoa Organic 12/2.82 oz 213235 81767001010 Alter Eco Alter Eco Americas Bol Quinoa Royal Red Organic 8/16 oz 213271 18824400014 Alter Eco Alter Eco Americas Tha Rice Ruby Red Organic 8/16 oz 213272 18824400012 Alter Eco Alter Eco Americas Bol Quinoa Royal Pearl Organic 8/16 oz 213273 18824400013 Alter Eco Alter Eco Americas Bol Quinoa Royal Rainbow Organic 8/14 oz 215849 18824400045 Alter Eco Alter Eco Americas Per Chocolate Dark Coconut Toffee Organic 12/2.82 oz 221785 81767001012 Alter Eco Alter Eco Americas Ecu Chocolate Dark Deep Sea Salt Organic 12/2.82 oz 235651 81767001048 Alter Eco Alter Eco Americas Ecu Chocolate Dark Salt Brown Butter Organic 12/2.82 oz 235652 81767001049 Amano Amano Chocolate Chocolate Dark Madagascar 70% Bar 6/2 oz 228945 89299000100 Amano Amano Chocolate Chocolate Dark Ocumare 70% Bar 6/2 oz 228946 89299000101 Amano Amano Chocolate Chocolate Dark Guayas 70% Bar 6/2 oz 228947 89299000107 Amazon Amazon Beverages Water Coconut Green Tea 12/16.5 fo 223465 85188800306 Amazon Amazon Beverages Water Coconut White Tea 12/16.5 fo 223466 85188800305 Amazon Amazon Beverages Water Coconut Black Tea 12/16.5 fo 223467 85188800322 Amazon Amazon Beverages Water Coconut Red Tea 12/16.5 fo 223468 85188800309 Ambretta Ambretta Flatbread Cheese Tomato Tuscan 8In 12/7.76 oz 61515 71027381220 Ambretta Ambretta Flatbread Garlic Tuscan 8In 12/7.76 oz 61516 71027381221 Ambretta Ambretta Flatbread Basil Pesto Tuscan 8In 12/7.76 oz 61517 71027381223 Ambretta Ambretta Flatbread Rosemary Tuscan 8In 12/7.76 oz 61518 71027381224 Amella Amella Caramels Agave Dark Chocolate Seasalt 6Pack 6/2.8 oz 234292 85011400232 Amella Amella Caramels Agave Dark Chocolate Seasalt 2Pack 15/1 oz 234293 85011400285 Amella Amella Caramels Agave Milk Chocolate Seasalt 6Pack 6/2.8 oz 234294 85011400231 Amella Amella Caramels Agave Milk Chocolate Seasalt 2Pack 15/1 oz 234295 85011400287 American Bag American Bag Company Bag Thermal Hot/Cold Green Large 25/1 ea 222789 89366900126 American Bag American Bag Company Bag Thermal Hot/Cold Small 25/1 ea 222790 89366900103 American Bag American Bag Company Bag Thermal Hot/Cold Green Small 25/1 ea 222791 89366900127 American Bag American Bag Company Bag Thermal Hot/Cold Large 25/1 ea 222792 89366900102 American Licor American Licor Candy Red Vines Twist In Jar 6/64 oz 147388 4136400104 Americana Orca Beverage Inc Soda Huckleberry 24/12 oz 211889 3977111612 Americana Orca Beverage Inc Soda Honey Lime Ginger 24/12 oz 211893 3977113002 Americana Orca Beverage Inc Soda Root Beer 24/12 oz 211914 3977111112 Americana Orca Beverage Inc Soda Honey Cream 24/12 oz 211918 3977111412 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 11 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 12 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Americana Orca Beverage Inc Soda Black Cherry 24/12 oz 211919 3977112001 Amigos Anitas Mexican Foods Inc Chips Tortilla Little Dippers 12/12 oz 4478 2004204900 Amnons Amnons Pizza 18In Original Kosher 6/36 oz 203806 65216001355 Amnons Amnons Pizza 18In Kosher Rf 6/36 oz 203807 65216001456 Amore Amore Paste Anchovy 12/1.6 oz 37031 7224827158 Amore Panos Brands Paste Sun Dried Tomato 12/2.8 oz 36998 7224821304 Amore Panos Brands Paste Pesto 12/2.8 oz 37011 7224825064 Amore Panos Brands Paste Garlic Tube 12/3.15 oz 37029 7224827156 Amore Panos Brands Paste Tomato Tube 12/4.5 oz 119468 7224821323 Amoy Amoy Potstickers Pork 180/1 oz 45931 7802404597 Amoy Amoy Noodle Yaki Soba 4/5 lb 81000 7802406108 Amoy Amoy Entree Crab Rangoon 120/1 oz 130565 7802404575 Amphora Amphora International Oil Olive Extra Virgin Premium 6/16.9 oz 134162 89020100204 Amy’s Amy’s Kitchen Inc Burger California Vegetable Organic 12/10 oz 18226 4227200010 Amy’s Amy’s Kitchen Inc Whole Meal Vegetable Loaf Organic 12/10 oz 18248 4227200053 Amy’s Amy’s Kitchen Inc Tofu Scramble Organic 12/9 oz 18249 4227200054 Amy’s Amy’s Kitchen Inc Meal Indian Palak Paneer Organic 12/10 oz 18254 4227200059 Amy’s Amy’s Kitchen Inc Burrito Especial 12/6 oz 18259 4227200074 Amy’s Amy’s Kitchen Inc Burrito Southwestern 12/5.5 oz 18261 4227200076 Amy’s Amy’s Kitchen Inc Brown Rice Vegetable Bowl Organic 12/10 oz 18292 4227200161 Amy’s Amy’s Kitchen Inc Baked Ziti Bowl 12/9.5 oz 18297 4227200166 Amy’s Amy’s Kitchen Inc Toaster Pop Apple Organic 12/8.5 oz 18304 4227200183 Amy’s Amy’s Kitchen Inc Toaster Pop Strawberry Organic 12/8.5 oz 18305 4227200184 Amy’s Amy’s Kitchen Inc Pizza Crust Spinach Rice 8/14 oz 18310 4227200193 Amy’s Amy’s Kitchen Inc Pizza Pesto Single Serve Natural 12/7 oz 18314 4227200197 Amy’s Amy’s Kitchen Inc Lasagna Vegetable Low Sodium 12/9.5 oz 18317 4227200240 Amy’s Amy’s Kitchen Inc Enchilada Black Bean Ls 12/9.5 oz 18318 4227200241 Amy’s Amy’s Kitchen Inc Indian Vegetable Korma 12/9.5 oz 18321 4227200250 Amy’s Amy’s Kitchen Inc Indian Mattar Tofu 12/9.5 oz 18322 4227200251 Amy’s Amy’s Kitchen Inc Indian Paneer Tikka 12/9.5 oz 18324 4227200253 Amy’s Amy’s Kitchen Inc Cereal Hot Steel Cut Oat Bowl 12/9 oz 18344 4227200313 Amy’s Amy’s Kitchen Inc Chili Black Bean Organic 12/14.7 oz 18369 4227200530 Amy’s Amy’s Kitchen Inc Beans Refried With Green Chiles 12/15.4 oz 18379 4227200552 Amy’s Amy’s Kitchen Inc Sauce Pasta Marinara Family Gluten Free 6/24.5 oz 18395 4227200702 Amy’s Amy’s Kitchen Inc Soup Lentil Curried 12/14.5 oz 205236 4227200561 Amy’s Amy’s Kitchen Inc Soup Summer Corn N Vegetable Organic Gluten Free 12/14.5 oz 205237 4227200562 Amy’s Amy’s Kitchen Inc Salsa Medium Organic 6/14.7 oz 206721 4227200400 Amy’s Amy’s Kitchen Inc Salsa Black Bean And Corn 6/14.7 oz 206722 4227200402 Amy’s Amy’s Kitchen Inc Salsa Mild Organic 6/14.7 oz 206723 4227200401 Amy’s Amy’s Kitchen Inc Spaghetti Italiano 12/8 oz 207925 4227200806 Amy’s Amy’s Kitchen Inc Lasagna Spinach 12/8 oz 207928 4227200062 Amy’s Amy’s Kitchen Inc Burrito Bean And Cheese 12/6 oz 207931 4227200803 Amy’s Amy’s Kitchen Inc Cereal Cream Of Rice 12/9.5 oz 210292 4227200312 Amy’s Amy’s Kitchen Inc Wrap Indian Samosa 12/5 oz 210294 4227200260 Amy’s Amy’s Kitchen Inc Candy Crispy Bar Gluten Free Organic Natural 12/1.5 oz 215129 4227200388 Amy’s Amy’s Kitchen Inc Candy Chewy Bar Gluten Free Organic Natural 12/1.5 oz 215131 4227200389 Amy’s Amy’s Kitchen Inc Pasta And Veggie Bowl 12/8 oz 231140 4227200065 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Amy’s Amy’s Kitchen Inc Macaroni And Cheese Light Sodium Natural 12/9 oz 231421 4227200264 Anchorhead Anchorhead Coffee Coffee Cold Brew Ready To Drink Natural 12/12 oz 227590 84662600823 Anchorhead Anchorhead Coffee Coffee Leviathan Espresso Blend W/B 6/12 oz 230644 86440800011 Anchorhead Anchorhead Coffee Coffee Sumatra Origin Single W/B Natural 6/12 oz 230645 86440800012 Anchorhead Anchorhead Coffee Coffee Narhwhal House Blend W/B Natural 6/12 oz 230646 86440800010 Ancient Harvest Quinoa Corporation Quinoa Grain Box 12/12 oz 50156 8912512000 Ancient Harvest Quinoa Corporation Quinoa Grain Inca Red 12/12 oz 50158 8912517000 Ancient Harvest Quinoa Corporation Pasta Elbows Gluten Free Wf Organic Natural 12/8 oz 50159 8912522000 Ancient Harvest Quinoa Corporation Pasta Spaghetti Gluten Free 12/8 oz 50161 8912525000 Ancient Harvest Quinoa Corporation Quinoa Flakes Organic Wf Gluten Free 12/12 oz 50168 8912541200 Ancient Harvest Quinoa Corporation Pasta Penne Gluten Free Organic 12/8 oz 221082 8912521000 Ancient Harvest Quinoa Corporation Lentil Red Cheddar Sharp Shells Non Gmo Gluten Free 6/6.5 oz 231533 8912550732 Ancient Harvest Quinoa Corporation Lentil Red Cheddar Mild Elbow Non Gmo Gluten Free 6/6.5 oz 231534 8912550130 Ancient Harvest Quinoa Corporation Lentil Red Cheddar Shells Non Gmo Gluten Free 6/6.5 oz 231535 8912550731 Ancient Secret Lotus Brands Inc Salt 24/8 oz 213835 7956500621 Ancient Secret Lotus Brands Inc Salt Packets 40 Per Box 24/2.8 oz 213836 7956500624 Ancient Secret Lotus Brands Inc Pot Nasal Cleaning Ceramic 12/8 oz 213837 7956500513 Andalou Andalou Naturals Moisturizer Acai/White Tea Oil Free 6/2.1 oz 217097 85997500244 Andalou Andalou Naturals Serum Eye Luminous 6/.6 oz 217098 85997500236 Andalou Andalou Naturals Serum Revitalize Fruit Stem Cell 6/1.1 oz 217099 85997500233 Andalou Andalou Naturals Treatment Scalp Age Defying 6/2.1 oz 217100 85997500240 Andalou Andalou Naturals Filler Dermal Deep Wrinkle 6/.6 oz 217102 85997500235 Andalou Andalou Naturals Shampoo Treatment Age Defying 6/11.5 oz 217103 85997500238 Andalou Andalou Naturals Conditioner Treatment Age Defying 6/11.5 oz 217104 85997500239 Andalou Andalou Naturals Shampoo Argan/Orng Swt Moisture Rich 6/11.5 oz 217105 85997500203 Andalou Andalou Naturals Conditioner Argan/Orng Swt Moisture 6/11.5 oz 217106 85997500206 Andalou Andalou Naturals Peel Kombucha Enzyme Exfoliating 6/1.8 oz 217107 85997500243 Andalou Andalou Naturals Mask Glycolic Pumpkin Honey 6/1.7 oz 217108 85997500226 Andalou Andalou Naturals Scrub Facial Lemon Sugar 6/1.7 oz 217109 85997500228 Andalou Andalou Naturals Gel Cleansing Citrus Kombucha 6/6 oz 217110 85997500223 Andalou Andalou Naturals Cream Night Repair Resveratrol Q10 6/1.7 oz 217111 85997500231 Andalou Andalou Naturals Cream Renewal Probiotic Vitamin C 6/1.7 oz 217112 85997500230 Andalou Andalou Naturals Refresher Toning Blossom/Leaf 6/6 oz 217113 85997500224 Andalou Andalou Naturals Cleanser Lemon Meyer Creamy 6/6 oz 217114 85997500222 Andalou Andalou Naturals Cream Goji Super Peptide Perfecting 6/1.7 oz 217115 85997500229 Andalou Andalou Naturals Lotion Facial Daily Defense Spf18 Sheer 6/2.7 oz 217116 85997500232 Andalou Andalou Naturals Cleansing Milk Apricot Probiotic 6/6 oz 217117 85997500221 Andalou Andalou Naturals Lotion Body Citrus Verbena Natural 6/8 fo 229714 85997502015 Andalou Andalou Naturals Lotion Body Lavender Thyme Natural 6/8 fo 229715 85997502014 Andalou Andalou Naturals Lotion Body Vanilla Mandarin Natural 6/8 fo 229716 85997502016 Andalou Andalou Naturals Cream Firm/Lift Hyaluronic Dmae Natural 6/1.7 oz 235307 85997500249 Andalou Andalou Naturals Serum Enlighten Turmeric And C Natural 6/1.1 oz 235309 85997500254 Andalou Andalou Naturals Cream Night Luminous Purple Carrot Plus C 6/1.7 oz 235310 85997500250 Andalou Andalou Naturals Conditioner Volume Full Lavender/Biotin 6/11.5 oz 235311 85997500204 Andalou Andalou Naturals Balm Bb Beauty Sheer Tint SPF 30 6/2 oz 235313 85997500252 Andalou Andalou Naturals Conditioner Shine Brilliant Sunflower/Citrus 6/11.5 oz 235314 85997500205 Andersen Advanced Food Products Soup Split Pea 12/15 oz 28459 7107904367 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 13 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 14 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Andersen Advanced Food Products Soup Split Pea With Bacon 12/15 oz 117944 7107904369 Andrew Everet Panos Brands Parmesan Grated Natural Organic Gluten Free 12/7 oz 225491 3798327910 Angelines Angelines Bakery Cookie Chocolate Chip Gluten Free 1/120 ea 74429 85201100101 Angelines Angelines Bakery Cookie Molasses Ginger Gluten Free 1/120 ea 74432 85201100104 Angelines Angelines Bakery Scone Marionberry Gluten Free 1/96 ea 74433 85201100105 Angies Angies Popcorn Boomchickapop Sea Salt Pd 12/4.8 oz 225974 89277300086 Angies Angies Popcorn Boomchickapop Lightly Sweet 12/5 oz 229068 89277300069 Angostura Mizkan Americas Inc Bitters 12/4 oz 42954 7549600040 Angostura Mizkan Americas Inc Bitters Orange Natural - Trinidad 12/4 oz 230391 7549633114 Angostura Mizkan Americas Inc Bitters Aromatic Natural - Trinidad 12/16 oz 231822 7549600160 Anjou Bakery Anjou Bakery Crostini Fruit Nut 16/5 oz 218515 68607900001 Annas Lotus Bakeries North America Inc Cookies Ginger Thins 12/5.25 oz 23025 5435801126 Annas Lotus Bakeries North America Inc Cookies Almond Thins 12/5.25 oz 23026 5435801626 Anna’s Honey Seattle Gourmet Foods Honey Blackberry Natural 12/12 oz 212817 9827112507 Anna’s Honey Seattle Gourmet Foods Honey Clover Natural 12/12 oz 212826 9827112511 Annex Food Annex Food Company Entree Enchiladas Shredded White Chicken 2/12 ea 129531 5063400295 Annex Food Annex Food Company Salsa Restaurant Fresh 2/64 oz 206740 5063400311 Annie Chun’s Cj Foods Rice Express Brown Rice Sprouted 6/6.3 oz 68276 76566740020 Annie Chun’s Cj Foods Noodles Pad Thai Original 6/8 oz 68280 76566752793 Annie Chun’s Cj Foods Kor Snacks Seaweed Sesame 12/.35 oz 202695 76566711010 Annie Chun’s Cj Foods Kor Snacks Seaweed Wasabi 12/.35 oz 202696 76566711020 Annie Chun’s Cj Foods Kor Snacks Seaweed Cracked Pepper Herbs 12/.35 oz 222762 76566711080 Annie Chun’s Cj Foods Kor Snacks Seaweed Brown Sugar/Sea Salt 12/.35 oz 222763 76566711110 Annie Chun’s Cj Foods Kor Crisps Seaweed Gochujng 10 Pack 10/1.27 oz 231675 76566711009 Annie Chun’s Cj Foods Kor Crisps Seaweed Original 10 Pack 10/1.27 oz 231676 76566711001 Annie’s Annie’s Crackers Graham Honey Bunnies 6/7.5 oz 118706 1356200015 Annie’s Annie’s Crackers Cheddar Bunnies 6/7.5 oz 118707 1356230215 Annie’s General Mills Inc Rotini Three Cheese 6/7.3 oz 2463 1356200010 Annie’s General Mills Inc Ravioli Cheesy Organic 12/15 oz 2511 1356231302 Annie’s General Mills Inc Dressing Goddess 6/16 oz 51223 9232511111 Annie’s General Mills Inc Dressing Shiitake Sesame 6/16 oz 51224 9232511112 Annie’s General Mills Inc Mustard Horseradish Organic 12/9 oz 51226 9232522221 Annie’s General Mills Inc Dressing Vinaigrette Red Pepper Roasted 6/8 oz 51231 9232533310 Annie’s General Mills Inc Dressing Caesar Organic 6/8 oz 51234 9232533317 Annie’s General Mills Inc Dressing Tuscany Italian 6/8 oz 51236 9232533320 Annie’s General Mills Inc Dressing French Organic 6/8 oz 51238 9232533324 Annie’s General Mills Inc Dressing Vinaigrette Raspberry 6/8 oz 51241 9232533331 Annie’s General Mills Inc Dressing Vinaigrette Gingerly 6/8 oz 51243 9232533333 Annie’s General Mills Inc Dressing Vinaigrette Shiitake Sesame 6/8 oz 51244 9232533335 Annie’s General Mills Inc Dressing Goddess 6/8 oz 51245 9232533336 Annie’s General Mills Inc Dressing Papaya Poppy Organic 6/8 oz 51248 9232533345 Annie’s General Mills Inc Dressing Woodstock 6/8 oz 51252 9232533349 Annie’s General Mills Inc Dressing Cowgirl Ranch Organic 6/8 oz 51254 9232533351 Annie’s General Mills Inc Dressing Goddess Organic 6/8 oz 51255 9232533352 Annie’s General Mills Inc Dressing Cowgirl Ranch Natural 6/16 oz 79134 9232511118 Annie’s General Mills Inc Mustard Yellow Organic 12/9 oz 86981 9232522224 Annie’s General Mills Inc Ketchup Organic 12/24 oz 86982 9232522225 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Annie’s General Mills Inc Saltine Bunny Classic Organic 12/6.5 oz 134720 1356211120 Annie’s General Mills Inc Snacks Fruit Strawberry Summer Organic Gluten Free 12/4 oz 201029 1356211107 Annie’s General Mills Inc Snacks Fruit Tropical Treat Organic 12/4 oz 201030 1356211100 Annie’s General Mills Inc Snacks Fruit Berry Patch Organic 12/4 oz 201031 1356211105 Annie’s General Mills Inc Dressing Asiago Cheese Natural Organic 6/8 oz 210830 9232533357 Annie’s General Mills Inc Granola Double Chocolate Chip Bar Gluten Free Natural 12/4.9 oz 226105 1356246050 Annie’s General Mills Inc Granola Oatmeal Cookie Bar Gluten Free Natural 12/4.9 oz 226106 1356246051 Annie’s General Mills Inc Snacks Fruit Pink Lemonade Organic 12/4 oz 226220 1356211117 Annie’s General Mills Inc Granola Berry Berry Bar Organic 12/5.9 oz 228214 1356200065 Antho Happy Green Company Llc Scrub Face Gentle West Indies 4/3 oz 218985 85636700219 Antho Happy Green Company Llc Butter Hand And Body Unscented 4/4 fo 218986 85636700215 Antho Happy Green Company Llc Serum Face Lullaby For Dry Skin 4/1 fo 218987 85636700213 Antho Happy Green Company Llc Gel Shower Lemongrass 3/12 fo 218988 85636700267 Antho Happy Green Company Llc Mask Face Ultra Chocolatier Gift 4/2.3 oz 218989 85636700217 Antho Happy Green Company Llc Serum Face Pure Unscented 4/1 fo 218990 85636700270 Antiqua Paris Gourmet Vinegar Balsamic 15 Year 6/8.5 oz 3818 1786900711 Antonina’s Pin Hsiao And Associates Cupcakes Carrot Mini Gluten Free Natural 12/10 oz 221856 89822300291 Antonina’s Pin Hsiao And Associates Cupcakes Chocolate Double Mini Gluten Free Natural 12/10 oz 221862 81870301065 Antonina’s Pin Hsiao And Associates Muffins Blueberry Mini Gluten Free 12/12 oz 225151 81870301102 Apetina Arla Foods Inc Den Feta In Oil 6/9.7 oz 219646 9393698797 Apollo Athens Food Inc Spanakopita 144/ 1 oz 12/12 oz 41780 7470200204 Apollo Athens Food Inc Fillo Dough 12/16 oz 41781 7470200222 Appel Farms Appel Farms Quark Traditional 6/16 oz 14585 4081701001 Appel Farms Appel Farms Quark Low Fat 6/16 oz 14586 4081701002 Appel Farms Appel Farms Quark Fat Free 6/16 oz 14587 4081701003 Appel Farms Appel Farms Gouda Jalapeno Wheel 4/10 lb 30967 7221070097 Appel Farms Appel Farms Gouda Mild Wheel 4/10 lb 30968 7221070098 Appel Farms Appel Farms Gouda Smoked Wheel 4/10 lb 30969 7221070099 Appel Farms Appel Farms Gouda Sweet Red Pepper 4/10 lb 30970 7221070100 Appel Farms Appel Farms Gouda Mild Pc 1/8 lb 32502 7221077968 Appel Farms Appel Farms Gouda Red Pepper Pc 1/8 lb 32503 7221077969 Appel Farms Appel Farms Paneer Pc 1/8 lb 53378 7221042311 Appel Farms Appel Farms Gouda Jalapeno Pc 1/8 lb 67957 76181800582 Appel Farms Appel Farms Gouda Smoked Pc 1/8 lb 67958 76181800583 Appel Farms Appel Farms Cheddar Bacon 4/12 lb 216642 7221042530 Appel Farms Appel Farms Cheddar Bacon Pc 1/8 lb 216644 7221042532 Appel Farms Appel Farms Paneer 7/4.5 lb 220471 7221042790 Appel Farms Appel Farms Gouda Smoked Wheel Xl Pc 1/24 lb 225861 7221042947 Appel Farms Appel Farms Cheddar Bacon Xl Pc 1/24 lb 225863 7221042948 Apple Smoked Red Apple Cheese Llc Gouda Apple Smoked 2/5 lb 36793 7221085829 Apple Smoked Red Apple Cheese Llc Gouda Red Smoked 14/8 oz 53379 21677000000 Apple Smoked Red Apple Cheese Llc Cheddar Apple Smoked 14/8 oz 54915 60426200208 Apple Smoked Red Apple Cheese Llc Gruyere Apple Smoked 14/8 oz 54916 60426200308 Apple Smoked Red Apple Cheese Llc Mozzarella Apple Smoked 14/8 oz 54917 60426200408 Apple Smoked Red Apple Cheese Llc Provolone Apple Smoked 14/8 oz 54918 60426200508 Apple Smoked Red Apple Cheese Llc Gouda Round 14/8 oz 201714 60426200808 Applegate Applegate Farms Hot Dog Beef Uncured The Great Organic 12/16 oz 7028 2531700510 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 15 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 16 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Applegate Applegate Farms Hot Dog Stadium Style Organic 12/16 oz 7029 2531700537 Applegate Applegate Farms Chicken Strips Organic 12/8 oz 7030 2531700550 Applegate Applegate Farms Ham Uncured Sliced 12/7 oz 7044 2531700887 Applegate Applegate Farms Bacon Sunday Organic 12/8 oz 7049 2531710200 Applegate Applegate Farms Chicken Nuggets 12/8 oz 7052 2531710555 Applegate Applegate Farms Bacon Turkey 12/8 oz 7061 2531712000 Applegate Applegate Farms Bacon Turkey Organic 12/8 oz 7062 2531712200 Applegate Applegate Farms Sausage Poultry Spinach Feta Organic 12/12 oz 7065 2531732100 Applegate Applegate Farms Sausage Poultry Sweet Italian Organic 12/12 oz 7066 2531732200 Applegate Applegate Farms Sausage Chicken Apple Organic 12/12 oz 7067 2531732300 Applegate Applegate Farms Sausage Turkey Andouille Organic 12/12 oz 7068 2531732400 Applegate Applegate Farms Sausage Poultry Red Pepper Organic 12/12 oz 7069 2531732500 Applegate Applegate Farms Hot Dog Turkey 12/12 oz 7078 2531752000 Applegate Applegate Farms Hot Dog Turkey Organic 12/12 oz 7079 2531752200 Applegate Applegate Farms Hot Dog Beef 12/12 oz 7081 2531753000 Applegate Applegate Farms Hot Dog Beef Organic Natural Gluten Free 12/12 oz 7082 2531753200 Applegate Applegate Farms Hot Dog Chicken 12/12 oz 7084 2531754000 Applegate Applegate Farms Hot Dog Chicken Organic 12/12 oz 7085 2531754200 Applegate Applegate Farms Salami Genoa Sliced Organic 12/4 oz 7092 2531765600 Applegate Applegate Farms Provolone Sliced 12/8 oz 7102 2531777000 Applegate Applegate Farms Cheddar Medium Sliced 12/8 oz 7103 2531777100 Applegate Applegate Farms Swiss Emmenthaler Sliced 12/8 oz 7104 2531777200 Applegate Applegate Farms Havarti Sliced 12/8 oz 7107 2531777400 Applegate Applegate Farms Monterey Jack Pepper Sliced 12/8 oz 7108 2531777500 Applegate Applegate Farms Salami Genoa Uncured 3/3 lb 7112 2531785500 Applegate Applegate Farms Chicken Breast Smoked 2/5 lb 9842 3150661663 Applegate Applegate Farms Beef Roast 2/5 lb 31284 7221071824 Applegate Applegate Farms Ham Black Forest Smoked 2/5.5 lb 31933 7221074597 Applegate Applegate Farms Turkey Breast Roasted Herb 2/7 lb 31936 7221074606 Applegate Applegate Farms Ham Maple Sugar 2/6 lb 31937 7221074608 Applegate Applegate Farms Pepperoni 4/5 lb 31940 7221074617 Applegate Applegate Farms Turkey Breast Oven Roasted 2/7 lb 31947 7221074679 Applegate Applegate Farms Chicken Breast Oven Roasted 2/5 lb 32484 7221077921 Applegate Applegate Farms Bacon Sunday Antibiotic Free 12/8 oz 34159 2531710100 Applegate Applegate Farms Ham Virginia 2/4 lb 36245 7221085229 Applegate Applegate Farms Pastrami Turkey Breast 2/7 lb 68018 76181801081 Applegate Applegate Farms Turkey Breast Smoked 2/7 lb 68019 76181801082 Applegate Applegate Farms Chicken Nuggets Gluten Free 12/8 oz 84249 2531700556 Applegate Applegate Farms Chicken Patties Abf 12/12 oz 84250 2531700557 Applegate Applegate Farms Chicken Smoked Sliced Organic 12/6 oz 89622 2531766800 Applegate Applegate Farms Chicken Roasted Sliced Organic 12/6 oz 89625 2531700667 Applegate Applegate Farms Ham Black Forest Sliced Organic 12/6 oz 89626 2531767001 Applegate Applegate Farms Beef Roast Sliced Organic 12/6 oz 89627 2531767400 Applegate Applegate Farms Turkey Smoked Sliced Organic 12/6 oz 89628 2531767900 Applegate Applegate Farms Turkey Oven Roasted Sliced Organic 12/6 oz 89629 2531768600 Applegate Applegate Farms Cheese Swiss Rbgh Free Imp Bulk 2/8 lb 116219 2531778020 Applegate Applegate Farms Hot Dog Big Apple 12/12 oz 118774 2531753300 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Applegate Applegate Farms Salami Genoa Sliced 12/4 oz 135470 2531785600 Applegate Applegate Farms Soppressata Sliced 12/4 oz 135471 2531785800 Applegate Applegate Farms Cheddar Mild Sliced Organic 12/5 oz 203380 2531769200 Applegate Applegate Farms Muenster Sliced Organic 12/5 oz 203381 2531769000 Applegate Applegate Farms Monterey Jack Sliced Organic 12/5 oz 203382 2531769100 Applegate Applegate Farms Turkey Breast Roasted Abf Sliced 12/7 oz 203383 2531758600 Applegate Applegate Farms Ham Black Forest Antibiotic Free Sliced 12/7 oz 203384 2531700590 Applegate Applegate Farms Turkey Herb Antibiotic Free Sliced 12/7 oz 203385 2531758100 Applegate Applegate Farms Beef Roast Antibiotic Free Sliced 12/7 oz 203386 2531757400 Applegate Applegate Farms Turkey Honey Maple Antibiotc Free Sliced 12/7 oz 203387 2531700588 Applegate Applegate Farms Turkey Breast Smoked Abf Sliced 12/7 oz 203388 2531757900 Applegate Applegate Farms Pepperoni Antibiotic Free Natural Sliced 12/5 oz 205989 2531712861 Applegate Applegate Farms Prosciutto Sliced Antibiotic Free 12/4 oz 207583 2531787200 Applegate Applegate Farms Chicken Tenders Gluten Free Natural 12/8 oz 208348 2531700559 Applegate Applegate Farms Chicken Tenders Homestyle Natural 12/8 oz 208349 2531700558 Applegate Applegate Farms Chicken Nuggets Family Size Natural 12/16 oz 209498 2531705518 Applegate Applegate Farms Chicken Roasted Sliced Abf 12/7 oz 211131 2531712548 Applegate Applegate Farms Corn Dog Antibiotic Free Gluten Free 12/10 oz 215754 2531700721 Applegate Applegate Farms Pepperoni Sliced Bulk Natural 3/2 lb 217215 23150660810 Applegate Applegate Farms Sausage Chicken Sage Breakfast Abf Gluten Free 12/7 oz 219190 2531700697 Applegate Applegate Farms Sausage Turkey Savory Breakfast Abf Gluten Free 12/7 oz 219191 2531769400 Applegate Applegate Farms Sausage Pork Classic Breakfast Abf Gluten Free 12/7 oz 219192 2531769300 Applegate Applegate Farms Sausage Chicken Apple Breakfast Abf Gluten Free 12/7 oz 219193 2531700695 Applegate Applegate Farms Sausage Chicken Maple Breakfast Abf Gluten Free 12/7 oz 219194 2531700696 Applegate Applegate Farms Ham Honey Sliced Natural Gluten Free 12/7 oz 219222 2531700575 Applegate Applegate Farms Bacon Reduced Sodium Sliced Natural 12/8 oz 219737 2531710300 Applegate Applegate Farms Chicken Nuggets Family Size Gluten Free Natural 12/16 oz 220338 2531705519 Applegate Applegate Farms Sausage Breakfast Chicken/Maple Patty 12/7 oz 222855 2531700591 Applegate Applegate Farms Pepperoni Minis Turkey 12/4 oz 222856 2531712867 Applegate Applegate Farms Pepperoni Minis Pork 12/4 oz 222857 2531712866 Applegate Applegate Farms Sausage Breakfast Chicken/Apple Patty 12/7 oz 222858 2531700589 Applegate Applegate Farms Sausage Breakfast Turkey Patty Natural 12/7 oz 223369 2531700592 Applegate Applegate Farms Bacon Pork Good Morning Natural 12/8 oz 225915 2531711100 Applegate Applegate Farms Turkey Breast W/American Cheese Ht 12/5.2 oz 225917 2531742000 Applegate Applegate Farms Ham Uncured W/American Cheese Ht 12/5.4 oz 225918 2531742100 Applegate Applegate Farms Chicken Nuggets Natural Organic Gluten Free 12/8 oz 235546 2531760556 Applegate Applegate Farms Chicken Barbecue Sliced Natural 12/7 oz 235547 2531712912 Aptera Aptera Imports Inc Gre Oil Olive Extra Virgin 6/17 oz 218414 70494700101 Aptera Aptera Imports Inc Gre Oil Olive Extra Virgin 6/34 oz 219998 70494700102 Aqua Nova Oregon Lox Company Lox Oregon Tray 10/3 lb 67971 76181801008 Argo Tea Argo Tea Inc Tea Liquid Mojitea Natural 12/13.5 oz 226270 89753000098 Argo Tea Argo Tea Inc Tea Liquid Hibiscus Squeeze Natural 12/13.5 oz 226272 89753000091 Argo Tea Argo Tea Inc Tea Liquid Green Ginger Twist Natural 12/13.5 oz 226273 89753000096 Argo Tea Argo Tea Inc Tea Liquid Carolina Honey Natural 12/13.5 oz 226274 89753000094 Arizona A And I Concentrate Llc Tea Mix Pomegranate/Green Iced Sugar Free 10Count 12/1.1 oz 55420 61300872413 Arizona A And I Concentrate Llc Tea Mix Lemon Iced Sugar Free 10 Count 12/.7 oz 55424 61300872417 Arizona A And I Concentrate Llc Tea Mix Lemonade Arnold Palmer Hlf N Hlf 12/1.2 oz 212846 61300872497 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 17 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 18 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Arla Dofino Arla Foods Inc Havarti Chili Loco 12/8 oz 231024 65485870400 Armadillo Armadillo Sauce BBQ 6/12 oz 211665 8508300005 Armanino Armanino Foods Sauce Pesto Basil 6/30 oz 17586 4162201982 Armor All General Automotive Supply Co Wipes Cleaning 6/1 ea 211901 7061210863 Armor All General Automotive Supply Co Spray Protectant 12/16 oz 211902 7061210160 Armor All General Automotive Supply Co Tire Foam 12/20 oz 211904 7061240320 Armor All General Automotive Supply Co Wipes Glass 6/1 ea 211905 7061210865 Armor All General Automotive Supply Co Wipes Protectant 6/1 ea 211913 7061210861 Armor All General Automotive Supply Co Tire Shine Extreme 6/22 oz 213089 7061278004 Armstrong Armstrong Olives Olives Garlic Whole Natural 12/10 oz 3515 1700906220 Armstrong Armstrong Olives Olives Pimento Stuffed Plan Natural 12/10 oz 3518 1700912230 Armstrong Armstrong Olives Olives Sicilian Spicy B/Cheese Stuffed 12/10 oz 3520 1700937003 Armstrong Armstrong Olives Olives Habanero Stuffed Natural 12/10 oz 231841 1700918803 Armstrong Armstrong Olives Olives Anchovy Stuffed Natural 12/10 oz 231842 1700905003 Armstrong Armstrong Olives Olives Martini Style Natural 12/10 oz 231843 1700913230 Armstrong Armstrong Olives Olives Pepper Jack Stuffed Natural 12/10 oz 231844 1700938033 Arnotts Pepperidge Farm Aus Cookies Tim Tam Caramel Chewy 24/6.2 oz 235857 31007202819 Arnotts Pepperidge Farm Aus Cookies Tim Tam Chocolate Creme 24/7 oz 235858 31007202818 Aroma Natural Aroma Naturals Candle Votive Peace Pearl 18/1.84 oz 68737 76936001300 Aroma Natural Aroma Naturals Candle 3 1/2 In Pillar Peace Pearl 4/.9 lb 68738 76936001303 Aroma Natural Aroma Naturals Candle Votive Tranquility 18/1.84 oz 68739 76936001310 Aroma Natural Aroma Naturals Candle 3 1/2 In Pillar Tranquility 4/.9 lb 68740 76936001313 Aroma Natural Aroma Naturals Candle Votive Ambiance 18/1.84 oz 68745 76936002230 Aroma Natural Aroma Naturals Candle 3 1/2 In Pillar Ambiance 4/.9 lb 68746 76936002233 Aroma Natural Aroma Naturals Candle Tin Small Peace Pearl 8/2.7 oz 68757 76936002391 Aroma Natural Aroma Naturals Candle Tin Small Tranquility 8/2.7 oz 68788 76936023511 Aroma Natural Aroma Naturals Candle Soy Ambiance Tin 8/.24 lb 129983 76936002331 Aroma Natural Aroma Naturals Candle 3 1/2 In Soy Ambiance 4/.9 lb 129984 76936053323 Aroma Natural Aroma Naturals Candle 3 1/2 In Soy Peace Pearl 4/.9 lb 129985 76936055023 Arriba Riba Foods Inc Salsa Red Medium 6/16 oz 11414 3390750001 Arriba Riba Foods Inc Salsa Chipotle 6/16 oz 11419 3390750009 Arriba Riba Foods Inc Salsa Green Medium 6/16 oz 11420 3390750010 Arriba Riba Foods Inc Salsa Garlic Cilantro 6/16 oz 11425 3390751008 Arriba Riba Foods Inc Salsa Black Bean Corn 6/16 oz 11426 3390751009 Arriba Riba Foods Inc Salsa Red Mild 6/16 oz 118842 3390750003 Arrowhead Mills The Hain Celestial Group Inc Cake Mix Gluten Free 6/20.9 oz 40797 7433338322 Arrowhead Mills The Hain Celestial Group Inc Baking Mix All Purpose Gluten Free 6/28 oz 40800 7433338488 Arrowhead Mills The Hain Celestial Group Inc Peanut Butter Creamy Organic 12/16 oz 40835 7433347052 Arrowhead Mills The Hain Celestial Group Inc Cereal Puffed Rice No Salt Gluten Free 12/6 oz 40855 7433347429 Arrowhead Mills The Hain Celestial Group Inc Pancake And Baking Mix Gluten Free 6/26 oz 206867 7433368515 Arrowhead Mills The Hain Celestial Group Inc Pancake And Waffle Mix Buckwheat 6/26 oz 206868 7433368330 Arrowhead Mills The Hain Celestial Group Inc Pancake And Waffle Mix Buttermilk 6/26 oz 206869 7433368510 Arrowhead Mills The Hain Celestial Group Inc Brownie Mix Wheat Free 6/17.5 oz 207602 7433337193 Arrowhead Mills The Hain Celestial Group Inc Cereal Buckwheat Flakes Maple Organic Natural 12/10 oz 219051 7433337470 Arroyabe Culinary Collectives Esp Tuna Bonita In Olive Oil 16/111 gr 72901 83292400075 Arroyabe Culinary Collectives Esp Bonito Tuna In Oil Round Tin 12/9.2 oz 80104 83292400076 Arroyabe Culinary Collectives Esp Tuna Flakes In Sun Oil Bonito 12/2.2 lb 232011 41191122623 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Arties Harvest Arties Harvest Honey Local Natural 12/12 oz 227202 86703000000 Arties Harvest Arties Harvest Jam Apricot Natural 6/11 oz 230837 86703000008 Arties Harvest Arties Harvest Honey Local Natural 6/24 oz 230838 86703000002 Arties Harvest Arties Harvest Jam Blackberry Natural 6/11 oz 230842 86703000005 Arties Harvest Arties Harvest Jam Raspberry Natural 6/11 oz 230843 86703000004 Arties Harvest Arties Harvest Honey Local Natural 6/18 oz 230844 86703000001 Arties Harvest Arties Harvest Jam Blueberry Natural 6/11 oz 230846 86703000007 Arties Harvest Arties Harvest Jam Strawberry Natural 6/11 oz 230847 86703000006 Artisan Artisan Salt Sea Pure Ocean Coarse 6/21 oz 213303 87932200053 Artisan Artisan Salt Sea Pure Ocean Fine 6/21 oz 213306 87932200052 Artisan Columbus Manufacturing Inc Salami Finocchiona 1/9 lb 39091 7300700176 Artisana Premier Organics Butter Walnut With Cashews Raw Organic 6/8 oz 212321 87000100066 Artisana Premier Organics Butter Pecan With Cashews Raw Organic 6/8 oz 212322 87000100056 Asian Passport Food Group Llc Chestnuts Water Diced 6/7 lb 50137 8906711468 Asian Star Raskins Fish Market Inc Tha Seafood Shrimp Shaped 12/300 gm 216247 8573750300 Aspen Cornucopia Horn Of Plenty Foods Llc Vinaigrette Basil And Marinade Natural 12/12 oz 229040 86217000010 Atalanta Atalanta Corporation Esp Idiazabal Cheese Cw 2/7 lb 30687 7127036039 Atalanta Atalanta Corporation Bul Myzithra Dry Natural 6/1.75 lb 219288 7127036230 Athena D’s Waters Of America Inc Water 15/1 lt 212352 85928000003 Athenos Churny Company Inc Hummus Original 12/7 oz 7145 2540000012 Athenos Churny Company Inc Hummus Three Pepper 12/7 oz 7146 2540000013 Athenos Churny Company Inc Hummus Roasted Red Pepper 12/7 oz 7147 2540000014 Athenos Churny Company Inc Hummus Roasted Garlic 12/7 oz 7148 2540000016 Athenos Churny Company Inc Hummus Black Olive 12/7 oz 7150 2540000018 Athenos Churny Company Inc Hummus Greek Style 12/7 oz 7153 2540000022 Athenos Churny Company Inc Hummus Artichoke Garlic 12/7 oz 7154 2540000023 Athenos Churny Company Inc Feta Crumble Reduced Fat Cup 12/5 oz 25485 7027700005 Athenos Churny Company Inc Feta Crumble Cup 12/6 oz 25486 7027700006 Athenos Churny Company Inc Feta Crumble Basil Tomato 12/6 oz 25487 7027700007 Athenos Churny Company Inc Feta Crumble Garlic Cup 12/6 oz 25488 7027700008 Athenos Churny Company Inc Feta Traditional Pc 12/8 oz 25493 7027710518 Athenos Churny Company Inc Feta Crumble Traditional 12/4 oz 25494 7027710520 Athenos Churny Company Inc Feta Chunk Traditional Cryovac 12/8 oz 25499 7027729010 Athenos Churny Company Inc Feta Chunk Traditional Cryovac 12/16 oz 25503 7027729020 Athenos Churny Company Inc Feta Basil Tomato Pc 12/8 oz 25514 7027729079 Athenos Churny Company Inc Feta Crumble Basil Tomato 12/4 oz 25516 7027729083 Athenos Churny Company Inc Feta Crumble Garlic 12/4 oz 25519 7027729087 Athenos Churny Company Inc Feta Garlic Pre-cut 12/8 oz 25520 7027729091 Athenos Churny Company Inc Feta Chunk Reduced Fat 12/6 oz 25522 7027729094 Athenos Churny Company Inc Feta Crumble Reduced Fat 12/3.5 oz 25524 7027729098 Athenos Churny Company Inc Feta Pail 2/9 lb 25528 7027762300 Athenos Churny Company Inc Feta Crumbled Traditional 2/5 lb 25529 7027762500 Athenos Churny Company Inc Hummus Original 6/14 oz 101442 2540000043 Athenos Churny Company Inc Hummus Roasted Red Pepper 6/14 oz 101443 2540000044 Athenos Churny Company Inc Hummus Roasted Garlic 6/14 oz 101444 2540000045 Athenos Churny Company Inc Feta Crumble Cup Traditional 6/12 oz 119194 7027729000 Athenos Churny Company Inc Feta Crumbled Reduced Fat 6/12 oz 119196 7027762624 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 19 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 20 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Athenos Churny Company Inc Chips Pita Original 12/9 oz 130559 2540001104 Athenos Churny Company Inc Chips Pita Whole Wheat 12/9 oz 130560 2540001105 Athenos Churny Company Inc Chips Pita Roasted Garlic Herb 12/9 oz 130561 2540001106 Athenos Churny Company Inc Feta Crumbles Fat Free 12/5 oz 149475 7027729115 Athenos Churny Company Inc Feta Pail Natural 1/28 lb 221992 7027729073 Athens Athens Food Inc Baklava Walnut Pastry 12/10 oz 30336 7219600350 Athens Athens Food Inc Fillo Shells 1.75In Mini Bulk 90/1 ea 30338 7219607244 Athens Athens Food Inc Fillo Shells Mini 12/1.9 oz 30340 7219607250 Athia Paradigm Foodworks Oil Olive Extra Virgin 6/1 lt 213376 9156531582 Athia Paradigm Foodworks Vinegar Balsamic 8 Star 6/500 ml 213380 9156508142 Athia Paradigm Foodworks Vinegar Balsamic 12 Star 6/250 ml 213381 9156508144 Aunt Nellies Aunt Nellies Onion Whole 6/15 oz 213375 4430005852 Aunt Penny Teasdale Foods Inc Sauce Hollandaise 12/6 oz 28793 7124038504 Aunt Penny Teasdale Foods Inc Sauce White 12/10.5 oz 28794 7124038520 Aura Cacia Aura Cacia Oil Skin Care Sweet Almond 6/16 oz 21987 5138191145 Aura Cacia Aura Cacia Diffuser Aromatherapy Room 3/1 ea 22004 5138191304 Aura Cacia Aura Cacia Oil Essential Oil Peppermint Organic Natural 3/.25 oz 205862 5138190803 Aura Cacia Aura Cacia Oil Essential Lavender Organic 3/.25 oz 205865 5138190801 Aura Cacia Aura Cacia Oil Essential Tea Tree 3/.5 oz 209921 5138191139 Aura Cacia Aura Cacia Oil Essential Rosemary 3/.5 oz 209923 5138191133 Aura Cacia Aura Cacia Oil Essential Peppermint Natural 3/.5 oz 209932 5138191132 Aura Cacia Aura Cacia Oil Essential Eucalyptus 3/.5 oz 209936 5138191116 Aura Cacia Aura Cacia Oil Essential Clove Bud 3/.5 fo 235274 5138191114 Aura Cacia Aura Cacia Oil Essential Lavender 3/.5 oz 235287 5138191123 Aura Cacia Aura Cacia Oil Essential Lemon 3/.5 oz 235288 5138191124 Aura Cacia Aura Cacia Oil Essential Frankincense 3/.5 fo 235502 5138191119 Aura Cacia Frontier Natural Brands Bath Mineral Soothing Heat 6/2.5 oz 21888 5138188515 Aura Cacia Frontier Natural Brands Bath Foam Cinnamon Ylang 6/2.5 oz 21901 5138188576 Aura Cacia Frontier Natural Brands Bath Foam Ginger And Mint 6/2.5 oz 21902 5138188577 Aura Cacia Frontier Natural Brands Bath Foam Patchouli Orange 6/2.5 oz 21903 5138188578 Aura Cacia Frontier Natural Brands Bath Foam Lavender 6/2.5 oz 21904 5138188579 Aura Cacia Frontier Natural Brands Bath Foam Calming 6/2.5 oz 21915 5138188596 Aura Cacia Frontier Natural Brands Oil Essential Rose Absolute 12/.5 oz 21998 5138191227 Aura Cacia Frontier Natural Brands Bath Bubble Lavender Harvest 12/13 fo 85993 5138188260 Aura Cacia Frontier Natural Brands Bath Bubble Tranquility 12/13 fo 85994 5138188261 Aura Cacia Frontier Natural Brands Bath Mineral Eucalyptus Awakening 6/2.5 oz 203246 5138188509 Aura Cacia Frontier Natural Brands Bath Mineral Peppermint Refreshing 6/2.5 oz 203248 5138188507 Aura Cacia Frontier Natural Brands Tablets Shower Eucalyptus Purifying 3/3 oz 204503 5138188266 Aura Cacia Frontier Natural Brands Tablets Shower Revive Peppermint 3/3 oz 204504 5138188265 Aura Cacia Frontier Natural Brands Tablets Shower Relax Lavender 3/3 oz 204507 5138188267 Aura Cacia Frontier Natural Brands Bath Mineral Cedarwood Meditating 6/2.5 oz 211141 5138191696 Aura Cacia Frontier Natural Brands Oil Essential Clove 3/.5 oz 216979 5138199793 Aura Cacia Frontier Natural Brands Oil Essential Orange 3/.5 oz 216980 5138199794 Aura Cacia Frontier Natural Brands Cream Body Lavender Natural 6/8 fo 235493 5138188251 Aura Cacia Frontier Natural Brands Chi Oil Rosehip Organic Natural 12/1 fo 235494 5138199811 Aura Cacia Frontier Natural Brands Oil Tamanu Organic Natural 12/1 fo 235495 5138199812 Aura Cacia Frontier Natural Brands Mar Oil Argan Organic Natural 12/1 fo 235496 5138199810 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Auricchio The Ambriola Company Inc Ita Gorgonzola Piccante DOP Natural 10/7 oz 224941 4179399200 Auricchio The Ambriola Company Inc Ita Gorgonzola Dolce DOP Natural 10/7 oz 224942 4179390200 Auricchio The Ambriola Company Inc Ita Provolone Quarter Moon Cut Natural 1/5 lb 232395 4179300105 Auricchio The Ambriola Company Inc Ita Parmigiano Reggiano Wedge Gluten Free Natural 1/11 lb 234088 4179303250 Aussie Bakery The Australian Pie Co Puff Pastry 12/17.5 oz 72506 82545800905 Austin’s Own Austin’s Own Inc Sauce BBQ Original Mild 6/18 oz 225938 1501344777 Austin’s Own Austin’s Own Inc Sauce BBQ Border Edition Medium 6/18 oz 225939 1501344788 Auto Expression General Automotive Supply Co Air Freshener Vent Sticks Sum Melon 4/1 ea 213541 7584711552 Auto Expression General Automotive Supply Co Air Freshener Vent Sticks New Car 4/1 ea 213973 7584729022 Auto Expression General Automotive Supply Co Air Freshener Vent Sticks Vanilla 4/1 ea 213980 7584729023 Avalon The Hain Celestial Group Inc Serum Coq10 Wrinkle Defense 6/.55 oz 57905 65474935800 Avalon The Hain Celestial Group Inc Thickening Conditioner Biotin B Complex 6/14 oz 213974 65474936122 Avalon The Hain Celestial Group Inc Shampoo Thickening Biotin B Complex 6/14 oz 213975 65474936102 Avalon The Hain Celestial Group Inc Shampoo Nourishing Lavender 24/2 oz 214240 65474935470 Avalon The Hain Celestial Group Inc Lotion Hand And Body Lavender 24/2 oz 214241 65474935476 Avalon The Hain Celestial Group Inc Conditioner Nourishing Lavender 24/2 oz 214242 65474935472 Aztec Secret Aztec Secret Healing Clay Facial 24/16 oz 63621 72761617116 Azul Fuent Atlantica Emc Sl Esp Valdeon Blue D O 2/6 lb 119352 7221073225 B And M B And G Foods Inc Beans BBQ 6/10 lb 20462 4780033050 B And M B And G Foods Inc Bread Brown Raisin 12/16 oz 20463 4780034004 Baby Ecos Earth Friendly Detergent Laundry Free/Clear Disney 4/100 oz 215269 74917409451 Back To Nature Back To Nature Cashews Lightly Roasted Organic Natural 9/10 oz 224025 81989801301 Back To Nature Back To Nature Crackers Wheat Stoneground 6/6 oz 224072 81989801020 Back To Nature Back To Nature Crackers Wheat Crispy 6/8 oz 224077 81989801021 Back To Nature Back To Nature Cookies Sandwich Peanut Butter Creme 6/9.6 oz 224079 81989801101 Back To Nature Back To Nature Cookies Sandwich Creme 6/12 oz 224080 81989801103 Back To Nature Back To Nature Cookies Chocolate Chunk 6/9.5 oz 224081 81989801100 Back To Nature Back To Nature Cookies Shortbread Fudge Striped 6/8.5 oz 224082 81989801109 Back To Nature Back To Nature Cookies Mint Fudge 6/6.4 oz 224084 81989801102 Back To Nature Back To Nature Cracker Rice Thins Multiseed Gluten Free Pd 12/4 oz 227507 81989801001 Back To Nature Back To Nature Juice Apple 5/6 oz 227521 81989801400 Back To Nature Back To Nature Juice Fruit Punch 5/6 oz 227522 81989801402 Back To Nature Back To Nature Cookies Lemon California 12/9 oz 231072 81989801105 Back To Nature Back To Nature Cookies Oatmeal Granola Crispy 6/9.5 oz 231359 81989801106 Back To Nature Back To Nature Crackers Spinach And Garlic 6/6.5 oz 231360 81989801028 Back To Nature Back To Nature Soup Minestrone With Ferro 6/17.4 oz 232664 81989801061 Back To Nature Back To Nature Soup Chicken And Wild Rice 6/17.4 oz 232666 81989801064 Back To Nature Back To Nature Soup Chicken Quinoa 6/17.4 oz 232667 81989801060 Back To Nature Back To Nature Granola Almond Chia Clusters 6/11 oz 234824 81989801216 Back To Nature Back To Nature Granola Banana Walnut Clusters 6/11 oz 234825 81989801214 Backerhaus Veit Backerhaus Veit Bun Pretzel 80/3 oz 202981 77403431168 Backerhaus Veit Backerhaus Veit Pretzel Baguette 20/9.9 oz 204850 77403431026 Backerhaus Veit Backerhaus Veit Pretzel Twist Large 24/7 oz 204851 77403464064 Backerhaus Veit Backerhaus Veit Can Pretzel Sandwich Stick Long 70/3.2 oz 207339 77403429790 Badger Badger Balm Healing Natural Organic 8/2 oz 235530 63408413571 Badger Badger Spray Anti Bug Shake Natural Organic 8/4 fo 235531 63408429600 Bahlsen Bahlsen Cookies Deloba Red Currant 12/3.5 oz 26314 7056913950 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 21 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 22 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Bahlsen Bahlsen Cookies Wafer Roll Milk Chocolate 12/3.5 oz 26320 7056921950 Bahlsen Bahlsen Cookies First Class Milk Chocolate 12/4.4 oz 26323 7056927240 Bahlsen Bahlsen Cookies Leibniz Milk Chocolate 12/4.4 oz 26325 7056929040 Bahlsen Bahlsen Cookies Leibniz Bittersweet Chocolate 12/4.4 oz 26326 7056929140 Baja Bob’s Low Carb Living Inc Drink Mix Margarita Original 6/32 oz 59291 67730499502 Baja Bob’s Low Carb Living Inc Margarita Mix Strawberry 6/32 oz 59292 67730499503 Baja Bob’s Low Carb Living Inc Sweet N Sour Mix 6/32 oz 59293 67730499504 Baja Bob’s Low Carb Living Inc Margarita Mix Original 1.75 Liter 6/1.75 lt 231467 67730402008 Bakers Bakers Breakfast Cookies Granola Fruit Nut 6/12 oz 60900 70887500501 Bakers Bakers Breakfast Cookies Granola Peanut Butter 6/12 oz 60901 70887500503 Bakers Bakers Breakfast Cookies Granola Double Chocolate 6/12 oz 60902 70887500507 Bakers Bakers Breakfast Cookies Granola Protein Power Crunch 6/12 oz 90086 70887500502 Bakers Bakers Breakfast Cookies Granola Fruit And Nut Bulk 1/25 lb 209842 70887525517 Bakers Bakers Breakfast Cookies Granola Vanilla Almond Natural 6/12 oz 216214 70887500521 Bakery On Main Bakery On Main Granola Apple Raisin Walnut Gluten Free 6/12 oz 73254 83522800600 Bakery On Main Bakery On Main Granola Nutty Cranberry Gluten Free 6/12 oz 73255 83522800601 Bakery On Main Bakery On Main Granola Extreme Fruit And Nut Gluten Free 6/12 oz 73256 83522800602 Bakery On Main Bakery On Main Granola Cinnamon Raisin Fiber Power 6/12 oz 205707 83522800382 Bambu Bambu Veenerware 9In Round Bulk 1/100 ea 75740 87185360700 Banh Trang Passport Food Group Llc Wrappers Paper Rice 48/12 oz 33228 7221080600 Bar Harbor Liberty Richter Kippers Naturally Smoked 12/6.7 oz 27022 7071800118 Bar Harbor Liberty Richter Sardines Smoked Skinless Boneless 12/6.7 oz 210540 7071800157 Bar Harbor Liberty Richter Stock Fish 6/15 oz 223979 7071800070 Bar Keepers Servaas Laboratories,Inc. Cleanser And Polish 12/12 oz 29666 7161811510 Bar Keepers Servaas Laboratories,Inc. Cleaner And Polish 12/21 oz 236036 7161811514 Barbaras The Weetabix Company Cookies Snackimals Oatmeal Wf Natural 6/7.5 oz 26419 7061700164 Barbaras The Weetabix Company Cereal Snackamals Vanilla 12/9 oz 222325 7061700694 Barbaras The Weetabix Company Cereal Snackamals Cinnamon 12/9 oz 222326 7061700695 Barbers 18 Barbers 18 Vintage Res Cheddar 2 Year Pc 1/8 lb 228181 7221043018 Barbers 18 Somerdale International Limited Farmhouse Cheddar 1/44 lb 114309 7221087229 Barbers 18 Somerdale International Limited Vintage Res Cheddar 2 Year 1/44 lb 114310 7221087230 Barengo Mizkan Americas Inc Vinegar Balsamic 6/16.9 oz 136084 7241282200 Barilla Barilla Pasta Penne Rigate 2/10 lb 44149 7680803924 Barilla Barilla Pasta Rigatoni 2/10 lb 44150 7680803928 Barilla Barilla Pasta Fusilli Bucati Corti 20/16 oz 44152 7680850644 Barilla Barilla Pasta Elbow Macaroni 2/10 lb 44153 7680852047 Barilla Barilla Pasta Radiatori 2/10 lb 44154 7680852139 Barilla Barilla Entree Italian Penne Marinara Spicy 6/9 oz 224767 7680800147 Barilla Barilla Entree Italian Penne Tomato Basil 6/9 oz 224768 7680800146 Barilla Barilla Entree Italian Penne Tomato Basil Whole Grain 6/9 oz 224769 7680800178 Barilla Barilla Entree Italian Penne Marinara 6/9 oz 224770 7680800149 Barkthins Ripple Brand Collective Llc Chocolate Dark Almond W/Sea Salt Natural 12/4.7 oz 227660 85968600400 Barkthins Ripple Brand Collective Llc Chocolate Dark Pretzel W/Sea Salt Natural 12/4.7 oz 227661 85968600401 Barlean’s Barlean’s Organic Oils Llc Flax Oil Highest Lignan Softgels 12/100 ea 84587 70587510007 Barlean’s Barlean’s Organic Oils Llc Forti Flax 12/16 oz 84588 70587510016 Barlean’s Barlean’s Organic Oils Llc Softgels Total Omega 369 12/90 ea 84589 70587510020 Barlean’s Barlean’s Organic Oils Llc Greens 12/4.7 oz 84590 70587530001 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Barlean’s Barlean’s Organic Oils Llc Fish Oil Fresh Catch Softgels 12/100 ea 84591 70587561007 Barlean’s Barlean’s Organic Oils Llc Flax Oil Clear Organic 12/8 oz 130599 70587500001 Barlean’s Barlean’s Organic Oils Llc Flax Oil High Lignan Organic 12/8 oz 130600 70587500004 Barlean’s Barlean’s Organic Oils Llc Flax Oil Clear Organic 12/16 oz 130601 70587500013 Barlean’s Barlean’s Organic Oils Llc Flax Oil High Lignan Organic 12/16 oz 130602 70587500016 Barlean’s Barlean’s Organic Oils Llc Flax Oil Strawberry Banana Organic Os 12/16 oz 130603 70587500026 Barlean’s Barlean’s Organic Oils Llc Fish Oil Lemon Zest Os 12/16 oz 130654 70587560004 Barlean’s Barlean’s Organic Oils Llc Fish Oil Orange Capsules 250Ct 12/250 ea 219167 70587561008 Barlean’s Barlean’s Organic Oils Llc Supplement Fish Oil Omega Swirl Key Lime 12/16 oz 227515 70587560016 Barlean’s Barlean’s Organic Oils Llc Supplement Mct Swirl Coconut Vegan 12/16 oz 227516 70587500047 Barlean’s Barlean’s Organic Oils Llc Supplement Coq10 Swirl Island Fruit 12/16 oz 227517 70587560028 Barlean’s Barlean’s Organic Oils Llc Supplement Fish Oil Epa Dha Orange 12/60 ea 227518 70587561006 Barlean’s Barlean’s Organic Oils Llc Powder Energy Flax Chia Coconut Raw 12/12 oz 227519 70587510027 Barlean’s Barlean’s Organic Oils Llc Joint Remedy Mountain Berry Swirl 12/11.2 oz 231543 70587566001 Barlean’s Barlean’s Organic Oils Llc Heart Remedy Mini Softgels 12/30 ea 231544 70587566005 Barlean’s Barlean’s Organic Oils Llc Joint Remedy Mini Softgel 12/30 ea 231545 70587506003 Barlean’s Barlean’s Organic Oils Llc Heart Remedy Mixed Berry Swirl 12/5.6 oz 231546 70587566002 Barneys Barneys Puffs Potato 12Ct 12/8.5 oz 43550 7608400216 Barnier Barnier Olive Mix French Country Cup 12/7 oz 56266 63172352930 Barnier Foodmatch Inc Fra Olives Green Stuffed W/Anchovy 3/4.4 lb 61953 71307404002 Barnier Foodmatch Inc Garlic Clove Marinated 3/6.06 lb 61957 71307404018 Barnier Foodmatch Inc Fra Olives Cocktail Assort Fresh 1/11 lb 61958 71307420000 Barnier Foodmatch Inc Fra Olives Black W/Herbs Natural 1/13.2 lb 61963 71307420017 Barnier Foodmatch Inc Fra Olive Basque Mix Fresh 1/11 lb 61969 71307420033 Barnier Foodmatch Inc Fra Olive Mix Hot Tunisian 1/11 lb 61974 71307420047 Barnier Foodmatch Inc Fra Olive Mix Country Grab An O 6/4.4 oz 61977 71307430001 Barnier Foodmatch Inc Fra Olives Picholine Grab An O 6/4.4 oz 61980 71307430304 Barnier Foodmatch Inc Olives Nicoise Style Coquillos 2/5.51 lb 117035 71307450002 Barnier Foodmatch Inc Olives Nicolis Coquillos Pitted 2/4.41 lb 201628 71307450013 Barnier Foodmatch Inc Olives Picholine 2/5.51 lb 201629 71307450006 Barnier Foodmatch Inc Olives French Cocktail Assortment 2/5.51 lb 201630 71307450004 Barnier Foodmatch Inc Lemons Beldi Preserved 3/5.5 lb 202072 71307404023 Barnier Foodmatch Inc Salad Caper 1/7.5 lb 204112 71307420062 Barnier Foodmatch Inc Fra Olives Green Herb Provence Grab An O 6/4.4 oz 211022 71307430306 Barnier Foodmatch Inc Fra Olives Mix Cocktail Pitted 1/9.9 lb 216813 71307420063 Barnier Foodmatch Inc Fra Olives Fresh Lucques Green Natural 1/4.85 lb 229321 71307420064 Barrel Bro Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Z Root Beer 24/12 oz 82544 7256500135 Barritts Barritts Beer Ginger 4 Pack 6/48 oz 231087 7499300401 Barrys Liberty Richter Tea Bag Decaf 12/4.4 oz 56474 63492420200 Barrys Liberty Richter Tea Bag Irish Breakfast Blend 40Ct 12/4.4 oz 136416 63492413628 Barrys Bakery Barrys Bakery Twist French Original 12/4.5 oz 66848 75248211111 Barrys Bakery Barrys Bakery Twist French Almond 12/5 oz 204559 75248211416 Barrys Bakery Barrys Bakery Twist French Raspberry 12/5 oz 204560 75248211413 Barrys Bakery Barrys Bakery Twist French Cinnamon Original 12/5 oz 204561 75248211410 Bartenura Kfp International Dumplings Potato Gnocchi 12/16 oz 39997 7349012845 Bartenura Kfp International Vinegar Balsamic Pd 12/16.9 oz 86511 7349012512 Batampte Batampte Peppers Cherry Hot 12/32 oz 40729 7430100022 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 23 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 New Cups SAVE TIME. ADD FLAVOR. Roasted Tomatoes #229148 (6/10 oz) Organic Pitted Green Olives #229495 (6/5 oz) Whole Kalamata Olives #230051 (6/5.6 oz) Blue Cheese Stuffed Olives #229576 (6/5.6 oz) NEW OLIVE CUPS! Pitted Castelvetranos #235014 (6/4.9 oz) Pitted Grilled Olives #232571 (6/5.3 oz) #236158 #236157 New Fig Spread www.foodmatch.com 24 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR DESCRIPTION 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Batampte Batampte Horseradish White Pd 12/8 oz 40732 7430100400 Batampte Batampte Horseradish Red Kosher Pd 12/8 oz 40733 7430100500 Batampte Batampte Mustard 12/16 oz 40734 7430100600 Batampte Batampte Pickles Dill Garlic Natural 6/32 oz 207947 7430100200 Batampte Batampte Pickles Deli Halves Natural 6/32 oz 207948 7430101800 Batampte Batampte Pickles Bread N Butter Sliced Natural 6/32 oz 207949 7430102001 Batampte Batampte Pickles Half Sour Natural 6/32 oz 207950 7430100100 Batampte Batampte Kraut New Natural 6/32 oz 207951 7430100005 Batampte Batampte Tomatoes Pickled Natural 6/32 oz 207952 7430100008 Batampte Batampte Pickles Deli Whole Natural 6/32 oz 207953 7430101900 Batchelors Batchelors Peas Mushy 12/10.5 oz 88253 81371501029 Bauer Saputo Cheese USA Ger Butterkase 3/6 lb 67996 76181801043 BBQ Pete’s BBQ Pete’s Sauce BBQ Puyallup Fair 6/12.75 oz 216992 85266100400 BBQ Pete’s BBQ Pete’s Sauce BBQ Zesty 6/12.75 oz 216994 85266100401 BBQ Pete’s BBQ Pete’s Sauce BBQ Spicy Fair 6/12.7 oz 216996 85266100402 Be-Bop Biscotti Be-Bop Biscotti Biscotti Almond 60/2 oz 32064 7221075396 Be-Bop Biscotti Be-Bop Biscotti Biscotti English Toffee 60/2.25 oz 32373 7221077463 Be-Bop Biscotti Be-Bop Biscotti Biscotti Mixed Set No2 60/2.25 oz 32378 7221077468 Be-Bop Biscotti Be-Bop Biscotti Biscotti Mixed Set No3 60/2.25 oz 32379 7221077469 Be-Bop Biscotti Be-Bop Biscotti Biscotti Mixed Case No1 60/2.25 oz 32381 7221077471 Be-Bop Biscotti Be-Bop Biscotti Biscotti Mixed No4 Individual Wrap 60/2.25 oz 34253 7221082541 Be-Bop Biscotti Be-Bop Biscotti Biscotti English Toffee 9 oz 6/4 ea 77007 89168900002 Be-Bop Biscotti Be-Bop Biscotti Biscotti Grasshopper Mint 9 oz 6/4 ea 77016 89168900015 Be-Bop Biscotti Be-Bop Biscotti Biscotti Hazelnut Zebra 6/4 ea 111190 99168900001 Beanitos Beanitos Inc Chips Black Bean W/Sea Salt Original 6/6 oz 219748 85283400200 Beanitos Beanitos Inc Chips White Bean Restaurant Style 6/6 oz 223865 85283400213 Beanitos Beanitos Inc Chips Bean Hint Of Lime Natural 6/6 oz 231820 81289102042 Beanos Conroy Foods Inc Dressing Submarine 12/8 oz 52211 9734200004 Beanos Conroy Foods Inc Mustard Deli 12/8 oz 52212 9734200007 Beanos Conroy Foods Inc Sauce Horseradish 12/8 oz 52214 9734200009 Beanos Conroy Foods Inc Sauce Wing 12/8 oz 52215 9734200010 Beanos Conroy Foods Inc Dressing Submarine Pc 300/.5 oz 52217 9734200018 Beanos Conroy Foods Inc Dressing Honey Mustard 12/8 oz 52220 9734200024 Beanos Conroy Foods Inc Sauce Wasabi Sandwich 12/8 oz 52228 9734200075 Beanos Conroy Foods Inc Mustard Cranberry Honey 12/9.5 oz 228952 9734200138 Bear Creek B And G Foods Inc Soup Minestrone 6/9.3 oz 67604 76026300010 Bear Creek B And G Foods Inc Soup Creamy Potato 6/11 oz 67606 76026300016 Bear Creek B And G Foods Inc Soup Cheddar Broccoli 6/11.2 oz 67607 76026300026 Bear Creek B And G Foods Inc Soup Cheddar Potato 6/12.1 oz 67608 76026300027 Bear Creek B And G Foods Inc Chili Mix Darn Good 6/9.8 oz 67610 76026300029 Bear Creek B And G Foods Inc Soup Chicken Noodle 6/9.3 oz 67611 76026300032 Bear Creek B And G Foods Inc Soup Hot Sour 6/7 oz 67615 76026300064 Bear Creek B And G Foods Inc Soup Tortilla 6/8.8 oz 67617 76026300090 Beaufor Beaufor Fra Mustard Whole Grain 6/7.05 oz 230243 88851393297 Beaufor Foodmatch Inc Fra Mustard Whole Grain 2/11.25 lb 225804 88851349497 Beaufor Foodmatch Inc Fra Mustard Dijon Extra Strong 2/11.25 lb 225805 88851358497 Beaufor Foodmatch Inc Fra Vinegar Wine Raspberry Red 2/5 lt 227046 88851372347 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 25 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 26 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Beaufor Foodmatch Inc Fra Vinegar Champagne 2/5 lt 227047 88851320347 Beaufor Foodmatch Inc Fra Vinegar Wine Red Aged 2/5 lt 227048 88851323347 Beaver Beaver Horseradish Extra Hot 6/8.5 fo 29865 7182800103 Beaver Beaver Horseradish Creamy 6/8.25 fo 29870 7182800112 Beaver Beaver Mustard Chinese Hot 6/8.75 fo 29880 7182800149 Beaver Beaver Horseradish Whipped 6/3.75 oz 119303 7182800114 Beaver Beaver Mustard Hot Chinese 6/4 oz 119304 7182800123 Beaver Beaverton Foods Horseradish Extra Hot 12/4 oz 29864 7182800101 Beaver Beaverton Foods Horseradish Prepared 4/1 ga 29866 7182800104 Beaver Beaverton Foods Horseradish White Kosher 12/4 oz 29867 7182800105 Beaver Beaverton Foods Horseradish Cream Style 12/4 oz 29869 7182800111 Beaver Beaverton Foods Mustard Prepared Mild 4/1 ga 29872 7182800121 Beaver Beaverton Foods Wasabi Powder 12/2 oz 29886 7182800192 Beaver Beaverton Foods Mustard Dijon Squeeze Bottle 6/12.5 oz 29887 7182800208 Beaver Beaverton Foods Mustard Sweet Hot Squeeze Bottle 6/13 oz 29888 7182800209 Beaver Beaverton Foods Horseradish Squeeze Bottle Gluten Free 6/12 oz 29889 7182800210 Beaver Beaverton Foods Sauce Tartar Squeeze Bottle 6/11.5 oz 29890 7182800211 Beaver Beaverton Foods Sauce Cocktail Squeeze Bottle 6/13 oz 29891 7182800212 Beaver Beaverton Foods Mustard Deli Squeeze Bottle 6/12.5 oz 29892 7182800214 Beaver Beaverton Foods Horseradish Deli Squeeze Bottle 6/12 oz 29893 7182800215 Beaver Beaverton Foods Mustard Honey Squeeze Bottle 6/13 oz 29895 7182800227 Beaver Beaverton Foods Mustard Coney Island Squeeze Btl 6/12.5 oz 29896 7182800228 Beaver Beaverton Foods Mustard Jalapeno Spicy 6/13.25 oz 29899 7182800267 Beaver Beaverton Foods Mustard Cranberry Squeeze Bottle 6/13 oz 29900 7182800277 Beaver Beaverton Foods Horseradish Wasabi Extra Hot Squeeze 6/12.5 oz 29901 7182800300 Beaver Beaverton Foods Mustard Hickory Bacon 6/12 oz 219285 7182800302 Bechtle Gourmet International Spaetzle Egg Noodles German 12/17.6 oz 58198 65884265204 Bechtle Gourmet International Noodles Egg German 12/17.6 oz 58199 65884265217 Bechtle Gourmet International Soup Egg Noodle Fine 12/17.6 oz 58200 65884265221 Bechtle Gourmet International Spaetzle Swabian In Box 12/9 oz 203112 65884265146 Bedford’s Orca Beverage Inc Soda Creme Beer 24/12 oz 211916 4946380174 Bedford’s Orca Beverage Inc Soda Root Beer 24/12 oz 211917 4946311686 Bee And Flower Prince Of Peace Enterprises, Inc Soap Jasmine 12/2.65 oz 212438 7511501051 Bee Free Honee Raes Foods Inc Ancho Chile Natural 6/12 oz 227297 85338700202 Bee Free Honee Raes Foods Inc Original Natural 6/12 oz 227298 85338700200 Bee Local Jacobsen Salt Co Honey Oregon High Desert 12/8.62 oz 231079 81441702002 Bee Local Jacobsen Salt Co Honey Willamette Valley 12/8.62 oz 231080 81441702000 Bee Local Jacobsen Salt Co Honey Portland Farmland 12/8.62 oz 231082 81441702001 Bee Local Jacobsen Salt Co Honey Cherry Wood Smoked 12/8.62 oz 231083 81441702003 Beecher’s Beecher’s No Woman Jamaican Jerk/Black Pepper 2/5 lb 32997 7221079644 Beecher’s Beecher’s Just Jack Cheese 2/5 lb 32998 7221079645 Beecher’s Beecher’s Flagship Aged Lg Pc 1/20 lb 34593 7221083070 Beecher’s Beecher’s Flagship Aged 2/5 lb 35240 7221084003 Beecher’s Beecher’s No Woman Jamaican Pepper Cheese Pc 1/6 lb 35543 7221084422 Beecher’s Beecher’s Marco Polo 2/5 lb 36099 7221085069 Beecher’s Beecher’s Marco Polo Cheese Pc 1/6 lb 36139 7221085113 Beecher’s Beecher’s No Woman Jamaican Pepper Cheese Pc Sm 1/6 lb 36444 7221085445 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Beecher’s Beecher’s Flagship Aged Pc Sm 1/8 lb 36445 7221085446 Beecher’s Beecher’s Marco Polo Cheese Pc Sm 1/6 lb 36446 7221085447 Beecher’s Beecher’s Hag Flagship Smoked Pc 1/8 lb 79581 7221086041 Beecher’s Beecher’s Flagship 1/10 lb 117205 7221087485 Beecher’s Beecher’s Just Jack Cheese Pc 1/6 lb 119387 7221081737 Beecher’s Beecher’s Flagship Aged Pc 1/8 lb 119388 7221081740 Beecher’s Beecher’s Flagship Smoked Pc 1/8 lb 119453 7221086040 Beecher’s Beecher’s Dulcet Dutch Hollow P/C Natural 1/8 lb 220564 7221042794 Beecher’s Beecher’s Handmade Cheese Llc Just Jack Cheese 1/40 lb 32713 7221078552 Beecher’s Beecher’s Handmade Cheese Llc No Woman Jamaican Pepper 1/40 lb 32717 7221078567 Beecher’s Beecher’s Handmade Cheese Llc Flagship Aged 1/40 lb 33103 7221080053 Beecher’s Beecher’s Handmade Cheese Llc Marco Polo 1/40 lb 33104 7221080054 Beecher’s Beecher’s Handmade Cheese Llc Sauce Cheese Flagship 2/5 lb 34454 7221082889 Beecher’s Beecher’s Handmade Cheese Llc Flagship Reserve 1/16 lb 34985 7221083608 Beecher’s Beecher’s Handmade Cheese Llc Cracker Artisan 12/5 oz 69627 78204511200 Beecher’s Beecher’s Handmade Cheese Llc Curd Handmade Fresh Plain 12/6 oz 69631 78204511207 Beecher’s Beecher’s Handmade Cheese Llc Curd Handmade Fresh Market Herb 12/6 oz 69633 78204511209 Beecher’s Beecher’s Handmade Cheese Llc Cracker Honey Hazelnut 12/5 oz 69635 78204511218 Beecher’s Beecher’s Handmade Cheese Llc Flagship Smoked 2/20 lb 79579 7221086039 Beecher’s Beecher’s Handmade Cheese Llc Cracker Cheese Flagship 12/5 oz 90932 78204511287 Beecher’s Beecher’s Handmade Cheese Llc Rice Brown & Kale 9/20 oz 114166 78204511293 Beecher’s Beecher’s Handmade Cheese Llc Crackers Original Snack Natural 100/1.1 oz 210498 78204511320 Beecher’s Beecher’s Handmade Cheese Llc Macaroni And Cheese World’s Best Natural 8/20 oz 215242 78204511201 Beecher’s Beecher’s Handmade Cheese Llc Macaroni And Cheese World’s Best 4/6 lb 215792 78204511335 Beecher’s Beecher’s Handmade Cheese Llc Macaroni And Cheese World’s Best Gluten Free 9/18 oz 217743 78204511315 Beecher’s Beecher’s Handmade Cheese Llc Dulcet Dutch Hollow Natural 1/42 lb 217873 78204511340 Beecher’s Beecher’s Handmade Cheese Llc Mac And Cheese Pork/Mushrooms Natural 8/20 oz 221620 78204511353 Beecher’s Beecher’s Handmade Cheese Llc Mac And Cheese Roasted Pablanos Chicken 8/20 oz 221621 78204511352 Beecher’s Beecher’s Handmade Cheese Llc Mac And Cheese Flagship Smoked Natural 8/20 oz 221622 78204511354 Beecher’s Beecher’s Handmade Cheese Llc Macaroni And Mariachi Cheese Natural 8/20 oz 225142 78204511274 Beecher’s Beecher’s Handmade Cheese Llc Breadzel Artisan 3 1/2 oz Natural 1/40 ea 225391 78204511245 Beecher’s Beecher’s Handmade Cheese Llc Flagship Four Year Aged Natural 1/40 lb 235851 78204511339 Beehive Beehive Teahive Natural Pc 1/8 lb 219239 7221042679 Beehive Beehive Apple Smoked Walnut Natural Pc 1/8 lb 219240 7221042680 Beehive Beehive Seahive Natural Pc 1/8 lb 219241 7221042681 Beehive Beehive Barely Buzzed Natural Pc 1/8 lb 219242 7221042682 Beehive Beehive Big Johns Cajun Natural Pc 1/8 lb 219696 7221042735 Beehive Beehive Cheese Co Llc Teahive Natural 8/5 lb 217901 7221042616 Beehive Beehive Cheese Co Llc Apple Smoked Walnut Natural 8/5 lb 217902 7221042617 Beehive Beehive Cheese Co Llc Seahive Natural 8/5 lb 217903 7221042615 Beehive Beehive Cheese Co Llc Barely Buzzed Natural 8/5 lb 217904 7221042614 Beehive Beehive Cheese Co Llc Big Johns Cajun Natural 8/5 lb 219694 7221042734 Beehive Beehive Cheese Co Llc Promontory Whole Wheel 2/20 lb 224065 7221042897 Beehive Beehive Cheese Co Llc Crackers Rusks Rosemary Dried Cherry 24/4 oz 224492 85884700360 Beehive Beehive Cheese Co Llc Curds Squeaky Bee Natural 10/8 oz 229619 85884700389 Beehive Beehive Cheese Co Llc Curds Cajun Ragin Squeaky Bee Natural 10/8 oz 229620 85884700391 Beehive Beehive Cheese Co Llc Promotory Natural 8/5 lb 230948 85884700327 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 27 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Beehive Beehive Cheese Co Llc Barely Buzzed Gluten Free Natural 1/20 lb 234468 85884700304 Beehive Beehive Cheese Co Llc Seahive Gluten Free Natural 1/20 lb 234470 85884700316 Beekings Bee Kings Honey Buckwheat Raw Natural 12/12 oz 229839 85935600503 Beekings Bee Kings Honey Wild Flower Raw Natural 12/12 oz 229842 85935600501 Beekings Bee Kings Honey Blackberry Raw Natural 12/12 oz 229843 85935600502 Beemster Atalanta Corporation Ned Vlaskaas 1/32 lb 33021 7221079738 Beemster Atalanta Corporation Ned Cheese Mustard Seed 1/10 lb 35690 7221084629 Beemster Atalanta Corporation Ned Cheese Filled Garlic 1/10 lb 35691 7221084630 Beemster Atalanta Corporation Ned Cheese Wasabi 1/10 lb 36369 7221085361 Beemster Atalanta Corporation Ned Gouda Goat 4 Month 1/22 lb 36862 7221085899 Beemster Atalanta Corporation Ned Aged Beemster Dutch Aged 18Mo 1/24 lb 61834 71224303811 Beemster Atalanta Corporation Xo Chs 1/24 lb 81732 7221086330 Beemster Atalanta Corporation Matured Lite 2 Pcnt 1/25 lb 113577 71224303846 Beemster Atalanta Corporation Ned Gouda Medium 12/5.3 oz 222848 85935400402 Beemster Atalanta Corporation Ned Gouda Mild 12/5.3 oz 222849 85935400403 Beemster Atalanta Corporation Ned Goat 4 Mo 12/5.3 oz 222850 85935400404 Beemster Atalanta Corporation Ned Gouda Aged 12/5.3 oz 222851 85935400400 Beemster Atalanta Corporation Ned Vlaskaas Exact Weight 12/5.3 oz 224867 85935400401 Beemster Atalanta Corporation Ned Paradiso 1/24 lb 228282 71224306862 Beemster Atalanta Corporation Ned Gouda Wedge Milk 2_Percent Natural 12/5.3 oz 234246 85935400405 Beemster Beemster Ned Vlaskaas Pc 1/8 lb 33955 7221082063 Beemster Beemster Ned Cheese Classic Pc 1/8 lb 35615 7221084494 Beemster Beemster Ned Cheese Xo Pc 1/8 lb 36191 7221085174 Beemster Beemster Ned Gouda Goat 4 Month Pc 1/7.25 lb 215253 7221042503 Beer Nuts Beer Nuts Cashews Mid Size 12/2 oz 213518 7084200167 Beer Nuts Beer Nuts Peanuts Original Mid Size 12/3 oz 213519 7084200166 Beer Nuts Beer Nuts Peanuts Classic 12/12 oz 213520 7084200008 Beer Nuts Beer Nuts Bar Mix Jar 26oz 12/26 oz 231468 7084206260 Beet Performer Caj Food Products Inc Aut Juice Beet With Passion Fruit 12/8.4 oz 236107 89855900251 Beet Performer Caj Food Products Inc Aut Juice Beet With B12 Gluten Free Natural 12/8.4 oz 236109 89855900250 Beigel Beigel Kfp International Pretzels Sesame Ring 24/7 oz 501 898200002 Beigel Beigel Kfp International Pretzels Long Sea Salt Ww 24/5.0 oz 40071 7349013087 Fresh Mozzarella Made only a few hours after milking, BelGioioso Fresh Mozzarella has a clean, mild, sweet flavor and delicate, milky texture. We hand-craft this award-winning cheese in a variety of specialty sizes and styles. rBST Free* | Gluten Free | Vegetarian *No significant difference has been found in milk from cows treated with artificial hormones. 28 belgioioso.com www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Beigel Beigel Kfp International Pretzels Long Sesame Ww 24/5.0 oz 40072 7349013088 Beigel Beigel Kfp International Super Sticks Fat Free Pd 24/5.3 oz 84998 898200079 Bel Aria Bel Aria Capers 6/8 oz 213127 78506370104 Belfiore Belfiore Cheese Company Feta In Brine 12/12 oz 65006 73780200017 Belfiore Belfiore Cheese Company Mozzarella Smoked 12/8 oz 65007 73780200003 Belfiore Belfiore Cheese Company Farmers Cheese Russian Style Natural 6/16 oz 219752 73780200041 Belfiore Belfiore Cheese Company Burrata 6/8 oz 222353 73780200102 BelGioioso BelGioioso Ita Provolone Salame 1/4 Wheel 1/16 lb 32043 7221075287 BelGioioso BelGioioso Parmesan American Grana Random Cut 1/8 lb 34437 7221082867 BelGioioso BelGioioso Gorgonzola Crumbly Pc 1/8 lb 53365 21657990010 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Mascarpone Tiramisu 12/8 oz 9567 3114200010 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Mascarpone 12/8 oz 9568 3114200011 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Mascarpone Crema Di 6/1 lb 9571 3114200028 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Mozzarella Fresh Bocconcini 6/7 oz 9572 3114200031 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Mozzarella Fresh Ovolini Cup 6/8 oz 9573 3114200033 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Mozzarella Fresh Ciliegine 6/8 oz 9574 3114200034 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Mozzarella Fresh Perline 6/8 oz 9575 3114200036 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Mozzarella Ovolini Bulk 2/3 lb 9576 3114200041 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Cilegine 1/3Lb Bulk 2/3 lb 9577 3114200042 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Mozzarella Fresh Perline Tub 2/3 lb 9579 3114200044 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Mozzarella Ball Cryovac 12/8 oz 9581 3114200088 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Mozzarella Fresh Thermo Log 8/1 lb 9582 3114200089 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Mozzarella Fresh Pearl Thermo 8/1 lb 9583 3114200092 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Burrata 6/8 oz 9584 3114200110 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Ricotta Con Latte 73 Percent 6/16 oz 9586 3114200173 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Ricotta Con Latte 75 Percent 6/16 oz 9587 3114200183 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Mozzarella Pearls Ball Thermoform 12/8 oz 9588 3114200480 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Mozzarella Fresh Unwrap And Roll 8/12 oz 9590 3114200570 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Provolone Salame 2/6 lb 9593 3114204212 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Parmesan Shaved Cup 12/5 oz 9615 3114235899 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Parmesan Grated Cup 12/5 oz 9616 3114235900 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Parmesan Shreds Cup 12/5 oz 9617 3114235902 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Parmesan Vege Shreds 12/5 oz 9623 3114235950 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Parmesan Shreds Vege No Natamycin 4/5 lb 9624 3114235981 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Grana Amererican Shreds Cup 12/5 oz 9625 3114237810 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Romano Grated Cup 12/5 oz 9630 3114245500 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Romano Shreds Cup 12/5 oz 9631 3114245502 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Parveggiano Wedge 1/10 lb 9636 3114252000 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Parmesan Wedges Exact Weight 12/5 oz 9637 3114252375 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Parmesan Pc 1/10 lb 9638 3114252390 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Romano 12/5 oz 9639 3114252675 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Asiago Wedge 12/5 oz 9643 3114253405 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Asiago Wedges Pc 1/10 lb 9645 3114253470 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Fontina Pc 1/10 lb 9649 3114253490 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Fontina Wedge 12/5 oz 9650 3114253491 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Four Shreds 12/5 oz 9651 3114255405 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Four Shreds 4/5 lb 9652 3114255600 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 29 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 30 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Asiago Shaved 4/5 lb 9656 3114255640 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Provolone Sliced Shingle 16/8 oz 9669 3114285246 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Provolone Sharp Wedge 12/5 oz 9674 3114285281 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Gorgonzola Crumbled Cup 12/5 oz 9676 3114286445 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Romano Pecorino Wedge 12/8 oz 9678 3114290065 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Parmesan Reggiano 12/8 oz 9679 3114290100 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Ita Provolone Sharp Whole 1/66 lb 30991 7221070236 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Asiago 1/24 lb 30992 7221070237 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Fontina 1/20 lb 30993 7221070239 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Gorgonzola Crumbly 1/4 Wheel 4/3.5 lb 30994 7221070240 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Gorgonzola Creamy 1/4 Wheel 4/4.5 lb 30995 7221070241 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Parmesan 1/24 lb 30996 7221070243 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Parmesan Shreds 4/5 lb 30998 7221070245 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Provolone Salame 2/12 lb 30999 7221070246 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Asiago Shreds 4/5 lb 32000 7221074964 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Asiago Deli Cut 2/6 lb 32332 7221077308 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Provolone Mild Pc 1/10 lb 67962 76181800622 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Provolone Sharp Pc 1/10 lb 67963 76181800623 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Romano Pc 1/10 lb 67964 76181800629 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Mozzarella Prosciutto Basil Roll 12/8 oz 92888 3114200553 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Salad Blend Shaved Cup 12/5 oz 117697 3114210520 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Mascarpone 4/5 lb 118811 3114200016 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Asiago Shreds Cup 12/5 oz 118816 3114255601 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Parmesan Grana American 1/4 Wheel 4/17 lb 119380 3114239912 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Asiago Wedge 12/8 oz 148408 3114253415 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Provolone Sharp Wedge 12/8 oz 201840 3114285280 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Parmesan Wedges 12/8 oz 201842 3114252385 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Romano Wedges 12/8 oz 201843 3114252685 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Mozzarella Fresh Log Pre Sliced 8/16 oz 202098 3114200069 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Gorgonzola Crumbly Wedges Ew 12/8 oz 202099 3114285215 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Mozzarella Fresh Log Pre Slice 12/8 oz 202510 3114200525 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Peperoncino Wedges Ew 12/8 oz 203891 3114253485 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Ricotta 73 Percent 4/5 lb 204245 3114200175 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Parmesan Shredded Bag 10/16 oz 204772 3114235875 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Ciliegine Thermoform 12/8 oz 205954 3114200470 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Grana American 12/8 oz 205956 3114237925 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Hag Parmesan Shredded Cup 12/7 oz 206369 3114235887 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Gorgonzola Crumbled Tub 12/14 oz 207869 3114286443 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Provolone Mild Wedge 12/8 oz 208134 3114285251 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Mozzarella Fresh Pizza Pre Sl Log 6/2 lb 214461 3114200911 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Mozzarella Fresh Olive /Basil Log 12/8 oz 215817 3114200601 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Gorgonzola Creamy Wedge 12/8 oz 216772 3114283218 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Burrata 4/2 Oz Cup Natural 6/8 oz 218183 3114200126 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Mozzarella Fresh Snacking Cheese Natural 10/6 oz 220256 3114200472 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Mozzarella Fresh Smoked Ball 12/8 oz 222115 3114210040 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Pizza Blend Shredded Cup 12/5 oz 222125 3114210580 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Mozzarella Fresh Curd Natural 2/10 lb 222517 7221042846 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Mascarpone Crema Di Cup Natural 12/8 oz 223748 3114200951 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Mozzarella Fresh Snack 2/24 Oz Natural 48/1 oz 229048 3114200473 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Asiago Shredded No Natamycin Nl 4/5 lb 230738 3114255616 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Crescenza Stracchino Natural 12/4 oz 231141 3114278504 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Blue Cheese Cup Ew 12/5 oz 231281 3114286468 BelGioioso BelGioioso Cheese Burrata Black Truffle 2 4oz Balls 6/8 oz 234668 3114200103 Bell Automotive General Automotive Supply Co Holder Key Magnetic 6/1 ea 213533 7602705904 Bell Automotive General Automotive Supply Co De Icer Lock Aerosol 24/1 ea 213540 7723100500 Bella Capra Sierra Nevada Cheese Goat Traditional Semi Soft 8/6 oz 204939 68765219310 Bella Capra Sierra Nevada Cheese Goat Garlic Herb Semi Soft 8/6 oz 204940 68765219311 Bella Capra Sierra Nevada Cheese Goat Smoked Semi Soft 8/6 oz 204942 68765219313 Bella Capra Sierra Nevada Cheese Goat Jalapeno Semi Soft 8/6 oz 204943 68765219312 Bella Capra Sierra Nevada Cheese Cheddar Bianca Classic Aged Goat 12/8 oz 205369 68765219210 Bella Rosa Arthur Schuman Inc Tray Variety Pack 12/1 lb 49886 8823199910 Bella Rosa Arthur Schuman Inc Ita Parmigiano Reggiano 1/8 Wheel 2/10 lb 68004 76181801056 Bella Rosa Bella Rosa Ita Parmigiano Reggiano 1/4 Wheel 1/20 lb 35926 7221084887 Bella Sun Luci Mooney Farms Tomato Pesto Sun Dried 12/6.5 oz 211666 3534285006 Bella Sun Luci Mooney Farms Tomato Halves Sun Dried Pd 12/6.5 oz 211667 3534280006 Bella Terra Racconto Italian Foods Rotini Whole Wheat Organic 12/12 oz 50397 8939710804 Bella Terra Racconto Italian Foods Pasta Farfalle Whole Wheat Organic 12/12 oz 50401 8939710808 Bella Terra Racconto Italian Foods Ita Tomato San Marzano Organic 12/28 oz 50426 8939710881 Bellentani Specialities Agro Alimentation Salami Tuscan Herb Sliced 12/6 oz 115844 84751307670 Bellentani Specialities Agro Alimentation Prosciutto Sliced 12/3 oz 115845 84751308400 Bellentani Specialities Agro Alimentation Sopressata Sliced 12/4 oz 115846 84751308500 Bellentani Specialities Agro Alimentation Salami Italian Dry Sliced 12/6 oz 115847 84751308510 Bellentani Specialities Agro Alimentation Salami Black Pepper Chub 12/7 oz 115909 84751303630 Bellentani Specialities Agro Alimentation Salami Hot Pepper Coat Chub 12/7 oz 115910 84751303650 Bellentani Specialities Agro Alimentation Salami Tuscan Herb Chub 12/7 oz 115911 84751303690 Bellentani Specialities Agro Alimentation Salami Rosemary Coat Chub 12/7 oz 115912 84751303800 Bellentani Specialities Agro Alimentation Salami Italian Dry Chub 12/7 oz 115913 84751306320 Bellentani Specialities Agro Alimentation Salami Black Pepper Sliced 12/6 oz 115914 84751307680 Bellentani Specialities Agro Alimentation Ita Proscuitto Speck Half Cut 2/5 lb 222334 84751301170 Bellentani Specialities Agro Alimentation Ita Proscuitto Culatello 2/6.5 lb 222335 84751301800 Bellentani Specialities Agro Alimentation Ita Beef Bresaola Dry Cured 2/3 lb 222336 84751302250 Bellino Cento Fine Foods Mar Anchovies Fillet 12/4.25 oz 27554 7079621013 Bellino Cento Fine Foods Shells Bellino Cannoli 12/6 ea 27560 7079621111 Bellwether Bellwether Farms Llc Carmody 1/3 lb 32340 7221077323 Bellwether Bellwether Farms Llc San Andreas 1/3.5 lb 33734 7221081606 Bellwether Bellwether Farms Llc Fromage Blanc 8/7.5 oz 60601 70511820001 Bellwether Bellwether Farms Llc Creme Fraiche 8/7.5 oz 60602 70511830001 Bellwether Bellwether Farms Llc Ricotta Whole Milk Basket 6/12 oz 208371 70511870001 Bellwether Bellwether Farms Llc Creme Fraiche 5oz 9/5 oz 208372 70511830005 Bellwether Bellwether Farms Llc Yogurt Sheep’s Milk Vanilla Natural 12/6 oz 213198 70511850020 Bellwether Bellwether Farms Llc Yogurt Sheep’s Milk Blackberry Natural 12/6 oz 213199 70511850050 Bellwether Bellwether Farms Llc Yogurt Sheep’s Milk Blueberry Natural 12/6 oz 213200 70511850030 Bellwether Bellwether Farms Llc Yogurt Sheep’s Milk Plain Natural 12/6 oz 213201 70511850010 Belton Farms Schratter Foods, Inc Gbr Derby Port Wine 2/4.4 lb 207487 7221042226 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 31 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 32 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Belton Farms Schratter Foods, Inc Gbr Derby Sage 2/4.4 lb 207490 7221042227 Belvoir Brands Within Reach Llc Drink Elderflower Natural 25cl 24/8.4 oz 223592 83872400021 Belvoir Brands Within Reach Llc Gbr Drink Elderflower And Rose 25cl 24/8.4 oz 223593 83872400041 Benchmate Chins Import Export Baking Powder 4/10 lb 67042 75471502418 Benchmate Chins Import Export Fleischman Baking Soda 12/2 lb 67043 75471502438 Berrst Oregon Fruit Products Fruit Strawberry Pourable 6/18 oz 227500 4134590661 Berrst Oregon Fruit Products Fruit Raspberry Pourable 6/18 oz 227501 4134590361 Berrst Oregon Fruit Products Fruit Blueberry Pourable 6/18 oz 227502 4134590261 Berthaut Fromi Rungis Sas Fra Epoisse AOC 6/250 gm 209944 7221081986 Bertolli Deoleo USA Inc Ita Vinegar Balsamic Of Modena 6/8.5 oz 207973 60422653360 Bertolli Deoleo USA Inc Ita Vinegar Red Wine Chianti 6/8.5 oz 207974 60422653356 Bertolli Deoleo USA Inc Ita Glaze Italian W/Vinegar Balsamic 6/6.76 oz 207975 60422653362 Bertolli Deoleo USA Inc Ita Vinegar Wine White Pinot Grigio 6/8.5 oz 214763 60422653358 Best Foods Unilever Dressing Golden Italian 4/1 ga 20652 4800125509 Best Foods Unilever Mayonnaise 4 Gal Pail 1/4 ga 20709 4800126558 Best Foods Unilever Mayonnaise 4/1 ga 20710 4800126574 Best Foods Unilever Mayonnaise 4 Gal Bag 1/30 lb 20712 4800126576 Best Foods Unilever Mayonnaise Packet Natural 210/.375 oz 225253 4800135166 Betsy’s Best Betsy’s Best Bar None Bar Rosemary Savory Gluten Free Natural Organic 9/2 oz 235062 85944500500 Betsy’s Best Betsy’s Best Bar None Bar Coconut Lemon Gluten Free Natural Organic 9/2 oz 235063 85944500502 Betsy’s Best Betsy’s Best Bar None Bar Cinnamon Cardamom Gluten Free Natural Organic 9/2 oz 235064 85944500501 Betsy’s Best Betsy’s Best Bar None Bar Poppy Seed Orange Gluten Free Natural Organic 9/2 oz 235065 85944500512 Betsy’s Best Betsy’s Best Bar None Bar Chocolate Dark Gluten Free Natural Organic 9/2 oz 235066 85944500503 Betsy’s Best Betsy’s Best Bar None Bar Chocolate Chip Chili Gluten Free Natural Organic 9/2 oz 235067 85944500504 Betsy’s Best Betsy’s Best Bar None Bar Chocolate Chip Peppermint Gluten Free Natural Organic 9/2 oz 235068 85944500505 Better Bean The Better Bean Company Beans Black Refried Gluten Free 8/14 oz 206023 85240500201 Better Bean The Better Bean Company Beans Black Cuban Gluten Free 8/14 oz 206024 85240500204 Better Bean The Better Bean Company Beans Red Refried Gluten Free 8/14 oz 206025 85240500200 Better Bean The Better Bean Company Chili Three Sisters Gluten Free 8/14 oz 206026 85240500206 Better Bean The Better Bean Company Beans Red Refried 4/64 oz 207898 85240500210 Better Bean The Better Bean Company Dip Bean Chipotle 8/14 oz 209095 85240500209 Better Bean The Better Bean Company Beans White Tuscan 8/14 oz 229633 85240500221 Better Bean The Better Bean Company Beans Pinto Southwestern 8/14 oz 229634 85240500219 Better Life Better Life Cleaner Floor 6/32 oz 236155 89545400205 Better Life Better Life Cleaner All Purpose Sage And Citrus 6/32 oz 236156 89545400204 Better Than Southeastern Mills Inc Base Chicken 6/8 oz 52319 9830800202 Better Than Southeastern Mills Inc Bouillon Base Beef 6/8 oz 52320 9830800203 Better Than Southeastern Mills Inc Soup Base Chili 6/8 oz 52321 9830800204 Better Than Southeastern Mills Inc Base Vegetable 6/8 oz 52322 9830800205 Better Than Southeastern Mills Inc Soup Base Chicken Organic 6/8 oz 52328 9830800280 Better Than Southeastern Mills Inc Soup Base Beef Organic 6/8 oz 52330 9830800283 Better Than Southeastern Mills Inc Soup Base Mushroom Organic 6/8 oz 52331 9830800284 Better Than Southeastern Mills Inc Base Au Jus 6/8 oz 52346 9830821721 Better Than Southeastern Mills Inc Base Fish 6/8 oz 52347 9830821722 Better Than Southeastern Mills Inc Soup Base Vegan No Chicken 6/8 oz 52348 9830822581 Better Than Southeastern Mills Inc Gravy Mix Chicken 12/1.25 oz 52353 9830822811 Better Than Southeastern Mills Inc Gravy Mix Beef 12/1.25 oz 52354 9830822812 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Better Than Southeastern Mills Inc Bouillon Chicken Base 3.5oz 8/3.5 oz 232692 9830820127 Better Than Southeastern Mills Inc Bouillon Beef Base 3.5Ooz 8/3.5 oz 232693 9830820128 Betterbody Food Betterbody Food Phi Oil Coconut Extra Virgin Organic Natural 6/28 fo 221186 89792200245 Betterbody Food Betterbody Food Extract Vanilla Madagascar Bourbon Organic Natural 8/8 fo 221187 89792200239 Betterbody Food Betterbody Food Phi Oil Coconut Refined Organic Natural 6/28 fo 221188 89792200249 Betty Lou’s Betty Lou’s Inc Bar Fruit Blueberry Gluten Free 12Pack 12/57 gm 206211 1607361933 Betty Lou’s Betty Lou’s Inc Bar Fruit Strawberry Gluten Free 12Pack 12/57 gm 206214 1607333778 Betty Lou’s Betty Lou’s Inc Bar Fruit Cherry Gluten Free 12Pack 12/57 gm 206220 1607361931 Beyond Meat Savage River Inc Chicken Free Grilled Strips Natural 6/9 oz 225073 85262900415 Beyond Meat Savage River Inc Beef Free Beefy Crumble Natural 8/11 oz 225075 85262900417 Beyond Meat Savage River Inc Burger Beast Natural 10/8 oz 233590 85262900423 BG Reynolds B G Reynolds Drink Mix Jet Pilot Cocktail 12/25.4 fo 235900 85499700241 BG Reynolds B G Reynolds Drink Mix Zombie Punch Cocktail 12/25.4 fo 235901 85499700242 BG Reynolds B G Reynolds Drink Mix Mai Tai Cocktail 12/25.4 fo 235902 85499700240 Bicycle The United States Playing Card Co Cards Playing Poker Jumbo 12/1 ea 214364 7385400088 Bicycle The United States Playing Card Co Cards Playing Poker Standard 12/1 ea 214365 7385400808 Biff’s Biff’s Sauce BBQ 6/16 oz 214396 85207000201 Big Sky Bread Jmp Foods Llc Granola Cranberry Almond Natural 6/12 oz 207908 60250301208 Big Sky Bread Jmp Foods Llc Granola Honey Almond Original Natural 6/12 oz 207909 60250300812 Big Sky Bread Jmp Foods Llc Granola Honey Oat Natural 6/12 oz 211426 60250301212 Bigelow R C Bigelow Inc Tea Bag Herbal Peppermint 6/20 ea 37162 7231000039 Bigelow R C Bigelow Inc Tea Bag Herbal Perfect Peach 6/20 ea 37163 7231000040 Bigelow R C Bigelow Inc Tea Bag Herbal Cozy Chamomile 6/20 ea 37164 7231000041 Bigelow R C Bigelow Inc Tea Bag Herbal Spice Organic 6/20 ea 37166 7231000050 Bigelow R C Bigelow Inc Tea Bag Herbal Love Lemon Gluten Free Natural 6/20 ea 37167 7231000052 Bigelow R C Bigelow Inc Tea Bag Herbal Mint Medley 6/20 ea 37168 7231000073 Bigelow R C Bigelow Inc Tea Bag Herbal Sweet Dreams 6/20 ea 37169 7231000086 Bigelow R C Bigelow Inc Tea Bag Herbal 6 Assorted 6/18 ea 37170 7231000098 Bigelow R C Bigelow Inc Tea Bag Constant Comment 6/40 ea 37171 7231000103 Bigelow R C Bigelow Inc Tea Bag Constant Comment 6/20 ea 37172 7231000105 Bigelow R C Bigelow Inc Tea Bag Earl Grey 6/20 ea 37174 7231000123 Bigelow R C Bigelow Inc Tea Bag Earl Grey 6/40 ea 37175 7231000124 Bigelow R C Bigelow Inc Tea Bag Raspberry Royale 6/20 ea 37177 7231000134 Bigelow R C Bigelow Inc Tea Bag English Breakfast 6/20 ea 37179 7231000144 Bigelow R C Bigelow Inc Tea Bag Green W/Lemon 6/20 ea 37180 7231000145 Bigelow R C Bigelow Inc Tea Bag Chai Spiced 6/20 ea 37182 7231000161 Bigelow R C Bigelow Inc Tea Bag Chai Vanilla 6/20 ea 37183 7231000162 Bigelow R C Bigelow Inc Tea Bag French Vanilla 6/20 ea 37184 7231000165 Bigelow R C Bigelow Inc Tea Bag Vanilla Caramel 6/20 ea 37187 7231000169 Bigelow R C Bigelow Inc Tea Bag English Teatime 6/20 ea 37189 7231000177 Bigelow R C Bigelow Inc Tea Bag Blend 6 Assorted 6/18 ea 37195 7231000192 Bigelow R C Bigelow Inc Tea Bag Lemon Lift 6/20 ea 37196 7231000197 Bigelow R C Bigelow Inc Tea Bag Green Constant Comment 6/20 ea 37204 7231000805 Bigelow R C Bigelow Inc Tea Bag Green W Pomegranate 6/20 ea 37206 7231000837 Bigelow R C Bigelow Inc Tea Bag Green Blueberry 6/20 ea 37208 7231000839 Bigelow R C Bigelow Inc Tea Bag Green 6/20 ea 37210 7231000847 Bigelow R C Bigelow Inc Tea Bag Green 6/40 ea 37211 7231000848 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 33 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 34 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Bigelow R C Bigelow Inc Tea Bag Constant Comment Decaf 6/20 ea 37227 7231004107 Bigelow R C Bigelow Inc Tea Bag Earl Grey Decaf 6/20 ea 37228 7231004223 Bigelow R C Bigelow Inc Tea Bag Green Decaf 6/20 ea 37230 7231004247 Bigelow R C Bigelow Inc Tea Bag English Teatime Decaf 6/20 ea 37233 7231004277 Bigelow R C Bigelow Inc Tea Bag Lemon Lift Decaf 6/20 ea 37234 7231004297 Bigelow R C Bigelow Inc Tea Bag Green Decaf Organic 6/40 ea 37260 7231007248 Bigelow R C Bigelow Inc Tea Bag Green Organic 6/40 ea 37262 7231007848 Bigelow R C Bigelow Inc Tea Bag Lemongrass Herb Probiotics 6/18 ea 100911 7231001058 Bigelow R C Bigelow Inc Tea Bag Green Earl Grey 6/20 ea 136063 7231000823 Bigelow R C Bigelow Inc Tea Earl Grey K Cup Gluten Free Natural 6/12 ea 233653 7231066123 Bigelow R C Bigelow Inc Tea Caramel Salted Gluten Free Natural 6/20 ea 233654 7231000183 Bigs Thanasi Foods Sunflower Seeds Smokey Sweet BBQ Natural 12/5.35 oz 231905 81601201145 Bing Inspiration Beverage Company Juice Cherry 24/12 fo 211898 89081700101 Bing Inspiration Beverage Company Juice Raz W/Raspberry 24/12 oz 229669 89081700105 Bing Inspiration Beverage Company Juice Black W/Blackberry 24/12 oz 229670 89081700100 Bing Inspiration Beverage Company Juice Crisp Apple And Cherry Gluten Free Natural 24/12 oz 235823 89081700110 Biokleen Biokleen Industries Inc Soap Dish Powder Citrus Auto 12/2 lb 210219 71725600050 Biokleen Biokleen Industries Inc Cleaner Bac Out W/ Foamng Actn Spry 12/32 oz 210221 71725600033 Bionaturae Euro USA Trading Co Pasta Penne Rigate Organic 12/16 oz 71064 79921055553 Bionaturae Euro USA Trading Co Ita Spread Fruit Bilberry Organic Natural 12/9 oz 210699 79921022228 Bionaturae Euro USA Trading Co Ita Pasta Linguine Organic 12/16 oz 210701 79921054547 Bionaturae Euro USA Trading Co Ita Spread Fruit Raspberry Organic Natural 12/9 oz 210702 79921022230 Bionaturae Euro USA Trading Co Ita Pasta Penne Rigate Ww Organic 12/16 oz 210703 79921066665 Bionaturae Euro USA Trading Co Ita Pasta Fusilli Whole Wheat Organic 12/16 oz 210704 79921066664 Bionaturae Euro USA Trading Co Ita Spread Fruit Sour Cherry Organic 12/9 oz 210705 79921022231 Bionaturae Euro USA Trading Co Ita Spread Fruit Orange Sicilian Organic 12/9 oz 210706 79921022229 Bionaturae Euro USA Trading Co Ita Spread Fruit Wildberry Organic Natural 12/9 oz 210707 79921022227 Bionaturae Euro USA Trading Co Ita Spread Fruit Peach Organic Natural 12/9 oz 210708 79921022222 Bionaturae Euro USA Trading Co Ita Spread Fruit Apricot Organic Natural 12/9 oz 210710 79921022221 Bionaturae Euro USA Trading Co Ita Spread Fruit Strawberry Organic Natural 12/9 oz 210711 79921022223 Bionaturae Euro USA Trading Co Ita Spread Fruit Blackberry Wild Organic 12/9 oz 210716 79921022232 Bionaturae Euro USA Trading Co Ita Pasta Penne Rigate Gluten Free Organic 12/12 oz 210717 79921043403 Bionaturae Euro USA Trading Co Ita Pasta Fusilli Gluten Free Organic 12/12 oz 210718 79921043402 Bionaturae Euro USA Trading Co Ita Pasta Spaghetti Gluten Free Organic 12/12 oz 210719 79921043401 Biotta Caj Food Products Inc Sui Juice Beet Natural 6/16.9 oz 230312 89855900211 Biotta Caj Food Products Inc Sui Juice Elderberry Natural 6/16.9 oz 230313 89855900216 Biotta Caj Food Products Inc Sui Juice Vegetable Gluten Free Organic Natural 6/16.9 oz 236108 89855900221 Biotta Caj Food Products Inc Sui Juice Carrot Gluten Free Organic Natural 6/16.9 oz 236110 89855900226 Biotta Caj Food Products Inc Sui Juice Cranberry Mountain Gluten Free Organic 6/16.9 oz 236111 89855900223 Birdola United Pet Group Bird Food Cake Feeder Junior 8/.27 lb 212165 73249354385 Birdola United Pet Group Bird Food Cake Trail Mix Junior 8/.44 lb 228167 73249354485 Birdola United Pet Group Bird Food Cake Junior Plus 8/.44 lb 228168 73249354333 Birds Posh Nosh Imports Custard Powder 12/10.6 oz 75789 87251300602 Bissingers Karl Bissinger Llc Chocolate Dark 60 Almonds Ra Bar Natural 12/3 oz 228220 84610701496 Bissingers Karl Bissinger Llc Chocolate Milk 38 Ra Bar Natural 12/3 oz 228221 84610701497 Bissingers Karl Bissinger Llc Chocolate Coffee Toffee Ra Bar Natural 12/3 oz 228222 84610701498 Bissingers Karl Bissinger Llc Chocolate Dulce De Leche Ra Bar Natural 12/3 oz 228223 84610701501 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Bissingers Karl Bissinger Llc Chocolate Dark 75 W/Quinoa Ra Bar 12/3 oz 228224 84610701502 Bissingers Karl Bissinger Llc Chocolate Coconut Carmel Ra Bar Natural 12/3 oz 228225 84610701499 Bite Fuel Bite Fuel Llc Granola Blue Mango Protein Gluten Free Natural 6/11 oz 234649 86966100000 Bite Fuel Bite Fuel Llc Granola Go Pecanas Protein Gluten Free Natural 6/11 oz 234650 86966100002 Bite Fuel Bite Fuel Llc Cookie Chocolate Chip Protein Gluten Free 8/3 oz 234651 86966100006 Bite Fuel Bite Fuel Llc Granola Red Berry Protein Gluten Free Natural 6/11 oz 234652 86966100001 Bite Fuel Bite Fuel Llc Cookie Peanut Butter Gluten Free Natural 8/3 oz 234653 86966100007 Bite Me Bite Me Inc Cookies Shortbread Mini Ww 12Ct Tub 16/9 oz 223949 73936054342 Bite Me Bite Me Inc Cookies Shortbread Large Ww Natural 36/2.5 oz 224017 73936054332 Bithell Bithell Foods Inc Jam Marion Blackberry Freezer 12/16 oz 65353 74113400291 Bithell Bithell Foods Inc Jam Red Raspberry Freezer 12/16 oz 65354 74113400292 Bithell Bithell Foods Inc Jam Boysenberry Freezer 12/16 oz 65355 74113400293 Bithell Bithell Foods Inc Jam Blueberry Freezer 12/16 oz 65356 74113400294 Bithell Bithell Foods Inc Jam Strawberry Freezer 12/16 oz 65357 74113400295 Bithell Bithell Foods Inc Jam Loganberry Freezer 12/16 oz 65358 74113400913 Bitsy’s Brainfood EduFood’s Llc Cereal Fruit And Veggie 123 Organic 6/7.5 oz 230671 85672500311 Bitsy’s Brainfood EduFood’s Llc Cereal Banana Squash Squares Gluten Free 6/6.7 oz 230672 85672500309 Bitsy’s Brainfood EduFood’s Llc Cereal Green Berry Blast Gluten Free Organic Natural 6/6.7 oz 230673 85672500312 Black Creek Saputo Cheese USA Cheddar Extra Sharp 3 Yr 18/7 oz 59823 68701600202 Black Creek Saputo Cheese USA Cheddar Sharp Sticks 12/8 ea 220835 68701681565 Black Creek Saputo Cheese USA Cheddar Sharp White Rbst Free 6 Ct 12/4.5 oz 232048 7580520348 Black Diamond Lactalis Deli Inc Can Cheddar White Flat Wedge 2 Year 10/8 oz 220024 7015320190 Black Diamond Lactalis Deli Inc Can Spread Merlot/Cheddar Cold Pack 12/8 oz 220027 7015300240 Black Diamond Lactalis Deli Inc Can Cheddar White Sliced 1 Year 12/8 oz 220029 7015320140 Black Diamond Lactalis Deli Inc Can Spread Chardonnay/Cheddar Sharp 12/8 oz 220030 7015300230 Black Diamond Lactalis Deli Inc Can Spread Cheddar Sharp Cold Pack 12/8 oz 220033 7015300220 Black Diamond Lactalis Deli Inc Can Cheddar White Parchment 3 Year 10/8 oz 220034 7015320210 Black Diamond Lactalis Deli Inc Can Cheddar White Portions 1 Year 100/.75 oz 220035 7015320100 Black Diamond Lactalis Deli Inc Can Cheddar White 2Year Black Wx Rw Natural 2/5 lb 220358 7015320270 Black Diamond Lactalis Deli Inc Can Cheddar White Aged 2Year Rw Natural 2/5 lb 220359 7015320250 Black Diamond Lactalis Deli Inc Can Cheddar White 3 Year Bar 12/6 oz 228226 7015320122 Black Diamond Lactalis Deli Inc Can Cheddar White 2 Year Bar 12/6 oz 228227 7015320121 Black Forest Black Forest Gummy Worms 12/5.4 oz 230037 4142075402 Black Forest Black Forest Gummy Bears 12/5.4 oz 230038 4142075400 Black Jewell Black Jewell Popcorn Inc Popcorn Micro Butter Natural 6/10.5 oz 215255 4608423034 Black Jewell Black Jewell Popcorn Inc Popcorn Microwaveable Natural 6/10.5 oz 215262 4608423033 Black Magic General Automotive Supply Co Tire Shine 6/23 oz 211939 7724920032 Black River Saputo Cheese USA Blue Cheese Wheel 1/6 lb 32318 7221077251 Black River Saputo Cheese USA Gorgonzola Crumbled 4/5 lb 32363 7221077378 Black River Saputo Cheese USA Gorgonzola Wheel 1/6 lb 34795 7221083346 Black River Saputo Cheese USA Gorgonzola Wedge 12/7 oz 61750 71156500551 Black River Saputo Cheese USA Blue Cheese Wedge 12/7 oz 61761 71156500651 Black River Saputo Cheese USA Gorgonzola Crumbled Cup 12/4 oz 61762 71156500741 Black River Saputo Cheese USA Blue Cheese Crumbled Cup 12/4 oz 61763 71156500841 Black River Saputo Cheese USA Blue Cheese Crumbled 4/5 lb 61764 71156500847 Blake’s Blake’s Turkey Farm Llc Macaroni And Beef 9/8 oz 231441 1787370516 Blake’s Blake’s Turkey Farm Llc Mac And Cheese 9/8 oz 231442 1787370517 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 35 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 36 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Blanxart Culinary Collectives Bar Taza 12/200 gr 10729 3292400046 Blanxart Culinary Collectives Esp Chocolate Milk Large 12/200 gr 58667 66678520320 Blanxart Culinary Collectives Esp Chocolate Milk W/Hazelnut 12/200 gr 58669 66678520322 Blanxart Culinary Collectives Esp Bar Chocolate Milk 24/48 gr 58670 66678520348 Blanxart Culinary Collectives Esp Bar Chocolate Dark 24/48 gr 58671 66678520349 Blanxart Culinary Collectives Esp Bar Chocolate Milk W/Hazelnut 24/48 gr 58672 66678520350 Blanxart Culinary Collectives Esp Bar Chocolate Dark W/Almonds 24/48 gr 58673 66678520351 Blanxart Culinary Collectives Esp Chocolate Dark Large 12/200 gr 120051 66678520321 Blanxart Culinary Collectives Esp Chocolate Catanias Bricks 4/2.2 lb 229814 83292400048 Blanxart Culinary Collectives Esp Chocolate Dark W/Almonds 11/7 oz 234529 66678520223 Blenheim Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Ginger Ale Z Red Hot 24/12 oz 107214 4003301023 Blitz General Automotive Supply Co Funnel Super 12/1 ea 218792 81773901004 Block Soap Block Island Brands Inc Soap Bar Scotch Beach Honey Suckle 12/4.5 oz 226132 85145400617 Block Soap Block Island Brands Inc Soap West Beach Bayberry 12/4.5 oz 226133 85145400616 Block Soap Block Island Brands Inc Soap Bar Mansion Beach Plum Rose 12/4.5 oz 226134 85145400618 Block Soap Block Island Brands Inc Soap Bar Black Rock Egyptian Musk 12/4.5 oz 235515 85145400648 Block Soap Block Island Brands Inc Soap Liquid Scotch Beach H/Suckler 6/12.25 fo 235516 85145400644 Block Soap Block Island Brands Inc Soap Bar Crescent Beach Lavender 12/4.5 oz 235517 85145400628 Block Soap Block Island Brands Inc Soap Liquid West Beach Bayberry 6/12.25 fo 235518 85145400642 Block Soap Block Island Brands Inc Soap Liquid Cresent Beach Lavender 6/12.25 fo 235519 85145400643 Block Soap Block Island Brands Inc Soap Bar New Harbor Unscented Oatmeal 12/4.5 oz 235520 85145400629 Blommer Lipari Foods Chocolate Chip Semi-Sweet 1/5 lb 234784 9477613903 Blue Diamond Blue Diamond Growers Crackers Nut Thin Smokehouse Ranch Natural 12/4.25 oz 134798 4157004431 Blue Diamond Blue Diamond Growers Crackers Nut Thin Country Ranch Natural 12/4.25 oz 134801 4157005404 Blue Diamond Blue Diamond Growers Nut Thins Flax Seeds Artisan Natural 12/4.25 oz 221196 4157010908 Blue Diamond Blue Diamond Growers Nut Thins Multi Seeds Artisan Natural 12/4.25 oz 221197 4157010910 Blue Diamond Blue Diamond Growers Nut Thins Sesame Seeds Artisan Natural 12/4.25 oz 221198 4157010909 Blue Diamond Blue Diamond Growers Nut Thins Honey Mustard Organic Gluten Free Wf Pd 12/4.25 oz 226095 4157010998 Blue Diamond Blue Diamond Growers Nut Thins Honey Cinnamon Organic Gluten Free Wf Pd Natural 12/4.25 oz 226096 4157010997 Blue Dragon Source Atlantique Wrapper Spring Roll 12/4.72 oz 61602 71146401581 Blue Field Chins Import Export Mushrooms Stems And Pieces 6/68 oz 88173 89676700003 Blue Isle Karoun Dairies Inc Spread Yogurt French Onion Mediterranean 6/8 oz 224853 79625288004 Blue Isle Karoun Dairies Inc Spread Yogurt Original Mediterranean 6/8 oz 224854 79625288001 Blue Isle Karoun Dairies Inc Spread Yogurt Spicy Veg Mediterranean 6/8 oz 224855 79625288005 Blue Isle Karoun Dairies Inc Spread Yogurt Blueberry Mediterranean 6/8 oz 224856 79625288003 Blue Isle Karoun Dairies Inc Spread Yogurt Strawberry Mediterranean 6/8 oz 233928 79625288006 Blue Moose Blue Moose Of Boulder Llc Spread Montamore/Roasted Red Pepper 12/7 oz 225166 84784700374 Blue Moose Blue Moose Of Boulder Llc Hummus Original Natural 12/8 oz 225167 84784700356 Blue Moose Blue Moose Of Boulder Llc Hummus Green Chile Natural 12/8 oz 225168 84784700353 Blue Moose Blue Moose Of Boulder Llc Hummus Roasted Red Pepper Natural 12/8 oz 225169 84784700357 Blue Moose Blue Moose Of Boulder Llc Salsa Mild Natural 8/12 oz 225170 84784700364 Blue Moose Blue Moose Of Boulder Llc Salsa Medium Natural 8/12 oz 225171 84784700365 Blue Moose Blue Moose Of Boulder Llc Spread Montamore/Roasted Green Chile 12/7 oz 228907 84784700378 Blue Moose Blue Moose Of Boulder Llc Pesto Basil Gluten Free Natural 12/7 oz 236119 84784700372 Blue Moose Blue Moose Of Boulder Llc Salsa Medium Family Size Gluten Free Natural 12/16 oz 236120 84784700393 Blue Moose Blue Moose Of Boulder Llc Hummus Black Bean And Lime Gluten Free Natural 12/8 oz 236121 84784700351 Blue Moose Blue Moose Of Boulder Llc Hummus Smoked Chipotle Gluten Free Natural 12/8 oz 236122 84784700354 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Blue Moose Blue Moose Of Boulder Llc Hummus Original Family Size Gluten Free Natural 12/16 oz 236123 84784700394 Blue Moose Blue Moose Of Boulder Llc Hummus Roasted Red Pepper Family Size Gluten Free 12/16 oz 236124 84784700395 Blue Moose Blue Moose Of Boulder Llc Hummus Garlic Gluten Free Natural 12/8 oz 236125 84784700352 Blue Moose Blue Moose Of Boulder Llc Salsa Hot Gluten Free Natural 8/12 oz 236126 84784700366 Blue Sky Blue Sky Soda Orange Divine Organic 6/12Z 4/72 fo 18109 4217519728 Blue Sky Blue Sky Soda Root Beer 6/12Z 4/72 oz 18130 4217519870 Bluebird Grain Bluebird Grain Farms Farro Emmer Whole Grain Natural Organic 6/1 lb 224129 89134300236 Bluebird Grain Bluebird Grain Farms Pilaf Potlatch Natural Organic 6/1 lb 224130 89134300235 Blueprint Hain Blueprint Juice Kale Apple Lemon Natural Organic 6/16 oz 228971 85204300301 Blueprint Hain Blueprint Juice Lemonade Spicy Natural Organic 6/16 oz 228972 85204300302 Blueprint Hain Blueprint Juice Ginger Limeaide Natural Organic 6/16 oz 228973 85204300360 Blueprint Hain Blueprint Juice Beet Apple Natural Organic 6/16 oz 228974 85204300305 Blueprint Hain Blueprint Juice Cashew Milk Natural Organic 6/16 oz 228975 85204300303 Blueprint Hain Blueprint Juice Pineapple Apple Mint Natural Organic 6/16 oz 228976 85204300304 Boat Street Boat Street Pickles Llc Figs Pickled 12/9 oz 210863 89691900202 Boat Street Boat Street Pickles Llc Raisins Pickled 12/9 oz 210864 89691900204 Boat Street Boat Street Pickles Llc Plums French 12/9 oz 210865 89691900201 Boat Street Boat Street Pickles Llc Apricots Pickled 12/9 oz 210866 89691900207 Boat Street Boat Street Pickles Llc Cherries Pickled Natural 12/6 oz 232722 89691900209 Bobbysues Nuts Bobbysues Nuts Nuts Mixed Grab And Go Natural 12/2.5 oz 218733 85666600212 Bobbysues Nuts Foodmatch Inc Almonds/Cashews/Pecans Original 4/4 lb 226553 85666600215 Bobbysues Nuts Foodmatch Inc Cashews Salted Bulk Natural 4/4 lb 235677 85666600229 Bobbysues Nuts Foodmatch Inc Nuts And Olives Natural 4/4 lb 235720 85666600228 Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Cereal Apple Cinnamon Grain Natural 4/24 oz 14263 3997800101 Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Cereal 7 Grain 4/25 oz 14265 3997800107 Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Cereal Creamy Buckwheat 4/18 oz 14269 3997800113 Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Cereal Cracked Wheat 4/24 oz 14275 3997800135 Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Cornbread Mix 4/24 oz 14293 3997800222 Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Soup Mix Vegetable 4/28 oz 14295 3997800250 Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Flour Corn Stone Ground 4/24 oz 14305 3997800303 Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Cornmeal Coarse Grind 4/24 oz 14307 3997800306 Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Flour Millet 4/23 oz 14309 3997800310 Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Flour Potato 4/24 oz 14311 3997800312 Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Flour Rye Dark Organic 4/22 oz 14312 3997800313 Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Flour Rice Brown 4/24 oz 14314 3997800315 Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Flour Quinoa Organic 4/22 oz 14318 3997800320 Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Quinoa Grain Po Organic 4/26 oz 14320 3997800323 Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Flour Corn Masa Gold 4/24 oz 14324 3997800335 Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Baking Soda Natural 4/16 oz 14328 3997800391 Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Millet Hulled Pd 4/28 oz 14335 3997800406 Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Bread Mix Cinnamon Raisin Gluten Free Natural 4/22 oz 14358 3997800456 Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Flour Bean Garbanzo Fava Gluten Free 4/22 oz 14359 3997800457 Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Cake Mix Chocolate Gluten Free Natural 4/16 oz 14364 3997800468 Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Starch Potato 4/24 oz 14369 3997800525 Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Flour Tapioca Small Pearl Natural 4/24 oz 14372 3997800537 Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Flour Teff Gluten Free Organic Natural 4/24 oz 14373 3997800539 Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Coconut Shredded Unsweetened Natural Organic 4/24 oz 14376 3997800578 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 37 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 38 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Couscous 4/24 oz 14377 3997800584 Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Flour Spelt Natural Whole Grain 4/24 oz 14382 3997800650 Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Bread Mix Whole Wheat 4/19 oz 14385 3997800667 Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Flaxseed Meal Brown Organic 4/16 oz 14411 3997800937 Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Oats Rolled Regular Natural Organic 4/16 oz 14414 3997800952 Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Cereal Hot Farina Rice Brown Organic 4/26 oz 14420 3997800973 Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Wheat Hard Red Spring 4/32 oz 14432 3997801414 Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Coconut Unsweetened Flakes 4/12 oz 14434 3997801581 Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Oats Rolled Regular Organic 4/32 oz 14436 3997801952 Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Oats Rolled Quick 4/32 oz 14441 3997802153 Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Oats Rolled Regular Natural 4/32 oz 14442 3997802154 Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Oats Rolled Thick 4/32 oz 14443 3997802155 Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Wheat Bran 4/20 oz 14446 3997802321 Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Flaxseed Whole 4/24 oz 14447 3997802420 Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Flour Tapioca 4/20 oz 14448 3997802535 Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Granola Natural Non Fat 4/12 oz 14453 3997802662 Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Granola Apple Strawberry Natural Organic 4/12 oz 14456 3997802665 Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Flour Unbleached White Organic 4/5 lb 14459 3997802991 Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Flour Gluten 4/22 oz 14463 3997804322 Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Bulgur Soft Wheat 1/25 lb 14465 3997810123 Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Oats Steel Cut 1/25 lb 14467 3997810140 Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Quinoa Grain Organic 1/25 lb 14475 3997810323 Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Cake Mix Vanilla Gluten Free Natural 4/19 oz 114612 3997800466 Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Bulgar Red Wheat 4/28 oz 130796 3997800124 Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Grain Amaranth Organic 4/24 oz 204653 3997800910 Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Flour Amaranth Organic 4/22 oz 204654 3997800911 Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Soup Mix Whole Grains And Bean Natural 4/26 oz 206451 3997800507 Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Oats Rolled Thick Organic 4/32 oz 209097 3997801954 Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Can Flour Oat Gluten Free Natural 4/22 oz 211423 3997800377 Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Grits/Polenta Corn Gluten Free Natural 4/24 oz 211425 3997800470 Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Pancake And Waffle Mix 7 Grain Natural Organic 4/26 oz 211467 3997800882 Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Flour All Purpose Gluten Free Natural 4/44 oz 211469 3997801452 Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Wheat Germ Natural 4/32 oz 211470 3997800151 Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Can Oats Rolled Quick Cooking Gluten Free Natural 4/32 oz 211471 3997800376 Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Hemp Seeds Hulled Po 4/12 oz 216577 3997800596 Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Grain Kamut Po Organic Natural 4/24 oz 221142 3997800941 Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Grain Farro Organic Natural 4/24 oz 221143 3997800860 Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Flour Garbanzo Bean 4/16 oz 223028 3997803332 Bob’s Red Mill Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods Starch Arrowroot 4/16 oz 223029 3997801505 Boca Kraft Foods Inc Burger All American Organic 12/10 oz 67522 75928360016 Boca Kraft Foods Inc Chicken Nuggets 12/10 oz 210634 75928360112 Boca Kraft Foods Inc Ground Crumbles 12/10 oz 210635 75928360106 Bodycology Advanced Beauty Inc Cream Body Moisturizing Cherish Moment 3/8 oz 213920 88564501228 Bodycology Advanced Beauty Inc Wash Body Moisturizing Toasted Sugar 4/16 oz 213923 88564501233 Bodycology Advanced Beauty Inc Fragrance Mist Enchanted Forest 4/8 oz 213932 88564501267 Bodycology Advanced Beauty Inc Cream Body Enchanted Forest 3/8 oz 213933 88564501265 Bodycology Advanced Beauty Inc Wash Body Enchanted Forest 4/16 oz 213934 88564501263 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Bodycology Advanced Beauty Inc Cream Body Pure White Gardenia 3/8 oz 213946 88564501259 Bodycology Advanced Beauty Inc Fragrance Mist Pure White Gardenia 4/8 oz 213949 88564501261 Bodycology Advanced Beauty Inc Fragrance Mist Blackberry Vanilla 4/8 oz 213982 88564500967 Bodycology Advanced Beauty Inc Cream Body Blackberry Vanilla 3/8 oz 213985 88564500966 Bodycology Advanced Beauty Inc Wash Body Blackberry Vanilla 4/16 oz 213986 88564500965 Bodycology Advanced Beauty Inc Lotion Body Moisturizing Blackberry Vanilla 4/12 oz 215490 88564500968 Bodycology Advanced Beauty Inc Lotion Body Moisturizing Pur Wh Gardenia 4/12 oz 215493 88564501258 Bodycology Advanced Beauty Inc Lotion Body Moisturizing Enchanted Forest 4/12 oz 215494 88564501264 Bodycology Advanced Beauty Inc Scrub Exfoliating Sugar Toasted 4/16 oz 228629 88564501843 Bodycology Advanced Beauty Inc Wash Body Moisturizing Pretty In Paris 4/16 oz 228630 88564501920 Bodycology Advanced Beauty Inc Fragrance Mist XOXO 4/8 oz 228631 88564501781 Bodycology Advanced Beauty Inc Fragrance Mist Pretty In Paris 4/8 oz 228633 88564501924 Bodycology Advanced Beauty Inc Cream Body Moisturizing Pretty In Paris 3/8 oz 228634 88564501922 Bon Fromage Fromi Rungis Sas Fra Fourme D Ambert Aop 2/2.1 kg 209301 7221042410 Bon Fromage Fromi Rungis Sas Fra Petit Delice Des Cremier 6/200 gm 209946 7221084693 Bon Fromage Fromi Rungis Sas Fra Pont L Eveque AOC 4/350 gm 209947 7221042408 Bon Fromage Fromi Rungis Sas Fra Camembert 8/250 gm 209948 7221085217 Bone Suckin Bone Suckin Sauce BBQ Hot 6/16 oz 213287 75449611122 Bone Suckin Bone Suckin Seasoning/Rub 6/6.2 oz 213876 75449651006 Bone Suckin Bone Suckin Seasoning/Rub Poultry 6/6.2 oz 213877 75449651008 Bone Suckin Bone Suckin Sauce BBQ Original 6/16 oz 213878 75449600122 Bone Suckin Bone Suckin Mustard 6/12 oz 213879 75449670012 Bonne Maman World Finer Foods Fra Preserves Peach Natural 6/13 oz 49980 8870201562 Bonne Maman World Finer Foods Fra Preserves Orange Marmalade Natural 6/13 oz 49981 8870201563 Bonne Maman World Finer Foods Fra Jelly Red Currant 6/13 oz 49985 8870201572 Bonne Maman World Finer Foods Fra Preserves Blackberry Natural 6/13 oz 49992 8870202929 Bonne Maman World Finer Foods Fra Preserves Fig Natural 6/13 oz 50001 8870250935 Bonne Maman World Finer Foods Fra Preserves Cherry 6/13 oz 86956 8870201559 Bonne Maman World Finer Foods Fra Preserves Strawberry 6/13 oz 86957 8870201560 Bonne Maman World Finer Foods Fra Preserves Apricot Natural 6/13 oz 86958 8870201561 Bonne Maman World Finer Foods Fra Preserves Raspberry Natural 6/13 oz 86961 8870201565 Bonne Maman World Finer Foods Fra Preserves Wild Blueberry 6/13 oz 86962 8870201566 Bonne Maman World Finer Foods Fra Preserves Four Fruits Natural 6/13 oz 86966 8870201675 Bonne Maman World Finer Foods Fra Preserves Mixed Berries 6/13 oz 119949 8870200952 Borage Shikai Products Hand Cream Dry Skin Therapy 6/2.5 oz 200383 8173840222 Borage Shikai Products Foot Cream Dry Skin Therapy 6/4.5 oz 200391 8173840250 Borage Shikai Products Lotion Dry Skin Lightly Fragrance 6/8 oz 216525 8173840204 Borage Shikai Products Lotion Advance Formula Natural 6/8 oz 216526 8173840206 Borage Shikai Products Lotion Dry Skin Travel Size 18/1 oz 235463 8173840205 Borgnine’s Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Coffee 24/12 oz 234737 66340291292 Boska Boska USA Corp Ned Knife Scoring 80Mm Black 1/1 ea 231848 71363802158 Boska Boska USA Corp Ned Knife Cleft 140Mm Black 1/1 ea 231849 71363802163 Boska Boska USA Corp Ned Knife Parmesan 100Mm Black 1/1 ea 231850 71363802161 Boska Boska USA Corp Ned Knife Raclette Pro 1/1 ea 231851 71363801610 Botan Botan Rice Calrose 4/5 lb 118639 1115203470 Botan Jfc International Rice Calrose White 1/20 lb 1273 1115214409 Boulart Peterson Company Can Bread Parisian With Bag Natural 14/16.8 oz 235177 82684613104 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 39 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 40 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Boulart Peterson Company Can Bread Belgian With Bag 12/17.6 oz 235178 82684613202 Boulart Peterson Company Can Bread Ciabatta Bites Olive Natural 240/35 gm 235179 82684613726 Boulart Peterson Company Can Bread Baguette French With Bag 22/11.5 oz 235180 82684613101 Boulder Canyon Boulder Canyon Chips Totally Natural 12/6.5 oz 211031 70816311831 Boulder Canyon Boulder Canyon Chips Hickory BBQ 12/6.5 oz 211032 70816311834 Boulder Canyon Boulder Canyon Chips Malt Vinegar And Sea Salt 12/6.5 oz 211033 70816311832 Boulder Canyon Boulder Canyon Chips Potato Avocado Oil Sea Salt 12/10 oz 222479 70816312097 Boursin Bel Brands USA Fra Spread Cheese Pepper 6/5.2 oz 47219 7981300016 Boursin Bel Brands USA Fra Spread Cheese Garlic Herb 12/5.2 oz 86868 7981300011 Boursin Bel Brands USA Fra Spread Cheese Shallot Chive 6/5.2 oz 119917 7981300027 Boursin Bel Brands USA Dip Cheese Garlic And Herb 6/5.6 oz 230055 7981306100 Boursin Bel Brands USA Dip Cheese Spinach And Artichoke 6/5.6 oz 230056 7981306102 Boursin Bel Brands USA Dip Cheese Garlic And Herb Light 6/5.6 oz 230057 7981306101 Boursin Bel Brands USA Dip Cheese Monterey Jack W/Pepper 6/5.6 oz 230058 7981306103 Boxing Boxing Aus Cheddar 3 Year Pre-cut 1/8 lb 93461 7221086771 Boyd’s Coffee Boyd Coffee Company Coffee Good Morning Ground 6/12 oz 212642 7893210003 Boyd’s Coffee Boyd Coffee Company Coffee French No 6 Ground 6/12 oz 212644 7893210004 Boyd’s Coffee Boyd Coffee Company Coffee Red Wagon Ground Organic 6/12 oz 212645 7893210008 Boyd’s Coffee Boyd Coffee Company Can French Roast Single Serve 12Pack 6/1 cs 227607 7893220652 Boyd’s Coffee Boyd Coffee Company Can Good Morning Single Serve 12Pack 6/1 cs 227608 7893220651 Boyd’s Coffee Boyd Coffee Company Can Red Wagon Single Serve 12Pack Organic 6/1 cs 227609 7893220655 Boyd’s Coffee Boyd Coffee Company Cocoa Hot 10Ct Single Serve Cup Natural 6/5.3 oz 232974 7893220896 Brad’s Raw Brad’s Raw Foods Chips Sweet Potato Natural Organic 12/3 oz 219197 85461500202 Brad’s Raw Brad’s Raw Foods Kale Crunchy Naked Natural 6/2.5 oz 233662 85461500212 Braggs Bragg Live Food Products Inc Dressing Salad Vinaigrette Natural Organic 6/12 oz 40742 7430503012 Braggs Bragg Live Food Products Inc Dressing Ginger And Sesame 6/12 oz 40743 7430503112 Braggs Bragg Live Food Products Inc Seasoning Liquid Aminos Natural Gluten Free 12/16 fo 86557 7430500016 Braggs Bragg Live Food Products Inc Seasoning Liquid Aminos 12/32 fo 86558 7430500032 Braggs Bragg Live Food Products Inc Vinegar Apple Cider Raw Natural Organic 12/16 fo 86559 7430500116 Braggs Bragg Live Food Products Inc Vinegar Apple Cider Organic 12/32 oz 86560 7430500132 Braggs Bragg Live Food Products Inc Vinegar Apple Cider And Honey 12/16 oz 134962 7430505016 Braggs Bragg Live Food Products Inc Vinegar Apple Cider Ginger Spice 12/16 oz 134963 7430505116 Braggs Bragg Live Food Products Inc Vinegar Apple Cider Apple Cinnamon 12/16 oz 134964 7430505216 Braggs Bragg Live Food Products Inc Vinegar Apple Cider Acai Grape Concord 12/16 oz 134965 7430505316 Braggs Bragg Live Food Products Inc Seasoning Yeast Nutritional Gluten Free 12/4.5 oz 202686 7430506605 Braggs Bragg Live Food Products Inc Dressing Hawaiian Ff 6/12 oz 214077 7430503312 Braggs Bragg Live Food Products Inc Vinegar Apple Cider Limeade 12/16 oz 214819 7430505416 Brandt Carl Brandt Inc Zwieback Rusk 10/8 oz 202878 9411810112 Brazi Bites Brazi Bites Llc Bread Cheese Bacon Natural 12/11.5 oz 226257 85355200300 Brazi Bites Brazi Bites Llc Bread Cheese Original Natural 12/11.5 oz 226258 85355200301 Brazi Bites Brazi Bites Llc Bread Cheese Garlic Natural 12/11.5 oz 232401 85355200303 Breitsamer Gourmet International Honey Golden 6/17.6 oz 75149 85656500120 Breitsamer Gourmet International Honey Acacia Blossom 6/17.6 oz 75152 85656500150 Breitsamer Gourmet International Ger Honey Creamy Rapsflower Natural 6/17.6 oz 203111 85656500116 Bremner Dare Foods Inc Cracker Plain 12/4 oz 17843 4172812101 Breton Dare Foods Inc Can Crackers Herb And Garlic Gluten Free 6/4.76 oz 224738 5565368810 Brewla Bars Brewla Bars Ice Pops Peach Ginger White Tea 6/8.75 oz 226144 85942200311 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Brewla Bars Brewla Bars Ice Pops Cherry Pomegranate Red Tea 6/8.75 oz 226145 85942200310 Brewla Bars Brewla Bars Ice Pops Strawberry Hibiscus 6/8.75 oz 226146 85942200313 Brewla Bars Brewla Bars Ice Pops Root Beer Float 6/8.75 oz 226147 85942200312 Brght Glow Brght Glow Candle Novena White Solid 8 In 6/1 ea 213330 7729182630 Briannas Del Sol Food Co Dressing Poppy Seed 6/12 oz 7947 2727111228 Briannas Del Sol Food Co Dressing Vinaigrette Real French 6/12 oz 7948 2727111328 Briannas Del Sol Food Co Dressing Zesty French 6/12 oz 7949 2727111428 Briannas Del Sol Food Co Dressing Honey Mustard 6/12 oz 7950 2727111528 Briannas Del Sol Food Co Dressing Blue Cheese 6/12 oz 7951 2727111628 Briannas Del Sol Food Co Dressing Vinaigrette Blush Wine 6/12 oz 7952 2727111728 Briannas Del Sol Food Co Dressing Asiago Caesar 6/12 oz 7955 2727112028 Briannas Del Sol Food Co Dressing Chipotle Cheddar 6/12 oz 7956 2727112128 Briannas Del Sol Food Co Dressing Buttermilk Ranch 6/12 oz 114297 2727112134 Briannas Del Sol Food Co Dressing Ginger Mandarin 6/12 oz 118781 2727112131 Briannas Del Sol Food Co Dressing New American 6/12 oz 118782 2727112132 Briannas Del Sol Food Co Dressing Vinaigrette Italian 6/12 oz 231339 2727112135 Bright Glow Bright Glow Candle Sacred Heart Red Wax 8 In 6/1 ea 213331 7729182590 Bright Glow Bright Glow Candle St Jude Green Wax 8 In 6/1 ea 213332 7729182581 Bright Glow Bright Glow Candle Guadalupe White Wax 8 In 6/1 ea 213333 7729182585 Brita Clorox Sales Company Mex Filters Bottle Replacement 6/2 ea 212448 6025835561 Brita Clorox Sales Company Chn Filter Pitcher 1 Ct 12/1 ea 212449 6025835501 Brita Clorox Sales Company Chn Filter On Tap Replacement Chrome 6/1 ea 212452 6025842617 Brita Clorox Sales Company Chn Filters Pitcher 3 Ct 8/3 ea 212455 6025835503 Brita Clorox Sales Company Chn Filter On Tap Replacement White 6/1 ea 212456 6025842401 Brita Clorox Sales Company Chn Pitcher Slim 4/1 ea 212457 6025842629 Brita Clorox Sales Company Chn Filtration System On Tap White 4/1 ea 212458 6025842201 Brita Clorox Sales Company Chn Pitcher Space Saver 2/1 ea 230403 6025835250 Brita Clorox Sales Company Chn Pitcher Classic 2/1 ea 230404 6025835507 Brita Clorox Sales Company Chn Pitcher Grand White 4/1 ea 232202 6025842556 Brix Brix Chocolate Chocolate Milk With Hanger Bar Natural 12/3 oz 234155 89583200236 Broadway Quality Frozen Foods Inc Pizza Frozen 8 Slice 6/40 oz 55528 61529569743 Brooklyn Brine Brooklyn Brine Co Llc Pickles Whiskey Sour 12/24 oz 219053 1396421018 Brooklyn Brine Brooklyn Brine Co Llc Pickles Bread Butter Maple Bourbon 12/16 oz 231501 9103700932 Brooklyn Brine Brooklyn Brine Co Llc Pickles Beer Off Centered Natural 12/24 oz 231904 1396482425 Brooklyn Slate Brooklyn Slate Co Board Cheese Slate Black 10X14 10/1 ea 209561 89865600006 Brown Cow Stonyfield Farm Yogurt Plain Cream On Top Wm 12/6 oz 49850 8819434000 Brown Cow Stonyfield Farm Yogurt Maple Cream On Top Wm 12/6 oz 49851 8819434001 Brown Cow Stonyfield Farm Yogurt Blueberry Cream On Top Wm 12/6 oz 49853 8819434003 Brown Cow Stonyfield Farm Yogurt Strawberry Cream Top Wm 12/6 oz 49854 8819434004 Brown Cow Stonyfield Farm Yogurt Peach Cream On Top Wm 12/6 oz 49855 8819434005 Brown Cow Stonyfield Farm Yogurt Raspberry Cream Top Wm 12/6 oz 49857 8819434007 Brown Cow Stonyfield Farm Yogurt Plain Whole Milk 6/32 oz 86953 8819434060 Brown Cow Stonyfield Farm Yogurt Maple Whole Milk 6/32 oz 86955 8819434062 Brownberry Brownberry Croutons Pc 250/.25 oz 72362 82305694405 Brownberry Brownberry Croutons 1/10 lb 72363 82305694421 Bruce Foods Bruce Foods Corp Pancake Mix Sweet Potato 12/6 oz 3689 1760004475 Bruce Foods Mccall Farms Inc Okra Cut 12/14 oz 3681 1760004101 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 41 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 42 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Bruce Foods Mccall Farms Inc Okra Cut And Tomatoes 12/14 oz 3682 1760004111 Bruce Foods Mccall Farms Inc Yams In Orange Pineapple Juice 12/16 oz 3683 1760004301 Bruce Foods Mccall Farms Inc Yams Candied 12/16 oz 3685 1760004319 Bubbies Bubbies Of San Francisco Tomatoes Green Natural 12/19 oz 13058 3826185726 Bubbies Bubbies Of San Francisco Pickle Dills Kosher Natural 12/16 fo 13059 3826185735 Bubbies Bubbies Of San Francisco Pickle Dills Kosher Natural 12/33 fo 13060 3826185736 Bubbies Bubbies Of San Francisco Sauerkraut Natural 12/25 fo 13062 3826185747 Bubbies Bubbies Of San Francisco Pickle Chips Bread And Butter Natural 12/33 fo 13063 3826185750 Bubbies Bubbies Of San Francisco Horseradish Prepared Natural 12/5 fo 13064 3826185766 Bubble Up Orca Beverage Inc Soda Lemon Lime Longnecks 24/12 oz 79789 7245004210 Bubble Up Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Lemon Lime 24/12 oz 128415 7245004320 Buckeye Beans Seattle Gourmet Foods Soup Beefed Up Barley Natural 12/12 oz 212818 8748300424 Buckeye Beans Seattle Gourmet Foods Chili White Chicken Natural 12/14 oz 212820 8748300422 Buckeye Beans Seattle Gourmet Foods Soup Great Leap N Lentil Natural 12/12 oz 212824 8748300407 Buckeye Beans Seattle Gourmet Foods Soup Country Split Pea Natural 12/14 oz 212825 8748300403 Buenalba Atalanta Corporation Esp Goat Artisan W/Paprika Raw Natural 2/7 lb 221191 7221042805 Buf Buf Creamery Llc Col Mozzarella Boconccini 12/200 gr 231069 70736354024 Buf Buf Creamery Llc Col Mozzarella Ciliegine 12/200 gr 231070 70736354020 Buf Buf Creamery Llc Col Mozzarella Ovoline 12/200 gr 231071 70736354028 Builders British Wholesale Imports Gbr Tea Bag 40 Ct Natural 6/4.4 oz 228911 79285135907 Bunn O Matic Bunn O Matic Filter Coffee 12 Cup 2/500 ea 38099 7250400550 Burt’s British Wholesale Imports Gbr Chips Potato Guinness Original 10/5.3 oz 230398 79285135946 Burt’s British Wholesale Imports Gbr Chips Potato Guinness Rich Chili 10/5.3 oz 230399 79285135947 Burt’s British Wholesale Imports Gbr Chips Potato Guinness Original 20/1.5 oz 230647 79285135948 Burt’s British Wholesale Imports Gbr Chips Potato Guinness Rich Chili 20/1.5 oz 230648 79285135949 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Acne Treatment Targeted Spot 3/.26 oz 211427 79285000172 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Lotion Body Radiance 3/6 oz 211428 79285019099 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Wash Body Citrus And Ginger 3/12 oz 211429 79285023099 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Cleanser Facial Soap Bark/Chamomile 3/6 oz 211430 79285088999 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Cream Hand Repair Shea Butter 3/3.2 oz 211431 79285029199 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Lotion Acne Moisturizing Daily 3/2 oz 211432 79285000177 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Cream Foot Coconut 3/4.3 oz 211433 79285006999 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Cream Radiance Day 3/2 oz 211434 79285018599 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Cleanser Gel Acne Purifying 3/5 oz 211435 79285000181 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Toner Garden Tomato 6/8 oz 211436 79285001599 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Scrub Acne Pore Refining 3/4 oz 211437 79285000179 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Cream Hand Almond Milk Beeswax 8/2 oz 211441 79285025999 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Balm Lip Beeswax 36/.15 oz 211442 79285011099 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Starter Kit Baby Bee 3/1 ea 211443 79285000913 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Balm Lip Honey 36/.15 oz 211444 79285013699 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Cream Cuticle Lemon Butter 24/.6 oz 211445 79285007099 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Salve Hand 12/3 oz 211446 79285010599 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Balm Lip Beeswax Blister Box 12/.15 oz 211447 79285014099 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Balm Lip Pomegranate 36/.15 oz 211448 79285015799 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Ointment Res Q 24/.6 oz 211449 79285077599 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Shampoo And Body Wash Baby Bee 3/12 oz 212259 79285074399 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Oil Body Mama Bee Nourishing 3/4 oz 212261 79285076199 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Scrub Deep Pore Peach/Willowbark 3/4 oz 214534 79285089199 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Powder Dusting Baby Bee 3/4.5 oz 215427 79285036599 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Butter Body Honey And Shea 3/6.5 oz 215428 79285001201 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Cream Eye Sensitive 3/.5 oz 215430 79285001410 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Soap Buttermilk Baby Bee 6/3.5 oz 215431 79285070999 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Cream Hand Honey And Grapeseed Oil 3/2.6 oz 215432 79285064699 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Cream Hand Beeswax And Banana 8/2 oz 215435 79285026299 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Oil Body And Bath Vitamin E 3/4 oz 215436 79285009499 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Cream Night Sensitive 3/1.8 oz 215443 79285001420 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Cleanser Facial Sensitive 3/6 oz 215445 79285001430 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Cream Foot Honey And Blueberry 3/4 oz 215446 79285064799 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Wash Body And Shampoo Baby Bee 3/8 oz 215449 79285072799 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Cream Moisturizing Daily 3/1.8 oz 215452 79285001400 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Oil Apricot Baby Bee 3/4 oz 215453 79285071299 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Cream Shaving Men’s 3/6 oz 215455 79285056999 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Cleanser Facial Orange Essence 3/4.3 oz 215457 79285006899 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Conditioner Shea And Grapefruit 3/5 oz 215459 79285081399 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Lotion Foot Peppermint 3/3.4 oz 215460 79285006599 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Bath Bubble Baby Bee 3/12 oz 215461 79285033699 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Kit Hand Repair 6/1 ea 215462 79285085099 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Cream Eye Radiance 3/.5 oz 215464 79285018799 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Treatment Hair Avocado 3/4.3 oz 215465 79285008499 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Deodorant Herbal 6/4 oz 215466 79285013111 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Lotion Baby Original 3/6 oz 215467 79285001010 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Aftershave Men’s 3/2.5 oz 215468 79285058899 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Cream Night Radiance 3/2 oz 215469 79285018699 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Wash Body Men’s 3/12 oz 215472 79285058999 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Display Balm Lip Pink Grapefruit 12/.15 oz 217054 79285001450 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Lotion Body Ultimate Care Natural 3/6 oz 217055 79285001294 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Cream Hand Ultimate Care Natural 3/3.2 oz 217056 79285001290 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Towelettes Facial Cleansing Natural 3/30 ea 217057 79285001677 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Cream Eye Intense Hydration 3/.5 oz 217058 79285001684 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Cream Night Intense Hydration 3/1.8 oz 217059 79285001690 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Lotion Day Intense Hydration 3/1.8 oz 217060 79285001682 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Mask Treatment Intense Hydration 3/4 oz 217061 79285001686 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Lip Shimmer Champagne 4/.09 oz 217323 79285037099 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Lip Shimmer Rhubarb 4/.09 oz 217324 79285037399 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Lip Shimmer Fig 4/.09 oz 217326 79285040399 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Shine Lip Smooch 100 Percent Natural 3/.5 oz 219070 79285002014 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Shine Lip Blush 100 Percent Natural 3/.5 oz 219073 79285002004 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Shine Lip Pucker 100 Percent Natural 3/.5 oz 219074 79285002024 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Shine Lip Whisper 100 Percent Natural 3/.5 oz 219075 79285002034 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Display Balm Lip Ultra Cond 12 Pc 12/.15 oz 222678 79285001220 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Display Balm Lip Mango Butter 12 Pc 12/.15 oz 222680 79285000740 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Display Balm Lip Beeswax Tin 36 Pc 36/.3 oz 222681 79285010999 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Display Towelettes Cleansing Pouch Willowbark 4/25 ea 224457 79285001816 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Lip Crayon Sedona Sands Natural 3/.11 oz 224458 79285002850 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 43 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 44 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Tonic Refining Brightening 3/6 oz 224459 79285002286 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Display Towelettes Cleansing Pink Grapefruit 3/30 ea 224460 79285001814 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Corrector Dark Spot Brightening 3/1 oz 224461 79285002284 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Lip Crayon Carolina Coast Natural 3/.11 oz 224462 79285002820 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Display Balm Lip Coconut Pear Natural 12/.15 oz 224463 79285002500 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Lip Crayon Redwood Forest Natural 3/.11 oz 224464 79285002840 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Lip Crayon Napa Vineyard Natural 3/.11 oz 224465 79285002800 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Display Towelettes Cleansing Cucumber Sage 3/30 ea 224467 79285001812 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Lip Crayon Hawaiian Smolder Natural 3/.11 oz 224468 79285002810 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Cream To Powder Baby Bee Natural 3/4 oz 224470 79285002420 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Cream Moisturizing Brightening 3/1.8 oz 224471 79285002282 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Lip Shimmer Apricot Natural 4/.09 oz 224472 79285002313 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Cleanser Facial Daily Brightening 3/6 oz 224473 79285002288 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Lip Crayon Niagra Overlook Natural 3/.11 oz 224474 79285002830 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Balm Cheek Baby Bee Kissable Natural 4/.25 oz 224475 79285002190 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Treatment Eye Brightening 3/.5 oz 224476 79285002280 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Lip Shimmer Grapefruit Natural 4/.09 oz 224477 79285002315 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Display Balm Lip Beeswax Soldier 2Pack 12/.3 oz 224506 79285015500 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Shampoo And Wash Bb Fragrance Free 3/12 oz 235264 79285000383 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Scrub Sugar Cranbery And Pomegranate 3/8 oz 235265 79285000402 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Lip Shimmer Peony Natural 4/.09 oz 235266 79285000121 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Cleanser Facial Radiance Natural 3/6 oz 235267 79285000217 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Toner Facial Rosewater Natural 3/8 fo 235268 79285028999 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Cream Bb With Spf 15 Medium Natural 3/1.7 oz 235269 79285089376 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Wash Body Pprmint And Rosemary Natural 3/12 oz 235270 79285000112 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Cream Bb With Spf 15 Light Med Natural 3/1.7 oz 235271 79285089375 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Lip Shimmer Caramel Natural 4/.09 oz 235272 79285000122 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Cream Bb With Spf 15 Light Natural 3/1.7 oz 235273 79285089374 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Lip Shine Peachy Natural 3/.5 oz 235275 79285089219 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Cream Firming Serum Renewal Natural 3/1.1 oz 235276 79285089256 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Cleanser Refining Renewal Natural 3/6 oz 235277 79285089252 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Ointment Res Q In Blister Box Natural 6/.6 oz 235278 79285077699 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Lip Gloss Solar Eclipse Natural 3/.02 oz 235279 79285089223 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Cream Firming Night Renewal Natural 3/1.8 oz 235280 79285089258 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Dusting Powder Baby Bee Natural 3/7.5 oz 235281 79285074999 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Lip Gloss Harvest Time Natural 3/.02 oz 235282 79285089224 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Herbal Blemish Stick Natural 4/.26 oz 235283 79285088799 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Lotion Firming Day W/Spf 30 Renewal 3/2 oz 235284 79285089259 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Lip Shine Spontaneity Natural 3/.05 oz 235285 79285089226 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Cream Eye Smoothing Renewal Natural 3/.58 oz 235286 79285089255 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Belly Butter Mama Bee Natural 3/6.5 oz 235297 79285001030 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Lotion Body Shea Butter And Vit E 3/6 oz 235298 79285000643 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Toner Acne Natural 3/5 oz 235299 79285000450 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Lotion Body Aloe And Buttermilk Natural 3/6 oz 235300 79285000672 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Lotion Body Cocoa And Cupuac Butter 3/6 oz 235301 79285000940 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Lotion Body Milk And Honey Natural 3/6 oz 235302 79285000662 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Shampoo Pomegranate Volumizing Natural 3/10 oz 235303 79285001313 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Conditioner Mango Super Shiny Natural 3/10 oz 235304 79285001315 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Shampoo Mango Super Shiny Natural 3/10 oz 235305 79285001317 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Conditioner Pomegranate Volumizing 3/10 oz 235306 79285001310 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Lotion Body Sheer Cucumber And Aloe 3/8 oz 235315 79285002640 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Cream Cuticle Lemon Butter Blister 6/.6 oz 235316 79285007199 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Deodorant Men Natural 3/2.6 oz 235317 79285057500 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Lotion Body Clementine / Cala Lily 3/8 oz 235318 79285002644 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Lotion Body Sheer Violet And Mango 3/8 oz 235319 79285002642 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Towelette Facial Clean White Tea 3/30 ea 235320 79285001444 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Soother After Sun Natural 3/6 oz 235321 79285019499 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Lip Shimmer Plum Natural 4/.09 oz 235322 79285001596 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Ointment Diaper Rash Baby Bees Natural 3/3 oz 235323 79285003050 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Lip Shimmer Watermelon Natural 4/.09 oz 235324 79285037499 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Ointment Multipurpose Baby Bee Natural 3/7.5 oz 235325 79285001331 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Lip Shimmer Guava Natural 4/.09 oz 235326 79285038399 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Lip Shimmer Strawberry Natural 4/.09 oz 235327 79285001590 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Lip Shimmer Cherry Natural 4/.09 oz 235328 79285001594 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Lipstick Magenta Rush 511 Natural 2/.12 oz 235343 79285089443 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Lipstick Lily Lake 530 Natural 2/.12 oz 235344 79285089442 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Lipstick Sunset Cruise 523 Natural 2/.12 oz 235345 79285089449 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Lipstick Scarlet Soaked 520 Natural 2/.12 oz 235346 79285089447 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Lipstick Suede Splash 502 Natural 2/.12 oz 235347 79285089448 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Lipstick Fuscia Flood 512 Natural 2/.12 oz 235348 79285089439 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Lipstick Juniper Water 531 Natural 2/.12 oz 235349 79285089441 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Lipstick Tulip Tide 515 Natural 2/.12 oz 235350 79285089450 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Lipstick Blush Basin 501 Natural 2/.12 oz 235351 79285089437 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Lipstick Brimming Berry 514 Natural 2/.12 oz 235352 79285089438 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Lipstick Ruby Ripple 521 Natural 2/.12 oz 235353 79285089445 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Lipstick Iced Iris 510 Natural 2/.12 oz 235354 79285089440 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Lipstick Russett River 532 Natural 2/.12 oz 235355 79285089446 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Lipstick Nile Nude 500 Natural 2/.12 oz 235356 79285089444 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Lip Balm Tinted Hibiscus Natural 2/.15 oz 235357 79285089462 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Lip Balm Tinted Zinnia Natural 2/.15 oz 235358 79285089463 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Lip Balm Tinted Rose Natural 2/.15 oz 235359 79285089466 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Lip Balm Tinted Pink Blossom Natural 2/.15 oz 235360 79285089465 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Lip Balm Tinted Red Dahlia Natural 2/.15 oz 235361 79285089464 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Lip Balm Tinted Sweet Violet Natural 2/.15 oz 235362 79285089467 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Balm Lip Vanilla Bean Natural 12/.15 oz 235684 79285002671 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Drops Throat Honey Pomegranate Natural 12/.15 oz 235685 79285001443 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Drops Throat Honey Lemon Natural 12/.15 oz 235686 79285001442 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Balm Lip Tinted Forest Flower Natural 4/.15 oz 235687 79285089216 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Balm Lip Medicated Natural 12/.15 oz 235688 79285002730 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Drops Throat Honey Natural 12/.15 oz 235689 79285001441 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Balm Lip Tinted Zinnia Natural 4/.15 oz 235690 79285089218 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Facial Cleansing Natural 3/6 fo 235691 79285089409 Burt’s Bees Clorox Sales Company Balm Lip Wild Cherry Refill Pack Natural 12/.15 oz 235692 79285002673 Busseto Busseto Foods Inc Prosciutto Sliced 12/3 oz 12957 3810100187 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 45 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 46 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Busseto Busseto Foods Inc Salami Genoa Sliced 12/3 oz 12958 3810100188 Busseto Busseto Foods Inc Salami Italian Dry Sliced 12/3 oz 12960 3810100190 Busseto Busseto Foods Inc Coppa Sliced 12/3 oz 12961 3810100191 Busseto Busseto Foods Inc Pancetta Sliced 12/3 oz 12965 3810100215 Busseto Busseto Foods Inc Salami Dry Gentile Wrap 15/7 oz 12966 3810100311 Busseto Busseto Foods Inc Salami Vino Roso Wrap Dry 15/7 oz 12967 3810100312 Busseto Busseto Foods Inc Salami Robusto Spicy Wrap Dry 15/7 oz 12968 3810100313 Busseto Busseto Foods Inc Salami Dry With Pepper Sliced Natural 12/4 oz 12971 3810100387 Busseto Busseto Foods Inc Salami Dry With Herb Sliced 12/4 oz 12972 3810100388 Busseto Busseto Foods Inc Salami Sliced Stack Pack 12/16 oz 12988 3810100872 Busseto Busseto Foods Inc Salami Black Pepper Sliced 12/8 oz 12995 3810100965 Busseto Busseto Foods Inc Salami Italian Dry Sliced 12/16 oz 12996 3810100966 Busseto Busseto Foods Inc Salami Italian Dry Sliced 12/8 oz 12998 3810100968 Busseto Busseto Foods Inc Prosciutto Sliced 12/1 lb 12999 3810109747 Busseto Busseto Foods Inc Antipasto 10/12 oz 107560 3810100741 Busseto Busseto Foods Inc Salami Sopressata Sweet 15/8 oz 115394 3810100044 Busseto Busseto Foods Inc Salami Nugget Dry Bite Size 12/8 oz 200837 3810100153 Butcher’s Bunches Tbb Logan Llc Preserves Get Your Guav’ On 12/10 oz 225408 85814800505 Butcher’s Bunches Tbb Logan Llc Preserves Dirty Diana 12/10 oz 225409 85814800501 Butcher’s Bunches Tbb Logan Llc Preserves Ciao This 12/10 oz 225410 85814800502 Butterfly Butterfly Honey Light Amber Plastic 6/5 lb 91488 3843800651 Buttermilk Blue Emmi Roth USA Blue Crumbles Deli Cup Natural 12/4 oz 227638 73654756687 Byzantine Source Atlantique Olives Antipasto 2/5 lb 12345 3727925233 C And H Alpine Food Distributing Sugar Granulated Pure Cane 1/50 lb 230987 1580003051 C2o C2o Pure Coconut Water Llc Tha Water Coconut Pure Natural 12/17.5 oz 211363 85388300300 C2o C2o Pure Coconut Water Llc Tha Water Coconut Pure W/ Pulp Natural 12/17.5 fo 227537 85388300302 Ca Olive Ranch California Olive Ranch Inc Oil Olive Extra Virgin Arbequin 6/500 ml 78623 85068710002 Ca Olive Ranch California Olive Ranch Inc Oil Olive Extra Virgin Miller B 6/500 ml 78663 85068710003 Ca Olive Ranch Foodmatch Inc Olive Extra Virgin Fresh California 100/13.7 gm 234148 85068783001 Cabo Foods Cabo Foods Chips Soy Sauce/Lime Original Natural 12/5.5 oz 225959 89656900215 Cabo Foods Cabo Foods Chips Blue Corn/Sea Salt/Lime Natural 12/5.5 oz 225960 89656900217 Cabo Loco Charlies Salsa Salsa Medium 6/12 oz 213362 9156521411 Cabo Loco Charlies Salsa Salsa Mild 6/12 oz 213368 9156521410 Cabo Loco Charlies Salsa Salsa Hot 6/12 oz 213369 9156521412 Cabo Loco Charlies Salsa Salsa Bacon Charlies Jarred 6/12 oz 229370 9156521413 Cabo Loco Pennys Salsa Salsa Mild 12/16 oz 213406 9156521415 Cabo Loco Pennys Salsa Salsa Medium 12/16 oz 213407 9156521416 Cabo Loco Pennys Salsa Salsa Pico De Gallo 12/16 oz 213408 9156521418 Cabo Loco Pennys Salsa Salsa Mango Peach Fresh 12/16 oz 226101 9156521419 Cabo Loco Pennys Salsa Salsa Hot Fresh 12/16 oz 226102 9156521417 Cabo Loco Wright Brothers Sales And Marketing Tortilla Flour Burrito Size 10 Inch 12/20 oz 213359 9156528902 Cabo Loco Wright Brothers Sales And Marketing Tortilla White Corn 12/36 oz 213360 9156528908 Cabo Loco Wright Brothers Sales And Marketing Tortilla Flour Homestyle 8 Inch 12/15 oz 213361 9156528900 Cabo Loco Wright Brothers Sales And Marketing Tortilla Flour Snack Size 6 Inch 12/12 oz 213363 9156528904 Cabo Loco Wright Brothers Sales And Marketing Tortilla Whole Wheat Homestyle 8 In 12/15 oz 213364 9156528906 Cabo Loco Wright Brothers Sales And Marketing Chips Tortilla 12/14 oz 213365 9156564400 Cabo Loco Wright Brothers Sales And Marketing Tortilla White Corn 12/12 oz 213366 9156528910 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Cabo Loco Wright Brothers Sales And Marketing Chips Tortilla Blue Sesame 12/13 oz 213367 9156564402 Cabo Loco Wright Brothers Sales And Marketing Chips Tortilla Masa White Natural 12/14 oz 224865 9156564408 Cabot Cabot Creamery Cheddar Vermont Extra Sharp 1/10 lb 31032 7221070569 Cabot Cabot Creamery Cheddar Vermont Sharp 1/10 lb 46141 7835470223 Cabot Cabot Creamery Cheddar Vermont Pure Vintage 8/1 lb 46144 7835470287 Cabot Cabot Creamery Cheddar Vermont Black Wax Private Stock 8/1 lb 46147 7835470301 Cabot Cabot Creamery Cheddar White Vermont 75% Reduced Fat Bar 12/8 oz 46170 7835470727 Cabot Cabot Creamery Cheddar Sharp White Snack Bar 50/.75 oz 46177 7835470814 Cabot Cabot Creamery Cheddar Vermont Sharp 12/8 oz 46178 7835470820 Cabot Cabot Creamery Cheddar Extra Sharp Bar 12/8 oz 46179 7835470821 Cabot Cabot Creamery Cheddar Seriously Sharp Bar 12/8 oz 46181 7835470843 Cabot Cabot Creamery Cheddar White Sharp Deli Bar 12/8 oz 46206 7835471900 Cabot Cabot Creamery Cheddar Yellow Sharp Deli Bar 12/8 oz 46207 7835471901 Cabot Cabot Creamery Cheddar White Extra Deli Ba 12/8 oz 46208 7835471902 Cabot Cabot Creamery Cheddar Extra Sharp Yellow Bar 12/8 oz 46209 7835471903 Cabot Cabot Creamery Cheddar White Seriously Sharp Parchment Bar 12/8 oz 46210 7835471904 Cabot Cabot Creamery Cheddar Horseradish Deli Bar 12/8 oz 46212 7835471914 Cabot Cabot Creamery Cheddar Hot Habanero Deli Bar 12/8 oz 46213 7835471918 Cabot Cabot Creamery Cheddar 75 Percent Lite Deli Bar 12/8 oz 46214 7835471921 Cabot Cabot Creamery Cheddar White 50 Percent Reduced Fat Bar 12/8 oz 46215 7835471922 Cabot Cabot Creamery Pepper Jack Loaf 2/5 lb 48488 8354712580 Cabot Cabot Creamery Cheddar Tuscan Encrusted 12/8 oz 119887 7835471041 Cabot Cabot Creamery Cheddar Chipotle Bar 12/8 oz 208052 7835471732 Cabot Cabot Creamery Spread Cheddar Ex Sharp Cold Pack 12/8 oz 208399 7835471016 Cabot Cabot Creamery Cheddar Horseradish Bar 12/8 oz 210559 7835471700 Cabot Cabot Creamery Cheddar Garlic Herb Parchment Bar 12/8 oz 213831 7835471051 Cabot Cabot Creamery Cheddar Buffalo Wing Hot Bar 12/8 oz 216580 7835470980 Cabot Cabot Creamery Cheddar Everything Bagel Encrust Bar 12/8 oz 223430 7835471349 Cabot Cabot Creamery Cheddar Alpine Bar 12/6 oz 224325 7835471350 Cabot Cabot Creamery Cheddar Farmhouse Reserve Bar 12/6 oz 224327 7835471070 Cabot Cabot Creamery Cheddar White Sharp Seriously Cracker Cut 12/10 oz 224977 7835471372 Cabot Cabot Creamery Jack Pepper Cracker Cut 12/10 oz 224978 7835471373 Cabot Cabot Creamery Cheddar Bacon Parchment Bar 12/8 oz 232263 7835471048 Cabot Cabot Creamery Orne Meadows Bar 12/6 oz 233593 7835471505 Cabot Cabot Creamery Lamberton Bar 12/6 oz 233594 7835471508 Cabot Cabot Creamery Private Stock Bar 12/6 oz 233595 7835471509 Cabot Cabot Creamery Adirondack Bar 12/6 oz 233596 7835471510 Cabot Cabot Creamery Cheddar Yellow X/Sharp Ny Parch Bar 12/8 oz 234276 7835471230 Cabot Cabot Creamery Cheddar Vermont Sharp Slice Tray 12/10 oz 234520 7835471399 Cacique Cacique Asadero Pc 1/8 lb 32868 7221079214 Cacique Cacique Cotija Pc 1/8 lb 32869 7221079215 Cacique Cacique USA Ranchero Queso Fresco 12/10 oz 41253 7456200100 Cacique Cacique USA Crema Mexicana 12/15 oz 41265 7456200202 Cacique Cacique USA Cotija Grated 6/5 lb 41279 7456200430 Cacique Cacique USA Sausage Chorizo Beef Chub 12/9 oz 41285 7456200508 Cacique Cacique USA Sausage Chorizo Pork Chub 12/9 oz 41286 7456200509 Cacique Cacique USA Queso Fresco 12/10 oz 78322 7456240110 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 47 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 48 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Cacique Cacique USA Cotija Mini Wheel 2/12 lb 107882 7456200429 Cacique Cacique USA Queso Blanco Fresco 12/10 oz 200540 7456200119 Cacique Cacique USA Oaxaca 12/10 oz 200541 7456200115 Cacique Cacique USA Cotija 10oz 12/10 oz 200543 7456200110 Cacique Cacique USA Asadero 12/10 oz 200558 7456200106 Cacique Cacique USA Manchego 12/10 oz 200565 7456200112 Cacique Cacique USA Asadero 4/5 lb 234454 7456200433 Cady Creek Cady Creek Colby Longhorn Pc 1/8 lb 53363 21655000000 Cady Creek Cady Creek Brick Cheese Pc 1/8 lb 67950 76181800525 Cady Creek Cady Creek Farmers Cheese Pc 1/8 lb 67955 76181800566 Cady Creek Cady Creek Muenster Wisconsin Pc 1/8 lb 67960 76181800610 Cady Creek Cady Creek Farms Jack Golden Deli Horn 2/6 lb 2841 1461310021 Cady Creek Cady Creek Farms Colby Longhorn 1/13 lb 2847 1461311010 Cady Creek Cady Creek Farms Brick Cheese 2/6 lb 31038 7221070587 Cady Creek Cady Creek Farms Farmers Cheese 6/2 lb 31039 7221070594 Cady Creek Cady Creek Farms German Brick Foil 1/5.5 lb 31040 7221070595 Cady Creek Cady Creek Farms Muenster Wisconsin Loaf 6/6 lb 31041 7221070596 Cady Creek Cady Creek Farms Jack Golden Sliced 12/8 oz 55492 61461325020 Cady Creek Cady Creek Farms Cheddar Sliced 12/8 oz 55493 61461325030 Cady Creek Cady Creek Farms Jack Pepper Sliced 12/8 oz 55494 61461325060 Cady Creek Cady Creek Farms Mozzarella Part Skim Sliced 12/8 oz 55496 61461325110 Cady Creek Cady Creek Farms Provolone Sliced 12/8 oz 55497 61461325120 Cady Creek Cady Creek Farms Muenster Sliced 12/8 oz 55500 61461325380 Cady Creek Cady Creek Farms Limburger Country Castle 12/6 oz 60568 70283310101 Cady Creek Cady Creek Farms Swiss Baby Sliced 12/8 oz 120001 61461325310 Cady Creek Cady Creek Farms Swiss Sliced 12/8 oz 120002 61461325320 Cady Creek Cady Creek Farms Havarti Sliced 12/8 oz 120003 61461325901 Cady Creek Cady Creek Farms Gouda Smoke Natural Round 12/8 oz 207484 61461349510 Cady Creek Cady Creek Farms Tray Party Sliced 6/18 oz 217173 61461320495 Caffe Appassion Caffe Appassionato Inc Coffee Bluff Blend Ground 6/12 oz 210402 76091003704 Caffe Appassion Caffe Appassionato Inc Coffee Decaf Ground 6/12 oz 210406 76091003702 Caffe Appassion Caffe Appassionato Inc Coffee Morning Passion Ground 6/12 oz 210409 76091003707 Caffe Appassion Caffe Appassionato Inc Coffee French Roast Natural 6/4.87 oz 221811 76091010006 Caffe Appassion Caffe Appassionato Inc Coffee Italian Roast Natural 6/4.87 oz 221812 76091010004 Caffe Appassion Caffe Appassionato Inc Coffee Morning Passion Natural 6/4.87 oz 221813 76091010002 Caffe Appassion Caffe Appassionato Inc Coffee Magnolia Whole Bean Natural 6/12 oz 228589 76091003506 Caffe Appassion Caffe Appassionato Inc Coffee Morning Passion Whole Bean 6/12 oz 228590 76091003507 Caffe Appassion Caffe Appassionato Inc Coffee Appassionato Blend Whole Bean 6/12 oz 228591 76091003501 Caffe Classico Caffe Classico Foods Inc Lid Gelato Small 1/1000 ea 93412 61628181507 Caffe Classico Caffe Classico Foods Inc Shovel Gelato Multi Colored 1/6500 ea 120009 61628108080 Caffe Classico Caffe Classico Foods Inc Cup Gelato Small 3oz 1/1000 ea 201226 61628108070 Caffe Classico Caffe Classico Foods Inc Cup Gelato Regular 5oz 1/1000 ea 201227 61628108071 Cahill Somerdale International Limited Irl Porter 1/5 lb 31966 7221074873 Cahill Somerdale International Limited Irl Whiskey 1/5 lb 32474 7221077893 Cahill Somerdale International Limited Irl Porter Parchment 12/7 oz 72278 81883200021 Cajun Injector Bruce Foods Corp Seasoned Fish Fry 12/10 oz 5614 2217403060 Cajun Injector Bruce Foods Corp Chicken Fry 12/10 oz 5615 2217403062 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR DESCRIPTION 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Cajun Power Cajun Power Sauce Garlic 6/8 oz 211882 3692112888 Cajuns Choice Cajuns Choice Seasoning Creole 12/3.8 oz 49084 8449301012 Cajuns Choice Cajuns Choice Seasoning Blackened 12/2.75 oz 49085 8449301022 Cajuns Choice Cajuns Choice Seasoning Fish Fry 8/8 oz 49088 8449303124 Cajuns Choice Cajuns Choice Seasoning Mix Cajun Shrimp 12/.3 oz 49089 8449303151 Cajuns Choice Cajuns Choice Seasoning Gumbo File 12/1.4 oz 211083 8449301032 Cakerie Cakerie Bar Macaroon Madness 2/100 oz 68823 77011801208 Cakerie Cakerie Lemonicious Lemon Bar 2/89 oz 68835 77011801237 Cakerie Cakerie Bar Nanaimo Variety 4/110 oz 68840 77011801413 Cakerie Cakerie Brownie Variety 4/100 oz 68841 77011801416 Cakerie Cakerie Cake Strawberry Shortcake 2/187 oz 68844 77011806200 Cakerie Cakerie Cake Ss Chocolate Layer 2/183 oz 68845 77011806201 Cakerie Cakerie Cake Lemon Cream Shortcake Ss 2/187 oz 68848 77011806204 Cakerie Cakerie Cake Tuxedo Truffle Mousse 2/185 oz 68851 77011806210 Cakerie Cakerie Cake Triple Berry Crumble 2/110 oz 205822 77011801202 Cakerie Cakerie Can Bar Nanaimo 2/97 oz 206161 77011801204 Cakerie Cakerie Can Bar Macaroon Lemonburst 2/6.25 lb 206685 77011801214 Cakerie Cakerie Can Cake Mousse Mango Super Size 2/11 lb 206686 77011806254 Cakerie Cakerie Can Cake Chocolate Mousse Belgian 4/64 oz 222667 77011804402 Cakerie Cakerie Can Crisp Peanut Butter Bar 2/160 oz 222668 77011801280 Cakerie Cakerie Can Crumble Apple 2/140 oz 222669 77011801200 Calbee Jfc International Chips Shrimp 12/4 oz 28602 7114600014 Calbee Jfc International Crisps Saya Snow Pea 12/2.47 oz 28606 7114631111 Calif Churros Calif Churros Churro 10In 100/2.1 oz 131191 2914113720 Caliwater Caliwater Llc Water Cactus Original Natural 12/11 oz 226333 85324000400 Callebaut Qzina Specialty Foods Inc Chocolate Milk 2/22 lb 32015 7221074987 Callebaut Qzina Specialty Foods Inc Chocolate Dark Semisweet 2/22 lb 32016 7221074990 Callebaut Qzina Specialty Foods Inc Chocolate White 2/22 lb 32017 7221074993 Callebaut Qzina Specialty Foods Inc Chocolate Dark Bittersweet 2/22 lb 32034 7221075229 Callebaut Qzina Specialty Foods Inc Chocolate Bittersweet 5/11 lb 34522 7221082971 Callebaut Qzina Specialty Foods Inc Chocolate Milk C823nv 5/11 lb 119327 7221015628 vivacampofrio.com www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 49 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 50 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Callebaut Qzina Specialty Foods Inc Chocolate White Cw2 5/11 lb 119329 7221015630 Callies Callies Charleston Biscuits Biscuits Buttermilk Baked 12 Ct 12/15 oz 232476 89785600202 Campbells Campbells Broth Chicken Pho 4/3 lb 226858 1900121847 Campofrio Campofrio Food Group America Inc Jamon Serrano 12/3 oz 220507 1786972777 Campofrio Campofrio Food Group America Inc Tapas Variety Pack 12/6 oz 220509 1786972447 Campofrio Campofrio Food Group America Inc Chorizo Classico Pre Sliced 12/4 oz 220510 1786972315 Campofrio Campofrio Food Group America Inc Sausage Chorizo Sarta Picante 12/7 oz 229419 1786932738 Campofrio Campofrio Food Group America Inc Sausage Chorizo Sarta Dulce 12/7 oz 229420 1786932737 Campofrio Campofrio Food Group America Inc Sausage Chorizo Nuggets 12/6 oz 229421 1786972317 Candiquik Log House Foods Coating Candy Vanilla Natural 12/16 oz 38144 7259100150 Candiquik Log House Foods Coating Candy Chocolate Natural 12/16 oz 38145 7259100158 Cannone Cannone Olives Cerignola Small Cup 12/4 oz 112603 7221087078 Cannone Foodmatch Inc Onions Cipolline In Balsamic 6/3.53 lb 57978 65507213005 Cannone Foodmatch Inc Ita Olive Mix Puglia 2/5.5 lb 57980 65507261000 Cannone Foodmatch Inc Olives Green Cerignola 90/110 2/5.51 lb 57981 65507291174 Cannone Foodmatch Inc Artichoke Hearts W/Stem 6/3 lb 57983 65507291182 Cannone Foodmatch Inc Olives Black Cerignola 70/90 2/5.5 lb 57984 65507291240 Canterbury Conifer Specialties Inc Chili Mix White Lightening Chicken 6/10.4 oz 23051 5446700021 Canterbury Conifer Specialties Inc Chowder Mix Roasted Potato Corn 6/7.5 oz 23062 5446700393 Canterbury Conifer Specialties Inc Soup Mix Rustic Fireside Tortilla 6/9 oz 130091 5446701540 Canterbury Conifer Specialties Inc Soup Mix On The Bayou Jambalaya 6/8.5 oz 130092 5446701570 Canterbury Conifer Specialties Inc Salad Orzo Cucumber Natural 6/9 oz 232507 5446700710 Canterbury Conifer Specialties Inc Salad Couscous Caprese Natural 6/8 oz 232508 5446700700 Canterbury Conifer Specialties Inc Salad Farro Red Pepper Natural 6/6.5 oz 232509 5446700730 Canterbury Conifer Specialties Inc Dinner Kit Beef Burgundy C/Pot 6/7.6 oz 232510 5446704025 Canterbury Conifer Specialties Inc Dinner Kit Chicken White Chili C/Pot 6/12.87 oz 232511 5446704027 Canterbury Conifer Specialties Inc Salad Freekeh Kale Natural 6/7 oz 232512 5446700720 Cantreau Paris Gourmet Lady Fingers Cantreau 300/1 ea 31636 7221073041 Cappiello BelGioioso Cheese Mozzarella Smoked Loaf 2/5 lb 223647 7348091051 Caprae Sierra Nevada Cheese Chevre Goats Milk 8/8 oz 81426 68765219010 Caprae Sierra Nevada Cheese Feta Goat Cheese 8/8 oz 81427 68765219110 Caprae Sierra Nevada Cheese Cheddar Classic Aged Goat 1/5 lb 81465 7221086309 Caprae Sierra Nevada Cheese Feta Cryovac 2/5 lb 81739 7221086337 Caprae Sierra Nevada Cheese Monterrey Jacques Raw 12/8 oz 204941 68765219202 Caprae Sierra Nevada Cheese Cheddar Goat Aged Raw 12/8 oz 204944 68765219200 Capt N Elis Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Blueberry Pop 24/12 oz 79815 78036961012 Capt N Elis Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Root Beer 24/12 oz 79820 78036996064 Capt N Elis Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Sea Dog Root Beer 24/12 oz 215698 70044501080 Car Freshner General Automotive Supply Co Little Tree Black Ice 24/1 ea 211959 7617110155 Car Freshner General Automotive Supply Co Little Tree Peach 24/1 ea 211960 7617110319 Car Freshner General Automotive Supply Co Little Tree Vanillaroma 24/1 ea 211962 7617110105 Car Freshner General Automotive Supply Co Little Tree Pine 24/1 ea 211963 7617110101 Car Freshner General Automotive Supply Co Little Tree New Car 24/1 ea 211964 7617110189 Car Freshner General Automotive Supply Co Little Tree Strawberry 24/1 ea 211965 7617110312 Car Freshner General Automotive Supply Co Air Freshener Coconut Little Tree 24/1 ea 213090 7617110317 Car Freshner General Automotive Supply Co Air Freshener Leather Little Tree 24/1 ea 213091 7617110290 Caravel Gourmet Sea Salt Superstore Llc Salt Sea Garlic Medley Natural 6/4 oz 231448 81681201022 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Caravel Gourmet Sea Salt Superstore Llc Pak Salt Sea Himalayan Pink Extra Fine Natural 6/5 oz 231449 81681201323 Caravel Gourmet Sea Salt Superstore Llc Salt Sea Smoked Bacon Chipotle Natural 6/4 oz 231450 81681201003 Caravel Gourmet Sea Salt Superstore Llc Salt Sea Ghost Pepper Natural 6/4 oz 231451 81681201183 Caravel Gourmet Sea Salt Superstore Llc Salt Sea Hawaiian Alaea Red Natural 6/4 oz 231452 81681201014 Caravel Gourmet Sea Salt Superstore Llc Salt Sea Spicy Garlic Pepper Natural 6/4 oz 231453 81681201202 Caravel Gourmet Sea Salt Superstore Llc Salt Sea Garlic Smoked Natural 6/4 oz 231454 81681201016 Caravel Gourmet Sea Salt Superstore Llc Pak Brick Cooking Salt Himalayan Natural 4/2.95 lb 231455 81681201175 Caravel Gourmet Sea Salt Superstore Llc Salt Sea Infused Sampler 6Pack Natural 12/8.2 oz 231456 89935400227 Caravel Gourmet Sea Salt Superstore Llc Pak Salt Sea Truffle 6/4 oz 231457 81681201009 Cardinis T Marzetti Company Croutons Caesar 12/5 oz 29193 7147501052 Cardinis T Marzetti Company Dressing Caesar Original 6/12 oz 29201 7147501082 Cardinis T Marzetti Company Dressing Vinaigrette Balsamic 6/12 oz 29203 7147501084 Cardinis T Marzetti Company Dressing Honey Mustard 6/12 oz 29205 7147501086 Cardinis T Marzetti Company Dressing Caesar Lite 6/12 oz 29207 7147501088 Cardinis T Marzetti Company Dressing Asian Sesame Roasted 6/12 oz 29211 7147501092 Cardinis T Marzetti Company Dressing Greek Vinaigrette Lite 6/12 oz 29214 7147501096 Cardinis T Marzetti Company Croutons Garlic 12/5 oz 29217 7147501501 Cardinis T Marzetti Company Dressing Caesar Original 6/32 oz 200853 7147501415 Cardinis T Marzetti Company Dressing Caesar Garlic Lemon 6/12 oz 220007 7147501102 Cargill Cargill Inc Salt Round 12/13 oz 212231 1360002004 Cargill Chins Import Export Salt Granulated Diamond Crystal 1/25 lb 2520 1360001074 Carlas Carlas Pasta Sheets Egg 40/4 oz 5231 2160501545 Carlas Carlas Tortellini Egg Cheese 4/3 lb 5235 2160505041 Carlas Carlas Ravioli Meat 4/2 lb 5238 2160505371 Carlas Carlas Ravioli Chicken Rosemary 3/2.5 lb 5239 2160505383 Carmel The Manischewitz Co Soup Base Chicken Jar Pd 12/16 oz 17428 4151700221 Carne Azteca Lower Foods Inc Filling Taco Beef Fully Cooked 4/2.5 lb 224771 2568818529 Carols Carols Cookies Inc Cookies Chocolate Chip 36/7 oz 115712 7221087426 Carols Carols Cookies Inc Cookies Oatmeal Raisin W/Pecans 36/7 oz 115713 7221087427 Carols Carols Cookies Inc Cookies Peanut Butter Combo 36/7 oz 115714 7221087428 Carols Carols Cookies Inc Cookies Toffee Crunch 36/7 oz 115715 7221087429 Carols Carols Cookies Inc Cookies Oatmeal Chocolate Cherry Mini Loose 96/1.4 oz 217016 7221042538 Carols Carols Cookies Inc Cookies Peanut Butter Chocolate Loose 96/1.4 oz 217017 7221042539 Carols Carols Cookies Inc Cookies Chocolate Chip Mini Loose 96/1.4 oz 217018 7221042536 Carols Carols Cookies Inc Cookies Oatmeal Raisin Mini Loose 96/1.4 oz 217019 7221042537 Carols Carols Cookies Inc Cookies Toffee Crunch Mini Loose 96/1.4 oz 230539 89573100231 Carols Carols Cookies Inc Cookies Snickerdoodle Mini 96/1.4 oz 235859 89573100232 Carr Valley Carr Valley Cheddar Applewood Smoked Pc 1/8 lb 34590 7221083067 Carr Valley Carr Valley Mobay Pc 1/8 lb 34591 7221083068 Carr Valley Carr Valley Cardona Cocoa Pc 1/8 lb 34592 7221083069 Carr Valley Carr Valley Cheddar Cranberry Chipotle Pc 1/8 lb 35142 7221083887 Carr Valley Carr Valley Cheese Co Cheddar Applewood Smoked 1/12 lb 33564 7221081345 Carr Valley Carr Valley Cheese Co Mobay Wheel 1/10 lb 33565 7221081346 Carr Valley Carr Valley Cheese Co Cardona Cocoa Wheel 1/10 lb 34289 7221082605 Carr Valley Carr Valley Cheese Co Cheddar Goat Snow White Wheel 1/12 lb 36540 7221085548 Carr Valley Carr Valley Cheese Co Cheddar Loaf 4 Year Black Wax 2/5 lb 50512 8943701008 Carr Valley Carr Valley Cheese Co Blue Billy 1/6 lb 50513 8943702002 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 51 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 52 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Carr Valley Carr Valley Cheese Co Cheddar Cranberry Chipotle Wheel 1/10 lb 77428 89437300159 Carr Valley Carr Valley Cheese Co Gouda 1/10 lb 79894 7221086060 Carr Valley Carr Valley Cheese Co Fontina 1/10 lb 79895 7221086061 Carr Valley Carr Valley Cheese Co Menage 1/10 lb 80160 7221086072 Carr Valley Carr Valley Cheese Co Bread Cheese Pc 1/9 lb 200110 89437300167 Carr Valley Carr Valley Cheese Co Blue Glacier Wildfire 1/6 lb 233012 81201902232 Carr Valley Carr Valley Cheese Co Cheese Bread Garlic 1/9 lb 234507 81201902013 Carr’s Carr’s Cracker Table Water Bite Size 12/4.3 oz 23706 5929057322 Carr’s Carr’s Cracker Table Water Mini Pack 24/2.2 oz 52692 15929057306 Carr’s Carr’s Biscuit Assorted For Cheese 12/7 oz 52693 5929057461 Carr’s Carr’s Cracker Table Water Bulk 24/4.25 oz 52694 15929057533 Casa Fiesta Bruce Foods Corp Seasoning Mix Taco 24/1.25 oz 204959 1760008122 Casa Visconti R And V Imports Ita Fusilli Grandi 4 Colori 6/1.1 lb 229364 81312002000 Casa Visconti R And V Imports Ita Pasta Caserecci Home Style 6/1.1 lb 229368 81312002002 Casa Visconti R And V Imports Ita Rack Galvanina Sales 1/1 ea 231338 81312002042 Casa Visconti R And V Imports Ita Pasta Egg Pappardelle 6/1.1 lb 231814 81312002003 Casa Visconti R And V Imports Ita Tomatoes Crushed Recart 12/13.76 oz 231815 81312002028 Casa Visconti R And V Imports Ita Tomatoes Crushed W/Garlic/Onion 12/13.76 oz 231816 81312002030 Casa Visconti R And V Imports Ita Tomatoes Crushed W/Basil Recart 12/13.76 oz 231817 81312002029 Casa Visconti R And V Imports Ita Tomatoes Peeled Yellow 6/14 oz 231975 81312002027 Casaro Saputo Cheese USA Parmesan Shredded 12/1 lb 50252 8924402778 Casaro Saputo Cheese USA Ita Romano Pecorino Pc 1/5 lb 50255 8924431310 Casaro Saputo Cheese USA Parmesan Pc 1/10 lb 50256 8924441310 Casaro Saputo Cheese USA Asiago Pc 1/5 lb 50258 8924461305 Casbah The Hain Celestial Group Inc Falafel Mix Natural 12/10 oz 39020 7293469230 Casbah The Hain Celestial Group Inc Hummus Dip Mix Natural 12/6 oz 39021 7293469231 Casbah The Hain Celestial Group Inc Couscous Whole Wheat 12/10 oz 39028 7293469248 Casbah The Hain Celestial Group Inc Couscous Roast Garlic Organic 12/7 oz 39031 7293497112 Casbah The Hain Celestial Group Inc Couscous Lemon Spinach Organic 12/7 oz 39033 7293497114 Cascadia Creamery Cascadia Creamery Sleeping Beauty Organic 4/6 lb 228853 7221042433 Cascadia Creamery Cascadia Creamery Glacier Blue Gluten Free Organic Natural 5/4 lb 235722 7221043178 Cascadian General Mills Inc Fries French Straight Cut 12/16 oz 5484 2190850025 Cascadian General Mills Inc Asparagus Cuts 12/9 oz 5488 2190850029 Cascadian General Mills Inc Hash Browns 12/16 oz 5494 2190850167 Cascadian General Mills Inc Beans Green Petite Whole 12/8 oz 5515 2190850518 Cascadian General Mills Inc Blackberries 12/10 oz 5520 2190855011 Cascadian General Mills Inc Spread Blackberry Organic 6/10 oz 5523 2190863203 Cascadian General Mills Inc Spread Concord Grape Organic 6/10 oz 5525 2190863206 Cascadian General Mills Inc Spread Fruit Raspberry Organic 6/10 oz 5526 2190863208 Cascadian General Mills Inc Spread Strawberry Organic 6/10 oz 5527 2190863209 Cascadian General Mills Inc Cereal Berry Vanilla Puffed Gluten Free Organic 12/10.25 oz 230615 2190845014 Castellana Source Atlantique Crostini Rosemary 12/7 oz 64370 73449240702 Castellana Source Atlantique Crostini Traditional 12/7 oz 64379 73449248291 Castello Arla Foods Inc Den Blue Wheel 1/6 lb 30380 7221001231 Castello Arla Foods Inc Den Blue Crumble Cup 6/5 oz 51562 9393640594 Castello Arla Foods Inc Den Blue Extra Creamy 8/4.4 oz 51566 9393650339 Castello Arla Foods Inc Den Blue Traditional 8/4.4 oz 51567 9393650340 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Castello Arla Foods Inc Den Camembert Cup 12/4.4 oz 51580 9393670000 Castello Arla Foods Inc Den Brie 12/4.4 oz 51581 9393673001 Castello Arla Foods Inc Den Blue Extra Creamy Sliced 8/3.5 oz 51586 9393674027 Castello Arla Foods Inc Den Havarti Reserve Aged Natural 3/3.5 lb 216614 76046697403 Castello Arla Foods Inc Den Blue Noble Wedge 8/5.3 oz 218904 9393698658 Castello Arla Foods Inc Blue Burger Slices 10/5.3 oz 224126 9393601867 Castello Arla Foods Inc Den Havarti Aged Imported Retail 16/7 oz 226793 9393601303 Castello Castello Den Havarti Reserve Aged Natural Pc 1/8 lb 220923 7221042803 Castillo De Culinary Collectives Esp Oil Olive Extr Virgin Arbequina 6/16.8 oz 207901 85860000202 Castillo De Culinary Collectives Esp Oil Olive Smoked Arbequina Natural 12/8.4 oz 228328 43700509545 Cavenders Sc Seasoning Co Seasoning Greek 8oz 6/8 oz 225646 7435000002 Cavenders Sc Seasoning Co Seasoning Greek Salt Free 7oz 6/7 oz 225647 7435000003 Cecilia Atlantica Emc Sl Esp Manchego G Valle 1 Yr 2/6.6 lb 32347 7221077337 Cedarlane Cedarlane Natural Omelet Egg White Green Chile Cheese 12/8.5 oz 202177 3879499491 Cedarlane Cedarlane Natural Omelet Egg White Turkey Bacon Vegetable Cheese 12/8 oz 202178 3879499492 Cedarlane Cedarlane Natural Fritatta Egg White Roasted Chili Cheese 8/6 oz 227158 3879499564 Cedars Cedars Mediterranean Foods Hommus Roasted Red Pepper Natural 12/10 oz 232518 4411510304 Cedars Cedars Mediterranean Foods Hommus Original Classic Natural 12/10 oz 232519 4411510301 Celebrity Atalanta Corporation Tuna Chunk Albacore In Water 6/66.5 oz 28862 7127030152 Celebrity Atalanta Corporation Tuna Chunk Light Tongol 6/66.5 oz 80594 7127030273 Celebrity Atalanta Corporation Ger Gruyere Process 6/5 lb 207858 7127036112 Celebrity Atalanta Corporation Can Goat With Honey 1/2.2 lb 208909 7127036121 Celestial The Hain Celestial Group Inc Tea Bag Sleepytime 6/20 ea 27116 7073400003 Celestial The Hain Celestial Group Inc Tea Bag Peppermint 6/20 ea 27117 7073400008 Celestial The Hain Celestial Group Inc Tea Bag Chamomile 6/20 ea 27118 7073400010 Celestial The Hain Celestial Group Inc Tea Bag Mandarin Orange Spice 6/20 ea 27119 7073400031 Celestial The Hain Celestial Group Inc Tea Bag Herb Sampler 6/18 ea 27133 7073405243 Celestial The Hain Celestial Group Inc Tea Bag Honey Vanilla Chamomile 6/20 ea 27134 7073405307 Celestial The Hain Celestial Group Inc Tea Bag Cinnamon Apple Spice 6/20 ea 27135 7073405310 Celestial The Hain Celestial Group Inc Tea Bag Raspberry Zinger 6/20 ea 27138 7073405316 Celestial The Hain Celestial Group Inc Tea Bag Lemon Zinger 6/20 ea 27139 7073405317 Celestial The Hain Celestial Group Inc Tea Bag Mint Magic 6/20 ea 27142 7073405320 Celestial The Hain Celestial Group Inc Tea Bag Country Peach Passion Fruit 6/20 ea 27144 7073405324 Celestial The Hain Celestial Group Inc Tea Bag Bengal Spice 6/20 ea 27145 7073405328 Celestial The Hain Celestial Group Inc Tea Bag Echinacea Complete Care 6/20 ea 27146 7073405329 Celestial The Hain Celestial Group Inc Tea Bag Tension Tamer 6/20 ea 27147 7073405334 Celestial The Hain Celestial Group Inc Tea Bag Wild Berry Zinger 6/20 ea 27148 7073405335 Celestial The Hain Celestial Group Inc Tea Bag Sleepytime Extra 6/20 ea 27153 7073405372 Celestial The Hain Celestial Group Inc Tea Bag Fruit Sampler 6/18 ea 27157 7073405500 Celestial The Hain Celestial Group Inc Tea Bag Morning Thunder 6/20 ea 27176 7073407015 Celestial The Hain Celestial Group Inc Tea Bag Green Authentic 6/20 ea 27179 7073407034 Celestial The Hain Celestial Group Inc Tea Bag Green Decaf 6/20 ea 27180 7073407035 Celestial The Hain Celestial Group Inc Tea Bag Green Antioxidant 6/20 ea 27181 7073407036 Celestial The Hain Celestial Group Inc Tea Bag Green Honey Lemon Ginseng 6/20 ea 27182 7073407037 Celestial The Hain Celestial Group Inc Tea Bag True Blueberry 6/20 ea 27202 7073407075 Celestial The Hain Celestial Group Inc Tea Bag Red Madagascar Vanilla 6/20 ea 27203 7073407076 Celestial The Hain Celestial Group Inc Tea Bag Sleepytime Vanilla 6/20 ea 88282 7073451654 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 53 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Celestial The Hain Celestial Group Inc Tea Bag Green Lemon Jasmine Decaf 6/20 ea 128409 7073451950 Celestial The Hain Celestial Group Inc Tea Bags Sleepytime Honey 6/20 ea 231385 7073452967 Celestial The Hain Celestial Group Inc Tea Bags Watermelon Lime Zinger 6/20 ea 231386 7073452968 Celestial The Hain Celestial Group Inc Tea Liquid Chai Dirty Rtd 12/9.5 oz 231387 7073453341 Celestial The Hain Celestial Group Inc Tea Liquid Chai Dirty Aseptic 6/32 oz 231388 7073452984 Celestial The Hain Celestial Group Inc Tea Liquid Chai Mountain Aseptic 6/32 oz 231389 7073452983 Celestial The Hain Celestial Group Inc Tea Liquid Godfather Aseptic 6/32 oz 231390 7073452985 Celestial The Hain Celestial Group Inc Tea Liquid Godfather Rtd 12/9.5 oz 231391 7073453343 Celestial The Hain Celestial Group Inc Tea Liquid Chai Mountain Rtd 12/9.5 oz 231392 7073453342 Celestial The Hain Celestial Group Inc Tea Liquid Matcha Green Rtd 12/9.5 oz 231393 7073453344 Celestial The Hain Celestial Group Inc Tea Bag Dirty Chai Natural 6/20 ea 233726 7073452979 Celestial The Hain Celestial Group Inc Tea Bag Mountain Chai Decaf Natural 6/20 ea 233727 7073452982 Celestial The Hain Celestial Group Inc Tea Bag Mountain Chai Natural 6/20 ea 233728 7073452981 Cell O Core R3 Papercraft Portland Straws Giant Black 9In 24/300 ea 223054 74708320191 Cell O Core R3 Papercraft Portland Straws Collins Black 8In 1/5000 ea 223055 74708300509 Cello Arthur Schuman Inc Ita Romano Pecorino Wheel 1/60 lb 30628 7221015202 Cello Arthur Schuman Inc Ita Parmesan Reggiano Grated 6/5 lb 49879 8823199036 Cello Arthur Schuman Inc Ita Parmesan Shredded 6/5 lb 119946 8823199012 Cello Arthur Schuman Inc Ita Romano Pecorino Grated Bag 6/5 lb 119947 8823199015 Cello Arthur Schuman Inc Ita Parmesan Grated 6/5 lb 119948 8823199016 Cello Arthur Schuman Inc Uru Reggianito Wheel 2/15 lb 219176 8823140927 Cello Arthur Schuman Inc Uru Parmesan Shredded Imported 9/1 lb 234160 8823199066 Cello Arthur Schuman Inc Parmesan Whisps 12/2.12 oz 234317 8823141204 Cello Cello Ita Romano Pecorino 1/4 Wheel 1/13 lb 68006 76181801059 Cello Cello Ita Romano Pecorino Pc 1/8 lb 116178 7221087452 Cello Cello Ita Romano Pecorino Grated Cup 12/4 oz 209201 7221042399 Cello Cello Uru Reggianito Pc 1/8 lb 219177 7221042678 Cento Cento Sauce Clam White 6/10.5 oz 119276 7079670001 Cento Cento Beans Cannellini 6/19 oz 119278 7079680002 Cento Cento Rings Pepper Sliced 6/16 oz 210620 7079660139 Cento Cento Peppers Roasted Yellow/Red 6/12 oz 210621 7079660147 www.champignon-usa.com 54 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Cento Cento Peppers Marinated Roasted W EVOO 6/12 oz 210622 7079660148 Cento Cento Capers In Sea Salt 6/2 oz 210624 7079620116 Cento Cento Pepperoncini 6/12 oz 210627 7079660029 Cento Cento Fine Foods Puree Tomato 12/28 oz 27609 7079630001 Cento Cento Fine Foods Tomato Crushed All Purpose 12/28 oz 27610 7079630003 Cento Cento Fine Foods Ita Tomato Peeled Whole 12/28 oz 27655 7079640007 Cento Cento Fine Foods Ita Tomato San Marzano 12/28 oz 27656 7079640008 Cento Cento Fine Foods Peppers Roasted 12/12 oz 27692 7079660028 Cento Cento Fine Foods Pimentoes Red 12/4 oz 27723 7079660149 Cento Cento Fine Foods Sauce Red Clam 12/10.5 oz 27732 7079670002 Cento Cento Fine Foods Tuna Light In Pure Olive Oil 24/5 oz 200904 7079670051 Cento Cento Fine Foods Juice Clam 12/8 oz 205063 7079670500 Cento Cento Fine Foods Ita Tomatoes Sundried 6/10 oz 210616 7079660123 Cento Cento Fine Foods Ita Paste Tomato Double Concentrated 12/4.56 oz 210618 7079640010 Cento Cento Fine Foods Ita Tomatoes Crushed Organic Natural 6/28 oz 223530 7079640012 Cento Cento Fine Foods Ita Tomatoes Whole Organic Natural 6/28 oz 223531 7079640013 Central Bean Central Bean Co Inc Beans Black Dry 1/25 lb 35234 7221083997 Central Bean Central Bean Co Inc Beans Pinto Dry 1/25 lb 35235 7221083998 Central Bean Central Bean Co Inc Beans Garbanzo Dry 1/25 lb 35236 7221083999 Central Bean Central Bean Co Inc Beans Orca Black And White Nov 1/25 lb 35238 7221084001 Central Bean Central Bean Co Inc Beans Rojo Chiquito 1/25 lb 35239 7221084002 Central Oregon Central Oregon Sauce And Seasoning Sauce Honey Bourbon Gluten Free 6/27 oz 230061 86383200011 Central Oregon Central Oregon Sauce And Seasoning Sauce Apricot Gluten Free 6/27 oz 230062 86383200010 Cepalor Qzina Specialty Foods Inc Tart Shell Sweet Butter 4.1In 1/105 ea 35542 7221084421 Chalancey Fromi Rungis Sas Fra Langres AOC 6/180 gm 235863 33666001251 Chameleon Chameleon Cold Brew Coffee Cold Brew Original Concentrate Natural 6/32 oz 223301 85122000341 Chameleon Chameleon Cold Brew Coffee Cold Brew Mocha Concentrate Natural 6/32 oz 223302 85122000344 Chameleon Chameleon Cold Brew Drink Coffee Vanilla Organic Natural 12/10 oz 225824 85122000362 Chameleon Chameleon Cold Brew Drink Coffee Original Organic Natural 12/10 oz 225825 85122000360 Chameleon Chameleon Cold Brew Drink Coffee Mocha Organic Natural 12/10 oz 225826 85122000361 Chameleon Chameleon Cold Brew Coffee Cold Brew Vanilla Conct Natural 6/32 oz 229029 85122000346 Champignon Champignon Ger Brie W Mushroom Hw 1/5 lb 30835 7221024947 Champignon Champignon Ger Rougette Hw 1/5 lb 32886 7221079241 Champignon Champignon Ger Cambozola Hw 1/5 lb 67937 76181800366 Champignon Champignon Ger Mirabo Cream Fraiche Hw 1/4.5 lb 67938 76181800369 Champignon Champignon Ger Mirabo Walnut Hw 1/2.5 lb 119360 7221075224 Champignon Champignon North America Ger Cambozola Blue 2/5 lb 12304 3718310179 Champignon Champignon North America Ger Cambozola 8/5.3 oz 23814 6110413302 Champignon Champignon North America Ger Brie Tins 12/4.5 oz 23824 6110441060 Champignon Champignon North America Ger Camembert Tins 12/4.5 oz 23825 6110441061 Champignon Champignon North America Ger Rougette 2/5 lb 31924 7221074537 Champignon Champignon North America Ger Mirabo Cream Fraiche 2/4.5 lb 31925 7221074538 Champignon Champignon North America Ger Brie Garlic 2/3.5 lb 68030 76181801106 Champignon Champignon North America Ger Mirabo Walnut 2/2.5 lb 68031 76181801107 Champignon Champignon North America Ger Cambozola Black Label 2/4.4 lb 91832 7221086743 Champignon Champignon North America Ger Brie Mushroom 2/5 lb 118894 3718310225 Champignon Champignon North America Grand Noir Blue Wheel 1/5.5 lb 231669 50421246 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 55 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 56 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Liver IQF 4/5 lb 206609 89633900238 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Hush Puppies Jalapeno 2/5 lb 206610 89633900255 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Catfish Fillet 3 To 5 oz 1/15 lb 206612 89633900227 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Chn Shrimp Butterfly Breaded 16 To 20Ct 4/3 lb 206613 89633900224 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Corn Buttered Seasoned 3/5 lb 206614 89633900257 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Macaroni And Cheese 4/5 lb 206616 89633900229 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Gizzard IQF Marinated 4/5 lb 206617 89633900239 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Chicken Dippers 4/5 lb 206618 89633900247 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Gravy White Pepper 4/3 lb 206619 89633900251 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Green Beans With Ham And Bacon 3/5 lb 206620 89633900258 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Box Snack 1/500 ea 206624 89633900242 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Box Picnic 1/125 ea 206625 89633900241 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Container Foam 3 Compartment 9x9.5 1/200 ea 206627 89633900218 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Box Lunch 1/400 ea 206628 89633900243 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Breading Country 1/25 lb 206629 89633900201 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Batter Mix 1/25 lb 206630 89633900204 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Breading Fish Southern Style 1/25 lb 206631 89633900203 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Bag Wax 1/1000 ea 206632 89633900245 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Shortening Fry Liquid Creamy 0Tf 1/35 lb 206633 89633900205 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Box Dinner 1/125 ea 206634 89633900244 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Potatoes Mashed Seasoned 4/5 lb 206644 89633900250 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Breading Classic 1/25 lb 206645 89633900200 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Biscuit Split Buttermilk 144/2.25 oz 206649 89633900228 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Sauce Dipping Cup Tarter Bayou 1/80 ea 206651 89633900265 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Chicken Tender Marinated IQF 2 oz 4/5 lb 206652 89633900240 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Shortening Preserver 1/22 lb 206653 89633900246 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Fish Fillet White 1/15 lb 208232 89633900274 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Potato Wedges 6/3 lb 208233 89633900266 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Gravy Chicken Frozen 4/3 lb 208234 89633900252 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Gravy Sausage 4/5 lb 214354 89633900225 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Bag Filter 1/100 ea 214362 5109800270 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Kit Cutlery 1/250 ea 216193 9103704606 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Sauce Teriyaki 2/1 ga 220479 89633900279 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Sauce Sweet N Fiery 2/1 ga 220481 89633900278 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Apples Candied Cinnamon 4/4 lb 220504 89633900275 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Wings Jumbo IQF 2/5 lb 220505 89633900277 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Bacon Applewood Smoked 6/2 lb 227702 89633900283 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Sausage Patties Fully Cooked 100/1.78 oz 227703 89633900226 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Eggs Cheesy 18/1 lb 227707 89633900288 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Tortillas Flour 9 Inch 1/12 ea 227708 89633900286 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Wrap Sandwich 2/1000 ea 228298 89633900292 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Container Foam Hinged 1 Compartment 1/500 ea 228300 89633900293 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Croissant Fully Cooked Sliced 80/2 oz 230240 89633900212 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Ham Hickory Smoked 6/2 lb 230241 89633900213 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Lid For 6oz Cup Clear Nonvented 1/1000 ea 230349 17129013300 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Bag Hot Cold 12X8x5 1/250 ea 230351 89633900276 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Cup Food 6 Oz 1/1000 ea 230352 17129012554 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Lid For 16oz Cup Clear Nonvented 1/1000 ea 230356 17129000044 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Cup Food 16 oz Foam 1/500 ea 230363 17129012555 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Tray Food Number 2 1/500 ea 230367 89633900271 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Hushpuppies Original 2/5 lb 231276 89633900254 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Sauce Dipping Cup Sweet And Sour 1/120 ea 235775 89633900206 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Sauce Dipping Cup Honey Mustard 1/120 ea 235776 89633900210 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Sauce Dipping Cup Cocktail 1/120 ea 235777 89633900296 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Sauce Dipping Cup Mustard Jalapeno 1/120 ea 235778 89633900290 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Sauce Dipping Cup Ranch Chipotle 1/120 ea 235780 89633900264 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Sauce Dipping Cup Ranch Dressing 1/120 ea 235781 89633900209 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Sauce Dipping Cup Sweet Smoky BBQ 1/120 ea 235782 89633900211 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Sauce Dipping Cup Buffalo 1/120 ea 235783 89633900208 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Sauce Dipping Cup Sweet N Fiery 1/120 ea 235784 89633900289 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Chicken Liver Flat Pack 8/2.5 lb 235866 89633900287 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Chicken Wings Marinated Flat Pack 2/5 lb 235867 89633900232 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Chicken Dipper Marinated Flat Pack 4/5 lb 235868 89633900231 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Chicken Gizzard Flat Pack 8/2.5 lb 235869 89633900298 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Chicken Tender Marinated Flat Pack 8/5 lb 235870 89633900253 Champs Chicken Pro Food Systems Inc Beans Red And Rice 4/5 lb 235871 89633900217 Chandrika Chandrika Ind Soap Ayurvedic Bar 5/75 gm 230108 7956500099 Chaokoh Chaokoh Milk Coconut 12/13.5 oz 213276 4473801843 Chaokoh Wismettac Asian Foods Milk Coconut 24/13.5 oz 85890 4473801843 Charlies Salsa Charlies Salsa Salsa Four Pepper Hot Sweet/Sassy Gluten Free 6/13.5 oz 211682 79430362542 Charlies Salsa Charlies Salsa Salsa Honey Mild Sweet/Sassy Gluten Free 6/13.5 oz 211683 79430312793 Charlies Salsa Charlies Salsa Salsa Original Medium Sweet/Sassy Gluten Free 6/13.5 oz 211684 79430362039 Charlies Soap Sutherland Products Inc Soap Laundry Liquid Natural 4/1 ga 234238 75707221401 Charlies Soap Sutherland Products Inc Soap Laundry Liquid 32oz Natural 6/32 oz 234239 75707221301 Charlies Soap Sutherland Products Inc Soap Laundry Pre Spray Natural 6/16 oz 234240 75707211201 Charlies Soap Sutherland Products Inc Soap Laundry Powder Natural 6/2.64 lb 234241 75707241701 Chatelain Chatelain Fra Brie Hw 1/6.6 lb 34603 7221083082 Chatelain Lactalis Export Americas Fra Brie 2/6.6 lb 34141 7221082376 Chatelain Lactalis Export Americas Fra Camembert 12/8.8 oz 202432 7790132074 Chaumes Alouette Cheese USA Llc Fra Chaumes 2/4.4 lb 67985 76181801029 Chavrie Alouette Cheese USA Llc Fra Goat Original Pyramid Natural 6/5.3 oz 222091 7055170053 Chavrie Alouette Cheese USA Llc Goat Original Log Natural 6/4 oz 222092 7055176104 Chavrie Alouette Cheese USA Llc Cranberries And Candied Orang Log 6/4 oz 228229 7055176504 Chavrie Alouette Cheese USA Llc Thyme And Zesty Lemon Log Natural 6/4 oz 228231 7055177404 Chavrie Alouette Cheese USA Llc Goat Cucumber And Chive Log 6/4 oz 229974 7055177504 Chavrie Alouette Cheese USA Llc Goat Garlic And Herbs Log 6/4 oz 229976 7055178704 Chavrie Alouette Cheese USA Llc Goat Log Sundried Tomato Garlic 6/4 oz 234161 7055175304 Chebe Chebe Bread Products Bread Mix Cheese Original 8/7.5 oz 60393 69730110017 Chebe Chebe Bread Products Crust Mix Pizza 8/7.5 oz 60394 69730110027 Chedz Hall Brands Llc Snack Cheese Spicy Premium Natural 6/4 oz 234840 86125800010 Chedz Hall Brands Llc Snack Cheese Mild Premium Natural 6/4 oz 234841 86125800011 Chedz Hall Brands Llc Snack Cheese Spicy Premium Gluten Free Natural 6/4 oz 234842 86125800012 Chedz Hall Brands Llc Snack Cheese Mild Premium Gluten Free Natural 6/4 oz 234843 86125800013 Cheerwine Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Carolina Cherry Pop 24/12 oz 79774 7092500062 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 57 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 58 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Cheerwine Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Cheerwine Diet 24/12 oz 221467 7092500174 Cheeseland Cheeseland Ned Gouda Kokos Coconut Pc Natural 1/8 lb 227296 7221042964 Cheeseland Cheeseland Ned Gouda Ewephoria Sheep’s Milk Aged Pc 1/8 lb 228884 7221043051 Cheeseland Cheeseland Ned Gouda Double Cream Pc 1/8 lb 228885 7221043052 Cheeseland Cheeseland Inc Ned Gouda Smoked Natural 1/10 lb 33883 7221081871 Cheeseland Cheeseland Inc Ned Gouda Double Cream Wheel 1/10 lb 35846 7221084804 Cheeseland Cheeseland Inc Ned Gouda Basil Garlic 1/9 lb 67997 76181801047 Cheeseland Cheeseland Inc Ned Roomano Pradera Aged 3 Years 1/15 lb 73388 83778700860 Cheeseland Cheeseland Inc Ned Gouda Two Sisters Isabella 1/19 lb 114179 7221087215 Cheeseland Cheeseland Inc Ned Gouda Ewephoria Sheep Milk Aged 1/10 lb 114777 7221087251 Cheeseland Cheeseland Inc Ned Gouda Kokos Coconut Natural 1/10 lb 207686 83778700800 Chef America Chef America Pizza Stix 48/3 oz 20081 4639505310 Chef Paul Chef Paul Seasoning Magic Poultry 6/2 oz 20547 4799712315 Chef Pride Ventura Foods Llc Oil Canola Clear 1/35 lb 116551 2670069058 Cheribundi Cheribundi Inc Juice Cherry Tart Limade Refresh Gluten Free 32oz 6/32 oz 236052 81955301015 Cheribundi Cheribundi Inc Juice Cherry Tart Cranberry Refresh Gluten Free 32oz 6/32 oz 236053 81955301012 Cheribundi Cheribundi Inc Juice Cherry Tart Limade Refresh Gluten Free 12oz 12/12 oz 236054 81955301018 Cheribundi Cheribundi Inc Juice Cherry Tart Limade Refresh Gluten Free 12oz 12/12 oz 236055 81955301019 Cheribundi Cheribundi Inc Juice Cherry Tart Cranberry Refresh Gluten Free 12oz 12/12 oz 236056 81955301020 Cheribundi Cheribundi Inc Juice Cherry Tart Blueberry Refresh Gluten Free 32oz 6/32 oz 236057 81955301013 Cheribundi Cheribundi Inc Juice Cherry Tart Blueberry Refresh Gluten Free 12oz 12/12 oz 236058 81955301021 Cheribundi Cheribundi Inc Juice Cherry Tart Limade Refresh Gluten Free 32oz 6/32 oz 236059 81955301017 Chevrai Saputo Cheese USA Can Goat Crumbled Plain Cup 8/4 oz 24019 6248200120 Chevrai Saputo Cheese USA Can Chevre Mini Log Natural 12/4 oz 24033 6248200819 Chevrai Saputo Cheese USA Can Chevre Herb Mini Log 12/4 oz 24034 6248200820 Chevrai Saputo Cheese USA Can Chevre Honey Vanilla Mini Log 12/4 oz 203927 6248200177 Chevrai Saputo Cheese USA Can Chevre Wild Blueberry/Vanilla Log 6/10.5 oz 216400 6248200178 China Express Passport Food Group Llc Bread Crumb Panko 1/20 lb 31250 7221071719 Chins Import Chins Import Export Sesame Seeds 6/5 lb 24092 6335240004 Chins Import Chins Import Export Peanuts Jumbo Runner 10/5 lb 32794 7221078918 Chins Import Chins Import Export Pepper Chili Whole 6/1 lb 32904 7221079314 Chins Import Chins Import Export Paste Miso White 6/5 lb 36413 7221085410 Chins Import Chins Import Export Sauce Soy Premium 6/64 fo 46622 7889512397 Chins Import Chins Import Export Sauce Soy Premium 1/5 ga 46693 7889580047 Chins Import Chins Import Export Noodles Evergreen Steamed 3/10 lb 50154 8909703085 Chins Import Chins Import Export Pepper White Ground 6/5 lb 75678 87072200006 Chins Import Chins Import Export Pepper Chili Crushed 12/1 lb 75679 87072200009 Chins Import Chins Import Export Flour All Purpose 2/25 lb 101486 7014406650 Chocoa Qzina Specialty Foods Inc Chocolate Coating Compound Dark 1/22 lb 35867 7221084826 Chocoa Qzina Specialty Foods Inc Chocolate Dark Blossom Curls 1/8.8 lb 36000 7221084964 Chocoa Qzina Specialty Foods Inc Chocolate Marble Blossom Curls 1/8.8 lb 38102 7251084965 Chocoa Qzina Specialty Foods Inc Chocolate Classic Shave Dark 1/5.5 lb 74279 85086300101 Chocoa Qzina Specialty Foods Inc Chocolate Curl Blossom White 1/8.8 lb 74287 85086300157 Chocoa Qzina Specialty Foods Inc Chocolate Shavings White Classic 1/5.5 lb 80412 85068300102 Chocoa Qzina Specialty Foods Inc Chocolate Coating White Hydro 1/22 lb 114427 7221087243 Chocoa Qzina Specialty Foods Inc Cigarette Chocolate Dark/White Duo 12/100 ea 209262 85202800495 Chocoa Qzina Specialty Foods Inc Cigarette Dark Chocolate Natural 12/100 ea 209263 85202800499 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Chocoa Qzina Specialty Foods Inc Ita Chocolate Pearls Crispy Assorted 1/3 lb 218227 87759300286 Chocolove Chocolove Chocolate Milk Toffee Almond Bar 12/3.2 oz 62371 71627000134 Chocolove Chocolove Chocolate Dark Cherries/Almonds Bar 12/3.2 oz 62373 71627000152 Chocolove Chocolove Chocolate Dark Raspberries Bar Natural 12/3.2 oz 62375 71627000154 Chocolove Chocolove Chocolate Dark Strong Bar Natural Organic 12/3.2 oz 62380 71627000170 Chocolove Chocolove Chocolate Dark Orange Peel Bar Natural 12/3.2 oz 200412 71627000153 Chocolove Chocolove Chocolate Dark Almonds/Sea Salt Bar 12/3.2 oz 200999 71627000155 Chocolove Chocolove Chocolate Milk Peanuts Salted 12/3.2 oz 222493 71627000133 Chocolove Chocolove Chocolate Dark Rich Ginger Bar 12/3.2 oz 222496 71627000166 Chocolove Chocolove Chocolate Dark Coffee Crunch Bar 12/3.2 oz 222497 71627000156 Chocolove Chocolove Chocolate Milk Pretzel Bar 12/2.9 oz 222500 71627000135 Chocolove Chocolove Almonds Chocolate Dark Covered Salted 6/3 oz 235981 71627002001 Chocolove Chocolove Almonds Chocolate Dark Covered Toffee 6/3 oz 235982 71627002004 Chois Kimchi Co Chois Kimchi Llc Kimchi Napa Gluten Free Natural 12/14 oz 232672 85887800300 Chois Kimchi Co Chois Kimchi Llc Kimchi Napa White Gluten Free Natural 12/14 oz 232673 85887800301 Chois Kimchi Co Chois Kimchi Llc Kimchi Radish Gluten Free Natural 12/14 oz 232674 85887800302 Cholula Cholula Sauce Hot 6/12 oz 119076 4973312345 Cholula The Cholula Food Company Inc Sauce Hot 12/2 oz 21325 4973300005 Cholula The Cholula Food Company Inc Sauce Hot 12/5 oz 21326 4973309101 Cholula The Cholula Food Company Inc Sauce Hot Chipotle 12/5 oz 21332 4973383011 Cholula The Cholula Food Company Inc Sauce Chili Garlic Hot 12/5 oz 89657 4973380011 Cholula The Cholula Food Company Inc Sauce Hot Chili Lime 12/5 oz 119078 4973384011 Cholula The Cholula Food Company Inc Sauce Hot 4/64 oz 226538 4973300001 Chuao Chocolate Chuao Chocolatier Chocolate Dark Spicy Maya Bar Natural 12/2.8 oz 75795 87262900620 Chuao Chocolate Chuao Chocolatier Chocolate Dark Honeycomb Bar Natural 12/2.8 oz 115461 87262900613 Chuao Chocolate Chuao Chocolatier Chocolate Dark Crunch Salted Bar Natural 12/2.8 oz 115462 87262900614 Chuao Chocolate Chuao Chocolatier Chocolate Dark Firecracker Bar Natural 12/2.8 oz 129764 87262900627 Chuao Chocolate Chuao Chocolatier Chocolate Milk Maple Bacon Bar 12/2.8 oz 215655 87262900907 Chuao Chocolate Chuao Chocolatier Chocolate Milk Pop Corn Pop Bar 12/2.8 oz 221218 87262900951 Chuao Chocolate Chuao Chocolatier Chocolate Dark Ooh Almond Bar Natural 10/2.8 oz 227199 87262900452 Chuao Chocolate Chuao Chocolatier Chocolate Dark Toffee Twl Prtzl Bar 10/2.8 oz 227200 87262900960 Chuao Chocolate Chuao Chocolatier Chocolate Milk Sweet/Salty Bar Natural 12/2.8 oz 228028 87262900963 Chuao Chocolate Chuao Chocolatier Chocolate Dark Orange Bar Natural 12/2.8 oz 228029 87262900944 Chuckanut Chuckanut Bay Foods Cheesecake Very Berry 9In 16Sl 1/4 lb 54796 60381201609 Chuckanut Chuckanut Bay Foods Cheesecake Truffle Chocolate 9In 16Sl 1/4 lb 54797 60381201617 Chuckanut Chuckanut Bay Foods Cheesecake New York 7In 6/32 oz 54801 60381227001 Chuckanut Chuckanut Bay Foods Cheesecake Chocolate Truffle 7In 6/2 lb 54803 60381227017 Chuckanut Chuckanut Bay Foods Cheesecake White Chocolate Rasp 7In 6/32 oz 89852 60381227003 Chuckanut Chuckanut Bay Foods Cheesecake New York 7In Sf 6/32 oz 89854 60381227030 Chuckanut Chuckanut Bay Foods Cheesecake New York Indiv 3In 12/4 oz 89903 60381202201 Chuckanut Chuckanut Bay Foods Cheesecake Berry Swirl Indiv 3In 12/4 oz 89904 60381202209 Chuckanut Chuckanut Bay Foods Cheesecake Chocolate Trfl Indiv 3In Natural 12/4 oz 89905 60381202217 Chuckanut Chuckanut Bay Foods Cheesecake Ny Gluten Free 12/4 oz 91236 60381202202 Chuckanut Chuckanut Bay Foods Cheesecake Strawberry Indiv 3In 12/4 oz 91238 60381202221 Chuckanut Chuckanut Bay Foods Cheesecake Sugar Free Indiv 3In 12/4 oz 91239 60381202230 Chuckanut Chuckanut Bay Foods Cheesecake 7In Gluten Free 6/32 oz 93466 60381227002 Chuckanut Chuckanut Bay Foods Cheesecake 7In Assorted 6/32 oz 93467 60381227039 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 59 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 60 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Chuckanut Chuckanut Bay Foods Cheesecake Chocolate Indiv 3In Gluten Free 12/4 oz 114593 60381202204 Chuckanut Chuckanut Bay Foods Cheesecake Coconut Indiv 3In 12/4 oz 115924 60381202233 Chuckanut Chuckanut Bay Foods Cheesecake Chocolate 7In Gluten Free 6/32 oz 115925 60381227004 Chuckanut Chuckanut Bay Foods Cheesecake Chocolate Indiv 3In Sf 12/4 oz 130590 60381202231 Chuckanut Chuckanut Bay Foods Cheesecake Huckleberry Indiv 3In Natural 12/4 oz 130591 60381202247 Chuckanut Chuckanut Bay Foods Cheesecake Tuxedo 7In Gluten Free 6/32 oz 130592 60381227005 Chuckanut Chuckanut Bay Foods Cake Tiramisu 3 Layer Half Sheet 1/144 oz 215413 60381204306 Chuckanut Chuckanut Bay Foods Cheesecake Ny Signature 7In No Lbl 6/32 oz 215415 60381228001 Chuckanut Chuckanut Bay Foods Cheesecake Truffle Chocolate No Lbl 6/32 oz 215417 60381228017 Chuckanut Chuckanut Bay Foods Cheesecake Berry Very 7In No Label 6/32 oz 215418 60381228009 Chuckanut Chuckanut Bay Foods Cheesecake Fabulous 4 Asst No Label 6/32 oz 215479 60381228039 Chuckanut Chuckanut Bay Foods Cheesecake Lemon Drop Ss Natural 12/4 oz 220367 60381202232 Chuckanut Chuckanut Bay Foods Cheesecake New York Appetizer 4/14 oz 222739 60381211001 Chuckanut Chuckanut Bay Foods Tiramisu With Charlotte Ring 5In Nl 6/10 oz 222801 60381204155 Chuckanut Chuckanut Bay Foods Cheesecake Strawberry Gluten Free 5In Nl 6/16 oz 222802 60381251013 Chuckanut Chuckanut Bay Foods Cheesecake New York Nsa 5In Nl 6/16 oz 222803 60381251030 Chuckanut Chuckanut Bay Foods Cheesecake New York Gluten Free 5In Nl 6/16 oz 222804 60381251002 Chuckanut Chuckanut Bay Foods Cheesecake Strawberry Indiv 3In Gluten Free 12/4 oz 223735 60381202213 Chuckanut Chuckanut Bay Foods Cheesecake New York Sgnr Hp 5In Natural 6/21.5 oz 231985 60381256001 Chuckanut Chuckanut Bay Foods Cheesecake Mango Single Serve Natural 12/4 oz 231986 60381202226 Chuckanut Chuckanut Bay Foods Cheesecake Variety App 1 3/4In 1oz 4/14 oz 231987 60381211001 Chuckanut Chuckanut Bay Foods Cheesecake Truffle Chocolate Sgnr Hp 5In 6/21.5 oz 231988 60381256017 Chuckanut Chuckanut Bay Foods Tiramisu With Charlott Ring 5In Natural 6/10 oz 231998 60381204255 Chuckanut Chuckanut Bay Foods Tiramisu Single Serve 12/2.5 oz 232196 60381204022 Chuckanut Chuckanut Bay Foods Cheesecake Red Velvet 14 Sl 9 In 4/84 oz 236133 60381292490 Chuckanut Chuckanut Bay Foods Cheesecake Carrot 14 Sl 9 In 4/84 oz 236134 60381292491 Cibo Pulmuone Foods USA Inc Pesto Basil Natural 2/9.5 lb 204692 2200911089 Cibo Pulmuone Foods USA Inc Pesto Basil Natural 12/6 oz 225589 88102430083 Cibo Pulmuone Foods USA Inc Pesto Tomato Sun Dried Natural 12/6 oz 225590 2200911061 Cibo Pulmuone Foods USA Inc Pesto Artichoke Lemon Natural 12/6 oz 225591 2200911063 Cibo Pulmuone Foods USA Inc Pesto Red Pepper Roasted Natural 12/6 oz 225592 2200911062 Cibo Pulmuone Foods USA Inc Tapenade Olive And Garlic Natural 12/4.8 oz 225593 2200911064 Ciresa Ciresa Ita Fontina Val Daosta 1/4 Wheel 1/5 lb 32041 7221075278 Ciresa Ciresa Ita Fontina Pc 1/8 lb 67943 76181800430 Ciresa Ciresa Ita Fontal Varone 1/4 Wheel 1/7 lb 220409 7221042788 Ciresa Columbia Cheese Inc Ita Fontina Val D Aosta 1/20 lb 219572 7221070253 Ciresa Columbia Cheese Inc Ita Taleggio Vera Ciresa Dop 1/5.5 lb 219573 76181801110 Ciresa Columbia Cheese Inc Ita Gorgonzola Dolce 2/6.5 lb 219574 76181801052 Ciresa Columbia Cheese Inc Ita Butter Burro Mondriano 20/8.8 oz 219575 7221070738 Ciresa Columbia Cheese Inc Ita Gorgonzola Mountain 1/14 lb 219576 76181801053 Ciresa Columbia Cheese Inc Ita Mascarpone Ciresa 6/8.8 oz 219579 7221070747 Ciresa Columbia Cheese Inc Ita Fontal Varone 1/28 lb 219580 7221042727 Ciresa Columbia Cheese Inc Ita Pecorino Toscano 2/6 lb 219581 7221070752 Cirio R And V Imports Ita Oil Olive Extra Virgin 6Pk/1Lt 6/1 lt 231489 60387205761 Citlali Santa Fe Distributing Mex Vanilla Bean 12/2 ea 211637 69768700202 Citlali Santa Fe Distributing Mex Vanilla Extract 12/4 oz 211638 69768700204 Citra Fresh Citra Fresh Drink Mix Margarita Lemon Lime 6/750 ml 232300 83492700217 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Citra Fresh Citra Fresh Drink Mix Agave Margarita Pomegranate 6/750 ml 232301 83492700234 Classic Recipe Classic Recipe Chocolate Milk Bar Classic Recipe 12/4.4 oz 12623 3746608323 Classic Recipe Classic Recipe Chocolate Hazelnut Bar Classic Recipe 12/4.4 oz 12624 3746608324 Classic Recipe Classic Recipe Chocolate Milk W/Almond Bar Classic Recipe 12/4.4 oz 12625 3746608325 Cleanwell Cleanwell Company Sanitizer Hand Natural Orange Vanilla 24/1 oz 203670 89348100145 Cleanwell Cleanwell Company Sanitizer Hand Original Natural 24/1 oz 203673 89348100113 Clearly Kombuch Top Shelf Beverages Inc Kombucha Raspberry Ginger Natural Organic 12/14 fo 231208 85590400222 Clearly Kombuch Top Shelf Beverages Inc Kombucha Black Currant Natural Organic 12/14 fo 231209 85590400224 Clearly Kombuch Top Shelf Beverages Inc Kombucha Asian Pear Natural Organic 12/14 fo 231210 85590400223 Clearly Kombuch Top Shelf Beverages Inc Kombucha Strawberry Hibiscus Natural Organic 12/14 fo 231211 85590400221 Clearly Kombuch Top Shelf Beverages Inc Lemonade Raspberry Organic Natural 12/14 fo 232498 85590400228 Cloumage Shy Brothers Farm Llc Curd Creamy Fresh Natural 8/15 oz 225490 89917400114 Cobram Boundary Bend Olives Pty Ltd Aus Oil Olive Ext Virgin Class Natural 6/16.9 oz 218569 85269600019 Cobram Boundary Bend Olives Pty Ltd Aus Oil Olive Ext Virgin Robust Natural 6/16.9 oz 218570 85269600053 Cock Cock Tha Tamarind Pure 50/16 oz 36543 8490900050 Cock N Bull Orca Beverage Inc Soda Ginger Beer 24/12 oz 79968 7292401213 Cock N Bull Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Ginger Beer 4Pk 12Oz 6/48 fo 39018 7292401204 Cock N Bull Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Ginger Beer Can 24/12 oz 232704 7292401200 Cock N Bull Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Ginger Beer Cherry 24/12 oz 232705 7292491213 Coco Libre Maverick Brands Llc Water Coconut Pure Organic 12/11 fo 217860 81216101048 Coco Libre Maverick Brands Llc Water Coconut Pure Organic 12/1 lt 217862 81216101067 Coco Libre Maverick Brands Llc Water Coconut Chocolate Protein Natural 12/11 oz 220261 81216101120 Coco Libre Maverick Brands Llc Water Coconut Vanilla Protein Natural 12/11 oz 220262 81216101121 Coco Libre Maverick Brands Llc Water Coconut Almond Protein Natural 12/11 oz 220263 81216101123 Coco Lopez American Roland Drink Mix Cream Of Coconut 24/15 oz 86336 7184509830 Coco Lopez Coco Lopez Drink Mix Cream Of Coconut 6/15 oz 119312 7184509830 Coco Real Coco Real Cream Of Coconut 6/22 oz 26156 7049110009 Cocomels Jjs Sweets Cocomels Sea Salt Stand Up Pouch Organic 6/3.5 oz 234313 85361000345 Cocomels Jjs Sweets Cocomels Espresso Stand Up Pouch Organic 6/3.5 oz 234314 85361000347 Cocomels Jjs Sweets Cocomels Original Stand Up Pouch Organic 6/3.5 oz 234315 85361000344 Cocomels Jjs Sweets Cocomels Vanilla Stand Up Pouch Organic 6/3.5 oz 234316 85361000346 Coffee Bean International Coffee & Tea Llc Coffee Columbia Ground 6/12 oz 148943 3387810553 Coffee Bean International Coffee & Tea Llc Coffee French Roast Ground 6/12 oz 148944 3387841053 Coffee Bean International Coffee & Tea Llc Coffee House Blend Ground 6/12 oz 213559 3387842053 Coffee Bean International Coffee & Tea Llc Coffee Espresso Ground 6/12 oz 213562 3387810358 Coffee Bean International Coffee & Tea Llc Coffee Breakfast Blend Ground 6/12 oz 213564 3387810808 Coffee Bean International Coffee & Tea Llc Coffee Espresso Regular Whole Bean 2/5 lb 213594 3387810326 Coffee Bean International Coffee & Tea Llc Coffee Italian Ground 6/12 oz 213606 3387810806 Coffee Bean International Coffee & Tea Llc Coffee Kona Blend 10 Pct Ground 6/12 oz 231400 3387810864 Coffeemate Coffeemate Creamer Original Concentrate Sweetened 2/1.5 lt 21464 5000011475 Coffeemate Coffeemate Creamer Vanilla French 2/1.5 lt 21479 5000080003 Coffeemate Coffeemate Creamer Hazelnut Liquid 2/1.5 lt 21480 5000080004 Coinga Atlantica Emc Sl Esp Mahon D O Cow 2/6 lb 68009 76181801066 Colavita Colavita Oil Olive Pure 6/17 oz 13598 3915301006 Colavita Colavita Oil Olive Extra Virgin 6/8.5 oz 13599 3915301007 Colavita Colavita Vinegar Wine Red 6/17 oz 13654 3915341305 Colavita Colavita Vinegar Wine White 6/17 oz 13655 3915341306 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 61 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 62 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Colavita Colavita Vinegar Champagne Wine 6/16.9 oz 13657 3915341310 Colavita Colavita Ita Oil Canola Virgin Blend 75/25 6/32 oz 213338 3915350045 Colavita Colavita USA Oil Olive Extra Virgin 6/34 oz 13596 3915301002 Colavita Colavita USA Oil Olive Extra Virgin 6/17 oz 13597 3915301003 Colavita Colavita USA Oil Olive Extra Virgin 6/25.5 oz 13614 3915310032 Colavita Colavita USA Vinegar Balsamic 6 Star 6/17 oz 13651 3915341300 Colavita Colavita USA Vinegar Balsamic White 6/17 oz 13659 3915341317 Colavita Colavita USA Vinegar Balsamic Organic 6/17 oz 13660 3915341323 Colavita Colavita USA Vinegar Balsamic 34oz 6/34 oz 210207 3915341303 Colliers Atalanta Corporation Cheddar Powerful Welsh 12/7 oz 206811 88567600004 Colliers Atalanta Corporation Gbr Butter With Sea Salt Natural 10/8 oz 223187 88567600014 Colmans Colmans Mustard Dry 6/2 oz 120053 66780300070 Colmans Liberty Richter Mustard English Original 12/3.53 oz 58850 66780300005 Colmans Liberty Richter Mustard Dry 12/4 oz 58852 66780300075 Columbia Columbia Bean And Produce Co Inc Beans Peruano Bulk 1/25 lb 209113 7221042378 Columbia Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Sarsaparilla 24/12 oz 79836 81104500257 Columbia Cheese Columbia Cheese Inc Sui Challerhocker Natural 1/15 lb 215794 7221042513 Columbia Cheese Columbia Cheese Inc Sui Appenzeller Black Label 1/15 lb 235788 7221043179 Columbia Cheese Columbia Cheese Inc Ger Chiriboga Blue 1/5.5 lb 235789 7221043180 Columbus Columbus Manufacturing Inc Prosciutto 2/3 lb 32728 7221078606 Columbus Columbus Manufacturing Inc Salame Italian Dry 5/2 lb 39079 7300700140 Columbus Columbus Manufacturing Inc Salame Calbrese Hot 2/4 lb 39083 7300700160 Columbus Columbus Manufacturing Inc Coppa Dry Hot 1/2.5 lb 39086 7300700170 Columbus Columbus Manufacturing Inc Coppa Dry Mild 1/3 lb 39087 7300700172 Columbus Columbus Manufacturing Inc Salame Cacciatore Italian Artisan 1/5 lb 39088 7300700173 Columbus Columbus Manufacturing Inc Salame Secchi 1/5 lb 39092 7300700177 Columbus Columbus Manufacturing Inc Capicolla Hot 1/3 lb 39104 7300700303 Columbus Columbus Manufacturing Inc Pancetta 1/4 lb 39109 7300700340 Columbus Columbus Manufacturing Inc Salame Sopressata 12/10 oz 39115 7300700382 Columbus Columbus Manufacturing Inc Salame Calabrese 12/10 oz 39116 7300700383 Columbus Columbus Manufacturing Inc Salame Pepper 12/10 oz 39121 7300700390 Columbus Columbus Manufacturing Inc Salame Sopressata 2/2.5 lb 39132 7300700417 Columbus Columbus Manufacturing Inc Salame Pillow Pack Sliced 12/12 oz 39145 7300700730 Columbus Columbus Manufacturing Inc Salame Paper Wrap Chub 12/8 oz 39146 7300700743 Columbus Columbus Manufacturing Inc Pancetta Sliced 12/3 oz 39168 7300710672 Columbus Columbus Manufacturing Inc Prosciutto Sliced 12/3 oz 39169 7300710673 Columbus Columbus Manufacturing Inc Pepperoni Sliced 12/5 oz 39172 7300710702 Columbus Columbus Manufacturing Inc Salame Pepper Sliced 12/10 oz 39173 7300710703 Columbus Columbus Manufacturing Inc Salame Italian Dry Lite Sliced 12/5 oz 39174 7300710709 Columbus Columbus Manufacturing Inc Salame Sliced 12/5 oz 39176 7300710714 Columbus Columbus Manufacturing Inc Coppa Mild Sliced 12/3 oz 39178 7300710716 Columbus Columbus Manufacturing Inc Soppressata Sliced 12/4 oz 39180 7300710727 Columbus Columbus Manufacturing Inc Salame Genoa Sliced 12/4 oz 39183 7300710783 Columbus Columbus Manufacturing Inc Prosciutto Sliced 12/16 oz 79313 7300710610 Columbus Columbus Manufacturing Inc Salame Pepper 2/3 lb 205292 7300700402 Columbus Columbus Manufacturing Inc Salame Genoa Premium 4/2.5 lb 205351 7300700416 Columbus Columbus Manufacturing Inc Salame Sopressata Fiore 1/5 lb 206475 7300700369 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Columbus Columbus Manufacturing Inc Salame Rosette De Lyon Fiore 4/2.5 lb 206479 7300700366 Columbus Columbus Manufacturing Inc Antipasto Classic Sampler 12/12 oz 209324 7300710603 Columbus Columbus Manufacturing Inc Sopressata Hot 2/2.5 lb 217187 7300700101 Columbus Columbus Manufacturing Inc Mortadella Pistachio 1/7 lb 217188 7300700330 Columbus Columbus Manufacturing Inc Salame Sopressata Hot 1/5 lb 218067 7300700164 Columbus Columbus Manufacturing Inc Sopressata Uncured Ftf Sliced Natural 12/4 oz 220309 7300710021 Columbus Columbus Manufacturing Inc Salame Italian Dry Uncured Ftf Sl Natural 12/4 oz 220310 7300710019 Columbus Columbus Manufacturing Inc Pancetta Diced 12/5 oz 227073 7300710674 Columbus Columbus Manufacturing Inc Salame Genoa Slice Pillow Pack Gluten Free 12/10 oz 235617 7300710138 Columela Source Atlantique Vinegar Wine Sherry 6/25.4 oz 64307 73449213210 Columela Source Atlantique Oil Olive Extra Virgin Cold Pressed 6/17 oz 64342 73449226498 Columela Source Atlantique Vinegar Sherry 30 Year 6/12.7 oz 64373 73449242826 Consider Bardwe Consider Bardwell Farm Pawlet Natural 1/10 lb 219068 7221042673 Contes Pasta Contes Pasta Company Inc Ravioli Cheese Wf Gluten Free 6/12 oz 64288 73415894009 Contes Pasta Contes Pasta Company Inc Pizza Margherita Cheese Gluten Free 6/16 oz 202209 73415894090 Contes Pasta Contes Pasta Company Inc Pizza Mushroom Florentine Gluten Free 6/16 oz 202210 73415894092 Continental Continental Bologna Beef 4/4.5 lb 9745 3140055617 Continental Continental Loaf Olive 2/3.9 lb 9747 3140055624 Cookies Con Amo Cookies Con Amore Cookies Wedding 12/7 oz 117448 89288600031 Cookies Con Amo Cookies Con Amore Cookies Jelly Assorted 12/12 oz 117449 89288600034 Cookies Con Amo Cookies Con Amore Cookies Pizelle 12/6 oz 117454 89288600051 Cookies Con Amo Cookies Con Amore Cookies Fig Gluten Free 12/7 oz 212138 89288600078 Cookies Con Amo Cookies Con Amore Cookies Combo Pack Gluten Free 12/8 oz 212139 89288600076 Cookies Con Amo Cookies Con Amore Cookies Linzer Raspberry Gluten Free 12/8 oz 212140 89288600075 Cookies Con Amo Cookies Con Amore Cookies Combo Pack Sugar Free 12/7 oz 212141 89288600065 Cookies Con Amo Cookies Con Amore Cookies Assorted Holiday Tin 12/22 oz 217565 89288600082 Cookies Con Amo Cookies Con Amore Biscottini Assorted Gluten Free Natural 12/6 oz 227104 89288600079 Cookies Con Amo Cookies Con Amore Cookies Assorted Tin Gluten Free Natural 16/12 oz 227105 89288600092 Cooks Cook Flavoring Company Extract Bourbon Vanilla Pure 6/4 oz 12017 3600601104 Cooks Cook Flavoring Company Extract Vanilla Cookie Premium Quality 6/4 oz 12018 3600601407 Cooks Cook Flavoring Company Extract Almond Pure 6/4 oz 12019 3600601408 Cooks Cook Flavoring Company Powder Vanilla Pure 6/4 oz 12020 3600651929 Cookwell And Co Cookwell And Company Chili Two Step Mix Natural 6/33 oz 213220 18633700001 Cookwell And Co Cookwell And Company Chili Stew Green Two Step Mix Natural 6/33 oz 213221 18633700022 Cookwell And Co Cookwell And Company Gumbo Two Step Natural 6/32 oz 213222 18633700041 Coolhaus Coolhaus Ice Cream Cookie Van/Bean Chocolate Chip 10/5.8 oz 224503 85191600300 Coolhaus Coolhaus Ice Cream Cookie Van Dirty Mint Chocolate Chip 10/5.8 oz 224504 85191600301 Coombe Castle Atalanta Corporation Gbr Cheddar Colliers Welsh 2/5.5 lb 209087 3446301990 Coopers Express Pro Food Systems Inc Carbon Buster 1/10 lb 82674 85775100109 Coopers Express Pro Food Systems Inc Fry Powder Filter 1/13.5 lb 90243 85775100110 Coopers Express Pro Food Systems Inc Breading Premium Spice 1/25 lb 230347 85775100102 Coopers Express Pro Food Systems Inc Box Dinner 1/125 ea 230348 60216651018 Coopers Express Pro Food Systems Inc Box Lunch 1/400 ea 230350 60216651017 Coopers Express Pro Food Systems Inc Bowl Black With Clear Lid 18 Oz 1/150 ea 230354 7221043127 Coopers Express Pro Food Systems Inc Sauce Mandarin Orange 6/.5 ga 230355 85775100124 Coopers Express Pro Food Systems Inc Pack Max 1/125 ea 230357 85775100119 Coopers Express Pro Food Systems Inc Skewers Birch 10 Inch 1/1000 ea 230359 89633900297 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 63 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 64 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Coopers Express Pro Food Systems Inc Filter Paper Gef 400 560 720 60810 1/1 ea 230360 85775100104 Coopers Express Pro Food Systems Inc Breading Single Step 1/25 lb 230361 85775100100 Coopers Express Pro Food Systems Inc Filter Carbon For 40vh 1/1 ea 230362 7221043126 Coopers Express Pro Food Systems Inc Box Snack 1/500 ea 230364 60216651016 Coopers Express Pro Food Systems Inc Pack Meal 1/200 ea 230366 85775100121 Coopers Express Pro Food Systems Inc Filter Paper 20007 1/1 ea 230368 85775100165 Coopers Express Pro Food Systems Inc Filter Paper Envelope 20012 1/1 ea 230369 85775100118 Coopers Express Pro Food Systems Inc Sauce Southern Heat 6/.5 ga 230370 85775100117 Coopers Express Pro Food Systems Inc Pack Mini 1/500 ea 230371 85775100112 Coopers Express Pro Food Systems Inc Breading Coastal Blend 1/25 lb 230372 85775100101 Coopers Express Pro Food Systems Inc Seasoning Dip 1/25 lb 230373 85775100106 Cornet Bay Cornet Bay Sauce Cherry Balsamic 6/12 oz 212556 63859051009 Cornet Bay Cornet Bay Sauce Honey Dijon 6/12 oz 212558 63859050809 Cornet Bay Cornet Bay Sauce Sweet Bourbon 6/12 oz 212559 63859050909 Cornet Bay Cornet Bay Mustard Horseradish 6/8 oz 212560 63859020005 Cornet Bay Cornet Bay Sauce Raspberry Chipotle 6/12 oz 212561 63859051209 Cornet Bay Cornet Bay Mustard Sweet 6/15 oz 212562 63859020007 Cornet Bay Cornet Bay Sauce Pepper White Light 6/5 oz 212564 63859020012 Cornet Bay Cornet Bay Sauce Sweet Sassy Jalapeno Pepper 6/8 oz 212565 63859020013 Cornet Bay Cornet Bay Sauce Hot Jalapeno Pepper 6/5 oz 212566 63859020011 Cornet Bay Cornet Bay Marinade All Purpose 6/12.5 oz 212567 63859050009 Cornet Bay Cornet Bay Sauce Louis Pepper 6/5 oz 212568 63859053787 Cornet Bay Cornet Bay Sauce Worcestershire 6/6 oz 212569 63859050109 Cornet Bay Cornet Bay Sauce Steak 6/10 oz 212570 63859051309 Cornet Bay Cornet Bay Seasoning Joanne Special 6/2.94 oz 212571 63859050209 Cornet Bay Cornet Bay Seasoning All Hot 6/2.9 oz 212572 63859010005 Cornet Bay Cornet Bay Pepper Garlic 6/2.84 oz 212573 63859050309 Cornet Bay Cornet Bay Seasoning Cajun 6/2.68 oz 212574 63859050409 Cornet Bay Cornet Bay Seasoning Steak And Seafood 6/3.12 oz 212575 63859050509 Cornet Bay Cornet Bay Jelly Jalapeno Hot 6/10.5 oz 220593 63859070004 Cornet Bay Cornet Bay Salsa Peach Sweet Onion 6/10 oz 220594 63859070005 Cornet Bay Cornet Bay Dressing Summer Tomato 6/12 oz 220595 63859070003 Cornet Bay Cornet Bay Dressing Balsamic Herb Vinaigrette 6/12 oz 220596 63859070002 Cornet Bay Cornet Bay Dressing Creamy Cucumber Sweet Onion 6/12 oz 220597 63859070001 Cornet Bay Cornet Bay Dressing Sweet Onion Fat Free 6/12 oz 220598 63859070006 Cornet Bay Cornet Bay Sauce Steak Sweet Onion 6/8.5 oz 220599 63859070009 Cornet Bay Cornet Bay Sauce Steak Merlot 6/8.5 oz 220600 63859070008 Cornet Bay Cornet Bay Sauce Steak Mesquite Sweet Onion 6/8.5 oz 220601 63859070007 Cornet Bay Cornet Bay Sauce Marinade Sesame Ginger 6/12 oz 231130 63859053003 Cosmos Creation 4 Him Food Group Llc Corn Puffed Crunch Coconut 12/6.5 oz 233506 85171000130 Cosmos Creation 4 Him Food Group Llc Corn Puffed Caramel Salted 12/6.5 oz 233507 85171000182 Cosmos Creation 4 Him Food Group Llc Corn Puffed Crisp Apple Caramel 12/6 oz 233508 85171000138 Costa D Oro Costa D Oro Ita Oil Olisana Omega 3 And 6 6/500 ml 211743 2345700053 Costa D Oro Costa D Oro Ita Oil Olive Extra Virgin 6/500 ml 211744 2345702030 Costa D Oro Costa D Oro Ita Oil Grezzo Extra Virgin 6/500 ml 211745 2345702035 Costa D Oro Costa D Oro Ita Oil Grapeseed 6/500 ml 211746 2345703066 Cougar Mountain Cougar Mt Baking Company Cookie Chocolate Chunk 6/10 oz 52135 9634385671 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Cougar Mountain Cougar Mt Baking Company Cookie Seasonal Variety 6/10 oz 52136 9634385672 Cougar Mountain Cougar Mt Baking Company Cookie Raisin Cinnamon 6/10 oz 52137 9634385673 Cougar Mountain Cougar Mt Baking Company Cookie Molasses Ginger Chewy 6/10 oz 52138 9634385680 Cougar Mountain Cougar Mt Baking Company Cookie Dough Oatmeal Raisin 12/15 oz 210087 9634351103 Cougar Mountain Cougar Mt Baking Company Cookie Dough Chocolate Chunk 12/15 oz 219644 9634351101 Cougar Mountain Cougar Mt Baking Company Cookie Dough Peanut Butter Chocolate 12/15 oz 219645 9634351102 Cougar Mountain Cougar Mt Baking Company Cookies Snickerdoodle Old Fashioned 6/10 oz 225833 9634385682 Cougar Mountain Cougar Mt Baking Company Cookies Double Chocolate Oregon Hazelnut 6/10 oz 225834 9634385674 Cougar Mountain Cougar Mt Baking Company Cookies Peanut Butter Chocolate Chunk Natural 6/10 oz 225835 9634385679 Cougar Mountain Cougar Mt Baking Company Cookies Oatmeal Chocolate Chunk Natural 6/10 oz 225837 9634385677 Cougar Mountain Cougar Mt Baking Company Cookie Dough Seasonal Variety Natural 12/15 oz 225838 9634351107 Cougar Mountain Cougar Mt Baking Company Cookies Snickerdoodle Lemon Natural 6/10 oz 225985 9634385681 Cougar Mountain Cougar Mt Baking Company Cookies Peanut Butter Classic Natural 6/10 oz 225986 9634385676 Cougar Mountain Cougar Mt Baking Company Cookies Flavor Of The Month Natural 6/10 oz 225987 9634385675 Cougar Mountain Cougar Mt Baking Company Cookies Chocolate White Raspberry Natural 6/10 oz 225988 9634385678 Cougar Mountain Cougar Mt Baking Company Cookie Chocolate Chunk Original 24/3.5 oz 229579 9634322001 Cougar Mountain Cougar Mt Baking Company Cookie Oatmeal Raisin Cinnamon 24/3.5 oz 229580 9634322003 Cougar Mountain Cougar Mt Baking Company Cookie Seasonal Variety 24/3.5 oz 229581 9634322099 Cougar Mountain Cougar Mt Baking Company Cookie Snickerdoodle Old Fashioned 24/3.5 oz 229582 9634322007 Cougar Mountain Cougar Mt Baking Company Cookie Molasses Ginger Chewy 24/3.5 oz 229583 9634322006 Cougar Mountain Cougar Mt Baking Company Cookie Peanut Butter Derk Dipped 24/4 oz 229584 9634332002 Cougar Mountain Cougar Mt Baking Company Cookie Chocolate Dark Chunk Dipped 24/4 oz 229586 9634332001 Country Archer Country Archer Jerky Beef Original 12/3 oz 231911 85301600225 Country Archer Country Archer Jerky Beef Sriracha 12/3 oz 231912 85301600277 Country Save Country Save Products Corporation Detergent Dish Liquid 12/32 oz 211264 7442855032 Country Save Country Save Products Corporation Detergent Laundry Premium 80 Load 4/10 lb 211265 7442800160 Country Save Country Save Products Corporation Detergent Laundry Premium 40 Load 8/5 lb 211266 7442800080 Country Save Country Save Products Corporation Detergent Laundry Liquid 4/100 oz 211267 7442877100 Country Save Country Save Products Corporation Bleach Oxygen Powered 12/2.5 lb 211268 7442800040 County Fair County Fair Food Products Pickles Dill Hot Slices Kosher 6/32 oz 223394 60342300981 County Fair County Fair Food Products Pickles Dill X/Garlic Large Kosher 1/5 ga 223395 60342300024 County Fair County Fair Food Products Pickles Dill Spears 6/32 oz 223396 60342300953 County Fair County Fair Food Products Sauerkraut Shredded Long Kosher 6/32 oz 223397 60342300992 County Fair County Fair Food Products Pickles Sweet Butter Slices Kosher 6/32 oz 223398 60342300990 County Fair County Fair Food Products Pickles Dill Slices Kosher 6/32 oz 223399 60342300980 County Fair County Fair Food Products Sauerkraut Shredded Long 4/1 ga 223685 60342300901 County Fair County Fair Food Products Pickles Dill Sliced Long Kosher 1/2 ga 234327 60342300074 Cow Wow Cow Wow Milk Cereal Chocolate Chip Cathy Natural Organic 12/8.5 oz 222879 85161300401 Cream Nut Cream Nut Peanut Butter Smooth 6/17 oz 211651 7115730341 Creamwich Creamwich Ice Cream Sandwich Caramel Salted 12/5.5 oz 231277 85871900405 Creamwich Creamwich Ice Cream Sandwich Original 12/5.5 oz 231278 85871900400 Creamwich Creamwich Ice Cream Shortcake Strawberry 12/5 oz 232191 85871900434 Creamwich Creamwich Ice Cream Dipped Chocolate Milk 12/6 oz 232192 85871900401 Creative Snacks Creative Snacks Co Llc Pretzels Yogurt Natural 12/7 oz 232013 81651201041 Creative Snacks Creative Snacks Co Llc Pretzels Yogurt Blueberry Natural 12/7 oz 232014 81651201040 Creative Snacks Creative Snacks Co Llc Pretzels Chocolate Dark Natural 12/7 oz 232015 81651201529 Creative Snacks Creative Snacks Co Llc Pretzels Peanut Butter Natural 12/7 oz 232016 81651201043 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 65 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 66 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Creative Snacks Creative Snacks Co Llc Gummi Worms 12/9.5 oz 232019 81651201443 Creative Snacks Creative Snacks Co Llc Gummi Worms Sour 12/9 oz 232020 81651201444 Creative Snacks Creative Snacks Co Llc Gummi Butterflies Mini 12/10.5 oz 232021 81651201504 Creative Snacks Creative Snacks Co Llc Gummi Bears 12/10.5 oz 232022 81651201442 Creative Snacks Creative Snacks Co Llc Snack Mix Brain Food Bag Natural 6/3.5 oz 232023 81651201512 Creative Snacks Creative Snacks Co Llc Almonds Roasted Salted Snack Bag Natural 6/3 oz 232024 81651201218 Creative Snacks Creative Snacks Co Llc Snack Mix Campfire Crunch Bag Natural 6/3 oz 232025 81651201514 Creative Snacks Creative Snacks Co Llc Cashews Roasted Salted Snack Bag Natural 6/3 oz 232026 81651201225 Creative Snacks Creative Snacks Co Llc Snack Mix Brain Food Natural 12/9.5 oz 232027 85598300207 Creative Snacks Creative Snacks Co Llc Snack Mix After School Natural 12/10 oz 232028 85598300225 Creative Snacks Creative Snacks Co Llc Snack Mix Cowboy Fixins 12/6.5 oz 232029 81651201441 Creative Snacks Creative Snacks Co Llc Nuts Deluxe Mix Natural 12/9.5 oz 232030 85598300205 Creative Snacks Creative Snacks Co Llc Cashews Roasted Salted Natural 12/9 oz 232031 85598300215 Creative Snacks Creative Snacks Co Llc Pistachios Roasted Salted Shell Natural 12/7 oz 232032 85598300217 Creative Snacks Creative Snacks Co Llc Almonds Chocolate Dark Natural 12/9 oz 232033 85598300241 Creative Snacks Creative Snacks Co Llc Snack Mix Honey Crunch Hot 12/8 oz 232034 85598300210 Creative Snacks Creative Snacks Co Llc Pistachios Roasted Salted Shell Natural 6/2.75 oz 232035 81651201224 Creative Snacks Creative Snacks Co Llc Almonds Chocolate Dark Snackbag Natural 6/3.5 oz 232036 81651201220 Creative Snacks Creative Snacks Co Llc Espresso Beans Chocolate Dark Natural 6/3.5 oz 232037 81651201219 Creative Snacks Creative Snacks Co Llc Nuts Sweet Ale Natural 12/9.5 oz 232038 85598300220 Creative Snacks Creative Snacks Co Llc Snack Mix Seaside Surf Natural 12/8.5 oz 232039 85598300299 Creminelli Creminelli Fine Meats Llc Salami Italian Wild Boar Iw Natural 9/5.5 oz 226482 85354400547 Creminelli Creminelli Fine Meats Llc Salami Italian Sopressata Iw Natural 9/5.5 oz 226483 85354400543 Creminelli Creminelli Fine Meats Llc Salami Italian Barolo Iw Natural 9/6 oz 226484 85354400539 Creminelli Creminelli Fine Meats Llc Panceta Cubed Natural 12/3 oz 235903 85073200627 Creminelli Creminelli Fine Meats Llc Prosciutto Sliced Natural 12/2 oz 235904 85073200600 Creminelli Creminelli Fine Meats Llc Salami Varzi Uncured Natural 12/2 oz 235905 85073200604 Creminelli Creminelli Fine Meats Llc Salami Felino And Manchego 12/2.2 oz 235906 85073200634 Creminelli Creminelli Fine Meats Llc Salami Calabrese Uncured Natural 12/2 oz 235907 85073200603 Creminelli Creminelli Fine Meats Llc Bresaola Dried Natural 12/1 oz 235908 85073200633 Crock Gourmet Southeastern Mills Inc Seasoning Chicken 12/2.50 oz 52333 9830800503 Crock Gourmet Southeastern Mills Inc Seasoning Beef 12/2.50 oz 52334 9830800504 Crofters Crofters Food Ltd Can Spread Morello Cherry Premium 6/10 oz 213178 6727500094 Crofters Crofters Food Ltd Can Spread Raspberry Just Fruit 6/10 oz 213179 6727500032 Crofters Crofters Food Ltd Can Spread Superfruit Just Fruit 6/10 oz 213180 6727500037 Crofters Crofters Food Ltd Can Spread Strawberry Just Fruit 6/10 oz 213181 6727500031 Crofters Crofters Food Ltd Can Spread Pomegranate Premium 6/10 oz 213182 6727500100 Crosse Blackwell Crosse Blackwell Capers 6/3.5 oz 119085 5150028660 Crosse Blackwell Posh Nosh Imports Pickle Original Branston Small 6/12.7 oz 201831 87251300062 Crosse Blackwell Smucker Natural Foods Inc Jelly Mint Apple 6/12 oz 22090 5150028602 Crosse Blackwell Smucker Natural Foods Inc Jelly Red Currant 6/12 oz 22092 5150028604 Crosse Blackwell Smucker Natural Foods Inc Chutney Major Grey 6/9 oz 22093 5150028620 Crosse Blackwell Smucker Natural Foods Inc Chutney Hot Mango 6/9 oz 22094 5150028621 Crosse Blackwell Smucker Natural Foods Inc Sauce Mint 6/5 oz 22101 5150028643 Crosse Blackwell Smucker Natural Foods Inc Glaze Ham 6/10 oz 22104 5150028647 Crosse Blackwell Smucker Natural Foods Inc Sauce Cocktail Seafood 6 Pack 6/12 oz 200913 5150028646 Crosse Blackwell Smucker Natural Foods Inc Sauce Shrimp Zesty 6 Pack 6/12 oz 200914 5150028645 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Crown Prince Crown Prince Inc Mar Sardines Water Skinless Boneless Natural 12/4.37 oz 210232 7323000838 Crown Prince Crown Prince Inc Mar Sardines Olive Oil Skinless Boneless 12/3.7 oz 210233 7323000833 Crunchmaster Th Foods Inc Crackers Multi Seed Original Gluten Free Natural 12/4.5 oz 76359 87989000001 Crunchmaster Th Foods Inc Crackers Sea Salt Multigrain Gluten Free Natural 12/4.5 oz 220231 87989000011 Crunchmaster Th Foods Inc Crackers Multgrain White Cheddar Gluten Free Natural 12/4.5 oz 232823 87989000033 Crush Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Grape 24/12 oz 215692 4171012248 Crush Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Orange 24/12 oz 215696 4171011248 Crush Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Strawberry 24/12 oz 215697 4171013248 Crystal Crystal Sauce Pure Hot 12/6 fo 20886 4840000002 Crystal Crystal Sauce Extra Hot 6/6 fo 20888 4840000429 Crystal Crystal Sauce Wing Original 6/12 fo 20889 4840000509 Crystal French Transit Ltd Deodorant Body Spray 12/4 oz 205618 8644930009 Crystal French Transit Ltd Deodorant Roll On 12/2.25 oz 205619 8644930006 Crystal French Transit Ltd Body Deodorant Travel Stick 12/1.5 oz 211547 8644900225 Crystal French Transit Ltd Tha Deodorant Body Rock Travel Size 200/1 oz 214533 8644910003 Crystal French Transit Ltd Deodorant Rollon Lavender White Tea 12/2.25 oz 224442 8644921661 Crystal French Transit Ltd Deodorant Stick Crystal 12/4.25 oz 236066 8644930003 Crystal French Transit Ltd Deodorant Body Spray Cobalt Sky 6/4 oz 236067 8644977722 Crystal French Transit Ltd Deodorant Body Spray Onyx Storm 6/4 oz 236068 8644977711 Crystal French Transit Ltd Deodorant Roll On Pomegranate 12/2.25 oz 236069 8644911661 Cucina Fresca Cucina Fresca Inc Pasta Papparedelle Frozen 1/5 lb 33497 7221081219 Cucina Fresca Cucina Fresca Inc Pasta Ravioli Wild Mushroom 1/5 lb 34809 7221083362 Cucina Fresca Cucina Fresca Inc Pasta Ravioli 3 Cheese 1/5 lb 34837 7221083393 Cucina Fresca Cucina Fresca Inc Pasta Tortellini 4 Cheese 1/5 lb 34893 7221083480 Cucina Fresca Cucina Fresca Inc Pasta Potato Gnocchi 1/5 lb 34898 7221083488 Cucina Fresca Cucina Fresca Inc Sauce Marinara Fresh 12/16 oz 76556 88433700000 Cucina Fresca Cucina Fresca Inc Sauce Puttanesca Fresh 12/16 oz 76557 88433700001 Cucina Fresca Cucina Fresca Inc Sauce Tomato Vodka Fresh 12/16 oz 76558 88433700002 Cucina Fresca Cucina Fresca Inc Pasta Gnocchi Potato 12/10 oz 76560 88433700103 Cucina Fresca Cucina Fresca Inc Tortellini 4 Cheese Fresh 12/10 oz 76561 88433700104 Cucina Fresca Cucina Fresca Inc Pasta Fettucine Fresh 12/10 oz 76562 88433700200 Cucina Fresca Cucina Fresca Inc Pasta Linguine Fresh 12/10 oz 76563 88433700201 Cucina Fresca Cucina Fresca Inc Pasta Pappardelle Fresh 12/10 oz 76564 88433700202 Cucina Fresca Cucina Fresca Inc Pasta Lasagne Sheets 12/10 oz 76566 88433700205 Cucina Fresca Cucina Fresca Inc Pasta Ravioi Buternut Squash Fresh 12/10 oz 76569 88433700210 Cucina Fresca Cucina Fresca Inc Ravioli 3 Cheese Fresh 12/10 oz 76570 88433700211 Cucina Fresca Cucina Fresca Inc Ravioli Spinach Ricotta Fresh 12/10 oz 76572 88433700213 Cucina Fresca Cucina Fresca Inc Ravioli Wild Mushroom Fresh 12/10 oz 76573 88433700214 Cucina Fresca Cucina Fresca Inc Sauce Pesto 12/8 oz 76579 88433700226 Cucina Fresca Cucina Fresca Inc Macaroni Cheese Fontina Wf 10/20 oz 76583 88433700501 Cucina Fresca Cucina Fresca Inc Macaroni Cheese Gorgonzola Wf 10/20 oz 76584 88433700502 Cucina Fresca Cucina Fresca Inc Macaroni Cheese Smoked Gruyere Wf 10/20 oz 76585 88433700503 Cucina Fresca Cucina Fresca Inc Macaroni And Cheese Cheddar Sharp 10/20 oz 83292 88433700519 Cucina Fresca Cucina Fresca Inc Lasagna Lazy Spinach Cheese 2/128 oz 84382 7221086512 Cucina Fresca Cucina Fresca Inc Lasagna 3 Cheese W Vodka Sauce 2/128 oz 84384 7221086514 Cucina Fresca Cucina Fresca Inc Pasta Tortellini Red Pepper 1/5 lb 88131 88433700524 Cucina Fresca Cucina Fresca Inc Ravioli Smoke Mozzarella 1/5 lb 88132 88433700525 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 67 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 68 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Cucina Fresca Cucina Fresca Inc Fontina Mac And Cheese Creamy 2/6 lb 115039 88433700543 Cucina Fresca Cucina Fresca Inc Pasta Ravioli Gorgonzola Pear Fr 12/10 oz 204988 88433700215 Cucina Fresca Cucina Fresca Inc Ravioli Salmon Smoked Fr 1/5 lb 205764 88433700586 Cucina Fresca Cucina Fresca Inc Ravioli Lemon Ricotta 1/5 lb 207022 88433700564 Cucina Fresca Cucina Fresca Inc Lasagna Sheets Large 5/5 lb 209854 88433700602 Cucina Fresca Cucina Fresca Inc Ravioli Sweet Pea And Terragon 1/5 lb 211421 88433700574 Cucina Fresca Cucina Fresca Inc Sauce Alfredo Natural 12/16 oz 215763 88433700657 Cucina Fresca Cucina Fresca Inc Lasagna Sheets Egg Small Natural 4/5 lb 228271 88433700603 Cucina Fresca Seattle Gourmet Foods Sauce Tomato Vodka Dry 6/24 oz 210347 88433700521 Cucina Fresca Seattle Gourmet Foods Sauce Tomato Smoked Dry 6/24 oz 210348 88433700522 Cucina Fresca Seattle Gourmet Foods Sauce Marinara Dry 6/24 oz 210349 88433700520 Cultured Way World Import Distributors Cheese Yogurt Plain 12/8 oz 73097 83399800014 Cultured Way World Import Distributors Cheese Yogurt Jalapeno 12/8 oz 73098 83399800017 Cultured Way World Import Distributors Cheese Yogurt Sticks 12/5 oz 73099 83399811210 Cup 4 Cup Cup4cup Llc Flour Gluten Free Natural 6/3 lb 226263 85921600300 Cup 4 Cup Cup4cup Llc Brownie Mix Chocolate Dairy Free Gluten Free 6/14.25 oz 228247 85921600306 Cup 4 Cup Cup4cup Llc Crust Mix Pizza Gluten Free 6/1.1 lb 228248 85921600302 Cup 4 Cup Cup4cup Llc Pancake Waffle Mix Gluten Free 6/8.67 oz 228249 85921600304 Curlys Curlys Beef Brisket Seasoned 2/8 lb 228524 70405128702 Custom Accessories General Automotive Supply Co Tire Gauge Pencil 10/100 Psi 12/1 ea 211942 7734173335 Custom Accessories General Automotive Supply Co Tape Hoop And Loop Card 2 12/1 ea 211944 7734123339 Custom Accessories General Automotive Supply Co Clock Spot Round 12/1 ea 213534 7734172226 Custom Accessories General Automotive Supply Co Holder Cell Phone Belt Clip Dash Mount 6/1 ea 213535 7734118745 Custom Accessories General Automotive Supply Co Holder Phone/mp3 2/1 ea 213536 7734110402 Cybele’s Free To Eat Free To Eat Inc Cookies Oatmeal Raisin 6/6 oz 218580 85040600401 Cybele’s Free To Eat Free To Eat Inc Cookies Chocolate Chunk Brownie 6/5.4 oz 218581 85040600402 Cybele’s Free To Eat Free To Eat Inc Cookies Chocolate Chip 6/6 oz 218582 85040600400 Cybele’s Free To Eat Free To Eat Inc Cookies Snickerdoodle Natural 6/6 oz 232834 85040600404 Cypress Grove Cypress Grove Humboldt Fog Hw 1/5 lb 53362 21653600000 Cypress Grove Cypress Grove Chevre Inc Chevre Purple Haze 6/4 oz 14119 3949600108 Cypress Grove Cypress Grove Chevre Inc Truffle Tremor 1/3 lb 14122 3949600240 Cypress Grove Cypress Grove Chevre Inc Ned Midnight Moon 1/9 lb 33596 7221081407 Cypress Grove Cypress Grove Chevre Inc Humboldt Fog 1/5 lb 33799 7221081707 Cypress Grove Cypress Grove Chevre Inc Humboldt Fog Mini 4/16 oz 33800 7221081708 Cypress Grove Cypress Grove Chevre Inc Chevre Ms Natural 6/4 oz 200721 3949600101 Cypress Grove Cypress Grove Chevre Inc Chevre Herbs De Humboldt 6/4 oz 200722 3949600105 Cypress Grove Cypress Grove Chevre Inc Chevre Sgt Pepper 12/4 oz 208907 3949600107 Cypress Grove Cypress Grove Chevre Inc Chevre Psychedillic 12/4 oz 208908 3949600104 Cypress Grove Cypress Grove Chevre Inc Chevre Sgt Pepper 6/4 oz 214977 3949600107 Cypress Grove Cypress Grove Chevre Inc Ned Lamb Chopper Natural 1/9 lb 219543 3949640120 Cypress Grove Cypress Grove Chevre Inc Truffle Tremor Mini 2/1 lb 233688 3949610155 Cyrus O’leary’s Cyrus O’leary’s Pies Pie Ss Sour Cream Lemon 16/7 oz 84916 4712511052 Cyrus Olearys Cyrus O’leary’s Pies Pie Ss Chocolate Cream 16/7 oz 84917 4712511059 Cyrus Olearys Cyrus O’leary’s Pies Pie Ss Coconut Cream 16/7 oz 84918 4712511060 Cyrus Olearys Cyrus O’leary’s Pies Pie Lemon Meringue 9 Inch 4/46 oz 111800 4712505150 Cyrus Olearys Cyrus O’leary’s Pies Pie Kahlua Cream 9 Inch 6/40 oz 111801 4712505153 Cyrus Olearys Cyrus O’leary’s Pies Pie Banana Cream 9 Inch 6/46 oz 111802 4712505157 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Cyrus Olearys Cyrus O’leary’s Pies Pie Chocolate Cream 9 Inch 6/46 oz 111803 4712505159 Cyrus Olearys Cyrus O’leary’s Pies Pie Coconut Cream 9 Inch 6/46 oz 111804 4712505160 Cyrus Olearys Cyrus O’leary’s Pies Pie Key Lime 9 Inch 6/24 oz 234862 4712505148 Cyrus Olearys Cyrus O’leary’s Pies Pie Ss Banana Cream 16/7 oz 234863 4712511057 D A M Salsa Dam Salsa Llc Salsa Hot 12/16 oz 53136 18728300000 D A M Salsa Dam Salsa Llc Salsa Mild 12/16 oz 53137 18728300001 D A M Salsa Dam Salsa Llc Salsa Medium 12/16 oz 53138 18728300002 D A M Salsa Dam Salsa Llc Salsa Spicy Maria 12/16 oz 207442 18728300003 D Enrique Atlantica Emc Sl Esp Manchego D O With Rosemary 2/6.2 lb 68010 76181801068 Da Vinci Da Vinci Oil Olive Extra Virgin 6/8.5 oz 119264 7067001110 Da Vinci Da Vinci Oil Olive Extra Virgin 6/17 oz 119265 7067001111 Da Vinci Da Vinci Oil Olive Pure 6/8.5 oz 119267 7067001115 Da Vinci Da Vinci Oil Olive Pure 6/17 oz 119268 7067001116 Da Vinci Da Vinci Oil Olive Extra Light 100% 6/17 oz 119269 7067001120 Da Vinci Kerry Inc Syrup Pump 750ml 1/1 ea 128134 73738409995 Da Vinci Kerry Inc Syrup Mango Glass Bottle 12/750 ml 202253 73738400056 Da Vinci Kerry Inc Syrup Coconut Plastic Bottle 6/750 ml 202259 73738400119 Da Vinci Kerry Inc Syrup Hazelnut Plastic Bottle 6/750 ml 202260 73738400103 Da Vinci Kerry Inc Syrup Irish Cream Plastic Bottle 6/750 ml 202261 73738400109 Da Vinci Kerry Inc Syrup Peppermint Plastic Bottle 6/750 ml 202262 73738400150 Da Vinci Kerry Inc Syrup Cherry Plastic Bottle 6/750 ml 202264 73738400106 Da Vinci Kerry Inc Syrup Caramel Plastic Bottle 6/750 ml 202265 73738400121 Da Vinci Kerry Inc Syrup Almond Plastic Bottle 6/750 ml 202266 73738400102 Da Vinci Kerry Inc Syrup Vanilla Plastic Bottle 6/750 ml 202267 73738400101 Da Vinci Kerry Inc Syrup Strawberry Plastic Bottle 6/750 ml 202268 73738400105 Da Vinci Kerry Inc Syrup Raspberry Plastic Bottle 6/750 ml 202269 73738400104 Da Vinci Kerry Inc Syrup Almond Sf Plastic Bottle 6/750 ml 202270 73738402102 Da Vinci Kerry Inc Syrup Caramel Sf Plastic Bottle 6/750 ml 202271 73738402121 Da Vinci Kerry Inc Syrup Hazelnut Sf Plastic Bottle 6/750 ml 202272 73738402103 Da Vinci Kerry Inc Syrup Vanilla Sf Plastic Bottle 6/750 ml 202274 73738402101 Da Vinci Kerry Inc Syrup Vanilla Madagascar Natural 12/700 ml 205711 73738400965 Da Vinci Kerry Inc Syrup Caramel Hawaiian Salted Natural 12/700 ml 209178 73738400967 Da Vinci Kerry Inc Syrup Raspberry Pacific Northwest 12/700 ml 211670 73738400968 Da Vinci Kerry Inc Lemonade Concentrate 6/750 ml 220380 73738400400 Da Vinci World Finer Foods Pasta Linguini 20/16 oz 26812 7067000723 Da Vinci World Finer Foods Pasta Spaghetti 20/16 oz 26815 7067000726 Da Vinci World Finer Foods Pasta Alphabet 12/12 oz 26826 7067000737 Da Vinci World Finer Foods Pesto Genovese 6/10 oz 26862 7067000822 Da Vinci World Finer Foods Pesto Sundried Tomato 6/10 oz 26863 7067000823 Da Vinci World Finer Foods Pasta Tortellini 12/7 oz 26871 7067000840 Da Vinci World Finer Foods Pasta Tortellini Tri Color 12/7 oz 26874 7067000843 Dad’s Orca Beverage Inc Soda Root Beer 24/12 oz 211887 3977111625 Dad’s Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Root Beer 24/12 oz 79784 7241004210 Dad’s Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Creamy Orange 24/12 oz 79785 7241005010 Dad’s Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Blue Cream 24/12 oz 79786 7241005030 Dad’s Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Creamy Red 24/12 oz 79787 7241005040 Dad’s Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Diet Root Beer 24/12 oz 79788 7241006210 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 69 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 70 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Dad’s Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Cream 24/12 oz 215690 7241063010 Daily Greens Drink Daily Greens Llc Juice Vegetable W/Watermelon Mint 6/12 oz 229587 85664600410 Daily Greens Drink Daily Greens Llc Juice Vegetable W/Basil And Lemon 6/12 oz 229589 85664600411 Daily Greens Drink Daily Greens Llc Juice Vegetable W/Apple Pear Ginger 6/12 oz 229590 85664600412 Daily Greens Drink Daily Greens Llc Juice Elevate Veg/Fruit Organic Gluten Free Natural 6/12 oz 234752 85664600425 Dairy Vale Jana Foods Aus Cheddar 3 Year Block 1/44 lb 92863 7221086766 Dairyfood Dairyfood USA Inc Gouda Smoked 12/8 oz 114916 4452916300 Daiya Daiya Foods Inc Can Mozzarella Style Shreds 12/8 oz 116789 87145900001 Daiya Daiya Foods Inc Can Cheddar Style Shreds 12/8 oz 116790 87145900002 Daiya Daiya Foods Inc Can Pizza Roasted Vegetable Natural 8/16.6 oz 222918 87145900152 Daiya Daiya Foods Inc Can Pizza Cheese Lovers Natural 8/14.6 oz 222919 87145900132 Daiya Daiya Foods Inc Can Pizza Mushroom/Garlic Natural Gluten Free Diary Free 8/15.63 oz 225725 87145900162 Daiya Daiya Foods Inc Can Havarti Style Jalapeno/Garlic Block 8/7.1 oz 225920 87145900013 Daiya Daiya Foods Inc Mac Cheezy Cheddar Dairy Free 8/10.6 oz 231563 87145900133 Daiya Daiya Foods Inc Mac Cheezy White Cheddar Veggie Medley Dairy Free 8/10.6 oz 231564 87145900135 Daiya Daiya Foods Inc Mac Cheezy Alfredo Dairy Free 8/10.6 oz 231565 87145900134 Dallesandro Dallesandro Nuts Pine Cup 12/5.6 oz 67969 76181800918 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Mushrooms Porcini Dried Grade A 1/1 lb 206307 68708000623 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Lentil Red Chief 1/10 lb 206743 68708001081 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Arg Beans Cannellini 1/10 lb 206745 68708000369 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Chn Pumpkin Pepita Seeds Raw 1/5 lb 206747 68708000677 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Can Lentil Black Beluga 1/10 lb 206749 68708000870 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Chn Beans White Runner 1/10 lb 206750 68708005148 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Pecan Halves 1/5 lb 206751 68708014008 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Almond Whole 1/5 lb 206752 68708014006 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Can Lentil Green French 1/10 lb 206753 68708000394 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Esp Saffron Threads 1/1 oz 206798 68708007160 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Couscous Tri Colored 1/10 lb 207041 68708022023 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Orzo Tri Colored 1/10 lb 207042 68708039032 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Esp Paprika Smoked Hot Natural 6/20 oz 207618 68708004823 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Png Vanilla Bean Tahitian 1/8 oz 207625 68708007171 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Couscous Mediterranean Blend 1/8 lb 207627 68708035010 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Can Barley Black 1/10 lb 207628 68708005232 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Polenta Fine Instant 1/10 lb 207632 68708007311 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Walnuts English 1/5 lb 207634 68708014010 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Per Quinoa Red 1/25 lb 207792 68708026072 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Chn Pine Nuts 1/5 lb 210514 68708000680 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Mex Chiles Chipotle Morita Whole 1/1 lb 220074 68708000462 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Mex Chiles Ancho Whole 1/1 lb 220075 68708000456 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Lentil Autumn Blend 1/10 lb 220076 68708001001 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Tur Sumac Ground 6/18 oz 220079 68708004521 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Nectarine White 1/5 lb 220081 68708030646 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Beans Jacobs Cattle 1/10 lb 220082 68708000409 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Walnuts Red Halves And Pieces 1/5 lb 220083 68708050090 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Mushrooms Shiitake Standard 1/1 lb 220084 68708005555 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Chn De Arbol Powder 1/16 oz 220090 68708024958 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Chn Mushrooms Porcini Grade B 1/1 lb 220091 68708000581 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Per Beans Lima Giant Peruvian 1/10 lb 220092 68708000403 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Mex Chipotle Powder Morita 1/20 oz 220094 68708007141 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Ita Couscous Fregola Sarda Large 1/8 lb 220098 68708028546 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Per Habas Peeled Fava 1/10 lb 220099 68708001039 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Peas Green Whole 1/10 lb 220100 68708003917 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Tha Pineapple Rings Unsweetened 1/5 lb 220101 68708004225 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Esp Paprika Bittersweet Smoked 6/20 oz 220102 68708007087 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Ind Chiles Thai 1/1 lb 220104 68708025797 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Ind Chiles Ghost 1/1 lb 220106 68708030159 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Per Ancho Powder 1/20 oz 220107 68708024955 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Ina Cinnamon Stick Natural 1/4.5 lb 220974 68708003064 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Aut Frekah Wheat Whole Grain 1/10 lb 220977 68708046568 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Rice Brown Sprouted Gaba 1/10 lb 220980 68708045653 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Ita Couscous Fregola Sarda Med Natural 1/8 lb 220981 68708028541 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Per Nuts Corn Chilie Lime Natural 1/4.5 lb 220985 68708051769 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Chiles Whole New Mexico 1/1 lb 223250 68708000480 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Mex Seasoning Oregano Mexican 6/3 oz 223255 68708032815 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Flour Corn Masa Harina 1/10 lb 223257 68708004518 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Mex Chiles Whole Guajillo 1/1 lb 223259 68708000468 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Chn Mushrooms Porcini Extra A Natural 1/1 lb 229926 68708056535 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Ind Lentils White Ivory Natural 1/10 lb 232763 68708000862 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Tha Rice Red Himalayan Natural 1/10 lb 233946 68708002665 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Orzo Plain 1/10 lb 233947 68708014983 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Dukkah Spice Nut Seed Blend Natural 6/16 oz 233948 68708055674 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Per Corn Nut Crunchy Salted Jumbo 1/4.5 lb 233949 68708036602 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Rice Saffron Natural 1/10 lb 233950 68708008028 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Fig Calimyrna Golden 1/5 lb 233951 68708001068 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Can Couscous Tomato Natural 1/10 lb 233952 68708016068 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Aus Peas Chana Dal Natural 1/10 lb 233953 68708000372 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Beans Cranberry Borlotti Natural 1/10 lb 233954 68708000381 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Chn Beans Scarlet Runner Natural 1/10 lb 233955 68708005144 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Chn Rice Bamboo Natural 1/10 lb 233956 68708024448 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Grits Hominy Natural 1/10 lb 234586 68708027673 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Orzo Potato Sweet Natural 1/10 lb 234587 68708029748 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Wheat Einkorn Natural 1/10 lb 235020 68708056032 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Chn Mango With Chile Sliced Gluten Free 1/5 lb 235835 68708042798 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Rice Coconut Green Curry Gluten Free 1/10 lb 235836 68708055608 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Chn Wasabi Bean Mix 4 Colored Gluten Free 1/5 lb 235837 68708057178 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Sri Chips Coconut Unsweetened Toasted Gluten Free 1/5 lb 235838 68708036730 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Rice Spanish Gluten Free Natural 1/10 lb 235839 68708056423 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Can Chickpeas Masala Roasted Gluten Free Natural 1/3 lb 235840 68708037849 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Rice Salsa Verde Gluten Free Natural 1/10 lb 235841 68708057392 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Risotto Spinach Florentine Gluten Free 1/10 lb 235842 68708055067 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Risotto Butternut Squash Gluten Free 1/10 lb 235843 68708055099 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Rice Cajun Dirty Gluten Free Natural 1/10 lb 235844 68708055101 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Risotto Porcini Gluten Free 1/10 lb 235845 68708055066 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Rice Coconut Curry Gluten Free 1/10 lb 235846 68708054190 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 71 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 72 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Pistachio Chili Lime Gluten Free 1/5 lb 235847 68708042919 Dallesandro Woodland Foods Ltd Bol Quinoa Crisped Gluten Free Organic Natural 1/10 lb 236041 68708056761 Dallmayr Gourmet International Ger Coffee Prodomo Ground Natural 12/8.8 oz 229294 64678318960 Dalmatia Atalanta Corporation Cro Spread Fig 12/8.5 oz 213455 85485800103 Dalmatia Atalanta Corporation Cro Spread Fig Pail 4/3.53 lb 215374 85485800100 Dalmatia Atalanta Corporation Cro Spread Orange Fig 12/8.5 oz 215384 85485800104 Dalmatia Atalanta Corporation Cro Spread Ajvar Red Pepper 12/7.1 oz 217154 85485800110 Dalmatia Atalanta Corporation Cro Tapenade Green Olive 12/6.7 oz 217155 85485800106 Dalmatia Atalanta Corporation Cro Tapenade Black Olive 12/6.7 oz 217156 85485800105 Dalmatia Atalanta Corporation Cro Spread Sour Cherry 4/3.3 lb 217940 85485800101 Dalmatia Foodmatch Inc Cro Spread Ficoco 12/8.5 oz 215385 85485800107 Damascus Amana Foods, Inc. Falafel 1/300 ea 14543 4042000863 Dang Dang Foods Tha Chips Coconut Caramel Sea Salt 12/1.43 oz 225684 85990800308 Dang Dang Foods Tha Chips Coconut Original Natural 12/1.43 oz 225685 85990800300 Dang Dang Foods Tha Chips Coconut Bacon Savory Natural 12/1.43 oz 231615 85990800318 Dang Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Butterscotch Root Beer 24/12 oz 215694 5008800201 Dang Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Red Cream 24/12 oz 234738 5008800601 Dang Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Cherry Talian 24/12 oz 234740 5008800801 Daniele Daniele Salami Gourmet Number 4 Ew 10/8 oz 64780 73643684729 Daniele Daniele Meat Deli Gourmet Selection 12/6 oz 129823 73643652054 Dan’s Prize Dan’s Prize Inc Pork Roast Flame Seared 2/5 lb 225088 78620219072 Dan’s Prize Dan’s Prize Inc Prime Rib 6/4.32 lb 225578 78620262703 Dan’s Prize Dan’s Prize Inc Pot Roast Flame Seared 2/5 lb 228888 78620269452 Darbo Source Atlantique Aut Jam Lingoberries Wild Natural Pd 6/14.1 oz 229231 1136800238 Dare Dare Cookie Chocolate Fudge Cream 6/12.3 oz 119103 5565311990 Dare Dare Cookie Coconut Creme 6/12.3 oz 119104 5565312020 Dare Dare Cookie Lemon Creme 6/12.3 oz 119105 5565312050 Dare Dare Cookie Maple Leaf Creme 6/12.3 oz 119106 5565312060 Dare Dare Foods Inc Cracker Water Original 12/4.4 oz 23319 5565361870 Dare Dare Foods Inc Cracker Water Cracked Pepper 12/4.4 oz 23320 5565361880 Dare Dare Foods Inc Cracker Water Sesame 12/4.4 oz 23321 5565361890 Dare Dare Foods Inc Cracker Vinta 12/8.8 oz 23323 5565363210 Dare Dare Foods Inc Cracker Grainfirst Whole Grain 12/8.8 oz 23332 5565366930 Dare Dare Foods Inc Cracker Breton 12/8 oz 23333 5565367020 Dare Dare Foods Inc Cracker Cabaret 12/7 oz 23337 5565367140 Dare Dare Foods Inc Cracker Breton Multigrain 12/8.8 oz 200475 5565363010 Darigold Alpine Food Distributing Butter Chips Salted Foil Wrap .26oz 775/1 ea 231067 2640001700 Darigold Darigold Buttermilk Bulgarian 12/32 fo 211508 2640041035 Darrell Lea International Food Associates Inc Aus Licorice Strawberry Natural 8/7 oz 231469 81173700751 Darrell Lea International Food Associates Inc Aus Licorice Mango Natural 8/7 oz 231470 81173700753 Darrell Lea International Food Associates Inc Aus Licorice Black Original Natural 8/7 oz 231471 81173700750 Darrell Lea International Food Associates Inc Aus Licorice Green Apple Natural 8/7 oz 231472 81173700752 Daves Daves Sauce Total Insanity 6/5 fo 66907 75346900014 Dave’s Gourmet Dave’s Gourmet Sauce Pasta Squash Butternut 6/25.5 oz 210437 75346901006 Dave’s Gourmet Dave’s Gourmet Sauce Pasta Red Heirloom Organic 6/25.5 oz 210438 75346901002 Dave’s Gourmet Dave’s Gourmet Sauce Pasta Roasted Garlic / Sweet Basil Organic 6/25.5 oz 210439 75346901004 Dave’s Gourmet Dave’s Gourmet Sauce Pasta Garlic Mushroom Wild 6/25.5 oz 210440 75346901003 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Dave’s Gourmet Dave’s Gourmet Sauce Insanity 6/5 oz 210442 75346900001 Dave’s Gourmet Dave’s Gourmet Sauce Pepper Ghost Hot 6/5 oz 210443 75346900088 Dave’s Gourmet Dave’s Gourmet Crc Sauce Habanero Hurtin Hot Natural 12/5 oz 225091 75346900016 David Jack Rumiano Cheese Co Jack Sicillian 12/8 oz 71693 81135500091 David’s Kfp International Salt Kosher Canister Pd 12/16 oz 16120 4127857993 Dawn Fresh Giorgio Foods Inc Sauce Steak 12/6 oz 26147 7047501064 De Cecco Prodotti Mediterranei Inc Ita Gnocchi Potato 12/1.1 lb 6465 2409401401 De Cecco Prodotti Mediterranei Inc Pasta Lasagna 20/16 oz 6477 2409407001 De Cecco Prodotti Mediterranei Inc Pasta Fettuccine 20/16 oz 6478 2409407006 De Cecco Prodotti Mediterranei Inc Ita Pasta Angel Hair 20/16 oz 6481 2409407009 De Cecco Prodotti Mediterranei Inc Ita Pasta Spaghetti Thin 20/16 oz 6483 2409407011 De Cecco Prodotti Mediterranei Inc Pasta Spaghetti 20/16 oz 6484 2409407012 De Cecco Prodotti Mediterranei Inc Ita Pasta Bucatini 20/16 oz 6485 2409407015 De Cecco Prodotti Mediterranei Inc Pasta Rigatoni 20/16 oz 6487 2409407024 De Cecco Prodotti Mediterranei Inc Pasta Fusilli 20/16 oz 6489 2409407034 De Cecco Prodotti Mediterranei Inc Pasta Penne Rigate No 41 20/16 oz 6492 2409407041 De Cecco Prodotti Mediterranei Inc Gnocchi 20/16 oz 6494 2409407046 De Cecco Prodotti Mediterranei Inc Pasta Rotelle 20/16 oz 6496 2409407054 De Cecco Prodotti Mediterranei Inc Pasta Acini Di Pepe 20/16 oz 6501 2409407078 De Cecco Prodotti Mediterranei Inc Pasta Cavatappi 20/16 oz 6503 2409407087 De Cecco Prodotti Mediterranei Inc Pasta Orecchiette 20/16 oz 6505 2409407091 De Cecco Prodotti Mediterranei Inc Pasta Farfalle 20/16 oz 6506 2409407093 De Cecco Prodotti Mediterranei Inc Pasta Ziti 20/16 oz 6509 2409407118 De Cecco Prodotti Mediterranei Inc Ita Pasta Linguine Fini 4/5 lb 6514 2409418008 De Cecco Prodotti Mediterranei Inc Ita Pasta Spaghettini 4/5 lb 6516 2409418011 De Cecco Prodotti Mediterranei Inc Ita Pasta Spaghetti 4/5 lb 6517 2409418012 De Cecco Prodotti Mediterranei Inc Ita Pasta Fusilli 4/5 lb 6519 2409418034 De Cecco Prodotti Mediterranei Inc Ita Pasta Penne Rigate 4/5 lb 6521 2409418041 De Cecco Prodotti Mediterranei Inc Ita Pasta Farfalle 4/5 lb 6522 2409418093 De Cecco Prodotti Mediterranei Inc Ita Pasta Gemelli 4/5 lb 210697 2409418097 De Cecco Prodotti Mediterranei Inc Ita Spaghetti Whole Wheat 100 Pcnt 12/13.25 oz 211653 2409473012 De Cecco Prodotti Mediterranei Inc Ita Fusilli Tri Color 12/12 oz 211655 2409479034 De Cecco Prodotti Mediterranei Inc Ita Penne Rigate Ww 100 Pcnt 12/13.25 oz 211656 2409473041 De Cecco Prodotti Mediterranei Inc Ita Linguine Spinach 12/12 oz 211880 2409476007 Debeukelaer De Beukelaer Co Cookie Wafers Creme De Pirouline 6/14 oz 18419 4245600505 Debeukelaer De Beukelaer Co Cookie Wafers Dbl Chocolate Cre 6/14 oz 18420 4245605031 Deep Deep Foods Inc Burger Veggie 96/3 oz 206051 1143311846 Deep River Deep River Chips Kettle Salt And Vinegar Natural 12/5 oz 233892 85066800083 Deep River Deep River Chips Kettle Zesty Jalapeno Natural 12/5 oz 233894 85066800084 Deep River Deep River Chips Kettle Rosemary Olive Oil Natural 12/5 oz 233900 85066800087 Deep River Deep River Chips Kettle Onion Sweet Maui Natural 12/5 oz 233901 85066800085 Deep River Deep River Chips Kettle Original Salted Natural 12/5 oz 233903 85066800081 Deep River Deep River Chips Kettle Sour Cream Onion Natural 12/5 oz 233918 85066800099 Deep River Deep River Chips Kettle Pickle Spicy Dill Natural 12/5 oz 233919 85066800080 Deep River Deep River Chips Kettle Cheddar Aged Horseradish Natural 12/5 oz 233920 85066800088 Dehesa Atalanta Corporation Esp Manchego Grand Reserve Artisan 2/7 lb 221329 7127035570 Del Monte Chins Import Export Catsup 33 Percent 6/115 oz 6420 2400001340 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 73 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 74 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Del Monte Del Monte Ketchup Tomato Squeeze Bottle 12/24 oz 210380 2400000641 Del Monte Del Monte Fresh Produce Na Inc Kit Caesar Bow Tie With Chicken 1/7 lb 62446 71752480420 Del Real Del Real Foods Carnitas Pork Meat 5/4 lb 72731 82979300100 Del Real Del Real Foods Rice W/Vegetables Mexican 8/3 lb 72733 82979300499 Del Real Del Real Foods Carnitas Fried Pork 6/16 oz 72734 82979301003 Del Real Del Real Foods Chili Verde Pork In Green Sauce 6/16 oz 72735 82979301113 Del Real Del Real Foods Beef Barbacoa Pot Roast 6/16 oz 72736 82979302003 Del Real Del Real Foods Rice Spanish 6/24 oz 72740 82979304992 Del Real Del Real Foods Beans Refried Pinto 4/5 lb 82931 82979300401 Del Real Del Real Foods Tamales Pork 8/6 ea 88536 82979300190 Del Real Del Real Foods Tamales Cheese And Green Chile 8/6 ea 88537 82979300191 Del Real Del Real Foods Tamales Chicken In Red Sauce 8/6 ea 88538 82979300192 Del Real Del Real Foods Tamales Chicken In Green Sauce 8/6 ea 88539 82979300193 Del Real Del Real Foods Beef Seasoned Shredded 6/16 oz 88540 82979302133 Del Real Del Real Foods Chicken Seasoned Shredded 6/16 oz 88541 82979302293 Del Real Del Real Foods Tamale Beef 8/6 ea 208811 82979300194 Del Real Del Real Foods Soup Menudo 6/5 lb 209274 82979300203 Del Real Del Real Foods Salsa De Molcajete Verde 7/4 lb 221074 82979300503 Del Real Del Real Foods Salsa De Molcajete Roja 7/4 lb 221075 82979300504 Del Real Del Real Foods Tamales Pork 12/4 ea 224252 82979300122 Del Real Del Real Foods Tamales Cheese And Green Chile 12/4 ea 224253 82979300129 Del Real Del Real Foods Tamales Chicken Red Sauce 12/4 ea 224254 82979300136 DeLallo DeLallo Tomato Diced In Juice 6/28 oz 37705 7236842417 DeLallo DeLallo Tomato Crushed In Lp 6/28 oz 37706 7236842428 DeLallo DeLallo Sauce Tomato 6/29 oz 37709 7236842434 DeLallo DeLallo Tomato Chunk Crushed 6/28 oz 37719 7236842495 DeLallo DeLallo Breadcrumbs Seasoned Italian 6/24 oz 119480 7236810462 DeLallo DeLallo Peppers Red Roasted 6/12 oz 119484 7236810747 DeLallo DeLallo Peppers Roasted Red With Garlic 6/12 oz 119485 7236810751 DeLallo DeLallo Oil Spices Dipping 6/4 oz 119487 7236810918 DeLallo DeLallo Mushrooms Garlic Italian 6/8 oz 119492 7236816056 DeLallo DeLallo Tomato Plum Whole Peeled 6/28 oz 119502 7236842305 DeLallo DeLallo Tomato Crushed Italian Imported 6/28 oz 119503 7236842321 DeLallo DeLallo Tomato Diced Italian Imported 6/28 oz 119504 7236842322 DeLallo DeLallo Puree Tomato 6/29 oz 119505 7236842438 DeLallo DeLallo Sauce Pizza Fancy Natural 6/14 oz 119507 7236842455 DeLallo DeLallo Sauce Pesto Traditional Basil 6/6.5 oz 119508 7236842467 DeLallo DeLallo Sauce Red Clam 6/10.5 oz 119510 7236842498 DeLallo DeLallo Ita Rice Risotto Aborio Natural 6/17.6 oz 119513 7236851099 DeLallo DeLallo Ita Oil Olive Extra Light 6/16.9 oz 119514 7236872016 DeLallo DeLallo Ita Oil Olive Pure 100% 6/16.9 oz 119515 7236872017 DeLallo DeLallo Artichoke Hearts Marinated 6/6 oz 119520 7236890950 DeLallo DeLallo Artichoke Hearts 5/7Ct 6/13.75 oz 119521 7236890957 DeLallo DeLallo Vinegar Balsamic 6/16.9 oz 139634 7236834017 DeLallo DeLallo Ita Oil Olive Extra Virgin 6/16.9 oz 203138 7236872018 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Pepperoncini Mild 12/16 oz 37415 7236810131 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Olives Stuffed Queen In Brine 2/5 lb 37450 7236810485 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Antipasto Delight 2/5 lb 37452 7236810491 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Olives Green Picante Pitted 2/5 lb 37453 7236810506 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Olives Aglio Green Pitted 2/5 lb 37454 7236810507 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Olives Green Gigante Pitted 2/5 lb 37460 7236810553 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Olives Medley 2/5 lb 37468 7236810564 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Olives Calamata Extra Large Pitted 2/5 lb 37469 7236810566 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Olives Blue Cheese Stuffed 2/5 lb 37494 7236810825 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Garlic Minced In Water 12/6 oz 37503 7236811100 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Garlic Chopped In Oil 12/6 oz 37507 7236811150 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Mushroom Mix Mediterranean 2/5.5 lb 37526 7236812709 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Garlic Peppers Antipasto Fresh 2/5 lb 37530 7236812718 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Salad Greek Feta 2/5 lb 37539 7236812734 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Bruschetta Olive 6/10 oz 37559 7236813602 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Bruschetta Roasted Pepper 6/10 oz 37560 7236813603 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Olives Mix Bella Dicerignola 2/5 lb 37585 7236817040 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Gre Pepperoncini Mild 6/25.5 oz 37617 7236820134 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Gre Pepperoncini Hot 6/25.5 oz 37618 7236820136 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Gre Giardinera Mild 6/25.5 oz 37626 7236820276 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Peppers Banana Rings Hot 6/25.5 oz 37628 7236820720 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Mon Anchovies Flat Fillet Natural 25/2 oz 37657 7236830150 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Olive Mix Salad Hot Pitted 2/5 lb 37669 7236835021 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Sauce Garlic Oil Hot Pepper Imported 6/12.3 oz 37679 7236842101 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Tomato San Marzano 6/28 oz 37724 7236842518 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Hearts Of Palm Whole 12/14.1 oz 37729 7236845825 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Pasta Spaghetti Ww Imp Natural Organic 16/1 lb 37734 7236850852 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Pasta Penne Rigate Whole Wheat Organic 16/1 lb 37737 7236850855 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Pasta Acini Di Pepe Whole Wheat Organic 16/1 lb 37739 7236850857 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Pasta Farfalle Ww Imp Natural Organic 16/1 lb 37741 7236850859 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Pasta Shells Ww Organic Import 16/1 lb 37742 7236850860 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Pasta Fusilli Ww Organic Import 16/1 lb 37743 7236850861 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Ita Pasta Orzo Semolina Imported Natural 16/1 lb 37767 7236851018 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Pasta Capellini Semolina Imported 16/1 lb 37777 7236851031 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Ita Gnocchi Potato Whole Wheat 6/16 oz 37792 7236851062 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Pasta Gnocchi Potato 12/16 oz 37798 7236851097 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Oil Olive Extra Virgin 12/33.8 oz 37859 7236872038 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Beans Gigantes Vinaigrette 4/4.41 lb 37870 7236876202 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Ita Juice Lemon Imported 12/6.76 oz 37872 7236888016 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Polenta Instant 12/9.2 oz 37876 7236888250 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Artichoke Hearts Marinated 12/12 oz 37882 7236890955 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Artichoke Hearts Quartered 12/13.7 oz 37887 7236890978 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Ita Tomatoes Diced Fire Roasted 12/14.5 oz 82435 7236802738 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Nuts Pine 12/2 oz 86378 7236888200 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Tomato Sundried Marinated 2/5 lb 119506 7236842442 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Bruschetta Artichoke 6/10 oz 201673 7236813600 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Bruschetta Sundried Tomato 6/10 oz 201675 7236813601 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Antipasto Pepperazzi 2/6.5 lb 202732 7236810568 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Antispasto Provolini Antipasti 2/5 lb 202734 7236812769 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 75 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 76 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Olives Calamata Colossal In Oil 2/5 lb 203098 7236810551 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Gre Olives Calamata Pitted/Seas Jmb Pps 2/2.5 lb 206358 7236800566 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Gre Salad Greek Feta Pps 2/2.5 lb 206363 7236802734 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Gre Olives Colossal Calabrese Super 2/5 lb 206469 7236810560 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Ecu Artichoke Quarters Marinated Natural 4/88 oz 207099 7236896144 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Gre Olive Medley In Brine Cup 6/5 oz 208011 7236812311 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Gre Olive Calamata Jumbo Brine Cup 6/5.5 oz 208012 7236812312 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Per Ecu Gre Bruschetta Olive Artichoke 6/7 oz 208035 7236822821 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Bruschetta Italian Tomato 6/8 oz 208037 7236832743 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Gre Salad Feta Greek Ready Pack 12/8 oz 215277 7236810387 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Antipasti Provoloni Ready Pack 12/8 oz 215291 7236810373 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Gre Olives Jubilee Pitted Ready Pack 12/8 oz 215292 7236810377 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Gre Olives Calamata Colossal Ready Pack 12/8 oz 215293 7236810372 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Antipasto Delight Ready Pack 12/7 oz 215299 7236810392 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Olives Green Agilo Garlic Ready Pack 12/8 oz 215300 7236810395 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Ita Onions Cipolline Balsamic 2/5.5 lb 215775 7236802789 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Ita Oil Olive X Virgin Unfilter Organic 6/16.9 oz 216602 7236872002 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Sauce Marinara Pomodoro Fresco 6/25.25 oz 216868 7236802434 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Sauce Creamy Vodka Pomodoro Fresco 6/25.25 oz 216869 7236812437 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Sauce Tomato Basil Pomodoro Fresco 6/25.25 oz 216870 7236842436 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Per Pepperazzi Tri Colored Natural 6/6.39 lb 221194 7236870104 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Gre Olives Jubilee Pitted 2/5 lb 221195 7236810601 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Ita Juice Lime 12/6.76 oz 221773 7236888027 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Ita Tomato Sun Dried In Olive Oil 6/6.7 oz 223452 7236842697 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Ita Pesto Tomato Basil And Cheese 6/6.35 oz 223453 7236842693 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Ned Crostini Black Pepper 10/3.5 oz 224791 7236835803 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Ned Crostini Original 10ct 10/3.5 oz 224792 7236835802 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Ned Crostini Original 6ct 6/3.5 oz 224793 7236835805 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Ned Crostini Sesame 10/3.5 oz 224794 7236835801 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Ita Tortellini Three Cheese 12/8.8 oz 226119 7236805360 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Ita Paste Tomato 12/4.6 oz 226121 7236842525 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Ita Gnocchi Potato Mini 12/16 oz 226123 7236851064 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Ita Tortellini Ricotta Spinach 12/8.8 oz 226124 7236805361 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Capers Non Pareil Natural 12/4 oz 226125 7236888212 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Ita Orzo Rice Corn Organic 12/12 oz 226127 7236855199 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Ita Cookie Savoiardi Lady Fingers 15/7.06 oz 230848 7236827600 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Ita Pesto Sundried Tomato Olive Natural 6/6.35 oz 232332 7236844020 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Ita Pasta Egg Fettuccine Natural 12/8.8 oz 232333 7236851081 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Ita Pasta Egg Pappardelle Natural 12/8.8 oz 232334 7236851082 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Ita Vinegar Balsamic Sweet Golden Natural 12/8.5 oz 232335 7236834051 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Ita Cherry Tomato Semidried Natural 6/6.7 oz 232340 7236842696 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Ita Dough Kit Pizza Italian Natural 10/17.6 oz 232425 7236830222 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Ita Balsamic Glaze Modenacrem 6/8.5 oz 232558 7236832035 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Gre Cocktail Mix 2/5 lb 234258 7236810607 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Esa Garlic Fresh With Spices 2/5 lb 234259 7236812792 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Gre Salad Hot Pepper Mix 2/5 lb 234260 7236810557 DeLallo George DeLallo Co Inc Ecu Artichokes Baby Marinated Gluten Free 2/5 lb 234261 7236813744 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Delice De France Alouette Cheese USA Llc Camembert 2/4.57 lb 12309 3718310231 Delice De France Delice De France Camembert Hw 1/4.5 lb 32314 7221077184 Delitia World Import Distributors Ita Butter Of Parma 10/8 oz 223230 80928665612 Delizia Delizia Genoa & Provolone Snack Pack 12/3 oz 107853 73643620043 Della Specialty Rice, Inc Rice Arborio American Grown 6/28 oz 229142 8658220002 Della Specialty Rice, Inc Rice Jasmine White 6/28 oz 229999 8658220005 Della Specialty Rice, Inc Rice Basmati Light Brown 6/28 oz 230000 8658220004 Della Specialty Rice, Inc Rice Jasmine Garlic 6/28 oz 230001 8658220001 Demitris Gourmet Mixes Salt Rimshot Natural 8/4 oz 211155 72278210107 Demitris Gourmet Mixes Bloody Mary Classic Recipe Natural Gluten Free 6/8 oz 211157 72278232863 Demitris Gourmet Mixes Bloody Mary Chilies/Peppers Natural Gluten Free 6/8 oz 211158 72278262863 Demitris Gourmet Mixes Bloody Mary Chipotle Habanero Natural 6/16 oz 231772 72278272863 Demitris Gourmet Mixes Bloody Mary Classic Recipe Natural 6/16 oz 231773 72278282863 Demitris Gourmet Mixes Salt Rimshot Bacon Natural 8/4 oz 231774 72278230107 Demitris Gourmet Mixes Bloody Mary Chilies Peppers Natural 6/16 oz 231775 72278292863 Demitris Gourmet Mixes Bloody Mary Extra Horseradish Natural 6/16 oz 231776 72278216806 Denmarks Finest Arla Foods Inc Den Havarti Plain 1/9 lb 12296 3718310035 Denmarks Finest Arla Foods Inc Den Havarti Jalapeno 1/9 lb 30376 7221001222 Denmarks Finest Arla Foods Inc Den Havarti Caraway 1/9 lb 30377 7221001223 Denmarks Finest Arla Foods Inc Den Havarti Dill 1/9 lb 30381 7221001250 Denmarks Finest Arla Foods Inc Den Fontina 1/10 lb 30382 7221001251 Denmarks Finest Arla Foods Inc Den Havarti Herb Spice 1/9 lb 30383 7221001252 Denmarks Finest Arla Foods Inc Den Havarti Creamy Bar 12/8 oz 51573 9393668001 Denmarks Finest Arla Foods Inc Den Havarti Dill Bar 12/8 oz 51574 9393668002 Denmarks Finest Arla Foods Inc Den Havarti Jalapeno Bar 12/8 oz 51575 9393668003 Denmarks Finest Arla Foods Inc Den Havarti Caraway Bar 12/8 oz 51576 9393668004 Denmarks Finest Arla Foods Inc Den Havarti Herb Spice Bar 12/8 oz 51578 9393668006 Denmarks Finest Arla Foods Inc Den Havarti Light Bar 12/8 oz 51579 9393668007 Denmarks Finest Arla Foods Inc Havarti W/ Wild Garlic 12/8 oz 200381 9393686871 Denmarks Finest Biery Cheese Co Den Havarti Sliced 10/1.25 lb 53380 21682500000 Denmarks Finest Denmarks Finest Den Havarti Plain Pc 1/8 lb 67929 76181800240 Denmarks Finest Denmarks Finest Den Havarti Herb Spice Pc 1/8 lb 67930 76181800242 Denmarks Finest Denmarks Finest Den Havarti Dill Pc 1/8 lb 67931 76181800244 Denmarks Finest Denmarks Finest Den Fontina Pc 1/8 lb 207182 7221042164 Denmarks Tradit Columbia Cheese Inc Havarti 1/9 lb 216855 7221042534 Denmarks Tradit Columbia Cheese Inc Mycella 2/3 lb 216856 7221042535 Dequmana Culinary Collectives Esp Olives Spanish Mixed And Herbs 4/5.25 lb 214033 7221042490 Dequmana Culinary Collectives Esp Olives Spanish Arbequina Natural 4/5.25 lb 216503 7221042528 Dequmana Culinary Collectives Esp Olives Empeltre Natural 4/5.2 lb 227758 7221043000 Dequmana Culinary Collectives Esp Olives Gordal Natural 4/5.2 lb 227759 7221043001 Derma E Derma E Creme E 12000 Moisturizing 6/4 oz 9546 3098500445 Derma E Derma E Creme Vitamin A Wrinkle Treatment 6/4 oz 9547 3098500480 Derma E Derma E Cream Alpha Lipoic C Ester 6/2 oz 9551 3098504100 Derma E Derma E Psorzema Itch Relief 6/4 oz 9562 3098508700 Derma E Derma E Creme Tea Tree E Antiseptic 6/4 oz 9563 3098509125 Derma E Derma E Gel Scar 6/2 oz 91596 3098508100 Derma E Derma E Skin Moisturizer Very Clear Problem 6/2 oz 205871 3098503900 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 77 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 78 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Derma E Derma E Skin Cleanser Very Clear Problem 6/6 oz 205872 3098503700 Derma E Derma E Oil Vitamin E And Tea Tree 6/1 oz 211048 3098509100 Derma E Derma E Creme Night Hyaluronic Acid Hydrating 6/2 oz 217274 3098500466 Derma E Derma E Oil Refining Vitamin A 6/2 oz 224265 3098500888 Derma E Derma E Creme Skin Lighten 6/2 oz 224266 3098500475 Derma E Derma E Oil Skin/Hair/Nail 6/1 oz 224267 3098508000 Derma E Derma E Spot Treatment Very Clear Natural 6/.5 oz 235418 3098503800 Derma E Derma E Crãˆme Day Hydrating Natural 6/2 oz 235419 3098500465 Derma E Derma E Oil Treatment Skinbiotics Natural 6/1 oz 235420 3098508801 Derma E Derma E Scrub Facial Vitamin A Natural 6/2 oz 235421 3098500483 Derma E Derma E Crãˆme Moisturizing Soothing Natural 6/2 oz 235422 3098500495 Derma E Derma E Crãˆme Treatment Skinbiotics Natural 6/4 oz 235423 3098508803 Derma E Derma E Crãˆme Eye Hydrating Natural 6/.5 oz 235424 3098501975 Derma E Derma E Cleanser Glycolic Refine Vit A Natural 6/6 oz 235425 3098500481 Des Domes Societe Fromagere Fra Bleu D Auvergne 4/2.8 lb 32357 7221077355 Des Domes Societe Fromagere Fra Fourme D’ambert 2/4.4 lb 32441 7221077773 Desert Essence Country Life Llc Display Lip Rescue Jojoba Aloe 24/.15 oz 62504 71833422042 Desert Essence Country Life Llc Display Blemish Touch Stick 6/.31oz 6/.31 oz 62506 71833422069 Desert Essence Country Life Llc Oil Jojoba 100 Percent Pure 12/4 oz 235752 71833422007 Desert Essence Country Life Llc Wash Face Thoughly Clean 12/8.5 oz 235753 71833422016 Desert Essence Country Life Llc Floss T/Tree Display 6/50Yard Natural 6/1 ea 235754 71833422024 Desert Essence Country Life Llc Conditioner T/Tree Replenishing Natural 12/12.9 oz 235755 71833430047 Desert Essence Country Life Llc Shampoo Tea Tree Replenishing Natural 12/12.9 oz 235756 71833430046 Desert Essence Country Life Llc Conditioner Coconut Natural 12/8 oz 235757 71833433785 Desert Essence Country Life Llc Oil T/Tree Australian 100% Natural 12/1 oz 235758 68000001 Desert Essence Country Life Llc Shampoo Coconut Natural 12/8 oz 235759 71833433784 Desert Essence Desert Essence Pads Cleansing With Teatree Natural 6/50 ea 62503 71833422040 Desert Essence Desert Essence Shampoo Green Apple Ginger Thickening Organic 6/8 oz 62513 71833433700 Desert Essence Desert Essence Conditioner Green Apple Ginger Thickening Organic 6/8 oz 62514 71833433702 Desert Essence Desert Essence Shampoo Italian Red Grape Organic 6/8 oz 62515 71833433703 Desert Essence Desert Essence Lotion Hand Body Almond Organic 6/8 oz 62526 71833433741 Desert Essence Desert Essence Lotion Hand Body Coconut Organic 6/8 oz 62528 71833433743 Desert Essence Desert Essence Lotion Hand Body Vanilla Chai Organic 6/8 oz 62530 71833433745 Desert Essence Desert Essence Display Lip Rescue Shea Butter 24/.15 oz 214355 71833425022 Desert Pepper Desert Pepper Trading Salsa Peach Mango 6/16 oz 62635 71921210102 Desert Pepper Desert Pepper Trading Salsa Tomato Corn Chipotle Roasted 6/16 oz 62636 71921210103 Desert Pepper Desert Pepper Trading Salsa Del Rio Medium 6/16 oz 62641 71921279922 Desert Pepper Desert Pepper Trading Dip Chile Con Queso 6/16 oz 62644 71921279970 Desert Pepper Desert Pepper Trading Dip Black Bean Spicy 6/16 oz 62645 71921279973 Desert Pepper Desert Pepper Trading Salsa Corn Black Bean Red Pepper 6/16 oz 62646 71921279975 Desert Pepper Desert Pepper Trading Salsa Tequila Natural 6/16 oz 231463 71921210111 Desserts On Us Desserts On Us Inc Cookies Almond Laceys Dark Chocolate 24/8 oz 111650 75909860801 Desserts On Us Desserts On Us Inc Cookies Macadamia Laceys Milk Chocolate 24/8 oz 111651 75909860811 Devon Atalanta Corporation Gbr Butter Double 12/8 oz 11545 3446307609 Devon Somerdale International Limited Gbr Cream Double Devon 12/6 oz 11526 3446300010 Devon Somerdale International Limited Gbr Double Cream 6/17.6 oz 11541 3446307004 Devon Somerdale International Limited Cream Clotted Luxury 12/6 oz 200143 3446307011 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Diamond Crystal Alpine Food Distributing Creamer Non Dairy Portion Control 1/1000 ea 62631 71909811725 Diamond Crystal Cargill Inc Salt Flake Crystal Kosher 12/3 lb 2521 1360002001 Diamond G Jfc International Rice Brown 8/5 lb 38149 7259631202 Dickinson Smucker Natural Foods Inc Spread Apricot Pf 6/9.5 oz 22048 5150003068 Dickinson Smucker Natural Foods Inc Spread Blueberry Pf 6/9.5 oz 22050 5150003070 Dickinson Smucker Natural Foods Inc Spread Strawberry Pf 6/9.5 oz 22054 5150003074 Dickinson Smucker Natural Foods Inc Curd Lemon 6/10 oz 22059 5150003116 Dickinson Smucker Natural Foods Inc Butter Apple 6/9 oz 22063 5150003258 Dickinson Smucker Natural Foods Inc Preserves Seedless Strawberry 6/10 oz 22067 5150003353 Dickinson Smucker Natural Foods Inc Preserves Seedless Red Raspberry 6/10 oz 22070 5150003356 Dickinson Smucker Natural Foods Inc Preserves Seedless Blackberry 6/10 oz 22071 5150003357 Dickinson Smucker Natural Foods Inc Preserves Blueberry 6/10 oz 22076 5150003365 Dickinson Smucker Natural Foods Inc Preserves Bing Cherry 6/10 oz 22077 5150003366 DiGiorno Churny Company Inc Parmesan 12/5 oz 7237 2540009365 DiGiorno Churny Company Inc Parmesan Shredded 20 Oz 6/20 oz 204816 7027783135 DiGiorno Churny Company Inc Parmesan Fresh Shredded 12/5 oz 228375 7027783252 Dilettante Dilettante Sauce Ephemere Semisweet Natural 6/22 oz 213308 3704106093 Dilettante Seattle Gourmet Foods Biscotti Bites Assorted Wheel 12/9.5 oz 101482 3704110220 Dilettante Seattle Gourmet Foods Biscotti Plain Hazelnut 36/1.75 oz 130790 3704110154 Dilettante Seattle Gourmet Foods Biscotti Dip Chocolate Semisweet Almond 32/2.25 oz 130791 3704110162 Dilettante Seattle Gourmet Foods Chocolate Cherries 12/5 oz 212800 3704105650 Dilettante Seattle Gourmet Foods Truffle Cremes Raspberry Box Natural 12/10 oz 212801 3704100805 Dilettante Seattle Gourmet Foods Chocolate Fruit Medley 12/5 oz 212802 3704105651 Dilettante Seattle Gourmet Foods Truffle Cremes Ephemere Box Natural 12/10 oz 212803 3704100803 Dilettante Seattle Gourmet Foods Truffle Cremes Peppermint Box Natural 12/10 oz 212804 3704100801 Dilettante Seattle Gourmet Foods Biscotti Almond Toasted 36/1.75 oz 217635 3704110151 Dilettante Seattle Gourmet Foods Biscotti Valencia Orange 32/2.25 oz 217636 3704110165 Dilettante Seattle Gourmet Foods Biscotti Triple Chocolate 32/2.25 oz 217637 3704110163 Dilettante Seattle Gourmet Foods Biscotti Ginger Australian 32/2.25 oz 217638 3704110160 Dilettante Seattle Gourmet Foods Truffles Cremes Toffee Crunch Natural 6/5 oz 228101 3704100835 Dilettante Seattle Gourmet Foods Truffles Cremes Coffee Trio Natural 6/5 oz 228103 3704100833 Dilettante Seattle Gourmet Foods Espresso Beans Chocolate Covered 12/5 oz 228104 3704105654 Dilettante Seattle Gourmet Foods Caramels Salted Natural 12/2.1 oz 228105 3704102992 Dilettante Seattle Gourmet Foods Truffles Meltaway Peppermint Natural 6/4 oz 228106 3704100881 Dilettante Seattle Gourmet Foods Truffles Cremes Ephemere Natural 6/5 oz 228107 3704100832 Dilettante Seattle Gourmet Foods Truffles Cremes Peppermint Natural 6/5 oz 228108 3704100831 Dilettante Seattle Gourmet Foods Truffles Chocolate Milk Dbl Toff Crunch Gluten Free 12/10 oz 236037 3704100810 Dilettante Seattle Gourmet Foods Truffles Chocolate Milk Dbl Candy Cane Gluten Free 12/10 oz 236038 3704100811 Dilettante Seattle Gourmet Foods Truffles Assrt Ppmt/Toffee/Raspberry Gluten Free 12/10 oz 236039 3704100812 Dilettante Seattle Gourmet Foods Truffles Chocolate Milk/Dark Coffee Trio Gluten Free 12/10 oz 236040 3704100808 Dilmah Unity Brands Group Llc Sri Tea Bag Ceylon Supreme Natural 6/1.4 oz 212417 78065812483 Dilmah Unity Brands Group Llc Sri Tea Bag Nilgama Cddy Luxury Natural 6/1.4 oz 212418 78065874965 Dilmah Unity Brands Group Llc Sri Tea Bag Green Ginger Natural 6/1.4 oz 212419 78065813908 Dilmah Unity Brands Group Llc Sri Tea Bag Lovers Leap Pekoe Cdy Lux 6/1.4 oz 212420 78065874968 Dilmah Unity Brands Group Llc Sri Tea Bag Earl Grey Natural 6/1.4 oz 212421 78065812484 Dilmah Unity Brands Group Llc Sri Tea Bag Green Cinnamon Natural 6/1.4 oz 212422 78065813518 Dilmah Unity Brands Group Llc Sri Tea Bag English Breakfast Natural 6/1.4 oz 212423 78065812482 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 79 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 80 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Dilmah Unity Brands Group Llc Sri Tea Bag Somerset Pekoe Cddy Lux 6/1.4 oz 212424 78065874967 Dinapoli Sun Garden West Coast Llc Tomatoes Crushed In Puree 12/28 oz 213532 7037000132 Dingo United Pet Group Chn Dog Treat Dental Mini 7 Pack 12/3 oz 211211 61565026003 Dingo United Pet Group Chn Dog Treat Dyno Stix 6/3.2 oz 211212 61565099033 Dingo United Pet Group Chn Dog Treat Triple Mini 7 Pa 4/3.7 oz 211213 61565027007 Dingo United Pet Group Chn Dog Treat Bone Medium 12/2.5 oz 211215 61565097007 Dingo United Pet Group Chn Dog Treat Beefy Mini 7 Pk 12/3 oz 211216 61565023830 Dingo United Pet Group Chn Dog Treat Mini 7 Pack 12/3 oz 211217 61565030020 Dingo United Pet Group Chn Dog Treat Munchy Stix 12/3.1 oz 211250 61565022040 Dingo United Pet Group Chn Dog Bone Small White Vlu B 6 Pk 6/9 oz 211252 61565095005 Dingo United Pet Group Chn Dog Bone Mini White Vlu B 21 Pk 6/9 oz 211253 61565095001 Divina Divina Tomato Roasted Red Sm Cup 12/5 oz 112602 7221087077 Divina Divina Garlic Roasted Sm Cup 12/6 oz 112605 7221087080 Divina Divina Olives Castelvetrano Sm Cup 12/4 oz 112606 7221087081 Divina Divina Olives Kalamata Pitted Sm Cup 12/4.5 oz 112608 7221087083 Divina Divina Olives Kalamata Sm Cup 12/5 oz 112609 7221087084 Divina Divina Mushrooms Garlic Small Cup 12/5 oz 112610 7221087085 Divina Divina Olives Kalamata Pitted Cup 12/6 oz 120014 63172330220 Divina Divina Olives Kalamata Cup 12/7 oz 120015 63172330221 Divina Divina Olive Mix Greek Cup 12/7 oz 120016 63172330241 Divina Divina Olive Mix Greek Pitted Cup 12/5 oz 120020 63172352348 Divina Divina Olives Tapenade Chopped Small Cup 12/6 oz 205433 7221042049 Divina Divina Cornichones 12/4 oz 209041 7221042364 Divina Foodmatch Inc Gre Olives Green Pitted Organic Natural 2/5 lb 10103 3172380270 Divina Foodmatch Inc Olives Kalamata Pitted 1/24.25 lb 32134 7221076135 Divina Foodmatch Inc Olives Kalamata 1/28.6 lb 32362 7221077375 Divina Foodmatch Inc Spread Olive Kalamata Organic 6/7.5 oz 54041 33172321310 Divina Foodmatch Inc Oil Renieris Extra Virgin Est 6/25.4 oz 56134 63172300163 Divina Foodmatch Inc Olives Kalamata Pitted 2/5 lb 56135 63172300220 Divina Foodmatch Inc Olives Kalamata 2/5 lb 56136 63172300221 Divina Foodmatch Inc Olives Green Cracked 1/10 lb 56138 63172300281 Divina Foodmatch Inc Olives Mt Athos Green Feta Stuffed 2/4 lb 56139 63172300400 Divina Foodmatch Inc Dolmas 12/7 oz 56140 63172300600 Divina Foodmatch Inc Leaves Grape 6/8.8 oz 56141 63172300610 Divina Foodmatch Inc Dolmas 6/4.4 lb 56142 63172300650 Divina Foodmatch Inc Oil Olive Extra Virgin 6/3 lt 56145 63172311060 Divina Foodmatch Inc Olives Mt Athos Green Feta Stuffed 6/7.8 oz 56146 63172320040 Divina Foodmatch Inc Olives Mt Athos Green Blue Cheese 6/7.7 oz 56147 63172320045 Divina Foodmatch Inc Peppers Sweet Red Roasted 6/13 oz 56148 63172320110 Divina Foodmatch Inc Peppers Sweet Yellow Roasted 6/13 oz 56149 63172320130 Divina Foodmatch Inc Olives Kalamata Pitted Jar 6/6 oz 56151 63172320220 Divina Foodmatch Inc Olives Kalamata Jar 6/7 oz 56152 63172320221 Divina Foodmatch Inc Olive Mix Greek Jar 6/6.36 oz 56153 63172320241 Divina Foodmatch Inc Olives Kalamata Jar Organic 6/6.7 oz 56155 63172320261 Divina Foodmatch Inc Olives Mt Athos Green Citrus Stuffed 6/7.8 oz 56156 63172320273 Divina Foodmatch Inc Olives Mt Athos Green Jalapeno Stuff 6/7.8 oz 56158 63172320275 Divina Foodmatch Inc Olive Mt Athos Green Garlic Stufefd 6/7.8 oz 56159 63172320276 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Divina Foodmatch Inc Olive Mt Athos Green Pepper Stuff 6/7.8 oz 56160 63172320278 Divina Foodmatch Inc Olive Green Cracked Jar 6/6.14 oz 56162 63172320281 Divina Foodmatch Inc Olive Kalamata Pitted Jar Organic 6/6 oz 56163 63172320291 Divina Foodmatch Inc Spread Olive Kalamata 6/7.5 oz 56164 63172320310 Divina Foodmatch Inc Capers Nonpareil 6/32 oz 56165 63172320400 Divina Foodmatch Inc Caperberries 6/32 oz 56166 63172320460 Divina Foodmatch Inc Caperberries 4/1 ga 56167 63172320461 Divina Foodmatch Inc Vinegar Balsamic 2/5 lt 56171 63172320810 Divina Foodmatch Inc Vinegar Balsamic White Golden 2/5 lt 56172 63172320820 Divina Foodmatch Inc Olive Mix Greek Jar Organic 6/6.36 oz 56173 63172321241 Divina Foodmatch Inc Olive Mt Athos Green Pitted Jar Organic 6/6 oz 56174 63172321270 Divina Foodmatch Inc Oil Olive Blend 75/25 6/1 ga 56176 63172330010 Divina Foodmatch Inc Oil Olive Blend 75/25 1/35 lb 56177 63172330011 Divina Foodmatch Inc Oil Olive Extra Virgin 1/35 lb 56179 63172330040 Divina Foodmatch Inc Oil Grapeseed 6/1 ga 56180 63172330050 Divina Foodmatch Inc Pepperoncini 4/1 ga 56181 63172330070 Divina Foodmatch Inc Pepperoncini Sliced 4/1 ga 56182 63172330071 Divina Foodmatch Inc Ita Olive Castelvetrano 1/10 lb 56183 63172330102 Divina Foodmatch Inc Peppers Sweet Red Roasted 3/5.75 lb 56184 63172330110 Divina Foodmatch Inc Pepper Strips Roasted 3/5.75 lb 56186 63172330120 Divina Foodmatch Inc Peppers Red Yellow Roasted Strip 3/5.75 lb 56193 63172330195 Divina Foodmatch Inc Gre Olive Kalamata Wedges Natural 2/5 lb 56196 63172330222 Divina Foodmatch Inc Olive Kalamata Baby Pitted 2/5 lb 56198 63172330226 Divina Foodmatch Inc Gre Olive Mix Greek Pitted Natural 2/5 lb 56200 63172330240 Divina Foodmatch Inc Olive Greek Chopped 1/10 lb 56203 63172330244 Divina Foodmatch Inc Olive Mt Athos Green Pitted 2/5 lb 56205 63172330270 Divina Foodmatch Inc Olive Mt Athos Green Citrus Stuffed 2/5 lb 56207 63172330273 Divina Foodmatch Inc Olive Mt Athos Sundried Tomato Stuff 2/4 lb 56208 63172330274 Divina Foodmatch Inc Olive Mt Athos Green Jalapeno Stuff 2/5 lb 56209 63172330275 Divina Foodmatch Inc Olive Mt Athos Green Garlic Stuffed 2/5 lb 56210 63172330276 Divina Foodmatch Inc Olive Mt Athos Green Almond Stuffed 2/5 lb 56211 63172330277 Divina Foodmatch Inc Olive Mt Athos Green Red Pepper 2/5 lb 56212 63172330278 Divina Foodmatch Inc Olive Thasos Dry Cured 1/10 lb 56215 63172330291 Divina Foodmatch Inc Spread Olive Kalamata 4/34 oz 56216 63172330310 Divina Foodmatch Inc Olive Mt Athos Green Herb Sicilian 2/5 lb 56220 63172330575 Divina Foodmatch Inc Olive Mt Athos Green Garlic Pitted 2/5 lb 56221 63172330576 Divina Foodmatch Inc Olive Mix Greek Chili Pitted 2/5 lb 56222 63172330578 Divina Foodmatch Inc Olive Greek Garden Medley Spicy 2/5 lb 56224 63172330800 Divina Foodmatch Inc Pepper Mix Greek 2/5 lb 56226 63172330802 Divina Foodmatch Inc Olive Mix Greek Meze 2/5 lb 56227 63172330803 Divina Foodmatch Inc Couscous 1/11 lb 56232 63172340100 Divina Foodmatch Inc Cornichones 3/4.7 lb 56235 63172350601 Divina Foodmatch Inc Peppers Red Green Stuffed Prosc Provo 2/7.5 lb 56238 63172350641 Divina Foodmatch Inc Gre Beans White Gigandes 6/3.1 lb 56246 63172350830 Divina Foodmatch Inc Beans Gigande In Vinaigrette 6/4.4 lb 56247 63172350840 Divina Foodmatch Inc Olive Kalamata Cup Organic 12/7 oz 56252 63172352200 Divina Foodmatch Inc Olive Kalamata Pitted Cup Organic 12/6 oz 56253 63172352201 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 81 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 82 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Divina Foodmatch Inc Olive Mix Greek Cup Organic 12/7 oz 56254 63172352202 Divina Foodmatch Inc Olive Mt Athos Green Pitted Cup Organic 12/6 oz 56255 63172352203 Divina Foodmatch Inc Tomato Red Roasted Cup 12/7 oz 56261 63172352710 Divina Foodmatch Inc Per Artichoke Hearts Baby In Oil 6/3.4 lb 56267 63172353000 Divina Foodmatch Inc Artichoke Quarters Marinated Herb Peru 6/5.5 lb 56268 63172353100 Divina Foodmatch Inc Artichoke Quarters In Brine 6/3.4 lb 56270 63172353300 Divina Foodmatch Inc Salad Asparagus Grilled 6/5.5 lb 56271 63172353400 Divina Foodmatch Inc Mushrooms Marinated W/Garlic Herb 2/6.25 lb 56272 63172355000 Divina Foodmatch Inc Mushrooms Marinated Teri 2/6.25 lb 56273 63172355001 Divina Foodmatch Inc Mushrooms Portabella W/Roast Pepper 2/6.25 lb 56274 63172355005 Divina Foodmatch Inc Tomato Red Roasted 6/64 oz 56277 63172370200 Divina Foodmatch Inc Tomato Red Roasted Bag 6/4 lb 56278 63172370264 Divina Foodmatch Inc Tomato Yellow Roasted 6/64 oz 56279 63172370400 Divina Foodmatch Inc Olive Kalamata Pitted Organic 2/5 lb 56283 63172380220 Divina Foodmatch Inc Olive Kalamata Organic 1/10 lb 56284 63172380221 Divina Foodmatch Inc Olive Mix Greek Organic 2/5 lb 56285 63172380241 Divina Foodmatch Inc Onions Cipolline Balsamic Sliced 6/3.3 lb 57979 65507260911 Divina Foodmatch Inc Toast Mini 24/2.82 oz 59861 68725002611 Divina Foodmatch Inc Fra Toast Wheat Mini 24/2.82 oz 59862 68725002621 Divina Foodmatch Inc Oil Renieris Extra Virgin Est 6/17 oz 68201 76489300160 Divina Foodmatch Inc Oil Renieris Extra Virgin Est 6/3 lt 68202 76489300165 Divina Foodmatch Inc Garlic Roasted 3/4 lb 80222 63172373000 Divina Foodmatch Inc Bruschetta Roasted Tomato 6/3.75 lb 81002 63172372000 Divina Foodmatch Inc Capers Nonpareil 4/1 ga 92079 63172320421 Divina Foodmatch Inc Olives Tapenade Chopped 2/5 lb 115339 63172330246 Divina Foodmatch Inc Olives Italian Castelvetrano Pitted 1/9 lb 117252 63172330104 Divina Foodmatch Inc Dolmas Mini 6/4.4 lb 117288 63172300655 Divina Foodmatch Inc Olive Mix Greek 2/5 lb 120012 63172300241 Divina Foodmatch Inc Gre Chickpeas In Mediterranean Marinade 6/4.4 lb 130444 63172350880 Divina Foodmatch Inc Peppers & Garlic Lombardo 2/5 lb 200892 63172330801 Divina Foodmatch Inc Peppers Yellow Roasted 3/5.75 lb 200893 63172330130 Divina Foodmatch Inc Peppers W/Feta Stuffed Red Kardoula 4/1.3 lb 200895 63172350620 Divina Foodmatch Inc Sea Salt Crystals Course 6/26.4 oz 204641 63172302441 Divina Foodmatch Inc Sea Salt Crystals Fine 6/26.4 oz 204642 63172302440 Divina Foodmatch Inc Greece - Olives Mt Athos Blue Cheese Stuffed 2/5.5 lb 204984 63172330453 Divina Foodmatch Inc Pepperoncini All Natural 6/7.75 oz 205422 63172320080 Divina Foodmatch Inc Olives Black Ripe Greek Pitted 3/4.4 lb 205487 63172360301 Divina Foodmatch Inc Okra Pickles Crunchy Hot 6/3.3 lb 205761 63172340303 Divina Foodmatch Inc Gre Spread Olive Kalamata 2/5.3 lb 206392 63172330315 Divina Foodmatch Inc Gre Salad Mufeletta Lg Cut 2/5 lb 207335 7221042217 Divina Foodmatch Inc Gre Bruschetta Olive Deli Cup 12/6.5 oz 207658 63172352346 Divina Foodmatch Inc Bruschetta Tomato Roasted Cup 12/7 oz 207971 63172352711 Divina Foodmatch Inc Gre Bruschetta Olive 6/8.1 oz 209724 63172320246 Divina Foodmatch Inc Mushrooms/Hot Peppers Marinated 2/6.25 lb 215968 63172355002 Divina Foodmatch Inc Pesto Tomato Sundried 4/4.25 lb 217033 63172300392 Divina Foodmatch Inc Gre Olives Black Ripe Sliced 3/4.4 lb 217034 63172360302 Divina Foodmatch Inc Pesto Basil 4/4.25 lb 217035 63172300390 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Divina Foodmatch Inc Ita Olives Castelvetrano 6/6 oz 219186 63172320102 Divina Foodmatch Inc Pesto Classic Basil Deli Cups 12/6 oz 219283 63172352390 Divina Foodmatch Inc Pesto Sundried Tomato Deli Cups 12/6 oz 219284 63172352392 Divina Foodmatch Inc Gre Giardiniera All Natural 3/4.4 lb 220829 63172300095 Divina Foodmatch Inc Gre Olives Mt Athos Green Goat Chs 2/5.5 cs 222805 63172330455 Divina Foodmatch Inc Gre Olives Kalamon Kefalas Village 2/5 lb 223193 63172300211 Divina Foodmatch Inc Gre Olives Kalamon Kefalas Pitted 2/5 lb 223194 63172300210 Divina Foodmatch Inc Gre Beets Red Mediterranean Marinade 3/6.1 lb 223853 63172350790 Divina Foodmatch Inc Bul Dolmas Brown Rice Stuffed 6/4.4 lb 224705 63172300652 Divina Foodmatch Inc Gre Pepperoncini Sliced All Natural 6/7.75 oz 226885 63172320081 Divina Foodmatch Inc Gre Olives Kalamata Sliced Organic 6/5.6 oz 226990 63172320292 Divina Foodmatch Inc Asparagus Pickled 6/3.3 lb 227523 63172340307 Divina Foodmatch Inc Gre Olive Salad Mix Pitted 6/2.4 lb 228953 63172330807 Divina Foodmatch Inc Tomatoes Red Roasted All Natural Organic 6/10 oz 229148 63172320702 Divina Foodmatch Inc Gre Olives Kalamata Whole Cups Organic 6/5.6 oz 229492 63172352221 Divina Foodmatch Inc Gre Mix Olive Greek Whole Cups Organic 6/5.6 oz 229493 63172352241 Divina Foodmatch Inc Gre Olives Kalamata Pitted Cups Organic 6/5 oz 229494 63172352220 Divina Foodmatch Inc Gre Olives Green Pitted Cups Organic Natural 6/5 oz 229495 63172352270 Divina Foodmatch Inc Gre Olives Blue Cheese Stuffed Natural 6/5.6 oz 229576 63172352345 Divina Foodmatch Inc Gre Olive Kalamata Pitted Mix Cup 6/5 oz 230048 63172352320 Divina Foodmatch Inc Gre Olive Greek Whole Mix Cup 6/5.6 oz 230049 63172352341 Divina Foodmatch Inc Gre Olive Greek Ptd Mix Cup 6/5.3 oz 230050 63172352340 Divina Foodmatch Inc Gre Olive Kalamata Whole Mix Cup 6/5.6 oz 230051 63172352321 Divina Foodmatch Inc Gre Olives Kalamata Marinated Pitted 2/5 lb 230334 63172330227 Divina Foodmatch Inc Carrots Sticks Chipotle Pickled 6/3.3 lb 230546 63172340301 Divina Foodmatch Inc Peas Snap Spicy Pickled 6/3 lb 230547 63172340308 Divina Foodmatch Inc Ita Olives Green Grilled Natural 4/2.2 lb 230548 63172330156 Divina Foodmatch Inc Gre Peppers Sweet Fire Roasted 6/12.3 oz 230704 63172321110 Divina Foodmatch Inc Ita Olives Italian Mix Pitted In Oil 1/15.4 lb 230983 63172330107 Divina Foodmatch Inc Ita Olives Green Pitted Grilled Natural 6/5.3 oz 232571 63172320156 Divina Foodmatch Inc Per Peppers Piquillo Roasted Natural 6/4.2 lb 234367 63172353510 Divina Foodmatch Inc Per Artichoke Qtrs W/Piquillo Peppers 6/5.5 lb 234368 63172353210 Divina Foodmatch Inc Gre Olive Kalamata Blond Rings Natural 2/5 lb 234378 63172300230 Divina Foodmatch Inc Ita Olives Castel Vetrano Pitted 6/4.9 oz 235014 63172320104 Divina Foodmatch Inc Cauliflower Curried Pickled Gluten Free Natural 6/3.1 lb 235596 63172340320 Divina Foodmatch Inc Brussels Sprouts Pickled Spicy Gluten Free Natural 6/3.3 lb 235597 63172340309 Divina Foodmatch Inc Artichoke Halves Grilled Gluten Free Natural 6/4 lb 235598 63172353700 Divina Foodmatch Inc Mushroom Wild Mix Gluten Free Natural 4/3.3 lb 235599 63172355050 Divina Foodmatch Inc Gre Bruschetta Olive Gluten Free Organic Natural 6/8.1 oz 235721 63172321246 Divina Foodmatch Inc Gre Antipasto Olives Cheese Salame 2/6.5 lb 235751 63172350670 Divina Foodmatch Inc Gre Olives Green Feta Stuffed Organic 2/4 lb 235769 63172380400 Divina Foodmatch Inc Gre Olives Tapenade Chopped Organic Natural 2/5 lb 235770 63172380246 Divina Foodmatch Inc Gre Dolmas Organic Natural 6/4.4 lb 235771 63172380650 Divina Foodmatch Inc Gre Olives Green Garlic Stuffed Organic 2/5 lb 235772 63172380276 Divina Foodmatch Inc Gre Gigandes In Tomato Sauce Organic Natural 6/4.4 lb 235773 63172380720 Dofino Arla Foods Inc Gouda Red Wax Round 12/7 oz 13438 3884640410 Dofino Arla Foods Inc Gouda Smoked Black Wax Round 12/7 oz 13439 3884640430 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 83 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 84 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Dofino Arla Foods Inc Edam Red Wax Round 12/7 oz 13440 3884640510 Dofino Arla Foods Inc Gouda Reserve Wheel 1/10 lb 13441 3884690306 Dofino Arla Foods Inc Havarti Plain 1/9.5 lb 57938 65485890101 Dofino Arla Foods Inc Havarti Cream Plain 12/8 oz 57940 65485890116 Dofino Arla Foods Inc Havarti Creamy Sliced 12/8 oz 57941 65485890126 Dofino Arla Foods Inc Havarti Dill 1/9.5 lb 57942 65485890151 Dofino Arla Foods Inc Havarti Dill 12/8 oz 57943 65485890171 Dofino Arla Foods Inc Havarti Dill Sliced 12/8 oz 57944 65485890186 Dofino Arla Foods Inc Havarti Jalapeno 12/8 oz 57945 65485890241 Dofino Arla Foods Inc Havarti Light Sliced 12/8 oz 57952 65485890321 Dofino Arla Foods Inc Gouda Smoked Square 12/8 oz 57956 65485890327 Dofino Arla Foods Inc Muenster Rounds 12/8 oz 82837 3884640810 Dofino Arla Foods Inc Gouda Wedge Red Wax 12/8 oz 201947 65485890315 Dofino Arla Foods Inc Edam Deli Cut Square 12/8 oz 201948 65485890326 Dofino Arla Foods Inc Havarti Light 12/8 oz 201949 65485890328 Dofino Arla Foods Inc Gouda Pesto Wedge 12/8 oz 203914 65485890319 Dofino Arla Foods Inc Havarti Smoked Natural 12/8 oz 210537 65485870340 Dofino Arla Foods Inc Gouda With Chipotle Wheel 1/10 lb 223980 3884649200 Dog Joy Freshpet Inc Dog Treats Real Chicken Recipe 6/8 oz 148852 85189300144 Dog Joy Freshpet Inc Dog Treats Real Beef Recipe 6/8 oz 148853 85189300145 Dog N Suds Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Root Beer Longneck 24/12 oz 79762 1295412100 Doggy Delirious Wet Noses Natural Dog Treat Co Dog Treat Pumpkin Natural 6/16 oz 230237 85070100604 Doggy Delirious Wet Noses Natural Dog Treat Co Bones Peanut Butter Natural 6/16 oz 231728 85070100600 Doggy Delirious Wet Noses Natural Dog Treat Co Bones Cinnamon Apple Natural 6/16 oz 231729 85070100602 Dole Chins Import Export Juice Pineapple 100% Rts 12/46 oz 13448 3890000808 Domata Domata Llc Flour Seasoned Gluten Free Natural 6/20 oz 225944 89045900215 Domata Domata Llc Flour All Purpose Gluten Free Natural 4/4 lb 225945 89045900212 Domata Domata Llc Flour All Purpose Gluten Free Natural 6/20 oz 225946 89045900201 Domata Domata Llc Mix Pizza Crust Gluten Free Natural 6/20 oz 225947 89045900202 Dominique’s Dominique’s Soup New England Clam Chowder 6/15 oz 118936 4005419844 Domino Domino Sugar Packets 2000 Case 1/2000 ea 202301 4920000505 Domo Domo Foods Inc Risotto Chicken With Merken 6/8 oz 147826 73621113101 Domo Domo Foods Inc Risotto Four Cheeses 6/8 oz 147827 73621113111 Domo Domo Foods Inc Risotto Mushroom 6/8 oz 147828 73621113121 Domo Domo Foods Inc Chi Risotto Vegetarian 6/8 oz 210397 73621113131 Don Froylan Ochoas Queseria Queso Oaxaca Gluten Free Natural 6/12 oz 236139 88579000010 Don Froylan Ochoas Queseria Queso Fresco Gluten Free Natural 6/12 oz 236140 88579000002 Don Froylan Ochoas Queseria Queso Botanero Gluten Free Natural 6/12 oz 236141 88579000019 Don Froylan Ochoas Queseria Queso Cotija Gluten Free Natural 6/12 oz 236142 88579000012 Don Juan Atalanta Corporation Esp Cake Date With Walnuts Natural 1/11 lb 221054 89993800280 Don Juan Atalanta Corporation Esp Cake Fig With Almonds Natural 1/11 lb 221055 89993800284 Don Juan Atalanta Corporation Esp Almonds Marcona Fried Salted 1/8.3 lb 221181 89993800275 Don Juan Atalanta Corporation Esp Manchego Aged 6 Months Natural 2/7 lb 221391 89993800220 Don Juan Atalanta Corporation Esp Iberico Natural 2/7 lb 221393 7221042810 Don Miguel Hormel Foods Sales Llc Flauta Chicken Bulk 48/3.5 oz 7894 2708606955 Don Miguel Hormel Foods Sales Llc Tacos Beef Mini Bulk 120/.7 oz 7896 2708607882 Don Miguel Hormel Foods Sales Llc Burrito Beef Cheese No Bean 12/7 oz 7904 2708618312 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Don Miguel Hormel Foods Sales Llc Burrito Chicken Cheese No Bean 12/7 oz 7905 2708618313 Don Miguel Hormel Foods Sales Llc Chimichanga Steak 12/7 oz 7907 2708618334 Don Miguel Hormel Foods Sales Llc Chimichanga Chicken 12/7 oz 7908 2708618335 Don Miguel Hormel Foods Sales Llc Burrito Chicken 12/7 oz 7912 2708618402 Don Miguel Hormel Foods Sales Llc Burrito Bean And Cheese 12/7 oz 7913 2708618403 Don Miguel Hormel Foods Sales Llc Burrito Breakfast Ham 12/7 oz 7917 2708618430 Don Miguel Hormel Foods Sales Llc Burrito Breakfast Sausage 12/7 oz 7919 2708618432 Don Miguel Hormel Foods Sales Llc Burrito Breakfast Variety Pack 12/7 oz 7920 2708618701 Don Miguel Hormel Foods Sales Llc Burrito Variety Pack 12/7 oz 31139 7221071170 Don Miguel Hormel Foods Sales Llc Burrito Cheese And Bean Bulk 36/5.75 oz 88499 2708666013 Don Miguel Hormel Foods Sales Llc Burrito Whole 9 Yards 12/7 oz 205446 2708618450 Don Miguel Hormel Foods Sales Llc Burrito Beef Cheese No Bean 24/4 oz 206472 2708642117 Don Miguel Hormel Foods Sales Llc Chimichangas Chicken And Cheese 12/12 oz 224127 7049607541 Don Miguel Hormel Foods Sales Llc Chimichangas Steak And Cheese 12/12 oz 227852 7049607542 Dorot Dorot Isr Garlic Crushed Cubes 16/2.8 oz 70734 79437610003 Dorot Dorot Isr Cilantro Chopped Cubes 16/2.5 oz 70736 79437610010 Dorot Dorot Isr Basil Chopped Cubes 16/2.5 oz 70737 79437610011 Dorot Dorot Isr Ginger Crushed Cubes 16/2.5 oz 70739 79437610014 Dorot Kenover Isr Parsley Chopped Cubes 16/2.5 oz 70738 79437610012 Dorot Kenover Isr Chili Chopped Cubes 16/2.5 oz 128806 79437610044 Double Elephant Passport Food Group Llc Rice Jasmine 1/50 lb 31253 7221071726 Double Hi Chins Import Export Sauce Soy Packets 500/.5 oz 43743 7620561811 Double Hi Chins Import Export Mustard Packet 500/10 gr 43744 7620561813 Double Hi Chins Import Export Sauce Sweet And Sour Packets 500/.5 oz 43746 7620561955 Double Hi Passport Food Group Llc Mustard Chinese Hot Portion Control 500/9 gr 11806 3536769900 Dr Bronner Dr Bronner Soap Pure Castile Eucalyptus Natural Organic 12/5 oz 4182 1878778305 Dr Bronner Dr Bronner Soap Castile Liquid Almond Hemp 12/16 oz 85066 1878776116 Dr Bronner Dr Bronner Soap Baby Pure Castile Mild 12/2 oz 205212 1878777202 Dr Bronner Dr Bronner Soap Pure Castile Almond Organic 12/2 oz 212324 1878777102 Dr Bronner Dr Bronner Soap Pure Castile Eucalyptus Organic 12/2 oz 212325 1878777302 Dr Bronner Dr Bronner Soap Pure Castile Citrus Orange Organic 12/2 oz 212326 1878777702 Dr Bronner Dr Bronner Soap Pure Castile Tea Tree Natural Organic 12/16 oz 212327 1878776916 Dr Bronner Dr Bronner Soap Pure Castile Eucalyptus Natural Organic 12/16 oz 212328 1878776316 Dr Bronner Dr Bronner Soap Pure Castile Almond Organic 12/5 oz 212330 1878778105 Dr Bronner Dr Bronner Soap Pure Castile Hemp Rose Natural Organic 12/2 oz 212331 1878777802 Dr Bronner Dr Bronner Soap Pure Castile Hemp Peppermint Natural Organic 12/2 oz 212332 1878777502 Dr Bronner Dr Bronner Soap Pure Castile Hemp Tea Tree Natural Organic 12/2 oz 212333 1878777602 Dr Bronner Dr Bronner Soap Pure Castile Eucalyptus Natural Organic 12/5 oz 212334 1878778305 Dr Bronner Dr Bronner Soap Pure Castile Hemp Lavender Natural Organic 12/2 oz 212335 1878777402 Dr Bronner Dr Bronner Soap Pure Castile Tea Tree Natural Organic 12/5 oz 212336 1878778605 Dr Bronner Dr Bronner Soap Pure Castile Hemp Peppermint Natural Organic 36/4 oz 212337 1878776504 Dr Bronner Dr Bronner Oil Coconut Virgin Whole Kernel Natural Organic 12/14 oz 212338 1878750501 Dr Bronner Dr Bronner Oil Coconut Virgin White Kernel Natural Organic 12/14 oz 212339 1878750502 Dr Bronner Dr Bronner Soap Pure Castile Hemp Lavender Natural Organic 12/32 oz 212340 1878777432 Dr Bronner Dr Bronner Sri Oil Coconut Whole Kernel Natural Organic 12/30 oz 230982 1878750503 Dr Bronner Dr Bronner Sanitizer Hand Lavender Gluten Free Organic Natural 12/2 oz 235626 1878711111 Dr Brown’s Canada Dry Of New York Soda Diet Black Cherry 6/12oz 4/72 fo 40466 7397000204 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 85 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 86 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Dr Brown’s Canada Dry Of New York Soda Diet Cream 6/12oz 4/72 fo 40467 7397000207 Dr Brown’s Canada Dry Of New York Soda Ginger Ale 6/12oz 4/72 fo 40469 7397010202 Dr Brown’s Canada Dry Of New York Soda Black Cherry 6/12oz Pd 4/72 fo 40470 7397010204 Dr Brown’s Canada Dry Of New York Soda Root Beer 6/12oz 4/72 fo 40471 7397010206 Dr Brown’s Canada Dry Of New York Soda Cream 6/12oz Pd 4/72 fo 40472 7397010207 Dr Brown’s Canada Dry Of New York Soda Cel Ray 6/12oz 4/72 fo 40473 7397010221 Dr McDougall’s Dr McDougall’s Right Foods Oatmeal Whole Grain Maple Organic Gluten Free 6/2.5 oz 68563 76733500006 Dr McDougall’s Dr McDougall’s Right Foods Oatmeal Flax Apple Organic Gluten Free 6/2.3 oz 68564 76733500007 Dr McDougall’s Dr McDougall’s Right Foods Soup Pea And Barley Big Cup 6/2.5 oz 68578 76733501101 Dr McDougall’s Dr McDougall’s Right Foods Pad Thai Big Cup 6/2 oz 68583 76733501107 Dr McDougall’s Dr McDougall’s Right Foods Soup Miso W/Noodles Organic 6/1.9 oz 68586 76733501110 Dr McDougall’s Dr McDougall’s Right Foods Soup Minestrone Organic Natural 6/17.6 oz 223616 76733507791 Dr McDougall’s Dr McDougall’s Right Foods Soup Chicken Ramen Noodle Organic Natural 6/1.8 oz 233043 76733501117 Dr McDougall’s Dr McDougall’s Right Foods Soup Black Bean Low Sodium Organic Natural 6/18 oz 233044 76733507783 Dr McDougall’s Dr McDougall’s Right Foods Soup Lentil French Ls Organic Natural 6/17.6 oz 233045 76733507796 Dr McDougall’s Dr McDougall’s Right Foods Soup Split Pea Low Sodium Organic Natural 6/17.6 oz 233046 76733507790 Dr McDougall’s Dr McDougall’s Right Foods Oatmeal Chia Berry Natural Cup 6/2.5 oz 235390 76733500013 Dr Praeger’s Dr Praeger’s Burger Veggie Tex Mex Natural 12/11 oz 47594 8086800048 Dr Praeger’s Dr Praeger’s Burger Italian Veggie 12/11 oz 47595 8086800049 Dr Praeger’s Dr Praeger’s Pancakes Spinach 12/12 oz 47598 8086800055 Dr Praeger’s Dr Praeger’s Burgers Bombay 12/11 oz 203826 8086800050 Dr Tung’s Dr Tung’s Products Inc Sanitizer Snap On Toothbrush 12/1 ea 213216 1937395115 Dr Tung’s Dr Tung’s Products Inc Floss Smart 6/1 ea 213217 1937371121 Dr Tung’s Dr Tung’s Products Inc Chn Sanitizer Snap On Toothbrush 6/1 ea 235075 1937395115 Drews Drews All Natural Dressing Roast Garlic Peppercorn 6/12 oz 70355 79087437394 Drews Drews All Natural Dressing Thai Sesame Lime 6/12 oz 70357 79087437396 Drews Drews All Natural Dressing Rosemary Balsamic 6/12 oz 70359 79087437398 Drews Drews All Natural Dressing Sesame Orange 6/12 oz 70360 79087437399 Drews Drews All Natural Dressing Lemon Tahini Goddess 6/12 oz 70361 79087437411 Drews Drews All Natural Dressing Romano Caesar 6/12 oz 70363 79087437414 Drews Drews All Natural Dressing Italian Garlic 6/12 oz 70364 79087437415 Drews Drews All Natural Dressing Buttermilk Ranch 6/12 oz 70365 79087437416 Dsl Dsl Northwest Inc Sanitizer Jar 1/1 ea 130897 64200908023 Ducal Goya Foods Of California Beans Black Refried 24/15 oz 206496 8831300136 Duerrs British Wholesale Imports Marmalade Orange Fine Cut 6/16 oz 67064 75512200007 Duerrs British Wholesale Imports Sauce Mint 6/9.9 oz 201905 79285135690 Dufour Pastry Dufour Pastry Kitchens Pastry Puff Classic 10/14 oz 217578 73644900010 Duke’s Thanasi Foods Brisket Beef Strips Spicy BBQ Stubb’s 8/3 oz 208566 18239900090 Duke’s Thanasi Foods Jerky Beef Original Jim Beam 8/3.15 oz 208572 18239900085 Duke’s Thanasi Foods Steak Strips Bourbon Glaze Jim Beam 8/3.15 oz 208573 89688700249 Duke’s Thanasi Foods Pork Strips Stubb’s Sweet BBQ Braised 8/3.15 oz 225270 81601201050 Duke’s Thanasi Foods Sausages Smoked Original Shorty 8/5 oz 225272 81601201051 Durkee Ach Food Companies Inc Sauce Famous 12/10 oz 20449 4760005004 Durkee Durkee Sauce Famous 6/10 oz 213241 4760005004 Dutch Masterpiece Jana Foods Ned Gouda Rembrandt Extra Aged 1 Year 1/20 lb 30740 7221018996 Dutch Masterpiece Jana Foods Ned Vincent 1/17 lb 30741 7221018997 Dutch Masterpiece Jana Foods Ned Rembrandt Ew 15/5.64 oz 202108 67258333169 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Dutch Masterpiece Jana Foods Ned Vincent Ew 15/5.64 oz 218230 67258333263 Duverger Synchrophonic Macaroons Prestige French 12Pack 6Flavors 6/7.7 oz 235986 85109100411 Duverger Synchrophonic Macaroons Degustatn French 12Pack 6Flavors 6/7.7 oz 235987 85109100410 Dynasty Dynasty Oil Sesame Cooking 6/5 oz 1195 1115203263 Dynasty Dynasty Nuts Lychee W/Syrup 6/15 oz 118642 1115204283 Dynasty Jfc International Bread Crumbs Panko 12/8 oz 210270 1115215063 Earnest Eats The Annona Company Cereal Hot Fit Mayan Blend Single 12/2.35 oz 231867 89104800186 Earnest Eats The Annona Company Cereal Hot Fit Superfood Blueberry Chi Sing 12/2.35 oz 231868 89104800214 Earnest Eats The Annona Company Cereal Hot Fit Asia Blend Single 12/2.35 oz 231870 89104800187 Earnest Eats The Annona Company Cereal Hot Fit American Blend Single 12/2.35 oz 231871 89104800185 Earnest Eats The Annona Company Cereal Hot Energized Am Trail Mix 12/2.1 oz 234785 89104800113 Earnest Eats The Annona Company Cereal Hot Energized Mocha Nut 12/2.1 oz 234786 89104800112 Earnest Eats The Annona Company Cereal Hot Energized Cherry Almond 12/2.1 oz 234787 89104800114 Earth Balance Earth Balance Sticks Buttery 18/16 oz 11224 3377601174 Earth Balance Earth Balance Spread Buttery Soy Free Natural 12/15 oz 210369 3377601189 Earth Balance Earth Balance Crackers Squares Cheddar Vegan 6/6 oz 231701 3377608040 Earth Friendly Earth Friendly Drain Opener Earth Enzyme No 970412 12/32 oz 66611 74917409120 Earth Friendly Earth Friendly Dishwasher Gel Lavender Wave 8/40 oz 66624 74917409730 Earth Friendly Earth Friendly Bleach Oxo Brite 8/2 lb 66636 74917409753 Earth Friendly Earth Friendly Unifresh Air Freshener Cinnamon 12/4.4 oz 66651 74917449641 Earth Friendly Earth Friendly Unifresh Air Freshener Parsley 12/4.4 oz 66654 74917449655 Earth Friendly Earth Friendly Cleaner Window Vinegar 6/22 oz 150964 74917409300 Earth Friendly Earth Friendly Soap Dishmate Almond 6/25 oz 150965 74917409700 Earth Friendly Earth Friendly Cleaner Surface Rtu Orange Plus 6/22 oz 150967 74917409706 Earth Friendly Earth Friendly Stain/Odor Remover Orange 6/22 oz 150968 74917409707 Earth Science Earth Science Conditioner Fragrance Free Natural 6/12 fo 235175 5498617440 Earth Science Earth Science Masque Hair Olive And Avocado Natural 6/6 oz 235176 5498617500 Earth Science Earth Science Deodorant Tea Tree Lavender Natural 6/2.45 oz 235188 5498600253 Earth Science Earth Science Shampoo Citress Natural 6/12 fo 235189 5498617430 Earth Science Earth Science Deodorant Rosemary Mint Natural 6/2.45 oz 235190 5498600254 Earth Science Earth Science Shampoo Fragrance Free Natural 6/12 fo 235191 5498617400 Earth Science Earth Science Eye Makeup Remover Chamomile Green Tea 6/4 fo 235196 5498600082 Earth Science Earth Science Deodorant Liken Herbal Scent Natural 6/2.45 oz 235197 5498600251 Earth Science Earth Science Night Cream Apricot Natural 6/1.65 oz 235198 5498600112 Earth Science Earth Science Facial Wash Clarifying Natural 6/8 fo 235199 5498600059 Earth Science Earth Science Facial Scrub Gentle Apricot Natural 6/4 fo 235255 5498600014 Earth Science Earth Science Moisturizer Almond Aloe SPF15 Natural 6/5 fo 235256 5498600036 Earth Science Earth Science Cleanser Fruit Oil Creamy A-D-E Natural 6/8 fo 235257 5498600049 Earth Science Earth Science Moisturizer Almond Aloe FF Natural 6/5 fo 235258 5498600035 Earths Best The Hain Celestial Group Inc Waffles Mini Blueberry 12/8 oz 6358 2392320601 Earths Best The Hain Celestial Group Inc Teething Biscuits Barley 12/4.6 oz 6395 2392390016 Earths Best The Hain Celestial Group Inc Puree Squash/Sweet Pea Natural Organic 12/3.5 oz 221362 2392333034 Earths Best The Hain Celestial Group Inc Puree Sweet Potato/Beets Natural Organic 12/3.5 oz 221366 2392333035 Earths Best The Hain Celestial Group Inc Puree Fruit Pear/Apricot/Barley Natural Organic 12/4.2 oz 221367 2392332012 Earths Best The Hain Celestial Group Inc Puree Fruit Ban/Rasp/Brown Rice Natural Organic 12/4.2 oz 221368 2392332014 Earths Best The Hain Celestial Group Inc Puree Fruit Apple/Peach/Oatmeal Natural Organic 12/4.2 oz 221370 2392332011 Earths Best The Hain Celestial Group Inc Puree Pouch Carrots/Broccoli Natural Organic 12/3.5 oz 221371 2392333032 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 87 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 88 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Earths Best The Hain Celestial Group Inc Puree Pouch Pumpkin/Spinach Natural Organic 12/3.5 oz 221372 2392333033 Earths Best The Hain Celestial Group Inc Puree Pineapple/Banana Pouch Natural Organic 12/4.2 oz 221497 2392333042 Earths Best The Hain Celestial Group Inc Pancake Homestyel Mini Sesame St Organic Natural 12/11.3 oz 233072 2392320607 East Point Dungeness Development Association Shrimp Tiny 24/4 oz 210432 4136910120 East West East West Specialty Sauces Inc Sauce Teriyaki Sweet Ginger 6/12 oz 64161 73314251376 Eastern Sun Eastern Sun Sauce Sweet And Sour Pc 500/12 gr 62209 71603773086 Eat Well Embrace Life Tryst Gourmet Llc Hummus Edamame With Crackers 12/2.85 oz 227779 85543200434 Eat Well Embrace Life Tryst Gourmet Llc Hummus Sriracha Carrot Zest W/Crackers 12/2.85 oz 227781 85543200432 Eat Well Embrace Life Tryst Gourmet Llc Hummus Black Bean With Crackers 12/2.85 oz 227783 85543200431 Eat Well Embrace Life Tryst Gourmet Llc Hummus Beet 8/10 oz 229168 85543200436 Eat Well Embrace Life Tryst Gourmet Llc Hummus Cucumber W/Sweet Cucumber Dill Top 8/10 oz 232221 85543200447 Eat Well Embrace Life Tryst Gourmet Llc Hummus Edamame 4 Pack 8/8 oz 234796 85543200451 Eat Well Embrace Life Tryst Gourmet Llc Hummus Carrot Zesty Sriracha 4 Pack 8/8 oz 234797 85543200449 Eat Well Embrace Life Tryst Gourmet Llc Hummus White Bean 4 Pack 8/8 oz 234798 85543200450 Eat Well Enjoy Life Tryst Gourmet Llc Hummus Yellow Lentil With Apricot 8/10 oz 210867 89686300141 Eat Well Enjoy Life Tryst Gourmet Llc Hummus Edamame Red Pepper 8/10 oz 210868 89686300140 Eat Well Enjoy Life Tryst Gourmet Llc Hummus Edamame Plain 8/10 oz 210869 89686300139 Eat Well Enjoy Life Tryst Gourmet Llc Hummus White Bean Roasted Garlic 8/10 oz 210870 89686300142 Eat Well Enjoy Life Tryst Gourmet Llc Hummus White Bean Roasted Pine Nuts 8/10 oz 210871 89686300143 Eat Well Enjoy Life Tryst Gourmet Llc Hummus Red Lentil Chipotle Roasted Corn 8/10 oz 211659 89686300172 Eat Well Enjoy Life Tryst Gourmet Llc Hummus Wasabi Edamame Ginger Topping 8/10 oz 211660 89686300175 Eat Well Enjoy Life Tryst Gourmet Llc Hummus Black Bean Chipotle Rst Corn 8/10 oz 212970 89686300173 Eat Well Enjoy Life Tryst Gourmet Llc Hummus Greek Yogurt Classic Gluten Free 8/10 oz 218168 89686300183 Eat Well Enjoy Life Tryst Gourmet Llc Hummus Greek Yogurt Red Pepper Roasted 8/10 oz 218170 89686300184 Eat Well Enjoy Life Tryst Gourmet Llc Hummus Sriracha Carrot Lf Gluten Free Natural 8/10 oz 225237 85543200426 Echo Falls Ocean Beauty SeaFood’s Llc Salmon Traditional Hot Smoked 12/4 oz 20870 4831302801 Echo Falls Ocean Beauty SeaFood’s Llc Salmon Scotch Smoked 12/4 oz 20879 4831377204 Echo Falls Ocean Beauty SeaFood’s Llc Salmon Sockeye Wild Alaskan 12/4 oz 20882 4831377404 Echo Falls Ocean Beauty SeaFood’s Llc Salmon Variety Hot Smoked 12/4 oz 35254 7221084018 Eda Zen Greenwave Foods Snack Crunchamame Edamame Jalapeno 8/.7 oz 228286 85905900208 Eda Zen Greenwave Foods Snack Crunchamame Edamame Onion/Chive 8/.7 oz 228288 85905900206 Eda Zen Greenwave Foods Snack Crunchamame Edamame Lt Seasoned 8/.7 oz 228289 85905900201 Eden Eden Butter Apple 6/17 oz 6568 2418200069 Eden Eden Sauerkraut Organic 6/32 oz 6620 2418201100 Eden Eden Foods Inc Soybeans Black Organic 12/15 oz 6583 2418200220 Eden Eden Foods Inc Beans Cannellini White Kidney Organic 12/15 oz 6596 2418200256 Eden Creamery Eden Creamery Llc Ice Cream Lemon Cake Halo Top Natural 8/1 pt 218238 85808900308 Eden Creamery Eden Creamery Llc Ice Cream Birthday Cake Gluten Free Natural 8/1 pt 236027 85808900312 Eden Creamery Eden Creamery Llc Ice Cream Mint Chocolate Chip Natural 8/1 pt 236028 85808900310 Edward And Sons Edward & Sons Trading Company Tha Rice Snaps Sesame No Salt Organic 12/3.5 oz 1448 1120600036 Edward And Sons Edward & Sons Trading Company Tha Rice Snaps Onion Garlic 12/3.5 oz 1449 1120600037 Effie’s Homemade Effies Homemade Oatcakes Homemade Natural 12/7.2 oz 218653 89107700200 Egyptian Magic Egyptian Magic Cream Skin All Purpose Natural 6/4 oz 235919 76493677777 El Burrito El Burrito Foods Soyrizo Non Gmo Natural 12/12 oz 229498 3699800602 El Cerro Atalanta Corporation Esp Ham Serrano Pork Boneless 1/13 lb 235761 7127038794 El Cortijo Saputo Cheese USA Esp Manchego Wedge Ew 12/8 oz 230239 7027220120 El Guapo Mojave Foods Powder Pasilla Ancho 12/1 oz 19429 4498900227 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR DESCRIPTION 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG PK/SZ ITEM # UPC El Guapo Mojave Foods Spice Mix Taco Hot 12/1 oz 19436 4498900241 El Guapo Mojave Foods Ginger Ground 12/.5 oz 19456 4498900497 El Guapo Mojave Foods Chamomile 12/.25 oz 19461 4498900531 El Guapo Mojave Foods Thyme 12/.5 oz 19540 4498900939 El Guapo Mojave Foods Anise Seeds 12/.75 oz 19541 4498900941 El Guapo Mojave Foods Star Anise 12/.75 oz 19542 4498900942 El Guapo Mojave Foods Rosemary 12/.25 oz 19544 4498900945 El Guapo Mojave Foods Chili Negro Whole 12/2 oz 19561 4498901026 El Guapo Mojave Foods Pasilla Ancho Whole 12/2 oz 19565 4498901039 El Guapo Mojave Foods Chili De Arbol Ground 12/1 oz 19576 4498901116 El Guapo Mojave Foods Paprika 12/1 oz 19577 4498901117 El Guapo Mojave Foods Chili Crushed 12/.75 oz 19578 4498901118 El Guapo Mojave Foods Chili Powder California 12/1 oz 19579 4498901119 El Guapo Mojave Foods Chili Powder New Mexico Mild 12/1 oz 19580 4498901120 El Guapo Mojave Foods Chili Powder New Mexico Hot 12/1 oz 19581 4498901121 El Guapo Mojave Foods Garlic Granulated 12/1 oz 19586 4498901126 El Guapo Mojave Foods Cloves Whole 12/.25 oz 19589 4498901129 El Guapo Mojave Foods Bay Leaves Whole 12/.5 oz 19591 4498901131 El Guapo Mojave Foods Oregano Ground 12/1 oz 19593 4498901133 El Guapo Mojave Foods Onion Granulated 12/.75 oz 19604 4498901148 El Guapo Mojave Foods Corn Husks Shell 12/8 oz 19613 4498901213 El Guapo Mojave Foods Habanero 12/.5 oz 19619 4498901296 El Guapo Mojave Foods Chipotle 12/1.5 oz 19620 4498901297 El Guapo Mojave Foods Pepper Black Ground 12/.625 oz 19629 4498901311 El Guapo Mojave Foods Pepper Black Whole 12/.625 oz 19630 4498901312 El Guapo Mojave Foods Oregano Mexican Whole 12/.5 oz 208311 4498920342 El Guapo Mojave Foods Chili Puya Whole 12/2 oz 208313 4498920345 El Guapo Mojave Foods Allspice Whole 12/1 oz 208314 4498900067 El Guapo Mojave Foods Cumin Whole 12/.75 oz 208316 4498920341 El Guapo Mojave Foods Cayenne 12/1.5 oz 208317 4498900074 El Guapo Mojave Foods Chili Pequin Whole 12/.25 oz 208318 4498900094 El Guapo Mojave Foods Sesame Seed 12/1 oz 208319 4498920343 El Guapo Mojave Foods Cumin Ground 12/.75 oz 208320 4498920340 El Guapo Mojave Foods Cinnamon Ground 12/1 oz 208321 4498920338 El Guapo Mojave Foods Piloncillo 12/2 ea 208991 4498900457 El Guapo Mojave Foods Chile With Lemon 12/4 oz 208997 4498920165 El Guapo Mojave Foods Pecans 12/1 oz 209001 4498900569 El Guapo Mojave Foods Curry Powder 12/1.5 oz 209005 4498920392 El Guapo Mojave Foods Shrimp Ground 12/2.25 oz 209006 4498920353 El Guapo Mojave Foods Chili Pods De Arbol Whole Natural 12/2 oz 233124 4498921097 El Guapo Mojave Foods Cinnamon Sticks Natural 12/.65 oz 233125 4498921117 El Guapo Mojave Foods Chili Pods Ancho Natural 12/11 oz 233126 4498921114 El Guapo Mojave Foods Chili Pods New Mexico Natural 12/11 oz 233127 4498921115 El Guapo Mojave Foods Chili Pods Japones Whole Natural 12/2.5 oz 233128 4498921096 El Guapo Mojave Foods Chili Pods New Mexico Natural 12/2.5 oz 233129 4498921099 El Guapo Mojave Foods Chili Pods Guajillo Natural 12/11 oz 233130 4498921112 El Guapo Mojave Foods Chili Pods De Arbol Whole Natural 12/11 oz 233131 4498921116 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 89 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 90 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC El Guapo Mojave Foods Chili Pods California Natural 12/2.5 oz 233132 4498921098 El Guapo Mojave Foods Chili Pods California Natural 12/11 oz 233133 4498921113 El Guapo Mojave Foods Chili Pods Guajillo Whole Natural 12/2 oz 233134 4498921095 El Pato El Pato Salsa Jalapeno Picante 10/12 oz 119473 7236000015 El Pato El Pato Sauce Chili Red 6/28 oz 119475 7236000208 El Pato Walker Foods, Inc. Sauce Hot Tomato 24/7.75 oz 37375 7236000201 El Pato Walker Foods, Inc. Salsa Jalapeno 24/7.75 oz 37377 7236000203 El Pato Walker Foods, Inc. Sauce Tomato W/Jalapeno 24/7.75 oz 37378 7236000207 El Pato Walker Foods, Inc. Sauce Chili Red 12/28 oz 37379 7236000208 El Pinto El Pinto Foods, Llc Salsa Medium 6/16 oz 59477 68136619620 El Pinto El Pinto Foods, Llc Green Chile Medium 6/16 oz 59478 68136619628 El Pinto El Pinto Foods, Llc Salsa Hot 6/16 oz 79430 68136619623 El Pinto El Pinto Foods, Llc Salsa Green Chili Taca Mild 6/16 oz 84969 68136619643 El Pinto El Pinto Foods, Llc Salsa Medium Portion Cup 6/12 oz 215607 68136690020 El Rey Culinary Collectives Esp Pimenton Smoked Sweet Paprika 10/750 gr 34080 7221082289 Elite Kfp International Gum Bazooka Bubble Fruit Pd 24/30 ea 44927 7724510221 Elite Kfp International Coffee Instant Tin Pd 12/7 oz 44929 7724510253 Elite Kfp International Sugar Wafers Vanilla 20/7.05 oz 44942 7724510749 Elite Kfp International Chocolate Mini Taami 15/8.8 oz 44947 7724510828 Elite Kfp International Wafers Pesek Zman Chocolate 15/14.12 oz 44950 7724510831 Elite Kfp International Chocolate Milk Bar 12/3 oz 44956 7724510996 Elite Kfp International Chocolate Bittersweet Bar 12/3 oz 44957 7724510997 Elite Kfp International Coins Milk Chocolate 24/.53 oz 141910 74613200044 Elite Kfp International Candy Must Mint Sf 12/2.82 oz 203654 7724511061 Elite Kfp International Isr Gum Spearmint Must Sf Pd 16/.9 oz 205459 81587101012 Elite Kfp International Isr Gum Peppermint Must Sf Pd 16/.9 oz 205461 81587101009 Elite Kfp International Isr Coffee Turkish Bag Pd 50/3.5 oz 235021 7724510787 Elki Elki Per Spread Artichoke 6/12 oz 211339 8287600092 Elki Elki Corporation Crackers Spring Onion 12/5.3 oz 48416 8287600222 Elki Elki Corporation Crackers Garlic Herb 12/5.3 oz 48417 8287600223 Elki Elki Corporation Crackers Sundried Tomato 12/5.3 oz 48418 8287600226 Elki Elki Corporation Crackers Water 12/4.4 oz 128971 8287600220 Elki Elki Corporation Hkg Crackers Sesame 12/4.4 oz 211334 8287600221 Elki Elki Corporation Can Bruschetta Tomato/Artichoke Natural 12/12 oz 227235 8287600091 Elki Elki Corporation Can Bruschetta Tomato Natural 12/12 oz 227236 8287600090 Ellipso R3 Papercraft Portland Cup Portion Cl With Lid 500/3 oz 79646 69659900503 Ellipso R3 Papercraft Portland Cup Portion Combo Pack 1000/1 oz 205996 69659950501 Ellsworth Comstock Creamery Llc Cheddar Curds Natural 12/5 oz 231085 2561162071 Elsa Penta International Ita Vinegar Balsamic Farmacia 6/250 ml 213642 1362860922 Elyon Quality Frozen Foods Inc Isr Marshmallow White Pd 16/5 oz 213870 75947411010 Em Valley Pulmuone Foods USA Inc Dip 3 Bean Mild Organic 6/16 oz 212474 5233411651 Em Valley Pulmuone Foods USA Inc Salsa Mild Organic 6/14 oz 212475 5233411659 Em Valley Pulmuone Foods USA Inc Salsa Medium Organic 6/14 oz 212476 5233411653 Em Valley Pulmuone Foods USA Inc Salsa Hot Organic 6/14 oz 212477 5233411660 Em Valley Pulmuone Foods USA Inc Hummus Organic 6/12 oz 212478 5233411669 Em Valley Pulmuone Foods USA Inc Hummus Olive And Garlic Organic 6/12 oz 227574 5233411670 Embasa Embasa Peppers Tomatillo Whole 6/12 oz 119769 7538604986 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Embasa Hormel Foods Sales Llc Pepper Chipotle 12/7 oz 42900 7538604858 Emerald Forest Xylitol USA Inc Xyla Xylitol Natural 6/1 lb 210287 85832000007 Emmi Emmi Sui Emmenthaler Super Cut Pc 1/8 lb 30830 7221024941 Emmi Emmi Sui Gruyere King Cut Pc 1/8 lb 30831 7221024942 Emmi Emmi Sui Gruyere Cave Aged Pc 1/8 lb 34443 7221082877 Emmi Emmi Sui Gruyere King Cut Xl Pc 1/20 lb 36607 7221085635 Emmi Emmi Sui Raclette Pc 1/8 lb 67946 76181800490 Emmi Emmi Sui Gruyere Kaltbach Cave Aged 1/8 Wheel 1/9 lb 68012 76181801073 Emmi Emmi Sui Gruyere 1/4 Wheel 1/18 lb 68013 76181801074 Emmi Emmi Sui Appenzeller Pc 1/8 lb 119342 7221024937 Emmi Emmi Roth USA Sui Swiss Rindless Split 2/8 lb 20941 4857276442 Emmi Emmi Roth USA Sui Fondue 12/14 oz 23379 5676214124 Emmi Emmi Roth USA Sui Appenzeller Wheel 1/15 lb 30594 7192800045 Emmi Emmi Roth USA Sui Gruyere Wheel 1/70 lb 30909 7192800002 Emmi Emmi Roth USA Sui Gruyere King Cuts 2/5 lb 31080 7221070840 Emmi Emmi Roth USA Sui Gruyere Kaltbach Cave Aged Wheel 1/78 lb 31081 7192800009 Emmi Emmi Roth USA Fondue Blend Shredded 12/12 oz 41884 7485200007 Emmi Emmi Roth USA Sui Emmenthaler Super Cut 2/18 lb 68011 7192800005 Emmi Emmi Roth USA Sui Raclette Square 1/15 lb 206313 7192800047 Emmi Emmi Roth USA Sui Gruyere Le Ew 16/6 oz 218317 7301500172 Emmi Emmi Roth USA Sui Gruyere Le Cave Aged Ew 16/5 oz 218318 7301500165 Emmi Emmi Roth USA Sui Emmentaler Ew 16/6 oz 218319 7301500171 Emmi Emmi Roth USA Sui Gruyere 12/5.3 oz 223167 7301500030 Emmi Emmi Roth USA Sui Der Scharfe Maxx Natural 1/15 lb 232688 7301500297 Emmi Emmi Roth USA Sui Fuurtufel Natural 1/15 lb 234094 7301500300 Empire Kosher Empire Kosher Poultry Chicken Fat Rendered Pd 24/7 oz 29693 7162700809 Empire Kosher Empire Kosher Poultry Sausage Franks Chicken Pd 12/16 oz 29695 7162700880 Empire Kosher Empire Kosher Poultry Sausage Franks Turkey Pd 12/16 oz 29702 7162700990 Empire Kosher Empire Kosher Poultry Chicken Leg Ind Quick Frozen Pd 11/4 lb 29703 7162701001 Empire Kosher Empire Kosher Poultry Chicken Breast Ind Quick Frozen 12/3 lb 29704 7162701002 Empire Kosher Empire Kosher Poultry Chicken Drumstick Ind Quick Frozen Pd 12/4 lb 29706 7162701008 Empire Kosher Empire Kosher Poultry Chicken Thigh Ind Quick Frozen Pd 11/4 lb 29707 7162701009 Empire Kosher Empire Kosher Poultry Chicken Nugget Ind Quick Frozen 30/1 lb 29708 7162701043 Empire Kosher Empire Kosher Poultry Turkey Roll Ground Small Pd 12/16 oz 29713 7162701813 Empire Kosher Empire Kosher Poultry Chicken Cutlet Ind Quick Frozen Pd 18/2 lb 29714 7162701839 Empire Kosher Empire Kosher Poultry Turkey Breast Honey Smoked 3/3.5 lb 88492 7162700946 Empire Kosher Empire Kosher Poultry Turkey Skinless Pastrami 2/4.5 lb 88494 7162700988 Empire Kosher Empire Kosher Poultry Bologna Turkey 12/8 oz 200742 7162705962 Empire Kosher Empire Kosher Poultry Pastrami Turkey 12/8 oz 200743 7162705964 Empire Kosher Empire Kosher Poultry Salami Turkey 12/8 oz 200744 7162705961 Empire Kosher Empire Kosher Poultry Turkey Smoked 12/8 oz 200745 7162705960 Empire Kosher Empire Kosher Poultry Bologna Chicken 12/8 oz 200746 7162705966 Empire Kosher Empire Kosher Poultry Turkey Breast Oven Prepared 12/8 oz 200747 7162705965 Ener G Ener G Foods Inc Egg Replacer 12/16 oz 42443 7511912448 Ener G Ener G Foods Inc Bread Tapioca Light Loaf Natural 6/8 oz 225978 7511914021 Ener G Ener G Foods Inc Bread Rice White Light Loaf Natural 6/8 oz 225979 7511914024 Ener G Ener G Foods Inc Bread Rice Brown Light Loaf Natural 6/8 oz 225980 7511914028 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 91 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 92 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Enjoy Life Enjoy Life Natural Brands Chocolate Chips Semi Sweet Mini 12/10 oz 206772 85352200030 Enjoy Life Enjoy Life Natural Brands Cookies Chocolate Chip Double Crunchy 6/6.3 oz 215665 85352200087 Enjoy Life Enjoy Life Natural Brands Cookies Sugar Crisp 6/6.3 oz 215666 85352200088 Enjoy Life Enjoy Life Natural Brands Chocolate Dark Morsels Natural Df Gluten Free 12/9 oz 223990 81959701021 Enricos Investment Force Venture Group Ltd Sauce Pizza All Natural 12/15.5 oz 39590 7331643116 Eo Eo Soap Liquid Hand Lemon Eucalyptus 6/12 oz 56760 63687412013 Eo Eo Shower Gel French Lavender 6/16 oz 200414 63687409074 Eo Eo Soap Everyone Lemon Coconut Natural 3/32 oz 215214 63687412148 Eo Eo Soap Everyone Citrus Mint Natural 3/32 oz 215215 63687412150 Eo Eo Lotion Everone Lemon Coconut Natural 3/32 oz 215216 63687404083 Eo Eo Lotion Citrus Mint Natural 3/32 oz 215217 63687404084 Eo Small World Trading Company Hand Sanitizer Lemon Organic 6/2 oz 200402 63687412040 Eo Small World Trading Company Display Gel Hand Sanitizer Lavender 6/2 fo 204690 63687412022 Eo Small World Trading Company Soap Everyone Citrus Mint Natural 6/32 oz 215207 63687412150 Eo Small World Trading Company Lotion Citrus Mint Natural 6/32 oz 215209 63687404084 Eo Small World Trading Company Lotion Everone Lemon Coconut Natural 6/32 oz 215210 63687404083 Eo Small World Trading Company Sanitizer Hand Lavender Spray Natural 12/.33 oz 235505 63687412091 Eo Small World Trading Company Soap Hand French Lavender Liquid Natural 6/32 oz 235508 63687412029 Epic Bites Epic Provisions Llc Meat Bits Pork Bacon Uncured/Sea Salt Gluten Free 8/2.5 oz 231906 85828400250 Epic Bites Epic Provisions Llc Meat Bites Bison Bacon And Chia Gluten Free 8/2.5 oz 231907 85828400248 Epic Bites Epic Provisions Llc Beef Bites Cranberry Sriracha Natural 8/2.5 oz 232492 85828400249 Epicurean Epicurean Butter Butter Garlic Roasted 8/3.5 oz 76420 88173510037 Epicurean Epicurean Butter Butter Caramel Sea Salt Natural 8/3.5 oz 76425 88173510044 Epicurean Epicurean Butter Butter Sea Salt And Black Pepper Natural 8/3.5 oz 223195 88173510042 Equal Exchange Equal Exchange Inc Sui Chocolate Dark Caramel Cream Bar Organic 12/3.5 oz 228012 74599890309 Equal Exchange Equal Exchange Inc Sui Chocolate Very Dark Bar Organic 12/3.5 oz 228013 74599890302 Equal Exchange Equal Exchange Inc Sui Chocolate Dark Mint Bar Organic 12/3.5 oz 228014 74599890305 Equal Exchange Equal Exchange Inc Sui Chocolate Milk Caramel Cr Bar Organic 12/3.5 oz 228015 74599890311 Equal Exchange Equal Exchange Inc Sui Chocolate Dark Almonds Bar Organic 12/3.5 oz 228016 74599890303 Equal Exchange Equal Exchange Inc Sui Chocolate Dark Extra Panama Bar Organic 12/3.5 oz 228017 74599890308 Ermitage Ermitage Fra Brie Hw Pc 1/6.6 lb 222923 7221042854 Ermitage Specialities Agro Alimentation Fra Brie 1/6.6 lb 33315 7221080787 Ethical Bean Ethical Bean Coffee Can Coffee Rocket Fuel French Roast Whole Bean 6/12 oz 231881 84163182608 Ethical Bean Ethical Bean Coffee Can Coffee Classic Roast Medium Whole Mean 6/12 oz 231882 84163182607 Ethical Bean Ethical Bean Coffee Can Coffee Espresso Dark Roast Medium Whole Bean 6/12 oz 231883 84163182603 Ethical Bean Ethical Bean Coffee Can Coffee Dark Roast Medium Whole Bean 6/12 oz 231884 84163182601 Etorki Alouette Cheese USA Llc Fra Cheese Basque 2/10 lb 30963 7221070089 Euphoria Euphoria Chocolate Co. Sauce Ultra Chocolate 12/14 oz 21538 5046900101 Euphoria Euphoria Chocolate Co. Truffle Amaretto 12/1.5 oz 31156 7221071277 Euphoria Euphoria Chocolate Co. Truffle Double Chocolate 12/1.5 oz 31157 7221071278 Euphoria Euphoria Chocolate Co. Truffle Grand Marnier 12/1.5 oz 31158 7221071279 Euphoria Euphoria Chocolate Co. Truffle Hazelnut 12/1.5 oz 31159 7221071280 Euphoria Euphoria Chocolate Co. Truffle Kahlua Cream 12/1.5 oz 31160 7221071281 Euphoria Euphoria Chocolate Co. Truffle Kona Coffee 12/1.5 oz 31161 7221071282 Euphoria Euphoria Chocolate Co. Truffle Chocolate Milk 12/1.5 oz 31162 7221071283 Euphoria Euphoria Chocolate Co. Truffle Oregon Mint 12/1.5 oz 31163 7221071284 Euphoria Euphoria Chocolate Co. Truffle Toasted Almond 12/1.5 oz 31164 7221071285 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Euphoria Euphoria Chocolate Co. Bar Chocolate Oregon 24/2.5 oz 126096 5046900301 Euphoria Euphoria Chocolate Co. Bar Chocolate Portland 24/2.5 oz 126097 5046900302 Euro Classic Euro Classic Imports Fra Crepes Plain Landemeau Natural 12Ct 10/12 ea 76921 89107100106 Euro Classic Euro Classic Imports Fra Crepes Chocolate Filled Natural 12/6.77 oz 218963 89107100108 Euro Classic Euro Classic Imports Fra Brioche French Athnt Chocolate Swirl 16/14.11 oz 219266 89107100145 Evercare Butler Home Products Roller Lint 30 Layer 6/1 ea 213855 7098201057 Evercare Butler Home Products Refill Lint Roller 60 Layer 6/1 ea 213856 7098201062 Evercare Butler Home Products Brush Magic 6/1 ea 213857 7098202300 Everyday Coconut Alaffia Lotion Body Super Hydrating Coconut 6/32 oz 235245 18713200700 Everyday Coconut Alaffia Shampoo Super Hydrating Coconut Natural 6/32 oz 235246 18713200720 Everyday Coconut Alaffia Wash Body Super Hydrating Coconut 6/32 oz 235247 18713200710 Everyday Coconut Alaffia Conditioner Super Hydrating Coconut 6/32 oz 235248 18713200730 Everyday Coconut Alaffia Cream Face Night Natural 6/12 oz 235249 18713200763 Everyday Coconut Alaffia Cream Eye Nourishing Natural 6/3 oz 235250 84132010764 Everyday Shea Alaffia Wash Body Lavender Natural 6/32 oz 235201 18713200506 Everyday Shea Alaffia Conditioner Vanilla Mint Natural 6/32 oz 235202 18713200523 Everyday Shea Alaffia Lotion Baby Gently Scented Natural 4/16 oz 235203 18713200585 Everyday Shea Alaffia Conditioner Detangler For Babies 4/16 oz 235204 18713200581 Everyday Shea Alaffia Wash Body Unscented Natural 6/32 oz 235205 18713200505 Everyday Shea Alaffia Shampoo Wash Body For Babies Up Natural 4/16 oz 235206 18713200580 Everyday Shea Alaffia Lotion Lavender Natural 6/32 oz 235207 18713200501 Everyday Shea Alaffia Conditioner Lavender Natural 6/32 oz 235208 18713200521 Everyday Shea Alaffia Soap Hand Foaming Lavender Natural 6/18 oz 235209 18713200557 Everyday Shea Alaffia Wash Body Vanilla Mint Natural 6/32 oz 235210 18713200507 Everyday Shea Alaffia Lotion Baby Lemon Lavender Natural 4/16 oz 235211 18713200584 Everyday Shea Alaffia Shampoo Vanilla Mint Natural 6/32 oz 235212 18713200522 Everyday Shea Alaffia Shampoo Lavender Natural 6/32 oz 235213 18713200520 Everyone Small World Trading Company Soap Liquid Hand Meyer Lemon Natural 6/12.75 oz 224397 63687422082 Everyone Small World Trading Company Soap Liquid Hand Apricot Vanilla 6/12.75 oz 224398 63687422085 Everyone Small World Trading Company Soap Liquid Hand Ylang Ylang Cedarwood 6/12.75 oz 224399 63687422081 Everyone Small World Trading Company Soap Men Cedar And Citrus Natural 6/32 oz 235503 63687422001 Everyone Small World Trading Company Lotion Lavender And Aloe Natural 6/32 oz 235504 63687404082 Everyone Small World Trading Company Soap Kids Tropical Coconut Natural 6/32 oz 235506 63687422003 Everyone Small World Trading Company Soap Lavender And Aloe Natural 6/32 oz 235507 63687412151 Evian Danone Waters Of America Fra Water Spring Natural 12/1 lt 227192 7929800007 Evian Danone Waters Of America Fra Water Spring Natural 6 Pack 2/1 lt 227195 7929860007 Evol Boulder Brands USA Inc Steak Fire Grilled Bowl Gluten Free 12/9 oz 206807 89162700901 Evol Boulder Brands USA Inc Burrito Beef Shredded 12/6 oz 218695 89162700251 Evol Boulder Brands USA Inc Burrito Bean Rice And Cheddar 12/6 oz 218696 89162700255 Evol Boulder Brands USA Inc Burrito Chicken Bean And Rice 12/6 oz 218698 89162700250 Evol Boulder Brands USA Inc Chicken Enchilada Baked Bowl Gluten Free 12/9 oz 221450 89162700902 Evol Boulder Brands USA Inc Mac And Cheese Truffle/Parmesan Bowl 12/8 oz 221454 89162700295 Evol Boulder Brands USA Inc Sandwich Breakfast Ham/Egg/Cheddar 18/3.7 oz 225674 89162700852 Evol Boulder Brands USA Inc Sandwich Breakfast Egg/Smoked Gouda 18/3.4 oz 225675 89162700853 Evol Boulder Brands USA Inc Sandwich Sausage Egg White/Cheddar 18/4 oz 225676 89162700851 Evol Boulder Brands USA Inc Sandwich Egg White Kale/Tom/Goat Cheese 18/3.6 oz 225677 89162700850 Evol Boulder Brands USA Inc Burrito Egg White Spinach Lean Fit 12/5 oz 226183 89162700857 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 93 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 94 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Evol Boulder Brands USA Inc Burrito Chicken Lime Classic Organic Natural 12/6 oz 226184 89162700300 Evol Boulder Brands USA Inc Burrito Egg Sausage Smoked Gouda Organic 12/5 oz 226185 89162700858 Evol Boulder Brands USA Inc Chicken Teriyaki Meal Lean Fit Ss 8/9 oz 234837 89162700900 Evolution Fresh Evolution Fresh Inc Juice Sweet Greens And Lemon 6/15.2 oz 216388 76235704068 Evolution Fresh Evolution Fresh Inc Juice Essential Greens 6/15.2 oz 216390 76235703605 Evolution Fresh Evolution Fresh Inc Juice Super Green 6/15.2 oz 216391 76235701605 Evolution Fresh Evolution Fresh Inc Juice Defense Up 6/15.2 oz 217078 76235701705 Evolution Fresh Evolution Fresh Inc Juice Orange Hpp Green 32oz 6/32 oz 225381 76235700032 Evolution Fresh Evolution Fresh Inc Juice Greens Smooth Natural 6/15.2 oz 226923 76235737526 Evolution Fresh Evolution Fresh Inc Juice Strawberry Lemonade Organic 6/15.2 oz 228025 76235702505 Evolution Fresh Evolution Fresh Inc Juice Orange Green Label 4/59 oz 233652 76235705967 Excellence Excellence Chocolate Cocoa Bar 70% Excellence 12/3.5 oz 12458 3746601763 Ezra’s Dairy Bunker Hill Cheese Feta Cubes In Brine 6/7 oz 223089 85746000402 Ezra’s Dairy Bunker Hill Cheese Feta Chunks In Brine 6/8 oz 223090 85746000400 F Real F’real Foods Milkshake Chocolate 12/16 oz 114136 81399300119 F Real F’real Foods Milkshake Vanilla 12/16 oz 114138 81399300139 F Real F’real Foods Milkshake Capp Coffee 12/16 oz 114139 81399300319 F Real F’real Foods Milkshake Chocolate Mint 12/16 oz 114141 81399300519 F Real F’real Foods Milkshake Cookies & Cream 12/16 oz 114142 81399300529 F Real F’real Foods Lid W/Freal Logo 1/1000 ea 114806 81399300912 F Real F’real Foods Smoothie Strawberry Banana 12/16 oz 115629 81399300449 F Real F’real Foods Smoothie Mango 12/16 oz 115630 81399300459 F Real F’real Foods Smoothe Blue Raspberry Pomegranate 12/16 oz 115631 81399300469 F Real F’real Foods Milkshake Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup 12/16 oz 206865 81399300569 F Real F’real Foods Milkshake Cake Batter 12/16 oz 220723 81399300199 F Real F’real Foods Straws Blue 10/300 ea 225485 81399300917 Face Rock Face Rock Curds Cheddar In Your Face 12 Cups 1/5 lb 222941 7221042856 Face Rock Face Rock Curds Cheddar Plain Natural 12 Cups 1/5 lb 222943 7221042857 Face Rock Face Rock Curds Cheddar Vampire Slayer Natural 12 Cups 1/5 lb 222944 7221042858 Face Rock Face Rock Cheddar Garlic Vampire Slayer Pc Natural 1/8 lb 222979 7221042864 Face Rock Face Rock Cheddar Spicy 3 Pep In Your Face Pc 1/8 lb 222981 7221042865 Face Rock Face Rock Monterey Jack Pc Natural 1/8 lb 222982 7221042866 Face Rock Face Rock Cheddar Aged Pc Natural 1/8 lb 222983 7221042867 Face Rock Face Rock Cheddar Garlic Vampire Slayer Natural 1/10 lb 223189 7221042876 Face Rock Face Rock Cheddar Spicy 3 Pepper In Your Face 1/10 lb 223190 7221042877 Face Rock Face Rock Cheddar Aged Natural 1/10 lb 223192 7221042879 Face Rock Face Rock Cheddar Peppercorn Harvest Natural Pc 1/8 lb 228352 7221043034 Face Rock Face Rock Cheddar Smokey Pc Natural 1/8 lb 229235 7221043057 Face Rock Face Rock Cheddar Extra Aged 2 Years Pc Natural 1/8 lb 231414 7221043143 Face Rock Face Rock Cheddar Smokey Bulk Natural 1/8 lb 231699 7221043150 Face Rock Face Rock Cheddar Peppercorn Harvest Natural 2/5 lb 232088 7221043158 Face Rock Face Rock Cheddar Extra Aged 2 Years Natural 1/10 lb 234002 7221043165 Face Rock Face Rock Cheddar Extra Aged 2 Years Natural 1/20 lb 235807 7221043187 Face Rock Face Rock Creamery Curds Cheddar In Your Face Natural 2/10 lb 222300 85122200503 Face Rock Face Rock Creamery Curds Cheddar Plain Natural 2/10 lb 222301 85122200504 Face Rock Face Rock Creamery Curds Cheddar Vampire Slayer Natural 2/10 lb 222302 85122200502 Face Rock Face Rock Creamery Cheddar Garlic Vampire Slayer Natural 1/40 lb 222957 85122200501 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG 95 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 96 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Face Rock Face Rock Creamery Cheddar Spicy 3 Pepper In Your Face 1/40 lb 222958 85122200500 Face Rock Face Rock Creamery Monterey Jack Natural 1/40 lb 222959 85122200508 Face Rock Face Rock Creamery Cheddar Aged Natural 1/40 lb 222960 85122200505 Face Rock Face Rock Creamery Fromage Blanc Garlic Olive Natural 4/2 lb 223893 7221042891 Face Rock Face Rock Creamery Fromage Blanc Cranberry Honey Natural 4/2 lb 223895 7221042892 Face Rock Face Rock Creamery Fromage Blanc Apricot Natural 4/2 lb 224247 7221042900 Face Rock Face Rock Creamery Cheddar Peppercorn Harvest Natural 1/40 lb 228351 85122200510 Face Rock Face Rock Creamery Chedder Clothbound Natural 1/9 lb 228569 85122200520 Face Rock Face Rock Creamery Cheddar Smokey Natural 1/40 lb 229234 85122200515 Face Rock Face Rock Creamery Cheddar Extra Aged 2 Years Natural 1/40 lb 231409 85122200523 Face Rock Face Rock Creamery Curds Cheddar Plain 6oz Natural 12/6 oz 234601 85122200527 Face Rock Face Rock Creamery Curds In Your Face Spicy 6oz Natural 12/6 oz 234602 85122200529 Face Rock Face Rock Creamery Curds Vampire Slayer Garlic 6oz Natural 12/6 oz 234603 85122200528 Fall River California Wild Rice Grow Rice Wild Box 12/8 oz 18407 4239911008 Fall River California Wild Rice Grow Rice Wild Bag 6/16 oz 210953 4239911016 Fancifood Fancifood Artichoke Hearts Quartered 6/14 oz 210988 4127724951 Fancifood Fancifood Artichoke Quarters Marinated 6/6 oz 210990 4127734990 Fancifood Fancifood Artichoke Marinated Hot 6/6 oz 210991 4127734998 Fancy Burnett Dairy Co Op String Cheese Rbst Free 4/5 lb 228419 7221043036 Fancy Fancy String Cheese Pc 1/8 lb 35616 7221084495 Fantastic Blue Marble Brands Falafel Natural 6/8 oz 232383 7382560028 Fantastic Blue Marble Brands Mix Salad Tabouli Natural 6/4.8 oz 232384 7382560029 Fantastic Blue Marble Brands Mix Taco Filling Natural 6/3.7 oz 232385 7382560027 Farmerking Chins Import Export Oil Sesame Seed 30% 4/1 ga 50140 8906724267 Farmhouse Kitchens Farmhouse Kitchens Cooperative Butter Crunch Cashew Natural 12/8 oz 233384 85742300210 Fatcat Fatdog Mustard Inc Pretzels Garlic Natural 4/32 oz 234198 85427200612 Fatcat Fatdog Mustard Inc Pretzels Cinnamon Toast Natural 4/32 oz 234200 85427200613 Fatcat Fatdog Mustard Inc Pretzels Garlic 6oz Natural 12/6 oz 234202 85427200609 Fatcat Fatdog Mustard Inc Pretzels Cinnamon Toast 6oz Natural 12/6 oz 234203 85427200610 Fatcat Fatdog Mustard Inc Pretzels Spicy 6oz Natural 12/6 oz 234205 85427200608 Fatcat Fatdog Mustard Inc Pretzels Spicy Natural 4/32 oz 234206 85427200611 Fatdog Fatdog Mustard Inc Mustard Smoky Chipotle Natural 6/64 oz 234195 85427200607 Fatdog Fatdog Mustard Inc Mustard Smoky Chipotle 9oz Natural 12/9 oz 234196 85427200603 Fatdog Fatdog Mustard Inc Mustard Roasted Garlic Natural 6/64 oz 234197 85427200606 Fatdog Fatdog Mustard Inc Mustard Jalapeno Natural 6/64 oz 234199 85427200605 Fatdog Fatdog Mustard Inc Mustard Jalapeno 9oz Natural 12/9 oz 234201 85427200601 Fatdog Fatdog Mustard Inc Mustard Horseradish 9oz Natural 12/9 oz 234204 85427200600 Fatdog Fatdog Mustard Inc Mustard Roasted Garlic 9oz Natural 12/9 oz 234207 85427200602 Fatdog Fatdog Mustard Inc Mustard Horseradish Natural 6/64 oz 234208 85427200604 Favorit Carl Brandt Inc Sui Preserves Strawberry 6/12.3 oz 52788 18028600012 Favorit Carl Brandt Inc Sui Preserves Peach Mango 6/12.3 oz 202873 18028600022 Favorit Carl Brandt Inc Sui Preserves Red Cherry 6/12.3 oz 202874 18028600016 Faygo Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Root Beer 24/12 oz 215680 7380000704 Faygo Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Grape 24/12 oz 215681 7380000703 Faygo Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Orange 24/12 oz 215682 7380000701 Faygo Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Rock And Rye 24/12 oz 215683 7380000706 Faygo Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Red Pop 24/12 oz 215684 7380000702 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Faygo Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Creme 24/12 oz 215685 7380000705 Feldkamp Gourmet International Bread Pumpernickel 12/17.6 oz 65336 74069900171 Feldkamp Gourmet International Bread German Three Grain 12/17.6 oz 65338 74069900173 Feldkamp Gourmet International Bread Fitness 12/17.6 oz 65341 74069900178 Felix World Finer Foods Ligonberries 8/14.5 oz 206139 7707523059 Feng Shui American Roland Chn Crackers Rice Original Natural 12/3.5 oz 15768 4122483500 Feng Shui American Roland Cracker Rice Nori Seaweed 12/3.5 oz 15769 4122483506 Feng Shui American Roland Cracker Rice Wasabi Bag 12/3.5 oz 15770 4122483510 Fentimans Fentimans North America Inc Soda Curiosity Cola 6/4Pack Natural 6/37.2 fo 206829 66745000116 Fentimans Fentimans North America Inc Soda Ginger Beer 6/4Pack Natural 6/37.2 fo 212767 66745000111 Fentimans Fentimans North America Inc Soda Mandarin/Seville Original 6/4Pack Natural 6/37.2 fo 212768 66745000113 Fentimans Fentimans North America Inc Water Tonic 4 Pack 6/37.2 fo 231478 66745000117 Fentimans Fentimans North America Inc Soda Cherrytree Cola 4 Pack 6/37.2 fo 231479 66745000119 Fentimans Fentimans North America Inc Water Tonic Single 24/4.2 fo 231480 66745000010 Fermier Fromi Rungis Sas Fra Brie 2/1 kg 235864 56543000065 Ferndale Farmstead Ferndale Farmstead Llc Fontina 1/30 lb 235406 85391000614 Ferndale Farmstead Ferndale Farmstead Llc Scamorza 12/1 lb 235959 85391000615 Ferndale Farmstead Ferndale Farmstead Llc Caciotta Large Wheel 4/5 lb 235960 85391000606 Ferrara Cento Fine Foods Breadsticks Torinese 12/4.25 oz 28960 7140300091 Ferrara Cento Fine Foods Cookie Lady Fingers Savoiardi 12/7 oz 28978 7140300771 Festival Acme Food Oranges Mandarin 6/106 oz 40356 7372360018 Festival Acme Food Tuna Albacore Solid White 6/66.5 oz 40357 7372380019 Fever Tree Brands Of Britain Llc Gbr Soda Ginger Beer Premium 4Pack Natural 6/27.2 fo 229243 89819500127 Fever Tree Brands Of Britain Llc Gbr Soda Ginger Ale Premium 4Pack Natural 6/27.2 fo 229244 89819500109 Field Roast The Field Roast Grain Meat Co Cutlet Hazelnut Herb 48/3.8 oz 31207 7221071431 Field Roast The Field Roast Grain Meat Co Loaf Mushroom Wild 6/2 lb 31210 7221071438 Field Roast The Field Roast Grain Meat Co Roast Celebration 12/1 lb 56813 63803160104 Field Roast The Field Roast Grain Meat Co Lentil Sage Deli Slices 12/5.5 oz 56817 63803160501 Field Roast The Field Roast Grain Meat Co Mushrooms Deli Sliced 12/5.5 oz 56818 63803160502 Field Roast The Field Roast Grain Meat Co Tomato Smoked Deli Sliced 12/5.5 oz 56819 63803160503 Field Roast The Field Roast Grain Meat Co Sausage Italian 12/12.95 oz 213354 63803161215 Field Roast The Field Roast Grain Meat Co Sausage Apple Smoked Sage 12/12.95 oz 213356 63803161217 Field Roast The Field Roast Grain Meat Co Meatloaf Classic 12/16 oz 213357 63803161521 Field Roast The Field Roast Grain Meat Co Sausage Mexican Chipotle 12/12.95 oz 213358 63803161216 Fiesta Columbia Bean And Produce Co Inc Beans Pinto 12/2 lb 11778 3508412216 Fiesta Columbia Bean And Produce Co Inc Beans Pinto 6/4 lb 11781 3508460416 Fiesta Columbia Bean And Produce Co Inc Rice Long Grain Enriched 6/4 lb 11782 3508460422 Fiesta Columbia Bean And Produce Co Inc Beans Mayo Coba 6/4 lb 11783 3508460451 Fiesta Columbia Bean And Produce Co Inc Beans Turtle Black 12/1 lb 117818 3508412104 Fiesta Columbia Bean And Produce Co Inc Beans Pinto 12/16 oz 117822 3508412116 Fiesta Columbia Bean And Produce Co Inc Rice Long Grain White 12/16 oz 117823 3508412122 Fiesta Columbia Bean And Produce Co Inc Beans Small Red 12/16 oz 117824 3508412126 Fiesta Columbia Bean And Produce Co Inc Beans Mayacoba 12/16 oz 117826 3508412151 Fiesta Columbia Bean And Produce Co Inc Beans Turtle Black 12/2 lb 117828 3508412204 Fifty 50 Fifty 50 Spread Orange Marmalade 6/12 oz 10140 3191900503 Fifty 50 World Finer Foods Bar Chocolate Milk 12/2.8 oz 10128 3191900300 Fifty 50 World Finer Foods Bar Chocolate Almond 12/2.8 oz 10129 3191900301 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 97 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 98 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Fifty 50 World Finer Foods Bar Chocolate Crunch 12/2.1 oz 10130 3191900302 Fifty 50 World Finer Foods Bar Chocolate Dark 12/2.8 oz 10131 3191900304 Fifty 50 World Finer Foods Candy Assorted Fruit Bag 8/2.75 oz 10133 3191900355 Fifty 50 World Finer Foods Candy Butterscotch Hard 8/2.75 oz 10135 3191900375 Fifty 50 World Finer Foods Peanut Butter Creamy Ls 6/18 oz 10145 3191900530 Figaro Figaro Sauce BBQ Hickory Liquid 6/4 oz 37351 7232900001 Figaro Figaro Marinade Mesquite Smoked 6/4 oz 37352 7232900002 Filberts Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Cream 24/12 oz 79829 79918900003 Filberts Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Lime 24/12 oz 79831 79918900006 Filberts Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Watermelon 24/12 oz 79833 79918900014 Filberts Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Banana 24/12 oz 79834 79918900027 Filberts Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Cherry 24/12 oz 225629 79918900051 Filipino Phil’s Filipino Phil Nuclear Chipotle Sauce Sauce Nuclear Chipotle 6/12 oz 235155 86246000021 Filipino Phil’s Filipino Phil Nuclear Chipotle Sauce Mustard Swawsome 6/9 oz 235156 86246000024 Filipino Phil’s Filipino Phil Nuclear Chipotle Sauce Sauce Nuclear Meltdown 6/12 oz 235157 86246000022 Filipino Phil’s Filipino Phil Nuclear Chipotle Sauce Sauce Ranch Attack Chipotle 6/12 oz 235158 86246000023 Filipino Phil’s Filipino Phil Nuclear Chipotle Sauce Sauce Sissy 6/12 oz 235159 86246000020 Filthy Filthy Food Llc Olives Pickle Stuffed 12/8 oz 234577 89968200280 Filthy Filthy Food Llc Cherries Black 12/8 oz 234578 89968200287 Filthy Filthy Food Llc Olives Pepper Stuffed 12/8 oz 234579 89968200285 Filthy Filthy Food Llc Olives Blue Cheese 12/8 oz 234580 89968200281 Filthy Filthy Food Llc Olives Pimento Stuffed Gluten Free 12/8 oz 235693 89968200282 Fini Liberty Richter Vinegar Wine Red 6/8.45 oz 59739 68586409901 Fini Liberty Richter Vinegar Balsamic 6/8.45 oz 71325 80824500013 Fini Liberty Richter Ita Glaze Balsamic 6/8.45 oz 212024 68586402002 Finlandia Finlandia Fin Lappi Pc 1/8 lb 32501 7221077965 Finlandia Finlandia Cheese Fin Lappi 2/6 lb 31954 7221074797 Finlandia Finlandia Cheese Fin Swiss Sliced 12/7 oz 59126 67380308000 Finlandia Finlandia Cheese Fin Heavenly Lite Sliced 12/6 oz 59127 67380308002 Finlandia Finlandia Cheese Fin Muenster Sliced 12/7 oz 59128 67380308003 Finlandia Finlandia Cheese Fin Havarti Sliced 12/7 oz 59129 67380308005 Finlandia Finlandia Cheese Fin Gouda Sliced 12/7 oz 59130 67380308006 Finlandia Finlandia Cheese Fin Chipotle Cheddar Pre Sliced 12/7 oz 59132 67380308050 Finlandia Finlandia Cheese Fin Jalapeno Muenster Pre Sliced 12/7 oz 59133 67380308051 Finlandia Finlandia Cheese Fin Swiss Cuts 4/6 lb 59138 67380340929 Finlandia Finlandia Cheese Est Swiss Lacey 3/5 lb 206459 67380340922 Finlandia Finlandia Cheese Fin Butter Stick Salted Natural Pd 10/7 oz 234658 67380310005 Finlandia Finlandia Cheese Fin Butter Stick Unsalted Natural Pd 10/7 oz 234659 67380310006 Fiorucci Campofrio Food Group America Inc Prosciutto Riserva 1/11 lb 3821 1786910002 Fiorucci Campofrio Food Group America Inc Capicollo Hot 2/6 lb 3827 1786920104 Fiorucci Campofrio Food Group America Inc Mortadella Pistachio 2/8 lb 3849 1786950411 Fiorucci Campofrio Food Group America Inc Salami Italian Dry Sliced 12/4 oz 3854 1786970707 Fiorucci Campofrio Food Group America Inc Pancetta Sliced 12/4 oz 3856 1786970713 Fiorucci Campofrio Food Group America Inc Ham Capicolo Hot Sliced 12/4 oz 3857 1786970714 Fiorucci Campofrio Food Group America Inc Sopressata Sliced 12/4 oz 3859 1786970720 Fiorucci Campofrio Food Group America Inc Pepperoni Sandwich 12/4 oz 3860 1786970736 Fiorucci Campofrio Food Group America Inc Mortadella Sliced 12/4 oz 3861 1786970737 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Fiorucci Campofrio Food Group America Inc Salami Genoa Sliced Low Fat 18/4 oz 3862 1786970747 Fiorucci Campofrio Food Group America Inc Salami Hard Sliced Low Fat 18/4 oz 3863 1786970748 Fiorucci Campofrio Food Group America Inc Salami Italian Dry All Natural 12/4 oz 3868 1786970840 Fiorucci Campofrio Food Group America Inc Salami Hard All Natural 12/4 oz 3869 1786970841 Fiorucci Campofrio Food Group America Inc Salami Genoa All Natural 12/4 oz 3870 1786970842 Fiorucci Campofrio Food Group America Inc Pepperoni Sandwich 4/3 lb 3882 1786990511 Fiorucci Campofrio Food Group America Inc Salami Genoa Supremo 3/7 lb 31218 7221071456 Fiorucci Campofrio Food Group America Inc Prosciutto Colosseum 2/3.5 lb 31222 7221071461 Fiorucci Campofrio Food Group America Inc Salami Hard 3/7 lb 31956 7221074799 Fiorucci Campofrio Food Group America Inc Pancetta Riserva Diced 12/4 oz 52780 1786972115 Fiorucci Campofrio Food Group America Inc Ita Prosciutto Parma 1/15 lb 115957 1786913003 Fiorucci Campofrio Food Group America Inc Pancetta 3/3 lb 118725 1786920303 Fiorucci Campofrio Food Group America Inc Pepperoni All Natural Pre Sliced 12/4 oz 213740 1786970836 Fiorucci Campofrio Food Group America Inc Salami Panino Fingers 12/6 oz 214331 1786980446 Fiorucci Campofrio Food Group America Inc Pepperoni Panino Fingers 12/6 oz 214333 1786980447 Fiorucci Campofrio Food Group America Inc Chorizo Campofrio Diced 12/4 oz 221390 1786972319 Fiorucci Campofrio Food Group America Inc Sopresatta / Asiago Panino Fingers 12/6 oz 221728 1786980436 Fiorucci Campofrio Food Group America Inc Italian Panino Variety Fingers 8/18 oz 221729 1786980449 Fiorucci Campofrio Food Group America Inc Prosciutto Panino Fingers 12/5 oz 225062 1786980439 Fiorucci Campofrio Food Group America Inc Prosciutto Pre Sliced 12/3 oz 229252 1786970711 Fiorucci Campofrio Food Group America Inc Salami Genoa Uncured Natural 4/4 lb 229667 7221043097 Fiorucci Campofrio Food Group America Inc Prosciutto Sliced All Natural 12/3 oz 229736 1786970710 Fiorucci Campofrio Food Group America Inc Ham Serrano Jamon Pre Sliced Natural 12/3 oz 231420 1786970775 Fipronil Perrigo Animal Health Flea And Tick Dog 89 132lb_3 Count 24/1 ea 234042 1111080781 Firenza Great Recipes Company Focaccia Italian Garlic Beer Bread 6/17 oz 60829 70842308002 Firenza Great Recipes Company Bread Mix Beer Traditional 6/18 oz 60830 70842308003 Firenza Great Recipes Company Cornbread Mix Sweet 6/15.5 oz 60831 70842308010 Firenza Great Recipes Company Cornbread Mix Jalapeno Cheese 6/13.5 oz 60832 70842308011 Firenza Great Recipes Company Bread Mix Beer Great Grains 6/17.6 oz 216993 70842308004 Firenza Great Recipes Company Bread Mix Sweet Corn Traditional Gluten Free 6/14.7 oz 230839 70842308060 Firenza Great Recipes Company Cookie Mix Chocolate Chip Gluten Free 6/13.2 oz 230840 70842308065 Firenza Great Recipes Company Cookie Mix Oatmeal Gluten Free 6/11.8 oz 230841 70842308066 Fiscalini Fiscalini Cheddar Hopscotch Natural 1/8 lb 236132 7221043191 Fiscalini Fiscalini Lionza Wheel 1/8 lb 236138 7221043192 Fiscalini Fiscalini Cheddar Habanero Block 1/8 lb 236150 7221043193 Fiscalini Fiscalini San Joaquin Gold 1/8 lb 236152 7221043194 Fiscalini Fiscalini Cheese Co Llc Cheddar Purple Moon Pc 1/6 lb 72633 82828011001 Fish House Fresh Creative Foods Spread Buffalo Blue Cheese 6/16 oz 2406 1345435724 Fish House Fresh Creative Foods Sauce Honey Mustard 6/16 oz 2408 1345435807 Fisher Conifer Specialties Inc Biscuit Mix Natural 10/8 oz 211202 5446707303 Fisher Conifer Specialties Inc Scone Mix Blueberry 12/12 oz 211203 5446700053 Fisher Conifer Specialties Inc Cornbread Mix Natural 10/8.5 oz 211204 5446707304 Fisher Conifer Specialties Inc Scone Mix Cranberry Orange 12/12 oz 211206 5446710062 Fisher Conifer Specialties Inc Flour All Purpose 8/5 lb 227019 5446707280 Fisher Conifer Specialties Inc Pancake And Baking Mix 12/32 oz 227020 5446707302 Fisher Fisher Scone And Shortcake Mix 6/18 oz 23052 5446700042 Fishpeople Fishpeople Seafood Salmon Chardonnay Dill Cream Pouch 12/7 oz 219001 85319700402 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 99 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 100 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Fishpeople Fishpeople Seafood Tuna Thai Coconut Lemongrass Pouch 12/7 oz 219002 85319700400 Fishpeople Fishpeople Seafood Tuna Coconut Yellow Curry Pouch 12/7 oz 219004 85319700401 Fishpeople Fishpeople Seafood Chowder Salmon Wild Smoked Alder Natural 12/10 oz 222565 85319700408 Fishpeople Fishpeople Seafood Bisque Seafood Red Curry Natural 12/10 oz 222566 85319700410 Fishpeople Fishpeople Seafood Chowder Clams Razor With Bacon Natural 12/10 oz 222567 85319700407 Fishpeople Fishpeople Seafood Chili Blanco Seafood Natural 12/10 oz 222568 85319700406 Fishpeople Fishpeople Seafood Bisque Crab Dungeness W/Shrimp Natural 12/10 oz 222569 85319700409 Fishpeople Fishpeople Seafood Salmon/Sea Shell Pasta W/Mushroom Sauce 12/10 oz 222570 85319700404 Fitzs Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Root Beer 24/12 oz 79770 5259100101 Fitzs Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Grape 24/12 oz 79772 5259100601 Flamous Flamous Brands Inc Chips Falafel Original Organic Natural 12/8 oz 128514 89746300101 Flamous Flamous Brands Inc Chips Falafel Spicy Organic 12/8 oz 128515 89746300116 Flamous Flamous Brands Inc Chips Falafel Original Organic Natural 24/1.6 oz 218749 89746300125 Flapjacked Jaceycakes Llc Pancake Mix Protein Cinnamon Apple 6/12 oz 225819 85017100502 Flapjacked Jaceycakes Llc Pancake Mix Protein Buttermilk 6/12 oz 225820 85017100501 Flapjacked Jaceycakes Llc Pancake Mix Protein Banana Hazelnut 6/12 oz 225821 85017100500 Flapjacked Jaceycakes Llc Muffins Cinnamon Apple Mighty Natural 12/1.9 oz 234365 85017100516 Flapjacked Jaceycakes Llc Muffins Double Chocolate Mighty Natural 12/1.9 oz 234366 85017100515 Flapjacked Jaceycakes Llc Muffin Mighty Peanut Butter Gluten Free 12/1.9 oz 234776 85017100517 Flapjacked Jaceycakes Llc Muffin Mighty Smores Gluten Free 12/1.9 oz 234777 85017100519 Flapjacked Jaceycakes Llc Muffin Mighty Maple Pumpkin Gluten Free 12/1.9 oz 234778 85017100518 Flatout Flatout Bread Original Light 6Ct 16/11.2 oz 59903 68833992319 Flatout Flatout Flatbread Italian Herb Light 16/11.2 oz 59904 68833992320 Flatout Flatout Bread Original Rectangle 14X12.5 8Ct 6/8 ea 59911 68833992359 Flatout Flatout Bread Original 5Ct 12/14 oz 59920 68833992389 Flatout Flatout Bread Italian Herb 5Ct 12/14 oz 59921 68833992390 Flatout Flatout Bread Harvest Wheat 5Ct 12/14 oz 59922 68833992391 Flatout Flatout Bread Sundried Tomato 5Ct 12/14 oz 59923 68833992392 Flatout Flatout Bread Spin 5 Ct 12/14 oz 59924 68833992393 Flatout Flatout Flatbread Multigrain 16/11.2 oz 59925 68833992394 Flatout Flatout Flatbread 5 Grain Flax Art 5Ct 12/9 oz 89925 68833992434 Flatout Flatout Flatbread Rosemary Olive 6Ct 12/9 oz 89926 68833992435 Flatout Flatout Bread Honey Wheat 16/11.2 oz 92080 68833992358 Flatout Flatout Pizza Flatbread Rosemary Olive Oil 12/10.2 oz 223668 68833992724 Flatout Flatout Pizza Flatbread Rustic White 12/10.2 oz 223669 68833992721 Flatout Flatout Pizza Flatbread Spicy Italian 12/10.2 oz 223670 68833992499 Flavorchem Chins Import Export Can Food Coloring Egg Color 4/1 ga 224685 87072200013 Flavorchem Chins Import Export Can Food Coloring Red 4/1 ga 224686 87072200121 Flax 4 Life Ameri Sell Inc Muffins Carrot Raisin 4Pack Gluten Free Natural 6/14 oz 223991 6577663151 Flax 4 Life Ameri Sell Inc Granola Banana Coconut Gluten Free Natural 6/12 oz 223992 6577663248 Flax 4 Life Ameri Sell Inc Granola Hawaiian Blend Gluten Free Natural 6/12 oz 223993 6577663246 Flax 4 Life Ameri Sell Inc Brownie Bites Mini Flax Gluten Free Natural 6/14 oz 223994 6577663550 Flax 4 Life Ameri Sell Inc Muffins Hawaiian 4Pack Gluten Free Natural 6/14 oz 223995 6577663319 Flax 4 Life Ameri Sell Inc Muffins Wild Blueberry 4Pack Gluten Free Natural 6/14 oz 223996 6577663153 Flax 4 Life Ameri Sell Inc Cake Chocolate W/ Chocolate Shavings Gluten Free 4/19.75 oz 224890 85728700417 Flax 4 Life Ameri Sell Inc Cake Carrot Gluten Free 4/22 oz 224891 85728700419 Flax 4 Life Ameri Sell Inc Muffins Chocolate Chip 4 Pack Natural 6/14 oz 225793 6577663152 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Flax 4 Life Ameri Sell Inc Muffins Cranberry/Orange 4 Pack Natural 6/14 oz 225794 6577663150 Flax 4 Life Ameri Sell Inc Muffins Mini Flax Tosted Coconut Brownie Gluten Free 6/14 oz 233069 85728700420 Flax 4 Life Ameri Sell Inc Muffins Mini Flax Capccno Brownie Gluten Free 6/14 oz 233070 85728700422 Flax 4 Life Ameri Sell Inc Muffins Mini Flax Dark Cherry Brownie Gluten Free 6/14 oz 233071 85728700421 Fletcher’s Fine Foods Fletcher’s Fine Foods Ham Honey 2/9 lb 24101 6373052377 Fletcher’s Fine Foods Fletcher’s Fine Foods Ham Black Forest 2/9 lb 116638 6373052371 Florette Guilloteau Fromagerie Fra Florette Guilloteau 1/1 kg 65995 74639500471 Fluff Durkee Mower Inc Marshmallow Fluff 12/16 oz 210807 5260011216 Fluff Fluff Marshmallow Fluff 6/16 oz 210808 5260011216 Fol Epi Alouette Cheese USA Llc Fra Fol Epi Cheese 2/6.6 lb 68028 76181801102 Follow Your Heart Earth Island Vegenaise Original 6/16 oz 21199 4956801016 Follow Your Heart Earth Island Vegenaise Grapeseed Oil Natural 6/16 oz 213050 4956802016 Fontana Atalanta Corporation Ita Prosciutto Cotta With Herbs 2/9 lb 235762 7127038577 Fontana Atalanta Corporation Ita Prosciutto Cotta 2/9 lb 235764 7127038580 Fontana Atalanta Corporation Ita Mortadella Plain 1/11 lb 235765 7127038579 Fonterra Fonterra Nzl Cheddar Sharp P/C 1/8 lb 230032 7221043125 Fonterra Fonterra Food’services USA Inc Nzl Cheddar Sharp 1/44 lb 34877 7221083459 Food For Life Food For Life Baking Co Bread Brown Rice Wf Gluten Free 6/24 oz 39880 7347200169 Food For Life Food For Life Baking Co Cereal Gold Flax Grain 6/16 oz 39888 7347200256 Food For Life Food For Life Baking Co Cereal Almond Sprouted Grain 6/16 oz 39890 7347200258 Food For Life Food For Life Baking Co Tortilla Grain Ezekiel Organic 12/12 oz 200975 7347200200 Food For Life Food For Life Baking Co Muffin English Brown Rice Wf Gluten Free 6/18 oz 204564 7347200185 Food For Life Food For Life Baking Co Tortillas Whole Grain Brown Rice Wf Gluten Free 12/12 oz 204566 7347200369 Food For Life Food For Life Baking Co Muffin English Ezek Sprout Whole Grain Organic 6/16 oz 205370 7347200119 Foodmans Aron Streit Inc Matzolah Maple Nut Pd 6/10 oz 221777 85487000400 Foodmans Aron Streit Inc Matzolah Maple Nut Ww Natural Pd 6/10 oz 221778 85487000401 Foodmans Aron Streit Inc Granola Chocolate Dark Almond Natural Pd 6/10 oz 234654 85487000406 Foodmatch Foodmatch Inc Sauerkraut Traditional French Style 6/17.8 oz 207332 85930200202 Foodmatch Foodmatch Inc Sauerkraut Gourmet Style 6/17.8 oz 207333 85930200201 FoodShouldTasteGood FoodShouldTasteGood Chips Tortilla Cheddar Natural 24/1.5 oz 217456 2190881226 FoodShouldTasteGood FoodShouldTasteGood Chips Tortilla Multigrain Natural 24/1.5 oz 217457 2190881229 FoodShouldTasteGood FoodShouldTasteGood Chips Tortilla Olive Natural 24/1.5 oz 217459 2190881234 FoodShouldTasteGood FoodShouldTasteGood Chips Sweet Potato Original Natural 12/4.5 oz 217462 2190881242 FoodShouldTasteGood FoodShouldTasteGood Chips Tortilla Jalapeno Natural 24/1.5 oz 217465 2190881227 FoodShouldTasteGood FoodShouldTasteGood Chips Tortilla Sweet Potato Natural 24/1.5 oz 217467 2190881235 FoodShouldTasteGood FoodShouldTasteGood Chips Tortilla Multigrain Natural 12/5.5 oz 217485 2190881262 FoodShouldTasteGood FoodShouldTasteGood Chips Tortilla Sweet Potato Natural 12/5.5 oz 217486 2190881264 FoodShouldTasteGood FoodShouldTasteGood Chips Tortilla Olive Natural 12/5.5 oz 217489 2190881263 FoodShouldTasteGood FoodShouldTasteGood Chips Tortilla Blue Corn 12/5.5 oz 217490 2190881246 Formaticum Formaticum Llc Fra Bag Cheese 20/1 ea 216490 89865600018 Formaticum Formaticum Llc Fra Paper Cheese 20/1 ea 216491 89865600101 Formaticum Formaticum Llc Fra Paper Cheese 2Ply 11x14 1/850 ea 232619 89865600127 Fosse Farms Fosse Farms Dressing/Marinade Blackberry X Garlic Organic 12/12 oz 235331 85720800014 Fosse Farms Fosse Farms Dressing/Marinade Provencl Herb Organic 12/12 oz 235332 85720800013 Fosse Farms Fosse Farms Dressing/Marinade Cilantro Lime Organic 12/12 oz 235333 85720800010 Foster Farms Foster Farms Corn Dog Chicken 72/4 oz 42813 7527896103 Fosters Columbia Valley Family Farms Inc Beans Green Pickled Red Pepper Natural 6/16 oz 227479 8856677715 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 101 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 102 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Fosters Columbia Valley Family Farms Inc Asparagus Pickled Original Natural 6/16 oz 227480 8856655520 Four Monks Mizkan Americas Inc Vinegar Wine Red 4/1 ga 37959 7241245001 Four Monks Mizkan Americas Inc Vinegar Wine White 4/1 ga 37961 7241245020 Fourre Global Importing Group Biscuit Vanilla Sandwich 20/500 gr 21606 5070253003 Fourre Global Importing Group Biscuit Chocolate Sandwich 20/500 gr 21607 5070253004 Foxs U Bet Kfp International Syrup Chocolate Pd 12/22 oz 86138 7021624001 Foxs U Bet Kfp International Syrup Chocolate Sf 12/18 oz 203306 7021624600 Foxs U Bet Kfp International Sauce Chocolate Sundae 12/20 oz 203308 7021624701 Foxs U Bet Kfp International Syrup Chocolate Dark Premium 12/20 oz 220660 7021624009 Fragile Planet Langer Juice Company Juice Apple 8/64 oz 213021 4175531000 Fragile Planet Langer Juice Company Juice Grape 8/64 oz 213022 4175531003 Fragile Planet Langer Juice Company Juice Apple Nfc 8/64 oz 230500 4175531008 Fragile Planet Langer Juice Company Juice Apple Unfiltered Nfc 8/64 oz 230501 4175531007 Fran’s Fran’s Chocolates Ltd Sauce Chocolate Dark 12/10 oz 224478 74966805002 Fran’s Fran’s Chocolates Ltd Chocolate Dark Blend 64 Percent 12/1.1 oz 224479 74966824220 Fran’s Fran’s Chocolates Ltd Sauce Pure Raspberry 12/11 oz 224480 74966805031 Fran’s Fran’s Chocolates Ltd Chocolate Dark Almond Gold Bar 12/1.6 oz 224481 74966804001 Fran’s Fran’s Chocolates Ltd Chocolate Dark 74 Percent 12/1.1 oz 224482 74966824210 Fran’s Fran’s Chocolates Ltd Chocolate Dark Goldbites Bar 24/.8 oz 224483 74966804060 Fran’s Fran’s Chocolates Ltd Chocolate Dark Crnch Cacao Nibs Bar 12/1.1 oz 224484 74966824250 Fran’s Fran’s Chocolates Ltd Sauce Caramel Classic 12/10 oz 224485 74966805004 Fran’s Fran’s Chocolates Ltd Chocolate Milk Deep 38 Percent 12/1.1 oz 224486 74966824230 Fran’s Fran’s Chocolates Ltd Chocolate Dark Macadamia Gold Bar 12/1.6 oz 224487 74966804020 Fratelli Pinna Emmi Roth USA Ita Pecorino Santa Teresa Dop Natural 2/5 lb 220548 1086100234 Fratelli Pinna Emmi Roth USA Ita Brigante 3/3 lb 225499 1086100159 Fratelli Pinna Emmi Roth USA Ita Ricotta Salata 2/8 lb 225500 1086100275 Fratelli Pinna Fratelli Pinna Ita Ricotta Salata 1/8 lb 234760 7221043172 Freddy Guys Freddy Guys Hazelnuts Hazelnuts Chocolate Covered Bulk Natural 1/10 lb 219031 85570700107 Freddy Guys Freddy Guys Hazelnuts Hazelnuts Dry Roasted Bulk Natural 1/20 lb 219032 85570700106 Freddy Guys Freddy Guys Hazelnuts Hazelnut Shelled Pasteurized Natural 1/25 lb 228956 85570700128 Free For All Partners A Tasteful Choice Co Cracker Olive Oil/Sea Salt Gluten Free Natural Organic 6/5 oz 226318 78928024906 Free For All Partners A Tasteful Choice Co Cracker Olive Oil/Herb Gluten Free Natural Organic 6/5 oz 226319 78928026906 Free For All Partners A Tasteful Choice Co Cracker Garlic Roasted/Rosemary Gluten Free Natural 6/5 oz 226320 78928025906 Free For All Partners A Tasteful Choice Co Crackers Deli Olive/Oil Herb Gluten Free Natural 8/5.5 oz 232737 85577700326 Free For All Partners A Tasteful Choice Co Crackers Deli Roasted Garlic Rosemary Gluten Free Natural 8/5.5 oz 232740 85577700325 Free For All Partners A Tasteful Choice Co Crackers Deli Olive/Oil Sea Salt Gluten Free Natural 8/5.5 oz 232741 85577700324 Freedom Foods Freedom Foods North America Inc Aus Cereal Ancient Grain Flakes Gluten Free Wf Natural 5/12.3 oz 227641 85499500309 Freedom Foods Freedom Foods North America Inc Aus Pancake Mix Gluten Free Df Wf Natural 5/5.3 oz 227642 85499500310 Freedom Foods Freedom Foods North America Inc Aus Spread Chocolate Smdge Gluten Free Wf Df 8/5.3 oz 227643 85499500312 Freedom Foods Freedom Foods North America Inc Aus Cereal Pro Teen Gluten Free Wf Natural 5/10.6 oz 227644 85499500308 Freedom Foods Freedom Foods North America Inc Aus Pancake Mix Quinoa Ancient Grains Gluten Free 5/5.3 oz 227645 85499500311 Freedom Foods Freedom Foods North America Inc Aus Cereal Maple Crunch Gluten Free Wf Natural 5/10.6 oz 227646 85499500301 Freedom Foods Freedom Foods North America Inc Aus Cereal Quick Oats Berry Dlt Gluten Free Wf 5/17.64 oz 227647 85499500313 Freedom Foods Freedom Foods North America Inc Aus Cereal Tropicos Gluten Free Wf Natural 5/10 oz 227648 85499500303 Frenchs Frenchs Mustard Yellow 4/105 oz 219610 4150081938 Frescorti Frescorti Sauce Marinara 6/26 oz 211457 4380045005 Frescorti Frescorti Sauce Peppers And Mushroom 6/26 oz 211458 4380045006 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Frescorti Frescorti Sauce Tuscan Primavera 6/26 oz 211459 4380045007 Frescorti Frescorti Sauce Garlic And Olive Oil 6/26 oz 211460 4380045008 Fresh And Healthy Fresh And Healthy Sour Cream Cultured 12/16 oz 210009 85443200226 Fresh And Healthy Fresh And Healthy Ricotta Whole Milk 12/15 oz 210010 85443200229 Fresh And Healthy Fresh And Healthy Cottage Cheese Low Fat 12/16 oz 210012 85443200227 Fresh And Healthy Fresh And Healthy Cottage Cheese 12/16 oz 210013 85443200228 Freshpet Freshpet Inc Adult Dog Chicken Vegetable/Rice 4/6 lb 148845 85189300116 Freshpet Freshpet Inc Adult Dog Chunky Beef Vegetable/Rice 4/6 lb 148846 85189300118 Freshpet Freshpet Inc Adult Dog Beef Vegetable/Rice 8/1.5 lb 148847 85189300120 Freshpet Freshpet Inc Adult Dog Chunky Chicken/Turkey/Vegetable 8/1.5 lb 148848 85189300129 Freshpet Freshpet Inc Adult Dog Chicken Vegetable/Rice 12/1 lb 148849 85189300132 Freshpet Freshpet Inc Dog Food Homestyle Chicken/Vegetable/Rice 8/10.25 oz 148854 85189300148 Freshpet Freshpet Inc Dog Food Homestyle Lamb/Vegetable/Barley 8/10.25 oz 148855 85189300149 Freshpet Freshpet Inc Cat Food Roasted Meal Chicken/Carrot/Spinach 6/1 lb 208376 62797501005 Freshpet Freshpet Inc Dog Food Roasted Meal Chicken/Carrot/Spinach 4/1.75 oz 208377 62797501003 Freshpet Freshpet Inc Dog Treats Sweet Potato Dog Joy 6/6.05 oz 208380 62797501002 Freshpet Freshpet Inc Dog Treats Turkey Bacon Dog Joy 6/3 oz 217954 62797501027 Freshpet Freshpet Inc Cat Meals Select Roasted Chicken/Beef 4/2 lb 223124 62797501062 Freshpet Freshpet Inc Dog Food Adult Chicken/Vegetable/Rice 8/1.5 lb 223620 85189300114 Freshpet Freshpet Inc Dog Treat Chicken Strips W/Flaxseed 6/3 oz 224968 62797501069 Freshpet Freshpet Inc Dog Food Chicken/Spinach/Pota Grain Free 8/1.5 lb 228360 62797501091 Freshpet Freshpet Inc Dog Food Fresh From The Kitchen 4/1.75 lb 229458 62797501110 Freshpet Freshpet Inc Dog Food Select Roasted Meals 4/5.5 lb 229459 62797501056 Freybe Freybe Gourmet Food Salami French Herb Sliced 12/4.4 oz 24116 6435910375 Freybe Freybe Gourmet Food Salami Gypsy Sliced 12/4.4 oz 24118 6435910475 Freybe Freybe Gourmet Food Salami Pepper Sliced 12/4.4 oz 24127 6435911175 Freybe Freybe Gourmet Food Salami Parmesano 4/1.9 lb 24129 6435912307 Freybe Freybe Gourmet Food Salami Parmesano Chub 12/8.8 oz 24130 6435912325 Freybe Freybe Gourmet Food Salami Parmesano Sliced 12/4.4 oz 24132 6435912375 Freybe Freybe Gourmet Food Ham Black Forest Sliced 12/6.2 oz 24134 6435930275 Freybe Freybe Gourmet Food Can Bacon Back Canadian Sliced 12/6.2 oz 24136 6435930475 Freybe Freybe Gourmet Food Kaiserchinken Emporer Ham 2/5 lb 24140 6435938200 Freybe Freybe Gourmet Food Sausage Braunschweiger Liver Mini 24/4.4 oz 24141 6435950212 Freybe Freybe Gourmet Food Sausage Braunschweiger Liver Chub 12/8.8 oz 24142 6435950225 Freybe Freybe Gourmet Food Sausage Liver Herb Mini 24/4.4 oz 24144 6435950812 Freybe Freybe Gourmet Food Salami Gipsy 4/2 lb 24152 6435981040 Freybe Freybe Gourmet Food Salame French Herb 4/2 lb 31232 7221071590 Freybe Freybe Gourmet Food Ham Black Forest 3/7 lb 68020 76181801084 Freybe Freybe Gourmet Food Can Sausage Pepperette 1/8 In 3mm 2/5 lb 208276 7221042301 Freybe Freybe Gourmet Food Can Bacon Canadian Back 2/3 lb 208277 7221042300 Freybe Freybe Gourmet Food Sausage Smoked Pepperette Pizza Top 2/5 lb 224641 6435973215 Freybe Freybe Gourmet Food Can Wieners Pork European 12/12 oz 232620 6435971340 Friendship Friendship Farmers Plain Pd 12/7.5 oz 29230 7148100005 Friendship Friendship Cottage Cheese No Salt 6/16 oz 29240 7148102500 Friendship Friendship Cottage Cheese One Percent Whipped 6/16 oz 29241 7148102510 Fromagerie Fromagerie Fra D Affinois Hw 1/4.4 lb 34296 7221082618 Fromagerie Fromagerie Fra D Affinois Garlic Hw 1/4.4 lb 53342 21613900000 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 103 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 104 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Fromagerie Guilloteau Fromagerie Fra D Affinois 2/4.4 lb 120265 74639500264 Fromagerie Guilloteau Fromagerie Fra D Affinois Garlic Herb 2/4.4 lb 120266 74639500601 Fromagerie Guilloteau Fromagerie Fra D Affinois Pepper 2/4.4 lb 120267 74639500602 Fromi Fromi Rungis Sas Fra Brillat Savarin 3/500 gm 36481 7221085485 Fromi Fromi Rungis Sas Fra Comte 1/8 Wheel AOC 2/11 lb 119406 7221084676 Fromi Fromi Rungis Sas Fra Brebirousse D Argental 1/1 kg 119426 7221085006 Fromi Fromi Rungis Sas Fra Picandou Frais 24/40 gr 119444 7221085883 Fromi Fromi Rungis Sas Fra Prefere De Fromi 6/500 gr 202788 7221085890 Fromi Fromi Rungis Sas Fra Delice De Mon Sire 1/2 kg 205037 7221042046 Fromi Fromi Rungis Sas Fra Bleu D Auvergne D Argental 2/1.25 kg 209299 7221042412 Frontera Frontera Foods Inc Salsa Chipotle Hot 6/16 oz 54833 60418311010 Frontera Frontera Foods Inc Salsa Tomato Roasted Mild 6/16 oz 54834 60418311020 Frontera Frontera Foods Inc Salsa Jalapeno Cilantro Medium 6/16 oz 54836 60418311040 Frontera Frontera Foods Inc Salsa Tomatillo Medium 6/16 oz 54837 60418311050 Frontera Frontera Foods Inc Salsa Mexicana Mild 6/16 oz 54840 60418311110 Frontera Frontera Foods Inc Salsa Mexicana Medium 6/16 oz 54841 60418311120 Frontera Frontera Foods Inc Salsa Tomato Double Roasted 6/16 oz 54872 60418313040 Frontera Frontera Foods Inc Sauce Enchilada Chile Red Classic Natural 6/16 oz 211154 60418312140 Frontera Frontera Foods Inc Sauce Skillet Taco Beef Mild 6/8 oz 219725 60418312170 Frontera Frontera Foods Inc Sauce Skillet Fajita Classic Medium 6/8 oz 219726 60418312174 Frontera Frontera Foods Inc Sauce Enchilada Green Chili Medium 6/8 oz 219727 60418312143 Frontera Frontera Foods Inc Sauce Enchilada Red Chili Mild 6/8 oz 222048 60418312142 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Jam Allspice Powder Select Grade 12/16 oz 211706 8983600100 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Bul Seed Coriander Whole 12/16 oz 211707 8983600135 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Ina Cinnamon Powder Korintje A Grad 12/16 oz 211708 8983600129 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Chili Peppers Ground Cayenne 35000 12/16 oz 211709 8983600115 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Can Seed Caraway Whole 12/16 oz 211710 8983600109 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Seed Cardamom Decorticated Powder 12/16 oz 211714 8983600112 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Chili Peppers Crush Red Chili Flake 12/16 oz 211716 8983600122 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Ind Cumin Seed Dewhiskered Whole Natural 12/16 oz 211717 8983600137 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Tea Loose Cranberry Orange Black Organic 12/16 oz 211718 8983602913 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Chn Tea Loose Dragonwell Organic 12/16 oz 211720 8983602894 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Sri Tea Loose Orange Spice Black Organic 12/16 oz 211721 8983602911 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Chn Tea Loose Gunpowder Green Natural Organic 12/16 oz 211723 8983602873 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Vie Pepper Black Medium Grind Natural 12/16 oz 211724 8983600211 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Esp Rosemary Leaf Whole Extra Fancy 12/16 oz 211726 8983600189 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Vie Pepper Black Coarse Grind Natural 12/16 oz 211727 8983600181 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Fra Tarragon Leaf Cut And Sifted 12/16 oz 211728 8983600199 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Spice Pickling Original Spicy Natural 12/16 oz 211729 8983600185 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Tur Poppyseeds Whole Natural 12/16 oz 211730 8983600186 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Seasoning Mexican Natural 12/16 oz 211731 8983600214 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Hun Paprika Powder Natural 12/16 oz 211732 8983600176 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Tea Loose Lemon Ginger Natural Organic 12/16 oz 211733 8983604002 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Ind Peppercorns Black Whole Natural 12/16 oz 211734 8983600183 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Pol Thyme Leaf Xtra Fancy Grade Natural 12/16 oz 211735 8983600200 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Alb Sage Leaf Rubbed Natural 12/16 oz 211736 8983600191 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Vie Pepper White Fine Grind Natural 12/16 oz 211737 8983600182 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Ind Turmeric Root Powder Natural 12/16 oz 211738 8983600202 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Parsley Leaf Flakes Natural 12/16 oz 211739 8983600178 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Tur Oregano Leaf Mediterranean C/S 12/16 oz 211740 8983600173 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Ind Curry Powder Natural 12/16 oz 211756 8983600139 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Isr Dill Weed Natural 12/16 oz 211758 8983600142 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Mad Cloves Powder 12/16 oz 211762 8983600132 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Ina Cinnamon Sticks 12/16 oz 211763 8983600131 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Chili Peppers Ground Roast Powder 12/16 oz 211764 8983600123 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Gua Cardamom Seed Whole 12/16 oz 211765 8983600113 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Chili Powder Blend Fiesta 12/16 oz 211766 8983600125 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Ind Celery Seed Whole Organic 12/16 oz 211768 8983600119 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Salt Garlic Natural 12/16 oz 211776 8983600150 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Ind Fenugreek Seed Whole Natural 12/16 oz 211777 8983600146 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Chn Garlic Powder Natural 12/16 oz 211778 8983600149 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Seasoning Italian Whole Natural 12/16 oz 211779 8983600155 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Chn Garlic Granules Natural 12/16 oz 211781 8983600148 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Chn Garlic Minced Natural 12/16 oz 211782 8983600147 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Ind Fennel Seed Whole Natural 12/16 oz 211783 8983600144 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Egy Leaf Basil Sweet 12/16 oz 211784 8983600105 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Bul Coriander Seed Ground 12/16 oz 211785 8983600134 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Tur Leaf Bay Whole Select Grade 12/16 oz 211786 8983600108 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Mad Cloves Whole 12/16 oz 211787 8983600133 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Bul Cumin Seed Ground Powder 12/16 oz 211788 8983600136 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Tur Seed Anise Whole 12/16 oz 211789 8983600103 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Can Mustard Seed Yellow Whole Natural 12/16 oz 211790 8983600164 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Onion White Granules Natural 12/16 oz 211791 8983600168 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Can Mustard Seed Yellow Powder Natural 12/16 oz 211792 8983600163 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Can Mustard Seed Brown Whole Natural 12/16 oz 211793 8983600162 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Ina Nutmeg Ground Natural 12/16 oz 211794 8983600165 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Onion White Flakes Chopped Natural 12/16 oz 211795 8983600167 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Onion Powder White Natural 12/16 oz 211796 8983600169 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Nutmeg Whole Natural 12/16 oz 211797 8983600166 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Tea Loose Se Chung Special Oolong 12/16 oz 211801 8983602827 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Tea Loose Earl Grey Bulk Organic Natural 12/16 oz 211803 8983602826 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Tea Loose Licorice Luscious Natural 12/16 oz 211804 8983601338 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Cream Of Tartar Powder Natural 12/16 oz 211805 8983602305 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Carob Powder Medium Roast Natural 12/16 oz 211806 8983602304 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Broth Powder Vegetarian No Chicken 12/16 oz 211807 8983602010 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Tea Loose Assam Flowering Orng Pkoe Organic 12/16 oz 211809 8983602821 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Bacuns Baconless Bits Natural 12/16 oz 211810 8983602131 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Cocoa Powder Dutch Process Natural Organic 12/16 oz 211811 8983602774 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Seasoning Taco Natural 12/16 oz 211813 8983600347 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Catnip Leaf And Flower C/S Natural Organic 12/16 oz 211814 8983600529 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Seasoning Cajun Natural 12/16 oz 211817 8983600280 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Garam Masala Natural 12/16 oz 211818 8983600283 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Chn Ginger Root Powder No Sulfite Natural 12/16 oz 211820 8983600370 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Chn Tea Loose Lapsang Souchong Organic 12/16 oz 211822 8983602929 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 105 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 106 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Tea Loose Genmaicha Matcha Organic 12/16 oz 211824 8983602985 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Ind Tea Loose White Indian Organic 12/16 oz 211825 8983602936 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Tea Loose Mango Green Co2 Organic 12/16 oz 211826 8983602943 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Chn Tea Loose Gunpowder Pearl Mint 12/16 oz 211832 8983601060 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Chn Tea Loose Sencha Leaf Natural Organic 12/16 oz 211833 8983601075 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Chn Tea Loose White Peony Natural Organic 12/16 oz 211834 8983601058 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Tea Loose Earl Grey Co2 Decaf Natural 12/16 oz 211835 8983601001 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Chn Tea Loose Bancha Leaf Organic Natural 12/16 oz 211836 8983601076 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Peppermint Leaf C/S Natural Organic 12/16 oz 211837 8983600630 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Chn Tea Loose Ceylon Orang Pekoe Organic 12/16 oz 211838 8983601067 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Chn Tea Loose Darjeeling Ft Organic Natural 12/16 oz 211841 8983601072 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Rosehips Whole Natural Organic 12/16 oz 211844 8983602556 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Tea Loose Herbal Chai Indian Spice Natural 12/16 oz 211845 8983601304 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Tea Loose Jasmine Organic Natural 12/16 oz 211847 8983601079 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Tea Loose Guardian Spirit Natural Organic 12/16 oz 211848 8983602624 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Beans Vanilla Bourbon Natural 12/4 oz 211849 8983602341 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Tea Loose Irish Breakfast Organic Natural 12/16 oz 211850 8983601077 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Tea Loose English Breakfast Organic Natural 12/16 oz 211851 8983601078 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Chn Tea Loose Chn Black Original Pekoe 12/16 oz 211852 8983602830 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Chn Tea Loose Genmaicha Certified Organic 12/16 oz 211853 8983602829 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Chn Tea Loose Earl Grey Green Certified Organic 12/16 oz 211854 8983602867 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Rsa Tea Loose Rooibos Certified Organic 12/16 oz 211855 8983602828 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Tea Loose Green Strawberry W/Fruit Organic 12/16 oz 211859 8983602875 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Tea Loose Chai Green Ft Certified Organic 12/16 oz 211860 8983602871 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Tea Loose White Tangerine Flavored Certified Organic 12/16 oz 211861 8983602870 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Tea Loose Chai Ft Certified Organic 12/16 oz 211862 8983602872 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Ind Peppercorns Green Whole Natural Organic 6/.92 oz 211866 8983618269 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Sri Peppercorns White Natural Organic 6/2.08 oz 211867 8983618268 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Ind Peppercorns Tellicherry Black 6/1.76 oz 211870 8983618267 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Peppermill 4 Pepper Gourmet Blend 12/16 oz 211871 8983600258 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Bra Peppercorns Pink Natural 6/.88 oz 211872 8983618272 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Pepper Lemon Natural 12/16 oz 211873 8983600215 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Spice Chinese Five Powder Natural 12/16 oz 211875 8983600249 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Peppercorns Exotic Blend Natural 6/1.69 oz 211876 8983618278 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Thai Ginger Crystallized Slices Natural 12/16 oz 211877 8983600225 Frontier Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Yeast Nutritional Mini Flakes Natural 12/16 oz 212608 8983602326 Frontier Frontier Soups Chowder Prairie Corn Illinois Gluten Free 8/7 oz 68399 76669400103 Frontier Frontier Soups Soup Sausage Har/Lentil Indiana Gluten Free 8/16 oz 68400 76669400104 Frontier Frontier Soups Soup Heartland 11 Bean Minnesota Gluten Free 8/18 oz 68402 76669400107 Frontier Frontier Soups Soup Tomato Basil Mississippi Gluten Free 8/4 oz 220870 76669430115 Frontier Frontier Soups Soup Vegetable Quinoa/We Coast Kale 8/4.25 oz 232937 76669430144 Frostie Orca Beverage Inc Soda Root Beer 24/12 oz 79823 79367481050 Frostie Orca Beverage Inc Soda Blue Cream 24/12 oz 79824 79367482047 Frostie Orca Beverage Inc Soda Cherry Limeade 24/12 oz 79825 79367482057 Frostie Orca Beverage Inc Soda Orange 24/12 oz 79827 79367485057 Frostie Orca Beverage Inc Soda Z Grape 24/12 oz 128416 79367488047 Fruitful Island Fruitful Island Tpe Oil Sesame Pure 6/7.35 oz 71286 80673500003 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Fruitful Island Fruitful Island Tpe Oil Hot Chili 6/7.35 oz 71289 80673500205 Fruitful Island Genre Foods Llc Oil Sesame Chili 12/7.3 oz 71288 80673500203 Fruitful Island Genre Foods Llc Sauce Gourmet Teriyaki 6/10.14 oz 71294 80673510304 Funleys Funleys Crackers Super Pizza N Stuff Natural 6/4.23 oz 148710 89618100129 Fusion Foodmatch Inc Verjus Blanc 12/24 oz 114554 593652367 G Mccree Hot Tomato Foods Crumpets 12/12.5 oz 59142 67408500200 Gabila’s Gabila’s Knishete Potato 16Pack 12/16 oz 65851 74454811227 Galaxy Galaxy Desserts Fra Cakes Black/White Petit Fours 192/1 ea 223434 18767061257 Galaxy Galaxy Nutritional Foods Inc American Veggie Sliced 12/7.3 oz 44754 7717266717 Galaxy Galaxy Nutritional Foods Inc Cheddar Veggie Soy Slices 12/7.3 oz 44759 7717266722 Galaxy Desserts Galaxy Desserts Tart Lemon Retail Pack 16/3.6 oz 56942 64044500013 Galaxy Desserts Galaxy Desserts Cake Lava Chocolate 4oz 16/4 oz 56944 64044500016 Galaxy Desserts Galaxy Desserts Tart Forrest Berry Bulk 3.75In 16/4 oz 56975 64044516116 Galaxy Desserts Galaxy Desserts Tart Apple Bulk 4In 16/3.6 oz 56978 64044516122 Galaxy Desserts Galaxy Desserts Tart Lemon Food Service 16/3.5 oz 56979 64044516212 Galaxy Desserts Galaxy Desserts Tart Pecan Bulk 3.75In 16/3.6 oz 56980 64044516214 Galaxy Desserts Galaxy Desserts Tart 4In Key Lime 16/3.5 oz 56981 64044516222 Galaxy Desserts Galaxy Desserts Cake Chocolate Lava Bulk 24/4 oz 56990 64044524300 Galaxy Desserts Galaxy Desserts Mousse Triple Bulk 2.75In 24/4.2 oz 56991 64044524501 Galaxy Desserts Galaxy Desserts Mousse Teton Chocolate 24/4 oz 56996 64044524523 Galaxy Desserts Galaxy Desserts Creme Brulee White Ramekin 24/4.5 oz 57003 64044524734 Galaxy Desserts Galaxy Desserts Cake Blackout 2.88In 24/3 oz 65081 73839424239 Galaxy Desserts Galaxy Desserts Cheesecake 3In New York 24/4 oz 65083 73839424251 Galaxy Desserts Galaxy Desserts Mousse Tiramisu Bulk 24/4 oz 120041 64044524519 Galaxy Desserts Galaxy Desserts Fra Macaroons Parisian Assorted Natural 288/.4 oz 209607 64044500090 Galbani Lactalis Deli Inc Parmesan Shredded 4/5 lb 22998 5407608200 Galbani Lactalis Deli Inc Parmesan Grated 4/5 lb 22999 5407608201 Galbani Lactalis Deli Inc Mozzarella Fresh Marinated 2/3 lb 65211 73882402442 Galbani Lactalis Deli Inc Mozzarella Marinated 6/12 oz 65212 73882402662 Galbani Lactalis Deli Inc Mozzarella Pearls 6/8 oz 65218 73882406243 Galbani Lactalis Deli Inc Mozzarella 8oz Cryovac 12/8 oz 65224 73882406411 Galbani Lactalis Deli Inc Mozzarella Log Cryovac 6/1 lb 65228 73882406426 Galbani Lactalis Deli Inc Mozzarella Medallions Sliced 8/12 oz 65229 73882406435 Galbani Lactalis Deli Inc Mozzarella Ovoline Cup 6/8 oz 65231 73882406440 Galbani Lactalis Deli Inc Mozzarella Ciliegine 1/3 Oz 6/8 oz 65232 73882406443 Galbani Lactalis Deli Inc Mozzarella Medallions Cup Slic 6/7 oz 89959 73882406149 Galbani Lactalis Deli Inc Mozzarella Bocconcini 2Oz 6/8 oz 136638 73882406401 Galbani Lactalis Deli Inc Mascarpone Fresca 12/8 oz 148445 73882406480 Galbani Lactalis Deli Inc Mozzarella Whole Milk Shredded 6/5 lb 206112 73882460615 Galbani Lactalis Deli Inc Mozzarella Fresh Log 6/1 lb 206581 73882406428 Galbani Lactalis Deli Inc Ricotta Fresca Whole Milk Natural 6/15 oz 221024 73882410240 Galbani Lactalis Deli Inc Ricotta Fresca Low Fat Natural 6/15 oz 221025 73882410260 Galbani Lactalis Deli Inc Mozzarella Fresh Ovolini Natural 2/3 lb 221814 73882481635 Galbani Lactalis Deli Inc Mozzarella Fresh Ciliengini Natural 2/3 lb 221815 73882481615 Galbani Lactalis Deli Inc Mozzarella Fresh Snack 8/8 oz 233873 73882481315 Galbani Lactalis Deli Inc Mozzarella Fresh Water Pouch Natural 8/6 oz 235044 73882481320 Galeos Galeos Dressing/Marinade Miso Sesame Seed 6/13 fo 63820 72932800500 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 107 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 108 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Galeos Galeos Dressing/Marinade Miso Caesar Natural 6/13 fo 63821 72932800501 Galeos Galeos Dressing/Marinade Miso Dijonnaise 6/13 fo 213504 72932800502 Galil Galil Importing Corp Tur Tea Bag Rosehip Natural Pd 6/20 ea 216845 7947113117 Galil Galil Importing Corp Tur Leaves Grape Stuffed 12/14 oz 220716 7947112701 Galil Galil Importing Corp Chn Soup Chicken Noodle Instant 6/2.29 oz 220717 7947110601 Galil Galil Importing Corp Chn Soup Beef Noodle Instant 6/2.29 oz 220720 7947110600 Galil Galil Importing Corp Bul Preserve Orange Marmalade Natural Pd 6/13 oz 221707 7947114844 Galil Galil Importing Corp Bul Preserve Apricot Natural Pd 6/13 oz 221708 7947114840 Galil Galil Importing Corp Bul Preserve Strawberry Natural Pd 6/13 oz 221709 7947114846 Galil Galil Importing Corp Isr Olives Green Novo Natural 12/18.93 oz 234459 7947190225 Galil Galil Importing Corp Isr Olives Green Rings Natural 12/18.93 oz 234460 7947190222 Galil Galil Importing Corp Isr Eggplant Pickled 20 Percent Xtra 12/23 oz 234461 7947110245 Galil Galil Importing Corp Isr Olives Green Pitted Natural 12/18.93 oz 234462 7947190221 Galil Galil Importing Corp Isr Olive Green Rings 12/19 oz 234463 7947190200 Galil Galil Importing Corp Isr Olives Black Natural 12/18.93 oz 234464 7947190224 Galil Galil Importing Corp Isr Olives Green Manzanillo Natural 12/18.93 oz 234465 7947190220 Galil Galil Importing Corp Isr Olives Green Cracked Natural 12/18.93 oz 234466 7947190223 Galil Galil Importing Corp Isr Olives Black Pitted 12/19 oz 234467 7947190205 Galil Galil Importing Corp Honey Bear Orange Blossom Natural 12/12 oz 234471 7947113515 Galil Galil Importing Corp Ecu Hearts Of Palm Natural 6/14.5 oz 234472 7947110282 Galil Galil Importing Corp Honey Orange Blossom 32oz Natural 12/32 oz 234473 7947113512 Galil Galil Importing Corp Isr Sunflower Seeds Roasted Ns Natural 12/7 oz 234474 7947111401 Galil Galil Importing Corp Honey Orange Blossom 16oz Natural 12/16 oz 234475 7947113510 Galil Galil Importing Corp Tur Figs Dried Natural 24/8 oz 234476 7947115405 Galvanina R And V Imports Ita Drink Fruit Grapefruit Red Bio Organic 12/12 oz 229357 72994375365 Galvanina R And V Imports Ita Drink Fruit Blood Orange Bio 12/12 oz 229360 72994375330 Galvanina R And V Imports Ita Drink Fruit Clementine Bio Organic 12/12 oz 229361 72994385362 Galvanina R And V Imports Ita Drink Fruit Lemon Bio Organic 12/12 oz 229366 72994375364 Garcia Baquero Garcia Baquero Esp Queso Manchego Viejo Agd 1Year Pc 1/6.6 lb 228272 7221043029 Garcia Baquero Garcia Baquero Esp Queso Manchego Curado 6 Month Pc 1/7 lb 228373 7221043035 Garcia Baquero Norseland Inc Esp Iberico Curado 6M0 Wedge Ew 12/5.2 oz 83770 81231501391 Garcia Baquero Norseland Inc Esp Goat Cabra Al Vino Tipsy Queso 12/5.28 oz 84482 81231501388 Garcia Baquero Norseland Inc Esp Iberico Curado 2/6.5 lb 119334 7221017836 Garcia Baquero Norseland Inc Esp Plate Spanish Tapas De Queso 14/5.2 oz 203428 81231501374 Garcia Baquero Norseland Inc Esp Manchego Semicurado 4 Month Natural 12/5.28 oz 224823 81231501559 Garcia Baquero Norseland Inc Esp Queso Manchego Curado 6 Month 1/6.6 lb 225778 81231501541 Garcia Baquero Norseland Inc Esp Queso Manchego Viejo Aged 1 Year 1/6.6 lb 225779 81231501542 Garden Lites Garden Lites Souffle Spinach Gluten Free 12/7 oz 203735 70486301704 Garden Lites Garden Lites Souffle Squash Butternut Gluten Free 12/7 oz 203736 70486301708 Garden Lites Garden Lites Souffle Broccoli Gluten Free 12/7 oz 203739 70486301702 Garden Of Eatin The Hain Celestial Group Inc Taco Shells Blue Corn 12/5.5 oz 3118 1583900735 Gardenia Saputo Cheese USA Ricotta Whole Milk 8/5 lb 43361 7580584457 Garlic Gold Seven Oaks Ranch, Inc. Oil 6/250 ml 72583 82680400777 Garvey’s Garvey’s Enterprises Scone Mix Organic 12/9 oz 211272 76848810019 Gefen Gefen Tuna Chunk Light In Water Pd 24/6 oz 61335 71006911360 Gefen Gefen Tuna Solid White In Water Pd 24/6 oz 120123 71006911330 Gefen Gefen Tha Tuna White Solid Oil 12/6 oz 214010 71006911310 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND VENDOR Gefen Kenover Tablecloth Premier 60X120 Pd 10/1 ea 59253 67547000005 Gefen Kenover Isr Olives Black Manzanilla Can Pd 12/19 oz 61138 71006900890 Gefen Kenover Applesauce Regular 6Pack 4oz Pd 12/24 oz 61294 71006910505 Gefen Kenover Juice Apple 4/6.75oz Pd 10/27 fo 61354 71006911990 Gefen Kenover Honey Bear Pd Gluten Free Natural 12/12 oz 61389 71006912890 Gefen Kenover Wafers Chocolate 12/14.1 oz 61452 71006931560 Gefen Kenover Couscous Israeli Ww 12/8.8 oz 61489 71006980606 Gefen Kenover Orzo Ww 12/8.8 oz 61490 71006980608 Gefen Kenover Cranberry Sauce Jelly Pd 24/16 oz 87430 71006912720 Gefen Kenover Cranberry Sauce Whole Pd 24/16 oz 87431 71006912725 Gefen Kenover Sin Ramen Noodles Chicken 24/3 oz 87455 71006960100 Gefen Kenover Sin Ramen Noodles Vegetable 24/3 oz 87456 71006960101 Gefen Kenover Applesauce Cherry 6Pack 12/24 oz 203346 71006930518 Gefen Kenover Chn Chestnuts Roasted Whole Shelled Pd 12/5.2 oz 203349 71006940455 Gefen Kenover Isr Crisps Onion And Pepper Flats Pd 12/5.2 oz 210093 71006910699 Gefen Kenover Isr Olives Souri Gluten Free Pd 12/19 oz 216773 71006930836 Gefen Kenover Isr Olives Pitted W/Mint Gluten Free Pd 12/19 oz 216774 71006930832 Gefen Kenover Isr Olives Cracked Souri Gluten Free Pd 12/19 oz 216777 71006930837 Gefen Kenover Popcorners Sea Salt Gluten Free Natural 12/5 oz 220381 71006900455 Gefen Kenover Popcorners Kettle Gluten Free Natural 12/5 oz 220382 71006900456 Gefen Kenover Esp Oil Olive Extra Virgin Light Mini Pd Natural 12/8.45 oz 229663 71006930723 Gelato Classico Caffe Classico Foods Inc Gelato Vanilla Bean 2/158 oz 55569 61628100801 Gelato Classico Caffe Classico Foods Inc Gelato Dark Chocolate 2/158 oz 55570 61628100802 Gelato Classico Caffe Classico Foods Inc Gelato Coppa Mista 2/158 oz 55571 61628100803 Gelato Classico Caffe Classico Foods Inc Gelato Caffe Mocha 2/158 oz 55572 61628100804 Gelato Classico Caffe Classico Foods Inc Gelato Cookies And Cream 2/158 oz 55573 61628100805 Gelato Classico Caffe Classico Foods Inc Gelato Caramello Chocolate Crunch 2/158 oz 55574 61628100806 Gelato Classico Caffe Classico Foods Inc Gelato Tiramisu 2/158 oz 55576 61628100808 Gelato Classico Caffe Classico Foods Inc Gelato Double Bean Espresso 2/158 oz 55577 61628100809 Gelato Classico Caffe Classico Foods Inc Gelato Bavarian Mint 2/158 oz 55578 61628100810 Gelato Classico Caffe Classico Foods Inc Gelato Caramel Pecan 2/158 oz 55579 61628100811 Gelato Classico Caffe Classico Foods Inc Gelato Coconut Macadamia Nut 2/158 oz 55580 61628100812 Gelato Classico Caffe Classico Foods Inc Gelato Mocha Almond Fudge 2/158 oz 55581 61628100813 Gelato Classico Caffe Classico Foods Inc Gelato Peanut Butter Chocolate 2/158 oz 55582 61628100818 Gelato Classico Caffe Classico Foods Inc Gelato Creme Brulee 2/158 oz 55583 61628100819 Gelato Classico Caffe Classico Foods Inc Gelato Strawberry Cheesecake 2/158 oz 55587 61628100830 Gelato Classico Caffe Classico Foods Inc Gelato Strawberry Fresca 2/158 oz 55589 61628100849 Gelato Classico Caffe Classico Foods Inc Gelato Mint Chip 2/158 oz 55590 61628100854 Gelato Classico Caffe Classico Foods Inc Gelato Cookie Dough 2/158 oz 55591 61628100855 Gelato Classico Caffe Classico Foods Inc Gelato Pistachio 2/158 oz 55592 61628100859 Gelato Classico Caffe Classico Foods Inc Gelato Chocolate No Sugar Added 2/158 oz 55594 61628100861 Gelato Classico Caffe Classico Foods Inc Gelato Peanut Butter Cup 2/158 oz 55618 61628110631 Gelato Classico Caffe Classico Foods Inc Gelato Coconut Almond Fudge 2/158 oz 89952 61628110681 Gelato Classico Caffe Classico Foods Inc Lid Dome 6 oz 1/1000 ea 235848 87718300305 Gelato Classico Caffe Classico Foods Inc Lid Dome 5 oz 1/1000 ea 235849 87718300511 Gelato Classico Caffe Classico Foods Inc Lid Dome 4 oz 1/1000 ea 235850 87718300010 Gelato Fiasco Gelato Fiasco Gelato Caramel Sea Salt Natural 8/16 oz 229935 89997700250 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC 109 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 110 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Gelato Fiasco Gelato Fiasco Gelato Blueberry Wild Maine Crisp 8/16 oz 229936 89997700239 Gelato Fiasco Gelato Fiasco Gelato Espresso Chip Natural 8/16 oz 229937 89997700241 Gelato Fiasco Gelato Fiasco Gelato Caramel Chocolate Dark Sea Salt Natural 8/16 oz 229938 89997700220 Genesis Tobys Family Foods Llc Smoothie Superfood Organic Natural 6/12 oz 232537 8576200450 Genesis Tobys Family Foods Llc Lemonade Strawberry Organic Natural 6/12 oz 232538 8576200431 Genesis Tobys Family Foods Llc Juice Apple Strawberry Organic Natural 6/12 oz 232539 8576200412 Genesis Tobys Family Foods Llc Juice Apple Organic Natural 6/12 oz 232540 8576200410 Genesis Tobys Family Foods Llc Lemonade Ginger Organic Natural 6/12 oz 232541 8576200432 Genesis Tobys Family Foods Llc Cooler Hibiscus Organic Natural 6/12 oz 232542 8576200460 Genesis Tobys Family Foods Llc Juice Orange Organic Natural 6/12 oz 232543 8576200470 Genesis Tobys Family Foods Llc Juice Apple Ginger Organic Natural 6/12 oz 232544 8576200411 Gentile Italian Harvest Ita Pasta Pennette Rigate Organic Natural 12/1.1 lb 232397 3387402333 Gentile Italian Harvest Ita Pasta Tagliatelle Organic Natural 12/1.1 lb 232398 3387402309 Gentile Italian Harvest Ita Pasta Bucatini Organic Natural 12/1.1 lb 232399 3387402303 Genuin Fulvi Forever Cheese Inc Ita Pecorino Al Tartufo Natural 6/2 lb 209378 7221042423 Genuin Fulvi Forever Cheese Inc Ita Pecorino Romano Quarters DOP Natural 4/16 lb 209379 7221042421 Gerolsteiner Consup North America Inc Ger Water Mineral 6/Pack Natural 4/101.4 fo 136165 7550236817 Gh Cretors Cornfields Inc Mix Chicago Natural 12/7.5 oz 232768 73249400052 Gh Cretors Cornfields Inc Popcorn Caramel Pumpkin Spice Natural 12/8 oz 232865 73249400145 Gh Cretors Cornfields Inc Popcorn Caramel Orchard Apple Natural 12/8 oz 232866 73249400146 Ghirardelli Ghirardelli Chocolate Chocolate Toffee Interlude Bar 12/3.5 oz 66207 74759960724 Ghirardelli Ghirardelli Chocolate Chocolate Chips Dark Barista Mini 1/10 lb 66258 74759964102 Ghirardelli Ghirardelli Chocolate Chocolate Powder Cocoa Sweet Ground 1/30 lb 206843 74759962028 Ghirardelli Ghirardelli Chocolate Sauce Caramel Creamy 6/64 oz 206844 74759962053 Ghirardelli Ghirardelli Chocolate Chocolate Powder White Sweet Ground 1/25 lb 206845 74759962031 Gia Naturals Gia Foods Ltd Can Lentils Whole Green Natural 12/2 lb 234999 18383700056 Gia Naturals Gia Foods Ltd Can Rice Thai Jasmine Natural 12/2 lb 235000 18383700007 Gia Naturals Gia Foods Ltd Can Chana Dal Natural 12/2 lb 235001 18383700081 Gia Naturals Gia Foods Ltd Can Rice Basmati Premium White Natural 12/2 lb 235002 18383700017 Gia Naturals Gia Foods Ltd Can Lentils Whole Red Natural 12/2 lb 235003 18383700512 Gia Naturals Gia Foods Ltd Can Peas Split Yellow Natural 12/2 lb 235004 18383700508 Gia Naturals Gia Foods Ltd Can Rice Long Grain Brown Natural 12/2 lb 235005 18383700011 Gia Naturals Gia Foods Ltd Can Chutney Tamarind Natural 12/450 gm 235006 18383700254 Gia Naturals Gia Foods Ltd Can Marinade BBQ Classic Tandoori 12/13.23 oz 235007 18383700283 Gia Naturals Gia Foods Ltd Can Rice Basmati White Natural 1/8 lb 235008 88236911032 Gia Naturals Gia Foods Ltd Can Rice Long Grain White Natural 12/2 lb 235009 18383700008 Gia Naturals Gia Foods Ltd Can Marinade BBQ Unique Haryali Natural 12/13.23 oz 235010 18383700263 Gia Naturals Gia Foods Ltd Can Marinade BBQ Traditional Masala 12/13.23 oz 235011 18383700271 Gia Russa John Zidian Company Pasta Spaghetti Thin Whole Wheat 20/16 oz 7664 2682500401 Gia Russa John Zidian Company Oil Olive Extra Virgin 12/500 ml 7681 2682500753 Gia Russa John Zidian Company Sauce Vodka Alla 6/24 oz 206540 2682500891 Gia Russa John Zidian Company Sauce Sicilian Hot 6/24 oz 206542 2682500892 Gilway Gilway Vinegar Malt 6/19 oz 201863 7327749005 Gilway Source Atlantique Gbr Sauce Mint Fresh Garden 6/6.1 oz 3015 1546900060 Gina Marie Sierra Nevada Cheese Cream Cheese 6/5 lb 31622 7221072938 Gina Marie Sierra Nevada Cheese Cream Cheese Natural 12/2.5 lb 31623 7221072939 Gina Marie Sierra Nevada Cheese Cream Cheese Chub 12/8 oz 59882 68765215700 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Ginbis Simi Jfc International Jpn Chocolate Snacks 12/2.46 oz 230566 1115228796 Gino Toschi Atalanta Corporation Ita Balsoy Natural 6/8.5 fo 222130 2748411212 Giovanni Giovanni Shampoo Tea Tree Triple 6/2 oz 62334 71623718040 Giovanni Giovanni Conditioner Tea Tree Triple 6/2 oz 62335 71623718042 Giovanni Giovanni Gel La Natural Styling 6/2 oz 62337 71623718046 Giovanni Giovanni Spritz La Hold Hair 6/2 oz 62338 71623718051 Giovanni Giovanni Scrub Body Salt Cool Mint 6/9 oz 62355 71623718074 Giovanni Giovanni Scrub Body Sugar Hot Chocolate 6/9 oz 62356 71623718075 Giovanni Giovanni Conditioner 50/50 Balanced 6/2 oz 210324 71623718044 Giovanni Giovanni Shampoo Wheat Golden 6/8.5 oz 210329 71623701008 Giovanni Giovanni Shampoo 50/50 Balanced 6/2 oz 210334 71623718039 Giovanni Giovanni Conditioner Smooth As Silk 6/2 oz 210339 71623718041 Giovanni Giovanni Shampoo Smooth As Silk 6/2 oz 210342 71623718052 Giovanni Giovanni Facial Scrub Detox System Purifying 6/4 oz 235555 71623718280 Giovanni Giovanni Body Bar Detox System Purifying 6/5 oz 235556 71623718200 Giovanni Giovanni Conditioner 2Chic Repair Blackberry/Coco 6/8.5 oz 235557 71623718481 Giovanni Giovanni Facial Mask Detox System Purifying 6/4 oz 235558 71623718281 Giovanni Giovanni Shampoo 2Chic Repair Blackberry/Coconut 6/8.5 oz 235559 71623718480 Giovanni Giovanni Body Wash Detox System Purifying 6/10.5 oz 235560 71623718201 Girard’s Gff Inc Dressing Vinaigrette Pom W/Cranberry 2/1 ga 128820 3462958947 Girard’s Gff Inc Dressing Feta Cheese Vinaigrette 2/1 ga 205983 3462959347 Girard’s Gff Inc Dressing Italian Olde Venice 2/1 ga 205984 3462958037 Girard’s Gff Inc Dressing Oriental Sesame Ginger/Orange 2/1 ga 205985 3462958167 Girard’s Gff Inc Dressing Caesar Classic 2/1 ga 205986 3462959167 Girard’s Gff Inc Dressing Country Dijon Honey Mustard 2/1 ga 205987 3462958697 Girard’s Gff Inc Dressing Bleu Cheese Chunky Classic 2/1 ga 206238 3462955357 Girard’s Gff Inc Dressing Thousand Island 2/1 ga 206239 3462955027 Girard’s Gff Inc Dressing Coleslaw Creamy 4/.5 ga 208668 3462955204 Girard’s Gff Inc Sauce Pad Thai 4/.5 ga 208716 3462959424 Girard’s Gff Inc Dressing Cilantro 2/1 ga 218127 3462958157 Girard’s T Marzetti Company Dressing French Original 6/12 oz 24932 7020058015 Girard’s T Marzetti Company Dressing Venice Italian 6/12 oz 24934 7020058035 Girard’s T Marzetti Company Dressing White Balsamic Vinaigrette 6/12 oz 24935 7020058045 Girard’s T Marzetti Company Dressing Champagne 6/12 oz 24945 7020058115 Girard’s T Marzetti Company Dressing Caesar 6/12 oz 24946 7020058125 Girard’s T Marzetti Company Vinaigrette Greek 6/12 oz 24947 7020058130 Girard’s T Marzetti Company Dressing Raspberry 6/12 oz 24948 7020058135 Girard’s T Marzetti Company Dressing Spinach Salad 6/12 oz 24949 7020058159 Girard’s T Marzetti Company Dressing Chinese Chicken 6/12 oz 24950 7020058165 Girard’s T Marzetti Company Dressing Champagne Light 6/12 oz 24951 7020058215 Girard’s T Marzetti Company Dressing Caesar Light 6/12 oz 24952 7020058235 Girard’s T Marzetti Company Dressing Balsamic Light 6/12 oz 204571 7020058017 Girard’s T Marzetti Company Dressing Sundried Tomato/Artichoke 6/12 oz 220009 7020058126 Girard’s T Marzetti Company Dressing Balsamic Barista 6/12 oz 220011 7020058127 Giulianos Giulianos Martini Mix Dirty 6/5 oz 209367 7647960005 Giulianos Giulianos Cherries Maraschino With Stem 6/8 oz 209369 7647969908 Giuseppe Cocco George DeLallo Co Inc Ita Pasta Fusillo Giganti_85 Natural 12/17.64 oz 232336 75412231485 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 111 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 112 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Giuseppe Cocco George DeLallo Co Inc Ita Pasta Sagnarelli_48 Natural 12/17.64 oz 232337 75412231448 Giuseppe Cocco George DeLallo Co Inc Ita Pasta Farfalloni_47 Natural 12/17.64 oz 232338 75412231447 Giuseppe Cocco George DeLallo Co Inc Ita Pasta Rigatoni Giganti _86 Natural 12/17.64 oz 232339 75412231486 Glacier Ridge Dairyfood USA Inc Spread Cheddar Aged 12/8 oz 201881 4452914413 Glacier Ridge Dairyfood USA Inc Spread Cheddar Jalapeno 12/8 oz 201882 4452914414 Glacier Ridge Dairyfood USA Inc Spread Gouda Smoked 12/8 oz 201883 4452914418 Glicks Kenover Noodles Chow Mein Wide Pd 12/10 oz 201408 84076201150 Glico Jfc International Jpn Snack Pocky Chocolate Lg 10/2.46 oz 208812 7314115233 Glico Jfc International Jpn Pocky Chocolate Small 20/1.41 oz 210281 7314115004 Glico Jfc International Thi Chocolate Sticks Pocky Pejoy 10/1.98 oz 230561 7314115295 Glory Bee Glorybee Foods Inc Honey Clover Pac Northwest Squeeze Bear Natural 6/12 oz 211947 3004201201 Glory Bee Glorybee Foods Inc Honey Orange Blossom Squeeze Bear Natural 6/12 oz 211948 3004201206 Glory Bee Glorybee Foods Inc Honey Blackberry Squeeze Bear Natural 6/12 oz 211949 3004290503 Glutenetto Cookies Con Amore Cookies Wedding Gable Box Gluten Free 6/6 oz 232451 85660300556 Glutenetto Cookies Con Amore Cookies Linzer Raspberry Gable Box Gluten Free 6/6 oz 232452 85660300553 Glutenfreeda Glutenfreeda Foods Inc Oatmeal Instant Maple Raisin Gluten Free 8/11.05 oz 88443 85824600124 Glutenfreeda Glutenfreeda Foods Inc Oatmeal Instant Apple Cinnamon Gluten Free 8/10.5 oz 88444 85824600123 Glutenfreeda Glutenfreeda Foods Inc Burrito Beef And Potato Natural Gluten Free 12/4 oz 202155 85824600113 Glutenfreeda Glutenfreeda Foods Inc Burrito Chicken And Cheese Natural Gluten Free 12/4 oz 202156 85824600116 Glutenfreeda Glutenfreeda Foods Inc Flatbread Pizza Crust Original 4Pack Gluten Free 8/15.8 oz 226016 85824600181 Glutenfreeda Glutenfreeda Foods Inc Sandwich Pocket Bacon/Egg/Cheddar Natural 12/4.5 oz 226017 85824600169 Glutenfreeda Glutenfreeda Foods Inc Flatbread Artisan Roasted Garlic Natural Gluten Free 8/15.8 oz 226018 85824600182 Glutenfreeda Glutenfreeda Foods Inc Burrito Shredded Beef Natural Gluten Free 12/4 oz 226020 85824600144 Glutenfreeda Glutenfreeda Foods Inc Sandwich Pocket Hick Smoked Ham/Cheddar 12/4.5 oz 226021 85824600170 Glutenfreeda Glutenfreeda Foods Inc Oatmeal Instant Variety Pack Gluten Free Natural 8/11.2 oz 231928 85039500601 Glutenfreeda Glutenfreeda Foods Inc Oatmeal Instant Gluten Free Natural 8/11.2 oz 231929 85039500605 Glutenfreeda Glutenfreeda Foods Inc Granola Raisin Almond Honey Gluten Free Natural 6/12 oz 231932 85824600193 Glutenfreeda Glutenfreeda Foods Inc Granola Cranberry Cashew Honey Gluten Free Natural 6/12 oz 231934 85824600192 Glutenfreeda Glutenfreeda Foods Inc Oatmeal Instant Apple Cinnamon Gluten Free 8/11.05 oz 236147 85824600123 Glutino Glutino Apple Breakfast Bar 12/7.1 oz 59345 67852303070 Glutino Glutino Blueberry Breakfast Bar 12/7.1 oz 59346 67852303071 Glutino Glutino Crackers Multigrain 6/4.4 oz 59360 67852303846 Glutino Glutino Crackers Original 6/4.4 oz 59361 67852303850 Glutino Glutino Pretzel Twists Family Bag 12/14.1 oz 59362 67852304006 Glutino Glutino Pretzel Twists Gluten Free 12/8 oz 59363 67852304008 Glutino Glutino Pretzel Sticks Natural Gluten Free 12/14.1 oz 59364 67852304010 Glutino Glutino Pretzel Sticks Gluten Free 12/8 oz 59365 67852304012 Glutino Glutino Wafers Lemon 12/7.1 oz 135092 67852301041 Glutino Glutino Breakfast Cherry Bar Gluten Free 12/7.1 oz 135094 67852303083 Glutino Glutino Pretzel Rings Sesame Gluten Free 12/8 oz 135095 67852304016 Glutino Glutino Cookies Dream Vanilla Creme Gluten Free 12/10.6 oz 202783 67852307031 Glutino Glutino Cookies Chocolate Vanilla Creme Gluten Free 12/10.6 oz 202784 67852307033 Glutino Glutino Pretzels Yogurt Covered Gluten Free 12/5.5 oz 203108 67852304025 Glutino Glutino Pretzels Chocolate Covered Gluten Free 12/5.5 oz 203109 67852304023 Glutino Glutino Cracker Vegetable Gluten Free 6/4.4 oz 205107 67852303848 Glutino Glutino Wafers Chocolate Coated Gluten Free 12/4.6 oz 205108 67852301040 Glutino Glutino Breakfast Strawberry Bar Gluten Free 12/7.1 oz 205109 67852303081 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Glutino Glutino Can Crackers Table 12/7 oz 214024 67852303852 Glutino Glutino Ita Crackers Snack Sea Salt Gluten Free 6/4.25 oz 220015 67852303859 Glutino Glutino Chips Pretzel Gluten Free Natural 6/6 oz 222654 67852304027 Glutino Glutino Bread Mix Sandwich Favorite Gluten Free Natural 6/20.1 oz 224602 73788096013 Glutino Glutino Crust Mix Pizza Gluten Free Natural 6/20.1 oz 224603 73788096033 Glutino Glutino Pasta Penne Natural Gluten Free 12/8 oz 226089 67852303805 Glutino Glutino Pancake Baking Mix Instant Natural 6/6.7 oz 226534 73788096161 Go Max Go Go Max Go Foods Llc Candy Jokerz Bar Natural 12/2.1 oz 225571 89903300200 Go Max Go Go Max Go Foods Llc Peanut Butter Cups Cleos Natural Gluten Free 12/1.5 oz 225572 89903300204 Go Max Go Go Max Go Foods Llc Candy Twilight Bar Natural Gluten Free 12/2.1 oz 225573 89903300201 Go Max Go Go Max Go Foods Llc Candy Thumbs Up Bar Natural Gluten Free 12/1.3 oz 225574 89903300206 Go Max Go Go Max Go Foods Llc Candy Mahalo Bar Natural Gluten Free 12/2 oz 225575 89903300203 Go Max Go Go Max Go Foods Llc Candy Buccaneer Bar Natural Gluten Free 12/2 oz 225576 89903300202 Go Max Go Go Max Go Foods Llc Candy Snap Bar Natural Gluten Free 12/1.75 oz 225577 89903300205 Go Raw Freeland Foods Inc Truffle Live Chocolate Mint Organic Gluten Free 12/1.8 oz 206936 85988800057 Go Raw Freeland Foods Inc Flaxsnax Sunflower Organic Gluten Free 12/3 oz 206937 85988800039 Go Raw Freeland Foods Inc Truffle Live Chocolate Original Organic Gluten Free 12/1.8 oz 206938 85988800051 Go Raw Freeland Foods Inc Cookies Chocolate Super Organic Gluten Free 12/3 oz 206939 85988800035 Go Raw Freeland Foods Inc Bar Banana Bread Flax Organic Gluten Free 10/.423 oz 206940 85988800015 Go Raw Freeland Foods Inc Seed Sprout Sunflower Organic Gluten Free 6/16 oz 206941 85988800009 Go Raw Freeland Foods Inc Granola Chocolate Organic Gluten Free 6/16 oz 206942 85988800062 Go Raw Freeland Foods Inc Cookies Coconut Original Super Organic Gluten Free 12/3 oz 206943 85988800033 Go Raw Freeland Foods Inc Bar Live Granola Organic Gluten Free 10/.493 oz 206944 85988800016 Go Raw Freeland Foods Inc Bar Energy Spirulina Organic Gluten Free 10/.493 oz 206945 85988800010 Go Raw Freeland Foods Inc Seed Sprout Pumpkin W Sea Salt Organic Gluten Free 6/16 oz 206946 85988800012 Go Raw Freeland Foods Inc Cereal Live Granola Organic Gluten Free 6/16 oz 206947 85988800008 Go Raw Freeland Foods Inc Seed Mix Spicy Organic Gluten Free 6/16 oz 206948 85988800040 Go Raw Freeland Foods Inc Bar Live Pumpkin Organic Gluten Free 10/.458 oz 206949 85988800013 Go Raw Freeland Foods Inc Flaxsnax Pizza Organic Gluten Free 12/3 oz 206950 85988800037 Go Raw Freeland Foods Inc Granola Apple Cinnamon Organic Gluten Free 6/16 oz 206951 85988800060 Go Raw Freeland Foods Inc Cookies Carrot Cake Super Organic Gluten Free 12/3 oz 206952 85988800029 Go Raw Freeland Foods Inc Chips Pumpkin Super Organic Gluten Free 12/3 oz 206953 85988800032 Go Raw Freeland Foods Inc Truffle Live Chocolate Orange Organic Gluten Free 12/1.8 oz 206954 85988800058 Go Raw Freeland Foods Inc Chips Spirulina Super Organic Gluten Free 12/3 oz 206955 85988800031 Go Raw Freeland Foods Inc Cookies Masala Chai Super Organic Gluten Free 12/3 oz 206956 85988800028 Go Raw Freeland Foods Inc Flaxsnax Spicy Organic Gluten Free 12/3 oz 206957 85988800036 Go Raw Freeland Foods Inc Bar Real Live Flax Organic Gluten Free 10/.423 oz 206958 85988800014 Go Raw Freeland Foods Inc Cookies Lemon Super Organic Gluten Free 12/3 oz 206959 85988800027 Go Raw Freeland Foods Inc Cookies Ginger Snap Super Organic Gluten Free 12/3 oz 206960 85988800034 Golazo Golazo Energy Sports Jamaica Sf Natural 24/12 oz 222324 85947200220 Gold Pure Gold Pure Sauce Horseradish Squeeze Pd 12/10 oz 17860 4174000018 Gold Pure Gold Pure Sauce Wasabi Squeeze Pd 12/10 oz 17861 4174000021 Gold Pure Gold Pure Borscht Pd 6/24 oz 17863 4174000080 Gold Pure Gold Pure Sauce Sweet Sour Duck Pd 12/40 oz 17872 4174000115 Gold Pure Gold Pure Sauce Duck Hot Spicy Pd 12/40 oz 17873 4174000116 Gold Pure Gold Pure Mustard Honey Squeeze 12/10 oz 17883 4174000426 Gold Pure Gold Pure Mustard With Horseradish Squeeze 12/10 oz 17885 4174000451 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 113 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 114 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Gold Pure Gold Pure Mustard Nathan’s Deli Squeeze 12/12 oz 17889 4174099422 Golden Old Fashioned Kitchens Blintz Potato 12/13 oz 17593 4164110102 Golden Old Fashioned Kitchens Blintz Blueberry 12/13 oz 17594 4164110103 Golden Old Fashioned Kitchens Blintz Cherry 12/13 oz 17595 4164110104 Golden Old Fashioned Kitchens Blintz Apple Raisin 12/13 oz 17596 4164110106 Golden Old Fashioned Kitchens Pancakes Potato Zucchini 12/10.6 oz 17601 4164120107 Golden Old Fashioned Kitchens Pancakes Spinach 12/10.6 oz 17603 4164120110 Golden Old Fashioned Kitchens Blintz Cheese 12/13 oz 119021 4164110101 Golden Old Fashioned Kitchens Pancakes Potato 12/10.6 oz 130803 4164120103 Golden Old Fashioned Kitchens Pierogie Potato Onion 12/16 oz 130804 4164130102 Golden Old Fashioned Kitchens Pierogie Potato Cheese 12/16 oz 130805 4164130121 Golden Fluff Golden Fluff Inc Snack Stix Potato BBQ 60/.875 oz 134083 3004753301 Golden Fluff Golden Fluff Inc Snack Stix Potato Onion Garlic 60/.875 oz 134084 3004753401 Golden Fluff Golden Fluff Inc Snack Stix Potato Hot 60/.875 oz 134085 3004753501 Golden Fluff Paskesz Candy Company Popcorn Small Light 48/.625 oz 203612 3004730005 Golden Fluff Paskesz Candy Company Popcorn Small 48/.75 oz 203613 3004730001 Golden Island Golden Island Jerky Company Inc Jerky Pork BBQ Grilled Natural 8/3 oz 234051 1008255005 Golden Island Golden Island Jerky Company Inc Jerky Beef Kung Pao Natural 8/3 oz 234052 1008255002 Golden Island Golden Island Jerky Company Inc Jerky Pork BBQ Korean Natural 8/3 oz 234053 1008255004 Golden Pheasant Passport Food Group Llc Cookie Fortune Individual Wrap 8/50 ea 71081 79948001040 Golden Star Golden Star Trading Co Rice Jasmine 6/5 lb 49287 8596800100 Golden Star Golden Star Trading Co Rice Jasmine 4/10 lb 49288 8596800110 Golden Star Golden Star Trading Co Rice Jasmine 12/2 lb 49289 8596800120 Golden Star Golden Star Trading Co Noodles Maifun Rice 8/6 oz 92884 8596800910 Golden Star Golden Star Trading Co Noodles Saifun Mung Bean 8/6 oz 92885 8596800955 Golden Star Golden Star Trading Co Jasmine Brown Rice Prime Grade 12/28 oz 206737 8596800195 Golden Star Golden Star Trading Co Tha Rice Jasmine Pour Pouch Natural 12/2 lb 217292 8596880120 Golden Star Golden Star Trading Co Tha Rice Jasmine Bl/Pr Microwave 2Pack Natural 6/360 gm 232637 8596870192 Golden Star Golden Star Trading Co Tha Rice Jasmine Microwave 2Pack Natural 6/360 gm 232638 8596870162 Golden Star Golden Star Trading Co Tha Rice Fried Jasmine Microwave 2Pack Natural 6/360 gm 232639 8596870182 Golden Star Golden Star Trading Co Tha Rice Jasmine Brown Microwave 2Pack Natural 6/360 gm 232640 8596870172 Golden Temple Attune Foods Granola Super Nutty 1/25 lb 42380 7507041520 Golden Temple Attune Foods Granola Vanilla Simply No Nuts 1/25 lb 233768 7507010504 Golden Tiger Golden Tiger Eggs Roll Pork 60/3 oz 43801 7636656122 Goldenfry Lbb Imports Llc Pudding Mix Yorkshire 6/5 oz 88155 81371501006 Golive Mass Probiotics Supplement Probiotic/Prebiotic Flavorless 15/.23 oz 228054 89507000215 Golive Mass Probiotics Probiotic Prebiotic Citrus 10 Count 6/3.4 oz 230885 89507000205 Golive Mass Probiotics Probiotic Prebiotic Orange 10 Count 6/3.4 oz 230886 89507000207 Golive Mass Probiotics Probiotic Prebiotic Berry 10 Count 6/3.4 oz 230887 89507000206 Gomacro Gomacro Llc Cashew Butter Bar Organic Natural 12/2 oz 229621 18194500012 Gomacro Gomacro Llc Granola Coconut Bar Organic Natural 12/2 oz 229622 18194500008 Gomacro Gomacro Llc Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Bar Gluten Free Organic Natural 12/2.5 oz 229623 18194500006 Gonnella Gonnella Frozen Products Bread Dough French Italian 21/19 oz 45988 7829611639 Goo Gone Weiman Products Llc Citrus Power 12/8 oz 213686 7004877112 Good Belly Next Foods Llc Drink Blueberry Acai Natural Organic 6/32 oz 205225 89177000212 Good Belly Next Foods Llc Drink Probiotic Fruit Mango Organic 6/32 oz 211394 89177000205 Good Belly Next Foods Llc Water Coconut Organic 6/32 oz 211395 89177000244 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Good Belly Next Foods Llc Drink Probiotic Fruit Tropical Green Organic 6/32 oz 211396 89177000243 Good Earth Good Earth Teas Tea Bag Green Super 6/18 ea 7819 2701809924 Good Earth Good Earth Teas Tea Bag Original Blend 6/18 ea 7842 2701830134 Good Earth Good Earth Teas Tea Bag Original Caffeine Free 6/18 ea 7843 2701830135 Good Earth Good Earth Teas Tea Bag Green Blend Decaf 6/18 ea 7854 2701830257 Good Earth Good Earth Teas Tea Bag Chai Vanilla 6/18 ea 7865 2701830304 Good Earth Good Earth Teas Tea Bag Pomegranate Superfruit 6/18 ea 114072 2701809927 Good Good Eat Wismettac Asian Foods Tpe Ramen Wheat Cracker Mexican Spicy 15/2.75 oz 210948 7441072793 Good Good Eat Wismettac Asian Foods Tpe Ramen Wheat Cracker Original 15/4.23 oz 210951 7441072794 Good Health Good Health Veggie Stix 10/6.75 oz 216408 75535500511 Goodmans The Manischewitz Co Soup Mix Onion Low Sodium 24/2.75 oz 42463 7513100470 Goodmans The Manischewitz Co Soup Mix Noodleman 24/4 oz 86647 7513101430 Goodmans The Manischewitz Co Soup And Dip Mix Onion Box Pd 24/2.75 oz 86652 7513105017 Gordons Chincoteague Seafood Co Inc Juice Clam Chesapeake Classic 12/14 oz 213400 2824486313 Gorilla The Gorilla Glue Company Tape Roll 35 Yards 10/1 ea 214504 5242760035 Gorilla The Gorilla Glue Company Tape Roll Handy 1 Inch 6/1 ea 214505 5242761001 Gorilla The Gorilla Glue Company Glue 10/2 oz 214506 5242750002 Gourmand Paris Gourmet Truffle Black Peelings 12/7 oz 73382 83777500308 Gourmet Gourmet Ger Gruyere Process Pc 1/8 lb 207859 7221042265 Gourmet Boutique Gourmet Boutique Meatloaf Mini Traditional 2/5 ea 60629 70612900381 Gourmet Boutique Gourmet Boutique Chicken Breaded Cutlets Pc 2/10 ea 60653 70612903070 Gourmet Boutique Gourmet Boutique Eggplant Rollantini 2/4 lb 60656 70612903078 Gourmet Boutique Gourmet Boutique Chicken Breast Grilled 32/4 oz 219783 70612900134 Gourmet Boutique Gourmet Boutique Chicken Lemon Grilled 32/4 oz 222757 70612900182 Gourmet House Riviana Rice Arborio Poly 12/12 oz 3657 1740010650 Gourmet House Riviana Rice White Long Grain Natural 12/14 oz 211210 1740010653 Gourmet House Riviana Rice Brown Whole Grain Natural 12/14 oz 211231 1740010654 Gourmet Natural Gourmet Natural Sauce Tartar Ultimate 6/9 oz 213037 3121527741 Goya Goya Rice Mix Yellow 12/8 oz 16247 4133102662 Goya Goya Rice Mexican Mix 12/8 oz 16248 4133102663 Goya Goya Rice And Black Beans Mix 12/8 oz 16250 4133102665 Goya Goya Rice And Red Beans Mix 12/8 oz 16251 4133102666 Goya Goya Rice Mix Spanish 12/8 oz 16253 4133102675 Goya Goya Seasoning Adobo W/Pepper 12/8 oz 16324 4133103828 Goya Goya Beans Red Kidney 12/15.5 oz 16446 4133112402 Goya Goya Peas Chick 12/15.5 oz 16453 4133112422 Goya Goya Beans Pinto 12/15.5 oz 16456 4133112437 Goya Goya Beans Black 12/15.5 oz 16461 4133112466 Goya Goya Sofrito 12/12 oz 118955 4133102146 Goya Goya Milk Coconut 12/13.5 oz 118956 4133102164 Goya Goya Sazon Cilantro Y Achiote 12/1.41 oz 118961 4133103782 Goya Goya Foods Of California Beans Small Red 12/29 oz 16195 4133102417 Goya Goya Foods Of California Beans Chick Peas 12/29 oz 16196 4133102419 Goya Goya Foods Of California Beans Pinto 12/29 oz 16197 4133102442 Goya Goya Foods Of California Beans Black 12/29 oz 16198 4133102465 Goya Goya Foods Of California Rice Canilla Extra Long Grain 12/5 lb 16240 4133102635 Goya Goya Foods Of California Water Coconut 24/11.8 fo 16272 4133102785 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 115 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 116 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Goya Goya Foods Of California Peppers Chipotle In Adobo Sauce 12/7 oz 16281 4133102874 Goya Goya Foods Of California Salsa Verde 12/17.6 oz 16287 4133102889 Goya Goya Foods Of California Mojo Criollo 12/24 fo 16296 4133103060 Goya Goya Foods Of California Malta 4006 6Pack 7oz 4/42 fo 16354 4133104006 Goya Goya Foods Of California Crackers Maria 24/7 oz 16360 4133104943 Goya Goya Foods Of California Beans Cannellini 24/15.5 oz 16458 4133112446 Goya Goya Foods Of California Soup Black Bean 24/15 oz 85795 4133102067 Goya Goya Foods Of California Sazon Azafran 36/1.41 oz 85807 4133103784 Goya Goya Foods Of California Peas Green Pigeon 24/15 oz 85811 4133112001 Goya Goya Foods Of California Beans Red Kidney 24/15.5 oz 85812 4133112402 Goya Goya Foods Of California Beans Pinto 24/15.5 oz 85816 4133112437 Goya Goya Foods Of California Sazonador Total 12/11 oz 116276 4133103884 Goya Goya Foods Of California Rice Jasmine 8/5 lb 201641 4133102620 Goya Goya Foods Of California Water Coconut 24/17.6 oz 201645 4133102787 Goya Goya Foods Of California Salsa Taquera 12/17.6 oz 201660 4133102890 Goya Goya Foods Of California Beans Pinto Refried Pouch 12/15 oz 227292 4133102976 Goya Goya Foods Of California Chickpeas Low Sodium 24/15.5 oz 227293 4133112333 Goya Goya Foods Of California Beans Black Low Sodium 24/15.5 oz 227294 4133112332 Goya Goya Foods Of California Dom Mojo Ceviche 12/24.5 oz 227295 4133103091 Grab Green Maddiebrit Products, Llc Bleach Alternative 24 Loads 6/15.2 oz 115389 89969600204 Grab Green Maddiebrit Products, Llc Detergent Auto Dish Tan Lemon 24L 6/15.2 oz 115391 89969600209 Grab Green Maddiebrit Products, Llc Detergent Auto Dish Fragrance Free 24L 6/15.2 oz 115392 89969600266 Grab Green Maddiebrit Products, Llc Detergent Laundry Lavender 24 Liter 6/15.2 oz 150709 89969600220 Grafton Grafton Village Cheese Cheddar Smoked 2/5 lb 51826 9439591053 Grafton Grafton Village Cheese Cheddar 1Year Block 1/10 lb 51827 9439591101 Gran Moravia The Ambriola Company Inc Cze Parmesan Exact Weight Wedge Natural 12/7 oz 230908 4179322207 Grand Cru Emmi Roth USA Gruyere Grand Cru 1/18 lb 84729 73654702402 Grand Cru Emmi Roth USA Swiss Petit Grand Cru 1/12 lb 84730 73654702526 Grand Valley Atlantica Emc Sl Esp Manchego 3 Month 2/6.6 lb 32443 7221077783 Grand Valley Atlantica Emc Sl Esp Manchego 6 Month 2/6.6 lb 32446 7221077788 Grandmas Grandmas Molasses Unsulphered 4/1 ga 2885 1480071942 Grandpa Grandpa Brands Company Soap Pine Tar Medium Natural 25/3.25 oz 85009 1048600700 Grandpas Grandpa Brands Company Soap Oatmeal Bar Natural 24/3.25 oz 235595 1048600707 Grants British Wholesale Imports Curd Lemon 6/12 oz 111566 63779301691 Grapeola Grapeola Oil Grape Seed Natural 6/1 lt 120263 74504207016 Grassi Arthur Schuman Inc Ita Grana Padano Wheel 1/75 lb 68003 76181801055 Grassi Arthur Schuman Inc Ita Parm Reggiano 2Year Wheel 1/80 lb 68005 76181801057 Grassi Grassi Ita Parmesan Grana Pc 1/8 lb 35146 7221083891 Grassi Grassi Ita Parmigiano Reggiano Pc 1/8 lb 67944 76181800439 Grassi Grassi Ita Grana Padano 1/8 Wheel 1/9 lb 68002 76181801054 Grassi Grassi Ita Parmesan Reggiano Pc XL 1/20 lb 78849 7221085966 Graziers Sierra Nevada Cheese Cheddar Sharp Raw Milk 12/8 oz 220042 68765216507 Graziers Sierra Nevada Cheese Monterey Jack Raw Milk 12/8 oz 220043 68765216400 Graziers Sierra Nevada Cheese Jalapeno Jack Raw Milk 12/8 oz 220044 68765216403 Graziers Sierra Nevada Cheese Cheddar Medium Raw Milk 12/8 oz 220045 68765216506 Graziers Sierra Nevada Cheese Cheddar White Medium Raw Milk 2/5 lb 224283 7221042903 Graziers Sierra Nevada Cheese Monterey Jack Raw Milk 2/5 lb 224284 7221042901 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Graziers Sierra Nevada Cheese Cheddar White Sharp Raw Milk 2/5 lb 224285 7221042904 Graziers Sierra Nevada Cheese Butter Unsalted Euro Style Vat Cultured 12/8 oz 224634 68765216905 Graziers Sierra Nevada Cheese Butter Salted Euro Style Vat Cultured 12/8 oz 224635 68765216900 Graziers Sierra Nevada Cheese Sour Cream Fraiche Cultured Organic Natural 12/8 oz 224795 68765217800 Graziers Sierra Nevada Cheese Yogurt Vanilla Non Homogenized Wm 12/6 oz 231103 68765260061 Graziers Sierra Nevada Cheese Yogurt Blueberry Non Homogenized Wm 12/6 oz 231104 68765260062 Graziers Sierra Nevada Cheese Yogurt Plain Non Homogenized Wm 12/6 oz 231105 68765260060 Graziers Sierra Nevada Cheese Yogurt Strawberry Non Homogenized Wm 12/6 oz 231106 68765260063 Great Midwest Saputo Cheese USA Monterey Jack Habanero Round 12/8 oz 61780 71156544110 Great Midwest Saputo Cheese USA Monterey Jack Morel Leek Round 12/8 oz 61781 71156544115 Great Midwest Saputo Cheese USA Monterey Jack Jalapeno 12/8 oz 61783 71156544130 Great Midwest Saputo Cheese USA Monterey Jack Salsa Round 12/8 oz 61785 71156544150 Great Midwest Saputo Cheese USA Cheddar Blueberry Bar Rbst Free 12/7 oz 207650 71156501139 Great Midwest Saputo Cheese USA Cheddar Cranberry Bar Rbst Free 12/7 oz 207651 71156501141 Great Midwest Saputo Cheese USA Cheddar Chipotle Bar Rbst Free 12/7 oz 207654 71156501136 Great Midwest Saputo Cheese USA Cheddar Horseradish Bar Rbst Free 12/7 oz 207655 71156501134 Great Midwest Saputo Cheese USA Cheddar Garlic Dill Bar Rbst Free 12/7 oz 207656 71156501135 Great Midwest Saputo Cheese USA Cheddar Mango Fire Bar Rbst Free 12/7 oz 207657 71156501138 Great Midwest Saputo Cheese USA Cheddar Hatch Chile Pepper Rbst Free 12/7 oz 232052 71156582082 Great Ocean Rd Jana Foods Aus Cheddar 2 Year 12/8 oz 212061 67258311228 Greek Isle Saputo Cheese USA Gre Feta Pc 12/7 oz 83367 7027262571 Greek Isle Saputo Cheese USA Gre Feta Barrel Aged Pc 12/7 oz 83368 7027262572 Green Card Salsa Green Card Salsa Llc Salsa Hot Mexico 12/16 oz 231702 66179903694 Green Card Salsa Green Card Salsa Llc Salsa Verde Tomatillo Natural 12/16 oz 231703 66179903691 Green Card Salsa Green Card Salsa Llc Salsa Medium Mexi-Can Natural 12/16 oz 231704 66179903693 Green Card Salsa Green Card Salsa Llc Salsa Pina Pineapple Natural 12/16 oz 231705 66179903690 Green River Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda The Original Caffeine Free 24/12 oz 221056 74674200100 Greens Quality Frozen Foods Inc Rugalech Cinnamon 20/14 oz 215876 2844800310 Greens Home Style Quality Frozen Foods Inc Babka Cinnamon 12/24 oz 214386 2844800210 Greens Home Style Quality Frozen Foods Inc Babka Chocolate 12/24 oz 214387 2844800200 Greens Home Style Quality Frozen Foods Inc Rugelach Chocolate 20/14 oz 214388 2844800300 Greens Home Style Quality Frozen Foods Inc Cookies Rainbow 16/11 oz 214389 2844800339 Greens Home Style Quality Frozen Foods Inc Cookies Black/White Mini 16/11 oz 214390 2844800425 Grey Poupon Grey Poupon Mustard Dijon 6/48 oz 23043 5440000038 Grey Poupon Grey Poupon Mustard Dijon Pc 200/.25 oz 23049 5440001131 Grey Poupon Grey Poupon Mustard Dijon Natural 12/8 oz 225182 5440000024 Grill Shaker Spice Hunter Inc Seasoning Poultry 6/4.4 oz 47838 8105702188 Gsk Georgias Southern Kitchen Sauce BBQ Spicy Gluten Free 6/16.5 oz 230851 86561200011 Gsk Georgias Southern Kitchen Sauce BBQ Sweet Honey Gluten Free 6/16.5 oz 230852 86561200010 Gsk Georgias Southern Kitchen Sauce BBQ Hot Gluten Free 6/16.5 oz 230853 86561200012 Guayaki Yerba Guayaki S R P Inc Shot Energy Lime Tangeline Organic 12/2 oz 101316 63243281130 Guayaki Yerba Guayaki S R P Inc Bra Tea Loose San Mateo Blend 6/1 lb 131223 63243296304 Guayaki Yerba Guayaki S R P Inc Tea Bag Traditional Mate Eco 75C 6/7.93 oz 131224 63243296402 Guayaki Yerba Guayaki S R P Inc Shot Energy Chocolate Raspberry Original 12/2 oz 134286 63243281110 Gud Clorox Sales Company Wash Body Red Ruby Groovy Natural 3/10 oz 219089 79285060145 Gud Clorox Sales Company Wash Body Mango Moonbreeze Natural 3/10 oz 224469 79285060022 Guittard Guittard Chocolate Company Chips Maxi Chocolate Milk 12/11.5 oz 231633 7181802950 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 117 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 118 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Guittard Guittard Chocolate Company Chips Chocolate Semi Sweet 12/12 oz 231634 7181802100 Gundelsheim World Finer Foods Pickles Barrel 6/35.9 oz 45960 7819204056 Gundelsheim World Finer Foods Pickles Garlic Barrel 6/35.9 oz 45966 7819204883 Gundelsheim World Finer Foods Sauerkraut Barrel 6/28 oz 45967 7819205055 Gus Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Blackberry Dry Natural 24/12 oz 234741 89076300021 Gustosella Fresca Italia Inc Ita Mozzarella Di Bufala 16/125 gm 209945 80262511012 Gypsy Crunch Gypsy Crunch Llc Cereal Granola Juliets Pecan Can Gluten Free 6/14 oz 225981 85193000503 Gypsy Crunch Gypsy Crunch Llc Cereal Granola Zachary Brazil Bomb Gluten Free 6/14 oz 225982 85193000501 Gypsy Crunch Gypsy Crunch Llc Cereal Granola Emmas Bada Bing Gluten Free 6/14 oz 225983 85193000500 Gypsy Crunch Gypsy Crunch Llc Cereal Granola Daniels Mod Macs Gluten Free 6/14 oz 225984 85193000502 Hagerty Hagerty Polish Silver Pd 12/8 fo 1133 1113010080 Hagerty Hagerty Foam Sliver Pd 12/8 fo 1134 1113011070 Hagerty Hagerty Silver Foam 6/18 oz 1135 1113011170 Hagerty Hagerty Wash Silversmith 6/18 oz 1137 1113012170 Hagerty Hagerty Wipes Sliver Pd 12/1 ea 1141 1113015740 Hagerty Hagerty Cleaner Jewelry Pd 12/7 oz 1142 1113016007 Hagerty Hagerty Wash Silver 12/8 oz 203332 1113012070 Hagerty Hagerty Glove Silver Pr 6/1 ea 203334 1113015010 Hain Hain Salt Sea Plain 12/26 oz 6130 2325466751 Hain The Hain Celestial Group Inc Sugar Powdered Organic 12/16 oz 210924 2325466518 Haks Chef Hak Inc Sauce Habanero Pineapple BBQ Natural 6/15.5 oz 230596 86117000003 Haks Chef Hak Inc Sauce Chipotle Bourbon BBQ Natural 6/15.5 oz 230597 86117000000 Haks Chef Hak Inc Sauce Maple Mustard Smoked BBQ Natural 6/15.5 oz 230598 86117000005 Haks Chef Hak Inc Sauce Thai Chile Tamarind BBQ Natural 6/15.5 oz 230599 86117000002 Halfpops Halfpops Inc Popcorn Butter With Ocean Sea Salt 6 Oz 12/6 oz 222539 85009100300 Halfpops Halfpops Inc Popcorn Chipotle BBQ 12/6 oz 229239 85009100320 Halfpops Halfpops Inc Popcorn Caramel And Sea Salt 12/6 oz 229240 85009100313 Halutza Halutza Olives Green Pitted Pd 12/18 oz 74879 85480000031 Halutza Halutza Olives Green Sliced Pd 12/18 oz 74880 85480000032 Halutza Halutza Oil Olive Premium Pd 6/500 ml 75462 85848000001 Halutza Halutza Oil Olive Organic Pd 6/17 oz 75464 85848000042 Handee Somerdale International Limited Cheese Wire 18In 45cm 12/1 ea 31732 7221073455 Handee Somerdale International Limited Cheese Cutter Plastic 1/1 ea 32026 7221075030 Handee Somerdale International Limited Cheese Wire 24In 60cm 12/1 ea 34533 7221082986 Handee Somerdale International Limited Cheese Wire W Handle 36In 2/1 ea 34534 7221082987 Handee Somerdale International Limited Cheese Wire 36In 90cm 12/1 ea 35469 7221084341 Handee Somerdale International Limited Replacement Spring Hand Cheese Wire 1/2 ea 112597 7221087072 Hannahmax Hannahmax Cookie Chips Original Natural 15/6 oz 218376 83365700270 Hannahmax Hannahmax Cookie Chips Chocolate Natural 15/6 oz 218377 83365700272 Hannahmax Hannahmax Cookie Chips Cinnamon Sugar Natural 15/6 oz 218378 83365700271 Hannahmax Hannahmax Cookie Chips Sea Salt Peanut Butter Natural 15/6 oz 218379 83365700273 Hans Freitag Carl Brandt Inc Cookies Desiree Assorted 10/14 oz 10765 3309200400 Hans Freitag Carl Brandt Inc Cookies Noblesse Assorted 10/14 oz 10766 3309200410 Hans Freitag Carl Brandt Inc Cookie Noblesse Noir 10/10.6 oz 202875 3309200070 Hans Freitag Carl Brandt Inc Ger Cookies Butter Collection 10/10.6 oz 229211 3309200178 Hansen’s Monster Energy Company Soda Creamy Root Beer 4/72 fo 27920 7084787645 Hansen’s Monster Energy Company Soda Kiwi Strawberry 6/12 Oz 4/72 oz 205012 7084787650 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR DESCRIPTION 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Hansen’s Monster Energy Company Soda Tangerine Lime Diet 6/12 Oz 4/72 oz 205013 7084787603 Hansen’s Monster Energy Company Soda Mandarin Lime 6/12 Oz 4/72 oz 232657 7084787643 Hansen’s Monster Energy Company Soda Cherry Vanilla Cream 6/12 Oz 4/72 oz 232658 7084787648 Hansen’s Monster Energy Company Soda Pomegranate 6/12 Oz 4/72 oz 232659 7084787658 Hansen’s Monster Energy Company Soda Grapefruit 6/12 Oz 4/72 oz 232660 7084787641 Hansen’s Monster Energy Company Juice Orange 100 Percent 8/64 oz 232873 7084700595 Haolam World Cheese Co., Inc. Mozzarella Shredded Pd 12/8 oz 7566 2663800264 Haolam World Cheese Co., Inc. Muenster Sliced Pd 12/6 oz 7580 2663820011 Haolam World Cheese Co., Inc. Edam Sliced Pd 12/6 oz 7581 2663820012 Haolam World Cheese Co., Inc. Gouda Baby Pd 12/7 oz 7583 2663820022 Haolam World Cheese Co., Inc. Mozzarella Baby Chlv Yisrl Pd 12/8 oz 7584 2663820024 Haolam World Cheese Co., Inc. Cheddar Colored Sticks Pd 12/8 oz 7586 2663820031 Haolam World Cheese Co., Inc. Cheddar White Sticks Pd 12/8 oz 7587 2663820931 Haolam World Cheese Co., Inc. American White Iw Sliced Pd 12/12 oz 7588 2663821200 Haolam World Cheese Co., Inc. American Yellow Iw Sliced Pd 12/12 oz 7589 2663821250 Haolam World Cheese Co., Inc. Provolone Sliced Cholov 12/6 oz 7591 2663822500 Haolam World Cheese Co., Inc. Muenster Lite Sliced Cholov Pd 12/6 oz 7592 2663822710 Haolam World Cheese Co., Inc. Monterey Jack Reduced Fat Sliced Pd 12/6 oz 7593 2663822740 Haolam World Cheese Co., Inc. American White Sliced Pd 8/3 lb 7595 2663825110 Haolam World Cheese Co., Inc. American Yellow Sliced Pd 8/3 lb 7596 2663825120 Haolam World Cheese Co., Inc. Cheddar Shredded Pd 12/8 oz 7599 2663826200 Haolam World Cheese Co., Inc. Pizza Cheese Shredded Chlv Yis Pd 12/8 oz 7600 2663826300 Haolam World Cheese Co., Inc. Cheddar Mozzarella Fancy Shred Pd 12/8 oz 7601 2663826500 Haolam World Cheese Co., Inc. String Cheese Pd 12/6 oz 7602 2663826970 Haolam World Cheese Co., Inc. Parmesan Grated 12/3.5 oz 7603 2663826990 Haolam World Cheese Co., Inc. Parmesan Shredded Bag Pd 12/4 oz 46547 7881236350 Haolam World Cheese Co., Inc. Cheese Smoked Sliced 12/5 oz 212912 2663820013 Haolam World Cheese Co., Inc. Monterey Jack Baby 12/8 oz 212913 2663820025 Haolam World Cheese Co., Inc. Havarti Sliced 12/6 oz 212914 2663822400 Haolam World Cheese Co., Inc. Swiss Slice 12/6 oz 216201 2663828020 Haolam World Cheese Co., Inc. Parmesan Grated 4/5 lb 218194 2663826991 Haolam World Cheese Co., Inc. Muenster White Pd 4/5 lb 219493 2663825492 Haolam World Cheese Co., Inc. Mozzarella Shredded Pd 4/5 lb 219494 2663826410 Haolam World Cheese Co., Inc. Cheddar Colored Pd 4/5 lb 219495 7221042720 Haolam World Cheese Co., Inc. Cheddar Shredded Pd 4/5 lb 219496 2663825620 Haolam World Cheese Co., Inc. Cheddar White Pd 4/5 lb 219497 7221042721 Haolam World Cheese Co., Inc. Mozzarella Pd 4/5 lb 219498 2663825460 Hapi Jfc International Cracker Rice Chili Bits 12/3 oz 1155 1115201057 Hapi Jfc International Crackers Rice Crazy Mix 12/3 oz 1178 1115202780 Hapi Jfc International Cracker Rice Assorted Can 12/6 oz 1384 1115285168 Hapi Jfc International Peas Green Wasabi Hot Can 12/9.9 oz 1385 1115285171 Hapi Jfc International Tha Peas Green Sriracha 12/9.9 oz 91064 1115214595 Hapi Jfc International Peas Nori Maki 12/3 oz 210273 1115214875 Hapi Wismettac Asian Foods Yakinori Roasted Seaweed 12/10 ea 64614 73540700102 Hapi Wismettac Asian Foods Sushihane Nori 12/.75 oz 64615 73540700103 Hapi Wismettac Asian Foods Ajituke Teyaki Nori 12/.8 oz 64616 73540700401 Happybaby Happybaby Baby Food Gobble Gobble 8/4 oz 230400 85269700142 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Pd 119 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 120 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Happybaby Happybaby Baby Food Apple Spinach Kale Stage 2 8/3.5 oz 230402 81957301069 Happybaby Happybaby Baby Food Broccoli Pears Peas Stage 2 8/4 oz 233994 85269700140 Happycreamies Happycreamies Baby Food Apple Spinach Pea Kiwi 8/1 oz 230337 85382600358 Happycreamies Happycreamies Baby Food Strawberry Raspberry Carrot 8/1 oz 230340 85382600357 Happypuffs Happypuffs Baby Food Purple Carrot Blueberry 6/2.1 oz 230338 81957301024 Happytot Happytot Baby Food Blueberry Pear Beet Stage 4 8/4.22 oz 230401 81957301027 Haribo Paskesz Candy Company Candy Gummi Peaches 24/5.29 oz 18196 4223883072 Haribo Paskesz Candy Company Candy Gummi Cola Bottle 24/5.29 oz 18197 4223883232 Haribo Paskesz Candy Company Candy Gummi Alpha Letters 24/5.29 oz 18199 4223883691 Haribo Paskesz Candy Company Candy Gummi Bears 24/5.29 oz 201402 4223883021 Haribo Paskesz Candy Company Candy Gummi Fish 24/5.29 oz 203596 4223883551 Haribo Paskesz Candy Company Candy Gummi Frogs 24/5.29 oz 203598 4223883265 Haribo Paskesz Candy Company Candy Gummi Twin Cherries 24/5.29 oz 203604 4223883098 Haribo Paskesz Candy Company Esp Gummi Grapefruit Slices 24/5.29 oz 213943 4223883816 Harmless Harvest Harmless Harvest Tha Coconut Water 100% Raw 8oz 12/8 fo 222352 85907800209 Harmless Harvest Harmless Harvest Tha Water Coconut 100% Raw 16oz 12/16 fo 222761 85907800215 Harmless Harvest Harmless Harvest Tha Water Coconut Raw Fair Trade Coffee 8oz 12/8 oz 232092 85907800240 Harmless Harvest Harmless Harvest Tha Water Coconut Raw Fair Trade Coffee 16oz 12/16 oz 232095 85907800238 Harrell Brother Harrell Brother Sauce BBQ Spicy Gluten Free 6/13.5 oz 211262 71568710018 Harrell Brother Harrell Brother Sauce BBQ Mild Gluten Free 6/13.5 oz 211263 71568710019 Harry’s Fresh Harry’s Fresh Foods Entree Macaroni Cheese All American 1/8 lb 3937 1805318084 Harry’s Fresh Harry’s Fresh Foods Entree Spaghetti And Meatballs 2/4 lb 3940 1805318108 Harry’s Fresh Harry’s Fresh Foods Sauce Marinara 2/4 lb 3942 1805318122 Harry’s Fresh Harry’s Fresh Foods Sauce Enchilada 2/4 lb 3943 1805318128 Harry’s Fresh Harry’s Fresh Foods Pudding Tapioca 2/4 lb 3944 1805318139 Harry’s Fresh Harry’s Fresh Foods Entree Jambalaya 2/4 lb 3946 1805318245 Harry’s Fresh Harry’s Fresh Foods Entree Sirloin Beef Stroganoff 2/4 lb 3951 1805318372 Harry’s Fresh Harry’s Fresh Foods Soup Cheddar Broccoli 2/4 lb 79893 1805319042 Harry’s Fresh Harry’s Fresh Foods Pudding Chocolate 2/4 lb 84842 1805318140 Harvest Foods Harvest Food Products Co Inc Spring Roll Vegetable 100/1.5 oz 115104 1049782293 Harvest Foods Harvest Food Products Co Inc Sauce Sweet Fiery Chicken 4/1 ga 116635 1049730052 Harvest Roast Zennix LifeFood’s Llc Pumpkin Seeds Chili Lime Natural 12/2 oz 234166 89848800003 Harvest Roast Zennix LifeFood’s Llc Pumpkin Seeds Honey Sesame Natural 12/2 oz 234167 89848800004 Harvest Roast Zennix LifeFood’s Llc Pumpkin Seeds Sea Salt Natural 12/2 oz 234168 89848800001 Harvest Roast Zennix LifeFood’s Llc Pumpkin Seeds Garlic Herb Natural 12/2 oz 234169 89848800002 Harvest Song Harvest Song Ventures Llc Preserves Sour Cherry Mini 12/10.2 oz 133139 85000130122 Harvest Song Harvest Song Ventures Llc Arm Preserves Apricot Artisan 12/10.2 oz 209265 85000111117 Harvest Song Harvest Song Ventures Llc Arm Preserves Wild Strawberry Artisan 12/10.2 oz 209266 85000111118 Hashachar Galil Importing Corp Isr Spread Chocolate Dairy Pd 24/16 oz 216701 1311334734 Hashachar Galil Importing Corp Isr Spread Chocolate Parve Pd 24/16 oz 216707 1311334735 Hatch Chili Co Hatch Chili Co Chilis Green Hot Diced 12/4 oz 212779 2818920466 Hatch Chili Co Hatch Chili Co Chilis Green Mild Diced 12/4 oz 212780 2818941322 Hatch Chili Co Hatch Chili Co Sauce Enchilada Red Medium 6/15 oz 212785 2818962060 Hatch Chili Co Hatch Chili Co Tomatoes And Green Chiles Diced 6/10 oz 212789 2818930843 Hatch Chili Co Hatch Chili Co Tomatoes Tex Mex Style Diced 6/10 oz 212790 2818930845 Hatov Hatov Cream Cheese Whipped 12/8 oz 210011 85443200232 Haus Barhyte Haus Barhyte Mustard Dill 6/9 oz 212425 4728110770 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Haus Barhyte Haus Barhyte Mustard Sweet N Sour 6/9 oz 212428 4728112217 Haus Barhyte Haus Barhyte Horseradish Cream 6/9 oz 212429 4728112045 Haus Barhyte Haus Barhyte Mustard Sweet N Hot 6/9 oz 212430 4728180273 Haus Barhyte Haus Barhyte Mustard Champagne/Honey 6/9 oz 212431 4728110491 Hawaiian Sun Wismettac Asian Foods Juice Pass O Guava Nectar 6/11.5 fo 47211 7980001151 Hawaiian Sun Wismettac Asian Foods Drink Guava Nectar 6/11.5 oz 214189 7980001011 Heartland Heartland Brands Granola Original 6/16 oz 6701 2430009001 Hebrew National Hebrew National Salame Chub 12/12 oz 42087 7495618240 Hebrew National Hebrew National Bologna Thick Kosher 4/4.22 lb 42109 7495619373 Hebrew National Hebrew National Sausage Franks 97 Percent Fat Free 12oz 12/11 oz 83118 7495618053 Hebrew National Hebrew National Sausage Franks Beef 6In 4 To 1 4/5 lb 119749 7495618466 Hebrew National Hebrew National Salami Long 2/6 lb 119750 7495619301 Heinz British Wholesale Imports Salad Cream Squeeze Bottle 12/15 oz 70505 79285135500 Heinz British Wholesale Imports Beans Baked 24/13.7 oz 87891 78996800002 Heinz H J Heinz Company Ketchup Organic 6/14 oz 224270 1300000899 Heinz Heinz Vinegar Wine Decanter 6/12 oz 2220 1300000175 Heinz Heinz Vinegar Tarragon 6/12 oz 2222 1300000177 Heinz Heinz Vinegar Malt Decanter 6/12 oz 2224 1300000179 Heinz Heinz Mustard Packet 500/5.5 gr 2246 1300053050 Heinz Heinz Relish Packet 200/9 gr 2248 1300053180 Heinz Heinz Sauce Taco Mild Packet 200/9 gr 2249 1300053240 Heinz Heinz Sauce Tabasco Packet 200/3 gr 2252 1300071410 Heinz Heinz Ketchup Packets 1000/9 gr 2256 1300098480 Heinz Heinz Equal Packet 1/2000 ea 53933 30025827553 Heinz Heinz Soup Cream Tomato Can 6/13.2 oz 70502 79285135493 Heinz Heinz Soup Potato Leek Farmhouse 6/14.1 oz 70507 79285135515 Heinz Heinz Vinegar Malt 200/9 gr 81362 1300053360 Heinz Heinz Sauce Tartar Pc 200/12 gr 114285 1300053160 Heinz Heinz Spaghetti In Tomato Sauce 12/14.1 oz 201925 79285135517 Heinz Heinz Vinegar White Pd 6/16 oz 210535 1300000852 Heinz Heinz Vinegar Apple Cider Pd 6/16 oz 210536 1300000812 Hela Gourmet International Ger Sauce Curry Spicy Natural 6/16 oz 229226 85417916838 Hela Gourmet International Ger Sauce Curry Mild Natural 6/16 oz 229229 85417916828 Hellmanns Hellmanns Dressing Ranch Refrigerated 2/1 ga 20635 4800125251 Hellmanns Hellmanns Dressing Creamy Caesar 2/1 ga 20637 4800125253 Hellmanns Unilever Dressing Creamy Caesar 4/1 ga 20685 4800125722 Hellmanns Unilever Dressing Greek Vinaigrette 4/1 ga 20687 4800125726 Hellmanns Unilever Dressing Sundried Tomato Pesto 6/32 oz 206430 4800125684 Hellmanns Unilever Dressing 1000 Island 4/1 ga 209421 4800120345 Hellmanns Unilever Dressing Italian Zesty 102/1.5 oz 210695 4800119877 Hellmanns Unilever Dressing Vinaigrette Raspberry Light 4/1 ga 210696 4800121396 Hellmanns Unilever Dressing Ranch Creamy 102/1.5 oz 215150 4800119875 Hellmanns Unilever Dressing Caesar Creamy 102/1.5 oz 215151 4800119893 Hellmanns Unilever Dressing Thousand Island 102/1.5 oz 215389 4800119878 Hellmanns Unilever Dressing Blue Cheese 102/1.5 oz 215390 4800119890 Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Screwdriver Blade Style 4In 3/1 ea 212940 7079220105 Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Screwdriver 6 In 1 3/1 ea 212941 7079220150 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 121 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 122 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Screwdriver Mini 3/1 ea 212942 7079220140 Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Screwdriver Phillps Style 4In 3/1 ea 212943 7079220115 Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Hydro Queen 12/1 ea 212944 7079204050 Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Pliers Long Nose 6In 3/1 ea 212945 7079220205 Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Knife Putty 1 1/2In 3/1 ea 212946 7079220400 Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Pliers Slip Joint 6In 3/1 ea 212947 7079220210 Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Wrench Adjustable 6In 3/1 ea 212948 7079220215 Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Hammer 16 Oz 4/1 ea 212949 7079220300 Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Blades Scraper 3/1 ea 212950 7079220501 Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Razor Scraper 3/1 ea 212951 7079220500 Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Cutter Carton 3/1 ea 212952 7079220502 Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Knife Utility 3/1 ea 212953 7079220505 Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Tape Measure 12Ft 3/1 ea 212954 7079220600 Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Blades Utility Knife 3/1 ea 212955 7079220506 Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Scrapers Handy 3/1 ea 212956 7079220522 Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Brush Paint Assortment 3/1 ea 212957 7079230400 Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Padlock Solid Brass 1 9/16In 3/1 ea 212967 7079240030 Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Dustmasks 3/1 ea 212968 7079239001 Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Padlock Warded 1 1/2In 3/1 ea 212969 7079240010 Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Locks Luggage Brass 3/1 ea 212972 7079240061 Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Lock Combination 1 7/8In 3/1 ea 212973 7079240050 Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Hanger Picture Adjustable 3/1 ea 212975 7079250302 Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Nails Assorted Small 3/1 ea 212976 7079250200 Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Pins Push Clear 3/1 ea 212977 7079250110 Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Nails Assorted Medium 3/1 ea 212978 7079250201 Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Hanger Picture Assorted 3/1 ea 212979 7079250307 Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Hanger Picture Small 3/1 ea 212981 7079250300 Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Twine Jute Handy Cut 3/1 ea 212982 7079260041 Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Hook Mug Brass 3/1 ea 212983 7079250402 Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Twine Cotton Handy Cut 3/1 ea 212984 7079260042 Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Twine Cotton 3/1 ea 212985 7079260020 Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Twine Jute Heavy 3/1 ea 212986 7079260015 Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Hook Mug White 3/1 ea 212987 7079250403 Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Rope Poly 50Ft 3/1 ea 212991 7079260060 Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Hook Big 3/1 ea 212992 7079270113 Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Twine Nylon Handy Cut 3/1 ea 212993 7079260043 Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Kit Nuts And Bolts 3/1 ea 212997 7079250600 Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Mounting Squares Adhesive 3/1 ea 212998 7079250308 Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Glue Super 3/2 gm 212999 7079280001 Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Pliers/Cutters 6In 3/1 ea 213002 7079220200 Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Nails Large Assorted 3/1 ea 213003 7079250202 Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Brush Paint Quality 3In 3/1 ea 213004 7079233330 Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Squares Press To Lock 3/1 ea 213005 7079250210 Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Screws Small Assorted 3/1 ea 213183 7079250204 Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Hangers Picture Assorted 1Pc 3/1 ea 213184 7079250306 Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Screws Large Assorted 3/1 ea 213185 7079250205 Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Thumbtacks Assorted 3/1 ea 213186 7079250104 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR DESCRIPTION 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Push Pins Assorted 3/1 ea 213187 7079250111 Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Kit Hanging Picture 3/1 ea 213188 7079250304 Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Hooks Utility Adhesive 3/1 ea 213189 7079250407 Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Hooks Suction Cup 3/1 ea 213190 7079250405 Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Twine Poly 3/1 ea 213205 7079260035 Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Kit Sewing Polv 3/1 ea 213206 7079246014 Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Glue Super 2Gm 2Pk 3/1 ea 213207 7079280002 Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Cup Force 6In 3/1 ea 213208 7079204046 Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Knife Utility Mini 3/1 ea 213209 7079220510 Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Glue Super 2Gm 3/1 ea 213210 7079280004 Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Door Stop 2Pk 3/1 ea 213211 7079212000 Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Pins Safety 50 Assorted 3/1 ea 213212 7079247008 Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Rope Braided 50 Feet 3/1 ea 213213 7079260050 Helping Hand Howard Berger Co Llc Chn Cord Nylon 50Ft 3/1 ea 213419 7079260065 Hempler’s Hempler’s Foods Group Llc Bacon Layer Pack 1/15 lb 5362 2183403000 Hempler’s Hempler’s Foods Group Llc Ham Black Forest Boneless 3/6 lb 5365 2183404130 Hempler’s Hempler’s Foods Group Llc Sausage Franks Old Fashioned 1/10 lb 5368 2183459320 Hempler’s Hempler’s Foods Group Llc Ham Whole Uncured Natural 3/6 lb 34087 7221082299 Hempler’s Hempler’s Foods Group Llc Pepperoni Sticks 4/2.25 lb 220742 2183459716 Hempler’s Hempler’s Foods Group Llc Pepperoni Jalapeno And Cheese 4/2.25 lb 224347 2183459725 Hempler’s Hempler’s Foods Group Llc Ham Virginia Baked 3/7 lb 226044 2183459092 Hengstenberg Gourmet International Mustard Hot 6/7.1 oz 13072 3827432468 Hengstenberg Gourmet International Ger Beets Red Sliced Natural 6/12.5 oz 13078 3827471528 Hengstenberg Hengstenberg Ger Pickles Crunchy Natural 6/24.3 oz 13073 3827441505 Hengstenberg Hengstenberg Ger Cornichons Natural 6/12.5 oz 13074 3827442528 Hengstenberg Hengstenberg Ger Sauerkraut Bavarian Wine Natural 6/24 oz 13076 3827451611 Hengstenberg Hengstenberg Ger Cabbage Red W/Apples Natural 6/24 oz 13081 3827473601 Hengstenberg Hengstenberg Ger Horseradish Prepared Natural 6/5.1 oz 203177 3827467582 Hennings Hennings Hag Cheese Curds Colored Pc 1/3 lb 92559 7221086759 Hennings Hennings Cheese Whips Pc 1/3 lb 92561 7221086761 Hennings Hennings Cheese Curd Garlic And Dill 6/10 oz 4037 1848200014 Hennings Hennings Cheese Curd Two Tone 6/10 oz 4038 1848200015 Hennings Hennings Cheese Curd 2/10 lb 4041 1848201011 Hennings Hennings Cheese Curd Garlic And Dill 2/10 lb 4042 1848201014 Hennings Hennings Cheese Mozzarella Whips 1/15 lb 31296 7221071916 Hennings Hennings Cheese Curd White 2/10 lb 32836 7221079116 Hennings Hennings Cheese Curd 6/10 oz 208743 1848200011 Hennings Saputo Cheese USA Cheddar Mango Fire Wheel 1/22 lb 224046 71156580618 Henry Weinhard’s Barhyte Specialty Food Mustard Beer 6/9 oz 212427 4728121648 Herban Cowboy Herban Cowboy Deodorant Dusk Natural 72/2.8 oz 235340 80500200037 Herban Cowboy Herban Cowboy Soap Dusk Bar Natural 6/5 oz 235341 80500200039 Herban Cowboy Herban Cowboy Deodorant Forest Natural 72/2.8 oz 235342 80500200033 Herdez Herdez Salsa Verde Mild 6/16 oz 119607 7287827570 Herdez Hormel Foods Sales Llc Mex Salsa Taquera 12/16 oz 212220 7287827558 Hero Euro American Brands Llc Preserves Orange Bitter 8/12 oz 88226 80406602009 Hero Euro American Brands Llc Sui Preserves Raspberry 8/12 oz 201931 80406602004 Hero Euro American Brands Llc Sui Preserves Black Cherry Pd Natural 8/12 oz 201932 80406602007 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 123 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 124 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Hero Euro American Brands Llc Sui Preserves Strawberry Pd Natural 8/12 oz 201934 80406602002 Hero Euro American Brands Llc Sui Spread Fruit Forest Berry Velvet Natural 8/9.5 oz 232080 80406602103 Hero Euro American Brands Llc Sui Spread Fruit Raspberry R/Velvet Natural 8/9.5 oz 232081 80406602101 Hey Boo Hey Boo Llc Jam Coconut Premium Gluten Free Df Natural 12/8 oz 231878 60893831616 Hey Boo Hey Boo Llc Jam Coconut Mango Gluten Free Df Natural 12/8 oz 231879 79997594208 Hi Chew Jfc International Tpe Fruit Chews Strawberry Bar 10/1.76 oz 80084 87398300002 Hi Chew Jfc International Tpe Fruit Chews Green Apple Bar 10/1.76 oz 81824 87398300003 Hi Chew Jfc International Tpe Fruit Chews Grape Bar 10/1.76 oz 147868 87398300001 Hickory Farms Hickory Farms Mustard Sweet Hot 12/10 oz 5129 2135790495 Hickory Farms Hickory Farms Sausage Summer Beef & Pork 12/10 oz 204773 2135791344 Hickory Farms Hickory Farms Bar Cheese Original Smoked Cheddar 12/10 oz 204774 2135701054 Hickory Farms Hickory Farms Sausage Summer Beef Signature 12/10 oz 204775 2135702013 Hickory Farms Hickory Farms Sausage Summer Turkey Brown Sugar Honey 12/10 oz 204776 2135705912 High Altitude High Altitude Sauce Hot Dog Chicago Style Natural 12/12 fo 223442 18862800057 High J Orchard’s High J Orchard’s Applesauce Fuji Chunky Natural 12/16 oz 219365 88075216030 High J Orchard’s High J Orchard’s Applesauce Honeycrisp Chunky Natural 12/16 oz 219366 88075216040 Hikari Jfc International Miso In Pet Bottle 12/10 oz 75504 85876400022 Hill And Valley Hill And Valley Muffin Blueberry Nsa 9/10 oz 2887 1482104401 Hill And Valley Hill And Valley Cake Lemon Cream Sliced Sugar Free 6/16 oz 2889 1482110330 Hill And Valley Hill And Valley Cake Cream Cinnamon Swirl Sliced 6/16 oz 2890 1482110390 Hill And Valley Hill And Valley Cake White Round Decorated Sf 8/19 oz 2892 1482113611 Hill And Valley Hill And Valley Cookie Chocolate Chunk Rte Sf 8/15 oz 2898 1482120122 Hill And Valley Hill And Valley Cookie Oatmeal Raisin Nsa Rte 8/15 oz 2899 1482120125 Hill And Valley Hill And Valley Cupcakes Double Chocolate Sf 6/8 oz 230047 1482116010 Hillmar Hillmar Monterey Jack 1/10 lb 32052 7221075314 Hillmar Hillmar Monterey Pepper Jack 1/10 lb 32053 7221075315 Hillmar Hillmar Cheddar Mild Colored 1/10 lb 32054 7221075319 Hillmar Hillmar Cheddar Sharp Colored 1/10 lb 32056 7221075321 Hillmar Hillmar Monterey Jack 2/5 lb 32341 7221077326 Hillmar Hillmar Monterey Pepper Jack 2/5 lb 32352 7221077346 Hillmar Hillmar Jack Monterey Pc 1/8 lb 32506 7221077973 Hillmar Hillmar Cheddar Sharp Pc 1/8 lb 32507 7221077974 Hillmar Hillmar Jack Monterey Pepper Pc 1/8 lb 53366 21660200000 Hillmar Rumiano Cheese Co Cheddar Mild Colored 1/40 lb 31620 7221072936 Hillmar Rumiano Cheese Co Cheddar Sharp Colored 1/40 lb 31621 7221072937 Hillmar Rumiano Cheese Co Monterey Jack 1/40 lb 31624 7221072940 Hillmar Rumiano Cheese Co Monterey Pepper Jack 1/40 lb 31625 7221072941 Himalayan Pride Otis Mcallister Inc Ind Rice Basmati Auth Aged Natural 8/5 lb 210412 2857100447 Hime Jfc International Wasabiko Horseradish Powder 12/1 oz 1189 1115203041 Hint Hint Inc Water Blackberry 12/16 fo 212759 18473900030 Hint Hint Inc Water Watermelon 12/16 fo 212761 18473900031 Hint Hint Inc Water Pomegranate Unsweet 12/16 fo 212762 18473900005 Hodgson Mill Hodgson Mill Inc Pasta Fettuccine Flax Whole Wheat Organic 12/12 oz 29322 7151800052 Hodgson Mill Hodgson Mill Inc Muffin Mix Apple Cinnamon Gluten Free 6/7.6 oz 29336 7151800710 Hodgson Mill Hodgson Mill Inc Flax Seed Premium Milled 6/4.8 oz 29351 7151801014 Hodgson Mill Hodgson Mill Inc Cereal Oat Bran 12/16 oz 29358 7151801022 Hodgson Mill Hodgson Mill Inc Bake Mix Instant Whole Wheat 6/32 oz 29371 7151802020 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Hodgson Mill Hodgson Mill Inc Baking Mix Multi Purpose Gluten Free 6/12 oz 29375 7151802100 Hodgson Mill Hodgson Mill Inc Pasta Penne Brown Rice Gluten Free 12/8 oz 204676 7151800063 Hodgson Mill Hodgson Mill Inc Pasta Elbows Brown Rice Gluten Free 12/8 oz 204678 7151800066 Hodgson Mill Hodgson Mill Inc Pasta Spaghetti Brown Rice Gluten Free 12/8 oz 204679 7151800060 Hodgson Mill Hodgson Mill Inc Cereal Muesli Apples And More 6/16 oz 204680 7151801043 Hodgson Mill Hodgson Mill Inc Brownie Mix Gluten Free 6/15 oz 206887 7151802140 Hodgson Mill Hodgson Mill Inc Cake Mix Chocolate Gluten Free 6/15 oz 206888 7151802135 Hodgson Mill Hodgson Mill Inc Pasta Angel Hair Brown Rice Gluten Free 12/8 oz 206889 7151800065 Hodgson Mill Hodgson Mill Inc Cake Mix Yellow Gluten Free 6/15 oz 206890 7151802130 Hoffman Churny Company Inc Colby Jack Sliced 12/8 oz 7202 2540005898 Hoffman Churny Company Inc Cheddar Vermont Sliced 12/8 oz 7212 2540005923 Hoffman Churny Company Inc Super Hot Pc 12/8 oz 7214 2540007600 Hoffman Churny Company Inc Hot Pepper Pc 12/8 oz 7218 2540007626 Hoffman Churny Company Inc Swiss N Rye Pc 12/8 oz 7219 2540007628 Hoffman Churny Company Inc Super Sharp Pc 12/8 oz 7220 2540007630 Hoffman Churny Company Inc Cheddar Sharp Smokey Pc 12/8 oz 7221 2540007634 Hoffman Churny Company Inc Swiss Smoked Pc 12/8 oz 7222 2540007636 Hoffman Churny Company Inc Horseradish Pc 12/8 oz 7223 2540007675 Hoffman Churny Company Inc Roasted Garlic Pc 12/8 oz 7224 2540007676 Hoffman Churny Company Inc Sharp Vermont Pc 12/8 oz 7240 2540056403 Hoffman Churny Company Inc Cheddar Extra Sharp Pc 12/8 oz 7241 2540056551 Hoffman Churny Company Inc Jack Pepper Pc 12/8 oz 7242 2540062117 Hoffman Churny Company Inc Colby Jack Cubes 12/12 oz 107558 2540004203 Hoffman Churny Company Inc Cheddar Sharp Cubes 12/12 oz 131251 2540004205 Hoffman Churny Company Inc Cheddar Mild Chunk Organic 12/7 oz 232059 2540062130 Hoffman Churny Company Inc Pepper Jack Chunk Organic 12/7 oz 232060 2540062120 Holland House Holland House Wine Sherry Cooking 6/16 oz 201079 7241201009 Holland House Holland House Wine Red Cooking 6/16 oz 201080 7241201003 Holland House Holland House Wine White W/ Lemon Cooking 6/16 oz 201083 7241201005 Holland House Holland House Wine Marsala Cooking 6/16 oz 201084 7241201006 Holland House Holland House Wine White Cooking 6/16 oz 201086 7241201004 Holland House Mizkan Americas Inc Vinegar Wine Red 6/12 oz 37952 7241200032 Holland House Mizkan Americas Inc Vinegar Wine White 6/12 oz 37954 7241200034 Holland House Mizkan Americas Inc Vinegar Malt 6/12 oz 37956 7241200036 Hollywood The Hain Celestial Group Inc Oil Peanut 12/24 oz 24431 7000511132 Hollywood The Hain Celestial Group Inc Mayonnaise Safflower Vitamin E 12/24 oz 24434 7000531312 Holy Crap HapiFood’s Group Inc Can Cereal Holy Crap Gluten Free Natural Organic 24/8 oz 222722 88383110000 Homade Homade Sauce Chili 6/12 fo 28592 7113701209 Homemade Frontier Soups Soup Tortilla South Of The Border Gluten Free 8/4.5 oz 68422 76669430120 Homemade Dressi Homemade Dressings Llc Salad Dressing Mix Italian Garden Natural 12/3.3 oz 231366 89358700202 Honest Kids Honest Tea Juice Goodness Grapeness Organic Natural 8/59 oz 219020 65762242385 Honest Kids Honest Tea Juice Berry Good Lemonade Organic Natural 8/59 oz 219021 65762270382 Honest Kids Honest Tea Juice Super Fruit Punch Natural Organic 8/59 oz 230297 65762241278 Honest Tea Honest Tea Tea Liquid Just Green Organic 12/16 fo 87267 65762201977 Honest Tea Honest Tea Tea Liquid Green Dragon Bottle 12/16 fo 87269 65762211902 Honest Tea Honest Tea Tea Liquid Moroccan Mint 12/16 fo 87270 65762221294 Honest Tea Honest Tea Tea Liquid Black Forest Berry Herbal Organic 12/16 fo 87280 65762281692 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 125 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 126 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Honest Tea Honest Tea Tea Liquid Radiant Raspberry Organic 12/16 fo 230345 65762206879 Honest Tea Honest Tea Tea Liquid Ginger Oasis Herbal Organic 12/16 fo 230943 65762231179 Honest Tea Honest Tea Tea Liquid Cinnamon Sunrise Herbal Organic 12/16 fo 230944 65762250482 Honest Tea Honest Tea Soda Lemon Limey 6/12 Oz Organic Natural 4/72 oz 231273 65762260185 Honest Tea Honest Tea Soda Orange Pop 6/12 Oz Organic Natural 4/72 oz 231274 65762207213 Honest Tea Honest Tea Soda Root Beer 6/12 Oz Organic Natural 4/72 oz 231275 65762201287 Honeycup World Finer Foods Can Mustard Honey Natural 2/9 lb 228318 4595600030 Hope Hummus Hope Foods Llc Hummus Avocado Spicy Organic Gluten Free Natural 8/8 oz 217415 85650000401 Hope Hummus Hope Foods Llc Hummus Original Recipe Organic Gluten Free Natural 8/8 oz 217416 85650000400 Hope Hummus Hope Foods Llc Hummus Jalapeno Cilantro Organic Natural 8/8 oz 227263 85650000404 Hope Hummus Hope Foods Llc Hummus Sriracha Organic Natural 8/8 oz 227264 85650000421 Hopkins General Automotive Supply Co Ice Scraper Bear Claw 10 Inch 24/1 ea 211934 7997616713 Horizon Horizon Cheddar Sliced 12/6 oz 65557 74236560612 Horizon Horizon Mozzarella Shredded 12/6 oz 65559 74236560630 Horizon Horizon Mexican Shredded 12/6 oz 65562 74236560650 Horizon White Wave Foods Cheddar Shredded Fine 12/6 oz 65556 74236560610 Horizon White Wave Foods Mozzarella Sticks 12/6 oz 65560 74236560635 Horizon White Wave Foods Colby Sticks 12/6 oz 65561 74236560645 Horizon White Wave Foods American Singles 12/8 oz 65564 74236560710 Horizon White Wave Foods Crackers Sandwich Cheddar Natural 12/7.5 oz 224026 74236500464 Horizon White Wave Foods Crackers Snack Cheddar Natural 12/6.6 oz 224027 74236500471 Horizon White Wave Foods Cookies Honey Graham Natural 12/7.5 oz 224028 74236500460 Horizon White Wave Foods Crackers Sandwich Peanut Butter Natural 12/7.5 oz 224029 74236500465 Horizon White Wave Foods Snack Grahams Cinnamon 12/7.5 oz 231342 74236500461 Horizon White Wave Foods Colby Shapes Organic 12/5.5 oz 232082 74236500411 Horizon White Wave Foods Cheddar Shapes Organic 12/5.5 oz 232083 74236500469 Hormel Hormel Foods Sales Llc Snack Tray Pepperoni And Cheese 6/14 oz 12726 3760018359 Hormel Hormel Foods Sales Llc Ham And Cheese Snack Tray 6/14 oz 12727 3760018367 Hormel Hormel Foods Sales Llc Bacon Top Extra Cooked 1/2In 2/5 lb 12738 3760028199 Hormel Hormel Foods Sales Llc Pepperoni Sliced 2/5 lb 12740 3760030231 Hormel Hormel Foods Sales Llc Bacon Bits Fast N Easy 3/8In 4/5 lb 12741 3760030928 Hormel Hormel Foods Sales Llc Deli Trays Meat And Cheese 8/28 oz 12743 3760033067 Hormel Hormel Foods Sales Llc Salami Thuringer 2/3 lb 12748 3760039535 Hot Kid National Importers Us Inc Cracker Baby Mum Mum Vegetable 6/1.76 oz 59753 68635280175 Hot Kid National Importers Us Inc Crackers Baby Mum Mum Original 6/1.76 oz 59754 68635280178 Hot Kid National Importers Us Inc Cracker Rice Crisps Natural 12/3.5 oz 59755 68635280541 Hot Kid National Importers Us Inc Cracker Rice Crisps Onion 12/3.5 oz 59757 68635280543 Hot Kid National Importers Us Inc Cracker Rice Crisps Sesame 12/3.5 oz 59758 68635280544 Hot Kid National Importers Us Inc Cracker Baby Mum Mum Banana 6/1.76 oz 129827 68635280968 House Foods House Foods America Noodles Shirataki Tofu Regular 12/8 oz 43815 7637104105 House Foods House Foods America Noodles Shirataki Tofu Fettuccini 12/8 oz 43816 7637104106 House Foods House Foods America Noodles Tofu Shirataki Angel Hair 12/8 oz 43817 7637104107 House Foods House Foods America Mabo Tofu Medium Hot 10/5.29 oz 45059 7737719621 House Foods House Foods America Sauce Curry With Vegetables Mild 10/7.4 oz 45061 7737744586 House Foods House Foods America Kit Tofu Sauce Wok Me Up Sweet Teriyaki Natural 6/11.5 oz 232065 7637151110 House Foods House Foods America Kit Tofu Sauce Wok Me Up Spy Orange Natural 6/11.5 oz 232066 7637151111 House Foods House Foods America Tofu Firm Premium Gluten Free Natural 6/16 oz 235624 7637101116 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC House Foods House Foods America Tofu Extra Firm Premium Gluten Free Natural 6/16 oz 235625 7637101117 House Of Bee Passport Food Group Llc Cookie Fortune Individual Wrapped 1/390 ea 71080 79948001030 House Of Bee Passport Food Group Llc Oil Sesame Blend 4/1 ga 71084 79948040010 House Of Bread House Of Bread Bread Prairie Loaf Natural 6/2 lb 223815 81833600017 House Of Bread House Of Bread Bread Garlic Cheddar Loaf Natural 12/1 lb 223816 81833600028 House Of Bread House Of Bread Bread 9 Grain Loaf Natural 6/2 lb 223817 81833600001 House Of Bread House Of Bread Bread Apple Cinnamon Swirl Loaf Natural 6/2 lb 223818 81833600057 House Of Bread House Of Bread Bread Grandmas White Loaf Natural 6/2 lb 223819 81833600008 House Of Bread House Of Bread Chocolate Zucchini Loaf Natural 8/28 oz 228269 81833600010 House Of Tsang Hormel Foods Sales Llc Oil Wok 6/10 oz 42315 7505000601 House Of Tsang Hormel Foods Sales Llc Sauce Stir Fry Classic 6/11.5 oz 42318 7505000610 House Of Tsang Hormel Foods Sales Llc Sauce Stir Fry Szechuan 6/11.5 oz 42319 7505000611 House Of Tsang Hormel Foods Sales Llc Sauce Teriyaki Korean 6/11.5 oz 42320 7505000612 House Of Tsang Hormel Foods Sales Llc Stir Fry Bangkok Peanut 6/11.5 oz 42321 7505000616 House Of Tsang Hormel Foods Sales Llc Sauce Ginger Soy 6/10 oz 42326 7505000628 House Of Tsang Hormel Foods Sales Llc Sauce Stir Fry Sweet Sour 6/11.5 oz 42328 7505000630 House Of Tsang Hormel Foods Sales Llc Sauce Soy Less Sodium 6/10 oz 42329 7505000641 House Of Tsang Hormel Foods Sales Llc Sauce Stir Fry General Hot 6/12.3 oz 42336 7505031975 House Of Tsang House Of Tsang Oil Mongolian Fire 6/5 oz 42323 7505000621 House Of Tsang House Of Tsang Oil Sesame Hot Chili 6/5 oz 42324 7505000623 House Of Tsang House Of Tsang Sauce Hoisin 6/8 oz 119755 7505000607 Hp British Wholesale Imports Sauce Original Glass 12/9 oz 70548 79285135656 Hp British Wholesale Imports Sauce Original Plastic 12/15 oz 70549 79285135657 Hp British Wholesale Imports Sauce Fruity Glass 12/9 oz 70550 79285135658 Huichol Huichol Sauce Hot 12/6.5 fo 2215 1295710001 Humboldt Hotsauce Humboldt Hotsauce Sauce Habanero Mango Gluten Free Natural 12/5 oz 226033 86795300000 Humboldt Hotsauce Humboldt Hotsauce Sauce Emerald Gluten Free Natural 12/5 oz 226034 86795300002 Humboldt Hotsauce Humboldt Hotsauce Sauce Island Style Gluten Free Natural 12/5 oz 226035 86795300001 Humm Kombucha Humm Kombucha Kombucha Blueberry Mint Natural Organic 12/14 fo 227669 85373600543 Humm Kombucha Humm Kombucha Kombucha Lemon Ginger Natural Organic 12/14 fo 227670 85373600537 Humm Kombucha Humm Kombucha Kombucha Chai Natural Organic 12/14 fo 227672 85373600542 Humm Kombucha Humm Kombucha Kombucha Original Natural Organic 12/14 fo 227673 85373600540 Humm Kombucha Humm Kombucha Kombucha Lemonade Strawberry Natural Organic 12/14 fo 227674 85373600544 Humm Kombucha Humm Kombucha Kombucha Apple Sass Natural Organic 12/14 fo 227675 85373600538 Humm Kombucha Humm Kombucha Kombucha Lemonade Pomegranate Natural Organic 12/14 fo 227676 85373600536 Humm Kombucha Humm Kombucha Kombucha Coconut Lime Natural Organic 12/14 fo 227677 85373600541 Humm Kombucha Humm Kombucha Kombucha Lemonade Pomegranate Keg Natural Organic 1/5.14 ga 228056 85373600530 Humm Kombucha Humm Kombucha Kombucha Coconut Lime Keg Natural 1/5.14 ga 229855 85373600552 Humm Kombucha Humm Kombucha Kombucha Lemon Ginger Keg Organic Natural 1/5.14 ga 234242 85373600529 Humm Kombucha Humm Kombucha Kombucha Blueberry Mint Keg Organic Natural 1/5.14 ga 234243 85373600545 Humm Kombucha Humm Kombucha Kombucha Strawberry Lemonade Keg Natural 1/5.14 ga 234244 85373600546 Hunniwater Sparke Technology Detox Raw Honey And Lemon Natural 12/16 oz 227458 89332400104 Hunniwater Sparke Technology Detox Raw Honey And Cinnamon Natural 12/16 oz 227459 89332400098 Hunniwater Sparke Technology Detox Raw Honey/Ginger/Cayenne Natural 12/16 oz 227461 89332400100 Huntsy Chins Import Export Corn Cut Mini 6/102 oz 50138 8906711567 Huy Fong Chins Import Export Paste Chili Sambal Oelek 3/136 oz 224067 2446310124 Hye Roller Hye Quality Bakery Inc Wrap White 16In Bulk 36/1 ea 31960 7221074861 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 127 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 128 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Ians Elevation Brands Llc Can Breadcrumbs Panko Italian 8/7 oz 221029 74951277660 Ians Elevation Brands Llc Can Breadcrumbs Panko Original Gluten Free 8/7 oz 221031 74951277550 Ians Elevation Brands Llc Croutons Garlic Kale Artisn Cut Natural 8/5 oz 231002 74951277106 Ians Elevation Brands Llc Crumbs Bread Rice Brown Gluten Free Natural 8/6 oz 231003 74951277662 If You Care Source Atlantique Filters No4 Coffee 12/100 ea 68808 77000900114 Il Forteto Atalanta Corporation Ita Pecorino Toscano Fresco Natural 2/5 lb 228051 7127035833 Il Villaggio Schratter Foods, Inc Parmesan Reggiano Bites 70/.7 oz 216497 3798278654 Ilchester Saputo Cheese USA Gbr Cheddar Beer Natural 1/6 lb 200068 5651887504 Ilchester Saputo Cheese USA Gbr Cheddar White Apple Smoke Whl 2/6.5 lb 223390 5651800079 Ilchester Saputo Cheese USA Gbr Cheddar Applewood Mini 6Pcs 12/4.2 oz 234771 5651800043 Ile De France Alouette Cheese USA Llc Fra Brie Bites 60/.9 oz 215882 3798212083 Ile De France Alouette Cheese USA Llc Fra Chevremousse Idf Natural 6/4.41 oz 226965 3798278778 Ile De France Alouette Cheese USA Llc Fra Brie 12/4.5 oz 229323 3798202080 Ile De France Alouette Cheese USA Llc Fra La Petite Buche De Chevre Honey 12/4 oz 234517 3798278671 Ile De France Schratter Foods, Inc Fra Brie Bites Snacking 12/4.4 oz 214168 3798278663 Illy Caffe Illy Caffe North America Inc Ita Coffee Normale Fine Grind 6/8.8 oz 64215 73341100007 Illy Caffe Illy Caffe North America Inc Ita Coffee Scuro Fine Grind 6/8.8 oz 64216 73341100008 Illy Caffe Illy Caffe North America Inc Ita Coffee Normale Whole Bean 6/8.8 oz 64217 73341100009 Illy Caffe Illy Caffe North America Inc Ita Coffee Decaf Fine Grind 6/8.8 oz 64218 73341100013 Illy Caffe Illy Caffe North America Inc Ita Coffee Normale Drip Medium Grind 6/8.8 oz 64223 73341190039 Illy Caffe Illy Caffe North America Inc Ita Coffee Dark Roast Drip 6/8.8 oz 200490 73341100769 Illy Caffe Illy Caffe North America Inc Ita Coffee Dark Roast Whole Bean 6/8.8 oz 200491 73341107721 Illy Caffe Illy Caffe North America Inc Ita Coffee Brazil Monoarabica Whole Bean 6/8.8 oz 221793 73341190365 Illy Caffe Illy Caffe North America Inc Ita Coffee Guatemala Monoarabica Whole Bean 6/8.8 oz 221794 73341190366 Illy Caffe Illy Caffe North America Inc Ita Coffee Ethiopia Monoarabica Whole Bean 6/8.8 oz 221795 73341190364 Illy Caffe Illy Caffe North America Inc Ita Coffee Espresso Dark Roast Pods 12/18 ea 223498 375391825 Illy Caffe Illy Caffe North America Inc Coffee Dark Roast Keurig Hot 10Ct 6/4.1 oz 234831 73341117771 Illy Caffe Illy Caffe North America Inc Coffee Medium Roast Keurig Hot 10Ct 6/4.1 oz 234832 73341117770 Imagine Heritage Foods Inc Rice Dream Enriched Vanilla 6/64 oz 119929 8425327116 Imagine Heritage Foods Inc Rice Dream Enriched Original 6/64 oz 119930 8425327117 Imagine The Hain Celestial Group Inc Dream Latte Mocha Natural 12/11 oz 222996 8425326982 Imagine The Hain Celestial Group Inc Dream Blend Rice/Quinoa Original Natural Organic 6/32 oz 222998 8425322563 Imagine The Hain Celestial Group Inc Dream Blend Coconut Almond/Chia Unsweet Organic 6/32 oz 223000 8425322663 Imagine The Hain Celestial Group Inc Stock Seafood Natural 12/32 oz 232554 8425324303 Imagine The Hain Celestial Group Inc Broth Vegetable Unsalted Organic Natural 6/32 oz 232555 8425324397 Imagine The Hain Celestial Group Inc Broth Chicken Unsalted Free Range Organic Natural 6/32 oz 232557 8425324398 Immaculate General Mills Inc Cake Mix Chocolate 8/21 oz 227678 66559645597 Immaculate General Mills Inc Pancake And Waffle Mix Organic 8/26 oz 227679 66559648634 Immaculate General Mills Inc Flour All Purpose 5 Lb Organic 6/5 lb 227680 66559648629 Immaculate General Mills Inc Cake Mix Yellow Natural 8/21 oz 227681 66559645598 In The Soup In The Soup Soup Tempestuous Tomato 6/24 oz 218195 85635600432 In The Soup In The Soup Soup Bankrupt Butternut 6/24 oz 218196 85635600404 In The Soup In The Soup Soup Skinny 10 Carat Carrot 6/24 oz 218197 85635600400 India Tree India Tree Salt Sea Murray River 6/2.7 oz 213629 73486510150 India Tree India Tree Chardonnay Smoked Fleur De Sel 6/5.5 oz 213630 73486510141 India Tree India Tree Sugar Sparkling Confetti 3 1/2oz 6/3.5 oz 213631 73486510215 India Tree India Tree Salt Sea Alder Smoked 6/7 oz 213632 73486510140 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR DESCRIPTION 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG PK/SZ ITEM # UPC India Tree India Tree Pepper Tellicherry 6/4.5 oz 213633 73486510101 India Tree India Tree Sugar Sparkling Hot Pink 6/3.5 oz 213634 73486510217 India Tree India Tree Pepper Melange 6/4.5 oz 213635 73486510103 India Tree India Tree Sugar Sparkling Emerald Green City 6/3.5 oz 213636 73486510213 India Tree India Tree Salt Sea Hawaiian Red Fine 6/8.5 oz 213637 73486510151 India Tree India Tree Pepper White 6/5 oz 213638 73486510105 India Tree India Tree Pepper Rainbow 6/4.5 oz 213639 73486510102 India Tree India Tree Sugar Sparkling Star Gold 6/3.5 oz 213640 73486510214 India Tree India Tree Sugar Vanilla 6/6.3 oz 213648 73486510301 India Tree India Tree Sugar Demerara 6/16 oz 213649 73486510324 India Tree India Tree Sugar Sparkling Ultra Violet 6/3.5 oz 213650 73486510219 India Tree India Tree Sugar Maple 6/6.3 oz 213651 73486510303 India Tree India Tree Sugar Sparkling Electric Blue 6/3.5 oz 213652 73486510218 India Tree India Tree Sugar Caster Superfine 6/16 oz 213653 73486510320 India Tree India Tree Sugar Dark Muscovado 6/16 oz 213654 73486510326 India Tree India Tree Sugar Sparkling Confetti 7 1/2 Oz 6/7.5 oz 213655 73486510205 India Tree India Tree Sugar Sparkling Holiday Red 6/3.5 oz 213656 73486510212 India Tree India Tree Decorating Set Natural 6/2.25 oz 213657 73486590950 India Tree India Tree Sugar Sparkling Bright White 7 1/2 Oz 6/7.5 oz 213658 73486510201 India Tree India Tree Sugar Sparkling Popsicle Orange 6/3.5 oz 213659 73486510220 India Tree India Tree Sugar Cinnamon 6/7 oz 213660 73486510302 India Tree India Tree Salt Sea Coarse 6/9 oz 213661 73486510109 India Tree India Tree Sugar Sparkling Bright White 3 1/2 Oz 6/3.5 oz 213662 73486510211 Indianlife Indianlife Food Corporation Naan Tandoori 12/17.6 oz 69113 77776200101 Indianlife Indianlife Food Corporation Naan Garlic 12/17.6 oz 69114 77776200102 Indianlife Indianlife Food Corporation Naan Whole Wheat 12/17.6 oz 69117 77776200110 Indianlife Indianlife Food Corporation Naan Coriander Herb 12/17.6 oz 69119 77776200120 Indianlife Indianlife Food Corporation Naan Spinach 5 Ct 12/17.6 oz 69120 77776200121 Indianlife Indianlife Food Corporation Wrap Chickpea Masala 12/275 gr 69143 77776200236 Indianlife Indianlife Food Corporation Wrap Spinach Veggie 12/275 gr 69144 77776200237 Indianlife Indianlife Food Corporation Wrap Beans Kidney And Naan 12/275 gr 69145 77776200238 Indianlife Indianlife Food Corporation Wrap Lentil And Naan 12/275 gr 69146 77776200239 Indianlife Indianlife Food Corporation Chevdo 12/400 gr 69147 77776200400 Indianlife Indianlife Food Corporation Peas Masala 12/400 gr 69148 77776200404 Indianlife Indianlife Food Corporation Channadal 12/400 gr 69149 77776200406 Indianlife Indianlife Food Corporation Punjabi Mix Hot 12/400 gr 69150 77776200408 Indianlife Indianlife Food Corporation Dal Mix 12/400 gr 69151 77776200420 Indianlife Indianlife Food Corporation Chutney Mango 8/1 lt 116325 77776200213 Indianlife Indianlife Food Corporation Coconut Cashew 6/11.5 oz 206847 77776200199 Indianlife Indianlife Food Corporation Can Marsala Peas 8/200 gr 206851 77776200431 Indianlife Indianlife Food Corporation Sauce Curry 6/11.5 oz 206853 77776200197 Indianlife Indianlife Food Corporation Ind Papadum Black Pepper 8/120 gr 206854 77776200152 Indianlife Indianlife Food Corporation Can Dal Mix 8/200 gr 206855 77776200433 Indianlife Indianlife Food Corporation Can Punjabi Mix Hot 8/200 gr 206857 77776200432 Indianlife Indianlife Food Corporation Ind Papadum Cumin 8/120 gr 206858 77776200151 Indianlife Indianlife Food Corporation Masala Butter 6/11.5 oz 206859 77776200190 Indianlife Indianlife Food Corporation Ind Papadum Plain 8/120 gr 206860 77776200150 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 129 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 Vegan 130 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Indianlife Indianlife Food Corporation Can Chips Samosa 1.4 Oz Natural 24/1.4 oz 228148 77776200413 Indianlife Indianlife Food Corporation Can Chips Masala 1.4 Oz Natural 24/1.4 oz 228149 77776200428 Indianlife Indianlife Food Corporation Can Chips Masala 6 Oz Natural 12/6 oz 228150 77776200429 Indianlife Indianlife Food Corporation Can Chips Samosa 6 Oz Natural 12/6 oz 228151 77776200414 Indianlife Indianlife Food Corporation Butter Clarified Ghee 12/8 oz 234337 77776200222 Indianlife Indianlife Food Corporation Sauce Cooking Almond Korma 6/11.5 oz 234338 77776200198 Indianlife Indianlife Food Corporation Sauce Cooking Tikka Masala 6/11.5 oz 234339 77776200196 Indianlife Indianlife Food Corporation Chutney Tamarind 6/8.4 oz 234670 77776200259 Indianlife Indianlife Food Corporation Chutney Mango 6/8.4 oz 234671 77776200260 Indo European Indo European Foods Inc Water Rose 12/10 oz 19116 4371740000 Indo European Indo European Foods Inc Pomegranate Molas 12/10 oz 19121 4371752420 Ines Rosales Ines Rosales USA Llc Esp Tortas Olive Oil Sweet Natural 6 Pack 10/6.34 oz 57960 65488311201 Ines Rosales Ines Rosales USA Llc Esp Tortas Olive Oil Rosemary/Thyme 10/6.34 oz 230197 65488311212 Ines Rosales Ines Rosales USA Llc Esp Tortas Olive Oil Sweet Cinnamon 10/6.34 oz 230198 65488311211 Ines Rosales Ines Rosales USA Llc Esp Tortas Olive Oil Sea Salt Sesame 10/6.34 oz 230199 65488311213 Ines Rosales Ines Rosales USA Llc Esp Tortas Olive Oil Orange Seville 10/6.34 oz 230200 65488311210 Ines Rosales Ines Rosales USA Llc Esp Tortas Olive Oil Sweet Ss Natural 2/24 ea 233178 66529101274 Inglehoffer Beaverton Foods Mustard Sweet Hot Squeeze Bottle 6/10.25 oz 29929 7182801100 Inglehoffer Beaverton Foods Mustard Honey Squeeze Bottle 6/10.25 oz 29930 7182801101 Inglehoffer Beaverton Foods Mustard Stone Ground Squeeze Bottle 6/10 oz 29931 7182801102 Inglehoffer Beaverton Foods Mustard Sweet Hot Pepper 6/10 oz 205824 7182801112 Inglehoffer Beaverton Foods Mustard Creamy Dill W/Lemon & Caper 6/9.75 oz 205825 7182801111 Inglehoffer Beaverton Foods Mustard Applewood Smoked Bacon 6/10 oz 222968 7182801113 Inglehoffer Inglehoffer Mustard Stone Ground 6/4 oz 119307 7182800905 Inglehoffer Inglehoffer Mustard Sweet Hot 6/4 oz 119308 7182800908 Inglehoffer Inglehoffer Horseradish Cream 6/3.75 oz 119309 7182800912 Inglehoffer Inglehoffer Mustard Honey 6/4 oz 119311 7182800923 Inner Eco Inner Eco Probiotic Kefir Tropical Dairy Free 6/15 oz 209821 89763000202 Inner Eco Inner Eco Probiotic Kefir Original Dairy Free 6/15 oz 209822 89763000200 Inner Eco Inner Eco Probiotic Kefir Berry Dairy Free 6/15 oz 209823 89763000201 Innovasian Innovasian Cuisine Fried Rice Vegetable 12/2 lb 60346 69511929904 Innovasian Innovasian Cuisine Sauce General Tso 12/2 lb 60348 69511934511 Innovasian Innovasian Cuisine Sauce Sweet And Sour 12/2 lb 60350 69511934519 Innovasian Innovasian Cuisine Sauce Thai Peanut Zesty 8/2 lb 60355 69511934626 Innovasian Innovasian Cuisine Sauce Sesame Orange 8/2 lb 60356 69511934632 Innovasian Innovasian Cuisine Tempura Chicken Breast 6/2 lb 60363 69511937815 Innovasian Innovasian Cuisine Chicken Satay 2/50 oz 60365 69511937889 Innovasian Innovasian Cuisine Egg Rolls Pork 3 Oz 50/3 oz 60380 69511960042 Innovasian Innovasian Cuisine Egg Rolls Vegetable 50/3 oz 60381 69511960043 Innovasian Innovasian Cuisine Sauce Teriyaki 8/2 lb 84833 69511934610 Innovasian Innovasian Cuisine Wasabi Shumai 4/1.69 lb 88954 69511928505 Innovasian Innovasian Cuisine Chicken Teriyaki W/Vegetables Kit 1/15 lb 148122 69511940465 Innovasian Innovasian Cuisine Kit Chicken General Tso’s 4/4 lb 204553 69511940200 Innovasian Innovasian Cuisine Kit Chicken Sesame Orange 4/4 lb 204555 69511940232 Innovasian Innovasian Cuisine Chicken Orange 8/18 oz 211288 69511912010 Innovasian Innovasian Cuisine Rice Fried Chicken 8/18 oz 211289 69511912015 Innovasian Innovasian Cuisine Chicken General Tso’s 8/18 oz 211290 69511912000 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 131 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 132 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Innovasian Innovasian Cuisine Chicken Black Pepper 3/1 ea 219120 69511940233 Innovasian Innovasian Cuisine Potstickers Wok Ready 20/8.46 oz 226163 69511960004 Innovasian Innovasian Cuisine Marinade Lemon Grass 12/1 lb 226164 69511934467 Innovasian Innovasian Cuisine Marinade Lemon Grass Thai BBQ 12/1 lb 226165 69511934468 Innovasian Innovasian Cuisine Kit Pork Caramelized Ginger 3 Kits 1/15.75 lb 227021 69511940276 Innovasian Innovasian Cuisine Kit Chicken Garlic 3 Kits 1/15.75 lb 227022 69511940234 Innovasian Innovasian Cuisine Sauce Curry Red Lemon Grass Kitchen 8/2 lb 227392 69511934665 Innovasian Innovasian Cuisine Rice Noodle Nest 3mm 176/3 oz 227393 69511936350 Innovasian Innovasian Cuisine Wrappers Egg Roll 12/1 lb 229998 69511920001 Innovasian Innovasian Cuisine Sauce Chicken Kit General Tso 2lb 4/1 ea 234176 69511940400 Innovasian Innovasian Cuisine Potstickers Pork 4/2 lb 235860 69511960009 Innovasian Innovasian Cuisine Rice Fried Wok 6/2 lb 235978 69511929910 Intense Dark Ghirardelli Chocolate Chocolate Evening Dream 60% Bar 12/3.5 oz 66202 74759960716 Intense Dark Ghirardelli Chocolate Chocolate Twilight Delight 72%Bar 12/3.5 oz 66204 74759960721 Intense Dark Ghirardelli Chocolate Chocolate Midnight Reverie Bar 12/3.17 oz 66208 74759960725 International Liberty Richter Oil Olive W/Garlic 6/8.45 oz 37019 7224826650 International Liberty Richter Oil Almond 6/8.45 oz 37022 7224826657 International Liberty Richter Oil Sesame Toasted 6/8.45 oz 37023 7224826659 International Liberty Richter Oil Walnut 6/8.45 oz 37026 7224826664 International Liberty Richter Vinegar Champagne Wine 6/8.45 oz 37033 7224827751 International Liberty Richter Vinegar Wine Sherry 6/8.45 oz 37035 7224827755 International Liberty Richter Oil Dipping Balsamic Vinegar 6/8.45 oz 37037 7224828750 International Liberty Richter Oil Olive Lemon Flavor Natural 6/8.45 oz 37040 7224828755 International Liberty Richter Gbr Oil Flaxseed 6/8.45 oz 37052 7224829202 International Liberty Richter Oil Macadamia Nut 6/8.4 oz 210538 7224829204 Internl Delight Alpine Food Distributing Half And Half 1/384 ea 207462 4127100826 Interntnl Paper Global Baristas Llc Lid Cold Domed 16/24oz 1/1000 ea 70713 79429770558 Interntnl Paper Global Baristas Llc Lid Domed 12/16/20oz Tully 1/1200 ea 116388 79429772815 Iron Chef Iron Chef Sauce Mu Shu Hoisin BBQ 6/15 oz 63926 73105000073 Iron Chef Iron Chef Sauce General Tso 6/15 oz 63927 73105000074 Isigny Atalanta Corporation Fra Mimolette 12 Months Natural 2/7 lb 231516 7127035601 Iskream Iskream Inc Ice Cream Banana Natural 8/1 pt 223795 85845200206 Iskream Iskream Inc Ice Cream Chocolate Cherry Chunk Natural 8/1 pt 223796 85845200204 Iskream Iskream Inc Ice Cream Java Chip Natural 8/1 pt 223797 85845200203 Iskream Iskream Inc Ice Cream Peanut Butter/Jelly Natural 8/1 pt 223798 85845202055 Iskream Iskream Inc Ice Cream Vanilla Natural 8/1 pt 223799 85845200200 Iskream Iskream Inc Ice Cream Chocolate Brownie Natural 8/1 pt 223800 85845200201 Iskream Iskream Inc Ice Cream Berry Good 8/1 pt 223801 85845200202 Istara Istara Fra Basque P’tit Pc 1/8 lb 119375 7221078854 Istara Lactalis Export Americas Fra Ossau Iraty 1/10 lb 34529 7221082980 Istara Lactalis Export Americas Fra Basque P’tit W/Wax 6/1.5 lb 202074 7221023952 Italian Harvest Italian Harvest Ita Pasta Artisan Linguine Organic Natural 12/1.1 lb 232355 1833800080 Italian Harvest Italian Harvest Ita Paste Hot Pepper Bomba Calabria 12/6.7 oz 232369 3255179507 Italian Harvest Italian Harvest Ita Pasta Farfalline Artisan Zebra Organic 18/8.8 oz 232373 1833800421 Italian Harvest Italian Harvest Ita Pasta Lingua Suocera Artisan Organic 8/8.8 oz 232374 1833800105 Italian Harvest Italian Harvest Ita Pasta Farfalline Artisan Arco Organic 18/8.8 oz 232375 1833800109 Italian Harvest Italian Harvest Ita Pasta Monnezzaglia Organic Natural 9/1.1 lb 232376 1833800463 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Italian Harvest Italian Harvest Ita Pasta Farfalloni Organic Natural 8/1.1 lb 232377 1833800005 Italian Harvest Italian Harvest Ita Pasta Cornucopie Organic Natural 10/1.1 lb 232378 1833800025 Italian Harvest Italian Harvest Ita Pasta Foglie Dulivo Organic Natural 12/1.1 lb 232380 1833800711 Italian Harvest Italian Harvest Ita Pasta Stelline Artisan Organic Natural 12/1.1 lb 232381 1833800575 Italian Harvest Italian Harvest Ita Pasta Spugnole Artisan Organic Natural 10/1.1 lb 232382 1833800036 Ito En Ito En Jpn Tea Liquid Green Japanese 12/11.5 oz 210992 83514300592 Ivars Kv Holdings Sauce Tartar Natural 12/9 oz 233173 3038319596 Ivars Kv Holdings Sauce Wasabi Cocktail Natural 12/9 oz 233174 3038319600 Ivars Kv Holdings Sauce Chipotle Tartar Natural 12/9 oz 233175 3038319602 Ivars Kv Holdings Sauce Lemon Tartar Natural 12/9 oz 233176 3038319601 Ivars Kv Holdings Sauce Cocktail Natural 12/9 oz 233177 3038319597 J And D’s J&D’s Down Home Enterprises Salt Bacon Original 6/2 oz 77948 89830000100 J And D’s J&D’s Down Home Enterprises Salt Bacon Hickory 6/2 oz 77949 89830000101 J And D’s J&D’s Down Home Enterprises Salt Bacon Peppered 6/2 oz 77950 89830000102 J And D’s J&D’s Down Home Enterprises Salt Baconnaise Regular 6/15 oz 80721 89830000138 J And D’s J&D’s Down Home Enterprises Popcorn Bacon Microwave 6/9.9 oz 114097 89830000187 J And D’s J&D’s Down Home Enterprises Croutons Tomato Basil 6/4.5 oz 216006 81701701016 J And D’s J&D’s Down Home Enterprises Croutons Bacon 6/4.5 oz 216007 81701701002 J And D’s J&D’s Down Home Enterprises Croutons Pretzel Bread Natural 6/4.5 oz 233710 81701701062 J And D’s J&D’s Down Home Enterprises Croutons Everything Natural 6/4.5 oz 233711 81701701061 J And J Quality Frozen Foods Inc Sour Cream 12/16 oz 83876 1127400015 J And J Quality Frozen Foods Inc Butter Whip Cups 24/8 oz 206590 1127400025 J And J Quality Frozen Foods Inc Cream Cheese Whipped Pd 12/8 oz 206593 1127400027 J And J Quality Frozen Foods Inc Cottage Cheese Low Fat Pd 12/16 oz 210374 1127400009 J And J Quality Frozen Foods Inc Yogurt Vanilla Pd 12/7 oz 210375 1127400023 J And J Quality Frozen Foods Inc Farmer Cheese Midget Pd 12/8 oz 210377 1127400086 J And J Quality Frozen Foods Inc Sour Cream Lite 12/16 oz 216172 1127400017 J And J Quality Frozen Foods Inc Cottage Cheese 12/16 oz 216173 1127400070 J Gasco Italian Harvest Ita Soda Italian Fizzy Ginger Ale Natural 24/6.76 fo 232697 5673606005 J Gasco Italian Harvest Ita Soda Italian Fizzy Ginger Beer Natural 24/6.76 fo 232698 5673606006 J Gasco Italian Harvest Ita Soda Italian Fizzy Limonata Natural 24/6.76 fo 232699 5673606001 J Gasco Italian Harvest Ita Soda Italian Fizzy Cedrata Natural 24/6.76 fo 232700 5673606002 J Gasco Italian Harvest Ita Soda Italian Fizzy Elderflower Natural 24/6.76 fo 232701 5673606011 J Gasco Italian Harvest Ita Soda Italian Fizzy Indian Tonic Natural 24/6.76 fo 232702 5673606004 J Gasco Italian Harvest Ita Soda Italian Fizzy Violet Natural 24/6.76 fo 232703 5673606007 J Wilbur J Wilbur Sauce BBQ Hickory Smoke Natural 6/16 fo 212883 85399200101 J Wilbur J Wilbur Sauce BBQ Hickory Spicy Natural 6/16 fo 212884 85399200103 J Wilbur J Wilbur Foods Llc Flavoring Bloody Mary 6/16 fo 219014 85399200104 Jack Blacks Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Root Beer Dead Red 24/12 oz 91250 89245820001 Jack Blacks Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Blue Cream 24/12 oz 204137 89245800107 Jack Blacks Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Orange Stash 24/12 oz 204138 89245800106 Jack Blacks Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Blood Red Cola 24/12 oz 204139 89245800108 Jack Daniels T Marzetti Company Mustard Horseradish 6/9 oz 24879 7020050230 Jack Daniels T Marzetti Company Mustard Honey Dijon 6/9 oz 24882 7020050233 Jack Daniels T Marzetti Company Mustard Old No 7 6/9 oz 24883 7020050234 Jack Links Link Snacks Inc Jerky Beef Teriyaki 8/2.85 oz 230428 1708287635 Jack Links Link Snacks Inc Jerky Turkey 8/2.85 oz 230429 1708287636 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 133 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 134 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Jack Links Link Snacks Inc Jerky Beef Peppered 8/2.85 oz 230430 1708287632 Jack Links Link Snacks Inc Jerky Beef Bites Teriyaki 8/2.85 oz 230431 1708287735 Jack Links Link Snacks Inc Jerky Beef Jalapeno 8/2.85 oz 230432 1708287628 Jack Links Link Snacks Inc Jerky Beef Bites Original 8/2.85 oz 230433 1708287736 Jack Links Link Snacks Inc Jerky Beef Original 8/2.85 oz 230434 1708287631 Jack Links Link Snacks Inc Jerky Beef Peppered Small Batch 8/2.5 oz 232084 1708287470 Jack Links Link Snacks Inc Jerky Beef Teriyaki Small Batch 8/2.5 oz 232085 1708287469 Jack Links Link Snacks Inc Jerky Bacon Small Batch 8/2.5 oz 232086 1708287674 Jack Links Link Snacks Inc Jerky Beef Original Small Batch 8/2.5 oz 232087 1708287468 Jackson Hole Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Buckin Root Beer 24/12 oz 79837 81245200001 Jackson Hole Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Sarsaparilla 24/12 oz 79838 81245200201 Jackson Hole Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Z Huckleberry 24/12 oz 117318 81245200101 Jackson Hole Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Cowboy Cream 24/12 oz 234742 81245200701 Jacobs Kelsen Inc Gbr Crackers Cream 24/7.05 oz 227588 5929029060 Jacobsen Salt Jacobsen Salt Co Candy Licorice Black Salty Natural 14/7.4 oz 227224 79357386001 Jacobsen Salt Jacobsen Salt Co Candy Caramels Salty Natural 14/7.3 oz 227225 79357393599 Jacobsens Log House Foods Toast Cinnamon Snack Natural 6/5.6 oz 211488 7731400101 Jacobsens Log House Foods Toast Snack Original Natural 6/5.6 oz 211489 7731400404 Jacobsens Log House Foods Toast Cinnamon/Raisin Snack Natural 6/5.6 oz 211490 7731400202 Jacquin Fromi Rungis Sas Fra Pave Jadis Ash Jacquin 1/2.9 kg 119369 7221077791 Janes Janes Salt Krazy Mixed Up 6/4 oz 118953 4127800005 Janes Janes Pepper Krazy Mixed Up 6/2.5 oz 210675 4127800009 Jarlsberg Norseland Inc Hickory Smoked Natural 20/8 oz 217238 7550196003 Jarlsberg Norseland Inc Jarlsberg Minis 5Pc/Bag 12/3.57 oz 224063 7550192300 Jarlsberg Norseland Inc Display Jarlsberg Minis 30Ct Natural 6/21 oz 228275 7550193200 Jason The Hain Celestial Group Inc Toothpaste Healthy Mouth Tartar Control 24/6 oz 46361 7852201525 Jason The Hain Celestial Group Inc Toothpaste Gel Powersmile White Anti Cavity 24/6 oz 86805 7852201540 Jason The Hain Celestial Group Inc Mouthwash Healthy 24/16 oz 86808 7852201560 Jason The Hain Celestial Group Inc Wash Body Coconut Smoothing 6/30 oz 235881 7852202126 Jason The Manischewitz Co Bread Crumbs Flavored 12/15 oz 14962 4119800501 Jason The Manischewitz Co Bread Crumbs Plain 12/15 oz 14963 4119800601 Jason The Manischewitz Co Bread Crumbs Panko Plain 12/9 oz 215033 4119800401 Jasper Hill Cellars At Jasper Hill Cheddar Clothbound 1/32 lb 218339 7221042636 Jasper Hill Cellars At Jasper Hill Harbison Natural 8/9 oz 232993 81483602001 Jasper Hill Cellars At Jasper Hill Oma Natural Organic Gluten Free 4/2 lb 235679 7221043177 Jasper Hill Jasper Hill Cheddar Clothbound Quarter Wheel 1/8 lb 223485 7221042885 Java Trading Java Trading Co Coffee Colombian Single Packet 40/1.3 oz 222285 76604750063 Java Trading Java Trading Co Coffee Irish Creme Ground 40/1.3 oz 222286 76604750071 Java Trading Java Trading Co Coffee French Roast Single Packet 40/1.3 oz 222287 76604750064 Java Trading Java Trading Co Coffee Decaf Colombian Single Packet 40/1.3 oz 222288 76604750062 Java Trading Java Trading Co Coffee Java Gold Single Packet 40/1.3 oz 222289 76604750065 Java Trading Java Trading Co Coffee Chocolate Macadamia Nut Ground 40/1.3 oz 222290 76604750068 Java Trading Java Trading Co Cleaner Urn 100/1.15 oz 222315 75463150001 Jeni’s Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams Ice Cream Whiskey And Pecans 8/1 pt 212242 85580200304 Jeni’s Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams Ice Cream Brown Butter Almond Brittle 8/1 pt 212244 85316900253 Jeni’s Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams Ice Cream Pistachio And Honey 8/1 pt 212246 85316900209 Jeni’s Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams Ice Cream Vanilla Bean Ndali Estate 8/1 pt 212248 85316900240 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Jeni’s Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams Ice Cream Caramel Salty 8/1 pt 212249 85316900200 Jeni’s Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams Ice Cream Brambleberry Crisp 8/1 pt 212250 85316900290 Jeni’s Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams Sorbet Riesling Poached Pear 8/1 pt 212253 85316900210 Jeni’s Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams Ice Cream Chocolate Dark 8/1 pt 212254 85316900201 Jeni’s Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams Ice Cream Orchid Vanilla Macaroon Sandwich 14/6 oz 217621 85316900291 Jeni’s Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams Ice Cream Salty Caramel Macaroon Sandwich 14/6 oz 217623 85316900264 Jeni’s Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams Ice Cream Chocolate Hazelnut Macaroon Sandwich 14/6 oz 217624 85580200313 Jeni’s Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams Ice Cream Goat Cheese W/Red Cherries 8/1 pt 217625 85316900216 Jeni’s Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams Ice Cream Oatmeal Pie Sandwich 14/6 oz 217627 85316900260 Jennie O Jennie O Turkey Store Inc Turkey Breast Original Oven Roasted 2/9 lb 18157 4222285400 Jennie O Jennie O Turkey Store Inc Turkey Breast Homestyle 2/8 lb 31350 3927232922 Jennie O Jennie O Turkey Store Inc Chicken Breast Homestyle 2/6 lb 31351 3927232926 Jennie O Jennie O Turkey Store Inc Turkey Breast Pepper Premium 3/3.5 lb 31353 3927230943 Jennie O Jennie O Turkey Store Inc Turkey Breast Rotisserie 4/4.5 lb 31354 3927210946 Jennie O Jennie O Turkey Store Inc Turkey Breast Sundried Tomato Premium 3/3.5 lb 78138 3927230501 Jennie O Jennie O Turkey Store Inc Turkey Breast Hickory Smoked Original 2/10 lb 82222 4222286852 Jennie O Jennie O Turkey Store Inc Turkey Ground Raw Natural 2/10 lb 209863 4222220510 Jennie O Jennie O Turkey Store Inc Turkey Breast Rtc Boneless Skin On Natural 4/5.25 lb 224538 4222221870 Jennie O Jennie O Turkey Store Inc Turkey Breast Shredded 4/5 lb 227570 4222222012 Jennie O Jennie O Turkey Store Inc Turkey Breast Tender Browned Deli Favorite 2/10 lb 232426 4222285032 Jennies Red Mill Farms Inc Macaroon Coconut 12/8 oz 86339 7187912491 Jennifer’s Grain Jennifer’s Grains Quinoa 6/3 lb 214222 85905300302 Jennifer’s Grain Jennifer’s Grains Freekeh 6/3 lb 217974 85905300308 Jennifer’s Grain Jennifer’s Grains Wheat Berry 6/3 lb 218994 85905300309 Jennifer’s Grain Jennifer’s Grains Rice Brown 6/3 lb 221298 85905300300 Jes Jes Dressing Miso 6/13.7 oz 203183 2809300141 Jet Tea Kerry Inc Smoothie Yogurt Strawberry Nf 6/64 oz 209840 68715613795 Jet Tea Kerry Inc Smoothie Yogurt Mango Nf 6/64 oz 215554 68715613798 Jet Tea Kerry Inc Smoothie Mix Strawberry Bomb 6/64 oz 215877 68715612612 JFC JFC International Cuttlefish Saki Ika Hot 12/2 oz 1225 1115206318 JFC JFC International Iri Shirogoma Sesame 12/8 oz 1228 1115206600 JFC JFC International Seasoning Wasabi Fumi Kak 10/1.7 oz 1266 1115212138 JFC JFC International Nori Fumi Furikake 10/1.7 oz 1323 1115227641 JFC JFC International Kor Seaweed 3 Pack 24/.68 oz 210271 1115287553 JFC JFC International Chn Salmon Furikake 10/1.7 oz 210272 1115241464 JFC JFC International Kor Udon Nama Instant Bowl 12/8.29 oz 210337 1115215684 JFC JFC International Seeds Sesame Black 12/8 oz 213753 1115203830 JFC JFC International Chn Furikake Katsuo 10/1.7 oz 213754 1115207071 Jim Beam Jim Beam Almonds Oak Barrel Smoked 6/5 oz 233670 81954701020 Jim Beam Jim Beam Peanuts Honey Bourbon 6/6 oz 233671 81954701015 Jim Beam Jim Beam Cashews Honey Bourbon 6/5 oz 233672 81954701019 Jin Hwa Oriental Kitchen Pork Chinese No 1 1/15 lb 65449 74183720001 Jin Hwa Oriental Kitchen Pork Chinese Sliced 1/10 lb 65450 74183730001 Jin Hwa Oriental Kitchen Pork Chinese Style 20/8 oz 65451 74183740011 Jin Hwa Oriental Kitchen Chinese BBQ Bowl 6/20 oz 204813 74183740014 Jin Hwa Oriental Kitchen Pork BBQ Chinese 1/15 lb 204991 85617200201 Jin Hwa Oriental Kitchen Pork BBQ Chinese 7 Oz 18/7 oz 226202 85617200202 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 135 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 136 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Jin Ja Jin Ja Drink Jin Ja 187Ml Natural 12/187 ml 221562 85412100401 Jin Ja Jin Ja Drink Dragon Fruit Natural 12/187 ml 225753 85412100408 Jj Flats B And G Foods Inc Flatbread Sesame 12/5 oz 49279 8590610050 Jm Schneider Jm Schneider Quiche Lorraine 6/24 oz 23886 6200080969 Jm Schneider Jm Schneider Quiche Florentine 6/24 oz 205425 6200080977 Joan Of Arc Saputo Cheese USA Brie Goat Mini 6/4.4 oz 210560 7027255514 Joan Of Arc Saputo Cheese USA Brie Crãˆme Double 6/8 oz 210561 7027207703 Joan Of Arc Saputo Cheese USA Brie Creme Tripple 6/8 oz 226200 71156512910 Joan Of Arc Saputo Cheese USA Chevre Goat Cheese Medallion 5Pack 12/5 oz 232053 71156520244 John West British Wholesale Imports Gbr Fillets Kipper In Sunflower Oil 10/5.6 oz 225226 79285135928 John Wm Macy John Wm Macy Cheesesticks Inc Cheesesticks Romano Garlic 12/4 oz 63445 72492310300 John Wm Macy John Wm Macy Cheesesticks Inc Cheesesticks Dijon Swiss 12/4 oz 63446 72492310500 John Wm Macy John Wm Macy Cheesesticks Inc Cheesesticks Cheddar Scallion 12/4 oz 63447 72492310700 John Wm Macy John Wm Macy Cheesesticks Inc Cheesesticks Cheddar Original 12/4 oz 120188 72492310100 John Wm Macy John Wm Macy Cheesesticks Inc Cheesesticks Melting Parmesan 12/4 oz 120189 72492311100 John Wm Macy John Wm Macy Cheesesticks Inc Cheesecrisps Asiago And Cheddar 12/4.5 oz 120190 72492345100 Johnny’s Fine Foods Johnny’s Fine Foods Pepper Lemon Jamaica 6/3.25 oz 25858 7038110027 Johnny’s Fine Foods Johnny’s Fine Foods Seasoning Salt Popcorn 6/4.75 oz 25860 7038110040 Johnny’s Fine Foods Johnny’s Fine Foods Dressing Jamaica Mistake 6/12 oz 25868 7038110125 Johnny’s Fine Foods Johnny’s Fine Foods Dressing Caesar Great 6/12 oz 25870 7038110128 Johnny’s Fine Foods Johnny’s Fine Foods Marinade Jamaica Sweet Hot Crazy 6/12 oz 25871 7038110132 Johnny’s Fine Foods Johnny’s Fine Foods Dip French Au Jus Pw 6/6 oz 25886 7038180068 Johnny’s Fine Foods Johnny’s Fine Foods Sauce Salmon Finishing 6/12 oz 211249 7038112127 Johnsens General Automotive Supply Co Fluid Auto Transmission 12/12 oz 211908 3910102512 Jolly Time World Finer Foods Seasoning Popcorn Butter Licious 6/3.25 oz 229672 7067000414 Jones Jones Soda Can Soda Lemonade Berry 12/12 oz 215377 62022120020 Jones Jones Soda Can Soda Strawberry Lime 12/12 oz 215378 62022120001 Jones Jones Soda Can Soda Cream 12/12 oz 215379 62022120009 Jones Jones Soda Can Soda Green Apple 12/12 oz 215380 62022120012 Jones Jones Soda Can Soda Stripped Huckleberry Natural 24/12 oz 230420 62022129009 Jones Jones Soda Can Soda Stripped Cherry Natural 24/12 oz 230421 62022129008 Jones Jones Soda Can Soda Stripped Orange Mango Natural 24/12 oz 230422 62022129007 Jo’s Candies Jo’s Candies Crackers Graham Chocolate Milk Natural 192/1 oz 218501 7221042638 Jo’s Candies Jo’s Candies Crackers Graham Chocolate Dark Salt Natural 176/1 oz 218502 7221042645 Jo’s Candies Jo’s Candies Crackers Graham Chocolate Dark Natural 192/1 oz 218503 7221042639 Jo’s Candies Jo’s Candies Grahams Dark W/Caramel/Sea Salt Natural 12/8.5 oz 225384 75535070651 Jo’s Candies Jo’s Candies Grahams Dark Chocolate W/ Sea Salt Natural 12/8 oz 225387 75535070750 Jose Cuervo Jose Cuervo Drink Mix Margarita Lime 6/33.8 oz 226624 81153801121 Jose Cuervo Jose Cuervo Drink Mix Margarita Strawberry 6/33.8 oz 226625 81153801120 Jose Cuervo The Cholula Food Company Inc Drink Mix Margarita Strawberry 6/59.2 oz 226619 81153801114 Jose Cuervo The Cholula Food Company Inc Drink Mix Margarita Mango 6/59.2 oz 226621 81153801116 Jose Cuervo The Cholula Food Company Inc Drink Mix Margarita Lime 6/59.2 oz 226623 81153801115 Jose Cuervo The Cholula Food Company Inc Drink Mix Margarita Lime Light 6/59.2 oz 231693 81153801118 Jose Cuervo The Cholula Food Company Inc Drink Mix Margarita Lime Light 1L 12/33.8 oz 231694 81153801124 Jovial Euro USA Trading Co Ita Pasta Tagiatelle Egg B/Rice Pd 12/9 oz 221213 81542101130 Jovial Euro USA Trading Co Ita Pasta Spaghetti Brwn/Rice Gluten Free Pd 12/12 oz 221215 81542101120 Jovial Euro USA Trading Co Ita Pasta Penne Rigate Gluten Free Natural Pd 12/12 oz 221216 81542101122 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Joyfull Ashbury Market Inc Muffins Vegan Blueberry 6 Pack 8/13.2 oz 231978 85661700470 Joyfull Ashbury Market Inc Cake Loaf Hummingbird Banana Pinapl 12/16 oz 231979 85661700476 Joyfull Ashbury Market Inc Cake Loaf Vegan Blueberry 12/16 oz 231980 85661700478 Joyfull Ashbury Market Inc Muffins Vegan Bran 6 Pack 8/13.2 oz 231981 85661700471 Joyfull Ashbury Market Inc Cake Loaf Vegan Chocolate Chip 12/16 oz 231982 85661700477 Joyfull Ashbury Market Inc Skone Vegan Lemon Flax Seed 8 Pack 12/10.4 oz 231983 85661700472 Joyfull Ashbury Market Inc Cookies Vegan Ginger 4 Pack 16/10 oz 231995 85661700475 Joyfull Ashbury Market Inc Cookies Vegan Chocolate Chip 4 Pack 16/10 oz 231996 85661700473 Joyfull Ashbury Market Inc Cookies Vegan Oatmeal Raisin 4 Pack 16/10 oz 231997 85661700474 Joyfull Ashbury Market Inc Crisps Parmesan Cheese Natural 18/3 oz 234147 85661700469 Joyva Joyva Halvah Vanilla 6/8 oz 18015 4179500006 Joyva Joyva Halvah Marble 6/8 oz 18017 4179500008 Joyva Joyva Halvah Vanilla Pc 1/8 lb 32504 7221077971 Joyva Joyva Halvah Marble Nut Pc 1/8 lb 32505 7221077972 Joyva Joyva Halvah Marble Pc 1/8 lb 67968 76181800900 Joyva Joyva Butter Sesame Tahini 6/15 oz 91564 4179500098 Joyva Joyva Corporation Bar Halvah Vanilla 36/1.75 oz 18012 4179500001 Joyva Joyva Corporation Bar Halvah Marble Treat 36/1.75 oz 18013 4179500003 Joyva Joyva Corporation Halvah Chocolate Covered Bar 36/1.75 oz 18014 4179500004 Joyva Joyva Corporation Raspberry Joy Treat 36/1.5 oz 18020 4179500012 Joyva Joyva Corporation Bar Sesame Pd 36/1.12 oz 18025 4179500039 Joyva Joyva Corporation Halvah Marble 8/6 lb 31363 7221072085 Joyva Joyva Corporation Halvah Marble Nut 8/6 lb 31972 7221074887 Joyva Joyva Corporation Halvah Vanilla 8/6 lb 31973 7221074889 Joyva Joyva Corporation Halvah Chocolate Covered 12/8 oz 85834 4179500009 Joyva Joyva Corporation Sesame Crunch Pieces Pd 24/8 oz 85838 4179500057 Judy Fus Judy Fus Sauce Peanut 6/14.5 oz 213521 83054800060 Judy Fus Judy Fus Sauce Potsticker 6/14 oz 213522 83054800150 Judy Fus Judy Fus Sauce Black Bean 6/9 oz 213526 83054800350 Jules Destrooper World Finer Foods Cookies Almond Thins 12/3.5 oz 66728 74988011023 Jules Destrooper World Finer Foods Cookies Ginger Thins 12/3.5 oz 66730 74988011091 Jules Destrooper World Finer Foods Cookies Virtuoso 12/3.52 oz 66732 74988011208 Jules Destrooper World Finer Foods Cookies Chocolate Thins 12/3.52 oz 66733 74988013090 Junket Redco Foods Inc Rennet Tablets 8 Ct 12/8 ea 4781 2070042701 Junket Redco Foods Inc Danish Raspberry Dessert 12/4.75 oz 4782 2070044503 Junket Redco Foods Inc Danish Strawberry Dessert 12/4.75 oz 4783 2070044603 Just Just Tomatoes Etc Raspberries Standard Pouch 12/2 oz 212158 1241311603 Just Just Tomatoes Etc Strawberry Bananas Standard Pouch 12/2 oz 212159 1241333000 Just Just Tomatoes Etc Fruit Munchies Standard Pouch 12/3 oz 212160 1241310802 Just Just Tomatoes Etc Strawberries Standard Pouch 12/1.5 oz 212161 1241320002 Just Just Tomatoes Etc Cherries Standard Pouch 12/2.5 oz 212162 1241311403 Just Chill The Chill Group Inc Drink Rio Berry Natural 12/12 oz 217174 85433700213 Just Chill The Chill Group Inc Drink Caribbean Natural 12/12 oz 217175 85433700214 Just Chill The Chill Group Inc Drink Tropical Natural 12/12 oz 217239 85433700203 Just Delicious Just Delicious Corp Muffins Variety Case Natural 30/4 oz 225619 81041702214 Just Delicious Just Delicious Corp Eclairs Vanilla Natural 16/6 oz 225620 81041702081 Just Delicious Just Delicious Corp Cannoli Large Natural 12/3 oz 225621 81041702083 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 137 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 138 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Just Delicious Just Delicious Corp Wannabe Vanilla Natural 24/8 oz 225622 81041702077 Just Desserts Just Desserts Cake Chocolate 6In 4/22 oz 2522 1360900105 Just Desserts Just Desserts Cake 6In Key Lime 4/23 oz 2523 1360900107 Just Desserts Just Desserts Cake Carrot 6In 4/24 oz 2524 1360900110 Just Desserts Just Desserts Cake 6In Mint Chocolate 4/23 oz 2526 1360900159 Just Desserts Just Desserts Cake Cookies N Cream 6In 4/24 oz 2531 1360900240 Just Desserts Just Desserts Cake Lemon 6In 4/23 oz 2532 1360900302 Just Desserts Just Desserts Cake Mocha Cream 6In 4/22 oz 2533 1360900303 Just Desserts Just Desserts Cake Chocolate Mini 8/5 oz 2534 1360900821 Just Desserts Just Desserts Cake Lemon Mini 8/5 oz 2535 1360900823 Just Desserts Just Desserts Cake Carrot Mini 8/5 oz 2536 1360900825 Just Desserts Just Desserts Bites Brownie 2Pack 48/2 oz 2546 1360901531 Just Desserts Just Desserts Cake Bundt Mini Lemon Glazed 8/4.1 oz 206597 1360901581 Just Desserts Just Desserts Cake Bundt Mini Chocolate Glazed 8/3.3 oz 206598 1360901579 Just Desserts Just Desserts Cake Raspberry Chocolate Dark 6In 4/22 oz 216581 1360901839 Just Desserts Just Desserts Brownie Bites Natural 14/16 oz 227448 1360901987 Just Desserts Just Desserts Cake Vegan Midnight Chocolate 6 In Organic 4/20.8 oz 230454 1360902014 Just Desserts Just Desserts Cupcake Cookies And Cream Natural 6/4.4 oz 232226 1360901647 Just Desserts Just Desserts Cupcake Carrot Classic Natural 6/4.4 oz 232227 1360901723 Just Desserts Just Desserts Cupcake White Tie Natural 6/4.6 oz 232228 1360901650 Just Desserts Just Desserts Cupcake Strawberry Patch Natural 6/4.6 oz 232229 1360901721 Just Desserts Just Desserts Cupcakes Caramel Blast Grab N Go Natural 6/4.4 oz 234643 1360901722 Just Desserts Just Desserts Cupcakes Key Lime Grab N Go Natural 6/4.6 oz 234644 1360901768 Just Desserts Just Desserts Cupcakes Red Velvet Grab N Go Natural 6/4.4 oz 234645 1360901780 Just Great Stuff Betty Lous Inc Bar Fruit And Veggie Natural Organic Gluten Free 12/42 gr 204650 1607321603 Just Great Stuff Betty Lous Inc Bar Superberry Acai Natural Organic Gluten Free 12/42 gr 204651 1607321601 Just Great Stuff Betty Lous Inc Bar Cacao Acai Natural Organic Gluten Free 12/42 gr 204652 1607321602 Just Great Stuff Betty Lous Inc Bar Chocolate Dream Green Gluten Free Organic 12Pack 12/42 gm 206212 1607321604 Justin’s Justin’s Peanut Butter Chocolate Milk Cups 12/1.4 oz 147720 89445500024 Justin’s Justin’s Candy Peanut Butter Dark Chocolate Cups 12/1.4 oz 147739 89445500025 Justin’s Justin’s Llc Peanut Butter Chocolate White Cups 12/1.4 oz 235877 85518800357 Ka Me Panos Brands Noodle Box Pad Thai 6/11.6 oz 27870 7084470560 Ka Me Panos Brands Noodle Box Peanut Satay 6/11.6 oz 27872 7084470564 Kabobs Kabobs Inc Satay Szechuan Beef 100/1 oz 65873 74537815090 Kabobs Kabobs Inc Satay Chicken 100/.8 oz 65875 74537824000 Kabobs Kabobs Inc Satay Thai Peanut Chicken 100/.8 oz 65876 74537824090 Kabobs Kabobs Inc Potsticker Vegetable 100/.7 oz 65879 74537836100 Kabobs Kabobs Inc Shrimp Panang 100/.85 oz 65880 74537836340 Kabobs Kabobs Inc Quiche Assorted Mini 200/.75 oz 65883 74537846600 Kabobs Kabobs Inc Scallops Wrapped In Bacon 100/.45 oz 65885 74537862500 Kabobs Kabobs Inc Puffs Fig Caramelized Onion 1 Oz 1/100 ea 65886 74537867601 Kabobs Kabobs Inc Chicken Cordon Blue Mini 100/1 oz 65892 74537871300 Kabobs Kabobs Inc Empanadas Beef 100/.9 oz 65895 74537871500 Kabobs Kabobs Inc Wellington Beef Mini 200/1 oz 65902 74537872500 Kabobs Kabobs Inc Portabella Puff 100/1 oz 65903 74537872520 Kabobs Kabobs Inc Spanakopita 200/.7 oz 65905 74537873000 Kabobs Kabobs Inc Phyllo Feta And Sundried Tomato 200/.7 oz 65910 74537874600 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Kabobs Kabobs Inc Beggar Purse Mushroom 100/.75 oz 65911 74537875100 Kabobs Kabobs Inc Quesadilla Chicken 200/.7 oz 65912 74537876500 Kabobs Kabobs Inc Burrito Smoked Chicken Tequila 200/1.25 oz 65913 74537878400 Kabobs Kabobs Inc Shrimp Coconut 100/.7 oz 65915 74537880000 Kabobs Kabobs Inc Crab Cakes 200/.75 oz 65916 74537880200 Kabobs Kabobs Inc Chicken Sesame Style 100/.75 oz 65918 74537881000 Kabobs Kabobs Inc Bread Parmesan Artichoke 200/1.07 oz 65920 74537881500 Kabobs Kabobs Inc Springroll Cashew Chicken 200/1.35 oz 65924 74537886300 Kabobs Kabobs Inc Springroll Vegetable 200/1.35 oz 65925 74537886600 Kabobs Kabobs Inc Tart Artichoke Olive 200/.5 oz 65928 74537890327 Kabobs Kabobs Inc Shrimp Dragon 100/.75 oz 65929 74537890428 Kabobs Kabobs Inc Satay Tandoori Chicken 100/.8 oz 65930 74537890464 Kabobs Kabobs Inc Pot Pie Chicken Marsala 200/1 oz 211495 74537872730 Kabobs Kabobs Inc Brie Pear And Almond Beggars Purse 100/.85 oz 211496 74537873910 Kabobs Kabobs Inc Dim Sum Assorted 1/150 ea 213064 74537859320 Kabobs Kabobs Inc Melts Macaroni And Cheese Mini 180/.8 oz 218239 74537870710 Kadoya Wismettac Asian Foods Oil Sesame 10/56 oz 2182 1282200904 Kalocsa Kalocsa Paprika Sweet Hungarian 6/5 oz 26744 7067000523 Kams Kams Sauce Chili Hot 12/12 oz 231536 86135000001 Kams Kams Sauce Chili Sweet And Spicy 12/12 oz 231537 86135000000 Kane Kane Home Products Chn Towel Flour Sack 3/1 ea 214198 7245613223 Kane Kane Home Products Chn Towel Bar Mob 3/1 ea 214202 7245652123 Kane Kane Home Products Chn Towel Kitchen Fruit Garland Sand 6/1 ea 225652 7272440896 Kane Kane Home Products Chn Towel Kitchen Stripe Sand 6/1 ea 225653 7272440898 Kane Kane Home Products Chn Towel Kitchen Fruit Garland Olive 6/1 ea 225654 7272440895 Kane Kane Home Products Chn Timer Clip Strip Produce Assorted 12/1 ea 225655 7272415617 Kane Kane Home Products Chn Towel Kitchen Fruit Garland Red 6/1 ea 225656 7272440012 Kane Kane Home Products Chn Mitt Oven Quilted Olive 6/1 ea 225657 7272440901 Kane Kane Home Products Chn Mitt Oven Quilted Red 6/1 ea 225658 7272440023 Kane Kane Home Products Chn Towel Kitchen Stripe Red 6/1 ea 225659 7272440018 Kane Kane Home Products Chn Towel Kitchen Double Rib Olive 6/1 ea 225660 7272440893 Kane Kane Home Products Chn Bar Mops Natural Assorted 3/1 ea 225661 7272441865 Kane Kane Home Products Chn Bar Mops Primary Assorted 3/1 ea 225664 7272441863 Kane Kane Home Products Chn Towel Kitchen Double Rib Sand 6/1 ea 225665 7272440894 Kane Kane Home Products Chn Timer Clip Strip Animal Assorted 12/1 ea 225666 7272440636 Kane Kane Home Products Chn Towel Kitchen Double Rib Red 6/1 ea 225667 7272440053 Kane Kane Home Products Chn Mitt Oven Quilted Sand 6/1 ea 225668 7272440902 Kane Kane Home Products Chn Towel Kitchen Stripe Olive 6/1 ea 225669 7272440897 Kane Kane Home Products Chn Potholder Pocket Quilted Red 6/1 ea 225670 7272440028 Kane Kane Home Products Chn Potholder Pocket Quilted Olive 6/1 ea 225671 7272440899 Kane Kane Home Products Chn Potholder Pocket Quilted Sand 6/1 ea 225672 7272440900 Kangaroo Kangaroo Bread Pita Pocket Salad White 12/8 oz 45174 7750700051 Kangaroo Kangaroo Bread Pita Pocket Salad Wheat 12/8 oz 45175 7750700052 Kangaroo Kangaroo Bread Pita Pocket White Precut 12/12 oz 45178 7750700061 Kangaroo Kangaroo Bread Pita Pocket Wheat Precut 12/12 oz 45179 7750700062 Kangaroo Kangaroo Flatbread Pockets Wheat 18/7.5 oz 226949 7750700082 Kangaroo Kangaroo Flatbread Pockets White 18/7.5 oz 226950 7750700081 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 139 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 140 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Kanimi Shining Ocean Crab Surimi Flakes 12/2.5 lb 989 1102900108 Kariout Chins Import Export Vinegar White 5% 4/1 ga 228543 76335202005 Karo Karo Corn Syrup Light Red Natural 6/32 oz 225181 76172005140 Karoun Dairy Karoun Dairies Inc String Cheese Mozzarella Braided 12/5 oz 70898 79625200005 Karoun Dairy Karoun Dairies Inc String Cheese Marinated Braided 12/5 oz 70900 79625200015 Karoun Dairy Karoun Dairies Inc Farmers Cheese Goat Basket 6/8 oz 70925 79625250016 Karoun Dairy Karoun Dairies Inc Yogurt Mediterranean Plain 6/16 oz 136759 79625222213 Karoun Dairy Karoun Dairies Inc Yogurt Mediterranean Low Fat 6/16 oz 205489 79625222212 Karoun Dairy Karoun Dairies Inc Kefir Labne Mediterranean 6/16 oz 205490 79625222214 Karoun Dairy Karoun Dairies Inc String Cheese Braided Original Natural 1/8 lb 230988 79625200041 Karoun Dairy Karoun Dairies Inc String Cheese Braided Marinated Natural 1/8 lb 230989 79625200040 Kartoffelland Gourmet International Ger Dumpling Mix Half And Half 6 Ct 7/7.9 oz 206201 67392272386 Kartoffelland Gourmet International Ger Dumpling Mix Bavarian 12 Ct 14/11.6 oz 206205 67392271167 Kashi Kellogg Sales Company Granola Blueberry Almond Bar Organic 12/6 oz 233510 1862710314 Kashi Kellogg Sales Company Granola Dark Chocolate Pomegranate Bar Organic 12/6 oz 233511 1862710317 Kashi Kellogg Sales Company Cereal Go Lean Van Graham Nut Cluster 10/13.2 oz 222825 1862792308 Kashi Kellogg Sales Company Cereal Go Lean Crunch Cup Natural 12/2.3 oz 230723 1862744641 Kashi Kellogg Sales Company Cereal Honey Toasted Oat Heart/Heart 12/1.4 oz 230724 1862744638 Kashi Kellogg Sales Company Granola Dark Chocolate Coconut Ginger Bar Organic 12/6 oz 233512 1862710320 Kashi Kellogg Sales Company Muesli Sunflower / Pepita Overnight 6/2.1 oz 235417 1862710344 Kasias Kasias Deli Inc Blintzes Blueberry 6/13 oz 204332 70948100028 Kasias Kasias Deli Inc Blintzes Sweet Cheese 6/13 oz 204333 70948100016 Kasias Kasias Deli Inc Pancakes Potato 6/13 oz 204334 70948100020 Kasugai Jfc International Jpn Candy Gummy Strawberry 12/1.58 oz 230562 1115225990 Kasugai Jfc International Jpn Candy Gummy Lychee 12/1.76 oz 230563 1115225987 Kasugai Jfc International Jpn Candy Gummy Watermelon 12/1.76 oz 230564 1115225986 Kasugai Jfc International Jpn Candy Gummy Peach 12/1.76 oz 230565 1115225989 Kathi Gourmet International Ger Cake Mix Cherry Streusel Natural 7/15.2 oz 229230 75996901070 Kaukauna Bel Brands USA Cheddar Sharp Cup 12/7.2 oz 3453 1700310091 Kaukauna Bel Brands USA Cheddar Smokey Cup 12/7.2 oz 3454 1700310092 Kaukauna Bel Brands USA Port Wine Cup 12/7.2 oz 3455 1700310094 Kaukauna Bel Brands USA Cheddar Ball Sharp 12/10 oz 3490 1700313584 Kaukauna Bel Brands USA Ball Port Wine 12/10 oz 3491 1700313586 Kaukauna Bel Brands USA Cheddar Sharp Extra Cup 12/7.2 oz 130762 1700310099 Kaukauna Bel Brands USA Ball Smokey Bacon 12/10 oz 200298 1700313583 Kavli World Finer Foods Flatbread Thin 12/5.29 oz 41105 7447275810 Kavli World Finer Foods Flatbread Thick 12/5.29 oz 41106 7447275820 Kavli World Finer Foods Crispbread 5 Grain 12/5.29 oz 200982 7447275830 Kaytee Kaytee Products Inc Hay Timothy Bales Mini 6/24 oz 234025 7185999969 Kaytee Kaytee Products Inc Parakeet Food Forti Diet 4/5 lb 234026 7185954312 Kaytee Kaytee Products Inc Rabbit Food Gourmet 4/5 lb 234027 7185900020 Kaytee Kaytee Products Inc Cockatiel Food Forti Diet 4/5 lb 234028 7185954712 Kc Masterpiece Kc Masterpiece Sauce BBQ Orginial 4/158 oz 111378 7460905418 Kedem Kedem Wine Sherry Cooking Pd 6/12.7 oz 39933 7349000008 Kedem Kedem Juice Sparkling Concord Pd 6/25.4 oz 39942 7349012361 Kedem Kedem Juice Sparkling Catawba Pd 6/25.4 oz 39943 7349012362 Kedem Kedem Wine White Cooking Pd 6/12.7 oz 39954 7349012443 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Kedem Kedem Juice Sparkling Blush Grape Pd 6/25.4 oz 39993 7349012833 Kedem Kedem Juice Sparkling Peach Grape Pd 6/25.4 oz 39998 7349012849 Kedem Kedem Juice Peach Grape Pd 6/22 oz 40000 7349012856 Kedem Kedem Juice Sparkling Cranberry Pd 6/25.4 oz 40017 7349012919 Kedem Kedem Wine Marsala Cooking Pd 6/12.7 oz 40019 7349012924 Kedem Kedem Wine Red Cooking Pd 6/12.7 oz 119653 7349012442 Kedem Kedem Juice Concord Grape Pd 6/32 oz 119654 7349012490 Kedem Kedem Juice White Grape Pd 6/22 oz 119661 7349012813 Kedem Kedem Juice Blush Grape Pd 6/22 oz 119663 7349012837 Kedem Kfp International Vinegar Wine Red Pd 12/12.7 oz 39932 7349000006 Kedem Kfp International Biscuits Tea Plain 24/4.2 oz 39937 7349012350 Kedem Kfp International Biscuits Tea Vanilla 24/4.2 oz 39947 7349012383 Kedem Kfp International Biscuits Tea Chocolate 24/4.2 oz 39948 7349012384 Kedem Kfp International Biscuits Tea Orange 24/4.2 oz 39949 7349012424 Kedem Kfp International Juice White Grape Pd 8/64 oz 39992 7349012828 Kedem Kfp International Biscuits Vanilla Tea Sugar Free 24/4.5 oz 40006 7349012879 Kedem Kfp International Cereal Crunchee Chocolate Bar 12/7.3 oz 40031 7349012986 Kedem Kfp International Cereal Crunchee Coco Rice Bar 12/5.9 oz 40034 7349012993 Kedem Kfp International Juice Concord Grape 12/22 oz 86499 7349000000 Kedem Kfp International Juice Gold Muscat Grape Pd 12/22 oz 86500 7349000001 Kedem Kfp International Juice Concord Grape Pd 8/50.7 oz 86501 7349000002 Kedem Kfp International Juice Apple Pd 8/64 oz 86504 7349012355 Kedem Kfp International Syrup Raspberry Pd 12/25.4 oz 86505 7349012356 Kedem Kfp International Juice Concord Grape Pd 8/64 oz 86522 7349012827 Kedem Kfp International Juice Sparkling Apple Cider Pd 12/25.4 oz 86526 7349012850 Kedem Kid’s Kfp International Cookie Animal 12/12 oz 40025 7349012941 Keebler Keebler Cracker Large Oyster 150/.5 oz 6549 2410016198 Kelly’s Kelly’s Jelly Habanero Pepper Natural 6/12 oz 223329 85452800400 Kelly’s Kelly’s Jelly Strawbanero Pepper Natural 6/12 oz 223330 85452800402 Kelly’s Kelly’s Jelly Pine A Peno Pepper Natural 6/12 oz 223331 85452800401 Kelly’s Kelly’s Jelly Marioner Pepper Natural 6/12 oz 230910 85452800409 Kelly’s Kelly’s Jelly Inc Preserves Oregon Cranberry Vanila Natural 12/12 oz 231547 85452800403 Kelly’s Kelly’s Jelly Inc Preserves Oregon Tayberry Natural 12/12 oz 231548 85452800406 Kelly’s Kelly’s Jelly Inc Preserves Oregon Marionberry Natural 12/12 oz 231549 85452800405 Kelly’s Kelly’s Jelly Inc Preserves Oregon Strawberry Natural 12/12 oz 231550 85452800407 Kelly’s Kelly’s Jelly Inc Preserves Oregon Blueberry Lemon Natural 12/12 oz 231551 85452800404 Kelly’s Kelly’s Jelly Inc Jelly Strawberry Habanero Pepper 12/2.65 lb 233113 85452800411 Kelly’s Kelly’s Jelly Inc Jelly Marionberry Habanero Pepper 12/2.65 lb 233114 85452800412 Kelly’s Kelly’s Jelly Inc Jelly Habanero Pepper 12/2.65 lb 233115 85452800410 Kernel Season Kernel Seasons Llc Seasoning Popcorn Parmesan Garlic 6/2.85 oz 58954 67017111011 Kernel Season Kernel Seasons Llc Seasoning Popcorn White Cheddar 6/2.85 oz 58955 67017111233 Kernel Season Kernel Seasons Llc Seasoning Popcorn Nacho Cheddar 6/2.85 oz 58956 67017111455 Kernel Season Kernel Seasons Llc Seasoning Popcorn Ranch 6/2.7 oz 58958 67017111788 Kernel Season Kernel Seasons Llc Seasoning Popcorn Kettle Corn 6/3 oz 58959 67017111975 Kernel Season Kernel Seasons Llc Seasoning Popcorn Butter 6/2.85 oz 58964 67017145454 Kernel Season Kernel Seasons Llc Oil Popping Theater Style 6/13.75 oz 224958 67017188140 Kerrygold Kerrygold Irl Dubliner 2/5 lb 31961 7221074862 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 141 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 142 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Kerrygold Kerrygold Irl Cheddar Vintage 1/10 lb 32048 7221075309 Kerrygold Kerrygold Irl Butter 10/8 oz 35621 7221084500 Kerrygold Kerrygold Irl Dubliner Pc Xlg 1/20 lb 113762 7221077108 Kerrygold Ornua Foods North America Irl Cheddar Vintage 1/40 lb 31970 7221074882 Kerrygold Ornua Foods North America Irl Dubliner 1/45 lb 32130 7221076121 Kerrygold Ornua Foods North America Irl Dubliner Vintage Aged 1/40 lb 32440 7221077759 Kerrygold Ornua Foods North America Irl Butter Salted Sticks 20/8 oz 68620 76770700106 Kerrygold Ornua Foods North America Irl Dubliner Wedges Pc 24/7 oz 68623 76770700118 Kerrygold Ornua Foods North America Irl Butter Garlic Herb 10/3.5 oz 68624 76770700120 Kerrygold Ornua Foods North America Irl Aged Cheddar Wedge Pc 24/7 oz 68626 76770700124 Kerrygold Ornua Foods North America Irl Butter Unsalted Sticks 20/8 oz 68627 76770700125 Kerrygold Ornua Foods North America Irl Blarney Exact Weight Piece 24/7 oz 68628 76770700127 Kerrygold Ornua Foods North America Irl Swiss Pc 24/7 oz 68632 76770700132 Kerrygold Ornua Foods North America Irl Cheddar Reserve Wedge 24/7 oz 68634 76770700138 Kerrygold Ornua Foods North America Irl Red Leicester Wedge 24/7 oz 68635 76770700139 Kerrygold Ornua Foods North America Irl Dubliner With Irish Stout 2/5 lb 68641 76770700154 Kerrygold Ornua Foods North America Irl Cheddar Aged Irish Whiskey 2/5 lb 120332 76770700155 Kerrygold Ornua Foods North America Irl Butter Softer Salted Tub 16/8 oz 206988 76770700167 Kerrygold Ornua Foods North America Irl Butter Reduced Fat Salted Tub 16/8 oz 206989 76770700168 Kerrygold Ornua Foods North America Irl Cashel Blue Natural 2/3.3 lb 208458 76770792740 Kerrygold Ornua Foods North America Irl Butter Salted Foil Chips 100/10 gm 216539 7221042529 Kerrygold Ornua Foods North America Dubliner Reduced Fat 24/7 oz 218261 76770700185 Kerrygold Ornua Foods North America Irl Skellig Natural 24/7 oz 219152 76770700174 Kerrygold Ornua Foods North America Irl Dubliner Cracker Cut Natural 12/6 oz 221113 76770700200 Kerrygold Ornua Foods North America Irl Butter Salted Sticks 2x4 oz 20/8 oz 228019 76770700214 Kerrygold Ornua Foods North America Irl Butter Unsalted Sticks 2x4 oz 20/8 oz 228020 76770700215 Kerrygold Ornua Foods North America Dubliner Spread 12/6 oz 230276 76770700230 Kerrygold Ornua Foods North America Irl Dubliner Triangles 30/5 oz 230277 76770700229 Kerrygold Ornua Foods North America Irl Dubliner Triangles 12/5 oz 233236 76770700229 Kerrygold Ornua Foods North America Irl Cheddar Reserve Natural 20/1.32 lb 234623 76770700192 Kettle Kettle Foods Inc Chips New York Cheddar 15/5 oz 48737 8411400994 Kettle Kettle Foods Inc Chips Sea Salt Vinegar 15/5 oz 48739 8411400996 Kettle Kettle Foods Inc Chips Lightly Salted 15/5 oz 48741 8411400998 Kettle Kettle Foods Inc Chips Honey Dijon 15/5 oz 48747 8411403070 Kettle Kettle Foods Inc Chips Potato Light Salted Food Service 10/14 oz 48749 8411403226 Kettle Kettle Foods Inc Chips Krinkle Salt & Pepper 15/5 oz 48768 8411410707 Kettle Kettle Foods Inc Chips Krinkle Cut BBQ 10/13 oz 48789 8411411097 Kettle Kettle Foods Inc Chips Buffalo Bleu 15/5 oz 48795 8411411172 Kettle Kettle Foods Inc Chips Jalapeno Potato 15/5 oz 90517 8411411635 Kettle Kettle Foods Inc Chips Krinkle Salt And Pepper 10/14 oz 119927 8411403240 Kettle Kettle Foods Inc Chips Krinkle Light Salt 10/13 oz 136290 8411403238 Kettle Kettle Foods Inc Chips Potato Lightly Salted 24/2 oz 200623 8411403300 Kettle Kettle Foods Inc Chips Honey Dijon 24/2 oz 201349 8411403370 Kettle Kettle Foods Inc Chips BBQ Backyard 24/2 oz 201350 8411411544 Kettle Kettle Foods Inc Chips Buffalo Blue 24/2 oz 201352 8411411338 Kettle Kettle Foods Inc Chips Cheddar Ny 24/2 oz 201353 8411403320 Kettle Kettle Foods Inc Chips Sea Salt & Vinegar 24/2 oz 201354 8411403333 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG MADE in IRELAND NEW DUBLINER CHEESE WEDGES The irresistible taste of Kerrygold Dubliner Cheese is now available in a creamy single serve soft cheese wedge. Here to shake-up snacking routines everywhere, Dubliner Cheese Wedges offer consumers a perfect www.kerrygoldusa.com solution for a midday pick-me-up or afterschool treat. PREMIUM BUTTERS from KERRYGOLD www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 143 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 144 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Kettle Kettle Foods Inc Chips Krinkel Salt Pepper 24/2 oz 201355 8411403260 Kettle Kettle Foods Inc Chips Krinkle Salt/Ground Pepper Natural 24/1.5 oz 218455 8411411270 Kettle Kettle Foods Inc Chips Potato Backyard BBQ Natural 24/1.5 oz 218457 8411411274 Kettle Kettle Foods Inc Chips Potato Sea Salt Natural 24/1.5 oz 218460 8411411269 Kettle Kettle Foods Inc Chips Potato Sea Salt/Vinegar Natural 24/1.5 oz 218461 8411411275 Kettle Kettle Foods Inc Chips Potato Jalapeno Natural 24/1.5 oz 218477 8411411272 Kettle Kettle Foods Inc Chips Maple Bacon Natural 15/5 oz 232569 8411412413 Kettle Cuisine Kettle Cuisine Llc Soup Chili White Chicken W/Cila 4/4 lb 131834 66797804704 Kettle Cuisine Kettle Cuisine Llc Soup Curry Coconut Chicken Natural 4/4 lb 216195 66797804747 Kettle Cuisine Kettle Cuisine Llc Soup Gumbo Shrimp And Sausage 4/4 lb 216198 66797804241 Keurig Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Inc Brewing System K300 2 1/1 ea 228836 64964520220 Kevita Kevita Inc Probiotic Lemon Ginger Organic 12/15.2 oz 150884 85331100300 Kevita Kevita Inc Drink Probiotic Lemon/Cayenne Organic 12/15.2 oz 223375 85331100330 Kevita Kevita Inc Drink Probiotic Mojita/Coconut Organic 12/15.2 oz 223376 85331100329 Kevita Kevita Inc Drink Probiotic Tangerdine Sparkling Organic 12/15.2 oz 229972 85331100334 Kevita Kevita Inc Drink Probiotic Blueberry Cherry Organic 12/15.2 oz 229973 85331100335 Kevita Kevita Inc Kombucha Ginger Master Brew Organic Natural 12/15.2 oz 230866 85331100358 Kevita Kevita Inc Kombucha Tart Cherry Master Brew Organic Natural 12/15.2 oz 230867 85331100361 Kevita Kevita Inc Drink Probiotic Hibiscus Berry Organic Natural 12/15.2 oz 230868 85331100333 Kevita Kevita Inc Kombucha Raspberry Lemon Master Brew Organic 12/15.2 oz 231117 85331100362 Kevita Kevita Inc Kombucha Lavender Melon Master Brew Organic 12/15.2 oz 231118 85331100365 Kevita Kevita Inc Probiotic Apple Kale Sparkle Organic Natural 12/15.2 fo 232050 85331100352 Kevita Kevita Inc Probiotic Pineapple Coconut Sparkle Organic 12/15.2 fo 232051 85331100353 KH DeJong KH DeJong Ned Vincent Pc 1/8 lb 30823 7221024931 KH DeJong KH DeJong Ned Leyden Spiced 1/2 Wheel 1/8 lb 32040 7221075274 KH DeJong KH DeJong Ned Gouda Davinci W/Mediterranean Herb Pc 1/8 lb 33054 7221079904 KH DeJong KH DeJong Ned Edam Red Hot Dutch W/Jalapeno Pc 1/8 lb 119338 7221022656 KH DeJong KH DeJong Ned Gouda Rembrandt Ex Age Pc 1/8 lb 119363 7221077244 KH DeJong KH DeJong Ned Gouda Cablanca Goat Pc 1/8 lb 119365 7221077264 Kickapoo Biery Cheese Co Tray Cheese Party Assorted Sliced 6/18 oz 22026 5149991021 Kickapoo Biery Cheese Co Muenster Sliced 7_9 oz Package 1/10 lb 53383 21696500000 Kickapoo Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Joy Juice 24/12 oz 228847 4154550816 Kicking Horse Kicking Horse Coffee Coffee 454 Horse Power Dark 6/12.3 oz 200767 62907040015 Kicking Horse Kicking Horse Coffee Coffee Espresso Cliff Hanger 6/12.3 oz 200768 62907040004 Kicking Horse Kicking Horse Coffee Coffee Kick Ass Dark 6/12.3 oz 200770 62907040013 Kicking Horse Kicking Horse Coffee Coffee Three Sisters Medium 6/12.3 oz 200771 62907040008 Kicking Horse Kicking Horse Coffee Can Coffee Kick Ass Wb 6/10 oz 221951 62907080013 Kicking Horse Kicking Horse Coffee Can Coffee Grizzly Claw Whole Bean 6/10 oz 221952 62907080012 Kicking Horse Kicking Horse Coffee Can Coffee Three Sisters Whole Bean 6/10 oz 221953 62907080008 Kicking Horse Kicking Horse Coffee Can Coffee 454 Horse Power Whole Bean 6/10 oz 221954 62907080015 Kicking Horse Kicking Horse Coffee Can Coffee Ground Three Sister Organic 6/10 oz 228043 62907090008 Kicking Horse Kicking Horse Coffee Can Coffee Ground Grizzly Claw Organic 6/10 oz 228044 62907090012 Kicking Horse Kicking Horse Coffee Can Coffee Ground 454 H/P Organic 6/10 oz 228045 62907090015 Kicking Horse Kicking Horse Coffee Can Coffee Ground Kick Ass Organic 6/10 oz 228046 62907090013 Kikkoman Jfc International Soup Instant Miso Red 12/1.05 oz 16693 4139003051 Kikkoman Jfc International Soup Instant Miso Tofu 12/1.05 oz 16696 4139003070 Kikkoman Jfc International Soup Mix Seaweed Wakame 12/.68 oz 16697 4139003071 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Kikkoman Jfc International Soup Mix Egg Flower Corn 12/1.30 oz 16700 4139003084 Kikkoman Jfc International Soup Hot Sour Egg Flower 12/.88 oz 16701 4139003086 Kikkoman Jfc International Soup Egg Flower Seafood Mushroom 12/.77 oz 16703 4139003110 Kikkoman Kikkoman Sauce Oyster 6/9 oz 16678 4139001536 Kikkoman Kikkoman Wine Aji Mir Sweet Cooking 6/10 oz 118634 1115202140 Kikkoman Kikkoman Sauce Soy Milder 6/8.5 oz 118971 4139000501 Kikkoman Kikkoman Sauce Soy Ponzo Citrus 6/10 oz 118977 4139002081 Kikkoman Kikkoman International Takumi Teriyaki Original 6/20.5 oz 16673 4139001455 Kikkoman Kikkoman International Rice Mix Fried 24/1 oz 16705 4139004120 Kikkoman Kikkoman International Seasoning Mix Stir Fry 24/1 oz 16706 4139004140 Kikkoman Kikkoman International Sauce Soy 4/1 ga 78980 4139000171 Kikkoman Kikkoman International Sauce Thai Curry Yellow 6/10.9 oz 84781 4139001314 Kikkoman Kikkoman International Soup Mix Spicy Szechwan 24/1.22 oz 85820 4139004502 Kikkoman Kikkoman International Soup Mix Egg Flower Shitake 24/1.19 oz 91887 4139004504 Kikkoman Kikkoman International Sauce Peanut Thai Style 12/9 oz 134794 4139001556 Kikkoman Kikkoman International Sauce Teriyaki Triple Ginger 6/19.5 oz 205820 4139001470 Kinders P K Kinder Co Inc Sauce BBQ Hot Natural 6/20.5 oz 230984 75579575564 Kinders P K Kinder Co Inc Sauce BBQ Mild Natural 6/20.5 oz 230985 75579575563 Kinders P K Kinder Co Inc Sauce BBQ Roasted Garlic Natural 6/20.5 oz 230986 75579575572 Kineret Blue And White Latkes Mini Potato Frozen 12/30 oz 28072 7097800408 Kineret Blue And White Dough Challah 12/15 oz 28075 7097800500 Kineret Blue And White Challettes 12/14 oz 28077 7097800505 Kineret Blue And White Dough Whole Wheat Challah Frozen 12/15 oz 28078 7097800508 Kineret Blue And White Cookie Chocolate Chip 12/12 oz 28083 7097800560 Kineret Blue And White Dough Puff Pastry 12/16 oz 28084 7097800580 Kineret Blue And White Latkes Potato 12/21.16 oz 83673 7097800420 King Cajun Kenneth E Groves Seasoning Cajun 12/2.94 oz 74392 85153000000 King Cajun Kenneth E Groves Seasoning Blackened 12/2.6 oz 74394 85153000010 King Cajun Kenneth E Groves Seasoning Gumbo File 12/1.6 oz 74396 85153000020 King Cajun Kenneth E Groves Seasoning Mix Louisiana 12/2.8 oz 74400 85153000040 Kings Chins Import Export Bamboo Shoots Sliced 6/104 oz 50136 8906711007 Kings Command Kings Command Foods Meatballs 1/2 Oz 1/10 lb 31371 7221072147 Kings Hawaiian Kings Hawaiian Rolls Dinner Original 12/12 oz 39828 7343500004 Kings Hawaiian Kings Hawaiian Bread Original 4Pack 32/4.4 oz 39830 7343500006 Kings Hawaiian Kings Hawaiian Bread Original Hawaiian Sliced Loaf 12/16 oz 223839 7343509330 Kinnikinnick Kinnikinnick Foods Inc Can Muffins Blueberry 6Ct Gluten Free Df 8/11 oz 55847 62013300241 Kinnikinnick Kinnikinnick Foods Inc Can Crust Pizza Personal Size Gluten Free Df 6/21 oz 200899 62013300557 Kinnikinnick Kinnikinnick Foods Inc Can Donut Glazed Vanilla 6Pack Gluten Free Df 8/11.3 oz 202160 62013300220 Kinnikinnick Kinnikinnick Foods Inc Buns Hamburger Gluten Free Natural 4Pack 6/8.6 oz 217410 62013300073 Kinnikinnick Kinnikinnick Foods Inc Buns Hot Dog Gluten Free Natural 4Pack 6/10 oz 217411 62013300074 Kinnikinnick Kinnikinnick Foods Inc Bread White Gluten Free Natural 6/16 oz 217412 62013300044 Kinnikinnick Kinnikinnick Foods Inc Bread Multigrain Gluten Free Natural 6/16 oz 217413 62013300045 Kinnikinnick Kinnikinnick Foods Inc Can Graham Style Crumbs Natural Gluten Free 6/10.5 oz 226052 62013300434 Kiss Orca Beverage Inc Soda Grapefruit 24/12 oz 211890 3977111712 Kiss My Face Kiss My Face Bath Gel Anti Stress Moisture 6/16 oz 8664 2836782834 Kiss My Face Kiss My Face Shower Gel Active Athletic 6/16 oz 8665 2836782836 Kiss My Face Kiss My Face Conditioner Big Body 6/11 oz 212658 2836783468 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 145 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 146 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Kiss My Face Kiss My Face Shampoo Big Body 6/11 oz 212662 2836783168 Kiss My Face Kiss My Face Shampoo Whenever 6/11 oz 212663 2836783167 Kiss My Face Kiss My Face Conditioner Whenever 6/11 oz 212676 2836783467 Kiss My Face Kiss My Face Wash Bubble Kids Orange 1/12 oz 229422 2836783587 Kiss My Face Kiss My Face Corp Hot Spots SPF 30 6/.5 oz 78612 2836783215 Kiss My Face Kiss My Face Corp Sunscreen Face Factor SPF 30 6/2 oz 78613 2836783345 Kiss My Face Kiss My Face Corp Sunscreen Spray Lotion SPF 30 6/8 oz 78614 2836783560 Kiss My Face Kiss My Face Corp Balm Lip Sport SPF 30 Organic 24/.15 oz 78615 2836783567 Kiss My Face Kiss My Face Corp Soap Bar Olive And Green Tea 3/8 oz 204234 2836783348 Kitchen Basics McCormick And Co Soup Stock Chicken 12/32 oz 55342 61144334001 Kitchen Basics McCormick And Co Soup Stock Beef 12/32 oz 55343 61144334011 Kitchen Basics McCormick And Co Soup Stock Vegetable 12/32 oz 55344 61144334021 Kitchen Basics McCormick And Co Soup Stock Turkey 12/32 oz 55345 61144334026 Kitchen Basics McCormick And Co Soup Stock Chicken Unsalted 12/32 oz 203071 61144334503 Kitchen Table Kitchen Table Cracker Parmesan Aged 12/3 oz 77246 89322200001 Kitchen Table Kitchen Table Cracker Italian Herb 12/3 oz 77248 89322200006 Kitchen Table Kitchen Table Cracker Everything 12/3 oz 77249 89322200008 Kitchen Table Kitchen Table Crackers Parmesan Aged Mini Crisp Natural 18/1.75 oz 202626 89322200030 Kitchen Table Kitchen Table Crisps Basil Pesto Parmesan 12/3 oz 223771 89322200011 Kitchen Table Kitchen Table Crisps Sesame Parmesan Mini Gluten Free Natural 12/1.75 oz 236047 89322200031 Kitchen Table Kitchen Table Crisps Jalapeno Parmesan Mini Gluten Free Natural 12/1.75 oz 236048 89322200033 Kitchens India Liberty Richter Rte Dinner Black Lentil Curry 6/10 oz 73566 84190501011 Kitchens India Liberty Richter Palak Paneer Spinach Cottage Ch 6/10 oz 73568 84190501031 Kitchens India Liberty Richter Rajma Masala Red Kidney Bean Cu 6/10 oz 73570 84190501051 Kitchens India Liberty Richter Rte Dinner Mixed Vegetable Curry 6/10 oz 73571 84190501061 Kitchens India Liberty Richter Pav Bhaji Curry Vegetable Mashed 6/10 oz 73572 84190501071 Kitchens India Liberty Richter Pindi Chana Chick Pea Curry 6/10 oz 73573 84190501081 Kitchens India Liberty Richter Pudding Mix White Pumpkin And Mil 6/8.8 oz 73586 84190509021 Kitchens India Liberty Richter Pilaf Basmati Rice W Vegetable 6/8.8 oz 73587 84190510011 Kitchens India Liberty Richter Sauce Cilantro Tomato 6/12.2 oz 73596 84190513012 Kitchens India Liberty Richter Sauce Onion Yogurt 6/12.2 oz 73597 84190513022 Kitchens India Liberty Richter Sauce Cashew Cumin 6/12.2 oz 73598 84190513032 Kitchens India Liberty Richter Sauce Creamy Tomato 6/12.2 oz 73600 84190513052 Kivu Kivu Bag Tin Tie 1/100 ea 213487 7221042482 Klein’s Klein’s Ice Cream Vanilla Fudge Non Dairy 4/56 oz 51090 9140402207 Klein’s Klein’s Ice Cream Classic Vanilla Pd 2/56 oz 51093 9140405701 Klein’s Klein’s Ice Cream Classic Cookies N Cream 2/56 oz 51096 9140405707 Klein’s Klein’s Ice Cream Bar Vanilla Mini Magic Pd 6/12.8 oz 89044 9140401179 Klein’s Klein’s Ice Cream Bar Chocolate Mini Magic 6/12.8 oz 89046 9140407100 Klein’s Klein’s Ice Cream Vanilla Smooth/Creamy Pd 4/56 oz 89079 9140402208 Klein’s Klein’s Ice Cream Vanilla Chocolate Nd Pd 4/56 oz 89080 9140402211 Klein’s Klein’s Ice Cream Neapolitan Reduced Fat Pd 2/56 oz 89081 9140405080 Klein’s Klein’s Ice Cream Vanilla Pop 4/18 oz 203645 9140411550 Klein’s Klein’s Ice Cream Bar Eclair Snack 4/18 oz 203647 9140401189 Klein’s Klein’s Juice Sticks 6/12 ea 203648 9140401192 Klein’s Klein’s Ice Cream Yogurt Bar Vanilla 4/18 oz 203649 9140401175 Klik Klik Cookies Chocolate Covered 12/2.6 oz 2415 1349511350 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Klik Klik Candy Vanilla N Fudge 12/2.64 oz 2418 1349511353 Klik Klik Biscuits Chocolate Chip Coated 12/2.64 oz 2419 1349511355 Klik Paskesz Candy Company Malt Balls Chocolate Milk Covered 12/2.64 oz 2416 1349511351 Klik Paskesz Candy Company Corn Flakes Chocolate Covered 12/2.64 oz 2417 1349511352 Klik Paskesz Candy Company Candy Pillows Chocolate Covered 12/2.64 oz 2420 1349511358 Klik Paskesz Candy Company Candy Crisp Xl Heavenly Crunch Po 10/3 oz 133953 1349511334 Klik Paskesz Candy Company Isr Crisps Chocolate Milk Xl 10/3 oz 201399 1349511327 Klik Paskesz Candy Company Isr Chocolate Choko Kid Bar 24/1.34 oz 220721 838000007 Klik Paskesz Candy Company Isr Chocolate La Hit Crisp Bar 24/1.23 oz 220722 1349511373 Knorr Kfp International Falafel Mix 12/6.35 oz 49123 8468540004 Knorr Unilever Soup Mix Vegetable 12/1.4 oz 20620 4800122129 Knorr Unilever Soup Mix French Onion 12/1.4 oz 20623 4800122133 Knorr Unilever Bouillon Chicken Cubes Imported 24/2.5 oz 20723 4800170101 Knorr Unilever Bouillon Beef Cubes Imported 24/2.3 oz 20724 4800170102 Knorr Unilever Sauce Hollandaise 12/.9 oz 20727 4800170305 Knorr Unilever Sauce Mix Bearnaise 12/.9 oz 20728 4800170306 Knorr Unilever Gravy Mix Brown 12/1.2 oz 20729 4800170307 Knorr Unilever Sauce Mix Au Jus 12/.6 oz 20730 4800170315 Knorr Unilever Sauce Alfredo 12/1.6 oz 20731 4800170320 Knorr Unilever Sauce Mix Pesto 12/.5 oz 20732 4800170321 Knorr Unilever Gravy Mix Turkey Roasted 12/1.2 oz 20735 4800170334 Knorr Unilever Sauce Mix Pasta Garlic Herb 12/1.6 oz 20746 4800170935 Knorr Unilever Sauce Mix Creamy Pesto 12/1.2 oz 20747 4800170936 Knorr Unilever Base Chicken Ultimate 6/1 lb 20787 4800191468 Knorr Unilever Gravy Mix Chicken Classic 6/1 lb 20803 4800191698 Knorr Unilever Gravy Mix Turkey 6/1 lb 20804 4800191699 Knorr Unilever Soup Mix Minestrone 4/14.92 oz 79474 4800125198 Knorr Unilever Soup Mix Vegetable Natural 6/19.01 oz 227067 4800136781 Knorr Unilever Dip Mix Chili Con Queso Natural 6/17 oz 227301 4800140659 Knudsen Smucker Natural Foods Inc Juice Prune Organic 12/32 oz 41539 7468210712 Knudsen Smucker Natural Foods Inc Juice Tomato Organic 12/32 oz 41543 7468210727 Koda Seasia Rice Mochigome Sweet 12/5 lb 41878 7482300114 Kodiak Cakes Baker Mills Inc Flapjack And Pancake Mix 6/24 oz 60608 70559901112 Kodiak Cakes Baker Mills Inc Brownie Mix Big Bear 6/17.7 oz 60609 70559901117 Kodiak Cakes Baker Mills Inc Flapjack Waffle Power Cake Mix Natural 6/20 oz 231186 70559901162 Kona Coast G L Mezzetta Inc Sauce Teriyaki Pineapple 6/15 oz 14244 3979600221 Kona Coast G L Mezzetta Inc Sauce Teriyaki Spicy 6/14.5 oz 14250 3979600228 Kona Coast G L Mezzetta Inc Sauce Teriyaki Island 6/15 oz 118930 3979600220 Kona Red Konared Corporation Juice Hawaiian Antioxidant Natural 12/16 oz 221058 85779800323 Kona Red Konared Corporation Tea Liquid Green W/Superfruit Organic Natural 12/10.5 oz 225816 85779800325 Kona Red Konared Corporation Juice Antioxidant Original Natural 12/10.5 oz 225817 85779800324 Kona Red Konared Corporation Water Coconut W/Superfruit Natural 12/10.5 oz 225818 85779800330 Kontos Kontos Foods Inc Crust Pizza Parlor 12/14 oz 10298 3239405200 Kontos Kontos Foods Inc Bread Panini 8In Pregrilled 10/36 oz 200056 3239490099 Kontos Kontos Foods Inc Pita Pocket White 6 Inch 6 Count 12/12 oz 235979 3239400100 Kozlowski Farms Kozlowski Farms Dressing Raspberry Poppyseed Fat Free 6/10 fo 48169 8186755005 Kozlowski Farms Kozlowski Farms Dressing Zesty Herb Old World Fat Free 6/10 fo 220242 8186755003 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 147 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 148 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Kozlowski Farms Kozlowski Farms Dressing Cilantro Citrus Spicy Fat Free 6/10 fo 220243 8186755001 Kozlowski Farms Kozlowski Farms Dressing Honey Must Sweet Tangy Fat Free 6/10 fo 220244 8186755002 Kraft Foods Kraft Foods Mayonnaise Pc 500/12 gr 4900 2100066526 Kras Global Importing Group Wafers Lemon Orange 12/11.64 oz 55637 61661800230 Kras Global Importing Group Wafers Hazelnut 12/11.64 oz 55644 61661800237 Krave The Hershey Company Jerky Pork Teriyaki Smoky Grilled 8/3.25 oz 210957 85500200301 Krave The Hershey Company Jerky Beef Pineapple Orange 8/3.25 oz 210958 85500200300 Krave The Hershey Company Jerky Beef Chili Lime 8/3.25 oz 210959 85500200303 Krave The Hershey Company Jerky Turkey Basil Citrus 8/3.25 oz 210960 85500200302 Krave The Hershey Company Jerky Beef Sweet Chipotle 8/3.25 oz 210961 85500200304 Krave The Hershey Company Jerky Beef Garlic Chili Pepper 8/3.25 oz 210962 85500200306 Krave The Hershey Company Jerky Turkey Lemon Garlic 8/3.25 oz 210963 85500200307 Krave The Hershey Company Jerky Pork BBQ Black Cherry 8/3.25 oz 220741 85500200321 Krave The Hershey Company Jerky Beef Sea Salt Natural 8/3.25 oz 231768 85500200375 Krinos Krinos Olives Greek Black 6/16 oz 42215 7501326400 Krinos Krinos Tahini 6/16 oz 42224 7501328500 Krinos Krinos Myzithra Cheese Grated 12/4 oz 201690 7501316217 Krinos Krinos Foods Llc Pepperoncini 12/16 oz 200986 7501328000 Kristian Regale Kristian Regale Juice Sparkling Apple 12/25.4 oz 12203 3680300108 Kristian Regale Kristian Regale Juice Sparkling Pear Apple 12/25.4 oz 12204 3680300109 Kristian Regale Kristian Regale Juice Sparkling Peach 12/25.4 fo 12207 3680300113 Kristian Regale Kristian Regale Juice Sparkling Pomegranate 12/25.4 fo 12208 3680300114 Kristian Regale Kristian Regale Juice Sparkling Apple 6/25.4 oz 118888 3680300108 Kristian Regale Kristian Regale Juice Sparkling Pear Apple 6/25.4 oz 118889 3680300109 Kristian Regale Kristian Regale Juice Sparkling Peach 6/25.4 fo 118892 3680300113 Kristian Regale Kristian Regale Juice Sparkling Pomegranate 6/25.4 fo 211589 3680300114 Kristian Regale Kristian Regale Juice Sparkling Sweet Black Currant 6/25.4 fo 211590 3680300115 Kroon Jana Foods Ned Maasdam Mild 1/28 lb 30770 7221020913 Kroon Jana Foods Edam Loaf 2/6 lb 32537 7221078069 Kroon Jana Foods Gouda Wheel Mild Red Wax 1/10 lb 32538 7221078070 Kroon Jana Foods Gouda Wheel Medium Yellow Wax 1/9 lb 33035 7221079786 Kroon Jana Foods Ned Gouda Wheel Ew 12/8 oz 202110 67258333123 Kroon Jana Foods Ned Edam Loaf Ew 12/8 oz 202111 67258333122 Kroon Jana Foods Hol Maasdam Smoked Ew 12/8 oz 202112 67258333121 Kroon Jana Foods Ned Maasdam Mild Ew 12/8 oz 202881 67258333124 Kroon Kroon Ned Gouda Mild Red Wax Pc 1/8 lb 33133 7221080300 Kroon Kroon Ned Edam Loaf Pc 1/8 lb 33134 7221080301 Kroon Kroon Ned Maasdam Pc 1/8 lb 119341 7221024932 Kuhne World Finer Foods Cabbage Red 12/24.3 oz 129460 3904546054 Kutztown Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Sarsaparilla 24/12 oz 79835 81000000202 Kutztown Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Z Birch Beer 24/12 oz 114292 81000000101 L And A Langer Juice Company Juice Pineapple Coconut 6/32 oz 17897 4175509500 L And A Langer Juice Company Juice Cranberry 100 Percent Pure 6/32 oz 17902 4175509800 L And A Langer Juice Company Juice Cranberry Delight 6/32 oz 138041 4175509575 L And A Langer Juice Company Juice All Black Cherry 6/32 oz 144871 4175509650 L Esprit Foodmatch Inc Tomato Sundried Julienned In Oil 6/64 oz 2913 1489677621 L Esprit Foodmatch Inc Tomato Sundried In Oil 6/8 oz 2914 1489677714 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC L Indulgent L Indulgent Fra Brie Triple Cream Pc 1/3.3 lb 223097 7221042873 L Indulgent Lactalis Export Americas Fra Brie Triple Cream 1/6.61 lb 208235 7221042295 La Boulange Starbucks Coffee Company Croissant Almond 10/3.5 oz 235492 76211112601 La Brea Aryzta Llc Bread Focaccia 1/4 Sheet 10/20.5 oz 31377 7221072161 La Brea Aryzta Llc Bread Baguette French Demi 48/4 oz 69510 78142100127 La Brea Aryzta Llc Bread Baguette French 30/10.5 oz 69516 78142100184 La Brea Aryzta Llc Bread Oval Olive 12/14.5 oz 69520 78142100225 La Brea Aryzta Llc Bread Loaf Rosemary Olive Oil 12/16 oz 69522 78142100237 La Brea Aryzta Llc Bread Loaf Whole Grain Health 12/18 oz 69525 78142100418 La Brea Aryzta Llc Bread Loaf Garlic 12/16 oz 69526 78142100434 La Brea Aryzta Llc Bread Rustique Flat Pain 12/16 oz 69527 78142100448 La Brea Aryzta Llc Bread Wheat La Baccia 48/3.2 oz 69535 78142102296 La Brea Aryzta Llc Bread Sourdough Century White XL Loaf 5/44 oz 69538 78142102500 La Brea Aryzta Llc Bread Dinner Roll Assorted 96/1.8 oz 69541 78142102700 La Brea Aryzta Llc Bread Loaf French 12/16 oz 69584 78142152430 La Brea Aryzta Llc Bread Cranberry Walnut Loaf 12/16 oz 69585 78142152433 La Brea Aryzta Llc Bread 3 Cheese Semolina Loaf 12/16 oz 69589 78142152480 La Brea Aryzta Llc Bread Loaf Whole Grain 12/18 oz 116946 78142102425 La Brea Aryzta Llc Bread Rye Boule Seedless 14/20 oz 116947 78142126309 La Brea Aryzta Llc Bread Baguette Sourdough 30/10.5 oz 120336 78142100100 La Brea Aryzta Llc Bread Loaf Sunflower Honey Toasted 12/16 oz 203038 78142152423 La Brea Aryzta Llc Bread Oval Sourdough Country White 12/14.5 oz 203046 78142100205 La Brea Aryzta Llc Rolls Ciabatta 48/4.5 oz 225691 1308718788 La Brea Aryzta Llc Bread Stuffing Holiday Loaf Natural 12/16 oz 228854 1308718577 La Brea Aryzta Llc Bread Loaf White Chocolate Cranberry 12/12 oz 233938 1308720599 La Brea Aryzta Llc Rolls Italian Assorted 96/1.5 oz 233939 78142102750 La Fish Fry La Fish Fry Chicken Fry 6/9 oz 118921 3915600013 La Fish Fry La Fish Fry Sauce Hot 12/6 oz 118924 3915600054 La Fish Fry La Fish Fry Cobbler Mix 6/10.58 oz 118926 3915600201 La Fish Fry La Fish Fry Fish Fry Mix Lemon 6/10 oz 118929 3915600275 La Fish Fry La Fish Fry Sauce Cocktail 6/12 oz 213265 3915600045 La Fish Fry La Fish Fry Sauce Tartar 6/10.5 oz 213268 3915600046 La Fish Fry Louisiana Fish Fry Rice And Red Beans Mix 12/8 oz 13725 3915600203 La Fish Fry Louisiana Fish Fry Rice Mix Dirty 12/8 oz 13730 3915600274 La Forestiere Source Atlantique Oil Truffle White 6/8.45 oz 64312 73449214115 La Masia Culinary Collectives Esp Vinegar Sherry 12/375 ml 58677 66678569872 La Masia Culinary Collectives Esp Oil Olive Extra Virgin Masia Organic 12/375 ml 87310 66678569871 La Medina Foodmatch Inc Olive Black In Oil Beldi 2/11.03 lb 56143 63172302016 La Medina Foodmatch Inc Mar Olives Beldi Blk Oil Cured Pit 2/6.61 lb 59857 68725002017 La Medina Foodmatch Inc Sugar Cubes White 12/13 oz 59858 68725002554 La Medina Foodmatch Inc Sugar Cubes Brown 12/13 oz 59859 68725002574 La Medina Foodmatch Inc Olives Green Aji Pepper Stuffed 2/5 lb 115340 68725054578 La Medina Foodmatch Inc Per Olives Ascolana/Chilies 2/5 lb 215970 68725054458 La Medina Foodmatch Inc Tomatoes Sundried Marinated 3/3 lb 216812 68725091733 La Panzanella Madrona Specialty Foods Llc Croccantini Mini Original 1/6 lb 36020 7221084986 La Panzanella Madrona Specialty Foods Llc Croccantini Rosemary 12/8 oz 58201 65900040000 La Panzanella Madrona Specialty Foods Llc Croccantini Sesame 12/8 oz 58203 65900040002 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 149 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC La Panzanella Madrona Specialty Foods Llc Croccantini Black Pepper 12/8 oz 58204 65900040003 La Panzanella Madrona Specialty Foods Llc Croccantini Original 12/8 oz 58205 65900040004 La Panzanella Madrona Specialty Foods Llc Croccantini Garlic 12/8 oz 58206 65900040005 La Panzanella Madrona Specialty Foods Llc Croccantini Whole Wheat 12/8 oz 58209 65900040008 La Panzanella Madrona Specialty Foods Llc Croccantini Rosemary 12/5 oz 58214 65900040500 La Panzanella Madrona Specialty Foods Llc Croccantini Black Pepper 12/5 oz 58217 65900040503 La Panzanella Madrona Specialty Foods Llc Croccantini Original 12/5 oz 58218 65900040504 La Panzanella Madrona Specialty Foods Llc Croccantini Mini Garlic 12/6 oz 201846 65900040605 La Panzanella Madrona Specialty Foods Llc Croccantini Mini Ww 12/6 oz 201847 65900040608 La Panzanella Madrona Specialty Foods Llc Croccantini Mini Original 12/6 oz 201848 65900040604 La Panzanella Madrona Specialty Foods Llc Croccantini Mini Rosemary 12/6 oz 201849 65900040600 La Panzanella Madrona Specialty Foods Llc Croccantini Mini Black Pepper 12/6 oz 201850 65900040603 La Panzanella Madrona Specialty Foods Llc Croccantini Mini Sesame 12/6 oz 201851 65900040602 La Panzanella Madrona Specialty Foods Llc Crackers Rosemary Artisan Italian Natural 175/.58 oz 218758 65900040114 La Panzanella Madrona Specialty Foods Llc Croccantini Mini Multigrain Natural 12/6 oz 219388 65900040609 La Panzanella Madrona Specialty Foods Llc Cookies Shortbread Snickdoodle Dolcetini 12/10 oz 219640 79058002589 La Panzanella Madrona Specialty Foods Llc Cookies Shortbread Lemon Dolcetini 12/10 oz 219641 79058002587 La Panzanella Madrona Specialty Foods Llc Cookies Shortbread Snowball Dolcetini 12/10 oz 219753 79058002591 La Panzanella Madrona Specialty Foods Llc Cookies Shortbread Key Lime Dolcetine 12/10 oz 219754 79058002588 La Panzanella Madrona Specialty Foods Llc Croccantini Mini Rosemary 12/3 oz 230569 65900040300 La Panzanella Madrona Specialty Foods Llc Croccantini Mini Garlic Roasted 12/3 oz 230570 65900040305 La Panzanella Madrona Specialty Foods Llc Croccantini Mini Original Natural 12/3 oz 230571 65900040304 Cookies Dolcetini Vanilla 2:57 PM 12/8 oz 233865 79058002660 12/8 oz 233866 79058002656 La Panzanella LAP_DPI_2015_PRINT.pdf Madrona Specialty Foods Llc La Panzanella 1 9/28/15 Madrona Specialty Foods Llc Cookies Dolcetini Meyer Lemon C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 150 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC La Panzanella Madrona Specialty Foods Llc Cookies Dolcetini Cinnamon 12/8 oz 233867 79058002658 La Panzanella Madrona Specialty Foods Llc Cookies Dolcetini Chocolate 12/8 oz 233868 79058002663 La Preferida La Preferida Chiles Green Diced 24/4 oz 29510 7152416007 La Quercia La Quercia Llc Pork Speck Americana Sliced 12/3 oz 209636 82484331111 La Quercia La Quercia Llc Prosciutto Americano 12/3 oz 225948 82484311111 La Quercia La Quercia Llc Pancetta Americana 12/3 oz 225949 82484321111 La Quercia La Quercia Llc Pork Lomo Americano 12/2 oz 225950 82484341111 La Quercia La Quercia Llc Prosciutto Piccante 12/3 oz 225951 82484361111 La Rustichella Fresca Italia Inc Ita Moliterno Black Truffle 1/11 lb 33782 7221081682 La Tortilla La Tortilla Factory Wrap 7In Whole Wheat Lc 10/13 oz 46559 7885802018 La Tortilla La Tortilla Factory Wrap Garlic Herb Whole Wheat Lc 10/13 oz 46567 7885852037 La Tortilla La Tortilla Factory Wrap Large Whole Wheat Lc 12/17.5 oz 46568 7885852039 La Tortilla La Tortilla Factory Tortilla Ivory Teff Gluten Free 10/13.96 oz 46580 7885852502 La Tortilla La Tortilla Factory Tortilla Hand Made Style White Corn 8Count 12/11.57 oz 80708 7885851011 La Tortilla La Tortilla Factory Tortilla Hand Made Style Yellow Corn 8Count 12/11.57 oz 80709 7885851017 La Tortilla La Tortilla Factory Tortilla Hand Made Style Grande White Corn 6Count 12/15.24 oz 206134 7885851020 La Tortilla La Tortilla Factory Tortilla Hand Made Style Green Chile Corn 8Count 12/11.57 oz 206196 7885851018 La Tortilla La Tortilla Factory Wrap Mini Soft White Whole Wheat 12/8.18 oz 209957 7885852114 La Tortilla La Tortilla Factory Tortilla Flour Light 14/11 oz 218568 7885852044 La Tortilla La Tortilla Factory Tortillas Flour Hand Made Style 8Count 12/13.26 oz 224549 7885852002 La Tortilla La Tortilla Factory Tortillas Ivory Teff Small 8Count Gluten Free 14/10.15 oz 233958 7885852504 La Tortilla La Tortilla Factory Tortillas Flour Handmade Grande 6Count 10/12.27 oz 233959 7885852005 La Tortilla La Tortilla Factory Tortillas Corn White Handmade 10Count 12/9.17 oz 233960 7885851012 La Tourangelle La Tourangelle Inc Oil Walnut Roasted 6/16.9 oz 75267 85719000001 La Tourangelle La Tourangelle Inc Oil Hazelnut Roasted 6/16.9 oz 75268 85719000011 La Tourangelle La Tourangelle Inc Oil Avocado Natural 6/16.9 oz 75269 85719000019 La Tourangelle La Tourangelle Inc Oil Grapeseed 6/16.9 oz 75271 85719000031 La Tourangelle La Tourangelle Inc Oil Sesame Toasted 6/16.9 oz 75272 85719000041 La Tourangelle La Tourangelle Inc Oil Pistachio Roasted Natural 6/250 ml 227593 85719000067 La Tourangelle La Tourangelle Inc Oil Avocado Natural 6/250 ml 227594 85719000008 La Tourangelle La Tourangelle Inc Oil Walnut 6/8.45 oz 231583 85719000007 La Tourangelle La Tourangelle Inc Oil Sun Coco 6/25.4 oz 231584 85425900526 La Victoria Hormel Foods Sales Llc Sauce Enchilada Mild 6/102 oz 30243 7210102505 Lacroix Shasta Beverages Inc Water Sparkling Pure 8Pack Natural 1/96 oz 227618 1299322133 Lacroix Shasta Beverages Inc Water Sparkling Lime 8Pack Natural 1/96 oz 227619 1299322125 Lacroix Shasta Beverages Inc Water Sparkling Lemon 8Pack Natural 1/96 oz 227620 1299322130 Lacroix Shasta Beverages Inc Water Sparkling Coconut 8Pack Natural 1/96 oz 227621 1299322101 Lacroix Shasta Beverages Inc Water Sparkling Orange 8Pack Natural 1/96 oz 227622 1299322129 Lacroix Shasta Beverages Inc Water Sparkling Cran Raspberry 8 Pack Natural 1/96 oz 227623 1299322132 Lactaid Hp Hood Llc Milk Lactose Free Fat Free 6/64 oz 211648 4138309021 Lakanto Saraya Canada Co Ltd Jpn Sweetener Golden Sugar Free Natural 8/8.29 oz 227314 84307600003 Lakewood Florida Bottling Inc Juice Pineapple Pure Organic 12/32 fo 134809 4260845905 Lakewood Florida Bottling Inc Juice Aloe Pure Natural Organic 12/32 fo 149317 4260847001 Lakewood Florida Bottling Inc Juice Mangosteen Natural Organic 12/32 fo 221547 4260846073 Lakewood Florida Bottling Inc Juice Cherry Tart Blend Natural Organic 12/32 fo 221548 4260845977 Lakewood Florida Bottling Inc Juice Cranberry Pure Organic Natural 12/32 oz 230310 4260847002 Lakewood Florida Bottling Inc Juice Black Cherry Natural Organic 12/32 oz 230311 4260847074 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 151 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 152 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Laloos The Epic Source Food Co Llc Ice Cream Deep Chocolate Goats Milk 8/16 oz 224820 18467800002 Laloos The Epic Source Food Co Llc Ice Cream Capraccino Goats Milk 8/16 oz 224821 18467800031 Laloos The Epic Source Food Co Llc Ice Cream Rumplemint Goats Milk 8/16 oz 224822 18467800029 Lambweston Lambweston Pizza Fryer Pocket 6 8Count 48/6 oz 31141 7221071194 Land O Lakes Kent Precision Foods Group Inc Cocoa Chocolate Supreme 12/1.25 oz 76236 87832600001 Land O Lakes Kent Precision Foods Group Inc Cocoa Chocolate Caramel 12/1.25 oz 76238 87832600003 Land O Lakes Kent Precision Foods Group Inc Cocoa Chocolate And Raspberry 12/1.25 oz 76239 87832600004 Land O Lakes Kent Precision Foods Group Inc Cocoa Chocolate Hazelnut 12/1.25 oz 76245 87832600011 Land O Lakes Kent Precision Foods Group Inc Cocoa Chocolate Arctic White 12/1.25 oz 213392 87832600007 Land O Lakes Kent Precision Foods Group Inc Cocoa Chocolate Butterscotch 12/1.25 oz 213393 87832600000 Land O Lakes Land O Lakes American Yellow Loaf 2/5 lb 11610 3450048135 Land O Lakes Land O Lakes American White Loaf 2/5 lb 11611 3450048136 Landana Saputo Cheese USA Ned Gouda 1000 Days Aged 10/5.3 oz 216345 85355500313 Landhaus Emmi Roth USA Butterkase 2/5 lb 208670 7221042340 Landhaus Landhaus Butterkase Pc 1/8 lb 233877 7221043164 Langers Langer Juice Company Juice Orange With Vitamin C 8/64 oz 231578 4175500202 Langers Langer Juice Company Juice Pineapple With Vitamin C 8/64 oz 231579 4175500806 Langers Langer Juice Company Juice Cranberry Cocktail 8/64 oz 231580 4175500810 Langers Langer Juice Company Juice Lemonade 8/64 oz 234504 4175500215 Langers Langer Juice Company Juice Grapefruit Rr W/Vitamin C 8/64 oz 234505 4175500903 Larabar General Mills Inc Renola Granola Berry Grain Free Organic 8/9 oz 230614 2190848806 Larabar General Mills Inc Renola Cinnamon Nut Grain Free 8/9 oz 230616 2190848807 Larabar General Mills Inc Renola Coconut Cocoa Grain Free 8/9 oz 230618 2190848808 Laromme Laromme Bread Egg Challah 20/19.75 oz 75645 87062500522 Laromme Laromme Cakes Mini Cup 20/10 oz 79857 87062500765 Laromme Laromme Cake Rainbow 24/11 oz 79868 87062500959 Laromme Laromme Babka Chocolate 18/16 oz 101454 87062500455 Laromme Laromme Cookies Oatmeal Raisin 256/1.25 oz 218671 87062500395 Laromme Laromme Cookies Chocolate Brownie Fudge 256/1.25 oz 218674 87062500403 Laromme Laromme Cookies Tart Linzer Apricot 40/1.2 oz 218681 87062500213 Laromme Laromme Rugelach Cinnamon Square Container 16/13 oz 218682 87062500209 Laromme Laromme Rugelach Chocolate Square Container 16/13 oz 218689 87062500355 Laromme Laromme Rugelach Vanilla Square Container 16/13 oz 218690 87062500211 Laromme Laromme Challah Round Egg Premium Baked 14/15 oz 218703 87062500989 Laromme Laromme Challah Egg Premium Baked 14/15 oz 218705 87062500987 Laromme Laromme Challah Rolls Egg Premium Baked 15/13 oz 218706 87062500988 Laromme Laromme Cookies Mini Black And White 24/9 oz 218709 87062500992 Laromme Laromme Bread Rye Jewish Seeded 8/32 oz 218716 87062500800 Laromme Laromme Cookies Chocolate Chunk 256/1.25 oz 218731 87062500402 Laromme Laromme Rolls Raisin Premium Baked 6Pack 15/13 oz 234106 87062500266 Laromme Laromme Brownie Blondie 48/4 oz 234107 87062500261 Laromme Laromme Cookies Honey 18/12 oz 234108 87062500321 Laromme Laromme Brownie Chocolate Baked Pre Cut 48/3.3 oz 234109 87062500260 Las Palmas B And G Foods Inc Peppers Jalapeno 6/100 oz 91020 4150163348 Lattebusche Atalanta Corporation Ita Piave Vecchio 1/12 lb 34005 7221082167 Laughing Cow Bel Brands USA Swiss Wedge 12/6 oz 17919 4175701101 Laughing Cow Bel Brands USA Swiss Light Wedge 12/6 oz 17920 4175701106 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Laughing Cow Bel Brands USA Swiss French Onion Wedge 12/6 oz 17921 4175701420 Laughing Cow Bel Brands USA Swiss Garlic Herb Light Wedge 12/6 oz 17922 4175701421 Laughing Cow Bel Brands USA Mozzarella Tomato Sundried Basil Wedge 12/6 oz 202553 4175705413 Laughing Cow Bel Brands USA Queso Fresco & Chipotle 12/6 oz 202554 4175705414 Laughing Cow Bel Brands USA Cheese Wedge Garlic/Herb 12/12 oz 209778 4175701529 Laughing Cow Bel Brands USA Cheese Wedge Light 12/12 oz 209779 4175701527 Laughing Cow Bel Brands USA White Cheddar Wedge 12/6 oz 220773 4175702144 Laughing Cow Bel Brands USA Pepper Jack Spicy Creamy Wedge 12/6 oz 227147 4175701874 Laughing Cow Bel Brands USA Asiago Creamy Wedges 12/6 oz 234455 4175701899 Laughing Cow Bel Brands USA Breadsticks Swiss Original Creamy 5 Count 6/6.17 oz 234456 4175701904 Laughing Cow Bel Brands USA Breadsticks Swiss With Tomato Herb 5 Count 6/6.17 oz 234457 4175701906 Laughing Cow Bel Brands USA Breadsticks Swiss Original Creamy 1 Count 20/1.23 oz 234458 4175701909 Laughing Giraffe Laughing Giraffe Organics Llc Cookies Snakaroons Chocolate Natural Organic Pd 6/6 oz 232903 85724600404 Laura Chenel’s Laura Chenel’s Chevre Chevre Chabis Plain 6/5 oz 8397 2795821101 Laura Chenel’s Laura Chenel’s Chevre Chevre Chabis Herb 6/5 oz 8398 2795821102 Laura Chenel’s Laura Chenel’s Chevre Chevre Chabis Pepper 6/5 oz 8399 2795821103 Laura Chenel’s Laura Chenel’s Chevre Chevre Chabis Dill 6/5 oz 8400 2795821104 Laura Chenel’s Laura Chenel’s Chevre Chevre Chefs Tub 2/4 lb 30925 7221051955 Laura Chenel’s Laura Chenel’s Chevre Chevre Chabis Mixed Case 6/5 oz 33513 7221081269 Laura Chenel’s Laura Chenel’s Chevre Chevre Log Plain 12/8 oz 202748 2795821201 Laura Chenel’s Laura Chenel’s Chevre Chevre Fresh Crushed Olive Log 8/5.4 oz 220615 2795814147 Laura Chenel’s Laura Chenel’s Chevre Chevre Orange Blossom Honey Log 8/5.4 oz 220616 2795814146 Laura Chenel’s Laura Chenel’s Chevre Chevre Fresh Black Truffle Log 8/5.4 oz 220617 2795814148 Laura Chenel’s Laura Chenel’s Chevre Chevre Chefs 7 Oz Retail Cup 8/7 oz 232067 2795814139 Laura Chenel’s Laura Chenel’s Chevre Brie Goat 5 Oz 6/5 oz 232068 2795814182 Laura Chenel’s Laura Chenel’s Chevre Chabis Garlic 6/5 oz 233646 2795814149 Laura Chenel’s Laura Chenel’s Chevre Goat Summer Fig Log Natural 8/5.4 oz 233647 2795814165 Laura Scudders The Laura Scudders Company Llc Dip Mix Ranch 24/.5 oz 231405 1550019135 Laura Scudders The Laura Scudders Company Llc Dip Mix Green Onion 24/.5 oz 231406 1550018368 Laura Scudders The Laura Scudders Company Llc Seasoning Mix Guacamole 36/1 oz 231407 1550031000 Laura Scudders The Laura Scudders Company Llc Dip Mix Onion Toasted 24/.5 oz 231408 1550018376 Le Bistro Specialities Agro Alimentation Can Ham Estate 2/7.5 lb 221332 5881409504 Le Roule Saputo Cheese USA Fra Cheese Garlic Herb Slice 12/5.3 oz 107459 8489202639 Lee Kum Kee Chins Import Export Sauce Hoisin 6/5 lb 18515 4281271005 Lee Kum Kee Lee Kum Kee Sauce Hoisin 6/20 oz 65630 74281270061 Lee Kum Kee Lee Kum Kee Sauce Stir Fry Original 6/19 oz 120261 74281231012 Lee Kum Kee Lee Kum Kee Sauce Sriracha Chili 6/18 oz 120262 74281273071 Lee Kum Kee Lee Kum Kee Chn Sauce Thai Chili Sweet 6/18 oz 210581 7889513102 Lee Kum Kee Lee Kum Kee USA Sauce Oyster Premium Brand 12/18 oz 46606 7889510002 Lee Kum Kee Lee Kum Kee USA Sauce Kung Pao Chicken 6/8 oz 46635 7889513111 Lee Kum Kee Lee Kum Kee USA Sauce Mandarin Orange Chicken 6/8 oz 46638 7889513115 Lee Kum Kee Lee Kum Kee USA Sauce Soy Double Deluxe 6/5.1 oz 46644 7889513303 Lee Kum Kee Lee Kum Kee USA Sauce Hoisin 6/8.5 oz 46675 7889570001 Lee Kum Kee Lee Kum Kee USA Sauce Black Bean Garlic 6/8 oz 46683 7889576001 Lee Kum Kee Lee Kum Kee USA Oil Sesame Pure 12/15 oz 65632 74281271090 Lee Kum Kee Lee Kum Kee USA Mayo Sriracha 12/15 fo 225585 7889514269 Lee Kum Kee Lee Kum Kee USA Ketchup Sriracha 12/18.5 oz 230545 7889514293 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 153 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 154 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Lefty Odouls Lefty Odouls Drink Mix Bloody Mary 6/33.8 fo 205100 85935700201 Lefty Odouls Lefty Odouls Drink Mix Margarita Key Lime 6/33.8 fo 205101 85935700203 Lefty Odouls Lefty Odouls Drink Mix Sweet And Sour Natural 6/33.8 oz 224107 85935700207 Legout Unilever Soup Cream Based 6/25.22 oz 214357 3750000032 Leila Bay World Wide Gourmet Food Inc Granola Cranberry Almond 12/12 oz 234402 2388219003 Leila Bay World Wide Gourmet Food Inc Granola Apple Cinnamon 12/12 oz 234403 2388219001 Leila Bay World Wide Gourmet Food Inc Granola Chocolate Quinoa 12/9 oz 234404 2388219004 Leila Bay World Wide Gourmet Food Inc Granola Banana Nut 12/12 oz 234405 2388219002 Lemon Grass Kit Innovasian Cuisine Pork Five Spice Natural 6/2 lb 220729 69511938265 Lemon Grass Kit Innovasian Cuisine Sauce Curry Thai Yellow Natural 8/2 lb 220731 69511934660 Lemon Grass Kit Innovasian Cuisine Thai Fried Rice Kits 12/2.3 lb 228563 69511929915 Lemon Grass Kit Innovasian Cuisine Marinade Five Spice 12/1 lb 228886 69511934465 Leninade Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Simple Soviet 24/12 oz 80239 89245801917 Lenny And Larry Lenny And Larry Cookies Chocolate Chip Natural 12/4 oz 234828 78769283461 Les Petites Les Petites Colby Jack Chunk Pd 12/8 oz 57562 65121920602 Les Petites Les Petites Jack Pepper Chunk Pd 12/8 oz 57564 65121920901 Les Petites Les Petites Gouda Chunk 12/8 oz 57565 65121920902 Les Petites Les Petites Havarti Chunk Pd 12/8 oz 57566 65121920904 Les Petites Les Petites Jack Pepper Sliced 12/6 oz 57573 65121920965 Les Petites Les Petites Gouda Sliced Pd 12/6 oz 57574 65121920966 Les Petites Les Petites Muenster Yellow Sliced Pd 12/6 oz 57582 65121930306 Les Petites Les Petites Cheese Variety Pack P 6/16 oz 113393 65121930925 Les Trois Les Trois Petits Cochons Pate Pork De Campagne 6/8 oz 19870 4588518600 Les Trois Les Trois Petits Cochons Pre Pate Black Peppercorn Crs Terr 6/8 oz 19873 4588518604 Les Trois Les Trois Petits Cochons Cornichons 12/12.35 oz 19875 4588525100 Les Trois Les Trois Petits Cochons Mousse Duck W Port Wine 2/3 lb 19882 4588533400 Les Trois Les Trois Petits Cochons Pate Mousse Truffee 2/3 lb 19883 4588533401 Les Trois Les Trois Petits Cochons Mousse Chicken Liver Truffle 6/8 oz 19891 4588538601 Les Trois Les Trois Petits Cochons Pate Mousse Perigord 6/8 oz 19895 4588538605 Les Trois Les Trois Petits Cochons Pate Mushroom 6/6.5 oz 19907 4588540730 Les Trois Les Trois Petits Cochons Pate Smoked Salmon 6/6.5 oz 19909 4588540745 Les Trois Les Trois Petits Cochons Toasts Petits 24/2.75 oz 19917 4588580006 Les Trois Les Trois Petits Cochons Duck Breast Smoked Rw 6/10 oz 112546 4588571000 Les Trois Les Trois Petits Cochons Pate Aux Champignons Slice 8/5.5 oz 116605 4588539404 Les Trois Les Trois Petits Cochons Pate Mousse Truffee Slice 8/5.5 oz 207283 4588539401 Les Trois Les Trois Petits Cochons Pate Grand Mere Slice 8/5.5 oz 207284 4588539403 Les Trois Les Trois Petits Cochons Mousse Duck Liver W Port Wine 8/5.5 oz 207285 4588539400 Les Trois Les Trois Petits Cochons Pate Rillettes De Canard 6/7 oz 207289 4588540770 Les Trois Les Trois Petits Cochons Pate Rillettes De Porc Natural 6/7 oz 226626 4588540880 Les Trois Les Trois Petits Cochons Pate De Canard A L Orange Natural 2/3 lb 229316 4588510003 Lesser Evil Lesser Evil Popcorn Himalayan Sweet Buddha Gluten Free 12/7 oz 228638 18099900102 Lesser Evil Lesser Evil Popcorn Himalayan Pink Buddha Gluten Free 12/5 oz 228639 18099900100 Lian How Chins Import Export Oil Chili Hot 4/1 ga 62441 71738511601 Lian How Lian How Paste Chili Ground 12/8 oz 62442 71738524008 Lian How Lian How Sauce Chili Garlic 12/8 fo 62443 71738524508 Libbys Seneca Foods Corp Spears Asparagus Cut 12/14.5 oz 213506 3710005816 Lidias Nonna Foods Sauce Pasta Tomato Basil 6/25 oz 212838 89771200106 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Lidias Nonna Foods Sauce Marinara 6/25 oz 212840 89771200101 Liebers Liebers Jello Cherry Regular Pd 24/3 oz 18767 4342715217 Liebers Liebers Jello Strawberry 24/3 oz 18768 4342715218 Liebers Liebers Jello Raspberry 24/3 oz 18769 4342715219 Liebers Liebers Jello Strawberry Sugarfree 12/.3 oz 18771 4342715221 Liebers Liebers Jello Unflavored Sugarfree Pd 12/.3 oz 18773 4342715223 Liebers Liebers Jello Lemon 12/3 oz 18775 4342715225 Liebers Liebers Sprinkles Chocolate 12/11 oz 18783 4342716100 Liebers Liebers Sprinkles Nonpareil Assorted 12/12 oz 18785 4342716105 Liebers Liebers Marshmallows Twisted 12/7oz 18878 4342741057 Liebers Liebers Candy Buttons Mega 24/2 oz 134436 4342700199 Liebers Liebers Candy Winkie Pop 24/3 oz 134437 4342740006 Liebers Liebers Candy Whistle Pop 24/1 oz 134439 4342740041 Liebers Liebers Marshmallows Mini 12/7 oz 203317 4342741039 Liebers Liebers Soy Sauce Imitation 12/10 oz 209328 4342711595 Liebers Liebers Soy Sauce Lite Imitation 12/10 oz 209329 4342711596 Liebers Liebers Sauce Worcestershire 12/10 oz 209332 4342700625 Lifetime Red Apple Cheese Llc Cheddar Fat Free 12/8 oz 20008 4608511867 Lifetime Red Apple Cheese Llc Swiss Cheese Fat Free 12/8 oz 20011 4608511870 Lifetime Red Apple Cheese Llc Mozzarella Fat Free 12/8 oz 20018 4608512196 Lifetime Red Apple Cheese Llc Cheddar Sharp Fat Free 12/8 oz 20021 4608542140 Lifetime Red Apple Cheese Llc Jack Jalapeno Fat Free 12/8 oz 20024 4608581966 Lifeway Lifeway Kefir Pomegranate Low Fat 6/32 oz 3561 1707712132 Lifeway Lifeway Foods Orange Creamy Crawler Probugs Organic Natural 12/4 oz 221230 1707703220 Lifeway Lifeway Foods Strawnana Split Probugs Organic Natural 12/4 oz 221231 1707703420 Lifeway Lifeway Foods Kefir Plain Nonfat Organic Po 8/32 oz 227476 65484481328 Lifeway Lifeway Foods Kefir Strawberry Nonfat Organic Po 8/32 oz 227477 65484483328 Lightlife Lightlife Bacon Smart 12/5 oz 18909 4345410104 Lillie Belle Lillie Belle Farms Chocolate Dark Ramblin Rose Bar Organic 12/2.5 oz 227768 85596600150 Lillie Belle Lillie Belle Farms Chocolate Dark Perfect Illusion Bar 12/2.5 oz 227769 85596600185 Lillie Belle Lillie Belle Farms Chocolate Milk Toffee Pistachio Bar Organic 12/1.5 oz 227770 85596600112 Lillie Belle Lillie Belle Farms Chocolate Milk Stella Blue Bar Natural 12/2.5 oz 227771 85596600188 Lillie Belle Lillie Belle Farms Chocolate Dark Crunchy Fire Bar Organic 12/1.5 oz 227772 85596600113 Lillie Belle Lillie Belle Farms Chocolate Milk Sunshine Daydream Bar 12/2.5 oz 227773 85596601161 Lillie Belle Lillie Belle Farms Chocolate Milk Flying Pig Bar Organic 12/1.5 oz 227774 85596600179 Lillie Belle Lillie Belle Farms Chocolate Dark Caramelized Almond Bar Organic 12/1.5 oz 227775 85596600111 Lillie Belle Lillie Belle Farms Chocolate Dark Purple Haze Bar Natural 12/2.5 oz 227776 85596600186 Lillie Belle Lillie Belle Farms Chocolate Dark Whiskey In Bar Organic 12/2.5 oz 227777 85596600110 Lillys Oregon Harvest Hummus Jalapeno Roasted Natural 6/12 oz 226994 64513600010 Lillys Oregon Harvest Hummus Plain Natural 6/12 oz 226995 64513600026 Lillys Oregon Harvest Hummus Tomato Basil Smoked Natural 6/12 oz 226996 64513600028 Lillys Oregon Harvest Hummus Red Pepper Roasted Natural 6/12 oz 226997 64513600017 Lillys Oregon Harvest Hummus Garlic Roasted Gluten Free Natural 6/12 oz 234538 64513600011 Lily Of Desert Lily Of The Desert Gelly Aloe Vera 12/12 oz 213453 2639500012 Lilys Lilys Sweets Llc Chocolate Dark Coconut Bar Natural 12/3 oz 235724 85648100301 Lilys Lilys Sweets Llc Chocolate Dark Almond Bar Natural 12/3 oz 235725 85648100303 Lilys Lilys Sweets Llc Chocolate Milk Salted Almond 40% 12/3 oz 235726 85648100305 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 155 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 156 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Lilys Lilys Sweets Llc Chocolate Dark Original Bar Natural 12/3 oz 235727 85648100300 Limonitz Limonitz Lemonade Sparkling Ginger Organic Natural 12/12 oz 223020 85115600402 Limonitz Limonitz Lemonade Sparkling Mint Organic Natural 12/12 oz 223021 85115600400 Limonitz Limonitz Lemonade Sparkling Strawberry Organic Natural 12/12 oz 223022 85115600401 Lincet Fromi Rungis Sas Fra Delice De Bourgogne Coupe 1/4.4 lb 119374 7221078746 Lincet Lincet Fra Delice De Bourgogne Hw 1/4.4 lb 53340 21612000000 Lindor Lindor Truffles Milk Bag 6/5.1 oz 12449 3746601584 Lindor Lindor Truffles Assorted 12Ct Bag 6/5.1 oz 12450 3746601585 Lindor Lindor Truffles White 12Ct Bag 6/5.1 oz 12461 3746601855 Lindsay Lindsay Olives Ripe Sliced 6/120 oz 22930 5380010150 Lindt Lindt Chocolate Pistachio Filled Bar 12/3.5 oz 12629 3746608332 Lior Galil Importing Corp Isr Essence Rum 24/1.76 oz 234420 7947114940 Lior Galil Importing Corp Isr Syrup Date Organic Natural 12/14.1 oz 234421 85790300552 Lior Galil Importing Corp Isr Essence Vanilla 24/1.76 oz 234422 7947114941 Lipton Kfp International Soup Mix Noodle Kosher 12/4.09 oz 14663 4100000518 Lipton Kfp International Soup Mix Onion Kosher 12/1.9 oz 14664 4100000519 Lipton Kfp International Soup Mix Vegetable Kosher 12/2.0 oz 14665 4100000574 Lipton Kfp International Soup Mix Ranch Kosher 12/2.4 oz 14666 4100000575 Lipton Kfp International Consomme Mix Chicken Pd 12/14.1 oz 86921 8468538171 Lipton Kfp International Consomme Mix Chicken Meat Pd 12/14 oz 86922 8468538174 Lipton Kfp International Consomme Mix Chicken Reduced Sodium 12/14.1 oz 86923 8468538188 Lipton Kfp International Matzo Ball Mix Pd 12/4.5 oz 205315 4100014380 Litehouse Litehouse Inc Dip Deli BBQ Cup 42/1.5 oz 204833 81544101042 Litehouse Litehouse Inc Dip Deli Buttermilk Ranch Cup 42/1.5 oz 204834 81544101041 Litehouse Litehouse Inc Dip Deli Sweet Sour Cup 42/1.5 oz 204835 81544101058 Litehouse Litehouse Inc Dip Honey Mustard Deli Cup 42/1.5 oz 216188 81544101123 Litehouse Litehouse Inc Dressing Caesar Greek Yogurt 60/1.5 oz 224301 7766114037 Litehouse Litehouse Inc Dressing Ranch Greek Yogurt 60/1.5 oz 224302 7766114041 Litehouse Litehouse Inc Dressing Feta Dill Greek Yogurt 60/1.5 oz 224303 7766114039 Litehouse Litehouse Inc Dressing 1000 Island 6/32 oz 226172 7766103032 Litehouse Litehouse Inc Dressing Bleu Cheese 6/32 oz 226173 7766102932 Litehouse Litehouse Inc Dressing Sesame Ginger 6/32 oz 226174 7766111514 Litehouse Litehouse Inc Dressing Caesar 6/32 oz 226175 7766103532 Litehouse Litehouse Inc Dressing Balsamic Vinegar 6/32 oz 226176 7766104232 Litehouse Litehouse Inc Dressing Ranch Homestyle 6/32 oz 226177 7766102732 Litehouse Litehouse Inc Dressing Honey Mustard 6/32 oz 226178 7766103232 Litehouse Litehouse Inc Gorgonzola Artisan Wheel Natural 1/6 lb 228291 81544101138 Lithtex Lithtex Printing Solutions Card Cheese Set 69/1 ea 31629 7221073001 Lithtex Lithtex Printing Solutions Card Cheese Set 148/1 ea 224324 7221042906 Little Secrets Little Secrets Candy Chocolate Dark Raspberry Natural 8/5 oz 234772 85945300518 Little Secrets Little Secrets Candy Chocolate Dark Natural 8/5 oz 234773 85945300517 Little Secrets Little Secrets Candy Chocolate Dark Peanut Butter 8/5 oz 234774 85945300516 Little Secrets Little Secrets Candy Chocolate Milk Natural 8/5 oz 234775 85945300519 Livradois Livradois Fra Raclette Pc 1/8 lb 119336 7221022528 Livradois Societe Fromagere Fra Raclette 1/13 lb 30807 7221023951 LL Ranch Lower Foods Inc Beef Roast 2/7 lb 7399 2568810458 LL Ranch Lower Foods Inc Beef Corned 2/7 lb 7400 2568810346 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC LL Ranch Lower Foods Inc Pastrami Beef 2/7 lb 7401 2568810347 LL Ranch Lower Foods Inc Pork Rib Tips Rockin L Smoked 2/5 lb 215599 2568818332 Locatelli Locatelli Ita Myzithra Ricotta Pecorina Pc 1/8 lb 30902 7221051351 Locatelli Locatelli Ita Romano Locatelli 1/4 Wheel 1/12 lb 32044 7221075293 Locatelli The Ambriola Company Inc Ita Romano Locatelli Wheel 2/45 lb 30966 7221070095 Locatelli The Ambriola Company Inc Ita Myzithra Ricotta Pecorina 2/7 lb 31002 7221070254 Locatelli The Ambriola Company Inc Ita Locatelli Romano Pc 1/10 lb 119323 4179301210 Locatelli The Ambriola Company Inc Ita Romano Pecorino Grated Cup 12/8 oz 202796 4179382493 Locatelli The Ambriola Company Inc Ita Saracino Hot Pepper Pc Natural 1/9 lb 228834 4179300016 Locatelli The Ambriola Company Inc Ita Provolone Half Moon Rw Natural 1/10 lb 228835 4179300110 Locatelli The Ambriola Company Inc Ita Pecorino Romano Grated Bag Natural 12/8 oz 230907 4179324800 Locatelli The Ambriola Company Inc Ita Pecorino Romano Grated Cup Natural 12/4 oz 230909 4179341292 Loire Saputo Cheese USA Fra Port Salut Safr 1/5 lb 67991 76181801036 London Pub London Pub Sauce Steak And Chop 6/10 oz 119254 7067000365 London Pub London Pub Sauce Spicy Jamaican Steak & Chop 6/9.2 oz 119255 7067000371 London Pub London Pub Chutney Major Grey 6/8 oz 210114 7067000030 London Pub World Finer Foods Vinegar Malt 6/12.7 oz 26678 7067000289 Londoner Ornua Foods North America Gbr Leicester Red 12/7 oz 208279 84111100078 Londoner Ornua Foods North America Gbr West Country Farmhouse 12/7 oz 208281 84111100077 Londoner Ornua Foods North America Gbr Cheddar 12/7 oz 208282 84111100076 Londoner Ornua Foods North America Double Decker 12/7 oz 221991 76770700204 Londoner Ornua Foods North America Gbr Wensleydale With Cranberries 12/7 oz 222241 76770700189 Londoner Ornua Foods North America Gbr Wensleydale With Harvest Fruits 12/7 oz 222242 76770700190 Londoner Ornua Foods North America Gbr Cheddar Fiesta 12/7 oz 224103 76770700217 Long Clawson Long Clawson Gbr Stilton Thomas Hoe Pc 1/8 lb 33250 7221080649 Long Clawson Long Clawson Gbr Stilton White Mango Ginger Pc 1/6 lb 36575 7221085597 Long Clawson Long Clawson Gbr Cotswold Pc 1/8 lb 67933 76181800285 Long Clawson Long Clawson Gbr Stilton White Blueberry Pc 1/6 lb 67936 76181800313 Long Clawson Long Clawson Gbr Blue Shropshire 1/2 Wheel 1/9 lb 67979 76181801021 Long Clawson Long Clawson Gbr Stilton 1/2 Wheel 1/9 lb 67980 76181801022 Long Clawson Long Clawson Gbr Stilton White Lemon Pc 1/6.5 lb 119335 7221022527 Long Clawson Long Clawson Gbr Huntsman 5 Layer Pc 1/8 lb 119378 7221080593 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 157 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 158 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Long Clawson Somerdale International Limited Gbr Stilton White Lemon 4/2.5 lb 30700 7221016998 Long Clawson Somerdale International Limited Gbr Blue Shropshire 1/18 lb 31733 7221073456 Long Clawson Somerdale International Limited Gbr Stilton Wheel 2/18 lb 31739 7221073468 Long Clawson Somerdale International Limited Gbr Cotswold 2/5 lb 32023 7221075024 Long Clawson Somerdale International Limited Gbr Huntsman 2 Layer Stilton 1/8 lb 33502 7221081237 Long Clawson Somerdale International Limited Gbr Stilton Wedge Pc 12/5.3 oz 64510 73500600008 Long Clawson Somerdale International Limited Gbr Stilton White Lemon 12/5.29 oz 64516 73500600023 Long Clawson Somerdale International Limited Gbr Stilton White Cranberry 12/5.29 oz 64522 73500600040 Long Clawson Somerdale International Limited Gbr Stilton White Mango Ginger 12/5.29 oz 64523 73500600042 Long Clawson Somerdale International Limited Gbr Cotswold Wedge 12/5.29 oz 64525 73500600044 Long Clawson Somerdale International Limited Gbr Stilton White Blueberry 4/2.5 lb 119355 7221073472 Long Clawson Somerdale International Limited Gbr Stilton White Mango Ginger 4/2.5 lb 119366 7221077312 Long Clawson Somerdale International Limited Gbr Windsor Red 4/2.5 lb 212392 7221042468 Long Clawson Somerdale International Limited Gbr Blue Shropshire 12/5.3 oz 217962 73500600007 Long Clawson Somerdale International Limited Gbr Stilton Thomas Hoe Blue Natural 1/18 lb 234838 73500600086 Looks Like Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Orange Tastes Like Grape 24/12 oz 79846 89245811211 Looza Quaker Sales & Distribution Juice Pear Nectar 6/33.8 oz 19824 4558752910 Lorina Lorina Drink Lemonade 12/750 ml 57272 64761300002 Lorina Lorina Fra Drink Sparkling Blood Orange Natural 12/750 ml 57273 64761300003 Lorina Lorina Fra Drink Pomegranate Blueberry 12/25.4 oz 211621 64761300358 Lorina Lorina Fra Drink Sparkling Coconut Lime 12/750 ml 231674 64761300942 Loriva Liberty Richter Oil Walnut California 6/12.7 oz 12026 3602300403 Lorraine Saputo Cheese USA Swiss Reduced Fat Loaf 2/6 lb 84755 7580584853 Los Chileros Los Chileros Taco And Burrito Mix 12/1 oz 211348 79794551501 Los Chileros Los Chileros Chile Powder Ancho 12/3 oz 211349 79794521103 Los Chileros Los Chileros Sauce Mix Enchilada Red 12/4 oz 211350 79794551604 Los Chileros Los Chileros Chile Powder Chipotle 12/3 oz 211351 79794521603 Los Chileros Los Chileros Mex Pepper Chile Chipotle Whole 8/3 oz 211352 79794521503 Los Chileros Los Chileros Mex Chile Ancho 8/2 oz 211353 79794521003 Los Chileros Los Chileros Chile Pods 6/3 oz 211354 79794511203 Los Chileros Los Chileros Mex Pepper Chile De Arbol Whole 8/2 oz 211355 79794521202 Los Chileros Los Chileros Chile Molido Mild Ground 12/4 oz 211356 79794511006 Los Chileros Los Chileros Rub And Mix Chipotle 12/1 oz 211357 79794551701 Los Chileros Los Chileros Carne Adovada Mix 12/4 oz 211358 79794551304 Los Chileros Los Chileros Chile Molido Hot Ground 12/4 oz 211359 79794510006 Los Chileros Los Chileros Mex Chile Guajillo Whole 8/2 oz 211365 79794521702 Los Chileros Los Chileros Popcorn Fiesta 8/12 oz 211366 79794532112 Los Chileros Los Chileros Dip Mix Guacamole Ole 12/1 oz 211367 79794552601 Los Chileros Los Chileros Mex Chile Habanero Whole 8/.5 oz 211368 79794521801 Los Chileros Los Chileros Popcorn Corn Blue 8/12 oz 211369 79794531412 Los Chileros Los Chileros Mex Corn Husks 6/6 oz 211370 79794541406 Los Chileros Los Chileros Mex Chile Pequin Crushed 12/3 oz 211371 79794522303 Los Chileros Los Chileros Posole Corn White 8/12 oz 211372 79794541012 Los Chileros Los Chileros Mex Chile Ancho 6/1 oz 211373 79794554001 Los Chileros Los Chileros Posole Corn Blue 8/12 oz 211374 79794531612 Los Chileros Los Chileros Salsa Mix Chipotle 12/1 oz 211375 79794552501 Los Chileros Los Chileros Salsa Mix Santa Fe 12/1 oz 211376 79794552401 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Los Chileros Los Chileros Spice Posole Blend Natural 12/1 oz 218826 79794551801 Los Chileros Los Chileros Marinade Fajita Natural 12/2 oz 218830 79794551202 Los Chileros Los Chileros Paste Achiote 12/3.5 oz 222972 79794561004 Los Chileros Los Chileros Chiles Chipotle En Adobo La Morena 24/7 oz 222973 72745200270 Los Chileros Los Chileros Chiles Green Dehydrated Whole Roasted 12/.75 oz 224136 79794511501 Los Chileros Los Chileros Rub Mix Chipotle 12/2 oz 224137 79794551702 Los Pericos Los Pericos Foods Shells Taco 15/4 oz 899 1060980299 Los Pericos Los Pericos Foods Tostada Sheets 15/4.5 oz 227040 1060962714 Los Roast Los Roast Llc Chiles Green Hot Natural 12/16 oz 225896 86270000000 Los Roast Los Roast Llc Chiles Green Mild Natural 12/16 oz 225897 86270000004 Los Roast Los Roast Llc Chiles Green Medium Natural 12/16 oz 225898 86270000001 Los Roast Los Roast Llc Chiles Red Roasted New Mexico Natural 12/16 oz 230192 86270000003 Lotus Lotus Foods Rice Bhutanese Red 6/15 oz 204936 70895300160 Lotus Lotus Foods Rice Forbidden 6/15 oz 204937 70895300210 Lotus Lotus Foods Rice Bowl Brown Jasmine Natural Organic 6/7.4 oz 225464 70895350498 Lotus Lotus Foods Rice Bowl Heirloom Forbidden Natural Organic 6/7.4 oz 225465 70895350598 Louisiana Louisiana Sauce Hot Green 6/3 oz 3666 1760002106 Louisiana Louisiana Sauce Brand Hot 6/6 fo 3671 1760002147 Louisiana Louisiana Sauce Hot 6/3 oz 118723 1760002107 Love Grown Love Grown Foods, Llc Sweet Cranberry Pecan Natural 6/12 oz 201110 85056300200 Love Grown Love Grown Foods, Llc Raisin Almond Crunch Natural 6/12 oz 201111 85056300201 Love Grown Love Grown Foods, Llc Apple Walnut Delight Natural 6/12 oz 201112 85056300202 Love Grown Love Grown Foods, Llc Simply Oats Natural 6/12 oz 214430 85056300203 Love Grown Love Grown Foods, Llc Oats Hot Apple Cinnamon Natural 8/2.22 oz 219796 85056300219 Love Grown Love Grown Foods, Llc Oats Hot Peach Almond Vanilla Natural 8/2.22 oz 219797 85056300217 Love Grown Love Grown Foods, Llc Oats Hot Blueberry Banana Walnut Natural 8/2.22 oz 219798 85056300216 Love Grown Love Grown Foods, Llc Oats Hot Strawberry Raspberry Natural 8/2.22 oz 219799 85056300218 Love Grown Love Grown Foods, Llc Clusters Oat Cocoa Goodness 6/12 oz 222342 85056300204 Love Grown Love Grown Foods, Llc Oats Simply Pure Super 6/12 oz 222343 85056300237 Love Grown Love Grown Foods, Llc Oats Nuts And Seeds Super 6/12 oz 222344 85056300238 Love Grown Love Grown Foods, Llc Cereal Power Os Strawberry Natural 6/10 oz 227717 85056300247 Love Grown Love Grown Foods, Llc Cereal Power Os Chocolate Natural 6/10 oz 227718 85056300246 Love Grown Love Grown Foods, Llc Cereal Power Os Original Natural 6/8 oz 227719 85056300244 Love Grown Love Grown Foods, Llc Cereal Power Os Honey Natural 6/10 oz 227720 85056300245 Love Grown Love Grown Foods, Llc Mighty Flakes Frosted Natural 6/12 oz 230650 85056300260 Love Grown Love Grown Foods, Llc Mighty Flakes Bean Flakes Natural 6/10 oz 230651 85056300257 Love Grown Love Grown Foods, Llc Mighty Flakes Cranberry Almond Natural 6/12 oz 230652 85056300261 Love Grown Love Grown Foods, Llc Super Oat Packets Original 6/9.1 oz 230653 85056300262 Love Grown Love Grown Foods, Llc Super Oat Packets Blueberry 6/9.1 oz 230654 85056300263 Love Grown Love Grown Foods, Llc Mighty Flakes Strawberry Flakes Natural 6/12 oz 230655 85056300258 Love Grown Love Grown Foods, Llc Super Oat Packets Apple Cinnamon 6/9.1 oz 230656 85056300264 Love Grown Love Grown Foods, Llc Mighty Flakes Chocolate Joy Natural 6/12 oz 230657 85056300259 Love Grown Love Grown Foods, Llc Cereal Sea Stars Gluten Free 6/7 oz 234847 85056300273 Love Grown Love Grown Foods, Llc Cereal Polar Puffs Gluten Free 6/6.5 oz 234848 85056300271 Love Grown Love Grown Foods, Llc Cereal Comet Crispies Gluten Free 6/9.5 oz 234849 85056300272 Lowensenf Gourmet International Ger Mustard Hot Extra Natural 12/9.3 oz 229295 80169391244 Lucini Italia California Olive Ranch Inc Oil Olive Extra Virgin Premium S 6/8.5 oz 57344 64850501250 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 159 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 160 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Lucini Italia California Olive Ranch Inc Oil Olive Extra Virgin Premium 6/17 oz 57345 64850501500 Lucini Italia California Olive Ranch Inc Oil Olive Extra Virgin Premium Organic Po 6/25.4 oz 57346 64850501750 Lucini Italia California Olive Ranch Inc Vinegar Balsamic Gran Riserva 10 Yr 6/8.5 oz 57347 64850530250 Lucini Italia California Olive Ranch Inc Vinegar Wine Pinot Noir Italian 6/8.5 oz 57348 64850533250 Lucini Italia California Olive Ranch Inc Vinegar Wine White Pinot Grigio 6/8.5 oz 57349 64850535250 Lucini Italia California Olive Ranch Inc Sauce Pasta Tomato Basil Rustic 6/25.5 oz 57352 64850550720 Lucini Italia California Olive Ranch Inc Sauce Marinara Garlic Roasted 6/25.5 oz 57355 64850550723 Lucini Italia California Olive Ranch Inc Sauce Pasta Sicilian Olive/Wild Caper 6/25.5 oz 57357 64850555721 Lucini Italia California Olive Ranch Inc Sauce Pasta Robust Tomato Gorgonzola 6/19.6 oz 57359 64850557560 Lucini Italia California Olive Ranch Inc Sauce Pasta Tomato Ricotta Creamy 6/19.6 oz 57360 64850557561 Lucini Italia California Olive Ranch Inc Dressing Salad Balsamic Fig Walnut 6/8.5 oz 81871 64850510250 Lucini Italia California Olive Ranch Inc Dressing Salad Cherry Balsamic/Rosemary 6/8.5 oz 81872 64850511250 Lucini Italia California Olive Ranch Inc Dressing Salad Bold Parmesan/Garlic 6/8.5 oz 81873 64850513250 Lucini Italia California Olive Ranch Inc Dressing Salad Tuscan Balsamic/EVOO 6/8.5 oz 81874 64850515250 Lucini Italia California Olive Ranch Inc Ita Oil Olive Extra Virgin Estate 6/1 lt 208298 64850501001 Lucini Italia California Olive Ranch Inc Vinegar Balsamic Savory Fig 6/8.5 oz 210365 64850531250 Lucini Italia California Olive Ranch Inc Ita Oil Olive Extra Virgin Select 6/17 oz 228273 64850501505 Lucini Italia California Olive Ranch Inc Oil Olive Extra Virgin Select Organic Po 6/500 ml 231500 64850503501 Lucky Lucky Foods Llc Spring Roll Chicken 48/6 oz 31878 7221074076 Lucky Country Lucky Country Inc Licorice Black 12/13 oz 214802 81779500239 Lucky Country Lucky Country Inc Licorice Strawberry 12/13 oz 214805 81779500240 Lucky Foods Chins Import Export Rice Long Grain 1/50 lb 50135 8906702563 Lucys Lucys Cookie Chocolate Chip Gluten Free Natural 24/1.25 oz 235739 89751900104 Lucys Lucys Cookie Cinnamon Gluten Free Natural 24/1.25 oz 235740 89751900105 Lucys Lucys Cookie Chocolate Chip 2Pack Gluten Free Natural 12/.7 oz 235741 89751900162 Lucys Lucys Brownie Crisp Triple Chocolate Gluten Free Natural 24/1.25 oz 235742 85377100526 Lucys Lucys Cookie Ginger Snap Gluten Free Natural 24/1.25 oz 235743 89751900131 Luna And Larrys Bliss Unlimited Llc Coconut Bliss Mint Galactica Nd Organic 8/16 oz 230324 89676700103 Luna And Larrys Bliss Unlimited Llc Coconut Bliss Salted Caramel Chocolate Nd Organic 8/16 oz 230325 89676700159 Luna And Larrys Bliss Unlimited Llc Coconut Bliss Vanilla Island Nd Organic 8/16 oz 230326 89676700102 Luna And Larrys Bliss Unlimited Llc Coconut Bliss Dark Chocolate Nd Organic 8/16 oz 230327 89676700101 Luna And Larrys Bliss Unlimited Llc Ice Cream Chocolate Peanut Butter Pint 8/1 pt 235933 89676700121 Luna And Larrys Bliss Unlimited Llc Ice Cream Coconut Almond Chocolate Bars 12/9 oz 235934 89676700183 Lundberg Lundberg Syrup Rice Sweet Dreams Organic 6/21 oz 39719 7341600160 Lundberg Lundberg Family Farms Chips Rice Sea Salt 12/6 oz 39749 7341603530 Lundberg Lundberg Family Farms Pasta Rice Brown Penne Organic 12/12 oz 200533 7341600610 Lundberg Lundberg Family Farms Rice Brown Spaghetti Pasta Organic 12/10 oz 200534 7341600620 Lundberg Lundberg Family Farms Rice Short Grain Brown Organic 6/2 lb 217123 7341619763 Lundberg Lundberg Family Farms Rice Arborio White Eco Farmed Natural 6/2 lb 217124 7341605091 Lundberg Lundberg Family Farms Rice Basmati Brown Eco Farm Organic 6/2 lb 217125 7341640152 Lundberg Lundberg Family Farms Risotto Florentine Gluten Free Natural Organic 6/5.75 oz 220986 7341602034 Lundberg Lundberg Family Farms Risotto Garlic Primivera Eco Gluten Free Natural 6/5.5 oz 220989 7341602004 Lundberg Lundberg Family Farms Risotto Alfredo Gluten Free Natural Organic 6/5.5 oz 220990 7341602033 Lundberg Lundberg Family Farms Rice Mix Black Bean Whole Grain Organic Gluten Free 6/6 oz 224774 7341651060 Lundberg Lundberg Family Farms Rice Mix Spanish Whole Grain Organic Gluten Free 6/6 oz 224777 7341651010 Lundberg Lundberg Family Farms Rice Red Sprouted Natural Organic 6/1 lb 231609 7341600350 Lundberg Lundberg Family Farms Rice Brown Short Sprouted Natural Organic 6/1 lb 231611 7341600355 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Lundberg Lundberg Family Farms Rice Cake Brown Thin Red/Quinoa Organic 12/5.9 oz 233751 7341600048 Lundberg Lundberg Family Farms Rice Cake Brown Thin Salt Free Organic 12/5.9 oz 233752 7341600045 Lundberg Lundberg Family Farms Rice Cake Chocolate Dark Sweet Dreams Organic 12/3.2 oz 233753 7341600028 Lundberg Lundberg Family Farms Rice Cake Brown Thin Five Grain Organic 12/5.9 oz 233754 7341600047 Lundberg Lundberg Family Farms Rice Cake Brown Thin Lightly Salt Organic 12/5.9 oz 233755 7341600046 Lundberg Lundberg Family Farms Rice Cake Chocolate Milk Sweet Dreams Organic 12/3.2 oz 233756 7341600026 Lurpak Arla Foods Inc Den Butter Salted 20/8 oz 51591 9393685136 Lurpak Arla Foods Inc Den Butter Unsalted 20/8 oz 51592 9393685436 Lyles Source Atlantique Syrup Golden Jar 12/11 fo 42071 4920090276 Lyles Source Atlantique Syrup Golden Tin 12/16 oz 42072 7489000112 Lyles Source Atlantique Syrup Golden Squeeze 12/11 oz 201880 73449287005 M And T Smoked M And T Smoked Products Jalapeno Smoked Pc 1/10 lb 219106 85503700401 M And T Smoked M And T Smoked Products Cheddar Smoked Pc 1/10 lb 219107 85503700400 M And T Smoked M And T Smoked Products Cheddar White Smoked 1/10 lb 236105 85503700406 Madam Chevre Saputo Cheese USA Can Elite Roasted Red Pepper 8/6 oz 24047 6248201800 Madhava Madhava Natural Sweeteners Mex Nectar Agave Light Organic 6/23.5 oz 46031 7831411235 Madhava Madhava Natural Sweeteners Mex Nectar Agave Amber Organic 6/23.5 oz 46033 7831421235 Madhava Madhava Natural Sweeteners Mex Nectar Agave Light Organic 6/11.75 oz 119884 7831411175 Madhava Madhava Natural Sweeteners Mex Nectar Agave Amber Organic 6/11.75 oz 119885 7831421175 Madhava Madhava Natural Sweeteners Mex Nectar Agave Raw Organic 6/11.75 oz 206314 7831432175 Madhava Madhava Natural Sweeteners Sugar Coconut Blonde Organic 6/16 oz 221273 7831421600 Madhava Madhava Natural Sweeteners Bra Honey Pure And Raw Organic Natural 6/22 oz 232189 7831401220 Madhava Madhava Natural Sweeteners Bra Honey Very Raw Organic Natural 6/22 oz 232190 7831400220 Mae Ploy Mae Ploy Sauce Sweet Chili 6/32 oz 19385 4473807234 Mae Ploy Mae Ploy Sauce Sweet Chili 12/12 oz 129708 4473807231 Mae Ploy Mae Ploy Tha Curry Paste Red 12/14 oz 213279 4473810234 Mae Ploy Passport Food Group Llc Paste Curry Red 12/35 oz 19389 4473820169 Mae Ploy Wismettac Asian Foods Paste Curry Green 24/14 oz 19387 4473810235 Mae Ploy Wismettac Asian Foods Paste Curry Yellow 24/14 oz 19388 4473810238 Maggi Maggi Sauce Chili Asian Sweet 6/10.2 oz 118787 2800051212 Maggi Maggi Chn Seasoning 6/3.38 oz 211748 2800083257 Maggi Nestle USA, Inc Ger Spaetzle 10/10.5 oz 211148 2800069180 Maggie Gins Golden West Specialty Foods Dressing Chicken Chinese Salad 6/13 oz 213670 4778502309 Maggie Gins Golden West Specialty Foods Sauce Black Bean 6/13 oz 213671 4778500305 Maggie Gins Golden West Specialty Foods Sauce Ginger Tangy 6/13 oz 213674 4778502101 Maggie Gins Golden West Specialty Foods Sauce Chili And Garlic 6/13 oz 213677 4778500308 Maille Source Atlantique Mustard Dijon Original 6/7.5 oz 18957 4364620128 Maille Source Atlantique Mustard Dijon Honey 6/8 oz 18959 4364620400 Maille Source Atlantique Mustard Dijon Old Style 6/7.3 oz 18961 4364620758 Maille Source Atlantique Fra Cornichons Gherkins 12/14 oz 18963 4364621038 Maille Source Atlantique Mustard Rich Country Dijon 6/7 oz 138165 4364646101 Maille Source Atlantique Fra Horseradish Natural 6/7.2 oz 216457 4364666705 Maine Root Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Ginger Brew 24/12 oz 234728 86228400007 Maine Root Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Orange Mandarin 24/12 oz 234729 86228400013 Maine Root Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Root Beer 24/12 oz 234730 86228400001 Maine Root Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Blueberry 24/12 oz 234731 86228400012 Maine Root Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Lemon Lime 24/12 oz 234732 86228400011 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 161 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 162 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Maine Root Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Cola Mexicane 24/12 oz 234733 86228400029 Mainland Fonterra Food’services USA Inc Nzl Egmont Aged 6 Months Bar Natural 12/7 oz 231172 85235800179 Mainland Fonterra Food’services USA Inc Nzl Cheddar Sharp Age 12 Mo Bar Natural 12/7 oz 231173 85235800178 Maintal Gourmet International Ger Spread Fruit Rosehip Natural 10/12 oz 229227 69326830001 Maintal Gourmet International Ger Spread Fruit Plum Butter Natural 10/12 oz 229228 69326830002 Maisie Jane’s Maisie Jane’s Almonds Cinnamon Glazed 12/2.5 oz 79955 73055500019 Maisie Jane’s Maisie Jane’s Almonds Tamari Natural 12/2.5 oz 234826 73055500018 Maisie Jane’s Maisie Jane’s Almonds Garlic And Country Herb Natural 12/2.5 oz 234827 73055500023 Malt Star Kfp International Isr Drink Beer Black 24/11 oz 213513 4048731100 Mama Lil’s Foodmatch Inc Peppers Pickled Deseed 3/8In In Oil 1/15 lb 35631 63362510001 Mama Lil’s Foodmatch Inc Peppers In Sweet Brine 4/6.75 lb 230806 63362510038 Mama Lil’s Foodmatch Inc Pepper Pickled Hungarian In Oil 1/7.5 lb 230973 63362510002 Mama Lil’s Pacific Specialty Foods Peppers In Oil Kick Butt Hot 12/12 oz 207943 63362510032 Mama Lil’s Pacific Specialty Foods Peppers In Oil Pickled Mild Spicy 12/12 oz 207944 63362510031 Mama Lil’s Pacific Specialty Foods Peppers/Pickles Bread N Butter 12/16 oz 208577 63362500036 Mama Lil’s Pacific Specialty Foods Peppas Honkin Hot 12/12 oz 208578 63362500034 Mama Lil’s Pacific Specialty Foods Pickles Peppalilli Mustard 12/12 oz 208579 63362500033 Mama Lil’s Pacific Specialty Foods Peppas Sweet Hot In Brine 12/12 oz 209839 63362500035 Mama Lil’s Pacific Specialty Foods Asparagini Natural 12/26.5 oz 219728 63362510011 Mamma Chia Mamma Chia Beverage Blackberry Hibiscus Natural Organic 12/10 oz 214548 85651600203 Mamma Chia Mamma Chia Beverage Raspberry Passion Natural Organic 12/10 oz 214550 85651600200 Mamma Chia Mamma Chia Beverage Cherry Lime Natural Organic Gluten Free 12/10 oz 214551 85651600201 Mamma Chia Mamma Chia Beverage Coconut Mango Natural Organic Gluten Free 12/10 oz 214552 85651600204 Mamma Chia Mamma Chia Snacks Green Magic Squeeze 8Pack 8/3.5 oz 219745 85651600211 Mamma Chia Mamma Chia Snacks Blackberry Bliss Squeeze 8Pack 8/3.5 oz 219747 85651600209 Mamma Chia Mamma Chia Beverage Vitality Energy Cherry Charge 12/10 oz 230139 85651600254 Mamma Chia Mamma Chia Beverage Vitality Energy Raspberry Raz 12/10 oz 230140 85651600253 Mamma Chia Mamma Chia Chocolate Dark Peanut Bar Natural 12/1.4 oz 233005 85651600250 Mamma Chia Mamma Chia Chocolate Dark Cherry Bar Natural 12/1.4 oz 233006 85651600247 Mamma Chia Mamma Chia Chocolate Dark Blueberry Bar Natural 12/1.4 oz 233007 85651600248 Mamma Chia Mamma Chia Chocolate Dark Coconut Almond Bar Natural 12/1.4 oz 233008 85651600267 Mancha Oro Culinary Collectives Esp Saffron 5/3 gr 80059 66678519003 Mancha Oro Culinary Collectives Esp Mancha Oro Saffron 12/.8 gr 84602 83292400010 Mandia Fiad Srl Ita Pizza Formaggi Quattro Natural 8/10.6 oz 234343 3346232015 Mandia Fiad Srl Ita Pizza Margherita Regina Natural 8/10.6 oz 234344 3346232014 Mandia Fiad Srl Ita Pizza Positano Natural 8/10.6 oz 234345 3346232016 Maninis Gluten Free Maninis Spaghetti Gluten Free 12/9 oz 223056 85325400340 Maninis Gluten Free Maninis Rigatoni Gluten Free 8/9 oz 223057 85325400356 Maninis Gluten Free Maninis Fettuccini Roasted Garlic Gluten Free 12/9 oz 223058 85325400349 Maninis Gluten Free Maninis Linguini Lemon Thyme Gluten Free 12/9 oz 223059 85325400350 Maninis Gluten Free Maninis Ravioli Portobello Mushroom Cheese 12/9.5 oz 234663 85325400392 Maninis Gluten Free Maninis Ravioli 4 Cheese Gluten Free Natural 12/9.5 oz 234664 85325400390 Maninis Gluten Free Maninis Ravioli Spinach Cheese Gluten Free Natural 12/9.5 oz 234665 85325400391 Maninis Gluten Free Maninis Ravioli Combo Pack Gluten Free Natural 12/9.5 oz 234666 85325400394 Manischewitz Manischewitz Matzo Ball Mix Pd 6/5 oz 38229 7270000007 Manischewitz Manischewitz Soup Mix Matzo Ball Pd 6/4.5 oz 38231 7270000011 Manischewitz Manischewitz Sauce Tomato Mushroom Pd 12/11 oz 38300 7270000151 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR DESCRIPTION 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Manischewitz Manischewitz Gefilte Fish Jelled Pd 6/24 oz 38490 7270010079 Manischewitz Manischewitz Gefilte Fish Sweet Pd 6/24 oz 38492 7270010081 Manischewitz Manischewitz Gefilte Fish Whitefish Pike Jell Pd 6/24 oz 38493 7270010082 Manischewitz Manischewitz Gefilte Fish White Pike Sweet Pd 6/24 oz 38495 7270010084 Manischewitz Manischewitz Gefilte All Whitefish Liquid Pd 6/24 oz 38512 7270010112 Manischewitz Manischewitz Soup Chicken Clear Can Pd 6/10.5 oz 38517 7270010126 Manischewitz Manischewitz Soup Chicken Matzo Ball 6/10.5 oz 38519 7270010128 Manischewitz Manischewitz Matzo Balls In Broth Pd 6/24 oz 38539 7270010180 Manischewitz Manischewitz Soup Matzo Ball Jar Pd 6/24 oz 38540 7270010181 Manischewitz Manischewitz Broth Chicken Clear Pd 6/10.5 oz 38542 7270010188 Manischewitz Manischewitz Borscht With Beets Pd 6/24 oz 38567 7270010274 Manischewitz Manischewitz Borscht Low Calorie Pd 6/24 oz 38568 7270010275 Manischewitz Manischewitz Cracker Matzo Mini 6/8 oz 119529 7270000019 Manischewitz Manischewitz Candle Shabbat 72 Ct Pd 4/72 ea 119552 7270000790 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Matzo Thin Salted 12/10 oz 38225 7270000002 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Matzo Unsalted 12/10 oz 38234 7270000016 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Matzo Thin Tea 12/10 oz 38235 7270000017 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Matzo Whole Wheat 12/10 oz 38244 7270000035 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Matzo Thin Unsalted 12/10 oz 38248 7270000040 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Matzo Egg Onion 12/10 oz 38254 7270000049 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Pancake Mix Potato Pd 12/6 oz 38266 7270000064 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Matzo Meal Canister 12/16 oz 38287 7270000099 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Sauce Horseradish Wasabi Creamy Pd 9/9.25 oz 38304 7270000171 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Sauce Horseradish Dill Creamy Pd 9/9.5 oz 38305 7270000172 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Sauce Cream Horseradish Original Pd 9/9.25 oz 38306 7270000173 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Soup Mix Lentil Cello 24/6 oz 38341 7270000738 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Pancake Mix Sweet Potato Pd 12/6 oz 38354 7270000775 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Latke Mix Potato Homestyle Pd 12/6 oz 38357 7270000785 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Matzo Egg 12/12 oz 38377 7270000821 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Matzo Balls Family Style Pd 12/13 oz 38411 7270005101 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Butter Apple Original Pd 6/17 oz 38471 7270005538 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Potato Starch Canister Pd 12/16 oz 38483 7270005608 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Matzo Everything 12/10 oz 38485 7270006235 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Matzo Ball Mix Reduced Sodium Pd 12/5 oz 38530 7270010162 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Soup Mix Vegetable Cello 24/6 oz 38546 7270010200 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Soup Mix Split Pea Cello 24/6 oz 38547 7270010201 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Soup Mix Minestrone Cello 24/6 oz 38550 7270010204 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Soup Nuts Mandlen Pd 12/1 oz 38559 7270010217 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Noodles Fine Yolk Free 12/12 oz 38562 7270010245 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Noodles Wide Yolk Free 12/12 oz 38563 7270010247 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Noodles Egg Fine 12/12 oz 38576 7270010403 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Noodles Egg Medium 12/12 oz 38577 7270010404 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Noodles Egg Wide 12/12 oz 38578 7270010405 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Noodles Egg Extra Wide 12/12 oz 38579 7270010406 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Noodles Egg Kluski 12/12 oz 38584 7270010412 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Noodles Egg Yolk Free Medium Pd 12/12 oz 38586 7270010423 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Noodles Egg Fine Gold Pd 12/12 oz 38587 7270010425 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 163 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 164 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Soup Mix Four Bean Cello 24/6 oz 38592 7270010441 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Soup Mix Hearty Bean Cello 24/6 oz 38593 7270010442 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Candle Memorial Glass Pd 24/3 oz 38605 7270020001 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Gefilte Fishlets Liquid Pd 12/24 oz 86446 7270010078 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Gefilte Fish Liquid 12/24 oz 86448 7270010080 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Gefilte Fish Pg Pd 12/24 oz 86455 7270010096 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Broth Chicken Natural Pd 12/14 oz 91666 7270010223 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Broth Chicken Reduced Sodium Natural Pd 12/14 oz 200001 7270010224 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Broth Beef Natural Pd 12/14 oz 200003 7270010225 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Broth Chicken Natural Pd 12/32 oz 203302 7270010226 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Broth Chicken Reduced Sodium Natural Pd 12/32 oz 203303 7270010227 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Cracker Tam Tam Onion 12/9.6 oz 203412 7270000045 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Crackers Tam Tam Unsalted 12/9.6 oz 203413 7270000044 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Cracker Tam Tam Original 12/9.6 oz 203417 7270000033 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Butter Almond Natural Organic Pd 6/10 oz 216595 7270005329 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Crackers Gluten Free Pd 12/8 oz 216596 7270000084 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Pancake Mix Potato Garlic/Rosemary Natural Pd 12/6 oz 218983 7270000065 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Sauce Couscous Vegetable/Chicken Natural Pd 12/16 oz 220709 7270001001 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Couscous Roasted Garlic/Olive Oil Pd 12/5.7 oz 220710 7270001100 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Sauce Couscous Vegetable Natural Pd 12/16 oz 220711 7270001000 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Broth Chicken 12/32 oz 222348 7270010230 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Matzo Spelt Organic 12/10 oz 224297 7270000207 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Chips Potato Ripple Snack Size 9 Ct Po 8/6.75 oz 234298 7270005476 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Juice Sparkling Grape Concord Pd 12/25.4 oz 234299 4180070482 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Cereal Magic Max Cocoa Crch Puff Po 12/5.5 oz 234300 7270010462 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Balsamic Vinegar Pd 12/16.9 oz 234301 7270005375 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Cereal Magic Max Vanilla Crh Puff Po 12/5.5 oz 234302 7270010463 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Macaroons Chocolate Hazelnut Po 12/10 oz 234303 7270000121 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Cookies Chocolate Chip Grab Go Gluten Free Po 12/2.5 oz 234304 7270003007 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Cake Meal Gluten Free Natural Pd 12/16 oz 234305 7270000312 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Muffin Mix Blueberry Bran Po 12/12 oz 234306 7270000570 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Chips Potato Thin Snack Size 9ct Po 8/6.75 oz 234307 7270005470 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Matzo Squares 3 Pack Gluten Free Pd 6/30 oz 234308 7270000390 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Matzo Meal Pd Gluten Free Natural 12/15 oz 234309 7270000310 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Juice Grape Concord Pd 8/64 oz 234310 4180020236 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Noodles Spiral Tri Color Gluten Free Natural Pd 12/10 oz 234311 7270010429 Manischewitz The Manischewitz Co Cookies Chocolate Grab And Go Gluten Free Po 12/2.5 oz 234312 7270003000 Manitoba Fresh Hemp Foods Ltd Can Seeds Hemp Hearts Shelled Natural 8/8 oz 60405 69765810101 Manitoba Harvest Fresh Hemp Foods Ltd Can Hemp Heart Bites 12/4 oz 232835 69765869169 Manna Manna Mills, Inc. Flax Seed Organic 100 Percent 6/16 oz 211342 1324113722 Manna Manna Mills, Inc. Wheat Germ Untoasted 6/10 oz 211343 1324113748 Manna Manna Mills, Inc. Cereal Hot 8 Grain Organic 100% 6/19 oz 211344 1324113721 Manna Manna Mills, Inc. Cereal Hot Grainola Apple And Raisin 6/16 oz 211345 1324113754 Manna Manna Mills, Inc. Cereal Hot 5 Grain Organic 100% 6/16 oz 211346 1324113720 Manner Euro American Brands Llc Aut Wafer Chocolate Cream Filled 12/2.54 oz 215962 7393560449 Manner Euro American Brands Llc Aut Wafer Hazelnut Cream Filled 12/2.54 oz 215963 7393560426 Manner Euro American Brands Llc Wafer Vanilla Pocket Pack 12/2.54 oz 226839 7393560446 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Manner Euro American Brands Llc Wafer Lemon Pocket Pack 12/2.54 oz 226843 7393560442 Manns Manns Enchilada Chicken Bulk 24/7 oz 2950 1509409837 Maple Grove B And G Foods Inc Syrup Vermont Sugar Free 12/12 oz 41645 7468300551 Maple Grove B And G Foods Inc Pancake Mix Gluten Free 8/16 oz 41649 7468300792 Maple Grove B And G Foods Inc Dressing Balsamic White Italian Sugar Free 12/8 oz 204359 7468300854 Maple Grove B And G Foods Inc Pancake And Waffle Mix Sugar Free 8/8.5 oz 206600 7468300831 Maple Grove B And G Foods Inc Dressing Vinaigrette Raspberry Sugar Free 12/8 oz 206601 7468300852 Maple Grove B And G Foods Inc Dressing Vinaigrette Balsamic Sugar Free 12/8 oz 206602 7468300851 Maple Grove Maple Grove Vinaigrette Balsamic 6/8 oz 41628 7468300424 Maple Grove Maple Grove Dressing Poppyseed Fat Free 6/8 oz 41631 7468300445 Maple Grove Maple Grove Dressing Vinaigrette Balsamic Cranberry Fat Free 6/8 oz 41632 7468300452 Maple Grove Maple Grove Dressing Wasabi Dijon Fat Free 6/8 oz 41634 7468300457 Maple Grove Maple Grove Dressing Vinaigrette Raspberry Fat Free 6/8 oz 41640 7468300485 Maple Leaf Maple Leaf Cheesemakers Inc Gouda Smoke Geliefde Natural 1/12 lb 34099 7221082312 Maple Leaf Maple Leaf Cheesemakers Inc Gouda Red Wax Geliefde Natural 1/12 lb 36592 7221085617 Maple Leaf Maple Leaf Cheesemakers Inc Habanero Jack Natural 1/10 lb 209342 75859011050 Maple Leaf Maple Leaf Cheesemakers Inc Jack Jalapeno Natural 1/10 lb 209343 75859011048 Maple Leaf Maple Leaf Cheesemakers Inc Monterey Jack Natural 1/10 lb 209344 75859011046 Maple Leaf Wholesome Harvest Baking Llc Baguette White No Label 28/10 oz 206351 3967735010 Maranatha The Hain Celestial Group Inc Almond Butter Crunchy 12/16 oz 22150 5165109201 Maranatha The Hain Celestial Group Inc Peanut Butter Creamy No Stir 12/16 oz 210931 5165109221 Mardale Ventura Foods Llc Salt Iodized Packet 1/3000 ea 7615 2670012756 Mardale Ventura Foods Llc Pepper Black Packet 1/3000 ea 7616 2670012758 Margaritaville Dr Pepper Snapple Group Drink Mix Margarita Mango 12/33.8 oz 26570 7065595402 Margaritaville Dr Pepper Snapple Group Drink Mix Margarita 12/33.8 oz 86285 7065595400 Margaritaville Dr Pepper Snapple Group Drink Mix Margarita 6/59.2 oz 86286 7065595401 Margaritaville Margaritaville Drink Mix Margarita Mango 6/33.8 oz 213253 7065595402 Margaritaville Margaritaville Drink Mix Margarita 6/33.8 oz 213254 7065595400 Margaux Lactalis Deli Inc Brie In Box Wheel 6/8 oz 30775 7221021058 Margaux Lactalis Export Americas Fra Brie Margaux 60 Percent 3Kg 1/6.6 lb 202075 7221005745 Margaux Lactalis Export Americas Fra Brie Grand Margaux 70 Prct Fdm 1/5.5 lb 205061 7221087627 Margaux Margaux Fra Brie 60 Percent Hw 1/6.6 lb 30458 7221005307 Margaux Margaux Fra Brie Grand Margaux 70 Pct Hw 1/5.5 lb 146976 7221088023 Maria Atalanta Corporation Artichoke Quartered Chilean 6/54.7 oz 25828 7035200035 Maria Atalanta Corporation Artichoke Hearts Marinated 6/67 oz 25829 7035200085 Maria Atalanta Corporation Mustard Dijon 6/9 lb 25830 7035200390 Maria Atalanta Corporation Hearts Of Palm 12/28 oz 25831 7035200600 Marin French Marin French Camembert Le Petite 4oz Natural 6/4 oz 40766 7431030060 Marion’s Kitchen InnoFood’s USA Inc Tha Curry Green Thai 5/16.7 oz 230461 85666000500 Marion’s Kitchen InnoFood’s USA Inc Tha Curry Red Thai 5/15.9 oz 230462 85666000501 Marion’s Kitchen InnoFood’s USA Inc Tha Pad Thai 5/15.2 oz 230463 85666000502 Marion’s Kitchen InnoFood’s USA Inc Tha Chicken Butter 5/9 oz 230464 85666000503 Marion’s Kitchen InnoFood’s USA Inc Tha Curry Massaman Thai 5/12.5 oz 232756 85666000506 Mark It Int Golden Fluff Inc Labels Kosher Pd 24/1 ea 65779 74436205200 Mark It Int Golden Fluff Inc Sponges Pd 12/1 ea 65780 74436205300 Mark It Int Golden Fluff Inc Scrubbers Dolly Pd 24/1 ea 65782 74436205500 Mark It Int Golden Fluff Inc Scrubbers Kosher Pd 24/1 ea 65783 74436205600 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 165 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 Sharing a delicious heritage Shelf Stable Simmer Sauces Tikka Masala, Goan Coconut, Madras Curry, Butter Masala, Jalfrezi Curry, Kashmiri Curry, Spicy Ketchup* Refrigerated Simmer Sauces Coconut Curry, Tikka Masala, Vindaloo, Tamarind Curry, Classic Korma, Chickpea Chips Spinach Saag* Naan Chips Lightly Salted, Sweet Chili, Seeded Multigrain* Sea Salt, Almost Everything, Rosemary* *In order of sales ranking MAYA’S STORY Maya Kaimal is a Julia Child award-winning Indian cookbook author. Her father’s home cooking inspired her to travel to India and study the traditions behind the tastes she loved. Maya uses all natural ingredients to translate her favorite Indian foods into delicious products that are easy for all to enjoy. Maya Kaimal Fine Indian Foods • PO Box 700, Rhinebeck, New York 12572 • 845 876 8200 • info@mayakaimal.com 166 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Mark It Int Golden Fluff Inc Cloths Kitchen Pd 24/1 ea 65786 74436205900 Mark It Int Golden Fluff Inc Spoons Wooden Pd 12/1 ea 65788 74436206200 Mark It Int Golden Fluff Inc Kitchen Brush Pd 12/10 oz 65795 74436207100 Market Naturals Market Naturals Sauce Tartar Pike Pier 6/8.5 oz 213047 3121520334 Market Naturals Market Naturals Sauce Cocktail Pike Pier 6/9 oz 213048 3121520353 Market Naturals Market Naturals Wasabi Cocktail Pike Pier 6/9 oz 213049 3121520379 Market Naturals Puget Sound Foods Inc Rub Our Own Pike Pier 6/5.4 oz 212989 3121500103 Market Naturals Puget Sound Foods Inc Seasoning Seafood Fish Market Pike Pier 6/4 oz 212990 3121500102 Market Naturals Puget Sound Foods Inc Seasonings Clam/Mussel Pike Pier 6/2.8 oz 213060 3121500100 Marketspice Marketspice Tea Bags Decaf 6/24 ea 211232 2040107670 Marketspice Marketspice Tea Bags 6/24 ea 211233 2040107640 Marketspice Marketspice Tea Bags Cinnamon Orange 6/24 ea 211234 2040106465 Marley Coffee Jammin Java Corp Coffee One Love Realcup Kcup Organic Natural 6/12 ea 220775 81693290042 Marley Coffee Jammin Java Corp Coffee Realcup Lively Up 12Ct 6/12 ea 220836 81693290043 Marmite Marmite Extract Yeast 12/4.4 oz 201868 66780300195 Mars Posh Nosh Imports Candy Bar Maltesers 25/1.31 oz 201827 87251300169 Martini Gold American Beverage Marketers Drink Mix Chocolate 12/375 ml 117932 7049130406 Martini Gold American Beverage Marketers Drink Mix Cosmopolitan 12/375 ml 200382 7049130006 Martini Gold American Beverage Marketers Drink Mix Sour Apple 12/375 ml 200385 7049130106 Martini Gold American Beverage Marketers Martini Pomegranate Gold 12/375 ml 227083 7049130606 Marukan Marukan Vinegar USA Inc Vinegar Rice Large 6/24 oz 26481 7064100005 Marukan Marukan Vinegar USA Inc Vinegar Rice Small 6/12 oz 26482 7064100006 Marukan Marukan Vinegar USA Inc Vinegar Rice Seasoned Small 6/12 oz 26484 7064100009 Marukan Marukan Vinegar USA Inc Vinegar Rice Seasoned Lite 6/24 oz 26485 7064100038 Marukan Marukan Vinegar USA Inc Vinegar Rice Seasoned Lite 6/12 oz 26486 7064100039 Marukome Marukome USA Inc Jpn Soup Miso Green Onion Cup 6/.32 oz 210643 89821600181 Marukome Marukome USA Inc Broth Miso And Easy Original 6/13.8 oz 213557 89256500269 Marukome Wismettac Asian Foods Miso Cup All Natural Ls 6/13.2 oz 228659 89256500222 Marukome Wismettac Asian Foods Miso Cup All Natural 6/13.2 oz 228661 89256500221 Marx Marx Coconut Shrd Fancy Sweetened 1/10 lb 91489 4136711434 Marys Gone Marys Gone Crackers Llc Cracker Original 12/6.5 oz 77890 89758000010 Marys Gone Marys Gone Crackers Llc Cracker Black Pepper 12/6.5 oz 77894 89758000015 Marys Gone Marys Gone Crackers Llc Cracker Herb 12/6.5 oz 200024 89758000013 Marys Gone Marys Gone Crackers Llc Cookies Double Chocolate Love 6/5.5 oz 210641 89758000067 Masa Masa Sauce BBQ Gourmet Pulled Pork 6/18 oz 213301 78676455003 Masa Rikki USA Inc. Sauce Thai Peanut 6/12 oz 70071 78676440007 Masa Rikki USA Inc. Dressing Honey Lime Ginger 6/12 oz 70072 78676440011 Masa Rikki USA Inc. Sauce Orange Teriyaki 6/12 oz 70073 78676440111 Masa Rikki USA Inc. Dressing Miso Sesame 6/12 oz 70074 78676440123 Masa Rikki USA Inc. Dressing Ginger Soy 6/12 oz 70076 78676440345 Masa Rikki USA Inc. Dressing Wasabi 6/12 oz 70077 78676440456 Masa Rikki USA Inc. Sauce Sweet And Sour 6/12 oz 70079 78676440678 Masa Rikki USA Inc. Sauce Lemon Pepper Ginger 6/12 oz 70081 78676440901 Masa Rikki USA Inc. Sauce Curry Coconut 6/12 oz 70082 78676441222 Masala Maza Masala Maza Sauce Korma Simmer 6/12 oz 57332 64825310101 Masala Maza Masala Maza Chutney Mango Key Lime 6/8.5 oz 57333 64825312121 Masala Maza Masala Maza Chutney Mango Jalapeno 6/8.5 oz 57334 64825313131 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 167 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 168 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Masala Maza Masala Maza Sauce Tandoori Grill 6/12 oz 57335 64825320202 Masala Maza Masala Maza Sauce Madras Coconut Curry 6/12 oz 57336 64825330303 Masala Maza Masala Maza Sauce Vindaloo Marinade 6/12 oz 57337 64825340404 Masala Maza Masala Maza Sauce Tikka Masala 6/12 oz 57338 64825350505 Masala Pop Masala Pop Llc Popcorn Chai Masala Natural 12/4 oz 223792 85052900401 Masala Pop Masala Pop Llc Popcorn Savory Masala Natural 12/2.5 oz 223793 85052900400 Masala Pop Masala Pop Llc Popcorn Tamarind Sesame Natural 12/4 oz 223794 85052900402 Masala Pop Masala Pop Llc Popcorn Rose Saffron With Jacobsen Salt Gluten Free 12/4 oz 229324 85052900407 Masala Pop Masala Pop Llc Popcorn Pineapple Hot Monkey Gluten Free 12/4 oz 229325 85052900408 Masons Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Root Beer 24/12 oz 79768 4154560056 Masserie di Sant’Eramo Penta International Ita Oil Olive Extra Virgin Delicate 12/250 ml 213641 76571900202 Masserie di Sant’Eramo Penta International Ita Vinegar Balsamic 12/250 ml 213643 76571900602 Master Of Mixes American Beverage Marketers Salt Margarita Rimmer 12/8.1 oz 26193 7049152292 Master Of Mixes American Beverage Marketers Drink Mix Sweet And Sour 6/1.75 lt 117922 7049121237 Master Of Mixes American Beverage Marketers Drink Mix Margarita 6/1.75 lt 117923 7049121277 Master Of Mixes American Beverage Marketers Drink Mix Daiquiri Margarita Strawberry 6/1.75 lt 117925 7049121323 Master Of Mixes American Beverage Marketers Drink Mix Mojito 6/1.75 lt 117927 7049122502 Master Of Mixes American Beverage Marketers Drink Mix Bloody Mary 5 Pepper 6/1.75 lt 117938 7049191098 Master Of Mixes American Beverage Marketers Daiquiri/Margarita Lite Strawberry 6/1.75 lt 219136 7049127202 Master Of Mixes American Beverage Marketers Margarita Lite 6/1.75 lt 219137 7049127002 Master Of Mixes American Beverage Marketers Drink Mix Bloody Mary Loaded 6/1.75 lt 224861 7049123002 Master Of Mixes American Beverage Marketers Drink Mix Bloody Mary Classic 6/1.75 lt 224863 7049121227 Master Of Mixes American Beverage Marketers Margarita Mix Big Bucket Lo Pro 4/96 oz 225744 7049122201 Master Of Mixes American Beverage Marketers Margarita Mix Big Bucket Lo Pro Strawberry 4/96 oz 225745 7049122301 Master Of Mixes Master Of Mixes Drink Mix Bloody Mary 6/1 lt 26164 7049121225 Master Of Mixes Master Of Mixes Drink Mix Lemon Drop 6/375 ml 26181 7049130206 Master Of Mixes Master Of Mixes Drink Mix Simple Syrup 6/375 ml 214779 7049135207 Master Of Mixes Master Of Mixes Margarita Mix Daiquiri White Peach 6/1 lt 232438 7049123200 Master Of Mixes Master Of Mixes Margarita Mix Daiquiri Watermelon 6/1 lt 232439 7049123100 Matisse Qzina Specialty Foods Inc Glaze Apricot High Concentrate 1/30.8 lb 76055 87759300090 Matisse Qzina Specialty Foods Inc Fra Puree Blood Orange Frozen 6/2.2 lb 117167 87759300135 Matisse Qzina Specialty Foods Inc Fra Puree Mango Frozen 6/2.2 lb 117174 87759300145 Matisse Qzina Specialty Foods Inc Fra Puree Passion Fruit Frozen 6/2.2 lb 117176 87759300148 Matisse Qzina Specialty Foods Inc Fra Puree Pear Frozen 6/2.2 lb 117177 87759300149 Matisse Qzina Specialty Foods Inc Fra Puree Raspberry Frozen 6/2.2 lb 117179 87759300152 Matisse Qzina Specialty Foods Inc Fra Puree White Peach Frozen 6/2.2 lb 117706 87759300154 Matiz Andaluz Culinary Collectives Esp Almond Marcona Fried Salted 12/2.2 lb 31651 83292400490 Matiz Andaluz Culinary Collectives Picos Whole Wheat 12/7 oz 72906 83292400405 Matiz Andaluz Culinary Collectives Picos Traditional 12/7 oz 72907 83292400406 Matiz Andaluz Culinary Collectives Esp Torta De Aceite Sugared 10/215 gm 72916 83292400505 Matiz Andaluz Culinary Collectives Sardines Gallego Lemon 25/4.2 oz 112859 83292400522 Matiz Andaluz Culinary Collectives Esp Almond Marcona Fried Salted 2/11 lb 119370 7221077887 Matiz Andaluz Culinary Collectives Esp Torta De Aceite Savory 10/150 gm 120399 83292400506 Matiz Andaluz Matiz Andaluz Esp Almond Marcona Salted Cup 12/4 oz 130950 83292400503 Matiz Catalan Culinary Collectives Esp Paste Quince Artisan 12/12.3 oz 72935 83292400570 Matiz Extrameno Culinary Collectives Esp Bread Fig Round 1/11 lb 72931 83292400546 Matiz Gallego Culinary Collectives Sardines Gallego 25/4.2 oz 10730 83292400520 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Matiz Gallego Culinary Collectives Esp Berberechos In Brine Natural 25/4 oz 234187 83292400523 Matiz Gallego Culinary Collectives Esp Mussels In Olive Oil Organic Natural 25/4.2 oz 234188 83292400526 Matiz Medit Culinary Collectives Esp Anchovies White In Vinegar/Oil 8/4.25 oz 215139 83292400536 Matiz Navarro Culinary Collectives Esp Peppers Piquillo Red 6/6.6 lb 72934 83292400552 Matiz Valencian Culinary Collectives Esp Rice Valenciano Paella 4/11 lb 31653 7221073198 Matiz Valencian Culinary Collectives Esp Rice Valenciano Paella 12/2.2 lb 72919 83292400510 Matiz Vasco Culinary Collectives Esp Piparras Natural 5/4 lb 228211 83292400576 Maury Island Maury Island Jam Blueberry Natural 6/11 oz 213310 3320810401 Maury Island Maury Island Preserves Tart Cherry Natural 6/11 oz 213319 3320810404 Maury Island Maury Island Jam Red Raspberry Natural 6/11 oz 213321 3320810409 Maury Island Maury Island Jam Strawberry Rhubarb Natural 6/11 oz 213322 3320810422 Maya Kaimal Maya Kaimal Fine Indian Foods Llc Sauce Masala Tikka 6/15 oz 77039 89175600001 Maya Kaimal Maya Kaimal Fine Indian Foods Llc Sauce Curry Coconut 6/15 oz 77041 89175600003 Maya Kaimal Maya Kaimal Fine Indian Foods Llc Sauce Curry Tamarind 6/15 oz 77042 89175600004 Maya Kaimal Maya Kaimal Fine Indian Foods Llc Sauce Korma Classic 6/15 oz 77043 89175600007 Maya Kaimal Maya Kaimal Fine Indian Foods Llc Ketchup Spicy 6/13.5 oz 115525 89175600015 Maya Kaimal Maya Kaimal Fine Indian Foods Llc Sauce Simmer Tikka Masala 6/12.5 oz 115526 89175600016 Maya Kaimal Maya Kaimal Fine Indian Foods Llc Sauce Simmer Madras Curry 6/12.5 oz 115527 89175600017 Maya Kaimal Maya Kaimal Fine Indian Foods Llc Sauce Simmer Kashmiri Curry 6/12.5 oz 115528 89175600018 Maya Kaimal Maya Kaimal Fine Indian Foods Llc Sauce Simmer Butter Masala 6/12.5 oz 115529 89175600021 Maya Kaimal Maya Kaimal Fine Indian Foods Llc Sauce Fresh Simmer Vindaloo 6/15 oz 202342 89175600002 Maya Kaimal Maya Kaimal Fine Indian Foods Llc Curry Goan Coconut 6/12.5 oz 224950 89175600077 Maya Kaimal Maya Kaimal Fine Indian Foods Llc Curry Jalfrezi 6/12.5 oz 224952 89175600078 Maya Kaimal Maya Kaimal Fine Indian Foods Llc Spinach Saag 6/15 oz 227948 89175600076 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 169 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 What's more British than McVitie's? © 2014 Kelsen, Inc. No one can keep a stiff upper lip when they think about McVitie's! Our Original Digestives and other treats have been a teatime favourite since 1830. 170 A Royal favourite since 1893. www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Mayacamas Liberty Richter Sauce Mix Pasta Alfredo 12/1 oz 42050 7488810118 Mayacamas Liberty Richter Pasta Mix Pesto 12/.5 oz 42051 7488810119 Mayacamas Liberty Richter Sauce Mix Hollandaise Gourmet Natural 12/1 oz 42062 7488820201 Maybud Churny Company Inc Gouda 12/7 oz 7227 2540008071 Maytag Maytag Blue Hw 1/8 lb 68046 76181801136 Maytag Rumiano Cheese Co Blue Cheese 8/4.4 lb 120315 76181801079 McCadam Cabot Creamery Cheddar White NY Sharp 1/40 lb 31553 7221072701 McCadam Cabot Creamery Cheddar White NY Sharp Horseradish 1/10 lb 63628 72776608025 McCadam McCadam Cheddar NY White Sharp 1/10 lb 32057 7221075326 McCadam McCadam Cheddar NY White Sharp Pc 1/8 lb 67966 76181800680 McCadam McCadam Cheddar NY White Sharp Horseradish Pc 1/8 lb 67967 76181800681 McCadam McCadam Cheddar NY White Sharp Horseradish 2/5 lb 68041 76181801126 McCanns McCanns Oatmeal Irish In Tin 6/28 oz 119527 7246300020 McCanns World Finer Foods Oatmeal Instant Maple Brown Sugar 12/15 oz 38084 7246300024 McCanns World Finer Foods Oatmeal Instant Variety Pack 12/12.75 oz 38086 7246300026 McCanns World Finer Foods Oatmeal Quick N Easy Steel Cut 12/24 oz 38093 7246300035 McClure’s Pickle McClure’s Pickles Pickles Spicy Natural 12/32 oz 209419 89618000102 McClure’s Pickle McClure’s Pickles Pickles Garlic Natural 12/32 oz 209420 89618000103 McClure’s Pickle McClure’s Pickles Bloody Mary Mixer Spicy Natural 12/32 fo 215781 89618000110 McClure’s Pickle McClure’s Pickles Relish Garlic Dill 12/9 oz 224042 89618000106 McCormick McCormick And Co Curry Powder Red 3/1.65 oz 211236 5210083019 Mcilhenny Mcilhenny Sauce Tabasco Teriyaki 6/5 fo 1473 1121000818 Mcilhenny Mcilhenny Sauce Tabasco Soy Spicy 6/5 oz 1479 1121000918 Mcilhenny Mcilhenny Ketchup Spicy 6/14 oz 1481 1121002150 Mcilhenny Mcilhenny Mayonnaise Spicy 6/16 oz 1482 1121002300 Mcilhenny Mcilhenny Mustard Coarse Ground 6/9 oz 1483 1121002360 Mcilhenny Mcilhenny Mustard Spicy Brown 6/9 oz 1484 1121002365 Mcilhenny Mcilhenny Co Sauce Tabasco 4/128 oz 91886 1121000053 Mcsweet Mcsweet Can Onions Cocktail Pickled 6/8 oz 211899 18675600008 Mcsweet Mcsweet Garlic Pickled 6/8 oz 211900 18675600001 Mctavish Mctavish Co Inc Cookies Mini Shortbread Lemon 24/8 oz 218549 9052580080 Mctavish Mctavish Co Inc Cookies Mini Shortbread Chocolate Chip 24/8 oz 218552 9052510080 Mcvities Kelsen Inc Gbr Biscuits Digestive 12/14.1 oz 206864 5929031141 Mcvities Kelsen Inc Gbr Digestive Chocolate Dark 24/10.5 oz 227583 5929031186 Mcvities Kelsen Inc Gbr Digestive Chocolate Milk 12/10.5 oz 227584 5929031144 Mcvities Kelsen Inc Gbr Biscuits Hobnobs Oat/Whole Wheat Milk Chocolate 12/10.5 oz 227585 5929031143 Mcvities Kelsen Inc Gbr Biscuits Digestive Wheat Original 12/8.8 oz 227587 5929031142 Mcvities Kelsen Inc Gbr Digestive Chocolate Milk Tube Natural 12/7.06 oz 231730 5929031252 Mcvities Kelsen Inc Gbr Digestive Chocolate Milk Original Tube 12/7.06 oz 231731 5929031254 Mcvities Kelsen Inc Gbr Biscuits Hobnobs Chocolate Milk Tube 12/7.06 oz 231951 5929031253 Me Gusta Me Gusta Gourmet Foods Inc Tamales Beef In Red Sauce 8/20 oz 133290 89916200002 Me Gusta Me Gusta Gourmet Foods Inc Tamales Chicken In Green Sauce 8/20 oz 133291 89916200003 Me Gusta Me Gusta Gourmet Foods Inc Tamales Cheese Monterey Jack 8/20 oz 133292 89916200005 Meal Mart Alle Processing Corp Cabbage Stuffed 6/39 oz 21794 5132810762 Meal Mart Alle Processing Corp Matzah Balls Parve 6/26 oz 21795 5132810763 Meal Mart Alle Processing Corp Wings Buffalo Chicken 6/24 oz 21797 5132810765 Meal Mart Alle Processing Corp Meatballs In Sauce 6/33 oz 21805 5132810794 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 171 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 172 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Meal Mart Alle Processing Corp Kishke 12/16 oz 21815 5132811732 Meal Mart Alle Processing Corp Beef Patties 12/12 oz 21830 5132881050 Meal Mart Alle Processing Corp Beef Ground 12/16 oz 21831 5132881051 Meal Mart Alle Processing Corp Stew Beef 12/16 oz 21832 5132881052 Meal Mart Alle Processing Corp Pot Pie Beef 12/9 oz 21833 5132899573 Meal Mart Alle Processing Corp Pot Pie Chicken 12/9 oz 21834 5132899574 Meal Mart Alle Processing Corp Chicken Bone In Amazing Meals 12/12 oz 21847 5132899965 Meal Mart Alle Processing Corp Beef Cholent Amazing Meal 12/12 oz 21849 5132899968 Meal Mart Alle Processing Corp Sausage Hot Beef And Veal 12/12 oz 202757 5132899588 Meal Mart Alle Processing Corp Wings Buffalo Mild 6/2 lb 203832 5132899736 Meal Mart Alle Processing Corp Chicken Cutlets Grilled 6/2 lb 203835 5132899740 Meal Mart Alle Processing Corp Franks Beef Glatties 12/12 oz 214340 5132855210 Meal Mart Alle Processing Corp Kabob Lamb/Beef Amazing Meals 12/12 oz 214341 5132870375 Medaglia Smucker Retail Foods Inc Coffee D Oro Espresso Instant 12/2 oz 41097 7447100091 Medaglia Smucker Retail Foods Inc Coffee D Oro Regular 12/10 oz 201383 7447100078 Mediterranean Blue Marble Brands Peppers Roasted Red Organic 12/16 oz 72012 81498500002 Mediterranean Blue Marble Brands Tomatoes Sundried In Olive Oil Organic 12/8.5 oz 72015 81498500007 Mediterranean Culinary Collectives Esp Anchovies White Vinegar Oil 4/20 oz 210575 83292400537 Mediterranean Foodmatch Inc Den Feta Bucket W/Olive 4/3.3 lb 51571 9393660200 Mediterranean Mediterranean Capers Organic 12/3.5 oz 72014 81498500004 Mediterranean Mediterranean Preserves Strawberry Organic 6/13 oz 72027 81498500030 Mediterranean Mediterranean Preserves Raspberry Organic 6/13 oz 72028 81498500031 Mediterranean Mediterranean Preserves Wild Berry Organic 6/13 oz 72029 81498500032 Mediterranean Mediterranean Preserves Black Cherry Organic 6/13 oz 72030 81498500033 Mediterranean Mediterranean Preserves Peach Apricot Organic 6/13 oz 72031 81498500034 Mediterranean Mediterranean Marmalade Orange Organic 6/13 oz 72032 81498500035 Mediterranean Mediterranean Den Feta Bucket W/Olive Small Cup 12/4 oz 205436 7221042051 Mee Tu Mee Tu Sauce Duck 6/10 oz 39325 7316604214 Mehadrin Quality Frozen Foods Inc Cottage Cheese Pd 12/16 oz 79483 1435300001 Mehadrin Quality Frozen Foods Inc Yogurt Strawberry Natural Pd 12/7 oz 79486 1435310202 Mehadrin Quality Frozen Foods Inc Yogurt Blueberry Natural Pd 12/7 oz 79487 1435310204 Mehadrin Quality Frozen Foods Inc Yogurt Vanilla Natural Pd 12/7 oz 79488 1435310206 Mehadrin Quality Frozen Foods Inc Yogurt Coffee Natural Pd 12/7 oz 79489 1435310207 Mehadrin Quality Frozen Foods Inc Yogurt Strawberry Banana 12/7 oz 206592 1435310203 Mehadrin Quality Frozen Foods Inc Yogurt Plain 12/7 oz 206594 1435310201 Mehadrin Quality Frozen Foods Inc Leben Plain Pd 24/6 oz 210372 1435310001 Mehadrin Quality Frozen Foods Inc Leben Vanilla Pd 24/6 oz 210373 1435310003 Mehadrin Quality Frozen Foods Inc Leben Chocolate Pd 24/6 oz 210376 1435310004 Mehadrin Quality Frozen Foods Inc Yogurt Raspberry Pd 12/7 oz 210378 1435310209 Mehadrin Quality Frozen Foods Inc Yogurt Vanilla Fit N Free 12/6 oz 215338 1435310234 Mehadrin Quality Frozen Foods Inc Yogurt Coffee Fit N Free 12/6 oz 215339 1435310230 Mehadrin Quality Frozen Foods Inc Yogurt Strawberry Fit N Free 12/6 oz 215340 1435310233 Mehadrin Quality Frozen Foods Inc Leben Strawberry 24/6 oz 216174 1435310002 Meiji Wismettac Asian Foods Sin Cracker Sticks Yan Yan Chocolate Dip 10/2 oz 348 807710110 Melindas International Food Associates Inc Sauce Hot Pepper 12/5 oz 64848 73692418281 Melindas International Food Associates Inc Sauce Habanero Extra Hot 12/5 oz 64849 73692418282 Melindas International Food Associates Inc Crc Ketchup Habanero 12/13 oz 210809 73692450169 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Merci Chef Couturier Na Llc Fra Plain Goat Spread 6/5.3 oz 227049 1349975050 Merula Merula Esp Olive Oil Extra Virgin 6/500 ml 212755 74091300075 Mestemacher Carl Brandt Inc Bread Pumpernickel 12/17.6 oz 48817 8421300071 Mestemacher Carl Brandt Inc Bread Whole Rye 12/17.6 oz 48818 8421300072 Mestemacher Carl Brandt Inc Bread Sunflower Seed 12/17.6 oz 48820 8421300074 Mestemacher Carl Brandt Inc Bread Whole Rye Organic 12/17.6 oz 48823 8421300662 Mestemacher Carl Brandt Inc Ger Bread Fitness 12/17.6 oz 202872 8421300078 Mestemacher Carl Brandt Inc Ger Bread Three Grain 12/17.6 oz 205973 8421300073 Mestemacher Carl Brandt Inc Ger Bread Sunflower Organic 12/17.6 oz 211176 8421300664 Mestemacher Carl Brandt Inc Ger Bread Three Grain Organic 12/17.6 oz 211177 8421300663 Method Method Products Inc Cleaner Dish Sea Minerals Pump 6/18 oz 211503 81793900734 Mevgal Atalanta Corporation Gre Manouri 10/7.1 oz 232104 81320701009 Meyenberg Jackson Mitchell Milk Goat Evaporated 12/12 oz 39007 7290400012 Meze Blue Marble Brands Spread Artichoke 6/7.3 oz 24177 6529100750 Meze Blue Marble Brands Spread Olive Kalamata 6/7.6 oz 58510 66529100710 Meze Blue Marble Brands Spread Eggplant Roasted 6/7.3 oz 58511 66529100720 Meze Blue Marble Brands Spread Babaghanoush 6/7.6 oz 58512 66529100730 Meze Blue Marble Brands Spread Red Pepper Roasted Feta 6/7.7 oz 58516 66529100780 Mezzetta G L Mezzetta Inc Giardinera 6/16 oz 39447 7321400102 Mezzetta G L Mezzetta Inc Peppers Red Fire Roasted 6/15 oz 39449 7321400104 Mezzetta G L Mezzetta Inc Gre Peperoncini Golden Greek 6/16 oz 39450 7321400105 Mezzetta G L Mezzetta Inc Onions Cocktail Large 6/16 oz 39452 7321400107 Mezzetta G L Mezzetta Inc Olive Colossal Stuffed 6/10 oz 39453 7321400108 Mezzetta G L Mezzetta Inc Peppers Hot Banana Wax 6/16 oz 39457 7321400114 Mezzetta G L Mezzetta Inc Peppers Sweet Cherry 6/16 oz 39458 7321400115 Mezzetta G L Mezzetta Inc Peppers Hot Chili 6/16 oz 39460 7321400117 Mezzetta G L Mezzetta Inc Vegetable Mix Hot 6/16 oz 39463 7321400125 Mezzetta G L Mezzetta Inc Peppers Jalapeno Tamed Deli Sliced 6/16 oz 39467 7321400129 Mezzetta G L Mezzetta Inc Peppers Jalapeno Hot Deli Sliced 6/16 oz 39469 7321400134 Mezzetta G L Mezzetta Inc Peppers Hot Cherry Sliced 6/16 oz 39473 7321400142 Mezzetta G L Mezzetta Inc Gre Peperoncini Golden Greek Deli Sliced 6/16 oz 39476 7321400160 Mezzetta G L Mezzetta Inc Pepper Rings Mild Deli Sliced 6/16 oz 39477 7321400162 Mezzetta G L Mezzetta Inc Peppers Hot Banana Sliced 6/16 oz 39480 7321400171 Mezzetta G L Mezzetta Inc Tomato Sundried In Oil 6/8 oz 39506 7321400607 Mezzetta G L Mezzetta Inc Olive Martini 6/10 oz 39511 7321400614 Mezzetta G L Mezzetta Inc Olive Jalapeno Stuffed 6/10 oz 39512 7321400616 Mezzetta G L Mezzetta Inc Gre Olive Calamata Pitted 6/9.5 oz 39513 7321400617 Mezzetta G L Mezzetta Inc Peppers Mex Hot Chili 6/16 oz 39522 7321400646 Mezzetta G L Mezzetta Inc Arrabbiata Spicy Nvh 6/25 oz 39534 7321400940 Mezzetta G L Mezzetta Inc Sauce Pasta Mushroom 6/25 oz 39537 7321400943 Mezzetta G L Mezzetta Inc Sauce Pasta Roasted Garlic 6/25 oz 39539 7321400945 Mezzetta G L Mezzetta Inc Sauce Pasta Tomato Basil 6/25 oz 39541 7321400947 Mezzetta G L Mezzetta Inc Sauce Marinara Home Style Nvb 6/25 oz 39542 7321400948 Mezzetta G L Mezzetta Inc Olives Blue Cheese Stuffed Greek St 6/9.5 oz 101284 7321400633 Mezzetta G L Mezzetta Inc Olives Feta Cheese Stuffed Greek St 6/9.5 oz 101285 7321400634 Mezzetta G L Mezzetta Inc Olives Castelvetrano 6/10 oz 113763 7321400611 Mezzetta G L Mezzetta Inc Olive Garlic Stuffed 6/10 oz 200977 7321400618 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 173 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 174 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Mezzetta G L Mezzetta Inc Gre Olives Calamata Sliced 6/9.5 oz 209312 7321400619 Mezzetta G L Mezzetta Inc Spread Olive Parmesan And Garlic 9/6.5 oz 225480 7321400371 Mezzetta G L Mezzetta Inc Spread Cilantro Parsley Chimichurri 9/6.5 oz 225481 7321400376 Mezzetta G L Mezzetta Inc Peppers Chilli Green Mild 6/10 oz 227299 7321400530 Mezzetta G L Mezzetta Inc Peppers Chilli Green Hot 6/10 oz 227300 7321400531 Mezzetta G L Mezzetta Inc Olives Blue Cheese Stuffed In Oil 6/10 oz 230891 7321400525 Mezzetta G L Mezzetta Inc Olives Petite Blend In Oil Natural 6/10 oz 230892 7321400281 Mezzetta G L Mezzetta Inc Gre Olives Kalamata Pitted Orange Zest 6/9.25 oz 230893 7321400278 Mezzetta G L Mezzetta Inc Olives Artisan Blend And Oil Natural 6/10 oz 230894 7321400279 Mezzetta G L Mezzetta Inc Cherries Maraschino With Stems 6/18 oz 231642 7321400510 Mezzetta Mezzetta Capers Capote 6/4 oz 119624 7321400402 Mezzetta Mezzetta Sauce California Hot 6/7.5 oz 119628 7321400610 Mi Del Mi Del Can Cookies Ginger Snap Gluten Free Natural 6/8 oz 229639 3068479067 Mi Del Panos Brands Cookies Chocolate Chip Mini Gluten Free 12/8 oz 85474 3068476643 Mi Del Panos Brands Cookies Arrowroot Animal Gluten Free 12/8 oz 85476 3068476891 Mi Del Panos Brands Can Cookies Candy Cane Cremes Natural 12/9 oz 233973 3068479012 Mi Rancho Berber Food Manufacturing Inc Tortilla Corn Taco Sliders 24Ct Organic 12/12.5 oz 232884 72788810144 Mi Rancho Berber Food Manufacturing Inc Tortilla Ancient Grain Flax 6Ct Organic 12/10.5 oz 232885 72788840182 Mi Rancho Berber Food Manufacturing Inc Tortilla Corn 8Ct Organic Natural 24/9.33 oz 232886 72788810114 Michael Foods Michael Foods Egg Fried Patty Shape Natural 144/1.75 oz 19996 4602585879 Michael Foods Michael Foods Eggs Scrambled With Butter 12/1.85 lb 230821 74602585877 Michaels Michaels Cookie Dough White Chocolate Cranberry 168/2 oz 31561 7221072721 Michaels Michaels Cookie Dough Sugar 168/2 oz 31997 7221074954 Michaels Michaels Cookie Dough Coconut Chocolate Chip 168/2 oz 52085 9606720012 Michaels Michaels Cookie Dough Lemon Poppyseed 168/2 oz 52087 9606720016 Michaels Michaels Cookie Dough Chocolate Chunk Pecan Gluten Free 168/2 oz 52088 9606720051 Michaels Michaels Cookie Dough Mint Chocolate Chip 168/2 oz 52091 9606720085 Michaels Michaels Cookie Dough Raisin Without Nuts 168/2 oz 78206 96067200057 Michaels Michaels Cookie Dough Chocolate Chip 168/2 oz 78208 96067220001 Michaels Michaels Cookie Dough Peanut Chip 168/2 oz 78209 96067220004 Michaels Michaels Cookie Dough White Chocolate Macadamia 168/2 oz 78211 96067220015 Michaels Michaels Cookie Dough Cappucino Chocolate Chunk 168/2 oz 78212 96067220018 Micheles Michele Foods Inc Syrup Maple Creme 12/13 oz 49660 8721601001 Micheles Michele Foods Inc Syrup Butter Pecan 12/13 oz 49661 8721601002 Michiu Chins Import Export Wine Cooking Rice Pete 4/3 lt 230928 8503701235 Midwest Can General Automotive Supply Co Can Gas 1 Gallon 12/1 ea 224321 7922301200 Mifroma Atalanta Corporation Ger Gruyere Processed 12/6 oz 224836 85223000310 Mifroma Mifroma Sui Gruyere AOC King Cut Pc 1/8 lb 206759 7221042196 Mifroma Mifroma Sui Emmentaler AOC Super Cut Pc 1/8 lb 206764 7221042197 Mifroma Mifroma Sui Raclette Square Pc 1/8 lb 206765 7221042198 Mifroma Mifroma Sui Gruyere Cave Aged 1/8 Wheel 1/9 lb 208939 7221042356 Mifroma Mifroma USA Inc Sui Gruyere Cave Aged AOC Whl 1/70 lb 206320 7221042155 Mifroma Mifroma USA Inc Sui Raclette Square 1/15 lb 206323 7221042158 Mifroma Mifroma USA Inc Sui Appenzeller Whl 1/15 lb 206326 7221042156 Mifroma Mifroma USA Inc Sui Gruyere AOC King Cut 2/5 lb 206327 7221042154 Mifroma Mifroma USA Inc Sui Emmentaler AOC Super Cut 2/15 lb 206328 7221042162 Mifroma Mifroma USA Inc Sui Gruyere AOC 1/4 Wheel 1/17 lb 206329 7221042153 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Mifroma Mifroma USA Inc Sui Swiss Shingle Pack 12/6 oz 207563 85223000301 Mifroma Mifroma USA Inc Sui Fondue 10/14 oz 207565 85223000300 Mifroma Mifroma USA Inc Sui Gruyere AOC Cavern Natural Ew 8/7 oz 210299 85223000307 Mifroma Mifroma USA Inc Sui Gruyere AOC Mild Natural Ew 8/7 oz 210300 85223000306 Mifroma Mifroma USA Inc Sui Emmentaler AOC Mild Natural Ew 8/7 oz 210301 85223000304 Mifroma Mifroma USA Inc Sui Emmentaler Cavern Aged 2/13 lb 211636 7221042464 Mifroma Mifroma USA Inc Sui Swiss Switzerland 12/6 oz 224835 85223000309 Mighty Leaf Mighty Leaf Tea Tea Bag Green Tropical 6/15 ea 58032 65625230002 Mighty Leaf Mighty Leaf Tea Tea Bag Herbal African Nectar 6/15 ea 58035 65625230007 Mighty Leaf Mighty Leaf Tea Tea Bag Black Vanilla Bean 6/15 ea 58037 65625230014 Mighty Leaf Mighty Leaf Tea Tea Bag Green Spring Jasmine Organic 6/15 ea 58038 65625230016 Mighty Leaf Mighty Leaf Tea Tea Bag Variety 6/15 ea 210225 65625210027 Mighty Leaf Mighty Leaf Tea Tea Bags Orange Dulce 6/15 ea 210228 65625230009 Mighty Nut Peanut Butter And Co Peanut Butter Powder Vanilla Gluten Free Natural 6/6.5 oz 231930 86161900001 Mighty Nut Peanut Butter And Co Peanut Butter Powder Flax Chia Gluten Free Natural 6/6.5 oz 231931 86161900000 Mighty Oats Little Duck Organics Cereal Oat Blueberry Cinnamon Organic 6/1.8 oz 221171 85634100301 Mighty Oats Little Duck Organics Cereal Oat Vanilla Organic 6/1.8 oz 221172 85634100300 Mighty Oats Little Duck Organics Cereal Oat Banana Coconut Organic 6/1.8 oz 221173 85634100302 Mighty Oats Little Duck Organics Cereal Blueberry And Cinnamon Organic Natural 6/3.75 oz 230318 85634100336 Mighty Oats Little Duck Organics Cereal Naked Organic Natural 6/3.75 oz 230321 85634100334 Miguel And Vale Miguel And Vale Esp Oil Olive Extra Virgin Arbequina 6/17 oz 214491 71409612340 Miguel And Vale Miguel And Vale Esp Vinegar Sherry Wine Reserve Do 6/12.65 oz 214492 71409612370 Mikawaya Mikawaya Mochi Ice Cream Vanilla 12/12 oz 28021 7093499000 Mikawaya Mikawaya Mochi Ice Cream Strawberry 12/12 oz 28023 7093499080 Mikawaya Mikawaya Mochi Ice Cream Kona Coffee 12/12 oz 28024 7093499120 Mikawaya Mikawaya Ice Cream Mochi Green Tea 12/12 oz 28026 7093499242 Mikawaya Mikawaya Ice Cream Mochi Mango 12/12 oz 28027 7093499320 Mikee Mikee Marinade Chinese Garlic 12/18 oz 51470 9313311154 Mikee Mikee Teriyaki Baste 12/14.5 oz 51472 9313322783 Mikee Mikee Sauce Authentic Chinese Rib 12/17 oz 51484 9313392579 Mikee Mikee Sauce Sweet Sour Duck 12/40 oz 86986 9313310124 Mikee Mikee Sauce Duck Apricot 12/19 oz 86987 9313361766 Mikee Mikee Marinade Chicken Ls Stir Fry 12/17 oz 86988 9313370265 Mikee Mikee Sauce Sesame Teriyaki 12/20 oz 86989 9313373726 Mikee Mikee Sauce Teriyaki Tropical 12/20 oz 86990 9313373727 Mikee Mikee Sauce Teriyaki Wasabi 12/20 oz 86991 9313373728 Mikee Mikee Sauce Stir Fry Garlic Rib 12/20 oz 86992 9313383572 Mikee Mikee Sauce Champignon Truffle 12/13.25 oz 201403 9313334741 Mikee Mikee Sauce Lemon Butter Herb 12/12.5 oz 201404 9313334743 Mikee Mikee Sauce Soy Ls 12/20 oz 203214 9313372828 Mikee Mikee Sauce Marinade Teriyaki 12/20 oz 203215 9313372829 Mikee Mikee Sauce Soy 12/20 oz 203216 9313372827 Mikes Hot Honey Mikes Hot Honey Honey Infused With Chilies Natural 12/12 oz 231446 86537200000 Miko Wismettac Asian Foods Jpn Soup Miso Instant Authentic 12/.26 oz 214268 89497200252 Mila Atalanta Corporation Ita Weinkase La Grein Natural 1/5 lb 228049 7127036088 Millcreek Cacao Millcreek Cacao Roasters Chocolate Cherry Tart 70 Percent Bar 12/50 gm 228877 85848900506 Millcreek Cacao Millcreek Cacao Roasters Chocolate Pure 70 Percent Bar Natural 12/50 gm 228878 85848900500 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 175 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 176 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Millers World Cheese Co., Inc. Feta Pd 12/8 oz 46520 7881200010 Millers World Cheese Co., Inc. Gouda Baby Pd 12/8 oz 46521 7881200331 Millers World Cheese Co., Inc. Mozzarella Chunks Pd 12/16 oz 46522 7881200334 Millers World Cheese Co., Inc. Parmesan Grated Pd 12/4 oz 46523 7881200363 Millers World Cheese Co., Inc. American Sliced Kosher Pd 12/12 oz 46524 7881200725 Millers World Cheese Co., Inc. Muenster Sliced Pd 12/6 oz 46525 7881200735 Millers World Cheese Co., Inc. Swiss Sliced Pd 12/6 oz 46526 7881200745 Millers World Cheese Co., Inc. Smoked Sliced Pd 12/5 oz 46527 7881200755 Millers World Cheese Co., Inc. Edam Sliced Pd 12/6 oz 46528 7881200765 Millers World Cheese Co., Inc. Cheddar Yellow Stick Pd 12/8 oz 46529 7881200785 Millers World Cheese Co., Inc. Muenster Baby Pd 12/8 oz 46530 7881200815 Millers World Cheese Co., Inc. Mozzarella Shredded 12/8 oz 46533 7881200910 Millers World Cheese Co., Inc. String Cheese Pd 12/6 oz 46534 7881203697 Millers World Cheese Co., Inc. Mozzarella Sliced Pd 12/6 oz 46543 7881232150 Millers World Cheese Co., Inc. Italian Pizza Shredded 12/8 oz 46550 7881236940 Millers World Cheese Co., Inc. Cheddar Shredded Pd 12/8 oz 46551 7881236950 Millers World Cheese Co., Inc. Muenster Shredded Pd 12/8 oz 46552 7881236960 Millers World Cheese Co., Inc. Mozzarella And Cheddar Shredded Fan 12/8 oz 215204 7881236955 Millers World Cheese Co., Inc. American Yellow Sliced 108S 8/3 lb 215205 7881200885 Millers World Cheese Co., Inc. Monterey Jack Sliced 12/6 oz 216199 7881232310 Millers World Cheese Co., Inc. Provolone Sliced 12/6 oz 216200 7881232900 Milton’s Milton’s Baking Company Llc Cracker Multigrain Original 12/8.3 oz 128386 60654192240 Milton’s Milton’s Baking Company Llc Cracker Everything Multigrain 12/8.3 oz 128390 60654192248 Milton’s Milton’s Baking Company Llc Cracker Sea Salt Multigrain 12/6.7 oz 128392 60654192252 Milton’s Milton’s Baking Company Llc Snack Crackers Multigrain Original Natural 12/6.5 oz 220882 60654192440 Mina’s Purely No Gluten Inc Bread Mix Gluten Free Natural 6/13.4 oz 226352 85563100073 Mina’s Purely No Gluten Inc Cake Mix Chocolate Gluten Free Natural 6/16 oz 226353 85563100074 Mina’s Purely No Gluten Inc Baking Mix All Purpose Gluten Free Natural 6/16 oz 226354 85563100072 Mineral Fusion Mineral Fusion Natural Brands, Llc Lotion Body Waterstone Mineral 6/8 oz 204066 84074901717 Mineral Fusion Mineral Fusion Natural Brands, Llc Lotion Body Unscented Mineral 6/8 oz 204067 84074901719 Mineral Fusion Mineral Fusion Natural Brands, Llc Lotion Body Earthstone Mineral 6/8 oz 204070 84074901718 Mineral Fusion Mineral Fusion Natural Brands, Llc Shampoo Mineral Fortifying 3/8.5 oz 204075 84074901736 Mineral Fusion Mineral Fusion Natural Brands, Llc Shampoo Volumizing 3/8.5 oz 204076 84074901738 Mineral Fusion Mineral Fusion Natural Brands, Llc Conditioner Mineral Fortifying 3/8.5 oz 204077 84074901746 Mineral Fusion Mineral Fusion Natural Brands, Llc Conditioner Mineral Volumizing 3/8.5 oz 204078 84074901748 Mineral Fusion Mineral Fusion Natural Brands, Llc Shampoo Lasting Color 3/8.5 oz 215229 84074900018 Mineral Fusion Mineral Fusion Natural Brands, Llc Conditioner Lasting Color 3/8.5 oz 215230 84074900015 Mineral Fusion Mineral Fusion Natural Brands, Llc Shampoo Anti Dandruff 3/8.5 oz 215235 84074900016 Mini Babybel Bel Brands USA Original Natural 12/4.5 oz 17912 4175700109 Mini Babybel Bel Brands USA Light Natural 12/4.5 oz 17913 4175700111 Mini Babybel Bel Brands USA Cheddar Natural 12/4.5 oz 17914 4175700119 Mini Babybel Bel Brands USA Sharp Original Natural 12/4.2 oz 206089 4175701837 Mini Babybel Bel Brands USA Cheddar White Natural 12/4.2 oz 206090 4175701836 Mini Babybel Bel Brands USA Original Natural 12/7.5 oz 207046 4175705920 Mini Babybel Bel Brands USA Light Natural 12/7.5 oz 209777 4175700180 Mini Babybel Bel Brands USA Mozzarella Natural 12/7.5 oz 217845 4175768028 Mini Babybel Bel Brands USA Original Natural 30/.75 oz 221683 4175703143 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Mini Babybel Bel Brands USA Light Natural 30/.75 oz 221684 4175703144 Mini Babybel Bel Brands USA Mozzarella 6 Ct 12/4.5 oz 222492 4175768030 Mini Babybel Bel Brands USA Cheddar White 12/7 oz 226491 4175768049 Mini Babybel Bel Brands USA Gouda 12/7.5 oz 226492 4175768047 Minta Minta Beverages Inc Soda Sparkling Mint 24/10 oz 226092 85510200214 Minta Minta Beverages Inc Soda Sparkling Mint/Strawberry 24/10 oz 226093 85510200216 Minta Minta Beverages Inc Soda Sparkling Mint Lemon 24/10 oz 231142 85510200222 Miracle Noodle Strumba Media Llc Pasta Angle Hair Natural Gluten Free Wheat Free 6/7 oz 147809 85323700300 Miracle Noodle Strumba Media Llc Pasta Fettuccini Natural Gluten Free Wheat Free 6/7 oz 147810 85323700301 Miracle Rice Strumba Media Llc Rice Natural Gluten Free Wheat Free 6/8 oz 147811 85323700302 Mishpacha The Manischewitz Co Sugar Vanilla Cup Pd 24/12 oz 86638 7501702048 Mishpacha The Manischewitz Co Chocolate Chips Non Dairy 24/10 oz 215048 7501702001 Mishpacha The Manischewitz Co Sauce Tomato Pd 24/15 oz 234329 7501702770 Misto Misto Chn Sprayer Oil Gourmet 6/1 ea 214730 2413111496 Mitica Forever Cheese Inc Esp Drunken Goat DOP Natural 2/5 lb 209383 7221042422 Mitica Forever Cheese Inc Esp Figs Pajarero Natural 2/1.3 kg 209385 7221042419 Mitica Forever Cheese Inc Esp Paste Membrillo Quince Natural 12/10 oz 209386 82532500017 Mitica Forever Cheese Inc Esp Cake Date Almond Natural 20/225 gr 209387 82532500080 Mitica Forever Cheese Inc Esp Cake Fig Almond Natural 20/225 gr 209388 82532500003 Mitica Forever Cheese Inc Esp Chocolate Piedras De 2/4.41 lb 209760 7221042434 Mitica Forever Cheese Inc Esp Nut Mix Cocktail Spanish 1/22.06 lb 209761 7221042435 Mitica Forever Cheese Inc Ita Sardo Natural 2/6 lb 210730 7221042447 Mitica Forever Cheese Inc Ita Cacio De Roma Natural 2/4 lb 223821 7221042420 Mitica Forever Cheese Inc Esp Almond Marcona Butter Natural 12/9.17 oz 233990 82532569007 Mitica Forever Cheese Inc Ita Pecorino Ginepro 2/6 lb 235790 7221043184 Mitica Forever Cheese Inc Esp Gallego 6/2 lb 235792 7221043185 Mitsukan Mitsukan Vinegar Rice 6/24 oz 119686 7357527720 Mitsukan Mizkan Americas Inc Vinegar Rice Natural 6/12 oz 40249 7357527725 Mizkan Mizkan Marin Sweet Honteri Cooking 6/12 oz 214112 7357597040 Mocafe Houston’s Inc. Frap Powder Original 4/3 lb 71777 81216900048 Modenaceti Source Atlantique Ita Vinegar Balsamic Classic 6/16.9 oz 64394 73449270130 Modenaceti Source Atlantique Glaze Balsamic 6/6.76 oz 64397 73449270135 Modern Oats Innovative Beverage Concepts Inc Oatmeal 5 Berry 12/65 gm 223291 81216900653 Modern Oats Innovative Beverage Concepts Inc Oatmeal Mango Blackberry 12/75 gm 223292 81216900650 Modern Oats Innovative Beverage Concepts Inc Oatmeal Apple Walnut 12/75 gm 223293 81216900649 Modern Oats Innovative Beverage Concepts Inc Oatmeal Goji Blueberry 12/75 gm 223294 81216900648 Modern Products Modern Products Seasoning Vegit 6/2 oz 43431 7582000002 Moka Joe Moka Joe Coffee Inc Coffee Shackletons Stout 6/12 oz 212372 18924500012 Moka Joe Moka Joe Coffee Inc Coffee Italiano 6/12 oz 212373 18924500011 Moka Joe Moka Joe Coffee Inc Coffee French Roast Ground Organic 6/12 oz 212374 18924500009 Moka Joe Moka Joe Coffee Inc Coffee Espresso Ground Organic 6/12 oz 212375 18924500007 Moka Joe Moka Joe Coffee Inc Coffee Sumatra Ground Organic 6/12 oz 212376 18924500024 Moka Joe Moka Joe Coffee Inc Coffee Moka Joe Blend Ground Organic 6/12 oz 212377 18924500015 Molinari P G Molinari Sausage Calabrase Hot 5 To 1 6/5 lb 31608 7221072915 Molinari P G Molinari Salame Finocchiona 7/3.5 lb 31610 7221072919 Molinari P G Molinari Mortadella 1/2 4/8 lb 31611 7221072921 Molinari P G Molinari Pancetta 5/4 lb 31612 7221072922 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 177 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 178 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Molinari P G Molinari Pepperoni Picolocini 10/1 lb 31613 7221072923 Molinari P G Molinari Salame Hot 10/3 lb 31615 7221072926 Molinari P G Molinari Salametti Hot 40/.5 lb 31616 7221072927 Molinari P G Molinari Sausage Salsiccia Mild 5 To 1 6/5 lb 31617 7221072930 Molinari P G Molinari Pepperoni 10In Cryovac 1/10 lb 67970 76181800980 Molinari P G Molinari Salame 10/3 lb 68116 76281500167 Molinari P G Molinari Sopressata 7/3 lb 68117 76281500465 Molinari P G Molinari Salame Toscano 7/3 lb 68119 76281500485 Molinari P G Molinari Pepperoni V2 10/3 lb 68120 76281500501 Molinari P G Molinari Salame Chub 24/1 lb 84454 6281500277 Mon Cuisine Alle Processing Corp Linguine With Vegetables 12/10 oz 21772 5132810550 Mon Cuisine Alle Processing Corp Steak Salisbury 12/10 oz 21773 5132810552 Mon Cuisine Alle Processing Corp Chicken Mediterranean 12/10 oz 21774 5132810553 Mon Cuisine Alle Processing Corp Cutlet Breaded Vegetarian Chicken Style 6/10 oz 21776 5132810556 Mon Cuisine Alle Processing Corp Schnitzel Veal Vegetarian 6/10 oz 21777 5132810557 Mon Cuisine Alle Processing Corp Vegetarian Cabbage Stuffed 6/10 oz 21780 5132810561 Mon Cuisine Alle Processing Corp Chicken Moroccan Vegan 6/10 oz 21781 5132810568 Mon Cuisine Alle Processing Corp Veal Braised 6/16 oz 21807 5132810900 Mon Cuisine Alle Processing Corp Turkey In Gravy 6/16 oz 21808 5132810901 Mon Cuisine Alle Processing Corp Beef Goulash In Gravy 6/16 oz 21809 5132810902 Mon Cuisine Alle Processing Corp Chicken Breast Roasted 6/16 oz 21810 5132810903 Mon Cuisine Alle Processing Corp Cabbage Stuffed 12/10 oz 21811 5132810907 Mon Cuisine Alle Processing Corp Ribeye Roast 6/16 oz 21813 5132810919 Mon Cuisine Alle Processing Corp Salmon Fillet 6/16 oz 21814 5132810989 Mon Cuisine Alle Processing Corp Vegan Chicken Pot Pie 12/9 oz 21835 5132899575 Mon Cuisine Alle Processing Corp Nuggets Kids Fun Shaped 6/2 lb 21839 5132899747 Mon Cuisine Alle Processing Corp Vegan Chicken Nuggets 6/10 oz 203831 5132810566 Mon Cuisine Alle Processing Corp Chicken Oriental Vegetable / Rice 12/10 oz 203836 5132810554 Mon Sire Fromi Rungis Sas Fra Munster Petit 12/200 gr 209293 7221042409 Mon Sire Fromi Rungis Sas Fra Cendre Royal 1/6 kg 209298 7221042411 Mon Sire Fromi Rungis Sas Fra Brie 60 Percent 1/3.2 kg 209300 7221042413 Mona Lisa Qzina Specialty Foods Inc Cup Chocolate Dark Coffee Large 1/36 ea 74442 85202800087 Monari World Finer Foods Vinegar Balsamic Green 6/8.5 oz 2561 1362860858 Monari World Finer Foods Ita Vinegar Balsamic Natural 6/16.9 oz 2564 1362860887 Monari World Finer Foods Ita Vinegar Wine Red 6/17 oz 2565 1362860893 Monari World Finer Foods Ita Vinegar Wine White 6/16.9 oz 2566 1362860900 Monari World Finer Foods Ita Vinegar Balsamic Gold 6/16.9 oz 59041 67264200005 Monari World Finer Foods Glaze Balsamic 6/8.5 oz 59043 67264200042 Monari World Finer Foods Vinegar Balsamic Blue Label 6/8.5 oz 118708 1362860870 Monari World Finer Foods Vinegar Balsamic Organic 6/17 oz 119117 6726420000 Monet Fcw Imports Crackers Water Original 12/4.4 oz 52358 9853300120 Monet Fcw Imports Crackers Water Pepper Poppy 12/4.4 oz 52360 9853300122 Monet Fcw Imports Crackers Water Sesame 12/4.4 oz 52361 9853300124 Monet Fcw Imports Crackers Water Original Mini 12/5.5 oz 52362 9853300125 Monin Houston’s Inc. Sauce Dark Chocolate Sf 4/64 oz 202348 73833788255 Monin Houston’s Inc. Syrup Mango 12/25.4 oz 234390 73833705522 Monin Houston’s Inc. Syrup Agave Natural 6/25.4 oz 234391 73833788345 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 dpi ad 9-17.pdf 1 9/17/2015 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG 9:16:13 AM C M Y CM MY CY CMY K www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 179 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 180 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Monin Houston’s Inc. Syrup Habanero Lime 4/33.8 oz 234392 73833788330 Monin Houston’s Inc. Syrup Pomegranate 12/25.4 oz 234393 73833788224 Monin Houston’s Inc. Syrup Mojito Mix 12/25.4 oz 234394 73833705654 Monin Houston’s Inc. Syrup Blackberry 12/25.4 fo 234543 73833705634 Monkey Sea Monkey Sea Monkey Doo Shampoo/Body Wash/Conditioner Cherry 6/8.5 oz 218976 85965000301 Monkey Sea Monkey Sea Monkey Doo Shampoo/Body Wash Unscented 6/8.5 oz 218977 85965000300 Monkey Sea Monkey Sea Monkey Doo Lotion Cherry 6/8.2 oz 218978 85965000303 Monkey Sea Monkey Sea Monkey Doo Lotion Unscented 6/8.2 oz 218979 85965000302 Monkey Sea Monkey Sea Monkey Doo Conditioner Cherry 6/8.2 oz 218980 85965000304 Montchevre Betin Inc Cabrie 2/2.2 lb 31007 7221070337 Montchevre Betin Inc Bucheron 1/2.8 lb 33948 7221082054 Montchevre Betin Inc La Chevriotte 6/4.4 oz 67878 76165790104 Montchevre Betin Inc Chevre Garlic Herb Log 6/10.5 oz 67879 76165790106 Montchevre Betin Inc Cabrie Mini 6/4.4 oz 67880 76165790144 Montchevre Betin Inc Goat Crumb Plain 2/2 lb 67882 76165790201 Montchevre Betin Inc Chevre Crottin Plain 6/3.5 oz 67884 76165790331 Montchevre Betin Inc Chevre Crottin Four Pepper 6/3.5 oz 67885 76165790333 Montchevre Betin Inc Chevre Crottin Garlic 6/3.5 oz 67886 76165790336 Montchevre Betin Inc Chevre Mini Log Natural 12/4 oz 67887 76165790411 Montchevre Betin Inc Chevre 4 Pepper Log 12/4 oz 67888 76165790413 Montchevre Betin Inc Chevre Garlic Herb Mini Log Natural 12/4 oz 67890 76165790416 Montchevre Betin Inc Chevre Lemon Zest Log 12/4 oz 67891 76165790417 Montchevre Betin Inc Chevre Sundried Tomato Basil Log 12/4 oz 67892 76165790419 Montchevre Betin Inc Goat Crumb Cheese Plain 12/4 oz 67893 76165790421 Montchevre Betin Inc Goat Crumb Plain No Natamycin 12/4 oz 67894 76165790423 Montchevre Betin Inc Goat Crumb Onion Basil 12/4 oz 67896 76165790428 Montchevre Betin Inc Feta Goat 12/7 oz 67900 76165790711 Montchevre Betin Inc Chevre Peppadew Log 12/4 oz 67902 76165792413 Montchevre Betin Inc Cheddar Goat 12/8 oz 67914 76165799812 Montchevre Betin Inc Log Goat Cheese Plain 12/8 oz 81747 76165790811 Montchevre Betin Inc Chev Tub 2/4 lb 100874 76165790304 Montchevre Betin Inc Coeur De Chevre Log Organic 12/4 oz 114626 76165750411 Montchevre Betin Inc Goat Chevre Fleurie Organic 8/6 oz 115856 76165759611 Montchevre Betin Inc Chevre Garlic And Herbs Log Organic 12/4 oz 116090 76165750416 Montchevre Betin Inc Chevre Log 6/10.5 oz 120306 76165790101 Montchevre Betin Inc Chevre Cranberry Log 12/4 oz 136687 76165790414 Montchevre Betin Inc Chevre Fig And Olive Log 12/4 oz 136690 76165792415 Montchevre Betin Inc Chevre Honey Mini Log Natural 12/4 oz 136691 76165792417 Montchevre Betin Inc Medallions Goat 1oz 5 Pack 12/5 oz 207599 76165795501 Montchevre Betin Inc Gouda Goat 10/8 oz 207778 76165799712 Montchevre Betin Inc Chevre Blue 1/5 lb 209879 7221082024 Montchevre Betin Inc Goat Crumble Cranberry 12/4 oz 215853 76165790425 Montchevre Betin Inc Goat Medallion Individual Portion 64/1 oz 216027 76165795164 Montchevre Betin Inc Chevre Blueberry Vanilla Mini Log Natural 12/4 oz 221463 76165790412 Montchevre Betin Inc Chevre Oh La La 12/5 oz 224262 76165796511 Montchevre Betin Inc Truffle Mini Log Natural 12/4 oz 224918 76165792412 Montchevre Betin Inc Truffiere Grande Natural 6/5 oz 224919 76165799050 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Monterey Monterey Mushrooms Marinated Garlic 3/100 oz 12279 3710264814 Monterey Monterey Mushrooms Teriyaki 3/6.25 lb 12280 3710264902 Moon Cheese Nutradried Llp Gouda Natural 12/2 oz 222715 85080800502 Moon Cheese Nutradried Llp Cheddar Medium Natural 12/2 oz 222716 85080800500 Moon Cheese Nutradried Llp Pepper Jack Natural 12/2 oz 222717 85080800501 Moore’s C And M Food Distributing Inc Marinade Original 6/16 oz 213334 73599509111 Moore’s C And M Food Distributing Inc Marinade Teriyaki 6/16 oz 213335 73599509112 Moore’s C And M Food Distributing Inc Sauce Wing Buffalo 6/16 oz 213336 73599509201 Moore’s C And M Food Distributing Inc Sauce Wing Honey BBQ 6/16 oz 213337 73599509401 Morelli Italian Harvest Ita Pasta Linguine Squid Ink Organic Natural 16/8.8 oz 232352 73632009120 Morelli Italian Harvest Ita Pasta Pici Organic Natural 12/1.1 lb 232353 73632001209 Morelli Italian Harvest Ita Pasta Linguine Hot Pepper Organic Natural 16/8.8 oz 232354 73632004120 Mornflake British Wholesale Imports Oats Porridge 12/26 oz 51054 9128223458 Morton Morton Salt Rock Ice Cream 4 Lb 8/4 lb 225628 2460004212 Morton Bassett Morton & Bassett Spices Star Anise 3/.6 oz 3255 1629144102 Morton Bassett Morton & Bassett Spices Basil 3/.4 oz 3257 1629144104 Morton Bassett Morton & Bassett Spices Bay Leaves 3/.14 oz 3258 1629144105 Morton Bassett Morton & Bassett Spices Cardamom 3/.9 oz 3260 1629144109 Morton Bassett Morton & Bassett Spices Celery Seed 3/1.9 oz 3261 1629144110 Morton Bassett Morton & Bassett Spices Chives 3/.12 oz 3263 1629144112 Morton Bassett Morton & Bassett Spices Cinnamon Ground 3/2.2 oz 3264 1629144113 Morton Bassett Morton & Bassett Spices Cinnamon Sticks 3/1.1 oz 3265 1629144114 Morton Bassett Morton & Bassett Spices Cloves Whole 3/1.3 oz 3267 1629144116 Morton Bassett Morton & Bassett Spices Cloves Ground 3/2 oz 3268 1629144117 Morton Bassett Morton & Bassett Spices Coriander 3/1.2 oz 3269 1629144118 Morton Bassett Morton & Bassett Spices Cumin Seed 3/1.9 oz 3270 1629144119 Morton Bassett Morton & Bassett Spices Cumin Ground 3/2.3 oz 3271 1629144120 Morton Bassett Morton & Bassett Spices Curry 3/2.1 oz 3272 1629144121 Morton Bassett Morton & Bassett Spices Dill Weed 3/.8 oz 3273 1629144122 Morton Bassett Morton & Bassett Spices Fennel Seed 3/1.7 oz 3274 1629144123 Morton Bassett Morton & Bassett Spices Ginger 3/2.1 oz 3276 1629144126 Morton Bassett Morton & Bassett Spices Herbs Provence 3/.7 oz 3277 1629144127 Morton Bassett Morton & Bassett Spices Juniper Berries 3/1.3 oz 3278 1629144128 Morton Bassett Morton & Bassett Spices Marjoram 3/.4 oz 3279 1629144129 Morton Bassett Morton & Bassett Spices Nutmeg Whole 3/1.9 oz 3281 1629144131 Morton Bassett Morton & Bassett Spices Nutmeg Ground 3/2.3 oz 3282 1629144132 Morton Bassett Morton & Bassett Spices Oregano 3/.06 oz 3284 1629144134 Morton Bassett Morton & Bassett Spices Paprika 3/2 oz 3285 1629144135 Morton Bassett Morton & Bassett Spices Parsley 3/.28 oz 3286 1629144136 Morton Bassett Morton & Bassett Spices Pepper Black Ground Coarse 3/1.8 oz 3287 1629144137 Morton Bassett Morton & Bassett Spices Pepper White Ground 3/2.3 oz 3288 1629144138 Morton Bassett Morton & Bassett Spices Pepper Black Whole 3/2.1 oz 3289 1629144139 Morton Bassett Morton & Bassett Spices Peppercorns Rainbow 3/1.9 oz 3294 1629144144 Morton Bassett Morton & Bassett Spices Pepper Black Ground Fine 3/1.8 oz 3295 1629144145 Morton Bassett Morton & Bassett Spices Cayenne Pepper 3/1.8 oz 3296 1629144146 Morton Bassett Morton & Bassett Spices Rosemary 3/1 oz 3297 1629144148 Morton Bassett Morton & Bassett Spices Saffron 3/.01 oz 3298 1629144149 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 181 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 182 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Morton Bassett Morton & Bassett Spices Sage 3/.4 oz 3299 1629144150 Morton Bassett Morton & Bassett Spices Sesame Seed 3/2.4 oz 3301 1629144152 Morton Bassett Morton & Bassett Spices Tarragon 3/.3 oz 3303 1629144154 Morton Bassett Morton & Bassett Spices Thyme 3/1 oz 3304 1629144155 Morton Bassett Morton & Bassett Spices Tumeric 3/2.4 oz 3305 1629144156 Morton Bassett Morton & Bassett Spices Vanilla Bean 3/.01 oz 3306 1629144157 Morton Bassett Morton & Bassett Spices Seasoning Italian 3/1.2 oz 3311 1629144162 Morton Bassett Morton & Bassett Spices Spice Cajun 3/1.7 oz 3312 1629144163 Morton Bassett Morton & Bassett Spices Seasoning Poultry 3/2.1 oz 3313 1629144164 Morton Bassett Morton & Bassett Spices Cilantro 3/.3 oz 3315 1629144166 Morton Bassett Morton & Bassett Spices Parsley Italian 3/.4 oz 3316 1629144169 Morton Bassett Morton & Bassett Spices Garlic Granulated 3/2.6 oz 3317 1629144172 Morton Bassett Morton & Bassett Spices Poppy Seed 3/2.5 oz 3321 1629144176 Morton Bassett Morton & Bassett Spices Vanilla Extract 3/4 oz 3322 1629144180 Morton Bassett Morton & Bassett Spices Sesame Seed Black 3/2.3 oz 3324 1629144183 Morton Bassett Morton & Bassett Spices Chili Flakes Red 3/1.3 oz 3325 1629144185 Morton Bassett Morton & Bassett Spices Coriander Ground 3/1.5 oz 3326 1629144186 Morton Bassett Morton & Bassett Spices Chili Powder 3/1.9 oz 206735 1629144188 Morton Bassett Morton & Bassett Spices Cardamom Ground 3/1.9 oz 206736 1629144187 Morton Bassett Morton & Bassett Spices Onion Granulated Natural 3/2.3 oz 210258 1629144173 Mountain Ocean Mountain Ocean Lip Trip SPF 15 12/.165 oz 43311 7577227756 Moxie Orca Beverage Inc Soda Elixer 24/12 oz 211888 75238500060 Mozzarel Fresca Lactalis Deli Inc Mascarpone 4/5 lb 31590 7221072823 Mr And Mrs T Dr Pepper Snapple Group Drink Mix Sweet And Sour 6/1.75 lt 207450 7065591005 Mr And Mrs T Dr Pepper Snapple Group Drink Mix Bloody Mary 6/1.75 lt 207451 7065591001 Mr And Mrs T Dr Pepper Snapple Group Drink Mix Margarita 6/1.75 lt 207452 7065591007 Mr And Mrs T Dr Pepper Snapple Group Drink Mix Bloody Mary Spicy Bold 6/1.75 lt 207453 7065591003 Mr And Mrs T Dr Pepper Snapple Group Drink Mix Bloody Mary Original 4 Pack 6/22 oz 221179 7065500012 Mr And Mrs T Dr Pepper Snapple Group Drink Mix Margarita 4 Pack 6/22 oz 221180 7065500013 Mr And Mrs T Mr And Mrs T Drink Mix Bloody Mary 6/33.8 oz 26554 7065590130 Mr And Mrs T Mr And Mrs T Drink Mix Bloody Mary Rich N Spicy 6/33.8 oz 26558 7065590230 Mr And Mrs T Mr And Mrs T Drink Mix Bloody Mary Horseradish 6/33.8 oz 26559 7065590412 Mr And Mrs T Mr And Mrs T Drink Mix Sweet Sour 6/33.8 oz 26562 7065591230 Mr And Mrs T Mr And Mrs T Drink Mix Mai Tai 6/33.8 fo 26563 7065593030 Mr And Mrs T Mr And Mrs T Drink Mix Margarita 6/33.8 oz 26565 7065593530 Mr And Mrs T Mr And Mrs T Drink Mix Daiquiri Margarita Strawberry 6/33.8 oz 26566 7065594730 Mr And Mrs T Mr And Mrs T Drink Mix Whiskey Sour 6/33.8 oz 26567 7065595030 Mr And Mrs T Mr And Mrs T Drink Mix Pina Colada 6/33.8 oz 26572 7065596030 Mr And Mrs T Mr And Mrs T Drink Mix Tom Collins Pls 6/33.8 fo 205001 7065592380 Mr And Mrs T Mr And Mrs T Drink Mix Old Fashioned 6/1 lt 210331 7065596380 Mrs Leepers Mrs Leepers Pasta Spaghetti Corn Organic 6/12 oz 211039 7518100113 Mrs Leepers Mrs Leepers Pasta Rotelli Corn Organic 6/12 oz 211040 7518100185 Mrs Meyer’s Sc Johnson And Sons Soap Dishwasher Liquid Lavender 6/16 oz 71301 80812411103 Mrs Meyer’s Sc Johnson And Sons Soap Hand Liquid Lavender 6/12.5 oz 71302 80812411104 Mrs Meyer’s Sc Johnson And Sons Soap Dishwasher Liquid Lemon Verbena 6/16 oz 71305 80812412103 Mrs Meyer’s Sc Johnson And Sons Soap Hand Liquid Lemon Verbena 6/12.5 oz 71306 80812412104 Mrs Meyer’s Sc Johnson And Sons Soap Dishwasher Liquid Basil 6/16 oz 71309 80812414103 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Mrs Meyer’s Sc Johnson And Sons Soap Hand Liquid Basil 6/12.5 oz 71310 80812414104 Mrs Meyer’s Sc Johnson And Sons Dryer Sheets Lavender 12/80 sh 71314 80812414148 Mrs Meyer’s Sc Johnson And Sons Dryer Sheets Lemon Verbena 12/80 sh 71316 80812414248 Mrs Meyer’s Sc Johnson And Sons Dryer Sheets Basil 12/80 sh 71318 80812414448 Mrs Meyer’s Sc Johnson And Sons Soap Dish Liquid Geranium 6/16 oz 78326 80812413103 Mrs Meyer’s Sc Johnson And Sons Soap Hand Liquid Geranium 6/12.5 oz 78327 80812413104 Mrs Meyer’s Sc Johnson And Sons Fabric Softener Lavender 6/32 oz 78333 80812414134 Mrs Meyer’s Sc Johnson And Sons Surface Scrub Lavender 6/11 oz 78334 80812414136 Mrs Meyer’s Sc Johnson And Sons Fabric Softener Lemon 6/32 oz 78335 80812414234 Mrs Meyer’s Sc Johnson And Sons Surface Scrub Lemon 6/11 oz 78336 80812414236 Mrs Meyer’s Sc Johnson And Sons Detergent Laundry Lavender 6/64 oz 78340 80812414531 Mrs Meyer’s Sc Johnson And Sons Detergent Laundry Lemon 6/64 oz 78377 80812414631 Mrs Meyer’s Sc Johnson And Sons Detergent Laundry Basil 6/64 oz 78379 80812414831 Mrs Meyer’s Sc Johnson And Sons Freshener Room Lavender 6/8 oz 79121 80812414153 Mrs Meyer’s Sc Johnson And Sons Freshener Room Lemon Verbena 6/8 oz 79124 80812414253 Mrs Meyer’s Sc Johnson And Sons Freshener Room Geranium 6/8 oz 79127 80812414353 Mrs Meyer’s Sc Johnson And Sons Window Spray Lavender 6/24 oz 80506 80812411160 Mrs Meyer’s Sc Johnson And Sons Window Spray Lemon Verbena 6/24 oz 80508 80812412160 Mrs Meyer’s Sc Johnson And Sons Fabric Softener Geranium 6/32 oz 120356 80812413124 Mrs Meyer’s Sc Johnson And Sons Dish Packs Automatic Lavender 6/12.7 oz 120361 80812414164 Mrs Meyer’s Sc Johnson And Sons Dish Packs Automatic Lemon Verbena 6/12.7 oz 120363 80812414264 Mrs Meyer’s Sc Johnson And Sons Fabric Softener Basil 6/32 oz 120364 80812414334 Mrs Meyer’s Sc Johnson And Sons Dish Packs Automatic Basil 6/12.7 oz 120367 80812414464 Mrs Meyer’s Sc Johnson And Sons Laundry Detergent Geranium 6/64 oz 120368 80812414731 Mrs Meyer’s Sc Johnson And Sons Laundry Detergent Baby Blossom 6/64 oz 120371 80812417511 Mrs Meyer’s Sc Johnson And Sons Soap Liquid Hand Honeysuckle 6/12.5 oz 128507 80812417425 Mrs Meyer’s Sc Johnson And Sons Soap Liquid Hand Apple 6/12.5 oz 128508 80812417427 Mrs Meyer’s Sc Johnson And Sons Detergent Laundry Lavender 4X 6/34 oz 218931 80812414550 Mrs Meyer’s Sc Johnson And Sons Detergent Laundry Lemon Verbena 4X 6/34 oz 218932 80812414650 Mrs Meyer’s Sc Johnson And Sons Soap Hand Refill Lemon Verbena 6/33 oz 219257 80812412163 Mrs Meyer’s Sc Johnson And Sons Soap Bar Lemon Verbena 12/5.3 oz 224011 80812412165 Mrs Meyer’s Sc Johnson And Sons Soap Bar Geranium 12/5.3 oz 224012 80812413165 Mrs Meyer’s Sc Johnson And Sons Soap Dish Liquid Bluebell 6/16 oz 224434 80812417481 Mrs Meyer’s Sc Johnson And Sons Soap Hand Foaming Apple 6/10 oz 224436 80812417566 Mrs Meyer’s Sc Johnson And Sons Soap Hand Foaming Watermelon 6/10 oz 224437 80812417466 Mrs Meyer’s Sc Johnson And Sons Cleaner Multi Surface Lavender 6/16 oz 226998 80812411441 Mrs Meyer’s Sc Johnson And Sons Cleaner Multi Surface Con Lemon Verbena 6/32 oz 226999 80812412440 Mrs Meyer’s Sc Johnson And Sons Cleaner Toilet Bowl Lemon Verbena 6/24 oz 227001 80812412167 Mrs Meyer’s Sc Johnson And Sons Cleaner Multi Surface Concentrate Geranium 6/32 oz 227002 80812413440 Mrs Meyer’s Sc Johnson And Sons Cleaner Multi Surface Lemon Verbena 6/16 oz 227003 80812412441 Mrs Meyer’s Sc Johnson And Sons Cleaner Multi Surface Concentrate Lavender 6/32 oz 227004 80812411440 Mrs Meyer’s Sc Johnson And Sons Cleaner Multi Surface Everyday Geranium 6/16 oz 227005 80812413441 Mrs Meyer’s Sc Johnson And Sons Cleaner Multi Surface Basil 6/16 oz 227006 80812414441 Mrs Meyer’s Sc Johnson And Sons Cleaner Multi Surface Concentrate Basil 6/32 oz 227007 80812414440 Mrs Meyer’s Sc Johnson And Sons Cleaner Toilet Bowl Lavender 6/24 oz 227008 80812411167 Mrs Meyer’s Sc Johnson And Sons Soap Hand Liquid Parsley 6/12.5 oz 229427 80812417446 Mrs Meyer’s Sc Johnson And Sons Cleaner Concentrated Rosemary 6/32 oz 229429 80812417840 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 183 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 184 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Mrs Meyer’s Sc Johnson And Sons Soap Dish Liquid Rosemary 6/16 oz 229430 80812417451 Mrs Meyer’s Sc Johnson And Sons Soap Hand Liquid Bluebell 6/12.5 oz 229431 80812417484 Mrs Meyer’s Sc Johnson And Sons Soap Hand Liquid Rosemary 6/12.5 oz 229432 80812417450 Mrs Meyer’s Sc Johnson And Sons Cleaner Rosemary 6/16 oz 229433 80812417841 Mrs Meyer’s Sc Johnson And Sons Soap Hand Bar Basil 12/5.3 oz 229434 80812414165 Mrs Meyer’s Sc Johnson And Sons Freshener Room Lavender 6/8 fo 232193 80812470062 Mrs Meyer’s Sc Johnson And Sons Freshener Room Geranium 6/8 fo 232194 80812470064 Mrs Meyer’s Sc Johnson And Sons Freshener Room Lemon Verbena 6/8 fo 232195 80812470063 Mrs Meyer’s Sc Johnson And Sons Soap Hand Liquid Rhubarb Natural 6/12.5 oz 235363 80812417462 Mrs Olsons Alpine Food Distributing Lefse Potato 16/9.6 oz 40423 7383600005 Mrs Pickles Mrs Pickles Pickles Spears Hot Mama Natural 6/16 oz 228653 85675700304 Mrs Pickles Mrs Pickles Pickles Chips Hot Mama 6/16 oz 228654 85675700303 Mrs Pickles Mrs Pickles Pickles Chips Mrs Pickles Natural 6/16 oz 228655 85675700301 Mrs Pickles Mrs Pickles Gourmet Pickles Spears Hot Mama Natural 12/16 oz 224122 85675700304 Mrs Pickles Mrs Pickles Gourmet Pickles Chips Hot Mama 12/16 oz 224123 85675700303 Mrs Pickles Mrs Pickles Gourmet Pickles Chips Mrs Pickles Natural 12/16 oz 224124 85675700301 Mrs Pickles Mrs Pickles Gourmet Pickles Spears Mrs Pickle Natural 12/16 oz 224125 85675700300 Mrs Renfro Renfro Foods Inc Salsa Green 6/16 oz 15923 4123500063 Mrs Renfro Renfro Foods Inc Salsa Picante Hot 6/16 oz 15926 4123500066 Mrs Renfro Renfro Foods Inc Salsa Picante Mild 6/16 oz 15927 4123500067 Mrs Renfro Renfro Foods Inc Salsa Habanero 6/16 oz 15930 4123500070 Mrs Renfro Renfro Foods Inc Salsa Chipotle Corn 6/16 oz 15932 4123500072 Mrs Renfro Renfro Foods Inc Salsa Peach 6/16 oz 15934 4123500074 Mrs Renfro Renfro Foods Inc Salsa Mango Habanero 6/16 oz 15937 4123500077 Mrs Renfro Renfro Foods Inc Salsa Ghost Pepper 6/16 oz 207344 4123500083 Mrs Richardson’s Mrs Richardson’s Topping Hot Fudge 6/16 oz 211996 7298000240 Mrs Richardson’s Mrs Richardson’s Topping Butterscotch Caramel 6/16 oz 211997 7298000243 Mrs Richardson’s Mrs Richardson’s Topping Chocolate Lovers 6/16 oz 211998 7298000250 Mrs Thinsters Thats How We Roll Llc Cookie Thins Cake Batter 12/4 oz 226472 84051510003 Mrs Thinsters Thats How We Roll Llc Cookie Thins Chocolate Chip 12/4 oz 226473 84051510004 Mrs Weiss New World Pasta Co Noodles Egg Kluski 12/8 oz 211550 7209800200 Mt Sterling Mt Sterling Cheese Co-Op Cheddar Mild Goat Milk Raw 12/8 oz 46783 7900410002 Mt Sterling Mt Sterling Cheese Co-Op Jack Cheese Plain Goat Milk 12/8 oz 46784 7900410003 Mt Sterling Mt Sterling Cheese Co-Op Mozzarella Cheese Goat Milk 12/8 oz 46785 7900410004 Mt Sterling Mt Sterling Cheese Co-Op Feta Goat Milk 12/7 oz 46787 7900410008 Mt Sterling Mt Sterling Cheese Co-Op Cheddar Sharp Goat Milk Raw 12/8 oz 46789 7900410010 Mt Sterling Mt Sterling Cheese Co-Op Cheddar Smoked Goat Milk Raw 12/8 oz 46793 7900410019 Mt Townsend Mt Townsend Jack Campfire Natural Pc 1/8 lb 222854 7221042852 Mt Townsend Mt Townsend Creamery Cheese New Moon 1/4.5 lb 130584 7221087630 Mt Townsend Mt Townsend Creamery Jack Campfire Natural 1/4.5 lb 130585 7221087631 Mt Townsend Mt Townsend Creamery Seastack Soft Ripened Original 4/6 oz 214180 85032700400 Mt Townsend Mt Townsend Creamery Trufflestack Limited Edition 8/5 oz 214181 85032700403 Mt Townsend Mt Townsend Creamery Toma Scotch Ale Washed Off Kilter 4/6.4 oz 214182 85032700401 Mt Townsend Mt Townsend Creamery Camembert Cirrus Pacific Northwest 8/5 oz 214183 85032700402 Mt Townsend Mt Townsend Creamery Red Alder Natural 7/10 oz 215632 85032700406 Mt Vikos Blue Marble Brands Gre Feta Traditional 12/7 oz 58498 66529100101 Mt Vikos Blue Marble Brands Gre Feta Barrel Aged 6/6 oz 58502 66529100115 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Mt Vikos Blue Marble Brands Gre Kasseri 6/6 oz 58507 66529100301 Mt Vikos Blue Marble Brands Gre Jam Onion Fig 6/7.7 oz 58519 66529100915 Mt Vikos Blue Marble Brands Gre Figs Glazed Roasted Tray 6/10 oz 58523 66529100952 Mt Vikos Blue Marble Brands Gre Kasseri 4/2.2 lb 58538 66529110302 Mt Vikos Blue Marble Brands Gre Halloumi 6/8 oz 207334 66529100650 Mt Vikos Blue Marble Brands Gre Feta Organic Natural 14/6 oz 228895 66529100653 Mt Vikos Blue Marble Brands Gre Feta Block Traditional Natural 2/4.4 lb 232506 66529100102 Muir Glen General Mills Inc Tomato Whole Peeled 12/14.5 oz 63490 72534226011 Muir Glen General Mills Inc Tomato Stewed Organic 12/14.5 oz 63507 72534228371 Muir Glen General Mills Inc Tomato Diced W/Garlic Organic 12/14.5 oz 63517 72534228731 Muir Glen General Mills Inc Puree Tomato Organic 12/28 oz 87650 72534228103 Muir Glen General Mills Inc Tomato Ground Peeled 12/28 oz 87651 72534228183 Muir Glen General Mills Inc Sauce Pizza Organic 12/15 oz 87655 72534228301 Muir Glen General Mills Inc Tomato Whole Fire Roasted Organic 12/28 oz 87663 72534229033 Muir Glen General Mills Inc Tomato Crushed Fire Roasted Organic 12/28 oz 87664 72534229043 Muir Glen General Mills Inc Ketchup Tomato Organic 12/24 oz 212098 72534248540 Muir Glen Muir Glen Sauce Tomato Chunky Organic 6/28 oz 63498 72534228193 Mull Of Kintyre Atalanta Corporation Gbr Cheddar Scottish Extra Mature 12/7 oz 233922 3446301176 Multipet Multipet International Inc Chn Loofa Dog Assorted Colors 16/3 ea 211238 78436947712 Multipet Multipet International Inc Chn Dog Toy Lamb Chop 10In 60/1 ea 221286 78436948375 Multipet Multipet International Inc Chn Cat Toy Teaser Wand Tickle Fancy 144/1 ea 221287 78436922079 Multipet Multipet International Inc Chn Cat Toy Look Who’s Talking Assorted 72/1 ea 221288 78436936480 Multipet Multipet International Inc Chn Dog Toy Nuts Knots Rp Bn 10In 48/1 ea 221291 78436929016 Multipet Multipet International Inc Chn Dog Toy Bouncy Burrow Buddies 48/1 ea 221294 78436937533 Murray Bridge Jana Foods Aus Cheddar 9 Month 1/44.09 lb 33332 7221080826 Murray River Saltworks Inc Salt Catering Packs Natural 14/14.1 oz 230448 87932200692 Musco Unipro Food’service Inc. Olive Green Stuffed 4/1 ga 39069 7299931703 Musco Unipro Food’service Inc. Olive Deli Pitted 4/1 ga 39070 7299932003 Musco Unipro Food’service Inc. Olive Medium Ripe Pitted 6/51 oz 39071 7299953203 Musco Unipro Food’service Inc. Olive Ripe Sliced 6/55 oz 39074 7299955203 Musco Unipro Food’service Inc. Olive Deli Pitted 1/21 lb 39075 7299971303 Mussos Sugar Foods Corporation Croutons Garlic 12/6.5 oz 4693 2056600037 Mussos Sugar Foods Corporation Croutons Bulk 5/1 lb 31593 2056611304 Mussos Sugar Foods Corporation Toast Italian Herb Olive Oil 6/10 oz 81779 2056600555 Mussos Sugar Foods Corporation Toast Garlic And Jalapeno 6/10 oz 208949 2056600229 Mussos Sugar Foods Corporation Toast Cheese And Garlic 6/10 oz 208950 2056600218 Mussos Sugar Foods Corporation Toast Crostini Sun Dried Tomato 6/10 oz 208951 2056600241 Mustaphas Peterson Company Mar Sauce Hot Harissa Gluten Free Natural 12/10 oz 233583 60829108304 Mustaphas Peterson Company Mar Lemons Preserved Beldi Gluten Free Natural 12/12.4 oz 233584 60829108303 Myojo Jfc International Soup Oriental Udon Noodle 12/7.22 oz 1363 1115245391 Myojo Jfc International Jpn Ramen Shoyu Cup 12/3.1 oz 210274 1115211568 Myojo Jfc International Jpn Yakisoba Cup 12/4.76 oz 210338 1115201246 Nakano Mizkan Americas Inc Vinegar Rice Natural 6/12 oz 40246 7357527334 Nakano Mizkan Americas Inc Vinegar Rice Natural 4/1 ga 40247 7357527536 Nakano Mizkan Americas Inc Vinegar Rice Seasoned Salad 6/12 oz 40252 7357529500 Nakano Mizkan Americas Inc Vinegar Balsamic Rice Seasoned 6/12 oz 40258 7357529646 Nakano Mizkan Americas Inc Vinegar Roasted Garlic Seasoned 6/12 oz 40261 7357529945 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 185 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 186 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Nakano Mizkan Americas Inc Vinegar Rice Mango Seasoned 6/12 oz 224204 7357522001 Namaste Namaste Foods Brownie Mix Gluten Free Pd Natural 6/30 oz 74145 85040300001 Namaste Namaste Foods Blondies Mix Gluten Free Pd Natural 6/30 oz 74146 85040300002 Namaste Namaste Foods Crust Mix Pizza Pd Natural 6/16 oz 74147 85040300003 Namaste Namaste Foods Pancake And Waffle Mix Pd Natural 6/21 oz 74149 85040300005 Namaste Namaste Foods Cake Mix Spice Carrot Pd Natural 6/26 oz 74150 85040300006 Namaste Namaste Foods Pasta Taco Meal Gluten Free Pd Natural 6/8.75 oz 74155 85040300011 Namaste Namaste Foods Say Cheez Non Dairy Gluten Free Pd Natural 6/9 oz 74156 85040300012 Namaste Namaste Foods Pasta Pisavera Dinner Gluten Free Pd Natural 6/9 oz 74157 85040300013 Namaste Namaste Foods Flour Blend Perfect Gluten Free Pd Natural 6/48 oz 226256 85040300017 Nanas Kitchen Nanas Kitchen And Hot Sauces Ltd Pakora Veggie Fried 175/.5 oz 128098 81369300701 Nanas Kitchen Nanas Kitchen And Hot Sauces Ltd Samosa Veggie Fried 48/4.94 oz 128817 81369300604 Nanas Kitchen Nanas Kitchen And Hot Sauces Ltd Samosa Chicken Tandori Fried 48/4.94 oz 128915 81369300602 Nanas Kitchen Nanas Kitchen And Hot Sauces Ltd Can Samosa Chicken Butter 48/4.94 oz 215787 81369300603 Nanas Kitchen Nanas Kitchen And Hot Sauces Ltd Can Samosa Quinoa Lentil 48/4.94 oz 230567 81369300800 Nanas Kitchen Nanas Kitchen And Hot Sauces Ltd Can Chicken Home Style Pocket 48/3.5 oz 233123 81369300920 Nancy’s Springfield Creamery Yogurt Plain Low Fat 12/8 oz 18657 4319210011 Nancy’s Springfield Creamery Yogurt Blueberry Fruit On Bottom Low Fat 12/8 oz 18660 4319210032 Nancy’s Springfield Creamery Yogurt Peach Fruit On Bottom Low Fat 12/8 oz 18661 4319210034 Nancy’s Springfield Creamery Yogurt Raspberry Fruit On Bottom Low Fat 12/8 oz 18662 4319210035 Nancy’s Springfield Creamery Yogurt Strawberry Fob Low Fat 12/8 oz 18663 4319210036 Nancy’s Springfield Creamery Yogurt Plain Nonfat 12/8 oz 18670 4319210310 Nancy’s Springfield Creamery Yogurt Plain Nonfat Organic 6/16 oz 18675 4319210450 Nancy’s Springfield Creamery Yogurt Blackberry Fruit On Top Nf 6/8 oz 18676 4319211330 Nancy’s Springfield Creamery Yogurt Blueberry Fruit On Top Nf 6/8 oz 18677 4319211331 Nancy’s Springfield Creamery Yogurt Raspberry Fruit On Top Nf 6/8 oz 18680 4319211334 Nancy’s Springfield Creamery Yogurt Strawberry Fruit On Top Nf 6/8 oz 18681 4319211335 Nancy’s Springfield Creamery Kefir Strawberry Organic 6/8 oz 52629 14319220016 Nancy’s Springfield Creamery Kefir Plain Organic 6/8 oz 128342 4319220017 Nancy’s Springfield Creamery Kefir Plain Organic 6/32 oz 128909 4319220107 Nancy’s Springfield Creamery Cottage Cheese Low Fat 6/16 oz 135691 4319231050 Nancy’s Springfield Creamery Yogurt Greek Blueberry Organic Gluten Free Natural 12/6 oz 234747 4319270014 Nancy’s Springfield Creamery Yogurt Greek Strawberry Organic Gluten Free Natural 12/6 oz 234749 4319270016 Nancy’s Springfield Creamery Yogurt Greek Blackberry Probiotic Organic 12/6 oz 235154 4319270013 Nandos International Food Associates Inc Rsa Sauce Peri Pepper Medium Natural 6/4.7 oz 58000 65527300001 Nandos International Food Associates Inc Rsa Sauce Peri Pepper Hot Natural 6/4.7 oz 58001 65527300002 Nandos International Food Associates Inc Rsa Sauce Peri Pepper Garlic Natural 6/4.7 oz 58003 65527300004 Nanka Jfc International Noodles Udon Futonaga 30/12 oz 29547 7153301001 Nanka Jfc International Noodles Wide Kishimen 30/12 oz 29549 7153301003 Nanka Jfc International Noodles Chow Mein 30/12 oz 29553 7153301008 Nanka Jfc International Noodles Egg 30/12 oz 201345 7153301007 Nanka Wismettac Asian Foods Noodles Yokogiri Udon 30/12 oz 29548 7153301002 Napa Valley G L Mezzetta Inc Pesto Tomato Sun Ripened Natural 6/6.25 oz 217020 7321400961 Napa Valley G L Mezzetta Inc Pesto Basil Natural 6/6.25 oz 227760 7321400952 Napa Valley Spruce Foods Esp Oil Olive Extra Virgin Natural 6/16.9 oz 70084 78696901014 Napa Valley Spruce Foods Oil Olive Extra Virgin Rich/Robust 12/25.4 oz 211956 78696901002 Napoleon Napoleon Asparagus Green Pickled 6/9.9 oz 16023 4125310550 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Napoleon Napoleon Per Olives Almond Stuffed 6/6.5 oz 213237 4125300926 Napoleon Napoleon Cornichons 6/12 oz 213239 4125300200 Napoleon Napoleon Tha Corn Baby Cut 6/15 oz 213240 4125300634 Napoleon Napoleon Per Peppers Roasted Red And Yellow 6/12 oz 213243 4125337600 Napoleon Napoleon Per Olives Garlic Stuffed 6/6.5 oz 213245 4125300928 Napoleon Napoleon Per Artichokes Grilled 6/7.5 oz 213251 4125323100 Napoleon Napoleon Per Olives Jalapeno Stuffed 6/6.5 oz 213255 4125300929 Napoleon Napoleon Chn Mushrooms Marinated 6/10 oz 213258 4125300800 Napoleon Napoleon Ind Chutney Major Grey 6/11 oz 213260 4125300066 Napoleon Napoleon Olives Onion Stuffed 6/6.5 oz 213261 4125300902 Napoleon Napoleon Mar Capers Nonpariel Organic 6/3.5 oz 213264 4125316100 Napoleon Napoleon Beans Green Pickled 6/12 oz 213269 4125310100 Napoleon Napoleon Esp Vinegar Sherry Reserve 6/12.7 oz 213275 4125303710 Napoleon Napoleon Esp Vinegar Sherry 6/12.7 oz 213278 4125303700 Napoleon Napoleon Esp Olives Green Sliced 6/7 oz 213280 4125300923 Napoleon Napoleon Ecu Hearts Of Palm Sliced 6/14.1 oz 213283 4125325300 Napoleon Napoleon Peppers Piquillo Sweet 6/9.9 oz 213284 4125337100 Napoleon Napoleon Olives Sweet Pepper Stuffed 6/6.5 oz 213286 4125300933 Napoleon Napoleon Per Olives Triple Stuffed 6/6.5 oz 213289 4125334936 Napoleon Napoleon Artichoke Hearts Whole Glass 6/9.9 oz 213291 4125300483 Napoleon Napoleon Tha Corn Baby Whole 6/15 oz 213294 4125300601 Napoleon Napoleon Esp Onions Cocktail 12/3.5 oz 233211 4125316225 Napoleon Napoleon Esp Olives Manzanilla Pimento Natural 12/5 oz 233212 4125300905 Napoleon The Napoleon Co Capers Nonpareil 12/3.5 oz 15975 4125300006 Napoleon The Napoleon Co Capers Nonpareil 12/8 oz 15976 4125300007 Napoleon The Napoleon Co Vinegar Balsamic 6/17 fo 15982 4125300180 Napoleon The Napoleon Co Vinegar Balsamic Organic 6/17 fo 15984 4125300185 Napoleon The Napoleon Co Mar Anchovies Rolled In Tin 25/2 oz 15989 4125300260 Napoleon The Napoleon Co Anchovies Flat 25/2 oz 15990 4125300270 Napoleon The Napoleon Co Chn Oysters Smoked Medium 25/3.66 oz 15992 4125300312 Napoleon The Napoleon Co Peppercorns Green 12/3.5 oz 16011 4125300960 Napoleon The Napoleon Co Ecu Artichoke Heart Marinated 12/12 oz 16017 4125307487 Napoleon The Napoleon Co Ita Tortellini Cheese 12/8 oz 16019 4125310201 Napoleon The Napoleon Co Ita Tortellini Tricolor 12/8 oz 16020 4125310211 Napoleon The Napoleon Co Olives Queen Stuffed 12/9 oz 78463 4125300910 Napoleon The Napoleon Co Ita Vinegar Balsamic White 6/17 oz 210052 4125300183 Napoleon The Napoleon Co Mar Paste Anchovy 10/2 oz 213214 4125300290 Napoleon The Napoleon Co Ita Paste Tomato Natural 12/4.56 oz 218879 4125336006 Nasoya Vitasoy Inc Tofu Firm Organic 6/14 oz 7265 2548400010 Nasoya Vitasoy Inc Tofu Extra Firm Organic 6/14 oz 7267 2548400012 Nasoya Vitasoy Inc Tofu Silken Organic 6/16 oz 7268 2548400013 Nasoya Vitasoy Inc Nayowhipped Classic Vegan Natural Gluten Free 12/15 oz 220801 2548400675 Native Forest Edward & Sons Trading Company Vie Pineapple Crushed Organic 6/14 oz 18639 4318200854 Natracare Natracare, Llc Ger Tampons Super Plus Cotton Organic 12/20 ea 69639 78212600202 Natracare Natracare, Llc Swe Pads Super Ultra With Wings Natural 12/12 ea 69647 78212600308 Natracare Natracare, Llc Swe Panty Liners Ultra Thin Cotton Organic 16/22 ea 69648 78212600309 Natracare Natracare, Llc Ger Tampons Regular Applicator Organic 12/16 ea 69654 78212600800 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 187 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 188 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Natracare Natracare, Llc Ger Tampons Super Applicator Organic 12/16 ea 69655 78212600900 Natracare Natracare, Llc Gre Wipes Baby Organic 16/50 ea 69658 78212620011 Natracare Natracare, Llc Gre Wipes Intimate Organic 24/12 ea 69659 78212620015 Natracare Natracare, Llc Swe Panty Liners Mini Natural 10/30 ea 209425 78212600300 Natracare Natracare, Llc Ger Tampons Regular Nonapplicator Cotton 20/10 ea 235329 78212618103 Natracare Natracare, Llc Ger Tampons Super Nonapplicator Cotton 20/10 ea 235330 78212619103 Natrol Natrol Melatonin 1 Mg Fast Dissolve Natural 12/90 ea 221810 4746906324 Nature Bag Northern Technologies Intl Corp Chn Bags Kitchen Tall 13 Gallon Retail Pack 6/12 ea 212864 89362500137 Nature Bag Northern Technologies Intl Corp Chn Bags Compost Home N Kitchen 3 Gallon 6/25 ea 212865 89362500124 Natur Ware Natur Ware Mas Kutlery Combo Party Pack 24 Piece 6/24 ea 212866 89362500123 Naturally Good Red Apple Cheese Llc Brie Kosher 5/7 oz 54936 60426203000 Nature Terrae Atalanta Corporation Esp Sauce Allioli Paprika Spicy 6/5.1 oz 224117 89993800247 Nature’s Bakery Bella Four Bakery Fig Raspberry Whole Wheat Bar 12/12 oz 217438 4749521004 Nature’s Bakery Bella Four Bakery Fig Apple Cinnamon Wheat Whole Bar 12/12 oz 217439 4749521000 Nature’s Bakery Bella Four Bakery Fig Blueberry Wheat Whole Bar 12/12 oz 217440 4749521001 Nature’s Bakery Bella Four Bakery Fig Pomegranate Bar 6 Pack Gluten Free Natural 12/12 oz 231462 4749571064 Nature’s Bakery Bella Four Bakery Fig Blueberry Bar Gluten Free 12/12 oz 235077 4749571061 Nature’s Bakery Bella Four Bakery Fig Bar Gluten Free 12/12 oz 235078 4749571062 Nature’s Bakery Bella Four Bakery Brownie Chocolate Raspberry Ww 12/12 oz 235079 4749575303 Nature’s Bakery Bella Four Bakery Brownie Double Chocolate Ww 12/12 oz 235080 4749575103 Nature’s Bakery Bella Four Bakery Fig Strawberry Whole Wheat Bar 12/12 oz 235081 4749521019 Nature’s Bakery Bella Four Bakery Fig Lemon Whole Wheat Bar 12/12 oz 235082 4749521007 Nature’s Bakery Bella Four Bakery Brownie Blueberry Chocolate Ww 12/12 oz 235083 4749575403 Nature’s Earthly Nature’s Earthly Quinoa Southwest Blend 6/10 oz 231190 89703400286 Nature’s Earthly Nature’s Earthly Quinoa Teriyaki Blend 6/10 oz 231191 89703400285 Nature’s Earthly Nature’s Earthly Quinoa Mediterranean Blend 6/10 oz 231192 89703400287 Nature’s Gate Levlad Inc. Toothpaste Creme Peppermint 6/6 oz 46055 7834700154 Nature’s Gate Levlad Inc. Lotion Papaya 12/18 oz 86753 7834704174 Nature’s Gate Levlad Inc. Lotion Therapy Hemp 12/18 oz 86754 7834704175 Nature’s Gate Levlad Inc. Lotion Therapy Tea Tree 12/18 oz 86756 7834704177 Nature’s Gate Levlad Inc. Soap Liquid Moisturizing 12/12.5 oz 86759 7834755111 Nature’s Gate Levlad Inc. Soap Liquid Purifying 12/12.5 oz 86760 7834755222 Nature’s Gate Levlad Inc. Shampoo Lavender Aloe 12/12 oz 86763 7834775000 Nature’s Gate Levlad Inc. Conditioner Aloe Vera 12/18 oz 86784 7834787002 Nature’s Gate Levlad Inc. Shampoo Jojoba Revitalizing Organic 12/18 oz 86785 7834787003 Nature’s Gate Levlad Inc. Conditioner Jojoba Revitalizing Organic 12/18 oz 86786 7834787004 Nature’s Gate Levlad Inc. Conditioner Chamomile 12/18 oz 86787 7834787009 Nature’s Gate Levlad Inc. Shampoo Aloe Vera Moisturizing 12/18 oz 204408 7834787001 Nature’s Gate Levlad Inc. Conditioner Asian Pear And Red Tea 12/12 oz 212016 7834776530 Nature’s Gate Levlad Inc. Conditioner Hemp Nourishing 12/18 oz 212017 7834702320 Nature’s Gate Levlad Inc. Toothpaste Creme De Mint 6/6 oz 212018 7834700153 Nature’s Gate Levlad Inc. Shampoo Awapuhi Volumizing 12/18 oz 212019 7834702302 Nature’s Gate Levlad Inc. Shampoo Asian Pear And Red Tea 12/12 oz 212020 7834776526 Nature’s Gate Levlad Inc. Oil Vitamin E Iu 40000 12/2 oz 212280 7834777440 Nature’s Gate Levlad Inc. Body Wash Aloe Vera Moisture Velvet 12/18 oz 215657 7834775142 Nature’s Gate Levlad Inc. Lotion Glow 12/18 oz 231898 7834704182 Nature’s Hollow Probst Farms Preserves Strawberry Sugar Free Natural 12/10 oz 212586 69855670053 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Nature’s Hollow Probst Farms Syrup Maple Sugar Free Natural 12/8.5 oz 212587 69855670056 Nature’s Hollow Probst Farms Preserves Berry Sugar Free Natural 12/10 oz 212588 69855670054 Nature’s Hollow Probst Farms Syrup Raspberry Sugar Free Natural 12/8.5 oz 212589 69855670057 Nature’s Hollow Probst Farms Preserves Blueberry Sugar Free Natural 12/10 oz 212590 69855670055 Nature’s Hollow Probst Farms Preserves Raspberry Sugar Free Natural 12/10 oz 212591 69855670050 Nature’s Path Nature’s Path Cereal Leapin Lemurs 12/10 oz 134895 5844986007 Nature’s Path Nature’s Path Cereal Rice Crispy 12/10 oz 211929 5844955000 Nature’s Path Nature’s Path Cereal Crunchy Vanilla Sunrise 12/10.6 oz 211930 5844977155 Nature’s Path Nature’s Path Cereal Crunchy Maple Sunrise 12/10.6 oz 211931 5844977153 Nature’s Path Nature’s Path Cereal Original Qia Organic 10/7.94 oz 222147 5844932005 Nature’s Path Nature’s Path Cereal Apple Cinnamon Qia Organic 10/7.94 oz 222148 5844932001 Nature’s Path Nature’s Path Cereal Cranberry Qia Organic 10/7.94 oz 222149 5844932007 Nature’s Path Nature’s Path Cereal Crunchy Cinnamon Sunrise Gluten Free 12/10.6 oz 230585 5844977207 Nature’s Path Nature’s Path Cereal Crunchy Honey Sunrise Gluten Free 12/10.6 oz 230586 5844977205 Nature’s Path Nature’s Path Granola Flax Vanilla Almond 12/11.5 oz 230587 5844989025 Nature’s Path Nature’s Path Granola Fruit And Nut Gluten Free 8/11 oz 230588 5844989038 Nature’s Path Nature’s Path Granola Honey Almond Gluten Free 8/11 oz 230589 5844989037 Nature’s Path Nature’s Path Granola Summer Berries Gluten Free 8/11 oz 230590 5844989039 Nawgan Nawgan Products Llc Drink Energy Kiwi Strawberry Alertness 12/11.5 oz 226635 89999200221 Nawgan Nawgan Products Llc Drink Energy Red Berry Alertness 12/11.5 oz 226640 89999200210 Near East Quaker Sales & Distribution Rice Mix Spanish 12/6.75 oz 37081 7225100030 Near East Quaker Sales & Distribution Couscous 12/10 oz 37083 7225100050 Near East Quaker Sales & Distribution Tabouleh 12/5.25 oz 37084 7225100060 Near East Quaker Sales & Distribution Rice Pilaf 12/6.9 oz 37086 7225100105 Near East Quaker Sales & Distribution Couscous Wild Mushroom Herb 12/5.40 oz 37088 7225100139 Near East Quaker Sales & Distribution Rice Mix Wild Long Grain 12/6 oz 37089 7225100145 Near East Quaker Sales & Distribution Rice Pilaf Toasted Almond 12/6.6 oz 37090 7225100146 Near East Quaker Sales & Distribution Couscous Herb Chicken 12/5.7 oz 37092 7225100153 Near East Quaker Sales & Distribution Couscous Medium Curry 12/5.7 oz 37093 7225100154 Near East Quaker Sales & Distribution Couscous Roasted Garlic 12/5.8 oz 37094 7225100155 Near East Quaker Sales & Distribution Couscous Parmesan 12/5.9 oz 37095 7225100156 Near East Quaker Sales & Distribution Couscous Toasted Pinenuts 12/5.6 oz 37097 7225100177 Near East Quaker Sales & Distribution Rice Pilaf Garlic And Herb 12/6.3 oz 37099 7225100211 Near East Quaker Sales & Distribution Pasta Vermicelli Roasted Garlic 12/7 oz 37120 7225154034 Near East Quaker Sales & Distribution Quinoa Red Pepper And Basil 12/4.8 oz 211501 7225102006 Near East Quaker Sales & Distribution Quinoa Rosemary And Olive Oil 12/4.8 oz 219081 7225102007 Nellie And Joe’s Nellie And Joe’s Juice Key Lime 6/16 oz 49135 8474400101 Nellie And Joe’s Nellie And Joe’s Lemon Juice Key West 6/16 oz 231682 8474400402 Nellie And Joe’s Nellie And Joe’s Inc Juice Key Lime 12/16 oz 86927 8474400101 Nelson Bach Nelson Bach Pastilles Rescue Black Currant 12/50 gm 204576 74127301457 Nemos Alpine Food Distributing Cake Chocolate Square 36/3 oz 43526 7606400104 Nemos Alpine Food Distributing Cake Carrot Square 36/3.5 oz 43528 7606400204 Nemos Alpine Food Distributing Roll Cinnamon Old Fashion 12/4 oz 43533 7606401371 Nemos Alpine Food Distributing Cake Cheese Coffee 12/4 oz 43540 7606408612 Nemos Alpine Food Distributing Cake Coffee 12/4 oz 43541 7606408712 Nesbitts Orca Beverage Inc Soda Orange 24/12 oz 79775 7181700501 Nesbitts Orca Beverage Inc Soda Peach 24/12 oz 211891 7181737605 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 189 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 190 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Nesbitts Orca Beverage Inc Soda Strawberry 24/12 oz 211892 7181702518 Nestle Nestle Table Cream Can 12/7.6 fo 211587 2800072364 Nestle Posh Nosh Imports Gbr Chocolate Milk Aero Bar 36/1.6 oz 201822 87251300177 Nestle Posh Nosh Imports Gbr Candy Peppermint Aero Bar 36/1.4 oz 201823 87251300179 Neuschwand Culinary Collectives Esp Oil Olive Extra Virgin 12/350 ml 60220 69146100031 New York B And G Foods Inc Flatbreads Everything 4/1.25 lb 228178 3314400508 Newman’s Own Organic Newman’s Own Organics Cookies Hermits Original 6/9 oz 206823 75764502260 Newman’s Own Organic Newman’s Own Organics Cat Food Turkey/Vegetable Formula 24/5.5 oz 211402 75764562215 Newman’s Own Organic Newman’s Own Organics Dog Food Beef Formula 12/12 oz 211403 75764566420 Newman’s Own Organic Newman’s Own Organics Dog Treats Peanut Butter Formula Medium 6/10 oz 211404 75764561310 Newman’s Own Organic Newman’s Own Organics Dog Food Beef And Liver Formula 12/12 oz 211405 75764566430 Newman’s Own Organic Newman’s Own Organics Dog Treats Cheese Formula Medium 6/10 oz 211406 75764561320 Newman’s Own Organic Newman’s Own Organics Cat Food Chicken And Salmon Formula 24/5.5 oz 211407 75764562205 Newman’s Own Organic Newman’s Own Organics Cat Food Chicken/Brown Rice Formula 24/5.5 oz 211408 75764562200 Newman’s Own Organic Newman’s Own Organics Dog Treats Cheese Formula Small 6/10 oz 211409 75764561325 Newman’s Own Organic Newman’s Own Organics Dog Treats Chicken Formula Small 6/10 oz 211410 75764561305 Newman’s Own Organic Newman’s Own Organics Cookies Hermits Cinnamon Organic Natural 6/9 oz 211411 75764502262 Newman’s Own Organic Newman’s Own Organics Cookies Hermits Ginger Organic Natural 6/9 oz 211412 75764502264 Next By Nature Tropical Valley Foods Cherries Chocolate Dark Natural Gluten Free 12/3 oz 215170 81758225200 Next By Nature Tropical Valley Foods Apricots Chocolate Dark Natural Gluten Free 12/3 oz 215171 81758225700 Next By Nature Tropical Valley Foods Banana Chocolate Dark Natural Gluten Free 12/3 oz 215172 81758225600 Nielsen Massey Nielsen Massey Beans Vanilla Madagascar 6/2 ea 213270 2563820502 Nielsen Massey Nielsen-Massey Vanilla Extract Vanilla Madagascar 8/4 oz 204716 2563821004 Nielsen Massey Nielsen-Massey Vanilla Extract Vanilla Mexican 8/4 oz 210661 2563811004 Nielsen Massey Nielsen-Massey Vanilla Extract Orange Blossom Water Natural 8/2 oz 226867 2563888002 Nielsen Massey Nielsen-Massey Vanilla Extract Rose Water Natural 8/2 oz 226868 2563889002 Nielsen Massey Nielsen-Massey Vanilla Extract Rose Water Natural 8/4 oz 231999 2563889004 Nielsen Massey Nielsen-Massey Vanilla Extract Orange Blossom Water Natural 8/4 oz 232000 2563888004 Nielsen Massey Nielsen-Massey Vanilla Paste Vanilla Bean Bourbon Madagascar 6/4 oz 232789 2563821404 Niko Niko Allied Old English Rice Brown 8/5 lb 43578 7613200901 Niko Niko Passport Food Group Llc Rice Calrose 1/50 lb 43580 7613201002 Nikos Saputo Cheese USA Feta Plain Chunk 12/8 oz 80265 7027261722 Nikos Saputo Cheese USA Feta Tomato Basil Chunk 12/8 oz 80266 7027261723 Nikos Saputo Cheese USA Feta Mediterranean Chunk 12/8 oz 80268 7027261725 Nikos Saputo Cheese USA Feta Crumble Cup 12/6 oz 81283 7027218015 Nikos Saputo Cheese USA Feta Crumble Peppercorn Cup 12/6 oz 81284 7027218016 Nikos Saputo Cheese USA Feta Crumble Tomato Basil Cup 12/6 oz 81285 7027218017 Nikos Saputo Cheese USA Feta Crumble Mediterranean Cup 12/6 oz 81286 7027218018 Nikos Saputo Cheese USA Feta Crumble Cup Fat Free 12/6 oz 209843 71156501392 Nikos Saputo Cheese USA Feta In Brine 2/4 lb 214330 71156501393 Nile Spice The Hain Celestial Group Inc Soup Curry Couscous Lentil Low Fat 12/56 gr 210920 3301700105 Nile Spice The Hain Celestial Group Inc Soup Lentil Low Fat 12/1.8 oz 210921 3301700183 Niman Ranch Niman Ranch Inc Sausage Bratwurst 12/12 oz 57367 64864906025 Niman Ranch Niman Ranch Inc Sausage Chorizo Pork 12/12 oz 57369 64864906031 Niman Ranch Niman Ranch Inc Sausage Pork Italian Sweet 12/12 oz 57370 64864906032 Niman Ranch Niman Ranch Inc Sausage Apple Gouda 12/12 oz 57373 64864906052 Niman Ranch Niman Ranch Inc Sausage Italian Spicy 12/12 oz 57374 64864906053 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Niman Ranch Niman Ranch Inc Sausage Franks Fearless 3oz 12/11 oz 57377 64864906066 Niman Ranch Niman Ranch Inc Sausage Franks Beef Fearless Uncured 12/11 oz 57378 64864906067 Niman Ranch Niman Ranch Inc Bacon Applewood Smoked Uncured 16/12 oz 57380 64864907007 Niman Ranch Niman Ranch Inc Bacon Maple 16/12 oz 57383 64864907022 Niman Ranch Niman Ranch Inc Ham Steak Uncured Boneless 10/16 lb 57384 64864908008 Niman Ranch Niman Ranch Inc Ham Steak 10/1 lb 57386 64864908020 Niman Ranch Niman Ranch Inc Ham Uncured Boneless 1/2 14/2 lb 57388 64864908024 Niman Ranch Niman Ranch Inc Bacon Double Smoked Uncured Ew Natural 16/12 oz 219732 64864925164 Niman Ranch Niman Ranch Inc Pork Pulled With Barbecue Sauce Natural 12/14 oz 230524 64864909152 Nippon Shokken Nippon Shokken U.S.A.,Inc Shrimp Tempura Frozen 100/1.6 oz 82904 7221086399 Nippon Shokken Nippon Shokken U.S.A.,Inc Sauce Black Pepper 6/4.8 lb 222953 85811400400 Nippon Shokken Nippon Shokken U.S.A.,Inc Sauce Yakiniku 6/4.9 lb 222954 85811400404 Nippon Shokken Nippon Shokken U.S.A.,Inc Sauce Ginger 6/4.8 lb 222955 85811400407 Nippon Shokken Nippon Shokken U.S.A.,Inc Sauce Teriyaki Glaze/Marinade 6/5.4 lb 222956 85811400405 Nippon Shokken Nippon Shokken U.S.A.,Inc Sauce Terriyaki 6/4.9 lb 229615 85811400402 Nippon Shokken Nippon Shokken U.S.A.,Inc Sauce Yakiniku 20/14.6 oz 229618 85811400427 Nippon Shokken Nippon Shokken U.S.A.,Inc Sauce Black Pepper 12/14.3 oz 233773 85811400428 Nippon Shokken Nippon Shokken U.S.A.,Inc Meatloaf Mix 6/1 lb 233774 85811400430 Nishiki Jfc International Rice Sushi 12/32 oz 1229 1115206630 Nishiki Jfc International Rice Cooked 12/7.4 oz 1261 1115210743 Nishiki Jfc International Rice Brown Cooked 12/7.4 oz 1262 1115210790 Nishiki Jfc International Rice Sushi 8/5 lb 1333 1115228589 No Bake Cookie The No Bake Cookie Co Cookie Almond Butter Iw 4In Gluten Free Natural 12/4.3 oz 220859 85177900505 No Bake Cookie The No Bake Cookie Co Cookie Espresso Iw 4In Gluten Free Natural 12/4.3 oz 220862 85177900506 No Bake Cookie The No Bake Cookie Co Cookie Chocolate Mint Iw 4In Gluten Free Natural 12/4.3 oz 220864 85177900503 No Bake Cookie The No Bake Cookie Co Cookie Chocolate Walnut Lg 4In Gluten Free Natural 12/4.3 oz 220866 85177900504 No Bake Cookie The No Bake Cookie Co Cookies Coconut Macadamia Tub Gluten Free Natural 12/8 oz 220872 85177900520 No Bake Cookie The No Bake Cookie Co Cookies Espresso Mini Gluten Free Natural 12/4.3 oz 220875 85177900514 No Bake Cookie The No Bake Cookie Co Cookies Chocolate Oatmeal Tub Gluten Free Natural 12/8 oz 220877 85177900518 No Bake Cookie The No Bake Cookie Co Cookies Chocolate Mint Mini Gluten Free Natural 12/4.3 oz 220878 85177900512 No Bake Cookie The No Bake Cookie Co Cookies Chocolate Walnut Tub Gluten Free Natural 12/8 oz 220879 85177900521 No Bake Cookie The No Bake Cookie Co Cookies Almond Butter Mini Gluten Free Natural 12/4.3 oz 220880 85177900513 No Bake Cookie The No Bake Cookie Co Cookies Peanut Butter Tub Gluten Free Natural 12/8 oz 220881 85177900519 No Bake Cookie The No Bake Cookie Co Cookie Chocolate Oatmeal Iw 4In Gluten Free Natural 12/4.3 oz 221686 85177900500 No Bake Cookie The No Bake Cookie Co Cookie Peanut Butter Iw 4In Gluten Free Natural 12/4.3 oz 221687 85177900501 No Bake Cookie The No Bake Cookie Co Cookie Coconut Macadamia Iw 4In Gluten Free Natural 12/4.3 oz 221688 85177900502 No Bake Cookie The No Bake Cookie Co Cookies Chocolate Bulk Pack Natural 1/10 lb 227994 85177900536 No Bake Cookie The No Bake Cookie Co Cookies Peanut Butter Bulk Pack Natural 1/10 lb 227995 85177900537 No Bake Cookie The No Bake Cookie Co Cookies Coconut Macadamia Bulk Natural 1/10 lb 227996 85177900542 No Bake Cookie The No Bake Cookie Co Cookies Almond Butter 3oz 2Pack Natural 12/3 oz 236005 85177900549 No Bake Cookie The No Bake Cookie Co Cookies Coconut Macadamia 3oz 2Pack 12/3 oz 236006 85177900545 No Bake Cookie The No Bake Cookie Co Cookies Chocolate 3oz 2 Pack Natural Gluten Free 12/3 oz 236007 85177900543 No Bake Cookie The No Bake Cookie Co Cookies Chocolate Walnut 3oz 2Pack 12/3 oz 236008 85177900548 No Bake Cookie The No Bake Cookie Co Cookies Peanut Butter 3oz 2Pack Natural 12/3 oz 236009 85177900544 No Bake Cookie The No Bake Cookie Co Cookies Chocolate Mint 3oz 2Pack 12/3 oz 236010 85177900546 No Pudge Reily Foods Brownie Mix Original Fat Free 6/13.7 oz 120088 70875800101 No Salt No Salt Salt Alternative Regular 12/11 oz 8215 2744336003 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 191 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ UPC Noel Paris Gourmet Chocolate Baton 15/500 ea 31633 7221073018 Noel Paris Gourmet Chocolate Button White 30% 4/11 lb 58320 66105380020 Noel Paris Gourmet Chocolate Button Royal 64% Bitter 4/11 lb 58323 66105380024 Noh Foods Noh Foods Seasoning Mix Chin Sweet/Sour Spareribs 12/1.5 oz 40230 7356200110 Noh Foods Noh Foods Sauce BBQ Hawaiian 6/20 oz 40238 7356200510 Noh Foods Noh Foods Sauce BBQ Hawaiian 4/1 ga 40239 7356200515 None Such Smucker Natural Foods Inc Mincemeat Plain 12/27 oz 57680 65272912342 None Such Smucker Natural Foods Inc Mincemeat Rum Brandy 12/27 oz 57681 65272912347 None Such Smucker Natural Foods Inc Mincemeat Condensed 12/9 oz 200146 65272912016 Nongshim Nongshim America Inc Noodle Shrimp Spicy Bowl 12/3.03 oz 9697 3114626274 Nongshim Nongshim America Inc Bowl Savory Noodle Chicken 6/3.03 oz 230824 3114600762 Nongshim Nongshim America Inc Bowl Noodle Shin 6/3.03 oz 230825 3114626244 Nongshim Nongshim America Inc Bowl Savory Noodle Beef 6/3.03 oz 230826 3114626362 Nongshim Nongshim America Inc Shin Ramyun Black 10/4.58 oz 230827 3114601352 Nongshim Nongshim America Inc Bowl Noodle Chicken Spicy 6/3.03 oz 230828 3114626257 Nongshim Nongshim America Inc Bowl Udon Fresh 5/9.73 oz 230829 3114615691 Nongshim Nongshim America Inc Chapagetti Noodle 10/4.2 oz 230830 3114615573 Nongshim Nongshim America Inc Cup Shin Black 6/3.5 oz 230831 3114601440 Nongshim Nongshim America Inc Kor Snack Honey Twist 12/2.64 oz 230832 3114601644 Nongshim Nongshim America Inc Kor Snack Potato 12/2.46 oz 230833 3114601646 Nongshim Nongshim America Inc Neoguri Seafood Spicy 6/16.8 oz 230834 3114602299 Nongshim Nongshim America Inc Shin Ramyun 6/16.8 oz 230835 3114602286 Nongshim Seasia Snack Honey Twist 20/2.64 oz 9688 3114620520 Nongshim Wismettac Asian Foods Snack Onion Rings Corn 20/3.17 oz 9686 3114620210 www.norseland.com Specializing in domestic and imported specialty food brands. 192 ITEM # Awared Winning Spanish Cheeses: www.garciabquero.com The Gold Standard of Aged Gouda: www.oldamsterdam.com America’s first AmaBlu Blue Cheese: www.cavesoffaribault.com www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Nongshim Wismettac Asian Foods Noodle Hot Bowl 12/3.03 oz 9690 3114625010 Nongshim Wismettac Asian Foods Noodle Kimchee Bowl 12/3.03 oz 9691 3114625030 Nongshim Wismettac Asian Foods Cracker Shrimp 30/2.64 oz 118820 3114620013 Nongshim Wismettac Asian Foods Soup Shin Noodle Cup 6/2.64 oz 210916 3114627060 Nongshim Wismettac Asian Foods Noodle Ramen Shin Instant 16/4.2 oz 227249 3114615060 Nongshim Wismettac Asian Foods Noodle Neoguri Seafood Spicy Instant 16/4.2 oz 227251 3114615030 Nonnas Tony’s Fine Foods Tamales Pork 12/10 oz 20811 4812406524 Nonnas Tony’s Fine Foods Tamales Chicken 12/10 oz 20812 4812406526 Nonnas Tony’s Fine Foods Tamales Vegetable 12/10 oz 20813 4812406528 Norfolk Manor British Wholesale Imports Candy Wine Gums Box 12/8 oz 70517 79285135567 Norseland Norseland Inc Nor Jarslberg Swiss Mini Lite Reduced Fat Natural 12/3.57 oz 232859 7550198300 Norseland Norseland Inc Nor Jarlslberg Wedge Exact Weight 16/8 oz 232971 7550196037 Norseland Norseland Inc Nor Chunk Jarlsberg Part Skim Lt Rw 16/7 oz 232972 7550196039 Norseland Norseland Inc Nor Wedge Jarlsberg Part Skim Rw 16/7 oz 232973 7550196036 Norseland Norseland Inc Nor Jarlsberg Lite Wedge Ew 16/8 oz 233422 7550196038 Norseland Saputo Cheese USA Nor Jarlsberg Shred 4/5 lb 112898 3651496400 Nourish Organic Sensible Organics Llc Butter Body Argan Rejuvenating Organic Natural 6/5.2 oz 235426 66738310309 Nourish Organic Sensible Organics Llc Deodorant Stick Pure Unscented Organic Natural 12/2.2 oz 235427 66738310501 Nourish Organic Sensible Organics Llc Deodorant Stick Wild Berries Organic Natural 12/2.2 oz 235428 66738310502 Nourish Organic Sensible Organics Llc Lotion Body Tropical Coconut Organic Natural 12/8 oz 235429 66738310210 Nourish Organic Sensible Organics Llc Hand Wash Lavender Mint Organic Natural 12/7 oz 235430 66738310603 Nourish Organic Sensible Organics Llc Solve Skin Sweet Orange/Palmrosa Natural 12/3 oz 235431 66738310703 Nourish Organic Sensible Organics Llc Deodorant Stick Fresh Fig Organic Natural 12/2.2 oz 235432 66738310505 Nourish Organic Sensible Organics Llc Oil Body Mist Rose Hip/Rosewater Natural 12/3 oz 235433 66738310702 Nubian Heritage Sundial Brands Soap Bar African Black Organic Natural 6/5 oz 235561 76430210600 Nubian Heritage Sundial Brands Soap Bar Coconut Papaya Organic Natural 6/5 oz 235562 76430211104 Nubian Heritage Sundial Brands Soap Bar Raw Shea Organic Natural 6/5 oz 235563 76430213000 Nuculture Nuculture Foods Spread Cashew Pimento Paprika 6/8 oz 232601 86809400012 Nuculture Nuculture Foods Spread Cashew Bacony Chipotle 6/8 oz 232602 86809400011 Nuculture Nuculture Foods Spread Cashew Garden Herbs 6/8 oz 232603 86809400010 Nugo Nugo Nutrition Chocolate Dark Pretzel W/Sea Salt Bar 12/1.76 oz 222047 69153552901 Nugrape Orca Beverage Inc Soda Grape 24/12 oz 79777 7181730002 Nut Tritious Nuttritious Foods Butter Walnut Nut Natural 6/9 oz 235604 86106400003 Nut Tritious Nuttritious Foods Butter Pumpkin Seed Nut Natural 6/9 oz 235605 86106400006 Nut Tritious Nuttritious Foods Butter Hazelnut And Chocolate Nut Natural 6/9 oz 235606 86106400008 Nut Tritious Nuttritious Foods Butter Cashew Nut Natural 6/9 oz 235607 86106400004 Nut Tritious Nuttritious Foods Butter Almond Nut Natural 6/9 oz 235608 86106400002 Nutiva Nutiva Oil Extra Virgin Coconut 6/15 oz 207053 69275220001 Nutiva Nutiva Ecu Oil Palm Red Unrefined Organic 6/15 oz 220658 69275210366 Nutiva Nutiva Ecu Shortening Palm Red Organic 6/15 oz 231608 69275210517 Nutley Farms Paris Gourmet Hazelnuts Whole Blanched 1/7 lb 223591 83775008807 Nuun Nuun And Company Inc Drink Orange 8/12 ea 211222 85386800104 Nuun Nuun And Company Inc Drink Tangerine Ginger 8/16 ea 211226 85386800182 Nuun Nuun And Company Inc Drink Green Tea Goji Berry 8/16 ea 211229 85386800180 Nuun Nuun And Company Inc Drink Tropical 8/12 ea 211230 85386800178 Nuun Nuun And Company Inc Drink Tri Berry Single Serve 6/4 ea 222237 85070100350 Nuun Nuun And Company Inc Drink Lemon Lime Single Serve 6/4 ea 222238 85070100349 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 193 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 194 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Nuun Nuun And Company Inc Drink Mix Watermelon Active Gluten Free 8/10 ea 235588 81166002067 Nuun Nuun And Company Inc Drink Mix Grape Active Gluten Free 8/10 ea 235589 81166002064 Nuun Nuun And Company Inc Drink Mix Energy Mango Orange Gluten Free 8/10 ea 235590 81166002080 Nuun Nuun And Company Inc Drink Mix Orange Active Gluten Free 8/10 ea 235591 81166002065 Northwest Gourmet Northwest Gourmet Foods Mayonnaise Deluxe Heavy Duty 4/1 ga 34665 7221083152 Northwest Gourmet Northwest Gourmet Foods Mayonnaise Heavy Duty Tub 1/30 lb 34730 7221083241 Northwest Gourmet Northwest Gourmet Foods Mayonnaise Lite 1/30 lb 215414 73007676214 NY Style B And G Foods Inc Crisps Bagel Sea Salt 12/7.2 oz 47972 8136300200 NY Style B And G Foods Inc Crisps Bagel Plain 12/7.2 oz 47973 8136300300 NY Style B And G Foods Inc Crisps Bagel Everything 12/7.2 oz 47976 8136300750 NY Style B And G Foods Inc Crisps Bagel Cinnamon Raisin 12/7.2 oz 47977 8136300800 NY Style B And G Foods Inc Crisps Bagel Garlic 24/7.2 oz 119921 8136300100 Nylabone Tfh Publications Nylabone Products Rubber Cone And Treat Holder Md 16/1 ea 233857 1821483106 Nylabone Tfh Publications Nylabone Products Rubber Cone And Treat Holder Sm 24/1 ea 233858 1821483105 Nylabone Tfh Publications Nylabone Products Daily Health Roast Beef Natural 6/1 ea 233859 1821482663 Nylabone Tfh Publications Nylabone Products Chewers Durable Chicken Med 48/1 ea 233860 1821482672 Nylabone Tfh Publications Nylabone Products Daily Health Bacon Natural 6/1 ea 233861 1821482661 Nylabone Tfh Publications Nylabone Products Chewers Durable Chicken Xl 48/1 ea 233862 1821482670 O O Olive Oil Vinegar Champagne 6/200 ml 56446 63403900008 O O Olive Oil Vinegar Citrus Champagne 6/200 ml 56449 63403900011 O O Olive Oil Vinegar Sherry 6/200 ml 214383 63403900005 Oberto Oberto Sausage Co Jerky Beef Thin Slice Original 8/1.2 oz 90447 7041103346 Oberto Oberto Sausage Co Jerky Beef Thin Slice Peppered 8/1.2 oz 90449 7041103348 Oberto Oberto Sausage Co Teriyaki Stick Bite Size 8/5 oz 207848 7041102872 Oberto Oberto Sausage Co Jerky Beef Teriyaki 8/3.25 oz 207849 7041101343 Oberto Oberto Sausage Co Jerky Beef Pepper 8/3.25 oz 207850 7041101344 Oberto Oberto Sausage Co Jerky BBQ Pork 8/3.25 oz 207851 7041101346 Oberto Oberto Sausage Co Jerky Beef Natural Style Original 8/3.25 oz 207852 7041101341 Oberto Oberto Sausage Co Jerky Beef Natural Style Hickory 8/3.25 oz 207853 7041101342 Oberto Oberto Sausage Co Pepperoni Stick Cocktail Bite Size 8/5 oz 207854 7041102871 Oberto Oberto Sausage Co Jerky Turkey Natural Style Teriyaki 8/3.25 oz 208675 7041101345 Oberto Oberto Sausage Co Jerky Beef Peppered Thin Style 8/3 oz 211685 7041160215 Oberto Oberto Sausage Co Jerky Beef Original Natural Style 8/1.5 oz 211686 7041104731 Oberto Oberto Sausage Co Jerky Beef Original Thin Style 8/3 oz 211687 7041160213 Oberto Oberto Sausage Co Jerky Beef Teriyaki Natural Style 8/1.5 oz 211688 7041104732 Oberto Oberto Sausage Co Sausage Sticks Pepperoni Bite Size 8/5 oz 211693 7041102873 Oberto Oberto Sausage Co Sausage Sticks Pepperoni Cocktail 8/3 oz 211694 7041102611 Oberto Oberto Sausage Co Sausage Sticks Smokaroni 8/3 oz 211695 7041102612 Oberto Oberto Sausage Co Jerky Bacon 8/2.5 oz 219609 7041160372 Oberto Oberto Sausage Co Jerky BBQ Chicken Strip 8/3 oz 232875 7041160533 Obi La Aloe Llc Soda Probiotic Root Beer 12/12 fo 230857 86552600004 Obi La Aloe Llc Soda Probiotic Valencia Orange Grapefruit 12/12 fo 230858 86552600003 Obi La Aloe Llc Soda Probiotic Meyer Lemon Lime 12/12 fo 230859 86552600001 Obi La Aloe Llc Soda Probiotic Tart Cherry Vanilla 12/12 fo 230860 86552600002 Ocean Spray Ocean Spray Craisins 1/10 lb 89851 3120003479 Ocean Spray Ocean Spray Cranberry Dried Sweetened 1/10 lb 232325 3120003477 Odense Andre Prost Inc Marzipan 12/7 oz 26497 7065000005 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Odense Andre Prost Inc Almond Paste Roll 12/7 oz 26498 7065000006 Odwalla Odwalla Inc Bar Strawberry Pomegranate 15/2 oz 84162 1405433027 Odwalla Odwalla Inc Bar Banana Nut 15/2 oz 84163 1405433028 Odwalla Odwalla Inc Bar Chocolate Walla 15/2 oz 84164 1405433029 Odwalla Odwalla Inc Bar Super Protein 15/2 oz 84165 1405433032 Odwalla Odwalla Inc Bar Almond Sweet Salty 15/2 oz 84167 1405433035 Odwalla Odwalla Inc Bar Peanut Chocolate Chip 15/2 oz 84168 1405433037 Odwalla Odwalla Inc Bar Superfood 15/2 oz 84169 1405433038 Odwalla Odwalla Inc Bar Berries Go Mega 15/2 oz 84170 1405433039 Odwalla Odwalla Inc Orange Cranberry Bar Pd 15/2 oz 217131 1405433047 Odwalla Odwalla Inc Juice Orange 100 Percent Natural 6/15.2 oz 227274 1405403108 Odwalla Odwalla Inc Juice Carrot 100 Percent Natural 6/15.2 oz 227275 1405403077 Odwalla Odwalla Inc Smoothie Mango Tango Natural 6/15.2 oz 227276 1405402605 Odwalla Odwalla Inc Smoothie Mo Beta Natural 6/15.2 oz 227278 1405403097 Odwalla Odwalla Inc Juice Smoothie Strawberry/Banana Natural 6/15.2 oz 227279 1405403088 Odwalla Odwalla Inc Smoothie Strawberry C Monster Natural 6/15.2 oz 227280 1405406105 Odwalla Odwalla Inc Smoothie Citrus C Monster Natural 6/15.2 oz 227281 1405403081 Odwalla Odwalla Inc Juice Chocolate Protein Natural 6/15.2 oz 227282 1405413505 Odwalla Odwalla Inc Juice Mango Protein Natural 6/15.2 oz 227283 1405403071 Odwalla Odwalla Inc Shake Original Super Protein Natural 6/15.2 oz 227284 1405403065 Odwalla Odwalla Inc Smoothie Berries Go Mega Natural 6/15.2 oz 227285 1405403093 Odwalla Odwalla Inc Smoothie Superfood Original Natural 6/15.2 oz 227286 1405406405 Odwalla Odwalla Inc Juice Strawberry Protein Natural 6/15.2 oz 227287 1405403038 Odwalla Odwalla Inc Smoothie Red Rhapsody Natural 6/15.2 oz 227288 1405403102 Odwalla Odwalla Inc Juice Smoothie Blueberry B Natural 6/15.2 oz 227289 1405409305 Odwalla Odwalla Inc Shake Blueberry Protein Natural 6/15.2 oz 227290 1405403051 Odwalla Odwalla Inc Juice Vanilla Protein Natural 6/15.2 oz 227291 1405403031 Odwalla Odwalla Inc Drink Quencher Pomagrand Limeade 6/59 oz 229831 1405403142 Odwalla Odwalla Inc Juice Superfood Natural 6/59 oz 229832 1405403136 Odwalla Odwalla Inc Juice Orange Pure Squeezed Natural 6/59 oz 229833 1405403151 Odwalla Odwalla Inc Juice Carrot Natural 6/59 oz 229834 1405403148 Odwalla Odwalla Inc Smoothie Strawberry C Monster Natural 6/59 oz 229835 1405403133 Odwalla Odwalla Inc Smoothie Mango Tango Natural 6/59 oz 229836 1405403130 Oetker Dr Oetker USA Llc Mousse Mix Chocolate Milk 12/3.1 oz 23457 5833602220 Oetker Dr Oetker USA Llc Pie Filling Lemon 12/7.5 oz 23470 5833612101 Oetker Dr Oetker USA Llc Mousse Mix Truffle Chocolate Dark 12/3.1 oz 23472 5833613170 Oetker Dr Oetker USA Llc Mix Dessert Creme Brulee 12/3.7 oz 23479 5833614111 Oetker Dr Oetker USA Llc Can Whip It 30/.7 oz 210630 5833601114 Oetker Dr Oetker USA Llc Can Sugar Vanilla 12/1.92 oz 210631 5833600006 Oetker Oetker Cake Mix Vanilla Organic 6/16.2 oz 138464 5833617501 Oetker Oetker Cookie Mix Chocolate Chip Organic 6/12.3 oz 138467 5833617530 Oetker Oetker Muffin Mix Oatmeal Organic 6/16.9 oz 210605 5833617521 Ohco Ohco Cold Snap 120 Ct 12/120 ea 200725 79157260120 Ohco Ohco Cold Snap 60 Ct 12/60 ea 200726 79157260060 Old Amsterdam Norseland Inc Old Amsterdam Wedge Ew Pc 12/5.28 oz 91578 85374800200 Old Amsterdam Norseland Inc Ned Gouda Premium Aged Bites Natural 14/3.17 oz 234263 85374800205 Old Bay McCormick And Co Seasoning Original Can 12/6 oz 25767 7032800523 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 195 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 196 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Old Bay McCormick And Co Seasoning Shaker 12/2.62 oz 25790 7032882053 Old Croc Trugman Nash Llc Aus Cheddar Sharp Grass Fed Natural 12/7 oz 221608 89161300022 Old Croc Trugman Nash Llc Aus Cheddar Extra Sharp 12/7 oz 224601 89161300023 Old Croc Trugman Nash Llc Aus Cheddar Sharp Croc Bites Natural 12/6 oz 226566 89161300036 Old Croc Trugman Nash Llc Aus Chunk Applewood Smoked Natural 12/6 oz 228931 89161300038 Old Croc Trugman Nash Llc Aus Cheddar Sharp Bites Natural 100/.75 oz 234638 89161300041 Old Fashioned Old Fashioned Kitchens Pancakes Potato Vegetable 12/10.6 oz 17598 4164120104 Old Fashioned Old Fashioned Kitchens Crepes Strawberry And Creme 12/7.5 oz 17617 4164170030 Old London B And G Foods Inc Snacks Melba Sea Salt 12/5.25 oz 24575 7012929061 Old London B And G Foods Inc Snacks Melba Garlic Herb 12/5.25 oz 24576 7012929062 Old London B And G Foods Inc Toast Melba Classic 12/5 oz 24583 7012929170 Old London B And G Foods Inc Toast Melba Wheat 12/5 oz 24584 7012929172 Old London B And G Foods Inc Toast Melba Rye 12/5 oz 24585 7012929173 Old London B And G Foods Inc Toast Melba Whole Grain 12/5 oz 24588 7012929180 Old London B And G Foods Inc Toast Ancient Grains 12/4.5 oz 227068 7012929179 Old South Old South Watermelon Rind Sweet Pickled 6/10 oz 212988 7075900005 Old Spice Beaverton Foods Mustard Honey 4/1 ga 29909 7182800795 Old Wisconsin Old Wisconsin Sausage Braunschweiger 12/8 oz 39345 7317000083 Old Wisconsin Old Wisconsin Snack Bites Beef Clipstrip 12/4 oz 214074 7317012400 Old Wisconsin Old Wisconsin Snack Bites Turkey Clipstrip 12/4 oz 214075 7317012700 Old Wisconsin Old Wisconsin Snack Beef Bites 12/3.5 oz 230967 7317012406 Old World Spice Old World Spices And Seasonings Inc Rub Chipotle W/Shaker Bottle/Lid Natural 2/5 lb 232200 78398713000 Olde Man Olde Man Granola Blueberry Almond 12 oz Natural 6/12 oz 221254 89910100202 Olde Man Olde Man Granola Original Nut 12 oz Natural 6/12 oz 221255 89910100210 Olde Man Olde Man Granola Cranberry Pecan Gluten Free Natural 6/12 oz 222330 89910100212 Olde Rhode Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Island Molasses Root Beer 24/12 oz 79847 89245812000 Olivella Olivella Soap Bar Fragrance Free 12/3.52 oz 68191 76441231000 Olivista Foodmatch Inc EVOO 100% Arbequina 1/2.5 ga 114594 63172311500 Olivista Foodmatch Inc EVOO Classic Selection 1/2.5 ga 114595 63172311501 Olivista Foodmatch Inc Caps Screw Top Black Plastic 60/1 ea 134307 63172308881 Olivista Foodmatch Inc Bottle Glass Green Marasca Olive Oil 12/1 ea 134308 63172310941 Olli Salumeria Olli Salumeria Americana Salame Toscano Natural 20/6 oz 210805 85080100305 Olli Salumeria Olli Salumeria Americana Salame Calabrese Natural 20/6 oz 210806 85080100302 Olli Salumeria Olli Salumeria Americana Salame Napoli Natural 20/6 oz 220342 85080100304 Olli Salumeria Olli Salumeria Americana Salamini Napoli Natural 24/3 oz 229298 85080100309 Olli Salumeria Olli Salumeria Americana Salamini Calabrese Natural 24/3 oz 229299 85080100308 Olli Salumeria Olli Salumeria Americana Salamini Pepperoni Natural 24/3 oz 229300 85080100310 Olli Salumeria Olli Salumeria Americana Salame Norcino Natural 20/6 oz 229678 85080100303 Olli Salumeria Olli Salumeria Americana Salame Molisana Natural 20/6 oz 229679 85080100301 Olus Olus Snack Falafel Vegan Gluten Free 4/3 lb 234667 85816500401 Olympic Provisions Olympia Provisions Pate Pork Pistachio 6/8 oz 217068 85270100402 Olympic Provisions Olympia Provisions Loukanika 15/4.5 oz 217069 85270100400 Olympic Provisions Olympia Provisions Pork Rillettes 6/8 oz 217070 85270100404 Olympic Provisions Olympia Provisions Nola 15/4.5 oz 217071 85270100401 Olympic Provisions Olympia Provisions Mousse Pork Liver 6/8 oz 217072 85270100403 Olympic Provisions Olympia Provisions Pate Pork Hazelnut Honey Natural 2/4 lb 229642 7221043096 Olympic Provisions Olympia Provisions Ham Sweetheart 4/2.5 lb 235658 85270100488 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Olympic Provisions Olympia Provisions Green Peppercorn Pate 2/4 lb 235659 85270100484 Olympic Provisions Olympia Provisions Bacon 4/3.5 lb 235660 85270100490 Olympic Provisions Olympia Provisions Capicola 4/2 lb 235661 85270100489 Olympic Provisions Olympia Provisions Salami Cotto 2/4 lb 235662 85270100456 Olympic Provisions Olympia Provisions Rigani Loukaniko 2/2 lb 235663 85270100454 On Beverages Nawgan Products Llc Drink Energy Peach Mango Natural 12/16.9 oz 226636 85306800502 On Beverages Nawgan Products Llc Drink Energy Drangonfruit Tangerine 12/16.9 oz 226637 85306800504 On Beverages Nawgan Products Llc Drink Energy Blueberry Lemonade Natural 12/16.9 oz 226639 85306800505 On The Border Truco Enterprises Lp Chips Tortilla Rounds 15/11.5 oz 222513 78113871311 On The Border Truco Enterprises Lp Chips Tortilla Cafe Style 12/12 oz 222514 78113871012 Once Again Once Again Nut Butter Inc Sunflower Seed Butter Organic 12/16 oz 85882 4408253031 Once Again Once Again Nut Butter Inc Cashew Butter Organic 12/16 oz 231138 4408253341 Once Again Once Again Nut Butter Inc Almond Butter Light Toasted Organic 12/16 oz 231139 4408253461 One With Nature Madaen Natural Products Soap Bar Dead Sea Mud 6/7 oz 91609 89345500007 One With Nature Madaen Natural Products Soap Bar Dead Sea Salt 6/7 oz 91619 89345500008 One With Nature Madaen Natural Products Soap Bar Shea Butter 6/7 oz 205771 89345500033 One With Nature Madaen Natural Products Soap Bar Lavender 6/7 oz 205772 89345500000 One With Nature Madaen Natural Products Soap Bar Rose Petal Natural 6/7 oz 235381 89345500001 Optimum Wellness Optimum Wellness (Active Interest) Rack Magazine 1/1 ea 88264 7221086570 Optimum Wellness Optimum Wellness (Active Interest) Magazine A 50/1 ea 89635 7221086568 Optimum Wellness Optimum Wellness (Active Interest) Magazine B 50/1 ea 89636 7221086569 Orange Windmill Jana Foods Ned Gouda Cablanca Goat 1/10 lb 30786 7221022498 Orange Windmill Jana Foods Leyden Wheel 1/18 lb 32013 7221074981 Orange Windmill Jana Foods Ned Edam Red Hot Dutch W/Jalapeno 2/4 lb 32331 7221077307 Orange Windmill Jana Foods Davinci W/Mediterranean Herbs 1/10 lb 33367 7221080918 Orange Windmill Jana Foods Ned Gouda Cablanca Goat Exact Weight 12/8 oz 202109 67258333120 Orbit Paskesz Candy Company Isr Gum Five Cyclone 10/1.1 oz 215725 2567525087 Orbit Paskesz Candy Company Isr Gum Five Pulse 10/1.1 oz 215726 2567525085 Orbit Paskesz Candy Company Isr Gum Five Cobalt 10/1.1 oz 215733 2567525086 Oregon Brineworks Oregon Brineworks Pickles Dill Spicy Organic Natural 12/24 oz 232069 85545300506 Oregon Brineworks Oregon Brineworks Kvass Beet Organic Natural 12/12 oz 232070 85545300510 Oregon Brineworks Oregon Brineworks Kvass Ginger Gold Organic Natural 12/12 oz 232071 85545300513 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 197 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 198 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Oregon Brineworks Oregon Brineworks Sauce Hot Organic Natural 12/5 oz 232072 85545300507 Oregon Brineworks Oregon Brineworks Saueruben Organic Natural 12/16 oz 232073 85545300500 Oregon Brineworks Oregon Brineworks Roots Ginger Organic Natural 12/16 oz 232074 85545300512 Oregon Brineworks Oregon Brineworks Sauerkraut Beet Apple Organic Natural 12/16 oz 232075 85545300503 Oregon Brineworks Oregon Brineworks Beets Pickled Organic Natural 12/16 oz 232076 85545300502 Oregon Brineworks Oregon Brineworks Pickles Dill Garlic Organic Natural 12/24 oz 232077 85545300505 Oregon Brineworks Oregon Brineworks Sauerkraut Organic Natural 12/25 oz 232078 85545300514 Oregon Chai Kerry Inc Tea Liquid Chai Cncntrt Org Bag/Box 1/1.5 ga 60744 70708210192 Oregon Chai Kerry Inc Tea Liquid Chai Spicy Cncntrt 1/2Ga 4/.5 ga 234709 70708200301 Oregon Grown Oregon Growers And Shippers Spread Fruit Marionberry 6/12 oz 77939 89827100031 Oregon Grown Oregon Growers And Shippers Spread Fruit Red Raspberry 6/12 oz 77940 89827100033 Oregon Grown Oregon Growers And Shippers Spread Fruit Strawberry 6/12 oz 77941 89827100035 Oregon Grown Oregon Growers And Shippers Fruit Spread Apple Butter 6/12 oz 82439 89827100000 Oregon Grown Oregon Growers And Shippers Spread Fruit Pumpkin Butter 6/12 oz 82440 89827100003 Oregon Grown Oregon Growers And Shippers Spread Fruit Pear Hazelnut 6/12 oz 82441 89827100011 Oregon Grown Oregon Growers And Shippers Fruit Spread Strawberry Pinot 6/12 oz 82442 89827100030 Oregon Grown Oregon Growers And Shippers Fruit Spread Blueberry 6/12 oz 82443 89827100032 Oregon Grown Oregon Growers And Shippers Fruit Spread Cherry Zinfandel 6/12 oz 82445 89827100040 Oregon Grown Oregon Growers And Shippers Honey Wildflower Natural 12/18 oz 208695 89827100050 Oregon Grown Oregon Growers And Shippers Honey Blackberry Natural 12/18 oz 208696 89827100051 Oregon Grown Oregon Growers And Shippers Pate Fruit Strawberry Fig 12/5 oz 209637 89827100071 Oregon Grown Oregon Growers And Shippers Pate Fruit Quince 12/5 oz 209638 89827100070 Oregon Grown Oregon Growers And Shippers Pate Fruit Pear/Hazelnut 12/5 oz 209639 89827100072 Oregon Grown Oregon Growers And Shippers Butter Vanilla Pear Natural 6/12 oz 210060 89827100010 Oregon Grown Oregon Growers And Shippers Honey Blackberry Squeeze Bottle Natural 12/12 oz 230435 89827100054 Oregon Grown Oregon Growers And Shippers Honey Wildflower Squeeze Bottle Natural 12/12 oz 230436 89827100053 Oregon Grown Oregon Growers And Shippers Honeycomb Natural 12/8 oz 230920 7221042341 Oregon Grown Oregon Growers And Shippers Spread Fruit Strawberry Rhubarb Natural 6/12 oz 232009 89827100036 Oregon Grown Oregon Growers And Shippers Spread Fruit Triple Berry Natural 6/12 oz 232010 89827100037 Organic Creamery Saputo Cheese USA Parmesan Wedge Organic Pc 1/5 lb 61734 71156500019 Organic Creamery Saputo Cheese USA String Cheese Organic 12/6 oz 61744 71156500203 Organic Creamery Saputo Cheese USA Blue Crumbled Cup Organic 12/4 oz 61749 71156500400 Organic Creamery Saputo Cheese USA Cheddar Sharp Organic 12/8 oz 61751 71156500600 Organic Creamery Saputo Cheese USA Monterey Jack Pepper Organic 12/8 oz 61754 71156500605 Organic Creamery Saputo Cheese USA Parmesan Shredded Organic Cup 12/6 oz 61758 71156500612 Organic Creamery Saputo Cheese USA Feta Crumbled Cup Organic 12/6 oz 61759 71156500613 Organic Creamery Saputo Cheese USA Gorgonzola Crumbled Cup Organic 12/4 oz 61760 71156500620 Organic Creamery Saputo Cheese USA Goat Cheese Log Organic 12/4 oz 89719 71156500009 Organic Gourmet Scenario International Llc Sui Bouillon Vegetable Ls Natural Organic 12/2.54 oz 212851 73678414049 Organic Gourmet Scenario International Llc Sui Bouillon Vegetable Natural Organic 12/3.1 oz 212852 73678414032 Organic Prairie Organic Prairie Ham Hardwood Smoked Sliced Organic 10/6 oz 51637 9396600143 Organic Prairie Organic Prairie Beef Roasted Sliced Organic 10/6 oz 51642 9396600148 Organic Prairie Organic Prairie Turkey Breast Roasted Sliced Organic 10/6 oz 51644 9396600159 Organic Prairie Organic Prairie Turkey Breast Smoked Sliced Organic 10/6 oz 51707 9396630250 Organic Prairie Organic Prairie Chicken Breast Sliced Roasted Organic 10/6 oz 212233 9396630296 Organic Prairie Organic Prairie Pork Bacon Hardwood Smoked Organic 10/8 oz 212235 9396600175 Organic Prairie Organic Prairie Hot Dog Beef Grass Fed Organic Natural 12/12 oz 224910 9396630665 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Organic Valley Organic Valley Stringles 24/1 oz 51595 9396600005 Organic Valley Organic Valley Cream Cheese Tub Organic 12/8 oz 51596 9396600010 Organic Valley Organic Valley Milk 2 Percent Reduced Fat 12/32 oz 51600 9396600021 Organic Valley Organic Valley Whipping Cream 12/16 oz 51602 9396600028 Organic Valley Organic Valley Swiss Baby Cheese 12/8 oz 51609 9396600052 Organic Valley Organic Valley Milk Whole 12/32 oz 51620 9396600091 Organic Valley Organic Valley Sour Cream 4 Percent 6/16 oz 51663 9396600205 Organic Valley Organic Valley Blue Cheese Crumbles Tub 12/4 oz 51665 9396600211 Organic Valley Organic Valley Stringles 12/6 oz 51666 9396600214 Organic Valley Organic Valley Colby Jack Stringles 12/6 oz 51668 9396600216 Organic Valley Organic Valley Mexican Blend Shreds 12/6 oz 51672 9396600227 Organic Valley Organic Valley Parmesan Shreds 12/4 oz 51673 9396600228 Organic Valley Organic Valley Cheddar Mild Raw Milk 12/8 oz 51686 9396611310 Organic Valley Organic Valley Cream Cheese Bars Organic 12/8 oz 51696 9396621101 Organic Valley Organic Valley Feta Organic 12/8 oz 51697 9396621301 Organic Valley Organic Valley Cheddar Mild Cheese 12/8 oz 51698 9396621310 Organic Valley Organic Valley Colby Pasteurized Organic 12/8 oz 51699 9396621340 Organic Valley Organic Valley Pepper Jack 12/8 oz 51701 9396621360 Organic Valley Organic Valley Provolone Cheese 12/8 oz 51702 9396621390 Organic Valley Organic Valley Cheddar Shreds Organic 12/6 oz 51719 9396641210 Organic Valley Organic Valley Mozzarella Cheese Shreds 12/6 oz 51721 9396645270 Organic Valley Organic Valley Shreds 4 Blend Shreds 12/6 oz 51722 9396647208 Organic Valley Organic Valley Half And Half 12/16 oz 51723 9396651052 Organic Valley Organic Valley Muenster Red Rind Sliced Organic 12/6 oz 212306 9396600088 Organic Valley Organic Valley Cheddar Mild Sliced Organic 12/6 oz 212307 9396600081 Organic Valley Organic Valley Muenster Red Rind Organic 12/8 oz 212308 9396621350 Organic Valley Organic Valley Neufchatel Organic 12/8 oz 212309 9396600011 Organic Valley Organic Valley Cheddar Sharp Organic 12/8 oz 212311 9396621320 Organic Valley Organic Valley Monterey Jack Organic 12/8 oz 212312 9396621330 Organic Valley Organic Valley Swiss Baby Sliced Organic 12/6 oz 212313 9396600261 Organic Valley Organic Valley Provolone Sliced Organic 12/6 oz 212314 9396600089 Organic Valley Organic Valley Milk Lactose Free Lowfat 1% Organic 6/64 oz 212315 9396600035 Organic Valley Organic Valley Cheddar Sharp Kingdom Organic 12/7 oz 234272 81091302000 Organicville Organicville Ketchup Organic 6/24 oz 77792 89685900035 Organicville Sky Valley Foods Inc Vinaigrette Tomato Sundried Garlic 6/8 oz 77783 89685900001 Organicville Sky Valley Foods Inc Vinaigrette Pomegranate 6/8 oz 77789 89685900007 Organicville Sky Valley Foods Inc Vinaigrette Non Dairy Ranch 6/8 oz 77791 89685900030 Organicville Sky Valley Foods Inc Sauce BBQ Tangy Organic 6/13.5 oz 77793 89685900037 Organicville Sky Valley Foods Inc Sauce Sesame Teriyaki Gluten Free Organic 6/13.5 oz 83085 89685900049 Organicville Sky Valley Foods Inc Sauce BBQ Original Organic 6/13.5 oz 115702 89685900036 Organicville Sky Valley Foods Inc Dressing Tarragon Dijon Natural Gluten Free Organic 6/8 oz 211114 89685900004 Organicville Sky Valley Foods Inc Vinaigrette Sesame Tamari Natural Gluten Free Organic 6/8 oz 211115 89685900003 Organicville Sky Valley Foods Inc Sauce Sriracha Natural 6/18.5 oz 225741 89685900088 Oriental Wok Oriental Wok Foods Sauce Sweet And Sour 6/14 oz 232459 85047100204 Oriental Wok Oriental Wok Foods Oil Chili Sichuan 6/9.7 oz 232460 85047100207 Oriental Wok Oriental Wok Foods Mustard Chinese 6/9.6 oz 232461 85047100205 Oriental Wok Oriental Wok Foods Sauce Sesame 6/14 oz 232462 85047100200 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 199 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 200 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Oronoque Orchards Quality Frozen Foods Inc Dish Deep 9In 2Pack Pd 12/16 oz 213865 7042713709 Ortalli T Marzetti Company Vinegar Balsamic 2 Leaf Red Label 6/16.9 fo 58084 65757901001 Ortalli T Marzetti Company Vinegar Balsamic 4 Leaf Isabella 6/8.45 oz 58086 65757902009 Ortalli T Marzetti Company Ita Vinegar Balsamic Organic 6/8.45 oz 224255 65757905002 Osem Osem Panko Bread Crumbs 6/9 oz 116971 7693720010 Osem Osem Pretzels Twist Salted 6/14.1 oz 140453 7754416204 Osem Osem Pretzel Rings Salted 6/10.5 oz 140454 7754416232 Osem Osem USA, Inc Couscous Israeli Box 12/8.8 oz 44313 7693720023 Osem Osem USA, Inc Rice Mix Lentil Mejadara 12/5.3 oz 45236 7754415730 Osem Osem USA, Inc Pretzels Twist Salted 12/14.1 oz 45240 7754416204 Osem Osem USA, Inc Croutons Garlic Onion 8/5.25 oz 45253 7754419501 Osem Osem USA, Inc Croutons Mediterranean Herb 8/5.25 oz 45254 7754419502 Osem Osem USA, Inc Croutons Garlic Paprka 8/5.25 oz 45255 7754419503 Osem Osem USA, Inc Couscous Israeli Toasted Pasta 4/5.0 lb 45274 7754427660 Osem Osem USA, Inc Mandel Mini Canister 12/14.1 oz 45277 7754429780 Osem Osem USA, Inc Breadcrumbs Plain 12/15 oz 45284 7754440004 Osem Osem USA, Inc Falafel Mix Envelope 12/6.3 oz 45294 7754450510 Osem Osem USA, Inc Wafers Chocolate 12/8.8 oz 45299 7754478930 Osem Osem USA, Inc Wafers Vanilla 12/8.8 oz 45300 7754478940 Osem Osem USA, Inc Snacks Bissli Falafel 24/2.5 oz 45305 7754482500 Osem Osem USA, Inc Snacks Bissli BBQ 24/2.5 oz 45306 7754482600 Osem Osem USA, Inc Snacks Bissli Onion 24/2.5 oz 45308 7754482700 Osem Osem USA, Inc Snacks Bissli Smokey 24/2.5 oz 45310 7754482800 Osem Osem USA, Inc Snacks Bissli Pizza 24/2.5 oz 45312 7754482900 Osem Osem USA, Inc Soup Mix Consomme Economy Pd 12/14.1 oz 86739 7754452740 Osem Osem USA, Inc Soup Mix Beef Flavor 12/14.1 oz 86740 7754452840 Osem Osem USA, Inc Couscous Israeli 4/21 oz 88491 7754427606 Osem Osem USA, Inc Bamba Hazelnut Cream 18/2.1 oz 203322 7754418155 Osem Osem USA, Inc Bissli Remix 24/2.5 oz 213945 7754484300 Osem Osem USA, Inc Isr Soup Onion Pd 6/7.8 oz 220680 7754400066 Osem Osem USA, Inc Isr Soup Consomme No Msg Natural Pd 6/8.8 oz 220682 7754400050 Osem Osem USA, Inc Isr Couscous Pearl 3 Color Pd 4/21.16 oz 220684 7693720037 Osem Osem USA, Inc Isr Pretzels Sesame Flat Pd 9/12.35 oz 220694 7754400072 Osem Osem USA, Inc Isr Pretzels Salted Flat Pd 9/12.35 oz 220696 7754400074 Osem Osem USA, Inc Isr Bamba Large Natural 12/3.5 oz 222346 7754480600 Osem Osem USA, Inc Isr Bamba Small Natural 24/1 oz 222347 7754480620 Osem Osem USA, Inc Isr Olives Mediterranean Manzilla Pd 12/18 oz 228384 7693700285 Osem Osem USA, Inc Isr Olives Green Mediterranean Pitted Pd 12/18 oz 228388 7693700288 Osem Osem USA, Inc Isr Peppers Mediterranean Hot Pd 12/18 oz 228389 7693700287 Osem Osem USA, Inc Isr Olives Mediterranean Cracked Pd 12/18 oz 228394 7693700283 Osem Osem USA, Inc Isr Cucumbers Mediterranean Brine 7_9 Pd 12/18 oz 228396 7693700280 Osem Osem USA, Inc Isr Cucumbers Mediterranean Brine 18_25 Pd 12/18 oz 228398 7693700282 Ostenborg Emmi Roth USA Havarti Dill 1/9 lb 64789 73654703220 Ostenborg Emmi Roth USA Havarti Caraway Loaf Natural 1/9 lb 208671 73654703125 Otafuku Otafuku Foods Inc Flour Okonomiaki 10/15.9 oz 230850 78024480010 OTC OTC Crackers Wine Original Natural 6/10 oz 233970 7065100009 Owl’s Brew Ti Beverages Llc Tea Liquid Pink And Black Natural 6/32 oz 235181 85818700378 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Owl’s Brew Ti Beverages Llc Tea Liquid Coco Lada Natural 6/32 oz 235182 85818700377 Owl’s Brew Ti Beverages Llc Tea Liquid White And Vine Natural 6/32 oz 235183 85818700386 Pacific Chai Indulgent Foods Chai Mix Vanilla 6/10 oz 58354 66152400105 Pacific Chai Indulgent Foods Latte Mix Spice Chai 6/10 oz 58355 66152400106 Pacific Chai Indulgent Foods Latte Mix Spice Chai Decaf 6/10 oz 58357 66152400109 Pacific Chai Indulgent Foods Chai Latte Coconut 6/10 oz 129775 66152400104 Pacific Dessert World Wide Gourmet Food Inc Cookies Lemon White Meltaways 15/1.4 oz 227906 2388219780 Pacific Dessert World Wide Gourmet Food Inc Cookies Raspberry Dark Meltaways 15/1.4 oz 227907 2388219778 Pacific Dessert World Wide Gourmet Food Inc Caramels Sea Salt Chocolate Milk 15/1.4 oz 227908 2388219779 Pacific Dessert World Wide Gourmet Food Inc Cookies Pecan Milk Meltaways 15/1.4 oz 227909 2388219774 Pacific Dessert World Wide Gourmet Food Inc Caramels Sea Salt Meltaways 15/1.4 oz 227910 2388219773 Pacific Dessert World Wide Gourmet Food Inc Popcorn Chocolate Dark W/Almonds 12/8 oz 227911 2388200214 Pacific Dessert World Wide Gourmet Food Inc Popcorn Chocolate Milk W/Peanuts 12/8 oz 227912 2388200212 Pacific Foods Pacific Foods Of Oregon Drink Soy Blenders Plain 12/32 oz 22490 5260304292 Pacific Foods Pacific Foods Of Oregon Drink Hazelnut Chocolate Natural 12/32 oz 210593 5260306597 Pacific Foods Pacific Foods Of Oregon Drink Hazelnut Milk Chocolate Natural Organic 24/8 oz 210599 5260306599 Pacific Foods Pacific Foods Of Oregon Drink Milk Almond Vanilla Unsweet Natural Organic 12/32 oz 210600 5260306504 Packer Chins Import Export Peas Valley And Carrots 12/2 lb 83792 7221086467 Paesana L & S Packing Co Sauce Marinara Tomato Basil 6/25 oz 43501 7605017021 Paesana L & S Packing Co Sauce Pasta Vodka 6/25 oz 43503 7605017023 Paesana L & S Packing Co Sauce Pasta Sicilian Gravy 6/25 oz 43504 7605017025 Paesana Paesana Peppers Fire Roasted 6/12 oz 43510 7605023000 Paesana Paesana Pepperoncini Tuscan Style 6/12 oz 43512 7605024001 Paesana Paesana Olives Oil Cured 6/7 oz 43513 7605027001 Paesana Paesana Olives Kalamata Extra Virgin Olive 6/7 oz 43514 7605028001 Paesana Paesana Artichoke Hearts Marinated 6/6.5 oz 43520 7605046006 Paesana Paesana Tomato Sundried Extra Virgin Olive 6/7.5 oz 43521 7605046007 Palacios Elore Enterprises Inc Esp Sausage Chorizo Spanish 14/7.9 oz 57330 64823000137 Palacios Elore Enterprises Inc Esp Sausage Chorizo Hot 14/7.9 oz 57331 64823000142 Palacios Elore Enterprises Inc Esp Sausage Chorizo 4Pack 16/6.5 oz 93061 64823000155 Pamela’s Pamela’s Products Inc Pancake And Baking Mix Wf 6/24 oz 51527 9370930010 Pamela’s Pamela’s Products Inc Brownie Mix Chocolate Wf Gluten Free 6/16 oz 51529 9370930030 Pamela’s Pamela’s Products Inc Cake Mix Chocolate Gluten Free 6/21 oz 51530 9370930040 Pamela’s Pamela’s Products Inc Cookie Mix Chocolate Chunk Incred Gluten Free 6/13.6 oz 51531 9370930050 Pamela’s Pamela’s Products Inc Bread Mix Amazing Gluten Free 6/19 oz 51532 9370930060 Pamela’s Pamela’s Products Inc Baking And Pancake Mix Wf Gluten Free Natural 3/4 lb 51535 9370930410 Pamela’s Pamela’s Products Inc Cookies Ginger Mini Snapz 6/7 oz 51540 9370950020 Pamela’s Pamela’s Products Inc Cookies Chocolate Chip Mini Wf 6/7 oz 202869 9370950010 Pamela’s Pamela’s Products Inc Cookie Mix Oatmeal Natural 6/13 oz 221077 9370930130 Pamela’s Pamela’s Products Inc Cookie Mix Sugar Natural 6/13 oz 221078 9370930140 Pamela’s Pamela’s Products Inc Crust Pizza Natural 6/11.29 oz 221080 9370930150 Pamela’s Pamela’s Products Inc Flour Blend Artisan 4lb Natural 3/4 lb 221081 9370930400 Pamela’s Pamela’s Products Inc Cornbread And Muffin Mix Wf Gluten Free Natural 6/12 oz 226076 9370930110 Pampanga Wismettac Asian Foods Lumpia Chicken Flavor 12/22 oz 211315 8539630442 Panda Chins Import Export Sauce Oyster No Msg 6/5 lb 83556 7889513577 Panda Euro American Brands Llc Licorice Bar 36/1.1 oz 42614 7517207915 Panda Euro American Brands Llc Licorice Raspberry Bar 36/1.1 oz 42615 7517207930 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 201 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 202 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Panda Euro American Brands Llc Licorice Chews Bag Natural 12/7 oz 42617 7517207946 Panda Lee Kum Kee USA Mos Lettuce Wrap 6/8 oz 46651 7889513492 Panda Lee Kum Kee USA Sauce Soy Premium 6/16.9 oz 46659 7889513654 Panda Panda Sauce Oyster 6/9 oz 46665 7889530001 Panda Panda Sauce Oyster 6/18 oz 46666 7889530002 Papercraft R3 Papercraft Portland Wrap Cheese 12In X 2450Ft Cg12in 1/1 ea 62889 72184470101 Papercraft R3 Papercraft Portland Bakery Box White Lc 6X6x4 0909 1/250 ea 83564 70728200909 Papercraft R3 Papercraft Portland Bakery Box White Plain 9X9x4 0949 1/250 ea 83565 70728200949 Papercraft R3 Papercraft Portland Bakery Box White Lc 9X9x3 0957 1/250 ea 83566 70728200957 Papercraft R3 Papercraft Portland Bakery Box Plain 9X9x5 0965Lc 1/100 ea 83567 70728200965 Papercraft R3 Papercraft Portland Cake Box White 10X10x3 0971 1/200 ea 83568 70728200971 Papercraft R3 Papercraft Portland Bakery Box 10X10x5.5 0977Lc 1/100 ea 83569 70728200977 Papercraft R3 Papercraft Portland Cake Box 1/4 Sheet 14X10x4 1025Lc 1/100 ea 83570 70728201025 Papercraft R3 Papercraft Portland Lace Cor Ck Circle Gldn 8In 1/200 ea 83571 71305201163 Papercraft R3 Papercraft Portland Lace Cor Ck Circle Gldn 9In 1/200 ea 83572 71305201164 Papercraft R3 Papercraft Portland Lace Circle Gldn 10In Gol10 1/200 ea 83573 71305201165 Papercraft R3 Papercraft Portland Lace Pad Golden 6.25In Gol625 1/200 ea 83574 71305201206 Papercraft R3 Papercraft Portland Baking Cup 2X4.5 Fc200x450 20/500 ea 83618 2801660138 Papercraft R3 Papercraft Portland Bakery Bag Plain White Wax 00296 6lb 1/1000 ea 83622 7128100296 Papercraft R3 Papercraft Portland Baking Cup 1/19000 ea 101341 2801670667 Papercraft R3 Papercraft Portland Soloserve Cup 8 Oz 1000/5 oz 101342 4116503605 Papercraft R3 Papercraft Portland Dome Lid 5 Oz 1000/5 oz 101343 4116505398 Papercraft R3 Papercraft Portland Box Pastry Carry Out 5x5x2 1/250 ea 114559 7221087246 Papillon Atalanta Corporation Fra Roquefort Bulk Natural 4/3 lb 235013 17789999231 Paradigm Paradigm Mustard Dill Garlic Natural 6/10 oz 232851 3764431062 Paradigm Paradigm Horseradish 6/10 oz 232852 3764431065 Paradigm Paradigm Mustard Jalapeno Stout Natural 6/10 oz 232853 3764431061 Paradigm Paradigm Foodworks Sauce BBQ Mustard Natural 6/12 oz 232813 3764430530 Paradigm Paradigm Foodworks Sauce Teriyaki Natural 6/12 oz 232815 3764430600 Paradigm Paradigm Foodworks Sauce Mop Natural 6/12 oz 232816 3764430540 Paradigm Paradigm Foodworks Sauce BBQ Island Natural 6/12 oz 232819 3764430550 Paradigm Paradigm Foodworks Sauce BBQ Microbrew Natural 6/12 oz 232821 3764430520 Paradiso Dei Golosi Italian Harvest Ita Oregano Wild Mountain Natural 8/1.41 oz 232389 3325496204 Paradiso Dei Golosi Italian Harvest Ita Tomatoes Sundried Natural 15/5.3 oz 232390 3325496200 Parmela Creamery Parmela Foods Nutcheese Mozzarella Shred Gluten Free Natural 8/7 oz 235664 63643170658 Parmela Creamery Parmela Foods Nutcheese Nacho Original Gluten Free Natural 12/8.5 oz 235665 63863219997 Parmela Creamery Parmela Foods Treenut Cheese Creamy Kalamata Gluten Free Natural 8/6 oz 235666 72082540718 Parmela Creamery Parmela Foods Sauce Alfredo Tomato Nutcheese Gluten Free Natural 12/15 oz 235667 72082540721 Parmela Creamery Parmela Foods Nutcheese Cheddar Sharp Shred Gluten Free Natural 8/7 oz 235668 63863219996 Parmela Creamery Parmela Foods Sauce Alfredo Classic Nutcheese Gluten Free Natural 12/15 oz 235669 72082540720 Parmela Creamery Parmela Foods Nutcheese Cheddar Block Gluten Free Natural 8/7 oz 235670 63863219995 Parmela Creamery Parmela Foods Sauce Alfredo Mushroom Nutcheese Gluten Free Natural 12/15 oz 235671 72082540719 Parmela Creamery Parmela Foods Treenut Cheese Creamy Black Pepper Gluten Free Natural 8/6 oz 235672 72082540717 Parmela Creamery Parmela Foods Treenut Cheese Creamy Original Gluten Free Natural 8/6 oz 235673 72082570716 Parmela Creamery Parmela Foods Nutcheese Nacho Chipotle Gluten Free Natural 12/8.5 oz 235674 63863219998 Parmela Creamery Parmela Foods Nutcheese Pepperjack Slices Natural Gluten Free 8/7 oz 235872 63643170661 Parmela Creamery Parmela Foods Nutcheese Cheddar Slices Natural Gluten Free 8/7 oz 235873 63643170660 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Partners Partners A Tasteful Choice Co Cracker Toasted Sesame 6/5.8 oz 70187 78928001306 Partners Partners A Tasteful Choice Co Cracker Sweet Onion 6/5.8 oz 70189 78928002306 Partners Partners A Tasteful Choice Co Granola Harvest Fruit 6/12 oz 80630 78928097112 Partners Partners A Tasteful Choice Co Granola Apple Cinnamon 6/12 oz 80631 78928098112 Partners Partners A Tasteful Choice Co Crackers Deli Roasted Garlic Rosemary Natural 8/5 oz 232738 85577700311 Partners Partners A Tasteful Choice Co Crackers Deli Everything More Natural 8/4.5 oz 232739 85577700321 Partners Partners A Tasteful Choice Co Crackers Deli Olive Oil And Sea Salt Natural 8/4.9 oz 232742 85577700316 Partytizers Thats How We Roll Llc Chips Dippin 3 Bean Chili Gluten Free Natural 12/5 oz 221678 84964300003 Partytizers Thats How We Roll Llc Chips Dippin Veggie Gluten Free Natural 12/5 oz 221679 84964300002 Partytizers Thats How We Roll Llc Chips Dippin Super Grain Gluten Free Natural 12/5 oz 221680 84964300005 Partytizers Thats How We Roll Llc Chips Dippin Corn Blue Organic Gluten Free 12/5 oz 235034 84964300039 Partytizers Thats How We Roll Llc Chips Dippin Original Gluten Free 12/5 oz 235035 84964300038 Pascha Pascha Chocolate Company Per Chocolate Dark Cacao 70% Organic 10/3.5 oz 226306 84263800002 Pascha Pascha Chocolate Company Per Chocolate Dark W/Cocoa Nibs Organic 10/3.5 oz 226307 84263800005 Pascha Pascha Chocolate Company Per Chocolate Dark Cacao 55% Organic 10/3.5 oz 226308 84263800001 Pascha Pascha Chocolate Company Per Chocolate Dark Cacao 85% Organic 10/3.5 oz 226309 84263800003 Paskesz Paskesz Candy Sour Apple Sticks 24/3.5 oz 7330 2567512004 Paskesz Paskesz Candy Company Cookies Duplex Sandwich 12/16 oz 7307 2567501001 Paskesz Paskesz Candy Company Melba Toast Original 14/7 oz 7317 2567501486 Paskesz Paskesz Candy Company Rice Cake Square Thin Plain 12/4.9 oz 7318 2567501505 Paskesz Paskesz Candy Company Spelt Squares Plain Thin Whole Wheat 12/5.5 oz 7319 2567501515 Paskesz Paskesz Candy Company Candy Jelly Beans Baby 24/4 oz 7331 2567512034 Paskesz Paskesz Candy Company Candy Fizzers 24/3 oz 7337 2567512160 Paskesz Paskesz Candy Company Cookies Confetti 12/12 oz 7345 2567526514 Paskesz Paskesz Candy Company Candy Mashmallows Mini Flavored Po 12/8 oz 133830 2567512479 Paskesz Paskesz Candy Company Marshmallows 12/8 oz 133831 2567512480 Paskesz Paskesz Candy Company Marshmallows Flavored Po 12/8 oz 133832 2567512481 Paskesz Paskesz Candy Company Sticks Strawberry Sour 24/1.75 oz 133834 2567530110 Paskesz Paskesz Candy Company Sticks Raspberry Sour 24/1.75 oz 133835 2567530115 Paskesz Paskesz Candy Company Sticks Apple Sour 24/1.75 oz 133836 2567530120 Paskesz Paskesz Candy Company Candy Fruit Chew Taffy Po 24/4 oz 134758 2567512495 Paskesz Paskesz Candy Company Candy Gummi Rattlesnakes 24/5.29 oz 134807 4223883772 Paskesz Paskesz Candy Company Cookies Wafer Coated Fingers 12/8.5 oz 201389 2567503016 Paskesz Paskesz Candy Company Candy Sour Raspberry Sticks 24/3.5 oz 201396 2567512002 Paskesz Paskesz Candy Company Candy Sour Fruit Chews 24/4 oz 203584 2567512496 Paskesz Paskesz Candy Company Candy Buttons 24/1.5 oz 203586 2567575060 Paskesz Paskesz Candy Company Cookies Striped Delight 12/11.5 oz 203589 2567501036 Paskesz Paskesz Candy Company Melba Toast Sesame 14/7 oz 203599 2567501488 Paskesz Paskesz Candy Company Cookies Chip Chip 12/18 oz 203758 2567501080 Paskesz Paskesz Candy Company Candy Mint Rounds Chocolate Covered 24/5 oz 213725 2567550212 Paskesz Paskesz Candy Company Chocolate Chips Real 24/10 oz 213730 2567555009 Paskesz Paskesz Candy Company Cookies Trios Original Premium 12/18 oz 213732 2567501015 Paskesz Paskesz Candy Company Chocolate Syrup 12/24 oz 213735 2567564709 Paskesz Paskesz Candy Company Can Candy Lollipops Fizz Wrapped 24/3 oz 213762 2567512131 Pastariso Maplegrove Gluten Free Foods Inc Mac And Cheese Rice White Instant 6/2 oz 236031 77021830016 Pastariso Maplegrove Gluten Free Foods Inc Mac And Cheese Yellow Rice Brown Quick 12/5 oz 236032 77021830011 Pastariso Maplegrove Gluten Free Foods Inc Mac Uncheddar Vegan Gluten Free Natural 6/5 oz 236033 77021840001 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 203 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 204 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Pastariso Maplegrove Gluten Free Foods Inc Mac And Cheese Rice Brown Instant 6/2 oz 236034 77021830017 Pastariso Maplegrove Gluten Free Foods Inc Mac And Cheese Yellow Rice White Quick 12/5 oz 236035 77021830013 Pastures of Eden Arthur Schuman Inc Isr Feta Sheep 1/17.6 lb 30975 7221070152 Pastures of Eden Arthur Schuman Inc Isr Feta 8/1 lb 204479 8823199053 Pastry 1 Paris Gourmet Chocolate Cup Dark Ala Carte 1.5In 1/240 ea 31634 7221073021 Pastry 1 Paris Gourmet Tartlet Shell Sweet 1.75In 1/240 ea 73361 83777500052 Pastry 1 Paris Gourmet Chocolate Cup Tulip Marbled 3In 1/36 ea 73365 83777500099 Pasture Pride Pasture Pride Cheese Llc Colby Goat Natural 12/8 oz 221892 81050702701 Pasture Pride Pasture Pride Cheese Llc Cheese Baked Juusto Jalapeno Natural 10/6 oz 221893 81050702128 Pasture Pride Pasture Pride Cheese Llc Cheddar Goat Mild Natural 12/8 oz 221894 81050702752 Pasture Pride Pasture Pride Cheese Llc Monterrey Jack Goat Natural 12/8 oz 221895 81050702719 Pasture Pride Pasture Pride Cheese Llc Cheese Baked Juusto Italiano Natural 10/6 oz 221897 81050702147 Pasture Pride Pasture Pride Cheese Llc Cheese Baked Juusto Traditional Natural 10/6 oz 221900 81050702100 Pasture Pride Pasture Pride Cheese Llc Juusto With Nueskes Bacon Crumbles Natural 10/6 oz 221901 81050702114 Pasture Pride Pasture Pride Cheese Llc Juusto With Chipotle Peppers Natural 10/6 oz 225706 81050702161 Patak’s Ach Food Companies Inc Pickle Mango Extra Hot 6/10 oz 24347 6927601200 Patak’s Ach Food Companies Inc Pickle Mango Mild 6/10 oz 24348 6927601205 Patak’s Ach Food Companies Inc Pickle Lime Extra Hot 6/10 oz 24349 6927601210 Patak’s Ach Food Companies Inc Pickle Lime Mild 6/10 oz 24350 6927601215 Patak’s Ach Food Companies Inc Pickle Chile 6/10 oz 24351 6927601220 Patak’s Ach Food Companies Inc Pickle Garlic 6/10.6 oz 24352 6927601240 Patak’s Ach Food Companies Inc Chutney Sweet Mango 6/12 oz 24354 6927602003 Patak’s Ach Food Companies Inc Chutney Major Grey 6/12 oz 24355 6927602013 Patak’s Ach Food Companies Inc Chutney Hot Mango 6/12 oz 24356 6927602023 Patak’s Ach Food Companies Inc Paste Curry Extra Hot 6/10 oz 24357 6927603200 Patak’s Ach Food Companies Inc Paste Curry Mild 6/10 oz 24358 6927603205 Patak’s Ach Food Companies Inc Paste Biryani 6/10 oz 24363 6927603240 Patak’s Ach Food Companies Inc Paste Curry Tikka Masala 6/10 oz 24366 6927603251 Patak’s Ach Food Companies Inc Sauce Dopiaza Tomato Onion 6/14.5 oz 24373 6927607005 Patak’s Ach Food Companies Inc Sauce Jalfrezi Sweet Pepper Coconut 6/14.5 oz 24374 6927607010 Patak’s Ach Food Companies Inc Sauce Tikka Masala Lemon Cilantro 6/15 oz 24375 6927607031 Patak’s Ach Food Companies Inc Sauce Korma 6/15 oz 24376 6927607032 Patak’s Ach Food Companies Inc Sauce Rogan Josh Tomato Concentrated 6/15 oz 24377 6927607033 Patak’s Ach Food Companies Inc Sauce Mango Chicken 6/15 oz 24378 6927607035 Patak’s Ach Food Companies Inc Sauce Curry Chicken Mild 6/14.5 oz 24379 6927607036 Patak’s Ach Food Companies Inc Sauce Chicken Butter 6/15 oz 24380 6927607037 Patak’s Ach Food Companies Inc Paste Tikka 6/10 oz 211043 6927603220 Patak’s Ach Food Companies Inc Sauce Tikka Masala Simmer Hot Spicy 6/12 oz 235015 6927670067 Patak’s Ach Food Companies Inc Sauce Jalfrezi Simmer Hot Spicy 6/12.3 oz 235016 6927670069 Patak’s Ach Food Companies Inc Sauce Vindaloo Simmer Hot Spicy 6/12.3 oz 235017 6927670071 Patissa Patissa Puffs Cream Vanilla 6/30 ea 202885 71027301251 Patsy’s Patsy’s Sauce Pasta Marinara Natural 6/15.5 oz 214352 76971911121 Patsy’s Patsy’s Sauce Pasta Tomato Basil Natural 6/15.5 oz 214353 76971911221 PBF Signature PBF Pita Bread Factory Ltd Can Bread Pita White 6S 24/11.37 oz 228869 5739100001 PBF Signature PBF Pita Bread Factory Ltd Can Bread Pita Whole Wheat 6S 24/11.37 oz 228870 5739100002 Peanut Butter Co Peanut Butter And Co The Bees Knees 6/16 oz 74322 85108700025 Peanut Butter Co Peanut Butter And Co Mighty Maple 6/16 oz 74323 85108700026 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Peanut Butter Co Peanut Butter And Co Cinnamon Raisin Swirl 6/16 oz 120416 85108700003 Peanut Butter Co Peanut Butter And Co Chocolate Dark Dreams 6/16 oz 120418 85108700006 Peanut Butter Co Peanut Butter And Co Smooth Operator Vegan Gluten Free 6/16 oz 211142 85108700001 Peanut Butter Co Peanut Butter And Co Crunch Time Vegan Gluten Free Natural 6/16 oz 211143 85108700002 Pearl River Chins Import Export Sauce Soy Superior Dark 12/5 lb 63018 72233781704 Pearl River Chins Import Export Sauce Soy Superior Light 12/5 lb 63020 72233781906 Pearl River Pearl River Sauce Soy Light 6/16.9 oz 63019 72233781904 Peloponnese Source Atlantique Spread Olive Kalamata 6/7.5 oz 12335 3727908005 Peloponnese Source Atlantique Gre Grape Leaves 6/8.5 oz 12347 3727938697 Pendleton Oregon Growers And Shippers Sauce BBQ Original 6/18 oz 77943 89827100090 Pendleton Oregon Growers And Shippers Sauce BBQ Mesquite 6/18 oz 77944 89827100091 Pendleton Oregon Growers And Shippers Sauce BBQ Brown Sugar Molasses Natural 6/18 oz 226853 89827100093 Pendleton Oregon Growers And Shippers Sauce BBQ Hot And Spicy Natural 6/18 oz 226854 89827100092 Pennys Pennys Salsa Chips Tortilla Yellow Natural 12/14 oz 21134 74940472146 grill until it glistens www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 205 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 206 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Pennys Pennys Salsa Salsa Pico De Gallo 6/16 oz 212358 74940407134 Pennys Pennys Salsa Hummus De Gallo 6/12 oz 212359 74940432368 Pennys Pennys Salsa Salsa Tomatillo 6/16 oz 212360 74940491101 Pennys Pennys Salsa Salsa Mild 6/16 oz 212361 74940490468 Pennys Pennys Salsa Hummus Original 6/12 oz 212362 74940490971 Pennys Pennys Salsa Hummus Garlic 6/12 oz 212363 74940483061 Pennys Pennys Salsa Salsa Medium 6/16 oz 212364 74940463363 Pennys Pennys Salsa Hummus Red Pepper Roasted 6/12 oz 212365 74940451848 Pennys Pennys Salsa Dip French Onion 12/8 oz 212366 74940491390 Pennys Pennys Salsa Dip Bacon Onion 12/8 oz 212367 74940430199 Pennys Pennys Salsa Salsa Mango Peach 6/16 oz 212368 74940452705 Pennys Pennys Salsa Dip Blue Cheese 12/8 oz 212369 74940460805 Pennys Pennys Salsa Dip Bean 6/16 oz 212370 74940460372 Pennzoil General Automotive Supply Co Fix A Flat 6/16 oz 211906 7424507455 Peppadew Foodmatch Inc Peppers Peppadew Mild 12/14 oz 57808 65428700002 Peppadew Foodmatch Inc Rsa Pepper Piquante Sweet Whole 2/105 oz 206912 65428700054 Peppadew Foodmatch Inc Rsa Peppadew Gold Whole 2/105 oz 206913 65428700057 Peppadew Peppadew Peppers Peppadews Small Cup 12/4 oz 112607 7221087082 Pepperlane Pepperlane Products Preserves Sweet Heat 11Oz 12/11 oz 228265 71493500012 Pepperlane Pepperlane Products Preserves Raz Pepper 11Oz 12/11 oz 228266 71493500003 Pepperlane Pepperlane Products Preserves Blackberry Buzz 11oz 12/11 oz 228267 71493500008 Pepperlane Pepperlane Products Preserves Cran Peno 11oz 12/11 oz 228268 71493500002 Pepperlane Pepperlane Products Preserves Peppricot 12/11 oz 228915 71493500004 Perfect Bite The Perfect Bite Co Inc Risotto Porcini Mushroom Bite 10 Ct 12/7.5 oz 232358 81334101441 Perfect Bite The Perfect Bite Co Inc Croquette Squash And Spinach 10 Ct 12/8.2 oz 232359 81334101446 Perfect Bite The Perfect Bite Co Inc Souffle Sweet Potato And Chive 9 Ct 12/5.9 oz 232360 81334101450 Perfect Bite The Perfect Bite Co Inc Hot Dog Beef In Pastry Seeded 10 Ct 12/8.7 oz 232361 81334101445 Perfect Bite The Perfect Bite Co Inc Pastry Kiss Fig Aple Onion Jam 9 Ct 12/6.6 oz 232362 81334101451 Perfect Bite The Perfect Bite Co Inc Brie Baked Apple Chutney Bite 9 Ct 12/6.3 oz 232365 81334101452 Perfect Bite The Perfect Bite Co Inc Pie Green Chili Cheese 10 Ct Natural 12/4.6 oz 232366 81334101449 Perfect Bite The Perfect Bite Co Inc Pastry Kiss Caramelized Onion Feta 9 Ct 12/6.6 oz 232367 81334101444 Perfect Bite The Perfect Bite Co Inc Souffle Spinach Red Pepper 9 Ct Natural 12/5.8 oz 232368 81334101443 Permatex General Automotive Supply Co Cleaner Hand 12/14 oz 217631 68622601013 Pero World Finer Foods Ger Coffee Substitute Natural 6/7 oz 8491 2800059610 Pet Pride United Pet Group Mex Dog Rolls Natural 8Inch 30/1 ea 233815 1111082470 Pet Select Pet Select Pee Pee Refill Bags 90Ct 24/1 ea 233940 70653291819 Pet Select Pet Select Pee Pee Stain/Odor Remover 32oz 4/32 oz 233941 70653291808 Pet Select Pet Select Bag Dispenser Bone Shape 30 Bags 24/1 ea 233942 70653291832 Pet Select Pet Select Pee Pee Pads 30Ct 6/1 ea 233943 70653291630 Pet Select Pet Select Slicker Brush Small 48/1 ea 233944 70653291251 Pet Select Pet Select Tie Out Cable Heavy Weight 20Ft 6/1 ea 233945 70653290220 Pet Zone Ourpets Company Ind Bowl Pet Stnls Steel 5 1/2 Cup 24/1 ea 233929 78082412479 Pet Zone Ourpets Company Ind Dish Pet Stainless Steel 3/4 Pt 24/1 ea 233930 78082412514 Pet Zone Ourpets Company Chn Cat Toy Mouse Hunter 24/1 ea 233931 78082412618 Petarmor Geiss Destin Dunn Cat Sureshot Liq Wormer 100 Ml 12/100 ml 233926 7309102717 Petarmor Geiss Destin Dunn Dog Joint Eze Plus Chew 60 Ct 6/60 ea 233927 7309102810 Petit Mori Fromi Rungis Sas Fra Explorateur Mini 6/125 gr 120317 76181801100 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Petsport Petsport USA Chn Pet Brush Massage Pride 48/1 ea 233750 1111078592 Pez Paskesz Candy Company Disney And Friends Blister 12/.87 oz 215718 2567512281 Pez Paskesz Candy Company Hello Kitty Blister 12/.87 oz 215721 2567512278 Pez Paskesz Candy Company Candy Nemo 12/.87 oz 222608 2567512283 Philadelphia Philadelphia Cream Cheese Cup 100/1 oz 4865 2100061119 Philadelphia Philadelphia Cream Cheese Foil Pc 100/1 oz 4866 2100061120 Philadelphia Philadelphia Cream Cheese Whipped 6/3 lb 4875 2100061407 Pickapeppa Pickapeppa Sauce Pickapeppa 6/5 oz 213290 7215500005 Pickled Planet Pickled Planet Llc Sauerkraut Raw Beat Kraut Natural Organic 6/16 oz 226276 88626300002 Pickled Planet Pickled Planet Llc Sauerkraut Raw Velvet Sea Natural Organic 6/16 oz 226278 88626300001 Pickled Planet Pickled Planet Llc Sauerkraut Raw Lil Kim Chee Natural Organic 6/16 oz 226279 88626300004 Pickled Planet Pickled Planet Llc Sauerkraut Raw I Boost Natural Organic 6/16 oz 226280 88626300012 Pickled Planet Pickled Planet Llc Pickles Raw Fermented Korean Kim Chee 6/16 oz 226281 88626300014 Pickled Planet Pickled Planet Llc Pickles Fermented Spicy Bean Natural Organic 6/16 oz 226282 88626300013 Pickled Planet Pickled Planet Llc Sauerkraut Raw Veda Kraut Natural Organic 6/16 oz 226283 88626300005 Pickled Planet Pickled Planet Llc Sauerkraut Raw Love Kraut Natural Organic 6/16 oz 226284 88626300008 Pickled Planet Pickled Planet Llc Sauerkraut Raw Dill E Gent Natural Organic 6/16 oz 226285 88626300006 Pickled Planet Pickled Planet Llc Sauerkraut Raw Plain Great Natural Organic 6/16 oz 226286 88626300003 Pickled Planet Pickled Planet Llc Pickles Raw Fermented Taqueria Natural Organic 6/16 oz 226287 88626300007 Pidy Qzina Specialty Foods Inc Shell Flan Sweet Butter 9 In 1/10 ea 79424 2017638341 Pierce Pilgrims Pride Corporation Chicken Wing Savory Dipn Chicken 3/8.33 lb 209032 3763810109 Pig Iron Orca Beverage Inc Soda Cola 24/12 oz 211915 3977190010 Pike Brewing Co. Pike Brewing Company Mustard Stout XXXXX 12/12 oz 222155 72791690001 Pike Brewing Co. Pike Brewing Company Sauce BBQ Kilt Lifter 12/12 oz 222731 72791690011 Pike Place Cuizina Food Company Chowder Salmon Smoked 12/16 oz 225034 85611200406 Pike Place Cuizina Food Company Chowder Clam New England 12/16 oz 225035 85611200402 Pilgrims Pride Pilgrims Pride Corporation Chicken Strips Homestyle 2/5 lb 12770 3763803956 Pillsbury Pillsbury Croissant Butter Slice 1oz 1/128 ea 51887 9456232105 Pineland Farms Pineland Farms Cheddar 6 Month Natural 1/10 lb 224043 7221042895 Pineland Farms Pineland Farms Creamery Cheddar 6 Month Natural 1/40 lb 217008 87884900068 Pirate’s Booty B And G Foods Inc Tings American Gourmet 12/6 oz 3037 1566510350 Pirate’s Booty B And G Foods Inc Pirates Booty Cheddar White Aged 12/4 oz 3060 1566560100 Pirate’s Booty B And G Foods Inc Pirates Booty Snack 24/1 oz 3061 1566560104 Pirate’s Booty B And G Foods Inc Cheddar Aged White Original 6/10 oz 204022 1566552080 Pirate’s Booty B And G Foods Inc Popcorn Original Tings Organic Natural 12/6 oz 229039 1566510450 Pizza Roma Divine Pasta Pizza Margherita 12/13 oz 65804 74446300001 Pizza Roma Divine Pasta Pizza Basil Pesto Mozzarella Tomato 12/13 oz 65805 74446300002 Pizza Roma Divine Pasta Pizza Garlic Roast Gorgonzola Walnut 12/13 oz 65806 74446300003 Pizza Roma Divine Pasta Pizza Black Truffle 12/13 oz 65808 74446300005 PJ’s Organic Adf Foods USA Ltd Burrito Chicken Organic 12/6 oz 30315 7216912165 PJ’s Organic Adf Foods USA Ltd Burrito Beef Organic 12/6 oz 30316 7216912265 PJ’s Organic Adf Foods USA Ltd Burrito Breakfast Organic 12/6 oz 30317 7216912365 PJ’s Organic Adf Foods USA Ltd Burrito Chicken Low Fat Organic 12/6 oz 80301 7216902867 PJ’s Organic Adf Foods USA Ltd Burrito Breakfast Skinny Organic Natural 12/6 oz 226231 7216912385 Plantation Allied Old English Molasses Blackstrap Natural 12/15 oz 210686 7025802403 Pleasant Valley County Fair Food Products Relish Sweet Old Fashioned 4/1 ga 75711 87118900605 Plochmans Plochman Inc Mustard Dijon Deli 6/11 oz 229070 7008012609 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 207 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 208 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Plochmans Plochman Inc Mustard Honey Dijon 6/11 oz 229071 7008012619 Plugra Dairy Farmers Of America Inc Butter Unsalted 12/8 oz 3082 1570021310 Plugra Dairy Farmers Of America Inc Butter 12/8 oz 3083 1570021311 Plum Crazy Plum Crazy Spread 6/9 oz 212062 85764700201 Plum Organics Campbells Baby Food Pear Mango 2nd Blend 6/4 oz 230303 89018000120 Plum Organics Campbells Baby Food Apple Raisin Quinoa 2nd 6/3.5 oz 230304 84667500105 Plum Organics Campbells Baby Food Plum Berry Barley 2nd 6/3.5 oz 230305 84667500107 Plum Organics Campbells Baby Food Cherry/Oats Hello Morning 6/3.5 oz 230306 84667500475 Plum Organics Campbells Baby Food Peach Apricot Banana 2nd 6/4 oz 230307 89018000121 Pochat And Fil Lactalis Export Americas Fra Tomme De Savoie 4/1.6 kg 82902 7221086397 Podnah’s Pit Alexis Foods Sauce Mustard Gluten Free Natural 12/17 oz 234757 85660500202 Podnah’s Pit Alexis Foods Sauce Vinegar Gluten Free Natural 12/17 oz 234758 85660500201 Podnah’s Pit Alexis Foods Sauce Barbecue Gluten Free Natural 12/17 oz 234759 85660500200 Podravka Podravka Seasoning Vegeta Can 12/17.5 oz 19101 4371732260 Poggio La Noce Poggio La Noce Ita Oil Olive Extra Virgin 6/500 ml 213502 89778100201 Point Reyes Point Reyes Farmstead Cheese Co Blue Cheese Wheel 1/6.5 lb 33491 7221081207 Point Reyes Point Reyes Farmstead Cheese Co Blue Cheese Wedge 16/6 oz 119383 7221080991 Pok Pok Som Pok Pok Som Vinegar Drinking Apple Natural 12/16 oz 232208 85475100303 Pok Pok Som Pok Pok Som Vinegar Drinking Honey Natural 12/16 oz 232209 85475100304 Pok Pok Som Pok Pok Som Vinegar Drinking Celery Chinese Natural 12/16 oz 232210 85475100311 Pok Pok Som Pok Pok Som Vinegar Drinking Pineapple Natural 12/16 oz 232211 85475100305 Pok Pok Som Pok Pok Som Vinegar Drinking Turmeric Natural 12/16 oz 232212 85475100310 Pok Pok Som Pok Pok Som Soda Vinegar Turmeric 4Pack Natural Gluten Free 6/48 oz 233385 85475100319 Pok Pok Som Pok Pok Som Soda Vinegar Ginger 4Pack Natural Gluten Free 6/48 oz 233386 85475100316 Pok Pok Som Pok Pok Som Soda Vinegar Grapefruit 4Pack Natural Gluten Free 6/48 oz 233387 85475100317 Pok Pok Som Pok Pok Som Soda Vinegar Thai Basil 4 Pack Natural Gluten Free 6/48 oz 233388 85475100318 Pok Pok Som Pok Pok Som Vinegar Drinking Ginger Gluten Free Natural 12/16 oz 234406 85475100306 Pok Pok Som Pok Pok Som Vinegar Drinking Pomegranate Gluten Free Natural 12/16 oz 234407 85475100301 Pok Pok Thaan Pok Pok Products Llc Tha Charcoal Logs 5 Lb Natural 6/5 lb 231444 85475100308 Pok Pok Thaan Pok Pok Products Llc Tha Charcoal Log 10 Kg Natural 1/10 kg 231445 85475100309 Polaner Polaner Jelly Real Mint 6/10 oz 213326 7240001910 Pom Wonderful Pom Wonderful Juice Pom 100% 6/24 oz 130947 82415040124 Pomi Pomi Tomatoes Strained 6/26.46 oz 118770 2432142420 Pomi Pomi Tomatoes Chopped 6/26.46 oz 118771 2432142427 Pons Casa Pons USA Inc Esp Oil Extra Virgin Drum No Pump 1/57.7 ga 32847 7221079160 Pons Casa Pons USA Inc Esp Oil Olive Extra Virgin W/Garlic Natural 6/8.5 oz 67839 76104080051 Pons Casa Pons USA Inc Esp Oil Olive Extra Virgin White Truffle Natural 6/8.5 oz 67843 76104080055 Pop Gourmet Pop Gourmet Popcorn Popcorn Butter Toffee/Almond Roca Natural 12/8.25 oz 220826 85653500341 Pop Gourmet Pop Gourmet Popcorn Popcorn Rogue Blue Natural 12/1.7 oz 221609 85653500357 Pop Gourmet Pop Gourmet Popcorn Popcorn Fire Corn Jalapeno 12/5 oz 223440 85653500374 Pop Gourmet Pop Gourmet Popcorn Popcorn Fire Corn White Cheddar 12/5.5 oz 223441 85653500376 Pop Gourmet Pop Gourmet Popcorn Popcorn Sriracha 12/4.5 oz 230191 85533200513 Pop Gourmet Pop Gourmet Popcorn Chips Potato Sriracha Kettle Original 12/8 oz 231901 85533200539 Pop Gourmet Pop Gourmet Popcorn Chips Potato Rogue Blue Kettle Natural 12/7 oz 235012 85533200540 Popchips Popchips Chips Potato Sea Salt Natural 24/.8 oz 136269 8266671100 Popchips Popchips Chips Potato BBQ Natural 24/.8 oz 136270 8266672200 Popchips Popchips Chips Potato Sour Cream/Onion Natural 24/.8 oz 136272 8266677700 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Popcorn Indiana Popcorn Indiana Popcorn Pop Family Kettle 12/7 oz 230374 84357100588 Popcorn Indiana Popcorn Indiana Popcorn Pop Family Movie Theater 12/4.75 oz 230375 84357100589 Popcorn Indiana Popcorn Indiana Popcorn Pop Family Aged White Cheddar 12/5.75 oz 230376 84357100590 Portco Portco Packaging Bag Lawn And Leaf 12/5 ea 213501 73452301502 Portland Portland Punch Concentrate 6/32 oz 18512 4277430070 Portland Portlandia Foods Inc Ketchup Organic 6/14 oz 215808 79357389360 Portland Portlandia Foods Inc Mustard 6/13 oz 223065 79357304735 Portland Oil Portland Oil Oil Chia Natural 6/250 ml 232457 86559000001 Portland Oil Portland Oil Oil Canola Natural 6/500 ml 232458 86559000000 Portland Roast Portland Roasting Coffee Coffee Portland House Single Serve Organic 6/12 ea 235489 64526450112 Portland Roast Portland Roasting Coffee Coffee French Single Serve Organic Natural 6/12 ea 235490 64526450115 Portland Roast Portland Roasting Coffee Coffee Morning Blend Single Serve Gluten Free Organic Natural 6/12 ea 235642 64526450030 Portland Style Portland Style Cheesecake Dessert Torte Chocolate Porter 9In 2/80 oz 223074 85305000516 Portland Style Portland Style Cheesecake Dessert Cheesecake Mini Van/Marion/Black 12ea 36/2 oz 223078 85305000521 Portland Style Portland Style Cheesecake Dessert Cheesecake Oatmeal Marionberry Bar 48/3.67 oz 229807 85305000545 Portland Style Portland Style Cheesecake Dessert Oatmeal Carmelita Bar 48/4.08 oz 229808 85305000547 Portland Style Portland Style Cheesecake Dessert Brownie Chocolate Hazelnut Fudge 48/4 oz 229809 85305000548 Portland Style Portland Style Cheesecake Dessert Cheesecake Lemon 8In 4/36 oz 230148 85305000525 Portland Style Portland Style Cheesecake Dessert Cake Double Chocolate 3In 8/7.75 oz 231936 85305000562 Portland Style Portland Style Cheesecake Dessert Cake Double Lemon 3In 8/6.75 oz 231937 85305000564 Portland Style Portland Style Cheesecake Dessert Cake Coconut Dream 3In 8/7 oz 231938 85305000563 Portland Style Portland Style Cheesecake Dessert Cheesecake Marionberry 3 In 8/6.5 oz 232493 85305000573 Portland Style Portland Style Cheesecake Dessert Cheesecake Double Chocolate 3 In 8/6.5 oz 232494 85305000575 Powerice Powerice Electrolytes Frozen Grape Score 6Pack 6/10.2 fo 225857 85578100333 Powerice Powerice Electrolytes Frozen Orange Blast 6Pack 6/10.2 fo 225858 85578100331 Powerice Powerice Electrolytes Frozen Pomegranate Raspberry 6Pack 6/10.2 fo 225860 85578100332 PPI Alpine Food Distributing Honey Packet 200/9 gr 62205 71603711520 Precious Lactalis Deli Inc Mozzarella Provolone Cheddar 80/10/10 Shred 6/5 lb 41250 7455016538 Premier Kenover Isr Tablecloths 60X108in Pd 10/16 ea 59252 67547000004 Premoro Burke Marketing Corporation Sausage Italian Cooked 2/5 lb 228814 2053457304 Preserve Recycline Inc Plate Green Small 7 In 12/10 ea 212108 63174007001 Preserve Recycline Inc Cutlery Green 12/24 ea 212109 63174011001 Preserve Recycline Inc Cup Green 12/10 ea 212110 63174014007 Preserve Recycline Inc Plate Green Large 10 1/2 In 12/8 ea 212111 63174006001 Preserve Recycline Inc Toothbrush Adult Mail Back Ultra Soft 6/1 ea 215395 63174001012 Preserve Recycline Inc Toothbrush Adult Mail Back Pack Medium 6/1 ea 215396 63174001016 Preserve Recycline Inc Toothbrush Adult Mail Back Pack Soft 6/1 ea 215397 63174001014 Preserve Recycline Inc Storage Food Mini 8oz 4Pack 8/8.1 oz 218794 63174051041 President Lactalis Deli Inc Brie Foil Wrap 6/7 oz 45784 7790100304 President Lactalis Deli Inc Brie 3Kilo 60 Percent Plain Bulk 1/6.6 lb 45785 7790100311 President Lactalis Deli Inc Brie Herb 3Kilo 60 Percent 1/6.6 lb 45786 7790100312 President Lactalis Deli Inc Brie Herb Foil Wrap 6/7 oz 45789 7790100335 President Lactalis Deli Inc Brie 6/8 oz 45796 7790100401 President Lactalis Deli Inc Camembert 6/8 oz 45797 7790100402 President Lactalis Deli Inc Brie Log 60 Percent 6/6 oz 45798 7790100404 President Lactalis Deli Inc Brie Light 6/7 oz 45799 7790100405 President Lactalis Deli Inc Feta 12/8 oz 45803 7790100651 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 209 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 210 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC President Lactalis Deli Inc Feta Fat Free 12/8 oz 45808 7790100776 President Lactalis Deli Inc Fra Chevre Plain 12/4 oz 45828 7790120001 President Lactalis Deli Inc Frn Butter Unsalted 20/7 oz 45845 7790142142 President Lactalis Deli Inc Frn Butter Salted 20/7 oz 45846 7790142143 President Lactalis Deli Inc Brie Mini Plain 6/16 oz 212735 7790100350 President Lactalis Deli Inc Brie Wedge 4oz 9/4 oz 220410 7790100330 President Lactalis Deli Inc Feta Plain Crumbled Fat Free Natural 8/6 oz 221004 7790100788 President Lactalis Deli Inc Feta Tomato Basil Crumbled Fat Free Natural 8/6 oz 221005 7790100789 President Lactalis Deli Inc Feta Mediterranean Herb Crumbled Natural 8/6 oz 221006 7790100786 President Lactalis Deli Inc Feta Plain Crumbled Natural 8/6 oz 221008 7790100781 President Lactalis Deli Inc Fra Butter Sea Salt Natural 12/8.8 oz 221503 7790100935 President Lactalis Deli Inc Brie Wee Natural 12/4.9 oz 221791 7790100620 President Lactalis Deli Inc Fra Spread Cheese Garlic And Herbs 6/5.2 oz 223148 7790150010 President Lactalis Deli Inc Fra Spread Cheese Herbs De Provence 6/5.2 oz 223149 7790150020 President Lactalis Deli Inc Feta Crumbled Sundried Tomato Olives 8/6 oz 223491 7790100880 President Lactalis Deli Inc Spreadable Cheese Pepper Medley 6/5.2 oz 223492 7790150015 President Lactalis Deli Inc Feta Crumbled With Cranberries 8/6 oz 223493 7790100890 President Lactalis Deli Inc Fra Feta Valbreso Crumbled Cup 8/6 oz 224329 7790137250 President Lactalis Deli Inc Feta Crumbled Easy Shaker Plain 12/24 oz 226651 7790100858 President Lactalis Deli Inc Brie Triple Creme Cut/Wrap Wedges Ew 9/4 oz 228593 7790106375 President Lactalis Deli Inc Brie Spread Gourmet Creamy 8/5 oz 230249 7790100380 President Lactalis Deli Inc Spreadable Cheese Creamy Feta 8/5 oz 234673 7790100370 President Lactalis Deli Inc Spreadable Cheese Creamy White Cheddar 8/5 oz 234674 7790130360 President Lactalis Deli Inc Feta Plain Crumbled Fat Free 12/3.5 oz 234703 7790100897 President Lactalis Deli Inc Feta Plain Crumbled 12/3.5 oz 234704 7790100898 President Lactalis Export Americas Fra Comte 6/8.8 oz 45793 7790100390 President President Brie Hw 1/6.6 lb 67948 76181800521 President President Brie Herb Hw 1/6.6 lb 67951 76181800526 Prestone General Automotive Supply Co De Icer Windshield With Scrapp 12/11 oz 211937 79749665138 Price’s Bel Brands USA Spread Pimento Cup 12/7 oz 17926 4175715862 Price’s Bel Brands USA Spread Pimento Cheese Jalapeno Southern 12/11 oz 232185 4175766891 Price’s Bel Brands USA Spread Pimento Cheese Southern Style 12/11 oz 232186 4175766892 Pride Of West Pride Of The West, Inc. Batter Mix 1/25 lb 80217 4295957525 Pride Of West Pride Of The West, Inc. Chicken Breading 1/25 lb 116324 4295958125 Pride Of West Pride Of The West, Inc. Breading Chicken Hag 1/25 lb 117204 4295958135 Primo Pacific Food Importers Fettucine 12/32 oz 213457 5590030109 Primo Pacific Food Importers Rotini 12/32 oz 213458 5590030137 Primo Pacific Food Importers Spaghetti 12/32 oz 213459 5590030102 Primo Pacific Food Importers Linguine 12/32 oz 213460 5590030108 Primrose Primrose Mushrooms Garlic Cup 12/12 oz 12274 3710264438 Primrose Primrose Mushrooms Teriyaki Cup 12/12 oz 12275 3710264452 Primrose Swiss Valley Farms Cream Cheese 10/3 lb 26229 7050407011 Prince Of Peace Prince Of Peace Enterprises, Inc Tea Bag Ginger Honey Crystal 36/10 ea 212439 3927804010 Pro Accura Houston’s Inc. Thermometer 1.75In Dial 1/1 ea 130764 1843600235 Puck Ziyad Bros Import Spread Cheese 6/8.5 oz 51583 9393673107 Puddin River Puddin River Chocolates Fondue Cheese Classic 12/12 oz 228310 89719500139 Puddin River Puddin River Chocolates Toffee Hazelnut 12/8 oz 229505 86990200003 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Puddin River Puddin River Chocolates Spread Cheese Pimento 6/6 oz 229506 86990200002 Puffworks Yowza Snacks Llc Puffs Spicy Thai BBQ Peanut/Butter Gluten Free 12/6 oz 235953 85051400403 Puffworks Yowza Snacks Llc Puffs Chocolate Dark Peanut/ Butter Gluten Free Natural 12/6 oz 235954 85051400402 Puget Sound Oregon Hill Farms Inc Jam Raspberry 6/16.5 oz 213344 9156509954 Puget Sound Oregon Hill Farms Inc Jam Apricot 6/16.5 oz 213345 9156509956 Puget Sound Oregon Hill Farms Inc Jam Blackberry 6/16.5 oz 213346 9156509950 Puget Sound Oregon Hill Farms Inc Jam Blueberry 6/16.5 oz 213347 9156509958 Puget Sound Oregon Hill Farms Inc Jam Strawberry 6/16.5 oz 213348 9156509952 Pur Kaz USA Inc Mex Filter Faucet Mount Replace Mineral 6/1 ea 234110 72398700543 Pur Kaz USA Inc Chn Filter Faucet Mount Chrome Vert 3/1 ea 234111 72398700524 Pur Kaz USA Inc Mex Filter Faucet Mount Basic Replace 6/1 ea 234112 72398700541 Pur Kaz USA Inc Mex Pitcher Ultimate 7 Cup Led 2/1 ea 234113 72398700710 Pur Kaz USA Inc Filter Replacement With Tray 6/1 ea 234114 72398770322 Pure Ayre Clean Earth Inc Odor Eliminator Pet 12/14 oz 212770 66448124414 Pure Ayre Clean Earth Inc Odor Eliminator Home 12/14 oz 212771 66448104414 Pure Body Retail Imports Loofa Face Pad Small 3/1 ea 55054 60629200109 Pure Body Retail Imports Loofa Pad Oval 3/1 ea 55055 60629200110 Pure Body Retail Imports Pumice Stone On Rope 3/1 ea 55058 60629299135 Pure Body Retail Imports Glove Wash Exfoliating 3/1 ea 55064 60629299393 Pure Body Retail Imports Mask Sleep Silky 3/1 ea 55065 60629299487 Pure Body Retail Imports Sponge Bath Sea Foam 3/1 ea 83699 60629299250 Pure Body Retail Imports Pad Facial Bamboo 3/1 ea 212289 60629299935 Pure Body Retail Imports Gauze Synthetic Soft 3/1 ea 212292 60629299821 Pure Body Retail Imports Sock Moisture Natural 3/1 ea 212293 60629299932 Pure Body Retail Imports Pad Body Bamboo 3/1 ea 212294 60629299934 Pure Body Retail Imports Glove Moisture Natural 3/1 ea 212295 60629299933 Pure Body Retail Imports Brush Foot W/Pumice 3/1 ea 212296 60629220102 Pure Body Retail Imports Brush Body Acrylic Assorted 3/1 ea 212297 60629299389 Pure Body Retail Imports Sponge Wash Bamboo 3/1 ea 212299 60629220235 Pure Body Retail Imports Laponge Pink 3/1 ea 212300 60629299701 Pure Body Retail Imports Tool Foot 4 Way 3/1 ea 212301 60629220101 Pure Body Retail Imports Scrubber Back Loofa Bamboo 3/1 ea 212302 60629220236 Pure Body Retail Imports Tool Foot 4 In 1 3/1 ea 212303 60629220233 Pure Body Retail Imports Scratcher Back Bamboo 3/1 ea 212304 60629299533 Pure Body Retail Imports Loofah Soap Pouch Bamboo 3/1 ea 229781 60629220246 Pure Body Retail Imports Brush Foot With Pumice Bamboo 3/1 ea 229782 60629220232 Pure Body Retail Imports Sponges Facial Sea Foam 2Pack 3/1 ea 229783 60629220539 Pure Body Retail Imports Cloths Wash Polishing 2Pack 3/1 ea 229784 60629220217 Pure Body Retail Imports Scrub Body Exfoliating Pomegranate 36/8 oz 229790 60629220918 Pure Body Retail Imports Wash Body Cleansing Pomegranate 30/16 oz 229794 60629220920 Pure Body Retail Imports Butter Body Soothing Rosemary 36/7 oz 229795 60629220907 Pure Body Retail Imports Wash Body Cleansing Lavender 30/16 oz 229796 60629220902 Pure Body Retail Imports Butter Body Soothing Pomegranate 36/7 oz 229797 60629220924 Pure Body Retail Imports Butter Body Soothing Mango 36/7 oz 229798 60629220923 Pure Body Retail Imports Scrub Body Exfoliating Rosemary 36/8 oz 229799 60629220901 Pure Body Retail Imports Butter Body Soothing Lavender 36/7 oz 229800 60629220906 Pure Body Retail Imports Wash Body Cleansing Rosemary 30/16 oz 229801 60629220903 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 211 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 212 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Pure Body Retail Imports Scrub Body Exfoliating Lavender 36/8 oz 229802 60629220900 Pure Body Retail Imports Scrub Body Exfoliating Mango 36/8 oz 229803 60629220917 Pure Body Retail Imports Wash Body Cleansing Mango 30/16 oz 229805 60629220919 Pure Citrus Blue Magic Inc Spray Apple Cinnamon 6/7 oz 212192 7954222307 Pure Citrus Blue Magic Inc Spray Citrus Vanilla 6/7 oz 212193 7954222507 Pure Citrus Blue Magic Inc Cleaner Orange 6/32 fo 212194 7954220032 Pure Wild Oregon Windy Bay Holdings Llc Ketchup Garlic Natural 12/15 oz 232771 68756052134 Pure Wild Oregon Windy Bay Holdings Llc Jam Peach Raw Sugar Natural 12/12 oz 232773 68756020070 Pure Wild Oregon Windy Bay Holdings Llc Sauce Honey Mustard BBQ Natural 12/15 oz 232774 68756050023 Pure Wild Oregon Windy Bay Holdings Llc Ketchup Chipotle Natural 12/15 oz 232775 68756052138 Pure Wild Oregon Windy Bay Holdings Llc Jam Marionberry Raw Sugar Natural 12/12 oz 232777 68756020068 Pure Wild Oregon Windy Bay Holdings Llc Ketchup Original Natural 12/15 oz 232778 68756052131 Pure Wild Oregon Windy Bay Holdings Llc Sauce Black Currant BBQ Natural 12/15 oz 232779 68756050026 Pure Wild Oregon Windy Bay Holdings Llc Jam Cherry Raw Sugar Natural 12/12 oz 232781 68756020067 Pure Wild Oregon Windy Bay Holdings Llc Jam Blueberry Raw Sugar Natural 12/12 oz 232782 68756020066 Pure Wild Oregon Windy Bay Holdings Llc Sauce Kentucky Bourbon BBQ Natural 12/15 oz 232783 68756050025 Pure Wild Oregon Windy Bay Holdings Llc Ketchup Sirracha Natural 12/15 oz 232784 68756052139 Pure Wild Oregon Windy Bay Holdings Llc Sauce Cherry Chipotle BBQ Natural 12/15 oz 232787 68756050024 Purely Elizabeth Appetite For Healthy Living Cereal Granola Original Gluten Free 6/12 oz 230668 85514000217 Purely Elizabeth Appetite For Healthy Living Cereal Granola Pumpkin Fig Gluten Free 6/12 oz 230669 85514000215 Puremiel Culinary Collectives Esp Honey Eucalyptus Organic Natural 6/12.3 oz 209351 83292400113 Pureness Van Ness Plastic Molding Company Cat Pan Large 12/1 ea 210362 7944100402 Pureness Van Ness Plastic Molding Company Scoop Litter Regular 12/1 ea 210363 7944100421 Puro Caffe Houston’s Inc. Cleaner Espresso Machine Powder 12/20 oz 67039 75463103101 Puro Caffe Houston’s Inc. Cleaner Tabs 12/150 ea 210636 75463181378 Q Tonic Q Tonic Water Tonic 4 Pack 9 oz Natural 6/36 oz 92075 9492270141 Q Tonic Q Tonic Drink Orange 4 Pack 8oz Natural 6/32 oz 225796 85169400315 Q Tonic Q Tonic Drink Kola 4 Pack 8oz Natural 6/32 oz 225797 85169400307 Q Tonic Q Tonic Drink Lemon 4 Pack 8oz Natural 6/32 oz 225798 85169400312 Q Tonic Q Tonic Drink Grapefruit 4 Pack 8oz Natural 6/32 oz 225799 85169400318 Q Tonic Q Tonic Drink Ginger Ale 4 Pack 9oz Natural 6/36 oz 225800 85169400301 Q Tonic Q Tonic Soda Club 4 Pack 9oz Natural 6/36 oz 225801 85169400304 Q Tonic Q Tonic Drink Sparkling Lemon 4 Pack Natural 6/48 oz 227271 85169400329 Q Tonic Q Tonic Drink Sparkling Grapefruit 4 Pack Natural 6/48 oz 227272 85169400331 Q Tonic Q Tonic Drink Club 750 Ml Natural 12/750 ml 232561 85169400305 Q Tonic Q Tonic Drink Ginger Beer 750 Ml Natural 12/750 ml 232562 85169400346 Q Tonic Q Tonic Drink Ginger 750 Ml Natural 12/750 ml 232563 85169400302 Q Tonic Q Tonic Drink Tonic 750 Ml Natural 12/750 ml 232564 9492278604 Q Tonic Q Tonic Drink Ginger Beer 4 Pack 12 oz Natural 6/48 oz 232565 85169400345 Quantum Quantum Lozenges Cold Plus Orange 6/24 ea 20154 4698501600 Quantum Quantum Inc. Repellent Buzz Away Extreme Spray 8oz 12/8 oz 235241 4698501690 Quantum Quantum Inc. Towelettes Popup Buss Away Extreme 3/25 ea 235242 4698501657 Quantum Quantum Inc. Repellent Buzz Away Spray Travel Size 12/2 oz 235243 4698501621 Quantum Quantum Inc. Repellent Buzz Away Extreme Spray 4oz 12/4 oz 235244 4698501810 Quattro Portoni Forever Cheese Inc Ita Quadrello Di Bufala 2/5 lb 235793 7221043182 Quesar Atalanta Corporation Esp Tetilla 6/2 lb 221319 43700460600 Queso Del Valle Karoun Dairies Inc Cotija Cheese 12/8 oz 70928 79625280037 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Queso Del Valle Karoun Dairies Inc Queso Blanco 12/8 oz 70929 79625280043 Queso Del Valle Karoun Dairies Inc Queso Fresco 12/8 oz 70932 79625280083 Quickes Somerdale International Limited Gbr Cheddar Clothbound Mature Natural 2/6.6 lb 235643 73500600019 Quorn Quorn Gruyere Chicken Cutlet 10/7.76 oz 73058 83373500040 Quorn Quorn Bacon Natural 12/5.29 oz 231266 83373500150 Radenska Global Importing Group Water Mineral 12/33.8 oz 55635 61661800220 Radiator Specialty General Automotive Supply Co Fluid Power Steering 12/1 ea 211933 7869813273 Radiator Specialty General Automotive Supply Co Gunk Engine Brite 12/15 oz 213087 7869850201 Raincoast Crisp Lesley Stowe Fine Foods Crisps Cranberry Hazelnut Natural 24/6 oz 204295 6124310004 Raincoast Crisp Lesley Stowe Fine Foods Crisps Fig And Olive 24/6 oz 204457 6124310003 Raincoast Crisp Lesley Stowe Fine Foods Crisps Salty Date And Almond 24/6 oz 204458 6124310006 Raincoast Crisp Lesley Stowe Fine Foods Can Crisps Original Seed Natural 24/5.3 oz 222138 6124310001 Raincoast Crisp Lesley Stowe Fine Foods Can Oat Seed Gluten Free Natural 12/6 oz 228510 6124320001 Raincoast Crisp Lesley Stowe Fine Foods Can Oat Rosemary Raisin Gluten Free Natural 12/6 oz 228511 6124320002 Raincoast Crisp Lesley Stowe Fine Foods Can Crisps Oat Cranberry Natural 12/6 oz 234532 6124320003 Raincoast Crisp Lesley Stowe Fine Foods Can Crisps Rosemary Raisin Pecan Natural 12/6 oz 234533 6124310002 Raison D Etre Ashbury Market Inc Cookies Chocolate Chip 48/3.5 oz 226924 85661700446 Raison D Etre Ashbury Market Inc Scones Raspberry Blackberry 48/4 oz 226925 85661700433 Raison D Etre Ashbury Market Inc Cupcakes Black Bottom 48/2.5 oz 226926 85661700439 Raison D Etre Ashbury Market Inc Muffins Morning 48/4.5 oz 226927 85661700436 Raison D Etre Ashbury Market Inc Muffins Chocolate Vegan 48/4.5 oz 226929 85661700438 Raison D Etre Ashbury Market Inc Cookies Peanut Butter 48/3.5 oz 226930 85661700450 Raison D Etre Ashbury Market Inc Cake Mini Banana Walnut 48/3.7 oz 226931 85661700452 Raison D Etre Ashbury Market Inc Cookies Oatmeal Raisin 48/3.5 oz 226932 85661700448 Raison D Etre Ashbury Market Inc Cake Carrot 48/4.5 oz 226933 85661700440 Raison D Etre Ashbury Market Inc Cake Mini Citrus Lemon 48/3.7 oz 226934 85661700453 Raison D Etre Ashbury Market Inc Cookies Spicy Ginger 48/3.5 oz 226935 85661700449 Raison D Etre Ashbury Market Inc Cake Mini Blackberry Almond 48/3.7 oz 226936 85661700451 Raison D Etre Ashbury Market Inc Scones Mini Lemon 120/1.5 oz 226939 85661700431 Raison D Etre Ashbury Market Inc Muffin Banana Blueberry Reduced Fat 48/4.5 oz 228228 85661700437 Raison D Etre Ashbury Market Inc Macaroon Orange Natural 96/1.6 oz 231539 85661700463 Ramblin Boar Dawg Haus Llc Sauce BBQ Texas Style Natural 12/14 oz 231569 86375600003 Ramblin Boar Dawg Haus Llc Sauce BBQ Kansas City Style Natural 12/14 oz 231570 86375600000 Ramblin Boar Dawg Haus Llc Sauce BBQ Memphis Style Natural 12/14 oz 231571 86375600001 Ramblin Boar Dawg Haus Llc Sauce BBQ South Carolina Style Natural 12/14 oz 231572 86375600002 Rambol Alouette Cheese USA Llc Fra Gourmandise Walnut 2/4.4 lb 67988 76181801032 Ranise Italian Harvest Ita Pesto Ligurian Basil Natural 12/6.35 oz 232356 3252964363 Raos Raos Specialty Foods Inc Sauce Pasta Marinara 12/32 oz 87762 74747900001 Raos Raos Specialty Foods Inc Sauce Marinara 12/15.5 oz 87764 74747900003 Raos Raos Specialty Foods Inc Sauce Pasta Arrabiatta 12/24 oz 87765 74747900004 Raos Raos Specialty Foods Inc Sauce Pasta Marinara 12/24 oz 87768 74747900007 Raos Raos Specialty Foods Inc Sauce Pasta Vodka 12/24 oz 87771 74747900013 Raos Raos Specialty Foods Inc Sauce Pasta Tomato Basil Roasted 12/24 oz 87777 74747900105 Raskins Raskins Fish Market Inc Gefilte Fish Original Sweet 12/20 oz 214420 41332039 Raskins Raskins Fish Market Inc Can Gefilte Fish Salmon Gourmet 12/22 oz 214421 41332770 Raskins Raskins Fish Market Inc Gefilte Fish No Sugar Added 12/20 oz 214422 41332018 Rat Bastard Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Root Beer 24/12 oz 207454 89245800134 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 213 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 214 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Ravifruit Paris Gourmet Puree Blood Orange 5/2.2 lb 54012 32794224230 Ravifruit Paris Gourmet Coulis Raspberry 6/500 gr 68065 76188690006 Ray’s Own Brand Ray’s Own Brand Jerky Beef Peppered Hand Cut Natural 12/3.25 oz 231966 88224500109 Ray’s Own Brand Ray’s Own Brand Jerky Beef Original Hand Cut Natural 12/3.25 oz 231967 88224500107 Ray’s Own Brand Ray’s Own Brand Jerky Beef Hickory Smoked Pepper 12/3.25 oz 234870 88224500157 Ready Greek Go Ready Greek Go Chi Smoothie Yogurt Strawberry 4Pack 6/16 oz 235497 85010600603 Ready Greek Go Ready Greek Go Chi Smoothie Yogurt Mango 4Pack Natural 6/16 oz 235498 85010600604 Ready Greek Go Ready Greek Go Chi Smoothie Yogurt Berry 4Pack Natural 6/16 oz 235499 85010600605 Real American Beverage Marketers Syrup Ginger Infused 12/16.9 oz 227079 7049110809 Real American Beverage Marketers Syrup Blueberry Puree 12/16.9 oz 227080 7049110909 Real American Beverage Marketers Syrup Raspberry Puree 12/16.9 oz 227081 7049110409 Real American Beverage Marketers Syrup Mango Puree 12/16.9 oz 227082 7049110609 Real Deal Real Deal Chips Real Veggie Original 12/6 oz 223225 7217004101 Real Greek Atalanta Corporation Gre Feta 12/7 oz 226305 7127038616 Real Salt Redmond Trading Company Salt Sea Pouch Natural 12/26 oz 207187 1878810250 Real Salt Redmond Trading Company Salt Sea Shaker Natural 12/10 oz 207188 1878810109 Recla Atalanta Corporation Ita Speck Alto Adige Ham Smoked 2/4.5 lb 235763 7127035220 Recla Atalanta Corporation Ita Speck Alto Adige Ham Smoked 4/1.5 lb 235767 7127035880 Red Hill Dundee Fruit Company Cherries Black In Light Syrup 12/29 oz 218761 73755003002 Red Hook Red Hook Shrimp Battered Red Hook Ale 4/2.5 lb 40217 7353804182 Red Leaf Saputo Cheese USA Can Cheddar White Aged 2 Years Bar 12/7 oz 222655 71156512403 Red Wagon Creamery Red Wagon Foods Inc Ice Cream Hail To The Bee 6/1 pt 230075 86667700005 Red Wagon Creamery Red Wagon Foods Inc Ice Cream Chocolate Heart 6/1 pt 230076 86667700000 Red Wagon Creamery Red Wagon Foods Inc Ice Cream Coffee Wandering Goat 6/1 pt 230077 86667700004 Red Wagon Creamery Red Wagon Foods Inc Ice Cream Seasonal Flavor 6/1 pt 230078 86667700006 Red Wagon Creamery Red Wagon Foods Inc Ice Cream Vanilla Not So Plain Jane 6/1 pt 230079 86667700002 Red Wagon Creamery Red Wagon Foods Inc Ice Cream Caramel Smoked/Salted 6/1 pt 230080 86667700003 Red Wagon Creamery Red Wagon Foods Inc Ice Cream Oregon Mint Chip 6/1 pt 230081 86667700001 Redondo Inglesias Redondo Inglesias USA Ham Jamon Serrano Boneless 1/12.5 lb 31660 7221073256 Red’s All Natural Red’s All Natural Burrito Steak And Cheese 12/5 oz 224349 85041600223 Red’s All Natural Red’s All Natural Burrito Chicken And Cheese 12/5 oz 224350 85041600222 Red’s All Natural Red’s All Natural Burrito Bean And Cheese 12/5 oz 224351 85041600225 Red’s All Natural Red’s All Natural Burrito Beef And Bean Chipotle 12/5 oz 224352 85041600224 Reese Reese Hearts Of Palm Marinated 12/14 oz 26746 7067000525 Reese World Finer Foods Artichoke Bottoms 12/14 oz 26736 7067000507 Reese World Finer Foods Artichoke Hearts Marinated 12/7.5 oz 26737 7067000509 Reese World Finer Foods Artichoke Hearts 5_7Ct 12/14 oz 26747 7067000536 Reese World Finer Foods Oyster Smoked Petite 10/3.7 oz 26759 7067000575 Reese World Finer Foods Artichoke Hearts Quartered 12/14 oz 26768 7067000598 Reese World Finer Foods Tapioca Granulated 6/8 oz 26913 7067000955 Reese World Finer Foods Paste Anchovy 10/1.6 oz 119258 7067000665 Reese World Finer Foods Holland Rusk 6/3.5 oz 119261 7067000956 Regina Regina Vinegar Red Wine 6/12 fo 213327 5440000080 Regina Regina Vinegar White Wine Gluten Free 6/12 oz 213328 5440000082 Reliant Reliant Hydration Inc Water Recovery Original Natural 12/16.9 fo 235045 85023000602 Reliant Reliant Hydration Inc Water Recovery Cucumber Natural 12/16.9 fo 235046 85023000601 Reliant Reliant Hydration Inc Water Recovery Peach Natural 12/16.9 fo 235047 85023000600 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Renaisance Columbus Manufacturing Inc Ita Salame Felino Artisan 4/2.5 lb 39090 7300700175 Republic Of Tea The Republic Of Tea Chn Tea Bag Ginger Peach Green 50Ct 6/2.65 oz 211520 74267640078 Republic Of Tea The Republic Of Tea Tea Bag Get Some Zzzs 36 Ct 6/1.65 oz 211522 74267640854 Republic Of Tea The Republic Of Tea Chn Tea Bag Honey Ginseng Green 50Ct Natural 6/2.65 oz 211540 74267640071 Republic Of Tea The Republic Of Tea Ger Tea Bag Caramel Black Hicaf Natural 6/2.8 oz 223881 74267640820 Republic Of Tea The Republic Of Tea Tea Bag Dandelion Super Herb 36Ct Organic 6/1.8 oz 231343 74267644113 Republic Of Tea The Republic Of Tea Tea Bag Green Turmeric Ginger 50Ct Organic 6/2.65 oz 231344 74267640355 Republic Of Tea The Republic Of Tea Tea Bag Cleanse Stackable 3Pack 42Ct 6/1.92 oz 231347 74267640892 Republic Of Tea The Republic Of Tea Tea Bag Green Get Burning 36Ct 6/1.65 oz 231348 74267640835 Reser’s Reser Fine Foods Salad Ambrosia Delight 2/6 lb 28482 7111700193 Reser’s Reser Fine Foods Pistachio Delight 2/6 lb 28493 7111700270 Reser’s Reser Fine Foods Salad Tuna 2/5 lb 28509 7111711405 Reser’s Reser Fine Foods Kit Salad Chicken Curried 1/10.5 lb 28511 7111711441 Reser’s Reser Fine Foods Potatoes Mashed Yukon Gold 4/5 lb 28516 7111714389 Reser’s Reser Fine Foods Potatoes Mashed 4/5 lb 28519 7111714439 Reser’s Reser Fine Foods Salad Raspberry Parfait 2/8 lb 28535 7111715207 Reser’s Reser Fine Foods Salad Cranberry Orange 2/8 lb 32905 7111780400 Reser’s Reser Fine Foods Salad Potato Scalloped 8/2.5 lb 218452 7111714378 Reser’s Reser Fine Foods Kit Salad Seafood 2/4.93 lb 224992 7111711439 Reser’s Reser Fine Foods Couscous Ginger Curry 2/5 lb 224993 7111714181 Rey De La Vera Culinary Collectives Esp Pimenton Sweet 12/2.6 oz 72903 83292400150 Rey De La Vera Culinary Collectives Pimenton Hot 12/75 gr 72904 83292400151 Reynaldo’s Reynaldo’s Chorizo Pork 16/12 oz 20964 4869600051 Reynaldo’s Reynaldo’s Chorizo Beef 16/12 oz 20965 4869600052 Rheinlander Beaverton Foods Fondue Cheese 12/13 oz 29884 7182800170 Rhythm Chips Rhythm SuperFood’s Llc Chips Kale Zesty Nacho 12/2 oz 132891 82973900032 Rhythm Chips Rhythm SuperFood’s Llc Chips Kale Kool Ranch 12/2 oz 132892 82973900052 Rhythm Chips Rhythm SuperFood’s Llc Chips Kale Original Organic 12/2 oz 231114 82973900063 Rians Saputo Cheese USA Fra Le Roule Garlic And Herb 1/4 lb 234193 18467932609 Rians Saputo Cheese USA Fra Le Roule Cranberry 1/4 lb 234194 18467002811 Ribena Posh Nosh Imports Gbr Drink Blackcurrant Large 12/20.3 oz 205910 87251300527 Rice Dream The Hain Celestial Group Inc Drink Horchata 6/32 oz 211159 8425322260 Rice Select Riviana Rice White Texmati Natural 4/32 oz 40966 7440111041 Rice Select Riviana Rice Brown Texmati Natural 4/32 oz 40970 7440131041 Rice Select Riviana Rice Sushi Natural 4/32 oz 40973 7440141041 Rice Select Riviana Rice Jasmati Natural 4/32 oz 40975 7440161041 Rice Select Riviana Couscous Natural 4/26.5 oz 40983 7440170432 Rice Select Riviana Orzo Whole Wheat 4/26.5 oz 40984 7440170441 Rice Select Riviana Couscous Tri Color Natural 4/26.5 oz 40990 7440173432 Rice Select Riviana Couscous Whole Wheat Organic 4/26.5 oz 40991 7440174432 Rice Select Riviana Rice Brown/Wild Blend Texmati Natural 4/28 oz 40994 7440176032 Rice Select Riviana Rice Brown/Red Blend Texmati Natural 4/28 oz 40995 7440176033 Rice Select Riviana Rice Royal Blend 4/21 oz 40996 7440176041 Rice Select Riviana Rice Arborio Natural 4/32 oz 41010 7440191041 Rice Select Riviana Couscous Pearl Original 6/11.5 oz 113810 7440170408 Rice Select Riviana Couscous Tricolor 6/11.5 oz 113811 7440173408 Rich’s Quality Frozen Foods Inc Topping Non Dairyliquid 24/8 oz 21344 4980001214 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 215 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 216 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Rich’s Quality Frozen Foods Inc Creamer Frozen Non Dairy 24/16 oz 21345 4980001310 Rich’s Rich’s Eclair Shell Unfilled 72/1.25 oz 21382 4980008782 Rick’s Picks Rick’s Picks Beans Mean 6/15 oz 209079 18470600002 Rick’s Picks Rick’s Picks Okra Pickled Smokra 6/15 oz 209080 18470600009 Rick’s Picks Rick’s Picks Pickles The Peoples 6/24 oz 209081 18470600013 Rick’s Picks Rick’s Picks Pickles Classic Sours 6/24 oz 209082 18470600022 Rick’s Picks Rick’s Picks Pickles Hotties 6/24 oz 209083 18470600014 Rick’s Picks Rick’s Picks Beets Phat 6/15 oz 209084 18470600004 Rick’s Picks Rick’s Picks Pickles The Peoples Natural 1/5 ga 221597 18470600031 Rick’s Picks Rick’s Picks Pickles Hotties Chips Natural 1/5 ga 221599 18470600039 Rick’s Picks Rick’s Picks Relish Corn Handy Natural 6/16 oz 233621 18470600011 Ricky’s Lucky Ricky’s Lucky Nuts Llc Peanuts Thai Red Curry Natural 12/1.75 oz 233536 89147300234 Ricky’s Lucky Ricky’s Lucky Nuts Llc Peanuts Sweet Chai Natural 12/1.75 oz 233537 89147300235 Ricky’s Lucky Ricky’s Lucky Nuts Llc Peanuts Spicy Chile Chipotle Natural 12/1.75 oz 233538 89147300233 Ricky’s Lucky Ricky’s Lucky Nuts Llc Peanuts Black Pepper Sea Salt Natural 12/1.75 oz 233539 89147300237 Ricky’s Lucky Ricky’s Lucky Nuts Llc Peanuts Real Coffee Natural 12/1.75 oz 233540 89147300236 Rio Rancho Source Atlantique Tostada Bowl 6/4 ea 42045 7488201060 Rising Sun Rising Sun Farms Torta Cheese Marionberry Natural 6/9.5 oz 4132 1864600215 Rising Sun Rising Sun Farms Torta Cheese Mediterranean Natural 6/9.5 oz 4133 1864600216 Rising Sun Farms Rising Sun Farms Torta Cheese Gorgonzola Natural 6/9.5 oz 4134 1864600217 Rising Sun Farms Rising Sun Farms Torta Cheese Pesto Tomato Natural 6/9.5 oz 4136 1864600220 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Rising Sun Farms Rising Sun Farms Torta Cheese Artichoke Lemon Natural 6/9.5 oz 4137 1864600224 Rising Sun Farms Rising Sun Farms Torta Cheese Key Lime Natural 6/9.5 oz 4141 1864600229 Rising Sun Farms Rising Sun Farms Torta Cheese Cranberry Orange Natural 6/9.5 oz 4142 1864600230 Rising Sun Farms Rising Sun Farms Tortette Gorgonzola Cheese 6/3 oz 4150 1864603217 Rising Sun Farms Rising Sun Farms Tortette Pesto Tomato Cheese 6/3 oz 4151 1864603220 Rising Sun Farms Rising Sun Farms Dip N Spread Roasted Garlic Chive Natural 6/6 oz 88350 1864600256 Rising Sun Farms Rising Sun Farms Dip N Spread Roasted Sweet Pepper Natural 6/6 oz 88351 1864600257 Rising Sun Farms Rising Sun Farms Dip N Spread Artichoke Parmesan Natural 6/6 oz 200132 1864600270 Rising Sun Farms Rising Sun Farms Torta Cheese Mild Curry Natural 6/9.5 oz 200978 1864600226 Rising Sun Farms Rising Sun Farms Pesto Classic Ultimate Natural 6/6 oz 213796 1864600060 Rising Sun Farms Rising Sun Farms Pesto Garlic Galore Natural 6/6 oz 213797 1864600058 Rising Sun Farms Rising Sun Farms Dip N Spread Gorgonzola 4/7 lb 218861 1864607254 Rising Sun Farms Rising Sun Farms Dip N Spread Artichoke Parmesan 4/7 lb 218862 1864607270 Rising Sun Farms Rising Sun Farms Dip N Spread Roasted Garlic Chive 4/7 lb 218863 1864607256 Rising Sun Farms Rising Sun Farms Tortette Marionberry Natural 6/3 oz 232324 1864603215 Rit Phoenix Brands Llc Dye Liquid Black 3/8 oz 213618 88596788150 Rit Phoenix Brands Llc Dye Powder Deniim Blue 6/1.13 oz 213619 88596783360 Rit Phoenix Brands Llc Dye Powder Black 6/1.13 oz 213620 88596783150 Rite Stuff Rite Stuff Foods, Inc Skins Potato 100/2.2 oz 204583 35229020 Ritter Sport Euro American Brands Llc Chocolate Whole Hazelnut Bar 10/3.5 oz 21512 5025501900 Ritter Sport Euro American Brands Llc Chocolate Milk Whole Almonds Bar 11/3.5 oz 21515 5025502300 Ritter Sport Euro American Brands Llc Chocolate Bittersweet Marzipan Bar 12/3.5 oz 21516 5025502500 River City Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Root Beer 24/12 oz 206930 85532300229 River City Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Blueberry Lemonade 24/12 oz 209470 85532300217 River Soap River Soap Company Soap Body Citrus Bar 12/4.5 oz 225807 60484903105 River Soap River Soap Company Soap Body Ocean Mist Bar 12/4.5 oz 225808 60484903112 River Soap River Soap Company Soap Body Milk And Honey Bar 12/4.5 oz 225809 60484903210 Rivers Edge Rivers Edge Chevre Chevre Up In Smoke 8/4 oz 209814 7221042439 Rivers Edge Rivers Edge Chevre Chevre Siltcoos 4/8 oz 209815 7221042437 Rivers Edge Rivers Edge Chevre Chevre Cape Foulweather 4/8 oz 209816 7221042438 Road Runner Roadrunner Home Bake Inc Pizza Crust Haggen 15In 16/24 oz 33907 7221081941 Road Runner Roadrunner Home Bake Inc Pizza Cheese 15 1/2In Flat 14/39 oz 107783 2784300021 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 217 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 218 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Road Runner Roadrunner Home Bake Inc Crust Pizza18in Flat No Tray 16/29 oz 112708 72784300044 Road Runner Roadrunner Home Bake Inc Pizza Cheese 15.5In Proofed 12/38 oz 117163 72784300021 Road Runner Roadrunner Home Bake Inc Dough Ball Pizza Bag Indiv 24/24 oz 204214 7221042027 Road Runner Roadrunner Home Bake Inc Dough Pie 6 And 7 In Top/Botm Crust 60/5.5 oz 217513 72784300079 Road Runner Roadrunner Home Bake Inc Dough Ball Whole Wheat Iw 30/16 oz 221504 72784300088 Road Runner Roadrunner Home Bake Inc Dough Ball White Iw 30/16 oz 221505 72784300089 Road Runner Roadrunner Home Bake Inc Dough Pizza 17In Thin Crust W/Tray 16/24 oz 221619 72784300041 Road Runner Roadrunner Home Bake Inc Bread Focaccia Half Sheet Ubake 8/44 oz 230607 72784300093 Road Runner Roadrunner Home Bake Inc Dough Ball White Institutional 80/8 oz 230608 72784300092 Road Runner Roadrunner Home Bake Inc Pizza Pepperoni 15 1/2 In Ultimate 12/42 oz 232440 72784300063 Road Runner Roadrunner Home Bake Inc Pizza Supreme Combo 15 1/2 In 10/45 oz 232441 72784300057 Road Runner Roadrunner Home Bake Inc Dough Flat Sheeted 8 Oz 50/8 oz 232945 72784300095 Road Runner Roadrunner Home Bake Inc Pizza Cheese 15 1/2 In No Label 12/39 oz 233192 72784300074 Road Runner Roadrunner Home Bake Inc Pizza Pepperoni 15 1/2 In No Label 12/42 oz 233193 72784300076 Road Runner Roadrunner Home Bake Inc Pizza Supreme Comb 15 1/2In No Label 10/45 oz 233194 72784300078 Road Runner Roadrunner Home Bake Inc Bread Focaccia Oval Ubake 10oz Natural 20/10 oz 233775 72784300030 Robertsons The Hain Celestial Group Inc Curd Lemon 6/11.3 oz 23722 5964424617 Robinsons British Wholesale Imports Gbr Water Lemon Barley 8/28.7 oz 207457 69963200107 Rodelle Rodelle Extract Vanilla Pure Organic 6/4 oz 49302 8598122404 Rodelle Rodelle Beans Vanilla 6/2 ea 49306 8598122851 Rodelle Rodelle Extract Vanilla Gourmet 6/8 oz 119936 8598191347 Rodelle Rodelle Flavor Vanilla Alcohol Free 6/4 oz 210765 8598191362 Rodelle Rodelle Inc Extract Almond Pure 6/2 oz 210760 8598130335 Rodelle Rodelle Inc Extract Lemon Pure 6/2 oz 210761 8598130334 Rodelle Rodelle Inc Cocoa Baking Gourmet 6/8 oz 210762 8598130425 Rodelle Rodelle Inc Paste Vanilla 6/4 oz 210763 8598191361 Rogue Creamery Rogue Creamery Blue Oregonzola 6/5 lb 32049 7221075310 Rogue Creamery Rogue Creamery Blue Crater Lake 6/5 lb 32759 7221078749 Rogue Creamery Rogue Creamery Blue Caveman 6/5 lb 84380 7221086510 Rogue Creamery Rogue Creamery Cheddar Chocolate Stout 10/8 oz 107571 4117422521 Rogue Creamery Rogue Creamery Blue Oregon Wheel 6/5 lb 119353 7221073302 Rogue Creamery Rogue Creamery Blue Oregon Crumbles Rw 5Lb 6/5 lb 204160 7221042020 Rogue Creamery Rogue Creamery Cheddar Chipotle Pistol Point 10/8 oz 210683 4117422420 Rogue Creamery Rogue Creamery Hopyard 4/10 lb 215625 4117422980 Rogue Creamery Rogue Creamery Chocolate Stout 4/10 lb 215626 4117422580 Rogue Creamery Rogue Creamery Blue Cheese Powder Blue Heaven 3 oz 6/3 oz 220356 4117410190 Rogue Creamery Rogue Creamery Blue Smokey Pasteurized Wheel Natural 6/5 lb 223932 4117414802 Rogue Creamery Rogue Creamery Blue Smokey Pasteurized Wedge Natural 24/3.5 oz 228967 4117414840 Rogue Creamery Rogue Creamery Oregonzola Blue Pasteurized Natural 24/3.5 oz 231902 4117412840 Rogue Creamery Rogue Creamery Blue Oregon Wedge Pasteurized 24/3.5 oz 232890 4117411840 Rogue Creamery Rogue Creamery Blue Crater Lake Pasteurized Pc 24/3.5 oz 232891 4117413840 Rogue Creamery Rogue Creamery Blue Oregon Crumble Pasteurized 6/5 lb 232892 4117411890 Rokeach Rokeach Soup Mushroom Condensed Pd 12/10.5 oz 119224 7042000312 Rokeach Rokeach Candle Israeli Sabbath Pd 4/72 ea 119232 7042000806 Rokeach The Manischewitz Co Candle Memorial Glass Pd 24/2.75 oz 26024 7042000801 Rokeach The Manischewitz Co Candle Neriot Refill Pd 6/72 ea 26029 7042000822 Rokeach The Manischewitz Co Candle Neriot Glass Pd 24/2 ea 26090 7042006478 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Roland American Roland Anchovy Fillets Flat 25/2 oz 15007 4122418220 Roland American Roland Artichoke Hearts 6 To 8 Count Natural 12/13.75 oz 15131 4122440250 Roland American Roland Bamboo Shoots Sliced 6/104 oz 15158 4122442210 Roland American Roland Chestnuts Water Sliced 6/102 oz 15161 4122442710 Roland American Roland Mushrooms Wild Dried 6/1.41 oz 15193 4122444850 Roland American Roland Pimento Whole Red Jars 12/7.5 oz 15238 4122445750 Roland American Roland Tomatoes Sundried In Extra Virgin Olive Oil 12/3 oz 15284 4122446800 Roland American Roland Ita Paste Olive Black Sanremo Natural 12/3 oz 15308 4122446932 Roland American Roland Cherries Maraschino Premium 12/10 oz 15323 4122460440 Roland American Roland Cherries Lime Flavored 12/10 oz 15325 4122460444 Roland American Roland Oranges Mandarin Segment Whole 6/108 oz 15362 4122464040 Roland American Roland Glaze Balsamic Fig 12/5.1 oz 85786 4122476306 Roland American Roland Farro Semipearled 4/3 lb 113970 4122472142 Roland American Roland Ita Glaze Balsamic Gluten Free 6/7.3 oz 235488 4122470440 Roland Roland Vinegar Balsamic Gold Vintage 6/8.5 oz 213305 4122470556 Roland Roland Ita Pesto Sanremo W/ Olive Oil Natural 6/3 oz 213309 4122446902 Roloff Farms R6 Productions Inc Salsa Pumpkin Peach Natural 6/14 oz 232056 86620600010 Roloff Farms R6 Productions Inc Salsa Pumpkin Verde Natural 6/14 oz 232057 86620600011 Roloff Farms R6 Productions Inc Salsa Pumpkin Corn Natural 6/14 oz 232058 86620600012 Romanoff T Marzetti Company Caviar Black Lumpfish 12/2 oz 24852 7020023000 Romano’s Romano’s Italian Soda Company Soda Strawberry Creamy 24/12 oz 209846 69604284327 Romano’s Romano’s Italian Soda Company Soda Orange Creme Diet 24/12 oz 209847 69604295327 Romano’s Romano’s Italian Soda Company Soda Apple Sour 24/12 oz 209848 69604281327 Romano’s Romano’s Italian Soda Company Soda Orange Creme 24/12 oz 209849 69604283327 Romano’s Romano’s Italian Soda Company Soda Vanilla Bean 24/12 oz 209851 69604286327 Romano’s Romano’s Italian Soda Company Soda Yumberry Blue 24/12 oz 209852 69604256327 Romano’s Romano’s Italian Soda Company Soda Peach White 24/12 oz 209853 69604260327 Rondele Lactalis Deli Inc Pub Cheese Cheddar Sharp 12/8 oz 24683 7015329045 Rondele Lactalis Deli Inc Pub Spread Cheddar Jalapeno 12/8 oz 24684 7015329047 Rondele Lactalis Deli Inc Pub Cheese Cheddar Horseradish 12/8 oz 24685 7015329049 Rondele Lactalis Deli Inc Spread Garlic Herb Cup 12/8 oz 24689 7015329232 Rondele Lactalis Deli Inc Spread Garden Vegetable 12/8 oz 24692 7015329242 Rondele Lactalis Deli Inc Spread Roasted Garlic Artichoke 12/8 oz 24698 7015329270 Rondele Lactalis Deli Inc Spread Bagel Plain 48/1 oz 24699 7015329720 Rondele Lactalis Deli Inc Spread Garlic Herb Lite Cup 12/8 oz 24703 7015330100 Rondele Lactalis Deli Inc Spread Spinach Reduced Fat 6/8 oz 119134 7015300125 Rondele Lactalis Deli Inc Spread Peppercorn Parmesan 6/8 oz 119137 7015329246 Rondele Lactalis Deli Inc Spread Cheese Chipotle Tomato 6/8 oz 200142 7015329243 Rondele Lactalis Deli Inc Spread Pub Cheddar And Port Wine 6/8 oz 207463 7015329044 Rondele Lactalis Deli Inc Spread Garden Vegetable 12/6.5 oz 231123 7015329370 Rondele Lactalis Deli Inc Spread Artichoke And Garlic 12/6.5 oz 231124 7015329350 Rondele Lactalis Deli Inc Spread Garlic And Herb 12/6.5 oz 231125 7015329365 Rondele Lactalis Deli Inc Spread Garlic And Herb Light 12/6.5 oz 231384 7015329375 Ronzoni New World Pasta Co Pasta Vermicelli 20/16 oz 28909 7130000010 Ronzoni New World Pasta Co Pasta Angel Hair 20/16 oz 28911 7130000020 Ronzoni New World Pasta Co Pasta Curly Lasagne 12/16 oz 28923 7130000080 Ronzoni New World Pasta Co Pasta Oven Ready Lasagne 12/8 oz 28924 7130000081 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 219 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 220 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Ronzoni New World Pasta Co Pasta Manicotti 12/8 oz 28927 7130000090 Ronzoni New World Pasta Co Pasta Trio Italiano 12/16 oz 28929 7130000122 Ronzoni New World Pasta Co Pasta Fettuccine Spinach Straight 12/12 oz 28933 7130000131 Ronzoni New World Pasta Co Pasta Jumbo Shells 8/12 oz 223010 7130000095 Root Ai Root Company Candle Veriglass Ginger Patchouli Lg 8/1 ea 220058 73504817041 Root Ai Root Company Candle Veriglass Cinnamon Spice Lg 8/1 ea 220059 73504828767 Root Ai Root Company Candle Veriglass Blackberry Mango Lg 8/1 ea 220060 73504828525 Root Ai Root Company Candle Veriglass Anjou Pear Large 8/1 ea 220061 73504817039 Root Ai Root Company Candle Veriglass French Vanilla Lg 8/1 ea 220064 73504816916 Root Ai Root Company Candle Veriglass English Lavender Lg 8/1 ea 220066 73504817044 Root Ai Root Company Candle Veriglass Japanese Cedarwood Lg 8/1 ea 220067 73504816809 Root Ai Root Company Candle Veriglass Pinot Noir Large 8/1 ea 220068 73504828059 Root Ai Root Company Candle Veriglass Tangrn Lemongrass Lg 8/1 ea 220069 73504817038 Root Ai Root Company Candle Veriglass Sampaquita Large 8/1 ea 220071 73504817030 Root Ai Root Company Candle Votives Cinnamon Spice 20Hr 18/1 ea 220108 73504828769 Root Ai Root Company Candle Votives Japanese Cedarwood 20Hr 18/1 ea 220112 73504818742 Root Ai Root Company Candle Votives Anjou Pear 20 Hourr 18/1 ea 220113 73504813408 Root Ai Root Company Candle Votives Pinot Noir 20 Hour 18/1 ea 220114 73504828003 Root Ai Root Company Candle Votives Sampaquita 20 Hour 18/1 ea 220115 73504813394 Root Ai Root Company Candle Votives Tangrn Lemongrass 20Hr 18/1 ea 220116 73504813407 Root Ai Root Company Candle Votives Ginger Patchouli 20Hr 18/1 ea 220117 73504813410 Root Ai Root Company Candle Votives English Lavender 20Hr 18/1 ea 220119 73504813415 Root Ai Root Company Candle Votives Blackberry Mango 20Hr 18/1 ea 220120 73504828507 Root Ai Root Company Candle Votives French Vanilla 20Hr 18/1 ea 220122 73504813388 Root Ai Root Company Candle Pillar 3X6 Mulled Cider 18/1 ea 220124 73504814746 Root Ai Root Company Candle Pillar 3X6 French Vanilla 18/1 ea 220128 73504811111 Root Ai Root Company Candle Pillar 3X6 Hollyberry 18/1 ea 220129 73504813029 Root Ai Root Company Candle Pillar 3X3 French Vanilla 36/1 ea 220130 73504811541 Root Ai Root Company Candle Pillar 3X3 Japanese Cedarwood 36/1 ea 220131 73504822777 Root Ai Root Company Candle Pillar 3X3 Hollyberry 36/1 ea 220132 73504813028 Root Ai Root Company Candle Pillar 3X3 Mulled Cider 36/1 ea 220133 73504814721 Root Ai Root Company Candle Pillar 3X6 Japanese Cedarwood 18/1 ea 220134 73504822779 Root Ai Root Company Candle Pillar 3X3 Sampaquita 36/1 ea 220135 73504812577 Root Ai Root Company Candle Pillar 3X6 Sampaquita 18/1 ea 220136 73504812579 Root Ai Root Company Candle Tealights Pinot Noir 50/8 ea 220137 73504828015 Root Ai Root Company Candle Tealights Tangerne Lemngrass 50/8 ea 220138 73504813445 Root Ai Root Company Candle Tealights Sampaquita 50/8 ea 220139 73504812739 Root Ai Root Company Candle Tealights English Lavender 50/8 ea 220140 73504813449 Root Ai Root Company Candle Tealights Anjou Pear 50/8 ea 220142 73504813132 Root Ai Root Company Candle Tealights Lemon Frosted Scone 50/8 ea 220143 73504828011 Root Ai Root Company Candle Tealights Ginger Patchouli 50/8 ea 220147 73504813446 Root Ai Root Company Candle Tealights Japanese Cedarwood 50/8 ea 220148 73504818769 Root Ai Root Company Candle Tealights Blackberry Mango 50/8 ea 220149 73504828510 Root Ai Root Company Candle Tealights French Vanilla 50/8 ea 220151 73504812738 Root Ai Root Company Candle Dinner 7In Timber White 4/1 ea 220152 73504822711 Root Ai Root Company Candle Dinner 7In Timber Ivory 4/1 ea 220153 73504813852 Root Ai Root Company Candle Dinner 7In Timber Dark Olive 4/1 ea 220154 73504814198 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Root Ai Root Company Candle Dinner 7In Timber Garnet 4/1 ea 220155 73504813869 Root Ai Root Company Candle Dinner 7In Timber Beeswax 4/1 ea 220157 73504813854 Root Ai Root Company Candle Dinner 7In Timber Willow 4/1 ea 220158 73504813860 Root Ai Root Company Candle Dinner 7In Timber Red 4/1 ea 220159 73504813867 Root Ai Root Company Candle Dinner 9In Timber Ivory 12/1 ea 220161 73504814213 Root Ai Root Company Candle Dinner 9In Timber Beeswax 12/1 ea 220162 73504814219 Root Ai Root Company Candle Dinner 9In Timber Willow 12/1 ea 220164 73504814226 Root Ai Root Company Candle Dinner 9In Timber Dark Olive 12/1 ea 220165 73504814217 Root Ai Root Company Candle Dinner 9In Timber Garnet 12/1 ea 220166 73504814210 Root Ai Root Company Candle Dinner 9In Timber White 12/1 ea 220167 73504822714 Root Ai Root Company Candle Dinner 9In Timber Rust 12/1 ea 220168 73504814811 Root Ai Root Company Candle Dinner 9In Timber Red 12/1 ea 220169 73504814220 Root Ai Root Company Candle Dinner 9In Timber Dark Green 12/1 ea 220170 73504814207 Root Ai Root Company Candle Veriglass Tangrne Lemongrass Sm 12/1 ea 220171 73504814859 Root Ai Root Company Candle Veriglass Anjou Pear Small 12/1 ea 220172 73504814860 Root Ai Root Company Candle Veriglass Ginger Patchouli Sm 12/1 ea 220173 73504814862 Root Ai Root Company Candle Veriglass English Lavender Sm 12/1 ea 220176 73504814866 Root Ai Root Company Candle Veriglass Blackberry Mango Sm 12/1 ea 220177 73504828528 Root Ai Root Company Candle Veriglass Japnse Cedrwood Sm 12/1 ea 220178 73504818759 Root Ai Root Company Candle Veriglass French Vanilla Sm 12/1 ea 220180 73504814845 Root Ai Root Company Candle Veriglass Pinot Noir Small 12/1 ea 220181 73504828067 Root Ai Root Company Candle Veriglass Sampaquita Small 12/1 ea 220182 73504814849 Root Ai Root Company Candle Votive Relax Geranium/Lavender 8/3 ea 229507 73504828787 Root Ai Root Company Candle Melts Awaken Basil Lime 6/1 ea 229509 73504830677 Root Ai Root Company Candle Melts Relax Geranium Lavender 6/1 ea 229512 73504830714 Root Ai Root Company Candle Melts Relieve Eucalyptus 6/1 ea 229513 73504830715 Root Ai Root Company Candle Illuminate Juniper Rosewood 4/1 ea 229516 73504827559 Root Ai Root Company Candle Votive Relieve Eucalyptus 8/3 ea 229517 73504828793 Root Ai Root Company Candle Votive Illuminate Juniper 8/3 ea 229518 73504828788 Root Ai Root Company Candle Awaken Basil And Lime 4/1 ea 229520 73504828085 Root Ai Root Company Candle Melts Illuminate Juniper 6/1 ea 229521 73504830712 Root Ai Root Company Candle Votive Entice Orange Clove 8/3 ea 229522 73504828794 Root Ai Root Company Candle Melts Entice Orange Clove 6/1 ea 229523 73504830711 Root Ai Root Company Candle Relieve Eucalyptus Menthol 4/1 ea 229532 73504828785 Root Ai Root Company Candle Entice Orange Clove 4/1 ea 229533 73504828786 Root Ai Root Company Wax Warmer Seeking Balance 6/1 ea 229535 73504830739 Root Ai Root Company Candle Relax Geranium Lavender 4/1 ea 229537 73504827558 Root Ai Root Company Candle Timberline Spice Market 3X3 36/1 ea 230621 73504829978 Root Ai Root Company Candle Mountain Larkspur Veriglass 12/1 ea 230622 73504829835 Root Ai Root Company Candle Tealight Mountain Larksur 50/8 ea 230623 73504829820 Root Ai Root Company Candle Salted Caramel Veriglass Sm 12/1 ea 230624 73504829094 Root Ai Root Company Candle Timberline Parsley Pepper 3X6 18/1 ea 230625 73504831063 Root Ai Root Company Candle Timberline Spice Market 3X6 18/1 ea 230626 73504829979 Root Ai Root Company Candle Salted Caramel Veriglass Lg 8/1 ea 230627 73504829093 Root Ai Root Company Candle Parsley Pepper Veriglass Sm 12/1 ea 230628 73504830926 Root Ai Root Company Candle Timberline Parsley Pepper 3X3 36/1 ea 230629 73504831060 Root Ai Root Company Candle Parsley Peppers Veriglass Lg 8/1 ea 230630 73504830985 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 221 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 222 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Root Ai Root Company Candle Tealight Parsley Peppers 50/8 ea 230631 73504830948 Root Ai Root Company Candle Salted Caramel Votive 18/1 ea 230632 73504829088 Root Ai Root Company Candle Tiramisu Votive 18/1 ea 230633 73504829961 Root Ai Root Company Candle Parsley Pepper Votive 18/1 ea 230634 73504830936 Root Ai Root Company Candle Mountain Larkspur Votive 18/1 ea 230635 73504829817 Rose Wismettac Asian Foods Noodles Chinese Egg 12/16 oz 41872 7482103008 Rose Wismettac Asian Foods Cookies Fortune 12/10 oz 212329 7482105007 Rose Packing Rose Packing Company Inc. Sausage Patty Fully Cooked 2 Oz 1/10 lb 44723 7705281301 Rosenborg Rosenborg Den Blue Pc 1/8 lb 67928 76181800225 Roses Dr Pepper Snapple Group Drink Mix Mojito Traditional 9/21 oz 130761 1660035207 Roses Dr Pepper Snapple Group Infusion Sour Apple 9/20 fo 200233 1660032501 Roses Dr Pepper Snapple Group Syrup Grenadine 12/12 oz 226567 1660000005 Roses Dr Pepper Snapple Group Juice Lime 12/12 oz 226568 1660000004 Roses Dr Pepper Snapple Group Juice Lime 12/25 oz 226569 1660000103 Roses Dr Pepper Snapple Group Syrup Grenadine 12/25 oz 233666 1660000104 Roses Dr Pepper Snapple Group Juice Realemon 12/32 oz 233667 1480058226 Roses Posh Nosh Imports Gbr Marmalade Orange 6/16 oz 210296 72194300004 Roses Posh Nosh Imports Gbr Marmalade Lime 6/16 oz 210297 72194300005 Roses Roses Syrup Grenadine 6/12 oz 226570 1660000005 Roses Roses Juice Lime 6/12 oz 226571 1660000004 Roses Roses Juice Lime 6/25 oz 226572 1660000103 Roses Roses Juice Realemon 6/32 oz 233668 1480058226 Roses Roses Syrup Grenadine 6/25 oz 233669 1660000104 Roth Emmi Roth USA Havarti Plain 1/9 lb 64788 73654703204 Roth Emmi Roth USA Cheese Blend Ultimate Flatbread Shred 12/6 oz 231560 73654701267 Roth Emmi Roth USA Cheese Blend Ultimate Firehouse Shred 12/6 oz 231561 73654701265 Roth Emmi Roth USA Cheese Blend Ultimate Mac Cheese Shred 12/6 oz 231562 73654701266 Roth Cellars Emmi Roth USA Roths Private Reserve Natural 1/18 lb 228195 73654701880 Roth Cellars Roth Cellars Roths Private Reserve Natural 1/8 lb 231751 7221043152 Roth Kase Emmi Roth USA Blue Buttermilk Wisconsin 1/6 lb 31627 7365470191 Roth Kase Emmi Roth USA Havarti Horseradish Chive 1/9 lb 64791 73654703425 Roth Kase Emmi Roth USA Gruyere Grand Cru 12/4 oz 120222 73654757045 Roth Kase Emmi Roth USA Blue Buttermilk Retail Cut Exact Weight 12/4 oz 219442 73654756672 Roth Kase Emmi Roth USA Havarti Peppadew Deli Cuts Natural 12/6 oz 222586 73654756676 Roth Kase Emmi Roth USA Havarti Dill Deli Cuts Natural 12/6 oz 222587 73654756674 Roth Kase Emmi Roth USA Havarti Jalapeno Deli Cuts 12/6 oz 223804 73654756675 Roth Kase Emmi Roth USA Gouda 3 Chile Pepper Deli Cuts 12/6 oz 223806 73654701191 Roth Kase Emmi Roth USA Havarti Chipotle Deli Cuts 12/6 oz 223807 73654701190 Roth Kase Emmi Roth USA Havarti Horseradish Deli Cuts 12/6 oz 223808 73654756673 Rothschild Robert Rothschild Farm Llc Salsa Mango 6/11.7 oz 219479 1124626754 Roussel Lactalis Export Americas Fra Bleu D’auvergne 2/6 lb 34014 7221082178 Rouzaire Fromi Rungis Sas Fra Brie De Nangis 50 Percent 2/2.2 lb 119346 7221071043 Rouzaire Fromi Rungis Sas Fra Pierre Robert 4/1.1 lb 119348 7221071060 Rouzaire Fromi Rungis Sas Fra Brie De Meaux 1/6.6 lb 120316 76181801099 Royal Jel Sert Custard Mix Flan 12/5.5 oz 37893 7239200306 Royal Jel Sert Custard Mix Flan 12/2.75 oz 78811 7239200309 Royal Kusha Inc Rice Jasmine 4/2 lb 204248 74504210021 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR Royal Kusha Inc Royal 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG PK/SZ ITEM # Rice Basmati 4/2 lb 204249 74504214021 Kusha Inc Rice Brown Basmati 4/2 lb 211397 74504214027 Royal Kusha Inc Rice Brown Jasmine 4/2 lb 211398 74504210027 Royal Blossom Wismettac Asian Foods Rice Stick 1mm 30/16 oz 76149 87796500060 Royal Dutch Jana Foods Ned Gouda Smoked 4/6 lb 30505 7221008000 Royal Dutch Royal Dutch Ned Gouda Smoked Pre-cut 1/8 lb 67942 76181800400 Royal Harvest Oregon Cherry Growers Inc Cherries Maraschino Nature’s 6/13.5 oz 223135 7194370302 Royal Harvest Oregon Cherry Growers Inc Cherries Maraschino Bordeaux 6/13.5 oz 223137 7194379402 Royal Mill Royal Mill Drink Iced Coffee 12/11 oz 119636 7336611820 Royal Mill Royal Mill Drink Iced Island Mocha 12/11 fo 212837 7336612745 Royal Mill Royal Mill Drink Iced Cappuccino 12/11 oz 212842 7336612755 Rub With Love Douglas Cross Enterprises Rub Smoky BBQ 12/3.5 oz 210974 67236100053 Rub With Love Douglas Cross Enterprises Cake Mix Crab 12/3.5 oz 210975 67236100032 Rub With Love Douglas Cross Enterprises Rub Steak 12/3.5 oz 210976 67236100005 Rub With Love Douglas Cross Enterprises Rub Seafood 12/3.5 oz 210978 67236100004 Rub With Love Douglas Cross Enterprises Rub Pork 12/3.5 oz 210980 67236100003 Rub With Love Douglas Cross Enterprises Rub Chicken 12/3.5 oz 210985 67236100002 Rub With Love Douglas Cross Enterprises Rub Salmon 12/3.5 oz 211017 67236100001 Rub With Love Douglas Cross Enterprises Rub Salmon Natural 4/3 lb 227266 7221042965 Rub With Love Rub With Love Sauce Ancho Molasses BBQ 6/16 oz 211021 67236100044 Rub With Love Rub With Love Sauce Teriyaki Triple Garlic 6/16 oz 211023 67236100042 Rub With Love Rub With Love Sauce Teriyaki Ginger Pineapple 6/16 oz 211027 67236100041 Rub With Love Rub With Love Sauce Teriyaki Spicy Red Chile 6/16 oz 211028 67236100043 Rubbermaid Rubbermaid Bottle Chug 20Oz 4/2 ea 212479 7169142911 Rubbermaid Rubbermaid Container Easy Find Lid 3Cup Square 6/1 ea 212624 7169140531 Rubbermaid Rubbermaid Container Easy Find Lid 3Pc Value Pack 4/1 ea 212625 7169140494 Rubbermaid Rubbermaid Container Easy Find Lid 1 1/2Gallon Rct 4/1 ea 212627 7169140537 Rubbermaid Rubbermaid Container Easy Find Lid 5Cup Square 6/1 ea 212629 7169140532 Rubbermaid Rubbermaid Container Easy Find Lid 1/2 Cup 2Pack 8/1 ea 212631 7169140528 Rubbermaid Rubbermaid Container Easy Find Lid 2 1/2Gallon Rct 4/1 ea 212633 7169140538 Rubbermaid Rubbermaid Bottle Chug Premium 32 Oz 8/1 ea 212693 7169142907 Rubbermaid Rubbermaid Pitcher Classic Red 1 1/4 Quart 6/1 ea 212694 7169130621 Rubbermaid Rubbermaid Pitcher Classic Red 1 Gal 6/1 ea 212695 7169130631 Rubbermaid Rubbermaid Container Cereal Keeper 1 1/2 Gal 4/1 ea 212696 7169115816 Rubbermaid Rubbermaid Pitcher Mixer Mate Red 3 Quart 4/1 ea 212699 7169122253 Rubbermaid Rubbermaid Bottle Chug Premium 20 Oz 8/1 ea 212701 7169142904 Rubbermaid Rubbermaid Carafe Plastic Tritan 2 Quart 6/1 ea 212704 7169142910 Rubbermaid Rubbermaid Container Take Along Twist Seal 1Cup 8/1 ea 214255 7169139454 Rubbermaid Rubbermaid Tray Ice Cube 24/1 ea 220314 7169128671 Rubbermaid Rubbermaid Kit Lunch Blox Sandwich 4/1 ea 220316 7169145216 Rubbermaid Rubbermaid Container Glass Efl Variety 6Pc Pk 2/1 ea 220317 7169143739 Rubbermaid Rubbermaid Container Glass Sq Efl 5 1/2 Cup 2/1 ea 220318 7169143734 Rubbermaid Rubbermaid Bottle Chug Print 20 Oz 8/1 ea 220319 7169145459 Rubbermaid Rubbermaid Container Premier 5 Cup 6/1 ea 220320 7169145670 Rubbermaid Rubbermaid Container Glass Sq Efl 2 1/2 Cup 4/1 ea 220321 7169143732 Rubbermaid Rubbermaid Bottle Chug 30 Oz 8/1 ea 220322 7169145448 Rubbermaid Rubbermaid Container Premier 9 Cup 4/1 ea 220323 7169145669 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com DESCRIPTION UPC 223 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 224 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Rubbermaid Rubbermaid Bottle Chug 20 Oz 8/1 ea 220324 7169145354 Rubbermaid Rubbermaid Container Easy Find Lid Variety Pk 4/1 ea 220325 7169144473 Rubbermaid Rubbermaid Container Easy Find Lids 24Pc Set 4/1 ea 220326 7169143743 Rubbermaid Rubbermaid Kit Lunch Blox Salad 4/1 ea 220327 7169145214 Rubbermaid Rubbermaid Container Premier 14 Cup 4/1 ea 220328 7169145668 Rubbermaid Rubbermaid Container Glass Sq Efl 4 Cup 4/1 ea 220329 7169143733 Rubbermaid Rubbermaid Pack Ice Blue Mini 18/1 ea 220330 7915410262 Rubbermaid Rubbermaid Bottle 2Pack/14oz 4/1 ea 224830 7169148382 Rubbermaid Rubbermaid Lunch Blox Kids Blue 4/1 ea 224831 7169147420 Rubbermaid Rubbermaid Lunch Blox Kids Pink 4/1 ea 224834 7169147419 Rubinsteins Trident SeaFood’s Corporation Tha Tuna Albacore In Oil 24/6 oz 212093 7290000510 Rubinsteins Trident SeaFood’s Corporation Salmon Red 24/3.75 oz 212094 7290000015 Rubinsteins Trident SeaFood’s Corporation Salmon Red 24/7.5 oz 212095 7290000049 Rubinsteins Trident SeaFood’s Corporation Tha Tuna Albacore In Water 24/6 oz 212096 7290000500 Rubschlager Rubschlager Corp Bread Danish Pumpernickel 6/16 oz 29244 7149400012 Rubschlager Rubschlager Corp Bread Westphalian Pumpernickel 6/16 oz 29245 7149400013 Rubschlager Rubschlager Corp Bread European Whole Grain 6/16 oz 29246 7149400015 Rubschlager Rubschlager Corp Bread Jewish Deli Rye 6/16 oz 29247 7149400016 Rubschlager Rubschlager Corp Bread Cocktail Pumpernickel 12/16 oz 29248 7149400020 Rubschlager Rubschlager Corp Bread Rye Cocktail 12/16 oz 29249 7149400021 Rubschlager Rubschlager Corp Bread Cocktail Whole Grain 12/1 lb 29250 7149400022 Rubschlager Rubschlager Corp Bread Cocktail Sourdough 12/16 oz 29251 7149400023 Rubschlager Rubschlager Corp Bread Sunflower Multigrain 6/20 oz 29259 7149400047 Rubschlager Rubschlager Corp Bread German Pumpernickel 6/24 oz 29260 7149400048 Rubschlager Rubschlager Corp Bread Rye Ola Pumpernickel 6/16 oz 29265 7149400180 Rubschlager Rubschlager Corp Bread Rye Ola Rye 6/16 oz 29266 7149400181 Rubschlager Rubschlager Corp Bread Rye Ola Sunflower 6/16 oz 29267 7149400182 Rudis The Hain Celestial Group Inc Bread Sandwich Original Gluten Free 8/18 oz 202622 85675000200 Rudis The Hain Celestial Group Inc Bread Sandwich Multigrain Gluten Free 8/18 oz 202623 85675000201 Rudis The Hain Celestial Group Inc Bread Cinnamon Raisin Gluten Free 8/18 oz 202624 85675000202 Rudis The Hain Celestial Group Inc Tortilla Plain Gluten Free Organic 12/9 oz 218722 85675000500 Rufus Teag J And J Group Sauce BBQ Honey Sweet 6/16 oz 218036 81915301015 Rufus Teag J And J Group Sauce BBQ Touch Of Heat 6/16 oz 218037 81915301016 Rumford Clabber Girl Corporation Corn Starch 12/12 oz 209255 4161700285 Rumford Rumford Baking Powder 6/8.1 oz 17562 4161700225 Rumiano Rumiano Cheese Co Mozzarella Part Skim Rbst Free 8/5 lb 27785 7080169704 Rumiano Rumiano Cheese Co Mozzarella Whole Milk Rbst Free 8/5 lb 27786 7080169705 Rumiano Rumiano Cheese Co Monterey Jack Bar Organic Natural 12/8 oz 226696 81135500255 Rustic Crust Ever Better Eating Kit Sauce Tomato Cont 3 Pack 6/12 oz 70799 79471691101 Rustic Crust Ever Better Eating Crust Sour Dough Classic 12In 8/16 oz 70800 79471691114 Rustic Crust Ever Better Eating Crust Tuscan 6 Grain 12In 8/16 oz 70801 79471691117 Rustic Crust Ever Better Eating Crust Italian Herb 7In 2Pack Natural 12/9 oz 70804 79471691226 Rustic Crust Ever Better Eating Crust Cheesy Herb 12In 8/16 oz 70805 79471691424 Rustic Crust Ever Better Eating Crust Napon Herb Gluten Free 7In 2Pack 12/9 oz 70812 79471691507 Rustic Crust Ever Better Eating Crust Thin Cripsy Italian 8/10 oz 91843 79471691203 Rustichella Dairyland USA Corp Ita Fettucine 24/1.1 lb 213092 79323211106 Rustichella Dairyland USA Corp Ita Spaghetti 24/1.1 lb 213093 79323211101 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Rustichella Dairyland USA Corp Ita Garganelli 12/8.8 oz 213094 79323211207 Rustichella Dairyland USA Corp Ita Chitarra 24/1.1 lb 213095 79323211103 Rustichella Dairyland USA Corp Al Ceppo 12/1.1 lb 213096 79323211112 Rustichella Dairyland USA Corp Col Buco 12/1.1 lb 213097 79323211118 Rustichella Dairyland USA Corp Ita Bucatini 24/1.1 lb 213098 79323211129 Rustichella Dairyland USA Corp Ita Penne 24/1.1 lb 213099 79323211107 Rustichella Dairyland USA Corp Ita Casareccia 24/1.1 lb 213100 79323211154 Rustichella Dairyland USA Corp Ita Pappardelle 12/8.8 oz 213102 79323211202 Rustichella Dairyland USA Corp Ita Fettucine Egg 12/8.8 oz 213103 79323211201 Rustichella Dairyland USA Corp Trenne 24/1.1 lb 213104 79323211125 Rustichella Dairyland USA Corp Ita Rigatoncini 24/1.1 lb 213106 79323211109 Rustichella Rustichella Ita Sauce Tomato With Basil 6/9.53 oz 213436 79323251612 S And B Jfc International Sauce Wasabi 6/5.3 oz 150861 7488000201 S And B Jfc International Jpn Curry Mix Hot Jumbo 10/8.46 oz 210279 7488003031 S And B Jfc International Jpn Curry Mix Medium/Hot Jumbo 10/8.46 oz 210282 7488003030 S And B Jfc International Jpn Curry Mix Mild Jumbo 10/8.46 oz 210283 7488003032 Saag’s Saag’s Products Llc Headcheese Bavarian 1/5.5 lb 9373 3035416001 Saag’s Saag’s Products Llc Sausage Thueringer Beef 2/3 lb 9384 3035427002 Saag’s Saag’s Products Llc Sausage Chicken Apple Natural 8/12 oz 9407 3035451438 Saag’s Saag’s Products Llc Sausage Asiago Fennel Natural 8/12 oz 9413 3035453838 Saag’s Saag’s Products Llc Bologna Berliner 1/6 lb 31675 7221073321 Saag’s Saag’s Products Llc Ham Black Forest 1/6 lb 31677 7221073326 Saag’s Saag’s Products Llc Pate Liverwurst Braunschweigr 2/3 lb 31689 7221073341 Saag’s Saag’s Products Llc Pate Liverwurst Pistachio 2/3 lb 31691 7221073343 Saag’s Saag’s Products Llc Sausage Chicken Basil Natural 8/12 oz 81411 3035452438 Saag’s Saag’s Products Llc Sausage Andouille 4 oz 4/3 lb 233148 3035468394 Saag’s Saag’s Products Llc Sausage Polish 4 oz 4/3 lb 233151 3035468386 Saag’s Saag’s Products Llc Sausage Chicken Apple Banquet 2 oz 4/3 lb 233154 3035465011 Saag’s Saag’s Products Llc Sausage Linguisa 4/3 lb 233155 3035468387 Saag’s Saag’s Products Llc Sausage Knackwurst 4 oz 4/3 lb 233156 3035468408 Saag’s Saag’s Products Llc Brittish Bangers 2 oz 4/3 lb 233158 3035468390 Saag’s Saag’s Products Llc Sausage Bockwurst W/Parsley 4 oz 4/3 lb 233159 3035468407 Saag’s Saag’s Products Llc Sausage Louisiana Hot 4 oz 4/3 lb 233161 3035469848 Saag’s Saag’s Products Llc Sausage Bratwurst Bavarn 4 oz 4/3 lb 233164 3035465061 Saag’s Saag’s Products Llc Sausage Kielbasa 4 oz 4/3 lb 233165 3035468405 Saag’s Saag’s Products Llc Sausage Bratwurst Smoked 5.5 oz 4/2.75 lb 233166 3035469830 Sabine’s Collections Sabine’s Collections Ltd Can Baguette Crisps Olive Oil Sea Salt Pd 12/4.5 oz 232406 62784130400 Sabine’s Collections Sabine’s Collections Ltd Can Baguette Crisps Jalapeno Cheddar Pd 12/4.5 oz 232407 62784130600 Sabine’s Collections Sabine’s Collections Ltd Can Baguette Crisps Bav/Rye Honey Pd 12/4.5 oz 232408 62784130200 Sabine’s Collections Sabine’s Collections Ltd Can Baguette Crisps Cinnamon Raisin Pd 12/4.5 oz 232409 62784130100 Sabine’s Collections Sabine’s Collections Ltd Can Baguette Crisps Rosemary Pd 12/4.5 oz 232410 62784130800 Sabine’s Collections Sabine’s Collections Ltd Can Baguette Crisps Chocolate Chilli Pd 12/4.5 oz 232411 62784130700 Sabine’s Collections Sabine’s Collections Ltd Can Baguette Crisps Garlic Chive Par Pd 12/4.5 oz 232412 62784130000 Sabine’s Collections Sabine’s Collections Ltd Can Baguette Crisps Eight Grain Pd 12/4.5 oz 232413 62784130300 Sable Rosenfeld Sable And Rosenfeld Olives Vermouth Tipsy 6/4.94 oz 24417 6970290014 Sable Rosenfeld Sable And Rosenfeld Onions Vermouth Tipsy 6/5 oz 24418 6970290015 Sable Rosenfeld Sable And Rosenfeld Cherries Whiskey Tipsy 6/10 oz 213573 6970200009 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 225 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 226 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Sable Rosenfeld Sable And Rosenfeld Can Bruschetta Olive Natural 2/1 ga 224411 6970230033 Sable Rosenfeld Sable And Rosenfeld Stirrers Tipsy Cocktail Corn Sweet/Spicy 6/16 oz 226475 6970290056 Sable Rosenfeld Sable And Rosenfeld Olives Tipsy Vodka Fiery Natural 6/5 oz 226477 6970290051 Sable Rosenfeld Sable And Rosenfeld Olives Tipsy Sake Spicy 6/5 oz 226478 6970290035 Sable Rosenfeld Sable And Rosenfeld Olives Tipsy Gin Lemon Natural 6/5 oz 226479 6970290024 Sable Rosenfeld Sable And Rosenfeld Olives Tipsy Vodka Garlic Natural 6/5 oz 226480 6970290036 Sable Rosenfeld Sable And Rosenfeld Stirrers Tipsy Cocktail Pickle Garlic/Dill 6/16 oz 226481 6970290044 Sable Rosenfeld Sable And Rosenfeld Olives Blue Cheese Tipsy 6/5 oz 228592 6970290040 Sable Rosenfeld Sable And Rosenfeld Aus Peppers Sweet Tipsy Tapas Natural 6/8.8 oz 232231 6970290062 Sable Rosenfeld Sable And Rosenfeld Martini Mix Tipsy Spicy Dirty 6/12.7 oz 232232 6970290076 Sable Rosenfeld Sable And Rosenfeld Martini Mix Tipsy Dirty 6/12.7 oz 232233 6970290075 Sable Rosenfeld Sable And Rosenfeld Aus Peppers Hot Tipsy Tapas Natural 6/8.8 oz 232234 6970290063 Sable Rosenfeld Sable And Rosenfeld Olive Bruschetta Mediterranean Natural 6/16 oz 232235 6970230030 Sabra Sabra Dipping Company Llc Hummus Classic 12/10 oz 14595 4082201114 Sabra Sabra Dipping Company Llc Hummus Garlic 12/10 oz 14597 4082201124 Sabra Sabra Dipping Company Llc Hummus Greek Olive 12/10 oz 14598 4082201134 Sabra Sabra Dipping Company Llc Hummus Supremely Spicy 12/10 oz 14600 4082201144 Sabra Sabra Dipping Company Llc Hummus Red Pepper 12/10 oz 14601 4082201154 Sabra Sabra Dipping Company Llc Hummus Pine Nut 12/10 oz 14603 4082201174 Sabra Sabra Dipping Company Llc Hummus Classic To Go 12/4.3 oz 14605 4082201195 Sabra Sabra Dipping Company Llc Hummus Roasted Red Pepper To Go 12/4.3 oz 14606 4082201196 Sabra Sabra Dipping Company Llc Hummus Roasted Garlic To Go 12/4.3 oz 14607 4082201199 Sabra Sabra Dipping Company Llc Hummus Spinach Artichoke 12/10 oz 91764 4082202754 Sabra Sabra Dipping Company Llc Hummus Sun Dried Tomato 12/10 oz 118939 4082201473 Sabra Sabra Dipping Company Llc Hummus Roasted Red Pepper 6/17 oz 207594 4082201750 Sabra Sabra Dipping Company Llc Hummus Pine Nut 6/17 oz 207595 4082299001 Sabra Sabra Dipping Company Llc Guacamole Classic Natural 8/8 oz 208253 4082202224 Sabra Sabra Dipping Company Llc Dip Cucumber Dill Veggie Natural 6/10 oz 212925 4082234118 Sabra Sabra Dipping Company Llc Dip Greek Yogurt Tzatziki/Cucumber Dill 6/10 oz 226355 4082234224 Sabra Sabra Dipping Company Llc Dip Greek Yogurt Spinach Parmesan 6/10 oz 235920 4082234357 Sadaf Sadaf Tahini Pure In Jar 6/16 oz 22583 5285105045 Sadaf Sadaf Ita Oil Grapeseed Natural 6/2 lt 22600 5285106006 Sadaf Sadaf Ita Oil Grapeseed Pure Natural 12/1 lt 215802 5285106004 Saf Lesaffre Yeast Corp Yeast 3 Strip Perfect Rise Gourmet 18/.75 oz 212319 1792965127 Saffron Road American Halal Chicken Pad Thai 8/10 oz 231223 85706300268 Saffron Road American Halal Chicken Tikka Masala 8/10 oz 231224 85706300228 Saffron Road American Halal Chicken Biryani 8/10 oz 231225 85706300259 Saffron Road American Halal Lamb Saag 8/10 oz 231226 85706300239 Saga Arla Foods Inc Den Brie Blue Wedge 8/5.11 oz 218892 6046686342 Sahale Snacks Smucker Retail Foods Inc Snacks Cashew Nuts Glazed 6/4 oz 77339 89386900507 Sahale Snacks Smucker Retail Foods Inc Almond Nuts Glazed 6/4 oz 77340 89386900508 Sahale Snacks Smucker Retail Foods Inc Snack Valdosta Pecan Nut Blend 6/4 oz 146986 89386900056 Sahale Snacks Smucker Retail Foods Inc Almonds California And Sea Salt Natural 9/1.5 oz 220529 89386900329 Sahale Snacks Smucker Retail Foods Inc Trail Mix Fruit And Nut Classic Natural 9/1.5 oz 220530 89386900330 Sahale Snacks Smucker Retail Foods Inc Cashews Glazed Pomegranate/Vanilla Natural 9/1.5 oz 220531 89386900328 Sahale Snacks Smucker Retail Foods Inc Almonds Glazed Cranberry/Honey Natural 9/1.5 oz 220532 89386900327 Saint Agur Alouette Cheese USA Llc Fra Blue Saint Agur Wheel 2/5 lb 119343 7221070092 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR DESCRIPTION 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Saint Agur Schratter Foods, Inc Fra Blue Saint Agur Wedge 7/5 oz 218229 3798278761 Saint Andre Alouette Cheese USA Llc Fra Triple Cream Mini 6/7 oz 23373 5665316000 Saint Andre Alouette Cheese USA Llc Fra Soft Ripened Triple Cream 1/4.5 lb 67983 76181801027 Saint Andre Saint Andre Fra Cheese Soft Ripe Triple Pre-cut 1/4.5 lb 82024 91618000000 Salada Redco Foods Inc Tea Bag Green 6/40 ea 4749 2070040211 Salada Redco Foods Inc Tea Bag Green Decaf 6/20 ea 4754 2070040216 Salada Redco Foods Inc Tea Bag White Pure 6/40 ea 4763 2070040242 Salemville Saputo Cheese USA Gorgonzola Amish Wheel 2/3 lb 30811 7221024007 Salemville Saputo Cheese USA Blue Amish Wheel 1/6 lb 30812 7221024008 Salemville Saputo Cheese USA Blue Amish Crumbled Cup 12/4 oz 61778 71156520004 Salemville Saputo Cheese USA Blue Amish Wedge Ew 12/4 oz 61779 71156520025 Salemville Saputo Cheese USA Gorgonzola Amish Crumbled Cup 12/4 oz 61793 71156580004 Salemville Saputo Cheese USA Gorgonzola Amish Wedge Ew 12/4 oz 61794 71156580025 Salemville Saputo Cheese USA Blue Amish Crumbled 4/5 lb 113200 71156520405 Salemville Saputo Cheese USA Gorgonzola Amish Crumbled 5lb Bag 4/5 lb 114152 1156588405 Salemville Saputo Cheese USA Blue Smoked Wheel 1/6 lb 202747 71156500787 Salemville Saputo Cheese USA Blue Smokehaus Crumble Cup 12/4 oz 207535 71156501121 Salemville Saputo Cheese USA Blue Smokehouse Wedge Natural 12/4 oz 214760 71156501486 Sallere Sallere Llc Sauce Hollandaise Natural 6/7 oz 225726 85930200401 Sallere Sallere Llc Sauce Aioli Natural 6/7 oz 225727 85930200402 Sallere Sallere Llc Sauce Bearnaise Chili Natural 6/7 oz 225728 85930200403 Sallere Sallere Llc Sauce Bearnaise Natural 6/7 oz 225729 85930200400 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Salt Himalayan Brick 1/5 lb 79352 7221086036 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Salt Himalayan Round Smooth 1/5 lb 79353 7221086037 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Salt Hiwa Kai 6/5 lb 79503 87932200003 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Salt Mediterranean Fine 6/5 lb 79504 87932200144 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Salt Fumee De Sel 6/4 lb 79506 89954900020 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Salt Alaea Coarse 6/5 lb 79507 89954900021 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Salt Himalayan Fine Grain Pink 6/5 lb 79508 89954900061 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Salt Pure Ocean Coarse 6/5 lb 79509 89954900064 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Salt Fleur De Sel 6/5 lb 79510 89954900067 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Salt Sel Gris Tamise 6/5 lb 79511 89954900068 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Salt Cyprus Flake 6/3 lb 79512 89954900069 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Salt Salish Alder Smoked Fine Natural 6/5 lb 79513 89954900074 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Salt Sea Porcini Wild 6/5 lb 83628 87932200000 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Salt Sea Thai Ginger 6/4 lb 83629 87932200062 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Salt Sea Onion Toasted 6/4 lb 83630 87932200157 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Salt Durango Hickory Smoked 6/5 lb 83708 87932200055 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Salt Sea Yakima Applewood Smoked 6/5 lb 83716 89954900097 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Salt Sea Truffle Black 6/5 lb 114203 87932200065 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Salt Sea Garlic Roasted 6/4 lb 114204 87932200072 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Salt Sea Merlot Vintage 6/5 lb 114205 87932200114 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Salt Sea Tomato 6/5 lb 114206 87932200115 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Salt Sea Jalapeno 6/5 lb 114207 87932200136 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Salt Sea Rosemary Spanish 6/5 lb 114208 87932200137 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Salt Sea Black Truffle 6/4 oz 209319 87932200080 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Salt Sea Vanilla Bean Natural 6/5 lb 209506 87932200116 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 227 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 228 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Saltworks Saltworks Inc Pak Salt Himalayan Pink Small Grain 6/5 lb 209844 87932200158 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Salt Sea Roasted Garlic Jar 6/3.5 oz 210855 87932200097 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Salt Sea Spanish Rosemary Jar 6/3.5 oz 210856 87932200139 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Salt Sea Habanero Heat 6/3.5 oz 210857 87932200094 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Salt Bath Bokek Eucalyptus Natural 6/8 oz 212831 87932200281 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Salt Bath Lavender Vanilla Bean Natural 6/8 oz 212832 87932200273 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Salt Bath Bokek Citrus Natural 6/8 oz 212833 87932200282 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Salt Bath White Tea Ginger Natural 6/8 oz 212834 87932200277 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Salt Bath Tangerine Sage Natural 6/8 oz 212835 87932200275 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Salt Bath Bokek Lavender Natural 6/8 oz 212836 87932200279 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Salt Sea Ghost Pepper Natural 6/5 lb 214797 87932200133 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Salt Sea Lemon Twist Natural 6/5 lb 214798 87932200069 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Salt Sea Lime Fresco Natural 6/5 lb 214799 87932200070 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Salt Sea White Truffle Natural 6/5 lb 214800 87932200127 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Salt Roasted Garlic 24 Ct Natural 1/8 lb 216008 87932200469 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Salt Jalapeno 24 Ct Natural 1/10 lb 216009 87932200470 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Salt Spanish Rosemary 24 Ct Natural 1/10 lb 216011 87932200471 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Salt Yakima Applewood Smoked 24 Ct Natural 1/10 lb 216012 87932200467 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Salt Coarse Hiwa Kai 24 Ct Natural 1/10 lb 216013 87932200461 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Pak Salt Fine Himalayan Pink 24 Ct 1/10 lb 216014 87932200463 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Fra Salt Tamise Sel Gris 24 Ct Natural 1/10 lb 216015 87932200464 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Salt Coarse Alaea 24 Ct Natural 1/10 lb 216016 87932200462 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Ita Salt Black Truffle 24 Ct Natural 1/5 lb 216017 87932200468 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Salt Salish Alder Smoked Fine 24Ct Natural 1/10 lb 216018 87932200465 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Isr Salt Sea Dead Bokek Prem Coarse 6/2.2 lb 219767 87932200248 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Pak Salt Himalayan Pink Coarse 6/5 lb 219768 89954900062 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Pak Salt Sea Epsom Ultra Medium 50lb 1/50 lb 219770 87932200433 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Salt Sea Alaea Fine Red Hawaiian 6/5 lb 219771 89954900073 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Salt Sea Bath Lavender Vanilla 6/28 oz 219772 87932200267 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Kor Salt Sea Pacific Blue Kosher 6/5 lb 219773 87932200104 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Salt Sea Bath Grapefruit Eucalyptus 6/28 oz 219775 87932200272 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Salt Sea Bath Neroli Bergamot 6/28 oz 219776 87932200268 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Salt Sea Bath White Tea 6/28 oz 219778 87932200271 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Isr Salt Sea Dead Bokek Coarse 55lb 1/55 lb 219780 87932200303 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Pak Salt Himalayan Pink Medium 6/5 lb 219781 87932200060 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Salt Sea Vemon Natural 6/4 lb 227175 87932200574 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Salt Sea Chipolte Pepper Natural 6/5 lb 227176 87932200135 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Salt Sea Habanero Pepper Natural 6/5 lb 227177 87932200068 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Salt Sea Grn Tea Premium Matcha Natural 6/5 lb 227179 87932200054 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Ita Salt Sea Trapani Natural 6/5 lb 227180 87932200107 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Salt Sea Sriracha Natural 6/4 lb 227181 87932200573 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Salt Sea Curry Spice Natural 6/5 lb 227183 87932200061 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Cys Salt Sea Cyprus Black Lava Natural 6/3 lb 227184 87932200169 Saltworks Saltworks Inc Esa Salt Sea Mayan Sun Natural 6/5 lb 227185 87932200103 Sambazon Sambazon Bra Smoothie Acai Berry/Guarana Packs 15/14.11 oz 72226 81841100001 Sammy Salsa Sammy Food Products Llc Salsa Mild Pleasantly Gluten Free Natural 6/14 oz 235464 86842200012 Sammy Salsa Sammy Food Products Llc Salsa Medium Happy Gluten Free Natural 6/14 oz 235465 86842200011 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Sammy Salsa Sammy Food Products Llc Salsa Hot Loving It Gluten Free Natural 6/14 oz 235466 86842200010 Samyang Wismettac Asian Foods Chajang Chacharoni 20/5.11 oz 41337 7460300592 San Fran Nut San Francisco Nut Co. Inc. Sunflower Meat Roasted And Salted 1/5 lb 32812 7221078992 San Fran Nut San Francisco Nut Co. Inc. Nuts Macadamia No Salt 4/5 lb 33787 7221081688 San Fran Nut San Francisco Nut Co. Inc. Pistachio Nut Meat No Salt 4/5 lb 33788 7221081689 San Fran Nut San Francisco Nut Co.I nc. Currant 4/5 lb 33789 7221081690 San Gennaro San Gennaro Foods Inc Polenta Traditional 12/24 oz 68109 76267612400 San Gennaro San Gennaro Foods Inc Polenta Tomato Garlic 12/24 oz 68110 76267612401 San Gennaro San Gennaro Foods Inc Polenta Basil Garlic 12/24 oz 68111 76267612402 San Gennaro San Gennaro Foods Inc Polenta Traditional 6/18 oz 210967 76267615000 San Gennaro San Gennaro Foods Inc Polenta Basil Garlic 6/18 oz 210968 76267615002 San J San J International Crackers Tamari Brown Rice 12/2.8 oz 43398 7581000013 San J San J International Jpn Tamari Sesame Crackers Black 12/3.7 oz 43399 7581000015 San J San J International Sauce Tamari Wheat Free Organic 1/5 ga 43404 7581000160 San J San J International Sauce Tamari Soy 6/10 oz 43407 7581002125 San J San J International Sauce Tamari Soy Low Salt 6/10 oz 43410 7581002325 San J San J International Sauce Shoyu Traditional Organic 6/10 oz 43412 7581004125 San J San J International Dressing Tamari Peanut 6/8 oz 43422 7581030225 San J San J International Dressing Tamari Sesame 6/8 oz 43424 7581030625 San J San J International Sauce Soy Tamari Travel Pack Gluten Free Organic 12/20 ea 203726 7581000108 San Marcos Foodmatch Inc Rice Carnaroli 12/500 gr 62715 72014200114 San Marcos Foodmatch Inc Rice Arborio 10/2.2 lb 62716 72014200116 San Martino George DeLallo Co Inc Mushrooms Teriyaki 2/8 lb 37826 7236860092 San Martino George DeLallo Co Inc Mushrooms Italian With Garlic 2/8 lb 37827 7236860093 San Nicola Dei Italian Harvest Ita Tomatoes Pomodorini Natural 12/20 oz 232394 3387402905 Sandamiri Foodmatch Inc Ita Cracker Crostini Rosemary 12/7.05 oz 206656 89409100262 Sandamiri Foodmatch Inc Ita Cracker Crostini Olive Oil 12/7.05 oz 206657 89409100260 Sandamiri Foodmatch Inc Ita Crostini Sea Salt 12/7.05 oz 206986 89409100266 Sandamiri Foodmatch Inc Ita Crostini Cheese Italian 12/7.05 oz 206987 89409100265 Sanders Morley Candy Makers Inc Topping Caramel Classic 12/10 oz 211324 3590017114 Sanders Morley Candy Makers Inc Topping Caramel Cinnamon Pear 12/10 oz 211325 3590022980 Sanders Morley Candy Makers Inc Topping Hot Fudge Milk Chocolate 12/10 oz 211326 3590017122 Sangaria Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Jpn Soda Ramune Melon 18/6.76 oz 227664 73381500336 Sangaria Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Jpn Soda Ramune Strawberry 18/6.76 oz 227666 73381500367 Sangaria Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Jpn Soda Ramune 18/6.76 oz 227668 73381500335 Sangaria Sangaria Jpn Coffee Milk 12/16.9 fo 213775 73381500918 Sani Sure R3 Papercraft Portland Toothpick Frill Wrapped 4.5In 1/1000 ea 61989 71309400152 Sano Bar Sano Bar Llc Bar Vegan Coconut Cashew Natural 12/2 oz 232415 86474000013 Sano Bar Sano Bar Llc Bar Protein Chocolate Chip Natural 12/2 oz 232416 86474000010 Sano Bar Sano Bar Llc Bar Protein Almond Apricot Natural 12/2 oz 232417 86474000011 Sano Bar Sano Bar Llc Bar Vegan Blueberry Almond Natural 12/2 oz 232418 86474000012 Sans Sucre Bernard Food Service Mousse & Pie Key Lime 12/4 oz 39607 7334722000 Sans Sucre Bernard Food Service Mousse Sf Chocolate 12/3 oz 39608 7334735500 Sans Sucre Bernard Food Service Mousse Sf Cheesecake 12/4 oz 39611 7334735503 Sans Sucre Bernard Food Service Mousse Sf Mocha Cappuccino 12/3 oz 39614 7334735506 Sans Sucre Bernard Food Service Brownie Mix Chocolate Fudge 6/8 oz 117223 7334736600 Sans Sucre Bernard Food Service Brownie Mix Milk Chocolate 6/8 oz 117224 7334736601 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 229 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 230 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Sans Sucre Bernard Food Service Brownie Mix Classic Blondie 6/8 oz 117225 7334736602 Sans Sucre Bernard Food Service Cake Mix Coffee Apple Cinnamon 6/8 oz 117226 7334736603 Sant Gil Dialbi Forever Cheese Inc Esp Garrotxa 4/2 lb 235791 7221043183 Santa Barbara Sabra Dipping Company Llc Salsa Mango And Peach 6/14 oz 219279 8062141182 Santa Barbara Sabra Dipping Company Llc Salsa Medium 6/16 oz 219281 8062141183 Santa Barbara Santa Barbara Martini Mix Dirty 6/375 ml 50170 8915600131 Santa Barbara Santa Barbara Olive Co Olive Bleu Cheese Stuffed 6/5 oz 50173 8915600136 Santa Barbara Santa Barbara Olive Co Olive Jalapeno Stuffed 6/5 oz 50181 8915680111 Santa Barbara Santa Barbara Olive Co Olive Martini Style 6/5 oz 50182 8915680112 Santa Barbara Santa Barbara Olive Co Olive Anchovy Stuffed 6/5 oz 50184 8915680114 Santa Barbara Santa Barbara Olive Co Olives Habanero Stuffed 6/5 oz 50185 8915680117 Santa Barbara Santa Barbara Olive Co Olive Garlic Stuffed 6/5 oz 50193 8915680128 Santa Barbara Santa Barbara Olive Co Olives Cajun Pitted 6/4.25 oz 50196 8915680134 Santa Barbara Santa Barbara Olive Co Olive Jalapeno Garlic Double Stuffed 6/5 oz 50208 8915680169 Santa Cruz Smucker Natural Foods Inc Juice Lemon 100% Organic 12/16 oz 12072 3619212215 Santa Cruz Smucker Natural Foods Inc Peanut Butter Creamy Organic Natural 12/16 oz 210346 3619212700 Sappo Hill Sappo Hill Soapworks Soap Bar Almond Glycerine Creme 12/3.5 oz 49698 8743700101 Sappo Hill Sappo Hill Soapworks Soap Bar Aloe Vera Glycerine Creme 12/3.5 oz 49699 8743700102 Sappo Hill Sappo Hill Soapworks Soap Bar Oatmeal Glycerine Creme 12/3.5 oz 49700 8743700107 Sappo Hill Sappo Hill Soapworks Soap Glycerine Oatmeal Fragrance Free Bar 12/3.5 oz 212122 8743700108 Sappo Hill Sappo Hill Soapworks Soap Bar Lavender Glycerine Creme 12/3.5 oz 235500 8743700119 Sappo Hill Sappo Hill Soapworks Soap Bar Aloe Oatmeal Glycerne Creme 12/3.5 oz 235501 8743700117 Sapporo Jfc International Noodles Original Ichiban 24/3.5 oz 43720 7618600001 Sapporo Jfc International Noodles Chicken Ichiban 24/3.5 oz 43721 7618600002 Sapporo Jfc International Noodle Beef Ichiban 24/3.5 oz 43722 7618600003 Sapporo Jfc International Ramen Miso Ichiban 24/3.5 oz 43724 7618600007 Sapporo Jfc International Yakisoba Chowmein Ichiban 24/3.8 oz 43726 7618600018 Sapporo Jfc International Ramen Shrimp Ichiban 24/3.5 oz 119806 7618600005 Saputo Saputo Cheese USA Cheddar Smoked Black Creek Natural 12/7 oz 227090 71156589229 Saranac Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Shirley Temple 24/12 oz 206929 945005044 Sarayo Eastmill Products Llc Sauce Sweet 6/12.3 oz 230203 85152700303 Sarayo Eastmill Products Llc Sauce Mayo Sriracha 6/11.8 oz 230204 85152700301 Sartori Sartori Bellavitano Merlot Half Wheel Pc 1/8 lb 207346 7221042219 Sartori Sartori Parmesan Sarvecchio Wheel Pc 1/8 lb 207350 7221042222 Sartori Sartori Company Signature Blend Caesar Deli Cup 12/5 oz 2034 1186310819 Sartori Sartori Company Signature Blend Tuscan Deli Cup 12/5 oz 2035 1186310821 Sartori Sartori Company Asiago Extra Aged Reserve Wheel Natural Rw 1/20 lb 2038 1186310923 Sartori Sartori Company Parmesan Sarvecchio Wheel 1/20 lb 2040 1186310927 Sartori Sartori Company Asiago Reserve Rosemary Rub Wheel 1/20 lb 2046 1186311804 Sartori Sartori Company Bellavitano Merlot Wheel 1/20 lb 2050 1186311817 Sartori Sartori Company Parmesan 1/20 lb 31626 7221072942 Sartori Sartori Company Parmesan Sarvecchio Shredded 4/5 lb 36296 7221085286 Sartori Sartori Company Gorgonzola Dolcina Wheel 1/6 lb 36562 7221085582 Sartori Sartori Company Asiago Rosemary Olive Oil 1/4 Wheel 4/5 lb 36563 7221085583 Sartori Sartori Company Parmesan Shred Deli Cup 12/5 oz 56391 63259313115 Sartori Sartori Company Parmesan Grated Deli Cup 12/5 oz 56392 63259314115 Sartori Sartori Company Romano Shred Deli Cup 12/5 oz 56393 63259323115 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Sartori Sartori Company Asiago Shred Deli Cup 12/5 oz 56394 63259333115 Sartori Sartori Company Bellavitano Gold 1/2 Wheel 1/10 lb 78254 1186311811 Sartori Sartori Company Bellavitano Raspberry Half Wheel 1/10 lb 81212 7221086284 Sartori Sartori Company Bellavitano Merlot Half Wheel 1/10 lb 81213 7221086285 Sartori Sartori Company Asiago Basil Quarter Wheel 4/5 lb 81215 7221086287 Sartori Sartori Company Parmesan Wedge 12/5 oz 81217 63259315125 Sartori Sartori Company Romano Wedge 12/5 oz 81218 63259325125 Sartori Sartori Company Asiago Wedge 12/5 oz 81219 63259335125 Sartori Sartori Company Bellavitano Balsamic 1/2 Wheel 1/10 lb 128097 1186311829 Sartori Sartori Company Bellavitano Raspberry Wedge Ew Natural 12/5.3 oz 204197 1186311872 Sartori Sartori Company Asiago Rosemary Olive Oil Wedge 12/5.3 oz 204198 1186311875 Sartori Sartori Company Bellavitano Gold Wedge 12/5.3 oz 204199 1186311873 Sartori Sartori Company Bellavitano Reserve Merlot Wedge 12/5.3 oz 205453 1186311876 Sartori Sartori Company Bellavitano Balsamic Wedge 12/5.3 oz 205829 1186311874 Sartori Sartori Company Bellavitano Black Pepper Wedge 12/5.3 oz 205830 1886311877 Sartori Sartori Company Bellavitano Espresso Wedge Ew Natural 12/5.3 oz 206230 1186311858 Sartori Sartori Company Asiago Reserve Basil Olive Oil Wedge 12/5.3 oz 206915 1186311878 Sartori Sartori Company Asiago Salsa 1/2 Wheel 1/10 lb 207752 1186311845 Sartori Sartori Company Pastorale Blend 1/20 lb 207753 7221042250 Sartori Sartori Company Parmesan Shredded 16/8 oz 209202 1186310975 Sartori Sartori Company Parmesan Grated 16/8 oz 209203 1186310976 Sartori Sartori Company Regal Blend Parmesan Asiago Romano 16/8 oz 209864 1186310981 Sartori Sartori Company Tuscan Blend Fontina Parmesan 16/8 oz 209865 1186310980 Sartori Sartori Company Bellavitano Espresso Reserve Wheel Natural Rw 1/20 lb 210714 1186311841 Sartori Sartori Company Asiago Extra Aged Reserve Wheel Natural Rw 1/20 lb 210715 1186310923 Sartori Sartori Company Bellavitano Pepper Wheel Natural Rw 1/20 lb 210729 1186311816 Sartori Sartori Company Parmesan Sarvecchio Reserve Wedge 12/5.3 oz 214344 1186311870 Sartori Sartori Company Bellavitano Chai Tea Ew Wedge Natural 12/5.3 oz 220491 1186311970 Sartori Sartori Company Bellavitano Chai 1/10 lb 220898 1186311969 Sartori Sartori Company Montamore Cuts Ew Natural 12/7 oz 230854 1186311918 Sartori Sartori Company Bellavitano Citrus Ginger Wedge Natural 12/5.3 oz 232520 1186312056 Satay Foodmatch Inc Sauce BBQ Bali 6/64 oz 63918 73099600016 Satay Foodmatch Inc Sauce Peanut Spicy Natural 6/64 oz 234518 73099600014 Sau Tao Wismettac Asian Foods Chn Noodle King Chicken/Abalone Bowl 4/2.65 oz 214032 8730386019 Sau Tao Wismettac Asian Foods Chn Noodle King Wonton Bowl 4/2.65 oz 214105 8730386018 Sau Tao Wismettac Asian Foods Chn Noodle King Beef Bowl 4/2.65 oz 214106 8730386017 Savory Choice Savory Creations International Broth Beef Concentrate Gluten Free 0Tf 12/5.1 oz 211603 70180932012 Savory Choice Savory Creations International Broth Vegetable Concentrate Rs Gluten Free 0Tf 12/4.2 oz 211604 70180934012 Savory Choice Savory Creations International Broth Chicken Concentrate Gluten Free 0Tf 12/5.1 oz 211605 70180930012 Savory Choice Savory Creations International Glace Demi Beef Gluten Free 0Tf 12/2.6 oz 211606 70180937113 Savory Prime Savory Prime Rawhide Dog Treats Twist Stick Wht 5In 100Pk 24/1 ea 222062 81035900017 Savory Prime Savory Prime Rawhide Dog Bones Mini 20Pk 48/1 ea 222068 81035920102 Savory Prime Savory Prime Rawhide Dog Treats Bully Sticks 4Pk 48/1 ea 222076 81035900300 Savory Prime Savory Prime Rawhide Chn Dog Treats Beef Strip 5In/36Pk 36/1 ea 225874 81035900062 Savory Prime Savory Prime Rawhide Chn Dog Chips Rawhide Natural 2In X 6In 16/1 lb 225876 81035900459 Saxco Saxco International Llc Bottles Boston Round 12/32 oz 33476 7221081189 Saxco Saxco International Llc Bottles Boston Round 12/16 oz 34294 7221082613 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 231 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 232 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Scandic Av Olsson Trading Co Swe Farmer Cheese Plain Mp10 12/2 lb 27961 7087700809 Scandic Scandic Swe Cheese Farmer Plain Pre-cut 1/8 lb 68053 76181801151 Scandinavian Scandinavian Spread Boysenberry 6/14 oz 48405 8287600012 Scandinavian Scandinavian Spread Orange 6/14 oz 48406 8287600014 Scandinavian Scandinavian Spread Apricot 6/14 oz 48407 8287600015 Scandinavian Scandinavian Spread Strawberry 6/14 oz 48408 8287600021 Scandinavian Scandinavian Preserves Raspberry 6/14 oz 48409 8287600022 Scandinavian Scandinavian Spread Blueberry 6/14 oz 48410 8287600023 Scandinavian Scandinavian Spread Lingonberry 6/14 oz 48411 8287600024 Scandinavian Scandinavian Preserves Strawberry Rhubarb 6/14 oz 48413 8287600030 Scandinavian Scandinavian Preserves Raspberry Rhubarb 6/14 oz 48414 8287600035 Scharffen Berger The Hershey Company Chocolate Dark Bitter Sbcm 82% Bar 12/3 oz 57077 64339250026 Scharffen Berger The Hershey Company Chocolate Semisweet Baking Chunks 10/6 oz 57099 64339250150 Scharffen Berger The Hershey Company Chocolate Bittersweet Baking Chunks 10/6 oz 57100 64339250151 Scharffen Berger The Hershey Company Cocoa Sweet Baking Tin 6/8 oz 91581 64339250037 Scharffen Berger The Hershey Company Chocolate Dark Bittersweet Baking Bar 6/9.7 oz 200336 64339250008 Scharffen Berger The Hershey Company Chocolate Dark Baking Unsweet Bar 6/9.7 oz 202171 64339250010 Scharffen Berger The Hershey Company Cocoa Powder Unsweet Natural Canis 6/6 oz 202172 64339250015 Scharffen Berger The Hershey Company Chocolate Dark Semisweet Bar 62% 6/9.7 oz 202229 64339250009 Scharffen Berger The Hershey Company Chocolate Milk Toasted Coconut Macad Bar 12/3 oz 228695 64339250031 Scharffen Berger The Hershey Company Chocolate Dark Sea Salt Pistachio Bar 12/3 oz 228696 64339250029 Schmidhaus Fromi Rungis Sas Fra Tomme Crayeuse 3/1.9 kg 230187 36567000080 Schreiber Alle Processing Corp Beef Liver Chopped 12/12 oz 21788 5132810595 Schulstad Lantmannen Unibake USA, Inc Croissant Mini Assorted Filled 108/1.4 oz 34430 7221082828 Schulstad Lantmannen Unibake USA, Inc Pastry Maple Pecan Mini 120/1.5 oz 60474 70099880242 Schulstad Lantmannen Unibake USA, Inc Pastry Crown Vanilla Mini 120/1.5 oz 60475 70099880243 Schulstad Lantmannen Unibake USA, Inc Pastry Crown Raspberry Mini 120/1.5 oz 60476 70099880244 Schulstad Lantmannen Unibake USA, Inc Pastry Swirl Cinnamon Mini 120/1.5 oz 60477 70099880245 Schulstad Lantmannen Unibake USA, Inc Pastry Cheese Mini 120/1.5 oz 60478 70099880247 Schulstad Lantmannen Unibake USA, Inc Pastry Coronet Apple Mini 120/1.5 oz 60480 70099880334 Schulstad Lantmannen Unibake USA, Inc Pastry Variety Pack 120/1.5 oz 60484 70099880531 Schulstad Lantmannen Unibake USA, Inc Bel Croissants Mini Straight 180/1.1 oz 224544 41305602426 Schulstad Lantmannen Unibake USA, Inc Bel Croissants Curved Large 54/3.2 oz 224545 41305602420 Schultzs Gourmet Schultzs Gourme Sauce Cooking Hot Sweet Heat Natural 6/14 oz 225872 85700400103 Schultzs Gourmet Schultzs Gourme Sauce Cooking Hot Spicy Original Natural 6/14 oz 225873 85700400100 Schwartau Euro American Brands Llc Preserves Black Cherry 10/12 oz 71212 80406600101 Schwartau Euro American Brands Llc Ger Preserves Raspberry 10/12 oz 206206 80406600094 Schwartz Brothers Bakery Schwartz Brothers Bakery Butterscotch Chocolate Chip Bar 12/12.96 oz 218634 71788712113 Schwartz Brothers Bakery Schwartz Brothers Bakery Cran_oat And Flax Cranberry/Raspberry Bar Bar 12/14.94 oz 218635 71788712114 Schwartz Brothers Bakery Schwartz Brothers Bakery Cake Mini Carrot 4/Pack 12/18 oz 218637 71788721820 Schwartz Brothers Bakery Schwartz Brothers Bakery Brownies Peanut Butter Swirl 12/11.97 oz 218638 71788712112 Schwartz Brothers Bakery Schwartz Brothers Bakery Lemon Bar 12/12.96 oz 218639 71788712117 Schwartz Brothers Bakery Schwartz Brothers Bakery Cake Coffee Blueberry 4/Pack 12/18 oz 218642 71788716205 Schwartz Brothers Bakery Schwartz Brothers Bakery Bread Carrot Zucchini 10/15 oz 219412 71788716100 Schwartz Brothers Bakery Schwartz Brothers Bakery Bread Banana 10/15 oz 219414 71788716415 Schwartz Brothers Bakery Schwartz Brothers Bakery Danish Fruit Assorted 6Pack 12/15 oz 222682 71788719105 Schweppes Lbb Imports Llc Gbr Bitter Lemon 12/33.81 fo 210289 81371501063 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG FROM OUR FAMILY TO YOURS Since 1973 WHOLESOME BAKED GOODS schwartzbrosbakery.com www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 233 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 234 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Scratch Grain Scratch And Grain Baking Co Cookie Kit Seasonal Sugar Natural 12/12.7 oz 234408 85916800413 Scratch Grain Scratch And Grain Baking Co Cookie Kit Snicker Doodle Gluten Free Natural 12/12.2 oz 234409 85916800411 Scratch Grain Scratch And Grain Baking Co Cookie Kit Chocolate Chip Natural 12/14.1 oz 234410 85916800400 Scratch Grain Scratch And Grain Baking Co Cookie Kit Classic Sugar Natural 12/12.7 oz 234411 85916800412 Scratch Grain Scratch And Grain Baking Co Cookie Kit Chocolate Truffle Gluten Free Natural 12/10.3 oz 234412 85916800402 Scratch Grain Scratch And Grain Baking Co Cookie Kit Oatmeal Raisin Natural 12/14.7 oz 234413 85916800401 Scratch Grain Scratch Grain Cookie Kit Chocolate Chip Natural 6/14.1 oz 234414 85916800400 Scratch Grain Scratch Grain Cookie Kit Oatmeal Raisin Natural 6/14.7 oz 234415 85916800401 Scratch Grain Scratch Grain Cookie Kit Classic Sugar Natural 6/12.7 oz 234416 85916800412 Scratch Grain Scratch Grain Cookie Kit Seasonal Sugar Natural 6/12.7 oz 234417 85916800413 Scratch Grain Scratch Grain Cookie Kit Chocolate Truffle Gluten Free Natural 6/10.3 oz 234418 85916800402 Scratch Grain Scratch Grain Cookie Kit Snicker Doodle Gluten Free Natural 6/12.2 oz 234419 85916800411 Seapoint Farms Seapoint Farms Chn Edamame Dry Roasted Light Salted Natural 12/4 oz 204404 71157510200 Seapoint Farms Seapoint Farms Chn Edamame Dry Roasted Wasabi Natural 12/3.5 oz 204405 71157510210 Seasons Seasons Sprats Pd 6/3.75 oz 25590 7030302239 Seasons Seasons Artichoke Hearts Marinated 6/12 oz 25643 7030305551 Seasons The Manischewitz Co Sardines Brisling In Oil Pd 12/3.75 oz 25563 7030302200 Seasons The Manischewitz Co Mar Sardines Skinless/Boneless Water Ns Pd 12/4.25 oz 25566 7030302206 Seasons The Manischewitz Co Sardines Brisling In Tomato Sauce Pd 12/3.75 oz 25570 7030302210 Seasons The Manischewitz Co Sardines Norway In Oil Pd 12/3.75 oz 25574 7030302214 Seasons The Manischewitz Co Sardines Club Skinless Boneless Pd 25/4.375 oz 25575 7030302216 Seasons The Manischewitz Co Anchovies Flat Pd 25/2 oz 25586 7030302232 Seasons The Manischewitz Co Anchovies Rolled W/Capers Pd 25/2 oz 25587 7030302234 Seasons The Manischewitz Co Kipper Snack Peppered Pd 24/3.25 oz 25594 7030302246 Seasons The Manischewitz Co Tuna Albacore In Water Pouch Pd 12/3 oz 25617 7030302600 Seasons The Manischewitz Co Hearts Of Palm Can Pd 12/14.1 oz 25619 7030304030 Seasons The Manischewitz Co Ecu Hearts Of Palm Tips And Cuts Can Natural Pd 12/14 oz 25622 7030304033 Seasons The Manischewitz Co Artichoke Hearts 12/6 oz 25628 7030305373 Seasons The Manischewitz Co Corn Baby Whole Sweet 12/15 oz 25629 7030305477 Seasons The Manischewitz Co Chestnuts Asian In Water Sliced Pd 12/8 oz 25632 7030305483 Seasons The Manischewitz Co Corn Baby Cut 12/15 oz 25634 7030305485 Seasons The Manischewitz Co Ecu Hearts Of Palm Whole Jar Natural Pd 12/14.5 oz 86198 7030304031 Seasons The Manischewitz Co Tuna Albacore In Water Can Pd 24/5 oz 201321 7030302490 Seasons The Manischewitz Co Tuna Albacore In Oil Can Pd 24/5 oz 201323 7030302491 Seasons The Manischewitz Co Caviar Black Capelin 2 Oz 12/2 oz 201407 7030302299 Seasons The Manischewitz Co Sardines Extra Virgin Oil Organic Natural Pd 12/4.37 oz 234348 7030307000 Seasons The Manischewitz Co Sardines Skinless Boneless Extra Virgin Organic Pd 12/4.37 oz 234349 7030307001 Seasons The Manischewitz Co Anchovies Natural Po 12/4.2 oz 234350 7030302260 Seattle Chocolate Seattle Chocolate Company Chocolate Dark Extreme Truffle Bar Natural 12/2.5 oz 212893 8101400304 Seattle Chocolate Seattle Chocolate Company Chocolate Cherry Ranier Truffle Bar Natural 12/2.5 oz 212896 8101400004 Seattle Chocolate Seattle Chocolate Company Chocolate Peanut Butter Perfect Bar 12/2.5 oz 212897 8101400306 Seattle Chocolate Seattle Chocolate Company Chocolate Pike Place Espresso Bar 12/2.5 oz 212898 8101400002 Seattle Chocolate Seattle Chocolate Company Chocolate Milk Truffle Bar Natural 12/2.5 oz 212900 8101400007 Seattle Chocolate Seattle Chocolate Company Chocolate Cake Batter Birthday Truffle Bar 12/2.5 oz 212901 8101409085 Seattle Chocolate Seattle Chocolate Company Chocolate Mint Meltaway Truffle Bar Natural 12/2.5 oz 212902 8101400001 Seattle Chocolate Seattle Chocolate Company Chocolate San Juan Sea Salt Truffle Bar 12/2.5 oz 212904 8101409082 Seattle Chocolate Seattle Chocolate Company Chocolate Dark Truffle Bar Natural 12/2.5 oz 212905 8101400008 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Seattle Chocolate Seattle Chocolate Company Truffles Classic Assorted Gourmet Bag 6/5 oz 212928 8101405707 Seattle Chocolate Seattle Chocolate Company Truffles Chocolate Asst Coffee Shop 12/4 oz 226227 8101409050 Seattle Chocolate Seattle Chocolate Company Truffles Chocolate Milk Asst Got Milk 12/4 oz 226228 8101409056 Seattle Chocolate Seattle Chocolate Company Truffles Chocolate Dark Tall/Dark/Delicious 12/4 oz 226230 8101409055 Seattle Chocolate Seattle Chocolate Company Truffle Dark Chocolate Coconut Macaroon Bar 12/2.5 oz 226245 8101400305 Seattle Chocolate Seattle Chocolate Company Truffle Dark Chocolate Whidbey Wildberry Bar 12/2.5 oz 227045 8101409097 Seattle Chocolate Seattle Chocolate Company Chocolate Milk Truffle Cappuccino Bar 12/2.5 oz 232107 8101400011 Seattle Shortbread Seattle Shortbread Llc Cookies Shortbread 12 Count Gluten Free Natural 16/10.2 oz 223901 89758200051 Seely Seely Family Farm Inc Tea Bag Mint Oregon Natural 6/20 ea 232254 85450200303 Seely Seely Family Farm Inc Tea Bag Green Peppermint Oregon Heirloom 6/20 ea 232255 85450200304 Seely Seely Family Farm Inc Tea Bag Peppermint Oregon Heirloom Natural 6/20 ea 232256 85450200301 Seely Seely Family Farm Inc Mint Patty Dark Chocolate Box Natural 6/5 oz 232264 85450200309 Seely Seely Family Farm Inc Mint Patty Dark Chocolate 12 Pack Natural 12/1 oz 232265 85450200300 Seely Seely Family Farm Inc Mint Patty Dark Chocolate 24 Pack Natural 24/1 oz 232266 85450200300 Seely Seely Family Farm Inc Mint Melts Ivory 12 Pack Natural 12/.6 oz 232272 85450200315 Seely Seely Family Farm Inc Mint Bark 12 Pack Natural 12/.6 oz 232275 85450200311 Sells Sells Pate Liver 12/4.25 oz 20461 4780000027 Seltzers Seltzers Smokehouse Meats Bologna Lebanon 2/4.5 lb 4679 2055911022 Seltzers Seltzers Smokehouse Meats Bologna Lebanon Sweet 2/4.5 lb 33704 7221081573 Sensations Creative Converting Tablecover Red 12/1 ea 51279 9235241564 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 235 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 236 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Sensations Creative Converting Tablecover Golden Yellow 12/1 ea 51280 9235241566 Sensations Creative Converting Tablecover White 12/1 ea 51281 9235241571 Sensations Creative Converting Glass Wine Clear 5oz 12/6 ea 51299 9235244555 Sensations Creative Converting Tumbler Fluted Clear 9oz 12/8 ea 86985 9235244554 Sensations Creative Converting Napkins Dinner Golden Yellow 12/40 ea 213607 9235241066 Sensations Creative Converting Napkins Beverage Golden Yellow 12/40 ea 213608 9235240066 Sensations Creative Converting Napkins Beverage 2 Ply Red 12/40 ea 213609 9235240064 Sensations Creative Converting Napkins Dinner Red 12/40 ea 213610 9235241064 Sensations Creative Converting Napkins Dinner White 12/40 ea 213611 9235241071 Sensations Creative Converting Napkins Beverage 2 Ply White 12/40 ea 213612 9235240071 Sensations Creative Converting Cutlery White 12/32 ea 214046 9235243011 Sensations Creative Converting Cutlery Wasabi Green 12/32 ea 214047 9235243022 Sensations Creative Converting Cutlery Metallic 12/24 ea 214048 9235241354 Sensations Creative Converting Cutlery True Blue 12/32 ea 214049 9235243009 Sensations Creative Converting Cutlery Red 12/32 ea 214050 9235243007 Sensations Creative Converting Fork Metallic 12/24 ea 214051 9235241357 Sensations Creative Converting Cutlery Yellow 12/32 ea 214052 9235243008 Sensations Creative Converting Napkins Beverage Wasabi Green 12/40 ea 214066 9235240022 Sensations Creative Converting Napkins Dinner Ultra White 12/20 ea 214071 9235240062 Sensations Creative Converting Napkins Beverage True Blue 12/40 ea 214080 9235240400 Sensations Creative Converting Cutlery Clear 12/32 ea 214081 9235243006 Sensations Creative Converting Tablecover True Blue 12/1 ea 214082 9235278400 Sensations Creative Converting Tablecover Wasabi Green 12/1 ea 214083 9235278022 Sensations Creative Converting Napkins Dinner Wasabi Green 12/40 ea 214084 9235241022 Sensations Creative Converting Napkins Dinner True Blue 12/40 ea 214085 9235241400 Sensations Creative Converting Plate Snack Yellow 7In 12/10 ea 214089 9235249009 Sensations Creative Converting Plate Snack True Blue 7In 12/10 ea 214092 9235249357 Sensations Creative Converting Plate Snack Red 7In 12/10 ea 214093 9235249354 Sensations Creative Converting Plate Dinner Red 10In 12/8 ea 214094 9235250354 Sensations Creative Converting Plate Snack White 7In 12/10 ea 214095 9235249327 Sensations Creative Converting Plate Snack Breezy Days 7In 12/8 ea 214096 9235249177 Sensations Creative Converting Plate Dinner True Blue 10In 12/8 ea 214097 9235250357 Sensations Creative Converting Tumbler Clear 16Oz 12/16 ea 214098 9235244050 Sensations Creative Converting Tumbler True Blue 16Oz 12/16 ea 214099 9235244900 Sensations Creative Converting Tumbler Wasabi Green 16Oz 12/16 ea 214100 9235244059 Sensations Creative Converting Plate Dinner White 10In 12/8 ea 214101 9235250327 Sensations Creative Converting Tumbler Red 16Oz 12/16 ea 214102 9235244051 Sensations Creative Converting Tumbler Yellow 16Oz 12/16 ea 214104 9235244052 Sensations Creative Converting Glass Wine Clear 12 Oz 12/4 ea 219250 9235244558 Sensations Creative Converting Flutes Champagne 12/4 ea 223170 9235244559 Sensations Creative Converting Forks Mini Metallic 12/24 ea 223906 3993811228 Sensations Creative Converting Spoons Mini Metallic 12/24 ea 223908 3993811229 Sensations Creative Converting Napkins Dinner Blue Breeze 12/24 ea 226497 9235267203 Sensations Creative Converting Napkins Dinner Floral Vines 12/24 ea 226498 9235267266 Sensations Creative Converting Plate Snack Blue Breeze 12/8 ea 226500 9235249203 Sensations Creative Converting Napkins Beverage Blue Breeze 12/24 ea 226501 9235265203 Sensations Creative Converting Plate Snack Floral Vines 12/8 ea 226502 9235249266 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Sergeants Geiss Destin Dunn Cat Shampoo Tick/Flea Coconut Berry 6/18 oz 212041 7309102864 Sergeants Geiss Destin Dunn Shampoo Dog Skip Flea/Tick Ocean Breeze 12/18 oz 214405 7309113019 Sergeants Geiss Destin Dunn Collar Cat Settle Down Pheromone 12/1 ea 216086 7309102165 Sergeants Geiss Destin Dunn Cat Flea/Tick Collar Dual Action 72/1 ea 216096 7309101123 Sergeants Geiss Destin Dunn Dog Dental Sticks Tru Harvest Small/Medium 6/6 oz 221905 7309122489 Serv A Wax R3 Papercraft Portland Tissue Pickup 6 X 6 20/1000 ea 46504 7873160095 Sesmark Panos Brands Crackers Sesame Thins Original 12/7 oz 49214 8569310100 Sesmark Panos Brands Crackers Sesame Garlic Thins Original 12/7 oz 49216 8569310102 Sesmark Panos Brands Crackers Savory Thin Original 12/3.2 oz 49218 8569310104 Sesmark Panos Brands Crackers Thins Sesame Cheddar 12/7 oz 49220 8569310107 Sesmark Panos Brands Crackers Thins Savory Teriyaki 12/3.2 oz 49221 8569310108 Sesmark Panos Brands Crackers Thins Savory Onion Garlic 12/3.2 oz 49222 8569310109 Sesmark Panos Brands Crackers Rice Thin Sesame 12/4.25 oz 49223 8569310700 Sesmark Panos Brands Crackers Rice Thin Brown 12/3.5 oz 49224 8569310702 Sesmark Panos Brands Crackers Rice Thin Teriyaki 12/4.25 oz 49225 8569310704 Sesmark Panos Brands Crackers Rice Thin Cheddar 12/3.5 oz 49226 8569310707 Seven Sundays Seven Sundays Muesli Blueberry Chia Buckwheat Natural 6/12 oz 235410 85608800317 Seven Sundays Seven Sundays Muesli Vanilla Cherry Natural Gluten Free 6/12 oz 235411 85608800315 Seven Sundays Seven Sundays Muesli Original Toasted Natural Gluten Free 6/12 oz 235412 85608800313 Sevre Bell Sevre & Belle Fra Chevrot Gluten Free Natural 6/200 gr 209295 4184400003 Shady Maple Citadelle Maple Syrup Producers Can Syrup Maple Grade A Organic 12/8 oz 213766 6667629008 Shannongold Ornua Foods North America Butter Unsalted 36/8 oz 223827 86322300001 Shannongold Ornua Foods North America Butter Salted 36/8 oz 223828 86322300000 Sharwood Premier Foods Inc Curry Hot Powder 6/4 oz 23898 6205816462 Sharwood Premier Foods Inc Curry Mild Powder 6/4 oz 23901 6205821024 Sharwood Premier Foods Inc Chutney Bengal Spice 6/12.5 oz 23902 6205881632 Sharwood Premier Foods Inc Chutney Major Grey Mango 6/12.5 oz 23904 6205881634 Sharwood Premier Foods Inc Chutney Mango Ginger 6/12.5 oz 23906 6205881797 Sharwood Premier Foods Inc Sauce Chicken Butter Makhni 6/14.1 oz 213192 6205810311 Sharwood Premier Foods Inc Sauce Masala Tikki 6/14.1 oz 213193 6205810310 Sheila G’s Sheila G’s Brittle Brownie Caramel Salted Natural 12/5 oz 226329 71174701238 Sheila G’s Sheila G’s Brittle Brownie Mint Chocolate Chip Natural 12/5 oz 226330 71174701294 Sheila G’s Sheila G’s Brittle Brownie Chocolate Chip Natural 12/5 oz 226331 71174701224 Sheila G’s Sheila G’s Brittle Brownie Toffee Crunch Natural 12/5 oz 226332 71174701244 Shepherds Of Cypress Kradjian Importing Co Inc Halloumi 12/8.8 oz 57401 64896724281 Shepher’s Shepherds Dairy Products Chevre Plain Log 12/3.5 oz 71917 81379130351 Shepherds Shepherds Dairy Products Chevre Log Variety Pack 12/3.5 oz 71918 81379130356 Shepherds Shepherds Dairy Products Chevre Plain Log 12/10.5 oz 71919 81379130380 Shepherds Shepherds Dairy Products Feta Goat Fresh 12/4 oz 115107 81379120270 Shibolim Kenover Isr Pretzels Chocolate Dipped Natural 12/4 oz 129646 85268600149 Shibolim Kenover Rice Chips Chocolate Coated 12/3.5 oz 203361 85268600110 Shibolim Kenover Isr Crisps Snax Ww Sesame Natural 12/6 oz 203363 85268600123 Shibolim Kenover Isr Crisps Snax Whole Spelt Original Natural 12/6 oz 203365 85268600116 Shibolim Kenover Isr Crisps Snax Ww Garlic Natural 12/6 oz 203367 85268600122 Shibolim Kenover Isr Crisps Snax W/Spelt Sesame Natural 12/6 oz 203369 85268600119 Shibolim Kenover Isr Crisps Snax Ww Onion Natural 12/6 oz 203370 85268600121 Shibolim Kenover Isr Cookies Animal Whole Wheat Natural 12/12 oz 215512 85268600159 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 237 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 238 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Shibolim Kenover Isr Bagel Flats Sesame 12/6 oz 220653 85268650151 Shibolim Kenover Isr Bagel Flats Sea Salt 12/6 oz 220654 85268650150 Shikai Shikai Products Shampoo Everyday 6/12 oz 48105 8173830301 Shikai Shikai Products Conditioner Everyday 6/12 oz 48108 8173830305 Shikai Shikai Products Shampoo Color Reflect Natural 6/8 oz 48111 8173831351 Shikai Shikai Products Shampoo Color Reflect Gold Natural 6/8 oz 48112 8173831352 Shikai Shikai Products Shampoo Color Reflect Platinum 6/8 oz 48113 8173831353 Shikai Shikai Products Shampoo Color Reflect Warm Natural 6/8 oz 48114 8173831354 Shikai Shikai Products Conditioner Color Reflect Daily 6/8 oz 48115 8173831360 Shikai Shikai Products Shower Gel Cucumber Melon Moisture 6/12 oz 48122 8173836302 Shikai Shikai Products Shower Gel Moisturizing Yuzu Natural 6/12 oz 48124 8173836305 Shikai Shikai Products Conditioner Color Reflect Mist & Go 6/8 oz 200425 8173831361 Shikai Shikai Products Lotion Hand/Body Cucumber Melon Natural 6/8 oz 200681 8173834302 Shikai Shikai Products Lotion Hand/Body White Gardenia Natural 6/8 oz 200686 8173834306 Shikai Shikai Products Lotion Hand/Body Yuzu Citrus Natural 6/8 oz 200689 8173834305 Shikai Shikai Products Lotion Hand And Body Vanilla Natural 6/8 oz 211166 8173834304 Shikai Shikai Products Cream Eye Borage Therapy Natural 6/.5 oz 212357 8173840285 Shikai Shikai Products Shampoo Tee Tree Natural 6/12 oz 235462 8173830308 Shirakiku Shirakiku Amasu Shoga 6/12 oz 213281 7441013060 Shirakiku Shirakiku Kizami Shoga Bottle 6/12 oz 213285 7441013061 Shirakiku Wismettac Asian Foods Amasu Shoga 12/12 oz 41034 7441013060 Shirakiku Wismettac Asian Foods Miso Shiro 10/35.2 oz 41042 7441027912 Shirakiku Wismettac Asian Foods Aji Nori Furikake 10/1.9 oz 41044 7441038004 Shirakiku Wismettac Asian Foods Dumplings Gyoza With Pork 12/21 oz 41062 7441093112 Shirakiku Wismettac Asian Foods Dumplings Gyoza With Beef Spicy 12/21 oz 41063 7441093113 Shirakiku Wismettac Asian Foods Dumplings Gyoza With Chicken 12/21 oz 41064 7441093114 Shirakiku Wismettac Asian Foods Udon Nama Oriental No Msg 12/7.05 oz 147429 7441041087 Shirakiku Wismettac Asian Foods Udon Nama Chicken No Msg 12/7.05 oz 147430 7441041088 Shirakiku Wismettac Asian Foods Noodle Udon Shrimp No Msg 12/7.05 oz 147431 7441041089 Shirakiku Wismettac Asian Foods Noodle Udon Spicy No Msg 12/7.05 oz 147432 7441041090 Shirakiku Wismettac Asian Foods Jpn Ramune Strawberry Carbonated 30/6.76 oz 210932 7441074180 Shirakiku Wismettac Asian Foods Jpn Ramune Original Carbonated 30/6.76 oz 210933 7441074046 Shirakiku Wismettac Asian Foods Jpn Ramune Melon Carbonated 30/6.76 oz 210934 7441074184 Shirakiku Wismettac Asian Foods Jpn Ramune Lychee Carbonated 30/6.76 oz 210935 7441074182 Shirakiku Wismettac Asian Foods Chn Mushroom Shiitake Dried 48/1 oz 210936 7441056017 Shirakiku Wismettac Asian Foods Jpn Noodle Udon Inaka 16/16 oz 210937 7441045034 Shirakiku Wismettac Asian Foods Jpn Nori Maki Arare 24/5 oz 210938 7441065101 Shirakiku Wismettac Asian Foods Jpn Noodle Soba Inaka 16/16 oz 210939 7441045509 Shirakiku Wismettac Asian Foods Chn Soybeans Edamame Pod 20/14.1 oz 211360 7441094271 Shirakiku Wismettac Asian Foods Jpn Furikake Seto Fumi 10/1.59 oz 213910 7441005954 Shirakiku Wismettac Asian Foods Jpn Furikake Nori Komi 10/1.94 oz 213911 7441005955 Shirakiku Wismettac Asian Foods Jpn Furikake Ochazuke Wakame 10/1.83 oz 213912 7441005964 Shirakiku Wismettac Asian Foods Chn Kizami Shoga Cup 12/6 oz 225026 7441083253 Shirakiku Wismettac Asian Foods Chn Amasu Shoga Cup 12/6 oz 225027 7441083254 Shirakiku Wismettac Asian Foods Tpe Rice Cake Bean Filled Red/White 24/12.72 oz 228656 7441067043 Shirakiku Wismettac Asian Foods Tpe Rice Cake Green Bean Filled 24/12.72 oz 228657 7441067045 Shirakiku Wismettac Asian Foods Tpe Rice Cake Azuki 24/12.72 oz 228658 7441067044 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Shirakiku Wismettac Asian Foods Plums Pickled 24/8 oz 228660 7441012016 Shirakiku Wismettac Asian Foods Yam Noodle Black 24/7 oz 228662 7441080114 Shirakiku Wismettac Asian Foods Scallions Pickled 12/9 oz 228663 7441062001 Shirakiku Wismettac Asian Foods Cake Konnyaku Yam Black 24/9 oz 228664 7441080110 Shirakiku Wismettac Asian Foods Noodle Shirataki Yam White 24/7 oz 228665 7441080113 Shirakiku Wismettac Asian Foods Cake Konnyaku Yam White 24/9 oz 228667 7441080112 Shirakiku Wismettac Asian Foods Pickled Plums Aka Umeboshi 24/8 oz 228825 7441012011 Shore Lunch Southeastern Mills Inc Soup Mix Minestrone 6/9.3 oz 210738 2473916028 Shore Lunch Southeastern Mills Inc Chili Mix Homestyle 6/10.6 oz 210743 2473916022 Shraga Paskesz Candy Company Isr Candle Neronim 24Pk 6 Hr 24/14 oz 213894 4416410214 Shraga Paskesz Candy Company Isr Candle Neronim 72Pk 6 Hr 12/42 oz 213895 4416410245 Shraga Paskesz Candy Company Isr Candle Neronim 4 Hour 72 Pack 12/30 oz 215735 4416410238 Shraga Paskesz Candy Company Isr Candle Neronim 4 Hour 24 Pack 24/10 oz 215736 4416400177 Shraga Paskesz Candy Company Isr Cups Glass Neronim 2 Pack 24/6.3 oz 215737 4416400184 Shraga Paskesz Candy Company Isr Candle Memorial 7 Day 12/1 ea 215738 4416400139 Shraga Paskesz Candy Company Isr Candle Memorial 24 Hour Tin 48/1 ea 215739 4416400085 Sierra Nevada Sierra Nevada Mustard Pale Ale Honey Spiced 6/8 oz 120340 78264300010 Sierra Nevada Sierra Nevada Cheese Cream Cheese Cup 12/7 oz 59875 68765215000 Sierra Nevada Sierra Nevada Cheese Cream Cheese Chub Organic 8/7 oz 59884 68765217001 Sierra Nevada Sierra Nevada Cheese Jack Traditional Organic 8/6 oz 59890 68765217221 Sierra Nevada Sierra Nevada Cheese Jack Garlic Herb Organic 8/6 oz 59891 68765217222 Sierra Nevada Sierra Nevada Cheese Jack Jalapeno Organic 8/6 oz 59892 68765217223 Sierra Nevada Sierra Nevada Cheese Jack Mushroom Organic 8/6 oz 59893 68765217227 Sierra Nevada Sierra Nevada Cheese Butter Unsalt Euro Cultured Organic 12/8 oz 81743 68765217905 Sierra Nevada Sierra Nevada Cheese Butter Salted Euro Cultured Organic 12/8 oz 82029 68765217900 Sierra Nevada Sierra Nevada Cheese Jack Smokehouse Wedge Organic 8/6 oz 130042 68765217229 Sierra Nevada Sierra Nevada Cheese Jack Jalapeno Raw Organic 12/8 oz 205157 68765217443 Sierra Nevada Sierra Nevada Cheese Cheddar White Raw Organic 12/8 oz 205159 68765217542 Sierra Nevada Sierra Nevada Cheese Jack Creamy Raw Organic 12/8 oz 205160 68765217441 Sierra Nevada Sierra Nevada Cheese Jack Jalapeno Wheel Organic 1/6 lb 211161 7221042454 Siggi’s Icelandic Milk And Skyr Corp Yogurt Iceland Acai Mix Berry Strain 12/5.3 oz 146928 89824800106 Siggi’s Icelandic Milk And Skyr Corp Yogurt Strained Pom/Passion Fat Free Natural 12/5.3 oz 203523 89824800104 Siggi’s Icelandic Milk And Skyr Corp Yogurt Strained Blueberry Fat Free Natural 12/5.3 oz 203524 89824800101 Siggi’s Icelandic Milk And Skyr Corp Yogurt Strained Vanilla Fat Free Natural 12/5.3 oz 203525 89824800107 Siggi’s Icelandic Milk And Skyr Corp Yogurt Strained Plain Fat Free Natural 12/5.3 oz 203526 89824800100 Siggi’s Icelandic Milk And Skyr Corp Yogurt Strained Orange Ginger Fat Free 12/5.3 oz 204062 89824800102 Siggi’s Icelandic Milk And Skyr Corp Yogurt Coconut Strained 2% 12/5.3 oz 209584 89824800118 Siggi’s Icelandic Milk And Skyr Corp Yogurt Strained Blood Orange 2% 12/5.3 oz 230549 89824800161 Siljan’s The Napoleon Co Crispbread 11/14 oz 119988 60587000117 Silk White Wave Foods Soymilk Chocolate Natural 4/8oz 6/32 oz 212010 2529300109 Silk White Wave Foods Creamer Almond Vanilla Natural 12/16 oz 227997 2529300224 Silk White Wave Foods Yogurt Soy Tropical Pineapple Natural 12/5.3 oz 229739 2529300299 Silk White Wave Foods Yogurt Soy Vanilla Natural 12/5.3 oz 229741 2529300280 Silk White Wave Foods Yogurt Soy Peach Mango Natural 12/5.3 oz 229742 2529300276 Silk White Wave Foods Yogurt Soy Blueberry Natural 12/5.3 oz 229745 2529300279 Silk White Wave Foods Yogurt Soy Strawberry Natural 12/5.3 oz 229746 2529300278 Silk White Wave Foods Milk Soy Chocolate 6 Pack Natural 3/48 oz 229748 2529300270 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 239 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 240 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Silk White Wave Foods Yogurt Vanilla 6/24 oz 235290 2529300374 Silk White Wave Foods Yogurt Plain 6/24 oz 235291 2529300375 Silk White Wave Foods Creamer Almond Caramel 12/16 oz 235292 2529300317 Silk White Wave Foods Creamer Almond Hazelnut 12/16 oz 235295 2529300370 Silver Springs Silver Spring Foods Inc Sauce Horseradish Sassy 9/9.25 oz 17454 4154310008 Silver Springs Silver Spring Foods Inc Mustard Beer N Brat Squeeze 9/9.5 oz 17462 4154315019 Silver Springs Silver Spring Foods Inc Mustard Chipotle 9/9.5 oz 17463 4154315020 Silver Springs Silver Spring Foods Inc Mustard Jalapeno 9/9.5 oz 17465 4154315022 Silver Springs Silver Springs Sauce Horseradish Prepared 12/5 oz 17436 4154302001 Silver Springs Silver Springs Sauce Horseradish Beet 12/5 oz 17443 4154303005 Simex Wismettac Asian Foods Lumpia Wrappers 16/13 oz 36709 7887805216 Simple Crisp Simple And Crisp Blood Orange Dried Fruit Crisps Natural 6/1.6 oz 231219 85209900405 Simple Crisp Simple And Crisp Apple Dried Fruit Crisps Natural 6/1.5 oz 231220 85209900404 Simple Crisp Simple And Crisp Orange Dried Fruit Crisps Natural 6/2 oz 231221 85209900407 Simple Crisp Simple And Crisp Pear Dried Fruit Crisps Natural 6/1.6 oz 231222 85209900406 Simple Truth San J International Sauce Soy 6/10 oz 224892 1111081820 Simple Truth San J International Sauce Tamari Reduced Sodium Gluten Free 6/10 oz 224893 1111081828 Simplot Jr Simplot Company Peas Green Classic 12/40 oz 28742 7117918949 Simplot Jr Simplot Company Spinach Chopped 12/3 lb 28743 7117919022 Simplot Jr Simplot Company Potatoes Krunchie Wedge 6/5 lb 28746 7117947303 Simplot Jr Simplot Company Fries Potato Thin Skin On 6/5 lb 28747 7117947400 Simplot Jr Simplot Company Edamame Shelled Soy Beans 6/2.5 lb 28748 7117952276 Simplot Jr Simplot Company Green Beans Haricot Vert 6/2.5 lb 28754 7117981677 Simplot Jr Simplot Company Fries Sweet Potato Wedges CC Cut 6/2.5 lb 224396 7117902783 Simply Artisan Litehouse Inc Feta Artisan Crumbles Organic Natural 12/4 oz 227691 81544101132 Simply Artisan Litehouse Inc Blue Artisan Center Cut Organic Natural 8/5 oz 227693 81544101133 Simply Artisan Litehouse Inc Blue Artisan Crumble Organic Natural 12/4 oz 227694 81544101130 Simply Artisan Litehouse Inc Gorgonzola Artisan Center Cut Organic 8/5 oz 227695 81544101134 Simply Artisan Litehouse Inc Gorgonzola Artisan Crumble Organic 12/4 oz 227696 81544101131 Simply Artisan Litehouse Inc Gorgonzola Crumble Bag Natural 8/6 oz 228508 81544101166 Simply Artisan Litehouse Inc Blue Crumble Bag Natural 8/6 oz 228509 81544101167 Simply Artisan Litehouse Inc Gorgonzola Double Creme Natural 1/6 lb 232400 81544101171 Simply Artisan Litehouse Inc Feta Crumble Bag Natural 8/6 oz 232429 81544101172 Simply Asia McCormick And Co Noodle Kung Pao Bowl 6/8.5 oz 74823 85428500083 Simply Asia McCormick And Co Noodle Sesame Teriyaki Bowl 6/8.5 oz 74826 85428500086 Simply Asia McCormick And Co Noodle Spicy Mongolian Bowl 6/8.5 oz 74829 85428500089 Simply Asia McCormick And Co Noodle Rice Shiitake Mushroom Bowl 6/2.5 oz 74830 85428500100 Simply Asia McCormick And Co Noodle Rice Spring Vegetable Bowl 6/2.5 oz 74831 85428500150 Simply Asia McCormick And Co Noodle Rice Sesame Chicken Bowl 6/2.5 oz 74833 85428500250 Simply Asia McCormick And Co Sauce Kung Pao Stir Fry 6/4.43 fo 78808 85428550014 Simply Gourmet Champignon North America Ger Cremdor Natural 10/4.4 oz 230677 6110414922 Simply Gourmet Champignon North America Ger Cambozola Natural 10/4.4 oz 230678 6110414942 Simply Gourmet Champignon North America Ger Rougette Natural 10/4.4 oz 230679 6110414932 Simply Gum Simply Gum Gum Cinnamon Gluten Free Natural 6/15 ea 235610 85246600600 Simply Gum Simply Gum Gum Ginger Gluten Free Natural 6/15 ea 235611 85246600603 Simply Gum Simply Gum Gum Mint Gluten Free Natural 6/15 ea 235612 85246600601 Simply Organic Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Basil Leaf Organic Natural 6/.54 oz 50740 8983618512 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Simply Organic Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Salt Garlic Organic Natural 6/4.7 oz 50745 8983618517 Simply Organic Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Chn Ginger Organic Natural 6/1.64 oz 50746 8983618518 Simply Organic Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Ger Parsley Flakes Organic Natural 6/.26 oz 50750 8983618522 Simply Organic Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Ind Peppercorns Black Organic Natural 6/2.65 oz 50752 8983618524 Simply Organic Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Ind Turmeric Root Ground Organic Natural 6/2.38 oz 50753 8983618525 Simply Organic Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Extract Almond Organic Natural 6/2 oz 50754 8983618526 Simply Organic Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Flavoring Lemon Organic 6/2 oz 50756 8983618528 Simply Organic Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Extract Vanilla Organic Natural 6/2 oz 50759 8983618531 Simply Organic Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Can Seasoning Mix Southwest Taco Organic 12/1.13 oz 50761 8983618533 Simply Organic Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Seasoning Mix Fish Taco 12/1.13 oz 50762 8983618534 Simply Organic Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Cilantro Leaf Organic Natural 6/.78 oz 50780 8983618601 Simply Organic Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Chn Pepper Red Crushed Organic Natural 6/1.59 oz 50781 8983618603 Simply Organic Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Pol Thyme Leaf Whole Organic Natural 6/.78 oz 50784 8983618613 Simply Organic Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Dip Mix French Onion Organic 12/1.1 oz 50803 8983618841 Simply Organic Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Dip Mix Guacamole Organic 12/.8 oz 50804 8983618842 Simply Organic Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Dip Mix Creamy Dill Organic 12/.7 oz 50805 8983618843 Simply Organic Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Chili Mix Vegetarian 12/1 oz 207470 8983618536 Simply Organic Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Can Gravy Mix Turkey Roasted Organic 12/.85 oz 207471 8983618545 Simply Organic Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Can Chili Mix Spicy 12/1 oz 207472 8983618537 Simply Organic Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Sauce Mix Pesto Sweet Basil 12/.53 oz 207473 8983618542 Simply Organic Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Sauce Mix Alfredo 12/1.48 oz 207474 8983618544 Simply Organic Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Sauce Mix Mushroom 12/.85 oz 207475 8983618541 Simply Organic Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Sloppy Joe Mix 12/1.41 oz 207476 8983618538 Simply Organic Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Gravy Mix Chicken Roasted 12/.85 oz 207477 8983618540 Simply Organic Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Seasoning Chophouse Certified Organic 6/3.81 oz 211698 8983618259 Simply Organic Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Get Crackin Certified Organic 6/3 oz 211699 8983618262 Simply Organic Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Citrus Apeel Certified Organic 6/2.54 oz 211700 8983618260 Simply Organic Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Grind To A Salt Certified Organic 6/4.76 oz 211701 8983618261 Simply Organic Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Ind Grind Daily Certified Organic 6/2.65 oz 211711 8983618263 Simply Organic Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Seasoning Italian Organic Natural 6/.95 oz 211712 8983618606 Simply Organic Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Chili Powder Organic Natural 6/2.89 oz 211751 8983618760 Simply Organic Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Esp Sage Leaf Ground Organic Natural 6/1.41 oz 211752 8983618611 Simply Organic Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Esp Rosemary Leaf Whole Organic Natural 6/1.23 oz 211753 8983618610 Simply Organic Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Can Mustard Seed Ground Organic Natural 6/3.07 oz 211754 8983618607 Simply Organic Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Curry Powder Organic Natural 6/3 oz 211769 8983618763 Simply Organic Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Bay Leaf Organic Natural 6/.14 oz 211770 8983618764 Simply Organic Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Sri Clove Ground Organic Natural 6/2.82 oz 211771 8983618762 Simply Organic Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Sri Nutmeg Ground Organic Natural 6/2.3 oz 211773 8983618766 Simply Organic Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Seasoning Steak Spicy Certified Organic 6/3.6 oz 211774 8983618951 Simply Organic Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Seasoning Chicken Organic 6/2.26 oz 211775 8983618952 Simply Organic Frontier Food And Flavorings Llc Isr Paprika Ground Organic Natural 6/2.96 oz 211823 8983618765 Simpsons British Wholesale Imports Gbr Pudding Sponge Spotted Dick 8/10.2 oz 228420 79285135955 Simpsons British Wholesale Imports Gbr Pudding Sponge Syrup 8/10.5 oz 228421 79285135954 Sincerely Brigi Sincerely Brigi Monterey Jack W/Olive Sun Dried Tom 12/7 oz 223869 65121911207 Sincerely Brigi Sincerely Brigi Monterey Jack W/Roasted Garlic Basil 12/7 oz 223870 65121911208 Sincerely Brigi Sincerely Brigi Monterey Jack W/Parsley And Chive 12/7 oz 223871 65121911211 Sincerely Brigi Sincerely Brigi Monterey Jack W/Jalapeno Cilantro 12/7 oz 223872 65121911209 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 241 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 242 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Sincerely Brigi Sincerely Brigi Cheddar Blue Marble 12/7 oz 226103 65121911206 Sincerely Brigi Sincerely Brigi Monterey Jack With Tarragon Ginger 12/7 oz 229480 65121911224 Sincerely Brigi Sincerely Brigi Cheddar White With Chipotle Natural 12/7 oz 229481 65121911205 Singleton Singleton Gbr Derby Sage Pc 1/8 lb 32321 7221077260 Singleton Singleton Gbr Double Gloucester Pc 1/8 lb 32500 7221077964 Singleton Somerdale International Limited Gbr Derby Sage 1/9 lb 30600 7221013790 Singleton Somerdale International Limited Gbr Red Leicester 1/9 lb 31737 7221073466 Singleton Somerdale International Limited Gbr Double Gloucester 1/9 lb 32024 7221075028 Sioux City Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Sarsaparilla 24/12 oz 79778 7206300005 Sioux City Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Z Birch Beer 24/12 oz 114288 7206300007 Sioux City Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Z Root Beer 24/12 oz 114289 7206300008 Sioux City Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Pear Prickly 24/12 oz 234739 7206300261 Sipa Global Importing Group Pasta Angel Hair 24/16 oz 2707 1393200458 Skeleteens Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Purple Love Potion 24/12 oz 215687 89245800133 Skeleteens Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Black Lemonade 24/12 oz 215691 89245820005 Skillet Skillet Food Products Spread Bacon Fennel W/Black Pepper 6/7 oz 236103 85222500309 Skillet Skillet Food Products Spread Bacon Original 6/7 oz 236104 85222500307 Skinnypop Skinnypop Popcorn 12/4.4 oz 214518 85025100400 Skinnypop Skinnypop Popcorn Cheddar White Ultra Lite 12/4.4 oz 223953 85025100417 Skout Skout Inc Chocolate Peanut Butter Trailbar Organic 12/1.8 oz 227743 89706000208 Skout Skout Inc Cherry And Vanilla Trailbar Organic Natural 12/1.8 oz 227744 89706000202 Skout Skout Inc Seeds Pumpkin Sea Salt Raw Of Natural 6/2.5 oz 227745 89706000210 Skout Skout Inc Seeds Pumpkin BBQ Pepper Raw Organic 6/2.5 oz 227746 89706000211 Skout Skout Inc Blueberry Almond Trailbar Organic Natural 12/1.8 oz 227747 89706000201 Skout Skout Inc Apple Cinnamon Trailbar Organic Natural 12/1.8 oz 227748 89706000200 Skout Skout Inc Chocolate Coconut Trailbar Organic Natural 12/1.8 oz 227749 89706000203 Slide Ridge Slide Ridge Llc Honey Raw Natural 12/12 oz 226652 85594100506 Slide Ridge Slide Ridge Llc Vinegar Wine Honey Apple Harvest Natural 12/3 fo 226653 85594100500 Slide Ridge Slide Ridge Llc Vinegar Wine Nature’s Honey Natural 12/3 fo 226654 85594100501 Sm Arnold General Automotive Supply Co Wash Mitt Spun Gold Pro 24/1 ea 211941 7903885309 Smartykat Worldwise Chn Cat Toy Locolaser 4/1 ea 233999 78630609752 Smartykat Worldwise Chn Catnip Natural Organic 6/1 oz 234000 78630609343 Smartykat Worldwise Chn Catnip Mouse Skittercritter 4/1 ea 234001 78630639384 Smartypants Smartypants Vitamins Vitamin Gummy Multi W/Omega3s/Vit D 12/90 ea 231621 85135600425 Smartypants Smartypants Vitamins Vitamin Adult Gummy W/Fiber/Omega3s/D 12/120 ea 231622 85135600428 Smartypants Smartypants Vitamins Vitamin Kid Gummy/Fiber/Ns/Omega3s/D 12/90 ea 231623 85135600426 Smartypants Smartypants Vitamins Vitamin Adult Gummy Multi/Omega3s/D 12/120 ea 231624 85135600427 Smithfield Alouette Cheese USA Llc Cream Cheese Whipped 2/4 lb 231189 7055130064 Smokewood Source Atlantique Chili Mix Six Gun 12/4 oz 42038 7488200100 Snack Factory The Snack Factory Pretzels Crisp Original 12/7.2 oz 203172 4950800600 Snack Factory The Snack Factory Pretzels Crisp Garlic Parmesan 12/7.2 oz 203173 4950800610 Snack Factory The Snack Factory Pretzels Crisp Buffalo Wing 12/7.2 oz 203577 4950800612 Snack Factory The Snack Factory Pretzels Crisp Everything 12/7.2 oz 203578 4950800620 Snack Factory The Snack Factory Pretzels Crisp Sesame 12/7.2 oz 203747 4950800619 Snack Factory The Snack Factory Pretzel Crisps Honey Mustard Onion 12/7.2 oz 223720 4950810001 Snack Factory The Snack Factory Pretzel Crisps Sea Salt Cracked Pepper 12/7.2 oz 223721 4950810003 Snack Factory The Snack Factory Pretzel Crisps Mini Original Gluten Free 12/5 oz 230945 4950800227 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Snack Factory The Snack Factory Pretzel Crisps Sriracha Lime 12/7.2 oz 230946 4950800606 Snack Factory The Snack Factory Pretzel Crisps Mini Salted Caramel Gluten Free 12/5 oz 230947 4950800228 Snackwells Snackwells Cookies Sandwich Vanilla Creme Tray 4/20.4 oz 226457 81989801918 Snackwells Snackwells Cookies Cake Devils Food 12/6.75 oz 226460 81989801900 Snackwells Snackwells Cookies Sandwich Vanilla Creme 12/7.75 oz 226461 81989801901 Snackwells Snackwells Cookies Mini Chocolate Cream Sandwich 6/6.25 oz 229813 81989801926 Snackwells Snackwells Cookie Cake Devils Food Chocolate Mint 12/6.75 oz 236004 81989801934 Snapdragon Tabetai Inc Tha Crunchies Cashew Chili Lime 6/2.6 oz 212179 81505501032 Snoqualmie Snoqualmie Gourmet Ice Cream Ice Cream Danish Vanilla Bean 8/1 pt 66413 74838679201 Snoqualmie Snoqualmie Gourmet Ice Cream Ice Cream Mukilteo Mudd 8/1 pt 66414 74838679202 Snoqualmie Snoqualmie Gourmet Ice Cream Ice Cream Cascade Mountain Blackberry 8/1 pt 66415 74838679204 Snoqualmie Snoqualmie Gourmet Ice Cream Ice Cream Mint Chocolate Chip 8/1 pt 66416 74838679208 Snoqualmie Snoqualmie Gourmet Ice Cream Ice Cream Ginger 8/1 pt 66417 74838679211 Snoqualmie Snoqualmie Gourmet Ice Cream Ice Cream French Lavender 8/1 pt 66418 74838679214 Snoqualmie Snoqualmie Gourmet Ice Cream Custard Lemon 8/1 pt 66420 74838679217 Snoqualmie Snoqualmie Gourmet Ice Cream Ice Cream Coconut 8/1 pt 66422 74838679219 Snoqualmie Snoqualmie Gourmet Ice Cream Ice Cream Green Tea 8/1 pt 66425 74838679230 Snoqualmie Snoqualmie Gourmet Ice Cream Gelato Creme Fraiche 8/1 pt 66426 74838679259 Snoqualmie Snoqualmie Gourmet Ice Cream Gelato Chocolate Brilliance 8/1 pt 66430 74838679264 Snoqualmie Snoqualmie Gourmet Ice Cream Custard French Vanilla 8/1 pt 66431 74838679265 Snoqualmie Snoqualmie Gourmet Ice Cream Custard Honey Cinnamon 8/1 pt 113185 74838679268 Snoqualmie Snoqualmie Gourmet Ice Cream Sorbet Pomegranate Raspberry 8/1 pt 207722 74838679269 Snoqualmie Snoqualmie Gourmet Ice Cream Custard Espresso Bold 8/1 pt 207777 74838679271 Snoqualmie Snoqualmie Gourmet Ice Cream Custard Cherry Vanilla 8/1 pt 216273 74838679272 Snoqualmie Snoqualmie Gourmet Ice Cream Custard Chocolate Checkered 8/1 pt 216274 74838679273 Snoqualmie Snoqualmie Gourmet Ice Cream Custard Almond Poppy Seed Natural 8/1 pt 228823 74838679281 Snowdonia Atalanta Corporation Gbr Cheddar Green Thunder Natural 6/7 oz 233642 81246902004 Snowdonia Atalanta Corporation Gbr Cheddar Bouncing Berry Natural 6/7 oz 233643 81246902006 Snowdonia Atalanta Corporation Gbr Cheddar Black Bomber Ex Mat Natural 6/7 oz 233644 81246902002 Snowdonia Atalanta Corporation Gbr Cheddar Amber Mist Natural 6/7 oz 233645 81246902010 So Delicious White Wave Foods Milk Coconut Vanilla 6/64 oz 89801 74447391204 So Delicious White Wave Foods Creamer Coconut Milk French Vanilla Dairy Free 12/1 pt 130268 74447394104 So Delicious White Wave Foods Creamer Coconut Milk Hazelnut Dairy Free 12/1 pt 225411 74447394116 So Delicious White Wave Foods Yogurt Raspberry Organic Natural 12/5.3 oz 235293 74447300011 So Delicious White Wave Foods Yogurt Vanilla Organic Natural 12/5.3 oz 235294 74447300013 So Delicious White Wave Foods Yogurt Strawberry Organic Natural 12/5.3 oz 235296 74447300012 So Delicious White Wave Foods Milk Almond Unsweetened Original 6/48 oz 235543 74447391195 So Delicious White Wave Foods Milk Almond Walnut 6/48 oz 235544 74447391199 So Delicious White Wave Foods Milk Almond Coconut 6/48 oz 235545 74447391197 Societe Lactalis Deli Inc Fra Roquefort Wedge Societe Pc 10/3.5 oz 202434 2143800001 Societe Lactalis Deli Inc Fra Roquefort Bulk 2/2.8 lb 231112 48201503025 Societe Societe Fromagere Fra Montboissie 1/8 lb 31731 7221073451 Soignon Couturier Na Llc Fra Couturier Plain Log 6/5.5 oz 2424 1349923121 Soignon Couturier Na Llc Fra Couturier Four Pepper Log 6/5.5 oz 2426 1349923321 Soignon Couturier Na Llc Fra Couturier Herb Log 6/5.5 oz 2427 1349923621 Soignon Couturier Na Llc Fra Buche Ripened 2/2.2 lb 31166 7221071287 Soignon Couturier Na Llc Fra Couturier Variety Log 12/5.5 oz 31169 7221071291 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 243 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 244 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Sole Emmi Roth USA Granqueso 2/6 lb 64787 73654703166 Solera Solera Esp Goat Rosey Pc 1/8 lb 33600 7221081411 Solera Solera Esp Manchego Do 6 Month Pc 1/8 lb 36473 7221085475 Solera Solera Esp Winey Goat Pc Cw 1/8 lb 119364 7221077263 Solera Specialities Agro Alimentation Esp Goat Rosey 2/6.6 lb 18098 4201970010 Solera Specialities Agro Alimentation Esp Manchego 6 Month Age 2/6.6 lb 59824 68701612346 Solera Specialities Agro Alimentation Esp Winey Goat Cheese 2/6.6 lb 59826 68701612349 Solera Specialities Agro Alimentation Esp Goat Rosey 12/6 oz 206403 68701623525 Solera Specialities Agro Alimentation Esp Goat Winey 12/6 oz 206404 68701623523 Solera Specialities Agro Alimentation Esp Manchego 3 Month Ew 12/6 oz 209091 68701623521 Solo R3 Papercraft Portland Coffee Stirrer Plastic 7In 1/1000 ea 1130 1112589720 Solo Solo Filling Pastry Raspberry 6/12 oz 17629 4164200112 Solo Solo Marzipan 6/8 oz 17632 4164200150 Solo Solo Filling Pastry Almond 6/12.5 oz 119022 4164200101 Solo Solo Filling Pastry Poppy 6/12.5 oz 119024 4164200110 Solo Solo Paste Almond 6/8 oz 119025 4164200149 Somerdale Somerdale Gbr Wensleydale Cranberry Pc 1/6 lb 234356 7221043171 Somerdale Somerdale International Limited Gbr Westminster Cheddar Farmhouse 12/7 oz 114326 73500600531 Somerdale Somerdale International Limited Cheddar Westminster Sharp 12/7 oz 201244 73500600530 Somerdale Somerdale International Limited Cheddar Westminster Vintage 12/7 oz 201245 73500600532 Somerdale Somerdale International Limited Gbr Cheddar With Caramelized Onion 2/4.4 lb 212391 7221042467 Somerdale Somerdale International Limited Gbr Wensleydale Cranberry 2/4.4 lb 212471 7221042470 Somerdale Somerdale International Limited Gbr County Champions Natural 12/7 oz 215975 73500600561 Somerdale Somerdale International Limited Gbr Double Gloucester Natural 12/7 oz 215976 73500600503 Somerdale Somerdale International Limited Gbr Sage Derby 12/7 oz 216906 73500600560 Somerdale Somerdale International Limited Gbr Cheddar Extra Sharp Enjoy With White Wine 12/7 oz 224595 73500600590 Somerdale Somerdale International Limited Gbr Cheddar Vintage Enjoy With Red Wine 12/7 oz 224596 73500600589 Somerdale Somerdale International Limited Gbr Wensleydale With Blueberry Natural 12/5 oz 224786 73500600596 Somerdale Somerdale International Limited Gbr Cheddar Poachers Natural 12/5.3 oz 224953 73500600039 Somerdale Somerdale International Limited Gbr Cheddar Harlech Natural 12/5.3 oz 224954 73500600032 Somerdale Somerdale International Limited Gbr Cheddar Red Dragon Natural 12/5.3 oz 224955 73500600031 Somerdale Somerdale International Limited Gbr Tintern 12/5.3 oz 225083 73500600029 Somersault Somersault Snack Co Llc Snack Nugget Crunchy Sea Salt Natural 6/6 oz 233915 89840300201 Somersault Somersault Snack Co Llc Snack Nugget Crunchy Dutch Coco Natural 6/6 oz 233916 89840300204 Somersault Somersault Snack Co Llc Snack Nugget Crunchy Cinnamon Natural 6/6 oz 233917 89840300227 Sonoma Sonoma Traditional/Garlic/Hot Party Try Natural 9/12 oz 221754 2327852211 Sonoma True Fabrications Inc Juice Olive 6/24.5 oz 231891 85689100231 Sonoma True Fabrications Inc Syrup Simple Pomegranate 6/12.7 oz 231892 85689100008 Sonoma True Fabrications Inc Syrup Simple Meyer Lemon 6/12.7 oz 231893 85689100001 Sonoma True Fabrications Inc Syrup Simple Mint 6/12.7 oz 231894 85689100002 Sonoma Creamery Sonoma Creamery Llc Snacks Mr Cheese O Cheddar Natural Gluten Free 18/1 oz 225788 2327801104 Sonoma Creamery Sonoma Creamery Llc Snacks Mr Cheese O Parmesan Natural Gluten Free 18/1 oz 225791 2327801101 Sonoma Creamery Sonoma Creamery Llc Ricotta Organic 12/16 oz 232977 2327841050 Sonoma Creamery Sonoma Creamery Llc Snacks Mr Cheese O Zesty BBQ Natural 18/1 oz 232988 2327801106 Sonoma Creamery Sonoma Creamery Llc Snacks Mr Cheese O French Onion Natural 18/1 oz 232989 2327801105 Sonoma Jack Dairyfood USA Inc Garlic And Herb Wedge 2/3 Oz 12/4 oz 201884 4452911180 Sonoma Jack Dairyfood USA Inc Original Wedge 2/3 Oz 12/4 oz 201885 4452911181 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Sonoma Jack Dairyfood USA Inc Garlic And Herb Light Wedge 2/3 Oz 12/4 oz 201888 4452911820 Sonoma Jack Dairyfood USA Inc Original Light Wedge 2/3 Oz 12/4 oz 201889 4452911821 Sonoma Jack Dairyfood USA Inc Parmesan And Peppercorn Light Wedge 12/4 oz 201890 4452911822 Sonoma Jack Dairyfood USA Inc Jack Pepper Light Wedge 2/3 Oz 12/4 oz 201891 4452911823 Sonoma Jack Sonoma Jack Jack Garlic Loaf 2/5 lb 6144 2327810603 Sonoma Jack Sonoma Jack Jack Hot Pepper Wedge Natural 12/5.3 oz 219417 2327852113 Sonoma Jack Sonoma Jack Jack Pesto Wedge Natural 12/5.3 oz 219418 2327852114 Sonoma Jack Sonoma Jack Jack Garlic Wedge Natural 12/5.3 oz 219419 2327852112 Sonoma Jack Sonoma Jack Jack Habanero Wedge Natural 12/5.3 oz 220538 2327852115 Sonoma Jack Sonoma Jack Jack Traditional Wedge Natural 12/5.3 oz 220541 2327852111 Sonoma Jack Sonoma Jack Jack Colby Nuggets 12/1.5 oz 221470 2327822413 Sonoma Jack Sonoma Jack Cheddar Nuggets 12/1.5 oz 221471 2327822311 Sonoma Jack Sonoma Jack Jack Hot Pepper Nuggets 12/1.5 oz 221472 2327822113 Soodhalter Plastics Soodhalter Plastics Forks Hor Doeuvre Par T 12/30 ea 39421 7318000005 Soodhalter Plastics Soodhalter Plastics Pics Wooden Par T Frill 12/240 ea 39424 7318020055 Soodhalter Plastics Soodhalter Plastics Pics King Size 12/115 ea 211307 7318000002 Sorbetto Classico Caffe Classico Foods Inc Sorbet Raspberry 2/158 oz 55595 61628100870 Sorbetto Classico Caffe Classico Foods Inc Sorbet Lemon 2/158 oz 55596 61628100871 Sorbetto Classico Caffe Classico Foods Inc Sorbet Mango 2/158 oz 55597 61628100872 Sorbetto Classico Caffe Classico Foods Inc Sorbet Blackberry Cabernet 2/158 oz 55598 61628100873 Sorbetto Classico Caffe Classico Foods Inc Sorbet Strawberry 2/158 oz 55599 61628100880 Sorrell Ridge Allied Old English Spread Fruit Strawberry Natural 12/10 oz 24406 6962400401 Sorrell Ridge Allied Old English Spread Fruit Apricot Natural 12/10 oz 24409 6962400415 Sorrell Ridge Allied Old English Marmalade Orange Natural 12/10 oz 78420 6962400404 Sorrell Ridge Allied Old English Spread Black Raspberry Natural 12/10 oz 210687 6962400405 Sorrell Ridge Allied Old English Spread Wild Blueberry Natural 12/10 oz 210688 6962400406 Sorrento Lactalis Deli Inc Cheddar Mild Shredded 6/5 lb 40551 7403016770 Sorrento Lactalis Deli Inc Monterey Jack Fancy Shredded 6/5 lb 40554 7403060071 Sorrento Lactalis Deli Inc Pizza Shreds 50/30/10/5/5 6/5 lb 107930 7455016526 Sorrento Lactalis Deli Inc Cheese Blend 4 Part Skim Low Moist 6/5 lb 226166 7403011605 Sorrento Lactalis Deli Inc Mozzarella Whole Milk Low Moist Shred 6/5 lb 226167 7403000150 A wholesomely, crunchy on-the-go real cheese snack that is enjoyed by all ages. Certified gluten-free www.dpispecialtyfoods.com No preservatives No corn or wheat No trans fat www.sonomacreamery.com 245 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 246 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Sortasausage Sortasausage Llc Veggimeals Crumble Original Gluten Free Natural 12/16 oz 231431 65436759170 Sortasausage Sortasausage Llc Patties Breakfast Bulk Gluten Free Natural 120/2 oz 231432 7221043146 Sortasausage Sortasausage Llc Patties Breakfast 4 Pack Gluten Free Natural 12/8 oz 231433 67054134100 Sortasausage Sortasausage Llc Veggimeals Crumble Original Bulk Gluten Free Natural 4/5 lb 231434 7221043147 Sortasausage Sortasausage Llc Hempburgers 4 Pack Gluten Free Natural 12/14 oz 231435 3095563730 Sortasausage Sortasausage Llc Hempburgers Bulk Gluten Free Natural 60/3.52 oz 231436 7221043145 Southeastern Mills Southeastern Mills Inc Gravy Mix Peppered 24/2.75 oz 25556 7029215321 Southeastern Mills Southeastern Mills Inc Gravy Mix Classic Brown 24/1.76 oz 25557 7029216028 Southeastern Mills Southeastern Mills Inc Gravy Mix Country 24/2.75 oz 25558 7029216029 Southeastern Mills Southeastern Mills Inc Gravy Mix Pepper With Sausage 24/2.75 oz 210768 7029217055 Southeastern Mills Southeastern Mills Inc Sauce Mix Cheddar Cheese 24/2.75 oz 210769 7029215324 Southeastern Mills Southeastern Mills Inc Gravy Mix Turkey 12/1.7 oz 229922 7029216800 Southeastern Mills Southeastern Mills Inc Gravy Mix Roast Beef 12/2.75 oz 229923 7029217200 Sparky’s Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Root Beer 24/12 oz 215688 65242861200 Specialty Specialty Ita Lady Fingers Simply Elegant 12/3 oz 148443 1290000106 Spectrum The Hain Celestial Group Inc Vinegar Wine Red Organic 6/16.9 oz 5686 2250600206 Spectrum The Hain Celestial Group Inc Vinegar Wine White Organic 6/16.9 oz 5687 2250600207 Spectrum The Hain Celestial Group Inc Oil Canola Super Spray 6/6 oz 5732 2250613806 Spectrum The Hain Celestial Group Inc Oil Peanut Organic 12/16 oz 85190 2250610410 Spectrum The Hain Celestial Group Inc Oil Safflower Super Refined 12/16 oz 85192 2250611110 Spectrum The Hain Celestial Group Inc Oil Sesame Refined 12/16 oz 85198 2250611510 Spectrum The Hain Celestial Group Inc Mayonnaise Canola Gluten Free 12/16 oz 85216 2250620116 Spectrum The Hain Celestial Group Inc Mayonnaise Eggless Vegan Light Canola 12/16 oz 85218 2250620216 Spectrum The Hain Celestial Group Inc Mayonnaise Canola Lite 12/32 oz 85219 2250620232 Spectrum The Hain Celestial Group Inc Vinegar Apple Cider Filtered Organic 12/16 oz 85221 2250628016 Spectrum The Hain Celestial Group Inc Mayonnaise Canola Eggless Vegan Lt Natural 12/11.25 oz 210940 2250600302 Spectrum The Hain Celestial Group Inc Oil Spray Canola Butter Flavor Natural 6/6 oz 210941 2250632403 Spectrum The Hain Celestial Group Inc Mayonnaise Canola Squeeze Bottle Natural 12/11.25 oz 210942 2250600301 Spectrum The Hain Celestial Group Inc Oil Sesame Toasted Unrefined Natural 12/16 oz 210943 2250612510 Spectrum The Hain Celestial Group Inc Vinegar Balsamic Natural Organic 6/16.9 oz 210944 2250600205 Spectrum The Hain Celestial Group Inc Oil Sunflower Refined Organic 12/16 oz 211009 2250611710 Spice Hunter Spice Hunter Steak And Chop Grill And Broil 6/2.2 oz 47799 8105701945 Spice Hunter Spice Hunter Inc Basil California Leaves 6/.3 oz 47701 8105701080 Spice Hunter Spice Hunter Inc Bay Leaf Mediterranean 6/.14 oz 47703 8105701090 Spice Hunter Spice Hunter Inc Seasoning Cajun Creole 6/1.9 oz 47705 8105701120 Spice Hunter Spice Hunter Inc Pepper Cayenne Red Ground 6/1.8 oz 47708 8105701170 Spice Hunter Spice Hunter Inc Chili Pepper New Mexico 6/1.9 oz 47711 8105701200 Spice Hunter Spice Hunter Inc Chili Pepper Red Crushed 6/1.3 oz 47712 8105701205 Spice Hunter Spice Hunter Inc Spice Chinese Five 6/1.6 oz 47714 8105701220 Spice Hunter Spice Hunter Inc Cinnamon Ground Organic 6/1.7 oz 47719 8105701245 Spice Hunter Spice Hunter Inc Coriander Moroccan Ground 6/1.4 oz 47723 8105701275 Spice Hunter Spice Hunter Inc Coriander Ground Organic 6/1.4 oz 47724 8105701280 Spice Hunter Spice Hunter Inc Cumin Ground Organic 6/1.5 oz 47726 8105701324 Spice Hunter Spice Hunter Inc Curry Powder 6/1.8 oz 47729 8105701330 Spice Hunter Spice Hunter Inc Dill Weed California 6/.5 oz 47734 8105701350 Spice Hunter Spice Hunter Inc Fajita Seasoning 6/1.8 oz 47735 8105701355 Spice Hunter Spice Hunter Inc Fennel Indian Whole 6/1.6 oz 47736 8105701360 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR DESCRIPTION 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Spice Hunter Spice Hunter Inc Seasoning Fish Blend 6/1.1 oz 47737 8105701380 Spice Hunter Spice Hunter Inc Garam Masala Blend 6/1.8 oz 47738 8105701390 Spice Hunter Spice Hunter Inc Ginger Chinese Ground 6/1.6 oz 47743 8105701420 Spice Hunter Spice Hunter Inc Herbes De Provence Blend 6/.6 oz 47748 8105701440 Spice Hunter Spice Hunter Inc Seasoning Italian Organic 6/.4 oz 47750 8105701451 Spice Hunter Spice Hunter Inc Jerk Jamaican Blend 6/2 oz 47751 8105701453 Spice Hunter Spice Hunter Inc Seasoning Mexican 6/1.5 oz 47758 8105701540 Spice Hunter Spice Hunter Inc Oregano High Mountain Greek 6/.6 oz 47768 8105701640 Spice Hunter Spice Hunter Inc Oregano Organic 6/.45 oz 47769 8105701641 Spice Hunter Spice Hunter Inc Paprika Sweet Hungarian 6/1.9 oz 47770 8105701650 Spice Hunter Spice Hunter Inc Pepper Malabar Black Whole 6/2.1 oz 47774 8105701700 Spice Hunter Spice Hunter Inc Pepper Garlic Blend 6/2.4 oz 47779 8105701720 Spice Hunter Spice Hunter Inc Allspice Jamaican Ground 6/1.8 oz 47780 8105701745 Spice Hunter Spice Hunter Inc Pepper Lemon Blend 6/1.8 oz 47782 8105701750 Spice Hunter Spice Hunter Inc Pepper Savory Blend Whole 6/2 oz 47783 8105701770 Spice Hunter Spice Hunter Inc Poppy Seeds Dutch 6/2.4 oz 47788 8105701830 Spice Hunter Spice Hunter Inc Rosemary Spanish 6/.8 oz 47791 8105701870 Spice Hunter Spice Hunter Inc Saffron Spanish 6/.01 oz 47793 8105701880 Spice Hunter Spice Hunter Inc Sage Dalmation Leaves 6/.4 oz 47794 8105701890 Spice Hunter Spice Hunter Inc Sesame Seeds 6/2.4 oz 47797 8105701937 Spice Hunter Spice Hunter Inc Seasoning Thai Blend 6/2 oz 47802 8105701957 Spice Hunter Spice Hunter Inc Tarragon California 6/.3 oz 47803 8105701960 Spice Hunter Spice Hunter Inc Thyme Leaves French 6/.69 oz 47805 8105701965 Spice Hunter Spice Hunter Inc Turmeric Ground India 6/2 oz 47807 8105701985 Spice Hunter Spice Hunter Inc Vanilla Bean Madagascar 6/2 ea 47808 8105701990 Spice Hunter Spice Hunter Inc Grinder Twist Peppercorn Medley 3/2 oz 47809 8105702022 Spice Hunter Spice Hunter Inc Grinder Garlic Herb Sensation 3/1.6 oz 47810 8105702023 Spice Hunter Spice Hunter Inc Grinder Fiery Chile Fusion 3/1.5 oz 47811 8105702024 Spice Hunter Spice Hunter Inc Salt Sea Brazilian Fresh Twist 3/4.7 oz 47812 8105702025 Spice Hunter Spice Hunter Inc Grinder Twist Citrus Pepper 3/1.7 oz 47813 8105702026 Spice Hunter Spice Hunter Inc Soup Chicken Noodle Bowl 6/1.4 oz 47867 8105705930 Spice Hunter Spice Hunter Inc Soup Chicken Vegetable Bowl 6/1.6 oz 47870 8105705933 Spice Hunter Spice Hunter Inc Soup Split Pea Bowl 6/2.4 oz 47874 8105705938 Spice Hunter Spice Hunter Inc Chile Pepper Chipotle Crushed 6/1.2 oz 92881 8105701203 Spice Hunter Spice Hunter Inc Grinder Tellicherry Peppercorn 3/2.2 oz 107774 8105702021 Spice Hunter Spice Hunter Inc Seasoning Blend Italian 6/.6 oz 203055 8105701450 Spice Hunter Spice Hunter Inc Chili Powder Blend 6/1.1 oz 203057 8105701218 Spice Hunter Spice Hunter Inc Seasoning Poultry Blend 6/.6 oz 203062 8105701840 Spice Hunter Spice Hunter Inc Cinnamon Saigon Ground 6/1.5 oz 203064 8105701240 Spice Hunter Spice Hunter Inc Nutmeg Ground East/West Indies 6/1.8 oz 203065 8105701611 Spice Hunter Spice Hunter Inc Soup Minestrone Bowl 6/1.5 oz 208600 8105705988 Spice Hunter Spice Hunter Inc Soup Spring Onion Bowl Organic 6/1.5 oz 208601 8105705989 Spice Hunter Spice Hunter Inc Soup Green Chili And White Bean Bwl 6/2.2 oz 208602 8105705987 Spice Hunter Spice Hunter Inc Soup Beef Barley Vegetable Bowl 6/1.4 oz 208625 8105705965 Splenda Splenda Sweetener Zero Calorie Packets 1/2000 ea 223141 72277624137 Sprecher Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Root Beer 24Pack 24/16 oz 220056 4524300030 Springbrook Farms Farms For City Kids Foundation Tarentaise Raw Milk Natural 1/20 lb 220003 7221042739 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 247 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 248 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Springbrook Farms Farms For City Kids Foundation Vermont Artisan Reading Qtr Wheel 1/5 lb 225792 7221042939 Spry Xlear Inc Gum Chewing Peppermint Jar Gluten Free Natural 24/100 ea 235450 70059600011 Spry Xlear Inc Gum Chewing Cinnamon Jar Gluten Free Natural 24/100 ea 235451 70059600014 Spry Xlear Inc Gum Chewing Spearmint Jar Gluten Free Natural 24/100 ea 235452 70059600012 Squamscot Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Cherry Cola 24/12 oz 206932 83777300119 Squamscot Real Soda In Real Bottles Ltd Soda Raspberry Lemonade 24/12 oz 206934 83777300134 Squirrel Brand Squirrel Brand Almonds Italian Black Truffle Natural 6/3.5 oz 233689 7223863004 Squirrel Brand Squirrel Brand Almonds Creme Brulee Gluten Free Natural 6/3.5 oz 233690 7223862004 Squirrel Brand Squirrel Brand Pecans Salted Caramel Gluten Free Natural 6/3.5 oz 233691 7223866004 Squirrel Brand Squirrel Brand Cashews Caramel Toasted Colada Natural 6/3.5 oz 233692 7223881004 St Albray Alouette Cheese USA Llc Fra Saint Albray 2/4.4 lb 67982 76181801026 St Antoine Fromi Rungis Sas Fra Comte 1/4 Wheel AOC 14 Mo 1/9 kg 119460 7221086318 St Jude St Jude Candle Green Wax Saint Jude 6/8.25 in 225510 81052101202 St Louis Foodmatch Inc Sugar Cubes Brown Comptoir 8/35 oz 61042 70897822200 St Louis Foodmatch Inc Sugar Cubes White Comptoir 8/35 oz 61043 70897823200 St Mang Champignon North America Ger Bavarian Limburger 6/6.35 oz 119112 6110415422 St Mang Champignon North America Ger Brie Garlic And Chives 2/3.1 lb 235796 6110416056 St Mang Champignon North America Ger Brie Mild Green Peppercorns 2/3.1 lb 235797 6110416046 St Mang St Mang Ger Brie Garlic And Chives Hw 1/3.5 lb 30462 7221005683 St Mang St Mang Ger Brie Mild Green Peppercorns Hw 1/3.5 lb 67939 76181800373 Stahlbush Stahlbush Island Farms, Inc Kale Chopped Curly Natural 12/10 oz 232572 63888200091 Stahlbush Stahlbush Island Farms, Inc Cauliflower Cool Natural 12/10 oz 232573 63888200090 Stahlbush Stahlbush Island Farms, Inc Carrots Sliced Tri Colored Natural 12/10 oz 232574 63888200089 Stahlbush Stahlbush Island Farms, Inc Beets Sliced Natural 12/10 oz 232575 63888200088 Stanislaus Peterson Company Sauce Pizza Pear Tomato 7/11 6/104 oz 30060 7193303501 Stanislaus Peterson Company Sauce Spaghetti Trattoria 6/104 oz 30061 7193310174 Stanislaus Peterson Company Tomato Fillets 74/40 6/104 oz 31747 7221073502 Stanislaus Peterson Company Sauce Pizza Authentico 6/104 oz 31749 7221073504 Stanislaus Peterson Company Sauce Exclusivo Wild Porcini 6/31 oz 218253 7193381892 Stanton Orchards Enterprise Orchards Inc Juice Cherry Tart Concentrate Natural 6/32 oz 232449 73621157541 Stanton Orchards Enterprise Orchards Inc Juice Cherry Tart Concentrate Natural 12/16 oz 232450 73621157531 Stark Raving Stark Raving Foods Llc Pizza Veggie 12 In Gluten Free Natural 8/24 oz 220962 85185800503 Stark Raving Stark Raving Foods Llc Pizza Garlic Gourmet 12 In Gluten Free Natural 8/24 oz 220963 85185800501 Stark Raving Stark Raving Foods Llc Pizza Three Cheese 12 In Gluten Free Natural 8/21.5 oz 220964 85185800502 Stark Raving Stark Raving Foods Llc Pizza Pepperoni Uncured 12In Gluten Free Natural 8/21.5 oz 220966 85185800500 Starlight Starlight Desserts Inc Napoleon Half Sheet 12X16 1/1 ea 220999 85016500501 Stash Stash Tea Co Tea Bag Double Berg Earl Grey 6/18 ea 45387 7765208209 Stash Stash Tea Co Tea Bag Chamomile 6/20 ea 45389 7765208221 Stash Stash Tea Co Tea Bag Peppermint 6/20 ea 45390 7765208222 Stash Stash Tea Co Tea Bag Jasmine Blossom 6/20 ea 45391 7765208224 Stash Stash Tea Co Tea Bag Licorice Spice 6/20 ea 45392 7765208225 Stash Stash Tea Co Tea Bag Orange Spice 6/20 ea 45393 7765208226 Stash Stash Tea Co Tea Bag Earl Grey 6/20 ea 45394 7765208227 Stash Stash Tea Co Tea Bag English Breakfast 6/20 ea 45395 7765208228 Stash Stash Tea Co Tea Bag Premium Green 6/20 ea 45396 7765208229 Stash Stash Tea Co Tea Bag Irish Breakfast 6/20 ea 45398 7765208232 Stash Stash Tea Co Tea Bag Moroccan Mint Green 6/20 ea 45399 7765208235 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND VENDOR Stash Stash Tea Co Tea Bag Apple Cinnamon 6/20 ea 45400 7765208239 Stash Stash Tea Co Tea Bag Chamomile Nights 6/20 ea 45402 7765208241 Stash Stash Tea Co Tea Bag Meyer Lemon 6/20 ea 45404 7765208244 Stash Stash Tea Co Tea Bag Lemon Ginger Sharpness 6/20 ea 45408 7765208249 Stash Stash Tea Co Tea Bag Green Chai Premium 6/20 ea 45410 7765208252 Stash Stash Tea Co Tea Bag Chai Spice 6/20 ea 45411 7765208254 Stash Stash Tea Co Tea Bag Peach 6/20 ea 45412 7765208255 Stash Stash Tea Co Tea Bag Herbal Mango Passionfruit 6/20 ea 45413 7765208256 Stash Stash Tea Co Tea Bag Green Premium Decaf 6/18 ea 45416 7765208259 Stash Stash Tea Co Tea Bag Chai Double Spice 6/18 ea 45421 7765208265 Stash Stash Tea Co Tea Bag Red Herbal 6/18 ea 45426 7765208270 Stash Stash Tea Co Tea Bag Earl Grey Decaf 6/18 ea 45432 7765208277 Stash Stash Tea Co Tea Bag English Breakfast Decaf 6/18 ea 45433 7765208278 Stash Stash Tea Co Tea Bag Decaf Chai Spice 6/18 ea 45434 7765208279 Stash Stash Tea Co Tea Bag Green Mangosteen Matcha 6/18 ea 45450 7765208347 Stash Stash Tea Co Tea Bag Green Matcha Pomegranate Raspberry 6/18 ea 45454 7765208366 Stash Stash Tea Co Tea Bag Herbal Sampler 6/18 ea 45481 7765208819 Stash Stash Tea Co Tea Bag Green Mojito Mint 6/18 ea 129772 7765208237 Stash Stash Tea Co Tea Bag Chai Spice Red Dragon 6/18 ea 221990 7765208309 Stash Stash Tea Co Tea Bag Black Forest 6/18 ea 231367 7765208354 Stash Stash Tea Co Tea Bag Breakfast In Paris 6/18 ea 231368 7765208313 Stash Stash Tea Co Tea Bag Red Velvet 6/18 ea 231369 7765208361 Stash Stash Tea Co Tea Bag Herbal/Black Salted Caramel Mate 6/18 ea 233196 7765208233 Stash Stash Tea Co Tea Bag Super Mint 6/18 ea 233197 7765208288 Stash Stash Tea Co Tea Bag Black /Mate Power Breakfast 6/18 ea 233198 7765208231 Stash Stash Tea Co Tea Bag Black White Chocolate Mocha 6/18 ea 233199 7765208211 Stash Stash Tea Co Tea Bag Sunny Orange Ginger 6/18 ea 233200 7765208217 Steaz Liberty Richter Tea Liquid Iced Unsweeten Lemon Organic 12/16 oz 75221 85682016001 Steaz Liberty Richter Tea Liquid Ice Blueberry Pomegranate Acai Organic 12/16 oz 75224 85682016005 Steaz Liberty Richter Tea Liquid Iced White Pomegranate Lime Organic 12/16 oz 75226 85682016008 Steaz Liberty Richter Tea Liquid Iced Super Fruit Organic Natural 12/16 oz 220489 85682016011 Stella Saputo Cheese USA Parmesan Frigo Pc 12/5 oz 17823 4171615010 Stella Saputo Cheese USA Gorgonzola Wheel 1/7 lb 30362 7221000789 Stella Saputo Cheese USA Asiago Aged 12 Months 2/20 lb 31702 7221073384 Stella Saputo Cheese USA Mozzarella Part Skim 8/6 lb 31704 7221073386 Stella Saputo Cheese USA Mozzarella Whole Milk Shredded 6/5 lb 31705 7221073388 Stella Saputo Cheese USA Parmesan Shredded 4/5 lb 31706 7221073392 Stella Saputo Cheese USA Parmesan Uncoated 2/20 lb 31708 7221073394 Stella Saputo Cheese USA Provolone Smoked Salame 2/6 lb 31709 7221073395 Stella Saputo Cheese USA Romano Shredded 4/5 lb 31710 7221073397 Stella Saputo Cheese USA Blue Cheese Crumbled 1/5 lb 31711 7221073398 Stella Saputo Cheese USA Swiss Natural 2/7 lb 31712 7221073400 Stella Saputo Cheese USA Swiss Baby Wheel 2/4.5 lb 31713 7221073401 Stella Saputo Cheese USA Kasseri Midget 1/10 lb 32019 7221075013 Stella Saputo Cheese USA Provolone Old World 2/6 lb 34724 7221083225 Stella Saputo Cheese USA Blue Cheese Wheel 1/7 lb 43325 7580500788 Stella Saputo Cheese USA Quatro Formagi Shredded 4/5 lb 43331 7580502690 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC 249 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 250 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Stella Saputo Cheese USA Gorgonzola Crumbled 4/2.5 lb 43342 7580533346 Stella Saputo Cheese USA Parmesan Black Wax 2/20 lb 43344 7580550000 Stella Saputo Cheese USA Parmesan Grated Cup 12/5 oz 43350 7580572638 Stella Saputo Cheese USA Romano Shredded Cup 12/5 oz 43352 7580572642 Stella Saputo Cheese USA Asiago Shredded Cup 12/5 oz 43353 7580572650 Stella Saputo Cheese USA Parmesan Grated 4/5 lb 43354 7580574161 Stella Saputo Cheese USA Parmesan Romano Shredded Cup 12/5 oz 43357 7580584271 Stella Saputo Cheese USA Parmesan Shaved Cup 12/5 oz 43366 7580587126 Stella Saputo Cheese USA Blue Cheese Wedge 16/8 oz 43369 7580587484 Stella Saputo Cheese USA Gorgonzola Wedge 16/8 oz 43370 7580587485 Stella Saputo Cheese USA Parmesan Wedge 16/8 oz 43371 7580587486 Stella Saputo Cheese USA Romano Wedge 16/8 oz 43372 7580587487 Stella Saputo Cheese USA Asiago Aged Wedge 16/8 oz 43374 7580587489 Stella Saputo Cheese USA Fontinella Wedge 16/8 oz 43375 7580587490 Stella Saputo Cheese USA Kasseri Wedge 16/8 oz 43376 7580587491 Stella Saputo Cheese USA Parmesan Romano Shaved Cup 12/5 oz 43379 7580587512 Stella Saputo Cheese USA Feta Crumbled Pc 12/5 oz 43380 7580588020 Stella Saputo Cheese USA Gorgonzola Crumbled Pc 12/5 oz 43381 7580588030 Stella Saputo Cheese USA Blue Crumbled Cup 12/5 oz 43382 7580588040 Stella Saputo Cheese USA Blue Crumbled Reduced Fat Cup 12/5 oz 43383 7580588173 Stella Saputo Cheese USA Blue Cheese Reduced Fat Wheel 1/7 lb 43384 7580588175 Stella Saputo Cheese USA Blue Wedge 12/5.5 oz 43391 7580588327 Stella Saputo Cheese USA Gorgonzola Wedge 12/5.5 oz 83624 7580588428 Stella Saputo Cheese USA Parmesan Shred Cup 12/5 oz 200525 7580572641 Stella Saputo Cheese USA 3 Cheese Italian Shred Cup 12/5 oz 200529 7580584272 Stella Saputo Cheese USA Parmesan Shredded Cup 6/10 oz 208650 7580588871 Stella Saputo Cheese USA Parmesan Shaved 2/5 lb 212772 7580587231 Stella Saputo Cheese USA Goat Cheese Crumbled Fresh Deli Cup 12/3.5 oz 212773 7580588913 Stella Saputo Cheese USA Parmesan Wedge Cut And Wrap Cryo Ew 12/5 oz 214898 7580588889 Stella Saputo Cheese USA Asiago Wedge Cut Wrap Cryo Ew 12/5 oz 214899 7580588891 Stella Saputo Cheese USA Romano Wedge Cut And Wrap Cryo Ew 12/5 oz 214900 7580588890 Stella Saputo Cheese USA Fontina Wedge Cut And Wrap Cryo Ew 12/5 oz 216154 7580589116 Stella Saputo Cheese USA Parmesan Shaved Deli Cup 6/10 oz 222113 7580588867 Stella Saputo Cheese USA Romano Black Pepper Wedge Natural 12/8 oz 230072 7580560294 Stella Saputo Cheese USA Asiago Rosemary Medium Wedge Natural 12/8 oz 230073 7580560296 Stella Saputo Cheese USA Parmeasan Mediterranean Wedge Natural 12/8 oz 230074 7580560295 Stella Saputo Cheese USA Fontinella Wedge Cryo Ew 12/5 oz 235073 7580588892 Stella Stella Provolone Old World Pc 1/8 lb 34760 7221083302 Stella Stella Provolone Pc 1/8 lb 67961 76181800620 Stephens Stephens Sauce Fry 6/17.5 oz 210685 72977650010 Steves Craft Collective Ice Cream Brooklyn Blackout No 32 6/1 pt 219624 81511601044 Steves Craft Collective Ice Cream Mexican Chili Chocolate No 45 6/1 pt 219627 81511601004 Steves Craft Collective Ice Cream Southern Banana Pudding No 37 6/1 pt 219628 81511601016 Steves Craft Collective Ice Cream Cinnamon Coffee No 85 6/1 pt 220001 81511601039 Steves Craft Collective Ice Cream Mint Cacao Chip No 53 Natural 6/1 pt 224852 81511601010 Steves Craft Collective Ice Cream Vanilla Burnt Sugar 47 Df 6/1 pt 225438 81511601136 Steves Craft Collective Ice Cream Chocolate Dark Salty Caramel 46 Df 6/1 pt 225439 81511601027 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG 251 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 252 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Steves Craft Collective Ice Cream Blackberry Crumble Natural 6/1 pt 231361 81511601163 Steves Craft Collective Ice Cream Whoopie Pie Sweet Cream Natural 6/1 pt 231362 81511601085 Steves Craft Collective Ice Cream Wild Flower Honey Pistachio Df 6/1 pt 231364 81511601157 Steves Craft Collective Ice Cream Speculoos Cookie Df Natural 6/1 pt 231365 81511601155 Stiebs Stiebs Llc Arils Pomegranate 12/10 oz 214109 89167200204 Stirrings Diageo North America Inc Rimmer Margarita 6/3.5 oz 69428 78099900024 Stirrings Diageo North America Inc Rimmer Bloody Mary 6/3.5 oz 69429 78099900025 Stirrings Diageo North America Inc Rimmer Cosmopolitan 6/3.5 oz 69434 78099900035 Stirrings Diageo North America Inc Rimmer Lemon Drop 6/3.5 oz 69452 78099900077 Stirrings Diageo North America Inc Syrup Simple 6/12 oz 69457 78099900094 Stirrings Diageo North America Inc Rimmer Pomegranate 6/3.5 oz 69462 78099900210 Stirrings Diageo North America Inc Drink Mix Bloody Mary Canteen 6/25.4 oz 69475 78099900341 Stirrings Diageo North America Inc Drink Mix Mojito Canteen 6/25.4 oz 69476 78099900351 Stirrings Diageo North America Inc Drink Mix Margarita Canteen 6/25.4 oz 69478 78099900361 Stirrings Diageo North America Inc Drink Mix Lemon Drop Canteen 6/25.4 oz 69479 78099900371 Stirrings Diageo North America Inc Drink Mix Cosmopolitan Canteen 6/25.4 oz 69480 78099900381 Stirrings Diageo North America Inc Drink Mix Pomegranate Canteen 6/25.4 oz 69481 78099900391 Stirrings Diageo North America Inc Drink Mix Martini Apple Canteen 6/25.4 oz 114184 78099900271 Stirrings Diageo North America Inc Drink Mix Blood Orange Canteen 6/25.4 oz 114185 78099900291 Stirrings Diageo North America Inc Drink Mix Peach Bellini Canteen 6/25.4 oz 114186 78099900331 Stirrings Diageo North America Inc Cocktail Mix Bitters Blood Orange 6/12 oz 227633 78099900093 Stirrings Diageo North America Inc Drink Mix Dirty Martini 6/12 oz 227634 78099900065 Stirrings Diageo North America Inc Drink Mix Watermelon 6/24.5 oz 227635 78099900401 Stirrings Diageo North America Inc Cocktail Mix Grenadine Authentic 6/12 oz 227636 78099900206 Stock Option Stock Options Llc. Stock Chicken 8/28 oz 76435 88176910604 Stock Option Stock Options Llc. Demi Glace Veal 8/6 oz 76436 88176920477 Stock Option Stock Options Llc. Stock Veal 8/28 oz 76437 88176920478 Stock Option Stock Options Llc. Stock Vegetable 8/28 oz 76438 88176931874 Stock Option Stock Options Llc. Demi Glace Beef 8/6 oz 76439 88176964181 Stock Option Stock Options Llc. Stock Beef 8/28 oz 76440 88176964182 Stock Option Stock Options Llc. Stock Fish 8/28 oz 81287 88176955212 Stokelys Alpine Food Distributing Beans Black 6/108 oz 81282 7022202829 Stokelys Seneca Foods Corp Beans Green Finest 6/101 oz 25031 7022202659 Stokelys Seneca Foods Corp Beans Kidney Dark Red 6/105.1 oz 25032 7022203232 Stokelys Seneca Foods Corp Beans Garbanzo No Sulfite 6/108 oz 25033 7022203850 Stokelys Seneca Foods Corp Beans Wax 4 Sieve Cut 6/101 oz 93156 7022292729 Stone Mill Reser Fine Foods Dip Fry Portion Control 72/1 oz 13226 3839620742 Stone Mill Reser Fine Foods Dip Base Spinach 2/8 lb 23079 5462720436 Stone Mill Reser Fine Foods Dip Artichoke And Jalapeno 6/10 oz 28543 7111718031 Stone Mill Reser Fine Foods Dip Artichoke Jalapeno 2/5 lb 67038 75462720608 Stonefire Fgf Brands Inc Naan Original 2Pack 18/8.8 oz 76011 87668100750 Stonefire Fgf Brands Inc Naan Garlic 2Pack 18/8.8 oz 76012 87668100751 Stonefire Fgf Brands Inc Naan Wg 2Pack 18/8.8 oz 76013 87668100752 Stonefire Fgf Brands Inc Crust Pizza Stone Baked Artisan 12/10.5 oz 205860 87668100748 Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Sauce Roasted Peach Whiskey 6/11 oz 235086 71138131144 Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Dressing Classic Greek 6/11 oz 235087 71138130578 Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Relish Spicy Corn 12/16 oz 235088 71138102310 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Jam Raspberry Seedless 12/12.5 oz 235089 71138103315 Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Cookie Mix Chocolate Peppermint Crinkle 6/17.5 oz 235090 71138131016 Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Relish Sweet Dill 12/16.75 oz 235091 71138132099 Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Jelly Hot Pepper 12/13 oz 235092 71138102226 Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Pancake Waffle Mix Cinnamon Apple 12/16 oz 235093 71138102565 Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Sauce Garlic Teriyaki 6/11 oz 235094 71138102406 Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Hot Chocolate Mix With Marshmallows 12/14.2 oz 235095 71138131052 Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Ketchup Country 12/16 oz 235096 71138102312 Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Aioli Lemon Herb 12/10 oz 235097 71138131405 Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Sauce Chocolate Dk Caramel Sea Salt 12/12.5 oz 235098 71138131004 Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Jam Strawberry Apple Rhubarb 12/12.5 oz 235099 71138100301 Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Dressing Maple Balsamic 6/11 oz 235100 71138102095 Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Chutney Apple Cranberry 12/8.5 oz 235101 71138100234 Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Sauce BBQ Raspberry Chipotle New 6/11 oz 235102 71138132361 Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Mustard Caramelized Onions 12/7.75 oz 235103 71138131141 Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Crackers Rosemary Parmesan 6/5 oz 235104 71138103130 Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Jam Sugar Plum 12/13 oz 235105 71138103230 Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Butter Caramel Apple 12/12.5 oz 235106 71138130923 Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Salsa Mango Lime 12/16 oz 235107 71138102307 Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Mustard Blue Cheese Herb 12/7.75 oz 235108 71138103117 Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Pancake Waffle Mix Pumpkin 12/16 oz 235109 71138102342 Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Scone Mix Traditional 6/14.37 oz 235110 71138102550 Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Jelly Red Pepper 12/13 oz 235111 71138100009 Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Sauce Roasted Apple Grille 6/11 oz 235112 71138102989 Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Pancake Waffle Mix Small Farmhouse 12/16 oz 235113 71138102088 Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Sauce Vidalis Onion Fig 6/11 oz 235114 71138100361 Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Sauce BBQ Honey Sriracha New 6/11 oz 235115 71138132360 Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Popover Mix Traditional 6/12.3 oz 235116 71138102549 Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Sauce Teriyaki Sesame Ginger 6/11 oz 235117 71138102401 Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Cookie Mix Gingerbread 6/12 oz 235118 71138130507 Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Jam Wild Marine Blueberry 12/12.5 oz 235119 71138100008 Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Jam Sour Cherry 12/12.5 oz 235120 71138102194 Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Jam Apple Cider 12/12 oz 235121 71138132252 Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Sauce Cranberry Horseradish 12/12 oz 235122 71138100011 Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Cornbread Mix 6/16 oz 235123 71138103291 Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Salsa Black Bean 12/16 oz 235124 71138102303 Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Sauce Maple Chipotle Grille 6/11 oz 235125 71138100203 Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Doughnut Mix Apple Cider 6/18 oz 235126 71138131208 Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Crackers Sea Salt 6/5 oz 235127 71138103094 Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Chutney Mango 12/8.5 oz 235128 71138102082 Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Sauce Simmering Pulled Pork 6/21 oz 235129 71138131438 Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Sauce Chocolate Peppermint 12/12.5 oz 235130 71138130921 Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Chili Starter 6/18.5 oz 235131 71138131759 Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Jam Roasted Garlic Onion 12/13 oz 235132 71138100010 Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Quickbread Mix Pumpkin Spice 6/14.37 oz 235133 71138102553 Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Margarita Mixer 6/24 oz 235134 71138131007 Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Aioli Sriracha 12/10.25 oz 235135 71138132090 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 253 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 254 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Pomegranate Cosmo Mixer 6/24 oz 235136 71138131009 Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Jam Maple Bacon Onion 12/11.75 oz 235137 71138132208 Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Dressing Balsamic Fig 6/11 oz 235138 71138103313 Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Syrup Small Wild Maine Blueberry 12/8.5 oz 235139 71138102100 Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Chutney Old Farmhouse 12/8.5 oz 235140 71138100042 Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Syrup Small Maine Maple 12/8.5 oz 235141 71138102099 Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Pancake Waffle Mix Blueberry New 12/16 oz 235142 71138102340 Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Aiolo Maple Bacon 12/10.25 oz 235143 71138132209 Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Dressing Cilantro Lime 6/11 oz 235144 71138102319 Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Sauce BBQ Boozy Bacon New 6/11 oz 235145 71138132359 Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Bloody Mary Mixer Peppadew Sriracha 6/24 oz 235146 71138132365 Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Jam Holiday 12/13 oz 235147 71138102650 Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Butter Maple Pumpkin 12/12.25 oz 235148 71138130911 Stonewall Kitchen Stonewall Kitchen Hot Chocolate Mix Peppermint 12/15.2 oz 235149 71138131051 Stonyfield Farm Stonyfield Farm Yogurt Greek Plain 0 Percent Fat 12/5.3 oz 22384 5215953100 Stonyfield Farm Stonyfield Farm Yogurt Greek Vanilla 0 Percent Fat 12/5.3 oz 22385 5215953101 Stonyfield Farm Stonyfield Farm Yogurt Greek Blueberry 0 Percent Fat Fob 12/5.3 oz 22387 5215953103 Stonyfield Farm Stonyfield Farm Yogurt Plain Whole Milk Organic 6/32 oz 86058 5215900001 Stonyfield Farm Stonyfield Farm Yogurt French Vanilla Whole Milk Organic 6/32 oz 86059 5215900002 Stonyfield Farm Stonyfield Farm Yogurt French Vanilla Low Fat Organic 6/32 oz 86064 5215900520 Stonyfield Farm Stonyfield Farm Yobaby Blueberry Apple 6Count Organic Natural 4/24 oz 223577 5215970115 Stonyfield Farm Stonyfield Farm Yogurt Yotoddler Strawberry Ban 6Count Organic 4/24 oz 223578 5215970119 Stonyfield Farm Stonyfield Farm Yogurt Oh My Yogurt Strawberry Organic 12/6 oz 229465 5215970250 Stonyfield Farm Stonyfield Farm Yogurt Oh My Yogurt Vanilla Bean Organic 12/6 oz 229467 5215970248 Stonyfield Farm Stonyfield Farm Yogurt Oh My Yogurt Gingered Pear Natural 12/6 oz 234878 5215970252 Stonyfield Farm Stonyfield Farm Yogurt Greek Vanilla WM Organic Gluten Free Natural 12/5.3 oz 234879 5215970295 Stonyfield Farm Stonyfield Farm Yogurt Greek Strawberry WM Organic Natural 12/5.3 oz 234880 5215970296 Stonyfield Farm Stonyfield Farm Yogurt Greek Blueberry WM Organic Gluten Free Natural 12/5.3 oz 234881 5215970297 Stonyfield Farm Stonyfield Farm Yogurt Greek Cherry WM Organic Gluten Free Natural 12/5.3 oz 234882 5215970305 Stouffer’s Stouffer’s Spinach Creamed 12/9 oz 2578 1380010454 Stouffer’s Stouffer’s Entree Cabbage Stuffed 4/92 oz 2589 1380030013 Stouffer’s Stouffer’s Entree Peppers Stuffed 4/83 oz 2597 1380030068 Stouffer’s Stouffer’s Entree Cheese Potato Bacon Bake 4/76 oz 2609 1380030163 Stouffer’s Stouffer’s Entree Lasagna 4/96 oz 2615 1380030321 Stouffer’s Stouffer’s Entree Macaroni Beef Tomato 4/76 oz 2617 1380030330 Stouffer’s Stouffer’s Entree Macaroni Cheese 4/76 oz 2618 1380030340 Stouffer’s Stouffer’s Entree Spinach Creamed Pouch 4/96 oz 2625 1380030408 Stouffer’s Stouffer’s Entree Broccoli Au Gratin 4/96 oz 2629 1380030448 Stouffer’s Stouffer’s Entree Potato Au Gratin 4/76 oz 2631 1380030478 Stouffer’s Stouffer’s Entree Scalloped Potato 4/72 oz 2633 1380030486 Stouffer’s Stouffer’s Entree Casserole Broccoli Cheese Rice 4/90 oz 2640 1380030615 Stouffer’s Stouffer’s Entree Chicken Fettuccine Vegetable 4/73 oz 2643 1380031120 STP General Automotive Supply Co Degreaser Tuff Stuff 12/22 oz 211903 7115300350 STP General Automotive Supply Co Treatment Oil 12/15 oz 211907 7115365148 STP General Automotive Supply Co Fluid Brake 12/12 oz 211912 7115300203 STP General Automotive Supply Co Treatment Gas 12/5.5 oz 214455 7115378573 STP General Automotive Supply Co Treatment Fuel Diesel 6/20 oz 214456 7115378380 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Straw Propeller Straw Propeller Gourmet Foods Oatmeal Apple Crisp Gluten Free 12/3.6 oz 225486 85811700318 Straw Propeller Straw Propeller Gourmet Foods Oatmeal Blueberry Blitz 12/3.5 oz 225488 85811700303 Straw Propeller Straw Propeller Gourmet Foods Cereal Oats Maple Gluten Free Natural 12/2.1 oz 225724 85811700332 Straw Propeller Straw Propeller Gourmet Foods Oatmeal Cherry And Chia Natural 12/2.9 oz 225866 85811700312 Straw Propeller Straw Propeller Gourmet Foods Oatmeal Strawberry Jungle Natural 12/2.5 oz 225867 85811700322 Straw Propeller Straw Propeller Gourmet Foods Oatmeal Peanut Butter And Jelly Natural 12/3.7 oz 225869 85811700309 Straw Propeller Straw Propeller Gourmet Foods Oatmeal Banana Bread Natural 12/3 oz 230649 85811700321 Straw Propeller Straw Propeller Gourmet Foods Oatmeal Hemp N’oats Man Natural 12/2.3 oz 233203 85811700339 Streits Aron Streit Inc Matzo Lightly Salted Pd 12/11 oz 25038 7022750001 Streits Aron Streit Inc Matzo Unsalted Pd 12/11 oz 25039 7022750002 Streits Aron Streit Inc Matzo Flour And Water Organic Pd 12/11 oz 25040 7022750003 Streits Aron Streit Inc Matzo Whole Wheat Pd 12/11 oz 25043 7022750006 Streits Aron Streit Inc Noodles Medium 12/12 oz 25056 7022750019 Streits Aron Streit Inc Noodles Broad 12/12 oz 25057 7022750020 Streits Aron Streit Inc Soup Mix Barley Mushroom 12/6 oz 25061 7022750038 Streits Aron Streit Inc Soup Mix Split Pea 12/6 oz 25062 7022750039 Streits Aron Streit Inc Soup Mix Minestrone 12/6 oz 25064 7022750041 Streits Aron Streit Inc Pancake Mix Potato Pd 12/6 oz 25070 7022750051 Streits Aron Streit Inc Soup Mix Matzo Ball Pd 12/4.5 oz 25077 7022750063 Streits Aron Streit Inc Matzo Ball Mix Pd 12/4.5 oz 25078 7022750064 Streits Aron Streit Inc Noodles Chow Mein 12/16 oz 25082 7022750083 Streits Aron Streit Inc Candle Chanukah 10/44 ea 25090 7022750125 Streits Aron Streit Inc Bag N Bake BBQ Pd 12/2.75 oz 25099 7022750161 Streits Aron Streit Inc Wafers Vanilla 24/7 oz 25111 7022750190 Streits Aron Streit Inc Wafers Chocolate 24/7 oz 25112 7022750191 Streits Aron Streit Inc Non Perils Chocolate Tub 6/11 oz 25119 7022750211 Streits Aron Streit Inc Almonds Jordon Tub Pd 6/14 oz 25120 7022750212 Streits Aron Streit Inc Soup Base Beef Flavor Pd 6/5 oz 25282 7022762004 Streits Aron Streit Inc Soup Base Vegetable Pd 6/5 oz 25283 7022762005 Streits Aron Streit Inc Soup Dip Base Onion Ls Pd 6/5 oz 25284 7022762006 Streits Aron Streit Inc Soup Base Chicken Ls Pd 6/4 oz 25285 7022762007 Streits Aron Streit Inc Tomatoes Sundried Morsels Pd 6/6.7 oz 25297 7022763014 Streits Aron Streit Inc Isr Quinoa 12/12.25 oz 203238 7022750273 Streits Aron Streit Inc Isr Quinoa Mediterranean Style 12/10.6 oz 203239 7022750271 Streits Aron Streit Inc Isr Truffles Mini Assorted Pd 12/4.76 oz 234655 7022761045 Streits Aron Streit Inc Isr Spread Dates Pd 12/14 oz 234656 7022760071 Streits Streits Matzo Egg N Onion 12/11 oz 25042 7022750005 Streits Streits Matzo Salt N Pepper Thin 12/11 oz 25046 7022750009 Streits Streits Matzo Mediterranean 12/11 oz 25047 7022750010 Streits Streits Bag N Bake Mix Pd 6/2.75 oz 119145 7022750008 Streits Streits Pancake Mix Vegetable Potato Pd 6/6 oz 119150 7022750052 Streits Streits Soup Minestrone Parve 6/15 oz 213320 7022750168 Streits Streits Matzo Meal 9/12 oz 213325 7022750007 Stubb’s McCormick And Co Sauce BBQ Spicy 6/18 oz 64427 73475600001 Stubb’s McCormick And Co Sauce BBQ Original 6/18 oz 64428 73475600002 Stubb’s McCormick And Co Sauce Moppin Marinade 6/12 oz 64429 73475600003 Stubb’s McCormick And Co Sauce BBQ Mesquite 6/18 oz 64431 73475600006 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 255 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 256 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Stubb’s McCormick And Co Sauce BBQ Honey 6/18 oz 64432 73475600007 Stubb’s McCormick And Co Sauce Wicked Chicken Wing Original 6/12 oz 64436 73475600108 Stubb’s McCormick And Co Marinade Beef 6/12 oz 64438 73475600201 Stubb’s McCormick And Co Marinade Chicken 6/12 oz 64439 73475600202 Stubb’s McCormick And Co Marinade Pork 6/12 oz 64440 73475600203 Stubb’s McCormick And Co Sauce BBQ Sweet Heat Natural 6/18 oz 210965 73475600009 Stubb’s McCormick And Co Spice Rub Beef 6/2 oz 214499 73475600843 Stubb’s McCormick And Co Spice Rub Chicken 6/2 oz 214502 73475600842 Stubb’s McCormick And Co Spice Rub BBQ 6/2 oz 214503 73475600840 Stubb’s McCormick And Co Sauce Cooking Smokehouse Bourbon Natural 6/12 oz 224532 73475600402 Stubb’s McCormick And Co Sauce Cooking BBQ Slider Natural 6/12 oz 224533 73475600400 Stubb’s McCormick And Co Sauce Cooking Chili Fixins Natural 6/12 oz 224534 73475600401 Stubb’s McCormick And Co Sauce BBQ Sticky Sweet Natural 6/18 oz 224535 73475600010 Stubb’s McCormick And Co Marinade Black Pepper Sweet 6/12 oz 230996 73475600217 Stubb’s McCormick And Co Marinade Siriracha Texas 6/12 oz 230997 73475600216 Stubb’s Stubb’s Liquid Smoke Hickory 6/5 oz 64443 73475600208 Stubb’s Stubb’s Liquid Smoked Mesquite 6/5 oz 64444 73475600209 Stumptown Sunshine Dairy Foods Coffee And Milk Cold Brew Natural 12/16 oz 227042 18062600037 Stumptown Sunshine Dairy Foods Coffee Cold Brew Chocolate W/Milk Pint 12/16 oz 230027 18062600084 Stumptown Sunshine Dairy Foods Coffee Cold Brew Chocolate W/Milk Quart 12/32 oz 230028 18062600083 Stumptown Sunshine Dairy Foods Coffee Cold Brew Natural 12/10.5 oz 230052 18062600021 Stumptown Sunshine Dairy Foods Coffee Cold Brew With Milk Natural 12/32 oz 230069 18062600073 Stur Dyla Llc Water Enhancer Blue And Blackberry 6/1.62 oz 235922 85347100474 Stur Dyla Llc Water Enhancer Fruit Punch Natural 6/1.42 oz 235923 85347100412 Stur Dyla Llc Water Enhancer Citrus Natural 6/1.42 oz 235924 85347100475 Stur Dyla Llc Water Enhancer Strawberry Watermelon 6/1.42 oz 235925 85347100413 Stur Dyla Llc Water Enhancer Coconut Pineapple 6/1.42 oz 235926 85347100439 Stur Dyla Llc Water Enhancer Black Cherry Natural 6/1.42 oz 235927 85347100462 Sugar Food Sugar Food Sugar In The Raw 1/1200 ea 19408 4480050400 Suja Odwalla Inc Smoothie Beets Sweet Fresh Organic Natural 6/12 oz 224052 85420800501 Suja Odwalla Inc Smoothie Green Delight Fresh Organic Natural 6/12 oz 224054 85420800503 Suja Odwalla Inc Smoothie Mighty Green Organic Natural 6/12 oz 229440 85420800508 Suja Odwalla Inc Smoothie Berry Goodness Gluten Free Organic Natural 6/12 oz 235479 85420800510 Suja Odwalla Inc Smoothie Uber Greens Gluten Free Organic Natural 6/12 oz 235480 85921300500 Sukhi’s Sukhi’s Gourmet Indian Foods Sandwich Channa Masala Vegan 8/8 oz 68490 76722600155 Sukhi’s Sukhi’s Gourmet Indian Foods Sandwich Chicken Tikka Non Vegan 8/8 oz 68491 76722600157 Sukhi’s Sukhi’s Gourmet Indian Foods Marinade Tandoori 1/4 lb 68521 76722601007 Sukhi’s Sukhi’s Gourmet Indian Foods Chutney Mango Cooked 1/4 lb 68527 76722601016 Sukhi’s Sukhi’s Gourmet Indian Foods Chutney Tomato Cooked 1/4 lb 68528 76722601017 Sukhi’s Sukhi’s Gourmet Indian Foods Chutney Tamarind 1/4 lb 68529 76722601018 Sukhi’s Sukhi’s Gourmet Indian Foods Chutney Mint 1/4 lb 68530 76722601019 Sukhi’s Sukhi’s Gourmet Indian Foods Sandwich Spinach Tofu Vegan 8/8 oz 68537 76722601549 Sukhi’s Sukhi’s Gourmet Indian Foods Entree Dal Saag 2/5 lb 68547 76722603003 Sukhi’s Sukhi’s Gourmet Indian Foods Entree Channa Masala 2/5 lb 68549 76722603005 Sukhi’s Sukhi’s Gourmet Indian Foods Entree Aloo Matar 2/5 lb 68551 76722603010 Sukhi’s Sukhi’s Gourmet Indian Foods Entree Matar Paneer 2/5 lb 68552 76722603012 Sukhi’s Sukhi’s Gourmet Indian Foods Entree Curry Chicken 2/5 lb 68553 76722603013 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 BRAND VENDOR 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Sukhi’s Sukhi’s Gourmet Indian Foods Entree Tika Masala Chicken 2/5 lb 68554 76722603014 Sukhi’s Sukhi’s Gourmet Indian Foods Chutney Cilantro 1/4 lb 68555 76722603015 Sukhi’s Sukhi’s Gourmet Indian Foods Samosa Cocktail Potato 1 Oz 120/1 oz 68557 76722603017 Sukhi’s Sukhi’s Gourmet Indian Foods Pullao Basmati 2/5 lb 68560 76722603022 Sukhi’s Sukhi’s Gourmet Indian Foods Samosa Potato 2.5 Oz 60/2.5 oz 79922 76722603018 Sukhi’s Sukhi’s Gourmet Indian Foods Sauce Masala Tikka Gluten Free 6/3 oz 202611 76722600163 Sukhi’s Sukhi’s Gourmet Indian Foods Paste Tikka Masala 4/2.5 lb 205296 76722601005 Sukhi’s Sukhi’s Gourmet Indian Foods Paste Vindaloo 4/2.5 lb 205298 76722601006 Sukhi’s Sukhi’s Gourmet Indian Foods Entree Dal Lentil Kale Natural 2/5 lb 225785 76722603089 Sukhi’s Sukhi’s Gourmet Indian Foods Entree Curry Coconut Chicken Natural 2/5 lb 225786 76722603036 Summer Fresh Summer Fresh Salads Inc Can Hummus Onion Caramelized Bulk 6/2.2 lb 233074 77320012831 Summer Fresh Summer Fresh Salads Inc Can Hummus Tomato Sundried Bulk 6/2.2 lb 233075 77320012834 Summer Fresh Summer Fresh Salads Inc Can Hummus Dill Lemon Bulk 6/2.2 lb 233076 77320012833 Summer Fresh Summer Fresh Salads Inc Can Hummus Potato Sweet Bulk 6/2.2 lb 233077 77320012832 Summer Fresh Summer Fresh Salads Inc Can Hummus Wasabi Bulk Gluten Free 6/2.2 lb 234130 77320012829 Summer Fresh Summer Fresh Salads Inc Can Hummus Red Pepper Roasted Bulk Gluten Free 6/2.2 lb 234559 77320012854 Sun Brands Chins Import Export Curry Powder 12/16 oz 38111 7253800002 Sun Brands World Finer Foods Curry Powder Madras 12/4 oz 38112 7253800005 Sun Brands World Finer Foods Tandoori Powder 12/4 oz 38114 7253800008 Sun Cups Seth Ellis Chocolatier Chocolate Milk Sunflower Butter Cup Pd 12/1.5 oz 218845 89544400140 Sun Cups Seth Ellis Chocolatier Chocolate Dark Sunflower Butter Cup Pd 12/1.5 oz 218846 89544400141 Sun Luck Allied Old English Breading Panko 12/3.5 oz 43585 7613204001 Sun Luck Allied Old English Batter Mix Tempura 12/10 oz 43586 7613204004 Sun Luck Allied Old English Noodles Chow Mein Crunchy 12/6 oz 43592 7613205022 Sun Luck Allied Old English Chow Mein Foil Pack 12/12 oz 43594 7613205024 Sun Luck Allied Old English Seeds Sesame Toasted 12/3.25 oz 43623 7613213012 Sun Luck Allied Old English Beef And Broccoli Mix 24/1 oz 43625 7613214010 Sun Luck Allied Old English Fry Mix Classic Stir 24/.75 oz 43626 7613214019 Sun Luck Allied Old English Stir Fry Mix Lemon Chicken 24/.75 oz 43630 7613214055 Sun Luck Allied Old English Marinade Mix Teriyaki 24/1 oz 43631 7613214064 Sun Luck Allied Old English Bamboo Shoots Sliced 12/8 oz 43635 7613217002 Sun Luck Allied Old English Chestnuts Water Whole 12/8 oz 43637 7613217005 Sun Luck Allied Old English Chestnuts Water Sliced 12/8 oz 43638 7613217006 Sun Luck Allied Old English Sticks Rice Phad Thai 6/13.2 oz 43649 7613295202 Sun Luck Allied Old English Oil Sesame 12/5 oz 86680 7613209007 Sun Luck Allied Old English Vinegar Rice Small 6/12.7 oz 119798 7613211001 Sun Luck Allied Old English Rice Vinegar Seasoned Small 6/12.7 oz 119799 7613211002 Sun Luck Allied Old English Bean Sprouts Mung Whole 12/15 oz 204725 7613217021 Sun Luck Allied Old English Rice Grain Long Natural 8/5 lb 228968 7613201010 Sun Luck Sun Luck Sauce Hoisin 6/8 oz 43589 7613205016 Sun Luck Sun Luck Sauce Sweet And Sour 6/7 oz 43590 7613205018 Sun Luck Sun Luck Oil Hot Chili 6/5 oz 43601 7613209010 Sun Luck Sun Luck Sauce Chili Hot 6/11.5 oz 43605 7613209021 Sun Luck Sun Luck Sauce Golden Plum 6/8 oz 43607 7613209025 Sun Luck Sun Luck Sauce Peanut 6/7 oz 43614 7613209034 Sun Luck Sun Luck Rice Stick Maifun 6/6.75 oz 119781 7613205002 Sun Luck Sun Luck Noodles Chuka Soba 6/6 oz 119782 7613205015 www.dpispecialtyfoods.com 257 2016 NW PRODUCT CATALOG BRAND 258 VENDOR Phone Orders: Portland (503) 692-0662 • Seattle (206) 248-1148 DESCRIPTION PK/SZ ITEM # UPC Sun Luck Sun Luck Sauce Sweet And Sour Restaurant Style 6/14.5 oz 119783 7613205019 Sun Luck Sun Luck Sauce Stir Fry Bottle 6/10 oz 119784 7613209003 Sun Luck Sun Luck Sauce Oyster Cantonese 6/9 oz 119786 7613209006 Sun Luck Sun Luck Oil Sesame 6/10 oz 119788 7613209008 Sun Luck Sun Luck Oil Wok Seasoned 6/10 oz 119789 7613209012 Sun Luck Sun Luck Oil Sesame Hot Chili 6/5 oz 119790 7613209015 Sun Luck Sun Luck Sauce Black Bean Garlic 6/8 oz 119792 7613209026 Sun Luck Sun Luck Sauce Oyster Spicy 6/9 oz 119793 7613209027 Sun Luck Sun Luck Sauce Sweet Chili 6/7.5 oz 119797 7613209240 Sun Luck Sun Luck Paste Mustard Hot 6/4 oz 119801 7613213002 Sun Luck Sun Luck Stir Fry Corn Baby Cut 6/15 oz 119804 76
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